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Brown Summer Studies The U.S.

in World Politics 2008 (PS 902-2A)


Meissner, Doris et al, eds. 2006. Immigration and America's future: A new chapter. Migration Policy
Institute (September).
Available at: Brown library, full text in hard copy only.

Schoenholz, Andrew and Jennifer Hojaiban. 2008. International migration and anti-terrorism laws and
policies: Balancing security and refugee protection. Policy Brief #4, Georgetown University Institute for
the Study of International Migration, Washington DC.
Available at: online at Georgetown Institute for the Study of Migration.

CQ Researcher. 2007. Real ID. Congressional Quarterly Press (Washington, DC).

Available at: CQ Researcher via Brown library online database.

Tamar Jacoby, “Immigration Nation,” Foreign Affairs (2006);

Available at: Academic Premier via Brown library online.

CRS Report, April 6, 2006, Immigration enforcement within the U.S. pp 3-9, 32-46.
Available online.

CIDE Chicago Council on Foreign Relations report (skim).

Available at: online at the Wilson Center Mexico Institute.

Martin, Susan F. 2007. Unauthorized migration: U.S. policy responses in comparative perspective.
Conference paper presented at the International Studies Association annual conference in Chicago, IL ,
published by Georgetown University Institute for the Study of International Migration, Washington DC.
Available at: online at Georgetown Institute for the Study of Migration.

Shinkle, Whitney. 2007. Preventing human trafficking: An evaluation of current efforts. Policy Brief #3,
Georgetown University Institute for the Study of International Migration, Washington DC (16 pp.)
Available at: online at Georgetown Institute for the Study of Migration.

Leiken, Robert. 2005. Europe’s Angry Muslims. Foreign Affairs 84, 4 (Jul/Aug).
Available at: online at Georgetown Institute for the Study of Migration.

Andreas, Peter. 2006. Politics on edge: Managing the U.S.-Mexico border. Current History (Feb.): 64-68.
Available at: online at periodical via Brown library or at Watson Institute at author's website.

Escobar, Agustín and Susan Martin. 2007. Mexico-U.S. migration management: A binational approach.
2007. Georgetown University, Institute for the Study of International Migration (31 pp.)
Available at: online at Georgetown Institute for the Study of Migration.

Wilson Center report. Perceptions and misconceptions in U.S.-Mexico relations.

Available online at: Woodrow Wilson center.

Economist, 2008 January, “Circulate or integrate?”

Available at: Academic premier via Brown University library.

Lindsey Lowell, Micah Bump and Susan Martin. 2007. Foreign students coming to America: The impact
of policy, procedures and economic competition. Institute for the study of international Migration,
Georgetown University (Washington, DC) (56 pp. including notes).
Available at: Georgetown Institute for the Study of International Migration website.
Brown Summer Studies The U.S. in World Politics 2008 (PS 902-2A)

Bhagwati, Jagdish. 2003. Borders beyond control. Foreign Affairs 82, 1 (Jan/Feb).
Available at: Academic premier via Brown University library.

Rosenblum, Marc. 2006. “Comprehensive” legislation vs. fundamental reform: The limits of current
immigration proposals. Policy Brief #13, Migration Policy Institute, Washington DC (15 pp.).
Available at: Migration Policy Institute website

Davy, Megan, Deborah Meyers and Jeanne Batalova. 2005. Who does what in US immigration. Migration
Policy Institute, Washington DC (1 December).
Available at: MPI website.

MPI chart. Available at MPI website

Nuclear weapons & U.S. foreign policy strategy

Allison, Graham. Nuclear terrorism: The ultimate preventable catastrophe, 2004. Chs. 7, 8.
Available in hard copy at Brown library.

Campbell, Einhorn & Mitchell. The nuclear tipping point. Wash., Brookings, 2005. Chs.1,12.
Available in hard copy and electronic version at Brown library

Einhorn, Robert, ed.. The P-5 and nuclear non-proliferation. Working Group Report. 2007.
Available online.

Ochmanek, David and Lowell H. Schwartz. The challenge of nuclear-armed regional adversaries. Santa
Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. 2008. (79 pp.).
Available online.

Squassoni, Sharon et al. Proliferation Control Regimes: Background and Status. Washington, DC:
Congressional Research Service Report for Congress (54 pp.). 2006.
Available online.

Woolf, Amy F. U.S. nuclear weapons: Changes in policy and force strucutre. Washington, DC:
Congressional Research Service report for Congress (54 pp.). 2008.
Available online.

Sokolski, Henry. 2006. Taming the next set of strategic nuclear threats. Nonproliferation Center. Chs. 1, 9.
Available online.

Sokolski, Henry. Assessing the IAEA's Ability to verify the NPT, in Sokolski, ed., Falling Behind. 2008.
Available online.

Monroe, Robert. Non-proliferation, deterrence and nuclear strategy. Center for Security Policy. 2007.
Available online.

Tauscher, Ellen. Achieving nuclear balance. Nonproliferation Review 14:3 (Nov 2007).
Available online via Brown university library.

Cordesman, Anthony. Iran and the U.S. Key issues from an American Perspective. WDC, CSIS. 2008.
Available online.

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