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I have experienced a lot within my existence.

I have experienced when and how to cry, to smile, to grief and to laugh.

I have experienced to gain friends, more friends even to gain enemies.

I have experienced my best and worst things.

I have experienced to try my “first times”. But still not all of them that you know.

I have experienced to neglect my time and my priorities as a daughter and as a student.

I have experienced to love and to hate

To be crazy,

To be a loving daughter in my family.

to be a loser

But what is important from those experiences,

I learned.

I learned how to live and continue my life

To stand from all trials and tell myself to not give up.

to value my time, to value my family and friends.

I learned to realized my skill and potentials

To realized my mistakes to make them right.

And on this special day of mine,

Join me as I enter and celebrate my 18th year of existence

I am Camille Feliciano Flores,

This is Camille, a decade and eight.

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