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Preserving Canada’s Parks

Why do we need parks in Canada, anyway?

You are a Ranger for Canada’s National Parks Service. Unfortunately, with all of the new
settlers moving into the province, the government needs extra land to accommodate the
growing population. Out of all of Alberta’s parks, only ONE will be preserved. Your job is
to work with a team of Rangers from your area to convince the government to preserve
your park.

Because you are presenting a proposal to the government, you will need to follow steps set-
out by the government in order for it to be successful.

1. What kinds of plants and animal habitats are protected in your park?

2. How does your park preserve its natural landscape?

3. How does your park educate people about its natural and cultural history?

4. How does your park provide opportunities for recreation?

Your team must conclude your presentation by answering the conclusion question: Why
should YOUR park be protected?

Website Resources:

Places to Visit in Alberta: Park
What Park do you represent:


Gathering Information- each student researches one topic.

Collect information below in chart.

What kids on plants and animals are found here naturally? What kinds of plants and
animal habitats are protected in your park?

What kind of landscapes can you find here? How does your park preserve its natural
What kinds of history or culture does this area have? How does your park educate
people about its natural and cultural history?

How does your park provide opportunities for recreation?

*Please EXPLAIN - Why should YOUR park be protected? What is unique about your
park? How does it protect plants, wildlife, and provide recreation?

This paragraph should include AT LEAST 5 WELL EXPLAINED reasons in a WELL

WRITTEN Paragraph.



















Research Rubric for” ____________________________________________________________________

Criteria Excellent Proficient Basic Not Yet

4.3.1 Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
-appreciate the significant satisfactory limited inadequate
influence of the appreciation of appreciation of appreciation of appreciation of
natural natural natural natural natural
environment environment environment environment environment
and resources and resources, and resources, and resources, and resources,
and and and limited and
-value and significantly satisfactory values and inadequate
respect their values and values and respects their values and
relationship respects their respects their relationship respects their
with the relationship relationship with the relationship
environment with the with the environment with the
environment environment environment

4.S.3- Develop Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates

skills of significant satisfactory limited inadequate
geographic understanding understanding understanding understanding
thinking of geographic of geographic of geographic of geographic
thinking thinking thinking thinking

4.S.1- Develop Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates

skills of critical significant satisfactory limited inadequate
and creative understanding understanding understanding understanding
thinking of critical and of critical and of critical and of critical and
creative creative creative creative
thinking thinking thinking thinking
1. What part of this project did you do really well on?

2. What part of this project could you improve?

3. I give myself a __________ on this project… circle.

a. Excellent
b. Proficient
c. Basic
d. Not Yet

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