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Bridgette Garrison
Contact Information Table Of Contents
Bridgette Garrison Montage

Email: Photodesign

Cell Phone: 951-297-8676
Web Page
Address: 45984 Paseo Gallante
Temecula, CA 92592 Brochure

Event Ad

Buisness Card


An inspirational montage made by the blending of two or more images, and the
use of typography.
Comm 130 Section 02
Ben Pingel
Adobe Photoshop
Learn to manage Photoshop layers.
Learn to blend images together smoothly, using masks.
Use filters.
Apply appropriate typography.
To gather inspiration for my design, I began to search through the internet to find any
kind of image that I might be able to use. WOnce I pulled a couple of images out, I select-
ed the one that would be the easiest to blend another image with. At that point, I began to
sketch out a couple of different designs. When I found that one I liked the most, I began to
upload my photos into Photoshop. I laid a picture of Christ over the image of the waterfall,
and added a mask to it in order to blend the photos together. I changed the opacity on both
the image and blending tool to achieve a merging of the two images. After that, I began to
adjust the brightness, the color levels, and added a filter to change the picture of Christ to
black and white. I then decided on a quote and chose a font that seemed to appropriately
fit the main message and feeling of a calm and peaceful spiritual image.
Demonstrate good photography and image editing skills. Incorporating color into a poster
layout with original photo.
Comm 130 Section 02
Ben Pingel
I started my design by first playing around with my camera. I had great natural light
coming from a window in my apartment and so I tried out a few different objects in front
of it and eventually picked out this shot of the book to be in my photo design. After that, I
narrowed my color scheme down to two different ideas, and then I decided to start edit-
ing my photo. I was then able to choose which color scheme worked best with my photo,
and I started to sketch out different design layouts. After choosing one, I choose a quote
from the great author, Herman Melville, to add into the design.
I added in different shapes and played around with them until I found the right
amount of negative space that left the design open and uncrowded. After that, I added
in the colors I needed and adjusted them to better match my photo. After that, I finished
by selecting appropriate fonts and adjusted the brightness a little. I then felt confident in
my design, and double checked that I had the correct requirements.
A web page designed to showcase a personally created logo.
Comm 130 Section 02
Ben Pingel
TextWrangler and Photoshop
I created this webpage strictly using the program TextWrangler. I have had little prior
experience using HTML and CSS coding before, so the majority of my project was spent
researching the tricks you can use in coding to create different effects.
After sketching out a couple of design schemes, I chose one and begun to figure
out how to place in different codes in CSS. The first thing I did in TextWrangler was to insert
my image and I attached a pre-made CSS document to my HTML. I then used the colors
from my logo as the colors for my web page. I found these colors by opening Photoshop
and using the eyedropper tool. I changed the title font to Verdana and then the rest of the
body copy to Times New Roman. I also picked out an image to use in the background. I
then found coding that would ensure that it wouldn’t shift if you were to scroll down. After
that, I entered in the process information of the creation of the design.
A two sided (duplex) folding brochure
Comm 130 Section 02
Ben Pingel
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Shape Tool
Pen Tool
This was one of the most challenging projects because it really pushed me to be
creative. I first began by deciding what kind of fold I wanted for my layout, I decided to
choose an offset fold, and then I began skectching out a new buisness.
Once I had a buisness name, I went into Adobe Illustrator and designed the Moun-
tain Peaks logo. I decided to go with a teal monochromatic color scheme because it
gave the layout a somewhat wilderness feel. I played welll with the greens and blues in the
After designing the logo, I brought the rest of my design to life by creating two
pages in Adobe InDesign. On the first page, I dragged out rulers to help me visually plan
where certain design aspects were supposed to end. After that, I utilized the Shape Tool
and Pen Tool to create two different kinds of triangles. Next I filled in my text and added a
few more pictures inside the cover of my layout to help my audience understand my
buisness. Lastly, I went into Adobe Photoshop and created a cutout/selection of an im-
age. I took this selection, added it to my design, and then I wrapped text around it.

Support At-Risk Youth
Event Ad Charity Dinner
A color full-bleed event ad to promote a fundraiser using only Microsoft Word and a scan-
ner. Monday, February 22nd

Date: From 6pm to 9 pm

At Town Hall,
1-31-16 Ballroom A
Course/Instructor: Come and join us for a fundraiser and
Comm 130 Section 02 charity dinner night. All proceeds will go General Admission: $10
towards The Big Brothers Big Sisters Children: $5
Ben Pingel Foundation to help struggling children (12 and under)

Programs/Tools: reach their potential through professional

one-to-one relationships with volunteer
Microsoft Word mentors.
HP Scanner (PDF Converter)
First I scanned in the image of the house, and added it to Word in the Publishing
Layout. I then added in the different shapes and adjusted them until I felt that they added
in enough interest to the page. After inserting the shapes, I then decided on the contrast-
ing, yet also complementary, color scheme of teal and brick. I chose a bold and thin font
to draw attention to the title and focal point of the design.
The last element I added in are the skinny stripes along the bottom for more inter-
est to the ad. I never realized that Word had so many different features available. If other
designs programs aren’t available, then I feel very confident that I can produce content
through it.
Buisness Card
Matching letterhead and business card designed using a personally created logo.
Comm 130 Section 02
Ben Pingel
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Pen and Shape Tool
I started this project by sketching out a few different business ideas and logos that
would go with them. When I came to the Bottom of the Cone idea, I used Adobe Illustra-
tor and simply used the Pen Tool to create the Ice Cream Cone shape logo. From there I
cropped it using the Art-board tool and transferred it to Adobe InDesign.
I then began to start creating my business cards. I used the Shape Tools to get the
correct sized cards and then from there I chose a color scheme. Next, I added in the
contact information and the logo. I added an extra rectangle across the entire card and
adjusted the title text to slightly wrap around it. I made sure to leave plenty of negative
space around the text and away from the edge.
Matching letterhead and business card designed using a personally created logo.
Comm 130 Section 02
Ben Pingel
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Pen and Shape Tool
I started this project by sketching out a few different business ideas and logos that
would go with them. When I came to the Bottom of the Cone idea, I used Adobe Illustra-
tor and simply used the Pen Tool to create the Ice Cream Cone shape logo. From there I
cropped it using the Art-board tool and transferred it to Adobe InDesign.
After the cards were finished, I began to design the letterhead. I copy and pasted
the logo and the contact information from the business cards to the letter head. I added
in the same elements that the cards had such as the rectangular shapes and colors. To
add the watermark, I added in the ice cream cone logo and then expanded it until it was
fairly large. I then adjusted the opacity until it was still visible but fairly faded as a water-
mark should be.
A logo for an organization.
Comm 130 Section 02
Ben Pingel
Adobe Illustrator
These logos were all created using Adobe Illustrator. I first started by getting
inspiration from a friend of mine. It is his dream to have a buisness one day called “Nate’s
Great Plates”. I then sketched out a couple of designs that would suit the target audience.
He wanted a fun and bright design, but with a hint of sophistication.
After choosing the best design, I began to form it out in Illustrator. I used the Shape
Tool to create circles. One the first one, I gave it heavy stroke before placing another
behind it in order to create the image of a plate. I then grouped them together and
adjusted the size. I then selected the fonts and added them in. Once that was done, I had
to add in the different color schemes.
Description: Do you want to have the
Black and white promotional flier to promote a graduate leadership conference. competitive edge in
Date: business?
Course/Instructor: Come learn how at Vouant
Comm 130 Section 02 Communication’s annual Graduate
Ben Pingel Leadership Conference.
Programs/Tools: Vouant Communications is devoted to
Adobe InDesign helping tomorrow’s leaders gain essen-
Process: tial leadership skills in the workplace.
I started by organizing and sketching out a few different design layouts. Once I played
around enough with different alignments, color ideas, and shape layouts, I picked one During this dynamic three day seminar,
that I felt would best communicate my message, and I started to work within Adobe In- attendees will meet with top executives
Design. I used repeating grey rectangles of different shades to add contrast to my design of Vouant
along with center aligning the main text in order to balance out and add interest to the Communications to discuss
page. I added a bold, black, rectangle on one word in the title to emphasize the focal breakthrough leadership
point of this flier. I made sure that all of my boxes were aligned properly with one another. techniques, while cultivating
The image, logo, and content for this flier was provided. attributes of leadership that will market
to any employer.

October 21st
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Lincoln Convention Center

Registration and more information available at leaders

Conference is available to graduating seniors. Space is limited.

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