Measurement: Ralf D. Geckeler, Michael Krause, Andreas Just, Oliver Kranz, Harald Bosse

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Measurement 73 (2015) 231–238

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New frontiers in angle metrology at the PTB

Ralf D. Geckeler ⇑, Michael Krause, Andreas Just, Oliver Kranz, Harald Bosse
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Bundesallee 100, D-38116 Braunschweig, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An overview of the current status of angle metrology at the Physikalisch-Technische
Available online 14 May 2015 Bundesanstalt (PTB), the national metrology institute of Germany, is provided. We present
our novel self-calibration method for the fast and precise in-situ calibration of angle enco-
Keywords: ders without recourse to external reference standards which relies on a suitable geometric
Angle measurement arrangement of multiple heads which read out the radial grating of the encoder. Additional
Angle standard progress has been achieved by adapting an advanced error-separating shearing technique
Angle encoder
to angle metrology. This technique, by applying defined angle offsets between two angle
measuring devices, offers a unique opportunity to cross-calibrate both devices indepen-
Key comparison dently of external standards. We also present progress in the development of a novel
device for the precise and traceable calibration of spatial angles, the Spatial Angle
Autocollimator Calibrator (SAAC). Finally, we report on the status of the first European
Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET) Key Comparison on autocollima-
tor calibration.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction industry and science and by providing necessary calibra-

tion methods and facilities in time.
Precision angle measurement is an important enabling
technology with a wide range of scientific and industrial
2. Angle encoders
applications, e.g., in precision engineering, optics, syn-
chrotron beamline metrology, aerospace, geodesy, naviga-
2.1. Primary angle standard WMT 220
tion, and astronomy. Through research and development in
the field of angle measuring techniques and by the calibra-
PTB uses the high-precision angle comparator WMT
tion of angle measuring systems, PTB creates optimum
220, manufactured by Johannes Heidenhain, Germany, as
conditions for the wide use of these systems in research
its primary standard for angle metrology (see Fig. 1). It is
and industry. Our spectrum of diverse and varied tasks
installed in a clean-room facility and thus operates under
covers the application-oriented experimental characterisa-
favourable environmental conditions, such as a highly
tion and precise calibration of angle measuring systems,
stable ambient temperature (DT < 0.05 K), low vibration,
basic research on new measurement procedures and math-
and a stable laminar air flow.
ematic algorithms, as well as the improvement of the
Its main component is a precision air bearing rotary
design of angle measuring instruments. Through this bal-
table equipped with a reflected-light radial phase grating
ance of activities, the frontiers of angle metrology can be
(400 mm in diameter, 217 graduations) which rotates
advanced effectively by reacting flexibly to demands from
underneath a set of 16 interferential reading heads. The
radial phase grating consists of 217 = 131,072 graduation
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 531 592 5220. lines in 360° with angular intervals between adjacent lines
E-mail address: (R.D. Geckeler). of 9.89 arcsec. Each head furnishes sinusoidal signals with
0263-2241/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
232 R.D. Geckeler et al. / Measurement 73 (2015) 231–238

The graduation errors of the radial grating can be deter-

mined by two independent methods: cross-calibration by
use of a built-in or external secondary angle encoder and
self-calibration by use of the geometric arrangement of
the multiple reading heads. At PTB, a self-calibration
method was developed which is capable of the fast and
precise in situ calibration of the WMT 220 independent
of auxiliary devices and external reference standards [2]
which is described in Section 2.2 in detail. With it, a stan-
dard uncertainty of the self-calibration of the WMT 220 of
the order of 0.001 arcsec (5 nrad) has been achieved. It has
been verified by various internal comparisons (of cross-
and self-calibration results) and by comparisons with inde-
Fig. 1. The WMT 220 angle comparator of PTB is the primary national pendent, external partners [3] which all demonstrate con-
standard of the plane angle in Germany. Its self-calibration standard sistency at a level below one milliarcsec root mean square
uncertainty is u = 0.001 arcsec (5 nrad).

2.2. In situ self-calibration

twice the graduation frequency, i.e., 2 intervals in 360°,
Angle encoders are essential components of a wide
corresponding to angular intervals of 4.94 arcsec. These
range of rotating precision devices, such as industrial
intervals are further subdivided by the reading heads’ elec-
robots in manufacturing. Usually, their angle deviations
tronics and software by a factor of 212 to obtain 230 inter-
need to be calibrated by comparing the encoders with ref-
vals in 360° (see [1] for technical details).
erence encoders provided by, e.g., a National Metrology
The grating is read out by a special geometrical arrange-
Institute (NMI). For industrial applications, however, a fast
ment of 16 heads, see Fig. 2. The eight primary reading
and precise method for the in-situ calibration of encoders
heads are distributed at regular 45° intervals on the cir-
is preferable. Extensive research on the self-calibration of
cumference of a circle. The angle measurement by the
angle encoders has been carried out at PTB which offers a
WMT 220 is obtained by averaging over the values which
solution to this problem.
are read out by these primary heads. Another eight calibra-
Our novel self-calibration method relies on a suitable
tion heads are arranged in such a way that the relative
geometric arrangement of multiple reading heads which
angular positions of all possible pairings of reading heads
are located on the circumference of a circle and read out
effectively cover the angles 360 =2n with n 2 f1; . . . ; 7g,
a radial grating which rotates beneath them. They detect
whereby the smallest interval is 2.81°.
the same graduation errors of the grating, albeit with
phase shifts which depend on their location on the circum-
ference [2,4]. The self-calibration analysis is performed
most naturally in the frequency domain. Using the
Fourier shift-theorem to account for the phase-shifts, the
graduation errors can be reconstructed by analysing mea-
surement differences between pairs of reading heads. Our
most recent approach [2] utilises differences between
measurements by all pairs of reading heads in a fully sym-
metric way and thus puts the heads on an equal footing in
the analysis. It includes variance-optimal and normalised
weights which provide minimal error propagation.
Fig. 3 presents experimental results of the in situ
self-calibration of the WMT 220, the primary angle stan-
dard of PTB described in Section 2.1. It shows the gradua-
tion errors of the encoder’s radial grating as measured by
a single reading head (a) and after averaging over the eight
primary reading heads (b). Due to the regular arrangement
of the eight primary reading heads, which are distributed
at angles of 45° relative to each other, the averaged error
contains only Fourier orders which are integer multiples
of eight. Therefore, its amplitude is reduced markedly
when compared to the grating’s graduation error which
Fig. 2. Special geometrical arrangement of the eight primary reading has not been averaged.
heads (red circles) and of eight calibration heads (triangles) which read We successfully included the evaluation and correction
out the radial grating of the WMT 220. Numbers m indicate their angular
positions as multiples of 360 =128 ¼ 2:8125 . (For interpretation of the
of error influences due to lateral shifts of the centre of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web encoder’s grating during its rotation (including its eccen-
version of this article.) tricity) with respect to the fixed arrangement of reading
R.D. Geckeler et al. / Measurement 73 (2015) 231–238 233

Fig. 4. Lateral shifting of the encoder’s grating at the nm-level during one
Fig. 3. Results of the in situ self-calibration of the WMT 220. Graduation full rotation for the angle comparator WMT 220.
errors of the radial grating registered by a single reading head (a, upper
graph) and after averaging over the eight primary reading heads (b, lower
graph) are shown. secondary angle encoder or a polygon). As part of the fam-
ily of circle division methods, self-calibration is based on
the subdivision of the full circle and makes use of circle
heads in the self calibration analysis [2]. To this purpose, closure, expressing the fact that the sum of the angles of
after self-calibration, the measurement data by the reading a divided circle in a plane equals 2p rad. The full circle
heads are corrected for the graduation errors of the enco- therefore represents the fundamental, error-free angular
der’s grating. Modelling of the resulting residuals allows standard and thus provides independence from external
deriving the grating’s lateral shift by fitting the model to reference standards. This makes self-calibration ideally
the data, see Fig. 4. suited for primary angle standards. Furthermore, in com-
Taking this information into account, the parison to cross-calibration, it is fast and therefore ideally
self-calibration analysis can then be repeated iteratively suited for industrial applications.
to derive a more accurate estimate of the graduation errors Please note that the self-calibration algorithms devel-
of the encoder’s grating. This iterative approach is feasible oped in [2] do not depend on the special arrangement of
due to the small magnitude of the influence of the axis’ lat- reading heads presented in Section 2.1 but can be applied
eral shift on the reading head’s angle measurements when universally. An infinite number of viable reading head
compared to the influence of the grating’s dominant grad- arrangements, starting with a minimal number of three
uation errors (in case of the WMT 220, two orders of mag- heads, can be realised, albeit with differing error propaga-
nitude). Note that, during operation of the WMT 220, the tion properties. Work on the general properties of viable
measurements by the eight primary reading heads are reading head arrangements with optimal error propaga-
averaged which, due to their regular spacing, effectively tion is in progress.
eliminates the influence of the grating’s lateral shifts on
the average.
Our method proved to be capable of the fast and precise 2.3. Interpolation errors
in situ calibration of angle encoders, independent of any
external standards. It is one of those techniques which Our self-calibration method successfully evaluates the
have been developed for the self-calibration [2,4–10] and graduation errors of the encoder’s grating at regularly sam-
cross-calibration [11–14] of angle encoders. They, in turn, pled points over 2p rad. At much smaller angular scales of
are part of a wider class of reversal techniques in which the order of a few arcsec, interpolation errors become rel-
measurements are set up in such a way as to provide evant. Interpolation errors result from the subdivision of
redundant data sets which allow them to separate and the angular intervals between the grating’s graduation
eliminate errors [15]. lines by the reading heads’ electronics to obtain a larger
Self-calibration offers a number of advantages, foremost effective resolution (in the case of the WMT 220, by a fac-
that it is independent of auxiliary devices (such as, e.g., a tor of 212). Progress has been achieved in this field as we
234 R.D. Geckeler et al. / Measurement 73 (2015) 231–238

have adapted an advanced error-separating shearing tech- autocollimator type Elcomat HR, Möller–Wedel Optical.
nique [16–18] to angle metrology and tested it experimen- The measurement errors of the encoder presented in
tally [19]. It proved to be ideally suited for the calibration Fig. 6b are of the order of 1 milliarcsec rms and are domi-
of interpolation errors of angle-measuring devices at small nated by its residual interpolation errors which result from
angular scales which are difficult to characterise with other the subdivision of the angular intervals between the grat-
methods. ing’s graduation lines by the reading heads’ electronics.
This technique, by comparing the angle readings of an The measurement errors of the autocollimator presented
autocollimator and an angle encoder in different relative in Fig. 6a at the smallest angular scales are dominated by
angular orientations, offers a unique opportunity to sepa- analogous interpolation errors which result from the sub-
rate the errors of the two angle-measuring systems and, division of the angular interval which corresponds to the
therefore, to calibrate both systems without recourse to size of the pixels of the CCD detector used in this device.
any external standard. The non-linear errors of the two
devices can be recovered, up to their linear components, 3. Autocollimators
from a set of three comparisons. In the case that the linear
components of the errors are needed, too, only two angle 3.1. Autocollimator calibration – plane angle
differences, which correspond to the changes in the rela-
tive angular orientations of the devices, need to be traced In Fig. 1, the measurement set-up for the calibration of
back to an external standard. In [19], we demonstrate an electronic autocollimator against the primary angle
error-separation with a standard measurement uncer- standard of the PTB, the angle comparator WMT 220 is pre-
tainty at a level of 1 milliarcsec (5 nrad) which beats sented. The calibration can be realised against coated or
uncertainties reachable by conventional calibration meth- uncoated mirrors and by using the full autocollimator
ods for autocollimators by a factor of two to three. aperture or an aperture stop. The position and the size of
Figs. 5 and 6 present the results of such a shearing anal- the aperture stop are variable. The calibration can be car-
ysis. The angle measuring devices consisted of the ried out in a limited range of fixed distances (250–
high-precision angle comparator WMT 220 and an 550 mm) between autocollimator and mirror.

Fig. 5. Data sets used for the shearing analysis (black lines) and residuals (blue lines) after correcting them for the reconstructed measurement errors of the
autocollimator and of the WMT 220. Each panel shows the comparison of the autocollimator to the WMT 220 performed in a different relative angular
orientation of both devices. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
R.D. Geckeler et al. / Measurement 73 (2015) 231–238 235

which it was calibrated. Ultimately, the calibration is only

valid if the calibration and measurement conditions are
identical. Any deviation between both leads to additional
errors in the autocollimator’s angle response which need
to be characterised by additional calibrations or raytrace
modelling. As the need for a high lateral resolution in
deflectometric profilometry is driving the autocollimator
apertures towards ever smaller diameters, issues such as
the limits of the validity of the calibration and proper spec-
ifications for the adjustment of the optical components in
deflectometric set-ups become ever more significant.
The current limitations of angle metrology with auto-
collimators originate from four main source clusters [21]:

1. From the autocollimator itself, specifically its design

and manufacturing tolerances. Its operation at small
apertures is especially problematic as commercial auto-
collimators have generally not been designed for use
with small apertures.
2. From changing measuring conditions.
3. From characteristics of the reflecting surface under test
4. From limits posed by currently available calibration

Fig. 6. Reconstructed measurement errors of the autocollimator (a, upper The factors influencing the angle response/calibration
graph) and of the encoder (b, lower graph) obtained by the shearing of an autocollimator can be sub-divided into two broad
analysis of the data presented in Fig. 4. categories: external vs. internal. External factors are given
by the measuring conditions under which the device is
used (and can thus be specified by the user). These include:
Typically, a calibration consists of measurements in for-
ward and backward direction (to eliminate possible linear  SUT reflectivity
drifts) and repeat measurements in three different relative  SUT curvature
positions between the autocollimator and the WMT 220  Distance (path length) to the SUT
(to eliminate residual angle deviations of the WMT 220),  Diameter and shape of the aperture stop
all realised under automatic computer control. The air path  Position of the aperture stop along the autocollimator’s
between the autocollimator and the plane mirror does not optical axis
need to be specially shielded as the constant ambient tem-  Position of the aperture stop perpendicular to the opti-
perature and the laminar air flow at the clean room facility cal axis
do not exert any significant disturbing influences. For more
information on autocollimator calibration at the PTB, see Internal factors are specific to each autocollimator’s
[20]. internal design (and are therefore generally beyond user
Using highly stable autocollimators, calibrations with control):
standard measurement uncertainties of u = 0.003 arcsec
(15 nrad) have been achieved. Note that, in addition to  Aberrations of the optical components (autocollimator’s
the uncertainty contribution by the WMT 220, the uncer- objective, reticle illumination, beam splitter cubes . . .)
tainty of the autocollimator calibration includes compo-  Alignment of the components, including the detector
nents which depend on the type of autocollimator and  Non-orthogonality of the measuring axes
the calibration parameters. The later contributions usually  Internal specular reflections and stray light
dominate the final uncertainty budget and may result in an  Geometrical imperfections of the reticles
uncertainty for the autocollimator calibration larger than  Inter-pixel variations of the CCD (geometry, quantum
the value stated above. In contrast, the uncertainty contri- efficiency, dark current . . .)
bution of the primary angle standard WMT 220 is of subor-  Intra-pixel quantum efficiency pattern (across single
dinate importance. CCD pixels, due to their internal structure)

3.2. Influences of measuring conditions 3.2.1. SUT distance/beam path length

In the case of different distances between the autocolli-
In order to make full use of the autocollimator’s calibra- mator and the reflecting SUT, the beam returning to the
tion values for correcting its angle measuring deviations, autocollimator after reflection follows different paths
the autocollimator must operate in the experimental through its optics. In the case of ideal optical elements
set-up under the same measurement conditions under and their perfect alignment, no errors in the
236 R.D. Geckeler et al. / Measurement 73 (2015) 231–238

autocollimator’s angle response are occurring. However, if adequately. Therefore, the experimental characterisation
aberrations of the optical components and errors in their of its influence on the autocollimator’s angle measurement
alignment (and that of the CCD detector) are present, angle is part of EMRP SIB 58 Angle Metrology.
measuring deviations are introduced which are a function
of the SUT’s distance/path length [22]. These deviations 3.3. Autocollimator calibration – spatial angles
become more prominent as the product of the deflection
angle and the distance from the SUT increases. (Note that In most autocollimator applications (e.g., deflectometric
when the SUT is located at a distance equal to the objec- profilometry or the measurement of machine geometries –
tive’s focal length, angle measuring errors due to aberra- straightness, flatness, and parallelism – in precision engi-
tions and alignment errors are minimised.) neering), both of the autocollimator’s measuring axes are
Influences of the path length on the autocollimator’s engaged simultaneously, i.e., the autocollimator beam is
angle response are of special importance to deflectometric deflected in two orthogonal angular directions by the
profilometers, where the length of the beam to the SUT SUT. The simultaneous engagement of both axes results
changes by the entire scanning length (up to 1.2 m) as dif- in crosstalk between them, i.e., their angle measurements
ferent points on the optical surface are accessed by a mov- are not independent of each other. Reasons for this include
able pentaprism. The same holds true for applications in optical aberrations and alignment errors of the autocolli-
precision engineering (e.g., the measurement of machine mator’s internal components, as well as imperfections of
geometries) where path length changes also occur. In the the reticles which are imaged onto the autocollimator’s
case of deflectometric profilometers, this effect causes CCD. This influence has not yet been investigated in detail
the dominant uncertainty component in the form mea- and a systematic effort to characterise it is essential for
surement of extended, highly curved optical surfaces. advancing angle metrology with autocollimators.
Several solutions to this problem have been proposed The multiple challenges of traceable autocollimator cal-
[23,24]. ibration for spatial angles resulted in the development of a
We also would like to mention the influence of environ- novel concept and the realisation of a device for the precise
mental conditions, e.g., beam refraction by gradients in the and traceable calibration of spatial angles at PTB, the
air’s refractive index, which may lead to angle errors if the Spatial Angle Autocollimator Calibrator (SAAC) [27]. It
distance to the SUT is changing. Temperature and pressure makes use of an innovative Cartesian arrangement of three
are the most important parameters influencing the refrac- autocollimators (two reference autocollimators and the
tive index of air. autocollimator to be calibrated) facing a reflector cube on
a precision tilting stage. Each of the two reference autocol-
3.2.2. SUT curvature limators, which are used for the measurement of the cube’s
Most synchrotron and Free Electron Laser (FEL) beam- angular orientation, is primarily sensitive to rotations of
line optics feature strong and locally varying curvatures the cube around one of the two relevant axes. They can
of the SUT which affect both the location and the quality thus be calibrated and traced back to PTB’s national pri-
of the image of the autocollimator’s reticle on the CCD mary standard for the plane angle in a conventional
detector. Beamline optics even exhibit different radii of manner.
curvature in longitudinal and sagittal directions. Even Fig. 7 shows the complete SAAC set-up which is
polygon calibrations, where differences in the topogra- installed in PTB’s clean-room facility and thus operates
phies of the optical faces are far smaller, are affected by under favourable environmental conditions, such as a
the faces’ flatness deviations. Therefore, a systematic effort highly stable ambient temperature (DT < 0.05 K) and a
to characterise the influence of the SUT’s curvature is constant laminar air flow (v = 20 cm/s). For vibration isola-
essential for advancing deflectometric form measurement. tion, it is mounted on the concrete basement which is sep-
It was therefore chosen to be part of the European arated from the walkable floor and, additionally, passive
Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) Joint Research vibration dampening has been added to the six support
Project (JRP) SIB 58 Angle Metrology [25]. feet. The SAAC is supported by three pairs of
vibration-isolated legs (gimbal piston isolators by TMC,
3.2.3. SUT reflectivity Peabody, MA, USA) which effectively form a three-point
Optical surfaces of different reflectivity (e.g., coated and bearing. To avoid resonances of the whole structure, the
uncoated quartz, Zerodur, silicone, etc.) are commonly in base length between the opposite legs has been extended
use. The reflectivity of the SUT and the aperture size influ- by steel beams on which the granite base is mounted.
ence the autocollimator’s angle response by causing, e.g., The base of the SAAC is a massive granite plate (dimen-
changes in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the detected sion: L  B  H 2950  850  400 mm3, weight: 3 tons).
image, internal reflections, and stray light [21,26]. Some The autocollimators form a Cartesian arrangement: both
autocollimators adapt their light output to compensate reference autocollimators are adjustable mounted to a
for differing reflectivity which may mitigate some prob- massive granite bridge, the autocollimator to be calibrated
lems (e.g., SNR changes) while aggravating others (e.g., is placed on an air-bearing based, movable table top
internal reflections). Generally, due to differing sensitivi- (500  500 mm2). This allows for flexibly varying the dis-
ties to changes in SUT reflectivity and aperture size, differ- tance between the reflector cube and the autocollimator
ent types of errors cannot be minimised simultaneously by to be calibrated from 200 to 1500 mm. A positioning accu-
a well chosen set of parameters. Ray tracing simulations racy of <1 mm was requested which is easily met by the
are difficult as stray light influences cannot be modelled utilised incremental length measuring system LIP 300 by
R.D. Geckeler et al. / Measurement 73 (2015) 231–238 237

Fig. 8. The precision two-axis tilting unit of the SAAC. Reflector cube (1),
counterweights (2, 3), two stacked air-bearing rotational axes (4, 5), voice
coil actuator (two per axis, four in total) (6).

175 N/lm, and tilting stiffness of 0.225 Nm/lrad. The

non-reproducible nutation is <0.01 lrad and the concen-
tricity deviation is <25 nm for a full rotation.
For its rotation, each axis uses two voice-coil actuators
combined with two measuring systems. To compensate for
Fig. 7. SAAC set-up for spatial angle autocollimator calibration. A the axes’ eccentricities and to minimise non-radial
precision two-axis tilting unit (1) rotates the reflector cube (2). Two moments, both the sensing heads and the actuators of each
reference autocollimators, a horizontal (3) and a vertical (4) one, are axis are arranged in diametrically opposed pairs. The
mounted to a granite bridge. The autocollimator to be calibrated (5) is set
voice-coil actuators by Moticont, USA, are controlled at a
on a linear stage (6) for the automatic distance adjustment.
frequency of 100 Hz, with a power dissipation <135 mW
per actuator. Integrated angle encoders are used for
Heidenhain, Traunreut, Germany. The air bearings of the
closed-loop control of the positioning. Sony BH20 sensing
linear stage provide vibration amplitudes of <10 nm and,
heads read out a radial grating 82 mm in diameter with a
during movements of the stage, yaw, tilt, and pitch errors
graduation period of 250 nm, achieving a resolution of 6
of <1 arcsec. The granite base plate with the bridge and
the linear stage were manufactured by Q-Sys BV,
lrad per head. Further interpolation by a factor of 1000
is performed by a Magnescale BD96, including an in situ
Helmond, NL. The two-axis tilting unit is located on the
correction of the interpolation errors which are reduced
base plate in front of the linear stage. The reflector cube
to approx. 5 nrad. Sensors and actuators are connected to
is located at the intersection point of the beams of the
a UMAC system of Delta Tau, UK, which also provides the
three autocollimators.
link to a laboratory PC for automation and data acquisition.
Fig. 8 shows the SAAC’s centrepiece, the precision
First results of two-axis autocollimator calibrations
two-axis tilting unit, custom-built by Q-Sys BV, Helmond,
with the SAAC will be presented in a forthcoming paper.
NL. It rotates a reflector cube around two orthogonal axes
It will include details on the modelling of the SAAC which
within a range of ±2000 arcsec. For the cube’s positioning,
allows us to determine the angular alignment of the sys-
a repeatability of ±0.02 arcsec was specified as well as a
tem’s components by means of suitable in situ calibration
time frame of 1 s, including settling time. These parameters
measurements and the subsequent application of the
were reached. The tilting unit consists of two identical rota-
alignment parameters to the correction of the spatial angle
tional axes which are connected at their contact point by a
calibrations performed by the system.
flexure hinge. Owing to a number of counterweights, the
design is well-balanced. Due to the axes’ stacking, the effec-
tive centre of rotation is congruent with the centre of the 3.4. EURAMET.L-K3.2009 Key Comparison
reflector cube. The axes’ movement range is restricted to
6000 arcsec peak-to-valley (pv) by stop collars which are An international Key Comparison on autocollimator cal-
also used for system initialisation. Both axes use air bearing ibration, EURAMET.L-K3.2009, was initiated by the
spindles, manufactured by Professional Instruments, USA, European Association of National Metrology Institutes
with a radial stiffness of 60 N/lm, axial stiffness of (EURAMET) to provide information on the capabilities
238 R.D. Geckeler et al. / Measurement 73 (2015) 231–238

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Acknowledgements [22] R.D. Geckeler, A. Just, Distance dependent influences on angle
metrology with autocollimators in deflectometry, Proc. SPIE Int.
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Part of this research was undertaken within the [23] V.V. Yashchuk, W. McKinney, T. Warwick, T. Noll, F. Siewert, T.
European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) Joint Zeschke, R.D. Geckeler, Proposal for a universal test mirror for
characterization of slope measuring instruments, Proc. SPIE 6704
Research Project (JRP) SIB 58 Angle Metrology. The EMRP (67040A) (2007) 1–12.
is jointly funded by the EMRP participating countries [24] G. Ehret, M. Schulz, M. Stavridis, C. Elster, Deflectometric systems for
within the European Association of National Metrology absolute flatness measurements at PTB, Meas. Sci. Technol. 23
(094007) (2012) 1–8.
Institutes (EURAMET) and the European Union.
[26] R.D. Geckeler, A. Just, Optimized use and calibration of
autocollimators in deflectometry, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng.
6704 (670407) (2007) 1–12.
[27] R.D. Geckeler, O. Kranz, A. Just, M. Krause, A novel approach for
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[2] R.D. Geckeler, A. Link, M. Krause, C. Elster, Capabilities and [28]
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