Phys - June2011 - U2 P1

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[sewstacion rest conr 02238010 FORM TP 2011239) TT MAY/JUNE 2011 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION pays Unit2 Paper OF 90 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1, ‘This text consists oF 45 items. You will have 0 minutes to answer thems 2. In.addition 1 this test booklet, you showld have an. answer set 3. Domotbe concemed thatthe answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items inthis test. 4, ach tomin this test has Four suggested answers lettered (A), (B),(C),(D). Read each item yom ate about 0 answer and decide which choice is best 5. Onyouranawer shee, fad ae umber which corresponds to your item aad shade the space having the same loiter 9 tho answer you have chosen. Look atthe sample item below Sample ltrm ‘Which ofthe following lists one salar quantity and one vector quantity? (8) Mass: erperatre Sample Anise (8) Momentum prssre () Powe weeny ©@08 (D) Potential eacgy = ol The bestanswer to thistemis" Momentum: pressure”, sounswer space (Bylnasbeen shaded 6. Ifyou want to change your answer. be sure to erase it completly hefere you fill a your new choice, 7. When you are oid to begin, tim the page and work a quickly an as carefully a you ean ‘you cannot answer an item, omit itand goon tothe nextone. Your score willbe the otal number af corset answers, 8. You may do any ough work im this booklet 9, igure are not necessarily drawn to scale 10, The ase of silent non-programmabte calculators is allowed, DO NOT TURN UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD 10 DO $0. Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Faaminations Council All rights reserved, 0223801 CAPE 2011 [sewstacion rest conr 02238010 FORM TP 2011239) TT MAY/JUNE 2011 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION pays Unit2 Paper OF 90 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1, ‘This text consists oF 45 items. You will have 0 minutes to answer thems 2. In.addition 1 this test booklet, you showld have an. answer set 3. Domotbe concemed thatthe answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items inthis test. 4, ach tomin this test has Four suggested answers lettered (A), (B),(C),(D). Read each item yom ate about 0 answer and decide which choice is best 5. Onyouranawer shee, fad ae umber which corresponds to your item aad shade the space having the same loiter 9 tho answer you have chosen. Look atthe sample item below Sample ltrm ‘Which ofthe following lists one salar quantity and one vector quantity? (8) Mass: erperatre Sample Anise (8) Momentum prssre () Powe weeny ©@08 (D) Potential eacgy = ol The bestanswer to thistemis" Momentum: pressure”, sounswer space (Bylnasbeen shaded 6. Ifyou want to change your answer. be sure to erase it completly hefere you fill a your new choice, 7. When you are oid to begin, tim the page and work a quickly an as carefully a you ean ‘you cannot answer an item, omit itand goon tothe nextone. Your score willbe the otal number af corset answers, 8. You may do any ough work im this booklet 9, igure are not necessarily drawn to scale 10, The ase of silent non-programmabte calculators is allowed, DO NOT TURN UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD 10 DO $0. Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Faaminations Council All rights reserved, 0223801 CAPE 2011 LIST OF PHYSICAL CONSTANTS Speed of Fightin free space Permeability of fe space Petmitiity oF fee space lementary charge ‘The Planck constant United atomic mass constant Rest mass of elestton Rest mass of proton Acooleration due 0 revity Atmosphere Avogadro's number o2238010.CAPE 201 3.00% 10m = 4x 1 Hm! 885 x 10" Fan! 90x 10m F! 1.602 10°C 658810 1.66 10°"g G31 Mev) Os 10" kg 167410 bg osims? 1.00 10° 6.02 « 10 per mole GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1. Inthe caution for the curent through conductor = nev. v represents the (A) voltage (B) terminal pt. (©) volume (D) velocity 2 The “diving force" for charges though a elecsialeieuit is provided by the (A) impedance (B) inductance (©) potential ciference (D) electrical resistance 3. Kirchhoff's second law states that the algeteaic sum of the poemia! differences sound acornplete ecu must egal 25, This isa consequence of conservation of (A) mass (B) power (©) change (b) enerey 4. For the eteuit diggram below, determine ‘the current lowing tough the 69 resistor. ow 20 3a. on (A) 075A (BORDA, (10a (Dy isa (022380]0/CPE 201) 5. Ini, ho unitof electric field strength i ww @ © o Nat Ne! Com Jon Hem. refers 10 the following diagram which shows a positively charged sphere, Q, suspended by a light insusted sting placed berween two metal plates, X and Y. 6. When the switch 5 | sa fs closed, the intial movement ofthe sphere is a B) © ry upwards downwards towards the let towards the right 7. Coulomb's iow sts thar ibe Force between ‘eo point charges is dzcoly proportional “ @ © o) the product ofthe charges divided by ther distance apart thei dance apart vie y the prod oftheir charase the produc ofthe charges vided by the square of thet distance the ouate of thir distanve apart vided by the product of the charge (GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 10. ‘The energy stored ina capacitor is given UL by . (One fad is equivalent to @ we INC ©) tw () Ive 2 Awireofength 30 mis in amagneti fed fof strength 3.5m and makes an angle of ‘(Pith he eld. IT'the wires carrying a current of 2.5. what the magnate of the free on the wie? (a) 00023, B) OBN © IBN ) 23N 2238010:CAPE 2011, Avwire carrying cuenta the plane ofthe paper is shown below. Itisacted upon, in tur, by four magnetic elds abelled A,B, ‘C and D acting i the dzeetons shown Which field exerts om the wite « force towards point P? ‘A curent-earrying conductor of mass 20 x 10° kg carrying w coment of 20.8 is halanced by « magnetic field at right angles oi. Ifthe lenge of the eonducior is 8.0 em, the magnetic field strength is (A) 12351087 (B) 123x109 (©) 12x10 (D) 123,107 A road is 15 m below transmission line which erriesan altemating eurent of peak Value 100 A. ‘The magne of the peak magnet fx density atthe wood (Aue to the curren inthe wansmission line) i (A) 133s 10¢7 B 4oxci0T (© 126x10°7 iss i077 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE os s 14, Anideal transformers 600 tuns in the primary winding and 40 tums in the secondary winding. Whe eurren inthe primary winding is $A, and the primary voltage is 120 V, whats the eustent and voltage inthe secondary winding? Carrentin | _Voliagein Secondary(A) | Secondary(V) ay 7 is am {s 75 jo, 0 s jo) | 35 a 15, The diagrams below show a bar image being inserted o7 withdrawn ioe a solenoid. tn which diagram isthe current flow correct? Motion Motion rT] © tel @ [- » Lot { 16, Whats the V,,,, 074 wave form with « pouk to peak voltage of 40 V2 st > Maton (a) Woy Mav (© 283V (>) 400v GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (2238010CAPE 2011 ‘Nem {7 refers tothe following graph which represents sinosoida aemating current tem 19 refers tothe following diagram, tunne 7 Pe kre iy > 17. The equation which represents this 19, lerating curent is (A) T= 10coss0at (B) [= 10 cos80at KC) 1=10c0a 10071 (D) 1=20e08200 1 Mm 8 refers to the following diagram, -— 18. In the diagram above, the current (1) ‘Towing trough the n-type semiconductor is mainly duet (A) oles moving from A to B (B) electrons moving from Ato B {C) electrons moving from B to (D) holes moving from A 10 B and clecttons moving from B to A i 02234010/CAPE 2011 Dt Which of the lamps inthe circuit shown above ae i? $ (A) Pand Sonly 1B) R.QandRonly (©) R.Rand S only (D) P.Q,Rands GOON TOTHE NEXT PAGE, Men 20 refers tothe Following > ° pat 20, Which ofthe graphs below describes the utp of the ceil shown above? w -——__, Tse y Ce Tie Xp © DADA o» ON _, “Tae ‘02238010/C APE 2011 21 Wem 21 refers to the following diagram ‘which shows «sinusoidal wave being sent to the input of a civcuit containing, four en Which of the following graphs is a representation ofthe outp™ , “AA, » \. . " GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE usm 22 refers to the following diagram. [4 22, ‘The LED in the cireit shove lights when (A) ,andS, are open (8) S\ is opon and , closed (©) S,iselosed an’, open {D)_Syiselosed and s closed Liem 23 refers to the flowing diagram, 23, From the information given in the opera- tional amplifier creat above, detserine the current inthe 6.0 KE? load resistor (A) 6 ma, (B) O8mA {C) Loma, (B) 67 mA o2238010:CPE 2011 yin 24 refers tothe following graph which shows how the gain of en operational amplifier varies with frequency wy wh wf Gaia wo} 1 1 Tie ie 1 0a Prequene(t2) 24, The gain of an inverting amplifier onstruted sing this operational amplifier 2 10. Whet is the bandwidth oF this amplifier? (ay ww © 10 » GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE ] § 25, Which of the following guin-fequency | ftgm 26 refers othe following diagram. raps represents hat an ideal operational ampliier? a 2 — Gaia, w > ht Frequecy 26, Which isthe comect truth table forthe Gate circuit above? | o “w x T T Te Freueny 3 2 © ®) TW Frequenss © i © Te ogee oy GOON TOTHE NEXT PAGE 22380101C PE 201 -10- refer ta the following diagram, 8 27, IF he inputs Pand Qave both held a logic I, then th states OFR.S and Tare “ @) © o ° 0 1 1 s 1 1 0 1 fi ° 1 o 1 28, The symbol for the logic gate whic has the equivalent action lo this complete circuit is i ae a (2238010:CAPE 2011 (GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE Tae ne 29. Two fourbit brary numbers are fed ito 3. Which of the following diagrams isthe the inputs X and ¥ of an OR gate. The comet cirnit for a ha acer? Same SE ote i Ss iu x L vg a SPP sm TLF Which ofthe flowing pulse was en rsoresets the otpat pulse fom the OR ee? © SPA sem > ory w vp f @ vp 1 L| i wo Ses Op Ly —ecany 31. Light fats ons photoelectric material an so locos are cited. Electors may ™ ¥R be emit if which ofthe follow nh, = 1. The intensity ofthe IL The trequency ofthe light TL, The wavelength ofthe Hight (A) Loniy (8) Honky (C) only (©) Land Il only GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02238010/C APE. 2011, “2 32. What oes the symbol, represent in the equation i= B? (A) The work function (8) The decay constant (©) The stopping potential (D)Thecutnft wavelength 33. A metal surface has a work function of 3NeV. What isthe threshold wavelength Toe this etal? (A) 3278 10% B) 917 10% m (©) 109s 10%m (©) 608x10%m 34. —Theimensity of X-1ays passing through a material of thickness, xis given by ex 10. What does te symbol “inthe equation represent? (A) Thetime constant of the X-rays {B) The permitivty of the matertal (C) The permeability ofthe material (D) Thelineae absorption evefficientof ‘he material 38. Whatis the de Broglie wavelength of an olympic sprinizr of mass 60 ke when running ata speed of 105°? (A) 22x10 m Li xt0%m ©) 11x 10m (0) 66x10" m 36, “The clectron-vot isa measurement of (A) potential diterence (8) Gapscitance (C) charge’ (0) eneay 2238010/CAPE 2011 37 Two neutal isotopes of an element have = thesame number oF (A) provoas but a differant number of (8) neurons buta diferent numberof protons (©) protons but different number of ‘lectrons (D) electrons buta di protons erent number of lem 38 is about Millikan’s oil drop. experiment which is depicted in the diagram below. Hole where ol Plates connected s to power supply ‘Mera Muasnated ol drops Which stitement about the behaviour ofthe cil ops during the experiment is comect? (A) Whenan oil drop becomescharged, the siz ofthe chargemtustequal (8) Wher an oil drop is stationary. it must carry a charge, (©) Whenan oil drop moves upwards, ‘only the electric Tree is acting font (D) When no electric feld acts, all drops move dosurwarde with he sume constant velocity, 38. The mass defect for the nucleus of helium —4is0.0203%, What isthe binding energy per nucleon for helium 47 (Me (8) 4Mev fo) 7 Mev 1D) 28MeV GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE, “3 40. Theequaionhelow shows the disintegration lem $3 refers othe following information of polonium — 210 19 a stable isotope of | * feat ‘A pute souree, S, of a particular ¢ype ‘eradision fe placed in rot of ek {Bi ros ites Stoned For the above equation Maguey ™ Radiation eo ped mass of SPP = 205.969 4 Relies x sass of He = 40088 Sources Poo. amass of 22%, = 209982 0 xo ok x [cannBoaRo, Whats the mass equivalent of 43. Which ofthe following diagrams comretly (A) 15x10" ke shows tie path oF so tadiouctive emission B) 67x 107g in the region? (©) 34x10" ke x x yx x ) 35x10" ke s x x “ x x 41 The nctvity of radioactive source is a 2 aN (A) the number of radioactive atoms CARDBOARD () — deinweasiy ottheradiaton emited (©) the number oF disinogrations per re ‘coming from the seurce s ® a x x Xie x 42, The fission of uranium ~ 235 represented by the muclear equation ‘CARDBOARD 2gU 2 9Ce+ :Zr+ jn x x 7% x ogetininrisicrmmimie ok x x © * x Wa) 824 x xi. x 4) 38238 «C) 85140 CARDBOARD td) 94:38 “uate x oS s «YX 600N TO TE NEXT PAGE (02238010;CAPE 2011 ue 44. Which ofthe following statements areiue 48. about radioactive decay? Iisa random proses. Iisa spomtanzous process IIL, It is depeadeat on the chemical combination af radioactive clement TV. ttinereases with temperature, (A) Sand HLonly () Mand tony (©) Mand IV only (©) |. Mand iV only “The half of a sample of radioactive substance is 100 yeas. What is its decay (A) 693% 10> year (B) 5.00% 10" year’ (©) 693510 year! (D) 14x 10 year IPYOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. (022380 10CAPE 2011

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