ANSWER (A) : Yes Sir

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QUESTION (Q): Madam Witness, do you know the respondent

in this case?
ANSWER (A): Yes sir.

2. Q: Why do you know her?

A: She came to my clinic sometime in __ to request for a
psychological evaluation on her person and that of her spouse, Mr.
Lebron James, in relation to a case of Annulment of Marriage that the
latter filed against her.

3. Q: Were you able to interview and conduct a psychological evaluation

on the respondent?

A: Yes sir.

4. Q: madam witness, did you put your findings in writing?

A: yes sir.

5. Q: if the said written report you mentioned will be shown to you, will
you be able to identify it?
A: yes sir.

6. Q: I have here a document which purports to be a psychiatric

evaluation report, , can you please kindly go over it
and tell this Honorable court its relation to the document you are referring
A: Sir, this is the same psychiatric evaluation report that I have made.

7. Q: Found on the last page of the same document is a signature above

the typewritten name Dr. , MD, whose signature is that?
A: It is my signature, sir.

8. Q: Now, could you please tell us the manner by which you conducted
your evaluation?
A: I subjected the respondent to four psychological tests,
namely, Draw A Person Test, Rorschach Psychodiagnostic Test, Sachs
Sentence Completion Test, M M P I. I also interviewed two persons, Ms.
Mocha Uson, respondent’s cousin, and xxxxxxx
9. Q: You mentioned about the four psychological tests you administered
on the respondent, can you explain to this Court the purpose of those
A: The Draw a Person Test is a psychological personality and cognitive
test used to evaluate emotional and behavioral disorders. The Rorschach
Psychodiagnostic Test is a psychological test in which subjects' perceptions of
inkblots are recorded and then analyzed, it is used to examine a person's personality
characteristics and emotional functioning. The Sentence Completion Test is a
personality test wherein the responses of the subject are believed to provide
indications of attitudes, beliefs, motivations, or other mental states and promotes the
respondents to disclose their concealed feelings. Lastly, the Multiphasic Personality
Inventory (MMPI) is a psychological test that assesses personality traits and
psychopathology. It is primarily intended to test people who are suspected of having
mental health or other clinical issues.

10. Q: Using all those test, what is now your overall evaluation on
the respondent?
A: Mrs. Maxine Lebron, the respondent in this case, is suffering from an
antisocial personality disorder.
11. Q: can you explain further what constitutes such disorder?
A: An Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a
mental condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right
and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. People with
antisocial personality disorder tend to antagonize, manipulate or treat
others harshly or with callous indifference. They show no guilt or remorse
for their behavior.

12.Q: Why did you say that respondent is suffering from an antisocial
personality disorder?
A: The results of the tests administered to her shows that she is aggressive-
rebellious type of woman, immature, selfish and self-centered. It was also
shown that she has no concern for what is right and wrong because
when she was still pregnant she continued on her vices, such as
drinking liquor and smoking, thus made the child’s body weak and
malnourished and later on the child died. Moreover, the respondent
often shouted invectives and degrading words against petitioner during
their arguments which apparently shows that she ignores the feelings
of her husband. Such disregard of what is right or wrong as well as
harsh treatment towards her husband is a symptom that she is
suffering from an antisocial personality disorder.
13.Q: What is the nature of that kind of disorder.
A: Such disorder is chronic and pathological.

14.Q: What does it mean?

A: it means that respondent is suffering from a disorder which have been
persisting for a long time or constantly recurring and which is grave, uncontrollable and

Insert question as precedence----

15. Q: With those medical findings, what then do you recommend as far as
the marriage of the parties herein is concerned?
A: Considering that the respondent is suffering from antisocial
personality disorder, she is incapacitated to fulfill her marital
obligations to the petitioner, I respectfully recommend to the
Honorable Court that the petition for Declaration of Nullity of
Marriage between the parties be granted, sir.

16.Q: I have no further questions. Do you have anything to add or retract,

Madam Witness?
A: No sir.

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