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Nicholas Buckner

Ms. Finn

English 3

April 17, 2018

Technology and Education

When you hear the words Technology and Education in a single sentence, what

goes through your mind? Is it that it's good being used to learn? Is it bad due to all the distrac-

tions it can bring? If so... think about how this can benefit and affect learning in schools! Nowa-

days technology is normal, even for kids as young as four years of age. Technology is an amaz-

ing thing to introduce people to tons of new things on the web and be able to learn so much just

by typing what they would like to learn but technology can also be distracting due to games and

a various amount of other things. The advantages of technology in schools include technologies

ability to help English language learners, and its ability to increase productivity in classrooms

but with this also comes some disadvantages.

The use of technology has been really beneficial when used for educational purposes and

there is an abundance of ways that it has helped students and even educators. The quote "Comp-

TIA, the non-profit association for the IT industry, also reported that 65 percent of educators saw

a rise in student productivity." What this is saying is that introducing technology in schools and

college, the teachers have seen an insane boost in productivity in their classrooms. This supports

what I'm saying because this shows us how introducing technology for educational uses has

shown a big increase in productivity rates by up to 65 percent and that's why it's an advantage.

"The U.S. Department of Education reported that numerous teachers saw a jump in students’

classroom engagement when using technology." This tells us how it has also increased the rate in

which students would willingly jump into the lesson and engage more in the topic in which they

would be learning. The way this goes along with my main topic is because this is showing us a

couple different ways that technology has been really helpful since it's been introduced into the

learning process.

The quote "As reported by district teachers, students with limited English proficiency saw

particularly large gains as a result of using the new technology." This is telling us how by using

technology, students who have a limited English proficiency have had substantial result and an

increase in learning to get closer to proficiency in English. This shows how this is helping those

who may be a bit slower when it comes to learning and it helps ease the trouble they are experi-

encing. The quote "Technology also gives teachers tools with which to track student growth,

meaning they can further personalize education." This is showing how the teachers could keep

up with the students progress and it will allow them to further change the future lessons to help

students learn at a more advanced level. The way that this would be going along with one of my

topics is it's showing how technology helps both students and teachers. It helps students learn

who may have trouble and it also allows teachers to track students progress in classrooms.

Technology is just like any other thing, it has a good and a bad side. The bad side

being how technology can also be a distraction when it comes to the learning process and

this can affect the student/learner. Technology may have its downsides such as students

playing games whilst in the middle of learning time, but there are many ways to prevent

this due to the advancements of technology. Some people only see the disadvantages of

technology but teachers can prevent this by limiting what that student can do on technical

while in a certain class. When it comes to a test/quiz in a class, the teacher can automati-

cally make all students iPads go to the application necessary and lock them into it so they

can't do anything until they finish the work they've been given. Teachers can control what

the students are able to do and it doesn't take much effort for the teacher to limit what

students can and can't do until they leave that class.

There are multiple ways for technology to be beneficial when it comes to educa-

tional purposes such as helping those who may struggle with the English language and

also increase participation and productivity in the classroom. But with these advantages

also comes the disadvantages such as games, etc... The points I'm making are how tech-

nology has helped both students and teachers significantly, to talk about how it can also

be a distraction when it comes to learning and ways to prevent technology from becom-

ing a distraction without much effort. The reason this matters is because we are in a gen-

eration where technology surrounds our way of life. Kids still in elementary are learning

at such a young age because one day they will need to know how to use it for jobs and all

types of. Reader can learn from this because it will hopefully show them how technology

is a good thing, but sometimes people can become addicted and all they do is use tech-

nology and don't do much in the real world. Technology has it's time to be used for peo-

ple can post things on social media and keep up with friends activities as well but there

are times to where we need to put it down just for a little bit and do activities they enjoy

doing. When it comes to school, technology is everywhere and an increase in students are

taking advantage and are failing classes, failing overall grades and this is becoming a

bigger problem and we need to stop it by making people aware of how bad it really is.

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