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Zero Conditional:

When we talk of actual facts, scientific events, things which are always true.
Quando parliamo di fatti veri, fatti scientifici, cose che sono sempre vere:

Type If clause Main clause

0 Simple present Simple present


If you drink too much wine, you get drunk. Se bevi troppo vino, ti ubriachi.
If you travel north in summer, days get longer. Se viaggi verso nord in estate, le
giornate si allungano.
If you heat ice, it melts. Se riscaldi il ghiaccio, si scioglie.

First Conditional
We use the first conditional when there is a real possibility that something will
happen in the future. Usiamo il primo tipo di condizionale quando ci sia un
possibilità reale che accada qualcosa in futuro.

Type If clause Main clause

1 Simple present Will + infinitive (without to)

According to the weather forecast, it might rain tonight.
If it rains, I'll stay at home. Se piove, resto a casa
If we miss the bus, we’ll be late. Se perdiamo l’autobus, arriveremo tardi.

You will be able to see better, if you turn on the lamp.

Potrai vedere meglio, se accendi la lampada.

Quando si danno istruzioni o consigli, nella principale si usa spesso l’imperativo o un
verbo modale.
We often use the imperative or the modal verb in the main clause when we
give some advice or instructions.

Se senti freddo, indossa il cappotto. If you feel cold, put your coat on.

Instead of will, we can use other modal verbs, e.g. can, might, may, must,
Invece di will, possiamo usare un modal verb:

If I don't call you tonight, you can call me. Se non ti chiamo stasera, puoi
chiamarmi tu.

Put the verb in the correct form to complete each sentence.

1. If global warming continues, temperatures will rise (rise) even higher.
2. When it _______________(rain) again, I won't forget to bring my umbrella.
3. Tom will be at the party tonight. If I see him, I ____________(say) hello.
4. I _____________(call) you when I get home.
5. Where _____________(you/live) when you move out of your flat?
6. According to the weather forecast there is a chance of snow tomorrow.
If it _______________(snow), I _________(need) to buy a pair of gloves.
7. Patrick is deciding whether to go to France or Spain on his next holiday.
If Patrick _____________(go) to Spain, he _____________(be) very satisfied.
8. Daniel has an exam tomorrow.
If Daniel _____________(pass) his exam, he ___________________(celebrate)
with his friends.

*Interactive Exercises

*Please note:
Listen carefully to the following videos in youtube, they speak about

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