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ms THEODOR REUSS? X° (OF THE 96°) [1920] I... swear and solemnly promise inthe presence ofthe King ofall Kings, the Lord of all Lords, Creator of all created, that fas 8 member of tie Sovereign Sanctuary ofthe Order of Oriel Templars, will watch over the Order with diligence, so thats principles willbe followed and protected bby me andall the members under me.I vow and promise never to misuse the nae ofthe LORD and to give the seerets of the Order epain ony in ritual gatherings in which manner the Order has prescribed, by mouth, And this only with the understanding of the sovereign satin. swear and promise to have trac obedience to my Order master and to follow out his Command conscientiously. I vow fo recognize no holders of the 95 and 6 degrees of the Memphis rite as such who have not received! ther in the accepted Order-manner throush the 0.1.0. of the 0-10. The Creator of all ereated help me, thismy Oath, to keep. Amen. Signs, Passwords and Grips forthe 96" = X' TER: ‘The highest. UAT: ‘The lowest SHA: The first ARK: ‘The last Sign: Stand facing the south with index finger of right hand point upwaed (the Highest, then pone dowaards (the Lowest). Pit lef (he Find therigh, (be laa), Grip: Palms ofright hands together, iso fis thee finger on the wrist, ‘crossing extended tunis and ie fingers on each id, us orig asx pointed ster NB: The several divisions of the Crss with the spaces between fist vith, den without dot, with the tree letter inthe double angle form the complete Apabet. In reading place the key bere ye ‘withthe eters AB atthe tp, and atthe boom s0 esto pe the forms suight. 1, Iwishtobeacceptedn the grand council ofthe Master ofthe Great Work 2. have heen purified through he ert, the water, the sir andthe ie. {ave striven to party my spirit through te divine Gre ot Wve. 3. Yeu this} swear. Questions 4,5. and 6, just the same, ws ALEISTER CROWLEY’S X° De Qorwnre Bo Afateen $s Baplnnel x0 0-70. Rem Cu Sates Wa, thet, ant Rogol ref haem JOE a en Ve At NEB ate , Gate, wk Peace, te, Me Lae oft Obl whoo of ha 1K, (OF THE KOMUNCULUS DE HOMUNCULO EPISTOLA Baphomet X° 0.1.0, Rex Summus Sanctissimus all His Holy and Royel Brethren ofthe X° upon the ‘earth, and to His Viceroy in all the Britains, Greet and Peace. Under the seal of the Obligation of the 1X*! a 1. The he oe ate ermal isa ving beng in fort rescrbling man rose tone qe oa wi dl hi on beets aly Intellect ana power of speech, butcher begsten and bor fer the manic ethan eerste eure ou "2 Th upesing thatthe re-incarating Ego enters the foetus athe et ieee eee ster and cate tt ive forts lead hunan. Duta fot of te noe use become ‘bormunculus. A hua by ean only become aureus ifeteese ty a demon toed eben bt fc tntean sod iment epee res Segree es in death, and fred tery soa it seeks & new teneret. ands ‘off absolutely fram the ol. But even this rare asi must be ence in Ina volves an extension often eaningfte term Pontes oh Inthe third chapter we diseuee Ou metiod of producing ht whic ita te Bom, tt ees al proper pres thereunto ‘CAPITULUM SECUNDUM 1. the dasa metodo nak rca ake the eid ‘ova ofa women and to reproduce as closely as may be, withou! the uter Lae MRR EM Cag ee 2, For: inthe ease of ectopie gestation, itis clearly possible for the ‘ovum to develop for considerable period and a child of 4 months ‘weighing nine ounces, has been knownto live for over an hour afer delivery ‘These considerations encourage us. Lifes indefinitely adepable and life ‘riginelly appeared ina planet bacteriological sterilize! by temperatures ‘of many thousands of degrees Centigrade. There is therefore every reason tohope thet, starting as we do with the proper First Matter, we may be able todevise conditions ofits growth in a“culure’,just as we have done in the ‘case of the simpler oxpansms. ‘Asis written ‘With God al things are possible’; and isto ste oc yssare possible’ ands ot our Motto 3. The White Tincure ofthe Alchemist wosin this connection a replica of Liga Avni ent Red Totes atte or Blood 4, Certain trly magical sid to the physiological experinvertsindicated above have alviays heen held worthy. The Adept mist, ower, be lef to ‘evise these, a8 in so small treatise we have no place for a subjest 3? sary vast 0 this mn CAPITULUM TERTIUM, 1. We assume tht Our Brethren have well stusied Our Epistle De Aste ‘Magica Secundum Rin Geadus Nonce 0:70. KL $F Before introdcing our own method of making the homunculus ke es eitr (A) the theory Hf Incarnation and (B) the method of vocation inverted by ws in An VI Solin Aries April 1910 EV.) A For about three manths the foetus is ermpy of en cou then atacts an Ego of such a nature as (@) its own Karma. naturae and tendency, and (hte Kamal the Ego, combine wake visble. Ifa suitable combination {Shot found, the result is elther miscarriage, sil birth or the bin of at idiot Ththe lest cae the foemsbas been obsessed by some dumb non-human spirit ur by some hunsn spirit of exceptional Karme. By Karraa Werean Says nature and tendency, and no ere although we use these words in ‘large sense fo include al causes ara as well a physical. But we include not any conceptions of Justice” and the like In these. this be aeceped then clea itis posible that a magician might find tneans (a) to br the pte against any Human Fg0, and (P) 10 eae the Tnearpatin of seme non-human being. such as an elemental or planetary Spirit of w plu fited to some desired end. Thus one eloquent fom a J Rtatation of Tel, or one bold in war, from the indwelling of Greil “And these wil be his chief dificalties (a) that Men (even when isearate) is pintully powerful, that to x hi fer his ureent weed fea tsk of colossal awe; ad (8) itisnevessary to choose a spirit suitableto the foetus Thusif the babe tha isto be were by reason of physical heredity sluggish, melancholy and weak, it would be but nuatory to invoke into t ‘spirit oF Nakiel or Raphee or Haniel oF Anuel B “The human soul all but nexpugnsble: yet We have suoceeded inthe temporary expulsion of week ard wondeting soul, and its replacement. Forexample, Weance supplanted the soul of a Calibun-reature, a certain deformed and filthy abortion without moral character, named Vietor ‘Neuburg, by a soil of Isis, by a soul of Mars ud Ly 2 soul of Supiter in fur, eo that this ques-buman shape, rot being a pot, did yet write verses {goodly endl great in praise of Iss end not being 2 prophet, did yet fret eet ecurtay the wars which even row devastate the earth; acl not being generous or weally did yet for @ season suppor many dependents on is Dourty. “Andis we di with no elaboration of thought. no Persian apperstis ro weariness or moutie a all, ‘Now then do We mark down the Means devised by Us Baphoret for the making ofthe homunculus. mn 1 “take a suitable woman willing wo ad the inthis Work. Expl tuty ne recta be kena the maine offence Leakey horoscope bf posse suited tothe nate of th homunculus propsed Se etecer inna beketbanccam eae ianee ‘wth good aspects of Sol, Vers, and Lara and wih no noah cont Aispositions; or so far as may be posite. =! 1 Take now man ula I ener Bysel er some cer Both Initiate of the Gnosis; and so far as may be, let his hornscope al cil with the nature of the work. : eles a Let the man and woman copulate continuously (but expecially at ines asologkllfevurable wo ty working and datnaeremonil mamer Jn prepared remple, whose particular asranement ard decoration i iso suitable to thy work. And let them wil antently and constantly the success 0 hy werk denying al cher desires. Ths proceed unl impregration v [Now et the voman be withdrawn and cased avay tow place prepared nds pe shes prt csc rnc ay wane sy human souls seeking inceration, Further let. great circle be drawn and consecrated tote sphere ofthe wor an let hr ising formula of the Sephireth, and espeeklly of Kether, be done often, even uo five or seven times on every day. Outside which reat circle Tet the woman never go. Let the mind of the woman be Strengthened to resi all impression, except ofthe sprit deste. Let the incense ofthis spirit be turk continually; let his colours, and his only, be isplyet an et issues, nd his onl, rpear far say be nal ings. Further fe him he most earnestly an continually invoked in temple duly dedicated, the worsan being pleced in a great triangle, wile thow fron the crete dont perfor del the propor farm of Evocation te Material ‘Appearance. Andletthisbe done twice every dy, once while she fsawake and once whi se is asleep. v ‘And let the quickening be a feast of the Reception of the Spi Henceforth ye my omit the Banishings. wn vl ‘And during the rest of the Pregnancy let there be the Charge to the ‘Spirit (so thatthe whole period of al this work isa it werean expansion in terns of life ofthe Art-formula of Evocation) in this rarer, ‘Let the worran be constantly educated by words and by books and by pictres of anature consort, so tat all causes may work together fr the ltefence end sustenance of the Spit, and for its true eveloprrent. vn “And let the delivery of the woman be retarded or advanced so far és posse to secure e rising sign proper to such a chil vin ‘The child being bom must be ceicated, purified and consecrated, according to the formulae ofthe planet, element, or sign, of which itis the Incarnation, 1x [Now then thou asta being of perfect human form, with ll powers and privileges of humanity but withthe essence ofa particular chosen lores, fd with all the knowledge and might ofits sphere; and this | thy treation and dependent to itthou art Sole God and Lord, ana itt serve thee. “Therefore the whole of el that part of Nature whereunto i belongs is ‘thy dominions and thou art Magister Octinomens x Be wary, Brother Adept, and choose well thine abject, end spare not pain and labour in the Beginning of thy Operation; for to ave com of s0 Eitele a seed is a eat thing onde; to achieve it tice were the mark of @ primal energy so marvellous that We docbt whether there be one man born item Gimes ten thousand years that hath such wonder power xt Now the Father of All prosper ye, my Brethren tha dae lay hold upon. the Phallus ofthe All-One, end call forth its streams to irrigate your fields, ‘Ana may the spin of Prometheus hearken, end the Sprit of Alcides your Work. ‘Farewell, therefore; i the name of the Secret Master Blessing and Peace from Us Baphoeret X° 0.1.0. Given from the throne of Ireland, Jona and tll the Britains in the Sanctus ofthe Gnosis this day of Sol. An X © in ® ‘26° 40? 49 © in 5° 4 24" (Noon Sept. 20 1914. E.¥.) “61 ALEISTER CROWLEY XI° Ste Transeat — "OF the Rieu Degree, is por, pipe, ud quien, rathing waters iin any ge hes norm oe gral ln fe Onde, israel nwo Palaces eshwet ances Notes hus been suggested tate XI may ot ces sequerce beeen X° and XI" ‘sth pose eld bythe en Hed ft no who works ial with hs O LO. 2. Th tie of he XP be Bape. (1 bing sir the X° Nate: Hen. ean smite dere) remote, he emai th hrf hy we pri ad fhe ‘era thus ve uli pone en conte — the entity ofthe X bag hoownarly ‘othe XIP end X"r. Pre meer ef he 0-T0 is nat erent ete XP, bo osently «0 eaten wad be cote ft Mena deoped dileren ies abut tbe XP": tts be Coup a te XT cat nt tthe OHO simulate because the XP ys the magia ek toe AA, ta was car lhe 12 ee jen bat a urge hs rat eed assured eX he (CHO. The "Calg" chage itis the 2° — prior 1969 (or beat) they dno acept de onsen verona he XP, te. wes mace case emesenls emt gore iene sal tings” Ale in he “Calpe” Beers Imnsedoi the X and kyon to os eile eter Sperone Ca “hist fare depres Coys tom ware Fate Super isthe Out Head oft Outer ard IF ‘Uber vrs of he Reus Grey MF have ares ay mano re ‘hemo ntieble ones er Wil: Wlae Webb's" Argenta Ast and Mined Beri “Oxéo Teli Oats sige” wo bok mae thet X ros bck othe salar (eri odereh Rul to roe i inion "in a9 med” as Crowe ake ie ‘dy Ruscll (onde his evn grup “Th Crornzon Cla wich seed many ergs version of the nhs cw 3 degree tem oc rita ay soma sal waren i Bere’ eestor: cx magi tar Wh tre VIP vt), {ean X° (vans 2 (cis: ton ee te her rs ee to tea ed the elements — Xi (prthiitara), XIU (apa), XIV® (aguas), XV" {jaan}, XV (hasnt) Tesla our ras eign Hemoaoa ders ‘Ope X1° 07. ine ao ea diet othe scsi ado Mamone,WilinC ‘Cony. wae stares the ogee "Ek Klenk oft Oem Trp" sei that ths XP mang wth XP om eter Nout (he was se Croley = “Pats Waking in 1913) sa dar “costae the O:L0" ee Xt tothe Typhonse-0,T0. ts sed co itereoune curing merstetion ad Is sidered by someas tzu evra oF he tenga pr fe me ke a (ALEISTER CROWLEY] xe O.H.O. ‘On 16 August 1948, W B Crow, as Grand Master of the Order of the Holy Wisdom, assumed! the 33°, 90° and 97° and the XII° 0.1.0. in tine with Crowley's wishes. 00000 1 om 97° (Grane Hleropany of Werphis and 90° OF erat. have never scenasingle ual of ary oe ofthese grades. (Aarat, Shoo, te. — just Yarker's Flowery way of saying: Build up the whole show ash fom the set) “Toe 97° Memphis was “redhiced” to 33° by Yarker by arrangement withthe 38° Souish ofthe Grand Crentof Franee. But our 3° is thee 33° He gave me pine vole ofthe 4°33 (123° are Catt Masonry). They ae ineanable, dll eyo! bei, hardly anything wort savin. pk de book fro the Share, nd red it —Thed ony one tno ether bouks th me forwards and beck wares foc moths oo en. They are woaly unwkable — wo _goingto comet to memory al hese egepnus discourse, n reset conditions? So I iad ut the very sparse plus, md pt the whole of Masoary al Super ‘Mascry inthe russ of 0.7.0. ‘Te ste i very simple. The speeches ae shor nd special writen so as tomabelleasytomemorize. Thesytem s two-fold. * consist of 6 degrees (Greareton- Bich ile Death Renrecion-Nirvann i bose sy wo pt) ‘The ober degees V'-IX" (° is borcary for Natoral Grand Master and X1° ‘nna en tothe X°s) te progesive canine on (Life) "Ysher was delisted, bu ied even befor ha finish! the week. We lected Meyer 96, 9, 39° to cee ir in nga ad Paps as 97 Then Paps des sxe had x Spnishcertenerian Whose nae Ifexgt; then it eae to Taendar ess, who bd ny eae) bee he rats a energy ofthe whee push Fe had ‘hom O10. and Fre Sinenarof the OT. foros ime, as National Grand Master General of Germany. ao of Austria when Rudolph Steir discovered ‘what the sort ofthe I did amslly mean, and tok fight — also eupe it ‘esas! When Ress ied, | succeeded him ‘Aleister Crowks, Apel 1945, TG Rains: Fear Vara and Wan Siar wae nove manias Be OTD, Seances SOVEREIGN SANCTUARY of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of MEMPHIS AND MIZRAIM. Inthename of the great Architect ofthe Universe, Salutation upon all points ofthe Triangle. WHEREAS itis universally accepted by responsible students of Masonic History thatthe whole authority of the Scottish, Memphis and Mizrairn Rites was ‘concentrated in the late John Yarker, and from bir finally passed! to Aleister Crowley in whom itis now vested, NOW, THEREFORE, we the said ALEISTER CROWLEY, by virtue of such authority, do HEREBY APPOINT Our Brother WILLIAM BERNARD CROW as Patriarch Grand ‘Administrator General the Rite, with full authority twadministerall such fundsaseome within biscortral In witness whereof we have hereunto set our Hand and Seal, August 1944 ex. Jee onissis 485, (GRAND ADMINISTRATOR GRNERAL ‘the ain Prieto MEMPHIS ‘AND REKSIMIMLS 419 soveaiat Sarenisans MUZRAIM parpaancat ‘ORDO. GNOSTIC TEMPLI CHURCH 486 ‘THE ANCIENT AND UNIVERSAL RITE OF COSMIC ARCHITECTURE including ‘THE ORDER OF THE TEMPLE OF THE ORIENT XTIe and the Rite of MEMPHIS AND MIZRAIM. 33°, 907,97" {newer to sto of teat mysteris ht in the Middle lr wealen and pc bere dned bce wre i the Mera rpesee the sacraenta ie of te Church fie ane erescted ty the esching and nates of sich ees ss se ofthe Temps, nd - {ithe regal the led and castes of kingship, nbily and chivalry ‘These ve today bee separated and psy et. pulls el at emery ath wt he ce fhe a coco, ed wea fe fw dying an Seman ‘ain glam derived fra ch ences. a. ‘Aces tine eomastry Was practised wih the coset of the Chis -Accordigw Sir Dav revatr (quoted by dale Wight: Rumen Cll ut Fremasony 1822, page 8) pes ened en “nat ipetttpivicge, tae slowed em abe povmncd Gy Mews, cuss ad ecenenies pecan © themselves” Bu i 1738 Pope Cameo XI fsved » bul eneming, ard saineyuaty oferta cndenrloes hare ba bal W's extn Sestlre that Crareh snd Maxey ive pared company. ‘Nowadays we fed rears represented by (vo rash steams 2) Thatof he Grand Ladys of Eagan type wc is ily a ciao insticion oot cg to pons are aco. Th ofthe cxtieaal Grand Orient type wich fas even expend the bli in Gol fe is teeth. Mh nthe ofthese sam oe conmcied In aio othe above, however, cern orders have exe uring resent year end ne boon deed in tascnic eneyepertics hich ave Fail Sper pt ef i cn me Sie Such MMSE) Wa efor eared rome Sin topes res Teles Order tlt, Onder ofthe Tepe ofthe rin ws duly oh snd chartered accag 9 cave la and enfidit s cnt by Pope an Hovogivs in A.D. 1128 Having soi eet arcane Knowledge i was subjoccd pesca and is orgeiation was pal tren up on 1312.4. Mine Oi Templar, ttn te Grom Maser tc de Melay wee smn afterwards macyed. Os, however, hevingeseaped and cispered, coined dhe var tke Onks insect, snd tainted a sce of Grd Masts ‘uly nominate, append ad nid, ro the seid Daogues de May users ter yes persons clasig to i Tenplas eve become known tothe bic and sol Tesplar Orders hove Den established. As hese, wit fow eters, bee ated departed rom Be orga teachings poe, we tse otters i thet atviics. ‘Thre bewever ne oder tatu tied th magico egies cus of be eign Temples ad the successicn of hs ine hs passed to a rand Mase, uy noenbute,oppoed and nied fe avin bom cet ad aces by eof of rb ofthe sah Ore good standing a has Scared en behalf ine ad hs betes as flows 1 That be sid rae aces the Oil acing of to Order ofthe “Temple ofthe Orient. di Tht the same dott bekng wor are ssoited with any oder orig tobe we elingHcelf Teplr that des not accent the feahings as fared fii Tha afer eae emulation wi all mers ad ya with te cencrt he oes doce erdin ed esti hal he sree euhoity tf be sei crginal end uersic Onder of he Tepe ofthe Ore tnd al thes bodies an exganivatiens ncrgeated erin allied {Gr esovated Cerevith be andthe sue is etl in the Sverin ot {Se Unnerea! open of Spt Feces a his awful sucess tly apps and thal the sd Sovereign of te Universe Imperius {Styrene eed ines adad tan of the sid Orde ofthe ele ke Ort and Frater Super of be sate, with all the isa piles apperaining wa Moe tw be reced th th Universal Iprium was inthe rane section ofthe order fhe Haly Wary, ow kaown 2 be Apex of th Holy Wer: “The Onder of Mergbic and Mina: ater ee, described in Masonic Encylopedia (Waite, Mackey) from which tne bf i That tcotied a vest cast of wean its aera naw ‘tay ob, nding the 33 dees naw ery known inthe Ane fou Aveta is, he 90 derees of Mla ard he 97 dress of Memphis ii Tha it contains fetes se now represented in aso ii ‘That ts had wes regarded the Supreme ead of ll cone ite, tat snot ede by tnodem feemaseny. fv tlle tha the Jesuits has sme coecion wih it One ie "YT the em els bn eve fw is (era) dere aa “The let pois is ineretng, besa i hie Aerie ofthe Ancient, Dr WB ‘Crow aver har the Hiram legend realy belonged wos enue higher degre 1 er yeas the le of Meraphis and Mizrim eid nt ise werk di eal depres ut aly acepted persons holding such in other recognized ois. Tht it had the ‘ght to Work the eu an even to establish Todges is ested by Ue Ls and Regulations. ‘On 16" August, 1988, the Grand Maser of te Order ofthe Kaly Wisdom, having previously been duly elected in accordance with the eonstitstion and repulaions was ealhroned and Gowaed 8s Grand Hicrophant of the Rite of ‘Merrphis, Absolute Grand Sovereign of te Rite of Mizraim, Superse Power of the Order and of ll Rites included teen and aed cognate efilisted Onder and ites io a Temple near London. ‘Asthe Grand Master ofthe Order ofthe Holy Wisdom is also Sugreme Hierarch ofthe Ancient Universal Church, tis ifs de prophecy ateibued to Or Rud Stciner thet the itiatory mysteries would ene day be reunited to those of the Chasen, All the rites in question have been placed unde he sub-division ofthe Arcane section ofthe Apostolate ofthe Holy Wisdom, known asthe Ancient and Universal Rite of Cosmic Architecture, which previously inleded material ofthis type bt ‘which is new etalshed on an traprepnshle asi and ean be werked ma vasly fuller range than heretofore ‘Some of the degrees of deserts en be conf on suitable persons che lone oin conjnction with those othe Ancient Universal Church atthe Univeral ‘Metaphysical Kingdor, All iterested aro invited to write to De WB, Crow, 78 oadiead Read, Woodford Green Essex (94g) THEODOR REUSS INSTRUCTIONS a9

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