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Color Wheel

Create a color wheel that depicts
primary, secondary and tertiary colors
using only the primary colors (red,
yellow, blue) to mix your secondary
and tertiary colors.

Paint (primary colors), paint brush,
compass, protractor, palette knife,
palette, ruler, 4H or 7H pencil, drafting

Drawing the Color Wheel:

1. Draw a 13”x13” square in the outer corner of your sheet.

2. Mark the center of your square with a pencil (7.5” from the left and right edges and 7.5”
from the top and bottom edges).
3. Be sure to mark very lightly, graphite will show through many of the colors.
4. Draw exterior circle 10" in diameter (5" radius).
5. Draw interior circle (same center point) 9" in diameter (4 1/2" radius).
6. Mark a diameter line (it must go through the center point), this will be your 0º.
7. Aligning your protractor with the 0º line, measure 12 30º sections. (30º, 60º, 90º, 120º,
150º, 180º)
8. Erase every other interior circle line, and every other exterior circle line.
9. Measure your diameter and double check your segments to make sure they are correct.
Painting the Color Wheel:

1. Tape of the sections and paint the colors in their corresponding spaces. When you tape,
be very careful to follow your drawn lines, and wait until paint is completely dry to tape
on top of it.
2. All secondary and tertiary colors in the wheel should be mixed from the primaries
included in your kit.
3. When mixing:
● Be sure to use your palette knife, press the paint together with the bottom of it
--No Stirring with the tip!.
● Mix on a flat, non-porous surface.
● A color is well mixed if there are no visible color streaks when it is spread out on
the palette.

4. Try to get your colors as flat and even as possible, vary your brush stroke direction and
use small amounts of paint to achieve this.
5. Cut out the wheel.
6. Carefully mark your registration, centered on a 13" x 13" sheet of paper.
7. Glue down using the rubber cement dry bond.

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