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§ Based on the Carl Jung’s and Isabel Briggs Myers’
personality type theory.

§ Obtain the description of our personality type,

communication and learning style.

Jung Typology § Discover the careers that are most suitable for our

personality types.

§ Work cite:

Assessment Results

Introvert: 3%
iNtuitive: 6%
Feeling: 28%
Perceiving: 41%
§ Never lose their sense of wonder and they
see life through rose-colored glasses
§ They have the ability to see good in almost
anyone or anything
§ Their extreme depth of feeling is often
General hidden, even from themselves

Characteristic of § They are not exempt from the same

INFP disappointment and frustrations to humanity

§ They struggle the issue of their own ethical
§ Some INFPs have a gift for taking technical
information and putting it into layman's
§ They live in a rich inner world of introverted

§ For example: for example, may provide intrinsic

satisfaction which is only secondary to the greater
good of striking a blow against Man's Inhumanity

Details of INFP to Mankind.

§ Extraverted intuition faces outward, greeting
the world on behalf of Feeling.
§ Intuition spawns this type's philosophical bent
and strengthens pattern perception.
Ø Sensing is introverted and often invisible
Ø It gives INFPs a natural inclination toward
absent- mindedness and other-worldliness
Ø Feeling’s strong people awareness provides
a balancing, mitigating effect

Details of INFP Extraverted Thinking

Ø It helps in focusing on externals and for
Ø Lack of context and proportion
§ The more complete and in-depth the answer they
receive during the learning process, they stronger
their interest in the topic and the greater their
desire to delve deeper into it.

§ INFPs easily grasp materials especially if a large

part of it is devoted to how the topic relates to
human behavior or activity.
Learning styles § They are good at retaining theoretical material,
and they understand new materials with great depth
communication and breadth

skills § INFPs are capable of inspiring people to develop

their abilities and talents

§ INFPs can be emotional in their communication

with other people, although they always treat
everyone with respect.
My Opinion

I agree with it
I agree with the opinion that I am good at
relating new things to the previous knowledge
,and I won’t tell people my true feeling or
thoughts until they find out by themselves
For example: when I doing some math problems
such as the sequence problems, I would usually
put numbers in a formula that I already learned
before and convert them to the sigma notation
for further calculation.
My Opinion
I agree with the opinion that I am good at relating new things to the previous
knowledge ,and I won’t tell people my true feeling or thoughts until they find
out by themselves . For example: when I doing some math problems such as
the sequence problems, I would usually put numbers in a formula that I already
learned before and convert them to the sigma notation for further calculation.

However, I don’ t agree with the opinion that all INFPs are good at
communicating with other people . I am an exception . I am bad at
communicating and I would feel nervous if I am talking to strangers.
Career Recommendations

Psychologist Counselor Teacher

• mental health • Provide advice, • is a person who

professional who help, or helps others to
evaluates and encouragement to acquire
studies behavior students knowledge,
and mental • Strong analyzing competences or
processes and communication values.
• Strong skills is needed • Need to be patient
communication and caring to
§ It’s weird that I am not a talked
person, but strong communication
skills is needed to all the careers that

Career are recommended.

Summary § I think psychologist is one of the jobs

that I want to do in the future, because
I like to analyze thing, conclude them
and I have a strong observing ability.

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