6th Grade Test PDF

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Name: ________________

Initial evaluation
1.Tick the correct verbs:
a) Jon ……………twelve years old; he ………….seven.
A is/isn’t are/aren’t am/’m not
b) Jessica …………..red hair; she…………………..dark hair.
have got/haven’t got has got/hasn’t got is/isn’t
c) How old ………………..your sisters?
is has got are
d) Where …………….Bill from?
have got is has got
e) Jenny ……………English; she ……………..French.
has/ hasn’t am/are is/isn’t
f) This is my mother. ……………..name is Melanie.
his she her
g) Jim ………………tall; he ………….short.
are/is am/is is/isn’t
h) What ……………Rusty and Wendy’s favourite songs?
is are have got
i) Phil ……………a big house; he …………….a car.
haves got/haven’t got has got/hasn’t got is/has
j) Where ……..they from? They ………….from England.
is/are is/am are/are
B a) Tom and Layla …………..to the cinema now.
going go are going
b) My friends and I …………..every day after school.
meet met are meeting
c) They …………..to the mountains this week because she was ill.
didn’t go are going go
d) It ………….. ! We can’t go out!
rains is raining rained
e) They …………..exercises every morning.
does did do
f) He …………..breakfast at eight o’clock .
have had has
g) Jane …………..work at four p.m..
finish is finishing finishes
h) Tom …………..very well at the party yesterday.
is looking looked looks
i) It’s a lovely day. The sun …………..and the birds ………….. !
shines, singing is shining, are singing shone,sang
j) My parents …………..last week.
didn’t worked not worked didn’t work

2. Write a short description of yourself . Mention your name, age, family, address,
likes/dislikes, routine activities , hobbies etc.

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