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Exercise 1. Use Who, Whom, Which or Whose to complete the following sentences
1. The boys________are playing in the garden are my cousins.
2. He finally married the girl__________he loved.
3. The flowers ____ my friend gave me have withered.
4. Mary is the girl_________bicycle was stolen yesterday.
5. The vegetables________Mr. Green sells are not fresh.
6. Is this the book_________you lost ?
7. The singer_______,_ you like best is Miss White.
8. The street________leads to my school is very wide.
9. Your friend, ________name I can t remember, made a lot of noise.

10. The river from _________ we get our water - supply is nearly empty.

Exercise 2. Combine these sentences, using Who, Whom, Which, or Whose :

1 Alice is my friend. Alice's mother died last year.
2. The boy will be punished. He threw that stone.
3. My sister wants to speak to you. You met my sister yesterday.

4. The flowers were roses. I bought the flowers for my sister.

5. Do you know the boy ? He sat next to me at the dinner

6. Swimming makes people strong. Swimming is a good sport.
7. The woman is a nurse. We saw the woman's daughter last week.
8. The man is a doctor. My parents bought the man's house.

9. The car was very modern. Mr. Green was driving the car.

The paint on the chair is still wet. You are sitting on that chair.
10. The man is a secretary. You saw the man at the desk.

11. The house was built twenty years ago. We are living in the house.
12. The girl is very beautiful. Her dress is red.

13. William is my uncle. I went fishing with William last Sunday.
14. Jane is the woman. Jane is going to China next year.

Exercise 3. Combine each pair of these sentences. Use who/ which/ whose/ whom. Start each sentence with the.
A man has gone to prison. He shot two policemen.
The man who shot two policemen has gone to prison.

1. A building has now been rebuilt. It was destroyed in the fire.


2. A scientist has won the Nobel Prize. He discovered a new planet.

3. A bomb caused a lot of damage. It went off this morning.

4. A little girl has been found safe and well. She had been missing since Tuesday.

5. A company has laid off thousands of workers. It owns Greenway Supermarkets.


6. A girl is now in hospital. She was injured in the accident.

7. Computers are very good. They are made in Holland.

8. The new stadium will be opened next month. It can hold 90,000 people.

9. Alex plays the guitar well. He is my new friend.


10. This morning I met Diana. I hadn't seen her for ages.

11. The postcard was from Harriet. It came this morning.


12. I saw a girl. Her beauty took my breath away.


13. The boy is Jane's brother. He sat beside you at the party last night.

15. John is absent from school. His mother's in hospital.

Exercise 4. Combine these sentences, using "When" or "Where":

1. That's the room. The meeting is held in that room.

2. I'll always remember the day. I first saw that sight on that day.

3. She was born in Malaysia. Rubber trees grow well there.

4. No one knows the school. My uncle taught at that school 10 years ago.

5. Please ask them the time. The train started the trip at that time.

6. New year's Day is a day. All family members gather and enjoy a family dinner then.

7. There are many hotels. Tourists can enjoy their holidays there.

8. We'll take you to Dalat. You can enjoy pure air there.

9. You can't enjoy hiking in winter. Snow covers everything in winter.

10. The field is very fertile. They plant potatoes in the field.

11. That is the house. I was born in that house.

12. We met John Last Sunday. We never forget that day.

13. Phu Yen is beautiful. I spent my childhood in Phu Yen.

Fill in the blanks with Relative Pronouns or Relative Adverbs, where necessary.
1. Let me see all the letters ……………… You have written.
2. Is there anyone ……………… can help me do this?
3. Mr. Brown ……………… is only 34, the director of this company.
4. The chief of Police, ……………… work is very important, takes care of the public safety.
5. I know a place ……………… roses grow in abundance.
6. It was the nurse ……………… told me to come in.
7. The teacher with ……………… we studied last year no longer teaches in our school.
8. They showed me the hospital ……………… Buildings had been destroyed by US bombings.
9. We saw many soldiers and tanks ……………… were moving to the front.
10. We have just met the young scientist to ……………… the committee will give the first prize.
11. Dr. Fleming, ……………… discovered penicillin, was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine in
12. He joined the political party ……………… was in power.
13. Karl Marx is the German philosopher ……………… principles have changed the world’s history.
14. The paint on the bench ……………… we’ve just sat on is still wet.
15. Love, ……………… is a wonderful feeling, comes to everyone at some time in his life.
16. Freedom is something for ……………… millions have given their lives.
17. It is easy to find faults in people ……………… we dislike.
18. The road along ……………… We were travelling round its way up into the mountains.
19. The really happy people are those ……………… Enjoy their daily work.
20. We must find a time ……………… we can meet and a place ……………… we van talk.
21. The decision was postponed, ……………… was exactly what he wanted.
22. There were a number of union members at the meeting, several of ……………… were very
Join these pairs of sentences by means of Relative Pronouns or Relative Adverbs. Put the relative in
brackets if they can be omitted:
1. The woman understands me best. She is my mother.
2. The park has a lake in it. The park is near our house.
3. This article praises the national heroes. The history books have forgotten them.
4. What was the name of the boy? You borrowed these books from him.
5. I’ll introduce you to the man. His support for the project is essential.
6. The dam is nearly empty. We receive our water supply from it.
7. I put my watch in a certain place. I can not remember the place.
8. The clerk doesn’t work here any more. You asked about him.
9. He sold me a dozen eggs. Half of them were bad.
10. I never again met the man. He had given us so much help in Paris.


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