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EN ISO 45545 JANUARY 2015_print ready 19/01/2015 08:53 Page 1

EN 45545-2:2013
New Fire Classifications and Fire Test Methods
for the European Railway Industry


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European Directives such as the and materials employed in railway • Part 7: Fire safety requirements for The performance of all the products is
Construction Products Directive have carriages throughout Europe. In 2013, flammable liquid and flammable gas determined with respect to ignitability,
led European regulators and industries CEN 256 WG1 and TC9X WG3 published installations flame spread and the amounts of heat,
to utilise harmonised testing methods a 7­part standard EN 45545, “Fire smoke and toxic fumes produced. These
Part 2 describes the reaction to fire test
and classification system for assessing Protection on Railway Vehicles” which reaction to fire tests aim to qualify and
methods, test conditions and reaction to
the products used in the construction includes: classify the products according to their
fire performance required for
of buildings. The European Rail • Part 1: General final applications which are separated
classification of structural products
Industry is similarly developing • Part 2: Requirements for fire into groups, including structural
including flooring, seats, cables and
harmonised procedures particularly to behaviour of materials and products, seats, cables and non­listed
non­listed items.
facilitate interoperability of railway components items. Each of these products groups
rolling stock. Growth in European • Part 3: Fire resistance requirements This standard specifies that: are required to meet a specific set of
cross­border rail movements has for fire barriers • Railway vehicles are classified in performance requirement levels (listed
further emphasized the need for • Part 4: Fire safety requirements for accordance with the fire hazard level R1 to R26). Each requirement has a
European harmonisation both of test railway rolling stock design associated with their design and corresponding series of test
methods and classification systems for • Part 5: Fire safety requirements for operation. performance criteria imposed for each
the materials used in vehicles. electrical equipment including that of • Three hazard levels HL 1 to HL 3 are fire risk levels HL 1 to HL 3.
trolley buses, track guided buses and defined, HL 1 being the lowest
The European Commission mandated
magnetic levitation vehicles requirement and HL 3 being the
CEN (CEN 256 WG 1) to identify and
• Part 6: Fire control and management highest.
standardise the fire test methods for
systems • The test methods used depend on the
use in the classification of products
product under investigation.

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Test group Test parameter Standard/Test method FTT Instrument Page no.

STRUCTURAL PRODUCTS Flame spread ISO 5658­2 Lateral spread on building products in vertical configuration Lateral Flame Spread Test 10
(including flooring)

Heat release ISO 5660­1 Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate – Part 1: Heat release rate Cone Calorimeter 6

Flame spread of EN ISO 9239­1 Horizontal surface spread of flame for floor coverings Flooring Radiant Panel 12

Smoke production ISO 5659­2 Plastics – Smoke generation – Part 2: Determination of optical density by a single­chamber test NBS Smoke Density Chamber with FTIR 14
and toxicity

Ignitability and EN ISO 11925­2 Ignitability of building products subjected to direct impingement of flame Single Flame Source Test 11
flaming droplets

SEATS Heat release ISO 9705 Full­scale room test for surface products Furniture Calorimeter 8

Heat release ISO 5660­1 Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate – Part 1: Heat release rate Cone Calorimeter 6

Smoke production ISO 5659­2 Plastics – Smoke generation – Part 2: Determination of optical density by a single­chamber test NBS Smoke Density Chamber with FTIR 14

CABLES Flame spread of EN 60332­1­2 Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions – single insulated wire or cable, 1 kW pre­mixed flame EN 60332­1­2 Vertical Flame Propagation Test 13
electric cables for a Single Cable

Flame spread of EN 60332­3­24 Common test methods for cables under fire conditions – EN 60332­3 Vertical Flame Propagation Test 13
electric cables Test for vertical flame spread of vertically­mounted bunched wires or cables (for d ≥ 12 mm) for Bunched Cables

Flame spread of EN 50305 Railway applications – Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance (for d ≤ 6 mm) EN 60332­3 Vertical Flame Propagation Test 13
electric cables for Bunched Cables

Smoke production EN 61034­2 Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions – Part 2: Test procedure and requirements 3M Cube Smoke Density Test 18

NON­LISTED ITEMS Oxygen index ISO 4589­2 Plastics – Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index – Part 2: Ambient­temperature test Oxygen Index 19

Heat release ISO 5660­1 Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate – Part 1: Heat release rate Cone Calorimeter 6

Flame spread ISO 5658­2 Lateral spread on building products in vertical configuration Lateral Flame Spread Test 10

Smoke production ISO 5659­2 Plastics – Smoke generation – Part 2: Determination of optical density by a single­chamber test NBS Smoke Density Chamber 14

Toxicity NF X 70­100 Fire behaviour test Analysis of pyrolysis and combustion pipe still method EN 50267­2­3 Toxicity Test 16


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EN 45545­2 Test Parameters and FTT Instruments 5

Heat Release 6
ISO 5660­1 Cone Calorimeter 6
ISO 9705­2 Furniture Calorimeter Vandalised Seat 8

Flame Spread 10
ISO 5658­2 Lateral Flame Spread Apparatus 10
EN ISO 11925­2 Single Flame Source Test Apparatus 11
EN ISO 9239­1 Flooring Radiant Panel 12
EN 60332­1­2 Vertical Flame Propagation Apparatus for a Single Cable 13
EN 60332­3­24 Vertical Flame Propagation Apparatus for Bunched Cables 13

Smoke Production and Toxicity 14

EN ISO 5659­2 Smoke Density Chamber with FTIR 14
NF X70­100­1 & 2 Toxicity Test Apparatus 16
EN 61034­2 3 Metre Cube Smoke Test Apparatus 18

Ignitability 19
EN ISO 4589­2 Oxygen Index Test 19
EN ISO 60695­2­11 Glow Wire Test 19
EN ISO 60695­11­10 Vertical Flame Test 20
EN ISO 1182 Non­combustibility Test 20
EN ISO 1716 Bomb Calorimeter 21

Summary of referenced test methods available from FTT 22

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EN 45545­2 Test Parameters and FTT Instruments

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Heat release

Heat Release Rate is the key measurement ISO 5660­1 Cone Calorimeter
required to assess the fire hazard of products
Heat release rate is determined with The Cone Calorimeter is the most The FTT Dual Cone Calorimeter has
and materials, as it quantifies fire size, rate
the Cone Calorimeter according to significant bench scale instrument in the been the benchmark in this field for its
of fire growth and consequently the release ISO 5660­1. field of fire testing because it measures ease of use, robustness, sophisticated
of associated smoke and toxic gases. It is important real fire properties of the software that guides users through the
Thresholds concerning the potential
measured using a technique called oxygen material being tested, under a variety of calibration, testing and report protocols.
heat release for almost all combustible
pre­set conditions. These Building on this expertise FTT has
consumption calorimetry. materials and products used in the
measurements can be used directly by developed a new generation of Cone
railway industry are required by EN
A new Rate of Heat Emission parameter has researchers or can be used as data for Calorimeter called iCone® that utilise
45545­2. These requirements depend
input into correlation or mathematical state­of­the­art technology to improve
been introduced in EN 45545­2. This on the end use of the product and the
models used to predict fire the efficiency and accuracy of the fire
parameter is known as MARHE or Maximum Hazard Level of the carriage.
development. test process.
Average Rate of Heat Emission. The heat
release rate is determined using the oxygen
consumption technique from which an Table 1: Requirements concerning Heat Release (MARHE)

Average Rate of Heat Emission (ARHE) is

Requirement set Heat flux Test parameter and unit Maximum threshold
calculated. The maximum ARHE over the HL1 HL2 HL3
testing period is MARHE. The MARHE R5, R20 25kW/m2 MARHE [kW/m2] 50 50 50
parameter was selected because it is not R9 90 90 60

greatly affected by normal experimental R8 – 50 50

variation or measurement noise. It has also R10 – – –

R19, R21 75 50 50
proved to be a fairly robust measure of the
R1, R7 50kW/m2 – 90 60
propensity for fire development under real
R6, R11 90 90 60
scale conditions.
R12 60 60 60

R17 – 90 60

R2 – – 90

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iCone® is a fully automatic and

interactive system. Not only does it
possess all the advantages of a
conventional Cone Calorimeter, it also
features an interactive and intuitive
interface, flexible control options, and
built­in data acquisition technology and
reporting with the user­friendly
ConeCalc software. It has been designed
using FTT’s decades of experience in
calorimetry and incorporates many new
features not seen by fire testing
laboratories up until now. It is perceived
as the new benchmark in calorimetry.

Directly measured properties include:

• Rate of Heat Release
• Time to Ignition
• Critical Ignition Flux
• Mass Loss Rates
• Smoke Release Rates
• Effective Heat of Combustion
• Rates of Toxic Gas Release
(e.g. carbon oxides)

According to EN 45545­2, the electrical

heater within the Cone Calorimeter
must impose two different irradiance
levels: 25kW/m2 and 50kW/m2. Figure 1: FTT ISO 5660­1 iCone® Calorimeter


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ISO 9705­2 Furniture Calorimeter Vandalised Seat

According to EN 45545­2, the burning The Gas Analysis Console contains: • A Dual Stage Soot Filter, Refrigerant The specification of this instrumentation
behaviour of passenger seats should be • A Paramagnetic Oxygen Analyser Cold Trap, Drying Column, Pump and is the same for both large and small
tested on the complete seat, including supplied with temperature and Waste Regulators for conditioning the scale calorimeters and can therefore
upholstery, head rest, seat shell and arm pressure compensation for primary sample gases prior to analysis. also be conveniently used with the FTT
rest. In addition, the seat shell and any heat release measurement. • Controls for the smoke measurement Dual Cone Calorimeter.
vertical faces of the arm rests should • An Infrared Carbon Dioxide Analyser system.
also be tested in relation to fire integrity. for use in heat release measurement. • Data logger.
Figure 2: FTT ISO 9705­2 Large Scale In order to determine MARHE, a
Calorimeter with Weight Measurement Table 2: Requirements concerning Passenger Seats
(Room chamber on left not included in
complete seat assembly should be
standard configuration) tested using the ISO 9705­2 as a
Requirement set Test method Test parameter and unit Maximum threshold
Courtesy from the Shanghai Fire Research Institute furniture calorimeter.
FTT build and supply the ISO 9705­2 R18* ISO 9705­2 MARHE [kW] 75 50 20
complete with the appropriate
RHR Peak [kW] 350 350 350
instrumentation package or supply
R21 ISO 5660­1: 25kW/m2 MARHE [kW/m2] 75 50 50
instrumentation to clients wishing to
ISO 5659­2: 25kW/m2 Ds max 300 250 200
upgrade existing facilities or with a wish
CITG 1.2 0.9 0.75
to build their own apparatus. In the
R19 ISO 5660­1: 25kW/m MARHE [kW] 75 50 50
latter cases we supply a Gas Analysis
R6 ISO 5660­1: 50kW/m2 MARHE [kW] 90 90 60
Console and an Instrumented Duct
Insert section. The console is housed in ISO 5659­2: 50kW/m2 Ds (4) 600 300 150

a 19" instrument rack and it contains all VOF4 [min] 1200 600 300

the necessary instrumentation to CITG 1.2 0.9 0.75

measure heat release rates and other * : – during the test, the flame spread shall not reach the edges of the seat surface or the backrest;
– during the test, the flame height above the highest point of the seat surface shall not exceed 1,000mm;
associated parameters. – if the peak heat release values are too high for test equipment safety then the product is not compliant.

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The duct section houses all the

sampling, temperature and mass flow
probes required for gas sampling and air
velocity measurement along with smoke
measurement equipment (white light or
laser). Most dynamic fire testing
apparatuses can be instrumented with
this equipment to measure heat
released and smoke produced from
products burnt in them.

The requirement sets in relation to

passenger seats are:
• R6 Passenger seat shell –
Base and Back
Figure 4: Instrumented Duct Insert
• R18 Complete passenger seats
• R19 Seats in staff areas
• R21 Upholstery for passenger seats
and head rest

Figure 3: Gas Analysis Console Figure 5: DIN 50055 White Light System Controller


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Flame Spread

ISO 5658­2 Lateral Flame Spread Apparatus

Flame spread of structural products rectangular radiant panel and an of the flame front horizontally along the
including floorings and insullation additional gas burner flame as the length of the specimen in terms of the
materials is determined according to ignition source. time it takes to travel various distances
ISO 5658­2. is recorded.
It provides data suitable for comparing
The requirements specified in EN 45545­ the performance of essentially flat The results are expressed in terms of the
2 depend on the end use of the product materials, composites or assemblies, flame spread distance / time history, the
and the Hazard Level of the carriage. which are primarily used as the exposed flame front velocity versus heat flux, the
surfaces of walls. critical heat flux at extinguishment and
The Lateral Flame Spread Apparatus
the average heat for sustained burning.
measures the lateral spread of flame on Following ignition, any flame front which
vertically oriented specimens using a develops is noted, and the progression

Table 3: Requirements concerning Flame Spread for ISO 5658­2 test

Requirement set Test parameter and unit Minimum threshold


R1, R7 ISO 5658­2 / Critical Heat Flux at Extinguishment [kW/m2] 20* 20* 20*

R2, R3, R17 13* 13* 13*

R4 13* 13* 13*

R11 30* 30* 30*

R12 40* 40* 40*

Figure 6: FTT ISO 5658­2 Lateral Flame Spread Apparatus
* If droplets/particles that exhibit sustained flaming are reported during the test ISO 5658­2, or for the special case of materials which do not ignite in ISO 5658­2 and are additionally reported
as unclassifiable, the following requirements shall be added:
Test to the requirements of EN ISO 11925­2 with 30 s flame application.
The acceptance requirements are:
– flame spread < 150 mm within 60 s;
– no burning droplets/particles.

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EN ISO 11925­2 Single Flame Source Test Apparatus

Flame spread of light diffusers and air EN ISO 11925­2 is based on the large front and side doors which are
filters are determined according to Kleinbrenner method for determining glazed with toughened glass for full view
EN ISO 11925­2. ignitability of materials in the vertical of the specimen during a test and easy
orientation by direct small flame access.
This test is also required as part of the
impingement under zero impressed
European construction products
irradiance. It is supplied as a complete
regulation for assessing and qualifying
easy­to­use system incorporating safety
reaction to fire performance of all types
features. The combustion chamber is
of construction products to classes B, C,
made from corrosion resistant stainless
D and E.
steel, to maximise operating life. It has

Table 4: Requirements concerning Flame Spread for EN ISO 11925­2 test

Requirement set Test parameter and unit Maximum threshold


R4 Flame spread [mm] 150 (within 60 s)

Flaming droplets 0

R5 Flame spread [mm] 150 (within 60 s) Figure 7: FTT EN ISO 11925­2 Single Flame Source Test Apparatus


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EN ISO 9239­1 Flooring Radiant Panel

The burning behaviour of floorings, A smoke measuring system according to For Classification purposes, the
including any substrates if used, is DIN 50055 is mounted on a separate CHF­values in kW/m2 for each Hazard
tested according to EN ISO 9239­1 in a frame at the exhaust stack. It can also be Level are shown in Table 5.
closed chamber using a radiant panel used to measure this same critical
heat source. radiant flux for exposed attic floor
cellulose insulation.
The FTT Flooring Radiant Panel (FRP)
evaluates the critical radiant flux below The FTT Flooring Radiant Panel can also
which flames no longer spread over a comply with ASTM E648, ASTM E970,
horizontal surface. NFPA 253 and DIN 4102 Part 14.

This test method is used to measure the The Critical Heat Flux at extinguishment
critical radiant flux of floor covering value (CHF­value) is the incident heat
systems exposed to a flaming ignition flux at the specimen surface at the point
source in a graded radiant heat where the flame ceases to advance and
environment, within a test chamber. may subsequently go out.

Table 5: Requirements concerning Flame Spread for EN ISO 9239­1 test

Requirement set Test parameter and Unit Minimum Threshold


Figure 8: FTT EN ISO 9239­1 Flooring Radiant Panel R8, R10 CHF [kW/m ] 4.5 6 8

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EN 60332­1­2 and EN 60332­3­24 Vertical Flame Propagation Test Apparatuses

According to EN 45545­2, the fire In addition, these cables are separated For both interior and exterior cable
behaviour and the flame impingement into two groups: products, the vertical flame spread is
duration of cables should be tested and I. Cables for Interior (Requirement tested to EN 60332­1­2 and
evaluated in respect to the diameter of category R15) EN 60332­3­24. The pass / fail criteria
the cables in question. II. Cables for Exterior (Requirement are the same for both interior and
category R16) exterior cables for all three hazard
levels. EN 60332­1­2 is used as a
Table 6: Flame Impingement related to the Outer Cable Diameter preliminary test for all vertically
mounted single cables and
Outer diameter D of specimen (mm) Flame impingement(s) EN 60332­3­24 is used for testing
D ≤ 25 60 vertically mounted bunched cables.
25 < D ≤ 50 120

50 < D ≤ 75 240

D > 75 480

Table 7: Requirements concerning Electric Cables

Requirement set Test method Test parameter Minimum threshold


R15, R16 EN 60332­1­2 Unburned length [mm] Burned part ≤ 540 and unburned part > 50

EN 60332­3­24 (for d ≥ 12mm) Flame propagation [m] 2.5

EN 60332­3­24 (for 6mm < d < 12mm) 2.5

Figure 9: FTT EN 60332­3 Vertical Flame Propagation Test for
EN 60332­3­24 (for d ≤ 6mm) 1.5 vertically mounted bunched cables


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Smoke production and toxicity

There are two test methods detailed in EN ISO 5659­2 Smoke Density Chamber with FTIR Toxicity Test Apparatus
EN 45545­2 that can be used for determining
This method consists of a smoke density extends the potential of the SDC by control of the test procedure on the
the toxic composition of gases and fumes
chamber as described in EN ISO 5659­2 allowing testing at heat fluxes up to SDC.
generated by the combustion of specified and an FTIR toxicity test and sampling 2
50kW/m , horizontal orientation of the • Controls are mounted beside
railway products. These two methods, system. The two instruments dedicated specimen and the measurement of mass chamber for convenient operation.
EN ISO 5659­2 and NF X70­100­1 are respectively to the analysis of the loss rate of the specimen. They are not obstructed when the
opacity of the smoke and to the door is open.
described as follows: Features of the FTT NBS Smoke Density
qualitative and quantitative analysis of • Smoke density and temperature are
Chamber include:
gases emitted during the test, are on digital displays, for easier use and
• Test chamber with full width opening
capable of operating simultaneously as greater accuracy.
door, allowing easy access for sample
well as independently using two specific • Chamber walls are pre­heated for
loading and chamber cleaning.
procedures for the acquisition of FTIR easier start­up and convenient
• Photomultiplier control unit with all
spectra and smoke opacity. equipment operation.
manual controls and digital display of
• Safety blow­out panel, easily
The NBS Smoke Density Chamber (SDC) optical density and relative intensity.
replaceable, allows for safe operation
has been established for many years and Computer setting for use with FTT
of test method.
is used widely in all industrial sectors for software to perform automatic
the determination of smoke generated
by solid materials and assemblies Table 8: Reference concentrations of the gas components according to ISO 19702
mounted in the vertical position with a
closed chamber. It measures the specific Gas component Reference concentration (mg/m3)
optical density of smoke generated by CO2 72,000
materials, when an essentially flat CO 1,380
specimen, approximately 25mm thick, is HBr 99
exposed vertically to a heat source of
HCl 75
25kW/m2, in a closed chamber, with or
HCN 55
without the use of a pilot flame. The FTT
HF 25
smoke density chamber has been
NOx 38
designed specifically to incorporate the
SO2 262
ISO 5659 Conical Radiant Furnace. This

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• Gas measurement ports are provided, determined measuring the attenuation exposed to a radiant heat flux of Typically concentrations of H2O, CO2, CO, The advanced, easy­to­use software
for optional measurements of toxic of a white light beam by the effluents. 25 kW/m2 with a pilot flame. SO2, NO, NO2, HCl, HF, HBr, HCN, NH3, etc. provides outstanding analytical
gases. The obscuration produced from the are continuously measured. The FTIR gas performance. It analyses the sample
The optical density of the smoke
• Cabinet designed with a standard 19" smoke is measured as a fraction of the analyser has a multi­pass sample cell spectrum using sophisticated
produced is measured continuously by
rack, for simple addition of gas light intensity reaching the photometric which is heated to 180 °C and features chemometrics. It is capable of
an optical system. Toxic effluents are
analysers, chart recorder and other detector in the presence of smoke to gold plated mirrors with protective MgF2 simultaneous detection, identification
analysed using FTIR Spectroscopy. For
control units. the value corresponding to the luminous coating which ensures high performance and quantification of different gas
assessment of toxic gases from railway
• Air cooled radiometer for furnace flux transmission in the absence of smoke even in high water vapour concentrations components.
products the Conventional Index of
calibration. before the start of the test. or corrosive gases.
Toxicity (CIT) is used which is always
The FTT SDC is supplied with a software Two different levels of irradiance have calculated from test data and is
package called SmokeBox, which is been standardised, depending on the dimensionless. The analysis of the
designed as a data acquisition and application of the product: spectrum collected during the test
presentation package allowing either • 50kW/m2 with no additional gas determines the concentration of gases.
manual or automatic control. This ignition source. According to EN 45545­2 the analysis is
enables a more efficient use of the • 25kW/m2 with an additional gas carried out using the equipment and the
instrument, leading to larger daily ignition source. procedures for testing and calibration
throughput of testing and enhanced described in ISO 19702.
The exposure conditions of the test
quality graphical data presentation.
specimen in the smoke chamber are The 8 gas components need to be
‘SmokeBox’ is a Microsoft Windows
radiant heat with or without application
based package which collects test data analysed and their reference
of a pilot flame. For large area products
and assists with all calibration routines. concentrations (see Table 8).
such as walls and ceilings, the test
According to EN 45545­2, the optical specimens shall be exposed to radiant FTT FTIR is a modular construction that
density of flat products, i.e. interior heat flux conditions that simulate a typically comprises of FTIR gas analyser,
walls, floor coverings, seat backs and developed stage of a fire; that is a heat heated sampling unit and an industrial PC
seat coverings should be determined flux of 50 kW/m2 without a pilot flame. which are mounted in a 19” cabin. The
using the closed chamber according to For floor coverings that generally FTIR gas analyser is an integral part of the
EN ISO 5659­2. The smoke opacity receive lower levels of radiant heat system which allows simultaneous
Figure 10: FTT Smoke Density Chamber and FTIR
during the combustion of the material is during a fire, the test specimens shall be measurement of multiple gas compounds.


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NF X70­100 Toxicity Test Apparatus

This method is based on the exposure of represents a developing fire condition
1 g of test specimen. The test apparatus for railway products.
and conditions for this method are
When the CIT for a product on a railway
described in NF X70­100­2 with
vehicle is required, only one method is
additional gas analysis information
used for the testing, gas analysis and
provided in EN 45545­2. The exposure
calculation of CIT. The method to be
conditions of the test specimen in the
used is shown in Table 9.
tube furnace are generally set at 600°C
and fixed ventilation condition which

Table 9: Test method to be used for determination of Conventional Index of Toxicity (CIT)

Product EN ISO 5659­2 Smoke NF X70­100­2

Chamber with FTIR

Products with large areas or significant surface areas; e.g. interior walls, floor coverings, Yes No
seat backs and coverings

Non­listed products; e.g. minor mechanical components No Yes

Figure 11: FTT NF X70­100­2 / EN 50267­2­3 Toxicity Test

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The test conditions specified for use Table 10: Requirements concerning Smoke Optical Density and Toxicity of Listed Products

when performing EN ISO 5659­2 or

NF X70­100­2 depend upon the Requirement set Test method reference Test parameter and unit Maximum Threshold

application and position of the product HL1 HL2 HL3

on the railway vehicle. The conditions R1, R2, R6, R11, R12 EN ISO 5659­2: 50kW/m2 DS (4) 600 300 150
VOF4 [min] 1200 600 300
selected are representative of fires that
CITG 1.2 0.9 0.75
may impact on the railway product
R3 EN ISO 5659­2: 50kW/m2 DS (4) – 480 240
during either the developing stages or VOF4 [min] – 960 480
the developed stage of a fire inside or CITG 1.2 0.9 0.75
outside the railway vehicle. R4 EN ISO 5659­2: 50kW/m2 CITG 1.2 0.9 0.75
R5 EN ISO 5659­2: 25kW/m2 DS max 300 250 200
CITG 1.2 0.9 0.75
R7 EN ISO 5659­2: 50kW/m2 DS max – 600 300
CITG – 1.8 1.5
R8, R9 EN ISO 5659­2: 25kW/m2 DS max – 600 300
CITG – 1.8 1.5
R10 EN ISO 5659­2: 25kW/m2 DS max 600 300 150
CITG 1.2 0.9 0.75
R17 EN ISO 5659­2: 50kW/m2 DS max – 600 300
CITG – 1.8 1.5
R20 EN ISO 5659­2: 25kW/m2 DS max 200 200 200
CITG 0.75 0.75 0.75
R21 EN ISO 5659­2: 25kW/m2 DS max 300 300 200
CITG 1.2 0.9 0.75
R22 EN ISO 5659­2: 25kW/m2 DS max 600 300 150
NF X 70­100­1 and ­2 600°C CITNLP dimensionless 1.2 0.9 0.75
R23 EN ISO 5659­2: 25kW/m2 DS max – 600 300
NF X 70­100­1 and ­2 600°C CITNLP dimensionless – 1.8 1.5


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EN 61034­2 3 Metre Cube Smoke Test Apparatus

The 3 Metre Cube is used for measuring The equipment comprises of:
smoke emission when electric cables are • A 3 metre cubic chamber assembly
burned under defined conditions, for • Photometric system, stands, fans and
example, a few cables burned sample mounting frames
horizontally. These units are produced to • Extraction fan and ducting
meet the specification used in many • Chart recorder or Windows based
electric cable tests. The unit can be operation software.
supplied in a self­assembly kit form or
can be fully installed by FTT Engineers.

Table 11: Requirements concerning Smoke Production of Electric Cables for EN 61034­2 test

Requirement set Test parameter Minimum Threshold


R15 Transmission % 25 50 70

Figure 12: FTT EN 61034­2 3M Cube Smoke Test Apparatus R16 – 25 50

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EN ISO 4589­2 Oxygen Index Test EN ISO 60695­2­11 Glow Wire Test
The Oxygen Index test is specified in e.g. internal and external seals, isolators, The EN 45545­2 specifies the EN ISO 60695­2­11
EN 45545­2 for testing ignitability of and PCBs. It is also one of the most Glow Wire Test to test printed circuit boards
listed and non­listed plastic products, economical and precise quality control without any attached technical equipment.
tests for combustible materials. Its ease
Inside this apparatus, a resistance wire is
of use together with high levels of
electrically heated to a specified temperature
precision has made this technique a
which is adjustable. The specimen tested is
primary characterising quality control
brought into contact with this glow­wire by a
tool to the plastic and electric cable
motor­driven sliding carriage. At the end of the
industries and it has been specified by
prescribed time the specimen is automatically
several military and transport groups.
returned to the starting position. Observations
The technique measures the minimum
and measurement are made to evaluate the
percentage of oxygen in the test
ignition temperature which needs to be ≥ 850⁰C
atmosphere that is required to
to meet the standard requirement.
marginally support combustion.
The FTT Glow Wire Test Apparatus is fully
The FTT Oxygen Index (OI) and
automatic and features a 5.5" full colour
Temperature Oxygen Index (TOI)
touchscreen panel with HMI software control,
offer many improvements such as
and a built­in digital processor control unit to
the latest oxygen analyser technology
control glow­wire application time, test duration Figure 14: FTT Glow Wire Test Apparatus
for high accuracy, reliability and long
Figure 13: FTT Oxygen Index Test and to record flame timing.
operating life.

Table 12: Requirements concerning Oxygen Index test Table 13: Requirements concerning Glow Wire Test

Requirement set Test parameter Minimum Threshold Requirement set Test parameter Minimum Threshold


R22 Oxygen content % 28 28 32 R25 Glow Wire Temperature °C 850




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EN 60695­11­10 Vertical Flame Test EN ISO 1182

Non­combustibility Test
The EN 45545­2 specifies the
EN 60695­11­10 for testing small The EN ISO 1182 Non­Combustibility
electro­technical products, e.g. lower Test and EN ISO 1716 Bomb Calorimeter
power circuit breakers, overload relays, are specified in the EN 13501­1 to
contactors, etc. classify A1 class construction products.
Brake resistors used in rolling stock,
The FTT EN 60695­11­10 Vertical Flame
e.g. casing and any heat shields, are
Test Apparatus features digital test
tested to this Euroclass criteria.
duration timers, high precision gas
The EN ISO 1182 test identifies products
control system and a bench mounted
that will not, or significantly not,
draft free stainless steel combustion
contribute to a fire, regardless of their
chamber having a large inside volume.
end use. The FTT system has been
The chamber is fitted with an interior
designed with significant new features.
light and exhaust fan to enable simple
Rather than the traditional variac
evacuation of combustion products from
control, where it is possible to supply
the tests. The apparatus can also comply
Figure 15: FTT Vertical Flame Test Apparatus too high a current to the heater element
with UL 94 and several FAR Bunsen
during the heating cycle, FTT has
burner tests with addition of the
automated the process by using modern
dedicated accessories.
electronics which considerably extend

Table 14: Requirements concerning Vertical Flame Test

the life of the furnace.

Requirement set Test parameter Minimum Threshold


R26 Vertical small flame test V0

Figure 16: EN ISO 1182 Non­combustibility Test

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EN ISO 1716 Bomb Calorimeter EN 45545­2

The EN ISO 1716 Bomb Calorimeter conditions, at constant volume, in an Although EN 45545­2 is published and
measures the Gross Calorific Value of atmosphere of oxygen, in the bomb operable in April 2013, CEN 256 WG1 is
materials. This instrument determines calorimeter which is calibrated by still working to improve the test
the potential maximum total heat combustion of certified benzoic acid. methods used for both seating and toxic
release of a product when completely The calorific value determined under gas measurement. Please contact us for
burning, regardless of its end use. With these conditions is calculated on the the latest changes and development of
this apparatus a test specimen of known basis of the observed temperature rise this standard.
mass is burned under standardised while taking account of heat loss.

Figure 17: EN ISO 1716 Bomb Calorimeter


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Summary of referenced test methods available from FTT:

EN 45545­2 Page
test method ref. Standard Short description Requirement set FTT Instrument no.

T01 EN ISO 4589­2 Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index – Part 2: Ambient temperature test R22, R23, R24 EN ISO 4589­2 Oxygen Index Test 19

T02 ISO 5658­2 Lateral flame spread R1, R2, R3, R4, R7, R11, R12, R17 ISO 5658­2 Lateral Flame Spread Apparatus 10

T03 ISO 5660­1 Reaction­to­fire tests – Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate – R1, R2, R3, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, iCone® Calorimeter, Dual Cone Calorimeter 6
Part 1: Heat release rate (cone calorimeter method) R11, R12, R17, R19, R20, R21

T04 EN ISO 9239­1 Radiant panel test for horizontal flame spread of floorings R8, R10 EN ISO 9239­1 Flooring Radiant Panel 12

T05 EN ISO 11925­2 Ignition when subjected to direct impingement of flame R4, R5 EN ISO 11925­2 Single­Flame Source Test Apparatus 11

T06 ISO 9705­2 Furniture calorimeter vandalised seat R18 ISO 9705­2 Large Scale Calorimeter 8

T09.01 EN 60332­1­2 Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions – Part 1­2: Test for vertical flame R15, R16 EN 60332­1 Vertical Flame Propagation Test for 13
propagation for a single insulated wire or cable – Procedure for 1 kW pre­mixed flame a Single Cable

T09.02 EN 60332­3­24 Common test methods for cables under fire conditions – Test for vertical flame spread of R15, R16 EN 60332­3 Vertical Flame Propagation Test for 13
vertically­mounted bunched wires or cables – Part 2­4: Procedures – Category C Bunched Cables

T09.03­04 EN 50305­9.1:2002 Railway applications – Railways rolling stock cables having special fire performance – Test methods R15, R16 EN 60332­3 Vertical Flame Propagation Test for 13
Bunched Cables

T10 EN ISO 5659­2 Plastics – Smoke generation – Part 2: Determination of optical density by a single­chamber test R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, NBS Smoke Density Chamber 14
R11, R12, R17, R20, R21, R22, R23

T11 EN 45545­2:2013 Gas analysis in the smoke chamber EN ISO 5659­2, using FTIR technique R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, NBS Smoke Density Chamber with FTIR Gas Analyser 14
Annex C R11, R12, R17, R20, R21

T12 NF X70­100­1 Gas analysis for the 8 gases described on 3.1.5 R22, R23 EN 50267­2­3 Cable Toxicity Test Apparatus 16
NF X70­100­2

T13 EN 61034­2 Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions – R15, R16 3M Cube Smoke Test Apparatus 18
Part 2: Test procedure and requirements

T14 EN 13501 Fire classification of construction products and building elements – R13 EN ISO 1182 Non­Combustibility Apparatus, 20
(EN ISO 1182 and Part 1: Classification using test data from reaction to fire tests EN ISO 1716 Bomb Calorimeter 21
EN ISO 1716:2010)

T15 EN 50305 Railway applications – Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance – test methods R15, R16 EN 60332­3 Vertical Flame Propagation Test for 13
Bunched Cables

T16 EN 60695­2­11 Fire hazard testing – Part 2­11: Glowing/hot­wire based test methods Glow­wire flammability R25 EN 60695­2­11 Glow Wire Test Apparatus 19
test method for end­products

T17 EN 60695­11­10 Fire hazard testing – Part 11­10: Test flames – 50 W horizontal and vertical flame test methods R26 Vertical Flame Test Apparatus 20

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The information in this catalogue is presented in good faith and believed to be correct when it was printed.
However, regulations and standards can change so Fire Testing Technology makes no representations or
warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of the information within this document. Fire Testing
Technology reserves the right to improve the reliability, functionality or design of its products
without notice. Please check the latest national and international standards or
speak to us or your local representative before purchasing.

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