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Teacher: …….
School: “………..
Date: …………………………
Time: 50’;
Form: the 4th;
Textbook: Booklet
Unit: This is My House;
Lesson: There is / There are
Type of lesson: Acquisition of knowledge; teaching vocabulary (communicative);
Skills: listening (L), speaking (S), reading (R), writing (W);
Teaching techniques: whole class, individual work, pair work;
Aids: textbook, video – audio materials, pupil’s notebooks, computer, whiteboard.
Language focus: New vocabulary related to the topic;
 to engage the Ss in a short conversation;
 to create a pleasant atmosphere;
 to check correctness of the homework;
 to introduce the topic of the lesson and raise expectation;
 to internalize the new topic by activating the Ss’ knowledge of the context;
 to enrich Ss’ vocabulary;
 to determine Ss to make use of their knowledge while discussing about the new topic;
 to develop knowledge and understanding of using of There is / There are;
 to use There is/ There are in solving certain tasks;
 to develop abilities to make use of There is/ There are;
 to provide feedback;
 to provide further practice;

Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

 practise vocabulary related to the topic in sentences of their own;

 distinguish between “there is” and “there are”;

 employ correctly the revised grammar topic.


Activity 1: Warm-up
Aim: to engage the Ss in a short conversation;
to create a pleasant atmosphere;
Procedure: The T asks the Ss about their mood; The Ss answer;
The T asks if there are any absentees; The Ss answer;
Time: 2 min
Technique: Question- answer
Skills: S
Interaction: T>Ss, Ss>T
Activity 2: Checking homework
Aim: to check correctness of the homework;
Procedure: The T asks the Ss to read their homework; The Ss take turns and answer;
The T corrects the homework and gives further explanation where necessary;
The Ss correct their homework.
Time: 5 min
Technique: Reading aloud
Skills: S, R
Interaction: T>S, S>T

Activity 3: Introduction of the new topic

Aim: to introduce the topic of the lesson and raise expectation;
to internalize the new topic by activating the Ss’ knowledge of the context;
Procedures: The T announces the topic of the lesson and writes the title on the blackboard There
is/There are;
The Ss write the title in their notebooks;
The T asks Ss to remember the singular and the plural forms of nouns, the
difference between the final –s or -es at the end of the nouns, and the usage of
a/an; The Ss answer the T’s questions;
The T asks Ss to open their textbooks on page 20 and to look at the image;
The T plays the conversation from the CD and asks Ss to listen and repeat;
The Ss repeat;
The T asks Ss to mention what objects there are in the picture and how many;
The Ss respond;
Time: 8 min
Techniques: Review, reading aloud
Skills: S, L, R
Interaction: T>Ss, Ss>T

Activity 4: Introduction of new information

Aim: to determine Ss to make use of their knowledge while discussing about the using of There
is / There are;
to develop knowledge and understanding of using of There is / There are;
Procedures: The T asks the Ss to mention the difference in usage of There is and There are;
The Ss answer;
The T writes the general rule and some examples on the board;
The Ss write on their notebooks;
The T asks the Ss to give the negative form of the verb To Be;
The Ss answer;
The T writes some examples on the board. The Ss write on their notebooks;
Time: 10 min
Techniques: explanation, conversation
Skills: W, S
Interaction: T>Ss, Ss>T

Activity 5: Practice
Aim: to use There is/ There are in solving certain tasks;
to develop abilities to make use of There is/ There are;
Procedures: The T asks the Ss to solve exercise 2 from page 20 and explains the task;
The Ss solve the exercise and write the sentences on the board;
The T gives further explanation where necessary.
Time: 7 min
Techniques: Brainstorming, explanation
Skills: W, S
Interaction: T>Ss, Ss>T

Activity 6: Pair activity

Aim : to use There is/ There are in solving certain tasks;
to develop abilities to make use of There is/ There are;
Procedures: The T asks the Ss to form pairs with their deskmate;
The T asks the Ss to read the dialogues from ex. 3, page 20 and then to solve ex. 4,
page 20;
The Ss read the dialogues and solve the exercise;
Time: 12 min
Techniques: Brainstorming, pair activity
Skills: W, S, R
Interaction: Ss>Ss, T>Ss, Ss>T

Activity 7: Feedback
Aim: to provide feedback;
Procedures: The T gives feedback on the Ss’ activity; The Ss listen and may also comment;
Time: 3 min
Skills: L, S
Interaction: T>Ss, Ss>T

Activity 8: Homework; Written assignment - Write 10 sentences about 10 objects located in your
room/house/yard using There is/There are

Aim: to provide further practice;

Procedures: The T assigns the homework and explains the task;
The Ss take notes;
Time: 3 min
Interaction: T>Ss, Ss> T

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