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R E G U L A R P H Y S I C S 1 1 0 2

S U S A N A   A L U L O D


To demonstrate the rotational motion
To understand the rotational concept

-future board
-hot glue
-water cap
-colour spray
  This project was inspired by the lazy zuzan that we
usually see in the chinese restaurant. It is the
example that everyone is familiar with and easily to
understand the concept. Therefore, we choose lazy
zuzan to be the model of our project to learn about
the rotational speed and tangential speed of the
object which are the food on that were placed on the
table in different position. 

          The main concept of this lazy zuzan is to see the
rotational speed and tangential speed on the objects
that were placed on the lazy zuzan. The object that
was placed near the axis will have the speed that is
slower than the object that was placed edge of the
lazy zuzan. In addition, rotational speed is the rate
of change of the angle (in radians) with time, while
tangential speed is the speed of a point on the
surface of the spinning object. However, there are
many things that can be used to represent the
rotational speed and tangential speed instead of
lazy zuzan such as marry-go-round and top. All of
these things are similar because its shape is round
and can measure the rotational speed and tangential

To demonstrate the rotational motion
To understand the rotational concept
-future board
-hot glue
-spray paint(in gold and pink)

Set up
Discussion of Discussion of
Physics Design
Concepts  1. Cut the board to be the circle shape which the
diameter of the circle is 96cm and the radius is 15
cm. Then, drill the center of the circle to make a
          The Physics concept in this project is the hole.
rotational speed which is the main concept of our 2. Making the axis by sticking the metal and the
project. The rotational speed involve the number of water cap to the bottom of the circle.
rotations or revolutions per unit of time. However, 3. Stick the motor at the bottom of the circle to
this is also related about the linear speed which is make it rotate automatically and stick it to the metal
the distance traveled per unit of time. A point on the which is the axis of the upper circle.
outside edge of a lazy zuzan travels a greater 4. Stick the circle and the bottom which contain the
distance in a complete rotation than a point near the motor together.
axis which the linear speed of something moving
along a circular path can be called tangential speed.
On this experiment, we will place the objects which
is the artificial food on the different positions on the
lazy zuzan. Then, we will rotate the lazy zuzan and
measure the time that the objects rotate per round,
so we will get the rate of the speed of the object in
different positions. However, we still have the
rotational inertia which is the friction between the
pencil and the circle that we use to rotate and also
air resistance that will be the inertia of rotational

Problem: A large wheel is coupled to a wheel with

half the diameter. How does the rotational speed of
the smaller wheel compre with the larger wheel?
How do the tangential speed at the rim compare?

Solution: Both wheels are connected by the convey


.Analysis of
After we test that lazy zuzan was working, we saw
that the outer and inner artificial food was move in
circular motion and they move with the different
speed (the outer artificial food has greater speed).
So, we prove our thesis that the shorter radius
object will have less speed than the far one. As
shown in the data table that the object that is placed
in the radius of 8 has the average speed 0.99
seconds. On the other hand, the object that is placed
in the radius of 15 has the average speed 0.83
second. Therefore, the bigger radius spent the time
to rotate in one round shorter than the time that the
smaller radius circle, so it means that the bigger

radius (edge of the circle) is faster than the small

Conclusion If we have the opportunities to do the project that

relate to this kind of physic concepts again, we will
research more about the material that we will use.
In conclusion, our project show about tangential This because at first, our lazy zuzan is not work
speed and also about rotational speed that happen because the weight of the future board is too heavy,
on our product when it is placed in the different so the motor cannot afford to push all of the table to
radius of the circle. The result shows that the object
rotate. Therefore, we cut some parts of our table out
that is placed near the axis will have the speed that
and the weight is lighter and finally the motor is
is slower than the object that is placed near the
work and the lazy zuzan can be rotate.

Work Log

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