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Introduction to Psychology

Mrs. Evans, CASHS 2017-2018

Basic Information:
Psychology is the science of behavior and mental processes. Why do we behave the way we do?
Why do we think the way we do? Psychology can be studied into different categories of
developmental (growth), neuroscience and physiological (brain’s influence to drugs), experimental
(conducting research), personality (emotions), clinical and counseling, social (how people influence
each other) and industrial (training workers and advertising). This field is applicable to all parts of life.
The study of Psychology will help you understand yourself and others.

Course Outline:
Unit 1: Science of Psychology Unit 7: Life Span Development
Unit 2: Biological Basics Unit 8: Motivation and Emotion
Unit 3: Sensation and Perception Unit 9: Psychological Disorders and Therapies
Unit 4: States of Consciousness Unit 10: Social Psychology
Unit 5: Memory
Unit 6: Cognition and Learning

Grades will be based on following directions, participation, notebook completion, literacy participation,
group projects, essays, and tests.

If you turn in an assignment late it will be penalized. In general you should have enough time in class
to complete assignments. Every day that passes from the assignments original due date will result in
5-10 point deduction. Be sure to complete in class assignments during the given class time.

Please STUDY for your tests. This is new information and will take time to store into your long term

It is best that you have a three ring binder. You are required to have a folder, notebook, and pencils.

Please sharpen your pencil at the beginning of class.

Look for any handouts on the way into class. Extra pencils are on my desk in the silver cup.

A calendar in the back of room will explain what you missed if you were absent. Find the day and the
name of the worksheet on the file folder.

A bell ringer will be posted on the board. Please complete the question in your bell ringer section of
your notebook.

Be sure to sign out and in every time you have permission to leave the room.

If you are missing a grade in Sapphire, please see me and you may look through the missing name
Classroom Rules:
Everyone deserves respect. How did we define respect as a class?

You must comply with the rules written in your Chambersburg Area School District agenda. As a
student of the senior high you know your responsibilities and role in the classroom.

Please arrive at class prepared to learn and participate. You should have a notebook, pencil, and
folder. Extra pencils are on my desk. If you are repeatedly late, you will be sent to the office for a
tardy slip. Bathroom breaks will be kept at a minimum. Cell phones will not be permitted in my
classroom unless it is a learning tool for the lesson.

You will find my classroom to be a respectful environment where everyone can voice their opinion.
Therefore, you will be considerate to your classmate’s opinions and beliefs.

Discipline Policy
The following is a breakdown of my discipline plan.

1) Verbal Warning
2) Remedial Action (In Class)
3) Call Home to Parent
4) Principal’s Involvement
This process can skip steps depending on the discipline issue.

Syllabus Agreement

Dear Student,

After you and your caregiver have read over our class syllabus, please sign this form.
I hereby agree with the rules and procedures. I am prepared to come to class with a good attitude
and a willingness to learn.

Student’s Printed Name: _________________________ Signature: _______________________

Parent/Guardian/Caregiver’s Printed Name: _____________________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________________________________________

Dear Parent/Guardian/Caregiver,

Do you have any concerns regarding your student and my class? Please email me at or write your concern below.

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