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Terrorism and Religious/Ethnic conflict

We all know that what kind of mayhem Pakistan have been facing from the last 10 or 12 years.
To eradicate terrorism and the religious /ethnic conflicts following steps can be taken:
1) Education:
Education should be improved more. Literacy rate in our tribal areas is very less, working for that would
decrease or even end terrorism. Because the people in our tribal areas specially, are not educated so
they cannot differentiate between their personal benefits and a country's success or betterment. They
are deceived by the corrupt leaders or the Taliban over there. Awareness should be made.
2) Women Empowerment:
Rights for women should be increased to an extent. They should be given their due rights which
ultimately would help in nation building.
More empowerment to them such as our security forces, Police and Army. More and more recruitment
for them, because we have a huge talent. They even have urge to work for their country in the worst
days and make it a state that glow and shine like a star.

Ineptitude of political parties:

Institutionalization basic factor is making people literate. Institutionalized and civilized people are the
one who are most educated. Now a days our educational institutions are not impressive just because of
the meddling of political parties. It’s the obligation of Education of ministry to take steps to improve and
increase the standards of education.
beside the above mentioned political institutions, the members of NA have a job to do. They are
responsible for the work like forwarding the bills and commands in the matchless Country’s interest. All
of them should represent the nation's ideology.
The real slogan of National Politics is 'Might is Right". Feudalism is the system being followed. The main
people who break the law and order are the officials themselves, the feudal, criminals, and anti-social
persons being sit by the agencies. So, what can one expect from them? Our social importance’s are
mostly based upon nationalities. After the independence of Pakistan, some families have been ruling the
country despite of the fact that whether they were competent or not, especially in the main parts of
Sindh and Punjab. A person from an average family background could not dare to compete for the
Common people are the actual power to the state who are supposed to and can choose the foremost or
supreme leader or official who can work for purpose on the public call. This is important for a blooming
political practice.

Development projects to increase tourism:

After all the havoc and turbulences in the last decade Pakistan lost its topnotch status in the tourism.
Specially the northern areas; the main center to terrorsim. Swat and Kalam valley indeed the whole
Khyber Pukhtunkhwa.

Various steps can be taken such as, development projects should be arranged in the Northern areas and
some parts of Punjab which would promote tourism in the country.
The main aim is of generating more rush of people to the country and to know that Pakistan is one of the
most visited country because of its heavenly nature and cultural patrimony.
PTDC should introduce such projects, that would attract people from Pakistan and from the other parts
of the world.
The projects focus should be on the facilities to the tourists. accommodation, transport ease etc.

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