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Pragmatics is the study of those relations between language and
context that are grammaticalized, or encoded in the structure of a language. In
another way, it can be said that pragmatics is the study of those aspects or the
relationship between language and context that are relevant to the writing of
grammar. In addition, pragmatics is the branch of linguistic that acts and the
contexts in which they are performed, (Stalnaker 1972: 383). In line Gasdar
(in Levinson, 1983:12) says that “Pragmatics has as its topic those aspects of
the real meaning of utterance with cannot be accounted for big straight
forward references of the truth condition of the sentence uttered”. In another
way, it can be said that pragmatics is the study of those aspects or the
relationship between language and context that are relevant to the writing of
grammar to generate the meaning.
There are many branches of pragmatic, such as speech act theory,
conversational implicature, talk in interaction and other approaches to
language behavior in philosophy, sociology, linguistics and anthropology. In
those branches of pragmatic, in this paper the writer will be discussed about
pragmatic competence.

B. Pragmatic Competence
Pragmatic competence is the ability to communicate your intended
message with all its nuances in any socio-cultural context and to interpret the
message of your interlocutor as it was intended. As critical as this ability is for
communication success, it is often not given the emphasis it deserves in the
teaching of a second language, with the result that second-language speakers,
who lack pragmatic competence, may produce grammatically flawless speech
that nonetheless fails to achieve its communicative aims. In this model,
pragmatic competence is represented as sociolinguistic competence, which
Canale (1983, p. 7) described as encompassing both appropriateness of
meaning and appropriateness of form.This meaning appropriateness is in
parallel with Leech’s (1990) sociopragmatic component, which includes an
interlocutor’s knowledge of pragmatic conventions and the ability to assess
situational context and speech intention. Chomsky, accepts that language is
used purposefully; indeed, in later writings he introduced the term pragmatic
competence—knowledge of how language is related to the situation in which
it is used. Pragmatic competence 'places language in the institutional setting of
its use, relating intentions and purposes to the linguistic means at hand'
(Chomsky, 1980a, p. 225). As well as knowing the structure of a language, we
have to know how to use it. For example:
Do you like vanilla's ice cream? if you can't decide whether the speaker wants
to discover do you like or don’t like (a question) or the speaker wants give
you the ice cream (acceptance).

1.1 Diagram of Pragmatic Competence

Canale and Swain in Rose and Kasper (2001,p.64) put forward three
subcompetencies, which are extended by Canale into four subcompetencies.
a. Grammatical Competence refers to the knowledge of linguistic code
features such as phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics
b. Sociolinguistic competence refers to the knowledge of contextually
appropriate language use.
c. Discourse Competence is the knowledge of achieving coherence and
cohesion spoken or written communication
d. Strategic competence refers to the knowledge of how to use
communication strategies o handle breakdown in communication and
make communication effective
The role of Pragmatic Competence in the process of teaching and
learning a second language. “We don’t learn from experience. We learn from
reflecting on experience.” (Dewey, 1938, p. 13) Dewey makes a simple but
powerful point: experience is not the source of learning, but rather it is
reflection on this experience. In order to shape a good pragmatic competence
for the language learner, the following should be taken into consideration:

1. The goals and the objectives of a language course should be designed to

meet the needs of the language learner to help them develop and improve
their communicative competence.

Stern (1983:346) summarizes ‘competence’ in language teaching as:

a) The intuitive mastery of the forms of language.

b) The intuitive mastery of the linguistic, cognitive, affective and

sociocultural meanings,

expressed by the language forms.

c) The capacity to use the language with maximum attention to

communication and minimum attention to form.

d) The creativity of language use.

2. Coherent and functional uses of language for communicative purposes. The

pragmatic competence of the learner must be well developed; consequently he
or she will be able to conduct communication with accuracy. The development
of coherence and the ability to react in different situations show a good level
of functional competence. The grammar of the target language should not be
taught in isolation with its use. The learned should be able to put his or her
knowledge of language into practice.

3. 3. There are a number of activities useful for the development of pragmatic

competence. Moreover, they should raise the learners’ awareness of the
importance of such competence in the process of acquiring the target
language. As Mey (1993:185-6) states, “Linguistic behavior is social behavior.
People talk because they want to socialize, in the widest possible sense of the
world: either for fun, or to express themselves to other humans, or for some
‘serious’ purposes, such as building a house, closing a deal, solving a problem
and so on.


Kaltenbo¨ck, Gunther, Mihatsch Wiltrud, and Schneider Stefan. 2010.

Pragmatic Competence: The Case Study of Hedging. Emerald Group
Publishing Limited

Mey, J.L.(2001). Pragmatic: An Introduction. Malden. Blackwell Publishing

Rose, K.R and G. Kasper.(2001). Pragmatic in Language Teaching pp 1-9 in
Rose, K.R. and G. Kasper (eds). Pragmatics in Language Teaching
.cambridge: Cambridge University Pers.
Stern, H. H. 1983. Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching. Oxford:
Oxford UP. 70

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