6th Grade Unit 1 Product A

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School’s name: CCT: Instructor’s name: ID:

Grade and unit: Product: Social practice:

6th Grade Unit 1 Product A Bullet Point Sheet Participate in commercial transactions

Environment: Specific competence:

Familiar and Community Comprehend and produce expressions about the purchasing of basic need items

Doing with the language (Activities):

Before starting your class take the following aspects into consideration:

Greet your students.

Greeting your students helps them to get ready to learn English. This simple interaction also helps to build a rapport
between you and the students. Greeting the students also helps to fill in time, while you are waiting for everyone to
get settled.

Preview the lesson.

Previewing the lesson gets the students thinking about what they are going to study. It lets the students know what
to expect in the lesson. Tell the students the objective of the lesson and how they are going to achieve this. You
may also want to explain the significance of the objective and how it will benefit the students. In this way, the
students will focus their attention on the subject matter.

Review the previous lesson.

You may find students easily forget what they did in the previous lesson, so it is always worth reviewing what they
have studied in the last class. This helps keep the material fresh in the students’ mind and helps them recall the

vocabulary and language they have studied. Furthermore, it gives you the opportunity to combine the past topic
with the new topic and show how they relate if applicable. Regular reviewing of previous lessons will also put less
pressure on you and the students when it comes to testing. Reviewing is a wonderful opportunity to consolidate
what your students have learned.

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Session 1: Vocabulary:
20 minutes
Review numbers. Have the students sit in a circle. The students pass a ball around while counting (1, 2, 3, etc.). Numbers:
When the number reaches 7 the student must say buzz. Any number with a 7 in it must be buzz (7, 17, 27, 37, etc.)  1-100
and any multiple of 7 must be buzz (14, 21, 28, 35, etc.).

10 minutes Nouns:
Choose an object from the classroom, e.g. a notebook, then write on the board three prices. Point to the notebook  notebook
and then point the provided prices so students can guess the price. The objective is not to guess the price, but  fruits
students have to say the number.  vegetables
 groceries
$15  school supplies



10 minutes
Divide the classroom into six groups. Each group chooses their "captain". The instructor writes on the board a
category like "fruits and vegetables" or "groceries" or "school supplies", etc. Each group has to tell their captain to
write down as many words as they can which belong to that category. They have 1 or 2 mins. Each group takes 1
point for each word. Correct spelling is very important in this exercise. This activity will help the class to recycle

fruits and vegetables groceries school supplies


10 minutes
Ask students to work in pairs to discuss and think on objects they would like to have or to buy, ask them to write 5
objects per student, they will write them in their notebooks, and they will place them into only one list establishing
the order in which they would like to have them, they will be allowed to use their Spanish-English dictionaries. Give
them enough time to work and provide assessment as required.

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Session 2
10 minutes
Review the vocabulary about fruits and vegetables from last class. Elicit students participation then Nouns:
introduce liter, kilogram, pack, slice in context such as a liter of orange juice, a kilogram of apples, a slice of tomato,  liter
a pack of blueberries.  kilogram
 pack
 slice
 orange juice
 apples
 tomato
 blueberries

liter kilogram pack slice

10 minutes
Write a dialogue on the board where two people are having a conversation in order to sale or purchase something,
however you could use an object from the classroom (realia). Read the conversation aloud once and then ask a
student to help you read it. Then ask students to write the conversation on their notebook. Look at image 1.

Clerk: Good morning ma’am, how can I help you today?

Customer: Good morning, I would like to purchase some goods.
Clerk: Certainly, what do you need?
Customer: I want 2 (two) kilograms of potatoes, ½ (half) a kilogram of tomatoes and a pack of
Clerk: Absolutely! Would you like anything else?
Customer: I would also like a slice of pumpkin pie and a liter of orange juice.
Clerk: Coming right up! Here you go ma’am, would that be all?
Customer: Yes sir, how much would it be?
Clerk: It will be a total of $10.50 (ten dollars and fifty cents).
Customer: Thank you very much.
Clerk: No, thank you ma’am, and come again soon!

10 minutes
Act the dialogue, you will represent the clerk and a student will represent the customer.
When you finish acting the dialogue, ask two more students to come to the front to act the dialogue, this time use
another object. Ask students to work in pairs and practice the dialogue.

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10 minutes
After the role-play, brainstorm ideas of what is happening. You could use the questions: What are the persons
Consider answers and make sure the students mention, in their own words, that the situation represents a
commercial transaction where one person is selling and the other is buying something.

10 minutes
– Select the format for the Tell students that by the end of the month they will be able to make a bullet point sheet for buying and selling
bullet-point sheet. transactions of basic needs items. Explain what a bullet point sheet is and make an example of it. Also, select the
format for the bullet-point sheet.

Session 3
5 minutes
Review last class conversation. Ask two students to read it aloud.

10 minutes
Ask students to mention the important information about the products the persons were talking about, give an
example by mentioning the name of the object being sold, then ask the students to mention any other information
they were able to identify, write contributions on the board, the students should be able to mention the price, the
age, the color, etc., depending on the corresponding conversation and the elements you used in it.

15 minutes
– Define the consistent
Introduce questions and phrases for offering help and asking for a product. Define the consistent parts of questions
parts of questions and Questions:
and answers to purchase a product.
answers to purchase a
 Can I help you?
Offering help Asking for a product  How can I help you?
Can I help you? Could I have ……?  May I help you?
How can I help you? Can I have ……?  Anything else?
May I help you? May I have …..?  Could I have ……?
Anything else? How much is it?  Can I have ……?
Thank you What is the price..?  May I have …..?
Come back soon I’ll take  How much is it?
I’d like  What is the price..?
I want  Do you have…?
Do you have…?

Ask students to read the conversation between the clerk and the customer they wrote before. Ask them to identify  I’ll take
the phrases and questions. Are they offering help or asking for a product? Or both?  I’d like
 I want
20 minutes  Thank you
Ask students to identify speakers and the way they address each other. Explain the vocatives Sir, Ma’am. Mr., Mrs.,
 Come back soon
Miss and Ms. using the following chart:

4 of 11 Lesson Plan designed by Roberto López Rodríguez

single married  Ma’am
Ma’am √ √  Mrs.
Mrs. √  Mr.
 Sir
Mr. √ √
 Miss
Sir √ √
 Ms.
Miss √  Single
Ms. √ √  Married

Write the chart on the board then erase the checks and ask students to write the checks where they belong.

Session 4
10 minutes
Review questions and phrases for offering help and asking for a product. Write the chart and ask student to write
– Determine and write fix questions and phrases that belong to each category. Determine and write fix patterns of questions and answers.
patterns of questions and
answers. Offering help Asking for a product

15 minutes Nouns:
Ask students to complete the following conversation. Look at image 2.  Price
 Toothpaste
Clerk: ______________________________________  Good morning
Customer: Good morning!
Clerk: ______________________________________

Do you sell toothpaste?

Clerk: ______________________________________
Customer: What is the price of the toothpaste?
Clerk: ______________________________________
Customer: I would like two, please?

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Clerk: ______________________________________
Customer: Thank you very much!

Then ask students to work in pairs to practice the conversation.

10 minutes
Ask students to check the sequence of questions and answers and make sure they comply with spelling
– Check the sequence of
questions and answers and 15 minutes
make sure they comply Ask students to work in pairs an make a short conversation about purchasing something, e.g. a pencil and a
with spelling conventions. notebook.

Session 5
5 minutes
Review vocatives by placing the chart and asking students to complete it.

single married

5 minutes
Write on the board the following words students have learned before, if a student does not remember let
classmates help him/her.

Bananas, pencil, soap, jeans, carrots, cream, eraser, shirt, shampoo, watermelon, toothpaste, oranges, milk,
potatoes, pen, onions.

15 minutes Nouns:

Write the following chart on the board and ask students to place the words under the correct category.  vegetables
Vegetables Dairy fruits Personal clothes School  dairy
hygiene supplies  fruits
 personal hygiene
 clothes
 school supplies

6 of 11 Lesson Plan designed by Roberto López Rodríguez

10 minutes  bananas
Ask students to copy the chart in their notebooks. Ask them to assign a price for each item (a kilo of apples $ 3, a  pencil
shirt $ 10).  soap
 jeans
15 minutes  carrots
Ask students to work in pairs. They will ask each other the prices of the items. Ask them to use the following  cream
questions and answers:  eraser
 shirt
1. How much is the kilo of apples?  shampoo
It’s 3 dollars
 watermelon
2. How much does the shirt cost?
 toothpaste
It’s 10 dollars
 oranges
 milk
Session 6
10 minutes  potatoes
Review last class contents.  pen
 onions
10 minutes Questions:
Write the following chart on the board, ask students to mention products they think they could be able to find at  How much is..?
each one of the stores or places being represented. Give an example and write the contributions below each How much does it cost?
corresponding image. Places:
 supermarket
 department store
 drugstore
apple juice

10 minutes
Play a chain drill with the students, write on the board “I want a….. “ and give an example of the practice by reading
what is written (“I want a…..” ) adding a product, object, etc. you would like to have, i.e. “I want a dress”, then one

by one, the students will continue mentioning products trying not to repeat the same as the ones already

15 minutes
Ask the students to get in teams of three and make a list writing the name of the object or product they mentioned
in the drill, all of them will have the same list with 3 objects or products. Then ask them to ask each other the

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following questions: Questions:
 What is it?
What is it? ___________________________________________________________  Where can you buy it?

Where can you buy it? __________________________________________________

5 minutes
To conclude with the activity, each team will read aloud the information of one of their objects, provide the
required assessment.

Session 7
5 minutes
Review last class contents using the questions what is it? And where can you buy it?

25 minutes
Write the following conversation on the board: Nouns:
 bag
Salesperson: Hello. Can I help you miss?  lollipops
Woman: Yes. Can I have a bag of lollipops, please?  small
Salesperson: Do you want a small bag or a large bag?  large
Woman: How much does the large bag weigh? Verbs:
Salesperson: 2 kilos.  offer help
Woman: Ok, a large bag, please.  make a request
Salesperson: Here you go.  ask about price
Woman: How much is that?  indicate price
Salesperson: That’s $ 4 dollars.
 ask about weigh
Woman: Here you go. Have a nice day!
 end the conversation
 buying
Then write the following chart on the board.
 selling
Categories Questions
Offers help
Makes a request
Asks about price

Indicates price
Ask about weigh
Ends the conversation

Complete the chart by eliciting students.

20 minutes

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Write the following charts so students can have ideas for the bullet point sheet product.
Buying Selling

Clerk/ Salesperson Customer

Session 8
20 minutes
Ask students to select one of the charts for the bullet point sheet. They have to make it in a flipchart.

20 minutes
Students have to write the final version of the bullet point sheet. Ask students to copy the corresponding questions
and phrases. Model the reading of a previously prepared bullet point sheet emphasizing on tone when making
questions, greeting, answering, etc.

10 minutes
Ask the teams to present their work in front of the group by reading aloud the bullet point sheets; they must take
special care on intonation, punctuation marks, use of vocabulary. (Peer and self-correction practices to be

Session 9
– Exchange the “bullet- 20 minutes
point sheets” and use them Ask students to exchange the “bullet-point sheets” and use them to simulate the buying and selling of various
to simulate the buying and items.
selling of various items.
20 minutes
Show the bullet point sheet to other classmates. Teams go to other groups to show the bullet point sheets (5 or
6 grade). Ask the teams to present their work in front of the group by reading aloud the information; they must
take special care on intonation, punctuation marks, use of vocabulary. (Peer and self-correction practices to be

10 minutes
Display the bullet point sheets in a visible place and ask students to place a sign "We invite you to read" to invite
anyone who passes to read them.

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- Predicts the general sense

of a transaction dialogue,
based on previous
knowledge and familiar
- Identifies topic and
- Identifies sentences used
by speakers.
- Plays the role of a
- Writes expressions for a
transaction dialogue.
- Reads sentences used for
the purchasing of items
Reference: Assessment:
Syllabus Cycle 3, 6th Grade
PNIEB.net: http://goo.gl/ENfVKg Checklist. YES NO
Pronounces all words correctly and speaks clearly.
Reads at an appropriate speed. No lapses, hesitation or
wavering in the pace. Punctuation pauses are present.
The intensity of the voice is clear and audible all through
the reading. No fluctuations are perceived.
The student keeps the required tone. Does not overdo it
or exaggerate. Does not sound monotone or artificial.

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Image 1 Image 2

11 of 11 Lesson Plan designed by Roberto López Rodríguez

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