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IP 14/95
BRE Information Paper September 1995

Latest research information and how to apply it CI/SfB (57)(L7)

Phase-out of CFCs and HCFCs:

options for owners and operators of air-conditioning systems
D J G Butler, BTech, MSc

The production and import of new CFCs in the European Union was banned from
the beginning of 1995. A new EC Regulation has capped the supply of HCFCs and
will completely phase out the supply of new HCFCs by 2015 — a date which is
likely to be brought forward. The Regulation also restricts the use of HCFCs in
certain new equipment. This paper gives owners and operators of air-conditioning
systems (and their consultants) advice on options for coping with the CFC and
HCFC phase-outs and end-use controls. It updates and replaces IP 8/93.
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Within the European Union (EU) the production and import
of CFCs was banned from the start of 1995, one year ahead ODP (ozone depletion potential)
of the Montreal Protocol. A new EC Regulation came into ODPs are compared with that of CFC11, which is taken to have
force on 23 December 1994 which replaced and reaffirmed an ODP of 1.0.
the earlier regulations on ozone-depleting substances, and GWP (global warming potential)
also introduced a ‘cap’ on the supply of HCFCs. The cap is to GWPs are compared with that of CO2, which is taken to have a
be followed by a scheduled phase-out (see Table 1 inside). GWP of 1.0.

HCFC end-use controls CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons)

From 1996 HCFCs will be banned in new car and road Contain chlorine and have high ODPs. Used as refrigerants in
public-transport air-conditioning, and in new rail-transport some air-conditioning systems, eg centrifugal chillers.
air-conditioning from 1998. From the year 2000 HCFCs will HCFCs (hydrochlorofluorocarbons)
be banned as refrigerants in new equipment in public and Contain chlorine but have low ODPs. They have shorter
distribution cold stores, in warehouses and in refrigeration atmospheric lifetimes than the CFCs (because they contain
equipment with a shaft input power of 150 kW and greater. hydrogen), and are thought to be much less damaging to
The only exceptions will be where codes, safety regulations or stratospheric ozone. HCFCs are used widely as refrigerants in
air-conditioning systems.
other such constraints prevent the use of ammonia. This will
effectively ban the use of HCFC22 (R22) in new, large, HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons)
central-plant chillers used for building air-conditioning. HCFC22 Contain no chlorine and have zero ODPs, but are greenhouse
is currently the most popular choice for this application. gases. Being developed as refrigerants to replace the CFCs and
HCFCs. Used in some new air-conditioning systems.
Recovery of used CFCs and HCFCs HCs (hydrocarbons)
From 1 April 1995 it became mandatory to recover all CFC Do not damage the ozone layer and have negligible GWPs.
and HCFC refrigerant contained in refrigeration systems Effective refrigerants. Used in some new domestic refrigerators
before opening-up or dismantling during servicing, repair or and can be used in some air-conditioning systems.
decommissioning. If the recovered refrigerant is not recycled Ammonia (NH3 or R717)
or reclaimed, it must be destroyed by an approved and Does not damage the ozone layer and is not a greenhouse gas.
environmentally acceptable method (see page 4 of this paper). An effective refrigerant, which can be used in some new
air-conditioning systems.
Refrigerant leakage
All CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs are greenhouse gases, although there
From 1 April 1995 all precautionary measures practicable
is still some uncertainty about their overall contribution to global
must be taken to prevent leakages of CFCs and HCFCs from
refrigeration equipment.

Technical enquiries to:

Building Research Advisory Service
Building Research Establishment Garston, Watford, WD2 7JR
Tel: 01923 664664 Fax: 01923 664098
Table 1 HCFC phase-out dates operation of pressure-relief devices and accidental releases
during servicing. Many systems operate at relatively high
Montreal Protocol New EC Regulation refrigerant pressures and are vulnerable to stress-induced
(after 1992 Copenhagen review) (Dec 94, No 3093/94) failure caused by vibration from compressors.

1995 — Cap supply of new HCFCs For maintaining existing systems, CFC refrigerant is available
at 1989 level + 2.6% 1989 from two types of source: redundant equipment and
CFC supply (in ODP tonnes*)
stockpiles. The Refrigerant Users Group (RUG) is an
1996 Cap consumption at 1989 — independent non-profit making organisation that has been
level + 3.1% 1989 CFC set up by government and industry to help users who need
consumption (in ODP tonnes*) supplies to get in touch with users who have a surplus of
recovered refrigerant. RUG’s address is 46 Bridge St,
2004 35% cut from 1996 cap 35% cut from 1995 cap
Godalming, Surrey GU7 1HL (tel: 01483 414125). However,
2007 — 60% cut from 1995 cap the supply of recovered CFCs is likely to be very limited and
its price is expected to rise very rapidly. Owners of CFC-
2010 65% cut from 1996 cap 80% cut from 1995 cap based systems are therefore urged to reduce their reliance on
2013 — 95% cut from 1995 cap CFCs, otherwise their machines may become unserviceable.

2015 90% cut from 1996 cap 100% cut from 1995 cap
2020 99.5% cut from 1996 cap —
1 Adapt to the CFC phase-out:
2030 100% cut from 1996 cap —
Either take steps to conserve refrigerant: this will
minimise dependence on supplies of CFCs, but is no
* ODP tonnes = tonnes multiplied by ODP guarantee against leakage or accidental refrigerant loss
(1 ODP tonne = 1 tonne CFC11 or 20 tonnes HCFC22)
which could render a machine inoperative,

Further restrictions on HCFCs Or convert machine to a non-CFC refrigerant: this is not

always possible and can be uneconomic.
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It is widely expected that the HCFC phase-out dates may be

brought forward and the end-use controls tightened, especially
for air-conditioning applications. Some individual EU states 2 Buy new, CFC-free equipment
already have, or have proposed, tighter restrictions: Germany This is the safest option, but also the most expensive.
will ban HCFC22 in new equipment from 2000, Sweden from
1998, and Denmark and Italy have similar proposals. 3 Do without air-conditioning
This may be a viable option: assess the possibility of
HFCs achieving the required indoor conditions by mechanical
HFCs are seen as important long-term alternatives to the or natural ventilation. However, the design of the building,
CFCs and HCFCs. However, because HFCs are powerful or its use, may dictate the need for air-conditioning.
greenhouse gases (as are CFCs and HCFCs), it is important
to minimise HFC emissions. The Government is seeking Figure 1 illustrates the step-by-step process involved in
voluntary agreements from industry to minimise HFC choosing the right strategy. Forward planning is essential:
emissions, and, where emissions are unavoidable, to avoid plant replacement or conversion may be subject to long
the use of HFCs if safe, practical and more environmentally lead-in times, possibly as long as two years for the
acceptable alternatives are available. replacement of large centrifugal machines.


Table 2 indicates which systems may use a CFC refrigerant. Systems should be fully appraised before conversion is
They are most likely to be large central-plant centrifugal considered. Unreliable, leaking or very old machines should
chillers, using either CFC11 or CFC12, and sometimes not be converted. Conversion is most likely to be viable for
CFC113 or CFC114. Most other systems use HCFC22, larger machines, especially where replacement might be difficult
although some older systems may use a CFC refrigerant. or expensive, eg where plant room access or space is restricted.
Success depends on high quality workmanship and strict
Refrigeration systems often require new refrigerant to adherence to manufacturers’ recommendations and guidelines.
replace refrigerant lost through leaks and losses during Incorrect handling of new refrigerants and lubricants, and
maintenance and servicing work. Larger, unpredictable failure to identify and replace components incompatible with
losses the new refrigerants, can cause long-term problems.
can also occur, eg from ruptured pipework and joints, the
Table 2 Refrigerant types used in different categories of air-conditioning systems

Category CFC11 CFC12 CFC113 CFC114 CFC500 CFC502 HCFC22

Packaged self-contained, or split — * — — * * ***

and multi-split systems

Central plant (DX or chiller): air-cooled — ** — — ** * ***

Central plant chillers: water cooled *** *** ** ** *** * ***

*** Very common ** Quite common * Possible — Very unlikely

1 Survey site 2 Check legal compliance
Identify refrigeration plant and set up database. For each It is mandatory to comply with all the requirements of the new
system, determine: EC Regulation on ozone-depleting substances, and all health
and safety statutory requirements. Ensure that:
What it is used for
All reasonably practical measures have been taken to
Type of refrigeration system
prevent refrigerant leakage
Refrigerant type and quantity
Refrigerant is recovered during servicing, repair and
Manufacturer/supplier and model/serial number decommissioning: deliberate venting is illegal

Rated cooling capacity All systems are regularly maintained and inspected

Age and cost when new All health and safety hazards have been assessed and are
controlled or prevented
The information collected and recorded is an essential
prerequisite for making future decisions. The survey may
have to be carried out by a refrigeration engineer or consultant
if the necessary expertise is not available in-house.

4 Appraise each system 3 Establish an operating and maintenance log

This may have to be done by building services consultants or specialist energy Record all refrigerant and lubricant usage to identify
consultants. The appraisal should address the following questions: whether leakage or bad practice is taking place during
Is the system really needed? Free cooling may be possible; cooling may not be
needed if thermal comfort requirements are relaxed, or cooling may no longer Keep records of all maintenance and repairs
be necessary, eg after a change in occupancy
A detailed machine investigation should be carried out
What is its remaining economic life? Conversion to an alternative refrigerant by a competent refrigeration engineer if annual
may not be appropriate for a machine nearing the end of its economic life refrigerant consumption to replace leakage exceeds
around 5% of the machine charge per year.
What is its strategic importance? A system providing essential cooling
throughout the year to a computer room or dealing room would have a very
high strategic importance; comfort cooling of an office may not. The cost to an
organisation of disruption to operation of air-conditioning must be carefully
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Is there an economic case for replacement with another machine? Replacement

with a more efficient, more suitably sized, more reliable or different type of
machine may provide cost savings. This should be considered in conjunction
with other measures, eg ice thermal storage, precooling of the building structure,
solar shading, etc

5 HCFC systems 6 Strategically important CFC 7 All other CFC systems

Annually review availability of HCFC systems which expire before 2000 Maintain system from existing CFC stocks (if available),
refrigerants and conversion possibilities Start to plan machine in which case it is essential to minimise refrigerant
replacement now: it may be emissions through regular servicing and leak checks, or
Consider conversion of HCFC systems if
uneconomic to convert any
they need major overhaul or refurbishment: Convert machine to a zero-ODP refrigerant (if practical
machine with less than around
many HCFC22 systems could be converted and economic), or
five years of remaining life
to an HFC-based alternative (such as
Replace machine with one using a zero-ODP refrigerant, or
R407C) and some small systems could be
converted to an HC-based refrigerant Decommission plant if cooling is no longer needed

Figure 1 Step-by-step strategy for coping with the CFC phase-out

CFC11 systems CFC12 and CFC500 systems

It is possible to convert some CFC11 centrifugal chillers to It is possible to convert many CFC12 and CFC500 centrifugal
HCFC123, but this requires the replacement of major chillers to HFC134a, although it may not always be
internal components, and may therefore not be economic. economic. Small packaged systems, eg through-the-wall air
HCFC123 caused benign tumours in rats during toxicity conditioners, have few components likely to require
testing and special care should therefore be taken to maintenance and rarely need new refrigerant. These systems
minimise human exposure to it. Plant room detectors and may be best left alone if working satisfactorily. Many other
alarms are essential, and the chiller purge unit and relief systems can be converted to one of a range of HFC-based
valves should be vented to a safe place outside the plant alternatives, and in some cases an HC-based refrigerant. The
room, away from any fresh air inlet. Standard for the safety of refrigerating systems, BS 44345, is
being revised, and is expected to allow sealed systems with
Where CFC11 machines are retained, the following additional up to 2.5 kg of an HC refrigerant in certain occupied areas,
refrigerant containment precautions are recommended. and up to 10 kg in chillers located in special plant rooms or
out of doors.
● Fit a high-efficiency (low refrigerant loss) purge system.
CFC11 machines are prone to air ingress, and this air must CFC113 and CFC114 systems
be regularly purged from the machine There are no known conversion options for these machines.
● Fit an evaporator anti-vacuum heater, which reduces air If replacement is not viable, a tight refrigerant containment
ingress when the machine is idle policy should be implemented (as for CFC11 systems).
● Fit self-reseating safety valves to all pressure-relief CFC502 systems
bursting discs to minimise loss of refrigerant Only a few air-conditioning systems use CFC502. Most CFC502
machines can be converted to one of several HFC-based
alternatives, or in some cases an HC-based alternative.
NEW AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEMS Table 3 Options for new air-conditioning systems*
Before deciding to install air-conditioning, assess whether the
desired internal environment could be achieved with simpler Option Comments
mechanical ventilation or natural ventilation. As well as
using potentially environmentally-harmful refrigerants, a HFC134a An option for centrifugal chillers. In other machines it
fully air-conditioned building can consume around twice the may be more expensive than other HFC-based refrigerants
(because it requires a larger compressor), and may be
energy of a similar non-air-conditioned building. Table 3 slightly less efficient
presents possible refrigerant options which are currently
recommended where mechanical cooling is judged to be HFC-based R407C is the first HFC-based blend to become widely
necessary. Further guidance on alternative refrigerants is blends available in a large number of machines. It has a
provided in BRE Digest 358. performance similar to HCFC22. Other HFC-based blends
are being developed which may improve energy efficiency

HC-based These are effective refrigerants with low environmental

REFRIGERANT EMISSIONS refrigerants impact, but their flammability limits their application to
Refrigerant emissions should be minimised through regular small, limited-charge systems
servicing and leak checks, and by ensuring that contractors Ammonia An effective refrigerant with low environmental impact.
rigorously follow good working practice guidelines1,2,3,4. Special safety precautions are necessary (set out in BS 4434)
Permanent refrigerant detection systems can be useful, because it is toxic and flammable. This limits its application
although they may not be effective for all types of machine
and location — it is important to seek the advice of equipment Absorption Should be considered for large sites, particularly where
cycle there is a source of waste heat
manufacturers and refrigeration specialists. However, it is
difficult to detect or prevent all leaks, and it is impossible to * Although new systems using HCFCs are still widely available, they
predict or guarantee against the sudden unexpected are not recommended where suitable and more environmentally
refrigerant loss which may result from component failure, acceptable alternatives are available
mechanical damage or accidents during maintenance.
Refrigerant loss can cause a reduction in system efficiency All relevant heath and safety legislation should be complied
and therefore result in increased electricity consumption and with, including the following:
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power station CO2 emissions. It can also result in reduced

● The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
cooling capacity, and can cause compressor failure. (COSHH) Regulations 1988
● Pressure Systems and Transportable Gas Containers
Repair or maintenance
Regulations 1989
It is essential that only competent refrigeration engineers
are used. The contract should stipulate that: ● Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
1992 (Management Regulations)
● Deliberate venting of any refrigerant is expressly forbidden
● Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994
● Before a machine is opened for repair, its refrigerant
(CDM Regulations)
charge must either be isolated in a valved-off part of the
machine or removed from the machine for subsequent It is recommended that all converted and new machines
re-use or safe disposal comply with British Standard BS 4434:19895 and the Institute
of Refrigeration safety code6. Compliance with the standard
● Before a machine is recharged or topped up with
and the code is not a statutory requirement. However,
refrigerant, it should be thoroughly checked for leakage,
non-compliance may be regarded by a Court of Law as
and any leaks found should be repaired
failure to take reasonable care and precautions or to use
● The contractor should advise the machine reasonable skill, and this could lead to criminal prosecution
owner/operator of the exact quantity of refrigerant used in the case of death or serious injury.

Re-use of old refrigerant

Used refrigerant should normally be recycled or reclaimed REFERENCES
1 Building Research Establishment. Minimising refrigerant emissions from air
before it is re-used in another machine. Recycling involves conditioning systems in buildings. BRE Information Paper IP1/94. Garston,
the removal of excess oil, moisture and other contaminants. CRC, 1994.
Reclamation is a more thorough process that returns the 2 Institute of Refrigeration. Code of practice for the minimisation of
refrigerant to an as-new condition. refrigerant emissions from refrigerating systems. Carshalton, Institute of
Refrigeration, 1995.
Refrigerant disposal 3 European Committee of Manufacturers of Refrigeration Equipment
In most cases the refrigerant removed from a machine during (CECOMAF). Reduction of chlorofluorocarbon emissions from refrigerating
servicing, maintenance or decommissioning becomes controlled systems. CECOMAF GT1–001. Frankfurt-Main, CECOMAF, 1989.
waste. Section 34 of the Environment Protection Act 1990 4 Heating and Ventilating Contractors Association. Guide to good practice:
places a duty of care on all those who handle controlled refrigeration. London, HVCA, 1992.
wastes. Section 33 of the Act makes it illegal to ‘treat, keep 5 British Standards Institute. Specification for safety aspects in the design,
or dispose of controlled waste in a manner likely to cause construction and installation of refrigerating appliances and systems. British
Standard BS 4434:1989. London BSI, 1989.
pollution to the environment or harm to human health’. Waste
refrigerant must only be handled by competent persons who 6 Institute of Refrigeration. Safety code for refrigerating systems utilising
chlorofluorocarbons. Part 1: Design and construction. Part 2: Commissioning,
are licensed by the Waste Regulation Authorities. inspection and maintenance. Carshalton, Institute of Refrigeration, 1984.

Information Papers are available on subscription. For current prices please contact CRC Ltd, 33–39 Bowling Green Lane, London, EC1R 0DA
(telephone 01923 664444; fax 01923 664400). Full details of all recent issues of BRE publications are given in BRE News, sent free to subscribers.
© Crown copyright 1995. ISBN 1 86081 035 7
Published by Construction Research Communications Ltd by permission of the controller of HMSO and the Building Research Establishment.
Applications to copy all or any part of this publication should be made to Construction Research Communications Ltd, PO Box 202, Watford, Herts, WD2 7QG.

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