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INSTITUT FUR KONSTRUKTIVEN INGENIEURBAU RUHR-UNIVERSITAT BOCHUM Jochen Haensel Effects of Creep and Shrinkage in Composite Construction Unive! veh INEM et foe Mitteilung Nr. 75-12 Oktober 1975 Technisch-wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen Technical Reports Rapports Techniques ua/tiB Hannover 89 ici Acknowledgements A German edition of this paper was presented as partial fulfilment for the requirements of a Doctor degree in civil engineering at Bochum University. Members of the examining board were Prof. Roik (Bochum), Prof. Zerna (Bochum) and Prof. Trost (Aachen) (Aix-la~Chapelle). The author expresses his gratitude to Mr. H. Brodeck, who cooperated in the translation of this paper and to Ms. S. Lehmann, who read the manuscript. Contents 1, Introduction 1.1 Exposition of the Problem 1,2 General Outlines i 1,3. Literature 2, Notations Introduction \ Properties of Materials 2 2 2.3 Cross Section Values bet Concrete Section Steel Section i Composite Section 2.3.4 Characteristic Values 2.4 Bending Moments and Normal Forces 2.4.1 Total Bending Moments and Normal Forces 2.4.2 Sectional Bending Moments and Normal Forces 2.4.3 Subsidiary Values Stresses Strains Coefficients for Relaxation and Redistribution 2 2. 2 3. Fundamentals of the Calculation of Composite Constructions 3.1 Creep Function for Concrete 3.2 Time-dependent Relationship between Stress and Strain in the Case of Linear Viscoelastic Behaviour The Law of Superposition 1 2,2 General Derivation of a Uniaxial Stress-strain Relationship 3.2.3 Time-dependent Stress-strain Relationship for Concrete 3.3. Introduction of Effective Moduli of Elasticity for the Calculation of Composite Constructions 3.4 Presuppositions for the Calculation of Stresses and Defor- mations in Composite Constructions under Serviceability Loads 4, Practical Calculation Methods for Composite Steel Girders on the Basis of Differential Stress-strain Relationships for Concrete 4.1 Composite Cross Sections Subject to Static Moments, Normal Forces and Shrinkage Calculation of Initial Section Forces Calculation of Redistributions Total Sectional Forces Calculation of Stresses Calculation of Deformations ce ae ode ale 1 SSS SSeS lo 10 1 12 1 1 13 14 15 1 15 15 16 16 16 1 1 18 18 19 2 29 30 31 an 3 34 45 46 46 Page 4.2 Composite Cross Section Subject to Bending Moments and Normal Forces Developing in Time in the Same Manner as Creep 47 4.2.1 Calculation of Initial Section Forces 49 4.2.2 Calculation of Redistributions 50 4.2.3 Total Sectional Forces 37 4.2.4 Calculation of Stresses and Deformations 37 Practical Calculation Methods for Composite Girders on the Basis of Algebraic Stress~strain Relationships for Concrete 58 5.1 Composite Cross Sections Subject to Static Moments, Normal , Forces and Shrinkage 58 5.1.1 Calculation of Initial Section Forces 58 5.1.2 Calculation of Redistributions 58 5.1.3 Total Actions on Individual Cross Sections and Deformations Taking into Account Creep and Shrinkage 64 5.2 Composite Cross Sections Subject to Bending Moments and Normal Forces Increasing in Time 64 5.2.1 Calculation of Initial Section Forces 64 5.2.2 Calculation of Redistributions 64 5.2.3 Total Actions on Individual Cross Sections, Stresses and Deformations Taking into Account the Effects of Creep 68 5.3 The Determination of Redistribution Coefficients n and Relaxation Coefficients 0 68 5.3.1 Creep Strains — Proposal TROST 69 5.3.2 Creep Strains — Proposal RUSCH-JUNGWIRTH 74 Explanations Concerning the Analysis of Prestressing Methods 7 6.1 Prestressing by Cables 78 6.1.1 Calculation of Initial Section Forces Including Cross Section Values without Taking into Account the Area of Tendons 78 6.1.2 Calculation of Initial Section Forces with the Help of Cross Section Values Taking into Account the Area of Tendons 82 6.2 Prestressing by Cambering 84 6.2.1 Creep Strains — Proposal TROST 85 6.2.2 Creep Strains — Proposal RUSCH-JUNGWIRTH 87 Calculation Method for Time-dependent Stresses and Strains in Composite Constructions Using Total Cross Sections 89 7.1 Introduction of Modular Ratios for the Cross Sections of Concrete 89 7.1,1 Derivation of General Equations for Modular Ratios and Creep Multipliers a 2 Basic Equations for Modular Ratios and Creep Multipliers for Loads Due to Bending Moments 3 Basic Equations Concerning Modular Ratios and Creep Multipliers for Normal Forces 1 7.2 Galculation of Creep Multipliers ¥yi1, Vy... od a2. 2s 2. 2. 7.2. Static Bending Moments Normal Forces Constant in Time Bending Moments Increasing in Time Normal Forces Increasing in Time Stresses and Strains in the Composite Cross Sectioh Due to Shrinkage of Concrete 6 Stresses and Strains in the Composite Cross Section Due to Cambering 7.3 Compilation and Evaluation of the Formulas for Creep Multipliers 7.4 Calculation of Stresses Teds Ted. 1 Determination of the Ideal Thickness of the Concrete Slab 2 Compilation of Formulas for the Calculation of Stresses Taking Account of Creep 7.5 Accuracy Appendix Example 1: Example 2: Example 3: Example Camparison of Differential Stress-strain Relationships for Concrete Comparative Studies on the Calculation Methods described in Chapter 4 and 5 Calculation of Composite Cross Sections by Means of Total Cross Sections Extract of the German Design Rules for Prestressed Concrete 94 95 95 98 100 102 104 107 109 14 114 116 123 126 128 141 152 Introduction Exposition of the Problem Structures and sections in which there is interaction between materials with different properties are called composite constructions. This book deals with composite constructions consisting of concrete members and steel beams. In these constructions a considerable amount of area and second moment of area is provided by the steel section. The calculation of such composite constructions - the same applies to constructions with prestressed concrete - requires the analysis of serviceability conditions as well as the determination of collapse loads. Excluding stability problems, internal stresses and strains within a cross-section do not influence the ultimate load under static loading. These stresses, however, have to be taken into account when analysing serviceability conditions. Internal stress conditions within a cross section or internal forces in statically indeterminate structures are either due to a different rheological and thermal behaviour of steel and concrete or to certain erection procedures. The different thermal capacities of concrete and steel do not complicate practical calculations. The same applies to the rheological classification of steel under working loads as a material in the sense of Hooke's Law. Apart from elastic deformations concrete is subject to creep deformations and shrinkage. A time-dependent change of stresses and deformations is the result of this process. At the same time creep and shrinkage are subject to a number of influences. This complicates a generally acceptable rheological classification for concrete, especially with regard to simple calculation methods for practical design. Tt was DISCHINGER /1/, /2/ who first formulated a time-dependent stress~ strain relationship for concrete, which could be applied to reinforced concrete arches widely used in concrete engineering at that time. The importance of this problem was realized after the development of constructions with prestressed concrete and the introduction of composite design in steel constructions later on. Here the redistribution of loads in cross sections and structures due to different material properties is considerable. Some of the publications which are of influence for composite constructions are compiled in the references /3/ - /10/. ALL these methods refer to the differential stress-strain relationship for concrete as described by DISCHINGER. 7 On the basis of these publications two methods for the calculation of composite constructions have become generally accepted: ~ Methods of calculation which are based on /4/ and give a direct evaluation of the system of two sumultaneous differential equations for redistribution between concrete and steel, see /11/, /12/, /13/. These methods have been completed and compiled by SATTLER in /14/. = Methods which are based on /2/ and deal with creep and shrinkage of concrete by way of special modular ratios depending on the type of loading. The names of BLASKOWIAK /15/, FRITZ /16/ and WIPPEL /17/ are associated with these methods. In the last-named methods of analysis approximate design calculations, which are very important in practical use, can be achieved by estimating the modular ratios of concrete, as the variation of these ratios is small for certain types of cross sections. Another method of estimate design calculation as described in /18/ is based on the creep fibre method by BUSEMANN /19/. The considerable amount of algebraic operations could be partially reduced by electronic computers. New methods of calculation have been developed /20/, /21/, which provide exact solutions for any statically indeterminate structure within the limits of the assumptions. The experimental and theoretical results on which DISCHINGER based the stress-strain relationship for concrete were not extensive in comparison with the contemporary knowledge. The further development of rheology as a fundamental science and its application to concrete /22/ - /29/ as well as a great number of investi- gations in the field of creep in concrete have led to new formulations of the time-dependent behaviour of concrete. After slight revision the creep function, as it is described in /30/, has become part of the new DIN 1045, Aug. 1972. Like the old formulation of the creep function in DIN 4227 the new one in DIN 1045 is unsatisfactory, because its application to the differential stress-strain relationship as described by DISCHINGER leads to contra~ dictions with regard to the theory of linear viscoelastic bodies /25/, /26/, /29/. An algebraic stress-strain relationship was suggested by TROST /25/ and ZERNA /27/ which makes it possible to overcome the con- tradictions mentioned above. On the basis of the proposition made by ‘TROST /31/ many further procedures for the analysis of composite construc~ tions with prestressed concrete and composite girders have been developed 132) - 135/. As the stress-strain relationship described by DISCHINGER is very important in practical use, a formula for the creep function of concrete has been developed during the last years which makes further use of this formula possible after slight variation. This formula was taken up in the European Rules /36/ and the German Rules for Prestressed Concrete, which at the moment replace DIN 4227. For the first time a clear difference is made by this creep function between non-recoverable flow and recoverable, delayed elastic deformations Apart from this the function expresses the experience acquired by tests that concrete can be treated with good approximation as a linear visco- elastic material in the range of working loads Delayed elastic deformations develop considerably quicker than flow. This allows for an approximate solution on the basis of the revised stress-strain relationship first described by DISCHINGER. This is shown for constructions with reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete in /28/, /37/, /38/ and for composite constructions in /39/ and in this book Here SATTLER's method of analysis /14/ for composite girders is revised with regard to creep functions based on recent research in the field of 1.2 time-dependent behaviour of concrete. For the approximate method procedures are presented which help to improve the solutions. The method of analysis proposed by TROST /31/ is adapted to the improved solutions and simplified with regard to practical design. These calculation methods are extended following a proposal by ROIK /40/. In contrast to the preceeding methods stresses and strains including creep and shrinkage are calculated by means of total cross section values. This method can also be used as a first approach to the final design of com- posite girders, The methods which have been worked out here are based on the same assumptions and are adjusted to each other in order to provide a number of equivalent calculation methods. Derivations in this publication refer mainly to German publications. Additional literature, which was not published in Germany, is given in order to complete the list. General Outlines The book begins with a survey of the fundamentals of the theory of linear viscoelastic bodies. Having introduced a creep function, material relation- ships for concrete can be deduced. In chapter 4 and 5 two methods of analysis are derived which make it possible to calculate stresses and strains in composite constructions by means of sectional forces acting on the individual steel and concrete components. SATTLER's solutions for composite steel girders in /14/ which are based on a differential stress-strain relationship for concrete are revised with regard to the new creep function. The range of application is enlarged. The calculation method presented by TROST /31/, which is based on an algebraic stress-strain relationship for concrete, is revised in the same manner. The relaxation coefficients p and the redistri bution coefficients n defined in this investigation are determined after comparison with the results obtained by the differential stress-strain relationship. In chapter 6 special consideration is given to some typical load cases in composite girders such as prestressing by cables or by cambering. Using the results of the preceeding chapters, a method of analysis is derived which makes it possible to calculate stresses and strains in composite constructions by means of total bending moments and normal forces acting on a complete transformed composite section the cross section values of which depends on the type of loading and the creep coefficient. By this method the analysis of composite structures is reduced to the calculation of cross section values. 7 In the appendix the range of practical application of all methods is discussed. 1.3 Literature Al f2t 13/ d41 s/ /6/ Wy /8/ i9/ of Ay DISCHINGER, F.: Untersuchungen iiber die Knicksicherheit, die elastische Verformung und das Kriechen des Betons bei Bogenbriicken. Der Bauingenieur 18 (1937), H. 33/34, S. 487; H. 35/36, S. 538; H. 39/40, S. 595. DISCHINGER, F. Elastische und plastische Verformungen der Eisenbetontragwerke und insbesondere der Bogenbriicken. Der Bauingenieur 20 (1939), H. 5/6, S. 53. FROHLICH, H.: Einflug des Kriechens auf Verbundtrager. Der Bauingenieur 24 (1949), S. 300, FROHLICH, H.: Theorie der Stahlverbund-Tragwerke. Der Bauingenieur 25 (1950), S. 80. ESSLINGER, M.; ENDRIES, J.: Schwinden und Kriechen bei Verbundtragern in statisch unbestimmten Systemen. Der Bauingenieur 25 (1950), S. 278. FRITZ, B.: Vereinfachtes Berechnungsverfahren fiir Stahltrger mit einer Betondruckplatte bei Beri Bautechnik (1950), S. 37. ksichtigung des Kriechens und Schwindens. ESSLINGER, M.: Schwinden und Kriechen bei Verbundtragern. Der Bauingenieur 27 (1952), S. 20. KLOPPEL, K.t Die Theorie der Stahlverbundbauweise in statisch unbestimmten Systemen unter Berticksichtigung des Kriecheinflusses. Der Stahlbau 20 (1951), S. 17. KLOPPEL, K.; BOUE, P.: Zahlenbeispiel zur Theorie der statisch unbestimmten Tragwerke in Verbundbauweise. Der Stahlbau 20 (1951), S. 59. FRITZ, B.: Vorschlage fiir die Berechnung durchlaufender Trager in Verbund- bauweise. Der Bauingenieur 25 (1950), S. 271. SONTAG, H. J.: Beitrag zur Ermittlung der zeitabhangigen Eigenspannungen von Verbundtragern. Dissertation, Techn. Hochschule Karlsruhe, 1951. 1 /12/ NEUNERT, B.: : Der Einflu8 des Kriechens und Schwindens auf vorgespannte | Stahlbetonteile. Dissertation, Techn. Universitat Berlin, 1953. ! 713/ KUNERT, K.: i Beitrag zur Berechnung von Verbundkonstruktionen. Dissertation, Techn. Universitat Berlin, 1955. : 14] SATTLER, K.: Theorie der Verbundkonstruktionen. Verlag Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 1959, Band I und Il. /15/ BLASZKOWIAK, St.: EinfluB des Kriechens beim Stahl-Vollwand-Verbundtrager, erfaBt durch ny) = Eg/Ep . Bautechnik 1956%)s. 98. /16/ FRITZ, B. Verbundtriger. Berechnungsverfahren fiir die Briickenbaupraxis. Springer Verlag (1961), Berlin/Gdttingen/Heidelberg. /17/ WIPPEL, #.: ! Berechnung von Verbundkonstruktionen aus Stahl und Beton. Springer Verlag (1963), Berlin/Géttingen/Heidelberg. /18/ SCHRADER, H. J.: Vorberechnung der Verbundtriger. Verlag Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin (1955). 719/ BUSEMANN, Ro: Kriechberechnung von Verbundtragern unter Benutzung von zwei Kriechfasern. Der Bauingenieur 35 (1950), S. 418. 120] HERING, K.: 2ur Berechnung von Verbundtragwerken mit Steifigkeitsmatrizen. Der Stahlbau 38 (1969), H. 8, S. 225; H. 9, S. 275. /21/ HASSE, G. Auswirkung des Kriechens bei statisch unbestimmten Verbundstab- werken mit abgestuften Querschnitten. Dissertation, Techn. Universitat Berlin, 1969. /22] REINER, Mot Rheologie. Carl Hauser Verlag, Munchen, 1969. 23] ARUTIUNIAN, N. K.: Some Problems in the Theory of Creep. New York, Pergamon Press, 1966. ee erereeeeeeeeeeeeeeee et 1241 1251 /26/ (27 128/ /29/ 130/ Bil 1321 133/ /36/ ‘TROST, H.: Spannungsdehnungsgesetz eines viskoelastischen Festkérpers wie Beton und Folgerungen fiir Stabtragwerke aus Stahlbeton und Spannbeton. beton (1966), H. 6, S. 233. ‘TROST, H.: Auswirkungen des Superpositionsprinzips auf Kriech- und Relaxations~ probleme bei Beton und Spannbeton. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 62 (1967), H. 10, S. 230; H. 11, S. 261. ZERNA, W.; TROST, H.: Rheologische Beschreibung des Werkstoffes Beton. Beton und Stahlbetonbau (1967), H. 7, S. 165. ZERNA, Wet Spannungsdehnungsbeziehung des Betons bei einachsiger Beanspruchung. Aus Theorie und Praxis des Stahlbetonbaus. (Franz-Festschrift), Berlin/Miinchen, Verlag Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn 1969, S. 19. NIELSEN, L. Fe Kriechen und Relaxation des Betons. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau (1970), H. 11, S. 272. SCHADE, D.: Eindimensionale Ansitze zur Berechnung des Kriechens und der Relaxation von Betontragwerken. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau (1972), H. 3, S. 63. CEB (Europdisches Beton-Komitee): Empfehlungen zur Berechnung und Ausfirhung von Stahlbetonbauwerken. Wiesbaden, Deutscher Betonverein e.V., 1966 Internationale Richtlinien cur Berechnung und Ausfiihrung von Beton- bauwerken, Prinzipien und Richtlinien. TROST, H.: Zur Berechnung von Stahlverbundtragern im Gebrauchszustand auf Grund neuerer Erkenntnisse des viskoelastischen Verhaltens des Betons. Der Stahlbau (1968), H. 11, S. 321. TROST, H.; MAINZ, B. Zur Auswirkung von Zwingungen in Spannbetontragwerken. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau (1970), H. 8, S. 194. TROST, H.; MAINZ, B.; WOLFF, H. J.: Zur Berechnung von Spannbetontragwerken im Gebrauchszustand unter Beriicksichtigung des zeitabhiingigen Betonverhaltens. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau (1971), H. 9, S. 220; H. 10, S. 241, WOLFF, H. J.3 MAINZ, By: Einflu® des Betonzeitverhaltens. Werner Verlag, Diisseldorf, 1972. 1351 /36/ 1371 138/ 1391 /40/ Mar 142/ 1431 MAINZ, B.; WOLFF, H. J.: Zur Berechnung von Spannungsumlagerungen in statisch unbestinmten Stahlverbundtragwerken. Der Stahlbau (1972), H. 2, S. 45. CEB-FIP, State of Art Report 1973, Time Dependent Behaviour of Concrete. ‘TROST, H Zeitabhingiges Verhalten von Stahl und Beton bei Spannbetonbauteilen. Broschilre "Spannbeton und Stahlleichtbeton" i Zur Informationstagung des Innenministers des Landes Nordrhein-West— falen fiir die Bauaufsicht des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. Herausgeber: Innenminister Nordrhein-Westfalen, Disseldorf. RUSCH, H.; JUNGWIRTH, D.; HILSDORF, H. Kritische Sichtung der Verfahren zur Berticksichtigung der Einfliisse von Kriechen und Schwinden des Betons auf das Verhalten der Trag- werke. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 68 (1973), H. 3, S. 49; H. 4, S. 76, H.6, S.152 SATTLER, K. Die Berechnung von Verbundkonstruktionen auf Grund der neuen CEB-FIP- Vorschlage (Bulletin d'Information No. 80, Februar 1972). Herausgeber: Osterreichischer Stahlbauverband, Wien IX. ROIK, K.: Vorlesung Stahltragerverbundkonstruktionen, Berlin, unveréffentlicht. KNOWLES, P. Ret Composite Steel and Concrete Construction. Butterworth & Co. Ldt. London, 1973. CEB: Information Bulletin No. 72, June 1970. FIP Sixth Congress, Prague. ROLL, Foz Effects of Differential Shrinkage and Creep on a Composite Steel Concrete Structure. ACI Special Publication SP 27-8, 1971. Notations Introduction Systems of notations vary widely internationally. The symbols used here have been taken over as far as possible from KNOWLES /41/ and are based on the notations prepared by the Comité Européen du Béton presented in /42/. There are, of necessity, occasions when this notation cannot be followed. Therefore the system of notations used here is compiled in this chapter. If stresses and strains in composite girders are calculated by means of sectional forces (see chapter 4. and 5.) the cross section values have up to two subscripts. In addition to this a superscript is necessary for bending moments and axial forces. These superscripts, however, are only used if there is danger of confusion. The subscripts consist of a symbol for the material (steel, concrete) and a symbol representing time, initial section force, redistribution of section forces and total section forces. The superscript indicates the type of loading (static loadings, loadings increasing in time, shrinkage, cable prestressing, prestressing by cambering). This is different in the effective modulus method where the subscripts for modular ratios m or creep multipliers respectively denote the cross section value for concrete to which they are related (area, second moment of area) and the type of loading. The creep coefficients $ have two subscripts where it is necessary for distinction. The first subscript makes a distinction between the total creep coefficient or the flow coefficient respectively, the second points to the elastic reference modulus (modulus of elasticity of concrete with or without implication of delayed elasticity). 2.2, Properties of Materials = instantaneous modulus of elasticity of concrete = modulus of elasticity of stee! = modulus of elasticity of prestressing cables = total creep coefficient of concrete related to initial elastic deformation = flow coefficient of concrete = creep coefficient for delayed elastic deformation of concrete = effective modulus of elasticity of concrete implicating delayed elastic deformation = total creep coefficient of concrete related to the sum of initial elastic deformation and delayed elastic deformation at time t or after termination of creep respectively esa flow coefficient of concrete related to the sum of initial Sensa elastic deformation and delayed elastic deformation at time t or after termination of flow respectively € i 7 je shyt = shrinkage strain at time t = total shrinkage strain -~12- 2.3 Cross Section Values 2.3.1 Concrete Section = actual area of concrete = actual second moment of area of concrete © = transformed area of concrete related to modulus of elasticity of structural steel transformed second moment of area of concrete related to the modulus of elasticity of structural steel Fosd = As" = transformed area of concrete additionally taking S account of delayed elastic deformation E eid 1,--g2* = transformed second moment of area of concrete additionally taking account of delayed elastic deformation = excentricity of neutral axis of concrete section from composite neutral axis modular ratio related to initial modulus of elasticity of concrete modular ratio additionally taking account of delayed Besa elasticity of concrete = modular ratio for the concrete area depending on the type of loading L = modular ratio for the second moment of area of concrete depending on the type of loading L = creep multiplier of the concrete area depending on the type of loading L = creep multiplier of the second moment of area of concrete depending on the type of loading L Depending on the type of loading on the cross section the following subscripts may be inserted for L: M = bending moments constant in time N= normal forces constant in time B = bending moments and normal forces constant in time ™ = bending moments increasing in time : 1N = normal forces increasing in time i Br = bending moments and normal forces increasing in time i SH = bending moments due to shrinkage i cM = bending moments resulting from prestressing by cambering 2.3.2 Steel Section A, = transformed area of prestressing cables related to the modulus of elasticity of structural steel = transformed second moment of prestressing cables related to the modulus of elasticity of structural steel ' | | i i t i = total area of steel related to the modulus of elasticity of structural steel Ss = total second moment of steel area related to the modulus of elastici of structural steel = excentricity of neutral axis of steel from composite neutral axis 2.3.3 Composite Section eso transformed area of composite section related to modulus of elasticity of structural steel transformed second moment of area of composite section related to modulus of elasticity of structural steel Av.g = transformed area of composite section additionally taking account of delayed clasticity of concrete member Ly.q 7 transformed second moment additionally taking account of delayed elasticity of concrete member Aus, 7 effective area of composite section depending on the type of loading L (see 2.4.1) when applying the effective modulus method I, = effective second moment of area of the composite girder depending on the type of loading L (see 2.4.1) when applying the effective modulus method 4, = distance between neutral axis of concrete and neutral axis of steel Seg = moment of steel or transformed area of concrete about composite neutral axis related to neutral axis of composite girder Sea = as preceeding definition, additionally, however, taking account of delayed elasticity when transforming the concrete area 2.3.4 Characteristic Values 2.4 2.401 Bending Moments and Normal Forces Total Bending Moments and Normal Forces nt ome su = normal force or bending moment of composite section respectively resulting from type of loading L. According to the type of loading the following symbols are substituted for L: ‘ = loading constant in time = loading increasing in time = prestressing by prestressing cables = deformation constant in time (sudden settlement of supports) = shrinkage 2.4.2 Sectional Bending Moments and Normal Forces 2.4.3 N N 30, Nexo 530, M30 Nesa, Mesa Neca, Mesa sid, "83 = initial section forces at instant of loading of concrete section or steel section respectively taking account of the modulus of elasticity of concrete E,,, = initial section forces of concrete section or steel section respectively taking account of the effective modulus of elasticity of concrete E,.4 = redistribution of section forces of concrete section or steel respectively = total section forces (initial section forces + redistribution) of concrete section or steel section respectively at time t Subsidiary Values Neh, Nene = subsidiary values for the analysis of shrinkage effects 2.5 Stresses x19 Tgeg 7 Concrete or steel stress respectively at initial loading 9, = total stress in concrete or steel respectively at time t 2.6 Strains Egjo 7 instantaneous strains of concrete or steel E,;x 7 strains in concrete or steel due to creep Coser Ease 7 total unit elongation of concrete or steel respectively | at time t Xestr Xege 7 total unit curvature of concrete or steel respectively at time t 2.7 Coefficients for Relaxation and Redistribution Pye My relaxation coefficient or redistribution coefficient respectively for the redistribution of normal force in concrete Pye Ty = relaxation coefficient or redistribution coefficient respectively for the redistribution of the bending moment in concrete when normal forces or shrinkage respectively are acting on the composite section ou, mt relaxation coefficient or redistribution coefficient respectively for the redistribution of the bending moment in concrete when bending moments are acting on the composite cross section -17- Fundamentals of the Calculation of Composite Constructions Creep Function for Concrete Deformation due to creep under static stress 0, is defined as follows: fort ; Gal) The creep coefficient >, is Seo" Kee ~Kese ) * Sa0°k, - > Pot Ke se) Kee? * Pao Kae ey G.2) ea % a 4a Thus the creep coefficient consists of irreversible flow ¥¢.%e 4 ~ Kes and reversible delayed elasticit: . The coefficients k, ¥ do £ +k ‘A(ty- to) depend on the theoretical thickness of the concrete member and the age are of concrete. This coefficient as well as the coefficient kyc, __ v ) 0 given in the German Rules for Prestressed Concrete. The final value $4, of delayed elasticity is given in this code as go = 04 An extraction of the rules concerning creep and shrinkage is given in the appendix of this book. In most codes of other countries the creep coefficient only denotes irreversible flow. In this case all derivations in this book are valid if k, = 0. Edler to) Additional information concerning the fundamentals can be found in /38/. Creep strains shall be demonstrated by the following example. ) 3.2 3.2.1 do" kd(ty-te) — 40° KH. HEity) Fig. 1 “| Time-dependent Relationship between Stress and Strain in the Case of Linear Viscoelastic Behaviour The Law of Superposition Basis for the analysis of a material with linear viscoelastic behaviour (equation (3.1)) is the general principle of superposition, which was first formulated by BOLTZMANN in 1876. This principle can be illustrated as follows: A time dependent stress o,(t) acting on a viscoelastic body produces the strains ©)(t). A different stress history o,(t) causes the strain history e,(t). BOLTZMANN's Law of Superposition is fulfilled if the strain history €3(t) = €,(t) + p(t) results from the superimposed stress history o3(t) = 0,(t) + 0(t). BOLTZMANN's Law of Superposition extends the principle of superposition for elastic bodies by including the parameter of time. The Law of Superposition applies to the creep function (equation (3.2)) which can be shown by the insertion of (3.2) into equation (3.8). Thus mathematical modells for the calculation of constructions with prestressed concrete as well as for composite constructions can be derived in a simple and adequate way. 3.2.2 -~ 19 - General Derivation of a Uniaxial Stress-strain Relationship In the following chapter the development of creep shall be examined in a bar made of linear viscoelastic material independent of the special form of the creep function in equation (3.2). According to Fig. | this bar is loaded at time t in order to produce the stress g, and the resulting instantaneous elastic strain Fig. 2 The strain history can be described as: £5 + Eyre (3.3) where $, is the creep function which denotes the relationship between time-dependent change of strain and initial strain: en, 2 o (3.4) = o(t =e) Following Fig. 2 several stepwise increasing stresses Ao; are examined, = 20 - which are imposed respectively at time ¢ = 1,. Thus for each amount of stress Ao,; the corresponding strainAv,, ., may be giver ho. =i - Nerise ETRY Ct oe ") (3.5) In this equation (3.5) the creep function $(t-1,) starts at t = 1, The modulus of elasticity reaches the value E(,) at time t = tj. 404; Fig. 3 If the Law of Superposition as described in 3.2.1 is valid for the creep function $,, total strain is equal to the sum of individual strains: i Cag (e= > (3.6) -2- In the case of gradually increasing strains in the interval equation (3.6) may be immediately rewritten as an integral relationship: 3o(t) 1 7 GO. Say 4 olen) at @G.7) This equation is extended in case of steady changes of stress following a time-independent initial stress 0. 9 ep = Bl 46 (Et) » f 2 gh +O(t-7)) at (3.8) tt I teat \ ql so receney of 26CD. yl + 6(E7)) at (3.80) tie ° 3.2.3 Time-dependent Stress-strain Relationship for Concrete Differential Stres train Relationship After introducing a creep function for concrete the integral equation can be differentiated thus receiving a differential relationship between stress and strain of concrete. For simplification - as is commonly accepted - the modulus of elasticity of concrete is assumed to be constant in time. The combination of equations (3.2) and (3.8) leads to -2- A direct integration of this equation requires information about the stress history. Considering the fact that the variable t also appears in the upper limit of the integral a differentiation of equation (3.9) with respect to time leads to (3.10) Because of ky(,_4) = 0 the integral can be rewritten as tet Were halter) ae. at dt Sexe % With regard to IE E° and after applying the mean value theorem we obtain: tee ao, oo, -23- < t where with ts ° Tre, 0 because of the delayed elastic deformation quickly decreasing in time. On application of these approximations (3.10) can be rewritten as: Stese Scie Mein, g Shacerty ) , eit 1 ay iy at Mo’ dt * to" at a ELS 9 aot Facet)? (3.11) or ae. a bay" Kace-t yy The solution of the relaxation problem on the basis of this differential equation gives ol whence -fi eae oe ee ee 3.12) dk, - 4 fst, 0” Kese Ke seg) fo ade Seine with G13) = 24 = The half-life period of delayed elastic deformatiori is about one tenth of the half-life period of flow. Although an important condition of (3.11) is fulfilled by this, practical calculation methods on the basis of this equation require too much numerical work. Therefore simplifying assumptions concerning the time-dependent development of delayed elastic deformations are made among others in /28/, /37/, /38/ which lead to simple formulations of the differential stress-strain relationships for concrete as well as to formal agreement with the equation introduced by DISCHINGER in /1/, /2/. Different formulations are suggested by TROST in /32/ and by RUSCH-JUNGWIRTH in /38/. Because of the different presentations in the mentioned books the differences between equations (3.11), (3.14) and equation (3.16) shall be demonstrated in the following derivations and for stresses which are constant in time in Fig. 4. The creep relationship which was derived by TROST in a different way follows from equation (3.11) when for any change of stress the final value $4 = $4, of the delayed elastic deformations is taken into account. Thus the time-dependent development of the delayed elastic deformations is neglected. The resulting differential equation with constant coefficients coincides formally with the stress-strain relationship for concrete described by DISCHINGER in /1/, /2/. de, or de. a (3.14) with E Feso fe When analysing short creep intervals (t - t, < 90 days) a Feso ie te @"T30ycky) } Ste "TO ci TP a0 Facet.) tid TF Oa0" Fa (ene) may be taken into account. ; 25 - The solution of the relaxation problem on the basis of (3.14) gives: =Cre ~ Ye 4, cy tid est The initial condition is 2 ° 2 o ° a " a =o,,je Ty) (3.15) According to the proposal by RUSCH-JUNGWIRTH the time-dependent development of delayed elastic deformations is totally neglected. They are combined with the instantaneous elastic deformation in the calculation of redistribution due to creep. The formal agreement of the resulting differential equation with the differential stress-strain relationship described by DISCHINGER is higher than with equation (3,14), as equation (3.16) covers only the irreversible portion of flow. The development of flow in equation (3.2) is equivalent to DISCHINGER's earlier assumption. With ak a -1 Macerte) 2 9 a(t) de follows de, ©, ake I, 148, est _ Sexe eae | Woze do a ~ Eto “ae de eso co or Sect 3.16 de = (3.16) with Fea * When analysing short periods (t - t, < 90 days) Bog? papi Oealkese” Besta) 3d 4 TH . ota THackace-e,) Fa T4a0 Facet.) has to be taken into account. - 26 - Thus delayed elastic deformation is assumed to be constant during the examined time interval. ; The solution of the relaxation problem on the basis of equation (3.16) is oe | *Pa5 | The combination of instantaneous elastic deformation and delayed elasticity leads to the following initial condition: be 20 e.g = 0) > @.17) i fa cst THOS = ee Peso tid oO T4045 Cee = T+O55 °° T+$,5 °° A comparison of the relaxation values resulting from equations (3.12), (3.15), (3.17) is given in the appendix, example 1. The principal differences concerning the development of creep strain under constant stress are once more demonstrated in Fig. 4. Creep-strains according ¢, fo RUSCH JUNGWIRTH CreeP-strains according to Fig. & -27- The calculation examples given in the appendix show that- in spite of different presentations concerning the development of creep strain- equivalent calculation methods can be used for both proposals as the results are almost identical. Solutions for both proposals are given in the case of calculation methods by which stresses and strains in the composite cross section are calculated on the basis of sectional forces and moments acting on individual cross sections. The effective modulus method refers only to solutions which are based on the proposal of RUSCH/JUNGWIRTH. The Algebraic Stress-strain Relationship As was shown by TROST and ZERNA in /25/, /27/, the integral equation (3.9) can be rewritten as an algebraic relationship after estimating the time development of stresses: (3.18) Here p is the relaxation coefficient. It denotes the reduction of creep due to ageing of concrete under steady stress changes at the same time taking account of given compatability conditions. This approach has several advantages: - By means of tables or graphs the relaxation coefficient p can be easily adapted to the latest scientific findings in the field of creep behaviour. - The value of p varies between 0,5 < p< 1, If the stress history develops in the same way as creep, p takes the value 0,5 for a completely ageing viscoelastic body (see Fig. 5a) whereas p = | for a viscoelastic body with time-independent behaviour (see Fig. 5b). ~ 28 - o + Vertical shift of Horizontal shift of ‘ initial creep curve initial creep curve Fig. 5a: Condition for p = 0,5 Fig. 5b: Condition for p = 1 ~ In the case of composite constructions the range of variations is only very small for certain types of constructions. Therefore a rough estimation may lead to good'results by simple calculation methods ~ The practical calculation of composite constructions is considerably simplified by certain transformations of the relaxation coefficient 9. This leads to the introduction of redistribution coefficients n which can be presented in tables or in simple formulas In order to adapt equation (3,18) to the development of creep strains according to the proposal by TROST the following transformations can be made: * yg + Instead of this equation a stress-strain relationship is introduced in order to provide a uniform presentation in later derivations. Similar to the derivation of (3.14) the delayed elastic deformations for initial stresses and for time-dependent stress changes are differently treated in the following stress-strain relationship. (3.19) (3.20) 29 - In equation (3.19) o,,, is the instantaneous elastic stress of concrete whereas 0,,, in equation (3.20) is a subsidiary reference stress which results from compatibility conditions after combining initial elastic deformation and delayed elastic deformation. Depending on the adapted presentations concerning the development of creep strains relaxation coefficients and redistribution coefficients can be calculated by comparing the solutions obtained from equations (3.19), (3.20) with the solutions obtained from equations (3.14), (3.16). A different possibility to define the values of p is among others given in /34/. The method given there can be completed if necessary and will be very useful if enlarged knowledge about creep in concrete requires an alteration of the creep function (3.2) on such a scale that it is impossible to produce a formal identity with DISCHINGER's creep relationship. Solutions for the calculation of redistributions in concrete structures and constructions with composite girders based on the stress-strain relationship described by TROST ~ ZERNA are given in /31/ - /37/. 3.3 Introduction of Effective Moduli of Elasticity for the Calculation of Compo e Constructions Composite girders can be calculated in terms of illustrative relationships, if the time-dependent deformations of concrete are described by an effective modulus of elasticity appropriate to the duration of load. This way of presentation was first chosen by DISCHINGER in /2/ for simple load cases of a symmetrically reinforced composite cross section. In /15/, /16/, /17/ BLASZKOWIAK, FRITZ and WIPPEL made use of this method in order to calculate composite constructions. According to (3.1) the total deformation at time t is: with 3.4 ~ 30 - In the calculation of composite constructions the deformations are related to the modulus of elasticity of steel, therefore with gives The restraint of creep deformation of concrete can be taken into account by using the creep multiplier p: my (1 +00 5) (3.21) V denotes the restraint of creep due to the ageing of concrete at the same time taking account of the stress history under given strain conditions. The creep coefficients are derived only on the basis of equation (3.16). As will be demonstrated the creep coefficients depend on the type of loading on the cross section. Nevertheless simple calculation methods can be obtained by this. Estimate calculations of composite constructions are considerably simplified as the creep coefficients are almost constant for certain types of cross sections and can be easily precalculated. Presuppositions for the Calculation of Stresses and Deformations in Composite Constructions under Serviceability Loads 1, Bernoulli's hypothesis concerning plane strain of cross sections. 2. Concrete uncracked, 3, Hooke's Law applies to steel as well as to concrete under short-time loads. 4. In the range of serviceability loads concrete behaves in such a way that it can be treated as linear viscoelastic body. The stress-strain behaviour of concrete can be described by any of the equations (3.11), (3.14), (3.16) with sufficient accuracy. 5. In the examined creep interval shrinkage develops in the same manner as creep. Practical Calculation Methods for Composite Steel Girders on the Basis of Differential Stress-strain Relationships for Concrete The subsequent derivations are based on equations (3.14) and (3.16). Composite Cross Sections Subject to Static Moments, Normal Forces and Shrinkage Calculation of Initial Section Forces Creep Strains - Proposal TROST The distribution of total sectional forces on individual cross sections of the composite girder at initial loading t = t, can be taken from Fig. 6. The total sectional forces m5, NS are related to the elastic neutral axis of the composite girder which is indicated by subscript 0. Sectional forces are not specified by superscripts as they cannot be changed by mistake. detormationst linitiat section forces [Forces and FI Neo | moments, i Neo Fig. 6 Alba? -32- Initial section forces in the case of normal forces GD j Nsio mBos! 2810 4B Seso (4.2) ~Neso . Tso 7 Teo with Toso ct Tes0 E To50 fee Se50 4 Sto 7 2550" Creep Strains - Proposal RUSCH - JUNGWIRTH If the development in time of delayed elastic deformations is neglected, these deformations can be added to the instantaneous elastic deformations. This may be taken into account when calculating initial section forces by way of reducing the modulus of elasticity of concrete. Instead of Fes0 > Peja! ! *Pgo is introduced or Eo.4 = Eoyo/ (I +446! Kacenegy) for the calculation of shorter intervals as was noted in connection with equation (3.16). The sectional forces m},Ny are related to the neutral axis of the composite girder which is calculated taking into account the reduced modulus of elasticity of concrete. This is indicated by subscript d,

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