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Synechron creative brief

Client URL
Job Deadline
Project owner Briefing date
Resource Time allocation

1. Project overview

Describe the project from initial proposal award to client meeting/requirements gathering.

This is also the space to flag any client preferences and other project details that are of use to the
design team.

2. Creative requirements

Here is where we start to put conceptual ideas in writing based on our interpretation of the project
requirement. This can come in multiple formats:

- Web links for references (Dribbble, Behance, Awwwards etc)

- Competitors
- Previous related projects by Synechron

If this is a web project it should include one or more of the following:

- Sitemap
- UX flows
- What templates to design
- Design schedule (i.e design two templates now. Then after client approval, roll-out all
other templates)
- Are we designing mobile first?

Other specific requirements can be of the following:

- What column layout are we using?

- What brand guidelines are we referring to?
- What content are we designing for?

Project owners and the creative leads should establish where risks can be taken to impress clients –
we must always push our clients to deliver innovative work. However, this must be with the
boundaries of the client expectations and not exceed project scope, unless approved by project

3. Technical requirements to be mindful of

Here we describe any hardware or coding technical requirements that must be flagged with the
design team before commencing any project. This can be any of the following:

- Interactive screen specs, size and orientation

- Coding language for front-end and backend
- Integration points
- If a mobile app, what are the supporting operating systems
- If there are any considerations for content personalization

4. Deliverables

This is to explain exactly what needs to be provided to the project owner for review. It should be one
or more of the following:

- Keynote presentation
- Invision or Principle prototype
- Front-end prototype (under circumstances approved by the project owner)

5. Assets

Links to the following if available:

- Previous/related projects on the Synechron Dropbox

- Photo library
- Fonts
- Brand guidelines
- Brochures or any other offline assets

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