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By Apostle John Eckhardt

The “NEVER AGAIN” confessions booklet will turn your life around. Never Again will you allow
Satan to control your life. Never Again will you allow Satan to control your finances. Never
Again will you allow sin to dominate your life. Never Again will you allow your body to be used
by the enemy. Never Again will you allow fear to stop you. Never Again will you allow pride to
control your life. Never Again will you allow filthy communications to come out of your life.

As a believer you have the authority to allow or disallow. Don’t allow the enemy to control your
life. Take a stand against the wicked one. Use your authority in the name of Jesus. Do it by the
power of the Holy Spirit. Don’t give place to the devil. Rise up in faith and confess what you
believe. Exercise your will against the powers of darkness. It’s time for you to declare, “Never

I want you to make these confessions in faith believing what you say will come to pass. I want
you to believe God when you say these confessions that faith will arise. It will be a time when
deliverance will come forth. There are hundreds of confessions to make. Things that used to
trouble you will trouble you no more.


Things will never be the same again in my life. Even the Lord said never again. And I will
remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh;
and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. Genesis 9:15

The Lord promised Noah that he would “NEVER AGAIN,” destroy the earth with a flood.

Moses told Pharaoh that he would see him no more. Moses said unto the people, “Fear ye not,
stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you today’ for the
Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them again no more forever. Exodus 4:13

The Lord told Moses and his people they would see Pharaoh no more. In other words, “NEVER
AGAIN,” would Pharaoh oppress them. The Lord told his people to “NEVER AGAIN,” return to
Egypt. There are some things that are final.

I know that whatever God does is final. Nothing can be added to it or taken from it. God’s
purpose is that people should fear him. (Ecclesiastes 3:14 NLT) In other words, there is finality
to the work of God.

The enemy is finished, in endless ruins; the cities you uprooted are not forgotten. (Psalms 9:6
NLT) Cities were destroyed in judgment never to rise against. Kings were removed from
thrones, never to sin again.

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, whatever you bind on earth will be bound
in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Matthew 6:19 NIV

I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you
loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Matthew 18:18 NIV

I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and God in heaven will allow whatever you
allow on earth. But he will not allow anything that you don’t allow. Matthew 16:19
Contemporary English Version


In 2010 I left some things behind. I am going into 2011 with a new vision. I am going into 2011.
The things I confessed will not vex or control me. I take a stand today.

Never Again will I be sad, sick, sorrowful, down, depress, oppress, poor, rebellious, anger, hurt,
rejection, or double mindedness. I will be the head and not the tail, below, proud, selfish,
passive, envy, jealous, bitter, lonely, lustful, greedy, confused, without wisdom, without
knowledge, without understanding, afraid, timid, apprehend, powerless without authority,
without joy, without strength, without grace, without gifts, without momentum, without
blessings, without honor, without glory, without provisions, without abundance, without
plenty, limited, bound, slow full, lazy, lacking, controlled ,dominated, manipulate, hinder,
blocked, weary, tired, frustrated, deceived, be shaken, be moved, bound by my past, empty,
weak, lost, separated from God, guilty, shamed, control by Satan, demonized, under a spell,
under a curse, barren, fruitless, intimidated, isolated, cut off, destroyed, victimized, harassed,
tormented, harden, unbelieving, doubting, sinful, unholy, unclean, cold, lukewarm, burden,
stress, worry, compromising, contentious, argumentative, unforgiving, critical, judgmental,
hypercritical, conditional, religious, absentness, stubbornness, idolatry, excessiveness,
covertness, additive, profane, carnal, worldly, vain, over ambition, wasteful, over indulge,
overwhelm, crafty, paranoid, accusing, distrustful, negative, rude, complaining, murmuring,
arrogant or blind. Thank you, God.

Prayer to Break Every Assignment of Hell

Father in the name of Jesus, I break every assignment of hell. Lord you said what ever I bind
on earth is bound in heaven. I bind these things from operating in our lives. Today Lord I take
a step of faith. I say NEVER AGAIN. I put these things behind me God and I walk in a new day.

Some of the things you confess today, some you may struggle with. It doesn’t mean you
struggle with all of them. It may have been something you confessed. I want you to make these
confessions even if its looks as if things are not changing. The more you say it, the more you
confess it; it will become a reality in your life. These confessions I believe will change things.
Whether it is depression, discouragement, sadness, control, no matter what it is, these
confessions will change your life.

Father I pray for everyone making this confession. Lord I speak over their life for the New Year.
Lord let these confessions be a reality in their life. Let us walk in a new season. Let every
limitation be broken. Let them see miracle after miracle after miracle in the days to come. Lord
let things change for those who struggled this year. Let there be a change in their life. Let there
be a change in their season. Lord we confess it as a church today with our mouth. We believe in
our heart what we say. We speak to every mountain and command it to be removed. Sickness
and disease, poverty and lack, discouragement and frustration, pain and sorrow, fear and
reluctant let it leave our lives.

Let us experience a new day of glory and a new day of visitation. I loose myself from all the
works of darkness. I loose myself in the name of Jesus. I believe that what I say will come to

I believe I can have what I say. I believe Never Again will these things torment me, harass me,
afflict me, torment me and bind me. I declare freedom for my life. I am free. Whom the Son
sets free is free indeed. I am free indeed. Thank you, Lord for setting me free.

I don’t care what you are struggling with. Don’t be condemned about it. Everybody is struggling
with something. But, I believe the struggle is over for you. Forget what is behind you and say
“Never Again”.

Prophetic Word for 2011 for Apostle John Eckhardt

“Because you took a step of faith today, He is giving you a head start for 2011. Where some
were lagging behind, I saw him putting you in front of everyone else. I saw God put you in the

forefront. You were way behind others and I saw God put you way in front of them. In 2011 you
will find your self with advantages where in 2010 you had disadvantages. Your momentum has
taken off this day. The momentum for New Year is today. You took a head start this day. It
won’t happen for you January 1st. It happens for you today. Today I give you the advantage
that you need to be a head of the game. The advantage you need to be ahead in revelation.
The advantage you need to be ahead in understanding and the advantage needed to be ahead
in the prophetic. You will know before the thing is done. You will be there before the news is
release. You will know before it happens because of your step of faith. I heard that so clearly
for you. You have been disadvantage at times; or you didn’t have certain things. But God says
today I put your ahead of the game and in front of the pack. I give you a head start. I will give
you a new momentum. I put you ahead for 2011. When you get there, just like a runner
running a marathon with a baton, the runner paces himself. You will already be there when
January 1st comes.”

God honors faith. I don’t care what you have gone through, believe God. Never Again things
that have held you back will hold you back again. You took the step of faith, Never Again.

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