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CAP- Sophia Chosta

In order to become a Pediatrician you would need a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or Doctor of

Osteopathic Medicine (D.O). You need to complete a 3-year residency, all doctors are required

to be licensed in all states; board certification in pediatrics is available. You have to go through

4 years of college,4 years of medical school, 1 year of an internship in pediatrics, and 2 years of

a pediatric residency. Pediatric specialists, like a pediatric cardiologist or pediatric

endocrinologist, also have to complete at least 3 years of specialty fellowship training.

Pediatrician provide well-baby and child medical care for infants, children and adolescents;

examine patients and assess health issues; administer vaccinations and prescribe medication and

treatments; treat childhood injuries, illnesses and diseases.

You get paid around$175,00 per year.

Also in our catalog we have a Medical Forensics and Medical Perspective program.

I changed my major to nursing. The reason is because my mom is a nurse and I take interest

doing nursing. I would like to possibly interview or shadow someone at Mercy, Magee's Woman,

and Children's Hospital.

I have interviewed my mom, Stephanie Chlosta. She is a registered nurse at Mercy Hospital. At

John Carroll and Wheeling Jesuit, you can get your BSN after four years of college and continue

on for another two years to receive MSN. My mother started out as Respiratory Therapist. She
wanted to spend more time with her patients and become involved in their overall care. She likes

caring for people and figuring out what is wrong with them. She is with them at the lowest point

of their life and is able to be a source of comfort. She helps them with difficult times, and is a

bright spot in their day. Just because you are at the bedside with them all the time you can be an

advocate for your patients. I want to shadow my mom for a nurse. I have grown up with the

interest of nursing because my mom became a nurse and for that reason I knew I wanted to be a

nurse as well.

CAP Workshops:

Sophomore Majors & Degrees, Job Shadowing Identification, & Career Interviews: January


AFS USA Global & Cultural Presentations (Foreign Languages Classes), 9/19/17

CAP Workshops: Freshmen Career Interests, January 2017

“My Path” Speaker Series:

Military, 9/15/16 Art & Design, 10/12/16

Music, 11/17/16 Writing & Journalism, 12/1/16

Contruction & Trades, 3/9/17

Culinary & Hospitality, 3//23/17

Zoo Careers, 4/6/17

I also I have not been on a field trip because they were not in my career suggestions.

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