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Bsc in PCM, MSC In physics, M.

TECh in remote sensing, Now PHd in Ocean Optics from Dept of ocean

who started Vaikom Satyagarh in Kerala? KP kesava.

who is poplarly called as PERIYAR? ramasamay naicker

who appointed hunter commission ? rippon

National Herald was brought out by? J Nehru

Abhidhamma Pitaka is a buddhist scripture.. t/f? true

Rajtarangini.. deals with? kashmir history kalhana

in whose period Indian Statistical Organisation cames into existence

Indravati Hydroelectric Project is the multipurpose projet of which state

Right to Fredom of Reliion is absolute and is not subjected to any exceptions.. t/f? false

The 86Constittional Amedment Act 2002 introduced Article 21 A to the Constitution... t/f? true

A proclamation imposing President Rule needs to be approved by both the Houses of the Parliament
within 2 months... t/f? true

he leader of the largest opposition party having not less than 1/10th seats of the total strength of the
house is recognized as the leader of opposition in the House.... t/f? true

cieling - anti clockwise...


<janvi> What is the chemical name of Hypo? SODIUM THIOSULPHATE

<007JAMES> Uranium Corporation of India is located in ? mumbai

<pappy> which indoor sport is the most popular on us??? Basket balll

<janvi> Who wrote the book “The Universe in a Single Atom”? dalai lama

<pappy> the state biggest in usa

<Maximus> alaska

<007JAMES> Television broadcast for rural development programmes in India started in which year

<pappy> highest water fall in the world angel...venequela

<pappy> which country have max volcanence??

<janvi> Who created Hotmail? sabeer bhatia

<Maximus> max volcano ...hawai ?

<007JAMES> Radioactive element which has been found to have large reserves in India is?

<prada> thorium

<janvi> In which city is the Atlas Cycle Co. Ltd. located? sonepat

<007JAMES> guys can anyone your you define btwedn naxalism and terrorism

<007JAMES> prithivi agni trishul astra and nag

<007JAMES> in short you can just remember it like patana

wat was used as chemical weapon in 1st world war??? Mustard gas sulphur mustard

<007JAMES> thats the short trick you have to remember in exam

<prada> which gas was used by USA on vietnam,they r still suffering mustard gas agent orange ?

<janvi> Which is the world’s smallest Republic? NAURU

<friend> 1,5-dichloro-3-thiapentane

<007JAMES> can anyone tell me the full form of INSAS

<007JAMES> its rifle used in kargil war


<007JAMES> I think you have general idea of 3nod 3

<SWETHA> indian small arms system

<Maximus> earth is round...T / F ?

<prada> F


<tanu> Indian Small Arms System

<007JAMES> yes

<prada> F we said max

<prada> lol

<007JAMES> ok tan

<pappy> who won the uk's orange prize 4 fiction 2010 4 the novel ''the lacuna'??

<friend> barbara

<Maximus> cieling fan moves clockwise...T /F ?

<prada> F


<friend> f

<Maximus> and wt aby Table Fan.. ?

<friend> its both d directions

<Maximus> cieling - anti clockwise...

<Maximus> table...clockwise...

<Bewakoof1> National AIDS Research Institute location? PUNE

<Bewakoof1> tip of the matchstick contains?

<Maximus> red phosphorus

<Maximus> wts diff between....dew ....fog...and haze ?

<Bewakoof1> part of the brain controls balance and coordination? CEREBELLUM

<Maximus> wts diff between....dew ....fog...and haze ?

<Bewakoof1> sorry its actually cerebellum and not cerebrum..

<Bewakoof1> cerebellum is part of mid brain.. cerebrum is for brain

<friend> fog is a strong mist. haze is from car emmisions

<Bewakoof1> The Budget 2010-11 contains a new welfare scheme known as?

<prada> cerebrum is part of forebrain

<prada> i thought cerebellum is forebrain..srry

<Bewakoof1> its Rashtriya Mahila SWashaktikaran Yojana

Western coastal plain is broader than eastern coastal plain... t/f? false

he state of Karnataka is surrounded by how many states? 5 ap goa TN AP Maharashtra

in USA which range is simimlar to ARAVALIS? Aplachians

atlas in Africa which is the only young fold mountanin of africa?

which is the rainiest place of africa? Mt Cameroon

actinometer is used for measuring? Radiation

Which Union Territory has a Judicial Commissioner? Daman n dui

The first web server was built in: 1990 Geneva,Switzerland

Who conducts the State Assembly Elections? Chief Election Commissioner

The mineral containing both magnesium and calcium is

plants gets protein from. Amino acids

The molecules responsible for storing the genetic code are DNA

Who was the surgeon who pioneered antiseptic surgery in 1865? joseph lister

when will the ''how what why'' session start?

which country has Create Artificial Mini 'Black Hole' china

The adulteration of milk with water can be checked using lactometer

Not even light can escape a black hole's grip, but gas falling into a black hole can heat up and become an
intense source of X-rays, at temperatures up to 1,000 times hotter than the sun true

When an open bottle of scent is kept in a corner of the room, its odour is felt in all the corners. This is
due to the phenomenon of diffusion

Qiang Cheng and Tie Jun Cui of the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves at Southeast University in
Nanjing, China, designed it

Recently a report said that as many as 20 public sector banks, including big ones like Canara Bank, Bank
of Baroda and Union Bank, have failed to achieve the annual farm sector lending target. The Reserve
Bank has mandated banks (both in public and private sector) to provide what fraction of Adjusted Net
Bank Credit to agriculture sector?

coldest place on earth? Verkoyansk in Siberia

A satellite called Swift is revealing that black holes have a messier birth than previously thought. Instead
of being created in one instant, astrophysicists now believe after a star dies and collapses -- ultimately
forming a black hole -- it continues to cause havoc. and The baby black hole devours material while at
the same time spewing it back out, a process that is revealed in multiple ou

Exhaled air has what % of its oxygen left? 72%

Recently , which country declared a state of emergency in its capital ? (April 12, 2009) Thailand

3 types of laser Gas,solid state,diode

Which among the following is the cleanest country of the world as per Environmental Performance
Index data released in April 2009? Switzerland

Getting infrastructure status for the tourism industry is very near conclusion," Sujit Banerjee, secretary,
Ministry of Tourism said at "The Great Indian Travel Bazaar 2009" recently in April 2009. This will directly
help the hotels to ______? Getting easy loans for new project

Virologists investigating transmission of the flu virus found that it is more likely to spread at colder
temperatures. The dry, cold conditions pull moisture out of droplets released by coughs and sneezes,
which allows the virus to linger in the air. Additionally, cold, low humidity air dries out the nasal
passages and makes virus transmission more likely.

Which unit is used to measure the intensity of sound ? db

which is highest peak of peninsular india? Annaimudi in kerala

What is a loloroso ?

<meenu> what is GST??

studies of bee is called ?

World Bank president Robert Zoellick recently said it was widely recognized at the meeting that
developing countries should have more influence in how the World Bank is run. Which developing
countries he was referring about ?



Zanamavir is flu prevention drug

What fraction of a floating iceberg remains inside water ? 9/10

Which gas is called 'Stranger Gas'? xenon

1 ounce 16 pounds
1 st governor raja gopalachari

The average salinity of sea water is 3.5%

Which vaccine was first discovered? Small pox

If one wants to throw a cricket ball to the maximum distance, then he should throw it at an angle of 45

he first indigenous multipurpose supercomputer of India is PARAM that was developed by C-DAC Pune...
t/f? cape horn south America

The largest flower in the world is that of raflesia

Mahatma Gandhi presided the meertings of INC at? Belgaum

Lord Lytton repealed Vernacular’s Press Act(1878)... t/f? f

Nadwa ul ulema founder? Maulana Salman Hussaini Nadvi

Who was the first scientist to promote the idea that the Earth goes around the Sun? Copernicus

Ghazi Malik is the founder of Tughlaq Dynasty in India...t/f? TRUE

The Quota for India in IMF has been increased from 1.91% to 2.44%... t/f? true

What is the number of approved stock exchanges in India 23

Which Indian Bank has the largest number of foreign braches? bank of baroda

The Longest serving Chief Justice of India was? Y V Chadrakud

The salaries, allowances and pension of Judges of High Court is charged on the Consolidated Fund of the
state.. t/f? false

CIC of india??? Wajahat Habibullah Chief information commissioner

Who gave the theory of Jumping gene? Barbara mac clintok

Mozad’ is the secret agency of ? hamas

Which protein are hairs and nails made up of? Keratin

which pigment gives colour 2 our skin? Melanin

Which is the longest bone in the human body? Femur

Which gas leaked out in Bhopal tragedy ? methyl isocyanate

who is ceo of union carbide fac? Warren Anderson

Most common disease of poultry in India is Ranikhet

Name this Indian Tennis player who has turned to Hollywood filmmaker? Ashol Amrtiraj

Black gold coal

helium atomic no? 2

where is tadwai sanctuary. WARANGAL

where is VALVADORE national park Warangal AP

Hydro electricity white coal

who is mexico's richest man...n at 1 point of time he was also the world richest for a short duration???
Carlos slim

how many hearts does an octopus have? 3

what is ACD in context to railways? Anti collision device

Which form of phosphorus is used in safety matches red phosphoros

Haptic is related to which of the 5 senses? Skin sense of touch

n fireworks, the green flame is produced because of barium

Starch and sugar together are named as carbohydrates

Who co-founded Hotmail in 1996 and then sold the company to Microsoft? Sabir Bhatia

FB Founder Mark Zuckerberg

The active chemical constituents of opium are Barbituric acid

Conversion of a substance directly from solid to vapour state is known as sublimation

The largest gland in the human body is liver

Who was the first Indian to reach the semi final in Wimbledon Tennis Championship?ramanathan

The oldest tennis tournament in the World is?wembeldon

Who won all 4 GrandSlam in Women Tennis in year 1988? Steffi graph

kara black belongs to which country zimbawbe

On what surface is the Wimbeldon tennis played ? grass

Which tennis grand slam is played on clay court? French open

Wide angle is look by anil kumble

Modern Olympic games were held first in which year 1896

Which mother of Indian tennis player played basketball for the Indian national team? Leanedr paes

Who won Gold in tennis women single in olympics 2008? Elena Dementiva

Amelie Mauresmo, who won the Wimbledon Tennis Women's Singles Title 2006, is from which country?

The 2005 Wimbledon Women's Singles champion defeated which of the following to win the title?
Lindsay Davenport

who have won womens title of french open 2010 fransisca schiavone

Wimbledon known for lawn tennis courts, is in England

Steffi Graf has won __ grandslams. 22

which country have 3 capitals? South Africa

Where is the Diesel locomotive works situated ? Varanasi

who built tha mausolem of Tutikhaman

Nepanagar is the production centre of newsprint

Bhilai Steel Plant was started with the help of ussr

he wollen mills are situated mainly at DARIWAL

the state leading in the heavy chemical industry is Maharashtra

India's second most important industry after textiles is sugar

Where are board guage railway engines manufacture ? chitaranjan

The shore - based steel plant in India is in vizag

Rourkela steel plant was built in collaboration with west germany

Frigates and warships are manufactured at margoan

makbara shelly was started by.illtumish

Inqilab is authored by. ghulam hussain

first species of horse was found in surkotada

who founded Independence for Indian League bose


On 29th October 1919, the Legislative Council of the Government of India named an investigatory
committee to be led by Lord William Hunter (1865-1957) and assisted by five Englishmen and four
Indians. This was named as the Hunter Committee. The Hunter Committee was charged with the
examination of the violence which had occurred in Amritsar and elsewhere in Punjab, in consequence of
the catastrophi

members cant ask a supplementary qn for a STARRED question in LS......T / F / false

The period of revolution of geostationary satellite is 24 hrs

The spherical nature of raindrops is due to surface tension

In which layer of the atmosphere do most weather phenomena occur? Troposphere

What is the distance between the layers of the graphite? 342pm

Summer sleep of animal is termed as aestavation

The hydraulic brakes used in automobiles is a direct application of pascal law

Who developed the telegraphic code? Samuel morse

Who invented the miner's safety-lamp? Sir humpty

A program that neither replicates or copies itself, but does damage or compromises the security of the
computer. Which Computer Virus it is? Trogen

How many hearts does a cockroach have? 13

Hypermetropia is the disease related to eye

Who discovered circulation of blood in human body? William Harvey

The life history of human malarial parasite in Anopheles was first described by Ronald ross

The name of which animal came from the aboriginal word meaning no drink? Koala

which bond is strongest? Covalent

which 2 countries hv flags which r mirror-images of each others...

genetically modified.. ireland and ivory coast

country with a square flag .? switzerland

country with a plane flag.... Libya

how many countries hv "crescent" in their flags.. 13

which countries flag is most similar to india's ? niger

north pole is exactly the same as "north magnetic pole"........T/F false false

which strait devides d 2 main islands of new Zealand cook

wt abt australia and tasmania...which strait ? bass

wts d correct!!! (tell

clockwise or anticlockwise...u can start frm any city) its BSc MA PhD

first chirman of FC b.k.c neogy

wettest place in Africa debundhsa..cameroon

coldest place in Africa ifrane ..morocco..

mt thor nunayut

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