Shinto Belief System 1

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Dhanisha Ratilal 

Mr. Dobson 
March 21, 2018 

Shinto Belief System 

1. According to the Shinto belief how was Japan created? 

According to the Shinto belief, Japan was created by two Kamis, the couple Izanagi-no-mikoto and 
Izanami-no-mikoto, who gave birth to the Japanese islands.  

2. What does Kami mean? 

Kami means god, deity, or divine or special being in the Shinto religion. 

3. For a moral code many Shintoists follow the beliefs of who? 

Shintoism does not have a fully developed moral code as most other religions do. Shintoists generally 
follow the code of Confucianism. 

4. What are the "Four Affirmations" in Shinto? 

The Four Affirmations in Shinto were ritual purity, love of nature, matsuri, and tradition and the 
family. Ritual purity was ritual bathing to spiritually and physically cleanse yourselves before 
entering a shrine to worship a Kami. Love of nature meant holding nature sacred. Matsuri meant 
worshipping and honoring gods and ancestral spirits. Tradition and the family meant understanding 
that family is the foundation for preserving traditions. 

5. The desire for peace was suppressed when?  

The desire for peace was suppressed during World War 2. 

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