Guide To Manchester: Peter Wheelers' (Conference 2010)

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Peter Wheelers’

Guide to Manchester
(Conference 2010)
Welcome to Manchester. NEC election results
As I am putting this guide
Since Conference was last here we have had a busy two years. together we don't know the
results of the NEC elections.
Despite our best efforts we were beaten at the last election. As a result we face a All I can do at this stage is
Conservative Government determined to roll back all the gains made by post-war thank all the members for
Labour Governments. their support and
friendship over the last
Conference is where we decide how to respond. Having elected a new Leader it's up six years. It really is an honour
to all of us to unite behind him. to be elected to represent
your fellow members. If I am
We need to defend the legacy of our Labour Government-the massive investment in re-elected I will continue to
schools and hospitals, record levels of international development aid, a minimum put Labour values at the heart
wage and steering Britain through the worst economic crisis for 70 years. We need to of Labour's campaigning and
be proud of what we achieved and not let the Tories trash our legacy. work to get rid of this
conservative Government as
We need to reach out to those voters we lost at previous elections AND to new soon as possible. If I am not
supporters who have never voted Labour before. It's not a case of core voters OR re-elected I will do the same.
swing voters-we need the support of both.
Many Thanks. PETER
Crucially we need to prepare our organisation and policies for an election which might
come sooner than many think-selecting our candidates in marginal seats, reviewing Contact Me....
and up-dating our policies and leading the opposition to this governments’ slash and
burn economics. Phone: 07880 790182

Enjoy yourself in Manchester-This Conference is the first step back to Government! Email:
Peter Wheeler

Greatledge printers in Manchester was set up by Sadiq Gawad in 1998 and has
worked closely with the Labour Party ever since. Sadiq is a member of the
print union and Greatledge work with Councillors, MPs, MEPs Ministers and
local parties all over the country. I have worked with them for many years and
they are always the best on price, quality, service and delivery. They do Litho
printing, large Format digital printing allowing big banners and posters and
offer free design for your leaflets.
Better than that, they understand how the party works-we all want our
leaflets at the same time, we miss dead-lines and want delivery 10 minutes
after we have put the copy in.
They are a proper part of the Manchester Labour scene and don't do Tories or
Lib Dems! I am proud that Greatledge are sponsoring this Conference guide
and have no hesitation recommending them for your printing
For more info contact: Ben on 0161 2307527 or E-Mail
"Beer – proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy", Dr Johnson

Manchester is blessed with more than its fair share of good pubs & good beer. As your NEC member I
felt it was my duty to visit (most of) them to check they were up to scratch for you. It’s a tough job
Anyway, as they say…enjoy yourself sensibly. The best beers in town are the local ones – Holts,
Hyde’s, Robinsons & John Willie Lees, all reasonably priced. I’ve grouped the pubs in reasonable little
groups around the conference centre, feel free to go off piste and let me have your comments –
07880790182 or email if you need any help.

Oxford Road / Piccadilly Albert Square / Deansgate

From the conference centre walk past the Bridgewater The area in front of the conference entrance, between
Hall and in front of you, you will see “The Britons Albert Square and Deansgate is a rabbit warren of
Protection” – Great Bridgewater Street. Good range of offices, pubs and restaurants. This area is the site of the
beer including excellent Jennings and apparently 200 Peterloo Massacre in 1819 and is well worth roaming
different Whiskies. Deceptive in size, if you walk round! “Live Bait,” the best fish, restaurant is in this
around the bar there are some very comfortable rooms area.
and there is a big outside seating area.
Peter Street is one long series of bars and clubs, take
Just up the street on the right is the “Rain Bar” a your pick. More interesting is the area behind Peter
younger pub/bar with good outside seating over- Street, walk through the little passage by the RAF
looking the canal. Further up on the left is “The Peveril recruiting office and the "Sir Ralph Abercromby" is on
Of The Peak” Lots of good beers and a genuine your left on Bootle Street. Probably the nearest pub to
Manchester Pub. Best table football machine in Town. conference it's next door to the police station so there‟s
unlikely to be any trouble in there. It also has a big beer
Slightly further up is “The Temple Of Convenience” a garden for enjoy the sun shine. Turn right outside the
converted gents urinal. It‟s actually a lot better than it pub and across the car park and in front of you is the
sounds, reminds me of some 60‟s bohemian bar I saw “Nags Head” Manchester pub of the year 2007. The
on the telly once – give it a try. karaoke is good on a Friday, and it‟s a lively city centre
Cross Oxford Road and walk up Portland Street you
come to “The Old Monkey” a lively Holts's house. Ten Carry on through the Nag‟s head, i.e out the back door,
yards further on are “The Circus” and “The Grey Horse” and in front of you is the "Sun Inn" – another good pub
Manchester‟s smallest pubs. Excellent beer, good with interesting snacks. If you go out the back door
atmosphere and „must visits‟ when you‟re in town. again and turn right you‟re in Albert Square. This is a
good route to know on a rainy night! Plenty of pubs just
To the left down is China Town the only pub is “The off Albert Square. Walk across it and on the left down
Seven Oaks” but the Chinese karaoke bars are very John Dalton Street is “The Ape and Apple” a big, down to
good. earth Holts‟ House.

To the right up Chorlton Street is The Gay Village- a big Down Cross Street is “Mr.Thomas‟s Chop House”, good
strip of bars, pubs, clubs and restaurants along Canal Victorian pub, good beer. The chops are also very good.
Street. A key part of Manchester‟s cultural vitality its Just opposite over Cross Street, 20 yards up, Chapel
also an excellent place for late drinking “Paddy‟s Walks is “Sam‟s Chop House.” Beer, excellent, British
Goose” is in many ways, the village pub. food, not for the calorie conscious! Not sure if Tom &
Sam were related!

If you wonder back to Albert Square via Mosley Street,

you will come across the “City Arms” excellent range of
beers including Black Sheep and the watering place of
the Manchester City Labour Party.

"Without question, the greatest invention in the

history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that
the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel
does not go nearly as well with pizza."
-Dave Barry
"Everybody has to believe in something.....I believe I'll have
another drink." -W.C. Fields

This is the site of the original Roman Settlement of Mamucium, it was actually a castle in a field (we’re very literal
people in Manchester) Nearly 200 years ago this was the most important industrial area in the world. Site of the worlds
first railway station (now the museum of industry on Liverpool Road) and the Manchester end of Bridgewater Canal
what brought cheap coal to fuel the worlds first industrial city, and became a canal spaghetti junction. The area fell into
neglect but has been massively regenerated over the last decade. It’s one of the liveliest parts of town and well worth a

Walk down past Peter Street from the conference centre, turn left into Deansgate and you come to the Hilton Hotel, in
the Beetham Tower, if you can get in. The Sky bar is well worth a visit. It’s pricey but the view over Manchester here is
worth it and there is a glass floor in the bar which you can stand on and look down to Deansgate 150 foot below. Its
like floating!

Just a bit further down is the "Deansgate", good traditional pub with excellent Sunday Roasts. Just a bit further down to
the left is Deansgate locks, an area of bars and comedy clubs. Near the station itself are two excellent bars, The Atlas
bar and the Knott bar. The Atlas bar is a good place to hang out with a big open area at the back.

The Knott Mill is my favourite round here with good real ales from the Marble Arch brewery and a large open balcony
on the 1st floor. If you carry on by the canal, you come to "Dukes 92" and "Barca", big modern bars in a canal side
setting. The other pub of note is the “Ox" on Liverpool Road, excellent food and beer and handy for the conference
centre. It used to be called the Oxnoble, the only pub in Britain to be named after a potato. Unfortunately corporate
management decided it needed a trendy name, one day they’ll come to their senses!

"Beer: So much more

than just a breakfast
-Whitstran Brewery sign

If you fancy getting away from the conference hustle and bustle, just a short walk (or taxi) away is Manchester’s twin
city, Salford. Separated from Manchester by the mighty river Irwell, Salford has a style of its own. Originally built on the
docks and engineering, the city experienced the devastation brought by Thatcher and her accompanies. We’re getting
over that now thanks to a Labour council and a Labour Government - but fearful of what this lot have in store.

On Bridge Street, just on the border with Manchester is “The Mark Addy” named after a famous local life saver. Here
you can sit by the river and watch the swans.

Just a bit further down past the newly re- furnished Salford Central station, is the" Egerton Arms", a Holt’s house and as
typical as a Salford pub as your likely to get. Carry on down, cross over Chapel Street and 50 yards down on the left is
the "Kings Arms", this pub has its own theatre and regularly holds gigs with local bands – and a wide range of real

Toddle back up Bloom Street, turn right on Chapel Street and about 150 yards on your right hand side is and you’re in
Bexley Square, the home of “The New Oxford” An excellent free house ran by Tim from Ireland. On a sunny evening this
is one of the best places to sit outside and take it all in. They do an excellent Sunday Roast. Bexley Square saw a
political battle in the 1930’s between the police and unemployed demonstrators outside the local town hall, described
graphically in “Love on the Dole”

Walk a little bit further down Chapel Street and just over the lights on the on the left is "The Crescent", make sure
you’re in by 11 and its open until 1am. It’s a well Known fact in Salford that Marx and Engels who had a factory near -
by, used to come in here at the weekend and get hammered.
In Manchester you can eat pretty much any type of food but at Conference you’ll probably want
instant gratification, so most of the ones listed below are within stumbling distance of
conference. Don’t forget the chip shop, one of Manchester’s unique contributions to world cuisine,
gravy a speciality.
A tip well worth knowing is that lots of these restaurants have websites with lots of two for one
offers etc-So, google before you go!

Greek English
Castlefield – Dimitri’s – Campfield Arcade – Junction of Sams Chop House – 8 Back Pool Fold, off Cross street –
Deansgate and Campfield. Tel: 0161 839 3319. Great Tel: 0161 834 3210. Proper British cookery at its best.
Greek restaurant & bar, smashing for sitting out when Corned Beef hash or Steak and Kidney pudding
the weathers nice. recommended. It’s a pub and a restaurant and personally
El Rincon, 244 Deansgate. 0161 8398819 – Excellent China Town
Spanish restaurant downstairs and very relaxed. Can be It would be impossible to list all the restaurants and
a little hard to find as its on a backstreet just off cafes in Manchester’s China town. Its good day or night,
Deansgate but well worth the effort. with plenty of restaurants’ and bakeries. But the one not
Evuna, 277 Deansgate-0161 230 5337. Another to miss is the Yang Sing on Princess Street, Tel: 0161
excellent Spanish restaurant. 236 2200, try the banquet, it’s the best!

Turkish Others worth visiting in town

Café Istanbul 79 Bridge street – Tel: 0161 833 9942. Pizza – Matt & Phreds, 64 Tib St. 0161 831 7002 – long
just off Deansgate, an excellent Turkish Restaurant, established jazz club with the best pizza’s in town.

Topkapi, 205 Deansgate -0161 832 9803. Another Mongolian

excellent Turkish retaurant and very near the Genghis Khan – 16 Chorlton Street - 0161228 1631,
Conference centre. Afiyet Olsun-enjoy your meal! bring your appetite because it’s as much as you can eat.
All the ingredients are fresh, you make up your own dish,
Portuguese meat, veg, fish sauces and they griddle it for you. Bet you
Luso – Bridge Street, Tel: 0161 839 5550. If your cant do more than 5 dishes!
missing the Algarve, this is the place for you. Just past
the café Istanbul, food and service is excellent. French
Café Rouge - 82-84 Deansgate – Tel: 0161 839 0414.
Argentinean Felicity says “its nice in there” - cosy little place, candle
Gaucho bar and grill 2A St.Mary’s street (behind lit, and extra seating outside. Always friendly service, and
kendall’s) -0161833 4333 if you fancy a 2lb steak try would recommend the fish cakes.
the gaucho – not one for the faint hearted.
Fish Don’t miss the curry mile, jump a cab from town and take
Live Bait – Fish Restaurant, 22 Lloyds Street – Tel: your pick. The Lal Qila is recommended. The cab
0161 817 4110. This is it. Proper fish, chips and peas shouldn’t cost too much more than a fiver and there’s no
with a white wine, how good does it get? About 1 minute where in Britain like it.
walk from the conference centre, make sure you get
bread and butter with your meal. For a curry near the Conference Centre try the following:
Akbar-73-83 Liverpool Rd. Off Deansgate 0161 834
Armenian 8444
Armenian Tavern – Albert Square, Tel: 0161 834 9025. eastzeast- Blackfriars. -0161 834 3500-Valet parking
A Manchester institution, you step off Albert Square and available!
it’s like stepping in to Armenia (imagine). Excellent Both are recommended by Afsal Khan -There is no higher
service, but I don’t think it’s open Mondays. recommendation.

Italian Russian
Piccolino – 8 Clarence Street, Tel: 0161 835 9861. A The St. Petersburg Restaurant. 68 Sackville St. 0161
very good Italian restaurant just off Albert Square. 236 6333. This is a new one to me but seems very lively
with plenty of Caviar, Not open on Mondays but Russian
Mexican singing and Karaoke on Fridays and Saturdays
El Macho – 103 Portland Street, Tel:0845 205 1195
Just off Oxford road on the way to Picadilly, nice
downstairs Mexican. Call:

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