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1. When was the first time you became aware of me?

2. Do you remember the first thing we said to one another?

3. What was your first impression of me? Did you ever dislike me?
4. What's your favorite memory of me?
5. What do you like best about me?
6. What is your favorite way of spending time with me?
7. How would you describe yourself?
8. What is something you did as a teen that you parents never learned about?
9. Who was the first person you kissed? What were the circumstances?
10. What's the craziest dream you've ever had? What's the most recent dream you can
11. What is your first childhood memory?
12. What was the happiest moment of your life?
13. What was your most embarrassing moment? How did you respond?
14. Who has been the most important person in your life?
15. Do you have any birthmarks? If so, where is it?
16. Do you fall for a person fast?
17. Have you ever talked marriage with another person?
18. How would you like to be remembered?
19. What's your favorite time of the year? Why?
20. What is your favorite holiday?
21. Who is your favorite actor? Actress?
22. Who is your least favorite actor or actress?
23. What's your favorite color?
24. What is your least favorite color?
25. What's your favorite type of food? Least favorite type of food?
26. What's your favorite part of sex?
27. What's your biggest sexual fantasy (involving one partner)?
28. Would you ask me what my biggest sexual fantasy is?
29. What's the naughtiest thing you ever thought of me?
30. Are you familiar with the term "erotic role-play"?
31. Have you ever had sex in a public place?
32. Do you enjoy phone sex?
33. Where do you want to have sex the most?
34. What do you want to do with my body?
35. Have you ever had a sexy nickname? How did you get it?
36. Would you ever (fill in the blank)?
37. Have you ever tried whipped cream in the bedroom?
38. Do you want to do something really wild?
39. Do you ever have erotic thoughts about me? Describe them.
40. Can't we ditch this (fill in the blank) and go have sex?
41. What would you do with me if we were alone right now?
42. What's your favorite place to be kissed?
43. Describe your favorite kiss you've ever had?
44. What's your favorite color lingerie?
45. What color panties are you wearing?
46. What's your favorite sexual position?
47. Do you prefer ice cubes or hot wax?
48. Do you prefer strawberries with whipped cream or chocolate?
49. Do you prefer sex beneath the sheets or on top?
50. Do you prefer sex with the lights on or off?
51. Do you like rough sex or smooth sex?
52. What's your sexiest article of clothing?
53. Where would you like me to touch you more?
54. What sexual act feels the best when we have sex?
55. Have you ever had a sexy dream about me? Describe it.
56. What one word would describe the most pleasurable night you've had?
57. What is your idea of a romantic date?
58. What is the difference between ""moving love" and sex?
59. Can a person be "in too deep" or "too much in love"?
60. Can a couple be in love too much?
61. Should a couple have a lot in common, or is "attraction" enough?
62. Do you believe in love at first site? What about "friends" becoming lovers?
63. Should a couple also be friends?
64. Do you have religious beliefs? How strong are your beliefs?
65. How political are you?
66. Do you consider yourself the jealous type?
67. Do you insist on having your "own way"?
68. Do you ever get depressed?
69. Are you adventurous in bed?
70. What is your favorite sexual fantasy?
71. Do you enjoy "erotic" sex?
72. How comfortable are you discussing sex?
73. How many times a week does you want sex?
74. Do you want to have children? If so, how many?
75. Do you see us having a future together?
76. Do you have debt? If so, how serious is your debt situation?
77. Do you want to have children? If so, how many?
78. What kind of domestic life do you want to have?
79. Does you family get along with your girlfriends/boyfriends?
80. How much time do you spend with your family?
81. What do you do on birthdays? Holidays?
82. Do you think we're compatible?
83. Have you ever been in a co-dependent relationship?
84. How did you end your last relationship?
85. What went wrong with your last relationship?
86. Have you ever cheated on someone? Have you ever been cheated on?
87. Have you ever been in a romantic relationship where you bickered a lot?
88. Could you describe your perfect mate?
89. Are you interested in a serious relationship?
90. Do you think I listen to you and consider your opinions?
91. Why did you break up with your last ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend?
92. Is there some activity you are not prepared to give up in a marriage?
93. How comfortable are you discussing sex?
94. Do you consider yourself affectionate?
95. How often do you want sex?
96. Have you always practiced safe sex?
97. Are you comfortable with these questions?
98. Do we share common values?
99. Do I feel safe with this person? Am I comfortable expressing my feelings?
100. How does my partner treat other people?
101. Is there something about my boyfriend/girlfriend that I hope to change?
102. Do I still have feelings for my ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend?
103. What do I really want from this relationship?
104. Why do I want to be in this relationship?
105. Do I respect and like my partner?
106. Do the two of us laugh when we're together? Do I enjoy my time with this

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