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SLuitig dauatlg ALL stg! j) Hh ny el Sey Cm pear) Toshio The Abu Dhabi Occupational Health and Safety Practitioners Course Learner Guide V.3 July 2013 ‘The Abu Dhabl Occupational Heath and Safety Praciioner Course July2018, Page INDEX Purpose and course objectives Z 2 z Tntroduction tothe Abu Dhabi Environment, Health nd | 4-14 Safety Management System Regulatory Framework (AD EHSMS RF) 3___ [AD ESM Elements 75-25 4 [AD EHSMS Regulatory instruments 26-146, 5 [AD EHSMS RF Mandatory Forms. a7 = 189, 6 [Summary 160-161 ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupational Health and Safety Pracioner CourseVajulyZ01s Page? Purpose ‘To give the partipants knowledge ofthe Abu Dhabi EHSMS RF. The patipants are required to pass the assessment forthe Abu Dhabi Occupational Heath and Safety Practioner Course 238 a requirement for rgistation under the Qudort system developed by the AD EHS Centre, Course Objectives By the end ofthis course the lamer wi 1. Understand the elements of AD EHSMS RF 2 Understand the ADEHSMS Regulatory Instruments: = Codes of Practice: += Mechaviss: and + Standards, 3. Understand the requirements for competion ofthe reandtory forms forthe reporting of perfomance and incidents as per the AD EHSMS RF. "Tre Abu Dhabi Occupational Health and SolanyPraciuonar CourseW July 2019 Module 2 Introduction to the AD EHSMS RF ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupational Heals and SufeqyPrectlonerCourseV-3}uy 2013 Page o } Historic Milestones Hy Datel’ Patt) pescnsnsnsationsisaaa” Doe ‘Tre Au Dhabi Ocoupatons Heal and Safety Practuoner Course Vs]uy 2013 Pages ‘Scope ‘Occupational Health and Safety: ‘The AD EHSMS RF is designed to ensure employees safety and the promotion and Imaintenanoa of the highest degree of physical, mental and social wel-being of eployees by preventing It healt, controling risks and the adaptation of work to people, and peopl to thelr jobs. ‘The goal ofall OHS programs i to foster a sefe work envionment Through the protection of ‘employees the system wil also protect visors, customers, supplies, nearby communities, end ‘other members of te pull wo are impacted by the workplace environment "Tae Abu Dhab Occupational Health and Safety Practioner couse 3July2018 Page Environmental Impacts Resulting from the Workplace: “The AD EHSMS RF is designed to ensure that these impacts are reuced and managed, a the inaiviualenity level, to ensure the workplace Is healthy and safe and o protect and conserve the envionment as whole forthe benefit ofthe Emirate of Abu Dhsbi and it inhabitants Appliesbiity| ‘The AD EHSMS RF isthe hey EHS regulation nthe Emirate of Abu Dhak. Compliance of any centty to its dferent components ie subject fo the eniy’s claselieaton under the system. There ate thee levels of casstication, which Induce: Nomina: An rtf roma by a cnc SRA sal ay wh froma to AD EHEMS RE neg cewopng # iy conse! EMSS an sng ‘Sopra om he conemad SPA. Mlcation a8 a Low Risk Ently: An entty thet ofcily otto do so, shal comply with the requirements of AD EHS Rl ~ Mechaniam 5.0 - EHS Requeemns for Low Rsk Entities ‘and the technical requrements of relevant Regulatory Instruments (Codes of Practoe, ‘Mechanisms and Standard). ‘Al other Entities: Al othe ntti operating within the Emirate of Abu Dhebi who are not yet nominated or noted by a concemed SRA shall tive to comply wih the requirements AD EHSMS RF. Philosophy + Incorporating ntemsatonal Standards and Protocole ‘+ Umbrella Law = not replacing any existing laws relevent to Environment, Heath and Safety —toolto asset compliance ‘Broad Based Horizontal Integration of EHS — across mule Sector Risk Management Based System Performance Based System (2. KP and incint Repoting) ‘SRA\s ~ Responsible for implementation, Monitring Complance and Administration “The Aba Dhabi Occupational Health and Safety Practivoner Course \s]uy 2013 Pale International Standards Incorporates International Standard ~ bu Stand Alone in imlemantation —tho sysom Incorporates the key components ofthe relevant intomatorl standards but does not require ‘onitioe o gain cortfeation fo these intomatonal systems by ath pat if they do net wish to dose. “The Atv Dhabi Occopational Healthand SwetyPractioner Course 3]ulp2018 Page Distinctive Features mot era) oy Cur a) Distnave ferent con 4 Regulatory Integration of EHS ~ tho main focus of Version 2.0 othe AD EHSMS RFs to reduce EHS regulatory duplication and overlap trough a systema process of integration of the Federal and Emirate relevant authori EHS requirements into the eystom. Refer to AD EHS RI Mechanar .0 Integration of EHS Requioments in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi for more det ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupational Hesitrand Suny Praciuoner CourseV-sJuly2018 aged Promotes and Rewards Self-Regulation -enitos are encouraged to voluntarily discover, lsclose, corect. and prevent volaons of olvant laws. By applirg fis concep they may be Protecied fom EHS prosecution, Incorporates international Standards — but Stand Alene in implementation ~the sytem incorporates the key components ofthe relevant intemational stancards but does nt require nites to gan certieation to these intematonal systems by a third party they donot wish io doce. ‘Based on Partnerships between Government and the Private Sector Entities tho systom 's designed to encourage ineracton and cooperation between the jovemment and private sectors, in particular tho intoracton betwen enttes and the concemed SRA's. Performance Based System ~ tsa system requirement for SRAs and enttes to establish EHS performance targets and goals and implementa montoring program. For enties to obiah ‘and maintain approval for her EHSMS they must comply wit te nontoring and reporting requirements of te AD EHSMS RF. Communication and Consultation - key component ofthe sytem isthe inctusion of ‘communication and consitaton requirements. Employers have the duty to consul with employees and wor together to eliminate or reduce work-telaed iris and lness and to ‘remote health and wel-being, This snot ony algal responsibly - there are very eal benefits for an employer to implement and mainsin a consutatve spproach,Itensures that 2 {safe and heey work envionment and work practices, programs and procedures are ectuly ‘reated and maintained bythe people who must work within those systems and be guided by them. Integration of EHS Permitting Requitements~ the eystom incoporates the curent EHS Pemiting rqukemants ofthe relovant authorities and every offorthas been made to ensure thatthe impacts of any ational periting requirements intreducad by the AD EHSMS RF add value tothe Emirata by protecting the EHS interests of al residons ofthe Emirate ‘Capacity Building and “Emiratization’- one of he key features ofthe system isthe focus on ‘capacky bulking within the fed of experts in Cccupatonal Hoath and Safety within the Emirate, An important component of the capacity bulng inate sto proactively encourage ‘ttzens ofthe Emirate to engage in the EHSMS inate, ‘Cultural Change — one ofthe longterm goals ofthe EHSMS ita sto effect cura change within the inhabitants ofthe Errata te intded thatthe AD EHSMS RF wal be key tool in the process of achieving a postive EHS cutis change to achive a safer, healer and ‘sustainable fur forthe Emirate "Tre Abu Dhabi Occupations Heal and Safely PractionerCourseV-3july2015 Page 10 ) we amm ~ + Improved OHS stendard + Cenraised registration ofS Practitioners, Consuitancy Ofcers, Sanco providers and Training Providers; and ‘+ Continuous improvement and Performance. Fisk Managemont Methodology + Identity potential hazards; * Ascoss risk aseociated hazard: ‘+ Managing risk by controling andlor reducing sk to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARe) 4+ Monitoring of rik management strategy; and + Emergency Response. ‘The Abu Dhabi Oceupavonal Health and Saas PracionerCourseWajuly2013 Page I Hoatth and Safety Hirarchy of Controls "Fre Abu Dias Occopaional Healthand Sofey Pranivoner couse Sjuly2018 Page 12 racy \ AD EHSMS Administrative Structure ; oy 2 7 — aps evajuyaois Pagel ADEHSMS RF AD EHSMS Regulatory Framework Structure “Tre Abu Dats Occupational Healtvand Saley Pracitioner Coursey. syuly 2013 Page 4 “Module 3 AD EHSMS RF — ELEMENTS ments ‘The AD EHSMS RF Elements define the mandatoy management ssiem components tobe incorporeted into an enity’s EHSMS, These kay components spect te minimum requirements of an enttys EHSMS, + Entities submitted EHSMS must comply witnall requirements + Form €— summery / checks of requirements Paeetereerce ae en ao ieee Oo Sooeeesors ae ot en botie sapere ponies 1 Guidotines “Technical Guidlines (in support of mandstory requtements) Indoor Ar Qualty Management; Management of Contractors: Manual Handing and Ergonomics; Manual Tasks involving the Handing of People: Process of Risk Management, Safe Removal of Asbestos Containing Materia; Sale Werk in Confined Spaces; "The Abu Dhabi Occupational Wealivand Safety Practioner Course 3July2018 Page 16 Safety inthe Heat “raining and Competency; ‘Communication and Consultation; ‘A snd Inspection; and EHS Incident investigations EHSMS Guidance Documents EHS Roles, Responsibities and Stuctures; Key Performance Indcators; and ‘SelfRegulaton andthe AD EHS Guiding Principles. Element 1 Roles, Responsibilities and Self Rogulation ‘The sims and intent of his Element iso: + Ensure a systemic approach to defining and communicating EHS roles ard responstlites; and + Define the roles and reeponsibities of stakchollers under the AD EHSMS RF. AD EHSMS RF Guidance Documents: AD EHSMS RF - GD - EHS Roles, Responsibiios and Structures Roles and Responsibilities procedure) shall, ata minimum: “+ Ensure top managements uitimately responsible forthe EHSMS and EHS matters; + Ensure appropriate and competent EHS resources to devebp, irplement and maintsin an EHSMS; + Establish clea defined and documented EHS roles and responsbities and ‘+ Delgated authorities foreach role within the ety; ‘+ Ensure effective communication of oles and responsibitieso all employes and ‘Stakeholders and + Estabish the means to measure employee conformance against ther defined roles, responstiles and accountable. “The Abu Dhabi Orupatonal Health and Salety Practioner Course 3July2018 Page 17 Element 2 Risk Management The sins an et of his Ema: Ensure systematic proach o risk management; Eneure EHS hazards an risks are enifie, assessed anc appropriate control measures are implemented end montorod; and Preserbe standard methodologles la wiich th ek management process shall be conducted and compliance canbe assessed. ‘Guidance Documents: AD EHSMS RF TG - Process of Rsk Manazement Risk Management program shall, ata minimum: [Ensure risk management i an integral part of management and embeded inthe ently cule and practices; EEnaure ik management shal be applicable to ll cts that an ently undertakes “andir phases of project development (fem design to decommissioringldemaltion} Define rek management methodologies end competencies, ‘Be based on consultation with employees, contractors and other elevant stakeholders. ‘The Abu Dhabi Gcrupstonal Healhand Safety Practioner Course 3July2013 Page 18 Incorporates the recognized stops of rsk managomont, which include: 1+ Identity all EHS hazards in the workplace; 1 Assess the risks ofthese hazards; + Formulate contol measures to reduce the sk to an acceptable and as lw as reasonably practicable (LARP) level ‘+ Reviw the program on a regular basis; and + Incorporate @ management of change process wihin the ently. {Addresses routine and non-oitne actives of all persons faving access tothe workplace; ‘+ Adresses supply cain and contractor undertakings; + Address human betaviour, + Identity hazards cutside the workplace capable of adversely affecting the environment andforheath and safety of employees; '+ Address potential isk o persons not inthe eniy’s employment; + Address plant, machinery, equipment, substances and materials at the workplace; ‘+ Adres the design of work areas, processes, work organization and operating procedures; and ‘+ Ensure documentation, recoring and communication ofthe results of sk management sctvies. Element 3 Management of Contractors ‘The alms and intent of his Elementi: + Ensue a systematic approach othe management of contractor so that sk o heath ‘and safety of contractors, employees, the community andthe environment are ‘nimised nd + Provide epecicrequltments forthe Buiting and Constrtion Secor forthe ‘management of EHS aspects of contracts engeged in ‘centration work ‘Guidance Documents: AD EHSMS RF TG - Management of Contactors “The Aba Dhabi Occupational Health and SateyPractioner Course 3]ulyz013 Pagel, Management of Contractors Procedure, including: + Establishment of Project EHS Requirements -the process of pr-qualiying ‘contractors andlor inlicing project EHS requirements in tender! speciation ‘documentation; ‘+ Evaluation / Selection -the process fr evalvation and selection of contractors that possess appropriate EHS management system forthe scope of works; “+ Contractial Agreement the contractual agreement process between the cent and the contractor (once selected) includes a clear scope of waks and the projet specific ‘requirements fr envionment health ad safety management ‘+ Co-ordination and Communication - the process of agreeing on the method of co- ‘ordination of contractors) aces, wih clear arrangements or communicating the EHS Information and requirements to al elevant stakeholders; ‘+ Mobitzation ! Work in Progress he process of ensuringEHS managements Implemented during mobilization tothe workplace / ee and during work aces to ‘achieve the successful completion ofthe scope of work; + Monitoring Performance - the process of dtring measur that are used to periodical evaluate contactor EHS performance and conliance against legislative and projec specie EHS requirements and goals; ‘+ Commissioning - the process of ensuing EHS management during the commissioning ‘of buildings / machinery plant equipment ‘+ Demoblization / Decommissioning - the process of ensuing EHS management is Implemented during dembiizaton / decommissioning ates, Incucing transportation ‘of pereannel, equement and supplesraerils not used, Including the disassombly, Temovaland ste cleanup of any offices, buldings of ober eites assembled on the sie: and + Contract Close-Out- the contractual agreement process atthe completion of spe of work, Tie step ie partcwarly important for contract tha contln conetucton work. ‘This is when oficial “conto ofthe ste returned to tho Enity/ Cent / Developer. Principal Contractor fr “Construction Werk lament 4 Consultation and Communication esis and intent of his Elementi to: + Eneure a systematic approach tothe management of EHS: = Consutation actives; and = Communiaton and awareness Guidance Documents: AD EHSMS RF TG ~ Consuitaton and Communication “The Abu Daa Occupations (akhand Soler PradiuonerCourseV.s]uly2013 Pagez0 @ eee crassa tae meen =n are err an _{eemnmcaah ine eno ees Consultation Proceduro(), including: = Structure of consultation committees and meetings; ard. ~ Consultation wih contraciors and cher extemal voor le15,commitoe mist be formed ifthe entity has more than somos] Communication Procedure(), including: Internal communication throughout the various levels of the ently; = Communication with contactors, vstors and ater pe'sons nthe workplace; Relevant communication wth extemal stakeholders = Development ofan annual EHS performance repr, bbe used fr intemal ‘commnication and management review purposes (etemelstakeholdar ‘communization / tribution is optional). Element § Training and Competency ‘The aim and intent of his Element it: ‘+ Ensure a systematic approach tothe management of enitying, implementing and ‘monitoring EHS training; ‘+ Ensure all employees, contactors and vistors receive appropiate EHS training; and ‘+ Ensuce a systemate approach to Kenting, assessing end montoring the ‘competencies that are required to ensure tasks can be permed in safe manner by allemployees and contractors {Guidance Documents: AD EHSMS RF TG - Training and Competency EHS Training Procedure(s) shall address, ata minimum: ‘+ entiation and evaluation of EHS taining needs (e9. Tiaing Needs Anaiysis and EHS Training Mati), and provaing appropriate EHS trinng incuding EHS Management System training; EHS roles and rsponsibilis; EHS emergency response and management, EHS inductions, enerc and site-specific, (reusing contactors and other persons) that ‘ata minimum include compliance wih Aricl 96 of Federal Law No, for 1980, on Regulation of Labour Retations; “+ EHS consequences of non-confommance to specified procedures “The Abu Diab Occupational Hosthand Soler Praiuoner Course + Relovant subject spectic EHS training (e.g, Manual Handing, Safety inthe Heat, ete) and 1+ Specialized tek-specfle raining (eg. Confined Spaces etc) ning the implementation and provision ofthe require traling: Level of responsibly and competence: Frequency of traning “Types of taining; LUteracy, numeracy, language and other leaming requirements: (Course selection / material development “Trainer competency; ‘Assessment actives; “raning records; and Refresher taining requirements Monitoring, measuring results and Review of EHS training procedue(). EHS Competency Procedure(s) shall address, ata minimum: + Ensure tht employees and other persons under its contro performing tasks are competent on the basis of epproprate education, tring andor exparience, ‘Aprocess to identity and evaluste EHS competency requirement, including: Relevant EHS competencies nd Taskepecie competences. Methods of assessing competencies; Process to record competencies; Maintaining and improving competencies; and ‘system to review the EHS competency procedure). Element 6 Emergency Management ‘The aims and intet ofthis Eten i to: + Ensure a systematic approach io emergency managemertplansing and response; and + Factste harmonization of relevant Competent Authoriys) requrements and provide a ‘dear hierarchy of contin the eveat of significant emergencies. ‘AD EHSMS R~ CoP 60 Emergency Msnsgement Requiements ‘The Abu Diab Occapational Health and Safety Practioner Course/3)uly2018 Page 722 Emergency Response and Management program | proceduro( shall address, ata minimum: + Riskbased identification and response lo potenti emergen-y stations "+ Specfle emergency response and management oles, responses end resources: Appropriate risk-based emergency response and management plans). icuding: “enreat-specfi plan(s); ~feclty specie); and — appropfate support /functonal plans + Provision of appropriate resources (@9, human, equipment faites, tralning, ec): ‘Arrangements for extemal stakeholder commurications {Arrangement for communications wih concemed SRA’ ani emergency serves if applicable; + Petiodc emergency respense and management tests and exercises; and + Mesitring and review of plans and procedures. Eloment 7 Monitoring, Investigation and Reporting “The aims and intent ofthis Element lt: “+ Ensure aysternatcepproach othe EHS mentoring, investigation and reporting; + Engure accurate, timely and informative data on incients, juries, occupational ilpses and envionmental aspects is colected and analyzed; and + Engure elective investigation Is conducted, identifying root causes, and appropiate corrective ations sre implemented. EHS Targets and Objectives Procedure(s) Including: + Ensure documented, etfectvly communicated EHS targets and objectives; ‘+ Ensure targets and objectives, where practicable shall be measureable; + incorporates requeements of +The enty EHS potey + Legal requirements; Relevant Competent Authorities requirements; and + AD EHSMS RF mandatory key performance indicators and Sector spect targets and objectives, appiicabl. + Sets program(s) fer achieving he targets and objectives, iluding, the methods, ‘timeffames, monitoring acvties and eeponsibilies; and 1+ Eneute targets, objectives and procedure() are revewed periodical to ensure they remain relevant and appropiate ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupational Heath and Seley ractsoner CourseV-3Julp2013 Page 23 EHS Ineldent investigation Procedure(), Including: ‘+ Compliant with AD EHS RI Mechanism 11 EHS ineKlon’Investigation; + Process of receding, hvestigting and analyzing EHS inccets; ‘Ensure investigations are performed by competent parson() in consulation and coordination with evant stakeholders; Ensure investigations are performed in a imely manner, Process to determine the rect causes of EHS inconts; Identity opportunites fr corrective and prventative contol measures; and Enaures effective communication ofthe outcomes of the investigation to relevant stakeholler, EHS Monitoring Procedure(s) including: Monitoring ofthe etty'sEHS targets and objectives; Monitoring the effectiveness of EHS programs and contol measures; Proactive & reactive measures of performance; and Montering compliance with applicabie Federal Occupational Standards and AD EHS RI = Standards end Guideline Valves; + Roques cuted in rlvant AD EHS Regt sumer: Requirements outined in SRA ! Competent Authoriies perms /Hoenses /n0 ‘objection cetifste, or equivalent + Requirements outined in approved EHS Plans and Stiles; ‘+ Requirements outined by relevant SRA / Competent Asthoty(); and + Desarption of methodologies and instruments used to montor, including, calibration requrements and records. EHS Reporting Procedure(s) includes: ‘+ Hlerarchies, timetables & responsibil for reporting (hnteal & Extemal; ‘+ EHS perormance & incident reporting rquiremects,incluing: ‘EHS Incidents tothe concemed SRA as required, + Quarterly EHS performance othe concerned SRA; and + Annual 3% pary extemal aul results othe concerned SRA Requirements in parmits/izenses/ne objection certileaes/ equivalent, Requirements outined in approved EHS Plans and Stes; Fequitementsoutined in relevant AD EHS Regulatory Indruments; and ‘Other requirement outined by the enty’s approved EHSMS, “The Abu Diab Occupational Healh and Safey PracationerCourseV July 2018 Page? Element Ault and Inspection ‘Thesis and intent ofthis Element ito: ‘+ Eneure a systematic approach fo EHSMS audt and inspection; ‘Ensure regular EHSMS aucits and inspections ae conducts; and + Ensue that EHS non-conformances are identfed ad an arpropriatecorective action plan is implemented as early as posible. ‘AD EHSMS RF TG Ault and Inspection EHS audit program /procedure(s) shall address, sta minimum: + Scope ctr, and objectives of aus o be conducted; + Audi program responses, competencies and resources, ‘+ Aud program planing nd implementation processes, incising; ~ Documented eta; = Frequency and schedules; zs ~ Methods of collecting and vertying formaton: = Reporing aut resus and. ~~ Aust program record keeping: + Au program monitoring and review; and. 4 Intemal and external porting requiements. “The internal uit erteria shal cove levant requirements to the entity such ast ‘+ Federal and Local EHS Legistion; + ADEHSMS RF; + Spec Sector /Enty Requirements; and + Otter specie entity requirements (2.9, OHSAS 18001), EHS inspection program/ procedure) shall address, a a minimum: ‘Scope, criteria and objectives of inspections to be conduc ‘Inspection rogram responses, competencies and eszurces; + Inspection program planing end implementation processes, including: “citer | Frequency and schedules: = Methods of electing and vettying information; ) = Reporting inspection resul J = Nor-confermance and corrective action process; and ~ Inspection program recor keeping, ‘+ Inspection program monitoring and review; and ! + Internal reporting requirements, "The Abu Dhabi Occupational, Health and Safety Prectioner Cou Sjuyzors age 2s Non-conformance and corrective action procodure(s), shall adérees at minimum: “+ ldenttying and correcting nan-conformity(s) retaking ections(s) to mitigate thelr EHS consequences + Investigating non-conforiy(), determining their root cause(s) and taking actions to ‘avoid thelr reoceurence: + Evaluating the need for action() fo prevent non-conformity(s) and implementing ‘appropiate actions designed to avol ther occurence; 1+ Recording and communicating the resus of corectve action(s) and preventative ‘acton(s) taken and ‘+ Reviewing the effectiveness of corrective actions) and preventative actions) taken as pat ofthe close-out procedure Element 9 Compliance and Management Roviow_ The aie and intent of this Elements to: ‘+ Define system compliance requirements; and + Eneure a systematic approach to the review ofthe ents EHSMS, ‘To demonstrate compliance an entity shall: + Develop, implement and malnain an appropriate Integratec EHS Potoy, Develop, implement and maintain sn epproprato Legal Compliance Procedure) ‘Develop, implement and maintain an appropriate Operational Precadures(); Devel, implement and malian an appropiate Document Control) Develop, imlement and mainain an appropiate EHS Recs Retention Procedure) Develop, implement and maintain an eppropriato Management of Change Process; Develop, implement and mainain an aproprists Managemont Review Procedure(s)and Develop, implement and maintain appropiate programs and procedures prescribed under al AD EHSMS RF Elements. Integrated EHS Policy, including: "Authorized by Top Management; "+ Approptteto nature & scale ofthe ently’s EHS risks; + Communiostedt all elevant stakeholders; and + Indde commit Prevention of hij, lines and envcrmental potion; ‘+ Enhancement of employee heath and wellbeing: + Legal compliance; Seti, monitoring and reviewing EHS targets and oboctves; 1 Provision of appropriate EHS resources; and + Continua improvement. ———" "TheAbu Dhabi Occupational HesRhane Safes Pracitioner Course 3a 2013, Legal Compliance Procedure including: = dentty and access relevant gal and other requirements (eg. Legal Regist); Ensure compliance te relevant legal and other requiemerts when developing EHSWS procedures, processes and programs Ensure communication to relevant stakaholdrsof egal and other requirements; and = Be reviewed percdial to ensure it remains elevant and appropriate. ‘Operational program(s / procedure(s) including: ‘Operations and seit that are associated wih Wentied hazards) that require implementation of contol measure(s) to manage sk): = Control measures elated to supply chains (puchave of goods, equipment and services) = Contol meseure related to contactors and other valor tothe workplace; and Stipulated operating enter /insivetone, mainionsnce instructions integtty ‘rogram where ther abeance could lead to an inciease in EHS risk) Eneure that changes in organizational structure, personnel plan, machinery, equipment, ‘materials, documentation, processes or procedures do notresltin the inadvertent Inoducton of hazards ad increased risk; + Analyze changes in operational procedures or processes to Kenly any required changes in training, documentation or equipment; + Analyze changes in oeation, equipment or operating conkions fr any potontal hazards and + Ensure that all personnel are made enare of and understand any changes in requirements, procedures and appcable control measures, "Tae Abu Dhabi Occupational Health and Safety Praiuoner CourseV july 2013 Page 27 Managemont System Review procedure(,neluding: = Ensure ton management reviews the entity's EHSMS, at planned intervals to censure is suitably and effectiveness, inimam of ae ful eview per year; ‘dent key review eam members; = Spesiy clear roles and responstbiies assigned to review team members; Define the process of recoding, implementing end communicating he ress of management reviews; and + Define the exter for he review. ‘Summary of Requirements: ~ AD EHSMS RF Fam; and ‘Checklist o he minimum requlrements, “The Abu Dhabi Occupations Healt and Sale PraciionerCourseW3July 2013 Page 73 Module 4= AD EHSMS REGULATORY INSTRUMENTS EHSMS Regulatory Instruments NA - Define EHS Mandatory and Enforceablerequiremenis, tora subjectarea + Legally enacted by the AD EHSMS RF. + Development managed by the AD EHS Center with ‘coordination with subject matter Competent Authorities. ihand Salty Praciuoner Course ]uly2013 Page "The Abu Dhabi Occupational * Development managed bythe AD EHS Center with coordination with subject matter Competent Authorities. ee ‘The basic make-up ofthe codes of practic consists of ¥ 2 eesarget oa We age fre mi pir re i i cocece poatareemensteyed & ‘References (ntrationa ferences used to ensure bes practice is echived). Note: Codes of Practices are developed by AD EHS Cents or relevant competent ‘authorities dependent on the topic. (E.9, PPE) Final approval of codes of practice Is done by the Higher Commitee ‘ecupational Health and Safty Pracitioner Course sJuly2013 Paget le pret Set Paxaperet Magee ton ‘rate Caestey negro Maen ea nen wg at pen Caples tga Sow owen 2. Grane a BS Fegaonee 2. it ise ar ‘po 5. Be Rmutonew Lon roads 1 1086 Patest ey eG Prtine ‘gent: Ut oper tote ie ‘Serres ek eqn pie OBS Pte omee 1. iinet eae " Seteewes it” 0-H ie "Tre Au Dhabi Occupational Heals and Safty Pract 31 Manese. cota a C12 Lesbo weep 20: peta et 30-cesgatate 50M ane ng tie 0: Engg Hager ‘Seamer 1a eg 1 Gee Wee Ant, 80-Apa vres PEN cp ates 28 raat *00-shan atato 0-84 “20-Pton none (enact a0. ronson ‘bos Dro Eons Imei petit Po ‘80. Eased sa (2 151 yon cer ar (Co 162-Tewomy Gees * be nce ( 3-Caroosn utr fo ony er ete ‘Sntert 1s0-comet go ectot Hc coun be Det ‘10-66 Seep Bp 120. ro Sapd toon (GP 18 Tepe Engle ‘epost 110-Cengato Ft ong dat Pg ue 20-Saey noma 210-Portta neue 120-toxoirgthnats ati 2Ho-ada Togo es) 20. Tnput Sense one cng it. crtnae 9: Nok Opie sy Seog 280-bealn 28 Weng wre a 20. re ty Ease net 80 Wetraon haan 349-Sae tu nome ling Acne [B-FotrFome Te 360 Patsdeapean oasis 580 Cuenta 2-Owtdot gn 109- Fou ema {20-Teip ndPect ‘8 Tego Sts (oe Sieg tre) ‘a. Tateneprotn ta {80-ngam: Caen ea ‘atin ag 180-sPeeg 189-Conpoe Ca a A 120. Joia aioe Sse Cag WOK cP Fok Ta Bi eetamgeet ae (op ss-21s Panag conchae 0-Waseengpet 180-Eatemet aged cesta rr) iu Ta nang eg pe Foam Rat eapet fisheraat ates took Cote Atenas Commins atearepetan St fesestitegSncae SDE -cD-toy Fedomwre nae SOBER co et Rapson ‘tube OES Guage Fomine 5 Soap Fam st ats ‘romano i Form Sts EA Fo Fame. my Fantom Fom€2-Gosmnat 6 (Sanet Pome ta meen ame [ths tetas Fn) 6 tee Fo aetctnet te Prepac fend eget Fank-thntetnetin Ntson von Fam - B01 atom Abu Dhabi EHSMS Regulatory Framework (AD EHSMS RF) EHS Regulatory Instrument Code of Practice FHS RI - CoP 2.0 — Personal Protective 4 Equipment ~ Version 2.0 February 2012 “The Abu Dhol Occspaonal Health and Safety Practioner CouseVa}uly2018 Page 33 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS \wn grattude Abu Dhabi EHS Centar acknowledges the great support provided bythe Exectve Counal in felting the issuance of Aby Dhabi Enveonment, Health and Safety Management System (AD EHSMS) and fs implementation a Era eval The lssuance of he system would not have been possible without he supervision, ligent effets and producive recommendations ofthe AD EHS Center Board of eco. “These documents (Regulatory Instruments) consttute the efforts ol the Abu Dhabi EHS Confer ‘nd the concemed Sector Regulatory Auhriles who worked togeher to tgrao all relevant ‘eguatory requements under AD EHSIS RF. Te pu, contabulon and constustve vows of all sectors are high apprecicted May these documents prove o be beneficial and helpful in system implementation and in ‘expanding tho knowledge inthe EHS fel. Ly Anta dacy tt giilione Hs bi Ercnmert, Hoh ond See Cee crn Geass py = So meblscycss Reena! Sean ete jeer spies By Movi oeuanniso @ & Reglaon 8 Sperision Boreas ee ye settee ht gaia tae “The Abu Dna Occupational Healt and ley PracitionerCourseV July 2013 Pape 3 Table of Contents 4. Introution. ‘raining and Competency. 3. Requirements — 3.4 Roles and Responsibities = 3.2 General Requirement... : 33. Planing and Assossment.. 34 Selection of PE. : 35 Maintenance of PPE. 38 Storage Feculos for PPE: 8.7 Consultation & Communicaon nnn 38 Costof Personal Protective Equipment... 39 Respiratory Protecton General Requirements 3.40 Respirator Use, 3.41 Supplied Ai Systems. se 3.12 Respirator Training and Competency. 4. References ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupational Health and Suet Practitioner Course VJuly 2013, Pages 38 39 39 40 40 at a 4s a a2 44 45 Preface ‘This Abu Dhabi EHS Regulatory Instument was developed by the AD EHS Center as the primary Compton Auhorty for he top o eat he minimum nando requirements. Every effort was made in developing tis document s that it does not confit wth ‘exising local or federal laws and regulators. Incase ef conic, equremenis ofthe fisting foal sha federal laws an regulations shall preva, and aleencemed sre ‘blged to bring the eame othe atonton of AD EHS Contr frreoluton, This AD EHS Regustoy Instrument has been developed, reviewed and approved, folawing the process at desorbed In AD ENSMS Implementation Gudatna. The Integration of EHS Rogulements ithe Eniate of Abu Dhabi, by ta flowing stocoholders “+ Abu Dhabi EHS Higher Commitoe; + Abu Dhabi EHS Cente; + Environment Agency Abu Dhebi + Department of Municipal Airs; Abu Dhabi Cy Munispaliy; + ALAin Cty Municpalty; and ‘+ Westem Region Municipatty + Department of Transport ~ Abu Dhabi, ‘+ Abu Dhabi Water and Electric Authoiy: ‘+ Heath Author - Abu Dhabi; ‘+ Higher Corporation for Specialized Economic Zones (ZonesCtsp) + Contre for Waste Management ~ Abu Chet, + Abu Dhabi Tourism Authoriy: ‘+ Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority; ‘+ Abu Dhabi Edveation Counc ‘+ Regulation and Supervision Bureau; and + Other Relevant Federal and Local Competent Authors. ‘Tne AD EHSMS consis of he flowing hirarchy of documents “+ ADEHSMS RF Elements - Mandatory System Requirements EHS Regulator instruments: + Standards and Guideline Values - Mandsloy EHS threshot and exposure lve + Codes of Practice - Mandatory EHS technical requirements subject specie ‘Tre Abu Dhabi Occupational hand Safety Practoner Cours Tayey2013 Page se + Mechanisms - Mandatory system Implementation processes anc procedures Guidelines: + Technical Guideines -Non-mandatory guidance on how to implement an EHS Regulatory Insturment ‘+ AD EHSMS Guidance Documents -Nor-mandatory guidance nd interpretation an AD EHSMS RF concept andlor principle “+ Further, this documents not intended to conf with any corral obligations in effect at the time ofits esuance, However, al ue contracts shall adhere o applicable requirements fated herein and existing longterm corvacs shall be brought ita complance wih tS Fequrements as econ at reasonably practicable as stpuated by rebvant subject suthories, “This document willbe reviewed pecodicaly as part ofthe contrualimarovement cyte, ‘The aba Dhabi oceup sIsafeyyPrciioner Course a}uly2013 Pages 4. Introduction (@) This Code of Practice (CoP) applies to all employers win the Emirate of Abu Dhebl ‘This CoP is desgned to corporate requrements set by UAE and Abu Dhabi regulatory autores, I requirements ofthis document conic with requirements set by another reguatoryauborly, employers are requed b flow the more svingent reauirement (©) PPE ks defined nthe glossary as‘ equipment ncudeg clothing affording protection aganat the weather) whichis tended to be wom or held by @ person at ‘work and which protects him apaint one or more risks fo ther heath or ste, 2. Safey helmets, gloves, oye protecton, high vsbiy clofing, safety footwear and ‘Safety hamesses. (©) This CoP does not apply to general thing wom whistat work, such 25 corporate thing withthe pray purpose of presenting acorprate image. However any ‘uniform or clothing provided Yo protect agains a speaicrsk, suchas high vsbity ‘este shell be deemed 2s PPE and cover under hes rejuements 2. Training and Competency (2) Employers shall ensure that EHS training complies wi the requirements of () AD EHSMS RF — Element 05 ~ Training and Competency, () AD EHS RI Mechanism 7.0~AD EHS Professional Entity Registration; and (6 AD EHS Ri- Mechanism 8.0 AD EHS PractionerRogistration (©) The training shal be delvered to all persons who are required to se the PPE or could be affected by the misuse ofthe PP. (©. Treinng shat inctde; (0) thosik(s) which the PPE shal avoid ott; (@)thelimtations of the PPE; (when and where the PPE shal be worn; (0) What PPE shallbe worn; (¥) how to correctly don, dot, adjust and wear PPE; (W) the corect care, cleaning, useful fe, maintenance and disposal of the PPE; (8) entiation of defects and reporting procedures; (0a) correct storage of PE: (6) Inspection of PPE prior o, during and after use; and (0) procedures for recorting issue and use of PPE. ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupation | Healih and Slee Practloner Course ]uly201s Pape 38 (@)Teaning provided shall include praca and theoretical traning, (6) _Teaning shal be conducted in a language and method appropri forthe wortorc. (0, Teining shalt include atest of competency and employees shall dameanstato an Understanding of he vaining deivered. Employees unable te demensrao @cound Understanding te traning provided shall not be permite to undertake te lass) that ‘equi the use of te sald PPE untl appropriate erring has ben undertaken and Understanding demonstrated. (@) Reftesher training shall be provised [sted in Section 21(6) of is CoP. appropriate inierals od include the era (0) Employers shall maintain record ofthe requed traning that contains the folowing: ame and 1 number Emirates 10 number ofthe employe (subjects) of training; (1) ates) of raining; (9 person providing the training: and (1) type of PPE issued, 3. Requirements 34 Roles and Responsibilities 344 Employers (@) Employers shall undertake thelr roles and responsibites in accordance wit te general equiements of AD EHSMS RF Element Of ~ Roles, ‘Responsbilies ard Salf Regulation Section 3.25. (©) Every employer shall ensure that appropiate PPE is proved toa ‘employees who may be exposed to sk to her healt or safety whist at ‘work (©) AIPPE provided to employees shal be provided at no sto the expe Erwlves yon be hrgedtor PPE Wy ity carae, 312. Employees (@) Employees shall undertake thelr roles and responses in accordance Wh te general equrements of AD EHSMS RF ~ Elomont OT ~ Roles ‘Resgonabilies and Salt Reguation Socton 3.27. ‘Tae Au Dhabi Occupational Health and Safty Practoner CourseVayuly 2013 Pages® (©) Employees sha eneure they foo al he rules end regulations st bythe ‘employer and shal pol mise flame provided forthe prpose of safely. (©) Employees shal ensue that hey immediately report ay hazard or Information that may affect, adversely or others, te works being undertaken 3.2 General Requirements (@) Employers are to ensure tht PPE Is hygienic and athennise free of isk to heath PPE provided to person for el personal use only. (©) PPE provided to employees shall meet aporopite intratinal standards, Inclging American Naonal Standards Institute /Austalian Standard / European (CE Marking), or equivalent. (©) Employers shall ensure that othr persons inthe workplace (eg9. vistors) are brovded win appropfate PPE when In areas where FPE is required and tet the PPE used comecty. 3.3. Planning and Assessment (@) Employers shal evaluate each ste or operation to determine if hazards are present ‘and the workplace shal be assessed using rik management practices as required By AD EHSMS RF Element 2~ Risk Management (©) Employers chal ensue that he risk assessment i ovewer ona regular basis in Ine withthe requlraments of AD EHSMS RF ~ Element02 ~ Fisk Management. (6) Priorto providing employees with PPE, employers shal ensure that al other means ‘of prtecing the employee fom isk to thelr heath or safety, Inne wit he neath Sand safety ere of convol Hentfled witn AD EHEMS Rr ~Elamant 2 Fisk Management, have been examined, and where reasonably prociceble, implemented. 3.4. Selection of PPE (@) Whore itis detormined tat PPE is required to avoid o int exposure to isk, ‘employers shall ensure that (0 itis appropriate forthe sek o sles involved, the condtions tthe place where ‘exposure othe risk may occur, athe petod for which kis wor, (@ takes acount of ergonomic requirements andthe sate of healt ofthe ‘Person oF persons who may weet fend ofthe characteristics of he ‘Workstation ofeach such parson, (Rs capable offing the employee correctly # necessary, after adustments ‘wihin te range fo which tis designed (0) where the PPE e provided fer protection against sheicals, chemical protection [penetration aeseesed and factored ino te PPE replacement end “The Abu Dhabi Occupational Health and Safty Practitioner Course uly 2013 Page 40 ()sofar sis ressonably practicable, tis effective to prevent or appropriately ‘onto therikor risk Involved witout neeasingoveral sk (©) Employers sha ensure that where the presence of mere than one risk to health or safety makes i necessary for emplojecs to wea o use simultaneously more then tne lam of PPE, such equipmant is compatible and continues tobe effecve Sgsinet the ik or iss in quastion, (©) Employers shal eneue that where they supply non-PPE clothing end foctwoar (G29. corerate unocms) thal an appropriate rsk assessment is performed as per the fequiements of AD EHSMS RF Elomant C2 Fisk Management. 35. Maintenance of PPE (1 Employer shall ensue that ny PPE provided lo employees I maintained (including replaced or eaned a8 appropriate) nan efilet state, in wrking order and in good ropa . (©) Employers shall ensure that an appropiate Inspection regime is developed and implomontod forall PPE iesvod. 38. Storage Faculis for PPE (2) Employers shall ensure that appropiate storage faces are provided forthe ‘propriate eorage and protecion of PPE when fs not beng Used H (©) Tho storage for PPE shall ensue prevention of ! (0) damage from chemical, sunlight, high humid, heat and accidental knocks; (@ contamination from dt and harmful substances, (a) the possi of losing the PPE; and (0) containation fom mut users, (© Where tis required that PPE shal nat be used by oer persons, employers shal ‘ennure thatthe accommodation provided is secure and an only be accescod by ‘ ‘the user of the PPE. 3:7 Consultation & Communication (@) Employers shall communicate o all employee's, vistors and interested partes: areas where PPE le required; types of PPE required; (i) sks present within these areas; and t (0) procedures for esue of PPE. ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupational Health and Safety Practioner Couse’.3July 2013, (0) Employers shat ensure tat appropriate sgnage I erected in al areas where PPE: lerequred in ccordanca wth AD EMS R~ CoP 17.0- Safty Signage and ‘Signal 38 Costof Personal Protective Equipment (@)_Allnocessary protective equipment shal be provided by the enployer at no costo ‘employees, os por Artie 91 of Federal Law No. Bot "860. (©) Other protective equipment shal also be provided, tne cos, by the employer 2s per the resus of risk assessment (everyday clothing, such a8 long-sleeve shits, lng pans, street shoes, and oral work boots: and (@ _erdinary lothing, ein croams,o* ctor tame, vod elaly fr protection from ‘weather, such ae winter coat, jackets, loves, ark, rubberboot, has, ‘aincoats, ordinary sunglasses and sunscreen. (© Employers shat pay fr replacement of employe-prorided PPE, except when the ‘employee has lt or nenionally damaged the PPE. (fan employee wishes to provide thelr own PPE, emoyers shallbe responsible {or assuring hat t provides appropriate protecton based on the risk assessment, Including approprate marterance, and santaon of such equipment. {9 Respiratory Protection General Requirements (61 Wherever an employee is exposed to artome contaminants in excess ofthe “Threshold Lit Vales (TLV) as stated in ho AD EHS Rl ~ Standards and Guldsines Values, employers shall provide respraty protacton to hat employee. ‘Appropriate and effective exprators shall be provided unt such time as: (exposures ae reduced olevs below he TLV though engines contol measures and other means: or In thove situation where engineering or other corirol measures are not effective in reducing the employee's exposure telow the TLY. (@) Employers shall provide sppropdte respiratory protection in accardance of the resale of ek assessment (2 Employers shall ensure thatthe respitstors do not exceed the assigned protection {actor asset by the manufacture ofthe respirator. (8 Where the use of respirators is equred empoyors chal estalch and maintain a ‘len Respiratory Protecion Program, wih required worksie-spociic procedures ‘nd elements for required reeprtar use, The program shal be administred by an ‘Spprpratly tained and competent person and at aminimum shal "The Abu Dhabi Occupation [Heatvand Safety Pract come aqaiy201s Page 2 o o o o ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupational, (0 covereach emplayee required by this section to use respcaor (© be updated as necessary to efit those changes in workplace condtions that afer respirator use, (G) employers chalice nthe program the flowing procedures / provisions, 2s applicable (1). for selecting respirators for use inthe workplace; (2) for29proptate use of respirators in routine and reasonably foreseeable ‘emergency uations; (9) Include respiratory "test requirerrents (4) _schedulos for cleaning, dlenfctng, string inepecting,repaiing, ‘scarding, and otherwise mains resprators; (6) encure appropriates quality, quantity, an flow of breathing sir for ‘Supplied air reeptors: (6). ttalning of employess in tho rosiatory hazards o which hey re potently exposed during reutine and emergency stuains (taining of employees inthe appropiate use of respatos, incusing ating on and removieg them, any tales on thelr use, nd thelr ‘maintenance: and (©) eneure regualy evaluating th effectiveness ofthe program. (0) whore exposures do not exceed the TLV employers shal provide respirators ‘1s request of employees, or for voluntary use. Where the voluntary uso of ‘eposabe tering face ploce respirators ony are used, al exposures below ‘he TL, a writen respirator protection programs nt required. Employers shall designate a competent person who i competent through ‘nproprat training or experience commensurate wit the complex of ‘he program fo administer and overs te replratoy protectin program ‘and conduct the required evalations of program effedvenes. Employers shal provide reepators, traning, and medial evaluations at no cat tothe employee. Whore diepotable respirators are used employers st umber of esprator to allow replacement workplace. Appropriate medical suveilance shall be maintained work area conditions and degre of employee exposure, as per AD EHS Ri ~ CoP 50 Medical Suvellanes. When there is a change in wrk area cantons or degree of ‘employes exposure that may affect respirator effecveness, employes shall Feovaate he continued effectiveness ofthe respira. Employers shall conduct evaluation ofthe workplace as required o ensure that the provisions of th current witen Program are blr efecvely implemented and that i continues to be elective, Respatory Protection Program evaluation shal De condined annually, supply an appropriate required by conditions inthe ath and Soley Praclionar Course 3]uly2013 Page 3.10 Respirator Use @ o © o © o @ Employer shal provide each employee required to use respiratory protecton wth 2 ‘ecpirator that i clean, santary, and in good working order Employer shall develop a schedule to repace respirator ters base upon the rmanuctures requirements, the ute ofthe respirator and elective be ofthe respirator Employers shall ensure that respirators ae Cleaned and disinfected 3 required and recommended by the repestor manufacturer and nchdig (0) respirators issued to more than one employee shal be cleaned and Aishfeced beore being wer by aerent employees; (© respirator mainisined for emergency use shallbe cleaned end disinfected ater each use; and (i) allrespirtor shall be stored to protect them trem damage, ‘contamination, dus, sunlight, exteme temperatures, excessive moisture, and damaging chemicals, and they stl be packed or ‘ored fo prevent deformation ofthe face place and exsation vane, Allrespiators used in routine situations are to be inspected before each (ee and during cleaning ‘Allrespators maltained for use in emergency stuslons ae to be inspecod at lost monthly and n accordance withthe manufocturers ‘ecommendation, and sal be checked for appropiate function before ‘and ster each us. Employers shall ensue that respirators that fal an inspection or are ‘othernise fund wo be defecive are removed from seve, and ae Aiscarded or repated or adjusted in accordance with ine manufacturer's recommendations Repairs or adjustments o respirators are to be made onl by persons appropriately rained to perform such operations and shall use nly the ‘epirator mandtacturers approved pats designed fr that respirator. 3.14. Supplied Ai Systems @ Employers shal ensure that compressed ar supplied to respirators meet tho folowing specticatons: (© oxygen content) of 18.5% -23.5%; (@) hydrocarbon (condensed) contet of nillgrams per cuble meter of ar or less: (@) carbon monexide (CO) content of 10 ppm or ess; (carbon dixie content of 1,000 ppm oss; (0) lack of neticeabe odour, and (bu Dhabi Occupational Healvand Solely racilonerCouseVs]uy2013 Pages © © © (7) contains no concentration of xc materials) Employers shall ensure that compressors or cinders used o supply breathing aie to respirators are constructed and stuated so a8 (0) prevent enty of contaminated ar into the arsupply system: (@ minimize moiture content 0 that the dew pont a1 stmasphere pressures 5's degrees C belo the ambient temperature (ave suitable n-ne si purtying sorbent beds and fers to further ensure ‘breathing ai qualty. Sorbent beds and fers sha: (1) be maintained and replaced or refurbished perocally folowing the manufacturers instucions; and (@) havea tag containing the most rent charge date and the signature of, ‘he person authoraed bythe employer to gerorm the change. The tog shallbe maintained atthe compressor. For compressors that are not ol-ubicalod, employers shall ensue tat carbon ‘monoxide levels in ha breathing ai do not excood TO ppm, For ol-ubicated compressor, employers shall use ahigh-fempertur or carbon ‘monoxi alarm, or bots, to montor carbon monokde level. only Ngh- femperaure alarms ae eed, the air supply shal be monitored at teva ‘Separate to proven carbon monosde inthe breathing a rom exceeding 10 pm. Refer foAD EHS Ri ~ CoP 36~ Plant and Equoment ard AD EHS Fl CoP 449 Compressed Gases ard Ar Employers shall ensure that breathing ai courlings ae incompatible with outlets fornomrerprable workae ai or olor gas eystoms, No asphyiaing substance ‘hallbeitoduced inte breathing at Ines. 3.42. Respirator Training and Competency ® Porto requrng an employee to use reepratorln the workplace, employers ‘hal provide a training program aperopiats to ensue that each empioyee can ‘demonstrate Knowledge of at leas the flowing why the respirator ie required and how improper fi, usage, or malatenance can compromise the protective efi ofthe respirator, (W) what the limitations and capabities ofthe respator are: (0) haw tous the resprator effectively n emergency situations, ‘eluding stuaions ln which the reepeator matenctons, (d)_how to inspect, puton and remove, use, and creck the seas of he respiatr, (0) the procedures for maintenance and storage ofthe resprator, () how to recognize medical sgns and symptoms that may li or prevent the effective use of eepatrs; and (7) the general requirements of his section | “The Abu Dhabi Occupational Heath and Suet PractionerCourseV-3Juy 2013 Page 48 (0) Training shal be conducted ina language and method that is Understandable othe employee, etme and place enveriont tothe ‘ompoyes, and at no cost othe employes, (© Retaining sto be administered annually, and when ths following stuations occur (© changes Inthe workplace or the typeof respira: render previous ‘raining cbsoles, (8) inadequacies in the employee's knowledge or use of the respirator indicate thatthe empoyee has nt retained the requis Understanding or ski or (any other situation arises in whch retrining appears necessary to ‘ensure sae respirator use References ‘+ ADEHSMS RF - Element 01 ~ Roles, Responsbilis and Se- FRoguiation 1+ ADEHSMS RF Elmont 2— Rick Manogomont AD EHS RF ~ Element 8 — Trang, ‘Competancy and Aaroress “+ ADEHS RI~ CoP 17.0 Safety Senage and Signals + ADEHS RI CoP 36.0 Plant and Equipment + ADEHS RI CoP 49.0 Compressed Ar and Gases ‘+ INDG288- Salection of Sutable Respirtor Potecre Equipment — WSE~UK + L25~ PPE at Work Regulations and Guidsnce ~ HSE UK (© Abu Dnabt EHS Cento 2012 “This docmentie ad shal emai the property of he AD EHS Cee. The document may on be use forthe purposes for which wa itendeg,Unuthrised use or reproduction of is omsrent is rch "The Abu Dhabi Occupational Healihand Safety PractionerCourseV.3July 2013 Paget +" Occupational Air Quaity + Occupational Noise { Emironment — By Reference Mochaniems Describe mandatory AD EHSMS RF implementation processes and procedures (eg. EHS Inldent Reporting), These mechanisms include relevant process maps and standard AD EHSMS RF Fos. Mechanism 1 Intogration of EHS Requirements ‘This mechanism is designed to doin the procedures tobe uttzed by the AD EHS Centr, Competent Authorites (CA's), Sector Regulatory Autores (SRA) and Entities to manage the Integration of EHS requirements throughout the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. ‘+ Vial process to harmonize EHS requirements; “+ Designed to eliminate duplication and conflicting requirements; and {To be complied wih when new or updated requirements denied Mechanism 2 Sector EHSMS Requirements ‘+ This mechanism fs designed o deine a standard approac for setting requirements of the concemed EHSMS Sacior Regulatory Authorities (SRA) ‘+ The requirements of tis mechanism supersede SRA EHSMS requirements ofthe AD EHSMS RF V1.2 July 2009 ‘+ This AD EHS Regulator Instrument i designed to facia Integration ofthe emirate- Wide EHS requirements with specie Sector EHSMS requirements for entites within ‘each concerned sector and assist muli-dscpnary entiies comply wit the requirements ofthe AD EHSMS RF. ‘+ This mechanism as been designed to ensure fa, trersparent and consistent Implementation ofthe AD EHSMS RF "The Abu Dhabi Occupational Healt and Safety PractionorCourseV3]uly 2018 Pag (Ge Table of Contents: Scope: Sector EHS Policy; Sector EHS Targets and Objectives; ‘Addtional Sector EHS Reporing Requirement (i appiiabi) Sector Emergency Management ‘Sector Aut ané Inspection Programs; ‘Sector Non- Conformance and Enforcement Process (unl sandardized by AD EHS Centre, ‘Appendix: Emergency Plan(}; and ‘Appendix: Legal nd Regulatory Register. -Machaniam 10 Requast to Update or Modify AD EHSMS RF or associated Documents + This mecharicm is designed to dein the requirements to te met in requesting and processing a proposed change to any issued AD EHSMS Regualory Framework or ‘associated document ‘+ Requests shal be submited by the originator dec to the AD EHS Centre through the ‘website www sdehsms. ag. ‘Tre Abu Dhabi Occupational Health and let Pracllonar Course ]uly 2013 Page Forms Se REQUEST FORODHICATON OF AD EASHS RF ere Foon O.cnmgecrRagnnan Rein bxtuert! Sanda Fom (Dado Nowra Repay ware Gun Fare (coon an Reval gina Rapley ant Sr Fon ST TREE Pa Ra aa Saas ears Tema tthe Neateson rr eopentasinatpinaces Cig ma matress PR DGS —| CR Ta RSE ‘The Abu Dhabi Goupatonal Healir and Seley PrasiuonerCourseJuly2018 Page 50 FORMS REQUEST FOR MOOINCATION OF AO EHSUS RF one or “The Abu Dhabi Occupational Heath and Seery Pracitoner CourseWJuly2013 Page ST Mechanism 3 Identify, Nominate and Reolster Entities “This mechanism is designed to define the standard processes for Secor Regulatory Authorities (SRA‘s) in dentiying,classfying and nominating the EHSMS entlies within thelr concerned Sectors ‘This mechaniam includes the key SRA requirements of “+ Assessing the ik lvel of relovant eis to lass thelrEHSMS requirements; ‘+ entifyng entities to be registered to comply vith the lw isk entity requirements within thelr concerned Sector + dentin entities to be nominated to develop fly comant EHSMS within thelr ‘concemed Sector, and Gaining offi epprovalto nominate spect ents win thelr concemed Sectors, ‘Sector Regulatory Authority Enty kentifcation Proces Each concemed SRA shall develop and maintaln a register ofan Keensed and operating nth Det conoomed see "FreAbu Dhabs Occupational Healt and Safety practioner Course 3]uly2018, Page 2 Ce me) oe “The register shall contain the follwing Information asa minimum: nity name; Main undertaking: ‘Single scpinary or mult-dscpinry; Fisk clasieation - High, Medium or Low; ‘Stage of registration and nomination: and Ey classieaton code and registration nurtber. Entty Risk Assessment Process Th o2essed lval of rik aall pacity whether an entity has to fly comply wth the requirements ofthe AD EHSMS RF ofthe requirements of AD EHS R~ Mochanism 5.0 ~ EHS ‘Requirements fr Low Risk Ents. “The process fo be use to perform the ently ek sssessmentshalincude the folowing minimum ent CComplexty nature and frequency of operations and acivtes performed: Number of employees; * Uso storage andlor emission of hazardous materials: end Proximity to residential or sensitve communes (chodls, hospitals, protected Environmental zono/ area, et) ‘Nomination of Entities Process ~ Medium fo High Risk ‘The Abu Dhabi Ocrupaional Healthand SuetyPractionerCourseV.3juy 2013 Page 33 Entities that have been assessed to have medium /high sk shall develop, Implement ‘and mainian an operational EHSMS to manege the EHS hazards and dss of thee ‘operations in compliance withthe AD EHSMS RF and concemed Sector EHSMS Requirements “The concerned SRA shal offically nolly the Kentied ently, this notification shall Include @ copy of AD EHSMS RF ~ Form A and a copy of te concemed Sector EHSMS Requirements document. ‘Separate nominaton, registration and approval proces is required for enttles that hold dflerent Trade / Commercial Licenses isued by the Department of Economic Development (Abu Dhabi) Entities at operate in multiple locations / projects under @sngle Trade / Commercial Lene ised by he Department of Economic Develepmant (Abu Dhabi) only require @ single nomination, reisvation and approval process. ‘The entty shal offcaly acknowledge this ntiicaton, inching completing and ubmiting AD EHSMS RF ~ Form A and returning tt the concermed SRA wahin 30 cays. 7 & [AD EHSMS RF —Form A confirms information suchas: Entty information; Cassicaon Code and Registration Number issued by theconcemed SRA; “Tmeame to develop and implement en EHSMS; and (Current lvel and types of eytoms implemented inthe ety. [AD EHSMS RF ~ Form B sto be used to update or modify the nornated eniies informat Including proposed changes to development and mplementation tales. \y “Maximum timeframes for entiios assessed to be medium / high sk include: + Developmen ot EHSHS:2rmons fam otal mene a; 5 nplorntton of EHSMS: 1 saringamenaton whew meth om fi EMS ppl etd ” + Submision reve rd appeal f ny ESS done acre wth estan Not: Concemed SPs my se shorter development metres I deemed apeopite Entities assessed tobe low sk shall comply with tho requirements of AD EHS R~ Mechanism '5.0~ EHS Requlremen for Low Rsk Enties wihin 6 months ofoficial notation to comply ‘rom thei concemed SRA, “The Abu Dbl Occupational Health and Safety PracitionerCourseV July 2013 Page S4 FORMA REGISTRATION FOR DEVELOPMENT OF EHS, General inforiato Sf ae ase Se ane oy ‘ect uot As D eaomsconetse Gl cacacn toy —— Font cannons Hea © wey 1D rsten apo we 1D wise OD comma Tae TE GeeacieRanoe | Berar aT on ‘edhe: epg; [rar FOE TTR aI rome pra oa ‘one Sta Prope eae Spesing ners Sovaing tose ee [Dest ap tins fen Bae "Toe Abu Dna Occupational Heal and Safety Praciioner Course Vy 2013 PageSS FORMA Yy REGISTRATION FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ESS ee. Tease coer Seeger is Sager SOR SE STATES TONT |] eo OR aT OHSAS TT Tae OST RTST SO TET | | Re a aT OR THT | ‘Sermon petr a | feted mesos Tew BO a a TOT ew ONG NS a a Sera a RoR a aera TREAT aa a aT roa aa a TA | ces ala emanating cart ore, ‘uefa tte see lcm SS deen sor mpm a ey ut ‘nobus partons wotn opal cuuyprA0 ence eer ‘The Abu Dhabi Ocrupational Healt and Safety Praclloner Course July 2018 Page se FORMA Y REGISTRATIONFOR DEVELOPMENT OF ESS Ses. Soraestne oa Sa ged imino doves Raarsten te uae torcapiig he dentprettEHSNS: ___(Omy)__ ere) ten tee: imran te Ent BSNS ha commence ni 0 df ei posta conconed SAA, ete: Ex Promwrenne ea pong Ragone tanner ne us: Armin Pry xl Capone a aha be eo (12 eh me OM ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupational Heathand Safety PraciionerCourseY-SJuly 2013 Page 7 AMENDMENT TO NTTY EORMATIN as a | eee eas ees comm eu tee | ROR ETT . a | one Fa FOR a | Pete . aT ESE . a | Pemm — —_ aT | orm omen stone [ a |tnennsn 1D commtennon apt Head Ofen andar ia . ‘TheAbu Dhabi Ocrpatonal, Heat and Safety Practioner Course 3Jay 2013 Pages® Forms 2 AMENOMENT TO ERTTY MFORUATION oe (2) orgratrae ou om ©) NewrantosePepines tomy (2) Peter eon Tne Rent | teatountecorteng as nce of ty a ‘eocvlbome snes S| ‘oe Porn nt pry gama oe ee, ate Pt ot a nen 2 oe ‘TheAbu Dhabl Oarupatonal Hea and Safety Practoner Course V3 uly 2013 Pages Fore yy ‘AMENOWENT To ENTITY WFORUATION eet a eae Sersurctne fi (@) commence one aman mtd (©) Pores ain cng ba esp HSM: ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupational Health and Safety PractionerCourseY3Juy 2013 Page 60 AMENOENTTOENTFY ERATION ei Se == = ‘The Abu Dhabi crupatonalHealhand Suey PracitionerCourse/3]uly2018 Page) Mochanism 4 EHSMS Submission, Review and Approval ‘This mechanisms designed to define the procedures to be utized by the AD EHS Centre and Sector Regulatory Authotites (SRA) to manage te eview, approval and implementation of veloped EHSMS, EHSMS Submission, Review and Approval + SRA\s eviow against the minimum requiements ofthe AD EHSMS RF and the ‘concemed Sector EHSMS Requirements “+ Submitia ofthe enty EHSMS ehalinckde a completed ant authored AD EHSMS RF = Fo; and + Ifthe entity utiizes a constant to help develop ther EHSNE, the consultancy office shall be registred and approved to parfrm tis work by the AD EHS Cente Ifthe consultancy office isnot registred and approved by the AD EHS Centre, the EHSMS shallbe automatically rejected ‘+The entty shal be offi informed by the SRA retumingthe AD EHSMS RF — Form (C- ifthe submitted EHSMS ls compliant wih the minimum equrements of the AD EHSMS AF and the Concomed Sector EHSMS Requirements or detals of the ‘modifctions required tobe compliant; nd ‘+ Concemed SRAs shall undertake reviows of submited erties EHSMS' and provide oficial feedback to the entity within 60 calendar days from he submission dat Note: Following approval of an entity EHSMS and within a maximum time period of 12 _months the entity must undergo third party audit results using Form Fto thelr relevant ‘SRA. ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupational Health and Srey PracitionerCourseV-3]uy 2013 Page 62 FoRMc SUBMISSION OF ESS DOCUMENTS FOR REVW ANO APPROVAL es ota Sea ae aa emt eins Tomnnaene Saki Cems oe T pocepa Rens at oS ‘Conte AO EISHS AF For CSD WN ON FR TAT TI aS TESTES TS TOT 21] hep Enesoret Hash Sty Ply a RTT S| | ares Sia by Top napa 73 | append aT BER TREE + penne ay et dentro pn 1 il cmotes 1 Seta main ws eto Sage ajc 1 dome ena Sree ‘TheAbu Dhabi Oxupatonal Heath and Safer Proclioner Course 3 fly 2013 Page 63 Foruc ‘SUBMISSION OF ESS DOCUMENTS FOR REVEW ANO APPROVAL 37 Bares i Pay arate [AT [Res and Retest ee ceetps 32 | Baws ep maanonns wins en SHS NS Fa | ESS RTT aT SS PO tng ashen rechros mine a 2 SSAA aa ETN TST | eae ee a eo 51 | Leconte procera! | enantio aso FE SISA TT TAT TICS "The Abu Dhabi Ocrapational Health and Safety PractionerCourseV 3Juy 2013 Page 64 Forme ‘SUBMIS. OF Ess DOCUMENT FORREVEW AND APPROVAL Taro exminains isan ep Kerr ‘Wm ao wena, SERIO oe aN Tewtyo1 osS aeesin eons {amu fase mgemet eaamlnretza he ko at st [Screen pasa AR 1 Seapets srnapeerie crocs ninety + rated nena se of pec haste was 1 Sep ouon comme ners 1 htea cle ne yon apne ent eign naa ‘Teernndeaey Zenpcjese + pani tems mote oy enpye 1 neni tenn rian Pm wosace 1 near er eas pee art ey. Tas eneernon cng eteeue aa arapnan w Taoapraas bs CHES Earle Se Sac Epa oa a On TE [ees Soars Pa Sey coe mers db Fo ‘a lS ne aT Magnan Coan pore coeipe ‘rh ap a agit d Comoe Pear ona ‘Toeabu Dhabi Occupational Heahand Safety PracitionerCourseV-SJuly2015 Page 65 Forme SUBNISSION OF EHSUS OCUMENTS FOR REVEM AND APPROVAL (Girne. S45 tarpon any onecton Worn ai FS TE RET SRS AOA 2 ee EE Ratt ae I TT a5 | + posta ctapepitn nore han eine en) ‘oaenene remains sur dq Ta [Enos pra ony mone Sa maaan ee ‘11 | Peponies SOPs ome Se TET BE ORT TT TT ‘eureimenenanslcora es nso 33 | nate creo ad mrp asus toa oman TE “| ase crac ds aa aah aon oe OaEIES So TEATS TT TO TST 1] tangent Change rose eet or | SERS TAT RS ‘pesmpase stn racecar ornonne Tar | ES asa Fos BRIA FSR HR TT Shea bounry emi» eter TBr | fase cares msn lime a iT ae ‘The Abu Dhabi Ocrupational Health and Safety PractionerCourseY 3July2013— Page 66 Form SUBMISSION OF SUS OOCUMENTS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL fe SRT RR TA TH TT aoonens wrcsres molec ese TS aig potas coven | Ro canis wa NOES A aes Ta 13 | Asttemeniaay Sma van ae Vga aaoronarg ooops ery nea + ots manent Sytem tag 14 | better antrepestee 1 basin grr stage) 1 Exe congas oeancovamaret pce poate 1 lane pate ane gE ag Ta NOS TICS ES ‘remot eto ea ol tpi empties rey a pe tig ‘ony, rr hepa sn rangement, 1 Sant secin mand conten {eter vanrg mgm 121 | 01 Conpomc cee deans TEE | Sara taeam ates eonspetorrg mi I ES AT TAT TIS ag | reat composes ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupational Health and Suey Praciuoner CourseV3july 2013 Page 7 Fore May SUBMSSION OF BISUS COCUMENTS FOR REV AND APPROVAL Se FoRMC eae _SUBNISIoN OF ENEWS DOCUMENTS FORREVEW AND APPROVAL, Le ER waT A ea a 1 sy, to ttn st ond L Sexrayesrepobies compen sree soy | "slog Sara simone cme ee 5 Regenerate 2 ma ects vig omaton 2 Seppe cng 1 sparen meg atefoe 5 ir an cpg TBE | Enron nh os we oy conto neo BS Ba 2 Sa aaa aT a + scan nn in, aca sa 1 sorcpnn rm a cee “Tae Abu Dhabi Occupational Healthand Safety Praciuoner CourseV-3juy 2013, Page 6d FoRMc _SUsMSSION OF ESS DOCUMENTS FOR REVEW AND APPROVAL, 7 aa ia oar OS pero ot HEM utd yt a Da ton/anasetnee ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupational Heal and Saley PraclvonerCourseV 3July 2018 Pago 70 Forme Sem fsck. MISSION OF ENSMS DOCUMENTS FOR REVEW ANC APPROVAL etme at etn EHS Reap: PE) te: pentane Ent GIS acme tn 30 ey re ne cca A te £5 Patna nd id arg Perens sa cone ee te: Arial har esr Cenpoeeeohb unrin(2ae ea e ‘Sie ed oes —_— (Oa O_O ‘Gao GS Fm Cs re abn ww ADEE Coe ADRS Fam) oy yg, “The Abu Dhabi Occupational Health and Safety Prastvoner Course ]uly 2013 Page 7 i ‘Rowiees Tem user erate pas Menta Feaetsonbuntor tamil Peaerston neor acon ora sapere Ch Farastreen ns rn he Th Py Exon Ast AsO ‘en On Pero eget Ome Setar “The Abu Diab Occupational Health and Sfety Praclioner CourseV3 uly 2013 FORM ENTITY AMMUALTHRO PARTY EXTERNAL AUD REPORT (el SES EL a 2 | Rler onder 3 [ener snsonmes [beeen [Renter 1 | enwoers Repos cone Sorters Pee 3 | Moser Cae 12. [enna acorn 11 | rr ert et ian Reg 13, | Astana cto Cooma) 1 [Bs recmne toners Pages FoRWF ENTITY ANUALTHRO PARTY EXTERNAL AUDTREFORT e: ny Conn Tot at el oma edn ie amet e,cned conte Santer ote ins tl alimain oot nti onan on covet oH sense =e ft "Tie Alu Dhabi Ocouptional Health and Safery PractionerCourseV3 July 2013 Page FORME Sane "ENTITY ANMUALTIRD PARTY EXTERNAL AUD REPORT ened "The Abu Dhabl Occupational, Health and Safety Practivoner Course Vs|uly 2013 Page7S Sis submission, Reviewand’Approval eSubm Bus Le (Ema [re metement EHSMS &arange fe otowing= 1. Toot EHS Reporte Secor ReputtonyAuberty (Say tele 6 ore ‘Tose mute Seca’ Ropuaton Kumar FoF “Torepon eho igen to Revert Ashore ung ‘Seca leguory Autor e vou Porm © T Fane Rag ROT [ro report ne En Peromance of he Sectoro te Comptent [Ac Na Mochanism § EHS Requirements for Low Risk Entities Defines minimum EHS requirements fr enies tat have been assessed by SRA as low risk and do not requ uly compliant EHSMS; Includes: + Standard Templates / Forms (registers, et) ‘Existing Federal and Emirate EHS Requirements; and ‘+ Incident Reportng Requcemonts. ‘Note: SRA's must officially not low risk entities of need to comply. ation of Entities Process - Low Risk +The concerned SRA shal ofall notify sn entty that has been assessed fo pose a low Fisk of the requirement to compl with AD EHS Rl ~ Mechanism 6.0 - EHS Requirements for Low Risk Ente, ‘+The concered SRA shal perform an EHS compliance inspection within 12 months of ‘netying the enty to ensure compliance wit the requirements of this document. The Concerned SRA shal record the outcome of te Inspection eg. Inspection Checklist). ‘+ The concomed SRA shall develop and maintain a register oficial noted Low Rsk” entes and completed inspections. ‘TheAba Dhabi Gccupatonal Health and Safety Praciuoner CourseY3July 2018 Page 77 “The frequency of on-going EHS inspections shal be r'sk-bated, and include analysis of the entities annual submitsion of the ently Occupational nur Register, 9s pec AD EHS R= Mechanism 6.0 - EHS Performance and Incident Reporting Secon 4 “The concerned SRA can at any time reassess an entity and update their compliance status necostary (09, Low Risk ently re-asessed tobe Medium Risk therefore Fequing them to develop fly compliant EHSMS). EHS Requirements for Low Risk Enttios Focuses on issues such as ‘Ste and task specie Induction and arin (Induction taining records, employeo ‘apples et) Hazards sks are Wontifed and understood (Copies risk assessment realy avalabe); and ‘Safe and sppropiate plant, equipment and tools (Maintenance inspections records and PE Register). Reporting, investigating and responding to serous incidents (investigation, nesr miss and indent report forms) Safety and health issues: ‘Appropate PPE: ‘Appropriate Fist Ad and Fire Fighting Equipment, Hazardous Substances; and ‘Appropriate and Clean Amenities, ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupational Heal and Sulery PracionerCourseVjuly 2013 Page 78 Mechaniam 06 ~ Performance and Incident Reporting [A Performance Reporting This mechanism fs designed to define the procedures tobe utized by the AD EHS Cent, Sector Regulatory Authorities and Entities to manage the minimum EHS performance and Incident reporting process and criteria, ‘+ Quarterly EHS incident and Peformance Reporting, Performance Reporting- Objective + To ensure fl implementation of EHSMS and compliance wih AD EHSMS RF requirements + Tormeasure perfomance of AD EHSMS RF at a Sector and Emiate lov! + Toestabish an EHS database, baselines and trends; and ‘+ To measure achievement of reduction targets. ie Abu Dhabi Grupatonal Health and Safety Proctoner CourseWSyuly 2018 Pape 79 Performance Reporting- KPIs: + KP%s are quanilebe perforwance measurements used to assoss progress inthe ‘achievement of EHSMS goals at Ent, Secor and Emirate lve; + KPls ated under AD EHSMS RF ar the minimum indicator, aienal KPle can be ‘ated by the Competent Authory/ SPA and + Performance reports (Form E) shallbe submited by ents that have an approved EHSNS. Performance Reporting- Timeframes fae Se [Ser "Tre Abu Dhabi Oceupati [eahivand See Pracitoner Couey 3]uly2013, Pageo Forme: ENTITY QUARTERLY ENSUS PERFORMANCE REPORTING aaienain e cadre ie Toate aaa aa ae Ean reomaree ee ee Ce ce PepcraTinte |" — [Oe | Slats | ancam | connie HPL201 Tell Munbe of EHS nents Reparia et Smee 7 soins = hr ae aT Eat Soo’ [aoe Sa Le Brows. nom a, wing Moser ie ‘avian om = a Serge [ ee vas ren Steet [tial evan oO en Aap er ome Pe ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupational Health and SoferyPracitoner CourseY 3July 2018 Page 81 FORME [NITY QUARTERLY ESS PERFORMANCE REPORTING 1 ws [iniamaar® [MEST romano oe [ee ‘tgp gan ae ; atest segment smphctes oe cates | ey wee a eatin Fever ae a ei ey Sy a8 Total Reporte Case Frequency (TRCF) someone ree ee ‘entree a ierotreturr | rue natny amee reoatwctwone | poe ‘silacreraes erm ‘The Abu Dhabi Ocrupatona Healavand Seer Praciuoncr CourseY3July 2018 Page 82 FORME Yy [ENTITY QUARTERLY ESS FERFORNANCE REPORTING aoe socrtecenesnceay | SEES fees ommtenvancuas | Teneemwanne eerie | Sieg I eae waa [ Comme le a a == Kerteawuttsiy | tnwovecew | rwionrinoune | ete I aaeetes, * [Tee [meter | wos | oem] sae an See a eo Hazardous Waste Dispos itpeigteter ‘Prefeus Reporting Quarter | ingee uct a8 een cng [CEST te sas [ame [Sve Faneesaiar | roeneseme [eee ny spleens, eo ‘Romer ta mcyana fee! Sete areumtnoreapcetctas | ae enter eloaaties en tr tes pnts gcse; | STE etre ne tonsa Sehast red deancontecet | uly tes! peat EMS cman neds anaes or “The Abu Dhabi Gccupatonal esha Soler Praciuoner CourseVSJuly 2013 Page 63 Y ENTITY QUARTERLY EHS PERFORUANCE REPORTING me foie rovesr [Radon poe! tO Proton Spica Pa ton Fae [nets prey ceases ees | Stor Csam | Ceaaornms ning Ey ah a a Com ‘Sanare cine Soran: Se a == ‘The Abu Dhabi Ooupational, Health and Safety PractlonerCourseV.3July 2013 Page FORME NITY QUARTERLY ESS PERFORIAICE REPORTS a ana a ——— aa toctahoe © crm [2 armen [8 a mem] or eam Rosman |“ — ier | Sai” | arm | Sonar eseontsae cee Som Praia Tarte i Gomeaem ae ‘soetas * [Eswmns = EEE | Paton Sere, ete men ae: Ssert, oo orn it ‘on Sar Rano oad nt = Caregen crm ae Sine Eire | cee Ancram Tom hana Spe Ut Al apr oe Oe nw ou Baa ‘The Abu Dhabi Oocspational Heakh and Suet Pracivoner CourseY july 2018 Page FORME ENTITY QUARTERLY ENSUS PERFORMANCE REPORTING Bee Degertent = No. Employees in EHS Dept ae —— "anes mas ee somitetys = =a | ee ewes 1 ae tate Feeney 7 ees See ey er pescees | ner cree enn ny ety a aaepnisecarerenerycnon | Seneiareet | Tree” | wea paeceee aRmrngoune | revieRapeesoue: | guar eny sae ea oe a ome Ts Ren ee sri rtcn So Sinecan itedionann te) meet wee ‘raRagetie tr | Pee Reet Oa Par cenemen crober amen bt “The Abu Dbabi Occupational Heal and Safety Practioner Courses July 2013 Page 6 FORME Y ‘TITY QUARTERLY ESS PERFORMANCE REPORTING Twenworeoww | reine cua | nos, Fat cometen Sm pmecaetatcnnengen tty | “tnt, | entice | wae | eaeiseee | meme oe aap nate) Retention | menemigcinen | rmtoarapsin cane | panera a a Sasigzecets ae Fa RS rentucatnawmtatenag | Tarenganmer | tmineRatannn | gehen secatcingromten, | sauna | mwa | Sasow | vaawny | suse) | Ute ence Seacrest eg rae ne Trerentrconer | revon trea uw | esncee a Ee ipenememaasns, eae Tomaso eremirocutr | teinntgoreouan | ‘vecee a ade te Ra sce} Ee founerentens, Recta ot eee de ing on eo ee ma ef pentane recs oe “Number of penaties es rece: Number ot fas pena proctions recived “ — fate simsaretcomnmce | rasa cmt pov esacene ‘SS epson SER ner Courrev aya 2013 Pages FORME: » [ENTTY QUARTERLY ESS PERFORMANCE REPORTING am sonnet ons Sanaa oe ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupations) Health and Safety PracitionerCourseV-3july 2013 Page 8 "Te Abe Dhabi Oonpatonl Heal and Saety Praciioer CourseV uy 2013 Paseo eaten = ‘The Abu Diab Ocepational Heal and Safety Practoner Course uy 2013, Pase90 aa Rana aa ae home | ar Renae/ Daag biaer ay Com Sony [pass Daa nee Sn [Seer ene Astrea a cee Tein ‘Destro Sono oom ‘The As Dhab Occpatonal Neath and Safty Pracitioer Course 73 uly 018 eo PE Surin ot pale ets tha ecards he pong pes ramp: Alan ick pl ncn ao The ve eed mine wr Cae bates woud by ft eo was oDacor asa pecan ~ m9 {ther ngs eteomerpotorct Asal anon par hess Pome ck ‘Then Dhabi Ocrapational Healt and Steg PraciuonerCourseV 3 uly2013—Pase9z ‘Then Dhabr Occupational Heakh and Slay Praciioner Cause 3Juy 2018 Paaeos sg ‘The Abs Diab Ocapaional Health and Soe Praciuonar CoureVS]uy2013—— Paget ‘The As Drab Oonpational Hear and Safey PracionerCoutseVisuly2013 Page 95 ‘The be Dhabi Occpational Hel Say PrecibonerCourseV3 fbr 2013 Pane 9e Mechanism 6 EHSMS Performance and ncdent Reporting B. Incident Reporting Incident Reporting Fem 6; ey Defintons; “Typesot incidons; Incident Notieaton and Reporting nd Mandatory Standard Fors: ‘Schedule A- List of Reportable Dangerous Oosurences {Schedule 8 Uist of Reportable Serious Inui {Schedule C -Lstef Reportable Occupational ness / Diseases ‘The A Daa Oseopationsl Heat apd Say PracivanerCoursev3 Jay 2018 Pape7 "The Abu Dhab Ooepatona Heath and Stay Practioner ComreeVayaly2013Poge98™ = Fors TT Ets moe REPORTING Part A~Incldent Notification ‘To-e ait othe coneaed Sector Regt tort win 24 Your f al Repo incidents ane aes Te eal Sonar ene cmyseemmemins | ae ere Ervememtvost 1 gua /amaae! gota aaa oucamate CO fame Caan Securit 7 Site bcos” BAe unsetnennnen — | Yin, tamtatinatspcin «Se Hate 1D cower 2 oe. asta Ste rede Darter 1 tetteron iejrteanenveneny — | Satbseiey 1 acest cae ot Pep ans ras wy a a Sengwcting 9 saclksceg cous 9 Stes rstcnennen — | Yeon, samazamalsecia OD Santinae eto Yoo 2 one. "The abs Dna Osnpational Heal abd Safety Prectioer CourseV3 July 2013 Pape 99 rear ae == ica Roe omic hee oa a rae == Paar SV becca = Dm O row ROSE EEISPE | orectnoee | O one seg We Calon Men PE ii “The sbu Dhabi Oonspatioal Heal and Snes PracitonarCouseV3]uy 2013 Page 100 ‘Thou Dhab Occopatonal Health and Sfey Praciioner Course Ju 2018 Paget0T Fore Part Inoident Investigation ‘Tobe complied and noitedto SRA a saon a acco finer -For al Repro ncrts Saito” Ose eps 2 rome /sug Ol foptin-immee Sep oom cron cute 8 gpyentniome angon/Oaten C2 oan © cums OER Gates eames! | roemtnynee 2 fevtiynrsin One O tatnaseon nace Mamie © pewiamtces 2 gaguinsimens Orang nat oo saat ry O reaper 0 © sinmuin/oome O sranspan One a a es © sessile oammgisimene 2 oathne me O geet! osu 2 rant © mtg umnans seston © oer Prati etme O seatetton —O satpwstas Santer G snerprangonet one tenennen © maneyucny Stent Re encom 1 poms camatnen — Smamtcoton © ringer fot O viennret Oot me swcisonee © pases se vero enor Open eo eps 8 pees. campers 0 tenhoterwire one “Te Ans Dns Ocrapational HealhandSafeg PracinonerCouseVSTuRy2013 Page l0z FoRMG O crime sO Doe ration | ranienargen) Fant Oem a nee Ota a Oo oem Coes 9° se tae a Dae Froese Owe, Jo 0 vt 0 easier = a 1 usenn ns a ease Oe Ose, | wero Oe 2 bowtie On O ton OMe om en Syed | mane 2 er O uw tae O ene sem Fs "The Abu Dhab Osupationl Health and Safety PracionerCourseV3 July 2013 Page03 == Forme ore 8 age Ente om, 1 Freeaiopen inte ome 1 coms {G reme esnen attest at 6g Pat rar SIS py Pe et tn Rs ‘The Abu Diab Occupational Heal and Safty racivoner CourseV uy 2018 Page 08 “The Ab Dhabi Gsrupstona el and Slay PracienerCourseV uly 2013 Tage 105 Part A~IneientNotication ‘Tote iets cance Secor Regty Atty wt 2 hou fe Reporte ets 1 cinanenn!, D G/T /Oatae OL akan eneneratrose Beapetsine ° Wencicgaece bho curtaomnmes — | wotiin, o amenidence 9 Sent once ‘The iu Dial Oaupationa Healh and Sees Pracionar Course 3a 2018 Page 06 ‘The Abu Diab Oonspatona HeaNvand Slay PracionerCourse7SJuly2013 Page 07 a spine ay [pasar Pept Pot Vn | Ss etc | De Fonte atcptitPeac: | Qe | Bon Peen pW Cnn eb oP ‘Th bu Dhabi Ooupational Heath and Sle Praciuoner Course S]uly2018 Page 108 ‘The Rns Dhabi Ooapaional Heal apd Sey FracionerCourseV3 ul 2013 Pagei09 oe ree a TS Sprene — 0 finan Ml ene ee Ed sspoiremee (9 eo 1B nto Tee 2 coraceerees Steere) senatpeisien 2 ete oreo 2 ll ‘The Abu Dhabi Orupalonal Healdhand Safety Practuoner CouseV Say 2013) Page 110 ‘The Abu Dhabi occupational Health and Salety Practitioner Course Jay 2013 Page tit 9 Raignscantieient ating out on te curse of work mat dnt resut occurence hes anortais bt hd the poeta ove doe 30, Sched for ato Repotabie Dangerous OccuTences Reporte ered. Ee zgrosires at mera heen autortn per ‘The Abu Diab Occupational Health and Safety Practioner Course July 2013 Page 12 fs aminor oct lteg nur ortessthat cas or ont sine FISLAKT ‘weatnet and does notcal for Tolowp treatment ahealtycae protesstnal Fist inxs do not resutintos eto vr or work restrictions, ‘The Abu Dhabi Ocrupatonal Heath and Salety Practitioner CourseV3 July 2013 Pages ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupation jak and Safety PractionerCourseV uy 2013” Page lia ‘Schedule A -List of Reportable Dangerous Occurrences Maximum 24 hours) Explosion or Fire (2) Explosion or fre in oom or place in which persons are at work and which resus in substantial damage tothe structure of the sto, oro any machinery or plant there, end the ‘explosion oe i a result of the ignlton of dust, gas or vapour. The incident shal ave also Fesutes inthe complete suspension of erdinary work a the ste or soppage of machinery oF ‘wortplace for atleast 5 hous. (@) Electrical short crcuit ot fare of electrical machinery, plant or spparatus, wich resus in fn explosion re or suctural damage and ivolves te sloppage or deuse feat least S hours {6 Explosion or te affecting any sein which pareons are at work and causing complete fuspension of erinary Workin the se for at least 26 hours Feallure andlor Collapse of Equipment (6) Falture or cola of false-work formwork orits supports. (©) Collapse, partial colase, vertuing or flue of load-bearing parts of scafot, its and ting pant, equipment andlor accessoras. (0) Fallure ofa breathing apparatus / equipment while in use or duing testing inmediately belor use (@) Faire or endangering of ving equipment ver, eran uncontoled ascent. the trapping ofa diver, an explosion near a (e) The coipse, overturning, failure or mafuneton of, or damage"o, any plant! equipment that the employee fin contact wh that had the potent fo cause inuy ess / envicnmental damage. Machinery Damage (2) Bursting ofa revohing vessel, wheel, gindstone or grinding wheel moved by machanical power. (©) Explosion o fare of he structure o steam boiler, recover a any conte used forthe storage at pressure greater than atmospheric pressure of any gas or gases (ncling al) or ‘any Iquid or sold resulting from the compression of gs "Tre Abu Dhabi Orupatlonal Health and Safety Practvoner Course .3July 2018 Pages Collapse of Building / Structure or Excavation (6) Any unintended collapse or partial colapse of 0 ‘Any building or structure (whether above or below ground) under construction, ‘econstucton, aliration or demolition; and or © ‘Any feo or walof any busing (whether above orbelw ground) used as a place ‘of work, and /or (i) Of an excavation or any shoring supporting an excavaion. Electric Lines, Cables and Pipelines (2) Any unintentional inedont In which plant or equipment either: o Comes into contact with overhead or underground eesti nes, cables or ipeline; ® ‘Causes an electrical dscharge from such an eectic ine by coming into cose proximity to it andor (Causes an overhead tine tobe ata height less than that required by regulation. Matfunction of Radiation Generating Equipment (6) Any ncdont in which 0 “The matfunction of aration generatr or its ncilary equipment used in research, fixed or mobi industial radiography, medial x-ray; he inedation of food, te processing of products by radiation ar ther use, cases to fal to de-energze st the end of the intended exposure period of ® “The malfuncton of equipment used in researc, fxedor mobile Indus radiography, gamme iradation, oF other use, causes. radioactive source to flo ‘eum to ls safe postion by the normal means at the end ofthe intended exposure petod. Escape of Flammable Material () The sudden, unconroted release inside a bulking: o (OF 100 kilograms or more ofa flammable qui andor w (Of 10 kiograms or more of @Hammable quid at @ temperature above its normal boling point and / oF ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupational Health and Seley PracationerCourseV3 July 2013 nie OF 40 Klograms or more ofa flammable gas. (©) The sudden, uncontolled release in the open arc 500 klgrams or more of any ofthe ‘material refered tin sections () (and (i) above. Escape of Hazardous Materials, (@) The accent release or escape of any materials in any quantysufcient to cause the aia | CeetenDsssety Vans L ou rdperetinet | er aa Peet en: rn . aon iin As Ont: | TTA = r c Reon aa — [ ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupational Heath and Safety Practitioner couse July 2013, Page es ==>] a, For -APPONTMEKT OF APRINCPAL CONTRACTOR FOR 1 "CONSTRUCTION WORK” J Tete aaa J ToT Ea J Sera pe To coe nese J Snares a (So Pecan - ) Teas ston constnc oe SrmtPeme se 4 ~ = = J ‘The Au Dhabi Occupational Health and Sfey PracitionerCourseVjuly 2013 Page 146 i === FoRMH f [APPONTIENT OF APRINCPAL CONTRACTORFOR 4 CONSTRUCTION WORK” "EHS - Demin Decomesion Pan nue) Betas Pepa t EHS. CentenOaonmbo Poe Pan on Anse r 1D nxsepone an ames mate { eee m r ae . Some anh and Safty PractionerGoure V3 July 2013, Pose 7 FORM {APPONTENT OF APRINCPAL CONTRACTOR FOR "CONSTRUCTION WORK” c —— “Tae Au Dhabi Oorpatonal Health and Safety Practioner Course Vay 2013 Paseree Form APPONTHENT OF A PRINGPAL CONTRACTOR FOR coNsTRUCTION WORK” Instructions for Completing this Form: + *Cenetscon Wor wth dation f 90 aysor mores to occa or + “Conateson Wor invling 100 sal or ‘ore ons a arytme aug te project: © + Const of1800 man days or mere panned SStivdien wns morn ‘This fom must be completes and approved before "Consucon Wor isto begin on se. CConertion Wor includes: (2) werkto eect, const, send, ater, ‘avert fut commision renovate, ‘pat, retain, deaseambi,ceroh ‘St cecommieson a sete bling ‘Servos nrodrctre, opt ofa ects Teatang sovoesirasiuctre: (©) werk comnerod with site peparain, ‘etwas and redamatin, excavation, pling, povison of services ifestutre or Brazen fer woe mentoned In paragraph (or (2 the assomBy or intataton of pretticatad ‘imponent oor a sbuture/eulsng/ ‘areas nasrucure,o part fasts ‘Teang soviet for work ‘etoned in paragraph (or (othe deassenby of pretaeates ‘amponen focwork mentone In paragraph) at, meaty before he ‘Seoooambly, omned edt bung! ‘irvicesrasructre ox pa of astute / Bldg sendoas reste, 28 (©) Conaucon Works deemed completo ‘whan corvl operation ana pssasson oh lho wongloge i tay rtumdto te, Sevetope lent trough he coral Srongomert proces. ==] ‘odomant ef ns rm advise AD EHSMS Ccompater Auten the Bulg and Censtucton Sector Regio of: + tholecaon an types of igh ik onautn oes + proc tetas and ciaton; oe cevecpar le lhe wots, + who|sin contol ofthe wrglace =the ‘nepal contactor. ‘Under AD EHSMS RF Element 4~ Management (of Contractors, th Developer / Cet must frau ts form scomleed ands submited to {he AD EHSMS Bulking and Consrucion Sector Reguatary Auhorty bere constuction Work “Te asined Ppa Catracers must bo vena copy othe capt form before *Contrion Wer oto Bain on te, “The Developer Geri mus ensure hisform is completed ad eubritesto tho AD EHSMS ‘ullng and Cossucton Sector Regulatory nator thand Safety Practitioner couse Page 9 Mechanism 12 Notiieation Requicements for EHS Awareness Activites ‘+ This mechanism fs designed to defn the rquiements tobe met when planning _awarenaes actos andlor contact with the media in relation EHSIEHSWS. “+The purpose io ensure that EHSIEHSMS awareness activites conducted by SRAS are planned ard undertaken ina coornsted manner o ensue aoproptte,accuae, timely land consistent EHS information is communicated to the intended audince. “+ This mechaniam also provides base guidance and requirements when SRAS are required to respond to unplanned enquires from the media ater EHS incidents Relevant stakeholers may wit to promote @ relationship andlor interaction wth he ADEHS. Centre andlor ADEHSMS RF. Awareness aces suchas: Organizing Awareness Events; and /or + Using the AD EHS Cento AD EHSMS RF Logo(s). ‘+ As por Mechanism 12.0 the AD EHS Centre has the responsbilly to ensure @ ‘coordinated approach and to protec the reputation of the Emirate of Abu Dab, AD EHS Centre and the AD EHSMS RF (incluing the use ofthe oficial AD EHSMS logo), ‘This coordnatlon wil ensure that avereness actives donot confit with hose of cher SSRA's AD EHS Cente / or any ober relevant authori. ‘The AD EHS Contre awareness and communicatlon team wil suppat these acts by ensuring consstet key messages and interpretations of the requirements ofthe AD EHSMS. FF, a srategic approach of coordination between the concemed SRN, and eraniing {echnical support for specific EHS related icues “Tre Abu abi Oonpational Heslthand Safty Praciener CourseV= Jay 2013 Page 50 ‘The Abu Dial Occupational Heath and Soler PractRoner Cours V3 Jaly 2012 Pages a Tres a aya ‘rae on Deane meginy tatey | Qsetomy | Cone. treme arama Qn Ove ‘DGome Woe Seine Care ecard NE 1 steno ona Ema Pune op. tues en, oman sets ens ey aces joke mete (Pope te ncn 7 ree ae nip ES, tera ede ree ten ey crs) RR TT pened 1B meaetie (eu tnt et O cmewnmene 2 Sterne — ‘Tre Abu Dat OcupatonaHealthand Safety Pracivoner CourseV3uly2013 ‘Page 152 Fora. ‘SECTOR EMS AWARENESS ACTMTY NOTIRCATION FORM secon nso 1B soerscome seme Ove —— D Oneeme 1D coment egonens 1 Onertaue untae om Ta a TERT GSEenrerseoymese | ve. a Bisudlepe Opens hey promt Smet Oona een ete) aati ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupational Haak and Safety Practiconer Coure V3 uly 2012 Pages Fou SECTOR BIS AWARENESS ACTITY NOTICATION FORM —— ‘Tas Abu Dhabl Occupational Health and Salty Prationer Course V3 uly2013, Pageise Medule 5 — AD EHSMS RF MANDATORY FORMS Module 6 AD EHSMS RF Mandatory Forms L Form A.~ Registatin for EHSMS Develepment Form B — Amendment e Registered Information st} Form C— Submission of EHSMS Form E — Enty EHSMS Quarterly Performance Form Et - Sector EHSMS Quertery Performance a Form E2 ~Govemmant Enly EHSMS Quarterly Performance Form F~ Entty Annual External EHSMS Audit Report Frm G ~ Entty EHS Incident Report For H — Notes of Appoiniment of Principal Contractor Form |~EHSMS Evaluation Form ~SRA Use Only Form J Request for Modication ofthe AD EHSMS RF Frm K — Coordination of Serious EHS Incident Investigation Form L EHS Awareness Activity Notfeation -]— S — _——_—_——_ ‘Tre Abu Dbl Occapatonal Heakh and Sooty Practlvoner Course V3 July 2013, Paweise Foret ‘SECTOR GUARTERL ESS PERFORMANCE REPORTING - ee Dor eum [O eryman [0 ona [Oo oom fea eae | jerome | — eo res one ‘eto ——== ——— Sanam aaa, r ee am ee r secs rae ee [ Seieeanes [Sonia cr ‘Minbar eats thn apres exsns| Surety ENS promane pery equa ‘ote Focerape tie th narod MS COMIN Peg oe wh appa SS ae - Narada SNS pe l Posoage on wn pp os IS eps - inborn Seoatees - [hap sinasn pepe aero eter annnty Saar |e mesa es ed reson onan nm pod CaN "Tre Abu Dhar Occupational Heal and Slay PractionerCouseVayuly 2013 Page 157 ores ‘SECTOR CUARTERLY OHMS PERFORMANCE REPORTING ‘Tre Au Diab) Occupational Hear and Safty Praconer Course V3 uly 2013, Parise Forme SECTOR QUARTERLY ES PeRFORUANCE REPORTING arte am aes ‘Sonne beam eae | = ‘SSoet* [eon — Tree ‘Reco Dua Somes sree ‘netoome net —— aaa roman rere [natn ro. rorwe ‘SECTOR CUARTERL ESS PERFORNANCE REPORTING FSET] T i ees ranenngane | reinatnaeyaane | eet ys (ytzeazegene tt Commeon uneciecu | reimentuoune Te Petomtein cite | aac e - rematwetyouner | geht uf Saptaciane en | eae exis eneinatiate | Peta tipang our | yc GiSemereen | sae [ewe | seine [onan | see [ime - "Fae Aba Dhabl Ovcpational Heath and Say Practitioner Course Vly 201 agei0 Foret & SECTOR QUARTERLY ESS PERFORMANCE REPORTS Fe MT Soatoeoet ort wrtenvorea tess by sha | Ses nan sped ors ‘se eps an sania Sao ous een Minted weoceme mara cs prnsrye, | Seah oes “ il roving et A serait [Beer Map bi meses Sorte iat Pat a Segtawre [festa Petes rman Faroe At Pee Jes ea cea coco ‘Sec oe [Scencnan | Corea ris hoe Et ‘rec Noto ui ov, ‘The Abu Dhabi Occupational Heath and Slay PracionerCouseV3uly 2013 Page 161 ores ‘SECTOR CUARTERL ANS PERFORMANCE REPORTS “ne fete, i2 o ce ‘The Abe Diab Ocapationa Health and Safety PractonerCoureV3uly 2013 Page 0 4 tin f neta O edna [0 aor [8 amen |O or oe Roam tmarne |" — Eee | Sana | cosmo | anime f grape [fparnanes oom wer rasa amor Racer oeoen ohooh r Seager [anmeesnan vomoe [ ‘isdn mage ogee ope Pore “Tre au Dba Oveupaonal Heal and Saal Praciuoner CowseVsJuy 2013 Page 16s FORMER Y ovERMENT TY AGU EPERNANCE REPORT sn me tesa aaa — > a Sgt | Sewer nee empoyersn 1S Dt = one a rato vonaas | ee ont Te iy Seveny Rate (TSR a. me ==. == Secon tego ‘eer ineatngaune | heioatipty mre ~ ‘eng wate - tatepamaen wae! oe =| ‘ners ore elcome owned onsierepetecvanican | “mene” | Para Siete ‘Fre Ain Dhabr Occupational Heakh and Slety PacitionerCourseV3 Jay 2013 Paeri6t ao a Former GOVERMENT ENT ESS PERFORMANCE REPORTING roiat7 [Rete SAproalt BS Pose Shots Ragenant Pat em Ae ee ee RA At Pe Speen [coma roars wanna or ech ha Coma "Th Aba Dhabi Occupational el and Safe Practitioner CouseV]uly2019 Page 165 Free 9 7 GOVERAENTENTTYEASUS PERFORCE REPORT 7 a aire se ; os 1 a | 1 ee ‘Tre Abu Drab Occasional Heatnand Soley Praciuoner Course v3juy 2018 Pagel66 S MQRULE § - SUMMABY Module 6 Summary “Topics Covered Module 1 Course nteduction Module 2 Intoduction tothe Abu Dhabi Environment, Heathand Safety Management ‘System Regulatory Framework (AD EHSMS RF, Module 3- AD EHSMS Elements, Module 4 ~ AD EHSMS Regulatory Instruments; and Module 8-AD EHSMS RF Mandstory Forms. _@AD EHSMS RF - Strticture Fr furher information and copy of ll AD EHSMS RF Documents:

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