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Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL (R) Test, 3/E

Test 1 Reading Answer Key

Copyright (c) 2002 by Cambridge University Press

1. ANSWER: weaknesses of the job interview process

EXPLANATION: The passage discusses four different reasons why interviewing job
applicants is an inadequate way to determine one's working ability.

2. ANSWER: interference
EXPLANATION: A "hindrance" or an "interference" makes the completion of an activity
more difficult.

3. ANSWER: characteristics
EXPLANATION: The word "they" refers to the other "characteristics" that will be
judged as being better because of a noticeably good trait.

4. ANSWER: exemplifies how one good characteristic colors perceptions

EXPLANATION: The author discusses how one good characteristic, such as dressing
smartly, makes the interviewer think that other characteristics of the applicant are also

5. ANSWER: verify
EXPLANATION: When something is "confirmed" or "verified," it is shown to be true.

6. ANSWER: is the one that stays with the interviewer

EXPLANATION: The primacy effect is one in which the first impression is likely to
endure. The interviewer spends the interviewing time trying to confirm this impression.

7. ANSWER: biases
EXPLANATION: Something is "skewed" or "biased" when it is distorted by various

8. ANSWER: accurately predict candidate suitability

EXPLANATION: The predictor that appears to "accurately predict candidate suitability"
most successfully is the applicant's cognitive ability.

9. ANSWER: cognitive effect

EXPLANATION: The cognitive effect is not mentioned in the passage.

10. ANSWER: Paragraph 3

EXPLANATION: In paragraph 3, the author discusses the contrast effect in which one
candidate is contrasted with a previous candidate.

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11. ANSWER: More information on cognitive-ability tests
EXPLANATION: The passage ends by introducing tests designed to measure
cognitive ability. The next paragraphs would probably be about these tests.

12. ANSWER: The classic double-slit light experiment

EXPLANATION: The paragraphs are mainly about Thomas Young's classic double-slit
experiment to illustrate the nature of light.

13. ANSWER: hole

EXPLANATION: A "slit" is a long narrow opening or a type of "hole."

14. ANSWER: band

EXPLANATION: The central "one" is the "band" in the center.

15. ANSWER: The picture in the upper right-hand corner

EXPLANATION: A single photon fired through two open slits builds a pattern that has
a central band and alternating bands of light and darkness.

16. ANSWER: waves of light

EXPLANATION: "Each other" refers to each of the "waves of light" from the two slits.

17. ANSWER: To give background information that the reader needs to understand
the phenomenon of photon interference
EXPLANATION: The author describes waves in general to give the background
information the reader needs to understand how one light wave interferes with the
other light wave.

18. ANSWER: extend over

EXPLANATION: When something "overlaps" something else, it covers a part of the
other thing or "extends over" it.

19. ANSWER: The fifth sentence in the paragraph

EXPLANATION: When a crest overlaps a trough, they cancel each other out.

20. ANSWER: particles of light

EXPLANATION: "Photons" are "particles of light."

21. ANSWER: A single photon behaves as if other photons were causing interference.
EXPLANATION: The author means that a single photon behaves in the same way that
it would behave if there were other photons causing interference.

22. ANSWER: shining light beams one at a time through two slits
EXPLANATION: Since light beams consist of a constant stream of photons, they are
not shone one at a time.

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23. ANSWER: There still exist unexplained phenomena in the study of light behavior.
EXPLANATION: The author's statement that light behavior is fascinating and that an
inanimate object appears to "know" something suggests that there are phenomena
that are not completely understood.

24. ANSWER: The first square in the passage

EXPLANATION: The word "this" refers to an "experiment," since that is what could be
replicated in a classroom setting. This sentence would probably follow the sentence
introducing Thomas Young's classic double-slit experiment and would precede the
sentences describing the experiment.

25. ANSWER: Paragraph 1

EXPLANATION: In paragraph 1, a light beam shone through a vertical slit on a screen
and allowed to pass on to a second detecting screen builds up a pattern of a large
illuminated area that fades into darkness at its edges.

26. ANSWER: To present research into the factors causing obesity

EXPLANATION: The passage presents the results of various studies that have been
undertaken concerning obesity.

27. ANSWER: a large percentage of people deal with stress by eating

EXPLANATION: According to the passage, 44 percent of people respond to stress by

28. ANSWER: desire

EXPLANATION: If someone "craves" something, he or she has a strong desire for it.

29. ANSWER: A variety of foods and strong flavors satisfy heavy people.
EXPLANATION: Because the lack of variety and flavor leaves heavy people
dissatisfied, it can be inferred that eating a variety of food with strong flavors will satisfy

30. ANSWER: insulin levels don't change in average-weight people who see food
EXPLANATION: It is stated in the passage that "this [an increase in blood insulin] did
not happen to average-weight people."

31. ANSWER: eating carbohydrates eliminates hunger

EXPLANATION: It is stated in the passage that "when people eat carbohydrates, the
level of serotonin ... rises [which] produces a sense of satiation," thereby eliminating
their hunger.

32. ANSWER: people [in "When people eat carbohydrates ..."]

EXPLANATION: When "people" eat carbohydrates, their hunger subsides.

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33. ANSWER: rises
EXPLANATION: When something "subsides," it becomes less intense. When
something "rises," it becomes more intense.

34. ANSWER: It tells the brain when a person is full.

EXPLANATION: It is stated that serotonin is a neurotransmitter that produces a sense
of satiation, or feeling full.

35. ANSWER: mild

EXPLANATION: An exercise that is "strenuous" requires a lot of effort or energy. An
exercise that is "mild" does not require a lot of effort or energy.

36. ANSWER: jog fifteen miles daily and look at pictures of food
EXPLANATION: According to the passage, both strenuous exercise and looking at
pictures of food increase the appetite of overweight people. Therefore, these activities
would not be helpful.

37. ANSWER: A stroll

EXPLANATION: A stroll is a relaxed walk and, therefore, the kind of mild exercise

38. ANSWER: Paragraph 3

EXPLANATION: In paragraph 3, the author states that carbohydrates raise the level of
serotonin, and this increase produces a sense of being full.

39. ANSWER: the battle between the Confederate and Union forces at Gettysburg,
EXPLANATION: The passage discusses the American Civil War battle that took place
between the Confederate and Union forces at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

40. ANSWER: additional troops

EXPLANATION: "Reinforcements" are additional troops sent to join an army to make it

41. ANSWER: the Union forces

EXPLANATION: "The Union forces" formed defensive positions along Cemetery Ridge.

42. ANSWER: The fourth square in the paragraph

EXPLANATION: The phrase "these positions" refers to the "defensive positions"
mentioned in the sentence that should precede this one, and the "remainder of
Meade's forces" refers to those who came later to join the ones who "formed defensive

43. ANSWER: The second sentence in the paragraph

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EXPLANATION: The author states that the "Union forces were overpowered and were
driven back to the south of Gettysburg."

44. ANSWER: attacked

EXPLANATION: When a place is "stormed" by military troops, it is "attacked" suddenly
with the intent of defeating the troops who are defending it.

45. ANSWER: suffered

EXPLANATION: When people "sustain" something, such as a number of casualties,
they "suffer" or endure it.

46. ANSWER: the attack failed to attain its objectives

EXPLANATION: Poor visibility was the reason the two hours of bombardment did not
inflict much damage and, consequently, why the charge failed.

47. ANSWER: It was because of events at Gettysburg that the Union was eventually
EXPLANATION: The Confederates' failure to invade the North was the point in the war
that decided the outcome in the Union's favor.

48. ANSWER: the importance of espionage in determining position

EXPLANATION: The author does not discuss any instance of espionage (spying).

49. ANSWER: Northwest

EXPLANATION: In paragraph 2, the passage states that the Confederate forces faced
the Union positions in an arc from the west and north. Therefore, the Confederate
attack known as Pickett's Charge originated from the northwest.

50. ANSWER: the most important battle in the Civil War

EXPLANATION: The author states that the battle is considered the single most
important engagement of the Civil War.

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