1st Grade Unit 1 Product A

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School’s name: CCT: Instructor’s name: ID:

Grade and unit: Product: Social practice:

1st Grade Unit 1 Product A Illustrated cards with courtesy Listen to and use every day greetings, farewell, and courtesy expressions
Environment: Specific competence:
Familiar and community Understand and respond to greetings, farewell, and courtesy expressions

Stage(s): Doing with the language (Activities): Knowing about the language
* Start every session by greeting students.
* Model every activity before making students work on it.
* Print or draw images in advance for the activities.

Session 1:
10 minutes Vocabulary:
 Classify greetings, farewell, Greet and welcome the students. Sing the Hello. Hi. Good bye. Song https://goo.gl/K8ERws. Play the song Greetings:
and courtesy expressions in and encourage the students to sing it along with you.  Hello
everyday communication,  Hi
previously written by the 20 minutes Farewell expression:
teacher. Write on the board the sentences: Hello, I’m ______. Hi, I’m ____. Read them out loud. Then ask a  Good bye
student to go to the front and tell him/her: Hello, I’m _____. Elicit the answer Hi, I’m ____. Repeat the Sentences:
activity with two more students. Now have two students go to the front and practice the dialogue in  Hello, I’m ____.
front of the group. Then have all the students practice the dialogue with the classmates next to him/her.  Hi, I’m ____.

10 minutes
Have students write the sentences in their notebooks. Then write the names of some of the students on
the board. Play the Hello. Hi. Good bye. Song and motivate the students to sing the song with you
pointing to the names on the board when mentioned in the song. Repeat the activity with other names.

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10 minutes Courtesy expressions:
Walk around the classroom, take a school supply from a student’s desk and ask May I borrow your  please
_____, please? Elicit the answer yes. Then give it back and say thank you. Repeat the activity with other  thank you

5 minutes
Form pairs of a boy and a girl. Invite the students sing the song saying the name of their partners. Then
say good bye to the students waving your hand. Elicit their answer.

Session 2
15 minutes
Introduce yourself again but now say: Hello, my name is ________. Then write on the board the Question:
question: What’s your name? Invite the students to say it out loud along with you several times. Now  What’s your name?
write the answer on the board: My name is ______. Read it out loud and have the students say it out Answer:
loud along with you.  My name is ____.
 I am a girl/boy.
Now ask the same question to the first student in every line and invite them to ask the question to the
next student in the line and so on until all the students had participated.

20 minutes
Provide students with images 1 and 2 according to their gender (you can ask the students draw them or
take cuttings). Ask them to cut out the worksheet, paste it in their notebooks, color it and write down on
it: My name is _____. I am a girl/boy.

10 minutes
Ask the students to stand up and walk around the classroom in order to show his/her worksheet to five
students and say: My name is ______. What’s your name?

5 minutes
Get out the classroom, then enter and say hello, now say good bye and leave the classroom. Repeat the
activity several times; motivate the students to reply the greeting and farewell expressions waiving their
hands. Encourage some students to repeat the activity with their partners.

Session 3
10 minutes
Write on the board the following question and answer: What’s your name? My name is _____. I’m ____. Answer:
Have students work on choral repetition. Provide a piece of paper to three students with the question  I’m ____.
and answers. Have the student with the question read it out loud from their desk. Have the students
with the first answer say it out loud. Do the same with the student with the second question. Give the
pieces of paper to other three students and repeat the action.

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10 minutes Greetings:
Write the following greetings on the board. Then read them out loud while you show the pictures of  Good morning
image 3 and have the students read them along with you. Then show every image and have the students  Good afternoon
say the correct greeting. Finally, write the greetings in a chart on the board as shown and explain which  Good evening
ones are the formal and informal greetings.  Hello
 Hi
Formal Informal
Good morning
Good afternoon Hello
Good evening Hi

20 minutes
Show the first picture of image 3, then say: Good morning children; Elicit the answer: Good morning Ms.  Good morning Ms./Mr.___.
/Mr. ______. Repeat the activity with the next pictures of image 3.  Good afternoon Ms./Mr.__.
 Good evening Ms. /Mr.___.
Ask a student to go to the front, explain that he/she will be the instructor for one minute, provide the
first picture of image 3 and motivate him/her to show it to his/her partners and say: Good morning
children; Motivate the students to answer: Good morning Ms. /Mr. ______. Repeat the activity with the
next pictures of image 3 and different students.

10 minutes
Erase the greetings. Show the pictures of image 3 and encourage the students to say them; show them
again and elicit the answers formal or informal and write them below the corresponding label as they
mention them.

Formal Informal

Session 4
20 minutes
Write the following words on the board and ask some students to go to the board and complete them.
Then ask them to read them out loud first and then write them down in their notebooks.

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10 minutes Classroom objects:
Use realia for the following activity. Show a pencil and say out loud pencil, do the same with a book,  pencil
notebook, eraser, ruler, sharpener, crayons, glue, and scissors, pen. Show them again one by one and  book
have the students say the names. Repeat the activity but now say the word and invite the students to  notebook
show their classroom objects.  eraser
 ruler
10 minutes  sharpener
Ask the students to place their classroom objects on their desks. Then say crayon and have them put up  crayons
their crayons and say crayon. Repeat the activity with the other words.  glue
10 minutes  scissors
Draw the classroom objects on the board and write their names as the example shown in the picture  pen
(you can draw the pictures in a flipchart sheet). Then ask the students match them on the board and Colors:
then read them out loud.  yellow
 orange
 pink
 blue
 purple
 brown
 white
 black
 green
 gray
 red
Farewell expressions:
 good bye
 bye
 good night
10 minutes
Write the farewell expressions on the board, and then read them out loud while you show the pictures
of image 4 and have the students read them along with you. Show the first picture of image 4, leave the
classroom and say Good bye students, elicit the answer Good bye Ms. /Mr. _____. Now show the second
picture, leave the classroom and say Good night children, elicit the answer Good night Ms. /Mr. _____.
Repeat the activity several times.

Farewell expressions
Good bye
Good night

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10 minutes Permissions:
Print the pictures of the permissions of image 4 (you can draw them). Write the following permissions on  May I go to the restroom?
the board and have the students work on choral repetition. Make them practice several times.  May I go to drink water?
 May I come in?

1. May I go to the restroom?
2. May I go to drink water?
3. May I come in?

10 minutes Commands:
Have the students work with the following commands, use TPR: stand up, sit down, stretch out your  Stand up
arms, stamp your feet. Repeat the activity several times. Then ask the students to write down the  Sit down
permissions in their notebooks.  Stretch out your arms
 Stamp your feet
Session 6
5 minutes
Make the students work on the commands activity using TPR in order to have a review.
20 minutes
Write the following dialogues on the board. Read the dialogues one by one out loud and have students
work on their pronunciation. Then practice each dialogue with different students.

Good morning! Hello!

Hi, how are you?

I’m fine, thank you.

Good bye students. Good bye Ms. /Mr. ___.

Hello, my name is ___. Nice to meet you ___.

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Can I use your scissors, please? Yes, you can.

Thank you! You’re welcome.

10 minutes
Ask two students to go to the front and practice the first dialogue. Repeat the activity with the other
dialogues and different students.

15 minutes
Have students stand in 2 lines facing each other so that each student has a partner. Tell one half of the
class they are A, and the other half that they are B. Ask them to practice the first dialogue taking turns
students A and B. Then tell them that when you say "CHANGE" they will each move one person to the
right, and one person will move to the other end of the line and continue with the second dialogue.
Repeat the activity until they finish all of them.

Ask the students to cut out some letters (to form words) and pictures from books, magazines,
newspapers related to greetings and farewell and expressions and take them to school the next session.

Session 7
25 minutes
Have the students take the letters they cut out for homework. Write the greetings and farewell Courtesy expressions:
expressions on the board and invite the students to choose the pictures related to the greetings and  Please
farewell expressions, paste them on their notebooks and then form the correct words with the letters  Thank you
they took and glue them under every image. Have the students read them out loud.  I’m fine, thank you.
 You’re welcome.
10 minutes  Nice to meet you.
Write the dialogues from the previous session. Underline the courtesy expressions and write them on
the chart as shown. Have students work on choral repetition.

Courtesy expressions
Thank you
I’m fine, thank you.
You’re welcome.
Nice to meet you.

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15 minutes
Have the students write the courtesy expressions in their notebooks. Then make them work on choral
repetition. Ask the students to cut out letters or words that form the courtesy expressions as well as
pictures and take them to school the next session.

_ Paste expressions on cards. Session 8

15 minutes Questions:
Make students work on a review of the school supplies. Show a pencil and ask: What is it? Elicit the  What is it?
answer: It’s a pencil. Then show a book and ask: Is it a book? Elicit the answer: Yes it is. Show a  Is it a/an ___?
sharpener and ask: Is it a ruler? Elicit the answer: No, it isn’t. Repeat the activity with other school Answers:
supplies.  It’s a ___.
 Yes, it is.
15 minutes  No, it isn’t.
Then face to a student and say: Can I use your pencil, please? Use TPR to make the students understand Questions:
and give you his/her pencil. Repeat the activity using the other words related to classroom objects and
 Can I use your pencil,
different students.
 Can I use your ruler, please?
20 minutes
 Can I use your sharpener,
Provide some cards. Ask the students to take out the letters, words, and pictures you asked them the
previous session and paste them on the cards. Have them write down their names on the bottom. Pick
 Can I use your crayon,
up the cards and the courtesy expressions pictures to work and finish them the next session.
Session 9  Can I use your pen, please?
5 minutes
Elicit the courtesy expressions and write them on the board. Have the students work on choral

20 minutes
Provide the cards from the previous session. Ask the students to paste the images of the courtesy
expressions and color them if needed (they can draw pictures).
_ Paste expressions on cards
_ Add illustrations to the
15 minutes
expressions. Ask the students to walk around the classroom, show and say one of the expressions like: Hello, how are
_ Use cards to communicate
you? The other student must show the corresponding card and say: I’m fine, thank you.
with classmates and the
teacher. 10 minutes
_ Display the cards in a visible
Put a flipchart sheet on a place in the classroom and invite the students to paste their cards. Then
place in the classroom. encourage them to mention the courtesy expressions out loud.

7 of 11 Lesson Plan designed by TPA Ofelia Saavedra

 Identify sender and intended
 Distinguish verbal from non-
verbal language.
 Respond to greetings,
farewell, and courtesy
expressions using non-verbal
 Complete words by writing.
Reference: Assessment:
Syllabus Cycle 1, 1st Grade Checklist Yes No
https://goo.gl/K8ERws Were students able to respond to the greetings?
https://goo.gl/vgSnfa Were students able to respond to the farewells?
https://goo.gl/itFD9F Were students able to identify the school objects?
https://goo.gl/PPwmsK Were students able to identify the colors?

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Image 1 Image 2

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Image 3

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Image 4

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