PEARL Tube Coolers

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♦ PDF Cover Page ♦

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Tube Coolers and Equipment Reliability
TUBE COOLER is a device that reduces the are aware that tube life is an inverse function of bulb
A operating temperature of the enclosing, glass
envelope of an electron tube. While some elements
temperature.2, 3 (see also Appendix 3)
within the envelope are required to operate at high printed the lettering and the Gold Lion logo on their
temperatures, a surrounding enclosure of conven- famous KT 66 -77-88 series with a temperature-sensi-

tional, “soft” glass is quite vulnerable to elevated tem- tive lacquer that would change colour on any tube
peratures. Through the action of several mechanisms run over-temperature. Tubes run too hot were then
extensively outlined herein, this weakness can result permanently indicated to be “…unsuitable for fur-
in drastically reduced tube life. ther reliable service”.4 (see also Appendix 1)
Although common knowledge in other sectors of The basic concept of glass envelope tube cooling
the electronics industry for decades, this important was developed in the 1950s by International Elec-
information seems to have escaped the attention of all tronic Research Corp. of Burbank, California work-
designers of tube-type audio gear. We have, with just ing in conjunction with several branches of the US
one notable exception, never seen tube coolers factory- military, Cornell University Engineering Laborato-
fitted to any audio equipment modern or vintage. ries, various tube manufacturers and numerous large
The glass envelope, which must act as a high corporations. As a result of extensive research into
quality vacuum container, is required to perform causes of equipment failure and the remedies
several functions: 1 required, a large number of technical articles
appeared in the literature of the period. Using this
• it must withstand high operating temperatures, substantial and well documented body of work as a
substantial attendant temperature gradients and starting point, PEARL has developed a new and highly
consequent physical stress; without failure. efficient type of cooler for simple, straightforward,
• at high temperatures, it must resist the pres- retrofit installation to most existing audio equipment.
sure differential between the internal high-
vacuum and external atmospheric pressure AN HISTORICAL & TECHNICAL
• it must be chemically inert, neither adsorbing O V E RV I E W
gases during manufacture nor liberating them With increasing equipment complexity during and
under high-temperature operation after WW II, the causes of equipment failure came
under intense scrutiny from a number of agencies. The
As the foregoing is essentially a description of an commercial airlines in the USA formed and main-
ideal material, real problems must be anticipated if tained the non-profit organization, Aeronautical Radio
soft glass is expected to maintain a high vacuum Inc. (ARINC) to coordinate the development of elec-
over a long period under the conditions imposed by tronic equipment for their use, both ground and air-
typical vacuum-tube operation. borne.6, 7 The military in particular, became very dis-
While most types of glass are quite stable at low satisfied with the overall rate of equipment failure it
temperatures, soft glasses become “porous” and was enduring. The cost of the ongoing maintenance
begin to outgas with temperature increases. Where effort required to keep its vast quantities of equipment
long working-life is a primary consideration, over- safely and reliably operational grew to enormous pro-
temperature operation is the main reliability issue portions. Seeking to alleviate these problems, numer-
encountered in the operation of soft-glass enclosed ous tube manufacturers were contracted to produce
vacuum tubes. studies that would detail the reasons for equipment
Tube manufacturers, the military and many failure in general and tube failure in particular.8, 9, 10
large, commercial users have long been aware of the
hazards of such operation and the benefits of reduc- †Tempilaq is such a product and is available in North America from: TEMPIL,
tions in bulb temperature. Tube makers in particular Div of Big 3 Industries, S. Plainfield, N.J., 201 757 8300

 Page 1.3 1 
The consensus of this work was that while resistor and 200 Tube lots 5670 / 2C51
capacitor failures accounted for approximately 7% of 100
failures, an amazing 75% of failures were due to tubes. 2
Subsequent, detailed investigations carried out by

Survival Percentage
numerous, widely separated researchers revealed that 60 Curve 1 - 5.04V
tubes will fail in a radically premature manner when Curve 2 - 6.30V
3 Curve 3 - 7.56V
forced or simply allowed to operate at excessive bulb 40
temperatures. 10 (see also Appendix 3: ref ’s 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
A study of over 150,000 tubes of 20 different 20

types undertaken by ARINC lists a number of proce-

dures that increase the reliability of vacuum tubes.8 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Foremost amoung these measures is the operation Operating time in hours
of tubes in a manner that reduces bulb temperature.
In order of decreasing adverse effect on tube life, 200 Tube lots 5670 / 2C51
excessive bulb temperature causes: 7000

Transconductance in µmhos
Curve 1 - 5.04V
• the evolution of gas within the tube, which Curve 2 - 6.30V
causes the steady reduction of transconduc- 3 Curve 3 - 7.56V
5000 1
tance. Left unremedied, this process can cause 2

the tube to glow with a lovely electric blue 4000

colour while acting as a forward biased diode.
• in part, the development of an interface resis- 3000
tance between the surface of the nickel tube
that forms the body of the cathode and its 2000
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
electron emitting oxide-coating. This effect is
Operating time in hours
partially the result of over-temperature opera- Fig. 1. Tube transconductance and working-life are shown plotted
tion of the cathode and can be caused by: as a function of filament voltage. Note that operation of this particu-
- excessive filament current, lar tube at its rated filament voltage results in a 27% drop in
- excessive overall operating temperature, transconductance during the first 1500 hrs. of operation. Operation
of the filament at a 20% reduction in voltage results in very nearly
- in some types, long periods of operation in a
constant transconductance over a much extended working-life.
cut-off condition resulting in the develop-
ment of such a high value of resistance that of full B+, cold-cathode startups.
current flow will not restart when the tube is • cathode poisoning, resulting in a premature
biased so as to resume current flow. This reduction of electron emitting capacity (per-
was a problem with the famous ENIAC (Elec- veance). 14, 15 The authors of these references
tronic Numerical Integrator and Computor) state that:
developed as part of the Manhattan Project “A new and unexpected source of cathode poi-
during WW II. Special tube types, 6SN7GTB soning gas is seen to derive either directly or
& 5692 for example, were developed for such indirectly from the heated glass envelope. Such
applications. Interface resistance is also gas is more destructive in action than any of the
responsible for reductions of transconduc- normal gas so far examined This gas is believed
tance. 10, 11, 12, 13 See Fig. 1. to be water vapour which has been shown to
• grid emission, a prime factor in the noise have dire effects on cathodes operating in the
increases seen as tubes age. A slow accumula- vicinity of 725 °C.”
tion of cathode material on the grid wires ini- • migration of both the getter patch and
tiates an ever increasing, low-density electron unflashed getter material, another likely result
flow from the grid to the plate. Flowing from of the water cycle.
ground through the grid resistor, this fluctuat- • interelectrode leakage, whereby voltages
ing current develops a noise voltage that impressed upon specific elements within the
appears between the grid and signal-ground. tube wrongly appear on other electrodes. This
Being thereby applied to the input of the tube can be caused by water cycle induced migra-
in the usual way, this noise voltage is likewise tion of conductive getter metals onto the insu-
amplified in the usual way. lating micas and to the base of the envelope,
By parts, the deposition process is an outcome where the pins exit the tube, causing lowered
of the water cycle, later described, operating in resistance among the tube’s elements.
tubes run over-temperature and also the result • contamination, resulting in tiny bits of mater-

 Page 1.3 2 
ial coming adrift within the envelope. vapour, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. With further
• glass failure, with attendant loss of vacuum if increases in temperature this process dramatically
not outright failure. intensifies and usable life is sharply reduced by the
• increased grid temperature that can result in initiation of a water cycle described below.18
increases in the normal thermionic emission Water vapour is dissociated by the hot internal
from control grids. In poorly designed circuits elements within the lamp or tube into hydrogen and
this effect can cause grid runaway, where nor- oxygen. As well as reacting with the cathode material
mal grid bias is lost and plate current rises to of the tube, the oxygen will react with the other
saturation levels in an uncontrolled manner. metallic surfaces such as the getter patch†† and any
The typical outcome is the rapid demise of the unflashed getter material, with some of these areas
tube in question. being hot enough to blow off an oxide that can then
deposit on various cooler surfaces. Meanwhile, the
The glass envelope of a tube presents a highly reductive hydrogen migrates to the deposit,
significant resistance to the flow of heat from the reduces it—liberates the oxygen from the oxide—
tube.16 Glass is a very poor thermal conductor and is and leaves the deposit as recombined water vapour
virtually opaque to thermal radiation at tempera- ready to begin the cycle all over again.
tures below 400 ° C. Consequently, the envelope In its ionized form, the hydrogen acts to reduce
absorbs nearly all of the heat radiated from the ele- the electrical resistivity of the vacuum by turning it
ments contained therein with the result that a hot- into a partially conductive medium, thereby subtly,
spot occurs in the glass adjacent the centre of the yet continuously, decreasing the tube’s ability to
plate, the hottest part of the the tube structure. This accurately control electron flow through itself.
hot-spot causes a substantial temperature gradient While gas penetration and out-gassing are
along the length of the envelope that can result in the significant mechanisms by which the vacuum is
centre of the envelope running 25 to 100°C. hotter spoiled, excessive temperatures can cause various
than either of the cooler ends. This creates enormous gases to evolve from the elements within the tube
physical stress within the glass and in extreme cases
can result in failure. See Fig. 2. 2.00
An interesting piece of work done by Rogers 4.56 SQUARE INCHES 5751 / 12AX7
Majestic Co. of Toronto in 1933 suggests a mecha- 27°C AVERAGE AIR TEMPERATURE
nism whereby something like atomic osmosis occurs 1.50 •1 •7
Position (Inches)

at high glass temperatures.17 The hypothesis is that 1.25

•2 •8
the sodium in the glass becomes mobile and acts as 1.00
an electrolyte thereby facilitating the bodily migra- •3 •9
tion of atoms of atmospheric oxygen through the •4 • 10
glass and into the tube. These reduce the usable life 0.50
•5 • 11
of the cathode by combining with its electron-emit- 0.25
•6 • 12
ting surface, creating oxides that reduce its effec- 0
tiveness. It is likely that other gases evolve from this 60 80 100 120 140 160
poisoning action and these can adversely effect the Bulb temperature, degrees Celsius
hard vacuum upon which the tube relies for linear
and effective operation.† 2.00
5687 WA
Noted by workers in the incandescent lamp 1.75 2.75 WATTS PER SQUARE INCH
Similar to
industry is the fact that glass envelopes will begin to - - - 90° ROTATION SURVEY 6CG7 / 6FQ7
1.50 •1 •7
Position (Inches)

outgas into the evacuated volume when the surface

temperature exceeds 100°C. The evolution of gas is •2 •8
bought about by chemical decomposition and release •3 •9
of adsorbed molecules which are, principally, water 0.75
•4 • 10
•5 • 11
†The need for thorough bulb evacuation escaped the originator of the triode, 0.25
Lee deForest. It was not until his successors started pulling a genuinely hard •6 • 12
vacuum within the envelope that the wonderfully linear triodes presently 0
enjoyed could be developed. 120 140 160 180 200 220
††The getter patch is the shiny, mirror-like spot seen on the inside of most

receiving tubes. It results from the combustion—for want of a better term—of the Bulb temperature, degrees Celsius
getter, a sacrificial element placed within the tube. After the envelope has been
pumped out and sealed, the getter is heated by RF induction to a high tempera- Fig. 2. Bulb temperature plotted as a function of position on the
ture. The special formulation of the getter combines with any remaining gases bulb. It is interesting to note that the 5751/12AX7, a relatively cool-
within the tube to form metallic compounds that subsequently boil themselves running tube, is one of the most reliable and longest-lived of any
onto the inside of the glass wall creating a reflective spot on the glass. used in audio.

structure itself, particularly from the plate. We sus- Fig. 4 illustrates the sort of gradient equalization
pect that these actions are responsible for the slight required to substantially increase tube life, while
dimunition in sound quality often heard from tubes Fig. 5 illustrates the limited value of forced air cool-
run too hot during the first few hundred hours of life ing of bare bulbs. Fig. 6, derived from IERC’S work,
even though conventional “usable life testing” will shows that a tube with a properly designed cooler
indicate that the tube is fine. It must be stressed that can run at a lower temperature in a simple convec-
the various mechanisms of deterioration can oper- tive environment than does the same tube running
ate as a higher-order exponential function of tem- bare in a 500´/min forced air stream. Figs. 1, 2 & 3
perature increase. If the tube hot spot temperature were taken from a landmark study of the factors
is reduced 25 to 150 ° C . the rate of these various effecting tube life conducted by W.S. Bowie at GE’s
contaminating and poisoning actions can be Owensboro, Kentucky facility in 1954.
reduced 2 to 50 fold. In other words, small decreases We spent 18 months researching the effects of
in bulb temperature often result in seemingly dispro- glass temperature reduction and the development of
portionately large increases in tube life. See Fig. 3. our present coolers resulted from that work. We
In dozens of studies, tube life has been shown to consider this project to have been successful in that
dramatically increase as overall bulb temperature is the sorts temperature reductions and gradient elim-
reduced. However this must be achieved by means ination repeatedly shown to substantially increase
that substantially eliminate the temperature gradi- tube life have been achieved.
ent along the bulb length. For this reason simple fan Numerous military, institutional and commercial
cooling, while effectively reducing the ambient tem- studies involving thousands of tubes in scores of oper-
perature within equipments (and thus the average ating environments and conditions have shown that
temperature of the envelope), cannot approach the bulb temperature reductions on the order of those
results obtained by a properly designed tube cooler. achieved by our coolers yield tube life in the many thou-
sands of hours. While many of these studies showed
200 Tube lots 5654 / 6AK5W
increases in tube life of 5 to 50 times, none showed
improvements less than a doubling of previous life.
Illustrative of the sort of reliability gains obtain-
Survival percentage

able by reducing bulb temperature is a study under-
60 taken ARINC. Appendix 1, ref 15 This was a two year long
field observation of an equipment using 6-6005 minia-
40 ture tubes. Prior to the commencement of the study,
312°C the average-tube-life was under 1000 hours. By simply
253°C outfitting the gear with heat-dissipating tube shields
the average-tube-life skyrocketed to 12,000 hours.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Study of Fig. 3 will reveal the plausibility of this result.
Operating time in hours Several manufacturers of audio equipment list the
expected life of power amplifier output tubes in the 1-
200 Tube lots 6005 / 6AQ5W 2000 hr. range. By the simple application of tube coolers
these short life expectancies can be at least doubled.
Being a low-cost, reusable, one-time investment, tube
coolers can yield substantial savings, not only in tube
Survival percentage

replacement costs but by way of a reduction in concern

Low Bulb Temperature High

316°C 261°C
347°C Bare bulb temperature
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Operating time in hours
Bulb temp with cooler
Fig. 3. Taken from GE’s major study of vacuum-tube life done in
1954, these data illustrate the extremely harmful effects of elevated
temperatures It is interesting to note just how very abruptly tubes will
fail when operated at unreasonably elevated temperatures. For
instance, after 2500 hours of operation, a mere 15% of a batch of
6005 tubes run at 261° C. are operational while 90% of those run 41
degrees cooler at 220° C. survive 5000 hours. That is the equivalent
of 6 times as many tubes living twice as long. Fig. 4 . Tube-surface temperature gradient with proper cooling.

 Page 1.3 4 
over the condition of the tubes in ones equipment. With While this has advantages for modern, station-
tube gear costing what it does, no one’s needs are well ary equipment such as home audio gear, we have
served by ongoing tube deterioration and the need for been required to sacrifice the small size and tube
costly tube replacement every year or two retention capability of the IERC devices. Due to the
conditions of extreme, acceleration, shock and vibra-
A F E W P A RT I C U L A R S O F D E S I G N tion encountered in early guided missiles and other
It is somewhat unusual for a manufacturer to military hardware, IERC’s coolers were designed to
mention the products of other suppliers. However hold both the tube and themselves firmly in position.
we feel a definite obligation to provide information As we don’t expect that anyone who owns high per-
about IERC’s coolers as they were producing and formance audio gear is going to hammer it pell mell
selling their devices, by the hundred thousand, well down 40 miles of washboard road in the back of a 4 x
before we took up our careers in audio. 4, we have designed and optimized our coolers to do
The differences between our product and IERC’s three things; retrofit easily, effectively dissipate heat via
are significant and relate largely to the fact that convection and radiation and help damp the internal
printed circuit boards are a way of life in electronic resonances that define the degree of microphonic out-
manufacture today whereas during the 1950s, point- put a tube will exhibit. Because of our differing design
to-point wiring within a metal chassis was the order goals we have been able to concentrate quite single-
of the day. mindedly on maximizing heat removal from the bulb.
As IERC’s coolers are chassis-mounting devices, In order to effectively sink heat from the glass
employing the ample sink provided by the equip- envelope into any cooling device, a significant
ment’s metal work to dissipate heat, they are not well amount of metal must be placed in contact/close
suited to installation on pc-board constructions. proximity with the glass surface.19 This is rather
PEARL coolers dissipate heat directly into the difficult to do because the glass envelope of a tube is
atmosphere from a large area, radial fin arrange- neither perfectly round nor parallel-sided.
ment and are not dependent upon the presence of Further complicating this situation is the need for
any additional heatsinking metalwork. See Fig. 7. firm metal-to-glass contact in spite of significant vari-

2 1
Clear acrylic
plastic chimney

50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275° C

122 167 212 257 302 347 392 437 482 527° F Chassis

Fig. 5. Bulb temperature-gradient is shown for an EL34 running at

maximum dissipation. Curve 1 is for a tube running in free air with no
forced-air cooling. Curve 2 is for the same tube running in a
100ft/min air stream guided by a plastic chimney, as shown.
Note that while the average temperature of the bulb is reduced, the
substantial gradient is essentially unchanged. The use of a chimney
to direct a low-speed air-flow over the tube is a much better
approach than gently blowing air, from some distance, at a tube. The
temperature reduction, as shown here, is much greater than is oth-
erwise the case. Tubes placed directly in high-velocity air-streams do
show significant average temperature reductions with correspond-
ing life extension. Air flow

 Page 1.3 5 
12BY7 Thermal equivalent dissipating 10 watts. often be dispensed with and the coolers will
hold themselves with adequate force against
the glass. This way coolers can be fitted onto
hield adjacent tubes that are as little as .55″ bulb-
to-bulb from each other.
Bulb Temperature (°C)

Black Our coolers are formed from solid cop-

160 JAN s
per foil into a radial fin arrangement that
JAN s acts as a static fan to pull cooling air through
with w
indow the fins of the device. Being made from fairly
120 thin material the cooler flexes easily and
thereby accommodates deviation from bulb
Bare b
100 ulb roundness and side-wall parallelism.
The coolers are easily fitted by simply
80 placing the device on its end on a flat sur-
IERC T6-1025H
cooler face, pushing the tube into the centre hole
60 and then sliding the cooler a further 1⁄4″ to 1⁄2″
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 onto the bulb as required. The compressive
Air Velocity (FT./MIN.) bands can then be adjusted on the cooler to
give a tidy appearance. In the event that a
Fig. 6. The operation of a thermal-equivalent tube developed by Cornell Aero- large bulb is forced into a cooler of an inap-
nautical Labs is shown under various conditions. Note that a bare bulb in a 500
ft/min airstream runs hotter than when properly cooled in still air. The Joint-Army-
propriately small size, the fins will simply
Navy—JAN—shield is the (usually) shiny slip-on affair most people recognize as spread open and deform, no damage will
a tube shield. Note the overall increase in temperature its application always occur to the tube and hence there is no pos-
causes. Such an increase has been repeatedly shown to shorten tube life and for sibility of receiving nasty cuts from the
that reason its use was virtually banned by the US military by 1960. This fact
seems to have escaped the attention of designers & builders of Golden Age
ragged edge of a bulb broken by excessive
audio gear as it is by no means uncommon to encounter such equipment insertion force.
employing the worst-case-bright-JAN-shield. As a potential purchaser of PEARL tube
coolers you can reasonably expect to get at
ability in bulb size among different brands of the same least double the life from any new tube no matter how
tube type. For instance, the EL34 is found in bulbs of little power it is dissipating (ie. a 12AX7) and very prob-
three different sizes, the 6550 in two sizes and so on. ably three to five times the life from hot running power
Power tubes are typically enclosed within 11⁄8″, tubes in output stages where the amplifier is being dri-
1 ⁄4 , 11⁄2″, 13⁄4″, 2″ and 21⁄2″ diameter bulbs, small signal
1 ″
ven hard and/or biased to run well into Class A opera-
octal tubes within 11⁄8″ & 11⁄4″ dia. bulbs, 9 pin minia- tion.
tures within .80″ to .84″ bulbs and 7 pin miniatures Coolers are available to fit straight-sided
within .70″ to .73″ dia. bulbs. envelopes only, with models to fit any such device
The fairly small deviation in size among the 7- from small 7-pin miniatures to fan-cooled applica-
pin and 9-pin miniatures, allows us produce only tions involving large transmitting tubes such as the
one size of cooler to fit each type while achieving the 813, a 100 watt pentode.
required metal-to-glass intimacy. The most work-
able solution we have found to the problem pre- SOME POSSIBILITIES FOR SONIC
sented by the wide variation in bulb size seen with IMPROVEMENT
power tubes is to produce coolers to individually fit Designers may select higher operating currents
the various bulb diameters encountered. As we need in pre-amp stages thereby realizing gains in
to know the diameter of the tube to be cooled, we transconductance and consequent noise reduction
supply a special order form that has a direct-read- previously attainable only through ongoing aggrava-
ing, diameter-ruler printed at the bottom that is tion and cost to the end-user due to constant tube
intended to be snipped off and wrapped around the deterioration and replacement. Such increases in
tube. The diameter indicated is simply entered on current flow also result in a lowering of the plate
the form so that we can supply the correct cooler. resistance, rp , and as a result of the smaller values of
PEARL coolers are held against the bulb by a cathode resistor used to bias for increased current
compressive band arrangement, with round, high- flow, the effective plate resistance, rp′. This lowering
temperature, elastomeric bands providing the com- of the voltage amplifier’s output impedance allows
pressive force. improvements, for instance, in the ability of no-feed-
In cases where tubes are placed too close together back line stages to drive the highly capacitive cables
to allow the use of the compressive bands they can so (unfortunately) prevalent in high-end audio today.

 Page 1.3 6 
Fig. 7. The various styles of PEARL coolers are illustrated above. standard glass-to-glass spacing is .75” or 19mm however when
The types for 7 & 9 pin miniatures and small-signal octals (6SN7, tubes are too close together the O-rings can sometimes be omitted
etc.) are essentially similar, differing only in the number of fins and allowing the colers to be fitted where clearances are as marginal
the size of elastomeric band used to compress the cooler. The as .55˝ or 14mm glass-to-glass.

Power stages may be biased somewhat further into an electron gas or film that must exist near the sur-
Class A operation with an attendant sweetening of har- face of the plate. Being in a state of chaotic motion,
monic structure and gains in soundstaging, trans- the electrons that make up this film will have the
parency and relaxed musicality These improvements effect of modulating the density of the incoming elec-
are particularly impressive in those output stages oper- tron beam in an unpredictable way. In other words,
ated fixed-screen-voltage pentode/beam tetrode; see this film adds a noise component to the signal being
our Audio Notes 2.1 & 2.1.1, A Little Input on Audio amplified and does so to a degree that can be shown
Output Transformers & Update for more information. to be a function of plate temperature.
Several users have reported being rather per- The presence of such a film is a near certainty in
plexed by the improvements in sound quality that that the conditions necessary for its creation, ie.
manifest when coolers are fitted “on the fly” to equip- pure thermionic emission, cathode-splatter-aided
ment that is operating. There is the immediate relax- thermionic emission and secondary emission, are
ation of the sound quality that we associate with all met by activity at the plate surface. Given the
reduced microphony and there is a further improve- foregoing, it can be surmised that it’s possible for a
ment with time as the bulb temperature reduces. cooler plate structure and a consequently reduced
Radiant thermal energy from the plate structure noise-film thickness to produce less of what could be
is largely responsible for heating the glass, with the called a signal induced noise. There are a great num-
glass being a poor thermal conductor. It is reason- ber of such SIN effects operating in audio devices of
able to think that a build-up of heat in the glass all kinds and their reduction nearly always results in
causes a buildup of heat in the plate. If a cooler is a sound that is smoother, more natural and less
applied to the glass, resulting in a reduction of glass grainy. Sonic improvements of exactly this sort are
temperature, it is reasonable to assume that the being reported by many users of tube coolers.
plate temperature will reduce as well. There are basically three mechanisms by which
We have reason to believe that there is a relation- which a stray-electron film could be produced and
ship between plate temperature and the thickness of these are outlined below:

 Page 1.3 7 
• Thermionic Emission – If a material is heated in filament has heated the cathode to a suitable
a vacuum, the presence of an electron cloud operating temperature. In this condition of no
can usually be detected close to the material’s appreciable current flow through the tube,
surface. Thermionic emission has been shown there is no significant voltage drop across the
to increase in intensity as a higher order func- plate load resistor resulting in the presence of
tion of increasing absolute temperature—mea- nearly the full B+ voltage on the plate of the
sured in degrees Kelvin, which start with the O° tube. This voltage typically being at least twice
point being absolute zero.20, 21 the normal operating plate voltage, the electro-
In other words, many materials will emit elec- static force of attraction from the plate acting
trons when heated and do so with an intensity on the cathode coating is likewise at least dou-
that increases dramatically as temperature is ble that seen in normal operation. By these
increased. The outer-orbital electrons of the mechanisms the plate is usually contaminated
atoms of metals are not firmly bound to their with some amount of highly emissive, low-
nuclei and are believed to pass from atom to electron-affinity cathode-coating material.
atom in bucket-brigade fashion, with this prop- • Secondary Emission – “When a solid body is sub-
erty widely held accountable for the electrical jected to bombardment by electrically charged par-
conductivity of metals. These loosely bound ticles, some electrons that may be detected under
electrons are sometimes likened to the mole- suitable conditions are always emitted. Although
cules of a heated liquid as they are in constant, this process, commonly designated secondary
unpredictable motion and often leap from the emission has been seen to occur in various forms,
surface in an attempt to escape from it. Such by far the most widely investigated type is that in
departure induces a positive-electrostatically which an electron beam falling upon the surface of
charged area within the host material that a target in a vacuum causes the emission of a
attracts the negatively charged electrons back to stream of electrons from the surface upon which it
the surface from which they escaped. The force impinges.” 23.
of re-attraction set up by the escaping electrons Secondary emission of electrons from the
is called an image force plate of a tube results primarily from collisions
In order for electrons to make good any between incoming electrons from the
attempt to leave the surface, some energy cathode—which may penetrate some distance
must be added to the electrons while they are into the material—with electrons in the mater-
contained within the metal—energy that pro- ial itself. The usual result is that several elec-
vides the velocity required for escape and that trons are kicked out of their orbits within the
will be lost upon the electron’s emergence plate material and into the space in front of the
from the metallic surface. plate by every electron striking the surface. The
The kinetic energy lost in this manner differs secondary emission phenomena is unique in
in amount from one material to the next with several ways as regards other types of electron
the term electron affinity being used to describe emission activities. It does not appear to be
the amount of energy that must be added to the effected by temperature nor overly much by the
material, usually by heating, to provide ade- nature of the material being bombarded, with
quate electron escape velocity to overcome the materials of widely varying characteristics
image force. Materials with low electron showing variations in emission of only one
affinity will emit substantial numbers of elec- order of magnitude all other things remaining
trons with only moderate heating while those equal. Conductors and insulators alike show
exhibiting high electron affinity require much quite similar patterns of secondary emission.
higher temperatures for equivalent emission. There are however, a couple of factors effecting
• Cathode-Splatter-Aided Thermionic Emission – secondary emission that are pertinent to this
During the process of tube manufacture some discussion. Incoming electron velocity, whether
of the low-electron-affinity coating applied to generated by an accelerating gun or screen-grid
the cathode almost invariably makes its way to arrangement (as in a pentode) or a positive
the plate and other elements within the tube.22 potential on the target surface (as on the plate
While the grids can sometimes be run hot of a triode) shows a marked effect upon the lib-
enough to blow-off such deposits, some mate- eration of secondaries. High incoming-electron
rial tends to remain bound to the plate.21 velocity yields high secondary emission.
Additional cathode material is normally The angle of incidence at which an incom-
stripped off the cathode in circuitry where the ing electron strikes the target shows a
B+ voltages are applied to tubes before the significant effect, with grazing angles of inci-

 Page 1.3 8 
dence yielding two to three times the sec- structure but more research is needed to confirm this
ondary emission of normal, 90 ° impact. speculation. Because carbon has a high electron
affinity, thermionic emission from the plate will be
In summary: lower than for untreated parts. Hence the electron
• the intensity with which thermionic emission film producing effect of plate emission will be lower
takes place is very much a function of the tem- for a carbon treated plate.
perature of the surface and the electron This thought is consistent with the foregoing
affinity of the material at the surface. Coatings ideas in that it strongly suggests that a reduction in
as thin as one molecule in depth can have a plate emission—either thermionic or secondary—
radical effect on the operating electron-affinity contributes to an improvement in sound quality.
of a material.† Although changes in design of tube internals
• the intensity with which secondary emission must be implemented by the manufacturer, there
takes place, as it concerns us here, is a func- are a couple of ways that an end-user or designer
tion of incoming-electron velocity and the can use this thinking to improve the sound of a
angle of incidence at which incoming elec- given circuit.
trons strike the surface. The first, and easier of the two, is to reduce plate
temperature by simply fitting a tube cooler.
Using this information it is possible to form a The second is to carefully reduce the plate volt-
reasonable theory that can explain several seem- age. Such voltage reductions must be undertaken
ingly peculiar phenomena that effect the sonic sig- with the idea firmly in mind no panacea is at work
nature of different tube types. The basic idea is that and that the method is viable only in low-level cir-
the presence of a film of electrons at, and likely just cuitry where input voltages are low and individual
penetrating, the plate surface will have a significant triode gains are moderate—as in the bottom section
effect on the sound of a given tube. of a conventional cascode in a phono input stage.
This notion may be borne out by a couple of Attempts to run higher-level stages at low plate
observations repeatedly made by audiophiles over voltages can result in steady-state harmonic and IM
the last thirty years. distortion increases that will probably outweigh any
The so-called ‘flat-plate’ Telefunken 12AX7 has gains this method might offer.
long been regarded as the best sounding 12AX7 ever An as-yet-unexplored possibility for improve-
produced. As its name implies, the plates in the Tele- ment is that which may accrue from negative
funken part are flat while other brands have stiffen- potential operation of the coolers through 10MΩ
ing ribs pressed into the plates by way of depres- resistors. It may be that the close proximity of a
sions running across each plate. As previously large area of metal, at some moderate minus—50-
explained, secondary emission is much greater 75V—potential, to the envelope will have the effect
when the incoming electron stream strikes obliquely of reducing or eliminating regions of static charge
against a surface. in the bulb although any beneficial effects from this
Incoming electrons striking the flat plate of the would likely take several hours, if not days, to man-
Telefunken style device will produce less secondary ifest because of the loose electrical coupling
emission than when in collision with the ribbed plate between the cooler and the glass.16 Such statically
of the conventional construction, thereby creating a charged areas result from bombardment by stray
lower electron-film density in the flat-plate part than in electrons emitted from the cathode. Secondary
the ribbed-plate device. Because the 12AX7 is a cool emission is known to result from such collisions,
running, low transconductance tube it likely does not with several electrons being knocked out of the
suffer greatly from thermionic plate emission from glass by every impinging stray electron. These spu-
either cause so most of the noise-producing electrons riously emitted electrons ultimately find their way
will be generated by secondary emission. to the plate where they add a noise component to
The second seemingly odd observation is that the flow of current in the plate circuit.
tubes with plate structures that are a shiny black In the region where secondaries have been dri-
appear to give a cleaner, more open sound than tubes ven out, a region of positive charge is created within
of the same type with plates that have not been the glass that naturally attracts further cathode-
treated to produce that sort of surface. I presently strays, thus establishing a self-stoking vicious cycle.
believe that such a surface results from graphite In power tubes these areas can become extremely
dusting and subsequent hydrogen firing of the plate hot and such temperature rises can cause outright
glass failure. In small signal tubes, these regions tend
†This outcome has been exploited for decades in the creation of low elec- to migrate in a somewhat unpredictable fashion and
tron-affinity surfaces for use as cathodes in vacuum tubes. some odd results can be imagined from this action.

 Page 1.3 9 
A F E W P A RT I C U L A R S R E G A R D I N G cause changes in sound-staging and it is recommended
THE USE OF PEARL COOLERS that coolers be grounded in these cases as well.
In the great majority situations the installation There are several situations where coolers may
of standard PEARL coolers is very simple, requiring effect sound quality in a slight way, usually by
only that the cooler be placed on a flat surface and changing the shape of the electrostatic fields that
the tube forced into it. In cases where tubes are exist within all equipment, tube or solid-state. As
placed too close together for the standard coolers to these E-fields are not generally optimized in most
fit without the elastomeric bands fouling each other, equipment, changes can have unpredictable results.
coolers from the close-fitting series can usually be Sometimes the sound will improve and sometimes
fitted. Sometimes tubes are so tightly packed that not. If there is any doubt, the best solution is to
the radial fins of adjacent coolers must be meshed ground the coolers.
like gear teeth. This generally requires a little
fiddling but the effort is always worth it as tubes that T H E A LT E R N AT I V E T O P E A R L
are too close together radiate heat onto each other, COOLERS
with some very high bulb temperatures and short As a courtesy to our forebears we publish IERC’s
tube lives being the outcome. particulars. We recommend their coolers when the
In some situations it may beneficial to ground the following conditions prevail:
coolers by soldering a light gauge, flexible lead to the
device and tying that lead to signal ground. Where RF • the equipment has its tube sockets mounted
interference is a problem 1KΩ resistors should be directly to or directly below a metal chassis
fitted to both ends of the lead ie. a resistor is soldered • the tubes are very close together
to the cooler with the flex-lead being soldered to the • the equipment is subjected to extreme vibra-
other end of the first resistor with the second resistor tion or shock.
being soldered to the other end of the flexlead.
Simply fitting coolers into tuners is generally not International Electronic Research Corp.,
a good idea because the added capacitance from the 135 West Magnolia Boulevard,
plate-to-cooler-to-ground or other nearby compo- Burbank, Calif., 915027
nents can upset tuner alignment. While this can usu-
ally be re-tweaked with little difficulty, coolers should Cathy Sparks: Inside Sales Manager
be grounded via short leads before this is attempted.
In pre-amps where one dual triode is handling
both left and right channel signals, the added capaci-
tance between the adjacent plates within the tube can

1 Tube Manufacturing at Western Electric: The WE300B, A.R. 12 Valve Cathode Life, C.C. Eaglesfield, Wireless World, December,
Balaton, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, November, 1951.
1989 13 Unusual Tube Effects Cause Circuit Troubles, W.E. Babcock,
2. High Power Audio Amplifiers, M. Horowitz, Audio, March, RCA, Electronics, Engineering Issue, September 12, 1958
1958. 14 The Life of Oxide Coated Cathodes in Modern Receiving
3 Discussion with the people at MPD Inc., Owensboro, Ken- Valves, G.H. Metson, S. Wagener, M.F. Holmes & M.R. Child,
tucky. This facility was originally a General Electric plant and Read before the I.E.E., early 1950’s.
is the same factory mentioned below, 1990. 15 Oxide Cathode Life, R.W.H., Publication and date unknown,
4 Discussion with the people at English Electric Valve Co., Toronto, copy available from PEARL.
Canada, Canadian distributor for The MO Valve Co., 1989. 16 Thermal Analysis and Control of Electronic Equipment, A.D.
5 Heat Dissipating Tube Shields and Their Relation to Tube Life Kraus, & A. BarCohen, McGraw-Hill, 1983.
and Equipment Reliability, J.C. McAdams, IERC, Burbank, 17 The Spray Shield Tube, H. W. Parker, & F.J. Fox, Proc I.R.E.,
California, 1959 May 1933.
6 High Reliability Miniature Tubes, G. Gage, General Electric 18 Technical Reference Manual; and subsequent correspondence,
Co., Owensboro, Kentucky, Electronics, December, 1950. Lamptronix Co., Crystal Lake, Illinois, USA 60014, 1989.
7 Long-Life Tubes for Industry, E.K. Morse, ARINC, Electronics, 19 Water and Forced Air Cooling of Vacuum Tubes, I.E.
September, 1950 Mouromtseff, Proc. I.R.E., April 1 942.
8 Military Reliability of Electron Tubes, E.R. Jervis, J. & 20 Elements of Thermionics, W.E. Danforth, Proc. I.R.E., May
Swauger, ARINC., Electronics, April, 1954. 1951.
9 Reliability in Miniature and Subminiature Tubes, P.T. Weeks, 21 Studies on Grid Emission, Ga Espersen & J.W. Rogers, I.R.E.
Proc. I.R.E., May, 1951 Transactions-Electron Devices, April 1956.
10 Study of Electron Tube Life, W.S. Bowie, General Electric Co., 22 Secondary-Emitting Surfaces in the Presence of Oxide-Coated
Owensboro, Kentucky, 1954, Mil. contract #DA-36 039-SC-42524. Cathodes, S. Nevin & H. Salinger, Proc. I.R.E., February, 1951.
11 Change of Mutual Conductance with Frequency, W. Raudorf, 23 Fundamentals of Secondary Electron Emission, M.A. Pomer-
Wireless Engineering, October, 1949. antz & J.F. Marshall, Proc. I.R.E., November 1951.

 Page 1.3 10 
Listed below are the references from #5 above, reprinted and developmental work given the problems of tube and conse-
here to give the reader some idea of the amount of investigative quent, equipment reliability during the 1950s.

1 Reliability in Electronic Equipment, F. J. Given, Guided Mis- 18 Vacuum Tube Envelope Temperature Measurements, D.R.
sile Committee of AIA, White Sands Proving ground, April Walin, NEL Report #594, US Navy Electronics Laboratory,
1954. San Diego, California, March 1955.
2 Progress Report on Reliability of Electronic Equipment, Vol. 1 19 Electron Tube Engineering Data Sheets, Sections 201.1 &
& 2, Research & Development Board, Dept. of Defense, 505.1, W. B. Wells, NEL Reliability Design Handbook,
EL/217 February 1952. 20 Design Manual of Natural Methods of Cooling Electronic
3 Parts Failure Analysis, Report #25, Vitro Corp. of America, Equipment, J.P. Welsh, Report #HF-845-D-8, Cornell Aero-
Silver Springs, Maryland, November 1951. nautical Laboratory, Buffalo, N.Y., November 1956.
4 Survey of Current Status of Electronic Reliability Program, 21 High Temperature and Altitude, Life Evaluation and Pulse
Report #RM 1131, The Rand Corp., Santa Monica, California, Ratings of Subminiature Vacuum Tubes, Final Engineering
August 1954. Report, Contract AF33(038)9853, Sylvania Electric Products,
5 Reliability Surveys, NEL Reliability Design Handbook, Sec Inc., Emporium, PA.
1.1, U.S. Navy Electronics Laboratory, San Diego, California, 22 Qualification Testing of Heat Dissipating Electron Tube
May 1955. Shields, Report #131, United Electrodynamics, div. of United
6 Reliability Factors for Ground Electronic Equipment, Geophysical Corp., Pasadena, California, January 1956.
McGraw-Hill Book Co. (for Rome Air Development Centre, 23 Evaluationof Heat Dissipating Electron Tube Shields of Vari-
Griffiss AFB), New York. ous Designs, Report #E-472, United Electrodynamics, div. of
7 Electronic Equipment Failure During Evaluation Test, R.J. United Geophysical Corp., Pasadena, California, March 1957.
Steelman, NEL Design Handbook, August 1955. 24 Military Specifications, Electron Tubes, MIL-E-1.
8 Investigation of Electron Tube Reliability in Military Applica- 25 Evaluation Testing of TR Tube Shield and JAN Bright Tube
tions, Aeronautical Radio Inc., General Report #1, Washing- Shield, Report #E-154, United Electrodynamics, div of United
ton, D.C., January 1954. Geophysical Corp., Pasadena, California May 1 956.
9 Study of Electron Tube Life, W.S. Bowie, General Electric Co., 26 Heat Dissipating Electron Tube Shields, Specification MIL-S-
Owensboro, Kentucky, 1954. 9372(USAF).
10 Signal Corps Tube Analysis Program, Technical Report #22, 27 Development and Application of a Thermal Diode “Therma-
Cornell School of Electrical Engineering, Ithica, N.Y., May tron” for Use in Studying Methods of Cooling Electron Tubes,
1955. J.P. Welsh, Report #HF-l 053-D-3, Cornell Aeronautical Labo-
11 Concerning the Reliability of Vacuum Tubes, M.A. Acheson, ratory, Buffalo, N.Y., May 1957.
E.M. McElwee, Proc. I.R.E., October 1950. 28 Evaluation of Shields for Cooling Miniature Electron Tube
12 Electron Temperature Problem in Relation to Design for Reli- Types, M. Bailer, Report #53-174, Wright Air Development
ability, Report #51, Vitro Corp. of America, Silver Springs, Centre, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.
Maryland, November 1953. 29 Interim Test Report on Evaluation of Electron Tube Shields,
13 The Background of “Reliability”, T.A. Smith, I.R.E. Transac- United Electrodynamics, div. of United Geophysical Corp.,
tions on Reliability and Quality Control, September 1956. Pasadena, California, May 1956.
14 “Introduction,” NEL Reliability Design Handbook, R. J. Steel- 30 EIA Conference on Electronic Equipment Maintainability,
man, March 4, 1954 Paper presented by C. I. Cummings, Jet Propulsion Labora-
15 Heat Dissipation in Electron Tubes, W.D. Campbell, Proceed- tory, California Institute of Technolongy.
ings of the RETMA Symposium Applied Reliability, Univer- 31 The Rating of Thermionic Valves for Use Under Abnormal
sity of Southern California, December 1956. Ambient Conditions, R.D. Mills & W.W. Wright, British Jour-
16 The Cooling Effects of a Special Tube Shield, Report #DCA 56- nal of Electronics, November 1955.
1161, Aeronautical Radio Inc., Field Engineering Report, 32 Qualification Test of Heat Dissipating Tube Shields, Report
Army Radio Station “WAR” October 1956. #E-169, United Electrodynamics, div. of United Geophysical
17 Techniques for Reliability Measurements and Predictions, Corp., Pasadena, California, November 1956.
Based on Field Failure Data, Report #80, Vitro Corp. of Amer-
ica, Silver Springs, Maryland, October 1955.

 Page 1.3 11 
The outcome of our lab work is shown for vari- mance of our cooler-chimney-fan arrangement. This
ous tube types under a wide range of operating con- will be incorporated into our upcoming Single
ditions, both laboratory and real-world. Channel 280W mono-block amplifier which will be
Please note the truly excellent thermal perfor- available both in kit form and as a finished product.


Fig. 9.

With Bare
Cooler Bulb

50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275° C

122 167 212 257 302 347 392 437 482 527° F

Equipment: Test rig Power – Fil: 2.25W Notes:

Serial number: n/a Power – Plate(s): 1.5W
Tube type: 6DJ8/ECC88 Power – Total: 3.75W
Made by: EI – Yugo Cooler type: 9-pin small signal
Bulb diameter: .80” Cooler length: 1.25”
Bulb area: ≈ 4.25 in.2 Cooler area: ≈ 33.5 in.2

Fig. 10.

With Bare
Cooler Bulb

50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275° C

122 167 212 257 302 347 392 437 482 527° F

Equipment: Test rig Power – Fil: 4.75W Notes:

Serial number: n/a Power – Plate(s): 14.0W
Tube type: 6BQ5/EL84 Power – Total: 18.75W
Made by: Sylvania Cooler type: 9-pin power
Bulb diameter: .80” Cooler length: 1.75”
Bulb area: ≈ 6.2 in.2 Cooler area: ≈ 47 in.2

 Page 1.3 12 


Cooler & Cooler Bare

Forced Air Only Bulb

50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275° C

122 167 212 257 302 347 392 437 482 527° F

Clear acrylic
plastic chimney

Forced air-flow

Equipment: Test rig Power – Fil: 9.5W Notes: PEARL SC 280 cooling-system test rig. Air flow
Serial number: n/a Power – Plate(s): 22.5W ≈ 50ft/ min. through a 2.5” i.d. clear acrylic-plastic
Tube type: EL34 Power – Total: 32.0W chimney
Made by: Tesla Cooler type: 1.25” Std
Bulb diameter: 1.125” Cooler length: 2.5”
Bulb area: ≈ 13.0 in.2 Cooler area: 103 in.2

Fig. 12.

Cooler & Cooler Bare

Forced Air Only Bulb

50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275° C

122 167 212 257 302 347 392 437 482 527° F

Clear acrylic
plastic chimney

Forced air-flow

Equipment: Test rig Power – Fil: 10.0W Notes: PEARL SC 280 cooling-system test rig. Air flow
Serial number: n/a Power – Plate(s): 30.0W ≈ 50ft/ min. through a 3.0” i.d. clear acrylic-plastic
Tube type: KT88 Power – Total: 40.0W chimney
Made by: Chinese: (?) Cooler type: 2.0 ” Std.
Bulb diameter: 2.0 ” max. Cooler length: 2.5”
Bulb area: ≈19 in.2 Cooler area: 150 in.2

 Page 1.3 13 
Fig. 13.


Cooler Cooler Bare

Only Only Bulb
30W 60W 60W

Cooler &
Forced Air

50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275° C

122 167 212 257 302 347 392 437 482 527° F

Clear acrylic
plastic chimney

Forced air-flow

Equipment: Test rig Power – Fil: 10.0W Notes: The KT90A is shown operating at several dissi-
Serial number: n/a Power – Plate(s): See notes pations. The broken curves show bulb temperatures at
Tube type: KT90A Power – Total: See notes 30W total dissipation while the solid curves show bulb
Made by: EI – Yugo. Cooler type: 1.5” Std. temperatures at 60W total dissipation.
Bulb diameter: 1.5” Cooler length: 2.5”
Bulb area: ≈ 19.5 in.2 Cooler area: 120 in.2


Fig. 14.

Cooler Bare
Only Bulb

50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275° C

122 167 212 257 302 347 392 437 482 527° F

Equipment: Test rig Power – Fil: 9.5W Notes:

Serial number: n/a Power – Plate(s): 22.5W
Tube type: EL34 Power – Total: 32.0W
Made by: Tesla Cooler type: 1.25” CF
Bulb diameter: 1.125” Cooler length: 2.5”
Bulb area: ≈ 13.0 in.2 Cooler area: 95 in.2

 Page 1.3 14 
Fig. 15.

Cooler Bare
Only Bulb

50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275° C

122 167 212 257 302 347 392 437 482 527° F

Equipment: Test rig Power – Fil: 10.0W Notes:

Serial number: n/a Power – Plate(s): 30.0W
Tube type: KT88 Power – Total: 40.0W
Made by: Chinese: (?) Cooler type: 2.0” CF
Bulb diameter: 2.0 ” max. Cooler length: 2.5”
Bulb area: ≈19 in.2 Cooler area: 130 in.2

Fig 16.

Cooler Bare
Only Bulb

50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275° C

122 167 212 257 302 347 392 437 482 527° F

Equipment: Test rig Power – Fil: 10.0W Notes:

Serial number: n/a Power – Plate(s): 50.0W
Tube type: KT90A Power – Total: 60.0W
Made by: Ei – Yugo Cooler type: 1.5” CF
Bulb diameter: 1.5” Cooler length: 2.5”
Bulb area: ≈19 .5 in.2 Cooler area: 115 in.2

 Page 1.3 15 
APPENDIX 2 Overdriving a tube (with RF , line voltage
surges, etc.) certainly takes its toll, but the one big
“bugaboo” that receives little attention is H-E-A-T,
spelled in large letters!
Sometime ago, I was fortunate to get a copy of
a really fine report titled “Heat Dissipating Electron-
Tube Shields and Their Relation to Tube Life and
Equipment Reliability” prepared by John C.

ham clinic McAdam of International Electronic Research Corpo-

ration (IERC), 145 West Magnolia Blvd., Burbank,
California. After reading it, I was convinced (as I
know you will be if you read the whole report) that
too little attention has been given to the conserva-
tion of tubes through heat reduction—this being
especially true in ham radio equipment.
CHARLES J. SCHAUERS, F7FE / W6QLV Few people realize that the ordinary JAN shield
CQ Magazine, 300 W. 43rd St., N.Y. 36, N.Y. actually makes a tube run hotter than it would if oper-
ated bare. Take a look at Fig. A to see what I mean!
Taken from Mr. McAdam’s paper, this graph really
Some Thoughts On Extending Tube Life shows the difference when an ordinary shield, no
shield and IERC’s special heat dissipating shields are
As pointed out in this column sometime ago, compared. Note the curves for the TR and B type
defective tubes cause the majority of failures in elec- shields. Now look at Fig. B and note how much longer
tronic equipment. Contrary to what the advocates of tubes will operate before going sour when properly
transistorization may think or say, we are going to designed tube shields are used. Amazing isn’t it?
have tubes and tube failures for a good long while yet The findings of various research organizations
The care and feeding of tubes receives a lot of indicate that the evolution of gas within a tube due
attention from equipment designers. Whenever pos- to elevated temperatures is the principle cause of
sible, they design circuits so that the tubes are cor- tube failure. Other high-temperature-caused fail-
rectly operated and not allowed to run at high tem- ures are: getter migration, grid emission, glass fail-
peratures. But no matter the design approach, there ure, inter-electrode leakage, contamination, grid
will always be HEAT to contend with because a tube’s loading and loss of emission.
cathode must get hot in order to operate properly. Of course, forced air cooling is a solution to the
Now, when high voltages are applied to plates and hot-tube problem and is generally used when possi-
screens, especially those in power tubes, there is yet ble to obtain maximum cooling efficiency. But the
more heat to dissipate. mere direction of air over or under a set of tubes is
Some years ago, I conducted experiments rela- not always the answer because all tubes do not get
tive to the effects of high temperatures on tube oper- the proper or the same amount of air due in part to
ation and longevity. Although my test setup was forced mechanical design and circuit layout. Then
crude and so were my test results, I assured myself too, forced air cooling is not always an expedient
of one thing: tubes do have longer life spans if they measure in ham equipment nor is it inexpensive!
are not subjected to voltage and current overloads The shiny surface of the JAN shield reflects heat
and high temperatures. back into the tube; nothing better for raising tube
Every tube has its own critical operating tem- temperature except maybe a nearby, hot transformer.
perature. This cannot be quickly determined with- This is the main reason why all good tube shields are
out many hours of environmental testing using spe- black inside and out—for heat absorption. Also, the
cial equipment. As well, the how and where of a air space found within the average JAN shield retains
tube’s mounting can have a lot to do with how long heat, further aggravating the situation.
it will satisfactorily operate. Referring to Fig. C-1, you will see IERC’s effec-
Heat is a major problem with tubes containing tive heat-dissipating tube shield. It dissipates the
many elements such as pentode/triodes, double tri- heat by radiation, conduction and convection. It
odes, dual-diode/triodes etc. because the elements grasps the hot tube bulb and distributes the heat
must, of necessity, be so close together. At this point, from the hot spot over a large surface area. This way,
tribute must be paid to tube manufacturers for being it not only reduces the average temperature present
able to come up with multi-element tubes that oper- on the tube glass but also greatly reduces the tem-
ate so well over a wide range of temperatures. perature gradient along the surface of the tube.

 Page 1.3 16 
In Fig. C–2 is shown a retrofit shield developed JAN Shield
by IERC to meet the problem of retaining the old
JAN-style base. It merely snaps onto the old type
base. It is capable of reducing the temperature of the

Bulb Temperature in ºC
tube bulb well below the bare-bulb temperature and 340

nearly 100°C below JAN-shield temperatures. This is Bare Bulb

the shield most amateurs can use on the tubes in 300 IERC (TR)
their equipment residing in the old-style JAN bases.
To increase tube life, a tube must be operated 260
IERC (Type B)

properly. This means current and voltages as low as

consistent with proper operation. Neither a tube’s fil-
ament nor its cathode appreciate voltage surges so if
it’s possible, use a surge-voltage limiting device: a
variable transformer, Surgistor, etc. Some amateurs 180
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
(those who can afford it and desire the utmost in sta-
Ambient Temperature in ºC
bility) turn their receivers on and leave them on. In 6005/6AQ5 operating at maximum plate dissipation.
this way, the tubes are not subjected to starting Fig. A. The temperature-effects of running a tube in various ways
surges but they still are affected heat-wise if they are are shown above. Note the undesirable effect of using the brightly
using old-style heat shields. Forced air cooling is fine plated JAN-shield.
if (and this is a big IF) the air can be directed so that
there are no outstanding hot spots. Why cool a tube’s 6005 / 6AQ5W dissipating 16.4W in 100º F ambient
base when its envelope is boiling? If the base is of the 100
heatsink type that’s all well and good but otherwise IERC (Type B)

you’re wasting power. Remember that heat rises so

Survival percentage
top-mounted ventilation systems are best.
Sooner or later, most electronic manufacturers
will get around to giving consideration to the use of
the various types of specially constructed heat
shields. I hope that those who make amateur radio 20
Bare Bulb

equipment will give these items special attention. JAN Shield

Even with properly operated and cooled tubes we 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
will still have replacement requirements, so tube Operating time in hours
manufacturers can take heart. They may have to
Fig. B. Tube life as a function of the sort of heat-dissipation mech-
wait just a little longer for replacement orders and anism employed. Note, once again, the dismal performance of the
tube prices might rise slightly, but even the best brightly plated JAN-shield.
cared for tubes—like humans—do not last forever.

No one can ever say unchallenged—in my pres-

ence anyway—that American hams are not person-
ally generous or are disinterested in international 1 2
goodwill! The response to my appeal to send foreign
hams your old issues of CQ, QST, WRA, CRA, QSO
etc. is heart warming! Bravo!
I am sure that the recipients of your magazines
and call books will not look on your gifts as charity
but rather as your contribution to solidifying inter-
national ham friendship. There will surely be some
reciprocation and I sincerely hope that you will take
the time out to thank the donor, whoever he may be.
Some foreign hams will be surprised and won-
der what brought on this sudden generosity. All I can
say in reply, is “72” to you: “Peace and Friendship in
Note: I have taken substantial editorial liberties Fig. C. – 1 IERC’s Type A heat dissipating tube shield. – 2 The
with this article. While the tone and content remain, it IERC retrofit type shield. While not as effective as the Type A, it will
now reads rather more clearly. bp. fit on the JAN-type base.

 Page 1.3 17 
Fig. 8. These data are a re-drawing of an original plate from a Tung-Sol Tube-Data Manual.
† Emphasis added.

One of the most important factors affecting the useful life of electron tubes is the temperature at which cer-
tain parts are required to operate.† In the past this has been controlled largely by electrode dissipation rat-
ings. Recently a few, but now an increasing number of tube types have been rated for maximum allowable
bulb temperature in addition to these dissipation ratings. The following curves relate the approximate “hot-
spot” bulb temperature to the total dissipation (including heater power) for various sizes of bulbs under
arbitrary reference conditions. Therefore, if the dissipation is known, these curves may be used to estimate
whether or not the bulb temperature rating would be exceeded under such conditions. However, sufficient
departure from these conditions would require actual temperature measurement.
The curves may also be used to find the approximate dissipation indirectly from bulb temperature when
complex non-linear voltages and currents, such as are frequently encountered in radar, pulse and televi-
sion service, make measurement by conventional direct methods very difficult if not impossible. Data for
the curves were taken by applying DC voltages to the indicated representative types in a 5″ x 5″ x 7″ enclo-
sure, and measuring the hottest bulb temperature with an iron-constantan thermocouple made of .003″
wire. This “hot-spot” is usually found two-thirds to three-quarters of the way up the plate structure near the
place where the plate is closest to the glass. Any bulb temperature measurement should be made with a
thermocouple that is made of very fine wire. In addition, great care must also be taken to minimize con-
vection cooling, and to allow sufficient time to obtain a stable reading.



300 LL

1/2 M D
ED NI T-14
5) 6) S

Q /2 RB R 1 (6 G Y T-16
6A CA EA T-1 S

6) )

-9 T-9 AR


T ) (6

T) 6G

200 6G (6V



6) T-

- 51








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35


 Page 1.3 18 
Product reviews and comments.

can sound worse than no coolers at all, creating fuzz

The following is a review commissioned by a and grain right across the upper mid. I can only assume
British magazine, the rights to it were acquired by that they’re picking up airborne vibration and rattling
against the valves. Whatever the explanation is, I didn’t
our UK distributor:
like the result, so check your spacings with RATA before
ordering (PEARL supply excellent data sheets with all
Russ Andrews Turntable Accessories their products, so confusion should be kept to a mini-
Edgebank House
mum). Oh, they look pretty post industrial too. I kind of
Skelsmergh, Kendal,
like it now I’ve got used to it, but if your sole reason for
Cumbria, England owning valve equipment is to bask in its seductive glow,
LA8 9AS then these are not for you.
My success with the coolers encouraged me to try
Reprinted with permission. something a little more demanding, PEARL’S replace-
ment valve bases. These come in a variety of forms with
ultra high quality gold plated contacts and chassis or
PCB mounts. I went for a quartet of the most elaborate
PEARL Valve Coolers version in which each socket floats on a pad of Sor-
bothane, connected to the circuit by fine, Litz wires.
Review by Roy Gregory The long suffering P35 was pressed into service and
PEARL valve coolers are concertina, blackened cop- after an hour or two I had a single pair of suspended
per sleeves that slip over a valve’s glass bottle, and are output tubes per side, allowing direct comparison with
clamped against it with thick rubber bands. They come the stock ceramic bases normally fitted.
in a whole range of sizes to fit virtually any available The P35 is getting a bit long in the tooth but it
valve and fitting is fairly easy depending on the shape always sounded better on single pairs of output tubes.
of the valve in question, 2A3s and old-style bulged and Comparing the suspended valve bases to the normal
tapered 6550s are the worst. ones revealed a huge, almost shocking difference. The
The theory is simple. The black copper sleeves act as coolers had improved things, but in largely cosmetic
chimneys, conducting heat away from the tubes and ways. The valve bases wrought a fundamental change.
thence to the air. This reduces operating temperatures Prior to fitting them the P35 had sounded grainy and
and increases valve life. The clamped sleeve also damps disjointed; nice enough but not very interesting. Using
the bottle and reduces microphony. suspended output valves gave the music an immediate
So much for theory. In practice your main problem sense of cohesiveness and authority. It was almost as if
is going to be space. The ‘fins’ that the coolers add to a all the information the amp had been passing was sud-
valve increase its circumference substantially. Where denly rearranged in the proper order. The stereo per-
valves are packed together PEARL suggest you don’t use formance opened out; the bass went deeper and
the rubber bands, and interlock the coolers, like cogs. I bounced along in time with the rest of the music; feet
disagree. No, let me put that stronger. Don’t do so began to tap and the performance made sense.
under any circumstances. Now let me explain. Somewhat bemused I ran the comparison past
The PEARL coolers are certainly efficient chimneys. friends and visitors, who were all similarly gobs-
If you don’t believe me just touch one. Remove the macked †, so I guess I’m not imagining it. Either way,
band(s) and you reduce that efficiency, but that’s not the the valve bases turned an also ran into a very real con-
real problem. Long term testing will show how effective tender. They aren’t cheap at around £25 each (!) but
they are in prolonging valve life (and as I write a P35 they made way more than £100 of difference to the P35.
MKII kindly donated by Beard is driving a dummy load, They also narrowed the gap between Gold Dragon
its valves variously cooled and uncooled) but their real EL84s and Sovteks, compensating in part for the valve
value lies in the sonic difference they make as dampers. quality. So far I’ve only tried them on output tubes, but
Add the PEARL coolers to an amp and you’ll notice an low level valves (the phono stages in valve pre-amps!)
immediate improvement in midrange clarity and focus. are crying out for them. Beware of horizontal mount-
The top end gains sweetness and purity, losing grain ing, though, as the Sorbothane may well “flop”, it’s so
and fog, and individual instruments are easy to pick spongy.††
out. Listen to a cymbal or triangle decay. More detail, The P35 in its final form, PEARL cooled-and-sus-
clarity and a measured fading of the sound. Listening
†A colloquialism that roughly translates to, “Slapped up the side of the head”.
PEARL-less the same strike will be lost in glare and fuzz. †† The horizontal mounting Iso-sockets don’t use Sorbothane for exactly this
A well worthwhile upgrade then. reason. “Non-flopping” silicone foam is used instead, see Audio Note 6.1, Figs.
The problem is that the coolers sans elastic bands 4, 5 & 7. bp.

 Page 1.3 19 
pended with Sovteks in place, is an entirely different or whatever reason, the tube damper from Audio-
kettle of fish from the amp that arrived on my doorstep.
Fitting the valve bases requires patience but unless you
F quest is out of production, so it’s time to find a
replacement. And, after ruling out a few due to crimi-
need bigger holes in your top plate, I can’t see it giving nal pricing, we’ve settled on one which is more than
any problems. The results are more than worth the cost just a bargain. It’s multi-purpose.
and bother (PEARL make cheaper and less complex ver- Admittedly, the Pearl Tube Cooler is a cooler first
sions as well). Long term results on the coolers will have and a damper second. The damping is almost inciden-
to wait a while, but we should get empirical evidence of tal, a by-product of any device which clamps to a valve.
the effectiveness (or lack of it). Meanwhile, they are the And even though damping microphony is not is pri-
most effective tube dampers I’ve found, outperforming mary function, the Pearl Tube Cooler works almost as
Sorbothane or Sicomin varieties, costing less and work- well as any in my arsenal. Boring and time-consuming
ing with almost any valve! Those worried by their metal though it was, I A B/C’d (in a Croft pre-amp) the Pearls
construction should remember that copper is non-mag- against sorbothane, Kevlar and other types and found
netic and the preferred chassis material of the fine it ‘almost, but not quite’ provided the same kind of
Japanese Audio Crazies. The PEARL products are per- immunity from treble smearing and bass sogginess
fect for those who want to improve their tube equip- available from the Audioquest. But since the Pearl has
ment, vintage or current, offering better sound from a another function (and costs a pittance), I’m not about
straight substitution, and the pride of doing it yourself. to sit shiva for the Audioquest device.
A totally rebuilt Stereo 20 is definitely in the cards, Chez Tube cooling is desirable for one main reason
Gregory. which should prove appealing to the more venal among
you: cool-running tubes last longer. According to its
maker, the use of a Pearl Tube Cooler should double a
tube’s life, in some cases extending it by a factor of five.
The following appeared in the August 1994 issue of: The Cooler itself is a clever design made from
blackened sheet copper fashioned into a pleated sleeve.
Hi-Fi News & Record Review Because of its springiness, it’s impossible for the Cooler
to be ‘too tight’ should you order the wrong size. If a
published by:
Cooler is fitted too large a valve, the pleats simply
Link House Magazines Ltd.,
spread out a bit more than normal. But you shouldn’t
Dingwall Avenue, Croydon,
have a problem because six types are available, for
everything from miniature valves like EL84s up to
For subscription information, US & Canadian readers power tubes like EL34s and KT88s, and for tubes with
may call 1 800 688 6247 toll free. lots of space around them or those nestling close
together. With the exception of amplifiers like the Rad-
Reprinted with permission ford STA25, where the tubes are as close as this, most
amps can be accommodated; the minimum space
allowed between valves is just over one-half inch. The
sleeves slip over the valves; those for more widely-
spaced tubes come supplied with heat resistant rubber

BIRTH bands to keep them in place, while close-fitting types

can be ‘interwoven’.
I used the small, standard-fit Pearls with the

OF THE GRAAF GM200, the Unison Research Simply Two and

the latest Croft Micro. I found that the Pearls quickly
grew scalding hot, conducting heat away from the tube
COOL by adding a large amount of heat sink surface area.
Additionally, the Pearl Cooler’s shape creates a chim-
PEARL TUBE ney effect, so convection takes the heat away as well.
There’s no way I can tell you about the life-extend-
COOLERS are ing properties of these devices after only a fortnight’s
usage, but I can attest to their worth as replacements
a worthy for the Audioquest dampers.
Bottom line? I love ‘em because they look so
alternative to obscenely macho.
Note: Upon applying for Pearl Tube Coolers from the
Audioquest’s Accessory Club, you will receive a special order form
with a measuring template and full instructions to help
tube dampers ! you select the correct size and type. Ken Kessler

 Page 1.3 20 
The following appeared in the May 1993 issue of: One solution readily available for this particular
problem is the Sorbothane Tube Damper from
Stereophile AudioQuest, reviewed by Dick Olsher in February,
published by: Vol. 16 No. 2, p.176. Each Damper looks something
Stereophile like a very wide, thick black rubber washer. The
208 Delgado Damper can easily be installed even if the tube is
Santa Fe, NM already in place: simply ease it over the glass casing
87501 of the tube, much like a fat rubber band. AQ sug-
For subscription information, US & Canadian readers gests that two Dampers be located near the top and
may call 1 800 238 2626 toll free. bottom of the tube to cause the least interference
with radiant cooling. However, I have found the best
Reprinted with permission damping to occur with the Dampers placed near the
center of the tube.
One tube with a reputation for microphonics is
the 6DJ8; for years I have used Tube Dampers on
every 6DJ8 that has found its way into my system. I

TUBE AID 2 also use Dampers on all phono-stage tubes. While I

may have been unusually lucky, I have not experi-
Jack English looks at ways of improving tube enced the host of microphony problems that many
performance & prolonging tube life audiophiles complain of. I attribute this to the effec-
tiveness of the Dampers. Where I have had prob-
lems, the Tube Dampers have either helped or virtu-
AudioQuest Sorbothane Vacuum Tube Dampers. Price: ally eliminated the problem. While I can’t absolutely
$15/set of four. Manufacturer AudioQuest, P.O. Box 3060, say that the devices prevent microphony, my own
San Clemente, CA 92672. Tel: (714) 498-2770. Fax: (714) experience has convinced me to continue using
498-5112. them religiously on all new tubes. Their only limita-
tion is that of size: Tube Dampers are available only
PEARL Tube Coolers. Price: $11.25 each for Power-Tube for small tubes (eg, 6DJ8s, 12AX7s). The second
Coolers, $5.50 each for Small-Signal Tube Coolers. Approx- problem with Tube Dampers is that they are gener-
imate number of dealers: 15. Manufacturer: Perkins Electro- ally not reusable. In some cases they become
Acoustic Research Laboratory, 2510 19th St. S.W., Calgary, bonded to the glass casing of the tube. In other
Alberta T2T 4X3, Canada. Tel: (403) 244-4434. Fax: (403) cases, the heat of the tube actually melts the Sor-
244-9026. bothane. Given Sorbothane’s low melting point,
Ensemble Tubesox. Price: $48/pair. US Distributor Ensemble Dampers cannot be used on power-supply or output
USA, 111 Oak Place, Hendersonville, TN 37075. Tel: (615) tubes (eg, 6550s, KT88s), which generate consider-
8240047. Fax: (615) 824-3470. ably more heat.
Heat is the most common tube bugaboo. Here
again, a number of useful solutions are available.
Many of us love the sound of tubes. Unfortu- One is the Tube Cooler from the Perkins Electro-
nately, living with tubes often means living in fear— Acoustic Research Laboratory (P EARL ). These
fear of “tube mortality”; fear that they will fail when devices are claimed to significantly reduce the oper-
we turn something on; fear they will begin to deteri- ating temperature of the tube’s glass envelope, thus
orate just before all our friends come over to listen; dramatically extending tube life. Extensive docu-
fear of the ubiquitous microphony appearing at the mentation to support these claims is available
worst possible moment. directly from Bill Perkins at PEARL in the form of a
I keep an ample supply of replacement tubes on series of papers called “Audio Notes.” Unlike Tube
hand for all these inevitable occurrences, but while Dampers, Tube Coolers are available in multiple
this is an effective strategy, it is an incomplete—and sizes to fit most tubes. The most popular sizes are
expensive—one. Instead of simply accepting frequent the Small-Signal Coolers (for 6DJ8s, 12AX7s, etc.)
tube failure as part of the price of living with the cher- and Power-Tube Coolers (for 6550s, KT88s, etc.).
ished fire bottles, we can do something about it. Since tubes from different manufacturers are often
The internal workings of tubes are mechanical; of different sizes, specifically sized Coolers are avail-
in use, they vibrate and resonate. When the reso- able for precise fits. Each Cooler is formed from
nance can be heard, the phenomenon is called blackened, foil into a radial fin arrangement looking
microphony, one of the most common and frustrat- much like the heatsinks found on the exteriors of
ing aspects of tube behavior. amplifiers. The tube is inserted into the Cooler and

 Page 1.3 21 
held firmly in place by high-temperature-resistant handcuffs”: stick a finger in each end, try to pull
elastomeric bands (two silicone O-rings per Cooler). them out, and the weave tightens, gripping your fin-
End-on, the Cooler looks like a gear with the tube in gers. The woven construction damps the tube while
the center and fins radiating outward, perpendicular the copper wire is intended to dissipate heat from
to the tube’s circumference. Being made of metal, the glass casing. Tubesox look enough like straw
the Coolers do introduce unpredictable changes to that I was concerned that they might be a fire haz-
internal electrostatic fields. In some applications, ard. I mentioned this to George Bischoff of Melos,
users have reported negative sonic effects. In part to who suggested trying to ignite one. With ashtray in
remedy these concerns, P EARL offers extensive place and matches in hand, I lit one of the Sox. It
installation advice. Each Cooler can be grounded scorched with extensive exposure to the flame, but
three ways: with a simple piece of wire, using resis- would not catch fire. As it turns out, the Sox are
tors at both ends of the ground wire, or using resis- made of Kevlar and are definitely not flammable.
tors and a small capacitor. Once grounded, the Cool- Whew! Like the Dampers, Tubesox are available
ers should continue to achieve their intended pur- only for small tubes like 12AX7s and 6DJ8s; unlike
pose of extending tube life with no audible draw- Dampers, they are small enough to fit anywhere the
backs. As they are made of metal, it’s possible for the tubes themselves will fit—each thin, glove-like Sox
Coolers themselves to vibrate. The dual O-rings, in takes up far less room than a Damper or Cooler. In
addition to holding the Coolers firmly in place, act really tight spaces, the Tubesox might be the only
as dampers. I tried Coolers in both the CAT SL-1 Sig- possible choice among the products in this article.
nature and the Melos 333 line-level preamp/phono Like Dampers, Tubesox fit tightly around the glass
stage combination. I heard no obvious mechanical casing of each tube, acting to restrict mechanical
problems, nor was I aware of any odd effects which vibration and thus reduce unwanted microphony.


could have been attributed to altered internal elec- Though both Coolers and Tubesox use copper as
trostatic fields. There were no sonic differences with a means of dissipating heat, it is unlikely that the
the Coolers in place. Had there been, the Coolers Tubesox would be nearly as effective at this, as the
could have been made inaudible via one of the sug- Coolers are much larger and made entirely of copper.
gested grounding approaches described above. I did not conduct experiments to verify this assump-
The newest entrant in the improved perfor- tion, however. On the other hand, as the amount of
mance/tube-life extension category is Tubesox from metal in the Tubesox is minimal compared to that in
Ensemble (also reviewed by Dick Olsher in Febru- the Coolers, the former are not as likely to create
ary, Vol. 16 No. 2 , p. 176 ). What makes Tubesox unpredictable effects in the tubes’ internal electrosta-
unique is that they deal with microphony and heat. tic fields, nor are they likely to resonate. While all
Each Tubesox is approximately 1 1⁄4 ” long and three of these products can help improve tube per-
appears to be made of straw tightly interwoven with formance and/or prolong tube life, there are still
copper strands. The devices look much like “Chinese some very basic things that should be done with all

 Page 1.3 22 
After digesting my February review of the plate) yielded a small temperature drop. What
Tubesox (Vol. 16, No. 2. pg. 176), Ensemble’s Urs this appears to mean is that, although the aver-
Wagner called me to discuss a couple of specific age temperature of the tube rises with the Tube-
points. First, concerning my finding that one sox in place, the sock is effective in smoothing
size does not fit all—I was wrong. He pointed out out hot spots on the surface of the tube. If this is
that the sock diameter may be altered a few mil- the case (I haven’t attempted as yet to duplicate
limeters by stretching or squeezing it. Ah-ha! I Ensemble’s measurements), the Tubesox could
tried it. Indeed, via this simple expedient I can arguably be said to enhance tube life—but only
securely fit Tubesox to any preamp tube I’ve got if a small reduction in hot-spot intensity is more
on hand. important than average tube temperature. How-
Second, concerning the temperature mea- ever, let me emphasize again that the essential
surements: while I found that the Tubesox reason for using Tubesox is sonic, not thermal.
caused a slow temperature-rise of several Tubesox can elevate an ordinary-sounding pre-
degrees at the top of the glass envelope, Wagner’s amp tube to the exalted status of a premium
data at a point under the Tubesox (closer to the tube. —Dick Olsher.

tube equipment. First, proper ventilation is digging (alright… more than a few) through any of
essential—higher temperatures definitely shorten the many good technical libraries around the country.
tube life. Make sure there is adequate space around, The Audio Note Series is a distillation of years of
and especially above, your equipment for proper ven- library archaeology and contains a lot of information
tilation; if possible, use low-noise fans. If the equip- that is useful to anyone who owns or uses tube equip-
ment has special turn-on circuitry, use it. If not, do ment, the cost is $12.00US.
not immediately put a signal through the gear. Turn The reliability problems seen in present day
it on and let it warm up for 20 or 30 minutes before tube gear are, with most American and European
using it. If the equipment has turn-off features (eg, a tubes, not the fault of tubes themselves but, those of
higher, noisier fan speed), use them when turning the the circuitry in which they are placed.
equipment off. Another alternative comes in the This is a time when many of the broadly experi-
form of specialized pieces of equipment—like the enced and deeply knowledgeable old-timers are
SimplyPhysics Variac—that allow current to be either retired or no longer among us. There seems to
turned up gradually. We don’t have to passively be an attitude among present-day designers that on
accept microphony and premature tube failure. Tube account of the loss of the “good old guys” from
Dampers, Tube Coolers, and Tubesox offer ways to active audio work, there is unbridgable gap in the
improve tube performance and longevity. Dampers knowledge that can brought to bear on the design of
help with microphony; Coolers dramatically extend tube circuitry. It is consequently far from uncom-
tube life; and Tubesox help with microphony and mon to see glaring errors within tube circuitry;
offer some benefit for extending tube life. errors that cause tubes to run far outside their spec-
ified range of operation. Three of the most com-
monly seen mistakes are:
• the violation of the heater-to-cathode voltage
I appreciate Jack English’s efforts in the evalua- rating
tion of the PEARL, INC. line of tube coolers, his com- • the use of power supplies that apply full B+ to
ments about living “In Fear of Tube Mortality” really tubes whose cathodes have not been given
hit home around here. I have done a lot of investiga- time to get to operating temperature
tive work to discover—and develop products that • the packing together of power tubes like sar-
eliminate—several causes of the unreliability often dines in a tin.
experienced with late 20th-century, high-dollar, tube-
type audio equipment. It turns out that the very relia- The heater/cathode combination is the part seen
bility issues facing today’s tube lovers were thor- glowing red-orange inside a correctly functioning
oughly researched and resolved 30 years ago. The old tube. The heater is fitted inside a coated, nickel tube
research work is not lost and can be brought to light that it is the cathode. It is electrically insulated from
once again for the price of a few Sunday afternoons’ the cathode by a thin and somewhat physically frag-

 Page 1.3 23 
ile ceramic coating that has very definitely defined results were that tubes must be kept as cool as possi-
voltage hold-off capabilities, typically on the order of ble and either specially built to withstand shock and
±100VDC. In typical tube circuitry, the heater supply vibration or mounted in ways that provide mechani-
is held at signal-ground potential ie. 0V. If the cath- cal isolation from those forces. In study after study it
ode is tied to ground by a resistor across which there was found that tube-life could be at least doubled and
is a voltage drop of 100VDC or more then the fila- often extended many times by the application of rela-
ment supply must be biased to some value that is tively simple measures to remedy these problems.
within 100VDC of the cathode potential. The heater- Given good quality tubes, correct circuitry and
to-cathode insulation can leak or, at worst, develop careful thermal and vibration management, there is
an outright short thereby connecting the cathode to no reason why tube-type audio gear cannot give thou-
the grounded heater. In the former situation the out- sands of hours of failure-free service.
come can be some very peculiar intermittent noises One of the best examples of tube reliability is
while the latter case can result in the circuit going their use in the original trans-oceanic telephone
south with an unbridled vengeance. lines. Scores of tube-type repeater amplifiers were
Cathodes are damaged by the application of full permanently installed within the several-thousand-
B+ voltage to tubes that have not been given time mile length of lines that were laid in the deep water
come up to full operating temperature. It is neither between continents. Admittedly, the tubes were the
complex nor expensive to build a slow-starting B+ best that Bell Labs and Western Electric could build
supply, yet such circuitry is practically never seen but the fact remains that they ran and ran reliably
today whereas 30 years ago tube rectification pro- for years on end with no service whatever.
vided a simple, effective solution. [Guitar amplifiers Ma Bell didn’t hire Captain Nemo to swap out a
from the ‘60s with solid-state rectification invariably bunch of tubes every time Roosevelt wanted to talk
switched the filament and B+ supplies separately and in to Churchill.
that order for the same reason.—Ed.]
From about 1940 to 1965 the British and US BILL PERKINS
Armed Forces and the airline/aerospace industry PEARL, INC.
spent tens of millions researching the causes of and CALGARY, CANADA
remedies for equipment failure. Fundamentally, the

 Page 1.3 24 
P EARL Valve Coolers
by Roy Gregory

I’ve been using PEARL Valve fact that they hide

Coolers on my Jadis JA30s since I the pretty glowing
first came across them, getting on bottles, not much
for ten years ago. For the uniniti- that I can mention.
ated, a P EARL cooler is a con- Me, I kind of like the
certina sleeve constructed from Fritz Lang look. You
sheet-copper which slips over an need to check the
audio valve, acting as a heat sink. space around your
The copper fins are perforated valves to make sure
with horizontal slots to improve that there’s enough
airflow, and the whole thing acts room for the cool-
as an extremely efficient chimney ers. PEARL suggest
(If you want to know how efficient that you can inter-
then PEARL can supply you with lock the fins, rather
reams of data on the subject. The like cogs. Don’t. To
theory of course, is that the sleeve do so you need to
allows the valve to run at a lower dispense with the O-
temperature, leading to longer rings, and the cool-
tube life and greater reliability But ers end up rattling
there’s more to it than just that. against the tube,
Along with the cooler you get adding to the
a pair of stout rubber O-rings microphony rather
which are used to clamp it in than damping it. In
place (Useful Tip: put the rings short, it’ll make your
over the cooler and then slip it amp sound worse. [See our com- tion suggests that they are every
over the valve—it’s a lot easier!). ments below. PEARL] Also, if you’ve bit as effective on pre-amps. The
The sleeve now also acts as a non-parallel sided tubes then the O- “improvement” comes in the
damper, reducing microphony rings have a tendency to roll down shape of a woven carbon fibre
and improving sound quality And to the narrow end under their own sleeve that fits between the cooler
they work. You should notice a tension. The new Sovtek KT88 and the valve, improving the
very real improvement in trans- springs to mind. Finally, you need mechanical coupling. [Aug, 2010:
parency focus, low level informa- to order the right sizes. PEARL pro- The carbon fiber sleeves were
tion and dynamic range once duce coolers in a whole host of dropped a number of years ago to
you’ve installed the coolers. Do dimensions, so it’s worth taking a be replaced with a high metallic
they improve the reliability and little trouble over getting things content powder coat finish that
longevity of your valves? Well, right. That aside it’s a case of fit and provides considerable damping of
nothing has blown up and I’m still forget. the cooler and useful damping of
running the same Platinum Grade In fact, it’s so easy to forget the tube’s resonant internal struc-
Gold Aero ECC82 s and 83 s as I about the P EARL s that the only tures.. With time, pressure and tem-
was when the coolers were first thing that prompted me to write perature this coating slightly flows
installed. And they still sound this piece, was the arrival through to conform to the inevitable irregu-
much better than the stock items the post of a quartet of latities of the glass envelope,
currently supplied with the “improved” models for ECC83 thereby increasing both thermal
JA100s. Given the price, that’s a sized valves. As this includes just and mechanical coupling. PEARL]
real relief. As regards the output about every low-level signal or dri- Replacing the old-style coolers
tubes that’s harder to gauge, but ver valve used in audio electron- on the 30s with the be-stockinged
the EL34s seem to be lasting a lot ics, that makes it very interesting variety produced a further subtle,
longer than I’d expect as well. indeed. I only use the coolers on but worthwhile benefit. Subtle in
Downsides? Apart from the my power amps, but experimenta- terms of putting your finger on it,

 Page 1.3 25 
far from subtle in terms of simply un-cooled tubes and the same £9.50 for the EL84 size or larger
identifying it. Greater transparency valves with their modesty intact, (“Gee! Do you s’pose they do them
and an increase in the air and running in the Graaf 13.5B, was for 845s?”), [Yes they do, see our site
space around and between per- absolutely huge, and out of all pro- here. PEARL] you need to be run-
formers, produced a noticeable portion with the costs involved. ning a power station before the
increase in presence. At the same The carbon socks are available cost becomes prohibitive. If you
time, a further improvement in low separately but only come in ECC83 already use the standard coolers,
level dynamics made instruments or EL84 sizes. Presumably although you can get socks for around £2.50
more vibrant and real. How big carbon fibre is a good conductor of each. And yes I did try the socks
was the margin of difference? You heat (remember all those bright red on their own, and no they aren’t
didn’t need to resort to ABA com- brake shoes on Formula I cars), nearly as good as the sock/cooler
parisons. The benefits were using it with the larger power tubes combination. I love these things.
clearly (!) apparent, to the extent compromises the cooling effect. Cost effective and no-nonsense,
that Victoria commented on the [These are no longer supplied, May they even have empirical data to
improvement when she arrived 2008. PEARL] Personally I’m much back them up. Unlike too many
home that evening. They’re also the more interested in the immediate things in hi-fi, buying these is an
kind of changes that can be readily sonic benefits than the possible absolute no-brainer.
masked in a system wanting in the increase in valve life, so I’m keen to
areas of resolution and low level try socking my EL34s too. Perhaps Distributed by:
dynamics, so if you fit PEARL cool- PEARL will give us the choice? [See MOTH MARKETING
ers and don’t hear a difference then our previous comments. PEARL] Tel. (44)(0)1234-741152
either your valves are immune to PEARL Coolers are one of the Fax. (44)(0)1234-742028
vibration, or it’s time to take a close most cost effective and sensible e-mail.
look at your system and its set-up. upgrades on offer to valve users.
And remember, I got these results After all, if you don’t like the Net.
simply upgrading half of the cool- results you simply take them off.
ers on otherwise fully “PEARL-d” At a cost of £7.00 each for the
amps. The comparison between small size, including sock, and

The foregoing review appeared in

Issue 5 - Feb/March 2000 of HiFi +

Contact Info:
Hi-Fi + Editorial
PO Box 1716,
Fordingbridge, Hants.,
SP6 1SL, United Kingdom.
Ph. 44 0 1425 656004
Fx. 44 0 1425 656046

 Page 1.3 26 
An ad from the mid-1950s . . . and no, we didn’t copy this.

 Page 1.3 27 
♦ Verso Filler Page ♦

... 6SN7

�.. 12AT7

... 2C51
t3 w
CD >- 6C4
:> ....
t- 6J4
:> 6V6
.. .... '
z 5R4GY

� 6AL5


FIG. I-Tubea retumed fall Into four defect clasaea: mechanical. FIG. 2-Tube types 6AK5 and 6J6 lead the twenty tube type.
electrical. miscellaneous Includinq breakaqe and no defect rankinq hiqhest in l o tal number of relums for first quarter.

Military Reliability of

Study of over 150,000 electron tubes used in military equip ment reveals typ es most
likely to fail and discusses common kinds of failure. Tells what equipment designers
and tube manufacturers can do to increase electron-tube reliability


Aeronautical Radio, rllc.
Washington. D. C,

long-term programs jected tubes from military equip­ includes data from over 44,000
have been launched by the ment. The tubes, with available tubes .:ollected from 44 general
armed services with a view to im­ failure data, are forwarlled to e qu i p ment types.
proving the rel iabil i ty of more than Washington and subjected to both
Types of Defects
30 tube types. These types will be e ngineer i ng and statistic al analyses.
usable in more than i of all sockets In two years, 88,500 tubes re­ Tube returns have been classified
in present-day military equipment. moved as defective by military in fl)ur general defect categories,
The improved types are being de ­ technicians have been collected, Electrical defects include tuhes re­
veloped to reach a goal of 95-percent Over 62,000 tubes have bep.n in­ jected because of deterio ration of
survival in 1,000 hours operation in stalled in controlled tests. Tubes performance caused by faulty pro­
contrast with SO-percent in 500 under test include over 14,000 of cessi ng during tube manufacture,
hours for presently available tubes, the 22 improved tube types as well end of normal tube l ife and environ ­
A large-scale surveillance project as many thousan ds of their JAN mental 01' ope r atin g conditions.
is under way to determine the prototypes. Mechanical defects are physi c al de­
status of military electron tube Most of the information to be fects in the structure caused by
reliability before and after use of disc ussed concerns performance of enviro nmen tal conditions or weak­
improved tube types, to discover JAN tube types since the improved nesses of tube c o nst ruct i on. l'Iiscel­
causes uf unsatisfactory p..;rform­ versions have been used only in ianeolls defects include broken glass,
ance and to suggest measures for limited numbers during the last noise, microphonism and defects
improving reliability . Field stations two ye a rs . This article covers from caused by unusual environmental
at eigh t military bases collect re- Sept. 1951 through March 1953 and co n ditions or mishandling by main-

130 April, 1954 - ELECTRONICS

12SK7, 6AQ5, 6AU6 and 2C51.
�IOO r-----'
With the E'xception of the 12SK7

t; these types are of relatively recent
III 57.1 design and critical a ppl icati o n .
'" t----tl._--t. IHI+------- ---------! Tubes in the third category­
types 6AK5, 6J6, 12AT7, 6AS7 and

12AU7-show large returns due
�:I both to large socket populalions and
� 0�IL95��
1 .w�����W.LI9
- 5L2��--�
� -L-��--�
��� � 5 3
to abnormal removal from l'ome of
(A) the sockets in use. The military
services ha\"e already begun i 111-
provement p roj e cts on 17 of the

20 types listed in Fig. 2.
105.0 _�I ..
-- ' .. _-

__ - -

------- _.

-- . -
Type 6AK5

The only outstanding weakness

I I1952 1953
revealed in the 6AK5 is th(> heater.
Table I gives a q ua n� itat h e com­ '

TIMF IN 4·WEEK INTERVALS parison of the reliabi lity of the

6AK5 and its improved versions,
FIG. 3-Ret um a of SARS's from power supply of radar bomblnq system (A) and types 5654 and 6096. Comparison
from complete system (B). Reduced failures are due to better ventilation
is made of mean removals from
100 sockets during 100 hours of
operation when the tubes are re­
placed with new ones upon failure.

Electron Tubes The fourth column gives number

of failures if all no-defect removals
are eliminated; in column five,
eliminating both no-defect and elec­
trical-defect removals indicates un­
predictable f ail u res causing equip.
ment malfunction.
tenance pE'rsonnel. ThE' no-defect types constitute only about 10 per­ Information was also ob t ained
category includes tubes removed by cent of the types collected, they from commercial airlines on a num­
maintenance personrrel yet found represent nearly half the total re­ ber of 5654s made by diffe r ent
upon laboratory examination to con­ turns. Type 6AK5 alone contributed manufacturers.
tain no mechanical or electrical de­ almost 10 percent.
Type 6J6
fect s. Some tube types are numerous
As shown in Fig. 1, one third of among those returned due to the Tube t�·pe 6J6 is even more
all the tubes rejected from military large number in use. This group widely used than 6AK5 although
equipment are not defective at all. consists of old tYPfS such as the the num�er of sockets under
An additional one sixth of the tubes 6SN7, 6AC7, 6V6 and 6AG7 used in present surveillance is slightly less.
were probably damaged during well-established equipment or newer Table 11 shows the defect distribu­
installation or maintenance. The tube types having wide application tion of all returns of this type and
remaining 50 percent are truly de­ such as the 6AL5, 5R4GY and 6C4. i ts improved versions during the
fective. However, i of these failed A second category inciudes tubes first quarter of 1953. The no-defect
only after progressive deteriora­ whose large return is due mainly to category is larger for this type than
tion; they could have been located abnormal removals from some or for the overall average of all
and removed before causing trouble. all of the sockets in use. These in­ tuLes from all bases. In r eturns of
Therefore, only onE' out of every six clude types 6AR6, 6AT6, 6J4, the improved trpe, electrical defects
tubes represents a failure such as
ment malfunction.
The equipment types installed at • Limit power dissipotion in soft-glass tubes to keep bulb temperalu;e below 200 C.
the different bases are similar.
• limit cathode temperature to values minimizing interface formation and sublimation
However, each base has a charac­
of nickel materiol.
teristic defect didribution pattern.
• limit heoter temperature to 1,400 K to prevent heater·cothode trouble and heater
These patterns reflect local operat­
burnout during cycling surges.
ing procedure and maintenance
practices . • Control metallic deposits on insulating surfaces by proper design of parts ond
insulators and proper shielding and coating of insulating parts.
Figure 2 is a ranking of the 20
tube types contributing the highest • Control dimensions to obtain proper fit of parts and reduce vibration.

number of returns during the first • Control fabricotion and ossembly to reduce operational failures due to faulty work­
quarter of 1953. While these tube manship

131 April, 1954 - ELECTRONICS

lead mechanical by two to one. A perature operation in its heat�r deterioration of this type, result­
breakdown of the electrical defects and cathode. This is indicated ing from evolution of gas and
is also given. by the large percentage of re­ poisoning of the emitting surface
A common electrical defect is 'turns for heater-cathode leakage by ion bombardment.
heater-to-cathode leakage, probably and insulation failures. The 12AT7 Failures may occur either due to
due to the unusual physical layout has had wide acceptance among loss of emission properties of the
of the tube. A large amount of circuit designers because of its high cathode, interface formation, evap­
power-as much as eight watts­ transconducta:1ce and low heater oration of materials. vibration or a

is dissipated between the cathode requirements in spite of the ex­ combination of any ·of these, and
and plates, and the grids have a treme design features used to ob­ by catastrophic chan�es such as

tendency to expand, usually toward tain such characteristics. These de­ gas discharge within the bulb, glass
the cathode. sign features are responsible for strains, and shorts and opens.
A comparison of results obtained the defects mentioned and should
in some controlled tests is given in
Deterioration Failures
outweigh the performance charac­
Table Ill. The figures are of the teristics if reliability is considered. The rate of d�cay of cathode
same order of magnitude as those The 2C51 is similar to the 12A'!'7, emission is related to the residual
for type 6AK5 and the improvement but except for some insulation fail­ gas in the envelope at the beginning
of the premium versions over the ures does not show the same weak­ of tube life. As time passes, the
prototype is also similar. However, nesses to as great an extent. The cathode absorbs some of this gas
the 6J6 appears to be overrated. 2C51 h as an improved version in and is gradually poisoned. This
To improve its reliability, it may the type 5670. process may be accelerated if addi­
be necessary either to decrease its tional gas is developed as a result
maximum rating or to redesign
Types 6V6 ancl 6AQ5 of electrical overloading or high
radically its mechanical structure. Tube type 6AQ5 has been ambient temperature.
A double triode such as the 6J6 studied in comparison with type Formation of interface rei!istal�ce
has almost twice as many chances 6V6 of which it is the miniature oc�urs most frequently in tubes that
of failure as a single tube but the counterpart. Table IV represents operate for long periods of time
returns do not show double the the defect distribution for these in circuits requiring low current
number of failures. This indicatei! two types and their reliable counter­ densities. Composition of the nichl
that double triodes, performing the parts. sleeve affects the speed of interfa�e
function of two tubes, have higher The 6V6 exhibits a larger per­ formation but exhaust schedules
reliability than two sin�le tubes. centage of electrical defects than of and operating temperatures are also
other defects and is much h igher important.
Double Triocles
in this category than the 6AQ5. The evaporation of metal from
Other double triodes. such as the The 6V6 shows a larger proportion hot elements in tubes produces
6SN7, 12AU7, 12AT7, 2C51 and of returns with interface resistance gradual deterioration in the in­
their improved counterparts. also while the 6AQ5 evidences a greater sulating properties of thl:' tll be
show higher reliability than com­ tendency to fail because of emission structure and low-resistan�e pat��
parable single tubes. degradation. between electrodes rClmlting in
The 12AU7 compares favor­ The temperaturl:' of the 6AQ5 has noise or irregular op�ration. Meth­
ably with the 6SN7 if the most been estimated to be 100 C above ods for minimizing thb effect are
recent design of the 12AU7 that of the 6V6 at maximum rating. coating smof'th surfaces wilh
is considered, Type 12AT7, on The higher operating temperature rough insulating matrrial to in­
the other hand, shows high-tem- may explain the faster emission crease the le � glh of the leakage

Table I-Removals of Tube Type GAK5 and Im­ Table II-Defect Distribution for Tube Type GIG and
pro',ed Versions from 100 Sockets During 100 Hours Improved Versions

95-perceDt 6J6 h.Jh\V.61)1)h hlol

Tube :\Iean confidence All Defect nllmlwr Iwro!nl 1It1l11lit'r l)l'rn'lI�

Sollfee type removals int�n'81 railures trophic

"lechAnic"lI .. . 107 �!l �o I"
1(, 11
Electrical .... . Hn '-

�arswdl "FII n,\ K5 :1.:16 2.06-5.00 1.7 0.90

t>09ti 1.73 0.89-2.8-1 0.n7 0.,10
No derect .. . �\1 10 .1.' n
:\·Iiscdlnneou>; . 1:10 :I ,

:-;O[l :-;n,r"lk (a ir) r,AK5 .�. R, :I. 2,\.-�.�5 :I. (HI � 05

T.)I.,\' ..... , :':In 1110 ! �'t I!I/I
�fl5' 1,90 1.69-:1. H 0.71 0,17
n.\K.;\V \ .H:I \. 36-2.:lR 0.99 n. (Ih
. ----

r.omrn,·rcial airlinc�
J)f'�:ratlat ion. 1:1:; -) j
Tl,hl' mrgr� E 5tl:;l 0 �I 0.07-0. I:!
(',!!ulallr.1' . :17 l,i
Ttlt)t"lIlrgrA.lillc�n 5tl:;\ H.:I:! o 1�-O.nO
T"h" mfgr A . line I, 56H 0.17 0.05-0.:18 Ikal r-I·:.lllod,· It-aka�f·. 7(,

Tllla' mrKf B.linc D 565' 0.29 O. 10-0.60 T",,,I �IH loO

132 April, 1954 - ELECTRONICS

path, proper shielding of electrodes, Table nI-Removals of Tube Type 6J6 and Improved Versions from
elimination of getter material, use 100 Sockets During 100 Hours Operation
of n one vap or a tin g getters and in­
active alloys and limitation to
minimum operating temperatures 95-percent CaLas-
in all elements. Tube Mean confid enc e All trophic
type removals inter\'al failurQ!; failures
If tubes are operating under con­
Carswell AFB ...... . 6J6 '. . 7.0 5 .2 9. 1 2.8 '.67
ditions of constant vibration and

6099.6101 1.4 0.56 2 6 - . 0 .74 •. S&

frequent shocks, gradual deteriora­ NOB Nor folk (air) .... 6J6 4.46 3 4 5. 6
. - 3.22 2.12
NOB Norfolk (ships) .. 6J6 1. 86 1.3-2.5 1.39 0.67
tion can occur as a result of the
6101 2.2 1.0-3.8 1.55 0.66
enlargement of the sup p ortin g holes
in the mica spac ers. EventuaIly the
electrical output produced by
mechanical movement of the parts
Table IV-Defect Distribution for Tube Types 6AQ5, 6V6 and IDlproved
will overc o m e the useful output of
the tube. Corrective measures in­
clude an ch ori ng aIi elements firmly,
11sing close tolerances on the mica
�pacers, processing the tubes at 6AQ5 6005,6095 6V6Y,6V6TY
low tempera tu re to prevpnt extreme Defect number percent num ber percent number percent
expansion, m;ing svnthetk mica, No defect ...... 152 49 4 17 45 41
Mechanical... ... 28 9 6 26 3 3
Terratex or ceramics for spacers
Electrical......... 79 2:> 4 17 51 47
enci re d e s i l!11 in g the structure to Miscellaneous..... 57 '7 9 40 10 9
ohtain shorter elertrodes and higher Total ........... 316 100 23 100 109 100
resonant frequencies for the ele­ Defective tubes only
ments. M echa ni ca l .. 28 17 6 32 3 5
Electrical ......... 79 49 'l 21 51 10
Some causes of destructive gas
Miscellaneous ..... 57 3·1 9 47 10 1:;
disch ar ge pressures are over heat­ Total. . ..... . ... . 164 100 19 100 6l 100
ing of Rn electrode until it re­
leases sufficient gas to reach arC
discharge pressures, hpa,\'Y heater­
cathode leakages and slow air leaks.
reliability in both type 6AS7G an d four-week period is readily notice ­

If the glass envelope is not an­

its reliable version, type 6080. Op­ able. Figure 3B shows return s of
nealed properly or is subj ected to
eration in hot climates with t h e all oth er tube t ypes in the complete
unusual mechanical or thermal
caLinet open gave sat i s facto ry re­ system d u ring the same period,
stresses it may crack However, sults if improved type 6080 wa s indicating that there was no com­
glass d efec ts are i n fr e q uen t where
used while opera t i on in a i r c on d i­
- paraLle change in the aggregate
tubes are carefuIly han dled. tioned vans gave normal life ex­ returns.
The electrode most subject to 'Pectancy for both improved and
shorts and opens is the heater. The Misapplications
JAN tube types .

operating tem pe rature is one of In the power supply uf a ra dar Severe mis a pplica tion s are read­
the major r e a s ons for failure. Low bombing system, the power supply ily detected and corrected and do
o pe r a t in g temperature for the not constitute serious reliability
chassis was originally mounted in
heater is important to avoid burn­ the nonpressurized part of the problems. More troublesome are
out a n d to reduce heater c ath ode -
plane where there w a s inadequate misapplications that produce only
leak a ge slight hardships. These include use
ventilation; 6AR6 return s per

O n ly about 12 pe rcen t of all tubes socket were four or five times of a tube type at its maximum rat­
c o l l ec ted had defini tely identifiable greater than the average for all ing when there is available an­
mechanical defects. Of these, more other sockets of the sy stem. During other type that could be operated at
than half were attri but able to the fiighh: ab ove 30,000 feet, bulb a more conservative r ating ; use of
heater or heater-cathode circuit. temperature reached 315 C. a type not actua lly designed for a
The power supply chassis wa s particular application when a m ore
Environmental Effects
transferred to the pressur ized zone suitable type is available; and use
High am bien t temperatures , vi­ of the plane a nd more effective of several tubes in parallel to avoid
bration and sh oc k and abnormal blowers installed. A temperat u re the use of a larger tube.
supply vo lt a ge contribute to un­ check in the relocated chassis
reliability. Ret urns of tube type showed an average bulb tempera ­

6A.S7G. and its reliable version, the ture of181 C. Figu re 3A shows the "Investigation of Electron Tube Rell­
returns of tube types 6AR6 and
ab\1lty In Military Applications". ARCINC
6080, from a v o l tage regulator used Gen Rpt No. 1, GPO. Washington. D. .
6098 for four-week i n tervals over P. T. Weeks. Rellablllly In M lnla hsre
in a van mounted
- th e control and Submlnla.ture Tubes, Pr.o 11tH, 19.
!'�'stem illustrate this. a period of almost two years. The No. 6. p 499, May 1951.
G. H. MaUon. S. Wagf!ner, M. F. Holme.
Operation in hot climates wi th g ra du al decrease in re t urns from and M. R. Child. The Life ot Oxld ..
Cathodes In Modern Recelvtng Valve".
the ca bi net closed resulted in poor an average of 57.1 to 8.8 for each Proc lEE. 99. Part Ill. p 69. Milr�h 1952.

133 April, 1954 - ELECTRONICS




Vice-President - Engineering

International Electronic Research Corporation

135 West Magnolia Boulevard

Burbank, California, U.S.A.


The failure of electron tubes --- and the resulting failure of equipment --- is
a problem that has been long with us. So long, in fact, that many of us appear
to be condi·tioned to a state of mental resignation regarding it. High failure
rates have been accepted as a "fact of life", a condition which we find costly
and hazardous, but with which we must live in the electronic age.

Strangely --- for so general a condition --- our studies have shown a lack of
understanding of the nature of the problem. For example, while tube failure
rates are known to be high, the relationship between tube failures and equipment
failures is not so well known. Neither do we find broad understanding of the
reasons for tube failures.

Through this presentation we hope to show some significant facts:

1. That 3 eqUipment failures out of 4 are caused by

failure of tubes;
2. That the main cause of tube failure is high operating
3. That an immediate solution to a major part of the
problem can be obtained through use of heat-dissipating
tube shields.

Toward the end of World War 11 and in the years since then, numerous surveys
have been made by the U. S. Military, either directly or through contracts
with research organizations, to determine the causes of electronic equipment
unreliability. These studies have shown that resistors cause about 3% of all
equipment failures, another 3% to 4% of failures can be traced to capacitors,
but the big cause of equipment failure --- and this is the unquestioned summary
conclusion of all the studies --- is failure of tubes. The reports show that
not. less than 75% of all equipment failures are caused by tube failures. (a)
And further investigations have shown that the main cause of tube failure is
high operating temperature.(b)

OUring the past five years, many additional tests have been conducted by
commercial and mil ttary laboratories. These tests have shown that the "normal"
operating temperatures of many tubes are well above safe limits.(c) In a
thumbnail analysis of these many surveys, the poin.ted conclusion is reached that

(a) - See Ref. 1 through 6 and 3 1

(b) - See Ref. 7 through 12
(c) - See Ref. 7, 8 and 10
- 2 -

if a mere two-to-one increase in tube life could be achieved, it would eliminate

more than one-third of all equipment failures. Put another way, this much
improvement in tube life would accomplish more toward raising equipment
reliability than if all other causes of failure were completely eliminated.

Notable, also, is the effect that tube life improvement would have in reducing
equipment maintenance costs. During an average five-year use period, the cost
of maintaining electronic equipments, as calculated by U. S. Military services,
represents a minimum expenditure equal to 10 times the original cost of equip­
ment purchase.(d) (Fig. 1 ) That is, if an equipment is purchased for $10,000,
the maintenance cost for a five year period amounts to $100,000. And --- obviously
--- a saving of only 10% in the maintenance cost will save the entire original
purchase price,



• 80,000 .,.....

* 10,000

i 60,000 , 'EARS


i 40,000 , 'EARS

t 30,000

$20,000 I YEAR


• 10,000


Figure 1

A U. S. Navy engineer reports(e) that his branch of the military service spends
$45 mill-ion annually for the purchase of replacement electron tubes. He also
indicates that it costs ten times this much to get the replacement tubes through
the channels of supply and into the equipment --- a total cost of $495 million
every year. The report calculates that if tube life could be prolonged by a
factor of only 2, some $247 million could be saved --- and if prolonged by a
factor of 4, then the yearly saving would amount to $371 million.

(d) - See Ref. 13, 14 and 30

(e) - See Ref. 15

An illustration in terms of a single piece of equipment is reflected in a study

made by Aeronautical Radio, Inc.(f) This was a two year field test on equip-
ments using six type 6005 tubes. Under conditions of original application , the tubes
had an averate life of 1 000 hours. By doing nothing more than applying heat-dissipat­
ing tube shields to these tubes, average life was increased to 12,000 hours. With
six tubes on each piece of equipment, this means that no less than 66 tube failures
were eliminated for every one and one-half years (12,000 hours) of operation. At
an average cost of $5.50, the purchase saving on the tubes during such a one and
one-half year period would amount to $363 --- and this saving is accomplished by
an expenditure of approximately $9 for the six "Life Saving" tube shields.

I hope I will be forgiven for using the term "life saving". While I was applying
it to tube life, I know all of us are aware of the human-life-saving aspects of
electroniC reliability - whether it is from the certain functioning of a warning
system, the accurate firing of a defensive weapon, or the correct radar intelligence
that may save the life of a single aircraft pilot. A better appreciation of what
1s involved may come from deeper penetration into:


Our present predicament with electronic equipments, and with the tubes they use,
has grown with our technological development of complex electronic systems. Before
World War 11, a typical destroyer carried equipment using about 60 tubes; a modern
destroyer requires 4, 000 tubes for the operation of essential equipment. As
requirements for equipment have gon€ up, space available for individual equipments
has almost disappeared. Equipment has been miniaturized and then subminiaturized .
And the smaller equipment is asked to perform more functions than the old .

Each change has meant more heat generated with less space in which it could be
dissipated. The smaller tubes often generate as much heat, individually, as
their older counterparts; yet they are crowded into ever smaller spaces, bundled
together , causing an ever increasing environmental temperature in which they must

The degree of temperature increases to which I refer is reflected in tests

conducted by the U. S. Navy Electronics Laboratory. These tests show that the
internal temperature rise in such conventional equipments as radar, communication
and navigation, etc . , amounts to 30 to 40°C. This must be added to the required
external environment of 50 to 8S C for military equipment and means that internal
environmental temperatures run at about 1000C for many of these equipments.(g)
Curves, to be illustrated later, show that some tubes exceed their maximum bulb
temperature ratings when operated in an ambient temperature of only 2SoC.

These discrepancies in ratings versus actual operating conditions bring to light

a serious aspect of the total problem - the lack of adequate temperature-li.fe
information on tubes. This data should be available to design engineers. Yet,
neither specifications, nor manufacturers' data sheets, list pertinent te�perature
data on tubes.

(f) - See Ref. 1 6

(g) - See Ref. 1 9

For some tubes, a maximum allowable bulb temperature is listed by the manufacturer.
But this, frankly, is a poor guide when reliability is at stake. Usually it
represents a maximum temperature at which the tube will pass certain specification
tests . .. �ut if this same temperature is prolonged - as in actual operation - it may
well indhce rapid failure. It will be shown later that the temperatures listed in
many specifications are not only vague and misleading, but actually promote the
misapplication of many tubes.

Another negative factor that has evolved with increased use of electronic equipment
is the widespread use of what is referred to in the United States as a JAN-type
shield. (Figure 2) This shield, developed a number of years ago to afford
electrostatic shielding and retention for miniature tubes, is probably responsible
for more tube failures than any other single cause.

Figure 2

Figure 3 shows that bulb temperatures, when the JAN shield is applied, range
more than lOOoC higher than bare bulb temperatures operating in the same environ­
ment. The solid wall of the JAN shield, the captive air between tube and shield
and the shiny, heat-reflective finish, mean that JAN shields increase the
temperature of all tubes with which they are used - without exception.





4'0 60 80 100 120 140 160 IS O


F i gure 3

To summarize the scope of our problem, we are dealing with more heat than ever
before, 1n smaller spaces, in vastly increased numbers of equipment, and in
infinitely more cri t i cal applications. Compounding these factors, we have a
lack of temperature-versus - life data on specific tubes and a general usage of
a type of electrostat ic shield which rai ses tube bulh temperatures from 20 to
35% above normal.


There has been general agreement for some years that high operating temperatures
cause tube failure. It i s more recent that h i gh temperature has been identified
as the main cause. And, unfortunately, there has been very little precise test
data to indicate the relationship of tube life to bulb temperature.

In 1 954, the U. S . Army Signal Corps Laboratory gave a contract to the General
Electric Company at Owensboro , Kentucky for a life data study on electron tubes.(h)
One factor tested was the influence of bulb temperatures. Five types of min iature
tubes were selected and lots of 200 tubes of each type were tested. The lots
consi sted of tubes from several different manufacturers. Each lot of tubes was
operated at a selected bulb tempe�ature for a period of 5000 hours. The per-
cent surviving at various time intervals within th i s period was plotted in
relation to the operating temperatures .

F i gure 4 shows the failure rates of Type 6005 tubes at five pre-selected constant
operating temperature s . Note that while 97% of the tubes tested at 2200C were
still operating at the end of the 5000 hour period, an increase of just 1 70C --­

to 2370C --- produces a failure rate of 32% in the first 2000 hours. Also not,e
that on the lot operated at 3l60C , 98% failed in the first 2000 hours. Yet 3160C
i s lower than the temperature at which the same tube operates in a JAN shield at
room ambient.

(h) - See Ref. 9


200 TUBE LOTS 6005/6AQ5W


Figure 4

Figure 5 shows similar data on the 6AK5 tube. Here again the pattern is the
same --- failure rates always increase as bulb temperatures rise. Other curves
from the General Electric Report show the same pattern, although time and space
do not permit me to show them.

200 TUBE LOTS 5654/6AK5W

10 o -

i I
""'"f-. 1/

" i


-\; f::: f't......


� f-,..

0 92

t- 312

1000 2000 3000 4000 !5000


Figure 5

One of the other tubes covered by the report was a Type 5670 which operates at
a low dissipation of less than one watt. This tube showed a definite failure
increase after 3000 hours even when operated at the low temperature of 1150C.
Specification and tube data sheets list 1650C as the maximum allowable bulb
temperature for this tube. This fact casts light on a related problem of mis­
application in equipments which contain many tubes. When the tubes are of
different types, although some may withstand reasonably high temperatures, others
operating nearby may suffer sharply curtailed life. It will be shown later
that the most practical approach to the solution of this problem is the use of
the most efficient heat-reducing device on all the tubes, regardless of their
individual temperature limitations.

Further studies have been under way in recent years to determine the effect of
temperature on the materials and characteristics of electron tubes. Cornell
University Engineering Laboratories ( i ) , Sylvania Electric Company ( j) , and
Aeronautical Radio, Inc. (k) , all under military contract, were prominent 1 n
these investigations. A summary o f their findings follows:

Deterioration of tube performance characteristics as the

result of elevated temperatures is principally caused by
evolution of gas within the tube. Other deterioration
causes induced by high temperature, in order of importance,
are: getter migration, grid emission, glass failure, inter­
electrode leakage, contamination , grid loading, and loss of

The gas evolution is from the inner surface of the glass and
the surfaces of the plate and other tube elements. Its
occurrence varies directly with temperature increase. The
gas "poisons" the tube and causes a gradual lowering of its
transconductance --- to the point of ultimate failure.


GRIO- 500·C



Figure 6

( i ) - See Ref. 10 and 20

(j) - See Ref. 21
( k ) - See Ref. 8
- 8 -

High temperatures are necessary on the f ilament and cathode elements of the
tube as shown i n Figure 6. There i s no necessity for heat to be present on
the other elements. In many tubes the f i lament d i s sipation i s only a small
part of the total d i s s i pation of the tube. A 6AQ5 tube , for example, has a
plate d i s s i pation of about 1 2 watts, but only 3 watts of f i lament d i s sipation.
It is the combination of the heat generated on the plate of the tube --- and
the ambient temperature --- which causes the tube glass and other elements in
the tube to operate at exces s i ve temperatures . The type of glass used i n most
m i n iature tubes is such that i t absorbs most of the heat radiated by the plate.
A high percentage of the tube beat is concentrated on a very small area of the
glass, as shown in Figure 7 .

2.00 J�



j" .. ...

fJ) 1.25 0

W '\ 1 0

___ 900
J: ,.oO

Z 0

0.75 ,... 0
..,- 0
- -- �...

...... 0


o 140 160 180 200 220 240 260


:Figure 7

This "hot spot" appears opposite the center of the plate.(m) As the ambient
temperature increases, bulb and plate temperatures are increased in turn, as
well as the temperatures of other tube elements. Thi s great d ifference i n
temperature between the relatively cool ends o f the tube and the hot spot at
its center is the main cause of glass failure.

(m) - See Ref . 18

- 9-

lO_ "'"

i '\.. ..

!- . .

e-r "-

r-- COOL.JNG moP. .

.... ..-- .. .



F igure 8

Most past attempts to cure the heat problem have involved forced air convection.
As shown i n F i gure 8, forced a i r cooling lowers the ambient environment of the
tube - providing a partial solution - but does little to relieve the temperature
gradient present on the tube surface. Also, because of mechanical difficulties
in d i recting air flows, tubes are often found in air pockets, Figure 9, so they
receive little cooling effect.


Figure 9
- 10-


Some, who have given up any hope of solving the tube heat failure problem, are
patiently waiting for a day when transistors and magnetic amplifiers may replace
all tubes. There is little doubt that eventual development and production of
such components will solve many of our present problems. But transistors have
heat problems of their own; they appear to need many additional years of
development and production experience before they can hope to replace tubes in
their hundreds of millions of present applications. Since we must live with
tubes for years to come, then we must live with the problem of dissipating the
heat. An effective solution to the heat problem has actually been available
for the past five years - though it has not been widely known.


About five years ago, International Electronic Research Corporation ( IERC)

developed an effective heat-dissipating tube shield , Figure 1 0

Figure 1 0

This tube shield dissipates the heat by radiation, convection and conduction.
It grasps the hot tube bulb and distributes the heat from the hot spot over a
large surface area. This way , it not only reduces the general temperatures
present on the tube glass , but also greatly reduces the temperature gradient
along the surface of the tube, Figure 11


, -�
-- ,I-




.. ..

�I. .
• �




:Figure 11"

As shown in F i gure 3 , the temperature reduction when using and I.E.R.C. Type B
shield on a typical 6005 tube amounts to from 40 to 50 C below the bare bulb
operating temperatures and from 125 to 150 C below corresponding operat ing
temperatures encountered with the use of the old JAN shi eld.

It should be remembered that the JAN shield came i nto wide use before the heat
failure problem of electron tubes was generally recognized. But it must be
observed that i f one were purposely to design a poor thermal device for a tube
shield - a literal "k iller shield" - he could do no better than the JAN shield
as i t was originally designed and is still used. As earlier mentioned, the JAN
shield assures a capt ive a i r space between tube and shield; its shiny surface
reflects heat back into the tube. In addition , there is almost no thermal contact
from the shield to base. or from the base to the chassis.

Design of the IERC heat-dissipating shi elds began from the base up - in recognition
of all the defici encies i n the JAN type shi elds. In the M i litary Type B shi eld
( F igure 10) , for example, the base has a wide flange for effective thermal
contact ..,i th the chassis. The shield, in turn, has a tight thermal f i t to the base.
The tube i s grasped firmly along its entire surface ..,ith the beryllium copper
spring f i ngers. To date , this type of shield has proved to be the most effect ive
vertical mount type shield - both i n its heat dissipation characteristics and its
retention of the tube i n extreme shock and vibration �nvironments. (n)

About th."ee years ago, need arose for a method of applying heat dissipating shields
in equipments which had the old JAN bases mounted to their chassis. It did not
appear practical to remove sockets from these thousands of equipments i n order to
apply the M i litary Type B base and shield.

(n) - See Ref. 22 and 23


Figure 12

Figure 12 shows the retrofit type shield which was developed by I . E.R.C. to meet
this problem. This shield, with its beryllium copper spring finger liner and its
blackened shell, snaps onto the old JAN type base. Although it is a little less
effective than the Type B shield - primarily because of lack of thermal contact
between the JAN base and the chassis - its performance characteristics as shown
in Figure 3 indicate that it does reduce temperature of the tube bulb well below
bare bulb temperature - and more than lOO oC below JAN shield temperatures.

While it has been shown ,that high temperature shortens tube life hazardously -
and that the heat dissipating tube shields as described effectively lower tube
temperatures - correlation of these facts is needed to prove that heat dissipating
tube shields prolong tube life and increase equipment reliability to a high degree.

100 IERe (TYPE B

'" ;;;;-
;! 'ERe (TRJ.
U60 -
\ -
-' 4

;; ......

i;l,0 �
,,� ,"I"n I

500 1000 1500 2000 2500



Figure 13

Figure 13 compares the failure rates of 6005 type tubes when different types of
shields are used, This information is derived from the data shown in Figure 3
(Tube temperatures vs. tube shields) and the information contained in the curves
in Figure 4 (Tube life vs, tube temperatures),

i r--,-

r--.. t-;....
..... .....

I- I


0 r-...


0 1-- SOD
- I

1000 1500
! i
2000 2500
2,97 WATTS IN 100·C AMBE

Figure 14

Figure 14 .wows this same correl ation for a 6AK5W type tube, The extended life
Rftd reault1ng increase in rel iability is clearly indicated,

There have been other attempts to solve the problem of heat dissipation.

Figure 15

Figure 15 permits some comparisons. At the left is a cut-away of a JAN shield.

Next to it is a JAN Shield cut-away showing a corrugated brass insert liner.
This corrugated liner represents a different attempt to relieve the tube
temperature problems caused by the JAN shield - the liner being intended to
conduct heat from the glass to the shield. Although some laboratory tests indicated
this liner was an effective device, (o) quantity use in field service showed it to
be of doubtful value. Variations in diameter of the glass bulb in tubes of like
identification caused the trouble. Diameters of seven pin miniature tubes were
found to vary from .700" to .730" and variations were from .SOO" to .S40" in nine
pin tubes. For the liner to be effective it must contact the tube bulb surface -
and hence must conform to the diameter variations. But the brass corrugated type
liner- because of its configuration - cannot act as a spring.

Two deficiencies have resulted: when placed over tubes of larger diameter, either
the tube breaks or the liner is permanently deformed; when a deformed liner is
placed over a tube of smaller diameter - a frequent occurence in field use when
tubes are replaced and shields are re-used - the heat conductance from tube to.
shield is no longer effective. Of interest is the fact that the U. S. Navy
Department, which originally promoted use of this brass corrugated liner , no longer
recommends its use. It has become obvious that tube shields for heat dissipation
must have liners with spring properties.


To this pOint, I have discussed the heat-dissipating characteristics required of -

and supplied by - I.E.R.C. shields. A shield must also perform in terms of
electrostatic shielding and mechanical retention of the tube. The solid cover

( 0) - See Ref. IS
------ ------


provided by the JAN shield is not essential to proper e l ectrostatic shielding.

This probably arose for no other reason than convenience of manufacture. A
screen or open-work shie l d of solid metal, if well grounded, stops el ectrostatic
radiations. All of the I.E.R . C. shields have proved el ectrostatically effective .

The problem of tube retention is a little more complex. In applications such

as those encountered on aircraft and missiles, it is necessary that the shield
retain the tube in environments of extreme shock and vibration . The Mil itary
Type 8 (p) and the TR Type(r) have been tested to 2000 cycles of vibration and 90
G's of shock. 2000 cyc les is the l imit of present tube shie l d specification
requirements. (5) 90 G's of shock was the limit of the test machine. There are
no U. S. Military specifications for shock tests on tube shields . There is no
doubt that these shields will exceed these limits.

Studies by Aeronautical Radio, Inc.(t) rate vibration second only to high

temperature as a cause of tube failure. It is interesting to relate the effect
o f the type of tube shields being discussed to this vibration problem .

A test was conducted to determine the dampening ef fect of the spring finger liners
in the shie1ds. (u) This test was made in accordance with the micro-phonics test
described in MIL-E-l. A signal was fed into a tube which was under vibration;
then the variation in the amplitude of tube output was measured. Results showed
a 30% reduction in the variation when the tube was retained by a shield with a
spring finger liner, compared with an unshielded or JAN-shielded tube.


So far, our discussion has concerned itsel f with the need for heat dissipation
to reduce tube and equipment failures and with the qualities and characteristics
of the heat dissipation tube shields designed to meet the problem. Important for
the user are uniform methods of test by which product standards may be established
and product performance verified .

The Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory(v) has been investigating tube temperature

and tube shie l d problems for the past several years. The laboratory - by measuring
tube el ement temperatures within the tube - found instances in which certain
shields , intended for heat dissipation, were apparentl y effective for reducing
bulb surface temperature, but were actuall y reflecting heat back through the
gl ass with resulting increases in the plate temperature. The use of standard
tubes , modified for internal temperature measurement, was found to be a tricky
and dif ficult procedure , with added problems caused by variations in individual
tubes. So , in search of more consistent results and to facil itate further
testing , the Corne l l University E l ectrical Engineering Laboratories developed
instrumented tubes which they call "Thermatrons". (w) (Figure 16)

- - - - - - - - -
- -

(p) -
See Ref. 22
(r) - See Ref . 25
(s) - See Re f . 26
( t) - See Ref. 8
(u) - See Ref . 25
(v) - See Ref. 20
(w) - See Ref. 27





Figure 16

These Thermatrons are standard tubes with the filament and cathode elements
removed and replaced with a heavy duty heater which can dissipate heat equal
to the total amount of heat originally dissipated by the filament, plate and
other elements. The laboratory found good correlation between the internal
operating temperatures of the tube, using this method, as compared to st·andard
tube operation . Thermacouples, attached to the plate and the inside of the
glass bulb, are brought out through the unused pin leads. Using this method,
the wattage of the tube can be easily varied and the plate and bulb temperatures
can be monitored during tube shield tests.

Carnell Aeronautical Laboratory has also determined that - since heat conduction
was of prime importance in evaluating tube shields which are mounted to chassis
and heat sinks - correct data cannot be obtained unless an infinite or constant
temperature heat sink is used during the test. They devised an infinite heat
sink, shown in Figure 17.


Figure 17

This consists of a heavy copper chassis standing in circulating water and enclosed
in a clear plastic case to eliminate uncontrolled convection currents. The use of
these methods should eliminate much controversy and confusion in testing tube
temperatures and tube shields.

At the present time , U. S. Military specifications ( x) require that the heat

dissipating properties of tube shields be determined in the following manner:

An aluminum slug the shape of a tube and containing a heating element in its
center and thermocouples embedded in its surface is raised to and stabilized at
a temperature of l800C. The appropriate shield is then placed on the slug and
the temperature reduction of the slug is noted. This slug is mounted in a tube
socket in the center of an aluminum sheet metal chassis four (4) inches square
and two ( 2 ) inches high with the appropriate base also mounted with the socket.
This method was devised about five years ago for the want of a better standard
method and was placed in the specification .

It seems apparent to many that a more sUitable test method is needed. The method
outlined above has the following specific faults:

1) The metal test slug is made of heat conducting mat,erial and assumes an even
temperature over its entire surface. The glass surface of an actual tube , by
contrast, is non-conducting and has at its center a high temperature spot as
described earlier in this paper. Obviously, a shield designed to lower the
temperature of the test slug would not necessarily meet the problem of the hot
spot temperature on a glass bulb .
2 ) Since , as has been noted , certain shields may lower the glass temperature of
a tube, but reflect heat back through the glass to increase plate temperature, it
is also obvious that the metal slug test provides no means for ascertaining this

(x) - See Ref. 26


3) The specification method provides for use of a small test chassis, four inches
square and two inches high. Since one of the heat dissipating properties of a
well designed tube shield is conduction - the heat being conducted from tube
to shield to base to chassis or heat sink - the small chassiS is deficient in
its ability to reflect accurate comparisons of conductive properties . This fact
appears readily when it is realized that the amount of heat conducted between
materials 1n thermal contact with each other depends upon the temperature
difference. When a small chassis is used, the efficient heat conducting shield
will raise the temperature of the small chassis substantially more than will the
less efficient shield . Thus, the less efficient shield gains the benefit of a
greater temperature difference between shield and chassis. These circumstances
distort performance curves on both the efficient and inefficient shields so that
effective comparisons are not possible. The true values of various shields cannot
be tested without a test chassis or heat sink that simulates a standard condition .

A further note of warning needs to be stated with reference to evaluation of

chassis temperature determinations in connection with heat dissipating shields .
In speaking of the conductance of heat to the chassis by an efficient heat
dissipating tube shield, the impression may be created that effective shields
will so heat up the chassis as to risk damage to other components . While this
might be dismissed in view of our earlier determination that only a small
fraction of all equipment failures are traceable to failure of other components,
it seems more to the point to demonstrate that the conclusion is untrue .

Higher chassis temperatures actually result with the use of non-conductive JAN
shields and bases. The reason is that the JAN shield increases the temperature
of the tube by many degrees . There is then a higher hot spot temperature
available in close proximity to the chassis. This condition can, and does. cause
a higher chassis temperature around the tube.(y) A comparison of this temperature
condition with that of the Type 8 heat dissipating shield is shown in Figure 18.




Figure 18:

(y) - See Ref . 29


The Type B Shield , as shown, produces a lower chassis temperature in the vicinity
of the tube. This is because it lowers the hot spot temperature of the tube
and spreads the heat over the surface of the shield from which it is dissipated
by radiation and convection as well as by the conductance through the base to
the chassis.


The heat dissipating tube shields discussed so far are vertically mounted shields
for use in conventionally constructed equipment.

Figure 19

As you will note (Figure 19), there are thermal problems scattered throughout
most such equipment . Many equipments will continue to be constructed in the
future as they are today. The heat dissipating shields we have discussed are
available now to eliminate a significant percentage of the unreliability problem
in these equipments.

Such shields as we have discussed, however, cannot be considered the end of the
matter. Tubes are the most unreliable component in an equipment and they also
represent the majority of high temperature parts. This leads us to recognize
that tubes need to be given prime consideration, not alone for what can be done
to lower their temperatures after an equipment has been deSigned, but in the
initial thermal design of the eqUipment, itself .

I. E.R.e. has been engaged for the past five years in a continuous program of
research and development to improve electron tube and equipment thermal problems.
We feel this work has been productive:





Figure 20

The heat dissipating tube shield shown in Figure 20 mounts horizontally to a heat
sink. This shield, with its soft wrap-around shell in intimate contact with the
tube glass, conducts the heat to its base.



Figure 21

In Figure 21 , you will note that in addition to the effective heat dissipating
properties of this shield, it provides an excellent retainer of the tube in

extreme shock and vibration environments as it pl aces the tube in a position with
a low center of gravity . And because the soft wrap-around shell conforms to the
glass and forms a cushion between the hard glass and the hard spring clip there
are no resonances set up in vibration.

This assembly, with its base attached to a heat sink as shown, wil l maintain the
tube bulb at less than 50C above the heat sink temperature per watt of dissipation
in the tube, This is shown in Figure 22.

300 .---�-----r--'---'---��-'



1 0�----�-----+��-+����--f---t-1







35 SH1E 0
WITH I Rc 1 5-

(} 2 4 6 8 10 I I 16

Figure 22

When al l the tubes are mounted to a heat sink as shown in Figure 23, this
eliminates the need for scattering heat generating tubes throughout the equipment;
it isolates the problem by transferring the heat into the heat sink_ These
conditions greatly simplify the thermal problem_ Al l the heat is concentrated
in one area and can be transferred in simpl e manner from the equipment by various
methods, dependent on the volume of heat present.

Figure 23

If the amount of heat to be dissipated is in a low range, the heat sink may be
a simple metal plate of sufficient thickness to conduct the heat away to the
frame of the equipment or to some other point as shown in Figure 24 .




Figure 24

If the amount of heat to be dissipated is in the medium range, the heat sink may
be a hollow duct, possibly containing fins, through which cooling air can be
passed to transfer the heat. (This is an efficient method of using forced air
for cooling, contrasted with blowing air, at random, inside an equipment.) If the
amount of heat to be dissipated is in the high range, the heat sink may contain
ducts for the circulation of liquid coolants.

This type of arrangement solves two problems: it separates the electron tubes -
which are the main source of heat in an equipment - so that thermal problems of
other components are greatly reduced; it also places the tubes in a condition
where their temperature can be maintained most effectively at as Iow a point
as desirable.

All of the shields shown so far have been for application to miniature and sub­
miniature tubes. The same problem of heat dissipation and mechanical retention
exists with tubes of the larger octal and Dower tube sizes.

Figure 25

Figure 25 shows a shiel d which has a Beryllium copper spring finger liner for
grasping the tube and transferring the heat to the shell. The shell fastens to
the base with a positive snap action lock . Note that the base has a good solid
thermal and mechanical contact to the chassis or heat sink. This shield will
retain the tube at 2000 cycles of vibration and 90 G's of shock, as well as
meeting all of the general tube shield requirements of heat dissipation, salt
spray, and heat resistance, installation and withdrawal forces, etc. of the
Military Tube Shield Specification M IL-S-9372 (z) .

ARINC has been testing the Tl2 shield shown in Figure 25 on 6080 type tubes
in radio receivers and on 5932 type tubes in radar repeaters. They report in
a letter dated September 12, 1957 that the use of these T12 shields on the

( z) - See Ref. 31

eight 5932 tubes in each radar repeater decreases the failure rate of these tubes
from 36% to 12% in a 10,000 hour period. In other words, the 24 failures that
had been occurring in each equipment every 10, 000 hours were reduced to 8 failures
during the same period when the heat dissipating shields were applied.

The 5932 tube costs approximately $10.00 each, so that $120.00 worth of tubes
are saved each 10,000 hours, or about $600.00 worth in a five year period for
each radar repeater. This saving considers only the tube cost and not the
associated maintenance saving, nor the elimination of down time of the equipment
in time of need.


Many persons concerned with electronic reliability have perhaps jumped to a

conclusion that since tube shields are relatively simple devices they need little
consideration. Among many there has been a tendency to concentrate on the
inherent properties of tubes --- even though millions of dollars in research in
this direction have produced relatively minor increases in efficiency and

We hope that this presentation has served to show that the problem of heat­
dissipating tube shields involves a variety of considerations: the effects on
internal temperature, the types of mount, the capability of retention in shock
and vibration environments, the methods of test, the methods of disposing of
heat from the area of the equipment, and many other points. We would be remiss
if we were regarded as indicating ultimate answers have been reached in any
direction. Yet, in spite of the confusions which still exist, we feel we are
accurate in stating that the heat dissipating tube shields discussed do represent
an important solution to a major part of the electronic reliability problem.

In the United States the confusion is gradually being resolved. The U . S. Air
Force in 1953 tested the Military Type B shield (aa) after conducting other tests
which showed the alarming temperature increase caused by the JAN type shield. As
a result of these tests they wrote a heat dissipating tube shield speCification,
M IL-S-9372 (USAF) in 1954. This described the Military Type B shield. Until
recently , use of the JAN shields was still permitted. In January 1958, the
Air Force cancelled future use of JAN type shields, and established requirements
that M IL-S-9372 shields be used. The shields covered by this specification have
been illustrated. Figure 10 shows the Type B shield now specified for new
equipment and Figure 12 shows the Type TR which is specified for retrofitting.

But this specification still does not describe shields for tubes other than
vertically mounted miniature tubes. No consideration is given subminiature,
horizontal miniature, or octal and power type shields.

An attempt was made about two years ago to coordinate this specification among
the three U. S. Military services, the Navy, Army and Air Force. But because
of personnel turnover and resulting confusion respecting data on the subject,
no conclusion was reached. The Navy, pressed by its own need for heat dissipating

(aa) - See Ref. 28


tube shields, then undertook its own specifications, MIL-S-19786(Navy). This

specification is less comprehensive than that of the Air Force.

During the past five years equipment manufacturers who recognized the problem
and wer� willing to put forth an effort on their own to bring about a solution
in spite of the confused specification reqUirements, have readily accepted and
applied these shields in their equipment. It is felt that a good degree of
the success of many missile projects are due to the application of the shields
described here. Designers of such missiles as the Matador, Regulus, Talos,
Titan, Nike, Atlas, Sparrow, Hawk, Somare and many others have solved their
electron tube thermal and mechanical mounting problems through the use of these

In addition, many missile ground control and telemetering system designers have
recognized and applied this significant reliability aid. Other ground and air­
borne equipment designers have likewise recognized the value and importance of
applying these heat dissipating shields. It is significant that they have done
so without military reqUirement, but because of their interest and deep concern
over performance of their equipment.

Still other companies - aware of the heat problem, but unaware of the sheilds
on the market which could solve it - have sought solutions of their own. Many
of these attempts have lacked success for the reason indicated earlier - lack of
full understanding as to the complexities involved.

We hope we have helped to clarify some of these complexities and to provide data
from which you may reach more useful conclUsions than in the past. To move forwar.
we shall need effective standardization - in defining the job that heat dissip3tin
shields must accomplish, in setting manufacturing specifications, sizes and test
data. Meanwhile, with so much at stake in the reliability of so much vital
electronic equipment, we trust that a deep and concerned interest will be taken
by all involved.

1. Given F. J. "ReI iabil1 ty in Electronic Equipment", Guided Missile Committee

of AlA, White Sands Proving Ground, April 20, 1954

2. "Progress Report on Reliability of Electronic Equipment" Volume 1 8< 2,

Research and Development Board, Department of Defense, EL/217, Feb.ruary 1952

3. "Parts Failure Analysis", Vitro Corporation of America, Silver Springs,

Md., Report No. 25, November 1, 1951

4. Carbart R.R. "Survey of Current Status of Electronic Reliability Program",

Report No. RM-1131, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, California,
Augus t 14, 1953

5. NEL Reliability Design Handbook, Section 1.1, "Reliability Surveys",

May 1, 1955, U.S. Navy Electronics Laboratory, San Diego, California

6. "Reliability Factors for Ground Electronic Equipment" McGraw-Hi11 Book Co.,

for Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss Air Force Base, New York

7. NEL ReI iability Design Handbook, Section I, Page 11, "Electronic Equipment
Failure During Evaluation Test", R.J. Steelman, August 1, 1955

8. Aeronautical RadiO, Inc., General Report No. 1, "Investigation of Electron

Tube ReI iability in Mili tary Applications" Washington D.C., January 4, 1954
I,' I
I ' I
9. Bowie W.S. "Study of Electron Tube Life", General Electric Co., Owensboro,
Kentucky Contract DA-36-039 -SC-42524

10. Corne11 University, "Signal Corps Tube Analysis Program" Technical Report #22,
Cornell School of Electrical Engineering, Ithaca, New York, May I, 1955

11. Acheson, Marcus A. and Eleanor M. McElwee, "Concerning the Reliabil ity of
Electron Tubes", Proceedings of the IRE, Volume 40, No. 10, October 1952

12. "Electron Tube Temperature Problem in Relation to Design for Reliability",

Vitro Corporation of America, Silver Springs, Md., Report No. 51, November 30,
1953 (Contract DA-36-034-0RD-k426)

13. The Background of "Reliability", T A. Smith, IRE Transactions on Reliability

and Quality Control, September 1956.

14. NEL Reliability Design Handbook, "Introduction" by R.J. Steelman, March 4, 1954

15. "Heat Dissipation in Electron Tubes", W.D. Campbe11, Proceedings of the RETMA
Symposium on Applied Reliability, University of Southern California,
December 19-20, 1956

16. Aeronautical Radio, Inc., Report No. DCA 56-1161 "The Cooling Effects of a
Special Tube Shield", Field Engineering Report, Army Radio Station "WAR",
October 25, 1956

17. "Techniques for Reliability Measurements and Predictions, based on Field Failure
Data", Vitro Laboratories, Silver Springs, Md., Report No. 80, October 10, 1955
(Contract NOBSR 63389)
1 8 . D.R . Wal in , "Vacuum Tube Envelope Temperature Measurements" NEL Report #594 ,
March 30 , 1955 , U.S. Navy E l ectron i c s Laboratory , San Diego , Cal i forn i a

1 9 . NEL Rel i ab i l i ty Design Handbook , Section 201. 1 , "Electron Tube Engineering

Data Sheets" , W.B . We l l s , and Section 505.1

20 . "Design Manual of Natural Methods of Cool ing E l ectronic Equipment" , James P .

W e l sh , Cornell Aeronaut ical Laboratory , Buffalo, N.Y. , Report No. HF-845-D-8 ,
November 1 , 1956 (Contract NOBSR-63043)

2 1 . "High Temperature and Al t i tude Li fe Eval u a t i on and Pu l s e Ratings of Submi ni ature

Vacuum Tubes" , Final Engineering Report , Contract AF33(038) 9853, Sylvania
E l ectric Products Inc . , Emporium , Pa.

22. Qual i f icat ion Te s t s of Heat D i s sipat ing El ectron Tube Shields, Test Report # 1 31 ,
January 1956 , United El ectroDynami cs , Divis ion of United Geophysical Corp . ,
Pasadena , Cal i forn i a

23. "Evaluation Tes t s o f Heat D i s s ipating El ectron Tube Shi e l ds o f Various Des i gns"
Test Report #E-472 , March 1957, United E l ectroDynam ics, D i v i s ion o f United
Geophysical Corpor a t ion , Pasadena , Cal i forn i a

24. M i l i tary Spec i f i c a t i ons , El ectron Tubes , MIL-E-l

25. "Evaluat ion Test ing of TR Tube Shi e l d and JAN Bright Tube Shi e l d" Test Report
#E-154 , May 1956, United E l ectroDynam ics Divis ion of United Geophysical Corp. ,
Pas adena , Cal i forn i a

26 . Spec i fication "Heat D i s s ipat ing El ectron Tube Shi e l ds" MIL-S-9372 ( USAF)

27. "Development and Appl icat ion of a Thermal Diode Thermatron for use in Studying
Methods of Cool ing El ectron Tubes" , James P . Welsh , Report No. HF-I053-D-3 ,
May 1957 , Corne l l Aeronau t i cal Laboratory , Buffalo, New York (Contract NOBSR
7253 1 )

28. "Evaluation o f Sh i e l d s for Cool ing M i n i a ture El ectron Tube Type s " , Max B i a l er,
W.A.D . C . Techn ical Report 53- 1 74 , Wright Air Development Center, Wrigh t ­
Pat terson Air Force Base, Ohio

29. Interim t e s t report on Evaluation Tes t s of E l ectron Tube Shi e l ds , May 1 0 , 1956 ,
United El ectroDynam ic D i v i s ion of Uni ted Geophys i cal Corp., Pas adena , C a l i fornia

30. E IA Conference on E l ectronic Equipment Maintainab i l i ty , Univers i ty of Southern

Cal i forn i a , December 18, 1 9 , 1957 . Paper de l i vered by Mr. C.I. Cummings o f
Jet Propul s ion Laboratory , Cal i forn i a Ins t i tute o f Technology.

3 1 . R . D. M i l l s W.W . Wright "The Rating of Thermionic Valves for use under Abnormal
Ambient Condi t ions" Bri t i sh Journal of E l ectronics November 1955

32 . "Qual i f ication Tests of Heat D i s s ipat ing Tube Shields" Report #E-169 , November
1956, Uni ted E l ectrodynamics Divis ion of Uni ted Geophysical Corpora t i on,
Pasadena , Cal i forn i a
United States Patent Office Patented Oct. 9, 1956

1 2
metals are highly effective as a heat-conducting medium,
they nevertheless lose their effectiveness when heated due
to losing their temper and consequently their snug grip
upon the tube.
ELECTRONIC TUBE CLAMP AND SHIELD A great deal of trouble has been experienced from
snapping tubes into the spring typ.e clamps. The snap­
Leroy Ralph Woods, Whittier, Calif., assignor to Inter­
ping is sufficient often to start a slight strain not imme­
national Electronic Research Corporation, Burbank,
diately detachable but which after use under vibration
Calif., a corporation of California
conditions ultimately contributes to fracturing of the tube
Application Augost 28,1953,Serial No. 377,080 10 at an inopportune time.
It is therefore among the objects of the invention to
9 Claims. (Ct. 257-263)
provide a new and improved tube clamp and heat-con­
ducting shield device which is capable of uniformly cool­
ing an electronic tube on which it may be used.
The invention relates to devices for securing electronic 16 Another object of the invention is to provide a new
and similar types of vacuum tubes, which devices serve and improved tube clamp and heat-conducting shield ca­
also as a means of cooling the tubes by conducting heat pable of operating at a low temperature gradient between
therefrom and also as cushions so as to minimize the tube and shield.
effect of high frequency vibration on the tubes. Still another object oJ the invention is to provide a
Two outstanding essentials in the employment of elec­ 20 new and improved construction for a tube clamp and heat­
tronic tubes have been the provision of tube clamps ca­ conducting shield such that the metal best able to conduct
pable of securely mounting the tubes in a selected loca­ Iieat may be used for that purpose without impairing the
tion and devices for conducting away from the tubes heat ability of the clamp to maintain a tight grip upon the tube.
generated during their operation. New developments in Still another object of the invention is to provide a tube
certain fields and particularly the fields devoted to aircraft 26 clamping means consisting of a relatively dead metal so
and guided missiles have produced vibration conditions associated with a spring clamp that the dead metal is
of far greater amplitude and intensity than previously retained in place securely and uniformly by spring pres­
experienced. Greater demands upon the performance of sure which, because of the absence of heat in the spring
such electronic tubes have also necessitated more efficient clamp, will not weaken and deteriorate, thereby to di-
means for conducting heat away from the glass exterior 30 minish the efficiency of the tube installation.
so as to more uniformly and more thoroughly cool the Still further among the objects of the invention is to
tubes. provide a new and improved tube clamp and heat-con­
Spring clips have often been resorted to for holding ducting shield which is especially well adapted to the
tubes in place. These have a number of objectionable clamping and cooling of flat pressed miniature and sub-
features, one being that spring metal, when heated to 35 miniature tubes.
temperatures frequently experienced in this particular Also included among the objects is to provide a new
field, tends to lose its resiliency and effectiveness. and improved cushioned clamp which permits insertion of
It has also been known that glass is a relatively poor the tube without undue strain upon the glass and which
conductor of heat and for this reason tube clamps de­ permits removal of the tube from the clamp with equal
signed so as to grip the glass at scattered locations fail (0 ease.
as a heat conducting medium in that, although heat may With these and other objects in view, the invention
be conducted very rapidly away from those points on the consists in the construction, arrangement and combina­
glass touched by spring elements or fingers, there is suffi­ tion of the various parts of the device whereby the ob­
cient heat remaining in the glass at locations between jects contemplated are attained, as hereinafter set forth,
the points gripped by the fingers that excessive strains are 46 pointed out in the appended claims and illustrated in the
set UP resulting ultimately in cracking and failure of the accompanying drawings.
tubes. With further respect to the neW and highly inten­ In the drawings:
sive vibration conditions it has been found that on many Figure 1 is a side elevational view of one form of the
occasions vibrations set up a resonant condition which tube clamp and heat-conducting shield device in place
greatly aggravates the objectionable effects normally ex­ 60 upon a flat press tube.
perienced in the presence of very high frequency vibra­ Figure 2 is a vertical end elevational view of Figure I.
tions. Figure 3 is an exploded view showing a tube and
It has further been found that, particularly in flat press showing parts of the tube clamp and shield device in
tubes where the area around wires emerging from the the positions from which they are advanced into contact
55 with the tube.
tubes is pressed into l! flat form, normally unequal ex­
pansion between glass and the metal of the wire has Figure 4 is a cross-sectional view taken on the line
caused a condition making it very necessary to cool tubes 4-4 of Figure I.
effectivelY at that point. Figure 5 is a longitudinal sectional view of a subminia­
Efforts to improve the contact areas between the tube ture tube wherein the tube clamp and shield device is
60 ilLustrated with a modified type of
clamp and the glass have met with indifferent success liner.
partly by reason of the fact that relatively large tolerances Figure 6 is a vertical sectional view taken on the line
are permitted in bulb diameter. Tolerances in surface 6-6 of Figure 5.
areas have also been permitted to the extent that very Figure 7 is a longitudinal view partially in section
frequently seams are present, high spots, and conditions showing a form of the deVice applied to a button type
of out-of-round form sufficient to considerably impair a 65 tube.
close fit of the shield around the tube. This often results Figure 8 is a fragmentary view of the innermost liner
in a gradual diminution of the grip of the clamp on the element employed in the form illustrated in Figures 5
tube until, after a period of use but long prior to exhaus­ and 6.
tion of the tube itself, the grip weakens and conditions In a form of the device chosen to illustrate the in­
begin to .acc!Jmulate requiring constant servicing. 'TO vention there is shown a flat press tube 10 conventional
Good heat conductors can be found which include alu­ in subminiature type tubes which consists of a cylindrical
minum alloys and spring silver. Alth�ugh both of these portioA 11 and a flat press 12. The flat press produces

opposite substantially parallel flat faces 13 and 14 at the tube in placc which would otherwi3c lend 10 ,,:l lip
the end of which is a transverse bead 15 from which a strain in the glass.
protmde wires 16. After the chassis walls have been wrapped around thc
For holding a tube of the flat press type there are glass, application of the spring fingers 31, even though
provided, as illustrated in Figure 1, two principal ele- 5 they might be snapped into place, does not set up any
ments comprising a chassis 17 and a clamp 18. These strain in the glass of the tube because of the fact that
clements are shown in assembled condition in Figures 1 the soft metallic semi-cylindrical walls 2G and 21 absorb
and 2 and separately in Figure 3. the shock of snapping the spring fingers into place.
More particularly the chassis is built from a dead metal. Further by reason of pressing the tongue 25 into snug
This dead metal is preferably very soft silver initially in 10 engagement with the flat press where it is held in snug
sheet form which may be pressed by means of a die into engagement hy the legs 33, the flat press is provided with
the form illustrated in Figures 1, 2 and 3. The chassis a means of having heat conducted therefrom which as a
as there shown is provided with protruding configurations consequence materially improves the cooling of the tube
19 spaced longitudinally one from another and extending particularly at the critical point where the wires are em-
substantially throughout the length of the chassis. These 15 bedded and emerge.
protruding configurations extend across the chassis as In a modified form of the invention illustrated in Fig­
is observable in Figure 4 so as to provide a series of flat ures 5 and 6 there is provided a liner or what may be
base elements by means of which the chassis is supported aptly described as a cushion liner 36 which may advan­
upon some appropriate supporting surface. If the sup­ tageously comprise an initially relatively flat sheet of
porting surface be a metal, the chassis may readily be 20 waffle embossed silver. This is a material frequently in
silver soldered or silver brazed to the base. the neighborhood of about .003 inch in thickness but
The chassis includes a pair of semi-cylindrical side wherein the effective thickness due to the waffle grid
walls 20 and 21 which can be folded around the cylindrical effect may be somewhat greater. Details of the cushion
portion 11 of the tube after the tube is placed in the liner are shown in Figure 8.
chassis. The semi-cylindrical walls are made of such 25 The cushion liner is constructed of such width that it
width that they almost meet along a longitudinal meet- will substantially surround the cylindrical portion 11 of
ing line 22. It is of interest to note that the protruding the tube leaving only a line 37 of separation.
configurations 19 terminate on opposite sides in rounded The positioning of the liner is illustrated to good ad­
ends 23 and 24 which stand out a slight distance from vantage in Figures 5 and 6. The length of the liner may
the exterior wall of the cylindrical portion of the tube. 30 be the same or slightly greater than the length of the
The configurations may be described as transverse ribs cylindrical portion ! 1 of the tube. When applied the
comprising a bottom support for the chassis. liner is initially wrapped around the tube and then the
A t one end of the chassis is a tongue 25 dished to a tube with the surrounding liner is rested in the chassis as
limited extent for reception of the end of the cylindrical an object might be rested in a cradle. The semi-cylin­
portion of the tube where it joins the flat press. The 35 drical sides 20 and 21 of the chassis are then bent around
tongue turns upwardly to a transverse rounded contact the cushion liner and ultimately the clamp 18 is applied
26 which is adapted to have the lower face 14 of the flat over the chassis semi-cylindrical side walls in the same
press rest thereon. Ordinarily the end of the chassis manner as was initially described in connection with Fig­
opposite the end at which the tongue is located is open. ures 1, 2 and 3. This brings the spring fingers 31 into
After a tube has been set in the chassis and the semi- 40 contact with the exterior of the chassis and thereby add­
cylindrical sides 2(1 and 21 folded around it, the clamp ing to the force of pressing the liner into conformation
18 may be applied. The clamp is constructed of spring with any irregularities that may exist on the exterior of
material. This clamp has a portion 30 slightly cylindrical the glass wall.
so as to fit the exterior contour of the semi-cylindrical An optional and convenient means of securing the
chassis 17 to an appropriate mounting is illustrated in the
walls 20 and 21. Along each side of the portion 30 45
modified form of Figures 6 and 7. For this purpose there
is a series of fingers 31 spaced longitudinally from eacn
is provided a channel-like clamp or elongated staple 50
other and forming therebetween a series of spaces 32.
having a flat web 51 silver soldered or otherwise at­
The fingers continue to carry out the semi-cylindrical
tached to the configurations or transverse ribs 19 of the
form of the clamp.
chassis. At each side of the web is a leg 52, adapted to
At one end of the clamp, namely, the end correspond- 50
be bent as shown by the dotted position 52' in Figure 6.
ing to the end at which the tongue 25 is located on the
The clamp thus described is an effective medium for use
chassis, there are provided a series of spring legs 33
in mounting the chassis on one of the commercial forms
spaced laterally one from another and extending endwise
of fibre mats in which slots may be cut for reception of
and downwardly to a location where rounded ends 34 of
the legs during the mounting operation. The clamp is
the legs are adapted to engage in the face 13 of the flat 55
one well adapted to mechanical assembly operations.
On those occasions where the tube clamp and shield
It will be noted further that the spring fingers 31 also
device may be called upon to receive and mount a sub­
terminate in rounded ends 35 and that these ends are
miniature type tube of the so-called button type, such as
adapted to fit between the rounded ends 23 and 24 of the
the tube 40 of Figure 7, some slight modification may be
protruding configurations on the chassis. By fitting thus til)
found advantageous. The button type tube usually fea­
snugly the fingers prevent endwise shifting of the clamp
tures an annular bead 41 at the pressed end through
relative to the chassis as well as being depended upon to which wires 42 dispersed circumferentially about the end
press the soft metal semi-cylindrical walls 20 and 21 protmde. Frequently there is a cylindrical portion 43 at
into snug uniform contact with the glass exterior wall of the other end of which may be a �ap-like portion �4 ad-
the tube. G5 jacent a tip 45.
Because of the soft character of the semi-cylindrical If the button type tube should have variations in the
walls 20 and 21 the metal of the walls is adapted to and exterior contour such as those variations herein sug­
does conform to irregularities in the exterior surface of gested or other variations due to roughness or a wide
the glass wall of the tube. The fingers therefore serve tolerance allowance in circumference, nevertheless the
as a means of conforming the soft metal of the chassis 70 tube clamp and shield device may be counted upon to
into efficient heat-conducting relationship to the glass function efficiently and successfully. A chassis 46 sub-
of the tube as well as serving to anchor the tube in its stantially similar to the chassis 17 is employed except
bed or position in the chassis. From this description that there is omitted the tongue 25 and its transverse
it will be apparent that the tubes are merely laid in the rounded contact 26. The chassis as previously noted is
soft silver chassis without there being any snapping of 75 constmcted of soft metal, soft silver being especially ap-
plicable, so that the metal of the chassis will conform to fold over t he comp onent, and a clamp of spring metai
the irregularities of the surface of the tube. comprising a semi-cylindrical portion corresponding in
A clamp 47 is employed having the same general shape length to the length of the chassis, said clamp having a
and configuration as the clamp 18 except that the legs series of longitudinally spaced spring fingers on each
33 are omitted. Fingers 48 extend along both sides and IS side of the clamp adapted to extend around the lower
are spaced apart as previously noted by spaces 49 there­ side of the chassis and into spaces between said ribs.
between. The fingers fit into the usual spaces between 2. A tube clamp and heat-conducting shield device for
protruding configurations 19' of the chassis as shown electronic fiat press tubes comprising a chassis of dead
in Figure 7 and of the same general form as shown and metal corresponding in length to the length of a tube and
described in connection with Figures 1 through 6, 10 having protruding configurations along a bottom thereOf
inclusive. and substantially semi-cylindrical sides adapted to fold
Constructed as described the soft metal of the chassis over the tube, a tongue at one end of the chassis extending
can sustain a very considerable amount of heat and by endwise 1'.nd adapted to engage one side of the flat press
reason of the fact that it can be constructed of the most of the tube, and a clamp of spring metal comprising a
efficient heat-conducting metal, the chassis is extremely lIS dished portion corresponding in length to the length of
efficient in conducting heat away from all sides of the the chassis, said clamp having spring elements at the sides
tube and also from all portions of the tube surfac�. adapted to extend around the lower side of the chassis,
Continued heating or continued alternate heating and and a spring means extending from one end of the clamp
cooling conditions do not affect the efficiency in any adapted to engage the other side of said flat press.
adverse way. Such effect as might be experienced is 20 3. A tube clamp and heat-conducting shield device for
more in the nature of a still closer conformation of the
electronic flat press tubes comprising a chassis of dead
t:hassis to the glass as the installation continues in use.
metal corresponding in length to the length of a tube
When the cushion liner 36 is employed the liner may be
and having protruding configurations along a bottom there­
constructed of somewhat thinner material than the chas­
of presenting longitudinally spaced flat faced transverse
ds can be constructed of and consequently the liner to a 26
ribs and having substantially semi-cylindrical sides adapt­
degree even greater than the chassis is adapted to con­
ed to fold over the tube to a longitudinal meeting line
form to such irregularities as may exist due to variations
along the too. a tong ..�e at Oile end of the chassis extending
in tolerance, seams, protrusions and other irregularities
endwise and adapted to engage one side of the flat press of
on the tube surface.
the tube, and a clamp of spring metal comprising a semi-
Whether the chassis be used alone or in company with 30
cylindrical portion corresponding in length to the length
the liner, the soft character of the metal has a very
of the chassis, a series of longitudinally spaced spring
marked effect in dampening vibrations and destroying
fingers on each side of the clamp adapted to extend
the tendency of the tube clamp to experience resonant
around the lower side of the chassis and into spaces be-
conditions. This is as true of extremely high vibrations
3 tween said ribs, and a spring element extending from
of the supersonic type as in ordinarily high vibrations 6
one end of the clamp to a position adapted to engage the
heretofore experienced in aircraft and guided missiles.
other side of said flat press.
Uniform pick up of heat from all portions of the glass
4. A tube clamp and heat-conducting shield device
virtually eliminates mechanical and heat strains in the
for electroniC flat press tubes comprising a chassis of
glass, even though portions of the glass may be heated
40 dead metal corresponding in length to the length of a
to considerably higher temperatures than closely adja­
tube and having protruding configurations uniformly
cent porlions. Further by reason of the fact that the
spaced along a bottom thereof presenting substantially
spring fingers of the clamp are not depended upon to con­
flat faced transverse ribs having spaced rounded ends and
tact the hot surface of the glass and further by reason
having substantially semi-cylindrical sides adapted to fold
of the fact that the chassis may be constructed of a ma­
terial having greater heat-conducting qualities than the over the tube to a longitudinal meeting line along a side
45 remote from the ribs. a tongue at one end of the chassis
siJring clamp, these spring fingers do not absorb a suf­
on the side adjacent the ribs extending endwise and out­
ficient amount of heat to modify their temper and springy
wardly and terminating in a transverse rounded contact
character. In consequence they maintain their initial
firm grip, holding the sides of the chassis in place despite adapted to engage one side of the flat press of the tube,
extreme conditions in temperature and vibration expected and a clamp of spring metal comprising a semi-cylindrical
to be encountered in use. The possibility of the tube
50 portion corresponding in length to the length of the
loosening from its mounting is therefore materially chassis, a series of longitudinally uniformly spaced spring
minimized. fingers on each side of the clamp adapted to extend
There has been therefore disclosed herein a highly around the lower side of the chassis and into spaces be­
efficient tube clamp and shield device which combines tween said rounded ends of the configurations, whereby
the qualities of extremely efficient cooling with vibration­ to press the chassis uniformly into heat-absorbing contact
resistant qualities sufficient that the device may be de­ with the tube, and a series of spring legs extending from
one end of the clamp having rounded ends adapted to
pended upon to remain securely in place upon any suit­
able face and to securely hold the tube mounted therein engage the other side of said flat press.
in its proper position. 5. A clamp and shield device for electronic components
While I have herein shown and described my inven­ comprising a chassis of dead metal corresponding in
tion in what I have conceived to be the most practical length to the length of a component and having high
and preferred embodiment, it is recognized that departures heat-conducting characteristics, said chassis having a bot­
may be made therefrom within the scope of my invention, tom and semi-cylindrical side walls adapted to extend
which is not to be limited to the details disclosed herein 65 around the component, an inner liner of initially flat
but is to be accorded the full scope of the claims so as dead metal material adapted to lie between the exterior
to embrace any and all equivalent devices. surface of the component and the interior surface of
Having described my invention, what I claim as new said chassis and adapted to extend throughout the cylin­
and desire to secure by Letters Patent is: drical portion of the component, and a clamp of spring
1. A clamp and heat-conducting shield device for elec­ 70 metal comprising a dished portion corresponding in length
tronic components comprising a chassis of dead metal to the length of the component, said clamp having spring
corresponding in length to the length of a component elements at the sides adapted to extend partly around the
and having protruding configurations along a bottom lower sides of the chassis, whereby said chassis and the
thereof presenting longitudinally spaced transverse ribs inner liner are pressed into intimate contact with the
and having substantially semi-cylindrical sides adapted to 76 exterior wall of the component.
7 8
6. A clamp and shield device for electronic tubes com­ shape of the component and having sidc walls of breadth
prising a chassis of dead metal corresponding in length to adapted to be pressed to positions overlying and sub­
the length of a tube and having high heat-conducting stantially surrounding said component, a base-contacting
characteristics, said chassis having longitudinally spaced portion comprising part of said chassis and having an
protruding configurations on one side fmming a bottom :i area of the base-contacting portion adapted to be
and semi-cylindrical side walls extending to a separation anchored to the base, and a clamp of spring metal com­
line along one side, an inner liner of initially flat em­ prising a dished portion corresponding in size and di­
bossed dead sheet metal material adapted to lie between mension to the exterior of the chassis, said clamp having
the exterior surface of a tube and the interior surface separate longitudinally spaced spring elements at side
of said chassis and adapted to extend throughout the 10 edges thereof, said spring elements in assembled posi­
cylindrical portion of the tube, and a clamp of spring �ion extending around the side walls and beneath the
metal comprising a semi-cylindrical portion correspond- chassis and in resilient contact therewith and separated by
ing in length to the length of the chassis, said clamp hav- said chassis from direct contact with the component
ing a series of longitudinally spaced spring fingers adapted whereby to urge said chassis into heat dissipating con­ -
to extend partly around the lower sides of the chassis Iii tact with the component.
and between the configurations, whereby said chassis and 9. A clamp and heat-conducting shield device for elec­
the inner liner are pressed into intimate contact with the lronic components comprising a chassis of dead metal
exterior wall of the tube. corresponding in one lineal dimension to the correspond­
7. A tube clamp and shield device for flat press elec­ ing dimension of the component and having a plurality
tronic tubes comprising a chassis of dead metal corre- 20 of lineally spaced configurations defining engaging areas
sponding in length to the length of a tube and having for said clamp on each opposite side, said chassis having
longitudinally spaced transverse configurations on one sides of breadth adapted to substantially envelope sides
side forming a bottom and semi-cylindrical side walls on and top portions of said component in an envelope of
t he bottom adapted to extend around the tube, an inner said dead metal, and a clamp having one lineal dimension
liner of initially flat dead metal material adapted to lie 25 corresponding to the first identified lineal dimension of
betwecn the exterior surface of a tube and the interior said chassis, said clamp having a series of lineally spaced
surface of said chassis and adapted to extend throughout spring elements on each side integrally connected by a
the cylindricalportion .., and a clamp of spring web portion and resiliently contacting said chassis, said
metal cOinprising a semi-cylindrical portion correspond- clamp extending throughout substantially more than half
ing in length to the length of the tube, said clamp having 30 the perimeter of said chassis and adapted to engage said
spring elements adapted to extend partly around the lower lineally spaced areas on said chassis whereby to press
sides of the chassis, whereby said chassis and the inner said dead metal into engagement with the component.
liner are pressed into intimate contact with the exterior
wall of the tube, a tongue at one end of the chassis ex­ References Cited in the file of this patent
tending generally endwise into the flat press at one side of
the tube and spring means on a corresponding end o f
the clamp extending generally endwise into the flat press 2,019,939 Suller _________________ Nov. 5, 1935
at the other side of the tube. 2,494,881 Kost __________________ Jan. 17, 1950
8. A clamp and heat-conducting shield device for elec­ 2,662,220 Saari __________________ Dec. 8, 1953
tronic components comprising a chassis of dead metal 2,668,933 Shapiro Feb. 9, 1954

having a pocket conforming in general to the size and 2,701,866 Chapman ______________ Feb. 8, 1955
Oct. 9, 1956 L. R. WOODS 2,766,020

Filed Aug. 28, 1953

� 4--1I

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♦ Verso Filler Page ♦
United States Patent Office Patented Sept. 24, 1957

1 2
Another object of the invention is to provide a new
and improved combination tube clamp and shield which
in addition to providing an effective isolation against vi­
brational shock waves is also an effective heat dispersing
TUBE CLAMP A�D SHIELD 5 medium which greatly assists in the dissipation of heat
from the tube under circumstances where overheating
Leroy Ralpb Woods, Wbittier, Cali£', assignor, by mesne might 'be the cause of poor performance, the combined
assignments, to International Electronic i1.c."l','lrdl Cf.'f­
tube clamp and shield being further so constructed that
poration, Burbaok, Calif., a corporation ()� Califomhl
heat is dissipated not only by being reradiated from the
Application March 30, 1953, Scriall'io. 345,597 10 shield but also by being very efficiently conducted through
the shield and its support to the chassis of the installation.
19 Claims. (Cl. 174-35)
Still another object of the invention is to provide a
new and improved tube clamp and shield which very
effectively minimizes microphonics within the tube itself.
The invention relates to the field of electronic ac.::es­ 15 Another object of the invention is to produce a tube
sories · and has particular reference to a de vice for use clamp and shield which has a very appreciable shield­
with conventional vacuum and electronic tubes for the ing effect to protect the tube from stray radiations with­
purpose of holding the tubes in place under circumstances out the necessity of employing a completely enveloping
where there mi gh t be considerable vibration, insufficient metallic envelope.
air circulation causing overheating, or perhaps where Also included among the object� of the invention is to
there may be present other electric vibrations or im­ provide a new and improved tube clamp and shield
pulses from which the tube should be shielded. which is extremely inexpensive in view of its high de­
Tube clamps have been in common use for securing gree of lltility. which is substantially universal in its
and protecting vacuum tubes for a great many years, in o� design in that it can be applied to a great variety of dif­
fact, almost as long as vacuum tubes have been in use. _;J ferent types of tube�, and which further is so constructed
The tube clamps heretofore used, however, have been that it can be readily installed upon standard chassis and
little more than relatively thin sheet metal cylinders electro nic installations.
fitting over the tubes in a somewhat careless or indif­ With these -and otht�r obje�i� in view, the invention
ferent .fashion. Various means have been employed consists in the construction, arnln_!!emcnt and c()mhina-
for holding the tubes in place but such holding devices tion of the variolls parts of th·� device wJlcreby the oh·
as have been employed have been those which could not jects con te m p late d arc attained, as hereinafter set forth,
be relied upon under all circumstances for properly re­ pointed out in the appended claims and illustrated in the
taining the tube. Under other circumstances where the accompanying dra-,vings.
heating of the tube or cooling of the tube has been a 3:; In the drawings:
problem, tube shields in the fOlm of tube clamps where Figure 1 is an elevation31 sectional view showing the
they have been employed have been little more than tube clamp and shield in place over an electronic tuOC.
stacks for the casual circulatiun of air. Where the Figure 2 is a cross-section taken on the line 2-2
tubes have needed cooling, the tube shields have never of Figure 1.
been so constructed as to provide an effective reradi­ 40 Figure 3 is a fragmentary cross-sectional view taken
ating surface. on the line 3-3 of Figure 1.
More particularly since the employment of immense Figure 4 is an exploded view in perspective showing
numbers of tubes on guided missiles and jet planes, tubes parts of the tube clamp and shield in the form they
have been subjected to vibrations far exceeding uny­ would have prior to assembly.
thing heretofore experienced and also vibrations of a 45 Figllrre 5 is a p erspecti ve view of one of the spring
c haracter not heretofore of great importance. Unu.:r members utilizable in the cylindrical portion of the
thos e circumstances the tube shields which have been cla./np.
established as conventional tube shielding and clamping Figure 6 is an elevational sectional view showing an­
devices have been found to be ineffec t ive in that th.::y other form ('If the device in place over an electronic tube.
permit the elements in the tube to deteriorate very 50 Figure 7 is a cross-sectional view taken on the line
rapidly under the vibrational strains and in som e in­ 7-7 of Figure 6.
stances even to contribute to the breakdown of the ele­ Figure 8 is an exploded perspe ctive view of the holder
ments in the tubes under vibration. On some occa�i()ns and envelope of Figure 6.
where the tubes have been insufficiently and un';atis­ Figure 9 is a perspective view of the spring member
fact orily supported, the vibrational strain betweell the 55 of Figure 6 before being rolled and inserted wit,hin the
tube clamp contacts and the ·glass of the tu be has h�2n envelope.
such as to shatter the glass it�el.f. Tn an embodiment choson to ilh'str:lle Ih.:! iilvention
It is therefore among the objects of the inveroti,n tl') there is shown a t u b e clamp .and shiclct indic:!tcd g·:n­
provide a new and improved tube clamp and �,:I;"U erally by the reference character JO mountcd "pall :1
which is very highly shock resistant to the point v. il':rc GO holder 11 which in turn is mounted upon a support 1 �
the life of conventional vacuum tubes has been kn:;i!l­ which may be a purt of the chassis of some appropri;.t;:
ened by many hundreds of hC'l�rs under extremely ;.d­ electronic unit. A socket 13 of any <'nt! of the seve r a l
verse circumstances. conventional types is mOllnteu beneath the support J2
Another object of the invei;:ion is to prov i d e a nl'w in a scmewhat loose f:lshitln as is customary in the trad.:.
and improved tube clamp and ',hdJ whi-.:h is ob , c ; lii,' I;;:;
' The holder 11, shown in perspective view in FigUrre
tube with an extremely high i.h.:grce of effectivencs�; by 4, consists of a disc-like annular r i ng 14 p rov ided with
providing a great many separate and individinl resilient lugs 15 having holes 16 therein by means of which the
contacts between the tube clamp and tile glass of the holder can be secured to the support 12 by means of
tube on all sides and throughout its length so that vi­ conventional screws. The annular ring portion has a
brational shocks are evenly distributed and dampened 70 series of outwardly extending retainers 17, four in num­
to the extent that they become almost ineffective to cause ber, having overhanging lips 18 providing slots 19. At
deterioration of the tube. the inner edge of the annular ring is an upstanding flange
3 4
20 from which a series of four friction guides 21 extend the holder 11 upon the support 12 by me a ns of suitable
up wardly , as viewed in Figure 4. screws 39, as illustrated in F igur e 2. Wi th the holder in
The main po rt io n of the tube clamp and shield consists place the tube 27 is then i n sta l led and after its installa­
of a metal envel o pe 22 which may, for example, be of tion the tube clamp is placed over the tube. The feet 28
thin �heet aluminum, the envelope as herein illustrated 5 initi ally fall into spaces between the retainers 17 with a
being uniformly cylindrical and having an open top 23 lowermost ring portion 40 at the base of the envelope
and an open bottom 24. The top for convenience may fitting with a snug friction fit around the exterior of the
be provided with an o verhang ing flange 25 a dapt ed to flange 20 and within the innermost faces of the lips 18.
retain bene�lth it a s pring 26 of progressively diminishing The c lam p is then rotated until the feet 28 slide with a
diameter, as illustrated in Figure I, so th at the outcrmo�t 10 snug friclion fit into the respective slots 19. In this posi­
turn of the spring can be secured beneath th.: Ibng;.: and tion the S;)I ing 26, if a spring be used, will press against
the innermost turn, of smal lest diameter, be adapted t o the top of the tube 27 and positively prevent its dislodge­
press r e s ilient l y against the top o f a vacuum tube 27. ment. At t he same time virtually eaeh and everyone
At th e base of the envelope is a s eries of four outwardly of the s pr ing elements 34 and 35 press each in its turn
ex tending feet 28, these feet being of a propcr thickne;,s ,:j ;:gainst the re<;pective section of the exterior surface of
and l en g th so as to sl ide snugly within the sl ot s 19. the tube 27 either on the glass portion or at its base. Th e
It will be not ed that the envel o p e 22 is pr o v i ded with tension of the spring elements can be adjusted so that it
a series of four substantially rectangular openings 29 will b e proper for anyone of a great many different cir­
spaced e v e n l y around the circumference of the envelope. cumstances where different vibrational shock waves may
Between the o pe ning s 29 arc imperforate portions 30 of 20 be encountered. The tension may be relatively light at
substantially equal width and length. The openings 29 each resilient contact but by reason of the fact that there
extend t hrou g h o u t a di s tan c e almost the height of the are a multiplicity of contacts distributed in a uniform
en ve lo p� and are slightly greater in width than the width well-defined pattern ove r the lengt h and circumference of
of the intervening imperforate por tions 30. the tube, the total frictional support for the tube will be
Spring members 31, illustrated in Fi g ur e 5, are four in �5 ap p reciable and sutlicient to hold the tube in place even
number and provide the direct support for the tube 27 in the absence of the spring 26. M oreo ve r , by uniformly
within the t\1be clamp. Each spring member is identical supporting the tube in this manner by a multiplicity of
and consists of a ce n t ral column or rib 32 , the relative resilient spring elements distributed as described, vibra­
length of which can be readilv determined from an in­ tional shocks will be almost completely absorbed in the
spection of Fi gu re 1. The c �lumn is ordinarily made :�o spring elements and not conveyed to the tube. It may be
from a piece of ,heet stock preferably spring co ppe r which said that the tube fl o ats within the clamp i s ola t ed against
l·:tn be formed by a suitable set of d i es into the shape vibration.
illustrated in Figure 5. As there shown on each longitu­ Further, by reason of the fact that th e spring el em en ts
dinal edge 33 is a ser ies of laterally e xtending leaf spri n g 34 extend into the openings 29, there is a grid-like pattern
elements 3.J which extend in a gen erally circumfe rent ial ly .,,j effect entirely s u rrounding the tube with such sp acing
arcuate d i re c t i on . as cl e ar ly shown in Figure s 2 and 3. between the mctallic e l ement s that the clamp forms an
Alll!rn;!!i'1� wit h the leaf spring elements 34 is a series elfectiv e shield against stray radiation. Still further, by
of rev.:rscly bent i n w ardl y directed lea f s p r ing elements reason of the fact that the combination of spring elements
35 which alternate with tbe leaf spring elements 34 on 35 lie in open spaces, such as the openings 29, free cir-
both of thc 10ngitLldinal edges 33 of the central column ·10 eulation of air is assured in and around the tube and the
or rib 32. The sp ring elements 35 also t a k c a cin; u m­ amhient temperature can be controlled very effectively
fc:rcl1!i:lIly arcuate direction, as clearly ill ll str ated in Fig. using suitab le conventional air circulators. At the same
2. �o that both the elements 34 and 35 conform to the time the spring elements provide an open const ruction
a rcuat e exterior of the glass of the tube 27. Thc spring permissive of free circulation of air and moreover supply
membcrs 31 may be secured each to its respective i m per ­ 45 a multitude of heat-conducting contacts from the glass
(orate portion 30 by means of rivets 36, f or example, as to the holder and the s u pp or t . A substantial q uantity of
illustrated in Figure I. Rivet holes 37 arc pro\'ided in the heat from th e tube will thereby be dissipated by con­
the central column 32 . duction. Heat conducted to the spring elements and the
Onc spring member being thus se cure d at each one of envelope can to a c onside rab l e degree be also dissipated
the imperforate po r t ions 30 provi des a spring m e mber on ;)0 by reradia t ion from th e roughened and darkened finish
each of four sides of the tube 27 h av i ng a position en­ sur face s . J t has been fou n d advantageous to employ an
:.tblin g the sp ring members to dist r ibute resilient pressure envelope black on both sides, the �urface of which may
e ve nly on all siJes of the tube. be r o ugh ened either by sand-blasting or a wrinkle finish.
For additional safety and secur i ty there is provided at The outside of the spring e l eme n ts may be similarly
the OO l l om of each spring clement 31 a resilient poc k et , ;).j finished.
\\hil.'h pocket is constructed of an inwardly dished por­ In an other form of the device illustrated in F igures 6
tion 38. i l l u st rated in Figure; 3 and 5. The res ilient through 9, in clusive , the device is shown in a more sim­
pocket is adapted to f rictionally receive th e re specti ve plified construction wh erein the envelope and spring mem ­
friction guide 2t already d esc ribed as being a part of the ber are built from sheet metal rolled to cylindrical form
Ilange 20 of Ihe holder 11. {l0 and contained one within another and within a suitable
In the construction of the tube clamp and shield it has holder at the bottom.
been found advantageous to employ a black cadmium More pa rt icul a rl y , there is provided a h older 50 annular
finish on the spring members. The envelope 22 c an more in sh ape and provided with a base flange 51 adapted to be
advantageously be constructed with a black crackle finish, mounted upon the supporting surface 12 immediately
both finishes being such as to greatly enhance the dissipa­ (i5 above the sock et 13 as has b een previously described in
tion of heat by rad iation . Inner faces of the sprint; ele­ wnnection with the holder It. Screws 52 are sug­
ments 34 and 35 should carefully conform to the shape gested for attaching t he holder to the supporting surface.
of the glass of the tube and be cleaned sufficiently to pro­ The holder includes an u pstand ing ring portion 53 at
vide a good contact. It is also very greatly advantageous the top of which arc ears 54 which have inwardly turned
to provide an effective elec t ri c and heat conducting con­ 70 ponions 55 all sloping in the same general direction.
tact between the feet 28 and the reta iners 17. The good An envelope 56 is con stru c te d of s h ee t metal rolled into
contact is further enhanced by a close metal to metal fit the cylindrical form, illustrated in Figures 6 and 8, such
of the friction guides It, each in its respective rc�ilient that one 10tl,-:i!l:Jil1�tl cdge 57 takes a position in abutment
pocket. with the other longitudinal edge 57'. The envelope is
In use of the tube clamp it is customary first to mount 75 provided with large cut-out areas 58, 58', 58" and 58"'.
5 6
The upper end of the envelope shows a continuous an­ in what I have conceived to be the most practical and
nular portion 59 except for the split between the edges preferred embodiment, it is recognized that departures
57 and 57'. The envelope is ordinarily rolled to a di­ may be made therefrom within the scope of my inven­
mension so that the outer diameter is slightly greater than tion, which is not to be limited to the details disclosed
the inner diameter of the ring portion 53 so that it may 5 herein but is to be accorded the full scope of the claims
be contracted when mounted on the holder and there­ so as to embrace any and all equivalent devices.
after permitted to spring outwardly into snug engage­ Having described my invention herein, wha t I claim
ment with the holder. as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent is:
For connecting the envelope 56 to the holder 50 there 1. A tube clamp and shield for electronic tubes com-
are provided obliquely disposed slots 60 at the base of 10 prising an encircling metal envelope, means at the base
the envelope, these having a width adapted to receive the ef the envelope for attaching the envelope to a holder,
il�wardly turned portions 55 of the ears 54. By provid­ and means for holding the tube within the envelope com­
ing longitudinal openings 61 the inwardly turned por­ prising a multiplicity of spring contact elements of heat
tions 55 are udmitted 10 the location of the slots 60 and conducting metal on the inner face of the envelope ar-
the envelope can thereafter be rotated so as to force the 15 ranged in a uniform pattern throughout the inner circum­
inwardly turned portions 55 into the lowermost ends of ference and length of the envelope, said contact elements
the slots. being spaced one from another in a circumferential direc­
To maintain the envelope in its cylindrical form there tion and being spaced one from another in a direction
is provided at the upper end an annular continuous flanged transverse to the circumferential direction and being
retainer 61 '. This is preferably constructed with an in­ :W adapted to resiliently engage the exterior of the tube.
wardly directed flange 62 overlying the top and serving 2. A tube clamp and shield for electronic tubes com­
a:, a keeper for a conical coiled spring 63. prising a circumferentially continuous metal envelope,
A vertical side wall 64 of the retainer extends down­ means at the base of the envelope for attaching the en­
wardly overlying the exterior of the envelope but more velope to a holder, and means for holding the tube within
particularly extending down to a location slightly lower 25 the envelope comprising a multiplicity of spring contact
than the annular portion 59 so that the side wall 64 may elements of heat conducting metal on the inner face of the
be crimped at points 65 so as to underlie the annular envelope spaced one from another in a longitudinal di­
portion 59 at the tops of the cut-out areas 58, 58', etc. rection forming rows, said rows being arranged at lat­
A spring member 66 is shown in Figures 6 and 7 lo­ erally spaced intervals throughout the inner circumference
cated within the envelope 56. The spring member is 30 of the envelope and adapted to resiliently engage the
shown in sheet form in Figure 9. As suggested the spring exterior of the tube.
member is constructed from sheet metal having suitable 3. A tube clamp and shield for electronic tubes com­
resilient characteristics to support a multiplicity of curved prising a substantially cylindrical metal envelope greater
spring elements 67 on one face thereof, this being the in­ in length than the length of the tube and greater in diam-
ner face when the spring member is rolled into the cylin­ 35 eter than the di:Jmeter of the tube, a configuration at the
drical form illustrated in Figures 6 and 7. base of the envelope comprising means for attaching the
The spring member may have the spring elements cut envelope to a holder, and means for holding the tube
Ollt of the material of the member and turned into some­ within the envelope comprising a multiplicity of sub­
what curved shapes inwardly forming some selected pre­ stantially flat surfaced spring contact elements of heat
determined pattern of spring elements over substantially 40 conducting metal on the inner face of the envelope spaced
the entire surface of the spring member which will en­ one from another in a longitudinal direction forming
compass the electronic tube. While the particular pattern rows, said rows being spaced laterally and numbering at
is not critical, it is, however, important that there be a least eight rows of alternately spaced elements adapted
somewhat uniform distribution of spring points so that to resiliently engage the exterior of the tube and extend-
the resilient pressure on the tube will be distributed to 45 ing uniformly throughout the inner circumference of the
those portions of the tube which need supnort in order envelope.
that there be balanced support on all sides arranged w 4. A tube clamp and shield for electronic tubes com­
as to most effectively dampen vibrations ,· hich might
.. prising an encircling metal envelope having an open base
exist. and clamping means at the base adapted to seCUre the
The spring member 66, being inherently resilient in 50 envelope in a holder, said envelope having a series of
charactcr, is preferably rolled and then inserted within elongated circumferentially disposed openings separated
the envelope 56. Outwardly pressed lugs 68 at the bottom by portions of the envelope, and a spring member on
readily protrude outwardly into th e adjacent cut-out areas said portion having longitudinal edges and comprising a
58 and similar lugs 69 :It the top also protrude outwardly series of longitudinally spaced inuividual laterally extend-
into the respective cut-out areas. By spacing the IllgS 55 ing spring elements of heat conducting metal on each
68 and 69 at proper distances longitudinally, they serve longitudinal edge, and a second series of individual longi­
to engage the underside of the annular portion 59 at the tudinally spaced spring elements on each longitudinal
top and the upper side of a corresponding portion at the edge extending across the said portion of the envelope,
bottom so that once in place the spring member will not all said spring elements being biased toward the interior
shift endwise. As previously noted, the inherent resili­ 60 of the envelope and adapted to press into firm contact
ency will expand the spring member outwardly into snug with said tube simultaneously on all sides thereof.
engagement with the inside wall of the envelope. 5. A tube clamp and shield for electronic tubes com­
The coiled spring 63 may be relied upon to additionally prising a circumferentially continuous metal envelope
secure the electronic tube in place and to assist in properly having an open base and clamping means at the base
holding the tube clamp in its surrounding position. 65 adapted ti) s,-�lIre the envelope in a holder, said envelope
There h,IS thus been described a tube clamp and shield having a series of elongated circumferentially disposed
of extremely simple character but which by reason of openings sq�arated by integral portions of the envelope,
it!> constrtlction is highly effective as a shock minimizer, and a sep:'rate spring member mounted on each integral
heat radi:; tor, and shield. The construction, moreover, portion comprising a series of longitudinally spaced in-
i� one of extremely simple character capable of being 70 dividual laterally extending spring elements on each
formed hy relatively inexpensive dies and machinery to longitudi 11:11 edge adapted to be positioned in the respec­
the end th :[! tube clamp� of the sort herein described can tive opening at the near side thereof and a second series
be provid·:d in ample quantities to fit practically any of indiviuclal spring elements of heat conducting metal
in�tallatiu!l. on each Icngitudinal edge extending across said portion
While r have herein shown and described my invention 75 of the envelope, said spring elements being biased toward

7 8
the interior of the envelope and adapted to press into firm adapted to be compressed and to spring outwardly into
contact with said tube simultaneously on all sides thereof. contact therewith, means on said holder and at one end
6. A tube clamp and shield for electronic tubes com­ of the envelope forming a releasable connection there-
prising a substantially cylindrical metal envelope having between, said envelope having longitudinal openings
an open top and base and clamping means at the base 5 therethrough, an expansible spring member comprising a
adapted to secure the envelope to a holder, said envelope substantially cylindrical sleeve of sheet metal adapted to
having a series of four elongated circumferentially dis­ be contained in said envelope with an outwardly springing
posed openings separated by integral portions of the fit and interlocking means respectively on said envelope
envelope. and a separate spring member mounted on and said sleeve, said sleeve having a multiplicity of
each integral portion comprising a series of individual 10 inwardly cllrved resilient spring portions of heat conduct­
laterally extending leaf spring elements on each longi­ ing m;?u;1 seatiered in a predetermined pattern around
tudinal edge at uniformly spaced distances apart adapted the interior surface and adapted to engage the tube at a
to be positioned in the respective opening at the near corresponding number of locations, said sleeve being
side of said opening and a series of individual reversely located at a position spaced outwardly of the connection
inwardly bent leaf spring elements of heat conducting \.') bc(\\cen the holder and the envelope, and an annular
metal on each longitudinal edge alternating with the first con,; :i,i(l!!, fLnged retainer ring secured at the top of the
identified spring elements. all said spring elements having envelope adapted to fix the circumference of the envelope
inside faces thereof curved in conformity with the exterior and to provide a coil spring keeper.
of the tube and adapted to press into firm contact with I L A tube damp and heat disperser comprising a
said tube simultaneously on all sides thereof. 20 substantially cylindrical envelope having heat radiating
7. A tube clamp and shield for electronic tubes com­ surfaces and having an open base, a holder adapted for
prising an annular holder, a substantially cylindrical mounting on a support means on the base of the envelope
metal envelope, means on said holder and at one end of adapted to engage the holder, circumferentially spaced
the envelope forming a releasable connection there­ elongated openings in the envelope and spring means o n
between. said envelope having longitudinal openings 2,) portions of the envelope between t h e openings a n d hav­
therethrough. and an outwardly expansible spring mem­ ing a multiplicity of substantially uniformly spaced indi­
ber comprising a substantially cylindrical sleeve of sheet vidual spring elements of heat conducting metal form­
metal adapted to be contained in said envelope with an ing a pattern of resilient contacts at the interior of the
outwardly springing fit and interlocking means respec­ envelope and adapted to engage the tube throughout
tively on said envelope and said sleeve, said sleeve having ;W the length and circumference thereof, a series of cir­
a multiplicity of inwardly curved resilient spring portions cumferentially fpaced friction guides extending from the
of heat conducting metal scattered in a predetermined edge of the holder normally adjacent the envelope and
pattern around the interior surface and adapted to engage resilient means at the base of the envelope forming a
the tube at a corresponding number of locations_ resilient connection between the envelope and the holder.
8. A tube clamp and shield for electronic tubes corn- 33 I:!. A tube elamp and heat disperser comprising a
prising an annular holder, a metal envelope of sheet circumferentially continuous envelope having heat radiat­
metal formed into a cylinder with longitudinal edges ing surfaces and having an open top and base, a holder
adjacent each other, said envelope having an external adapted for mounting on a support having overlying lips
diameter greater than the internal diameter of the holder forming slots therebeneath, and feet on the base of the
and adapted to be compressed and to spring outwardly -lO envelope adapted to engage within the slots, circumfer­
into contact therewith, means on said holder and at onl1 entially spaced elongated openings in the envelope and
end of the envelope forming a releasable connection :spring means on portions of the envelope between the
therebetween. said envelope having longitudinal opening� openings, said spring means comprising a multiplicity of
therethrough, an expansible spring member comprising substantially uniformly spaced individual spring elements
a substantially cylindrical sleeve adapted to be restrained .i;"i of heat conducting metal forming a uniform pattern of
by and contained in said envelope and interlocking means resilient contacts at the interior of the envelope and
respectively on said envelope and said sleeve. said sleeve adapted to engage the tube throughout the length and
having a multiplicity of inwardly curved resilient portions drcumference thereof, a series of circumferentially spaced
of heat conducting metal scattered in a predetermined friction guides extending from an edge of the holder nor-
patlcrn around the interior surface and adapted to engage .,)0 mally adjacent the envelope, and means at the base of
the tube at a correspondin!! number of locations. the envelope comprising adjacent portions of the spring
9. A tube clamp and shield for electronic tubes com­ means and the envelope forming a resilient pocket lldapted
prising an annular holder, a metal envelope of sheet metal 10 receive the guides when the envelope is in place on
formed into a cylinder with longitudinal edges adjacent the holder.
each other, said envelope having an external diameter .i:i 13. A vibration damping and heat dissipating clamp
greater than the internal diameter of the holder and and shield for an electronic component comprising the
adapted to be compressed and to spring outwardly into combination of an encircling metal envelope exceeding in
contact therewith, means on said holder and at one end length and perimeter the length and perimeter of said
of the envelope forming a releasable connection there­ component and ad::1pted for attachment to a base, and
between, said envelope having longitudinal openings 00 an insert for said envelope comprising a member of resili­
therethrough, an expansible spring member comprisin:; ent heat conducting metal extending throughout the in­
a substantially cylindrical sleeve of sheet metal adapted terior of said envelope and adapted to be confined therein,
to be contained in said envelope with an outwardiy said insert including a multiplicity of inwardly extending
�pringing fit at a location spaced from the connection of separate spring elements of substantially uniform size,
the cnvdope with the holder and mealls ti5 said spring elements being spaced substantially uniformly
respectivdy on said envelope and said sleeve, ,aid sleeve in both longitudinal and circumferential directiol1� and
having a Illultiplicity of inwardly curved resilient portiom "dapted to engage the component at a corresponding num­
of heat eondllcting metal scattered in a predetermined ber of locai ions whereby to m a int ain said insert at a loca­
patlern around the interior surface and adapted to engage tion spaced uniformly from said component, said insert
the Illhc a! a corresponding number of locations. 7t) having an outwardly springing engagement with the in­
10. A tube clamp and shield for electronic tubes com­ terior of said envelope.
prising an annular holder, a metal envelope of sheet metal 14. A vibration damping and heat dissipating insert for
formed into a cylinder with longitudinal edges adjacenl d'�mping and .·.hielding an electronic component and
each other, said envelope having an external diameter "dJptcd for retention in a metal envelope, sait! insert com­
greater than the internal diameter of the holder and i;') prising a member of resilient heat conductnig metal hav-
9 10
ing a length and perimeter exceeding the length and engage corresponding arcuate areas on the exterior o f the
perimeter of the component, said insert including a multi­ component and to establish a pattern of resilient engage­
plicity of separate spring elements extending inwardly ment areas throughout the !:::ngth and perimeter of the
therefrom at uniform distances, said spring elements being tube, and outwardly expandJole ::Ireas on the exterior of
spaced substantially uniformly in both longitudinal and 5 said liner located intermediate said arcuate areas and
circumferential directions and adapted to engage the com­ forming a pattern of envelope engagement areas.
ponent at a corresponding number of locations whereby t o 1 8 . A vibration damping and heat dissipating clamp
maintain said insert at a location spaced uniformly from and shield for an electronic component comprising the
said component. combination of an encircling metal envelope adapted
15. A vibration damping and heat dissip:!ting insert for 10 for attachment to a base, an insert for said envelop.:
clamping and shielding an electronic component and comprbing a Illember of resilient heat conducting she;'!t
adapted for retention in a metal envelope comprising a metal, s<Jid insert including :l multiplicity of spaced spring
member of resilient heat conducting sheet metal having elements on said insert extending inwardly and through­
a length and perimeter exceeding the length and perimeter out the length and perimeter of the insert, said spring
of the component, said insert having a multiplicity of 15 ekments having innermost portions of substantial length
separate spring elements comprising cut-out portions of �nd breadlh forming substantially arcuate areas adapted
said member and bent inwardly therefrom and termi­ to engage corres[1onding arcuate areas on the exterior of
nating at uniform distances from said member, said spril!� the component and to establish a pattern of resilient en­
elements being productive of contact areas of substantial gagement areas throughout the length and perimeter of
uniforlllity throughout both the length and perimeter of 20 the tube, and areas on the exterior of said liner inter­
the component. mediate said arcuate areas in resilient heat conducting
16. An electronic tube clamping and shielding insert engagement with the interior of said envelope.
for a tube shield envelope comprising a sheet of m�t.:rial 19. A vibration damping and heating dissipating insert
in the form of a resilient cylinder substantially equiva­ for clamping and shielding an electronic component and
lent in circumference and length to the exterior of the 25 adapted for retention and mounting by means of a metal
tube, said cylinder h"-ving a multiplicity of spring contact envelope comprising a member of resilient heat conduct­
e1eml?llts of heat conducting metal extending inwardly ing metal, said insert including a multiplicity of spaced
of the inner face of the cylinder, said elements being spring element contacts on said insert extending inwardly
spaced circumferentially and longitudinally at substan­ and throughout the length and per i m e t e r of the insert,
tially equal intervals and each element including a tube 30 said spring elements having innermost portion<; of sub­
contacting area having a length and breadth conforming stantiallcngth and breadth forming a substantially arcuate
to an ar:::a on the tube of corresponding length and area pattern adapted 10 engage a corresponding arcuate
breadth. said elements being adapted to surround the area pattern on the exterior of the component and to estab­
tu be throughout the length and circumference thereof, lish a resilient engagement area pattern throughout the
said spring contact elements having faces all at substan- 35 length and perimeter of the component, and means form­
tially the same distance inwardly of the envelope whereby ing an opposite outwardly expandable spring contact area
to provide a multiplicity of combined heat transfer and pattern on the exterior of said liner adapted to form an
spring contact areas between the tube and the envelope envelope engagement area pattern whereby to transfer
throughout the length and circumference of the tube, said heat from the component to the envelope and to dampen
insert when confined in the envelope having portions 40 vibration between the component and the envelope.
thereof adapted to resiliently engage the tube in an in­
ward radial direction and to engage the envelope in a References Cited in the file of this patent
radially outward direction whereby to provide spring pres­ UNITED STATES PATENTS
sure simultaneously against the tube and the surrounding
45 1,426,861 Haddock Aug. 22, 1922

2,398,626 Del Camp Apr. 16, 1946

17. A vibration damping and heat dissipating insert

2,472,747 Jones June 7, 1949

for clamping and shielding an electronic component and

2,512,424 GoJdstaub June 20, 1950

adapted for retention in a metal envelope comprising a
___ __________

2,646,460 DeI Camp July 21, 1953

member of resilient heat conducting sheet metal, said

2,745,895 Lideen �ay 15, 1956

insert including a multiplicity of spaced spring elements 5 0

on said insert extending inwardly and throughout the

length and perimeter of the insert, said spring elements
h,aving innermost portions of substantial length, and 350,471 Great Britain ___________ June 4, 1931
breadth forming substantially arcuate areas adapted to 584,310 Germany _____________ Sept. 18, 1933
Sept. 24, 1957 L. R. WOODS 2,807,659

Filed larch 30. 1953 2 Sheets-Sheet 1

�O rpiIiI��'W
.10 .17


� ��.�If
Sept. 24, 1957 L R. WOODS 2,807,659

Filed March 30, 1953 2 Sheets-Sheet 2



U� t;) QQJL P-I-z.-
♦ Verso Filler Page ♦
United States Patetlt Office Patented Aug. 11, 1959

1 2
Figure 2 is a longitudinal sectional view ef the com­
Figure 3 is a cross-sectional view taken on the line 3-3
2,899,670 of Figure 2.
TUBE SHIELD ATTACHMENT 5 In the embodiment of the invention chosen for the pur-
pose of illustration there is shown a tube shield casing 1;)
Leroy R. Woods, Whittier, Calif., assignor to International mounted upon a base 11 which in turn is supported upon
Electronic Research Corporation, Bnrb:mk, Calif., a
corporation of California
a chassis 12. A glass envelope 13 of an electronic tube
is shown mounted on the base.
Application February 6, 1956, Serial No. 563,655 10 More particularly the base consists of a shoe 14 hav-
ing ears 15 extending outwardly therefrom in a position
3 Claims. (Cl. 339-143) adapt·�d to lie flat upon the chassis where the base can be
�,:,cured by appropriate screws 16. The specific means of
attachment of the base to the chassis will of course depend
The invention relates to shielding holders for electronic 15 upon particular conditions encountered in a given instal­
components and has particular reference to an attachment lation. A socket 17 forms part of the base and within the
by means of which the casing of a tube shield is attached s{)c!,et is an appropriate plug of a substantially conven­
to a base, the base being of some appropriate type in turn tional sort adapted to receive the base of any Oi1e of a
secured to the chassis on which the mechanism is mounted. great variety of conventional electronic tubes. Oil onc
There has been considerable impetus within the past 20 sitle side of the socket and near the outer end thereof is
few years in connection with the improvement of tube a projecting configuration 18 which for convenience and
shields of a type found particularly useful for the mount­ economy can be made of a pressed out portion of the
ing of electronic tubes. More exacting performance re­ material of the socket 17. In the chosen embodimC!lit the
quirements have forced the attention of tube shield manu­ configuration has a button-like appearance arcuate at the
facturers on the design and production of tube shields ca­ 25 base and having a height preferably very slightly exceed­
pable of more effectively shielding a mass of tubes in the ing the thickness of the casing i O.
electronic installation and also capable of easy attachment The casing 13 in the chosen embodiment has a some­
and removal without sacrificing effective performance. what elongated cylindri-;al wall i9, an outer end of which
Tube shields heretofore employed, while bei!lg equipped includes an inwardly extending annul"r flange 2' providing
with dependable attachment means, have been of such 30 a central opening 21. As noted the length of the casing
construction that the securing of the shield to the base is somewhat greater than the over-all height of the glass
in many instances is greatly impaired by the crowded envelope so that if need be a spring 22 may be employed
condition within an installation or on occasions have been having its largest coil retained beneath the flange 23 ailtl
such that once installed and left in use they become dif­ its smallest coil bearing downwardly upon the upper end
ficult to remove without a partial dismantling of the sys­ 35 of the giass envelope. The diameter of the inner circum­
tem. This has given rise to servicing problems which have ference of the wall 19 is slightly larger than the exterior c.f
become a burdensome condition. glass envelope, thereby to provide an annular space 23
Tt is therefore among the objects of the invention to between the glass envelope and the wall.
provide a new and improved tube shield attachment which An inner end 25 of the casing has an inside diameter
is simple in construction and inexpensive to manufacture 40 the same as or perhaps slightly smaller than the outside
and install. diameter of the socket 17. A snug sliding fit between
Another object of the invention is to provide a new and the inner end 25 of the casing and the socket is made
imp.oved tube shield attachment which by reason of its possible by providing in the ccsing a plurality of slots :;6.
structure and assembly is one, the parts of which cannot In the chosen embodiment five such slots have been used.
be easily damaged to the ext'!nt that employment of the 45 Each slot is identical cnd has oblhpe walis 27 at the
attachment becomes difficult. open end of the slot providing an entrance opening 2lS
Still another object of the invention is to provide a new somewhat wider at the mouth than tile greatest dimension
llnd improved tube shield attachment whereby the tube at the base of the configuration lit Intermediate ends
shield casing can for all practical purposes be easily ap­ of each of the slots 26 is an enlargement 29, the circl!m-
plied to the base at any position of rotation of the casing 50 ference of which is substantially equal to the circumfer­
ence at the base of the configuration 18. The center of
with respect to the base without it being necessary for
each of the enlargements 29 is located a distance from
the service man to hunt for the proper position of one with
the inner end ZS of the casing such that when the con­
respect to the other before the attachment is locked.
figuration is received in the enlargement, the casing will
A still further object of the invention is to provide a
55 be in its proper preferred position on the base.
new and improved tube shield casing and base combina­
By making the slots 26 sufficiently long as suggested in
tion which make firm engagement with each other to the
the drawing, a springiness is provided in the areas of ma­
end that the casing will not vibrate loose from the base
terial between the slots so that these areas can spread
even under conditicntions of severe vibration and which
slightly when the casing is pressed over the soc!;.et. A
moreover makes a sufficiently tight and complete metal to
metal contact that heat generated in the electronic com­ 60 large area of contact, however, is advantageous and for
that reason there is not provided any marked difference in
ponent can be readily passed by conduction through the
diameters between the inner wall of the casing and the
casing to the socket and thence dissipated in the chassis. exterior wall of the socket.
With these and other objects in view, the invention con­ When the casing is applied to the base, it need be
sits in the construction, arrangement and combination of (i5 rotated only slightly until some portion of the entrance
the various parts of the device whereby the objects con­ c-pening 28 lies adjacent the configuration 18. Further
templated are attained, as hereinafter set forth, pointed pressure upon the casing will cause it to rotate slightly
out in the appended claims and illustrated in the accom­ until the configuration is in alignment with the slot 26,
panying drawings. at which point the immediatelY adjacent areas at the side
In the drawings: of the slot 26 may spread slightly to permit passage of
Figure ! is a side elevational view of the shield casing the configuration 18 until the configuration is received
and base in assembled form shown in perspective. within the enlargement 29. At this point the adjacent

3 4
areas wiII contract by reason of their inherent resiliency casing having a socket-engaging open end adapted to
and the configuration wiII thereafter retain the casing fit over said socket member with a snug sliding fit, said
upon the socket and the base. Only one configuration open end having a plurality of circumferentially spaced
is necessary by reason of an appropriate fit of the casing slots extending inwardly from the end and forming there-
around the socket. When the casing is to be removed it 5 between a series of elongated resilient members, said slots
is necessary only to pull endwise on the casing, in which having enlargements comparable in size to said con­
event the configuration wiII again spread the areas at figuration intermediate outer and inner ends whereby
the sides of the respective slot, thereby permitting the when said casing member is forced over the socket mem­
casing to be withdrawn. ber engagement of one of said slots with said configura-
It will be apparent from the description that hunting 10 tion is adapted to spread adjacent resilient members and
for the proper connection between the casing and the to guide said casing member to a position wherein said
base is minimized by providing only one configuration on configuration projects into the enlargement of the respec­
the base and a multiplicity of slots on the casing. The tive slot and releases said resilient members for engage­
attachment provided takes up no more room than the ment with said socket member, and spring means between
casing itself and both parts which ultimately engage 15 the tube and the cylindrical casing in a direction pressing
each other are of such construction that rough usc and the wall of the respective enlargement snugly against the
mishandling wiII not damage their effectiveness. The configuration therein.
arrangement furthermore is such that an interior space is 3. A tube and shield assembly comprising a base hav­
left within the casing surrounding the glass envelope for ing a flat chassis contacting portion, laterally extending
any one of a number of related mechanisms or attach­ 20 ears having attachment means thereon, an upstanding
ments which might be employed with the casing. substantially cylindrical socket adapted for the reception
While I have herein shown and described my invention of an electronic tube, a tube in said socket and a rounded
in what I have conceived to be the most practical and protruding configuration on the side wall of said socket,
preferred embodiment, it is recognized that departures a one part substantially cylindrical casing of drawn sheet
may be made therefrom within the scope of my invention, 25 metal adapted to extend around and above the electronic
which is not to be limited to the details disclosed herein tube at a distance laterally spaced therefrom, said casing
but is to be accorded the full scope of the claims so as having a socket-engaging open end adapted to fit over
to embrace any and all equivalent devices. said socket with a snug sliding fit, said open end having
Having described my invention, what I claim as new a plurality of relatively wide circumferentially spaced

and desire to secure by Letters Patent is: 30 slots extending inwardly from the end and forming a
1. A tube shield mounting comprising a base having corresponding number of elongated resilient members,
a chassis contacting portion and attachment means said slots having progressively expanding wide entrance
thereon, a substantially cylindrical socket member on portions at ends thereof adjacent the open end of the
the base, a substantially cylindrical casing member casing and having enlargements no greater in transverse
adapted to extend around and above an electronic tube, 35 dimension than the transverse dimension of said con­
said casing member having a socket-engaging open end figuration intermediate outer and inner ends and at a
adapted to fit about said socket member with a snug location more nearly adjacent the outer ends whereby
sliding fit, one of said members having a protruding con­ when said casing is forced over the socket engagement
figuration on the side wall thereof, the other of said of the walls of one of said slots with said configuration
members having a plurality of circumferentially spaced 40 is adapted to spread adjacent resilient members of the
open slots extending inwardly from an end edge, said casing and guide said casing to a position wherein said
slots having portions at ends thereof adjacent the open configuration projects into the enlargement of the respec­
end of the member spreading progressively outwardly tive slot and said resilient members are released for
toward the end edge and having enlargements no greater spring-pressed engagement with said socket, and spring
in transverse dimension than the corresponding dimension 45 means between the tube and the cylindrical casing
of said configuration intermediate outer and inner ends biased against the casing in a direction pressing the wall
whereby when one said member is forced over the other of the enlargement snugly into engagement with the
said member engagement of one of said slots with said configuration.
configuration is adapted to guide said members to a posi­
tion wherein said configuration projects into engagement 50 References Cited in the file of this patent
with the wall of the enlargement of the respective slot.
2. A tube and shield assembly comprising a base having
a chassis contacting portion, and attachment means 2,037,620 Dewhurst et at. ________ Apr. 14, 1936
thereon, a substantially cylindrical socket adapted for 2,453,172 Wilkie ________________ Nov. 9, 1948
the reception of an electronic tube and a tube in said 55
socket, a protruding configuration on the side wall of
said socket, a substantially cylindrical casing adapted 455,325 Canada ______________ Mar. 22, 1949
to extend around and above the electronic tube, said 622,075 Great Britain __________ Apr. 26, 1949
Aug. 11, 1959 L. R. WOODS 2,899,670

Filed Feb. 6, 1956


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♦ Verso Filler Page ♦
United States Patent Office Patented May 3, 1960

1 2
fashion that they can subsequently be recut to various
sizes, thereby to accommodate tube shields of various
sizes without the necessity of maintaining a separate in­
ventory for each and every separate size.
TUBE SHIELD LINER IS With these and other objects in view, the invention
consists in the construction, arrangement and combina­
Leroy R. Woods, WbJttler, Callf., asslgnor to Inter­
tion of the various parts of the device whereby the objects
national Electronic Research Corporation, Bnrbank,
Callf., a corporation of California contemplated are attained,as hereinafter set forth, pointed
out in the appended claims and illustrated in the accom·
Application September 17, 1�56. Serial No. 610,187 10 panying drawings.
5 Claims. (Cl. 174-35) In the drawings:
Figure 1 is a perspective view of the tube shield as­
sembly incorporating the liner herein made reference to.
Figure 2 is a longitudinal sectional view on the line
The invention relates to shields for electronic com­ 15 2-2 of Figure 1 showing the tube shield combination in
ponents and has particular reference to a tube shield liner place around an electronic tube.
and an appropriate shield which is particularly well Figure 3 is a plan view of a piece of sheet material
adapted to dissipating heat generated in the tube and formed in a large piece with configurations arranged in
simultaneously minimizing the effect of vibrations of high such manner that the large piece can be cut to a proper
frequency which might be present in the chassis and be 20 size to fit some selected tube shield combination.
otherwise transferred to the electronic component This is a continuation-in-part of my co-pending appli­
through the shield. cation Serial No. 345,597, filed March 30, 1953, now
Within the past few years attention has been directed Patent No. 2,807,659.
for the first time to improving tube shield assemblies with In an embodiment of the invention chosen for the pur-
special emphasis upon an improved transfer of heat gen­ 25 pose of illustration there is shown a tube shield combina­
erated during operation of the tube thereby to extend the tion consisting of a base 10, a sleeve 11, and a liner indi­
life of electronic components in the form of tubes with cated generally by the reference character 12. For pur­
glass envelopes. More stringent requirements brought poses of illustration the base is shown mounted on a
about by a greatly accelerated employment of electronic chassis 13 by means of screws 14. A socket 15 receptive
equipment in jet aircraft and missiles have furthermore 30 of a tube constituting a glass envelope or bulb 16 is shown
made obsolete to a large degree tube shields previously mounted within the base.
employed because of their inability to prevent vibrations More particularly the base consists of a tubular ele­
and especially high frequency vibrations from passing to ment having an inwardly bent flange 17 at the bottom
the rather delicate interiors of electronic tubes, thereby through which the screws 14 may pass.
causing early breakdown of these parts. Failure of elec­ 35 The sleeve 11 is likewise tubular and has an annular
tronic tubes in critical equipment is such that the likeli­ flange 18 at the top inwardly bent and relatively narrow
hood cannot be tolerated where it is at all possible to in width. For convenience in handling the sleeve a bale
g�u!rd against it and the expedients resorted to in order to 19 is provided which engages the liner immediately
assure continued perfonnance have often resulted in beneath the flange 18. In order that the sleeve may have
wholesale replacement of good tubes where they may 40 a snug sliding fit within the base, the outside diameter of been in use for a period of time. the sleeve is approximately equal to the inside diameter of
Although some expedients have already been worked the base 10 but slots 20 are cut inwardly from the bottom
out in the interest of supplying some of the needs herein end of the sleeve throughout most of the height and
referred to, some of these innovations have been to a de­ thereby incorporate into the sleeve a springy effect which
gree complicated, thereby impairing widespread use be­ 45 permits the sleeve to slide into the base and be main­
cause of price. On one or two other occasions where in­ tained therein.
expensive design has been attempted,· efficiency has been The liner 12 may be constructed in a large piece such
cut down to a degree where such inexpensive variations as that illustrated in Figure 3 or, should conditions war-
have only a very limited application. 50 rant, may be constructed initially with only a length 21
It is therefore among the objects of the invention to and width 22 such as a single liner would have. As
provide a new and improved liner for an electronic com­ shown the liner may be of virtually any length and even
ponent shield which is extremely simple, inexpensive to in rolled stock if need be. While more conveniently the
manufacture and install and which at the same time is liner will have a predetermined width 22 suitable to tube
particularly efficient and effective both with respect to the 5 shields of a given length, occasions may arise where the
transfer of heat and with respect to minimizing the effect 5 piece of liner material may have a greater width and be
of high frequency vibrations on the electronic component. subject to being slit longitudinally along a line 21', there­
Another object of the invention is to provide a new and by to give it a desired width to fit a predetermined length
improved tube shield assembly which is so designed that of tube shield sleeve, The inside circumference of the
it can be constructed of raw materials in inexpensive form 60 sleeve will determine the length 21 and the location of
and one capable in combination of virtually maximum lines 22' and 23. This cutting along the lines 22' and 23
effectiveness by use of relatively a minimum number of need be only through the metal portion separating rows
individual parts. 25,26,27, etc., of fingers 30,31.
Still another object of the invention is to provide a new The liner 12 as previously indicated is a single sheet of
and improved liner for tube shields which can be stamped 6 spring-like material preferably metal chosen for its effec-
from a single piece of sheet material and which has such 5 tive heat-conducting characteristic. The fingers 30 and
form that it can be readily rolled into cylindrical shape 31 are identical but are reversed in position alternately
for easy insertion in the sleeve portion of a tube shield. along each respective row; that is to say, bases 32 of
Still further among the objects of the invention is to fingers 30 are on the same side of the row 2S whereas
provide a new and improved tube shield liner material of 'TO bases 33 of fingers 31 are on the opposite side. By the
such form, construction and configuration that large same token apexes 34 of fingers 30 are on the opposite
sheets .can be formed with a. single oper�ti�n in. �uc4 . side of the row from apexes 35 of fingers 31. The apexes
3 4
and diagonal sides 36 and 37 in each instance are cut a width substantially equal to the length of the shield
clear. and a length substantially equal to the inside circumfer­
The cut-out ·fingers 30 and 31 are pressed away from ence of the shield, and a pattern of substantially uni­
the plane of the liner to the positions illustrated best in formly spaced rows of tapered spring fingers stamped
Figure 2. As there shown the apexes 34 and 35 have 5 from said sheet metal and spaced equidistant one finger
a somewhat fiat tip or end curved slightly so as to engage from another along each TOW, and an imperforate straight
over some area of the envelope 16 at each point of flat band separating each row, each finger having a
contact. trapezoidal form with the base attached to the sheet and
It will be noted further that the rows 25 and 26 are a portion thereof adjacent the apex extending outwardly
separated by an imperforate strip 40. Other imoerforate ] 0 in a position substantially parallel to said flat bands and
strips 41 and 42 separate the other rows. /. Cla;!l ""�;'.! having an area curved to form said portion into a flat
43 appears on the lower side as viewed in Figure 3. component contacting area, said fingers in each row ex­
whereas a band 44 on the upper side is provided with a tending alternately in opposite directions and on the same
specially shaped edge 45. face of said piece of sheet metal whereby to space said
Assuming that the sleeve 11 takes a liner or insert 15 contacting areas at alternately opposite locations and
having a length 21 and breadth 22, a liner cut (0 that adjacent fingers of adjacent rows facing in opposite direc­
length is rolled into a cylindrical shape with the rows tions whereby to balance the co n tactin g areas about the
25, 26, 27, etc., taking an annular shape and with the liner.
fingers pointed inwardly. The rolling is made smaller 2. A vibration dampening and heat conducting lining
than the inside circumference of the liner with edg.::s 20 material for elec:tronic tube shields comprising a piece of
overlapping and the liner inserted into the sleeve from sheet metal of length and breadth exceeding the length
the bottom of the sleeve, as viewed in Figure 2. The and inside diameter of a tube shield, a plurality of equally
liner is pushed into the sleeve until the edge 45 strikes spaced parallel rows of spring fingers extending in one
the flange is, ut which time the overlapped edges direction of said piece, each spring finger having a rela-
of the liner are released. The length of the liner 25 tively wide base attached to the piece of sheet metal
is cut to such dimension that when released the edges and a relatively narrow apex raised a distance equal to a
will approximately abut each other. No other fasten­ fraction of its length from the surface of said piece of
ing means need be provided inasmuch as the spring­ sheet metal and substantially covering a hole from which
like expansion of the liner itself coupled with the friction­ the finger is stamped, each said apex having an aNa sub-
al engagement between the edges of the liner and the in­ 30 stantially conforming to an adjacent area of said tube,
side wall of the sleeve will be sufficient to hold the liner said bases of adjacent fingers of each row being located
in proper position. alternately on opposite sides of the row and on the same
With the liner inserted in the sleeve, the sleeve is then face of said piece of sheet metal, said piece ha'/ing por­
pressed down over the glass envelope 16 within the base tions thereof parallel to and between the rows adapied
and the tendency of that application will be sufficient to 35 to be cut in one direction and having portions thereof
preS5 the liner frictionally upwardly to its uppermost ,transverse to the rows between fingers adapted to be cut
position and to bind the sleeve within the base. whereby to enable a plurality of liners for individual
There has accordingly been herein shown and described tube shields to be cut from a single piece of preformed
a tube shield liner of very simple construction, namely, sheet metal.
consisting of a single sheet of material stamped, however, 40 3. A vibration dampening and heat conducting tube
in such form that a multiplicity of spring fingers extend shield assembly for the glass envelope of an electronic
outwardly from the plane surface of the sheet. The tube comprising an imperforate hollow base, a hollow
fingers are regularly and uniformly spaced and alternately sleeve having an outside diameter substantially equal to
positioned so as to maintain a maximum of structural the inside diameter of the base whereby to provide a
rigidity and at the same time afford a maximum amount 45 spring fit for said sleeve in said base, a liner for said
of springy consistency to the apexes where they are uni­ sleeve comprising a single piece of sheet metal having a
formly in engagement with the glass envelope through­ width substantially equal to the length of the sieeve and
out its exterior. It will be noted further that although a length substantially equal to the inside perimeter of the
there are openings in a direction laterally or edgewise sleeve whereby end edges of said liner abut when in
of the diagonal sides of the individual fingers, neverthe­ 50 place; and a series of spaced parallel perimetral rows of
less there is a substantially imperforate presentation of spring fingers stamped from said sheet metal, each finger
the liner as a whole to the glass envelope. Hence, al­ having a relatively wide base attached to the piece of
though there is ample space for ventilation of heat around sheet metal and a relatively narrow apex removed from
the tube shield, nevertheless there is a maximum amount the plane of said piece of sheet metal, said fingers having
of electrical shielding effect for the tube. The multi­ 55 positions substantially covering the holes frem which they
plicity of area contacts at the apexes provides for effective are cut and providing laterally open spaces for circula­
removal of heat by conduction and by the same structure tion of air between the exterior surface of the liner and
passage 01 vibrations of high frequency from the chassis the envelope, the fingers in each row having bases on
through the base to the tube envelope is minimized. The alternately opposite sides of the row, each finger having
composite structure made as shown and described of sim­ 60 an area at the apex bent to a position substantially parallel
ple parts and simply constructed is effective in the pro­ to said sleeve and being curved to conform to the shape
duction of an effective combination with a minimum of of the envelope whereby to provide a uniform pattern
operations and amount of material. of spring fingers encompassing and covering said en­
While I have herein shown and described my inven­ velope and pressing uniformly inwardly against the en-
tion in what I have conceived to be the most practicr.l 65 velope and outwardly against the sleeve.
and preferred embodiment, it is recognized that depar­ 4. A vibration dampening and heat conducting tube
tures may be made therefrom within the scope of my shield assembly for the glass envelope of an electronic
invention, which is not to be limited to the details dis­ tube comprising an imperforate hollow cylindrical base,
closed herein but is to be accorded the full scope of the a hollow cylindrical sleeve having an outside diameter
claims so as to embrace any and all equivalent devices. 70 substantially equal to the inside diameter of the base and
Having described my invention, what I claim as new having deep slits extending inwardly from an open end
and desire ot secure by Letters Patent is: whereby to provide a spring fit for said sleeve in said
1. A vibration dampening and heat conducting liner base, and a bale at the opposite end of said sleeve, a
for an electronic component shield of hollow cylindrical liner for· said sleeve comprising a single piece of sheet
form comprising a rectangular piece of sheet metal having. '15 metal having-a width 'substantially equal to the combined
5 6
length of the slit and unslit portions of the sleeve and a throughout a portion of their perimeters from the sheet
length substantially equal to the inside circumference of and spaced one finger from another along each row,
the sleeve whereby end edg�s of said liner abut when in each finger having a base attached to the sheet and the
place, and a series of equally spaced parallel annular rows apex free of the sheet extending outwardly of the plane
of spring fingers stamped from said piece of sheet metal I of the sheet on the same side thereof, each said finger
and located on the same face of said piece of sheet metal, having an outermost portion free of the sheet and bent
each finger having a relatively wide base joined to the to a position and form shaped in conformance with the
piece of sheet metal and a relatively narrow apex, the form of an adjacent portion of said component, each
fingers in each row having bases on alternately opposite said finger presenting a component contacting area
sides of the row and the bases of fingers of adjacent rows 10 initially parallel to the sheet, said sheet being substantially
bc-jng opposite each other, each finger having an aWl imperforate except for spaces opening laterally between
at the apex bent to a position substantially parallel to the plane of said sheet and the portions of the sheet form­
the face of the envelope and being curved to conform to ing said fingers whereby to form a continuous electrically
the face of the envelope whereby to provide a uniform shielding sheet, said sheet being adapted to be cut between
pattern of spring fingers pressing simultaneously inwardly 11 rows of said fingers in one direction and between fingers
against the envelope and outwardly toward the liner and in a transverse direction whereby to enable a plurality of
occupying an area encompassing and covering said en­ liners for individual ;tube shields to be cut from a single
velope. piece.
5. A device for use with an electronic component
having an exterior surface of predetermined form com- 20 References Cited in the file of this patent
prising a vibration dampening and heat conducting liner
for an electronic component shield of hollow elongated
form said liner comprising a sheet of heat conducting and 514,313 Eckstein _______________ Feb. 6, 1894
electric shielding material having a width exceeding the 936,183 Stein ___________________ Octo 5, 1909
length of the shield and a length exceeding the inside 15 1,548,809 Jones _________________ Aug. 4, 1925
perimeter of the shield, a pattern of substantially uni­ 1,839,284 White __________________ Jan. 5, 1932
formly spaced rows of tapered spring fingers stamped 2,745,895 Lideen _________________ May 15, 1956
May 3,1960 L. R. WOODS 2,935,549

Filed Sept. 17, 1955

United States Patent Office Patented Aug. 30, 1960

1 2
other, thereafter 10 maintain the engagement but which
when necessary can be easily disengaged for facilitating
removal and replacement of the tube within the shield.
With these and other objects in view, the invention
TUBE SHIELD AND BASE ASSEMBLY 5 consists in the construction, arrangement and combina­
'iion of the various parts of the device whereby the ob­
Leroy Ralph Woods, Whittler, CaJif., assignor to Interna­
jects contemplated are attained, as hereinafter set forth,
tional Electronic Research Corporation, Los Angeles,
pointed out in the appended claim and illustrated in the
Calif., a corporation of California
'accompanying drawings.
Flled Apr. 23, 1956, Ser. No. 580,015 10 The invention herein disclosed and claimed is a con-
tinuation-in-part of co-pending application Serial No.
1 Claim. (Cl. 174-35)
345,597, filed March 30, 1953, now Patent No. 2,807,-
In ,the drawings:
The invention relates to tube shields and has special 1 5 Figure 1 is a longitudinal sectional view of the tube
reference to parts constituting a base and a shield for shield and base assembly shown in position around a con­
attachment ,thereto under circumstances where the shield ventional electronic tube and socket therefor.
or envelope portion of the assembly may be specially Figure 2 is an exploded perspective view of the tube
equipped to hold the glass bulb of the tube in some speci­ shield envelope and base in the relative positions they
fied manner. 20 would have prior to engagement.
After it was discovered that for certain purposes an Figure 3 is a perspective exploded view of a second
advantage exists in enclosing electronic tubes in a metallic form of the device.
shielding envelope for a long time the shielding consti­ Figure 4 is a fragmentary elevational view of connect­
tuted no more than use of a cylindrical sheet metal en­ ing elements of the base and shield of Figure 3 shown
velope pressed .into position around the tube and socket 25 prior to connection.
and somewhat loosely attached to an anchoring means Figure 5 is a view similar to Figure 4 but showing the
on the chassis. - Recent developments, however, have elements connected.
emphasized the advantages and necessity for not only Figure 6 is a longitudinal sectional view taken on the
shielding the tube against the passage of radio waves -of line 6-6 of Figure 5.
certain frequencies but also, and more especially, for 30 In an embodiment of the invention chosen for the pur-
the purpose of conducting heat away from the glass bulb pose of illustration there is shown a chassis 10 mounting
without inducing temperature cracks therein and also for a retainer 11 to which a socket 12 is attached. An
improving the mounting of the electronic ,tube, thereby electronic tube is mounted in the socket and a glass bulb
to minimize deteriorating effects which may result from 13 of the tube extends upwardly out of the socket.
use of the tubes in locations where sustained high fre­ 35 The tube shield and base assembly comprises in the
quency vibration effects might be present. main two separate parts, namely, a base indicated gen­
Construction of tube shields or tube shield envelopes erally by the reference character 16 and a tube shield
to satisfy needs of this nature has been found incomplete device indicated generally by ,the reference character 17.
where resort might be had to bases of conventional de­ 40 For purposes of illustration the tube shield is illustrated
sign for retention of the shielding envelope. Unless the as one containing a liner having a plurality of spring-like
connection between the base and the envelope has a heat­ contact elements 18 which create a spring contact be­
conducting character comparable to the heat-conducting tween the bulb 13 and the tube shield 17. The tube
faculties of the shield assembly, many of ,the advantages shield proper may appropriately be described as a cylin­
of the latter are nullified. Also, if the shielding envelope drical envelope. A flange 19 at the top of the envelope
is to be effective in minimizing the effects of high fre­ 45 has an overhanging portion adapted to retain beneath it
quency vibrations, the connection between the tube shield­ a spring 20 for pressing upon the outer end of the bulb.
ing envelope and the base must be one capable of main­ The base 16 comprises an outwardly extending flange 21
taining a sustained snug connection under such circum­ having holes 22 through which screws or rivets 23 may
stances. be extended to secure the base to the chassis 10. A
It .is therefore among the objects of the invention to 50 cylindrical collar extends upwardly from the flange and
provide a new and improved tube shield and base assem­ at the top of the collar is a series of four tabs 25, 26, 27
bly which is simple in construction and which at the same and 28. The tabs are identical in each instance and
time is positive in its attachment, thereby to satisfactorily each .includes an inwardly projecting lip 29 tilted at an
conduct heat ,through the junction. 55 oblique angle, as shown to good advantage in Figure 2.
Another object of the jnvention is to provide a new The tube shield or envelope 17 has four correspond­
and improved tube shield and base assembly which pro­ ing base gripping portions 30, 31, etc., each portion in
vides a firm grip of one with respect to the other and turn including a laterally open, obliquely disposed slot
which is sufficiently rugged and permanent to maintain its 32 matching jn obliquity the lips 29. A short finger ele-
action under conditions where high frequency vibrations ment 33 underlies the slot and a long finger element 34
might exist. lies over the slot. Tab-receiving spaces 35 are pro­
Still another object of the invention is to provide a vided for by the short finger element having a width
new and improved tube shield base which is sufficiently more than sufficient to receive any one of the tabs 25,
simple as to permit fabrication from sheet metal and 26, etc. By having the diameter of ,the shield or envelope
which is so formed that it is rigid, durable, and capable 65 17 at its lower end substantially equal to the inside di-
of securing and maintaining a positive grip upon a tube ameter of the collar 24, or in fact by having the base­
shield envelope mounted thereon. gripping portions extended very slightly, they can be
Still further among the objects of the invention is to sprung inwardly when the envelope is pressed downward­
provide a base for a tube shield envelope and an envelope ly inside of the collar and the outer surfaces of the
for connection therewith, both of which are relatively envelope will therefore be in snug engagement with the
simple and inexpensive sheet metal parts so constructed 70 inside wall of the collar. When the envelope is appiied
that they can be quickly engaged one with respect to the to the base, the base-gripping portions are pushed within
3 4
the collar and the spaces 35 extended over the tabs and enough to withstand disturbance by the presence of high
the inwardly extending lips 29. The envelope is then frequency vibrations.
rotated slightly less than 90 degrees and the lips slide While I have herein shown and described my inven­
down the oblique slots 32 to Ll}e bottoms of the slots tion in what I have conceived to be the most practical
where they are maintained partly by the expanding re­ 5 and preferred embodiment, it is recognized that depar­
silience of -the lower end of the envelope and in part by tures may be made therefrom within the scope of my
the action of spring 26 which tends to force the envelope invention, which is not to be limited to the details dis­
outwardly relative to the base. Windows 36 assist in closed herein blJJt is to be accorded the full scope of the
passing heat by radiation from the glass bulb to the ex­ claim so as to embrace any and all equivalent devices.
terior. 10 Having described my invention, what I claim as new
In a second form of the invention illustrated in Fig­ and desire to secure by Letters Patent is:
ures 3, 4, 5 and 6 there is shown an envelope 40 which A tube shield assembly for application over an elec­
may consist of a single metal stamping continuous tronic tube comprising; a substantially cylindrical base
throughout its perimeter, on the upper end of which is a adapted to be mounted in an upright position on a chassis,
flanged ring 41. Windows 42 may be provided if needed 15 said base having a plurality of circumferentially spaced
for facilitating the escape of heat through the envelope. intumed tabs at its upper edge, a shielding tube and
At a base end of the envelope is a plurality of base­ retaining envelope comprising a sheet metal cylinder hav­
gripping portions 43, on one side of which is a slot 44, ing an inturned flange at its upper end, a spring inside
below which is a short finger element 45, and above said shielding tube, bearing against said flange and
which is a long finger element 46. A base indicated gen­ 20 adapted to press against an electronic tube to urge said
erally by the reference character 47 has a flange 48 shielding tube upwardly, the lower end of said shielding
adapted to be secured to a chassis 49 by means of screws tube being of a diameter to be snugly received within
or rivets 50. A collar 51 extends upwardly of the flange said base and being provided with a plurality of down­
48 and at the upper rim of the collar are inwardly extend­ wardly open notches corresponding to said tabs on said
ing tabs 52, each tilted at an oblique angle corresponding 25 base and of a size to readily receive the same, a slot ex­
to the obliquity of the slots 44. Adjacent open ends of tending helically from the uppermost portion of each
the slots are spaces 55 materially wider at the narrow notch and adapted 10 receive a corresponding tab, each
end than the length of the tabs 52 and being progressively of said slots extending helically downwardly toward but
wider toward the open end. Sloping sides 56 and 57 short of the lower end of said shielding tube.
assist in guiding the envelope to its position with re- 30
spect to the tabs 52. After the envelope has been pushed References Cited in the file of this patent
downwardly until the tabs engage bottoms 58 of the
spaces 55, the envelope is rotated, and, the tabs being
at the same angular pitch in the slots, a snug engage-
337,867 Richards Mar. 16, 1886

ment is readily accomplished. 35 Hammer Sept. 18, 1906


There has accordingly been disclosed herein a tube Coplen Jan. 16, 1945

shield envelope and base· assembly which is sufficiently Del Camp ______________ July 21, 1953
simple in design to be capable of being fabricated by
stamping from light gage sheet metal and which by rea- FOREIGN PATENTS
son of the relationship of the parts provides an easily con- 11,284 Great Britain May 25, 1908
of 1908

nectable firm grip between the envelope and base tight

enough for the transfer of heat by conduction and secure 649,059 Great Britain ____ ______ Jan. 17, 1951
Aug. 30, 1960 L. R. WOODS 2,951,108

Filed April 23, 1956

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♦ Verso Filler Page ♦
United States Patent Office 2,973,400
Patented Feb. 28, 1961

1 2
by making most effective use of the available area of
the liner.
Still another object of the invention is to provide a
new and improved heat transfer liner for electronic tube
HEAT TRANSFER LINER AND TUBE SHIELD 5 shields which can be constructed by forming a strip of
selected material essentially flat in an initial form such
JohnC. McAdam, Burbank,Calif., assigoor to Inter­
that after the strip is curved and fitted within a sleeve,
national Electronic Research Corporation, Burballk,
the lin�r assumes a new and different form which is
Calif., a corporation ofCalifornia
highly advantageous from the point of view of contact,
Filed Aug. 1, 1958, Ser. No. 752,457 10 heat dissipation and the inhibiting of the transfer of vi­
3Claims. (Cl. 174-35)
Still further among the objects of the invention is to
provide a new and improved heat transfer liner and
tube shield combination wherein the parts cooperate
The invention relates to tube shields for use with 15 with each other in such fashion that the respective en­
electronic components and electronic tubes wherein the gagements of the liner with the tube and the liner with
tube shield is so constructed that it is capable of pick- the surrounding sleeve are proportioned in order to have
ing up heat from the surface of the component or tube the combination perform in the most effective manner.
and transferring it through a surrounding tube shield With these and other objects in view, the invention
envelope to the base primarily by conduction, at which 20 consists of the construction, arrangement and combina­
point heat is dissipated to the mounting. tion of the various parts of the device whereby the ob­
The invention further comprehends a heat dissipating jects contemplated are attained, as hereinafter set forth,
tube shield which is also constructed in such fashion that pointed out in the appended claims, and illustrated in
the effects of vibration in the mount which might be the accompanying drawings.
detrimental to the performance or long life of the com- 25 In the drawings:
ponent are substantially minimized. Figure 1 is a side perspective view of the heat trans­
In relatively recent years the industry has learned of fer liner and tube shield combination shown mounted
the marked advantages in carrying away from electronic upon a base in position of engagement with an elec­
components and tubes heat which is often generated in tronic tube.
substantial quantities when the tubes are performing in 30 Figure 2 is a plan view of the liner in the form had
their normal fashion. As the conditions have changed prior to insertion within the sleeve.
to circumstances wherein more and more tubes are com­ Figure 3 is a plan view of the liner and sleeve com­
pacted within a limited space, the heat dissipating prob­ bination.
lem has correspondingly increased. Also for the same Figure 4 is an end elevational view of a portion of
reason .where many tubes and components are com­ 35 the liner in the form had prior to insertion within the
pacted within a small space on vehicles, for example, sleeve.
which suffer an exceptional amount of high frequency In an embodiment of the invention chosen for the
vibration, the .mortality in electronic tubes has increased purpose of illustration there is shown a base 10 adapted
appreciably and to the extent that positive means for for attachment to some conventional chassis by means
minimizing the effect of vibration as well as heating has 40 of holes 11. The base is so constructed that it is adapted
become highly desirable. to receive an electronic component in the form of an
Some tube shield devices have been developed to electronic tube indicated generally by the reference char­
satisfy the requirements mentioned and performance­ acter 12, the tube being provided with a base portion 13.
wise these devices have been acceptable and effective. Fitting slidably over the base is a metallic sleeve 14
Due to the fact, however, that the tube shield liners are '6 which makes use of slits 15 having apertures 16 therein
subjected to repeated heating and cooling cycles, some for reception of dimples 17 on the exterior of the base
problems have arisen with respect to the form and char­ whereby to firmly but releasably anchor the sleeve to
acter of the. resilient tube shield liner in order that it the base. At the upper end of the sleeve is an annular
continue its effective performance over long periods of inwardly turned flange 18 defining a relatively large
time without the necessity of frequent servicing. Many 60 opening 19.
of the tube shield liners heretofore employed have either A liner is indicated generally by the reference char­
·been unnecessarily costly for a great variety of installa­ acter 20 and is shown in position between the tube 12
tions where dependability has been a primary requisite and sleeve 14 in Figure 1. The liner is shown separate·
or have limited effectiveness where they have been con­ ly in Figures 2 and 4 in the form existing prior to in·
structed inexpensively and in a single piece due to cer­ 115 sertion of the liner within the sleeve.
tain limitations in the mode of manufacture. More particularly, the liner comprises a single sheet
It is therefore among the objects of the invention of metallic material which has a resilient character de·
to provide a new and improved heat transfer liner and pendable under all conditions of use and which will main­
tube shield combination wherein the elements are par­ tain its resilient character with a high degree of efficiency
ticularly simple and non·complicated with respect to 60 when subjected to frequent heating and cooling cycles
manufacturing requirements and technique and which at over long periods of time. Beryllium copper has beeD
the same time incorporate many of the advantages here­ found to have the desired characteristics and reference is
tofore available only in the more intricate heat dissipat­ made to this material by way of example.
ing tube shields and liners. When the liner is formed initially, there are provided
Another object of the invention is to provide a new 65 a series of spaced parallel ribs 21 which in plan view have
and improved heat transfer liner for electronic tube the form of elongated rectangles and whose outer surfaces
shields which can be constructed of a single strip of re­ 22 are substantially flat. In the chosen embodiment the
'silient material in such fashion that a very high degree ribs are uniformly and equally spaced one from another,
of resilient contact is provided on the inside capable of the space between ribs being substantially greater than
engaging a substantial portion of the tube or component 70 the breadth of the ribs. Between the ribs are intermediate
and wherein a lesser portion on the outer side is made portions 23 substantially wider than the ribs and entirely
,use of for, engagement with the. surrounding sleeve, theI:�- 1illing .th� �paces. �tween. the ribs.. The intermediate
3 4
portions have arcuate sides 24 which join longitudinal the component so that there will be virtually no uneven­
side edges of the ribs with the intermediate portions. The ness in the pick up of heat or in the absorption of vi­
arcuate portions are gently arcuate at the point of junction brations.
or tangency with the intermediate portion but joins the While I have herein shown and described my invention
ribs at a relatively sharp angle. The ribs and intermedi- 5 in what I have conceived to be the most practical and
ate portions may be formed in an acceptable manner preferred embodiment, it is recognized that departures
either by rolling or die forming. It will also be appre­ may be made therefrom within the scope of my invention,
ciated that the strips can be of any convenient length which is not to be limited to the details disclosed herein
longer than might be needed for any single tube shield but is to be accorded the full scope of the claims so as to
liner and that the strip can be cut at will anywhere along 10 embrace any and all equivalent devices.
its length. Having described my invention, what I claim as new
As shown in Figure 3,. cuts are made adjacent the ribs and desire to secure by Letters Patent is:
through the arcuate sides leaving short legs in order to 1. A heat dissipating and vibration resistant shielding
have the ribs overlap each other, thereby to anchor the liner for use in holding a circumferentially arcuate elec­
ends with respect to each other. Due to the springiness 15 tronic component in a surrounding sleeve comprising a
of the material it is not necessary that the ribs interlock strip of homogeneous inherently resilient heat conducting
precisely and hence the endmost ribs can be retained metallic material, said strip comprising pairs of outwardly
precisely the same breadth as all of the other ribs. extending corners defining a series of spaced ribs each
After the liner has been formed in the manner de­ being of predetermined breadth between the corners and
scribed, it is turned upon itself as illustrated in Figure 3 20 presenting areas adapted to engage the surrounding sleeve,
and inserted within the sleeve 14. The number of sec­ said liner including intermediate portions of said metallic
tions employed should be such that the liner is not material between corners of adjacent ribs having a breadth
stretched unnecessarily when placed within the sleeve but greater than the breadth of the ribs, each said portion
rather should be such that if it is necessary to help the having side sections of arcuate form curving towards each
liner fit within the sleeve, it can be puckered slightly. 25 other and joining a mid-section therebetween with a tan­
Due to the inherent resiliency in the intermediate por­ gential junction, whereby when the liner and sleeve are
tions, they will assimilate a very substantial degree of applied to a component the intermediate portions through­
adjustment. out the span thereof between adjacent corners yield resili­
When the combined liner and sleeve is to be employed ently upon engagement with the component.
in the manner shown in Figure 1. they are slid together 30 2. A heat dissipating and vibration resistant shielding
over the outer end of the tube during which operation liner for use in holding a circumferentially arcuate elec­
the intermediate portions 23 will yield substantially, there- tronic component in a surrounding sleeve comprising a
by to accommodate the surface of the tube. The yielding continuous strip of homogeneous inherently resilient heat
is sufficiently variable so that even though the outside di­ conducting metallic material having opposite side edges,
mension of the tube varies considerably throughout its 35 said strip comprising pairs of clearly defined outwardly
length, the intermediate portions will form an effective extending corners defining a series of spaced ribs each
engagement. being of fixed breadth between the corners and present­
Furthermore, by reason · of the same inherent resilience ing outwardly facing areas adapted to engage the sur­
throughout the entire area of the intermediate portions, rounding sleeve, said liner including intermediate portions
the liner can be used repeatedly for different tubes under 40 of said metallic material between corners of adjacent ribs
circumstances where the outside diameters of the tubes having a breadth greater than the breadth of the ribs, each
might vary considerably from one tube to another. The said portion prior to insertion of the component having
construction of the liner is such that it will readily ac­ side sections of arcuate form curving towards each other
commodate itself to a great number of variations in size and joining a mid-section therebetween with a tangential
and contour without suffering any permanent deforma- 45 junction, each said mid-section subsequent to insertion of
tion. a component having an outwardly arcuate shape and tan­
Under certain special circumstances as, for example, gential junctions with the adjacent arcuate sections, the
where a liner might need to be made of material some­ span of said outwardly arcuate shape and the lengths of
what heavier in gage than on other occasions, added ver­ the arcuate sections being determined throughout the
satility may be built into the liner by providing slots 27. 50 length of the (,;omponent by the perimeter of the compo­
The slots 27 have approximately the proportionate width nent whereby, when the liner and a sleeve are applied
shown and need have a length. no greater than the breadth to a component, the ribs at the side edges of the liner are
of the intermediate portions between the arcuate sides. interlocked at the outwardly facing areas and the area
An effective pattern is one illustrated in Figure 2 wherein of engagement of the liner with the component exceeds
the slots are parallel and uniformly spaced throughout 55 the area of engagement of the liner with the sleeve.
the length of the intermediate portions and wherein they 3. A heat dissipating and vibration resistant shield for
provide resilient patohes which are more or less square. use in holding a circumferentially arcuate electronic com­
When in use, whether with or without slots, the inter­ ponent comprising a substantially cylindrical sleeve and
mediate portions exert a resilient force which not only a liner therein of homogeneous inherently resilient metal­
impresses those portions into contact with the surface of 60 lic material, said liner comprising pairs of clearly defined
the component or tube, but also exerts a resilient pressure outwardly extending corners defining a series of spaced
outwardly, thereby pressing the surfaces of the ribs into ribs each being of predetermined breadth between the
firm heat conducting contact with the surrounding sleeve. corners and presenting outwardly facing areas adapted to
The firmness of contact at all areas is instrumental in
engage the surrounding sleeve, said liner including inter­
providing a . path for conducting heat generated in the 65
mediate portions of said metallic material. between cor­
tube through the liner, the sleeve and the base to the
ners of adjacent ribs having a breadth greater than the
chassis. It will be appreciated also that some heat is dis­
breadth of the ribs, each said portion prior to application
sipated by radiation from the exterior of the sleeve.
Moreover, the same resilient contact by which the inter­ to the component having side sections of arcuate form
mediate portions uniformly engage all variations in the 70 curving towards each other and joining a mid-section
surface of the tube is also instrumental in minimizing therebetween with a tangential junction, each said mid­
the transfer of damaging vibrations from the chassis to section subsequent to insertion of a component having an
the tube. A uniformly large area of contact is provided outwardly arcuate shape and tangential junctions with
which is effective in spreading the desirable effect uni­ the adjacent arcuate sections, the span of said outwardly
formly over substantially the entire exterior surface of 75 arcuate shape and the lengths of the arcuate sections being
5 6
detennined throughout the length of the component by 2,807,659 Woods ________________ Sept. 24, 1957
the perimeter of the component whereby when the shield 2,905,742 Woods ________________ Sept. 22, 1959
is appli ed to the component the area of engagement of OlHER REFERENCES
the liner with the component exceeds the area of engage-
l5 Publication I, "Heat Reducing Tube Shield," Collins
nent of the liner with the sleeve.
Technical Bulletin 301 (4 pages), copy received U.S.
Patent Office Mar. 23, 1956.
References Cited in the file of this patent
Publication 11, "Electron Tube Reliability," published
UNITED STATES PATENTS in Electromechanical Design, January February 1958

2,7';5.895 Lideen ________________ May 15, 1956 10 (pages 16 and 17 relied on).
Feb. 28, 1961 J. C. MCADAM 2,973,400

Filed Aug. 1, 1958

fJ!I, 4, c2 et) 22
�i?4 �/ �
cl �g)
?.1 Z� c2

. 1
1 1 1 1 11'

1I1 1 1 I I 1 1 . 7\
11 ( .

1 I1

Panel on Electron T1tbes, 346 Broadway, 8th Floor, New York l3, N.Y.

Operating temperature of tube envelopes becomes reached while the tubes were being pumped during
increasingly important as the size of electronic production, it is likely that varying amounts of gases
equipment is reduced. If the same amount of will adversely affect tube life.
power is to be dissipated within twO enclosures Normally, the function of the getter that produces
one of which is much smaller than the other, the the silver-like deposit or the black deposit on some
temperature of the smaller enclosure will rise to of the newer tubes is to provide a means for
much higher values than that of the larger. This removing any gases that may subsequently be set
fact is borne Out in Table I, which indicates both free during the operation of the tube. There is a
areas and maximum dissipations for the bantam or limited amount of gas that t h is getter mat(frial (all
T9 tube, the miniature or T5! tube and subminia­ safely piek up. Amounrs beyond this will result'
ture or T3 tube. It will be noted that as the sizes in the tube's gas content being materially increased.
decrease, the value of watts per square inch is (n addition. jf the glass bulb should be heated
increase d and rhe maximum bulb temperature is sufficiently .[he getter patch may be caused [0
inHeased correspondingly. The l i fe of a vacuum migrate or leave the bulb.
cube is materially affected by the operating tempem­
cure of its bulb, as well as its other pans.
TABLE II - Bulb Temperatures 23° C
TABLE I - Bulb 'Temperature at Sea Level Ambient at Sea Level
There are some absolure limits on the permissible It may redeposi t itself on some cooler part of the
gl�ss temperature, one being the sGftening point of tlIbe so that a considerable amount of gas trapped
the glass and another the point at which apprec)able by the getrer will now be released and may not
conductivity occurs - called electrolysis. Below reCGmbin� when [he getrer condenses on the cooler
these limits there is an indefinite region in which portions of the wbe. In this instance, then, the
varying kinds a'tld degrees of trouble are encoun­ gas coment would also be materially increased.
tere_, especially owing [0 evolution of gas from the Should the getter condense on the mka supports
bulb itself., the getter and other: tube pans. The of dYe cube there is a possibiJ,ity that leakilge be­
temper·acure of concern is that at the honest spet tween elements supported in the mica may be in­
creased. This leakage may a ffect petformance
TABLE I-Bulb Temperature As seen frem Table I, l' tendency to decrease the
size of electronic: gear aggravates the bulb-tempera­
at Sea Level tUre condition. Tube. life, in gene ral, can be ex­
19 T5� T3 tended by maintaining low temperatures for the
glass envelope. This is especi3oc1ly important in
high -p ower output tubes because of their higher
Bulb Area (Sq In.) 10.5 4.1 1.7
plate and cathode dissipations. The remperature
Mu. W.Hs Dissipation 18.7 16.8 7.8
rise in rhe envelope may be limited by: reductidn
Watts per Square Inc" 1.8 4.1 4.6 c;)£ tOtwi tube dissipation; provisien for improved
Mu. Bulb 1emp deg C 160 255 280 ventilation; maintenance of low ambient -tem­
Ambienl 23C peratures.

on the envelope, which usually occurs midway be­

TABLE II-Bulb Temperatures
tween the top and bottom micas. The location can 23° C Ambient at Sea Level
be readily found by the use of temperature sensitive
lacquers marketed by Tempil Corporation, 11 West
PerC2nt Maximum Plate Dissipation
25th Street, New York City.
During manufacture, while the vacuum tube is on Tvpe Bulb 20 40 60 80 100
the production pumping set-up, the envelope and
the metal parts within the tube structure are heated 12AU7 16Y2 77C 100C 118C 133( 146C
to much higher temperatures than those to which 6C4 T5'� 64 82 98 113 125
they would normally be subjected during operation 6AH6 15'4 88 103 116 126 132
in order that all of the absorbed and adsorbed 5U4G 5T16 105 116 127 138 149
gases may be removed. If, however, during ope­
5687 1631 123 140 155 155 183
ration, the operating temperature of the envelope
or the parts themselves exceeds the temperatures
Reprinted from "Electronics", by courtesy of the publishers.

Radiotronics 42 April, 1956

In general, the envelope temperature of small So far, sea-level altitudes have been assumed.
receiving-type power tubes should be kept below Many tubes operate at high altitudes some or all of
175 deg. centigrade for increased reliability. The the time. This environment aggravates the cooling
chief effect of high temperature on vacuum tubes problem still more since the density of the air de­
is nOt a sudden change in operating characteristics creases with altitude. The decreased effective cool·
but a gradual deterioration of characteristics. Table ing of a tube at higher altitudes requires that the
II indicates the operating bulb temperatures for five tOtal tube dissipation be derated in order nOt to
types of tubes, having various sized envelopes for exceed critical bulb temperatures. This derating
plate dissipations ranging from 20 percent up to depends upon the altitude and may amount to as
maximum rated dissipations. This gives an idea of much as 40 or 50 percent.
the extent to which it is possible to reduce bulb
temperatures by decreasing the total tube plate To obtain maximum reliability from vacuum
tubes and equipment, it is important that pains be
taken to keep the operating temperature of the
bulb at its hottest spot within the limit specified
The ultimate bulb temperature depends not only
by data sheets.
upon the dissipation within the tube itself but also
upon the temperature of the surrounding air im­ Biography
mediately adj acent to the tube envelope. Table III M. 1. Miller, The Design of Electronic Equipment
shows how these ambient temperatures affect the Using Subminiature Components, Proc. IRE, Feb. 1950.
bulb temperature for various watts per square inch
B. O. Buckland, Electron Tube Heat Transfer Data,
Elec. Ellg., Nov. 1951.
dissipation. From these data it is apparent that R. ]. Bibberow, Electron Tube Ratings at Very High
precautions must be taken to keep the ventilation AltitUdes, Tele·Tech., May 1951.
around the tubes such that the temperature will be P. T. Weeks, Reliability in Miniature and Subminiature
Tubes, Proc. IRE, May 1951.
as low as possible.
D. G. Ko<n, Increasing Tubr: Reliability in Industrial
Circuits, Prod. Eflg., June 1952.
Table III Sea Level Bulb Tem­
- "Data un Subminiawre Tu bes," Sylvania Electric
Products, Emporium, 'Pennsylvania.
peratures vs. Dissipations and "Data on Subminiature Tubes," Raythcon Manufacturing
Ambient Temperature Variations. Company, NewtOn, MasslIChusclts.
R. ]. E. Whittier, Mechanical Considerations Affecting
Watt s/l n2 ====> 1 2 3 4 5 Vacuum Tube Reliability, Part 1, Tele·Te,-h., Feb. 1952.

Ambient °C Bulb temp in °C at hottest spot

23 100 170 230 280 310

160 220 260 300 340 :no
250 310 350 390 420 450

The importance of bulb temperatures on tube

life can be noted in recent information published
by various tube manufacturers showing the life
which may be expected for subminiature tubes.
Most of these tubes are rated for maximum bulb
temperatures of 200 deg. with a few having a
rating of 250 deg. C. A reduction of bulb tem·
perature on the order of 20 percent when operating
in the region of 200 deg. C bulb temperatures will
result in a substantial increase in the life expectancy
of the tubes. The cooling of the tube envelope is
the most important consideration in mounting the

A loose·fltting shield such as is commonly

employed with miniature tubes may increase the
temperature appreciably. The situation arises be­
cause the shield is not tight fitting but instead
provides a blanket of hot air around the tube. 1 hus
the shield does not provide a good thermal contact
with bulb of the tube or to the chassis and cannot
effectively cool the bulb.

If shields are employed, and they are tight fitting

and can be fastened directly to the chassis, a con­
siderable amount of heat can usually be removed in
this manner. To obtain maximum heat radiation,
the shield should nOt be plated and should not be

Radiotronics 43 April, 1956

H e at Transfer in Receiving Tubes
O. H. S c h a d e , J r .

H a rrison

This chapter presents methods for analyzing the heat­ ventional tube deSign.
transfer processes that occur in receiving tubes due to
conduction, convection, and radiation, and for deter­
mining the resultant electrode temperatures. The con­
cepts used in radiant-energy transmission are described
in detail because radiation is the most complicated en­
ergy transfer in a tube structure. A section concerned
with the application of heat theory to tube problems is
The Fourier Equation and Two Simple Solutions
Figure 1 . Dimensions of a Solid of Constant
The amount of heat that flows within a body depends Cross -Sectional Area
upon the temperature gradient present, the cross-sec­
tional area of the body, and the thermal conductivity of
the body material. In 1822, Fourier proposed the equa­
tion for simple, steady heat flow by conduction:
q = - KA (dT/ dx) ( 1)
The quantity K is the thermal conductivity of the body,
A is the cross - sectional area, and dT/ dx is the tem­
perature gradient. Actually, the thermal conductivity
of most materials varies with the temperature of the
material, but a mean value Km over the temperature
range encountered usually yields solutions of sufficient
accuracy for most engineering purposes. The solution
of Fourier's equation for a solid of constant cross-sec­
tional area, as shown in Fig. 1, is:
q = KmA ( A T/x) (2 )

Another simple solution involves the flow of heat through

the walls of a cylinder, as shown in Fig. 2, where the
cross -sectional area is proportional to the radius of Figure 2. Dimensions of a Cylinder
the structure. The equation for the heat flow is:
The Concept of Thermal Resistance
q = Km Am ( A T/x) (3)
A2 -A 1 In many cases, it is convenient to adapt the concept
where Am = .In-;(-'-- - (4) of thermal resistance in heat-transfer problems . Doing
A 1) so permits a network of conducting bodies to be analyzed
Heat flow is usually expressed in watts, length in cen­ in a manner analogous to that used for electrical net­
timeters, area in square centimeters, temperature dif­ work analysiS . The thermal resistance may be defined
ference in degrees Centigrade ( or degrees Kelvin) and as the temperature difference divided by the heat flow,
the thermal conductivity in watts/ cm2 / deg C for a unit or
length. The preceding equation of conductive heat flow R AT/q
= (5 )
can be applied to most problems encountered in a con- When the heat transfer occurs by steady, unidirectional

Heat Tran sfer i n Receiving Tubes

conduction, the thermal resistance may be expressed cous film of laminar flow by conduction and radiation.
Heat is transferred through the buffer layer by con­
(6) duction and convection. In the region of turbulent flow,
heat is transferred primarily by convection.
when Eqs . (2) and (3) are applicable. The determination
of the heat flow through a sandwich of several materials
of cross -sectional area A, as shown in Fig. 3, illus­
trates the use of thermal resistances. The total tem­

R3 x 3 / Km3 A. The total heat flow is q (T 1 -T 4)/

perature drop is (T1 -T4 ) . The individual thermal re­
sistances are: R1 = x 1 /Km1 A, R 2 = x 2 / K 2 A, and

(R 1 + R2 + R3 ) = L AT/ L R.

(2) ( 3) TURBUL ENT


Figure 4 . Fluid Flow A long the Surface of a Solid

So many variables are encountered in an attempt to
solve even the simplest problem in convection heat
transfer that boundary layer thickness, fluid viscosity,
density, and heat capacity are assumed to remain con­
stant. If the above-mentioned factors remain constant,
the heat transfer is proportional to the area A and the
temperature drop Ts - T = AT. With the introduction
of a dimensional constant h, Newton' s law of cooling
can be stated:
q = hA AT. (7)
The quantity h is called the "film coefficient of heat
transfer. " It is evaluated by using dimensional analysis
to arrive at an empirical relationship of the pertinent
Figure 3. Heat Flow Through a Sandwich
of Several Materials Many surface configurations have been evaluated, but
The illustration is of a series arrangement of thermal the only problem normally encountered in tube design
resistance, but any network of series and parallel ele­ is the natural convection from smooth horizontal and
vertical cylinders in air. The expression for h under

0 . 2 7 ( A T/D)O.25 Btu/hr. ft� deg F

ments can be attacked by the same methods used for
electrical networks. It is also possible to conceive of these conditions is: 2
"convection resistances" and "radiation resistances"
in the network, as will be illustrated later . The ther­ h =

mal resistances of various materials may be found in

Figs. 15 and 16. or, in more convenient units,

HEAT TRANSFER BY CONVECTION h = 1 .78 ( A T/D) O .2 5 x 10 -4 watts/cm4deg C (8)

Convection is the transfer of heat by fluid flow. Most, where D is the outside diameter of the cylinder.
if not all, convection problems originate with the trans ­
fer of heat between a surface and a moving fluid. The THE PHENOMENON OF HEAT TRANSFER BY RADI­
physics of the transfer is illustrated in Fig. 4, which ATION THROUGH NON ABSORBING MEDIA
shows a fluid moving along the surface of a solid. Three
types of flow are depicted; a laminar flow at the sur­ The Physics of Radiation
face, a buffer layer of laminar flow and turbulent flow,
and a region of turbulent flow at temperature T beyond No theory that explains all the aspects of the phe ­
the other regions. Heat is transferred through the vis- nomenon called "radiation" has yet been discovered.


Certain observations are best explained by the concept the wave length of maximum radiation could be deter­
of radiation being an electromagnetic wave that is pro­ mined with little error from Wien' s "displacement law. "
duced by the change in ene.rgy level of charged molec­
ular and submolecular particles in an emitter. Because :\ T = 2880 microns · deg K (10)
not all particles in the emitter have the same energy max
levels, the radiation is composed of an infinite number Planck introduced a corpuscular theory of radiation
of frequencies (and wave lengths) . The distribution of which premised that energy is emitted in discrete bun­
radiant energy by frequency must be similar to the dis­ dles, or corpuscles, rather than in a continuous form.
tribution of energy levels among the molecules of the He called these bundles of energy "quanta. " The rela­
radiating obj ect, and one would expect that the frequency tionship found between emissive power, wave length,
of radiation varies somewhat like a probability curve and temperature, as postulated by the corpuscular the­
(as will be shown later) . ory, agreed well with experimental evidence. The re­
Radiation occurs at all temperatures and is independ­ lationship is of the form:
ent of temperature difference between radiating bodies . (11)
For example, if two bodies A and B are maintained at
temperatures Ta and Tb, body A will radiate a certain
quantity of heat to body B, independent of the tempera­ which is similar to Wien' s law. The solution for the
ture Tb . Body B will radiate a certain quantity of heat constants yields the equation:
to Body A independent of the temperature Ta . It is not
possible to "buck-out" the radiation between bodies in Eb:\ =3 .73 x 1 0 - 16 :\ -5 /(e 1 . 436/:\.T - 1)watts/cm2 micron
the sense that (in electrical circuits) two batteries of (12)
similar voltage with like terminals attached will not be where T is expressed in de,jrees Kelvin and :\ is in
able to cause a current. It is possible that the net heat centimeters ( 1 micron = 10 - centimeters) .
interchange between body A and body B is zero, but the
force (temperature) that causes energy interchange is The monochromatic emissive power of a black body
always present (as long as the temperature is above at different temperatures is shown in Fig. 5, as plotted
absolute zero) . This is a statement of the "Prevost from Eq. (12) . Notice that as the black body tempera­
law of exchanges . " ture is increased, the maxima of the curves shift to
shorter wave lengths . The body must be quite hot (about
The Black-Body Concept 5000 K , approximately the apparent temperature of the
sun) before the maxima occur near the center of the
A body that is a perfect absorber and emitter of ra­ visible spectrum.
diant energy is called a "black-body. " The concept of
a black body is useful because it provides a standard
to which the absorption or emission of radiant energy \
by practical bodies (or surfaces) can be compared. \
The characteristics of a black body can be closely
approached by a model first proposed by Kirchoff: If a \ 5000 K
small opening is made in a hollow sphere whose inner
surface is covered with a material that is a good ab­ \0.577

sorber (such as lamp -black), radiation incident on the

small opening will be almost totally absorbed within the
sphere, because of the many reflections and absorptions
of the energy before the much-diminished "wave" again
encounters the opening.

The Distribution of Radiation
1!I J�����6�0�0�K��==���������
The radiation from a black body was predicted by
Wien, based upon the wave theory of transmission. He 2 4 6
8 �

proposed that the quantity of energy radiated by a black

body at any particular wave length (called the "mono­ Figure 5. The Monochromatic Emissive Power
chromatic emissive power") could be expressed of a Black Body at Various Temperatures

Eb = fa Eb:\ d:\ . The surprisingly simple relation­

The total radiation at each temperature is propor­
tional to00
the area lying under the curve, or by definition,
where C l and C 2 are constants, :\ is the wave length
of the radiation, and T is the temperature of the radia­ ship between the total radiation emitted by a black body
ting body . The dimensions of monochromatic emissive and its temperature and surface area was determined
power are radiant energy at a particular wave length, experimentally by Stefan and devised theoretically by
per unit time, from a surface of unit area. Correla­ Boltzmann. It is called the "Stefan-Boltzmann law":
tions with experimental evidence were good at short
wave lengths but poor at long wave lengths . However, (13 )

H eat Tran sfer in Receiving Tubes

To obtain the heat transfer in watts, the Stefan Boltz­ the radiating object. Since a red filter is normally used
mann constant is 6 = 5.67 x 10 - 1 2 watts/cm2 (deg K)4 . in viewing the body, the spectral emissivity of mater­
The equation is probably most easily used in the form: ials is normally determined at a "standard" 0 . 66 mi­
crons wave length. Fig. 7 shows the correction re­
% = 5.67 A(T/ 1000) 4 watts (14) quired to obtain the true temperature of a body when
its spectral emissivity is known.
The total emissive power of a black body is
Total emissivity is used whenever the heat transfer
(15) from a body is calculated. When the radiation from a
body is emitted in all directions into or through an im­
The Gray-Body Concept aginary hemispherical surface, the term total "hem­
ispherical" emissivity is used. The ratio of total emis­
A body that emits or absorbs with less "efficiency" sive power of the test body to that of the black body,
than a black body at the same temperature can be de­ taken in a direction normal to the test surface, is called
fined as a "gray body. " The material (surface) is said the total "normal" emissivity. Most information avail­
to have an "emissivity" E defined by the ratio able on materials and material surfaces lists their total

normal emissivity, which can be considered equal to
E = E = constant the total hemispherical emissivity, except for well­
polished surfaces; for well-polished surfaces, the hem ­
At any particular wave length and temperature a body ispherical emissivity i s 1 5 t o 20 per cent greater than
has the "spectral" emissivity the normal emissivity.

b :\.=

Black-Body Radiation for Simple Geometries

Furthermore, the gray body has a constant spectral
emissivity independent of temperature or wave length. The heat transfer equations for the black-body ra­
The gray body has a radiation distribution exactly the diation of three simple geometries have the same solu­
same as that of the black body (as shown in Fig. 5), tion. The geometries are:
except that everywhere it is some constant fraction of 1. Small black body radiating to large black enclo­
the black-body radiation. The gray body has a "to­ sure.

tal" or "thermal" emissivity as defined by the ratio 2. Infinite parallel black planes .
E 3 . Two continuous black surfaces, one enclosing the
Et - (17) other; no negative curvature on the inner body.
Eb T constant

For each, the net heat interchange by radiation is :

The gray body has a total emissive power:
E = 6 E t T4 (18)
where A 1 is the area of the hotter body.
Fig. 6 is the graphical solution of this equation with E
versus T, and E t as a parameter. The View Factor
Real materials differ from the ideal gray body in that When geometries become more complex than those
their spectral emissivity changes with wave length and listed above, it is convenient to adopt the idea of a
temperature and that their total emissivity changes with "view-factor. " Suppose, for example, that there are
temperature, but for heat transfer calculations, real two infinite parallel black planes and plane 1 , the hotter
materials are usually assumed to be ideal gray bodies. of the two, radiates heat to plane 2 as predicted by Eq.
(19) . If plane 2 is reduced in size, it will receive only
The Use of Spectral and Total Emissivities a fraction of the heat radiated by plane 1. The heat in­
terchange will be
Normally, there is only one instance when the tube
designer need be concerned with spectral emissivity -
when he determines the temperature of a body with a
"disappearing filament" optical pyrometer. Pyrome­
ters of this type are calibrated to read "true" black­ where F, the view factor (also called the "interchange
body temperature. The pyrometer reads "brightness" factor, " "geometrical factor, " or "form factor") , rep­
temperatures on any body that is not black. This oc­ resents the fraction of the heat radiated by plane 1 that
curs because temperature is determined by matching is intercepted by plane 2.
light intensities; the intensity of the radiating object is
matched to the intensity of the pyrometer filament. If Three "types" of view factor are normally considered.
the radiating object is not a black body, it must be at a They are all, by definition, of the form
higher temperature than a black body that emits the
by body 2 .
same light intensity. For this reason, brightness tem­ F 1, 2 = heat radiated by body 1 intercepted
perature must be corrected to obtain true temperature; total heat radiated by body 1
the correction depends upon the spectral emissivity of E quations and concepts primarily from Rottel , Refs. 4 and 7.




5 . 6 7 X 10 -12 WATTS
er =

-r . ;i; If


Figure 6. Emissive Power as a Function of Temperature for Various Thermal Emissivities

Heat Tran sfer i n Receivi ng Tubes

/ 1 1/ / ./
/ ./ ./
15 // / / /'
lL V v / /

v l/
/ /
I1 / V v
/ / 1/ //
I1 1 A/
8 / / /
6 ���� � /���q-4-4-4-+-+-+-+-+-����������-4-4-+-+�
/ _�
5 L I1 1/
I /. /
I1 l/

flY /
1II1 /

200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800
1000 2000 3000 4000

Figure 7. Corrections to Brightness Temperature Determinations by Optical Pyrometer for Transmission

of Bulb and Emissivity at 0. 665 Microns


The individual types are: gray rectangles, gray plane-parallel structures with
boundaries, and the like. The factor in Eq. (2 4) always
1 . F: the view factor determined by the geometrical tends to give a somewhat low, but reasonably good re­
construction and positioning of two black bodies. sult when the surfaces are designed to be good radiators
2. F: the view factor,determined by geometrical con­ or are rough, OXidized, or nonmetallic.
siderations, which accounts for the effect of other re­
flecting bodies near the two black bodies of concern. In general, the accuracy of calculations of radiation
3. -:I: the "over-all" view factor, which accounts heat transfer in tubes will be most affected by the dif­
for geometrical considerations, the effects of other ficulty of predicting the emissivity of the surfaces in­
bodies, and the emissivities of two gray bodies of volved. For example, most metals have a considerably
concern. lower emissivity when their surfaces are clean than
when they are oxidized or covered with cathode evapor­
The view factors may be evaluated by a mathematical ants. When the emissivities of these surfaces have
approach, by graphical integration, or with the help of been evaluated and the proper values used in the prob­
mechanical devices. The view factors, F and F, for lem, the accuracy of the calculations will be truly de­
several geometrics are presented in Figs. 8 to 1 4 . The pendent upon the approximations made in determining
factors apply to: the heat transfer equations.
1 . Adjacent rectangles forming angles of 600, 900, Radiation from "Composite Surfaces"
and 1200•
2. Long, opposed parallel rods. It is possible to determine the radiation from surfaces
3 . Parallel plane structures. composed of the more -simple geometrical shapes for
4 . Parallel planes and rows of tubes . which view factors are known. The radiation from two
of such "comp OSite" surfaces will now be evaluated.
The over-all view factor 'J contains the effect of the
emissivities of gray bodies. Only the simplest are ac ­ Radiationfrom a "Right-Angled" Surface at Constant
curately expressed. Temperature. Fig. 1 7 shows a cross section of a

Infinite Parallel Gray Planes (F 1). = "right-angled" surface that, for example, might be
found on the half-plates of large beam -power receiving

= 1
-:1 (li E 1 ) + ( liE 2 ) - 1
tubes. The radiation "loss" from this composite sur­
face to the large enclosure E, which is assumed to be
a black body, is to be found. Body 1 has a radiating
area A 1 (that side facing the enclosure as shown), an
A Gray Radiating Surface That is Small Compared to emissivity E t , and a temperature T. Body 2 has a
the Distance to Other Gray Surfaces. radiating area A2 ' an emissivity Et (the same as body 1),
and a temperature T; the temperature of the enclosure
(2 1) is TE . Assume, for the moment, that only body 1 is
hot. Assuming diffuse reflection, it radiates the quan­
A Gray Enclosed and Gray Enclosing Surface. tity of heat

F (or F) F (or F) q = OE t A 1 T 4, of which

.,--, - ,-,--- <1<:--;--,----;-:-----,-:-...,.....,.
-;-:- ... .,. -,--;--
(liE 1 ) + (l/E 2 ) - 1 (l/E 1 ) + (A ll A2 ) [ ( l/E 2 ) - 1] (22)
O E A T4 . ( 1 - F ) is lost to the enclosure, and
t 1 1, 2
The left-hand term is obtained assuming completely O EtA 1 T 4 . F 1 ,2 is intercepted by body 2. Of this in­
specular reflection of heat (equal angles of incidence
and reflection of a wave) . The right-hand term is ob­ tercepted heat, body 2 loses
tained by assuming completely diffuse reflection. With
practical surfaces neither extreme is correct, but the OE t A 1 T4 F 1 2 (l -E d (1 - F2 1 ) to the enclosure and
right-hand expression (diffuse reflection) is much more reflects to body 1 the amount '
nearly correct for most surfaces, particularly if they
are rough, oxidized or nonmetallic.

J � ( 1 ) (A A ) (li ) 1
A Gray Body Enclosed by Gray Tubes.
F (or F)
1 El + i 2 [ E 2 - ] and reflects to body 2

This is a further approximation of Eq. (22). OE tA 1 T4 F 1 , 2 ( 1 - E t) F2 , 1( 1 - E t) F 1, 2

Pairs of Gray Surfaces Not Forming an Enclosure and so forth.

(General) .
So far, the total losses to the enclosure due to the ra­
(2 4) diation from body 1 are:
This covers long opposed parallel gray rods, adj acent q 1 = OE tA 1 T4 ( 1 - F 1 , 2 ) .:!:. OE tA 1 T4 F 1, 2 (1- E t) (1-F2, 1 ) +

2 50
Heat Tran sfer i n Receiving Tubes

OE tA l T 4 F l " 2 F2 1 (1- E t) 2 ( 1 - F l , 2 ) or Examine the magnitudes of the bracketed quantities. If

the structure is geometrically designed to be a radiator

q l =O EtA l T 4 1 - F l 2 ) + F l 2 ( 1 -E t) ( 1 - F2 l ) + F l , 2 F2 , l ' (to have high losses to the enclosure), and has a reason­
( �
l -F l , ) ( l - E t) 2 J ' ably high emissivity, the third term is negligible. For
example, if F l , 2 F2 , 1 0.2 and E t 0 . 5 (normally it
= = =


0.3 "-
\t.o PARAMETER r k /r s
1�· 2""


�:::::-- -
� �
� ......
- ......

0. 1 ---=::: 1+----- d ---I

o 2 3 4 5
Figure 8. View Factor for Long, Opposed Parallel Rods


- -f--

V t::=t::-
� f--- � :::- - -
0.8 ...--
-- -- - --

/ V
I-I- I-- f..- -
7 - I-"""
- -

/ ./V ././" J--

...-- ...-- --
./" VV V I-I-
I- �f--
6 -f--
./' .-/ -I--
-' ...-- --I--

V 1/ VV )-
I--"""" !----
..- - -
...-- - --
- -

./" V l-

0.6 -/

/ / /V /

/ / /'/ ./ ..-V

V V V /'
/ J '/



/ V

/, i/ / /
0.4 // 'i V /
I/ / /


I fiJ V / /t/

0.2 VI / I �;/



r;,V �V
I 1-5 DISCS, 3-7 2:1 RECTANGLE

�� 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 9. View Factor for Opposed Parallel Disks, Squares, and Rectangles


is even higher than this) , the bracketed terms have the F 1 3 is determined by the heat interchange in plane­
values parallel structures, while the view factor F 1 2 is deter­
0.8 + 0.08 + 0.008 ] mined by the heat interchange between adj acent, per­
pendicular planes.
and the third term is surely negligible. Therefore, let
the radiation loss from body 1 to the black enclosure of Assuming diffuse reflection with only body 1 hot, body

O E tA 1 T 4 �� 1 - F 1 , 2 )+F 1 , 2 ( 1 - F2 , 1 ) ( 1 -E t ) ,
the quantity be defined as 1 radiates

q1 = ] O E t A 1 T4 ( 1 - F 1 , 2 -F 1 , 3 ) to the enclosure,
6E A T4 (F ) to body 2 and
when only body 1 is hot. Now, if only body 2 were hot, t 1 1, 2
it would have a loss of the same form, or

q2 = OE tA2 T 4 ( 1 - F2, 1 )+F2, 1 ( l - F 1, 2 ) (1 - E t) , ] The radiation distribution at body 2, due to the heat
from body 1, is
which can be obtained by a similar method of attack.
The total loss, with both body 1 and body 2 hot, can be
factored to the form
{ [
q = q 1 + q2 = O Et T 4 (A 1 + A2 ) 1 + F l, 2 F 2, 1 ( E t - 1 �
OEt A 1 T 4 F 1 2 ( 1 -E t) ( 1 - F2 " 1 -F2 3 )
- E t (A 1 F 1, 2 + A2 F2, 1 ) } closure. '
lost to the en-

When the large black enclosure is also hot, the net heat The radiation distribution at body 3 due to the heat from
transfer to the enclosure is body 1 is
6Et A 1 T 4 F 1 , 3 ( l -E t) F 3 1 reflected to body 1,

If the radiating surfaces are black, E t = 1 and

Further tracing of the he�t reflections leads to loss

components bearing (1 - Et) terms, which may be neg­
indicating, as one would expect, that there are no re­ lected if the same assumptions are made as in the pre­
flections between the radiating surfaces. This expres­ ceding case. The total radiation loss to the enclosure
sion may be further simplified by recognizing that there due to body 1 is then
can be no net heat interchange between black bodies at
the same temperature, independent of their geometries,
so that

This equation further simplifies the black "composite" Since body 3 is geometrically similar to body 1, it has
surface radiation to the same heat loss to the enclosure. The heat loss from
body 2 is evaluated in similar fashion. The total loss
to the enclosure is

where it is necessary to determine only one view factor.

When Eqs . (2 5) , ( 2 6) or (27) are applied to a practical
structure such as a plate, an average plate temperature By geometry, certain view factors have the same value:
and enclosure temperature should be used. The view
factor may be obtained from Fig. 12
A U -Shaped Radiating Surface at Constant Tempera­
ture. Fig. 18 shows a U-shaped surface radiating to a
large black enclosure . To find the radiation loss from
within the U, a method may be used similar to that used
for the right -angled surface. The total loss from each
body, including reflection losses, is calculated assum­
ing that only one body at a time is hot. It is necessary By summing, simplifying, factoring, and accounting
to consult two view factor figures to use any equations for the temperature of the large black enclosure, it is
that might be derived. For example, the view factor found that the net heat interchange is

2 52
Heat Tra nsfe r in Receivi ng Tu bes

{ [A
q = 2 6Et (T4 _T E 4) ( 1 - F 1 , 2 - F 1 , 3 ) 1 + ( 1 -E t)(A 1 F 1 , 3 equality of heat interchange between black bodies at the
[ J}
same temperatures requires that
+A2 F 2 , 1 ) + ( 1 - 2 F2 , 1 l (A2 / 2 ) + ( l - E t) A 1 F 1, 2 ( 2 8)

Ifthe radiating surface is black, E t = 1 and Eq. (28)

reduces to This equality may be applied to E q. (29) to further sim­
% = [
O (T4 _ TE 4 ) 2A l ( 1 - F 1 , 2 - F 1 , 3 ) + A2 ( 1 - 2 F 2 , 1 ' � plify it, if desired.
indicating that there are two surfaces of area A 1 losing
the fractional heat ( 1 - F 1 2 - F 1 3 ) to the enclosure, Heat Transfer Circuits of the Diode
and a surface A2 losing the frac'tional heat ( 1 - 2 F2 1 )
to the enclosure. As for the right-angled surface, the It is often convenient to think of electrical circuits,

X = b/c
Y= a/c

I--I-- 10.0

l.---::: V
-- I-- 2.0
I-- ,..-
� V" V V

� ��


� �
I-- f-
V V�

� � /'
/. V I ..... � 0.6

V -�

0.2 0.4

/ vV' / I--+--


/ /
/ V V Vi-""

V /'
� V
/. / /
O. I
� // / / V -
V/ /
V V V /

W'/ 7

//// /
0.07 /'
/ / �

/ /

v/ V
0.05 O.I = X
V/ /
V I--,..-

:/ V / /
/ // �

/ /

0.0 2
// /

V /
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2 3 5 7 10 20

Figure 10. View Factor for Directly Opposed Parallel Planes

2 53

or networks, that would produce current flows similar heater coating (normally a very small amount) and q
to the heat flows encountered in tubes. It then becomes the radiation transfer. At the cathode, heat is trans­
a simple matter to understand the types of heat flow ferred by conduction through a cathode tab, r 5 (norm­
which might be encountered in a tube problem and to ally very small), and radiation to the plate through r 6 '
appreciate their effects on electrode temperatures re­ The plate loses heat to the enclosure by stem-lead con­
sulting from the magnitudes and directions of the heat duction through r 7 (which in " high-dissipation" struc­
flows. Fig. 19 shows a heat-transfer circuit of a di­ tures can usually be neglected) and radiation through
ode. The heater is at "potential" TH with respect to r 8 ' The enclosure loses heat to the surrounding me­
the ambient TA , and forces heat to flow through the var­ dium by conduction, convection, and radiation through
ious resistances shown. The temperatures of the cath­ r 9 , r l O , and r ll ' The quantities normally of interest
ode, plate, and enclosure are designated Tk, Tp , and are the temperatures TH , Tk , Tp , and T E . Tempera­
TE , respectively. It is assumed that the enclosure is ture Tk can be measured accurately with an optical
at a constant temperature for the purposes of this ex­ pyrometer; T E can be measured with a thermocouple
ample, and that there are no temperature gradients on or "Tempilac, " or it can be estimated by using Fig. 34.
the various electrodes. Heat flow through any insula­ T H is quickly approximated (roughly) by using the
ting spacers (micas) has been neglected. The resist­ Kauzmann nomograph for heater design or, more ac ­
ance r o is not of concern because the heater tempera­ curately, by referring to date on the resistivity of tung­

circuit of iJlg. 20 may be used. The normal procedure

ture and power input are usually known or easily cal­ sten at different temperatures. To determine the tem­
culated. The total heater power divides among the perature T , with Tk and T E known, the simplified
resistances r 1 , r2 , r 3 , and r 4 ' The resistance r 1 is
the thermal "conduction" resistance of the heater legs, is to assume an average plate temperature and to cal­
which in most tubes is high enough so that any heat culate the net heat transfer between cathode and plate
flow through it is relatively small. The heat flow and between the plate and enclosure. These two heat
through resistance r2 is the radiation "end loss" from transfers will be equal when the proper assumption for
the heater at the ends of the cathode. Heat is trans ­ Tp has been made. !f an electrical dissipation appears
ferred between heater and cathode through resistances at the plate, the two heat transfers will not, of course,
r3 and r 4 , r 3 representing the conduction through the be equal. In this case, the plate will assume a tem-

N = o /b
L = c/b

O. I = L

V I-l-
.--- 0.2

/ 0. 4

V ,/V
/ -
/ / ....V
/ V

/ /
1 .0
/ / ,/
--- ----

/ /
/ V

/ ....1/'
/ ....V
.. -f--

/ V
/ ....- �

/' './V 4.0

V ./V V ��
V V V I--
V V 6.0

I---" l.---j.....--
...... -
........- V -
I--" f--
I--� I-I-�� �I-- I---
- - -
I- l---- +--;-
0. 1 0.2 0. 3 0.5 0.7 1 .0 2 3 5 7 10 20

Figure 1 1 . View Factor for Direct Radiation Between Adjacent Rectangles (fJ = 60°)

2 54
Heat Tra nsfer i n Receiving Tubes

perature such that it loses the amount that it intercepts or, if the enclosure is glass, where the assumption that
from the cathode, plus the electrical dissipation. The E E = 1 may be made,
equations for radiation heat transfer between cathode
and plate and plate and enclosure are of the form q = 0A- -p
(Tp 4 - TE4 ) p F
E (32)
If the plate surface is geometrically reasonably
smooth, that is, if it has only small portions of its sur­
where '7 is normally described by Eq. (22) . The equa­ face capable of "viewing" other portions, F in Eq. (32)
tion for cathode-to-plate radiation is: is unity.

q - 0 Ak (Tk 4 - Tp 4) (30) To avoid complications, it is usually convenient to
( k ) + (Ak/Ap) ( l/ E p ) _ �
l / E use the coated area of the cathode in radiation calcula­
tions . This assumption does not normally produce ser ­
where F = 1 if the cathode is completely surrounded by ious errors in calculations requiring the usual engin­
the plate (the usual approximation) ; for plate to enclo­ eering accuracy. If the plate is assumed to be con­
sure radiation, the equation is : siderably hotter than the enclosure, such that
q - OAp (Tp4 - T E 4)
( l/E p ) + (Ap/A E ) [( 1/E E ) - l
(3 1)
] Tp4 » TE 4 ,

N = o/b
L = c/b

0. 5

O. I = L

I- j.---

0.4 0.2
� I-
.. V

l/ ..... ...- ---


/ V -

/ ....�

/ /'
0.3 0.6

0:: --

V /'V


V ./

/ V


2 .0
/' ..

..... ....�

IV / ....V ...-


V...... ...-� -�
Vv ��

..- j.---
�� �I--
- JO.O
v � I-- i-- -

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2 3 5 7 10 20

Figure 12. View Factor for Direct Radiation Between Adjacent Rectangles (jJ = 900)


then the radiation from a relatively "smooth" plate can

be quickly approximated by reference to Fig. 6. The
transfer through r The total heat the plate must lose
through r 5 and r 6 to T E is then composed of the radia­
heat conducted from the plate by a stem lead will be tion through ri, and the plate dissipation. The average
discussed later. plate temperature may then be solved for by the same
method used in the diode analysis. The radiation from
Heat Transfer Circuits of the Triode cathode to plate differs, however, from that of the diode
because the grid intercepts a fraction of it, Fk l (as may
The heat transfer circuit of the triode is shown in be determined from Fig. 14) . The expression for the
Fig. 2 1 . The temperatures Tk, T s ' and T E are as­ cathode -to-plate radiation for the triode is
sumed to be known, so that the Simplified circuit may
[ ( l IE
be used. Heat is radiated from the cathode to the plate F· (1 - Fk1)
q = 0 Ak (Tk 4 - Tp4 ) l / (33)
through r 1 and from the cathode to the grid through r 2 '
The grid loses heat by conduction through r 3 to the stem
( Ek ) (Ak/ Ap)
p ) - lJ
at temperature T s . It may either lose or gain heat where the usual approximation, again, is that F 1.
through q, depending upon whether Tp is higher or =

lower than TC' As in the case of the dlOde, the plate

loses heat to the enclosure by radiation and conduction Once the average plate temperature Tp is established,
through r 5 and r 6 and, similar to the grid, may either the average grid temperature can be calculated. The
lose or gain heat by radiation through r 4 ' To avoid an simplified heat transfer circuit is shown in Fig. 2 2.
over-complicated trial-and-error solution for the aver­ The procedure again involves a trial-and-error solu­
age plate and grid temperatures, an approximate circuit tion, assuming different values of Tg until the radiated
analysis will be presented. It will be assumed that all heat through r2 is equal to the algebraic sum of the
the radiation incident on the plate is due to the heat conducted and radiated heat through r3 and r 4 ' The

N = a/b
l = c/b

0. 1 = L


� 0.1 5 ./
/V" �!--

a:: / ......
I­ /" ..---

/' /
u ,/
1 .0
/ /" --
;t 0. 1 0 -
// --
/' ....�

./ ..-
/' V
> 2 .0
./" ./" / -
0.0 5 � / /" -- 4.0

� ......

� V -- -
- -� - -I-"" --- 1 0.0
I---- -� - - -
0. 1 0.2 0.3 0. 5 0.7 1.0 2 3 5 7 10 20

Figure 13. View Factor for Direct Radiation Between Adjacent Rectangles (fJ = 1200)

Heat Tra nsfer i n Receiving Tubes

cathode-to-grid radiation through r2 can be expressed whe re Fp1 = F 1p = Fk1 . At this point, it is necessary
Fk1 that the heat conducted from the grid be evaluated to
4 4 complete the analysis.
q = O Ak (Tk -Tg )
( l / E k) + (Ak/Ag) [ ( l / E g) - lJ
Heat Transfer by Conduction Through the Grid and

"finishe8 - length" times the "length of a turn of wire ".

Stem Leads
where A is the area of a solid grid plane of dimensions
It is possible to determine the temperature gradient
If the grid is hotter than the plate, the grid - to-plate or the grid, and an average grid temperature due to
radiation will be conduction heat flow by considering the grid to be a net­
work of thermal resistances. Two cases will be treated:
one in which a stem lead is welded to each side rod and
heat flow is symmetrical about the grid center line, and
the other in which there is a stem lead welded to only
one side rod.
where F 1p = Fk1 . If the plate is hotter than the grid,
the radiation interchange is Stem Lead to Each Siderod. Fig. 2 3 shows the ther­
mal resistances in one side of a grid structure which
has been divided into five groups of lateral wires. Each
group of lateral wires is composed of three resistances
r on one side of the center line, about which fractional

1\ K = bId

\ � � 1 "t".(



� � '1


0.5 1\
� 0.4


0 .3

I-- --
V-t--r--� 2 .......
0.2 J

r-- -
r-- --
r---r-- r---t--

t--- -

O. I
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Figure 14. View Factor for Rows of L ong Tub es

N m
U1 r-
(X) m

�--B::-l- l-±:E::i::HllittW:-:R--: --:-iT...+£l-T1':I �tn±!I 100

_'_I-.'"-.'-Ft=:::EE__fit:j:t:: ijt!:ltt�8=5=t!:E:Et5o��
60 60 C
::::---t.:=t!:t:lli:t��.pt�:: =H��
�'tl-=-� �t�T
m 0
30 30 m

___ .'.''''='C �.c�'�.:...u.l. jJIU Z

10 10

i 6 6

=:-g :=-,-
a:: * 27%
w 3 -- - -
I- - -t - BY
::E - . - * 40% OFHC COPPER ON COLD -
S 2
·- - "·- " '.



0. 3 Ejc�= 0.3

0. 1 0.1
10 3 6 100 3 6 1000 3 6 10,000 3 6 100,000 3 6 1,000,000

Figure 15. Thermal Resistance of Round Wires (300 C)

H ea t Tra nsfe r i n Receivi ng Tubes


...J 6




6 �--H- +
--, • l '

:.:: '* C A LC U L AT E D F R O M 2 7 % A- N I C K E L ON OFHC COPPER -


� NOTE D .

1 0 �U.��ww��������������������WllWID���LU�W
10 3 6 100 3 6 1000 3 6 1 0,000
Figure 1 6. Therma l Resistance of Some Tube Materials

heat inputs q are assumed to be evenly distributed over so that

the grid surface. These fractional heat inputs must
flow through the lateral - wire-group resistances to the
siderods, where they j oin the heat from the wire groups where R L is the thermal resistance of a stem lead.
on the other side of the siderods and flow down through There is an additional temperature rise from the stem­
the siderod and stem lead to the glass part of the stem lead-to-siderod junction at T L to the bottom of the first
at temperature Ts ' If T s is assumed to be known, the lateral wire group of the quantity
temperature rises from the glass to the wire groups , 3 0 q Rx '
as well as the temperature rise along the wire groups, where Rx is the siderod resistance from the junction
can be calculated . to the bottom of the lateral wire. The additional rise
to the average siderod temperature Tsr is
The temperature rise along the stem lead is Rf Rf Rf
L 3 0q -.1 . 24q+ � . 18q ,
(2. 15 q) R L , +
10 5 5

where Rr is the resistance of the "finished length" of The preceding material provides the solutions for the
L heat conducted from a grid. These solutions are nec­
the grid siderod. The temperature Tsr may then be
expressed, essary for the average grid temperature calculations
Rf Rf Rf mentioned in the paragraph on heat transfer circuits of
L L L the triode .
T sr T L + 30qR x + 30q -- + 24q -- + 1 8q .
10 5
= --

The temperature rise through the third lateral wire
group to the center line of the grid is
3qr + 2qr + qr = 6qr.
If the average grid temperature is considered to be the BODY I ---�
average temperature of this group of wires,

By definition, the total heat to be conducted from the

grid is
qc = 60q

The geometry of the network chosen yields the relation­ Figure 1 7. Cross Sectian of a "Right-Angled" Surface
ship between the fractional lateral wire resistances r
and the resistance of one finished turn of wire R t ,
Heat-Transfer Considerations for Multigrid Tubes
r = ( 1 / 12 ) Ht · (5/N)
The complete solutions for heat transfer problems in
where N is the number of finished turns on the grid. multigrid tubes would be extremely tedious without using
These quantities may be substituted into the expres­ some simplifying assumptions. As in the case of the
sions for the average siderod temperature and the aver­ triode, the cathode-to-plate radiation can be assumed
age grid temperature, yielding to be the only incident radiation on the plate. The equa­
tion for this transfer assumes the form
Tsr = T L + qC (Rx/ 2 ) + ( 1 9/ 1 00) R fL J (3 7) ( 1 - Fk 1 - Fk2 - Fk3 . . . - Fkn)
Tg = � 8
T L + qC Rx/ 2 ) + ( 1 9/ 1 00) Rr L + (Ht/48N (38)
q CAk(Tk4 _ Tp 4)

( 1 / E k) + (Ak/ �) ( 1/ E p) - l J
(4 1 )

Usually, the accuracy of calculations is not seriously

Notice that qc is the total heat to be conducted from the impaired by neglecting radiation interchange between
grid, which is not necessarily the total heat intercepted grids. In beam tetrodes and pentodes, the effects of
by the grid. The temperature T L can be obtained by beam-confining electrodes and suppressor grids can
measuring (or estimating) Ts and adding the tempera­ usually be neglected when calculating heat interchanges
ture rise along the stem lead, or by referring to stem between control grid and screen grid and the plate,
heat-flow characteristics such as shown in Figs . 2 4 to since their view factors are normally small. It is im­
32. These characteristics indicate the temperature of portant to remember that any electrical dissipation on
a "reference point" on the stem lead a certain distance a grid must be added to the intercepted radiation to ob­
from the fillet and at the inner fillet, as a function of tain the total heat that must leave the grid. If one grid
the heat flowing through the lead. In this case, the radiates through another to the plate, the equation is of
quantity qc/ 2 flows through one stem lead. Linear in­ the form
terpolations to find temperatures at intermediate points
on the lead are permissible .

Stem Lead to Only One Siderod. A network of resist­

ances similar to that depicted for two siderods may be
constructed. Assuming the "floating" side rod to be
thermally absent from the structure, all the heat to be since the intermediate grid intercepts radiation (which
conducted must pass through the entire length of the can be neglected in determining its temperature), and
lateral wires and down one siderod. The resultant tem­ where F 1 p = F k 1 and F 2p = Fk2 . If the plate radiates

T sr = T L + qc [ R x + (38/ 1 00) Rr L J
peratures are : to one gria through anotlier, the equation is of the form

( l/E p) + (Ap/ Ag 1 ) [ ( 1/E g1 ) - l

F 1 ( 1 - F 2)

Tg = T L + qC [ R x + (38/ 1 00) Rr L + (Ht/ 1 6NU

q = oAp (Tp 4 _Tg l4 ) P P (43)
In this case, all the heat qc flows through a stem lead.

Heat Tran sfe r in Receiving Tubes

While it may seem that the accuracy of the calculations analysis of the circuit) equal the sum of heat flows q2
is questionable in the case of multigrid tubes, the auth­ and q3 . Because the heat flow through the stem lead
or 's experience has been that the assumptions made do q3 is in the order of tenths of a watt (which is small
not seriously affect the results. For example, the grid compared to the 18 -plus watts that the plate must lose) ,
and plate temperatures in the 6L6G were calculated for it will be neglected . The problem will be solved by as ­
the operating conditions used in a test made by Power suming different plate temperatures and calculating the
and Wittenberg. 8 The actual temperatures were meas ­ heat interchanges until the condition
ured by thermocouples. The results were: q 1 + 18 = q2 (watts)
is met.
Measured Calculated
415 C 425 C The heat interchange equations are:
292 C 300 -330 C (1 - Fk 1 - Fk2 )
q 1 = a Ak (Tk 4 TP 4)_ (from 41)
(l/E k) + (Ak/ Ap) [(l/E p) - l]
515 C 525 C
The temperature of the control-grid siderod was ap­
proximated because of the effect of a grid radiator . (from 3 2 )
It was assumed that the radiator operated at the aver­
age siderod temperature. The accuracy of the tem­ The values of the different parameters are:
perature calculations that the author has made for con­
ventional tube structures, using the proposed solutions, Tk 1060 K (true temperature)
was usually better than ::: 10 per cent.

Te 1 60 C = 430 K (from Fig. 3 5, which gives a


EXAMPLE OF HEAT TRANSFER CALCULATIONS - hot- spot temperature of 185 C for a ST- 1 6 bulb with
THE 6L6G P LATE AND SCREEN-GRID TEMPERA­ pressed stem at 25 watts input; a slightly lower aver­
TURES age temperature is assumed)
E k = 0.30
The following examples illustrate possible solutions EP = 0.85
of the heat transfer equations for determini ng type 6L6G
plate and screen-grid temperatures. Fk 1 = 0. 1 6 (from Fig. 14; 32 TPI of 3 . 3 - mil wire)
Fk2 = 0 . 13 (from Fig. 1 4; 32 TPI of 3 . 6- mil wire)
Operating Conditions: Ef = 6.3 volts, Pf = 5 . 67 watts Ak = 1 . 7 cm2
Ap = 2 1 cm2 (assuming a smooth surface)

�2 = 1 . 25 watts

If theaverage plate temperature is assumed to be 400 C

(670 K), then q 1 = 2 . 17 watts, and q2 = 2 . 17 + 18 = 20.2
watts . If this value is substituted into the equation for
q2 , the resulting value of 69 5 K (42 5 C) is obtained.
This value agrees reasonably well with the assumed
400 C. If a closer agreement is desired, a higher value
than 400 C should be chosen and the calculations re­
BODY 2 --� � peated. The final value for Tp will be close to 425 C .
RADIATION " LOSS" Solution for the Average Screen- Grid Temperature
A simplified heat transfer circuit for determining
average screen grid temperature is shown in Fig. 34.
It will be assumed that the grid is hotter than the plate
so that, by nodal analysis,
q l + 1 .25 = q2 + q3 (watts)
Figure 18. Cross Section of a " u" Surjace The heat-interchange equations are:

( /E k) + (Ak/Ag2 ) [ ( 1/E g2 ) - 1]
Solution for the Average Plate Temperature q 1 = aAk (Tk4 - Tg2 4) (from 34)
The simplified heat transfer circuit for the deter­ l

(1/E g2 ) + (Ag2 /Ap) [ ( 1 /E p) - l]

mination of the average plate temperature is shown in
Fig. 3 3 . Because the plate temperature lies between F2 P (from 35)
that of the cathode and that of the enclosure, heat flow q2 - a Ag2 (Tg2 4 - TP 4 ) .,.--,_...,.....,.
- .- _ .- ,---.,...,.,.
- _ .., ---,---:::-

q 1 plus the 18 watts of plate dissipation must (by a nodal



The values of the parameters are: Figure 20. Simplified Heat Transfer
Circuit of a Diode
Ak = 1 . 7 cm2
Ag2 = 8 . 6 cm2
Ap 2 1 cm2

Tg Tp
Tk = 1060 K
T P 69 5 K (from the preceding paragraph)

Ts = 150 C (estimated)
Fk2 = 0. 13
F2p = 0. 16
Ek = 0.30
E P = 0.85
E g2 0 . 85 (carbonized)

R L = 1 1 00 C/watt ( 1 1 mm of 20 -mil nipron)

R x = 2 1 6 C/watt (9 mm of 40-mil nipron)
Rf 4 = 875 C /watt (3 6.5 mm of 40-mil nipron)
R t = 23, 500 C/watt (23 . 5 mm of 3 . 6-mil moly wire)
N = 46 Figure 21 . Heat Transfer Circuit of a Triode

Assume Tg2 = 800 K; then q l = 0.3 16 watts . The sum

of the screen-grid dissipation and ql is, then, 0.32 +

1.25 = 1 . 57 watts . The value of the grid-to-plate radia­

tion of q2 = 1 . 1 1 watts , and q3 = 0.45 watts; their sum
is 1. 56 watts, which is close enough to the value ob­ Tp

1 J
tained for q 1 to consider the 800 K (530 C) assumption
Figure 22. Simplified Heat Transfer Circuit
of a Triode
q heat flow, heat interchange
% black -body radiation
qc heat conduction in grid
E total emissive power
Eb total black-body emissive power
EA monochromatic emissive power
Eb A monochromatic black-body emissive power
�------���� A wave length
T temperature
Figure 19. Heat Transfer Circuit of a Diode Te average enclosure temperature
If desired, the average siderod temperature may be Tg average grid temperature
calculated from the expression: Th average heater temperature
Tk average cathode temperature
TL siderod-to-stem- lead junction temperature
The result for the 6L6G is 525 C. Tp average plate temperature
2 62
H eat Tra nsfe r in Receivi ng Tubes

�q �q 300 .-----------------------.---.----,__�

2X3q� q �q q
� � (J
Cl 200 r---�----�--�
2X6 q� �q �q
TSR -- W
2X9q� �--�,�A,r-
�q ----� q �q � 100 I-----t---
� w
� 50 f---,;''+--::� ' �--,
2X12q �q

o 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8


CENT ER LlNE-----j
Figure 25. Stern Heat-Flow Characteristics jar

1 -1/4 -Inch Button with Niclzel Plated
I Copperweld Inner Leads

Figure 23. Thermal Resistances in One Side 0.030 -INCH KULGRID INNER L EAD
oj a Grid Structure (CALCULAT ED)
300 r-------�--�--r_�� Cl
0.030 - I NCH N ICKEL
INNER LEAD � 200 �--�----�--�
w f­
Q 200 �----4----+--+' e:(
I ffi 100 1-----_+_- .Q/+-----j---_±___.

e:( f-
� IOO, r-----���_+--�--�� p
w o 0.2 0.6 0.8 1 .0 1.2 1.4 1.6
f- 5011---.....,."'---t----�-"� HEAT FLOW THROUGH LEAD-WATTS
Figure 26. Stern Heat-Flow Charac teristicsjor 1 -1/4 -
o 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 Inch Button with 0. 030-Inch Inner Leads (ca lculated
HEAT FLOW THROUGH LEAD-WAT TS jrom the characteristic jar 0. 040-Inch Kulgrid inner­
Figure 24 . Stem Heat-Flow Characteristics jar lead stern)
1 -1/4 -Inch Button with Nicke l 1111le r Leads
300 .------,---,---,
average stem (glass ) temperatur e

average grid- side rod temperature W
o 200 I------+--f--_+_-
spectral emissivity
total emissivity W
total emissivity of enc losure 0:

total emissivity of grid ffi 100
total emissivity of c athode a..
total emissivity of p late f-

thermal conducti vity

o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.6
mean thermal conductivity HEAT FLOW THROUGH
thermal resistance
Figure 27. Stern Heat-Flow Characteristicsjor 1 -1/4 -
thermal resistance of the "fi nis hed" grid Inch Button with 0.030-Inch Nickel Inner Leads, 0. 040-
length Inch Kulgrid Leads Welded to the Nickel at a Point
thermal resistance of a stem lead 5 Millirneters Above the Fillet

2 63

300 ,-----,---�---�-- Am mean cross-sectional area

0.040- I NCH KULGRID Ae enclosure surface area
u Ag "solid-surface" grid area

w Ak cathode -surface area
Q 200 �----�-----_+-
Ap plate-surface area
w F, F, '1
a: view factors

x length
5 100 D diameter
:::!i Cl Stefan-Boltzmann constant
� 50 ��
��r_----r_--��--�- film coefficient of heat transfer
o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
300 r------.--.-�,___,
Figure 28. Stem Heat-Flow Characteristics jor 0.025- INCH KULGRID INNER LEAD
1 - 1/4-Inch Button with 0. 040-Inch Kulgrid Inner Leads 9 - PIN MIN IATURE

1 200
300 ,-------,---�--�
�-----,----+---:::� AT 6 M M. ;:j
200 r-----r----4�� 5 100

� 50 h�4--__1f___--+-_1


� 1
00 �----1-�7L-+------r----_��������+T-E-M-P-E-R�
- o 0.1 02 04 0.6 0.8

AT PRESS Figure 31 . Stem Heat-Flow Characteristics JOY 9-Pin
Miniature Button with 0. 025 -Inch Kulgrid Inner Lead
o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Characteristics CONDUCTION
1 . Giedt, W. E . , Principles of Engineering Heat
I. �V Transfer, D. Van Nostrand, 1957
2. McAdams, W. H. , Heat Transmission, 3rd Ed. ,
�o Mc Graw-Hill, 1954
1 200 ���. 3 . Obert, E . F . , Elements of Thermodynamics and
Heat Transfer, 1st Ed. , McGraw-Hill, 1949

� �
� 100 See Refs. 1, 2 , 3
� IQI'" 'AI 1oIl n l �
••0 :RAI
I'" r..n 1:

0.04 o 0.10 0.20 See Refs. 1, 2 , 3
HEAT FLOW THROUGH LEAD-WATTS 4. Hottel, H . C . , "Radiant Heat Transmission Be­
Figure 30. Stem Heat-Flow Characteristics jar 9-Pin
tween Surfaces Separated by Non -Absorbing
Miniature Button With 0. 020 -Inch Nickel Inner Lead
Media, " Trans . A . S . M. E . , FSP-53-19b, p. 265,
193 1
5. Temperature - Its Measurement and Control in
Science and Industry, A. 1. P. Symposium, Rein­
thermal resistance of one turn of lateral hold, 194 1
Rx thermal resistance of a grid leg RADIATION THROUGH NONABSORBING MEDIA
N number of "finished" grid turns See Ref. 4
A area, cross -sectional area 6. Hamilton, D . C . , and W. R. Morgan, "Radiant-

Heat Tra n sfer i n Receiving Tubes

Interchange Configuration Factors, "N. A. C . A .

Tech. Note 283 6
7. Hottel, H. C . , "Radiant Heat Transmission, "
Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 52, No. 7, p. 699,
8. Code E l
9. Code E2
10. Code E3

1 1 . Code E4

300 Figure 33. Simplified Heat Transfer Circuit for the

I �Y
STRAIGHT -THROUGH LEADS Determination of the Average Plate Temperature
° 200


A �

� GL � �
'v� L�
a::: 100 ��f?�
0.. �
RE p..i

� 50

�0. 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 32. Stem Heat-Flow Characteristics for 7-Pin Figure 34 . Simplified Heat Transfer Circuit for the
Miniature Button with O. 040-Inch "48 -A lloy " Straight­ Determination of the Average Screen-Grid Temperature
Through Leads (Copper Plated), No Fillets
300 -"v


ILl /
/ / 1/
a 250

W 1/ / V V
It: 11 V V V �

/ V
� J
/V ,./
./ ......
<I: ./ V ./V
21 3 /
It: 200
ILl I / V V
1 /4
a. /
::!: V V
1 fI 17 V
/ ./
� 5V V
17 1 1 1 1 1/ V 1/ V
17 /

I 11 j 1/
...J 150 . ./ ..,-

rlll V
ID J ./ ./
::!: 7/ I - T - 3, BUTTON STEM *
1I V
J.... ./
I I /1/11
. ./ ./
2 - T - 5 112, SHORT, BUTTON*
11 I1I
::!: ./
3 - T - 5 1/2, TALL, BUTTON *
« / " ......
. .. 4 - T- 6 1/2, MEDI UM, BUTTON*
::!: 100 1/ // 5 - T - 9, BUTTON ; ST- 12, PRESSED*

� Il l' 1I 1/ / ' ./ 6 - ST- IS, PRESSED*
a. 11/ 1/ ./ ., / 7 - T- 12, ST- 16, BUTTON '"
en 17 v 8 - ST-1 6, BUTTON, CAGE CENTERED
I,..- /....
0 50 I


I 1
o 5 10 20 30 40 50 60
Figure 35. Maximum Bulb Temperature Versus Internal Dissipations for Various Bulbs

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