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Lila Goles

Mrs. Feldman
Written Expression
April 19, 2018

A: Apples. It must be kinda cool to just sit on a counter all the time, watching everything that’s
going on, knowing all the secrets.

B. Ballet. Grand jete, releve, petit battement, padebure, sashe, prepare, double pirouette, head
out, chest up, run off. Tick tock tick tock. Great now only an hour and forty five more minutes.

C. Cats. What even is a cat. I meant they are cute, but why would anyone choose a cat over a

D. Dolls. Why the heck are they so creepy.

E. Evolution, the fact that some people still don’t get it blows my mind.

E. Earrings. Got 3 holes in each ear, mom doesn’t know I put two of them there.

F. Flies. Why do they exist. They literally don’t do anything but annoy you.

G. Goles. Goals nope wrong one. Life goals, Lila Goles.

H. How come people think that they understand?

I. Iguanas. Creepy little things.

J. Jellyfish. What is the point? They just blob up and down and freak you out.

K. Killer whales. How fun would it be to be the one thing that everyone else in the ocean feared
but aren't killed off by humans everyday?

L. Light. I would rather stare at the light all day.

M. Mom I really have no clue how to think about life without you.

M. Mammom. I don’t even no how to start thinking about what you have gone through.

N. Numbers ain’t got nothing on me.

O. Optical illusions in worlds? Words. Proves my point exactly.

P. Papa Goles, still trying to figure that one out.

Q. Quieres tu vuelve.

R. Recorder. No stupid it’s the end of a lacrosse stick.

S. Sharks, can absolutely not wait.

S. Silence, most awkward moment.

S. Sonee, you can not approach unless happy, not often, always finds the way to put you down.

T. Tell me! No.

U. Umbrella. I wish they had umbrellas to prevent other things hitting you.

V. Vee. What a pretty name.

W. Wander enough and i'll end up somewhere.

W. Water, something else moves it.

X. Xandi is going to Texas everyone.

Y. Yelling, you said you would stop.

Z. Zips. The one store that makes me win the alphabet game.

I'm finding out things that I don't want to know. I liked it better when I was little and had no idea
that my heros could also be villains.

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