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Change your thoughts, change

your life instructional plan

Change your thoughts,
change your life overview
!  The training course will teach the students how to use the
power of the mind to change their lives
!  They will learn why changing the way they think can change
their lives
!  The course will give step-by-step instructions, and techniques
to achieve the best results
!  The students will learn empowerment tools such as, how to
use the power of the mind to change personal circumstances,
how to use affirmations, how to shift negative thoughts to
positive thoughts, how to use manifestation, how to use failure
to their advantage, how to navigate through challenges, and
how to achieve, and manifest their desired goals.
Instructional plan overview
!  Analysis phase
!  Design phase
!  Development phase
!  Evaluation phase
!  Implementation schedule phase
!  The Addie model will be used for the change your thoughts,
change your life instructional design plan. According to Brown &
Green (2011), “One of the most commonly used descriptions of
instructional design/development is ADDIE. ADDIE is an acronym
for Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate.”
Analysis phase
!  What is the need of this training course ?
!  What is the root cause of the training course ?
!  What are the goals of the training course ?
!  What information is needed, and how will it be

!  How will the structure, and organization of the training

session be?
!  How will the training be delivered?
!  When should training be revised? (Hodell, 2011)
Analysis phase cont.
“The process of analysis is the foundation for any instructional
design project.” (Hodell, 2011). In the analysis phase we will
determine, assemble, and focus on information that meets the
intended outcome. In this phase we will be be able to analyze,
and answer all the questions. The need, and root cause of the
change your life, change your thoughts training course is many
people want to make changes in their lives, simply many people
are unhappy.
The goal of the training course is to help the learners achieve
positive changes in their lives. The information needed is about
the learner, and it will be gathered by conducting a learner
analysis. The structure will be a training course via a classroom
setting, and it will be organized like a junior college class
elective. The training will be revised by learner feedback, and
volunteers that attend specifically to give suggestions, and give
Learner analysis
!  The target audience

!  What are the common traits that the learners have?

!  What are the differences between the learners?

!  What are the evaluation strategies that will determine

the success of the course?

!  How will those help improve the evaluation process?

Learner analysis cont.
The learner analysis will provide key information, and elements about the
intended learner. According to Brown & Green (2011), “Understanding the
target audience of learners and determining in advance what they can and
will do is an essential element of any instructional plan. In order to gain
understanding of the target audience, one must conduct some form of
preliminary evaluation of that group. Learner analysis is considered a
critically important component of the instructional design process.”
The target audience is adults over the age of 18, who want to make positive
changes to their lives. What are the common traits that the learners have?
Learners whom are looking to make positive changes in their lives. What are
the differences between the learners? The differences are the ages, the sex,
and backgrounds. What are the evaluation strategies that will determine the
success? The evaluation will be determined by how well the learners execute,
and practice the information that was taught. How will those help improve
the evaluation process? Why some learners were unwilling to participate,
and why some of the learners were willing to participate will be evaluated.
Evaluating the feedback of the learner’s participation habits will give insight
as to why there was lack of practice, and execution of the information.
Task Analysis
!  Create a detailed list of specific tasks that need to
be accomplished, or performed

!  Select a subject matter expert

!  Determine if any special skills are needed, or

!  What resources, or special equipment is needed?

!  Choose the most appropriate methods for content,
training objectives, and the evaluation process
Task Analysis cont.
!  According to brown & Green (2011), “the task analysis
process, and the goal remains the same: to gather
information about the content and/or tasks that need to
be part of the instruction being developed.”

!  For the change your thoughts, change your life training

course the task analysis gathered yielded the following
information: subject matter expert Veronica Acevedo,
find the location for the class, begin the curriculum
design, gather volunteers for feedback, begin marketing
materials, and subject matter will be taught via direct
learning environment.
Design phase
!  In the design phase, the information from the
analysis is used to create the following:

!  Learning goals, and objectives

!  Assessment instruments
!  Exercises
!  Content, and subject matter
Design phase Cont.
!  The goals are: change the way you think, learn how to
use affirmations, and make changes in a positive, and
safe manner. Objectives are: learn the proper steps to
start making mental changes, creating personal
affirmations, and a guide on how to maneuver through
the new changes. In class discussion, and test will be
used. Assessment instruments will be questionnaires,
likert scales, and surveys of before and after.

!  The learners will be able to express their own positive

affirmations. Learners will be able to state positive
affirmations that they will be able to use to start making
positive changes. The subject matter is the power of the
mind, and changing the way we think.
Design phase cont.
•  Delivery modality and length of training

•  The delivery modality: Lectures, videos,

presentations, hands-on class activities,
simulations, demonstrations, and role-playing

•  Length of training course: 2-day training course,

given in 3 hour training sessions
Design phase cont.
!  "Just as a goal is the intention of the instruction, an
objective is the intended outcome of each instructional
activity. The intended outcome can be described as what
the learner will be able to do upon completing the
instruction." (Brown and Green, 2011).

!  The objectives will use project-based learning,

collaborative learning, and critical thinking skills.
Project-based learning will be utilized by having the
students create their own affirmations. Collaborative
learning will occur when the students are paired
together, or are put in small groups to work on
exercises. Critical thinking will occur when open-
discussions are initiated.
Development phase
!  Instructional designers develop, assemble and
create the content blueprinted in this phase

!  Instructional activities, and strategies are


!  A rough draft is created, and a “dress rehearsal” is

Development phase Cont.
!  The “change your thoughts, change your life” training coarse
will be attended, by learners. The understanding will be
measured by a questionnaire, likert scale, and survey of
before and after. The learners will be able to express their own
positive affirmations. Learners will be able to state positive
affirmations that they will be able to use to start making
positive changes. The method of instruction will be articles,
handouts, inspirational videos, open class discussion, class
activities, and affirmations. (D), the learners will be able to
demonstrate the new behavior by creating their own positive
affirmation, and practicing them in the class. Through the use
of articles, inspirational videos, and open class discussion/
activities that focus on the benefits of positive thinking and
affirmation (C), learners who attend “the change your life,
change your thoughts” class (A), will be able to express their
understanding and usage of positive thinking and self-created
affirmations (B). The learners’ understandings and
applications of the learned material will be expressed through
pre- and post- questionnaire, likert scale, and in class
Implementation phase
!  The implementation phase develops procedures

!  For delivery of instruction, methods, and learning


!  Instructional strategies are chosen, and revised

Implementation phase Cont.
The instructional strategies that will be used consist of a direct
learning environment. The learning objectives will be directed,
and structured by the instructor. The students will have to
demonstrate what they learned by successfully completing the
learning objectives. The learners will be given the opportunity to
observe, practice, and discuss their learning activities through a
team exercises. That will ensure that the information, and
learning activity is performed, and peers give feedback. This will
provide a learner-centered approach, which will give the learners
the opportunity to relate to the content, and discus preconceived
notions, ideas, and misconceptions.

At that point, the learners will be assisted by the instructor to

help create the appropriate perception of the concepts that have
been learned. Instructional technologies that will used in the
training session are: lectures, and discussions combined with
articles, handouts, inspirational videos, open class discussion,
class activities, and affirmations. Formative assessments for the
learners: class discussion/ discussion questions, observations,
journaling, graphic organizers, and peer/self assessments.
Implementation phase cont.
!  Timelines for the actual implementation of
instruction, and delivery of the instructional plan

!  Development of instructional design timeline: 30

days, anticipated start date & end date

!  Development of training course, design phase,

testing, and revision: 30 days

!  Instructor development training, testing, and

revision: 15 days
!  Instructor training: 5 days
Implementation phase cont.
!  Individuals involved with the implementation: instructional
designer, facilitator, subject matter expert (in that field),
learners, and volunteers (to give feedback). The estimated
monetary resources are $1,500 for marketing materials,
classroom rental, design development materials, travel
expenses (gas), food (snacks, and beverages), writing
material, log, and agendas. The marketing materials will
consist of: a website page that will be created,
flyers, bulletin boards, emails, word of mouth, and target
holistic centers as well.
!  It is open to all willing participants age 18 and above. The
participants must sign up by the designated deadline, and
pre-payment is required for the training course. The
classroom setting will be already equipped with the following:
podium, speakers, video, tables, desks, seating, projector, and
a whiteboard. The plan will be implemented by
communicating from the beginning phase of the instructional
design plan to potential clients, learners, meetup website,
holistic centers, bulletin boards, flyers, and word of mouth.
Although it will be in the beginning phase, the main ideas,
and goals will start the implementation process.
Evaluation phase
!  The evaluation phase criteria establishes whether the
goals, objectives, and overall outcome of the training
session was met successfully

!  Evaluation instruments were created to measure, and

assess the training

!  The evaluation overview will assess the information for

future decisions regarding the efficacy, and additional
offerings of the training course
Evaluation phase cont.
The two evaluation types that will be used are: summative, and
formative evaluation. The evaluation instruments that will be
created will be: (summative evaluations questions) multiple-
choice, true, or false, learner feedback, instructor feedback, and
the application of learned objectives.
(Formative evaluations) executed through out the training course,
will consist of: class discussion/ discussion questions,
observations, journaling, graphic organizers, and peer/self

The evaluation overview that will be utilized will be based on

the work of Gooler (Brown & Green, 2011). Gooler’s approach
follows eight steps.
Evaluation phase cont.
1. Purpose- Evaluate the purpose while conducting
the planning phase of the instructional design. This
will help improve the instruction while it is being
designed. Conduct an interview with volunteers, and
potential learners to assess the purpose.

2. Audience- While in the planning phase, establish

who is the principle learner, and what information
needs to be gathered.

3. Issues-Establish, determine, and assess which

issues need to be addressed.
Evaluation phase cont.
4. Resources- While in the planning phase,
establish the resources that need to be addressed.

5. Evidence-While in the planning phase, establish

what viable evidence needs to be used in order to
successfully prove the information.

6. Data-Gathering Techniques-While in the

conducting phase, it will be
Evaluation phase cont.
7. Analysis- While in the conducting phase, the analysis
methods, and tools will be established. The methods will
reflect on the intention of the formative evaluation. That
will provide very valuable information to the instructional

8. Reporting-The last phase will provide a report on the

evaluation activities, and it will be address to the
instructional design team. The following information will
be included: a summary, evaluation purpose, methods
used, results, and recommendations.
Brown, A., & Green, T. D. (2011). The essentials of
instructional design: Connecting fundamental
principles with process and practice (2nd ed.). 
Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

Hodell, C. (2011). ISD from the ground up: No-

nonsense approach to instructional design (3rd ed.).
Alexandria, VA:

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