Annotated Bib

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Annotated Bibliography

Glenn, H. (2017, March 02). Americas Complacent Class: How Self-Segregation Is Leading To
Stagnation. Retrieved March 09, 2018, from

This article first analysis the book The Complacent Class by economist Tyler Cowen. It
describes segregation by not only race or ethnicity but by education and wealth. Cowen blames
this growing segregation of the individual mindset that people now have and how this prevent
the movement of people has a whole. The rest of the article is an interview with Tyler Cowen
and it contain question about the purpose of his new book. The author uses the example of the
2016 election to show how the complacency the talks about. He references the shock some
people felt after the results came in and how that shows the tunnel vision and disconnect the
country now faces. Then the end the say he is optimistic that the problem will fix it self but, it will
be an uncomfortable confrontation.

Tyler Cowen argues that segregation in the modern world is self imposed. He states it is
not out of racism or hate but just the comfort of what you're used to and the safety of not having
your ideas challenged. His argument, at least what is in the article, is not backed by facts only
assumptions made by analysing recent event. However this topic does not contain statics as
other topic might so the lack of statistics does not validate his argument. Cowen continues by
saying when people surround themselves with similar people and idea it forge a view that is
very close minded. This point is very helpful in my research because, it outlines the issues that
self-segregation causes and gives reasoning behind it. The only solution Tyler proposes is to
wait it out and allow it to fix it self.

Friedersdorf, C. (2016, October 07). Making Up Is Hard to Do. Retrieved from

This article discusses the divided America during the 2016 presidential election. It was
written prior to the elections finally, but far enough along to see the heated discussion between
the many groups. It begins with talking about how the country got to where it is. It examines the
the strategies and failed plans of each party along with how they contributed to the divide. Next
it talks about the current(2016, October) large and growing disconnect among alot of america. It
offers a solution through a better educated youth. It does say how each side want youth
educated in their own way, this is another issue it brings up.

This article can help explain self-segregation on a mental and idea level rather than on a
physical, race and ethnicity level. It give purpose behind people's decision to segregate, and
provides a brief recent history of key events that caused separation. That is helpful to
understand how ideas have changed in recent times. It states an issue with segregation and
how it prevents real political decisions aimed at fixing issues. It provides a solutions and gives a
counter to why is most likely can’t work.
Chetty, Raj. “Equality of Opportunity .” The Equality of Opportunity Project, Jan. 2018,

The Equality of Opportunity project was a study mainly done by three people and was
administered at Harvard university. The study followed people throughout their lives and tracked
education, family life, economic status, relationships, and other aspects of their lives. Through
this research the researchers were able to come to several conclusions and many papers were
written on various topics.The data within the study is a double edge sword and can poke holes
in a lot of different arguments.

This study can explain help show the movement of different races across socioeconomic
status and explain the causes for this. It can show the likelihood of a black boy living in a
impoverished area eventually living in a gated white community. Also, it can show the likelihood
of movement the other way around. This is helpful because it gives reasons people live with
similar people through generations. With all the data this research provides, several trends
about groups of Americans can be concluded.

Adesioye, L. (2008, January 21). African-Americans happy to live apart from white communities.
Retrieved from

The article focuses on communities with a heavy black population. It uses a, inner New
York city neighborhood that has a 99% black population, as an example. Then it compared that
to the population of london and how the liberal Londoners view the lack of integration as heavily
problematic. It list other types of singular race/ethnic communities such as small Italies and
Chinatown. It proves how this is a common occurrence not just in cities but also in rural town
across the nation.

The topics in this article are very relevant to self segregation. It talks about the almost
forced interracial living conditions present in the UK and how that has actually created the
situation it was trying to prevent. Liberal law makes in the UK promoted multiculturalism as the
solution to the race issues the country faced. As response to the early 2000s riots in London,
many laws preventing ethnic neighborhoods and other forms of segregation have been
implemented. Now over a decade later many are feeling the effect of those state enforced
regulation. Race tensions are just as high, with a sensitive public sphere that is turned upside
down by anything short of left wing political correctness. This evidence provided by the article
supports the libertarian approach to solving self segregation. This included almost no sate input
and allows people to live where, how, and with who they want.

Vaidyanathan, Rajini. “Why Don't Black and White Americans Live Together?” BBC News, BBC,
8 Jan. 2016,
The title “Why Don’t Black and White Americans Live Together?” is not answered by the
article but instead just provides suggestions on why it might of happened. It talks about some of
the cities with the highest racial tensions such as Fergison, Baltimore, Chicago, and says these
cities are also the most segregated. Reasoning this with, there can’t be solutions without
conservation and those can’t happen when the two groups never interact. Then the author goes
on to explain how the segregation persist, even after the removal of legal restrictions. It is stated
that this segregation is not a choice rather a result of circumstance. The rest of the article
explains the process of racial based property distribution through allowing or not allowing loans.
This process is called red lining and started as part of the new deal. It denied mortgages in
areas that were predominately black and marked them as poor investments. Finally it talks
about the movement of blacks from northern cities to suburban or rural southern areas. These
areas used to be predominately white and now with the huge shift in population the author
believes this may help bridge the gap in racial issues.

One of the article’s main points is that the only way to solve group/race issues are talks
and discussions between the groups members. That is a point that I, along with a lot of people
can agree with. However another big point of the article is that the segregation is not a choice.
This is supported by the topic of red lining and other racist programs. The article lacks
reasoning for the modern self segregation. It says most segregation laws were disintegrated in
the 60s or 70s, then it uses maps showing large scale segregation from 2010. It doesn’t provide
reasoning for this besides, “patterns” or “residue of oppression”. 50 years is about two
generations and a lot changes in that time. Using the data in the “equality of opportunity project”
one can easily see the rise of socioeconomic movement after the 60s and 70s. Almost obviously
in sync with the removal of the discriminatory laws. The reasoning behind this is not provided
and the reason not every black family was able to do this is also lacking. So the article lacks the
support required to make the claim that modern segregation is an after effect of the former racist

Auto-segregation. (2018, February 25). Retrieved March 09, 2018, from

This wikipedia page provides a few examples on recent American self-segregation.

Those examples include a college group that occupied that an administration build until one the
Rose Parks dorm was made into a black/caribbean only dorm. Also, at Harvard a black only
commencement ceremony was created to honor the achievements of black students and falcity.
The other section talks about endogamy as a form of self segregation. It states how endogamy
is more popular in displanting cultures, or cultures who are a minority marry in their group to
preserve their traditions. It is pointed out how this is also popular in many different religions.

The article is brief and just list occurrences of auto-segregation. It does not provide the
effects of these events or how they came to be, but only a summary of what happened. This is
beneficial because, it offers a objective take that lacks the input of opinions. The events and
topics in the article provide good examples that can further be investigated to find out the result
of these incidences. The part on endogamy is interesting because only sparingly have I found it
mentioned when discussing segregation. Marriage at least in America Is very choice based and
many of the arguments suggest self-segregation is not a choice. So this does proposal a
different perspective.

Boyd, D. (2017, January 13). Self-segregation: how a personalized world is dividing Americans.
Retrieved March 09, 2018, from

The article tries to bring to light how many popular lifestyles are actually dividing the
nation. The first topic is social media and more specifically Facebook. It points out how
Facebook will promote topics to certain people who will most likely read them. This can lead to
people only getting articles that they already agree with. The next system it criticizes is the
military and particularly how it is becoming more privatized. The article states some of the
diversity programs the government recently has been adminstraighting. It says that this is
important because the type of bonds some military units can from. The author goes on to
explain how the government is handing many different parts of the military to third parties and
this includes training. The “greedy” private companies try to save money and end up cutting
these programs. The last self-segregating part of people’s lives is college. It states how people
make assumptions about campus life, room mates, and professors that can influence the rest of
their life.

Many different points are made in this article but all lead to a popular theme amongst
many of the chosen sources, self-segregation is not a choice. This can be seen through all the
blame being placed on either the government, companies, or education. The Facebook
argument is lead on a presumption that Facebook is doing something wrong. They are a private
company and do not force anyone to click on anything. However, if it were to be treated as a
publisher an considered a conveyor of information then it would be held accountable for
restricting the flow of information. Then the author claims that privatising the military will create a
segregated nation. This is supported solely on the fact that the previously in place government
programs were actually helping bridge the gap between the races. This is never supported and
the fact that all military members still gain a tight bond, regardless of branch or division is not
brought up. Lastly is the argument that college is somehow destroying race relations. I do think
that in college many do end up in a echo chamber that prevents the flow of new ideas. Once
again the author blames the colleges and education system for this when the individuals have
created the environments and the colleges have only promoted them because it is what makes
their members happy. So I do think it is a problem that has to solved at an individual level.

Baer, M. B. (2017, August 13). Charlottesville and Self-Segregation. Retrieved March 09, 2018,

This was written in the wake of the riots in Charlottesville. The purpose was not to show
the problem with Charlottesville because, as the authors puts it, is obvious. Instead the article
ties to show how the dialogue surrounding the events are just as segregated. He makes the
point the ideas can’t flow across group lines and an increase in diversity would allow these
ideas to flow again. A list of reasons for racism, stereotyping, and hate is provided. It is
explained much of the list can be toned down to explain much of the curaint close mindedness
many Americans currently possess. Then finally topic explained is the current in place solution.
He criticizes the supreme court ruling of what happened in Charlottesville. The author doesn't
like it because of the win or lose mentality people have. Also, he blames this same mind set for
the low congress approval rating.

I approve of the neutral approach the author uses to address the situation. He is not
calling for the arrest of the protesters, but does point out the flaws of their actions. He calls out a
lot of people who have falsely identified them as right wingers and claims that this is beyond
that. The does not blame the system or the government but also doesn’t blame the individual.
He instead blames a system of thinking, that even those who oppose the riots, support. Also,
the article claims that the Charlettesvile incident brings light to a much bigger american problem.
The tribalism mentality that has seemed to be growing recently. I am a strong believer that only
discussion solve problems. The author seems to agree that the current political atmosphere
must change before a permanent solution is found.

Chang, Alvin. “White America Is Quietly Self-Segregating.” Vox, Vox, 18 Jan. 2017,\.

The purpose of this piece is to inform people on how segregation is still very prominent
and why it is. It talks about the recent movement of minorities from urban cities to suburbs and
rural communities. These communities were predominately white and the article explains how
the white population reacted to this. It goes through several different studies about preferred
neighborhood make up and actual places they moved. These and other studies cited were
adminstraighted at the university of Illinois by a sociologist named Maria Krysan. Many
arguments of how segregation is being unintentionally promoted by ideas such as the fear of
foreign influence that is disturbing american life, or the fear America becoming majority minority.
It talks about how white people are “bunkering down” and fleeing areas where minorities
recently moved. Then it specifically points out North Carolina and how the Charter school
programs are being used by white people as a tool of segregation. The author sums up the
article by calling the issue not a white person problem wrather an issue caused by systematic
The article seems to switch its opinion right at the end. It first blames the issues on white
people. Then it denies its racist statement by blaming the issue on racism. The article’s whole
argument is based on a fact that white people don’t want to live with other races. It calls this bad
and gives a few reasonable points on why it is. Then points to the Fair Housing Act that was put
in place in 2015. They point to what Ben Carson had to say about it, “it promotes social-
engineering”. Which the article argues that America has already been social-engineered by
years of Jim Crow and other practices. So that means you should fight social engineering with
social engineering, no. Similar to the way the Publisher Vox combats Breitbart’s right wing bias
with left wing bias. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Also, they article calls out white self
segregation in the forms of moving and charter schools and says it is because of fear of change
or ignorance. However never calls them out for it because that would prove their hypocrisy.

Diamond, J. M. (1997). Guns, germs, and steel: The fates of human societies. New York: W.W.
Norton &.

The book Guns Germs and Steel is a long and very far ranging book. It includes all of
human history and details it all. Also, the purpose of this book is to explain the differences in the
development or races and societies around the world. To hone in on the part of the book
relevant to my research does censor what the book has to offer. This doesn't mean it had
nothing to provide. The book does explain how innate traits were not the only thing guiding the
creation first organized human groups and similar situations are present today. He tries to
explain that people present others with stereotypes and assumptions because this is the easy
way out. To find true difference in people is not something many welcome but, according to the
author, is required to have integration. Also, the author explains the racist assumptions that
often cause self-segregation are also the root of a variety of societal problems.
The author does not present an argument but instead, as he calls it an explanation. His
bit on segregation is not the main point of his argument but only a byproduct of his extensive
research on race. With that in mind what he stated is not forceful or a large solution. Calling
stereotypes and racist assumptions the easy way is an uncommon approach. Many other takes
on this call out bigots for evil acts and blame the society for creating this way of thought. The
author also states his book is “not the easy way” and allows the difference in races to not be
feared. This is another different approach that analoges arguments for a more open minded
policy. I like what this book had to say but it is not a solution. Like the author said, he offers an
explanation through which an solution can be reached.

Villalpando, O. (2010, June/July). Self‐ segregation or self‐ preservation? A critical race theory
and Latina/o critical theory analysis of a study of Chicana/o college students. Retrieved from

The text is meant to analyze the latino community within the Chicago area. It goes into the
benefits of the ethno communities they create and how this benefits these communities. It
provides evidence of how this latino on latino groups create more productive citizens that are
more interested in their community. It then goes onto explain the effect college life has on
latinos. It states how institutionalised racism and other such preimposed situations can hinder
and destroy some of the communities these latinos have created.
I feel as if the point made by the article is strange. First it praises the latino only
communities, which even it didn’t state I think would be considered self-segregation. Then later
blames colleges for the predominantly white population and the white culture they represent.
This second statement would be against self-segregation, so if feel as if the argument is
conflicted. I could see the argument of saying that the latino communities are more private while
the school should be open to all. Even if this was the point the only proof for this is the
decreases in community activity for those who attended college which is not much to play off of.

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