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School of Engineering and Technology

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

6th Semester, 2015 -2019
Teaching Learning Evaluation Plan
Course Number : ECE 302 Course Title : Antenna and Wave Propagation
Instructor-in-Charge : Ratish Kumar

1. Course Description and Scope & Objective

• To study radiation from a current element.
• To study antenna arrays
• To study aperture antennas
• To learn special antennas such as frequency independent and broad band antennas.
• To study radio wave propagation.
2. Prerequisite: Electromagnetic Field Theory
3. Text Book:
T1: Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design by Costantine A. Balanis, 4th Ed., John Wiley publication.
T2: Antenna and Wave Propagation by J.D. Kraus, 4th Ed., TMH publications.
4. Reference Book
R1: Foundations of Antenna Theory and Techniques (English) 1st Edition by Vincent F. Fusco, Pearson Publication
5. Lecture Plan/ Course Plan

Numbe Number of
S. Teaching Unit Chapter/
Unit /Topics to be covered r of Unit Outcome
No. Pedagogy Objective Section

Radiation in single wire, two wire, and dipole, Current Distribution on a 1 1

1. 01 Ch. 01 (T1)
thin wire antenna
Radiation Pattern, Power Density, Radiation Intensity, Beamwidth, Chalk -
2. 01 2.2-2.9 (T1)
Directivity and Antenna Efficiency and Gain Board,
This section 2.10-2.14
Beam Efficiency, Bandwidth, Polarization, Input impedance, antenna Case
3. 01 will give a basic Student can (T1)
radiation efficiency Studies,
understanding design basic
of Basics of parameters of
Point 2.15-2.16
Antenna Effective Length and Equivalent Areas, Maximum Directivity Antenna the antenna
4. 01 Presentati (T1)
and Maximum Effective Area Parameters
on, Video
Friis Transmission Equation and Radar Range Equation and Antenna 2.17-2.18
5. 01
Temperature (T1)
Retarded potential, Infinitesimal dipole, Current distribution of This section 1
6. 02 4.1-4.3 (T1)
short/small dipole will make
Students can
of current
analyse different
distribution in
field regions of
Current distribution of half wave dipole, Far-field, Radiating near-field and antenna and
7. 03 an antenna to 4.4-4.7 (T1)
reactive near-field region, Monopole and Half wave dipole various field
regions of
antenna to
Array of two point sources, Array factor, n-element linear array with 1
8. 02 6.1-6.3 (T1)
uniform amplitude and spacing,
This section Students can
9. Analysis of Broadside array, Ordinary end-fire array 02 will make design array of 6.4-6.5 (T1)
Hansen-woodyard end fire array, n-element linear array with non-uniform understanding antennas and
10. 02 of antenna will be able to 6.5-6.8 (T1)
array structures analyse different 6.8.2 (T1)
11. Analysis of Binomial 01 and their methods for
characteristics array designing
12. Dolph-Tschebyscheff array 02 6.8.3 (T1)
13. Superdirective array 01 6.9 (T1)
14. Field Equivalence principle, Babinet’s Principle 03 Read about the Able to find 12.2 (T1) 1 1

Practical Applications, Chalk -Board, Case Studies, Power Point Presentation

15. Rectangular Apertures 02 Huygen’s interference of 12.5 (T1)
16. Circular Aperture antennas 02 principle antennas 12.6 (T1)
To learn about Able to explain 13.2-13.9
17. Horn antenna and Slot Antenna 03
different type different types T1)
18. Reflector antenna 02 of antennas of antenna Ch. 15 (T1)
Reflection from Earth’s surface, Surface and Space wave propagation for In this section 23.2-23.5 1
19. 02
vertical and horizontal dipole, students will Students can (T2)
Effective earths radius, Effect of earth imperfections and atmosphere on learn about calculate the 24.3-24.4
20. 01
space wave propagation wave wave (T2)
propagation, propagation and 24.2, 24.14
21. Field strength of Space wave, Range of space wave propagation 01 effect its parameters (T2)
atmosphere on and solve the
wave problems related
propagation to tropospheric
and different propagation and 24.9-24.11
22. Modified refractive index, Duct propagation, Tropospheric propagation 02
parameters of range of (T2)
wave propagation
Structure of ionosphere, propagation of radio waves through ionosphere, Students can 25.2-25.3b 1
23. 03 Thses topics
Refractive index of ionosphere, Effect of earth’s magnetic field explain and (T2)
will explain
demonstrate the
Reflection and refraction of waves by ionosphere, Critical frequency, ionosphere and
propagation and
24. Maximum usable frequency, Optimum working frequency, Lowest usable 02 how wave 25.5 (T2)
high frequency, virtual height, Skip Distance propagate to
associated with
the students
6. Name and signature of the Subject Teacher: Ratish Kumar

7. Examination Pattern
Component Frequency Marks*
1st Term 1 time 40
2nd Term 1 time 40
End Term 1 time 80
Continuous Assessment*/seminar Throughout the Semester 40
Total 200
8. Scheme for evaluation of Continuous Evaluation*
Component Frequency* Marks*
Assignments 3 Nos. 10
Student Seminar (syndicate) 1/syndicate (8-10 student) 10
Extempore/Presentation 1/student 5
Quiz/surprise test 2 times 5
Project ( Group/Individual) 1 /student or Group 10
Total 40

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