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PRINT this material on 1 short bond paper

Name: _________________________ Section: ____________ Date: ___________ Score: ______

Operating Systems
Activity # 2

Instructions: Answer the following questions briefly. USE YOUR OWN WORDS, for every
sentence that is copied in the internet will be deducted 5 points.

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer:

a) __________________ system calls include: end, abort, load, execute, create/terminate
process, wait, allocate/free memory.
b) __________________ system calls include: create/delete file, open/close file, read, write,
get/set attributes.
c) __________________ system calls: request/release device, read, write, logically attach/detach
d) __________________ system calls: get/set time, get/set system data, get/set
process/file/device attributes.
e) __________________ system calls: create/delete communication connection, send/receive,
transfer status information.
f) __________________ allow for the user to interact with the system services via system calls.
g) API ________________________________
h) GUI ________________________________
i) POSIX ______________________________
j) FreeBSD ____________________________

2. The services and functions provided by an operating system can be divided into two main
categories. Briefly describe the two categories, and discuss how they differ.
3. Would it be possible for the user to develop a new command interpreter using the system-call
interface provided by the operating system?
4. How are iOS and Android similar? How are they different?
5. Explain why Java programs running on Android systems do not use the standard Java API and
virtual machine.

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