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Defend this Defend this

Banned Book Banned Book

Ugly American Working: People Talk about What

By William J. Lederer & Eugene Burdick They Do All Day and How They
Americans overseas portrayed as
Feel about What They Do
By Studs Terkel
“boobs or worse.”
U.S. Senator J. W. Fulbright, 1959
Nicholas J. Karolides. Literature Suppressed on Political Grounds.
Challenged for reasons ranging from
“obscene language” to being “too
negative” for students.
Dawn B. Sova. Literature Suppressed on Social Grounds.

Defend this Defend this

Banned Book Banned Book

As I Lay Dying Welcome to the Monkey House

By William Faulkner By Kurt Vonnegut

Banned because of “offensive and Contains “vulgarities” and is “literary

obscene passages referring to abortion” garbage.”
and because it “used God’s name in Parents and principal at the Montgomery,
vain.” AL, High School, 1970
Graves County, KY, School District, 1986 Dawn B. Sova. Literature Suppressed on Social Grounds.

Dawn B. sova. Literature Suppressed on Social Grounds.

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