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Date American Politics and Work, Culture and Migration Geography America in

and National Power Exchange, Society and and the the World
Identity and Settlement Environment
1890 “American Republicans Depression of “Remember the Josiah Strong Americans Congress funds
exceptionalism” sweep 1890s increases Maine” campaign encourages debate overseas construction of
and rise of congressional pressure to fuels surge in overseas expansion and modern
imperialism elections after secure foreign nationalism Christian empire battleships
severe markets missionaries
Alfred Mahan depression Teller US backed
“The Influence of Amendment planters
Sea Power upon Republican overthrow
History” William McKinley Hawaii’s queen
elected president
US wins War of
1898 against
Spain; claims
Hawaii, Puerto
Rico, Guam, and

John Hay
proclaims “open
door” policy in
1900 Insular Cases McKinley Root-Takahira Social Darwinism Rising Congress US war against
establish non- reelected in pro- Agreement used to justify US immigration from authorizes funds Philippine
citizenship status imperialist affirms free imperialism Southern and to purchase land revolutionaries
for new platform oceanic Eastern Europe in Columbia for
territories commerce future canal Platt amendment
McKinley Gentleman’s
California, assassinated; Ford Motor agreement bars Roosevelt
Washington, and Theodore Company Japanese Corollary to
Hawaii limit Roosevelt introduces Model immigration Monroe Doctrine
rights for Asian becomes T
immigrants president US helps crush
Boxer Rebellion
in China
1910 New KKK Woodrow Wilson Assembly-line Moviemaking Great Migration Panama Canal Wilson
founded elected president production of industry moves bring African construction intervenes in
automobiles to Southern Americans to Mexico
Post-WWI race Red Scare begins California northern cities Panama Canal
riots opens and links Panama Canal
Wilson issues 14 US Army Corps “Birth of a St. Louis and Atlantic and opens
Wartime Points employs tens of Nation” glorifies Chicago race Pacific
pressure for “100 thousands of the riots US enters WWI
percent loyalty”; US Senate rejects workers to build Reconstruction-
dissent Treaty of Panama Canal era Klan Mexican War ends; Wilson
suppressed Versailles Revolution seeks to
Radio causes surge in influence peace
Corporation of immigration from treaty
America created Mexico negotiations

1920 Harlem 19th Amendment Economic Rise of Rise of nativism Suburban Rise of “dollar
Renaissance grants women’s prosperity Hollywood housing boom diplomacy”
artists emphasize suffrage National Origins
black pride Labor gains Harlem Act imposes Popularity of US occupation of
Sheppard- rolled back Renaissance immigration automobile spurs Hati and Other
National Origins Towner Federal restriction highway Caribbean and
Ac limits Maternity and Era of welfare Popularity of jazz construction Central American
immigration Infancy Act capitalism music Marcus Garvey’s financed by state nations
Universal Negro gasoline taxes
Prohibition Rise of Scopes “monkey Improvement
automobile loans trial” Association First suburban
Teapot Dome and consumer advocates return shopping center
Scandal credit to Africa for opens outside of
African Kansas City,
Republican Americans Missouri
state,” pro-
business policies
1930 Bonus Army Franklin Great Depression Documentary Migrants Dust Bowl Rise of European
Roosevelt impulse in arts (“Oakies”) leave drought strikes fascist powers
Indian elected president Rise of CIO and drought-struck Midwest
Reorganization organized labor WPA assists Midwest for Japan invades
Act First New Deal artists California Civilian China
Second New Deal Corps construct
Social Security Federal Writers’ US deports trails, roads,
created Roosevelt Project Mexican parks
attempts to established immigrants and
reform Supreme Mexican TVA creates flood
Court Americans control, dams,

WPA builds
parks, zoos, and
1940 Internment of Roosevelt War spending Film industry aids War production Temporary US enters WWII
Japanese elected to fourth ends depression war effort leads to encampments
Americans term migration to imprison Atomic bombing
Rationing curbs California and Japanese and of Japan and end
Segregation in Roosevelt dies consumer major cities Japanese of WWII
armed services spending Americans in
until 1948 Harry Truman Bracero program inland states United Nations is
becomes Married women increases founded
president take war jobs immigration from

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