Oracle Project Pa - Expenditure - Items - All Table Description

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EXPENDITURE_ITEM_ID NUMBER (15) Yes The system-generated number that uniquely identifies t

expenditure item
LAST_UPDATE_DATE DATE Yes Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY NUMBER (15) Yes Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE DATE Yes Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY NUMBER (15) Yes Standard Who Column
EXPENDITURE_ID NUMBER (15) Yes The identifier of the expenditure to which the expenditu
TASK_ID NUMBER (15) Yes The identifier of the task to which the expenditure item
EXPENDITURE_ITEM_DATE DATE Yes The date on which the work occurred
EXPENDITURE_TYPE VARCHAR2 (30) Yes The expenditure type that classifies the type of work pe
COST_DISTRIBUTED_FLAG VARCHAR2 (1) Yes Flag that indicates whether the item has been cost distr
'N' the item is marked for cost distribution. When the ite
distributed, the flag is set to 'Y'.
REVENUE_DISTRIBUTED_FLAG VARCHAR2 (1) Yes Flag that indicates whether the item is revenue distribu
entry, this flag is set to 'N'. When the item is revenue dis
flag is set to 'Y' or 'P'
BILLABLE_FLAG VARCHAR2 (1) Yes Flag that indicates if the item can accrue revenue. Upo
flag is defaulted from the task to which the item is charg
based on transaction controls.
BILL_HOLD_FLAG VARCHAR2 (1) Yes Flag that indicates if the item is held from invoicing. Up
flag is defaulted to 'N'.
QUANTITY NUMBER The number of units of the work performed
NON_LABOR_RESOURCE VARCHAR2 (20) The non-labor resource utilized as the work was perform
column is only populated for usage items
ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER (15) The identifier of the organization that owns the non-labo
that was utilized as the work was performed. This colum
populated for usage items
OVERRIDE_TO_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER (15) The identifier of the organization that the cost and reve
item are charged to by a cost distribution override enter
project. For supplier invoices, the expenditure organiza
in Oracle Payables
RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost in project Currency
RAW_COST_RATE NUMBER The raw cost rate used to cost the item
BURDEN_COST NUMBER The burden cost in project currency
BURDEN_COST_RATE NUMBER The burdened cost rate of the item. Burdened cost rate
cost / quantity ).
COST_DIST_REJECTION_CODE VARCHAR2 (30) The reason why the expenditure item was rejected duri
LABOR_COST_MULTIPLIER_NAME VARCHAR2 (20) The labor cost multiplier specified for a premium labor e
item in order to determine the premium labor cost. Cost
rate*quantity*LCM). This is populated by the timecard e
the Overtime Calculation program
RAW_REVENUE NUMBER (22) The potential revenue of the item. With T&M revenue a
revenue = (quantity * bill rate) or (raw cost * (markup/10
cost * labor multiplier). With COST revenue accrual, raw
item's portion of the total revenue
BILL_RATE NUMBER (22) The bill rate for the expenditure item. This column is no
(1) a markup percentage or labor multiplier was used to
T&M revenue or (2) if revenue is accrued under a Cost/
Cost/Event distribution rule
ACCRUED_REVENUE NUMBER (22) The total amount of revenue that the item accrued. This
should always equal the sum of the revenue amount in
distribution lines. This amount is different from raw reve
project hit a hard funding limit
ACCRUAL_RATE NUMBER (22) The rate based on the accrued revenue. Accrual rate =
revenue / quantity). This column is populated when the
revenue distributed regardless of the project's distributio
ADJUSTED_REVENUE NUMBER (22) The discounted revenue amount of the item based on t
schedule discount. Adjusted revenue = raw revenue * (
ADJUSTED_RATE NUMBER (22) The rate based on the adjusted revenue. Adjusted rate
revenue / quantity)
BILL_AMOUNT NUMBER (22) The amount to be billed for the item. This must always
sum of the bill amount on the revenue distribution lines.
may differ from the revenue amount if using Cost/Work
project hit hard funding limit.
FORECAST_REVENUE NUMBER (22) The forecast revenue amount of a labor item based on
and markups and labor multipliers. This column is popu
Compute Forecast Revenue process. Once the item is
distributed, this column is cleared
BILL_RATE_MULTIPLIER NUMBER (22) The multiplier that can be used to determine an item's r
with T&M bill rate accrual. This multiplier is populated b
scripts or the OT Calculation program. Raw revenue = (
rate * bill rate multiplier).
REV_DIST_REJECTION_CODE VARCHAR2 (30) The reason why the expenditure item was rejected duri
EVENT_NUM NUMBER (15) The event number of the payment schedule event that
first out) marks the expenditure item as invoiced for an
EVENT_TASK_ID NUMBER (15) The identifier of the event task that fifo (first in-first out)
expenditure item as invoiced for an event billing project
BILL_JOB_ID NUMBER (15) The identifier of the effective job used when invoicing a
of the last time the expenditure item was invoiced
BILL_JOB_BILLING_TITLE VARCHAR2 (80) The effective job billing title for the labor expenditure ite
last time the expenditure item was invoiced
BILL_EMPLOYEE_BILLING_TITLE VARCHAR2 (80) The effective employee billing title for the labor expend
of the last time the expenditure item was invoiced
ADJUSTED_EXPENDITURE_ITEM_ID NUMBER (15) The identifier of the expenditure item adjusted by this e
item. Adjustment items are entered by users with negat
to fully reverse an item, or are system created to revers
transferred item.
NET_ZERO_ADJUSTMENT_FLAG VARCHAR2 (1) Flag that indicates whether the item is fully reversed or
one of the adjusting items that fully reverse another item
Draft Invoice uses the flag to exclude fully reversed, un
items from a customer invoice
TRANSFERRED_FROM_EXP_ITEM_ID NUMBER (15) The identifier of the expenditure item from which this ex
item originated. This expenditure item is the new item th
created when an item is transferred and is charged to th
CONVERTED_FLAG VARCHAR2 (1) Flag set to 'Y' if the item is converted. If the item is conv
adjustments to the item's revenue or cost are allowed. A
allowed are 'Edit Comments', 'Bill Hold', 'One-Time Billi
'Release Bill Hold'
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN NUMBER (15) Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID NUMBER (15) Standard Who Column
PROGRAM_ID NUMBER (15) Standard Who Column
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 (30) Descriptive flexfield context field
ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 (150 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 (150 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 (150 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 (150 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 (150 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 (150 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 (150 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 (150 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 (150 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 (150 Descriptive flexfield segment
COST_IND_COMPILED_SET_ID NUMBER (15) The identifier of the compiled set that is used to calcula
amount of the expenditure item
REV_IND_COMPILED_SET_ID NUMBER (15) The identifier of the compiled set that is used to calcula
revenue amount of the expenditure item
INV_IND_COMPILED_SET_ID NUMBER (15) The identifier of the compiled set that is used to calcula
amount of the expenditure item
COST_BURDEN_DISTRIBUTED_FLAG VARCHAR2 (1) Flag indicates whether the expenditure item is burden d
IND_COST_DIST_REJECTION_CODE VARCHAR2 (30) The reason why the expenditure item was rejected duri
burden distribution
ORIG_TRANSACTION_REFERENCE VARCHAR2 (50) Only populated for expenditure items created from tran
imported into PA from an external system. The
expenditure item created after import.
TRANSACTION_SOURCE VARCHAR2 (30) Only populated for expenditure items created from tran
imported into PA from an external system; used by PA's
item adjustment modules and costing programs to ensu
processing on imported items
PROJECT_ID NUMBER (15) The project_id of the event that the expenditure item is
SOURCE_EXPENDITURE_ITEM_ID NUMBER (15) Only populated for related items created in PA's Labor
This number is the identifier of the source expenditure i
this item is related
JOB_ID NUMBER (15) The identifier of the job of an employee as of the expen
date. Required for all items incurred by an employee. T
used in the mapping of the transaction to a resource for
summary amounts.
ORG_ID NUMBER (15) Operating unit identifier for multi-organization installatio
SYSTEM_LINKAGE_FUNCTION VARCHAR2 (3) Yes The system linkage that classifies the expenditure type
drive system processing for the items classified by the e
BURDEN_SUM_DEST_RUN_ID NUMBER (15) Burden summarization run id. Id will identify all the expe
created by burden component summarization process.
to identify all the Cost distribution lines summarized tog
create expenditure item
RECEIPT_CURRENCY_AMOUNT NUMBER Receipt currency amount of the transaction
RECEIPT_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 (15) Receipt currency code of the transaction
RECEIPT_EXCHANGE_RATE NUMBER Receipt exchange rate for the transaction
DENOM_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 (15) Transaction Currency code of the transaction
DENOM_RAW_COST NUMBER The total raw cost of the expenditure item in transaction
Raw cost = (quantity * cost rate) This value should alwa
sum of the items raw cost distribution lines
DENOM_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Total burdened cost of the expenditure item in transacti
Burdened cost = (raw cost * (1 + burden cost multiplier)
equal the sum of the items burden debit cost distributio
non-burdened items, burdened cost = raw cost
ACCT_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 (15) Account currency code of the transaction
ACCT_RATE_DATE DATE Functional Rate date for the Transaction
ACCT_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 (30) Functional rate type for the transaction
ACCT_EXCHANGE_RATE NUMBER Functional Exchange Rate for the Transaction
ACCT_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost in Functional Currency
ACCT_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened Cost in Functional Currency
ACCT_EXCHANGE_ROUNDING_LIMIT NUMBER Rounding limit for imported transaction
PROJECT_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 (15) Project Currency Code of the Transaction
PROJECT_RATE_DATE DATE Project Rate date for the Transaction
PROJECT_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 (30) Project Rate Type for the Transaction
PROJECT_EXCHANGE_RATE NUMBER Project Exchange Rate for Transaction
DENORM_ID NUMBER (15) The identifier of denormalized representation of the exp
items created through Self-Service Time module
CC_CROSS_CHARGE_CODE VARCHAR2 (1) Yes Indicates the method of cross charge processing that w
been performed on an Expenditure Item.
CC_PRVDR_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER Identifier of the provider organization. This may be diffe
expenditure organization or the non-labor resource orga
is overridden by the client extension to derive provider o
CC_RECVR_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER Identifier of the receiver organization. This may be diffe
project organization, if it is overridden by the client exte
derive receiver organization
CC_REJECTION_CODE VARCHAR2 (30) Code indicating rejection reason encountered while pro
cross charge
DENOM_TP_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 (15) Transaction currency code of the transfer price
DENOM_TRANSFER_PRICE NUMBER Transfer price in the transaction currency
ACCT_TP_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 (30) Rate type used to convert the transfer price from the tra
currency to the functional currency. Defaulted from the
implementation options currency conversion attributes f
ACCT_TP_RATE_DATE DATE Rate date used to convert the transfer price from the tra
currency to the functional currency.
ACCT_TP_EXCHANGE_RATE NUMBER Exchange rate used to convert the transfer price from t
transaction currency to the provider functional currency
ACCT_TRANSFER_PRICE NUMBER Transfer price in functional currency of the provider ope
PROJACCT_TRANSFER_PRICE NUMBER Transfer price in the functional currency of cross charge
(receiver operating unit)
CC_MARKUP_BASE_CODE VARCHAR2 (1) Audit help derive how transfer price wsa calc
used to calculate the transfer price.
TP_BASE_AMOUNT NUMBER Audit column. Base amount used to derive the transfer
transfer price transaction currency
RECVR_ORG_ID NUMBER Receiver Operating Unit Identifier
CC_BL_DISTRIBUTED_CODE VARCHAR2 (1) Yes Indicates the processing status of the Expenditure Item
Distribute Borrowed and Lent Accounts process
CC_IC_PROCESSED_CODE VARCHAR2 (1) Yes Indicates the processing status of the Expenditure Item
Generate Intercompany Invoice process
TP_IND_COMPILED_SET_ID NUMBER Identifier of the compiled set used to calculate the Tran
using a burden schedule
TP_BILL_RATE NUMBER Audit column. Bill rate used in deriving the transfer pric
transfer price was based on a rate defined in a bill rate
TP_BILL_MARKUP_PERCENTAGE NUMBER Audit column. Percentage used in deriving the transfer
transfer price was based on a markup in bill rate sched
TP_SCHEDULE_LINE_PERCENTAGE NUMBER Audit column. Percentage applied to the calculated tran
from the schedule line
TP_RULE_PERCENTAGE NUMBER Audit column. Percentage applied to the calculated tran
from the rule definition
CC_PRVDR_COST_RECLASS_CODE VARCHAR2 (1) Indicates if the cost for the expenditure item is reclassif
intercompany billing
COST_JOB_ID NUMBER (15) Costing Job ID
TP_JOB_ID NUMBER (15) Borrowed/Lent Job ID
PROV_PROJ_BILL_JOB_ID NUMBER (15) Provider Project Bill Job ID
COST_DIST_WARNING_CODE VARCHAR2 (30) During funds check if the transaction passes in advisor
this column will be updated with the apropriate warning
PROJECT_TP_RATE_DATE DATE Rate date used to convert transfer price from the transa
currency to the project currency.
PROJECT_TP_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 (30) Rate type used to convert transfer price from the transa
currency to the project currency.
PROJECT_TP_EXCHANGE_RATE NUMBER Exchange rate used to convert transfer price from the t
currency to the project currency.
PROJFUNC_TP_RATE_DATE DATE Rate date used to convert transfer price from the transa
currency to the project functional currency.
PROJFUNC_TP_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 (30) Rate type used to convert transfer price from the transa
currency to the project functional currency.
PROJFUNC_TP_EXCHANGE_RATE NUMBER Exchange rate used to convert transfer price from the t
currency to the project functional currency.
PROJFUNC_TRANSFER_PRICE NUMBER Transfer price in project functional currency.
BILL_TRANS_FORECAST_CURR_CODE VARCHAR2 (15) Bill transaction currency code for the expenditure item f
BILL_TRANS_FORECAST_REVENUE NUMBER The forecast revenue amount in bill transaction currenc
item based on T&M bill rates and markups and labor m
column is populated by the Compute Forecast Revenue
Once the item is revenue distributed, this column is clea
PROJFUNC_REV_RATE_DATE DATE Exchange rate date to use for conversion between bill t
currency to project functional Currency if 'Fixed Date' ra
used during revenue generation.
PROJFUNC_REV_EXCHANGE_RATE NUMBER Exchange rate to be used for conversion between bill tr
currency to Project functional currency if 'User' exchang
used. During revenue generation
PROJFUNC_COST_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 (30) Rate type used to convert costs from the transaction cu
project functional currency.
PROJFUNC_COST_RATE_DATE DATE Rate date used to convert costs from the transaction cu
project functional currency.
PROJFUNC_COST_EXCHANGE_RATE NUMBER Exchange rate used to convert costs from the transacti
to the project functional currency.
PROJECT_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost in project currency.
PROJECT_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost in project currency.
ASSIGNMENT_ID NUMBER (15) Identifier for an assignment associated with the transac
WORK_TYPE_ID NUMBER (15) Identifier for a work type assigned to the transaction.
PROJFUNC_RAW_REVENUE NUMBER Revenue Amount in Project Functional
PROJFUNC_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 (15) Project functional currency code.
PROJECT_RAW_REVENUE NUMBER Revenue Amount in Project
PROJECT_TRANSFER_PRICE NUMBER Transfer price in project currency.
TP_AMT_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 (30) Cross charge classification.
BILL_TRANS_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 (15) Bill transaction currency code for the expenditure item f
revenue and bill amounts
BILL_TRANS_RAW_REVENUE NUMBER The raw revenue of the item in bill transaction currency
BILL_TRANS_BILL_AMOUNT NUMBER Bill amount in bill transaction currency.
BILL_TRANS_ADJUSTED_REVENUE NUMBER The adjusted revenue of the item in bill transaction curr
'Work' revenue accrual or invoicing method adjusted re
(quantity * bill rate) or (project currency raw cost * (mar
(project currency raw cost * labor multiplier) - discount a
REVPROC_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 (15) Revenue Processing Currency Code
REVPROC_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 (30) Exchange rate type to use for conversion between bill t
currency to revenue processing currency during revenu
Currently Project Functional is the Revenue Processing
REVPROC_RATE_DATE DATE Exchange rate date to use for conversion between bill t
currency to Revenue Processing Currency if 'Fixed Dat
type used during revenue generation. Currently Project
the Revenue Processing Currency
REVPROC_EXCHANGE_RATE NUMBER Exchange rate to be used for conversion between bill tr
currency to revenue processing currency if 'User' excha
used. During revenue generation. Currently Project fun
currency is the Revenue Processing Currency
INVPROC_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 (15) Invoice Processing Currency
INVPROC_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 (30) Exchange rate type to use for conversion between bill t
currency to project functional currency during revenue g
INVPROC_RATE_DATE DATE Exchange rate date to use for conversion between bill t
currency to project functional currency if 'Fixed Date' ra
used during revenue generation
DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE NUMBER Discount Percentage is used to calculate the adjusted r
LABOR_MULTIPLIER NUMBER Audit Column for rate derivation.
AMOUNT_CALCULATION_CODE VARCHAR2 (15) Audit Column for rate derivation. Valid values are Indire
Overrides(O), Extension (E), Bill rates (B) , Labor Multip
BILL_MARKUP_PERCENTAGE NUMBER Audit Column for bill rate derivation. Markup Percentag
derving bill rate was based on a markup in bill rate sche
RATE_SOURCE_ID NUMBER (15) Audit Column for bill rate derivation. It stores the rate sc
bill rate schedule was used, override id if override used
INVPROC_EXCHANGE_RATE NUMBER Exchange rate to be used for conversion between bill tr
currency to project functional. During revenue generatio
INV_GEN_REJECTION_CODE VARCHAR2 (30) Invoice Generation Rejection Code
PROJFUNC_BILL_AMOUNT NUMBER Bill Amount in Project Functional
PROJECT_REV_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 (30) Exchange rate type to use for conversion between bill t
currency to Project currency during revenue generation
PROJECT_REV_RATE_DATE DATE Exchange rate date to use for conversion between bill t
currency to project Currency if 'Fixed Date' rate date typ
during revenue generation
PROJECT_REV_EXCHANGE_RATE NUMBER Exchange rate to be used for conversion between bill tr
currency to project currency if 'User' exchange rate type
During revenue generation
PROJFUNC_REV_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 (30) Exchange rate type to use for conversion between bill t
currency to project functional currency during revenue g
PROJFUNC_INV_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 (30) Exchange rate type to use for conversion between bill t
currency to project functional currency during Invoice g
PROJFUNC_INV_RATE_DATE DATE Exchange rate date to use for conversion between bill t
currency to project functional Currency if 'Fixed Date' ra
used during invoice generation
PROJFUNC_INV_EXCHANGE_RATE NUMBER Exchange rate to be used for conversion between bill tr
currency to Project functional currency if 'User' exchang
used. During invoice generation
PROJECT_INV_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 (30) Exchange rate type to use for conversion between bill t
currency to project functional currency during Invoice g
PROJECT_INV_RATE_DATE DATE Exchange rate date to use for conversion between bill t
currency to project functional Currency if 'Fixed Date' ra
used during invoice generation.
PROJECT_INV_EXCHANGE_RATE NUMBER Exchange rate to be used for conversion between bill tr
currency to Project functional currency if 'User' exchang
used. During invoice generation
PROJFUNC_FCST_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 (30) Exchange rate type to use for conversion between bill t
currency to project functional currency during Forecast
PROJFUNC_FCST_RATE_DATE DATE Exchange rate date to use for conversion between bill t
currency to project functional Currency if 'Fixed Date' ra
used during forecast revenue generation.
PROJFUNC_FCST_EXCHANGE_RATE NUMBER Exchange rate to be used for conversion between bill tr
currency to Project functional currency if 'User' exchang
used. During forecast revenue generation.
PRVDR_ACCRUAL_DATE DATE Provider operating unit accounting date for transactions
reversing expenditure batch.
RECVR_ACCRUAL_DATE DATE Receiver operating unit accounting date for transaction
a reversing expenditure batch.
RATE_DISC_REASON_CODE VARCHAR2 (30) Reason code for discount override or rate override
POSTED_DENOM_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Accounted burden amount in transaction currency.
POSTED_PROJECT_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Accounted burden amount in project currency.
POSTED_PROJFUNC_BURDENED_COS NUMBER Accounted burden amount in project functional currenc
POSTED_ACCT_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Accounted burden amount in expenditure functional cu
ADJUSTMENT_TYPE VARCHAR2 (150 Adjustment Type Code
CAPITAL_EVENT_ID NUMBER (15) Capital Event Identifier to which the expenditure item is
PO_LINE_ID NUMBER Purchase order line identifier for imported contingent w
PO_PRICE_TYPE VARCHAR2 (30) Purchase order line price type for contingent worker lab
WIP_RESOURCE_ID NUMBER Identifier of the resource for work in progress
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID NUMBER Inventory item identifier
UNIT_OF_MEASURE VARCHAR2 (30) Base unit of measure
SRC_SYSTEM_LINKAGE_FUNCTION VARCHAR2 (3) The system linkage of the source expenditure items wh
summarized to create separate burden transaction.
DOCUMENT_HEADER_ID NUMBER (15) This column refers to a header-level record identifier in
application. If the expenditure item originated in Oracle
holds the AP_INVOICES_ALL.INVOICE_ID. If the expe
originated in Oracle Purchasing, it holds the
labor and usage expenditure items.
DOCUMENT_DISTRIBUTION_ID NUMBER (15) This column refers to a distribution-level record identifie
application. If the expenditure item originated in Oracle
holds the
If the expenditure item originated in Oracle Purchasing,
used for labor and usage expenditure items.
DOCUMENT_LINE_NUMBER NUMBER (15) This column refers to a line-level record identifier in ano
application. If the expenditure item originated in Oracle
expenditure item originated in Oracle Purchasing, it hol
not used for labor and usage expenditure items.
DOCUMENT_PAYMENT_ID NUMBER (15) This column refers to the payment record identifier in O
Payables. It holds the
is only populated when you enable cash basis accounti
payment discounts, when you use accrual basis accoun
column is not used for labor and usage expenditure item
VENDOR_ID NUMBER This column indicates the vendor identifier for supplier
transactions. If the expenditure item originated in Oracl
holds the AP_INVOICES_ALL.VENDOR_ID. If the expe
originated in Oracle Purchasing, it holds the
PO_HEADERS_ALL.VENDOR_ID. This column is not u
and usage expenditure items.
DOCUMENT_TYPE VARCHAR2 (30) The supplier cost interface process uses this column to
transaction type. Valid values are as follows: Payables,
or Receiving.
DOCUMENT_DISTRIBUTION_TYPE VARCHAR2 (30) The supplier cost interface process uses this column to
transaction type of the distribution. Valid values are as f
Payables, Purchasing, or Receiving.
PAY_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID NUMBER (15) Pay element type id
COSTING_METHOD VARCHAR2 (150 The method used to cost the expenditure item
RATE_SOURCE_CODE VARCHAR2 (30) Name of the source from which employee rates are der
PAYROLL_ACCRUAL_FLAG VARCHAR2 (1) payroll_accrual_flag is 'Flag to indicate if the labor cost
to a project
RBC_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID NUMBER (9) Pay element identifier
CBS_ELEMENT_ID NUMBER (15) Unique id corresponding to the cost code.

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