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NA-2 EOI “Conde de Floridablanca”


1- Summarize the content of this recording

Its about why people spend money without control and what
percentage do that and Rebecca is an example of this problem. She
talk about why she do it and how she is feelling with this problem.
A doctor talk about some advice very important why can do in
these case.

2- Why does Rebecca feel like shopping sometimes a pair of


Because sometimes she feel depressed and her own treatment

is going to buy something.

3- Can you give a good definition for “retail therapy”?

When some people is fealling bad in their moods, they go to by

something to feel better.

4- According to some studies, what percentage of population are

a) 1%
b) 10% ….X
c) 50%

5- What kind of things has Helen Mcnallan bought? How much did
these things cost her?

Expensives suits for getting the job she lost,shoes ..25.000 pounds
in a day and diament earrings about 10.000 pounds.

6- Why has Helen bought so many things?

Teacher: Encarni González Lara CURSO 09/10

NA-2 EOI “Conde de Floridablanca”

Because her selfsteem is extremely low,she hasn´t control in her

moods and she thinks is better to buy the things the success
people buy because they look like happier in the pictures she saw.

7- What piece of advice has Doctor Graham Lawlor given to people

who like a lot buying things?

To have a piece of paper to write all the things you by and to have
cash money and not credit card.

8- At some part of the recording, we can hear “...then you can

track where all your money is going”, can you provide a
synonym for this and use it in a sentence?

…You can observe or follow where all your money is going……

9- Summarize the main and secondary ideas of this recording

either by using a conceptual map or a schema

Teacher: Encarni González Lara CURSO 09/10

NA-2 EOI “Conde de Floridablanca”

10- Do you agree with the reasons given for being a

shopaholic? Justify your answer.

I agree but I think other important problem we can add is the

compulsory behaviour is making in all this process.


1- Match the phrasal verbs in the box with their correct definition
(there is one extra):

Shop around bring down close down take back snap up

knock down Sell out cash up rip off sell off


1. to visit many shops to compare Shop around
prices and find the best value purchase
2. to cheat sb by charging them too Rip off
much money or selling low quality
3. to buy something quickly and Snap up
4. for a shop or business to stop Close down
5. for all of a product to be sold with Sell out
none left

Teacher: Encarni González Lara CURSO 09/10

NA-2 EOI “Conde de Floridablanca”

6. to count the money at the end of Cash up

the day which has been taken in a
7. to persuade sb to accept a lower Bring down
price for sth
8. to reduce the price of something Knock down
9. to sell things cheaply because you Sell of
no longer want them or you need
Take back

2- Circle the correct choice in each sentence:

a) It’s been a long busy day. Let’s cash up / close down and go
b) The price of this car is a little high. Would you bring down it /
bring it down if I paid in cash?
c) The shop decided to sell out/ sell off the remaining stock of coats
and introduce a new range
d) Shoppers sold out/ snapped up all the bargains on the first day of
the sale
e) He thought he’d bought a bargain until he realized he had been
ripped off/ ripped up

Teacher: Encarni González Lara CURSO 09/10

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