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Third edition

Edited by

Alistair Burns MPhil, MD, FRCP, FRCPsych

Professor of Old Age Psychiatry,
Wythenshawe Hospital,
Manchester, UK

John O’Brien MA, DM, FRCPsych

Professor of Old Age Psychiatry,
Institute for Ageing and Health,
University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

David Ames BA, MD, FRCPsych, FRANZCP

Professor of Psychiatry of Old Age,
University of Melbourne, St George’s Hospital, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia
First published in Great Britain in 1994 by Chapman & Hall
Second edition published in 2000 by Arnold
This third edition published in 2005 by
Hodder Arnold, an imprint of Hodder Education and a member of the Hodder Headline Group,
338 Euston Road, London NW1 3BH

Distributed in the United States of America by

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Colour plates appear between pages 416 and 417

List of contributors xi
Foreword xix
Edmond Chiu
Preface to the Third Edition xx
Preface to the Second Edition xxi
Preface to the First Edition xxiii
Acknowledgements xxv
Abbreviations xxvii

PART 1 Dementia: general aspects 1


1 Dementia: historical overview 3

German Berrios
2 Epidemiology 16
Daniel W O’Connor

Diagnosis and assessment

3 Criteria for the diagnosis of dementia 24

Clive Ballard and Carol Bannister
4 Assessment of dementia 38
Rebecca Eastley and Gordon K Wilcock
5 Neuropsychological assessment of dementia 45
Andrew D Blackwell, Barnaby D Dunn, Adrian M Owen and Barbara J Sahakian
6 Neuropsychiatric aspects of dementia 55
Iracema Leroi and Constantine G Lyketsos
7 Rating scales in dementia 65
7a Screening instruments for the detection of cognitive impairment 66
Leon Flicker
7b Measurement of behavioural disturbance, non-cognitive symptoms and quality of life 72
Ajit Shah, Stephen Foli and Ian O Nnatu


8 Structural brain imaging 81

Robert Barber and John O’Brien
9 Functional imaging 94
Klaus P Ebmeier, Jane K Sutherland and Nadine J Dougall
10 The neurophysiology of dementia 104
Michael Philpot
vi Contents


11 Caring for people with dementia 117

11a Family carers for people with dementia 118
Henry Brodaty, Alisa Green and Lee-Fay Low
11b One caregiver’s view 132
Emerson Moran
12 Health economic aspects of dementia 136
Anders Wimo, Göran Karlsson and Bengt Winblad
13 Cross-cultural issues in the assessment of cognitive impairment 147
Ajit Shah, James Lindesay and Ian O Nnatu
14 Helping staff and patients with dementia through better design 165
Mary Marshall
15 The role of primary care in the management of dementia 170
Bill Pettit
16 Multidisciplinary approaches in the management of dementia 179
16a The role of nursing 180
Peggy A Szwabo
16b Social work and care management 186
David Challis, Jane Hughes and Caroline Sutcliffe
16c Occupational therapy 191
Michael Loh
16d Speech and language therapy 195
Bronwyn Moorhouse
16e Physiotherapy 203
Irene Smith Lassen
17 Sexuality and dementia 208
James P Warner
18 Quality of life in dementia: conceptual and practical issues 215
Betty S Black and Peter V Rabins
19 Moral, ethical and legal aspects of dementia 229
19a Ethical issues 230
Stephen J Louw and Julian C Hughes
19b Legal issues 235
Bernard M Dickens
19c End-of-life decisions 239
Julian C Hughes and Stephen J Louw
19d Driving 244
Desmond O’Neill
20 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view 253
20a Africa 254
Olusegun Baiyewu and Adesola O Ogunniyi
20b Australia 256
Dina LoGiudice, Eleanor Flynn and David Ames
20c China 261
Yu Xin
20d The Former Soviet Union 265
Robin Jacoby
20e France 267
Bruno Vellas, B Bos, Benoit Lavallart and L Gregoire
20f Germany 269
Siegfried Weyerer and Martina Schäufele
20g Hong Kong 272
Helen Chiu
20h India 274
Kalyanasundaram S and Mathew Varghese
Contents vii

20i Italy 276

Angelo Bianchetti and Marco Trabucchi
20j Japan 281
Masahiro Shigeta and Akira Homma
20k Mexico 283
David Resnikoff and Alonso Riestra
20l Netherlands 288
Thea J Heeren
20m New Zealand 290
Pamela S Melding
20n Nordic countries 294
Kirsten Abelskov
20o Romania 296
Nicoleta Tătaru
20p Latin America and the Caribbean 299
João Carlos Barbosa Machado
20q Spain 303
Raimundo Mateos, Manuel Martín-Carrasco and Manuel Sánchez-Pérez
20r Britain 306
Martin Brown, Colin Godber and David G Wilkinson
20s North America 311
Robin J Casten and Barry W Rovner
21 Services for younger people with dementia 316
Robert C Baldwin and Michelle Murray
22 Alzheimer (disease and related disorders) Associations and Societies: supporting family carers 323
Henry Brodaty, Alisa Green, Nori Graham and Lee-Fay Low

PART 2 Mild cognitive impairment 331

23 A historical perspective 333

Karen Ritchie and Sylvaine Artero
24 Clinical characterization 338
Selam Negash, Yonas Endale Geda and Ronald C Petersen
25 Treatment 347
Roger Bullock

PART 3 Alzheimer’s disease 357

Clinical aspects

26 What is Alzheimer’s disease? 359

Hans Förstl
27 Risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease 369
Anthony F Jorm
28 The natural history of Alzheimer’s disease 376
Jody Corey-Bloom and Adam S Fleisher


29 Neurochemistry of Alzheimer’s disease 387

Nicholas A Clarke and Paul T Francis
30 Neuropathology of Alzheimer’s disease 393
Colin L Masters
31 Role of tau protein in neurodegenerative dementias 408
Elizabeta B Mukaetova-Ladinska
32 Role of A␤ amyloid in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease 426
Craig W Ritchie, Catriona McLean, Konrad Beyreuther and Colin L Masters
viii Contents

33 Vascular factors in Alzheimer’s disease 436

Robert Stewart
34 Genetics of Alzheimer’s disease 444
Margie Smith
35 Transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease 452
Simon P Brooks and Stephen B Dunnett

Therapeutic strategies

36 How effective are cholinergic therapies in improving cognition in Alzheimer’s disease? 465
David G Wilkinson
37 Non-cholinergic therapies of dementia 474
Lon S Schneider
38 Treatments for behavioural and psychological symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias 482
Louis Profenno, Pierre Tariot, Rebekah Loy and Saleem Ismail
39 A predominantly psychosocial approach to behaviour problems in dementia: treating causality 499
Michael Bird
40 Psychological approaches for the management of cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease 510
Anne Unkenstein
41 Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease 515
Nitin B Purandare, Clive Ballard and Alistair Burns
42 Trial design 522
Serge Gauthier

PART 4 Cerebrovascular disease and cognitive impairment 527

43 Vascular cognitive impairment 529

Timo Erkinjuntti
44 Leukoaraiosis and cognitive impairment 546
Leonardo Pantoni and Domenico Inzitari
45 Vascular dementia: neuropathological features 565
Raj N Kalaria
46 Therapeutic strategies for vascular dementia 574
Gustavo Román

PART 5 Dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease 601

47 Dementia with Lewy bodies: a clinical overview 603

Ian G McKeith
48 Pathology of dementia with Lewy bodies 615
Paul G Ince and Elaine K Perry
49 Neuropsychological changes in dementia with Lewy bodies 634
David P Salmon and Joanne M Hamilton
50 The treatment of dementia with Lewy bodies 648
E Jane Byrne
51 Cognitive impairment and dementia in Parkinson’s disease 657
Dag Aarsland and Carmen Janvin

PART 6 Focal dementias 665

52 Frontotemporal dementia 667

David Neary
53 Pick’s disease: its relationship to progressive aphasia, semantic dementia and frontotemporal dementia 678
Andrew Graham and John Hodges
54 The genetics and molecular pathology of frontotemporal lobar degeneration 689
David M A Mann
55 Semantic dementia 702
Julie S Snowden
Contents ix

56 The cerebellum and cognitive impairment 713

Elsdon Storey
57 Progressive aphasia and other focal syndromes 720
Jason D Warren, Richard J Harvey and Martin N Rossor

PART 7 Dementia and neuropsychiatric disorders 729

58 Depression with cognitive impairment 731

Bindu Shanmugham and George Alexopoulos
59 Alcohol-related dementia and the clinical spectrum of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome 738
Stephen C Bowden and Alison J Ritter
60 Dementia and intellectual disability 745
Jennifer Torr
61 Schizophrenia, cognitive impairment and dementia 750
Osvaldo P Almeida and Robert Howard
62 Huntington’s disease 754
Phyllis Chua and Edmond Chiu
63 Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and other prion diseases 763
John Collinge
64 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1-associated dementia: pathology, clinical features and treatment 777
Apsara Kandanearatchi and Ian Paul Everall
65 Uncommon forms of dementia 795
Anoop Varma

Appendix: national Alzheimer’s associations 805

Index 811
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List of contributors

Dag Aarsland MD, PhD Robert C Baldwin DM, FRCP, FRCPsych

Head of Research, Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist and
Psychiatry Centre for Clinical Neuroscience Research, Honorary Professor of Psychiatry,
Stavanger University Hospital, Institute for the Health of the Elderly,
Stavanger, Norway Wolfson Research Centre,
Newcastle City Health NHS Trust,
Kirsten Abelskov MD Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Consultant, Psychiatrist,
Psychogeriatric Department, Clive Ballard MD, MB ChB, M MedSci, MRCPsych
Aarhus University Hospitals, Professor and Research Director of the Alzheimer’s Society,
Denmark Wolfson Research Centre for Age-Related Diseases,
King’s College London,
London, UK
George Alexopoulos MD
Professor of Psychiatry, Carol Bannister MB ChB, MRCPsych
Weill Medical College, Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry,
Cornell University, The Fiennes Centre,
New York, USA Banbury, UK

Osvaldo P Almeida MD, PhD, FRANZCP Robert Barber MRCPsych, MD

Professor of Geriatric Psychiatry, Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist,
School of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, Institute for the Health of the Elderly,
University of Western Australia, Wolfson Research Centre,
Australia Newcastle General Hospital,
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
David Ames BA, MD, FRCPsych, FRANZCP
Professor of Psychiatry of Old Age, German Berrios BA (OXFORD), MD, DM H.C. HEIDELBERG, FRCPsych, FBPSS
University of Melbourne, Professor,
St George’s Hospital, Melbourne, University of Cambridge Department of Psychiatry,
Victoria, Australia Cambridge, UK

Konrad Beyreuther Dr rer nat, Dr med hc

Sylvaine Artero Professor of Molecular Biology and
Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Neuropathology,
Médicale (INSERM), Centre for Molecular Biology,
Hôpital La Colombière, University of Heidelberg,
Montpellier, France Heidelberg, Germany

Olusegun Baiyewu MBBS, FMC(Psych), FWACP Angelo Bianchetti MD

Professor of Psychiatry, Head of Department of Internal Medicine and
College of Medicine, Alzheimer Evaluation Unit,
University of Ibadan, Instituto Clinico S. Anna
Ibadan, Nigeria Brescia, Italy
xii List of contributors

Michael Bird BA, MPsych, PhD Robin Casten PhD

Senior Clinical Psychologist for the Aged and Assistant Professor,
Co-ordinator of Aged Mental Health, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior,
Southern Area Health Service, Jefferson Medical College,
Queanbeyan, Australia Philadelphia, USA
Betty S Black PhD
Assistant Professor, David Challis
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Professor of Community Care Research and
John Hopkins School of Medicine, Director, PSSRU,
Baltimore, Maryland, USA University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

Andrew D Blackwell MA (hons), PhD Edmond Chiu AM, MBBS, DPM, FRANZCP
Research Associate, Professor and Director,
University of Cambridge Department of Psychiatry, Huntington’s Disease Clinic,
Addenbrooke’s Hospital, University of Melbourne, Australia
Cambridge, UK
B Bos Helen Chiu FRCPsych
ARH, Agence Regionale d’Hospitalisation, Chair and Professor of Psychiatry,
Toulouse, France Department of Psychiatry,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Stephen C Bowden PhD
Tai Po, Hong Kong
Head of Neuropsychology,
St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, and
Department of Psychology, University of Melbourne, Phyllis Chua MB BS, MMed, FRANZCP
Australia Senior Lecturer,
University of Melbourne and
Henry Brodaty AO, MBBS, MD, FRACP, FRANZCP Consultant Psychiatrist,
Professor, Department of Neuropsychiatry,
School of Psychiatry, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia
University of New South Wales,
Australia Nicholas A Clarke MD, MRCPsych
Simon P Brooks PhD Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry,
Senior Post Doctoral Researcher, West Kent NHS and Social Care Trust,
Brain Repair Group, and King’s Hill Kent and Honorary Research Associate,
Cardiff University, Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Diseases,
Cardiff, UK King’s College London,
London, UK
Martin Brown DM, MRCPsych
Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry, John Collinge MD, FRCP, FRCPath, FMedSci
St James Hospital, Professor,
Portsmouth, UK MRC Prion Unit and
Roger Bullock MA MRCPsych Department of Neurodegenerative Disease,
Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry, Institute of Neurology,
Kingshill Research Centre, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery,
Victoria Hosptial, London, UK
Swindon, UK
Jody Corey-Bloom MD, PhD
Alistair Burns MPhil, MD, FRCP, FRCPsych Professor of Neurosciences,
Professor of Old Age Psychiatry, Department of Neurosciences,
Wythenshawe Hospital, University of California, La Jolla,
Manchester, UK San Diego, USA
E Jane Byrne MB ChB, FRCPsych
Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Bernard M Dickens PhD, LLD, FRS(C)
School of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, Professor Emeritus of Health Law and Policy,
Wythenshawe Hospital, University of Toronto,
Manchester, UK Canada
List of contributors xiii

Nadine J Dougall BSc, MSc Grad. Stat. Stephen Foli MB ChB, MRCPsych
Research Fellow, Consultant Psychiatrist,
Division of Psychiatry, West London Mental Health NHS Trust,
School of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, London, UK
University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, UK Hans Förstl FRANZCP
Professor and Director,
Barnaby D Dunn MA, PhD, DClinPsy Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
Post-doctoral Scientist at the MRC Cognition and Technical University of Munich,
Brain Sciences Unit Munich, Germany
Cambridge, UK
Paul T Francis PhD
Stephen B Dunnett DSc Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry,
Professor and Head, Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Diseases,
Brain Repair Group, King’s College London,
Cardiff University, London, UK
Cardiff, UK
Serge Gauthier MD, FRCPC
Rebecca Eastley MRCPsych Director,
Consultant in Psychiatry of Old Age, Alzheimer Disease Research Unit,
Avon and Western Wiltshire Mental Health Care NHS Trust, McGill Centre for Studies in Aging,
Avonmead, Southmead Hospital, Verdun, QC, Canada
Bristol, UK
Yonas Endale Geda MD
Klaus P Ebmeier MD Neuropsychiatrist,
Professor, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry,
Gordon Small Centre for Research in Old Age Psychiatry, Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center,
University of Edinburgh, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine,
Edinburgh, UK Rochester, USA

Timo Erkinjuntti MD, PhD Colin Godber FRCPsych, FRCP, MPhil, OBE
Chief, Memory Research Unit, Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry,
Department of Neurology, Moorgreen Hospital,
Helsinki University Central Hospital, Southampton, UK
Helsinki, Finland
Andrew Graham MRCP
Ian Paul Everall PhD, MRCPsych, FRCPath Wellcome Research Training Fellow and
Professor of Psychiatry, Honorary Senior Clinical Fellow in Neurology,
University of California, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit,
San Diego, USA Cambridge, UK

Adam S Fleisher MD Nori Graham BM BCh, FRCPsych, D Univ

Medical Director of Alzheimer’s Disease Chairman of Alzheimer’s Disease International,
Co-operative Study, Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry,
University of California, Department of Psychiatry,
San Diego, USA Royal Free Hospital,
London, UK
Leon Flicker MBBS, GDipEpid, PhD, FRACP
Professor, Alisa Green BSc(Psych)(Hons)
School of Medicine and Pharmacology, Research Psychologist,
University of Western Australia, Academic Department of Old Age Psychiatry,
Australia Prince of Wales Hospital,
New South Wales, Australia
Eleanor Flynn MBBS, BEd, BTheol, Dip Ger Med, FRACGP, FRACMA, AFACHSE
Senior Lecturer in Medical Education, L Gregoire
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Science, DHOS, Ministry of Health,
University of Melbourne, Australia Paris, France
xiv List of contributors

Joanne M Hamilton PhD Saleem Ismail MD

Assistant Project Neuroscientist, Department of Neurology,
Department of Neurosciences, University of Rochester Medical Center,
University of California, Rochester, New York, USA
San Diego, USA
Robin Jacoby DM, FRCP, FRCPsych
Richard J Harvey MD, MRCPsych, FRANZCP Professor of Old Age Psychiatry,
Associate Professor and University of Oxford,
Consultant Psychiatrist for Older People, Oxford, UK
Aged Psychiatry Service,
The Geelong Hospital, Carmen Janvin MPsych
Victoria, Australia Psychologist,
Section for Geriatric Psychiatry,
Thea J Heeren MD Stavanger University Hospital,
Professor of Old Age Psychiatry, Stavanger, Norway
Medical Director of the Department of Old Age Psychiatry,
Altrecht Mental Health Care, Anthony F Jorm PhD, DSc
The Netherlands
Director and Professor,
Centre for Mental Health Research,
John Hodges FMedSci
Australian National University,
Professor of Behavioural Neurology,
Canberra, Australia
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit and
University of Cambridge Department of Neurology,
Cambridge, UK Raj N Kalaria FRCPath
Professor of Cerebrovascular Pathology,
Akira Homma MD Wolfson Research Centre, CBV Group,
Senior Research Scientist, Institute for the Health of the Elderly,
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, Newcastle General Hospital,
Tokyo, Japan Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Robert Howard MD, MRCPsych Kalyanasundaram S MD

Professor of Old Age Psychiatry, Principal and Professor of Psychiatry,
Section of Old Age Psychiatry, The Richmond Fellowship Society (India),
Institute of Psychiatry, Jayangar, Bangalore, India
University of London, UK
Apsara Kandanearatchi PhD
Jane Hughes MSc, BA(Econ), DSW, CQSW Postdoctoral Research Worker,
Lecturer in Community Care Research, Section of Experimental Neuropathology and Psychiatry,
PSSRU, Institute of Psychiatry,
University of Manchester, UK King’s College London,
London, UK
Julian C Hughes MA, MB ChD, PhD, MRCPsych
Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry and
Göran Karlsson PhD
Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer,
Health Economist,
University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Stockholm, Sweden
Paul G Ince MD, FRCPath
Professor of Neuropathology, Benoit Lavallart MD
University of Sheffield, Direction Generale de la Santé,
Sheffield, UK Ministry of Health,
Paris, France
Domenico Inzitari MD
Staff Neurologist, Iracema Leroi MD, FRCP, MRCPsych
Department of Neurological and Psychiatric Sciences, Consultant/Honorary Lecturer in Old Age Psychiatry,
University of Florence, University of Manchester,
Florence, Italy Manchester, UK
List of contributors xv

James Lindesay DM, MRCPsych David M A Mann BSc, PhD, FRCPath

Professor of Psychiatry for the Elderly, Professor of Neuropathology,
University of Leicester, University of Manchester,
Leicester General Hospital, Hope Hospital,
Leicester, UK Salford, UK

Dina LoGiudice MB BS, PhD, FRACP Mary Marshall MA, DSA, DASS
Geriatrician, Professor and Director,
Melbourne Extended Care and Rehabilitation Service, Dementia Services Development Centre,
Victoria, Australia University of Stirling,
Stirling, UK
Michael Loh BAppSc (Occupational Therapy), BSc, Grad Dip Gerontology
Clinical Manager, Colin L Masters BMedSci, MBBS, MD, FRACP
Mobile Aged Psychiatry Services, Professor and Head,
Caulfield General Medical Centre, Department of Pathology,
Caulfield, Victoria, Australia University of Melbourne, Parkville,
Victoria, Australia
Stephen J Louw MB ChB, MD, FCP(SA), FRCP(Lond), FRCP(Edin)
Consultant Physician and Manuel Martín-Carrasco MD, PhD
Clinical Director of Internal Medicine and Clinical Director,
Geriatric Medicine, Clínica Psiquiàtrica Padre Menni, and
Freeman Hospital, Associate Professor,
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Universidad de Navarra School of Medicine,
Pamplona, Spain
Lee-Fay Low BSc
Centre for Mental Health Research, Raimundo Mateos MD, PhD
The Australian National University, Professor of Psychiatry,
Canberra, Australia Department of Psychiatry,
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC),
Rebekah Loy PhD Coordinator of the Psychogeriatric Unit,
Department of Neurology, Conxo Psychiatric Hospital,
University of Rochester Medical Center, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago de
Rochester, New York, USA Compostela,
Santiago, Spain
Constantine G Lyketsos MD, MhS
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Pamela S Melding MB ChB, FFARCS, FRANZCP, Dip.HSM
Co-Director, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Clinical Senior Lecturer,
Neuropsychiatry, Department of Psychological Medicine,
The Johns Hopkins Hospital, University of Auckland,
Baltimore, Maryland, USA New Zealand

Ian G McKeith MD, BS, FRCPsych, FMedSci Bronwyn Moorhouse BAppSci (Speech Path), MPhil, PhD
Professor, Department of Old Age Psychiatry, Speech Pathologist,
Wolfson Research Centre, Acquired Brain Injury Unit,
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre,
Victoria, Australia
Catriona McLean BSc, MBBS, FRCPA, MD
Associate Professor and Consultant Pathologist, Emerson Moran
The Alfred Hospital, Writer,
Prahran, Australia Florida, USA

João Carlos Barbosa Machado Elizabeta B Mukaetova-Ladinska MD, MMedSci, PhD, MRCPsych
Director, Senior Lecturer/Honorary Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry,
Aurus IEPE, Department of Old Age Psychiatry,
Institute of Research and Education on Ageing, University of Newcastle,
Belo Horizonte, Brazil Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
xvi List of contributors

Michelle Murray RMN Elaine K Perry BSc, PhD, DSc

Specialist Development Nurse, Professor of Neurochemical Pathology,
Young Onset Dementia Service, MRC Neurochemical Pathology Unit,
Manchester Royal Infirmary, Newcastle General Hospital,
Manchester, UK Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

David Neary MD, FRCP Ronald C Petersen PhD, MD

Professor, Department of Neurology, Professor of Neurology and Director,
Greater Manchester Neuroscience Centre, Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center,
Hope Hospital, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine,
Salford, UK Rochester, New York, USA

Selam Negash PhD Bill Pettit MB ChB, FRCGP

Cognitive Neuroscience Fellow, General Practitioner,
Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Wythenshawe,
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Manchester, UK
Rochester, New York, USA
Michael Philpot BSc, MB BS, FRCPsych
Ian O Nnatu MB ChB, MRCPsych Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry,
Specialist Registrar in Old Age Psychiatry and Mental Health of Older Adults,
General Adult Psychiatry, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust,
West London Mental Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Middlesex, UK
Louis Profenno MD, PhD
John O’Brien MA, DM, FRCPsych Department of Psychiatry and Neurology,
Professor of Old Age Psychiatry, University of Rochester Medical Center,
Institute for Ageing and Health, Rochester, New York, USA
University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Nitin B Purandare MBBS, DPM MD, DGM MRCPsych
Senior Lecturer and
Daniel W O’Connor MD, FRANZCP
Honorary Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry,
Professor of Psychiatry of Old Age,
Wythenshawe Hospital,
Department of Psychological Medicine,
Manchester, UK
Monash University,
Victoria, Australia
Peter V Rabins MD, MPH
Adesola O Ogunniyi MB ChB, FMCP, FWACP Professor,
Professor of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
College of Medicine, John Hopkins Medical Institutions,
University of Ibadan, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Ibadan, Nigeria
David Resnikoff MD
Desmond O’Neill Psychogeriatrician,
Senior Lecturer in Geriatrics, Instituto Mexicano De Neurociencias,
Trinity College, Estado de Mexico, Mexico
Dublin, Ireland
Alonso Riestra
Adrian M Owen PhD Behavioural Neurologist and Educational Resources Chairman,
MRC Senior Scientist, Instituto Mexicano De Neurociencias,
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Estado de Mexico, and Consultant Neurologist,
Cambridge, UK Hospital Angeles Lomas,
Leonardo Pantoni MD, PhD
Staff Neurologist, Craig W Ritchie MB ChB, MRCPsych
Department of Neurological and Psychiatric Sciences, Lecturer in Psychiatry,
University of Florence, Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine,
Florence, Italy London, UK
List of contributors xvii

Karen Ritchie MPsych, PhD Lon S Schneider MD

Research Director, Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology, and Gerontology,
Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Keck School of Medicine,
Hôpital la Colombière, University of Southern California,
Montpellier, France Los Angeles, USA

Alison J Ritter PhD Ajit Shah MB ChB, MRCPsych

Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Consultant Psychiatrist and
Victoria, Australia Honorary Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry of Old Age,
West London Mental Health NHS Trust and
Gustavo Román MD, FACP, FRSM (Lond) Imperial College School of Medicine,
Professor of Medicine/Neurology, London, UK
Director, Memory Disorders and Dementia Clinic,
University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Bindu Shanmugham MD, MPH
San Antonio, Weill Medical College,
San Antonio, Texas, USA Cornell University,
New York, USA
Martin N Rossor MA, MD, FRCP, FMedSci
Professor of Clinical Neurology, Masahiro Shigeta MD
Director of Dementia Research Centre, Professor of Psychiatry and Mental Health,
Institute of Neurology, Tokyo Metropolitan University of Health Science,
London, UK Japan
Barry W Rovner MD
Margie Smith BSc, PhD
Professor, Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology,
Senior Scientist of Molecular Pathology,
Director, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and
Royal Melbourne Hospital,
Director, Clinical Alzheimer’s Disease Research,
Melbourne, Australia
Jefferson Medical College/Thomas Jefferson University,
Philadelphia, USA
Irene Smith Lassen BSc
Barbara J Sahakian BA, PhD, DipClinPsych Chief Physiotherapist,
Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology, Psychogeriatric Department,
University of Cambridge and Donders Chair of Aarhus University Hospitals,
Psychopharmacology, Utrecht University, Risskov, Denmark
The Netherlands
Julie S Snowden PhD
David P Salmon PhD Consultant Neuropsychologist,
Professor in Residence, Cerebral Function Unit,
Helen A. Jarrett Chair in Alzheimer’s Disease Research, Greater Manchester Neuroscience Centre,
Department of Neurosciences, Hope Hospital,
University of California, Manchester, UK
San Diego, USA
Robert Stewart MD
Manuel Sánchez-Pérez MD Senior Lecturer,
Coordinator of the Pscyhogeriatric Unit, Institute of Psychiatry,
Sagrat Cor, Serveis de Salut Mental, London, UK
Management Coordinator of the Master in Elsdon Storey MBBS, DPhil, FRACP
Psychogeriatrics, Director,
Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), Van Cleef Roet Centre for Nervous Diseases,
Barcelona, Spain Monash University,
Prahran, Australia
Martina Schäufele MD
Clinical Psychologist and Senior Researcher, Caroline Sutcliffe BSc, MSc
Psychogeriatric Research Unit, Research Associate,
Central Institute of Mental Health, PSSRU,
Mannheim, Germany University of Manchester, UK
xviii List of contributors

Jane K Sutherland MB ChB, MRCPsych James P Warner BSc, MBBS, MD, MRCP, MRCPsych
Specialist Registrar in Psychiatry, Senior Lecturer in Old Age Psychiatry,
Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Imperial College London,
Edinburgh, UK London, UK

Peggy A Szwabo PhD

Consultant in Aging and Family Matters, Jason D Warren PhD, FRACP
Szwabo and Associates, Honorary Consultant Neurologist,
St Louis, Missouri, USA Dementia Research Centre,
Institute of Neurology,
Pierre Tariot MD London, UK
Department of Psychiatry, Medicine, Neurology and
Center for Aging and Developmental Biology, Siegfried Weyerer PhD
University of Rochester Medical Center, Professor of Epidemiology,
Rochester, New York, USA Head of the Psychogeriatric Research Unit,
Central Institute of Mental Health,
Nicoleta Tătaru MD
Mannheim, Germany
Senior Consultant Psychiatrist,
Ambulatory Psychiatric Clinic Oradea,
President of Romanian Association of Geriatric Psychiatry, Gordon K Wilcock DM (Oxon), FRCP
Romania Professor, Department of Care of the Elderly,
University of Bristol,
Jennifer Torr MBBS, MMed (Psychiatry), FRANZCP Bristol, UK
Senior Lecturer,
Centre for Developmental Disability Health Victoria,
David G Wilkinson MB ChB, MRCGP, FRCPsych
Monash University,
Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry and
Victoria, Australia
Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer,
Marco Trabucchi University of Southampton and
President of Italian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Memory Assessment and Research Centre,
Brescia, Italy Moorgreen Hospital,
Southampton, UK
Anne Unkenstein MA, MAPS
Anders Wimo MD, PhD
Cognitive, Dementia and Memory Service,
Associate Professor,
Melbourne Extended Care and Rehabilitation Service,
Department of Clinical Neuroscience and Family Medicine,
Victoria, Australia
Division of Geriatric Medicine,
Mathew Varghese MBBS, MD Karolinska Institute,
Additional Professor of Psychiatry, Stockholm and Department of Family Medicine,
National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Umeå University,
Bangalore, India Umeå, Sweden

Anoop Varma DM, FRCP, MD Bengt Winblad MD, PhD

Consultant Neurologist, Department of Clinical Neuroscience and Family Medicine,
Cerebral Function Unit, Division of Geriatric Medicine,
Greater Manchester Neurosciences Centre, Karolinska Institute,
Hope Hospital, Stockholm
Salford, Manchester, UK

Bruno Vellas Yu Xin MD

Alzheimer Disease Clinical and Research Centre (CMRR), Geriatric Psychiatrist, Executive Director,
Department of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Institute of Mental Health,
Toulouse University Hospital, Peking University,
Toulouse, France Beijing, PR China

When Raymond Levy and Alistair Burns conceptualized and personhood and humanity of all people with dementia in a
delivered the first edition of Dementia it was a very signifi- deep and searching analysis of our own attitude towards
cant event in the worldwide dissemination of knowledge them. A chapter on trial designs fills a gap in most workers’
about dementia. At that time dementia research was already knowledge and instructs on the backdrop to the develop-
in full flight and workers in the field were finding it increas- ment of therapeutics, thus enabling readers to understand
ingly difficult to keep up to date with the rapid advances how efficacy and safety are established and how the pub-
achieved by dedicated and creative researchers. It was not lished data may be interpreted. Psychosocial approaches con-
too long before a second edition was required to add to the tinue to be explored and updated as well as the advances in
knowledge base. No sooner was this edition published, than a vascular contributions to dementia, which have gained more
further edition was required, such was the speed of knowl- relevance between the second and third editions. Other
edge acquisition in fundamental science, clinical practice and dementias continue to be included to inform the readers
service delivery around the world. that Alzheimer’s disease is not the only dementia confronting
This, the third edition, under the charge of Alistair Burns, us all.
John O’Brien and David Ames, has set a benchmark that is No text on dementia is satisfactory without reference to
nigh impossible to surpass. Its content of 65 chapters charac- the roles of carers, without whom all systems including fun-
terized by breadth, depth, comprehensiveness, thoroughness damental scientific research will not thrive. The moving
and relevance has been a Herculean labour of commitment chapter by Emerson Moran serves to give a very touching
to the essential and necessary education of all who are practical, human and humorous face to this book. ‘And we
involved in caring for the elderly. laugh. Always’ – the final four words of this chapter should
In addition to the ‘usual suspects’ of epidemiology, biology, keep us all warmed and humbled.
fundamental science and therapeutics underpinning the text, Any medical school, hospital and health service to the
it has comprehensive service reports from a global perspective elderly, which does not have a copy of this book, should
ranging from Australia, China, many parts of Asia, Africa, East not be considered to have any level of quality in their educa-
and Western Europe to Latin America, the Caribbean and tional and training programme. Indeed, Key Performance
North America. These chapters remind us that service to the Indicators in these clinical environments should include
people with dementia is central to all our endeavours and the the possession of, or ready access to, this third edition of
core of our commitment to this field. The chapter on services Dementia.
to younger people with dementia is very welcome and Alistair, John and David, thank you for your continuing
reminds us that not all people with dementia are elderly and contribution to the dissemination of knowledge to the world.
that younger people also require us to attend to their plight.
Chapters on topics such as sexuality, quality of life, moral Edmond Chiu
and legal issues alert and challenge all readers to look at the Melbourne, March 2005
Preface to the Third Edition

It is a pleasure to present the Third Edition of our textbook but also, reassuringly in areas such as service development
Dementia. We have found the success of the first and second and carer research.
edition very gratifying but were conscious of the need to jus- We have kept the format as it was because it seems to
tify the publication of a textbook of this size and scope in a work, but have introduced briefer overviews of services in
field that is developing very rapidly. It is easy to imagine that areas throughout the world.
such a potential dinosaur may quickly become outdated, will We owe a great thanks to the contributors who, in the
sit on shelves, be thought of affectionately but not be of main, have kept to time – we know and they know who they
much practical use to anyone. are! The publishers at Hodder Arnold, particularly Layla
However, we became convinced by a number of people, Vandenbergh, have been helpful and we are grateful to Ed
fuelled by our own determination, that we could not let a Chiu for such a generous foreword. Most of all, our secretaries,
brand name die, and that a third edition was not only possi- Norma Welsh in Newcastle, Marilyn Kemp in Melbourne and
ble but might actually be appreciated by some people. particularly Barbara Dignan in Manchester, deserve the
It is trite to say that the field has moved on since the last biggest thanks. Without their dedication the project would
edition – of course it has. This is not just in the usual areas not have been completed.
where one would expect it, i.e. basic science and treatment,

Manchester, UK

Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Melbourne, Australia
Preface to the Second Edition

In the 6 years since the first edition of Dementia was pub- dementia with age, will continue to lead to a huge increase in
lished in 1994, advances in our knowledge and understanding dementia cases over the next 30 years, especially in the devel-
of the disorder and its subtypes have proceeded at a truly oping world. Many problems remain. We still lack sufficiently
breathtaking pace. Clearly we have a greater appreciation of accurate in vivo diagnostic markers to replace the ‘gold stan-
the importance of genetic factors in dementia, whilst molecu- dard’ of neuropathology. We still need to learn more about
lar biology has provided novel insights into possible patho- aetiological factors and the definitive neurobiological mecha-
genic mechanisms. However, great advances have also been nisms that ultimately cause neuronal loss remain elusive.
made in several other areas that, unfortunately, often receive Current therapeutic approaches remain limited and effective
less prominence than they deserve. For example, major disease-modifying and preventive strategies still have to be
progress has been made in the nosology, classification and determined. Despite progress, services in many countries
diagnosis of the many subtypes of dementia and there are remain underdeveloped and too fragmented to cope with the
now several important sets of clinical and neuropathological increase in cases which lies ahead. The socioeconomic burden
diagnostic criteria published, many of which have already of dementia remains enormous and will continue to increase.
been the subject of prospective validation studies. Several Dementia is one of the major challenges facing all societies in
subtypes of dementia that were of arguable significance when the new millennium and will remain so for the foreseeable
the first edition was published, such as dementia with Lewy future.
bodies and frontotemporal dementia, have been recognized as This combination of exciting recent progress combined
important conditions with great clinical relevance. Concepts with continued challenges ahead was the major driving force
of vascular dementia have changed and the notion of multi- for producing this second edition of Dementia, which has
infarct dementia has now been replaced by more sophisti- been radically restructured and updated. Several changes will
cated models that recognize the fact that several different be immediately apparent. First, the layout of the book reflects
types of vascular pathology, not just cortical infarction, can the richness and diversity of the different subtypes of demen-
cause dementia. In parallel with better understanding of the tia and, instead of a simple division between Alzheimer’s dis-
many conditions that cause dementia, there is also increasing ease and other dementias, there are now separate sections on
recognition of the importance of heterogeneity and overlap at each of the main causes of dementia. Second, a number of
clinical, neurochemical and neuropathological levels between new chapters are included to provide comprehensive coverage
different disorders. This particularly applies to the overlap of topics such as new diagnostic criteria, rating scales, investi-
between vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The gations, neurobiological mechanisms, as well as all aspects
advent in the last few years of cholinesterase inhibitors has for of management including psychosocial and psychological
the first time allowed rational and, at least in some patients, approaches. There are too many new chapters to mention
moderately effective treatment of cognitive as well as non- them all, but other important topics, such as moral, ethical
cognitive features of Alzheimer’s disease. These drugs may and legal aspects of dementia, sexuality and current and new
also prove helpful in treating some other subtypes of demen- therapeutic options, are included. The section on services has
tia. Services have improved considerably in many countries, been expanded to include more contributions from Europe as
allowing research advances to be directly applied to what well as from China, South and Central America, the former
must be the main goal, that of improving patient care. Soviet Union and services for younger people with dementia.
However, we cannot at any level be complacent and clearly The inclusion of a chapter on Alzheimer’s Disease Societies
there is still a long way to go. Statistics regarding demographic and Associations is a measure of the influence that these have
changes abound, though it is a sobering thought that in had world wide in supporting patients, carers and researchers.
Western society life expectancy has increased from 45 years Dementia with Lewy bodies, increasingly recognized as the
in 1901 to 80 years in 2001. Such longevity, combined with second main cause of degenerative dementia, is given promi-
the well-recognized increase in prevalence and incidence of nent coverage with four new chapters. The section on focal
xxii Preface to the second edition

dementias includes frontotemporal dementia, Pick’s disease, and Hall, who was responsible for the first edition, Georgina
semantic dementia and progressive aphasia and allows read- Bentliff, Catherine Barnes and Sarah De Souza of Arnold and
ers to observe the different approaches that can be used to to our secretaries (Norma Welsh, Yvonne Liddicoat, Barbara
define and understand such disorders. Over all, 17 new chap- Dignan) for their great efforts and help. We are also deeply
ters are included whilst other chapters have been updated grateful to Edmond Chiu for his generous Foreword and to
and, in most cases, entirely rewritten. Professor Elaine Murphy for providing the Epilogue. Most of
In choosing our authors, we have deliberately sought to all, we thank all our authors who found the time to produce
try to achieve a balance between retaining sufficient authors such excellent chapters and upon whose efforts the success
from the first edition to provide some continuity whilst of this book will ultimately rely. Our aim was to produce
including some new contributors. We have also deliberately fully comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of all aspects
sought an authorship to reflect a mixture of those who are of dementia within a single text, which would prove accessible
already internationally renowned experts and those whom to clinicians, researchers and allied professional groups. As
we consider to be the rising stars of the future. before, we leave you, our readers and reviewers, to judge the
This second edition was commissioned by Chapman and extent to which this aim has been achieved.
Hall, who published the first edition, and has subsequently
been published by Arnold, a member of the Hodder Headline John O’Brien, David Ames, Alistair Burns
Group. We are indebted to all who have been involved in the Newcastle upon Tyne, Melbourne,
production of this book, including Peter Altman of Chapman Manchester, April 2000
Preface to the First Edition

It was with some trepidation that we decided to edit a large remains. However, much of this is intentional and some
textbook on dementia. There are, and will continue to be, chapters would have been denuded unnecessarily and could
many texts on dementia and one has to consider critically the not have stood alone. Areas where we have unashamedly fos-
need for another. Dementia is one of the major challenges to tered such overlap include Chapters 7 and 8, Chapters 12 and
face society in the twentieth century, numerically dwarfing 13 and Chapters 46 and 51. We feel this is a way of encourag-
other disorders which have caught the public’s imagination. ing debate about contentious subjects as well as avoiding
The attraction of being involved in this venture is that it undue artistic tantrums.
attempts to encompass, in a single volume, all aspects of all We have been lucky in our choice of authors, the vast
types of dementia. However hard we have tried we could majority of whom have delivered their manuscripts on time
obviously not succeed in this and someone somewhere will and without much persuasion. To them, we give thanks, and
complain we have omitted something important. In addi- to our recalcitrant contributors we heave a sigh of relief that
tion, this is a field which is expanding rapidly and we have we received their submissions at all. We are indebted to
tried therefore to concentrate on a solid core of information, Annelisa Page and Peter Altman of Chapman & Hall for their
which although requiring some updating in the future is tireless support and to our secretaries for their help. We also
likely to remain part of the mainstream view of the field. thank Professor Alwyn Lishman for his generous foreword.
We have divided the book into two parts, the first dealing We hope that our efforts have not been wasted and will
with Alzheimer’s disease and the second with other demen- leave you, the readers and reviewers, to judge.
tias. We recognize that this will be considered by many to be
a false dichotomy and we accept that criticism. However, AB
from an organizational point of view some form of order was Manchester
necessary and we hope this makes sense. Overlap between
chapters is a difficult issue and while we have exercised the RL
editorial Tippex to the best of our ability, some duplication London
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ADB is funded by a Wellcome Trust Programme Grant (RN The author gratefully acknowledges, first, the support of the
019407). Portions of the work described in this chapter were Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing,
supported by an MRC LINK grant and carried out within the Office for Older Australians, who funded some of the research
MRC Centre for Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience. BJS reported in this chapter. Second, profound thanks are due to
is a consultant for Cambridge Cognition Ltd. all the people with dementia, their families, and residential
aged care nursing staff, who participated in the clinical inter-
CHAPTER 23 ventions described and so generously assisted in providing
research data. Finally, thanks to Tanya Caldwell, who assisted
The authors gratefully acknowledge the thoughts and com-
in preparation of this paper.
ments of Jacques Touchon that helped form the basis for this
CHAPTER 24 Our work has been supported by grants from the Medical
We should like to thank Ms Donna Asleson for her superb Research Council (UK), Alzheimer’s Association (Chicago,
secretarial assistance. Preparation of this chapter was sup- USA) and the Alzheimer’s Research Trust (UK).
ported by UO1 AG06786, P50 AG16574, U01 AG10483 and
KO1 MH68351. CHAPTER 49
Preparation of this chapter was supported by funds from
CHAPTER 31 NIA grants AG-05131 and AG-12963 to the University of
I am most grateful to Dr Charles R Harrington for his, as California, San Diego.
always, knowledgeable comments and suggestions and thor-
ough reading of the text. His red pen changed its colour to blue CHAPTER 53
on this occasion, and found out hidden ‘gran chasing bears’. I AG is supported by the Wellcome Trust.
would also like to thank Mrs Caroline Kirk for editing the
text and secretarial support, Mr Stephen Lloyd for IT support
and Dr Vladimir B Ladinski for help with graphic presenta-
tion and constructive discussions during various stages of The authors thank Professor Elizabeth Warrington for help-
writing the manuscript. The text is based on a review of the ful discussion and Dr Nick Fox for permission to reproduce
published literature up to and including 31 January 2004. the brain images.
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2M 2-macroglobulin APATTs aged psychiatry assessment and treatment

A42 amyloid beta protein 42 teams
AAAD Alzheimer’s disease affective disorder aPc activating potential for communication
AAC augmentative and alternative ApoE apolipoprotein E
communication APP amyloid precursor protein
AACD ageing-associated cognitive decline ARCD age-related cognitive decline
AAMI age-associated memory impairment ARDSI Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders Society
ABC abacavir of India
ABCD Arizona Battery for Communication AS Alzheimer’s Society (UK)
Disorders of Dementia AT1 angiotensin II type 1
ACA anterior cerebral artery ATA atmospheres absolute
ACASs Aged Care Assessment Services ATR assessment treatment and rehabilitation
ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme AWARE Aricept Withdrawal and Rechallenge Study
ACh acetylcholine AZT azidothymidine
AChEIs acetylcholinesterase inhibitors BADS Behavioural Assessment of the
AD Alzheimer’s disease Dysexecutive Syndrome
ADAPT Alzheimer’s Disease Anti-Inflammatory BAS Body Awareness Scale
Prevention Trial BAT body awareness therapy
ADAS-cog Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale – BBB blood–brain barrier
cognitive Scale BCR bicaudate ratio
ADAS-noncog Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale – BD Binswanger’s disease
non-cognitive subscale BDNF brain-derived neurotrophic factor
ADC AIDS dementia complex BEHAVE-AD Behavioral Pathology in Alzheimer’s
ADCAs autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias Disease Rating Scale
ADCS Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study BIMC Blessed Information-Memory-
ADFACS Alzheimer’s Disease Functional Assessment Concentration
and Change Scale BLA Barnes Language Assessment
ADI Alzheimer’s Disease International BLT bright light therapy
ADL activities of daily living BOLD blood oxygen level dependent
ADRQL Alzheimer’s disease related quality of life BPRS Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale
AEP auditory evoked potential BPSD behavioural and psychological symptoms of
AEUs Alzheimer Evaluation Units dementia
AGD argyrophilic grain disease BRSD Behavioural Rating Scale for Dementia
AHEAD assessment of health economics in BSE bovine spongiform encephalopathy
Alzheimer’sdisease BSF benign senescent forgetfulness
AIHW Australian Institute of Health and BuChE butyryl-cholinesterase
Welfare C cognition
AIMA Italian Association for Alzheimer Disease CA conversational analysis
ALD adrenoleukodystrophy CA cost analysis
a-MCI amnestic mild cognitive impairment CAA cerebral amyloid angiopathy
AMPA amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4- CADASIL cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy
isoxazolepropionic acid with subcortical infarcts and
AMPS Assessment of Motor and Process Skills leukoencephalopathy
AMT Abbreviated Mental Test Score CAMCOG Cambridge Cognitive Examination
xxviii Abbreviations

CAMDEX Cambridge Examination for Mental CSI-D Community Screening Interview for
Disorders in the Elderly Dementia
CANDID Counselling and Diagnosis in Dementia CST cognitive stimulation therapy
CANTAB Cambridge Neuropsychological Test CT computed tomography
Automated Battery CTX cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis
CARASIL cerebral autosomal recessive arteriopathy CUA cost utility analysis
with subcortical infarcts and CVD cerebrovascular disease
leukoencephalopathy DACSA Domestic and Community Skills
CARE Comprehensive Assessment and Referral Assessment
Evaluation DAD Disability Assessment in Dementia
CAS Caregiver Activity Survey DALYs disability adjusted life years
CATIE Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of DASH Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
Intervention Effectiveness DAT dementia of the Alzheimer’s type see
CATS Caregiver Activities Time Survey Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
CBA cost benefit analysis DB double blind
CBD corticobasal degeneration DCLB dementia associated with cortical Lewy
CBF cerebral blood flow bodies
CBS Cornell–Brown Scale DCM dementia care mapping
CCA cost-consequence analysis DDDS Dementia Differential Diagnostic Schedule
CCOHTA Canadian Health Technology Assessment DDMS Depression in Dementia Mood Scale
Guidelines for Pharmaco-economics DDPAC disinhibition-dementia-parkinsonism-
CCSMA Cache County Study of Memory in Aging amyotrophy complex
CD cost description DECO Deterioration Cognitive Observée
CDAMSs Cognitive, Dementia and Memory Services DED depression-executive dysfunction syndrome
CDC Centers for Disease Control DHEA dehydroepiandrosterone
CDR Clinical Dementia Rating DHEAS dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate
CDR-SB Clinical Dementia Rating – Sum of Boxes DIADS-2 Depression in AD Study-2
CEA cost effectiveness analysis DLB dementia with Lewy bodies
CENSIS Centre for Social Studies (Italy) DLBD diffuse LB disease
CERAD Consortium to Establish a Registry for DLDH dementia lacking distinctive histology
Dementia (or Alzheimer’s disease) DMR dementia in mental retardation
CGI Clinical Global Impression DqoL dementia quality of life instrument
ChAT choline acetyltransferase DRS Dementia Rating Scale
ChEIs cholinesterase inhibitors DS Down’s syndrome
CHS Cardiovascular Health Study DSDS Down Syndrome Dementia Scale
CIBIC-plus Clinicians’ Interview-Based Impression of DSM-IIIR Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Change – plus caregiver input Disorders, revised 3rd edition
CILQ Cognitively Impaired Life Quality Scale DSM-IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
CIND cognitive impairment no dementia Disorders, 4th edition
CJD Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (vCJD: variant DSS Depressive Signs Scale
CJD) DTI diffusion tensor imaging
CMA cost minimization analysis DWI diffusion-weighted imaging
CMAI Cohen–Mansfield Agitation Inventory DWMH deep white matter hyperintensities
CMPs Centres Memoire de Proximité e extension
CMRR Centre Memoire de Recherche et de EADC European Alzheimer’s Disease
Resources Consortium
CNS central nervous system EE expressed emotion
COI cost of illness EEG electroencephalogram (qEEG quantitative
CPI consumer price index analysis of the electroencephelogram)
CPMC Commission for Medicinal and EGF epidermal growth factor
Pharmaceutical Compounds EOAD early-onset AD
CPN community psychiatric nurse EOFAD early-onset familial AD
CQLI caregiver quality of life index EP evoked potential
CRF corticotrophin releasing factor EPI Eysenck Personality Inventory
CRP C-reactive protein EPS extrapyramidal signs
CSF cerebrospinal fluid ERP event-related potential
Abbreviations xxix

ESTs expressed sequence tags 5HT 5-hydroxytryptamine

FA Friedreich’s ataxia HUI Health Utilities Index
FAST Functional Assessment Staging HYE Healthy Years Equivalents
FBD familial British dementia I intellectual capability
F-CMRR-SF Federation of the Alzheimer’s Centres from IADL instrumental activities of daily living
the South of France ICC immunocytochemistry
FDA Food and Drug Administration ID intellectual disability
FFI fatal familial insomnia IDE insulin degrading enzyme
FGF fibroblast growth factor IGF insulin-like growth factor
FGF1 fibroblast growth factor 1 IHA International Huntington Association
FIRDA frontal intermittent rhythmic delta activity IHD ischaemic heart disease
FLAIR fluid attenuated inversion recovery IL interleukin
fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging ILSA Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging
FTD frontotemporal dementia IMC Information Memory Concentration
FTD-MND frontotemporal dementia with motor iNOs inducible nitric oxide synthase
neurone disease IPA International Psychogeriatric
FTDP-17 frontotemporal dementia with Association
parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 IQ Intelligence Quotient
FTLD frontotemporal lobar degeneration IQCODE Informant Questionnaire for Cognitive
FvFTD frontal variant frontotemporal dementia Decline in the Elderly
GABA gamma aminobutyric acid IQLS Italian QoL Scale
GBS Scale Gottfries–Bråne–Steen Scale IT interesting transcript
GDS Geriatric Depression Scale ITT intent to treat
GDS Global Deterioration Scale KI knock-in [mice]
GI gastrointestinal KSS Kearns–Sayre syndrome
GMSS Geriatric Mental State Schedule LA leukoaraiosis
GP general practitioner LADIS leukoaraiosis and disability
GPCOG General Practitioner Assessment of LAI Latin American Initiative
Cognition LB Lewy body
GSK-3 glycogen synthase kinase-3 LBD Lewy body disease/dementia (see DLB:
GSS Gerstmann–Sträussler syndrome (also dementia with Lewy bodies)
known as Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker LBVAD LB variant of Alzheimer’s disease
disease) LDL low density lipoprotein
HAART highly active antiretroviral therapy LDL-R low density lipoprotein receptor
HAD HIV-associated dementia complex LLAs lipid lowering agents
HC homocysteine LLF late-life forgetfulness
HCHWA-D hereditary cerebral haemorrhage with LOAD late-onset AD
amyloidosis – Dutch type LOCF last observation carried forward
HCHWA-I hereditary cerebral haemorrhage with LRP lipoprotein receptor-related protein
amyloidosis – Icelandic type LRP1 low-density lipoprotein receptor-related
Hcy homocysteine (total Hcy 5 tHcy) protein
HD Huntington’s disease LSBs life story books
HDL high density lipoproteins LTCI Long-Term Care Insurance (Japan)
HE Hashimoto’s encephalopathy LTD long-term depression
HELP heparin-mediated extracorporeal LDL/ LTP long-term potentiation
fibrinogen precipitation MAC macroangiopathic
HERNS hereditary endotheliopathy, retinopathy, MACS Multicentre AIDS Cohort Study
nephropathy and stroke MAO monoamine oxidase
HIV human immunodeficiency virus MAP microtubule-associated proteins
HIVE HIV encephalitis MC mitochondrial cytopathy
HIVL HIV leukoencephalopathy MC multicentre
HMG-CoA 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A MCD mild cognitive disorder
HNRC HIV Neurobehavioural Research Center MCI mild cognitive impairment
HOT hyperbaric oxygen treatment MCMD minor cognitive/motor disorder
HRQoL health-related quality of life MDS European Movement Disorder Society
HSG Huntington Study Group MEG magnetoencephalography
xxx Abbreviations

MELAS mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with NPV negative predictive value

lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes NR not reported
MERRF myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibres NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
MHC major histocompatibility complex NSE neuronal specific enolase
MIC micro NT neurotrophin
MID multi-infarct dementia OAS Overt Aggression Scale
MLD metachromatic leukodystrophy OBS Organic Brain Scale
MMN mismatch negativity OC observed cases
MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination OPCA olivopontocerebellar atrophy
MNCD mild neurocognitive disorder OT occupational therapy
MND motor neurone disease PA progressive aphasia
MNDID motor neurone disease inclusion dementia PAF platelet-activating factor
MNGIE mitochondrial myopathy, peripheral neuro- PAHO Pan American Health Association
pathy, encephalopathy and gastrointestinal PAS periodic-acid-Schiff
disease PASAT Paced Serial Addition Test
MOSES Multidimensional Observation Scale for PAX progressive apraxia
Elderly Subjects PBS Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
MQ Memory Quotient PC placebo-controlled
MRI magnetic resonance imaging PCA posterior cerebral artery
MRS magnetic resonance spectroscopy PCO primary care organization
MRT magnetic resonance tomography PCR polymerase chain reaction
MSA multisystem atrophy (parkinsonian PCT primary care trust
[MSA-P] and ataxic [MSA-C] variants) PD Parkinson’s disease
MSQ Mental Status Questionnaire PDD Parkinson’s disease with dementia
MT microtubule PDGF platelet derived growth factor
MTA medial temporal lobe atrophy PD personal detractor
MTHFR methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase PDS Progressive Deterioration Scale
MTI magnetization transfer imaging PEG percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
N/A not available PEO progressive external ophthalmoplegia
NA noradrenaline PES-AD Pleasant Events Schedule-AD (also
NAA N-acetylaspartate PES-Elderly and Short PES-AD)
NAPDC National Action Plan for Dementia Care PET positron emission tomography
NASC Need Assessment Service Coordinators PGDRS Psychogeriatric Dependency
(NZ) Rating Scale
nbM nucleus basalis of Meynert PHF paired helical filament
NCL neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis PHRC Programme Hospitalier de Recherche
NFT neurofibrillary tangle Clinique
NGF nerve growth factor PiD Pick’s disease
NGO non-governmental organization Pin1 peptidyl prolyl cis/trans isomerase
NGT nasogastric tube PKB protein kinase B
NICAM National Institute for Complementary and PL plaques
Alternative Medication PLE paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis
NICE National Institute for Clinical Excellence PNFA progressive non-fluent aphasia
NIMH National Institute of Mental Health PP2A protein phosphatase 2A
NMDA N-methyl-D-aspartate PPA primary progressive aphasia
NMS neuroleptic malignant syndrome PPF propentofylline
NO nitric oxide PPP purchase power parity
NOS [dementia] not otherwise specified PPV positive predictive value
NOs nitric oxide synthase PRN pro re nata (as needed)
NOSGER Nurses’ Observation Scale for Geriatric PROSPER placebo-controlled trial of pravastatin
Patients PS1 [2] presenilin 1 [2]
NPD-C Niemann–Pick disease type C PSE Present State Exam
NPI Neuropsychiatric Inventory PSMS Physical Self-Maintenance Scale
NPI neuropsychological impairment PSP progressive supranuclear palsy
NPI-NH Neuropsychiatric Inventory – Nursing PSWC periodic sharp wave complexes
Home version PVH periventricular hyperintensities
Abbreviations xxxi

PWB-CIP Psychological Wellbeing in Cognitively SLT speech and language therapist

Impaired Persons SNF skilled nursing facility
PWI perfusion-weighted imaging SOAS Staff Observation Aggression Scale
QALY quality adjusted life year SPECT single photon emission computed
QD questionable dementia’ tomography
qEEG quantitative analysis of EEG SPET single photon emission tomography
QoL quality of life SPM statistical parametric mapping
QoLAD Quality of Life-Alzheimer’s disease SPMSQ Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire
QoLAS Quality of Life Assessment Schedule SR spaced retrieval
QoLASCA Quality of Life Assessment by Construct SSEP somatosensory evoked potential
Analysis SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
QUALID Quality of Life in Late Stage Dementia Scale STMS Short Test of Mental Status
QWB quality of wellbeing SWM spatial working memory
QWBS Quality of Wellbeing Scale Tg transgenic
RBD REM-sleep behaviour disorder THA tetrahydroaminoacridine [tacrine]
RC respiratory chain TIA transient ischaemic attack
RCT randomized controlled trial TIB Trouble Indicating Behaviour
REM rapid eye movement TICS Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status
ROI region of interest TMS transcranial magnetic stimulation
RPM Raven’s Progressive Matrices TNF tumour necrosis factor
RUD Resource Utilization in Dementia ToM theory of mind
s severity tPA tissue-type plasminogen activator
SAP serum amyloid P TRH thyrotropin-releasing hormone
SAP single assessment process TROG Test for Reception of Grammar
SBD sleep behaviour disorder TTg triple transgenic [mice]
SBO specified bovine offal UPDRS United Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale
SCA spinocerebellar ataxia UPGS ubiquitin-positive granular structures
SCAG Sandoz Clinical Assessment-Geriatric Scale VaD vascular dementia
SCE spontaneous cerebral micro-emboli VBM voxel-based morphometry
SCOPE Study on Cognition and Prognosis in the VCI vascular cognitive impairment [mVCI,
Elderly mild VCI]
SCOPED spending, cooking, operating automobiles, VCIND VCI without dementia
pill taking, everyday activities and decision- VEP visual evoked potential (FVEP, flashes of
making light VEP; PRVEP, pattern reversal VEP)
SCU Special Care Unit VGLUT vesicular glutamate transporters
SD semantic dementia VLCFA very long chain fatty acids
SDLT senile dementia of Lewy body type VLDL-R very low density lipoprotein receptor
SEAC Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory VMCI vascular mild cognitive decline
Committee VOSP Visual Object and Space Perception
SEGP Sociedad Española de Gerontopsiquiatría y VP vascular parkinsonism
Psicogeriatría WFN World Federation of Neurology for HD
SGRS Stockton Geriatric Rating Scale WAIS-R Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – revised
SHG self-help group WISC-R Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale for
SIB Severe Impairment Battery Children – revised
SIRS Severe Impairment Rating Scale WMH white matter hyperintensities
SIVD subcortical ischaemic vascular dementia WML white matter lesions
SKT Syndrom Kurz Test WMS-R Wechsler Memory Scale – revised
SLE systemic lupus erythematosus ZRP zone of reduced penetrance
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Dementia: general aspects

1. Dementia: historical overview 3

2. Epidemiology 16


3. Criteria for the diagnosis of dementia 24

4. Assessment of dementia 38

5. Neuropsychological assessment of dementia 45

6. Neuropsychiatric aspects of dementia 55

7. Rating scales in dementia 65

7a. Screening instruments for the detection of cognitive impairment 66

7b. Measurement of behavioural disturbance, non-cognitive symptoms and quality of life 72

8. Structural brain imaging 81

9. Functional imaging 94

10. The neurophysiology of dementia 104

11. Caring for people with dementia 117

11a. Family carers for people with dementia 118

11b. One caregiver’s view 132

12. Health economic aspects of dementia 136

13. Cross-cultural issues in the assessment of cognitive impairment 147

14. Helping staff and patients with dementia through better design 165

15. The role of primary care in the management of dementia 170

16. Multidisciplinary approaches in the management of dementia 179

16a. The role of nursing 180

16b. Social work and care management 186

16c. Occupational therapy 191

16d. Speech and language therapy 195

16e. Physiotherapy 203

17. Sexuality and dementia 208

18. Quality of life in dementia: conceptual and practical issues 215

19. Moral, ethical and legal aspects of dementia 229

19a. Ethical issues 230

19b. Legal issues 235

19c. End-of-life decisions 239

19d. Driving 244

20. Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view 253

20a. Africa 254

20b. Australia 256

20c. China 261

20d. The Former Soviet Union 265

20e. France 267

20f. Germany 269

20g. Hong Kong 272

20h. India 274

20i. Italy 276

20j. Japan 281

20k. Mexico 283

20l. Netherlands 288

20m. New Zealand 290

20n. Nordic countries 294

20o. Romania 296

20p. Latin America and the Caribbean 299

20q. Spain 303

20r. Britain 306

20s. North America 311

21. Services for younger people with dementia 316

22. Alzheimer (disease and related disorders) Associations and Societies: supporting family carers 323
Dementia: historical overview


1.1 Terms 3 1.4 Dementia during the nineteenth century 5

1.2 Medical usage 4 1.5 The fragmentation of dementia 7
1.3 Behaviours redolent of current dementia during 1.6 The aftermath 12
this period 4 References 13

Since the second edition of this textbook, no ground-breaking the psychiatrist wiser and doctoring more useful to patients.
scholarly work has been published that may challenge the Hopefully, the time will come when denying social processes
historical hypotheses propounded therein on the develop- may be considered as unethical and offensive to patients.
ment of the concept of dementia (Berrios, 2000a); indeed, Knowledge of the history of dementia as a word, a concept
the ‘constructionist’ view has gained support from the way in and a behavioural syndrome is a precondition for scientific
which the nosological surface of ‘dementia’ has been redrawn research. Successive historical convergences have shaped the
during the last 10 years. current notion of dementia. A full study should map the
All clinical categories, including those pertaining to the changes in the history of ‘dementia’ at least since Roman times.
dementias, are the result of the coming together in the work For the purposes of this chapter, however, it should suffice to
of an author of selected behavioural markers, explanatory study a shorter period, say, the one stretching from the work of
concepts and terms to refer to them. Complex social and eco- Boissier de Sauvages (1771), who still offered a static view of
nomic variables will determine whether or not the ensuing disease to Marie (1906) whose great treatise would read as very
‘convergence’ will last. For reason that have to do with the rhet- modern to anachronistic eyes. The former defined ‘dementia’ as
oric of science, these social acts are sold to the throng as pure a generic term; the latter saw in dementia a ‘syndrome’, which
‘scientific acts’. For example, it would be naïve to believe that could be enacted by a variety of ‘diseases’ each with its recog-
the decision to consider a symptom-cluster such as, for nizable phenomenology and putative neuropathology.
example,‘Lewy body dementia’ as a ‘new disease’ is solely based
on the ‘discovery’ of powerful, ineluctable and replicable cor-
relations (Perry et al., 1996). Given that not all correlations
are privileged in this way, and that there is no clear theory
linking all the symptoms to each other and to the Lewy bod-
ies themselves, it is not difficult to surmise that such considera- Up to the 1700s, states of cognitive and behavioural deteri-
tion is also driven by social variables. The current model of oration of whatever origin ending up in psychosocial incom-
science as a pure pursuit of truth, however, leaves no space for petence were called amentia, dementia, imbecility, morosis,
broader explanations and hence all manner of social vari- fatuitas, anoea, foolishness, stupidity, simplicity, carus, idiocy,
ables remain understudied. dotage and senility. In Roman times, the word ‘dementia’ was
This is not a new phenomenon, for the same complex also used to mean ‘being out of one’s mind, insanity, mad-
mechanisms operated at the time when Kraepelin constructed ness, folly’ (Lewis and Short, 1969). For example, in the first
the concept of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (Berrios, 1990b). The century BC, Cicero (1969) (Tusculanan disputations, Book 3,
crucial issue here is that there is nothing wrong with the fact para 10) and Lucretius (1975) (De Rerum Natura, Book 1,
that social forces shape ‘scientific facts’ and hence contribute line 704) used ‘dementia’ as a synonym of madness.
to the construction of psychiatric diseases. Indeed, understand- The term dementia first appears in the European ver-
ing such mechanisms would render psychiatry more complete, naculars after the seventeenth century. In Blancard’s English
4 Dementia: historical overview

dictionary (1726) it is used as an equivalent of anoea or from informants. Declarations made by notaries that the indi-
‘extinction of the imagination and judgment’ (p. 21). By 1644, vidual was of sane mind whilst signing a will are not always valid
according to the Oxford English Dictionary, an adjectival form as they may be deceived by appearances, or the subject might
(‘demented’) entered the English language. In his Spanish– have been in a lucid period. In regards to matrimonial rights,
French dictionary Sobrino (1791) wrote: ‘demencia  démence is not a sufficient cause for separation, unless it is
démence, folie, extravagance, égarement, alienation d’esprit’ accompanied by aggression (furour). It is, however, sufficient
(p. 300). Rey (1995), in turn, states that démence appeared in for a separation of property, so that the wife is no longer under
French in 1381 to refer to ‘madness, extravagancy’ but that the the guardianship of her husband. Those suffering from demen-
adjective dément came into currency only from 1700. It would tia cannot be appointed to public positions or receive priv-
seem, therefore, that between the seventeenth and eighteenth ileges. If they became demented after any has been granted, a
centuries the Latin stem demens (without mind) had found a coadjutor should be appointed …
home in most European vernaculars. As we shall see presently
Although modern-sounding, the above definition must be
the full medicalization of ‘dementia’ started after the 1750s.
read with caution: its clinical description depends on con-
trasts and differences with delirium and a list of disorders
which are no more; its legal meaning is based on the old
1.2 MEDICAL USAGE Roman accounts, and its mechanisms make use of the cam-
era obscura metaphor and assume the passive definition of
the mind that Condillac (who inspired the author of the art-
Evidence for an early medical usage of the term dementia is
icle) had borrowed from John Locke.
found in the French Encyclopaedia (Diderot and d’Alembert,
Dementia is a disease consisting in a paralysis of the spirit 1.3 BEHAVIOURS REDOLENT OF CURRENT
characterized by abolition of the reasoning faculty. It differs DEMENTIA DURING THIS PERIOD
from fatuitas, morosis, stultitia and stoliditas in that in the
latter there is a weakening of understanding and memory; and
In the literature of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
from delirium which is a temporary impairment in the exercise
(and indeed of earlier periods), it is possible to recognize
of the said functions. Some modern writers confuse dementia
behaviours that nowadays we may wish to refer as dementia
with mania, which is a delusional state accompanied by dis-
being reported under different rubrics. For example, in rela-
turbed behaviour (audace); these symptoms are not present in
tion to ‘Stupidity or Foolishness’, Thomas Willis (1684) wrote:
subject[s] with dementia who exhibit foolish behaviour and
cannot understand what they are told, cannot remember any- although it chiefly belongs to the rational soul, and signifies a
thing, have no judgment, are sluggish, and retarded … Physiology defect of the intellect and judgement, yet it is not improperly
teaches that the vividness of our understanding depends on reckoned among the diseases of the head or brain; for as much
the intensity of external stimuli … in pathological states these as this eclipse of the superior soul proceeds from the imagination
may be excessive, distorted or abolished; dementia results from and the memory being hurt, and the failing of these depends
abolition of stimuli which may follow: 1. damage to the brain upon the faults of the animal spirits, and the brain itself (p. 209).
caused by excessive usage, congenital causes or old age, 2. fail-
Willis suggested that stupidity might be genetic (‘original’, as
ure of the spirit, 3. small volume of the brain, 4. violent blows
when ‘fools beget fools’) or caused by ageing (‘Some at first
to the head causing brain damage, 5. incurable diseases such
crafty and ingenious, become by degrees dull, and at length
as epilepsy, or exposure to venoms (Charles Bonnet reports of
foolish, by the mere declining of age, without any great errors
a girl who developed dementia after being bitten by a bat) or
in living’) (p. 211), or other causes such as ‘strokes or bruising
other substances such as opiates and mandragora.
upon the head’, ‘drunkenness and surfeiting’, ‘violent and sud-
Dementia is difficult to cure as it is related to damage of brain den passions’ and ‘cruel diseases of the head’ such as epilepsy.
fibres and nervous fluids; it becomes incurable in cases of con- The same is the case with Boissier de Sauvages (1771), one
genital defect or old age … [otherwise] treatment must follow of the great classificators of the eighteenth century. Order 3rd
the cause … (8th class) of his Nosographie Methodique encompasses delir-
ium, paraphrosyne, imbecility, melancholia, demonomania
[The legal definition of dementia reads]: Those in a state of
and mania. Synonyms of ‘Imbecility are Bêtise (stupidity, fool-
dementia are incapable of informed consent, cannot enter into
ishness), Niaiserie (silliness), and Démence; in Greek paranoia,
contracts, sign wills, or be members of a jury. This is why they
and in Latin Dementia, Fatuitas, Vecordia. The term is used to
are declared incapable of managing their own affairs. Actions
refer to patients who are fools, (fous), imbeciles (imbécilles),
carried out before the declaration of incapacity are valid unless
mentally weak (foibles d’esprit), mad (insensés)’ (p. 723).
it is demonstrated that dementia predated the action.
Boissier lists 12 subtypes of imbecility of which the first one
Ascertainment of dementia is based on examination of hand- is the imbecility of the elderly (L’imbécillite de vieillard), also
writing, interviews by magistrates and doctors, and testimony known as puerile state, drivelling or senile madness, and
Dementia during the nineteenth century 5

which he explains thus: ‘Because of the stiffness of their influenced by his controversy with Bayle (1822) who via his
nervous fibres, old people are less sensitive to external concept of chronic arachnoiditis propounded an anatomical
impressions …’ (p. 724). (‘organic’) view of all the insanities and scorned Pinel’s views
In the Nosographie (1818; first published 1798), Pinel that some vesanias might develop in a psychological space
dealt with cognitive impairment under amentia and morosis, (Bayle, 1826).
which he explains as a failure in the association of ideas lead- Together with his student Georget, Esquirol supported
ing to disordered activity, extravagant behaviour, superficial a ‘descriptivist’ approach, at least in relation to some forms
emotions, memory loss, difficulty in the perception of objects, of mental disorder. He reported 15 cases of dementia (seven
obliteration of judgement, aimless activity, automatic exist- males and eight females) with a mean age of 34 years (SD 
ence, and forgetting of words or signs to convey ideas. He also 10.9), seven being, in fact, cases of general paralysis of the
referred to démence senile (para 116). Pinel did not empha- insane, showing grandiosity, disinhibition, motor symptoms,
size the difference between congenital and acquired dementia dysarthria and terminal cognitive failure. There also was
(Pinel 1806). included a 20-year-old girl who, in modern terms, suffered
The above entries summarize well views on dementia before from a catatonic syndrome; and a 40-year-old woman with
the nineteenth century. There was, first of all, a ‘legal’ meaning pica, cognitive impairment, and space-occupying lesions in her
according to which dementia was a state of non-imputability. left hemisphere and cerebellum (Esquirol, 1838). Although
In France, this was enshrined in Article 10 of the Napoleonic the mean age of these samples and the absence of cases of
Code: ‘There is no crime when the accused is in a state of senile dementia may simply reflect a short life expectancy in
dementia at the time of the alleged act’ (Code Napoléon, 1808). Esquirol’s day, or that at the Charenton Hospital some selec-
Second, there was a clinical meaning. This could be very gen- tion bias was in operation, it is more likely to reflect the view
eral (i.e. a synonym of madness) or specific, i.e. a clinical con- that age was not an important variable. Together with irre-
dition that was differentiable from mania (which, at the time, versibility, age became a defining criterion only by the second
described any state of acute excitement, be it schizophrenic, half of the nineteenth century.
hypomanic, or organic) and delirium (which referred, more Like his teacher Esquirol, aware of the importance of clinical
or less, to what goes on nowadays under the same name). description, Calmeil wrote: ‘It is not easy to describe demen-
Although chronic, dementia could still be reversible, affect tia, its varieties, and nuances; because its complications are
individuals of any age, and be a final common pathway, i.e. numerous … it is difficult to choose its distinctive symp-
the end deficit for many other mental disorders. This created toms’ (p. 71). Dementia followed chronic insanity and brain
a template for the alienists of the nineteenth century. disease, and was partial or general. Calmeil was less convinced
than his co-student Georget that all dementias were associ-
ated with alterations in the brain.
In regards to senile dementia, Calmeil remarked: ‘there is
1.4 DEMENTIA DURING THE NINETEENTH a constant involvement of the senses, elderly people can be
CENTURY deaf, and show disorders of taste, smell and touch; external
stimuli are therefore less clear to them, they have little mem-
There is a major difference between eighteenth-century views ory of recent events, live in the past, and repeat the same tale;
on dementia and what the historian finds a century later when their affect gradually wanes away …’ (p. 77). Although a keen
dementia starts to refer more or less specifically to states of neuropathologist, Calmeil concluded that there was no suffi-
cognitive impairment mostly affecting the elderly, and almost cient information on the nature and range of anomalies
always irreversible. The word ‘amentia’ was no longer used in found in the skull or brain to decide on the cause of demen-
this context and started to name a ‘psychosis, with sudden tia (pp. 82–83) (Calmeil, 1835).
onset following severe, often acute physical illness or trauma’ A Ghent alienist, thinking in Flemish and writing in French,
(Meynert, 1890). The syndromatic view of the dementias was Guislain believed that in dementia:
still in use but mainly in regards to the ‘vesanic dementias’,
i.e. terminal states for all manner of mental disorders. This All intellectual functions show a reduction in energy, external
section will explore such momentous changes. stimuli cause only minor impression on the intellect, imagination
In his doctoral thesis, Esquirol (1805) used the word is weak and uncreative, memory absent, and reasoning patho-
dementia to refer to loss of reason, as in démence accidental, logical. There are two varieties of dementia … one affecting
démence mélancolique; then, he distinguished between acute, the elderly (senile dementia of Cullen) the other younger
chronic and senile dementia. Acute dementia was short-lived, people. Although confused with dementia, idiocy must be con-
reversible, and followed fever, haemorrhage and metastasis; sidered as a separate group (p. 10). [In dementia,] ‘the patient
chronic dementia was irreversible and caused by masturba- has no memory, or at least is unable to retain anything … impres-
tion, melancholia, mania, hypochondria, epilepsy, paralysis sions evaporate from his mind. He may remember names of
and apoplexy; lastly, senile dementia resulted from ageing, people but cannot say whether he has seen them before. He does
and consisted in a loss of the faculties of the understanding not know what time or day of the week it is, cannot tell morning
(Esquirol, 1814). Esquirol’s final thoughts on dementia were from evening, or say what 2 and 2 add to … he has lost the
6 Dementia: historical overview

instinct of preservation, cannot avoid fire or water, and is unable of deranged persons … incoherence is either a primary disease,
to recognize dangers; has also lost spontaneity, is incontinent arising immediately from the agency of exciting causes on a
of urine and faeces, and does not ask for anything, he cannot constitution previously health, or it is a secondary affection,
even recognize his wife or children … (p. 311) (Guislain, 1852). the result of other disorders of the brain and nervous system
which, by their long duration or severity, give rise to disease
Because in the past the mentally ill: ‘had been categorized in the structure of those organs … secondary incoherence or
only in terms of a [putative] impairment of their mental fac- dementia follows long-protracted mania, attacks of apoplexy,
ulties …’ (p. 2), Morel (1860) endeavoured to develop a tax- epilepsy or paralysis, or fevers attended with severe delirium.
onomy that distinguished between occasional and determinant This decay of the faculties has been termed fatuity or imbecil-
causes of mental disorder (p. 251) and suggested six clinical ity, and it has been confounded with idiotism, which in all its
groups: hereditary, toxic, associated with the neuroses, idio- degrees and modifications is a very different state … (pp. 83–85)
pathic, sympathetic and dementia In regards to the latter, (Prichard, 1835).
Morel (1860) believed that:
The same can be said of the views expressed by Bucknill
… if we examine dementia (amentia, progressive weakening of and Tuke in their popular textbook:
the faculties) we must accept that it constitutes a terminal state.
Dementia may be either primary or consecutive; acute or
There will, of course, be exceptional insane individuals who,
chronic. It may also be simple or complicated; it is occasion-
until the end, preserve their intellectual faculties; the major-
ally remittent but rarely intermittent. It is primary when it is
ity, however, are subject to the law of decline. This results from
the first stage of the mental disease of the patient; and when
a loss of vitality in the brain … Comparison of brain weights in
this occurs, it is, perhaps, one of the most painful forms of insan-
the various forms of insanity shows that the heavier weights
ity; the patient often being acutely sensible of a gradual loss
are found in cases of recent onset. Chronic cases show more
of memory, power of attention, and executive ability. At this
often a general impairment of intelligence (dementia). Loss in
period, the distinction is often well marked between the strictly
brain weight – a constant feature of dementia – is also pre-
intellectual and affective disorder … dementia is much more
sent in ageing, and is an expression of decadence in the human
frequently consecutive, that is the consequence of other dis-
species. [There are] natural dementia and that dementia result-
eases of the mind. Thus during 44 years, while 277 cases of
ing from a pathological state of the brain … some forms of
mania and 215 of melancholia were admitted at the Retreat,
insanity are more prone to end up in dementia (idiopathic)
only 48 of dementia were admitted during the same period;
than others … it could be argued that because dementia is a ter-
yet, at the end of that term, there were remaining in the insti-
minal state it should not be classified as a sixth form of men-
tution, 20 patients in a state of dementia out of 91 inmates.
tal illness … I must confess I sympathize with this view, and it is
Mania very often degenerates into dementia; as also do melan-
one of the reasons why I have not described the dementias in any
cholia and monomania … it should be observed, that the term
detail … on the other hand from the legal and pathological view-
dementia may be, and sometimes is, too indiscriminately
points, dementia warrants separate treatment … (pp. 837–838).
employed. All writers of authority agree in representing impair-
Morel’s view is in keeping with his ‘degenerationist’ ment of the memory as one of the earliest symptoms of demen-
hypothesis, which he himself had developed three years earl- tia; but we believe cases are occasionally classed under incipient
ier (Morel, 1857; Pick, 1989). One consequence of this view dementia, in which close observation would show that the
was that there were no specific brain alterations in dementia. memory is unimpaired … It is often rather a torpid condition of
In spite of his early death, L. F. Marcé published a series of the mind, falling under the division ‘apathetic insanity, which
important articles on the neuropathology of senile dementia ought not to be confounded with dementia …’ (pp. 117–119)
which challenged Morel’s non-specificity hypothesis. (Bucknill and Tuke, 1858).
There is no space in this chapter to analyse with the same
The same concepts are found in German-speaking nations
level of detail the evolution of the concept of dementia in
and the views of Heinroth, Feuchtersleben, Griesinger and
other European countries, although it can be said that it fol-
Kahlbaum were influential until the beginning of the second
lowed similar lines. Views in England, for example, were
half of the nineteenth century. Heinroth (1818/1975) used the
mainly derivative from French ones. In a popular textbook,
term dementia in a very broad sense to refer to a state of mind
and following Pinel, Esquirol and Calmeil, Prichard included
that might accompany or follow other mental disorders, i.e.
a category which he called ‘incoherence or dementia’:
‘vesanic dementia’, a term that late in the century was to
[it] is a very peculiar and well-marked form of mental disorder. become very popular, particularly in France. This concept,
The mind in this state is occupied, without ceasing, by uncon- which is not related to age, is redolent of the later notion of
nected thoughts and evanescent emotions; it is incapable of secondary dementia, i.e. the state of psychosocial and cogni-
continued attention and reflection, and at length loses the fac- tive incompetence that might follow a functional psychosis.
ulty of distinct perception or apprehension. Numerous examples Feuchtersleben’s usage (1845/1847) is even more general. In his
of this disease, or decay of the mental powers are to be met work he uses dementia as a synonym of madness and may refer
within every receptacle containing a considerable assemblage to forms of acute madness with and without accompanying
The fragmentation of dementia 7

idiocy. There is only one form of dementia, which he refers to by arteriosclerosis. By 1900, senile, arteriosclerotic, infectious
as moria and considered as more or less chronic and more or and traumatic forms of dementia had been reported (Berrios
less cognitive. Although possibly ending up in a state of idiocy, and Freeman, 1991). ‘Mixed forms’, such as ‘dementia prae-
the patient can also show lucid intervals. Once again, age is of cox’ were also suggested reflecting Kahlbaum’s view that mental
no relevance to moria and hence one must conclude that disorders appeared during specific biological transitions. The
Feuchtersleben is referring to a form of vesanic dementia. list of parenchymal forms became longer after the inclusion
Griesinger’s nosology is not altogether clear and has often of states of degeneration from alcoholism, epilepsy, myxo-
been interpreted as being based on the belief that there is edema and lead poisoning. The history of some of these
only one form of madness (unitary psychoses concept), which forms will be discussed presently.
may go through at least three stages: depression (as in melan-
cholia), exaltation (as in mania) and weakness (as in chronic
madness and dementia). In the second edition of his great 1.5.1 General paralysis of the insane
work, Griesinger (1861/1867) insists that the states of mental
weakness ‘do not constitute primary but consecutive forms Bayle (1822) described under the name arachnitis chronique
of insanity’ (p. 319). This suggests that he is also referring to cases of what later was to be called ‘general paralysis of the
a form of vesanic dementia, although he includes under this insane’. Whether this ‘new phenomenon’ resulted from ‘a
large class all the forms of mental handicap where no prelim- mutation in the syphilitic virus towards the end of the eight-
inary ‘primary’ forms of madness can be recognized. Under eenth century’ is unclear (p. 623) (Hare, 1959). Equally dubi-
the heading ‘dementia’, Griesinger includes mental disorders ous is the claim that its discovery reinforced the belief of
fundamentally caused by a ‘general weakness of the mental alienists in the anatomoclinical view of mental disease
faculties’ including loss of emotions. Age is not a factor in the (Zilboorg, 1941). In fact, it took more than 30 years for gen-
development of dementia or apathetic dementia and hence it eral paralysis to gain acceptance as a ‘separate’ disease. Bayle’s
must also be concluded that Griesinger is referring to vesanic ‘discovery’ was more important in another way, namely that
dementia. it challenged the ‘cross-sectional’ view of disease; in the words
The work of Kahlbaum, particularly his important book of Bercherie (1980): ‘for the first time in the history of psych-
of 1863 on the definition and classification of mental dis- iatry there was a morbid entity which presented itself as a
orders, mark the beginning of a new era in psychiatry. His sequential process unfolding itself into successive clinical
incorporation of time as a variable in the analysis of madness syndromes’ (p. 75).
(longitudinal definition) and his view that period of life is rele- By the 1850s, no agreement had yet been reached as to
vant to the form of the disease remain the pillars of psychi- how symptoms were caused by the periencephalite chronique
atric nosology to this day. The concept of ‘Dementia’ is dealt diffuse (as general paralysis was known at the time). Three clin-
with in the third section of Kahlbaum’s book (1863) under ical types were recognized: manic-ambitious, melancholic-
the name of aphrenia. This clinical category refers to states of hypochondriac, and dementia; according to the ‘unitary view’,
mental impotence (Zustand geistiger Impotenz) (p. 153), which all three constituted stages of a single disease, the order of
Kahlbaum equates to the old German notion of Blödsinn. their appearance depending on the progress of the cerebral
After complaining that neither the Greeks nor Latin writers lesions. Baillarger (1883), however, sponsored a ‘dualist’ view:
managed to specify a term for this condition, he insists that a ‘paralytic insanity and paralytic dementia are different condi-
word is needed to refer to states of cognitive and behavioural tions’. It is clear that the debate had less to do with the nature
incompetence such as those seen in dementia terminalis of the brain lesions than with how mental symptoms and their
(Berrios, 1996). contents were produced in general: how could the ‘typical’
content of paralytic delusions (grandiosity) be explained?
Since the same mental symptoms could be seen in all manner
of conditions, Baillarger believed that chronic periencephali-
1.5 THE FRAGMENTATION OF DEMENTIA tis could account only for the motor signs – mental symp-
toms ‘therefore, having a different origin’ (p. 389). The absence
During the second half of the nineteenth century, and based of a link between lesion and symptom also explained why
on the clinical observations and reconceptualization carried some patients recovered.
out by the French, German and English writers mentioned The view that general paralysis might be related to syphilis
above, dementia starts to be considered as a syndrome and (put forward by Fournier, 1875) was resisted. Indeed, the
hence could be attached to a variety of disorders. The pri- term ‘pseudogeneral paralysis’ was coined to refer to cases of
mary classification was to be between primary and second- infections causing psychotic symptoms (Baillarger, 1889). In
ary, the latter including all the vesanic dementias, i.e. states general, there is little evidence that alienists considered gen-
of defect that could follow any severe form of insanity. An eral paralysis as a ‘paradigm-disease’, i.e. a model for all other
increased use of light microscopy during the second half of mental diseases. It can even be said that the new ‘disease’ cre-
the century led to the view that primary forms of dementia ated more problems than it solved (for a discussion of this
could be caused by degenerations of cerebral parenchyma or issue see Berrios, 1985a).
8 Dementia: historical overview

1.5.2 The vesanic dementias and insanity might precede the brain changes. When it accom-
panied stroke, Rostan described cognitive failure and attacks
The term ‘vesanic dementia’ began to be used after the 1840s of insanity suggesting that these symptoms were ‘a general
to refer to the clinical states of cognitive disorganization fol- feature … not a positive sign of localisation’ (pp. 214–215).
lowing insanity (Berrios, 1987); its meaning has changed Durand-Fardel (1843) provided an account of the relation-
with equal speed alongside psychiatric theory. According to ship between softening and insanity, warning that softening
the unitary insanity notion, vesanic dementia was a terminal was used to refer both to a disease (stroke) and to a state of
stage (after mania and melancholia); according to degener- the brain. Psychiatric complications were acute and long
ation theory, it was the final expression of a corrupted pedi- term, the former including confusion, depression, irritability,
gree; and according to post-1880s’ nosology, a final common acute insanity and loss of mental faculties (p. 139); the latter
pathway to some insanities. Vesanic dementias were reversible, had gradual onset, and exhibited an impairment of memory,
and could occur at any age; risk factors such as old age, lack poverty of thinking, and a regression to infantile forms of
of education, low social class, bad nutrition etc., accelerated behaviour, features which led to ‘true dementia’ (pp. 327–328).
the progression of the dementia or impeded recovery (p. 597) Years later, Jackson (1875) reviewed the problem: ‘soften-
(Ball and Chambard, 1881). ing … as a category for a rude clinical grouping was to be
The vesanic dementias included cases suffering from cog- deprecated’ (p. 335); he nonetheless, followed Durand-
nitive impairment associated with melancholia. Under the Fardel’s classification, and suggested that, after stroke, mental
term démence mélancolique Mairet (1883) reported a series of symptoms might be immediate or occurring after a few hours
cases of depressed patients with cognitive impairment who or months; he recognized that major cognitive failure may
on post mortem showed changes in the temporal lobe; this ensue, and saw this as an instance of ‘dissolution’: emotional
led Mairet to hypothesize that the affected sites were related symptoms being release phenomena (for an analysis of this
to feelings, and to suggest that nihilistic delusions appeared concept see Berrios, 1991). He believed that anxiety, stress
when the lesion spread to the cortex (Berrios, 1985a). Mairet’s and irritability might be harbingers of stroke.
cases (some of which would now be called ‘Cotard’s syn-
drome’) showed psychomotor retardation, refused food and
died in stupor (Cotard, 1882; Berrios and Luque, 1995). Others, 1.5.4 The concept of arteriosclerotic dementia
however, got better and these cases are redolent of what
nowadays might be called ‘depressive pseudodementia’. Old age was considered an important factor in the develop-
Another contributor to the understanding of cognitive ment of arteriosclerosis (Berrios, 1994) and a risk factor in
impairment in the affective disorders was George Dumas diseases such as melancholia (Berrios, 1991). By 1910, there
(1894) who suggested that it was ‘mental fatigue that explained was a trend to include all dementias under ‘mental disorders
the psychological poverty and monotony of melancholic of cerebral arteriosclerosis’ (Barrett, 1913). Arteriosclerosis,
depressions’ and that the problem was not ‘an absence but a might be generalized or cerebral, inherited or acquired, and
stagnation of ideas’; he was, therefore, the first to explain the caused by syphilis, alcohol, nicotine, high blood pressure or
disorder as a failure in performance. ageing. In those genetically predisposed, cerebral arteries
The word ‘pseudodementia’, however, originated in a dif- were considered as thinner and less elastic. Arteriosclerosis
ferent clinical tradition. It was first used by Carl Wernicke to caused mental changes by narrowing of arteries and/or react-
refer to ‘a chronic hysterical state mimicking mental weak- ive inflammation. The view that arteriosclerotic dementia
ness’ (Bulbena and Berrios, 1986). Not used until the 1950s, resulted from a gradual strangulation of blood supply to the
it was given a lease of life by writers such as Madden et al. brain was also formed during this period; consequently,
(1952), Anderson et al. (1959) and Kiloh (1961). Current usage emphasis was given to prodromal symptoms, and strokes
is ambiguous in that it relates to three clinical situations: a were but the culmination of a process started years before.
real (albeit reversible) cognitive impairment accompanying Some opposed this view from the beginning. For example,
some psychoses, a parody of such impairment, and the cog- Marie (1906) claimed that such explanation was a vicious
nitive deficit of delirium (Bulbena and Berrios, 1986). circle, as alienists claimed that: ‘ageing was caused by arterio-
sclerosis and the latter by ageing’ (p. 358), and Walton (1912)
expressed serious doubts from the histopathological point of
1.5.3 Brain changes and ageing view. The frequent presence in post mortem of such changes
also concerned pathologists who worried that they could not
Since the beginning of the nineteenth century, cases had been ‘safely exclude cerebral arteriosclerosis of greater or lesser
described of brain ‘softening’ followed by cognitive failure. degree in any single case’ of senile dementia (p. 677)
Rostan (1823) reported 98 subjects thus affected, thought to (Southard, 1910). Based on a review of these arguments, Olah
be scorbutic in origin, and divided them into simple, abnormal (1910) concluded that there was no such thing as ‘arterioscler-
and complicated (the latter two groups being accompanied otic psychoses’. However, the ‘chronic global ischaemia’
by psychiatric changes). Mental symptoms might occur before, hypothesis won the day, and it was to continue well into the
during and after the softening itself; thus, senile dementia second half of the twentieth century. For some it became a
The fragmentation of dementia 9

general explanation; for example, North and Bostock (1925) course; acute forms resolved without trace, chronic ones
reported a series of 568 general psychiatric cases in which merged with senile dementia (Berrios, 1986).
around 40 per cent suffered from ‘arterial disease’, which – In France, Rouby (1911) conceived of presbyophrenia as a
according to the authors – was even responsible for schizophre- final common pathway for cases suffering from Korsakoff ’s
nia. The old idea of an apoplectic form of dementia, however, psychosis, senile dementia or acute confusion. Truelle and
never disappeared. Bessière (1911) suggested, in turn, that it might result from a
toxic state caused by liver or kidney failure. Kraepelin (1910)
lumped presbyophrenia together with the senile and prese-
1.5.5 Apoplectic dementia
nile insanities, and (as compared with Korsakoff ’s patients)
believed presbyophrenic patients to be older, free from
‘Apoplectic dementia’ achieved its clearest enunciation in the
polyneuritis and history of alcoholism, and showing hyper-
work of Benjamin Ball (Ball and Chambard, 1881). ‘Organic
activity and elevated mood. Ziehen (1911) wrote that ‘their
apoplexy’ resulted from bleeding, softening or tumour and
marked memory impairment contrasts with the relative spar-
might be ‘followed by a notable decline in cognition, and by
ing of thinking’. Fischer (1912) suggested that disseminated
a state of dementia which was progressive and incurable …
cerebral lesions were the essential anatomical substratum of
of the three, localized softening (ramollissement en foyer)
caused the more severe states of cognitive impairment’ (p. 581).
During the 1930s, two new hypotheses emerged. Bostroem
Ball believed that prodromal lapses of cognition (e.g. episodes
(1933) concluded on phenomenological grounds that pres-
of somnolence and confusion with automatic behaviour, for
byophrenia could be identified with mania, suggesting an
which there was no memory after the event) and sensory
interplay between two factors: cerebral arteriosclerosis and
symptoms were caused by atheromatous lesions. Visual hal-
cyclothymic premorbid personality. Lafora (1935) emphasized
lucinations, occasionally of a pleasant nature, were also com-
the role of cerebrovascular pathology, and claimed that disinhi-
mon. After the stroke, persistent cognitive impairment was
bition and presbyophrenic behaviour were caused by a com-
frequent. Post-mortem studies showed in these cases soften-
bination of senile and atherosclerotic changes. Burger-Prinz and
ing of ‘ideational’ areas of cortex and white matter. Ball also
Jacob (1938), however, questioned the view that cyclothymic
suggested a laterality effect (p. 582) in that right hemisphere
features were a necessary precondition. Bessière (1948) claimed
strokes led more often to dementia whereas left hemisphere
that presbyophrenia was a syndrome found in conditions such
ones caused perplexity, apathy, unresponsiveness, and a ten-
as senile dementia, brain tumours, traumatic psychoses and
dency to talk to oneself (p. 583). Following Luys, he believed
confusional states. More recently, it has been suggested that
that some of these symptoms resulted from damage to cor-
presbyophrenia may be a subform of AD characterized by a
pus striatum, insular sulci and temporal lobe. During Ball’s
severe atrophy of locus caeruleus (Berrios, 1985b).
time, attention also shifted from white to red softening.
One of the features of presbyophrenia was confabulation.
Charcot (1881) wrote on cerebral haemorrhage (the new name
This complex symptom has not quite found a place in psy-
for red softening): ‘having eliminated all these cases, we find
chopathology (Berrios, 2000b). Two phenomena are included
ourselves in the presence of a homogeneous group corres-
under the name ‘confabulation’. The first type concerns
ponding to the commonest form of cerebral haemorrhage.
‘untrue’ utterances of subjects with memory impairment;
This is, par excellence, sanguineous apoplexy … as it attacks
often provoked or elicited by the interviewer, these confabu-
a great number of old people, I might call it senile haemor-
lations are accompanied by little conviction and are believed
rhage’ (p. 267).
by most clinicians to be caused by the (conscious or uncon-
scious) need to ‘cover up’ for some memory deficit. Researchers
1.5.6 Presbyophrenia and confabulation wanting to escape the ‘intentionality’ dilemma have made use
of additional factors such as presence of frontal lobe path-
The word ‘presbyophrenia’ was coined by Kahlbaum (1863) ology, dysexecutive syndrome, difficulty with the temporal dat-
to name a subtype of the paraphrenias (insanities occurring ing of memories leading to an inability temporally to string
during periods of biological change). Presbyophrenia was a out memory data, etc.
form of paraphrenia senilis characterized by amnesia, dis- The second type concerns confabulations with fantastic
orientation, delusional misidentification and confabulation. content and great conviction as seen in subjects with func-
Ignored for more than 30 years, the term reappeared in the tional psychoses and little or no memory deficit. Less is said
work of Wernicke, Fischer and Kraepelin. Wernicke’s classifi- in the neuropsychological literature about this group, although
cation of mental disorders was based on his theory of the three- (at least in the case of schizophrenics) it has been correlated
partite relational structure consciousness (outside world, body with a bad performance on frontal lobe tests. It is our belief
and self) (Lanczik, 1988). Impairment of the link between that this group remains of crucial importance to psych-
consciousness and outside world led to presbyophrenia, delir- iatrists. Little is known about the epidemiology of either type
ium tremens, Korsakoff’s psychosis, and hallucinoses. Amongst of confabulation.
the features of presbyophrenia, Wernicke included confabula- In clinical practice, these two ‘types’ can be found in
tions, disorientation, hyperactivity, euphoria, and a fluctuating combination. It remains unclear why so many patients with
10 Dementia: historical overview

Korsakoff ’s psychosis or frontal lobe disorder, in spite of the in paranoids. The entire previous life of the patient may be
fact that they do meet the putative conditions for confabula- changed in his memory in terms of this complex’ (p. 115).
tion (amnesia, frontal lobe damage, difficulty with the dating On this definition, it is difficult, on the basis of their intrinsic
of memories, etc.) do not confabulate. Furthermore, confabu- features, to distinguish illusion of memory from confabula-
lations have also been reported in subjects with lesions in the tion. Indeed, symptom-naming is determined by whether
non-dominant hemisphere and in the thalamus. schizophrenia or ‘organic disorder’ is the associated disease.
Under different disguises, the ‘covering up’ or ‘gap filling’ Unsuccessfully, Bleuler (1911) tried to establish a differenti-
hypothesis is still going strong. Although superficially plaus- ation on the basis of mechanism: ‘until now, and in contrast to
ible, it poses a serious conceptual problem in regard to the the views of some authors, I have not observed confabulation
issue of ‘awareness of purpose’: if full awareness is presumed, as it appears in organic cases; e.g. memory hallucinations
then it is difficult to differentiate confabulations from lying; which fill in memory gaps which at first appear at a (usually
if no awareness is presumed, then the semantics of the con- external) given moment and mostly adapt themselves to such
cept of ‘purpose’ is severely stretched and confabulations an occasion’ (p. 117). Kleist (1960) described patients with
cannot be differentiated from delusions. ‘progressive confabulosis’ as ‘cheerful, expansive, and with
The received view of confabulations also neglects the clin- little in the way of thought or speech disorder’ (p. 211); and
ical observation that confabulations (particularly provoked Leonhard (1957) redescribed the condition as ‘confabulatory
ones!) do occur in dialogical situations: for example, the way euphoria’.
in which the patient is asked questions may increase the
probability of producing a confabulation. This suggests that
the view that confabulations are a disorder of a putative nar-
1.5.7 Alzheimer’s disease
rative function found in normal human subjects must be
AD has become the prototypical form of dementia. From this
taken seriously. It is hypothesized here that this trait is
point of view, a study of its origins should throw light on
normally distributed in the population. In the absence of
the evolution of the concept of dementia. The writings of
adequate epidemiological information, research efforts should
Alzheimer, Fischer, Fuller, Lafora, Bonfiglio, Perusini, Ziveri,
be directed at mapping the distribution of this narrative (or
Kraepelin and other protagonists are deceptively fresh, and
confabulatory) capacity in the community at large. Only
this makes anachronistic reading inevitable. However, the
then will it be possible to understand the significance of its
psychiatry of the late nineteenth century is a remote country:
disorders. In the long term, this approach will prove more
concepts such as dementia, neurone, neurofibril and plaque
heuristic than unwarranted speculation based on a few anec-
were then still in process of construction and meant different
dotal cases.
things to different people. A discussion of these issues is
Reported in relation to clinical conditions other than
beyond the scope of this chapter (for this see Berrios, 1990b).
memory deficit, ‘confabulation-like’ behaviours can already
be found in the clinical literature of the second half of the
nineteenth century. Sully (1885) suggested that such behav- THE NEUROPATHOLOGY OF DEMENTIA
iours might be related to a psychological function whose role BEFORE ALZHEIMER
was filling gaps in the flow of our lives and explained why Enquiries into the brain changes accompanying dementia
‘our image of the past is essentially one of an unbroken series started during the 1830s but consisted in descriptions of
of conscious experiences’. Sully believed that this function external appearance (Wilks, 1865). The first important micro-
also intervened when memory failed: ‘just as the eye sees no scopic study was that of Marcé (1863) who described cortical
gap in its field of vision corresponding to the ‘blind’ spot of atrophy, enlarged ventricles and ‘softening’. The vascular ori-
the retina, but carries the impression over this area, so mem- gin of softening was soon ascertained (Parrot, 1873), but the
ory sees no lacuna in the past, but carries its image of con- distinction between vascular and parenchymal factors had to
scious life over each of the forgotten spaces’ (p. 282). await until the 1880s. From then on, microscopic studies
Kraepelin (1886–1887) reported typical cases of confabula- concentrated on cellular death, plaques and neurofibrils.
tion associated with, among other things, general paralysis of
the insane, melancholia and dementia; and later on suggested ALZHEIMER AND HIS DISEASE
that ‘pseudomemories’ could be a symptom of paraphrenia
(without cognitive impairment), and described a clinical var- Alzheimer (1907) reported the case of a 51-year-old woman,
iety called paraphrenia confabulans (Kraepelin, 1919). Under with cognitive impairment, delusions, hallucinations, focal
schizophrenic akzessorischen Gedachtnisstörungen, Bleuler symptoms, and whose brain showed plaques, tangles and
(1911) discussed three related phenomena: Gedächnisillu- arteriosclerotic changes. The existence of neurofibrils had
sionen (illusions or distortions of memory), identifizierenden been known for some time (DeFelipe and Jones, 1988); for
Erinnerungstäuschungen (memory falsifications based on iden- example, that in senile dementia ‘the destruction of the neu-
tification), and Erinnerungshalluzinationen (memory hallucin- rofibrils appears to be more extensive than in the brain of a
ations). Of the former he wrote: ‘memory illusions often paralytic subject’ (Bianchi 1906, p. 846). Fuller (1907) had
constitute the main material for the construction of delusions remarked in June 1906 (i.e. five months before Alzheimer’s
The fragmentation of dementia 11

report) on the presence of neurofibrillar bundles in senile whether he made any distinction between the so-called
dementia (p. 450). Likewise, the association of plaques with Alzheimer’s disease and senile dementia’ other than … in
dementia was not a novelty: Beljahow (1889) had reported degree and point of age’. Lambert agreed suggesting that, as
them in 1887, and so had Redlich and Leri few years later far as he was concerned, the underlying pathological mech-
(Simchowicz, 1924); in Prague, Fischer (1907) gave an impor- anisms were the same (Lambert, 1916). Lugaro (1916) wrote:
tant paper in June 1907 pointing out that miliary necrosis ‘For a while it was believed that a certain agglutinative dis-
could be considered as a marker of senile dementia. order of the neurofibril could be considered as the main
Nor was the syndrome described by Alzheimer new: states “marker” (contrassegno) of a presenile form [of senile demen-
of persistent cognitive impairment affecting the elderly, accom- tia], which was “hurriedly baptized” ( fretta battezzate) as
panied by delusions and hallucinations were well known “Alzheimer’s disease” ’ (p. 378). He went on to say that this state
(Marcé, 1863; Krafft-Ebing, 1873; Crichton-Browne, 1874; is only a variety of senile dementia. Simchowicz (1924), who
Marie, 1906). As a leading neuropathologist Alzheimer was had worked with Alzheimer, wrote ‘Alzheimer and Perusini
aware of this work. Did he then mean to describe a new disease? did not know at the time that the plaques were typical of
The answer is that it is most unlikely he did, his only intention senile dementia [in general] and believed that they might
having been to point out that such a syndrome could occur in have discovered a new disease’ (p. 221). These views, from
younger people (Alzheimer, 1911). This is confirmed by com- men who lived in Alzheimer’s and Kraepelin’s time, must be
mentaries from those who worked for him: Perusini (1911) taken seriously (for a detail discussion of these issues see
wrote that for Alzheimer ‘these morbid forms do not represent Berrios, 1990a).
anything but atypical form of senile dementia’ (p. 143). Of late there has been an attempt to rewrite the history of
AD. After having been lost for years, the case notes of Auguste THE NAMING OF THE DISEASE D., the first patient with AD, were found in the late 1990s
(Maurer and Maurer, 1998). As mentioned above the original
Kraepelin (1910) coined the term in the 8th edition of his
report by Alzheimer (1907) clearly stated that Auguste suffered
Handbook: at the end of the section on ‘senile dementia’ he
from severe confusion, delusions, hallucinations, focal symp-
toms, and on post mortem her brain showed plaques, tangles
the autopsy revels, according to Alzheimer’s description, and, most importantly, arteriosclerotic changes. As if to con-
changes that represent the most serious form of senile demen- firm the ontology of AD, Graeber et al. (1998) reported that in
tia … the Drusen were numerous and almost one third of the tissue sections belonging to this case they confirmed the pres-
cortical cells had died off. In their place instead we found ence of neurofibrillar tangles and amyloid plaques. Most inter-
peculiar deeply stained fibrillary bundles that were closely estingly, and given that vascular changes are currently not
packed to one another, and seemed to be remnants of degen- supposed to be a diagnostic criterion, these authors have put
erated cell bodies … The clinical interpretation of this AD is Alzheimer right by stating that Auguste’s brain showed no
still confused. Whilst the anatomical findings suggest that we arteriosclerotic lesions. Furthermore, they report that the
are dealing with a particularly serious form of senile demen- apolipoprotein E (ApoE) genotype of Auguste was 3/3,
tia, the fact that this disease sometimes starts already around ‘indicating that mutational screening of the tissue is feasible’.
the age of 40 does not allow this supposition. In such cases we On the basis of these findings, can one say that back in
should at least assume a ‘senium praecox’ if not perhaps a more 1910 Kraepelin was, after all, right in claiming that Alzheimer
or less age-independent unique disease process. had ‘discovered’ a new disease? The answer has to be that one
must judge his decision in terms of what Kraepelin knew at
the time and of the academic pressure he was under. He THE RECEPTION OF THE NEW DISEASE
knew what Alzheimer’s report stated in 1907, what the latter
Alzheimer (1911) showed surprise at Kraepelin’s interpret- might have verbally added, and upon Kraepelin’s perusal of
ation, and always referred to his ‘disease’ as Erkrankungen (in Auguste’s case notes, which were requested by him from
the medical language of the 1900s a term softer than Krankheit, Frankfurt (indeed this is the reason why they were lost for
the term used by Kraepelin). Others also expressed doubts. such a long time). In clinical terms, Auguste was not a ‘typical’
Fuller (1912), whose contribution to this field has been case. At 51 she had delusions, hallucinations and Alzheimer’s
sadly neglected, asked ‘why a special clinical designation – reported arteriosclerotic changes. None of these features is
Alzheimer’s disease – since, after all, they are but part of a mentioned in Kraepelin’s original claim. The question is, why?
general disorder’ (p. 26). Hakkébousch and Geier (1913), in It is also interesting that the so-called ‘second case’ of
Russia, saw it as a variety of the involution psychosis. Alzheimer’s (Graeber et al., 1997), Johann F., reported in 1911,
Simchowicz (1911) considered ‘Alzheimer’s disease’ as only a is now considered to have suffered a ‘plaques-only’ form of
severe form of senile dementia. Ziehen (1911) does not men- AD. The same authors suggest that knowledge of this case
tion the disease in his major review of senile dementia. In a may have encouraged Kraepelin to report the discovery by
meeting of the New York Neurological Society, Ramsay Hunt Alzheimer of a new disease. Unfortunately, there is no evidence
(Lambert, 1916) asked Lambert, the presenter of a case of that Kraepelin knew of this case when he was writing the rele-
‘Alzheimer’s disease’ that ‘he would like to understand clearly vant section of the 8th edition of his Lehrbuch. More to the
12 Dementia: historical overview

point is that he knew of Perusini’s review (1909) as he himself disease; Barrett (1913) considered the two first cases of Pick’s
had asked the young Italian assistant to collect four cases. In as atypical forms of AD, and Ziehen (1911) did not see any-
addition to Auguste D. (which includes more information thing special in them.
than that provided by Alzheimer in 1907), Perusini reviewed During the same period, Liepmann, Stransky, and
the cases of Mr. R.M., a 45-year-old basket maker who had Spielmeyer had described similar cases with aphasia and cir-
epileptic seizures, of Mrs. B.A. a 65-year-old who had marked cumscribed cerebral atrophy (Mansvelt, 1954); so much so,
clinical features of myxoedema, and Schl. L, a 63-year-old that Urechia and Mihalescu felt tempted to name the syndrome
who had suffered from syphilis since 1870, was Romberg- ‘Spielmeyer’s disease’ (Caron, 1934). This did not catch on,
positive, had a pupillary syndrome and heard voices. Since however, and in two classical papers on what he called ‘Pick’s
these are likely to have been the cases on which Kraepelin disease’, Carl Schneider (1927, 1929) constructed the new
based his decision to construct the new disease, it would be view of the condition by suggesting that it evolved in three
interesting if the neuropathology and neurogenetics of the stages – the first with a disturbance of judgement and behav-
other three cases (Auguste’s has already been done) were to iour, the second with localized symptoms (e.g. speech), and
be investigated. the third with generalized dementia. He recognized rapid
and slow forms, the former with an akinetic and aphasic sub-
types and a malignant course, and the latter with a predom-
1.5.8 Pick’s disease and the frontal dementias inance of plaques (probably indistinguishable from AD).

Dementias believed to be related to frontal lobe pathology

have once again become of interest, and authors often invoke
the name of Arnold Pick (Niery et al., 1988). However, when
the great Prague neuropsychiatrist described the syndrome
named after him, all he wanted was to draw attention to a The history of the word ‘dementia’ must not be confused
form of localized (as opposed to diffuse) atrophy of the tem- with that of the concepts or behaviours involved. By the year
poral lobe (Pick, 1892). This alteration was to give rise to a 1800, two definitions of dementia were recognized and both
dysfunction of language and praxis, and be susceptible to had psychosocial incompetence as their central concept: in
diagnosis during life. Pick believed that lobar atrophies con- addition to cognitive impairment, the clinical definition
stituted a stage in the evolution of the senile dementias. included other symptoms such as delusions and hallucin-
The story starts, as it should, before Pick. Louis Pierre ations; irreversibility and old age were not features of the con-
Gratiolet (1854) was responsible for renaming the cerebral dition, and in general dementia was considered to be a
lobes after their overlying skull: thus ‘anterior’ became ‘frontal’ terminal state to all sorts of mental, neurological and phys-
lobe. He made no assumption as to the function of the ‘anter- ical conditions. The adoption of the anatomoclinical model
ior extremity of the cerebral hemisphere’. ‘Phrenologists’, by nineteenth century alienists changed this. Questions were
however, did and related reflective and perceptive functions asked as to the neuropathological basis of dementia and this,
(qualitatively defined) to the forehead (Anonymous, 1832) in turn, led to readjustments in its clinical description. The
(for the science of phrenology see Combe, 1873; Lanteri- history of dementia during the nineteenth century is, there-
Laura, 1970). ‘Modular’ assumptions (i.e. a one-to-one cor- fore, the history of its gradual attrition. Stuporous states
relation between mental function and brain site) involving (then called acute dementia), vesanic dementias and local-
the frontal lobes started only during the 1860s, following ized memory impairments, were gradually reclassified, and
reports on dysfunction of language in lesions of the frontal by 1900 the cognitive paradigm, i.e. the view that the essen-
lobes (Broca, 1861; Henderson, 1986). These claims ran par- tial feature of dementia was intellectual impairment, was
allel to those of Jackson’s that the cerebral cortex was the gen- established. From then on, efforts were made to explain other
eral seat of personality and mind (Jackson, 1894). Meynert symptoms, such as hallucinations, delusions, and mood and
(1885) believed that ‘the frontal lobes reach a high state of behavioural disorders, as epiphenomena and as unrelated
development in man’ but still defined mental disorders as to whatever the central mechanism of dementia was. There
diseases of the ‘fore-brain’ (by which he meant ‘prosen- has also been a fluctuating acceptance of the parenchymal
cephalon’ or human brain as a whole). and vascular hypotheses, the latter leading to the descrip-
In his first report (the case of focal senile atrophy and apha- tion of arteriosclerotic dementia. The separation of the
sia in a man of 71) Pick (1892) did not inculpate the frontal vesanic dementias and of the amnestic syndromes led to the
lobes nor did he in his second case (Pick, 1901) (a woman of realization that age and ageing mechanisms were important,
59 with generalized cortical atrophy, particularly of the left and by 1900 senile dementia became the prototype of the
hemisphere). The association with the frontal lobes appears dementias; by 1970, AD had become the flagship of the new
only in his fourth case (Pick, 1906) (a 60-year-old man with approach. During the last few years, the cognitive paradigm
‘bilateral frontal atrophy’). Which of these cases should, has become an obstacle, and a gradual re-expansion of the
therefore, be considered as the first with Pick’s disease? At the symptomatology of dementia is fortunately taking place
time, in fact, no one thought that Pick had described a new (Berrios, 1989, 1990a).
References 13

REFERENCES Berrios GE. (2000a) Dementia: A historical overview. In: O’Brien J,

Ames D and Burns A (eds), Dementia, 2nd edition. London, Arnold,
pp. 3–13
Alzheimer A. (1907) Über eine eigenartige Erkrankung der Hirnrinde. Berrios GE. (2000b) Confabulations. In: Berrios GE and Hodges JR (eds)
Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie und Psychisch-Gerichtlich Memory Disorders in Clinical Practice, Cambridge, Cambridge
Medizine 64: 146–148 University Press, pp. 348–368
Alzheimer A. (1911) Über eigenartige Krankheitsfälle des späteren Berrios GE and Freeman H (eds) (1991) Alzheimer and the Dementias.
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2.1 Scope of epidemiology 16 2.5 Vascular dementia 21

2.2 Methodological issues 17 2.6 Other dementias 22
2.3 Dementia prevalence 19 2.7 Conclusions 22
2.4 Alzheimer’s disease 20 References 22

2.1 SCOPE OF EPIDEMIOLOGY may emerge by chance if questions cover many dozens of
items. To complicate matters, people with advanced dementia
cannot report accurately on their own social, occupational
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determin- and medical histories. Information must therefore be sought
ants of disease in human populations. It maps the frequency from relatives whose knowledge is imperfect and subject
of disease and identifies people at higher or lower risk of to bias.
contracting particular conditions. Once risk factors are con- Both types of study, observational and analytical, generate
firmed, their impact can be reduced. Studies linking cigarette hypotheses to be tested in randomized control trials (RCTs).
smoking with lung cancer and hypertension with stroke These are essential as analytical studies are sometimes mis-
have sparked successful campaigns to limit smoking and leading. The finding in some (but not all) case–control stud-
detect hypertension. These programmes have saved lives and ies that oestrogen replacement therapy conferred protection
extended life expectancy. Ideally, epidemiological studies will against dementia (e.g. Yaffe et al., 1998) was not confirmed by
identify triggers to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other causes RCTs (e.g. Shumaker et al., 2003). Possible explanations for
of dementia. this anomaly include small study size and sample bias (e.g.
Links between life experience and disease are identified by women in the case–control series who took hormone therapy
means of observational, analytical and experimental approaches were often better educated and generally healthier)
(Jablensky, 2002). Observational studies entail large scale (Shumaker et al., 2003).
surveys to measure the frequency of dementia and note sim- Epidemiology, which is both an applied and theoretical
ple correlations with sociodemographic, biological and med- science, also addresses healthcare requirements, carer bur-
ical variables. Surveys, while costly and time-consuming, are den, access to services and the larger-scale effectiveness of
essential in conditions like dementia, which go mostly unrec- medical and social interventions. Practical questions regarding
ognized by primary and specialist health services, even in social burden, service use and the like are easily ‘tacked on’ to
developed countries. In one UK study, in a town with well- community surveys. More penetrating questions regarding
developed aged psychiatry services, general practitioners the larger-scale effectiveness of medical and social interven-
recognized only 58 per cent of dementia cases and psychiatrists tions require independent study.
knew of only 20 per cent (O’Connor et al., 1988, 1990).
Analytical studies contrast the backgrounds of people
with dementia (drawn from community surveys or clinical 2.1.1 Scope of this chapter
practice) with those of matched controls to identify points of
difference that might, on further study, prove to be risk factors. Other chapters in this text address risk factors for AD
These could include past illnesses or injuries, occupational (Chapter 27) and vascular dementia (Chapter 43); carer bur-
exposures, diet and lifestyle. Case–control studies are econom- den (Chapter 11); health economics (Chapter 12) and inter-
ical, but accurate matching is problematic and correlations national service perspectives (Chapter 20). This chapter will
Methodological issues 17

focus instead on the prevalence and incidence of dementia, and diagnostic criteria. Methodological factors were most
AD and vascular dementia (VaD). probably to blame. Studies in which a low score on a simple
cognitive test triggers a ‘diagnosis’ will generate more cases
than studies that require evidence of cognitive and functional
decline (Jorm et al., 1987).
2.2 METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES Even the simplest assessment procedures distinguish cor-
rectly between healthy old people and those with advanced
The prevalence of dementia is the proportion of people dementia. Discrepancies arise mostly at the cleavage point
within a defined population who meet investigators’ diagnos- between ‘mild cognitive impairment’ on the one hand and
tic specifications (usually expressed as a per cent). Incidence ‘early dementia’ on the other. Since most early dementias merge
refers to the proportion of people who develop dementia imperceptibly with age-related cognitive impairment, the
within a period of time (usually expressed as a rate per 1000 dividing line is arbitrary.
person-years at risk). Prevalence studies are simpler: people Erkinjuntti et al. (1997) used data from a multistage survey
are divided into ‘cases’ of dementia and ‘non-cases’ at a single of 10 000 older Canadians to illustrate how diagnostic criteria
point in time. Some will have developed dementia recently: (and also assessment procedures) shape prevalence rates.
others will have had it for many years. A community might Within the 19 per cent of respondents selected for further test-
therefore have a higher than usual prevalence because residents ing, 3.1 per cent met ICD-10 criteria for dementia compared
with dementia live longer than usual. Incidence studies entail with 29 per cent for DSM-IIIR. The more stringent ICD-10
two surveys, a year or more apart, to determine annual con- requires impairment of long-term memory, activities of daily
version rates of former ‘non-cases’ to ‘cases’. They are of greater living and executive function. Had all respondents in this
scientific value since risk factors for conversion are not con- study been examined in detail, the discrepancy would certainly
founded by longevity. have been smaller but the point remains that results are influ-
The first surveys of mental disorder date from the 1950s. enced by assessment procedures, diagnostic criteria and cut-
Lin (1953), who supplemented brief evaluations of the inhab- points.
itants of three Taiwanese communities with information from Despite decades of research, there is no commonly recog-
relatives, officials and hospitals, concluded that only 0.5 per nized procedure to identify, screen, assess and diagnose demen-
cent of people aged 60 had ‘senile dementia’. By contrast, tia in community populations. Table 2.1 summarizes the
Essen-Möller (1956), who made a similar two-staged sweep methods employed in three unusually large, well-documented
of the entire population of adjoining Swedish parishes, diag- reports from established researchers in Liverpool, UK
nosed 19 per cent of people aged 70 years with ‘mild (Copeland et al., 1987); Shanghai, China (Zhang et al., 1990)
dementia’ and another 9 per cent with ‘severe dementia’. and Cache County, USA (Lyketsos et al., 2000). Their diversity
This 30-fold discrepancy might reflect genuine differences of approach, which makes it difficult to compare one study
between European and Asian communities or else discrepan- with another, stems from dementia’s insidious onset and lack
cies in contact procedures, refusal rates, assessment procedures of distinct biological correlates. Other degenerative conditions

Table 2.1 Comparison of methods in three dementia prevalence studies

Liverpool, UK (1987) Shanghai, China (1990) Cache County, USA (2000)

First author Copeland Zhang Lyketsos
Respondents (N) 1070 5055 5092
Age range 65 55 65
Contact mode General practice sample Household sample Whole aged population
Institutions Included Excluded Included
First screening test None MMSE Modified MMSE or informant interview
Second screening test None None Dementia Questionnaire
Diagnostic assessment Structured interview Clinical evaluation Clinical evaluation
Other investigations None Neuropsychology, Neuropsychology, physical examination,
physical examination laboratory tests, brain MRI
Diagnostic criteria AGECAT DSM-III DSM-IV
Dementia severity ratings AGECAT DSM-III CDR scale
Dementia subtypes* No AD, VaD AD, VaD, FTD, DLB, others
Research personnel Trained interviewers Trained interviewers, Trained interviewers, psychiatrist,
psychiatrist neurologist, neuropsychologist
Dementia prevalence 65 5.2% 4.6% 6.6%

* Dementia subtypes: Alzheimer (AD), vascular (VaD), frontotemporal (FTD), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB)
18 Epidemiology

like arthritis and cataracts can be visualized and graded whole of a region or nation (Jablenksy, 2002). The choice of
directly: dementia cannot, with the result that investigators method is driven by study resources and objectives.
persist in developing their own procedures and instruments.
Despite this, prevalence rates in the three selected projects are
remarkably similar. 2.2.2 Diagnosis

Diagnostic evaluations vary widely. Structured interviews

2.2.1 Screening administered by lay interviewers (e.g. the Geriatric Mental
State: Copeland et al., 1987) or trained clinicians (e.g.
Surveys are so expensive that most researchers use the Mini- CAMDEX: Roth et al., 1986) have been largely supplanted by
Mental State Examination (MMSE) (Folstein et al., 1975) or combinations of a history, mental state examination, cogni-
other brief cognitive tests to select respondents for more tive battery and informant interview. Interviews, which are
detailed evaluation (Fratiglioni et al., 1999). The 30-point conducted by a neurologist or psychiatrist with input from a
MMSE, which takes only 10 minutes or so to administer and neuropsychologist, are then supplemented by laboratory tests
requires no specialist equipment, is well-suited to this task, at and neuroimaging. Most recent European and North American
least in developed countries. In a large British community surveys have adopted the latter, more expensive approach
survey, 86 per cent of people with dementia scored 23 points (e.g. Fratiglioni et al., 1999).
or less (sensitivity) and 92 per cent of ‘normals’ scored 24 and Informant interviews are essential. Dementia impairs
above (specificity) (O’Connor et al., 1989a). However, only memory, insight and understanding and so information must
55 per cent of persons scoring 23 points or less met criteria be sought from a relative or carer about the subject’s personal
for an organic mental disorder (true positive ratio) so further details, cognitive and functional status, medical and psychi-
investigation is mandatory. atric history and current medications. These details help to
Since the MMSE tests reading, writing and arithmetic, confirm the diagnosis of dementia, especially in its early stages,
performance is shaped by education. In the same UK study, and to distinguish AD from other disorders. Informants’
11 per cent of ‘normal’ older people who left school before reports correlate highly with other markers of cognitive and
their fifteenth birthday scored 23 points or less compared functional capacity: underreporting and overreporting are
with only 3 per cent of those with higher education. Conversely, remarkably uncommon (Jorm and Korten, 1988; O’Connor
the same cut-point missed 27 per cent of dementias in better et al., 1989c). Unfortunately, some respondents forbid con-
educated people compared with only 12 per cent in those tact with informants and a few have no surviving relatives.
with limited educations (O’Connor et al., 1989b). One strategy If research findings are to carry weight, diagnostic criteria
in two-phase studies is to evaluate all who fail the screening test must be interpreted similarly in different centres (i.e. have
and a proportion of ‘high scorers’ to limit the risk of missing high interrater reliability) and be accurate. In a study of five
early dementias. research centres in Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, UK
The MMSE is not an appropriate screening tool in develop- and USA, in which clinicians were asked to apply DSM-IIIR
ing countries where older people are often illiterate and and Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) criteria to 100 vignettes
innumerate. It is better to combine tests less subject to edu- of older people identified in clinics and community surveys,
cational bias (e.g. naming, praxis and recall) with reports between-centre agreement rates were good (Kappa 0.74–0.83
from family members about cognitive and functional capacity. for DSM-IIIR, and 0.50–0.69 for CDR). Rates were lower for
One such instrument, the Community Screening Instrument people in the borderland between ‘normal ageing’ and ‘mild
for Dementia (CSI-D), has high sensitivity and specificity in dementia’, and for those who were physically frail, deaf, anx-
Native American, African American and Nigerian commu- ious or depressed (O’Connor et al., 1996), but not to a degree
nities, particularly when scores are adjusted for years of educa- that jeopardized comparison of one study with another.
tion (Hall et al., 1993). Further refinements emerged from Community diagnoses based on thorough clinical evalu-
a multinational study of older people in India, China, Asia, ations and informant histories have acceptable validity. In a
Latin America and the Caribbean (Prince et al., 2003), but large British survey, only three of 56 people diagnosed with
these instruments still tap skills acquired in the schoolroom. mild dementia by CAMDEX were passed as normal 2 years
Computer-administered tests with a game-like interface have later (O’Connor et al., 1991). Factors contributing to mis-
been developed for clinical purposes but have much to offer in taken diagnoses included deafness, depression and unstable
community research (Sahakian and Owen, 1992; Darby et al., diabetes mellitus.
2002). Validity is best confirmed by neuropathological examin-
With respect to geographic scope, some investigators ation but collecting post-mortem material in community
approach all eligible residents of a suburb or town. Others populations is difficult. Holmes et al. (1999) succeeded in col-
employ complex strategies to select representative residents lecting brain tissue from 80 aged people with dementia
of entire cities, states or countries. A narrower focus promotes recruited from psychiatric, medical and social services in
compliance, reduces costs and makes follow up easier. Larger London, UK. Initial assessments comprising a structured
scale studies ensure that findings can be generalized to the diagnostic and informant interview (CAMDEX), physical
Dementia prevalence 19

examination and CT brain scan were followed by yearly re- relating dementia prevalence to age and study characteristics
examinations until death. Clinical and neuropathological (Table 2.2). Rates varied widely but underlying all studies was
diagnoses were based on detailed, standardized criteria and a consistent trend for prevalence to rise exponentially with
protocols. Of the 38 people judged in life to have probable age with a doubling in rates with every 5.1 years. This was
AD, 29 showed only neuritic plaques at autopsy, six had confirmed by Hofman et al. (1991) who reanalysed data from
mixed pathologies and three had other conditions. Of the 12 European studies conducted between 1977 and 1989 in
seven judged to have probable vascular dementia (VaD), which dementia was defined using DSM-III or equivalent
three showed only infarcts and four had other conditions. criteria. No major differences emerged between countries.
Similarly, 41 per cent of people with dementia in a commu- Fratiglioni et al. (1999) drew similar conclusions with the
nity autopsy series in Cambridge, UK had ‘micro-infarcts’, proviso that rates from a new African study were strikingly
14 per cent had ‘macro-infarcts’ and 23 per cent had cortical low (see below). Broadly speaking, the prevalence of demen-
Lewy bodies (Xuereb et al., 2000). Multiple pathologies are tia as defined by DSM-III or its equivalent looks to be fairly
the norm in advanced old age and simple attributions to AD uniform, at least in developed countries.
or VaD must be interpreted cautiously. This makes it possible to map the likely numbers of peo-
ple with dementia in coming decades. Since the growth in
older age-groups is higher in developing countries than
2.3 DEMENTIA PREVALENCE developed ones, half of all people with dementia currently
live in Asia (Table 2.3). Wimo et al. (2003) anticipate that
dementia cases will increase in number in less developed
If dementia is truly commoner in one part of the world, or in
countries from 13 million in the year 2000 to 84 million in
people from a particular background, searches using finer-
2050 (646 per cent increase). Numbers in developed coun-
grained observational and analytical techniques will uncover
tries might grow from 12 million to 20 million (167 per cent
the genetic, sociodemographic or environmental factors
increase). The implications for health and social services in
responsible. Unfortunately, the discrepancies reported to date
all world areas are staggering.
most probably stem from the methodological vagaries noted
already and there is little point, therefore, in listing every Table 2.3 Estimated numbers of people with
completed study. The following sections will focus instead on dementia in 2000 (Source: Wimo et al., 2003)

• meta-analyses that pool the results of individual Number of

studies, and cases (millions) % of total
• reports comparing prevalence rates in disparate
Asia 11.87 46.5
communities using identical techniques. Europe 7.43 29.1
The latter approach is of greater scientific interest since North America 3.08 12.1
meta-analyses, which arrive at an average figure, might over- Latin America 1.69 6.6
look genuinely novel observations. Africa 1.25 4.9
Oceania 0.21 0.8
In the first of several meta-analyses, Jorm et al. (1987)
Total 100.0
took findings from 22 reports to construct a statistical model

Table 2.2 Prevalence rates (%) for dementia in four meta-analyses

Jorm et al. Hofman et al. Ritchie and Kaldea Fratiglioni et al.

(1987) (1991) (1995) (1999)
Number of studies 22 12 9 36
Places Europe, USA, Europe Europe, Europe, USA,
Japan, Canada, Canada, Asia,
Australia Japan Africa
Age Mean
65–69 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5
70–74 2.8 4.1 3.5 3 3.5
75–79 5.6 5.7 6.8 6 6.3
80–84 10.5 13.0 13.6 12 13.1
85–89 20.8 21.6 22.3 22.1
90–94 38.6 32.2 31.5 31.7
95–99 34.7 44.5 41.2
20 Epidemiology

If it is true that prevalence increases exponentially with reports considered by Lobo et al., methods varied widely
age, varying only in its time of onset, all of us will be affected with prevalence at age 85–89 years, for example, ranging
at some point in our lives. This hypothesis, which has major from 5 per cent to 25 per cent.
public health implications, was tested by Ritchie and Kildea Rates were lower overall in the 17 Chinese reports sum-
(1995), who constructed another statistical model derived from marized by Liu et al. (2003) but females were at higher risk
12 studies with data for subjects over age 80 and with adequate than men on both continents. In China, for instance, about
sampling procedures and diagnostic methods. This modified 5 per cent of men aged 80–84 years have AD compared with
logistic model differed slightly – but critically – from Jorm’s, 13 per cent of women. In China, rates were also higher in
showing a flattening of growth at age 95 when prevalence is urban areas than rural ones.
40 per cent, suggesting that dementia is not inevitable. Corrada et al. (1995) applied logistic regression to identify
methodological reasons for differences in 15 published papers
from Europe, USA, Japan and China. After age had been
2.4 ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE adjusted for, higher rates occurred in studies that included
mild cases and used laboratory tests to aid in diagnosis. Lower
2.4.1 Prevalence rates emerged from studies that used CT brain scans and
cerebral ischaemia scores. This is not surprising. Studies that
While mapping the spread of dementia, irrespective of cause, can afford laboratory tests are likely to be more thorough in
has great practical value, pointers to risk factors are more other respects too, and studies using brain scans might attri-
likely to come from studies of specific dementing conditions. bute cases (rightly or wrongly) to vascular pathology.
Unfortunately, ‘yes-no’ diagnoses of AD, VaD and the like are
artificial constructs and epidemiological reports must be inter- 2.4.2 Incidence
preted cautiously. Neuropathology in advanced old age, when
most dementias arise, is so complex that many ‘Alzheimer’ cases Differences between groups in the prevalence of AD could
also have cerebrovascular disease and vice versa (see above). stem from differences in either its incidence or duration.
Table 2.4 presents findings from a meta-analysis of AD Incidence studies, which entail a second sweep of a popula-
prevalence using data from 11 European studies conducted tion to identify new cases, are better suited to identifying
in the 1990s (Lobo et al., 2000). Rates were similar to those causative factors, but are expensive and relatively few in
in an earlier, overlapping analysis by Rocca et al. (1991). number.
Differences exist between studies nonetheless. In the 11 Table 2.5 summarizes findings from four meta-analyses.
Incidence rose with age in all four, just as expected. Rates
Table 2.4 Prevalence rates (%) of were somewhat higher in two and lower in the others.
Alzheimer’s disease in a meta-analysis of 11 Incidence levelled off in extreme old age in one study (Gao
European studies (Source: Lobo et al., 2000) et al., 1998) but not in another (Jorm and Jolley, 1998). (It
also decreased in a recent, well-conducted study of 5000
Age Males Females
older people in the USA (Miech et al., 2002).) Women were
65–69 0.6 0.7 at increased risk in all of the three studies that specified rates
70–74 1.5 2.3 by gender. Possible explanations include women’s lower levels
75–79 1.8 4.3 of education and the premature onset of dementia in men
80–84 6.3 84 owing to head trauma, occupational toxicity and smoking
85–89 8.8 14.2
(Andersen et al., 1999; Fratiglioni et al., 2000). Rates were a
90 17.6 23.6
little lower in Asian countries than the USA and Europe,

Table 2.5 Incidence rates (cases per 1000 person years at risk) of Alzheimer’s disease in four meta-analyses

Jorm and Jolley Gao et al. Fratiglioni Brookmeyer

(1998) (1998) et al. (2000) et al. (1998)
Number of studies 23 7 8 4
Places Europe, USA, Asia Europe, USA Europe USA
65–69 3.5 3.3 1.2 1.7
70–74 7.4 8.4 3.3 3.5
75–79 15.5 18.2 9.1 7.1
80–84 32.7 33.6 21.8 14.4
85–89 68.7 53.3 35.3 29.2
90–94 144.3 72.9 59.5
95 121.0
Vascular dementia 21

perhaps because of the lower prevalence of the ApoE 4 allele Vascular dementia rates look to be higher, though, in
in Japan and environmental and lifestyle differences (Jorm Asian countries. When Fratiglioni et al. (1999) summarized
and Jolley, 1998). findings from 25 European studies and five from Japan, Korea,
India and China, the proportions of cases ascribed to VaD were
28 per cent in Europe and 38 per cent in Asia. It occurred
2.4.3 Comparative studies twice as often than AD in a series of Japanese studies but
exceptions exist: ratios were similar, for example, in two studies
Putative socio-environmental risk factors will be identified conducted in China with US collaborators (Graves et al.,
more confidently if identical case-finding tools are applied to 1996).
groups with vastly different social, educational, dietary, occu- Caucasian-Asian differences might be real, not artefactual.
pational and medical exposures. Studies of North American In one rigorous, 7-year Japanese study in which diagnoses were
Whites, Blacks and Latinos generally show higher dementia confirmed whenever possible by post-mortem examination,
rates in socially disadvantaged groups (Hendrie, 1999) but 61 per cent of dementias in men were attributed to vascular
their backgrounds overlap too much to draw straightforward disease, a much higher rate than observed in equivalent stud-
conclusions. ies in Europe and the USA (Yoshitake et al., 1995). Lifestyle is
More revealing findings have emerged from a direct com- possibly more influential than genes: rates of VaD in elderly
parison of dementia in elderly Nigerian Africans and African Japanese-American men in mainland USA were similar to
Americans. This decade-long study applied identical screening those of other North Americans (Graves et al., 1996). By con-
tests and diagnostic evaluations comprising neuropsychology, trast, Japanese men in Hawaii, whose lifestyle is more
informant interviews, personal evaluations and CT brain scans authentically Asian, have VaD rates similar to those in Japan
to residents of Ibadan, Nigeria and Indianapolis, USA (Hendrie (White et al., 1996).
et al., 1995). Contrary to expectation, the age-standardized
prevalence rate of AD was lower in Nigerians aged 65 years
than African Americans (1.4 per cent versus 6.2 per cent). Rates
2.5.2 Incidence
for dementia of all causes were lower too (2.3 per cent versus
Incidence rates vary widely from study to study for the reasons
8.2 per cent). This disparity was not due just to the longer sur-
outlined above but are generally much lower than for AD
vival of dementia cases in North America. In a 5-year follow
(Table 2.7). Males are possibly at higher risk than females in
up, age-standardized annual incidence rates of AD were still
‘younger’ old age but at lower risk later (Rocca and Kokmen,
lower in Ibadan than Indianapolis (1.2 per cent versus 2.5 per
1999; Fratiglioni et al., 2000). Rates look to be higher too in
cent) (Hendrie et al., 2001). Possible reasons include the mar-
Asian populations than North American ones (Fratiglioni et al.,
ginally significant association in Africa between AD and pos-
2000), more in older studies perhaps than recent ones (Homma
session of the ApoE 4 allele (Osuntokun et al., 1995) and also
lower cholesterol levels, lower body mass index, less hyper-
tension and less diabetes mellitus (Hendrie et al., 2001). Other Table 2.6 Prevalence rates (%) of vascular
methodologically rigorous cross-cultural investigations will dementia in a meta-analysis of 11 European
prove of great interest. studies (Source: Lobo et al., 2000)

Age Males Females

65–69 0.5 0.1
70–74 0.8 0.6
75–79 1.9 0.9
2.5.1 Prevalence 80–84 2.4 2.3
85–89 2.4 3.5
Estimating the prevalence of VaD is difficult: definitions and 90 3.6 5.8
assessment methods vary too widely to give confidence in
study findings. In a review by Rocca and Kokmen (1999), for Table 2.7 Incidence rates (cases per 1000 person
example, prevalence rates were higher in studies that lumped years at risk) of vascular dementia in a meta-analysis
‘mixed dementia’ with ‘vascular dementia’ and that based of 8 European studies (Source: Fratiglioni et al., 2000)
diagnoses on neuroimaging reports rather than clinically evi-
Age Males Females
dent stroke.
In a meta-analysis by Lobo et al. (2000), rates were lower 65–69 1.2 0.3
than those for AD (Table 2.6). This fits well with findings 70–74 1.6 0.8
from community autopsy series in the USA and UK showing 75–79 3.9 3.2
the preponderance of Alzheimer’s pathology with high 80–84 8.3 4.5
admixtures of vascular abnormalities (Holmes et al., 1999; 85–89 6.2 6.1
90 10.9 7.0
Lim et al., 1999).
22 Epidemiology

and Hasegawa, 2000). More definitive findings will emerge Clarfield AM. (2003) The decreasing prevalence of reversible dementias:
from the ongoing Ni-Hon-Sea dementia project which applies an updated meta-analysis. Archives of Internal Medicine 163:
identical methodologies to longitudinal surveys in Japan, 2219–2229
Hawaii and Seattle (Graves et al., 1996). Copeland JRM, Dewey ME, Wood N. (1987) Range of mental illness
among the elderly in the community – prevalence in Liverpool using
the GMS-AGECAT package. British Journal of Psychiatry 150:
2.6 OTHER DEMENTIAS Corrada M, Brookmeyer R, Kawas C. (1995) Sources of variability in
prevalence rates of Alzheimer’s disease. International Journal of
While most attention has been paid to AD and VaD, dementia Epidemiology 24: 1000–1005
Darby D, Maruff P, Collie A, McStephen M. (2002) Mild cognitive
due to other causes accounted for 11 per cent of cases in the
impairment can be detected by multiple assessments in a single day.
25 European prevalence surveys summarized by Fratiglioni Neurology 59: 1042–1046
et al. (1999) and 15 per cent of North American and Asian Erkinjuntti T, Ostbye T, Steenhuis R, Hachinski V. (1997) The effect of
ones. Few studies have applied current diagnostic criteria for different diagnostic criteria on the prevalence of dementia. New
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and frontotemporal England Journal of Medicine 337: 1667–1674
dementia (FTD) to community populations, but more will do Essen-Möller E. (1956) Individual traits and morbidity in a Swedish rural
so in the future as study methods become more sophisticated. population. Acta Psychiatrica Scandanavica 100 (Suppl.): 1–160
The findings to hand are too variable to interpret. In Finland, Folstein MF, Folstein SE, McHugh PR. (1975) Mini-mental
3.3 per cent of people aged 75 years and over were judged to State: a practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients
have DLB (Rahkonen et al., 2003). By contrast, only 0.1 per for clinicians. Journal of Psychiatric Research 12: 189–198
cent of Japanese people aged 65 years and over met identical Fratiglioni L, De Ronchi D, Aguera-Torres H. (1999) Worldwide prevalence
and incidence of dementia. Drugs and Aging 15: 365–375
criteria following a detailed personal evaluation (Yamada et al.,
Fratiglioni L, Launer LJ, Anderson K et al. (2000) Incidence of dementia
2001). Dementias due to genuinely reversible causes (e.g. and major sub-types in Europe: a collaborative study of population-
vitamin deficiency, cerebral tumours and normal pressure based cohorts. Neurology 54 (Suppl. 5), S10–15
hydrocephalus) are rare (Clarfield, 2003). Gao S, Hendrie HC, Hall KS, Hui S. (1998) The relationships between
age, sex and the incidence of dementia and Alzheimer disease:
a meta-analysis. Archives of General Psychiatry 55: 809–815
Graves AB, Larson EB, Edland SD et al. (1996) Prevalence of dementia
2.7 CONCLUSIONS and its subtypes in the Japanese American population of King
County, Washington State: the Kame project. American Journal of
Descriptive epidemiological surveys have failed to identify Epidemiology 144: 760–771
factors other than age and genetic endowment that cause Hall KS, Hendrie HC, Brittain HM et al. (1993) The development
of a dementia screening interview in two distinct languages.
dementia in community populations. The return for invest-
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 3: 1–28
ment to date is very low. Hendrie HC. (1999) Alzheimer’s disease: a review of cross-cultural
Surveys of dementia prevalence and incidence provide studies. In: R Mayeux and Y Christen (eds), Epidemiology of
widely varying rates, mostly because of differences in Alzheimer’s: from Gene to Prevention. Berlin, Springer-Verlag,
methodology. pp. 87–101
Dementia might be commoner in certain places and Hendrie HC, Osuntokun BO, Hall KS et al. (1995) Prevalence of
cultures. It is important, therefore, to compare incidence Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in two communities: Nigerian
(not prevalence) rates of AD, VaD, etc. in aged people from Africans and African Americans. American Journal of Psychiatry 152:
widely different genetic, social, occupational and medical 1485–1492
backgrounds. Hendrie HC, Ogunniyi A, Hall KS et al. (2001) Incidence of dementia and
Future studies will rely greatly on culture-free cognitive Alzheimer’s disease in 2 communities: Yoruba residing in Ibadan,
Nigeria and African Americans residing in Indianapolis, Indiana.
tests and interviews with informants. Computerized tests with
JAMA 285: 739–747
game-like interfaces offer great promise. Hofman A, Rocca WA, Brayne C et al. (1991) The prevalence of dementia
in Europe: a collaborative study of 1980–1990 findings.
International Journal of Epidemiology 20: 736–748
Holmes C, Cairns N, Lantos P, Mann A. (1999) Validity of current clinical
criteria for Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia and dementia
with Lewy bodies. British Journal of Psychiatry 174: 45–50
Andersen K, Launer LJ, Dewey ME et al. (1999) Gender differences in Homma A and Hasegawa K. (2000) Epidemiology of vascular dementia
the incidence of AD and vascular dementia: the Eurodem studies. in Japan. In: E Chiu, L Gustafson, D Ames and MF Folstein (eds),
Neurology 53: 1992–1997 Cerebrovascular Disease and Dementia: Pathology, Neuropsychiatry
Brookmeyer R, Gray S, Kawas C. (1998) Projections of Alzheimer’s and Management. London, Martin Dunitz, pp. 33–46
disease in the United States and the public health impact of Jablenksy A. (2002) Research methods in psychiatric epidemiology:
delaying disease onset. American Journal of Public Health 88: an overview. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
1337–1342 36: 297–310
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Criteria for the diagnosis of dementia


3.1 Diagnosis of dementia 24 3.3 Conclusion 34

3.2 Differential diagnosis of dementia subtypes 27 References 34

There are two main diagnostic challenges within the demen- well as emotional and social functioning. The DSM-IIIR
tia field, distinguishing patients with dementia from those criteria (American Psychiatric Association, 1987) (Box 3.1),
without and the accurate differential diagnosis of dementia attempted to operationalize these concepts and have been
subtypes (Kaye, 1998). The diagnosis of dementia has always widely used as the basis for the diagnosis of dementia in
had enormous prognostic implications, however, with the research studies, with interrater reliability keeping scores of
availability of licensed treatments for dementia (O’Brien and up to 0.7 (Baldereschi et al., 1994). Although the key ele-
Ballard, 2001) and with the likelihood of more effective treat- ments within these definitions are based upon sound, com-
ments becoming available over the next decade, issues of differ- monsense principles, with much that most clinicians would
ential diagnosis will become progressively more important. agree upon, there are a number of subtle difficulties. For
This chapter will initially review criteria and standardized example, the majority of definitions suggest that distur-
approaches for the diagnosis of dementia, and then tackle the bances of consciousness or delirium should be absent. We all,
diagnosis of common specific subtypes of dementia. however, recognize that disturbances of consciousness are
common in both vascular dementia (Hachinski et al., 1975)
and dementia with Lewy bodies (Ballard et al., 1993) and
occur in a minority of patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
3.1 DIAGNOSIS OF DEMENTIA (Robertson et al., 1998). There are also well documented
cases of patients suffering from a variety of different demen-
The concept of dementia has evolved from the rather non- tia syndromes where the early manifestations were relatively
specific notion of organic brain syndrome to a more specific focal (e.g. Coen et al., 1994). In addition not all cases of
operationalized concept. For example the ICD 10 criteria dementia are progressive.
(World Health Organization, 1992) described dementia as: Despite these minor caveats, the majority of diagnostic
criteria have good face validity, and are probably useful in
a syndrome due to disease of the brain, usually of a chronic
clinical practice when applied flexibly. There are, however,
or progressive nature in which there is disturbance of multiple
greater difficulties when applying these criteria within research
higher cortical function including memory, thinking, orienta-
studies. Much research work published within the dementia
tion, comprehension, calculation, learning capacity, language
domain has focused upon specific dementia subtypes, and
and judgement. Consciousness is not clouded. The impair-
has therefore avoided this issue. Within a research setting the
ments of cognitive function are commonly accompanied, and
operationalized format of the DSM-IIIR criteria have advan-
occasionally preceded by deterioration in emotional controls,
tages of established interrater reliability. Validity is not, how-
social behaviour or motivation.
ever, a straightforward issue. Unlike specific disease processes
The DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) such as AD, dementia is ultimately a clinical diagnosis describ-
definition incorporates similar elements, emphasizing the ing a syndrome, and neuropathology cannot be used as a
necessity for a detrimental influence upon activities of daily gold standard.
living. A number of key elements exist across all diagnostic Semistructured psychiatric interviews have been used as an
criteria, mainly that dementia is a brain disease, tends to be alternative. The Cambridge Examinations for Mental Disorders
progressive, and globally affects higher cognitive functions as in the Elderly (CAMDEX; Roth et al., 1986), for example,
Diagnosis of dementia 25

Copeland et al., 1976) is a further semistructured psychiatric

Box 3.1 DSM-IIIR criteria for dementia
interview, which covers a range of psychiatric conditions
1. Demonstrable evidence of impairment in short- and and includes a brief cognitive screening section. It is applied
long-term memory. Impairment in short-term memory directly as a patient interview and can be completed by medical
(inability to learn new information) may be indicated or allied professionals with appropriate training. Diagnosis is
by inability to remember three objects after 5 based upon a diagnostic algorithm (Copeland et al., 1986),
minutes. Long-term memory impairment (inability to which specifies the degree of certainty. The requirement for
remember information that was known in the past) the computerized diagnostic system probably limits its value
may be indicated by inability to remember past in clinical settings, although it has again been demonstrated
personal information (e.g. what happened yesterday, to have adequate reliability and validity in discriminating
birthplace, occupation) or facts of common controls from dementia patients.
knowledge (e.g. past presidents, well-known dates). A technique, used by many epidemiological studies, has
2. At least one of the following: been to use a standardized cognitive screening instrument,
(a) impairment in abstract thinking, as indicated by such as the Mini-Mental State Examination (Folstein et al.,
inability to find similarities and differences 1975) or a brief semistructured interview, usually using a two
between related words, difficulty in defining stage design with a more detailed evaluation of patients scor-
words and concepts, and other similar tasks; ing below a set cut-off score (Boothby et al., 1994). Outside
(b) impaired judgement, as indicated by inability to the context of a dual design, the cut-off score on a cognitive
make reasonable plans to deal with interpersonal, screening instrument is an unsatisfactory way of diagnosing
family, and job-related problems and issues; dementia, given the great variability between individuals and
(c) other disturbances of higher cortical function, such the high level of impact that previous education, current psy-
as aphasia (disorder of language), apraxia (inability chiatric morbidity and motivation have upon test results.
to carry out motor activities despite intact The Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (Hughes et al., 1982,
comprehension and motor function), agnosia updated by Morris, 1987) provides a mechanism for grading
(failure to recognize or identify objects despite dementia severity in a relatively user-friendly manner. A
intact sensory function), and ‘constructional description of typical performance for dementia patients with
difficulty’ (e.g. inability to copy three-dimensional different severities of illness, in a number of different domains
figures, assemble blocks, or arrange sticks in are provided, with the rater required to make a judgement as
specific designs); to which category of severity most appropriately matches the
(d) personality change, i.e. alteration or accentuation impairments of an individual patient. Whilst this is not
of premorbid traits. intended as a method to diagnose dementia per se, it provides
3. The disturbance in 1 and 2 significantly interferes an excellent method in tandem with a standardized defin-
with work or usual social activities or relationships ition to characterize the severity of impairments either in a
with others. clinical or research setting. Although the method was designed
4. Not occurring exclusively during the course of predominantly to improve the sensitivity of clinical staging in
delirium. people with more severe dementia, the Functional Assessment
5. Either (a) or (b): Staging tool of Auer and Reisberg (1997) could be used in the
(a) There is evidence from the history, physical same way.
examination, or laboratory tests of a specific Any of the standardized clinical definitions, particularly
organic factor (or factors) judged to be when used in conjunction with a severity rating, are likely to
aetiologically related to the disturbance. be very successful in the diagnosis of patients with moderate
(b) In the absence of such evidence, an aetiological or severe dementia. The study populations used to investi-
organic factor can be presumed if the disturbance gate the reliability and validity of instruments such as the
cannot be accounted for by any non-organic CAMDEX and GMSS, have been rather polarized. This has
mental disorder, e.g. major depression accounting avoided the much more difficult issue of whether these cri-
for cognitive impairment. teria can distinguish between patients with no dementia and
those with minimal or questionable dementia. Various terms
have been used to describe older patients with a mild degree
of cognitive impairment, who are clearly functioning below
includes an informant history, physical examination and their premorbid level, but who do not have dementia. Histor-
standardized cognitive assessment, to which operationalized ically, labels such as benign senescent forgetfulness (Kral,
check spelling criteria can be applied. The technique pro- 1978) and age-associated memory impairment (Crook et al.,
vides a standardized information base that can discriminate 1986) have been employed. Currently, the most widely used
controls from patients with dementia with adequate relia- concept for early cognitive deficits is Mild Cognitive Impair-
bility and validity, and is hence useful in either a clinical or ment (MCI; Petersen et al., 1999, 2001), which focuses upon
research setting. The Geriatric Mental State Schedule (GMSS; memory deficits to identify ‘pre-AD’. To meet the criteria,
26 Criteria for the diagnosis of dementia

people have to perform at a level of 1.5 standard deviations cognitive impairment is, however, more complex (Feinberg
below the mean of an age-matched group on a standardized and Goodman, 1984). It is well established that depression
memory task. The criteria therefore achieve a form of ‘thresh- affects both motivation and attention, therefore detrimen-
olding’, which identifies a cluster of people at increased risk tally influencing performance on activities of daily living and
of AD, together with a heterogeneous mix of individuals with cognitive assessments. In addition, however, there is growing
mild memory deficits for a range of reasons. Other frequently evidence of subtle neuropsychological deficits which may be
used concepts include Aging-Associated Cognitive Decline specific to patients with late onset depression, and which per-
(AACD; Ritchie et al., 2001), which again relies upon thresh- sist after treatment (Abas and Sahakian, 1990). This issue is
olding but can be applied to impairments in any cognitive further confounded by the fact the many psychotropic drugs
domain; and Cognitive Impairment No Dementia (CIND; detrimentally influence cognitive function, whilst some organic
Tuokko et al., 2003), which relates to global cognitive per- factors, such as diffuse microvascular pathology, may predis-
formance in addition to operationalized clinical criteria. A pose to both cognitive impairment and depression (O’Brien
detailed review of MCI or the related concepts is beyond the et al., 1996). Other psychiatric conditions such as anxiety may
remit of the current chapter, although it would appear from also affect attention and performance on activities of daily liv-
numerous follow-up studies that between 4 and 12 per cent ing and formal cognitive assessments, while both depression
of people per year will develop dementia depending upon the and anxiety disorders are common in people with dementia,
population sampled (higher in clinic settings, lower in the especially in the early stages of the illness. It is well known
community, e.g. O’Connor et al., 1990; O’Brien et al., 1992; that a proportion of patients with late onset psychosis have a
Petersen et al., 1999, 2001; Ritchie et al., 2001; Tuokko et al., degree of cortical atrophy (Pearlson and Rabins, 1988), whilst
2003). As there are no satisfactory methods for distinguish- a substantial minority of patients with early onset of psycho-
ing patients with progressive decline from those who con- tic disorders experience cognitive decline (Carpenter and
tinue to exhibit a static degree of mild impairment or Strauss, 1991). Again, except in patients with marked depres-
improve, it is difficult to see how any clinical diagnostic crite- sive pseudodementia who should be clinically diagnosed, it is
ria could distinguish these patients accurately from those in unlikely that these factors will substantially affect misdiagno-
the early stages of a dementia process, and in many ways this sis of patients with moderate or severe dementia, but they
is an arbitrary distinction, as ‘early cognitive impairment’ is could have a substantial impact upon the diagnosis of min-
not a disease entity. Although some characteristics, such as imal or mild dementia. Although well recognized by clin-
the presence of hippocampal atrophy, may increase the risk icians and described in a number of review articles, this is,
of developing dementia (Jack et al., 2000), the only reli- however, an issue that has not received a great deal of research
able diagnostic method at present is clinical follow up and attention. In clinical practice a certain degree or pragmatism
re-evaluation. Combining clinical, neuropsychological and can be employed, while treating any concurrent psychiatric
neuroimaging indices over time is probably the best method. morbidity and evaluating the progress of any cognitive deficits
Whilst this approach is prudent clinically, it is extremely over time. For research studies, however, these diagnostic
difficult to employ in research studies without considerable issues could be a major confounding factor, which is why, for
resources for large scale prospective longitudinal studies, example, patients with concurrent psychiatric symptoms are
which probably explains the paucity of such studies in the often excluded from pharmacological trials pertaining to
literature. dementia.
A number of exciting recent studies highlight the poten- The inclusion of statements pertaining to disturbances of
tial utility of various biological markers such as phosphor- consciousness in the standardized diagnostic definitions of
ylated tau in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (Buerger et al., dementia is clearly designed to distinguish dementia from
2002), characteristic patterns of hypometabolism identified delirium. Some of the difficulties with this approach have
on positron emission tomography (PET) scanning (de Leon already been described, but in addition, although delirium is
et al., 2001) and the identification of amyloid with specific classically thought of as an acute condition, related to a treat-
PET ligands (Agdeppa et al., 2001). We hope that further able physical condition, a proportion of patients experience
understanding of these markers will enable us to progress to a subacute delirium, which can persist for some months
a point where we can make more meaningful diagnoses such (Lipowski, 1989) and those most vulnerable to delirium are
as ‘very early AD’ rather than relying upon thresholding from patients with pre-existing dementia. As a consequence, in
coarse neuropsychological evaluations. practice it is not always straightforward to make the diagno-
Concurrent psychiatric morbidity is a further major con- sis, particularly in patients with chronic physical conditions
founding factor in the diagnosis of dementia. Probably the predisposing to repeated delirium. Certainly within the
most extreme example is so called ‘depressive pseudodemen- CAMDEX and GMSS validation studies, patients with delir-
tia’ (Kiloh, 1961; Caine, 1981), where a typical patient will ium and dementia were distinguished with a good degree of
experience an apparently rapid onset of cognitive impairment, interrater reliability and validity against expert clinical diag-
in the context of a past history or family history of affective nosis and it is unlikely to apply to a large enough group of
disorder, and will probably exhibit concurrent depressive patients to make it a relevant issue in research studies. Within
symptoms (Caine, 1981). The overlap between depression and clinical services, however, this issue will occasionally arise
Differential diagnosis of dementia subtypes 27

and is probably best dealt with by clinical judgement rather cognitive impairment in patients above this age, but renders
than standardized diagnostic criteria. the criteria inapplicable to an increasingly large section of the
In summary, standardized clinical definitions of dementia population who are at especially high risk of AD. In the final
have good face validity and are probably useful in both clin- part of section 1, it is stated that the systemic disorders or
ical practice and research studies, particularly combined with other brain diseases that could account for the progressive
a standardized rating of severity. There are, however, specific cognitive deficits should be excluded. Although this is an
groups of patients where diagnostic difficulties might exist, appropriate recommendation, the lack of operationalization
particularly patients with concurrent psychiatric morbidity, does permit variable interpretation.
those with very mild degrees of cognitive impairment and Whilst application is clear cut when another significant
patients with persistent delirium. For these groups longitu- brain disease is present, for example cerebrovascular disease,
dinal follow up and clinical judgement are better methods of difficulties can arise in the presence of systemic disorders,
diagnosis than the standardized diagnostic criteria. such as hypothyroidism, which can result in cognitive deficits
but are not necessarily the cause of cognitive impairment in
a particular individual. In practice, the presence of a concur-
rent disorder, which may contribute to the dementia, does
3.2 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF not preclude a diagnosis of possible AD, particularly if treat-
DEMENTIA SUBTYPES ment has not resulted in an improvement of the dementia
syndrome. Other typical clinical features and the results of
3.2.1 Alzheimer’s disease investigations such as electroencephalogram (EEG) and CT
scans, can be used in support of the diagnosis but are not a
More than 50 per cent of dementia patients have AD fundamental part of the operationalized criteria.
(Cummings and Benson, 1992). It is most the common There are several advantages to applying these criteria in
dementia condition and is therefore the most important to clinical practice. First, they require a standardized blood screen,
diagnose accurately, particularly as licensed pharmacological detailed clinical evaluation and standardized cognitive assess-
treatments are now available. ment, but do not depend upon novel or expensive investiga-
As with all types of dementia, a wide array of diagnostic tive techniques, which are unlikely to be available in many
criteria have been published, including various renditions of clinical centres. Second, they follow a logical diagnostic process
the DSM and ICD classifications. However, it was the intro- similar to that adopted by most clinicians in the diagnosis of
duction of the NINCDS ADRDA criteria in 1984 (McKhann AD. Third, the criteria for probable AD would seem to be a
et al., 1984) that represented a major landmark in dementia suitably rigorous method for selecting patients with a clear-
research, with the availability of reliable and valid oper- cut diagnosis in pharmacological interventions.
ationalized criteria for AD. These criteria have been used far The NINCDS ADRDA criteria have been widely evaluated
more widely than any other in research studies, and are also in a large number of research studies, with excellent inter-
straightforward to use in a clinical setting. This section will rater reliability (Kukull et al., 1990; Baldereschi et al., 1994;
therefore review the evidence pertaining to these criteria. The Farrer et al., 1994). In addition a number of clinicopatholog-
criteria themselves are shown in Box 3.2. Two degrees of cer- ical correlative studies have been completed, demonstrating
tainty are described: probable AD and possible AD. Section 1 good agreement between clinical and neuropathological diag-
is the most important and contains the operationalized ele- nosis (Morris et al., 1987; Martin et al., 1987; Tierney et al.,
ment of the diagnosis. First it is necessary to establish that the 1988; Boller et al., 1989; Jellinger et al., 1989; Burns et al., 1990).
person has dementia. Although the same caveats exist as in Although 100 per cent diagnostic accuracy for probable AD
the previous section where this problem was discussed, the has been reported in some studies, the overall specificity is
criteria make sensible recommendations that standardized approximately 80 per cent. Put in to context, this is substan-
assessments of cognitive function and activities of daily liv- tially better than can be achieved by using a CT scan alone
ing are completed as well as a detailed clinical examination, (Jacoby and Levy, 1980) and is better than has been achieved
in order to establish the presence of dementia. It is also spec- for the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease (PD) (Hughes et al.,
ifies that deficits are required in two or more areas of cogni- 1992). Despite the excellent overall performance of these cri-
tion, which should ensure that an individual is not suffering teria, a number of caveats must be considered.
from a focal cognitive deficit. Note of progressive decline of First, the exact accuracy of clinical diagnostic criteria,
memory and other cognitive functions is required. Distur- depends to some degree upon the neuropathological criteria
bances of consciousness render patients unsuitable for a diag- (Nagy et al., 1998) chosen for diagnosis. Second, the majority
nosis of probable AD. Even though recent work does suggest of studies have compared polarized groups of patients such
that 20 per cent of AD patients do experience disturbances of as controls and those with moderate dementia, omitting many
consciousness (Robertson et al., 1998), this is probably a of the difficult-to-diagnose cases. This issue is not relevant if
sensible exclusion and a diagnosis of possible AD can still be the study is aiming to recruit a group of patients with clear
made. An upper age limit of 90 is set, which is sensible in some cut AD. However, if the objective is to differentially diagnose a
ways given the difficulties in determining the significance of representative epidemiological or clinical sample of patients,
28 Criteria for the diagnosis of dementia

Box 3.2 Criteria for clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease

I The criteria for the clinical diagnosis of PROBABLE motor signs such as increased muscle tone,
Alzheimer’s disease include: myoclonus, or gait disorder;
• dementia established by clinical examination and • seizures in advanced disease; and
documented by the Mini-Mental test, Blessed • CT normal for age.
Dementia Scale, or some similar examination, and
IV Features that make the diagnosis of PROBABLE
confirmed by neuropsychological tests;
Alzheimer’s disease uncertain or unlikely include:
• deficits in two or more areas of cognition;
•sudden, apoplectic onset;
• progressive worsening memory and other cognitive
•focal neurological findings such as hemiparesis,
sensory loss, visual field deficits and incoordination
• no disturbance of consciousness;
early in the course of the illness; and
• onset between ages 40 and 90, most often after age
•seizures or gait disturbances at the onset or very
65; and absence of systemic disorders or other brain
early in the course of the illness.
diseases that in and of themselves could account for
the progressive deficits in memory and cognition. V Clinical diagnosis of POSSIBLE Alzheimer’s disease:
II The diagnosis of PROBABLE Alzheimer’s disease is • may be made on the basis of the dementia syndrome,
in the absence of other neurological, psychiatric, or
supported by:
systemic disorder sufficient to cause dementia, and
•progressive deterioration of specific cognitive
in the presence of variation in the onset, in the
functions such as language (aphasia), motor skills
presentation, or in the clinical course;
(apraxia) and perception (agnosia);
•impaired activities of daily living and altered • may be made in the presence of a second systemic
or brain disorder sufficient to produce dementia,
patterns of behaviour;
which is not considered to be the cause of the
•family history of similar disorders, particularly if
dementia; and
confirmed neuropathologically; and
•laboratory results of: • should be used in research studies when a single,
gradually progressive severe cognitive deficit is
– normal lumbar puncture as evaluated by standard
identified in the absence of other identifiable
– normal pattern or non-specific changes in EEG;
such as increased slow-wave activity; and VI Criteria for diagnosis of DEFINITE Alzheimer’s disease
– evidence of cerebral atrophy on CT with are:
progression documented by serial observation. • the clinical criteria for probable Alzheimer’s disease
and histopathological evidence obtained from a
III Other clinical features consistent with the diagnosis of
biopsy or autopsy.
PROBABLE Alzheimer’s disease, after exclusion of causes
of dementia other than Alzheimer’s disease, include: VII Classification of Alzheimer’s disease for research
• plateaus in the course of progression of the illness; purpose should specify features that may differentiate
• associated symptoms of depression, insomnia, subtypes of the disorder, such as:
incontinence, delusions, illusions, hallucinations, • familial occurrence;
catastrophic verbal, emotional, or physical • onset before age 65;
outbursts, sexual disorders, and weight loss; • presence of trisomy-21; and
• other neurological abnormalities in some patients, • coexistence of other relevant conditions such as
especially with more advanced disease and including Parkinson’s disease.

it does become more important. Third, many of these studies cent for probable AD. Fourth, many people with dementia
were completed before there was wide clinical awareness of have a combination of different disease pathologies, for exam-
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) as a major form of demen- ple a substantial number of patients with Alzheimer-type
tia, although most reports focusing on more diverse samples pathology will have some degree of concurrent cerebrovas-
including patients with DLB suggest that the criteria still per- cular disease and a small number of cortical Lewy bodies,
form well. For example, McKeith et al. (2000) reported a sen- which are often seen in the amygdala in people with other-
sitivity and specificity of around 80 per cent for probable AD, wise clear cut AD. Again the exact degree of diagnostic accu-
whereas Litvan et al. (1998), in an even more diverse sample, racy will depend upon whether mixed cases are considered
reported a sensitivity of 95 per cent and specificity of 79 per separately or as a subtype of AD, but in general the presence
cent for probable AD; in a further study Lopez et al. (1999) of mixed pathologies reduces the level of diagnostic accuracy
reported a sensitivity of 95 per cent and a specificity of 79 per (Holmes et al., 1999).
Differential diagnosis of dementia subtypes 29

CT scan fulfilled ICD 10 criteria for VaD (Wallin, 1994).

Box 3.3 The Hachinski ischaemia score
Baldereschi et al. (1994) did, however, demonstrate a good
Abrupt onset 2 interrater reliability of +0.66 for the diagnosis of VaD using
Stepwise progression 1 these criteria. Chui et al. (1998) compared several different
Fluctuating course 2 diagnostic criteria for VaD in 25 case vignettes, examining
Nocturnal confusion 1 interrater reliability as well as sensitivity and specificity
Relative preservation of personality 1 against expert clinical judgement. The highest interrater reli-
Depression 1 ability was achieved for the Hachinski scale, which per-
Somatic complaints 1 formed better than the DSM-IV, the California criteria
Emotional incontinence 1 (ADDTC) and the NINDS AIREN criteria. Most of the criteria
History of hypertension 1 had poor sensitivity, but specificity was generally adequate.
History of strokes 2 The DSM-IV criteria had the best sensitivity (50 per cent),
Evidence of associated atherosclerosis 1 and the best specificity was achieved by the NINDS AIREN
Focal neurological symptoms 2 criteria (97 per cent). In a more extensive study, the same
Focal neurological signs 2 group (Chui et al., 2000) examined the interrater reliability for
the NINDS AIREN, ADDTC, DSM-IV, modified Hachinski
score and ICD 10 criteria, identifying only moderate agree-
ment ( values of 0.24–0.60) between the criteria; again the
3.2.2 Vascular dementia (VaD) DSM-IV and the Hachinski score were the most liberal and
the NINDS AIREN were the most conservative.
VaD is probably the second most common dementia illness, Gold et al. (1997) examined the diagnosis of VaD in a
accounting for 10–20 per cent of people with late onset study of 113 autopsy-confirmed dementia cases. For a diag-
dementia (Rocca et al., 1991), either on its own or in com- nosis of VaD, the Hachinski scale had the best specificity of
bination with neurodegenerative pathologies. There have been 0.88, with the NINDS AIREN criteria achieving a specificity
far fewer studies examining the diagnostic accuracy of cri- of 0.80. The ADDTC criteria had the best sensitivity (0.63).
teria for VaD than for AD. The longest established criteria are More recently Gold et al. (2002) examined the validity of vari-
based upon the Hachinski ischaemic score (Hachinski et al., ous operationalized clinical criteria for VaD (NINDS AIREN,
1975; Box 3.3), originally derived on the basis of cerebral DSM-IV, ADDTC, ICD-10) against autopsy criteria. Eighty-
blood flow patterns in dementia patients. On the weighted nine patients (20 VaD, 23 mixed dementia, 46 AD) were
scale, a score of 7 or more is taken to indicate VaD, whilst a included. Overall the NINDS AIREN criteria for possible VaD
score of 4 or less suggests that this is an unlikely diagnosis. (sensitivity 0.55, specificity 0.84) and the possible ADDTC
Although the scale has been much criticized, either in its pure criteria (sensitivity 0.70, specificity 0.78) performed best.
form, or in the modified form suggested by Rosen et al. (1980), Consistent with previous studies the NINDS AIRENS criteria
sensitivities and specificities of approximately 80 per cent were the more conservative of the two. All of the criteria for
have been achieved for the diagnosis of ‘pure’ VaD cases (Loeb probable VaD were too restrictive. A fuller breakdown is
and Gandolfo, 1983; Small, 1985; Katzman et al., 1988). The shown in Table 3.1. Across both of the Gold studies, none of
scale is, however, far less successful in identifying mixed cases the criteria performed well for mixed cases. There is, how-
(Katzman et al., 1988). Items within the scale, such as abrupt ever, a slight caveat in interpreting these results as the neuro-
onset, stepwise progression, fluctuation and focal neuro- pathological criteria were very weighted towards infarcts, and
logical symptoms and signs, are geared much more to the iden- would not have labelled people with extensive small vessel
tification of multiple infarctions than to other forms of VaD disease but no infarcts or lacunae as having VaD. In practice
(Chui, 1989), such as the insidious development of microvas- this is likely to be a small proportion of individuals.
cular pathology, hypoxia or haemorrhage. In addition, indi- Given the current state of play, NINDS AIREN and
vidual symptoms within the scale are poorly operationalized ADDTC criteria for possible VaD appear to be the most useful
and are therefore open to variable interpretation. Despite instruments, although the Hachinski scale probably remains
this, rather like the concept of hysteria, this scale has yet to be useful, particularly as a clinical instrument to help distinguish
bettered and is likely to outlive its obituarists. between VaD and other types of dementia in clinical practice.
More recently two sets of operationalized criteria (Boxes 3.4 The notoriously unreliable clinical diagnosis of ‘mixed’
and 3.5) have been proposed, the California criteria – ADDTC Alzheimer and VaD, with no established clinical diagnostic
(Chui et al., 1992) and the NINDS AIREN criteria (Roman criteria (Bowler, 2000), is, however, a considerable concern,
et al., 1993). Diagnostic criteria for VaD are also included particularly as at least 40 per cent of dementia patients have
within ICD 10 (World Health Organization, 1992), DSM-IV an overlap of vascular and neurodegenerative pathologies
(American Psychiatric Association, 1994) and the CAMDEX (Kalaria and Ballard, 1999). To give an indication of the scope
(Roth et al., 1986). A preliminary study examining the ICD of the problem, the Gold studies indicated that between 30
10 research criteria was rather disappointing, suggesting that and 50 per cent of ‘mixed dementia’ cases are misclassified
only 25 per cent of patients with clear vascular lesions on a as VaD (Gold et al., 1997, 2002). The potential overlap of
30 Criteria for the diagnosis of dementia

Box 3.4 Criteria for the diagnosis of ischaemic vascular dementia (IVD)

I Dementia
Dementia is a deterioration from a known or estimated
• absence of central neurological symptoms/signs, other
than cognitive disturbance.
prior level of intellectual function sufficient to interfere
broadly with the conduct of the patient’s customary III Possible IVD
affairs of life, which is not isolated to a single narrow A clinical diagnosis of POSSIBLE IVD may be made when
category of intellectual performance, and which is there is dementia and one or more of the following:
independent of level of consciousness.
This deterioration should be supported by historical • a history or evidence of a single stroke (but not multiple
evidence and documented either by bedside mental status strokes) without a clearly documented temporal
testing or ideally by more detailed neuropsychological relationship to the onset of dementia; or
examination, using tests that are quantifiable, • Binswanger’s syndrome (without multiple strokes) that
reproducible, and for which normative data are available. includes all of the following:
– early onset urinary incontinence not explained by
II Probable IVD urological disease, or gait disturbance (e.g.
The criteria for the clinical diagnosis of PROBABLE IVD parkinsonian, magnetic, apraxic, or ‘senile’ gait) not
include ALL of the following: explained by peripheral cause,
• dementia; – vascular risk factors, and
• evidence of two or more ischaemic strokes by history, – extensive white matter changes on neuroimaging.
neurological signs, and/or neuroimaging studies (CT or
T1-weighted MRI); or occurrence of a single stroke with IV Definite IVD
a clearly documented temporal relationship to the A diagnosis of DEFINITE IVD requires histopathological
onset of dementia; examination of the brain, as well as:
• evidence of at least one infarct outside the cerebellum
• clinical evidence of dementia;
by CT or T1-weighted MRI.
The diagnosis of PROBABLE IVD is supported by:
• pathological confirmation of multiple infarcts, some
outside of the cerebellum.
• evidence of multiple infarcts in brain regions known to (Note: if there is evidence of Alzheimer’s disease or some
affect cognition; other pathological disorder that is to have contributed
• a history of multiple transient ischaemic attacks; to the dementia, a diagnosis of MIXED dementia should
• history of vascular risk factors (e.g. hypertension, heart be made.)
disease, diabetes mellitus);
• elevated Hachinski ischaemia scale (original or modified V Mixed dementia
version). A diagnosis of MIXED dementia should be made in the
Clinical features that are thought to be associated with presence of one or more other systemic or brain disorders
IVD, but await further research include: that are thought to be causally related to the dementia.
The degree of confidence in the diagnosis of IVD should
• relatively early appearance of gait disturbance and be specified as possible, probable, or definite, and the other
urinary incontinence;
disorder(s) contributing to the dementia should be listed.
• periventricular and deep white matter changes on T2- For example: mixed dementia due to probable IVD and
weighted MRI that are excessive for age;
possible Alzheimer’s disease or mixed dementia due to
• focal changes in electrophysiological studies (e.g. EEG, definite IVD and hypothyroidism.
evoked potentials) or physiological neuroimaging
studies (e.g. SPECT, PET, NMR spectroscopy).
VI Research classification
Other clinical features that do not constitute strong
Classification of IVD for RESEARCH purposes should specify
evidence either for or against a diagnosis of PROBABLE
features of the infarcts that may differentiate subtypes of
IVD include:
the disorder, such as:
• periods of slowly progressive symptoms;
• illusions, psychosis, hallucinations, delusions; • location – cortical white matter, periventricular, basal
ganglia, thalamus;
• seizures.
Clinical features that cast doubt on a diagnosis of
• size – volume;
• distribution – large, small or microvessel;
• severity – chronic ischaemia versus infarction;
• transcortical sensory aphasia in the absence of • aetiology – atherosclerosis, embolism, arteriovenous
corresponding focal lesions on neuroimaging studies; malformation, hypoperfusion.
Differential diagnosis of dementia subtypes 31

Box 3.5 Criteria for clinical diagnosis of vascular dementia (VaD)

I The criteria for the clinical diagnosis of probable • personality and mood changes, abulia, depression,
vascular dementia include all of the following: emotional incontinence, or other subcortical deficits
• dementia defined by cognitive decline from a including psychomotor retardation and abnormal
previously higher level of functioning and manifested executive function.
by impairment of memory and of two or more
cognitive domains (orientation, attention, language, III Features that make the diagnosis of vascular dementia
visuospatial functions, executive functions, motor uncertain or unlikely include:
control, and praxis), preferably established by clinical • early onset of memory deficit and progressive
examination and documented by neuropsychological worsening of memory and other cognitive functions
testing; deficits should be severe enough to interfere such as language (transcortical sensory aphasia),
with activities of daily living not due to physical motor skills (apraxia), and perception (agnosia), in the
effects of stroke alone. absence of corresponding focal lesions on brain
Exclusion criteria: cases with disturbance of imaging;
consciousness, delirium, psychosis, severe aphasia, or • absence of focal neurological signs, other than
major sensorimotor impairment precluding neuropsy- cognitive disturbance; and
chological testing. Also excluded are systemic disorders • absence of cerebrovascular lesions on brain CT or
or other brain diseases (such as AD) that in and of MRI.
themselves could account for deficits in memory and IV Clinical diagnosis of possible vascular dementia may be
cognition. made:
• cerebrovascular disease (CVD), defined by the • in the presence of dementia (Section I) with focal
presence of focal signs on neurological examination, neurological signs in patients in whom brain imaging
such as hemiparesis, lower facial weakness, Babinski studies to confirm definite CVD are missing; or
sign, sensory deficit, hemianopia, and dysarthria • in the absence of clear temporal relationship between
consistent with stroke (with or without history of dementia and stroke; or
stroke), and evidence of relevant CVD by brain • in patients with subtle onset and variable course
imaging (CT or MRI) including multiple large-vessel (plateau or improvement) of cognitive deficits and
infarcts or a single strategically placed infarct evidence of relevant CVD.
(angular gyrus, thalamus, basal forebrain, or PCA or
ACA territories), as well as multiple basal ganglia and V Criteria for diagnosis of definite vascular dementia are:
white matter lacunes or extensive periventricular • clinical criteria for probable vascular dementia;
white matter lesions, or combinations thereof. • histopathological evidence of CVD obtained from
biopsy or autopsy;
• a relationship between the above two disorders,
manifested or inferred by the presence of one or • absence of neurofibrillary tangles and neuritic
more of the following: plaques exceeding those expected for age; and
(a) onset of dementia within 3 months following a • absence of other clinical or pathological disorder
recognized stroke; capable of producing dementia.
(b) abrupt deterioration in cognitive functions; or VI Classification of vascular dementia for research purposes
fluctuating, stepwise progression of cognitive may be made on the basis of clinical, radiological and
deficits. neuropathological features, for subcategories or defined
II Clinical features consistent with the diagnosis of conditions such as cortical vascular dementia, subcortical
probable vascular dementia include the following: vascular dementia, BD and thalamic dementia.
• early presence of a gait disturbance (small-step gait
or marche à petits pas, or magnetic apraxic-ataxic The term ‘AD with CVD’ should be reserved to classify
or parkinsonian gait); patients fulfilling the clinical criteria for possible AD and
• history of unsteadiness and frequent, unprovoked falls; who also present clinical or brain imaging evidence of
• early urinary frequency, urgency, and other urinary relevant CVD. Traditionally, these patients have been
symptoms not explained by urological disease; included with VaD in epidemiological studies. The term
• pseudobulbar palsy; and ‘mixed dementia’, used hitherto, should be avoided.

pathologies is multifaceted and broadly classifying lesions neurochemical and clinical symptom patterns that have
as vascular or neurodegenerative may be inadequate; mean- prognostic value are required. Furthermore, these distinc-
ingful neuropathological classification of different types of tions are arbitrary unless they are clinically useful and guide
vascular and neurodegenerative changes that reflect specific the clinician with respect to treatment approaches.
32 Criteria for the diagnosis of dementia

Table 3.1 Clinicopathological validation of the major criteria for

Box 3.6 Consenus criteria for the clinical diagnosis of probable
vascular dementia (numbers extracted from Gold et al., 2002)
and possible DLB
N  89 (20 VaD,
23 Mixed, 46 AD) Criteria Sensitivity Specificity The central feature required for a diagnosis of DLB is
progressive cognitive decline of sufficient magnitude to
DSM-IV 0.5 0.84 interfere with normal social or occupational function.
ICD 10 0.2 0.94 Prominent or persistent memory impairment may not
Possible ADDTC 0.7 0.78
necessarily occur in the early stages but is usually evident
Possible NINDS 0.55 0.84
with progression. Deficits on tests of attention and of
Probable ADDTC 0.2 0.91 frontal-subcortical skills and visuospatial ability may be
Probable NINDS 0.2 0.93 especially prominent.
AIREN Two of the following core features are essential for a
diagnosis of probable DLB, and one is essential for
possible DLB:
There are three main substrates of dementia in patients
with VaD: localized areas of infarction (e.g. Tomlinson et al., • fluctuating cognition with pronounced variations in
1970), microvascular disease (e.g. Esiri et al., 1997), and con- attention and alertness;
current atrophy (e.g. Cordoliani-Mackowiak et al., 2003). • recurrent visual hallucinations that are typically well
Focusing on specific substrates of VaD may help improve the formed and detailed;
diagnostic accuracy for both ‘pure’ and ‘mixed’ VaD cases. The • spontaneous motor features of parkinsonism.
best example of this approach so far has been the development
Features supportive of the diagnosis are:
of criteria for subcortical ischaemic vascular dementia (SIVD;
Erkinjuntti et al., 2000), which describes VaD related to small- • repeated falls;
vessel disease, combining the overlapping clinical syndromes • syncope;
of ‘Binswanger’s disease’ and ‘lacunar state’ (Erkinjuntti et al., • transient loss of consciousness;
2000; Román et al., 2002). SIVD is hypothesized to be caused • neuroleptic sensitivity;
by a loss of subcortical neurones or disconnection of cortical • systematized delusions;
neurones from subcortical structures. The neuropsychological • hallucinations and other modalities.
profile is described as characteristic of:
A diagnosis of DLB is less likely in the presence of:
• a dysexecutive syndrome (difficulties in goal formulation,
initiation, planning, organizing, sequencing, executing, • stroke disease, evident as focal neurological signs or on
set-shifting and abstracting); brain imaging;
• slowed cognitive and motor processing speed; • evidence on physical examination and investigation of
any physical illness or other brain disorder sufficient to
• other more general attentional impairments (Erkinjuntti
account for the clinical picture.
et al., 2000; Román et al., 2002; O’Brien et al., 2003);
• memory deficits with impaired recall but relatively intact
improved further if parkinsonism was present. Sensitivity has,
The concept appears useful, but has not yet been validated in however, been very variable across these studies. The McKeith
a prospective clinicopathological study. et al. (2000) study reported a specificity 90 per cent and a
sensitivity 80 per cent. Many of the other studies have, how-
3.2.3 Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) ever, reported sensitivities 50 per cent (Table 3.2).
The majority have been retrospective, identifying clinical
A number of representative, hospital-based post-mortem series symptoms from a case-note review, which may well have
and studies based upon clinical cohorts have suggested that reduced the accuracy of diagnosis. Fluctuating cognition
DLB is a common form of dementia, accounting for 10–20 per appears to be particularly difficult to identify, with two inter-
cent of cases in clinical settings (Lennox et al., 1989; Burns et al., rater reliability studies suggesting very poor agreement
1990; Hansen et al., 1990; Kosaka, 1990; Perry et al., 1990). between different expert raters (Mega et al., 1996; Litvan et al.,
Diagnostic criteria were proposed by Byrne et al. (1991) and 1998), problems that are likely to be compounded by a retro-
McKeith et al. (1992), although they have been superseded by spective design. Patients with a combination of cerebrovas-
international consensus criteria (McKeith et al., 1996; Box 3.6). cular disease and cortical Lewy bodies are also particularly
A general description of the condition is given, followed by difficult to diagnose accurately (McKeith et al., 2000).
three operationalized criteria, two of which need to be present Importantly, diagnostic accuracy may also vary with
for diagnosis of probable DLB. A number of validation studies dementia severity; for example, Lopez et al. (2000) compared
have now been reported (Table 3.2). The data do suggest that 180 patients with AD alone to 60 patients with AD and
probable DLB can be diagnosed with a specificity better than concurrent DLB. In patients with mild dementia, there was
80 per cent, and Mega et al. (1996) suggested that this was no specific clinical syndrome associated with concurrent
Differential diagnosis of dementia subtypes 33

Table 3.2 Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of the consensus criteria fro probable DLB: diagnostic
validation studies

Reference No. of cases Diagnosis Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV

Mega et al., 1996 24 AD, PD, PSP 0.4 1.0 1.0 0.93
Litvan et al., 1998 DLB, PD, PSP, CBD, MSA, FTD, AD, CJD, VP 0.18 0.99 0.75 0.89
Luis et al., 1999 56 DLB, AD, mixed DLB/AD 0.57 0.9 0.91 0.56
Lopez et al., 1999 40 AD, PSP, FTD, DLB 0.34 0.94 / /
Verghese et al., 1999 18 DLB 0.61 0.84 0.48 0.96
Hohl et al., 2000 10 AD, DLB, PSP 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80
Holmes et al., 1999 75 AD, VaD, DLB, mixed 0.22 1.0 1.0 0.91
McKeith et al., 2000 50 DLB, AD, VaD 0.83 0.91 0.96 0.80
Lopez et al., 2002 26 DLB, AD, mixed AD/VaD, PSP, CJD, FTD 38% 100% / /

AD, Alzheimer’s disease; DLB, dementia with Lewy bodies; VaD, vascular dementia; PSP, progressive supranuclear palsy; CBD, corticobasal degeneration;
MSA, multisystem atrophy; CJD, Creutzfeldt–Jacob disease; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value; VP, vascular parkinsonism;
PD, Parkinson’s disease; FTD, frontotemporal dementia

Lewy bodies. However, as the disease progressed, patients cholinergic deficits, which are greatest in the context of cogni-
with AD and concurrent DLB developed progressively more tive impairment (e.g. Piggott and Marshall, 1996), although
extrapyramidal signs. In the progression from mild to severe diffuse cortical Lewy bodies appear to be the main substrate
dementia, sensitivity of the DLB diagnosis rose from 62 per of dementia (Apaydin et al., 2002). Although for clinical diag-
cent to 93 per cent, while specificity declined from 54 per nosis within the framework of the consensus criteria DLB and
cent to 16 per cent. The authors concluded that the relatively PD dementia are distinguished on the basis of whether the
high sensitivity/low specificity of the DLB diagnosis, seen in parkinsonism is present for more than a year prior to the
more severe dementia, suggests that AD patients can also dementia, this is not an evidence-based distinction.
develop symptoms of DLB in the later stages of the dementia The majority of people developing dementia in the con-
process. text of longstanding parkinsonism meet the clinical criteria
In the clinical diagnosis of DLB, considerable attention for a diagnosis of DLB, and the similarities in the neuro-
has been paid to differentiating it from AD, PD and VaD. As psychiatric (Aarsland et al., 2001a), cognitive (Ballard et al.,
the majority of DLB cases exhibit some pathological features 2002) and motor symptoms (Aarsland et al., 2001b) of the
of AD, the distinctions are in some ways arbitrary; although two groups are becoming increasingly apparent. Following a
are useful as they are associated with different clinical and recent consensus meeting, this is likely to change in a new
neurochemical phenotypes. Seventy five per cent of DLB revision of the criteria to stipulate that the differential diag-
patients have many of the neuropathological features of AD, nosis between PD dementia and DLB should be made upon
particularly senile plaques (Hansen et al., 1990). Although the basis of whether the cognitive or motor symptoms pres-
typically the density of neocortical plaques is similar to AD ent first. This, however, is clearly still a very arbitrary distinc-
(Hansen et al., 1990), the burden of tangles is less than in tion and future studies need to clarify the similarities and
‘pure’ AD (Hansen et al., 1990; Del Ser et al., 2001). For exam- differences in the underlying pathology, clinical syndromes
ple, when Lewy bodies occur in conjunction with Alzheimer and treatment response of DLB and PD dementia to deter-
pathology sufficient to meet CERAD criteria for probable or mine whether there is clinical usefulness in distinguishing
definite AD, neocortical neurofibrillary tangles are usually the syndromes, and if so where the boundaries lie. One of the
rare or absent, and tangles in the entorhinal cortex and hippo- diagnostic validation studies (Litvan et al., 1998) did include a
campus are intermediate between elderly controls and AD number of patients with other parkinsonian syndromes, and
patients (Hansen et al., 1990; Del Ser et al., 2001). Fewer than suggested that diagnostic discrimination is possible between
40 per cent of DLB patients meet criteria for a Braak stage IV patients with DLB and other parkinsonian syndromes using
or higher, although importantly several recent studies indi- the current criteria.
cate that these patients are less likely to present with a ‘typ- The consensus criteria also describe a typical neuro-
ical’ DLB profile and are less likely to meet consensus criteria psychological profile characterized by marked attention
for probable DLB (Ballard et al., 2004). deficits, although these have no weighting in the actual
With regard to the relationship between PD and DLB, diagnostic process. Comparative studies do confirm greater
however, overlap in symptoms very probably reflects a com- impairment of attention and fluctuating attention in
mon underlying molecular pathology. Lewy bodies are a com- DLB patients compared with people with AD (e.g. Ala
mon diagnostic feature for both conditions at autopsy. PD et al., 2001; Calderon et al., 2001; Ballard et al., 2002). In addi-
patients have severe loss of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neu- tion, visuospatial deficits are more severe in DLB (Walker
rones (Kuikka et al., 1993; Ouchi et al., 1999) and neocortical et al., 1997; Gnanalingham et al., 1997; Ballard et al., 1999a).
34 Criteria for the diagnosis of dementia

Neuropsychology may therefore also contribute to diagnosis with a SPECT profile. Several studies have confirmed the
in some instances. predominance of behavioural problems, language impair-
Various neuroimaging techniques have been used to com- ments and hypoprontality (Miller et al., 1997; Lindau et al.,
pare DLB and AD patients. From a point of view of poten- 1998) in these patients. Litvan et al. (1998) included several
tial differential diagnosis, studies using SPECT scans with participants with frontotemporal dementia in their clinico-
dopaminergic ligands such as FP-CIT and other similar com- pathological study, reporting a sensitivity and specificity of 97
pounds are of particular interest. Clear differences are evident per cent for clinical diagnosis against autopsy confirmation.
between DLB and AD patients in dopaminergic loss in the basal A further report has, however, suggested that the interrater
ganglia and subtle differences in the symmetry and rostrocaudal agreement for the pathological diagnosis of frontotemporal
gradient have been identified between DLB and PD dementia dementia is poor (Halliday et al., 2002), which makes inter-
(Walker et al., 2002). The full clinical usefulness of this is not yet pretation of clinicopathological studies difficult. Further vali-
evident; for example, is this just a marker of the severity of dation studies are clearly required.
parkinsonism or does it contribute something additional that is The ICD-10 criteria (World Health Organization, 1992)
useful in the differential diagnosis? include a description of dementia in Pick’s disease, dementia
Overall the consensus criteria for DLB work reasonably in Creutzfeld–Jakob disease, dementia in Huntingdon’s dis-
well in clinical practice, and certainly people who meet the ease, dementia in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
criteria are very likely to actually have the condition. People disease and dementia in other specified diseases classified else-
with concurrent vascular pathology or marked concurrent where (which incorporates a list including a variety of condi-
neurofibrillary tangle pathology are, however, much more tions such as epilepsy, hypothyroidism, intoxications, multiple
difficult to diagnose clinically. There are some useful clinical sclerosis, neurosyphilis, niacin deficiency, polyarthritis nodosa
commonsense steps that can be adopted to try to improve the and vitamin B12 deficiency). For specific systemic diseases,
accuracy in everyday practice. For example, visual hallucina- diagnosis can be more difficult than it first appears, as often
tions are much more indicative of DLB if they initially arise the severity of cognitive impairments can be exacerbated with-
in the relatively early stages of the dementia, and become out the underlying condition being the predominant cause of
more frequent in AD patients during the moderate stages of the dementia. For many of these conditions, where an under-
the disease (Ballard et al., 1999b). Similarly parkinsonian lying cause or specific gene can be identified, the validity of
symptoms are a less useful discriminator in the more severe clinical criteria is obviously redundant as long as the clinical
stages of the disease where they become more frequent in the profile indicates the appropriate investigation.
context of AD (Lopez et al., 2000). In addition, better meth-
ods for evaluating fluctuating cognition may be useful, with
three published standardized clinical rating methods 3.3 CONCLUSION
(Walker et al., 2000; Doubleday et al., 2002).
The criteria also describe a list of features that are con- In the current chapter many of the potential difficulties in
sidered to be supportive of the diagnosis of DLB. These include: differential diagnosis have been highlighted. However, par-
ticularly for AD, the success of operationalized diagnostic
• repeated falls
criteria is considerable and they can be used with a degree of
• syncope
confidence for the diagnosis of most dementia patients.
• transient loss of consciousness
There are clearly a number of areas where further work is
• neuroleptic sensitivity
required, and for dementias other than AD further validation
• systematized delusions and
studies are needed to improve and establish accurate diag-
• hallucinations in modalities other than visual (auditory,
nostic methodology. The current chapter has not focused
olfactory, and tactile)
upon more detailed neuropsychological evaluation or bio-
and are likely to also include REM sleep behaviour disorder logical markers, but it is likely in the future that more com-
(Boeve et al., 2001) in the next revision of the criteria. prehensive research diagnostic criteria will include results
Although these have no formal weighting in the operational- from additional neuropsychological evaluation and more
ized diagnostic method, they may be useful in supporting a specialized investigation.
diagnosis of possible DLB (where only one of the three core
features is present) as a primary clinical diagnosis.

3.2.4 Other dementias Aarsland D, Ballard C, Larsen JP et al. (2001a) A comparative study of
psychiatric symptoms in dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s
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for the clinical evaluation of frontal lobe dementias have been Geriatric Psychiatry 16: 528–536
published (Lund and Manchester Groups, 1994). This Aarsland D, Ballard C, McKeith I et al. (2001b) Comparison of
includes a description of typical clinical symptoms, together extrapyramidal signs in dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s
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Assessment of dementia


4.1 Causes of dementia and cognitive impairment 38 4.5 Investigations 43

4.2 The assessment process 39 4.6 Conclusion 44
4.3 Mental state examination 42 References 44
4.4 Physical examination 42

4.1 CAUSES OF DEMENTIA AND COGNITIVE cases, and one or more potentially reversible concomitant
IMPAIRMENT conditions in 23 per cent (Hejl et al., 2002). Potentially
reversible causes were more likely to be found in people who
There are probably over a hundred different disorders that • had no objective cognitive deficits, or
may cause dementia or chronic cognitive impairment. Box 4.1 • had cognitive impairment but not dementia
lists the commonest causes.
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most frequently diag- compared to people with dementia. Potentially reversible
nosed cause of dementia but the majority of people with AD causes were also found more frequently in those under the age
have concomitant cerebrovascular pathology including a of 60 years. Only 4 per cent of people who had dementia had
third who have cerebral infarction (Kalaria, 2000). Although a potentially reversible primary cause. Probably only about 1
vascular pathology has been found in 29–41 per cent of demen- per cent of potentially reversible cases of dementia actually
tia cases in post-mortem studies, pure vascular pathology do reverse with treatment (Walstra et al., 1997), but a higher
was only identified as a cause for dementia in 9–10 per cent proportion may show a partial response. The commonest
of cases (Holmes et al., 1999; Lim et al., 1999). VaD(VaD) is a causes of ‘reversible or partially reversible dementia’ found in
syndrome that includes a number of heterogeneous subtypes Clarfield’s (1988) review of 32 studies involving 2889 sub-
such as dementia caused by ‘strategic’ infarction, cerebral jects were as shown in Box 4.2.
haemorrhage, and conditions where there is diffuse ischaemic Some potential causes of cognitive impairment such as
damage (Amar and Wilcock, 1996). vitamin B12 deficiency appear to be most amenable to treat-
Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) accounts for 15–20 ment before dementia is established (Eastley et al., 2000), and
per cent cases in hospital post-mortem series (Weiner, 1999) so people presenting with mild cognitive impairment should
and is the second commonest cause of neurodegenerative receive the same degree of assessment as those who present
dementia after AD. Again, mixed pathological changes are with a dementia syndrome.
the rule and cases of pure DLB without plaques, tangles or
vascular changes are uncommon (Holmes et al., 1999).
Frontotemporal dementia is less common than AD, DLB or 4.1.2 Delirium
VaD overall but the second commonest form of primary neuro-
degenerative dementia in middle age, accounting for up to 20 Delirium is an important differential diagnosis, and a com-
per cent of presenile dementia cases (Snowden et al., 2002). mon cause of the misdiagnosis of dementia (Ryan, 1994).
Delirium is commonly superimposed on dementia and some
4.1.1 Potentially reversible dementia causes of delirium may subsequently lead to the development
of dementia if not treated. Almost any acute illness may cause
In a study of 1000 memory clinic patients a potentially delirium in an elderly person, but infections, particularly of
reversible primary underlying cause was found in 19 per cent the urinary tract or respiratory system, and iatrogenic causes
The assessment process 39

Box 4.1 Causes of dementia or chronic cognitive impairment Box 4.3 Clinical features that help to distinguish delirium from
• Alzheimer’s disease • Rapid onset over hours or days (usually)
• Dementia with Lewy bodies • Onset coincides with an identifiable medical or
• Frontal or frontotemporal dementias iatrogenic cause
• Fluctuation in consciousness
Vascular • Fluctuation in severity of symptoms (but beware DLB)
• Infarction • Typically worse confusion at night
• Haemorrhage
• Cardiovascular disease
• Binswanger’s encephalopathy are frequent culprits. Clinical features that help to distin-
• Vasculitis guish delirium from dementia are given in Box 4.3.
Physical disorders that can cause cognitive impairment do
Endocrine disorders not always present with delirium. An insidious onset and
• Diabetes slow progressive deterioration may be observed in hypothy-
• Thyroid disease roidism and vitamin B12 deficiency for example.
• Parathyroid disease
• Cushing’s disease
• Addison’s disease 4.1.3 Depression
Vitamin deficiencies The relationship between dementia and depression is complex.
• B12, thiamine and nicotinic acid In a memory clinic setting depression was found to be the most
common potential reversible cause of cognitive symptoms and
Systemic diseases
the most common potentially reversible concomitant condi-
• Respiratory disease
tion (Hejl et al., 2002). However, elderly people with depression
• Anaemia
often show deficits on standard cognitive tests, which do not
Neurological disorders or trauma always resolve with treatment (Abas et al., 1990). Poor per-
formance on cognitive testing is sometimes related to lack of
• Normal pressure hydrocephalus
motivation and impaired concentration, and is typically char-
• Head injury
acterized by ‘I don’t know’ answers, or a similar response. In
• Space-occupying lesions
some cases the cognitive impairment does not appear to be
• Multiple sclerosis
directly related to ‘lack of effort’ but may still resolve with treat-
Infection ment of the depression. However, those patients with ‘reversible
• Syphilis dementia’ presumed to be secondary to depression are at
• Encephalitis higher risk of subsequently developing dementia on follow up
• HIV than those with depression alone (Alexopoulos et al., 1993).
• Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease Depression can also be a comorbid condition with dementia.
The prevalence rate of comorbid depressive illness in people
with dementia varies with the study population and definition
of depression, but the mean is 20 per cent (Ballard et al., 1996).
It may not be possible at the initial assessment to deter-
mine whether delirium, depression or other treatable disorder
Box 4.2 Commonest causes of ‘reversible or partially reversible is a primary diagnosis or a comorbid condition. In either case
dementia’ appropriate treatment should be initiated and the patient
reassessed. Depressive symptoms in the elderly and cognitive
• Drugs dysfunction may take several months to improve with treat-
• Depression ment, so full neuropsychological testing should probably not
• Metabolic causes be repeated until a minimum of 3 months have elapsed.
• Thyroid disease
• Vitamin B12 deficiency
• Calcium disturbance
• Liver disease 4.2 THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS
• Normal pressure hydrocephalus
• Subdural haematoma The assessment of the person with dementia or cognitive
• Neoplasm impairment usually requires a multidisciplinary approach
40 Assessment of dementia

and should be holistic rather than solely aimed at making a problems with orientation, initiating, planning and carrying
diagnosis. Functional ability, behaviour, the presence of psy- through activities, reading, or handling money.
chiatric symptoms, and the psychosocial consequences of the Non-cognitive symptoms, such as a change in personality,
illness on the person and their carer should also be assessed. behavioural disturbance and psychiatric symptoms, are usually
Assessment should be a dynamic process. This chapter focuses best elicited from a carer. Patients who have impaired insight
on the diagnostic aspect of the assessment process. Obviously into their dementia are less likely to admit to depressive symp-
local service arrangements will determine where the patient toms for example (Ott and Fogel, 1992).
is seen and by whom. The initial assessment process will involve The importance of the assessment of non-cognitive
history-taking, mental state and physical examination, blood symptoms is two-fold. First they provide essential informa-
tests and neuroimaging. tion for the diagnostic process. Loss of drive, disinhibition,
and poverty of speech are common symptoms of frontal lobe
damage, and may be the first signs of frontal lobe dementia.
4.2.1 History Visual hallucinations may point to delirium or DLB, or prom-
inent mood symptoms may suggest an affective disorder.
The history is the cornerstone of any assessment. The quality
Second, non-cognitive symptoms have an enormous impact
of information available from the patient will depend on
on the day-to-day life of both patient and carer, and may
the degree of cognitive impairment and the level of insight.
require intervention in their own right.
Even when a patient has adequate insight into their difficul-
ties, it is still essential to obtain supplementary information HISTORY OF PRESENTING COMPLAINT
from other sources. Informants should be reliable, know the
patient well and be in close contact with them. A review of A sudden, acute onset of cognitive impairment, usually
the medical notes often provides important clues to the pres- excludes a neurodegenerative condition. However, caution
ent problem. should be exercised when assessing this. Physical or psychi-
atric illness may exacerbate existing problems, which only
become evident on careful enquiry. Social changes such as
4.2.2 Presenting complaint
moving house or illness in the carer may suddenly reveal
deficits that hitherto went unnoticed.
The publicity generated by the launch of drug treatment for
The onset of AD is typically insidious, and the decline in
AD has done much to raise general awareness of this illness.
function occurs gradually. Memory impairment is followed
Clinicians are increasingly likely to see patients who refer
by the development of dysphasia, dyspraxia and agnosia. The
themselves with complaints of memory impairment. This
course of dementia after a stroke is usually like that of AD
requires the same degree of assessment as severe global cog-
(Kokmen et al., 1996). The sudden onset of cognitive impair-
nitive impairment. Memory impairment in isolation is insuf-
ment without subsequent deterioration might suggest a
ficient for a diagnosis of dementia but can represent the first
cerebrovascular infarct or other acute event. The classic
symptom of a dementing illness. Potentially treatable causes
description of a step-wise deterioration in vascular dementia
of dementia are most likely to be amenable to reversal in the
is sometimes seen but not invariably so. The symptom profile
early stages of the illness, and initial symptoms of cognitive
in vascular dementia is variable and determined by the site
dysfunction may be quite subtle.
and severity of the damage.
Subjective cognitive impairment is a common symptom
A relatively short history with fluctuations in the level of
of depression. Typically patients complain of thinking diffi-
consciousness could suggest delirium, either as a primary cause
culties, poor concentration and memory impairment. There
or superimposed on a dementia, or subdural haematoma.
may be evidence of concentration and memory impairment
Marked fluctuation in the degree of cognitive impairment is
on examination, but cortical symptoms such as dysphasia,
a hallmark characteristic of DLB.
dyspraxia or agnosia are rare in uncomplicated depression.
Affective disorder is an important differential diagnosis for
dementia, but also a common comorbid condition. 4.2.3 Past medical history
While patients may admit to mislaying things, or having
to rely on written notes as aides-memoire, carers usually pro- Treatment decisions may be influenced by the medical his-
vide a better assessment of the severity of the impairment. tory, and past medical conditions may be implicated in the
Patients rarely offer information, which raises concern about aetiology of the cognitive impairment, or be responsible for
their ability to function independently. It is invariably con- an exacerbation of current problems. However, causality
cerned friends or relatives who reveal that the patient forgets should not be inferred without supporting evidence. A close
to lock their door or turn the gas off. temporal relationship between recent medical problems and
Much can be learnt about other areas of cognitive function the onset of cognitive impairment rightly raises suspicion
from the history. Special attention should be given to symp- but could be coincidental. People also measure their lives by
toms of language impairment, dyspraxia, agnosia and visu- events, and not infrequently relate their history to medical
ospatial impairment. Direct enquiry may provide evidence of landmarks.
The assessment process 41

A multitude of medical conditions may compromise brain been prescribed. A new treatment or change in dosage coin-
function through a variety of pathological mechanisms, and ciding with the onset or exacerbation of cognitive problems
only the more common can be considered here. Vascular risk should alert the clinician to the possibility of an iatrogenic
factors such as hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidaemia cause. However, longstanding prescriptions can sometimes
are risk factors for both VaD and AD (Stewart, 1998). Past be implicated. The development of a medical illness may
myocardial infarction or episodes of dysrhythmias may sug- change the bioavailability or metabolism of previously well-
gest a vascular component. Any condition that could cause tolerated drugs. The possibility of non-prescription drug use,
anoxic or hypoxic damage may be relevant, such as severe such as cough and cold remedies, or the use of relative’s medi-
respiratory problems or anaemia. cations should not be forgotten.
Hypothyroidism can lead to cognitive impairment and Older people are particularly vulnerable to adverse effects
should always be considered in an elderly person with a past from psychotropic medication for a variety of reasons. Age-
history of thyroid disease. Liver and renal disease may impact related physiological factors can alter drug pharmacokinetics
on cognitive function but are rare causes of dementia. and dynamics. Additionally, elderly people are more likely to
Particular attention should be given to any history of be suffering from physical illness and taking multiple medi-
head injury. Even minor head trauma can cause a subdural cations. Special consideration should be given to the possible
haematoma in elderly people, and this occasionally pres- effects of tricyclic antidepressants, long-acting hypnotics,
ents with deteriorating cognitive function. Head injury also neuroleptics and the older anticonvulsants. Any medication
increases the risk of normal pressure hydrocephalus and AD. with anticholinergic activity may impact cognitive function,
and those individuals with reduced neuronal reserve are
4.2.4 Systems review especially sensitive.
Sometimes the medication problems arise secondary to
A brief review of the major body systems should not be forgot- cognitive impairment, and exacerbate it further. People with
ten. Occasionally important symptoms are only elicited by impaired memory function may overdose because they for-
direct questioning as the patient or carer may not have made get they have taken their tablets, or else forget to take them at
any association between them and the cognitive dysfunction. all. Non-compliance may account for poor diabetic control,
or inadequate thyroid treatment, for example.
Illicit substance use is rare in current elderly cohorts but
4.2.5 Psychiatric history alcohol abuse is much commoner. Present and past alcohol
intake should be assessed.
A specific enquiry about any past psychiatric illness is recom-
mended as this information is often not volunteered. A his-
tory of depressive illness increases the risk of current affective 4.2.7 Family history
disorder, whether this is the primary diagnosis or not. Details
about the symptom profile of any past episodes of psychiatric Family histories can aide the diagnostic process but need to
disorder often prove extremely helpful. Occasionally a review be reliable. Reports of ‘confusion’ in elderly relatives adds little
of the psychiatric notes reveals that cognitive problems were to the assessment, but a family history of formally diagnosed
prominent during a previous illness but resolved with treat- AD or Huntington’s chorea, for example, can be all import-
ment. More rarely younger patients with somatoform or dis- ant. It is also necessary to ascertain the age at which first-
sociative disorders may present with complaints of cognitive degree relatives died as, especially for late-onset AD, relatives
impairment. may have died before reaching the age of maximum risk.
Alcoholism or alcohol abuse is more likely to be missed Affective disorders in first-degree relatives may be relevant
in elderly people than younger adults (Caracci and Miller, if depressive symptoms are prominent. Sometimes enquiries
1991). Alcohol is neurotoxic and the damage caused by about general health problems in the family yield crucial
long-term abuse can be irreversible. There is an association information about possible aetiological causes, which would
between alcoholism and thiamine deficiency although the not otherwise be considered. Inherited clotting disorders or
exact relationship is not fully understood (Kopelman, 1995). thrombophilias for example may come to light.
Thiamine deficiency can cause Wernicke’s encephalopathy
and Korsakoff ’s psychosis. Wernicke’s encephalopathy pres- 4.2.8 Social history
ents acutely with confusion, clouded consciousness, ophthal-
moplegia, nystagmus and ataxia, and requires immediate It is essential to assess the person’s social circumstances in
treatment. Korsakoff ’s psychosis is an amnesic syndrome. order to formulate a care plan. Living arrangements and sup-
port networks may be inadequate and this part of the history
4.2.6 Medication and substance use/abuse may reveal unmet needs for assistance with practical tasks such
as shopping or food preparation. There may be issues involv-
When you are taking the medication history, it is always ing the patient’s financial situation that need to be addressed,
worthwhile checking the length of time particular drugs have such as their ability to manage their own finances or their
42 Assessment of dementia

entitlement to benefits. If not already covered at this point a Detailed visual hallucinations of people or animals in particu-
specific enquiry should be made about whether the patient is lar are common symptoms in DLB.
still driving and, if they are, whether there have been any The mental state examination should include basic cogni-
difficulties. Both patients and informants are often reluctant tive testing, although a more detailed neuropsychological
to admit to any problems with driving because of the poten- assessment by a psychologist may be required. The general
tial consequences. If patients are driving, special attention interview will give an impression of the patient’s attention
should be given to the findings of the neuropsychological and concentration. Formal tests of attention include asking
examination. them to repeat a series of digits forwards and backwards, giv-
ing the months of the year or days of the week backwards, or
subtracting serial sevens from 100. Aspects of memory includ-
ing registration and recall can be briefly assessed by asking
the patient to repeat a name and address or a series of words
immediately and after a delay. The inability to understand
The mental state examination begins with the first contact instructions may indicate receptive language problems. The
with the patient whether this is at home or in a clinic setting. presence of nominal dysphasia may not be apparent in social
Untidiness, inappropriate clothing or poor personal hygiene conversation as patients often compensate by using circum-
may indicate dyspraxia or self-neglect from severe depression. locution. It is tested by asking the patient to name a series of
A mood disorder may be suggested by a downcast or anxious objects. Visuospatial function can be assessed by a number of
expression. Disinhibition may be demonstrated by an inappro- tests including drawing a clock face and copying an asym-
priate greeting. metric design. Parietal lobe impairment may be evidenced by
Language function is assessed during the interview and by loss of the ability to distinguish right from left, finger agnosia
formal testing. Abnormalities in the rate and form of speech (cannot name fingers), astereognosis (cannot recognize an
may be indicative of an affective disorder or underlying neuro- item placed in the hand with eyes closed), dressing apraxia
logical dysfunction. Decreased rate or poverty of speech may (cannot dress), topographical agnosia (cannot find way
be a feature of depression or frontotemporal dementia. around) and sensory inattention. Perseveration in frontal lobe
Patients who repeat answers, phrases or words from preced- impairment can be demonstrated by card-sorting tests and
ing questions are perseverating, a sign of frontal lobe impair- repetition in motor tasks. The FAS word fluency test is a use-
ment. Dysarthria, the disorder of the articulation of speech, ful screening test for frontal impairment.
can be caused by lesions of the upper or lower motor neurones, The person’s degree of insight into their current difficul-
extrapyramidal and cerebellar pathways. Paraphasias, which ties can aid the diagnosis and of course has implications for
are slightly incorrect words, can be a feature of temporal lobe further management.
problems, but also can occur when the patient is particularly
anxious. Expressive dysphasia occurs secondary to frontal lobe
involvement, and receptive dysphasia is caused by a lesion in
Wernicke’s area.
The symptoms of mood disorders in people with mild to
moderate cognitive impairment or dementia are the same as Like the mental state examination, the physical examination
for anyone else. People who are more severely impaired may begins as soon as you meet the patient. Some conditions may
lack the ability to express their distress in cognitive terms, be apparent from the patient’s appearance alone.
and then the diagnosis relies more on the biological symp- There may be obvious discomfort when they get out of
toms, informant history and behavioural assessment. Suicide the chair in the waiting room, or unsteadiness on standing.
ideation should be assessed if there are any depressive symp- Shaking hands when introduced may reveal the forced grasping
toms whether the person has dementia or not. Dementia does seen in frontal lobe lesions. The gait can be observed when
not necessarily preclude a completed suicide (Cattell and the patient is walking to the consulting room or through the
Jolley, 1995). Lability of mood is classically seen in vascular house. Is there evidence of ataxia, the broad-based gait of
dementia and cognitive impairment and, when extreme, is normal pressure hydrocephalus, or the parkinsonian shuf-
termed emotional incontinence. fling steps? Does the patient get out of breath with minimal
Psychotic symptoms may arise secondary to functional psy- exertion? Abnormal movements such as resting tremors or
chiatric illness, in which case they are usually mood congru- choreoathetoid movements may be obvious before a neuro-
ent. In delirium, delusions are often paranoid in flavour and logical examination is performed.
not well systematized. Some abnormal beliefs occurring in a Noting the skin colour takes seconds and may reveal the
person with dementia can often be understood in terms of paleness of anaemia, jaundice, cyanosis, or the plethoric
the person trying to make sense of their experiences. Family appearance of polycythaemia.
members may be accused of stealing things, or neighbours of Measure the patient’s temperature if toxicity is suspected.
coming into the house and moving things. Hallucinations can The general examination should include a check of the thy-
occur in any modality, but are commonly auditory or visual. roid gland, lymph nodes and breasts (in women).
Investigations 43

4.4.1 Cardiorespiratory examination sucking reflex can be provoked by touching the lips with a
wooden spatula or other instrument and, as it name implies,
A vascular cause for the cognitive impairment may be indi- involves contraction of the muscles used for sucking. A pout
cated by the rate and rhythm of the pulse, the presence of provoked by tapping the centre of closed lips is the snout reflex.
hypertension, heart murmurs, carotid bruits, or poor periph- Sensation is particularly difficult to assess in a person with
eral circulation. A slow regular pulse may suggest heart block, dementia and in addition an impairment of lower limb vibra-
overtreatment with some drugs, e.g. -blockers, or hypo- tory sense and proprioception is a common normal finding
thyroidism. Sitting and standing blood pressure should be in many elderly people. However, sensory examination can
measured in the case of orthostatic hypotension. still be useful and may reveal abnormalities suggestive of
Chest examination may reveal evidence of infection, car- cerebrovascular lesions, peripheral neuropathy in diabetes or
diac failure, or occasionally pleural effusion. vitamin B12 deficiency and, more rarely these days, tabes dor-
salis and subacute combined degeneration of the cord.
4.4.2 Abdomen
Any abnormal findings may be important but liver disease
stigmata, the presence of an aortic aneurysm or discomfort on
bladder palpation may be directly relevant to the aetiology. Standard blood screening is a recommended part of the assess-
Faecal loading in the large bowel sometimes accounts for new ment, and serves several purposes. It may reveal potentially
behavioural problems. Constipation can be caused by medica- treatable causes of cognitive impairment and organic mood
tions with anticholinergic activity and also opiate derivatives, disorder, or coexistent medical disorders which were not sus-
which themselves may exacerbate cognitive impairment. pected from the history or physical examination. Additionally
impaired renal function or liver function tests for example
may influence treatment decisions.
4.4.3 Musculoskeletal
Standard blood investigations should include those in
Box 4.4.
Musculoskeletal disorders are only rarely associated with the
There are areas, such as parts of North America, where ter-
aetiology of cognitive impairment, but require assessment in
tiary syphilis has become so rare that screening for syphilis is
their own right. A few conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis
no longer recommended as a routine investigation (Knopman
can cause cognitive impairment through vascular pathology.
et al., 2001). However, if there is a clinical suspicion or the
patient resides in a high incidence area, screening should be
4.4.4 Nervous system performed.
Other investigations including an electrocardiogram may
Any abnormalities in posture, gait and movement may already be arranged as indicated by the history and examination.
have been noted but should also be formally assessed. Intention Unfortunately clinical rules for predicting which patients
and static tremors are found when there is a cerebellar dis- should have standard structural neuroimaging introduce the
order, and the pill-rolling tremor is characteristic of parkin- risk of missing clinically significant structural lesions (Gifford
sonism. Action tremors may be exaggerated in thyrotoxicosis, et al., 2000). Where neuroimaging is possible as part of the
uraemia and liver disease. initial evaluation, this should be with either non-contrast
Of particular importance in the cranial nerve examina- computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging
tion is any sign of facial weakness, abnormal eye movements, (Knopman et al., 2001).
nystagmus and visual field defects. Ophthalmoscopy should Although it is not widely available, there is evidence
be performed routinely as it may reveal signs of systemic dis- that using a dopaminergic presynaptic ligand, 123I-labelled
ease such as diabetic or hypertensive retinopathy as well as
papilloedema secondary to raised intracranial pressure.
Abnormalities in the pyramidal and the extrapyramidal Box 4.4 Standard blood investigations
motor systems may help to confirm the diagnosis of VaD,
DLB, Parkinson’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. • Full blood count
Myoclonus may be associated with epilepsy, or Creuztfeldt– • Viscosity or ESR
Jakob disease. • Urea, creatinine and electrolytes
The grasp, sucking and snout reflexes are examples of • Vitamin B12
primitive reflexes which are normal in infants. People with • Liver function tests
frontal dementias usually acquire primitive reflexes in the • Folate
early stages of their illness, otherwise their occurrence is usu- • Thyroid function tests
ally associated with advanced dementia. The grasp reflex, a • Blood glucose
flexion of the thumb and fingers, can be elicited by stroking • Calcium
the patient’s palm between their thumb and index finger. The • Cholesterol
44 Assessment of dementia

Eastley R, Wilcock GK, Bucks RS. (2000) Vitamin B12 deficiency in

dementia and cognitive impairment: the effect of treatment on
nortropane (FP-CIT) and single photon emission tomography neuropsychological function. International Journal of Geriatric
(SPET) can distinguish DLB from AD during life (Walker et al., Psychiatry 15: 226–233
2002). Further evaluation is required to determine whether Galasko D. (2003) Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in Alzheimer’s disease.
this will be useful as a routine investigation. Archives of Neurology 60: 1195–1196
Lumbar puncture is only indicated as an investigation if Gifford DR, Holloway RG, Vickrey BG. (2000) Systematic review of
an infective or inflammatory cause is suspected. clinical prediction rules for neuroimaging in the evaluation of
There has been a lot of interest in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dementia. Archives of Internal Medicine 160: 2855–2862
markers but to date only the CSF 14–3-3 protein assay for Hejl A, Hogh P, Waldemar G. (2002) Potentially reversible conditions in
Creutzfeld–Jakob disease has clinical usefulness, although the 1000 consecutive memory clinic patients. Journal of Neurology,
ratio of phosphorylated
to -amyloid peptide in the CSF Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 73: 390–394
Holmes C, Cairns N, Lantos P, Mann A. (1999) Validity of current clinical
looks promising as an aid to diagnosing AD (Galasko, 2003).
criteria for Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia and dementia
with Lewy bodies. British Journal of Psychiatry 174: 45–50
Kalaria RN. (2000) The role of cerebral ischaemia in Alzheimer’s disease.
4.6 CONCLUSION Neurobiology of Aging 21: 321–330
Knopman DS, DeKosky ST, Cummings JL et al. (2001) Practice parameter:
diagnosis of dementia (an evidence-based review). Report of the
The clinical features of the history, mental state, physical exam- Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of
ination and the findings of investigations must all be con- Neurology. Neurology 56: 1143–1153
sidered when making a diagnosis of dementia. Many causes Kokmen E, Whistman JP, O’Fallon WM et al. (1996) Dementia after
of dementia or cognitive impairment are potentially reversible, ischemic stroke: a population-based study in Rochester, Minnesota
and comorbid conditions may require therapeutic interven- (1960–1984). Neurology 19: 154–159
tion. For those causes that are irreversible, there are treatment Kopelman MD. (1995) The Korsakoff syndrome. British Journal of
options that may offer symptomatic improvement and alter Psychiatry 166: 154–173
the course of the illness. Lim A, Tsuang D, Kukull W et al. (1999) Clinico-neuropathological
correlation of Alzheimer’s disease in a community-based case series.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 47: 564–569
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Neuropsychological assessment of dementia


5.1 Neuropsychological assessment: background and 5.4 Neuropsychological assessment for the purposes of
general considerations 45 monitoring change in cognitive function 51
5.2 Neuropsychological assessment in the early 5.5 Conclusions 52
detection of dementia 47 References 52
5.3 Neuropsychological assessment in the differential
diagnosis of the dementias 49

It is estimated that dementia currently affects approximately description of what a detailed neuropsychological assessment
37 million people worldwide, with an estimated 775 200 can offer a clinician over and above simple rating scales such
cases in the United Kingdom (World Health Organization, as the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) (Folstein et al.,
2001; Alzheimer’s Society Demography Policy Position, 1975) and Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS-cog)
2004). As the population ages these prevalence rates can be (Rosen et al., 1984). The chapter will focus on Alzheimer’s
expected to increase substantially, especially in industrialized disease (AD), since this is the most prevalent and probably the
nations (Hebert et al., 2003). Dementia can have a devastat- best understood dementia from a neuropsychological perspec-
ing personal impact upon the lives of patients and their car- tive, but will also refer to frontotemporal dementia, dementia
ers, and may also be associated with substantial financial costs; with Lewy bodies (DLB) and vascular dementia (VaD) in the
the total cost of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) alone in the US for section on differential diagnosis. In describing the neurocog-
the year 2000 has been estimated to be US$1.75 billion nitive profile of these conditions, an emphasis will be placed
(World Health Organization, 2001). on neuropsychological tests that are of use in the early detec-
Over the past two decades, the concept of dementia as a tion and differential diagnosis of the dementias.
‘progressive global cognitive decline in clear consciousness’
has been revised. It is increasingly apparent that each form of
dementia has a distinct cognitive profile, at least in the mild
stages of the disease, and that this reflects the pattern of under-
lying neuropathological change (Hodges, 1998; Rahman
et al., 1999a; Lee et al., 2003). The advent of potentially dis-
ease-modifying therapies has reinforced the immediate need
for reliable, sensitive and specific in vivo markers for each form 5.1.1 What is neuropsychological assessment
of dementia. Significant recent advances in our understand- and how is it relevant to dementia?
ing of the cognitive neuropsychology of the dementias (cou-
pled with an absence of accurate biomarkers) have emphasized Clinical neuropsychology is an applied science concerned
the importance of neuropsychological assessment in the early with the behavioural expression of brain dysfunction (Lezak,
and differential diagnosis of the dementias, in objective 1995). In general, the aim of neuropsychological assessment
monitoring of changes in cognitive function across disease in cases of dementia is to provide a clinician with a profile of
course or as a function of treatment, and in estimating func- the patient’s performance demonstrating specific areas of
tional status. cognitive impairment and cognitive sparing. The acquired
In this chapter a brief outline of the rationale for neuro- information can be used for several purposes. These include
psychological assessment will be given, together with a aiding diagnosis, informing management, care and planning,
46 Neuropsychological assessment of dementia

evaluating the efficacy of a treatment, providing information together with measures of premorbid or current intelligence
about competency for legal matters, or for research. level (e.g. National Adult Reading Test [NART], Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale – Revised [WAIS-R], respectively). For those
without access to computerized assessment, an example of a
5.1.2 How should I choose which tests to use? ‘pencil and paper’ battery may include measures of premorbid
and current intellectual function (e.g. NART, WAIS-R, respec-
The neuropsychological tests used in a particular clinical tively), episodic memory (e.g. Wechsler Logical Memory,
assessment must be tailored to the individual needs of the Kendrick Object Learning Task, Warrington Recognition
patient and the reason for the referral. Nevertheless, it is also Memory for words and faces), working memory (e.g. Corsi
important to include ‘benchmark’ tests in order that the neuro- block tapping task, forward and backwards digit span), seman-
psychologist can compare between patients within the same tic memory (e.g. Graded Naming Test, category fluency, Boston
group, across patient groups and for use in longitudinal fol- Naming Test, Pyramids and Palm Trees Test), attention (e.g.
low up. On a very general level, the assessment of a patient the Stroop test, symbol digit substitution, Test of Everyday
should involve an evaluation of their cognitive function in Attention), visuospatial perception and construction (e.g.
the major domains afflicted by the dementia, an assessment drawing a clock face, Ray–Oesterreich figure, the Visual Object
of mood (e.g. Beck Depression Inventory [Beck et al., 1961], and Space Perception Battery [VOSP]), language comprehen-
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale [Hamilton, 1960]), an sion and expression (e.g. Test for Reception of Grammar
estimate of premorbid intelligence level together with years [TROG], Token Test) and executive functions (e.g. Wisconson
of education to compare results to, and a measure of how much Card Sorting Test, Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive
the deficits in cognitive function affect the patient’s function- Syndrome [BADS]). An alternative to combining individual
ing in everyday life. The test battery chosen should ideally be tests is to use an already constructed battery. Some batteries
sensitive to even subtle deficits in patients, be relatively easy commonly used in memory clinics are described briefly below.
and quick to administer and have been validated longitudin-
ally (including equivalent forms and characterization of any • The Consortium to Establish a Registry for Dementia of
the Alzheimer’s type (CERAD; Morris, 1997; Welch
practice effects) (Ferris and Kluger, 1997).
et al., 1992) battery includes the Boston Naming Test,
The quality of a neuropsychological test is measured by
verbal fluency, the MMSE and two other subtests,
how well its psychometric properties conform to theoretical
covering memory, language, constructional praxis and
notions of reliability and validity (Kline, 1986). Good validity
intellectual status.
means that the test actually measures what it is purported to
measure. Good reliability means that the test’s measurements • The Wechsler Memory Scale revised (WMS-R; Kaplan
et al., 1991) is made up of 13 subtests that take about
are accurate and consistent across different clinicians, locations
45 minutes to administer. The areas tested include
and times. So that the test can be used reliably for diagnosis at
orientation, attention, verbal memory, visual memory
a single case level, the key qualities required are specificity
and delayed recall.
(any deficit found on a test is unique to one patient group and
not a range of conditions) and sensitivity (the test should be • The Halstead–Reitan battery (Reitan and Wolfson, 1993)
consists of 10 tests that tap sensory, perceptual, motor,
sensitive to the earliest stages of a neurodegenerative disease
attention, language and problem solving abilities.
and even subtle changes in a patient’s condition).
Exactly which test to use depends on the precise hypoth- • The Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated
Battery (CANTAB; Robbins and Sahakian, 1994) is a set
esis being tested. For example, different tests are sensitive to
of computerized neuropsychological tests that tap visual
different levels of severity of dementia. A test like the CANTAB
memory, attention, and working memory and planning.
Paired Associate Learning task (Sahakian et al., 1988) is excel-
Computerized batteries have number of distinct
lent for early detection of AD (see below), but owing to its
advantages over more traditional ‘paper and pencil’ tests
sensitivity it may not be ideal for measuring disease progres-
and this has been discussed in detail elsewhere (see
sion in more advanced stages of disease progression. Other
Robbins et al., 1994b, 1998; Fray et al., 1996).
CANTAB tests, such as the Delayed Matching To Sample Test,
the Attentional Shift Test and the Visual Search Test may be
more suitable for assessing stage and severity of dementia 5.1.3 What is the merit in using a battery of
(see Sahakian et al., 1988, 1990; Sahgal et al., 1992a). Further, tests versus a short screening tool?
a lengthy battery may be useful for the detailed assessment of
cognitive function in the mild stages of dementia but may A neuropsychological assessment involving a battery of tests
not be appropriate or feasible in more moderately/severely is almost always preferable to short screening measures where
demented patients with major attentional difficulties. It is resources and time permit. This is because short mental status
important to include verbal and non-verbal stimuli, to exam- tests are suitable for some aspects of performance assessment
ine both recognition and recall, and to assess performance at (e.g. some forms of screening, gross staging of severity),
both immediate and delayed memory. The CANTAB non- but neglect others. For example, the MMSE (Folstein et al.,
verbal tests may be combined with tests of verbal function, 1975) is one of the most widely used brief measures of global
Neuropsychological assessment in the early detection of dementia 47

cognitive function. Its strengths are that it is inexpensive, even ineffective owing to the advanced stage of neurodegen-
rapid, highly portable, and can be interpreted and adminis- eration at that time. The identification of cognitive tests that
tered with little training. It is standardized and has been suc- are sensitive to early pathological changes would facilitate the
cessfully applied in cross-national studies. However, the diagnosis of patients in a ‘prodromal’ state (i.e. those in whom
MMSE has poor sensitivity to very mild dementia, is sensitive the pathological process is present but whose symptoms are
to age and educational level, and demonstrates ethnicity currently subclinical).
biases (Tombaugh and McIntyre, 1992; Nadler et al., 1994; Until relatively recently, the early detection of dementia has
Wilder et al., 1995). It is also limited in that it provides only a been neglected, partly due to the absence of effective treat-
global index of cognitive performance; a full neuropsycho- ments and also because sufficiently sensitive neuropsycho-
logical battery taps more cognitive domains and has greater logical tests were not available. The emergence of drugs to treat
sensitivity, increasing the usefulness of the assessment in the symptoms of AD (e.g. rivastigmine, donepezil, galanta-
terms of early and differential diagnosis within the demen- mine) brings an end to the therapeutic nihilism previously
tias. In addition, a comprehensive assessment can provide seen in the dementias and, excitingly, several drugs are cur-
information from which to measure change in multiple cog- rently in development that are hoped will modify disease
nitive domains as a result of the progression of the disease or progression. However, it is widely believed that if neuropro-
the administration of a new treatment and, in some cases, tective agents that modify the disease process are to be effective
may aid in the management decisions regarding individual (or indeed for their efficacy to be evaluated), then it is vital
patients. that clinicians are able to detect a dementia early and accur-
ately, before the emergence of global cognitive impairment
and substantial and irreversible atrophic damage (Fox et al.,
5.1.4 Feedback of test results 1999; Blackwell et al., 2004). Early detection of dementias can
also offer patients and their families more time to come to
Neuropsychological reports should be informative and useful terms with the diagnosis of dementia, to make the necessary
and should highlight, where possible, the practical implications personal and financial arrangements, and to reduce the anx-
for improving the patient’s quality of life (e.g. use of memory iety patients may feel when they are unsure of their diagnosis
aids, carer support and training). These reports should also (Morgan and Baade, 1997; see also Holroyd et al., 1996, 2002;
include observations of the behaviour of the client during test- Geldmacher et al., 2003). Thus, early detection would serve
ing (e.g. distractability, motivation, anxiety), as such obser- to maximize the potential therapeutic benefit of treatment,
vations can usefully complement the results of objective enhance patient quality of life and, in so doing, reduce the
neuropsychological tests (see Lezak, 1995). burden on residential and nursing care services. Consequently,
In all cases, neuropsychology should be viewed as con- a very high therapeutic and economic premium is placed on
tributing to a diagnosis along with other forms of assessment the early detection and diagnosis of AD.
(e.g. structured clinical interview, neuroimaging, etc.). The Over the past few years, attempts to identify individuals
most accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendations in the prodrome of AD (and other dementias) have largely
will always be made by combining converging forms of clin- focused upon patients who report memory problems but who
ical, neuropsychological and neuroimaging evidence. do not fulfil criteria for clinically probable AD, in that activ-
ities of daily living and non-memory cognitive faculties are
intact. This condition has been given several labels, including
‘questionable dementia’ (see e.g. Swainson et al., 2001; Blackwell
et al., 2004) and ‘mild cognitive impairment’ (MCI) (Petersen
et al., 1999).
According to Petersen (2003), ‘the concept of MCI
Current criteria for the diagnosis of probable AD stipulates represents the earliest point in the cognitive decline of an indi-
deterioration in two or more areas of cognition including vidual who is destined to develop AD’ and approximately 7–15
memory and this to be of sufficient magnitude to interfere per cent per annum of a sample meeting criteria for MCI will
with work or social function (McKhann et al., 1984; see also ‘convert’ to meet criteria for probable AD, several fold the
Small et al., 1997). Clinically, the presenting problem in prob- conversion rate expected in a general population (Celsis, 2000;
able AD patients is often difficulty in new learning and mem- Bennett et al., 2002; Petersen, 2003). There is, however, con-
ory (Sahakian et al., 1988). In particular, AD is characterized by troversy regarding the prognostic utility of MCI as it has been
deficits in episodic memory (i.e. memory for specific events currently defined (see Box 5.1). In particular, the usefulness
or experiences that can be defined in terms of time and of the subjective memory complaint (Jorm et al., 1997; Busse
space) (Welch et al., 1992). Critically, however, substantial et al., 2003), the stability of MCI diagnosis over time, and the
neuropathological change may have occurred before clin- optimal operationalization of the objective memory criteria
ically significant symptoms appear (Jack et al.,1999; Killiany (e.g. the choice of a particular test and criteria to deem a deficit
et al., 2002; Visser et al., 2002). Thus, commencing treatment clinically significant) have all been questioned (Ritchie et al.,
of AD at the time of clinical diagnosis may be suboptimal or 2001; Larrieu et al., 2002; see also Collie et al., 2002; Petersen,
48 Neuropsychological assessment of dementia

of cognitive testing. Blinded assessment of serial MRI imaging

Box 5.1 (Amnestic*) mild cognitive impairment criteria
showed that diffuse cerebral and medial temporal lobe atrophy
• Memory complaint, preferably corroborated by a was found in subjects only after they were clinically affected,
collateral source suggesting that a patient’s neuropsychological profile may be
• Objective memory impairment for age and education a more sensitive early indicator than structural brain imaging
• Normal general cognition data (see also Laakso et al., 2000). These results support the
• Preserved activities of daily living notion that the earliest cognitive deficits seen in AD include
• Non-demented objective episodic memory impairments that may even pre-
cede the onset of subjective memory complaints.
*Other clinical subtypes of MCI have recently been proposed. It has Other longitudinal studies in elderly subjects generally
been suggested that ‘single non-memory cognitive domain MCI’ and concur with these results. In the Framingham study ‘preclin-
‘multiple-domain MCI’ may have a different aetiology and outcome
(Petersen, 2003). Further research is needed to evaluate the validity/
ical’ deficits in verbal recall (as indexed by the per cent retained
utility of these subtypes in the Logical Memory Test and Paired Associate Learning
Test) preceded clinical diagnosis of AD in some cases by more
than 6 years (Linn et al., 1995; Elias et al., 2000). Similarly,
2003). Identifying appropriate tests with which to objectively in the Bronx ageing study, two tests of verbal memory, the
quantify memory impairment is likely to improve the prog- Fuld Object Memory Evaluation and the Bushke Selective
nostic utility of MCI as a nosological entity and represents a Reminding Test, predicted many subjects who would go on
crucial step in identifying patients who may benefit from to develop AD (Masur et al., 1995) (see also Albert et al.,
disease-modifying treatments, while avoiding exposure of 2001; Artero et al., 2003).
those who do not have prodromal AD to potential side effects Fowler et al. (1995, 1997, 2002) used the Cambridge
of these drugs (and unnecessary costs). Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) to
In attempting to identify neuropsychological tests that are ascertain whether early AD could be detected in a group of
sensitive to the cognitive markers of prodromal AD (and thus individuals with ‘questionable dementia’ (QD). As discussed
appropriate indices of memory function in MCI), it is crucial above, these are people who present with subjective memory
to ensure that performance on such tests is not deleteriously complaints, may or may not show some degree of impair-
affected by other neuropsychiatric complaints that may con- ment on standard neuropsychological tests (this differentiates
fuse diagnosis. Furthermore, in order for maximum diagnos- QD from MCI criteria), but do not fulfil NINCDS-ADRDA
tic sensitivity to be achieved, it is important to test those criteria for dementia (McKhann et al., 1984). Fowler et al.
cognitive functions that are subserved by brain areas directly (1997) demonstrated that the CANTAB PAL scores of the QD
implicated in AD neuropathogenesis. The earliest pathological group fell into two clusters: follow-up longitudinal data
markers of AD, neurofibrillary tangles and neuropil threads, revealed that individuals in one cluster (characterized by
are first seen in the transentorhinal cortex, before neuropathol- declining PAL performance) had a poor prognosis and an
ogy later spreads to the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus increased likelihood of a diagnosis of AD, whereas those in
proper (Braak and Braak, 1991). Converging evidence from the other cluster (characterized by stable PAL performance)
lesion studies in humans (Smith and Milner, 1981) and had a good prognosis and remained unimpaired. A later study
experimental animals (McDonald and White, 1993; Miyashita (Swainson et al., 2001; Blackwell et al., 2004) found that PAL
et al., 1998) and functional neuroimaging studies in normal performance could be used to accurately predict incident
volunteers (Owen et al., 1996; Maguire et al., 1998) suggests probable AD diagnosis in a QD group based on assessment
that these brain areas are necessarily involved in visuospatial at a one-time point alone (see below).
associative learning. Accordingly, it is likely that a decline in The CANTAB PAL requires subjects to learn and remem-
visuospatial associative learning ability may be a good candi- ber abstract visual patterns associated with various locations
date marker of early neuropathological abnormality. on a touch-sensitive computer screen. Patterns are presented
A number of longitudinal studies have investigated the in one of six or eight boxes around the edge of the screen
relative merits of various neuropsychological tests of memory (Figure 5.1). After a brief delay, the same patterns are pre-
for announcing AD in its prodromal phase. Fox et al. (1998) sented in the middle of the screen and the subject is required
followed 63 asymptomatic individuals at risk of autosomal to touch the box in which they saw that pattern appear. If this
dominant AD over a 6-year period. The 10 subjects who is not completed correctly the subject is reminded where
developed dementia during this time could be identified at each pattern belonged and tested again. This process continues
first assessment (when they were ostensibly unaffected) by until the task is satisfactorily completed or 10 trials have been
significantly lower verbal memory and performance IQ on attempted.
cognitive testing. These subjects were initially no different in Further studies using CANTAB PAL have confirmed it to
terms of age, family history and initial MMSE scores. First be useful in early and differential diagnosis in AD on a case-
assessment was typically 2–3 years before symptoms were by-case basis. The CANTAB PAL performance of patients
manifest and 4–5 years before a diagnosis of probable AD was with mild AD was impaired relative to both demographically-
made, a result which clearly illustrates the potential sensitivity matched healthy controls (Sahakian et al., 1988) and to
Neuropsychological assessment in the differential diagnosis of the dementias 49

(a) (b)

Figure 5.1 (a, b) CANTAB paired associates learning task – 1, 2, 3, 6 or 8 patterns are displayed sequentially in the available boxes (in the 8-pattern
stage two more boxes are added). Each pattern is then presented in the centre of the display and the subject is required to touch the box in which
the pattern was previously seen. If all the responses are correct the test moves on to the next stage; an incorrect response results in all the patterns
being redisplayed in their original locations, followed by another recall phase. The task terminates after 10 presentations and recall phases if all
patterns have not been placed correctly. Reproduced by kind permission of CANTAB, Cambridge Cognition Ltd.

individuals with frontal variant frontotemporal dementia Ultimately, however, the results of neuropsychological tests
(Lee et al., 2003). Of critical importance, CANTAB PAL was that are found to be sensitive and specific for early AD should
also found to be relatively insensitive to major unipolar depres- be incorporated into AD diagnostic criteria, rather than
sion (only 7 per cent of scores of patients with depression and invoking amnestic MCI as an intermediary state.
AD fell within an overlapping range) (Swainson et al., 2001)
(see Figure 5.2). This result suggests that PAL is of use in the
differential diagnosis of early AD and depression (unlike word 5.3 NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT
recall tests – see O’Carroll et al., 1997). Unlike on ADAS-cog, IN THE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF
performance on PAL was also found to correlate significantly THE DEMENTIAS
with subsequent deterioration in global cognitive function.
Furthermore, in a group of individuals with QD, baseline
The need for early and accurate detection of AD is paralleled
PAL results revealed an apparent subgroup of patients who
by the need to accurately differentiate the dementias. Accurate
performed like AD patients. In a follow-up study, Blackwell
differential diagnosis is important because it allows clinicians
et al. (2004) showed that by taking into account age and per-
to make appropriate treatment decisions and to provide appro-
formance on one other neuropsychological test (the Graded
priate advice to patients and relatives regarding the likely
Naming Test [McKenna and Warrington, 1980]), CANTAB
nature and course of decline. Over the last decade our under-
PAL gave a 100 per cent distinction between subjects with QD
standing of the neurocognitive profiles of various dementias
who either did or did not convert to probable AD (NINCDS-
has advanced significantly; this knowledge can be used to
ADRDA criteria) 32 months after baseline testing (see also
facilitate accurate differential diagnosis.
De Jager et al., 2002). These studies also revealed that the sen-
sitivity (in detecting prodromal AD in a QD group) and speci-
ficity (in differentiating AD from depression) of CANTAB 5.3.1 Frontotemporal dementias and AD
PAL was considerably better than that of all other frequently
used tests included in the study (including ADAS-cog and The prevalence of frontotemporal dementia equals that of
Wechsler Logical Memory Delayed Passage Recall). AD in individuals aged 45–64 (Ratnavalli et al., 2002). The
The accumulating evidence demonstrating the sensitivity term frontotemporal dementia is used to refer to a group of
and specificity of CANTAB PAL for the early and differential non-Alzheimer’s conditions most frequently characterized by
diagnosis of AD suggest that this test represents a potential a predominant pathology of either the frontal lobes (frontal
tool for operationalizing the criteria for objective memory variant frontotemporal dementia: FvFTD) or of the temporal
impairment in MCI along with other candidate tests (see lobes (often referred to as semantic dementia: SD). In SD there
Petersen, 2003). CANTAB PAL has the additional advantage is a selective impairment of semantic memory, which causes
of existing in a form that can be used in experimental animals severe anomia, single word comprehension, reduced exemplar
(Taffe et al., 2002), facilitating translational medicine phases of production in category fluency tests, and an impaired general
treatment development, and may be less sensitive than other knowledge. Other components of speech production, per-
tests to the effects of depression (Swainson et al., 2001). Further ceptual and non-verbal problem-solving abilities, and episodic
research into the usefulness and operationalization of each of memory are relatively spared (Snowden et al., 1989; Hodges
the MCI criteria will doubtless improve their prognostic use. et al., 1992; Breddin et al., 1994; Saffran and Schwartz, 1994).
50 Neuropsychological assessment of dementia

(a) PAL 6-pattern errors (b) Pattern recognition percentage correct


1 20

0 0
AD QD Dep Con AD QD Dep Con

(c) ADAS-cog errors (d) Logical memory items correct

35 40

30 35

25 30

5 5
0 0
AD QD Dep Con AD QD Dep Con
Figure 5.2 (a–d) Scores of individual subjects on PAL, ADAS-cog, pattern recognition and logical memory recall (i.e. the four tests best able
to classify Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and depressed/control (Dep/Con) subjects). NB. PAL and ADAS-cog are scored in terms of errors so a high score
indicates poor performance, whereas pattern recognition and logical memory recall are scored in terms of items correct, so a low score indicates
poor performance. ‘F’ indicates that the subjects failed to reach the 6-pattern stage. In the ‘questionable dementia’ (QD) group, baseline PAL
results revealed an apparent subgroup of patients who performed like AD patients. PAL performance of individuals with depression did not differ
significantly from that of matched control subjects (Swainson et al., 2001). Reproduced with permission from Karger, Basel.

FvFTD is usually associated with failure on frontal lobe minute recall of the Rey complex figure drawing [Rey, 1941])
tests in the absence of severe amnesia, aphasia, perceptual accompanied by more modest deficits in semantic memory
or spatial disorders. However, there are frequently marked (memory for meaning and facts) and visuospatial skills; SD
behavioural changes including lack of insight, disinhibi- was associated with major isolated deficits in semantic memory
tion, loss of personal and social awareness, mental rigidity and and anomia. The FvFTD group were, overall, the least impaired
inflexibility, perseverative behaviour, and emotional labil- group, and showed mild deficits in episodic memory and ver-
ity (Gregory and Hodges, 1996). Recent studies by Rahman, bal fluency with relatively preserved semantic memory. A fol-
Sahakian and colleagues (Rahman et al., 1999a, b) indicate low up with the same diagnostic groups examining attention,
that performance neuropsychological tests of decision- executive function and semantic memory has recently com-
making that are sensitive to orbitofrontal/ventromedial plemented these findings. SD patients showed a preservation
cortex could be used to differentiate mild FvFTD patients of attention and executive function with severe deficits in
from IQ-matched control subjects. By contrast, patients semantic memory; FvFTD patients showed the opposite pat-
and controls did not show performance differences on tasks tern (Perry and Hodges, 2000). A study by Lee et al. (2003)
thought to be sensitive to dorsolateral prefrontal cortex has further reinforced the value of CANTAB PAL in the dif-
function. ferentiation of SD, FvFTD and AD. Analysis revealed that rela-
Hodges et al. (1999) directly compared the neuropsycho- tive to patients with AD, the PAL performance (as indexed
logical profiles of FTD (both frontal and temporal variants) by stages completed, and errors at the six pattern stage) of
and early AD. AD patients showed a substantial deficit in patients with FvFTD and SD was generally spared. By con-
episodic memory (as indexed by the logical memory subtest trast, the PAL ‘memory score’ measure was impaired in both
of Wechsler Memory Scale – Revised [Wechsler, 1987] and 45 SD and AD but not FvFTD.
Neuropyschological assessment for the purposes of monitoring change in cognitive function 51

5.3.2 VaD versus AD follow-up study of mnemonic processing (Saghal et al., 1995)
AD and DLB patients were compared on a self-ordered test
Vascular dementia (VaD) is the second most common form of spatial working memory (CANTAB Spatial Working
of dementia comprising approximately 20 per cent of dementia Memory: SWM). The results revealed that SWM was more
cases in the United Kingdom (Alzheimer’s Society Demogra- impaired in the DLB group than in the AD group, but the
phy Policy Position Report, 2004). authors suggest that, since the two groups did not differ from
A number of studies have investigated the cognitive profile each other in the performance of a different test of spatial
associated with VaD and its differentiation from AD. Cross- span, the SWM deficit may not reflect a specific impairment
study comparison has been impeded by problems such as per se, but rather reflect the failure of a non-mnemonic cog-
differing diagnostic criteria and failure to match adequately nitive process subserved by frontostriatal circuitry (i.e. atten-
for demographic factors and disease severity but some con- tion or planning).
sensus is now forming. In general, when compared with Shimomura et al. (1998) compared the performance
patients with probable AD, VaD patients appear to show rela- of age-, MMSE-, sex-, and education-matched DLB and
tively preserved episodic memory but impaired executive AD patients on standard neuropsychological tests from the
and attentional function. Both AD and VaD show deficits of a Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale – Cognitive Scale
comparable severity in the domains of language, constructional (ADAS-cog), Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM) (Raven,
abilities, and working memory (see Looi and Sachdev, 1999). 1965), and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Revised
In contrast to episodic memory and executive function, (WAIS-R; Wechsler, 1981). Relative to AD, DLB was associated
there is a paucity of data in the literature relating to the with a greater degree of impairment on the ADAS construction
semantic memory in VaD. One recent study (Graham et al., score, WAIS-R picture arrangement, Block Design, Object
2004) has addressed this issue by examining neurocognitive Assembly, and Picture Substitution scales. RPM score was
performance in groups of patients with subcortical vascular also significantly worse in the DLB group. By contrast, ADAS
dementia and probable AD (groups matched for age, educa- word recall performance was generally spared in the DLB rela-
tion, global cognitive and everyday function), and included tive to the AD group.
assessment of semantic memory in the testing battery. In More recently, Calderon et al. (2001) found that DLB was
accordance with previous literature, AD was associated with associated with deficits in visual object and space perception
more impairment in episodic memory, whereas VaD was asso- relative to AD and controls. DLB subjects also showed deficits
ciated with more deficient executive/attentional functioning in tests of attention and executive function greater than those
and visuospatial skills. Importantly semantic memory was seen in AD at a similar stage of global cognitive decline, but
also found to be generally more impaired in the VaD group. were significantly less impaired on tests of episodic memory.
Logistic regression analysis indicated that the most useful Additionally, DLB, but not AD subjects, showed impaired
discriminator of VaD and AD in this study was a combination performance in a test of divided attention.
of delayed passage recall and performance of a test of naming In summary, although more research is needed, studies to
silhouetted objects at various rotations (a test that can be con- date suggest that DLB is characterized, in neurocognitive
sidered to measure both visuospatial processing and seman- terms, by a relative sparing of episodic memory but marked
tic processing). attentional and visuospatial deficits when compared to AD.

5.3.3 Dementia with Lewy bodies versus AD 5.4 NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT FOR
It is estimated that dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is the
third most prevalent form of dementia, representing approxi-
mately 15 per cent of all dementia cases (Alzheimer’s Society
Demography Policy Position Report, 2004). DLB is charac- Another role for neuropsychological testing is to measure the
terized by progressive cognitive decline, hallucinations, fluc- rate of progression of disease, achieved by giving an identical
tuating course, spontaneous parkinsonism and heightened assessment (usually in parallel forms) at a number of different
sensitivity to neuroleptic drugs (McKeith et al., 1992, 2000). time intervals. This is important because it can help the clini-
The neurocognitive profile of DLB is less well understood cian assess the efficacy of any pharmacological intervention.
than that of AD and VaD, but some important studies have At the moment the ADAS-cog (Rosen et al., 1984; Mohs et al.,
been conducted. 1997) is a test commonly used clinical tool for this purpose.
Sahgal et al. (1992b) investigated matching-to-sample visual However, as discussed above, other objective measures of
recognition memory in DLB and AD patients. The results cognitive function have been shown to be more sensitive and
revealed that, although the performance of both DLB and AD specific in the early stages of AD and therefore may provide
patients was impaired relative to controls, the DLB patients more appropriate indices of change at these early stages.
performed most poorly, particularly when a delay was intro- Furthermore, other tests (e.g. CANTAB Rapid Visual Infor-
duced between stimulus presentation and recognition. In a mation Processing Task, CANTAB Simple and Choice Reaction
52 Neuropsychological assessment of dementia

Time Task) are also likely to prove to be effective in monitor- Calderon J, Perry RJ, Erzinclioglu SW, Berrios GE, Dening TR, Hodges JR.
ing change later in the disease course (see Sahakian et al., (2001) Perception, attention, and working memory are
1989, 1993; Eagger et al., 1992). disproportionately impaired in dementia with Lewy bodies compared
with Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and
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Celsis P. (2000) Age-related cognitive decline, mild cognitive impairment
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Neuropsychological assessment can make an important con-
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tribution to the early and differential diagnosis of the demen-
De Jager CA, Milwain E, Budge M. (2002) Early detection of isolated
tias, including for the identification of ‘enriched samples’ for memory deficits in the elderly: the need for more sensitive
clinical trials, and is also vital for the objective monitoring neuropsychological tests. Psychological Medicine 32: 483–491
of changes in cognitive function across disease course or as a Eagger SA, Levy R, Sahakian BJ. (1992) Tacrine in Alzheimer’s disease.
function of treatment. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 139 (Suppl.): 75–80
Key challenges for neuropsychologists over the next decade Elias MF, Beiser A, Wolf PA, Au R, White RF, D’Agostino RB. (2000)
include decomposing the cognitive and neural substrates of The preclinical phase of Alzheimer disease: a 22-year prospective
task performance in order to more accurately characterize study of the Framingham Cohort. Archives of Neurology 57:
the neuropsycho-endophenotype of each form of dementia. 808–813
It will be particularly important to examine the relationship Ferris SH and Kluger A. (1997) Assessing cognition in Alzheimer disease
research. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders. 11
between neuropsychological function and specific neuropatho-
(Suppl. 6): 45–49
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more sensitive and specific diagnostic tools, which in turn Fowler KS, Saling MM, Conway EL, Semple JS, Louis WJ. (1995)
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pharmacological therapies, potentially even prior to the performance in the early detection of dementia. Applied
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Albert MS, Moss MB, Tanzi R, Jones K. (2001) Preclinical prediction of associate performance in the early detection of DAT. Journal of the
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Neuropsychiatric aspects of dementia


6.1 Epidemiology and spectrum of neuropsychiatric 6.4 Pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric

symptoms of dementia 55 symptoms of dementia 60
6.2 Classification of symptoms 57 6.5 Conclusions 61
6.3 Diagnostic criteria for the neuropsychiatric References 61
symptoms of dementia 59

The neuropsychiatric changes in dementia are nearly univer- Furthermore, patients suffering with the disturbances require
sal and may result in extremely challenging management more medication and physical restraints (Teri et al., 1989;
problems. This is in spite of the definition of dementia being Bianchetti et al., 1997).
based on the cognitive and functional changes alone. These
symptoms include personality changes, mood deterioration,
perceptual abnormalities, psychomotor disturbances (such
as agitation, aggression, wandering and purposeless behav-
iour), and neurovegetative changes (alterations in sleep and
appetite). Collectively, these manifestations in dementia syn-
dromes can be regarded under the recently adopted rubric of
‘behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia’ Neuropsychiatric symptoms are extremely common in the
(BPSD) (Finkel et al., 1996); however, they have been vari- dementias; however, a given symptom or syndrome may not
ously termed as ‘neuropsychiatric symptoms’, ‘behavioural reliably appear in any one dementia diagnosis. Unlike the
disturbances’, ‘non-cognitive changes’ and ‘challenging behav- inexorable decline seen in cognitive and functional abilities
iours’. Here we will refer to them as the neuropsychiatric symp- of patients with dementia, the neuropsychiatric symptoms
toms of dementia. The importance and ubiquity of these may fluctuate in their presence and intensity. It has been
symptoms is highlighted by Alois Alzheimer’s first clinical suggested that early detection of such symptoms, even in the
description of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in 1907. In this case absence of cognitive impairment, might be a harbinger of
study, he stated: dementia. Such a diagnosis of ‘mild neuropsychiatric syn-
drome’ later in life might be an early marker of dementia, in
The first noticeable symptom of illness shown by this 51-year-old
much in the same way as the syndrome of ‘mild cognitive
woman was suspiciousness of her husband. Soon, a rapidly
impairment’ predicts later cognitive decline (Assal and
increasing memory impairment became evident; she could no
Cummings, 2002). Indeed, there is evidence that the first
longer orient herself in her own dwelling, dragged objects here
onset of a depressive episode in older age, which is associated
and there and hid them, and at times, believing that people were
with a transient dementia syndrome (‘pseudodementia’), may
out to murder her, started to scream loudly (Alzheimer, trans-
predict the later development of dementia (Alexopoulos and
lated by Jarvik and Greenson, 1987).
Chester, 1992). The risk for development of later dementia in
The impact of these disturbances on both patients with this group is so great that it appears that the risk for develop-
dementia and their families and caregivers has been well docu- ing AD increases for each depressive symptom suffered by
mented. The burden on caregivers is significant and is most those over the age of 65 (Wilson et al., 2002). These findings
often the primary reason for admission to long-term care underscore the necessity for early detection of neuropsychi-
(Sanford, 1975; Rabins et al., 1982; Victoroff et al., 1998). atric symptoms in the non-demented elderly population.
56 Neuropsychiatric aspects of dementia

In AD, the most common form of dementia, several stud- or conversing are not commonly seen in dementia. The most
ies have examined incidence and prevalence rates of neuro- common form of hallucinations in AD are visual hallucin-
psychiatric symptoms. The most robust epidemiological ations (80 per cent), which far exceed auditory hallucinations
studies are population based. Burns et al. (1990a–d) exam- in frequency (20 per cent) (Leroi et al., 2003).
ined 178 patients with AD from a defined area in the United Increasing attention is being focused on the syndrome of
Kingdom. They found the following cumulative prevalences mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which involves impairment
of neuropsychiatric disturbances ranging from 3.5 per cent in memory and possibly other areas of cognition in elderly
for mania to 41 per cent for apathy (see Table 6.1). individuals whose day-to-day functioning is relatively pre-
To date, the largest population based study of neuropsy- served. MCI may be a precursor to AD (Morris et al., 2001) and
chiatric disturbances in dementia is from the Cache County appears to have, like AD, neuropsychiatric manifestations. As
Study of Memory in Aging (CCSMA): 5092 participants, con- part of the analysis of data from the recent Cardiovascular
stituting 90 per cent of the elderly resident population of a Health Study (CHS)(Fried et al., 1991), prevalence estimates
particular county in the United States, were enrolled and thor- of neuropsychiatric symptoms of MCI were sought. Of the
oughly screened for dementia (Breitner et al., 1999); 329 320 individuals who were identified as having MCI, 43 per cent
people were diagnosed with a prevalent dementia syndrome, of (138) exhibited neuropsychiatric symptoms with depression,
which 214 (65 per cent) had AD, 62 (19 per cent) had vascular apathy and irritability being the most common (see Table 6.1)
dementia (VaD), and 53 (16 per cent) had another DSM-IV (Lyketsos et al., 2002). Almost 30 per cent of those with symp-
dementia diagnosis. Using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory toms were rated as clinically significant. Almost 75 per cent of
(NPI)(Cummings et al., 1994), a widely used method for those with a full diagnosis of dementia (n  362) had at least
ascertainment and classification of dementia-associated mental one neuropsychiatric symptom.
and behavioural disturbances, 201 (61 per cent) of the partici- In the frontotemporal dementias, unlike AD or vascular
pants with dementia were reported by their caregivers to have dementia (VaD), the behavioural and psychological disturb-
had one or more mental or behavioural disturbances in the ances are embedded in the diagnostic consensus criteria
past month. Apathy, depression and agitation/aggression were (McKhann et al., 2001). Earlier diagnostic criteria for the
the most common (see Table 6.1) (Lyketsos et al., 2000). In par- frontal lobe dementias as a group, proposed by Neary et al.
ticipants specifically with AD, delusions were reported in 23 (1998), outlined one specific behavioural subtype or ‘proto-
per cent and hallucinations in 13 per cent, whereas for those typic neurobehavioral syndrome’, which is marked by pro-
with VaD, 8 per cent had delusions and 13 per cent had halluci- found personality and behavioural changes. This presentation,
nations (Leroi et al., 2003). The delusions seen in AD are usu- namely, frontotemporal dementia (FTD), is distinct from the
ally quite simple and most often do include the bizarre and progressive non-fluent aphasia (PNFA) and semantic demen-
complex delusions seen in schizophrenia. Misidentification tia (SD) presentations, which constitute other manifestations
phenomena and jealous delusions are more common in of the frontal lobe dementias. In FTD, the core changes
dementia compared to schizophrenia. Likewise, Schneiderian are characterized by an insidious onset and gradual decline
first-rank symptoms such as voices commenting, commanding in social functioning, and regulation of personal conduct,

Table 6.1 Population-based prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia

Camberwell Health Cache County Study of

Authority, UK (Burns Memory in Aging, USA Cardiovascular Health Study,
Study et al., 1990a–d) (Lyketsos et al., 2000) USA (Lyketsos et al., 2002)
Condition Alzheimer’s disease Dementia Mild cognitive impairment Dementia
(n  178) (n  329) (n  320) (n  362)
Delusions (%) 16 23 3 18
Hallucination (%) 17 13 1 11
Depression (%) 24 (Major depression) 24 20 32
euphoria (%) 3.5 1 0.6 3
Agitation/aggression (%) 20 24 11 30
Wandering/aberrant 19 27 4 16
motor activity (%)
Apathy (%) 41 27 15 37
Irritability (%) 20 15 27
Disinhibition (%) 9 3 13
Anxiety (%) 17 10 27
Any neuropsychiatric 61 43 75
symptom (%)
Classification of symptoms 57

accompanied by emotional blunting, and loss of insight. Wilson’s disease and PSP (Denning and Berrios, 1989;
Supportive diagnostic features include a decline in personal Litvan et al., 1996). Psychotic symptoms have been reported
care, hyperorality, perseverative and stereotyped behaviours, in 3–12 per cent of HD patients (Mendez, 1994) but less than 2
and utilization behaviours. Speech and language changes and per cent of patients with Wilson’s disease (Denning and
executive dysfunction can also be seen. Berrios, 1989). Behavioural disturbances such as obsession
In the frontal lobe dementias, the presentation of associated and compulsions, sexual disorders, aggression, irritability and
neuropsychiatric symptoms can be used to distinguish SD, apathy are also well-recognized in neurodegenerative disor-
which involves temporal lobe dysfunction primarily on the ders involving the basal ganglia (Rosenblatt and Leroi, 2000).
left, from FTD presenting with temporal lobe dysfunction PD, also considered a ‘triadic disorder’, shares neuropsy-
primarily on the right. In the former, compulsive behaviours chiatric features with the other disorders as well as an under-
are more common, whereas in the latter, aberrant social lying pathophysiology involving protein abnormalities of
behaviour, hyperorality, hypersexuality and changes in self- -synuclein. These synucleopathies, which include PD, DLB,
defining functions such as dress, religious or ideological multiple system atrophy (MSA) and striatonigral degenera-
beliefs are typical (Miller et al., 2001; Mychack et al., 2001). tion, appear to share vulnerabilities to a cluster of symptoms
As with the frontal lobe dementias, neuropsychiatric symp- including hallucinations, delusions and RBD (Cummings,
toms are part of the defining characteristics of dementia with 2002).
Lewy bodies (DLB). Visual hallucinations, fluctuating cogni- In PD specifically, most patients develop a certain degree
tion and parkinsonism, together with progressive cognitive of cognitive impairment, which usually manifests as a dysex-
decline, form the core features of the consensus criteria for ecutive syndrome (Gabrieli et al., 1996). Depression in PD, with
the clinical diagnosis of DLB (McKeith et al., 1996). The preva- an average prevalence across studies of 31 per cent (Slaughter
lence of visual hallucinations in DLB can be as high as 93 per et al., 2001) can significantly exacerbate this cognitive
cent compared to 27 per cent in AD, depending on the sam- impairment (Starkstein et al., 1990). Neuropsychiatric symp-
ple (Ballard et al., 1997). Phenomenologically, these hallucin- toms are more common in those with some degree of cogni-
ations have similarities to those in Parkinson’s disease (PD) tive impairment, and in the 30–40 per cent of PD patients
or Charles Bonnet syndrome, but are usually more complex who develop dementia (PDD) (Aarsland, 1996b), the vulner-
and involved compared to those see in AD (Cummings, 1992; ability to neuropsychiatric symptoms is even greater (Holroyd
Howard and Levy, 1994; Ballard et al., 1997). Delusions, et al., 2001; Goetz et al., 2001). The profile of neuropsychi-
misidentification phenomena and auditory hallucinations are atric symptoms in PDD and DLB is increasingly recognized
also commonly present in DLB and also occur at higher preva- as being similar, suggesting that these disease processes might
lence rates than in AD patients (Ballard et al., 1995). Depression exist on a continuum. The symptoms that predominate in
has been reported in up to 50 per cent of DLB patients and PDD and DLB include delusions and hallucinations which
it may be associated with greater severity of parkinsonism may be varyingly related to antiparkinsonian medications
(Klatka et al., 1996). Finally, an increasingly recognized (Aarsland et al., 2001).
syndrome, which may be a harbinger of DLB and other
neurodegenerative synucleopathies, is rapid eye-movement
(REM)-sleep behaviour disorder (RBD) (Ferman et al., 2002).
RBD involves movements associated with dreaming and may
involve potentially harmful sleep behaviour, acting out of
dreams, and behaviour that continually interrupts sleep. There have been various classification schemes for the neuro-
The degenerative diseases of the basal ganglia, such as psychiatric symptoms in dementia. These symptoms have
Huntington’s disease (HD), progressive supranuclear palsy been considered as monosymptomatic phenomena, as DSM-
(PSP) and Wilson’s disease, have traditionally been classified as IV categories (1994), as separate phenomena based on unique
movement disorders, with associated cognitive and psychi- criteria (Jeste and Finkel, 2000; Lyketsos et al., 2001a, b; Olin
atric manifestations. However, the confluence of symptoms et al., 2002), and as part of specific behavioural syndromes
(the three Ds: dyskinesia, dementia, and depression) seen in (Reisberg et al., 1987; Absher and Cumming, 1994; Lyketsos
these disorders has led to the rubric of ‘triadic syndromes’ et al., 2001a, b). This rather fragmented approach to the field
(McHugh, 1989) and underscores the high prevalence of neuro- has hampered efforts at investigation, particularly in the fields
psychiatric manifestations in neurodegenerative movement of epidemiology and pathophysiology.
disorders (Rosenblatt and Leroi, 2000). In particular, the preva- The simplest approach is a monosymptomatic consideration
lence of major depression in these disorders is high: up to 38 of the neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia. An example of
per cent in HD (Folstein et al., 1987) and 20 per cent in Wilson’s such an approach was adopted by the landmark AD epidemi-
disease (Denning and Berrios, 1989). Mania is less common ological study of Burns et al., 1990. In this study, the prevalence
and has been reported in up to 10 per cent of HD patients of symptoms derived from the Geriatric Mental State Schedule
(Folstein, 1989), and even less in PD. There are few reports of (GMSS; Copeland et al., 1976) – an interview schedule based
mania or hypomania in other basal ganglia disorders, although on the Present State Exam (PSE; Wing et al., 1974) – was exam-
emotional lability and irritability have been reported in ined. These symptoms included: delusions of thought
58 Neuropsychiatric aspects of dementia

(including delusions of theft, suspicion, persecutory ideation have found correlations of factor scores to clinical variables
and ‘any disorder of thought’); disorders of perception (audi- and functional imaging patterns (Devanand et al., 1992;
tory hallucinations, visual hallucinations and misidentification Sultzer et al., 1995). A factor analysis of neuropsychiatric dis-
syndromes); and disorders of mood (depressed and elevated turbances in an AD clinic population in Italy found three
mood). The final category of examination was disorders of syndromes occurring in isolation in different patients. These
behaviour in which 33 behaviour items from the Stockton were, a ‘psychotic’ syndrome (high factor loads of agitation;
Geriatric Rating Scale (SGRS; Meer and Baker, 1966) were hallucinations, delusions and irritability); a ‘mood’ syndrome
sought. (high loads of anxiety and depression); and a ‘frontal’ syn-
The risk of such a monosymptomatic approach is that it is drome (high loads of disinhibition and euphoria) (Frisoni
contrary to current data supporting the frequent co-occurrence et al., 1999). Each syndrome had unique risk factors and asso-
of several neuropsychiatric symptoms in a given patient ciations. The ‘psychotic’ group tended to be older, of male sex
(Lyketsos et al., 2001a, b). This approach also limits treatment and with poorer cognitive performance and more rapid
to a hypothesis-driven, phenomenological approach rather decline, whereas the ‘frontal’ group tended to be more edu-
than moving towards an evidence-driven approach based on cated, have longer disease duration and slower progression.
disorders, syndromes and frequently co-occurring symptoms. The existence of a ‘psychotic’ syndrome of delusions, hallucin-
An alternative, and more widely adopted, approach to cat- ations, aggression, agitation and disruptive behaviour is sup-
egorization is to use the American Psychiatric Association’s ported by the findings of several other groups of researchers
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edi- (Flynn et al., 1991; Rockwell et al., 1994; Gilley et al., 1997).
tion (DSM-IV) (1994). This is a heuristically useful approach This syndrome has been shown to be a significant factor in
and has the advantage of reliability, which enables cross- nursing home placement of AD patients (Steele et al., 1990).
centre comparability. The disadvantage of this approach is Finally, factor analysis of a large cross-sectional sample of
that disturbances in AD and the other dementias are fre- patients with HD found that the neuropsychiatric symptoms
quently phenotypically distinct from primary psychiatric dis- clustered into three groups: irritability, depression and
turbances. Hence, depression in AD severe enough to warrant apathy (Craufurd et al., 2001).
treatment, may not meet all the criteria for a ‘major depressive A more recent attempt at classifying symptoms based clus-
disorder’ in the DSM-IV. In particular, the depression of ters is using a latent class analysis in a population-based study
dementia more commonly presents with anhedonia, irri- of 198 individuals with AD (Lyketsos et al., 2001a). Latent
tability, agitation, apathy and non-specific worry, whereas class analysis differs from factor analysis in that it examines
the symptoms of guilty feelings, self-blame, frank sadness, whether individuals tend to cluster into groups (classes)
crying and suicidality are relatively rare (Zubenko et al., based on their clinical profile, as opposed to factor analysis,
2003). Neurovegetative changes are common in both pri- which examines the grouping of clinical characteristics across
mary and dementia-related depression. Likewise, the psy- individuals. Results revealed that, based on analysis of
chosis in dementia presents differently from the psychotic NPI symptom profiles, three groups (classes) of AD patients
syndrome of schizophrenia and primary mood disorders. were evident. The largest class included AD cases with no
The syndromal approach attempts to address several of the neuropsychiatric symptoms (40 per cent) or with a mono-
methodological liabilities of the monosymptomatic approach. symptomatic disturbance (19 per cent). A second class
This approach is based on the observation of co-occurrence (28 per cent) exhibited a predominantly affective syndrome,
of several behavioural symptoms in individual patients while a third class (13 per cent) had a psychotic syndrome.
(Baker et al., 1991; Cohen et al., 1993). In particular, the co- This last group presented with hallucinations all of the time,
occurrence of aggression and verbal outbursts with hallucin- delusions often, and occasionally, apathy, agitation, depres-
ations and delusions has frequently been reported. (Deutsch sion, irritability, aberrant motor behaviour and anxiety.
et al., 1991; Kotrla et al., 1995; Aarsland et al., 1996a). One of Unfortunately, investigations of the underlying pathophysi-
the earlier mentions of a behavioural syndrome in dementia ological and neuroimaging correlates have tended to use the
was recognition of the Kluver–Bucy syndrome (visual agnosia, monosymptomatic, rather than the syndromic, approach.
hyperphagia, stimulus bound behaviour, hypersexuality and Hence, we are only in the nascent phases of a deeper under-
emotional lability) in AD (Sourander and Sjogren, 1970) and standing of the aetiology of such behavioural syndromes in the
in Pick’s disease (Cummings and Duchen, 1981). Burns et al. dementias. Quantitative neuropsychiatry is one approach that
(1990a) found the full syndrome to be relatively rare; how- attempts to examine clusters of neuropsychiatric symptoms
ever, individual items associated with the syndrome appeared based on the underlying molecular biology of the type of
to be interrelated. Other syndromes identified include a three- neurodegenerative disorder.
syndrome classification: overactivity (walking more, walking As described in a recent review of ‘quantitative neuropsy-
aimlessly, trailing the carer, checking where the carer was); chiatry’ by Cummings (2003), neuropsychiatric phenotypes
aggressive behaviour (physical aggression, aggressive resist- may be due to regional differences in cell vulnerability
ance, verbal aggression); and psychosis (anxiety, persecutory to abnormalities of protein metabolism. Most of the neu-
ideas and hallucinations) (Hope et al., 1997). rodegenerative disorders involve abnormalities of protein
Several authors have employed a factor-analytical approach metabolism, such as the accumulation of -synuclein pro-
to explore the issue of co-occurrence of symptoms and some tein underlying the synucleopathies (e.g. LBD, PD, MSA),
Diagnostic criteria for the neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia 59

protein in the tauopathies (e.g. FTD,
Box 6.1 Diagnostic criteria for psychosis of Alzheimer’s disease
progressive supranuclear palsy), and -amyloid protein
(Jeste and Finkel, 2000, reproduced with permission)
accumulation in AD (amyloidosis). Each proteinopathy
appears to be associated with particular neuropsychiatric A Characteristic symptoms
phenotypes that transcend the actual disease diagnosis. For Presence of one (or more) of the following symptoms
example, hallucinations, delusions and RBD are commonly • Visual or auditory hallucinations
seen in the synucleopathies, whereas the tauopathies present • Delusions
more often with disinhibition, apathy and compulsions. AD
has a more mixed underlying proteinopathy, including B Primary diagnosis
abnormalities of -amyloid,
- and -synuclein, suggesting a All the criteria for dementia of the Alzheimer-type are met
neuropsychiatric phenotype that incorporates elements of all C Chronology of the onset of symptoms psychosis
three neuropathological categories. versus onset of symptoms of dementia
There is evidence from the history that the symptoms in
criterion A have not been present continuously since prior
to the onset of the symptoms of dementia
OF DEMENTIA The symptom(s) in criterion A have been present, at least
intermittently, for 1 month or longer. Symptoms are
severe enough to cause some disruption in patients’
Several authors have recently proposed the need for unique, and/or others’ functioning.
validated diagnostic criteria for the neuropsychiatric phe-
nomena of dementia (Jeste and Finkel, 2000; Olin et al., E Exclusion of schizophrenia and related psychotic
2002). This would provide the reliability endowed by a DSM- disorders
IV-type approach, facilitate hypothesis-driven and evidence- Criteria for schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder,
based research, and provide a consistent treatment target. delusional disorder, or mood disorder with psychotic
Proposed criteria, whose validation is underway, include: features have never been met
‘psychosis of AD’(Jeste and Finkel, 2000); ‘depression of AD’ F Relationship to delirium
(Olin et al., 2002); and ‘AD-associated affective disorder’ or The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the
‘AD-associated psychotic disorder’ (Lyketsos et al., 2001b). course of a delirium
Jeste and Finkel (2000) make the case for ‘psychosis of G Exclusion of other causes of psychotic symptoms
AD’ being a phenomenon distinct from the psychosis seen The disturbance is not better accounted for by another
in elderly people with schizophrenia. Compared to schizo- general-medical condition or direct physiological effects
phrenia, in AD, the duration of psychosis is shorter, the of a substance (e.g. a drug of abuse, a medication)
dosages of antipsychotic medications required for successful Associated features: specify if associated
treatment are much lower, the phenomenology is distinct,
and the neuropathological basis of the psychosis is different. • with agitation
The DSM-IV provides no specific criteria for this subcate- • with negative symptoms
gory while proposing additional coding if delusions are a • with depression
predominant feature of the dementia. The proposed criteria
for ‘psychosis of AD’ (Box 6.1) have reliability and face valid-
ity and have been accepted by the United States Federal Drug
• the ‘loss of interest’ criterion has been modified to
include a diminished positive response to social
Administration (FDA) as a specific target for treatment inter- interaction.
vention. With further field trials, this classification may even-
tually be extrapolated to become ‘psychosis of dementia’ and These criteria are designed to be broad and to rely on clinical
apply to other dementia types such as DLB, vascular demen- judgement.
tia and mixed dementia. An alternative set of criteria for Alzheimer’s disease affec-
The criteria for ‘depression of AD’ were proposed in 2002 by tive disorder (AAAD) (Table 6.2) has been proposed by
a group of investigators with extensive research and clinical Lyketsos et al. (2001b). Both sets of criteria are in the process
experience in late-life depression and AD (Olin et al., 2002). of being validated as part of the DIADS-2 (Depression in AD
These criteria (Table 6.2) differ from the DSM-IV criteria for Study-2) and the Cache County-Dementia Progression
a ‘major depressive episode’ in four ways: Study in the USA.
One of the most extensive studies of the clinical features of
• only three or more symptoms (rather than five or more) depression in AD was that of Zubenko and colleagues (2003).
of depression are required; They derived data from structured diagnostic assessments of
• symptoms do not have to occur on a daily basis; 243 patients with AD. In the most severely demented
• criteria for irritability, social isolation and withdrawal patients, major depressive episodes were diagnosed in nearly
have been added; and 50 per cent. The validity of a major depressive syndrome of
60 Neuropsychiatric aspects of dementia

Table 6.2 Provisional diagnostic criteria for depression of Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer-associated affective disorder

Olin et al., 2002 Lyketsos et al., 2001b (adapted)

A Three (or more) of the following symptoms have been present A1 A prominent disturbance of affect, disruptive to the patient or
during the same 2-week period of functioning: at least one the care environment and representing a change from the
of the symptoms is either patient’s baseline, as evidenced by the presence of one or more
of the following symptoms:
• depressed mood or
• decreased positive affect or pleasure. • depression
Note: Do not include symptoms that, in your judgment are clearly • irritability
due to a medical condition or the result of a non-mood-related • anxiety
dementia syndrome (e.g. loss of weight owing to difficulties with A2 Associated symptoms, also representing a change from
food intake). baseline, that are less prominent than the disturbance of affect.
One or more of the following must be present:
1 Clinically significant depressed mood (e.g. depressed, sad,
hopeless, discouraged, tearful) • aggression
2 Decreased positive affect or pleasure in response to social • psychomotor agitation
contacts and usual activities • delusions
3 Social isolation or withdrawal • hallucinations
4 Disruption in appetite • sleep disturbance
5 Disruption in sleep • appetite disturbance
6 Psychomotor changes (e.g. agitation or retardation)
B Alzheimer’s disease by NINCDS/ADRDA criteria
7 Irritability
C The symptoms from ‘A1’ and ‘A2’ above cluster together in time
8 Fatigue or loss of energy
and occur most days, and the disturbance has a duration of two
9 Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, or excessive or
weeks or longer
inappropriate guilt
D The disturbance has its first onset after (or within 2 years
10 Recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal ideation, plan
before) the onset of cognitive symptoms that eventually
or attempt
progressed into dementia
B All criteria are met for dementia of the Alzheimer-type E The disturbance cannot be explained in its entirety by another
(DSM-IV-TR) cause such as a general medical condition, medication,
C The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or disruption caregiver approach, environmental precipitant, or life stressor
in functioning (such as relocation of residence or death of a spouse)
D The symptoms do not occur exclusively during the course of
a delirium Specify:
E The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of • with or without psychotic symptoms
a substance (e.g. drug or a medication)
F The symptoms are not better accounted for by other conditions
such as major depression, schizophrenia, schizoaffective
disorder, psychosis of Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety disorder or
substance-related disorder
Specify if:
• Co-occurring onset: if onset antedates or co-occurs with
the AD symptoms
• Post-AD onset: if onset occurs after AD symptoms
• with psychosis of Alzheimer’s disease
• with other significant behavioural signs or symptoms
• with past history of mood disorder

AD was supported by the finding that the majority of supporting the notion of a distinct depressive entity (Zweig
patients who developed depression had no premorbid his- et al., 1988; Zubenko et al., 1990; Förstl et al., 1992).
tory of depression. In addition, the depression tended to
appear after the onset of cognitive decline, and the clinical
presentation differed from that seen in depressed elderly
without dementia. Neuropathological and neurochemical
changes in depressed AD patients differ from those of their
non-depressed counterparts by demonstrating greater loss of Examining the underlying neurophysiology of neuropsy-
aminergic nuclei, particularly in the locus caeruleus, thus chiatric symptoms may lead to the eventual validation of
References 61

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newer modalities of investigation, such as functional imaging tional decline remain limited, the neuropsychiatric symptoms
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Rating scales in dementia

7a Screening instruments for the detection of cognitive 7b Measurement of behavioural disturbance, non-cognitive
impairment 66 symptoms and quality of life 72
Screening instruments for the detection of
cognitive impairment


7.1 Description of tests 66 7.4 Conclusions 69

7.2 Use for these tests 67 References 69
7.3 Using informant-based tests 68

A frequently used method in the ascertainment of dementia criterion of neuropathology. Hodkinson (1972) described a
in older people is the performance of a short cognitive test shortened version of the IMC test and called this the
to determine the need to perform further testing to establish Abbreviated Mental Test Score (AMT). In North America,
the diagnosis. At the time of writing, the case for detection of Pfeiffer (1975) described the Short Portable Mental Status
milder forms of cognitive impairment has not been estab- Questionnaire (SPMSQ) and Folstein et al. (1975) devised the
lished, mainly because therapeutic strategies for patients Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE), which has under-
with conditions such as mild cognitive impairment (MCI) gone standardization (Molloy et al., 1991). Other short tests
(Petersen et al., 2001) have not been proven. Thus, the focus that have been developed include Kokmen’s Short Test of
of this chapter remains on the use of short cognitive tests to Mental Status (STMS) (Kokmen et al., 1991), and the General
aid in the detection of older people with dementia. These Practitioner Assessment of Cognition (GPCOG) (Brodaty
short cognitive tests are commonly described as ‘screening et al., 2002) both of which include the clock drawing test. All
instruments’, but this is in fact a misnomer. Screening has these instruments have in common their brevity, taking 10
been defined as ‘an organized attempt to detect, among minutes or less to administer with relatively little training.
apparently healthy people in the community, disorders or One of the main problems with these cognitive tests is the
risk factors of which they are unaware’ (Cadman et al., 1984). fact that they exhibit both floor and ceiling effects. There
In reality, these short cognitive tests are used as a means of have been attempts to develop tests that would be more suit-
case-finding in certain clinical situations for which there is a able for testing impaired patients (Plutchik et al., 1971;
high prior probability of finding individuals with cognitive Albert and Cohen,1992). Longer tests and word lists have the
impairment, usually associated with dementia or, in those advantage that they are less prone to ceiling effects. Word list
individuals who are medically unwell, delirium. instruments generally require some training. These include
the seven minute screen (Solomon et al., 1998), which is a
test that comprises a cued recall task, verbal fluency, an orien-
7.1 DESCRIPTION OF TESTS tation test and a clock drawing task. Similarly the Syndrome
Kurz Test (SKT) (Lehfeld and Erzigkeit, 1997) has nine sub-
The type of cognitive testing has varied a little over the last 45 tests, which include naming, memory, attention, cued recall
years. A minor change that has occurred in the more recently and visuospatial functioning. A very short version of delayed
developed tests is the use of lengthier delayed recall tasks, free and cued recall tests has been developed called the Memory
both cued and non-cued. One of the earliest instruments was Impairment Screen (Buschke et al., 1999), which consists of
the Mental Status Questionnaire (MSQ) (Kahn et al., 1960). just four items.
In, 1968, Blessed et al. described the Information Memory Several other survey instruments have been developed
Concentration (IMC) test, which was validated against the which have incorporated both cognitive screening instruments
Use for these tests 67

and diagnostic schedules. These include the Cambridge acquisition. In a longitudinal study of cognitive function in
Diagnostic Examination for the Elderly (Roth et al., 1986), people with AD, it was demonstrated that this dementing
Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease process particularly affects remote memory, immediate
(Morris et al., 1989), Geriatric Mental State schedule memory and language function (Flicker et al., 1993). Since
(Copeland et al., 1976) and a Structured Interview for the memory impairment is a sine qua non in the categorization
Diagnoses of Dementia of the Alzheimer’s type, multi-infarct of dementia in both the DSM-IV and ICD-10 criteria, it is
dementia and dementias of other aetiology according to hardly surprising that the short cognitive tests focus on this
ICD-10 and DSM-IIIR (SIDAM) (Zaudig et al., 1991). The domain. It is also clear that these tests are highly correlated
cognitive components of the Cambridge Diagnostic Exam- with each other. For example, Stuss et al. (1996) observed that
ination for the Elderly (Roth et al., 1986), the Alzheimer’s’ the proportion of variance accounted for by a single common
Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS-cog) (Rosen et al., 1984) component was in excess of 0.80 for the Mattis Dementia
and the Mental Deterioration Battery (Carlesimo et al.,1996) Rating Scale, an abbreviated six-item version of the Orientation
take longer to administer and are not usually performed as Memory Concentration Test adapted from Blessed et al.
initial brief tests, although the Organic Brain Scale (OBS) (1968), a Mental State Questionnaire and an Ottawa Mental
from the Geriatric Mental State has been used as a stand State Examination. Also in this study there was no added bene-
alone test (Ames et al., 1992). fit from longer tests and the shorter cognitive tests performed
as well as longer tests with multiple domains. In another study
the correlation between the AMTS and MMSE was greater
than 0.85 (Flicker et al., 1997). Similarly correlations between
7.2 USE FOR THESE TESTS the MMSE and the ADAS-cog have been found to be
strong, 0.9 (Burch and Andrews, 1987), although the cor-
The need for these ‘screening’ instruments has arisen because relation between the MMSE and the STMS may only be 0.74
there is good evidence that clinicians will commonly miss (Kokmen et al., 1991).
dementia in their routine practice without the assistance of These short cognitive scales appear robust in many settings.
formal cognitive assessment (Williamson et al., 1964; Mant The IMCT has been validated on telephone interview (Kawas
et al., 1988). et al.,1995) as has the Telephone Cognitive Assessment Battery
Even before the arrival of specific symptomatic treatments (Debanne et al.,1997), and the Telephone Version of the MMSE
for the symptoms of Alzheimer ‘s disease (AD), the presence or (Roccaforte et al., 1992). The OBS has been found to have
absence of significant cognitive impairment had major impli- good validity in three separate countries (Ames et al., 1992).
cations for the management of patients. In particular, older Some attempt has been made to develop self-administered
individuals with multiple medical problems requiring medica- tests, such as the Early Assessment Self Inventory (EASI)
tions could not be managed appropriately without an assess- (Horn et al., 1989). There is evidence that the place of testing
ment for the presence of cognitive impairment and some idea can cause significant changes in the test score, with testing in
of its severity. Also, there is some evidence that the earlier iden- a patient’s own residence being associated with a higher score
tification of people with dementia and appropriate referral to (Ward et al., 1990).
support services and counselling can alleviate some of the These short cognitive screens obviously have their limita-
stresses associated with caring for people with dementia and tions, the most obvious being that they test only limited
delay institutionalization (Green and Brodaty, 2002). domains of cognition. Besides the use of full neuropsycho-
These short cognitive tests have limited domains of meas- logical assessment, attempts have been made to develop other
urement. Table 7.1 refers to the domains of measurement of the short tests of specific functions. An example of this is the
common assessment tools. Orientation figures prominently Executive Interview (Royall et al., 1992), which attempts to
in most of these tools and is a reflection of recent memory assess executive cognitive function. Also, the ability to draw a

Table 7.1 Cognitive domains in commonly used short cognitive tests

Personal Short-term Long-term

Test Information Orientation memory memory Attention Other
MSQ 䉬 䉬 䉬
Blessed IMC Test 䉬 䉬 䉬 䉬 䉬
AMT 䉬 䉬 䉬 䉬 䉬 䉬
MMSE 䉬 䉬 䉬 䉬
SPMSQ 䉬 䉬 䉬 䉬
OBS 䉬 䉬 䉬 䉬 䉬
STMS 䉬 䉬 䉬 䉬 䉬
GPCOG 䉬 䉬 䉬
68 Rating scales in dementia

clock has been extensively studied as a short test that exam- Important advantages of these tests is that they correlate rela-
ines other cognitive domains. It has been used by itself in tively poorly with premorbid function and are relatively
conjunction with other cognitive tests such as the SPMSQ or insensitive to the effects of education. The other consider-
MMSE, or as part of the 7-minute screen, GPCOG or STMS. ation about informant questionnaires is that they have
Clock drawing may miss a quarter of cognitively impaired shown lower correlations with the cognitive tests: somewhere
individuals (Gruber et al., 1997). Clock drawing may be able to in the order of 0.6 (Flicker et al., 1997). The work by Ritchie
detect cognitive alterations not related to delirium or dementia, and Fuhrer (1992) would suggest that they seem to be better
with abnormal clock drawing being associated with other psy- able to discriminate mild dementia from normality as
chiatric disorders (Gruber et al., 1997). Also it may provide opposed to cognitive screens such as the MMSE, although
additional information to the MMSE as suggested by Ferrucci this was not replicated by others (Flicker et al., 1997). This
et al. (1996), where the clock drawing test predicted cognitive may represent a difference in the choice of informants as
decline in older people independently of the MMSE. much of the sample described by Ritchie and Fuhrer (1992)
Short cognitive tests are known to be sensitive to bias were recruited through ‘France Alzheimer’ and may have rep-
associated with education, but adjustment for this effect does resented carers who were well attuned to the problems asso-
not necessarily improve test performance (Belle et al., 1996). ciated with dementia, while the Flicker et al. (1997) patients
Another consideration is that these tests may not be sensitive were drawn from attendees at a memory clinic.
to all stages of the disease. Stern et al. (1994) demonstrated A meta-analysis (Jorm, 1997) suggests that informant tests
that there was a quadratic relationship with dementia sever- may perform better than short cognitive tests, but it is import-
ity showing that the ADAS-Cog and IMCT show greater ant to emphasize that there was great heterogeneity within
deterioration for patients with moderate dementia and that this meta-analysis and clearly the test results were dependent
the deterioration is slower for mildly and severely demented on the subject samples and the samples of informants.
patients. This may represent the relative insensitivity of the Nevertheless Harwood et al. (1997) demonstrated a remark-
tests for patients with the least and greatest impairment, or ably similar result for both the AMT and the IQCODE in a
may reveal true patterns of progressive cognitive decline at sample of medical inpatients over the age of 65 admitted to a
different parts of the disease process. general medical unit. In that study, the 16-item version of the
Attempts have also been made to shorten these tests even IQCODE was used with good effect. The IQCODE has been
further – for example the 10-item AMT has been further validated by longitudinal changes of cognitive tests (Jorm
shortened to four items (Swain and Nightingale, 1997) but it et al., 1996) and also has been validated retrospectively against
does seem to lose some predictive efficiency at this length. post-mortem diagnosis (Thomas et al., 1994).
The potential problem of inadequate specificity of short cog- One of the important considerations for the use of com-
nitive tests for population screening has been revealed in a binations of tests or additional items is that the correlation
community study: the Canadian Study of Health in Ageing between individual tests should not be too great. The import-
(Graham et al., 1996). In this study the modified MMSE ance of asymmetry of associations between tests to increase
(3MS Exam) (Teng and Chui, 1987) was used as a community the positive predictive value of combinations of tests has
screen before a diagnostic battery. Cognitive impairment, not been highlighted (Marshall, 1989). Hooijer et al. (1993) found
dementia, was found to be more common than dementing some improvement in diagnosis in using pairs of short screen-
processes, with the prevalence of cognitive impairment not ing tests. This was not the case in work by Little et al. (1987)
dementia found to be 16.8 per cent, whereas the prevalence where a short AMT score was found to have better predictive
of all types of dementia combined was 8 per cent (Graham value than longer combined tests.
et al., 1997). The conditions identified within this category To date, most work has focused on using either informant
of cognitive impairment included delirium, alcohol use, drug tests or short cognitive tests separately as a screen for further
intoxication, depression, psychiatric disorders, memory investigations and management, but clearly the tests can be
impairment associated with the ageing process and intellec- combined. This was raised by Flicker et al. (1997) where the
tual disability. lower correlations and asymmetry of the test properties within
different populations could be used so that the combined tests’
sensitivity and specificity would be improved. This is quite
different to the use of the alteration of cut points, where a
trade-off occurs between sensitivity and specificity. The judi-
cious use of the combination of informant and short cognitive
Perhaps the most exciting development in the detection of tests potentially may result in an increase in both sensitivity
cognitive impairment in older people in recent years has been and specificity.
the refinement and validation of structured tests adminis- This has been demonstrated by Gallo and Breitner (1995)
tered to informants. Examples of this type of test include the where a telephone administered cognitive status was used as
DECO Test – Deterioration Cognitive Observée (Ritchie and a first screen followed by an informant test. The informant
Fuhrer, 1992) and the Informant Questionnaire for Cognitive test was falsely described as being more specific, but in fact
Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE) (Jorm and Korten, 1988). it was the combination of using the two tests in series that
References 69

Table 7.2 Positive predictive values in different clinical situations*

Positive predictive value

AMT 8/9 in series

Clinical situation Prevalence AMT 7/8 with IQCODE 3.79/3.80
1 General population age group 80–84 11% 45% 63%
2 Patients seen through Aged Care 44% 84% 92%
Assessment Teams or in geriatric hospitals
3 General patients over the age of 75 years 26% 70% 83%
admitted to acute teaching hospitals

* Based on data from Ames and Tuckwell 1994; LoGiudice et al., 1995; Ames et al., 1994. Reprinted with permission
from Flicker L, LoGiudice D, Carlin JB, Ames D. (1997) The predictive value of dementia screening instruments in
clinical populations. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 12: 203–9. Copyright John Wiley & Sons Limited.

resulted in the increased specificity needed for this two-stage population, and is very much dependent on the characteris-
screen. Another example of this approach being used in chal- tics of the population studied. There is now evidence that an
lenging population research is the work of Hall et al. (1993, improvement in the efficacy of cognitive assessments can be
1996). In these studies a combination of short cognitive tests most easily achieved by combining informant and short cog-
and informant testing was used in cross-cultural studies of nitive tests to a single summative score, or using informant
African American, Cree Indian and Nigerian populations, and cognitive tests with specific cut points and rules of com-
and the relative insensitivity of the informant tests to the bination. Alternative cut points will need to be used when the
effects of culture and education improved the performance tests cannot be used together – for example, when there is no
of these combinations. The combination of the MMSE and caregiver or informant to provide information on a particu-
IQCODE has now been evaluated extensively in three sep- lar subject, or alternatively, where a subject is delirious or
arate studies (Mackinnon and Mulligan, 1998; Knafelc et al., dysphasic and is unable to perform cognitive testing to their
2003; Mackinnon et al., 2003) with the total evidence sug- potential ability.
gesting that the combination of tests performed better than
either test alone, and that the tests could be combined use-
fully by either a requirement for both or either test to be posi-
tive or calculating a new score using a weighted sum rule.
Besides the characteristics of the population being
assessed, it is important to realize that the absolute preva- Albert M and Cohen C. (1992) The test for severe impairment: an
lence of the condition will also cause a need for an adjust- instrument for the assessment of patients with severe cognitive
ment in the cut points. Very low prevalence will increase the dysfunction. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 40: 449–453
need for specificity, otherwise there will be a large number of Ames D and Tuckwell V. (1994) Psychiatric disorders among elderly
patients in a general hospital. Medical Journal of Australia 160:
patients to investigate further. This could of course occur in
either research or clinical practice. Some illustrative extrapo- Ames D, Ashby D, Flicker L, Snowdon J, West C, Weyerer S. (1992) Jim
lations have been provided where the positive predictive Who? Recall of national leaders by elderly people in three countries.
value of combinations of tests have been calculated across International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 7: 437–442
different population groups (see Table 7.2). It is important to Ames D, Flynn E, Harrigan S. (1994) Prevalence of psychiatric disorders
emphasize that the cut points used in the combination of among inpatients of an acute geriatric hospital. Australian Journal
these tests in either series or parallel may be quite different of Ageing 13: 8–11
from the ones normally employed by the tests in isolation. Belle SH, Seaberg EC, Ganguli M, Ratcliff G, DeKosky S, Kuller LH. (1996)
Effect of education and gender adjustment on the sensitivity and
specificity of a cognitive screening battery for dementia: results
7.4 CONCLUSIONS from the MoVIES project. Neuroepidemiology 15: 321–329
Blessed G, Tomlinson BE, Roth M. (1968) The association between
There is now available a number of short cognitive tests that quantitative measures of dementia and of senile change in the
cerebral grey matter of elderly subjects. British Journal of Psychiatry
appear useful in helping clinicians to determine whether
114: 797–811
individuals require further assessment for the presence of a Brodaty H, Pond D, Kemp NM et al. (2002) The GPCOG: a new screening
cognitive disorder. The tests seem to perform in a fairly simi- test for dementia designed for general practice. Journal of the
lar fashion and it is difficult to predict the performance of American Geriatrics Society 50: 530–534
these tests, either singly, or in combination with informant Burch EA Jr and Andrews SR. (1987) Comparison of two cognitive rating
tests, from one population to the next. This depends on the scales in medically ill patients. International Journal of Psychiatry in
asymmetry of test results in cases and normals within that Medicine 17: 193–200
70 Rating scales in dementia

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Measurement of behavioural disturbance,
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7.5 BPSD: definition 72 7.9 Disorders of thought content and perception 76

7.6 Disorders of behaviour disturbance 72 7.10 BPSD: conclusions and a way forward 77
7.7 Disorders of personality alteration 73 7.11 Quality of life 77
7.8 Disorders of mood 75 References 78

7.5 BPSD: DEFINITION behaviour is an overt act, involving the delivery of noxious
stimuli to (but not necessarily aimed) at another organism,
object or self, which clearly is not accidental’ (Patel and
Burns and colleagues (1990a–d) originally classified non- Hope, 1992a).
cognitive symptoms in dementia into disorders of behaviour,
mood, thought content and perception. The International
Psychogeriatric Association labelled these as behavioural and 7.6.2 Samples, settings, methods of data
psychological signs and symptoms of dementia (BPSD) and collection and measurement instruments
defined them as ‘a heterogeneous range of psychological
reactions, psychiatric symptoms, and behaviours occurring Box 7.1 illustrates the samples studied in several settings
in people with dementia of any aetiology’ (Finkel and Burns, including the community, outpatient clinics, residential and
2000). We have added a further domain of disorders of per- nursing homes, acute admission and continuing care geriatric
sonality alteration. The definition of any individual BPSD and psychogeriatric wards (Shah, 1999a). More recent studies
should be hierarchical and allow discrimination between the have largely been prospective and some include a longitudinal
cognitive and non-cognitive (BPSD) domains, different component. Methods of data collection are listed in Box 7.2.
BPSD domains, and individual signs and symptoms within a Essential properties of instruments measuring any BPSD,
given BPSD domain (Shah, 2000). including aggressive behaviour, are illustrated in Box 7.3.

7.6 DISORDERS OF BEHAVIOUR DISTURBANCE Box 7.1 Samples (with references) studied for aggressive
7.6.1 Definition
• Undifferentiated dementias Shah, 1995
Aggressive behaviour is described as a typical example of dis- • Alzheimer’s disease Reisberg et al., 1987;
Burns et al., 1990a, e, f;
turbed behaviour, but similar arguments can be rehearsed for
Devanand et al., 1992a;
other disorders of behaviour. There is no generally agreed def-
Lyketsos et al., 2001a
inition of aggressive behaviour (Shah, 1999a). Varying def-
initions of aggressive behaviour have been used. The best • Vascular dementia Sultzer et al., 1992, 1993
definition of aggressive behaviour in the elderly is: ‘Aggressive • Huntington’s chorea Burns et al., 1990f
Disorders of personality alteration 73

An important characteristic of some instruments measur-

Box 7.2 Methods of data collection (with references) for
ing aggressive behaviour is the spontaneous tendency for
aggressive behaviour in dementia
aggressive behaviour to decline during a period of serial meas-
• Case-notes Reisberg et al., 1987 urement. This has been observed with the Staff Observation
• Semistructured Devanand et al., 1992a Aggression Scale (SOAS) (Palmsteirna and Wistedt, 1987)
telephone interviews on psychogeriatric wards (Nilsson et al., 1988; Shah, 1999b).
• Postal questionnaires Luckovits and McDaniel, Therefore, a ‘run in’ period of up to 4 weeks has been recom-
directed at staff 1992 mended in intervention studies (Nilsson et al., 1988; Shah,
• Postal questionnaires Luckovits and McDaniel, 1999b).
directed at informal carers 1992
• Staff completed Shah, 1995
7.6.3 Comment
incident forms
• Informal staff reports Hallberg et al., 1993
• Specially designed Winger et al., 1987 Many instruments measure aggressive behaviour, but not all
forms completed by staff the psychometric and other properties have been adequately
• Staff completed formal Patel and Hope, 1992b evaluated. Individual instruments have been developed for
rating scales use in specific settings or specific diagnostic groups. One
• Informal carer completed Ryden, 1988 example of this difficulty is the RAGE scale. It was developed
formal rating scales for use by the nursing staff on psychogeriatric inpatients with
• Semistructured interviews Devanand et al., 1992b dementia (Patel and Hope, 1992a), but it has also been used
• Direct observations Hallberg et al., 1993 in nursing homes (Shah et al., 1997) and psychogeriatric
• Voice recordings Hallberg et al., 1990 wards (Shah and De, 1997) for all diagnostic groups. General-
• Mechanical body Rindlisbacher and izability of instruments to other settings, diagnostic groups
movements Hopkins, 1992 and different category of raters is unclear. Given the large
number of instruments, with varying properties, there should
be a moratorium on the development of new instruments.
Research should be directed at comparing different instru-
Box 7.3 Psychometric and other properties of instruments ments with each other, generating data on all of their proper-
measuring non-cognitive symptoms in dementia (reprinted from
ties, refining these instruments to improve their properties,
Zaudig, 1996)
adapting them for use in parallel settings, and developing
• Patient characteristic guidelines and protocols for their use in research and clinical
• User characteristic practice (Shah and Allen, 1999). This would ultimately allow
• Type of instrument measurement of aggression across settings, diagnostic groups
• Setting for administration and with different modes of data collection in a comparable
• Data source common currency.
• Output of the instrument
• Psychometric properties
– reliability
– test-retest
– interrater
– intrarater 7.7.1 Definition
– internal consistency
– validity Personality changes in dementia include emergence of new
– face features (Petry et al., 1988; Dian et al., 1990; Siegler et al., 1991;
– content Chatterjee et al., 1992) or an exaggeration of premorbid per-
– concurrent sonality traits.
– construct
– predictive
– incremental 7.7.2 Samples, settings and methods of
– sensitivity to change data collection
• Time frame for symptoms
• Training needs Box 7.4 illustrates the samples and the settings in which per-
• Duration of symptoms sonality change has been examined. Studies have included a
• Method of administration comparison group of normal aged individuals (Rubins et al.,
• Qualification of users
1987a, b; Petry et al., 1988; Cummings et al., 1990; Dian et al.,
• Costs
1990; Jacoub and Jorm, 1996), Parkinson’s disease (Meins
• Acceptability to raters
and Dammast, 2000), vascular dementia (Sultzer et al., 1993)
74 Rating scales in dementia

Box 7.4 Sample or setting (with references) in studies of

7.7.3 Instruments used to measure personality
personality change in dementia

• Undifferentiated dementias Seigler et al., 1991 The items of irritability and disinhibition on the Neuropsy-
• Vascular dementia Dian et al., 1990; Sultzer chiatric Inventory (NPI) (Cummings et al., 1994) coupled
et al., 1993; with case-notes review was used to examine socially disrup-
O’Connor, 2000 tive and antisocial behaviour in a comparative study of AD
• Alzheimer’s disease Rubins et al., 1987a, b; and frontotemporal dementia (Miller et al., 1997). The Brooks
Petry et al., 1988, 1989; and McKinlay (1983) personality inventory, originally used
Bozzola et al., 1992; in brain injury patients, with 18 pairs of adjectives, measured
Chatterjee et al., 1992; on a five-point scale, has been administered to relatives of
Sultzer et al., 1993; people with dementia (Petry et al., 1988, 1989; Cummings
Jacoub and Jorm, 1996; et al., 1990). The 11 personality items on the Blessed Dementia
Meins and Dammast, 2000 Rating Scale (Blessed et al., 1968) has been used alone (Bozzola
• Frontotemporal dementia Miller et al., 1997 et al., 1992) or in combination with six items from open-ended
• Community sample Nilsson, 1983; Jacoub questions (Rubins et al., 1987a, b). The Eysenck Personality
et al., 1994; Inventory (EPI) has been used to show that, among elderly
O’Connor, 2000 psychiatric inpatients and day patients with organic disorder,
• Dementia centre Miller et al., 1997 impulsiveness correlates with extraversion but not psychoti-
• Memory clinic sample Meins and Dammast, 2000 cism (Pearson, 1990, 1992). Subjects with mild-moderate
• Mixed group of Pearson, 1990, 1992 dementia and neurotic disorders scored highly on the neuroti-
psychogeriatric inpatients cism component of the EPI in a community sample (Nilsson,
1983). ‘Troublesome behaviour’ has been reported to be asso-
ciated with higher scores on the premorbid trait of neuroti-
Box 7.5 Methods of data collection (and references) for cism in Alzheimer’s subjects (Meins et al., 1998). Instruments
personality change in dementia measuring personality changes have been developed from the
‘personality change’ and impaired judgement of impulse con-
• Specially designed Petry et al., 1988, 1989;
trol’ components of DSM-IIIR and ICD-10 descriptions of
personality questionnaire Chatterjee et al., 1989;
administered to relatives Dian et al., 1990; Seigel dementias (Jacoub et al., 1994) and asking clinicians to com-
et al., 1991; Bozzola et al., plete personality inventories on the basis of their experience
1992; Jacoub et al., 1994; (Jacoub and Jorm, 1996).
Jacoub and Jorm, 1996
• As above and an open Rubins et al., 1987a, b
7.7.4 Clinical features
• Specially designed Nilsson, 1983; Pearson,
Changes in personality features include coarsening of affect,
personality questionnaire 1990, 1992
disinhibition, increase in passivity, apathy, aspontaneity, irrit-
administered to patients
ability, belligerence, demanding attention, indifference, ego-
centricity, less conscientiousness, lower extraversion, higher
and frontotemporal dementia (Miller et al., 1997), and com- neuroticism and lower openness (Seltzer and Sherwin, 1983;
pared Alzheimer’s disease (AD) with norms for inpatients Ishii et al., 1986; Petry et al., 1988, 1989; Cummings et al.,
(Meins and Dammast, 2000). Comparison with the premor- 1990; Siegler et al., 1991; Bozzola et al., 1992; Chatterjee et al.,
bid personality allows identification of personality changes 1992; Jacoub and Jorm, 1996; Meins and Dammast, 2000).
(Siegler et al., 1991; Chatterjee et al., 1992); and, comparison Patients with AD, compared to normal elderly, have greater
with normal aged individuals allows exclusion of personality changes on 12 personality traits of being more out of touch,
changes as an artefact of ageing (Rubins et al., 1987a, b; less self-reliant, less mature, less enthusiastic, less stable,
Petry et al., 1988; Cummings et al., 1990; Dian et al., 1990). more unreasonable, more lifeless, more unhappy, less affec-
Difficulties in measuring the type, nature and severity of per- tionate, less kind, more irritable and less generous after the
sonality change include: reduced insight, judgement and onset of the dementia (Petry et al., 1988); similar results were
memory preclude use of self-reports (Petry et al., 1988; Meins observed in vascular dementia (Dian et al., 1990). Subjects
and Dammast, 2000); accounts from relatives may be biased with frontotemporal dementias are more likely to demonstrate
by their emotional feelings (Dian et al., 1990; Jacoub et al., forensic behaviour like indecent exposure and shoplifting
1994; Meins and Dammast, 2000) and personality (Meins, than those with AD (Miller et al., 1997). Four patterns of per-
2000); and, a clear retrospective account of premorbid person- sonality alteration in AD emerge at 3-year follow up: change
ality may not always be available. Methods of data collection at onset with little change as the disease continues; ongoing
are listed in Box 7.5. change as the disease progressed; no change at all; and,
Disorders of mood 75

regression of previously altered personality characteristics

Box 7.6 Sample or settings (and references) in studies of
(Petry et al., 1989).
depression in dementia

7.7.5 Comment
• Undifferentiated Skoog, 1993
Some BPSD may be secondary to personality change. However,
the relationship between personality changes and other BPSD
• Vascular dementia Cummings et al., 1987;
Brodaty and Luscombe, 1996
domains is unclear. They may be part of the same phenom-
enon, aetiologically linked or discrete entities. Many of the
• Alzheimer’s disease Burns et al., 1990b; Lyketsos
et al., 2001
personality change features listed above overlap with features
of frontal lobe dysfunction (Dian et al., 1990) and depression Setting
(Sultzer et al., 1993). Paucity of data on psychometric and other • Community Skoog, 1993; Lyketsos
properties of instruments used to measure personality suggests et al., 2001
that research efforts should be directed at rigorous evalua- • Outpatient clinic Cummings et al., 1987;
tion of existing and new instruments (Strauss and Pasupathi, Brodaty and Luscombe, 1996
1994). There is a clear need to develop instruments that meas- • Nursing homes Brodaty et al., 2001
ure personality features in individuals with dementia that are • Mixed settings Alexopoulos et al., 1988;
sensitive from the premorbid to the illness state and that Burns et al., 1990b
allow for personality change as an artefact of ageing alone • Acute and Shah and Gray , 1997;
(Strauss et al., 1997). They should be applicable across differ- Continuing care Akoo and Shah, 1998;
ent diagnostic categories, settings and informants to measure Elanchenny and Shah, 2001
personality change in a comparable common currency. • Psychogeriatric wards

7.8 DISORDERS OF MOOD Box 7.7 Methods of data collection (and references) for
depression in dementia
7.8.1 Definition • Self-rating scales Ott and Fogel, 1992;
Espiritu et al., 2001
These two disorders are common in old age and may occur
together by chance. Patients with depression may demonstrate
• Interviewer-rated scales Cummings et al., 1987; Ott
directed at patients and Fogel, 1992; Brodaty
cognitive deficits (Verhey and Visser, 2000), including depres- and Luscombe, 1996
sive pseudodementia. Depression may precede the onset of
dementia either as an early presentation of incipient dementia
• Interviewer-rated scales Brodaty and Luscombe, 1996
directed at care-givers
or act as a risk factors for dementia (Verhey and Visser, 2000). as surrogates
Furthermore, depressive symptoms and illness in dementia
require careful definition due to overlap with features of per-
• Combination of Sunderland et al., 1988;
interviewer and Ott and Fogel, 1992
sonality changes and cognitive impairment, especially frontal observer rating
lobe features (Weiner et al., 1997). Ideally this definition should
be identical to that for primary depression.
• Combination of Katona and Aldridge, 1985;
interview and Alexopoulos et al., 1988
collateral sources
7.8.2 Samples, settings and methods of • Pure observer scales Shah and Gray, 1997;
Akoo and Shah, 1998;
data collection Elanchenny and Shah, 2001
Boxes 7.6 and 7.7 illustrate the diagnostic categories and
settings, and methods of data collection used in studies of criteria for major depressive disorder. Some studies have also
depression in dementia, respectively. Although no clear gold included dysthymia (Alexopoulos et al., 1988; Skoog, 1993).
standard for diagnosis of depression in dementia has been
established (Verhey and Visser, 2000), these instruments have
mainly been validated against gold standard definitions of 7.8.3 Instruments used to measure depression
depression according to DSM-III (Reifler et al., 1986;
Cummings et al., 1987; MacKenzie et al., 1989), DSM-IIIR Box 7.7 illustrates the self-rated and interviewer-rated scales
(Burns et al., 1990d; Skoog, 1993; Weiner et al., 1997), DSM- used for measuring depression in dementia. Data on psycho-
IV (Brodaty and Luscombe, 1996), Research Diagnostic metric and other properties for most of these instruments are
(Alexopoulos et al., 1988) and ICD-10 (Burns et al., 1990b) limited. These scales are generally less accurate as cognitive
76 Rating scales in dementia

impairment increases and insight decreases (Ott and Fogel,

Box 7.8 Samples, settings and methods of data collection (and
1992) because good attention, concentration, memory and
references) for study of psychotic symptoms in dementia
judgement are required for their completion (Burke et al.,
1989). Furthermore, as cognitive impairment increases and Sample
insight decreases, the discrepancy between depression reported • All nursing home residents Brodaty et al., 2001
by patients and carers increases (Ott and Fogel, 1992). The • Undifferentiated dementia Skoog, 1993
recognition of this problem has led to development of • Vascular dementia Cummings et al., 1987
instruments specially designed to measure depression in • Lewy body dementia Ballard et al., 1995
dementia using collateral sources of information (e.g. family • Alzheimer’s disease Cummings et al., 1987;
members or nursing staff) in addition to clinical examin- Reisberg et al., 1987;
ation. Three such scales exist: the Depressive Signs Scale (DSS) Burns et al., 1990c, d;
(Katona and Aldridge, 1985); the Cornell Scale (Alexopoulous Lyketsos et al., 2001
et al., 1988); and, the Depression in Dementia Mood Scale • Huntingdon’s chorea Dewhurst et al., 1969
(DDMS) (Sunderland et al., 1988).
• Community Skoog, 1993; Lyketsos
et al., 2001
7.8.4 Comment
• Memory clinics Ballard et al., 1995
The prevalence of depressive symptoms and depressive ill- • Outpatient clinic Cummings et al., 1987;
Reisberg et al., 1987
ness in AD are 0–87 per cent (median 41 per cent) and 0–86
per cent (median, 19 per cent) respectively (Wragg and Jeste, • Referrals to a Ballard et al., 1995
psychogeriatric service
1989; Verhey and Visser, 2000). There are various methodo-
logical reasons for the variability in these rates. Instruments • Inpatients Trabucchi and
Bianchetti, 1996
used to measure depression may be insensitive in severe
dementia or patients with severe dementia may not be able to • Nursing homes Brodaty et al., 2001
experience complex emotions like depression (Burns et al., • Mixed Burns et al., 1990c, d;
Whitehouse et al., 1996
1990b). Furthermore, depression may not present with the
classical symptoms in dementia (Verhey and Visser, 2000), Method of data collection
particularly in severe dementia (Burns et al., 1990b). There • Patient interview Cummings et al., 1987;
should be a moratorium on developing new depression Skoog, 1993
scales for use in dementia until all the properties of existing • Interview with caregiver Cummings et al., 1987;
scales are thoroughly evaluated. Moreover, refining these Burns et al., 1990c, d;
instruments will also allow discrimination from other cogni- Brodaty et al., 2001;
tive and personality features and allow examination of the Lyketsos et al., 2001
relationship between depression and functional disability in • Case-notes Cummings et al., 1987
dementia (Espiritu et al., 2001). Efforts need to concentrate
on scales that can measure depression across different groups
of dementias, settings and informants at varying degrees of persecutory; grandiose; and those associated with specific
cognitive impairment in a comparable common currency. neurological deficits. An alternative classification is of delu-
sions of theft, delusions of suspicion and systematized delu-
sions (Burns et al., 1990c). Four types of misidentification
7.9 DISORDERS OF THOUGHT CONTENT syndromes have been described (Burns et al., 1990d): people
AND PERCEPTION in the house, misidentification of mirror image, misidentifi-
cation of television and misidentification of people.

7.9.1 Definition and classification

7.9.2 Samples, settings, methods of data
Hallucinations and delusions in dementia have the same clas- collection and measurement instruments
sical definition as in other psychiatric disorders (Cummings
et al., 1987). Presence for at least 7 days is an added require- Box 7.8 illustrates the samples, settings and methods of data
ment to exclude delirium as a cause of these phenomena. collection used. Box 7.9 illustrates common instruments
Auditory (Cummings et al., 1987; Burns et al., 1990d), visual used to measure psychotic symptoms. Several semistructured
(Cummings et al., 1987; Reisberg et al., 1987; Burns et al., interviews and specially designed scales measure psychotic
1990d) and olfactory (Rubins et al., 1989) hallucinations symptoms along with several other non-cognitive symptoms
have been studied. Delusions were divided into four cat- and thus produce diluted data on pure psychotic features
egories by Cummings (1985): simple persecutory; complex (Ballard et al., 1995).
Quality of life 77

(Lyketsos et al., 2001) and, in turn, facilitate a greater under-

Box 7.9 Instruments used (and references) to measure
standing of the demographic, clinical, genetic, biochemical,
psychotic symptoms in dementia
neuroimaging, neurophysiological and neuroanatomical cor-
• *BEHAVE-AD Reisberg et al., 1987 relates of BPSD, and their longitudinal course and prognosis.
• *MOUSEPAD Allen et al., 1996 These developments should be coupled with a mora-
• Columbia University Devanand et al., 1992b torium on development of new BPSD rating instruments in
Schedule for order to allow researchers simultaneously to concentrate on
Psychopathology in comparing different extant BPSD instruments with each
Alzheimer’s Disease other, generate data on their psychometric and other proper-
• Neuropsychiatric Inventory Cummings et al., 1994 ties, refine these instruments and improve their properties,
• Burns symptom checklist Ballard et al., 1995 adapt them for use in parallel settings, and develop detailed
glossary, guidelines and protocols for use in audit, research
* BEHAVE-AD, Behavioural Pathology in Alzheimer’s Disease Rating Scale; and clinical practice. The ultimate objective should be to
MOUSEPAD, Manchester and Oxford Universities Scale for Psychopatho- measure BPSD accurately by means of the same instrument
logical Assessment of Dementia
across settings and diagnostic groups, using different modes
of data collection and differing categories of raters. Using the
same scale is important because patients move from different
7.9.3 Comment settings in different directions.

The prevalence of delusions (Cummings et al., 1987; Reisberg

et al., 1987; Burns et al., 1990c), hallucinations (Ballard et al., 7.11 QUALITY OF LIFE
1995; Burns et al., 1990d) and misidentification syndromes
(Ballard et al., 1995; Burns et al., 1990d) in AD and vascular
dementia varies from 20 to 50 per cent, 17 to 36 per cent and 11 7.11.1 Definition
to 34 per cent respectively. Methodological reasons primarily
explain the variability in the rates. The boundaries between hal- Quality of life (QoL) has several definitions with variable con-
lucinations, delusions and misidentification syndromes are tent and weighting given to different domains (Ready et al.,
often blurred (Whitehouse et al., 1996) and delusions are diffi- 2002). The problem of definition and quantification lies in the
cult to differentiate from confabulations (Cummings et al., different perspectives of this concept and the individual differ-
1987). The definitions and descriptions of the psychopathology ences in the perception of QoL (Calman, 1984). This percep-
require refinement and clarity (Trabucchi and Bianchetti, tion has cultural-, subcultural-, social-, societal-, personal- and
1996). Psychometric and other important properties of meas- personality-based facets (Whitehouse et al., 1997). The most
urement instruments have been poorly studied. A systematized comprehensive definition of QoL is from the World Health
check list of 17 categories of psychotic symptoms is the only Organization (WHO): ‘as individuals’ perception of their pos-
pure instrument designed to measure psychotic symptoms, but ition in life in the context of the culture and value system in
has been poorly evaluated (Ballard et al., 1995). This and simi- which they live, and in relation to their goals, expectations,
lar instruments should be rigorously evaluated and refined to standards and concerns’ (WHOQOL, 1995). The International
allow measurement of psychotic symptoms across different Working Group on the Harmonisation of Dementia Drug
diagnosis, settings and informants in a common comparable Guidelines, defined QoL in dementia as ‘the integration of
currency. None of the extant instruments measures the degree cognitive functioning, activities of daily living, social inter-
of distress to the patient and potential for harm to others or actions and psychological wellbeing’ (Whitehouse et al., 1997).
self. Measurement of these two variables is important because A simpler definition of health-related quality of life in demen-
clinicians will generally only treat psychotic symptoms if the tia is: ‘the individual’s subjective perception of the impact of
patient is distressed or there is risk of harm to self or others. a health condition on life’ (Smith et al., 2000; Banerjee et al.,
2002). They proposed examining domains of daily activities
and looking after self, health and wellbeing, cognitive func-
7.10 BPSD: CONCLUSIONS AND A WAY tioning, social relationships and self concept. Lawton (1994)
FORWARD proposed examining domains of cognitive function, compe-
tence in activities of daily living, socially appropriate behav-
iour, engagement in positive activities, and the presence of
Interrelationships between individual BPSD symptoms within
positive affect and absence of negative affect in AD.
and across BPSD domains has been examined by simple uni-
variate correlations (Brodaty et al., 2001), latent class analysis
(Lyketsos et al., 2001) and factor analysis (Hope et al., 1997). 7.11.2 Measurement of QoL
Ultimately, such analysis will allow identification of the
nosological validity of the empirically derived five domains Measurement instruments can be generic or specific to
of BPSD by establishing symptom and syndromal clusters dementia. Generic instruments have the advantage of allowing
78 Rating scales in dementia

comparison across different disorders and are appealing 7.11.3 Comment

to policy makers because comparisons across diagnostic
categories can inform allocation of funds. Disease-specific QoL instruments can be useful in screening and monitoring of
instruments, by measuring items relevant to the disorder, psychosocial problems in individual patients, population sur-
allow measurement of the impact of treatment on the veys of perceived health problems, clinical audit, measuring
disease. outcome in health services and evaluation research, clinical
QoL instruments, specific for dementia, are required trials, and conducting cost-utility analysis. However, most
because a unique set of symptoms cluster in dementia existing QoL measures in dementia cannot be considered
(Rabins and Kasper, 1997). However, the measurement of satisfactory in the absence of an agreed definition of QoL,
QoL in dementia is difficult because cognitive impairment operational criteria and gold standard, lack of satisfactory
can compromise the subject’s understanding of QoL, ability data on psychometric and other properties (see Box 7.3), and
to recall relevant recent events, ability to make comparisons absence of normative data on the subjective perception of
across complex QoL domains and insight (Banerjee et al., QoL. In dementia, impaired judgement, reduced insight, cog-
2002; Smith et al., 2003). Moreover, the measurement of nitive impairment, personality changes, affective and psych-
validity poses difficulties owing to lack of universally otic symptoms, physical morbidity and temporary fluctuations
accepted definition and an absence of a ‘gold standard’ meas- may make subjective assessment of QoL difficult. There needs
ure. Furthermore, subjects in the early stages of dementia to be a moratorium on developing new QoL instruments for
give overtly optimistic ratings (Lawton, 1994). These issues dementia. Existing QoL instruments in dementia should be
raise the question of whether measurement instruments further developed to measure QoL across different demen-
should be self-rated, proxy-rated or use both rating methods tias, settings and raters, and for use directly with subject, by
(Banerjee et al., 2002; Smith et al., 2003). Proxy measures, by proxy or by observational ratings in a comparable common
informal or professional carers, may partly address these currency. Individual instruments measuring QoL should be
issues, and may also be necessary in severe dementia when compared with each other, and theoretically this can lead to
subjects have poor comprehension and communication further refinement of these instruments.
skills (Smith et al., 2003). However, it not clear at what sever-
ity of dementia should self-reports be replaced by proxy
reports (Fletcher et al., 1992). Moreover, objective ratings of REFERENCES
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Ageing 17: 81–84
Albert SM, Castillo-Castaneda C, Sano M et al. (1996) Quality of life in EXISTING SCALES
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pharmacotherapeutic agents and other treatment interven- Cornell Scale for depression in dementia. Biological Psychiatry 23:
tions, and development of health economics. They are unsat-
Allen NHP, Gordon S, Hope T, Burns A. (1996) Manchester and Oxford
isfactory for measuring QoL in dementia.
Universities Scale for the Psychopathological Assessment of
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Quality of Well Being Scale in AD (Kerner et al., 1998), Ballard CG, Saad K, Patel A et al. (1995) The prevalence and
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Smith et al., 2003). These two measures give different but Brodaty H, Draper B, Saab D et al. (2001) Psychosis and behaviour
complementary perspectives on the quality of life in demen- disturbance in Sydney nursing home residents: prevalence
tia. In most cases both measures would be used; however, in and predictors. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 16:
severe dementia, owing to the large amount of missing data 504–512
on self-reports, DEMQoL-Proxy would be useful, and there Brooks DN and McKinlay W. (1983) Personality and behavioural change
may not be a need for DEMQoL-Proxy in those with mild after severe blunt head injury: a relatives view. Journal of Neurology,
cognitive impairment. Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 46: 336–344
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Structural brain imaging


8.1 Mechanism of magnetic resonance imaging 81 8.7 Alzheimer’s disease 86

8.2 Indications for magnetic resonance imaging 82 8.8 Dementia with Lewy bodies 89
8.3 Choosing a rating scale and measuring brain atrophy 83 8.9 Frontotemporal dementia 89
8.4 Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies 84 8.10 Vascular dementia 91
8.5 White matter lesions 84 8.11 Final comments 91
8.6 Normal ageing 85 References 92

This chapter focuses on the clinical and research uses of scan often has a pivotal role in helping individuals understand
structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the study of and adjust to the diagnosis of dementia.
dementia. In a research context, cross-sectional and longitudinal
Traditionally, structural neuroimaging in dementia has MRI studies have been conducted to detect bioradiological
been used to exclude intracranial lesions that may be respon- markers that could aid presymptomatic diagnosis of demen-
sible for cognitive impairment, especially so-called treatable tia. MRI also offers new insights into the biology of dementia.
or reversible causes. Although these causes are relatively These include understanding the links between pathology
uncommon and the cost-benefit of using neuroimaging for and symptoms, how dementia subtypes progress over time,
their detection continues to be debated, MRI and computed whether pharmacotherapies modify these changes, and the
tomography (CT) have an unassailable role in their diagnosis identification of predictors to treatments.
because no combination of first line clinical and laboratory Although the first human MR images were generated in the
findings (which exclude imaging) can identify all treatable 1970s, the first systematic study of MRI in dementia dates from
causes (Frisoni, 2001). as recently as the late 1980s. Indeed, MRI remained niched as a
In addition, imaging is increasingly used to identify neuro- research tool until 1990s, by which time it was recognized as a
radiological features that characterize specific dementias. This powerful, versatile and safe imaging modality with a central role
has become possible because of improvements in image qual- in medical diagnostics. By 2002 approximately 22 000 MRI
ity allowing subtle anatomical differences to be detected and scanners were in operation worldwide, performing more than
measured. It also reflects a conceptual shift towards diagnos- 60 million investigations per annum. The all-round significance
ing dementia using both exclusion and inclusion criteria, and of MRI to medical diagnostic and research was underlined in
recognition that existing diagnostic criteria have finite sensi- 2003 when two of the pioneers of MRI, Sir Peter Mansfield
tivity and specificity. Investigations that improve diagnostic from the UK and Paul Lauterbur from the USA, were awarded
accuracy should also help ensure that new treatments are tar- Nobel Laureates in Medicine. The last Nobel Prize in Medicine
geted to patients most likely to benefit. In this way, MRI is in the field of diagnostics was awarded to Alan Cormack and Sir
being used to optimize diagnostic confidence by detecting the Godfrey Hounsfield for the development of CT in 1979.
presence, and not solely the absence, of biological features
specific to certain dementias. Conceivably, even if findings do
not redirect the clinician to alternative diagnoses or treatment
strategies, they will facilitate provision of accurate informa-
tion to patients and their families about diagnosis and prog-
nosis. Indeed, the significance of neuroimaging to patients In essence, MRI is a non-invasive chemical probe capable of
and families should not be underestimated: the result of a generating high-resolution three-dimensional images of the
82 Structural brain imaging

body’s internal structures. It uses the electromagnetic prop- A difference in water content of 1 one per cent is enough to
erties of hydrogen nuclei (or protons) to construct a spatial distinguish normal and abnormal tissue.
representation of tissue. Under the controlled environment One of the strengths of MRI is its versatility, and there
of the MR scanner, hydrogen nuclei act like microscopic are a number of imaging sequences which can be used to
radiotransmitters and a macroscopic impression of tissue optimize anatomical and pathological differentiation. These
structure is obtained by detecting their signal. Analogies have standard or conventional sequences are summarized in
been drawn comparing the way MR images are assimilated Box 8.1 and illustrated in Figure 8.1. In addition, newer MRI
from these multiple signals with how an impression of the sequences have been developed to enable a more detailed
structure of a city can be obtained from observing the pat- examination of white matter tracts, also summarized in
tern of street lights at night. MRI scanners use very powerful Box 8.1. Importantly, they provide higher lesion contrast and
magnetic fields that are approximately 30 000 times greater can detect and quantify changes that may go undetected
than the earth’s magnetic field. Alterations in water (or, in by conventional sequences. To date, the vast majority of
effect, proton) content and the molecular motion of water MRI studies in dementia have used conventional imaging
molecules provide a basis for detecting pathological change. sequences, and only a small number of studies have explored
the potential benefits of combining different MR modalities,
or indeed structural and functional imaging.
Box 8.1 Main types of MRI sequences

Conventional sequences 8.1.1 Comparison between MRI and CT

• T1-weighted: provides good definition of anatomy
• T2-weighted: provides high contrast and definition of MRI and CT have different advantages and disadvantages as
soft tissue pathology summarized in Box 8.2. The availability of MRI scanners
• Proton density: provides good brain/CSF contrast varies considerably from country to country, and by locality.
In reality, local service issues such as access, cost and avail-
Newer sequences ability often affect the choice to use MRI or CT more than
• Fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR): sensitive to adherence to clinical or scientific considerations.
changes in white matter
• Magnetization transfer imaging (MTI): sensitive to 8.2 INDICATIONS FOR MAGNETIC
changes in structural integrity of tissue
• Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI): provides information RESONANCE IMAGING
about the microscopic diffusion of water molecules and
integrity of axons MRI provides a sensitive method to study atrophy, cerebro-
• Perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI): provides information vascular disease, white matter abnormalities and certain spe-
about the status of brain tissue perfusion cific diseases associated with cognitive impairment, such as
• Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI): identifies white matter Creutzfeld–Jakob disease (CJD). High spatial resolution
tracts ( 1 mm) and superior soft tissue contrast also provides greater

Figure 8.1 Comparison of FLAIR, proton density (PD) and T2-weighted images from the same individual: note differences in appearance of
white matter hyperintensities.
Choosing a rating scale and measuring brain atrophy 83

potential for early diagnosis. Moreover, brain structure 8.3 CHOOSING A RATING SCALE AND
can be examined in any plane and detailed volumetric quan- MEASURING BRAIN ATROPHY
tification of regional and global morphology obtained.
Contraindications of MRI are summarized in Box 8.3.
Few studies have directly compared the diagnostic useful- There are a plethora of tools to evaluate the extent and pro-
ness of MRI and CT. Frisoni (2001) suggested, that in the gression of atrophy and white matter pathology. Methods
absence of suitable evidence-based guidelines, CT is sufficient range from very basic visual rating scales to sophisticated
(and necessary) to detect most reversible or treatable causes, computerized programs, requiring back-up from medical
particularly those liable to surgical intervention (e.g. brain physics. Very few studies have compared the clinical useful-
tumours, subdural haematoma or normal pressure hydro- ness of different tools, leaving the clinician uncertain about
cephalus). MRI, on the other hand, because of the superior which tool to use. As a result they are rarely used routinely
image quality, may be more helpful in the differential diag- outside research clinics.
nosis of dementia subtypes and in early/presymptomatic Nevertheless, tools that assess atrophy have a sensitivity and
diagnosis. Which format is best suited to detect vascular dis- specificity for distinguishing Alzheimer’s disease (AD) from
ease is unresolved, but MRI is probably more sensitive, and controls of between 70 and 90 per cent, and perhaps in a coun-
CT more specific (especially when the disease process is more terintuitive way, there is little evidence that any method, simple
advanced). or complex, performs better (Scheltens et al., 2002; Frisoni
et al., 2003). The Consensus statement produced by the
Neuroimaging Working Group of the European Alzheimer’s
Disease Consortium (EADC) could find only one MRI tool
Box 8.2 Comparison between MRI and CT with evidence showing it had ‘added diagnostic value’ (Frisoni
MRI et al., 2003). This was a visual rating scale of medial temporal
•Higher spatial and anatomical resolution lobe atrophy (MTA). In terms of everyday clinical practice,
•Superior soft tissue definition and contrast Frisoni (2001) suggested that a visual rating scale (at least) of
•Image in multiple planes; therefore superior views of MTA on MRI (such as Scheltens et al., 1992) (or a linear
middle and posterior fossa, pituitary, brain stem, and measure of MTA on CT) should be used in each patient with
spinal cord cognitive impairment. Visual rating scales have the general
•Uses non-ionizing radiation advantage of being simple and quick to use, and can provide
•Wide application for quantitative analysis clinically relevant information that correlates sufficiently
•Greater sensitivity to detect white matter pathology well with quantitative in vivo analysis and post-mortem
and lesions causing epilepsy neuropathology. Limitations include lack of detail and issues
of subjectivity, with variable interobserver and intraobserver
CT reliability.
• Shorter scan times Most research studies now use volumetric analysis for
• Widely available detailed quantification of even small amounts of atrophy. This
• Lower cost is, however, time consuming, requires trained operators, high
• Better tolerated resolution images and, by definition, cannot be obtained from
• Good for bone abnormalities the direct visualization of radiological films. This level of
• Better for lesions with little or no water content (e.g. analysis is not currently used in clinical settings, though some
meningiomas) and detection of acute intracerebral automated methods have been developed but require wider
haemorrhage validation.
Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) is a new method to
evaluate structural change. It combines data from individu-
als to estimate differences in the pattern and extent of atro-
Box 8.3 Contraindications to MRI phy between the specific groups under investigation. It
achieves this by a voxel-based comparison of the local con-
• Claustrophobia/poorly tolerated (5–10%): MRI scanners centration of grey matter between two groups of subjects
can be noisy and feel confined
(Ashburner and Friston, 2000). It is particularly useful at
• Ferromagnetic implants, e.g. pacemakers, intracranial exploring the entire brain without bias and in assessing
aneurysm clips, cochlear implants, neurostimulators:
anatomical differences in areas that would otherwise be dif-
cardiac pacemakers can de-program and misfire –
ficult to quantify, e.g. total grey matter. However, comparison
under these circumstances, structural imaging with
of individual subjects is not yet developed and VBM lacks
CT is the only option
the anatomical precision of detailed region of interest (ROI)
• Ferromagnetic objects in eyes
volumetric studies. VBM has been used to map grey matter
• Orthopaedic implants are not contraindicated but may
density reduction in degenerative dementias, as outlined
introduce local artefacts
84 Structural brain imaging

8.4 CROSS-SECTIONAL AND LONGITUDINAL Box 8.4 Differences between cerebral infarcts and deep white
STUDIES matter hyperintensities on MRI

Brain morphology can be assessed using cross-sectional or
longitudinal study designs. The majority of neuroimaging • Hypointense on T1 and proton density weighted images
studies so far have been cross-sectional. This design is widely • Hyperintense on T2-weighted images
used to compare atrophy in a diseased group with age-related • Well-defined; wedge shape if peripheral
change in an appropriately selected control group. In add- • Often single or low numbers
ition, by the study of age-stratified non-demented healthy • Often evidence of cortical extension
individuals, morphological changes across the human life • May be associated with focal enlargement of ventricles
and sulci
span can be defined in a relatively short time frame.
Longitudinal studies, in contrast, measure the same struc- Deep white matter hyperintensities
ture in the same individual at two time points. Differences • Hyperintense on T2 and proton density weighted
in volumes between scans is then calculated and used to images
assess rate of change. Serial scans can be compared using • No change/invisible on T1-weighted images
a range of methods, most commonly repeated manual trac- • Range from punctuate to diffuse confluent lesions
ing or coregistration, subtraction techniques. Serial scans • Often multiple
reduce the variance due to intersubject differences, with each • Restricted to white matter with no cortical extension
subject acting as their own control, allowing individual • Ventricles and sulci unchanged
changes over time to be precisely assessed. This approach
is sufficiently sensitive to detect very small volume
changes in the order of a few millilitres or less. There are a
number of methodological challenges; atrophy rates can
vary considerably between subjects, and serial scanning of MRI has had a leading role in characterizing white matter
patients with advancing dementia can, understandably, be abnormalities. The nature and significance of such changes,
problematic. however, remains an area of uncertainty and controversy,
Serial MRI was initially used to evaluate whether atrophy and is perhaps one of the most widely misunderstood and
rates could improve diagnostic accuracy. The premise, drawn misinterpreted neuroimaging changes.
from initial work from CT scanning, was that progressive atro- White matter lesions (WML) that appear as areas of
phy over time in an individual patient may be a more sensitive reduced attenuation or leukoaraiosis on CT scanning are
and specific diagnostic marker than a cross-sectional measure hyperintense on proton density and T2-weighted MR images.
obtained from only one scan. Wide variation in normal brain WML can be divided into those immediately adjacent to the
morphology means that within-subject change may discrimi- ventricles (periventricular hyperintensities, PVH) and those
nate patients with dementia from normal subjects with greater located in the deep white matter (deep white matter hyperin-
accuracy and at an earlier stage than absolute or group mean tensities, DWMH). As shown in Figure 8.2, PVH can be fur-
volumes. However, results from studies have so far been mixed, ther subdivided into caps (frontal and occipital) and bands,
and looking ahead, the most exciting role for serial imaging in and DWMH into punctate foci, early confluent foci and large
disease detection is likely to be during the presymptomatic confluent areas (Fazekas et al., 1987). Box 8.4 summarizes the
stage of a dementia. radiological differences between DWMH and established
Progression of atrophy in different dementia subtypes can infarcts (see also Figure 8.3). WML on conventional MRI
also be explored using serial MRI. Preliminary findings indi- sequences can be assessed using simple rating scales, semi-
cate that subjects with degenerative and vascular dementia quantitative scales and volumetric analysis, although there is
are losing brain volume at a similar albeit greater rate than currently no universally accepted standardized approach.
normal controls, suggesting serial measurement of global WML are clinically and pathologically heterogeneous (see
atrophy is unlikely to differentiate the main types of demen- Table 8.1, p. 87). They become more common with advanc-
tia, although, conceivably, measures of regional atrophy rates ing age, and can be found in all major forms of dementias as
(such as the hippocampus) could prove to be more discrimi- well a host of other conditions, including multiple sclerosis,
nating. hydrocephalus, various leukodystrophies, cerebral oedema,
Serial MRI also provides a potential paradigm to evaluate neurosarcoid, and conditions such as late life depression.
the effects of new therapies in dementia. Although evidence Given the variety of pathologies known to underlie white
is limited, initial studies indicate that this approach is feasible matter change, it is important not to overinterpret imaging
and can provide useful surrogate biomarkers in evaluating changes (particularly on proton density and T2-weighted MRI)
the outcome (Jack et al., 2003; Krishnan et al., 2003). with regard to the vascular contribution to dementia.
Measures of the rate of atrophy have now been incorporated The clinical significance of WML continues to be debated.
into several trials in MCI and AD. As a general statement, more severe DWMH are more closely
Normal ageing 85

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

Figure 8.2 Examples of white matter lesions on FLAIR. (a) No periventricular hyperintensities (PVH); (b) mild PVH (frontal and occipital caps);
(c) moderate to severe PVH (frontal and occipital caps); (d) punctate deep white matter hyperintensities (DWMH) (in frontal and parietal lobes);
(e) large, early confluent DWMH.

coupled to both significant pathologic change (notably change accelerates with advancing age, particularly after 70
ischaemia) and clinical outcome, such as dementia and years of age. These age-related changes are common but not
depression. The ‘disconnection’ of key cortical-subcortical inevitable, and there is considerable variation between indi-
circuits could mediate their effect on brain function. PVH, viduals. Atrophy is observed in most cortical and subcortical
on the other hand, may have little impact on the clinical out- structures.
come. However, uncertainties remain, and the application of For reasons not yet understood, the hippocampus
newer MRI sequences to this area of study may find links appears to be particularly sensitive to the effects of ageing,
between lesions and symptoms that currently go undetected. and atrophies at a faster rate than other structures (Scahill
Looking ahead, should WML prove to be clinically signif- et al., 2003). MTA in normal ageing could clinically be linked
icant, then this would have implications for treatment, either to mild cognitive impairment (MCI), as discussed in more
directly by opening up new therapeutic options (for exam- detail later, and pathologically to AD-type pathology.
ple, whether treatment for vascular risk factors modifies Preliminary reports have found that increased levels of
ischaemic WML), or indirectly by understanding how WML homocysteine are associated with hippocampal volume loss
may modify response to other treatments. in non-demented subjects (den Heijer et al., 2003).
Changes in white matter also occur. Indeed, WML are
common in late life with a prevalence of between 8 and
92 per cent depending on the study. Across a life span
it seems that white matter is in a constant state of change,
With maturity we lose approximately 0.5 per cent of our brain with processes of maturation continuing into middle age,
volume every year, and, as our brains become smaller, our followed by progressive loss of myelin integrity (Bartzokis
ventricles become larger, often at a faster rate. The pace of this et al., 2003).
86 Structural brain imaging

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 8.3 Example of frontal stroke on (a) axial FLAIR, (b) proton density, (c) T2-weighted and (d) Coronal T1-weighted.

8.7 ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE 8.7.1 Early and established Alzheimer’s

Earlier MRI studies in AD compared atrophy between patients
with established AD and age-matched non-demented controls. MTA is the most consistent and recognized structural dif-
Although these studies continue, MRI now has a broader and ference in AD compared with age-matched controls, as
arguably a more searching role. It is used to see whether sub- illustrated in Figures 8.4 and 8.5. Patients with AD have sig-
jects with presymptomatic AD, MCI or very early AD can be nificantly smaller (by up to 40–50 per cent) amygdalae, hip-
accurately detected, and in the differentiation of dementias. pocampi and parahippocampi, which includes the entorhinal
MRI can also detect biomarkers to track disease progression cortex. Lesser degrees of atrophy have also been observed in
and predict response to treatment. other temporal structures, including the fusiform gyrus and
Alzheimer’s disease 87

Table 8.1 Histopathology associated with white matter lesions in dementias

Pathology Possible mechanisms

Less extensive PVH: loss of ependymal lining, increased interstitial In part secondary to atrophy processes
fluid and gliosis, myelin pallor Frontal caps extremely common in late life – could be considered
More extensive irregular PVH which extend into the deep white ‘normal’ and secondary to age-related changes
matter: likely to correspond to areas of reactive gliosis, lacunar More extensive PVH probably linked to vascular risk factors
infarction, loss of myelin, perivascular spaces and arteriolar
Punctuate WMH: reduced myelination and perivenous damage Punctate lesions are probably not associated with ischaemia/
Early confluent areas: show evidence of perivascular rarefaction of infarction
myelin, fibre loss and gliosis Ischaemic damage implicated as lesions become larger and more
Confluent WMH: have a similar histopathology as irregular PVH, confluent
including microcystic infarcts Other possible causes of white matter change include focal cerebral
oedema, hypoxia, acidosis, chronic perfusion changes, wallerian
degeneration of axons secondary to neuronal loss in neocortex

DWMH, deep white matter hyperintensities; PVH, periventricular hyperintensities




(c) Figure 8.5 Comparison of medial temporal atrophy in (a) AD,

(b) DLB and (c) normal controls.

motor and sensory cortex, inferior occipitotemporal region

and cerebellum (Baron et al., 2001). Generalized brain atrophy
(d) and ventricular enlargement is common but relatively non-
Figure 8.4 (a–d) Examples of graded medial temporal atrophy The pattern of in vivo atrophy is consistent with the topo-
(MTA): arrows point to hippocampi. graphical model of disease progression for AD postulated by
Braak and Braak (1991). In this model AD pathology, particu-
larly neurofibrillary tangles, are initially localized to the medial
lateral temporal gyri. Indeed, as AD progresses, nearly all lim- temporal lobe (entorhinal cortex then hippocampus), then
bic structures atrophy. Overall, the distribution of atrophy is extend to other temporal lobe structures, and ultimately
symmetrical and more prominent in medial and posterior beyond to multiple neocortical association areas, finally involv-
brain structures than anterior structures. By comparison, there ing the primary neocortex.
is less atrophy in the frontal lobe, hypothalamus, thalamus, MTA, notably atrophy of the hippocampus and entorhi-
caudate and putamen, and relative sparing of the primary nal cortex, provides the greatest discrimination between AD
88 Structural brain imaging

and normal subjects with a sensitivity and specificity of 8.7.2 Prognostic significance of medial
85–90 per cent. Results appear equally good when only very temporal atrophy in individuals at risk
mild subjects are considered (Mini-Mental State Examination of Alzheimer’s disease
[MMSE] 21). This is perhaps not surprising given the
extensive loss of neurones in this area of the brain. When The pathogenesis of AD is thought to occur years or possibly
measures of MTA are further combined with measures of even decades before clinical symptoms emerge. Given the
atrophy involving other brain regions, differentiation is even expected topographical evolution of pathology, most pre-
greater. symptomatic studies have focused on measuring either the
Patients with AD are losing brain volume at a faster rate hippocampus or entorhinal cortex. Indeed, there is good evi-
than normal controls. The highest levels of accelerated atro- dence that atrophy of these structures occurs early in the nat-
phy are again seen within those structures intimately associ- ural history of the illness, and often before symptoms emerge
ated with the disease, particularly the hippocampus (3.98 v (Killiany et al., 2002; Scahill et al., 2002). By the time mild
1.55 per cent in controls) and entorhinal cortex (6.5 per cent symptoms are apparent hippocampal volume reductions
v 1.4 per cent) (Jack et al., 1998; Du et al., 2003). Increased exceeding 25 per cent have been reported (Fox and Rossor,
rates of global atrophy also occur. 1999).
MTA is also a biologically relevant measurement, as hip- The prognostic relevance of MTA in predicting cognitive
pocampal volume loss correlates with symptoms of cognitive decline and eventual dementia in individuals at risk of AD
impairment, particular memory loss, as well as functional has been studied in two main groups: subjects with a famil-
decline and AD-type pathology. However, although MTA ial, dominantly inherited form of AD and subjects with MCI.
provides good discrimination between patients with AD and
controls and is a relatively sensitive marker of AD patho- PRESYMPTOMATIC DETECTION OF INDIVIDUALS
logy, it is not specific to AD. To lesser degrees MTA is seen in
other dementias (as discussed below), Parkinson disease,
temporal lobe epilepsy, schizophrenia, depression and cer- Serial MRI studies of families with autosomal dominant forms
tain medical conditions, such as type 2 diabetes (den Heijer of AD have shown that atrophy of the hippocampus and
et al., 2003). entorhinal cortex develops in parallel with the appearance of
Studies examining the relationship between measures of symptoms and progresses more rapidly in subjects who
regional or global atrophy and variables such as ApoE 4 allele develop dementia (Fox et al., 1996a, b). Interestingly, by extrap-
status, oestrogen replacement and vascular risk factors, have olating back in time, Schott et al. (2003) estimated pathological
not yielded consistent results. From a limited evidence base, the atrophy started at least 3.5 years (95 per cent CI, 0.7–7.5) before
specificity of MTA as a biomarker for AD appears to decline symptoms emerged. This raises the exciting and realistic
with age. prospect that there are changes that could be detected in due
In terms of WML, AD tends to have more extensive PVH course and enable subjects ‘at risk’ to be detected. Indeed, this
(prevalence 44–100 per cent) than controls, but findings transitional phase from pathology to emerging symptoms may
in relation to DWMH (prevalence 60–100 per cent) are less be associated with the most aggressive phase of MTA, raising
consistent. Recent evidence indicates a loss of integrity of the exciting prospect that subjects ‘at risk’ of AD can be detected
white matter tracts that is not randomly distributed (Rose using serial MRI.
et al., 2000). It appears to selectively affect tracts linked to
the association cortices (with relative sparing of other SUBJECTS WITH AGE-RELATED MINIMAL
tracts), leading to a hypothesis that white matter changes are
a downstream consequence to cortical pathology (Bozzali
et al., 2002). Subjects with MCI are at increased risk of developing dementia
In summary, MTA occurs early in the course of AD, and (see Chapter 24). Detection of MCI is therefore important, and
the extent of the atrophy increases with increasing severity of the role of neuroimaging in MCI has been extensively reviewed
dementia to involve other structures in a way that mirrors the (Kantarci and Jack, 2003; Wolf et al., 2003).
Braak and Braak staging of AD. Indeed, although MTA As with presymptomatic studies, significant hippocampal
appears to be necessary for the development of AD, without (7–15 per cent) and entorhinal cortex volume (5–32 per cent)
more extensive atrophy it may be insufficient to cause wide- reductions are the most consistently described difference
spread cognitive impairment (Kaye et al., 1997). Thus, as Jack between subjects with MCI and cognitively unimpaired con-
et al. (2002) speculate, MTA is a good marker for early AD, trols. Subjects who are moving along the trajectory from nor-
but. as the disease progresses beyond the limbic areas, meas- mal to MCI are losing more of their hippocampus than those
ures of neocortical atrophy may be better markers of who remain stable. Overall, the results from visual rating
advanced disease. Overall, the diagnostic accuracy of MR of atrophy and cross-sectional and longitudinal volumetric
volumetry of the hippocampus for distinguishing patients studies have found the changes in MCI are intermediate
with AD from healthy elderly individuals is comparable to between normal subjects and AD. The intermediate nature of
the accuracy of a pathologically confirmed clinical diagnosis these results is reflected in the relatively lower sensitivity (60
(Kantarci and Jack, 2003). per cent) and specificity (80 per cent) of measures of MTA in
Frontotemporal dementia 89

discriminating MCI and controls compared with their discrim- but not the caudate nucleus, though there is no link between
ination of AD (Xu et al., 2000). volumetry and symptoms (Barber et al., 2002; Cousins et al.,
Currently, opinion is divided as to whether atrophy of the 2003). Subjects with DLB shares a similar distribution,
hippocampus or entorhinal cortex best predict conversion prevalence and severity of WML to AD on MRI, intermediate
from MCI to AD. However, even though atrophy in both struc- in severity between those with VaD and normal controls
tures in MCI is a well-established risk factor for the develop- (Barber et al., 1999).
ment of AD, these measures cannot be regarded as being of
high predictive value in an individual case (Wolf et al., 2003).

8.8 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is characterized by a spe-
cific pattern of moderate to severe atrophy of the frontal and
Standard ROI and VBM studies consistently find that dementia temporal lobes. Compared to AD and VaD, atrophy is more
with Lewy bodies (DLB) and AD have a different pattern of severe and has a high specificity for distinguishing FTD from
temporal lobe atrophy. The most striking differences relate to other dementias. The atrophy is also more asymmetrical, and
medial rather than lateral temporal lobe structures. As shown is particularly prominent in the left temporal lobes.
in Figure 8.5, subjects with DLB have greater preservation of Hippocampal atrophy also occurs but tends to be less
hippocampal, amygdala, and parahippocampal volumes severe than in AD, although atrophy of the entorhinal cortex
(Barber et al., 2000, 2001). Post-mortem studies back up these can be equally severe (Frisoni et al., 1999; Boccardi et al.,
findings, and these differences may help explain differences in 2003). FTD has increased rates of whole-brain atrophy com-
the profile of cognitive deficits between these disorders. Annual pared with controls (3.2 per cent v 0.5 per cent per year) but
rates of global atrophy in DLB are similar to those in AD and overlaps with AD (2.4 per cent) (Chan et al., 2001a).
VaD, but greater than normal controls (O’Brien et al., 2001). The temporal lobe variants of this syndrome include pro-
Although DLB is associated with visual hallucinations and gressive non-fluent aphasia (PNFA) and semantic dementia
occipital changes in blood flow and metabolism on single (SD). PNFA is characterized by asymmetrical, left-sided peri-
photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), there are sylvian atrophy. Atrophy in semantic dementia tends to be
no gross structural changes in the occipital lobe on MRI more bilateral, though can be asymmetrical, as shown in
(Middelkoop et al., 2001). Preliminary findings suggest a Figure 8.6. There is an anteroposterior gradient in the distri-
possible association between DLB and atrophy of the putamen, bution of temporal lobe atrophy (Chan et al., 2001b).

Figure 8.6 Patient with clinical diagnosis of semantic dementia showing bilateral anterior temporal lobe atrophy, Left  right side: coronal
and axial T1-weighted images (courtesy of Dr T Griffiths).
Table 8.2 Structural imaging requirements for current diagnostic systems for dementia

Diagnosis DSM-V ICD-10 Specific diagnostic criteria Comments

AD Generalised brain atrophy and enlarged Not specified NINCDS-ADRDA criteria (McKhann All the major diagnostic criteria for AD
ventricles  normal ageing process et al., 1984): qventricles, gyri are focus on neuroimaging excluding competing
narrowed, sulci are widened; general causes of cognitive impairment and lack
patterns may not be useful as diagnostic reference to possible neuroimaging inclusion
criteria in individual cases criteria for AD, such as medial temporal
lobe atrophy
DLB Not specified Not specified Consensus criteria for DLB (McKeith Growing evidence to suggest neuroimaging
et al., 1996): recognized lack of definitive criteria should include the relative preser-
evidence about specific abnormalities on vation of medial temporal lobe structures
imaging (at time of publication); CT or in subjects with DLB compared with those
MRI might show generalized cortical with AD
FTD Prominent frontal and/or temporal Not specified Consensus clinical criteria for fronto- In addition, two neuroimaging exclusion
atrophy on structural brain imaging, temporal dementia (Neary et al., 1998): features are described: the presence of
and localized frontotemporal abnormalities (structural and/or multifocal lesions and predominant
hypometabolism on functional brain functional imaging) may be bilaterally postcentral structural or functional
imaging, even in the absence of clear symmetrical or asymmetric, affecting deficits
structural atrophy the left or right hemisphere
disproportionately, although failure to
demonstrate these prototypic
appearances need not exclude diagnosis
VaD Criteria require ‘laboratory evidence of Not mandatory for the diagnosis, California criteria for ischaemic VaD The NINDS-AIREN criteria have the most
cerebrovascular disease’, which may though in some cases it will be (IVD) (Chui et al., 1992): ‘Probable’ rigorous neuroimaging criteria. Specifically
include laboratory evidence such as needed. IVD – requires at least one infarct outside state that the absence of cerebrovascular
imaging. Structural imaging ‘usually’ the cerebellum. ‘Possible’ IVD – does not lesions on brain CT or MRI makes the
demonstrates multiple vascular lesions require neuroimaging evidence of diagnosis of vascular dementia unlikely.
infarction. The NINDS-AIREN criteria NINDS-AIREN v California criteria:
(Román et al., 1993): Need to define the NINDS-AIREN criteria recognize that a
extent, topography and severity of single lesion may cause VaD; radiological
vascular lesions. ‘Probable VaD’ – lesions regardless of location may be taken
multiple infarcts or strategic single as evidence of cerebrovascular disease
infarcts or multiple subcortical or white (excluding ‘trivial’ infarcts); require
matter lesions (at least 25% of total vascular change to fulfil criteria for both
white matter) location and severity

AD, Alzheimer’s disease; DLB, dementia with Lewy bodies; DSM: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (American Psychiatric Association, 1994); FTD, frontotemporal dementia; ICD: International Classification of Diseases
(World Health Organization, 1992); VaD, vascular dementia.
Final comments 91

Provisional findings indicate WML in FTD are common, 8.11 FINAL COMMENTS
but as in AD and DLB are less severe than in vascular demen-
tia (VaD) (Varma et al., 2002).
From a clinical perspective, a key question remains: ‘When
should a MRI scan be requested?’. There is, however, no con-
sensus about the threshold or indications for scanning.
Instead, there is a spectrum of opinions from the selective to
the wholly inclusive, as exemplified in Box 8.5 (see page 92).
VaD is associated with a wide variety of brain lesions includ- Nevertheless, there is a general shift towards the view that
ing cortical infarcts, infarcts in strategic brain areas (basal all patients with dementia should be scanned at least once
ganglia and thalamus), multiple lacunes, extensive white during their illness. This position recognizes that there can
matter change or combinations thereof. There may be evi- never be a comprehensive list of all indications for any inves-
dence of focal atrophy, either cortical or ventricular, corres- tigation and, if scanning is combined with accurate clinical
ponding to focal infarction and subsequent local atrophy. information, it offers the highest standard of diagnostic
In addition, VaD like AD is associated with relatively non- accuracy currently available. Perhaps an alternative ques-
specific changes such as generalized cerebral atrophy and tion would be: ‘If I need to make a diagnosis using a certain
ventricular dilatation. Hippocampal atrophy can occur but is set of diagnostic criteria, what sort of imaging do I need to
less severe than in AD. perform?’. A CT will, for cost and practical reasons, usually
On MRI, VaD is associated with evidence of infarction be the imaging modality of first choice, although an MRI, if
and an increased severity of PVH (prevalence 70–100 per cent) accessible, would almost always be the superior imaging
and DWMH (prevalence up to 100 per cent) compared with modality.
AD, DLB and age-matched normal controls. Large irregular In clinical practice, imaging is not an end in itself but an
PVH, confluent DWMH and basal ganglia hyperintensities investigation that contributes information about the biology
are characteristic of VaD, representing a greater burden of of the brain, which needs to be interpreted as part of the
ischaemia. overall clinical assessment. As with any test or investigation,
Several neuroimaging studies have investigated the relation- imaging in dementia is neither perfectly sensitive nor spe-
ship between dementia and vascular change. The total number cific, and false negative and positive results will occur.
and location of infarcts appears to be important, especially left- Inevitably, the clinician will need to interpret both the nature
sided or bilateral lesions and those located in strategic areas and significance of any radiological finding in weighing up
such as thalamus and anterior capsule. However, in addition to its potential contribution to the clinical picture. This is a
a ‘lesion-based’ view of VaD, generalized changes, such as corti- point of convergence between the art of clinical medicine
cal and central atrophy, as well as variables, such as age and level and science that makes that practice more revealing.
of education, may play an important role in the development of Looking ahead, a more sophisticated blending of MR
post-stroke dementia. sequences and measurements could enhance the overall
Table 8.2 summarizes the different neuroimaging criteria usefulness of MR technology. Indeed, the specific mix of
for main diagnostic classifications of dementias. Table 8.3 MR tests for optimal diagnostic accuracy could well differ as
summarizes MRI findings in other conditions. diseases progress.

Table 8.3 MRI findings in other disease associated with cognitive impairment

Disorder MRI findings

Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (nvCJD) Symmetrical hyperintensity in the pulvinar (posterior) nuclei of the thalamus
(pulvinar sign). Other features are hyperintensity of the dorsomedial thalamic
nuclei, caudate head and periaqueductal grey matter (Collie et al., 2003). FLAIR
more sensitive than other sequences
Sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease High signal changes in the putamen and caudate head
Huntington chorea (HC) Bilateral caudate atrophy – may also have reduce volume of other
basal ganglia structures and frontal lobes
Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) Non-specific mild atrophy
Multisystem atrophy (MSA) Olivopontocerebellar atrophy, pontocerebellar and putamenal
hyperintensities on T2-weighted images
Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) Marked ventricular enlargement, with rounding of anterior horns of lateral
ventricles. The enlargement is disproportionate to any sulcal widening
(i.e. cortical atrophy not usually present), and there is no significant focal
pathology or white matter change.)
92 Structural brain imaging

Box 8.5 Examples of guidelines for imaging in dementia

Selective criteria: example from guidelines I Any new localizing sign (e.g. hemiparesis or Babinski’s
Canadian Consensus Conference on Dementia (Patterson reflex)
et al., 2001) Recommendations for neuroimaging. Cranial J Unusual or atypical cognitive symptoms or presentation
CT scan is recommended if one or more of the following (e.g. progressive aphasia, gait disturbance)
criteria are present:
All-inclusive criteria: examples of statements from
A Age less than 60 years opinion leaders and guidelines
B Rapid, (e.g. over 1–2 months) unexplained decline in
cognition or function • In elderly demented patients routine neuroimaging with
C Short duration of dementia ( 2 years) CT or MR is the ideal that should be sought (Rossor,
D Recent and significant head trauma 1994) Practice parameters: diagnosis of dementia
E Unexplained neurological symptoms, e.g. new onset of (evidence-based guidelines) from the American Academy
severe headache or seizures of Neurology. Recommend:
F History of cancer (especially in sites and types that • Structural neuroimaging with either a non-contrast CT or
metastasize to the brain) MR scan in the routine initial evaluation of patients with
G Use of anticoagulants or history of a bleeding disorder dementia is appropriate (Knopman et al., 2001)
H History of urinary incontinence and gait disorder early • Neuroimaging, and MRI in particular, is increasingly
in the course of dementia (as may be found in regarded as an essential part of the investigation of a
normopressure hydrocephalus) patient with dementia (Scheltens et al., 2002)

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Functional imaging


9.1 Imaging methods 94 9.6 Imaging neurotransmitter systems 98

9.2 Are there diagnostic patterns? 96 9.7 Brain–behaviour correlates in dementia 98
9.3 What is the ‘gold standard’? 96 9.8 Conclusion 100
9.4 Diagnostic accuracy of functional imaging 96 References 100
9.5 Methods of image assessment – PET and SPECT 98

Functional brain imaging offers a window into the living order to focus the signal on the gamma camera, collimators
brain, an organ that is, of course, not usually accessible to are used. These collimators only admit photons coming from
direct scrutiny and investigation. Observing functional activ- a defined direction to the photosensitive crystal (Figure 9.1).
ity also anticipates any irreversible structural changes and By implication, this method of directional filtering only allows
therefore implies treatability of the abnormalities detected. for a small proportion of emitted photons to be detected,
Both aspects make functional imaging of dementing illnesses which limits the sensitivity of SPECT. In addition, scattered
a fascinating topic. photons lose a certain amount of energy, and are therefore
Radionuclide-based imaging modes, such as single photon excluded with energy filters. The attenuation of gamma rays
emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emis- during their path through brain matter is usually modelled
sion tomography (PET) have been available for several decades making assumptions of homogeneous attenuation across the
now, but their impact on daily diagnostic practice has been brain and head. Some common applications of SPECT are
minimal. The reasons for this will require exploring. Much listed in Table 9.1. Gamma emitters with half-lives of 6–12
emphasis will be placed in this chapter on clinical usefulness hours are usually employed, as the tracers tend to be pro-
of imaging, but other aspects of functional neuroimaging, duced some distance from the scanner. Because of this, limited
such as the brain–behaviour correlations observed during numbers of exposures are possible. The gamma-emitting
illness will be equally explored. These themes will be intro- nuclei employed (123I and 99mTc) are relatively large and tend
duced by a short description of the imaging techniques used to change the pharmacology of the substituted molecule. The
in dementia research. extensive pharmacological development work necessary for
such tracers may therefore be one of the explanations for the
relatively limited number of gamma (SPECT)-ligands available

9.1.1 Single photon emission computed 9.1.2 Positron emission tomography (PET)
tomography (SPECT)
Positron emission tomography (PET), as the name implies,
SPECT uses gamma emitting radioisotopes, which are uses positron emitters to label physiological brain processes.
attached to biologically relevant molecules and injected intra- Positrons (positively charged electrons) are not stable elemen-
venously to be distributed amongst others to the brain. The tary particles; within millimetres of travel they react with an
three-dimensional reconstruction of the tracer distribution in electron to generate two photons with a defined energy moving
the brain gives a biologically meaningful map of, for example, at approximately 180° away from each other. The detection of
blood flow, receptor binding capacity or similar measures. In such coincidence signals with a detector ring thus makes it
Imaging methods 95

2 Gamma photons at 180° Table 9.1 Some common applications of SPECT and PET

Tracer Isotope-mode Physiology Clinical use

HMPAO T- SPECT Perfusion Yes
EDT Tc-SPECT Perfusion Yes
FP-CIT I-SPECT Dopamine Yes
Positron transporter
annihilation 123
Iomazenil I-SPECT Benzodiazepine No
Iodobenzamide I-SPECT Dopamine D2 No
PET coincidence
Iodo-QNB I-SPECT Muscarinic No
detector ring receptor
(a) 5-I-A-85380 I-SPECT Nicotinic No
Collimator MK-801 I-SPECT NMDA No
Water O-PET Blood flow Yes
Oxygen O-PET Oxygen No
FDG F-PET Glucose Yes
Absorbed Detected
gamma photon gamma photon 11
Glucose C-PET Glucose uptake No
Nicotine C-PET Nicotinic No
(b) receptor
MP4A C-PET AChE activity No
Figure 9.1 (a, b) Localization of photon source with PET and SPECT. 11
6-OH-BTA-1 C-PET Distribution No
of A plaques
A plaques
possible to identify spatial as well as intensity information Altanserin F-PET 5HT-2A No
(Figure 9.1). Collimators are thus not necessary and signal 18
WAY-100635 F-PET 5HT-1A No
detection is more sensitive. Positron-emitting nuclei, particu-
larly 11C, are easily incorporated into biological molecules,
without changing their chemical characteristics. Positron emis-
sion is relatively energetic – only short exposure to radiation that are active and those that are not. Paradoxically, the con-
is possible, the short decay half-lives require on-site radio- centration of deoxyhaemoglobin decreases in active brain areas,
chemistry to incorporate the nuclei into physiologically active as blood flow increases disproportionately to oxygen extraction.
compounds. In turn, short half-lives allow for repeated appli- The advantage of fMRI over nuclear medicine imaging is that
cation of tracers. Usually transmission scans with a gamma repeated examinations are possible, and within each subject
source in the detector rings are used to quantify the attenuation high signal-to-noise ratios can be achieved by repeating scans
across the brain. Table 9.1 lists a number of commonly used many times. To identify brain areas associated with a particular
PET-ligands. function, tasks are compared, which differ only with respect
to the function of interest. Alternatively, the variability of
9.1.3 Functional magnetic resonance behaviour over time can be correlated with the MRI signal of
imaging (fMRI) the parallel time series of scans, taking account of the delay
equivalent to the ‘haemodynamic response function’. Brain
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) uses physical lesions are likely sources of error for fMRI, others are head
principles completely different from emission tomographies, movement and susceptibility artefacts owing to air and
both for the constitution and the spatial encoding of images boundary effects. For obvious reasons, such artefacts are more
(see Chapter 8). The most frequently used, and here the only likely to occur in older age and in psychiatric patients. The
described principle, is blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) methods of fMRI have only recently been developed, are by
imaging. Haemoglobin and deoxyhaemoglobin behave dif- no means standardized and have mainly been used in the
ferentially within the MRI magnetic field, so that a signal dif- research context. The clinical use of fMRI in dementia remains
ference of a few per cent can be observed between brain areas to be established.
96 Functional imaging

9.2 ARE THERE DIAGNOSTIC PATTERNS? the brain comes to histology, a large number of confounding
factors will have had a role to play: the time interval and nat-
ural history intervening between scan and post mortem
As the macroscopic anatomy and natural history of brain examination; additional illness and treatment; the selection
changes in the dementias are variable, it is not surprising that bias resulting from low uptake of post-mortem examinations.
there are no generally applicable ‘rules’ for diagnostic imaging In the absence of really effective treatments, predictive validity
patterns. Alzheimer-like pathology can be found in a substan- more usually entails follow up within 2–3 years to confirm that
tial proportion of the brains of non-demented patient (Ince, the ‘gold standard’ clinical diagnosis was in fact reliable and that
2001). In addition, the diagnoses of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (hopefully) imaging results at baseline predict the observed
and vascular dementia (VaD) are not mutually exclusive so clinical outcome.
that mixed patterns are likely to occur in a significant pro-
portion of patients. Finally, at an advanced stage all dementias
tend to involve large portions of the brain, preferentially (and
in all likelihood) association cortex, so any differential features 9.4 DIAGNOSTIC ACCURACY OF FUNCTIONAL
will disappear. IMAGING
AD is said to initially present with posterior cingulate
(Minoshima et al., 1997a) or medial temporal (Callen et al., 9.4.1 Guidelines and consensus statements
2002) reductions in brain activity, but soon after bilateral
posterior temporoparietal reductions in brain activity inter- The role of functional imaging in the diagnosis of the demen-
vene (Holman et al., 1992; see Plate 1). During later stages, tias is controversial. Although the characteristic parietal and
prefrontal activity reductions are added, so that some temporal deficits in AD and the widespread irregular deficits in
authors have suggested computing a ratio of association cor- VaD described above have been acknowledged and confirmed
tex over primary sensory-motor cortex as a diagnostic index by consensus statement (Small et al., 1997), guidelines have
for AD (Herholz et al., 1999). Frontotemporal dementias, i.e. generally not recommended the routine clinical use of PET
those that initially present with functional impairment of or SPECT in the diagnostic evaluation of dementia for all
anterior parts of the brain, have a variety of underlying individuals. This is mainly justified by the lack of sufficient
pathologies, from Pick’s to AD. VaD is likely to result in patchy data on validity (Patterson et al., 1999; Knopman et al., 2001).
lesions of brain perfusion, often asymmetrical in distribution, For this reason, the American College of Radiology recom-
or localized in ‘watershed’ regions of the brain (see Plate 1). mends using SPECT for clinically and diagnostically difficult
Experience with imaging of patients with dementia with cases only (Braffman et al., 2000). Similarly, one of the more
Lewy bodies so far suggests little difference in perfusion pat- methodologically stringent systematic reviews recently sug-
terns from Alzheimer’s disease, although occipito-temporal gested that there is little evidence to support a role for PET in
changes have been described (Ishii et al., 1999a; Minoshima the clinical evaluation of patients with suspected or established
et al., 2001). More specific pharmacological probes are just dementia (Gill et al., 2003). In a more positive resumé, an
now becoming available. Ligands binding to the dopamine international working group recommended that imaging
transporter (-CIT, FP-CIT) can be used as markers for techniques have an important role to play in the diagnosis
dopaminergic cell loss. These radioligands may consequently and assessment of dementia and specifically AD (Reisberg
prove useful in the differential diagnosis of AD and Lewy- et al., 1997).
body dementia (Walker et al., 2002).

9.4.2 Alzheimer’s disease

Bilateral temporoparietal hypometabolism has been fre-
As hinted at above and described in more detail in Chapters quently reported for AD compared with normal volunteers
1 and 3, the clinical and pathological diagnoses of dementia (Hoffman et al., 2000; Okamura et al., 2001; Alexander et al.,
are not congruent. The question about the true ‘gold stan- 2002a; Herholz et al., 2002a; Volkow et al., 2002). Although a
dard’ for the evaluation of imaging studies, therefore, arises: temporoparietal deficit pattern is indicative of AD, it cannot
should functional imaging reflect the distribution and sever- be regarded as specific, but it does discriminate between
ity of brain cell loss, or should it be representative of patients’ demented and non-demented individuals (Masterman et al.,
functional impairment or their symptoms and signs? Either 1997). A systematic review and meta-analysis of literature in
association would be of interest, but the most important pur- SPECT and dementia (Dougall et al., 2003) found that using
pose of imaging is, of course, the facilitation of effective data pooled from 27 studies, SPECT successfully discriminated
treatment. Often the predictive validity of imaging methods between healthy elderly controls and AD with a pooled sensi-
is not known, but it should be ascertainable using standard tivity of 77 per cent against a pooled specificity of 89 per cent.
empirical methods. This is in contrast to studies trying to Additional significant abnormalities have been reported
validate imaging data with post-mortem results. By the time for AD in posterior cingulate (Rossor et al., 1996; Minoshima
Diagnostic accuracy of functional imaging 97

et al., 1997b) and hippocampus (Villa et al., 1995; Ishii et al., Two comparable SPECT studies with pathological verifi-
1998; Elgh et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2003). For very early AD, cation of AD reported sensitivities of 86 per cent and 63 per
reductions in posterior cingulate tend to be greater than in cent (43 dementia patients v 11 healthy elderly controls) against
parietotemporal and frontal association cortices (Minoshima specificities of 73 per cent and 93 per cent (70 dementia
et al., 1997a). Functional imaging in AD increases diagnostic patients v 85 healthy elderly controls), respectively (Bonte
sensitivity at least compared with structural imaging, with et al., 1997; Jagust et al., 2001).
blood flow and metabolism first reduced in posterior cingulate
gyrus and precuneus, before advancing to medial temporal
structures and parietotemporal association cortex (Zakzanis 9.4.3 Vascular dementia (VaD)
et al., 2003).
Entorhinal cortex and hippocampal metabolic reductions Typical findings in VD are multiple small areas of reduced
have been successfully used as a classifier in the discrimination perfusion and metabolism extending over cortical and sub-
of cognitively normal controls from mild cognitive impairment cortical structures and a high diagnostic accuracy has been
(MCI; De Santi et al., 2001) with a diagnostic accuracy of 81 reported for the discrimination of probable AD and VD using
per cent and from AD using the temporal neocortex with a this characteristic metabolic pattern (Mielke and Heiss, 1998).
diagnostic accuracy of 100 per cent (De Santi et al., 2001). In addition, frontal lobes including cingulate and superior
Neocortical metabolic reductions for AD are widely frontal gyri have been reported to be more affected in VD
reported (Kumar et al., 1991; Smith et al., 1992; De Santi et al., than in AD (Nagata et al., 2000; Lee et al., 2001). On the other
2001). In a prospective longitudinal analysis using the ratio hand, temporoparietal brain regions have been said best to
of deoxyglucose uptake in association cortex over primary discriminate AD from VD with sensitivities reported as high
sensory-motor cortex for classification, initial metabolic as 90 per cent and 82 per cent against 80 per cent and 82 per
impairment was significantly associated with subsequent clin- cent specificity, respectively (Butler et al., 1995; deFigueiredo
ical deterioration, thus predicting for patients with mild cog- et al., 1995). SPECT has been reported to differentiate AD
nitive deficits the progression to AD (Herholz et al., 1999). from multi-infarct dementia in a study with a 77 per cent
In advanced AD, bilateral parietotemporal perfusion deficits correct classification rate, compared with structural MRI,
are reported to be more frequent and severe (Nitrini et al., which correctly classified only 50 per cent in the same subject
2000) with a reported odds ratio (OR) of 17.0 (95 per cent CI group (Butler et al., 1995).
3.1–94.2) for severe AD (MMSE 10) and an OR of 5.2 (95
per cent CI 1.1–24.4) for moderate AD (MMSE 0–17). Finally, 9.4.4 Frontotemporal dementia (FTD)
in a study of 68 AD subjects, metabolism in the cerebellum of
a severe AD group was found to be significantly reduced Highly significant metabolic abnormalities have been
(Ishii et al., 1997) compared with 13 age-matched controls, reported for PET in frontotemporoparietal association
which is of relevance as cerebellar activity is often taken as a cortex, limbic area, basal ganglia and thalamus in FTD com-
‘normal’ reference region (see below). pared with normal volunteers (Ishii et al., 1998). In particu-
lar, bilateral frontal hypoperfusion is a strong predictor of PATHOLOGICALLY CONFIRMED STUDIES FTD versus AD in SPECT (Pickut et al., 1997), with sensitiv-
ity and specificity estimated at 88 per cent and 79 per cent,
A multicentre study of PET in dementia with diagnostic veri- respectively (Sjogren et al., 2000). Medial temporal lobe
fication by 3-year clinical follow up (Silverman et al., 2001) reduction has been suggested as a marker to separate AD
concluded that regional brain metabolism was a sensitive from FTD (Sjogren et al., 2000).
indicator of AD. In the same study, a pathologically confirmed
diagnosis of AD was predicted by PET with a sensitivity of 94
per cent (91 out of 97 subjects) against a specificity of 73 per 9.4.5 Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB)
cent (30 out of 41 subjects) against other patients presenting
with symptoms of dementia. An overall diagnostic accuracy of An autopsy-confirmed PET study of the differential diagno-
89 per cent was achieved for a subset of 55 patients who pre- sis of DLB and AD subjects found occipital metabolic reduc-
sented at the time of PET with questionable or mild dementia. tions as a potential ante-mortem marker to distinguish DLB
A PET study in a group considered ‘diagnostically challen- from AD, with sensitivity and specificity values determined
ging or difficult to characterize by clinical criteria’ (Hoffman at 90 per cent and 80 per cent respectively (Minoshima et al.,
et al., 2000) produced sensitivity and specificity values of 2001). SPECT studies have confirmed occipital reduction
PET against a histological diagnosis at autopsy of AD of 93 in perfusion as an indicator of DLB (Ishii et al., 1999b;
per cent and 63 per cent, respectively. For comparison, clin- Lobotesis et al., 2001). Medial temporal and cingulate reduc-
ical diagnosis of probable AD had sensitivity and specificity tions in metabolism have been found to be significantly more
values of 63 per cent and 100 per cent, respectively, conclud- pronounced in AD compared to DLB (Imamura et al., 1997),
ing that the overall diagnostic accuracy of PET at 82 per cent while the occipital deficit in DLB appears irrespective of clin-
was better than clinical diagnosis at 73 per cent. ical severity (Okamura et al., 2001).
98 Functional imaging

9.4.6 Depression a combination of structural MRI or CT and functional imag-

ing has been found to improve the accuracy of diagnostic clas-
SPECT has been reported to be a useful tool for the differen- sification (Mattman et al., 1997; Scheltens et al., 1997; O’Brien
tial diagnosis of AD and depression, with perfusion deficits in et al., 2001; Callen et al., 2002; Varma et al., 2002).
depression lying between those of controls and AD and a
reported sensitivity of 52 per cent (against 94 per cent in con-
trols) using parieto-occipital perfusion as a marker (Stoppe 9.6 IMAGING NEUROTRANSMITTER SYSTEMS
et al., 1995).
9.6.1 SPECT
9.4.7 SPECT v PET
Although FP-CIT is now licensed in the UK for the investiga-
A direct comparison (Herholz et al., 2002b) of SPECT and tion of parkinsonism, its use in DLB is still experimental
PET produced an overall significant correlation of abnormal (Walker et al., 2002). The same applies to all other receptor
tracer uptake between PET and SPECT across the entire brain ligands – be it because of limits in the validation and validity
(r  0.43) with better correspondence achieved in the tem- of the imaging protocol or because of doubts about the
poroparietal and posterior cingulate association cortices. involvement of the receptor concerned in the pathophysiology
Using quantitative statistical parametric mapping (SPM), the of the respective dementia. However, there are now a number
same study reported that PET discriminated between healthy of SPECT ligands that can be used as probes into specific
volunteers and AD with greater reliability than SPECT, since transmitter system deficits in dementia: Iodo-QNB and
PET was less sensitive to threshold effects in SPM. Another 5-IA-85380 for muscarinic and nicotinic receptors, respec-
study of PET and SPECT compared patients with probable tively; FP-CIT and iodobenzamide for dopamine transporter
AD and normal controls using temporoparietal reductions as and D2-receptor, respectively; iomazenil for the benzodi-
diagnostic criterion and determined a sensitivity for PET of azepine/ GABA receptor complex and 123I-MK-801 for the
100 per cent and SPECT of 90 per cent, with the presence of NMDA receptor (Pimlott et al., 2003).
abnormalities in associative cortex outside temporoparietal
areas being better evaluated with PET (Messa et al., 1994). 9.6.2 PET

The greater flexibility of PET-ligand creation has made it

9.5 METHODS OF IMAGE ASSESSMENT – possible to generate all the above and additional receptor lig-
PET AND SPECT ands, e.g. for 5HT-2A receptors (altanserin; Meltzer et al.,
1999), acetylcholinesterase activity (MP. 4A; Iyo et al., 1997)
PET and SPECT images can be analysed qualitatively using and, of particular interest in AD, ligands for neurofibrillary
visual inspection methods or quantitatively using a variety of tangles and A-plaques (FDDNP; Shoghi-Jadid et al., 2002).
semiautomated methods. The variability of visual interpret- The latter are especially exciting, as the focus of dementia
ations has been reported as minimal for PET, with a good treatment may be shifting away from the selective enhance-
intraobserver (  0.56, P 0.0005) and interobserver ment of transmitter systems thought to be involved in the
(  0.51, P 0.0005) agreement (Hoffman et al., 1996). Alzheimer pathology, towards the biochemical entities, pre-
Good agreement has also been found for qualitative inspection sumably more at the origin of the pathophysiological cascade
of SPECT (Hellman et al., 1994; Pasquier et al., 1997). Attempts leading to cell death and brain atrophy. Such markers could
have been made to develop classification criteria according to be used both for the diagnosis and ‘purification’ of patient
perfusion deficit patterns on visual assessment (Holman et al., samples for treatment research, as well as the follow-through
1992; Sloan et al., 1995). of patients in treatment, using ligand binding as a proxy
For quantitative region of interest (ROI) analysis, the brain measure of treatment success. On a more fundamental level,
is divided into areas often approximating underlying structural if treatment should change ligand binding, the association of
anatomy. Mean values of functional activity are then averaged changes in ligand binding and clinical improvement could
within these regions and compared with a dataset of controls provide causal in vivo evidence for the active principle of the
(Defebvre et al., 1999). More objective methods have been treatment concerned.
developed recently, such as statistical parametric mapping
(Friston et al., 1995; Soonawala et al., 2002), discriminant func-
tion analysis (Mahony et al., 1994; O’Brien et al., 2001; Volkow
et al., 2002) and neural network analysis (Chan et al., 1994;
Dawson et al., 1994; Kippenhan et al., 1994; deFigueiredo et al.,
1995; Page et al., 1996). Three-dimensional stereotactic surface Information from functional imaging modes, such as PET,
projection images have been found to improve the accuracy of SPECT and fMRI can be combined with neuropsychological
visually detecting AD with PET (Burdette et al., 1996). Finally, information and be used to investigate the neural correlates
Brain–behaviour correlates in dementia 99

of cognitive and behavioural processes. The use of imaging male patients, those with early onset and patients with severe
techniques has led to improvements in understanding of the AD (Nitrini et al., 2000).
dementias and their longitudinal course and may lead to Following memory, attention is the next domain to be
further developments for example in evaluating potential affected in AD. The anterior cingulate is thought to be involved
treatments. in attentional function and a particular correlation has been
PET was first used in 1981 to show a global reduction shown between divided attention and anterior cingulate activ-
in cerebral blood flow (CBF) in patients with degenerative ity (Perry et al., 2000; Matsuda, 2001). This is consistent with
dementia, which correlated with clinical measures of disease the clinical picture – it is thought that impairment of divided
severity (Frackowiak et al., 1981). Since then there have been attention is responsible for problems in activities of daily liv-
many studies demonstrating the typical reductions in metab- ing, which occur in AD at a relatively early stage. With regard
olism and blood flow. These are most consistent and severe in to psychiatric phenomena, functional imaging has shown that
the temporal and parietal association cortices. As the disease psychotic symptoms in AD correlate with reduced frontal and
advances, the occipital and frontal association cortices are temporal metabolism (Mega et al., 2000); negative symptoms
progressively affected (Alexander et al., 2002b). On neuro- have been linked to decreased perfusion in the frontal cortex
psychological examination, the typical pattern of AD begins (Galynker et al., 2000), and apathy has been associated with
with memory impairment followed by semantic and executive significantly decreased blood flow in anterior temporal,
deficits, then deficits in praxis, behavioural problems and so orbitofrontal, anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal
on. These neuropsychological deficits have been correlated regions (Benoit et al., 1999; Cummings, 2000). With regard to
with regional metabolic deficits, though as with all ‘lesion depressive symptoms in AD, there is some evidence of correla-
paradigms’ the correspondence between specific cognitive tion with reduced temporal lobe perfusion (Ebmeier et al.,
functions and certain brain regions can only be an approxima- 1998).
tion since it is likely that multiple brain areas are involved in
even simple functions. Despite these limitations, functional
imaging has been able to add to the understanding of brain–
9.7.1 Cognitive activation studies
behaviour correlates in dementia.
More recently, functional activation studies have demon-
Neuropsychological testing has shown that the first deficit
strated that in mild to moderately severe AD, a cognitive or
in AD is episodic memory loss. The first reduction in rCBF
sensory challenge task can cause nearly normal levels of acti-
has been shown to be in the area of the posterior cingulate
vation in areas that are hypometabolic or hypoperfused at
gyrus and precuneus which is known to be important in mem-
rest. However, with increased disease severity the degree of
ory (Desgranges et al., 1998). Supporting this correlation, a
activation declines (Devous, 2002) Furthermore, increased
PET study revealed activation of the retrosplenial area of the
activation may be required in AD patients who perform a
cingulate cortex during an episodic memory encoding task,
task, or indeed activation of additional brain areas which are
which is also backed by the clinical picture subsequent to
not activated by healthy controls (Cardebat et al., 1998). It
other lesions of the retrosplenial cingulate cortex, such as
has been hypothesized that functional plasticity may be
tumours, in this area (Fletcher et al., 1995).
responsible for such a recruitment of new brain regions in
The next area of functioning to show impairment is
patients. An fMRI activation study compared patients with
semantic memory and it is thought that this occurs when
early AD and FTD during a working memory task in order to
neurodegenerative changes extend to the adjacent temporal
try to differentiate between the groups. During performance
neocortex (Jobst et al., 1992). It is possible that initial
of the task, there was reduced activation in the frontal, tem-
involvement of the transentorhinal region, as indicated by
poral and cingulate cortices in the FTD group compared with
the first histological changes, then leads to disconnection of
the AD group. There was, however, the opposite effect in the
the hippocampus followed by the limbic structures and iso-
cerebellum, a region less consistently activated in functional
cortical association areas (Hodges and Patterson, 1995). This
working memory imaging studies. This cerebellar activation
disconnection hypothesis can also help to account for the
in FTD may reflect successful working memory specific com-
variety and progression of symptoms in AD, as different
pensation, since test performance of FTD patients were not
areas become disconnected.
different from the AD group (Rombouts et al., 2003).
Short-term memory generally has been shown consistently
Activation studies may, therefore, be useful in helping to
to correlate with metabolism in the temporoparietal associ-
reveal subtle changes in brain functioning in the early stages
ation cortex, with the left hemisphere for verbal and right for
of dementia, as well as improving our understanding of the
spatial memory (Trollor and Valenzuela, 2001). Asymmetries
neural circuits involved in the tasks.
in hemisphere metabolism correlate with neuropsychological
‘asymmetries’ defined by the traditional verbal/non-verbal
dichotomy (Haxby et al., 1990). If there is ‘asymmetrical’ 9.7.2 Longitudinal studies
involvement, the left hemisphere is often the more affected
side, although reasons for this are unknown. Bilateral pari- A number of functional imaging studies have investigated
etotemporal hypoperfusion appears to be more frequent in cognitive functioning over time. These have shown that
100 Functional imaging

patients with more severe perfusion or metabolic deficits in et al., 2003). One of the binds we encounter is that useful data
the temporoparietal cortex at initial evaluation show a more on sensitivity and specificity, and more particularly positive
rapid cognitive decline over time (Devous, 2002). In particular and negative predictive value, require representative clinical
a strong correlation has been found between reduction in right cohorts. If the introduction of a new imaging method is to
parietal rCBF and patient survival (Jagust, 1994). With regard be evidence based in a national health service and good evi-
to mild cognitive impairment, significant bilateral rCBF dence is only available after the establishment of a service, the
decreases are seen in the posterior cingulate, parietal and pre- creation of pilot services is necessary that are not technology
cuneus regions of those who later meet criteria for AD. driven, i.e. that are centred in a normal clinical set-up that
Subsequently, at the stage of a clinical diagnosis of AD, add- will generate results transferable to the service in general. The
itional rCBF abnormalities are seen in the hippocampus and theoretical appeal of imaging methods, after all we believe
parahippocampus (Minoshima et al., 1997b; Kogure et al., that the dementias are brain diseases, holds out the promise
2000). of visualizing brain changes that are relevant to illness out-
For individual patients, the particular neuropsychological come and treatment response.
pattern that develops during the progression of AD can be
predicted by early metabolic asymmetries in the association
cortices (Haxby et al., 1990). This would indicate that there is REFERENCES
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Butler R.E, Costa D, Greco A ELL P, Katona C. (1995) Differentiation
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The neurophysiology of dementia


10.1 The electroencephalogram 104 10.5 Other technologies 109

10.2 Sleep EEG 107 10.6 Summary 110
10.3 Evoked potentials 107 References 110
10.4 Event-related potentials 108

During the last 80 years a number of advances have been of analysis have examined aspects of the organization of brain
made in the development of techniques for demonstrating activity. These include the following changes with age: a reduc-
the electrical activity of the brain. Conventional electro- tion in interhemispheric coherence at rest but an increase in
encephalography (EEG) was effectively ‘founded’ in the 1920s coherence to photic stimulation (Kikuchi et al., 2000), an
when it became possible to record such activity from the scalp. increase in the complexity of spatial distribution of EEG activ-
The techniques of evoked potentials were first developed ity (Pierce et al., 2003), and an increase in slow wave variabil-
in the 1950s and ‘event-related’ potentials became available in ity (Dustman et al., 1999).
the 1960s. Quantitative analysis of the electroencephalogram Most studies have been cross-sectional, comparing results
(qEEG) has been possible since the 1970s and recording of in different age groups, but the few longitudinal studies carried
the magnetic fields induced by electrical brain activity since out have produced conflicting results. Coben et al. (1985)
the 1980s. found no change in  or frequency over 3 years (or the ratio
This chapter will deal with clinical and applied research in of to ), although there were significant reductions in 
neurophysiology with regard to ageing and dementia. Technical and frequency. No changes in any power band were found
details are beyond the scope of this review and the interested by Förstl et al. (1996) over a 4-year period. Elmståhl and Rosén
reader is referred a general text such as Osselton et al. (2002). (1997) performed EEGs 5 years apart in a group of initially
healthy elderly women. Those who remained cognitively unim-
paired showed an increase in absolute  and power, together
10.1 THE ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM with a reduction in relative posterior  power.

10.1.1 EEG in healthy older people 10.1.2 Mild cognitive impairment (MCI)

The prevalence of EEG abnormalities increases with age with Williamson et al. (1990) found that healthy elderly subjects
an emphasis in the temporal regions (Busse and Obrist, who had MCI also had markedly reduced  power in all brain
1965). Using traditional visual methods, there appears to be a regions. Stevens and Kircher (1998) used a form of temporo-
progressive slowing of the mean frequency and a reduction spatial analysis and found that the duration of stable
in  activity. There is an increase in the frequency and voltage patterns (known as EEG microstates) was reduced in
amount of  activity as well as an increase in and activity people with MCI, as was EEG reactivity to eye opening.
(Torres et al., 1983). Grunwald et al. (2001) reported that activity increased
Studies employing qEEG have also shown some consist- as a function of reducing hippocampal volume. Jelic et al.
ency, in spite of the large number of variables available for (2000) found that MCI patients who later developed obvious
measurement. An increase in  activity combined with a reduc- dementia had abnormalities of EEG coherence,  and
tion in and power with age has been demonstrated (Polich, power when compared with MCI patients who remained
1997; Dustman et al., 1999). Recently, more complex methods stable.
The electroencephalogram 105

10.1.3 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) power after a week of rivastigmine treatment identified
those who responded in the longer term (Adler et al., 2004). FEATURES AND ASSOCIATIONS OF EEG
Berger (1932) first described the general slowing of the EEG EEG CHANGES WITH DISEASE PROGRESSION
in a patient with dementia. The changes in AD can be Patients with EEG abnormalities on visual inspection at the
summarized as follows: a slowing of the  frequency, ampli- time of diagnosis may have a shorter survival than those
tude and relative power with a shift towards the anterior whose EEGs are normal when diagnosed (Kaszniak et al.,
frontal regions; a decrease in relative and absolute  power; 1978; Soininen et al., 1991). The presence of qEEG abnor-
and, an increasing predominance of diffuse and symmetrical malities at diagnosis also has been associated with a more
and waves in posterior regions, reflected by an increase in rapid progression of the disorder (Lopez et al., 1997; Nobili
and power (Knott et al., 2001). Other changes include a et al., 1999) and earlier death (Claus et al., 1998). As the dis-
reduction in general reactivity (Visser et al., 1985), and reduced ease progresses there is a gradual reduction in  power and
EEG coherence (Stevens et al., 2001; Hogan et al., 2003). an increase in power, or reduction in the / ratio (Coben
These quantitative changes are associated with degree of cog- et al., 1985; Soininen et al., 1991; Förstl et al., 1996; Rodriguez
nitive impairment (Grunwald et al., 2001; Stam et al., 2003), et al., 1999a). Fast activity shifts from a predominance in pos-
reduced cerebral blood flow (Ihl et al., 1989a; Rodriguez et al., terior regions to the frontal region (Ihl et al., 1989b). Mean
1999b; Claus et al., 2000; Mattia et al., 2003) and hypo- EEG frequency, and power correlate with global demen-
metabolism (Dierks et al., 2000). Abnormalities may also be tia severity (Penttilä et al., 1985) and more specifically par-
associated with early onset (Pucci et al., 1999) and psychotic ietal dysfunction (Edman et al., 1998; Matousek et al., 2001).
symptoms (Edwards-Lee et al., 2000). Riekkinen et al. (1991) The precise relationship between qEEG markers and disease
reported that reduction in acetylcholinesterase activity in the progression is inconsistent and Förstl et al. (1996) have
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of AD patients was associated with pointed out that EEG measures are so variable that they are
increased power. The same group later reported that less useful in predicting the course of AD than the actual
patients with the most marked slowing of the EEG had the cognitive performance of the patient.
lowest choline acetyltransferase levels in the frontal cortex
post mortem (Soininen et al., 1992). Jelic et al. (1998a) found
a strong association between CSF
protein and EEG activity. DIAGNOSTIC USE OF EEG IN AD
Genetic risk factors may also influence EEG activity. Jelic The EEG may be ‘visually’ normal in the early stages of AD
et al. (1997) compared EEG coherence in AD patients and Robinson et al. (1994) reported that a ‘normal’ EEG
homozygous for the 4 allele of apolipoprotein E (ApoE) ruled out the diagnosis in 83 per cent of cases. Claus et al.
with patients carrying either one or no 4 allele. Coherence (1999) used a method of scoring the visual appearance of the
was reduced in the temporoparietal regions of the homo- EEG and at the optimal cut-point this had positive predictive
zygotes. Lehtovirta et al. (2000) reported pronounced slow- value of 88 per cent, although it had a relatively modest neg-
wave activity in AD patients carrying the 4 allele but this ative predictive value. Many studies have attempted to use
did not carry any prognostic significance. qEEG to discriminate between AD patients and healthy eld-
Epileptic seizures and related EEG abnormalities occur erly subjects but there has been little overall agreement about
in 10–20 per cent of AD patients, usually 6 years into the the best variables to use. Jonkman (1997) reviewed studies
course of the disease. They are more likely in early onset up to 1994 and found a reported accuracy of diagnosis ran-
dementia and may be mistaken for symptoms of the demen- ging between 54 and 100 per cent. However, sensitivity was
tia itself (Mendez and Lim, 2003). low when qEEG was being used as a screening tool in popu-
lations with a low prevalence of AD. In general, the diagnos- EEG AND CHOLINERGIC DRUGS
tic performance of these measures is reduced in early or mild
A number of studies have used qEEG as a marker to assess cases. Table 10.1 shows a selection of studies from 1996 indi-
the effects of cholinergic drugs. Modest reductions in and cating the variability of diagnostic usefulness and discrimi-
power and an increase in fast activity (i.e. a shift to more nator variables.
normal EEG) have been reported following the long-term Nott and Fleminger (1975) found that visual inspection
use of tacrine (Riekkinen et al., 1991; Jelic et al., 1998b) and of the EEG did not reliably differentiate between dementia
donepezil (Kogan et al., 2001; Reeves et al., 2002; Rodriguez and depression, although this view has been contested (Ron
et al., 2002). Changes in the mean frequency of each waveband et al., 1979). Non-specific abnormalities of the EEG may be
mirror brain perfusion in the parietal lobe (Rodriguez et al., found in up to 40 per cent of patients with affective disorders
2004). Acute administration of nicotine (Knott et al., 2000a) (Wright et al., 1986). Adler et al. (1999) found increased
and rivastigmine (Adler and Brassen, 2001) have broadly the and power in depressed patients with cognitive impair-
same effect. EEG may also be used to identify possible respond- ment when compared with those without, and Dahabra et al.
ers to cholinesterase inhibitors after a single drug dose (Knott (1998) demonstrated that these abnormalities persisted after
et al., 2000b; Almkvist et al., 2001). Similarly, a decrease in recovery.
106 The neurophysiology of dementia

Table 10.1 Performance of quantitative EEG as a diagnostic test (studies from 1996): patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) versus healthy
older people

No. of AD Positive Negative

Year of patients (mean No. of predictive predictive
Study publication age in years) controls value (%) value (%) Optimal discriminating variables
Jelic et al. 1996 18 (61) 16 100 80 Relative   power  temporoparietal
Wada et al. 1997 9 (57) 9 80 90 Occipital  power to 10 Hz photic stimulation
Strijers et al. 1997 9 (81) 49 50 93 Absolute power
Besthorn et al. 1997 50 (69) 42 95 83 Age  7 groups of variables (including coherence
and  blocking)
Rodriguez et al. 1998 42 (72) 18 94 57 Right temporoparietal relative    
Huang et al. 2000 38 (63) 24 89 80 Relative power
Ihl et al. 2000 36 (69) 44 89 93 Topography of  and activity  power

10.1.4 Vascular dementias (VaD) AD and VaD. A greater variation of slow wave activity was
characteristic of DLB and this correlated with fluctuations in
Mild cerebrovascular disease is associated with appearance cognition (Walker et al., 2000a).
of slow and sharp waves in the temporal region (Inui et al.,
2001). The EEG of multi-infarct dementia (MID) is similar 10.1.6 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)
to that of AD, but focal and paroxysmal abnormalities are
more prominent and there is greater asymmetry of activity The characteristic EEG changes of biphasic or triphasic peri-
(Sloan and Fenton, 1992; d’Onofrio et al., 1996). Slow wave odic sharp wave complexes (PSWC) occurring at 1–2 Hz
activity correlates with cerebral metabolism (Szelies et al., appear within the first 3 months of the condition in nearly 90
1999). Despite this the EEG is likely to be normal, particu- per cent of cases (Levy et al., 1986). However, runs of frontal
larly in the early stages (Sloan et al., 1995). activity often precede the onset of PSWC (Hansen et al.,
Leuchter et al. (1994) found that patients with periventric- 1998) and PSWC tend to disappear in the terminal stages of
ular white matter hyperintensities had lower EEG coherence the disease in many cases. The timing of the EEG can there-
in the pre- and post-Rolandic areas. This effect was present in fore be crucial and a study involving serial EEG recordings
areas connected by fibres crossing the periventricular region, suggested that PSWC appear in conjunction with the motor
but not in those connected by long corticocortical tracts sug- symptoms of CJD (Hansen et al., 1998). A large international
gesting that vascular lesions might bring about different study has reported that PSWC were present on EEG in 66 per
types of neurophysiological disconnection depending on cent of pathologically confirmed cases. The positive predict-
their distribution. Indeed, studies of EEG coherence suggest ive value of this marker was 93 per cent (Zerr et al., 2000).
that this may be a useful way of distinguishing between MID
and AD (Leuchter et al., 1992). 10.1.7 Other dementias

10.1.5 Parkinson’s disease (PD) and dementia The EEG in Pick’s disease is usually normal until the dementia
with Lewy bodies (DLB) is fairly well established (Gordon and Sim, 1967). Likewise,
no specific abnormalities are associated with frontotemporal
In cognitively intact PD patients, the EEG is essentially nor- dementia (FTD). Indeed, a ‘normal’ EEG is one of the core
mal, but abnormalities such as slowing of the occipital  fre- diagnostic features (Lund and Manchester Groups, 1994).
quency and an increase in diffuse fast activity age are present However, qEEG may be useful in distinguishing between FTD
in approximately 30 per cent of patients (Neufeldt et al., 1994). and AD (Lindau et al., 2003). In Huntington’s disease there is a
It is now thought that dementia in PD is part of spectrum general poverty of rhythmic activity but an irregular low-
that also includes DLB (McKeith et al., 2004). The appearance voltage slow waveform emerges, which correlates with the
of transient slow waves in the temporal region (Briel et al., severity of cognitive impairment (Bylsma et al., 1994) and the
1999) or bilateral frontal intermittent rhythmic activity degree of cortical atrophy found at autopsy (Scott et al., 1972).
(FIRDA) (Calzetti et al., 2002) may be useful diagnostic mark-
ers, although this has been disputed by others (Barber et al., 10.1.8 Delirium
2000; Londos et al., 2003). Walker et al. (2000b) reported the
successful use of a battery of attentional and cognitive measures It is sometimes necessary to distinguish between ‘organic’
including mean EEG frequency to distinguish between DLB, and non-organic causes of acute onset mental dysfunction,
Evoked potentials 107

the latter being associated with severe depression, mania or et al. (1988) did include a comparison of patients with depres-
acute psychosis. An abnormal EEG generally indicates an sive ‘pseudodementia’ and those with progressive dementia
organic cause, but the abnormalities identifiable by visual complicated by depressive features. The combination of four
inspection can depend on the underlying cause of the delirium. sleep EEG measures enabled correct classification of 64 per
Generalized slowing may indicate a diffuse encephalopathy, cent of patients. It is doubtful, however, whether the sleep
excessive fast activity delirium tremens or a tranquillizer over- EEG has much to offer in clinical practice. A diagnosis of
dose (Binnie and Prior, 1994). Koponen et al. (1989) compared dementia would not necessarily rule out a good response to
elderly delirious patients with healthy subjects and found antidepressants in an individual patient.
that the former showed reductions in  power. The mean
EEG frequency correlated with the severity of cognitive impair-
ment. The presence of EEG changes during delirium may 10.3 EVOKED POTENTIALS
predict subsequent deterioration in cognitive state (Katz
et al., 2001). power may be the most sensitive discriminator
An evoked potential (EP) is the sequence of EEG changes
between delirious and non-delirious patients (Jacobson
following a sensory stimulus. If the stimulus is repeated, the
et al., 1993).
specific EEG pattern related to it can be discerned by ‘aver-
aging’ the responses and removing the effects of spontaneous
background activity. EPs are made up of a number of wave
10.2 SLEEP EEG forms or components representing electrical activity at dif-
ferent levels in the central nervous system usually occurring
within 300 ms of the stimulus. They are numbered by con-
There is a gradual reduction in total night-time sleep through-
vention or by reference to their latency. EPs are essentially
out adult life, although much of this occurs before the age of
passive responses, requiring no special effort on the part of
30. The duration of slow wave or ‘deep’ sleep (stages 3 and 4)
the subject. This distinguishes them from ‘event-related’
falls and there is an increase in the number of periods of wake-
potentials, discussed below. The topographical distribution
fulness (Prinz et al., 1990). The latter occur more frequently
of the responses can be ‘mapped’.
in non-REM sleep, particularly stages 1 and 2 (Boselli et al.,
1998). There is also a reduction in both amplitude and quan-
tity of waves even in healthy adults not troubled by insomnia, 10.3.1 Visual evoked potentials (VEPs)
but other waveforms and REM sleep are less affected. Sleep
spindles and K-complexes fall in number with age (Crowley Visual potentials are commonly evoked either by flashes of
et al., 2002) and in addition to the relative lightening of night- light (FVEP) or pattern reversal, as in checkerboard shifts or
time sleep there is an increase in day-time napping (Prinz multifocal stimulation (PRVEP). These techniques are used
et al., 1990). Overall the changes suggest an increase in cortical to assess the integrity of the optic tract (Aminoff and Goodin,
activation during sleep (Carrier et al., 2001). 1994). Potential latency and amplitude may be altered by a
The changes associated with ageing are more pronounced great number of factors including gender, head size, systemic
in dementia. There is a reduction in the period spent in deep disease, visual acuity, accommodation and attention.
sleep (stage 4 is often absent), very little REM sleep and fre-
quent awakenings. Sleep spindles and K-complexes are poorly VEPS IN AGEING AND DEMENTIA
formed and often are absent (Prinz et al., 1982). Montplaisir
et al. (1998) suggested that the degree of REM sleep EEG slow- Age is an important factor accounting for the variability of
ing mirrored the topographical pattern of cortical abnormal- VEPs (Pitt and Daldry, 1988). The change is likely to be due
ities found in AD. Grace et al. (2000) found that sleep to physical attributes within the eye (Crow et al., 2003). There
disturbances were more severe in DLB than in AD and that is an exaggerated or augmented response to increasing the
treatment with rivastigmine helped normalize sleep in some intensity of the stimulus reflecting a reduction in cortical
patients. Indeed, more severe behavioural or motor disturb- inhibition (Dustman et al., 1981).
ance during REM sleep may be particularly associated with A number of studies report the increased latency of com-
DLB (Boeve et al., 1998), although disordered sleep is also ponents of FVEPs in AD, particularly the P2 wave, which arises
common in Huntington’s disease (Wiegand et al., 1991). in the visual association cortex (Table 10.2). The latency delay
The slowing of the mean frequency seen in the conventional of the P2 correlates with dementia severity (Coburn et al.,
EEG is more prominent in REM sleep and has been used to 2003). The early positive peak of the PRVEP (the P1 or P100),
discriminate between patients with mild AD and healthy sub- which arises in the visual cortex, is usually within normal
jects (Prinz et al., 1992; Montplaisir et al., 1995). These changes limits, although later components may also be delayed (Visser
contrast with those found in elderly depressed patients to the et al., 1985; Philpot et al., 1990). A significant P2–P100 latency
extent that measures, such as REM latency or density have difference was initially thought to be a specific marker for AD
been used to discriminate between the two groups (Reynolds (Harding et al., 1985) but later was shown to be non-specific
et al., 1988; Moe et al., 1993; Dykierek et al., 1998). Reynolds (Wright and Furlong, 1988; Sloan and Fenton, 1992). The
108 The neurophysiology of dementia

Table 10.2 Abnormalities reported in visual evoked responses: patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) versus healthy older people

Year of No. of AD patients No. of PR P100 Flash P2 latency P2–P100

Study publication (mean age in years) controls latency delay delay difference
Harding et al. 1985 20 (64) 20 X ✓ ✓
Visser et al. 1985 39 (76) 48 ✓ n/d n/d
Wright et al. 1986 41 (64) 30 X ✓ ✓
Pollock et al. 1989 16 (67) 16 ✓ X n/d
Philpot et al. 1990 25 (75) 13 X ✓ ✓
Coburn et al. 1991 23 (75) 12 X ✓ ✓
Sloan and Fenton 1992 40 (74) 30 X ✓ ✓
Swanwick et al. 1996b 16 (71) 15 n/d ✓ n/d
Coburn et al. 2003 45 (73) 60 X ✓ ✓

n/d, not done; X, no difference between AD patients and controls; ✓, significant difference between AD patients and controls

diagnostic accuracy of the P2–P100 measure in studies of AD Similar abnormalities have been found in patients with CJD
patients compared with healthy subjects is reported as between (Pollak et al., 1996) and Huntington’s disease (Uc et al., 2003).
60 and 80 per cent though the P2 latency may be a more effec-
tive diagnostic measure on its own (Coburn et al., 2003). 10.3.3 Somatosensory evoked potentials
Longitudinal studies of VEPs in AD fail to demonstrate (SSEPs)
progressive delay of components (Sloan and Fenton, 1992;
Swanwick et al., 1996a). Consequently, the clinical use VEPs SSEPs are used in the functional assessment of spinal cord
may be restricted to early diagnosis although Moore et al. lesions as well as the detection of subclinical lesions in multiple
(1996) demonstrated that subjects with mild cognitive impair- sclerosis. Levy et al. (1971) employed ulnar nerve stimulation
ment also had delayed flash P2 latency. The long-held view and showed delayed N35 (or N2) in patients with dementia as
that the peripheral visual pathway is unaffected in AD has compared with those with depression. Amplitudes were also
been challenged. Using electroretinography, an EP technique reduced. Huisman et al. (1985) confirmed the delay of all peaks
that records electrical activity in the ganglion cells of the after P25 using the more frequently employed median nerve
retina, a significant reduction in response amplitude was stimulation. Kato et al. (1990) reported that SSEP peak latency
found in AD patients (Trick et al., 1989; Katz et al., 1989). correlated with the degree of white matter low attenuation in
PRVEPs are delayed in PD (Nightingale et al., 1986; Calzetti MID, and Okuda et al. (1996) found delayed SSEPs in patients
et al., 1990), especially in patients with PD and dementia with Binswanger’s disease but not with PD. Shiga et al. (2001)
(Okuda et al., 1996). The PR P100 delay in PD can be reversed found a reduction in amplitude of N20 in patients with CJD.
by dopaminergic drugs and induced or worsened by anti-
psychotic drugs (Onofrj et al., 1986).
10.3.2 Auditory evoked potentials (AEPs)
Event-related potentials (ERPs) require some ‘active’ cognitive
Repeated clicks or tones are used as the stimulus in AEPs and participation from the subject and therefore demonstrate the
the major waveforms are generated in the auditory brain stem integrity of information processing pathways. The most com-
and the auditory association areas. AEPs are also used in the monly investigated waveform component is the positive peak
assessment of demyelinating diseases, acoustic neuroma and occurring at around 300 ms after the stimulus or task, the P300
coma. Transmission delays are frequently caused by ageing or P3. The subject has to differentiate between two stimuli; for
changes in the peripheral auditory apparatus or the brain stem example a frequently presented low tone and an infrequently
(Amenedo and Diaz, 1998). Delays in major peaks have been presented high tone. This is known as the ‘oddball’ paradigm.
reported in dementia (Hendrickson et al., 1979), although the The order of stimuli is semirandom so as to increase the
variability of later peaks may be so great that significant delays unpredictability of the high or ‘target’ tone. To ensure atten-
are not found (Knott et al., 1999). Electrodes may be placed so tion, subjects usually have to register their awareness of the tar-
as to record activity in the brain stem. Green et al. (1997) get by pressing a button. Reaction time can thus be measured.
found that the P1 component of this response was missing in The requirement that the task has to be attended to can be
about half AD patients tested. These patients also had a delay a problem in older, cognitively impaired or unmotivated indi-
in the contralateral blink reflex response suggesting that there viduals. Mismatch negativity (MMN) forms part of the neg-
was a dysfunction of the reticular formation. Tachibana et al. ative N2 peak arising at around 200 ms after stimulus offset
(1989a) found increased interpeak latencies in both AD and and is elicited whether or not the subject makes a discrimina-
MID and significant delays were also found in patients with tive response. The ‘mismatch’ in question occurs between the
Parkinson’s disease and dementia (Tachibana et al., 1989b). sensory memory trace of the frequent stimulus and the target.
Other technologies 109

10.4.1 Auditory ERPs with an infrequently presented one, or words may be paired
with pictures (Ford et al., 2001). Increased latency and reduced
In cross-sectional studies of different age groups P3 latency amplitude of the P3 component (Saito et al., 2001) and atten-
increases with age and amplitude reduces (Ford et al., 1997; uation of the error response (Mathalon et al., 2003) have been
Anderer et al., 2003). The effect on latency may be more pro- reported. The visual modality has been used less than the
nounced in men (Hirayasu et al., 2000). The distribution of auditory one to investigate AD but Pfefferbaum et al. (1984)
the reduction has been reported as maximal in the tem- found that reaction time to the visual stimuli was the best
poroparietal region (Frodl et al., 2000) and the frontal region measure for discriminating between demented and depressed
(Anderer et al., 2003). However, latency, amplitude and dis- patients.
tribution all are affected by the nature of task involved (Fein P3 latency and reaction time were significantly longer in a
and Turetsky, 1989; Fjell and Walhovd, 2001), the type of group of non-demented PD patients but the degree of slow-
auditory stimulus employed and whether effort is required in ing was unrelated to clinical features (Tachibana et al., 1997).
processing (Squires and Ollo, 1999; Federmeier et al., 2002). Similar abnormalities have been reported in cognitively
MMN amplitudes are reduced in older adults (Kazmerski et al., impaired patients with supranuclear palsy (Johnson, 1995)
1997; Bertoli et al., 2002). In longitudinal studies, P3 latency and Huntington’s disease (Münte et al., 1997).
and amplitude are relatively consistent over periods up to 3
years (Sandman and Patterson, 2000; Walhovd and Fjell, 2002). 10.4.3 Olfactory ERPs
Many studies have reported the P3 latency delay and
reduced amplitude in AD patients (Goodin, 1990; Williams The sense of smell is particularly prone to the effects of age-
et al., 1991; Swanwick et al., 1996b; Ford et al., 1997) but others ing (Doty et al., 1984). It has recently become possible to
have failed to do so (St. Clair et al., 1985; Kraiuhin et al., study olfactory ERPs using measured doses of volatile sub-
1990; Ruessman et al., 1990). MMN amplitudes are smaller in stances such as amyl acetate. Olfactory neurones take up to
patients with mild AD than in healthy older people suggest- 90 s to recover from responding to a single stimulus, making it
ing a degraded sensory memory trace in the early stages of technically difficult to record responses. However, the major
the disease (Kazmerski et al., 1997). P3 abnormalities correl- components of olfactory ERPs are delayed in latency and
ate with the degree of cognitive impairment (Blackwood reduced in amplitude in older people (Hummel et al., 1998;
et al., 1987) and worsen along with intellectual deterioration Murphy et al., 2000). Initial studies indicate that peak latencies
(St. Clair et al., 1988; Ball et al., 1989; Swanwick et al., 1997). are further delayed in AD and that this correlates with demen-
Treatment with cholinesterase inhibitors reduced P3 latency tia severity (Morgan and Murphy, 2002; Peters et al., 2003).
but not amplitude in two recent open studies (Katada et al.,
2003; Werber et al., 2003).
Goodin (1990) reviewed 12 studies published up until 10.5 OTHER TECHNOLOGIES
1988 and found that the average sensitivity of the P3 latency
as a marker of dementia was just 51 per cent, ranging from 10.5.1 Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
7 to 83 per cent. Results of more recent studies, which have
included comparisons with depressed patients (Kraiuhin et al., During the last 20 years techniques to measure the magnetic
1990; Polich et al., 1990; Attias et al., 1995; Swanwick et al., fields generated by electrical activity within the brain have been
1996b) report sensitivities ranging from 82 to 100 per cent developed. ‘Whole-head’ MEG can capture magnetic field
but the positive predictive value of an abnormal result is still information from up to 100 locations on the scalp enabling the
relatively modest. Pfefferbaum et al. (1990) have cast doubt mapping of the sources of abnormal fields or waveform fre-
on the clinical utility of AERPs given the wide range of sensi- quencies and amplitudes (Roberts et al., 1998). The technique
tivity and the fact that abnormalities of latency and ampli- has a higher temporal resolution than EEG, despite the tiny
tude occur in many other neurological and psychiatric fields generated, that may be improved by combination with
disorders, such as PD (Tanaka et al., 2000; Wang et al., 2002). other imaging methods such as magnetic source imaging or
Filipovic et al. (1990) were unable to distinguish between functional magnetic resonance (Roberts et al., 1998). Early
patients with AD, Huntington’s chorea and PD with or with- studies of AD patients have confirmed the decreased fast wave
out dementia using AERPs. Patients in this study had been power, increased slow wave activity and decreased coherence
carefully matched for dementia severity and a delayed P3 found using conventional EEG techniques (Berendse et al.,
occurred in two-thirds irrespective of diagnosis. Similarly, 2000; Stam et al., 2002; Fernandez et al., 2003). MEG activity
the utility of the P3 in distinguishing between MID and AD correlates with volumetric measures of brain structures, such
is contested (Neshige et al., 1988; Yamaguchi et al., 2000). as the hippocampus (Maestu et al., 2003).

10.4.2 Visual ERPs 10.5.2 Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

The ‘oddball’ paradigm can be adapted to the visual modality. Traditionally, electrical stimuli have been used to excite cor-
Here, a frequently presented pattern, letter or word is displayed tical areas, either via intracerebral electrodes or during the
110 The neurophysiology of dementia

course of neurosurgical procedures. TMS employs powerful, Adler G, Brassen S, Chwalek K et al. (2004) Prediction of treatment
rapidly alternating magnetic fields and allows a non-invasive response to rivastigmine in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of
method of electrically stimulating the cortex (George et al., Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 75: 292–294
1996). It has also been used in the treatment of depression Alagona G, Bella R, Ferri R et al. (2001) Transcranial magnetic
stimulation in Alzheimer’s disease: motor cortex excitability and
(Grunhaus et al., 2003). In AD, interest has centred on the use
cognitive severity. Neuroscience Letters 314: 57–60
of TMS to determine motor cortex excitability. When mag- Almkvist O, Jelic V, Amberla K et al. (2001) Responder characteristics to
netic stimulation is applied to the appropriate parts of the a single oral dose of cholinesterase inhibitor: a double-blind
motor cortex, movements of upper or lower limbs can be placebo-controlled study with tacrine in Alzheimer’s patients.
induced. The threshold (or ‘dose’ of magnetic field) at which Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 12: 22–32
this happens is reduced in AD (De Carvalho et al., 1997; Ferreri Amenedo E and Diaz F. (1998) Effects of aging on middle latency
et al., 2003). This change correlates with dementia severity auditory evoked potentials: a cross-sectional study. Biological
(Alagona et al., 2001) and may worsen as the disease progresses Psychiatry 43: 210–299
(Pennisi et al., 2002). Cholinesterase inhibitors such as Aminoff MJ and Goodin DS. (1994) Visual evoked potentials. Journal of
donepezil (Liepert et al., 2001) and rivastigmine (Di Lazzaro Clinical Neurophysiology 11: 493–499
et al., 2002) have been shown to reverse this abnormality in Anderer P, Saletu B, Semlitsch HV, Pascual-Marqui RD. (2003)
Non-invasive localization of P300 sources in normal aging and
the short term.
age-associated memory impairment. Neurobiology of Aging
24: 463–479
Attias J, Huberman M, Cott E, Pratt H. (1995) Improved detection of
10.6 SUMMARY auditory P3 abnormality in dementia using a variety of stimuli.
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 92: 96–101
Before the advent of brain CT the EEG had a prominent role Ball SS, Marsh JT, Scubarth G et al. (1989) Longitudinal P300 latency
in clinical practice and probably still does in centres where changes in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Gerontology 44: M195–200
neuroimaging is not readily available. The conventional EEG Barber PA, Varma AR, Lloyd JJ et al. (2000) The electroencephalogram
in dementia with Lewy bodies. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica
remains the most reliable and cost-effective method of neu-
101: 53–56
rophysiological investigation in dementia. Its main clinical Berendse HW, Verbrunt JP, Scheltens P et al. (2000) Magneto-
uses remain the differentiation of organic disorders (includ- encephalographic analysis of cortical activity in Alzheimer’s disease:
ing delirium) from non-organic disorders and to support the a pilot study. Clinical Neurophysiology 111: 604–612
diagnosis of epilepsy (Binnie and Prior, 1994). Berger H. (1932) Uber das Elektrencephalogramm des Menschen V.
Clinicians have been criticized for their injudicious requests English translation by Gloor P. (1969) Hans Berger and the
for EEGs in the assessment of dementia, and the low yield of electroencephalogram. Electroencephalography and Clinical
results that affect the patient’s management is well known Neurophysiology 28(Suppl.): 151–171
(Binnie and Prior, 1994; Philpot and Pereira, 2002). Nearly all Bertoli S, Smuzynski J, Probst R. (2002) Temporal resolution in young
the studies referred to in this chapter have compared well- and elderly subjects as measured by mismatch negativity and a
psychoacoustic gap detection task. Clinical Neurophysiology
characterized groups of subjects with each other, rather than
113: 396–406
including cases in which there have been real uncertainties
Besthorn C, Zerfass R, Geiger-Kabisch C et al. (1997) Discrimination
about the diagnosis. Very few have confirmed diagnosis at of Alzheimer’s disease and normal aging by EEG data.
autopsy. Perhaps as a result, the technologically attractive tech- Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 103:
niques such as evoked and event-related potentials, and MEG, 241–248
do not yet have a place in routine clinical practice and, because Binnie CD and Prior PF. (1994) Electroencephalography. Journal of
of their lack of specificity, do not present the hoped-for short Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 57: 1308–1319
cut to diagnosis. Indeed, neurophysiological methods no Blackwood DHR, St Clair DM, Blackburn IM, Tyrer GMB. (1987)
longer figure in the latest practice guidelines for the diagnosis Cognitive brain potentials and psychological deficits in Alzheimer’s
of dementia (Royal College of Psychiatrists, 1995; Knopman dementia and Korsakoff’s amnesic syndrome. Psychological
et al., 2001). However, as research methods they clearly have Medicine 17: 349–358
Boeve BF, Silber MH, Ferman TJ et al. (1998) REM sleep behaviour
continuing potential in augmenting knowledge derived from
disorder and degenerative dementia. Neurology 51: 363–70
other approaches.
Boselli M, Parrino L, Smerieri A, Terzano MG. (1998) Effects of age on
EEG arousal in normal sleep. Sleep 21: 351–358
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Caring for people with dementia

11a Family carers for people with dementia 118 11b One caregiver’s view 132
Family carers for people with dementia


11.1 Who are informal carers? 118 11.8 Nursing home admission and carers 123
11.2 Why do family carers care? 119 11.9 The family and the management of dementia 124
11.3 How do family carers care? 119 11.10 Carer interventions 125
11.4 Effects of dementia on carers 119 11.11 Special categories of carers 126
11.5 Predictors of carer distress 121 11.12 Conclusion 127
11.6 Support 123 References 127
11.7 Protectors from carer distress 123

There is a maxim that when a person is diagnosed with patients for the purposes of this chapter, are dependent, dis-
dementia, there is (almost) always a second patient. Dementia abled and mentally-impaired persons with dementia, most
is not just one person’s illness. The stone cast sends ripples commonly Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
through families, friends and society. This chapter focuses on The majority of carers, from 33 to over 60 per cent, are
informal carers, usually family, sometimes friends. spouses (US Congress Office of Technology Assessment,
1987; Brodaty and Hadzi-Pavlovic, 1990; Wells et al., 1990) of
whom about 75 per cent are women (Stone et al., 1987;
11.1 WHO ARE INFORMAL CARERS? Brodaty and Hadzi-Pavlovic, 1990; Dwyer and Seccombe,
1991; Dwyer and Coward, 1992; Cohen et al., 1997; Tsien
There are many definitions of a carer. It may be defined by the: and Cheng, 1999), although the proportion does vary
according to both the sampling techniques and the country
• relationship – spouse, child, professional; surveyed. Adult children and their partners make up about a
• primacy – primary or secondary carer; third of informal carers, but in Asian countries, such as
• living arrangement – with the patient or separately; China, Hong Kong and India, adult children are more often
• style of care – routine, regular, occasional; the carers than spouses (Patterson et al., 1998; Tsien and
• by job description – unpaid or paid; or Cheng, 1999; Shaji et al., 2003). Moreover, daughters are far
• as formal or informal (Barer and Johnson, 1990). more likely to be primary carers than sons (Horowitz, 1985;
In the UK and Australia the term carer is used, whereas in Coward and Dwyer, 1990; Dwyer and Coward, 1991; Lee
North America caregiver is more usual. In India and some et al., 1993), outnumbering them in a ratio of about 4:1
other countries, caretaker is a more common term. Pearlin (Brody, 1990). Likewise, daughters-in-law often inherit the
et al. (1990) differentiate between caring (the affective part of a burden of care, particularly in certain cultures such as in
relationship), and caregiving (the behavioural component). Korea, Hong-Kong and India (Choi, 1993; Lee and Sung,
Both are intrinsic to any close relationship but, with impair- 1997, 1998; Patterson et al., 1998; Tsien and Cheng, 1999;
ment, there is increasing dependency and the restructuring Shaji et al., 2003).
of the relationship so that caregiving becomes dominant and About 4 per cent of people with dementia live alone (US
overrides other aspects of the relationship, resulting in a loss Congress Office of Technology Assessment, 1987). Persons
of reciprocity. A definition of a caregiver proffered by Zarit living alone are less likely to have a carer, and likely to be
and Edwards (1996, p. 334) is ‘a family member (or friend), institutionalized earlier (Brody, 1981; Mace and Rabins,
helping someone on a regular (usually daily) basis with tasks 1982). There is an enormous difference between living with a
necessary for independent living’. The care-recipients, or person and caring from a distance. Spouses almost always
Effects of dementia on carers 119

live with the person with dementia, whereas adult children Recent research has indicated that differences in cultural
who are carers often live separately. or ethnic affiliation can influence the way that family carers
There are cultural differences as to who in the family will approach and view their caring role and responsibilities. For
take on the care. The USA being a more mobile society makes instance, it is quite common in African American communities
it less likely that offspring will be close at hand to provide care for the extended family to take on the care of persons with
when a parent starts to dement, yet moving the person with dementia, especially in lower socioeconomic groups (Gelfand,
dementia to another city can be quite disorientating. There are 1982; Cantor, 1983; Wood and Parham, 1990). Similarly, in
differences in the ways Caucasian, African American and American-Hispanic communities, the extended family typi-
Hispanic carers cope (see below). In Japan, the tradition is that cally care for elderly relatives with dementia (Valle, 1988;
the wife of the eldest son is responsible for the care of ageing Mintzer et al., 1992). For some minority groups, such as African
parents. In developing countries and in many rural settings American and Asian-American communities, placing an
there is more likely to be an extended family network who can elderly relative in a nursing home is considered abandon-
provide care. Economic conditions in many rural economies ment and therefore unthinkable, even in cases of extreme
have meant that many of the adult children have migrated stress and burden to the carer (Wood and Parham, 1990; Yeo,
internally to cities, leaving older parents stranded. Further, 1996; Wallsten, 1997).
many older people have significant assets, such as a house, but The caregiving role is perceived more positively by African
little income, and incur financial hardship when facing the American carers compared with Caucasian carers (Smith,
need to provide care for a person with dementia. 1996). African American carers tend to report less subjective
burden, fewer difficulties in accepting restrictions on recre-
ational activities, and lower levels of depression than Caucasian
11.2 WHY DO FAMILY CARERS CARE? carers (Gibson, 1982; Lawton et al., 1992; Roth et al., 2001). It
was suggested that this is because of greater caregiving sup-
port by members of minority extended families but a recent
Eisdorfer (1991) posited that family carers are motivated to
review concluded that minority group caregivers do not have
provide care for several reasons. It may be out of a sense of
more support than white people (Janevic and Connell, 2001).
love or reciprocity: the bonds of 50 years, the credit points
In developing countries, where levels of caregiver strain
accumulated over a lifetime together, and the recognition
appear at least as high as in the developed world despite the
that the other partner would provide care were the situation
extended family structure of care, there appears to be less
reversed. Caregiving may be seen as spiritually fulfilling. Other
coresident caregiver burden in larger households (Prince et al.,
carers do it out of a sense of duty because they feel guilt, or in
2004). African American carers appraise caregiving tasks as
response to social pressure or cultural mores. These latter
less subjectively stressful and themselves as having higher
carers are more likely to resent their role and suffer greater
effectiveness than Caucasian carers (Haley et al., 1996).
psychological distress than the former carers in the first two
Additionally, African American carers tend to use religion
groups. Rarely, the motivation is greed: the prospect of finan-
and prayer as coping strategies, and view God as an essential
cial gain as a result of caring.
part of their support system (Wood and Parnham, 1990).
The beliefs and values of different ethnic groups can fur-
thermore affect the way in which family members appraise
and understand dementia, and therefore manage it. For
instance, in some cultures there is the belief that behaviours
The concept of care providers and care managers (Archbold, related to dementia are part of normal ageing, rather than a
1981) is useful. The former provide hands-on care – dressing disease process, and therefore may evoke little concern until
the person with dementia, providing daily supervision, man- symptoms are quite advanced (Valle, 1989). Similarly, in some
aging finances, or doing whatever else is required. Care man- cultures, confusion, disorientation, and memory loss may
agers, on the other hand, arrange for others to provide care: a be viewed as signs of ‘craziness’ (Yeo, 1996). A cross-national
nurse to attend daily to assist with medications and personal European study found that 2 per cent of overall carer burden
care; an accountant to look after financial matters; personal care was explained by perceived negative social reactions
assistants to provide companionship. Spouses tend to be care (Schneider et al., 1999).
providers; adult children, friends and other relatives tend to
be care managers. Care providers are generally more stressed
than care managers (Archbold, 1981).
While the negative aspects of caring have received most
attention, caring has been associated with benefits and posi-
tive feelings, such as a feeling of satisfaction, a feeling that the Dementia is an ‘unremitting burden’ on the family (Anderson,
carer has helped the patient and a sense of meaning (Archbold, 1987). Caring for a person with a chronic mental condition is
1983; Miller, 1988; Sheehan and Nuthall, 1988; Walker et al., more stressful than caring for a person with a physical dis-
1989; Cohen et al., 2002). order or disability (Lezak, 1978; Gilleard, 1984; Poulshock
120 Caring for people with dementia

that commonly accompany dementia are further types of

objective burden.
O Dependency and problem behaviours A 11.4.2 Subjective strain
E E Subjective burden is the appraisal by the carer. It includes
C Burden on caregiver R
feelings of entrapment, resentment, stress, overload, inability
I A to cope and exhaustion. Activities become restricted, outside
V Caregiver strain T relationships diminish.
E • psychological I
• physical N
• financial G
• social 11.4.3 Psychological morbidity
Figure 11.1 Dementia leads to dependency and problem
Numerous studies have demonstrated increased psychological
behaviours, which impose an objective burden on the carer. (Adapted
morbidity in carers (Gilleard et al., 1982, 1984; Poulshock
from Poulshock and Deimling, 1984).
and Deimling, 1984; George and Gwyther, 1986; Morris et al.,
1988; Brodaty and Hadzi-Pavlovic, 1990; Grafström and
M Background and context Winblad, 1995). Depression levels and rates are also high
(Haley et al., 1987; Morris et al., 1988; Gallagher et al., 1989;
D Schulz and Williamson, 1991; Baumgarten et al., 1992; Pearson
1° Stressors T
C et al., 1993; Rosenthal et al., 1993; Mittelman et al., 1995). For
O example, Gallagher et al. (1989) found that amongst carers
2° Role strains M
E seeking help, 26 per cent met Research Diagnostic Criteria
R (RDC) for major depression and 18 per cent for minor depres-
S 2° Intrapsychic strains sion. Rates among non-help-seekers were 10 per cent and 8
Figure 11.2 Background and context lead to primary stresses, per cent respectively. In a study by Coope et al. (1995) of 109
secondary role strains, and secondary intrapsychic strains (Pearlin carers of research subjects, 29.4 per cent met GMS-AGECAT
et al., 1990, reprinted with permission). criteria for case level depression and 11.9 per cent had sub-
case symptoms of depression. Mittelman et al. (1995) reported
that over 41.7 per cent of carers had a Geriatric Depression
and Deimling, 1984; Mohide et al., 1988). The effects on family Scale score of 11 or greater, the rate being higher amongst
carers are diverse and complex and there are many other factors women (50 per cent) than men (30 per cent).
that may exacerbate or ameliorate how carers react and feel A recent meta-analysis of 84 studies comparing caregivers
as a result of their role. of elderly to non-caregivers found that there were signifi-
Two models of the effects of caregiving are shown in cantly higher levels of depression and stress and significantly
Figures 11.1 and 11.2. In the first, adapted from the work of lower levels of self-efficacy, general subjective wellbeing and
Poulshock and Deimling (1984), dementia leads to dependency physical health in caregivers. This difference was larger when
and problem behaviours, which impose an objective burden dementia caregivers were compared with non-carers than
on the carer. Objective burden results in strain, which varies with heterogeneous samples of caregivers of elderly patients
in how it is manifested in carers. Strain may be psychological, (Pinquart and Sorensen, 2003).
physical, financial or social, or may lead to increased use of
health services. Carer strain may be influenced by patient, carer,
protective and exacerbating variables. 11.4.4 Physical morbidity
In the second model from Pearlin et al. (1990), which
overlaps with the first, there are a background and context Carers have poorer physical health than non-carer controls
which lead to primary stresses, secondary role strains, and (Schulz et al., 1990), higher levels of chronic conditions, pre-
secondary intrapsychic strains. Several variables can mediate scription medications and doctor visits (Haley et al., 1987)
the results of these leading to different outcomes. and more physical symptoms and poorer self-rated health
(Baumgarten et al., 1992). Those with poor psychological
11.4.1 Objective burden health are even more likely to have physical morbidity (Brodaty
and Hadzi-Pavlovic, 1990). The findings of decreased immuno-
Objective burden reflects the dependency of the patient, as logical competence in carers of Alzheimer’s disease patients
evidenced by the loss of activities of daily living, instrumental (Kiecolt-Glaser et al., 1987) has been supported in an elegant
activities, cognition, other abilities, companionship and com- study of response to influenza vaccine. Vedhara et al. (1999;
munication. Problem behaviours and psychiatric disorders 2003) reported that elderly carers of spouses with dementia
Predictors of carer distress 121

have increased activation of the hypothalamopituitary axis cost of caring for an institutionalized patient is twice the cost
and a poorer antibody response to the influenza vaccine, which of caring for a patient at home (Hu et al., 1986), the total
could be enhanced by cognitive behavioural intervention social costs of care per person were nearly the same in two
(see below). They concluded that carers may be vulnerable to settings where both paid and unpaid informal care were
infectious disease. A meta-analysis of 23 studies of dementia included (Rice et al., 1993). However, most of the expenses
caregivers found that caregiving was associated with a slightly for patients living at home are borne by their families (Gray
greater risk for health problems and that this risk was mod- and Fenn, 1993; Rice et al., 1993; Stommel et al., 1994). As the
erated by measure of health (e.g. self-rated global health, disease progresses, the cost of care increases. Hu et al. (1986)
medication use, antibodies, cardiovascular measures) and found that severely demented patients required more than
greater in females (Vitaliano et al., 2003). twice as many hours of informal care as mildly demented
Other indicators of poorer physical health are increased ones. Others have found rates of 1.28–1.63 times greater
service use – hospitalization, physician visits, drug use, aggregate costs for severely demented patients compared with mildly
use of health service; and less healthy behaviours – increased demented ones living at home (Rice et al., 1993; Souetre et al.,
alcohol intake, smoking more and poorer sleep patterns, eat- 1995). Max (1999) went on to conclude that ‘Alzheimer’s dis-
ing behaviour and nutrition (Schulz and Williamson, 1997). ease is extremely costly, no matter how it is measured and
Further, pre-existing conditions such as hypertension are more what cost is included ... for patients cared for at home, most
likely to be exacerbated by the caregiving role (Schulz and of the care is provided informally by family members and
Williamson, 1997). Caregiving has also been associated with friends and most of the burden of care for patients at home is
a higher mortality rate (Schulz and Beach, 1999). borne by their families, in the form of out-of-pocket pay-
ments for services or in the form of hours of time spent car-
ing for the patients without reimbursement’(p. 367).
11.4.5 Social isolation In a US survey, families spent the equivalent of $US18 200
annually (Stommel et al., 1994). Four out of five families in
Dementia is a very isolating condition. At the very time that Stommel’s sample reported out-of-pocket expenditures aver-
families need more support, friends feel unsure about what aging $US2088 (14 per cent of total) but the lion’s share
to say on the taboo topic of dementia, are disconcerted by ($US11 560 or 59 per cent) was accounted for by the primary
their friend’s lack of communicativeness and feel embarrassed carer’s time spent providing care. The US National Longitu-
by the displays of disinhibition (Brodaty, 1998a). They may dinal Caregiver Study estimated the annual cost of providing
feel uncomfortable about the carer’s distress and tend to informal care to elderly community-dwelling veterans with
avoid paying visits. Simultaneously, carers abandon their dementia to be $US18 385 in 1998. The majority of this cost
leisure pursuits and hobbies, stop seeing friends and discon- comprised caregiving time ($US6295) and caregiver’s lost
tinue employment. Their lives become focused on the care- earnings ($US10 709) (Moore et al., 2001).
giving role, which takes up most of their time (Brodaty, In Australia in 2002 with a population of 19 million
1998a). In a survey of Australian carers, we found that half of including 165 000 with dementia, the direct health costs for
them had seen a person from outside their home only once a dementia (residential care, hospitals, GPs and specialists, out-
week or less often (Brodaty and Hadzi-Pavlovic, 1990). patients, research, pharmaceutical and other services) was
$A3236 million, and indirect costs (loss of earnings, absen-
teeism and mortality burden) were estimated as $A365 mil-
11.4.6 Financial lion (Access Economics, 2003). The value of informal care for
people with dementia was $A1713 million, or 32 per cent of
There are considerable financial costs to families looking the total cost of care (Access Economics, 2003).
after persons with dementia. The direct costs are those of
medical consultations, investigations, pharmaceuticals, pro-
vision of personal and nursing care and later, residential care.
Indirect costs comprise loss of earnings by the patient and by
family carers if they have to relinquish employment.
Max et al. (1995) estimated that the informal care pro- 11.5.1 Demographic variables
vided to patients with Alzheimer’s disease living at home is
substantial, averaging 286 hours per month. Even after patients Carers who are women, and those who are spouses, have
were placed in a nursing home, the number of monthly higher rates of psychological morbidity than their counter-
informal caregiving hours was reported to be 36. For patients parts (Fitting et al., 1986; Baumgarten et al., 1992; Collins,
at home, primary carers had been caring for an average of 3.7 1992; Gallicchio et al., 2002). The spouses of younger patients
years; for institutionalized patients, the average length of may have higher rates of psychological morbidity, perhaps
time carers had been caring was 6.3 years. because of the high stresses inherent in being married to a
Most of the care for patients at home is provided infor- younger person with dementia, and the high likelihood of
mally by family members and friends (Max, 1999). While the having younger children at home (Luscombe et al., 1998).
122 Caring for people with dementia

Carers who cohabit with patients are more likely to be changes in the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) scores
depressed or psychologically stressed than those living apart (a measure of psychological morbidity) of carers over a 2-
(Gilhooley, 1984; George and Gwyther, 1986; Wells and Jorm, year follow-up period, and Roth and colleagues (2001) who
1987; Brodaty and Hadzi-Pavlovic, 1990; Harper and Lund, found that depression scores of caregivers remained constant
1990). The gender of the patient does not appear to affect carer over a 2-year period. By comparison, the GHQ scores of carers
wellbeing once allowance is made for the increased likeli- in the control group of an intervention study gradually rose
hood of behavioural disturbances in men (Brodaty and over 12 months (Brodaty and Gresham, 1989). Also, Pot and
Hadzi-Pavlovic, 1990). colleagues (1997) found that over a 2-year period, the psy-
There have been no consistent associations found between chological wellbeing of carers actually declined and psycho-
carer age and psychological distress, with higher levels having logical distress increased in terms of depression and anxiety.
been reported in older (Fiore et al., 1986) and younger sup-
porters (Gilleard et al., 1984). Such comparisons need to SEVERITY
control for the effects of relationship.
The association between dementia severity and carer health
is complex (Baumgarten, 1989). Carers may respond quite
11.5.2 Dementia variables differently to three manifestations of dementia: cognitive,
functional and behavioural decline. Most studies have found TYPE no significant correlation between cognitive status and carer
psychological health. Functional decline is significantly cor-
There is little evidence to suggest that one type of dementia is related with restriction in carer activity (Deimling and Bass,
associated with more psychological stress in carers than 1986) but not with depressive symptoms (Deimling and Bass,
another. Similar levels have been reported in carers of 1986; Haley et al., 1987). Functional decline has been linked
patients with vascular dementia and AD (Draper et al., 1992, to increased burden on carers. Haley et al. (1987) found that
1996) and dementia with Lewy bodies and AD (Lowery et al., the patient’s ability to perform instrumental activities of
2000). On theoretical grounds, one might expect that the daily living was highly correlated with the carer’s depression
increased likelihood of behavioural disturbances and per- score, but not with life satisfaction or self-rated health prob-
sonality changes in frontotemporal dementias might be asso- lems. The difficulty in interpreting the association between
ciated with more carer distress. patient functional status and carer health, which in any case
is not strong, is that patients who have declined functionally DURATION are more likely to exhibit behavioural disturbances. Analyses
have not allowed for the strong effect of behavioural disturb-
Two possibilities have been hypothesized to account for the
ances on carer health (see below).
lack of consistent link between duration of dementia and carer
The most consistent finding is the strong association
outcome. The adaptation hypothesis proposes that some
between behavioural disturbance and carer distress. Despite
carers adapt to the stress of providing care. The sequestration
differences in outcome measures, methods of assessing behav-
theory hypothesizes that carers experiencing greater stress
ioural disturbances, populations and countries from which
are more likely to arrange admission of the patient to a nurs-
studies are reported, a robust and consistent finding emerges:
ing home, thus removing these dyads from cross-sectional
behavioural disturbances account for about 25 per cent of
surveys correlating duration and psychological morbidity.
the variance in carer psychological distress (Mangone et al.,
In support of the adaptation hypothesis, several researchers
1993; Brodaty, 1996; Cohen et al., 1997; Bond and Buck,
have found that carers experience less burden over time
1998). Certain types of behaviour are particularly likely to be
(Gilhooley, 1984; Zarit et al., 1986; Novak and Guest, 1989;
associated with distress – incontinence, immobility, nocturnal
Townsend et al., 1989; Rabins et al., 1990; Brodaty et al., 1997).
wandering, proneness to fall, inability to engage in meaningful
For example, Grafström and Winblad (1995), in a study
activities, difficulties with communication, sleep disturbance,
limited by a large number of drop-outs and few subjects,
loss of companionship, disruptiveness, constant demands
reported that, over 2.5 years, spouses and adult children
and aggression (Gilleard et al., 1982; Greene et al., 1982;
caring for elderly people with dementia reported less burden,
Morris et al., 1988; Brodaty and Hadzi-Pavlovic, 1990).
decreased behavioural problems in the demented elderly, less
conflict with other relatives and close friends, less social lim-
itation and less affective limitations. Additionally, self-rated 11.5.3 Carer variables
health improved and the number of visits to a physician
decreased. The mean use of psychotropic drugs increased Effective coping strategies can mitigate carer distress (Pruchno
slightly. These effects were still present when analyses were and Resch, 1989) and possibly enhance the quality of life for
repeated for carers of elderly still living at home. For the rel- the dementing person. Problem-focused strategies – reframing,
atives of non-dementing elderly, there were no significant dif- problem-solving, developing more social support or a greater
ferences over time. This is consistent with the findings of Bond social network – are associated with positive effects such as
and Buck (1998), who found that there were no significant greater satisfaction with life, decreased feelings of burden and
Nursing home admission and carers 123

lower depression levels (Pruchno and Resch, 1989). Emotion- In summary, there is support for a relationship between
based responses (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984) – wishfulness, informal supports and lower psychological distress, but it
acceptance and fantasy (e.g. ‘I wish I was a stronger person to may be that happier people are more inclined to seek contact
deal with it all better’, ‘accept the situation’, ‘fantasies about in the first place or that lack of happiness and social support
how things might end out’) are associated with more distress. are independently related to disturbing behaviours. Carer
The more immature the coping strategies and the more neu- satisfaction with social support is generally associated with
rotic the personality style (Gallant and Connell, 2003), the better health (Gilhooley, 1984; Fiore et al., 1986). It may be
greater the likelihood of increased burden, decreased satis- that unhappy carers perceive the world negatively in general
faction with life, and increased depression. Of course it may be and so rate the satisfaction with their supports in the same
possible that depression in carers leads to regression and to way, thus contaminating the results. On the other hand,
the adoption of less effective types of coping, which then social support may provide a protective buffer against stress
perpetuates the depression. An association has been found but have little effect on those who are not exposed to stress
between expressed emotion (EE) and distress in the daugh- (Baumgarten, 1989). For instance, it has been shown that
ters of people with dementia (Bledin et al., 1990) and carers paid help buffers the relationship between caregiver stress
in general (Fearon et al., 1998). and burden while perceived availability of social support
buffers the relationship between caregiver stress and depres-
sion (Majerovitz, 2001).
11.5.4 Relationship factors

Premorbid unsatisfactory relationships are more likely to be

associated with carer distress (Brodaty and Hadzi-Pavlovic, 11.7 PROTECTORS FROM CARER DISTRESS
1990). This may accompany the fragmentation of communi-
cation between couples, the increase in tension, the loss of
The corollary to the above studies is that carers who are care
companionship, the loss of a confidante, the increase in eco-
managers are able to distance themselves physically or emo-
nomic and household responsibilities and the waning of sex-
tionally from the patient, use problem-focused coping strat-
ual intimacy (Chenoweth and Spencer, 1986; Fitting et al.,
egies, are able to use supports to buffer stress and are able to
1986; Wright, 1991).
deal more competently with the care recipient’s behavioural
disturbances or have them treated well (e.g. Hinchliffe et al.,
1995) are less likely to experience psychological distress.
Membership of a support group, such as the Alzheimer’s
Association may also be helpful (see Chapter 22).
The relationship between support and carer outcome is
extremely complex. There are differences between actual and
perceived support, formal (from professionals) and informal
(from friends and relatives) support, between psychological
and instrumental support, and between how males and females
use support (Brodaty, 1994). Enright (1991) reported that hus-
bands were more likely to receive help than wives. There is also In general, carer factors are more potent predictors of insti-
the potential for negative effects from so-called supportive fig- tutionalization than patient or dementia variables. Having a
ures, i.e. visits from other family members may be more stress- coresident carer has a 20-fold protective effect against insti-
ful than helpful (Fiore et al., 1986; Edwards and Cooper, 1988). tutionalization (Banerjee et al., 2003). Carer psychological
An association between the number of supports and carer distress has been consistently associated with institutional-
distress might merely reflect an increased likelihood of dis- ization (Colerick and George, 1986; Lieberman and Kramer,
tressed carers seeking help; while a negative correlation could 1991; Brodaty et al., 1993; Yaffe et al., 2002). Older carers are
suggest that support has an ameliorating effect (Brodaty, more likely to institutionalize (Yaffe et al., 2002). Paradoxically,
1994). A lack of either a positive or a negative correlation spouses are less likely to institutionalize dementing partners
might result where both effects occur in the one population than children, and carers who express a stronger ‘desire to
being sampled. Also carers who use more informal services institutionalize’ are more likely to follow though (Morycz,
may need less professional help and make fewer demands on 1985). Some studies have found that severity of dementia
community services (Fitting et al., 1986; Chesterman et al., and rate of progression – how ‘far’ and how ‘fast’ – significantly
1987). Finally, gender and culture influence the use of informal increased the likelihood of institutionalization (Drachman
supports. For example, men, who are more likely than female et al., 1990; Brodaty et al., 1993). Institutionalization has also
carers to seek help, and African American carers, who are more been associated with financial and psychological problems in
likely than Caucasian carers to engage with larger extended the carer and family problems (Lieberman and Kramer, 1991).
networks of family and friends, both have lower levels of A 3-year study found that caregivers who experience a grad-
psychological distress than their counterparts (see above). ual entry into caregiving (providing care and recognizing
124 Caring for people with dementia

symptoms before obtaining a diagnosis) were less likely to Program, a 7-week course for people with early stage demen-
institutionalize their relatives (Gaugler et al., 2003). tia and their partner, that has been reported by attendees to
be extremely helpful.
Another useful concept is the family carer as therapist
11.9 THE FAMILY AND THE MANAGEMENT (Brodaty et al., 1997). This underscores the importance of
OF DEMENTIA the carer obtaining as much knowledge as possible about
what is happening with the patient, and what to expect and
how to manage. Brochures, books and videotapes are avail-
The management of the family will evolve and change
able through the Alzheimer’s Association. Books such as The
throughout the course of the illness (Steele, 1994). It is con-
36 Hour Day (Mace and Rabins, 1991) have been a boon to
venient to consider three stages.
families. Carers can be taught behavioural management strat-
egies and how to supervise exercise programmes for patients,
11.9.1 Early stage which can be beneficial to the physical health and level of
depression of the person with dementia (Teri et al., 2003).
After assessment, the first opportunity to intervene is when Sensitive issues arise: when should the patient discontinue
the diagnosis is communicated – a crucial time in the career driving, when should the patient stop working (if still doing
of caregiving (Fortinsky and Hathaway, 1990). When demen- so) and what are the hereditary risks to relatives of the patient?
tia caregivers were asked what topics they would have liked to Financial management, enduring or durable power of attorney,
learn more about, 25 per cent said they wanted to know about enduring guardianship, advance directives and wills should
disease progression and 19 per cent said they wanted more be considered while the patient still retains competency. The
information on the disease (Thomas et al., 2002). A routine possibility that the carer may suddenly take ill or even pre-
family diagnostic conference to communicate the diagnosis to decease the patient should be canvassed. For example, many
the family can allow for clarification of behaviour, explana- couples have mirror wills and should the carer die suddenly,
tions of prognosis, and a discussion of current and future the patient, if named as the executor, would be unable to act
needs so that the family can be organized into an effective sys- in this capacity later in the illness. Obtaining durable power of
tem of carers and the burden shared (Steele, 1994). We have attorney earlier avoids subsequent lengthy court proceedings
found than when the family is seen separately to the patient, required to obtain legal guardianship. In many jurisdictions
they are more likely to raise sensitive issues, such as genetic it is possible to arrange enduring guardianship and to pro-
risk, time to nursing home admission and general prognosis. vide for advance directives, which only come into effect once
It is also useful to have a large family conference following dis- the patient loses capacity. These important topics should be
cussion with the primary family carers, in order to enlist the discussed with the patient and family separately and together
support and help of other family members and friends. to enable harmonious decisions to be reached.
For the many family carers who resist obtaining help for Drugs are now available for the treatment of AD and
themselves, it is useful to emphasize that they are the most other medications may be of assistance in ameliorating some
important element in the continuing management of the risk factors for vascular dementia. Families are usually well
patient, and that the carer’s wellbeing is critical to the patient’s aware of these and are desperate for information and pre-
quality of life. In this way, requests for help from family and scriptions. Medications for AD appear to be of benefit for
friends, use of family supports and later use of respite care are caregivers, as well as for patients. Cholinesterase inhibitors have
seen as positive therapeutic moves rather than admissions of been reported to reduce the time required for caregiving by
inadequacy and failure. about 1 hour per day and to decrease carer burden (Brodaty
Carers should be made aware of support groups through and Green, 2000). Even so, carers should be appraised of what
the local Alzheimer’s Association and encouraged to make to expect realistically from drug treatments (Brodaty, 1998a).
use of them, although it is recognized that they are not suit- Family carers should be advised of their increased risk for
able for all carers. The commonest reason for carers not to depression and psychological stress. As the disease progresses
access services or support groups is lack of knowledge or fail- the family carer appears to suffer more than the patient. Carers
ure of health professionals to make a referral (Molinari et al., should be encouraged to meet regularly with their general
1994; Thomson et al., 1997). The local Alzheimer’s Association practitioner, primary care physician or other aged care work-
can provide educational materials, counselling, access to a ers in order to ventilate concerns and seek advice on manage-
support group or specific training courses. With the arrival of ment. Our own practice is to advise general practitioners to
medications for Alzheimer’s disease, patients are being diag- meet with families at least quarterly to review the situation as
nosed earlier and more services are being offered for them in well as to consult as necessary.
tandem with those for carers. For example, there is a computer-
based support group for people with dementia (Dementia 11.9.2 Middle stages
Advocacy and Support Network; http://www.dasninternational.
com), support groups for people with early stage dementia In the middle stage of the illness there is increasing memory
(Yale, 1995) and in Australia, the Living with Memory Loss loss, language difficulties, agnosia and apraxia, and loss of
Carer interventions 125

planning and other executive functions. Personality changes, toileting, dressing and eating. Paradoxically for many carers this
apparent from the beginning, now become more prominent stage may become somewhat easier. The demands are purely
and the most common complaint of carers is the loss of com- physical and labour intensive and the emotional strain is less.
panionship and lack of communicativeness (Brodaty et al., At some stage, in most developed countries, institutional-
1990). Carers can be taught practical strategies to assist the ization is considered. Each family has its own threshold for
patient to compensate for cognitive deficits: establishing a nursing home placement and for many families the answer is
routine, keeping a diary, having a whiteboard by the telephone, never. The financial costs of nursing home care can be a power-
using visual prompts if verbal memory is more severely ful disincentive to admission. Typically, carers decide to insti-
affected, capitalizing on old memories (e.g. rereading books tutionalize their dependant when the patient requires more
from the past, playing familiar music, watching classical movies nursing care than one person can provide, when the patient
on television) and pursuing activities that do not rely on can no longer recognize the carer as someone meaningful,
memory, such as physical exercise, craft hobbies or games. when the patient develops urinary and/or faecal incontin-
Behavioural and psychiatric problems come to the fore as ence, when behavioural disturbances become unmanageable,
the disease progresses (Carrier and Brodaty, 1999). Behaviours or when the carer becomes physically ill, experiences exces-
such as wandering, aggression, sexual disinhibition, repeated sive psychological stress or breaks down. The decision to
questioning, ‘shadowing’ and disrupted sleep patterns, can be institutionalize a loved one can induce in family carers power-
quite distressing to the carer. Depression, hallucinations, delu- ful feelings of guilt and anguish, which may be mitigated by
sions and misidentification syndromes occur more commonly open discussion. For example, admission can be ‘reframed’ as
in the middle and later stages. Their management is discussed an opportunity to provide ‘quality time’ with the patient and
in Chapters 38 and 39. Often an explanation about these phe- free the carer from the drudgery of physical care and house-
nomena and their cause can be very helpful to the carer. For hold chores. Sometimes the decision to institutionalize pre-
example, it may be that hallucinations are more distressing to cipitates intense family disagreement. If an extended family
the family than they are to the patient, and that once this is interview fails to resolve the issue, usually having the dissenting
explained, carers become more accepting and less stressed. family member care for the patient over a weekend succeeds.
Carers can be taught behavioural management strategies A study comparing home social services, day centres, expert
(e.g. Teri et al., 1997, see below) given practical advice (e.g. centres, group living and respite hospitalization in seven dif-
using identity bracelets for wandering patients, establishing ferent centres in the European Union found that caregivers of
routines for daytime naps so as to encourage the patient to AD patients in group living arrangements experienced the
stay up longer and establish a more normal sleeping rhythm), lowest level of burden followed by caregivers of patients receiv-
use of distraction when agitation occurs (e.g. music, physical ing home social services (Colvez et al., 2002).
activity), and establishment of a daily routine to achieve a Ethical issues arise in the terminal stages of dementia. The
sense of stability in the patient’s life and compensate for mem- family must be consulted about decisions when to withhold
ory deficits. treatment or when to institute feeding devices when patients
As the dementia progresses, patients become more func- are no longer able to swallow.
tionally dependent, requiring assistance with instrumental
activities of daily living and supervision with self-care. Carers
11.9.4 After the death of the patient
are more likely to use support services in the middle stages of
dementia: day centre; in-home respite; residential respite care;
‘The funeral that never ends’ finally does so. However, carers
other relatives taking over for short periods of time. It is
do not feel a sense of relief that their ordeal is now over.
important that appropriate and timely referral be made to
Often the care of the patient has become the entire focus of
services, as caregivers have reported that general practition-
the carer’s life and the death heralds a black void rather than
ers only referred them to community care services after they
a new freedom. The grief can be ‘remarkably intense’ (Steele,
had experienced difficulties for a considerable time period
1994). For those considering autopsy, usually for scientific
(Bruce and Paterson, 2000).
reasons to determine hereditary risk, decisions about post-
Throughout the course of the disease, regular counselling to
mortem examination should be made well before death so
discuss problems as they arise and assistance with their man-
that these can be arranged expeditiously.
agement can help carers. Patients have usually lost competency
by this stage, and treatment interventions and use of medica-
tion require informed consent from the carer. Legal require-
ments for this consent will vary according to the jurisdiction.

While education, support groups and provision of information

11.9.3 Late stage alone have limited efficacy in reducing carer distress (although
they have been demonstrated to result in carer satisfaction
In the later stages the patient becomes completely dependent with the training and increase in knowledge [Brodaty, 1992]),
in activities of daily living and requires assistance with bathing, other carer interventions can reduce carer stress or burden
126 Caring for people with dementia

(Kahan et al., 1985; Zarit et al., 1987; Lovett and Gallagher, et al., 1993, 1995, 1996). Carers were randomly assigned to
1988; Brodaty and Gresham, 1989; Brodaty and Peters, 1991; receive counselling or standard management. The counselling
Mittelman et al., 1993, 1995; Hinchcliffe et al., 1995), condition consisted of four family sessions and two individ-
improve physical activity levels (Castro et al., 2002) and ual sessions but ad libitum contact and the availability of
increase immune response (Vedhara et al., 2003). weekly support group meetings. The counselling programme
A meta-analysis of 30 studies of psychosocial interven- was effective in reducing depression scores (Mittelman et al.,
tions for caregivers of people with dementia found that there 1995) and delaying nursing home admission (Mittelman et al.,
were significant benefits for caregiver psychological distress, 1996). Over 8 years, there was a delay in nursing home
caregiver knowledge, any main caregiver outcome measure, admission in the counselling condition by a median 327 days
and patient mood, but not caregiver burden (Brodaty et al., (Mittelman et al., 1996).
2003). Interventions were more likely to be successful if they Eloniemi-Sulkava et al. (1999) and Riordan and Bennett
involved both patients and caregivers (Brodaty et al., 2003). (1998) (and Chu et al., 2000 for more impaired patients)
Another meta-analysis, of 78 studies of interventions for demonstrated a longer median time of home care with inter-
caregivers of older adults, found that intervention effects for ventions. Qualitatively, factors associated with interventions
dementia caregivers (61 per cent of studies) were smaller delaying nursing home placement were a continuing rela-
than for carers of other groups (Sorensen et al., 2002) tionship between helper and carer, flexibility of the interven-
Carer interventions can delay nursing home admission tion, and a variety of interventions tailored to meet the varied
(Brodaty et al., 2003). A 10-day intensive, residential, com- needs of the carer (Brodaty et al., 2003).
prehensive and extensive training programme, consisting of The potential for carers to be effective therapists was
counselling, provision of information, practical advice, role demonstrated by two elegant multicentre US studies by Teri
plays and skills training for groups of up to four carers and et al. (1997, 2003). The first study (Teri et al., 1997) selected
their charges, delayed nursing home admission by almost a patients with AD who had coexisting depression and were
year (Brodaty and Gresham, 1989; Brodaty et al., 1997). For living with a carer. The aim of the study was to investigate
the following year the groups of carers were linked by tele- whether training carers in behavioural techniques could alle-
phone conference calls second-weekly, then fourth-weekly viate patients’ depression. Carers were allocated to one of two
and sixth-weekly. The programme was part of a randomized behavioural interventions: training in problem-solving tech-
controlled trial with one group of carers receiving training niques or training in the use of pleasurable activity schedules;
immediately, a second group receiving training after 6 months’ or one of two control conditions, typical care or wait-list.
delay and a third group receiving no training at all. For the Patients whose carers had participated in the behavioural
third or control group, patients were admitted for 10 days interventions had significantly reduced levels and rates of
and participated in a memory-retraining programme while depression compared with patients whose carers were in the
their carers had 10 days respite. All groups of carers had simi- control conditions. There was no difference in outcome
lar telephone conference links over 12 months (Brodaty and between the two behavioural or between the two control con-
Gresham, 1989). At the end of the 12 months, patients declined ditions. The benefits were retained at 6 months’ follow up.
uniformly on tests of cognition and function regardless of Moreover, the depression scores of the carers fell signifi-
which group they were in. However, the carers in the imme- cantly. In the second study, a randomized controlled trial,
diate training programme had a significant decline in their behavioural management strategies combined with super-
(GHQ) scores, (a measure of psychological morbidity), over vision of a home-based exercise programme for people with
the 12 months, while the GHQ scores of control carers rose. dementia improved physical health and depression in
The GHQ score of the delayed training carers remained steady. patients with AD (Teri et al., 2003). An important lesson
Rates of institutionalization were significantly lower for both emerging from these studies is the ability of carers to be
carer training groups over 8 years’ follow up. For example, at effective therapists, given training and support.
4 years 55 per cent of patients in the immediate dementia
caregiving training programme, and 40 per cent of those in
the delayed programme, were still at home, whereas, only 8
per cent of patients whose carers were in the control group
were still at home (Brodaty et al., 1997). Although the pro-
gramme was more costly than necessary, as it was residential Certain groups of carers face extra levels of isolation beyond
and within a hospital setting, it still resulted in savings of that usually experienced by others in this role (Brodaty,
about (in 1987) $US6000 per couple over 39 months, 1998b). Migrants are doubly isolated by culture and language
because of the delay in nursing home admission (Brodaty and are less likely to use services. Patients tend to lose their
and Peters, 1991). Over 8 years the odds ratio of surviving acquired languages first, making integration into mainstream
patients staying at home was 5.03 (95 per cent CI 1.73–14.7) care more difficult. Indigenous people tend to have poorer
greater if the carer had participated in training. health, inferior health services and more difficulty with
Mittelman and colleagues demonstrated almost identical access to services. Younger people with dementia encounter
findings using a different modality of intervention (Mittelman special problems as they are more likely to be still working,
References 127

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One caregiver’s view


Emerson Moran is a writer in Florida. Pat, his wife, was diagnosed with We had a very tough time at first. After all, a diagnosis of
early onset Alzheimer’s disease in 1999. Previously, Mr Moran was a Alzheimer’s is a death sentence, isn’t it? And that’s the first
communications executive with the American Medical Association. thing I felt: death, despair, deep depression, grief and fear –
This article is adapted from his remarks at an AMA scientific news gripping, chilling, stunning fear. When CS Lewis lost his
briefing in New York City in January 2004.
wife – she was the love of his life, too – he wrote that no one
ever told him how much grief feels like fear. Well, yes it does.
The first time Pat didn’t know who I was felt like we’d each We got through that, and, gradually and gratefully, and
been kidnapped. with a lot of help, we found ways to cope. We also discovered
Her early onset Alzheimer’s had been at the centre of our life that our ability to deal with Alzheimer’s progressed right along
for several years, but I never expected our connection to frac- with the disease’s progression. What we never expected was
ture so soon. After all, I’d just quit a 10-year job to better man- how far we’d end up going, geographically and spiritually, to
age our living with the disease by moving from Washington, manage our living with Alzheimer’s before Alzheimer’s totally
DC, to South Florida, where Pat loved the warmth, water, managed us.
bright flowers and the exotic birds. We tried to perpetuate our old way of life for a long time,
That evening, after supper, we’d gone to the ocean to visit and then reached a point where it made no sense, where our
Pat’s pelicans – when they fly low, she waves and calls them to old ‘normal’ didn’t work any more. In the landscape of
come ‘over here, over here’. At sunset, we headed home, about our life, normal had moved. We had to move with it, by cre-
15 minutes away. I remember the big thunderheads ahead of ating a new landscape and a new normal, and by building
us, out over the Everglades, the wind shearing off their tops a new life frame, with Alzheimer’s now the biggest figure in
like anvils. It was like a Frederic Edward Church painting. our picture.
Halfway home, Pat was distressed and frightened. She We began our new way of life Labor Day weekend 2002
asked who I was, what was I doing to her, where was I taking when we moved 985 miles from Washington to Florida, leav-
her. She tried to open the car door to escape. I was scared. ing behind old job, old home, old normal. It felt like jumping
Shortness of breath, dry mouth, jumbled thoughts. It was off a cliff. The 2-day drive was easier than I thought it would
hard to look calm, talk and drive calmly at the same time. be. We could never do it today. But, back then, Pat could still
At home, we looked at photos of our Philadelphia Quaker handle herself alone in a strange bathroom; eat without help
wedding, of trips to Tuscany and Cape May Point, of family in a crowded, noisy restaurant; feel safe in an unfamiliar motel
and friends. She couldn’t recognize the facts of our history, room. She was happy in the car. She munched M&Ms, and
but she cried over our emotional memories. She didn’t know sang along to the Beatles and Sarah Brightman. We stopped in
my name, but knew we’d loved each other a long time. That St Augustine – the oldest permanent European settlement in
was good enough for me then, and still is. North America – and took the horse and carriage ride to the
Fountain of Youth, of all places.
When I first saw Pat 20 years ago it was like in those movies A week later, she didn’t know who I was. I’d read the
when they freeze the frame. My frame froze. I’ve been with Alzheimer’s books, like The 36 Hour Day, and knew intellectu-
her in that frame ever since. What I didn’t know for years and ally that this moment was certain to arrive. But, Lord, I thought,
years was that Alzheimer’s was in our frame, too. not this day! Please, not this day!
Pat’s Alzheimer’s was diagnosed 5 years ago, but had already Later, I had one of those dreams where I’m trying to get
been controlling our life for a long time. We just didn’t deal some place. This time I was struggling to get to the airport in
with it. Denial is a powerful force. some desolate, desert-like place. I had to climb up a steep
One caregiver’s view 133

incline, crawl down a deep depression, and back up over rocks me it’s still dented. By 3.00 pm the next day I was sitting
and through dust. The airline check-in desk was up above me, in front of a psychologist with a lot of experience dealing
to the right, on the edge of a cliff. Out of nowhere, a pickup with Alzheimer’s families. We made a deal. I’d stick with
truck blocked my way, machine gun in the back, like those Dr Jacobek’s counselling, and she would help me stay as
‘technicals’ the Somalian war lords drove in Black Hawk Down. ‘whole’ as possible, no matter what happened, all the way
There was shooting, confusion. Then I woke up, full of dread to the end, and beyond. That was almost 5 years ago, and
and apprehension. we’re still at it, 1200 miles apart, over the phone, every 10
Yes, changing our life was like jumping off a cliff. But we days. Therapy is my gut check, my outlet of last resort.
had to jump. It was the only way to break away from our old I’m not sure how Pat and I could carry on without it.
way of life. I took a family leave from the job I’d had for 10 Working out – physical exercise – is therapeutic, too.
years. That, plus accumulated vacation, bought 4 months to I’m not a jock, but today, working out is actually a refuge
sort things out, and to just be together. We decided that I’d for me. Neighborhood power walks; the gym’s monthly
quit my job. We’d move to Florida, where we had family and ‘geezer discount’; free weights in the garage. The cadence,
friends. Cost of living was going to be much lower, and we the repetitions, the breathing are meditative. The
figured I could earn enough freelancing to get by. What we endorphins fight depression.
hoped to do was carve out a way of living that would: 5. Get Pat all the help we can find. We’ve been blessed with
skilled, attentive doctors, and we learned that it’s a good
• keep us together as many hours in each day as possible; idea to have the same internist. He treats us as
• embrace Pat with care and comfort and laughter; individuals and as a couple. Pat can’t be left alone while I
• allow me to work from home; work. Handling this defines how we function. A sign on
• prop me up with enough emotional and physical support Dixie Highway in our new hometown led us to a local
to keep us going. day programme for Alzheimer’s. It was a big factor in
Looking back, I can see how we actually changed the equa- deciding where to live.
tion of what had been a pretty conventional career-driven The programme is 10 minutes from home, in a
middle-class American existence. In our old formula, work church, next to our local high school. Pat’s there from
was cemented solidly at the centre, with everything else in 8.00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. The
orbit, around the edges. In our new formula, we put Pat and morning roundtrip is my commute to work and Pat’s
Alzheimer’s in the centre, with work kicked out into an orbit time there gives me a chance to get my own job done.
of its own, not quite on the edge, but not in the centre, either. The programme’s home is a 40-year-old Lutheran
This is pretty easy to articulate after the fact. But at the church hall, across a vacant lot from our local high
time it felt like radical, uprooting, life-altering, mind-boggling, school (‘Home of the Gators’). More therapeutic than
heart-thumping, cliff-jumping change. Some simple things just day care, it’s staffed by professionals, small enough
have helped a lot. Here are six that seem real clear to me from for lots of gentle attention, and full of fun.
where we sit today: At Christmas, one registered nurse brought her kids’
pet goat, wearing reindeer antlers. Pat still remembers
1. Family: there is a higher power in a loving family – we the ‘rein-goat,’ a remarkable memory for a woman whose
feel it and it fuels us every day. When we met, Pat was a only moment of meaning usually is the one she is in.
widow, I was divorced. She never had the chance to have One patient, a former golf pro, taught Pat how to
her own kids. Then along came my crowd. Now it’s up to putt. Some days, I wouldn’t mind being there myself.
three married sons (one, a Marine Corp F-18 fighter Then there’s Stacia, a crusty, no-nonsense, loving 70-
pilot, serving twice in Iraq), six grandchildren, plus three something Polish angel who couldn’t stand retirement
step-grandchildren, my sister, brother, nieces, nephews, and seems to find great satisfaction helping people just
cousins and their kids, my own ancient parents – we now like us. Stacia brings Pat home in the afternoon, helps
live 2 minutes away – and they all love Pat. Even my first around the house, takes Pat to get her hair and nails
wife loves Pat! done, and stays with her when my work takes me away.
2. Early on, in those darkest weeks after ‘The Diagnosis’, a Stacia’s parting words usually are, ‘I’ll take care of Pat.
colleague told me: ‘This is not the end of the world. You You take care of yourself ’.
still have years ahead of quality and value and love 6. Medication to manage and modify Pat’s behaviour is
together’. That stuck like glue. It’s my creed. the final factor that holds the whole thing together. Pat
3. A friend reminded me: ‘This is that rainy day they tell has exploded with all the agitation, rage and aggression
you about. The future is now’. Whatever you have now, that can accompany Alzheimer’s. It’s terrifying when it
use it for what you need to do now. erupts. I learned the hard way to keep a table between us
4. To best care for Pat I had to take care of myself – for protection.
physically, mentally and emotionally. Early on, I was mad A wise geriatric psychiatrist prescribed a strong
as hell and didn’t even know it until I exploded in front antipsychotic that many people with schizophrenia use
of a co-worker and kicked a door so hard that they tell to help keep their lives in order. This little pill calms the
134 Caring for people with dementia

rage, quiets the aggression and takes away the agitation, Much has changed. The kids up North have to pay their
without taking away anything else. I don’t know how we own airfare when they come down to see us. We’ve ended our
would get through the day, much less live at home week-long family vacations at Cape May Point. But then,
together, without it. where we live now sure removes the urge for a mid-winter
With or without medication, though, Rule Number get-away in the sun. There’s no more eating out several nights
One is this: You will never win an argument with a week, but my home cooking is improving. I roasted the
someone with Alzheimer’s. Never. Don’t even try. Thanksgiving turkey over charcoal, with cornbread stuffing
Rule Number Two is old and golden: Do unto Pat as I and a maple syrup glaze. A pot of chilli is on the stove as I
would have Pat do unto me. Pat can’t bathe herself, write this.
choose between red or blue blouse, put on earrings, shave Shopping is more Sears than Bloomingdales, eBay and
her legs, read the paper, chew steak or pizza, pour herself web discounts. I clip coupons. I’ve discovered warehouse
a cup of coffee, or find our bathroom on her own and in shopping – toilet paper in 35-roll bundles, 300-ounce Tide.
time. She can, however, always find the chocolate chip Plus, a perk of paradise, $19 orchids in full bloom.
cookies. We joke about putting the cookies in the Our favourite time of the day is bedtime, which is earlier
bathroom. Thankfully, ‘Depends’ have taken the crises and earlier. Pat starts shutting down when the sun starts going
out of incontinence. down. She seems to settle into her own private peace in bed,
The Pat I fell in love with had a wonderful artistic curled up, eyes closed, covers pulled into a tight cocoon. She’ll
talent (sketches and watercolours mostly), but the lay awake for 2 or 3 hours while I read, watch TV, talk to my
Alzheimer’s blocked the path to her creativity years ago. family on the phone. We listen to music; New Age Celtic tunes
Passion for her art once consumed her. Today she won’t strike her Irish chords. I ask, but she can’t tell me, what goes
even pick up a crayon. We still have her rough drawings on behind her closed eyes, except to say,‘I’m working on things’.
and pencilled story line for a children’s book on meerkats She doesn’t pay much attention to the TV, unless it’s the
in the Kalahari Desert, a cherished, unfinished work, Chicago Cubs baseball team. When we lived in Chicago in
frozen in time by her disease, an artefact of Alzheimer’s. the 1990s, Pat loved taking the elevated train to Wrigley Field.
Her brain blocks other forms of communications. One night, the broadcasters cut from the playing field to the
Most times, she can’t find the words to ask for what she cheering fans. Pat seemed sound asleep. It was loud, it was
wants, tell me about her day, or name who’s talking to late, I turned off the TV. In the darkness Pat said, ‘Put it back.
her on the phone. She says ‘Thank me’, instead of ‘Thank It’s fun’.
you’ – then giggles at the odd sound of it.
Pat and I are the lucky ones. Somehow, so far, we are pulling
What she can do is whistle, as she never did before. It’s
this off, a day at a time and we do have fun. We laugh a lot,
the first sound she makes in the morning and the last at
and we play a lot.
night. I tell her she’s in ‘full pucker’. Old movie tunes
The great irony is that they tell us that Alzheimer’s is a cata-
from the 1940s are favourites. Over Christmas, she was
strophic disease but, on any given day, we don’t feel like we’re
stuck on ‘Easter Parade’. Sometimes I whistle with her; it’s
in the middle of a catastrophe. In many ways, we are happier
one of the few things we can still do in harmony;
now than ever before. We talk about it. We agree that surren-
intimacy, redefined.
der, acceptance, and loving each other no matter what are big
We’ve always loved movies, and our own critique
reasons why.
afterwards. But now Pat can’t follow a movie or TV
I’ve been to the support groups and I’ve seen that not all
shows with complex story lines. However, she really likes
Alzheimer’s families are as fortunate. There’s terrible pain
‘Sponge Bob’, and belly-laughs at ‘Seinfeld’. We joke a lot.
and fierce anger out there. It hurts just to be near it.
I tell her that, with Alzheimer’s, there’s no such thing as
I read a terrible news story maybe four years ago, from
TV reruns.
Washington. Just up16th Street from the White House, in front
Except for 9/11. We lived in DC, on Connecticut
of the Capital Hilton, a woman driving a Ford Taurus stopped
Avenue, close enough to hear sirens and see smoke from
at the light. Her father was sitting beside her. The paper said
the Pentagon. Pat experienced 9/11 on TV over and over,
he had Alzheimer’s, that she took care of him. Before the light
each time the first time, each time brand new, on
could turn green, she pulled a gun, killed him and turned it
September 11 and September 12: right up to today. She
on herself. The light changed to green, the traffic moved
still gets scared when she sees the images. But then, so do
around them, and there they sat, at the bloody end of their
I. I’m pretty sure that my own post-9/11 priorities
own sad road.
propelled how and when we changed our life so
I worry how close many other families have gotten to that
point. I bet more than we’d like to think, not the point of vio-
What we are doing has a high cost. Nearly 45 per cent of our lence, certainly, but maybe, secretly, wishing the end would
income goes for health insurance, medications, the day pro- come sooner rather than later.
gramme, Stacia helping at home. Just like hundreds of thou- This disease really is different, you know. There is no real
sands of other American families, we do this on our own. treatment yet. Drugs can briefly slow down the clock, but
One caregiver’s view 135

there will be no remission, no cure, not for Pat and not, yet, loose the mystery of this disease that is so slowly being
for the 4 or 5 million others in the USA just like her. unlocked from inside this human genome of ours.
We hope our ‘together’ lasts a long time, but, like many
Pat and I work hard every day to just live life on life’s terms.
Alzheimer’s patients, Pat’s body has not been kind to her.
One melody Pat whistles is an old Irving Berlin tune called
Doctors call it ‘comorbidity’ – coronary artery disease, breast
‘Always’. I have no idea where she gets it from. I ‘Googled’ the
cancer, diverticulitis, fibromyalgia, depression – and she’s
lyrics. They’re up on our refrigerator door, held there by a
only in her mid-60s. In a medical crisis, do we treat or not
tacky magnet from the boardwalk at the New Jersey seashore.
treat? What’s moral, what’s ethical? Do we risk the distress of
This is the refrain:
heart surgery, colostomy, chemotherapy? Or do we let nature
take its course? Where’s the right and wrong? The days may not be fair – always.
Nothing prepared us for issues like these. Pat can’t decide That’s when I’ll be there – always.
for herself. It’s up to me. Some nights, when answers Not for just an hour,
don’t come, the loneliness of Alzheimer’s can be worse than Not for just a day,
the certainty of how it’s all going to end, no matter what Not for just a year – but always.
we do.
I can’t bear to think of the silence in my life when the
Alzheimer’s is a medical Mount Everest that no one has
whistling stops.
figured out how to conquer. When they do, when they break
through to the summit, it’ll be too late for us, but not for Pat sometimes looks at me, startled, and asks, ‘Where’s
many of the others. I guess that’s the best hope there is with Emerson?’ I tell her, ‘I don’t know, but if you see him, tell him
Alzheimer’s: that money, hard work, luck and genius will pry I’m looking for him, too’. And we laugh. Always.
Health economic aspects of dementia


12.1 Perspective 136 12.8 Mild cognitive impairment 141

12.2 Types of studies and design aspects 136 12.9 Pharmaco-economics and drug authorities 142
12.3 The need for modelling 138 12.10 International comparisons 142
12.4 Family members and informal care 138 12.11 Severe dementia 142
12.5 Outcome measures 138 12.12 Conclusion 142
12.6 Resource utilization in dementia 139 References 142
12.7 Pharmaco-economical studies 140

A highly prevalent group of disorders such as dementia pres- ‘players and payers’ involved in delivery and financing of
ents a challenge for any healthcare and social support system. dementia care. Therefore it is essential to define the perspec-
The combination of a costly care (Ernst and Hay, 1994; tive of any pharmaco-economical analysis. The viewpoint
Winblad et al., 1997), difficulties in funding health care and may be a county council, a municipality, the public sector in
an important contribution by informal caregivers focus on general, an insurance company, a family member or a patient.
the basics in any health economic analysis and has indeed put The main cost drivers are costs for living (in its wide context,
the costs of dementia and cost effectiveness of dementia care including also care in nursing homes) and informal caring
into focus. It has been debated whether ‘the welfare state’ will (Wimo and Winblad, 2003b). There is a complex interaction
be able to care for the increasing number of elderly people on one hand between those who finance the care and on the
in general (OECD, 1996), and with dementia in particular other hand those who may benefit from the results of inter-
(Lovestone, 2002). However, in the light of the enormous ventions (such as drugs or caregiver support programmes).
economic impact of dementia, it is surprising that the health Therefore, the detection of inoptimal incentives is an essen-
economics of dementia has such a small scientific base tial part of the economic analysis. Limiting the economic analy-
(Jonsson et al., 2000; Gray, 2002). The first (and still the only) sis only to the healthcare sector or the public sector exclude
basic textbook in this field (Wimo et al., 1998a) was published substantial components from the analysis. Thus, a societal
in 1998 and reviewers have stressed the need for further stud- perspective where all relevant costs are included regardless of
ies (Salek et al., 1998; Walker et al., 1998; Jonsson et al., 2000; where they occur and regardless of who pays is often to be
Shukla et al., 2000; Grutzendler and Morris, 2001; Lamb and preferred.
Goa, 2001; NICE, 2001; Clegg et al., 2002; Gray, 2002; Lyseng-
Williamson and Plosker, 2002; Wolfson et al., 2002; Birks and
Harvey, 2003; Jonsson, 2003; Leung et al., 2003; Lyseng- 12.2 TYPES OF STUDIES AND DESIGN ASPECTS
Williamson and Plosker, 2003; Olin and Schneider, 2003).
Different types of analyses are presented in Box 12.1.

12.2.1 Descriptive studies

An important purpose of economic evaluation is that it should Cost description (CD) describes only the costs (no outcome)
serve as a tool for decision-making regarding allocating of of a single treatment/care, without making any comparison
scarce resources (Drummond et al., 1997). There are many between alternative treatments. Thus, CD cannot give any
Types of studies and design aspects 137

support in priority discussions but presents a framework for Another issue is whether to use a top-down or a bottom-up
how costs are calculated. approach. In the ‘top-down’ approach the total national cost
Cost of illness (COI) studies are also descriptive. The COI for a specific resource is distributed on different diseases. The
is equal to what these resources would have been used for if ‘bottom-up’ method starts from a defined subgroup with, for
there had been no case of illness (the opportunity cost). Two example, dementia, and registers all cost of illness related to
approaches can be used: an incidence approach or a preva- it, followed by an extrapolation to the total dementia popula-
lence approach. With the incidence approach the costs for tion. The problem is that to compensate for comorbidity and
new cases are estimated where both the annual costs and net costs may be difficult to estimate. It is also important to
future (discounted) costs are included. In the prevalence specify the included cost categories (e.g. cost of informal
approach the costs for all cases during, for example, a year are care). It is obvious that dementia care is costly, but the great
estimated – both for those already suffering from dementia range in cost figures in Table 12.1 illustrates that the costing
and for new cases occurring during the year in question approaches vary.
(Lindgren, 1981; Rice et al., 1985). Only exceptionally have
both approaches shown the same results. The choice of
12.2.2 Economical evaluations
approach depends on the purpose of the study; if the aim is
to illustrate the economic consequences of interventions, the
In a cost analysis (CA), only the costs of different therapies
incidence approach is preferable. If the idea is to estimate the
are compared (not outcomes). Thus a CA is an incomplete
economic burden during a defined year the prevalence
economical evaluation. A complete economical evaluation
approach is the option.
includes the incremental costs and outcomes, and comparisons
between different treatment alternatives.
Box 12.1 Different kinds of health economical studies In a cost minimization analysis (CMA), the effects of dif-
ferent treatments are assumed to be equivalent and the analy-
Descriptive studies sis is focused on identifying the cheapest therapy. The value
• CD Cost description of CMA is questioned, since the assumption of similar treat-
• COI Cost of illness ment effects is problematic (Briggs and O’Brien, 2001).
In a cost effectiveness analysis (CEA), the effect is expressed
Evaluation studies
as a non-monetary quantified unit such as the cost per nurs-
• CA Cost analysis (incomplete evaluation)
ing home admission averted.
• CBA Cost benefit analysis
A cost benefit analysis (CBA) expresses all costs and out-
• CEA Cost effectiveness analysis
comes in monetary units, e.g. dollars or euros. Few attempts
• CMA Cost minimization analysis
have been made to apply CBA to dementia. It has, however,
• CUA Cost utility analysis
been argued that CBA-approaches such as ‘willingness to
• (CCA Cost consequence analysis)
pay’ could be of value (Wimo et al., 2002).

Table 12.1 Cost of illness studies expressed as US$ 2003 (currency conversions to US$
by PPPs [purchasing power parities], time transformations by CPI [consumer price index])

Annual costs per Cost categories

Country patient US$ 2003 included Source
USA 57 000 D, IC Ernst and Hay, 1994
England 6600 D Smith and Shah, 1995
Canada 14 300 D, IC Ostbye and Crosse, 1994
Sweden 24 400 D Wimo et al., 1997b
(gross costs)
Sweden 16 500 D Wimo et al., 1997b
(net costs)
Germany 12 800 D Schulenberg and
Schulenberg, 1998
Denmark 10 400 D Kronborg Andersen
et al., 1999
Italy 64 400 D, IC Cavallo and Fattore, 1997
The Netherlands 10 800 D Koopmanschap et al., 1998
Ireland 13 900 DC, IC O’Shea and O’Reilly, 2000

Source for PPP and CPI: OECD, data on file: Figures are rounded off.
D, direct costs; IC, informal care
138 Health economic aspects of dementia

In a cost utility analysis (CUA), the effect is expressed situation can be analysed in terms of, for example, burden,
as utilities, such as QALYs (Quality Adjusted Life Years) quality of life, coping, stress, social network and morbidity
(Torrance, 1997). (Max et al., 1995; Jansson et al., 1998; Schulz and Beach, 1999;
It is important to include a discussion of uncertainty Wimo et al., 1999b; Almberg et al., 2000).
in economical evaluations (Briggs and O’Brien, 2001) and They are also often producers of an extensive amount of
important factors should be varied in a sensitivity analysis. unpaid informal care (Rice et al., 1993; Stommel et al., 1994;
In a cost consequence analysis (CCA), cost and outcomes are Langa et al., 2001; Moore et al., 2001; Wimo et al., 2002), which
analysed and presented separately. The value of CCA is under constitute a great part of the societal costs.
discussion (Winblad et al., 1997), since results may be diffi- Measuring caregiver time is problematic. Support in per-
cult to interpret and the selection of outcomes may be biased. sonal activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental activ-
ities of daily living (IADL) are rather well-defined activities.
However, a substantial part of caregiver activities is linked to
12.3 THE NEED FOR MODELLING supervision to manage behavioural symptoms or to prevent
dangerous events (Wimo et al., 2002). The assessments of
supervision and surveillance in terms of minutes and hours
An intervention in dementia may influence the course of the
may, however, be difficult.
disease (e.g. the deterioration rate in functional ability, the
Two other important factors are care productivity and
position in a care organization and perhaps survival). There-
joint production. A formal caregiver is probably more efficient
fore, an economic evaluation has to take into account impacts
and takes less time to support ADL tasks than an informal care-
on costs and outcomes during the whole lifespan. Most clin-
giver. This must be considered if a replacement approach is
ical studies last for 6–12 months. Owing to practical and ethical
used (see below). Joint production means that the patient and
issues, single studies covering the whole disease period will
the caregiver are doing things together, for example shopping.
probably never be undertaken. One option to determine long-
Costing informal care is a complicated and controversial
term effects is to extend ongoing studies. In randomized con-
issue (Koopmanschap, 1998; Jonsson et al., 2000). There are
trolled trials (RCTs) it is difficult to maintain the original
two frequently used methods: the opportunity cost approach
design for many years, but open follow-up studies have
and the replacement cost approach.
been used on tacrine (Knopman et al., 1996) and donepezil
Whether the caregiver is paid or not is not of interest for
(Geldmacher et al., 2003). However, there are several draw-
the economic valuation. Payment has an impact on the dis-
backs, such as selection bias, patients lost to follow up and
tribution of the economic burden but not on the total soci-
problems in defining controls.
etal cost. The relevant cost is the opportunity cost, i.e. the
Therefore, there is a need for modelling approaches (Buxton
benefits that are forgone because a resource – in this case
et al., 1997). The basic idea is that results from a short core
caregiver time – is not put to its best alternative use. Thus, the
period are extrapolated to a longer period. Inputs from several
question is to identify the alternative use of the caregiver’s
sources, e.g. efficacy, costing and progression, are used. Markov
time. If the alternative is working on the labour market, the
models are frequently used for this purpose (Sonnenberg
cost for informal care should be valued to the production
and Leventhal, 1998). Other approaches, such as decision
loss owing to absence from work.
tree models (Weinstein and Fineberg, 1980) and survival
However, more problematic is the costing of leisure time
models (Fenn and Gray, 1999) can also be used. Discounting
and caregiver time during retirement. There is no consensus
of costs (and perhaps outcomes) is recommended. The dis-
on how this should be performed. The cost for the caregiver’s
count rate is often 3–5 per cent (Siegel et al., 1997), but it can
time may the value of the time used as leisure time (Karlsson
be varied in a sensitivity analysis.
et al., 1998). However, there is no such market price avail-
Models are controversial. Long-term effects, such as exhaus-
able. Survey methods (for example the contingent valuation
tion of carers and staff, which do not occur in the core period,
method – Johannesson et al., 1992) is an option.
and symptoms that do not have a linear progressive course,
With the replacement cost approach it is assumed that the
such as BPSDs (Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms in
informal carer should be replaced with a professional carer
Dementia) (Ferris and Mittelman, 1996), are difficult to model.
on a 1:1 ratio. The informal caregiver’s time and the profes-
A model is also linked, implicitly or explicitly, to a specific
sional caregiver’s time are regarded as perfect substitutes.
organization of care. The drug authorities are often sceptical to
However, we do not know if there actually will be a complete
models, since such studies are not ‘empirical’.
replacement with a professional carer.


Informal carers (mostly spouses or children of demented
patients) are of great importance in dementia care. An informal Cognition is considered as the mandatory primary efficacy
carer is often part of a ‘dementia family’. In that sense, their outcome in most dementia trials. There are, however, other
Resource utilization in dementia 139

outcomes that are probably more important for the patients ‘mobility’ are less problematic. Interestingly, in a project
and the caregivers. Quality of life, ADL-capacity, mood- where proxy-rated and self-rated QoL were used simultan-
depression or BPSDs may be of greater interest than cognition eously, great differences between the two approaches occurred
in the long run. ADL-capacity and BPSDs are also essential in (Jönsson, 2003).
care planning. In principle, two kinds of instruments can be used: diag-
Surrogate end points are inappropriate to use in CEA nostic specific or generic instruments (Bowling, 1995; Spilker,
(Johannesson et al., 1996). Mini-Mental State Examination 1996; Salek et al., 1998; Walker et al., 1998).
(MMSE) (Folstein et al., 1975) is often used in dementia More or less dementia-specific instruments such as DQoL
studies as well as other measures of cognitive capacity such as (the Dementia Quality of Life instrument) (Brod et al., 1999),
the ADAS-cog (Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale – QoLAD (Quality of life-Alzheimer’s disease) (Selai et al.,
cognitive subscale) (Rosen et al., 1984). However, in our 2001; Logsdon et al., 2002) and Quality of Life Assessment
view, they should be regarded as surrogate end points. Since Schedule (QoLAS) (Selai et al., 2000; Elstner et al., 2001) may
MMSE is highly correlated to costs (Ernst et al., 1997; Hux be useful in CCA-trials but are inappropriate for complete
et al., 1998; Wimo et al., 1998c; Jonsson et al., 1999b), and also economic evaluations since these instruments not are prefer-
to other, more relevant outcomes, such as ADL-capacity, ence based (Torrance et al., 1996; Siegel et al., 1997).
position in care organization and severity of dementia, it has There are a great number of generic QoL scales, such as
frequently been used in economic evaluations of dementia. the Sickness Impact Profile (Bergner et al., 1981), the Short
MMSE is also used in most longitudinal population based Form 36 (SF-36) (Ware and Sherbourne, 1992), the QLA-
studies and thus it may be useful as a link between clinical scale (Blau, 1977), the Health Utilities Index (HUI) (Torrance
studies and population studies in the discussions of efficacy et al., 1996; Neumann et al., 2000), the EuroQoL/EQ-5D
versus clinical effectiveness. (Coucill et al., 2001) or the Quality of Wellbeing Scale
However, delay in progression in terms of severity pres- (QWBS) (Kerner et al., 1998). HUI, EQ-5D, QWBS and the
ents a broader outcome than cognition and severity scales caregiver quality of life index (CQLI) (Mohide et al., 1988)
such as clinical dementia rating (CDR) (Berg, 1988) and the can be used to calculate QALYs (Torrance, 1997).
global deterioration scale (GDS) (Reisberg et al., 1988) or QALYs are used in CUA and reflect both quantity and
multidimensional instruments such as Gottfries–Brane–Steen quality of life (Torrance, 1996; Torrance et al., 1996) and give
scale (GBS) (Brane et al., 2001) are therefore more relevant to opportunities for comparisons with other diseases. Utilities
use than cognition. are expressed as a figure between 0 (death) and 1 (perfect
Postponing or preventing nursing home placement has health). QALYs are not uncontroversial (Tsuchiya et al., 2003).
also been suggested. A study by Knopman et al. (1996) indi- Chronic incurable progressive disorders may be disfavoured
cated that nursing home care can be postponed about by about when compared with, for example, curative surgical treat-
1 year with tacrine treatment. Sano et al. (1997) showed simi- ment, such as cataract surgery or hip replacement surgery.
lar effects with vitamin E/selegeline treatment. A study on There are also other approaches, such as DALYs (Disability
donepezil indicated an even longer postponing of institu- Adjusted Life Years) (Allotey et al., 2003) and HYE (Healthy
tionalization (Geldmacher et al., 2003). However, the situ- Years Equivalents) (Dolan, 2000). However, DALYs focus on
ation is more complex regarding caregivers. On the one hand, productivity more than quality of life and HYEs require a
it may be an advantage that spouses can go on living together, great number of health scenarios (Torrance, 1996).
but on the other hand, a prolonged period at home may be Burden scales, such as the Burden Interview (Zarit et al.,
more stressful for the caregiver (Max, 1996). This potential 1980) can to some extent be used as indicators of caregiver
risk was, however, not confirmed in the two published RCTs QoL, but the interplay between patient status, caregiver QoL
where the amount of informal care has been measured (Wimo and burden is complex (Deeken et al., 2003).
et al., 2003a, b). In conclusion, the choice of outcome measure in eco-
Quality of Life (QoL) of both patients and caregivers is nomic evaluation in dementia is not an obvious one. As dif-
considered as a relevant outcome. Health-related QoL includes ferent outcome measures give different pieces of information,
several dimensions, such as ADL, social interaction, percep- several outcome measures can be used.
tion, pain, anxiety, economic status, etc. One potential problem
in QoL assessments is the patient’s difficulties in evaluating
his or her own health state (Stewart and Brod, 1996). Thus,
proxies (mostly caregivers) are often used. Proxies per se is not
necessarily a problem. The US Panel for Cost-Effectiveness
recommends that the general public should value the health The costing process usually consists of two phases: first,
states and, in that sense, an indirect measurement is not dis- resource utilization is expressed in terms of physical units
qualified (Siegel et al., 1997). If the proxy is a family member, (such as nursing home days), and second, the resource util-
the answers partly may reflect the situation and interests of ization figures are calculated into costs by the use of unit
the proxy, which must be considered. Some attributes may be costs for each resource. RUD (Resource Utilization in
difficult for proxies, such as ‘pain’, whereas others, such as Dementia) (Wimo et al., 1998b) is an example of a framework
140 Health economic aspects of dementia

assessing the use of formal and informal resources, aiming at (Caregiver Activities Time Survey) (Clipp and Moore, 1995)
calculating costs from a societal perspective (Box 12.2). RUD and the CAS (Caregiver Activity Survey) (Davis et al., 1997).
has been used in several studies (Wimo et al., 1999a; Wimo Since the organization of dementia care varies between
et al., 2000; Wimo et al., 2003a; Wimo et al., 2003c). A com- countries, any resource use battery must be adapted to the
prehensive battery can be time-demanding and thus a short specific situation in a country.
version, the RUD Lite (Wimo and Winblad, 2003b) was
developed. It was possible to limit the number of variables in
the RUD considerably without losing the societal perspective 12.7 PHARMACO-ECONOMICAL STUDIES
in the analysis (RUD Lite covers about 95 per cent of the costs
resulting from the complete RUD – Wimo and Winblad, Even if it would be advantageous to design studies purely for
2003b). One part of the RUD is the caregiver time subscale. health economical purposes, pharmaco-economics will prob-
Other instruments that assess caregiver time are the CATS ably be part of comprehensive phase III/IV studies (Hill and
McGettigan, 1998). It is, however, important to refine the
methods used (Briggs and O’Brien, 2001). It has also been
Box 12.2 Components of a resource utilization battery debated whether pharmaco-economic aspects are best
included in phase III or phase IV studies (Schneider, 1998).
Patient Several pharmaco-economical evaluations have been
• Accommodation/long-term care published, mainly on the cholinesterase inhibitors (one on
• (Work status) memantine) with various approaches. The early tacrine stud-
• Respite care ies focused on costs and they are also based on the same effi-
• Hospital care cacy study (Knapp et al., 1994). Even if treatment seems to be
• Outpatient clinic visits cost saving, the range is large in these studies, from about 1 to
• Social service 17 per cent, indicating not only different methodological
• Home nursing care approaches but also problems. Few studies are empirical
• Day care (Table 12.2) and most evaluations are based on models (Tables
• Drug use 12.3 and 12.4). In the donepezil models, Markov models have
been used with QALYs or severity (avoided) as outcome, while
survival analysis have been used in the rivastigmine models. In
• Informal care time (for patient)
the galantamine studies, the AHEAD (assessment of health
• Work status
economics in Alzheimer’s disease) concept is used (Caro et al.,
• (Respite care)
2001). In general, the results favour drug use, but sensitivity
• Hospital care
analyses show a range in the results, indicating uncertainty.
• Outpatient clinic visits
Drug trials are often criticized regarding representative-
• Social service
ness. Schneider et al. (1997) showed that study populations
• Home nursing care
in dementia drug trials only reflect about 7 per cent of a gen-
• Day care
eral dementia population. The progression rate of cognition
• Drug use
is slower in placebo groups in most clinical studies than in

Table 12.2 Studies with empirical data. Costs are expressed as US$ 2003 (PPPs). Figures are rounded off.

Treatment length Cost Cost difference (%)

Drug (years) difference* v controls P Comment Ref
Donepezil 0.5 42 1.0 NS Small et al., 1998
Donepezil 1 4500 35.1 0.03 Long-term use Hill et al., 2002
3800 29.9 NS Short-term use ibid.
Donepezil 1.9 2.70 25.4 ? Costs per day, direct Fillit et al., 1999
medical mean costs
5.60 46.8 ? Overall mean costs ibid.
2.30 63.7 0.02 Direct medical ibid.
median costs
1.60 21.7 0.04 Overall median costs ibid.
Donepezil 1 1200 4.2 NS Total mean costs Wimo et al., 2003a
320 1.8 NS Total patient direct ibid.
mean costs
Memantine 0.5 1200 13.3 0.01 Costs per month Wimo et al., 2003c

* A positive value indicates net savings with treatment

Mild cognitive impairment 141

population-based studies. Another issue is whether study intervention can perhaps result in a reduction of informal care
populations reflect the dementia care organization that the in terms of IADL. Thus it is questionable whether the costs of a
results are generalized to. drug will be offset with a short-term viewpoint. In the long run,
the question will be whether survival is affected and whether
there will be any transitions of symptoms and resource use dur-
12.8 MILD COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT ing the course of the dementia. To design studies to answer
these questions is not easy. A synthetic approach with RCTs
Health economical effects on mild cognitive impairment covering segments of the dementia course, modelling studies
(MCI) can be divided into short-term and long-term effects and open follow-up studies will probably be needed, resulting
(Wimo and Winblad, 2003a). In the short-term perspective, an in some kind of ‘best guess’ judgement.

Table 12.3 Cost analysis models. Costs are expressed as US$ 2003 (PPPs). Figures are rounded off.

Model length Cost Cost difference (%) Range in

Drug (years) difference* v comparator sensitivity analysis Comment Ref
Tacrine 4.4 2900 17.3 US$113–6595 Costs effects annualized Lubeck et al., 1994
by study’s authors
Tacrine 5.3 11 500 7.5 US$698–26 687 Henke and Burchmore, 1997
Tacrine 9 2600 1.3 0.6–5.2% Wimo et al., 1997a
Rivastigmine 2 2200** NA NA Mild Fenn and Gray, 1999
0.5 18** NA NA
Rivastigmine 2 4100** NA NA All Hauber et al., 2000b
0.5 150** NA NA

NA, not available

* A positive value indicates net savings with treatment with CHEIs
** The cost for rivastigmine is not included

Table 12.4 Cost effectiveness (C/E) models. Costs are expressed as US$ 2003 (PPPs). Figures are rounded off.

Range in sensitivity
Model length Cost C/E or analysis (US$ 2003)
Drug (years) difference* similar** (C/E)** Comment Source
Donepezil 5 2500 10 000 1600–17 500 Mild; 10 mg Stewart et al., 1998
(all scenarios)
Donepezil 5 880 0 0–8300 5 mg O’Brien et al., 1999
(all scenarios)
Donepezil 5 410 0 0–3300 10 mg Jonsson et al., 1999a
Donepezil 0.5 610 185 000 0–480 000 Mild AD at start Neumann et al., 1999
(all scenarios)
2 80 0 ibid.
Donepezil 0.5 1700 44 000 0–44 000† Mild AD at start Ikeda et al., 2002
2 250 0 ibid.
Rivastigmine 0.5 650 0.0337‡ 0.0067§ All stages Hauber et al., 2000a
2 410 0‡ 0§ ibid.
Galantamine 10 730 0 0–30 500 Mild–moderate Getsios et al., 2001
Galantamine 10.5 1750 0 Mild–moderate Caro et al., 2002
Galantamine 10.5 3100 0 All Garfield et al., 2002
Galantamine 10 3800 0 0–14 300 24 mg Migliaccio-Walle
et al., 2003
Galantamine 10 770 13 900 9300–27 900 16 mg Ward et al., 2003
1000 24 mg

* A positive value indicates net savings with treatment with CHEIs

** A positive value indicates a cost per gained QALY/avoided deterioration in severity; 0 cost savings and a positive outcome

Included in presentation of main results

Threshold analysis: how many gained QALYs are needed to obtain cost effectiveness if Can$20 000/QALY is regarded as appropriate
If Can$100 000/QALY
NA, not available
142 Health economic aspects of dementia

12.9 PHARMACO-ECONOMICS AND DRUG between countries, aggregation of resource use results may
AUTHORITIES also be problematic. For example, the concept of ‘nursing
home’ can include a wide range of resources in terms of
number of staff and their competence, physical environment,
New drugs go through several steps within drug authorities technical equipment, leading to different costs. There are also
before entering the market. These steps are not necessarily care concepts that are used just in one or only a few coun-
handled within the same authorities. While the registration tries, such as DOMUS care in the UK (Beecham et al., 1993),
process in the European Union is being harmonized through Group Living in Sweden (Wimo et al., 1995)and Special Care
EMEA (CPMP, 19971), focusing on cognition, ADL and a Units (SCU) in the USA (Maas et al., 1998). Home care may
global effect (Hill and McGettigan, 1998), decisions about be dealt with by social services with poorly qualified staff, but
pricing and reimbursement remain on the country level. also by specific teams focused on dementia. Even if a care
Furthermore, there may be different forms of budget restric- organization can be roughly divided into levels (such as
tions on various levels in the care organization. nursing home care – intermediate care alternatives – home
In the USA, the specific guidelines for antidementia drugs care), such a simplistic division questions the validity of
presented by the FDA demands ‘clinically meaningful effects’ multinational intervention studies.
(Leber, 1997).
The drugs that are used in dementia are rather expensive
and the fact that a drug is registered in a country does not 12.11 SEVERE DEMENTIA
mean that the drug will be available for all patients. The crit-
ical issue is the reimbursement decisions (Drummond, 2003).
For example, in Sweden the cholinesterase inhibitors are reim- Several years can pass in the stage of severe dementia (Winblad
bursed as other drugs. However, in Sweden a new authority et al., 1999). In a model of a Swedish cohort, the course of
has just been founded to handle questions about reimburse- dementia with an estimated survival up to 9 years was simu-
ment on a national level. The drug authorities in Australia and lated (Wimo et al., 1998c). About 75 per cent of the total costs
Canada demand health economical evaluations as part of the occurred in severe dementia, indicating that the total span
reimbursement decision process (Hill and McGettigan, 1998). for benefits during the total course in terms of cost reduction
The Canadian Health Technology Assessment Guidelines for is only 25 per cent, if efficacy only is shown for mild to mod-
Pharmaco-economics (CCOHTA), focus on meta-analysis and erate dementia. The results indicate that severe dementia
epidemiological data and emphasize the use of cost benefit must be the focus for improved care and research. Many of
and cost utility analysis (CCOHTA, 1997). the instruments we use today for outcome research show
floor effects in severe dementia and they are not sufficiently
sensitive to detect clinically relevant changes (Winblad et al.,
12.10 INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONS 1999). Currently (March 2005) there is one drug, memantine
(Reisberg et al., 2003), approved for severe dementia, but
studies on the cholinesterase inhibitors are underway.
The way care is financed and organized as well as the relative
supply of different forms of care, the general taxation level
and the economical strength of countries are factors that make
comparisons between countries difficult.
Comparing currencies also present problems. Usual cur-
rency exchange rates reflect trade between countries rather The health economics of dementia is still in a premature
than purchase power. PPPs (purchase power parities) (OECD state, even if the number of published studies is increasing.
website), are probably better to use than exchange rates. There is a great need for methodological improvement.
Comparisons over time both within and between countries There is also a great interest in the pharmaco-economics of
are also linked to uncertainty. Consumer price indexes are dementia among the drug authorities in different countries
often used, but an index that reflects changes in the health- and in the pharmaceutical companies who are engaged in
care sector is better. antidementia drug research, illustrating that it is a hot topic.
In multinational studies, the results should be aggregated
in terms of resource use (and not in monetary terms) from
every country. The cost calculations should then be per- REFERENCES
formed in one currency, based on aggregated resource use.
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Cross-cultural issues in the assessment of
cognitive impairment


13.1 Demography 147 13.5 The differential prevalence and incidence of the
13.2 The epidemiology of dementia among ethnic groups different subtypes of dementia in different cultural
in the UK 147 and national groups 154
13.3 The concept of pathways to care 152 13.6 Future directions 158
13.4 The concept of multiple jeopardy 154 References 159

Two types of cross-cultural studies will be discussed: cross- population being over 65 years in 1991 (OPCS, 1993). In 1991,
community studies comparing two or more ethnic groups in the composition of the ethnic elderly group was 41 per cent of
a single country, and cross-national studies comparing popu- ‘Indian Subcontinent’ origin, 34 per cent of ‘Black Caribbean’,
lations across two or more countries. We will focus on cross- ‘Black African’ and ‘Black other’ origin, 5 per cent of Chinese
community studies of ethnic groups within the United origin and 14 per cent from other ethnic groups (OPCS, 1993).
Kingdom (UK), using the Goldberg and Huxley (1991) model Closer political and economic union with Europe may also lead
of pathways into care, and the significance of cultural factors. to increased migration of elderly people between neighbouring
Cross-national studies will be examined with particular ref- states (e.g. English elderly retiring to Spain, France or Italy).
erence to methodology, aetiology and risk factors.
13.1.3 Implications of these demographic
The prevalence of dementia doubles every 5.1 years after the
13.1.1 International demographic changes age of 60 (Jorm et al., 1987; Hofman et al., 1991). Thus, inter-
nationally, with the predicted increase in the elderly popula-
The size of the elderly population is increasing both in tion (particularly of those >80 years), the absolute number
developed and developing countries, particularly the ‘old old’ of dementia cases will increase (Shah, 1992a, b; Jorm and
(i.e. those >80 years) in developed countries (Ogunlesi, 1989; Henderson, 1993; Ames and Flynn, 1994). There is, therefore,
Zhang et al., 1990; Kalachie, 1991; Jorm and Henderson, 1993; both a need and an opportunity to study the epidemiology,
Snowdon, 1993). It is estimated that 90 million people live aetiology and risk factors, phenomenology, diagnosis, long-
outside their country of birth (Bohning and Oishi, 1995). term outcome and prognosis of dementia cross-nationally and
across different ethnic groups, to improve our understanding
13.1.2 National changes in ethnic minority of dementia and enable adequate planning of services.
demography in the UK
The proportion of ethnic minority individuals >65 years in
Britain has increased from 1 per cent in 1981 to 3 per cent in
1991 (OPCS, 1983, 1993); this figure is likely to increase when
the figures from the 2001 census become available in the near There are several methodological difficulties related to epi-
future. This contrasts with 17 per cent of the indigenous demiological studies of dementia in different ethnic groups,
148 Cross-cultural issues in the assessment of cognitive impairment

notably the definitions of age and ethnicity, diagnostic issues, Using the above definitions, individuals of Indian subconti-
and lack of appropriately validated screening instruments. nent, African-Caribbean, African, Chinese, Irish, Jewish, South
African and East European origin can be described as UK eth-
nic elders. Thus, ethnic elders comprise a heterogeneous group
13.2.1 Age with unique individual and collective experiences (Barker,
1984; Manthorpe and Hettairatchy, 1993; Rait and Burns,
Epidemiological studies of dementia in developed countries 1997); they should not be amalgamated (Livingston and
usually focus on those aged 60–65 years and older. Some ethnic Sembhi, 2003), and consideration should be given to individual
groups have a shorter life span, retire early and assume the subgroups.
social role of an elder at a younger age (Rajkumar et al., 1997).
Thus, an age cut-off in the range of 40–55 years has been
13.2.3 Other methodological issues
used in some studies of ethnic groups in the UK (Barker,
1984; McCallum, 1990; Manthorpe and Hettiaratchy, 1993)
Epidemiological studies of dementia among ethnic elders in
and in developing countries (Yu et al., 1989; Zhang et al., 1990;
the UK are few in number. They are fraught with difficulties
Ganguli et al., 1995; Vas et al., 2001). Similarly, for indigenous
such as: ascertainment of age (Rait et al., 1997); illiteracy
Australians, old age has been officially defined as starting at
(Lindesay et al., 1997a, b); innumeracy; small sample sizes
age 50 years (Commonwealth Department of Health, Housing
(Bhatnagar and Frank, 1997; Lindesay et al., 1997b; Rait
and Community Services, 1991). Use of younger age cut-offs
et al., 1997); inappropriate sample frames (Richards et al.,
makes comparison with studies of indigenous populations
1996; Richards and Brayne, 1996; McCracken et al., 1997);
more difficult (Rait and Burns, 1997), but does allow for the
non-response (Bhatnagar and Frank, 1997; Lindesay et al.,
generation of larger sample sizes. Using the same cut-off age
1997b; McCracken et al., 1997) and refusal to participate
will facilitate development of psychogeriatric services along-
(Bhatnagar and Frank, 1997); lack of valid tools to identify
side those for the indigenous population, and avoid confusion
and quantify dementia (Lindesay, 1998; Shah, 1998); and lack
and fragmentation of service delivery. However, study sample
of comparisons with the indigenous population (Bhatnagar
sizes will be smaller as ethnic minority populations are gen-
and Frank, 1997).
erally younger than their indigenous counterparts. Another
Problems with sampling include: using an amalgamation
issue is the difficulty in ascertaining the precise age of some
of heterogeneous groups of ethnic elders (Bhatnagar and
ethnic elders (Chandra et al., 1994; Rajkumar and Kumar,
Frank, 1997; McCracken et al., 1997; Livingston and Sembhi,
1996; Rait et al., 1997). This can be overcome to some extent
2003); an assumption that general practice patient lists are
by using an ‘events calendar’ (Rajkumar and Kumar, 1996).
accurate and up to date (Bhatnagar and Frank, 1997; Lindesay
et al., 1997a, b; McCracken et al., 1997); and the fact that many
ethnic elders may be abroad for much of the time and only
13.2.2 Race, culture and ethnicity return to the UK when ill (Richards and Brayne, 1996;
Bhatnagar and Frank, 1997).
Race, culture and ethnicity are often used interchangeably.
In addition to using GP lists, sampling yield can be increased
Guidelines on the use of ethnic, racial and cultural definitions
by means such as door knocking and snowballing, a technique
for research, audit and publication are emerging (Anonymous,
whereby local community groups and ethnic elders themselves
1996; Singh, 1997). Race is a phenomenological description
are asked to nominate other ethnic elders (Richards et al., 1996;
based on physical characteristics (Bhopal, 1997). Culture
McCracken et al., 1997; Rait et al., 2000a, b).
describes features that individuals share, and which bind
them together into a community. It is possible to be racially
different but culturally similar. The definition and identifica- 13.2.4 Diagnostic issues
tion of ethnicity can pose difficulties (Lloyd, 1992; McKenzie
and Crowcroft, 1996; Pringle and Rothera, 1996) because it Psychiatric illnesses, including dementia, can be difficult to
incorporates some aspects of race and culture, and other recognize among ethnic elders (George and Young, 1991).
related characteristics including language, religion, upbring- Cultural factors complicating diagnosis include: communi-
ing, nationality and ancestral place of origin (Rait and Burns, cation difficulties (George and Young, 1991; Shah, 1992c,
1997). It may be a personal expression of identity influenced 1997a, b; Livingston and Sembhi, 2003); taboo topics (Shah,
by life experience and place of habitation, and can change 1992c); stigma attached to mental illness (Barker, 1984;
over time (Senior and Bhopal, 1984). Ethnic minority indi- Livingston et al., 2002); bias and prejudice of clinicians
viduals have been defined as those with a cultural heritage (Solomon, 1992); institutional racism (Solomon, 1992);
distinct from the majority population (Manthorpe and unfamiliarity with symptoms of mental illness by relatives
Hettiaratchy, 1993). This definition may be appropriate in (Manthorpe and Hettiaratchy, 1993); and illness being viewed
the UK where the indigenous white population forms the as a function of old age. Another problem is the paucity of
majority, but poses difficulties in countries like Australia suitable screening and diagnostic instruments for dementia
where the indigenous population is a minority. in this group (Shah, 1998). Cognitive tests standardized in
The epidemiology of dementia among ethnic groups in the UK 149

one ethnic group may not be appropriate for another because (Rait et al., 1997). Culture-specific questions (e.g. about royalty
they may be influenced by culture (Gurland et al., 1992; or politicians) also disadvantage ethnic elders (Bhatnagar
Chandra et al., 1994; Teresi et al., 1995; Livingston and Sembhi, and Frank, 1997; McCracken et al., 1997), although these can
2003; Prince et al., 2003), education (Chandra et al., 1994; be modified (e.g. dates of independence of the country of
Teresi et al., 1995; Stewart et al., 2003; Kim et al., 2003a, b; origin) (Chandra et al., 1994; Rait et al., 1997). Cultural con-
Livingston and Sembhi, 2003; Prince et al., 2003), language cepts of orientation in time and place (Escobar et al., 1986;
(McCracken et al., 1997; Livingston and Sembhi, 2003; Prince Ganguli et al., 1995; Lindesay et al., 1997b) and preferential use
et al., 2003), literacy skills (Chandra et al., 1994; Kabir and of the Western or traditional calendar (Kua, 1992; Bhatnagar
Herlitz, 2000; Livingston and Sembhi, 2003; Prince et al., 2003), and Frank, 1997; Lindesay et al., 1997b; Rait et al., 1997) can
numeracy skills (Prince et al., 2003), sensory impairments also influence performance. Orientation items work well
(Lindesay et al., 1997b), unfamiliarity with test situations within the dominant culture but less well in some minority
(Chandra et al., 1994; Richards and Brayne, 1996) and anxiety cultures (Rait et al., 1997; Livingston and Sembhi, 2003); this
(Lindesay, 1998). was the case among Singaporean Chinese (Kua, 1992), but
Education can influence performance on cognitive tests not in the Liverpool Chinese (McCracken et al., 1997).
like the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) (Folstein
et al., 1975; Escobar et al., 1986; Li et al., 1989; Salmon et al.,
1989; Yu et al., 1989; Phanthumchinda et al., 1991; 13.2.5 Developing new instruments for
Tombaugh and McIntyre, 1992; Stewart et al., 2003; Kim screening
et al., 2003a, b), and probably accounts for much of the differ-
ence in MMSE scores between immigrant groups and indige- There is a need to develop instruments that allow the subject
nous elders (Lindesay et al., 1997b). The Chinese MMSE has to perform at their best without the influence of the extraneous
developed different cut-off scores predicting dementia for factors listed above. Either new instruments can be developed,
different levels of education in respondents with good sensi- or existing instruments can be adapted and refined. Modifying
tivity and specificity (Katzman et al., 1988; Zhang et al., 1990; existing instruments makes empirical and economic sense, and
Sahadevan et al., 2000); this has also been suggested in other most research with well-developed techniques has adopted this
ethnic groups (Murden et al., 1991; Gurland et al., 1992). An strategy (Chandra et al., 1994, 1998; Ganguli et al., 1995; Hall
alternative approach that avoids using selective cut-off scores et al., 1993; Rait et al., 1997).
for two-stage population-based studies is to use operationally Detailed knowledge of relevant cultural factors and their
defined concepts of ‘cognitively impaired’ and ‘cognitively influence on ageing is required (Dein and Huline-Dickens,
declined’ (Chandra et al., 1998, 2001). For example ‘cognitively 1997). A Delphi panel of experts from the culture of interest
impaired’ has been defined as a score below the 10th per- or a more widespread consultation technique to examine each
centile of the sample on a given cognitive test and is based on item for cultural relevance, translation, adaptation and modi-
the reported 5 per cent average prevalence rate for dementia fication has been used, with the aim of producing a culture-
in Western countries. Illiterate subjects may be unable to fair, education-free and analogous instrument (i.e. comparable
complete tests that require reading, writing and drawing meaning, difficulty, familiarity and salience) (Hall et al.,
(Katzman et al., 1988; Chandra et al., 1994; Rajkumar and 1993; Chandra et al., 1994, 1998; Graves et al., 1994; Richards
Kumar, 1996); illiteracy may also reduce access to informa- and Brayne, 1996; Richards, 1997). Both approaches can be
tion related to orientation in time and general knowledge combined (Rait et al., 1997). The Delphi panel technique can
(Lindesay, 1998). Innumerate subjects may be unable per- use structured interviews, semistructured interviews, questions
form tests involving calculations (Chandra et al., 1994; or vignettes (Rait et al., 1997). The consultation approach
Livingston and Sembhi, 2003). A study of ethnic elders in involves professionals and/or lay members working closely,
Liverpool reported a higher prevalence of dementia in sub- perhaps focusing on separate issues initially, and sharing
jects unable to speak English (McCracken et al., 1997); this them later (Rait et al., 1997); this approach has been success-
may have been an artefact of their inability to speak English. fully used in developing a depression screening instrument
Lack of education may also pose difficulties for the subject in for African-Caribbean elders in London (Abas, 1996).
understanding the nature of the test and therefore feeling that Both translation and back-translation by separate groups of
the questions are irrelevant and of little practical value bilingual translators is necessary to ensure accuracy of transla-
(Chandra et al., 1994; Richards and Brayne, 1996; Bhatnagar tion (Brislin, 1970; Katzman et al., 1988; Yu et al., 1989;
and Frank, 1997). Even if educational levels appear to be sim- Chandra et al., 1994; Lindesay et al., 1997b). In addition, bilin-
ilar, there may be sociocultural inequality in access and qual- gual translators can ensure that the meaning and significance of
ity (Bohnstedt et al., 1994). the items are preserved as far as possible (Lindesay
Tests identifying the discrepancy between age and date of et al., 1997b); this could be achieved by a Delphi panel when
birth (Bhatnagar and Frank, 1997; McCracken et al., 1997) panel members originate from the same culture. Translation
disadvantage ethnic elders born in remote villages with poor should endeavour to ensure content, semantic, technical, crite-
birth registration facilities, and those who have altered age and rion and conceptual equivalence with the parent version of the
date of birth to facilitate migration and entry into institutions scale for every item (Flaherty et al., 1988; Rait et al., 1997).
150 Cross-cultural issues in the assessment of cognitive impairment

A sophisticated statistical technique employing item character-

Box 13.1 Important properties of instruments measuring
istic curves can be used to develop tests that are functionally
features of dementia (Katzman et al., 1988; Chandra, 1994;
equivalent (Gibbons et al., 2002). Ideally, field pretesting is
Zaudig, 1996)
required to identify variations in dialect, logistic and concep-
tual problems, and practical difficulties (Li et al., 1989; Yu et al., • Patient characteristics
1989; Zhang et al., 1990; Hall et al., 1993; Chandra et al., 1994, • User characteristics
1998; Ganguli et al., 1995). Several rounds of field pretesting • Type of instrument
may be required (Chandra et al., 1994; Ganguli et al., 1995). • Setting for administration of instrument
This should, ideally, be followed by pilot testing to determine • Source of data
the distribution of scores (Chandra et al., 1994; Ganguli et al., • Output of instrument
1996; Rait et al., 2000a, b; Stewart et al., 2001a, 2002) and their • Psychometric properties
ability to discriminate between dementias of different severity • Reliability (test-retest, interrater, intrarater and internal
(Chandra et al., 1994; Lindesay et al., 1997b). consistency)
Clear validation against a gold standard diagnosis of • Validity (face, content, concurrent, predictive and
dementia is needed (Livingston and Sembhi, 2003). Ideally, incremental)
this should be achieved by a standardized clinical interview • Sensitivity to change
(perhaps video or audio taped) with evaluation at two time • Floor and ceiling effects
points (Chandra et al., 1994; Shah et al., 1998) to confirm • Practical features
cognitive decline. Translated versions of the Geriatric Mental • Time frame of symptoms
State Schedule (GMS) (Copeland et al., 1976) have been used • Training needs
among older Asians, Chinese, Somali, African-Caribbean and • Duration of administration
British black people in Liverpool (Blakemore and Boneham, • Availability of operational manual with glossary and
1994; McCracken et al., 1997), Indian subcontinent elders in definitions
Bradford (Bhatnagar and Frank, 1997), Chinese in Taiwan • Qualification of users
(Tsang et al., 2002), and among respondents from India, China • Costs
and southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean
(Prince et al., 2003). An ‘ad hoc’ translated version of the
Cambridge Cognitive Examination (CAMCOG) section of the change are very important in incidence studies, because serial
Cambridge Mental Disorders of the Elderly Examination examination should be able to identify change in cognition as
(CAMDEX) (Roth et al., 1986) and the first part of the a measure of dementia (Chandra et al., 1994). Ideally, most of
Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (World these properties in the newly developed scale should be similar
Health Organization, 1992) have been used to gather systematic to or better than those of the parent version. In developing
data to facilitate a clinical diagnosis of dementia in Gujarati countries, either trained lay personnel or para-professionals
elders (Lindesay et al., 1997b; Shah et al., 1998). Information are most likely to administer these instruments; even in
from the CAMDEX interview and the Consortium to Establish developed countries, owing to limited research budgets,
a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease (CERAD) interview (Morris trained lay personnel may need to be used.
et al., 1989) have been used by a panel of physicians to make Versions of the MMSE have been developed in several
consensus DSM-IIIR diagnosis of dementia among Cree languages, including Chinese (Serby et al., 1987; Katzman
Indians and English-speaking Canadians (Hall et al., 1993). et al., 1988; Salmon et al., 1989; Yu et al., 1989; Xu et al.,
In most studies, the accuracy of the ‘gold standard’ instrument 2003), Korean (Park and Kwon, 1990; Park et al., 1991), Finnish
in diagnosing dementia has not been adequately examined; (Salmon et al., 1989), Italian (Rocca et al., 1990), Yoruba
one useful method of validating such instruments is by serially (Hendrie, 1992), Spanish (Escobar et al., 1986; Anzola-Perez
following up dementia cases, whereupon true dementia cases et al., 1996), Thai (Phanthumchida et al., 1991), Cree (Hall
are likely to demonstrate continuing decline in cognition (Shah et al., 1993), Hindi (Ganguli et al., 1995; Rait et al., 2000a),
et al., 1998). The need for an assessment of functional impair- Punjabi (Rait et al., 2000a), Urdu (Rait et al., 2000a), Bengali
ment in the diagnosis of dementia in ICD-10 and DSM-IV (Rait et al., 2000a), Bangla (Kabir and Herlitz, 2000),
can pose major problems in some cultures because of major Malyalum (Shaji et al., 1996), Gujarati (Lindesay et al., 1997b;
conceptual difficulties in its definition and measurement Rait et al., 2000a) and Sinhalese (de Silva and Gunatilake,
across different cultures (Chandra et al., 1994; Pollit, 1996; 2002). However, comparisons between all these different ver-
Richards and Brayne, 1996). Nevertheless, good interrater reli- sions are problematic as not all studies have followed a rigor-
ability between clinicians from six different countries in diag- ous procedure for the development of screening instruments,
nosis of dementia using DSM-IIIR and ICD-10 criteria has and/or evaluated the psychometric and other properties
been reported (Baldereschi et al., 1994), suggesting that these adequately.
diagnostic constructs can be used in cross-cultural research. The abbreviated Mental Test Score (Quereshi and
Important properties of instruments measuring features Hodkinson, 1974) has been developed in several south Asian
of dementia are listed in Box 13.1. Data on the sensitivity to languages for use among Gujaratis and Pakistanis and in
The epidemiology of dementia among ethnic groups in the UK 151

English for use among African Caribbeans in the UK (Rait purpose and duration of the test should be carefully explained
et al., 1997; Rait et al., 2000a, b). A Korean version of the and the instructions should be explicit and simple. This may
Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale (Rosen et al., 1984) has need further facilitation by unscored trial runs on selected
been developed (Youn et al., 2002). The MMSE, selected items examples to ensure that the nature and purpose of the test is
from the CERAD neuropsychological test battery (Morris et al., understood by the subject (Chandra et al., 1994, 1998). The
1989) and the CAMCOG component of the CAMDEX inter- latter may be particularly helpful in subjects who are not used
view (Roth et al., 1986) have been evaluated in older African to being examined in this way, or who are reluctant to share
Caribbean people (Richards and Brayne, 1996; Richards et al., intellectual skills with a stranger (Richards and Brayne,
2000). Orientation items of the MMSE, selected items of the 1996). Third, a calm, patient and reassuring approach by the
CERAD battery and the clock drawing test have been further assessor may help reduce anxiety and obtain the best possible
evaluated in elderly African Caribbeans and normative data performance. Finally, if possible, the individual should be
are available (Stewart et al., 2001a). The 10-word list learning assessed in their mother tongue (Shah, 1992c, 1999).
task from the CERAD battery has been shown to be successful
in establishing a diagnosis of dementia in study populations
from India, China and southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America and 13.2.6 Prevalence studies of ethnic elders
the Caribbean (Prince et al., 2003). The Alzheimer’s Disease in the UK
Risk Questionnaire (Breitner and Folstein, 1984), which
obtains information on history of cognitive impairment among Only a few prevalence studies have been carried out; there are
first-degree relatives, has been translated into Chinese and no incidence studies. The literature suggests that the preva-
Spanish, and has been administered by bilingual workers lence of dementia among ethnic elders of Indian subcontinent
(Silverman et al., 1992). The Informant Questionnaire on origin in the UK is either similar (Bhatnagar and Frank, 1997;
Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE) (Jorm et al., 1991) Lindesay et al., 1997b; McCracken et al., 1997) or higher
has been developed for use in illiterate Chinese populations (McCracken et al., 1997) than among indigenous elders. A
(Fuh et al., 1995). A dementia screening instrument, the community study from Bradford, using the Hindi version of
Community Screening Interview for Dementia (CSI-D), the GMS administered to Indian subcontinent elders, reported
with a cognitive test for the subject and an informant history, a dementia prevalence rate of 7 per cent (95 per cent CI
has been developed for use among Cree Indians in Canada 2.9–13.8 per cent) (Bhatnagar and Frank, 1997). However,
(Hall et al., 1993; Hall et al., 2000), English-speaking Canadians using clinician’s diagnosis, the prevalence was only 4 per cent
(Hall et al., 1993; Hendrie et al., 1993; Hall et al., 2000) and (95 per cent CI 1.1–9.9 per cent), and there was poor agree-
Yoruba Nigerians in Ibadan (Hendrie et al., 1995a; Hall et al., ment between the two diagnoses.
2000), African Americans in Indianapolis (Hall et al., 2000), A two-stage community study from Leicester, using a
Jamaicans (Hall et al., 2000) and in study populations in Gujarati MMSE administered by trained personnel in Gujarati,
India, China and southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America and a clinical interview and an ad hoc translated version of the
the Caribbean (Prince et al., 2003), with good psychometric CAMDEX and the SCAN interviews administered by a
and other properties. The Chula Mental Test, developed for Gujarati-speaking psychiatrist, found prevalence rates of 0
elderly Thais by selecting and adapting items from several per cent and 20 per cent (95 per cent CI 5.3–48.6 per cent)
existing screening tests, has been found to reduce the influence in the 65–74 and 75+ years age groups respectively (Lindesay
of illiteracy on scores (Jitapunkul et al., 1996). A Spanish ver- et al., 1997b). This study included a comparison group of
sion (for use among Mexican Americans) (Royall et al., 2003) indigenous elders and the prevalence of dementia was higher
and a Brazilian version (Fuzikawa et al., 2003) of the clock in the Gujaratis, although this was not statistically significant.
drawing test have been evaluated; the Spanish version is The stability of the diagnosis of dementia was confirmed at
reported to be education-free and acculturation-free. 27-month follow up by another Gujarati-speaking psych-
A unique approach involving use of three instruments iatrist using similar diagnostic techniques (Shah et al., 1998).
(the GMS, the CIS-D and the 10-word list-learning task from A community study from Liverpool of African, Caribbean,
the CERAD battery appropriately translated into native lan- Asian, Chinese and Middle Eastern elders used the GMS
guages) and an algorithm derived from these instruments either in English or an ad hoc translation during interview
has been shown to have high specificity and sensitivity in the (McCracken et al., 1997). The prevalence rates (95 per cent
diagnosis of dementia in culturally diverse populations from CI) of dementia in English-speaking individuals of black
India, China and southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America and African, black Caribbean, black other, Chinese and Asian
the Caribbean (Prince et al., 2003). Furthermore, this approach origin were 8 per cent (4–15), 8 per cent (4–15), 2 per cent
allows for educational bias. (0.1–12), 5 per cent (1–26) and 9 per cent (2–41) respectively,
Some commonsense rules should be followed when you similar to the 3 per cent (2–4) found in the indigenous popu-
are administering cognitive tests to ethnic elders. First, any lation. Prevalence in the black African and Chinese who did
sensory impairment should be corrected if possible; some not speak English was 27 per cent (10–50) and 21 per cent
ethnic groups, like the Gujaratis, have a higher prevalence of (11–33) respectively; these figures were higher than those
visual impairment (Lindesay et al., 1997b). Second, the nature, for the indigenous population. The comparison group of
152 Cross-cultural issues in the assessment of cognitive impairment

indigenous elders was taken from another study that did not
Box 13.2 Possible reasons for discrepancy in high general
have the same complicated sampling frame. It is unclear
practice consultation rates but low service prevalence of ethnic
whether the higher prevalence in the non-English speakers was
elders in the UK
real, or an artefact of communication or translation difficulties.
A community study in Islington used the shortened version • The prevalence of dementia may be low
of the Comprehensive Assessment and Referral Evaluation • Dementia may be less severe
(Short-CARE) (Gurland et al., 1984) in those born in the UK, • Dementia may lack non-cognitive features that lead to
Ireland, Cyprus, Africa and Caribbean and Europe (Livingston clinical presentation
et al., 2001). The prevalence of dementia in those born in the • Patient factors may influence primary care consultations
UK, Ireland, Cyprus, and Africa and the Caribbean was 10 • Family factors may influence primary care consultations
per cent, 3.6 per cent, 11.3 per cent and 17 per cent respect- • General practitioner factors may influence primary care
ively. Logistic regression analysis revealed that living in a resi- consultations
dential home, age, being African or Caribbean and years of • Secondary care services may not be ethnically sensitive
education were the only significant predictors of dementia.
The Short-CARE interview was not translated and back-
translated using any of the principles illustrated earlier and low prevalence of ethnic elders in contact with community
no information was provided about how the interview was or hospital mental health facilities (Blakemore and
administered to those who did not speak English. Boneham, 1994). This has more specifically been observed
A small pilot study of only 45 subjects reported a prevalence with dementia in psychogeriatric services (Lindesay et al.,
rate of 34 per cent for dementia in an African Caribbean 1997a; Rait and Burns, 1997; Jagger, 1998; Shah and Dighe-
group compared with 4 per cent in a white group (Richards Deo, 1998). Several possible reasons for this discrepancy, as
et al., 2000). listed in Box 13.2, are systematically examined below.

13.2.7 Other epidemiological issues 13.3.1 The effect of patient and family factors
on primary care consultations
Most diagnostic systems emphasize the cognitive features of
dementia (Fairburn and Hope, 1988), and non-cognitive fea-
The discrepancy between high GP consultation rates and low
tures such as personality change, behaviour change, affective
secondary psychogeriatric service use for ethnic elders may
features, psychotic features and functional disability have
be influenced by factors related to patients and their families.
been sparsely studied among ethnic groups (Jitapunkul et al.,
Family members may not recognize symptoms of mental ill-
1996; Shah and Dighe-Deo, 1998). Data on the clinical presen-
ness and dismiss dementia as a function of old age.
tation, natural history, risk factors, incidence rates, quality of
Traditionally very few ethnic elders have reached old age and
life and carer stress are also sparse.
younger family members may be unfamiliar with symptoms
of dementia (Manthorpe and Hettiaratchy, 1993; Rait and
Burns, 1997). Moreover, both the DSM-IV and the ICD-10
13.3 THE CONCEPT OF PATHWAYS TO CARE diagnostic criteria for dementia require evidence of func-
tional impairment, and this raises the possibility that differ-
In the UK, general practitioners (GPs) are traditionally the ent cultures may have different thresholds for diagnosis,
first port of call for patients requiring medical attention. depending upon the social roles and cognitive demands
Moreover, GPs act as gatekeepers for secondary services. placed upon elderly people (Zhang et al., 1990; Pollit, 1996).
Pathways into care encompass all stages from the first This may be enhanced if the patient is unable to communicate
appearance of an illness in the community, patients consult- symptoms of mental illness to family members or the GP
ing their GP, identification of the illness by the GP, manage- owing to lack of vocabulary or other language barriers (George
ment of the illness by the GP, referral by the GP to secondary and Young, 1991; Shah, 1992c, 1997a, b). Both family members
care services, and the identification and management of the and the patient may believe that nothing can be done; be
illness in secondary care (Goldberg and Huxley, 1991). unaware of existing services (Bhalia and Blakemore, 1981;
Ethnic elders and their carers in the UK, particularly from Age Concern/Help the Aged Housing Trust (ACHAHT), 1984;
the African-Caribbean, Asian, Chinese and Vietnamese eth- Barker, 1984; McCallum, 1990; Lindesay et al., 1997a); be
nic groups, are well aware of services provided by GPs and unaware of the application procedure for these services
use them effectively (Bhalia and Blakemore, 1981; Barker, (Lindesay et al., 1997a); feel existing services are inadequate,
1984; McCallum, 1990). Moreover, they have high general inaccessible and culturally insensitive (Hopkins and Bahl,
practice consultation rates (Donaldson, 1986; Balarajan et al., 1993; Lindesay et al., 1997a); have had poor previous experi-
1989; Gillam et al., 1989; Lindesay et al., 1997a; Livingston ence of services (Lindesay et al., 1997a), and fear the stigma
et al., 2002); up to 70 per cent have consulted their GP in the attached to mental illness (Barker, 1984; Manthorpe and
preceding month (Lindesay et al., 1997a). However, there is a Hettiaratchy, 1993; Livingston et al., 2002).
The concept of pathways to care 153

The position of ethnic elders in some communities may process and diagnostic protocols for dementia in primary
be more advantageous than that of their white counterparts. care in the National Service Framework for Older People
In some cultures, notably Muslim, Sikh, Hindu and Jain, eld- (Department of Health, 2001) should further facilitate this.
erly people are well respected, and have a status and a role to However, it appears that relatively few ethnic elders receive this
give their life meaning and purpose. This applies to both men annual examination (Lindesay et al., 1997a). There are sev-
and women, and the latter can acquire a considerable degree eral reasons why dementia may not be identified during a
of authority and independence with age. Family members routine GP consultation:
may, therefore, feel obliged to look after the person with
1. The prevalence of dementia among ethnic elders
dementia at home. Thus, both the patient and family members
consulting their GPs may be low; some possible reasons
may choose not to consult their GP. However, these hypo-
for this were explored in the last section.
theses have not been systematically examined.
2. Even if the prevalence is similar or higher in ethnic elders
This gloomy situation may be changing in some areas. In
consulting their GP than in the rest of community, then
two recent cross-sectional studies of UK psychogeriatric
the severity of the dementia may be lower.
service users, ethnic elders received both health and social
3. Non-cognitive features, which often lead to clinical
service resources at the same frequency as indigenous elders,
presentations, may be less frequent or different to those
despite having more individuals in the household and more
in indigenous patients.
children than indigenous elders (Redlinghuys and Shah, 1997;
4. Data on clinical presentation, diagnostic features and
Odutoye and Shah, 1999). Similar findings were reported in a
natural history of dementia among ethnic elders are
population-based community study for use of primary and
sparse, and GPs may lack the diagnostic skills to diagnose
secondary health services (excluding psychiatric services)
dementia in ethnic elders (Shah and Dighe-Deo, 1998).
and social services (Livingston et al., 2002). Thus, the trad-
5. Because ethnic elders with dementia are seen
itional belief that ethnic elders do not access psychogeriatric
infrequently (Shah and Dighe-Deo, 1998), GPs lack
and social services and are looked after by the extended family
experience of this condition in these groups; even
(Barker, 1984; Boneham, 1989; Manthorpe and Hettiaratchy,
psychiatrists experience this difficulty (Lindesay, 1998;
1993) is changing, perhaps because younger family members
Shah and Dighe-Deo, 1998; Shah, 1999). These
lead a culturally different life style; work long hours and are
difficulties may be further complicated by language and
busy (Barker, 1984); may have lived in the UK longer than
communication difficulties, the age and sex of the
their elders (Barker, 1984) and their elders may have migrated
assessor, the context and setting of the assessment,
to join them contrary to their wishes (Silveira and Ebrahim,
attitude and expectations of both the patient and the
1995); may experience family tensions (Boneham, 1989;
family, and status of the patient in the family and the
Silveira and Ebrahim, 1995), and may experience financial
community (Lindesay, 1998). A careful informant
hardship. Such factors may make it difficult for an extended
history and assurance of confidentiality can help with
family to provide support (Redelinghuys and Shah, 1997),
this (Lindesay, 1998).
thereby encouraging referral to services.
6. As discussed above there is a paucity of screening
The clinical presentation of ethnic elders is influenced by
instruments with good psychometric and other
their complex personal histories. Migration may have been
properties. Diagnostic difficulties may lead to a lower
enforced (e.g. from trauma and hardship) or elective (e.g. to
rate of referral to secondary care services as shown in
join the family). First-generation migrants are less likely to
younger mentally ill primary care attenders of Indian
assimilate into the host culture than subsequent generations,
subcontinent origin (Odell et al., 1997; Jacob et al.,
and may have greater problems with adjustment. This can lead
to family conflicts and expose the individual to racist attitudes.
7. The bias, prejudice and experience of clinicians
The impact of these factors and that of the degree of accultur-
(Solomon, 1992) can result in consultation difficulties.
ation on the clinical presentation of dementia is unclear.
None of these hypotheses has been systematically studied.
Informant histories with ethnic elders can provide valu-
13.3.2 The effect of GP factors on able information (Shah et al., 1998; Shah, 1999), but there are
consultations pitfalls. Well-intentioned family members may withhold valu-
able information if they feel it will present their family mem-
In the UK up to 70 per cent of Asians register with Asian GPs ber in a ‘bad light’ (Shah, 1997a, b, 1999). Similarly, they may
(Johnson et al., 1983). This, coupled with high GP registra- not volunteer any difficulties and problems for fear of being
tion and consultation rates among ethnic elders, should the- accused of failing in their duty of care.
oretically enable easier diagnosis and access to psychogeriatric Good communication between patients and professionals
and social services. The statutory offer of an annual physical is paramount (Bhalia and Blakemore, 1981; ACHAHT, 1984;
and mental examination to all patients over the age of 75 Jones and Gill, 1998; Shah, 1992c, 1999), as many ethnic
(Secretaries of State for Health, Wales, Northern Ireland and elders do not speak English (Barker, 1984; Manthorpe and
Scotland, 1989), and the emphasis on the single assessment Hettiaratchy, 1993; Lindesay et al., 1997a). This has important
154 Cross-cultural issues in the assessment of cognitive impairment

consequences for the process of psychiatric assessment and double jeopardy owing to age- and race-related disadvantages
for the communication of information about treatments was first developed in the USA (National Urban League,
and services. This problem can be minimized if staff members 1964) and later introduced to the UK (Dowd and Bengston,
are able to speak the patient’s language (Shah, 1992c, 1999). 1978). Sexism (Palmore and Manton, 1973) and social depriv-
However, bilingual health workers are uncommon (Phelan ation (Norman, 1985) have been added to develop a model of
and Parkman, 1995). Translation services, therefore, are usu- triple jeopardy. Boneham (1989) has developed a model of
ally required to communicate directly with patients (Shah, multiple disadvantages, which can be applied to all ethnic
1992, 1997a, b; Phelan and Parkman, 1995). Relatives, non- elders (Rait et al., 1996). Six factors contribute to this model
clinical staff, clinical staff and professional translators with of multiple jeopardy: ageism, racism, gender disparities,
and without special training in mental health can be used restricted access to health and welfare services, internal eth-
(Phelan and Parkman, 1995; Shah, 1997a, b). Translations nic divisions and class struggle. These bring together all the
can be done in person or via a three-way telephone conversa- issues discussed in earlier sections into a final common path-
tion (Pointon, 1996; Jones and Gill, 1998). Ideally, profes- way, illustrating the difficulties that ethnic elders with
sional translators should be used in person. The inherent dementia face in reaching secondary services. However, these
difficulties and limitations in using translators in dementia models of disadvantage, whilst tantalizing, have been criti-
(Shah, 1997a, b) and other mental disorders (Marcos, 1979; cized and have not been systematically studied among ethnic
Kline et al., 1980; Shah, 1997a, b) are well described. For illit- elders with dementia.
erate patients and carers, audiotapes, videos and diagram-
matic representation with cartoons giving information on
management and service related issues may be helpful
(Lindesay et al., 1997a).
If dementia is identified it may or may not be treated. It
may not be treated because the GP believes that nothing can
be done, or considers that ethnically sensitive health and social
services in the catchment area are inadequate, or has had
poor response for previous referrals or be unaware of the Published studies of the prevalence of dementia in UK ethnic
procedure to access these services. If dementia in ethnic elders elders do not report on the relative prevalence of individual
presenting to the GP is less severe and lacks troublesome dementia subtypes. Anecdotally, it is believed that vascular
non-cognitive features, the GP may consider that onward dementia is more common than Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
referral in unnecessary. The GP may feel that he or she can among Indian subcontinent elders (Bhatnagar and Frank,
communicate better with the patient, particularly if they share 1997) and African Caribbeans (Richards et al., 2000; Stewart
the same ethnic background. Finally, the GP may wish to refer et al., 2001a; Livingston et al., 2001; Livingston and Sembhi,
patients to secondary services, but the patient and/or family 2003) in the UK. Some risk factors for vascular dementia are
members may be reluctant. Reasons for this reluctance are simi- more prevalent in these ethnic minority groups than in the
lar to those discussed for patients or family not wanting to indigenous population, such as diabetes in Asians (Mather
consult their GP in the first place. and Keen, 1985; Samanta et al., 1987), and hypertension and
cardiovascular disease in Asians and African Caribbeans
(Balarajan, 1996; Ritch et al., 1996).
13.3.3 Factors in secondary care that may The prevalence rates of dementia in ethnic groups in
influence diagnosis and management other countries are also variable. A study of Chinese residents
of dementia in USA nursing homes reported a prevalence rate of 95 per
cent for dementia (Serby et al., 1987); the ratio of vascular
There is a paucity of studies examining ethnic elders with
dementia to AD was estimated as 4.4 to 1 (Serby et al., 1987),
dementia in psychogeriatric, geriatric and social services.
but there was no indigenous comparison group. Studies in
Almost all the criticisms applied to primary care also apply to
the USA have reported a higher prevalence of dementia
secondary care services. There are only two published studies
among African Americans (Still et al., 1990; Heyman et al.,
of psychogeriatric service users (Redlinghuys and Shah, 1997;
1991; Perkins et al., 1997) and Hispanics (Perkins et al., 1997)
Odutoye and Shah, 1999), and both of these services may
than white Americans, although one study of severe dementia
have been particularly accessible to elders of Indian subcon-
in African Americans did not find this (Schoenberg et al.,
tinent origin because of local service development factors.
1985). The North Manhattan Ageing Study reported signifi-
cantly higher prevalence and incidence rates of dementia in
Latinos and African Americans compared with non-Latino
white Americans (Gurland et al., 1995, 1999); however, these
ethnic differences in prevalence and incidence disappeared
The difficulties faced by ethnic elders with dementia can after controlling for age and educational attainment. Also,
be explained in terms of multiple jeopardy. The concept of there were no significant differences between the three groups
The differential prevalence and incidence of the different subtypes of dementia in different cultural and national groups 155

for individual subtypes of dementia. Another study reported 1993; Prince et al., 2003); diagnostic criteria (Jorm et al.,
a higher prevalence of vascular dementia coupled with a 1987; Amaducci et al., 1991; Osuntokun et al., 1992; Silverman
higher prevalence of strokes and high blood pressure in et al., 1992; Hall et al., 1993); sampling frames and procedures
African Americans (Heyman et al., 1991; Perkins et al., 1997). (Jorm et al., 1987; Amaducci et al., 1991; Osuntokun et al.,
In an American postmortem study of 144 cases of demen- 1992; Silverman et al., 1992); screening personnel (Hall et al.,
tia, AD and dementia owing to Parkinson’s disease were more 1993) and interrater reliability (Osuntokun et al., 1992); age
common in white Americans, and alcohol-related and vascu- and demographic characteristics of study populations (Li et al.,
lar dementias were more common in African Americans (de 1989; Yu et al., 1989; Zhang et al., 1990; Osuntokun et al., 1992);
la Monte et al., 1989). Another USA study, using an inform- educational attainment and literacy (Hall et al., 1993; Prince
ant questionnaire (Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Questionnaire) et al., 2003); and cultural factors. Some studies do not differ-
administered to non-demented elderly day centre attenders, entiate between different types of dementia (Kua, 1992).
reported a significantly increased risk of dementia in first-
degree relatives of Jews and Italians compared with Chinese
13.5.1 Effect of life expectancy
and Puerto Ricans (Silverman et al., 1992). This raises the
possibility of discrepant environmental exposure to risk fac-
Prevalence rates are influenced by several factors (Graves
tors, as the first two groups had migrated to the USA signifi-
et al., 1994; Suh and Shah, 2001). The overall incidence (and
cantly earlier.
therefore overall prevalence) will be low in societies where
In one Canadian study, the prevalence of all dementias
life expectancy is short because fewer subjects will reach the
and AD was 4.2 per cent and 0.5 per cent respectively in Cree
age of risk. In general, socioeconomically less developed soci-
Indians, and 4.2 per cent and 3.5 per cent respectively in
eties have shorter life expectancies than more developed soci-
English-speaking Canadians (Hall et al., 1993). An Israeli
eties. The selective survival of those not at risk of dementia
study of presenile dementia, using hospital discharge diagnosis
may further compound such a trend. It is possible that early
as a proxy for incidence rates, reported age- and sex-adjusted
mortality selects for genetic and/or constitutional factors
incidence rates of presenile dementia of the Alzheimer’s type
that protect against neurodegenerative disorders (Suh and
to be higher in European and American Jews than those from
Shah, 2001). Mortality and survival after the onset of demen-
Africa or Asia (Treves et al., 1986), raising the possibility of
tia also influence prevalence rates. In regions where survival
both environmental and genetic risk factors. Pollit (1997),
after the onset of dementia is short, the prevalence may be
quoting Zann (1994), reported that the prevalence of dementia
low even if the incidence is not (Suh and Shah, 2001).
in Aborigines in Northern Queensland was 20 per cent, with
Consequently, lower prevalence in some countries may be
alcohol-related dementia accounting for the majority of cases.
due to reduced life expectancy, shorter survival from onset,
Some of the characteristics of prevalence studies of demen-
or reduced age-specific incidence (White, 1992; Chandra et al.,
tia from Asian and African countries are listed in Table 13.1.
1994, 1998; Vas et al., 2001). This difficulty can be reduced by
Although the rates are variable, the overall theme is one of
using age-stratified samples to compare prevalence rates;
low prevalence in these countries. The exceptions are studies
however, the resulting sample size for older age groups is
from Shanghai (Zhang et al., 1990), Korea (Park et al., 1994),
likely to be small in some developing countries. Another
South Africa (Ben-Arie et al., 1983) and Singapore (Lim et al.,
explanation for a low prevalence rate in an urban Indian area
2003). The prevalence of AD in these countries is generally
is selective migration, whereby people with dementia may
lower (Hasegawa et al., 1986; Shibayama et al., 1986; Li et al.,
return to their ‘native’ rural area (Vas et al., 2001). An alter-
1989, 1991) and that of vascular dementia generally higher
native approach is to compare incidence rates (Hendrie et al.,
(Hasegawa et al., 1986; Shibayama et al., 1986; Jorm et al.,
1995a; Richards, 1997; Suh and Shah, 2001). However, inci-
1987; Li et al., 1989). Almost universally, the prevalence of
dence studies are time consuming, require large numbers of
dementia was reported to increase with age, and generally it
subjects and are expensive.
was more common in women. Two incidence studies of AD
in Japan showing an annual incidence of 1.1 per cent have
been quoted in a review (Graves et al., 1994). A meta-analysis 13.5.2 Genetic and environmental influences
of the world literature on incidence studies reported that the
incidence of AD and vascular dementia exponentially increased If the differences in prevalence (or incidence) persist after these
with age (Jorm and Jolley, 1998); eastern countries had a lower methodological problems are overcome, then cross-cultural
incidence of AD and there was no difference in the incidence and cross-national studies would allow investigation of under-
of vascular dementia between European and eastern countries. lying genetic and environmental risk factors and the interaction
The variable prevalence rates of dementia and its subtypes between them (Amaducci et al., 1991; Osuntokun et al., 1992;
across different ethnic groups in a given country and across Silverman et al., 1992; Brayne, 1993; Hall et al., 1993;
different countries may be due in part to methodological fac- Chaturvedi and McKeigue, 1994). If the risk of dementia were
tors. These include differences in: the sensitivity of screening solely due to genetic factors, then migrants would have the
instruments and case-finding techniques (Jorm et al., 1987; same incidence rate as in their country of origin (Graves et al.,
Amaducci et al., 1991; Osuntokun et al., 1992; Hall et al., 1994). Thus, comparison of the same ethnic group in different
156 Cross-cultural issues in the assessment of cognitive impairment

Table 13.1 Prevalence studies from African and Asian countries

Sample Stratified
Country Study size Prevalence Age by age Design Gold standard
Nigeria Osuntokun 326 Overall 0% 65 ? Two-stage DSM-IIIR dementia
et al., 1992
Nigeria Hendrie 2494 Overall 2.29%; 65 Yes Two-stage DSM-IIIR and
et al., 1995a AD 1.41% ICD-10 dementia
South Africa Ben-Arie 139 Overall 8.6 65 ? Mixed ?
et al., 1983
India Shaji 2067 Overall 3.39%; 60 Yes Two-stage DSM-IIIR dementia
et al., 1996 AD 41%; VaD 58%
India (urban) Rajkumar and 1300 Overall 2.7% 65 Yes Multi-stage GMS and consensus
Kumar, 1996 by two psychiatrists
India Rajkumar 750 Overall 3.5%; 60 Yes Two-stage GMS and
et al., 1997 AD 42%; VaD 27% ICD-10 dementia
India Chandra 5126 Overall 0.84%; 55 Yes Two-stage DSM-IV and
et al., 1998 AD 0.62% NINCDS-ADRDA
India Vas et al., 2001 2448 80.43%; 2.44%; 40 Yes Three-stage DSM-IV
AD 1.5%
Sri Lanka de Silva 703 Overall 3.98%; 65 Yes Two-stage DSM-IV and
et al., 2003 AD 71%; VaD 14% NINCDS-ADRDA
Israel (Arabs) Bowirrat 821 20.5% 60 Yes One-stage Unspecified
et al., 2001
Singapore Kua, 1991, 1992 612 Overall 2.3% 65 Yes One-stage GMS-AGECAT
Singapore Lim et al., 2003 234 Overall 7.7% 60 No One stage ECAQ
Singapore Lim et al., 2003 Overall 13.2% 60 No One-stage IQCODE
Thailand Phanthumchinda 500 Overall 1.8%; 60 Yes Two-stage DSM-IIIR dementia
et al., 1992 almost all AD
Korea Park et al., 1994 702 Overall 10.8%; 65 Yes Two-stage DSM-IIIR dementia
AD 60%; VaD 12%;
alcohol 8%
Korea Woo et al., 1998 1674 Overall 9.5%; 65 Yes Two-stage NINCDS-ADRDA
AD 4.5%; VaD 2.5%
Korea Kim et al., 2003 1101 Overall 7.4% 65 Yes Three-stage DSM-IIIR dementia
Hong Kong Chiu et al., 1998 1034 Overall 6.1%; 70 Yes Two-stage DSM-IV dementia
AD 65%; VaD 29%
China Li et al., 1989 1331 Overall 1.28%; 60 Yes Two-stage DSM-III dementia
AD 21%; VaD 57%
China Zhang 5055 Overall 4.6% 55 Yes Two-stage McKhann criteria
et al., 1990 in 65; AD 65%
Taiwan Liu et al., 1995 5297 Overall 2% 40 Yes Two-stage DSM-IIIR dementia
Taiwan Liu et al., 1994 455 Rates by age only 50 Yes One-stage DSM-IIIR dementia
Taiwan Liu et al., 1998 1736 Overall 2.5%; 65 Yes One-stage DSM-IIIR dementia
AD 80%; VaD 7%
Taiwan Lin et al., 1998 2915 Overall 4%; 65 Yes Two-stage ICD-10 Dementia;
AD 54%; VaD 23% NINCDS-ARDRA and
Taiwan Liu et al., 1996 1016 Overall 4.4%; 65 Yes Two-stage DSM-IIIR;
AD 49%; VaD 24% NINCDS-ARDRA and
Japan Hasegawa 1507 Overall 4.8%; 65 Yes Two-stage DSM-III dementia
et al., 1986 AD 24%; VaD 42%
Japan Shibayama 3106 Overall 5.8%; 65 Yes Two-stage DSM-III and
et al., 1986 AD 3%; VaD 2.8% ICD-9 dementia
Japan Yamada 2222 Overall 7.2%; 60 Yes One-stage DSM-IIIR dementia
et al., 1999 AD men 2%;
women 3.8%;
VaD men 2%;
women 1.8%
The differential prevalence and incidence of the different subtypes of dementia in different cultural and national groups 157

communities, at different stages of economic development and diabetes mellitus and cerebrovascular disease (Meguro et al.,
differing environments, whilst maintaining genetic homogene- 2001b). The authors concluded that the prevalence of
ity, may allow identification of environmental risk factors dementia was not affected by the environment.
(Graves et al., 1994; Richards and Brayne, 1996). Environmental The Indo-USA cross-national study reported a prevalence
changes that accompany migration include dietary change, of 0.84 per cent for all dementias among rural Indians near
acculturation, occupational change, educational change and Delhi, a lower figure than in a community sample in
differences in water, air, pollution and climate, etc. (Graves et al., Pennsylvania (Chandra et al., 1998). An incidence study in the
1994). The identification of genetic and environmental factors same geographical area reported one of the lowest incidences
predisposing to dementia will allow better understanding of of AD in the world (Chandra et al., 2001). A study of Singapore
causal mechanisms, leading to improved treatments and, ulti- Chinese and Malays revealed a higher prevalence of dementia
mately, preventative strategies (Graves et al., 1994). among Malays than the Chinese (Kua and Ko, 1995); this dif-
Cross-national and cross-cultural incidence and preva- ference was largely accounted for by an increased prevalence of
lence studies designed to overcome these methodological multi-infarct dementia among Malay women when compared
difficulties, using screening and diagnostic instruments that with Malay men and Chinese women. A prevalence and inci-
are culture-fair, education-free and analogous, with similar dence study comparing rates among Yoruba Nigerians in
case-finding methods in age- and sex-stratified samples, Ibadan and African Americans in Indianapolis has reported a
are now emerging (White, 1992; Prince et al., 2003). The lower prevalence and incidence for dementia and AD among
10/66 Dementia Research Group (2000a, b) of Alzheimer’s the Nigerians (Hendrie et al., 1995b, 2001).
Disease International has developed an algorithm using
appropriately translated (into native languages) and vali- GENETICS
dated (culture-fair and education-free) versions of the GMS,
CIS-D and the 10-word list-learning test from the CERAD An early pilot population-based prevalence study has reported
battery with high degree of sensitivity and specificity in the a strong association between apolipoprotein E (ApoE) 4
diagnosis of dementia in culturally diverse populations from allele and AD in African Americans (Hendrie et al., 1995a)
India, China, southeast Asia, Latin America, Africa and the suggesting that ApoE 4 is a risk factor independent of eth-
Caribbean (Prince et al., 2003). Population-based prevalence nicity. However, this was not observed in Yoruba Nigerians in
studies using this algorithm in the same diverse populations Ibadan (Osuntokun et al., 1995), despite a high prevalence of
and using similar methodology are currently underway. The 4 allele in the community. This discrepancy was explained
findings of this large study will be of great interest because it by differences in the expression of ApoE alleles or of ApoE
will compare prevalence from many different and culturally receptors, interaction with unidentified modifier genes, or
diverse countries using the same culture-fair and education- environmental factors interacting with genes. Furthermore,
free instruments and methodology. there was lower deposition of A4 -amyloid in post-mortem
brains of Nigerian subjects without dementia compared with
a similar series in Melbourne, Australia (Osuntokun et al., ENVIRONMENT
1994). Both these factors may be important in explaining a
Despite comparable rates of dementia in Japan and USA, lower prevalence and incidence of AD in Nigeria.
prevalence of vascular dementia is highest in Japan, intermed- A strong association between ApoE 4 homozygous status
iate in Hawaii and lowest in the mainland USA and an and AD has been observed among Caucasians (non-Hispanic
opposite trend is observed for AD (Graves et al., 1994). These white Americans), African Americans and Hispanics in
rates are being systematically studied in a cross-national America in population-based prevalence studies (Maestre et al.,
studies: the Ni-Hon-Sea study of Japanese in Japan, Hawaii 1995; Tang et al., 1996; Sahota et al., 1997); despite these asso-
and mainland US (Graves et al., 1994, 1996), and the ciations, the relative risk of developing AD was the highest in
Honolulu-Asia Aging study of Japanese in Hawaii, Japan and Caucasians compared with African Americans and Hispanics
Taiwan (White et al., 1996). The prevalence of AD among suggesting a gene–environment interaction. However, when
Japanese Americans in Washington (Graves et al., 1996) and considering heterozygous ApoE 4 status, this relationship
Honolulu (White et al., 1996) is closer to that of white was either weaker (Maestre et al., 1995) or absent in African
Americans suggesting an environmental aetiology. A prospect- Americans (Tang et al., 1996; Sahota et al., 1997) in compari-
ive cohort study of Japanese Americans has reported that son with Caucasians and Hispanics.
those who lead a traditional Japanese life style had a slower A population-based incidence study, controlling for educa-
decline in cognition over a 2-year period (Graves et al., 1999), tion, family history of AD and other risk factors such as hyper-
also suggesting the importance of environmental factors. tension, demonstrated a strong association between combined
However, a study of first-generation Japanese migrants from homozygous and heterozygous ApoE 4 status and AD in
Miyagi prefecture in Japan to Brazil (Meguro et al., 2001a) whites, African Americans and Hispanics in America (Tang
reported a similar prevalence of dementia, AD and vascular et al., 1998); unfortunately, separate data on homozygous and
dementia to that in Miyagi prefecture in Japan (Ishii et al., heterozygous ApoE 4 status were not available owing to a
1999) despite the migrants having a higher prevalence of small number of individuals homozygous for ApoE 4 in the
158 Cross-cultural issues in the assessment of cognitive impairment

three ethnic groups. Furthermore, in the presence of at least one In a convenience sample of Cherokee Indians in Texas the
ApoE 4 allele, the cumulative risk of developing AD up to the risk of developing AD declined with an increase in the genetic
age of 90 years was similar in each of the three ethnic groups. degree of Cherokee ancestry and this relationship was inde-
However, in the absence of the an ApoE 4 allele, the cumulative pendent of ApoE 4 status (Rosenberg et al., 1996); however,
risk of developing AD up to the age of 90 years was higher in the protective effect of Cherokee ancestry declined with
both the African American and the Hispanic groups when com- increasing age. These findings suggest a complex interaction
pared with the white group (Tang et al., 1998). These observa- between genetic and environmental factors and critical exam-
tions taken together suggest that the effect of ApoE 4 on AD is ination in population-based studies is needed.
weaker and ‘dose dependent’ in African Americans compared
with white Americans and to a lesser extent Hispanics. It is pos-
sible that the presence of other environmental factors or modi- 13.5.3 Education
fier genes may reduce the ApoE 4-associated risk of developing
AD in people of African origin (Sahota et al., 1997; Tang et al., The role of educational attainment as a risk factor for
1998). These environmental factors or modifier genes may be dementia is controversial. However, examination of the
able to alter the risk of one dose of ApoE 4 more easily than role of education as an environmental factor across different
two doses of ApoE 4 (Maestre et al., 1995). ethnic groups may shed further light on the role of environ-
Another explanation for these findings is that there may mental factors or gene-environment interaction. In two USA
be differential linkage disequilibrium between an unidenti- studies of Latinos, African Americans and non-Latino white
fied AD susceptibility gene and ApoE 4 alleles in different Americans, levels of education were strongly correlated with
ethnic groups (Maestre et al., 1995). A further explanation is the prevalence of dementia (Gurland et al., 1995, 1999); how-
the differential survival of those with ApoE 4 alleles, ever, the differences in prevalence rates across the three ethnic
although this observation is not supported by reports that groups disappeared if age and education were controlled for
ApoE 4 frequency in white subjects is unchanged with age (Gurland et al., 1999), suggesting education may be an
(Maestre et al., 1995; Tang et al., 1996), and either unchanged important environmental risk factor independent of ethnic-
(Tang et al., 1996) or increased (Maestre et al., 1995) with age ity. In a community study of African Caribbeans in London,
in African American subjects. Also, the frequency of ApoE 4 hypertension and diabetes were specifically associated with
in white and African American AD patients is reported to cognitive impairment in those with low levels of education
decline (Maestre et al., 1995) or remain unchanged (Tang (Stewart et al., 2001b). In a South Korean study, a similar
et al., 1996) with age. However, despite a decline in ApoE 4 association was found between cognitive impairment and
frequency in AD patients with age, other genetic or environ- systolic blood pressure, previous diagnosis of diabetes and
mental factors may increase the risk of developing AD in non-fasting glucose levels in subjects with no formal educa-
African Americans and Hispanics in the absence of this allele tion (Stewart et al., 2003).
(Tang et al., 1998), including ApoE allele, 4 which has been These collective findings may be explained by several
reported in a population-based study to increase the risk of hypothesis which could be rigorously tested in epidemiological
AD in African Americans compared with white Americans studies:
(Maestre et al., 1995). A population-based incidence study
of Japanese American men reported a significant association
• Subjects with lower levels of education may have less
well-controlled hypertension or diabetes (Gurland et al.,
between ApoE 4 and AD (Havlik et al., 2000). 1995, 1999; Stewart et al., 2001b, 2003).
Chandra and Pandav (1998) have speculated that high
serum levels of cholesterol may interact with ApoE 4 alleles
• Cognitive test batteries may not be sufficiently sensitive
to measure cognitive impairment accurately in those
to produce AD based on evidence of the low serum choles- with high levels of education (Stewart et al., 2001b).
terol levels in rural Indians near Delhi and a low prevalence
of AD (Chandra et al., 1998). However, their observations were
• Third, those with high levels of education may have
developed sufficient cognitive reserve to be less
not supported by the ApoE typing in the same population- vulnerable to the effects of hypertension and diabetes
based Indo-US prevalence study (Ganguli et al., 2000). The (Gurland et al., 1995, 1999; Stewart et al., 2001b, 2003).
frequency of ApoE 4 in the Indian sample was significantly
lower than in the USA sample. However, the strength of asso-
• Cerebral damage owing to hypertension or diabetes may
be more severe in those with lower levels of education
ciation between ApoE 4 and AD was similar in both samples. (Stewart et al., 2003).
These findings taken together may be one explanation for
one of the lowest prevalence rates for AD in the world to be
reported in India (Chandra et al., 1998). The authors con-
cluded that the different prevalence in the two samples cannot
be explained by differential risk or modifier risk pertaining to
ApoE polymorphism, and they speculated that there may be Most cross-cultural studies have concentrated on cogni-
additional risk or protective factors, survival effects or con- tive impairment. BPSDs have to date received little attention
tributory environmental factors. in cross-cultural settings and in developing countries (Shah
References 159

and Mukherjee, 2000). Measures of BPSD that are culture-fair diseases associated with poor socioeconomic factors will
and analogous to those currently used in Western countries reduce life expectancy with fewer individuals reaching
are emerging from developing countries (see Chapter 7b on the age of risk for dementia. Such a society has been
measurement of non-cognitive symptoms of dementia). BPSD described as a low incidence–high mortality society. With
require close examination in cross-sectional and longitudinal improvement in basic medical care the average life
studies of the prevalence and incidence of dementia in cross- expectancy will increase and reach the threshold age of
cultural and cross-national settings; these studies should also risk for dementia. This will lead to a gradual transition
be designed to examine genetic and environmental risk factors from a low incidence–high mortality society to a high
(and the interaction between them) for both cognitive impair- incidence–high mortality society. Furthermore, in
ment and BPSD. The 10/66 Dementia Research Group (2000a, socioeconomically more developed societies the
b; Prince et al., 2003) from Alzheimer’s Disease International is mortality associated with dementia may decline because
in a strong position to conduct such research. They have devel- of greater availability of medical care and advances in
oped measurement instruments and a methodology that can medical care and technology. This will lead to a gradual
be applied across cultures, and studies of prevalence and BPSD transition to a high incidence–low mortality society.
are in progress in India, southeast Asia, China, Africa, the • In socioeconomically well developed countries, efforts to
Caribbean and south America. improve the control of risk factors (such as those for
Similarly, very few cross-cultural studies have exam- vascular dementia) may reduce the incidence of dementia
ined neurochemical, neuroanatomical and neurohistological leading to a low incidence–low mortality society. The
changes in post-mortem brains (Amaducci et al., 1992), and transition from a low incidence–high mortality society to
structural and functional neuroimaging techniques have not a low incidence–low mortality society may unfold in
been used at all. These techniques should be applied in rigorous several ways depending upon availability of medical
population-based cross-cultural studies of cognitive impair- services, advances in medical care and technology, public
ment and BPSD; this would be a further powerful means of health policies and efforts undertaken to control risk
exploring environmental and genetic risk factors, and the factors for dementia in a given society.
interaction between them. The clustering of less common
A detailed discussion of all the evidence to support this
dementias, such as Huntington’s disease, prion dementias and
hypothesis is beyond the scope of this chapter. However,
Parkinson’s dementia complex of Guam, in some cultural
cross-national and cross-cultural population-based preva-
groups may shed light on the genetic and environmental aeti-
lence and incidence studies, data on mortality and survival
ological factors (Graham et al., 1998). The development of
after the onset of dementia, and ‘proxy’ measures (such as
these elaborate and sophisticated research programmes will
infant mortality rates) of the quality of medical care can be
require considerable development of specialist services for
used to rigorously examine this hypothesis.
these groups in both developed and developing countries if
they are to be feasible.
A theoretical model of the epidemiological transition in REFERENCES
dementia has been developed using incidence and prevalence
data from different countries (Suh and Shah, 2001). According
to this model all societies sequentially move through four 10/66 Dementia Research Group. (2000a) Dementia in developing
countries. A preliminary consensus statement from the 10/66
hierarchical stages:
Dementia Research Group. International Journal of Geriatric
1. low incidence–high mortality society; Psychiatry 15: 14–20
2. high incidence–high mortality society; 10/66 Dementia Research Group. (2000b) Methodological issues
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dementias in a Japanese elderly population. Acta Psychiatrica Tombaugh TN and McIntyre NJ. (1992) The Mini-mental State
Scandinavica 74: 144–151 Examination: a comprehensive review. Journal of the American
Silveira E and Ebrahim S. (1995) Mental Health and health status of Geriatrics Society 40: 922–935
elderly Bengalis and Somalis in London. Age and Ageing 24: 474–480 Treves T, Korczyn AD, Zilber N et al. (1986) Presenile dementia in Israel.
Silverman JM, Li G, Schear S et al. (1992) A cross-cultural family history Archives of Neurology 43: 26–29
study of primary progressive dementia in relatives of non-demented Tsang H, Chong M, Cheng TA. (2002) Development of the Chinese
elderly Chinese, Italians, Jews and Puerto Ricans. Acta Psychiatrica version of the Geriatric Mental State schedule. International
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precision. British Journal of Psychiatry 171: 305–308 urban Indian population. International Psychogeriatrics 13: 439–450
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patients? Australia and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 27: 42–48 epidemiology of Alzheimer’s disease. Current Science 63: 456–469
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multicultural perspective. Family in Society. Journal of older Japanese-American men in Hawaii. JAMA 276: 955–960
Contemporary Human Services June: 371–377 Woo JI, Lee JH, Yoo K et al. (1998) Prevalence estimation of dementia in
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community-dwelling African Caribbean elders: normative data for a 983–987
test battery. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 16: 518–527 World Health Organization. (1992) SCAN: Schedules for Clinical
Stewart R, Richards M, Brayne C et al. (2001b) Vascular risk and Assessment in Neuropsychiatry. Geneva, WHO
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population. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 49: 263–269 Examination for dementia screening among illiterate or minimally
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Research Council Cognitive Function and Ageing Study. (2002) The Psychiatry 18: 609–616
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Suh GH and Shah A. (2001) A review of the epidemiological transition Zann S. (1994) Identification of support, education and training needs
in dementia – cross-national comparisons of the indices related of rural/remote health care service providers involved in dementia
to Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. Acta Psychiatrica care. Rural Health, Support, Education and Training (RHSET).
Scandinavica 104: 4–11 Project Progress Report. Queensland, Northern Regional Health
Tang MX, Maestre G, Tsai WY et al. (1996) Relative risk of Alzheimer’s Authority.
disease and age-at-onset distributions based on ApoE genotypes Zaudig M. (1996) Assessing behavioural symptoms of dementia of
among elderly African Americans, Caucasians and Hispanics in New Alzheimer’s type: categorical and quantitative approaches.
York City. American Journal of Human Genetics 58: 574–584 International Psychogeriatrics 8 (Suppl. 2): 183–200
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Hispanics. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 279: 751–755 and education. Annals of Neurology 27: 428–437
Helping staff and patients with dementia through
better design


14.1 Problems for nursing and care staff caused 14.4 Conclusions 168
by poor design 165 References 168
14.2 Design that helps patients 167 Additional reading 169
14.3 Some key design principles 168

Nursing and care staff are the most precious resource in 14.1 PROBLEMS FOR NURSING AND CARE
dementia care. Theirs is a challenging job, which requires STAFF CAUSED BY POOR DESIGN
them to be able to really focus on their relationship with the
patient. They need to be able to relate at an emotional and
practical level at the same time, all the time. They need to be If problems are clearly identified, design solutions are very
able to keep patients stimulated whilst also keeping them obvious.
safe. They need to be able to care for them, while also main- As far as staff are concerned there are many kinds of prob-
taining as much of the patients’ independence as possible. lems that make their lives difficult.
They need to offer an environment that reinforces identity,
while also offering group care. They also need dignity, priv- 14.1.1 Front doors
acy and choice in their work environment where they spend
much of their lives. Conspicuous front doors encourage patients to try to get out.
We cannot expect nursing and care staff to value the indi- Patients are constantly reminded that there is somewhere else
viduals in their care if they do not feel valued. The buildings to go by the constant traffic of people and trolleys in and out
in which they are required to work can speak volumes of the front door. Patients are mistaken for visitors and
about the extent to which their work is seen as valuable and accompany people leaving. They also hang around the doors
important. making everybody else feel bad about the fact that they can
To enable nursing and care staff to give of their best come and go, whereas the patients are trapped inside. We
requires buildings that are supportive. They need buildings, need to protect staff from the constant exposure to emo-
which, as far as possible, tell patients what is expected of them tional pain that this causes (Samut, 2003).
and how to find their way. They need buildings that make it
easy to keep patients busy but also well supervised. They need
it to be easy to modify buildings to reinforce identity. 14.1.2 Fire doors
This chapter will explain how buildings can be designed
or modified to help nursing and care staff to provide the best Conspicuous fire doors, often at the end of corridors, keep
possible care. everybody busy as patients depart through them and staff
Unnecessary disability is a useful concept. A lot of build- have to drop what they are doing to run after them. People
ings cause patients to be more disabled than they need to be with dementia often move towards light, so fire doors with
and add to the burden of care for staff. windows in a dark corridor are very enticing.
166 Helping staff and patients with dementia through better design

14.1.3 Storage space staff can use this as an opportunity for individual interaction
but motivation wears thin if you do little else. Yet a good part
Lack of storage often means that bathrooms do not have the of the incontinence may be because patients cannot find the
function that they should have because they are full of hoists, toilet. One nursing home reduced its use of incontinence
wheelchairs and zimmers. This is confusing for patients and pads by half when they painted the doorframe red and put a
infuriating for staff who need space to work. Patients need large sign on it with a picture and the words ‘Toilet’ (personal
bathrooms to be places of calm and multisensory stimulation communication) (see Plate 4). Another home relocated their
and instead they are full of rather frightening contraptions. en-suite toilet doors to face the bed and again reduced incon-
Lack of storage can also mean that staff are unable to allow tinence (personal communication). Wilkinson et al. (1995)
personal furniture in bedrooms because there is nowhere to found the most effective sign was words and a picture.
put the furniture that belongs to the provider. Summerhouses
and sheds, built to provide activities for men, are sometimes
full of beds and chairs. 14.1.7 Walking areas

Many places have little appropriate space for meaningful

14.1.4 Dining rooms walking. Patients who walk a lot can be very wearing for staff
and other patients. There can be many reasons for this. Allan
Dining rooms that are too big are full of noise and distract- (1994) lists the following possibilities:
ing activity. Noise to people with dementia is as disabling as
stairs are to people in wheelchairs (Hiatt, 1995). Given the • continuation of life style patterns
levels of undernutrition in many establishments for older • occupation
people (Walker and Higginson, 2000), every effort needs to be • leisure
made to make dining a congenial experience where the patients • response to stress
can concentrate on eating without becoming stressed and • neurological damage
agitated by other patients. Dining rooms need to be as small • anxiety/stress/anger
as possible (see Plate 2). Staff find it much easier to ensure • boredom
that the atmosphere is calm and patients are getting individ- • need for toilet
ual attention if there are fewer than 10 people eating together • pain
at the one time. The lack of any sound-absorbing ceiling tiles, • other physical/psychiatric illness
and other fabrics also makes it very hard for staff to ensure a • loss of goal-directed behaviour
quiet and calm atmosphere. • faulty goal-directed behaviour
• need for exercise
• form of communication
14.1.5 Household spaces • medication side effects.

The lack of everyday household spaces and objects means that Several of these are ameliorated by design. If a person needs
anxious old people, with no motivation to do anything or who exercise there ought to be healthy, positive ways that they can
spend the whole day running their hands across tabletops, go on a walk, ideally through a garden so they can get fresh air
have nowhere familiar to do what they have always done to and vitamin D. The design of the unit should take them on a
pass the time. They simply exasperate staff and other residents. journey that includes a pathway outside and back in again.
Given a kitchen they can happily spend hours keeping the sur- Sadly too many buildings offer only corridors where patients
faces clean or mopping the sink. Yet few units provide even the go up and down, which is depressing for everybody. In other
rudiments of a kitchen except for the occupational therapy racetrack style units they go round and round, again making
activity kitchen and then it is behind closed doors and only staff feel inadequate because it is demonstrably such a poor
available to certain patients at certain times. Washing poles experience.
and a line in the garden with an adjacent sink can keep some Faulty goal-directed behaviour could mean that the per-
patients very happy (see Plate 3). An old car in the garden can son could not find the toilet or their bedroom. Good basic
be very good for older men to sit in or fidget in the engine. design would mean that patients could see all the doors in
their unit. If this is not possible, then good quality individual
signage on bedroom doors can be very helpful. It is hard for
14.1.6 Toilets staff to provide this if the basic name holders are not in place.
Nothing looks worse than selotaped bits of paper or photo-
Out of the way or poorly identified toilets make it difficult for graphs. Fixed notice boards, picture frames or perspex hold-
patients to find the toilet themselves. Levels of incontinence ers make individualizing rooms very easy for staff. Better still
mean that staff spend much of their time taking people to the is the glass-fronted cupboard by the door to hold much-
toilet and this can be very wearing and unrewarding. Many loved objects and photographs.
Design that helps patients 167

Some people walk about because they are too hot or too or put their feet up in private. These need to be of a decent
cold. Staff need to be able to control the temperature of indi- quality so that they feel valued. Dignity, privacy and choice
vidual rooms so that people can have at least one place where for staff means, in part, a space where they can get away to
the temperature suits them. recharge their batteries. They also need offices, which are not
near patient areas, so they can do their paperwork in peace.
14.1.8 Observation They need somewhere for training, counselling relatives and
having meetings, space that is not invaded by patients.
Poor design can make it very wearing for staff to keep an
unobtrusive eye on all the patients. Many staff walk miles on 14.1.12 Flooring
each shift, at the expense of their backs and feet, in order to
keep an eye on a population dispersed throughout a unit. It is Flooring that is difficult to keep clean is a real source of exas-
much better for them to work on smaller units with every- peration to nursing and care staff as well as cleaning staff.
thing watchable. This can be achieved with a more open plan. Flooring is one of those issues where there is no right answer
Clearly a completely open plan is impossible given fire safety partly because the ideal flooring does not exist. The ideal
regulations, but a great deal can be achieved if this is the would be a speckled carpet, which did not show every crumb
starting point. Glazed walls on sitting/dining/kitchen rooms; and did not look as if it had crumbs on it. It would be a car-
kitchen areas with shuttering for when they are not in use; pet because this feels safer to many people with dementia who
waist-high furniture acting as a room divider, alcoves rather are frightened of slipping. Carpets also provide a softer land-
than completely separate lounges; all help facilitate unobtru- ing for people who do fall. Carpets are ideal because they
sive observation. It can be very hard for staff if the unit is full soak up sound, they look domestic, do not reflect light and
of little dogleg corridors and passages to fire doors. Patients make the place look less clinical. But they are very difficult to
can become invisible and cause great anxiety. keep stain- and smell-free. Some people are concerned that
they can be a source of infection because they are so hard to
14.1.9 Garden access wash. They rarely live up to the sales hype about being easy to
wash. They often allow urine to penetrate and soak into the
Poor access to the garden can cause additional work for staff floor or concrete below. As a consequence staff prefer a hard
or can mean that patients rarely go out. Gardens need to be floor surface that is easy to keep clean, and this is perfectly
very accessible so that patients can go out without supervi- understandable. Ideally all floor covering would be the same
sion. They also need to be safe, which means having a fence colour because people with dementia cannot see the differ-
but concealing it behind planting so that it is not an invitation ence between a step and a change in floor colour.
to climb over. Many gardens are only accessible through fire
doors out of the way of the main body of the unit, thus depriv- 14.1.13 Colour
ing staff and residents of an important therapeutic resource.
Gardens are an important place to benefit from vitamin D Lack of differentiation between units means that patients
from sunlight, as well as a place for activities and normal exer- often end up in the wrong place. Colour is often used with
cise. Staff are only too well aware of the importance of exer- the intention of differentiating between units without a full
cise but some residents do not respond to organized groups. understanding of the increasing impairments in colour dif-
ferentiation that occur with age. Brawley (1997) has a good
chapter on this. As we age we get less and less able to differ-
14.1.10 Chairs
entiate between pastel shades, initially, and this impairment
starts at the blue end of the spectrum. Objects are much bet-
People with dementia sit in chairs for long periods. The
ter than colour to orientate people with dementia. Strong
chairs are sometimes lacking in support and cause pain or
colour contrast can be useful but it is best reserved for really
discomfort to the patients with dementia. This means that
crucial aspects such as toilet doors.
staff have to deal with patients who walk about to loosen up
their limbs or lash out because they are stiff and sore. Staff
often have to pack pillows around patients because the chairs 14.2 DESIGN THAT HELPS PATIENTS
offer no side support. More fit and active patients can fail to
recognize their chair because they are all the same colour.
Chairs have the potential to provide a positive touch experi- Clearly staff are going to be most helped in their care activities
ence; one which is seldom provided. if the patients are helped to function as well as they can, both
because it means less work for staff and there is more job sat-
isfaction. A therapeutic design for people with dementia will
14.1.11 Staff facilities
compensate for the following disabilities in every aspect:
Poor quality staff facilities can be very demoralizing. Nursing • impaired memory
and care staff need places where they can laugh, cry, shower • impaired reasoning
168 Helping staff and patients with dementia through better design

• impaired learning grilled can be very helpful – food generally arrives smell-free
• high levels of stress in trolleys. Impaired hearing means that everything possible
• increasing dependence on the senses. needs to be done to make things visible.
In the same way that buildings can compensate for mobility
problems and visual impairment, so they can compensate for
these main disabilities of dementia and thereby help the per- 14.3 SOME KEY DESIGN PRINCIPLES
son to remain as independent as possible. Some examples
may illustrate how this thinking is applied.
There is not a great deal of research on design features. Day
et al. (2000) provide an analysis of current research. Most of the
14.2.1 Memory literature is based on practice. It is tempting to give a check-
list of design tips but this can never cover every aspect of a
If you have an impaired memory, it is helpful if you can see building, particularly when they have to be designed to help
everywhere important that you need to go. You need to be such a range of age groups and levels of disability. More help-
able to see the toilet door and ideally the toilet itself; you need ful are principles against which actual buildings or proposed
to be able to see the sitting or the dining room. Corridors are modifications can be judged. Many authors have presented
really difficult unless they are very short and very wide, design principles, starting with Uriel Cohen’s book (Cohen
because you cannot see the doors. For the same reason you and Weisman, 1991). There is a fair degree of international
need a lot of light, so that all available information is visible. consensus (Judd et al., 1997), which, if pulled together, gives
a list of design points.
14.2.2 Learning
• Design should compensate for disability.
If you have impaired learning, you need lots of cues, so sign-
• Design should maximize independence.
age must include pictures and words. It also needs to be low
• Design should enhance self-esteem and confidence.
enough for people who do not look upwards easily. If you
• Design should demonstrate care for staff.
find it difficult to learn where to go, you find it equally diffi-
• Design should be orientating and understandable.
cult to learn where you cannot go. Painting those doors that
• Design should reinforce personal identity.
are not accessible the same colour as the walls, even to the
• Design should welcome relatives and the local
extent of putting the handrail and skirting across them, can
be helpful.
• Design should allow control of stimuli.
These principles are used as part of an audit tool to gauge the
degree of ‘dementia friendliness’ of a building (Stewart and
14.2.3 Reasoning
Page, 2000).
If you have impaired reasoning it is important that everything
is understandable. The items that you are likely to use most
often are those in the toilet: the tap, the flush handle and the 14.4 CONCLUSIONS
paper holder. All need to be very easy to understand. A cross-
head tap for example is much easier to understand than most
Buildings where people with dementia spend their days are
lever taps especially the mixer versions (see Plate 5).
also where nursing and care staff spend much of their lives. It
is possible to design buildings to help nursing and care staff
14.2.4 Stress in their very complex and challenging work. It is also possible
to design to help people with dementia to function at their
High levels of stress are much reduced by quiet, so acoustic tiles best, which is clearly of assistance to staff. Perhaps the most
in the ceiling and lots of soft fabric surfaces can be very help- important message of a building that takes staff needs prop-
ful, as can the availability of quiet sitting rooms and gardens. erly into account is that the staff are valued and their work
respected. This is a crucial message given the demands that
14.2.5 Sensory abilities are made of them.

Designing to take advantage of remaining sensory abilities

for orientation is a real challenge. Impaired vision might REFERENCES
mean using smell, touch or noise. Smell of disinfectant can
lead people to a toilet and smell of food to a dining room, for Allan K. (1994) Wandering. Stirling, Dementia Services Development
example. The sense of smell can be very helpful in stimulat- Centre
ing appetite, which is such a problem in people with demen- Brawley EC. (1997) Designing for Alzheimer’s Disease. New York, John
tia, so a kitchen or servery where toast can be made or bacon Wiley and Sons
Additional reading 169

Cohen U and Weisman GD. (1991) Holding on to Home: Designing Benjamin LC and Spector J. (199) Environments for the dementing.
environments for people with dementia. Maryland, The Johns International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 5: 15–24
Hopkins University Press Bennett K. (1997) Cultural issues in designing for people with dementia.
Day K, Carreon D, Stump C. (2000) The Therapeutic Design for In: M Marshall (ed.), State of the Art in Dementia Care. London,
Environments for People with Dementia. Bristol, Policy Press Centre for Policy on Ageing
Hiatt LG. (1995) Understanding the physical environment. Pride Calkins MP. (1988) Design for Dementia Planning: Environments for
Institute. Journal of Long Term Care 4: 12–22 the Elderly and the Confused. Maryland, National Health
Judd S, Marshall M, Phippen P. (1997) Design for Dementia. London, Publishing
Hawker Publications Cantley C and Wilson RC. (2002) Put Yourself in my Place: Designing
Samut A. (2003) Developing an appropriate response to emotional pain. and Managing Care Homes for People with Dementia. Bristol, Policy
Journal of Dementia Care 11(2) Press
Stewart S and Page A. (2000) Making design dementia friendly. Centre for Accessible Environments. (1998) The Design of Residential
Conference Proceedings of the European Conference: Just Another Care and Nursing Homes for the Elderly. London, Centre for
Disability, 1–2 October 1999, Glasgow Accessible Environments
Walker J and Higginson C. (2000) The nutrition of elderly people and Cohen U and Day K. (1991) Contemporary Environments for People with
nutritional aspects of their care in long-term care settings. Final Dementia. Maryland, The Johns Hopkins University Press
audit report 1997–2000. Glenrothes, CRAG Gitlin L, Liebman J, Winter L. (2003) Are environmental interventions
Wilkinson TJ, Henschke PJ, Handscombe K. (1995) How should toilets be effective in the management of Alzheimer’s disease and related
labelled for people with dementia? Australian Journal on Ageing disorders? A synthesis of the evidence. Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly
13:163–165 4: 85–107
Kelly M. (1993) Designing for people with dementia. In: The Context of
the Building Standards. Stirling, Dementia Services Development
Peppard NR. (1991) Special Needs Dementia Units: design, development
and operations. New York, Springer Publishing
There is a very expanding literature about design for dementia and Valins M. (1988) Housing for Elderly People: a guide for architects and
increasing numbers of really sensitive buildings are being built. Some clients. London, Architectural Press
useful articles and books are listed below.
The role of primary care in the management
of dementia


15.1 Screening for dementia 171 15.8 Further management 174

15.2 Case finding 171 15.9 Carers and their support 174
15.3 Diagnosis 172 15.10 Legal and ethical issues 174
15.4 Clinical examination 172 15.11 Prevention 175
15.5 Investigations 173 15.12 The future 177
15.6 Referral 173 References 177
15.7 Drug treatment 173

It is in a primary care setting that most of the care for those suf- great variation, however, and in one study (Illife et al., 1991a)
fering from one of the dementia syndromes will be delivered. only about 8 per cent of those with severe cognitive impair-
Changes in the demography of the population in association ment or depression were known to their general practitioner.
with changes in social and health policy mean that, in the At present the role of the general practitioner with regard
United Kingdom (UK) at least, the burden of provision of to dementia care will vary according to interest and perceived
health care will increasingly be that of the general practitioner skills. General practitioners often do not seem to be active in
or primary care physician. The population is ageing; by the the treatment of the dementias, probably owing to a form of
middle of this century over one-quarter of the population will therapeutic nihilism; feeling that there is nothing to be done.
be aged over 60 years, with the over 85s being a significant Recent scientific developments, particularly with regard
proportion of those. The age-specific prevalence of dementia to the genetics, chemistry and treatment of Alzheimer’s dis-
doubles every 5 years from 60 onwards and this presents a ease and vascular dementia have heightened the profile of the
daunting prospect for those planning as well as those provid- dementias. An increasing pressure from the public respond-
ing health and social care. Women are more at risk at all ages, ing to the knowledge that there are drugs available that ameli-
and it has been speculated that this is due to an increased orate some of the symptoms of some dementias will fuel this
incidence of apolipoprotein E 4 in women. Dementia is not process. In the UK the National Service Frameworks for
just confined to the elderly, however, and there is a prevalence Older People has defined a care pathway for dementia and
of 0.35/1000 in those aged 45–64 (Newens et al., 1993). evidence-based best practice; by April 2004 all general practi-
Putting these numbers into a primary care context, the gen- tioners should be using protocols agreed with their primary
eral practitioner with an average list size of 1800 people can care organization (PCO) and local specialist services.
expect to have perhaps 20 cases of dementia at any one time, It is important that a person with dementia has their
although this will vary both by chance and the local age/sex illness recognized by their general practitioner as soon as
distribution of the registered practice population. This is a possible in the disease process. By early recognition it is
similar order to those patients with other chronic diseases possible to be proactive and plan a package of disease
such as diabetes, past and present epilepsy and rheumatoid management to optimize the patient’s quality of life, and
arthritis, almost all of whom will be known to the practice. perhaps modify the progress of the disease. The NMDA
With regard to the people with dementia, the general practi- receptor antagonist memantine has a licence for use in
tioner will know only of about 60 per cent of cases, and those moderate–severe Alzheimer’s disease but the cholinesterase
at the more serious end of the disease spectrum. There is inhibitors donepezil, rivastigmine and galantamine are only
Case finding 171

licensed for use in mild–moderate cases. Dementia patients stronger case for one cycle of case finding could be made. As
with this mild level of disease are just those cases of whom the the general practitioner will see up to 90 per cent of the prac-
general practitioner is not usually aware. At present the incep- tice population aged 75 and over in the setting of a consulta-
tion of a patient with dementia into primary care will usually tion either at home or in the surgery in one year (Williams,
be when a crisis occurs. This can happen when intercurrent ill- 1984), case finding could be done on an opportunist basis; it
ness produces a rapid deterioration in mental state or a carer is could be said that this is good clinical practice. It is also quite
taken ill or dies, and a person with dementia becomes visible to feasible to seek out the 10 per cent not seen and administer
the general practitioner for the first time. Patients with demen- rating scales to them. This does not have to be done by the gen-
tia often present to the Accident and Emergency department. eral practitioner; community nurses of all disciplines can
In one study (Shaw et al., 1996), 24 per cent of those people undertake this role, as could suitably trained lay people.
over the age of 65 presenting to a casualty department after a The type of practice population profile may well influence
fall were found to have cognitive impairment. This demon- the approach taken to maximizing the number of dementia
strates the need for good liaison systems to be in place to alert cases known. In socially deprived areas there tends to be a
primary care services to possible new dementia cases. preponderance of patients from social classes III, IV and V. It
is known that these groups use their general practitioner less
than those from social classes I and II (Victor, 1991), despite
having higher levels of morbidity for many diseases. In this
sort of area, there is a stronger argument for active rather
than opportunistic case finding, again for at least one cycle.
The general practitioner and the primary healthcare team As stated earlier, at present people with dementia often only
will need to consider what strategies they wish to adopt in become visible to primary care teams when the patient’s sup-
order to optimize dementia care by the early detection of the port systems fail, perhaps owing to the death or illness of an
illness. There are no true screening tests to detect impending elderly spouse. There is a need for primary care to be more
dementia in a presymptomatic latent phase at present, apart proactive; the ‘managed care’ approach that some PCOs may
from those cases caused by relatively rare autosomal dom- adopt in the UK could be a vehicle for this. There will be
inant gene defects. The ethical impact of such tests, if eventu- many competitors for resources, however.
ally developed, will be enormous, affecting many fundamental
facets of life ranging from the ability to get employment to
health and life insurance (Anonymous, 1996). For the fore-
seeable future, however, the general practitioner will have to
rely upon early case finding coupled with a high index of
clinical suspicion in order to detect cases of dementia. In UK Although a question to a patient about their memory may be
general practice there was until recently a contractual frame- helpful, those patients presenting themselves with a complaint
work in which registered patients aged 75 and over were of memory loss are often found to be depressed rather than
offered an annual health assessment, including mental health. demented, even though depression and dementia coexist in up
There is evidence, however, that this process is not very effect- to 40 per cent of cases. Family and friends’ comments about
ive; it is also very demanding in resource terms. To ‘screen’ the memory loss are much more significant, as are their comments
average general practitioner’s list of those over 75 years about subtle problems with the instrumental activities of daily
would take approximately 150 hours of face-to-face contact living (IADL). Deterioration in IADL, e.g. managing medica-
(Illife et al., 1991b). One study (Hallewell and Pettit, 1994) tion, using transport, handling finances and using the tele-
only found eight previously unknown cases of dementia and phone, are significantly associated with cognitive impairment.
16 previously identified cases in a screened population of The general practitioner has a wide range of dementia-
232 patients over the age of 75. detecting or rating instruments that they can use as part of
To date there is little evidence that cyclical population- the consultation. There is reluctance for general practitioners
based case finding produces much yield, particularly on a 12- to use these instruments, possibly as they feel the questions
monthly basis, owing to the relatively low incidence as opposed may be embarrassing. They are not alone in their reluctance:
to the relatively high prevalence of the disease. It is becoming it has been reported that geriatricians have a similar attitude
the norm for the use of computers in the clinical setting of (Dunn and Lewis, 1993). This sense of embarrassment is mis-
the consultation in general practice. At a minimum this means placed; patients do not find the administration of the instru-
that, for each encounter, a disease code and prescribing infor- ments intrusive (O’Connor et al., 1993; Hallewell and Pettit,
mation is recorded in the computer databases. The end result 1994). The Abbreviated Mental Test Score (AMTS), clock face
of this is, over time, the generation of coded disease registers drawing and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) are
for a practice population. In the UK it is planned that such easy to use in a primary care setting, and take only a few min-
information will eventually be collected and shared on a utes to administer. There are instruments such as the PHOTOs
PCO basis. In those practices where the disease register test (part of the CAMDEX and Rivermead behavioural
showed a lower than expected prevalence of dementia, then a memory test), that have been validated in a primary care
172 The role of primary care in the management of dementia

setting (Hallewell and Pettit, 1994) and consist of seven pho- To aid diagnosis, a thorough history is essential – the more
tographs to be recognized and remembered. This test is even detailed the better. In the case of dementia this will need to be
less intrusive, but will only detect cases and not measure obtained from a relative or carer who knows the patient well,
severity. The MMSE offers severity rating, covers several and has done so over a period of time. It is not sufficient to
domains and can be used serially, thus measuring rate of cog- rely upon the patient alone for a history. The clinician will try
nitive decline. It seems to be disliked by many general practi- to identify characteristic patterns of disease. In AD the inde-
tioners as it is thought to be a long instrument to administer. terminate onset and insidious progress may be noted. Many
This is not so at all, and software versions are available for areas of cognition are affected including memory, aphasia
palm-top computers for the cost of a few pounds. At the (loss of ability to understand the spoken or written word),
moment simple instruments are being piloted as part of apraxia (inability to perform familiar activities), agnosia
computer-aided decision-making software packages for use (inability to recognize familiar objects) and disturbances in
on primary care clinical computer systems. The patient’s executive function (sequential organization, attention and
demographic information and past history, already held on planning). Functional disability results in deterioration in
the system, prompt the clinician to ask questions of the social and occupational activities. Early in AD, problems
patient and enter the response into the computer, which will arise in the IADLs. As the disease progresses, the basic activ-
then score the responses and suggest if there is evidence of ities of daily living (ADL), including dressing, grooming and
cognitive impairment. Until better instruments, perhaps bathing, become restricted. In addition, behavioural changes
with measures of ordinary and instrumental activities of are common and may include mood swings, wandering and
daily living included in them, are developed, the MMSE may agitation. In VaD a stepwise decline may be seen. There may
well be the instrument of choice. The main requirement is be a history of transient ischaemic attacks or strokes. Other
for the general practitioner to make the use of an instrument evidence of vascular disease history, such as angina, may be
of their choice a regular part of routine clinical practice. evident. It is important to remember that elements of VaD
and AD may coexist. There is evidence to suggest that athero-
sclerosis is associated with both AD and VaD, and that there
15.3 DIAGNOSIS is an interaction between apolipoprotein E and atheroscler-
osis in the aetiology of AD (Hofman et al., 1997).
Visual hallucinations are more common in DLB, with up to
Having found a possible case of dementia, general practition- 70 per cent of patients experiencing them, as is less severely
ers can either refer to the specialist services at that point, or try impaired recent memory (Graham et al., 1997). DLB has a
to identify the type of dementia themselves. The natural his- characteristic fluctuation in cognitive function, which may
tory and clinical patterns of the dementia syndromes have been appear similar to a confusional state. Some 80 per cent of
well described, particularly with regard to Alzheimer’s dis- patients with DLB will demonstrate clouding of conscious-
ease (AD), which has a remarkably consistent natural history. ness. It is very important that the general practitioner consid-
The search continues for diagnostic markers of AD that do ers this diagnosis carefully, as patients with DLB are very
not require the neuropathological study of brain biopsy sensitive to neuroleptic agents and administration of these
material, and so may be more accessible in a primary care set- agents may indeed prove fatal. The history itself should help
ting. Blood tests such as analysis of the serum iron binding distinguish the acute onset of a confusional state from the slow
protein p97 (Kennard et al., 1996) showed early promise, but onset of any dementia syndrome. It is, of course, necessary to
a truly sensitive and specific test has yet to be found. Magnetic try to identify depression and delirium, and treat accordingly.
resonance imaging of entorhinal cortex has been shown to be a
potentially useful method of diagnosing early AD (Bobinski
et al., 1999). This modality of investigation will not be in the
primary care armamentarium for the foreseeable future!
Local shared care policy, where it exists, may influence the
diagnostic input of the general practitioner. By taking a good Examination will obviously include a dementia rating scale
history and carrying out a few investigations along with a phys- such as the MMSE. Evidence of disease in the cardiovascular
ical examination, a general practitioner could make a diagno- system, such as ischaemic heart disease, hypertension and arter-
sis of dementia and probably the type of dementia syndrome ial bruits, would tend to support a hypothesis of VaD, although
in many cases. Most general practitioners would approach as previously stated, AD and VaD can coexist. A brief neuro-
the diagnostic problem by excluding the reversible forms of logical examination may show evidence of extrapyramidal
dementia, and then trying to identify characteristic features signs found in DLB. Evidence of cerebrovascular accident
of the remaining common dementia syndromes, those being may be evident, such as focal neurological signs. A physical
AD, vascular dementia (VaD) and dementia with Lewy bod- examination may reveal evidence of a reversible cause of
ies (DLB). The other rarer causes of dementia such as neuro- dementia such as hypothyroidism or profound anaemia. It is
syphilis and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease are very much in the stated that, overall, 5–10 per cent of dementias are reversible,
specialist domain. but this is only true in about 1 per cent of dementia presenting
Drug treatment 173

in the elderly population. A younger patient presenting would 15.7 DRUG TREATMENT
increase clinical awareness of the possibility of a reversible
dementia or one of the rarer dementia syndromes, and refer-
ral to a neurologist may be more appropriate than referral to It is probable that a patient with dementia will have other
old age psychiatry or memory clinic services. diseases also requiring treatment with drugs. It is important
to review therapy to simplify the regimen as much as pos-
sible. The advice of the community pharmacist can be helpful
regarding type of preparation and aids to compliance, such
15.5 INVESTIGATIONS as ‘dosette’ boxes. Medication can be made up into blister
packs with days and time of day clearly marked. Many people
Laboratory tests will include glucose, full blood count, eryth- with dementia live on their own, and whilst it may be pos-
rocyte sedimentation rate, vitamin B12 and folate, thyroid sible for someone to visit once daily to supervise medication,
function tests and biochemical profile. It has been traditional more frequent visits become problematic. If possible, once-
to undertake syphilis serology, but this is probably not cost- a-day dosing with long-acting or modified-release agents
effective in primary care. should be arranged. There are several classes of drugs used in
Neuroimaging is helpful in diagnosing a dementia, the dementia, ranging from disease-modifying agents to those
cheapest option being a computed tomography (CT) brain drugs used to modify behaviour. Donepezil, galantamine and
scan without contrast. This will demonstrate structural rivastigmine have a UK product licence for the treatment of
changes in the brain typical of AD or VaD, and other abnor- mild–moderate AD and memantine for moderate–severe AD.
malities that may be a cause of cognitive decline such as Prescribing guidelines such as those issued by the UK Standing
tumours, haemorrhages and normal pressure hydrocephalus. Medical Advisory Committee (1998) and others (Lovestone
Whether or not open access to CT imaging for general prac- et al., 1997) exist for these agents. Initiation of this form of
titioners is practical is a matter for debate. The use of mag- therapy is not, as yet, a primary care function, although con-
netic resonance imaging (MRI), functional MRI, single photon tinued prescription can be, as part of a shared care protocol.
emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emis- Other non-cholinergic agents are being developed and might
sion tomography (PET) are clearly not in the domain of pri- be indicated in VaD as well as AD, but early results have been
mary care. disappointing so far.
Aspirin therapy should be initiated in VaD to help prevent
further ischaemic damage. Hypertension and atrial fibril-
lation should be treated vigorously. Other antiplatelet treat-
15.6 REFERRAL ment, such as combined modified-release dipyridamole and
aspirin may have a role if transient ischaemic attacks have
Interestingly, almost three-quarters of UK general practi- been identified.
tioners in one survey felt that a specialist opinion was not Wandering, agitation, aggression and insomnia are seen in
necessary to diagnose dementia (Grace, 1994). Now that dementia and can cause great distress to the carer. Aggression
drugs to ameliorate some of the symptoms of the dementias is often associated with delusions, and the general practi-
have a product licence or their equivalents are available for tioner should try to identify the presence of this phenom-
prescription, there has been a financial and clinical impera- enon. Non-drug interventions should be tried if at all possible,
tive in many areas to allow only initiation of prescribing by but there may be a need to prescribe medication at some stage.
specialist clinicians. It is clearly essential that an accurate diag- Small doses of a neuroleptic agent work well, but should be
nosis of the type of dementia is needed to allow effective use of initiated carefully and the dose titrated to response. Patients
drugs. When considering specialist referral, the general prac- with dementia are very susceptible to extrapyramidal side
titioner will need to decide if he or she is going to refer and to effects of these agents and, as has been previously stated, reac-
whom. To aid this decision the practitioner needs to define and tions can be fatal in those with DLB (Anonymous, 1994). In
clarify purpose in referring: is it for diagnostic help, manage- early 2004 it was reported that there was a two- to three-fold
ment help, prescription or a combination of these things? incidence of stroke in elderly patients with dementia treated
The answers to these questions will make the type of refer- with atypical antipsychotic agents. The Committee on the
ral clear. A neurologist may be appropriate for the younger or Safety of Medicines recommended that risperidone and olan-
atypical case. The old age psychiatrist and their teams may be zapine should not be used for the treatment of behavioural
the most appropriate for cases where the patient is older and symptoms of dementia. Extrapyramidal side effects can be
the diagnostic probabilities are more defined. If there is going countered with agents such as orphenadrine, but these can
to be a need for ongoing support, then the old age psychiatry cause confusion, delusions and hallucinations, so caution is
teams will be the obvious choice; this is almost always the required. Almost half of dementia patients may be depressed
case. If the general practitioner is confident about the diagno- at some stage. Depression responds well to treatment in
sis, and the primary healthcare team is able to arrange appro- many cases; suitable agents are lofepramine, imipramine or a
priate support, then, arguably, no specialist referral is needed. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). The SSRIs have
174 The role of primary care in the management of dementia

a better safety profile, and may be preferred if there are doubts It should be remembered that a sudden deterioration in
about supervision or compliance. function may be due to a ‘silent’ intercurrent illness such as a
chest infection, urinary tract infection or myocardial infarc-
tion and not part of the underlying dementia. Recognition of
this is important as treatment of the intercurrent illness will
restore cognitive function to its previous level.

There is no excuse for the continuing management of

dementia in primary care to be one of crisis management. 15.9 CARERS AND THEIR SUPPORT
There has been a general interest in developing evidence-
based guidelines for proactive management (Anonymous,
The vast majority of the burden of caring falls upon relatives,
1995), especially in chronic disease management, and these
usually the spouse, of the patient. These carers are themselves
well-described processes and principles for the management
often elderly and frail, and may also be ill. Research has con-
of chronic disease in primary care can be adapted for the
firmed that this is so, with only a minority of patients getting
dementia syndromes. Some excellent examples of evidence-
support from the statutory bodies (Luker and Perkins, 1987).
based guidelines exist: Interventions in the Management of
The Alzheimer’s Society found in a survey of UK health
Behavioural and Psychological Aspects of Dementia produced
authorities (Anonymous, 1997) that there was inequality of
by the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network in 1998,
service provision and access for people with dementia and,
and the North of England evidence-based guidelines for the
disturbingly, very little consultation with users and carers
primary care management of dementia (Eccles et al., 1998)
about how needs should be accessed and what services should
are good examples. National guidelines are an excellent start-
be commissioned. It is to be hoped that changes in the struc-
ing point, but need to be adapted and adopted locally in
ture of the UK National Health Service (NHS) in 1999, such as
order to be ‘owned’ by a group of practitioners; anecdotal
the formation of PCOs and the National Institute for Clinical
evidence suggests that ‘top-down’ guidelines tend to be
Excellence (NICE), may go some way to mitigating this.
ignored, whereas locally developed guidelines tend to be
Along with the unremitting 24-hours-a-day, 365-days-a-
adhered to.
year physical task of looking after a relative with dementia,
Dementia management should be anticipatory and there
there are other burdens that the carer will have to adapt to.
needs to be a system for regular review of the patient includ-
Carers may have feelings of guilt or anger about they way
ing some measure of disease progression and functional abil-
they feel about the very different person they used to know,
ity, with clearly defined triggers for carers to seek clinical help
and may suffer from a form of grief reaction about the ‘death’
identified. There may be dedicated dementia care teams
of an intellect when the body remains all too apparent. None
available or the primary care team may undertake the task
of these things should be unexpected, and the primary care
itself. Computerized disease registers that can be associated
team should be able to anticipate problems and act in a
with algorithms for care should make the task easier, but are
proactive way.
not essential. The most important thing, as has been stated, is
One of the single most useful things that a general practi-
to develop a system for periodic review, including a definition
tioner can do as soon as a diagnosis of dementia is made is to
of roles and responsibilities for the primary care team mem-
put relatives and carers (and also the patient, if appropriate)
bers. A package of care should include as much support for
in contact with the local dementia self-help group. In the UK
carers as possible; this has been shown to delay the admission
this would probably be the Alzheimer’s Society or Alzheimer
of a patient with dementia to a nursing home (Mittleman
Scotland Action on Dementia. These organizations can pro-
et al., 1996). In another study it was found that carers identi-
vide a wealth of information and support, and are often able
fied reliable, competent respite care, on a planned basis, as the
to provide literature and advice about topics such as sexual-
single most important service to prevent premature long-
ity, aggression, wandering and other emotive areas. Other
term nursing home placement (Heagerty et al., 1988).
voluntary groups such as Crossroads (the Association of
A range of options for the care of the dementia patient in
Crossroads Care Attendant Schemes) in the UK can provide
primary care exists, very much locally determined, however.
someone to sit with a person with dementia on a regular
This can vary from care at home by a spouse or other carer,
basis, allowing the caregiver time to him/herself. This can
with varying degrees of input from health professionals, to
greatly improve the carer’s quality of life.
intensive home-based care from a community mental health
team as an alternative to inpatient care (Stokes et al., 1998).
Other patients will attend day hospital or community facil-
ities on a regular basis. The general practitioner should make
sure that there is access to occupational therapy and the other
non-drug therapies if felt appropriate. A holistic approach Dementia has an enormous impact on all aspects of life, and
such as ‘person-centred dementia care’ (Thacker, 1998) is advice will be sought from the general practitioner about
well suited to a nursing or residential home setting. these. Sensitivity is needed when giving advice, particularly in
Prevention 175

the light of recent evidence (Meyers, 1997) that the majority ordinary Power of Attorney, this power becomes invalid if
(80 per cent) of carers feel that a person with AD should not the donor becomes mentally incapable. Enduring Power of
be told the diagnosis. Interestingly, though, the carers them- Attorney will allow the attorney to deal with the donor’s
selves (70 per cent) felt they would want to know if they had affairs no matter what their mental state, as long as the donor
the disease themselves. It is important that the person does had insight when appointing the attorney.
know the diagnosis and prognosis in order to be able to put The general practitioner may also feel an ethical dilemma
his/her affairs in order and consent to treatment whilst the as he/she will often be caring for the dementia patient and
intellectual capacity to do so remains. Relatives and carers do the carer and family. Is facilitating the nursing home place-
need to be given as much information as possible. Magazines, ment of a patient with dementia, perhaps against expressed
radio, television and the Internet have placed vast amounts of wishes, in order to protect the mental and physical wellbeing
information about dementia in easily accessible form, but of an exhausted carer the ‘ethical’ thing to do? Is it ethical to
information overload is a risk and the quality of data variable, allow a crisis to develop by withholding support when a
ranging from reputable science to dangerous quackery. dementia patient is living alone and refusing help, in order to
There are many major changes in the life of the person with facilitate hospital admission and thus support the patient,
dementia and his/her carers ahead and they need to be alerted perhaps by using statutory powers? There are no easy
to these to allow action to be taken. The doctor needs to be answers to any of these questions, but discussing the matter
aware of legalities in order to alert the patient and carers, but it with colleagues and other members of the primary health-
would be a foolish doctor or other member of the primary care team sometimes make the solutions clearer.
healthcare team who purported to give legal advice; this
should be left to lawyers. Driving can be a cause of much con-
cern, especially if the person and family rely on this form of
transport. This is especially so in rural areas. The doctor may
feel conflicts of interest when giving advice, not wanting to iso-
late the person with dementia and their dependants, but also Until recently it would be unheard of for the subject of the
not wanting to put the general public at risk. The patient prevention of dementia to be dealt with in a primary care
should be advised to notify the vehicle’s insurers of the nature context; indeed, very little about dementia per se was to be
of the illness. The British Medical Association suggests that any found in the primary care literature. There has been a sea of
question from an insurance company regarding an opinion change, however. Much more is known about the pathogen-
about whether a patient with dementia is fit to drive should esis of the dementia syndromes; although the evidence is not
not be answered by a family doctor in order to avoid risk of a always based on robust randomized controlled trial work,
charge of negligence in case of an accident. The person with there is mounting evidence that lifestyle modification and
dementia should be told to advise the competent authorities therapeutic interventions may be possible in the primary
on the nature of the disability. The authorities will then gather prevention of some of the dementia syndromes (Whalley,
such information as they require to make a decision about 1998). The general practitioner will need to be aware of this
driving. A yearly licence may be issued, or the licence may be as an increasingly informed public may well require infor-
revoked. There is no doubt that people with mild cognitive mation from them. Recent published work regarding the
impairment do drive, apparently safely. It is interesting to note, adequate control of hypertension demonstrated in the elderly
however, that in one study (Johansson et al., 1997) it was that, if hypertensive elderly people were treated for 5 years, 19
found that post-mortem evidence suggested a higher number cases of dementia per 1000 of the population could be pre-
of elderly drivers dying in a road traffic accident had evidence vented (Forette et al., 1998) and these were cases of AD,
of Alzheimer’s disease than age-matched controls. It would be rather than VaD, as may seem initially intuitive. Reducing
advisable for the physician to contact the relevant professional vascular risk factors such as hypertension, obesity, hyperlip-
organizations for expert advice, if needed. The general rule idaemia and smoking will reduce the risk of cerebrovascular
should be that, however uncomfortable a decision it may be, accident and cognitive impairment.
society’s safety outweighs an individual’s rights. There have been a number of robust trials, some (Forette
With regard to advice about making a will, the person et al., 1998) with the onset of dementia as an end point in its
with dementia will need to make a will while capable of own right rather than transient ischaemic attacks and stroke
understanding what a will is, what property there is to dis- used as proxy markers. The Study on Cognition and Progress
pose of, and to whom. In order to satisfy these criteria, the in the Elderly (SCOPE) (Sever, 2002) looked at 5000 hyper-
family doctor is going to have to make absolutely sure that tensive patients aged between 70 and 89. At enrolment all
the person understands the nature of the illness, and its nat- subjects had a MMSE equal to or greater than 24. The sub-
ural history, early on in the illness before cognitive impair- jects were randomized to placebo or angiotensin-converting
ment is fully established. enzyme (ACE) inhibitor plus other agents to control blood
As the disease progresses, the need for Enduring Power of pressure. After 3.5 years there was a 24 per cent drop in stroke
Attorney may be necessary. This gives another person (the incidence in the treatment group and, although both arms
attorney) the right to act for the patient (the donor). With showed a similar decline in MMSE, more sophisticated tests
176 The role of primary care in the management of dementia

of cerebral function showed increased speed of cognition, but the concept of IHD and stroke prevention is so similar to
increase in attention, improvement in episodic and working a dementia prevention programme that the two may really be
memory and better executive function in the treatment the same thing. Only large-scale properly designed trials over
group compared with the controls. In the PROGRESS trial some period of time are going to give the answers. The use of
(PROGRESS Collaborative Group, 2001) over 6000 subjects antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents such as non-
with a history of transient ischaemic attack or stroke were steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (McGeer and McGeer,
enrolled. Importantly the inclusion criteria did not include 1999) may have their place in the prevention of dementias by
hypertension, so normotensive subjects were included as well their actions as neuroprotectors.
as hypertensive subjects. There was a reduction of cognitive Diet plays a role, especially in AD. Obesity itself is a risk
decline of almost 20 per cent in the treatment group, which factor for dementia independently of other comorbid factors
was more marked in the subgroup who did have another with up to 74 per cent increased risk of dementia developing
stroke. After 4 years the risk of dementia after a stroke was if the body mass index is greater than 30 (Whitmer et al.,
reduced by 34 per cent. The Antihypertensive and Lipid 2005). There is evidence (Grant, 1997) that a high fat and
Lowering Treatment to prevent Heart Attack (ALLHAT) high calorie diet is associated with an increased prevalence of
(ALLHAT Collaborative Research Group, 2002) introduced this disease, perhaps by adding to oxidative stress; conversely,
lipid lowering treatment as well as anti-hypertensive therapy fish consumption is associated with a reduced incidence.
with a favourable outcome in terms of cardiac and neurolog- Vitamin C may protect against cognitive impairment in the
ical events in the treatment groups. Other studies on statins elderly (Gale et al., 1996) as, indeed, does education (Ott
have shown a reduction in AD in the treatment group (odds et al., 1995). Modification of all these varied factors could
ratio 0.26) but only in subjects younger than 80. The avail- potentially form part of a primary prevention package, but
able evidence suggests not only a reduction in VaD, which there is still a need for firmer, long-term prospective evidence
would be expected, but also AD, though the ‘pure’ form of before this can be recommended and such evidence may be
either entity is probably rare and most cases sit on a contin- hard to gather.
uum stretching between AD and VaD. In primary care, especially in the UK, the same team will
Diabetes is also associated with vascular problems and look after the same cohort of individuals over long periods of
there is a relative risk for AD of 2.3 for men and between 1.4 time. This means that they have the ability to note those people
and 2.0 for women who are diabetic. Good control of dia- who are more at risk of developing a dementia syndrome,
betes should help prevent both VaD and AD. and there should be a raised index of clinical suspicion when
There was some evidence that the use of hormonal dealing with these individuals. For example, in AD, about
replacement therapy (HRT) may help prevent AD (Bonn, one-third of cases are familial. Risk factors for AD include
1997); however, this is offset by the increased risk of breast previous Parkinson’s disease (relative risk of 2.4), advanced
cancer in users of HRT (Beral et al., 2003) and by the knowl- parental age (relative risk 1.6) and head trauma (relative risk
edge that HRT increases the relative risk of stroke by 1.41 1.8). Interestingly, a history of depression more than 10 years
after 5 years of use (Writing Group for the Woman’s Health ago is said to carry a relative risk of 1.7 and more recent work
Initiative Investigators, 2002). More recent work has shown (Green et al., 2003) in a large study shows a doubling of risk
stroke itself is a risk factor for AD (hazards ratio for AD with of AD in patients with a history of depression. We know that
a history of stroke 1.6) (Honig et al., 2003) so the role of HRT diabetes and hypertension are risk factors.
as protector against dementia is becoming clouded and may Primary care is now becoming highly computerized with
do more harm than good. many practices’ ‘paperless’ and comprehensive disease data-
It has been suggested (Whalley, 1998) that a dementia pre- bases being generated containing (when complete) most, if
vention programme is possible. It should seek to lower the not all, of the information above. It has been suggested (Holt
risk of dementia by reducing vascular risk factors, for example, and Ohno-Machado, 2003) that there should be a nationwide
by treating diabetes and hypertension, stopping tobacco use adaptive prediction tool for coronary heart disease prevention.
and normalizing lipids by drug therapy and diet. It is becom- Adaptive predictive models are computer based and ‘learn’ to
ing increasingly likely that AD is a manifestation of insulin classify cases according to patterns. They include algorithms
resistance (Rasgon and Jarvik, 2004) (Strachan M, 2003) and as well as more complex models such as neural networks.
this theory gives a logical basis for the above approach. It has These systems are used in industry for pattern recognition
been suggested that a pill containing a statin, three blood and process control. Data collected under the new General
pressure drugs (perhaps beta-blocker, ACE inhibitor and a Medical Services contract in the UK, along with pre-existing
thiazide all at half standard dose), low-dose aspirin and folic data, could populate an adaptive predictive tool and in essence
acid (to reduce serum homocysteine) be administered to per- stratify risk for each individual allowing targeted interven-
sons over 55 years of age (Wald and Law, 2003). Using exist- tion for those highest at risk of coronary heart disease. By
ing data, it is estimated that one-third of people so treated adding some of the dementia risk factors to this information,
would gain an additional 11 years of life free from an it would in theory allow the construction of a similar adap-
ischaemic heart disease (IHD) event or stroke. It is true to say tive prediction tool for dementia prevention, especially as
that there is considerable controversy about this proposal, there is great overlap in the characteristics of the ‘at CHD
References 177

risk’ and the ‘at dementia risk’ populations, again allowing medical and social care can result in reduced costs and
for targeted intervention to ‘prevent’ dementia. reduced functional decline in the elderly (Bernabei et al.,
The prevalence of AD will quadruple by the year 2047 to 1998). A certainty is that patients of increasing levels of
8.64 million cases in the USA unless effective preventive dependency will be cared for in the community in increasing
interventions can be developed. If the disease onset can be numbers and this trend will continue (Stern et al., 1993).
delayed by as little as 6 months then it is projected that in 50 Some general practitioners have found the increase in work-
years, 380 000 fewer people will be affected (Brookmeyer, load to date unmanageable (Williams et al., 1992). The new
1998). This would have enormous resource implications. General Medical Services contract introduced in the UK in
April 2004 allows for enhanced services to be provided by
some practices to special patient groups. This could be used
as a mechanism for interested primary healthcare teams to
develop a special interest in caring for people with dementia
in a locality, including those registered with other practices.
The future of primary care is uncertain. There is a general
trend for as much clinical and social care to be delivered to
the patient as close to home as possible, hence firmly in the REFERENCES
primary sector. There is also a trend for the introduction of
managed care. The introduction of PCOs in the UK, with their The ALLHAT Collaborative Research group. (2002) Major outcomes in
similarities at trust level to US-style health maintenance high risk hypertensive patients randomized to angiotensin converting
organizations will accelerate this trend. enzyme inhibitor or calcium channel blocker vs diuretic. JAMA 2888:
A main feature of health provision in primary and sec- 2981–2997
ondary care is the introduction of clinical governance. Clin- Anonymous. (1994) Neuroleptic sensitivity in patients with dementia.
ical governance has been described as a system through which Current Problems in Pharmacovigilance 20: 6
NHS organizations are accountable for continuously improv- Anonymous. (1995) The Development and Implementation of Clinical
ing the quality of their services and safeguarding high standards Guidelines. London, Royal College of General Practitioners
of care by creating an environment in which excellence in Anonymous. (1996) Apolipoprotein E genotyping in Alzheimer’s disease
clinical care will flourish (Scally and Donaldson, 1998). It (consensus statement). Lancet 347: 1091–1095
Anonymous. (1997) No Accounting for Health. London, Alzheimer’s
involves standards, performance and quality review. It seems
Disease Society
logical that patterns of care will be increasingly guideline- Beral V and the Million Women Study Collaborators. (2003) Breast
based and be capable of being audited both for process and cancer and hormone-replacement therapy in the Million Woman
outcome. The development of guidelines will no doubt be Study. Lancet 362: 419–427
influenced by national guidelines, but need to be locally modi- Bernabei R, Landi F, Gambassi G et al. (1998) Randomised trial of impact
fied to be practical, as has been previously noted. Developing of model of integrated care and case management for older people
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tions in the evidence, however. For example, with regard to in mild Alzheimer’s disease. Lancet 353: 38–39
the risks of smoking and dementia, one small study in the Bonn D. (1997) Oestrogen offers protection in Alzheimer’s disease.
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2.2. The difference may well be due to the presence or absence Dunn R and Lewis P. (1993) Compliance with standard assessment
of the apolipoprotein E 4 allele, but this example of appar- scales for elderly people among consultant geriatricians in Wessex.
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ets. When this has truly happened, then the true cost of care randomised double-blind placebo-controlled systolic hypertension in
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Multidisciplinary approaches in the management
of dementia

16a The role of nursing 180 16d Speech and language therapy 195
16b Social work and care management 186 16e Physiotherapy 203
16c Occupational therapy 191
The role of nursing


16.1 Assessment 180 16.4 Therapeutic intervention and symptom management 182
16.2 Environment and safety 181 16.5 Psychotherapeutic and supportive therapies 184
16.3 Communication 182 References 184

Dementia presents with a progressive deterioration of cogni- components are assessment with emphasis on self-care abilities
tive abilities, increasing dependency on others for self-care and communication abilities; therapeutic interventions and
and an emerging need for supervision. The role of nursing symptom management; and support systems and resources. In
can be pivotal in that nurses work in a continuum of settings addition, each stage of dementia presents unique challenges to
in which they provide care for the individual with dementia nursing care. The overarching philosophy of care is to provide
and their families. Nursing professionals have the benefit of individualized care that enhances self-care abilities and encour-
face-to-face contact, be it in the clinic, home, or institution. ages autonomy in the least restrictive setting for as long as pos-
The nurse may be the person who is most readily accessible and sible. The patient with dementia requires a thorough and
can coordinate the patient’s care needs. Nurses are a valuable holistic evaluation including physical, psychiatric, psychosocial
resource for understanding the difficulties of caring for the and environmental assessments. This chapter emphasizes
patient at home. Their role may be to observe changes in assessment.
health status and to communicate these changes to the other
members of the health team. It may be the nurse who talks
most frequently to the family providing counselling and sup-
port. As a resource for assistance in day-to-day care, nurses
can identify problems and give practical advice in caring for
problems ranging from bathing to catastrophic reactions Ongoing assessment is an essential part of the care of the
(Sloane et al., 1995). patient with dementia. Geriatric prepared nurses have know-
The challenge of caring for patients with dementia is ledge and understanding of age-related changes and com-
to become vigilant in identifying the range of symptoms of mon disease processes, as well as behavioural symptoms that
cognitive decline in the early stages to the more troubling can afflict the elderly patient. People with Alzheimer’s disease
behavioural symptoms of the later stages. Current research (AD) have a full range of symptoms from those who have not
emphasizes the need for early identification. Backman and yet come to medical attention, the mildly affected, to those
associates (2004) found that in preclinical dementia there is with advanced symptoms (Albert et al., 1998). The progres-
decline in cognitive functioning 3 years before diagnosis. sion of dementia symptoms jeopardizes the individual’s abil-
These researchers observed that with increasing age and ity to remain in an independent living situation.
numbers of recent diseases there is a more rapid decline All patients need to be evaluated for changes in cognition
(Backman et al., 2003). Early identification of dementia is and functional abilities. The nurse’s responsibility is to com-
imperative. Individuals with mild symptoms may be eligible plete and continue a thorough nursing history to assess the
for cholinesterase inhibitors or inclusion in drug research stage of the disease, comorbid medical conditions, activities
trials that may delay the progression of the disease. of daily living (ADL) and instrumental activities of daily living
Though each setting in which the nurse provides care has (IADLs), self-care abilities and competency to self-medicate.
specific issues, the care of patients with dementia falls into Various tools are available to document baseline abilities and
several components that are pertinent to all settings. These change or decline (Katz et al., 1963, 1970; Lawton and Brody,
Environment and safety 181

psychological and socioeconomic data to provide compre-

Box 16.1 Mnemonic for dementia evaluation
hensive understanding of a person’s psychosocial status.
Drugs on board Crucial information includes past ways of coping, identifi-
Emotional disorders cation of chronic and acute stressors, personality styles, fam-
Metabolic disorders ily roles and dynamics, decision-making history, and past
Ears, eyes – perception and family psychiatric history. Besides observing and docu-
Nutrition and normal pressure hydrocephalus menting symptoms of depression and other psychiatric behav-
Infections iours, nurses spend much time with the patient and can elicit
Arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis pertinent information about the meaning and significance of
Sundowner’s syndrome behaviours and symptoms. An important hint in understand-
ing the patient’s current behaviour is to obtain information
concerning who the patient was and behavioural styles prior
1969). A review of systems is indicated owing to the high to the onset of dementia. This information can give the clin-
prevalence of comorbid medical conditions and susceptibil- ician insight into and understanding of some of the behav-
ity to delirium, particularly infections, inadequate nutrition iours exhibited by the patient. For example, a patient who
and polypharmacy, being mindful of drug–drug interactions worked nights may not have nocturnal wandering; a dom-
(Inouye, 1998). As noted previously, nurses should be suspi- ineering personality may not respond to directives but needs
cious of subtle declines in individuals not yet diagnosed but to be ‘in charge’.
with the risk factors of increased age and numbers of recent
medical conditions (Backman et al., 2004).
16.1.2 Caregiver assessment
Since dementia is to some degree a diagnosis of exclusion,
specific reversible causes must be ruled out. Use of a mnemonic
Holistic assessment of the patient with dementia includes eval-
for evaluation of potentially treatable causes may be helpful
uating how well the family or professional caregiver is han-
(Box 16.1). Once the diagnosis is established, identification
dling the impact of the disease and the behaviours presented
of the stage of disease development can be helpful in antici-
by the patient (see Chapters 4 and 11a). Caregiver burden is
pating needs and to help the family plan for care.
defined as the physical, emotional, social and financial chal-
Several authors have developed scales to stage dementia
lenge of providing care (George and Gwyther, 1986).
in general and AD in particular, such as the Global
Caregivers have more stress symptoms, use more psycho-
Deterioration Scale (GDS) (Reisberg et al., 1982), the Clinical
tropic medications and have less social activities. Depression
Dementia Rating scale (CDR) (Berg, 1988), the Blessed
and worsening behaviours in the person with dementia
Memory-Information-Concentration Test (Blessed et al.,
adversely affect the caregiver (Saad et al., 1995). As part of the
1988), the Functional Assessment Staging (FAST) (Reisberg,
patient encounter, the caregiver’s stress and issues with the
1988), and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)
person with dementia need to be assessed. The nurse can
(Folstein et al., 1975). In the outpatient setting, the ‘SCOPED’
evaluate caregiver burden based upon the risk factors noted
assessment tool is a quick assessment of functional abilities
above and with one of the tools that measure caregiver burden
(Dohrenwend et al., 2003; Beck et al., 1994). The questions
such as the Zarit Burden Inventory (Zarit et al., 1980) or the
revolve around the patient’s safety, asking questions about
Screen for Caregiver Burden (Vitaliano et al., 1991).
spending, cooking, operating automobiles, pill taking, every-
day activities and decision-making.
All of these scales quantify the specific functional losses
that occur with AD and in association with ageing. These
scales plot symptoms from normal to severe and help clini-
cians track the course of the disease. This tracking helps Use of the milieu or environmental manipulation is a pri-
identify where the individual is in the disease progression. mary intervention for confused people. Important aspects of
Staging, used correctly, can assist the family in anticipating using the environment are for observation of behaviour,
and preparing for problems rather than waiting until a crisis therapeutic interventions and to evaluate the efficacy of psy-
occurs, but if used inappropriately, can depersonalize the chopharmacological options. The nurse in any setting is
patient and limit options for therapeutic interventions (Cole responsible for developing a therapeutic environment for the
et al., 1998). patient. Safety surveillance is emphasized, providing for the
patient’s needs and developing ways to tolerate their behaviours
in a safe environment. Helping the family to remove safety
16.1.1 Mental health assessment hazards, toxins, inedibles, cords and throw rugs can ensure a
more streamlined and safer habitat for the confused patient.
The nursing psychiatric assessment includes observation for In a nursing facility (as well as the home), the environ-
depression, psychosis and behavioural change. The goal of the ment should be streamlined to decrease confusion but stimu-
psychiatric assessment is to gather and integrate biological, lating enough to encourage the patient with dementia to be
182 Multidisciplinary approaches in the management of dementia

the message more effectively – for example, using gentle touch

Box 16.2 Environmental strategies for dementia
to get a patient’s attention; pointing to concrete objects like a
• Use of calendars, pictures and maps for visual and water glass when asking to drink, or handing the glass with
cognitive cueing the request. Offering forced options, such as,‘Do you want an
• Space for safe wandering, both inside and outside apple or an orange?’ can help with decision making and fos-
• Use of wandering gardens (Hoover, 1995) ter autonomy. Repetitive questions can aggravate caregivers
• Use of colour and signs to help with orientation and and upset patients. Sometimes ignoring or redirecting can
way-finding help. Other patients need more reassurance and the nurse
• Use of light and small areas for conversation and quiet should attempt to divine the meaning behind the repetitious
pursuits questions (Landreville et al., 1998).
• Decrease distracting, confusing noise levels Asking the family about the patient’s communication
• Add appropriate music (Tabloski et al., 1995) style or special language is necessary to continue to commu-
• Comfortable home-like furniture nicate and incorporate into treatment plans. Gathering this
• Provision of activities that allow the patient success and information can be instrumental in preventing frustration
interaction and agitated behaviours. Observation of the patient’s non-
• Use of electronic alarm systems and/or design to deter verbal language and interpretation of its meaning can provide
elopement, such as camouflaged doors, use of the nurse with insight into the patient as well as establishing
directional street signs, or dutch doors more empathetic responses. Validation therapy proposed
• Assessment of area for fall prevention by Feil (1993) encourages interpretation of the patient’s
• Good definition between walls and floors non-verbal behaviour as a way of validating feelings and
• Availability of activities throughout the day and evening emotions the patient can no longer express. Rocking behav-
• Access to portable foods and liquids for wanderers iour can be interpreted as agitation or anxiety if vigorous but
• Physical activities to divert aggression if it occurs in a gentle, relaxed fashion can be explained as
comforting. In essence the nurse interprets to the patient his
or her understanding that the behaviour may be expressing a
involved and interested. Teri and Wagner (1992) demonstrated positive or negative emotion, striving for a connection with
that participation in pleasurable activities decreases depres- the patient.
sion in demented patients and lessens agitation. In designing
the environment, several considerations need to be addressed.
Box 16.2 refers to environmental considerations that benefit
people with dementia and can provide a more therapeutic 16.4 THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTION AND
atmosphere for the confused. SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT
The family trying to understand the disease may not con-
sider changing the home environment as part of the treat- As dementia progresses, symptoms worsen and more troubling
ment. The nurse can provide helpful, practical suggestions to behaviours may present. These behaviours include agitation,
assist the family to provide an optimal environment at home. aggression, wandering, sleep disorders, and inappropriate
Many family caregivers feel helpless and welcome practical sexual behaviours.
advice that encourages their involvement in caring for their Behavioural interventions designed for target symptoms
loved one. can be instrumental in minimizing or defusing the escal-
ation of those behaviours. They are the first line in handling
milder behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia
(Cohen-Mansfield and Werner, 1995). The more aggressive
or problematic behaviours may require a combination of
Language abilities deteriorate with dementia. Often the early pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions (see
symptoms include word-finding, receptive aphasia, derailing Chapters 38 and 39). Patients with dementia require and
mid-sentence, confabulation (filling in missing gaps of infor- benefit from more labour-intensive approaches, i.e. interven-
mation), tangentiality and circumstantiality. Many AD vic- tions and strategies that can be done by lay and professional
tims demonstrate remarkable conversational skills and social caregivers and are easy to implement with widespread appli-
graces that fool the clinician. Family and caregivers need to cation to the home setting or the long-term care facility.
be interviewed to validate patients’ reports and abilities. As problematic behaviours arise, there is a need and oppor-
Techniques of communication require changes in approach tunity for nursing intervention with the caregivers and the
and style. Conversation must be streamlined. Most sentences patient. Basic principles of behavioural intervention are
are too long and confused patients are not able to follow sev- summarized in Box 16.3. The rule of thumb of instituting
eral thoughts or directions in one sentence. Slower paced behavioural approaches is based on the seven Rs – Reassess,
conversation with fewer and more concrete words is indi- Reconsider, Reassure, Rechannel, Redirect, Remove and
cated. Using as many of the senses as possible may imprint Rethink (Kuhn, 1993).
Therapeutic intervention and symptom management 183

Box 16.3 Assessment of a problem Box 16.4 Risk factors associated with a person with dementia
becoming lost
• Identify behaviour
• What is the behaviour? • Inability to remember one’s own name, address or phone
• When does it occur? number
• Where does it occur? • Inability to state why one is in a given location
• With whom does it occur? • Inability to state where one is going or who one is with
• What is the caregiver’s response? • Inability to follow a conversation
• Identify what was tried and how successful it was • Inappropriate behaviour for the setting
• Was any one person successful and what did they do? • Inappropriate responses or confusion when asked
• Inability to recognize common symbols such as police
16.4.1 Problematic behaviours uniforms or directional signs
Adapted from Rowe (2003)
The nurse’s role in managing agitation and aggressive behav-
iour is assessment of potential triggers and early intervention.
Identification of individuals, situations and activities that pro- found that by observing the pattern, duration and frequency,
voke can prevent escalation and redirection to more appro- the nurse could differentiate between healthy and problem-
priate activities. The nurse should evaluate how the patient is atic wandering. By looking for the meaning of the wander-
being approached. Is the approach calm and slow? Is the patient ing, the nurse is more apt to design an intervention that is
spoken to firmly and gently in advance so as not to startle and more successful and relieving for people with dementia.
precipitate a spontaneous aggressive reaction? Is the use of Related to wandering is the likelihood of becoming lost.
touch helpful or counterproductive? Ryden and Feldt (1992) The Alzheimer’s Association of the United States predicts that
found that intrusive touching behaviours, which nurses and 60 per cent of people with dementia will wander and become
nursing assistants are likely to perform such as bathing and lost in their community (Rowe, 2003). This statistic highlights
toileting, are likely to be perceived as threatening. Non-verbal a potential public health problem. Nurses have the unique
behaviour and authoritarian postures can also set off aggres- opportunity to educate families, law enforcement and the
sive responses. Use of redirection and reassurance can be the public of this potentially deadly behaviour. Educational infor-
nurse’s most valuable weapons. Assessing the reality of the mation includes not leaving the person with dementia alone;
situation and backing off to avoid escalation may be the most securing the home environment to prevent inadvertent leav-
effective strategy. Helping the caregivers assess if the activity ing; use of motion/tone detectors and alarms and security sys-
needs to be done now or if it can wait can prevent caregiver tems. Another resource is the Safe Return Programme of the
frustration and aggressive reactions. Assessing the patient’s Alzheimer’s Association in the United States, which registers
environment for too much stimulation and offering sugges- and photographs people with dementia and distributes vital
tions to provide quiet and less stimulating activities will help information to local authorities if the need arises. Specific risk
decrease outbursts. Prediction of possible behaviours and factors to be assessed are listed in Box 16.4 (Rowe, 2003).
addressing the ‘how to handle’ before the behaviour occurs Similarly for sleep disturbances, assessment of previous
gives the family caregivers techniques to use and lessens their sleep patterns or occupational habits need to be incorporated
sense of helplessness. The potential for danger always needs into treatment plans. Assessment of environmental problems
to be addressed and treatment planning should include what that interfere with sleep need to be addressed. Several studies
to do and how to get help in whatever setting the patient is in. (Hopkins et al., 1992; Satlin et al., 1992; Nelson, 1995) report
Points to consider when assessing wandering and sleep dis- that sleep patterns change with dementia, resulting in fewer
turbances include assessment of the environment for triggers hours of sleep and increased fragmented periods of sleep.
that stimulate or induce the behaviour. Assessment of types Programming may need to be created to provide around-
of wandering helps define the appropriate intervention. Nurses the-clock activities to provide for these changes. Nurses who
need to ask the following questions. What was the patient like provide 24-hour care have the opportunity to create innova-
before dementia? Was the patient a high-energy person who tive programming for patients on all three shifts from bed-
never sat still and was always on the move? Is the current time quiet time and snack activities to late-night groups and
wandering a problem that requires intervention because of breakfast. It may be appropriate in future to provide institu-
elopement concerns, striking out, a search for home and com- tional care more like a cruise ship with midnight buffets and
fort or a risk to others? Is the confused patient upset because recreation. Basic consideration includes avoidance or limited
he/she knows where he/she is not? Or is the wandering pur- usage of caffeine, alcohol, or nicotine; evaluation of medica-
poseless, benign and tolerated in a safe environment (Butler tion and avoiding night-time use of diuretics or stimulating
and Barnett, 1991)? medications; and establishing quiet, comforting, and regular
Algase and colleagues (2003) have studied wandering and bedtime rituals (Hopkins et al., 1992; Rader and Tornquist,
its meaning to the person with dementia. These researchers 1995; Rantz and McShane, 1995).
184 Multidisciplinary approaches in the management of dementia

To treat sundowning, increased staffing, structured activ- Their abilities to walk and wander about seeking stimulation
ities and environmental manipulation are indicated. Having challenge nurses to provide structured programming in the
one-on-one staffing or use of family and volunteers at shift home or nursing facilities.
change can decrease agitation, fear of abandonment and dis- Use of the music therapy with groups and with individuals
orientation. Use of light and uncluttered rooms will decrease may soothe and calm. Music with the same beat as a normal
the patient’s misinterpretation of the environment or illusions. heart rate of approximately 76 beats per minute has been
Rescheduling of therapies from 3.00 to 5.00 pm can provide found to calm agitation (Tabloski et al., 1995). Music can also
additional security and redirection (Rantz and McShane, 1995; stimulate memory and encourage participation in the pres-
Landreville et al., 1998). ent. A variety of ‘touch’ therapies and self-soothing tech-
New research on bright light therapy (BLT) indicates that niques have been used widely for self-enhancement and to
morning BLT can delay evening agitation in patients with stimulate the senses as well as a tool for relaxing.
milder forms of dementia. BLT is less effective in more severe Small group work has proven successful with demented
dementia because of more degeneration and deteriorating individuals. These groups range from leader-facilitated rem-
circadian activity rhythms. Bright light boxes for 2 hours of iniscence therapy; current event discussion groups; object-
exposure 2500 lux every morning can be helpful in many oriented groups; supportive psychotherapy; breakfast groups
patients with dementia (Ancoli-Israel et al., 2003). that prepare food and encourage communication; task groups
Inappropriate sexual behaviours are troubling and diffi- that develop successful ‘jobs’ and workplaces; and reduced
cult to deal with for both the nursing staff and the family. stimuli activities. A variety of therapies – art, pet, exercise
Medical conditions, such as urinary tract and vaginal infec- and spiritual – have a role in the treatment of patients with
tions, incontinence, chafing, rashes and other skin conditions dementia.
can cause inappropriate sexual behaviours. Treating these con- The nurse can be the one professional who has the most
ditions can prevent premature use of antipsychotics or other contact with the person with dementia in multiple settings.
drugs used to lessen sexually inappropriate behaviour. Regular This a unique opportunity and challenge to provide ongoing
toileting schedules can lessen preoccupation with genitalia assessment, interventions, education and therapeutic options
and voiding in inappropriate places. Choosing appropriate to patients, caregivers and the treatment team involved in
clothing that buttons from the back or jumpsuits can decrease caring for the Alzheimer family throughout the course of this
embarrassing public scenes. disease. Keeping abreast of innovative and cutting edge
Information about the patient’s past and present sexual research interventions are at the nurse’s fingertips to share
functioning helps the nurse to provide opportunities for intim- with families and other caregivers designing approaches to
acy with spouse or partner, or at least to ensure privacy for help people with dementia. Many successful therapies and
masturbation or other intimacy needs. Assessment of loneli- interventions have found their way into recommended treat-
ness and loss of companionship is a part of providing holis- ment strategies because nurses and the interdisciplinary
tic care for the Alzheimer patient and family. In situations of team members continue to try to develop strategies to keep
inappropriate behaviours in public places, use of redirection the demented patient as active, involved and independent
and distraction is useful. as possible in the safest situation that can be provided.
Education and information about sexuality and handling
sexual behaviours is an important aspect of treatment for the
staff, family and significant others, including ongoing in- REFERENCES
services concerning acceptance, as well as their own reactions to
sexual behaviours. There should be frank discussion of nor- Albert S, Sano M, Bell K, Merchant C, Small S, Stern Y. (1998) Hourly
mal sexuality and self-assessment of individual practices that care received by people with Alzheimer’s disease: results from an
can encourage inappropriate behaviours or give the patient urban community survey. The Gerontologist 38: 704–715
mixed messages. For example, some nursing staff are quite Algase D, Beel-Bates C, Beattie E. (2003) Wandering in long-term care.
comfortable giving hugs and holding patients’ hands whereas Annals of Long-Term Care 11: 33–39
other staff would interpret a patient’s hug as threatening and Ancoli-Israel S, Martin J, Gehrman P et al. (2003) Effect of light in
act accordingly. Staff need guidance and consistency in identi- institutionalized patients with severe Alzheimer’s disease. American
fying intimacy needs versus inappropriate behaviours (Szwabo, Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 11: 194–203
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Role of cognitive decline in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease: The role
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Social work and care management


16.6 Current patterns of practice 187 16.8 Conclusions 189

16.7 Intensive care management 188 References 189

Social work, like any professional or occupational group, is

Box 16.5 Key characteristics of care management
inseparable from the organizational and legislative context in
which it takes place since this defines the parameters of prac- • Core tasks: case finding and screening; assessment; care
tice. Prior to the introduction of care management, descrip- planning; monitoring and review
tions of social work in services for adults, including older • Functions: coordination and linkage of care services
people, tended to focus on professional specific activities, to • Goals: providing continuity and integrated care;
the neglect of outputs such as the function of linking the indi- increased opportunity for home-based care; make better
vidual to networks of care. Moreover, social work with older use of resources; promote wellbeing of older person
people, including those with dementia, was typically short • Target population: long-term care needs; multiple
term (Hunter et al., 1990). Assessments were often undertaken service requirements; risk of institutional placement
in a relatively narrow and service-oriented fashion (Social • Differentiating features of long-term care: intensity of
Services Inspectorate, 1987), followed by an allocation of ser- involvement; breadth of services spanned; lengthy
vice prior to closure. Continuing management of long-term duration of involvement with older person
problems for people living in the community was neglected. • Multilevel response: linking practice-level activities with
The advent of care management has required a useful redefin- broader resource and agency level activities
ition of social work in relation to long-term care of older people.
It can be most simply defined as a strategy for organizing and
coordinating care services at the level of the individual generally, with respect to the provision of health and social
client/patient. Care management therefore involves mobilizing care for vulnerable older people, the National Service
and influencing various agencies and services to achieve Framework for Older People (NSFOP) (Department of
clearly formulated goals, rather than each provider pursuing Health, 2001) has endorsed targets for the reform and devel-
separate and perhaps diverse goals (Challis, 1993). It is help- opment of particular services relevant to conditions more
fully understood in terms of six criteria: the performance of common amongst this group people, for example falls and
core tasks; effective coordination; explicit goals; a specific stroke. Standard Seven of the NSFOP, which is specific to
target population; a long-term care focus; and an impact on older people with mental health problems, advocates a multi-
service development as well as individual cases. This is sum- disciplinary approach to a specialist mental health service,
marized in Box 16.5. including social work input, with a core team member acting
The Health Act 1999 has introduced new flexibilities that as a care coordinator for each older person referred for spe-
allow for pooled budgets, delegated commissioning and cialist care. These developments are important since research
integration between services. Subsequently, the Health and has demonstrated that the appropriate provision of services,
Social Care Act 2001 was introduced to promote more inte- such as day care, can have a positive impact upon the care of
grated organizational structures for the delivery of health older people with dementia (Andrew et al., 2000; Moriarty and
and social care through integrated care trusts to improve Webb, 2000). Furthermore, respite care which can include
service delivery (Cm 4169, 1998; Cm 4818-I, 2000). More day care, day or night sitting services in the older person’s
Current patterns of practice 187


Referral Assessment Brief intervention Closure

(i) Short-term interventions

Case finding Monitoring

Assessment Care planning Closure
and screening and review

(ii) Long-term care

Figure 16.1 A model of care (Challis et al., 1990).

home, or relief care in a care home, has an important role in

Box 16.6 Differentiated approach to care management
the context of community care (Levin and Moriarty, 1996).
• Specialist assessment documents: only 5 per cent for
older people
16.6 CURRENT PATTERNS OF PRACTICE • Intensive care management for high-risk individuals
requiring high levels of support: rare and most not
focused on older people
Examination of existing services suggest there is considerable
potential for development. A Department of Health inspec- Source: Challis et al. (1999)
tion of services in the community for older people with
dementia examined the core tasks of care management
arrangements (Social Services Inspectorate, 1997a). In terms after the introduction of the community care reforms. Rather,
of assessment and care planning, formal links between health care management services were, in the main, provided for the
and social care were noted to be poor, although some majority rather than for a selected group of older service
evidence of good interprofessional collaborative working users (Challis et al., 1999; Weiner et al., 2002). This is illustrated
arrangements was observed. Furthermore, there was a lack of in Box 16.6. Nevertheless, a more differentiated approach to
ongoing monitoring of people with dementia and their car- care management has been recommended by central govern-
ers, and the monitoring and review of care plans were seen ment in order to assist social services departments in manag-
to be given insufficient priority. The report concluded that ing the volume of work and targeting resources on those in
a more integrated approach to health and social care was greatest need, such as people with dementia (Social Services
required in order to meet the long-term care needs of people Inspectorate, 1997a, b). It has identified three types of care
with dementia. More recently, concern has been expressed management arrangements, each necessary to an integrated
about the lack of specialist provision to support older people and comprehensive approach:
with mental health problems at home, and also regarding
shortfalls in the long-term care sector for this group of people • a predominantly administrative type providing
information and advice;
(Social Services Inspectorate, 2003).
The core tasks of long-term care embodied in care man- • a coordinating type that deals with a large volume of
referrals needing either a single service or range of fairly
agement, detailed in Figure 16.1, offer an approach suitable
straightforward services;
for the community-based care of vulnerable people with
chronic conditions. Since older people with dementia typic- • an intensive type where there is a designated care
manager who combines the planning and coordination
ally have complex health and social care needs, it is impor-
of services with a more therapeutic, supportive role for a
tant that agencies have in place procedures and protocols
much smaller number of users with complex and
within care management arrangements that facilitate an appro-
changing needs.
priate response – a feature more likely to be associated with a
differentiated approach to care management with procedures The Single Assessment Process (SAP) (Department of
specific to those with complex needs. This is an approach in Health, 2002) is consistent with the development of a differen-
which a distinction is made between older people with com- tiated approach to care management. At the outset, it was
plex needs often requiring a multiservice response and those anticipated that comprehensive assessment would be the most
with less complex needs, which are often met by a single ser- appropriate for older people with dementia since it is specified
vice response provided by one agency. However, research has as a prerequisite for residential and nursing home placements
suggested that little progress was made in the development of and intensive community support, where substantial packages
a differentiated approach to care management immediately of care at home are required. It will be undertaken by a range
188 Multidisciplinary approaches in the management of dementia

Shorter-term care
Box 16.7 Practice interventions and strategies
Community mental health team for older people
doctors, nurses, psychologist,
• Case finding and screening: targeting of appropriate
occupational therapists, social workers • Assessment
Key workers – structured approach
– severity of need assessed
ⴙ • Implementing the care plan
Longer-term care – goal defined
– strategies of intervention and resources identified
Case managers • Monitoring, review and case closure
Social workers with budget – achievement of goals reassessed
Service to patients with dementia – problems reviewed
Care management – outcome by domain of assessed need evaluated
Figure 16.2 Lewisham Case Management Scheme: setting and
roles (Challis et al., 1997). care, quality of life and wellbeing, encompassing the perspec-
tives of the older person, carers (including family, friends and
paid carers) and the assessing researcher.
of professionals or specialist teams, although geriatricians and
Box 16.7 details the process of assessment and case man-
old age psychiatrists are expected to take a prominent role in
agement as it developed within the scheme. With regard to
comprehensive assessment, particularly with regard to the
implementing the care plan, the goals of intervention in case
development of approaches to assessment.
management were identified by retrospective analysis of
80 care plans. These were analysed under seven categories:
supportive, therapeutic, practical, preventive, social, destina-
tional and organizational. The most frequently reported were
supportive (68 per cent), therapeutic (66 per cent) and prac-
The Lewisham Case Management Scheme offered a practical tical (56 per cent). Supportive goals were almost exclusively
demonstration of care management designed to provide intended for the benefit of informal carers, the most fre-
intensive community support to enable older people with quently reported categories were to relieve carer burden, pro-
dementia to live at home. It was one of a family of intensive vide respite and assist carers. Therapeutic interventions were
care management studies designed to offer a community most often directed at devising strategies to reduce problem
based alternative to institutional care (Challis and Davies, behaviours associated with the client’s deteriorating state.
1986; Challis et al., 1995, 2002a, b). Specifically, it was estab- Practical goals were directed towards the assistance of the
lished in a multidisciplinary setting to develop a model of client, with personal care, health care and domestic care
intensive care management for a target population of indi- being the most frequently mentioned. These demonstrate
viduals with a diagnosis of dementia, identified as having that the prime objective of case managers was to support,
unmet needs and likely to be at risk of entry to institutional sustain and enhance the quality of life of the client in his/her
care, despite input from statutory services (Challis et al., own home, and thereby to assist the carers.
1997, 2002a). The aim of the scheme was to provide effective In the second year of the Lewisham Case Management
integrated community-based long-term care that spanned Scheme its effects began to show in a lower rate of admission
the health and social service interface. The service was pro- to care homes for older people with dementia in the experi-
vided by social services case managers based in a community mental group, than under standard arrangements for those
mental health team for older people. Most importantly, case in the control group, also resulting in lower associated costs
managers were able to purchase care in response to identified for residential care for the former. Hence the community
need within defined parameters. This enabled the development tenure effect in this study appeared more muted than in
of a specialist paid helper service that was available to those other case management studies (Challis et al., 1995, 2002b).
in the experimental group, receiving case management input. However, at 6 months, older people in the experimental
The service setting and roles are summarized in Figure 16.2. group were more satisfied with their lifestyle at home, and
An evaluation of the scheme was undertaken using a quasi- there was evidence of a reduction in their needs specifically
experimental approach, where individuals in one community associated with activities of daily living. No differences were
mental health team for older people received case manage- found between the groups in levels of depression, and there
ment, the experimental group, and were compared with was no impact on levels of problem behaviours. With regard
those in a similar community mental health setting without to the carers of the older people with dementia, there was a
a case management service, the control group. A range of significant reduction in the amount of care input and distress
indicators were used covering aspects of needs, quality of at 12 months for carers in the experimental group.
References 189

It was, however, apparent that both experimental and care reforms most analogous to those in the UK, gives cre-
control group clients were receiving support from a relatively dence to this type of arrangement (Challis et al., 1995; Howe
resource-rich community-based old age psychiatry service, and Kung, 2003).
untypical of that to be found in most of the UK. Costs were It is anticipated that the effective care of people with
higher for the group of older people receiving case manage- dementia will benefit from the new service configurations,
ment, in particular those accounted for by the social services which pay less attention to traditional boundaries whether
department, since case manager visits and the paid helper professional or organizational than hitherto. Within this,
service were not available to those receiving standard serv- social work and care management have a distinct role in rela-
ices. On the other hand, for carers of those in receipt of case tion to the provision of long-term community-based care.
management there was a positive gain, since financial and The emergence of dementia-specific services as an outcome
other costs were lower for this group compared with the of the partnership initiatives may lead to further interprofes-
carers of those receiving standard services. Moreover, when sional role blurring which, if managed correctly, could be the
all costs to society were accounted for, including informal basis of improved care for people with dementia and their
care, the weekly cost of supporting older people with demen- carers. However, as distinct from similar developments in
tia and their carers was not significantly higher for those receiv- Ireland (Department of Health and Children, 2001), policy
ing intensive case management, although the main component guidance in England requires that specialist dementia serv-
for statutory services was greater. ices develop within the more general framework for older age
As demonstrated above, this specialist scheme was suc- mental health services.
cessful in providing care to older people with dementia to For social work there are two challenges consequent on
enable them to remain at home rather than be admitted to these changes. First, the profession-specific contribution to the
long-term care and provided effective support to their carers. care of older people with dementia and their carers has
This approach is consistent with other evidence relating to changed to primarily that of responsibility for the care for
the provision of specialist care for this group of older people. people living at home and, by virtue of changes for the fund-
Levin and colleagues (1994) noted factors that could make ing of long-term care, gate-keepers for admission to residential
for improved care for people with dementia. These included or nursing home care. There is now greater standardization in
a specialist integrated dementia care service, offering long- the process with recent guidance emphasizing the importance
term care management to provide sufficiently intensive sup- of assessment, care planning, monitoring and review. Second,
port, enabling a person to remain at home where appropriate and in antithesis to this clarity, the role of the social work pro-
and reflecting the wishes of cared for and the carer. This lat- fession in respect of the care of people with dementia has
ter factor is particularly important since the centrality of become less profession specific. Within multidisciplinary
support for carers remains a constant theme in policy and teams there are more opportunities for the sharing of tasks
this service model is endorsed in the NSFOP (Cm 849, 1989; offering informal small-scale opportunities for service substi-
Cm 4169, 1998; Department of Health, 2001). tution. Research has found that the process of assessment of
older people referred to a specialist mental health team for
older people can be undertaken by any members of the pro-
fessions within it (Lindesay et al., 1996), and more recently,
increasing evidence of community nurses working within
The change in the role, focus and setting for social workers such teams for older people (Weiner et al., 2003). There is thus
and other professions in the UK working with people with a tendency for there to be less specificity of role for staff as
dementia with the enactment of the community care legisla- services become more community based. This leads unsur-
tion has been made more explicit in government guidance prisingly to a degree of insecurity among professional groups,
both at the inception of the community care reforms and because each derives their unique quality from a training and
subsequently (SSI/SWSG, 1991; Department of Health, 2001). occupational function. Roles come to be negotiated rather
A key theme in these has been the development of commu- than simply professionally defined within groups to a greater
nity-based multidisciplinary teams similar to those operating extent in community-based services and therefore may be seen
in mental health and learning disability services, as part of as less clearly defined by individual professions. This process
the move away from institution-based care. In order to fulfil may well occur to a greater extent as the process of closer inte-
the changed role accorded to UK social work, it is essential gration between health and social care develops.
that arrangements are in place to facilitate the multidisciplin-
ary assessment of people with dementia and particularly to
ensure that specialist clinicians contribute to this process. A REFERENCES
number of studies in the UK suggest potential gains from
greater integration of secondary health care with the decisions Andrew T, Moriarty J, Levin E, Webb S. (2000) Outcome of
made in the context of care management (Brocklehurst et al., referral to social services departments for people with cognitive
1978; Peet et al., 1994; Sharma et al., 1994; Challis et al., impairment. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
2004). The experience of Australia, which has the community 15: 406–414
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Occupational therapy


16.9 Assessment 191 16.13 Intervention 193

16.10 Interview 192 16.14 Conclusion 194
16.11 Observations 192 References 194
16.12 Standardized tests 192

The clinical practice of occupational therapy (OT) involves general daily functioning. Occupational therapists aim to
the treatment of physical and psychiatric conditions through assist older people to be as independent as possible, but first
specific selected activities in order to help people reach their it is necessary to assess the individual’s abilities, problems,
maximum level of function in all aspects of daily life (Hopkins wishes and interests (Pool, 1997). This information can
and Smith, 1993). Fundamental to the philosophy of OT is then be used to plan and implement relevant therapeutic
the belief that purposeful activity is required to promote well- interventions.
ness and prevent disability (Rogers, 1994). It draws on a broad OT assessments can provide specific information in the
range of theoretical models, which is particularly useful in aged following areas:
care where there is a significant interaction of biopsycho-
social factors affecting the individual’s functional status. • activities of daily living (ADL): eating, dressing, grooming,
The OT process involves assessment, treatment planning, bathing, toileting, medication management, home and
implementation and evaluation. Occupational therapists work- money management, leisure, telephone use and
ing in the field of dementia focus their approach on the main- transport;
tenance of skills and the prevention of functional deterioration • cognitive function: memory, judgement, problem solving,
owing to the progressive nature of the disorder. The main- concentration;
tenance of a sense of self-worth is also a major consideration • perceptual and sensory function: visual, auditory,
when working with people with dementia. Owing to the obvious proprioceptive sensation, stereognosis and praxis;
debilitating symptoms of dementia, individuals can subse- • motor function: balance, mobility and transfers, hand
quently experience depression, anxiety, apathy and discourage- function, coordination;
ment, which can have a detrimental effect on the dementing • communication skills: verbal and non-verbal social skills,
process (Pool, 1997). Therefore, in both areas of assessment receptive and expressive dysphasia;
and intervention, occupational therapy will encourage the indi- • psychological state: mood, anxiety and motivation.
vidual’s sense of wellbeing by allowing them some control over
their personal life, and providing opportunities to achieve Throughout the assessment process, therapists use both
meaningful roles and to enjoy social interaction. their physical and their psychiatric knowledge within the
framework of the natural ageing process (Vincent, 1997).
The information gathered from an OT assessment often
16.9 ASSESSMENT overlaps, yet should also complement that gained from other
professionals within the multidisciplinary team. However,
16.9.1 Purpose of the occupational therapy the unique skills of the occupational therapist in dementia
assessment care usually lie in the area of ADL. That is, the therapist will
assess the impact of a person’s physical, cognitive, psycholog-
Assessment is a major role of occupational therapy and is ical and social disabilities on their day-to-day function (Atler
used to identify the impact of dementia on an individual’s and Michel, 1996).
192 Multidisciplinary approaches in the management of dementia

In identifying an individual’s functional ability in their details of the life history, which can be used to promote com-
living environment, the information may then be used in any munication and assist in the development of therapeutic
of the following ways: relationships.

• assist in the formulation of a diagnosis;

• recommend support services to maintain the
individual in their preferred living arrangement;
• recommend alternative accommodation options
appropriate to the individual’s level of functioning; It is common for people with dementia to be poor historians
• advise on adaptive equipment to assist in maintaining and to embellish their current skill level. Observation of an
independence; individual’s activity performance is used to enhance the infor-
• recommend leisure interests that can be maintained, mation gained through the interview process. Observation of
adapted or introduced to promote quality of life and a person during activities can provide general information
maintain self-esteem over the course of dementia; on many aspects of that person’s functioning, such as cogni-
• determine the individual’s needs, and priorities for tion, motor, sensory and perceptual function, psychological
intervention, and to involve the person with dementia state and skills in communication and ADL (Alexander, 1994).
and family/carers in this process. The therapist may observe a person with dementia in a
variety of different settings, both in groups and individually.
In terms of the assessment of ADL, the specific activities
16.9.2 The process of the occupational assessed are selected according to their relevance to the indi-
therapy assessment vidual’s living situation, and where possible are carried out in
a familiar environment. This aims are to reduce anxiety and
The progressive nature of dementia indicates that the process
limit the effects of the need to learn new skills and to orien-
of assessing individuals is one that is ongoing and will change
tate to new environments. Ideally, the assessment of a per-
focus with the changing needs of the individual. In the early
son’s home management skills should occur in the home.
stages of dementia, the primary focus of assessment may be
The presence of unpaid bills, poor cleanliness of the house,
ADL and maintenance of individuals in their home environ-
and lack of evidence of fresh food may provide further evi-
ment. The later stages of dementia may call for the assess-
dence as to whether a person is managing daily tasks inde-
ment of basic self-care tasks to determine the level and/or the
pendently. Assessments over time provide a more accurate
type of residential care required. When an occupational ther-
picture of a person’s functioning than a single assessment, par-
apist undertakes assessments of people with dementia, spe-
ticularly when anxiety and performance deficits are observed.
cial considerations are required to ensure the assessment of
performance is accurate. The use of simple language and repe-
tition of instructions may be necessary to ensure that the per-
son with dementia has sufficient time to process information 16.12 STANDARDIZED TESTS
and to respond to requests. The alleviation of the person’s
anxiety within the assessment situation is a consideration, Assessment tools are often used by occupational therapists in
particularly when the there is some degree of self-insight into conjunction with interviews and observation to gain a more
deficits. Building a trusting and supportive relationship with specific picture of a person’s performance in a particular
individuals prior to the assessment process is important, area. Such tools can be used to determine a baseline func-
as is providing positive feedback for the tasks that are done tioning and can be used at a later date to monitor any change
well, with less focus on problem areas. in performance that may have occurred.
Assessment may include one or all of the following tech- There is a wide range of tools available for use with people
niques, and will be tailored to meet the needs of the individ- who have dementia; however, many have not been designed
ual and the overall purpose of the assessment. specifically for this group. Commonly used ADL assessment
tools suitable for use with dementia include the following:

16.10 INTERVIEW • The Barthel Index (Mahoney and Barthel, 1965) is a

simple index of independence to rate the self-care ability
of individuals. It includes items on feeding, dressing,
The therapist will attempt to ascertain the individual’s own toileting and showering. Scores are determined by the
perception of their skills and deficits. A person’s ability to amount of physical assistance a person requires to
recognize difficulties in day-to-day functioning will be perform self-care tasks.
dependent on the level of dementia. It is therefore necessary • Domestic and Community Skills Assessment (DACSA)
to liaise with the family or a caregiver who may be able to (Collister and Alexander, 1991) may be used to assess an
provide a more accurate reflection of the person’s current individual’s knowledge of and practical skills in a variety
functional level. Family and caregivers can also provide of instrumental ADL (IADLs). It includes items such as
Intervention 193

banking, bill-paying, shopping, meal preparation and initiate bathing; or having essential ingredients and
house keeping. The assessment process involves both utensils on a kitchen table can assist a person to cook a
interview and observation of task performance. simple meal.
• Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) • Activities designed around realistic physical exercise.
(Robinson and Fisher, 1996) measures a variety of Physical activity helps to maintain both physical and
motor and cognitive abilities during an individual’s psychological wellbeing (Simpson, 1986). Physical
performance of IADLs. It involves the observation of an exertion can also have beneficial effects on behaviour
individual performing two or three tasks that are familiar and sleep disturbances. Exercise programmes should be
and relevant to their living situation. They are then rated designed around enjoyable indoor and outdoor gross
in the areas of motor skills and process (organizational motor activities. These may include walking, bowling
adaptive) skills necessary for competent task performance. and dancing.
• Assessment of Living Skills and Resources (Williams • Activities designed to increase social interaction. For many
et al., 1991) is an IADL assessment tool that evaluates people with dementia, the use of group activities helps to
an individual’s skill, and resources or support available promote social skills and verbal interaction. With the
for daily activities. The assessment determines the presence of impaired memory and concentration, small
likelihood of an individual being able to carry out groups are more effective in facilitating communication.
specific tasks given his/her current skill and resources Activities useful for group settings include cooking,
in the home setting. gardening, music and reminiscence. For example,
reminiscence can be used as a social activity that
encourages discussion as individuals recall past roles
16.13 INTERVENTION and interests.

16.13.1 The use of activities 16.13.2 Environment adaptations

Performance in activities, which is the core of OT assessment, The use of environmental modifications is an important non-
is also the major focus of intervention. OT treatment and tech- pharmacological approach to the management of behavioural
niques differ according to the individual and the stage of the and psychological symptoms of dementia. Environmental
disorder. Interventions aim to preserve a person’s dignity and modifications have been introduced in residential facilities,
self-esteem while maximizing abilities and enabling improve- in hospitals as well as in home situations. Gitlin and col-
ment in quality of life. The occupational therapist achieves leagues’ (2003) paper on the research in this area noted that,
this through the medium of ‘meaningful activities’ that are although 90 per cent of 63 studies reviewed reported positive
selected also to be pleasurable, restore roles and enable friend- findings, most studies were methodologically flawed, involved
ship (Mace, 1987). A person with dementia has impaired small samples, and were conducted in nursing homes.
learning ability, and so familiar and overlearnt activities tend Environmental principles gleaned from these studies
to be most effective in treatment programmes (Zgola, 1987; include:
Conroy, 1992; Vincent, 1997). However, individuals should
also have the opportunity to be involved in a variety of both • reducing environmental complexity by relaxing rules and
familiar and novel activities. Blair and Glen (1987) classified expectations, and minimizing distractions;
activities for people with dementia into four categories: • increasing orientation and awareness;

• Activities designed to involve sensory stimulation. The use • creating a low stimulus, comfortable environment; and
of sensory activities is particularly useful when an • providing predictability, familiarity, and structure.
individual’s cognitive and communication abilities are The environment can also be adapted for appropriate
severely impaired, and involvement in other activities is cuing. Objects can be placed in the environment to provide
limited. Useful sensory activities include: visual (outings, orientation; for example, laying out clothes cues a confused
photos, movies); tactile (massage, gardening, cooking, person to dress, or a night-light aids a person to locate the
craft); auditory (appropriate and varied music, spending toilet. Objects can also be removed because of safety concerns;
time outdoors); gustatory (different food experiences); for instance, no longer hanging the car keys by the door elim-
and olfactory (flower collecting and arranging, cooking, inates a visual cue to drive (Gitlin and Corcoran, 1996).
aromatherapy). Besides designing interventions to maximize a person’s
• Activities based on self-care and life skills. Maintaining competency, the therapist also modifies the environment to
independence in daily living is a central activity for all facilitate the performance of daily activities. Changing imme-
people, and attention to these tasks helps to build self- diate surroundings through home alterations, removal of
esteem. These tasks can be structured and simplified to objects, and simplification of tasks may reduce the external
ensure that a person can still complete at least part of the stressors that produce excess behavioural disturbances and
activity. For example, verbal reminders can be used to disability in people with dementia (Gitlin and Corcoran, 1996).
194 Multidisciplinary approaches in the management of dementia

Adding items to the environment can make the performance Atler K and Michel GS. (1996) Maximizing abilities: occupational
of activities easier. For example, the installation of a grab rail therapy’s role in geriatric psychiatry. Psychiatric Services 47:
can assist a person to get in and out of the bath safely. 933–935
Baum C and Edwards D. (2003) What persons with Alzheimer’s disease
Environmental modifications should, where possible, be
can do: a tool for communication about everyday activities.
tailored to the requirements of the individual. They also need
Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly 4:108–118
to be monitored on a regular basis to ensure that they are still Blair S and Glen A. (1987) Psychiatry in old age: occupational therapy
assisting the current problem, or are replaced to address the and organic conditions. In: C Helm (ed.), Occupational Therapy in the
individual’s changing needs. Elderly. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, pp. 87–114
Collister L and Alexander K. (1991) The Occupational Therapy Domestic
and Community Skills Assessment (DACSA) Research Edition.
16.13.3 Working with families and carers Melbourne, Latrobe University
Conroy C. (1992) An evaluation of an occupational therapy service for
The family plays a crucial role in the care of the person persons with dementia. In: G Jones and B Miesen (eds), Care-giving
dementia. An occupational therapist can assist in identifying in Dementia: Research and Applications. London and New York,
the remaining strengths of the person with dementia. The Routledge, pp. 219–238
therapist and the family can use this information to plan Gitlin L and Corcoran M. (1996) Managing dementia at home: the role
strategies jointly to maximize function and at the same time of home environment modifications. Topics in Geriatric
minimize the burden of care. Through education and sup- Rehabilitation 12: 28–39
Gitlin L, Liebman J, Winter J. (2003) Are environmental interventions
port, carers are taught to support continued engagement of
effective in the management of Alzheimer’s disease and related
the person with dementia in meaningful activities (Baum
disorders?: A synthesis of the evidence. Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly
and Edwards, 2003). 4: 85–107
Hopkins A and Smith H. (1993) Willard and Spackman’s Occupational
Therapy, 8th edition. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott Co, p. 325
16.14 CONCLUSION Mace N. (1987) Principles of activities for persons with dementia.
Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics 5: 13–27
Mahoney F and Barthel D. (1965) Functional evaluation: the Barthel
The specific role of occupational therapists in dementia care Index. Maryland State Medical Journal 2: 61–65
will be determined by the setting in which they work and the Pool J. (1997) Older people. In: J Creek (ed.), Occupational Therapy and
severity of the individual’s dementia. Therapists may work as Mental Health. New York, Churchill Livingstone, pp. 357–374
part of aged care assessment services, aged psychiatry com- Robinson S and Fisher A. (1996) A study to examine the relationship
munity teams, day hospital or centres, acute inpatient units of the assessment of motor and process skills (AMPS) to other tests
or long-term residential care facilities. It is therefore likely of cognition and function. British Journal of Occupational Therapy
that therapists will be involved in the assessment and treat- 59: 260–263
Rogers J. (1994) Statement: occupational therapy services for persons
ment of dementia anywhere from the very early to the late
with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. American Journal of
stages of the disorder. The general OT principles of practice
Occupational Therapy 48: 1029–1031
will remain consistent across settings and disease stages, and Simpson W. (1986) Exercise: prescriptions for the elderly. Geriatrics
will have an emphasis on maintenance of functional ability 41:95–100
and attention to social and psychological needs to promote Vincent E. (1997) Occupational therapy for older persons. In: R Jacoby
quality of life. and C Oppenheimer (eds), Psychiatry in the Elderly. Oxford, Oxford
University Press, pp. 357–374
This chapter was originally written by Fiona Moffatt and Williams J, Drinka T, Greenberg J, Farrell-Holtan J, Euhardy R,
Michael Loh and appeared as chapter 19c in the second edition of Schram M. (1991) Development and testing of the Assessment of
Dementia. It was updated by Michael Loh for this third edition. Living Skills and Resources (ASLAR) in elderly community-dwelling
veterans. The Gerontologist 31: 84–91
Zgola J. (1987) Doing Things: A Guide to Programming Activities for
Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders. Baltimore
REFERENCES and London, John Hopkins University Press, pp. 27–42

Alexander K. (1994) Occupational therapy. In: E Chiu and D Ames (eds),

Functional Psychiatric Disorders of the Elderly. Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press, pp. 522–543
Speech and language therapy


16.15 Speech and language changes in dementia 195 16.19 Eating in dementia 200
16.16 Language assessments used in dementia 197 16.20 Conclusions 201
16.17 Optimizing communication in dementia 197 References 201
16.18 Environmental barriers to communication 200

Communication is integral to successful living (Lubinski, 16.15 SPEECH AND LANGUAGE CHANGES
1991); however, its breakdown in dementia is well docu- IN DEMENTIA
mented (e.g. Hopper and Bayles, 2001; Bourgeois, 2002).
Eating and swallowing can also become problematic in this
condition (Logemann, 2003). In 1991, Bourgeois reviewed Reisberg et al. (1999) used the term retrogenesis to describe
dementia articles in the journals of the American Speech- strong parallels between language acquisition and the loss of
Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). These articles focused language in AD. Fried-Oken et al. (2000) noted that most
strongly on how cognitive-linguistic profiles contributed to research into communication difficulties in dementia relates to
dementia diagnosis. Furthermore, in 1995 Clark observed AD. Nonetheless, they concluded that many language changes
that although ASHA advocated optimizing functional com- seen in AD may also occur in other forms of dementia. As such,
munication in older people, most clinicians still restricted this section will refer primarily to language features of AD,
themselves to assessment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). People according to stages of the Global Deterioration Scale (GDS)
with dementia, who can live for up to 20 years after diagno- (Reisberg et al., 1982). Information regarding features of vas-
sis, also need help with communication to optimize quality cular dementia (VaD), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB)
of life (Bourgeois, 2002) and ease carer burden (Enderby, and primary progressive aphasia (PPA) will then be outlined.
2002). Hence, involvement of a speech and language ther-
apist (SLT) in the diagnosis of dementia should be only the
beginning of the clinical relationship. For a little over
16.15.1 Alzheimer’s disease
a decade, research exploring strategies to facilitate inter- EARLY/MILD STAGE AD (GDS 3 AND 4)
actions in those with dementia has begun to emerge (e.g.
Bourgeois, 1992; Baker, 2001; Spilkin and Bethlehem, 2003). Word-finding difficulties are commonly encountered early
It is appropriate that this chapter includes information in AD (Bourgeois, 2002), affecting most recently acquired
about cognitive-linguistic difficulties observed in dementia and least frequently used words (Haak, 2002). Conversation
and assessment tools used to examine these. In addition, is therefore slightly empty with fewer ideas in the same amount
it is imperative that it explores how SLTs can work with of words (Bayles and Tomoeda, 1995). Communication is
people who have dementia, significant others and care usually successful for brief interactions, but breaks down when
staff, in optimizing communication. Issues around the SLT’s lengthy (Haak, 2002). Comprehension of language some-
role in facilitating swallowing in dementia will also be times remains intact (Bayles et al., 1992) or may decline for
explored. longer grammatically complex sentences (Clark, 1995), or
196 Multidisciplinary approaches in the management of dementia

material requiring inference (Fried-Oken et al., 2000) or 16.15.2 Vascular dementia

abstraction (Haak, 2002). Failing memory and executive
function impact on adherence to conversational rules around VaD occurs following multiple small infarcts occurring pro-
repetition, topic maintenance and turn-taking (Watson gressively over time (Hopper and Bayles, 2001) and can only
et al., 1999). There are often aborted phrases; however, talk- be diagnosed where cardiovascular disease is documented
ing may also be excessive (Bayles and Tomoeda, 1995). Oral (Tomoeda, 2001). Rather than the gradual language changes
reading and reading comprehension (Bayles et al., 1992) of AD, deterioration is usually stepwise with new deficits
along with spelling and writing are often relatively preserved, becoming evident suddenly after each new infarct (Hopper
but ability to generate written passages is reduced (Haak, and Bayles, 2001; Tomoeda, 2001). As such, individual deficit
2002). profiles (depending on infarct locations) are often less uni-
form across different language areas than with AD (Hopper MIDDLE/MODERATE STAGE AD (GDS 5)
and Bayles, 2001). Nonetheless, Vuorinen, et al. (2000) found
little difference, on average, in degree of language deficit across
Intention to communicate and general message frameworks comprehension, naming and picture and object description
are still evident; however, utterances are depleted of content tasks between individuals with mild to moderate AD versus
words (Haak, 2002), less concise and more repetitious with VaD. Stevens et al. (1996) did find some heterogeneity in scor-
reference errors abounding (Bayles and Tomoeda, 1995). ing between mild VaD and mild AD on a range of cognitive-
Content words are often replaced by indefinite labels (e.g. linguistic tasks. Nonetheless, both groups were clearly
‘thing’) consistent with pervasive lexical retrieval difficulty differentiated from the ‘worried well’ on verbal fluency, nam-
(Bourgeois, 2002). Sounds, syllables and whole phrases are ing, paragraph reading and immediate and delayed story recall.
repeated and the person often speaks excessively or with- Powell et al. (1988) also reported greater motoric speech
draws (Clark, 1995). Automatic and social phrases are retained, involvement in VaD (e.g. dysarthria and changes in intonation).
but the person frequently forgets what he or she wishes to
say (Haak, 2002). Paraphasias and confabulations begin to
appear and discourse breakdown increases with poor prop-
16.15.3 Dementia with Lewy bodies
ositional topic development, difficulty changing topic and
DLB is possibly the second most common dementia after AD
maintaining discourse flow (Mentis et al.,1995; Fried-Oken
(Hopper and Bayles, 2001). To complicate diagnosis, many
et al., 2000). Expression and comprehension of complex
people with DLB also have AD lesions (McKeith et al., 1995).
grammar (e.g. embedded clauses or passives) is limited and
Most commonly reported characteristics are insidious in
abstract interpretation is lost, whilst comprehension of one
onset, beginning with forgetfulness, then word-finding and
(Haak, 2002) and sometimes two stage (Fried-Oken et al.,
calculation difficulties and then other cognitive skills (McKeith
2000) commands is preserved. Reading aloud and mechanics
et al., 1995). Fluctuating cognition (with periods of lucidity
of writing are relatively spared, but reading comprehension
in early- to mid-stages), often mild extrapyramidal features
and writing are often limited to single words (Haak, 2002)
(e.g. dysarthria and dysphagia) and a more rapid progression
and accuracy is markedly reduced (Bayles et al., 1992).
than AD are also observed (Tomoeda, 2001) – early on people
with DLB often have more difficulty with visuospatial, prob- LATE/SEVERE STAGE AD (GDS 6 AND 7) lem solving and verbal fluency tasks (McKeith et al., 1995).
Initially use of automatic and social phrases may continue
(Haak, 2002). Often utterances contain strings of non-words 16.15.4 Primary progressive aphasia
with occasional real words interspersed, but message form,
simple grammar and intonation are basically present (Bayles In 1982, Mesulam described a syndrome of slowly progressive
and Tomoeda,1995). There is failure to adhere to speaker- aphasia without generalized dementia. Gradually both number
listener conversational discourse roles (Clark, 1995). There may and severity of aphasic symptoms increase with sparing of
also be difficulty initiating speech, articulatory breakdowns non-language executive function for at least 2 years after
and dysphagia (Clark, 1995). Eventually the person becomes onset (Weintraub et al., 1990). The most common problem is
completely non-verbal (Bourgeois, 2002), although concep- word-finding difficulty, followed by reduced comprehension
tual knowledge may be preserved until very late (Fried-Oken with speech hesitancy, phonemic paraphasias, dysarthria,
et al., 2000). There is also failure to comprehend spoken or with slowed speech and stuttering also sometimes occurring
written language (Bayles and Tomoeda, 1995) and people (Westbury and Bub, 1997). Semantic dementia is a subtype
rely increasingly on non-verbal cues and emotion to aid of PPA where syntactic abilities are spared whilst naming,
comprehension (Haak, 2002). Vocalizations may become dis- single word comprehension and reading are affected (Westbury
ruptive – sometimes because of failure to access specific and Bub, 1997). Phonology and comprehension of complex
words describing basic needs and emotions, people, activities commands may also be intact in this condition (Stevens and
or objects wanted (Bourgeois, 2002). Resistance may reflect Ripich, 1999). Progressive non-fluent aphasia (PNFA) is also
failure to understand verbal direction. another subtype of PPA (Thompson et al., 1997). Although it
Optimizing communication in dementia 197

often also begins with word-finding difficulties, it progresses has also been developed to screen for dementia, assessing areas
to reduced phrase length and complexity and then to tele- of expression, comprehension, reading and writing, memory
graphic agrammatic output (Thompson et al., 1997). and executive functions. It has items adapted from existing
tests and includes a manual and set of test materials. It takes
40–60 minutes to administer and can be used with mild,
moderate and, sometimes, severe dementia. Norms reported
by Bryan et al. (2001) were preliminary.
Recent research into pragmatic or conversational abilities
in dementia has used protocols rather than standardized
Individual profiles of cognitive-linguistic functioning ideally assessments – for example, Watson, et al. (1999) who used
form part of a comprehensive memory clinic evaluation Conversational Analysis (CA) to examine ‘Trouble Indicating
(including medical history and investigation, performance in Behaviour’ (TIB) and patterns and types of conversational
activities of daily living and neuropsychological testing) (Ames repair trajectory. There are no dementia-specific protocols
et al., 1992). Results of such assessment facilitate accurate investigating function in this area. The only standardized
diagnosis of presence and type of dementia for review upon dementia assessment touching on these abilities is the
repeated assessment(s). Appropriate cognitive-linguistic Functional Linguistic Communication Inventory (Bayles and
normative data help to distinguish those with early dementia Tomoeda, 1994). It assesses functional communication in
from the ‘worried well’ (Bryan et al., 2001). Such data also moderate to severe AD. It takes 30 minutes to administer and
contribute towards differential diagnosis of depression, char- includes items examining ability to greet, answer questions,
acterized by reduced concentration and slowed processing reminisce and participate in conversations.
speed (Tomoeda, 2001) without primary verbal memory or
language impairment (Stevens et al., 1996). Accurate early
dementia diagnosis is important in identifying any appropri- 16.17 OPTIMIZING COMMUNICATION IN
ate drug therapies and in providing informational coun- DEMENTIA
selling. Carers of those with AD are often more relaxed when
they understand that language unravels sequentially (Haak,
Interventions enhancing communicative success in AD will
2002). Furthermore, assessment allows for development of
be grouped into three categories: direct, indirect (for care-
effective care plans (documenting impaired and spared abil-
givers) and environmental interventions (Clark, 1995). As some
ities) and establishment of baselines for intervention effects
interventions overlap categories, they will be placed where
or decline over time (Tomoeda, 2001). Other factors con-
they fit best. Although many findings cited below relate to
tributing to poor performance such as low hearing, vision or
intervention in AD, it may be helpful for the SLT to use or
premorbid educational level (Tomoeda, 2001) as well as cul-
adapt this information for people with other dementia types –
tural biases (Lydall-Smith et al.,1996) should also be noted.
focusing on functional needs rather than diagnosis. Given
Recently, several tests assessing cognitive-linguistic function
relative sparing of executive function in PPA, additional strat-
in dementia have emerged. Perhaps best known is the Arizona
egies drawn from aphasia therapy may be used in optimizing
Battery for Communication Disorders of Dementia (ABCD)
communication. (For further ideas in this area see Graham
(Bayles and Tomoeda, 1993), which assesses performance in
et al. [1999]; Graham et al. [2001] and Rogers et al. [2000].)
mild to moderate dementia across five constructs: linguistic
comprehension, linguistic expression, verbal memory, visu-
ospatial skills and mental status (orientation). It has norms 16.17.1 Direct strategies
from 86 people with probable AD (as described by McKhann
et al., 1984) and 86 normal elderly and takes 45–90 minutes Direct interventions involve the SLT (or workers trained by
to administer. Summary scores for each subtest indicate the SLT) intervening face to face to modify communication
results in the high normal, low normal, mildly impaired or in a person or group who have dementia. Some studies report
moderately impaired range. Results are averaged within con- on techniques devised by SLTs to target relearning or main-
structs and a profile obtained to examine deficit pattern. The tenance of ability to name specific word groups or learn key
ABCD was developed in the USA, but norms have also been information in early to middle dementia. Spaced retrieval
found to be appropriate with UK (Armstrong et al., 1996) (SR) (involving rehearsal and recall at gradually increasing
and Australian (Moorhouse et al., 1999) samples. intervals) (Abrahams and Camp, 1993; Brush and Camp, 1998)
Time taken to administer the ABCD in poorly resourced or repeated exposure and questioning (by students) about
clinical settings may be excessive (Bryan et al., 2001). Where related semantic properties (Arkin et al., 2000) facilitated
only brief screening is possible, ABCD Story Retelling and performance on specific tasks with some maintenance over
Word Learning subtests are most sensitive to dementia several weeks (Abrahams and Camp, 1993). Potential func-
(Tomoeda, 2001). Additionally, the Boston Naming Test has tional communication improvements were not measured,
been found to detect early dementia (Stevens et al., 1992). however, Brush and Camp reported some functional use of
The Barnes Language Assessment (BLA) (Bryan et al., 2001) learned information to achieve speech-language goals.
198 Multidisciplinary approaches in the management of dementia

Some direct interventions devised by SLTs have targeted involvement with activities of daily living and social pursuits,
communicative processes that decline in early to middle AD. along with decreased agitation and wandering. Matched con-
Arkin and Mahendra (2001) compared experimental (n  7) trols attending a conversation group, showed either no gains
and control (n  4) groups over 20 weeks. All participants or slight declines over the same period.
went to twice weekly exercise programmes. During one Sonas aPc (activating potential for communication) is a
weekly exercise session students presented language and multisensory packaged programme designed to activate
memory exercises, such as picture description, word associa- communication and reduce social isolation in older people
tion, simple discourse role plays and word category assign- (mainly those with moderate to severe dementia – some non-
ments. Controls experienced unstructured conversation with verbal) (Threadgold, 2002). A group of eight older people
students. There were no significant differences between meet once weekly with a trained facilitator – an SLT or other
groups on the ABCD or on discourse meaningfulness; how- worker. Care staff have been trained in over 200 sites in
ever, the experimental group had a significantly higher ratio Ireland and the UK (Connors 2001a). As participants arrive,
of different nouns to total nouns at post test. a signature tune plays to trigger memories of previous meet-
Clark and Witte (1991) advocated clinician training of ings followed by sung individual greetings. There is then a
those with early AD in the use of adaptive communication sequence of gentle exercises with stimulation of the sense of
strategies to prolong effective communication – for example, smell, relaxing music during which taste and smell are stimu-
learning when to use statements such as ‘Please repeat exactly lated, lively music for clapping, dance or percussion use,
what you just said’ or ‘Say what you said more slowly’, or poetry reading (including opportunities for participant pre-
‘Give me a little time. I’m having trouble finding the exact sentation), a singalong, sung individual leave-taking and final
words’. or, ‘I forgot what we were discussing’. Clark and Witte signature tune. Connors (2001b) evaluated the Sonas pro-
also suggested teaching facilitation strategies to assist self- gramme on 27 people with dementia over a 6-month period.
cueing – for example, using circumlocution or a semantically They improved significantly with communication and cog-
related word. Furthermore, they suggested teaching a script nition after 3 months. Initial gains were not maintained at
strategy for simple storytelling (e.g. theme, characters, set- 6 months; however, cross-programme difference scores
ting and events) to improve cohesion and topic maintenance. approached significance for communication. Observation of
Clark and Witte recommended groups as ideal in early AD for videotaped sessions also indicated increased participation
practising these adaptive and facilitative strategies. In addition, across the 6 months.
they argued that sharing of useful conversational strategies Fried-Oken et al. (2000) discussed the use Augmentative
and discussion of difficulties would help to reduce commu- and Alternative Communication (AAC) to facilitate commu-
nicative stress. Clark (1988) (cited in Clark and Witte, 1991) nication in late dementia. Although protocols guiding such
used the above strategies with a group of eight people with work are still emerging, they suggested intervention over time
mild to moderate AD. Carers reported maintained or increased would best meet individuals’ complex and changing commu-
functional communication, and scoring on aphasia test bat- nication needs. They highlighted need for longitudinal studies
teries was stable over six months. to determine most appropriate use of intervention time (e.g.
Clark and Witte (1991) also advocated group programmes examining whether people benefit from learning to commu-
in later dementia with the clinician facilitating use of residual nicate with symbols and pictures when they can still read).
communication strengths by introducing tangible stimuli of They also asserted that cognitive-linguistic strengths and
interest to group members. Santo Pietro and Boczko (2001) weaknesses would need to be carefully assessed to develop
used intact procedural memories to facilitate communica- appropriate AAC input and/or output systems (e.g. instead
tion in groups for people in residential care with mild– of devising appropriate motoric access, determining if an
moderate to moderate–severe AD. ‘Breakfast Clubs’ were run alternative route could be found into the lexicon). They
each working day for 12 weeks and involved members using stressed the importance of also accommodating caregivers’
greetings, discussing and choosing food for breakfast, helping needs, to increase chances of communication success.
one another prepare ingredients, setting the table, general con- In later dementia, SLTs can develop personal communica-
versation (e.g. ‘The homes we grew up in’), cleaning up and tion dictionaries to assist carers to interact with individuals
then saying goodbye. Initially, speech–language clinicians with dementia – even with non-intentional communicators.
and later trained facilitators provided visual and semantic Communication dictionaries were originally developed for
cues, paired choices and trigger phrases to help members early communicators (Siegel and Whetherby, 2000). Develop-
communicate choices and ingredients required. Participants ment of a communication dictionary requires careful obser-
reclaimed procedural memories for actions such as pouring, vation and documentation of consistent non-verbal ways in
cutting, stirring and breaking eggs. Breakfast Club partici- which an individual behaves when wanting something. The
pants improved significantly with performance on the ABCD SLT may involve carers in recording observations in specific
and had more self-initiated on-topic comments per session, categories – ‘What Fred does’ (e.g. takes your hand and pulls it
more cross-conversation exchanges and increased initiation towards his mouth),‘What it might mean’ (e.g.‘I’m hungry or
of procedural memories. Anecdotally, participants were thirsty’),‘What you should do’ (e.g. Give food or drink if appro-
observed laughing and singing together and had increased priate or distract with another activity if not). A personal
Optimizing communication in dementia 199

communication dictionary is useful in institutional settings communicative attempts (Enderby, 2002). Although people
where carers may not know the person. It should be easily speak jargon or are mute, they may still have a message to
accessible (e.g. a poster or notebook) for both reference and communicate (Haak, 2002).
amendment. In addition, the dictionary may be helpful to Despite the numerous strategies recommended regarding
familiar carers in structuring observations to best meet the communication in dementia, there has been little work inves-
person’s needs. tigating frequency of use. Recently, Kessler et al. (2002) exam-
ined this question in five men with mild probable AD and
their wives and a corpus of identified strategies. Videotaped
16.17.2 Indirect strategies 10-minute interactions indicated the strategies used by all
wives – yes/no questions, facial expression, eye contact, allow-
Conversation is collaborative. Where one partner has AD, the ing time to respond, showing as well as saying and cueing to
other can use strategies to facilitate communication (Kessler topic. Further strategies were used by most, some or none.
et al., 2001). Enderby (2002) recommended SLTs’ involve- Overall, wives spontaneously used 60 per cent of identified
ment in role play and group practice with carers to reinforce strategies. This study provides a beginning in examining nat-
new techniques. ural strategy use by carers. Watson et al. (1999) provided some
There are numerous documented strategies for optimizing insight into this complex question, observing that where a
comprehension in dementia. Generally, a person, when speak- person has AD, interactants did not always repair misunder-
ing to a partner with dementia, should to try to match lan- standings, but rather preserved dignity of the speaker with
guage complexity to individual levels (Haak, 2002). In early AD. The following studies have all examined how education
dementia, using slightly slower speech with strategic pausing by SLTs might change carers interactions.
and reduced information is recommended (Bayles and Bourgeois et al. (1997) trained seven home caregivers over
Tomoeda, 1995; Bourgeois, 2002). As dementia progresses, it 12 weeks to modify repetitive verbalizations in spouses with
is best to converse about tangible things, simplify vocabulary, probable mild to moderate AD. In weekly 1-hour sessions, most
use non-verbal cues and restate when a message is not under- troublesome verbalizations were identified and caregivers
stood (Bayles and Tomoeda, 1995) or has been forgotten trained by the clinician to record behavioural baselines and
(Enderby, 2002). Before beginning, it may also be useful to to provide simple cue cards (e.g. with orientation information)
orient the person to topic and then maintain and extend it in response. After baseline (2–7 weeks), the programme was
(Kessler et al., 2001). In middle to late dementia, questions implemented and spouses recorded additional data (4–10
with alternatives (e.g. ‘Do you want fish or chicken?’), short weeks). Time series data indicated that four spouses recorded
utterances and full names (rather than pronouns) are helpful lower rates of repetitive verbalizations during intervention.
(Haak, 2002). Demonstration to aid comprehension, avoid- Another recorded a low baseline, whilst the other two least
ance of sarcasm and innuendo, use of native language and consistently used the intervention. Follow-up data (recorded
familiar wording (e.g. respectful title or maiden name) should monthly rather than weekly) appeared quite similar to inter-
also boost conversation. Where confusion is likely, carers vention. Seven control participants (whose caregivers recorded
should reintroduce themselves (Haak, 2002). Important topics data without implementing strategies) showed increased
should also be avoided where people are upset or tired repetitive verbalizations across phases.
(Enderby, 2002). In late dementia, sensory stimulation (e.g. Bourgeois (1992) explored introduction of personalized
tone of voice, smell, touch) can also be used to aid compre- memory wallets to enhance communication in six people
hension (Bourgeois, 2002) without patronizing or talking in with mild to moderate AD. Using explanations of response
front of the person as if they were absent (Haak, 2002). definitions and role play, she trained carers in wallet use.
There are fewer documented strategies for facilitation of Wallets contained individualized simple written informa-
expression in dementia. People with mild AD should be tion, drawings and photographs. Carers used the wallet daily
allowed to speak even when having word-finding difficulties across 4 or 5 days with participants to facilitate discussion
(unless assistance is requested) and should be encouraged to about ‘day’, ‘family’ and ‘yourself ’. During this training and a
use spared communicative abilities to reinforce self-worth maintenance period, participants made more novel on-topic
(e.g. reading to a grandchild or writing letters to friends) statements and fewer ambiguous utterances. A further three
(Haak, 2002). They may also benefit from encouragement to participants also appeared to benefit from introduction of
verbalize actions – for example, ‘I’m going to have my dinner’ wallets even with minimal carer training. Most participants
(Haak, 2002). In keeping conversation flowing, Watson et al. also used their wallets spontaneously to initiate conversa-
(1999) found hypothesis formation more effective than tions. Similarly, Baker (2001) reported on the use of life story
requests for more information. Knowing the background of books (LSBs) with people who had severe dementia and
the person is also helpful in optimizing communication in some retained language skills (verbal or non-verbal). SLTs
institutional care settings (Enderby 2002; Haak, 2002). compiled LSBs and trained relatives and staff (e.g. in pace of
Greater response may be evoked if topics of interest are found. presentation and cueing). LSBs were initially monitored and
Sensitivity to use of words, gesture, tone of voice and context changes made following feedback. After 6 months, reports
all help those with later dementia to feel comfortable making from carer questionnaires indicated more focused and shared
200 Multidisciplinary approaches in the management of dementia

conversation, revived spousal involvement and changed staff Use of space is important – for example, placing chairs and
attitudes towards the person. Staff also had greater under- beds in proximity for comfortable interaction or using round
standing of the SLT’s role and increased interest in future col- tables at meal times (Morse and Intrieri, 1997). There are also
laborations. sometimes attitudes that need to be challenged, such as ignor-
Spilkin and Bethlehem (2003) extended memory book ing those with severe communication problems (Lubinski,
use a little further. They collected two 10-minute baselines 1991), or inadequately trained staff speaking to residents
of interactions between a person with moderate to severe only about physical care and failing to use effective commu-
dementia and his daughter using a memory book. Initially, nication techniques to reduce aggression (Pietro, 2002). If
the daughter was given only a handout on basic strategies for people have independent mobility, the environment needs to
book use. Spilkin and Bethlehem then used CA to analyse be set up (e.g. colour coding) so that they can find their way to
turn-taking, topic management and conversational repair. spaces where they can interact (Lubinski, 1991). Unfortunately,
Results were used to identify breakdowns and the daughter when facilities are being designed or renovated, political will
was trained to use strategies (e.g. more close-ended and to prioritize communication-friendly environments can be
single-part questions, tolerating silences for longer, speaking lacking when features like cost, physical care and security are
about the pictures and elaborating) to modify interactions considered (Lubinski, 1991). Because more primitive senses
with her father. Immediately after training and 1 week later, of smell and taste may be relatively preserved in later dementia,
they recorded two further 10-minute samples. After inter- stimulation of these senses via spice jars, scratch and sniff
vention, CA revealed the father used less minimal turns (e.g. books, ethnic foods or texture of garden loam can also trigger
‘mm’), more on-topic responses and he introduced and conversation (Lubinski, 1991; Bourgeois, 1991). Recent stud-
maintained more topics, whilst perseverating less. He was ies have also suggested that having a pet or even a toy present
also more able to repair utterances and, overall, assumed a can facilitate communication (e.g. Hopper et al., 1998).
more active role, probably because his daughter provided
more structure in conversation.
SLTs have a role in formal training of care staff to optimize
communication in dementia. The FOCUSED programme
emphasizes strategies based on an interactive discourse In later dementia changes in swallow physiology and sensory
model – F – face to face, O – orient to conversation topic, C – loss often affect eating and swallowing (Logemann, 2003).
continue the topic, U – unstick communication blocks, S – Even in early AD, changes in duration of swallow phases have
structure questions, E – exchange conversation and D – direct been noted (Priefer and Robbins, 1997). As such, SLTs have a
short sentences (Ripich and Wykle, 1996). Presented over role in optimizing swallowing and reducing the risk of aspir-
several sessions, it involves role play, discussion and home ation pneumonia. Logemann observed that people can
assignments. In addition, Bryan and Maxim (1998) described sometimes be taught strategies to upgrade food and drink
communication training strategies used with care staff in the consistencies that they can swallow safely, while others may
UK. Furthermore, Maxim et al. (2001) discussed factors that be helped without learning, for example by changing consist-
contribute towards SLTs successfully delivering workshops to encies to prevent aspiration, by triggering pharyngeal swal-
care workers, and Pietro (2002) emphasized the importance of lowing using certain intense tastes or bolus temperatures, or
evaluating training outcomes on communicative behaviour by positioning (Gillick and Mitchell, 2002). To reduce guess-
in the real world. work, it is important for SLTs to use an instrumental examin-
ation where pharyngeal dysphagia is suspected (Logemann,
2003). Nonetheless, people with advanced dementia cannot
cooperate with such procedures (Gillick and Mitchell, 2002).
16.18 ENVIRONMENTAL BARRIERS TO Where people can no longer swallow safely, a percutaneous
COMMUNICATION endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube is sometimes inserted to
administer liquid food directly into the stomach (Gillick and
As language devolves, the person with dementia relies increas- Mitchell, 2002). SLTs also have a role in recommending when
ingly on the environment as a dynamic contributor towards this procedure may be considered. However, this decision is
functioning (Clark, 1995). Given increasing problems with not just about swallowing status, but also PEG side effects (of
hearing and vision, it is critical that these problems be cor- diarrhoea and nausea in 10 per cent of people), likelihood of
rected optimally (with encouragement to wear aids) and that people pulling the tube out and findings that people with
environments have limited background noise (e.g. using advanced dementia may well not benefit from PEG feeding
sound absorbing materials, turning televisions off) and good in terms of survival or comfort (Gillick and Mitchell, 2002;
lighting (Enderby, 2002). In addition, good management of Logemann, 2003). If there is no living will regarding medical
other medical conditions and drug regimens can affect com- intervention, guardians may have to make this difficult decision
munication positively (Clark, 1995). Although physical space based on what people would choose for themselves (Gillick
is often quite limited and opportunities for solitude or intimacy and Mitchell, 2002); however, in reality, PEG use can vary
rare, social interaction can also be minimal (Lubinski, 1991). between countries or even doctors within the same hospital.
References 201

16.20 CONCLUSIONS Bayles KA and Tomoeda CK. (1993) The Arizona Battery for
Communication Disorders of Dementia. Austin, Texas, Pro-Ed
Bayles KA and Tomoeda CK. (1994) Functional Linguistic Communication
Communication, amongst other things, allows elderly people Inventory. Austin, Texas, Pro-Ed
to vent anxieties, relieve loneliness, describe medical symp- Bayles KA and Tomoeda CK. (1995) The ABCs of Dementia. Phoenix,
toms and stimulate cognition (Lubinski, 1991). As such, it Arizona, Canyonlands Publishing, Inc
seems obvious that SLTs should be increasingly involved in Bayles KA, Tomoeda CK, Trosset MW. (1992) Relation of linguistic
fostering communication in dementia. Nonetheless, in 2002 communication abilities of Alzheimer’s patients to stage of disease.
Brain and Language 42: 454–472
Bryan and Maxim observed that, in the previous 10 years,
Bourgeois MS. (1991) Communication treatment for adults with
there had only been a very small rise in the numbers of SLTs
dementia. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 34: 831–844
specializing in dementia – despite the proportion of people Bourgeois MS. (1992) Evaluating memory wallets in conversations with
over age 60 rising astronomically in coming decades. They persons with dementia. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research
advocated for SLTs becoming more committed to improving 35: 1344–1357
dementia services and gave four major reasons why this is Bourgeois MS. (1997) Modifying repetitive verbalizations of
timely – interest shown by the government, older people’s community-dwelling patients with AD. The Gerontologist
increasing awareness of health issues, advances in understand- 37: 30–39
ing dementia and increasing evidence to support intervention. Bourgeois MS. (2002) Where is my wife and when am I going home?
Exploring intervention has been a focus of this chapter. In The challenge of communicating with persons with dementia.
addition to dementia assessment and dysphagia work, there Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly 3: 132–144
Brush JA and Camp CG. (1998) Using spaced retrieval as an intervention
is certainly evidence to support the SLT’s role in working
during speech-language therapy. Clinical Gerontologist
directly with those who have dementia, in educating carers
19: 51–64
and other professionals and in advocating for communication- Bryan K and Maxim J. (1998) Enabling care staff to relate to older
friendly environments. Nonetheless, many studies reviewed communication disabled people. International Journal of Language
have small sample sizes or generally lack methodological and Communication Disorders. 33 (Suppl.): 121–125
rigour. Future research should address issues such as: what Bryan K and Maxim J. (2002.) Letter to the editor. International Journal
constitutes success in these degenerative conditions and how, of Language and Communication Disorders. 37(2): 215–222
for whom and for how long communication interventions Bryan K, Binder J, Dann C et al. (2001) Development of a screening
are effective in the real world. To address these issues effect- instrument for language in older people. Ageing and Mental Health
ively, single-case investigations require collection of lengthy 5: 371–378
baseline as well as intervention data, whilst group studies Clark LW. (1988) Enhancement of communication adequacy in early
stage Alzheimer’s disease patients. Unpublished research paper, New
require strict selection criteria and well-matched control
York, Hunter College of CUNY
groups (see Lum, 2001). Given that future SLT resources are
Clark LW. (1995) Interventions for persons with Alzheimer’s disease:
unlikely to be bountiful, research also needs to address where Strategies for maintaining and enhancing communicative success.
resources are best expended. Topics in Language Disorders 15: 47–65
Clark LW and Witte K. (1991) Nature and efficacy of communication
management in Alzheimer’s disease. In: R Lubinski (ed.), Dementia
and Communication. Philadelphia, BC Decker
Connors TF. (2001a) Sonas aPc for Family Carers of People with
Dementia: a community study. Dublin, Sonas aPc
Abrahams JP and Camp CJ. (1993) Maintenance and generalization of Connors TF. (2001b) Activating the Potential for Communication in
object naming training in anomia associated with degenerative People with Dementia in Residential Care. Sonas Model Unit Project
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Ames D, Flicker L, Helme R. (1992) A memory clinic at a geriatric Enderby P. (2002) Promoting communication skills with people who have
hospital: Rationale, routine and results from the first 100 patients. dementia. In: G Stokes and F Goudie (eds), The Essential Dementia
Medical Journal of Australia 156: 618–622 Care Handbook. Bicester, Oxfordshire: Speechmark, pp. 102–108
Arkin S and Mahendra N. (2001) Discourse analysis of Alzheimer’s Fried-Oken M, Rau MT, Oken BS. (2000) AAC and dementia. In: D
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16.21 The demented patient 203 16.27 Promoting mobility 205

16.22 Body awareness therapy 204 16.28 Communication 206
16.23 Clinical praxis of BAT 204 16.29 Group activity 206
16.24 Massage, touching 204 16.30 Summary 206
16.25 Interaction 205 References 207
16.26 Depression and anxiety 205

Physiotherapy is based upon a comprehension of the human Gradually, as the dementia develops and the patient’s func-
being as a dynamic whole with motor function as a part of an tions decline, the treatment focuses on activating the patient
optimal psychosocial function. The body is the relation to and establishing an environment that maintains and motiv-
the world (Merleau-Ponty, 1986) and it is seen as both a sub- ates movement and activities of daily living.
ject and an object. Through movements the human commu- Owing to great variation in symptoms in patients with
nicates knowledge and correlation to the environment, but dementia, the physiotherapy must be directed to the individ-
movements are also a goal-directed solution of functional ual’s functional ability in order to stimulate and support the
tasks and thereby a precondition of creating and maintaining patient in making the most of their potential. This chapter
a social life, an important topic when you are dealing with will describe how physiotherapy is applied in the psychiatric
dementia. field and how the discipline may contribute to the general
The physiotherapist examines the body from an under- management of dementia.
standing of the mutual action between body and emotions,
the body expressing and regulating emotions while being a
biological and biochemical phenomenon, and evaluates the
type and level of strain and resources in the patient. This
information about the physical function contribute to diag-
nosis and therapy (Thornquist, 1992). Dementia produces an appreciable decline in intellectual func-
Elderly people with dementia often suffer from various tioning and usually some interference with personal activities
somatic illnesses, neurological or musculoskeletal problems, of daily living (World Health Organization [WHO], 1992). The
that on the one hand may affect their motor function and decline affects different patients differently and must be man-
state of mind, and on the other hand are reinforced by their aged individually depending on the patient’s memory, thinking
mental and cognitive dysfunction. and reasoning capacity, emotional control, perception of stim-
Physiotherapy for demented people can take many forms ulus and ability to orientate and learn, understand and com-
with different foci depending on the severity of the illness municate. However, all patients respond positively when treated
and the purpose of the physiotherapeutic contribution. with common courtesy, kindness and respect (Laerum, 2003).
In the early stage of dementia the object of physiotherapy Dementia patients are exposed to personality and behav-
is promoting awareness of the body and its possibly hidden ioural changes and the progressive nature of the illness affects
resources working consciously with experiences of the body them psychologically. Their physical functions, however, are
as a part of the whole identity. Later in the course the physio- not debilitated necessarily concurrently with the other func-
therapy can be aiming at decreasing anxiety and depressive tions and here patients can use their remaining resources and
symptoms that may follow the progress of the disease. gain a feeling of success, adding quality to their lives.
204 Multidisciplinary approaches in the management of dementia

16.22 BODY AWARENESS THERAPY patient. The relation to the ground, vertical balance in the
centre line, centring of movements and coordination from the
solar plexus area, breathing, flow and awareness are seen as
Psychiatric physiotherapy has a short tradition, but in recent important aspects of the body ego trained in Basic BAT
decades there has been an increasing acknowledgement of (Gyllensten, 2001). The movements in BAT are quite simple,
how the mind and the body influence each other, and the use fundamental and easy to learn, which makes them very suitable
of basic body awareness therapy (BAT) has been steadily for demented patients, who often lack the ability to under-
growing in physiotherapy practice (Gyllensten, 2001). stand and perform more complicated exercises.
BAT is the common name for a number of physiothera- Basic BAT consists of movements of the body as a whole
peutic approaches using a holistic physiotherapy treatment in lying, sitting, standing and walking positions. The work usu-
(Roxendal, 1985). In the 1970s Gertrud Roxendal, physiother- ally starts with stretching exercises on the floor or on a couch,
apist and doctor of philosophy, established BAT in Scandi- and breathing exercises aimed at letting go of old compensa-
navian countries, integrating a number of techniques which tions and control of the breathing and just letting it be. The
inspired her. After meeting the French psychoanalyst and patient progresses to the sitting or standing position in order
movement teacher Jacques Dropsy she recognized the value to not get trapped in a regressive state. Here the work of becom-
of his movement practice and theories and integrated his ing more aware and in contact with the antigravity muscles
work in physiotherapy practice under the name of Basic BAT. continues. The three basic coordinations starting in the trunk
In this branch of ‘body awareness’ the patient works with the are practised:
basic functions of movements related to posture, coordination,
free breathing and awareness (Roxendal, 1987). This work with • flexion-extension around the centre of movement in the
the body constitutes the basis for the quality of movement in solar plexus area;
action, the expression of the self, interaction with others and • rotation around the vertical axis; and
involvement in activities in life (Dropsy, 1975, 1988; Roxendal, • trunk rotation and counter rotation as seen in walking.
1987). The treatment also inspired the creation of an assess- Mental presence and awareness are key words taught from
ment scale, the Body Awareness Scale (BAS), an instrument the very first exercise – the person is stimulated by turning
that measures the functions of grounding, posture, coordin- the attention both to doing and to what is experienced in the
ation, breathing and flow, that are the targets of Basic BAT movements (Roxendal, 1987; Dropsy, 1988; Gyllensten, 2001).
practice. Focusing on activating health promoting resources rather
Roxendal developed the theories of the body ego, an expres- than on physical symptoms and limitations, BAT is a useful
sion first used by Freud (1923), and she defined this as the approach in the treatment of patients with dementia. The
bodily aspect of the inseparable unit body/mind that is the features of dementia include disturbances of cognitive func-
human being, or total identity (Roxendal and Wahlberg, 1995). tions and the sensorium as well as changes in physical func-
She pointed out four cornerstones of important aspects in tions (e.g. reduced trunk rotation); by initiating BAT at an
treatment: early stage the basic elements of the body ego are stimulated
• the encounter or interaction between the patient and the and may help the patient to maintain functional skills and an
physiotherapist; experience of identity.
• the activation of the motivation of the patient;
• the conscious view of the human being; and 16.23.1 The role of the physiotherapist
• the movement praxis of Basic BAT.
In this way Roxendal was a pioneer in establishing a The professional role of the physiotherapist is to guide and
broader view of factors active in physiotherapeutic treatment support the patient in the process of deepened awareness,
and the outcome of treatment (Gyllensten, 2001). Psychiatric and pictures and images can be used to facilitate the experi-
physiotherapy has developed both theoretically and methodo- ence associated with the movement. Most of all, the physio-
logically from Roxendal’s work and is now practised outside therapist is there to stimulate the search to become aware of
Scandinavia. dormant resources associated with vertical balance, freedom
of breathing, movement and action. The therapist is able to
support and give help only in accordance with their own level
16.23 CLINICAL PRAXIS OF BAT of awareness (Roxendal, 1987; Dropsy, 1988; Gyllensten, 2001).

In BAT one uses movements, breathing, massage and aware-

ness to try to restore balance, flexibility and the unity of body
and mind, working with the resources of the body as a whole.
The therapist coordinator encourages the patient to move in The treatment is often supplemented by massage. The skin is
better ways to attain postural control, balance, free breathing the largest and most important sensory organ, and physical
and coordination, using both body and words to guide the touch stimulates inner mental and physiological processes
Promoting mobility 205

(Mattson, 1998). Massage reduces muscle tension and rhyth- with the patient, which can be maintained through subse-
mical stroking of the skin has a medical effect in consequence of quent years.
secreting oxytocin: reduced pain sensitivity, anxiety level, blood
pressure and pulse indicating a calm wellbeing (Petterson et al.,
The human being has a lifelong need for physical touch, and
massage is an important form of communication. Touching
Changes in mood or emotion are prevalent in the spectrum
is an intimate kind of contact that creates a connection between
of dementia (WHO, 1992). Having a depression is not just a
human beings (Montagu, 1986). Through the hands the ther-
matter of the mind but also affects the body. Patients with
apist is in contact with respiration, emotionality, movements,
depression in comparison with non-depressed persons have
tension and changes in tension in the patient. BAT incorpo-
more muscular tension, pain complaints, negative attitudes
rates special massage techniques that can activate both postural
towards their own physical ability, restrained breathing and
and autonomous reflexes (Mattson, 1998). Tactile stimula-
less freedom of movement (Jacobsen et al., 2003). These symp-
tion of the skin evokes a more distinct sensation of the body
toms are easily mixed up with and mistaken for symptoms
and its centre, diverting attention from unpleasant thoughts
owing to somatic illnesses and physical decline owing to age-
and emotions and perhaps diminishing agitation and motor
ing. However, they are the manifestation of depression in the
restlessness. Elderly demented patients are in physical contact
body. In combination with depressive symptoms, a higher
with nursing staff when washing, dressing, feeding and hav-
level of anxiety appears causing pain, provoking tension and
ing their personal hygiene attended to but, beyond that, mas-
unpleasant bodily symptoms. Clinical experience in physio-
sage can be given with the one purpose of yielding a positive
therapeutic treatment of depression and anxiety shows that
bodily experience. Caregivers can profitably be instructed in
patients benefit from BAT, which includes calming massage
therapeutic touching techniques to make nursing situations
and relaxation techniques (e.g. stretching and releasing the
mutually pleasant.
body alternately). Treatment pays attention to normalizing
the tension level and building up ego-forces, and the patient’s
focus on body management to be able to control the symp-
16.25 INTERACTION toms and use the body in a more harmonious way.
There are several studies showing that physical activity has
a positive effect on the mental state, decreasing anxiety and
The importance of interaction between patient and physio-
depressive symptoms. Blumenthal et al. (1999) found that
therapist is a central feature in clinical practice and studies have
exercise training in older depressed patients accelerated the
focused on the most important factors for successful treatment.
effect of medical treatment and follow up showed a signifi-
Thornquist (1991) indicates the importance of the physio-
cant decrease in depressive symptoms and a reduced number
therapist continuously using his or her body to communicate
of relapses. The physical training must be individualized and
throughout the whole physiotherapy encounter. She argues
supervised to include aerobic training and progressive resist-
that this communication is a central aspect of patient-
ance training (Veale et al., 1992; Singh et al., 1997; Lawler and
centredness, and she also points to the problem of interpret-
Hopker, 2001).
ing body language as an observer, since a gesture or a posture
is dependent on the specific context (Thornquist, 1990). Self-
experience and clinical experience develop knowledge in the
cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains, and when
working with demented people one has to deal with all these
domains. According to Watzlawick et al. (1967) all behaviour Physicalabilitydeteriorateswithincreasingyearsandthephysio-
in an interactional situation gives out messages and is logical and pathological responses to ageing have a direct
thereby communication. Even nonsense, silence, withdrawal, effect on movement and function. People with dementia may
immobility (postural silence) or any other form of denial is live a sedentary lifestyle and reach the limit of their physical
itself a communication. If the patient presents in this way, one ability simply in the performance of normal activities of daily
should attempt to understand the underlying messages. living. Inactivity results in increasing dependency on the help
Establishing and maintaining contact focusing on the of others. A number of age-induced changes that affect move-
patient’s resources are important aspects of the interaction and ment or function can be prevented, slowed down or even
are vital for outcome (Gyllensten et al., 1999, 2000). These reversed by doing exercises (Trew, 1997).
might, however, be complicated in the treatment of demented Patients with dementia should be given opportunities for
patients if their motivation fluctuates. Clinical experience and goal-directed movements in a plain and systematic way to
reflecting on communication and the therapeutic process are maintain mobility and transfer skills (Oddy, 1998). Movement/
important tools in interaction, as well as in forming an alliance. mobility/transfer can be defined as movements that enable the
The sooner in the dementia course the physiotherapy patient to perform activities of daily living and to move around
is implemented the easier it will be to develop an alliance in their usual environment. These movements comprise
206 Multidisciplinary approaches in the management of dementia

standing up, walking inside/outside and on stairs, sitting patients with similar mobility levels. The activity must be struc-
down and getting in and out of bed. tured in an atmosphere that encourages spontaneous move-
The results of goal-directed physical training on impaired ments: adequate lightning, no interrupting background noises
elderly people with dementia are significant improvements in and no big empty spaces around the circle in which the patients
the ability to walk and transfer, mobility and balance (Toulotte are placed. Music can be used to give rhythm and an oppor-
et al., 2003). Earlier studies providing physiotherapy, includ- tunity to join in the tunes. The patients may not remember
ing music and movement groups, body awareness and func- the activity from one session to another and must be prepared
tional mobility training, also showed significant improvements and invited to participate.
in the mobility skills of elderly people with severe dementing Words and movements applied during the session must be
illness (Pomeroy, 1993, 1994). An intervention study provid- recognizable for the patients, e.g. movements that are related
ing resistance exercise training proved that neuromuscular to activities of daily living and that awaken memories. The
strength and function can be rehabilitated in elderly demented elements include simple exercises stimulating muscle strength,
people (Thomas and Hageman, 2003). mobility, balance, body awareness and spatial perception.
From clinical experience weight resistance training is an Long instructions must be avoided in case patients are over-
effective, structured method to mobilize physical resources. stimulated with more information than is necessary. In order
Records should be kept to motivate patients showing progress not to make patients uncomfortable or insecure, several repe-
and illustrating what they are capable of doing. Training and titions are carried out for each exercise and the programme is
maintaining mobility skills may postpone the time when the repeated from one session to another comprising:
demented patient needs personal care and social services.
• mobility training: simple, soft movements related to
activities of daily living functions performed at a
moderate speed and with the sufficient time during and
16.28 COMMUNICATION inbetween the exercises;
• light aerobic training: in order to increase the patient’s
To initiate a movement or a transfer, the dementia patient circulation and staying power;
needs to understand the purpose of the action. Using the • simple balance, stability and strength exercises: such as
voice and body in a certain way, the therapist can facilitate weight transfer sideways sitting on chairs and pushing a
communication and get a successful result. Approaching the medical ball around a circle;
patient slowly from in front prevents them from being sur- • body awareness and spatial exercises: in which the
prised or scared, and a friendly smile while keeping a distance physiotherapist designates the specific body part and
can make them feel safe. direction for the movement;
Verbal commands must be short, concise and simple, • non-verbal interaction between patients: by rolling,
instructing the patient in positive phrases, e.g.‘Keep standing!’ throwing and kicking a ball or a balloon.
instead of ‘Don’t sit down!’ because the patient may understand
There are both medical and economical benefits of mobility
only some of the words (Laerum, 2003). In verbal explan-
groups. The social contact in the group is essential to prevent
ation the words must accurately describe what is to be done.
isolation and a passive life that usually follows reduced motor
Demonstrating the movement using gestures, signs and touch-
skills. The patients dare more in the group and, through visual
ing may clarify to the patient how to move in the right way
stimulation, it is easier for them to revive the pleasure of
and in the right direction (Charman, 1997).
movements. Staying in good physical shape may reduce the
Throughout the session it is important to observe the facial
consumption of medicine and medical costs. In this way it is
expression and body language of the patient to receive an
possible to avoid side effects and improve quality of life of
impression of how they respond to the treatment. Strategies
for helping patients in daily activities are essential to promote
mobility. Nursing staff and relatives are often without suffi-
cient knowledge of techniques for activating the patient, but
through instructions from a physiotherapist they can help 16.30 SUMMARY
arrange facilities creating a safe, stimulating environment
drawing on the resources of the patient. Guidance and advice
The demented population is a large and diverse group of
for the practical daily care of people with dementia are
patients who present various symptoms of the illness, differ-
described in detail by Oddy (1998).
ent somatic symptoms and varying function levels. There is
no recipe or formula for physiotherapy and the treatment must
be based on individual ability, capacity and interest. A physio-
therapeutic assessment contributes to a broader view of the
patient in the multidisciplinary arena and, with the thera-
In some psychogeriatric wards and nursing homes movement pist’s knowledge of the human body and the declining func-
groups are practised and have proven very useful to demented tions owing to ageing and dementia, attention can be focused
References 207

on preventing the consequences and mobilizing existing phys- Petterson M, Alster P, Lundeberg T, Uvnäs-Moberg K. (1996b) Oxytocin
ical possibilities. The patients benefit from the simplicity of increases nociceptive thresholds in a long-term perspective in
basic BAT applied in individual treatment and exercise groups, female and male rats. Neuroscience Letters 212: 87–90
Pomeroy VM. (1993) The effect of physiotherapy input on mobility skills
activating physical resources and maintaining their motor
of elderly people with severe dementing illness. Clinical
skills. Positive sensations of the body can be evoked while the
Rehabilitation 7: 163–170
dementia causes loss of functions; promoting mobility and Pomeroy VM. (1994) Immobility and severe dementia: when is
stimulating activities of daily living increases the patient’s physiotherapy treatment appropriate? Clinical Rehabilitation 8:
ability to cope with the dementia. The quality of life gained 226–232
through physical training results in both personal and eco- Roxendal G. (1985) Body Awareness Therapy and the Body Awareness
nomic benefit. Scale, Treatment and Evaluation in Psychiatric Physiotherapy.
Doctoral dissertation. Gothenburg, Department of Psychiatry,
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
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Medicine 159: 2349–2356 Handling – Communicative Hands). Copenhagen, Reitzels Forlag
Charman RA. (1997) Motor learning. In: M Trew and T Everett (eds), Singh NA, Clements KM, Fiatarone MA. (1997) A randomized controlled
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Sexuality and dementia


17.1 Sex and normal ageing 208 17.5 Gay and lesbian issues 212
17.2 Effects of dementia on sexuality and sexual behaviour 209 17.6 Sexual abuse 212
17.3 Assessment 210 17.7 Conclusions 213
17.4 Management 211 References 213

17.1 SEX AND NORMAL AGEING sample continued to masturbate, and 12 per cent reported
intercourse at least weekly. Although the median frequency
of intercourse fell from 3.6 episodes per month in men aged
Many publications about sexuality and sexual behaviour in 55–59 to 1.3 per month in men aged 85–94, this is still a sig-
older people begin with the same message, that it is time to nificant figure! Matthias et al. (1997) reported a large com-
dispel the stereotype that older people are asexual. Although munity survey of sexual activity and satisfaction based in the
many older people have an active sex life, this age group is USA. They found that nearly 30 per cent of the sample (mean
more at risk of sexual dysfunction. Furthermore, age is a age 77, range 70–94) had experienced sexual activity in the
major risk factor for dementia and the impact a diagnosis of past month; 69 per cent were reported to be ‘satisfied’ or ‘very
dementia has on sexual behaviour is complex and profound. satisfied’ with their sex life. In a small UK-based qualitative
This chapter outlines the sexual problems faced by individ- study of sexual satisfaction using purposive sampling, 13 of
uals with dementia, and the effect that this has on partners and 21 participants over 70 rated their sex life as at least moder-
professional carers. ately important, with a few reporting that sex was more
pleasurable or of increasing importance as they got older
(Gott and Hinchliff, 2003). It appears sex does not even stop
17.1.1 Sexual activity in older people when people enter residential homes. In a study of residential
home residents, again based in the USA, 62 per cent of men
Although sexual activity appears to decline with advancing
and 30 per cent of women had recently had intercourse
age (Schiavi et al., 1990; Kaiser, 1996), sexual activity does not
(Bretschneider and McCoy, 1988).
stop, at least among many older individuals. One study of
people attending a community centre in the USA (age range
42–82) found over two-thirds reported having a sexual part- 17.1.2 Sexual dysfunction in older people
ner (Wiley and Bortz, 1996). Over 90 per cent of this (self-
selected) sample, including those over 70, desired sexual Older people are at risk of psychosexual dysfunction includ-
activity at least once a week, although less than half achieved ing loss of sex drive, erectile disorder and vaginal discomfort
this. Retrospective assessment of change in sexual activity over (Masters and Johnson, 1981). Loss of sex drive is commonly
the previous 10 years in this study found no change in the due to a mixture of psychogenic and organic factors, and may
pattern of preferred activity among women (kissing  inter- be related to a reduction in sex hormone levels in both sexes
course  masturbation  oral sex), whereas men reported a with age (Masters, 1986). Men are at risk of a number of age-
decline in desire for intercourse over the same period (Wiley related changes including: erectile disorder owing to organic
and Bortz, 1996). Bortz et al. (1999) surveyed 1202 community- causes including neuropathy and vasculopathy, and delayed
dwelling men (mean age 74, range 58–94) attending luncheon ejaculation and longer refractory times (Masters, 1986;
clubs in California. Sixty-four per cent of men over 80 in this Carbone and Seftel, 2002). Older women may notice less
Effects of dementia on sexuality and sexual behaviour 209

effective vaginal secretion, reduced vaginal accommodation, dysfunction. This was not related to age, degree of cognitive
fewer orgasmic contractions and vaginal irritation. Despite impairment or medication. The high rate of erectile disorder
these difficulties in the mechanics of the sexual act, sexual in partners of patients with dementia may be due to the add-
activity remains important to many older people. itional stress placed on the relationship by the diagnosis (Litz
et al., 1990). Dementia may also reduce libido and cause
functional difficulties that adversely affect maintaining a sex-
17.2 EFFECTS OF DEMENTIA ON SEXUALITY ual relationship (Jagus and Benbow, 2002). No published
AND SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR studies assess the prevalence of female sexual dysfunction in
The onset of dementia may have a significant effect on the
sex life of the individual and their partner, although the evi- 17.2.2 Effect on the partnership
dence base for changes in sexual behaviour in dementia is
small. Wright (1991) undertook a controlled study of the Changes in the balance of the relationship, especially a shift
impact of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) on marital relationships. of role from partner to caregiver, may decrease sexual desire in
Eight of the 30 (27 per cent) couples of the dementia-affected the partner. Carers of individuals with dementia are also vul-
group were sexually active, compared with 14 of the 17 (82 nerable to depression and anxiety as the carer burden increases.
per cent) controls. In those individuals still sexually active, Apparent lack of interest, wandering, forgetting technique,
compared with controls sex took place more often in couples incontinence and poor self-care also are likely to have an
where one partner had dementia. adverse effect on the sex life within a dyad. Despite this there
Derouesné et al. (1996) reported the findings of two sur- is relatively little research in this area (Baikie, 2002). Although
veys of married couples, where one individual had a diagno- not all dementia-affected couples experience a change in sexual
sis of possible or probable AD (Mini-Mental State scores activity, an altered sexual relationship is a difficulty many
0–29). The first, a survey of 135 couples found that 80 per people face after the onset of dementia within a dyad. The
cent of spouses reported a change in the patient’s sexual onset of dementia should not be assumed to herald cessation
activity. This was not linked to degree of cognitive impair- of an active sex life, and couples should be encouraged to
ment or gender of the patient. The second study reported think and act flexibly in order to adjust to the impact of the
the results of a questionnaire about sexual relations before disorder (Davies et al., 1998).
and after onset of AD. Indifference to sexual activity was Partners of individuals with dementia may confine them-
common (63 per cent of respondents). Most respondents selves to celibacy at a time when the rewards of caring for the
who reported a change in sexual activity noted a decrease, patient are becoming increasingly scarce. Some partners who
only four (8 per cent of respondents) reported an increase in retain their sex drive may seek sexual satisfaction elsewhere,
sexual activity. through masturbation, visiting prostitutes or longer-term
Although increased sexual demands were rare in this study relationships outside the partnership. This may lead to guilt,
of individuals with AD, this problem may be more common especially if the patient is still living at home. This is a particu-
in other forms of dementia, especially frontal lobe dementias, larly difficult area to manage as partners are understandably
which are often characterized by disinhibited behaviours. reticent to talk about this. If they do, it is vital to have a non-
Furthermore, increased sexual demands may be underreported judgemental supportive approach. Partners will often blame
as they are particularly upsetting for carers, and very difficult themselves for the cessation of a sexual relationship. Coun-
to discuss with others. selling about the reasons for the patient’s altered sex drive
In a survey of 40 partners of people with mild–moderate and an explanation that this is related to the dementia may
dementia, Ballard et al. (1997) found all nine (23 per cent) of help to reassure partners. It is important to stress to patients
the sample who continued to have sex were satisfied with and carers that a lack of sexual activity should not preclude
their sexual relationship. Twelve (39 per cent) of the remaining physical intimacy, and that physical intimacy, such as cud-
sample who had ceased sexual activity were dissatisfied with dling is unlikely to result in sexually inappropriate behaviour
this. There was a trend for continuance of sexual activity to by the patient (Davies et al., 1992).
be associated with better cognition scores.
17.2.3 Sex in residential settings
17.2.1 Effects on the individual
Two principal issues should be considered when you are
Concerns over the diagnosis and prognosis, awareness of the assessing the sexual behaviours of individuals in residential and
stigma and likelihood of development of depression will all nursing settings: (a) are the needs for appropriate sexual activity
diminish sexual interest in an individual with dementia. addressed and (b) are inappropriate activities identified and
There are few published studies on the impact of dementia managed?
on sexual function. Zeiss et al. (1990) in an uncontrolled survey In an observational study of sexual behaviour in 40 men
of 55 men with AD, found that 53 per cent reported erectile with dementia living in long-term care facilities, Zeiss et al.
210 Sexuality and dementia

(1996) found appropriate (defined as sitting close to someone, 17.2.5 Summary

kissing or stroking face hands or arms) sexual behaviours were
present in 20 per cent of the sample, compared with 35 per cent Given the extensive evidence of the frequency and importance
manifesting inappropriate or ambiguous behaviours. Mayers of sex among older community-dwelling and care-home
(1998) surveyed 33 professional caregivers working in medical residents and the physiological impact of ageing on sexual
facilities caring for people with dementia: 10 respondents function, assessment of the impact of the diagnosis on the sexual
reported observing consensual activity between patients. It is life of the individual with dementia, their spouse or partner and
likely that, even if it is desired, sexual activity among couples wider contacts becomes paramount. Ongoing reviews are neces-
will stop when one of them enters a residential setting. This sary as dementia progresses, as difficulties may wax and wane as
may be due to a lack of facilities and privacy, perceived disap- cognitive problems progress or with the advent of behavioural
probation of staff and professionals’ concerns about defining and psychological symptoms of dementia. Discussions about
what activities are ‘consensual’. sexual difficulties should be initiated by clinicians, as people are
often reluctant to volunteer to talk about their sex life. Older
people may feel that sexual disorders are part of the ageing
17.2.4 Inappropriate sexual activity process, or that they are not a priority if they or their partner has
dementia. If a sexual problem is suspected, then taking a history
Figures on the rates of inappropriate sexual activity among in a confident but sensitive manner can be very helpful.
people with dementia consistently show that these behav-
iours are relatively uncommon, and rarely result in criminal
proceedings. In one survey of 101 elderly sex offenders, only
1 per cent of the sample was diagnosed as having dementia 17.3 ASSESSMENT
(Fazel, 2002). Devanand et al. (1992) reported rates of sexual
disinhibition of under 3 per cent in a survey of 106 individ- Most people faced with a sexual problem probably will dis-
uals with AD. Burns et al. (1990) reported sexual disinhibi- cuss it first with their general practitioner, although many
tion to be present in 7 per cent of a sample of 178 patients individuals are reticent about this and prefer an entrée in the
with AD in the UK with men and women affected equally. guise of a physical complaint (d’Ardenne, 1988). Although
Inappropriate sexual behaviours (defined as sexually explicit there have been few studies about older people communicating
comments, touching someone other than a partner on the their sexual problems, it is likely that they will be even more
breasts or genitals or exposing breasts or genitals in public) reluctant to discuss psychosexual difficulties. Therefore, it is
were recorded in 7 (18 per cent) of 40 subjects with dementia often left to the clinician to elicit whether there are any sexual
living in long-term care and were less common in patients problems. Taking a psychosexual history is a delicate task that
with AD than other dementias (Zeiss et al., 1996). In a fur- requires sensitivity and timing. With older couples, it may
ther study, Tsai et al. (1999) reported inappropriate sexual take more than one interview, and is probably best left
behaviour (overt sexual contact, self-exposure, hypersexual- altogether until a rapport has been established. Opinions differ
ity or public masturbation) in 20 (15 per cent) of 133 indi- about how to take a psychosexual history, particularly about
viduals with dementia. No significant differences were noted whether to interview people separately or together. There are
with differing types of dementia. The largest study to date on no hard and fast rules, and to a large extent, the method of
individuals with dementia in care, involving 730 residents history-taking depends on how advanced the dementia is.
with dementia from 180 separate residential units, reported Where the dementia is mild to moderate, it probably is best
that inappropriate sexual behaviours were present in 5.3 per to see the couple together and then see the informant alone.
cent of the sample; far lower than other behavioural distur- People respond to an open interviewing style, irrespective of
bances (Matsuoka-Hattori et al., 2003). their generation. Using euphemisms may lead to confusion and
A large number of so-called inappropriate sexual behav- generate a sense of embarrassment among the interviewees.
iours have been reported. Mayers (1998) in her survey of
professional caregivers for people with dementia found the
most commonly reported sexualized behaviours observed 17.3.1 Aims of taking a psychosexual history
over 1 year included touching breasts (85 per cent of respon-
dents), buttocks (79 per cent) or genitals (73 per cent). There are several domains to a psychosexual history. First, an
Attempted intercourse by a patient was reported by 10 (30 per idea about how frequently a couple had sex before the onset
cent) respondents. Staff and other patients were both recipi- of dementia and any pre-existing difficulties is useful. The next
ents of unwanted sexual activity in this survey. Interpretation step is to elicit the presenting problem. This may be dysfunc-
of research into sexual problems is hampered by methodo- tion of some sort (erectile difficulty, vaginismus), an increase or
logical limitations including sampling bias and the difficulty decrease in sexual drive (libido), sexual behaviour that the part-
in coding the behaviour types. Despite this, it appears that ner finds unwelcome or troublesome or infringes social/legal
oversexualized behaviours are not particularly common in standards. The views of the individual with dementia and their
individuals with dementia. partner about what outcomes are desired are also important.
Management 211

17.3.2 Presenting problem should be considered. Another area of risk for partners arises
from delusions of infidelity. These may be intense and result
A comprehensive history may give useful clues as to whether in physical violence, so should be taken seriously.
the presenting problem has an organic or psychological basis.
However, this organic/psychological dichotomy is often mis- 17.3.6 Examination and investigations
leading, as many older individuals have a mix of aetiologies.
Identify the presenting problem, its time scale, precipitating All patients presenting with psychosexual difficulties should
or alleviating factors and whether the problem is situation undergo a physical examination. Examination may reveal
specific. For example, if a man presents with loss of erectile evidence of systemic disorders that are causing the sexual dif-
function, explore whether this is intermittent or sustained, ficulties such as Parkinson’s disease, diabetes or vascular dis-
and whether it occurs in all situations including masturbat- ease. Assessment of the severity of dementia is useful in helping
ing alone, or only when having sex with a particular partner. to plan treatment. Investigations for patients presenting with
loss of sex drive or erectile dysfunction should include fasting
17.3.3 Current relationship glucose, prolactin, testosterone and sex hormone-binding
A detailed assessment of the current relationship (if any) is
important. This includes quality of communication between
the partners, the perceived strengths and weaknesses of the 17.4 MANAGEMENT
relationship, the impact the diagnosis of dementia has had
on the relationship, and identifying issues of guilt or resent-
ment. The nature of the sexual relationship and frequency of 17.4.1 Managing common sexual dysfunctions
intercourse (if any) before the onset of the presenting problem
should also be assessed. Erectile disorder (ED) may be treated by behavioural and/or
pharmacological approaches. Sensate focus (Masters and
Johnson, 1966) is a graded programme of behavioural exer-
17.3.4 Sexual development and past
cises that involves the couple engaging in mutual erotic exer-
cise stopping short of intercourse. This change in focus of the
sexual act away from intercourse may help reduce spectator-
It is important to attempt a full assessment of the develop-
ing (self-monitoring of erectile capacity) and performance
mental history, whatever the age of the person. The scope
anxiety. Applying this technique requires commitment and
may be limited by the dementia, but many patients may recall
may be difficult for individuals with dementia.
earlier details of their sexual development, and this part of the
Oral phosphodiesterase inhibitors such as sildenafil
history often provides clues to the aetiology of the presenting
(Viagra) and vardenafil (Levitra) are an oral treatment for
problem. Attempt to seek information on age of puberty or
ED which is effective in most patients. Older age does not
menarche, first sexual experiences, length and quality of past
appear to be a contraindication per se, although these drugs
relationships. It is important not to make assumptions about
should be avoided in patients with cardiovascular or hepatic
an individual’s sexual orientation and it is possible to explore
disease, recent stroke and those on vasodilators (especially
this sensitively by asking the first names of past partners.
nitrates). Vaginal discomfort during intercourse is often related
Asking about sexual abuse is another very sensitive task, but
to atrophy and dryness of the vaginal mucosa, secondary to
couching the question in terms of ‘unwelcome sexual experi-
low oestrogen levels. Initially, these may respond to simple
ences’ may help.
water-based lubricants or topical oestrogen creams.

17.3.5 Assessment of risk

17.4.2 Managing inappropriate behaviours
Altered sexual behaviour in the context of a dementia confers
increased risk to the patient, carers and others. Although sexual A variety of strategies to reduce unacceptable sexual behaviours
disinhibition seems relatively rare, increased sexual appetite has been suggested (Jensen, 1989; Howell and Watts, 1990).
may occur as a result of frontal lobe damage, or increased Most rely on behavioural modification, including removing
demand for intercourse may result from forgetfulness of nor- reinforcement during the undesired behaviour and increas-
mal etiquette and conventions (Haddad and Benbow, 1993). ing reinforcement of appropriate alternative behaviours,
Disinhibited sexual behaviour may result in conflict with allowing masturbation in private or using modified clothing
others, and even in charges of assault. Rarely, a sexually disin- that makes it difficult for the patient to undress. The utility of
hibited individual may commit rape (within or outside a these approaches has not been established.
marriage). Therefore an assessment of risk in cases of increased Drugs may help reduce the sexual response. Cyproterone
sexual arousal is mandatory, and treatment with antiandro- acetate, medroxyprogesterone, conventional antipsychotics
gens or other sexual suppressants such as antipsychotic drugs and beta-blockers all have an antilibidinal effect. Cyproterone
212 Sexuality and dementia

acetate is a steroid analogue that is effective at reducing sexual obviate the problem about consent, Lichtenberg and Strzepek
drive and sexual responsiveness and has been advocated in (1990) developed a structured assessment technique to aid
treating older people with sex-offending behaviour (McAleer decisions about patients’ ability to consent to sexual relation-
and Wrigley, 1998). It is a competitive antagonist of testos- ships. This includes ascertaining the patient’s awareness of
terone and reduces gonadotrophin release. Antipsychotics the relationship, the ability to avoid exploitation and the
probably work by inducing hyperprolactinaemia, but may awareness of potential risks. Although this instrument needs
also increase confusion through their anticholinergic effects. further evaluation, it provides a good framework for clin-
The utility of these drugs in people with dementia is not icians to make decisions about competency regarding sexual
established. matters. In cases where consent to engage in sexual activity is
There are complex ethical considerations when antilibidi- established in both individuals, appropriate facilities (a double
nal drugs are used in patients unable to provide informed bed, privacy, time, condoms and water-based lubricants)
consent. However, the common law doctrine of necessity should be provided by residential facilities for their residents.
may be valid when capacity is lacking, especially where there There is sometimes a fine line between appropriate and
is significant risk to the individual or others. Under these cir- inappropriate sexual behaviour, which is often dependent on
cumstances, clinicians should ensure they could justify that the values of the staff and relatives of the individual con-
the sexual behaviour may result in significant risk to the cerned. However, some sexual behaviours are more clearly
patient or others, that they have attempted to discuss this ‘unacceptable’. These include masturbating or intercourse in
with the patient, that they have discussed the proposed use of public and sexual advances that are indiscriminate or clearly
antilibidinal drugs in a multidisciplinary setting and docu- unreciprocated. In addition to the advice about controlling
mented the decision carefully. If the patient is unable to give these behaviours it is helpful for staff on the unit to meet to
informed consent, treatment with antipsychotic drugs rather discuss the issues. This not only allows a consistent approach
than cyproterone, should probably be considered first. from all staff members, but also allows individuals to vent
their own anxieties. Explaining behaviours to other residents
may help to reduce their anxiety.
17.4.3 Managing admission to nursing and
residential homes
When an individual with dementia enters a residential facil-
ity, the sexual needs of that individual and their partner
Specific problems faced by lesbian and gay couples include
require assessment. This should include the provision of
less understanding and tolerance by other family members
facilities for sexual expression and exploration of the needs
and professional carers. If the dementia is HIV related, this
of the partner who remains in the community (Kaplan, 1996).
may result in the patient and partner having to come to terms
A survey of 300 health professionals about sexual expression of
with being HIV positive, as well as the diagnosis of dementia.
individuals with dementia in nursing homes showed a gener-
Gay partnerships may be discriminated against in terms of
ally positive attitude (Holmes et al., 1997). Although inter-
not being offered treatment for psychosexual disorders. In
pretation was hampered by a low response rate (38 per cent),
many countries, including the UK, gay partnerships still have
respondents were generally in favour of encouraging sexual
no legal status and gay partners may not have the same pen-
expression among residents. Respondents appeared to favour
sion and tenancy rights as heterosexual couples, leading to
masturbation rather than intercourse between residents.
further worries for the partner.
Training programmes for professional carers exist, focusing
on exploring attitudes and information needs of carers, resi-
dents’ rights and issues of capacity (Mayers and McBride,
1998; Heymanson, 2003). These workshops appear popular
but their impact on managing sexuality in care settings has
yet to be evaluated. Although much has been written about elder abuse, there is
Some nursing and residential homes now provide married scant recognition of the potential of sexual abuse in older peo-
residents with double beds and shared facilities, although ple with dementia. Estimates of the prevalence of all forms of
stricter rules exist for people developing new relationships elder abuse vary, but one study found rates of 16 per cent of
and some have draconian rules prohibiting sex (in keeping with a survey of 126 patients in a geriatric psychiatry service had
acute hospitals of all disciplines). This suppression of sexual experienced some abuse (Vida et al., 2002). There was a trend
activity probably stems from a number of reasons, including for individuals with dementia to experience more elder
a belief among staff that older people are, or at least should abuse. Sexual abuse was not classified in this study. In a state-
be, asexual and that a diagnosis of dementia automatically wide survey of elder abuse in Texas, of the 39 658 cases of
invalidates the ability to consent to have sex. Neither is correct abuse identified in individuals over 6592 (0.3 per cent) were
(Dickens, 1997). The former belief is strongly acculturated in cases of sexual abuse – nearly all of them women (Pavlik et al.,
the Western world and is difficult to shift. In an attempt to 2001). This is likely to be a significant underestimate owing
References 213

to lack of reporting and recognition. Benbow and Haddad Dickens BM. (1997) Legal aspects of the dementias. Lancet 349:
(1993) highlighted the risk of sexual abuse of individuals with 948–950
dementia, which is exacerbated by lack of definitions and Fazel S, Hope T, O’Donnell J, Jacoby R. (2002) Psychiatric, demographic
awareness of the issue. Elder sexual abuse may occur at home and personality characteristics of elderly sex offenders.
Psychological Medicine 32: 219–226
or within residential or nursing homes, perpetuated by formal
Gott M and Hinchliff S. (2003) How important is sex in later life?
or informal carers or other residents. People with dementia The views of older people. Social Science and Medicine 56:
may be physically frail and unable to resist sexual advances, 1617–1628
and may not be able to report abuse when it occurs. Without Haddad PM and Benbow SM. (1993) Sexual problems associated
a high index of suspicion, sexual abuse will be missed. Any with dementia: part 2. Aetiology, assessment and treatment.
suspicion of elder sexual abuse should be discussed within International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 8: 631–637
the multiprofessional team and the police, if appropriate. Heymanson C. (2003) Sexuality and intimacy in care homes. Journal of
Dementia Care 11: 10–11
Holmes D, Reingold J, Teresi J. (1997) Sexual expression and dementia.
17.7 CONCLUSIONS Views of caregivers: a pilot study. International Journal of Geriatric
Psychiatry 12: 695–701
Howell T and Watts DT. (1990) Behavioral complications of dementia: a
Several issues about sexuality and dementia need to be con- clinical approach for the general internist. Journal of General
sidered. First, the impact on the individual with dementia in Internal Medicine 5: 431–437
terms of altered sexual interest and comorbid psychosexual Jagus CE and Benbow SM. (2002) Sexuality in older men with mental
difficulties needs assessment. Second, inappropriate sexual health problems. Sexual and Relationship Therapy 17: 271–279
behaviours, although uncommon, can result in misery for Jensen CF. (1989) Hypersexual agitation in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal
professional and family carers. Professionals of all disciplines of the American Geriatrics Society 37: 917
need to be alert to these problems and offer support and help Kaiser FE. (1996) Sexuality in the elderly. Urologic Clinics of North
America 23: 99–109
when necessary.
Kaplan L. (1996) Sexual and institutional issues when one spouse
resides in the community and the other lives in a nursing home.
Sexuality and Disability 14: 281–293
Lichtenberg PA and Strzepek DM. (1990) Assessments of
institutionalized dementia patients’ competencies to participate in
Ballard CG, Solis M, Gahir M et al. (1997) Sexual relationships in married intimate relationships. The Gerontologist 30: 117–120
dementia sufferers. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 12: Litz BT, Zeiss AM, Davies HD. (1990) Sexual concerns of male spouses of
447–451 female Alzheimer’s disease patients. The Gerontologist 30: 113–116
Baikie E. (2002) The impact of dementia on marital relationships. Sexual McAleer A and Wrigley M. (1998) A study of sex offending in elderly
and Relationship Therapy 17: 289–299 people referred to a specialised psychiatry of old age service.
Benbow SM and Haddad PM. (1993) Sexual abuse of the elderly Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 15: 135–8
mentally ill. Postgraduate Medical Journal 69: 803–807 Masters WH. (1986) Sex and ageing – expectations and reality. Hospital
Bortz WM, Wallace DH, Wiley D. (1999) Sexual function in 1,202 aging Practice 21: 175–198
males: differentiating aspects. Journal of Gerontology 54: Masters WH and Johnson VE. (1966) Human Sexual Response. Boston,
M237–M241 Little and Brown
Bretschneider JG and McCoy NL. (1988) Sexual interest and behaviour in Masters WH and Johnson VE. (1981) Sex and the aging process.
healthy 80–102-year-olds. Archives of Sexual Behaviour 17: 109–129 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 29: 385–390
Burns A, Jacoby R, Levy R. (1990) Psychiatric phenomena in Alzheimer’s Matsuoka-Hattori K, Miyamoto Y, Ito H, Kurita H. (2003) Relationship
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successful. Journal of Gerontology 51: M142–M146 51: M325–M329
Quality of life in dementia: conceptual
and practical issues


18.1 Goals of quality of life measurement 216 18.5 Correlates of quality of life in dementia 223
18.2 The challenges in measuring quality of life in dementia 216 18.6 QoL as an outcome measure 224
18.3 Methods and instruments 217 18.7 Questions and issues for the future 225
18.4 Measures of quality of life in dementia 217 References 226

Quality of life (QoL) is a state of being as determined by the Lawton (1997) argued that QoL can and should be assessed
evaluation of important aspects of an individual’s life based on both subjectively and objectively. He defined QoL as ‘the
a set of values, goals, experiences and culture. While there is multidimensional evaluation, by both intrapersonal and
general agreement that QoL is a multidimensional concept, social-normative criteria, of the person-environment system
there is no consensus on how to define it or on what aspects of the individual’ (Lawton, 1991; p. 6). He believed that there
of life should be considered when appraising one’s QoL. For is a need for a frame of reference against which an individual’s
example, the World Health Organization’s definition of QoL subjective assessment can be compared and that often there
is ‘the individual’s perceptions of their position in life in the are consensual standards of quality (Lawton, 1997). Lawton
context of the culture and value system in which they live, suggested that subjective aspects of QoL (e.g. psychological
and in relationship to their goals, expectations, standards and wellbeing) and objective domains (e.g. physical safety) should
concerns’ (WHO QoL Group, 1995). However, as Faden and be assessed in parallel to examine congruence and incongru-
German (1994) note, there are multiple valid and competing ence between the two approaches.
conceptions of the good life, that the meaning of QoL While HRQoL is conceptualized as a global construct and
changes over the course of a lifetime and that adaptation to often examined using generic instruments such as the Quality
circumstances at the moment affect one’s perception of QoL. of Wellbeing (QWB) scale (Kaplan and Bush, 1982) and the
Health-related QoL (HRQoL) is a more narrow concept SF-36 (Ware and Sherbourne, 1992), many researchers have
that focuses on aspects of life that are affected by a person’s taken the approach of developing instruments specific to cer-
health conditions and treatment of those conditions (Kane, tain diseases because of the conclusion that the characteristics
2003). Though more specific than QoL, HRQoL is also a of those diseases have a significant impact on measurement of
multidimensional concept that refers to one’s social, psycho- the construct. This approach can be particularly advocated in
logical and physical wellbeing consonant with the individ- the case of dementia because the disease ultimately robs a per-
ual’s values and culture. This construct is broader than son of the ability to express oneself owing to the progressive
concepts such as mood and function and has attracted atten- debilitating nature of most dementing illnesses and because
tion in recent years because its primary focus is on individu- of the unique value placed on thought and cognition, espe-
als’ subjective global assessment of their situation as opposed cially in the West.
to measures that assess standardized outcomes such as QoL can contribute uniquely to the assessment of treat-
depression or activities of daily living. Although HRQoL is ment interventions for persons with dementia. For example,
conceptualized as a broad construct, most researchers have agencies that approve pharmacological agents have chosen to
concluded that it can be shown to be constructed of several emphasize cognitive improvement as a necessary attribute for
domains, most commonly physical health, psychological well- drugs approved to treat cognitive disorders. However, these
being, function and social activity (Patrick and Erickson, 1993). diseases also universally impair function and social capacity.
216 Quality of life in dementia: conceptual and practical issues

Therefore, it is plausible that effective treatments might long-term care facilities for healthcare reasons, Kane (2003)
improve the non-cognitive aspects of dementia more than the believes that we have a moral responsibility to understand and
cognitive aspects. This suggests that QoL is potentially a unique to improve QoL in nursing homes and other residential facili-
approach for examining treatment outcomes. Brod and col- ties. QoL also is a major consideration near the end of life when
leagues (1999) note that disease-specific instruments focus decision makers are often faced with choosing between more
on domains most relevant to the disease and characteristics aggressive interventions or palliative approaches to care. Finally,
of the patients and their specificity increases the likelihood of we must also keep issues of QoL in mind not only when con-
capturing change over time. sidering outcomes of treatment but also when allocating scarce
resources at both the individual and societal levels (Whitehouse
et al., 1997; Brod et al., 1999; Selai and Trimble, 1999).
In a general review of the concept of QoL and its measure-
ment in dementia, Jennings (2000) delineates several broad We have previously noted three challenges in assessing QoL
issues. First he outlines the objections to the construct. These in persons with dementia (Rabins and Kasper, 1997). The first
include the claim that it is so vague and so prone to misap- is whether there are domains of QoL that are unique to demen-
plication that it is either useless or dangerous. Another objec- tia as opposed to other illnesses. Some of the hallmarks of
tion is that it attempts to measure aspects of human existence dementia are that it impairs memory, it can affect attention,
that are ineffable and unmeasurable. Third, the construct can insight, judgement, problem solving, behaviour, personality,
be seen as narrowing rather than expanding individual val- communication skills and it can lead to other non-cognitive
ues since it claims to define a norm or a narrow view of QoL. symptoms (e.g. agitation, anxiety, depression, delusions, hal-
Finally the term has within it some implication of judgement. lucinations) (Whitehouse et al., 1997). This constellation of
Jennings concludes, however, that the value of the construct possible features unique to dementia can markedly influence
is that it can be used to improve aspects of life of the disen- QoL. As Howard and Rockwood (1995) note, AD has many
franchised and that if we keep in mind the term’s drawbacks manifestations, not all of which are present in all patients.
they can be minimized. They emphasize the need to employ QoL measures that dis-
Jennings concludes his analysis by suggesting that QoL has criminate between patterns of symptoms across the course
the great strength of setting positive goals and that this coun- of the illness. The environment also has an influence on
teracts its negative application as a ranking and comparison functioning and opportunities for social interaction which
of individuals or of the states of individuals. Ultimately, impacts HRQoL. Measures of QoL must be sensitive to the
Jennings (2000) and Hughes (2003) conclude that the exam- settings in which people with dementia reside, including at
ination of QoL in persons with dementia emphasizes those home in the community, in assisted living environments and
with the disease and that this great strength counteracts the in skilled nursing facilities.
inherent drawbacks of the concept. A second issue relates to the subjective nature of the con-
Measuring QoL can serve several important purposes. struct. Clearly, in the earlier stages of dementia when symp-
As Kerner and colleagues (1998) note, determining QoL toms are mild to moderate and individuals can conceptualize
increases our understanding of the impact that Alzheimer’s the construct and express their opinions, the determination of
disease (AD) and other dementias have on individuals over self-rated QoL is most appropriate and informative. There is a
the course of their illness. Beyond specific aspects of the growing interest in capturing the perspectives of those who
dementia syndrome, such as cognitive and functional impair- have dementia, and there is a body of evidence that it is feasi-
ments, QoL provides a more global indicator of how dementia ble to assess QoL directly from those with mild or moderate
influences wellbeing. Because dementia affects large numbers levels of severity (Logsdon and Teri, 1997; Brod et al., 1999;
of people, has multiple causes and is non-linear in progres- Logsdon et al., 1999; Selai et al., 2001a, b). However, since
sion, Mack and Whitehouse (2001) suggest that QoL provides some individuals lose capacity to self-assess QoL, they must
a common language for evaluating the effects of interven- either be excluded from measurement or methods must be
tions. As new medications and other therapies become avail- developed by which other individuals can rate the person’s
able, reliable measures of QoL are important for comparing QoL. Reliance on others to determine an individual’s QoL
pharmacological agents in terms of both benefits and side raises important concerns. Does another person have the
effects, for comparing non-pharmacological interventions right to make judgements about an individual’s state of well-
with each other and for comparing pharmacological with being from the rater’s perspective? Concordance between
non-pharmacological interventions (Rabins and Kasper, 1997). patient and proxy responses are influenced by the nature of
QoL is a key consideration in evaluating service programmes their relationship, time spent together, the degree of objec-
and in developing clinical guidelines (Brod et al., 1999). For tiveness of the questions and the patient’s level of impair-
those whose lives have been altered significantly by moving to ment (Brod et al., 1999). Albert and colleagues (1996) note that
Measures of quality of life in dementia 217

a proxy’s rating of the frequency of an activity does not tell us of those with other types of illnesses. If QoL is being used as
if the person with dementia is engaging in the activity in a an outcome measure, it is important to consider whether the
meaningful way or if the person is actually enjoying the activ- instrument’s content will provide an appropriate measure
ity. While many instruments used to measure QoL in demen- of effectiveness of the therapy, intervention or programme
tia rely on proxies, proxy ratings have the drawback of being examined. Since most agree that QoL is multidimen-
filtering a subjective measure through the opinion of another sional, investigators wanting to examine relationships between
person who may or may not share relevant values. This is a an intervention and particular aspects of QoL may prefer an
limitation that may be unavoidable, especially for those in instrument that provides subscale scores rather than one that
the later stages of the illness. However, measures consisting of provides only a single summary score. Instruments also vary
items that describe observable behaviours and expressions can in how items are scored. In many cases, the items of an
help to minimize this limitation (Rabins and Kasper, 1997). instrument contribute equally to either a subscale score or
The third issue is establishing validity and reliability of the total score, while other measures have weighted scores
instruments measuring QoL in a disorder in which some indi- based on the assumption that the issues reflected by different
viduals are unable to conceptualize the construct. Establishing items vary in their contributions to the individual’s QoL.
the validity of a measure (i.e. that it accurately measures what Characteristics of the study sample can influence the
it purports to measure) is a challenge when there is no uni- choice of methods and instruments. Some instruments have
versally accepted definition of QoL and any definition is sub- been designed to assess QoL of people across the course of
ject to an individual’s interpretation and values (Rabins and their illness. These usually rely on proxy raters, such as fam-
Kasper, 1997). While criterion validity may not be possible, ily members or formal healthcare providers. Other instru-
most developers seek to establish face validity and content ments have been developed specifically for those with mild to
validity by demonstrating the relevance and comprehensive- moderate dementia who are likely to be able to self-assess
ness of their instrument. Reliability of a measure can more their QoL or participate in the process along with an inform-
readily be established than validity by demonstrating that its ant. Some measures have been designed to determine QoL in
items have internal consistency, that it has good repeatability people with late-stage dementia, often relying on formal
across administrations and that its use by multiple observers caregivers as proxy raters since so many of these individuals
produces similar results. Another psychometric challenge for are cared for in nursing homes.
instruments measuring QoL in dementia is to demonstrate M. Powell Lawton, one of the most influential forces in how
its responsiveness or sensitivity to change. This is a critical QoL is conceptualized and how instruments have been devel-
characteristic for its usefulness as an outcome measure. oped (Ready and Ott, 2003), has stated, ‘I reject the idea that
In a thoughtful analysis, Hughes (2003) also identifies three there can be one scale of QoL because “life” is composed of
somewhat overlapping problems assessing QoL in dementia. many facets’ (Lawton, 1997, p. 91). Lawton argued that for
One is a determination of domains, second is the subjective- clinical and research purposes it is important to know the sep-
objective problem and third is how QoL should be assessed arate content and salience values for each of the domains that
in the incapacitated person. Hughes suggests an ethical solu- compose QoL. Beyond the subjective measure of QoL involv-
tion to these dilemmas. He identifies the construct of ‘per- ing self-report, he has described objective measures of QoL as
sonhood’ as the solution to these issues. In defining a person those that deal with observable phenomena (Lawton, 1997).
as a ‘situated embodied agent’ he suggests that both prior and Lawton delineated two types of objective measures. First are
current values and wishes of the person should be considered attribute ratings, which are characteristics rated based on the
and that a person’s social context of family, friends, neigh- rater’s familiarity with or observation of the person’s typical
bours and moral/spiritual values be incorporated. behaviour over a period of time. Instruments examining
attributes (e.g. functional health, behavioural symptoms,
social interaction and affect) are typically rated by a family
18.3 METHODS AND INSTRUMENTS member or a healthcare provider. The second type of objective
measure is direct observation and coding of ongoing behav-
Numerous approaches have been used to measure QoL in iour, which can include behaviours of the person with demen-
people with dementia. Differences relate to the general type tia, their displays of affect and interactions with care providers,
of instrument used (i.e. generic versus disease-specific), the or it can include aspects of the environment. Trained
scope of the instrument (i.e. the domains of QoL examined) researchers typically complete observational measures.
and the type of scores it produces and the method used for
data collection. The approach selected by an investigator will
depend on several factors. First, the purpose for measuring
QoL may determine whether a generic or disease-specific
instrument is most appropriate. While a disease-specific meas-
ure of QoL is most sensitive to the unique characteristics of The 12 instruments described below and summarized in
dementia and its impact on people’s lives, it cannot be used Table 18.1 are examples of disease-specific measures for assess-
to compare the wellbeing of people with dementia with that ing QoL in people with dementia. This is not an exhaustive list,
218 Quality of life in dementia: conceptual and practical issues

Table 18.1 Dementia-related measures of quality of life

Instrument Content/domains Respondent Patient population Items

Activity and Affect Positive affect Proxy – formal and Mild to severe 21
Indicators of QoL Negative affect informal caregivers
Alzheimer Disease Social Interaction Proxy – formal and Mild to severe 47
Related Quality of Life Awareness of self informal caregivers
(ADRQL) Enjoyment of activities
Feelings and mood
Response to surroundings
Cognitively Impaired Life Social interaction Proxy – nursing Severe 14
Quality Scale (CILQ) Basic physical care caregivers
Appearance to others
Cornell–Brown Scale for Negative affectivity Clinician with Mild to moderate 19
Quality of Life In Physical complaints patient’s and
Dementia (CBS) Positive affectivity caregiver’s input
Dementia Care Mapping Well- or illbeing Trained rater Moderate to severe 24
(DCM) Personal detractions
Dementia QoL Self-esteem Patient Mild to moderate 29
Instrument (DQoL) Positive affect/humour
Negative affect
Feelings of belonging
Sense of aesthetics
Pleasant Events Passive–active Proxy with patient’s Mild 20
Schedule-AD (PES-AD) Social–non-social input
Progressive Deterioration Extent patient can leave Proxy Mild to severe 27
Scale (PDS) neighbourhood
Ability to safely travel distances alone
Confusion in familiar settings
Use of familiar household implements
Participation/enjoyment of
leisure/cultural activities
Extent patient does household chores
Involvement in family finances,
budgeting, etc.
Interest in doing household tasks
Travel on public transportation
Self-care and routine tasks
Social function/behaviour in
social settings
Psychological Well-Being in Engagement behaviours Proxy Severe 16
Cognitively Impaired Positive affect
Persons (PWB-CIP) Negative affect
Quality Of Life-AD Physical condition Patient, proxy or both Mild to moderate 13
(QoLAD) Mood
Interpersonal relationships
Ability to participate in
meaningful activities
Financial situation
Overall assessment of self
Life quality as a whole
Measures of quality of life in dementia 219

Table 18.1 (Continued)

Instrument Content/domains Respondent Patient population Items

Quality of Life Assessment Physical Patient and proxy Mild to moderate 10

Schedule (QoLAS) Psychological
Daily activities
Quality of Life in Late Activity Proxy Severe 11
Stage Dementia Scale Affect

but it includes many of the instruments represented in the cur- caregivers. Validity was also assessed based on the relationship
rent literature on QoL in dementia. Investigators, including of QoL ratings and cognitive status as measured by the modi-
many who conduct clinical trials, have often chosen to use fied Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) (Stern et al.,
generic measures to examine QoL in people with dementia. 1987). Lower cognitive status was significantly related to less
For additional reviews of generic and disease-specific instru- opportunity, frequency and enjoyment of the 15 activities.
ments, see Walker et al. (1998), Demers et al. (2000), Salek et al. Severity of dementia was significantly correlated with only one
(1998), Selai and Trimble (1999) and Ready and Ott (2003). of the six affect items, with less frequent interest in the world
among those with more advanced dementia. Data from both a
clinic sample (n  145), including few minority elders, and a
18.4.1 Activity and Affect Indicators of QoL population-based sample (n  196), most of whom were either
African American or Hispanic, showed that frequency of activ-
Albert and colleagues (1996, 1999) adapted two existing meas- ity was significantly related to positive affect but not to negative
ures to assess QoL related to the domains of activity and affect in both samples and activity was significantly associated
affect in the previous 2 weeks as rated by caregivers. The with three measures of disease severity in both samples (Albert
53-item Pleasant Events Schedule-AD (Teri and Logsdon, 1991; et al., 1999). The authors conclude that the affect measure,
Logsdon and Teri, 1997) was reduced to 15 items, which are which is less clearly linked to observed behaviours, may be a
used to determine the frequency of, opportunity for and enjoy- less reliable indicator of QoL when reported by proxies.
ment of activities that take place either outside the home (5
items) or indoors (10 items). Affect is measured using Lawton’s
Affect Rating scale (Lawton, 1994, 1997), which consists of 18.4.2 Alzheimer Disease-Related Quality of
three positive affects (pleasure, interest, contentment) and Life (ADRQL)
three negative affects (anger, anxiety, depression). The fre-
quency of each affect in the previous 2 weeks is determined Rabins and colleagues (1999) developed a proxy rated measure
based on a 5-point scale. A composite QoL indicator is then of QoL of people who have AD and other types of dementia
constructed by combining the affect and activity indicators. across levels of severity. The content of the ADRQL was devel-
The psychometric properties of this measure have been oped using an iterative process involving input from formal
reported based on a sample of 130 outpatients diagnosed with healthcare providers, informal care providers and a national
AD. Test–retest reliability of the affect indicators ranged from panel of experts in the field of dementia research and treatment.
correlations of 0.53 for pleasure to 0.92 for anger. Kappas were The instrument contains 47 items with five domains (social
reported to be  0.40 for 13 of the 15 activity items interaction, awareness of self, enjoyment of activities, feelings
and  0.60 for 12 of the 15 items, with low values for ‘enter- and mood, response to surroundings) that describe primarily
tainment’ (0.14) and ‘radio/TV’ (0.34) items. Reliability for observable behaviours and actions. The ADRQL is administered
the enjoyment of activities was reported to be excellent, with using a structured interview format to either a formal or infor-
kappas  0.70 for 14 items and a low value of 0.25 for mal care provider who has extensive knowledge of the person
the ‘radio/TV’ item. Validity was first assessed by comparing with dementia in the previous 2 weeks. One assumption under-
QoL ratings for patients who had family caregivers with those lying the development of the ADRQL was that the included
who had institutional caregivers. Data from the entire sample items and domains vary in their contribution to the concept of
showed that QoL was rated significantly higher for patients QoL. By developing preference weights for the items, these dif-
with family caregivers than for those with institutional care- ferences were incorporated into the measurement of health-
givers based on activities, but there were no differences in related QoL. These preference weights were used to assign a
levels of positive or negative affect. For patients residing in scale value to each ADRQL item for scoring purposes. Scores
nursing homes, family caregivers rated only the opportunity ranging from 0 to 100 can be calculated for each domain and for
for activity as significantly higher than did the institutional an overall QoL score, with higher scores reflecting a higher QoL.
220 Quality of life in dementia: conceptual and practical issues

Psychometric properties of the ADRQL have been CBS was developed based on the conceptualization that high
reported in the User’s Manual (Black et al., 2000) for the QoL is indicated by the presence of positive affect, satisfac-
instrument. Internal consistency of the instrument has been tions, self-esteem and the relative absence of negative affect.
examined based on data for residents in nursing homes and This instrument is composed of 19 bipolar items in four
an assisted living facility. Both formal and informal care- categories (negative affectivity, physical complaints, positive
givers were interviewed for a small sample (n  17) of nurs- affectivity and satisfaction) that yield a single QoL score. The
ing home residents with AD. Cronbach’s alphas were 0.77 CBS is completed by a clinician after the latter has conducted
using data from the formal caregivers and 0.84 based on the a joint semistructured interview with the patient and care-
informal caregivers’ data. giver. Based on information obtained regarding the previous
Gonzalez-Salvador and colleagues (2000) examined internal month, each item is rated on a 5-point scale from 2 to 2.
consistency of the ADRQL based on data for residents in an Psychometric data on the CBS are based on a sample of
assisted living (AL) facility (n  56) and in a skilled nursing 50 patients from a hospital-based outpatient dementia clinic
facility (SNF) (n  64). Their data resulted in Cronbach’s who were diagnosed as having either dementia or mild
alphas of 0.85 for data on the SNF residents, 0.91 for the AL cognitive impairment (Ready et al., 2002). The data for the
residents and 0.89 for both groups combined. Their study also entire sample showed good internal consistency based on a
provided evidence of the instrument’s validity. Based on data Cronbach alpha of 0.81 and very good interrater reliability as
from the residents’ formal caregivers (n  120), the ADRQL measured by intraclass correlation (r  0.90). Validity data
was significantly correlated with MMSE (Folstein et al., showed that the CBS was significantly correlated with a
1975) scores (r  0.41; P 0.001) and scores on the Severe patients’ self-rated mood using a visual analogue dysphoria
Impairment Rating Scale (SIRS) (Rabins and Steele, 1996) scale (Spearman rho  0.63). The data also showed a signifi-
(r  0.44; P  0.001), which is a cognitive measure for sub- cant negative correlation (rho  0.35) between CBS scores
jects with MMSE scores 6. Their data also showed that QoL and Clinical Dementia Rating (Hughes et al., 1982) scores but
was negatively associated with subscales of the Psychogeriatric no significant relationship between CBS scores and MMSE
Dependency Rating Scale (PGDRS) (Wilkinson and Graham- scores. Reliability and validity findings were similar for the
White, 1980) for orientation (r  0.51; P  0.001), behav- more mildly and more severely impaired halves of the sample.
ioural disturbance (r  0.37; P  0.001) and physical
dependency (r  0.49; P  0.001). Likewise, ADRQL
scores were negatively correlated with the Cornell scale 18.4.5 Dementia Care Mapping (DCM)
for Depression in Dementia (Alexopoulos et al., 1988)
(r  0.42; P  0.001), showing that fewer depressive symp- Kitwood and Bredin (1994) devised the Dementia Care
toms were associated with a better QoL. Mapping (DCM) method for evaluating the quality of
care and wellbeing of people with dementia in residential
care settings. The DCM methodology is based on the social–
18.4.3 Cognitively Impaired Life Quality psychological theory of dementia care (Kitwood and Bredin,
(CILQ) Scale 1992), which holds that much of the decline among those
with dementia is a consequence of social and environmental
DeLetter and colleagues (1995) developed the CILQ scale factors. DCM is a structured, observational method in which
to quantify differences in QoL of the severely cognitively the wellbeing or illbeing (WIB) of patients is rated based on
impaired by nursing caregivers. Initially a 29-item version of signs from the patient and the behaviour of staff towards the
the CILQ was developed based on focus groups with nursing patient. Trained observers also record any personal detractors
staff members on rehabilitative, hospice and long-term care (PDs), which are any episodes that could lead to a reduction
units. Factor analysis and clinical judgement were used to in self-esteem for the person with dementia (e.g. objectifica-
reduce the instrument to 14 items with five categories (social tion, infantilization, disempowerment, etc.). Typically, five to
interactions, basic physical care, appearance to others, nutri- ten patients are rated every 5 minutes over a 6-hour time
tion/hydration, comfort). Discriminate validity was estab- period using 24 activity categories and indicators of social
lished based on a sample of 12 cognitively impaired patients, withdrawal. WIB values, which range from 5 (illbeing)
who were categorized as either lower functioning or higher to 5 (wellbeing), can be aggregated to determine an overall
functioning. Scale scores based on ratings by 67 nursing care- WIB score for the group and for each individual. Fossey and
givers were significantly different for the lower and higher colleagues (2002) have shown that ratings for an abbreviated
functioning patients. observation period during the hour ‘before lunch’ are sig-
nificantly correlated with total scores for activities (r  0.68;
18.4.4 Cornell–Brown Scale (CBS) for Quality P  0.001) and WIB (r  0.50; P  0.02) rated over the
of Life in Dementia 6-hour assessment period.
The psychometric properties of the DCM method were
Ready and colleagues (2002) developed the CBS by modifying evaluated by Fossey et al. (2002) using data from two cohorts
the Cornell Scale for Depression (Alexopoulos et al., 1988). The of subjects (n  123; n  54). Internal consistency was
Measures of quality of life in dementia 221

established based on significant intercorrelations of the three dementia and those with moderate dementia. Convergent
main measures of the DCM method (activities, well/illbeing, validity was established by correlations of four DQoL scales
social withdrawal), ranging from r  0.27 to r  0.63. In with the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) (Yesavage et al.,
one cohort, however, the relationship between activities and 1983) (self-esteem r  0.48; positive affect/sense of
social withdrawal (r  0.16) was not statistically signifi- humour r  0.61; absence of negative affect r  0.64;
cant. Test–retest reliability was determined to be good for feelings of belonging r  0.42). Those with lower GDS
WIB scores (r  0.55) and moderate for ratings of activities scores had significantly higher scores on the sense of belong-
(r  0.40) and social withdrawal (r  0.43). Concurrent ing, absence of negative affect, positive affect and self-esteem
validity was determined based on data from a subset of 19 scales than those with high GDS scores.
subjects from one cohort. The WIB score was strongly
correlated (r  0.73; P  0.0001) with a pencil and paper
18.4.7 Pleasant Events Schedule-Alzheimer’s
generic measure of QoL, but the activities rating was not sig-
Disease (PES-AD)
nificantly associated with the generic QoL measure.
In a review of literature in which the DCM method was
PES-AD is a checklist of events and activities for patients
used, Beavis et al. (2002) found that interrater reliability was
with AD that was derived from two earlier Pleasant Events
established in three of nine studies, with concordance ranging
Schedules, one for a general adult population (PES) and
from 0.70 to 0.95. Criterion validity was established by Brooker
another version for older adults (PES-Elderly) (Logsdon and
et al. (1998) from data for a sample of 10 patients in which
Teri, 1997). The 53-item PES-AD was developed by eliminat-
DCM scores were strongly correlated with levels of engage-
ing items from the PES-Elderly that were inappropriate
ment (0.81; P  0.01). In their use of DCM for a large scale
for people with AD. This instrument has two domains
Quality Assurance Program, they demonstrated improve-
(passive–active, social–non-social) and is designed for use
ments in quality of care practice over a 3-year period based on
with people who have mild dementia. Caregivers complete
changes in group WIB scores and declines in the numbers of
the PES-AD and involve the person with dementia as much
PDs (Brooker et al., 1998). There is also limited evidence that
as possible by asking questions and discussing each item with
DCM estimates of wellbeing correlate with other indicators
the patient. Items are rated according to their frequency and
of quality of care (e.g. pressure ulcer care, care planning and
availability in the past month on a 3-point scale and are rated
carer satisfaction) (Brooker et al., 1998; Beavis et al., 2002).
on whether the person enjoys the activity now and whether
Limitations of the DCM method as noted by Beavis and col-
the activity was enjoyed in the past. A shorter 20-item version
leagues (2002) include sampling bias, small sample size, short
of the PES-AD (Short PES-AD) was devised by eliminating
evaluation periods, lack of consideration of the confounding
items difficult to rate, items not available to many people and
variables commonly associated with dementia (e.g. psychi-
items with item-to-total correlations below 0.35.
atric behavioural features, severity of impairment) and the
Logsdon and Teri (1997) provide psychometric properties
required investments of time and nursing resources.
of both the 53-item and 20-item PES-AD. Because the Short
PES-AD is highly correlated with the PES-AD (r  0.91 to
r  0.95), reliability and validity data will be presented here
18.4.6 Dementia QoL Instrument (DQoL) for only the Short PES-AD. Regarding the instrument’s relia-
bility, internal consistency was demonstrated by coefficient
Brod and colleagues (1999) developed the DQoL, which was
alphas ranging from 0.76 to 0.94 and split-half reliabilities
designed to be administered to people with dementia of mild to
ranged from 0.74 to 0.94 for the Short PES-AD. To assess the
moderate severity. The DQoL is a 29-item instrument devel-
instrument’s validity, correlations between the Short PES-
oped through an iterative process involving a literature review,
AD and the MMSE and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
focus groups, pilot testing and statistical examination of its
(HDRS) (Hamilton, 1960) were calculated. Both symptoms
psychometric properties. Screening questions are used to assess
of depression and decreased cognitive function were associ-
the individual’s comprehension of the response format. The
ated with reduced frequency of enjoyable activity.
instrument consists of items rated on a 5-point visual scale that
form five domain scales (self-esteem, positive affect/humour,
negative affect, feelings of belonging, sense of aesthetics). 18.4.8 Progressive Deterioration Scale (PDS)
The psychometric properties of the DQoL were deter-
mined based on a sample of 99 people with mild to moderate DeJong and colleagues (1989) developed the Progressive
dementia, 4 per cent of whom were unable to complete the Deterioration Scale (PDS) to assess QoL in people with AD
instrument. Measures of internal consistency for the five across levels of severity and to measure changes in QoL as the
scales ranged from 0.67 for feelings of belonging to 0.89 for disease progresses. They used an iterative process of in-depth
negative affect. Two-week test–retest coefficients on a sub- interviews with caregivers to determine how QoL was affected
sample of 18 subjects ranged from 0.64 for negative affect to by the disease, preparation and testing of questionnaires to
0.90 for positive affect/humour. There were no significant determine which factors would discriminate between levels
differences in scale reliabilities between those with mild of AD, based on the GDS (Reisberg, et al., 1982), and validation
222 Quality of life in dementia: conceptual and practical issues

of the instrument. The final version of the PDS contains 27 representing two factors (negative affect/interaction, positive
items with 11 content areas that focus primarily on activities. affect/interaction). Item to total correlations ranged from
The instrument is self-administered by the caregiver who 0.30 to 0.57 at baseline and 0.38 to 0.64 at 18 months.
scores each item using a bipolar visual analogue scale Internal consistency of the 11-item instrument was estab-
anchored with statements that describe the patient’s charac- lished based on Cronbach alphas of 0.79 at baseline and
teristics. A composite score is calculated by averaging across 0.82 at 18 months. The PWB-CIP was significantly associated
the items, with higher scores reflecting a better QoL. (0.65 at baseline, 0.49 at 18 months) with a single item ‘face’
The reliability and validity of the PDS were reported by scale rated from sad to happy. Construct validity was also
DeJong et al. (1989). Internal consistency of the PDS was supported by significant correlations at baseline and at 18
established by Kuder–Richardson split-half reliability coeffi- months between the PWB-CIP and measures of personality,
cients, which ranged from 0.92 to 0.95 for a sample of 151 cognitive function, depression and productive behaviours,
subjects with AD. Test–retest reliability coefficients based on and at 18 months between the PWB-CIP and measures of
a sample of 123 subjects ranged from 0.775 for those with interaction in the environment, including total social con-
late stage AD to 0.889 for those with early AD, with an over- tacts and the PES-AD.
all coefficient of 0.898. Preliminary versions of the PDS were
shown to discriminate with 95 per cent accuracy between 18.4.10 Quality of Life-AD (QoLAD)
non-AD elders and AD patients, and to have 80 per cent
overall accuracy in discriminating between four categories of Logsdon and colleagues (1999) developed the QoLAD to assess
subjects (controls, early AD, middle AD, late AD). For the QoL as perceived by both the patient and the patient’s caregiver.
final version of the PDS, construct validity was established The content of the QoLAD was derived based on a review of
based on significantly different mean scores across groups of relevant literature on QoL of older adults and other chronically
patients (n  151) categorized by the GDS as having early, ill populations and the input of patients, caregivers and experts
middle and late stage AD. in the fields of geriatrics and gerontology. This instrument
Data on responsiveness to change were presented by consists of 13 items used to assess seven aspects of the
Knopman and Gracon (1994). In a sample of 62 AD subjects in patient’s QoL (physical condition, mood, interpersonal rela-
the placebo arm of a 12-week clinical trial, the mean change tionships, participation in activities, financial situation, over-
in PDS scores was 2.8 to 11.3. Their study showed large all assessment of self, life quality as a whole). An interviewer
between-subject and within-subject variability, and they con- administers the QoLAD to patients with mild to moderate
cluded that a reliable change score would be approximately severity of illness, and caregivers complete the measure in the
four times larger than the mean change score. The review form of a questionnaire. Each item is rated by the patient and
article by Salek et al. (1998) notes that the PDS has been used by the caregiver on a 4-point scale, with 1 being ‘poor’ and 4
to measure QoL in some double-blind, placebo-controlled being ‘excellent’. Total scores as rated by each range from 13 to
trials of tacrine that showed significant changes in PDS scores, 52. A weighted composite score is calculated by giving greater
but the significant results were not obtained for all treatment weight to the patient’s rating than the caregiver’s rating.
groups and only with certain doses of tacrine in each trial. The psychometric properties of the QoLAD have been
reported based on a sample of 77 community-dwelling AD
patients and their caregivers (Logsdon et al., 1999). Measures of
18.4.9 Psychological Wellbeing in Cognitively internal consistency included coefficient alphas of 0.88 and
Impaired Persons (PWB-CIP) 0.87 for ratings by the patients and caregivers, respectively.
Item-to-total correlations ranged from 0.41 to 0.67 for patient
PWB-CIP was developed by Burgener (Burgener and Twigg, ratings and from 0.34 to 0.63 for the caregiver ratings. Ratings
2002) to measure one aspect of QoL. Initially, the PWB-CIP of items by the patients and by the caregivers were significantly
was a 16-item observer-rated instrument that measures correlated for 8 of the 13 items and for their total scores.
affective states and engagement behaviours. The instrument Agreement was poorest on items related to ability to do chores
consisted of eight items reflecting positive affect and engaging and memory. Based on a subsample of 30 patient–caregiver
behaviours and eight items that reflect negative affect and pairs, 1-week test–retest reliability was established by intraclass
withdrawing behaviours. The internal consistency of the correlation coefficients of 0.76 for patients and 0.92 for care-
16-item PWB-CIP was established based on a Cronbach givers. Validity data showed that the patients’ ratings on the
alpha of 0.74 for the total scale. Validity of the instrument was QoLAD correlated significantly with the MMSE score, activi-
supported by a moderate correlation of 0.59 with a meas- ties of daily living, measures of depression and the Pleasant
ure of depression in the appropriate direction. Event Scale-AD. Higher scores on the QoLAD were associated
Longitudinal data from a sample of 96 outpatients with with lower levels of depression, better day-to-day functioning
dementia (n  73 at 18 months) were used to further refine and higher activity level. The caregivers’ ratings on the QoLAD
the PWB-CIP and provide additional psychometric data were not associated with the patient’s MMSE or the patients’
(Burgener et al., 2002, in press). Based on factor analysis, five self-reported GDS measure. Measures of reliability and validity
items were eliminated from the PWB-CIP, leaving 11 items were examined separately for patients with lower cognitive
Correlates of quality of life in dementia 223

status and those with higher cognitive status, and the authors ratings on the five domains and correlations for the caregiver
concluded that moderate levels of cognitive impairment did not ratings ranging from 0.64 to 0.81. Criterion validity was
have a negative impact on either reliability or validity. However, assessed based on ratings by both the patient and the caregiver.
QoLAD scores for those with mild cognitive impairment was Patient ratings correlated with measures of affect, social life
significantly associated only with their GDS scores. and activities, while caregiver ratings of the patients’ QoL were
Logsdon et al. (2002) have also reported on the psycho- associated with measures of mobility, activities of daily living
metric characteristics of the QoLAD based on a sample of 177 and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Construct validity was estab-
AD patient and caregiver pairs. The QoLAD was completed by lished by demonstrating a significantly worse QoL among
155 of the patients. Again, internal consistency for both patients those with greater deterioration in daily activity skills.
(0.84) and caregivers (0.86) was good based on alpha coeffi-
cients. Agreement between patients and caregivers based on
18.4.12 Quality of Life in Late Stage
intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.28 and absolute agree-
Dementia Scale (QUALID)
ment was 0.19. Validity was demonstrated by significantly
higher QoL associated with less impairment in behavioural
Weiner and colleagues (2000) developed the QUALID for use
competence, better psychological status, less impaired physi-
in assessing QoL in persons with late-stage dementia residing
cal function and a better interpersonal environment. QoLAD
in institutional settings. The items for this instrument were
scores were examined across three levels of cognitive function-
selected from the affect and activity measure devised by
ing. Patient rated scores were significantly different, with lower
Albert et al. (1996). A group of clinicians experienced in
QoL reported among the lowest cognitive group, but there were
assessing persons with AD selected the items by consensus to
no significant differences in caregiver-rated QoLAD scores
measure QoL in persons with late-stage dementia in long-
across patients’ cognitive functioning groups. The authors
term care facilities. The QUALID, which is administered as a
concluded that it was possible for individuals with mild to
structured interview, contains 11 items reflecting observable
moderate dementia to reliably and validly rate their own QoL.
behaviours that are rated by frequency on a 5-point Likert
scale by a nursing home technician who has at least 30 hours
18.4.11 Quality of Life Assessment Schedule of exposure to the resident in the previous week. Scores range
(QoLAS) from 11 to 55, with lower scores reflecting a better QoL.
Reliability and validity of the QUALID have been reported
The QoLAS is an instrument derived from a technique called
based on a sample of 42 residents of a dementia special care unit
Quality of Life Assessment by Construct Analysis (QoLASCA)
(Weiner et al., 2000). Internal consistency of the instrument,
by Selai and colleagues (2001) for use with patients who have
using data from 31 assessments, was established by a Cronbach’s
dementia. The QoLASCA method was a generic technique to
alpha of 0.77. Item-to-total correlations ranged from 0.17
assess QoL in patients with neurological disorders such as
to 0.70. Test–retest reliability based on a subsample of 19 resi-
epilepsy. The QoLAS is an instrument tailored to individual
dents was determined by intraclass correlation (ICC  0.807;
patients and relies on both qualitative and quantitative
SEM  0.080). Interrater reliability was established using data
approaches to measurement. This instrument is adminis-
on 23 residents provided by two reporters interviewed by two
tered by interviewing the patient and the patient’s caregiver
recorders (ICC  0.826; SEM  0.07). To validate this instru-
regarding what is important for QoL and ways in which QoL
ment, QUALID scores were compared with those for measures
is affected by one’s current health condition. A total of 10
of cognitive function, functional ability, depression and emo-
‘constructs’ are elicited, two each for five domains (physical,
tional/behavioural symptoms. The QUALID was not associated
psychological, social/family, daily activities, cognitive func-
significantly with either the MMSE or the Physical Self-
tioning/wellbeing). The patient is asked to rate each con-
Maintenance Scale (Lawton and Brody, 1969) but was related
struct on how much of a problem each item is on a scale of 0
to the GDS (r  0.36; P  0.04) and the Neuropsychological
to 5 from ‘no problem’ to ‘it could not be worse.’ The scores
Inventory (Cummings et al., 1994) (r  0.40; P  0.01).
are totalled to give an overall QoLAS score out of 50.
The psychometric properties of the QoLAS were reported
based on a sample of patient-caregiver dyads. Thirteen of the
37 patients, all of whom had MMSE scores less than 11, could
not engage in the interview, and caregivers were not found for
two other patients. In this sample of 22 dyads who were inter-
viewed, the caregivers rated the patients as having a worse QoL As researcher have developed disease-specific measures of QoL
than the patient had for each of the five domains. Correlations and attempted to establish their validity and as investigators
between patient and caregiver ratings for the five domains have examined predictors of wellbeing for people with demen-
were higher for patients with mild dementia (r  0.29 to tia, their findings reveal several fairly consistent correlates of
r  0.79) than for those with mild-to-moderate dementia QoL. First, studies often show that scores on QoL measures
(r  0.05 to r  0.43). Internal consistency was based on are associated with severity of illness (DeJong, 1989; Albert
item-to-total correlations ranging from 0.59 to 0.86 for patient et al., 1996, 1999, 2001; Gonzalez-Salvador et al., 2000;
224 Quality of life in dementia: conceptual and practical issues

Ready et al., 2002). Those with less cognitive and functional They determined that environmental/extraordinary circum-
impairments are better able to engage in activities and their stances (e.g. deaths, discharges, admissions) affect care by
QoL is often reflected by less negative affect and more positive taking away qualified nurses, that staff to patient ratio is not
affect (Albert et al., 1996, 1999; Logsdon and Teri, 1997). as important as skill mix and role function and that a main
Having more impairments in activities of daily living (ADL) theme was the need for more structure and continuity of care.
and greater physical dependency is associated with dimin- Younger and Martin (2000) reported findings from a
ished QoL (Albert et al., 1996; Logsdon et al., 1999; DCM study conducted in two health districts of the UK that
Gonzalez-Salvador et al., 2000; Ballard et al., 2001; Logsdon included six units (day units, assessment units, continuing
et al., 2002). However, some investigators have found no sig- care). They found more activity and less dependency in day
nificant relationship between QoL and cognitive function as units, but they determined that high dependency does not
measured by the MMSE (Weiner et al., 2000; Logsdon et al., lead automatically to a lower quality of person-centred care.
2002; Ready et al., 2002). These findings may be due to a Innes and Surr (2001) used DCM to examine care practices
limited range in the cognitive abilities of study participants. in six residential and nursing homes in the UK. Overall, these
For example, Weiner and colleagues (2000) hypothesized that facilities were meeting the physical care needs of residents
there would be no relationship between MMSE scores and but not the broader psychosocial care needs. The investiga-
the QUALID in their sample of nursing home residents with tors found that activities requiring staff intervention gener-
late-stage dementia. ated higher wellbeing of residents and higher wellbeing was
QoL is also frequently associated with symptoms of associated with fewer personal detractions.
depression among people with dementia (Logsdon and In the USA, Kuhn and colleagues (2002) examined QoL in
Teri, 1997; Brod et al., 1999; Logsdon et al., 1999; Gonzalez- 10 assisted living facilities in a mid-western state using DCM.
Salvador et al., 2000; Weiner et al., 2000; Logsdon et al., 2002; They found that residents in larger non-dementia specific
Burgener et al., in press). Depression has a strong negative sites fared better overall than those in small dementia-
impact on QoL even when cognitive status is controlled for specific sites, with greater diversity of interactions and activ-
(Logsdon et al., 2002). It is estimated that 15–30 per cent of ities. These investigators also determined that these facilities
people with AD experience clinically significant levels of were meeting basic care needs, but the psychological and
depressive symptoms (Teri and Wagner, 1992). The strong social needs of residents were generally not given high prior-
relationships among dementia, depression and QoL high- ity. Woods (1999) suggests that the DCM method of assess-
light the importance of diagnosis and treatment, especially ing QoL and quality of care may be most valuable as part of
among residents of long-term care facilities where the risk of the process of change, with feedback sensitively provided to
depression is high. staff and action plans developed to improve quality of care.
Some investigators have found significant relationships
between the use of psychotropic medications and QoL among
people with dementia. Albert and colleagues (1996) found that
participants with low QoL in the Predictors Cohort were sig-
nificantly more likely to use antipsychotic medications. In a
sample of people with dementia living in either assisted living Increasingly, efficacy studies are including QoL as an out-
facilities or skilled nursing homes, residents taking anxiolytics come measure of pharmacological and non-pharmacological
had significantly lower scores on the ADRQL, while those on a interventions for people with dementia. In a review article,
cholinesterase inhibitor had higher QoL scores (Gonzalez- Howard and Rockwood (1995) identified 36 reports of anti-
Salvador, 2000). Ballard et al. (2001) also found that people dementia drug trials for AD in which five mentioned and
with dementia in residential facilities who used psychotropic four measured QoL. They noted that only two of the QoL
medications had reduced QoL as assessed using DCM. instruments used in those trials had been formally cross-
Neuroleptic agents were most associated with wellbeing, social validated in samples of patients with dementia, the PDS and
withdrawal and restriction of activities. It is important to note, the Italian QoL Scale (IQLS). A few years later, Salek and col-
however, that in cross-sectional studies it is not clear whether a leagues (1998) reviewed the use of QoL measures in assessing
medication diminishes QoL or whether a lower QoL is due to drug effects and identified six generic and three disease-
the psychiatric and behavioural problems being treated. specific measures used to assess QoL in clinical trials. They
QoL instruments can be important tools for assessing observed, however, that some studies referred to instruments
quality of care. Several investigators have used the DCM such as the Physical Self-Maintenance Scale (PSMS) and the
method to examine residential care facilities with the goal of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) scale as QoL
improving care practices (Williams and Rees, 1997; Younger measures, while other studies referred to these same instru-
and Martin, 2000; Innes and Surr, 2001; Kuhn et al., 2002). ments as measures of activities of daily living (ADL). This
For example, the Elderly Mentally Ill unit of a National Health inconsistency illustrates an unresolved issue related to the
Service trust in south Wales used DCM to assess quality of multidimensionality of QoL, i.e. which constructs are aspects
care in three types of facilities (continuing care/respite, assess- of QoL and which are correlates or determinants of QoL?
ment/day care and day centres) (Williams and Rees, 1997). Salek et al. (1998) espoused that an instrument classified as a
Questions and issues for the future 225

QoL measure must comprehensively assess all the compo- for people with dementia using a single-blind, multicentre
nents that constitute QoL. They concluded that efforts to randomized controlled trial that included participants from
develop and use QoL instruments for clinical trials had not 18 residential homes and five day centres. They used strict
yet produced a measure with satisfactory validity, reliability, inclusion criteria to identify suitable subjects (e.g. ability to
sensitivity and feasibility. communicate, no major physical illness or disability, MMSE
In a review of outcome measures for drug trials, Demers between 10–24, etc.); 115 subjects participated in the inter-
and colleagues (2000) made a distinction between instru- vention group and 86 were in the control group. Following
ments used to measure function and those to assess QoL. the 14-session programme over 7 weeks, the intervention
They also noted the limited evidence of reliability and valid- group had significant improvements on the MMSE, which
ity of the instruments they reviewed and the lack of data on was the primary outcome, and on the ADAS-cog (Rosen
responsiveness to change. In the absence of a ‘gold standard’ et al., 1984) and the QoLAD scale, which were two of the sec-
for measuring function and QoL in AD, they provide a step- ondary outcome measures. They concluded that their results
wise set of guidelines to help investigators select and use the compare favourably with trials of drugs for dementia.
most appropriate scale for drug treatment trials. Their guide-
lines include:
• considering the objective of the scale and how it matches
the goals of the study;
• making sure that the concept is clearly defined and has a
sound theoretical base; We believe that the case has been made for the value of exam-
• considering the match between the population with ining QoL as an important means of understanding the
whom the scale was developed and tested and the experience of people with dementia, evaluating and improv-
disability level of the study subjects; ing care practices and examining the efficacy of pharmaco-
• considering the instrument’s test–retest reliability, logical and non-pharmacological therapies. However, the
especially if it is to be used repeatedly; study of QoL in dementia is in the early stage of its develop-
• considering the interrater reliability if multiple raters are ment. Many questions and issues must be addressed in the
involved; future regarding how QoL is defined and measured in
• making sure that the unidimensionality of the scale has dementia and what the ethical and policy implications are of
been established before relying on a summed score; and quantifying a fundamentally subjective, qualitative state of
• considering the expected magnitude of change with being for a group of vulnerable individuals.
respect to the scale’s responsiveness to change (Demers While progress has been made over the past 15 years in the
et al., 2000). study of QoL and in the development of dementia-specific
QoL instruments, there is no consensus on what domains
Woods (1999) reviewed the evidence from research studies comprise QoL in dementia. The selection of domains and
of non-pharmacological interventions to increase independ- items is sometimes guided by theory, sometimes seems arbi-
ence and wellbeing in people with dementia. He noted that trary and often is based on judgements of professionals rather
few of the studies he reviewed focused specifically on well- than the lay perspective (Bond, 1999). Among the instru-
being. However, Woods included interventions designed ments listed in Table 18.1, the most commonly included
to increase participation in activities among the studies that domains focus on mood or affect, involvement in activities
he categorized as promoting independence, such as those and social interactions. However, as Whitehouse (2000)
targeted at self-care, mobility, continence, orientation and notes, there is less agreement on whether to incorporate func-
environmental change, rather than with those promoting well- tional status into QoL models or what beyond function should
being. He suggested that often there is an implicit assump- be included as components of QoL. Categories such as self-
tion that increased independence and increased interaction esteem, awareness of self, aesthetics or appearance to others
must be associated with a better QoL. The studies that he are seen less often as components of QoL measures. Agreement
characterized as promoting wellbeing included interventions is also lacking on whether spiritual wellbeing should be
such as changes in the physical and social environment, rem- included as a component of QoL, especially for those in the
iniscence sessions, validation therapy, multisensory stimula- early stages of dementia.
tion, dynamic psychotherapy and cognitive behaviour therapy. Equally important to achieving advancements in the study
The outcomes of those studies included improved mood, of QoL in dementia is the need to address the psychometric
improved life satisfaction and contentment or happiness characteristics of our instruments. Salek and colleagues (1998)
rather than the more global concept of QoL. argue that future research should focus on using the available
To illustrate this, one non-pharmacological intervention instruments cross-sectionally and longitudinally to identify
that used QoL as a secondary outcome measure was con- their strengths and weaknesses rather than developing new
ducted by Spector and colleagues (2003). They examined the instruments. They contend that such an effort would produce
efficacy of a cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) programme instruments that are sensitive to change and provide valid and
226 Quality of life in dementia: conceptual and practical issues

reliable results. Most lacking for instruments currently in use In a discussion of what counts as a ‘good life’ for people with
are data on sensitivity to change, which is critical information dementia, Schermer (2003) concludes that differences in the
for the selection of an appropriate outcome measure for prac- philosophical theories about the good life manifest themselves
tice and programme evaluation and treatment efficacy. in a number of controversies that may provide guidance for
One of the limitations faced by measures that rely on future research. First, he raises the issue of whether or not
proxies or on trained observers is that the QoL of the person something can be good for people if they do not endorse it
with dementia is filtered by the experience, wellbeing and themselves. For example, how much value should be attached
values of the rater. This is an unavoidable weakness when to the opinions of the person with dementia in order to deter-
examining QoL of those in the latter stages of dementia when mine what is good for them and which opinions should be
individuals lack the capacities needed to self-assess and/or relied on, those in the present or those that predate the demen-
communicate about their own QoL. However, research is tia? Second is the controversy of whether or not things need to
needed to determine the most effective methods for enabling be experienced by a person in order to improve or diminish
those with mild and moderate dementia to participate to the their wellbeing. For instance, is loss of decorum bad for an indi-
extent possible in the process of determining QoL. Whitehouse vidual if the person does not experience it as such? Finally, there
(2000) suggests that studies should examine how the varying is the question of whether experiences should be rooted in real-
patterns of neuropsychological disabilities affect patients’ ity. Can feelings such as happiness or belonging add to well-
ability to engage in assessing their own QoL. being if they are the product of some sort of illusion or
Currently, the primary outcome of interest for interven- delusion? Schermer suggests that research should focus more
tions directed towards dementia is improving or maintaining on the process of dementia and the effects of that process on
cognitive function or slowing its decline. When QoL is exam- patients’ identities, self-conceptions, capacities, preferences and
ined in either pharmacological or non-pharmacological values. He also believes that a narrative perspective, in which life
trials, it is most often considered a secondary outcome, as the is conceived of as developing over time, including both the past
CST study by Spector et al. (2003) illustrates. Discussions are and the present, can help in developing a more comprehensive
needed on whether QoL should be regarded as a primary account of what is a good life for the person with dementia.
outcome measure, especially for those in the advanced stages
of dementia. QoL increasingly becomes an important factor
when decisions are made near the end of life about the
aggressiveness of care, the use of life-sustaining treatments or REFERENCES
reliance on palliative care.
The assessment of QoL and its use in decision-making for Albert SM, Del Castillo-Castaneda C, Sano M et al. (1996) Quality of life
people with dementia raise several ethical questions. Some in patients with Alzheimer’s disease as reported by patient proxies.
may question the legitimacy of someone else making judge- Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 44: 1342–1347
ments about an individual’s QoL. Faden and German (1994) Albert SM, Castillo-Castanada C, Jacobs DM et al. (1999) Proxy-reported
contend that such judgements are made all the time in every quality of life in Alzheimer’s patients: comparison of clinical and
arena of social policy and in private contexts. They suggest that population-based samples. Journal of Mental Health and Aging 5:
the key moral questions turn on the legitimate uses of those 49–58
judgements as justifications for consequential actions and Albert SM, Jacobs DM, Sano M, Marder K et al. (2001) Longitudinal
policies. One controversy stems from ‘… whether, under what study of quality of life in people with advanced Alzheimer’s disease.
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tion of medical intervention’ (Faden and German, 1994, p. 271–284
547). One concern is that the term QoL is sometimes used to Ballard C, O’Brien J, James I et al. (2001) Quality of life for people with
refer to the moral worth or value of a person and that person’s dementia living in residential and nursing home care: the impact of
life (Jennings, 2000). Some may conclude that an assessment performance on activities of daily living, behavioral and
of QoL resulting in the lowest measure reflects a life not worth psychological symptoms, language skills and psychotropic drugs.
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valuable life’ (p. 169). He argues that QoL may tell us some- Bond J. (1999) Quality of life for people with dementia: approaches
thing about the experience of an individual but not the value to the challenge of measurement. Ageing and Society
of being human. As Selai and Trimble (1999) state, ‘Given the 19: 561–579
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opment of tools to assess QoL in patients with dementia must measurement of quality of life in dementia: The Dementia Quality of
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Moral, ethical and legal aspects
of dementia

19a Ethical issues 230 19c End-of-life decisions 239

19b Legal issues 235 19d Driving 244
Ethical issues


19.1 Moral reasoning and casuistry 230 19.4 Summing up: hermeneutics and virtues 233
19.2 Practice: persons and context 231 References 234
19.3 Towards the virtues 232

In the broad sweep of medical ethics, the issues affecting right to the extent to which it reflects a correct moral rule or
patients with dementia are sometimes amongst the most principle), to decisions regarding what to do in individual
daunting for the clinician. They concern life and death and the cases.
very nature of personhood. Philosophical thought about the This approach had its origin in Hellenic times, when the
moral issues raised by clinical practice aims, at a meta-level, to successful method of Euclidian geometry was thought to be
show us the structure of our thoughts and decision-making equally applicable to philosophy and ethics. Contrariwise,
processes; and, at a practical level, it aims to help us make up our Aristotle (1925) suggested that we should argue from the
minds. Thus, philosophy helps us to make practical decisions details of an individual case towards the general principle,
on a rational basis. We shall combine these two aims. First, we rather than the other way round. That is, induction, rather
shall uncover the casuistic (case-by-case) basis to moral reason- than deduction. Indeed, the rigorous demands of deductive
ing in clinical practice, using wandering as an example. Second, thinking (e.g. that there should be an unbroken, logical chain
we shall discuss a characterization of personhood that stresses of reasoning) are too susceptible to mistakes. As an alterna-
the importance of context and culture and shows the relevance tive, casuistic reasoning is a practical, more familiar and reli-
of this way of thinking for issues (e.g. ethical issues around able mode of ethical reasoning (Jonsen and Toulmin, 1988).
genetics) affecting families. Third, we shall show how virtue It is not a new approach in ethics and it forms the basis of
theory deepens our understanding of the several issues in con- legal systems that incorporate case law.
nection with dementia that involve truth-telling. We believe In both the UK and the USA the establishment of and ref-
it is virtue ethics that provides the most useful way to under- erence to precedent cases (case law) is fundamental to the
stand day-to-day ethical decision-making (see Chapter 19c). progress of practical juristic reasoning. Judges immerse
In this chapter we cannot hope to mention all the ethical themselves in the details of a case, compare the facts of the
issues relating to dementia (for further discussion see present case with different precedents and decide the case
Oppenheimer, 1999; Hughes, 2002). The literature is vast accordingly. Rarely does a case undergo a formal deductive
(Baldwin et al., 2003). We hope, nevertheless, to indicate ways analysis based entirely on jurisprudential principles.
of thinking that might be broadly applicable. So, too, in clinical medicine many conditions are simply
recognized and form the ‘precedent cases’ that help to estab-
lish the diagnosis of new cases. Occasionally general bio-
logical principles help to inform our clinical judgements by a
19.1 MORAL REASONING AND CASUISTRY sort of nested deductivism. For example, we know that anti-
cholinergic medication can cause symptoms of delirium. So
It might be assumed that ethical reasoning is a linear, hierarch- we can deduce that starting procyclidine might explain why
ical process. So, in making ethical decisions we move from this particular patient now has hallucinations. However, this
moral theories, such as consequentialism (which asserts that deductive reasoning is nested in the broader recognition,
an action is right to the extent to which it promotes the best which is more generally a process of induction, that the
consequences) or deontology (which asserts that an action is patient has a delirium.
Practice: persons and context 231

In moral reasoning the process of casuistry similarly be the main focus for discussion. A comparison with other
implies reference to a lexicon of generally accepted precedent cases might yield the conclusion, as so often in moderate to
cases. Developing such a lexicon of ethical cases itself severe dementia, that it would be too unsafe to allow this per-
requires a rigorous process, with cases being included from son to wander. Casuistic reasoning, however, leaves open the
different perspectives. There must be immersion in the particu- possibility that there might be a case where the importance of
larities of the case (the physical diagnoses, treatment options getting out, where the person’s deeply ingrained habits of walk-
and prognosis in each instance, the wishes of the patient, the ing a particular route, should not be restricted even if there
pros and cons of interventions, etc.), and into the realities for were elements of risk. At the margin, in a case of very mild
a particular clinic (what policies are in place, what is the cognitive impairment, tagging would be an infringement of
norm of practice, what are the constraints on those norms, liberty. Making estimations about what to do at the margin –
etc.); thereafter a process of interpretation should be very and (importantly) recognizing that there is a margin – is a
carefully conducted as to the moral relevance and meaning of feature of casuistic thought. Approaching decisions about
theories being applied to the particular case in the light of tagging with openness (rather than with dogmatic principles)
previous cases. This process of immersion and interpretation is appropriate and, we would argue, virtuous. By this means we
typifies casuistry and, as will always be the case, can be accord individual people respect.
undertaken well or badly (Murray, 1994).
Another important element of casuistry is that it accepts
conclusions as being presumptive and emphasizes that they 19.2 PRACTICE: PERSONS AND CONTEXT
are revisable in the light of new experience; there is thus a
resistance to dogma. This is also the case in Law, where a
We are suggesting, therefore, that just as in the ordinary course
judge, having given a verdict, may give leave to appeal.
of our clinical development we rely on theoretical frameworks
The justification of casuistic reasoning resides in the pre-
as well as practical experience, so too we should in ethical
sumption that morality lies in the realm of practice, not of
decision-making. The ethical lexicon we thus construct might
theory. Thus:
be private or public, but to carry normative weight (i.e. to
• arguments move from the particular to the general; have the authority to direct the actions of others) it will have
• ethical decisions are not presumed to be ‘universal’; to be shareable in principle.
• the particularities of the case are given great weight, as Thus, there is a background to which our lexicon must
are the circumstances of the clinical environment; conform. Against this background, the lexicon must have
• the perspectives of different interested parties are some basic level of cogency and comprehensibility. The back-
important; ground will include our shared moral sentiments and rea-
• moral theories and principles are informative, but not soning, which will largely be inductive (but may include
compelling, in the process of moral reasoning; nested deductivism). However, the background to our deci-
• whilst high value is necessarily placed on the precedent sions (clinical or ethical) will contain much more besides: it
cases, these are in themselves open to revision. is multilayered and multifaceted. Indeed, it is the background
of practice, the context in which clinical and ethical decisions
must be made.
19.1.1 An example of casuistic reasoning:
19.2.1 The situated-embodied-agent and
There is increasing interest in using new technology to detect cultural embedding
or prevent risky behaviour in dementia. Electronic tagging is
seen as a way to prevent wandering, but it raises ethical issues One way of putting this is to say that we are, as people, situ-
(Hughes and Louw, 2002a). Approaching this problem using ated. We are situated as the bodily beings that we are, with our
the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence would tend aims and intentions in a personal story, in a family and social
to lead to the conclusion that electronic tagging is a good thing, context, in a particular culture and history (which includes a
because it will reduce the risk of harm. Using the principle of legal framework), in a space of moral and spiritual concerns
autonomy, however, the libertarian will counter that tagging (Hughes, 2001). Regarding the person against this multilayered
is an infringement of the person’s freedom. Both sides start background, as situated-embodied agents, is instructive when
from ethical principles (Beauchamp and Childress, 1994), it comes to considering a whole raft of difficult clinical and
but they start from different principles, so there is a clash. ethical decisions (Hughes, 2002).
Casuistry would start from the details of the particular case: In keeping with the casuist approach, the clinician will
details about the protagonists, the available professional help, need to be open to the background context. This might mean
the psychological and social environment. The different per- ‘immersion’ in (involving sensitivity to and respect for) a cul-
spectives of those involved would be considered as important. ture that could be quite different to his or her own. Some
The principles of autonomy, beneficence and non-maleficence cultures involve views and taboos that have far-reaching clin-
would not be ignored, but the particularities of the case would ical and ethical implications. The Chinese believe, for example,
232 Moral, ethical and legal aspects of dementia

that it is bad luck to talk about death or serious, fatal diagnoses. The genetics of dementia has not yet afforded us the eth-
The traditional Navajo American Indians believe that thought ical experience that would allow the construction of the sort
and language shape reality and influence events; thus, positive of lexicon to which we have referred above. This is not, how-
language may have a healing effect and negative language ever, a problem for casuistry. It simply means we have to look
may be harmful (Braun et al., 2000). at other cases to make our comparisons (e.g. Huntington’s
The point, however, is not just about cultural politeness. disease). Moreover, it stresses that casuistry provides a process,
Looking at different cultures also challenges our own predom- but not the basis, for our ethical decisions. At root our sug-
inant view that self-rule (autonomy) is paramount. Consider, gestion is that we should follow the example of the virtuous
for example, the African notion of ubuntu, which encapsulates clinician (see Chapter 19c). How would he or she approach
the idea that an individual can exist only in the context of rela- an individual asking for information that might affect the
tionships. Similarly, while the Navajo American Indians include whole family? It would surely be by carefully, empathically
autonomy as part of their belief system, this is necessarily in the negotiating that the person should consider the impact of
context of the principle of cooperation or consensus. There is any decision on others. More broadly, how would the virtu-
a blurring of the boundaries between the individual and his ous clinician deal generally with confidential information?
or her community. Consequently the emphasis shifts from This would surely be by maintaining confidence whilst rec-
individual autonomy towards communal justice or fairness. ognizing the limits of this duty with respect to those others
In relation to a patient who is developing dementia, the fam- who are intimately involved.
ily circle and the community traditionally draw in closer and Cultural comparisons, as we have seen, demonstrate dif-
sustain the individual’s identity, by continued respect for his ferent perspectives. The ethicist-clinician, in developing the
or her personality and traditional roles as an elder. skills of understanding and reasoning, must be aware of the
Cultures might learn from one another. For instance, in subtle nature and implications of these different perspectives.
these ‘non-Western’ cultures it is assumed that the commu- However, as the issues relating to genetics demonstrate, the
nity will share the cause of an individual’s distress. Hence, different perspectives are not just cross-cultural. The perspec-
issues relating to confidentiality require to be seen from the tive of family carers has long been largely overlooked in the
family and community perspective. But this should be no professional literature relating to ethics (Hughes et al., 2002a).
different in ‘Western’ societies (Hughes and Louw, 2002b). The ethical issues for family carers are, however, different from
Indeed, there are several strands of ethical thought that stress those facing professionals precisely because they arise in a
the extent to which the person cannot be regarded as a personal context and reflect long-term relationships (Hughes
detached atom, but must be seen as embedded in a multi- et al., 2002b).
layered context. If, however, we should take the views of family carers ser-
Feminine ethics, for instance, move away from the (mascu- iously, how much more seriously should we take the views of
line) emphasis on rights and autonomy to consider the intrin- people with dementia themselves? The tendency to ignore
sic importance of our caring interrelationships (Noddings, their perspectives undoubtedly reflects the supposition that
1984). Similarly, narrative ethics suggests that we will under- they are, in one sense or another, incompetent. There is evi-
stand a person by understanding his or her story. It is in the dence, however, that even in the moderate to severe stages of
context of narrative, therefore, that judgements about right the disease people with dementia continue to convey mean-
and wrong for people must be made. However, our stories ing (Sabat and Harré, 1994). Hence, there has been increas-
interconnect: we do not make them up alone (Jones, 1999). ing interest in and concern to express the views of people
with dementia (Bond and Corner, 2001). It seems important
that ethical research should take the same path of involving
19.2.2 Interrelationships: from genetics to people with dementia, typically through qualitative research,
families backed up by rigorous philosophical thought and analysis
(Hughes, 2003).
The pace of genetic research in dementia means that ethical
issues in this area become ever more pressing (Farmer and
McGuffin, 1999). One of the main complexities here high-
lights the problem of our embeddedness. We each have a
unique genetic make-up. Yet genetics link us to the rest of the
human species (as well as to the animal kingdom and the liv- So, recognizing ourselves as situated-embodied agents means
ing world generally). In particular, knowing about an indi- that we see people, including people with dementia, as inter-
vidual’s genetics might give us sensitive information about connecting and interrelating in a context. The shared nature
the person’s family. The issue is to do with privacy in a world of this context is the background against which our interpretive
that interconnects. The interconnections are ultimately, in judgements concerning the goodness or badness of particular
this case, to those who have to pay higher premiums on their actions are made. It is the context in which we must immerse
health insurance because of the burden placed on insurers by ourselves, in keeping with the casuistic approach, in order to
high-risk individuals and families. understand the particularities of the case. It is the context
Summing up: hermeneutics and virtues 233

against which our interpretations, with reference to our lexi- Virtue theory offers a deeper analysis of the need to be
con of ordinary and salient cases, must be made. truthful (May, 1994). First, virtues underlie the principles we
All of this involves a building up of experience through have mentioned above. Arguments about telling the truth
practice. It should be the epitome of what Aristotle termed may reveal a concern for the person’s welfare. Maybe the
phronesis, or practical wisdom. This is the virtue that allows truth will have good consequences or bad consequences.
us to make practical judgements about what is good or bad Either way, the underlying virtue is that of benevolence.
for human beings. It cannot be taken for granted that we Alternatively, it might be argued that the person has a right to
shall all acquire this type of wisdom. Some of us will be tem- know the truth (whatever the consequences) and an appeal
peramentally better at it than others, but it is inescapable that can be made to the virtues of honesty and respect. Respect
we shall have to make decisions and we shall naturally wish to for the person’s autonomy is also supported by the virtue of
make good decisions, by which we mean decisions that will candour. However, there is a deeper link between telling the
be good for us generally. To quote Aristotle (1925: pp 138–9): truth and the virtue of fidelity. As May (1994) suggests:
… since moral virtue is a state of character concerned with The virtues with which the professional dispenses the truth
choice, and choice is deliberate desire, therefore both the rea- may condition the very reality he or she offers the patient …
soning must be true and the desire right, if the choice is to be The professional relationship, though less comprehensive and
good, and the latter must pursue just what the former asserts. intimate than marriage, is similarly promissory and fiduciary …
The moral question for the professional becomes not simply a
What the virtues, including phronesis, require is some question of telling truths, but of being true to his promises.
sense of what we should be as human beings. Well, whatever Conversely, the total situation for the patient includes not
this might entail, it is likely to be arrived at by a careful appli- only his disease but also whether others ditch him or stand by
cation of the casuistic process against the background of our him in extremity … The fidelity of the professional per se will
shared, interconnecting, interrelationships and experience. not eliminate the disease … but it can affect mightily the con-
text in which the trouble runs its course.
19.3.1 Deepening analysis: the virtue of Writing from the perspective of professionals, we should
fidelity in dementia not overlook how this sort of analysis also helps to explain
the profound sense of guilt family carers feel when, for
Many of the ethical issues that arise in connection with instance, they have to place the person with dementia in a
dementia are to do with truthfulness. Here are examples: residential or nursing home. The intimacy of family or simi-
lar relationships makes it all the more difficult to break faith:
• Should Mrs A be told that she has Alzheimer’s disease?
guilt then becomes a manifestation of not being true.
• Should Mr B’s son be told that his father has dementia?
• Should Ms C, who has mild cognitive impairment, be
told that this might progress to dementia?
• Should Mrs D, with a moderately severe dementia, be
told that correspondence is being copied to her daughter,
the social worker and the local Alzheimer’s Society?
• Should Mr E’s medication be hidden in his drinks? The care of people with dementia requires great understand-
• Should Mrs F’s husband tell her he is taking her for respite ing. This may in part be instinctive, but it is also certainly
care, or should he pretend it is just a drive in the country? acquired and can be improved by careful, critical reflection.
• Should Miss G’s nephew and niece agree to an admission Hermeneutic philosophers talk of a pre-understanding, the
to long-term care, having promised they would keep her common background perhaps, that allows meanings to be
at home? interpreted. They seek out the common ground in different
positions as a way of understanding shared and disputed val-
When such ethical issues are discussed in the literature,
ues. This desire to find a way forward, by attention to what all
appeal is usually made to the principles of medical ethics, or to
parties are conveying (through words and actions), requires
consequentialist or deontological considerations. Despite the
that a practical solution should be found. Hence, hermeneut-
concern that telling the diagnosis might cause depression (and
ics also involves phronesis:
so be maleficent), being truthful is a way of respecting the per-
son’s autonomy (Pinner and Bouman, 2002). Covert drug … this type of wisdom includes a certain attitude, a certain
administration may be the best way of relieving a person’s agi- condition, obtained by practice. Virtues are based on education
tation and of satisfying the duty of care but is, nevertheless, a and training; they are acquired in the process of acting and
breach of trust (Treloar et al., 2001). Interestingly, in a study living. Virtues grow from experience. Only those who have had
that consulted people with dementia, although the discussion to deal with numerous ethical questions … may possess prac-
still centred on conflicting principles (autonomy versus pater- tical wisdom. Understanding dementia is in the end a practical
nalistic beneficence and non-malificence),‘veracity’ was recog- matter, a matter of being experienced (Widdershoven and
nized as the underlying ‘difficult virtue’ (Marzanski, 2000). Widdershoven-Heerding, 2003).
234 Moral, ethical and legal aspects of dementia

In this chapter we have sketched an ethical meta-landscape Hughes JC and Louw SJ. (2002a) Electronic tagging of people with
and pointed towards the practical usefulness of theories that dementia who wander. BMJ 325: 847–848
stress the importance of experience, that recognize our inter- Hughes JC and Louw SJ. (2002b) Confidentiality and cognitive
impairment: professional and philosophical ethics. Age and Ageing
relationships and encourage careful and empathic negotiation.
31: 147–150
We have suggested how our decisions in ethical and clinical
Hughes JC, Hope T, Savulescu J, Ziebland S. (2002a) Carers, ethics and
matters require the building up, case by case, of a lexicon dementia: a survey and review of the literature. International
against which our judgements can be made. However, the Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 17: 35–40
judgements that inform the lexicon are embedded in a back- Hughes JC, Hope T, Reader S, Rice D. (2002b) Dementia and ethics: a
ground of interrelationships and interconnections, where pilot study of the views of informal carers. Journal of the Royal
people are situated in multilayered contexts of shared and Society of Medicine 95: 242–246
disputed valued. Openness to the corrective that this back- Jones AH. (1999) Narrative based medicine: narrative in medical ethics.
ground might impose is itself a sign of the sort of virtue that BMJ 318: 253–256
allows us to negotiate the moral landscape in a practical way. Jonsen AR and Toulmin S. (1988) The Abuse of Casuistry: a History of
Moral Reasoning. Berkeley, University of California Press
Marzanski M. (2000) Would you like to know what is wrong with you?
REFERENCES On telling the truth to patients with dementia. Journal of Medical
Ethics 26: 108–113
May WF. (1994) The virtues in a professional setting. In: KWM Fulford,
Aristotle. (1925) The Nichomachean Ethics (translated by D Ross). GR Gillett, JM Soskice (eds), Medicine and Moral Reasoning.
Oxford, Oxford University Press Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 75–91
Baldwin C, Hughes J, Hope T, et al. (2003) Ethics and dementia: mapping Murray TH. (1994) Medical ethics, moral philosophy and moral tradition.
the literature by bibliometric analysis. International Journal of In: KWM Fulford, GR Gillett, JM Soskice (eds), Medicine and Moral
Geriatric Psychiatry 18: 41–54 Reasoning. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 91–105
Beauchamp T and Childress J. (1994) Principles of Biomedical Ethics, Noddings N. (1984) Caring: a Feminine Approach to Ethics and Moral
4th edition. New York, Oxford University Press Education. Berkeley, University of California Press
Bond J and Corner L. (2001) Researching dementia: are there unique Oppenheimer C. (1999) Ethics in old age psychiatry. In: S Bloch,
methodological challenges for health services research? Ageing and P Chodoff, SA Green (eds), Psychiatric Ethics, 3rd edition. Oxford,
Society 21: 95–116 Oxford University Press, pp. 317–343
Braun KL, Pietsch JH, Blanchette PL. (eds) (2000) Cultural Issues in End Pinner G and Bouman WP. (2002) To tell or not to tell: on disclosing
of Life Decision Making. London, Sage the diagnosis of dementia. International Psychogeriatrics
Farmer A and McGuffin P. (1999) Ethics and psychiatric genetics. In: 14: 127–137
S Bloch, P Chodoff, SA Green (eds), Psychiatric Ethics, 3rd edition. Sabat SR and Harré R. (1994) The Alzheimer’s disease sufferer as
Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 479–493 a semiotic subject. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 1:
Hughes JC. (2001) Views of the person with dementia. Journal of 145–160
Medical Ethics 27: 86–91 Treloar A, Philpot M, Beats B. (2001) Concealing medication in patients’
Hughes JC. (2002) Ethics and the psychiatry of old age. In: R Jacoby and food. Lancet 357: 62–64
C Oppenheimer (eds), Psychiatry in the Elderly, 3rd edition. Oxford, Widdershoven GAM and Widdershoven-Heerding I. (2003)
Oxford University Press, pp. 863–895 Understanding dementia: a hermeneutic perspective. In: KWM
Hughes JC. (2003) Ethics research in dementia: the way forward? In: Fulford, K Morris, JZ Sadler, G Stanghellini (eds), Nature and
EM Welsh (ed.), Focus on Alzheimer’s Disease Research. Hauppauge Narrative: an Introduction to the New Philosophy of Psychiatry.
(NY), Nova Science Publishers, pp. 245–266 Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 103–111
Legal issues


19.5 Capacity 235 19.8 Criminal liability 238

19.6 Advance medical directives 237 Further reading 238
19.7 Involuntary detention and choice of residence 237

19.5 CAPACITY as shown when competent, unless they indicate otherwise

when treatment is imminent or they would be seriously
endangered. It is not legally justifiable to discount people’s
Underlying most legal issues raised by patients’ dementia is the wishes just because others, such as their family members, can
question of capacity. Comprehensive legal criteria of capacity make better decisions for them.
are elusive. Specific determinations are often governed more
by processes of assessment than by tests that produce uni-
formly replicable conclusions. Courts pay attention to per- 19.5.1 Medical care capacity
sons’ classifications for instance as moderately or severely
demented, and to the cognitive deficits associated with each The law sets a fairly low threshold of capacity to consent to
status. Judicial proceedings achieve legally compelling assess- medical care recommended by a patient’s physician. Patients
ments of individuals’ capacities for particular functions, but must be able to understand what the care entails, its alterna-
are frequently prohibitively costly and inaccessible. Physicians’ tives, the risks of each and consequences of forgoing all care.
assessments, particularly but not only by psychiatrists, are Some legal systems and enacted laws set capacity to refuse
usually convincing, especially when confirmed by a second, consent at the same level as capacity to accept it, on the prin-
independent opinion. Clinical psychologists’ assessments of ciple that a person with contractual capacity may accept or
patients’ cognitive capacities are often valuable. However, for reject a contract. A more refined approach where services are
testamentary capacity, a lawyer’s finding that a client can give available without direct charge to patients, is that higher
adequate instructions, answer standard questions about prop- competency is required to refuse indicated medical care,
erty and family composition, and make reasonable choices, is because that choice may expose individuals to higher risks of
usually sufficient to show capacity to make an effective will. harm (see Chapter 19c). Physicians may appear manipulative
A tendency until recent times, that occasionally persists, was if they accept competence of patients who accept their rec-
to consider a finding of capacity or incapacity as ‘global’, or all ommendations and question that of patients who decline,
or nothing. A finding made for one purpose, whatever it was but since courts respect clinicians’ disinterested professional
and by whomsoever made, governed all other purposes. Now, judgment, this is analytically sound.
however, capacity is considered specific to separate functions, When patients are incompetent to consent to medical care,
so that a patient who is competent for one purpose, such as to others may decide on their behalf. If patients’ wishes made
consent to medical care, may not be competent for another, when competent are known, they may be legally binding
such as making contracts or other financial arrangements. (above). If their wishes are unknown, or would be seriously
Competent persons can make decisions on the basis of their harmful, care decisions may be made by guardians appointed
wishes, even when these are against their best interests as physi- according to locally prevailing laws. Where these are uncertain,
cians and others assess them. Patients do not lose the right to closest family members may decide, such as patients’ spouses,
be governed by their wishes simply because they become children or parents. It is a misnomer to describe this as ‘sub-
incapable of expressing them, or of confirming them. Incapable stituted consent’; the patient is treated non-consensually, on
persons should therefore be treated according to their wishes the de jure or a de facto guardian’s authorization. A limit may be
236 Moral, ethical and legal aspects of dementia

that de facto guardians have no power to authorize payments 19.5.4 Testamentary capacity
for care from the patients’ assets, where payment is required.
In many countries, laws on distribution of estates without
wills are patterned on distribution with wills, reducing disad-
19.5.2 Medical research capacity vantages of testamentary incapacity. Nevertheless, legal prop-
erty transactions, including by will, usually require relatively
When research is not intended for their personal benefit, high levels of capacity. Testators must have a reasonable aware-
patients’ capacity to consent requires higher levels of compe- ness of their assets and how they can be determined, of their
tency. The risks and non-beneficial purpose of treatment must family structures and moral obligations, and of liabilities their
be clearly comprehended. Guardians’ powers are limited to estates may have to settle. Lawyers uncertain of clients’ capac-
therapy, and they cannot authorize invasive research on incom- ity cannot proceed without reliable, independent assurance.
petent patients. They may approve medical record inspec- Witnesses to wills observe only that they were signed without
tions and, for instance, monitoring of patients’ therapy as coercion, not testators’ mental capacity.
control subjects, however, if confidentiality is protected, and A legal concern is the influence of cognitive and affective
allow the drawing of a few extra drops of blood for research disorders on testamentary capacity, and their interaction.
when venepuncture is lawfully undertaken for therapeutic, Provided that prospective testators know how to determine
diagnostic or monitoring purposes. their general assets, although not necessarily their current
market value, and key participants in family structures, they
have capacity. This is so even if they hold particularly strong
19.5.3 Contractual capacity and even irrational sentiments about individuals and institu-
tions, whether positive or negative. Capacity should be ques-
It is commonly supposed that cognitively impaired adults tioned, however, when evidence arises that an individual’s
lack contractual capacity, in the same way as legal minors. In attitude may be based on a demented or serious delusion. It
many circumstances this is true, because the law recognizes, is a matter of professional judgement, of physicians, lawyers
and aims to protect impaired persons against, their vulner- and, for instance, accountants, how far to go in probing the
ability to exploitation and undue influence. The contractual convictions that have conditioned what appears an irrational
principle caveat emptor, let the purchaser beware, relies on attitude toward a close family member who is a potential ben-
purchasers possessing ordinary capacity to exercise common eficiary, or a person or institution named by an intending tes-
prudence, and not be misled by delusions, confusion or defect- tator. A legal duty of care may exist to protect a patient or
ive perception. When cognitively impaired persons lack the client against the undue influence of those deliberately seek-
ability to be wary or cautious on their own behalf, the law ing testamentary advantages. No duty exists to protect poten-
may afford them the protection of contractual incapacity. tial beneficiaries against irrational exclusion from benefits,
However, the law does not discriminate against demented although they may contest testators’ capacity after provisions
persons by precluding them from acting on their own behalf of wills become known.
to acquire items, supplies and services they need for their sus- Wills are ‘ambulatory’, meaning that they are to be under-
tenance, protection and comfort. Accordingly, they enjoy con- stood in the context of the testator’s circumstances as at the
tractual capacity to make binding agreements for the food, time of death, or earlier loss of capacity to vary the will, for
shelter, clothing, medical care and other goods and services instance by an added codicil. A common practice is to propose
that will maintain them in a manner appropriate to their residual provisions to accommodate accidental oversights.
accustomed circumstances, known in law as ‘necessaries’. For instance, when monetary gifts are made to named grand-
Impaired purchasers are protected against exploitation in bar- children, any who may have been inadvertently overlooked,
gaining for necessaries by the courts requiring that they pay and any not anticipated to be born when the will is drafted,
not necessarily the contractually agreed price, but only as may be included by language such as ‘and the same to other
much as is merited (quantum meruit) for a necessary supplied. offspring of my children’s unions’.
In case of dispute, the courts will determine the payment due, Wills can usually be revoked more easily than they are
on the basis of parties’ equal bargaining power. When pay- made. Testators may tear or deface them or throw them away,
ments are so determined or are set, for instance, as standard without witnesses or requirements of clear capacity. Capacity
rates that parties cannot vary by bargaining, such as for public to repudiate a will is less exacting than capacity to make one,
services like domestic heating or electricity, impaired persons involving only rejection of what was previously arranged.
are liable, and legally able, to pay for them from their assets.
A demented person can avoid a contract for non-necessaries
if the contractual partner is aware of the disability, and if 19.5.5 Matrimonial capacity
the disabled person did not take any advantage under the con-
tract. The partner cannot avoid the contract, however, and is Historically, marriages united families, and family property,
entitled to only a quantum meruit payment if the disabled rather than just individuals. Today, however, matrimonial
person leaves the contract binding. capacity requires only the affectionate intention to spend
Involuntary detention and choice of residence 237

one’s life faithfully with another. Incapacity to rear future concerning matters within their cognitive grasp. Even at
children is not necessarily a barrier, particularly when partners advanced stages of dementia, however, spoken directives can
are beyond childbearing age, such as in second marriages. be given that effectively deny consent to interventions that
Because marriage introduces new family and moral obliga- cause distress or discomfort. Further, no advance directive
tions, its legal effect in many countries is automatically to can be enforced so as to apply invasive treatment that the
revoke existing wills. A dysfunction of this law is that when patient resists at the time of attempted administration,
elderly couples have capacity to enter second marriages, agree- except perhaps to avoid premature death.
ing that both will leave their property not to each other but to
their own children of earlier marriages, their existing wills are
revoked but they may lack capacity to make new wills giving
effect to their agreement. On death with no will, the survivor
of them will usually inherit the other’s estate, contrary to
their intentions. This may be overcome only by complex legal
property arrangements, for which again their competence may Perhaps the most difficult area of legal policy concerning per-
be suspect, unless they have only modest means and obvious sons with more advanced dementia is their involuntary deten-
intentions. tion in psychiatric facilities. Beyond determination of correct
policy, difficulty arises from the law itself when legislation
permits but does not compel such persons’ involuntary deten-
19.5.6 Child care capacity tion, and when involuntary detention not authorized by
legislation may be held excusable on grounds of necessity to
Even mild dementia, in contrast to mild mental retardation,
protect demented persons against their risk of suffering seri-
may disqualify individuals from eligibility to adopt children,
ous bodily harm.
since courts usually apply relatively high standards of suit-
There is an historical record of severe legal oppression of
ability for placement of babies and young children. This is
demented people, related to a conviction that those with cog-
not a barrier, however, to capacity to marry a partner with a
nitive impairments are unpredictable, and therefore danger-
dependent child. A more common issue is suitability of patients
ous. There is also a more benign record of belief that they merit
as caregivers to their grandchildren. The legal approach is less
care, and that needs may be met that they cannot themselves
to assess potential caregivers than to consider the best inter-
supply, in the safety of suitable residential care. Their deten-
ests of each child. A decision balances its competing interests
tion was therefore justified on grounds both of protecting the
in physical and, for instance, nutritional protection against
public, and of protecting them against those who would abuse
the value of maintenance of familiar relationships. Decisive fac-
and exploit them, and against themselves. The issue of correct
tors are patients’ degrees of cognitive impairment and chil-
policy remains unresolved, and legislation often reacts to
dren’s ages and degrees of dependency. Mildly or moderately
publicized tragedies, such as demented people living at home
demented patients may be more suitable for short-term
who die from starvation or cold, or people involuntarily
placements of children, such as when a single parent is con-
detained for years who, on release, prove capable of living
fined to give birth to another child.
safe and fulfilling lives.
The recent, liberal trend has been towards deinstitutional-
ization. Human rights principles support demented persons’
19.6 ADVANCE MEDICAL DIRECTIVES rights to live where and how they wish, unless they can be
proven, by legal process, to be significantly dangerous to others,
Laws increasingly permit, and encourage, competent people or to risk suffering serious impairment. Danger to others
to anticipate times to come when they are no longer compe- may take the form of physical violence, but may also include
tent, and to take the earlier opportunity to arrange how they non-violent sexual molestation of others, perhaps owing to
then want to be treated. Advance directives have been called disinhibition of instinctive behaviour. Danger to self may take
‘living wills’ and often focus on terminal care. As more is the form of failing to eat or to keep warm, with risk of mal-
learned, however, of genetic predictors of future dementia, nutrition or hypothermia, forgetting to watch cooking food,
and, for instance, AIDS-related dementia, directives will come with risk of causing fires, or lapses in personal hygiene that risk
to focus more on future life than on future death. The value infections. Involuntary long-term detention in psychiatric
of advance directives is that they can address future residen- facilities is increasingly legally based only on dangerousness,
tial and healthcare arrangements, medical treatment related to others or self. It is legally justified only on proof that no less
and unrelated to advance of dementia, and for instance, invasive alternative is available. Short-term detention may
acceptance and limits of involvement in research. When people be excusable, but only until an episode of dangerousness to
make advance directives while they are undoubtedly compe- self or others has ended. Less invasive for those dangerous to
tent, the directives are of legal significance whether or not themselves are regular home visits to ensure nutrition and
they conform to legally-set formulae. Mildly or moderately adequacy of heat and, for instance, fitting automatic time
demented patients may also create credible directives switches to turn off cooking appliances.
238 Moral, ethical and legal aspects of dementia

There is concern, however, associated with reduced budgets mental disability. However, a defendant who wishes to plead
for public health and social welfare services, that so-called not guilty on grounds of mental disorder may do so earlier.
community care of the mentally impaired is liable to become A special problem in facilities where demented patients
community neglect. So-called open door policies applied by reside, both involuntarily and voluntarily, comes from sexual
psychiatric institutions, by which mental health patients may behaviour. Molestation of staff members may not be violent,
freely enter institutions that offer care, as voluntary or informal but is conduct against which they are entitled to legal protec-
patients, and may freely leave when they wish, operate in fact tion. Sexual behaviour with other residents may be consensual,
as revolving door facilities through which impaired patients but those with whom such behaviour is initiated may lack legal
circulate. Demented people do not always achieve the dignity, capacity to consent. Legal models of capacity may be based on
comfort or protection in the community intended by deinsti- adolescents, whose consent to or initiation of consensual sex-
tutionalization, but often live wretched, abbreviated lives of ual behaviour may be legally ineffective, leaving their partners
chaos, neglect, dependency, and sometimes, as an ironic alter- convictable. Further, facility staff may involve police, for fear of
native to psychiatric detention, imprisonment. their own legal liability for negligence in protection of resi-
Although, in many countries, demented patients may be dents, particularly when a participant in such behaviour has a
involuntarily detained only on grounds of their dangerousness, spouse, or has children who complain of the parent’s sexual
family members such as patients’ children may achieve the abuse. Staff members’ or police officers’ disapproval of or dis-
same effect by removing them from their residences of choice, comfort with demented patients’ expressed sexuality may
the patients’ homes, and taking them into their own care or underlie their reactions of invoking criminal law.
delivering them to care facilities. By legal action taken on A particular problem in criminal proceedings arises when
their behalf, patients may insist on remaining in, or being a defendant of borderline competence charged with a serious
reinstated in, their own homes. However, such action is often crime insists on pleading guilty. The problem is aggravated in
hard to initiate through public guardians, and private action those jurisdictions, such as in the USA and Caribbean, where
may be barred by patients’ incapacity to act by themselves or the death sentence is retained, and a defendant refuses to
to contract for legal services. Family members may legally appeal against its imposition. The problem involves not only
defend removal of demented patients from their own homes defence counsel, who may be court-appointed, but also pros-
by showing that, even though they are not dangerous owing to ecuting counsel who, as officers of the court, often acting in a
violence or risk of severe self-injury, they cannot live securely quasi-judicial capacity, cannot knowingly be party to a risk of
without constant care and supervision. injustice. Prosecuting authorities may accordingly engage
psychiatrists to conduct inquiries into criminal defendants’
fitness to plead and fitness to stand trial, and to help them to
19.8 CRIMINAL LIABILITY decide on launching any appeal proceedings.

Serious crimes consist not simply in doing prohibited acts, but

in doing them with a prohibited intention or state of mind, i.e. FURTHER READING
like much else in law, the issue turns on capacity. When
demented persons lack capacity to form the mental element
that makes an act criminal, they may be found not guilty by rea- British Medical Association. (1995) Advance Statements About Medical
son of mental disorder, which in some jurisdictions is called Treatment. London, BMA
Burns FR. (2003) The elderly and undue influence inter vivos. Legal
insanity. In some countries, this ‘not guilty’ verdict has no penal
Studies 23: 251–283
consequences, but the facts may trigger a hearing under mental Grubb A. (ed.) (2004) Principles of Medical Law, 2nd edition. Oxford,
health legislation to see if the person meets dangerousness cri- Oxford University Press (especially Ch. 4)
teria and, like any other non-criminal but dangerous person, is Law Commission. (1995) Mental incapacity. (Law Com. No.231).
liable to involuntary detention in a psychiatric facility. London, HMSO
In many countries, those found not guilty by reason of men- Lord Chancellor’s Department. (1997) Who Decides? Making decisions on
tal disorder are liable to detention in secure psychiatric facili- behalf of mentally incapacitated adults. (Cm 3803). London, HMSO
ties, from which they will not be released until considered to be Perlin ML. (1997) Mental Disability Law: Civil And Criminal.
no threat to the public. They are often detained for longer than Charlottesville, Virginia, Michie
they would have been imprisoned had they been found men- Picard EI and Robertson G. (1996) Legal Liability of Doctors and Hospitals
tally capable and guilty. The justification is that they receive in Canada, 3rd edition. Scarborough, Ontario: Carswell (especially
Ch. 2)
necessary treatment in detention, although demented patients
Silberfeld M and Fish A. (1994) When the Mind Fails: a Guide to Dealing
may not be amenable to treatment. Under some legal proce- With Incompetency. Toronto, University of Toronto Press
dures, a criminal court cannot hear a prosecutor’s evidence of a Skene L. (1998) Law and Medical Practice: Rights, Duties, Claims and
defendant’s mental disability until the prosecutor has shown Defences. Sydney, Butterworths (especially Ch. 5)
that the likely trial outcome, if there is no such disability, would Wendler D and Prasad K. (2001) Core safeguards for clinical research
be a guilty verdict. This is to reduce the risk of detaining an with adults who are unable to consent. Annals of Internal Medicine
innocent person in a secure psychiatric facility on grounds of 135: 514–523
End-of-life decisions


19.9 Advance directives and practical wisdom 240 19.11 Artificial nutrition and hydration 242
19.10 Withholding and withdrawing life-supportive 19.12 Conclusion 243
treatment 241 References 243

The end of life, speaking literally, is awful. Our attitude towards Hursthouse has a second response to the question about
death will colour our attitude towards life. Being light-hearted knowing what is virtuous. She points out that, even if we
about death is a perfectly reasonable attitude, but death is know that we are not fully virtuous, it does not follow that we
also a matter of profound seriousness, partly because of the know nothing of the virtues. Our knowledge of the virtues is
shape it gives to our lives. Whether or not we believe in an part of the background context in which our practical decisions
after-life, death is a matter of great awe. are embedded (see Chapter 19a). We know about honesty,
In this chapter, which is concerned with end-of-life issues, truthfulness, prudence etc. Moreover, in the clinical arena,
we shall focus on virtue ethics. In a sense, what virtue ethics when we want expert advice, we do not choose just anyone.
does – to good purpose – is to change the questions that We can pick out clinical expertise judiciously.
arise. In the remainder of this introduction we shall flesh out Furthermore, it does not seem too unreasonable to notice
some of our earlier discussion of virtue ethics (see Chapter that such difficult clinical cases often involve a value judge-
19a). Our aim is not to provide a full account of virtue ethics ment, or something akin to an ethical dimension. If it were
(see Hursthouse, 1999), but simply to indicate its usefulness. simply a factual question about the next step in therapy, any
Virtue ethics suggest that an action is right inasmuch as it colleague might do. Where, however, the question is about
is the act that a virtuous person (one who has the virtues and the real value of pursuing treatment for this individual, we need
uses them) would perform, where a virtue is understood as a someone who is streetwise, who shows practical wisdom. So
disposition required for people to flourish or live well. Thus, we can recognize virtuous people even as we are aware of our
virtue ethics does not just tell us about what human beings own deficiencies.
are like, nor does it simply give us rules or principles to follow. Virtue ethicists are sensitive to the accusation that they
Rather, the virtues gesture at that which we should become as concentrate more on the agent than on the act. As we have
human beings. They point us in the direction of what it is to already seen, this is not the case. What is done is virtuous or
do well humanly. The virtues tell us how to act. vicious, and right or wrong accordingly. Nevertheless, the dis-
People will question how we can know what is virtuous? positions of the agent seem far from irrelevant to the goodness
One easy answer is that we should ask a virtuous person. As or badness of the act. Our final point in this introduction is that
Hursthouse (1999) comments: this, too, is a reason for doctors to take the virtues seriously.
What people often complain about is not whatever decision
This is far from being a trivial point, for it gives a straightforward
the doctors made, but the manner in which they delivered it or
explanation of an important aspect of our moral life, namely
acted on it … A dose of virtue ethics might make [doctors] con-
the fact that we do not always act as ‘autonomous’, utterly
centrate more on how they should respond, rather than resting
self-determining agents, but quite often seek moral guidance
content with the thought that they have made the right decision
from people we think are morally better than ourselves (p. 35).
(Hursthouse, 1999, p. 48).
Doctors might note how this mirrors clinical experience: In the remainder of this chapter we shall start by dis-
we talk to senior colleagues about difficult clinical decisions. cussing the philosophical issues raised by advance directives
240 Moral, ethical and legal aspects of dementia

in dementia and show the difference that virtue ethics makes. family and friends, legal advisers, spiritual leaders and advo-
The same approach will then be used to discuss, first, artificial cates (Hughes, 2001). It follows that the individual’s person-
nutrition and hydration and the ethical distinction between hood may, in a moral and philosophical sense, continue to be
ordinary and extraordinary means; second, withdrawing and expressed through established social connections. In which
withholding treatment and the principle of futility. We shall case, we remain persons even when we have dementia; thus,
also discuss the palliative care approach to dementia and the our advance directives retain their validity.
case against resuscitation. Another valuable perspective, which squares with the
We shall, however, pass over the topics of assisted suicide situated-embodied agent view, is to be found in narrative ethics.
and euthanasia (but see Keown, 1995). Virtue theory makes
us take seriously what is important in our lives, what makes a From a narrative perspective, a person’s identity is formed in
life worth living, what makes it good or bad. In this way it has stories, which both express and create the unity of a person’s
more in keeping with the palliative care approach than with life. As stories, advance directives presuppose the unity of the
an attitude that aims at death. The question in virtue ethics patient’s life, and try to contribute to that unity, not by making
is: What do we become by aiming at the death of the person the different phases identical, but by trying to create a mean-
with dementia? And the related question is: What do we ingful whole which covers all of them (Widdershoven and
become if we aim to keep the life of the person with dementia Berghmans, 2001).
as good as it can be on its natural trajectory towards death? The idea of taking the person’s life as a whole has been
These are difficult questions, which we cannot do justice to, used by Dworkin (1993) to develop his notion of ‘critical
but it is worth recalling that Aristotle said, in relation to interests’, which are those interests that help to shape a person’s
courage, that the exercise of the virtues is not always pleasant. life. These are contrasted with ‘experiential interests’, which
are the interests we have in current experiences. Critical
19.9 ADVANCE DIRECTIVES AND PRACTICAL interests are deemed more central to our lives and, therefore,
WISDOM ‘precedent autonomy’, as expressed by an advance directive,
should rule the day when the person is deemed ‘incompe-
tent’. The opposing view has been put by Dresser (1995). She
Advance directives are underpinned by the ethical principle argues that it is an affront to disregard the needs and wishes
of autonomy. The aim is to extend the patient’s autonomy of the person now. To this debate Jaworska (1999) has added
into the future, even in the face of incompetence. There is that the person with dementia is still a ‘valuer’, so should still be
growing recognition that the liberal idea of autonomy does taken seriously. This chimes with the suggestion that advance
not take account of the importance of personal relationships directives should be accompanied by a ‘values history’, to
and mutual dependency (Agich, 2003). Advance directives help determine with greater confidence the true wishes of the
raise other philosophical concerns too. These have now been person who now lacks capacity.
rehearsed many times. We shall give a summary account: So, at a philosophical level, advance directives in dementia
raise questions about personal identity and, in the
• One way to think of personal identity is to regard it as
Dworkin–Dresser debate, raise the issue as to whether
tied to consciousness and, in particular, to memory
(Locke, 1690). the wishes of the ‘then-self ’ or the ‘now-self ’ should take
• Personal identity becomes a matter of psychological
These questions and issues, however, seem less important
continuity and connectedness (Parfit, 1984).
from the perspective of virtue ethics. Confronted by this
• In dementia, memory loss means that there is not
individual with severe dementia, whose current wishes are
sufficient psychological continuity or connectedness to
say that personal identity has been maintained. difficult to ascertain, but whose advance directive states that
he or she would not wish to receive life-sustaining treatment
• So the person with dementia cannot be regarded as the
in the event of dementia, what would the virtuous clinician
same person as the previous person who did not have
dementia. do? Well, any doctor of ‘good sense’ would, if practicable, talk
to as many people involved as possible. It would certainly do
• But then, if they are different persons, the advance
no harm to talk with the person with dementia. This might
directive made earlier by the non-demented person
cannot now be applicable to the demented person not be easy, but it is wrong to position the person with
(Hope, 1995). dementia as ‘incompetent’ when this might not be the case.
From the perspective of the individual with dementia, good
It has even been argued that the demented individual will communication and empathic understanding will enhance
eventually not satisfy the requirements for personhood and his or her standing as a person (Sabat, 2001).
cannot then be called a person at all (Buchanan, 1988). This There are three points to make:
line of thought is disrupted by the broader notion of the person
as a situated embodied agent, which importantly allows that • ‘Good sense’ is another translation of Aristotle’s notion
the person’s memories are significant, but shows that being of phronesis (see Chapter 19a). It is good sense to talk
a person is to be embedded in a social structure, involving with people. Weighing up their views in the particular
Withholding and withdrawing life-supportive treatment 241

circumstances of the case, against a background of 19.10.1 Ordinary and extraordinary means
experience and moral judgements, requires practical
wisdom. One way of approaching the general issue of withholding or
• What we are describing is exactly the process withdrawing life-prolonging therapy is to consider whether
commended (e.g. in recent draft UK legislation) there is proportionality between the complexity of the inter-
as necessary to determine a person’s best interests, vention and the apparent benefit that the patient might derive.
which is what we should be doing when the The distinction between ‘ordinary’ and ‘extraordinary means’
person lacks capacity to make a decision (Hughes, allows that ‘ordinary means’ can differ from person to person
2000). and may be ‘extraordinary’ in other circumstances.
• The virtuous doctor will wish to do what is best for Clearly this moral approach is essentially casuistic: whether
the patient. This is not because the principle of something is ordinary or extraordinary must be assessed on
beneficence dictates that we must do such and such, a case-by-case basis. It also involves virtues: it is a matter of
it is because taking people seriously is the mark of practical wisdom that such and such a treatment would be
someone who has the virtues of charity, justice and disproportionate in terms of the benefits it might bring. Let
phronesis. us presume that the decision involves whether or not to treat
The issue is not, then, about whether or not this is a person, the infection of the person with dementia. It is a difficult
nor is it about which self to take seriously (the then-self or the decision precisely because it involves both factual and evalu-
now-self), it is about a right attitude in the face of a tragic and ative judgements. The virtue of practical wisdom suggests
difficult situation. It is about what we do in these particular precisely that the wisdom is rooted in the doing: it is the
circumstances; but it is also about how we do it. Paying atten- experience of clinical practice, supported by a relevant evidence
tion to the person, with all that this entails, is the first step. base, that will count. Hence, a study that showed aggressive
Practical wisdom is required to determine what decisions will treatment of infections did not affect the underlying disease
be best in these particular circumstances. This will depend on and, in fact, was associated with an acceleration in the severity
some concept of what is humanly best. These decisions must of the disease (Hurley et al., 1996) would be very relevant to
be made with the right attitude of concern towards the the decision.
patient, which is a mark of charity. Finally, the weighing up
implied in the adjudication of what is best for this particular 19.10.2 Palliative care in severe dementia
person will reflect the virtues of fairness and friendship.
Hence, virtue ethics changes the subject. We move from This brings to mind the suggestion that, in considering end-
rarefied debates about whether or not the individual is a per- of-life ethical issues in dementia, we have much to learn from
son, to a more straightforward discussion about how we hospices (Volicer and Hurley, 1998). Palliative care involves:
respond to, how we help, this fellow human being now in this
dreadful predicament. And suddenly it seems outlandish to • an affirmation of life, but one in which dying is regarded
ignore his current state in favour of something he might have as a normal process, so that death should neither be
said in the past; yet churlish to ignore what he so clearly hastened nor postponed;
wrote previously. However difficult it might seem, we have to • providing relief from distressing symptoms;
weigh things up in the light of the concrete circumstances • integrating the psychological, social and spiritual aspects
that now obtain. The advance directive, therefore, sits in a of care;
context and serves a useful purpose, but only insofar as it • offering support to dying people so that they might live
contributes to the good and allows human flourishing, albeit as actively as possible until death;
flourishing circumscribed by worldly realities. • offering support to families coping with the person’s
illness and their bereavement (World Health
Organization, 1990).
These principles can equally well be applied to people with
dementia as they are to people with cancer. Indeed, there are
grounds for arguing that palliative care in dementia can be
The question whether it is in the patient’s best interests to regarded in the same light as person-centred care, since both
withhold or withdraw life-prolonging treatment arises in a are motivated by a concern for the person, where what it is
variety of contexts for the person with dementia. The woman to be a person is understood broadly (Hughes et al., 2004). It
with a moderate dementia falls and fractures her hip, but there will at some stage be the case that people with dementia
are postoperative complications. At what stage are supportive require terminal care. Our suggestion is that seeing end-
therapies withdrawn? The man with severe dementia develops stage dementia in this light demonstrates an appropriate
a chest infection that does not clear with a variety of antibi- attitude – one in keeping with notions of what it is to live well
otics. Should intravenous antibiotics be withheld? (Should humanly – to the final stages of a terminal disease. Such an
oral antibiotics ever have been commenced?) attitude is hardly likely to be oblivious to quality of life and
242 Moral, ethical and legal aspects of dementia

certainly would not involve a commitment to a lingering of death. To have the appropriate attitude is to have some
death (Post and Whitehouse, 1998). notion of what it is to live fully and well, even in circumscribed
In this regard, Coetzee et al. (2003) considered the attitudes circumstances. It is also to demonstrate the virtue of courage
of carers and old age psychiatrists towards the treatment of in the face of a terminal state.
potentially fatal events in end-stage dementia. Clinicians
appeared to be less keen on active treatment; but the carers set
greater store by ‘patient-centred’ issues, such as dying with
dignity. One of the interesting things here is the possibility that
the disagreement between clinicians and carers might disap-
pear in the face of a uniting concern for some humanly
important values to do with what can, in the circumstances, Recent evidence points to the likelihood that percutaneous
constitute a good life. The virtues required, then, are to do with endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) or nasogastric tube (NGT)
understanding and discernment. The professional virtues of feeding does not materially affect survival in severely demented
respect and humility towards the families of people with severe patients (e.g. Finucane et al., 1999). These procedures carry a
dementia may allow the right sort of mutual understanding significant morbidity and even the risk of death. Hence, the
and, in a way, also suggest respect for the person with dementia. moral case for using these ‘extraordinary’ means of support
This is not to say that we must simply do whatever the family becomes less persuasive (e.g. Gillick, 2000).
wishes. Taking their concerns seriously, however, and show- The uneasy feeling, however, is that by not using these
ing how we share them and how we shall attend to them is a treatments the patient is effectively being deliberately dehy-
matter of practical wisdom, charity and compassion. drated or starved to death. Some would claim, indeed, that
One defining characteristic of hospice care is that car- this is not a matter of medical treatment; it is a matter of
diopulmonary resuscitation is normally excluded as an option basic human care that people should receive food and drink.
in terminal conditions. Such treatment would be dispropor- It would be a failure in charity, on this view, not to pursue
tionate in terms of its likely effects on someone with metastatic treatment by NGT or PEG. Again, we would need to immerse
cancer. The same sort of reasoning (strangely) is not applied ourselves in the details of a case in order to make a decision,
to dementia. Practical wisdom would caution against the based on our interpretation in the light of the underlying
wholesale adoption of policies that make the resuscitation of moral principles. But these should reflect a variety of virtues.
people with dementia in the event of cardiopulmonary arrest So an alternative view would be that it shows a lack of charity
the norm. Not only might there be harm to the patients (e.g. rib not to take seriously the risks and a failure of empathy not to
fractures), transgressing the principle of non-maleficence, seek some other way of attending to the person with dementia.
but also attempts to resuscitate people with severe dementia It might then be better to accept that giving food and
could be regarded as obscene. drink constitutes basic human care, whilst at the same time
To make this charge is to point towards an incompatibility accepting that NGTs and PEGs are a disproportionate
between the motivation behind such attempts at resuscitation response. Hence, feeding could still take place using thick-
and the thought that death at some point is both natural and ened foods and the correct posture, in the knowledge that the
can rightly be regarded as a relief. This latter thought says person’s life might be shortened if aspiration were to occur.
more about how to live well as a human being than the former The intimate contact of careful feeding continues, therefore,
motivation, which is more concerned with the avoidance of as a matter of charity and practical wisdom. This will achieve
litigation. As such, it is the balanced acceptance of death that for the person the best quality of life within the confines of
is likely to be the stance taken by the virtuous person. the difficult situation. The risk that is taken, which is serious,
nevertheless can still be viewed as a matter of honouring the
person’s ability to interact and interconnect humanly.
19.10.3 Futility The artificial means of treatment provide a technical solu-
tion but one that lacks meaningful content, which comes
There has been an increasing trend to think of these issues in from the embedded nature of food and drink in our lives.
terms of futility. At first sight this approach appears decep- Recognition of this broader picture is a matter of practical
tively devoid of complex conflicts of values – an intervention wisdom, for it keeps in view the overall purpose of our lives
is adjudged futile on entirely empirical grounds (e.g. Awoke in a practical sort of way. We are made to interrelate (think of
et al., 1992). Nevertheless, the objective criteria for what may feminine ethics) and interconnect (think of narrative ethics)
or may not count as ‘futile’ do not take into account the full through our giving and taking of food and drink. But PEG
details of the individual case, bringing to bear the perspec- tubes and NGT feeding do not inherently involve interrela-
tives of all those involved. tionship or interconnectivity. In other cases, where they will
Once again, virtue theory changes things. Resuscitation in restore the person’s ability to interrelate and interconnect,
severe dementia is wrong, not simply because it is estimated they would seem to be the right choice, but not in severe
to be futile, but because it suggests an inappropriate attitude dementia. To see this is to show virtue, by showing a grasp of
towards the human condition when faced by the inevitability the real purposes that make our lives good.
References 243

19.12 CONCLUSION Hope T. (1995) Personal identity and psychiatric illness. In: AP Griffiths
(ed.), Philosophy, Psychology and Psychiatry. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, pp. 131–143
The end of life comes in dementia in a variety of ways. What Hughes JC. (2000) Ethics and the anti-dementia drugs. International
is required is often a practical matter. We have contended that Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 15: 538–543
clinical practice at the end of life in dementia will be enhanced Hughes JC. (2001) Views of the person with dementia. Journal of
by attention to what might constitute living (and dying) Medical Ethics 27: 86–91
humanly well. Hughes J, Hedley K, Harris D. (2004) Palliative care in severe dementia:
philosophy and practice. Nursing and Residential Care 6: 27–30
Hurley AC, Volicer BJ, Volicer L. (1996) Effect of fever-management
strategy on the progression of dementia of the Alzheimer type.
Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders 10: 5–10
Hursthouse R. (1999) On Virtue Ethics. Oxford, Oxford University Press
Agich GJ. (2003) Dependence and Autonomy in Old Age: An Ethical Jaworska A. (1999) Respecting the margins of agency: Alzheimer’s
Framework For Long-Term Care. Cambridge, Cambridge University patients and the capacity to value. Philosophy and Public Affairs
Press 28: 105–138
Awoke S, Mouton CP, Parrott M. (1992) Outcomes of skilled Keown J. (ed.) (1995) Euthanasia Examined: Ethical, Clinical and Legal
cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a long-term-care facility: futile Perspectives. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
therapy? Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 40: 593–595 Locke J. (1690) An Essay Concerning Human Understanding.
Buchanan A. (1988) Advance directives and the personal identity AD Woozley, ed., (1964) Glasgow, William Collins/Fount Paperbacks
problem. Philosophy and Public Affairs 17: 277–302 Parfit D. (1984) Reasons and Persons. Oxford, Oxford University Press
Coetzee RH, Leask SJ, Jones RG. (2003) The attitudes of carers and old Post SG and Whitehouse PJ. (1998) The moral basis for limiting
age psychiatrists towards the treatment of potentially fatal events treatment: hospice care and advanced progressive dementia. In:
in end-stage dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry L Volicer and A Hurley (eds), Hospice Care for Patients with Advanced
18: 169–173 Progressive Dementia. New York, Springer, pp. 117–131
Dresser R. (1995) Dworkin on dementia: elegant theory, questionable Sabat SR. (2001) The Experience of Alzheimer’s Disease: Life Through a
policy. Hastings Center Report 25: 32–38 Tangled Veil. Oxford, Blackwell
Dworkin R. (1993) Life’s Dominion. An Argument About Abortion and Volicer L and Hurley A. (eds) (1998) Hospice Care for Patients with
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Finucane TE, Christmas C, Travis K. (1999) Tube feeding in patients with Widdershoven G and Berghmans R. (2001) Advance directives in
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Gillick MR. (2000) Rethinking the role of tube feeding in patients 27: 92–97
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342: 206–210 World Health Organization


19.13 What public health issues arise with older drivers? 244 19.18 Further assessment 247
19.14 Is driving with dementia a public health hazard? 245 19.19 On-road testing 248
19.15 Is there a role for screening older populations 19.20 Decision-making and interventions 248
of drivers? 245 19.21 When driving is no longer possible 248
19.16 Physicians and driving assessment 246 19.22 The future 249
19.17 Assessment procedures 246 References 249

At the core of the syndrome of dementia is the loss of social the driving population. In the USA only 5.9 per cent of drivers
or occupational function. In the early days of specialist medi- were over 60 in 1940: this had increased to 7.4 per cent by 1952
cine and psychiatry of old age, assessment of function centred and to 11.4 per cent by 1960 (McFarland et al., 1964). Elderly
on activities of daily living, concentrating on a relatively basic drivers should comprise 28 per cent of the driving popula-
set of skills. An increase in the sophistication of the disciplines, tion in the USA by the year, 2000 and 39 per cent by 2050
as well as the need to probe relatively high-level loss of func- (Malfetti, 1985). Over a third of those aged over 80 in 1990
tion in early dementia has led to an increased attention to drove at least once a year in Ontario, Canada (Chipman et al.,
instrumental activities of daily living, such as managing finan- 1998). In the UK there has been an increase of 600 per cent in
cial affairs. Driving is an instrumental activity that has attracted the number of women drivers over the age of 65 between
particular attention because of a false perception of hazard to 1965 and 1985 (Department of Transport, 1991). Although
other people as well as increasing numbers who drive at all ages most will drive personal automobiles, this is not exclusively
(Wang and Carr, 2004). The United States Transportation the case. On the one hand, licensing regulations for drivers of
Research Board, the Organization for Economic Cooperation public service vehicles and heavy transport vehicles is nearly
and Development and the European Conference of Ministers always more restricted and uses a more algorithmic approach
for Transport have all prepared reports on ageing and trans- than for drivers of personal automobiles. On the other hand,
port within the last 3 years (CEMT, 2001; OECD, 2001; US those who develop dementia at a younger age are more likely
Department of Transportation, 2003). It is a definite health to be driving heavy goods or public service vehicles, and the
issue: drivers in Finland, the UK, Ireland and the US report abolition of mandatory retirement age in the USA has
health as primary cause of driving cessation, usually without a resulted in school bus drivers being able to continue into
formal consultation to ensure maximal remediation (Persson, their mid-80s, and there has been litigation concerning this
1993; Rabbitt et al., 1996; Hakamies-Blomqvist and Wahlstrom, group.
1998; O’Neill et al., 2000). It is a fascinating topic and, while
the knowledge base is still relatively slender, the issues involved
have major practical, ethical and societal implications for
patients, their family carers and healthcare professionals. There
are widely differing agendas on the part of those involved: the
patient, the carers, the physician, the statutory licensing author-
ity and the insurance companies, both motoring and health. One of the most important, and underrecognized, public
As dementia is a largely (but not exclusively) age-related health hazards arising from dementia is the consequences of
disease, it is of note that the developed world is experiencing loss of mobility for those with dementia who stop driving
an exponential rise in the proportion of older drivers among (Taylor and Tripodes, 2001). One of the other key questions
Is there a role for screening older populations of drivers? 245

about the ageing of the driving population is whether they 1999). The Stockholm group also showed that older drivers
add significantly to hazard on the roads. This question is in who had a high level of traffic violations had a high prevalence
itself symptomatic of an ageist approach to older driver of cognitive deficits (Lundberg et al., 1998). Retrospective
issues: it is likely that the predominant problem is that older studies of dementia and driving from specialist dementia
people give up driving without sufficient remediation (White clinics tend to show a high risk (Friedland et al., 1988; Lucas-
and O’Neill, 2000). The crash rate for older drivers for a given Blaustein et al., 1988; O’Neill, 1993b), whereas those which
period of time is considerably lower than that for the driving are prospective and look at the early stages of dementia show
population as a whole (Gebers et al., 1993). Many safety a less pronounced pattern of risk. In the first 2 years of
experts defend older drivers as a relatively safe group (Evans, dementia the risk approximates that of the general popula-
1988) and in some road tests healthy older drivers perform tion (Drachman and Swearer, 1993; Carr et al., 2000). The
better than younger controls (Gebers et al., 1993). The most carefully controlled study yet of crashes and dementia
increased crash rate per miles driven noted in elderly popula- showed no increase in crash rates for drivers with dementia
tions in comparison to middle-aged controls is not only aca- (Trobe et al., 1996). Likely causes for this counter-intuitive
demic while older people continue to drive a lower mileage: finding include a lower annual mileage and restriction of
it also is a product of driving a low mileage, which is in itself driving by the patient, family and physicians.
intrinsically risky. If younger and older people who drive a Extrapolating from special populations may skew predic-
low mileage are compared, this apparent increase disappears tions of risk. For example, epilepsy, for which there are rela-
(Hakamies-Blomqvist et al., 2002). tively clear-cut guidelines in most countries, would seem to
Low mileage exposes them to more dangers per mile than pose a clear threat to driving ability as viewed from a clinic
high-mileage drivers as they encounter disproportionately setting. Recent population-based studies seem to suggest that
more intersections, congestion, confusing visual environ- the increased risk is relatively low (Hansotia and Broste,
ments, signs and signals (Janke, 1991), yet older drivers cope 1991; Drazkowski et al., 2003). In a population renewing
at least as well with this. their licences in North Carolina, the lowest decile had a rela-
Crashes involving the elderly are also more likely to be tive crash risk of 1.5 in the 3 years previous to the cognitive
fatal, by a factor of 3.5 in two-car accidents (Klamm, 1985), testing (Stutts et al., 1998), A somewhat reassuring finding
reflecting the increased frailty and reduced reserve of older from this cohort is that those with the poorest scores for
adults, while raising suspicions that automobile design may visual and cognitive function also drove less and avoided
not be tailored for maximum safety of this group (Schieber, high-risk situations (Stutts, 1998). A reasonable conclusion
1994; Li et al., 2003). Opposing these trends is the fact that from these studies is that dementia among drivers is not yet a
the accident rates for young adults often arise from behav- public health problem. Although increasing numbers of older
iour that leads to high-risk situations; accident rates in older drivers may change this situation, it is also possible that
drivers occur despite a trend to avoid high-risk situations ‘Smeed’s law’ will operate, whereby increasing numbers of
(Planek et al., 1968) and the lowest proportion of crashes drivers among a defined population are associated with a
while under the influence of alcohol (National Center for drop in fatality rates per car (Smeed, 1968).
Statistics and Analysis, 1995).
Janke (1994) has suggested a reasonable interpretation of
these apparently contradictory findings. A group’s average
crash rate per year may be considered as an indicator of the
degree of risk posed to society by that group, whereas average
accident rate per mile indicates the degree of risk posed to
individual drivers in the group when they drive, as well as to Despite the lack of convincing evidence for an older driver
their passengers. The increased risk to individual drivers is ‘problem’, ageist policies in many jurisdictions has led to
most likely due to age-related illnesses, particularly neuro- screening programmes for older drivers. In the absence of
degenerative and vascular diseases (O’Neill, 1992; Johansson reliable and sensitive assessment tools, this approach is
et al., 1997). flawed, as illustrated by data from Scandinavia (Hakamies-
Blomqvist et al., 1996). In Finland there is regular age-related
medical certification of fitness to drive, whereas Sweden has
19.14 IS DRIVING WITH DEMENTIA A PUBLIC no routine medical involvement in licence renewal. There is
HEALTH HAZARD? no reduction in the number of older people dying in car
crashes in Finland but an increase in the number of those
The precise contribution of the dementias to overall crash dying as pedestrians and cyclists, possibly in part by unneces-
hazard is uncertain. Although Johansson suggested a major sarily removing drivers from their cars. A more minimalist
role for dementia as cause of crashes among older drivers on and less medical approach using very simple measures, such
neuropathological grounds (Johansson et al., 1997), subse- as a vision test and a written skill examination, may be more
quent interview with families did not reveal significant prob- helpful (Levy et al., 1995); unfortunately this approach is also
lems with memory or activities of daily living (Lundberg et al., associated with a reduction in the number of older drivers, a
246 Moral, ethical and legal aspects of dementia

possible negative health impact (Levy, 1995). Another allowed if there is evidence of continued driving that consti-
approach is opportunistic health screening, perhaps of those tutes a hazard to others, and if persuasion through other
older drivers with traffic violations (Johansson et al., 1996). family members and carers has been unsuccessful. This con-
It remains to be seen whether these and other screening pol- trasts with the position in several states in the US and
icies reduce mobility among older people, a practical and provinces in Canada where the doctor is bound by law to
civil rights issue of great importance. Another problem is the report patients with certain illnesses to the licensing author-
uncertainty about the outcome of screening, as there is cur- ities. The disparity between these practices is confusing, but
rently a limited repertoire. cross-national comparisons may prove a boon to researchers
who wish to establish the most appropriate methods for
screening and reporting of age-related diseases.
Another problem is the relative ignorance of physicians
about the effects of illness on driving. Some of this relates to The placing of driving issues in an appropriate therapeutic
the predominantly negative tone of much of the medical regu- context is the most important task. Rather than focusing on
lations for driving (White and O’Neill, 2000), and it is likely the difficult case of patients who present late with impaired
that doctors are insufficiently aware of healthcare interven- driving ability and insight, we need to recognize that the
tions that have been shown to improve driving comfort and assessment of dementia provides the potential for a range of
safety: examples exist for arthritis, stroke and cataract (van interventions, one of the most important of which is the
Zomeren et al., 1987; Jones et al., 1991; Monestam and establishment of a framework for advance planning in a pro-
Wachtmeister, 1997). Doctors are unaware of the driving gressive disease. Just as this is commonly recognized for such
habits of their patients when prescribing drugs that may practical matters as enduring power of attorney in many
affect driving (Cartwright, 1990) and also have a patchy jurisdictions, so too we need to start a process that encom-
knowledge of medical regulations for driving (Strickberger et passes an assessment, a commitment to maximizing mobility
al., 1991; O’Neill et al., 1994). As the regulations are rarely and also an awareness-raising process for the patient and
based on evidence-based criteria and are negatively pre- carers that the progression of the disease will inevitably result
sented, this ‘failure’ by doctors to acquaint themselves with in a loss of driving capacity. This latter component has been
the regulations may in fact reflect a healthy cynicism about termed a Ulysses contract, after the hero made his crew tie
the current official medical fitness criteria. There may also be him to the mast on the condition that they did not heed his
an element of ageism by which doctors may assume that entreaties to be released when seduced by the song of the
older patients do not drive: a review of dementia from the sirens (Howe, 2000). Developing this process incorporates
UK seemed to take this attitude (Almeida and Fottrell, 1991), some new stances in dementia care, in particular of the diag-
whereas US reviewers have been aware of the high number of nosis disclosure in at least general terms – the patient who
older drivers for over a decade (Winograd and Jarvik, 1986). drives needs to be told that he/she has a memory problem
Drivers may not only be unaware, but also may wilfully that is likely to progress and hamper driving abilities. In
ignore medical advice and regulations. In many countries general, carers are fearful of diagnosis disclosure but older
they continue to drive despite failing to comply with regula- people seem to want to be told if they have this illness. There
tions for diabetes, visual disease and automatic implantable is also evidence such a process may facilitate driver cessation,
cardioverter defibrillators (Frier et al., 1980; Eadington and by enhancing a therapeutic dimension to disease diagnosis
Frier, 1988; McConnell et al., 1991; Finch et al., 1993). It and advance planning (Bahro et al., 1995). It forms the basis
must be stated that there is no evidence that this under of a useful patient and carer brochure from the Hartford
reporting results in any increased crash risk! Foundation which is also available online (Hartford Founda-
We have little information on advice given to drivers with tion, 2000). This type of approach also seems to have worked
dementia by family physicians or physicians at specialist clin- with older, visually-impaired drivers (Owsley et al., 2003).
ics for the evaluation of dementia. This would be of interest The most useful model of assessment is that of an assessment
because of the wide range of answers given for patients with cascade (Figure 19.1).
life-threatening arrhythmias (Strickberger et al., 1991). In Not all levels will be required by all patients: a patient with
any event, a major shift of emphasis is required by healthcare a homonymous hemianopia is barred from driving through-
professionals to consider driving ability in the functional out the European Union, and referral to the social worker to
assessment of older people. plan alternative transportation is appropriate. Equally, a mild
The procedures for intervention after the opportunistic cognitive defect may only require a review by the physician
detection of illnesses relevant to driving also vary widely. In and occupational therapist. The overall interdisciplinary
the UK the doctor’s duty is to inform the patient that he/she assessment should attempt to provide solutions to both
must contact the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority maintaining activities and exploring transport needs. The
(DVLA); direct contact by the doctor with the DVLA is only on-road test may be helpful as it may demonstrate deficits to
Further assessment 247


Occupational therapist
↓ In cases of very mild cognitive impairment or very severe cog-
Neuropsychologist nitive impairment, the judgement may be relatively easy and
↓ require little by way of supplementary testing. For those falling
Specialist driver assessor in between, the precise nature of the further evaluation is not
↓ yet standardized, just as the neuropsychological evaluation of
Social worker dementia is not yet standardized; and just as not all chest pains
arise from pulmonary emboli, clinicians need to have access
Figure 19.1 Assessment cascade. to appropriate specialist expertise and technology to exclude it
in such cases. So too, old age psychiatrists may need to invoke
the assistance of a driving specialist centre, the components of
a patient or carer who is ambiguous about the patient stop- which are medical, occupational therapy, sometimes neuropsy-
ping driving. At a therapeutic level, members of the team chology, and specialist driving assessors. A first effort may be
may be able to help the patients come to terms with the losses made with a suitably trained occupational therapist (Ranney
associated with stopping driving. The occupational therapist and Hunt, 1997): this profession is notable for upskilling in
may be able to maximize activities and function and help driving assessment in Australia, Canada and the USA.
focus on preserved areas of achievement, whereas the social The choice of tests will be relatively arbitrary and, as in
worker can advise on alternative methods of transport. any memory clinic where geriatricians or psychiatrists of old
The assessment of fitness to drive should only take place age will familiarize themselves with the battery of tests car-
after a thorough evaluation of the underlying medical condi- ried out by the occupational therapist or psychologist in the
tion(s). The evaluation of dementia, both clinically and inves- local area, it is likely that good communication between pro-
tigative, is well covered in other chapters but dementing fessionals and familiarity with the chosen tests is as import-
illnesses may coexist with other conditions that affect driving ant as the precise tests chosen.
ease and ability. Important components of the history and While a number of screening and evaluation test batteries
examination of theoretical relevance to the driving task are have been proposed, it makes more sense to choose some
medication and alcohol use (Doege and Engelburg, 1986), core areas of interest, and to allow some room for clinical
perception, cognitive status and psychomotor ability. Percep- judgements on areas such as patient judgement and impul-
tion is probably more important than vision. Cognition may siveness. The task is rendered more complex by the sophisti-
be usefully measured by the physician using one of the many cation of models of driving, which do not conform easily to
brief mental status schedules (O’Neill, 1993a), and the ele- traditional cognitive test batteries. At least five main types of
ments of general clinical assessment of older drivers for model have been explored: psychometric, motivational, hier-
medical fitness to drive are now described on both sides of archical controls, information processing and error theory
the Atlantic (Carr, 1993; O’Neill, 1993a, b). Although the (O’Neill, 1996). At a minimum, a test battery should contain
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE; Folstein and Folstein, a general measure of overall cognitive function, a dementia
1975) correlates with driving performance (Odenheimer grading and include tests of attention, particularly visual
et al., 1994; Fitten et al., 1995; Fox et al., 1997), it is not suf- attention, information processing and perception. Some
ficiently sensitive or specific to be used as a determinant of matching to dementia type will be appropriate: perception in
driving ability (Lundberg et al., 1997). visual dementia, attention in subcortical dementias, judge-
The basic thrust of the assessment is to catalogue and ment in frontotemporal dementia.
remedy all pathologies that may be relevant to driving: Neuropsychology test in themselves show a relatively
vision, cognitive function, neurological and musculoskeletal modest correlation with driving skills in dementia and are
disorders, as well as conditions that may give rise to transient unlikely to ever completely replace on-road driving tests
loss of consciousness such as diabetes and syncope. In any (Reger et al., 2004). The British Psychological Society has
one illness there may be multiple facets that affect driving: in stated that at present no single test or test battery can be rec-
Parkinson’s disease, this includes motor, cognitive and affect- ommended as clearly predictive of fitness to drive (British
ive aspects. Each component needs to be maximally rem- Psychological Society Multidisciplinary Working Party on
edied before a final decision is made. A collateral history Acquired Neuropsychological Deficits and Fitness to Drive,
of driving behaviour is very important, although one small 1999). Specific tests that show correlation with driving ability
study has shown a poor correlation between carer rating of in more than one study include the MMSE (above), the Trail
driver behaviour and on-road testing (Hunt et al., 1993). Making Test (Maag, 1976; Janke and Eberhard, 1998; Mazer
Medications should be minimized; although the data are et al., 1998; Stutts et al., 1998), and a range of tests of visual
preliminary, long-acting benzodiazepines (Hemmelgarn attention (Klavora et al., 1995; Marottoli et al., 1998; Owsley
et al., 1997), tricyclic antidepressants (Ray et al., 1993) and et al., 1998; Trobe, 1998; Duchek et al., 2003), including the
neuroleptics should be targeted. ‘Useful Field of View’, a composite measure of preattentive
248 Moral, ethical and legal aspects of dementia

processing, incorporating speed of visual information pro-

cessing, ability to ignore distractors (selective attention) and
• licensing authority reporting relationship
ability to divide attention (Owsley et al., 1991). A range of
• insurance reporting responsibility.
other tests have been assessed in single studies (an interesting As dementia is a progressive illness, it is prudent to make
one is traffic sign recognition; Carr et al., 1998) and a com- any declaration of fitness to drive subject to regular review: a
prehensive review is available from the US National Highway recent study suggests that a review period of 6 months is
Traffic Safety Administration (Staplin et al., 1999). In con- probably reasonable (Duchek et al., 2003), or sooner if any
junction with the clinical assessment and collateral history, deterioration is reported by the carer. Following evidence
these tests will help to decide which patients require on-road that the crash rate is reduced if the driver is accompanied
testing, as well as those who are likely to be dangerous to test! (Bédard et al., 1996), it could be considered sensible to
A more promising approach may be by way of using a restrict driving to exclusively when there is someone else in
hierarchical/behavioural model. This divides the driving task the car, using the co-pilot syndrome (Shua-Haim and Gross,
in strategic, tactical and operational levels. The assessment 1996). There is also preliminary evidence from the state of
tool examines questions of driving behaviour at strategic and Utah that those drivers with restricted driving licences have
tactical levels. In a preliminary study using this instrument, lower crash rates (Vernon et al., 2002): patients should be
drivers who select driving tasks below their capacities and advised to avoid traffic congestion as well as driving at night
compensate by adapting their driving style cause fewer acci- and in bad weather. The patient and carers should be advised
dents than those who do not apply these strategies (de Raedt to acquaint themselves with local driver licensing authority
and Ponjaert-Kristoffersen, 2000). requirements as well as the policy of their motor insurance
Simulator testing is in its infancy: although sophisticated company. All the above should be clearly recorded in the
simulator techniques are sensitive (and safe!) (Rizzo et al., medical notes. Except for jurisdictions where there is manda-
1997), the cost and complexity of an adequate simulator ren- tory reporting of drivers with dementia (e.g. California and
der the technique experimental rather than practical. some Canadian provinces), there is no obligation on the doc-
tor to break medical confidentiality in these cases.


If this assessment is inconclusive, an on-road assessment is POSSIBLE
advisable. In the UK, such assessments are available from the
Forum group of driver assessment centres. In the US, the
Association of Driver Rehabilitation Specialists (ADED, If the assessment supports driving cessation, patients and can provide the list of suitably qualified driv- carers should be advised of this, and a social worker consulted
ing assessors. It is important to emphasize to the patient that to help maximize transportation options. Giving up driving
this test is not the driving test used for learner drivers. Rather, can have a considerable effect on lifestyle. Driving is probably
this is an assessment to gain insight into both the capabilities both a right and a privilege; however, 42 per cent of the eld-
and difficulties of the driver. A good relationship with a spe- erly think that driving is a right as opposed to 27 per cent who
cialist driving assessor is an important part of the assessment think that it is a privilege (AA Foundation for Road Safety
process. The assessor will require a full clinical report, and Research, 1988). However, normal elderly drivers accept that
may choose to use one of the recently developed scoring sys- their physician’s advice would be very influential in deciding
tems for on-road testing of patients with dementia. These to give up driving (AA Foundation for Road Safety Research,
include the Washington University Road Test (Hunt et al., 1988) and many patients with dementia will respond to advice
1997) or the Alberta Road Test (Dobbs et al., 1998). The lat- from families or physicians (Adler and Kuskowski, 2003).
ter is of interest as the authors have classified the errors made For the probable minority who are still resistant to per-
by drivers with dementia into categories of increasing signifi- suasion, removal of a driving licence represents a potential
cance, providing a basis for future studies. breach of civil rights (Reuben et al., 1988). The way we deal
with driving reflects how we help the patient to deal with the
reality of the deficits caused by dementia. A more positive
19.20 DECISION-MAKING AND approach has been suggested whereby the issue of driving is
INTERVENTIONS treated as a part of a therapeutic programme. A case was
described whereby the patient’s feelings and fears about giv-
ing up driving were explored with him (Bahro et al., 1995).
If the assessment points to safe driving practice, the decision
The intervention was designed with the patient as collabor-
to continue driving entails several components. These are:
ator rather than patient and by dealing with the events at an
• duration before review emotional rather than at an intellectual level. The patient was
• possible restriction able to grieve about the disease and in particular about the loss
• driving accompanied of his car. This in turn enabled him to redirect his attention
References 249

to other meaningful activities that did not involve driving. Adler G and Kuskowski M. (2003) Driving cessation in older men with
Although this approach may be hampered by the deficits of dementia. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders
dementia, it reflects a more widespread trend towards shar- 17: 68–71
Almeida J and Fottrell E. (1991) Management of the dementias. Reviews
ing the diagnosis of dementia with the patient.
in Clinical Gerontology 1: 267–282
If this positive approach is not successful, confidentiality
Bahro M, Silber E, Box P, Sunderland T. (1995) Giving up driving in
may have to be broken for a small minority of cases. Most pro- Alzheimer’s disease – an integrative therapeutic approach.
fessional associations for physicians accept that the principle of International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 10: 871–874
confidentiality is covered to a degree by a ‘common good’ prin- Ball K and Owsley C. (1994) Predicting vehicle crashes in the elderly:
ciple of protecting third parties when direct advice to the who is at risk? In: K Johansson and C Lundberg (eds), Aging and
patient is ignored (General Medical Council, 1985; Retchin and Driving. Stockholm, Karolinska Institutet, pp. 1–2
Anapolle, 1993). Removal of the driving licence is not likely to Bédard M, Molloy M, Lever J. (1996) Should demented patients drive
have much effect on these patients, and the vehicle may need to alone? Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 44: S9
be disabled (Donnelly and Karlinsky, 1990) and all local repair British Psychological Society Multi-Disciplinary Working Party on
services warned not to respond to calls from the patient! Acquired Neuropsychological Deficits and Fitness to Drive. (1999)
Fitness to Drive and Cognition. Leicester, British Psychological
In the event of a decision to advise cessation of driving,
advice from a medical social worker helpful in planning
Carr DB. (1993) Assessing older drivers for physical and cognitive
strategies for using alternative modes of travel. This may be impairment. Geriatrics 48: 46–48, 51
difficult in a rural setting: one estimate of community trans- Carr DB, LaBarge E, Dunnigan K, Storandt M. (1998) Differentiating
port exclusively for older people in the USA was $US5.14 for drivers with dementia of the Alzheimer type from healthy older
a one-way trip in 1983 (Rosenbloom, 1993) and the political persons with a Traffic Sign Naming test. Journal of Gerontology:
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This page intentionally left blank
Services to people with dementia:
a worldwide view

20a Africa 254 20k Mexico 283

20b Australia 256 20l Netherlands 288
20c China 261 20m New Zealand 290
20d The Former Soviet Union 265 20n Nordic countries 294
20e France 267 20o Romania 296
20f Germany 269 20p Latin America and the Caribbean 299
20g Hong Kong 272 20q Spain 303
20h India 274 20r Britain 306
20i Italy 276 20s North America 311
20j Japan 281


20.1 Care arrangements 254 References 255

20.2 Conclusion 255

Africa is a multiracial, multicultural society, inhabited pre- in nursing homes even in Africa as found in Western soci-
dominantly by people of the Arabian stock in the north, eties. Behavioural symptoms of dementia have been reported
while in west, east and southern Africa Negroid people pre- in Nigerians (Hendrie et al., 1995; Baiyewu et al., 2003).
dominate. There is, however, a substantial number of white Generally, the reports point to the fact that caregivers see
settlers in southern Africa. The population of people aged 65 both dementia and behavioural disorders as symptoms of
years and over in Nigeria is about 3 per cent (National Popula- ageing, so little effort is made to seek orthodox medical treat-
tion Census, 1994). The figures for most countries in sub- ment. However, there are incontrovertible evidences that
Saharan Africa are similar. In 1997 life expectancy at birth in behavioural symptoms are distressful (Baiyewu et al., 2003).
most African countries ranged between 38 and 59 years except
for South Africa, Mauritius, Egypt, Morocco, Libya and Algeria
where the figure was over 65 years. Life expectancy will increase
to between 51 and 70 years in these countries by the year
2025 (World Health Organization [WHO], 1998). Many eld-
erly in Africa are impoverished with little education and low Very few facilities are available for caring for demented per-
occupational pursuit. sons in Africa, in fact most African countries have no policies
Epidemiological data on dementia are available from few on ageing. Services available vary from country to country
countries in Africa; notably Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt and depending on resources. In this chapter, Nigeria and South
Ethiopia. The first report available was by Ben-Aire et al. Africa will be used as representative countries for the continent.
(1986) who reported a prevalence of 8.6 per cent for demen- In Nigeria, the family provides care for the demented elderly,
tia among the coloured older persons in South Africa. The with little or no public assistance. Baiyewu et al. (2003)
Ibadan–Indianapolis study, a comparative study involving observed that caregivers are mostly daughters of the elderly.
elderly African Americans in Indianapolis and elderly Niger- In a community survey in Ibadan, Nigeria 15 per cent of the
ians in Ibadan, reported a dementia prevalence rate 4.8 per elderly lived alone, while 62 per cent lived in multigenera-
cent for community residents of Indianapolis, compared tional living arrangements (Ogunniyi et al., 2001), which
with 2.29 per cent for residents of Ibadan (Hendrie et al., reinforces the role of family care. Despite the belief that
1995). In the incidence study the figures were 3.24 per cent dementia is part of ageing, substantial amounts of money are
and 1.35 per cent for Indianapolis and Ibadan respectively spent by family members seeking alternative care for demen-
(Hendrie et al., 2001). The rates in Ibadan were much lower tia in the form of sacrifices with herbalists and prayers and
than the rates from Western societies. fasting in syncretic churches (Uwakwe, 2001). Medical treat-
Farrag et al. (1998) reported a dementia prevalence rate of ment for the elderly in Nigeria is provided through the network
4.5 per cent, among community dwellers in Egypt, a rate of primary, secondary and tertiary care facilities (Akanji
which is close to the reports from Western societies. In a et al., 2002). There are psychiatric units in teaching hospitals,
small study of two nursing homes in Lagos, Nigeria, 48 per there are also specialist psychiatric hospitals spread all over
cent of destitute occupants had dementia (Baiyewu et al., the country. These hospitals provide treatment for all forms
1997). It would therefore appear that dementia is commoner of mental disorders including dementia. There are about
References 255

10 nursing homes dotted all over southern Nigeria, most of Baiyewu O, Smith-Gamble V, Akinbiyi A et al. (2003) Behavioral and
which are run by churches and voluntary agencies for desti- caregivers reaction of dementia as measured by Neuropsychiatry
tute elderly. In all they hold less than 1000 beds; this is obvi- Inventory in Nigerian community residents. International
ously not in agreement with the recommendation of WHO Psychogeriatrics 15: 399–409
Baiyewu O and Potocnick F. (2005) Psychogeriatric services: current
that advises adequate nursing home beds for those who need
trends in Nigeria and South Africa. In: B Draper, P Melding,
them (Wertheimer, 1997). H Brodaty (eds), Psychogeriatric Services Delivery: an International
In 2001 a geriatric psychiatry clinic was set up in the Perspective. Oxford, Oxford University Press (in press)
University College Hospital, Ibadan; at the same time there are Ben-Aire O, Swartz L, Teggin AF, Elk R. (1986) The coloured elderly in
emerging programmes on psycho-education for caregivers of Cape Town – a psychological, psychiatric medical survey. South
demented individuals, pilot studies based in the community African Medical Journal 64: 1506–1561
in the eastern part of Nigeria (Uwakwe, 2001). Assessment of Farrag AKF, Farwiz HM, Kheds EH, Mahfouz RM, Omran SM. (1998)
services like these are necessary in order to determine their Prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementing disorders:
relevance, acceptability and effectiveness. Assiut-Upper Egypt Study. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive
In South Africa there appear to be more structured pro- Disorders 9: 323–328
grammes. There are six outpatient psychiatric facilities for Hendrie HC, Osuntokun BO, Hall KS et al. (1995) Prevalence of
Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia in two Communities: Nigerian
the elderly and two psychogeriatric inpatient units as well as a
Africans and African Americans. American Journal of Psychiatry
number of nursing homes (Baiyewu and Potocnick, in press). 152: 1485–1492
Hendrie HC, Baiyewu O, Eldermire D, Prince C. (1996) Behavioural
disorders in dementia: cross-cultural perspectives: Caribbean,
20.2 CONCLUSION Native American, Yoruba. International Psychogeriatrics 8:
Hendrie HC, Ogunniyi AO, Hall HS et al. (2001). The incidence of
There is a need for more psychogeriatric assessment centres dementia in two communities, Yoruba, residing in Ibadan,
in many African countries. Establishment of such centres by Nigeria, and African Americans in Indianapolis, USA. JAMA
both government agencies and non-governmental organiza- 285: 739–747
tions will give elderly persons with dementia access to required National Population Commission of Nigeria. (1994) Census 1991 –
help and caregivers will be assisted to look after demented National Summary. Nigeria, National Population Commission
individuals in the community for as long as possible. Ogunniyi AO, Baiyewu O, Gureje O et al. (2001) Morbidity pattern of
elderly Nigerian residents of Idikan Ibadan. West African Journal of
Medicine 20: 227–231
REFERENCES Uwakwe R. (2001) The financial (material consequences of dementia in
a developing country: Nigeria. Alzheimer Disease and Associated
Disorders 15: 56–57
Akanji BO, Ogunniyi A, Baiyewu O. (2002) Health care for older persons, Wertheimer J. (1977) Psychiatry of the elderly: A consensus statement.
a country profile: Nigeria. Journal of American Geriatrics Society International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 12: 432–435
50: 1289–1292 World Health Organization. (1998) The World Health Report – Life in the
Baiyewu O, Adeyemi JD, Ogunniyi AO. (1997) Psychiatric disorders in 21st Century: A vision for all. Geneva, WHO
Nigerian nursing home residents. International Journal of Geriatric
Psychiatry 12: 1146–1150


20.3 Demography 256 20.7 Research and reviews of services 259

20.4 Health and welfare services 256 20.8 Education and training 259
20.5 Assessment of people with dementia 257 20.9 The future 259
20.6 Care and treatment of people with dementia 258 References 259

Australia is the oldest continent in geological terms and has The number of people with diagnosed dementia in
been inhabited by modern humans for much longer than Australia in 2002 was estimated to be 162 300 or 0.8 per cent
North America or northern Europe (Flannery, 1995), but of the country’s total population (Access Economics, 2003).
until relatively recently its population was rather young This represents an increase from 0.6 per cent in 1993, but this
because of high immigration rates. The country is now experi- rise will be dwarfed over the half century to 2051, during
encing very rapid growth in its aged population with a con- which time the number of people with diagnosed dementia
sequent steep rise in the number of people with dementia is projected to increase to 581 300, while the country’s total
(Access Economics, 2003). population rises by only 36 per cent. This rate of anticipated
Most of Australia’s 20 million inhabitants live in cities (60 increase is one of the highest for any OECD country
per cent of the population lives in the five state capitals of (Henderson and Jorm, 1998). The numbers would be much
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide). The coun- higher if individuals with undiagnosed mild to moderate
try is a federation of six states and two territories. The state dementia were included.
governments are responsible for hospital care, but the national
government provides the states with much of their revenue
and administers the universal health insurance scheme, 20.4 HEALTH AND WELFARE SERVICES
Medicare. The economy is heavily reliant upon exports of
agricultural and mining products and has been in relative The Australian health and welfare system is pluralistic and
decline compared to other developed countries since the late complex. Services are provided by national, state and local
1950s. Per capita foreign debt levels are among the highest in governments and various private organizations. Medicare, a
the world (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2003). universal health insurance system financed through taxation
In March 2005 one Australian Dollar (A$) was worth and a compulsory income levy, reimburses part or all of the
$US0.78, £0.41 and €0.60. costs incurred by patients for primary medical care, diagnos-
tic and ambulatory specialist medical care. The Pharmaceutical
Benefits Scheme (PBS) pays most of the cost of approved
20.3 DEMOGRAPHY drugs for ambulatory patients. The national government also
subsidises the cost of residential aged care for eligible people.
There are three distinct groups of older people: the Anglo- The total expenditure on health and residential care for the
Celtic majority, the descendants of the original indigenous year 1996–97 was $A43 billion, which represented 8.5 per cent
Australians, and post-war migrants from Europe. One quar- of Gross Domestic Product. For 1993–94 the average health
ter of Australians aged above 60 years are migrants and 25 cost per person over 65 was $A4919 and $A1301 for persons
per cent of them come from a non-English speaking back- under 65 (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2003).
ground. Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders account for Dementia costs in 2002 were estimated at $A6.6 billion of
barely 1 per cent of the elderly (Access Economics, 2003). which $A5.6 billion were ‘real’ and $A1billion ‘transfer’ costs.
Assessment of people with dementia 257

The costs include residential care ($A2.9 billion p.a. in 2002), 20.5 ASSESSMENT OF PEOPLE WITH
indirect carer costs ($A1.7 billion p.a. in 2002) and A$592 DEMENTIA
million of tax foregone, carer payments of A$324 million and
additional welfare payments of A$52 million. These costs are
expected to double by 2010 (Access Economics, 2003). The 20.5.1 General practitioners (GPs)
hospital sums were determined from principal diagnoses
alone and would therefore be a gross underestimate as there is Reviews show that most GPs have difficulties diagnosing and
no indication of hidden costs. Many individuals with demen- managing dementia, and that assessment protocols could
tia who enter hospitals for other conditions stay there longer prove useful (Brodaty et al., 1994), especially those that indi-
than those who are free of cognitive impairment (Ames and cate when to use cognitive instruments; this need is being
Tuckwell, 1994). By comparison, $A831 million was spent on addressed (Brodaty et al., 1998, 2002). The GP is often the
hypertension, $A894 on ischaemic heart disease and $A630 first point of contact for a patient or carer seeking help, yet
million on cerebrovascular disease in the same year. there is a perceived need for increased coordination between
In the Australian health system patients see their general the GP and local services, and better understanding by the
practitioner (GP) for initial consultations. Most GPs work in GP of the possibilities of ‘shared care’ for those affected by
group practices and bill their older and pensioner patients dementia (Pond et al., 1994; Shah and Harris, 1997). The
only for the amount that they will be reimbursed by assessment and management of a person with dementia and
Medicare. Patients’ visits to specialists are reimbursed by their carer is time consuming; however, the reimbursement
Medicare only if the patient has been referred by a GP and structure has been adjusted to pay GPs for time spent meet-
many specialists charge fees that exceed the Medicare reim- ing families or contacting other services.
bursement. Patients choose their own GP, may visit more
than one GP, and often do, which can lead to imperfect hos- 20.5.2 Aged persons’ psychiatry services
pital discharge planning.
The six state and two territory governments provide The state governments provide psychiatric services. Services
free hospital care, primarily to inpatients but also for some for the old in the state of Victoria comprise a regional net-
ambulatory care visits. The increasing number of people work of community aged psychiatry assessment and treat-
requiring hospital care and constraints on hospital funding ment teams (APATTs), linked to specialist aged psychiatry
have led to significant delays for admission for ‘non-urgent’ inpatient units with 15–30 beds in modern hospitals,
treatment (e.g. joint replacements). Funding for public hos- co-located with aged care and adult psychiatry services. The
pitals comes from the national government by way of grants teams are multidisciplinary and cover the entire state. Patients
to the states from funds raised by income tax. Private health are assessed in their usual abode at the request of a GP,
insurance covers hospital and some non-hospital care, but another health worker, family member or other carer. The
premiums have risen faster than inflation in recent years. APATTs provide a continuing care and support service to
Until the end of the last century and introduction of a sub- help patients to remain at home or to return there after dis-
sidy scheme financed by the national government, there had charge from an acute ward.
been a marked decrease in the number of people in private Limitations on these services relate to a relative lack of
health insurance, though the fall was least in those on the old psychiatrists willing to undertake salaried public practice and
age pension. This trend has reversed and over one-third of to modest funding for other staff, which limits the community
Australians have private health insurance now. Extra health services to office hours, but service provision has expanded
and welfare benefits are provided for war veterans, most of in recent years. Old age psychiatry services in other states are
whom are elderly. variable, but less well developed than in Victoria. The best of
Community services, such as home care and delivered the rest are in New South Wales and South Australia.
meals, used to be provided by local government, with funding
from both state and national governments. Although the 20.5.3 Geriatric services and Aged Care
funding sources remain unchanged, these days the services Assessment Services (ACASs)
are often delivered by private or not-for-profit organizations,
which have tendered to provide them. The ACASs were set up in 1984 and cover all of Australia
The disparate nature of the funding and service provision (Howe, 1997). They may be co-located with regional geriatric
means that organizations providing services for older people hospital services or with specialist mental health services for
are often required to contract with several levels of govern- the aged, or other health or welfare services. ACASs are
ment and various programmes of the same government to funded by the national government to ensure that all people
obtain funds. Trials of pooling funding and coordinating referred to residential care actually need it. Referrals are
care are underway, but the impediments to change are enor- taken from patients, carers and health workers, including
mous and include the Australian Medical Association, who GPs and hospitals. Those referred are assessed at home or in
see this as the ‘thin edge of the managed care wedge’ hospital. The teams are multidisciplinary. Occupational ther-
(Messenger, 1999). apists, physiotherapists, community nurses and geriatricians
258 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

often see patients whose needs can be met at home with sup- and are part of broader schemes to replace residential care
ports, which the ACAS will arrange. Other allied health staff with community care.
(e.g. pharmacists and dietitians) are attached to some teams.
ACASs provide assessment but do not offer continuing care.
The majority of people assessed by an ACAS have evidence of 20.6.2 Alzheimer’s Australia
dementia or other cognitive impairment (LoGiudice et al.,
1995). An Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Society was set
up in 1985. It has undergone two changes of name and is now
known as Alzheimer’s Australia. Branches operate in each
20.5.4 Memory clinics state and territory. Its goals include national dementia policy
development, sharing of resources and expertise, and liaison
In 1998 the Victorian government, acting on the report of a with Alzheimer’s Disease International. State branches provide
Ministerial Task Force (Ministerial Task Force on Dementia education and counselling for those with dementia, their fam-
Services in Victoria, 1997) established 14 regional Cognitive, ilies, other carers and paid care workers. Alzheimer’s Australia
Dementia and Memory Services (CDAMSs) across the state provides a national telephone advisory service (‘Dementia
to provide multidisciplinary assessment of people with Helpline’).
dementia, and their carers. CDAMSs aim to provide inte-
grated services throughout the ‘pathway of dementia’ at all
levels of the healthcare system. A number of clinical indica- 20.6.3 Residential care
tors are used to evaluate the services. They include: prompt
response to and assessment of referrals, adequate counselling Residential care is provided by a variety of organizations
of carers and the development of links with GPs and other including state governments, private operators and charita-
care services. Patients have the option of being assessed ble organizations. People with dementia are heavy users of
at home. residential care. The national government subsidises and reg-
Specialized memory clinics operate in major cities outside ulates residential care facilities. Two levels of care are pro-
Victoria but have no distinct pattern or specific government vided. Low care facilities (previously called hostels) provide
funding, each being the brainchild of a particular specialist. meals and assistance with activities of daily living including
Some are privately operated. Attendance by people with the administration of medication. High level care facilities
dementia at a memory clinic, which provides education, (formerly called nursing homes) offer 24-hour nursing care
counselling and referral to services, seems to improve the and the majority of residents in these facilities have dementia
quality of life of family carers (LoGiudice et al., 1999). (Henderson and Jorm, 1998). Some patients in low level care
can have additional help funded to enable them to remain
20.5.5 Private specialists where they are instead of moving to high level care (‘Ageing
in Place’).
Many patients with dementia see psychiatrists, neurologists
or general physicians for initial assessment. There are no 20.6.4 Access to drug treatments for
complete data on these referrals but younger and wealthier dementia
dementia patients are more likely to be referred to a private
specialist. The patient may then be referred on to an assess- Since February 2001 it has been possible for patients to have
ment service for further assistance. most of the cost of treatment with a cholinesterase inhibitor
paid for by the PBS if they have been assessed by a physician
or psychiatrist who has certified that they have Alzheimer’s
20.6 CARE AND TREATMENT OF PEOPLE disease of mild to moderate severity and that they meet
WITH DEMENTIA other cognitive score-based criteria. The complexity of, and
frequent changes to, these rules, and a relative lack of special-
20.6.1 Community and non-residential ists interested in dementia probably cause cholinesterase
services inhibitors to be underprescribed and commenced at a later
stage of the illness than would be ideal. Memantine is avail-
Family and other informal carers provide most care to those able but unsubsidized so few patients take it. Many patients
with dementia. They experience high levels of stress (Brodaty with behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia
and Hadzi-Pavlovic, 1990) and the carer’s own GP is often receive drug treatments. The prescription of subsidized novel
unaware that they are looking after an older person (Payda antipsychotics via the PBS as limited to individuals whose
et al., 1999). A range of community options is provided to help doctors would state that they have a diagnosis of schizophre-
people with dementia to continue living in the community, nia, until 2005 when low-dose risperidone was approved for
especially straight after discharge from a hospital. Many of subsidy when prescribed to patients with behavioural distur-
these services are provided by brokerage from a case manager bance in the context of dementia.
References 259

20.7 RESEARCH AND REVIEWS OF SERVICES Royal Australian College of General Practice, there is a finan-
cial incentive to do so. Academics provide some courses
for GPs on the basics of assessment and management of
20.7.1 Research dementia. Since cholinesterase inhibitors started to be reim-
bursed through the PBS some pharmaceutical companies
Australian researchers have made major contributions to have paid for GPs to receive education about aspects of
knowledge about dementia, especially in epidemiology, dementia.
neuropathology, new drug evaluation and carer support
(Ames, 1997) and despite modest government research fund-
ing, this effort continues.

20.7.2 Reviews Changes in education for health professionals, both at under-

graduate and continuing medical education level, provide
There have been multiple reviews of existing services and of opportunities for educators to develop and implement mod-
pilot schemes to provide new or integrated services for ules that teach the basics of dementia assessment and care to
patients and carers. The national government released a a majority of health professionals in Australia.
National Action Plan for Dementia Care (NAPDC) in 1992, a There is hope that the steady improvements in services for
mid-term report of the Plan in 1996 (Howe, 1997) and two people with dementia that have occurred since the mid-
national mental health plans in 1992 and 1998. An evaluation 1980s will continue. All levels of government acknowledge
of the NAPDC indicated a need for further integration and the rapid ageing of Australia’s population and that this phe-
development of demonstration programmes, resources and nomenon will be associated with a huge rise in the number of
education strategies. Populations who were highlighted as people affected by dementia (Howe, 1997). The costs of pro-
requiring special attention included Aboriginal and Torres viding services to a rapidly growing elderly population in the
Strait islanders, immigrants of non-English-speaking back- context of relative economic decline may constrain further
ground, and younger people with dementia. The desirability improvements and even the maintenance of services in the
of managing dementia in the acute healthcare and primary end, but this has not happened yet.
care settings was emphasized. A Ministerial Working Party
Report to the Victorian government led to the funding of
regionalized CDAMS (Ministerial Task Force on Dementia REFERENCES
Services in Victoria, 1997) and a recent review supported the
ongoing role and funding of these clinics (Department of Access Economics. (2003) The Dementia Epidemic: Economic Impact and
Human Services, 2003). Positive Solutions for Australia. Canberra, Alzheimer’s Australia
Ames D. (1997) Geriatric psychiatry in Australia. International Journal of
Geriatric Psychiatry 12: 143–144
Ames D and Tuckwell V. (1994) Psychiatric disorders among elderly
20.8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING patients in a general hospital. Medical Journal of Australia
160: 671–674
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2003) Australia’s Health:
Australian medical education has undergone great change
the Sixth Biennial Publication of the Australian Institute of Health
since 1990. Of the 10 established and three new medical and Welfare. Canberra, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
schools, five offer graduate-only programmes and all are Brodaty H and Hadzi-Pavlovic D. (1990) Psychosocial effects on
implementing new curricula. Nearly all of these curricula are caregivers of living with persons with dementia. Australian and
integrated, combining basic science with clinical teaching New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 24: 351–361
and use problem-based learning. These curricula are too new Brodaty H, Howarth GC, Mant A, Kurrle S. (1994). General practice and
for their outcomes to be judged. There are five professors of dementia. A national survey of Australian GPs. Medical Journal of
old age psychiatry and most medical schools have an old age Australia 160: 10–14
psychiatrist at senior lecturer level or above. Departments of Brodaty H, Clarke J, Ganguli M et al. (1998) Screening for cognitive
geriatric medicine are well developed and are usually led by a impairment in general practice: toward a consensus. Alzheimer
professor. Disease and Associated Disorders 12: 1–13
Brodaty H, Pond D, Kemp NM et al. (2002) The GPCOG: a new screening
All nursing education is university based. There are chairs
test for dementia designed for General Practice. Journal of the
of gerontic and psychiatric nursing with postgraduate train- American Geriatrics Society 50: 530–534
ing available in these and other fields. Allied health training is Department of Human Services Victoria. (2003) Review of the Cognitive
via an undergraduate degree with additional postgraduate Dementia and Memory Service Clinics. Melbourne, Lincoln
study for some disciplines such as psychologists. Gerontology Centre
The medical colleges all expect their fellows to undertake Flannery T. (1995) The Future Eaters: an Ecological History of the
continuing medical education and for some, such as the Australian Lands and People. New York, George Braziller
260 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

Henderson AS and Jorm AF. (1998) Dementia in Australia, 4th edition. Ministerial Task Force on Dementia Services in Victoria. (1997)
Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service Dementia Care in Victoria. Melbourne: Aged, Community and Mental
Howe A. (1997) From states of confusion to a National Action Plan for Health Division. Victoria, Victorian Government Department of
Dementia Care: the development of policies for dementia care in Human Services
Australia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 12: 165–171 Payda C, Draper B, Luscombe G, Ehrlich F, Maharaj J. (1999) Stress in
LoGiudice D, Waltrowicz W, McKenzie S, Ames D, Flicker L. (1995). carers of the elderly. Australian Family Physician 28: 233–237
Dementia in patients and carers referred to an Aged Care Pond CD, Mant A, Kehoe L, Hewitt H, Brodaty H. (1994) General
Assessment Team, and stress in their carers. Australian Journal of practitioner diagnosis of depression and dementia in the elderly:
Public Health 19: 275–280 can academic detailing make a difference? Family Practice
LoGiudice D, Waltrowicz W, Brown K, Burrows C, Ames D, Flicker L. (1999) 11: 141–147
Do memory clinics improve the quality of life of carers? A randomised Shah S and Harris M. (1997) A survey of general practitioners’
trial. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 14: 626–632 confidence in their management of elderly patients. Australian
Messenger A. (1999) Who will control care? Australian Medicine 11: 15 Family Physician 26 (Suppl. 1): S12–S17


20.10 Ageing in China 261 20.14 Future prospects 263

20.11 Epidemiology of dementia in China 262 20.15 Conclusions 264
20.12 Caregivers and care-settings for people References 264
with dementia 262
20.13 Key factors in service delivery for people
with dementia 263

20.10 AGEING IN CHINA • People have the freedom to choose where they live since
housing has become a commodity. Young people prefer
The proportion and absolute number of elderly people in the to move out from old dormitories which were allocated
total population of China has increased in recent years as the by the government to new apartments, leaving their
rate of ageing has accelerated. Chinese life expectancy reached elderly parents at home.
70 years in 1993. In 2000, elderly people comprised 10.2 per • People have more freedom of migration. Because of the
cent of the population, 129 million elderly (Lu Zhishan, disparity of economic development and a continuous
1994) (Table 20.1). In Shanghai, the largest city in China, decrease of arable land in the countryside, labourers tend
people over 60 form 18.2 per cent of the city’s 14 million to move from western and central parts of China to the
population. east and coastal areas. More importantly, living and
China became an elderly nation by the end of last century, working in cities is no longer a crime for country boys and
but professional and social infrastructures have not been girls but the right of a citizen. Thus villages are more and
organized to meet the challenge of ageing. The 1 per cent more forgotten places full of elderly people and children.
sampling survey showed that the average family size in 1995 • In the final quarter of last century, many unpredicted
was 3.7, a 0.3 reduction compared to the 1990 national popu- changes occurred in China. For the first time in
lation survey (Chinese National Statistical Bureau, 1995). thousands of years, the authority of the elderly is being
Thus in China, the traditionally valued extended family in questioned, especially when they are living on limited
which three or even four generations live together has weak- pensions while their children are enjoying the fruits of
ened. Although the one child per family policy (which was the market economy. ‘Reverence to elderly’ is repeatedly
first initiated in the 1980s) has been implemented mainly in emphasized in the media, not because the Chinese are
urban areas, rural families are getting smaller in the same still proud of it but because it is felt that this virtue is
way. There are several reasons for this change. threatened by social reform.

Table 20.1 Prediction of the ageing population in China

1985 1990 1995 2000 2025 2050

Total population in China (millions) 1049.00 1143.33 1197.00 1270.00 1498.00 1547.00
Aged population (millions) 86.00 98.21 116.00 129.00 264.00 331.00
Aged/total population(%) 8.2 8.6 9.7 10.2 17.6 21.4
262 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

20.11 EPIDEMIOLOGY OF DEMENTIA Table 20.2. The survey suggests that AD is the major type of
IN CHINA dementia in old age and more prevalent in men. Vascular
dementia seems more common in rural areas.
Dementia used to be an unusual condition even for psych-
iatrists. Not only were the elderly a small portion of the total
population two decades ago, but people with dementia were 20.12 CAREGIVERS AND CARE-SETTINGS FOR
rarely seen in clinical practice. PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA
In 1986 the first epidemiological study of age-related
dementia on a population aged 60 and over in China was 20.12.1 Where are the aged living?
conducted in an urban area of Beijing (Li Ge et al., 1989). In
this study, 1090 elderly people were screened using the Mini- Most of the Chinese elderly age at home. A survey by the
Mental State Examination (MMSE), the suspected cases were ministry of social welfare demonstrated that 11 per cent of
interviewed by psychiatrists, DSM-III was adopted for diag- the elderly intended to live in nursing homes, i.e. 14 million
nostic criteria, and Dementia Differential Diagnostic Schedule people felt difficulty in living alone. However, there are only
(DDDS) for differential diagnosis. Fourteen cases of moder- 1.04 million beds in a total of 51 000 residential institutions
ate and severe dementia were identified, with a prevalence for the elderly. Furthermore, among these 1.04 million beds,
rate of 1.3 (60) and 1.9 per cent (65), respectively. the occupancy rate is only 70 per cent.
Table 20.2 lists important epidemiological studies on What makes these residential institutions unpopular with
dementia in the past 10 years. Lai Shixiong and colleagues elderly people? First, these institutions are usually located in
(2000) did a survey in a group of people older than 75 and the countryside, far away from families, necessary facilities,
showed that the prevalence rate of dementia especially and medical services. Second, these institutions are under-
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) was much higher in this age group. resourced, understaffed, and poorly equipped. They have no
Zhang Mingyuan and his colleagues (1990) indicated that qualifications to take care of elderly people with medical con-
loss of spouse and lower economic status were more com- ditions, much less of dementia.
mon in dementia patients.
A nationwide survey on the epidemiology of dementia
included 42 890 people aged 55 and over in six rural and six 20.12.2 Psychiatric services for people with
urban areas of China (Twelve Areas Epidemiological Investi- dementia
gation on Mental Disorders Coordinating Group, 1986).
Although the final paper has not yet appeared some reports With the astonishing recent changes in society and public
have been published and some of the results are listed in health, Chinese psychiatrists also face a great challenge never

Table 20.2 Prevalence rates* of dementias in China

Author Location Population Diagnostic Criteria Results

Zhang Mingyuan et al. (1990) Shanghai, urban area 5055 (55) DSM-III-R 55:2.57%;
Chen Changhui et al. (1992) Beijing, urban community 5172 (65) DSM-III 1.03%
Gao Zhixu et al. (1993) Shanghai, both rural and urban areas 2560/1219 DSM-III-R 4.21%
3779 rural/urban:
Tang Muni et al. (1999) Si Chuan, rural areas 5987 DSM-III-R 1.74%
Lai Shixiong et al. (2000) Guangzhou, urban area 3825 (75) DSM-III-R, 8.90%
Qu Qiumin et al. (2000) Xian, both rural and urban areas 4850 (55) DSM-IV, 3.53%
Zhou Bin et al. (2001) Shanghai, both rural and urban areas 17018 (55) DSM-IV, 2.03%
Zhang Zhenxin et al. (2001) Beijing, both rural and urban areas 5743 (55) DSM-IV, 4.2%
Tang Zhe et al. (2002) Beijing, both rural and urban areas 2788 (60) DSM-III-R, 5.1%

* Except for two prevalence rate studies on vascular dementia (VaD) conducted in Beijing in the early 1990s, all studies indicate that the prevalence rate of VaD
is lower than that of AD
Future prospects 263

seen before. In 1997 there were 485 psychiatric hospitals in of the importance of community health care, but feels per-
China, which could offer 107 362 beds; 13 912 doctors were plexed when putting it into practice. No referral system
working in psychiatric hospitals. Unfortunately, facilities for between primary, secondary and tertiary health care is estab-
elderly patients are very limited. Accurate figures are not lished yet. Primary healthcare workers are usually poorly
available, but it is estimated that fewer than 10 per cent of trained. Medical insurance companies are not willing to cover
beds in each psychiatric hospital serve the elderly. Qualified primary health care since they are not confident in the qual-
geriatric psychiatrists are even fewer, proportionally. ity of service provided. The government encourages neigh-
bourhood committees to set up nearby residential institutions
for local elderly people, but medical services, administrative
20.12.3 Living in communities arrangements and personnel resources are not ready for
these institutions to admit people with dementia.
Two studies in Beijing and Shanghai indicated that demented
people were mainly looked after by their families at home
(96.3 per cent vs 87.3 per cent) (Li Yongtong et al., 1990; He 20.13.2 Non-governmental organizations
Yanling et al., 1995). Wu Wenyuan et al. (1995) evaluated the (NGOs)
total burden of dementia caregivers compared with normal
controls. The study suggested that dementia caregivers had Many NGOs, both academic and non-academic, can help in
more care burden, especially when the caregivers were building up care systems for people with dementia. The
female, and those with dementia were male. He Yanling et al. Chinese Society of Psychiatry is drafting treatment guidelines
(1995) also indicated that dementia caregivers had more for dementia in the elderly. The Chinese Society of Neurology
depressive and somatic symptoms than normal controls. conducted a nationwide survey on the prevalence of demen-
Taking care of people with dementia is distressing work. The tia in the elderly in four areas in China. Alzheimer’s Disease of
work is harder if the family is living in a community in which China has organized public education campaigns on World
few resources are available. Alzheimer’s Disease Day for three years. The Chinese Feder-
ation for the disabled and handicapped has helped to estab-
lish nursing homes for poorly functioning elderly people.
20.13.1 Government
When Japan became an elderly nation in 1970, its GDP per
The government plays a leading role in each aspect of social
capita was $US1689. China transformed to an elderly nation
activities in China. Medical services are regarded as one part
with a GDP per capita of less than $US800 in the year 2000.
of the social welfare system. The government plans to build
Moreover, the government has no accumulated monies for the
up the tertiary medical service delivery system in which the
current generation of elderly since their working years were in
focus is on community health care. However, in China, there
the period of the ‘planned economy’, when there were no such
was no such thing as a community until a decade ago. The
things as insurance, or savings for pensions. Institutional care
Chinese used to live in government dormitories assigned by
for people with dementia is completely unaffordable for most
work units (known in Chinese as danwei). A professor’s next
families. An optional solution for providing a decent service
door neighbour could be a cleaner who worked in the same
for dementia patients is to develop home care. In order to keep
unit. Only when housing became merchandise and free mobil-
people with dementia at home as long as possible, the follow-
ity was allowed, could people live together according to their
ing considerations should be taken into account:
income, taste, and other social characteristics. The modern
community is just developing in China. ‘The Dormitory • The community should be empowered for self-
form’ community was closely linked to where people worked, administration in order to make the welfare of its
thus administration and supervision were easy and simple. members its first priority.
The old primary care service was based on this system. With • Facilities and resources in the community can be
the collapse of old communities and rise of new ones, the available for families who are taking care of people with
primary healthcare system needs to be reformed. The path- dementia at home.
way from community-based care to tertiary care is not well • Primary health care should be qualified to provide
structured. The deficiency was completely exposed during necessary services for those with dementia.
the outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome • Tertiary, secondary, and primary healthcare systems
(SARS): the primary healthcare system did not work as a should be organically integrated so that people with
doorkeeper to keep suspected cases in communities, thus dementia can be shifted freely if needed.
more and more people rushed into tertiary hospitals and got • Social welfare agencies, and medical insurance
infected or infected others. The government has been aware organizations should adopt more flexible policies
264 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

to cover part of the expenses of caring for people Lai Shixiong, Wen Zehuai, Liang Weixiong et al. (2000) Prevalence of
with dementia at home and to compensate family dementia in an urban population aged 75 and over in Guangzhou.
caregivers. Chinese Journal of Geriatrics 19: 450–455
• Finally, nursing homes, which are specific to dementia Li Ge, Shen Yucun, Chen Changhui et al. (1989) An epidemiological
survey of age-related dementia in an urbane area of Beijing. Acta
care, should be established. Some of the 5 million people
Psychiatrica Scandinavica 79: 557–563
with dementia will always need decent places for the final
Li Yongtong, Chen Changhui, Luo Hechun et al. (1990) The psychological
phase of their lives.
well-being of caregivers of elderly dementia. Chinese Mental Health
Journal 4: 1–5
Lu Zhishan. (1994) Current status of elderly and its development
20.15 CONCLUSIONS tendency in China. Chinese Journal of Geriatrics 14: 194–198
Qu Qiumin, Qiao Jin, Yang Jianbo et al. (2001) Study of the prevalence
of senile dementia among elderly people in Xian, China. Chinese
China is becoming an ageing society with surprising speed,
Journal of Geriatrics 20: 283–286
while dementia becomes a challenge as prominent as it is in Tang Muni, Guo Yangbo, Xiang Mengze, Huang Mingsheng. (1999)
Western countries. Social and economic development is at a Epidemiology of senile dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in rural
relatively low level that cannot meet the needs of people with area. Chinese Journal of Psychological Medicine 9: 20–22
dementia in any existing models. A unique service delivery Tang Zhe, Meng Shen, Dong Huiqing et al. (2002) Prevalence of
system for dementia care should be developed which takes dementia in rural and urban parts of Beijing. Journal of Geriatrics of
account of Chinese realities. China 22: 244–246
Twelve Areas Epidemiological Investigation on Mental Disorders
Coordinating Group. (1986) The summary of prevalence rates of
REFERENCES various mental disorders from 12 areas epidemiological investigation.
Chinese Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry 19: 80–82
Wu Wenyuan, Zhang Mingyuan, He Yanling et al. (1995) A study on
Chen Changhui, Shen Yucun, Li Shuran et al. (1992) The investigation on well-being and related factors of caregivers of dementia patients.
prevalence rate of elderly dementia in urbane area of Beijing. Chinese Mental Health Journal 9: 49–52
Chinese Mental Health Journal 6: 49–52 Zhang Mingyuan, Rober Katzman, William Liu et al. (1990) Prevalence
Chinese National Statistical Bureau. (1995) Statistical Report on 1995 study on dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Chinese Journal of
1% Sampling Survey of China. Beijing, CNSB Medicine 70: 424–428
Gao Zhixu, Liu Fugen, Fang Yongsheng et al. (1993) A study of morbidity Zhang Zhenxin, Wei Jing, Hong Xia et al. (2001) Prevalence of dementia
rate of senile dementia among aged in urban and rural areas. and major subtypes in urban and rural communities of Beijing.
Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry of China 26: 209–211 Chinese Journal of Neurology 34: 199–203
He Yanling, Zhang Mingyuan, Qiu Jianyin et al. (1995) The mental health Zhou Bin, Hong Zhen, Huang Maosheng et al. (2001) Prevalence of
status of dementia caregivers. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology dementia in Shanghai urban and rural area. Chinese Journal of
3: 200–204 Epidemiology 22: 368–371
The Former Soviet Union


20.16 Demography and epidemiology 265 20.18 Future developments 266

20.17 Old age psychiatry services 265 References 266

In the previous edition of this book, Poznyak and Solodkaya sparse. In a survey of 1109 people of 60 and over in part of the
(2000) described very clearly the services available, or rather Moscow area, Gavrilova and Kalyn (2002) found that 36.6 per
the lack of them, for older people living in the former USSR. cent suffered from some form of disorder definable by ICD-
In summary, they depicted countries with large populations 10. Furthermore, when they compared the results of one study
in which overall life expectancy was decreasing, especially for conducted 10 years before with another 10 years after the col-
males, but the proportion of older people was increasing. lapse of the USSR, they found an increase in mental disorders
Rates of mental illness were high; levels of service provision that they attributed to the stress caused by the immense social
were low; the focus of care was essentially institutional; and disruption and poverty of the immediate post-Soviet period.
professional training was only just beginning to develop.
What, therefore, has changed since then?
The basic structure of services, insofar as they exist, has not
changed since Poznyak and Solodkaya (2000) described them
United Nations data and projections continue to demonstrate a
in the last edition. There are very few psychiatrists whose prac-
marked divide between declining overall populations in former
tice is only with older patients. The focus remains institu-
Soviet countries and a growth in the proportion of those aged
tional. At primary care level there are polyclinics in which
65 and over. This is shown in Table 20.3 using the same coun-
psychiatrists sometimes work. Mostly, however, polyclinics are
tries as in Poznyak’s and Solodkaya’s table (2000, p. 349). The
staffed by primary care physicians (PCPs), so-called terapyevty
divide is greatest in the two most populous countries, Russia
(terapevty). Boundary disputes between PCPs and psychia-
and Ukraine, which contain about 190 million people. Put
trists are common, with psychiatrists claiming that only they
crudely, but accurately, Russians and Ukrainians eat diets high
are qualified to treat mental disorders. Given that there are not
in saturated fats, smoke tobacco excessively, and have high rates
nearly enough psychiatrists and secondary resources in rich
of alcoholism, tuberculosis (TB) and HIV/AIDS. Together with
Western countries to treat all patients with mental disorders,
poorer standards of public health provision than were offered
and that the majority have to be treated in primary care, it is
by the USSR, these facts conspire to reduce survival in adults
clearly nonsensical for psychiatrists in former Soviet coun-
of working age, especially males. As in Western countries,
tries to claim such restrictive practices. In some places, how-
although for different reasons, there are fewer economically
ever, encouraged by Western non-governmental organizations
active persons to provide resources for more old people.
(NGOs) who provide teaching and written material in
Poznyak and Solodkaya (2000) indicated that ICD-10 was
Russian, PCPs are being taught to diagnose and treat suitable
beginning to make an impact in former Soviet countries.
cases of depression and other disorders.
There is no doubt that this is increasingly true, helped by dis-
Specialist psychiatric resources include:
semination of relevant literature in Russian (Cooper, 2000;
Goldberg, 2000). However, given the geographical vastness of • outpatient clinics at so-called dispensaries
the USSR, modern epidemiological literature is extremely (dispansery);
266 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

Table 20.3 Population data and projections from four former for the health services. Thus, community services are poorly
Soviet Republics (Source: United Nations Population Division) coordinated between healthcare and social welfare, exacer-
bated by an unwillingness for the two relevant ministries to
Total population
Country Year (millions) Age 65 (%)
Belarus 2000 10 034 13.7
2005 9 809 14.9 20.18 FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
2010 9 612 14.4
2020 9 208 16.3
Although it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that too little
Kazakhstan 2000 15 640 6.9
2005 15 354 8.6 has been done to improve services for the elderly mentally ill
2010 15 130 8.4 in former Soviet countries and that a huge injection of
2020 15 422 10.1 resources is needed to bring them up to acceptable levels, it
Russia 2000 145 612 12.5 would be wrong assume that the future is entirely bleak.
2005 141 553 14.1 There is no shortage of manpower and no lack of enthusiasm
2010 137 501 13.3 in younger professionals to see change. Resistance to change
2020 129 018 16.7 comes from the old Soviet nomenklatura (establishment)
Ukraine 2000 49 688 13.8 who remain in positions of power but are not, of course,
2005 47 782 15.9 immortal. Western NGOs, such as the Geneva Initiative on
2010 46 038 15.9 Psychiatry*, raise money to print material in Russian (e.g.
2020 42 605 17.5 Jacoby and Oppenheimer, 2003), and organize courses in old
age psychiatry given by Russian-speaking Western psych-
iatrists. The demand for the written material and the courses
• inpatient wards at large mental hospitals; outstrips the ability to provide them. A great deal of time and
• and beds in institutions for the chronic mentally ill money are required to repair the harm done by Soviet power
(internaty/internaty). to all aspects of life in the countries it dominated for 70 years,
but the peoples of these countries want change and are
Both hospitals and internaty do have some wards specif-
certainly intelligent and resourceful enough to achieve it.
ically for older patients, but many of the latter are treated in
standard general adult psychiatry wards, not unusually con-
taining around 70 patients, with two or three nurses per shift. REFERENCES
Whether housed on specialist old age psychiatry or general
adult wards, older patients have to put up with facilities that
would be considered scandalous in richer Western countries Cooper J. (2000) Karmannoe Rukovodstvo k MKB-10: klassifikatsiya
psikhicheskikh i povedencheskikh rasstroistv. Kiev, Sphera (Russian
(see Plates 6 and 7), reflecting not only the low status of the
translation of Pocket Guide to the ICD-10 Classification of Mental
mentally ill, but also the lack of resources that the authorities
and Behavioural Disorders, 1998. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone)
wish or feel able to put into psychiatric services. Gavrilova SI and Kalyn Ya B. (2002) Social and environmental factors
Many old persons with mental disorders, including and mental health in the elderly. Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk
dementia, live at home, some, but not all, known to psychi- 9: 15–20 (in Russian with summary in English)
atric services. Apartments are small and often house three Goldberg D. (ed.) (2000) Posobie Po Prakticheskoi Psikhiatrii Kliniki
generations of one family. The younger adults have to work Modsli. Kiev, Sphera (Russian translation of The Maudsley Handbook
hard, frequently doing two or three jobs to maintain a rea- of Practical Psychiatry, 3rd edition. Oxford, Oxford University Press,
sonable standard of living. If a grandparent suffers from 1998)
dementia, enormous strain is placed on the shoulders of Jacoby R and Oppenheimer C. (ed.) (2003) Psikhiatria Posdnego
younger members. Since it is known how bad the alternative Vozrasta. Kiev, Sphera (Russian translation of Psychiatry in the
Elderly, 2nd edition. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1997)
to home care is, efforts are made to keep elderly relatives at
Poznyak V and Solodkaya T. (2000) Services for dementia in the
home beyond a stage that would be considered tenable in
developing world: a view from the new independent states of the
Western countries. On the other hand, families are forced fre- former Soviet Union. In: J O’Brien, D Ames, A Burns (eds), Dementia,
quently to institutionalize a demented relative simply in 2nd edition. London, Arnold, pp. 349–352
order to maintain a reasonable income.
In most former Soviet countries the Ministry of Social
*GIP grew from a group of activists opposed to Soviet political abuse of psy-
Protection provides some home-care services, but with chiatry into the largest NGO currently helping to reform psychiatric services
untrained staff who are generally reluctant to be involved and adherence to human rights in the former USSR. For a more detailed
with mentally ill clients, the latter being regarded as problems account of its work visit its website at


20.19 Alzheimer's disease clinical and research centres 267 20.23 Nursing homes 268
20.20 Local memory centres 267 20.24 Home care 268
20.21 Inpatient units 267 20.25 Family association 268
20.22 Day hospitals 268 Further reading 268

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a common disease in France, with 20.20 LOCAL MEMORY CENTRES
more than 700 000 patients and approximately 140 000 new
cases each year. Owing to the burden related to this disease
many initiatives has been realized in the past few years to care Moreover, approximately 200 local memory centres (CMPs,
those patients. Centres Memoire de Proximité) have been identified. To be
selected each centre must have a multidisciplinary team includ-
ing neurologist, geriatrician, psychiatrist and neuropsychologist.
Some other initiatives are also being developed such as a
20.19 ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE CLINICAL standardized neuropsychological and geriatric assessment
AND RESEARCH CENTRES for each of these memory centres, as well as a standardized
form to follow the patients.
The PHRC (Programme Hospitalier de Recherche
The French government developed recently an Alzheimer Plan.
Clinique), financed by the French ministry of health, decided
Part of this plan was the accreditation of 16 CMRRs (Centres
to fund some large collaborative programmes. One is the
Memoire de Recherche et de Resources – Memory Research
ReAl.Fr project (Reseau Français sur la Maladie d’Alzheimer).
and Resource Centres). These centres of excellence comprise
The aim of this project is to follow for 4 years a cohort of 700
clinics, research and education in the field of AD at the top
elderly patients with AD living at home, with a monthly assess-
levels. They are formed from Neurology, Psychiatry or
ment follow up (Principal Investigator: Pr Vellas).
Geriatric departments.
One other programme aims to develop and validate a ‘Care
The four CMRRs from the South of France (Bordeaux [Pr
Plan Project’ for the AD patients, with a standardized follow
Dartigues], Toulouse [Pr Vellas], Montpellier [Pr Touchon],
up every 6 months; 1200 AD patients over France will be part
Nice [Pr Robert]) decided to create the F-CMRR-SF (Feder-
of this programme, involving 80 CMPs, half in the control
ation of the Alzheimer’s Centres from the South of France).
group and half in the care plan intervention group.
The advantage of this federation is to associate four CMRR
There is also one other PHRC again financed by the French
from different specialities (neurology, psychiatry, geriatric and
Ministry of Health – Focus on MCI Patients (Principal
public health). Medical directors have a weekly telephone
Investigator: Pr Dubois).
A national federation of the CMRR is in process. Some
projects of the F-CMRR-SF and the national federation
• a common computerized patient medical chart;
• common educational projects; The first acute care unit for AD patients was created over
• jointly research projects. 10 years ago in the Toulouse Alzheimer’s Centre, Toulouse
268 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

University Hospital. Since that date, acute care units for AD Every 2 years a national congress on SCU is organized, with
patients have been created in several university hospitals in more than 1000 participants attending.
France. These acute care units, usually part of a department of
internal medicine and geriatrics, are able to receive patients
with AD 24 hours a day, all year round. Usually 30 per cent of 20.24 HOME CARE
the patients come for difficult diagnosis, 40 per cent for com-
plications related to the disease, mostly behaviour disorders,
and 30 per cent for associated disease like pneumonia, weight Home care for AD patients is largely developed in France,
loss or anorexia. These units play a major role in the care of the with special funding to care for the elderly with loss of auton-
patients, linking together with home care and nursing home omy, giving them money to receive help to perform basic activ-
care. They work also closely with the emergency department ities of daily living at home. Nurses and physicians are likely
of hospitals. to visit their elderly patients at home. More than 25 per cent of
AD patients from the REAL-FR study are living at home
alone with help.

We have two kinds of day hospital in France: those related to 20.25 FAMILY ASSOCIATION
CMRR or CMP are involved in the diagnosis and patient fol-
low up; and respite day care for AD patients. These respite Family associations like France Alzheimer are very much
day care centres are mostly in the community. involved and active in France at the both national and regional
levels. There are also many other initiatives presently being
developed in France in the field of AD care, including aspects
20.23 NURSING HOMES of ethics. However, there is more to be done in France: as in
many other countries, only 50 per cent of AD patients are diag-
They are approximately 10 000 nursing homes in France, nosed, 30 per cent are undertreated, and still fewer have a really
around 30 per cent of which have special care units for severely long-term and well-evaluated healthcare plan programme.
demented patients. The criteria for special care are:

• to receive demented patients;

• to have a special care plan for dementia;
• to have special environmental design;
• to keep the family involved; Vellas B and Fitten J (eds) (2004), Alzheimer’s Disease: Research and
• to have a special training programme. Practice, Vol. 9. Paris, L’Année Gérontologique. (2004), Vol. 18. Paris


20.26 Long-term care insurance and medical treatment 20.28 Care for residents of old-age homes 270
of individuals with dementia 269 20.29 Summary and conclusions 271
20.27 Care for community-dwelling patients 270 References 271

20.26 LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE AND Over 90 per cent of the adult population visit a primary
MEDICAL TREATMENT OF INDIVIDUALS care physician at least once a year. The percentage among the
WITH DEMENTIA elderly is even higher and their annual consultation rate is
well above average. Most patients with dementia first consult
Among the population in Germany who are over the age of a primary care physician, many of whom are not well enough
65 years, about 1 million individuals suffer from moderately informed about or trained to deal with gerontopsychiatric
severe to severe dementia (Bickel, 2001). About 40 per cent of disorders. They rarely refer patients with dementia to mental
them are institutionalized in residential and nursing homes, healthcare institutions. Results of various studies show that
while 60 per cent live in private households and are generally the use of psychiatric institutions and services drops sharply
cared for by family members. from roughly 25 per cent by the 65–74-year-olds in need of
In Germany statutory health insurance generally covers the care to less than 10 per cent by those over the age of 75 years
costs of medical services. However, the provision of long-term (Bickel, 2003). This seems due in part to a sense of nihilism
care for elderly patients suffering from chronic disorders with regard to dementia patients. This attitude is also reflected
such as dementia places an enormous emotional and financial by the relatively low number of prescriptions for antidementia
burden on both patients and their families. To alleviate this drugs. From 1992 to 2000 the number of prescribed daily doses
situation, legislation establishing a system of statutory long- of antidementia drugs in Germany dropped by 60 per cent,
term care insurance came into effect on 1 January 1995, with from 516 million to 215 million. This indicates a marked
automatic coverage for people who are covered by statutory and increasing undersupply of the affected population with
health insurance. The system of statutory long-term care these medications. Two regional studies showed that on average
insurance offers financial aid ranging from 205 € (Euros) to only 10 per cent of Alzheimer patients are treated with acetyl-
1688 € per month depending on the nature and extent of the choline esterase inhibitors (Demling and Kornhuber, 2002).
demand for basic nursing care and household help. However, Over the past 20 years, more than 70 memory clinics have
the need for general care and supervision of persons with been established. These outpatient services specialize in the
mental disorders (which accounts for a major portion of the early recognition of cognitive problems, the diagnosis of
costs for care of those with dementia) is not taken into con- dementia, pharmacological treatment and clinical trials, the
sideration when long-term care insurance benefits are development of non-pharmacological treatment strategies,
assessed. In order to better meet their needs, since 2002 those the support and counselling of patients and their relatives
in need of care who are residing in private households and and the support and advanced training of primary care
who can justifiably claim for substantial general care and physicians and psychiatrists (Kurz et al., 2003). Memory clin-
supervision can claim additional financial aid up to a total of ics are usually integrated into university hospitals and are
460 € per year. However, no current figures are available as to heavily committed to research. Their services are generally
the number of claims filed or the sum of benefits paid on not covered by statutory health insurance. Owing to the limi-
behalf of dementia patients. ted number of memory clinics and the particularities of their
270 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

funding, they are not a standard component of the system of 17 centres providing geriatric day care revealed that slightly
ambulatory dementia care (Stoppe, 2002). more than half (58.6 per cent) of their clients suffered from
Facilities and services that play an important role in the dementia (Weyerer and Schäufele, 1999). Dementia patients
care of dementia patients in Germany will now be discussed. who regularly wander off or who exhibit a high potential for
aggression cannot be cared for in geriatric day care centres
(Kurz et al., 2003).
20.27 CARE FOR COMMUNITY-DWELLING Disorders of circadian rhythm particularly complicate the
PATIENTS in-home care of dementia patients. For this reason, night care
has been available in Germany for a number of years.
Approximately 1400 night-care beds were created; however,
20.27.1 In-home services
at 13 per cent the demand lags far behind the supply
(Schneekloth and Müller, 2000).
In-home services provide mainly medical treatment meas-
ures (dressing of wounds, administration of injections, etc.),
basic nursing care (personal hygiene, etc.), and – to a lesser
extent – household help for patients living at home. Upon 20.28 CARE FOR RESIDENTS OF
the introduction of long-term care insurance, which priori- OLD-AGE HOMES
tizes ambulatory care over inpatient care, it was expected that
there would be a regular rush by claimants on such ambula-
The type of care provided by old-age homes has changed
tory care providers. Indeed, their number has increased
greatly in Germany over the last 20 years: the original focus
markedly since then: from roughly 3000 in 1993 to 12 596
on residential care has since given way to nursing care. In
licensed services in October 2000. Nonetheless, only about 27
1999 the number of old-age homes in Germany totalled 8859,
per cent of those eligible for benefits of long-term care insur-
most of them nursing homes, with altogether 645 456 beds
ance and who reside in private households file claims for the
(Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und
care or household help available from the ambulatory services
Jugend, 2002). In Germany, as in most other industrialized
(Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und
nations, nursing-care facilities are key providers of dementia
Jugend, 2002). Claims solely for financial benefits were filed on
care. Cost estimates for dementia indicate that long-term insti-
behalf of 73 per cent of eligible patients, meaning that their
tutional care in nursing homes accounts for 50–75 per cent of
care will be provided exclusively by private caregivers, usually
the total direct costs (Bickel, 2001).
family members. At present, no estimate of the current
A move into institutional care is all the more probable in
demand by dementia patients for in-home services is available.
cases of advanced dementia. Recent results indicate that up
Results of an earlier study indicate that approximately 1 out
to 80 per cent of the affected population will enter a nursing
of 10 dementia patients living at home in the southern
home during the course of dementia, remaining there until
Germany city of Mannheim made use of an ambulatory care
their death, because in-home care can no longer be guaran-
service (Schäufele et al., 1995). The study also revealed that the
teed. Residential nursing-care facilities in Germany were
services in themselves cannot provide the necessary complete
unprepared for the shift in the numbers of demented
support. In particular, weekend service, in-home supervi-
patients, who now constitute the majority of residents: cur-
sion, or activating care, all of which are essential in dementia
rently approximately 60 per cent (Weyerer et al., 2001). The
care, are available on a limited basis, if at all. Moreover, the
work load and stress upon nursing staff have increased
costs for these services are not covered by the long-term care
accordingly. This development is a major challenge to the
insurance but must be borne by the patients themselves.
principle of integrated care. Lately political efforts have been
made to improve the institutional care of dementia patients.
20.27.2 Geriatric day and night care Special types of augmented care, such as partially integrated
approaches (special day care for dementia patients) or segre-
Semi-inpatient services constitute the link between in-home gated approaches (for example, special care units) have been
and institutional long-term care. They are an important introduced, accompanied by architectural and conceptual
component of the system of geriatric care, providing elderly changes and advanced training for the nursing staff.
individuals in need of aid with qualified assistance on work- The forerunner of this development in Germany was the
days from the morning throughout the afternoon (day care) city of Hamburg, which in 1991 made 750 beds available in
or from the evening throughout the night (night care). 30 nursing-care facilities as part of the so-called ‘Hamburg
The first geriatric day care centres in Germany were estab- Model’. These beds were designated specifically for the special
lished in 1973 with the aim of preventing or at least prolong- institutional care of dementia patients. The Hamburg Model
ing the often unwanted and expensive referral to a nursing encompasses both domus units, in which solely dementia
home. Despite the strong increase in the number of day care patients are cared for, as well as integrated units. In the latter,
centres within the past 25 years, they remain less important dementia patients reside on the same ward as those without
than institutional long-term care. A study carried out in dementia, but are cared for separately, either all day or for a
References 271

few hours every day. Like the domus unit arrangement, seg- Services (Pflegeleistungs-Ergänzungsgesetz) fails to meet the
regated daytime care also includes group play, music, phy- needs of demented patients and their caregivers.
sical activities and certain therapy measures oriented to the The number of dementia patients in Germany is expected
capabilities and deficits of the residents. The care beds in the to double within the next 40 years, while at the same time the
Hamburg Model are more expensive than those in traditional number of family caregivers will continue to decrease, giving
nursing homes since the staff is larger and better qualified. rise to an enormous demand for professional geriatric care
Admission to the Hamburg Model is governed by specific (Bickel, 2001). Nursing homes will see the number of dementia
requirements: the presence of a medically diagnosed advanced patients among their residents soar to at least 75 per cent. In
dementia in conjunction with marked behaviour disturbances view of these demographic data, the development of special-
and the capacity to participate in group activities (patients ized types of institutional care for dementia patients, which
cannot be bed-ridden). A recent study carried out in traditional began later in Germany than in other countries, is an urgent
nursing homes in Mannheim revealed that one out of six matter.
nursing-home residents with dementia fulfils these criteria.
As an alternative to hospital-like care in nursing homes,
sheltered households for dementia patients have been estab- REFERENCES
lished by various social welfare institutions in recent years
that feature a normal daily routine and a family-like environ- Bickel H. (2001) Demenzen im höheren Lebensalter: Schätzungen des
ment. The success and effects of this type of living arrange- Vorkommens und de Versorgungskosten. Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie
ment are not yet known. und Geriatrie 34: 108–115
No official figures are available on the number of facilities Bickel H. (2003) Epidemiologie psychischer Störungen im Alter. In:
in Germany that offer special dementia care programmes. H Förstl (ed.), Lehrbuch der Gerontopsychiatrie und -psychotherapie.
However, they are still outweighed by the number of traditional Stuttgart, New York, Georg Thieme, pp. 11–26
nursing homes. Partially integrated care (i.e. segregated day- Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (ed.).
time care) seems to be the most popular specialized concept, (2002) Vierter Bericht zur Lage der älteren Generation in der
Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Risiken, Lebensqualität und Versorgung
offered by approximately 10–15 per cent of the German
Hochaltriger, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung demenzieller
nursing homes.
Erkrankungen. Eigendruck, Berlin
Demling J and Kornhuber J. (2002) Stand der Pharmakotherapie. In:
JF Hallauer and A Kurz (eds), Weissbuch Demenz. Stuttgart, New York,
Georg Thieme, pp. 85–86
Kurz A, Jansen S, Tenge B. (2003) Gerontopsychiatrische
Versorgungsstrukturen. In: H Förstl (ed.), Lehrbuch der
Dementia patients are the most frequent users of long-term Gerontopsychiatrie und-psychotherapie. Stuttgart, New York, Georg
care facilities. However, several studies have shown that many Thieme, pp. 11–26
care-providers, as well as physicians, hospitals, and nursing Schäufele M, Lindenbach I, Cooper B. (1995) Die Inanspruchnahme von
Sozialstationen vor und nach Inkrafttreten des Leistungstatbestandes
homes are inadequately prepared and lack adequate training.
Schwerpflegebedürftigkeit – eine Studie in Mannheim.
Training opportunities and quality of service are in dire need
Gesundh-Wes 57: 55–62
of improvement. Dementia care is still strongly characterized Schneekloth U and Müller U (eds). (2000) Wirkungen der
by the dichotomy between the in-home care provided by Pflegeversicherung. Forschungsprojekt im Auftrag des
family members, augmented by ambulatory care services, Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit, durchgeführt von I  G
and the residential care provided by nursing homes. Contrary Gesundheitsforschung, München, und Infratest Burke Sozialforschung,
to expectation, ambulatory care services or semi-inpatient München. Schriftenreihe des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit Bd
services such as day or night care have been used less fre- 127. Baden-Baden, Nomos
quently than was originally anticipated (Bundesministerium Stoppe G. (2002) Gedächtnissprechstunden/Memory-Kliniken. In:
für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, 2002). This is most JF Hallauer and A Kurz (eds), Weissbuch Demenz. Stuttgart,
likely due to the fact that the supply and the operation of these New York, Georg Thieme, pp. 85–86
Weyerer S and Schäufele M. (1999) Epidemiologie körperlicher und
services do not sufficiently match the needs of the dementia
psychischer Beeinträchtigungen im Alter. In: A Zimber and S Weyerer
patients and their families.
(eds), Arbeitsbelastung in der Altenpflege. Göttingen, Bern, Toronto,
Moreover, statutory long-term care insurance does not Seattle, Hogrefe, pp. 3–23
cover the costs generated by the specific needs of the severely Weyerer S, Schäufele M, Hönig T. (2001) Demenzkranke in der
mentally ill elderly: supervision, instruction, activation, occu- stationären Versorgung: Aktuelle Situation. In: Bundesministerium für
pational therapy. Although it is a step in the right direction, Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (eds): Qualität in der stationären
the recently passed Act Supplementing Domiciliary Care Versorgung Demenzerkrankter. Stuttgart, W Kohlhammer, pp. 9–18
Hong Kong


20.30 Prevalence of dementia 272 20.34 Special dementia services 273

20.31 Medical services 272 20.35 Research 273
20.32 Community support services 272 20.36 The future 273
20.33 Legal issues 273 References 273

Hong Kong is situated on the South China coast. It returned to with vascular dementia, as well as those with physical problems.
Chinese sovereignty in 1997 and is now a Special Administrative At present, there are seven multidisciplinary psychogeriatric
Region of China with a high degree of autonomy under the teams serving different catchment areas in Hong Kong. These
policy of ‘one country two systems’. As Hong Kong was a teams provide services to patients with dementia and func-
British colony for over 100 years, it is more westernized than tional psychiatric illness, including inpatient, outpatient,
the rest of China, and the development of dementia services consultation and limited day hospital services. These teams
is also different. The current population is 6.8 million and also run an outreach programme to assess and treat elderly
the percentage of population aged 65 or above is 11 per cent. people living in subvented old-age and care-and-attention
Service development for dementia care has only started in homes. Five memory clinics have been set up for early diag-
the last few years under the pressure of a rapidly ageing popu- nosis of and intervention for dementia.
lation. Long-term care of people with dementia is a great Protocols for assessment and clinical management of
problem because of the breakdown of traditional family care dementia have been developed by the Psychogeriatric Working
in Hong Kong in recent years. This may be related to growing Group, which consists of leaders of all the psychogeriatric
westernization and attrition of filial respect, combined with a teams. Guidelines for use of cholinesterase inhibitors are very
decreasing trend of extended families. similar to the NICE guidelines in the UK. However, the drug
budget in the public health sector is very tight, and there are
financial constraints on prescription of these drugs even if
20.30 PREVALENCE OF DEMENTIA patients fulfil the criteria to receive antidementia drugs.
Traditional Chinese medicine is rarely used for dementia.
Besides medication, input from other members of the multi-
A local study involving 1034 older people has found that the disciplinary team, including nurses, occupational therapists,
prevalence of dementia was 4 per cent for people aged 65 physiotherapists, social workers and clinical psychologists, is
or above (Chiu et al., 1998). Alzheimer’s disease and vascular an important part of management.
dementia accounted for 65 per cent and 29 per cent of cases
respectively; 45 per cent of the subjects with dementia were
living in residential homes, which is a high figure compared 20.32 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES
with the rest of China and Taiwan.

Elderly health centres run by the Department of Health offer

health education and screening for a number of disorders
20.31 MEDICAL SERVICES including dementia. In addition, general practitioners play
an important role in screening for patients with dementia.
Most medical services for dementia are provided by psy- Financial support to the elderly is available in the form of
chogeriatric teams whereas geriatricians treat many elderly old-age allowance and disability allowance.
References 273

Community support services include home help, home- front-line workers and informal carers, as well as education
delivered meals (meals-on-wheels) and day care centres for to the public. In addition, there is a resource centre and a
the elderly. The Alzheimer’s Association was established in website ( The research arm conducts stud-
Hong Kong in 1995. In 1998, the Hong Kong Psychogeriatric ies on dementia care as well as opinion surveys on human
Association was founded and one of its targets has been to rights issues in dementia care, including physical restraints,
promote public awareness and facilitate training as well as advance directives, etc.
research on dementia.
Residential services for the elderly are provided by care-
and-attention homes and nursing homes. Care-and-attention 20.35 RESEARCH
homes provide accommodation, general personal care and
limited nursing care. Nursing homes serve those who require
The Department of Psychiatry at the Chinese University of
a higher level of nursing care. In general, the subvented facil-
Hong Kong has a dementia research unit, which is linked with
ities are of better quality than the private ones but some of
the Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing. Studies conducted
them do not like to accept patients with dementia and behav-
in the last few years include development of neuropsychological
ioural problems. Many of these elderly are thus admitted to
tests for use in the Chinese elderly, epidemiological surveys
privately run care-and-attention homes, some of which are
on dementia, genetic investigations of Alzheimer’s disease and
not up to standard, and physical restraints are frequently used.
vascular dementia, neurobiological correlates of behavioural
and psychological symptoms in dementia, as well as studies
on dementia care.

A major gap in dementia care concerns legal provision. The 20.36 THE FUTURE
Mental Health (Amendment) Ordinance 1997 set up a
Guardianship Board to appoint guardians to make decisions
Hong Kong has made significant progress in the develop-
on behalf of people who are mentally incapacitated. In add-
ment of dementia care over the last 5 years. For instance, the
ition, enduring power of attorney is now available, but it does
Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing is evolving into a centre
not cover healthcare issues. Development on the issue of
of excellence in the region of South-east Asia. However, there
advance directives remains very slow.
is still no clear or consistent policy on dementia care by the
government. In addition, after the outbreak of the severe
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), a lot of funding and
20.34 SPECIAL DEMENTIA SERVICES resources in the health sector will be channelled to the pre-
vention and control of infectious diseases. The economic
Extra funding to subvented care-and-attention homes to look downturn in the recent few years, as well as the shift of prior-
after the elderly with dementia was given in the form of demen- ity in health care after SARS outbreak (Chiu et al., 2003) are
tia care supplement. In 1999, the government funded a pilot two major challenges in the further development of demen-
project to set up several dementia residential units and demen- tia care in Hong Kong.
tia day care centres. However, because of lack of funding, these
special dementia services were not supported after 4 years.
A major advance in dementia care recently is the estab- REFERENCES
lishment of a specially designed dementia centre, the Jockey
Club Centre for Positive Ageing in 2000. This centre is Chiu HFK, Lam LCW, Chi I et al. (1998) Prevalence of dementia in
funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club with the objective to Chinese elderly in Hong Kong. Neurology 50: 1002–1009
promote dementia care in Hong Kong. The service arm com- Chiu HFK, Lam LCW, Li SW, Chiu E. (2003) SARS and psychogeriatrics –
prises of day care and respite residential service. The training perspective and lessons from Hong Kong. International Journal of
and public education arm provides training to professionals, Geriatric Psychiatry 18: 871–873


20.37 Ageing scenario in India 274 20.40 Services in India 275

20.38 Care arrangements 274 20.41 Discussion 275
20.39 Issues concerning people with dementia 274 References 275

Projections indicate that by the year 2020, there will be 20.38 CARE ARRANGEMENTS
470 million people aged 65 and older in developing countries,
more than double the number in developed countries. Three
countries projected to have the largest number of old people Old age was never seen as a social problem in ancient India.
in the year 2025 are China, India and Indonesia (Siegel and Respect towards elders and the concept of obligation towards
Hoover, 1982). India’s elderly population, which was 57 mil- parents (pitra rina) forms part of the cultural value system
lion in 1990, is expected to cross 100 million in 2013. From a (Venkoba Rao, 1993). In contemporary Indian society, how-
mere 5.1 per cent of the population in 1901, the elderly will ever, the position and status of the elderly and the care and
become 21 per cent of the population by the year 2050. The protection that they have traditionally enjoyed have been
elderly constituted 7.7 per cent of the total population in the undermined by several factors. Urbanization, migration, the
India census 2001, and this figure is expected to rise to 11 break-up of the joint family system, growing individualism,
per cent by the year 2020.With the country’s population exceed- the change in the role of women from being full-time care-
ing a billion, India ranks second in the entire world in the givers, and increased dependency status of the elderly are
number of ‘aged’ citizens. some of the prominent factors.



As most elderly people live at home, family members shoul- Studies by the 10/66 Dementia Research Network in Goa and
der caregiving responsibilities. The existing healthcare facili- Chennai examined the impact of care giving for elders (Dias
ties are not geared to meet these challenges posed. In India et al., 2004). Carers of people with dementia spent signifi-
life expectancy has gone up from 20 years in the beginning of cantly longer time providing care than did carers and
the twentieth century to 62 years today. The erstwhile joint co-residents of depressed persons and controls. The highest
family, the natural support system, has crumbled. The fast- proportion of time was spent in communicating, supervising,
changing pace of life has added to the woes of the older per- and helping with eating and toileting. Levels of carer strain were
son: 30 per cent of older persons live below the poverty line, notably higher among carers of people with dementia. They
and another 33 per cent just marginally over it; 80 per cent were 16 times more likely to have a common mental disorder
live in rural areas; 73 per cent are illiterate, and can only be than other carers. Economic strain was indicated by high pro-
engaged in physical labour; 55 per cent of women over 60 are portion of caregivers of people with dementia who had given up
widows, many of them with no support whatsoever. There work to provide care, coupled with the increased likelihood
are nearly 200 000 centenarians in India. that the family had to meet relatively high healthcare costs.
References 275

20.40 SERVICES IN INDIA and training. In addition, the organization also supports wel-
fare programmes like old-age homes, day care centres and
the Adopt-A-Grandparent scheme.
20.40.1 Hospital-based services

Most of the hospitals in India see persons with old age prob-
lems. However, most physicians do not recognize dementia 20.41 DISCUSSION
as a medical problem. Also, other than the routine coverage
in the psychiatry training curriculum, there are no specific Mental disorders in the elderly in India are a major public
training courses in geriatric (or old age) psychiatry. At pre- health issue for four major reasons:
sent only a handful of hospitals offer special outpatient psy-
chiatric services for the old age population. • Because of increased population of elders, the number of
people with mental disorders is rising rapidly.
20.40.2 Non-governmental agencies • There is very poor awareness about these disorders.
• Traditional family and social support systems for elders
are rapidly changing.
There are two well-known non-governmental agencies,
which have been operating in India in the care of the elderly.
• There are virtually no health services geared for the
special needs of elders in India.
These are the Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders Society of
India (ARDSI) and Helpage India. Caregiver strain has not been acknowledged; instead, a
near mythical strength is attributed to the abilities of families THE ALZHEIMER’S AND RELATED DISORDERS to cope. This distracts from the need for a rational debate
SOCIETY OF INDIA (ARDSI) regarding the future balance between informal family sup-
(WWW.ALZHEIMERINDIA.ORG) port and formal care services, and hinders evidence-based
policymaking. Prioritizing home-based support for elderly
ARDSI was founded in June 1992. At present ARDSI has persons with serious mental disorders and their carers should
14 Chapters in various cities across the country, with another be given serious consideration. Removing stigma may require
9 Chapters proposed. The Registered Office is in Cochin, integrating the subject of mental disorders of elders into
Kerala. ARDSI also offers a range of community-based ser- community and general health programmes. Collaboration
vices such as: is required with non-governmental organizations (such as
• community care the Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders Society of India) that
• domiciliary care are pioneering programmes to empower the elderly and sup-
• day care port families. Working with the existing manpower and
• community geriatric nursing training health and social service infrastructure is likely to be more
• dementia care fund successful in meeting the mental health needs of elders in
• memory clinic India than developing specialized psychogeriatric services
• research. throughout the country.

HelpAge India is a national level voluntary organization that
was formed in 1978. It has 37 offices all over India with its Dias A, Samuel R, Patel V, Prince M, Parameshwaram R, Krishnamoorthy
ES. (2004) The impact associated with caring for a person with
headquarters in New Delhi. It aims to foster the welfare of the
dementia: a report from a 10/66 Dementia Research Group’s Indian
aged in India especially the needy aged. It also helps to raise Network. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 19: 182–184
funds and increase social awareness about the problems of Siegel JS and Hoover SL. (1982) Demographic aspects of the health of
the elderly. HelpAge India has implemented 3084 projects the elderly to the year 2000 and beyond. World Health Statistical
and made a difference to the lives of over 7 million persons. Quarterly 35: 132–202
Its programmes focus on improved access to health and eye Venkoba Rao A. (1993) Psychiatry of old age in India. International
care facilities, community-based services, livelihood support, Review of Psychiatry 5: 165–170


20.42 Health services for dementia patients in Italy 276 20.45 Conclusion 280
20.43 Burden of care associated with Alzheimer’s disease 278 References 280
20.44 The costs of Alzheimer’s disease in Italy 279

Dementias, and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in particular, affect Per thousand

an increasing number of people in the developed countries 100
and also in less developed regions of the world (Wimo et al.,
2003). Worldwide there lacks a homogeneous approach to
neurodegenerative disorders, and various health services fol- 60
low different lines of development, not always supported by
scientific evidence (Bianchetti and Trabucchi, 2003). 40
Italy has only a short history in this field. The regional
organization of its health system causes variability both in the
number and in the quality of interventions for people affected 0
by dementia (Dello Buono et al., 1999). 65- 70- 75- 80-
In Italy interest in dementia started in the early 1980s mostly
AD Males AD Females
from the commitment of Luigi Amaducci. In the early 1990s
Trabucchi, Bianchetti and Zanetti started the first National VaD Males VaD Females
Research and Clinical Center for AD and related disorders
Figure 20.1 Prevalence rates of dementia in Italy for different age
(IRRCS San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) in Brescia
groups (based on ILSA study).
(Lussignoli et al., 1998). In 1997 the Italian Association of
Psychogeriatrics was founded, involving neurologists, psych-
iatrists and geriatricians. these bases about 150 000 new cases of dementia per year are
In this short review the most important steps of the Italian expected. The ILSA study demonstrated that dementia is a
organization of care for demented patients are summarized. major causes of mortality and disability in individuals aged
AD is the most common dementing disorder. Once con- 65 to 84 years; the 2-year mortality risk ratio (MRR) was 3.61
sidered rare AD is now recognized as a major cause of death and for the demented elderly, higher than for neoplasm (MRR 
a growing public health challenge (Bianchetti and Trabucchi, 2.01), heart failure (MRR  1.87), and diabetes (MRR  1.62)
2001). On the basis of a multicentre longitudinal survey carried (Baldereschi et al., 1999).
out in Italy (Italian Longitudinal Study on Ageing – ILSA),
started in 1992/1993, it has been estimated that approximately
6.4 per cent of the population over 64 years of age is afflicted
by dementia (2.5 per cent for AD and 1.4 per cent for vascular
dementia), with a higher prevalence in women (7.2 per cent)
than in men (5.3 per cent) (ILSA, 2002). The prevalence of Despite progress in the development of new treatment strate-
dementia increases with age, both for AD and vascular demen- gies for AD, many patients and caregivers receive inadequate
tia (VaD) (Figure 20.1). The incidence rates are 12.47 per 1000 care (Bianchetti and Trabucchi, 2001). Health service organiza-
person-years and 6.55 for AD (Di Carlo et al., 2002). On tions do not satisfy the complex needs of demented patients. In
Health services for dementia patients in Italy 277

behavioural disturbances was achieved with lower use of

Primary care
physical restraints: 10 per cent of cases and 32 per cent of
Family physician Home care services for the elderly controls (P  0.02) at follow up respectively (Frisoni et al.,
The mean daily cost for patients in the SCUs is approxi-
Specialist care
mately 100 €. In Italy, 50 per cent of nursing home costs are
(clinics and hospital ward for selected subjects) paid for by the National Health System, which contributes a
Alzheimer Evaluation Units (AEU) further 11 per cent of the cost of patients in SCUs. The cost/
for early diagnosis and therapeutic programmes effectiveness analysis demonstrated that, with a cost increase
of only 11 per cent, a considerable improvement in quality of
Day Hospital, Day Care Services, and Social Services
for rehabilitation programmes, caregiver counselling, life may be attained, with a reduction in physical and pharma-
education and support cological restraints (Trabucchi, 1999). The role of SCUs in the
care of demented patients is widely debated, and the import-
ance of the quality of life as outcomes of these type of services
has been emphasized recently (Albert, 2004).
Long-term care The Piano Alzheimer also planned a number of day centres
Alzheimer Special Care Units in Nursing Homes specifically devoted to demented subjects. They follow patients
for respite and long-term care during day time (from 8 am to 6 pm), 6 or 7 days a week, and
work in collaboration with family doctors in providing dis-
ease evolution, performing non-pharmacological interventions
Figure 20.2 Comprehensive care network for demented patients. and a general surveillance of therapy. However, their costs are
very high (about 70 € a day) almost completely charged to
recent years different health services were designed to diagnose the families; for this reason day centres have not developed
dementia more accurately and to improve the care of patients successfully.
(Bianchetti and Trabucchi, 2003). The aims of these services Piano Alzheimer of the Lombardy region also provides an
(diagnostic evaluation, treatment/referral, case management, acute hospital ward offering medical care to the demented
research, training and continuing education, rehabilitation elderly, with the aim of studying specific guidelines for all
programmes, special care programmes), their target subjects hospitals of the region that have a high prevalence of patients
(outpatients, inpatients, nursing home residents), organization affected by dementia (about 50 per cent of over 65 admitted
and costs are substantially different, but still not thoroughly to acute medical wards have a Mini-Mental State Examination
studied (Dello Buono et al., 1999; Doody et al., 2001). (MMSE) score 24).
In 1994 the regional government of Lombardy (northern Others Italian Regions (i.e. Emilia, Tuscany, Marche,
Italy, 8.5 million inhabitants) started a comprehensive care Liguria) organized specific projects for demented patients,
network of services called ‘Piano Alzheimer’, aimed at the on the assumption that their care needs a devoted organization,
care of patients in different dementia phases (Trabucchi et al., with employees (physicians, nurses, social workers) expressly
1995). The care network delineated by Piano Alzheimer is sum- devoted and skilled. Most of these projects are based on geri-
marized in Figure 20.2. On the basis of the results of a pilot atric services. The projects include a number of Alzheimer
study, 20-bed Special Care Units (SCUs) in 70 nursing homes Centres for coordination, research, education, and second or
(corresponding to 4.5 per cent of the total nursing home third level diagnosis (the allocation and the number of these
beds in the Region) were opened and dedicated to demented centres differs between regions), SCUs in nursing homes, and
patients with high levels of behavioural disturbance (Bianchetti a great effort for the education of personnel. In all projects the
et al., 1997; Frisoni et al., 2000). role of the primary physician is central, but it is well known that
To assess the efficacy of SCU in comparison to traditional family doctors often do not comply with the psychological and
nursing home models of care, a study (SCUD project) has time-consuming involvement needed by the care of persons
been performed (Frisoni et al., 1998). Ambulating patients affected by dementia. Caregivers and patients’ families are con-
with moderate to severe dementia and severe behavioural sidered not only targets of treatment, but also partners in care.
disturbances on the modified Neuropsychiatric Inventory were In general, great differences are observable in the different
enrolled in 18 SCUs and 25 traditional nursing homes. Patients regions in the dissemination of services, emphasis on home care
were assessed at baseline and after 6 months. Baseline behav- in comparison with residential care, economic interventions
ioural disturbances significantly improved at follow up in both in favour of persons affected by dementia and their families.
groups (38 and 41 per cent change, respectively), with no The most recent and important step in service organization
increase in the percentage of patients taking neuroleptic and in Italy has been the implementation of ‘Progetto Cronos’, born
non-neuroleptic drugs (ranging from 46 to 56 per cent for both with the aim to standardize prescriptions of cholinesterase
groups at baseline and follow up). Indicators of adverse effects inhibitors (AchE-I) and to assess their effects on defined out-
of psychotropic medications (cognitive performance and falls) comes (cognition, functional status, behaviour) in non-
remained unchanged. In the case group the reduction of selected subjects (Bianchetti et al., 2003). This national project
278 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

Table 20.4 Clinical characteristics at baseline of 1362 patients enrolled in Piano Alzheimer in the Cremona area

Total (n  1362) Females (n  1007) Males (n  355)

Age 77.4  6.9 [48–95] 78.0  6.77 5.9  7.4
Sex (% female) 73.9
Education (years) 5.4  2.7 [0–21] 5.2  2.4 6.1  3.4
Disease duration (months) 26.9  15.7 [5–96] 26.6  15.2 27.6  17.0
Co-occurrent chronic diseases [0–4]
None (%) 41.0 40.9 41.4
1 or more (%) 59.0 59.2 58.6
MMSE score 19.2  3.9 [10–26] 18.9  3.8 19.9  3.9
ADL (preserved) 4.8  1.5 [0–6] 4.8  1.6 5.1  1.4
IADL (preserved) 3.8  2.6 [0–8] 3.6  2.5 4.3  2.8
Previous use of ChE-I (%) 38.6 37.8 41.1
AChE-I drugs prescribed
Donepezil (%) 67.0 67.7 64.8
Rivastigmine (%) 23.9 23.6 24.8
Galantamine (%) 9.1 8.6 10.4

started in October 2000 and involved about 500 Alzheimer

Box 20.1 Characteristics of AD caregivers in Italy: results of a
Evaluation Units (AEUs), embracing all health districts. Besides
national survey*
helping to adopt a definite attitude towards the reimbursement
of AchE-I, the project aimed to build up a nationwide network • 73.8% of principal caregivers were females (72.1% in
of centres with a homogeneous level of diagnostic and thera- mild AD, 81.2% in severe AD)
peutic competence. It has been a great effort with good results, • 69.1% were 60 years old (71.1% in mild AD, 63.1% in
since it stimulated the ex novo organization of centres, with severe AD)
standardized protocols and a database collected by the Ministry • 49.6% were children, 34.1% spouse
of Health. At the end of the project (March 2003) about 40 000 • 65.0% lived with the patient (59.1% in mild AD, 75.5%
mild to moderate AD patients had been recruited. This pattern in severe AD)
of prescription is lower than expected, revealing insufficient • 58.6% of caregivers received help from other family
attention to the early detection of the disease. Data collected members (73.6% in mild AD, 50.9% in severe AD), and
from AEUs of a northern Italian area (Cremona) on 1362 AD 37.3% from paid personnel (21.6% in mild AD, 40.0%
patients in the mild-moderate stage of the disease are presented in severe AD)
in Table 20.4. Mean MMSE values in patients starting treat- • 26.3% of caregivers reported a direct impact on
ment were 19.2  3.9, 19.8  4.5 after 3 months (P 0.05, working activity (17.5% stopped working activity)
t-test for paired samples), and 18.9  4.9 after 9 months (not • 60.4% reported a worsening of quality of life
significant by t-test for paired samples versus baseline). Data • 33.6% used drugs after the beginning of caregiver
replicate in the real world those obtained in controlled clinical activity (72.2% psychotropic drugs; 15.7% somatic
trials. This fact further confirms that non-selected AD patients drugs and 12.1% unconventional drugs)
with a mild to moderate cognitive decline seldom enrolled in
randomized controlled trials may benefit from AchE-I treat- * Adapted from CENSIS, 1999
ment. The specific role of drugs compared with the positive
effect exerted by the care given at AEUs remains to be clarified.
the quality and quantity of messages are modulated by the
In the near future the AEUs system will be in charge of data
needs of the drug market.
monitoring regarding the efficacy and the risk ratio of atypical
antipsychotic drugs in dementia. The availability of data on
thousands of patients will be of great value for the definition of
guidelines regarding the prescription of these drugs for behav-
ioural and psychological symptoms of dementia.
In all Italian regions one of the main unresolved problems
is the education of professionals at various levels. Historically, The care of a demented patient induces high levels of psycho-
universities demonstrated only moderate interest in chronic logical, physical and economic burden on individuals, their
diseases of the elderly, neglecting teaching both during caregivers, families and society as a whole. Caregivers play a
undergraduate and postgraduate curricula. Today, education- key role in the management of dementia and are the main
information in the field of dementias is almost completely in social buffer against the early institutionalization of patients
the hands of the pharmaceutical industry, with the risk that (Prince, 2004).
The costs of Alzheimer’s disease in Italy 279

Daily hours of assistance learn the Italian language and to perform basic home care.
35 These persons, mostly females (80 per cent), with a mean age
33 34 of about 50 years, plan a stay in Italy to collect sufficient
% of caregivers

29 23 27
30 24 25 money for specific purposes (building a house in their ori-
25 18 18 20 ginal country, funding a university degree for their children,
15 etc.). Their mean wage is about 800 € per month plus housing
10 and food. In the area of Brescia (1 million inhabitants) the
5 number of these workers has been estimated at 10 000–12 000.
Mild Moderate Severe
(a) AD severity
1–2 h 3–5 h 6–10 h 10 h 20.44 THE COSTS OF ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE
P 0.02 mild versus severe IN ITALY
Daily hours of surveillance
60 Recent funding changes in many developed countries have
50 left AD patients and their families responsible for many costs
% of caregivers

that were previously reimbursed, such as those for medica-

27 30 tion, hospitalization or nursing care. Indeed, it has been esti-
27 27 26 24 27
30 mated that a major component of the total cost of the care of
14 20 19
20 14 an AD patient falls upon the family caregiver who is caring
10 for the patient at home.
In Italy economic pressures stimulated a large debate on
the need for a new tax specifically devoted to the support of
Mild Moderate Severe
(b) AD severity the chronically ill elderly. Although no decisions have so far
been taken by the Parliament, a yearly amount of about 10
1–4 h 5–10 h 11–15 h 15 h
million € is considered necessary to maintain the present
P 0.05 mild versus severe
level of care in the northern part of the country and to build
Figure 20.3 Caregivers’ time spent for the assistance (a) and even a rudimentary network in the southern regions.
surveillance (b) of AD patients in Italy: results of a national survey. One study conducted in Italy calculated that the family’s
(Adapted from CENSIS, 1999.) expenditure for the non-medical care of the patient at home
was $US8218 annually (about 9000 €) (Cavallo and Fattore,
In 1999 the Geriatric Research Group collaborated with 1997).
the Italian Association for Alzheimer Disease (AIMA) and The Geriatric Research group conducted a cost-of-illness
the Centre for Social Studies (CENSIS) in the conduct of a study (CoDem – Cost of Dementia), designed to give a profile
national survey on 802 AD principal caregivers equally dis- of the total economic costs of AD in Italy, based upon meas-
tributed between Italian Regions (CENSIS, 1999). The AD urement of the direct and indirect costs associated with the
patients were females in 68.1 per cent of cases, and 80.0 per care of community-dwelling AD patients (Trabucchi et al.,
cent were aged 65 years or older. The characteristics of care- 1996). As a result of the onset of dementia, 35.4 per cent of
givers are summarized in Box 20.1. The data confirm that patients were forced to stop work, while 20.4 per cent of care-
caregivers experienced a substantial burden in the assistance givers either reduced their working hours or stopped work
and surveillance of patients (Figure 20.3). altogether. Thirty-five per cent of all caregivers made some
The use of supportive and educational programmes has modifications to their house to make it more suitable for the
been regarded as the most reliable way to reduce distress patient (mean cost $US7900). Total mean weekly costs for a
and decrease the risk of institutional placement of demented patient’s care were estimated to be $US585, including paid
patients (Schulz et al., 2004). In Italy many interventions were providers (housekeeping, cooking, transportation, medica-
conducted using different strategies, the elements of which can tion and drug administration) and an estimate of the indirect
be categorized into three broad aspects: psychological, edu- costs associated with family caregiving. The estimated cost of
cational, and social. It has been possible to demonstrate that direct and indirect home care increases with disease severity
caregiver interventions (psychological and educational pro- (from $US852 to $US1062 per annum, as calculated using the
gramme) significantly reduce burden in carers and improves cost replacement method) (Bianchetti et al., 1998).
their quality of life (Zanetti et al., 1998). In the CoDem study, the principal predictor of the weekly
In the field of caregiving, in Italy a new phenomenon has costs for home care (direct and indirect) was the number
occurred in the last 5 years, i.e. the presence of a large num- of instrumental archives of daily living functions (IADLs)
ber of paid caregivers, mostly coming from Eastern European lost, with an increase in weekly costs of $US72 per function
countries (Poland, Moldavia, Ukraine), who demonstrate a (Bianchetti et al., 1998). Total annual nursing home costs
high level of humane attitudes, and have good ability both to increased from $US1200 to $US4000 from mild (1) to severe
280 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

(3) dementia ratio with the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) Cavallo MC and Fattore G. (1997) The economic and social burden of
scale, and the ability to perform IADLs was the single best Alzheimer’s disease on families in the Lombardy region of Italy.
predictor of nursing home placement (Trabucchi, 1999). Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders 11: 184–190
CENSIS. (1999) La Mente Rubata. Bisogni e Costi Sociali della Malatti
di Alzheimer. Milano, Italy, Franco Angeli Ed
20.45 CONCLUSION Cummings JL. (2004) Alzheimer’s Disease. New England Journal of
Medicine 351: 56–67
Dello Buono M, Busato R, Mazzetto M et al. (1999) Community care
The management of AD is multimodal, guided by the stage for patients with Alzheimer’s disease and non-demented elderly
of illness and focused on the specific symptoms of the patient. people: use and satisfaction with services and unmet needs in
While no current therapy can reverse the progressive cogni- family caregivers. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
tive and functional decline of AD, several pharmacological and 14: 915–924
psychosocial techniques have been proven to be effective to Di Carlo A, Baldereschi M, Amaducci L et al. (2002) Incidence of
dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia in Italy. The
control behavioural symptoms, to slow cognitive and func-
ILSA Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 50: 41–48
tional decline and to improve the quality of life of patients and Doody RS, Stevens JC, Beck C et al. (2001) Practice parameter:
caregivers (Cummings, 2004). They have special needs; pro- management of dementia (an evidence-based review). Report of the
grammes, environments and care approaches must reflect Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of
this uniqueness, and the organization of health services must Neurology. Neurology 56: 1154–1166
make the different possible effective interventions available. Frisoni GB, Gozzetti A, Bignamini V et al. (1998) Special care units for
Whatever the cost–benefit outcome of a particular treatment dementia in nursing homes: a controlled study of effectiveness.
option, it is the responsibility of physicians to determine the Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics (Suppl. 6): 215–224
optimal quality of care for their patients. However, physicians Frisoni GB, Bianchetti A, Pignatti F, Gozzetti A, Trabucchi M. (1999)
also have a responsibility to ensure that scarce resources are not Holoperidol and Alzheimer’s disease. American Journal of Psychiatry
156: 2019–2020
squandered. To do so outcomes must be shown such as those
Frisoni GB, Aleotti F, Bianchetti A, Trabucchi M. (2000) Special care for
involving drug treatment, rehabilitation procedures or the
dementia in Europe In: Special Care Units, Research and Practice in
organization of services. Alzheimer’s Disease Vol. 4, pp. 114–121
In the near future Italy will be challenged by historical ILSA [The Italian Longitudinal Study on Ageing Working Group]. (1997)
events: an economic crisis as in many other developed coun- Prevalence of chronic diseases in older Italians: comparing self-
tries, ageing of the population with an increased number of reported and clinical diagnoses. International Journal of
chronic patients owing also to their prolonged survival, and Epidemiology 26: 995–1002
uncontrolled immigration from Africa and Eastern Europe Lussignoli G, Frisoni GB, Bianchetti A, Trabucchi M. (1998) Measurement
where the outcomes are unpredictable. Only strong political of outcomes in Alzheimer’s Disease. In: B Vellas, J Fitten, G Frisoni
control of this scenario will allow us to assist the most frail citi- (eds), Research and Practice in Alzheimer’s Disease. Pan’s, Serdi
zens, such as demented subjects in an appropriate way in future. Publisher, pp. 437–446
Prince M for the 10/66 Dementia Research Group. (2004) Care
arrangements for people with dementia in developing countries.
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 19: 170–177
Schulz R and Martire LM. (2004) Family caregiving of persons with
dementia: Prevalence health effects and support strategies.
Albert SM. (2004) The Special Care Unit as a quality-of-life intervention American Journal Geriatric Psychiatry 12: 240–249
for people with dementia. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Trabucchi M. (1999) An economic perspective on Alzheimer’s Disease.
52: 1214 Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology 12: 29–38
Baldereschi M, Di Carlo A, Maggi S et al. (1999) Dementia is a major Trabucchi M, Bianchetti A, Zanetti O. (1995) An Italian network for the
predictor of death among the Italian elderly. ILSA Working Group. care of demented patients. The Gerontologist 35(S1): 90
Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Neurology 52: 709–713 Trabucchi M, Ghisla KM, Bianchetti A. (1996) CODEM: a longitudinal
Bianchetti A and Trabucchi M. (2001) Clinical aspects of Alzheimer’s study on Alzheimer disease costs. In: E Giacobini and R Becker (eds),
disease. Ageing 13: 221–230 Alzheimer Disease: Therapeutic Stragies. Boston, Birkhäuser,
Bianchetti A and Trabucchi M. (2003) Health services and economic pp. 561–565
perspectives in Alzheimer’s Disease. Italian Journal Psychiatry and Wimo A, Winblad B, Aguero-Torres H, von Strauss E. (2003) The
Behavioural Science 13: 19–27 Magnitude of Dementia Occurrence in the World. Alzheimer
Bianchetti A, Benvenuti P, Ghisla KM, Frisoni GB, Trabucchi M. (1997) Disease and Associated Disorders 17: 63–67
An Italian model of Dementia Special Care Unit: results of a pilot Zanetti O, Metitieri T, Bianchetti A, Trabucchi M. (1998) Effectiveness of
study. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders 11: 53–56 an educational programme for demented persons’ relatives. Archives
Bianchetti A, Frisoni GB, Ghisla KM, Trabucchi M. (1998) Clinical of Gerontology and Geriatrics (Suppl. 6): 531–538
predictors of the indirect costs of Alzheimer’s disease. Archives of
Neurology 55: 130–131
Bianchetti A, Padovani A, Trabucchi M. (2003) Outcomes of Alzheimer’s
disease treatment: the Italian CRONOS project. International Journal
of Geriatric Psychiatry 18: 87–88


20.46 The new public Long-Term Care Insurance (LTCI) 20.47 The new Adult Guardianship system 282
programme 281 References 282

The circumstances that surround the elderly drastically insuree. Type I insurees are aged 65 or over and in need of
changed in 2000. One reason was the public Long-Term Care long-term institutional or domiciliary services. Type II insurees
Insurance (LTCI) programme which started in 1 April 2000 are aged between 40 and 65, have age-related diseases such as
(Maeda, 2003; Shimizu, 2003). Many Japanese people think Alzheimer’s disease and stroke, and are in need of institu-
that daughters and their sons’ wives should take care of their tional or domiciliary services because of the disease. When the
aged parents. Even women who work feel a strong sense of insuree wants to use the services of the LTCI (see Box 20.2),
responsibility to take care of their own and their husband’s he or she should apply to the insurer, which is the local gov-
aged parents. However, social care for the elderly has started ernment where he/she lives, for the assessment of needs for
after the implementation of LTCI and it is likely that many care and services. A designated care service agency can act as
people will change their attitude towards care with this new proxy for the insuree. Once the assessment committee of the
programme in the future. It will become easier to use various local government determines that the applicant is in need of
services for the elderly and the burden on relatives will be the services, the cost of services used after the date of appli-
reduced. Another dramatic change has been the review of the cation is covered by the Insurance. As the application is
Adult Guardianship System (Maeda, 2003). Previously adult
guardianship in Japan had several drawbacks, because its
simplicity and strictness (Arai, 1999). When a person was Box 20.2 Services to be covered by Long-term Care Insurance
judged as incompetent by a psychiatrist, the Japanese legal
term of incompetent was a significant discriminator – for Community care services
example, this is documented in the census registration (family • Home care service (including domiciliary services)
register). Moreover, a relative nominated as a guardian might • Visiting bathing service
not always do things in the best interest of the demented • Visiting nurse service
older person. For instance, a child nominated as a guardian • Visiting rehabilitation service
for the child’s mother or father might have used his or her • Use of the services in a rehabilitation centre
property only for child’s advantage. However, the most impor- • Physician’s or dentist’s call on
tant drawback was that there was no legal system for a person • Use of the services in a day care centre
to nominate a guardian voluntarily while the person was still • Short-term stay service
mentally intact. A new Japanese Guardianship System was • Group home service for the demented
legislated for in order to solve these problems. • Care services at the retirement home
• Rental service or purchase of technical aids
• Costs for improvement of housing
INSURANCE (LTCI) PROGRAMME Institutional care service
• Care service in a nursing home
The LTCI system covers Japanese citizens aged 40 and over. • Care service in a healthcare facilities for the elderly
There are two types of insuree: Type I insuree and Type II • Care services in a long-term care geriatric hospital
282 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

approved, a care plan is made either by the insuree or by a nominate a Helper in accordance with the application of a
licensed care-manager, although the insurer pays for a care client, a spouse, a close relative or a public prosecutor, with
plan made by a care manager. The care plan is made in accor- the informed consent of the client. The Court may nominate
dance with the approved degree of care needs and there are more than one person including a legal person. A Guardian,
six degrees of care needs. The care plan made by the insuree a Curator or a Helper is obliged to give as much attention as
or a licensed care-manager is then presented to the insurer. possible so that the client can receive appropriate health and
The insurer pays the cost of services to the designated home medical care, live in a decent dwelling, use a welfare institu-
care service agency according to these care plans presented tion and have adequate rehabilitation, although the Helper is
prior to the start of services. In the case of community services, only responsible for the management of the client’s property
the insuree is required to pay the cost of meals and 10 per and for the arrangements of and care service needed.
cent of the total cost of services. The most important innovation in the Adult Guardianship
system is that anyone can nominate a guardian for oneself
voluntarily while still mentally intact. ‘The Law for Voluntary
20.47 THE NEW ADULT GUARDIANSHIP Nomination of Adult Guardian’ was enacted by the Diet
SYSTEM along with the revision of the Civil Code. Voluntary nomina-
tion is made in the form of a notarial deed and registered
The new Adult Guardianship system consists of the Guardian- according to the ‘Adult Guardianship Registration Act’.
ship, Curatorship and Help system. Previously, when someone However, despite these improvements one serious drawback
was declared by the Family Court to be incompetent in the remains. Consent to medical examination and treatment can
management of the property, he or she lost all legal capacity be done by neither Guardian nor Curator. A system that clari-
and a guardian was mandated to take over all the legal fies who legally consents regarding medical decisions for an
authority to make decisions on their behalf. Under the new incompetent subject needs to be developed.
Adult Guardianship system, even an incompetent person
may keep the capacity to decide acts related to daily living for
themselves. REFERENCES
Previously when someone was declared as quasi-
incompetent, he or she partially lost all legal capacity. Under
Arai M. (1999) Adult Guardianship System in Aged Society, revised
the new Curatorship System, he or she loses only the capacity
edition (in Japanese). Tokyo, Yuhikaku
for specified acts written in the Civil Code. The newly legis- Maeda D. (2003) Social security, health care, and social services for the
lated Help System is for those who suffer from intellectual elderly in Japan. In: Aging in Japan, 2003. Tokyo, Japan Aging
deterioration such as dementia as well as mental disability, Research Center
and thereby lack a sufficient level of mental ability as a normal Shimizu Y. (2003) Development of public long-term care insurance and
adult, but the level of incompetence is less than that of quasi- future direction of elderly care. In Aging in Japan 2003. Tokyo, Japan
incompetence. For these persons, the Family Court may Aging Research Center


20.48 Mexican population 283 20.53 Dementia and the community 285
20.49 General structure of healthcare services 284 20.54 The International Psychogeriatric Association’s
20.50 Psychiatry 284 (IPA) Latin American initiative 286
20.51 Psychogeriatrics and geriatrics 285 References 287
20.52 Services for dementia 285

Latin America is a vast and heterogeneous region, approxi- time of first childbirth. All these changes, including also
mately 10 times the size of Europe. It can be divided into four migration factors, will result in an increase of the Mexican
regions: North America, Central America, South America population from 100.6 million to 129 million inhabitants by
and the Caribbean. Languages spoken in Latin America are the year 2050. In this same period the median age of the popu-
predominantly Spanish and Portuguese. Almost 512 million lation will increase from 26.6 years to 42.7 years and the
people live in Latin American countries, including Mexico, percentage of people of 60 years old will also increase
Central America, the Latin Caribbean and the Latin popula- from 6 .8 per cent to 28 per cent. On the other hand the eco-
tion of the USA (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2003). nomically productive population (15–59.8-year-olds) will
remain relatively constant from 59.8 per cent in 2000 to 62.2
per cent in 2030 and 55.3 per cent in 2050 (INEGI, 2000).
20.48 MEXICAN POPULATION According to the analysed data in Mexico there were 6.8 mil-
lion people 60 years old or older in 2000 and there will be
Mexico comprises 31 states and a federal district, which is the 36 million people of this age group in 2050. The estimated
national seat of government (Alba, 1982). The 2000 census number of people with dementia is likely to increase from
showed that 7.1 per cent of the population speak one of 68 approximately 980 000 people to 6.7 million in the same
indigenous languages (INEGI, 2000). In the case of the eld- period; in other words in 2050 there will be as many
erly it is often their only language. These languages are unre- demented people as adults older than 59 years are today. This
lated to each other and are widespread across the country. numbers may be conservative considering that the estimated
Mexico is undergoing a demographic transition that will prevalence of dementia is taken from industrialized coun-
be complete by the year 2050. During this transition, changes tries. Lower level of education, decreased access to health
in life expectancy, fecundity rate and migration will impact services and other factors that accompany poverty in the
on the demographic structure resulting in progressive ageing elderly might make these estimates larger in Mexico.
of the population. Ageing is one of the most important risk The health of the Mexican population is well below the min-
factors for dementia. In industrialized countries it has been imum World Health Organization’s (WHO) standards and
estimated that the prevalence of dementia of about 3 per cent more than 30 per cent of the population is malnourished
for the 60–65-year-old population doubles every 5 years to (Campos Ortega, 1992); 10.6 million Mexicans are marginated
reach about 50 per cent for the population older than 80 from the rest of the population (CONAPO, 2003). The enor-
years. In Mexico from the year 2000 to 2050 the life mous population increase has been caused partly by a drop
expectancy of 74 years will increase up to 81.3 years (men 79, in the mortality rate, owing to both massive vaccination pro-
women 83.6). The probability of dying in the first year of life grammes and acute treatment for dehydration related to gas-
will decrease from 23/1000 to 5/1000 in the same time trointestinal infections, and partly by a very high birth rate.
period. The fecundity rate will also fall from 2.11 children/ Although standards of health are gradually improving, cen-
woman in 2000 to 1.85 children/woman in 2050 and there is tral government has found it almost impossible to offer ade-
also an expected rise in the age of marriage and the age at the quate health education and other social services (SSA, 1992).
284 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

Official unemployment figures are around 7.5 per cent The type of population served and supporting finance
(INEGI, 2000) but 40 per cent of the population work out- also define Mexico’s healthcare institutions. Various groups of
side the formal employment sector in occupations such as workers are catered for by occupational health schemes includ-
windscreen washers at traffic lights and illegal street vendors. ing those who work for the nationalized petroleum industry,
Since the 1994 economic crisis, there has also been a large and civil servants. There is a private sector, which accounts
increase in a well organized and still growing delinquency for 12 per cent of the medical facilities in the country and
industry (gang robberies, automobile theft, kidnapping caters for 17 per cent of the population (SSA, 2003).
and drug trafficking). The majority of the population live
between a state of survival and tremendous poverty. The
extreme poor constitute 15 per cent of the population, 47 per
cent live under the minimum level of decent living, and 36
per cent have no access to good medical services (SSA, 2000). Historically, Mexico was a pioneer, ahead of other American
The majority of health-related problems have their origin countries in providing care for those who, during colonial
in poverty, ignorance, malnutrition and a deficient health- times, were malnourished and wandered the streets. In 1566
care infrastructure; in the 2000 general census it was esti- the first psychiatric hospital of the Americas was founded in
mated that 9.5 per cent of the population 15 years could Mexico City. In the recent past, dependent mainly on charit-
not read and write (INEGI, 2000). In Mexico City this is able donations, these sorts of institutions have decayed and
aggravated by land, water and air pollution. Bearing in mind many have disappeared (Campillo and De la Fuente, 1976).
the pressure on public spending, government spending on In 1910 President Díaz inaugurated the building of a new
programmes for the elderly have had a low priority. However, national general asylum called ‘La Castañeda’. During the
the elderly are high consumers of health resources. Up to 30 next few decades several private institutions for the care of
per cent of the beds in the public sector were occupied by the the mentally ill were built, and along with La Castañeda
old in 1992 (Ruiz and Salvador, 1994) – an increasing ten- contributed to the development of psychiatry as a medical
dency that places insurmountable pressure on the healthcare specialty. Between 1950 and 1960 the Health Ministry
system. Recent figures show that in recent years the elderly (Secretaría de Salubridad y Asistencia; SSA) established a
occupancy of beds in the public sector has increased by network of 11 psychiatric institutions to substitute for the
12 per cent in the last 8 years (SSA, 2000). failing general asylum. Unfortunately, appropriate technical
and economic resources were not made available for their
maintenance and, over a period of several years of poverty
20.49 GENERAL STRUCTURE OF HEALTHCARE and neglect, they suffered severe deterioration. Other institu-
SERVICES tions to emerge from the Mexico City Council (DDF) and
hospitals belonging to the workers unions (IMSS) have suf-
fered the same fate. Only two hospitals in the public sector
The Mexican healthcare system is a complicated network of
have been able to overcome some of these problems and they
different institutions, which offer service in all areas of care.
have played an important role in the teaching of psychiatry
Government-provided health care is organized into three
(De la Fuente, 1982). In one of these institutions, the Fray
levels as follows:
Bernardino Hospital in Mexico City, the country’s first psy-
• Primary care. These services aim to solve 70–85 per cent chogeriatric unit was created 4 years ago with 20 short-term
of health problems. Their main objectives are the beds for the assessment and initial treatment of psychiatric
promotion of health, prevention of disease and detection disorders (including dementia) in the elderly.
of initial treatable or chronic conditions. They mainly In 1991 the SSA mental health services comprised 17 hos-
constitute unsophisticated and low-budget health clinics, pital units with a total of 5200 beds and 24 mental health
attended by family and general practitioners. Since the clinics. Other public and private institutions provide 3300
collapse of the Mexican economy in 1995, the more beds. Of the total number of psychiatric beds, 57 per
government is redirecting resources to this level of care. cent are in SSA hospitals, 24 per cent are in other government
• Secondary level. The purpose of this level is to solve hospitals and 19 per cent are run privately (Resnikoff et al.,
between 10 and 15 per cent of healthcare demands. It 1991); 60 per cent of the psychiatric beds (1 for every 5453
constitutes an organized network of hospitals and inhabitants) are located in the Mexico City area, while in cen-
outpatient clinics with low-level trained doctors in tral and south-eastern regions the figure is 1 bed for every
different specialties. This level of care has been crippled 55 315 and 44 115 inhabitants respectively (Pucheu, 1984).
owing to the budget deficits of overspending Unfortunately, recent data are unavailable; however, many
governments. public institutions catering for the mentally ill have disap-
• Tertiary care. At this level, highly specialized centres treat peared owing to the economical pressures on the govern-
the 3–5 per cent of the problems previously unresolved. mental budget.
Scientific investigation, research and education are major Personnel specializing in the field of mental health (doc-
objectives (Resnikoff et al., 1991). tors, psychologists, nurses, occupational therapists and social
Dementia and the community 285

workers) are scarce and badly distributed. The WHO recom- geriatricians distributed throughout the main cities have trad-
mends a minimum of five psychiatrists for every 100 000 itionally covered the shortfall in services for the elderly
inhabitants. In Mexico we calculate 3.1 psychiatrists for every mentally ill.
100 000. Recent figures from the national psychiatric Council
state that there are 2800 trained psychiatrists, but only 200 are
certified. In 1985 there were 1108 practising psychiatrists in 20.52 SERVICES FOR DEMENTIA
Mexico; 85 practised child psychiatry and 170 were psycho-
analysts. The rest were a mixed bag of general psychiatrists.
It is clear that services for dementia are scarce in Mexico, and
Of these 7 per cent dedicated the whole of their time working
are mainly located at the tertiary level of the healthcare sys-
in public institutions, 23 per cent solely to private practice
tem, which caters for the unresolved problems or those who
and 63 per cent combined both activities. Only 10 per cent of
have slipped through the previous levels of care. Only a
all psychiatrists have carried out any documented scientific
minority of patients with dementia are seen and treated by
investigation and 20 per cent participate in teaching activities
health professionals. At this level, diagnosis and outpatient
(De la Fuente et al., 1988). With regard to other workers in
care are priorities, with most patients being cared for at
the mental health field, the deficit is even more acute.
home or in unregulated nursing homes. There are eight spe-
Notwithstanding an intensive programme of training, there
cialized centres in Mexico City for assessment, diagnosis and
are only 126 social workers in the field of mental health and
follow up of patients with dementia. Each centre works indi-
35 nurses with formal training in the management of psychi-
vidually with few guidelines for diagnosis and treatment
atric patients.
strategies. Five of these centres are part of the IMSS system
and three are private centres; four are within geriatric areas of
general hospitals and one belongs to a neurological institute.
20.51 PSYCHOGERIATRICS AND GERIATRICS In the private sector three memory clinics cater for patients
with dementia. All centres lack both medical and nursing
In Mexico as a whole there are only eight trained psychogeri- care at community level and there is little input from social
atricians and a handful of psychiatrists and neurologists services. Respite care and crisis intervention services are vir-
committed to treating the aged. In other words less than 1 per tually non-existent. The rest of the country has no special-
cent of trained psychiatrist dedicate their practice to old age. ized care except for simple small units for assessment of
In Mexico City there is the aforementioned psychogeriatric patients in the private sector.
inpatient unit at the Fray Bernardino Hospital, with 20 beds, In real terms private family doctors treat patients diagnosed
and three informal units at private hospitals amounting to a with dementia at home or in private nursing homes by profes-
total of 550 beds for a population of 20 million. Teaching of sionals with little training or understanding of the problem.
psychogeriatrics is poor and limited to three main pro-
grammes, and there has not been an improvement in this
area in the last 5 years: 20.53 DEMENTIA AND THE COMMUNITY

• Diploma in Psychogeriatrics – training in mental health

There are two national non-profit organizations for patients
of the aged for mental health workers;
with dementia and their families. the Asociación Médica de
• psychogeriatrics as a subject for general psychiatrists in
Alzheimer y enfermedades similares (AMAES) was founded
training in two city hospitals comprising 10 sessions of
2 hours each and no practical placement; by relatives of patients with dementia in 1988, affiliated to
Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) and hosted the ADI
• a 2-year course in psychogeriatrics run by the national
international conference in 1989. The objectives of AMAES are:
university, that also falls down on clinical training and
experience. • family counselling and support;
In the central state of Jalisco there is a small psycho- • promotion of and assistance of support groups around
the country (20 exist);
geriatric unit run privately by one of the few trained psycho-
geriatricians, which involves some teaching of trainees. • education of the public;
Most of the specific knowledge acquired by psychiatrists • training for primary and secondary carers;
in the treatment of the elderly therefore comes from experi- • promotion of clinical and epidemiological investigation;
ence gathered during general psychiatric training – there is • leadership in public policy (AMAES, 1988).
little formal training. Very recently the Ministry of Health Fondo de Apoyo para la Enfermedad de Alzheimer (FAEA)
has acknowledged the lack of resources for old age psychiatry was initially part of AMAES. Subsequently it has concen-
and for the first time there is to be serious planning concern- trated on the specific objective of creating respite through
ing the future of mental health caring for the elderly. day care centres around the country. At present it manages
The field of geriatric medicine is better organized with a two day care centres for patients with dementia capable of
long-standing tradition in teaching and training. The 400 handling 20 patients each. One is located in Mexico City and
286 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

the other in the city of Queretaro. The centres are privately promote social services to assist the families in need, with
administered and non-profit making (FAEA, 1992). help and feedback from non-governmental agencies like
Alzheimer support groups and associations.
20.53.1 The Mexican national plan for HEALTH EDUCATION
Health education within the programme includes all aspects
The demographic explosion has many implications both for related to the improvement of health preventative measures
today and the future, creating a huge demand on education, when applicable to the dementing illnesses. They include
employment and health services, especially for the under- means to tackle poverty, social inequality and education. In
privileged and particularly for our ageing population. the specific area of education per se the following are clear
The Mexican family has survived as a powerful and con- objectives of the plan:
servative institution, and it is very important for political sta-
bility. Traditions and moral and religious values are passed • to promote changes in the curriculum in the educational
programmes, which would include dementias in the
on through the family. The extended family gives a support-
Medical Faculties and postgraduate training programmes
ive structure to the young and to the old. Nevertheless, a
in Medicine, plus programme changes in the psychology,
number of factors have greatly affected the familial structure
nursing and social workers training programmes;
in recent years. These include:
• to promote the development of a Diploma in Intellectual
• demographic changes; Decline and Dementias as a formal 2-year course for
• migration to urban areas; medical and paramedical personnel;
• illegal migration to the USA; • to provide behavioural and psychological signs and
• westernization; symptoms of dementia (BPSD) training packages for
• diminished religious influence. nurses, primary care physicians and families;
Taking all these factors into account, and with the recent • to initiate public awareness programmes.
changes in the political structure, with a new ruling party after For the educational programmes we are attempting to use
70 years without any political change, the scenario is changing novel educational systems via the internet and educational
towards a more humane and politically sound system that will packages to promote service delivery in remote areas of Mexico.
take into account the needs and future demands of Mexican
society. RESEARCH
In the year 2001, the Ministry of Health started to develop
a National Plan of Health. Within its core, the mental health Our programme is aware that without formal research no
of the citizens was contemplated and it became clear that as a public policy can be established. With very limited resources
national priority the health of the elderly, and particularly in our country, we must find the means to optimize the eco-
the need to develop public policy related to the dementing nomic resources and establish guidelines for those specific
illnesses, was urgently needed. areas urgently needed to support policy changes in the area
A National Advisory team that could promote a plan for of the dementing disorders.
tackling this problem was created. I (first author) was asked
to develop the team structure and within 6 months produced LEGISLATION
with my six-member team a National Plan for Alzheimer To be able to consolidate the National Plan for Dementias, we
Disease and Related Disorders that could be working within should take into consideration the changes needed to pro-
the next year. mote both patients’ and health providers’ rights.
This is not the time or place to state our plan; however, let We are aware that the plan we have produced has to have
me put forward the four main objectives that we are trying to short- and long-term objectives and we know that results will
achieve. not be seen for some years. One major problem is clouding
the whole success of this enterprise: lack of resources and SERVICE DELIVERY bureaucracy can limit success.
This refers to all the measures needed to promote quality and
presence in our services, especially at primary care level pro-
moting integral management of patients with intellectual
decline and for their families.
We need to create services for each community for pre-
vention, early diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and
respite, basically at primary care level with support of sec- The elderly population of Latin America is projected to
ondary units for more precise diagnosis and cases with increase dramatically over the next 20 years (Liviv-Bacci,
special needs. At the same time, there is an urgent need to 1995), and with this in mind the IPA has launched an initiative
References 287

to promote the development of psychogeriatric services in this REFERENCES

area (Resnikoff, 1997). Of a worldwide IPA membership of
1112 in 1998 only 6.11 per cent were Latin American profes-
Alba F. (1982) The Population of Mexico: Trends, Issues and Policies.
sionals even though the total population of Latin America is
Mexico, Transaction Press
greater than that of Europe and the USA combined. AMAES. (1988) Establecimiento legal de la Asociación Mexicana de
Latin American countries are beginning to recognize the Alzheimer (Bylaws). Mexico, AMAES
impact of an ageing population on their cultures and soci- Campillo C and De la Fuente R. (1976) La psiquiatría en México:
eties. This in turn will dramatically affect policy-making and una perspectiva histórica. Mexico DF, Gaceta Médica de
general health service delivery in countries where old age has México 11: 3
traditionally been the responsibility of extended family net- Campos Ortega S. (1992) Análisis demográfico de la morbilidad en
works. Owing to rapid changes in the economy of the region México. Mexico DF, El Colegio de México
and resultant social restructuring, traditional family values CONAPO (Consejo Nacional de Población). (2003) Statistical Analysis of
and support systems are collapsing and extended families are the Mexican Population. Mexico, CONAPO
De la Fuente R. (1982) Acerca de la Salud Mental en México. Salud
often no longer capable of caring for elderly relatives, leading
Mental 5: 22–31
to a demand for social intervention policies.
De la Fuente R, Diaz Martinez A, Fouillouz C. (1988) La formación de
The IPA’S Latin American Initiative has three primary psiquiatras en la República Mexicana. Salud Mental 11: 3–7
concerns: Encyclopaedia Britannica. CD-Rom, 2003
FAEA. (1992) Establecimiento legal del Fondo de Apoyo para la
• Policy. The IPA is concerned with giving assistance to
enfermedad de Alzheimer. (Bylaws). Mexico, FAEA
healthcare professionals in the area of education of
INEGI (Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e información).
policy-makers, with the aim of a healthy approach to an
(2000) Análisis de la Población y Proyecciones. Mexico, INEGI
ageing population. The IPA has active members who Liviv-Bacci R. (1995) Notas sobre la transición demográfica en Europa y
have tackled similar problems in their respective America Latina. Memorias de la IV Conferencia Latinoamericana de
countries and who are willing to share their experiences Población. México, INEGI 1, pp. 13–28
with Latin American countries. Pucheu C. (1984) Panorama actual de la psiquiatría y la Salud mental
• Education. Education in geriatric and psychogeriatrics is en México. Cuadernos de Salud mental 7. Mexico, UNAM Publishers
still underdeveloped in this part of the world. The IPA Resnikoff D. (1997) Latin-American Initiative. Report to the International
will advise and assist on general principles of developing Psychogeriatric Board of Directors. Jerusalem
educational programmes. Resnikoff R, Pustilnik S, Resnikoff D. (1991) Mexico: struggling for a
better future. In: L Appleby and R Araya (eds), Mental Health in the
• Communication. The flow of information in and out of
Global Village. London, Royal College of Psychiatrists
Latin American countries, between them and with other
Ruiz L and Salvador A. (1994) El cambio estructural de la Salud Pública
nations is developing at a very slow rate. The IPA intends
en México, 29. Mexico, SSA
to promote a better system of information sharing SSA (Secretaría de Salud). (1992) Encuesta Nacional de Salud.
(Resnikoff, 1997). Mexico, SSA
SSA (Secretaría de Salud). (2000) Encuesta Nacional de Salud.
Mexico, SSA
SSA (Secretaría de Salud). (2003) Encuesta Nacional de Salud.
Mexico, SSA


20.55 Diagnosis and treatment 288 20.57 Cooperation and coordination 289
20.56 Care 288 References 289

In the Netherlands the development of specific services referral to a specialist service are (The Dutch College of
for people with dementia started in the 1950s with the setting General Practitioners [NHG], 1998):
up of Psychogeriatric Nursing Homes. There were both
quantitative and qualitative reasons: the shortage of beds in
• dementia with an indication for neuroimaging
(suspicion of tumour, infarcts etc.)
the general psychiatric hospitals and the feeling that people
suffering from dementia needed specialized care (Robben,
• rapid progressive dementia

• young age ( 65)

In the 50 years that followed, the number of beds for people

• uncharacteristic features or course, and doubt about
with dementia in nursing homes has grown to 30 813 in
2003. The nursing homes take care of patients with severe
• non-cognitive symptoms that need specialist treatment

dementia for whom care at home or other residential care

• indication for treatment with cholinesterase-inhibitors.

facilities is no longer possible. However, only 18 per cent of 20.55.2 Memory clinics; multidisciplinary
people with dementia reside in a nursing home (Health dementia team
Council, 2002) and therefore services have been established
to meet the needs of those living on their own with mild or Specialist services for diagnosis and treatment of dementia
moderate dementia. The estimated growth of the number of have in common that they work with a multidisciplinary
elderly with dementia underlines the necessity of adequate team consisting of medical specialists, (neuro)psychologists
services. Whereas in the year 2000 it was estimated that 1 in and specialized nurses. Regional differences exist in the loca-
93 people in the Netherlands was demented, this figure will tion of the service and the medical department from which it
be 1 in 81 in 2010, 1 in 71 in 2020 and 1 in 44 in 2050 (Health originates. Memory clinics usually are part of the general (or
Council, 2002) university) hospital, organized either by the department of
In this chapter an overview of services available in the neurology, geriatrics or psychiatry. Multidisciplinary demen-
Netherlands will be given. At the moment not all services tia teams generally are based in community mental healthcare
exist in every healthcare region; the Dutch Government has centres or in the general psychiatric hospital. The memory
asked the Netherlands Institute for Care and Welfare to clinics usually focus more on a disease-related diagnostic
develop a National Dementia Care Programme giving guide- work-up, whereas the mental healthcare-based teams lay
lines with regard to services that should minimally be avail- more emphasis on needs assessment, case management and
able in each healthcare region. treatment of non-cognitive and behavioural disturbances.


20.55.1 General practitioners 20.56.1 Ambulatory

In the Netherlands the general practitioner (GP) diagnoses The GP can ask for support from home care (for both nurs-
the majority of people with dementia. The main reasons for ing and household tasks). When more support is needed, day
References 289

care, usually in either a residential home or a nursing home, 20.57 COOPERATION AND COORDINATION
can be obtained, including transportation to and from the
day care facility. Also night care and care during a holiday by
the caregiver can be arranged. Support for the family care- The basic principle of the current policy in the Netherlands is
giver is available through meetings with other caregivers ‘tailored care’: care on the basis of a sound personal needs
organized by either the regional community mental health- assessment. Dementia patients often require various types of
care centres or by the Dutch Alzheimer Foundation. Forms care, treatment and counselling, delivered either simultan-
of integrated support (in which both patient and relative eously or in sequence. Many informal and professional carers,
participate) are ‘the Alzheimer cafe’ (available in more than as well as various organizations, are involved in this. Integration
50 cities in the Netherlands) (Miesen, 2002) and support and coherence are needed for a good quality of care. The above
programmes where healthcare professionals attend to both mentioned National Dementia Care Programme will have to
the needs of the patients and their caregivers (called ‘meeting provide a framework for coordination of the care delivered
centres’) (Droes, 2000). by many different organizations, institutions and disciplines,
including GPs. High expectations are placed upon the con-
20.56.2 Residential cept of case management, in order to promote the cohesion
of care.
When it is no longer feasible to take care of a patient with
dementia in the home, the GP and/or the family will request
long-term care. As mentioned before, long-term care is REFERENCES
organized in psychogeriatric nursing homes, where a special-
ized Nursing Physician is responsible for the care of the Robben PBM. (2002) Kwartet voor ouderen. Houten, Bohn Stafleu Van
patients. A recent development is the establishment of small- Loghum
scale housing for people with dementia. Small-scale housing Droes RM, Breebaart E, Ettema TP, van Tilburg W, Mellenbergh GJ.
consists of separate units and of small units within a larger (2000) Effect of integrated family support versus day care only on
context (nursing home, residential care home or other type behavior and mood of patients with dementia. International
Psychogeriatrics 12: 99–115
of residential care) where 8–12 persons live together. Small-
Dutch College of General Practitioners (NHG). (1998) Practice Guideline
scale units give a better overview, which is important for
Dementia. (
patients with dementia, allowing them to retain some degree Health Council of the Netherlands. (2002) Dementia. The Hague,
of control over their environment. Furthermore, if a limited Health Council of the Netherlands, publication no. 2002/04E.
number of permanent carers are linked to small groups of (
patients, this has the benefit of promoting the individualiza- Miesen B. (2002) Het Alzheimer Café. Vragen, antwoorden, gevoelens en
tion of care. The small-scale approach also offers the oppor- ervaringen van mensen die te maken hebben met dementie. Lifetime,
tunity of forming groups of people who are better suited to Kosmos/Z and K Uitgevers Bv
one another in terms of background, interests or disease
stage. The main problem at the moment, however, is a short-
age of places both in large and small scale nursing homes.
New Zealand


20.58 Epidemiology 290 20.61 Ma-ori issues 291

20.59 Assessment for dementia 290 References 292
20.60 Care for people with dementia 291

E nga– iwi, e nga– reo, e nga– karangatanga maha o nga– hau e wha– – geriatric psychiatry teams assess and manage patients with
tenei te mihi atu ki a koutou ka–toa. Te–na– koutou, te–na– koutou, the more difficult or complex behavioural, psychological
te–na– koutou ka–toa. [To all people, all voices, all the many rela- symptoms of dementia (BPSD), patients for whom the diag-
tions from the four winds, greetings to you all] (Ma–ori Greeting) nosis is indeterminate, need neuropsychiatric evaluation, or
their dementia is complicated by a pre-existing psychiatric
disorder. About 25–50 per cent of a geriatric psychiatry
20.58 EPIDEMIOLOGY team’s workload is with cognitively impaired or demented
older people. Most of these demented patients have complica-
tions of BPSD, delirium or comorbid depression (Melding
New Zealand is an independent bicultural nation of 4 million
and Osman, 2000). In most major centres, geriatric and geri-
people living in a group of South Pacific Islands covering an
atric psychiatry teams work closely together either as con-
area of 268 000 square kilometres, slightly greater than the
joined or co-located services with cross-referral systems.
United Kingdom. Much of New Zealand is rural and the
Geriatric and geriatric psychiatry services use a commu-
majority of the population is concentrated in the cities of
nity/outreach-based model of assessment and treatment.
Auckland, Hamilton, and Wellington in the North,
Multidisciplinary community teams are the norm for geriatric
Christchurch, and Dunedin in the South. One-third of New
psychiatry and are becoming more common in geriatrics
Zealanders live in the Auckland region alone. Currently, about
also. One or more members of a geriatric or geriatric psych-
11 per cent of the population is over 65 years but in common
iatry multidisciplinary team will usually assess a patient with
with the worldwide trend of population ageing this figure is
possible dementia in their place of residence and if necessary,
expected to rise to over 18 per cent by 2030. In New Zealand,
cross-refer for further assessment or admit to inpatient
about 3500 people die annually of various forms of dementia.
assessment treatment and rehabilitation (ATR) services (the
The only survey on dementia to date (Campbell et al., 1983)
term ATR is used for both disciplines). Home assessment is
estimated 7.7 per cent of people over 65 years had dementia.
preferred as this gives the opportunity to assess the home situ-
In present day terms this suggests about 30 000–35 000 older
ation and family burden of care. Day clinic services are in
New Zealanders have dementia and require services and care.
short supply with one-third of geriatric and over one-half of
geriatric psychiatry services lacking such facilities. Only a few
larger geriatric psychiatry services can offer a memory clinic.
20.59 ASSESSMENT FOR DEMENTIA In the hinterland of the major cities and towns are many
small rural towns and a higher proportion of older people
For the majority of people with dementia, access to services is live in these outlying areas (20 per cent as opposed to urban
through geriatric or geriatric psychiatry teams via primary 15 per cent). Service delivery and provision of facilities for
care. Most base hospitals have geriatric services, but geriatric people with dementia in these areas are limited and provi-
psychiatry services are confined to the more populated centres. sion is often by outreach clinics to these areas (national range
While both specialties accept patients with dementia, the 2–6 clinics per service) from the base hospital.
Ma–ori issues 291

20.60 CARE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA hospital beds (Ministry of Health, 2002). These establishments
are graded into levels of care with the highest levels being for
those most disabled. Eighty per cent of residents are over 75
20.60.1 Care in the home years (MOH, 2002), of whom well over half have dementia
(NZ Department of Statistics) as their main disability. In
The majority of people with early stages of dementia and less addition, there are 2315 specific beds for people with behav-
significant functional impairment (70–80 per cent) usually ioural disturbance and dementia, taking about 7–8 per cent
are cared for in their own homes, by family caregivers of patients with dementia who need care that is more spe-
(National Health Committee, ADARDS, 1997; Richards cialized. These special dementia units attract a higher subsidy
2001). Current health policy advocates ‘ageing in place’ and patient entry to them is only through the geriatric psy-
(Howden-Chapman et al., 1999) as the preferred option. chiatry teams, who also provide consultation and liaison
Certainly, the majority of patients prefer to continue in their services to these units and indeed to the residential sector.
own homes for as long as possible and this option is cheaper
than providing government-subsidized residential care. To
enable this policy, New Zealand has a system of Need 20.60.3 Non-Governmental Organizations
Assessment Service Coordinators (NASC), attached to all older (NGOs)
people’s services, who design packages of home support for
patients with early dementia (meals on wheels, home assist- NGOs provide many services for people with dementia. A
ance, district nursing, etc.) When applicable, they arrange major contributor of services is the Alzheimer Association,
placement in a rest home or private hospital. A patient can be which has branches in most areas of the country. The local
admitted to a rest home, state funded, for up to 28 days annu- Alzheimer societies provide help and support to family
ally for respite. The care may be taken flexibly, a day, a week members and particularly to those caring for relatives at
or en bloc to allow the hardworking family caregivers a break home. They often provide short educational courses for care-
or perhaps a holiday. At the present time, the total number and givers on managing a demented relative at home and their
range of services available through NASC varies throughout field workers provide caregiver support. Age Concern is
the country, but the recent adoption of the Best Practice, another major NGO that provides advocacy and support
Evidenced Based Guideline: Assessment Process for Older services. Age Concern also plays a key role in health promo-
People (New Zealand Guidelines Group, 2003) and the pro- tion (Age Concern, 1999), organizing ‘elder abuse’ local
posed use of a common assessment tool should, in the next teams and providing welfare guardianship services for people
few years, make access to home care services more equitable, without kin. Quite a few rest homes also provide day care
nationwide. services as well as respite care for people with dementia, ser-
As dementia progresses, patients will often need more vices not usually available in the public sector.
specialist or greater levels of care than NASC can provide in
the home environment. The most common reasons for rela- –
tives to relinquish care to institutions are: mental confusion, 20.61 MAORI ISSUES
particularly where agitated or disruptive behaviour occurs,
or frequent nocturnal disturbance, together with urinary The constitutional basis, legislature and ethos of New
incontinence (Richmond et al., 1995). Zealand is the country’s founding document, The Treaty of
Waitangi, which in 1840 protected the ‘rights’ of the tangata
20.60.2 Hospital care whenua (lit. ‘The people of the land’), the indigenous Ma–ori,
while granting sovereignty of the Islands to the British
Traditionally, older people with advanced dementia were Crown. Today, 15 per cent of New Zealand’s population is
cared for in geriatric wards in public hospitals. In the 1960s Ma–ori. The Treaty is a living document and an important
and 1970s, government policy of that time provided means- current ‘right’ to be protected is health. Another is the special
tested subsidies for patients requiring rest home or private status of Ma–ori elders amongst their communities.
hospital care, who were occupying public hospital beds. This Kauma–mua– (male elder) status is associated with the cultural
policy encouraged mushrooming development of rest homes practices of older age, wisdom, experience and knowledge of
and private hospitals by the ‘not for profit religious and wel- the culture, and they are the traditional leaders of the Ma–ori
fare’ sector and ‘for profit’ private operators. Over the next 25 people.
years, the policy had the effect of devolving geriatric patients Despite improvements over the last few decades, there are
from public hospital wards to the private sector. Currently, still marked disparities between Ma–ori health and life
very few long-stay beds exist within the public hospital sys- expectancy when compared with the European population of
tem, and the few that remain are only on the West Coast and New Zealand. Ma–ori have been prone to vascular disease,
Northland, large rural areas with few facilities other than the stroke, renal disease, cancer, respiratory disease and diabetes,
base hospital. At the present time, contracted to the Ministry of which result in untimely deaths, early onset ageing and
Health (subsidised beds) are 21 411 rest home plus 9509 private premature dementia, particularly cerebrovascular dementia.
292 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

Ill health commences approximately 5 years earlier than in be seen if the individual District Health Boards can achieve
other New Zealanders and life expectancy of Ma–ori males is this utopian vision by the due date of 2010.
10 years less and for females 8 years less than for New New Zealand has one of the highest rates of subsidized
Zealanders as a whole (NZ Department of Statistics). Debate institutionalization for older people in the world with over 6
is ongoing as to whether the legal definition of ‘elderly’ for per cent of total public health expenditure and 25 per cent of all
Ma–ori on which eligibility for national superannuation is health expenditure for the over-65s funding residential care
determined should be a lower age than for other New subsidies for older people, the majority of whom have demen-
Zealanders (Ma–aka, 1993). Ma–ori ill health, poor life tia. To control burgeoning expenditure, residential services
expectancy and the diminishing number of kauma–tua– as a have to contract with the Ministry of Health through their
result are major health priorities for New Zealand. local District Health Authorities, who require measurable qual-
Ability to provide assessment, treatment and placement ity criteria, including provisions for training of staff, staffing
options for older Ma–ori with dementia that are also culturally levels, medication practices and restraint minimization, all of
appropriate is a major challenge for all services. Many teams which are subject to auditing and monitoring of facilities.
have limited access to cultural advisors and there is a major A particularly thorny issue is lack of provision of medica-
shortage of Ma–ori professional staff within the teams. Ma–ori tions for the treatment of dementia. The anticholinesterase
concepts of health are more holistic than those espoused by inhibitor drugs are licensed for use and therefore available
their European treaty partners. For Ma–ori, and particularly but not subsidized, as the funding body believes that there is
older Ma–ori, health has a framework of taha tinana (physical insufficient evidence of their efficacy to make them freely
health), taha hinengaro (emotional and psychological), taha available. Therefore, patients have to pay the full cost of these
wha–nau (health family), and taha wairua (spiritual health) drugs. This is seen by older persons’ advocacy groups as
(Durie, 1998). This latter dimension involves concepts of inter- inequitable and unfair, as many elderly patients are not able
connectedness with their papatu– a–nuku (lit. ‘Mother Earth’, to afford them. For clinicians, inability to provide these drugs
i.e. traditional lands and landscape). Older Ma–ori are much at reasonable cost for those who might benefit is extremely
more likely to be living close to their ancestral Maraes (trad- frustrating.
itional meeting places) in provincial or rural areas that often Whilst there will always be challenges to overcome, one
lack geriatric services. Traditionally, Ma–ori culture is rooted strength of dementia care in New Zealand are that there is
in the wha–nau (extended family) in contrast to the Western good cooperation between geriatrics and geriatric psychiatry.
ethos of personal autonomy; their individualism is subsumed There is a clear national strategy and the policy direction
within the wha–nau so that, for Ma–ori, all matters relating to a is towards conjoined services nationwide by 2010 to ensure
patient’s health need discussing with the family. The wha–nau the ‘continuum of care’. The strength is that there is a well-
and not the individual make the key decisions. developed residential sector when patients need higher levels
Not only are Ma–ori prone to dementia at an earlier age, of care and generally, the residential, community, advocacy
but services for Ma–ori older people and elders are lacking in organizations and public arms of care are happy to work with
traditional Ma–ori areas, and attempts at residential place- each other for the betterment of the patients. There is polit-
ment of patients with dementia far away from the wha–nau ical will to improve dementia care for elderly people and there
contradicts the Ma–ori framework of health and cause more is clinical will to develop the flexible community support
distress. In common with most other ethnic groups, the older programmes desired by patients and their families.
Ma–ori population is increasing and these issues are increas-
ing in significance for a New Zealand health service delivery.
The New Zealand Government has recently begun to take REFERENCES
considerable interest in older people’s health. The ageing of
the population, the ‘baby boom’ generation reaching retire- Age Concern. (1999) Ageing is Living. An educational and training
ment in the next 10 or 20 years, and the increases in cost of resource to prepare for positive ageing. Wellington, Age
disability support for older people have pressed the urgent Concern
need for a national Strategy for the Health of Older People Campbell AJ, McCosh LM, Reinken J, Allen BC. (1983) Dementia in old
(Minister for Disability Issues, 2002). The guiding principles age and the need for services. Age and Ageing 12: 11–16
are person- (and their family) centred care, personal choice Durie M. (1998) Whaiora, Maori Health Development. Auckland, Oxford
in options for care, together with provision of a range of University Press
inpatient, community geriatric and geriatric psychiatry ser- Howden-Chapman P, Signal L, Crane J. (1999) Housing and Health in
older people: ageing in place. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand
vices, residential assessment, treatment and rehabilitation, and
13: 14–30
residential care to be available for patients in each District –aka R. (1993) Te Ao o te Pakeketanga: The world of the aged. In:
Health Area, nationwide. Other requirements include P Koopman-Boyden (ed.), New Zealand’s Ageing Society: The
administrative processes that enable integrated services, are Implications. Wellington, Daphne Brasell, pp. 213–254
needs based, are responsive and flexible to changing patient Melding PS and Osman N. (2000) The view from the bottom of the cliff.
needs, are based on best practice, supported by research and, Old age psychiatry services in the patients and the resources. New
of course, affordable to the individual and state. It remains to Zealand Medical Journal 113:439–442
References 293

Minister of Disability Issues. (2002) The Health of Older People Strategy. New Zealand Guidelines Group. (2003) Best Practice Evidenced Based
Health Sector Action to 2010 to support Positive Ageing. Wellington, Guideline, Assessment Processes for Older People. Wellington,
Ministry of Health Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health. (2002) Health of Older People in New Zealand. A Richards J. (2001) Dementia: The privilege of caring. New Zealand
Statistical Reference. Wellington, Ministry of Health Family Physician 28: 19–21
Minister for Senior Citizens. (2001) The New Zealand Positive Ageing Richmond D, Baskett J, Bonita R, Melding P. (1995) Care of Older People
Strategy. Wellington: Ministry of Health in New Zealand. Wellington, New Zealand Government Press
National Health Committee, ADARDS. (1997) Guidelines for the support
and management of people with dementia. Wellington, Ministry
of Health
Nordic countries


20.62 Local culture and demographic data 294 20.65 Conclusion 295
20.63 Laws 295 References 295
20.64 Education 295

‘Services are based on local culture, politics, skills and educa- the population who are over 65 varies from 11.6 (Iceland)
tion of the staff who provide the service.’ This was one of the to 17.2 (Sweden). In some counties in Sweden, more than 35
main conclusions of a symposium on Service Delivery at the per cent of the population is over 65 (
11th IPA (International Psychogeriatric Association) Chicago population). Norway has the highest rate of nursing home
Congress 2003 (IPA, facilities, Finland has the lowest. It is difficult to compare the
resources for the elderly in the five countries as different
admission criteria are used for nursing home places, sheltered
20.62 LOCAL CULTURE AND DEMOGRAPHIC nursing facilities and special apartments etc. Only Norway and
DATA Denmark have special statistics (Statistical Yearbook, 2003).
In Denmark, no new nursing homes have been established
The Nordic countries Iceland, Finland, Sweden, Norway and for the last 15 years and 15 000 nursing home places have
Denmark to some extent have a common Scandinavian model been replaced with two-room flats, which may be unsuitable
of the service delivered to older people. The Scandinavian for people with dementia.
model means that nearly all education, hospital treatment, All Nordic countries have psychogeriatric services, but
social support and services to the elderly are free and paid not in all counties within those countries.
through taxation. In Finland 25 per cent of the social costs The Municipals are responsible for the services for older
are paid privately. The social expenditure in the Nordic coun- people, and as nursing home places are reduced, home ser-
tries ranges from 5.0–11.3 per cent of Gross Domestic Product. vice in the Municipals has increased. In the middle of the
(GDP, Nordic Council of Ministers, 2003) (Table 20.5). It is 1980s a saying became popular among the local authorities:
striking that Denmark has the lowest life expectancy for men ‘Stay as long as possible in your own home’. Nursing home
(74.6 years) and women (79.2 years) and has the highest places were reduced and a new development began in a com-
expenses per elderly, while Iceland has the lowest expenses munal nursing system.
and the highest life expectancy for both men (78.5 years) and All countries have day facilities and different ways of pro-
women (82.1 years). However, this might in part reflect dif- viding help in the patients’ own homes. Personal care, meals
ferences in statistical estimates between the countries. on wheels, administration of medication in special boxes
The burden of the elderly differs between countries. The daily and weekly, cleaning help and help in the garden are
demographic data in Table 20.6 shows that the percentage of some of the possibilities. There are also day care centres.

Table 20.5 Social expenditure in the Nordic countries

Social expenditure Iceland Finland Sweden Norway Denmark

Per cent of GDP 5.5 8.1 11.3 7.4 10.9
Euro (millions, 2001) 412.8 10 156.7 23 885.1 11108 15 578.5
References 295

Table 20.6 Demographic and old age care place data of Nordic countries

Iceland Finland Sweden Norway Denmark

Population (in millions) 0.29 5.19 8.90 4.55 5.38
(1) and (2) 0.3 0.1
65 population per 1000 33.8 787.3 1532.1 673.5 798.4
Institutions or Serving Houses (2001) 3073 54 881 127124 72 219 63 037
Nursing Home Places 36 000 26 037
Protected dwellings 8000 3926
Receiving home help (2001) 6334 84 210 121 741 94 882 173 370

1 Aaland Islands (Finland)

2 Faroe Islands and Greenland (Denmark)

Table 20.7 Acts that govern the following situations

Social service Public health Patients rights Old age housing Legal guardianship Psychiatry

Most of the Nordic countries provide reduced fares for trans- All the Nordic countries have laws concerning mental
portation on buses and trains, and one municipal has pro- health and social service, all have a policy of patients’ rights
vided a free holiday tour to southern Europe. and most have legal guardianship regulations (Table 20.7).
Sweden has, from late in the 1970s established ‘housing
and living’ facilities, a house for 6–8 people with dementia
and full-time staff, who try to make the day as natural as pos- 20.64 EDUCATION
sible instead of an ordinary nursing home placement. This
has become more fashionable in recent years in the Nordic The staff in the municipal home nursing system are ‘Health
countries. and Social’ helpers with 14 months of basic training, ‘Health
In 2002, the municipal staff in Denmark had risen to and Social’ assistants with 3 years ( – English
129 930, and the number of people over 65 receiving help from version not available) in basic training and nurses have 3 1/2
the community nursing system stood at 324 661. Forty-one years training. ( – English
per cent of 65-year-old Danish people get help in their own version available).
home, some of these for 24 hours (Statistical Yearbook, 2003).

20.63 LAWS
Services for the care of older people in the Nordic Countries
is, in most cases, functioning well, but legislation does not
The laws in Finland point out that the client must be treated
cover but complicates the lives of 5–10 per cent of the most
so that the dignity of the elderly is preserved and that his or
disabled demented elderly.
her convictions and privacy are respected (Vaarama et al.,
2001). The Danish laws, especially the Social Services Act
( emphasize patients’ REFERENCES
integrity and autonomy. The conflict between autonomy and
helplessness may lead to loss of dignity, care desertion and, in
Nordic Statistical Yearbook (2003) Copenhagen, Nordic Council of
the extreme situation, senile squalor. After the first Social
Services Act (2000), this conflict has left nursing staff with Statistical Yearbook (Statisk årbog) Denmark 2003
an ethical dilemma – tension between respect for the elderly Vaarama M, Luomahaara J, Peiponen A, Voutilainen P. (2001) The Whole
person’s autonomy and need of care. Municipality Working Together With Old People. Perspectives on
The second Social Service Act (2003) has reduced some of development of elderly people’s independent living care and services.
the negative effects, but it still highlights the autonomy of the Helsinki, National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and
patient and care is still perceived, in some way, as paternalistic. Health (STAKES)


20.66 What do we expect from old age psychiatry? 296 20.69 Conclusions 298
20.67 Old age psychiatry in Romania 296 References 298
20.68 Mental health services for the elderly in Romania 296

In Romania, around 12 per cent of the population are over 20.68 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES FOR THE
the age of 65 years. The increased prevalence of mental health ELDERLY IN ROMANIA
problems in the elderly requires different approaches to the
development of the old age psychiatry.
In the last few years, in most countries the psychiatric
services have been more and more orientated towards the
20.66 WHAT DO WE EXPECT FROM OLD AGE community (Jolley and Arie, 1992; Arie, 1994; Wattis, 1994;
PSYCHIATRY? Philpot and Banerjee, 1996; Wertheimer, 1997). The spe-
cial needs of older people were not always recognized
and respected by generic services (Wattis, 1994). Any new
The most developed countries have policies, programmes mental health service strategy must take the following
and facilities to address mental health problems associated into consideration: integration of mental health care, cre-
with the ageing of their populations. Because developing ation of services adequate to specific needs of patients, conti-
countries lack such specific organization, the World Health nuity of care by cooperation among various services
Organization promotes such developments and has collabor- providers, multidisciplinary team work, community invol-
ated with the World Psychiatric Association and other vement and geographic catchment areas (Cooper, 1997;
European and international psychiatry associations to elab- Tăturu, 1997).
orate on consensus statements and technical documents. Stigma remains an obstacle in ensuring access to good
These assist the development of the care for old people with care for the elderly. Stigma against the elderly mentally ill
mental disorders. (World Health Organization, 1996, 1997, leads to the development of negative attitudes, including the
1998, 2002). attitudes of professionals and services, and consequent poor
quality treatment and care, and inadequate funding at both
national and local levels (World Health Organization, 2002).
In most developing countries, including Romania, no
national programme for care of the elderly exists or has been
Old age psychiatry is recognized as a specialty in only a few financed.
countries. It requires a grounding in general psychiatry, gen- Only recently have we started to add community health-
eral medicine and gerontology. In Romania, old age psych- care services to the traditional system of hospital care. The
iatry has been a recognized subspecialty of psychiatry since Mental Health Law appeared in Romania in August 2002. In
2001. There is a training postgraduate course organized in Chapter 4 of the law the forms of specific mental health ser-
Bucharest leading to a diploma in psychogeriatics for psych- vices existing in Romania are listed, along with the care stand-
iatrists, geriatricians and medical residents (World Health ards for people with mental disorders (Mental Health Law,
Organization, 1998; Camus et al., 2003). 2002).
Mental health services for the elderly in Romania 297

20.68.1 Inpatient services to face to daily life. (Tătaru et al., 2002; De Mendonca Lima
et al., 2002; Tătaru, 2003).
The elderly with acute or chronic mental disorders are
treated in:
20.68.3 Residential care
• psychiatric hospitals for acute mental disorders – in most
districts In 2003 a programme was started for residential care and
• long-stay accommodation/continuing hospital care follow up for patients of all ages. The elderly with mental
• geropsychiatric wards in psychiatric hospitals (Nucet only; disorders including dementia are also cared for by this pro-
in Iaşi the department is only for dementia patients) gramme (Health Department, 2003).
• psychiatric wards in general hospitals (in areas where Medical treatment and also the domiciliary services,
psychiatric hospitals do not exist) including meals-on-wheels, home helps and mobile laundry
• Liaison Psychiatry Department in University General help handicapped elderly to remain at home. The latter are
Hospital Bucharest now only provided by NGOs and churches.
• psychiatric department in geriatric hospitals. There is also some financial support from the Labour and
Social Protection departments as compensation for families
In developed countries some mentally ill people are treated in
or caregivers of the chronically ill with handicap (including
general hospitals in consultation-liaison psychiatry depart-
those with dementia), who are treated at home.
ments as a new way of integrating care for patients with phys-
In Romania there is no intermediate stage between
ical and psychiatric comorbidity (Lipsitt, 2003). In Romania
home care support and the nursing home, which provides
and other developing countries, traditionally the mentally
sheltered accommodation for elderly people, or those with
ill were treated for financial reasons in general or geriatric
less severe dementia and behavioural disorders (Lovestone
hospitals as there were insufficient psychiatric hospitals.
and Gauthier, 2001).
Older people with dementia and no behavioural disorders
Most Romanians with dementia who have a family are
or significant physical disabilities are also admitted to nursing
treated at home. It is difficult for families to place them in a
homes and other social service long-stay units organized by the
long-stay unit, not only because of attitudes, shame and feel-
state, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or churches.
ings of guilt, but also because patients who have families or
relatives are not admitted to state nursing homes.
Patients with dementia who have behavioural disturb-
20.68.2 Outpatient units ances, psychotic symptoms or agitation require admission to
a psychiatric hospital for acute or chronic illness, both those
• Outpatient or community assessment units – day care
who live in nursing homes and the ones who live in their own
centres (Bucharest, Brasov, Cluj, Iaşi, Oradea, Sibiu,
Cooperation between social and medical services is diffi-
• Primary care/Residential care
cult, because they are separately organized. The role of NGOs
• Hostel respite care (Oradea)
and of churches in the system of community care for the eld-
• Community mental health centre for older people.
erly is increasing in Romania, but is still very limited.
Organized in Oradea in 1996 by the Foundation
The extension of outreach services of nursing homes and
‘Worrying about Grandparents’. The centre is a link
residential homes in conjunction with day care centres, day
between the patients and their families, general
hospitals and residential care could be a valuable alternative
practitioners and hospitals for acutely or chronically
to the high degree of institutionalization of Romanian eld-
mentally ill people (Tătaru, 1997; Tătaru et al., 2002;
erly people with or without mental disorders (Tudose, 2001;
Tătaru, 2003)
Tătaru et al., 2002, 2003).
• Memory Centre Bucharest. Opened in 2000 within the
General practitioners and community nurses are also
‘Professor Doctor Alexandru Obregia’ University
involved in the care of the elderly and it would be opportune
Hospital in Bucharest by the Rumanian Alzheimer
for them to participate in domiciliary visits by psychiatrists
Society. The Memory Centre is a modern ambulatory
(Jolley and Arie, 1992; Wattis, 1994). To this end we have ini-
facility for diagnosis and intervention (Tătaru et al.,
tiated an educational programme that includes courses for
2002; Tătaru, 2003)
family doctors who are involved in the primary care of demen-
• Community and social support services (organized by
tia. The objectives of the training are to promote develop-
NGOs and churches in almost all districts)
ment at every level for all those concerned and indicate the
• Clubs for elderly.
groups to whom education should be offered, what to teach
In Romania the above services operate only in few dis- them and which teaching methods to use (World Health
tricts and there is still a severe lack of resources. Organization, 1998; Cazmus et al., 2003).
Day programmes contribute to reducing stigma and dis- One of the key theoretical issues for the future develop-
crimination by reducing isolation and furthering the ability ment of community services is likely to be the distinction
298 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

between care and treatment. Psychogeriatric services will De Mendonca Lima CA, Kuhne N, Bertolote JM. (2002). Day hospitals in
need to retain a proportion of their long-stay beds for old age psychiatry: past goals and future challenges, IPA European
rehabilitation and treatment of elderly people with func- and Mediterranean Regional Meeting, 7–20 April, Rome
tional illnesses and demented people with behavioural prob- Health Department /318. (2003) Standards for Residence Care.
Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, XV, Nr 255
lems (Wattis, 1994).
Jolley D and Arie T. (1992) Developments in psychogeriatric services. In:
T Arie (ed.), Recent Advances in Psychogeriatrics, 2nd edition.
London, Churchill Livingstone, pp. 117–135
20.69 CONCLUSIONS Lipsitt DR. (2003) Psychiatry and the general hospital in an age of
uncertainty. World Psychiatry 2: 87–92
Lovestone S and Gauthier S. (2001) Management of Dementia. London,
Today in Romania, in the care of mentally ill people we are Martin Dunitz, pp. 109–119
trying to reorientate the mental health services from old- Mental Health Law. (2002) Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, XIV, Nr 589
fashioned psychiatric hospitals towards community care Philpot M and Banerjee S. (1996) Mental Health Services for older
services. We started by reducing the number of beds, but people In London, London’s Mental Health. London, King’s
without ensuring care programmes and community services Foundation, pp. 46–64
for these patients. A great number of long-stay psychiatric Tătaru N. (1997) Project for the development of an ambulatory and
wards were transferred to the social services. The elderly with semi-ambulatory centre for the third age. Dementia and Geriatric
Cognitive Disorders 8: 128–131
chronic mental disorders as well as those with dementia are
Tătaru N. (2003) Mental health services for the elderly in central and
looked after both in psychiatric long-stay hospitals and eastern European countries. IPA Regional European Meeting, April,
in social services facilities whose staff are inadequately Geneva
trained to care for these patients. However, most dementia Tătaru N, Dicker A, Tudose C. (2002). The Old Age Psychiatry in Eastern
patients are still in the care of their families, if they have European Countries. The 30th Symposium of the European
one. It is a pity, but we do not have either a clear picture of Association of Geriatric Psychiatry, 14–16 November 2002,
all services for elderly care or local epidemiological studies Padova, Italy
in this field. Tudose C. (2001) Dementele, o Provocare Pentru Medicul de Familie.
In spite of the professionals’ endeavours specializing in Bucharest, Infomedica pp. 98–103.
teaching and educational programmes, there are only a few Wattis JP. (1994) The pattern of psychogeriatric services. In: JRM
psychogeriatric services and even fewer special care services Copeland, Abou-Saleh, DG Blazer (eds), Principles and Practice of
Geriatric Psychiatry. Chichester, John Wiley, pp. 779–883
for dementia patients. The national programme for elderly
Wertheimer J. (1997) Psychogeriatric organisation in the medico-social
care is only a project that, for the time being, lacks financial network: the experience of the canton of Sand, Switzerland.
support. Dementia and Cognitive Disorders 8: 143–145
World Health Organization Division on Mental Health and Prevention of
Substance Abuse (1996) Psychiatry of the Elderly – a Consensus
Statement. Geneva, WHO
REFERENCES World Health Organization Division on Mental Health and Prevention of
Substance Abuse, and World Psychiatric Association (1997) Program
Arie T. (1994) The development in Britain. In: JRM Copeland, MT Abou- on Mental Health, Organization of Care in Psychiatry of the Elderly:
Saleh, DG Blazer (eds), Principles and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry. a Technical Consensus Statement. Geneva, WHO
Chichester, John Wiley, pp. 6–10 World Health Organization Department of Mental Health and World
Camus V, Katona C, De Mendonca Lima CA. (2003) Teaching and Psychiatric Association (1998) Education in Psychiatry of the Elderly:
training in old age psychiatry: a general survey of the World a Technical Consensus Statement. Geneva, WHO
Psychiatric Association member societies. International Journal of World Health Organization Division on Mental Health and Prevention of
Geriatric Psychiatry 18: 694–699 Substance Abuse and World Psychiatric Association (2002)
Cooper B. (1997) Principles of service provision in old age psychiatry. Management of Mental and Brain Disorders Reducing Stigma and
In: R Jacoby and C Oppenheimer (eds), Psychiatry in the Elderly, Discrimination against Older People with Mental Disorders: a
2nd edition. Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 357–375 Technical Consensus Statement. Geneva, WHO
Latin America and the Caribbean


20.70 Ageing in Latin America and the Caribbean 299 20.73 Education, training and research 301
20.71 Epidemiology: dementia prevalence 300 20.74 Conclusions 302
20.72 Organization of services for people with dementia 300 References 302

20.70 AGEING IN LATIN AMERICA AND doubling between 1990 and 2020. Brazil will likely see more
THE CARIBBEAN than a tripling of its oldest old during this period, from 1.9
million to 7.1 million. After 2020, the growth of the oldest old
will further accelerate as the large baby-boom cohorts born
Population ageing usually has been associated with the more after World War II begin to reach age 75 (CEPAL, 2002).
industrialized countries of Europe and North America, where Latin American and the Caribbean have a heterogeneous
a fifth or more of the entire population typically is aged 60 or ethnic and racial origin population with different socio-
over. What is less known is the fact that population ageing has economic and cultural profiles. It is estimated that 60 per
occurred and is occurring in less industrialized countries and cent of the region’s older population are women. The major-
is growing much more rapidly than the ageing population in ity of older people have only a primary level of education.
more-developed nations. Uruguay, for example, currently has With the exception of Argentina and Cuba, the illiteracy rate
a higher percentage of older (60) population than does among the elderly is above 10 per cent all over Latin America
Canada and the USA. Outside of Europe and North America, and the Caribbean, being over 20 per cent in most of the
the Caribbean is the ‘oldest’ region of the world, with 10 per countries, including Brazil, Colombia and Mexico (PAHO and
cent of its aggregate population aged 60 years and over. the Merck Institute of Aging and Health, 2004). Around two-
According to the Pan American Health Association thirds of this population lives in urban areas and there are
(PAHO), Latin America and the Caribbean region can be
divided in four subregions for the socioeconomic profiles of
older persons: Andean Countries; Central America with the Population in millions 136
Spanish-speaking Caribbean and Haiti; English-speaking
Caribbean and Netherlands Antilles, and Southern Cone and 80 34
Mexico, which together have two-thirds of the total older popu-
lation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Brazil and Mexico
alone have 50 per cent of all older people in the region.
During the first quarter of the new century, the ageing popu- 66
lation of Latin America and the Caribbean will grow by more 12
27 102
than 138 per cent, increasing from 42 million in 2000 to 100
million by 2025, according to a report on The State of Ageing 4
and Health in Latin America and the Caribbean (PAHO and
the Merck Institute of Aging and Health, 2004) (Figure 20.4). 23
By 2025, in every country of the region at least 10 per cent
of all those aged 60 or older today will then be aged 80 or older. 2000 2025 2050
In Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay this proportion will be Figure 20.4 Projection of the population aged 65 or older, Latin
even higher. The region’s oldest old percentage is projected America, 2000, 2025 and 2050. (CEPAL 2002, reprinted with
to grow significantly during the coming decades, more than permission)
300 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

51 cities with more than 1 million inhabitants. Some cities, studies. In Uruguay, Ketzoian et al. (1997) estimate a preva-
such as Buenos Aires, Lima, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro and lence of 4.03/1000 when the entire population of Villa del
São Paulo, are among the 30 largest cities in the world (United Cerro is considered. Herrera et al. (2002) found a prevalence of
Nations, 2003). dementia of 7.1 per cent among 1156 randomly selected sub-
In contrast to industrialized societies which have witnessed jects (25 per cent of the total elderly population) aged more
a steady increase in overall standards of living, in Latin America than 65 years in Catanduva, Brazil. Llibre et al. (1999) found a
and the Caribbean access to sources of income by the elderly prevalence of dementia of 8.2 per cent among subjects aged
is usually far below what is required to secure self-sufficiency. more than 60 years in Havana, Cuba. Pradilla et al. (2002) esti-
The difference persists between the most and the least equit- mate a prevalence of dementia of 10.5/1000 subjects (all ages)
able societies in terms of the distribution of income. Forty per in a rural area in Aratoca, Colombia. The differential diagnosis
cent of men 60 years and older are still working while only 8 of dementia subtypes is not available in all studies, but when it
per cent of women have any paid employment. A higher pro- is described, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or degenerative demen-
portion of women than men do not live with a spouse or tia is the leading cause, ranging from 47.4 per cent to 62.5 per
partner, but with a child or another relative, with a decline in cent of all dementia cases. Mixed dementia or AD with cere-
traditional family support. brovascular disease is the second most common diagnosis in
Government efforts and resources have been insufficient three out of five studies and vascular dementia is the second
to guarantee adequate healthcare and social support systems leading cause in the remaining two population studies.
and the policy-makers do not prioritize ageing issues. Not
surprisingly therefore information and research programmes
are lacking and the issues of long-term care, institutionaliza-
tion and pension reform have not yet been addressed.
The ageing process of the population has coincided with an
increase in chronic and degenerative diseases and disabilities. Although overall improvements in dementia care can be seen
As a result of these demographic changes there also have been in this region, improvements are not uniform for all coun-
changes in the pattern of diseases at the regional level. Two tries or for all social groups within a single country (Mangone
mortality patterns currently coexist: one typical of poor soci- et al., 2000). However, some similarities are still present.
etal living conditions (infectious and parasitic communicable Patients and their families have misconceptions about nor-
diseases) and the other of more developed societies (chronic mal ageing and dementia. Resignation and lack of expect-
and degenerative non-communicable diseases) are combined ations are very common.
with high mortality from accidents and violence. The result- In a study conducted in 24 centres in developing countries
ing ‘epidemiological polarization’ magnifies the persistence including Latin America and the Caribbean, 706 persons
of significant health gaps between different social groups and with dementia and their caregivers were interviewed. It was
geographical areas within countries (PAHO, 1997, 2002). found that older people are indivisible from their younger
family members. Most caregivers were women, living with
the person with dementia in extended family households.
20.71 EPIDEMIOLOGY: DEMENTIA Nonetheless, despite the traditional apparatus of family
PREVALENCE care, levels of caregiver strain were at least as high as in the
developed world. Many had to curtail employment in order
Despite the scarcity of available epidemiological data it is rea- to provide care and also faced the additional expense of paid
sonable to consider the dementias as a major public health carers and health services. Families from the poorest coun-
problem in Latin America and the Caribbean, although it is tries were particularly likely to have used expensive private
not recognized as such at either governmental or community medical services, and to be spending more than 10 per cent of
levels (Arizaga et al., 1999). the per capita GNP on health care. It is suggested that the
A MEDLINE-based search to assess the epidemiology of high levels of family strain feed into the cycle of disadvantage
dementia in Latin America and the Caribbean by Caramelli and thus should be a concern for policy-makers (The 10/66
(2003) found a total of 16 studies of which only seven were Dementia Research Group, 2004).
population-based studies carried out in Brazil (The Catanduva An overview of the healthcare system in the region shows
Study) (Herrera et al., 2002), Colombia (The Aratoca Study) that it is a mixed public-private system in both insurance and
(Rosselli et al., 2000; Pradilla et al., 2002), Cuba (The La provision, with most elderly persons being forced into the
Habana Study) (Llibre et al., 1999) and Uruguay (The Villa public system (Marin and Wallace, 2002). The dominance of
del Cerro Study) (Ketzoian et al., 1997). In addition there the public system in the care of the elderly has the potential
are two other ongoing studies being conducted in Mexico to improve the organization and delivery of needed services,
(C Zunica, personal communication) and Venezuela (The but up to now health care for older persons has not been a
Maracaibo Aging Study) (Maestre et al., 2002). top priority compared to broader macrosystem issues.
Methodology for dementia screening, as well as criteria and Specialized services for the elderly are fairly scarce across
tools used for dementia diagnosis varied widely in the different Latin America and the Caribbean. Most are based in big cities
Education, training and research 301

at large teaching hospitals with few psychogeriatric hospital carers; these are appreciated, but are of insufficient number
wards, day hospitals, dementia reference centres and memory to cover the needs of the population, little publicized and dif-
clinics or day centres. In recent years there has been a rising ficult to access.
awareness by the health and social services acknowledging the
lack of resources available for the elderly and the need for a
In Brazil, after the approval of the National Policy Act for
the Health of the Aged by the Ministry of Health in 1999, 13
reference centres out of 78 planned are now open for the care Despite the growing interest of the professionals in the field
of demented patients and their families. These centres offer there are a small number of specialists. Most countries (if not
free distribution of cholinesterase inhibitors and atypical all of them) lack a national framework for postgraduate edu-
antipsychotics under rigid medical control. In 2003, the Elderly cation in dementia. There is no unique specialty or society
Act was approved by the national parliament with the inten- for the care of demented patients. In most countries national
tion to ensure social, health, citizenship and human rights for geriatric, psychiatric and neurological societies usually have
the Brazilian elderly population. special interest groups on dementia. By valuing the import-
In Mexico, the Ministry of Health began the development of ance of an interdisciplinary approach to dementia and other
a National Plan for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, neuropsychiatric disorders in old age, Argentina, Brazil and
now considered a national priority with the following com- Chile have successfully founded interdisciplinary associ-
ponents: service delivery, health education, research and leg- ations of geriatric neuropsychiatry, although the medical
islation (Resnikoff, 2001). councils do not recognize geriatric neuropsychiatry as a med-
The healthcare services usually are divided into primary, ical subspecialty (Machado, 2003; Sarasola et al., 2003).
secondary and tertiary care. In most primary care settings, In the years to come, the development of public health
the professionals have inadequate working conditions com- strategies to cope with dementia will be very challenging for
bined with time constraints. General practitioners (GPs) often Latin America and the Caribbean. Therefore, efforts should
consider memory problems as part of the normal ageing be made for a permanent collaboration among academ-
process. Most professionals have scarce knowledge of demen- ics, clinicians, national medical societies, governmental and
tia recognition and management with poor understanding national/international non-governmental organizations.
and training in the use of diagnostic tools (Sarasola et al., Initiatives in that direction will be crucial for raising aware-
2003). To illustrate this fact a study was conducted in Brazil ness of the dementias, which should influence political
(Bertolucci and Ferretti, 2002), which surveyed 1500 medical action, policy-making and general heath service delivery in
practitioners with regard to time of graduation, specialty, the region.
study habits, work setting and basic questions about demen- With this purpose, Latin American members of the Inter-
tia. Lack of knowledge was noticed in 942 doctors from dif- national Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) have established
ferent specialties who participated in the survey, especially an interest group named the Latin American Initiative (IPA
among those who had graduated 7 years and over, as well as LAI) (Resnikoff, 1997). Of the worldwide IPA membership in
GPs. Not surprisingly, patients are not adequately investi- 2004 only 5 per cent were Latin American professionals, even
gated and, as a result, if they are referred to the reference though the total population of Latin America is greater than
centres, it is often late in the course of their dementias. that of Europe and the USA combined.
Specialists are concentrated in big cities working mainly IPA LAI aims to help in the development and implemen-
on their own in private practice. At the universities, services tation of educational programmes in Latin America as well as
are not prepared to see the number of patients in need and in to support collaborative multinational epidemiological stud-
general there are few properly trained specialists in dementia ies. The IPA LAI Educational Program Group is directed to
care. Specialist doctors are usually geriatricians, neurologists primary care physicians and the healthcare team working in
or psychiatrists and a multidisciplinary team is rarely avail- primary care (Machado, 2001).
able (Machado, 2003). The programme includes the design of educational strat-
Most countries in the region have the availability of diag- egies to allow the transfer of new knowledge to the daily
nostic studies, genetic testing, neuroimaging (cranial computed practice of professionals dealing with dementia, as well as to
tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and single-photon provide direct training to healthcare professionals giving them
emission tomography) as well as neuropsychological testing, the necessary tools to train the caregivers. Moreover, aims are:
although they are available mainly in reference centres, which
are considered expensive and not always readily accessible to • to assess the impact of sociodemographic variables on
the population (Mangone and Arizaga, 1999). dementia diagnosis such as education and illiteracy;
Support groups for patients and their carers have sprung • to develop or adapt assessments for sociodemographic
up in the region over the past 10 years. Alzheimer’s Disease factors relevant to the diagnosis;
International (ADI) as well as private groups offer a range • to adapt screening and diagnostic instruments that are
of activities for the aged, and support family members and reliable, practical, easy to implement and interpret; and
302 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

• to develop diagnostic decision trees for expensive Herrera Jr E, Caramelli P, Silveira ASB, Nitrini R. (2002) Epidemiologic
diagnostic studies in dementia considering the local survey of dementia in a community-dwelling Brazilian population.
financial situation and other health priorities. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders 16: 103–108
Ketzoian C, Rega I, Caseres R et al. (1997) Estudio de la prevalencia de
Another example of a partnership reported to have been las principales enfermedades neurologicas en una población del
very effective in helping to direct and support advocacy was Uruguay. La Prensa Medica Uruguaya 17: 9–26
between The 10/66 Dementia Research Group with ADI and Llibre JJ, Guerra MA, Perez-Cruz H et al. (1999) Dementia syndrome and
its national Alzheimer’s Associations (Prince et al., 2004). risk factors in adults older than 60 years old residing in Habana.
Revista Neurológica Argentina 29: 908–911
Machado JCB. (2001) Latin-American Initiative. Report to the IPA Board
20.74 CONCLUSIONS of Directors. Nice, IPA
Machado JCB. (2003) Evolving strategies for the integration of the
The care of persons with dementia has shown considerable related specialties devoted to the field of clinical neurosciences and
aging: a view from geriatric medicine. International Psychogeriatrics
and steady improvement in Latin America and the Caribbean.
15 (Suppl. 2): 66
In spite of this progress, governmental funds are not enough Maestre GE, Pino-Ramirez G, Molero AE et al. (2002) The Maracaibo
to provide all the needs, societal awareness is low, socio- Aging Study: population and methodological issues.
economic problems are great and the number of specialists Neuroepidemiology 21: 194–201
in the public and private sector is very low. Mangone C and Arizaga R. (1999) Dementia in Argentina and otter
According to Gutierrez-Robledo (2002), the fast epidemi- Latin-American countries: an overview. Neuroepidemiology 18:
ological transition faced by Latin America countries has created 231–235
an enormous opportunity to develop systems that differ from Mangone CA, Arizaga RL, Allegri RF, Ollari JA. (2000) La demencia en
those in more developed countries by capitalizing on the lack Latinoamérica. Revista Neurológica Argentina 25: 108–112
of infrastructure to produce more home-based rather than Marin PP and Wallace SP. (2002) Health care for the elderly in Chile: a
institution-based long-term care systems. Since dementia treat- country in transition. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 14:
ment is a dynamic process, it should be approached through
PAHO. (2002) Health in the Americas, Pan American Health. Washington,
programmes that range from health promotion strategies to DC, PAHO
the establishment of support networks for long-term care in PAHO/WHO, National Institute on Aging and US Bureau of the Census.
the community. These programmes should be part of a public (1997) Aging in the Americas into the XXI century. PAHO,
policy that involves all sectors of society to provide adequate Washington, DC
care for patients with or without family support, family mem- PAHO and the Merck Institute of Aging and Health. (2004) Report on
bers and carers. Involvement of the elderly in the planning of The State of Aging and Health in Latin America and the Caribbean.
their own futures will be also of paramount importance. Washington, DC, PAHO
Considering the important cultural and historical links Pradilla G, Ardila A, Vesga Angarita BE, Leon-Sarmiento FE. (2002)
present between Latin American and the Caribbean coun- Grupo de estúdio GENECO. Study of neurological diseases prevalence
tries, a joint effort to determine and share common solutions in Aratoca, a rural area of eastern Colombia. Revista Médica de Chile
130: 191–199
for the significant challenges in providing better care and in
Prince M, Graham N, Brodaty H et al. (2004) Alzheimer Disease
promoting a higher quality of life for dementia patients in International’s 10/66 Dementia Research Group – one model for
the region should be mandatory. action research in developing countries. International Journal of
Geriatric Psychiatry 19: 178–181
REFERENCES Resnikoff D. (1997) Latin-American Initiative. Report to the IPA Board of
Directors. IPA, Jerusalem
Resnikoff D. (2001) Programa de acción para la atención del deterioro
Arizaga RL, Mangone CA, Allegri RF, Ollari JA. (1999) Vascular dementia: intelectual y las demencias. Boletín especial de Alzheimer:
the Latin American perspective. Alzheimer Disease and Associated
Disorders 13 (Suppl. 3): S201–S205 Rosselli D, Ardila A, Pradilla G et al. (2000) The Mini-Mental State
Bertolucci PHF and Ferretti CEL. (2002) Knowledge of dementia among Examination as a selected diagnostic test for dementia: a Colombian
doctors in Brazil. Neurobiology of Aging 23 (Suppl. 1): S168 population study. GENECO. Revista Neurológica Argentina 30:
Caramelli P. (2003) The current and future rapid growth of older people 428–432
in Latin America: implications in Psychogeriatrics. International Sarasola D, Tragano FE, Allegri RF. (2003) The Geriatric
Psychogeriatrics 15 (Suppl. 2): 7 Neuropsychiatry in Argentina. International Psychogeriatrics 15
CEPAL (Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe). (2002) (Suppl. 2): 134
América Latina y Caribe: estimaciones y proyecciones de población, The 10/66 Dementia Research Group. (2004) Care arrangements for
1950–2050, Boletín demográfico 69 (LC/G.2152-P), Santiago de people with dementia in developing countries. International Journal
Chile, Centro Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Demografía (CELADE) of Geriatric Psychiatry 19: 170–177
División de Población de la CEPAL, enero. United Nations. (2003) World Population Prospects: The 2003 Revision
Gutierrez-Robledo LM. (2002) Looking at the future of geriatric care in Population Database. New York, United Nations Population
developing countries. Journal of Gerontology, A: Biological Sciences Division of the Department of Economic and Social
and Medical Sciences 57: M162–M167 Affairs (


20.75 Sociopolitical framework 303 20.78 Conclusion 304

20.76 The assets of health and social resources 304 References 305
20.77 Liabilities of health and social resources 304

20.75 SOCIOPOLITICAL FRAMEWORK complemented by the Social Service System, which manages
retirement pensions and all kinds of social welfare (for illness,
unemployment, poverty, etc.). In the last few decades, the
20.75.1 Unity versus diversity among capabilities of both systems (and their economic expenses)
autonomies have increased in an exponential way, with serious coordin-
ation failures between both. This is especially noticeable when
It is not possible to understand the organization of the Spanish diligence is needed for groups with many health and welfare
health system services without knowing the key points of the needs (a situation for which dementia patients and their fami-
sociopolitical context. Spain is a highly aged state of around lies are a typical example).
43 million inhabitants (17 per cent are more than 65 years With the purpose of palliating the aforementioned defi-
old, and this percentage reaches up to 25 per cent in some ciency, the Catalonian autonomous government started a
provinces). A crucible of languages and cultures, it is politically decade ago the programme ‘Vida als Anys’, addressed to
organized into 17 autonomous governments, very different in chronic patients (80 per cent were elderly). This integrated
their extension, number of inhabitants, degree of urban devel- model of resources, which was accompanied by a specific
opment, economic growth and cultural heritage. Although budget, has succeeded in showing its judicious points and
the general principles are guaranteed by some national laws, for has become a referential point for other autonomies (e.g.
instance, the Health General Law (Ley General de Sanidad, Galicia).
1986) or the Gerontology National Plan (Ministerio de Asuntos Finally, with regard to the private sector of Health and/or
Sociales, 1992), each autonomous government is concerned Social Services, two facts must be pointed out:
with the development of some specific laws, standards of per-
formance and budgetary endowments. Therefore, there are
remarkable territorial differences in practice.
• it has an unequal representation in the different
autonomies of the state;
• given the wide basis of public health and social services,
it aspires to ‘sell’ its product to the public system rather
20.75.2 Service systems than ‘competing’ with it.

In this context, dementia care is mainly exercised by the three

main public systems (Health System, Social Services and so 20.75.3 Public opinion
called ‘Welfare-Health Service’) complemented by a private
system of irregular implementation. The mass media quickly showed great interest on the subject.
The National Health System guarantees the right to com- The degree of social alert has increased remarkably during
plete, free health care for almost all the population. It is over the last years. The Spanish situation will be outlined by
304 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

considering the assets and the liabilities of Spanish systems of (SEGP), have played a stimulating role by means of congresses
care for dementia patients and their carers. and monographic courses.



The coordination between the different departments is still

There is some epidemiological information available, regard-
deficient, not only between Health and Social Services, but
ing the magnitude of the problem (Lobo et al., 1992; López-
also within both areas:
Pousa et al., 1995) and the relationship between cognitive
impairment and other pathologies (Mateos et al., 1997, 2000). • between primary and specialized health care;
The family is still the main source of social support in • between the three specialties mostly involved –
Spain. Consistently, the diminution of its members, the psychiatry, neurology and geriatrics; and
increasing involvement of women in the professional world • between basic and specialized social services.
and a decrease of the birth rate has turned the situation into
The success of the first Alzheimer conference, under the
an untenable one. Some devices to measure carer burden and
leadership of neurology, created the hope that the rest of the
needs have recently started to be introduced into clinical
involved medical specialties (psychiatry and geriatrics, as
(Martín-Carrasco et al., 1996) and epidemiological (Mateos
well as primary health care) would join forces with other
et al., 1998; Ybarzábal et al., 2002) studies.
professional sectors and patients’ informal carers. After the
Public health coordination was successfully achieved some
fourth conference, the feeling is that such an effective and
time ago in some provinces such as Alava, by reason of its
supportive coordination in daily welfare activities will take
unusual administrative autonomy, its high socioeconomic level
much longer than relatives and many professionals had
and prevailing urban organization, as well as its small territory.
imagined and still hope for.
At some health centres there are psychogeriatric teams
There is a lack of basic resources including places in nursing
with full-time interdisciplinary staff, a community philoso-
homes, day hospitals and home care, and there are few spe-
phy and team work (Martín-Carrasco et al., 1991; Mateos
cialized services with specific programmes for dementia care.
et al., 1994; Martín-Carrasco and Artaso, 1996; Sánchez-Pérez,
If residential facilities for elderly people develop too quickly, a
1997, 2002; Sánchez-Pérez et al., 1997).
disconcerting diversity is created, in such a way that besides
Social centres include modern residences/nursing homes
centres equipped with modern technologies and medical staff
with a community projection (SEGG, 1995) and home help
in situ, suitable for housing dementia patients, there persists the
respite care (SEGG, 1997).
out-of-date asylum model where philanthropic organizations
Carers’ self-help movements rely on two big state associ-
assume care for patients without enough professional support.
ations and an increasing number of regional offices.
The current regulations in this sector need to be improved.
Several universities give postgraduate courses on geron-
There is an increasing debate over the proliferation of
tology and the autonomous University of Barcelona still
clinics exclusively focused on the diagnosis of dementia and
offers, in its sixth edition, the unique postgraduate Diploma
that are not always equipped with interdisciplinary teams.
and Master of Psychogeriatrics held in Spain (Sánchez-Pérez,
This model contrasts the principle of welfare continuity
emphasized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and
The autonomous governments of first Cataluña and then
the World Psychiatric Association (WHO, 1997).
Galicia, Cantabria and Asturias, have created advisory commis-
Geriatric and psychogeriatric teaching is not yet consoli-
sions for psychogeriatrics. Their task is to set up the philosophy
dated in the undergraduate courses of the medical faculties
and to reach an agreement on protocols for performance and
in most of the universities of the country. Many professionals
coordination of resources needed for dementia care, includ-
lack awareness and training, especially within primary health
ing modalities of treatment for those disorders (Servei Català
care and community social services (Mateos, 2000).
de la Salut, 1988a, b; Comisión Asesora en materia de
The plight of carers has still not been recognized by soci-
Psicoxeriatria, 1999).
ety. We lack legal regulation to lighten their economic burden
We are witnessing an increase in the number of psychiatrists
and to help them continue their job.
interested in taking care of dementia patients and carers as a
result of the improvement of the young psychiatrists’ training
not only in dementia, but in geriatric psychiatry in general. This
is due to a conjunction of interests and opportunities. On the
one hand, those professionals working within the limited wel-
fare points are enthusiastic and available for teaching and train- At present the balance is negative (Mateos, 2003). The Spanish
ing residents. On the other hand, some scientific societies, like House of Commons decided in 1997 to urge the Government
the Sociedad Española de Gerontopsiquiatría y Psicogeriatría to develop a National Plan on Alzheimer’s disease. It seems that
References 305

the National Health Ministry wants to revitalize this unfinished Mateos R, Ybarzábal M, García MJ et al. (1998) Dificultades, estrategias
project, which should outline concrete actions to improve de afrontamiento y satisfacción de los cuidadores de pacientes
the deficiencies discussed above. It is a way for hope, not only psicogeriátricos. Estudio piloto de validación del CADI, CAMI, CASI.
Proceedings of VIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de
for carers but also for those professionals entrusted with the
Gerontopsiquiatría y Psicogeriatría, Cádiz. September
task of delivering and improving dementia care in Spain.
Mateos R, Droux A, Páramo M et al. (2000) The Galicia Study of Mental
Health of the Elderly II: The use of the Galician DIS. International
Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 9: 174–182
REFERENCES Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales. (1992) Plan Gerontológico. Madrid,
Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales
Comisión Asesora en materia de Psicoxeriatria. (1999) Plan Galego de Sánchez-Pérez M. (1997) El modelo de atención sociosanitario en la
atención ó enfermo de Alzheimer e outras demencias. Santiago de atención a los problemas de salud mental del anciano. III Jornada de
Compostela: Xunta de Galicia Actualización en Psicogeriatría. Martorell (Barcelona), April
Ley General de Sanidad (14/1986 de 25 de Abril). BOE España Sánchez-Pérez M. (2002) Asistencia sociosanitaria en Salud Mental:
29/4/1986 evaluación de una experiencia. Informaciones Psiquiátricas. In:
Lobo A, Dewey M, Copeland J, Día JL, Saz P. (1992) The prevalence of Proceedings of VI Jornadas de Actualización en Psicogeriatría,
dementia among elderly people living in Zaragoza and Liverpool. Martorell, May 2001, no. 167, pp. 95–103
Psychological Medicine 22: 239–243 Sánchez-Pérez M. (2003) Training in Geriatric Psychiatry in Spain.
López-Pousa S, Vilalta J, Linas J. (1995) EpidemiologÌa de las demencias International Psychogeriatrics 15 (Suppl. 2): 77
en España. Revista de Gerontologia 5 (Suppl.): 28–33 Sánchez-Pérez M, Rodríguez JP, Nin J. (1997) Asistencia en una Unidad
Martín-Carrasco M and Artaso B. (1996) Economic evaluation of the Psicogeriátrica Sociosanitaria. Proceedings of VII Reunión de la
psychogeriatric day-care center: methodological aspects. Revista Sociedad Española de Gerontopsiquiatría y Psicogeriatría. Salamanca,
Espanola de Geriatria y Gerontologia 31: 29–36 September
Martín-Carrasco M, Abad R, Nadal S. (1991) Instituciones intermedias Servei Català de la Salut. (1988a) The Working Groups of the
en el tratamiento de las demencias y otros trastornos psiquiátricos Psychogeriatric-Advisory Council: Cognitive and Behavioural
en la vejez: El Centro de Día Psicogeriátrico. Revista Espanola de Disorders in Social Health Care (bilingual document). Pla de Salut,
Geriatria y Gerontologia 26 (Suppl. 2): 39–45 Quadern no. 10. Barcelona, Bayer
Martín-Carrasco M, Salvadó I, Nadal S et al. (1996) Adaptación Servei Català de la Salut. (1988b) Consell Assessor Sobre el Tractament
para nuestro medio de la Escala de Sobrecarga del Cuidador Farmacològic de la Malaltia d’Alzheimer. Informe no 1/1998,
(Caregiver Burden Interview) de Zarit. Revista de Gerontologia Barcelona
6: 338–346 SEGG (Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología). (1995) In:
Mateos R. (2000) Formación específica en Psicogeriatría: necesidades y Rodríguez P. (ed.), Residencias para Personas Mayores. Manual de
situación actual. Informaciones Psiquiátricas 162: 335–340 Orientación. Madrid, SG Editores
Mateos R. (2003) The organization of psychogeriatric services in Spain. SEGG (Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología). (1997) In:
In: Abstracts of the XI Congress of the International Psychogeriatric Rodríguez P and Valdivieso C. (eds), El Servicio de Ayuda a Domicilio.
Association (IPA), Chicago, August. International Psychogeriatrics Programación del Servicio. Manual de Formación para Auxiliares.
15 (Suppl. 2): 77 Madrid, Fundación Caja Madrid and SEGG
Mateos R, Camba MT, Gomez R, Landeira P. (1994) La Unidad de World Health Organization. (1997) Organization of Care in Psychiatry of
Psicogeriatría del Area de Salud. Un dispositivo asistencial novedoso the Elderly: a technical consensus statement. (Doc.:
en la red de Salud Mental de Galicia. In: Saúde Mental e Sociedade. WHO/MSA/MNH/MND/97.3). Geneva, World Health Organization
Proceedings of II Congreso da Asociación Galega de Saúde Mental, Ybarzábal M, Mateos R, García-Álvarez MJ, Amboage MT, Fraguela I.
Santiago de Compostela, pp. 259–275 (2002) Validación de la versión española del CANE. Escala de
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and treatment implications of the demential syndromes in Galicia de Psicogeriatría 2: 38–44
(Spain). Cadernos do IPUB (Brasil) 10: 133–55


20.79 The clientele 306 20.83 Institutional care 309

20.80 Organization of services in Britain 307 20.84 Opportunities for the future 310
20.81 Community support 307 References 310
20.82 Specialist services 308

Since the last edition of this book a number of major events 20.79 THE CLIENTELE
have influenced the practice of old age psychiatry in Britain.
Five years ago we were optimistic about the impending Royal
Commission report on long-term care, yet disappointingly 20.79.1 People with dementia
the Government did not fully accept their recommendations,
which has led to divisiveness between the different countries The prevalence of dementia in the UK has increased by at least
within Britain. The National Health Service had been organ- 50 per cent in the last 30 years and is estimated to increase by
ized for a while through acute trusts, which were mostly con- the same proportion between 1991 and 2021; by this time over
cerned with running the general hospitals, and community 900 000 people are likely to be affected (Challis et al., 2002).
trusts providing the rest of the services, which contained most A small proportion of those with dementia have illnesses
of the psychogeriatric services. Community trusts have now starting before the age of 65 (early onset dementia). These
been abandoned in favour of primary care trusts (PCTs) who patients usually present first to adult psychiatric services or
purchase care from the acute and mental health trusts. In neurologists, but, whereas the latter may have a particular role
some cases the old age services have been incorporated into with initial diagnosis and assessment, the overall management
the new mental health trusts, whereas elsewhere they are pro- often falls to old age psychiatry services who tend to exhibit a
vided directly by PCTs. Other changes include the publication more holistic approach. The development of memory clinics
of a National Service Framework for Older People (Department has increased the role of old age psychiatry in the initial diag-
of Health, 2001) and the appointment of an older persons’ nosis and treatment of these early onset cases. However, only a
‘tsar’. Whilst these initiatives are welcome they have largely minority of districts have services specifically geared to their
focused on physical health issues and have not been accom- support in the community or indeed their longer-term care.
panied by extra readily visible monies, and the impact of
their development appears at best neutral. 20.79.2 Informal carers
On a more positive note the last 5 years have seen a huge
expansion in the use of cholinesterase inhibitors in the man- The bulk of care in the UK is provided by informal carers and
agement of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease endorsed by it has been estimated that the replacement cost of the care
the recommendations of the National Institute for Clinical provided by friends and family for chronic disorders such as
Excellence (NICE, 2001). The emergence of these drugs has dementia exceeds £20 billion. There is a great recognition of
led to differing patterns of referral from primary care with a the need to provide services that not only help patients but also
tendency for patients to be seen and diagnosed at a much support and offer respite to their carers. Most services offer
earlier stage of their illness than would have been the case 10 carers support groups, both educational and supportive, sitting
years ago. However, there are still up to four-fold differences in services and respite care. Voluntary services like MIND and
uptake between different strategic health authorities within the Alzheimer’s Society work with carers to provide continuing
the UK (T Gosden and C Baker, personal communication). support including helplines and advocacy. Most carers wish
Community support 307

to keep the patient at home but features such as aggression, and social services and again between the latter and local
agitation, insomnia and incontinence make this difficult and authority environmental services, e.g. housing, transport and
are correlated with the need for residential care. One study has leisure. Initiatives to ensure closer working between health
shown that whilst only 10 per cent of carers wished their rela- and social services have been slow to materialize for the over
tives could be taken into residential care, this was shown to 65s and have lagged behind a closer working between the same
be the only intervention that had a positive impact on the agencies dealing with mental illness in younger people, a
mental health of carers. process accelerated by the National Service Framework (NSF)
for mental illness (which specifically excluded any coverage of
mental disorder in those over the age of 65). In many areas old
20.80 ORGANIZATION OF SERVICES IN age psychiatrists now work more closely with geriatricians
BRITAIN than with their colleagues practising general adult psychiatry.
The last decade has seen a continued expansion in the care,
both in the community and within institutional settings, pro-
20.80.1 Health care vided by the commercial sector. However, the voluntary sec-
tor provides a significant proportion of day care and specialized
The bulk of health care in Britain is provided by the National
domiciliary support. Organizations such as Age Concern, the
Health Service (NHS) funded through taxation and predom-
Alzheimer’s Society and MIND continue to play key roles as
inantly free at the point of delivery. The NHS has struggled to
pressure groups, as sponsors of research and pilot develop-
keep up with the pressures of technological and demographic
ments, and as instigators of a wide range of information, self-
change and has only managed by the encouragement of growth
help and relative support groups.
in private health insurance and a narrowing of the definition
of health care. The latter has been achieved by moving much
of the responsibility of care for chronic disability and illness, 20.80.3 Financial support
such as dementia, onto social services, people with dementia
and their families. Care provided by the NHS is free and people with at least mod-
General practice remains the cornerstone of the NHS and erate disability are eligible for non-means-tested allowances,
manages the vast majority of mental disorder without refer- e.g. attendance allowance, subject to independent medical
ral to secondary care. However, the last 40 years have seen the assessment. These grants are designed to allow the individual
emergence of Geriatric Medicine and Old Age Psychiatry as to purchase care to cater for the disability but the attendance
specialties. Although geriatric medicine has become increas- allowance would, for example, purchase about 10 per cent of
ingly engrossed in the acute hospital care of older people, old the weekly cost of nursing home care.
age psychiatry has focused much more on community-based The Royal Commission on Long-Term Care of the Elderly
assessment, treatment and support of carers. This, together (1999) recommended that all personal care should be provided
with an active approach to the treatment of functional illness free regardless of assets, and that residents of homes should
and close work with primary and social care has made it an be responsible only for the hotel charges. The Government in
attractive branch of psychiatry expanding 15-fold since the England rejected this recommendation as too costly and instead
mid 1970s. Whilst the specialty continues to grow, some areas introduced free nursing care. In reality most care provided in
of the country fail to attract or retain consultants. Psychiatry nursing homes was again deemed to be personal care with the
has failed to attract more than 4 per cent of the medical gradu- Government restricting the NHS contribution to the funding
ates who are necessary to fuel consultant expansion. Most of care provided by registered nurses alone. This free nursing
services in Britain manage the mental health needs of all the care is assessed as falling into one of three bands attracting
population over 65, i.e. depression, alcohol misuse, paranoid payments of between £40 and £135, each a fraction of the total
states, as well as dementia, though a few old age psychiatrists care costs. The Scottish Parliament, however, accepted the rec-
will work with dementia alone. Treatments for depression have ommendations of the Royal Commission. These different prac-
improved greatly in the last 10 years and this, combined with tices have helped fuel a lively debate about long-term care
the emergence of cholinesterase inhibitors, the continuing and have attracted considerable media attention.
closure of hospital-based long-stay beds and demographic
changes, have all led to a higher proportion of community-
based referrals relating to dementia care. 20.81 COMMUNITY SUPPORT

20.80.2 Housing, social and voluntary 20.81.1 Primary health care

Nearly all patients with dementia live in the community and
A major problem in coordinating care for people with chronic hence the bulk of their medical care comes from GPs. Although
disability in Britain has been the lack of co-terminosity, dif- their skills and confidence in diagnosis and management
ferent management and funding arrangements between health appear to be improving, there are still wide variations as a
308 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

result of inconsistencies in training with little exposure to old management of risk in stroke patients, running clinics for falls
age psychiatry at undergraduate or GP training level. In pri- and ‘funny turns’, they are much more likely to be involved in
mary care many district nurses have been seconded as care the diagnosis and management of vascular dementia.
managers, which has improved liaison between health and
social services, as has the development of older persons’ health-
20.82.1 Assessment
care coordinators. These initiatives have probably brought
some cases of dementia, where carers are under considerable
Although most dementia referrals are still assessed in the home
stress, to secondary care at an earlier stage than otherwise
setting by an old age psychiatrist, increasingly this is delegated
would have been the case. These initiatives have had more
to one of the members of the multidisciplinary community
impact on dementia care than GPs’ contractual needs to
mental health team. The aim of any assessment is to establish a
screen all patients over 75 annually or through specific inputs
diagnosis, identify any treatable disorders, ascertain the suit-
of health visitors who are predominantly involved with fam-
ability of current living environment, and make some esti-
ilies and young children.
mation of care requirements and future prognosis.
Some centres have always used day hospitals to undertake
these initial assessments rather than home visits, and the trend
20.81.2 Domiciliary support and day care
to outpatient assessment is increasing with the advent of symp-
tomatic treatments and the consequent development of mem-
For the demented person living with a resident carer, social
ory clinics. Patients tend to be seen much earlier in the disease
care aims to provide support in the form of domestic tasks,
process and outpatient attendance is quite appropriate.
shopping, aspects of personal care and respite to allow the
Old age psychiatry services have tended to devote most of
carer to go out. For the demented person living alone, such
their energies to developing community assessment and treat-
care is targeted at aspects of personal and domestic care, in
ment programmes with a great emphasis on caregiver sup-
which skills have been lost, e.g. maintenance of adequate diet
port, though increasingly attention is turning to the multitude
and compliance with medication. The limiting factor to the
of patients admitted to general hospitals with physical illness
successful introduction of home-based care will often be the
complicated by dementia. A few experiments with joint psy-
degree of insight of the patient. Unwillingness to accept help
chiatric and geriatric assessment units aimed at treating both
will lead to increased risks through self-neglect and wander-
physical and behavioural problems have not been widely
ing. Here the community psychiatric nurse (CPN) visiting
adopted. Most services now favour ‘inreach’ or liaison ser-
the home and developing a rapport with the patient is crucial
vices to the general hospital wards often employing specialist
and, where paranoid symptoms exist, the judicious use of an
nurses to great effect.
antipsychotic may be vital.
Day centres, as opposed to day hospitals, are run by social
services departments or voluntary agencies and may form an 20.82.2 Treatment
important part of a package of care that allows a demented per-
son to continue living at home. They cater for a wide range of The rapid expansion of memory assessment clinics, prompted
clients with varying degrees of confusion and physical dis- by the enthusiasm following the licensing of the first
abilities, with some day centres setting up separate days for cholinesterase inhibitor in 1997, has not been uniform across
those patients with more advanced dementia often associated the UK. This has not only been based on lack of resources,
with mild behavioural problems such as wandering. although no additional funding was made available to provider
Day care has been shown to form part of the package of trusts who would bear the costs of prescriptions and moni-
support in up to two-thirds of patients with dementia. Studies toring, but also on the traditional conservatism of the UK med-
have emphasized the positive effects on both the carers and ical establishment who felt the evidence of efficacy was not
those with the dementia themselves, particularly for the lat- sufficiently robust.
ter at the relatively early stages of the illness. Some impetus to prescribe these treatments was given by
the NICE guidelines although these have also provided hurdles.
Their guidance suggested that treatment with one of the three
licensed cholinesterase inhibitors should be made available to
20.82 SPECIALIST SERVICES patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease with
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores above 12,
In the UK with its ageing population, people with dementia provided that the diagnosis had been made in secondary care
are seen in all areas of medicine but the specialist management and that treatment was monitored regularly by the specialist
and assessment per se is largely the province of old age psych- team or as part of a shared care protocol with primary care
iatry. Very few neurologists provide dementia services, with (NICE, 2001).
most only being involved in the diagnosis of younger and This advice has neither been justified scientifically nor
atypical cases. Geriatricians have always managed dementia implemented fully owing to the debate about whether the
in the physically frail, and as they become more proactive in the budgetary responsibility should fall to primary or secondary
Institutional care 309

care. Although it was a laudable attempt to promote the rational been criticized as being synonymous with day centre sup-
use of these drugs, it has effectively removed the management portive care, providing social and diversional activities for
of uncomplicated cognitive impairment from primary care the patient and respite for the carers. However, they provide
where it must belong. The guidance has paradoxically com- skilled ongoing support for the increasing numbers of cases
plicated management and escalated costs, with the need to of dementia living in the community with high dependency
develop numerous specialist clinics to monitor the treat- needs and behavioural disturbance, who can be very disrup-
ment, and has effectively deskilled GPs who now feel unable tive in a day care facility, and they appear to identify and meet
to take responsibility for what is quintessentially a primary the needs of such patients (Rosenvinge, 1994; Howard, 1995;
care problem. Despite the introduction of the NSF for older Ashaye et al., 2003). Many patients had been offered planned
persons, with its attempt to root out age discrimination, the regular respite admissions in hospital as part of a care pack-
NICE guidance has introduced a hurdle to the NHS treat- age to enable carers to continue looking after their relative at
ment with a licensed drug for a common, disabling and dis- home. However, there is increasing pressure on beds and
tressing illness in older people unparalleled in any other age respite is now limited to those patients whose continuing
group. Its attempt to resolve the marked variations in avail- care needs cannot be met in residential settings. The lack of
ability across the country, up to four-fold differences in use, frequent regular respite has had the effect of increasing the
for which the term ‘post code prescribing’ was coined, has number of patients requiring full-time care as carers give up,
been unsuccessful. Prescription levels have increased overall and many of these now ironically occupy the same short-
but the geographical inequities remain. One benefit from the term beds as a result of the lack of public funding of nursing
resultant infrastructure is that more patients with early home care beds.
Alzheimer’s and younger onset cases are being assessed and
the systems are now established to enable the utilization of
new treatments as they evolve. It is interesting to note that 20.83 INSTITUTIONAL CARE
the use of these treatments is much higher in Northern
Ireland, which has combined health and social service boards
and may reflect an understanding that the use of these drugs
20.83.1 Historical perspective
could provide savings in long-term care costs.
The advent of specialist services such as geriatrics and old age
psychiatry shifted the emphasis from long-stay care towards
20.82.3 Community support acute care and rehabilitation. In old age psychiatry many
long-stay wards were closed to support investments in com-
The increasing emphasis on community-based support has munity care and day hospitals. At that time there were very
led most services towards a model based on community few nursing homes, and local authorities, then the major
mental health teams (Coles et al., 1991). These multidiscipli- providers of residential care, were directing funding to shel-
nary teams usually comprising psychiatrist, CPN, social tered housing and domiciliary support. The 1980s saw the
worker and occupational therapist, take a generic approach private sector take on an increasing proportion of the provi-
to the allocation of assessments at a team meeting, although sion of residential and nursing home care, with the financial
the person designated as the key worker or care manager can costs picked up by Social Services, patients and their families
call on the specialist advice of other team members as with the heavy means testing mentioned earlier. Perverse
required. For most services the CPN is the team member incentives applied by the Thatcher government led to a mas-
most involved with continuing care and carer support for sive increase in institutional care and starvation of commu-
dementia patients. They often take on the role of liaising with nity developments of the previous decade. It was also used as
primary care, social services and private community care and an opportunity for the NHS to withdraw heavily from its role
residential providers as well as accessing secondary care in in continuing care.
the form of assessment or respite admissions. They often run
carers’ groups both as support and education and are usually
20.83.2 NHS and Community Care Act, 1990
able to respond quickly to avoid crises. Some services have
now developed 24-hour services to allow continuity of care.
Following criticism by the Audit Commission and new
Increasingly charities are involved in providing community
models such as the Kent Community Care Scheme, this
support in terms of helplines, sitting services and advocacy
important legislation (DHSS, 1990) attempted to redress the
programmes, which add considerably to the quality of the
imbalance of the 1980s. It gave Social Services the responsi-
support provided by statutory services.
bility for assessing need and commissioning appropriate
care, with the emphasis on supporting people in their own
20.82.4 Day hospital and respite care homes where possible. Unfortunately inadequate funding
and continued cost shifting by the NHS handicapped the
While day hospitals have a definite role in the initial assess- efforts of Social Services’ domiciliary provision and was slow
ment of dementia patients, continued attendance has often to take off; the growth of ‘warehousing’ in residential care
310 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

continued well into the 1990s. The low tariffs offered by whole has started to receive real extra investment, little of this as
Social Services have often resulted in poor quality and inad- yet has found itself directed towards dementia care. Fortunately
equate training by the private providers, a situation in which old age psychiatry continues to expand as a specialty and
the continuing care of those with dementia tends to suffer appears an increasingly attractive career option for doctors
most. This with a fall-off of capacity owing to unprofitability choosing to work in mental health. The expansion in use of
in the institutional sector has resulted in increasing resort to cholinesterase inhibitors and other drugs for dementia has
hospital admission when social care breaks down and then changed the practice of old age psychiatry and exciting oppor-
blocking of beds through delays in the care packages and place- tunities exist for further developments in this sphere. These
ments necessary for discharge. The rising tide of blocked beds factors, having coincided with increasingly responsible cover-
has caused much consternation to the Government as it con- age of dementia issues in many areas of the national press,
tributes to problems in achieving targets on waiting times for promise to make the next few years challenging but reward-
elective procedures, such that from 2004 Social Services are ing for all those who work in this important area.
being fined for ‘bed blocking’ that occurs in acute beds. At
present such arrangements will not apply to delayed dis-
charges from dementia assessment beds as they are not con- REFERENCES
sidered as acute.
Ashaye OA, Livingston G, Orrell MW. (2003) Does standardised needs
20.83.3 Settings for long-term care assessment improve the outcome of psychiatric day hospital care for
older people? A randomised controlled trial. Ageing and Mental
Health 7: 195–199
Changes described earlier in this section have led to an increas- Audit Commission. (2000) Forget me not – Mental health services for
ing proportion of people in residential homes suffering from older people. London, Audit Commission
dementia. Those residential care homes specializing in demen- Challis D, von Abendorff R, Brown P, Chesterman J, Hughes J. (2002)
tia care are often termed Elderly Mentally Infirm (EMI) homes. Care management, dementia care and specialist mental health
Most of these homes have responded well to the challenge of services: an evaluation. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
managing behavioural problems and fears of overreliance on 17: 315–325
sedative medication are not borne out by recent research Coles RG, von Abendorff R, Herzberg JL. (1991) The impact of a new
(Lindesay et al., 2003). At least 50 per cent of residents of non- community mental health team on an inner city psychogeriatric
EMI homes nevertheless have dementia. Research suggests service. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 6: 31–39
that in these homes the recognition and skills in the manage- Department of Health. (1995) NHS Responsibilities for Meeting
Continuing Health Care Needs. HSG(95)8, LAC(95)5. London, DoH
ment of dementia, even by registered general nurses, is often
Department of Health. (2001) National Service Framework for Older
poor (Macdonald and Carpenter, 2003). People. London, HMSO
Those with the most difficult behaviour may need to receive DHSS. (1990) National Health Service and Community Care Act. London:
ongoing care in an Old Age Psychiatry Unit or in an EMI HMSO
nursing home environment. Since 1996 health and social serv- Howard R. (1995) The place of day hospitals in old age psychiatry.
ices have had to produce jointly agreed criteria for those people Current Opinion in Psychiatry 8: 240–241
entitled to receive free NHS continuing care (Department of Lindesay J, Matthews R, Jagger C. (2003) Factors associated with
Health, 1995). This process has accelerated a rapid decline in antipsychotic drug use in residential care: changes between 1990
the number of NHS continuing care beds, though there is and 1997. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 18: 511–519
widespread variability in the existence of such beds from one Macdonald AJD and Carpenter GI. (2003) Recognition of dementia in
health authority to another (Audit Commission, 2000). These non-EMI nursing home residents in SE England. International
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 18: 105–108
often operate as medium stay units for patients with disturbed
National Institute for Clinical Excellence. (2001) Guidance on the use of
behaviour, often in the middle stages of their illness. Donepezil, Rivastigmine and Galantamine for the Treatment of
Alzheimer’s Disease. Technology Appraisal Guidance No 19. London,
20.84 OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE FUTURE Rosenvinge HP. (1994) The role of the psychogeriatric day hospital.
Psychiatric Bulletin 18: 733–736
Royal Commission on Long-term Care of the Elderly. (1999) With
A new millennium has continued to bring a frenetic pace of Respect to Old age: Long-term Care – Rights and Responsibilities.
change to health services but, while the health service as a London, HMSO
North America


20.85 Care for community-dwelling patients 311 References 315

20.86 Care for non-community-dwelling adults 312
20.87 Services for both community and
non-community-dwelling patients 313

Dementia is the most common psychiatric disorder of late problems when possible, and to recognize the need for pharma-
life. It is characterized by progressive cognitive impairment, cological treatments when appropriate. Both are preferable to
behavioural disturbances, and functional decline. Given the restraints, which are not only inhumane but do little to
range and progression of symptoms over time, healthcare encourage positive social interactions and feelings of wellbeing.
services for demented patients are varied and dynamic in Another characteristic of exemplary programmes is that
order to respond to patients’ changing needs. their physical settings are conducive to the needs of demented
An important goal of care is to optimize the time the people both with and without sensory impairments. Some
patient is able to reside in the community while simultaneously people with dementia have a tendency to wander; environ-
minimizing the burden to caregivers and families (American ments in nursing homes, for example, that promote safety
Psychiatric Association, 1997). This is important as caregiver (e.g. secure boundaries), while at the same time allow
burden can have serious consequences for both the family patients freedom of mobility, are optimal. Further, colour
and the patient. The substantial demands on time and energy, coded rooms and hallways may help disorientated patients
coupled with the reality that a family member will not get find their way, and furniture and fixtures in contrasting
better, often lead to depression and/or ill health for care- colours may help them navigate safely.
givers. In extreme cases, this can lead to elder abuse and/or A final attribute of optimal clinical programmes is the
neglect. The following discussion describes various types of involvement of the family in care planning. Families are an
services, the population for which they are most appropriate, invaluable source of data for the physician as they can provide
and the characteristics of ideal clinical programmes. detailed information about patients’ histories and responses
Regardless of type of service, quality clinical programmes to previous interventions. Conversely, information should flow
share some common characteristics, the most important of the other way as well; physicians can educate families about
which is the recognition that the management of dementia the disorder’s progressive nature so that they can adequately
should address both physical and mental health. As other plan for future care and have reasonable expectancies.
authors in this book indicate, there is a high rate of psychi-
atric symptoms among demented patients but many do not
receive mental health services. Barriers include:
• a shortage of geriatric mental health professionals; PATIENTS
• a lack of training identifying and treating behavioural
problems; and
Services for patients living in the community can serve as a
• a lack of adequate reimbursement rates for mental health
bridge between independence and institutionalization. They
can give caregivers peace of mind with respect to the care and
A second characteristic of quality programmes is the use of safety of their demented relatives, while allowing them the
non-pharmacological approaches to manage behavioural freedom to attend to other aspects of their lives. Further, in
312 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

many instances, patients are able to continue living in their independently. There are two general models of care: medical
homes, affording them the comfort of being in familiar sur- and social. Medical programmes provide rehabilitation and
roundings. There are two types of services for community- other medical care, while social programmes focus on social
dwelling patients: in-home services and adult day care (see functioning and recreation. In general, day care provides a
Zarit et al., 1999 for a review). structured and safe environment where patients receive cog-
nitive and social stimulation. Patients may receive psycholog-
ical counselling (either individually or in a group) to help
20.85.1 In-home services them adjust to the dementia, and to provide emotional sup-
port. Many centres allow families to arrange for ancillary
In-home care is a general term referring to a multitude
services such as transportation, personal care, respite care
of services (e.g. housekeeping, companionship) that are pro-
and rehabilitation therapy.
vided in the home. Their overall goal is to provide assistance
Quality day care programmes employ adequately trained
with tasks of daily living or respite care so caregivers can
staff with a staff/patient ratio of 1:7. At least some staff mem-
have some relief from care duties. Specific services can con-
bers should be qualified to dispense and manage medication.
sist of home-delivered meals, nursing care, homemaker
Nursing services should also be available, and there should be
services, occupational therapy, transportation services and
special protocols for incontinent patients. The activities should
be planned and overseen by an experienced activities coord-
There are several problems with in-home services. First,
inator. The activity schedule should include both individual
they are underused by minorities, low-income people, those
and group level activities. Since some patients, especially
without families, and people living in rural areas (Advisory
those who are depressed, may have little motivation to par-
panel on Alzheimer’s Disease, 1996). Ironically, these indi-
ticipate in activities, staff should strongly encourage patient
viduals are often those who have the greatest need for assist-
involvement. At least one meal is provided daily at day care
ance. Accessibility is a major barrier to care since services are
centres, so special diets should be available, and staff should
simply not available in areas where these individuals are
be on hand to assist with eating.
likely to reside (e.g. poverty stricken areas and rural areas).
For the most part, research evaluating the effects of day
Services are most likely to be solicited by family members
care has noted positive outcomes for both patients and their
since dementia often renders people incapable of seek-
caregivers (see Gaugler and Zarit, 2002 for a thorough
ing care. Thus socially isolated people are not likely to
review). With respect to patients, while overall day care does
be recipients of in-home services. Clearly, outreach pro-
not appear to lead to improved functional outcomes, it does
grammes that target demented people who are socially
have positive effects on subjective well being. Day care can
and/or geographically isolated are needed. One such pro-
also benefit caregivers. Zarit et al. (1998) compared care-
gramme, Gatekeepers, relies on referrals from unconven-
givers of patients who used adult day care to caregivers whose
tional sources (e.g. utility companies, postal workers) to
family members did not. Caregivers whose family members
identify older people living alone who may be in need of
were enrolled in day care for at least 3 months for at least
services (Florio et al., 1996).
2 days per week reported less stress, less depression, and
Another problem with in-home services is the employ-
lower feelings of overload compared to control caregivers.
ment of unskilled personnel. When an agency is being selected
It is important to note that the positive effects for caregivers
to provide in-home care, it is essential that licensing require-
are only apparent when services are used frequently and
ments, intensity and type of training, and background checks
be specified. In-home care is also problematic because it
The biggest problem with adult day care is a shortage of
can be quite costly. Finally, because it often has poor link-
services. There are currently 4000 programmes available, but
ages to other services, appropriate referrals are unlikely
approximately 10 000 are needed. Lack of transportation is
to be made. In fact, there is no evidence that in-home ser-
another obstacle to care. Finally, adult day care is not funded
vices delay or prevent nursing home placement (Cohen,
by Medicare, and all costs are absorbed by the patient or fam-
ilies. Daily costs can range from $US50 to $US180.
In sum, in-home services can provide a useful service for
both patients and their families. However, it is important that
families thoroughly investigate the qualifications of staff, and
do not rely on in-home care as the sole source of information 20.86 CARE FOR NON-COMMUNITY-
and care. In-home services are probably best viewed as an DWELLING ADULTS
adjunct to more comprehensive care.
For demented adults with severe cognitive impairment, or
20.85.2 Adult day care co-morbid physical or psychiatric disease, residing in the
community may not be feasible. For these patients there are
Adult day care is an attractive option for older people who are three types of care: adult foster care homes, assisted living,
able to live in the community yet are not capable of functioning and nursing homes.
Services for both community and non-community-dwelling patients 313

20.86.1 Adult foster care homes criteria as to what constitutes an SCU, care is usually specialized
and individualized to meet the needs of demented patients.
Adult foster care homes are state-regulated, small sites that Patients’ strengths are identified and elicited, reversible med-
provide supervised housing for demented adults. There are ical and psychiatric disorders are treated, and behavioural dis-
currently 60 000 such homes available. Care at the homes is orders are viewed as a product of patient/nurse/environment
family oriented, and patients have the opportunity to interact interactions rather than the disease (Rovner, 1994; Rovner
with other people. The major problem with foster care is that et al., 1996). Patients are usually free to wander and there are
most homes are not licensed and personnel are not highly fewer patients per staff member than is typically found in a
trained, creating a situation where abuse and/or inadequate nursing home.
care can flourish. Further, there is a lack of federal guidelines Research regarding the benefits of SCUs are mixed, in part
regulating such homes (Advisory Panel on Alzheimer’s Disease, because of a lack of uniformity concerning what constitutes
1996). an SCU. Among the more favourable findings were that SCU
patients were less likely to experience functional decline after
1 year compared to a control group comprising demented
20.86.2 Assisted living nursing home residents (Rovner et al., 1990). Further, SCU
patients were more inclined to participate in activities, and
Assisted living is any residential programme that is not less prone to have behaviour problems, be restrained or
licensed as a nursing home, yet is equipped to respond to receive antipsychotics (Rovner et al., 1996; Bellelli et al.,
needs for assistance (e.g. tasks of daily living). Patients usu- 1998). SCU patients are also less likely to have falls (Rovner
ally reside in congregate apartment-like settings where they et al., 1990). Other research found less favourable results. For
live alone or with a spouse, and they are able to bring their example, Phillips et al. (1997) found that SCU placement did
own furnishings. Meals may or may not be eaten in a dining not lead to slower functional decline.
hall-like setting. A great deal of autonomy is available, and It should be noted that it is impossible to apply rigorous
only needed services are purchased (e.g. meal preparation, clinical trial methodology to the study of SCUs (i.e. residents
house-keeping, transportation). This can be an ideal arrange- cannot be randomized to an SCU versus a non-SCU), and
ment for patients who desire a certain degree of privacy and this could account for discrepant findings. In addition, there
are capable of some independence. Further, as the dementia is a lack of standardization concerning what constitutes an
progresses, additional services are available so that changing SCU, and this too could account for conflicting results. In
needs for assistance are met. theory, SCUs should possess the following characteristics:

20.86.3 Nursing homes • assessment and diagnosis;

• staff specialization and education;
Severely demented adults usually reside in nursing homes. In • minimal restraint use;
1995, there were 1.8 million nursing home beds in the United • flexible care routines; and
States, and half of all patients were demented. Fifty per cent • specialized environmental design.
of the demented residents are over age 85, and 75 per cent are In an attempt to determine the extent to which SCUs
female. Many are incontinent. Greater than one-third have actually possess these ideal characteristics, Chappell and Reid
psychiatric symptoms, and over half exhibit behavioural (2000) examined 510 institutionalized Canadian residents.
problems. The sample represented 77 care facilities, and 51 per cent of the
The major problem with nursing homes is that they are sample were residing in an SCU. Results indicated that SUCs
modelled after standard medical hospitals, and are thus were no more likely than traditional units to possess these
unlikely to provide adequate psychiatric care (Rovner et al., characteristics. In a similar study of long-term care facilities
1996). Consequently, dementia and other psychiatric dis- in Arkansas, very few SCUs met all of the requirements for an
orders (e.g. depression, delirium) are often undiagnosed. Staff SCU as mandated by state legislature (Gerdner and Beck,
are usually not knowledgeable about dementia and how to 2001). In theory, SCUs appear to be a viable alternative to
manage its associated behavioural problems. According to a nursing home care for the severely demented patient. However,
report issued by the Office of Technology Assessment (1992), placement should be done with the caveat that many SCUs
these issues are manifested in a lack of continuity of care, no do not meet the requirements of an exemplary unit.
provision of space to wander, inappropriate levels and type of
stimulation, and the encouragement of patient dependency
on staff. Nursing home patients are also likely to be over-
medicated with psychoactive drugs, which can have pro-
found side effects (Avorn et al., 1992).
A recent trend in nursing home care is the implementation Three types of services, case management, inpatient geriatric
of Special Care Units (SCUs), which are self-contained units psychiatry units and dementia clinics, are used by patients
housed within nursing homes. While there are no agreed-upon presenting with a range of cognitive decline.
314 Services to people with dementia: a worldwide view

20.87.1 Case management needs to be closely monitored, and this is best accomplished
when the patient is an inpatient. Finally, psychiatric illness
Case management attempts to aid clients and families nego- can worsen or exacerbate existing dementia, so a thorough
tiate the fragmented and institutionally based United States neurological assessment is often warranted to identify and
long-term care system. The basic components of case man- treat any comorbid psychiatric conditions. For example,
agement include identifying the target population, screening among older people, depression can be manifested as a mild
assessment, care planning, linkage to services, monitoring, dementia, and depression treatment may improve cognitive
advocacy and reassessment. While case management for long- function. Some easily treatable or manageable diseases (e.g.
term care became popular in the 1970s to provide chronically thyroid disease, syphilis) may cause symptoms of dementia,
ill elderly with adequate access to appropriate and reasonably and a complete diagnostic evaluation can identify these
priced community-based services, its focus has shifted. More conditions. In fact, a recent study found that 34 per cent of
recently it has evolved into a gatekeeping mechanism for inpatients had a previously unknown illness at admission
containing healthcare expenses. Several studies have demon- (Perry et al., 1995). In sum, a geriatric psychiatry unit pro-
strated that case management services for the elderly can be vides an opportunity for close monitoring and assessment so
cost effective (Eggert and Brodows, 1984). The services can that psychiatrists and other professionals trained in geriatrics
be provided by public agencies, but more recently, private can determine the most appropriate treatment needs.
for-profit firms have proliferated. Few studies have examined the impact of inpatient units for
Various legislative proposals addressing the long-term dementia. One recent study examined 15 patients admitted
care system for the elderly have been introduced. For example, to an inpatient unit for an average of 2 weeks to treat agita-
the Elder-Care, Long-term Care Assistance Act of 1988 pro- tion and disruptive behaviours. Results showed that most of the
vides assistance for a full range of home care and adult day patients exhibited less agitation at discharge (Wiener et al.,
care services, and expands benefits for nursing home care. 2001).
While there is considerable variation as to the type of organ-
ization that should be providing case management, some
common themes emerge. Among them is that case manage- 20.87.3 Dementia clinics
ment should be provided for persons who are limited in two
to three activities of daily living (ADL) and or need substan- Accurate clinical diagnosis of all individuals with suspected
tial supervision due to mental/cognitive problems. It appears dementia is essential given the multiplicity of medical and psy-
that the evolving case management system will play an increas- chiatric conditions that may mimic dementing syndromes.
ing important role in the long-term care of individuals with Dementia clinics have existed more or less in the United
dementia in the future. States for about 10–15 years and provide a multidisciplinary
assessment of the patient and family. Clinics of this nature
can both facilitate entry to the dementia care system and be a
20.87.2 Inpatient geriatric psychiatry units resource for optimal long-term management. It appears,
however, that they select for patients whose cognitive deficits
Demented patients often experience comorbid psychiatric are complicated by emotional or behavioural problems and
illnesses and symptoms. Mental health problems among whose conditions are of significant duration. Coyne and
demented people include agitation (55 per cent), depressive associates (1990) found that the average age of clients com-
symptoms (42 per cent), hallucinations/delusions (33 per ing to their clinic was 73.16, and that symptoms of cognitive
cent), sleep disorder (26 per cent), and weight loss or anorexia impairment had been displayed for 4.2 years. It appears that
(22 per cent). These disorders frequently necessitate admis- less than 10 per cent of referrals are living in health-related
sion to an inpatient geriatric psychiatry unit (Rabins and facilities at the time of evaluation (Larson et al., 1984; Coyne
Nicholson, 1991). The primary goals of hospitalization are: et al., 1990), with the overwhelming majority living at home
or with relatives. Not surprisingly given this data, family
• the assessment and provision of safety;
members prove to be the most common source of referral
• treatment of psychiatric symptoms that may be
(Larson et al., 1984; Coyne et al., 1990).
contributing to excess disability; and
The majority of patients receive a standard examination
• the monitoring of such treatment.
battery. Components include patient history, past medical
Demented patients may exhibit suicidal and/or violent history, complete physical and neurological examination,
thoughts or behaviours. A psychiatric unit provides a safe comprehensive blood work (including measurements of blood
environment where patients can express their thoughts and counts, electrolytes, thyroid function, blood urea nitrogen,
feelings, while at the same time reducing the risk of harm to creatinine, B12, folic acid, sedimentation rate, and serological
self or others. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is occasion- test for syphilis and urinalysis). Additionally, electrocardiog-
ally used to treat depression in demented patients. The invasive raphy, electroencephalography and neuroimaging studies
nature of this procedure requires that it be performed on an are routinely done in the United States. Psychometric tests,
inpatient basis. Further, prescribing of several antidepressants including the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE), and the
References 315

Boston Naming Test are frequently used. Additional neu- Eggert G and Brodows B. (1984) Five years of ACCESS: What have we
ropsychological testing as well as lumbar puncture are learned. In: R Zawadski (ed.), Community-Based Systems of Long-
performed when clinically indicated. While the National Term Care. New York, Haworth Press, pp. 27–48
Florio ER, Rockwood TH, Hendryx MS, Jensen JE, Raschko R, Dyck DG.
Institute of Aging task force recommends this extensive and
(1996) A model gatekeeper program to find the at-risk elderly.
expensive evaluative process, a number of investigators have
Journal of Case Management 5: 106–114
advocated a selective approach to diagnostic testing. Larson Gaugler JE and Zarit SH. (2001) The effectiveness of adult day services
and colleagues (1986) found that a careful history and physi- for disabled older people. Journal of Aging and Social Policy 12:
cal exam accompanied by complete blood cell count, chem- 23–47
istry battery and a thyroid function test are effective in Gerdner LA and Beck CK. (2001) Statewide survey to compare services
diagnosing treatable illness causing cognitive impairment. provided for residents with dementia in special care units and non-
Larson and associates (1986) likewise found that most special care units. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other
patients could be diagnosed with careful bedside evaluations Dementias 5: 289–295
and a few screening tests. Larson E, Reifler B, Featherstone H, English D. (1984) Dementia in
Dementia evaluation centres are of diagnostic value, pro- elderly outpatients: A prospective study. Annuals of Internal
Medicine 100: 417–423
viding relatives, and where appropriate patients, with clear
Larson E, Reifler B, Sumi S. (1986) Diagnostic tests in the evaluation of
comprehensive information about diagnosis and prognosis.
dementia. Archives of Internal Medicine 146: 1917–1922
More often, however, working with families to plan appropri- Perry DW, Milner E, Kirshman VHR. (1995) Physical morbidity in a group
ate short-term and long-term management of the demented of patients referred to a psychogeriatric unit: A 6-month prospective
individual proves to be the clinic’s primary responsibility. study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 10: 151–154
Phillips CD, Sloane PD, Hawes C et al. (1997) Effects of residence in
Alzheimer’s Disease Special Care Units on functional outcomes.
REFERENCES JAMA 278: 1340–1344
Rabins P and Nicholson M. (1991) Acute psychiatric hospitalization of
patents with irreversible dementia. International Journal of Geriatric
Advisory Panel on Alzheimer’s Disease. (1996) Alzheimer’s Disease and Psychiatry 6: 209–211
Related Dementias: Acute and Long-Term Care Services. US Rovner BW. (1994) What is therapeutic about special care units?: The
Government Printing Office, Washington DC role of psychosocial rehabilitation. Alzheimer Disease and Associated
American Psychiatric Association. (1997) Practice Guidelines for the Disorders 8: S355–S359
treatment of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias Rovner BW, Lucas-Blaustein J, Folstein MF, Smith SW. (1990) Stability
of late life. American Journal of Psychiatry 154: 1–39 over one year in patients admitted to a nursing home dementia unit.
Avorn J, Soumerai S, Everitt D et al. (1992) A randomized trial of a International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 5: 77–82
program to reduce the use of psychoactive drugs in nursing homes. Rovner BW, Steele CD, Shmuely Y, Folstein MF. (1996) A randomised
New England Journal of Medicine 327: 168–173 trial of dementia care in nursing homes. Journal of the American
Bellelli G, Frisoni GB, Bianchetti A et al. (1998) Special care units for Geriatrics Society 44: 7–13
demented populations: A multicenter study. The Gerontologist US Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. (1992) Special Care Units
38: 456–462 for People with Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias: Consumer
Chappell NL and Reid RC. (2000) Dimensions of care for dementia Education, Research Regulatory, and Reimbursement Issues.
sufferers in long-term care institutions: Are they related to Washington, DC, US Government Printing Office.
outcomes? Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 55B: Wiener PK, Kiosses DN, Klimstra S, Murphy C, Alexopoulos G. (2001) A
S234–S240 short-term inpatient program for agitated demented nursing home
Cohen C. (1991) Integrated community services. In: J Sadavoy, residents. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 16: 866–872
L Lazarud, L Jarvik (eds), Comprehensive Review of Geriatric Zarit SH, Stephens MAP, Townsend A, Greene R. (1998) Stress reduction
Psychiatry. Washington DC, American Psychiatric Press, pp. for family caregivers: Effects of adult day care use. Journal of
613–634 Gerontology Social Science 53B: S6–S77
Coyne A, Meade H, Petrone M. (1990) The diagnosis of dementia: Zarit SH, Gaugler JE, Jarrot SE. (1999) Useful services for families:
demographic characteristics. The Gerontologist 30: Research findings and directions. International Journal of Geriatric
339–344 Psychiatry 14: 165–181
Services for younger people with dementia


21.1 Epidemiology 316 21.7 Care for caregivers 320

21.2 The need for a service 317 21.8 Example of a local service 320
21.3 The economic burden 319 21.9 Other initiatives 321
21.4 Principles of service development 319 21.10 Summary 321
21.5 Generic versus specialist services 319 References 321
21.6 Planning services 320

According to the Alzheimer’s Society (AS) in the United and normal pressure hydrocephalus. There are other causes
Kingdom (UK), there are approximately 18 500 younger not included or not found in these studies:
people with dementia (Alzheimer’s Society, 2001). For the
purpose of this chapter ‘young’ is defined as less than 65 years • Huntington’s disease, a genetic disorder with a peak
incidence of symptoms between the ages of 30–45, has
of age. The needs of these individuals do not readily fit into
important diagnostic implications as predictive testing is
existing health and social care systems. As numbers are small,
possible and protocols for this are available (Cetnarskyj
their needs tend to be invisible to planners. Even those who
and Porteous, 1999). AIDS-related dementia poses special
receive care find the services fragmented. Unmet need has led
demands for multi-agency working (Murray, 2003).
to a ‘declaration of rights’ for younger people with dementia
from one of the pioneering services in Merseyside, UK. This • Prion disease is a recent highly publicized cause of early-
onset dementia (although very uncommon).
is reproduced in Box 21.1. Although quite old, it has formed
the basis for several innovative services and is the basis for the • Dementia in Down’s syndrome will become more
common as patients with learning disability age (Neary
principles of service development to be outlined (Alzheimer’s
and Snowden, 2003). It is estimated that 13 per cent of
Society, 2001).
people with a learning disability develop dementia, rising
to 22 per cent in those aged 65 years (Cooper, 1999).
• Alcohol-related dementia remains a controversial entity
21.1 EPIDEMIOLOGY although undeniably excess alcohol consumption causes
multiple handicaps, including cognitive impairment
(Crowe, 1999).
Table 21.1 illustrates the findings from two epidemiological
studies of young-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in the UK, It is important to have accurate estimates of non-AD
one in Scotland (McGonigal et al., 1993) and the other in the causes of dementia when planning new services. In a study,
North of England (Newens et al., 1993). The latter authors which did not focus on AD alone (Harvey, 1998), the latter
calculated a point-prevalence of 34.6 per 100 000 for AD in accounted for less than 50 per cent of all cases of young-onset
the age band 45–64. They also estimated a further 11.7 per dementia. Of importance, frontotemporal dementia was the
100 000 for vascular dementia (VaD) and 7.0 per 100 000 for third most common form of dementia, after VaD, with a simi-
other forms of dementia. The latter included alcohol-related lar prevalence to alcohol-related dementia.
dementia, traumatic brain damage, frontotemporal dementia, In summary, taking into account all causes of dementia, in
Creutzfeld–Jakob disease, multisystem failure, cerebral tumour an area serviced by an average primary care trust in England
The need for a service 317

Table 21.1 Estimated age and prevalence of young onset

Box 21.1 Declaration of rights for younger people with dementia*
Alzheimer’s disease in two studies from the UK
• Full informed medical assessment. General practitioners Prevalence per 100 000
should have the relevant skills to recognize the symp-
toms of dementia in all age groups and be aware of the Age range Scotland1 Northern Region2
need to refer on to appropriate consultants 40–44 1.4 0
• Recognition of the need for specialist services. 45–49 8.1 2.4
Identification of consultants with special responsibili- 50–54 27.6 11.8
ties for this group of people who will make a diagnosis 55–59 39.7 35.6
where possible and from whom caregivers are entitled 60–64 37.8 87.3
to ongoing medical supervision 1
McGonigal et al. (1993)
• After diagnosis people with dementia and their care- 2
Newens et al. (1993)
givers should have access to the following services
organized on at least a subregional basis: (about 100–150 000 individuals), there will be between
– specialist day care services organized in a flexible 75–100 patients with young-onset (age of onset under 65
way so that caregivers can continue to work. The aim years) dementia. In the UK specialist mental health trusts
should be for appropriate stimulation with an serve populations upward of 1 million, with correspondingly
emphasis on constructive occupational therapy for larger predicted numbers. The main diagnoses in young-
those who are able to benefit from it and, for those onset dementia are AD, VaD, frontotemporal dementia and
who cannot, diversional activities. Within the alcohol-related dementia.
service should be properly funded resource centres
providing comprehensive and accurate information
and counselling, and support for caregivers with a 21.2 THE NEED FOR A SERVICE
drop-in facility
– appropriate residential care when required –
not elderly persons’ homes or acute The epidemiological data above demonstrate that the num-
psychiatric establishments ber of younger people with dementia is miniscule in propor-
– implementation of care management so that services tion to the 500 000 or so people in all with dementia in the
are assessed at the time of need, enabling a progres- UK, the majority of whom are elderly. Why then should
sive build-up of care as the person’s health deteriorates effort be expended developing specialist services? There are
• Access to welfare benefits. Easy access to welfare three main reasons.
benefits currently available plus some benefits:
– a specialist caregiver’s benefit • The diagnosis of young-onset dementia is complex and
– a benefit equivalent to Disability Living Allowance
(mobility component) payable to people with • The needs of people with dementia in younger adult life
are largely unmet and differ from older persons with
dementia irrespective of age dementia.
– universal acceptance of Alzheimer’s as a ‘terminal’
illness irrespective of age • National policy is important. In England and Wales the
National Service Framework for Older People
– money to provide care for the person in the commu- (Department of Health, 2001) proposes that Old Age
nity on the scale now available to pay for residential Psychiatry take a strategic lead for this patient group, a
care position supported by the Royal College of Psychiatrists
• Retrospective reinstatement of rights and benefits for (Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2001).
people who have had to terminate their employment
either voluntarily or through dismissal and who have
later been diagnosed as having dementia and who have 21.2.1 Diagnosis and assessment
consequently been discriminated against. Employers
should be directed to recognize dementia as a reason The causes of early-onset senile dementia include diagnoses
for early retirement so that pension rights and other that psychiatrists rarely encounter, such as prion diseases and
benefits are not affected multisystem failure. The spectrum of diagnoses of dementia
• Appropriate training and information to be made avail- in younger people differs from that in old age. For example,
able at all levels for public and professionals alike, frontotemporal dementia, which often presents with behav-
including general practitioners ioural problems, may account for 20 per cent of young-onset
dementias but is rare in later life (Neary et al., 1988).
* This declaration was originally prepared for and on behalf of people with Diagnosing dementia in younger people is complex and
dementia under pensionable age in the Mersey Regional Health Authority requires a team with specialist skills, including neurological,
(February, 1991)
neuroimaging and neuropsychological evaluation. Access to
318 Services for younger people with dementia

genetic counselling for conditions such as Huntington’s dis- added advantage of reducing the stigma attached to the
ease, familial Alzheimer’s disease (which usually has an onset terms dementia and psychiatry.
in mid-life) and frontotemporal dementia are essential. Lastly, a common diagnostic error is to overlook an affect-
Varma et al. (2002) showed that in three dementias occurring ive disorder in a younger person with memory problems
in relatively younger patients (Alzheimer’s disease, VaD and (Nott and Fleminger, 1975; Ferran et al., 1996). This should
frontotemporal dementia) diagnostic accuracy using a com- not be forgotten.
bination of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and single
photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) was very 21.2.2 The needs of young people with
high. This is different from late-onset dementias where dementia and their caregivers
mixed pathology and medical co-morbidity make diagnostic
precision harder. In England a person with young-onset Alzheimer’s disease
A major complaint by caregivers is the inordinate time to may receive outpatient care from a neurologist, a social
diagnosis, over 3 years in one study (Luscombe et al., 1998). worker from the social services adult mental health team,
In research conducted in the 1990s, which compared the psychiatric nursing support from the provider adult mental
diagnostic practices of two teaching hospital departments, health team, day care and respite care from the social services
one in neurology and the other geriatric psychiatry, it was elderly team and continuing (long-term) care from an old
found that the neurology department, which specialized in age psychiatrist. A similar person in his or her 70s will receive
the diagnosis of presenile dementia, conducted a much more a ‘package’ of care delivered by an old age psychiatry team,
comprehensive medical assessment than did the old age psych- with one person named as the care coordinator with respon-
iatry department. Those referred to the neurology service sibility for coordinating services under the Care Programme
were more than twice as likely to receive detailed neuro- Approach (Department of Health, 1999). This inconsistency
psychological testing. The rates for neuroimaging were likewise in management underpins the need for a specialist service.
double those of the geriatric psychiatry service (Allen and A common myth is that younger people with dementia
Baldwin, 1995). In the study of Luscombe et al. (1998), better die quickly thus obviating the need for elaborate ‘packages’ of
diagnostic accuracy was achieved by neurologists when com- community care. In a study by Newens et al. (1995), of 109
pared to that by psychiatrists. The contemporary picture subjects, the median survival time from onset to death was
remains far from ideal, with evidence that neurologists are over 9 years; 57 per cent were still living at home 5 years from
still more complete diagnosticians while old age psychiatrists the date of survey, which contradicts this view. Moreover, of
are better at involving support services, organizing follow those who remained at home 20 per cent required some
up and prescribing antidementia treatment (Cordery et al., assistance in each of six areas of activity of daily living.
2002). Perhaps the optimum model is for a neurologist and a There have been a few surveys specifically of need of patients
psychiatrist to work together. There are examples of this in with young-onset dementia and of their caregivers. Baldwin
practice (Allen and Baldwin, 1995; Ferran et al., 1996). (1994) in a survey of 44 patients, the majority in the commu-
The audit of Allen and Baldwin (1995) took place when nity, found higher morbidity from non-cognitive symptoms
neuroimaging was hardly available to psychiatrists. Improve- (aggression, wandering, delusions and hallucinations) than
ments in old age psychiatry services, better training of old from cognitive impairment, as assessed by the Clifton
age psychiatrists and markedly improved access to brain Assessment Procedures for the Elderly (CAPE) (Pattie and
imaging by psychiatrists means that some psychiatric serv- Gilleard, 1979). Other studies have confirmed this (Sperlinger
ices are perfectly competent to make a diagnosis of dementia and Furst, 1994; Delany and Rosenvinge, 1995; Harvey, 1998),
in younger people. Also, the arrival of the antidementia drugs the importance being that non-cognitive symptoms have a
(currently donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine and meman- direct impact on increasing perceived burden in caregivers
time) has been an impetus to old age psychiatrists to improve (Harvey, 1998; Ballard et al., 2001). Stress among caregivers is
diagnostic accuracy. In a given geographical locality clini- very high (Baldwin, 1994; Delany and Rosenvinge, 1995;
cians from the specialties of neurology and psychiatry should Luscombe et al., 1998). Harvey (1998) found that anxiety and
develop their own protocols to enable a competent assess- depression were the most typical symptoms of stress and that
ment of a younger person presenting with dementia. These females were most affected. The type of dementia did not
should include how to access a range of diagnostic services, appear to influence the degree of stress.
including genetic counselling and must be able to offer advice Financial hardship is very common and often not recog-
about fitness to drive a motor vehicle. nized (Harvey, 1998). In surveys that have asked about
Another major area of development since the previous employment status (Baldwin, 1994; Sperlinger and Furst,
edition of this book is the Memory Clinic (Lindesay et al., 1994; Delany and Rosenvinge, 1995), nearly all those with
2002). Although these have arisen largely in response to the dementia were unemployed. In the survey of Sperlinger and
growing demand for cholinesterase inhibitors they are often Furst (1994), three-quarters had to give up their jobs because
sufficiently well resourced to undertake the specialist assess- of their dementia. Lastly, younger people with dementia tend
ment of a range of cognitive disorders including dementia to be relatively physically fit, unlike patients accessing old age
of younger adulthood (Lindesay et al., 2002). They have the psychiatry services.
Generic versus specialist services 319

21.3 THE ECONOMIC BURDEN Box 21.2 Summary of recommendations from the Royal
College of Psychiatrists*
Harvey (1998) conducted an economic analysis of the costs
of young-onset dementia. The average community costs were • Purchasing agencies should have specific contractual
arrangements for a specialized service for younger
£1560 per patient, whereas for those who were in residential people with dementia, and a named consultant with
or nursing home care it was £20 924. The costs overall were special responsibility and sessions over and above that
higher per patient than have been estimated for older people available for older patients with dementia.
with dementia and this effect was accounted for by the
younger patients using more residential or nursing home • In each area there should be one named consultant,
often an old age psychiatrist, responsible for the service,
care. While one cannot read too much into these findings, the drawing from a population base of 500 000.
implication is that better community care may reduce or
delay the need for institutionalization, thereby lowering • Close collaboration with neurology and neuropsychiatry
for accurate diagnosis is needed.
overall costs.
• For a population of 500 000 a specialist multidisciplinary
team is justified. For smaller populations a named
community health nurse is needed, while each local
authority should have a named social worker.
• Relevant caregiver and voluntary organizations should
Drawing upon the studies summarized above, when care- be involved in planning.
givers are asked what they would like, better coordination of • Initial service development should focus on diagnostic
services, welfare and benefits advice, day care and respite, and community services. Specialist services should only
including respite in the home are regularly requested. In real- be developed where traditional services are deficient.
ity these needs are not met. Baldwin (1994), Delany and • A comprehensive service comprises the above plus day
Rosenvinge (1995), Newens et al. (1995) and Cordery et al. and respite care and long-stay care, with provision
(2002) found that the most common support offered was a separate to that for older people with dementia.
visit from a community psychiatric nurse (CPN), but only
for fewer than half of those surveyed. In these studies avail- * The Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2001
ability of and contact with social workers was minimal.
The epidemiological data summarized in Table 21.1 illus- nursing home places per 100 000 population at risk; enough
trate an important point of relevance in service planning. for a small unit, or for a contracting arrangement between a
The majority of people with young-onset Alzheimer’s disease number of purchasers and a provider with specialist expertise.
are in the age range of 50–64 years. Harvey (1998) has calcu- The needs of younger people with dementia are best met
lated that there are only 2500 individuals with AD in the UK by a small multidisciplinary team comprising input from a
under the age of 50. This poses difficulties for a service that is consultant psychiatrist, mental health nurse or nurses, an
attempting to meet the needs of such a wide age range. The occupational therapist, psychologist and social worker, with
offspring of the youngest are likely to be teenagers whereas additional services as required by speech and language therap-
the older patients are likely to have offspring who themselves ist, podiatrist, physiotherapist, etc. The team should ideally
are approaching middle age. have its own community support workers. Such a team can
In the UK the Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry of the Royal offer outreach in to the home, day care and access to respite
College of Psychiatrists has proposed guidelines for planning resources, ideally in a special facility and will serve a popula-
services for younger people with dementia (Box 21.2). These tion of approximately half a million. The roles and tasks of the
place a responsibility on purchasers of social care and health specialist multidisciplinary team have recently been described
to develop specific contracts for the care of younger people by Baldwin and Murray (2003).
with dementia and their caregivers in areas covering upward
of half a million. It is important that neurological and psy-
chiatric services collaborate and that relevant carergiver
organizations are consulted. One way to start a service is to
identify a lead psychiatrist, a community psychiatric nurse The Royal College of Psychiatrists cautions against over-
and a named person to provide a link with social services. In development of specialist services. Wherever possible it is best
England the National Service Framework for Older People to make full use of existing age-appropriate services, such as
specifies that old age psychiatric services should take the lead home helps, welfare and benefits advice, etc. The principle
(Department of Health, 2001). However, this will require should be to optimize cooperation and collaboration across
additional funds. existing statutory and other services. The latter include not
Large numbers of beds in institutions was not a priority only social services and the voluntary sector but also child
for caregivers in the surveys cited earlier. However, Harvey support agencies, child and adolescent psychiatric services
(1998) has calculated that there is a need for 10 residential or and family therapy services (Garrod, 2003; Murray, 2003).
320 Services for younger people with dementia

admit a disturbed younger person with dementia and there

Box 21.3 Preliminary data for planning a service
should be an agreed protocol addressing where such patients
• Estimate local prevalence should be admitted and under whose care.
• Estimate diagnostic heterogeneity (e.g. alcoholic and
vascular dementia)
• Identify lead consultant 21.7 CARE FOR CAREGIVERS
• Identify lead nurse
• Identify local relevant resources (e.g. welfare and Luscombe et al. (1998) conducted a survey of 102 caregivers of
benefits advice)
patients with young-onset dementia. They describe the plight
of the typical carergiver as: ‘an harassed person, beset by
psychological problems, financial worries, loss of employment
Box 21.4 Practical issues in planning a service for younger
and family conflicts’. Those most distressed were young females
people with dementia
caring for male patients and children caring for a parent.
• Single point of access CANDID (Counselling and Diagnosis in Dementia)
• Clear arrangement and protocols about who makes the (Harvey et al., 1998) has been established at the National
diagnosis Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London. The aims
• Right of access to all existing relevant services of CANDID are to increase accessibility to advice, diagnosis
• Care coordination by a key worker and counselling for the person with a young-onset dementia,
• Access to a reasonable range of specific services their caregivers and other health professionals. CANDID also
• Clear protocols for respite care offers information and education to increase the general
• Clear protocols for emergency psychiatric admission awareness of the needs of the younger person with dementia
for nurses, doctors, social workers and others working within
this specialized area. The service is available on the Internet
welcome_to_the_candid_home_page.htm). Another site offer-
In the last edition of this book we recommended that each ing specialist advice and support is the Pick’s Disease Support
locality conduct a survey to estimate prevalence and need. Group (
The advent of good quality epidemiological data means that
accurate estimates can be made without doing this (Box 21.3).
In the UK the Alzheimer’s Society offers web-based informa-
tion about need in specific localities (Alzheimer’s Society, 2001; However, diagnoses can vary from Manchester offers a needs-led service which has been provided
area to area; for example in Baldwin’s (1994) study there were through the collaboration of health and social services
more cases of VaD and alcohol-related dementia than there (Baldwin and Murray, 2003). The service works closely with
were of AD. This is probably because the location was a both the local and regional branch of the Alzheimer’s Society.
deprived inner city area. Likewise, local resources, some of It is multidisciplinary with a whole-time specialist nurse, 0.6
which may be relevant to those with young-onset dementia, whole-time equivalent occupational therapist, half-time social
can vary enormously. If it is thought necessary to garner worker and sessional input from a psychologist and speech and
more detailed estimates of need, this can be crudely ascer- language therapist. There is a team manager. The service has a
tained by conducting a survey of local specialists in the fields single point of access, but referrals are closely monitored by the
of psychiatry, neurology, medicine, trauma, rehabilitation lead consultant and specialist nurse, to ensure a thorough diag-
and neurosurgery. Local social service offices can also be nosis has been made. It does not offer a diagnostic service.
approached. The neuroimaging department may also have a The Manchester service has expanded to develop day care
register with information about diagnoses as well as age. Some and outreach care, which often incorporate social activities
specialist organizations such as the Huntington’s society and and special interests. It also offers basic personal care and
Headway (a head injury charity in the UK) may also be of support. A caregivers’ support group and campaigning group
help. Lastly, it is relatively easy and cheap in the UK to con- help to promote the needs of this group of people and ensure
duct a postal survey of general practitioners. that young-onset dementia is very much on the local agenda.
Box 21.4 summarizes some of the practical issues which Views of users and caregivers are systematically collected and
must be addressed before setting up a new service. A single inform service development (Shlosberg et al., 2003).
point of access must be organized. Agreement must be A specialist nurse is able to provide support and advice
reached about how a diagnosis is to be made and by whom, and is able to direct and link people to other appropriate
with protocols for respite care and acute admission on psy- services, for example care management, welfare rights infor-
chiatric grounds. Given that the patients are quite fit phys- mation and advice. He/she can act as care coordinator for a
ically, an old age psychiatric ward may not be the best place to proportion of the clients.
References 321


From 1998 to 2000 there was a national young-onset demen- Allen H and Baldwin B. (1995) The referral, investigation and diagnosis
tia initiative in the United kingdom (http://www.alzheimers. of presenile dementia: two services compared. International Journal It was of Geriatric Psychiatry 10: 185–190
aimed at caregivers, professionals and local branches of the Alzheimer’s Society. (2001) Younger People with Dementia: A Guide to
Service Development and Provision. London, Alzheimer’s Society
Alzheimer’s Society requiring support or advice about serv-
Baldwin RC. (1994) Acquired cognitive impairment in the presenium.
ice development. Psychiatric Bulletin 18: 463–465
Regional forums have been developed to raise the profile Baldwin R and Murray M. (2003) Younger People with Dementia:
at regional level, provide support for users and caregivers, to A Multidisciplinary Approach. London, Martin Duntiz
encourage service development and to learn from the practice Ballard C, O’Brien J, James I, Swann A. (2001) Dementia: Management of
and experience of others. They exist largely as partnerships Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms. Oxford, Oxford University
between statutory services and providers, the independent Press
and voluntary sectors, and usually meet quarterly. For a dis- Cetnarskyj R and Porteous M. (1999) Huntington’s disease. In: S Cox and
order like younger-onset dementia they provide an invalu- J Keady (eds), Younger People with Dementia: Planning, Practice and
able source of support and networking. They may also guide Development. London, Jessica Kingsley, pp. 107–120
local service commissioners. The above website provides a Cooper S-A. (1999) Learning disabilities and dementia. In: S Cox and
J Keady (eds), Younger People with Dementia: Planning, Practice and
link to regional forums, the numbers of which are increasing.
Development. London, Jessica Kingsley, pp. 121–134
For example in the north west of England there were two Cordery R, Harvey R, Frost C, Rossor M. (2002) National survey to assess
specialist services for younger people in the mid-1990s but by current practices in the diagnosis and management of young people
2002 this had grown to 10. with dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 17:
The Clive Project (http://www.thecliveproject.demon. 124–127 in Oxfordshire, England, has formed a group in col- Crowe S. (1999) Alcohol-related brain impairment. In: S Cox and
laboration with MHA Care Group (formerly Methodist Homes, J Keady (eds), Younger People with Dementia: Planning, Practice
an independent sector provider), to develop suitable accom- and Development. London, Jessica Kingsley, pp. 135–150
modation for younger people with dementia. MHA hopes to Delany N and Rosenvinge H. (1995) Presenile dementia: sufferers,
offer the following three options: short breaks, independent carers, and services International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
supported living and enhanced support. These should offer 10: 597–601
Department of Health. (1999) Effective Care Co-ordination in Mental
the person and their family flexible choices and continuity of
Health Services: Modernizing the Care Programme Approach.
care and support. Appropriate accommodation is not cur- London, DoH
rently available in most areas of the UK. Where caregiver pref- Department of Health. (2001) National Service Framework for Older
erences have been sought, the following have emerged as People. London, DoH
relevant: small-scale domestic-type houses accommodating Ferran J, Wilson KCM, Doran M et al. (1996) The early onset dementias:
around four to six people, which are close to a welcoming and a study of clinical characteristics and service use. International
accepting community and accessible to local leisure facilities Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 11: 863–869
and social activities. The accommodation should be as ‘normal’ Garrod K. (2003) Support for families. In: R Baldwin and M Murray (eds),
as possible, with care tailored to the individual and able to Younger People with Dementia: A Multidisciplinary Approach.
promote independence appropriate to the person’s abilities. London, Martin Dunitz, pp. 155–162
Appropriate accommodation for younger people with demen- Harvey RJ. (1998) Young-onset dementia: Epidemiology, Clinical
Symptoms, Family Burden and Outcome. London, NHS Executive,
tia may be the next step in the evolution of specialist services.
Imperial College
Harvey RJ, Roques PK, Fox NC, Rossor MN. (1998) CANDID – counselling
and diagnosis in dementia: a national telemedicine service
supporting the care of younger patients with dementia.
21.10 SUMMARY International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 13: 381–388
Lindesay J, Marudkar M, van Diepen E, Wilcock G. (2002) The second
Dementia services have arisen largely to address the needs of Leicester survey of memory clinics in the British Isles. International
older people. The prevalence and needs of younger people Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 17: 41–47
with dementia is now much better understood. Services for Luscombe GA, Brodaty H, Freeth S. (1998) Younger people with
dementia: diagnostic issues, effects on carers and use of services
these people, some of which should be specialized, can be
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 13: 323–330
organized around a population base of around half a million. McGonigal G, Thomas B, McQuade C, Starr JM, MacLennen WJ,
At a minimum there should be clear local protocols for diag- Whalley L J. (1993) Epidemiology of Alzheimer’s presenile
nosis and assessment and a named consultant and specialist dementia in Scotland, 1974–88. BMJ 306: 680–683
nurse to take the lead in service development in partnership Murray M. (2003) Multiagency working. In: R Baldwin and M Murray
with other relevant bodies, such as social service departments (eds), Younger People with Dementia: A Multidisciplinary Approach.
and the local Alzheimer’s Society. London, Martin Dunitz, pp. 173–178
322 Services for younger people with dementia

Neary D and Snowden J. (2003) Causes of dementia in younger people. Royal College of Psychiatrists. (2001) Services for Younger People with
In: R Baldwin and M Murray (eds), Younger People with Dementia: Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias. Council Report CR77.
A Multidisciplinary Approach. London, Martin Dunitz, pp. 7–41 London, Royal College of Psychiatrists
Neary D, Snowden JS, Northen B. (1988) Dementia of frontal lobe type. Shlosberg E, Browne C, Knight A. (2003) In: R Baldwin and M Murray
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 51: 353–361 (eds), Younger People with Dementia: A Multidisciplinary Approach.
Newens AJ, Forster D, Kay D, Kirkup W, Bates D, Edwardson J. (1993) London, Martin Dunitz, pp. 179–192
Clinically diagnosed presenile dementia of the Alzheimer type in the Sperlinger D and Furst M. (1994) The service experiences of people with
Northern Health Region. Psychological Medicine 23: 631–644 presenile dementia: a study of carers in one London Borough.
Newens AJ, Forster DP, Kay D. (1995) Dependency and community care International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 9: 47–50.
in presenile Alzheimer’s disease. British Journal of Psychiatry 166: Varma AR, Adams W, Lloyd JJ et al. (2002) Diagnostic patterns of
777–782 regional atrophy on MRI and regional cerebral blood flow change
Nott PN and Fleminger JJ. (1975) Presenile dementia: the difficulties of on SPECT in young onset patients with Alzheimer’s disease,
early diagnosis. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 51: 210–217 frontotemporal dementia and vascular dementia. Acta Neurologica
Pattie AH and Gilleard CJ. (1979) Manual of the Clifton Assessment Scandinavica 105: 261–269
Procedures for the Elderly (CAPE). Sevenoaks, Hodder and Stoughton
Alzheimer (disease and related disorders) Associations
and Societies: supporting family carers


22.1 Self-help groups 324 22.4 Conclusion 329

22.2 National Alzheimer Associations 326 References 329
22.3 Alzheimer Disease International 327

National Alzheimer Disease Associations and Societies have expectation to live a long and healthy life as so many physical
become a powerful force throughout the world, advocating diseases have been eliminated. AD is one of the few diseases
on behalf of people with dementia and their carers. The one is likely to develop in old age.
growth in these voluntary organizations has been brought by A third factor has been increasing public awareness, as
the quantum leap of public awareness about Alzheimer’s demonstrated in the press and media. This is partially the result
disease (AD) and related dementias, particularly in developed of publicized cases, such as those of Rita Hayworth, Ronald
countries. This rise in public awareness has occurred as a Reagan and Charlton Heston in the USA, Iris Murdoch in
result of a number of converging factors. Great Britain and Hazel Hawke, the ex-wife of a former
First was the relabelling of senility and senile dementia prime minister, in Australia. Sensational media stories abound,
following the landmark clinicopathological study of Blessed be they medical ‘breakthroughs’ (e.g. discovery of genes that
et al. (1968). Suddenly, what had previously been accepted as cause AD, the role of aluminium, the suggestion that red wine
normal ageing was dignified as a disease, albeit one with a protects against AD, and trial of an AD vaccine) or heart-
somewhat unusual name. Prior to 1968, AD had been regarded breaking tragedies. This has fuelled the public’s fascination
as a relatively rare dementia in younger people. with, and fear of, AD.
Second, the demographics of the developed world changed. A fourth factor is the upsurge of research activities on
Average life expectancy in developed countries now extends so many fronts: molecular biology, epidemiology, genetic
beyond 75 years for men and 80 years for women. The per- studies, the search for more accurate diagnoses and assess-
centage of older people is the highest ever recorded, with the ment, and the search for better treatments for both cognitive
proportion of those over 65 years in some countries such as and non-cognitive symptoms. Effective prevention and treat-
Sweden and the United Kingdom exceeding 15% of their ment may be on the horizon, but meanwhile there are many
population. There were estimated to be 25 million people millions of people affected by dementia, and for every person
with dementia worldwide in 2000. This number is projected with dementia there is at least one, and often several,
to increase to 63 million in 2030 (with 41 million in less carers under stress. It is therefore important to highlight
developed regions) and to 114 million in 2050 (41 million in social research on the impact of AD on carers, and to
less developed regions) (Wimo et al., 2003). As age is the identify practical ways to reduce the stress and burden of
major risk factor for dementia, affecting 6% of those 65 or caring.
older and 20% of those aged 80 years or more, the greying of Certain factors can reduce stress, such as adequate home
the world’s population has resulted in a marked rise in the help to assist with the practical hard work, giving carers the
number of people with dementia. opportunity to go out and have some time for themselves
With so many people affected by dementia, the number (Levin et al., 1989). The importance of recognition of the dis-
of people caring for them is even greater. It is therefore a ease by the general practitioner and other primary care
common experience for many in the developed world to workers, the need for referral to a specialist for diagnosis, and
know of someone suffering from dementia. It is now people’s ongoing follow up and advice have also been stressed. Most
324 Alzheimer (disease and related disorders) Associations and Societies: supporting family carers

of these will be required for the rest of the life of the person Potential disadvantages are that:
with dementia.
A fifth factor is the breakdown of traditional family struc- • the SHGs can become a substitute culture;
tures with the changing roles of women and adult children, • charismatic leaders can subvert the primary goals for
their own personal objectives;
and the diminution of the sense of moral obligation to care
for the older members of the family. This is putting great • governments can abandon provision of care to non-
government organizations;
pressure on health and social care systems, and governments
are being forced to consider how to provide a system to meet • rival SHGs may squabble for members or influence and
internal divisions can beset any organization.
the needs of dementia and their carers. In the developed
world it is beginning to be recognized, if not acted upon, that Support groups are distinct from group psychotherapy in
there is a limit to what families can tolerate or can be expected that participants in support groups are not viewed as
to tolerate. ‘patients’, but rather as ‘normal’ people who, as result of their
The problem of caring for someone with dementia at home caring role, are at an increased risk of becoming overbur-
has led carers to seek each other out, to talk together and sup- dened and developing psychological and physical problems
port one another. This has resulted in the growth of Alzheimer (Cuijpers et al., 1996).
Associations all over the world. In the larger developed coun- Support groups can be led either by professional support
tries – USA, UK, Canada, Australia – these Associations have group leaders, or by peer group leaders. In professionally led
been able to exert a powerful voice about carers’ needs. groups, the leader has professional qualifications and/or
training, and the group tends to be more formally structured.
By contrast the facilitator of a peer-led group usually is, or
22.1 SELF-HELP GROUPS has been, a carer himself or herself. Peer-led groups tend to
be less structured, and use more of a self-help approach by
focusing on sharing common problems and information
The late twentieth century witnessed the rise of consumer
gained from participants’ personal experiences (Toseland
organizations and the self-help group (SHG) movement.
et al., 1989). Other methods of support link carers by computer
SHGs are now available for almost every chronic condition,
and telephone networks (Gallienne et al., 1993; Smyth and
and should be part of the armamentarium of every clinician.
Harris, 1993) and are particularly useful for reaching isolated
SHGs may be formed by groups of people who feel them-
carers such as those living in rural and remote areas. There
selves to be powerless or stigmatized. They may see themselves
are also support groups for people with dementia them-
as different from the general community or disadvantaged,
selves, particularly in the early stage of the disease (Yale,
e.g. ‘Alcoholics’ Anonymous’, or may seek political advantage
1995) including an internet-based virtual support group
such as ‘Grey Power’ or they may consider that their condition
run by ‘Dementia Advocacy Support Network International’
is being ignored, as was the case for people with dementia and
their families. SHGs may be composed of people who share a
similar status or condition, such as the ‘Nursing Mothers’
Association’. Some SHGs are formed by people connected in
22.1.1 Alzheimer SHGs
some way to a group for whom they are advocating or for
whom they have a specific concern, be they friends, for exam-
At a local level, support groups primarily for family carers, meet
ple the ‘Association of Relatives and Friends of the Mentally
regularly and frequently, usually monthly. Support groups tend
Ill’, or professionals dedicated to the same cause.
to be led by a health professional, such as a social worker,
Many SHGs are linked to medical conditions: ‘Arthritis
often in combination with a carer. Some support groups are
Foundation’, ‘Autism Association’, ‘Colostomy and Ileostomy
led by carers alone, and some by professionals alone. Meeting
Society’, ‘Epilepsy Association’, ‘National Heart Foundation’,
may be structured (see above) so that there is a formal
and the ‘Schizophrenia Fellowship’.
speaker, viewing of a videotape or discussion of a set topic,
The advantages of SHGs, such as the Alzheimer Association,
followed by general discussion; or unstructured in order to
are several:
allow for more interaction between attendees. Practical
• support arrangements for people with dementia during the support
– emotional group vary. Some support groups only allow family carers to
– practical attend, others allow people with dementia to come too, or pro-
• education for professionals vide a separate room for patients’ activities. Carers’ groups
• universalization – a sense of belonging, a feeling of no are sometimes held adjacent to day centres. Interested health
longer being alone professionals, students and observers sometimes attend too,
• identity – a sense of purpose although only with the prior permission of the group.
• political power – lobbying Anecdotal evidence suggests that some carers attend SHGs
• influence and advocacy regularly over many months, even years. Others come for one
• public awareness. or two meetings, perhaps feeling that they have achieved all
Self-help groups 325

they need, or may feel that support groups are not suitable for was no significant difference found between the two groups
them. Other carers may never come because they have no of carers in terms of their wellbeing (Gage and Kinney, 1995).
need, have enough support from their own networks of A study published since this review reported that the level of
friends and family, have obtained the support that they need carer distress decreased and quality of life improved (Fung
from one-to-one counselling, or, most often, have never been and Chien, 2002).
told of the existence of such groups (Thomson et al., 1997). There is also evidence to suggest that support groups may
Telephone and internet education and online support be more beneficial for some carers than for others. For instance,
networks are becoming more common and used by caregivers SHGs have been found to be more effective for carers whose
(Harvey et al., 1998; White and Dorman, 2000; Glueckauf social network lacks contact with others who have similar car-
and Loomis, 2003). Caregivers express particular interest in ing experiences and for caregivers in more stressful situations
using telephone support lines (Colantanio et al., 2001). (Pillemer and Suitor, 1996, 2002). Additionally, Cuijpers et al.
(1996) found that support groups were more effective for
carers who were dissatisfied about their role as a carer or who
22.1.2 The efficacy of support groups had a paid job, where the person with dementia was more
apathetic and/or lived in a nursing home, and where partici-
Participation in support groups may have a positive impact pation in the support groups incurred a small cost ($5–$20).
on the wellbeing of carers. Support group participation, in In spite of the benefits of support group attendance that
cross-sectional studies, has been found to be associated with have been reported, many carers do not attend support
lower levels of objective and subjective burden; the more fre- groups, either by choice or because of barriers. Cuijpers et al.
quent and the longer the periods of support group participa- (1996) reported that there were three main reasons that
tion, the less the subjective burden (Gonyea, 1990). Carers affected carers’ decision to attend support groups – for infor-
who attend support groups have also been found to have mation, for help with dealing with problems, or for help deal-
higher levels of morale than carers who do not attend sup- ing with their feelings of severe burden. Molinari et al. (1994)
port groups (Gonyea, 1990). Additionally, support group reported that the reason given by 80 per cent of carers who
attendees have been found to experience a significant did not attend support groups was that they had not received
increase in feelings of self-efficacy (Lovett and Gallagher, advice encouraging them to attend a support group. Analysis
1988; Gallagher et al., 1989), and improvements in their psy- of data from 608 dementia caregivers found that enabling
chological functioning. variables such as knowledge of services, cost and access,
In the only randomized trial we could locate, the Cleveland explained more variation in service use than predisposing and
Alzheimer’s Managed Care Demonstration evaluated the need variables such as demographics, patient behaviour and
effects of integrating ‘Alzheimer Association’ care consult- caregiver burden (Toseland et al., 2002). Communication
ation with a not-for-profit managed healthcare organization. problems between caregivers and general practitioners (GPs)
Care consultation is a telephone-based information, support may impede timely referrals for appropriate information and
and referral service with follow up supplied by professional support (Bruce and Paterson, 2000; Bruce et al., 2002). These
staff. Care consultation decreased use of some services and findings suggest that it is incumbent upon relevant health
caregiver depression but did not alter satisfaction with professionals to provide information about local support
healthcare services or strain (Bass et al., 2003). groups to carers as part of their management plan.
Comparatively, professionally led groups appear to pro-
duce greater improvement in carers’ psychological function-
ing, whereas peer-led groups have been found to increase 22.1.3 The impact of cultural factors
informal support networks and the extent to which carers feel
able to handle the caregiving role more (Toseland et al., 1989). In Western countries such as the USA and Australia, ethnic
Finally, most importantly, carers themselves tend to value minorities often underuse community services such as sup-
support groups, and often report them to be informative, useful port groups (Henderson et al., 1993). Researchers have
and meaningful (Clark and Rakowski, 1983; Gallagher, 1985; started to examine the factors that prevent ethnic minorities
Kahan et al., 1985; Mohide et al., 1990; Jansson et al., 1998). from participating in support groups, and to look at the
The findings to date regarding the efficacy of support extent to which the traditional structure of support groups
groups are, however, equivocal, since some studies have not can be modified to meet the needs of ethnic minority popu-
found support groups to result in statistically significant lations (Henderson, 1992: Henderson et al., 1993). For
gains. In their review of eight studies that examined the instance, Henderson and colleagues (1993) attempted to set up
effects of support groups, Cuijpers et al. (1996) found that more culturally sensitive support groups, when they noted
only three demonstrated a significant reduction in carers’ that despite widespread advertising and promotion, atten-
depression and stress and an improvement in their wellbeing. dees at local AD support groups were exclusively white. After
In one study, while carers who attended support groups were surveying African American and Hispanic communities on
found to have significantly better help-seeking coping efforts issues of late life, health and wellbeing, and dementia, they
compared to carers who did not attend support groups, there started up several African American and Hispanic support
326 Alzheimer (disease and related disorders) Associations and Societies: supporting family carers

groups, and demonstrated that ethnic minority groups all members is invaluable. In addition good publications and
responded to AD support groups when they were imple- fact sheets written in response to the most frequent enquiries
mented in a manner that was consistent with the cultural values (written by knowledgeable professionals) are all essential. It
of their community. In particular, Henderson (Henderson, is helpful to start building up a library of books, videos and
1992; Henderson et al., 1993) recommended that in order for papers to meet the demand. A new national society can take
support groups to reach ethnic minority populations suc- articles from existing publications elsewhere, as there are
cessfully, it is important: many topics that come up again and again. The Internet has
revolutionized the availability and speed with which infor-
• to get acquainted with ethnic communities;
mation is available to all those who need it.
• to recruit and train ethnic support group leaders;
• to find a culturally neutral site for the group to meet; and
22.2.2 Membership
• to let the participants determine the form of the group.
Caring for someone with dementia can be a very isolating
22.1.4 Special support groups experience and the knowledge that there are others around
who understand the problems and who can be contacted can
Young people with dementia, people with unusual forms of be very reassuring. In the UK, for example, the membership
dementia and people who are very prominent in their com- of the ‘Alzheimer’s Society’ is now over 20 000. This has been
munity and their families often find traditional support achieved by having a single national body to which all mem-
groups do not suit them. Attempts have been made to meet bers from all over the country belong. The national office
their needs by setting up special groups for them, e.g. for ensures that members know where to find a local branch or
younger people with dementia, for people with frontotem- group so that they can take part in local activities. Having a
poral dementia (such as Pick’s disease) (Armstrong, 2003; large membership gives the Association more power and
Diehl et al., 2003). There is increasing emphasis on providing clout and is impressive to politicians and professionals.
support groups for people with early dementia themselves
while they retain insight (Chung, 2001; Coaten, 2002). 22.2.3 Training

22.2 NATIONAL ALZHEIMER ASSOCIATIONS Alzheimer Associations often play an important role in the
training and education of family members as well as care
workers in residential nursing homes, day care and domiciliary
The overarching aim of all Alzheimer Associations is to services. The situation is similar all over the world. Care
improve the quality of life for people with dementia and workers often have no background in this sort of work and
for their carers. (The term ‘Alzheimer Association’ is used have been given little if any information about the care recip-
generically hereafter to include the more correctly named ient’s illness or behavioural problems, or any sort of guidance
‘Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders Association’, as as to how to do their work. Better training and information for
well as similarly named organizations such as the ‘Alzheimer family and professional carers are key to ensuring better care for
Disease Society’; see and follow the links to people with dementia. Training and counselling programmes
find Alzheimer Association in your country. They are also conducted by or in conjunction with Alzheimer Associations
listed in the appendix on page 805.) Alzheimer Associations may reduce carer distress and delay nursing home admission
have a number of important aims. (Mittelman et al., 1996; Brodaty et al., 1997; see Chapter 11a).
In Australia, the Commonwealth Government has funded
22.2.1 Information ‘Alzheimer’s Australia’ to conduct the ‘Living with Memory
Loss Program’, anecdotally a highly successful parallel 7-week
One of the most important aims is the provision of informa- course for people with early dementia and for their partners.
tion. It is well recognized that information brings power. It is A pilot of this programme demonstrated a decrease in distress
fundamental that people with dementia, their carers, profes- in the person with dementia (Brodaty and Low, 2004).
sionals, members of the general public and government A partnership between the New Jersey police department
should have easy access to accurate information. National and their local Alzheimer Association educated police on
offices of Alzheimer Associations throughout the world meet wandering reduction in AD, increased enrolment of people
an ever-increasing number of enquiries about the disease with AD in a national registration programme, and increased
itself, about financial and legal matters, and about nursing police sponsored AD community outreach programmes
homes. They provide a shoulder to cry on, and information (Lachenmayr et al., 2000).
on up-to-date research findings, and where to get help and
how to manage particularly difficult problems. For these 22.2.4 Services
enquiries to be dealt with in an efficient manner, it is neces-
sary to have an office, staffed by one or more people, paid or There are several types of services that are used by carers:
unpaid, and a telephone line. A regular newsletter sent out to home care, day care, in-home (sitting) and residential respite
Alzheimer Disease International 327

care, and permanent care, although each carer may have a gradually there is more coverage in radio, television and the
different requirement. Finding the right solution reduces the press. Time spent lobbying politicians and other profession-
stress on carers and makes institutionalized care less likely als is time well spent. Links established with other associ-
(Mittelman et al., 1996). The ‘Alzheimer’s Connection ations, with politicians and with professionals foster
Demonstration Program’ in the USA was an attempt to link recognition of AD and the other dementias as a priority area
families with needed services and resources using case man- of concern, underscored by their increasing prevalence in the
agement (Cox and Albisu, 2001). Individual carers’ needs community. Alzheimer Associations are in a powerful pos-
cannot always be met because resources either do not exist or ition to prioritize their concerns on behalf of the family, and
are very patchy. Adequate provision of services for carers is a these may well vary from country to country.
major problem in most (or all) countries around the world.
This problem presents differently in every country and
22.2.7 Fund raising
sometimes is the main reason that dementia has reached the
top of many political agendas, as care is often needed well
Inevitably funds have to be raised to pursue the aims of the
beyond the capacity of the family to provide or the govern-
Association. Government grants are important, not only for
ment’s willingness to pay.
the actual amounts of money but also because of the recog-
The challenge to all governments in all countries is how
nition such money offers. In many countries governments
to provide cost-effective resources for carers of people with
give no money. Many countries find that the major amount
dementia and their families, as well as improving the quality
of funding come from individuals, trusts, industry and leg-
of training of professional carers. Worldwide there is immense
acies. Some countries find having a membership and mem-
pressure by governments on the private and voluntary sectors
bers paying a fee in exchange for receiving a newsletter and
to deliver these services. Whichever sector provides these
other information is helpful; many members give a donation
services, a national association has an extremely important
as well as their membership fee. It must, however, be remem-
part to play in defining how to deliver and monitor services
bered that, although having sufficient funds is important,
with reasonable standards of care and at economic cost.
equally important is how to use the money as efficiently as
possible, with careful budgeting along prepared activity lines.
22.2.5 Research Every Alzheimer Association needs people with financial
experience to help guide it, and a fusion of personal, business
Whilst well established and wealthy societies such as the and professional experience is of primary importance to
US and UK are able to fund research, most Alzheimer achieve these aims.
Associations are not. Associations can and do act as an advo- Building a strong national Alzheimer Association is difficult
cacy group to pressure other funding bodies and government and can be a long process. It is essential that from the start the
to provide more money for dementia research and to ensure Association decide on its aims. It will need a good team of staff
that such funding is available for investigation of the best way and volunteers and some good information and training
to help people with dementia and their families as well as for materials. It will also need to put into place parliamentary
basic sciences and drug studies. lobbying. In order to carry this out it is necessary to have an
Alzheimer Associations can help researchers in various efficient office with up-to-date computerization and a fundrais-
ways. They can provide access to people with dementia and ing strategy in order to raise the money to pursue these aims.
their families. They can advise researchers on their projects,
giving the carer perspective, which is immensely valuable.
Researchers can help Alzheimer Associations by advising, 22.3 ALZHEIMER DISEASE INTERNATIONAL
contributing to newsletters and giving talks. Most Alzheimer
Associations have found it important to have a strong sup-
The first Alzheimer Disease Association was founded in 1978
portive medical and scientific committee to provide advice to
in Canada. In 1984 ‘Alzheimer’s Disease International’ (ADI),
the Association.
the World Federation of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related
It is important that the relationship between carers and
Disorders Associations and Societies, was formed at a special
interested professionals is worked out in a sensitive way.
meeting in Washington. There are now 66 countries with
Ultimately, support for persons with dementia and their carers
National Associations which are members of ADI and the
must remain the main focus of all Alzheimer Associations.
number is growing every year (see Figure 22.1).
All National Associations face a serious array of tasks
22.2.6 Public awareness which are going to become more important as the years go by.
ADI draws on international expertise to support its member
Good publications, training materials and courses are a fun- societies and encourage new countries to form National
damental way of increasing public awareness and respect Associations.
amongst professionals and politicians. As public awareness In the office of ADI, which was originally based in
grows, and more people become involved and interested, so Chicago but is now in London, there are four paid staff who
328 Alzheimer (disease and related disorders) Associations and Societies: supporting family carers

Figure 22.1 Map of the world with those countries belonging to ADI shown in dark grey. (Source: Alzheimer’s disease International, Member
Countries map 2004–2005. Reprinted by kind permission of Alzheimer’s Disease International.)

are responsible for the administration of the organization. ADI disseminates information and acts as a resource
The organizational structure includes an elected Executive point for enquiries and requests for help around the world. A
Committee and Board and a general Council that meets regular newsletter is published which many countries trans-
annually. The organization is run on a tight budget with late for their own purposes. It produces several basic publica-
money from membership fees and donations. tions including help for carers, how to set up and run an
Criteria for ADI membership are that: Alzheimer Association, how to influence public policy, and
how to set up a support/self help group.
• The member must act as the national carer based
It has also produced a number of important fact sheets
organization and produce evidence that it is the
dealing with issues of international importance such as demog-
representative body of families of people with AD and
raphy, prevalence and genetics and drug treatment. All the
related disorders in that country.
publications are available on the webpage and can be down-
• The organization needs to have national credibility and
loaded from there ( Publications are translated
to have reached organizational maturity with a Board of
into Spanish. Communication between countries and people
Directors with adequate representation of family
has been made greatly easier by email ( A list of
national Alzheimer Association websites providing informa-
• The Association needs to be able to pay the reasonably
tion on AD and other dementias in different languages is also
modest dues to participate in ADI.
available from the webpage.
• It should provide services for family carers, e.g. helpline,
ADI is officially affiliated with the World Health Organiza-
support groups, public information and education
tion and is closely linked with many international associa-
tions with similar interests, such as the International
The primary aim of ADI is to assist Alzheimer Associations Psychogeriatric Association, World Psychiatric Association,
who have already become members and to encourage the and the World Federation of Neurology. The pharmaceutical
formation of Associations in countries where they do not industry increasingly looks to ADI for advice about dementia
exist. In order to pursue this primary aim, ADI has developed and consumer needs.
the ‘Alzheimer University Course’, with the assistance of the Every year ADI hosts an international conference focused
Open University in the UK. Since 1998 ADI has conducted an on carers and carer issues, which provides a unique opportu-
annual 3-day course for members of new and emerging nity for carers and professionals of all disciplines from many
Alzheimer Associations, consisting of workshops aimed at countries to come together and learn from one another.
assisting and strengthening new organizations. Alzheimer ADI encourages research and there is a large medical and
University Courses on focused issues are also run for more scientific panel with representatives from many countries
established associations. around the world. This panel acts as an advisory board and
References 329

its members act as ambassadors for ADI when people travel providing support, information and other services to people
to countries to attend meetings; they also give help with art- with dementia and their families.
icles and talks at conferences.
ADI’s major research commitment is the 10/66 Dementia
Research group ( that brings REFERENCES
together a collaboration of researchers from developed and
developing countries. 10/66 refers to the less than one-tenth Armstrong M. (2003) The needs of people with young-onset dementia
of all population-based research into dementia that is and their carers. Professional Nurse 18: 681–684
directed towards the two-thirds or more of people with Bass DM, Clark PA, Looman WJ et al. (2003) The Cleveland Alzheimer’s
dementia who live in developing countries. 10/66 was formed managed care demonstration: outcomes after 12 months of
to redress this imbalance, encouraging active research collab- implementation. The Gerontologist 43: 73–85
oration between centres in different developing countries Blessed G, Tomlinson BE, Roth M. (1968) The association between
and between developed and developing countries. Since its quantitative measures of dementia and of senile change in the
establishment in 1998, 10/66 has published the results of cerebral grey matter of elderly subjects. British Journal of Psychiatry
pilot investigations in 26 centres from 16 developing coun- 114: 797–811
tries. These studies aimed to establish a culture-fair method Brodaty H and Low L-F. (2004) ‘Making Memories’ a quasi-experimental
pilot evaluation of a new program for people with dementia and
for diagnosing dementia in older populations characterized
their caregivers. Australasian Journal of Ageing 23: 1441–1446
by very low levels of education (Prince et al., 2003), and to Brodaty H, Gresham M, Luscombe G. (1997) The Prince Henry Hospital
describe the care arrangements for people with dementia in Dementia Caregivers’ Training Programme. International Journal of
the developing world (Prince, 2004). The 10/66 group has Geriatric Psychiatry 12: 183–192
also highlighted the lack of awareness and understanding of Bruce DG and Paterson A. (2000) Barriers to community support for the
the nature of the dementia syndrome, and the unresponsive- dementia carer: a qualitative study. International Journal of Geriatric
ness of healthcare services as currently constituted (Shaji Psychiatry 15: 451–457
et al., 2002a, Patel and Prince, 2002). The group has developed Bruce DG, Paley GA, Underwood PJ et al. (2002) Communication
and described services for people with dementia in develop- problems between dementia carers and general practitioners: effect
ing countries using local health workers, who can be can be on access to community support services. Medical Journal of
trained to identify cases of dementia with reasonable accu- Australia 177: 186–188
Clark NM and Rakowski W. (1983) Family caregivers of older adults:
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Improving helping skills. The Gerontologist 23: 637–642
Stimulating national and international political and pub- Chung JC. (2001) Empowering individuals with early dementia and their
lic awareness is an important objective of ADI. This is partly carers: an exploratory study in the Chinese context. American
being achieved by more countries developing Alzheimer Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias 16: 85–88
Associations and all of the Associations becoming stronger. Coaten R. (2002) A support group for people with early stage dementia.
However AD is a global problem. World Alzheimer’s Day is Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice
21 September and was launched in September 1994 when 1: 383–392
ADI celebrated its tenth anniversary. ADI supplies its mem- Colantonio A, Kositsky AJ, Cohen C, Vernich L. (2001) What support
bers with a world bulletin with a special focus each year. It do caregivers of elderly want? Results from the Canadian
produces badges, posters, and ideas for activities which coun- study of health and aging. Canadian Journal of Public Health
tries can organize themselves according to their different cul- 92: 376–379
Cox C and Albisu K. (2001) The Alzheimer’s Connection Demonstration
tures and languages.
Program: instituting a national case management program.
American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 16: 279–284
22.4 CONCLUSION Cuijpers P, Hosman CMH, Munnichs JMA. (1996) Change mechanisms of
support groups for caregivers of dementia patients. International
Psychogeriatrics 8: 575–587
Very few governments, even of Western countries are fully Diehl J, Mayer TF, Hans D, Alexander F. (2003) A support group for
aware of the significance of the problem of AD and related caregivers of patients with frontotemporal dementia. Dementia
disorders and their impact on families. Even if they are aware, 2: 151–161
the social and economic implications are not fully recog- Fung W-Y and Chien W-T. (2002) The effectiveness of a mutual support
nized. Every country, whatever its level of economic develop- group for family caregivers of a relative with dementia. Archives of
ment, has a duty to put the dementias and their Psychiatric Nursing XVI: 134–144
Gage MJ and Kinney JM. (1995) They aren’t for everyone: the impact of
consequences high on its political agenda. It also represents
support group participation on caregiver’s well-being. Clinical
responsible planning and will be cost effective to work in Gerontologist 16(2): 21–34
conjunction with Alzheimer Associations to meet the current Gallagher DE. (1985) Intervention strategies to assist caregivers of frail
and future needs now. The challenge for ADI and all National elders: Current research a future research directions. Annual Review
Associations is to find ways of influencing governments of Gerontology and Geriatrics 5: 249–282
worldwide to take seriously the impact of AD and related dis- Gallagher D, Lovett S, Zeiss A. (1989) Interventions with caregivers of
orders on the individual and family, while simultaneously frail elderly persons. In: M Ory and K Bond (eds), Aging and
330 Alzheimer (disease and related disorders) Associations and Societies: supporting family carers

Health Care: Social Science and Policy Perspectives. London, Patel V and Prince M. (2001) Ageing and mental health in a developing
Routledge Press country: who cares? Qualitative studies from Goa, India.
Gallienne RL, Moore SM, Brennan PF. (1993) Alzheimer’s caregivers: Psychological Medicine 31: 29–38
psychosocial support versus computer networks. Journal of Pillemer K and Suitor JJ. (1996) ‘It takes one to help one’: effects of
Gerontological Nursing 19(12): 15–22 similar others on the well-being of caregivers. Journal of
Glueckauf RL and Loomis JS. (2003) Alzheimer’s caregiver support Gerontology 51B: S250–S257
online: lessons learned, initial findings and future directions, Pillemer K and Suitor JJ. (2002) Peer support for Alzheimer’s
Neurorehabilitation 18: 135–146 caregivers: It is enough to make a difference? Research in Aging
Gonyea JG. (1990) Alzheimer’s disease support group participation and 24: 171–192
caregiver well-being. Clinical Gerontologist 10(2): 17–34 Prince M. (2004) 10/66 Dementia Research Group. Care arrangements
Harvey RJ, Roques PK, Fox NC, Rossor MN. (1998) CANDID – counselling for people with dementia in developing countries. International
and diagnosis in dementia: a national telemedicine service Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 19: 170–177
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Henderson JN. (1992) The power of support: Alzheimer’s disease support 909–917
groups for minority families. Aging 363–364: 24–28 Shaji KS, Smitha K, Praveen Lal K, Prince M. (2002a) Caregivers of
Henderson JN, Gutierrez-Mayka M, Garcia J, Boyd S. (1993) A model for patients with Alzheimer’s disease: a qualitative study from the
Alzheimer’s disease support group development in African-American Indian 10/66 Dementia Research Network. International Journal of
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model – support for relatives of people with dementia. International problem. An evaluation of a community dementia case-finding
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 13: 674–681 program from the Indian 10/66 dementia research network.
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Mild cognitive impairment

23. A historical perspective 333

24. Clinical characterization 338

25. Treatment 347

This page intentionally left blank
A historical perspective


23.1 Cognitive impairment as a feature of normal ageing 333 23.4 Operationalizing mild cognitive impairment criteria 335
23.2 Disease models of subclinical cognitive impairment 334 23.5 The future of mild cognitive impairment 335
23.3 Mild cognitive impairment – subclinical cognitive References 336
change as prodromal dementia 334

complaints of memory loss in older (aged  50) people ver-

ified by a decrement of at least one standard deviation on a
formal memory test in comparison with means established
for young adults. Blackford and La Rue (1989) later suggested
Alterations in cognitive functioning in the absence of demen- suitable tests of non-verbal and verbal secondary memory
tia have long been considered a normal aspect of ageing- tests, proposing that AAMI be defined as performance at least
related brain changes. Affecting principally episodic verbal one standard deviation below the mean for young adults on
memory, such changes are generally distinguished from neuro- one or more of these tests. They also differentiate AAMI from
degenerative disorders by their far slower progression, their the more severe state of ‘late-life forgetfulness’ (LLF), defined
lesser impact on ability to perform activities of daily as performance between one and two standard deviations
living, and the relative sparing of linguistic and visuospatial below the mean on at least 50 per cent of a battery of at least
functions. Increased interest in the nature and long-term four tests.
prognosis of ageing-related modifications in cognitive per- Levy et al. (1994) argued that there is little reason a priori
formance have now led us to question to what extent they that cognitive decline in normal old age should be confined
may be considered ‘normal’. The past 50 years have seen to memory functions exclusively, and in collaboration with
numerous attempts to define these subclinical alterations in the International Psychogeriatric Association and the World
cognitive functioning and to establish their aetiology with Health Organization proposed an alternative concept of
greater precision than the general notion of ‘ageing brain ageing-associated cognitive decline (AACD). The criteria for
changes’ to which they have formerly been attributed. AACD not only admit to the possibility of a wider range of
One of the earliest attempts to characterize subclinical cognitive functions being affected (attention, memory, learn-
cognitive disorder was Kral’s notion of benign senescent for- ing, thinking, language, visuospatial function), but also stip-
getfulness (BSF) (Kral, 1962) which referred to patient com- ulate that the deficit should be defined in reference to norms
plaints of a persistent difficulty in recalling detail, commonly for older and not young adults to avoid confounding of
with accompanying depressive symptoms. While Kral ini- decline with age and cohort effects. This refinement takes
tially considered such complaints to characterize a depressive into account the observations of researchers such as Schaie
state, which he referred to as depressive pseudodementia, and Willis (1991) who have demonstrated that much of the
long-term follow up of some of these patients showed that a difference in cognitive performance observed between young
significant proportion went on to develop vascular dementia. and elderly cohorts is attributable to generation differences
BSF was diagnosed by Kral by an open psychiatric interview (notably in education and health care) rather than to ageing-
and no formal algorithm was proposed. Formal diagnostic related brain changes. Studies comparing the performance of
criteria for non-dementia cognitive impairment were first AACD and AAMI criteria have concluded that they do not
proposed by Crook et al. in 1986 for the National Institute identify the same individuals within general population stud-
of Mental Health. Referring to ‘age-associated memory ies, AACD targeting a more severe state of impairment within
impairment’ (AAMI); they defined these changes as subjective a larger AAMI group (Richards et al., 1999).
334 A historical perspective

Recognition by the major international classifications of nosological entity (Christensen et al., 1995) for this age group.
disease of subclinical cognitive deterioration linked to the DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) has pro-
normal ageing process began with the appearance in DSM-IV posed a similar entity, mild neurocognitive disorder (MNCD),
(1994) of the concept of age related cognitive decline (ARCD). which encompasses not only memory and learning difficulties
Like AACD it refers to an objective decline in cognitive func- but also perceptual-motor, linguistic and central executive func-
tioning owing to the physiological process of ageing; however, tions. While the concepts proposed by the two international
no operational criteria or cognitive testing procedures were classifications, MCD and MNCD, do not provide sufficient
specified. It is rather loosely defined as a complaint of difficul- working guidelines for application in a research context, they do
ties in recalling names, appointments or in problem-solving, provide formal recognition of subclinical cognitive disorder as a
which cannot be related to a specific mental problem or a pathological state requiring treatment, and as a source of hand-
neurological disorder. Subsequent attempts to operationalize icap, and are thus likely to be important within a legal context.
ARCD using data from two general population studies in A similar concept of cognitive change secondary to mul-
France and the USA have concluded that the concept has little tiple underlying disease processes, but in this case referring to
value either in predicting clinical outcomes or in identifying elderly populations, is that of CIND (cognitive impairment
comparable populations for research purposes (N Quizilbash, no dementia). The concept was developed within the context
personal communication). of the Canadian Study of Health and Aging and is defined by
reference to neuropsychological testing and clinical examin-
ation (Graham et al., 1997). Persons with CIND, like MCD
and MNCD, are considered to have cognitive impairment
23.2 DISEASE MODELS OF SUBCLINICAL attributable to an underlying physical disorder, but may also
COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT have a ‘circumscribed memory impairment’, which is a modi-
fied form of AAMI. CIND encompasses a wider range of
Early conceptualizations of subclinical cognitive deficit have underlying pathologies than MCD and MNCD, including dis-
in common the theoretical assumption that such changes are orders such as delirium, substance abuse and psychiatric ill-
distinct from dementia and other pathologies, being the con- ness, which are excluded from the ICD and DSM categories.
sequence of inevitable ageing-related cerebral changes such
as cortical atrophy, which may be considered a normal fea-
ture of the ageing process. As parallel research into the causes
of dementia and cerebrovascular disease has now led to a
clearer understanding of their aetiology, it has also been
shown that many of the physiological abnormalities seen in
these disorders are also present to a lesser extent in subjects
identified as AAMI and AACD. Consequently elderly persons MCD, MNCD and CIND are constructs that have been
with subclinical cognitive deficits have become the subject of developed principally for research purposes and consider
neurological as well as psychogeriatric research, the under- cognitive disorder in the elderly to be heterogeneous, not
lying question being whether cognitive deficits of this type necessarily progressive, with treatment being determined by
may be due to underlying brain pathology, which might be the nature of the underlying primary systemic disease. On
potentially treatable. Alternative concepts have subsequently the other hand many clinical observations of the long-term
appeared in the literature linking cognitive disorder to vari- outcome of cognitive complaints, particularly those present-
ous forms of underlying pathology. For example, the 10th ing to memory clinics and neurology departments, led to the
revision of the International Classification of Diseases (1993) general conclusion by many neurologists that subclinical
described ‘mild cognitive disorder’ (MCD) which refers to cognitive disorder in the elderly is in fact principally, if not
disorders of memory, learning and concentration, often exclusively, early-stage dementia. Thus whereas dementia
accompanied by mental fatigue, which must be demon- was considered by many in the early 1990s to be an extension
strated by formal neuropsychological testing and attributable of a ‘normal’ process of progressive ageing-related cognitive
to cerebral disease or damage, or systemic physical disease deterioration, by the end of the decade subclinical cognitive
known to cause dysfunction. MCD is secondary to physical deficit began to be perceived as an extension of a pathological
illness or impairment, excluding dementia, amnesic syndrome, process. Numerous studies have referred vaguely to mild cog-
concussion, or postencephalitic syndrome. The concept of nitive disorders in relation to dementia and in 1997 Petersen
MCD, which was principally developed to describe the cogni- and colleagues (Petersen et al., 1997) proposed diagnostic
tive consequences of autoimmune deficiency syndrome but criteria for the concept of mild cognitive impairment (MCI),
then expanded to include other disorders in which cognitive initially defined as complaints of defective memory and
change is secondary to another disease process, is applicable demonstration of abnormal memory functioning for age, with
to all ages, not just the elderly. Attempts to apply MCD crite- normal general cognitive functioning and conserved ability
ria to population studies of elderly persons suggest it to be of to perform activities of daily living. MCI was considered to be
limited value in this context, casting doubt on its validity as a a prodrome of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). MCI criteria proved
The future of mild cognitive impairment 335

difficult to apply as it referred to poor cognitive functioning may also progress to another form of dementia or improve.
as assessed at one point in time, thus precluding appreciation This group thus proposed subtypes of MCI according to type
of decline over time, and difficult to differentiate from cohort of cognitive deficit and clinical outcome distinguishing MCI
effects, low IQ and education. A later definition refined the Amnestic (MCI with pronounced memory impairment pro-
initial concept by referring to memory impairment beyond gressing to AD), MCI Multiple Domain (slight impairment
that expected for both age and education level (Petersen et al., across several cognitive domains leading to AD, vascular
1999). An alternative approach has been to define it in terms dementia or stabilizing in the case of normal brain ageing
of early-stage dementia. For example Krasuki et al. (1998) changes), and MCI Single Non-Memory Domain (significant
refer to cognitive impairment with a score of 20 or more on impairment in a cognitive domain other than memory lead-
the MMSE, and Zaudig (1992) defines MCI as a score of more ing to AD or another form of dementia). It has subsequently
than 22 on MMSE or 34–47 on the SIDAM dementia scale. been suggested that MCI be further subdivided according to
Others have referred to criteria based on Clinical Dementia the suspected aetiology of the cognitive impairment, in keep-
Rating Scale or Global Deterioration Scale scores (Flicker ing with international classifications of dementing disorders:
et al., 1991; Kluger et al., 1997). The concept of MCI subse- for example MCI-AD, MCI-LBD, MCI-FTD and so on.
quently became the focus of considerable interest as it opened
up the possibility of widescale treatment of a subclinical state
by the new cholinergic therapies developed for dementia.

23.4 OPERATIONALIZING MILD COGNITIVE A number of concepts now exist to describe subclinical cog-
IMPAIRMENT CRITERIA nitive disorder in the elderly. Application of these concepts
in general population studies gives quite different prevalence
Subsequent studies using MCI criteria have encountered rates both between concepts and even between studies using
numerous difficulties. These have been principally due to the the same concept (Table 23.1).
lack of a working definition based on designated cognitive Clearly such deficits have multiple causes. A longitudinal
tests and other clinical measures. The result has been that study of a general population sample with subclinical cogni-
population prevalence, the clinical features of subjects iden- tive deficits has demonstrated multiple patterns of cognitive
tified with MCI, and their clinical outcomes, vary widely change with variable clinical outcomes including dementia,
between studies and even within studies where there has depression, cardiovascular and respiratory disorders (Ritchie
been longitudinal follow up. A consensus conference held in et al., 1996). However, it is the identification of those cases
Chicago in 1999 confronted the many difficulties facing the likely to evolve towards dementia that have been given prior-
MCI concept (Petersen et al., 2001), notably its two underlying ity, especially given the development of treatments that may
assumptions that it should be confined exclusively to isolated delay dementia onset. The potential treatment window for
memory impairment and whether it constitutes a prodrome dementia is large, with twin studies indicating that insidious
of AD, or alternatively a more clinically heterogeneous group changes in cognitive performance may occur up to 20 years
at increased risk of dementia owing to any cause. While there before disease onset (La Rue and Jarvik, 1987). For this rea-
is some limited evidence that a purely amnesic syndrome son at a conceptual level, MCI has been the principal focus of
may exist (Richards et al., 1999), these appear to represent only interest as longitudinal studies confirm the high risk rates of
a very small proportion (6 per cent) of elderly persons with MCI for dementia, with conversion estimates ranging from
cognitive deficit when the full range of cognitive functions 10 to 15 per cent per year (Petersen et al., 1997), 40 per cent
are examined. Higher rates of ‘circumscribed memory deficit’ over 2 years (Johnson et al., 1998), 20 per cent over 3 years
(31.7 per cent of CIND cases) are observed within the Canadian (Wolf et al., 1998), 30 per cent over 3 years (Black, 1999), 53
Longitudinal Study (Graham et al., 1997), but only subjects per cent over 3 years (McKelvey et al., 1999), to 100 per cent
with a score below a cut-off on the MMSE are examined, and over 4.5 years (Krasuki et al., 1998). Population studies show,
the test battery itself consists predominantly of memory tasks. however, lower dementia conversion rates (2–8 per cent per
Memory tests also involve cognitive capacities other than annum; Tierney et al., 1996; Johanssen and Zarit, 1997;
memory, notably attentional and linguistic capacities, so that Kluger et al., 1999; Hogan and Ebly, 2000; Artero et al., 2001;
it is difficult in the absence of a detailed neuropsychological Morris et al., 2001) than those observed in clinical studies
examination to conclude that an individual has an isolated (12–31 per cent; Flicker et al., 1991; Bowen et al., 1997;
amnesic impairment. Many of the studies that observe prin- Devanand et al., 1997; Huang et al., 2000) as they include a
cipally memory deficits in MCI have used almost exclusively wider range of cognitive impairments, which are probably
memory tests in their diagnostic examination. also less severe than those presenting in clinical settings.
The Chicago consensus group concluded that subjects with These studies suggest that alternative cognitive criteria
MCI have a condition different from normal ageing and are (notably those for ARCD) in conjunction with subtle meas-
likely to progress to AD at an accelerated rate; however, they ures of loss of ability to perform activities of everyday living
336 A historical perspective

Table 23.1 Characteristics and estimated prevalence rates (where available) of nosological entities designating cognitive impairment in elderly
persons without dementia

Concept Reference Criteria Population prevalence (%)

BSF Kral (1962) Memory complaints, forgetting details. –
AAMI Crook et al. (1968) Memory impairment with decrement 7–38
on formal cognitive test compared
to young adults
LLF Blackford and LaRue (1989) AAMI with greater decrement on –
50% of a test battery
AACD Levy et al. (1994) Impairment on any formal cognitive 21–27
test compared to peers
ARCD DSM IV (APA, 1994) Objective decline in cognitive functioning 8
due to old age
MCD ICD-10 (WHO, 1993) Disorders of memory learning and concentration 4
demonstrated by testing. Due to disease
MNCD DSM IV (APA, 1994) Difficulties in memory, learning, –
perceptual-motor, linguistic and central
executive functioning. Due to disease
CIND Graham et al. (1997) Circumscribed memory impairment and low 30–80
MMSE score due to disease or age
MCI Petersen et al. (1997) Complaints of defective memory, demonstrated 3–15
by deficit on cognitive tests with normal general
intellectual functioning compared to peers.
Due to dementia

and anatomical changes on cerebral imaging (volume loss in Artero S, Tierney MC, Touchon J, Ritchie K. (2003) Prediction of transition
hippocampal and entorhinal cortex) may ultimately provide from cognitive impairment to senile dementia: a prospective
better dementia prediction (Tierney et al., 1996; Touchon longitudinal study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 107: 390–393
and Ritchie, 1999; Artero et al., 2001, 2003; Ritchie et al., Black SE. (1999) Can SPECT predict the future for mild cognitive
impairment? Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 26: 4–6
2001; Visser et al., 2002; Palmer et al., 2003).
Blackford RC and La Rue A. (1989) Criteria for diagnosing age
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cal entity marks an early step towards the recognition of field. Developmental Neuropsychology 5: 295–306
non-dementia cognitive disorder as an important clinical Bowen J, Teri L, Kukull W, McCormick W, McCurry SM, Larson EB. (1997)
problem with a potential treatment, it does not now meet the Progression to dementia in patients with isolated memory loss.
necessary validation criteria for a formal nosological entity Lancet 349: 763–765
(Ritchie et al., 2001). The feasibility of widescale treatment Christensen H, Henderson AS, Jorm AF, MacKinnon AJ, Scott R, Korten AE.
will very much depend on the development of more precise (1995) ICD-10 mild cognitive disorder: epidemiological evidence
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the identification of subjects for clinical trials is likely to lead Crook T, Bartus RT, Ferris SH, Whitehouse P, Cohen GD, Gershon S.
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criteria and measures of clinical change – Report of a National
ing high failure rates and subsequent discreditation of a
Institute of Mental Health Work Group. Developmental
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or alternatively by restriction to subjects in reality already Devanand DP, Folz M, Gorlyn M, Moeller JR, Stern Y. (1997)
manifesting early dementia, in which case potential preventive/ Questionable dementia: clinical course and predictors of outcome.
delaying effects will be minimized. The future of MCI devel- Journal of American Geriatrics Society 45: 321–328
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Clinical characterization


24.1 Clinical aspects 338 24.4 Clinical trials 344

24.2 Neuroimaging 343 24.5 Conclusion 344
24.3 Neuropathology 344 References 345

In recent years, increasing attention is being paid to the tran- age-associated memory impairment (AAMI) (Crook et al.,
sitional state between normal ageing and early Alzheimer’s 1986), and ageing-associated cognitive decline (AACD) (Levy,
disease (AD). As research on ageing and dementia moves 1994). These terms are generally meant to reflect the extremes
toward prevention, and as baby-boomers advance into the age of normal ageing, rather than to describe a precursor of patho-
at which they are at risk for AD, it has become important to logic ageing. Mild cognitive impairment, on the other hand,
characterize individuals who are at the earliest stage of a cog- is recognized as a pathological condition, rather than mani-
nitive impairment, and to distinguish them from those experi- festation of normal ageing, and it has recently received a
encing normal ageing. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) great deal of attention as a clinically useful entity.
is a term used to describe this transitional zone between nor-
mal ageing and very early AD. Mild cognitive impairment
represents a condition where individuals show memory
impairment greater than expected for their age, but otherwise
are functioning well and do not meet the commonly accepted Most clinicians recognize patients in their clinical practice
criteria for dementia (Petersen et al., 1999). who have some cognitive impairment, but are not sufficiently
Inherent in the definition of MCI and in its differentiation debilitated as to warrant the diagnosis of dementia or AD.
from normal ageing is the question of ‘What is normal?’. While These intermediate groups of patients are common in every-
there are well-established diagnostic and research criteria for day practice, and their characterization is becoming increas-
dementia, the picture has been less clear with regards to what ingly important. While the diagnosis of probable AD, and its
constitutes normal ageing. In discussing normal ageing, it is correspondence to definite AD, is well defined, the picture has
useful to differentiate between what is being referred to as ‘suc- been less clear concerning this group of patients who are in the
cessful ageing’ and typical normal ageing. Successful ageing boundary between normal ageing and very early AD. As the
represents a state of health that allows individuals to function theoretical model in Figure 24.1 depicts, the current challenge
effectively and successfully as they age (Kaye et al., 1994). In this is to move to the left on the function curve to allow clinicians
setting, there is likely very little cognitive decline over one’s life to make the diagnosis of a cognitive impairment prior to reach-
span, and cognitive function can be preserved well into the 10th ing the threshold for clinically probable AD. This region on
decade or beyond. However, this definition of normal pertains the curve has recently been characterized as ‘MCI’. During this
to a very small segment of the population. What characterizes phase, individuals experience subtle cognitive deficits, usually
many of the elderly is normal typical ageing, where individu- forgetfulness, but otherwise have largely intact cognition and
als encounter comorbidities, such as hypertension, coronary activities of daily living.
artery disease and sensory abnormalities, as part of ageing. In
this discussion, the latter definition of normal is used. 24.1.1 Criteria
Historically, attempts at characterizing cognitive changes
at the normal tail-end of the continuum have produced several At present, there is no consensus in the field on a single set of
terms such as, benign senescent forgetfulness (Kral, 1962), criteria for MCI. A great deal of research is moving forward
Clinical aspects 339

Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised, Logical Memory II, or Visual

Reproductions II (Rey, 1964; Wechsler, 1987). It is important
Mild cognitive impairment
to note here, however, that no particular test or cut-off score
is specified for this criterion; rather, this was left to the judge-
ment of the clinician in the appropriate clinical context. In

Probable AD
the literature, the cut-off score of 1.5 standard deviations (SD)
below age norms has been suggested by some investigators.
In the original description of the MCI cohort followed at the
Mayo Clinic, subjects with MCI scored approximately 1.5 SD
below age- and education-matched controls on measures of
Definite AD
learning and delayed recall, and their performance was more
Age similar to patients with AD than to normal controls. However,
this level of performance was not used as a cut-off score.
Figure 24.1 Hypothetical characterization of function by age. Rather, these persons have a mean memory impairment of
As function declines, subjects go through a transitional stage of mild 1.5 SD; as such, there is a range of performance around the
cognitive impairment prior to reaching the threshold for the mean, where nearly half of the group had performance score
diagnosis of clinically probable Alzheimer’s disease (AD). (With somewhat less than 1.5 SD below the mean. Thus, it is import-
permission from Petersen, 2000.) ant that this criterion is interpreted in conjunction with the
first criterion. The memory complaint is meant to represent a
Box 24.1 Criteria for amnestic mild cognitive impairment change in function for the person. The clinician may be chal-
(a-MCI) lenged by persons who are of either high intellect (whose
performance is now in the statistically ‘normal’ range, but this
• Memory complaint usually corroborated by an level of performance represents a change for that person), or
by persons with low education level (whose lower cognitive
• Objective memory impairment for age performance may not represent a change from baseline). The
• Essentially preserved general cognitive function preferable approach to this challenge is to allow the clinician
• Largely intact functional activities to use judgement in combining all of these criteria. As such,
• Not demented a precise history from the patient and an informant coupled
with neuropsychological testing can be invaluable.
to characterize certain features of the construct and additional Third, general cognitive function is essentially normal.
work will likely continue. The most typical and well-studied Subjects with MCI usually show mild impairments in non-
scenario of MCI pertains to individuals who have impairment memory cognitive domains such as language, attention and
in a single domain of memory, and recently, this form of MCI visuospatial skills; however, these impairments are not of
has been termed amnestic MCI (a-MCI) (Petersen, 2003). The sufficient magnitude to compromise functional abilities,
criteria for a-MCI are outlined in Box 24.1. It is important to or to warrant a diagnosis of dementia. It should be noted
note that these are clinical criteria, and that while neuropsycho- here again that performance in these domains should be
logical testing can be very helpful, the ultimate diagnosis is a judged relative to age-appropriate standards, but no specific
clinical judgement. The operationalization of these criteria has instruments or cut-off scores are predetermined. Ultimately,
generated considerable research, and is currently being the judgement of the clinician is required in making these
examined by a number of investigators worldwide. In general, determinations.
these criteria are satisfied as follows. The fourth criterion pertains to largely intact activities of
The first criterion concerns the subjective memory com- daily living (ADL). Subjects with MCI might show slower
plaint, which preferably is corroborated by an informant who performance in complex ADL, but they are still able to com-
knows the subject well. Several studies have indicated that a plete them without difficulty and their slight impairments
cognitive impairment substantiated by an informant is more are of insufficient magnitude to constitute dementia. This cri-
likely to be reliable (Morris et al., 1991; Tierney et al., 1996), as terion, however, can also be a challenge to implement espe-
subject’s memory complaints are of variable reliability (Ritchie cially in older adults. That is, the criterion requires that the
et al., 1996; Smith et al., 1996). As such, this criterion is ‘soft’ slight functional impairments observed be due to a decline in
and may be a challenge to implement, but without prior cogni- cognitive function, which can be difficult to delineate in older
tive function testing, it is critical for the purpose of excluding subjects who may have several medical comorbidities and
individuals with life-long static cognitive deficits (Graham physical limitations. This once again underscores the neces-
et al., 1997). sity of assimilation of all of the data available in making the
A second criterion concerns an objective memory impair- clinical judgement.
ment for age. This criterion can be fulfilled by use of neuro- Finally, the last criterion is that subjects are not demented.
psychological testing, where tasks commonly used for this This criterion hinges on the degree of functional impairment
purpose include the Auditory Verbal Learning Test, the and is also made on the basis of the clinician’s best judgement.
340 Clinical characterization

Many of these subjects will have a slight degree of general cog- Aetiology
nitive impairment, but it will not be of sufficient magnitude erative Vascular Psychiatric Trauma
to meet the standard Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) Single
AD Depr
criteria for dementia. domain

Clinical classification
In general, subjects with MCI appear more normal than MCI Multiple
AD VaD Depr
not. As such, the difficult distinction is between normal age- domain
ing and MCI rather than between MCI and AD. In the older
subjects, a degree of memory impairment is frequently asso- Single
Non- domain
ciated with ageing and consequently, the demarcation between amnestic
normal ageing and early MCI can be a challenge. Never- MCI Multiple DLB VaD
theless, the concept is a reasonable one, and several multicentre domain
studies have now documented that these criteria can be imple-
mented on a reliable basis across institutions (Grundman Figure 24.2 Classification of clinical subtypes of mild cognitive
et al., 2004). impairment (MCI) with presumed aetiology. (Modified from Petersen
and Morris, 2003.)

24.1.2 Clinical subtypes

of clinical subtypes and putative aetiologies can be useful
Although most research has focused on a-MCI, as the field of in predicting the ultimate type of dementia to which these
MCI has advanced, it has become apparent that other clinical diseases will evolve.
subtypes exist as well (Petersen et al., 1999; Petersen, 2003).
More recently, the concept of MCI has been expanded to 24.1.3 Proposed diagnostic scheme
include at least three more subtypes.
One logical question that can arise from the above, then, is
• Multiple domain amnestic MCI pertains to individuals
based on these criteria and classifications: How does one gen-
who, in addition to memory deficit, also have
impairments in at least one other cognitive domain such erate a diagnosis of MCI in a new patient? Figure 24.3 depicts
as language, executive function or visuospatial skills. the scheme proposed to help guide this diagnostic process,
and ultimately, this scheme will lead to the classification out-
• Multiple domain non-amnestic MCI, on the other hand,
lined in Figure 24.2. The diagnostic process usually begins
pertains to individuals who have impairments in
multiple cognitive domains, but not including memory. with a person, or an informant who knows the person well,
expressing some complaint about the person’s cognitive func-
• Single domain non-amnestic MCI, which is the least
tion. For example, the person may note forgetfulness for
common subtype, pertains to individuals with
impairment in a single non-memory domain such as names, or that they are misplacing objects, such as car keys.
language, executive function or visuospatial skills. Other When presented with these complaints, the clinician’s first
cognitive domains, including memory, are essentially task is to make a judgement as to normal cognition or sus-
normal. pected dementia based on the person’s history and a mental
status exam. For example, a score of 18/30 on the Mini-Mental
Individuals in the non-amnestic subtypes are likely to have a State Examination along with clear signs of impairments in
different outcome from those with memory impairment. It functional activities may suggest dementia, while a score of
is also imperative that individuals in all of these subtypes of 28/30 on this exam added to no signs of impairment in com-
MCI have minimal impairments in functional activities that plex ADL may suggest that the person, despite subjective
do not represent a significant change in function from a prior complaints, is likely normal. The clinician at this point should
level, and they also do not meet the criteria for dementia. also entertain other explanations, such as depression, for this
In addition to the clinical subtypes, there can also be mul- complaint. In cases, however, where the clinician is uncertain
tiple aetiologies or causes for each subtype, as depicted in as to the precise cognitive status of the person, the diagnosis
Figure 24.2. Therefore, if one selected the single domain a-MCI of MCI may be entertained, and here, the flow chart depicted
subtype of a presumed degenerative aetiology, this would in Figure 24.3 can be useful (Petersen, 2004).
likely represent a prodromal form of AD. However, one could Once the diagnosis of MCI is entertained, the next step for
also add the subtype of the multiple domain a-MCI since this the clinician is to assess the decline in cognitive function to
subtype has a high likelihood of progressing to AD as well determine whether it constitutes a diagnosis of very mild
(Petersen et al., 2004). In contrast, the other subtypes empha- dementia. This can be accomplished through a careful his-
sizing impairments in non-memory domains such as executive tory from the patient and preferably a collateral source. If the
function and visuospatial skills, may have a higher likelihood clinician determines that the decline in cognition does not
of progressing to a non-AD dementia, such as dementia with constitute a significant impairment in functional activities as
Lewy bodies (Boeve et al., 2004). Therefore, the combination to warrant the diagnosis of a very mild dementia, then the
Clinical aspects 341

Mild Cognitive Impairment

Cognitive complaint

Not normal for age

Not demented
Cognitive decline
Essentially normal functional activities


Memory impaired?
Yes No

Amnestic MCI Non-amnestic MCI

Single non-memory
Yes No Yes cognitive domain No
impairment only?

Amnestic MCI Amnestic MCI Non-amnestic MCI Non-amnestic MCI

single domain multiple domain single domain multiple domain

Figure 24.3 Flow chart of decision process for making diagnosis of subtypes of mild cognitive impairment. (With permission from Petersen, 2004.)

diagnosis of MCI is further assumed, and the next step is to Although this type of classification of MCI may appear
identify the clinical subtype. Here, the clinician should first cumbersome, it may be important if one is to gain more
ask, ‘Is memory impaired?’ and assess memory more care- insights into the various subtypes of cognitive impairments.
fully. Although there are no generally accepted instruments It can also have practical utility in so far as the medical treat-
for this purpose, neuropsychological tests involving word list ments for the prodromal forms of dementia are specific to
learning or paragraph recall can be useful. If memory is the presumed underlying aetiology of the developing dement-
determined to be impaired for age, the clinician can assume ing disorder, and are different depending on the presumed
that this is an a-MCI. If, on the other hand, memory is found outcome of the subtype of MCI.
to be relatively spared, but the person has impairment in other
non-memory cognitive domains, such as language, executive 24.1.4 Outcome
function, or visuospatial skills, this constitutes a non-amnestic
subtype of MCI. As interest in MCI increases, several studies using the construct
Once this determination has been made, the next step for are being conducted around the world in a variety of research
the clinician is to ask, ‘Are other cognitive domains also settings. As indicated above, most of the literature to date per-
impaired?’ This can also addressed using neuropsychological tains to individuals with memory impairment, and it is useful
testing or other relatively brief office instruments. If these to review these studies to determine the outcome of these indi-
assessments reveal, for example, that a person with an a-MCI viduals. At the Mayo Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center/
has impairment only in the memory domain, but that other Alzheimer’s Disease Patient Registry, a group of approxi-
cognitive domains are relatively intact, this constitutes the mately 220 individuals with a mean age of 79 years has been
diagnosis of single domain a-MCI. If, on the other hand, other followed for 3–6 years using the original Mayo criteria, which
cognitive domains are also found to be compromised in add- focused on amnestic MCI (Petersen et al., 1999). The subjects
ition to memory, this constitutes the diagnosis of multiple in these studies have progressed to dementia at a rate of
domain a-MCI. Likewise, if a person with non-amnestic MCI approximately 12 per cent per year, which is in contrast to the
is found to have impairments only in a single non-memory normal elderly cohort that developed dementia at the rate of
domain, such as language, executive function or visuospatial 1–2 per cent per year (Petersen et al., 2003). Further, over the
skills, this constitutes the diagnosis of single domain non- course of 6 years, up to 80 per cent of them will have con-
amnestic MCI. However, if multiple non-memory domains verted to dementia, suggesting that this group represents a
are found to be mildly impaired, the diagnosis of multiple population at risk. In addition, as is shown in Figure 24.4,
domain non-amnestic MCI is warranted. when individual measures such as mental status are examined,
342 Clinical characterization

MMSE Dementia Rating Scale

0 2

3 8
4 12
Controls MCI AD AD Controls MCI AD AD
CDR 0 0.5 0.5 1 CDR 0 0.5 0.5 1
(a) (b)

Global Deterioration Scale






Controls MCI AD AD
CDR 0 0.5 0.5 1

Figure 24.4 (a-c) Annual rates of change on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Dementia Rating Scale and Global Deterioration
Scale. (With permission from Petersen et al., 1999.)

subjects with MCI tend to fall midway between normal study, no individual memory test was found to be better indi-
elderly controls and patients with very mild AD, and their cator than any other.
progression rate also indicates a similar pattern. Investigators from New York University identified a group
In evaluating the measures that could predict a more of individuals with a Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) of
rapid progression to dementia, Mayo investigators have also 3 whom they characterized as representing mildly impaired
shown apolipoprotein E (ApoE) 4 allele carrier status to be subjects and followed them for two years (Flicker et al., 1991).
one of the most prominent variables (Petersen et al., 1995). They found that 23 of 32 subjects progressed to dementia
Performance on a cued memory task and several neuroimag- over this time frame.
ing measures such as volumetric measurements of the hippo- Daly and colleagues from Harvard recruited their subjects
campus were also found to be useful predictors (Petersen et al., from media advertisements and identified a cohort of individ-
1991; Jack et al., 1999). uals who were mildly impaired but not demented (Daly et al.,
Similarly, Tierney and colleagues in Toronto followed a 2000). These investigators modified the Clinical Dementia
group of 123 patients who had been identified by primary Rating to make it more sensitive in detecting individuals with
care physicians as having memory impairments. Over the subtle memory impairment and a CDR of 0.5. Of the 123
course of two years, they found that 29 of these individuals individuals characterized in this fashion, 23 progressed to AD
had developed AD (Tierney et al., 1996). Further, in evaluat- over 2 years at the rate of 6 per cent per year. This rate is lower
ing predictors for the progression, they found delayed recall than seen in other studies and may reflect the combination of
and an index of mental control to be better indicators, with recruitment strategy and use of the CDR as the instrument of
ApoE 4 carrier status being a reliable predictor only when evaluation and progression.
combined with memory tests. In an epidemiological study from France, Ritchie and col-
Investigators from the Alzheimer’s Disease Patient Registry leagues evaluated a cohort of 833 subjects they had followed
in Seattle followed a cohort of patients with an isolated mem- longitudinally (Ritchie et al., 2001). These investigators retro-
ory impairment for 5 years and found that 10 of 21 subjects spectively applied neuropsychologically based criteria to cre-
developed dementia over this time period, with the mean ate a group of MCI subjects and compared their outcome to
duration to dementia of 3.8 years (Bowen et al., 1997). In this a group meeting criteria for AACD. They found that the MCI
Neuroimaging 343

criteria when applied retrospectively through the use of neuro- them, and length of follow up. Interestingly, all these factors
psychological instruments were unstable, and that AACD continue to be relevant today.
subjects actually demonstrated a higher conversion rate. More recently, Luis and colleagues at Mount Sinai Medical
The instability in this study, however, may have arisen from Center in Miami reported a review of MCI with recommen-
the literal, neuropsychologically based interpretation of the dations for future research (Luis et al., 2003). These included
MCI criteria, rather than the clinical application of the crite- additional research to develop appropriate and sensitive neuro-
ria used in other studies. psychological and functional measures, reliable methods to
In the PAQUID study from several south-western regions of assess progression, and epidemiologically oriented instru-
France, Larrieu and colleagues followed a population-based ments that are sensitive to multiple cultures.
sample of 1265 subjects who were at risk of developing In summary, as is apparent from the literature, considerable
cognitive impairment by virtue of age (Larrieu et al., 2002). variability exists in the characterization of subjects with MCI.
They found that overall MCI was a good predictor of AD but This variability is more likely due to lack of consistent criteria
that the concept was unstable over time. They also found that and to variable neuropsychological instruments employed to
over 2–3 years, 40 per cent of the sample had reverted to nor- measure progression. As such, these findings emphasize the
mal, which is quite unusual relative to other studies. It is need for more consistent criteria and instruments that can
possible that some of the instability may have been related allow comparability of studies across various subject popula-
to their use of the Benton visual retention test as their only tions and settings. Nevertheless, it is also apparent from these
memory measure. studies that the concept of MCI, regardless of the definition,
Investigators from Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center studied is a valid construct and as such, merits further study (Petersen
individuals from the Religious Order Study, a research pro- et al., 2001a).
ject constituting a volunteer cohort of nuns and priests who
are being followed longitudinally (Bennett et al., 2002). They
identified a group of 211 nuns and priests with multiple
domain MCI including memory, and followed them for a
mean of 4.5 years. Their findings showed that persons with
MCI developed AD at a rate 3.1 times higher than those who Recently, neuroimaging has become an important tool in the
did not meet criteria for MCI. diagnosis of MCI and subsequent prediction of its progres-
In the first population-based study to yield prevalence sion. Several neuroimaging studies have indicated that mag-
data on MCI subtypes, investigators from the Cardiovascular netic resonance (MR)-based measurements of hippocampus
Health Study assessed prevalence rates from the sample they can differentiate MCI from normal ageing and AD, and pre-
had applied the criteria for a-MCI and multiple domain MCI dict the rate progression to AD. Jack and colleagues have
(Lopez et al., 2003). They found that the overall MCI preva- shown that hippocampal volumes of subjects with MCI falls
lence in the Pittsburgh site was 22 per cent, with a-MCI midway between normal controls and patients with mild AD
accounting for 6 per cent and multiple domain MCI represent- (Jack et al., 1997). More recently, Jack and colleagues also
ing 16 per cent. demonstrated the usefulness of MRI volume measurements
The Canadian Study of Health and Ageing used subjects in assessing progression to AD by showing that hippocampal
with cognitive impairment, no dementia (CIND) to investigate volumes in MCI subjects were predictive of conversion to AD,
the relative contributions of each of the features of the criteria even after controlling for age, oestrogen use, neuropsycho-
for a-MCI. They felt that subjective complaint and impair- logical test performance, ApoE status, history of ischaemic
ment in ADL might not be necessary for the definition of heart disease and hypertension (Jack et al., 1999). Kaye and
MCI. Nonetheless, most people with MCI, regardless of the colleagues have demonstrated the predictive ability of hip-
definition, were found to progress to dementia, usually AD pocampal volume measurements by showing that subjects
(Fisk and Rockwood, 2003). who progressed to develop dementia had smaller hippocam-
Using the Kungsholmen Project, investigators from Stock- pal volumes at the time of presentation compared with those
holm evaluated the outcome of subjects with CIND defined individuals who did not progress to dementia (Kaye et al.,
by Mini-Mental State Exam scores (Palmer et al., 2002). They 1997).
found that the risk of developing dementia in these subjects Further, based on the theoretical rationale that AD path-
was associated with the level of severity of CIND, and that ology first appears in the transentorhinal cortex, several studies
those who improved from CIND did not show increased risk have recently focused their attention on the entorhinal cor-
of subsequently progressing to dementia. tex. While some of these studies found the entorhinal cortex
Dawe and colleagues reviewed the concept of MCI a decade to be a better discriminatory measure of early cognitive impair-
ago and concluded that there was a wide discrepancy in the ment than hippocampus (Bobinski et al., 1999; Killiany et al.,
rates of progression, which ranged from 1–25 per cent (Dawe 2000; Du et al., 2004), others have found both structures to
and Philpot, 1992). These investigators put forth several factors be equally useful in differentiating MCI from normal ageing
that could account for the variability, including the source of and very mild AD (Xu et al., 2000). Although it is quite likely
subjects, specific criteria used and methods for implementing that the disease initiates in the entorhinal cortex, measurement
344 Clinical characterization

of hippocampus may be preferable because MRI depiction of Table 24.1 Clinical trials in MCI
the borders of the entorhinal cortex can be obscured by tech-
Sponsor Duration End point Treatments
nical difficulties in imaging this area.
More recently, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) ADCS* 3 years AD Vitamin E
studies performed to assess MCI have proven useful. Kantarci Donepezil
and colleagues used myoinositol/creatine ratios and N- Merck 2–3 years AD Rofecoxib
acetylaspartate/creatine ratios to compare MCI subjects to Novartis 3 years AD Rivastigmine
Janssen 2 years Symptoms Galantamine
normal controls and to patients with very mild AD (Kantarci
Pfizer 6 months Symptoms Donepezil
et al., 2000). These investigators found increased myoinosi-
UCB 1 year Symptoms Piracetam
tol/creatine ratio in MCI subjects relative to normal controls,
and in AD patients relative to those with MCI. In contrast, * Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study supported by National Institute on
the N-acetylaspartate/creatine ratio did not decline until the Aging, Pfizer Inc., Eisai Inc. and Roche Vitamins.
subjects had reached the stage of AD. Even though this area
requires further investigation, the data suggest that myoinosi- of AD. As such, they are an important group to identify for
tol/creatine ratio, which likely reflects glial activity, may be possible intervention.
more useful earlier in the disease than N-acetylaspartate/crea-
tine ratio, which may reflect neuronal integrity.
Thus, the existing literature indicates that the field of
neuroimaging is well situated to provide a powerful tool for
evaluation of MCI. Larger studies with prospective follow As the focus of AD research moves toward prevention, numer-
up would be needed to establish the reliability of these tech- ous clinical trials on MCI are being undertaken. A recent report
niques in routine use. from the Memory Impairment Study, which conducts multi-
centre trials on MCI, indicates that the operational criteria
for MCI are successful in distinguishing MCI from normal age-
24.3 NEUROPATHOLOGY ing and AD (Grundman et al., 2004). Thus, AD prevention tri-
als involving MCI patients appear to be promising in detecting,
Despite the increased focus on MCI, the neuropathological intervening in and delaying the disease while it is still in a tran-
basis of this condition is unknown. This is mainly because sitional clinical stage. As outlined in Table 24.1 the therapeutic
subjects with MCI are unlikely to die of the disease; as such, agents currently being tested are cholinesterase inhibitors,
neuropathological confirmation of the condition is relatively antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, nootropics and glutamate
uncommon. Nonetheless, the few data that are available have receptor modulators. In their recent review, Geda and Petersen
shed important light on the neuropathological substrates of (2001) indicate that several clinical trials are undertaken by
MCI. A recent report from the Nun Study examined the neuro- ADCS (Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study) and a number
pathological characteristics of individuals whose cognitive of pharmaceutical research groups. These clinical trials are
function ranged from normal to mild cognitive impairments similar in their design, hence the authors discussed the ADCS
to dementia (Riley et al., 2002). The findings indicated that study as a prototype of these trials. About 70 institutions in
the development of Alzheimer’s neurofibrillary pathology was North America participating in this study funded by
one of the neuropathological substrates of mild cognitive National Institute on Aging, Pfizer Inc., Eisai Inc. and Roche
impairments. Vitamins. It is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
DeKosky and colleagues (2002) evaluated choline acetyl- trial involving three arms with 240 subjects per arm. The
transferase activity in the hippocampus and frontal cortex objective is to assess the safety and efficacy of vitamin E
using subjects enrolled in the Religious Order Study. Using (2000 IU/day) and donepezil (10 mg/day), and is powered to
a classification of MCI that allowed for multiple cognitive bring about a 33 per cent reduction of the conversion of MCI to
domains to be impaired, they found that 44 per cent of their AD over the 3-year period of the study. Over the course of the
sample of MCI had low likelihood of AD pathology while study donepezil reduced the risk of progressing to AD for the
another 44 per cent showed intermediate likelihood of AD first 18 months of the trial. Vitamin E had no therapeutic effect.
pathology according to NIA-Reagan criteria. Further, a study The secondary cognitive measures supported the overall group
from Washington University focusing on subjects with very progression rates. No unexpected adverse events were
mild AD (CDR 0.5) has shown that 84 per cent of these subjects observed. This was the first therapeutic trial to demonstrate an
had neuropathological features of AD upon autopsy. Finally, ability to delay the clinical diagnosis of AD.
a study from the Mayo Clinic identified 15 subjects who died
while their clinical classification was a-MCI and found that all
of the subjects had some form of medial temporal lobe pathol-
ogy accounting for their memory impairment (Petersen, 2002).
Thus, the findings from these neuropathological studies MCI is becoming an increasingly popular clinical entity. The
suggest that MCI patients do not have fully expressed features American Academy of Neurology has recently reviewed the
References 345

literature on this topic and made recommendation that, while Jack CR Jr, Petersen RC, Xu Y-C et al. (1999) Prediction of AD with
the precise outcome of these subjects is uncertain, MCI is a MRI-based hippocampal volume in mild cognitive impairment.
useful clinical concept worthy of attention and further inves- Neurology 52: 1397–1403
Kantarci K, Jack CR, Xu YV et al. (2000) Regional metabolic patterns in
tigation (Grundman et al., 2004). As clinicians draw their atten-
mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease: a 1H MRS study.
tion to the earliest presentation of a cognitive impairment, this
Neurology 55: 210–217
could translate into earlier and possibly more effective treat- Kaye JA, Oken BS, Howieson DB, Howieson J, Holm LA, Dennison K.
ment options. (1994) Neurologic evaluation of the optimally healthy oldest old.
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25.1 Epidemiological issues 347 25.4 Conclusion 352

25.2 Pathophysiological mechanisms of cognitive References 352
impairment 348
25.3 Treatment strategies 348

Life expectancy is increasing, with a consequent increase in impairment after follow up at 5 years (Graham et al., 1997).
the cognitive disorders of old age. Treating these as early as This non-linearity of progression is probably due to the
identifiable would seem an appropriate course of action. adaptive capacity of the brain, with its continuing plasticity and
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) represents a stage where many compensatory mechanisms. These issues are particu-
people have the early neuropathology of dementia, particu- larly pertinent when treatment studies are being designed.
larly Alzheimer’s disease (AD), but do not have sufficient The Petersen criteria are strict, but only produce a positive
symptoms to fulfil current clinical criteria. Transition to predictive value of 31 per cent, making understanding the
dementia is frequent, raising questions as to whether this is a clinical context and longitudinal reassessment essential for
new nosology or the earliest diagnosable point of the more the individual patient. Any intervention that slows progres-
common neurodegenerative disorders. sion of dementia at this stage should lead to delay in the
development of AD. In turn, this may reduce the population
prevalence of severe AD, even if the benefit for the individual
25.1 EPIDEMIOLOGICAL ISSUES is less predictable. If such outcomes are not achieved, the
value of such an intervention becomes less clear. Three pos-
sible treatment scenarios exist:
While the definitive description of MCI is still awaited, there
is general agreement that, when it is identified in an out-
patient population, it usually represents a preclinical dementia;
• More time in MCI and mild AD, less time in moderate
to severe disease – consequently no expansion of the
and that appropriate intervention at this time would be rele- overall disease longevity but a longer phase of relative
vant and valuable. MCI represents a trigger for holistic evalu- independence. This may increase the cost of treatment
ation of a persons’ physical and mental state, but any treatment earlier in the disease, but reduce full-time care costs.
considerations need properly defined therapeutic goals. This
is important as MCI is positioned in the hinterland between
• More time in MCI and mild AD, same time in moderate
to severe. This still leads to a longer phase of relative
preserving a state of wellness and treating a disease. The independence, but does not reduce the full-time
Petersen criteria (Petersen et al., 1999) try to define the MCI care costs.
population with strict definitions, but in a community sam-
ple a significant proportion of MCI subjects stay stable over
• More time at all stages. Preservation of independence
but longer period of dependency. This increases costs
time, or even revert to normal cognitive scores (Ritchie et al., at all stages and the time in residential care could
2001). The Canadian study of Health and Ageing demon- actually increase.
strated a 1 per cent prevalence in over-65-year-olds if strict
criteria were applied, rising to 3 per cent if subjective memory Unless the first scenario is achieved, costs for the health
loss and intact activities of daily living (ADL) were not used and social care community could rise along with additional
so rigidly. Again, a third of those identified had no cognitive pharmacological costs – unless death from other causes
348 Treatment

intervenes. So, in order to adopt a universal preventative Cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) are relatively expensive
approach to MCI, an intervention needs to reduce the risk of treatments with well-established side effects (Bullock, 2002).
reaching the later stages of dementia, be inexpensive, with a These will be prime candidates for the selective prevention
low risk profile, and have few side effects. Ideally, if used early model should clinical trials in MCI prove positive. Better
enough, it should also have the potential to prevent further cog- clinical criteria may then quickly emerge, but even then, a
nitive impairment. Examples of population initiatives include preventative strategy may be inappropriate where either a
addition of folate to flour in the USA and thiamine enrich- third of those identified do not develop full dementia, or the
ment of food in Australia, where Wernicke’s encephalopathy best outcome may be to maintain an impairment, or it does
is common. not reduce any years lived free of cognitive impairment, and
However, the individual with MCI experiences symptoms treatment may both increase longevity and increase costs.
sufficient to seek advice; and using Peterson criteria (Petersen Difficult cost benefit decisions will have to be made – for
et al., 1999), may already have significant loss of cognitive example, by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence in the
ability. The goal in treatment is improvement or main- UK. Current examples of selective prevention in MCI are rare.
tenance of this already reduced function, which for the amnes- Two examples are the specific treatment of hypertension in
tic MCI patient, is a situation akin to treating mild AD. Some those with cognitive impairments and the practice in some
individuals may improve in some aspects of cognition and US clinics to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
function when treated at this stage; and stabilization here (NSAIDs) in people with first degree family histories.
looks preferable to stabilization in moderate AD. However,
more data are needed to understand and capture longer-term
effects of current symptomatic treatments, before they can be 25.2 PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS OF
used to treat MCI in general clinical settings. Research into COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
what this emerging patient group actually understands and
wants has to accompany this, as it is not proven that stability
Many factors seem to contribute to a complex cascade of
at this stage is any more desirable (Frank et al., 2003), espe-
events at molecular level to cause the degenerative processes
cially as neuropsychiatric inventory (Cummings et al., 1994)
that lead to MCI and dementia (Hardy and Higgins, 1992).
scores in MCI are higher than expected – with anxiety and
Ageing is the predominant risk factor for which no interven-
depression being prominent (Lysetkos et al., 2002).
tion is possible, but the ageing process produces free radical
So current knowledge suggests a more selective preven-
damage, oxidative stress and alterations in calcium homeo-
tion model is better with MCI. Here more expensive or
stasis which coincide with reduced efficacy of amyloid clear-
higher risk treatments can be matched to the most appropri-
ance and increasing cerebrovascular disease (Heininger, 1999).
ate individuals rather than applied across the board. With such
In turn, this causes synaptic damage, transmitter and receptor
a universal MCI definition, this application may be more dif-
loss, microglial activation and inflammation, leading to neur-
ficult in practice until firmer therapeutic milestones are
onal death and subsequent clinical symptoms. Many of these
defined. These will remain clinical until the acceptance of
processes are partly understood and some have putative ther-
robust biomarkers. Some potentially exist. For example, alter-
apeutic options, currently in development. While the licensed
ation in the ratio of different forms of the amyloid precursor
drugs for AD are predominantly symptomatic, new treatments
protein has been described in MCI and to a greater extent
may confer some protective effects. Such strategies will have
in AD (Borroni et al., 2003a). Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tau,
the greatest impact during MCI (or perhaps even earlier).
phosphor-tau and -amyloid are 68 per cent sensitive and
97 per cent specific at predicting MCI conversion to AD
(Zetterberg et al., 2003). Electrophysiological tests of olfac-
tion appear consistent from MCI into AD (Peters et al., 2003)
and computerized batteries show characteristic profiles
in MCI that become worse as AD criteria are reached 25.3.1 Treating risk factors and comorbidity
(Dwolatsky et al., 2003). Finally, volumetric magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI) of regional brain areas in MCI, such as The prevalence of vascular risk factors in mid-life, such as
the hippocampus (Killiany et al., 2000), are predictive of AD; raised diastolic blood pressure, white matter hyperintensities
and positron emission studies can show reduced activity in on MRI and apolipoprotein (ApoE) 4 genotype, relates to
normal subjects at risk of familial AD years before clinical late-life MCI (Kivipelto et al., 2001a). High systolic blood
symptoms (Wahlund et al., 1999). All these findings clearly pressure and raised cholesterol levels are related to develop-
open opportunities for early diagnosis and intervention, ing late-onset AD and vascular dementia (VaD) (Kivipelto
though it could be argued that what is being defined is the et al., 2001b). This contribution of vascular lesions to cogni-
early stage of the underlying dementia, rather than a marker tive impairment is just becoming understood, but may
for MCI. These techniques are some way from the average explain some of the heterogeneity in MCI. Identification of
clinic. these factors, at any stage, may thus impact on the clinical
Treatment strategies 349

expression of dementia. A population strategy across primary Vitamin E has been studied in moderate AD (Sano et al.,
and secondary care for hypertension detection and treatment, 1997), where a delay in institutionalization was reported, but
along with cholesterol monitoring and lowering, may not no advantages were seen in cognition or function. The 2000 IU
just protect from heart disease and stroke, but MCI and dose used was much higher than usually given. In vitro, vita-
dementia as well. min E protects nicotinic receptors from -amyloid (Guan
This has already been demonstrated in normal elderly et al., 2000), which may be relevant given that the loss of these
hypertensive subjects in the Syst-Eur (Forette et al., 2002) receptors seems to correlate with the memory loss found in
and PROGRESS (Scheen, 2001) studies. Similarly, treatment AD (Paterson and Nordberg, 2000). Vitamin E is already rec-
with the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitor, ommended in the AD practice guideline in the USA (Doody
ramipril, has improved intellectual functioning in normal et al., 2001), but perhaps less often used in Europe. It fulfils
elderly hypertensives (Pogosova et al., 2003). If MCI was the requirement for use in a simple intervention at popula-
already present, treating concomitant hypertension pro- tion level, so further studies to demonstrate its utility in MCI
duced a 40 per cent reduction in relative risk for dementia in are needed. Currently, such a long-term study with both vita-
a Swedish cohort (Guo et al., 1999). min E and donepezil is underway in the USA (Thal, 2003).
Statins raised particular interest when two observational Ginkgo biloba is one of the most used antidementia agents
studies showed their use led to large reductions in the risk of worldwide, from both over the counter and prescriptive routes.
developing AD (Jick et al., 2000; Wolozin et al., 2000). Another It has a free radical scavenging effect among other putative
large observational study in postmenopausal women correl- modes of action. Clinical trials vary, but cognition and social
ated cognitive impairment with higher levels of low density function have been shown to improve in MCI in one study
lipoprotein and total cholesterol (Yaffe et al., 2002). The (Le Bars et al., 2002). The relative low cost and minimal side
mechanism of action of statins is not known, but it is inde- effects suggest it may have a population use, but better con-
pendent of cholesterol levels and may be due to reduction in structed studies will need to be performed before any recom-
amyloid production, increase in ApoE 4 and/or effects on mendation can be made.
the microvasculature (Hartmann, 2001). Also, high levels High homocysteine levels have been associated with AD
of high density lipoproteins (HDL) in late life correlate with (Selley, 2003), VaD (Storey et al., 2003) and cognitive decline in
numbers of neurofibrillary plaques and tangles (Launer et al., healthy elderly individuals (McCaddon et al., 2001). High
2001). Unfortunately, a recent study looking at statins in levels are recognized as a marker of vitamin B12 and folate
older people with heart disease, the PROSPER study (Shepherd deficiency, both of which have also been associated with inci-
et al., 2002), which contained a cognitive battery, reported no dent AD (Wang et al., 2001). Oxidative stress seems to impair
effect on cognition over 3 years. However, the battery used the metabolism of homocysteine, and it may be that only cer-
was subject to a large learning effect and the design may not tain B12 supplements have any preventive effect in this cir-
properly capture any cognitive protection. Cholesterol may cumstance, for example, glutathionylcobalamin (McCaddon
play a part in the treatment equation as high levels appear to et al., 2002). Folate also reduces homocysteine levels and in
reduce the effect of ChEIs in AD (Borroni et al., 2003b). Studies the USA folate is already added to flour to reduce neural tube
combining statins to ChEIs are ongoing. At present, statins defects. This has led to a consequent reduction in population
cannot currently be recommended as a primary therapy, but serum homocysteine levels. However, there is no evidence yet
taking them for other clinical indications probably confers that folate administration, with or without vitamin B12, has
additional benefit. any effect on measures of cognition or mood (Malouf et al.,
2003). Large scale prospective studies using folate in MCI are
underway in the USA.
25.3.2 Antioxidants and oxidative stress

Oxidative stress has been proposed as a central process in vari- 25.3.3 Anti-inflammatory drugs
ous neurodegenerative disorders (Delanty and Dichter, 2000).
The formation of reactive oxygen species can cause damage It is well established that inflammatory processes are involved
to lipids and induce amyloidogenesis and apoptosis, as well in AD (Akityama et al., 2000), and observational studies have
as increasing atheroma (Witzum, 1994). High levels of oxida- shown a reduced risk of AD in long-term users of NSAIDs
tive markers have been shown to be a risk factor for cognitive (Stewart et al., 1997). Consequently, studies have been per-
decline (Berr et al., 2000) and reduced antioxidant activity has formed using various anti-inflammatory drugs in AD, but with
been demonstrated in MCI and AD (Rinaldi et al., 2003). mixed results (Rogers et al., 1993; Scharf et al., 1999). Studies
Conversely high ascorbic acid and -carotene levels relate to of celecoxib and rofecoxib have not yet shown efficacy. This
improved memory performance (Perrig et al., 1997). It may be may be because one of the proposed actions of the NSAIDs is
that diet alone does not provide enough central activity, and an amyloid lowering effect that may be cyclo-oxygenase inde-
that ingestion of specific free radical scavengers, such as Ginkgo pendent and not present in all the NSAIDs (Weggen et al.,
biloba and vitamins C and E, is required (Rosler et al., 1998). 2001). The Alzheimer’s disease anti-inflammatory prevention
350 Treatment

trial (ADAPT) is looking at patients with advanced risk of parts of Europe. No systematic data really support the use of
AD in over 70-year-olds (Zandi and Breitner, 2001). It is any other nootropic in MCI.
using celecoxib and naproxen and is the only long-term study
currently running to address how well this class works in
MCI. Data suggest that ibuprofen and indomethacin have 25.3.6 Cholinesterase inhibitors
the better profile for -amyloid lowering (Lim, 2000), and an
enantiomer of flurbiprofen, which may have secretase activ- The cholinergic hypothesis of AD has led to the development
ity, is in clinical trial for AD (Eriksen et al., 2003). of ChEIs (Bartus et al., 1982). These are now well established
Clearly no data support the primary use of NSAIDs in MCI in the treatment of AD. Given that a large proportion of MCI
and they have potential problems with long-term side effects. is amnestic, which is generally regarded as a precursor to AD,
Like statins, taking them for other reasons may have add- it is not surprising that these drugs have emerged as the likely
itional benefits. No specific data exist for aspirin in MCI, choice to use in MCI (Jelic and Winblad, 2003). This ration-
although its action in the secondary prevention of stroke may ale is supported by finding similar neuropathological evi-
confer similar benefits in some cases. It is not free from side dence in the basal forebrain in both AD and MCI (Whitehouse
effects, even at 75 mg, so more definitive work is needed et al., 1981), plus radiological evidence measuring hippocam-
before routine recommendation. pal atrophy that suggests a continuum from MCI to AD
(Killiany et al., 2000). However, two recent studies cast some
doubt as to whether the cholinergic model holds up in MCI.
25.3.4 Oestrogen First, the cholinergic deficit may appear much later in the ill-
ness (Davis et al., 1999). Second, regional upregulation of
While observational data (Tang et al., 1996; Henderson et al., choline acetyltransferase in MCI patients suggests some form
2000) and experimental data (Xu et al., 1998; McEwen and of compensatory mechanism (Dekosky et al., 2002). This
Alves, 1999) suggest a role for oestrogen in cognitive disorders, may explain why the course through MCI is non-linear, and
no clinical studies have demonstrated any significant effect in may give optimism that other treatment approaches at this
AD to date (Mulnard et al., 2000; Wang et al., 2000). The stage may have equal benefit.
Women’s Health Initiative hormone therapy study was discon- Notwithstanding this, all three currently marketed ChEIs
tinued in 2002 because of health risks. It measured the Mini- are undergoing long-term trials in MCI. A large National
Mental State Examination (Folstein et al., 1975) in 4381 Institute of Ageing study comparing donepezil, vitamin E
participants over a period of 7 years, finding no cognitive and placebo began first (Doody et al., 2001). Outcome
advantage in the oestrogen plus progestin group – and even a measures include cognitive, functional and global scores.
suggestion that they may have fared worse than placebo (Rapp Interim analysis has confirmed the predictive value of con-
et al., 2003). This problem with oestrogen studies may be due to version to AD using hippocampal volume and ApoE 4.
methodological issues (route of administration, length of Rivastigmine is being investigated in the InDDEx study
study, dose) and the need to identify which specific oestrogen (Sramek et al., 2001), where conversion to AD and a specially
modulator will have the most beneficial effect on cognitive dis- designed psychological battery are the primary end points.
order. Clearly better studies are required but, until they are This is a 4-year study where a central committee assesses
available, no data support the use of oestrogen as a primary patient data when the investigators feel a patient has con-
treatment in MCI – although as with statins and NSAIDs, verted – in an attempt to standardize the end point. Baseline
being on hormone replacement for other reasons may provide data analysis has shown significant scores on the NPI in this
some cognitive advantage. MCI patient group – particularly anxiety and depression
(Feldman et al., 2003). Galantamine is being evaluated versus
placebo in amnestic MCI, again using traditional cognitive
25.3.5 Nootropics and functional outcomes, this time supported with volumet-
ric MRI. A combination of delayed clinical conversion to AD
Improving memory has led to the use of drugs with non- and slower rates of atrophy on MRI would support a disease-
specific actions to alter energy metabolism, cholinergic mech- modifying effect. Final results from these studies are
anisms, steroid sensitivity and excitatory amino acids (Riedel expected in late 2005.
and Jolles, 1996). Piracetam has shown improvement in atten- The trial findings will be interesting as the instruments
tion and memory in non-demented cognitively impaired being used are, in the main, those used in AD, and, perhaps
elderly patients (Fioravanti et al., 1991), with a second study with the exception of the clinical dementia rating (CDR)
soon to be reported – this time using the current Petersen scale (Morris, 1993), their performance in MCI is not clearly
MCI criteria. A meta-analysis of 19 studies using piracetam for understood. For example the Alzheimer Disease Assessment
cognitive impairment also showed statistical improvement Scale – Cognitive Scale (ADAS-cog) (Rosen et al., 1984) has
versus placebo using global measures (Waegemans et al., a fairly flat early course, so a one-point separation from
2002). These data are not sufficient to justify the routine use placebo may actually be clinically significant but not deemed
of piracetam yet, even though it is commonly used in various so by licensing authorities. Additions to the ADAS-cog have
Treatment strategies 351

been made, but no instrument has, as yet, been specifically (Couratier et al., 1996). One NMDA receptor, memantine,
validated for use in any individual domain or global assess- has been licensed for use in moderate to severe AD (Reisberg
ment of MCI. et al., 2003). It has not yet undergone studies in MCI,
but suggestions of neuroprotection (Steig et al., 1999) make
it an obvious target. Other compounds acting on the AMPA
25.3.7 Antidepressants
glutamatergic receptors, as well as the NMDA, are in devel-
opment, some already being considered for MCI studies.
With the use of Petersen criteria (Petersen et al., 1999), depres-
sion excludes the use of the terminology ‘MCI’, as depression
itself causes mild impairments in cognition. Notwithstanding 25.3.9 Reducing medications that have
this, selective serotinergic reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are fre- intrinsic anticholinergic activity
quently used during MCI (Devanand et al., 2003), as anxiety
and depression are commonly identified symptoms; and Aside from neuroleptics, many of the commonly prescribed
both respond to this class in the general population. The drugs given to older people have anticholinergic activity
aetiology of depression at this stage is not likely to be coinci- (Mintzer and Burns, 2000). These include warfarin, digoxin,
dental, as most cognitively impaired patients do not report frusemide, cimetidine and prednisolone. This anticholiner-
a prior history of depressive disorder (Zubenko et al., 2003). gic toxicity can be measured in serum (Mulsant et al., 2003)
Therefore treatment of the underlying condition may be and has been shown to be a predictor of delirium (Tune,
the best treatment (Rabins et al., 1999) – perhaps with ChEIs 2000) and a possible confounder in response to cholinesterase
(Minger et al., 2000). However, the best pathological inhibitors. This is not a routine investigation yet. Chronic
post-mortem correlation with depression in AD is loss exposure to such toxicity is associated with poor outcomes in
of neurones in the locus caeruleus (noradrenergic) (Zweig AD (Lu and Tune, 2003). Reversible cognitive impairments
et al., 1988), with weaker evidence of raphe neuronal loss can also be induced with high levels of these anticholinergic
(serotinergic) (Forstl et al., 1992). These findings may compounds in the serum (Mulsant et al., 2003). This means
not be applicable at the MCI stage, but using an antidepres- that as part of the review of drug treatments that occurs for
sant with noradrenergic as well as serotinergic effects may any person with cognitive impairment, replacing the more
make a more rational choice than an SSRI alone. Apathy is anticholinergic compounds where possible with less harmful
also a relatively common finding in MCI and represents a key choices (for example, bumetanide instead of frusemide) is an
differential diagnosis of depression (Landes et al., 2001). essential step.
Apathy is a common finding in neuropsychiatric disorder
and seems to be a marker for frontal lobe dysfunction
(Cummings, 1993). Both cholinergic (Cummings and Back,
25.3.10 Future treatments
1998) and dopaminergic (Gilley et al., 1991) pathways
Whether any of the current compounds currently being
are implicated in this dysfunction, so again treatment
studied in MCI prove to have any effect, it is likely to be
with ChEIs may be an option (Boyle and Malloy, 2004), or
mostly symptomatic. What is really needed when symptoms
perhaps dopamine stabilizing agents. One particular SSRI,
are minimal is an intervention that is disease modifying, either
sertraline, has inherent dopamine reuptake inhibition, mak-
by preventing, delaying or slowing the progression of disease
ing it a theoretically attractive option – but a combination
(Scorer, 2001). Strategies to reduce or alter amyloid produc-
study of donepezil and sertraline in AD did not show any
tion, such as secretase inhibition (Moore et al., 2000), chelat-
advantage with the addition of sertraline (Raskind and
ing agents (Finefrock et al., 2003), and anti-aggregants (Gervais
Peskind, 2001). To date, no systematic studies have been per-
et al., 2001) are all in development for AD, but would be sens-
formed with any antidepressant in MCI for depression or
ibly employed at the MCI stage if effective. The best known
apathy, so any treatment is empirical, with no one antide-
study of this type involved immunization with amyloid itself
pressant or class having been demonstrated as superior to
(Schenk et al., 1999). The trials were halted early because of
another. Avoidance of antidepressants with anticholinergic
side effects, but in the one case that has undergone post
side effects, such as tricyclics, would be practical – given the
mortem to date, a significant reduction in the expected num-
proposed cholinergic basis of several dementia subtypes.
bers of amyloid plaques in the brain was found (Niccoll et al.,
2003). However, it is by no means clear that patients in the
25.3.8 Antiglutamatergic agents immunization studies benefited cognitively, and further wor-
ries about the supremacy of the amyloid hypothesis comes
Over activity of the excitatory amino acid glutamate is recog- from findings in transgenic animals that behavioural symp-
nized as a cause of neurotoxicity (Dean and Lipton, 2001). toms develop before amyloid deposition occurs (Moechars
For some time, strategies to block its binding site on the et al., 1999). This is a reminder that intervention in tau hyper-
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor have been tried phosphorylation is also a valid treatment option, especially
to reduce this excitotoxicity; which is known to increase as tangle distribution correlates more to the AD symptoma-
tau phosphorylation, and consequent tangle formation tology (Ohm et al., 2003). Blockade of glycogen synthase
352 Treatment

3- (GSK 3-) and cyclin dependent kinase 5 are current tar- If this is accepted, this current crop of MCI studies aimed
gets for study (Lovestone et al., 1999). at treating a new indication are perhaps superfluous. What
However, abnormal amyloid and tau production may be must therefore be guarded against is the continued support
the result of loss of neuronal plasticity (Mesulam, 1999). of an unnecessary nosology, driven by either social prejudice
Nerve growth factor (NGF) has been postulated to regulate or the need to market an indication.
this plasticity by controlling neurotransmission and neuritic However, patients with MCI are already attending clinics,
outgrowth (Seiler and Schwab, 1984). No definitive way has asking advice about possible treatments. Responses to
been found to effectively introduce NGF, other than through such requests vary. Ethically the important thing is to do no
highly invasive techniques (Eriksdotter-Johnagen et al., 1998). harm, rather than feel obliged to do something that may be
If oral compounds could produce similar effect, then this inappropriate. Explaining the stage of MCI to patients and
would be an avenue to explore in MCI. allowing them to make informed choices is the best practice –
bearing in mind that being told that you have a significant
problem that may or may not lead to dementia is anxiety
25.3.11 Non-pharmacological interventions provoking in its own right. Patients need time to ask ques-
tions and must have longitudinal follow up in order to detect
Attention to diet and alterations in life style, for example both progression and remission. This is a large service commit-
smoking cessation and stress reduction, may have some ment, especially in services still trying to manage the increased
minor effects after the MCI stage has been reached. Exercise numbers of mild to moderate AD.
has also been repeatedly associated with cognitive preserva- MCI should be regarded as a potential warning of incipi-
tion (Verghese et al., 2003). Both being involved in a social ent brain dysfunction, and the opportunity to attempt sim-
network (Fratiglioni et al., 2000) or participating in cogni- ple preventative measures in those who come forward should
tively stimulatory activity have been associated with a not be missed. In the absence of early biomarkers, the
reduced risk of AD (Wilson et al., 2002) and a slowing in the emphasis should be preservation of cognitive wellness rather
rate of cognitive decline (Coyle, 2003). One controlled study than treatment of a disease. Simple treatment options are
looking at memory enhancement and relaxation training for available. Certainly lifestyle changes, including dietary advice
older people with MCI has shown that memory trained indi- and relaxation, can be advised; while mental and physical exer-
viduals had significantly better memory appraisals and a trend cises are also non-invasive techniques that may provide bene-
towards better recall (Rapp et al., 2002). Such techniques may fit. Correction of any blood pressure or cholesterol abnormality
prove to work well in MCI, either singly or in combination is relevant at any time – whether cognitive impairment is
with other agents. Previously, when used in AD, there seemed there or not. Pharmacologically, vitamin E is currently perhaps
a point when memory training appeared to have detrimental the most appropriate drug intervention, and many US phys-
effects – reinforcing disability rather than helping adapt to it. icians are already advising its use. Further research is needed
Targeted cognitive training could now have some positive to provide clearer information regarding optimal pharmaco-
effect, and studies to test this assumption are underway. logical and non-pharmacological management of MCI.


Akityama H, Berger S, Barnum S et al. (2000) Inflammation and

Early treatment opportunities in dementia, before significant Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiological Aging 21: 383–421
losses have occurred, have to remain a long-term desire for American Psychiatric Association. (1994) Diagnostic and Statistical
all who work with patients with dementia. Many current and Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition. Washington, American
potential options are emerging as putative treatments for use Psychiatric Association
in this early stage of MCI; but the main question still remains Bartus RT, Dean RL 3rd, Beer B, Lippa AS. (1982) The cholinergic
as to whether MCI is a real entity, or whether, even now, a lot hypothesis of geriatric memory dysfunction. Science 217:
of the cases being called MCI for the purpose of clinical stud- 408–417
ies are already diagnosable AD or a related disorder. Being Berr C, Balansard B, Arnaud J et al. (2000) Cognitive decline is
diagnosed with dementia has dramatic social consequences associated with systemic oxidative stress: the EVA study. Etude du
in some countries, including the USA. Having a predementia Viellissement Arteriel. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
48: 1285–1291
anosology can resolve certain powerful political dilemmas, but
Borroni B, Colciaghi F, Caltagione C et al. (2003a) Platelet amyloid
then provide a difficult problem when interpreting data. precursor protein abnormalities in mild cognitive impairment predict
Many of the MCI subjects have associated executive function conversion to dementia of Alzheimer type: a 2 year follow up study.
abnormalities, if looked for, and when they are questioned Archives of Neurology 60: 1740–1744
have subtle functional changes. This satisfies the criteria for Borroni B, Pettanati C, Bordolonali T et al. (2003b) Serum cholesterol
dementia and so this diagnosis may be possible against existing levels modulate long-term efficacy of ChEIs in Alzheimer’s disease.
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This page intentionally left blank
Alzheimer’s disease

26. What is Alzheimer’s disease? 359

27. Risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease 369

28. The natural history of Alzheimer’s disease 376

29. Neurochemistry of Alzheimer’s disease 387

30. Neuropathology of Alzheimer’s disease 393

31. Role of tau protein in neurodegenerative dementias 408

32. Role of A␤ amyloid in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease 426

33. Vascular factors in Alzheimer’s disease 436

34. Genetics of Alzheimer’s disease 444

35. Transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease 452

36. How effective are cholinergic therapies in improving cognition in Alzheimer’s disease? 465

37. Non-cholinergic therapies of dementia 474

38. Treatments for behavioural and psychological symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias 482

39. A predominantly psychosocial approach to behaviour problems in dementia: treating causality 499

40. Psychological approaches for the management of cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease 510

41. Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease 515

42. Trial design 522

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What is Alzheimer’s disease?


26.1 General 359 26.4 The functional neuroanatomy of Alzheimer’s disease 364
26.2 Clinical definition of Alzheimer’s disease 359 26.5 Differential diagnoses 365
26.3 Basic definition of Alzheimer’s disease 362 References 367

26.1 GENERAL obligation became obvious. The main risk factor was identi-
fied: age.
26.1.1 History
26.1.2 The size of the problem
Alois Alzheimer (1898) felt that senile dementia was the most
frequent neuropsychiatric disorder. Alzheimer and several other Decreased mortality has led to a larger number of elderly
authors knew that a small proportion of patients developed people in our society, and decreased fertility has contributed
signs of a ‘senium praecox’ (Gowers 1902). He stated: ‘In some to the higher proportion of old people. As age is the single
people a premature ageing or degeneration occurs, preferably most important demographic risk factor for AD, consider-
affecting the central nervous system.’ When Alzheimer pub- ations of demographic changes are relevant for the single
lished his famous first case of ‘Alzheimer’s disease’ (AD) he most important mental health problem in our ageing society.
was intrigued by the early onset of a dementia syndrome and The growing importance of AD in the basic and clinical sci-
the abundant intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles in the ences is reflected by the growing number of publications. The
patient’s neocortex, which had never been seen before in a exponential increase in publications on AD is unparalleled
patient with such early onset of illness. In this patient, the by research on other forms of dementia.
clinical course and the neuropathological changes, particu-
larly the neuronal loss in the superficial layers of the neocor-
tex were excessively severe. Kraepelin (1910) decided that this
presenile form of degenerative dementia with plaques and
neurofibrillary tangles should bear Alzheimer’s name.
Initially this term was reserved for severe forms of presenile
dementia with abundant plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, 26.2.1 Diagnostic criteria
until a number of researchers felt that the clinical and neuro-
pathological differences between the presenile and the senile Clinically AD is a pure dementia syndrome without clinical
manifestations of primary degenerative dementia were insuf- evidence of another underlying specific disease relevant to
ficient to define separate diagnostic entities (Albert, 1963; the observed cognitive impairment. In the last decades, the
Lauter and Meyer, 1968; Corsellis, 1969). This new unitarian cognitive paradigm of dementia has prevailed. Common elem-
concept had a number of important implications. The con- ents of different diagnostic criteria for a dementia syndrome
cept of Alzheimer’s disease, originally having a narrow focus, are: (1) secondary, (2) severe and (3) cognitive deficits. The
now became extended and softened. Senile dementia could deficits must not be pre-existent. They have to be severe
no longer be accepted as the inevitable consequence of nor- enough to cause a significant impairment of the usual activi-
mal ageing, but became a disease. The number of patients ties of daily living (ADL). This secondary impairment must
with AD increased enormously. The economic burden and not be explained by physical handicaps, but has to be related
360 What is Alzheimer’s disease?

to the cognitive deficits. Most diagnostic guidelines consider

Box 26.1 Diagnostic criteria for research (DCR-10) for
amnestic deficits as a core feature of the dementia syndrome.
dementia in Alzheimer’s disease (ICD-10: WHO, 1993)
A common and critical basic dilemma of all guidelines is
the definition of clear thresholds for the distinction between A. The general criteria (G1-G4) must be met.
near normal and already pathological cognitive problems. B. There is no evidence from the history, physical
There is an obvious, decisive and unresolved difficulty examination or special investigations for any other
regarding the measurement of intellectual and behavioural possible cause of dementia (e.g. cerebrovascular
disturbances, which usually develop over long periods disease, HIV disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s
and on the basis of rather variable levels of premorbid disease, normal pressure hydrocephalus), a systemic
functioning. Erkinjuntti et al. (1997) demonstrated that dif- disorder (e.g. hypothyroidism, vitamin B12 or folic acid
ferent diagnostic criteria yield highly inconsistent results deficiency, hypercalcaemia), or alcohol or drug abuse.
in the definition of the dementia syndrome in elderly indi-
F00.0 Dementia in Alzheimer’s disease with early onset
viduals. These differences cannot be explained exclusively
by different sensitivities of the examined criteria. This gen-
1. The criteria for dementia for dementia in Alzheimer’s
eral difficulty is particularly pertinent in AD where the
disease (F00) must be met, and the age at onset must
major defining criterion is the dementia syndrome. The cri-
be below 65 years.
teria suggested by McKhann et al. (1984), the ICD-10
2. In addition, at least one of the following requirements
(World Health Organization, 1993) and the DSM-IV criteria
must be met:
(American Psychiatric Association, 1994) are given in Boxes
(a) evidence of a relatively rapid onset and progression;
26.1 and 26.2. The daily use of such criteria and diagnostic
(b) in addition to memory impairment, there must be
categories misleads us to believe that they stand for natural
aphasia (amnestic of sensory), agraphia, alexia,
facts, for nosological entities. However, the authors
acalculia or apraxia (indicating the presence of
of these operational guidelines clearly stated that they are
temporal, parietal and /or frontal lobe involvement).
tentative and in need of further revisions. Their major draw-
back is a focus on the dementia syndrome instead of F00.1 Dementia in Alzheimer’s disease with late onset
the underlying neurobiological disease process. Their advan- (G30.1)
tage is that they state exactly what I have to describe in this 1. The criteria for dementia in Alzheimer’s disease (F00)
chapter. must be met and the age at onset must be 65 years
or more.
2. In addition, at least one of the following requirements
26.2.2 Clinical symptoms must be met:
(a) evidence of a very slow, gradual onset and
AD frequently follows a typical clinical course which reflects progression (the rate of the latter may be known
the underlying neuropathology. The length of the prede- only retrospectively after a course of 3 years or
mentia phase cannot be reliably established with current more);
clinical research tools. Theoretical considerations based on (b) predominance of memory impairment.
neuropathological and molecular biological findings suggest G1 (1) over intellectual impairment
that this subclinical stage of illness extends over several G1 (2) (see general criteria for dementia)
decades. The clinical stages outlined in the present chapter
F00.2 Dementia in Alzheimer’s disease, atypical or
overlap, and patients gradually progress from the mildest to
mixed type (G.30.8)*
the most severe manifestations of illness.
F00.9 Dementia in Alzheimer’s disease, unspecified
26.2.3 The predementia stages/mild cognitive
impairment *Atypical dementia, Alzheimer’s type. This term and code should be used
for dementias that have important atypical features or that fulfil criteria
Meticulous neuropsychological investigation may reveal for both early- and late-onset types of Alzheimer’s disease. Mixed
Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia is also included here
mild cognitive impairment 5 years before the clinical diagno-
sis of a dementia syndrome can be established according to
contemporary diagnostic standards. The pattern of the sub-
diagnostic difficulties includes mild impairment in acquiring or benign, non-progressive memory impairment is unreli-
new information. Other demanding cognitive tasks, includ- able. At the predementia stage of AD, patients do not show a
ing the ability to plan or to access the semantic memory significant deterioration in ADL. At this stage, individuals
store, can also be compromised causing similar cognitive may take advantage of memory aids and of other supportive
problems. The differentiation between incipient AD and a strategies to overcome or compensate for their cognitive
reversible condition (e.g. dementia syndrome of depression) deficits. The performance of complex work tasks may be
Clinical definition of Alzheimer’s disease 361

Box 26.2 DSM-IV criteria for dementia of the Alzheimer’s type (American Psychiatric Association, 1994)

A. The development of multiple cognitive deficits E. The deficits do not occur exclusively during the course
manifested by both of a delirium.
(1) memory impairment (impaired ability to learn new F. The disturbance is not better accounted for by another
information or to recall previously learned Axis I disorder (e.g. major depressive disorder,
information) schizophrenia).
(2) one (or more) of the following cognitive
disturbances: With early onset: at age 65 or below
(a) aphasia (language disturbance) 290.11 With delirium: if delirium is superimposed on the
(b) apraxia (impaired ability to carry out motor dementia.
activities despite intact motor function) 290.12 With delusions: if delusions are the predominant
(c) agnosia (failure to recognize or identify feature.
objects despite intact sensory function) 290.13 With depressed mood: if depressed mood
(d) disturbance in executive functioning (including presentations that meet full symptom
(i.e. planning, organizing, sequencing, criteria for a major depressive episode) is the
abstracting) predominant feature. A separate diagnosis of
B. The cognitive deficits in criteria A1 and A2 each cause mood disorder due to a general medical condition
significant impairment in social or occupational is not given.
functioning and represent a significant decline from a 290.10 Uncomplicated: if none of the above predominates
previous level of functioning. in the current clinical presentation.
C. The course is characterized by gradual onset and
continuing cognitive decline. With late onset: after age of 65 years
D. The cognitive deficits in criteria A1 and A2 are not due 290.3 With delirium: if delirium is superimposed on the
to any of the following: dementia.
(1) other central nervous system conditions that cause 290.20 With delusions: if delusions are the predominant
progressive deficits in memory and cognition feature.
(e.g. cerebrovascular disease, Parkinson’s disease, 290.21 With depressed mood: if depressed mood
Huntington’s disease, subdural haematoma, normal (including presentations that meet full symptom
pressure hydrocephalus, brain tumour); criteria for a major depressive episode) is the
(2) systemic conditions that are known to cause predominant feature. A separate diagnosis of
dementia (e.g. hypothyroidism, vitamin B12 or folic mood disorder due to a general medical condition
acid deficiency, niacin deficiency, hypercalcaemia, is not given.
neurosyphilis, HIV infection); 290.0 Uncomplicated: if none of the above predominates
(3) substance-induced conditions. in the current clinical presentation.

reduced. Patients tend to avoid difficult challenges and Memory impairment usually interferes with various cognitive
downplay or dissimulate their problems. In addition, non- domains and usually plays a key role in the patient’s difficulties
cognitive alterations of behaviour, including social withdrawal with ADL. The patient’s reduced ability to plan, judge and
and depressive dysphoria, may be present 5 years before a organize may not only show in complex tasks, but also in more
clinical diagnosis is made. Patients with more severe alter- difficult household chores (e.g. managing bank account,
ations of cerebrospinal fluid tau- and A4-concentration and preparing meals). Communication may begin to suffer from
those developing more extensive functional brain changes shrinking vocabulary, decreasing word fluency and less precise
will convert to dementia (Riemenschneider et al., 2002; expressive language, even though a patient may still appear
Drzezga et al., 2003). eloquent, ‘fluent’ and even verbose on casual inspection. An
impairment of object naming and semantic difficulties with
word generation can be demonstrated by means of neuro-
26.2.4 Mild dementia stage psychological tests. Constructional apraxia can be revealed on
drawing tasks. Spatial disorientation frequently causes major
In most patients, a significant impairment of learning and problems in driving, as patients are less capable of estimating
memory is the outstanding clinical feature. In some individ- distances and speed. Because they have an increased risk of
uals, however, aphasic or visuoconstructional deficits may accidents, patients with a diagnosis of AD should be carefully
prevail. Working memory, old declarative memories from the assessed for driving ability, regulations for which vary between
patient’s earlier years and implicit memory are affected to a countries. At the mild stage of AD, patients may still be able to
much lesser degree than the declarative recent memory. live independently for most of the time, but owing to the
362 What is Alzheimer’s disease?

significant cognitive difficulties in several domains, they will place. During this phase, there is a maximum strain on part-
need support with a variety of organizational matters. If a ners and other carers because of the patient’s non-cognitive
patient wishes to remain at home, arrangements for a support behavioural problems and somatic symptoms. Restlessness,
system should be made at this stage before a more intensive or aggression, disorientation and incontinence are the most fre-
permanent supervision is necessary. quent factors that precipitate the breakdown of family support.
Non-cognitive disturbances in AD are more frequent than Sphincter control is insufficient and can be aggravated by
previously thought. Symptoms of depression may prevail in ‘pseudo-incontinence’ as a consequence of spatial disorienta-
the early stage of illness (Burns et al., 1990). These emotional tion and clumsy handling of clothes. Many patients are at an
disturbances are typically mild and fluctuating, but also full- increased risk of falls provoked by a hesitant, festinating gait
blown depressive episodes can occur. They may partly repre- and a stooped posture (Förstl et al., 1992).
sent understandable emotional reactions to reduced cognitive
and ADL skills or to reduced social contacts while the patient’s
insight is, at least, partly retained. Patients with severe depres- 26.2.6 Severe dementia stage
sive disturbances may show reduced cell counts in the locus
caeruleus and other aminergic brain-stem nuclei (Zubenko Specific modular cognitive deficits cannot be teased apart at
et al., 1989; Förstl et al., 1992). A reduced dorsofrontal blood that late stage of illness, when almost all cognitive functions
flow has been demonstrated in patients with severe apathy. are severely impaired. Even early biographical memories can
Subtle impairment of complex motor tasks may remain unno- be lost. Language is reduced to simple phrases or even single
ticed on standard neurological examination. words. Patients are increasingly unable to articulate the most
simplest of needs. However, many patients can receive and
return emotional signals long after the loss of language skills.
26.2.5 Moderate dementia stage This emotional receptiveness has to be remembered while
the patient is completely dependent on comprehensive nurs-
Due to the severe impairment of recent memory, patients may ing care.
appear to ‘live in the past’. Logical reasoning, planning and Patients often misunderstand and misinterpret nursing
organizing significantly deteriorate at this stage. Language dif- interventions, and this may lead to aggressive reactions.
ficulties become more obvious as word finding difficulties, Subgroups of patients may develop stereotyped motor pro-
paraphasia and circumstanciality increase. Reading skills dete- grammes as yelling or wandering. Restlessness and aggres-
riorate and the comprehension of texts can be incomplete. sion may also be an expression of pain or the consequence of
Writing becomes increasingly insecure with an increasing a profoundly disturbed circadian rhythm. A large proportion
number of mistakes and omissions. Patients become dis- of patients show extreme apathy and exhaustion. Patients
tractible and gradually lose insight into their condition. need support while eating, and even the most basic motor
Longer (ideomotor) sequences of action can no longer be functions (chewing and swallowing) may be impaired as an
organized, until finally the skills of using household appli- expression of extreme apraxia. Double incontinence is fre-
ances, dressing and eating are lost. The patient’s spatial disori- quent. Other motor disturbances (e.g. rigidity and primitive
entation increases. Cortical visual agnosia is often present and reflexes) may interfere with provision of nursing support.
can include the inability to recognize familiar faces (prosopag- Extrapyramidal motor symptoms are usually due to a
nosia). One-third of patients with AD at this stage develop comorbidity with Parkinson’s disease. Snouting and grasping
illusionary misidentifications and other delusional symptoms, reactions are the most frequent primitive reflexes and are
which are triggered by their cognitive deficits but also by the associated with frontal lobe atrophy. Myoclonus and epileptic
underlying disease process (Reisberg et al., 1996). Up to 20 per seizures can be observed in a smaller proportion of patients
cent of the patients develop hallucinations, mostly of visual with severe AD, but are more frequent as compared with the
quality, which may be associated with a particularly severe general elderly population. Many bedridden patients develop
cholinergic deficit (Lauter, 1968; Perry et al., 1990). At this decubitus ulcerations, contractions and infections. Pneumonia
stage, anosognosia prevails, but residues of insight may con- followed by myocardial infarction and septicaemia are the most
tribute to ‘catastrophic reactions’ following minor distress. frequent causes of death in AD.
Patients often lose emotional control and develop temper
tantrums, which may be accompanied by physical or verbal
aggression. Aimless and restless activities like wandering or
hoarding are common (Devanand et al., 1997).
Patients in this moderate state of illness cannot survive in
the community without close supervision. They are incapable
of managing financial or legal matters. Household gas or elec- 26.3.1 Neurophysiology and neuroimaging
trical appliances are a constant source of danger to patients and
also their carers. Hospital or nursing home admission may be Neither cranial computed tomography (CT) nor magnetic
delayed or even avoided, if a closely knit support system is in resonance tomography (MRT) or single photon emission
Basic definition of Alzheimer’s disease 363

computed tomography (SPECT), nor positron emission a statistical discrimination between patients with AD and
tomography (PET), not even electroencephalography (EEG) elderly controls in more than 80 per cent – which is not neces-
and its quantitative analysis (qEEG) are appropriate tools for sarily of great clinical importance.
diagnosing AD. Each of these methods can, however, con-
tribute to a clinical diagnosis:
26.3.2 Neuropathology
• by excluding other specific causes of dementia that are
incompatible with AD, and
Some authors have argued that plaques and neurofibrillary
• by documenting functional and morphological changes
tangles could also be found in the brains of non-demented
that are characteristic of AD.
persons who appeared clinically intact until their death and
that their pathophysiological significance was, therefore, EEG doubtful (e.g. Rothschild, 1937). Blessed et al. (1968) estab-
Hans Berger’s original observation of a slowed background lished a statistical correlation between the severity of cortical
activity in the EEG of demented patients was repeatedly con- plaque depositions and the ADL and also of cognitive per-
firmed with modern quantitative methods. This slowing formance. This approach reintroduced reason, or at least
exceeds the changes observed in elderly individuals without commonsense, into the scientific investigation of the mind-
cognitive changes, but is significantly less severe than in brain relationship of dementing patients. Brun and Gustafson
patients with reversible confusional states or other types of (1976) pointed out the typical distribution of cerebral degen-
brain changes underlying cognitive impairment. The decrease eration in AD, which is usually most pronounced in the
of  power and the increase of slow and activity are corre- mediotemporal limbic area, the posterior inferior temporal
lated with the severity of illness. The dimensional complexity areas, adjoining parieto-occipital lobes and posterior cingu-
and the synchronicity (coherence) of the EEG signals are sig- late gyrus. The frontal lobes are less severely involved. The pri-
nificantly reduced in clinically manifest AD. A statistical dis- mary sensory projection areas are frequently spared in typical
crimination of patients from elderly controls can be achieved AD. Braak and Braak (1991) elaborated a topographic distri-
in more than 80 per cent (Besthorn et al., 1997). bution of neurofibrillary tangles, neuritic plaques and neu-
ropil threads, including non-demented individuals in their
studies. In stages I and II, the transentorhinal cortex is SPECT AND PET
affected; the neurofibrillary tangles extend into the entorhinal
Numerous SPECT studies demonstrated a typical asymmet- cortex in stages III and IV, the hemispheral isocortex shows
ric temporoparietal hypoperfusion in a large proportion of neurofibrillary and plaque depositions in stages V and VI,
patients with AD. A decrease of temporoparietal perfusion is when patients usually develop clinical deficits. The clinical
an important sign of AD and this typical perfusion pattern validity of Braak and Braak’s staging has been confirmed in
represents a valuable aid for the differentiation of AD from several studies (e.g. Delacourte et al., 1998).
forms of dementia with a strong vascular component and
from frontal or frontotemporal brain degenerations. PET
methods are possibly more sensitive for the early observation 26.3.3 Diagnostic confirmation
of characteristic functional changes. The correlations between
reduced perfusion or reduced metabolism with cognitive According to the clinicopathological paradigm, a histopatho-
deficits, stage or duration of illness are statistically significant logical confirmation of clinically suspected AD is still
(Bartenstein et al., 1997). Similar to qEEG, SPECT and PET considered the gold standard. The clinical diagnosis of AD
allow a statistical discrimination of patients with AD from can be confirmed by the neuropathological work-up in 80
elderly controls in more than 80 per cent. per cent of the cases or more, similar to qEEG, SPECT, PET,
CT and MRI studies. This high percentage is often mistaken
as a proof of our clinical skills and may mislead to undue CT/MRT
complacency. It must not be forgotten that the a priori prob-
The intracranial cerebrospinal fluid spaces show an age-related ability of choosing the right diagnosis is higher than 60 per
increase. A significant AD-associated atrophy is superimposed cent, simply because of the high prevalence of AD. The prob-
on this age-related effect. The corresponding decrease of brain ability that a patient who satisfies clinical diagnostic criteria
volume is significantly correlated with the decrease of cognitive for AD will also satisfy neuropathological criteria for
performance. As the hippocampus is an early target for neu- Alzheimer’s disease is – according to Bayes’ theory – directly
rofibrillary tangles, neuronal and gross volume loss, it should proportional to the prevalence of AD (i.e. critical levels of
be visualized accurately at the first occasion for a thorough plaques and neurofibrillary tangles according to standard
clinical and neuroradiological examination. The demonstra- neuropathological criteria) in the study population. In deal-
tion of an increasing volume loss in the mediotemporal cortex ing with prevalent brain changes, highly sensitive – and
is of diagnostic importance. Similar to qEEG, SPECT and PET, highly unspecific – diagnostic criteria will inevitably lead to a
planimetric and volumetric estimates of brain atrophy permit frequent diagnostic confirmation. Numerous selection
364 What is Alzheimer’s disease?

deficits are inevitably associated with neurofibrillary changes

Box 26.3 Likelihood of dementia due to AD, shown by
in the polymodal isocortical association areas. Neurofibrillary
plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (according to Hyman and
and plaque depositions in the isocortical layers III and V are
Trojanowski, 1997)
associated with a degeneration of glutamatergic pyramidal
• Low: Limited severity and distribution according to cells responsible for corticocortical and corticosubcortical
Braak stages I and II projections (Pearson et al., 1985; Arendt et al., 1999). Up to 50
• Intermediate: Moderate neocortical neuritic plaques per cent of the neocortical neurones can be lost (Gomez-Isla
and limbic neurofibrillary tangles according to Braak et al., 1997). This leads to a functional impairment of feed-
stages III and IV forward loops from the lower to the higher association areas,
• High: Frequent neocortical neuritic plaques and and of feedback systems from higher to lower association
neurofibrillary tangles according to Braak stages V areas. Its cognitive consequence is an increased noise from dis-
and VI turbed amplification and filtering of information. A decreased
EEG coherence can be considered as a neurophysiological
result of this disconnection. A callosal atrophy is evidence for
mechanisms lead to strongly biased patient samples in mem- corticocortical axons. The cortical localization of the process
ory clinics and in scientific long-term studies that lead to can be associated with the clinical symptoms: a disruption of
these high, impressive validation rates. The patients have cortical pathways mediating visuospatial cognition is associ-
usually undergone repeated examinations; many reached a ated with constructional apraxia; damage of high order visual
severe stage of illness before death; cases difficult to examine association areas with apperceptive agnosia.
and with evidence of mixed pathology had been eliminated
from these studies at an earlier stage. Such samples have little
to do with the normal clinical situation and the diagnostic 26.4.2 Hippocampal de-afferentiation and
difficulties at early and mild stages of illness when diagnostic de-efferentiation
certainty is much lower. Recent studies, using operational,
clinical and neuropathological criteria, have shown that the Hyman et al. (1984) demonstrated an isolation of the hip-
presence of Alzheimer-type changes in the brains of pocampal formation due to a cell-specific pathology in layers
demented patients can be predicted with a rather high relia- II and IV of entorhinal cortex and the subiculum, normally
bility (owing to their prevalence), but that the admixture of responsible for the connection with basal forebrain, thal-
other pathologies is not infrequent (Bowler et al., 1998; amus, hypothalamus and association cortices. This leads to a
Holmes et al., 1998). Modern neuropathological criteria perforant pathway destruction with consecutive glutamate
(Hyman and Trojanowski 1997) do not offer a categorical depletion in the dentate gyrus (Hyman et al., 1987). It is now
‘yes-or-no’ decision for the verification of AD, but yield an well known that the transentorhinal followed by the entorhi-
estimate for the likelihood that the observed plaque – and nal regions are early targets of neurofibrillary tangle forma-
tangle counts and their distribution – explain the clinical tion and neuronal degeneration in AD (Braak and Braak,
deficits (Box 26.3). 1991; Delacourte et al., 1998). Intact hippocampal pyramidal
It remains questionable whether it is appropriate for clin- cells (‘index neurones’) are part of extensive hippocampal-
icians to speculate about the exclusive presence of Alzheimer- neocortical neuronal networks and represent essential pre-
type plaques and tangles in their patients’ brains, or whether requisites for the storage and retrieval of declarative memories
it would be more adequate to aim at identifying as many in adult individuals. Deficits of recent episodic memory are
treatable pathogenic cofactors as possible. frequent presenting symptoms in AD. According to Ribot’s
law, recent declarative memory functions are more severely
impaired than older episodic and semantic memories,
which are affected in the course of illness. The volume of the
26.4 THE FUNCTIONAL NEUROANATOMY OF amygdala-hippocampus complex is positively correlated
ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE with the performance on memory tasks and inversely corre-
lated with the severity of dementia (Fama et al., 1997, Mori
26.4.1 Corticocortical disconnection et al., 1997; Pantel et al., 1997). There is a close association
between the severity of mediotemporal lobe atrophy and
Blessed et al. (1968) confirmed a relationship between the hypoperfusion or hypometabolism of the temporoparietal
isocortical plaque density and the clinical deficits. This is neocortex (Lavenu et al., 1997; Yamaguchi et al., 1997). The
illustrated by the severity and extension of primarily tem- severity of mediotemporal degeneration increases while the
poroparietal hypoperfusion and hypometabolism in SPECT disease process extends over the isocortex. The individual
and PET studies. Brun and Gustafson (1976) pronounced the contribution of the archicortical and isocortical changes to
plausible correlation between the pattern of neuropsycho- the clinical deficits are, therefore, difficult to disentangle. The
logical deficits and the topographical pattern of the brain situation is further complicated by severe alterations in the
changes. Delacourte et al. (1998) observed that cognitive upper brain stem.
Differential diagnoses 365

26.4.3 Cholinergic denervation confusional state may represent a first transient manifest-
ation of a subclinical cholinergic deficit and the threshold for
As explained in other chapters of this volume, the basal confusional states is reduced in patients who are cholinergi-
nucleus of Meynert and other cholinergic nuclei in the basal cally challenged due to Lewy body and/or plaque and tangle
forebrain are the only sources of acetylcholine for the isocor- pathology in the basal forebrain nuclei.
tex and the hippocampus. Acetylcholine in the neocortex AD is different from other forms of dementia with specific
reduces the potassium resting potential, thereby increasing features that satisfy standard clinical and neuropathological
neuronal excitability, and also stimulates the activity of criteria, e.g. so-called vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy
GABAergic interneurones allowing a focused cortical excita- bodies, Pick-complex diseases and other brain degenerations
tion. In addition, acetylcholine reduces the activity of thal- with focal cortical onset and characteristic histopathological
amic pacemaker neurones. This is how acetylcholine increases hallmarks, Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, AIDS-related complex,
attention and allows the organized processing of information Huntington’s disease, alcohol-related cognitive impairment,
in the neocortex and limbic system (Arendt, 2002). In sum- cognitive impairment and schizophrenia, the dementia syn-
mary, acetylcholine reduces the resistance in hippocampo- drome of depression or other uncommon forms dementia.
neocortical oscillating circuits responsible for the formation
and retrieval of memories. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors 26.5.2 What may be(come) Alzheimer’s
temporarily reduce the resistance in these circuits. disease

26.4.4 Heterogeneity As mentioned earlier, patients satisfying clinical criteria for

the diseases listed above may still have critical numbers of
There are presenile and senile, sporadic and familial forms of plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, and a cholinergic deficit,
AD. The patients are examined at different stages of illness; and and may, therefore, benefit from cholinergic and other anti-
the topographic patterns – reflected by the clinical symptoms – dementia treatment with efficacy demonstrated for typical
may show some heterogeneity and deviate from the standard AD. To date, there is no method for ruling out significant
course of illness described above. Most of these heterogeneous numbers of plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the
patterns are not sufficiently distinctive and stable over time patients’ brains with sufficient certainty during their lifetime,
to warrant the definition of meaningful subtypes of AD. Few but there may be features that make the presence of signifi-
patients have been described in whom an atypical pattern of cant Alzheimer pathology, or comorbidity, more likely, e.g.
deficit, related to plaque and tangle pathology, persisted over
a longer period of time, e.g. in progressive biparietal atrophy. • a slow onset of cognitive impairment before a stroke;
As mentioned above, Alzheimer pathology does not protect • a continuous progression of dementia after treatment for
against other forms of neuropathological change. In old age, normal pressure hydrocephalus;
the admixture of other pathologies, e.g. of vascular changes, • hippocampal atrophy;
Lewy bodies, etc., is not infrequent. Some neuropathological • temporoparietal and more extensive hypoperfusion and
changes would be extremely difficult to detect under the hypometabolism (Drzezga et al., 2003);
cover of plaques and tangles, e.g. brain degenerations with • a family history of Alzheimer dementia;
focal cortical onset, lacking distinctive histopathology. • a molecular-genetic risk or diagnostic factor; or
• increased tau and decreased A4 in the cerebrospinal
fluid (Riemenschneider et al., 2002).
26.5 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES Double pathology decreases the threshold for the mani-
festation of deficits. Less severe vascular changes would be
26.5.1 What is (probably) not Alzheimer’s required for the manifestation of dementia, if a moderate
disease amount of plaques and neurofibrillary tangles is already
present. This appears to be confirmed by observations from
‘AD’ should not be considered as a synonym for normal age- pivotal landmark studies (MRC-CFAS 2001; Snowdon et al.,
ing. Also, AD is not a synonym for dementia; this is often 1997). Therefore a clinical deficit unexplained by the severity
forgotten, even in diagnostic guidelines. AD is not just the and extension of a single type of specific brain changes sug-
clinical Alzheimer dementia syndrome, but the underlying gests the presence of cerebral multimorbidity.
neurodegenerative process together with its typical clinical Clinically, any mild cognitive impairment, amnestic syn-
manifestation. AD is not (only) a presenile, but also a senile drome, confusional state, depression, etc. may represent an
form of degenerative dementia. AD is more severe than age- early preclinical stage of AD. Pathophysiologically, a low
associated memory impairment, benign senescent forgetful-  power, a discrete temporoparietal hypoperfusion or
ness and the like. AD is more than an amnestic syndrome, hypometabolism, early molecular cerebrospinal fluid alter-
even if deficits of episodic memory may frequently represent ations may herald incipient AD. Morphologically, anyone
the core symptom of AD. AD is not a confusional state, but a with mild brain atrophy, any person with subthreshold
366 What is Alzheimer’s disease?

counts of plaques and neurofibrillary tangles would be a can- that the disease process develops over many decades before it
didate for AD. Genetically, asymptomatic carriers of domi- becomes clinically evident. It is hardly a rewarding exercise
nant mutations or risk factors are disposed to developing AD. for patient and physician to establish the diagnosis of AD,
once significant and irreversible brain changes have accrued.
26.5.3 Alzheimer-Plus However, this will be the case as long as a diagnosis relies on
the manifestation of a clinical dementia syndrome and does
There is nearly no senile dementia without relevant Alzheimer not aim at pathophysiological factors that could represent
pathology (MRC-CFAS 2001). Cognition (C) should therefore the targets of an early intervention. Cumulative incidence
be considered as the difference between initial intellectual capa- and morbidity suggest that everyone runs a remarkable risk
bility (I) and the cumulative effects of the severity (S) and of developing the symptoms of AD in old age. Therefore, risk
extension (e) of different types of brain changes, neurofibrillary or chance models should help to plan the timing and inten-
tangles (NFT), plaques (PL), Lewy bodies (LB), frontotemporal sity of early interventions. Such models will include genetic,
(Pi), micro- (MIC), macroangiopathic (MAC), etc.: sociodemographic, somatic and environmental protective
and risk factors together with the ‘early’ psychological and
C  I (SNFT  eNFT  SPL  ePL  SLB  eLB  SPi  ePi
biological epiphenomena of illness (Figure 26.1). Most of
 Smic  emic  SMAC  eMAC  …)
these factors are discussed elsewhere in this volume. Genetic
The correlations between individual morphological fea- factors are currently frequently discussed. Several socio-
tures and specific symptoms are not as clear cut as in other demographic factors are of self-explanatory importance (age,
neuropsychiatric syndromes observed in younger patients. life expectancy, cognitive reserve). The influence of somatic
The relationship between neuropathological changes and and environmental cofactors is usually disregarded because
clinical deficits appears more fuzzy due to the variabilities they are not considered part of the Alzheimer pathophysio-
of severity, extensions and admixtures (NFT – learning, logy. Some of them are now getting increasing attention
declarative recent memory, hippocampal atrophy, increased (oestrogen, cholesterol, cortisone; non-steroidal anti-
tau concentrations; plaques – ‘higher’ neocortical neuro- inflammatory agents, homocysteine, vascular comorbidity).
psychological deficits, neocortical atrophy, decreased A4- Subclinical changes that can occur in the course of the bio-
concentration; Lewy bodies – motivational, affective and logical disease process and be discovered with special labora-
extrapyramidal motor symptoms, pigmented nuclei tory methods before the patient develops clinical symptoms
pathology; Pick-complex – behavioural and language deficits, can be considered as ‘early epiphenomena’. These can be dis-
frontotemporal atrophy, tau mutations; microangiopathy – crete cognitive, predominantly amnestic deficits, associated
slowing, gait apraxia, leukoaraiosis; macroangiopathy – see functional brain changes (Desgranges et al., 1998), discrete
localization and extension of lesion). morphological alterations in the mediotemporal lobe
(Reiman et al., 1998) and early alterations of cerebrospinal
26.5.4 Future diagnostic approaches fluid. The gaps in Figure 26.1 need to be filled in the years to
come in order to develop individualized risk profiles for early
We are, presently, concentrating our diagnostic and thera- interventions preceding the medical manifestation of
peutic efforts on the epiphenomena of AD. It is now known, epiphenomena.


ApoE ε2,3, Cognitive Oestrogens,

... reserve radical
Protective scavengers,
factors ...

ApoE ε4, Positive Cholesterol, Cognitive and

trisomia 21, family history, cortisone, behavioural
high life hypertension, disturbances,
Preseniline-, expectancy, diabetes, changes of EEG,
APP- ... toxins, SPECT/PET,
mutations, ... CT/MRT,
... CSF,

Figure 26.1 Risk model of cognitive

Age deterioration.
References 367

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Risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease


27.1 Sociodemographic factors 369 27.6 Diet 372

27.2 Familial and genetic factors 370 27.7 Occupational and recreational factors 373
27.3 Premorbid cognitive and brain reserves 370 27.8 Preventive possibilities 373
27.4 Medical history and treatments 371 References 374
27.5 Health habits 372

The study of risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) was 100
almost non-existent two decades ago, whereas today it is a
flourishing area of research. This area is of considerable public
health importance because of its potential implications for
the prevention of AD by modification of risk factors.
Incidence per 1000 person years

This chapter will cover ‘protection factors’ as well as ‘risk
factors’. Although it is conventional to think of exposures in
terms of increasing risk, it is sometimes more useful to invert
the perspective and think of decreasing risk. We can equally 50
validly think of a high level of factor X as increasing risk, or a
low level of factor X as decreasing risk. It is simply a matter of
choosing the most useful perspective. The chapter ends with
a discussion of the potential for prevention through risk fac- 25
tor modification.


65 70 75 80 85 90 95
27.1.1 Age Age (years)

Figure 27.1 Incidence of Alzheimer’s disease across age groups:

Old age is the most important risk factor for AD. Although meta-analysis of data from three regions.
the incidence rises steeply with age, there is dispute about
what happens in very old age. One meta-analysis reported
that incidence rises exponentially with age up to age 90 (Jorm
and Jolley, 1998). These results are shown in Figure 27.1. 27.1.2 Sex
However, another meta-analysis, involving a smaller number
of studies, concluded that there is some levelling off in the Although many studies have reported that women have a
rise of incidence in very old age (Gao et al., 1998). If inci- higher prevalence of AD than men, this difference could be
dence continues to rise exponentially in very old age then due to either a higher incidence or longer survival after devel-
everybody would develop AD if they lived long enough, oping the disease. Incidence studies have not presented a con-
whereas if incidence levels off some individuals may never sistent picture. One meta-analysis found that women tend to
develop the disease over a feasible life span. have a higher incidence in very old age, but not in the younger
370 Risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease

old (Jorm and Jolley, 1998), whereas another concluded that discussed above, does not in itself cause the disease. This gene,
women have a higher incidence overall (Gao et al., 1998). on chromosome 19, has three common alleles: 2, 3 and 4.
The 3 allele is the most common in the population and the
2 allele the least common. The 4 allele is more common in
27.1.3 National and ethnic differences Caucasians than in Japanese. The 4 allele increases risk in a
dose-dependent manner, while the 2 allele decreases risk.
If national or ethnic differences could be found, they would
A meta-analysis of relevant studies found that ApoE geno-
indicate important environmental or genetic differences.
type is an important risk factor in all ethnic groups studied
There might be major environmental differences between
(Farrer et al., 1997). Among Caucasians, for example, the
groups (e.g. in diet), which might not be discovered by
4/4 genotype was associated with around 15 times the risk
research focusing on within-group differences. A comparison
of AD compared with the common 3/ 3 genotype, while
of incidence studies from different countries supports the
the 3/4 genotype was associated with around three times
possibility that incidence may be higher in some countries
the risk. This increased risk was found for all ages between 40
than others. One such comparison is shown in Figure 27.1.
and 90 years, but the effect diminished after age 70.
However, such effects can easily arise through methodological
differences. What is needed are direct comparisons of different
countries or ethnic groups using the same methodology. An 27.2.4 Other genetic risk factors
important study of this sort has compared Nigerians with
African Americans (Hendrie et al., 2001). This study found There are undoubtedly other polymorphisms which affect
that the incidence of AD was higher in African Americans, risk for AD. Although several have been proposed, subsequent
but the cause of the difference is not known. research has not always been able to replicate the initial find-
ings. For example, many studies have looked at polymor-
phisms in the regulatory region of the ApoE gene, but without
27.2 FAMILIAL AND GENETIC FACTORS consistent findings.

27.2.1 Family history 27.2.5 Down’s syndrome

A family history of dementia is an important risk factor. Virtually all people with Down’s syndrome have the neuro-
A meta-analysis of case–control studies found that risk for pathological features of AD by the age of 40 years. This
AD was around 3.5 times higher in individuals who had at pathology is due to having an extra copy of the amyloid pre-
least one first-degree relative with dementia (van Duijn et al., cursor protein gene which is on chromosome 21.
1991). Family history was stronger in those with early-onset Nevertheless, the prevalence of dementia in people with
AD compared with those with late-onset. Some families Down’s syndrome is much less than 100 per cent even by age
show an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance for 50 (Zigman et al., 1996). The reason for this discrepancy
early-onset AD, but these are rare. A first-degree relative’s between pathology and function is not understood. One
actual percentage risk of developing AD will depend on their study found that men with Down’s syndrome were more
longevity. A large US study estimated the risk as 5 per cent up likely to develop dementia than women and that those with
to age 70, 16 per cent up to age 80 and 33 per cent up to age an 4 allele were at increased risk (Schupf et al., 1998).
90 (Lautenschlager et al., 1996).
27.2.2 Disease-causing mutations RESERVES

There are a number of mutations which are sufficient in

27.3.1 Education
themselves to cause AD. These are mutations of the -amyloid
precursor protein gene on chromosome 21, and the prese-
Several studies have found that less educated individuals have
nilin genes on chromosome 1 and 14 (Lendon et al., 1997).
a higher incidence of AD or cognitive decline (Stern et al.,
The discovery of these mutations has been of great theoreti-
1994; White et al., 1994; Farmer et al., 1995), although not all
cal importance for an understanding of AD disease, but from
studies show this. One hypothesis to explain this association
a public health perspective they account for very few cases.
is that better educated persons are able to compensate for any
cognitive decline and the diagnosis of AD or dementia is
27.2.3 ApoE genotype therefore delayed (Mortimer, 1988). A clinical study of
regional cerebral blood flow in AD patients has supported
Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) is a plasma protein involved in this hypothesis. When highly educated patients were
cholesterol transport and probably in neuronal repair. ApoE matched to less educated patients for severity of dementia,
genotype alters risk for AD, but unlike the mutations the highly educated had a greater parietotemporal perfusion
Medical history and treatments 371

deficit, implying that they were better able to compensate for with a doubling of risk of AD in males, but no increased risk
the pathology (Stern et al., 1992). in females (Fleminger et al., 2003). Supporting a role for head
trauma as a risk factor, A protein can be deposited exten-
27.3.2 Premorbid intelligence sively in the brain following severe head injury (Roberts
et al., 1991). This protein is one of the pathological hallmarks
Education is correlated to intelligence, so it could be premor- of AD. Unfortunately, in most of the risk factor studies, the
bid intelligence rather than education that is the protective incidence of head trauma was assessed retrospectively using
factor. Indeed, one longitudinal study found that a reading reports from relatives who may be subject to biased reporting.
vocabulary test was a better predictor of subsequent demen- Most prospective studies using objective medical records of
tia than education (Schmand et al., 1997). A clinical study of head trauma have not supported an association with AD
cerebral glucose metabolism in patients with AD showed (Fleminger et al., 2003). Some research has supported the
greater hypometabolism in those with greater premorbid hypothesis that head trauma is only a risk factor for individuals
intelligence (Alexander et al., 1997). who carry the ApoE 4 allele (Mayeux et al., 1995). However,
While the evidence on education and premorbid intelli- other studies have not reported this effect.
gence generally has been interpreted in terms of compensation
for pathology, an epidemiological study of elderly nuns found 27.4.2 Anti-inflammatory medication and
evidence that verbal ability may directly influence AD path- arthritis
ology (Snowdon et al., 1996). This study assessed verbal ability
by analysing the autobiographies the nuns had written as McGeer and colleagues (1990) have hypothesized that AD
young adults for density of ideas and grammatical complexity. involves a chronic inflammatory state of the brain. They pre-
Cognitive function was assessed approximately 58 years later dicted that individuals taking anti-inflammatory drugs, or
and those nuns who subsequently died had a neuropathologi- with diseases such as arthritis which are treated with such
cal examination. Not surprisingly, low idea density and gram- drugs, would be protected from AD. A meta-analysis of such
matical complexity in young adulthood were associated with studies provides some support for this prediction. Users of
poorer cognitive functioning in old age. More surprising was non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) were
the finding that low verbal ability early in life was related to found to have 72 per cent of the risk of non-users (Etminan
AD pathology. Among the nuns who had died at follow up, all et al., 2003). However, the appropriate dosage and duration
of those with neuropathologically confirmed AD had low of drug use was unclear. Randomized controlled trials of
verbal ability, compared with none of those without AD. anti-inflammatory drugs are needed to confirm a preven-
Even earlier premorbid intelligence differences have been tive effect and are underway (Martin et al., 2002; see also
reported in a Scottish study, which found that late-onset Chapter 37).
dementia was associated with lower intelligence test scores
during childhood (Whalley et al., 2000).
27.4.3 Oestrogen replacement
27.3.3 Brain reserve Animal studies have shown that oestrogen has multiple neuro-
protective effects, including increased cerebral blood flow,
The apparent protective effects of education and premorbid stimulation of cholinergic activity, acting as a cofactor with
intelligence could be mediated by brain reserve (Schofield, nerve growth factors, prevention of neural atrophy and
1999). Brain imaging studies have found that IQ is related to reversal of glucocorticoid damage (Burns and Murphy,
brain size and there is also some evidence that it is related to 1996). Some epidemiological studies have suggested that
education (Jorm et al., 1997). Several lines of evidence oestrogen replacement therapy in post-menopausal women
directly support the notion that brain reserve is protective. may have a protective effect. A meta-analysis pooling data
A neuropathological study found that individuals who had from case–control and prospective studies found that oestro-
AD changes at autopsy, but were not demented during life, gen reduced the risk of AD by around 30 per cent (Yaffe et al.,
had bigger brains (Katzman et al., 1988). Furthermore, indi- 1998). A problem in interpreting these results is that better
viduals who have a larger brain on a scan or a larger head size educated women are more likely to take oestrogen and, as
appear to have a reduced risk of AD (Schofield, 1999). discussed above, education may itself be protective. It is also
possible that women tend to stop taking oestrogen if they
begin to deteriorate cognitively. Randomized trials would
27.4 MEDICAL HISTORY AND TREATMENTS provide the best evidence on the issue. However, data from a
randomized controlled trial of oestrogen plus progestin
27.4.1 Head trauma involving over 4000 women found an increased incidence of
dementia in those on medication (Shumaker et al., 2003).
A meta-analysis of case–control studies found that a history This result has dashed the hope that oestrogen could be an
of head trauma with loss of consciousness was associated important preventive intervention.
372 Risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease

27.4.4 Vascular risk factors 27.5 HEALTH HABITS

AD has traditionally been thought of as separate from vascular

27.5.1 Alcohol consumption
dementia. However, in recent years, evidence has accumulated
that vascular risk factors are involved. Several prospective
A French prospective study found that wine drinking was
studies show that both hypertension and diabetes increase
protective for AD (Orgogozo et al., 1997). Risk was reduced
risk for AD, although the evidence on these associations is
80 per cent in moderate drinkers compared with abstainers.
not entirely consistent (Launer, 2002).
Subsequent work has found a protective effect for moderate
Another vascular risk factor receiving a lot of attention is
drinking of alcohol in general (Huang et al., 2002), although
plasma total homocysteine, which is thought to increase risk
some work suggests the effect is greater for vascular demen-
for stroke. Both case–control and prospective studies also
tia than for AD (Ruitenberg et al., 2002).
support its role as a risk factor for AD (Morris, 2003).
Cholesterol may also have a role in AD. ApoE is the
principal cholesterol carrier in the brain and, as described 27.5.2 Smoking
earlier, the 4 allele of the ApoE gene increases risk for AD.
There is some support for high cholesterol as a risk factor The evidence on smoking as a risk factor has been inconsis-
and for a protective effect of statins, a group of drugs that tent. A meta-analysis of case–control studies found a reduced
reduces cholesterol (Puglielli et al., 2003). risk for AD in smokers, whereas prospective studies showed a
How these vascular risk factors increase risk is not under- slightly increased risk (Almeida et al., 2002). Case–control
stood. One explanation is that they cause cerebrovascular studies may be affected by ‘survivor bias’ whereby smokers
disease that summates with AD pathology to produce with AD are less likely to get included into studies because of
dementia. However, a direct involvement in AD pathology is early mortality.
also possible.

27.6 DIET
27.4.5 History of depression
27.6.1 Aluminium in drinking water
There is a general consensus that depression may be a pro-
dromal feature of AD, but the interest lies in whether it could
Early pathological research found increased concentrations
also be a risk factor. A meta-analysis of case–control studies
of aluminium in the brains of AD cases, leading to the
and prospective studies found that a history of depression
hypothesis that aluminium exposure plays a causative role.
approximately doubles the risk of developing dementia
However, more recent research has disputed the initial find-
(principally AD) (Jorm, 2001). There are several potential
ing, claiming that the aluminium was simply a contaminant
explanations of this association, the three most likely
in the pathologists’ stains. Although aluminium exposure
can produce an encephalopathy, this does not involve the
pathological hallmarks of AD. Nevertheless, aluminium
• depression is a very early prodrome of AD;
could play a contributing role in AD and epidemiological
• history of depression brings forward the clinical
research on the topic has continued, centring particularly on
recognition of dementing diseases by adding in
aluminium in the water supply (Flaten, 2001). Although
additional cognitive or motivational deficits; and
drinking water provides only around 2.5 per cent of dietary
• depression leads to damage to the hippocampus through
aluminium, the aluminium which is added as a flocculent
excessive glucocorticoid secretion (Jorm, 2001).
during water treatment is in a soluble form, which might
have greater bioavailability. Although the evidence is not
consistent, several studies have found higher rates of AD in
27.4.6 Herpes simplex virus
regions with high aluminium content in water, particularly
where the water is acidic. Despite the weakness of the evi-
A neuropathological study has found that herpes simplex
dence, it might be prudent to keep the aluminium content of
virus type 1 in the brain is a risk factor for AD in individuals
drinking water as low as practicable (Douglas, 1998).
who carry the ApoE 4 allele (Itzhaki et al., 1997). However,
the virus was not a risk factor in individuals without the 4
allele. The authors proposed that the virus is present in the 27.6.2 Other dietary factors
brain in latent form and reactivates under certain conditions.
ApoE genotype may affect the number of cells infected or the Diet has received much less attention from researchers than
number of viruses released and hence the extent of any many other factors. Nevertheless, there has been some interest
neuronal damage. in antioxidants as a protection factor, since these mop up free
Preventive possibilities 373

radicals, which are believed to be a source of age-related neur- such an understanding, public health efforts towards preven-
onal degeneration. The evidence has been rather mixed, with tion are possible through modification of risk factors. At this
some studies finding that vitamins C or E might be protective, stage of our knowledge there are only four risk factors that
but others finding no association (Luchsinger et al., 2003). we could say are confirmed beyond reasonable doubt: old
In section 27.4.4, the role of homocysteine as a risk factor age, family history of dementia, Down’s syndrome and ApoE
was mentioned. Homocysteine is increased by low levels of genotype. None of these factors gives scope for preventive
folate and vitamin B12, leading to the expectation that dietary action through risk factor modification. Of the possible risk
factors could be important. However, the potential protective and protection factors reviewed above, the most relevant for
effect of increasing dietary intake of folate and B12 remains to preventive action are: head trauma, exposure to electromag-
be tested. netic fields, anti-inflammatory medication, vascular risk fac-
Several studies have found that fish consumption may be tors, diet, an engaged lifestyle and education.
protective (Kalmijn et al., 1997; Morris et al., 2003). It has Prevention of head trauma is itself an important public
been proposed that fish in an important dietary source of health goal. There are already laws in many countries to
n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are a primary compon- require the wearing of seat belts and helmets. There are also
ent of membrane phospholipids in the brain. restrictions on boxing. The possible association with AD
Animal studies show that caloric restriction increases life- should encourage such preventive efforts.
span, presumably through decreased production of free radi- The research on electromagnetic fields is still in it infancy.
cals. Consistent with these findings, some epidemiological However, it would be prudent to take action anyway. Sobel
studies have found that higher caloric intake is associated either et al. (1996) have recommended that motors for industrial
with AD or greater cognitive decline (Luchsinger et al., 2002). machines should be moved further from the body and be
shielded by special metals.
Anti-inflammatory drugs have excited the most interest
27.7 OCCUPATIONAL AND RECREATIONAL for prevention. The side effects of these drugs make them
FACTORS unsuitable for preventive use in the population as a whole.
However, the risks may be outweighed by the potential bene-
fits for high-risk individuals, such as those with a family his-
Findings on occupational hazards generally have been negative
tory of AD. Current research, such as the Alzheimer’s Disease
(Gun et al., 1997). An exception may be exposure to electro-
Anti-Inflammatory Prevention Trial (ADAPT) (Martin et al.,
magnetic fields. A series of case–control studies found that
2002), will provide definitive answers.
AD cases were more likely to have worked in occupations
Modification of vascular risk factors is feasible and has
where exposure was high (Sobel et al., 1996). These occupa-
other potential benefits besides the prevention of AD.
tions involve working with electric motors very close to the
Antihypertensive treatment trials for the prevention of vas-
body. Such occupations include carpenter, electrician,
cular diseases now generally include dementia or cognitive
machinist and seamstress. It has been hypothesized that
impairment as a secondary outcome. One trial, the Syst-Eur
electromagnetic fields may upset intracellular calcium ion
study, has found a preventive effect on AD (Forette et al.,
homeostasis which may promote the cleavage of amyloid
2002), but another trial, the SCOPE study, failed to find a
precursor protein into A (Sobel and Davanipour, 1996).
preventive effect on dementia (Lithell et al., 2003).
There is some evidence that recreational activities may be
Diet provides another readily implementable approach to
protective. A prospective study found that reading, playing
prevention. If homocysteine can be lowered by increasing
board games, playing musical instruments and dancing were
folate intake, then food fortification could be carried out.
protective for AD and for vascular dementia (Verghese et al.,
Similarly, consumption of n-3 fatty acids could be encouraged
2003). It is always possible that a lower level of these activities
through health promotion campaigns. However, randomized
indicates preclinical dementia, but the association was also
controlled trials of dietary interventions still need to be
found when subjects in a possible preclinical state were
excluded. There is also evidence that having an extensive social
Having an engaged lifestyle is often advocated on the ‘use
network may protect against dementia (Fratiglioni et al., 2000).
it or lose it’ principle and there is some epidemiological sup-
Again, a preclinical effect of AD is a possibility.With recreational
port for the benefits of having greater intellectual and social
and social activities, a randomized controlled trial would be
activity. While the evidence is not completely convincing in
required to demonstrate an unequivocal protective effect.
the absence of randomized controlled trials, there is minimal
risk in a more engaged lifestyle, so encouraging such lifestyle
change is justifiable.
27.8 PREVENTIVE POSSIBILITIES If education and premorbid intelligence are protective,
this has interesting implications for the future. Years of
Ultimately, the prevention of AD will rest on an understanding formal education are rising over successive cohorts in many
of the biological processes involved. However, even without developed countries, as are scores on IQ tests (Flynn, 1987).
374 Risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease

Even brain weight has increased over the past century (Miller Gao S, Hendrie HC, Hall KS, Hui S. (1998) The relationships between age,
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The natural history of Alzheimer’s disease


28.1 Clinical features 376 28.5 Survival in Alzheimer’s disease 381

28.2 Clinical utility of assessing change 377 28.6 Conclusions 383
28.3 Clinical predictors of rate of progression 379 References 383
28.4 Predicting nursing home placement in
Alzheimer’s disease 381

Since the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is expected skills are often strikingly preserved, and may remain rela-
to nearly quadruple in the next 50 years, it will undeniably tively intact long after memory and insight have been lost.
continue to be an enormous public health problem in the Language is frequently normal early in AD, although
elderly (Brookmeyer et al., 1998). Knowledge of the clinical reduced conversational output may be noted. As dementia
features and natural history of AD will facilitate planning in progresses, many patients become more recognizably aphasic.
response to the increased demands on medical and social Initially this manifests as dysnomia and mild loss of fluency,
resources. In addition, this information will enable clinicians with paraphasic errors and relative preservation of repetition, a
to provide patients and families with a more reliable predic- pattern resembling transcortical sensory aphasia (Cummings
tion of the course of the disease. Furthermore, staging and et al., 1985; Cummings and Cole, 2002). At a later stage, lan-
monitoring AD is important in recruiting patients for clin- guage is obviously dysfluent and repetition impaired; ter-
ical studies at definable levels of severity, and for measuring minally, a state of near-mutism may occur (Murdoch and
the value of interventions that may alter its course. Chenery, 1987).
Visuospatial impairment in AD results in symptoms such
as misplacing objects or getting lost, and difficulty with tasks
such as recognizing and drawing complex figures (Brouwers
28.1 CLINICAL FEATURES et al., 1984; Kavcic and Duffy, 2003). Difficulty with calcula-
tion (affecting skills such as handling money), apraxia and
The diverse spectrum of symptoms of AD reflects dysfunc- agnosia are further problems that develop in AD. Apraxia
tion of widespread regions of the cerebral cortex. Symptoms may impair activities such as operating appliances or dress-
begin insidiously, making it difficult to date the onset of cog- ing; as might be expected, more complex skills tend to break
nitive and functional decline precisely. Progression is gener- down first, while highly overlearned motor tasks (e.g. playing
ally gradual and inexorable with occasional pauses; however, a musical instrument, using tools) may be retained until rela-
reliable measurement of disease progression in AD is difficult tively late in the course (Rapcsak et al., 1989; Helmes and
because of variability between and within subjects. Ostbye, 2002). Agnosia develops in middle to late stages of
Memory loss is the cardinal and commonly presenting AD, and includes features such as failing to recognize family
complaint in AD. Initially the patient has difficulty recalling members or spouses.
new information such as names or details of conversation, Psychiatric and behavioural symptoms occur frequently
while remote memories are relatively preserved. With pro- in AD. Over and above a general decline of activity and inter-
gression, the memory loss worsens to include remote mem- est in virtually all AD patients, depressive symptoms occur in
ory (Wilson et al., 1983; Sullivan et al., 1986; Bondi et al., about 25 per cent, although severe depression is uncommon
1994; Cummings and Cole, 2002). Early in AD, judgement (Cummings et al., 1987; Rosen and Zubenko, 1991; Becker
and abstraction are often impaired, suggesting involvement et al., 1994; Cummings and Cole, 2002). The frequency of
of the frontal lobes. Social comportment and interpersonal significantly depressed mood in patients with AD ranged
Clinical utility of assessing change 377

from 0 to 87 per cent in 30 studies reviewed by Wragg and impaired graphesthesia, and an abnormal response to double
Jeste (1989) with higher rates reported from acute care facil- simultaneous stimulation (face–hand test) are frequently
ities than in series from outpatient research sites. While many encountered in AD (Galasko et al., 1990; Becker et al., 1994).
AD patients have depressive symptoms, most do not display Variable features, including extrapyramidal signs (rigidity
enough features to meet DSM-IV criteria for major depressive and bradykinesia), gait disturbances and myoclonus may
disorders. The fact that vegetative symptoms such as sleep occasionally be seen early in the course of AD, and increase in
disturbance, weight gain, loss of libido, lack of interest and prevalence with the severity of the disease (Stern et al., 1987).
reduced motor activity are common to both AD and depres- The frequency of extrapyramidal signs in patients with AD
sion may account for the high rate of ‘depression’ found in was as low as 12–14 per cent in some series (Galasko et al.,
some studies (Lazarus et al., 1987; Becker et al., 1994; Jost 1990; Burns et al., 1991; Becker et al., 1994), and as high as
and Grossberg, 1996). 28–92 per cent in others (Mayeux et al., 1985; Molsa et al.,
Delusions are common in AD, although they are rarely as 1986; Bakchine et al., 1989; Lopez et al., 2000), depending on
systematized as in schizophrenia. They often have a paranoid the severity of dementia in patients who were studied. In
flavour, with fears of personal harm, theft of personal prop- intermediate or advanced stages of dementia, patients often
erty and marital infidelity. Misidentification syndromes also develop non-specific impairment of gait and balance, leading
occur; whether these represent true delusions is unclear. The to an increased risk of falls. Myoclonus develops late in the
prevalence of psychotic symptoms in AD, the relationship of course of AD and longitudinal studies report an increase in
hallucinations and delusions to the severity of cognitive its frequency during follow up (Mayeux et al., 1985; Hauser
impairment, and the influence of psychosis on the rate of et al., 1986; Tschampa et al., 2001).
cognitive decline are controversial. Estimates of the preva- As neuronal degeneration progresses in AD, all of the above
lence of psychotic symptoms in AD range from 10 to symptoms worsen, and eventually patients become uncom-
73 per cent, with most in the range of 28–38 per cent (Wragg municative, unable to care for themselves, walk, or maintain
and Jeste, 1989; Mega et al., 1999). Delusions have been continence. They require total care, including feeding, and
reported in 13–75 per cent of AD patients, and hallu- are often institutionalized.
cinations, more commonly visual than auditory, in 3–50 per
cent (Mayeux et al., 1989; Becker et al., 1994; Jost and
Grossberg, 1996; Cook et al., 2003). This substantial
variation in frequencies is probably due to different method-
ologic approaches, especially in defining delusions and hallu-
cinations, and to differences in the range of severity of AD in
each series. Although psychotic symptoms may occur The course of AD and the combination of symptoms that
throughout the course of AD, they have their highest fre- manifest in each patient are markedly heterogeneous; how-
quency at a moderate level of dementia (Drevets and Rubin, ever, there are several direct clinical applications of tracking
1989). change. First, in early cases of AD, where impairment is mild,
In addition to depression and psychotic symptoms, AD documenting progression helps to confirm or establish the
patients show a wide range of behavioural abnormalities diagnosis of dementia. Clearly, progressive cognitive deterio-
including agitation, wandering, sleep disturbances and disin- ration is incompatible with normal ageing, depression, delir-
hibition (Becker et al., 1994; Jost and Grossberg, 1996; ium, or a static encephalopathy. The clinical follow up of
Lyketsos et al., 2002). These often impose a significant bur- patients who are initially classified as having AD greatly
den on caregivers, and may precipitate nursing home place- increases the accuracy of the diagnosis.
ment. In contrast to psychotic symptoms, behavioural Second, progression to a greater degree than expected may
disturbances are more clearly associated with the degree of prompt the physician to look for a superimposed factor that
dementia (Teri et al., 1988). Agitation includes physical aggres- may be treatable, such as hypothyroidism, intercurrent infec-
sion, verbal aggression and non-aggressive behaviours, such tion, medication toxicity or depression.
as motor restlessness and pacing (Reisberg et al., 1987; Swearer Third, defining the anticipated course of AD in detail
et al., 1988; Burns et al., 1990; Hooker et al., 2002). enables clinicians to provide patients and families with real-
Wandering behaviour affects 3–26 per cent of AD outpa- istic expectations regarding the disease, and aids in making
tients. Insomnia and sleep disturbances are inconstant fea- decisions for day care or institutionalization.
tures of AD and sexual disinhibition has been reported in less Longitudinal cognitive change may be fruitfully applied to
than 10 per cent of patients (Burns et al., 1990; Becker et al., several problems in clinical research. Change over time on
1994). Thus, behavioural symptoms are a pervasive and poorly mental status scores may be used to examine the influence of
understood concomitant of cognitive deterioration in AD. genetic/environmental factors or experimental treatment on
Excluding mental status testing, the neurologic exami- the rate of dementia progression.
nation is usually normal in AD, and the presence of sig- Attempts to refine the natural history of AD have used
nificant or lateralizing abnormalities often suggests other two basic methods: global staging systems and serial changes
diagnoses. Primitive reflexes (snout, glabellar, grasp), on psychometric test scores.
378 The natural history of Alzheimer’s disease

28.2.1 Measuring change with global (r  0.8, P 0.001) (Reisberg et al., 1989). GDS stages 1 and
staging systems 2 correspond to CDR 0, representing normal ageing, and
GDS 3 is equivalent to CDR 0.5. In a longitudinal study, only
Staging systems for AD comprise information on intellec- 5 per cent of GDS 2 subjects became demented over 3–4
tual, social and community functioning obtained by history years, whereas 15 per cent of GDS 3 subjects progressed to
rather than formal rating scales. Two widely used schemes are more advanced stages of dementia.
the Washington University Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) The GDS has similar virtues and drawbacks to the CDR,
scale (Hughes et al., 1982; Morris 1997) and the Global namely difficulty in defining a natural history over periods
Deterioration Scale (GDS) (Reisberg et al., 1982, 1986), shorter than a year or two. The primary use of these staging
which divide AD into a succession of stages. These scales systems may be in research settings and in following patients
reflect an overall, indirect evaluation of cognition, primarily longitudinally over extended periods, since the transitions
obtained from caregivers, rather than a direct assessment of from one stage to the next occur over relatively long intervals.
the patient, but are able to assess the influence of cognitive
loss on the ability to conduct everyday activities. They pro-
vide information about clinically meaningful function and 28.2.2 Measuring change by rate of decline
behaviour and are less affected by the ‘floor’ and ‘ceiling’ on cognitive tests
effects commonly associated with psychometric tests.
The CDR incorporates information from patients and As a more flexible longitudinal index of brain function, stud-
informants concerning six areas of mental function: mem- ies have measured the annual rate of change (ARC) of men-
ory, orientation, judgement and problem solving, commu- tal status test scores in AD. Longitudinal data exist for ARC
nity affairs, home and hobbies, and personal care. Each area on five mental status tests in common use: the BIMC, the
is scored as 0  normal, 0.5  questionable, 1  mild-, MMSE, the Dementia Rating Scale (DRS), the Cambridge
2  moderate-, or 3  severe-impairment, and integrated to Cognitive Examination (CAMCOG) (Roth et al., 1986), and
obtain an overall stage of dementia, using similar definitions the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS) (Rosen
of 0, 0.5, and 1–3. Interrater reliability is high, with a correl- et al., 1984). Unfortunately, although these rates of decline
ation of 0.91, and the CDR has been standardized for multi- are available, their generalizability is uncertain.
centre use (Morris, 1997). Since the CDR includes cognitive Katzman et al. (1988) compared four groups of subjects
items and activities of daily living (ADL), it is not surprising with AD on the BIMC, with follow up over 1 year. These
that it correlates well with the cognitive Blessed Information- cohorts differed substantially with regard to age, education, sex
Memory-Concentration (BIMC) scale (r  0.55) and with and severity of dementia, and included community-dwelling
the ADL-based Blessed Dementia Scale (BDS) (r  0.53) and institutionalized subjects. The mean rate of change on the
(Berg et al., 1988). Putting the CDR into practice, these BIMC did not differ significantly among the four groups for
authors followed a cohort of 43 initially mild AD patients subjects who initially made 24 or fewer errors (out of a possible
(CDR 1) for 90 months. Over 67 per cent of patients pro- 33). In those patients, the ARC on the BIMC was 4.4 errors per
gressed to CDR 3 (severe dementia) by 50 months, and over year, and did not vary with age, education or place of residence.
80 per cent by 66 months. Many patients in this CDR 1 group Among demented subjects with an initial BIMC score of more
reached end points: 50 per cent of patients were institution- than 24 errors, the rate of change was lower, presumably
alized by 40 months, and 80 per cent by 60 months. Thirty because the test had reached a floor. A similar overall rate of
per cent of patients died by 40 months, and 40 per cent by 72 progression for the BIMC was found in a group of outpatients
months. Although the CDR is clearly a useful staging instru- with AD (Ortof and Crystal, 1989). Subjects lost an average of
ment (Morris, 1997) and has become widely accepted in the 4.1 points per year, regardless of age of onset, duration of ill-
clinical setting as a reliable and valid global assessment meas- ness, or family history of dementia. Two further studies
ure for AD, it is not as sensitive a measure of annual or short- observed a comparable ARC in community-dwelling AD
term rate of change, as movement from one stage to the next patients (Thal et al., 1988; Salmon et al., 1990). In all of these
may take several years (Storandt et al., 2002). studies, the standard deviation was slightly less than the mean
The GDS divides AD into a succession of seven major, ARC over 1 year and the range of ARC varied widely.
clinically distinguishable stages (further subdivided into 16) Significant variation in the mean ARC on the BIMC has been
ranging from normal cognition (GDS 1) to severe dementia observed, however, by other investigators. For example, Lucca
(GDS 7) (Reisberg et al., 1982). Criteria for many of the et al. (1993) noted a change of only 2.6 (4.9) points on the
stages combine history (initially of memory decline, later of BIMC over 1 year in a group of 56 patients with AD compris-
functional impairment, progressing to loss of self-care, lan- ing outpatients and inpatients at geriatric institutions. Using
guage and gait), and mental status examination. Stages defined data from the California Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnostic and
by this integration of history, ADL and cognition should Treatment Centers, we observed an annual rate of change of
show high correlations with mental state screening tests: 2.8 points on the BIMC (Corey-Bloom et al., 1993).
indeed, the GDS correlates well with the Mini-Mental State For the MMSE, a number of studies have reported a mean
Examination (MMSE) (r  0.9; P 0.001) and the BIMC ARC in AD ranging from 1.8 to 4.2 points. Of these studies,
Clinical predictors of rate of progression 379

the one with the lowest ARC entered patients at a very mild clinical trial. It should be noted that rates of decline in clini-
stage of AD (Becker et al., 1988). Studies with the highest cal trials are generally lower than those reported for natural
ARC had more severely impaired subjects at entry (Yesavage history studies, likely owing to inherent selection biases.
et al., 1988; Burns et al., 1991), while the remaining studies Clinical trial participants are hand-selected with regard to
showed an intermediate ARC (about 2.5 points per year) in concomitant comorbidities and medications, and may repre-
patients with a moderate initial level of impairment (Uhlman sent a population that tends to have better overall health care
et al., 1986; Salmon et al., 1990; Teri et al., 1990; Corey- and more involved caregivers.
Bloom et al., 1993; Aguero-Torres et al., 1998; Swanwick Unfortunately, while mean ARC for each of the above cog-
et al., 1998; Thal et al., 2000; Winblad et al., 2001). This illus- nitive scales was reasonably consistent between studies, the
trates that rate of change on the MMSE is affected by the standard deviations were fairly large, roughly equal to the
severity of cognitive impairment even before the test reaches means, indicating substantial individual variability. Some
a floor. patients’ scores did not decline, and even improved over 1–2
Few studies of longitudinal cognitive change in AD have years of follow up. This variability has several possible expla-
used extended follow-up periods. In a study distinguished nations. First, AD may not progress uniformly, since patients
by 7 years of follow up, Aguero-Torres et al. (1998) found a with early dementia may enter a ‘plateau’ phase with rela-
mean ARC of 2.8 points on the MMSE during their first tively slow deterioration. Second, performance on these cog-
period of evaluation (entry–3 years) and 3.0 points thereafter nitive tests probably does not decline in a linear fashion.
(3–7 years). Salmon et al. (1990) compared the BIMC, Third, test–retest variability is influenced by patients’ mood,
MMSE and DRS in 55 community-dwelling patients with attention and motivation and many other issues that have an
AD over 2 years. Each subject’s scores on the three tests were impact on day-to-day mental performance, adding a further
highly intercorrelated at entry and after 1 and 2 years. Over element of uncertainty to ARC calculations. A fourth possi-
the study period, patients lost a mean of 3.2 points on the bility is that a number of biological and clinical factors may
BIMC, 2.8 points on the MMSE and 11.4 points on the DRS modify the rate of progression of AD. These include demo-
per year. In general, the group declined to a greater degree on graphic characteristics such as age at onset, gender, and edu-
all three scales in the second year than in the first, but this was cation; genetic features such as apolipoprotein (ApoE) status;
statistically significant only for the DRS. For individuals, and clinical factors such as concomitant cerebrovascular dis-
however, the ARC of mental status scores in the first year did ease, presence of psychosis or extrapyramidal signs (EPS),
not predict the next year’s rate of decline. and use of vitamins, oestrogen, lipid lowering agents, or non-
Two somewhat longer instruments, similar to the DRS, steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
have been used for serial assessment, the CAMCOG and the
ADAS. The CAMCOG is the cognitive component of the
Cambridge Mental Disorders of the Elderly Examination
(CAMDEX), an instrument designed for assessing dementia.
It has sections testing memory, language, praxis, orientation,
attention, calculation, abstraction and perception, with a
maximum total score of 107. In a survey of 110 patients As noted above, a number of factors have been identified that
spanning a wide spectrum of severity of AD, Burns et al. appear to affect the rate of decline in AD; however, this is a
found a significant decline over one year in the overall score thorny issue since variables thought to have independent
(12.3 points), and in virtually every subsection (Burns et al., prognostic significance may simply be markers of the level of
1991). Group scores for memory, orientation, attention and disease severity (Drachman et al., 1990).
abstraction were close to ‘floor’ on initial evaluation, and For example, using a large well-characterized sample of
declined further over 1 year. The initial mean MMSE for this CERAD subjects, Morris et al. (1993) found that dementia
group was 10 (5.9), lower than in studies cited above, and progression may be non-linear, that rate-of-change determi-
changed by an average of 3.5 points. A more recent study by nations were less reliable when the observation period was
Swanwick et al. (1998) of 95 less demented subjects reported 1 year or less, and that rate of progression in AD was deter-
an annual decline on the CAMCOG of 9.4 (9.5) points. mined by the severity of cognitive impairment: the less severe
The ADAS includes a cognitive portion, with a maximum the dementia, the slower the rate of decline. Similarly, Teri et al.
of 70 points, and a non-cognitive subscale scored out of 40. (1995), using a community-based sample of 156 probable
Kramer-Ginsberg et al. (1988) (and Mohs, personal commu- AD patients followed for up to 5 years, found that average
nication) found an average ARC on the ADAS of 9.3 points in rate of decline in cognitive function, as measured by the
60 AD patients. Yesavage et al. (1988) reported a similar ARC MMSE and Mattis DRS, becomes more rapid as the disease
on the ADAS of 8.3 points in 30 patients with AD, and add- progresses. This has been confirmed by a more recent study
itionally noted a high intercorrelation between selected sub- by Storandt et al. (2002) who, using a large cohort of mildly
scales of the ADAS and the MMSE. More recently, Thal et al. demented subjects, found that initial dementia severity was
(2000) reported an ARC of 7.5 points in a larger group of 102 the most significant predictor of annual rate of progression
AD patients participating in the acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR) on composite psychometric testing, with increasingly steeper
380 The natural history of Alzheimer’s disease

slopes as severity increased. In addition, these authors found strokes, compared with 218 AD patients without strokes,
that the rates of decline were highly variable from person to showed a slight increase in rate of decline on MMSE scores in
person and between groups as well. There was limited the comorbid stroke group for subjects over the age of 80
evidence for any systematic predictors of cognitive decline, (Mungas et al., 2001).
including combined psychometric measures. Although it has been suggested that patients who develop
Several studies investigating age at onset as a predictor of EPS have a faster rate of decline, many of the earlier studies
deterioration have reported a significant association between probably included patients on neuroleptics and those with
earlier age at onset and greater rate of cognitive or functional dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) (Miller et al. 1991;
worsening (Lucca et al., 1993; Jacobs et al., 1994; Teri et al., Mortimer et al., 1992; Chui et al., 1994; Stern et al., 1994). It
1995; Mungas et al., 2001; Backman et al., 2003). This is not is now clear that there is a pathological subset of dementia
supported, however, by one study of 95 subjects with AD patients with -synuclein positive cortical Lewy bodies (LBs)
attending an outpatient memory clinic (Swanwick et al., either in isolation or in addition to typical AD pathology
1998). (Olichney et al., 1998). A recent retrospective study by Lopez
Gender was not seen to influence cognitive decline in sev- et al. (2000) compared clinical characteristics of 185 autopsy-
eral studies of AD (Reisberg et al., 1986; Drachman et al., proven AD and 60 autopsy-proven DLB subjects. These
1990; Burns et al., 1991; Mortimer et al., 1992; Jacobs et al., authors found no differences in rate of cognitive decline
1994; Storandt et al., 2002) but this was not the case for oth- between the two, although DLB subjects developed EPS ear-
ers that reported slower (Heston et al., 1981; Lucca et al., lier (Lopez et al., 2000).
1993; Aguero-Torres et al., 1998) and faster (Swanwick et al., Whether neuropsychiatric symptoms superimposed on
1998) rates of progression in men as compared with women. AD influence cognitive deterioration has been examined by
Level of education has also been examined as a predictor several authors. Initial reports suggested that AD patients
of decline in several studies (Filley et al., 1985; Katzman et al., reached end points on a modified MMSE or BDS score more
1988; Drachman et al., 1990; Teri et al., 1995; Storandt et al., rapidly when psychotic symptoms were present (Mayeux
2002); however, because minimally educated subjects were et al., 1985; Stern et al., 1987; Drevets and Rubin 1989; Stern
not included in most of these investigations, the effect of et al., 1990). However, these investigations did not match
education requires further examination. patients for their level of dementia. Controlling for severity
The ApoE 4 allele is associated with both a high likeli- of AD, several studies were unable to replicate these findings
hood of developing AD and an earlier age of onset; nonethe- (Reisberg et al., 1986; Huff et al., 1990; Chen et al., 1991),
less, there have been conflicting results with regard to the although two additional investigations have confirmed psy-
influence of ApoE genotype on the course of cognitive chosis as a robust predictor of cognitive decline (Chui et al.,
decline in AD. Gomez-Isla et al. (1996) in a prospective lon- 1994; Stern et al., 1994). One cross-sectional study reported
gitudinal study of 359 AD patients, found that the ApoE 4 that AD patients with depression had more ADL impairment
allele was not associated with any change in rate of progres- than those without (Pearson et al., 1989); however, other long-
sion of dementia (Gomez-Isla et al., 1996). Likewise, itudinal studies found no effect of depression on rate of
Growdon et al. (1996) reported that rate of decline did not decline (Lopez et al., 1990; Storandt et al., 2002). Lopez et al.
vary significantly across ApoE genotype on any neuro- (1999) examined the effect of psychiatric symptoms
psychological test administered to 66 probable AD patients and medications on progression in 179 mild to moderate
over a span of up to 5.5 years. Kurz et al. (1996) noted no probable AD patients, followed for a mean of 49.5  27.4
association between 4 status and rate of cognitive decline months. These authors found that the presence of psychiatric
over 3 years on the CAMCOG or MMSE in 64 clinically symptoms and the use of psychiatric medications were asso-
diagnosed AD subjects. Furthermore, Frisoni et al. (1995) ciated with increased rate of functional but not cognitive
reported a slower rate of progression with increasing 4 gene decline.
dose in a retrospective examination of 62 sporadic AD Whether vitamins, oestrogen, lipid lowering agents, or
patients. These latter findings were similar to those of Stern non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) affect pro-
et al. (1997) who noted a slower rate of decline on the modi- gression of AD is actively being investigated. High dose vita-
fied MMSE among patients with ApoE 4 alleles compared min E has been shown to slow disease progression in a
with patients with other genotypes. On the other hand, Craft double-blind, placebo-controlled, trial of moderately severe
et al. (1998) reported an accelerated rate of decline on the AD patients (Sano et al., 1997). Although several observa-
DRS in ApoE 4 homozygotes with probable AD, and Hirono tional studies have suggested that oestrogen replacement
et al. (2003) reported a similar accelerated rate of decline on therapy may have a beneficial effect on cognitive performance
the ADAS-cog, even after controlling for age, gender, educa- in women with AD, many have substantial methodologic prob-
tion, test interval and baseline scores. lems (Haskell et al., 1997; Yaffe et al., 1998). Furthermore, a
Concomitant cerebrovascular disease has not been shown recent study of the association between serum oestradiol and
to significantly increase rate of cognitive decline in AD (Lee oestrone levels in 120 hysterectomized women taking hor-
et al., 2000; Storandt et al., 2002). However, one longitudinal mone replacement therapy found no significant association
study with autopsy follow up of 50 patients with AD and between hormone levels and cognitive functioning after either
Survival in Alzheimer’s disease 381

2 or 12 months of treatment (Thal et al., 2003). Although large

cohort analyses have demonstrated decreased prevalence of
1.0 CDR  0
AD with use of various lipid lowering agents (Rockwood,
2002), the effect of these compounds on progression of cog-

Cumulative survival (%)

nitive decline in AD will only be answered by the large multi-
centre placebo-controlled trials currently underway. Similarly, 0.6 CDR  0.5
CDR  1 Incipient
there have been conflicting results with regard to the effect of
NSAIDs on AD progression. Analysis of longitudinal changes 0.4
over 1 year on measures of verbal fluency, spatial recognition
and orientation revealed less decline among AD patients tak- 0.2
ing NSAIDs than among non-NSAID patients (Rich et al.,
1995). On the other hand, a randomized placebo-controlled CDR  0.5
trial of naproxen and rofecoxib showed no effect on cognitive DAT

decline in 351 patients with mild to moderate AD (Aisen 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

et al., 2003). Years
Figure 28.1 Progression to nursing home placement in non-
demented (CDR of 0) and demented (CDR 0.5 incipient, 0.5 dementia
28.4 PREDICTING NURSING HOME of the Alzheimer type (DAT), and CDR 1) groups. (Reproduced with
PLACEMENT IN ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE permission from Storandt et al., 2002.)

(Knopman et al., 1988). For ‘advanced AD’, the figures were

Most patients with AD reside in nursing homes late in the
39 per cent at 1 year and 62 per cent at 2 years. Total ADL
course of the illness. The interval between the diagnosis of
scores were significantly related to institutionalization, while
AD and the need for institutional placement has much prac-
incontinence, irritability, inability to walk, wandering, hyper-
tical and clinical importance, but is not easy to predict.
activity and nocturnal behavioural problems were the leading
Dementia severity is usually cited as the most important pre-
reasons for placement cited by caregivers. The importance of
dictor (Storandt et al., 2002; Figure 28.1); however, behav-
disruptive behaviours such as aggressiveness, sleep disturb-
ioural symptoms such as agitation, wandering or aggression
ances and wandering have also been cited as important pre-
may pre-empt nursing home placement, regardless of the
dictors of institutionalization among AD patients by other
level of cognitive impairment. Other variables that greatly
authors (Haupt and Kurz, 1993; Bianchetti et al., 1995; Tariot
influence the decision to institutionalize a demented patient
et al., 1995; Lopez et al., 1999).
are social support and caregiver burden.
A CERAD analysis, comprising 20 university medical
A large population-based historical cohort study by Eaker
centres, found that the median time from enrolment to nurs-
et al. (2002) suggests, not surprisingly, that the presence
ing home placement was 3.1 years, with significantly reduced
of dementia increases the overall risk of institutionalization.
times (2.1 years) for males who were unmarried (Heyman
In their study the adjusted hazard ratio of being admitted to
et al., 1997). The major predictors of time to admission were
a nursing home for AD cases compared with controls was
measures of dementia severity upon entry into the study,
5.44 (95 per cent CI 3.68, 8.05), independent of comorbid
including the degree of cognitive impairment, functional dis-
ability, and overall stage. Age at entry and marital status (men
Several studies have examined predictors of institutional-
only) also predicted time to nursing home admission.
ization in AD. As expected, the predictive factors are complex
Similar findings with regard to marital status have been
and vary greatly among studies. One investigation of 14 mar-
reported by others (Haupt and Kurz, 1993).
ried men with AD found that urinary or faecal incontinence,
Finally, a recent large multiregional, prospective study dis-
inability to speak coherently and loss of skills needed for
tinguished by an extremely large number of patients
bathing and grooming were major determinants of institu-
(n  3944), found that specific caregiver traits (including
tionalization (Hutton et al., 1985). In a 5-year study of 92
age 80, low income, poor health and high perceived burden
patients who developed AD before the age of 70, lower men-
as a result of caregiving) predicted earlier placement for care
tal status scores or aphasia were more common in those who
recipients (Gaugler et al., 2003).
were institutionalized (Heyman et al., 1987). In most instances
nursing home placement occurred because the patients had
become almost completely helpless and required 24-hour
supervision; for 10 patients the decision was prompted by
death or serious illness of their caregivers.
A prospective study of 101 initially community-dwelling Length of survival in AD is highly variable, although an
AD patients found that 12 per cent with ‘mild AD’ were in excess mortality has consistently been reported (Katzman,
nursing homes after 1 year, and 35 per cent after 2 years 1976; Jorm et al., 1987; Aevarsson et al., 1998). Although
382 The natural history of Alzheimer’s disease

mean survival after symptom onset may range from 2 to 16

years, the observed survival rate among AD populations is
generally significantly less than the expected rate, based on
life expectancy tables (Walsh et al., 1990). Depending on the CDR  0

Cumulative survival (%)

study, survival at 5 years ranges from 10 to 40 per cent in dif-
ferent AD populations. Of course, the most favourable survival 0.6
CDR  0.5
rates were seen in mild cohorts followed up in outpatient set- CDR  1 Incipient
tings, with lowest survival rates reported in relatively severely 0.4
demented subjects from hospital series. The median dura-
tion of survival among CERAD patients from time of study 0.2
entry was 5.9 years (Heyman et al., 1996), which compared
favourably to the 5.3 years reported by Walsh et al. (1990), CDR  0.5
the 5.7 years noted by Molsa et al. (1986), and the 5.8 years DAT

described by Jost and Grossberg (1995). Three other studies 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

found shorter median periods of survival of 3.4 years Years
(Schoenberg et al., 1987), 3.5 years (Barclay et al., 1985), and Figure 28.2 Progression to the end point of death in non-demented
4.3 years (Claus et al., 1998), possibly due to inclusion of (CDR of 0) and demented (CDR 0.5 incipient, 0.5 dementia of the
more severe subjects. Alzheimer type (DAT), and CDR 1) groups. (Reproduced with
The shortened survival of AD patients results from com- permission from Storandt et al., 2002.)
plications due to severe mental decline. Malnutrition, dehy-
dration, pneumonia and other infections occur frequently in
the terminal stages when patients are bed-bound, incontinent the other hand, found that the most important predictors of
and unable to communicate or feed themselves. Compared mortality for men were severity of dementia and the occur-
with other elderly individuals, AD patients are not especially rence of delirium. For women, death was associated with
predisposed to cancer, cerebrovascular or cardiovascular dis- impairment of ADL, presence of pressure sores, malnutrition
ease (Molsa et al., 1986). and comorbidity.
Probably not surprisingly, the most consistent predictors Patients with more severe cognitive impairment at study
of mortality in AD patients are age, gender and severity of entry have consistently been reported to have shorter dura-
dementia. Age was significantly associated with survival time tions of survival (Walsh et al., 1990; Burns et al., 1991; Evans
in a large sample of patients with AD, drawn from through- et al., 1991; Jagger et al., 1995; Heyman et al., 1996; Moritz
out the state of California (Moritz et al., 1997). Increasing et al., 1997; Claus et al., 1998; Ueki et al., 2001; Storandt et al.,
age has also been related to shorter survival in several addi- 2002; Figure 28.2). In addition, functional disability has been
tional studies (Hier et al., 1989; Walsh et al., 1990; van Dijk shown to decrease survival time in AD (Martin et al., 1987;
et al., 1991; Heyman et al., 1996; Reisberg et al., 1996; Bianchetti et al., 1995; Heyman et al., 1996; Ueki et al., 2001).
Aguero-Torres et al., 1998; Claus et al., 1998; Gambassi et al., Additional variables that may influence survival time in
1999; Ueki et al., 2001). Although two reports have indicated patients with AD have not been well established, including level
that survival rates of patients with early-onset AD are con- of education (Becker et al., 1994; Stern et al., 1995; Geerlings
siderably less than those of late-onset AD (Heyman et al., et al., 1997), medical comorbidity (White et al., 1996; Moritz
1987; McGonigal et al., 1992), this finding has not been con- et al., 1997; Aguero-Torres et al., 1998; Gambassi et al., 1999;
firmed by others (Walsh et al., 1990; Bracco et al., 1994; Lopez et al., 1999), and psychiatric or behavioural symptoms
Corder et al., 1995; Bowen et al., 1996; Heyman et al., 1996). (Barclay et al., 1985; Molsa et al., 1986; Walsh et al., 1990;
Most investigators have reported shorter survival times Stern et al., 1994; Samson et al., 1996), among others.
for men than women (Schoenberg et al., 1987; Berg et al., Survival in AD appeared to be unrelated to ApoE 4 gene
1988; Burns et al., 1991; van Dijk et al., 1991; Corder et al., dose in a study by Corder et al. (1995). However, Tilvis et al.
1995; Jagger et al., 1995; Molsa et al., 1995; Stern et al., 1995; (1998) noted increased mortality in elderly demented patients
Bowen et al., 1996; Heyman et al., 1996; Reisberg et al., 1996; with the 4 allele, a finding supported, at least for men, in a
Moritz et al., 1997; Claus et al., 1998; Gambassi et al., 1999; recent study of 92 autopsy confirmed AD cases (Dal Forno
Lapane et al., 2001; Ueki et al., 2001), although this has not et al., 2002). On the other hand, Stern et al. (1997) found that
been the case for a few studies (Hier et al., 1989; Walsh et al., the presence of at least one 4 allele was associated with a less
1990; Becker et al., 1994). Furthermore, it has been suggested aggressive form of AD and a decreased risk of mortality in 99
by some that predictors may differ by gender. For example, patients with probable AD followed for up to 6 years.
Moritz et al. (1997) found that among men, but not women, EPS appeared to be an important predictor of mortality in
survival times were negatively associated with selected neuro- a population-based study of 198 patients with probable
logical symptoms, particularly aphasia and apraxia. Among early-onset AD (Samson et al., 1996). EPS at entry was also
women, but not men, a history of cardiovascular conditions associated with a higher relative risk of death in 236 patients
was associated with poorer survival. Lapane et al. (2001) on with mild AD followed semiannually by Stern et al. (1994).
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Neurochemistry of Alzheimer’s disease


29.1 Acetylcholine 387 29.4 Treatment strategies based on glutamatergic

29.2 Glutamate 389 neurotransmission 390
29.3 Interactions between cholinergic and 29.5 Conclusion 390
glutamatergic systems 390 References 391

The known neurochemistry of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has, 2002; Geldmacher et al., 2003). Future research may yet give
to date, been characterized by cholinergic neurotransmission substance to hopes that disease modification is possible by
dysfunction. Human anticholinergic drug studies (Drachman neurotransmitter manipulation in AD.
and Leavitt, 1974), the demonstration of first choline acetyl- From a neurochemical standpoint ACh, glutamate, sero-
transferase (ChAT) activity and then acetylcholine (ACh) tonin and noradrenaline are the major transmitter systems
deficits in people with AD (Bowen et al., 1976), and the sub- affected by AD, with relative sparing of dopamine, gamma
sequent development of the cholinesterase inhibitor (ChEI) amino butyric acid (GABA) and most peptides (Francis et al.,
class of drug, are now matters of historical record. 1993; Francis, 2003). This chapter examines both cognitive
Present neurochemical understanding in AD touches, at and non-cognitive (behavioural) aspects of neurotransmission,
its limits, upon how early the cholinergic deficit develops and the latter also being considered to relate to structural and
whether it occurs in so-called mild cognitive impairment functional alterations in the central nervous system (CNS).
(MCI). Other basic science research, now informed by thera- Such changes are important, in part because carers find
peutic drug use, assesses the ubiquitous glutamatergic neuro- behavioural disturbances difficult to cope with, and the pre-
transmitter systems, the workhorse of the brain. Anatomical sence of such behaviours in AD patients often leads to the
studies suggest interconnectivity between these two systems, need for institutionalization. The chapter will focus on
but their exact role in AD will require further elucidation. cholinergic and glutamatergic systems.
Just as cholinergic and glutamatergic disruption may be
additive in their effect, so may pharmacological replacement
therapy be synergistic (Francis et al., 1993).
The mismetabolism of tau and amyloid proteins described
elsewhere (see Chapters 31 and 32) offers the most upstream Neuropathologically, loss of neurones from the nucleus of
knowledge of the AD pathological cascade. Neurotransmitter Meynert (CH4, cholinergic nucleus) is well documented in
deficits, neuronal loss and (aberrant) synapse proliferation AD, although the extent of the loss reported varies from
and subsequent decline suggest possible windows of influ- moderate to severe, and it has been suggested that in AD
ence upon the disease. Refinement of neurotransmitter influ- cholinergic dysfunction exceeds degeneration (Perry et al.,
ence on protein mismetabolism and other cell level dysfunction 1982). This is consistent with studies of cholinergic markers
is likely to follow. A recent example is the description of bene- in biopsy samples from patients who had AD for approximately
ficial effects of a cholinergic agonist, specific to the muscarinic 3 years, where reduction in functional cholinergic measures,
M1 receptor, upon ‘healthy’ amyloid precursor protein metab- acetylcholine synthesis and choline uptake exceeded the
olism (Nitsch et al., 2000). reduction in ChAT activity (Francis et al., 1985).
Recent findings with long-term ChEI treatment show On the basis of the above evidence, neocortical cholinergic
delays to nursing home placements, but not time to reach a innervation appears to be lost at an early stage of the disease.
specific point of cognitive decline or death (Lopez et al., Beach and colleagues (2000) recently reported neurofibrillary
388 Neurochemistry of Alzheimer’s disease

tangles in the entorhinal cortex and a 20–30 per cent loss of magnitude of benefit of at least that reported for tacrine, but
ChAT activity in brains from patients at the earliest stages of with a more favourable clinical profile. Evidence has emerged
AD, namely Braak stages I and II. However, another study from clinical trials of cholinomimetics that such drugs may
using the Clinical Dementia Rating scale (CDR) suggests that improve the abnormal non-cognitive, behavioural symp-
the greatest reduction in markers of the cholinergic system toms of AD. Physostigmine, tacrine, rivastigmine and metri-
occurs between moderate (CDR 2) and end-stage (CDR 5) fonate have variously been reported in placebo-controlled
disease with little change between non-demented and the trials to decrease psychotic symptoms (hallucinations and
moderate stage (CDR 0–2) (Davis et al., 1999). In contrast a delusions), agitation, apathy, anxiety, disinhibition, pacing,
recent study of MCI, the suggested AD prodrome, reported aberrant motor behaviour and lack of cooperation
an increase in ChAT activity in some cortical regions (Cummings and Kaufer, 1996). In a recent study, muscarinic
(DeKosky et al., 2002). The acknowledged problems of these M2 receptor density was increased in the frontal cortex of AD
latter studies is that ChAT activity is not the rate-limiting step patients with delusions and in the temporal cortex of those
of ACh synthesis and hence there could be cholinergic dys- with hallucinations, compared with patients without psy-
function before structural loss, possibly linked to aberrant chotic symptoms. This suggests a role for M2 receptors in the
sprouting. Changes in cholinergic neurones appear to relate psychosis of AD and may provide a rationale for treatment of
to aspects of cognitive function (Francis et al., 1985) as well behaviourally disturbed AD patients with M2 antagonists
non-cognitive behaviour (Minger et al., 2000). It has also (Lai et al., 2001).
been suggested that ACh is centrally involved in the process Possibly related to these findings in AD, a dementia with
of conscious awareness (Perry et al., 1999), and that the variety Lewy bodies (DLB) open label trial of rivastigmine showed
of clinical symptoms associated with cholinergic dysfunction almost all patients responded positively on one or more of
in AD and related disorders reflects disturbances in the con- these measures (McKeith et al., 2000). Visual hallucinations
scious processing of information. There is evidence that are more common in DLB, which, in turn, is associated with
implicit memory for example (which does not involve con- greater reductions in ChAT activity than observed in AD
scious awareness) is relatively intact in AD (Postle et al., 1996). (Perry et al., 1994).
Nicotinic and muscarinic (M2) ACh receptors, most of
which are considered to be located on cholinergic terminals,
are reduced in AD (Court et al., 2001; Lai et al., 2001). 29.1.2 The cholinergic system and AD
Reductions in nicotinic receptors are confined to the 42 pathology
subtype. The postsynaptic cholinergic system (usually pre-
Many preclinical studies indicate that activation of choliner-
sent upon glutamatergic neurones) appears to be less
gic receptors influence the metabolism of one of the two key
affected, which encourages hope for therapeutic interven-
proteins involved in AD, amyloid precursor protein (APP),
tion. Postsynaptic muscarinic M1 receptors (Perry et al.,
diverting metabolism away from the formation of amyloid
1990) are relatively preserved, although there may be a
(A) (Nitsch, 1996; Francis et al., 1999). In support of this
degree of functional uncoupling. The enzyme responsible for
hypothesis two recent clinical studies showed that mus-
the breakdown of ACh, acetylcholinesterase, is reduced, per-
carinic M1 agonists were able to reduce cerebrospinal fluid
haps in part due to a loss of cholinergic terminals, while
(CSF) concentrations of A (Hock et al., 2000; Nitsch et al.,
butyrylcholinesterase activity (the function of which is not
2000). Furthermore, nicotinic receptor stimulation is associ-
yet fully understood and which is present in extrasynaptic
ated with reduced plaque densities in the human brain
areas and plaques) increases.
(Court et al., 1998). These results suggest that compounds
being developed for symptomatic treatment may have a
29.1.1 Acetylcholine and cognition serendipitous effect on the continuing emergence of pathol-
ogy by reducing the production of A. There is also evidence
A prediction of the cholinergic hypothesis is that drugs likely for a possible beneficial role of cholinergic neurotransmis-
to potentiate this function should improve cognition in AD sion by modulation in the generation of neurofibrillary tan-
patients. There are a number of treatment approaches to the gles via reduced phosphorylation of tau protein. One of the
amelioration of the cholinergic deficit; however, the use of primary intracellular enzymes responsible, glycogen syn-
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs) is the most well- thase kinase-3 (GSK3) can be regulated by muscarinic activa-
developed approach (Francis et al., 1999). tion (Sadot et al., 1996). Cholinergic neurotransmission may
During the late 1980s and early 1990s, the first choli- also be a specific target for A, since it has been shown to
nomimetic compound, tacrine, underwent large-scale clinical reduce both choline uptake and ACh release in vitro (Auld
studies and established the benefits of ChEI treatment in et al., 1998). Furthermore, A is reported to bind with high
patients with a diagnosis of probable AD. A so-called second affinity to the 7 subtype of the nicotinic receptor, suggest-
generation of ChEIs has been developed including donepezil, ing that cholinergic function through this receptor may be
rivastigmine, metrifonate and galantamine (Francis et al., compromised because of high levels of (soluble) peptide in
1999). Such compounds demonstrate a clinical effect and AD brains (Wang et al., 2000).
Glutamate 389

29.2 GLUTAMATE (Kowall and Beal, 1991). Several groups have shown reduc-
tions in the concentration of glutamate in AD tissue and
lumbar CSF (Lowe et al., 1990). Although glutamate neuro-
Glutamate is the principal excitatory neurotransmitter of the transmission failure was not extensive in these studies, glutam-
brain, being used at approximately two-thirds of synapses. ate concentration was reduced by 14 per cent in temporal
The majority of neurones and glia have receptors for glutam- lobe biopsy samples and by 86 per cent in the terminal zone
ate. An integral part of protein, energy and ammonia metab- of the perforant pathway at autopsy of AD patients (Hyman
olism of all cells with a high intracellular concentration, it et al., 1987).
has been difficult to distinguish the presynaptic transmitter We have recently begun to investigate the status of the
pool of glutamate from the metabolic pool (Francis et al., newly discovered vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUT),
1993). Considered to be the main neurotransmitter of neo- VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 (Bellocchio et al., 2000). These pro-
cortical and hippocampal pyramidal neurones, glutamate is teins are only present in the glutamatergic neurone terminals
thus involved in higher mental functions such as cognition and therefore represent a useful marker of their number.
and memory (Francis et al., 1993). An important mechanism Preliminary western blotting studies indicate that there is a
by which glutamate may contribute to learning and memory reduction in VGLUT1 (but not VGLUT2) in the parietal cor-
functions is via long-term potentiation (LTP) at pyramidal tex in AD but not in the temporal cortex (Kirvell et al., 2002).
neurone synapses. LTP is a form of synaptic strengthening However, in a different study vesicular glutamate uptake rate
following brief, high frequency, stimulation. was lower in the temporal cortex from AD patients
Histological studies in AD indicate loss of pyramidal neur- (Westphalen et al., 2003). This lack of change in protein, but
ones and their synapses together with surrounding neuropil with a reduction in the protein’s related activity, suggests a
(Esiri, 1991). Corticortical and corticofugal-projecting pyram- functional downregulation of the protein in both cases. The
idal neurones are lost, together with those of the entorhinal exact consequences of such changes remain to be determined.
and hippocampal CA1 region. Remaining neurones are sub- Upon release into the synapse, approximately 95 per cent
ject to neurofibrillary tangle formation. Uptake of D-aspartate, of glutamate is removed by glutamate transporter proteins
a putative marker of glutamatergic nerve endings, is reduced named GLT, GLAST and EAAC. These are mainly present
in many cortical areas in the AD brain (Procter et al., 1988). upon glial cells. Studies of D-aspartate binding to transporter
Biochemical evidence suggests a presynaptic ‘double blow’ sites in both fresh and frozen postmortem tissue reveal sig-
as the activity of glutamatergic neurones is heavily influ- nificant reductions in many cortical areas. However, the rele-
enced by the cholinergic system, also dysfunctional in AD. vance of this measure to glutamate uptake is doubtful.
The clinical relevance of these changes is emphasized because Antibodies directed against the individual glutamate trans-
both glutamatergic and cholinergic dysfunction are strong porters produce conflicting data. Reduced levels of GLT pro-
correlates of cognitive decline in AD. Glutamatergic (and tein (but not its mRNA), with normal levels of both GLAST
cholinergic) cells die over a period of years and in a very spe- and EAAC have been reported, not confirmed by our own
cific regional and neurochemically selective pattern (Francis studies (unpublished). Even assuming there was no reduc-
et al., 1993). The selectivity is intriguing, because cholinergic tion of transporter protein, there is considerable evidence for
neurones of the basal forebrain die while those of the pons oxidative damage of proteins such as these glutamate trans-
are spared; glutamatergic neurones of the frontal, temporal porters. This might explain the functional deficit in glutam-
and parietal cortex are lost while apparently similar neurones ate uptake hypothesized above (Danbolt, 2001).
in the motor and sensory cortex are unaffected. Factors that Postsynaptic glutamate receptors fall into two main classes,
may lead to necrosis or apoptosis in selected groups of neu- ionotropic and metabotropic. The ionotropic subtypes, N-
rones in AD may include tangles, A toxicity, microglia, free methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and -amino-3-hydroxy-
radical generation, excitotoxicity (too much or too little 5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)/kainate subtypes
glutamatergic neurotransmission) and withdrawal of trophic have varying permeability to Na and Ca2 ions. The
factors. The strongest evidence suggests that most of gluta- metabotropic subtypes couple to adenylyl cyclase, phospho-
matergic pyramidal neurones die as a consequence of the lipase C or ion channels. The ionotrophic subtypes are of par-
presence of neurofibrillary tangles within the cytoplasm ticular interest given the proposed mechanism of action of the
(Kowall and Beal, 1991). However, this may only account for novel compound memantine on the NMDA receptor (see
up to 50 per cent of such cells. below). Studies have demonstrated reductions in the NMDA
Glutamate is synthesized in nerve terminals by one of sev- receptor complex in the hippocampus and neocortex.
eral possible enzymes. First, glutamine can be converted to
glutamate by the action of the mitochondrial enzyme gluta-
minase (Procter et al., 1988); alternatively glutamate can be 29.2.1 Glutamate and cognition
produced by transamination from aspartate in the cytosol.
Direct measurement of glutaminase activity is unaffected in A role for glutamate and glutamate receptors in learning and
AD (Procter et al., 1988). By contrast glutaminase-positive neu- memory is widely recognized. For example NMDA antagon-
rones are reduced in number and subject to tangle formation ists impair learning and memory, while NMDA agonists and
390 Neurochemistry of Alzheimer’s disease

facilitators improve memory (Francis et al., 1993). Likewise nicotinic and muscarinic receptors (Chessell and Humphrey,
AMPAkines (positive modulators of AMPA receptor function) 1995; Dijk et al., 1995). Terminals of cholinergic neurones are
facilitate learning and memory (Lynch, 1998). Circumstantial found in all layers of the neocortex, synapsing with pyrami-
evidence of the involvement of glutamatergic pathways dal neurones in layers II/III and V (Turrini et al., 2001). Both
includes the well-established role of structures such as the hip- muscarinic and nicotinic receptors activate pyramidal neur-
pocampus in learning and memory. More specifically, lesions ones and hence facilitate glutamate release in a rat model
of certain glutamatergic pathways impair learning and mem- (Chessell and Humphrey, 1995; Dijk et al., 1995). It therefore
ory. In addition, glutamate and glutamate receptors are follows that treatment of patients with cholinomimetics is
involved in mechanisms of synaptic plasticity (LTP and long- likely to increase glutamatergic function.
term depression [LTD] of the synapse) which are considered to
underlie learning and memory. Loss of synapses and pyramidal
cell perikarya from the neocortex of AD patients correlate with
measures of cognitive decline. The latter is considered to be the
best evidence for a functional role of glutamatergic involve-
ment in cognitive dysfunction in AD (Francis et al., 1993). Cholinergic stimulation is one pathway to enhancement of
glutamatergic function. Other treatment strategies that more
29.2.2 The glutamatergic system and AD directly increase the activity of remaining glutamatergic neur-
pathology ones, without causing excitotoxicity, represent an important
target for the symptomatic treatment of AD, and may have a
Excitotoxic cell death involves excess activation of receptors, disease-modifying effect. Several approaches have been tried
leading to raised intracellular Ca2 and consequent activa- including positive modulation of both AMPA and NMDA
tion of a cascade of enzymes, resulting in cell death by necro- receptors. AMPAkines, which are considered to work by
sis or apoptosis (Lipton, 1999). During the 1980s it was also increasing the sensitivity of these receptors, are currently
suggested that endogenous glutamate could accumulate and in clinical trial for MCI (Johnson and Simmon, 2002).
become excitotoxic, perhaps as a result of impaired clearance Modulation of the NMDA receptor has been attempted via
(as a consequence of disrupted transporter function or indi- the glycine co-agonist site with clear indication in preclinical
rectly in conditions of reduced energy availability). There is studies that the partial agonist d-cycloserine improved learn-
some evidence that energy levels may be reduced in AD due ing and memory (Myhrer and Paulsen, 1997). Clinical stud-
to perturbed mitochondrial function (Francis et al., 1993) ies have suggested some benefit but full-scale trials have not
and considerable evidence for oxidative damage of proteins been initiated (Schwartz et al., 1996). There is currently no
including the glutamate transporter (Keller et al., 1997). evidence that these drugs enhance excitotoxicity.
Others have cautioned that there is no simple relationship Perhaps the most surprising development is the success of
between raised extracellular glutamate concentrations and the uncompetitive NMDA antagonist, memantine, in clinical
cell death in vivo. It remains possible that changes in num- trials in moderate and severe AD (Reisberg et al., 2003). At
bers of glutamate receptors or changes in ion selectivity may first sight one would consider that such an approach – block-
lead over time to cell death. For instance the large numbers of ade of a receptor that would normally be activated in learn-
calcium-permeable AMPA receptors present on basal fore- ing and memory – to be counterintuitive. However, there is
brain cholinergic neurones may be linked to their loss in AD evidence that this molecule acts like magnesium ions, able to
(Ikonomovic and Armstrong, 1996). prevent background activation of the NMDA receptor
A further possible contribution to cell death is linked to (‘noise’), whilst allowing activation of this receptor for LTP
reduced glutamatergic neurotransmission. Activation of recep- formation (Francis, 2003). There is also a report of a clinical
tors linked to phospholipase C (such as some metabotropic trial by Forest Laboratories Inc. (Tariot et al., 2004) that
glutamate receptors) has been shown to increase the secretion shows a benefit of the addition of memantine to established
of neuroprotective forms of APP and decrease A while at the treatment with a ChEI in AD patients. Since ChEIs are likely
same time reducing the phosphorylation state of tau. If gluta- to act in part by increasing glutamate release (‘signal’) (Dijk
mate neurotransmission is reduced as a consequence of tangle et al., 1995; Francis et al., 1999), the benefit may be hypothe-
formation, one may hypothesise that A production may sized to come from the combination of a reduction in gluta-
increase and tau become more hyperphosphorylated in neur- mate ‘noise’ (by memantine) and an increase in discrete
ones innervated by the affected neurone (Francis et al., 1999). glutamate signals (donepezil) (Francis, 2003).


The changes in cholinergic neurotransmission seen in the
It is important to remember that glutamatergic neurones of the brains of patients dying with AD provided the rationale for
neocortex and hippocampus are influenced by ACh through the development of compounds aimed at symptom relief.
References 391

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30.1 Pathology outside the central nervous system 393 30.5 Pathogenesis 402
30.2 Macroscopic pathology 393 30.6 Neuropathology and clinical findings 402
30.3 Histology, ultrastructure, immunocytochemistry 30.7 Diagnostic problems and criteria 403
and morphometry 394 References 404
30.4 Familial Alzheimer’s disease 401

Although Alzheimer (1907) highlighted the two key histological (Hinton et al., 1986) and retinal ganglion cells (Blanks et al.,
lesions, neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) and amyloid plaques 1989) show degenerative changes and the anterior olfactory
100 years ago, recent developments in molecular biology, nucleus develops NFTs (Esiri and Wilcock, 1984). In add-
molecular genetics, immunohistochemistry, image analysis ition, abnormalities in the processes of olfactory neurones in
and protein chemistry have transformed our understanding the nasal mucosa have been reported (Talamo et al., 1989)
of the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). For practis- and tau-reactive filaments, absent from controls, have been
ing neuropathologists, immunohistochemistry in particular described in the olfactory mucosa in biopsy specimens of
has become an essential part of the diagnostic armoury to patients with probable AD (Tabaton et al., 1991a). Deposition
complement the neurohistology of the common neuro- of A in the periphery of the lens may also be linked to AD,
degenerative conditions. although more studies are required to confirm this associ-
ation (Goldstein et al., 2003).



General post-mortem examination does not reveal any The naked eye appearances of the brain range from unre-
abnormalities outside the nervous system. Patients with AD markable to grossly abnormal. The leptomeninges may be
die from terminal respiratory illness, and bronchopneumo- thickened, particularly over the convexity, and may show
nia is most often the cause of death. Ongoing investigations orange-brown areas of various sizes, indicating old, circum-
have, however, revealed that subtle biochemical abnormal- scribed subarachnoid haemorrhage, which most often results
ities may not be restricted to the brain. AD may, like a sys- from amyloid (congophilic) angiopathy. The cranial nerves
temic illness, cause secondary changes in the cerebrospinal are normal and the large cerebral vessels in uncomplicated
fluid (CSF) and peripheral blood, which reflect neuronal cases of AD have not been damaged more by atherosclerosis
metabolism of the A amyloid and tau proteins. As the dis- than expected from the patient’s age. Brain weight is quite
ease progresses, the metabolic pools of A and tau increase often reduced, sometimes below 1000 g. Since brain weight
within the CSF and blood. Towards the end stages of illness, normally depends on the patient’s age, sex and constitution,
the A levels may decrease as the brain acts as a metabolic the degree of atrophy should be considered in the light of
‘sink’ (Ritchie et al., 2003). these factors. More appropriately, the severity of cerebral atro-
That sensory outposts associated with the brain undergo phy can be assessed by comparing the volume of the brain
degeneration has been known for some time. The optic nerve with the capacity of the intracranial space (Davis and Wright,
394 Neuropathology of Alzheimer’s disease

1977). A discrepancy between the findings of neuroimaging 30.3 HISTOLOGY, ULTRASTRUCTURE,

and neuropathology is not unusual: cerebral atrophy reported IMMUNOCYTOCHEMISTRY AND
on computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance MORPHOMETRY
imaging (MRI) scans may not always be confirmed at post-
mortem examination. Agonal changes of haemodynamics,
post-mortem delay, and the effects of fixation on the brain The neurohistological features of AD are complex and vari-
may be responsible for this discrepancy. The normal ratio of able. The two hallmark lesions, amyloid plaques and NFTs
8:1 of total brain weight to that of the brain stem and cere- (Figure 30.2), are complemented by granulovacuolar degen-
bellum may decrease, indicating loss of tissue from the eration, Hirano bodies, neuronal loss, abnormalities of
cerebral hemispheres. The atrophy is usually diffuse and neuronal processes and synapses, astrocytic and microglial
symmetrical, although the frontoparietal region and the tem- response, and vascular changes. The white matter also may
poral lobes may be more severely affected than the rest of the be affected (Esiri et al., 1997).
brain (Figure 30.1). Moderate-to-severe atrophy is easy to
discern: the sulci are widened and the gyri narrowed both on 30.3.1 Amyloid plaques
the outside and on coronal slices. The latter also reveal
enlarged lateral ventricles with rounded angles and add- The amyloid or neuritic plaque (also referred to as a ‘senile’
itional space between the hippocampi and the wall of the plaque) is one of the major lesions found in the AD brain,
temporal horns. Decrease in the thickness of neocortical rib- and these plaques were first described by Blocq and
bon, apart from extreme cases of atrophy, is difficult, and Marinesco in 1892. These structures, ranging in size from
may prove deceptive, to assess on naked-eye appearances. A 50 to 200 m (Terry, 1985), can be readily demonstrated in
quantitative study, however, revealed a decrease of neocorti- frozen and paraffin-embedded sections by silver impregna-
cal areas of all lobes in AD, whereas in patients over the age tion methods (Figure 30.3). The lesion consists of an A
of 80 only the temporal cortex was atrophied (Hubbard and amyloid core with a corona of argyrophilic axonal and den-
Anderson, 1981, 1985). Reduction in cortical area may result dritic processes, A amyloid fibrils, glial cell processes and
from a decrease in the length rather than in the width of cor- microglial cells. Neuritic processes in the periphery of the
tex, indicating loss of columns of cells and fibres perpendicu- plaque are frequently dystrophic and contain paired helical
lar to the pial surface. A correlation appears to exist between filaments, which are composed largely of ubiquinated and
the length, but not the thickness, of the cortical ribbon and phosphorylated tau protein (Gonatas et al., 1967; Hanger
dementia score (Duyckaerts et al., 1985). Apart from occa- et al., 1991). In 1927, Divry demonstrated that the core of
sional small, orange-coloured old haemorrhages in the cor- the AD plaque contained a congophilic amyloid substance,
tex, suggestive of amyloid angiopathy, uncomplicated AD which gave an apple green colour under polarized light. The
usually is not associated with any other focal lesions. plaque amyloid is composed of 5–10 nm filaments made up
of a 40–43 amino acid (4 kDa) protein (Masters et al., 1985),
and now referred to as A protein.
Three types of plaque have been identified in conven-
tional silver staining preparations: ‘primitive’ or ‘early’, ‘clas-
sical’ or ‘mature’, and ‘burnt-out’ or ‘compact’. On the basis of
light and electron microscopic studies, a three-stage evolu-
tion of the plaque has been proposed. The first stage is the

Figure 30.1 On the left, a coronal slice of the brain of a patient with
severe Alzheimer’s disease showing atrophy: the lateral ventricle is
enlarged with rounding of its angle and there is additional space
between the hippocampus and the inferior horn of the lateral
ventricle. Several gyri are narrowed and the lateral fissure is widened. Figure 30.2 Neurofibrillary tangles and neuritic plaques in the
On the right, a slice of the right hemi-brain of a normal subject. neocortex. Modified Bielschowsky silver impregnation.
Histology, ultrastructure, immunocytochemistry and morphometry 395

‘primitive’ plaque, composed of a small number of distorted the neocortex, hippocampus, thalamus, amygdala, caudate
neurites, largely presynaptic in origin with few amyloid fibres, nucleus, putamen, nucleus basalis of Meynert, mid-brain, pons,
astrocytic processes and the occasional microglial cell. The medulla oblongata, the cerebellar cortex and spinal cord
second stage is the ‘classical’ or ‘mature’ plaque with a dense (Joachim et al., 1989; Ogomori et al., 1989). These deposits
amyloid core with a halo of dystrophic neurites, astrocytic take a variety of forms and include subpial, vascular,
processes and cell bodies and the occasional microglial cell. dysphoric, punctate or granular, diffuse, stellar, ring-with-
The final stage in this sequence is the ‘burnt-out’ plaque con- core, and compact deposits (Ogomori et al., 1989).
sisting of a dense core of amyloid (Terry et al., 1981; Esiri and A laminar pattern of A deposits in the neocortex has been
Morris, 1997). The relationship between dystrophic neurites,
neurofibrillary degeneration and A amyloid deposition
is not fully understood, but the neurites and tangles appear
to be downstream of A accumulation. These three stages
of plaque development have not been confirmed in experi-
mental transgenic mice and therefore the temporal relation-
ships suggested above remain speculative: it may yet transpire
that the three types of plaques are independent of each
Studies using antibodies raised against A protein have
revealed the presence of a much more widespread deposition
of amyloid than is visualized by traditional staining methods
(Majocha et al., 1988; Gentleman et al., 1989; Armstrong
et al., 1996; Figures 30.4–30.8). A immunoreactivity has
been detected throughout the central nervous system including

Figure 30.4 An amyloid plaque with a dense core and corona.

A-amyloid immunohistochemistry.

Figure 30.3 An argyrophilic amyloid plaque in the neocortex Figure 30.5 A-amyloid protein deposits in the temporal lobe of a
showing a neuritic ring with an amyloid core formation. Modified patient with Alzheimer’s disease. Several deposit morphologies can
Bielschowsky silver impregnation. be seen. A-amyloid immunohistochemistry.
396 Neuropathology of Alzheimer’s disease

described with concentrations in layers II, III and V (Yamaguchi et al., 1991). More condensed A is, however,
(Majocha et al., 1988). associated with a neuritic change, reactive astrocytosis and
A protein is a 38–43 residue polypeptide cleavage prod- microglial infiltration and phagocytosis. Most species of A
uct of a larger precursor protein, the amyloid precursor pro- have been detected by immunohistochemistry using anti-
tein (APP) (Kang et al., 1987). Although most cells have the bodies that recognize epitopes within the full length A1–42
potential for producing APP, neurones and platelets express or a truncated A1–40. The predominant species in sporadic
APP to high levels. Moreover, neurones process the APP with AD is A42(43) and this is found in plaques of all morphological
-secretase (BACE) to a greater extent than most other cell types. Diffuse plaques contain mainly A42(43) (Mann
types, and this in turn leads to the formation of full A et al., 1996a, b).
sequences. The hypothesis that A deposition is an early A number of other proteins co-localize with A including
event in the pathogenesis of AD has been given support by apolipoprotein E (ApoE), a widely distributed protein involved
the presence of extracellular A in diffuse plaques not associ- in the transport of cholesterol. There are three common
ated with any neuritic change, or astrocytic involvement isoforms of ApoE which are encoded by three alleles, 2, 3

Figure 30.6 A high-power electron micrograph revealing A-amyloid fibrils (A) of a plaque. (Courtesy Dr I Janota, Institute of Psychiatry, London.)

(a) (b)

Figure 30.7 Congophilic angiopathy. Blood vessels stained with Congo red showing birefringence under polarized light (a) and A-amyloid
immunohistochemistry (b).
Histology, ultrastructure, immunocytochemistry and morphometry 397

and 4, and there is a strong association between the presence in diffuse and consolidated A deposits, NFTs and neuritic
of the 4 allele and the age of onset of AD. ApoE has been degeneration (Akiyama et al., 1991).
shown to bind to A and a high proportion of A and ApoE The distribution of plaques varies widely not only within
deposits tend to be co-localized. Thus, both diffuse and com- architectonic units but also from one individual to another.
pact A plaques may be immunolabelled by anti-A and The plaques are more numerous in associative regions of
anti-ApoE antibodies (Cairns et al., 1997b; Armstrong et al., neocortex than in sensory areas and are also largest in those
1998). The presence of one or more 4 alleles leads to both an laminae characterized by large pyramidal neurones (Rogers
earlier onset and a more severe A amyloidosis (Roses, and Morrison, 1985). Accumulations of A protein are found
1994). The relationship between A and ApoE is still imper- in the neocortex of non-demented elderly individuals without
fectly understood, as ApoE knock-out mice have an increased any neurofibrillary change, suggesting that A deposition
amount of A deposition on a transgenic APP background. precedes neurofibrillary changes. However, NFT formation
The plaques are also immunohistochemically positive for has been reported in areas devoid of A (Braak et al., 1986;
a number of neuroactive substances. Acetylcholinesterase, a Duyckaerts et al., 1988; Delaère et al., 1990; Armstrong et al.,
marker of the cholinergic system, can be demonstrated 1993), indicating that factors in addition to A may be
within and around the neuritic elements of the corona. Many required to cause aggregation of tau. Tangle-bearing neur-
of these elements derive from cholinergic neurones in the ones generally project into areas with A deposition, suggest-
basal forebrain, particularly the nucleus basalis of Meynert ing some form of retrograde transport of the toxic elements
(nbM), the diagonal band of Broca and the medial septal which are associated with A.
nuclei. Several other neurotransmitters have been demon-
strated in the plaque. These include substance P, neuropep-
tide Y, neurotensin, cholecystokinin, 5-hydroxytryptamine 30.3.2 Neurofibrillary tangles
(5HT) and catecholamine (Walker et al., 1988; Hauw et al.,
1991). Ubiquitin, a protein acting as a signal for degradation The second histological hallmark of AD is the NFT. These are
of abnormal proteins, is also present in intracellular neurites not specific to AD, since they occur in other neurodegenerative
and NFTs (Perry et al., 1987). The protease inhibitor disorders, including Down’s syndrome, postencephalitic
1-antichymotrypsin has been localized to the plaque using parkinsonism, dementia pugilistica, amyotrophic lateral scle-
immunohistochemical methods (Walker et al., 1988). Serum rosis–parkinsonism–dementia complex of Guam, subacute
amyloid P (SAP) component is a glycoprotein complex pro- sclerosing panencephalitis, dementia with tangles with and
duced in the liver, distributed in serum, and has been detected without calcification, and in myotonic dystrophy (Kiuchi et al.,

Figure 30.8 A high-power electron micrograph showing A-amyloid fibrils (A) surrounding a blood vessel: dyshoric angiopathy. (Courtesy
Dr I Janota, Institute of Psychiatry, London.)
398 Neuropathology of Alzheimer’s disease

1991). Globose NFTs also develop in progressive supranuclear flame-shaped in pyramidal neurones, whilst in the neurones
palsy and sporadic motor neurone disease, but their morphol- of the brain stem they assume more complex, globose forms.
ogy and ultrastructure differ from those seen in AD. They can be easily discerned in histological sections stained
In AD, NFTs are common in the medial temporal struc- with haematoxylin and eosin, but are best demonstrated by
tures, in the hippocampus, amygdala and parahippocampal one of the silver impregnation techniques or with Congo red,
gyrus, and they also occur throughout the neocortex and the which renders them birefringent under polarized light. They
deep grey matter including the lentiform nucleus, the nbM, can be demonstrated by immunocytochemistry using anti-
the thalamus, the mamillary bodies, substantia nigra, locus bodies against tau and ubiquitin (Figure 30.9).
caeruleus, periaqueductal grey matter, the raphé nuclei of the Electron microscopy reveals the fine structural details
brain stem and the pedunculopontine nucleus. (Figure 30.10). NFTs are mainly composed of paired helical
NFTs are intracellular inclusions composed of ubiquinated filaments (Kidd, 1963), which in turn are formed by two
and phosphorylated tau. Their configuration is determined in filaments wound around each other. Each filament has a
part by the shape of neurones in which they develop. NFTs are diameter of 10 nm with cross-over points every 80 nm,
resulting in the typical periodicity of a double helix. A nega-
tive staining technique has demonstrated that each filament
is composed of four protofilaments with a diameter of 3–5 nm
(Wisniewski et al., 1984). However, computer-assisted elec-
tron microscopy has modelled different substructures, indi-
cating that paired helical filaments are not composed of
fibrous protofilaments, as are normal neurofilaments, but are
constructed from compact globular subunits, which are
stacked to form the two filamentous structures of paired hel-
ical filaments (Crowther and Wischik, 1985). NFTs also con-
tain straight filaments with an average diameter of 15 nm.
These straight and the paired helical filaments may form
hybrid filaments, displaying both morphologies, share sur-
face epitopes and have identically shaped structural units.
Figure 30.9 A neuritic plaque (P) and neurofibrillary tangles (T) These common features indicate that paired helical and
demonstrated by anti-tau immunohistochemistry. straight filaments are related and they represent only

Figure 30.10 A high-power electron micrograph revealing paired helical filaments of a neurofibrillary tangle. (Courtesy the late Professor
LW Duchen, Institute of Psychiatry, London.)
Histology, ultrastructure, immunocytochemistry and morphometry 399

somewhat different assemblies of the same basic molecular and this tau protein is antigenically similar to that found in
unit (Crowther, 1991). paired helical filaments. This finding indicates that granulo-
A major component of the NFT is a microtubule-associated vacuolar degeneration in hippocampal pyramidal neurones
protein called tau, which is involved in microtubule assembly vulnerable to neurofibrillary degeneration may offer an alter-
and stabilization. In the adult human brain there are six native metabolic pathway for an abnormal molecule, which
isoforms of tau and all of these are hyperphosphorylated in contributes to the formation of both granulovacuoles and
AD (Hanger et al., 1991; Goedert et al., 1992). Antibodies tangles (Bondareff et al., 1991). Granulovacuoles are now
that recognize specific phosphorylation-dependent epitopes considered to be special autophagosomes that are formed by
may be used to identify the three sites of tau aggregation: the the sequestration of electron-dense material by a two-layered
NFT, dystrophic neurites of plaques and neuropil threads. membrane. Granulovacuoles are virtually restricted to the
Phosphorylation-dependent antibodies may also be used to pyramidal neurones of the hippocampus and in severe AD
distinguish the taupathy in AD from other neurological dis- cases the neuronal cytoplasm is replete with these abnormal
orders (Cairns et al., 1997a). structures. They also occur, much less often, in a variety of
Biochemically, NFTs are also seen to be composed of diseases, including progressive supranuclear palsy, amy-
phosphorylated isoforms of tau, a microtubule-associated otrophic lateral sclerosis–parkinsonism–dementia complex
glycoprotein (Goedert et al., 1988), and monoclonal anti- of Guam and tuberous sclerosis.
bodies can be used to quantify NFTs (Harrington et al., 1991).
They also contain ubiquitin, and anti-ubiquitin antibodies
give strongly positive reaction with NFTs (Mori et al., 1987;
30.3.4 Hirano bodies
Perry et al., 1987).
These abnormal structures were first described by Hirano
Whilst NFTs are intracytoplasmic neuronal inclusions,
(1965). They are most commonly seen in and amongst the
they may become extracellular after the neurone that con-
pyramidal cells of the hippocampus. Hirano bodies occur in
tained them has vanished. These extraneuronal NFTs are
normal subjects and their frequency increases with advan-
most often seen in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex in
cing age. However, patients with AD have significantly more
advanced disease, and both their antigenic properties and
Hirano bodies than age-matched controls. They also occur in
ultrastructural features differ from their intraneuronal coun-
various neurological diseases, including Pick’s disease, motor
terparts (Tabaton et al., 1991b). They are chiefly composed of
neurone disease and kuru, as well as in animals infected with
straight, not paired, helical filaments and react differently with
kuru and scrapie (Gibson and Tomlinson, 1977). Hirano
antibodies to tau and ubiquitin. A small subset of extraneu-
bodies stand out in sections stained with haematoxylin and
ronal tangles gives positive reactions with antibodies to both
eosin as bright pink, homogeneous structures that are circu-
tau and A protein. The degradation of the NFT (the transi-
lar in cross-section with a diameter up to 25 m, and rectangu-
tion from intracellular to extracellular form) is a series of dis-
lar or spindle-shaped up to 30 m in length in longitudinal
tinct stages involving complex molecular events that alter both
sections. Ultrastructurally, they are composed of a complex,
the antigenicity and configuration of the tangle (Bondareff
crystalline array of interlacing filaments forming a lattice-
et al., 1990). It is the insolubility of NFTs that is most likely to
like or ‘herring-bone’ configuration (Tomonaga, 1974). They
be responsible for the occurrence of extraneuronal forms
stain positively with antibodies to actin (Goldman, 1983)
(Terry, 1990). The extraneuronal NFTs may be enveloped by
and immunostaining for tau has also been reported
glial processes and eventually be internalized as part of their
(Galloway et al., 1987).
degradative cycle.

30.3.3 Granulovacuolar degeneration

Granulovacuolar degeneration was first described by

Simchowicz (1911) in the hippocampal neurones of patients
with senile dementia (Figure 30.11). Granulovacuoles are
abnormal cytoplasmic structures: one or more vacuoles of
3.5 mm in diameter each contain a single granule. The elec-
tron microscope shows a dense granular core, embedded in a
translucent matrix. This granular component gives a positive
reaction with antibodies to tubulin (Price et al., 1985), to
phosphorylated epitopes of the heavy neurofilament peptide
(Kahn et al., 1985), to tau (Dickson et al., 1987) and, in some
neurones, to ubiquitin (Leigh et al., 1989). A detailed Figure 30.11 Granulovacuolar degeneration (arrows) and Hirano
immunocytochemical study has demonstrated that most epi- bodies (arrowheads) in the pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampus.
topes of the tau molecule are sequestered in granulovacuoles Haematoxylin and eosin.
400 Neuropathology of Alzheimer’s disease

30.3.5 Neuronal loss that contain NFTs in their cell body (Braak and Braak, 1988).
There is increasing evidence that their distribution is more
Neuronal loss is far more difficult to assess than the histo- closely associated with NFTs than with plaques. In addition
logical abnormalities previously described, although the to abnormal neurites, there are quantitative changes: the ter-
decrease of particular neuronal populations is more readily minal segments of dendrites of pyramidal cells in layer 2 of
accepted than in normal ageing (Terry, 1990). Whilst well- the parahippocampal gyrus are fewer and shorter than in
defined, neuronal groups, like the locus caeruleus, are easier normal adult brains (Buell and Coleman, 1979). Considerable
to count, the cerebral cortex presents considerable technical decrease of synapses also occurs and this loss is likely to con-
problems. Nevertheless, it has been established that there is a tribute to the development of the disease (Davis et al., 1987).
significant decrease of 36–46 per cent in the concentration of Moreover, immunocytochemical quantification of synapto-
large neurones, particularly from layers 3 and 5 of the neo- physin, a protein localized in presynaptic terminals, revealed
cortex (Terry et al., 1981). The loss of the large cortical neur- an average decrease of 50 per cent in the density of the granu-
ones is age-dependent: the column of these cells is reduced in lar neuropil immunoreaction in the parietal, temporal and
patients under 80 years of age, but appears to be normal for mid-frontal cortex (Masliah et al., 1989). In the electron
age in older subjects (Hubbard and Anderson, 1985). This microscope, some presynaptic terminals were distended and
neuronal loss, however, does not affect the neocortex evenly; contained altered synaptic organelles, including swollen ves-
it appears to be restricted to the frontal and temporal lobes, icles and dense bodies, similar to those seen in dystrophic
whereas the parietal and occipital regions are less involved neurites. These latter structures gave positive staining with
(Mountjoy et al., 1983). The hippocampus is even more antibodies to synaptophysin and immunoreactivity was mainly
severely affected: neuronal fall-out reaches an average of 47 localized to the outer membranes of synaptic vesicles and
per cent (Ball, 1977) and the number of pyramidal neurones dense bodies. This finding lends further support to the view
is reduced by 40 per cent in area H1 (Mann et al., 1985). This that progressive synaptic derangements occurs in the neocor-
loss appears to correlate with the number of tangle-bearing tex of AD (Masliah et al., 1991).
cells, whilst the end plate and area H2 are less affected. There
is also a substantial decrease of neurones in the cholinergic
NbM (Whitehouse et al., 1981), in the cholinergic peduncu- 30.3.7 Glial changes
lopontine nucleus (Jellinger, 1988), in the noradrenergic
locus caeruleus (Tomlinson et al., 1981; Marcyniuk et al., Astrocytes can be readily observed immunohistochemically
1986) and in the serotonergic raphé nuclei in the brain stem by using an antibody to glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP;
(Yamamoto and Hirano, 1985). see Figure 30.12). Both NFTs and plaques have been found to
be more prevalent in the pyramidal cell-rich layers II, III
and V than in other laminae (Mann et al., 1985; Majocha
30.3.6 Abnormalities of neuronal processes et al., 1988; Braak et al., 1989) and both have been associated
and synapses with patterns of gliosis in AD (Beach et al., 1989; Itagakai
et al., 1989; Cairns et al., 1992) where perivascular gliosis is
Neuropil threads or ‘curly’ fibres and dystrophic neurites prominent throughout the cerebrum. In AD extensive gliosis
have been well documented in silver-impregnated prepar- has a laminar pattern in the neocortex, but there does not
ations developed by Gallyas (1971), but they attracted atten- appear to be an AD-specific pattern of subcortical gliosis
tion when it was realized that their occurrence was associated (Beach and McGeer, 1988; Beach et al., 1989). In addition to
with the severity of dementia (Braak et al., 1986). Neuropil NFTs, plaques and dystrophic neurites, reactive astrocytosis
threads or curly fibres are slender, short structures found in is associated with degenerating neurones in AD. In the
the neuropil of the cortex. Dystrophic neurites, some of pathogenesis of the plaque it appears as though A depos-
which contribute to the formation of plaques, also appear as ition is an early event preceding gliosis (Yamaguchi et al.,
somewhat contorted, thread-like structures in these prepar- 1990a).
ations. These abnormal neurites are likely to be a heteroge- It has been proposed by Probst et al. (1987) that microglial
neous population of dendrites and axons (Tourtellotte and cells, normally associated with phagocytosis, are a possible
Van Hoesen, 1991). Their ultrastructural and immunocyto- source of A in AD. The presence of major histocompatibil-
chemical features are strikingly similar to those of NFTs, ity complex (MHC) class II antigens on reactive microglia in
indicating that they also originate from the altered neuronal association with plaques in AD is indicative of an immune
cytoskeleton. Neuropil threads immunostain with antibodies response, although the significance of such expression on the
to tau (Kowall and Kosik, 1987; Probst et al., 1989) and to cell surfaces of reactive microglial cells is uncertain. Reactive
ubiquitin (Joachim et al., 1987). Electron microscopy has microglial cells have been found in association with diffuse
revealed that they are often in dendrites and contain straight A deposits and, more frequently, with compact cores of
filaments of 14–16 nm in diameter in addition to paired hel- plaques (Itagakai et al., 1989). Leukocyte common antigen
ical filaments (Tabaton et al., 1989; Yamaguchi et al., 1990b). and complement receptors, including the cell adhesion mol-
Moreover, they are often in the dendrites of those nerve cells ecules, the -2 integrins, have been localized on microglial
Familial Alzheimer’s disease 401

in lamina III of the striate cortex and adjacent occipital cor-

tex, occasionally in Ammon’s horn and in the cerebellum
(Hauw et al., 1991).
Two forms of familial cerebral amyloid angiopathy or
hereditary cerebral haemorrhage with amyloidosis have been
identified. In both the Dutch (Levy et al., 1990) and Icelandic
forms there is an autosomal dominant form of inheritance.
Patients suffer from recurrent cerebral haemorrhages that
lead to an early death (before 40 years of age in Icelandic
patients, and between 50 and 60 years in Dutch patients).
The amyloid fibrils in patients with hereditary cerebral haem-
orrhage with amyloidosis – Icelandic type (HCHWA-I) are
made up of cystatin C, a degradation product of a larger pro-
tease inhibitor. In the Dutch patients (HCHWA-D) the amyl-
oid fibrils are composed of a 39 amino acid peptide
homologous to A protein found in amyloid angiopathy in
AD, Down’s syndrome, sporadic cerebral amyloid angio-
pathy (CAA) and normal ageing. Mutations in the A coding
sequence in these families proved to be seminal for under-
standing the role of A in AD pathogenesis.

30.3.9 White matter changes

Although the degenerative process in AD primarily affects

the grey matter, the white matter may not be spared. CT
scans may show areas of hypodensity. The precise patho-
logical substrate remains controversial. Since amyloid angio-
pathy is often part of AD, it is possible that the white matter
Figure 30.12 Astrocyte cell bodies and processes encircling a changes result mainly from vascular causes. Symmetrical,
plaque. Glial fibrillary acidic protein immunohistochemistry. incomplete infarctions of the white matter histologically
correspond to partial loss of myelin sheaths, axons and
cells around plaques (Akiyama and McGeer, 1990). These oligodendrocytes. These changes are accompanied by mild
data are consistent with a phagocytic role for microglia and astrocytosis and macrophage response, whilst there is hyaline
provide evidence for an inflammatory response of brain tis- fibrosis of small vessels. Cavitating infarctions do not
sue in AD (see Chapter 33). develop and this white matter damage, which occurs in the
absence of hypertensive vascular degeneration, is thought to
be caused by hypoperfusion (Brun and England, 1986).
30.3.8 Vascular abnormalities However, severe loss of cortical neurones may also contribute
to fibre loss and consequent pallor of white matter.
When stained with the dye Congo red, cerebral blood vessels
containing amyloid appear apple green under polarized
light. Pantelakis (1954) called this deposition congophilic
angiopathy (see Figure 30.7, p. 396). These congophilic changes
affect leptomeningeal and cortical arterioles, and occasion-
ally intracortical capillaries and venules. The parieto-occipital AD is a disease primarily of old age and it is difficult to deter-
cortex is usually more affected than that in the frontal and mine the proportion of genetic cases as many family mem-
temporal lobes and the change is most easily identified in the bers will die before expressing the disease. Familial forms of
striate cortex in the occipital lobe. The brain stem and cere- AD with multiple affected individuals are rare and account
bellar cortex are less frequently affected. for probably fewer than 5 per cent of AD cases. Mutations in
Vascular amyloid is now known to be the same protein as the APP gene and two related genes, presenilin-1 (PS1) and
the A amyloid found in plaques. Although vascular amyloid presenilin-2 (PS2), account for the majority of early-onset
is frequently present in AD, it may be absent even when there autosomal dominant cases of familial AD (Goate et al., 1991;
are abundant plaques and parenchymal deposits. Occasionally, Lamb, 1997). Although clinical features may differ between
A appears to extend from the vessel wall into the surround- families, the neuropathological features are not markedly dif-
ing cerebral tissue; this is referred to as dysphoric angiopathy ferent between familial Alzheimer’s disease (FAD) and early-
(or the drusige Entartung of Scholz). This is commonly seen onset sporadic cases (Davies, 1986). However, prominent
402 Neuropathology of Alzheimer’s disease

central role of APP and A deposition in the pathogenesis of

AD (Goate et al., 1991; Lamb, 1997). Deposition of A
appears to be an early event in both AD and Down’s syn-
drome and precedes the development of plaques, NFTs,
microgliosis and astrocytosis (Rozemuller et al., 1989). The
amyloid deposits characteristic of AD, 42–43 amino acid A
fragments, are the abnormal proteolytic cleavage products of
APP. It is known that A has both toxic (Yanker et al., 1989)
and trophic (Whitson et al., 1989) effects on neurones in cul-
ture, which may relate to plaque and NFT formation.
Metal ions such as aluminium have been implicated
as an environmental toxic agent in the pathogenesis of AD,
since it has toxic effects on neurones in culture and its accu-
Figure 30.13 Lewy bodies (L) and dystrophic neurites (N) in the mulation in renal patients is known to be encephalopathic.
midbrain of a patient who died with familial Alzheimer’s disease Accumulations of aluminosilicates in the central region of the
with the APP717 valine-isoleucine mutation. (-Synuclein core of plaques and within neurones containing NFTs have
immunohistochemistry.) been reported (Candy et al., 1986). Another environmental
factor implicated in A deposition is head trauma. Roberts
et al. (1991) showed that in a series of patients suffering sus-
cerebellar plaques and A deposition have been reported in
tained head injury, there were extensive deposits of A in the
familial cases (Iseki et al., 1990; Struble et al., 1991; Fukutani
neocortex, suggesting that severe head injury can trigger A
et al., 1996, 1997). Computerized methods of image analysis
deposition in a few days. Whether these patients would have
have been used to more accurately define the pathological phe-
gone on to develop AD is unknown.
notype of AD. Using these techniques, differences in A load
Although varying amounts of A with a range of mor-
have been reported. Mann et al. (1996a, b) have shown that both
phologies may be found in cognitively normal elderly
APP and PS mutations lead to measurable increases in A load.
individuals, it is quantitatively much more severe and cyto-
In those cases with an early onset, below 65 years of age,
architectonically defined in AD (Majocha et al., 1988; Cairns
the duration of illness tends to be shorter, and the density of
et al., 1991). The importance of overexpression of APP
NFTs and plaques is often greater, than in sporadic, late-
and its abnormal cleavage product, A, in the pathogenesis of
onset patients. Cortical and brain stem Lewy bodies may
AD has been demonstrated by recent transgenic mouse models
coexist with AD in APP (Lantos et al., 1992) and PS mutation
(Borchelt et al., 1998). Transgenic mice expressing the full
patients (Figure 30.13). It is now known that the Lewy body
length human APP develop A deposits similar in morphology
and dystrophic neurites of Parkinson’s disease and dementia
to those found in AD, but as noted above, differing somewhat
with Lewy bodies contain the protein -synuclein (Spillantini
in their human ‘subtype’ counterparts. These animal models
et al., 1997). Familial and sporadic forms of AD may also be
will be useful for testing anti-amyloid drugs.
found in combination with cerebrovascular disease. Rare
sporadic cases of AD have been found in combination with
other neurodegenerative disorders including Pick’s disease,
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, motor neurone disease and pro- 30.6 NEUROPATHOLOGY AND CLINICAL
gressive supranuclear palsy. FINDINGS

Alzheimer first suggested a correlation between the presence

of NFTs, plaques and dementia in 1906. Roth et al. (1966) and
Wilcock and Esiri (1982) demonstrated that elderly patients’
The aetiology and pathogenesis of AD are not fully under- mental test scores correlated with the neuropathological
stood. Although many risk factors have been proposed, the lesions characteristic of AD. Many other neuropathological
evidence for most of these is weak except for age, family his- and neurochemical changes (Zubenko et al., 1991) have been
tory and ApoE genotype. A genetic contribution to the aeti- associated with AD and the accuracy of clinical diagnosis
ology of AD has received strong support in the last few years ranges from 43 to 87 per cent (Boller et al., 1989; Jellinger
and it is likely that more genes (such as LRP, 2M and IDE) et al., 1990) and, in one sample of 26 cases, 100 per cent
will be associated with the disease. In the more common non- (Morris et al., 1988). Conversely, inaccuracy in the ante-
familial, sporadic cases, and in discordant monozygotic twins, mortem diagnosis of AD is common, and for this reason,
environmental factors may be important in the aetiology. post-mortem examination remains an essential component
The discovery of mutations in the APP and PS genes, all of of AD research. An accurate differential diagnosis is made
which lead to over-production of A or preferential produc- difficult by the problems of distinguishing between mild
tion of a long 42-amino acid form of A, has confirmed the dementia and the cognitive changes of normal ageing (‘mild
Diagnostic problems and criteria 403

cognitive impairment’) – the earliest clinically recognizable extensive in younger patients. There may be subtle differ-
form of AD. ences in the pathology of familial and sporadic cases, and
Although not all studies have produced positive findings, atypical cases exist both in the familial and sporadic forms.
there is general agreement that cases with earlier onset, shorter Second, although there are several histological abnormal-
duration of illness and greater cognitive impairment have ities in AD, only A deposition approaches a level of speci-
more cortical plaques, whereas late-onset cases, which take a ficity, since many of these lesions occur in normal ageing and
milder course, tend to show less cortical change (Bowen et al., in other diseases of the nervous system.
1979; Hansen et al., 1988). High correlations were observed Third, AD may be associated with other diseases, most
between cognitive performance and plaque counts in brain commonly with vascular disease and rarely with other
biopsies from dementing patients examined earlier in the neurodegenerative disorders.
course of illness (Mann et al., 1986, 1988; Neary et al., 1986). For these reasons, it is important to establish a set of
Plaques and NFTs were detected in 38 (75 per cent) of 51 neuropathological or neurochemical criteria. Although sev-
unselected non-demented patients who died between the eral attempts have been made, no universally accepted criteria
ages of 55 and 64 years (Ulrich, 1985). These lesions were exist for the neuropathological diagnosis of AD. A Working
consistently found in the entorhinal cortex, the hippocampus, Party, convened by the Medical Research Council in the
or both, suggesting that this region is a site of origin of the United Kingdom, offered only minimal criteria for sampling
lesions. A morphometric analysis of cerebral slices by de la and examination of AD tissues (Wilcock et al., 1989). An
Monte (1989) showed that patients with ‘preclinical’ AD had attempt has been made to define AD in terms of hippocampal
shrinkage of white matter comparable to that found in AD, pathology. Based on quantitative morphometry, it was sug-
yet the cortical areas were normal, suggesting that white mat- gested that more than 20 tangle-bearing neurones per mm3
ter degeneration is an intrinsic component of AD. In clinical and fewer than 5600 neurones per mm3 should be diagnostic
AD there was global cerebral atrophy of both cortex and (Ball et al., 1985). This threshold, however, has proven too
white matter. Neuronal death in patients with AD is closely low and would include 30 per cent of mentally normal eld-
associated with extensive synapse loss in the neocortex, and erly people (Anderson and Hubbard, 1985). A North American
this has been correlated with cognitive impairment (Terry et al., panel of neuropathologists has recommended age-adjusted
1991). Measures of the morphological substrates of brain plaque and tangle counts. In patients under 50, plaques and
function frequently show an overlap between AD and control tangles in excess of 2–5 per mm2 in the neocortex should
groups (Coleman and Flood, 1987). There does not appear to secure the diagnosis of AD. Between 60 and 65 years, there
be a consistent relationship between the pattern of vascular should be more than 8 plaques per mm2, between 66 and 75
amyloid and the distribution of plaques. Neither is there a years more than 10 and over the age of 75, more than 15. In
correlation between vascular amyloid and dementia (Mountjoy the first two age groups, some neurofibrillary tangles may be
et al., 1982). More recent studies have confirmed that the A found, but in the last group these may not be necessary for
amyloid per se is probably not the best indicator of severity of diagnosis (Khachaturian, 1985). The value of these criteria
disease – rather, the soluble A, which are a prelude to plaque has, however, been diminished by the statement that these
formation, show a closer correlation with the degree of figures can be revised downwards by as much as 50 per cent
neurodegeneration (McLean et al., 1999). in the presence of positive clinical history of AD.
A survey of the practical application of these criteria has
revealed considerable variations in the use of criteria and the
30.7 DIAGNOSTIC PROBLEMS AND CRITERIA methods of examination (Wisniewski et al., 1989). A European
Multicentre Study found that subjective assessment currently
Despite the fact that the neurohistological abnormalities of was more reliable to compare cases from different laborato-
AD have been established, the neuropathological diagnosis is ries, since quantitative values are greatly influenced by the
not always straightforward (Cruz-Sanchez et al., 1995). neurohistological technique employed (Duyckaerts et al.,
There are several reasons to explain this problem. 1990).
First, the histopathology of AD is complex and the various The most widely used protocol for neuropathological
abnormalities, previously described, when severe and exten- assessment is that developed by the Task Force of the
sive enable a diagnosis to be made. However, there are con- Consortium to Establish a Registry for AD (CERAD). This
siderable differences from case to case, and this histological takes clinical findings into consideration, and neuropatho-
heterogeneity of disease presents the most formidable diffi- logical criteria for ‘definite’, ‘probable’ and ‘possible’ AD are
culties for the neuropathologist. The severity and distribu- proposed (Mirra et al., 1991). This system is based on a semi-
tion of any of the histological lesions may vary considerably quantitative assessment of plaque scores. The presence or
and are influenced by the age and genetic background of the absence of tangles does not enter into the formal assessment.
patient, amongst other factors. Quantitative morphometry The more recent National Institute on Aging and Reagan
and neurochemistry have supported the view that AD is not Institute (NIA-RI) criteria require both semiquantitative
a uniformly diffuse disorder: morphological abnormalities measures of plaque and tangle distribution and additional
and neurochemical deficits tend to be more severe and more sampling (Geddes et al., 1997; Hyman and Trojanowski,
404 Neuropathology of Alzheimer’s disease

1997). A change from previous criteria is the opinion that Boller F, Lopez OL, Moossy J. (1989) Diagnosis of dementia:
any Alzheimer lesions should be considered as pathological clinicopathologic correlations. Neurology 39: 76–79
even when they appear to be incidental. By acknowledging Bondareff E, Wischik CM, Novak M et al. (1990) Molecular analysis of
that a spectrum of changes exists within AD, these criteria neurofibrillary degeneration in Alzheimer’s disease. American Journal
of Pathology 137: 711–723
may prove more successful than previous ones (Geddes et al.,
Bondareff W, Wischik CM, Novak M, Roth M. (1991) Sequestration of
1997; Hyman and Trojanowski, 1997). tau by granulovacuolar degeneration in Alzheimer’s disease.
In the final analysis, it is likely that a combination of mor- American Journal of Pathology 139: 641–647
phologic and biochemical assays will yield a set of criteria Borchelt DR, Woing PC, Sisodia SS, Price DL. (1998) Transgenic mouse
through which a secure diagnosis of AD will be made. models of Alzheimer’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
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levels of A (soluble, insoluble), tau and -secretase (BACE) Bowen DM, Spillane JA, Curzon G et al. (1979) Accelerated ageing or
may provide a more practical method for the diagnosis and selective neuronal loss as an important cause of dementia? Lancet
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Role of tau protein in neurodegenerative


31.1 Tau protein: structure and biological role 408 31.4 Tau protein as a cerebrospinal fluid marker for dementia 417
31.2 Tau aggregation and formation of filamentous structures 31.5 Therapy for taupathies 421
in taupathies 410 31.6 Conclusions 422
31.3 Tau protein: pathological and biochemical changes in References 422
neurodegeneration 416

Neurodegenerative dementias are characterized by an insidi- genetic characteristics of taupathies, tau protein diagnostic
ous onset of memory and personality changes that follow a advances and therapeutic developments for prevention of
progressive course over at least a 6-month period in the tau aggregation.
absence of acute medical, psychiatric and/or neurological
diseases. Numerous factors may increase the risk for their
development: advanced age, genetic predisposition, gender, 31.1 TAU PROTEIN: STRUCTURE AND
low educational level, various environmental factors (e.g. BIOLOGICAL ROLE
head injury, exposure to aluminium, pesticides, electro-
magnetic field) and altered autoimmune mechanism. A
Tau protein is a family of hydrophilic, heat-stable and soluble
consistent feature of the neurodegenerative process, highly
microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). Its major functions
correlated with the extent of cognitive impairment, is the
include stabilization of microtubules (MTs), stimulation of
presence of neurofibrillary pathology (neurofibrillary tangles
MT polymerization, and suppression of MT dynamics and,
(NFTs), dystrophic neurites and neuritic plaques; see Plate 8).
together with MAP1B, tau may regulate axonal elongation and
Immunohistochemical studies have identified a number
neuronal migration. Tau protein is predominantly expressed
of proteins that are present within neurofibrillary pathology.
within neurones and axons of the central and peripheral nerv-
Neurofilament proteins, actin, ubiquitin, vimentin, amyloid
ous system, and, albeit at low level, is also found in astrocytes,
protein (A), microtubule associated protein 2 and tau pro-
oligodendrocytes and neuronal nuclei. Its mRNA is also present
tein have been found within NFTs (Plate 8). The term ‘tau-
in non-neuronal tissue, including heart, kidney, liver, mus-
pathies’ has now been introduced to refer to a rather
cles, pancreas, testis and fibroblasts. In progressive supra-
heterogeneous group of neurodegenerative disorders attrib-
nuclear palsy (PSP), frontotemporal dementia (FTD), severe
utable to characteristic filamentous tau deposits and/or altered
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), animal models of taupathies and
tau processing (Box 31.1).
ganglion cell tumours, tau protein is also overtly expressed
The discovery of numerous tau protein mutations in
in glial cells, in particular oligodendrocytes.
frontotemporal lobe dementia and parkinsonism linked to
The human gene encoding tau protein (MAPT) is located on
chromosome 17 (FTDP-17) provides further proof of the
chromosome 17 (17q21) and consists of 16 exons. Alternative
central role of tau abnormalities in the aetiology of neuro-
RNA splicing of exons 2, 3 and 10 in the adult human brain
degenerative disorders and its importance for the dementia
results in six different tau isoforms (see Plate 9). These contain:
syndrome. This chapter will address the normal function of
tau protein, mechanisms of its aggregation into intracellular • an acidic N-terminal domain (containing zero, 0N; one,
filamentous structures found in taupathies, biochemical and 1N; or two, 2N; 29 amino acid N-terminal inserts, due
Tau protein: structure and biological role 409

These isoforms consist of 352–441 amino acids, with an

Box 31.1 Taupathies: conditions with presence of
apparent molecular weight ranging from 45 to 65 kDa.
neurofibrillary pathology and/or altered processing of tau
Exons 4A, 6 and 8 are not characteristic for the human
brain mRNA: human mRNA containing either exon 6 or 8
• Ageing has not been described, whereas mRNA containing exon 4A
• Argyrophilic grain dementia (diffuse and limbic forms)* is found only in the larger human, rodent and bovine periph-
• Alzheimer’s disease eral isoform of tau protein. This higher molecular weight tau
• Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/parkinsonism-dementia protein (‘big tau’) is expressed as a result of alternative spli-
complex of Guam cing and inclusion of the large exon 4A in the N-terminal por-
• Corticobasal degeneration* tion of the tau protein molecule, with an extra 254 amino
• Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease acid insert (Goedert et al. 1992). In the adult rat brain, almost
• Dementia pugilistica all neurones extending processes into the peripheral neur-
• Dementia with motor neurone disease-type onal system express ‘big tau’, except for the bipolar neurones of
inclusions* the olfactory, vestibular and spiral ganglia. Retinal ganglion
• Diffuse neurofibrillary tangles with calcification cells are the only central nervous system (CNS) neurones whose
• Down’s syndrome processes remain entirely within the CNS, which express
• Frontal leukoencephalopathy with white matter glial high levels of ‘big tau’.
tau deposits The expression of the different tau isoforms is developmen-
• Frontotemporal lobe degeneration:* tally regulated. In the embryonic brain, only the shortest of the
– frontotemporal lobe dementia with parkinsonism six isoforms (0N3R) is expressed. In the adult human brain, all
linked to chromosome 17 (including familial multiple six isoforms are present and the 4R isoforms are predominant
system taupathy with presenile dementia, in the adult human and rodent brain. However, even in adult-
palidopontonigral degeneration, progressive hood, not all six tau isoforms are present in all neuronal cell
subcortical gliosis) lines. Thus, tau mRNAs containing exon 10 are not found in
– frontotemporal lobe dementia linked to chromosome 3 the granular cells of the dentate gyrus (Goedert et al., 1989).
– Pick’s disease
• Gerstmann–Straussler–Scheinker syndrome
• Hallervorden–Sptaz disease 31.1.1 Role of tau protein in MT assembly and
• Head trauma tubulin polymerization
• Hippocampal sclerosis dementia with taupathy
• Lewy body variant of Alzheimer’s disease Tau, MAP1 and MAP2 proteins regulate the assembly of
• Multiple system atrophy microtubules. Tau protein binds to spectrin and actin fila-
• Myotonic dystrophy ments, and can serve as a linker of MTs to other cytoskeletal
• Niemann–Pick disease components such as neurofilaments. It can also interact with
• Postencephalitic parkinsonism various cytoplasmic organelles, including plasma membrane
• Primary progressive aphasia* and mitochondria.
• Prion protein cerebral amyloid angiopathy Tau protein binds to the - and -tubulin subunits via
• Progressive supranuclear palsy* 3- or 4- repeat domains, promoting the formation of micro-
• Recessive taupathy with acute respiratory failure tubules (see Plate 10). The 4R tau binds to the MT 艐3-fold
• Sporadic or familial ‘tau-less’ taupathy (dementia lacking more strongly than 3R tau, and confers the ability to assemble
distinctive histopathology [DLDH])* MT more effectively than 3R tau. Two isoforms of five tan-
• Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis dem repeat tau protein have been described in chicken brain,
• Tangle-predominant Alzheimer’s disease and they have the greatest ability to promote MT assembly
(Yoshida and Goedert, 2002).
* Pick’s complex denoting overlap between 3R and 4R, and tau-less
taupathies. (Modified according to Kertesz, 2003.) The most potent MT-binding site to induce MT polymer-
ization is the region between MT tandem repeats 1 and 2 cor-
responding to 274–281 amino acids. This region is unique to
the 4R tau, and contributes to the 40-fold tubulin binding dif-
to alternative splicing of exons 2 and 3) that interacts ference between 3R and 4R tau alone. The MT-binding region
with plasma membrane and associates with phospholi- of tau protein also binds to both RNA and residues 250–298 of
pase C-; presenilin 1 (PS1). This region of PS1 is also involved in the
• a proline-rich middle domain; and binding of GSK3. Since the MT-binding region can also
• a C-terminal domain (encoded by exons 9–12) inhibit protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) activity by competing
containing three or four tandem repeats (3R and 4R, for binding tau protein at the MT-binding domains, this region
respectively, formed by alternative splicing of exon 10: may be involved in regulating the extent of post-translational
referred to as the ‘microtubule-binding domain’). modification of the tau protein (e.g. phosphorylation).
410 Role of tau protein in neurodegenerative dementias

31.2 TAU AGGREGATION AND FORMATION OF 31.2.1 Proteolytic processing of tau protein
TAUPATHIES Peptides containing little more than the MT-binding region
of the tau protein molecule are capable of polyamine-induced
self-assembly in vitro. Furthermore, NFTs in neurodegenerative
Intracellular filamentous structures present in various tau-
disorders contain N- and/or C-terminally truncated tau pro-
pathies are polymers of the repeat region of tau protein:
tein. Although the C-terminal end of the tau protein molecule
• paired helical filaments (PHFs), ultrastructural inhibits polymerization in vitro, this inhibitory effect is elim-
components of NFTs, dystrophic neurites and neuritic inated following activation of various caspases, and only then
plaques consist of double helical stack filaments, with a can the self-assembly of tau protein occur.
longitudinal spacing between crossovers of 65 and 80 nm Aggregation of tau protein requiring only the C-terminal
and a width between 10–15 nm and 27–34 nm; truncation downstream of the MT-binding region of the
• straight filaments (SFs), measuring 10–15 nm in protein molecule has been pursued in this model, based upon
width; and the molecular findings that tau protein extracted from PHFs is
• twisted-ribbon-like filaments with an irregular truncated at the C-terminal end (Glu391; Wischik et al. 1988)
periodicity of 90–130 nm (found in some familial (Plate 10). Monoclonal antibodies raised against this site
dementias, e.g. familial progressive subcortical gliosis, immunolabel PHFs that are stripped of their ‘fuzzy coat’ (the
cortical basal degeneration [CBD], familial multiple N- and the C-terminal portion of the tau protein molecule).
system taupathy). The remaining MT-binding region in this model is con-
sidered sufficient to promote self-assembly with other tau MT
Although full-length recombinant tau protein does not
domains, based on its self-propagating properties. Namely,
aggregate in physiological conditions, at high concentrations
the truncated tau aggregate generated after the first binding
and/or low pH, it can aggregate with the MT-binding frag-
(or ‘digestion’ cycle) is able to bind full-length tau protein,
ment. Similarly, tau protein can form oligomers upon bind-
even with increased affinity. This self-propagation cycle has
ing to MTs in vitro. The hexapeptide interaction motif at the
been demonstrated in vitro using tau bound to a solid phase
C-terminal end of the tau protein molecule (306VQIVYK311)
(Wischik and Harrington, 2000). Anionic surfaces presented
within the R3 MT domain (encoded by exon 11) and its
as micelles or vesicles may well serve to nucleate this type of
related hexapeptide (275VQIINK280) within the R2 (encoded
tau fibrillization. In this model, phosphorylation of tau pro-
by exon 10) are able to assemble into thin filaments without
tein does not enhance tau-tau binding but rather inhibits
a helical appearance, and these filaments can nucleate PHFs
binding by 24–50-fold.
from full-length tau. Furthermore, point mutations within this
C-terminal caspase cleavage of the tau protein at Asp421
hexapeptide prevent tau aggregation (von Bergen et al., 2001).
has 67 per cent more and 10-fold faster polymerization than
The repeat region of the tau protein alone can assemble into
the full-length tau protein. Furthermore, caspase cleavage and
filaments by forming a  sheet structure. This finding has
truncation at Asp421 is also observed in A-treated neurones.
been confirmed for both native filaments and filaments
assembled in vitro from expressed wild and mutant tau pro- This may provide a link between amyloid deposition and the
teins. Similarly, fibrillization of recombinant tau can be neurofibrillary changes in AD.
induced by treatment with various agents, including phospho-
transferases, polyanionic compounds and fatty acids. However,
31.2.2 Post-translational modification of tau
under similar conditions other proteins also tend to show
protein: role of phosphorylation
PHF-like assemblies in vitro, e.g. the C-terminal end of amy-
loid protein precursor (APP) and 1-antichymotrypsin.
Post-translational modifications are important for the physi-
The N-terminal tau domain is not able to form filaments,
ological activity of tau protein, and contribute to pathologic-
and it appears to have an inhibitory effect on the formation
al assembly of the protein into intraneuronal or glial tau
of tau aggregates. This is further confirmed by the fact that
pathology. Such modifications include phosphorylation, gly-
‘big’ tau, the isoform found in the peripheral nervous system
cosylation, acetylation and nitration. Nitrated tau aggregates
containing the longest N-terminal domain, does not form fila-
are present in various taupathies, including AD, Down’s syn-
mentous aggregates.
drome (DS), CBD, PSP, Pick’s disease and FTDP-17. The extent
Several putative mechanisms for the formation of intra-
of O-glycosylation is equal to the extent of serine/threonine
cellular filaments, including PHFs and SFs, have been suggested:
(Ser/Thr) phosphorylation of the tau protein molecule, sug-
• proteolytic processing of tau protein; gesting a role both in modulating tau protein function and
• mechanisms that detach or decrease the association of the formation of PHFs.
tau protein from the MT-binding site; Of 79 putative tau phosphorylation sites, at least 30 have
• mutations in the MAPT gene; and been identified. These residues are predominantly outside the
• enhancement of tau aggregation by the presence of other MT-binding region with the exception of six phosphorylation
proteins. sites located in R1-R4: Ser262(R1), Ser285(R1-R2 interrepeat),
Tau aggregation and formation of filamentous structures in taupathies 411

Table 31.1 Phosphorylated and proteolytic sites of the tau protein

Box 31.2 Protein kinases, phosphatases and modulators of tau
in fetal and adult human brain and various proposed stages of tangle
phosphorylation involved in regulating (de)phosphorylation of
development. (According to Wischik et al., 1988; Jicha et al., 1997;
the tau protein molecule in normal ageing and dementia
Brion et al., 1999; Buée, 2000; Augustinack et al., 2002; Lauckner
et al., 2003) Proline-directed kinases (Ser-Pro and Thr-Pro sites)
Phosphorylation and truncation • Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3)
Tangle stages sites of tau protein • Cyclin-dependent kinase-5 (cdk5)
• Protein kinase A (PKA)
Fetal and adult pSer199, pSer202, pThr205, pThr231, • Mitogen-activated kinases
human brain pSer262, pSer396, pSer404
• Microtubule-affinity-regulating kinases (MARK)
Pre-tangles pThr153, pSer199/pS202/pThr205, pThr231,
pSer262, pSer396, pSer404, pSer409, pSer422 Tyrosine-directed kinases
Intracellular NFTs pSer46, pThr175/pThr181, pSer199, • Tyrosine kinase fyn
pSer202, pSer214, pSer262/pSer356, • MAP kinases (stress-activated kinases)
pS396/pSer404, pSer422 • Phospho-JNK (c-jun NH2-terminal kinase)
Extracellular NFTs pSer199/pSer202/pThr205, pThr212/pSer214, • p38
pSer396/pSer404, Glu391 truncation • Extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 (ERK-1)
Glial/astrocytic tau pSer199/pSer202/pThr205, pSer262/pSer356, • ERK-2
filaments and NFTs pSer396/pSer404
Protein phosphatases (Ser/Thr sites)
Glu, glutamine; NFTs, neurofibrillary tangles; Ser, serine; • Protein phosphatase 1 (PP1)
Thr, threonine
• PP2A
• PP2B
Ser305(R2-R3 interrepeat), Ser324(R3) and Ser352 and • PP2C
Ser356(R4). The extent of phosphorylation of tau protein is
Modulators of tau phosphorylation
inversely associated with attachment to the MT network,
especially when phosphorylated at sites Ser214 and Ser262. •Pin1 (prolyl isomerase binding to Thr231 and
isomerizing Pro232)
Phosphorylation outside the MT-binding region also influ-
ences MT assembly, reducing the tau-tubulin binding affinity •Cholesterol
(Plate 10).
Although tau protein hyperphosphorylation is considered
to facilitate and induce self-assembly of each of the six tau Numerous protein kinases are involved in both the physio-
isoforms into PHFs and SFs (see Plate 11), the same sites of logical and pathological phosphorylation of tau protein.
tau phosphorylation are also present in fetal and native adult Thus, GSK3 is involved in developmental Wnt signalling
human tau protein (Table 31.1). Thus, phosphorylated Ser199 (important for proper axis formation during embryonic
(pSer199) is expressed in the hippocampus in childhood, in development), and it also phosphorylates tau at the same sites
neurones vulnerable to neurodegeneration in young adults, that are phosphorylated in AD. Similarly, exposure of cortical
in early and late stages of AD, and in other neurodegenerative and primary neuronal cultures to amyloid protein induces
disorders with neurofibrillary pathology. Similarly, other tau GSK3 activity (Takashima et al., 1998). This activity is also
phosphorylated sites (pSer202, pThr205, pSer262: pSer396, regulated by other protein kinases, e.g. protein kinase B (PKB)
and pSer404) are found in fetal, adult human and AD brain that inactivates GSK3. The increase in PKB levels corre-
tissue. In addition to pSer199 and pSer202, diffuse intra- sponds with an increase in total tau protein levels.
neuronal accumulation of pSer409 and pSer422 is present in Different protein kinases phosphorylate tau protein at dif-
the so-called ‘pretangle’ stage of tau aggregates (Table 31.1; ferent sites (Table 31.2), and can influence tau-MT-binding.
Plate 11). pSer262 is the only site in the first repeat of tau that MAPK and GSK proline-directed kinases phosphorylate
is phosphorylated. pSer262 neither alters the binding affinity most Ser-Pro and Thr-Pro motifs in the regions flanking
of tau to MT nor abolishes the MT-binding, regardless of the the MT repeat domain of tau protein, and these phosphory-
phosphorylation state of flanking domains. lated sites have little effect on tau-MT interactions. In con-
trast, MARK and PKA phosphorylate several sites within the
MT-binding repeats including Ser262, Ser324 and Ser356. PROTEIN KINASES AND PHOSPHATASE
These sites, along with pSer214 (phosphorylated by PKA
only), strongly decrease affinity of tau for MTs and inhibit
Up-regulation of protein kinases and down-regulation of filament formation. Similarly, Rho kinase tau phosphorylation
phosphatase inhibitor activities are both implicated in leads to decreased activity of tau in promoting MT assembly.
the abnormal phosphorylation of the tau protein molecule Intraneuronal cdc2 accumulation appears to progress the
in neurodegenerative disorders (Box 31.2). deposition of pSer202/pThr205 tau sites and suggests that cdc2
412 Role of tau protein in neurodegenerative dementias

Table 31.2 Implication of protein kinases and phosphatase inhibitors in phosphorylation of the tau protein molecule. MAPK family includes
SAPK/JNK-P, p38-P, MAPK/ERK-P. MAPK family and GSK3 are present in neuronal populations and also in some astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.
In addition to these kinases, Rho kinase phosphorylates tau at Thr245, Thr377, Ser409 and also phosphorylates Ser262 to some extent, and leads
to decreased activity of tau to promote MT assembly (Amano et al., 2003). PKA and GSK3 also phosphorylate additional sites (Adapted from
Tseng et al., 1999, Bennecib et al., 2000; Tomizawa et al., 2001; Ferrer et al., 2002, 2003; Rank et al., 2002).

Protein kinases/phosphatase
inhibitors Thr181 Ser202 Thr205 Ser208/210 Ser214 Thr231 Ser235 Ser262 Ser396/404 Ser422
MAPK √ √ √ √ √
PKA √ √ √
GSK-3 √ √ √ √ √ √
Cdc2 √ √ √ √
Cdk5 √
↓PP1 √* √** √*
↓PP2A √ √** √ √

* PP1 up-regulates the phosphorylation at these sites indirectly by regulating the activities of GSK3, cdk5 and cdc2
** Decreased activity of PP2A and PP1 promotes CaMKII activity and leads to phosphorylation of this site and Ser356
TTK, tau-tubulin kinase; TPK, tau-protein kinase

is involved in the abnormal phosphorylation of tau and conse- the H2 haplotype is associated with FTD with fluent, anomic
quent aggregation into PHFs at an early stage (Pei et al., 2002). aphasia. The tau gene haplotypes have a synergistic effect on
Various protein kinases are differentially expressed in tau apolipoprotein E (ApoE) 2 and 4 alleles, and can signifi-
deposits in neurones and glial cells in the taupathies (Ferrer cantly increase the risk for AD and FTD (Short et al., 2002).
et al., 2001). Thus, MAPK/ERK-P has been detected in a subset Although the over-representation of H1 haplotype seems to
of neurones and glial cells bearing phosphorylated tau deposits, be characteristic for the 4R taupathies, this is not the case for
but rarely in NFTs; p38-P immunoreactivity in a majority of argyrophilic grain disease (AGD).
tangle-bearing neurones (in AD, PSP and CBD), pretangle The discovery of mutations in the MAPT gene in fronto-
neurones, astrocytes and coiled bodies (in PSP and CBD), temporal lobe dementia linked to chromosome 17 consoli-
neuritic plaque corona in AD, Pick’s bodies in Pick’s disease; dated the evidence about the importance of tau protein
SAPK/JNK-P immunoreactivity in neurones and in glial cells pathology alone in generating a dementia syndrome. To date,
that accumulate tau aggregates in AD, Pick’s disease, PSP and various missense, deletion, silent and intronic mutations in
CBD; CaM kinase II is selective for neurones but not glial cells. the MAPT gene have been identified in both familial and
Protein phosphatases rapidly dephosphorylate tau pro- sporadic forms of dementia. The mutations are localized in
tein (Box 31.2). Their activity is developmentally regulated exons 1, 9–13 and in introns 9–11 (Table 31.3). Overall, the
and counterbalances the action of protein kinases. Reduction frequency of tau mutations in non-AD taupathies is rela-
of protein phosphatase activities is linked to the formation tively low (on average 6 per cent), and is increased in familial
of PHF-tau. Phosphatases are associated directly (PP2A) or forms of taupathies (11–33 per cent; Poorkaj et al., 2001).
indirectly (e.g. PP1 via tau protein) with microtubules. In
neurodegenerative disorders, particularly AD, the levels of EFFECT OF TAU MUTATIONS ON
expression of protein phosphatase mRNA and activity of the TAU-MICROTUBULE BINDING
enzymes are substantially depleted in brain areas harbouring It has been suggested that altered tau properties owing to muta-
the highest density of tau pathology. tions can lead to an increase in unbound MT mutant tau
isoforms in the neuronal cytoplasm, and increase the ability of
31.2.3 Mutations in the MAPT gene tau to self-aggregate into filament structures. Indeed, the
majority of missense mutations impair the ability of tau pro-
Alterations in tau genotype have been extensively investi- tein to bind and polymerize microtubules, irrespective of post-
gated with respect to their contribution to the development translational modifications. However, a non-significant impact
of neurodegenerative dementias. The extended tau haplo- of tau missense mutations upon tau–microtubule interactions
types H1 and H2 (referring to contiguous polymorphisms in has also been reported. These inconsistent findings may reflect
exons 1, 7 and 13 and in intron 9), covering the entire human differences in various tau mutations with respect to their
tau gene, are associated with various neurodegenerative ability to bind to microtubules, promote MT assembly and
disorders. Thus H1 haplotype is overrepresented in PSP, bundle MTs. Thus, some mutations (e.g. G272V or P301L) have
FTDP-17 and, more inconsistently, in CBD, Parkinson’s disease more subtle effects on MTs in comparison to V337M or R406W,
and AD, but not in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In contrast, especially since the former two mutations are present in 3R but
Tau aggregation and formation of filamentous structures in taupathies 413

Table 31.3 Tau protein mutations, clinical phenotypes and their effect upon tau protein properties

Mutations Clinical phenotypes Tau properties

Exon 1: R5H; R5L PSP Decreased tau binding to MT
FTDP-17 Increased tau fibrillation
Neuronal and glial inclusions
Intron4: E439 PSP Not described
Exon9: K257T; I260V; L266V; G272V Pick’s disease Decrease in MT assembly
Pick-like disease Tau positive Pick’s body-like inclusions.
FTDP-17 Filaments contain 3R and 4R tau (predominantly 3R)
Intron 9: E933 Familial FTD Not described
Altered alternative splicing of tau protein
Exon 10: N279K; K280; L284L; N296H; PPND Decreased tau ability to bind to MT
N296N; N296; P301L; P301S; S305N; S305S PSP Inclusions consisting of twisted ribbons of 4R tau
FTDP-17 isoforms in neurons and glia
Intron 10: E103; E1011; E1012; FTDP-17 Increase in exon 10 inclusions, except for E1019 and
E1013; E1014; E1016; E1019; PSP E1029, where there is decrease
E1029; E1033 CBD
Familial MSA
Familial PSG
Exon 11: L315R; S320Y; S320F Pick’s disease Decrease in MT assembly
Pick’s body inclusions
Filaments contain 3R and 4R (absence of 0N3R isoform)
Intron 11: E1134 AD Not described
Exon12: V337M; E342V; S352L*; K369I FTDP-17 Decrease in MT assembly
Pick’s disease Neuronal pathology identical to AD or similar to PD
Decreased phosphorylation of tau protein
Accelerated filament formation
4R tau isoforms (with exception of V337M and K369I
mutations that have 3R filaments)
Exon13: G389R; R406W Pick’s disease Decrease in MT assembly
PSP Pick-body like inclusions
Straight and twisted filaments
R406W alters tau susceptibility for phosphorylation
3R and 4R tau

*Recessive taupathy with acute respiratory failure

PPND, palidopontonigral degeneration; PSG, progressive subcortical gliosis

not in 4R tau, suggesting that the effect of tau mutations on diversity of three tau mutations in the same codon (N296)
microtubules is site- and isoform-dependent. In addition, in exon 10 of the MAPT gene. Two mutations, N296N and
mutations affecting the alternative splicing of exon 10 (N279K, N296H are associated with similar autosomal dominant
delK280, L284L, N296N, S305S, S305N and intronic mutations FTDP-17-like phenotypes with age of onset in the mid-50s.
proximal to the 5-splice site of exon 10) alter the ratio of tau In contrast, the third mutation (delN296) gives rise to atypical
mRNA with or without exon 10 (E10/E10 ). All but one PSP in individuals homozygous for the mutation, whereas in
of these splicing mutations (delK280) and two tau mutations heterozygotic individuals the phenotype is similar to idio-
in the intronic sequence following the stem loop structure in pathic Parkinson’s disease. The N296N mutation increases
exon 10 (E1019 and E1029) cause an increase in the pro- the inclusion of exon 10 in tau mRNA and therefore increases
portion of 4R tau, and reduce the level of 3R isoforms. These the ratio of 4R/3R tau protein. The N296H mutation, how-
three mutations result in an increase in 3R tau, decrease in 4R ever, causes increased splicing out of exon 10: reduces the
and decrease in MT assembly. ability of tau to promote tubulin polymerization and increases
The diverse effects of tau mutations may account for the tau aggregation (Grover et al., 2002).
different clinical and pathological phenotypes in the various delN296 has no or very little effect on splicing, but since
taupathies, especially the heterogeneous FTDP-17 disorders. asparagine at position 296 is key to disruption of the
In support of this is the example of clinical and biochemical MT-binding region, delN296 causes a large reduction in the
414 Role of tau protein in neurodegenerative dementias

ability of tau to promote MT assembly (delN296N296H). Its 31.2.4 Facilitation of tau aggregation in the
effect on tau filament formation appears to be inconsistent, presence of other proteins
with both increased (delN296N296H) and no effect reported
on the self-aggregation of tau into filaments. Tau aggregation can be facilitated by co-incubation of the
Some of the mutations in exons 9 and 12 (e.g. K257T, tau protein with other proteins. Thus, co-incubation with
G272V, V337M and K369I) also stimulate the heparin-induced sulphated glycosaminoglycans in close to physiological con-
assembly of filaments in vitro. Two mutations within exon 10, ditions will result in tau assembly only when tau protein
P301L and P301S cause the same effect. These two mutations is present at 40–100 times higher than physiological concen-
lead to neuronal and glial pathology with narrow, twisted and trations. Similarly, thrombin induces rapid tau protein
ribbon-like filaments composed of 4R tau, similar to those hyperphosphorylation, and this is related to p44/42 mitogen
found in PSP (Spillantini et al., 1998). Transgenic mice express- activated protein kinase activation.
ing tau containing the G272V mutation develop oligoden-
droglial fibrillary lesions consisting of both straight and twisted HEPARIN AND TAU AGGREGATION
filaments, associated with phosphorylation of tau protein at
Ser202/Thr205 sites (Götz et al., 2001a). Ultrastructural dif- A short segment of tau located in the third MT-binding
ferences in the spacing of microtubules have been reported for domain (residues 317–335) is probably the minimal segment
the mutation V337M in exon 12 using transfected cells and of that region able to grow into filaments in vitro in the pres-
transgenic mice. In the latter, tau aggregates form in the hippo- ence of heparin. The 1/2R peptides corresponding to either
campus, and MT are lost in degenerating neurones. N- or C-terminal halves of this segment are unable to form
Correlations between genotype and phenotype have now filaments. The C-terminal domain contains a sequence span-
been described for FDTP-17. Mutations within exon 10 and ning from residues 391–407 that grows into filaments in
the intron following exon 10 result in filamentous neuronal vitro, irrespective of whether it is incubated with heparin
and glial tau pathology. In exon 10 mutations, the tau fila- (Pérez et al., 2001).
ments are narrow twisted ribbons consisting predominantly
of 4R tau isoforms, whereas in the case of intronic mutations, A␤ AND TAU AGGREGATION
the filaments are wide twisted ribbons, formed exclusively from
4R tau isoforms. Missense mutations outside exon 10 lead to Positive correlation between amyloid deposits and tangles
predominantly neuronal pathology with PHFs and SFs con- has been demonstrated in various neuropathological studies
sisting of all six tau isoforms (Spillantini et al., 1997). for both AD and DS, although the sites of initiation of these
two distinct neuropathological features are different (Braak
and Braak, 1991). However, some of the taupathies (including TAU MUTATIONS AND TAU PROTEIN
CBD, PSP, senile dementia with tangles, FTDP-17) do not
exhibit amyloid pathology.
Mutations in tau protein also affect its phosphorylation. Transgenic animals with amyloid protein precursor (APP)
Thus, decreased phosphorylation is found at Ser202/Thr205 and presenilin proteins 1 and 2 (PS1 and PS2) carrying patho-
and Ser396/Ser404 sites in neuroblastoma cell lines trans- genic mutations have been used to address the relationship
fected with 0N4R tau isoforms carrying the missense muta- between altered amyloid protein processing and tau aggregates.
tions P301L,V337M and R406W. The integrity of microtubules Thus, Tg2576 mice (with APP695 K595N/M596L mutation),
is not affected, but intracellular tau protein levels are increased as well as having a substantial degree of brain amyloid depos-
with all mutations. Additional studies on in vitro phosphory- ition, have phosphorylated tau protein within some dystrophic
lation of wild type 2N4R tau and mutant forms (P301L,V337M neurites of senile plaques. The major kinase for tau phosphory-
and R406W) by GSK3 found alteration in the extent of lation is GSK3, although a smaller contribution from GSK3,
phosphorylation in P301L or V377M tau in comparison to cdk5 and MAPK has also been noted. This suggests that brain
R406W tau. The latter mutation decreases phosphorylation amyloidosis has a potential role in inducing taupathy. However,
at various tau sites. These phosphorylation sites are similar to such findings are not consistent. Although elderly transgenic
those in V337M mutation, except for the Ser396/Ser404 site mice with the London mutation (APP V717F) exhibit
which is increased in the latter mutation. amyloid plaques and develop hyperphosphorylated tau
These in vitro results differ from the tau phosphorylation restricted to dystrophic neurites only, they do not develop fil-
status in brain tissue from some FTDP-17 individuals. Thus, amentous PHF structures. Similar findings have been reported
the Sarcosyl-insoluble fraction of R406W tau extracted from for other APP transgenic models, including the Swedish muta-
brain tissue of a FTDP-17 case is highly phosphorylated in tion alone (codon 670/671), APP V717I mutation or the two
contrast to the soluble R406W tau that is less phosphorylated combined. This indicates that transgenic APP models alone,
than wild-type tau. On the other hand, P301L and P301S despite the over expression of APP by 7-fold, are only able to
transgenic mice brains exhibit a higher degree of tau phos- recapitulate the early cytoskeletal changes present in preclini-
phorylation at numerous sites in Sarcosyl and acid-extractable cal AD. Furthermore, not all APP mutations have an effect on
fractions and filaments (Götz et al., 2001b). the phosphorylation state of tau. Thus, the AD-causative V642I
Tau aggregation and formation of filamentous structures in taupathies 415

mutation of APP results in the secretion of A42, in the pres- both human tau and PS1 M146L mutation also produce an
ence of unaltered levels of phosphorylated tau protein. increase in tau phosphorylation similar to that which occurs
The characteristic AD phenotype (plaques and tangles) in transgenic mice carrying human tau, suggesting that the
develops only in transgenic animals that express both APP presenilin mutations alone may not be sufficient to induce
and tau proteins mutations. Thus, in Lewis et al. (2001) animal neurofibrillary pathology. Similarly, I143T and G384A PS1
model, crossbreeding Tg2576 transgenic mice (which usually mutations in vitro do not increase tau phosphorylation.
develop amyloid deposits by 9–12 months of age) with hemi-
zygous JNPL3 mice (over expressing P301L tau mutation and ␣-SYNUCLEIN AND TAU AGGREGATION
developing tangle formation by 6 months of age) results in
The C-terminal end of -synuclein can bind to the MT-bind-
the development of amyloid and tau protein deposits. Like-
ing region of the tau protein, and can stimulate the protein
wise, when A42 fibrils are injected in the somatosensory
kinase A-catalysed phosphorylation of tau protein at Ser262
cortex and hippocampus in mice expressing tau carrying the
and Ser356 residues. Furthermore, high concentrations of
P301L mutation, there is a 5-fold increase in neurofibrillary
tubulin inhibit the tau--synuclein binding. These findings
changes in neurones which project into injection sites, and
suggest that -synuclein modulates tau phosphorylation and
an increase in the level of phosphorylated tau (Götz et al.,
indirectly affects the stability of axonal MTs.
2001c). Increased phosphorylation of tau protein also occurs
in rat brain after injection with A25–35. APOLIPOPROTEIN E AND TAU AGGREGATION
Tissue culture studies provide further evidence of a link
between the processing of APP and tau protein. Thus cul- ApoE plays a role in lipid metabolism and in humans is
tured hippocampal neurones from wild-type and human tau represented by three isoforms (ApoE2, ApoE3 and ApoE4,
transgenic mice treated with fibrillar A degenerate, in con- corresponding to three alleles, 2, 3 and 4, respectively).
trast to tau knockout neurones. The A1–42 promotes aggre- Although ApoE is a glial protein, it is also found in a small
gation of tau protein in vitro in a dose-dependent manner. number of cortical neurones, restricted to cell body and
This A mediated aggregated tau serves as a substrate for tau proximal dendrites. In AD, a small number of neurones
kinase II (TPKII), leading to an 8-fold increase in TPK-II devoid of NFTs contain ApoE diffuse cytoplasmic accumula-
dependent tau phosphorylation containing pThr231 (Rank tion. ApoE is also found in some tangle-bearing neurones,
et al., 2002). The carboxyl-terminal end of APP has also been predominantly in extracellular NFTs.
shown to be involved in induction of tau phosphorylation by The 4 allele of ApoE gene is a strong susceptibility factor
increasing GSK3 activity. for some of the taupathies, including AD, DLB, Pick’s disease
and CBD. However, in other taupathies, including the tangle-
only form of AD (‘senile dementia with tangles’) and AGD, PRESENILINS AND TAU AGGREGATION
there is a low prevalence of the ApoE 4 allele or an increase
Presenilin 1 (PS1, residues 250–298) binds to both tau and in the 2 allele when compared with age-matched or AD
GSK3. PS1 point mutations that cause AD (C263R and subjects. This inconsistent association of ApoE 4 allele
P264L) result in an increased ability of PS1 to bind to GSK3 with taupathies mirrors the findings regarding ApoE 4 allele
and increase its tau-directed kinase activity, resulting in influence on neurofibrillary pathology. Thus no differences,
hyperphosphorylation of tau protein (Takashima et al., 1998). and an increase in neurofibrillary pathology burden (tangles
In AD, PS1 mutations may promote neuritic dystrophy and and neuritic plaques) and phosphorylated tau have been
tangle formation by interfering with Notch1 signalling and described in ApoE 4 allele carriers (Mukaetova-Ladinska
enhancing pathological changes in tau. et al., 1997).
The strongest evidence that PS1 contributes to tau phospho- Previous studies have failed to demonstrate ApoE influence
rylation comes from studies exploring PS1 mutations in associ- upon tau phosphorylation, leading to the conclusion that ApoE
ation with A, in both in vitro studies and transgenic animal intraneuronal accumulation may be secondary in tangle-bearing
models. Thus, in cultures treated with A, PS1 mutations neurones in response to repair processes induced by tangle-
M146V and I143T significantly increase neuritic dystrophy associated neuronal damage. However, isoform-specific inter-
and AD-like changes in tau such as hyperphosphorylation, actions of ApoE with tau may regulate intraneuronal tau
release from MTs, and increased tau protein levels. In trans- metabolism and alter the rate of filamentous formation
genic mice with Swedish APP (K670N, M671L) and PS1 and/or the extent of phosphorylation. Flaherty et al. (1999)
M146L gene mutations, hyperphosphorylation of the tau tested the effects of ApoE isoforms (E2, E3 and E4) on tau
protein lags behind the accumulation of A deposits and is phosphorylation in brain microtubule fractions and found
manifested by punctate intraneuronal deposits and dystrophic that ApoE attenuates tau hyperphosphorylation in the frac-
neurites in the cortex and hippocampus (Kurt et al., 2003). tions, but the pattern was indistinguishable for the different
Transgenic mice carrying both the Swedish APP mutation isoforms. Binding studies with fragments of ApoE demon-
and PS1 P264L mutation develop neurites containing phos- strate that the tau-binding region of ApoE3 corresponds to its
phorylated tau, and this correlates with activation of MAP receptor-binding domain and is distinct from the region that
kinase pathways (Savage et al., 2002). Mice transgenic for binds lipoprotein particles or A peptide. ApoE fragments,
416 Role of tau protein in neurodegenerative dementias

especially the truncated ApoE4 (Delta 272–299), can induce Braak stages [BST] 1 and 2). More pronounced tangle
tangle-like intraneuronal inclusions containing phosphory- pathology in entorhinal and transentorhinal cortex (BST 3
lated tau and high molecular weight neurofilaments. and 4) follows before its appearance in neocortical areas,
The influence of ApoE and its isoforms upon tau aggre- including primary sensory and striate areas (BST 5 and 6)
gation has been explored further in animal studies. Transgenic (Braak and Braak, 1991). The most affected neocortical areas
mice expressing human ApoE4 isoform have impaired axonal in AD are the temporal and parietal neocortex, followed by
transport, axonal degeneration and hyperphosphorylated the frontal and occipital lobes (Mukaetova-Ladinska et al.,
tau protein in their brains. Kobayashi et al. (2003) examined 1993). Widespread neurofibrillary pathology in AD corre-
the effect of specific isoforms using transgenic ‘knock-in’ lates with the severity of cognitive impairment and non-
(KI) mice. There were no significant differences in levels of cognitive changes (Mukaetova-Ladinska et al., 2000).
tau phosphorylation between ApoE3-KI and ApoE4-KI In PSP, CBD and multiple system atrophy (MSA), the devel-
mouse hippocampi. Selective up-regulation of pSer235 and opment of neurofibrillary pathology within neurones, and
pSer413 and decrease at pSer202/pThr205 and pThr205, oligodendroglia in the case of MSA, is initiated within the
with an increase in protein level of tau protein kinase I/glyco- subcortical ganglia and centres including basal ganglia, sub-
gen synthase kinase 3 (TPKI/GSK3) and extracellular signal- thalamus, brain stem (PSP), cerebellar nuclei and substantia
regulated kinase 2 (ERK2) were demonstrated for ApoE4-KI nigra (CBD, MSA), and white matter (MSA). Neocortical areas
mice, when compared with ApoE3-KI mice. However, ApoE- are relatively spared or even intact. Similar findings have been
deficient mice which show learning and memory impairments described for frontal lobe dementia, especially FTDP-17. The
also exhibit hyperphosphorylation localized N-terminally to subcortical location of tau pathology in these disorders con-
the MT-binding domain of tau (Genis et al., 2000). tributes to slow cognitive decline and impaired attentional
control and frontal ‘executive’ function.
Tau aggregates in the form of tangles are also found in
31.3 TAU PROTEIN: PATHOLOGICAL AND glial cells in some of the taupathies (e.g. FTDP-17, PSP, severe
BIOCHEMICAL CHANGES IN stages AD) and they contain phosphorylated tau, both as dif-
NEURODEGENERATION fuse aggregates and within tangle formation. Tau protein also
accumulates in astrocytes in PSP (referred to as ‘tufted’ astro-
31.3.1 Tau pathology in ageing cytes). In AGD, the argyrophilic grains are tau-immunoreactive
comma-shaped structures.
Intraneuronal tau aggregates are characteristic for the ageing Cerebellar neurones in general have substantially less tau
human and primate brain. However, these changes are not protein than neurones in other cortical and medial temporal
unique to the brain tissue and NFTs and ‘curly fibres’ can also be lobe areas (Mukaetova-Ladinska et al., 1993). However, in some
found in other organs, including liver, pancreas, ovary, testis and forms of neurodegenerative dementia, e.g. PSP and CBD,
thyroid in elderly individuals with AD. The frequency of neuro- ‘doughnut’-shaped structures, positive to tau protein, are
fibrillary pathology, especially NFTs, increases with age. Thus, it found in the molecular layers of the cerebellum (in up to
is estimated that nearly half of people over the age of 50 years 46 per cent of PSP and 29 per cent of CBD patients).
and all the elderly over 75 years will exhibit NFTs restricted pre-
dominantly to the medial temporal lobe. A community-based 31.3.3 Tau protein incorporation in
neuropathological study conducted in elderly people in the UK neurofibrillary pathology
(70–103 years at death) found NFTs in 61 per cent of the elderly
with dementia and 34 per cent of non-demented individuals The pattern of incorporation of tau protein into neurofibrillary
(Neuropathology Group of the Medical Research Council pathology, especially tangles, undergoes three putative stages:
Cognitive Function and Ageing Study [MRC CFAS], 2001).
1. pre-tangles, characterized by non-fibrillar punctate
cytoplasmic and dendritic accumulations;
31.3.2 Comparative pathology in taupathies 2. intraneuronal tangles, containing fibrillar tau positive
structures; and
The clinical manifestations of the taupathies differ due to
3. extracellular NFTs (‘ghost tangles’) when the PHFs remain
involvement of specific neuroanatomical domains and dis-
present in the neuropil once the neuronal cell membrane
tinct neuropathological and molecular substrates. More
has been disrupted (see Plate 12).
extensive and widespread tau pathology, including numerous
NFTs, neuritic plaques and dystrophic neurites in various The sequence of these events includes phosphorylation of
allo- and neocortical areas, is commonly found in AD, elderly various sites of the tau protein molecule, followed by prote-
DS individuals and in some individuals with DLB. In general olytic cleavage at both the N- and the C-terminal end, result-
the development of NFTs is initiated in the medial temporal ing in a ‘protease-resistant PHF core’ (Table 31.1 p. 411). In
lobe areas, particularly the -layer of the entorhinal cortex, advanced stages of AD in particular, astrocytes also contain
and then progresses via the hippocampal area back to NFTs. Aggregates of phosphorylated tau are found in the
the pre- layer of the entorhinal cortex (corresponding to astrocytes in various taupathies, including Pick’s disease, but
Colour plates

(a) (b)

Plate 1 HMPAO-SPECT scans of an Alzheimer’s disease (a) and a vascular dementia (b) patient.

Plate 2 Dining room, Drumry House, Glasgow. Plate 3 Washing line, Clara Zetkin Home, Brandenburg.
Plate 6 Bathroom on an old age psychiatry ward somewhere in
the former USSR. Note (a) the obvious state of dilapidation; (b) more
than one tub (in fact there were three) negates privacy; (c) baths
are against the wall preventing nurses from being either side of a
Plate 4 One of the most effective signs: words and a picture disabled patient; (d) such a bathroom is typical of thousands in the
(Wilkinson et al., 1995). region.

Plate 7 Money was raised by the Geneva Initiative on Psychiatry

for refurbishment of the old age psychiatry ward in the same hospital
depicted in Plate 6. The architect was brought to the UK to visit
facilities there. This bathroom with a single tub accessible from both
Plate 5 A cross-head tap is much easier to understand. sides was the first fruit of his visit.
Tau Ubiquitin




A␤ SNAP-25

Plate 8 Neurofibrillary pathology. Neurofibrillary tangles and plaques are seen on sections stained with Bielschowsky silver. Various proteins,
including tau, APP, amyloid, synaptic proteins (SNAP-25, synaptophysin), ubiquitin, MAP2, apolipoprotein E also are found within various
neurofibrillary structures (tangles, plaques and dystrophic neuritis).

Exons: 1 2 3 4 4A 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

5⬘ 3⬘

2⫹ 3⫹ 10⫹
R1 R2 R3 R4

441 2N4R

412 1N4R

383 0N4R∗
6 tau
410 2N3R

381 1N3R

352 0N3R∗

Acidic domain Proline-rich Microtubule-binding

domain domain

Plate 9 Schematic presentation of human tau protein gene and isoforms. Alternative splicing of exons 2 (E2), 3 (E3) and 10 (E10) give rise to six
isoforms containing 352–441 amino acids. The microtubule repeat binding region is labelled with R1–R4.
* Fetal tau protein isoforms.
␣ NH2


Plate 10 Binding of tau protein to
␣ microtubules. Tau protein binds to ␣- and
␤-tubulin subunits via the microtubule-
binding region. Phosphorylation and
␤ C-terminal end truncation of the tau protein
COOH molecule, as well as tau mutations leading
to detachment of the protein from the
units microtubules and assembly into PHFs. Note
Mutation sites that the schematic presentation does not
Phosphorylation sites reflect all known phosphorylation and
Glu391 mutation sites.

pSer202/pThr205 pSer262

Glu391 pSer422

Plate 11 Phosphorylated and truncated

tau protein within neurofibrillary pathology.

Plate 12 Stages of tangle development:

(a) pre-tangle; (b) intracellular tangles and
(a) (b) (c) (c) extracellular tangles.
Phosphorylated Dephosphorylated
tau tau

72 kDa
PDC 17
68 kDa
72 kDa

68 kDa 64 kDa 2N4R

64 kDa 1N4R

60 kDa 60 kDa 2N3R

37 kDa Sarcosyl insoluble Soluble tau
33 kDa tau
(a) (b)

Plate 13 (a, b) Schematic presentation of western blot patterns in taupathies. (a) Sarcosyl insoluble tau preparations in neurodegenerative
disorders are characterized by distinct tau profiles, that depend upon the expression of different tau isoforms, the extent of their phosphorylation,
as well as differences in the N-terminal proteolytic cleavage (in the case of PSP and CBD). (b) Upon dephosphorylation, the Sarcosyl insoluble
phosphorylated bands resolve into six bands corresponding to the six tau isoforms found in soluble tau preparation. This pattern is also
characteristic for the control brain.
Abbreviations: AD, Alzheimer’s disease; ALS/PDC, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Parkinson dementia complex; C, control;
CBD, corticobasal degeneration; FTDP-17, fronto-temporal lobe dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17; PiD, Pick’s disease;
PSP, progressive supranuclear palsy

Prior Tacrine Ten Months Tacrine


Right Right


Right Right

Plate 14 PET scans before and after tacrine.

Plate 15 Pathological lesions associated
with small vessel disease. (a) and (b), small
(a) (b) infarcts and several ischaemic foci of two
different sizes in the basal ganglia of a
70-year-old man with cognitive impairment.
Since the lesion is only visible by
microscopic examination, it is hence a
microinfarct, which could resolve into a cyst
or a lacune. (c) and (d), hyalinized vessels
with perivascular rarefaction in the white
matter of a 70-year-old man with VaD and
60-year-old woman with CADASIL.
Moderate gliosis in the surrounding region
is also evident in both cases. Magnification
(c) (d) bar: a, b ⫽ 500 ␮m; c, d ⫽ 100 ␮m.

Plate 16 White matter lesions visualized by conventional

histopathological staining. (a) and (b), white matter pathology in
the frontal lobes of a 75-year-old man and 80-year-old woman
diagnosed with VaD. (a) Rarefaction in deep white matter
(arrows) with sparing of U-fibres. (b) Regions of severe
(a) (b) demyelination (arrow) perifocal to the infarct (I).
(a) (a)


Plate 18 (a) Substantia nigra neurone containing an ␣-synuclein

reactive Lewy body in the centre of the neuromelanin cluster.
(b) ␣-Synuclein reactive cortical Lewy body. Cortical Lewy bodies and
brainstem Lewy bodies frequently stain as an outer halo only with
␣-synuclein antibodies.



Plate 17 (a) Typical subtantia nigra Lewy body with eosinophilic

core and clear halo (arrow). (b) Cortical Lewy bodies are much less
distinct and lack a well-defined halo (arrow). (c) Anti-ubiquitin
antibodies allow more ready identification of cortical Lewy bodies in
most cases. (d) In a case with mixed cortical Lewy bodies (arrow) and
neurofibrillary tangles (arrowhead), the distinction between these
lesions depends on the quality of the ubiquitin staining, especially
the fine granular staining of cortical Lewy bodies.
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Plate 19 (a) Scanty Lewy neurites in hippocampal sector CA2 reactive to ubiquitin. (b) DLB patient with abundant ubiquitin reactive neuritic
change in CA2. (c) Lewy neurites are strongly reactive for ␣-synuclein (CA2 sector). (d) In many cases, both neurites and CA2 neurones show
reactivey to some phosphorylated tau epitopes (e.g. tau-2). The neuronal staining is frequently diffuse and granular and does not form
neurofibrillary tangles. (e) Neocortical Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites reactive for ␣-synuclein in a case of DLB. (f) Substantia nigra Lewy bodies
(arrows) and Lewy neurites are morphologically indistinguishable in DLB and Parkinson’s disease.
(a) (b)

Plate 20 (a, c) Alzheimer’s disease patient.

(b, d) Dementia with Lewy bodies ‘common form’ patient.
The two cases show similar intensity and distribution of
␤A 4 staining (a, b) throughout the temporal lobes,
including the hippocampal formation (arrows). The lamina
of plaques in the dentate molecular layer is clearly visible,
especially in the DLB tissue. The Alzheimer’s disease patient
shows intense staining for PHF-tau (c) in the whole of the
temporal neocortex and hippocampus. BY contrast,
PHF-tau staining in DLB (d) is confined to the CA1 sector
(c) (d) of the hippocampus and part of the entorhinal cortex.

(a) (b)

Plate 21 Microvacuolation in the temporal cortex. This patient shows an extreme degree of vacuolar degeneration of the neuropil sufficient to
raise a suspicion of a prion disorder. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease was excluded by prion immunocytochemistry. At low power (a) the changes are
most marked in cortical layer 3 (above the arrowheads). At higher power (b) amyloid plaques (arrow) typical of Alzheimer’s disease are present.
This case showed widespread cortical Lewy body formation.
(a) (b)

Plate 22 SPECT scan of patient with FTD. The coronal (a) and sagittal (b) views show marked reduction in uptake of tracer in the anterior
cerebral hemispheres.

Plate 23 The brain in FTLD. The whole brain shows severe Plate 24 The brain in FTLD. On coronal section frontotemporal
frontotemporal atrophy. atrophy is accompanied by dilatation of the lateral ventricle and
atrophy of the corpus striatum.
Extent of atrophy
0–20% Left Right

20–40% FPC FPC

40–60% CN CN
Put Put

Frontal lobe Level of head of

caudate nucleus


Th Th
GP Tc Tc
Tc Tc

Midpoint of the Level of midpoint of

amygdala the hippocampus

Plate 25 The brain in FTLD. The distribution of atrophy is illustrated diagrammatically.

(a) (b)

Plate 27 SPECT scans of two patients with semantic dementia

showing abnormal uptake of tracer in the temporal lobes, in one case
(a) especially on the left side and in the other case (b) on the right.
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Plate 26 (a–f ) Tau immunopathology in FTLD. In FTDP-17 associated with ⫹ 16 splice site mutation (a, b) – there are numerous
tau-immunoreactive neurones (a) and glial cells (b) in which the aggregated tau is present as amorphous deposits or tangle-like structures.
Numerous tau-immunoreactive swollen cells are present (c). In FTDP-17 associated with Q336R mutation the aggregated tau is present as
rounded inclusions (Pick bodies) within neurones of the cerebral cortex (d) and hippocampus dentate gyrus (e) that are similar in appearance to
those seen in sporadic FTLD with Pick-type histology (f). Swollen cells similar to those in ⫹ 16 mutation (c) are also present (not shown).
Tau protein as a cerebrospinal fluid marker for dementia 417

not frontotemporal lobar degeneration. In FTDP-17, straight DS the loss of soluble tau protein is more pronounced than in
filaments appear to be phosphorylated at Ser202/Thr205 and elderly controls. This tau loss is accompanied by significant
Ser212/Thr214 sites (G372V mutation; Götz et al., 2001a). increase in insoluble, PHF-derived tau protein (Mukaetova-
Certain tau phosphorylation sites (e.g. Ser202/Thr205 and Ladinska et al., 1993) (Figure 31.1a). This is not the case for
phosphorylation at 159PPGQK163 site), together with trunca- DLB or Parkinson’s disease: in these two disorders there is a
tion at Glu391 within the NFTs, have now been associated slight decrease in soluble tau protein, but the levels of insoluble
with neuronal apoptosis. tau (truncated at Glu391 or phosphorylated at Ser202/Thr205)
are similar to those found in age-matched controls (Harrington
et al. 1994). Only when DLB and AD are matched for extent
31.3.4 3R/4R tau isoforms in taupathies of neurofibrillary pathology by Braak stages does the level of
phosphorylated and PHF-tau become identical in these two
The comparative biochemistry of taupathies points to differ-
disorders (Figure 31.1b).
ences in post-translational modifications and isoform content
Phosphorylation of tau protein appears to occur quite late
of tau protein (see Plate 13a). Additional changes also appear
in the disease progression as judged by phosphorylated
as the disease progresses. In general, in sporadic taupathy, 3R
Ser202/Thr205 site in soluble tau fraction (corresponding
and 4R tau isoforms accumulate in AD, 3R in Pick’s disease,
to BST 6), whereas in the Sarcosyl-insoluble fraction various
and 4R in PSP, CBD, AGD and FTDP-17. In familial taupathies,
phosphorylated tau sites are detected relatively early on,
mutations that affect the splicing of exon 10 accumulate 4R
together with C-terminal truncation of the tau protein
tau and phenotypically mimic CBD/PSP, while the majority of
(Mukaetova-Ladinska et al., 2000) (Figure 31.1c). The use of
others simulate an NFT-predominant form of dementia.
quantitative biochemistry has been useful in detecting very
Immunoprobes have been raised against cognate regions
subtle tau changes at molecular level in the absence of obvious
for the 3R and 4R tau isoforms, corresponding to the amino
pathology, e.g. tau-less taupathy characterized by loss of sol-
acid sequences deriving from the junction of exons 9 and 11
uble tau protein only (Zhukareva et al., 2002).
and exon 10, respectively (de Silva et al., 2003). This has led to
determination of specific distribution of 3R and 4R tau pro-
teins in the human brain, both in normal ageing and neuro-
degenerative disorders. Although initial studies found an 31.4 TAU PROTEIN AS A CEREBROSPINAL
absence of 4R tau mRNA in dentate fascia neurones in the FLUID MARKER FOR DEMENTIA
adult human brain in AD and PSP, tangle-bearing neurones
in this region contain 4R tau isoforms (de Silva et al., 2003). Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has been extensively investigated
4R tau isoforms are also present in the astrocytic tau inclu- as a target for developing clinically sensitive and specific
sions in Pick’s disease, pre-tangles, NFTs, astrocytic plaques, diagnostic tools to differentiate between and aid the clinical
tufted astrocytes, coiled bodies and argyrophilic threads in diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders. Various proteins
PSP and CBD, and argyrophilic grains. and enzymes involved in neurodegenerative disorders have
In AD, all six tau isoforms are subjected to phosphoryla- been investigated as CSF markers. The most consistent find-
tion and are incorporated into PHFs, resulting in a tau triplet ings are those of increased CSF tau and a decrease in A1–42
at 60, 64 and 68 kDa and a minor band at 72 kDa detected by protein levels in early and incipient AD which differentiate
immunoblotting (see Plate 13b). In Pick’s disease, only phos- this disease from age-associated memory impairment, depres-
phorylated 3R isoforms assemble into filaments and there is sion, and other types of dementia. However, there are also
a tau doublet at 60 and 64 kDa with a minor band at 68 kDa, reports that tau (total and/or phosphorylated) and A1–42
whereas in PSP and CBD, phosphorylated 4R tau isoform measures may not differentiate between various dementia
aggregates provide the 64 and 68 kDa bands. Arai et al. (2004) syndromes in the clinical setting. Furthermore, a subgroup
reported additional, shorter amino-terminally cleaved tau of of cognitively impaired individuals with a post mortem
33 kDa in PSP and a doublet of 37 kDa in CBD (Plate 13b). In confirmed AD exhibited a CSF tau protein content similar
the familial multiple system taupathy 64, 68 and a minor to that of cognitively intact subjects (Clark et al., 2003).
72 kDa band are present, and contain predominantly 4R tau Inconsistency between the findings may be attributable to
isoforms (Spillantini et al., 1997). AGD is characterized by 4R ApoE genotype, since it has been demonstrated that ApoE 4
tau isoform aggregates: in BST 1 it contains 64 and 68 kDa allele carriers have a higher level of CSF-tau concentrations
and a minor 72 kDa band, whereas by BST 2 and 3 there is an (Tapiola et al., 2000). However, not all studies have
additional minor 60 kDa band (Tolnay et al., 2002). confirmed this.

31.3.5 Comparative biochemistry of taupathies 31.4.1 CSF total tau protein

In ageing, there is a gradual loss of the soluble, axonally CSF total tau protein (t-tau) is now considered to be a marker
bound tau protein that occurs in the absence of significant for axonal damage and neuronal degeneration, whereas
neurofibrillary or amyloid pathology. In contrast, in AD and the presence of phosphorylated tau protein (p-tau) reflects
418 Role of tau protein in neurodegenerative dementias

(b) Phosphorylated tau protein content in

(a) PHF- and soluble tau content in AD and ageing neurodegenerative disorders

PHF-tau 4

Log-transformed relative

C  65y 3
C  65y

Soluble tau

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0
Log-transformed relative C CVD M AD LBV DLB

(c) Braak stages and PHF-extracted tau

Total tau
8 Glu391
Log-transformed relative


1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 31.1 Comparative tau biochemistry. (a) Loss of soluble tau and increase in PHF-tau in AD. In AD, there is significant loss of soluble tau
( P  0.001) and an increase in PHF-tau ( P  0.0001) compared with both young and elderly controls. (b) Increase in phosphorylated Sarcosyl
insoluble tau is present in AD, LBV and mixed type of dementia, but not DLB or CVD (ANOVA: F  2.72, P  0.035). (c) With increase in Braak
stage, there is a progressive increase in PHF-extracted tau, including total PHF-extracted tau, truncated PHF-tau at Glu391 and Sarcosyl
insoluble phosphorylated tau (pSer202/pThr205 sites). Tau measures: soluble tau, Ab 7.51; PHF-tau, mAb 423 (a); Sarcosyl insoluble,
phosphorylated tau, mAb AT8 (b); Glu391 truncated tau, mAb 423; phosphorylated tau, mAb AT8; total tau, mAb 7.51 (c). AD, Alzheimer’s
disease; BST, Braak stages; C, control; CVD, cerebrovascular dementia; DLB, dementia with Lewy bodies; LBV, Lewy body variation of AD; M, mixed
type dementia.
* P  0.05. (Figures adapted after Mukaetova-Landinska et al., 1993, 1996 (a); Mukaetova-Ladinska et al., 2000 (b), and Harrington et al., 1994
and Mukaetova-Ladinska et al., 2000 (c).)

neurofibrillary pathology. Overall, CSF t-tau protein increases Increased CSF t-tau is also found in vascular dementia,
as a function of age and in AD, there is up to 3-fold increase DLB, Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, normal pressure hydro-
in CSF t-tau protein level in comparison to elderly controls cephalus, vitamin B12 deficiency encephalopathy, stroke (tran-
(Frank et al., 2003) (Table 31.4). Familial forms of AD (e.g. PS1 sient increase in t-tau level) and traumatic brain injury with
A431V mutation) also have an increase in t-tau, and a modest diffuse axonal damage. In contrast subcortical forms of demen-
increase in t-tau protein has been found in FTDP-17 with tia, including Parkinson’s disease, PSP, CBD and alcoholic
P301L and G272V tau mutations. Age-dependent reference dementia are not usually associated with an increase in t-tau
values for t-tau protein measurements have now been estab- level (Table 31.4).
lished: for subjects 21–50 years old at 300 pg/mL; for age In mild dementia, CSF t-tau levels are significantly higher
51–70 years at 450 pg/mL; and 70–93 years at 500 pg/mL in the majority of AD subjects when compared with normal
(Buerger et al., 1999). In AD, the cut-off value of CSF tau at ageing. Progression of cognitive decline has been shown to
375 pg/mL has 59.1 per cent sensitivity and 89.5 per cent be closely linked to elevation of t-tau in some cross-sectional
specificity for the diagnosis of AD (Shoji et al., 2002). clinical studies (Hampel et al., 2003). However, longitudinal
Tau protein as a cerebrospinal fluid marker for dementia 419

Table 31.4 CSF tau protein measures in various neurodegenerative disorders

Tau protein Disease Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Authors

t-tau AD↑ 91.2 95.0 Arai et al., 1997
63 89 Kahle et al., 2000
88 96 Kapaki et al., 2003
Sunderland et al., 2003
Gomez-Tortosa et al., 2003
Ganzer et al., 2003
AD↑(PS1 A431V) Matsushita et al., 2002
FTD↑ 90 77 Riemenschneider et al., 2002
Fabre et al., 2001
FTD↔ Sjögren et al., 2000
FTD (P301L and G272V)↑ Rosso et al., 2003
CBD↑ 81.5 80 Urakami et al., 1999
Urakami et al., 2001
CJD↑ 92 97 Van Everbroeck et al., 2002
PSP↔ Urakami et al., 1999
DLB↔ Tschampa et al., 2001
Kanemaru et al., 2000
DLB↑ Arai et al., 1997
Semantic dementia↑ Anderson et al., 2000
MS↔ Jimenez-Jimenez et al., 2002
Depression↔ Andreasen et al., 1999
TBI↑↓ Franz et al., 2003
t-tau and AD7C-NTP AD↑ 63 93 Kahle et al., 2000
PThr181 AD↑ Nagga et al., 2002
Parnetti et al., 2001
FTD↓ Pasquier et al., 2003
FTD (P301L and G272V)↔ Rosso et al., 2003
DLB↔ Parnetti et al., 2001
t-tau and pThr181 Sch↔ Schönknecht et al., 2003
pSer199 AD↑ 85.2 85 Urakami et al., 2003
PS1 A431V AD↑ Matsushita et al., 2002
Atypical CBD↑ Ohara et al., 2002
pThr231 AD↑ 90.2 80 Buerger et al., 2002
de Leon et al., 2002
Mitchell and Brindle, 2003
MCI↑ de Leon et al., 2002
pSer199 and pThr231 Depression↔ Mitchell and Brindle, 2003
C- and N-cleaved tau TBI↑ Zemlan et al., 2002; Chatfield et al., 2002

TBI, traumatic brain injury

studies have failed to confirm these findings (Tapiola et al., pSer199 is positively correlated with t-tau, appears to be
2000). In subarachnoid haemorrhage, an increased level of elevated in CSF in both sporadic and familial forms of AD
t-tau has been correlated with both injury severity and and can be used to discriminate between AD and other forms
unfavourable clinical outcome (Kay et al., 2003). of dementia. pThr181 level is also increased in AD in com-
parison to FTD, vascular dementia, Parkinson’s disease, acute
stroke and control subjects, and may be a useful discrimin-
31.4.2 CSF phosphorylated tau protein ator between AD and DLB (Table 31.5).
pThr231 appears to be an early marker of pathology in
Several quantitative assays using immunoprobes against AD, preceding the formation of PHFs, and the CSF measure-
phosphorylated sites of tau protein have now been developed ments confirm it as a highly sensitive marker for AD
to assess the extent of phosphorylation of tau protein in CSF: (90.2 per cent sensitivity level in comparison to t-tau; both
pThr181, pSer199, pThr231, and assays based on two phos- markers have specificity of 92.3 per cent) (Buerger et al., 2002).
phorylation tau sites: pThr231/pSer235 and pSer396/pSer404. pThr231 distinguishes AD from FTD and major depression
420 Role of tau protein in neurodegenerative dementias

Table 31.5 Use of total and phosphorylated tau protein markers in correlation with cognitive decline (Gomez-Tortosa et al.,
CSF to discriminate between neurodegenerative disorders. (Modified 2003) and an increase with dementia severity (Arai et al.,
from Riemenschneider et al., 2002; Schönknecht et al., 2003 and 1997) have been reported. Non-significant elevation of CSF-
Hampel et al., 2003, 2004) tau has also been detected in non-symptomatic carriers of
APP (KN670/671ML, E693G) and PS1 (M146V, H163Y)
Total tau and Improved diagnosis/
mutations. These findings suggest that CSF-tau protein levels
phosphorylation tau sites Differential diagnosis
are altered before the onset of symptoms, and may help iden-
t-tau Progressive MCI versus stable MCI tify MCI patients who will progress to AD. This has been
AD versus vascular dementia confirmed in two recent studies, in which the MCI group
and major depression which progressed to AD had particularly high levels of t-tau
pThr181 AD versus DLB and p-tau compared with the MCI patients who progressed
pSer199 AD versus other dementias to non-AD dementias, and to the MCI group which did not
pThr231 Progression of MCI to AD show progression.
AD versus FTD and major Correlative biochemico-neuroradiological studies have
depression reported that both CSF t-tau and p-tau levels correlate
pSer396/pSer404 AD versus vascular dementia with ventricular widening on MRI brain scans over a 16-
month period, suggesting that CSF-tau levels reflect the
intensity of the disease process: the higher the tau level, the
more rapid is progression of the disease (Wahlund and
Blennow, 2003). Interestingly, ventriculoperitoneal shunt
(Table 31.5). Furthermore, CSF pThr231, but not t-tau, is treatment in subjects with probable AD results in stable or
increased in minimal cognitive impairment (MCI) and cor- improved cognitive functioning and a decrease in levels of
relates with cognitive decline and conversion from MCI to AD, CSF-tau.
but not with severity of dementia (Buerger et al., 2002). Assays
based on pThr231/Ser235 identify a higher level of phospho-
rylated tau in MCI subjects, and seem able to differentiate MCI 31.4.4 CSF tau measurements and
subjects who later develop AD from memory ‘complainers’ treatment
(Arai et al., 2000). In the course of AD progression, the
pThr231 level tends to decline in contrast to an unaltered The use of cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) and other novel
t-tau level (Hampel et al., 2001). Hampel et al. (2003) sug- therapeutic interventions currently being developed may
gested that the decline in CSF pThr231 might be explained potentially use monitoring CSF biomarkers for diagnostic
by the incorporation of pThr231 into PHFs. and outcome purposes. To date a limited number of studies
Overall, a review of current literature supports the role have addressed the CSF-tau changes in relation to available
of CSF p-tau in improving early diagnosis of dementia and antidementia therapeutic compounds. Treatment with a
in aiding differential diagnoses (Hampel et al., 2003, 2004). vitamin B12–B6–folate combination does not result in signifi-
Although reduction in CSF A42 and increase in t-tau have cant changes in the levels of CSF-tau in MCI individuals.
high sensitivity and specificity in discriminating AD from Cholesterol-lowering treatment with simvastatin (20 mg/day
controls, the specificity compared with other dementias is for 12 weeks) reduces -secretase cleaved APP (sAPP) and
moderate. The combination of CSF p-tau with other CSF -sAPP, with unaltered levels of t-tau, p-tau and A42 (Sjögren
markers may improve the accuracy of diagnosis. Thus, in et al., 2003), suggesting that simvastatin acts directly on the
DLB, a decrease of A42 with unchanged levels of tau protein processing of APP, but not tau protein, by inhibiting both the
in CSF was found, and an increase in p-tau combined - and the -secretase pathways.
with a decrease in A makes an AD diagnosis more accurate. A limited number of studies have described monitoring
(Papassotiropoulos et al., 2003). The cut-off points of CSF-tau in dementia subjects treated with ChEIs. The results
444 pg/mL for CSF A42 and 195 pg/mL for CSF p-tau gave a suggest that use of ChEIs does not change the level of CSF-tau
sensitivity and specificity of 92 per cent and 89 per cent protein over 1–2 years’ treatment. Thus, 1 year’s treatment
respectively, to distinguish AD patients from controls. with rivastigmine does not alter CSF-tau levels, in contrast to
a significant increase seen in tacrine-treated and untreated
AD patients. These changes were mainly present in ApoE 4
carriers (Stefanova et al., 2003). Similar results of unchanged
31.4.3 MMSE correlation with CSF tau t-tau and p-tau following treatment with donepezil, rivastig-
measurements mine, galantamine and metrifonate have been reported. This
would suggest that the ChEIs may be modifying the course of
Although most studies have found an increase in both total the AD process by stalling the progression of neurofibrillary
and phosphorylated tau in AD, the association of these changes pathology and neuronal loss. This remains to be confirmed
with disease duration remains controversial. An absence of neuropathologically.
Therapy for taupathies 421

31.5 THERAPY FOR TAUPATHIES therapeutic target in familial forms of taupathy over-expressing
4R tau, as is the case in FTDP-17 or AGD.
Since tau protein incorporation within various filamentous
structures results in highly protease-resistant insoluble 31.5.2 Inhibition of tau polymerization
products, and leads eventually to neuronal cell death, the
goals of any tau-directed therapy will need to be prevention The process of tau aggregation represents a potential target for
of their formation and/or dissolving these structures once developing therapeutic agents that inhibit the high affinity
they are formed. In light of the complexity of altered tau pro- tau-tau binding interaction. Furthermore, targeting the MT-
tein metabolism and the non-uniform neuropathological binding region of the tau molecule may also reverse the
phenotype in neurodegenerative dementias, it seems appro- proteolytic stability of insoluble tau filaments. Wischik and
priate to search for a key step that is shared by the different Harrington (2000) reported a concentration-dependent
mechanisms which lead to tau pathology-driven dementia. untwisting of PHFs by methylene blue that led to their disap-
pearance. They also identified diaminophenothiazines that
were able to inhibit tau-tau aggregation in vitro.
31.5.1 Decreasing tau protein phosphorylation

Two of the most promising pharmacological therapeutic 31.5.3 Stabilizing microtubules

approaches for treatment of neurodegeneration at present
are the development of drugs that can: Another possibility for tau-targeted interventions may involve
developing agents that will stabilize the MTs, alter signalling
• inhibit sequestration of both normal and
events in neurones and/or modulate MT properties (e.g. via
hyperphosphorylated tau protein into insoluble
cytosolic complexes, involving Arl2, cofactor D and protein
aggregates, and
phosphatase 2A). One of the candidates could be Pin1 (pep-
• reverse or modify the hyperphosphorylation of tau and
tidyl prolyl cis/trans isomerase), which binds to phosphory-
correct the existing protein phosphorylation/
lated tau proteins (pThr231 site). Pin1 may also be able to
dephosphorylation imbalance.
restore the ability of hyperphosphorylated tau proteins to
The problem with this approach is finding sufficient speci- polymerize MTs. Stabilization of MTs may be one of the ear-
ficity for treatment without affecting other essential cellular liest stages in prevention of overt neurodegenerative changes,
functions reliant on cellular signalling mechanisms. since both the ageing and neurodegenerative processes cause a
The use of mood stabilizers for symptomatic treatment of reduction in the number of MTs and in their assembly. Pin1
agitation seems to have some neuroprotective effect in terms is also involved in neurones re-embarking on the cell cycle,
of inhibiting apoptosis and slowing of neurofibrillary forma- which may be another therapeutic target.
tion. It seems to do this by inhibiting tau protein hyperphos-
phorylation. Lithium ions interact with the Mg2 binding
31.5.4 Amyloid route
site of GSK3 and inhibit activity of the enzyme. This decreases
the extent of tau phosphorylation without affecting neuronal
The relationship between A deposition and tau protein
morphology. Lithium can also protect, both in vitro and
aggregation remains unclear. Although previous hypotheses
in vivo, against A toxicity and can inhibit neuronal tau
suggested that these two processes are independent, recent
hyperphosphorylation induced by A.
data suggest that there may be an interaction between the
GSK3 selective inhibitors that compete with the ATP-
two pathological processes. A25–35 neurotoxicity leads to
binding site of the enzyme (e.g. SB216763 and SB415286)
hyperphosphorylation of the tau protein molecule, and simi-
have been explored for their therapeutic potential. Another
larly inhibition of phosphatases resulting in hyperphospho-
GSK3-specific inhibitor (AR-A014418) in vitro, does not
rylated tau contributes to development of amyloid deposits.
suppress the activity of another 26 kinases, including cdk2
The formation of PHF-like filaments in tissue culture can be
and cdk5. It inhibits tau phosphorylation in tissue culture
induced by aggregated A42 synthetic peptide, with pSer422
models over-expressing 4R tau, protects against cell death via
preventing this PHF-like aggregation. Oral and subcutaneous
blocking P13/PKB signalling pathway and also inhibits
administration of small molecular weight glycosaminoglycans,
A-mediated neurodegeneration.
e.g. heparin C3, have been shown to decrease the extent of
p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and cdk5 are also
tau hyperphosphorylation in animals, without affecting the
explored as therapeutic targets for therapeutic interventions
cholinergic brain system.
in AD. Another group of kinases, the CLK family, has been
demonstrated as involved in regulating the use of exon 10:
even when regulatory elements of this exon contain muta- 31.5.5 Neurotrophin route
tions. These kinases cause exon 10 to be skipped by influencing
specific changes in pre-mRNA processing pathways. Changes The ‘antinerve growth factor transgenic mice’ (Capsoni et al.,
in the phosphorylation of splicing factors might serve as a 2000) outlines the influence of neurotrophins in development
422 Role of tau protein in neurodegenerative dementias

of AD-type pathology. This mouse model develops neuronal represent the best attempts at recapitulating the abnormal
cell loss, phosphorylated and insoluble tau and NFTs, sug- pathology of neurodegenerative dementias. These animal
gesting that neurotrophins mediate the neurodegenerative models and organotypic slice cultures seem promising as
process. Regulation of neurotrophin activity may not only disease model systems to test novel therapeutic agents aimed
have impact on the onset and progression of the disease at arresting the formation of insoluble tau aggregates.
process, but be used for the development of treatments for
prevention of tau-aggregation and hyperphosphorylation.
Calorie restriction and diet may also have an impact on the lat-
ter via increasing the levels of neurotrophins, specifically brain-
derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3
(NT-3). FGF (fibroblast growth factor-2) in a dose-dependent Amano M, Kaneko T, Maeda A et al. (2003) Identification of tau and
manner increases the expression of tau and its level of phos- MAP2 as novel substrates of Rho-kinase and myosin phosphatase.
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expression (Tatebayashi et al., 2003). Andersen C, Fabre SF, Östberg P et al. (2000) Tau protein in
cerebrospinal fluid from semantic dementia patients. Neuroscience
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31.5.6 The future Andreasen N, Minthon L, Clarberg A et al. (1999) Sensitivity, specificity,
and stability of CSF-tau in AD in a community-based patient
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ise in relation to silencing dominantly acting disease genes, Arai H, Higuchi S, Sasaki H. (1997) Apolipoprotein E genotyping and
cerebrospinal fluid tau protein: implications for the clinical diagnosis
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of Alzheimer’s disease. Gerontology 43 (Suppl. 1): 2–10
single-nucleotide polymorphism or disease mutation. Using
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tau protein [Jackson et al., 2002]), it was demonstrated that Arai T, Ikeda K, Akiyama H et al. (2004) Identification of amino-terminally
the formation of tau pathology is a late event, a byproduct cleaved tau fragments that distinguish progressive supranuclear
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in these two models may interact with an important neuro- Augustinack JC, Schneider A, Mandelkow EM, Hyman BT. (2002) Specific
developmental pathway, the Wnt pathway, which may be of tau phosphorylation sites correlate with severity of neuronal
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Bennecib M, Gong CX, Grundke-Iqbal I, Iqbal K. (2000) Role of protein
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31.6 CONCLUSIONS 485: 87–93
Braak H and Braak E. (1991) Neuropathological staging of Alzheimer-
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pathological markers associated with the neuropathology of Brion JP, Tremp G, Octave JN. (1999) Transgenic expression of the
shortest human tau affects its compartmentalization and its
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phosphorylation as in the pretangle stage of Alzheimer’s disease.
doubt that tau pathology alone can contribute to the devel- American Journal of Pathology 154: 255–270
opment of dementia syndromes. The discovery of the tau Buée L, Bussière T, Buée-Scherrer V et al. (2000) Tau protein isoforms,
protein mutations that cause dementia supports the latter. phosphorylation and role in neurodegenerative disorders. Brain
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ally bound tau protein. These biochemical changes, in turn,
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dementia. mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
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Role of A amyloid in the pathogenesis of
Alzheimer’s disease


32.1 A amyloid accumulation and plaque development 426 32.7 A and neurotoxicity 430
32.2 Genetic evidence for the role of A in 32.8 Apolipoprotein E, 2-macroglobulin and other genetic
Alzheimer’s disease 427 modifiers of environmental risk in Alzheimer’s disease 431
32.3 Amyloid precursor protein 428 32.9 Interventions 432
32.4 APP processing by -, - and -secretases 428 32.10 Conclusions 432
32.5 APP mutations and A production 429 References 433
32.6 Presenilins 1 and 2 430

The details of the molecular neuropathology of Alzheimer’s interact with A and affect its clearance from the brain, is the
disease (AD), from the amyloid precursor protein (APP) focus of this chapter. Recent and more detailed reviews on
through to the production of amyloid A, plaque formation, these subjects can be found elsewhere (Blacker and Tanzi,
neurodegeneration and to final neuronal death is discussed 1998; Hardy et al., 1998; Multhaup et al., 1998; Price
in this chapter. This process, like Alexander’s Gordian knot, et al., 1998; Lansbury, 1999; Scheper et al., 1999; Butterfield,
has been scrutinized over the last two decades with the hope 2002, 2003; Citron, 2002; Lahiri et al., 2002; Suh and Checler,
now that a decisive therapeutic incision is not too distant. 2002; Walsh et al., 2002; Atwood et al., 2003; Bertram and
Points in the biochemical pathway that may be amenable to Tanzi, 2004).
therapeutic intervention are highlighted.
The theory that A amyloid underlies the neurodegenera-
tive changes in AD is currently pre-eminent (Figure 32.1).
Integral to this thesis is the presumed neurotoxicity of A. This
peptide is the main constituent of the amyloid plaque, one of
the characteristic pathological features of AD. It is also found
in vessel walls as a congophilic amyloid angiopathy (Glenner One of the two characteristic microscopic features of AD is
and Wong, 1984; Masters et al., 1985). Neurofibrillary changes the accumulation of A amyloid in plaques of varying morph-
are also major features in the brains of patients with AD. Tau ology. These are extracellular or perivascular congophilic
protein, a microtubule-associated protein, is ubiquinated, deposits of aggregated A with a high content of -pleated
phosphorylated and accumulates as neurofibrillary tangles sheet secondary structure. The amyloid plaque itself is the
(NFTs) and dystrophic neurites (Kosik et al., 1986; Wood et al., end result of a process of A oligomerization, fibril forma-
1986). The link between A accumulation and tau-associated tion, aggregation, and precipitation occurring in several
NFTs remains unknown, although NFTs appear to be down- stages, with each stage potentially having a different impact
stream of the events that surround A accumulation in the on surrounding neurones. Initially it is postulated that a sol-
AD brain. uble species of A forms oligomers that may represent the
The biogenesis of A from APP and putative mechanisms toxic species (McLean et al., 1999). The oligomers may then
for its neurotoxicity, together with factors such as apolipopro- aggregate into protofibrillar structures, which may first be
tein E (ApoE) and 2-macroglobulin (2M), which may seen as precipitates in diffuse amyloid plaques; this progresses
Genetic evidence for the role of A in Alzheimer’s disease 427

Alzheimer's disease


NFT APC / ACA Figure 32.1 The amyloidocentric pathway that leads to
Alzheimer’s disease proceeds from the proteolytic processing
of the amyloid  precursor protein (APP) into the A
A ApoE risk amyloid. The amyloid forms visible plaques (amyloid plaque
factors cores, APC; amyloid congophilic angiopathy, ACA). The
PS1,2 relationship between A and neurofibrillary tangle (NFT)
formation remains unclear. The mechanisms that underly the
Environmental APP Pathogenetic basic neurodegenerative changes in Alzheimer’s disease are
risk mutations also uncertain. This pathway is subject to modulation by
environmental and genetic factors at various points.

with dystrophic neurite formation both within the neuropil 1994; Howlett et al., 1995). A major argument raised by oppon-
and around dense crystalloid precipitates of amyloid cores. ents of the amyloid theory is that individuals can have numer-
Following this, an intermediate stage is reached where the ous plaques but no clinical cognitive impairment. This may
plaque increases in complexity before a final stage of a non- be countered by the observation, as will be elaborated below,
neuritic ‘burned out’ or ‘end-stage plaque’ is reached. that A, whilst being the crucial factor in inducing neurode-
In AD, processing of APP creates a high ratio of A42 generation in AD, will only act upon compromised cells, such
(‘long’ A of 42 amino acids) to A40 (‘short’ A of 40 amino compromise appearing, for example, in the form of age-
acids). These processes are discussed later in this chapter. The related oxidative stress (Lockhart et al., 1994). Furthermore,
more insoluble long A is the primary constituent of the A and the plaque are components within a very complex
amyloid plaque. However, immunocytochemical techniques biological system that relies on numerous other pathological
have demonstrated that diffuse plaques contain not only processes before AD develops clinically. These processes are
A42 but also A40 and, in a small proportion of plaques mediated by both genetic and environmental risk factors.
(most of which have a dense amyloid core), A(16–40/42) (the The damage caused by the soluble, aggregated or fibrillar A
p3 fragment) (Dickson, 1997). Perivascular amyloid identi- may induce a reactive astrocytic and microglial ‘inflammatory’
fied in the congophilic angiopathies predominantly consists response. A may interact with metal ions, including iron, zinc
of A40 (Suzuki et al., 1994; Barelli et al., 1997). and copper. These interactions in turn may lead to the produc-
Plaque morphology also varies as a function of topographic tion of neurotoxic free radicals, contributing to the load of
location. Smaller granular deposits are seen in the deep grey reactive oxygen species generated by microglia. Overall, the
matter nuclei, and linear streaks occur in the molecular layer AD brain is under considerable oxidative stress; these aspects
of the cerebellum. The morphology of the amyloid plaque of neurotoxicity of A are discussed in more detail below.
therefore varies depending upon both location and stage of
The number of amyloid plaques at post mortem does not
correlate well with the severity of clinical disease (McKee et al.,
1991; Morris et al., 1991; Terry et al., 1991; Berg et al., 1998).
However, plaque formation may correlate with the degree of The most convincing support for the central role of A and
neuronal injury as identified by the cellular pro-apoptotic APP in the pathogenesis of AD is that all of the known fully
response as measured by the TUNEL technique (Sheng et al., penetrant autosomal dominant gene mutations that cause
1998). The poor correlation may also be explained in part by a early-onset AD lead to an increase of A42 production (Table
process of growth and resolution of plaques with the establish- 32.1). Mutations in the APP gene itself lead to the develop-
ment of a plateau phase for plaque production (Hyman and ment of aberrant APP that is preferentially processed to pro-
Tanzi, 1992). There is also an emerging view that the soluble duce an increase in the A42:40 ratio. All causative APP
A42 load may be more closely related to clinical severity mutations identified to date occur in proximity to the A
(McLean et al., 1999), whether or not the A42 exists as an domain of the protein. Similarly, multiple mutations in the two
oligomer or complexed to other proteins (Lorenzo and Yanker, presenilin genes have a dramatic effect on the A42:40 ratio.
428 Role of A amyloid in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease

Table 32.1 Pathogenic mutations that cause Alzheimer’s disease

Mutations Mechanism of action Effect

APP gene dosage or aberrant regulation
Down’s syndrome (trisomy 21) Upregulation of APP gene promoter Increased total A
up to 5–6-fold
Pathogenic APP gene mutations
APP codons:
670/671 (‘Swedish’) Increase -secretase cleavage Excess total A production
692 and 693 (‘Dutch and Flemish’) Decrease -secretase activity? Resultant increase in - and -activity with
consequent increased total A
715 (‘French’) Affects -secretase activity Increased amounts of A p3 fragment
717 (‘London’) Altered -secretase activity Increased ratio of A42:40
723 (‘Australian’) Affects -secretase activity Increased ration of A42:40
Pathogenic PS1, 2 gene mutations
More than 70 point or missense mutations Direct or indirect alteration of Increased ratio of A42:40
and exon deletion mutations -secretase

32.3 AMYLOID PRECURSOR PROTEIN produce A. The half-life of APP is short and is processed by
at least two pathways (- and -/-secretase activities). In
peripheral cells, -secretase activity predominates, cleaving
The APP is a transmembrane protein that is found in most
the A domain of APP at position 16/17. This leads to the
cell types including neuronal and glial cells (Figure 32.2). It is
production of soluble ectodomain protein sAPP (Evin et al.,
especially enriched in the alpha-granule of platelets. The APP
1994). The soluble ectodomains of APP (both sAPP and
gene is located on chromosome 21 (Kang et al., 1987). The
sAPP) do not aggregate and do not participate in plaque
pathogenic APP mutations account for less than 5 per cent of
formation. -Secretase activity leaves in the membrane a
all cases of AD inherited in an autosomal dominant manner.
small carboxyl-terminal fragment which undergoes further
The precise physiological function of APP is unknown,
processing. The -secretase activity may be sequence non-
though no doubt is complex and possibly related to synaptic
specific and act on several other transmembrane proteins.
plasticity, repair and regeneration. The structural domains sug-
Furthermore, recent work has identified a disintegrin and
gest that it may have a role in cell–cell (synapse) or cell–matrix
metalloprotease (ADAM), as being a potent effector of
interactions (neurite stabilization). In the platelet, APP has
-secretase activity (Lammich et al., 1999). Increase of ADAM-
been shown to be involved in inhibition of platelet aggregation
10 expression and activity may theoretically be effective as a
via an effect on arachidonic acid metabolism (Henry et al.,
treatment for AD.
1998). There is also evidence to suggest that APP is affected by
A therefore exists in several forms depending on the site of
metal ion binding, calcium levels and heparin binding. APP has
cleavage by as yet largely undefined -, - or -secretases. The
also been associated with cell proliferation and neurite out-
length of the A fragment varies depending on the site of cleav-
growth in response to nerve growth factor (Milward et al.,
age leading to a product between 39 and 43 amino acids in
1992; Small et al., 1994; Yankner, 1996). Other in vitro experi-
length. The N-terminal 28 residues are from the extracellular
ments have suggested that a deficiency of APP renders cells
portion of APP, and the 11–15 C-terminal residues are derived
more susceptible to a variety of neurotoxic insults.
from the transmembrane domain. It is the A42 which is con-
sidered to be the more insoluble and toxic moiety and is a
product of -secretase cleavage of the APP molecule. - and
32.4 APP PROCESSING BY ␣-, ␤- AND -secretase activity involves cleavage of APP at sites correspond-
␥-SECRETASES ing to positions 1 (-secretase) and 40 or 42 (-secretase) of
the A fragment, releasing the insoluble amyloidogenic peptide
APP exists in three major isoforms of 695, 751 and 770 amino A(1–40/42) commonly referred to as A42. Determination of
acids. The 695-amino-acid isoform (APP695) is predominantly the identity of -secretase could have important therapeutic
expressed in neurones (Kang et al., 1987; Tanzi et al., 1987). The implications. Recent evidence suggests an intimate relationship
APP751 and APP770 isoforms are predominantly expressed in between PS1 and -secretase, and there is increasing evi-
peripheral tissues and astrocytes (Golde et al., 1990; Kang dence that the active sit of -secretase lies within the trans-
and Müller-Hill, 1990). APP is synthesized in the endoplas- membrane domains of the PS molecule (De Strooper et al.,
mic reticulum and is then transported through the Golgi 1999; Struhl and Greenwald, 1999; Wolfe et al., 1999; Ye et al.,
apparatus to the cell surface. In its transmembrane orientation 1999). The macromolecular complex which constitutes
(as shown in Figure 32.2) it undergoes proteolytic cleavage to -secretase activity is presently discerned as 400 kDa in
APP mutations and A production 429



KPI OX-2 Exon 15
G0 binding
HBD-1 ZnBD Membrane
Secretase sites

-secretase -secretase -secretase

1 10 20 30 40


APP770 Codon 670/671 692 693 715 717 723

Swedish Flemish Dutch French London Australian
(b) 716

Figure 32.2 (a) The structural domains of APP are schematically shown. Within the large extracellular ectodomain there are heparin-binding
sites (HBD-1,2), metal-binding sites (ZnBD), growth-promoting domains (GPD), carbohydrate-attachment sites (CHO; CS-GAG), and alternatively
spliced exons (KPI, OX2, exon 15). The shorter cytoplasmic domain has interacting motifs for G0 protein, clathrin (NPXY) and the Fe65 family of
proteins. (b) The A (juxtatransmembrane and transmembrane) domains are shown in more detail. The -, - and -secretase sites are shown,
with the major cleavage sites indicated by unbroken arrows. The critical pathogenic mutations are shown to be clustered near the secretase sites
(see also Table 32.1).

mass, and contains at least three other molecules: Aph1, Pen2

with enhanced toxicity or propensity to aggregation. In
and nicastrin (Iwatsubo, 2004). Active development of
Down’s syndrome (trisomy 21), where there is an extra copy
inhibitors of -secretase has progressed at a radical pace, and
of the APP gene, there is a similar increase in the overall
the results of clinical trials are expected soon.
levels of A42 (Teller et al., 1996).
It is necessary to elucidate the mechanisms that regulate
the activity of the secretase enzymes involved in APP metab-
32.5 APP MUTATIONS AND A␤ PRODUCTION olism, as a greater understanding of these processes will aid
the development of therapeutic interventions. One factor
The various APP mutations inevitably produce increased ratios that may predict which form of cleavage is utilized is cell
of A42 through a variety of mechanisms (Table 32.1). The type, with glial cells and neurones (both differentiated and
mutations at codons 670/671 (the ‘Swedish’ mutation), undifferentiated) producing different isoforms of APP
increase -secretase cleavage and lead to an overall excess (Haass et al., 1991; Baskin et al., 1992; Hung et al., 1992).
amyloid production (Cai et al., 1993). Mutations at codon 717 Another factor that influences the cleavage pathway may be
(the ‘London’ mutation), 715 (the ‘French’ mutation), 716 the release of APP by protein kinase C (PKC), which leads to
(the ‘Florida’ mutation) and 723 (the ‘Australian’ mutation) a predominance of the -secretase pathway (Caporaso et al.,
act at the -secretase site, increasing the ratio of A42:40 1992; Gillespie et al., 1992; Sinha and Lieberburg, 1992). Of
(Suzuki et al., 1994; Brooks et al., 1995; Eckman et al., 1997; interest, PKC mediated -secretase activity may be induced
Ancolio et al., 1999; Kwok et al., 2000). Mutations at 692 and by neurotransmitters and other first-messenger ligands
693 (the ‘Dutch’ and ‘Flemish’ mutations) are either associ- (Buxbaum et al., 1992; Lahiri et al., 1992; Nitsch et al., 1992).
ated with -secretase activity, presumably leading to a If these first and second messenger pathways prove to directly
decrease in this pathway with a resultant increase in - and influence the production of A42, then these systems could
-activity (Haass et al., 1994) or yield a mutant A peptide provide another target for pharmacological intervention.
430 Role of A amyloid in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease

Exon 10

Exon 3
cleavage site

Exon 9
Exon 12
Exon 4
Exon 8

Exon 6 Cytosol
cleavage site

Exon 7

Exon I I

PS-I residue change due to missense mutation

PS-I exon deletion mutations: E4

Exon 5

Figure 32.3 A model of the presenilin 1 molecule. The multiple mutations that cause early-onset Alzheimer’s disease are seen to cluster in
the transmembrane domains and in proximity to the normal ‘presenilinase’ cleavage site. The cytosolic loop between transmembrane domains
6 and 7 may play a critical role in -secretase activity.

32.6 PRESENILINS 1 AND 2 by disruption of intracellular calcium levels (Keller et al.,

In summary, all the identified genotypes in autosomal
The PS1 gene is located on chromosome 14 and PS2 on chro- dominant AD have, as their common denominator, an
mosome 1. In the brain, PS1 is found in both neurones and increase in the production of A42. This observation suggests
glia. It has a multipass transmembrane orientation (Figure a direct causal relationship between A42 and the develop-
32.3). PS2 expression in the pancreas and muscle exceeds ment of AD.
other sites including the brain (Rogaev, 1998). The presenilin
molecules undergo cleavage by unidentified mechanisms to
yield N- and C-terminal fragments. The functions of PS1 and
PS2 are unknown, though it has been proposed that they may
have a role in signalling pathways from plasma membranes
to the cell nucleus during cell differentiation, or they may Despite the above evidence that an increase in the proportion
play a role in receptor trafficking and protein recycling. of A42 is a common end point for all the autosomal domi-
A link between PS mutations and A production has been nant mutations that lead to AD, the exact mechanism of
confirmed as an increased ratio of A42:40 is noted in transfected underlying A42 and neuronal degeneration remains unclear
cell lines and transgenic mice expressing mutant forms of (Box 32.1).
PS1 (Borchelt et al., 1996; Citron et al., 1996; Duff et al., 1996; A has been shown to be directly neurotoxic to hippocam-
Lemere et al., 1996). Knock-out PS1 cells lose -secretase pal neurones that are particularly sensitive to oxidative stress
activity, consistent with the concept of PS harbouring the and are affected first in the spread of AD throughout the cere-
active -secretase site (De Strooper et al., 1998). Furthermore, bral cortex. While some authors have been unable to demon-
patients and at-risk individuals with PS mutations have strate neurotoxicity of A when it exists in an immature,
increased ratios of A42:40 (Scheuner et al., 1996). PS1 may non-fibrillar, amorphous aggregate (Lorenzo and Yanker,
have an anti-apoptotic activity (Roperch et al., 1998) and 1994), there is now an emerging consensus that the smaller
mutations in PS1 may sensitize neuronal cells to apoptosis oligomeric aggregates of A, in association with factors such as
Apolipoprotein E, 2-macroglobulin and other genetic modifiers of environmental risk in Alzheimer’s disease 431

glycoprotein of 299 amino acids that is a normal constituent

Box 32.1 A toxicity-proposed mechanisms
of plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lipoprotein parti-
• Generation of reactive oxygen species, metal mediated cles. The physiological function of the protein is to mediate
• Physical disruption of cellular membrane cholesterol uptake, storage, transport and metabolism. There
• Receptor-mediated uptake and apoptotic signalling is a binding site for A present near the C-terminus of the
• Disturbance of intracellular calcium homeostasis ApoE molecule (Wisniewski et al., 1993). ApoE is a compo-
nent of the VLDL and HDL complexes involved in cellular
uptake and metabolism of cholesterol (Mahley, 1988). ApoE
metal ions, constitute the principal forms of the toxic A is normally upregulated and released from astrocytes follow-
species. A can potentiate the neuronal insult of excitatory ing neuronal injury and not only affects lipid metabolism
amino acids (Koh et al., 1990), oxidative stress (Lockhart et al., following this trauma, but may also complex with VLDL to
1994) and glucose deprivation (Copani et al., 1991). This may increase neurite outgrowth and synaptogenesis. However, the
explain why the cumulative exposure of the ageing brain to different ApoE genotypes differentially affect this process.
other risk factors renders it more vulnerable to the toxic effects Individuals carrying the 4 allele have a decreased capacity
of A. A has also been shown in vitro to cause plasma mem- for compensatory neurite outgrowth and synaptogenesis fol-
brane lipid peroxidation, impairment of ion motive ATPases, lowing neuronal injury (Poirier, 1994).
glutamate uptake and uncoupling of -protein linked recep- It has also been demonstrated that individuals with at
tors (Behl et al., 1994; Butterfield et al., 1994; Hensley et al., least one 4 allele develop greater numbers of neuritic
1994; Mark et al., 1996). These pathological processes may plaques (Olichney et al., 1996) irrespective of whether or not
contribute to a loss of intracellular calcium homeostasis that they have clinical AD (Rebeck et al., 1993; Schmechel et al.,
has been reported in cultured neurones (Mattson et al., 1993; Polvikoski et al., 1995). ApoE 4 also complexes with
1993). A, when introduced into neuronal cultures, leads to A, whereas ApoE 3 does not have the same affinity, thus
a gradual increase in intracellular calcium, though this activ- promoting protofibril formation, which, as has been alluded
ity is not affected by the addition of either calcium channel to already, may be the immediate neurotoxic product in AD.
blockers or chelating agents (Lorenzo and Yanker, 1994; A model therefore exists that outlines the interaction
Whitson and Appel, 1995). A may also impair redox activity between A and ApoE which explains why the latter exists as
in mitochondria, leading to the production of free radicals one of many contributing genetic risk factors to the develop-
(Shearman et al., 1994). Cellular damage mediated by A is ment of AD. At the very least, it links the metabolism of cho-
inhibited by vitamin E (Behl et al., 1992). This supports the lesterol into the A-mediated pathway of AD causation.
above observation that a free-radical-based process, medi- Not only is the genotype that an individual carries rele-
ated by A, leads to neuronal damage and that this process, vant as a risk factor for AD, but variations in ApoE levels may
in vitro, can be inhibited by antioxidants. The use of antioxi- also be an important factor in predicting disease onset. The
dants in the treatment of AD has been investigated clinically promoter of ApoE that regulates the synthesis of the lipopro-
in recent years and some clinical efficacy has been shown tein is polymorphic. The allelic variants at 491 (Bullido
with vitamin E (Sano et al., 1997). Preliminary trials with et al., 1998), 427 (Artiga et al., 1998) and 219 (Lambert
compounds which target the redox-active metal binding sites et al., 1998) of the ApoE promoter region, when homozygous,
on A have yielded encouraging results (Ritchie et al., 2003). may be associated with increased risk of AD, and a combina-
tion of the adverse alleles of the promoter and coding regions
confer even greater risk of developing AD (Artiga et al., 1998).
Clinically, possession of the 4 allele increases the risk of
developing AD at any particular age. In individuals who are
4 heterozygotes, there is an approximate doubling of risk
and for those that are homozygous for 4 the risk is increased
by a factor of between 6 and 8 (National Institute on
32.8.1 Apolipoprotein E Aging/Alzheimer’s Association Working Group, 1996).
Possession of an 4 allele may lead to an earlier age of onset
ApoE isoforms represent a major genetic susceptibility factor (Blacker et al., 1997; Burlinson et al., 1998) and there may be
for sporadic AD, affecting all people over the age of 60 years. an even greater risk of developing AD in females who carry
It is the first of what may prove to be a multiple set of genetic the 4 allele (Poirier et al., 1993; Payami et al., 1994; Duara
risk factors that have the potential to modify any putative et al., 1996). There are, however, conflicting reports regarding
environmental risk factor. the rate of decline associated with different genotypes. The
The ApoE gene, located on chromosome 19, was the first ApoE 2 allele may confer protection against the develop-
polymorphic gene to be associated with a complex disease ment of AD (Corder et al., 1994; Myers et al., 1996).
using positional cloning strategies. The ApoE gene products The 4 allele also confers additional risk of developing AD in
vary depending upon the inherited pair of polymorphic alle- those patients who have suffered strokes (Slooter et al., 1997),
les. There are three allelic varieties 2, 3 and 4. ApoE is a though other authors, in smaller studies, have failed to replicate
432 Role of A amyloid in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease

this finding (Burlinson et al., 1998). Other cerebral insults such for AD, then predictive testing considering both genes (and
as head injuries have been associated with increased A deposi- also including genotyping of the ApoE promoter regions)
tion in patients who carry an 4 allele (Nicoll et al., 1995). could be developed with much higher positive predictive
Determining the ApoE status of a patient may be of value in values than those demonstrated with ApoE testing alone.
aiding the diagnosis of AD where there is already a high clinical Whole genome search strategies (Blacker et al., 2003;
suspicion of the condition. However, there may only be a mar- Ertekin-Taner et al., 2004) have yielded other ‘hot spots’ of
ginal increase in diagnostic accuracy (American College of interest, the most intriguing of which is that on chromosome
Medical Genetics/American Society of Human Genetics 10, close to the insulin degrading enzyme (IDE) locus. Attempts
Working Group on Apolipoprotein E and Alzheimer’s Disease, to identify IDE as a risk factor have so far failed, but it remains
1995; National Institute on Aging/ Alzheimer’s Association an attractive candidate for its demonstrated role in promot-
Working Group, 1996). In isolation, knowledge of the ApoE ing the clearance of A from the brain (Farris et al., 2004).
genotype of any given individual lacks the sensitivity, specificity
or positive predictive value to be useful as a screening tool.

32.8.2 ␣2-Macroglobulin, low density Being able to determine the risk that a given individual has of
lipoprotein receptor-related protein developing AD late in life has few clinical implications at
and insulin degrading enzyme present. As proven disease-modifying treatments for AD do
not exist, the main benefit of defining a population at high
Whilst the ApoE gene was the first polymorphic marker to be
risk of developing AD is to identify a cohort for clinical trials
identified as a genetic modifier of risk for AD, other candidate
of drugs with a postulated preventative or significant disease-
genetic loci are being investigated, including 2-macroglobulin
modifying action.
(2M), a protease inhibitor found in association with amyloid
Current therapeutic interventions for AD operate far down-
plaques in AD. The gene for 2M is located on chromosome
stream from the postulated initial toxicity of A42. Their effi-
12: binds A with high affinity, and may influence fibril forma-
cacy is dependent upon augmenting the activity of surviving
tion and the toxicity of A in vitro (Hughes et al., 1998). The
cholinergic neurones; the cholinesterase inhibitors (donepezil,
activity of 2M has also been associated with low density
galantamine) have shown only modest effect on clinical pro-
lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP1). Both 2M and
gression of AD and have no demonstrable disease-modifying
LRP1 are upregulated following neuronal injury (Lopes et al.,
effect. To prevent neuronal damage and clinical impairment,
1994). Furthermore, 2M is thought to mediate A degrada-
effective therapies must either affect the initial production of
tion via endocytosis through LRP1 (Narita et al., 1997). As
A42 from APP or mediate its toxicity or clearance. Specific
ApoE and APP are also ligands of LRP1, it is postulated that dif-
interventions may therefore target inhibition of -secretase,
ferent isoforms of ApoE and 2M may interact differentially
upregulate the -secretase pathway, influence the phospho-
and competitively for this system, affecting the clearance of A.
rylation state of the APP molecule, chelate metal ions, scav-
Several investigators have now shown that, like ApoE, dif-
enge free radicals, affect the postulated overactivation of
ferent LRP1 genotypes are associated with the development
microglial cells in response to amyloid deposition or a com-
of AD (Kang et al., 1997; Hollenbach et al., 1998), mediated
bination of these. These actions may, if the amyloid theory is
possibly through an increase in A burden. 2M genotypes,
correct, decrease A42 production and amyloid plaque for-
unlike ApoE genotypes, have seemingly no effect on the age
mation, protect neurones from the postulated neurotoxic
of onset in AD (Liao et al., 1998). The odds ratio for AD asso-
effects of this system or aid clearance of A42 from the brain.
ciated with the / 2M genotype was shown to be 1.77
(1.16–2.70, P 0.01) and in combination with ApoE 4 was
9.68 (3.91–24.0, P 0.001). In the same study, there was no
increased risk of AD demonstrated in heterozygotic individ-
uals with / genotype, and stratification of the sample based
on the presence or absence of the ApoE 4 allele demon- This chapter has highlighted the complexity and intricacies of
strated a similar overrepresentation of the / genotype in the various systems that tie A to the neuronal degeneration
both strata (Liao et al., 1998). This finding was demonstrated of AD. Intensive investigation of these biochemical systems
in a population-based study. This initial work suggests that has elucidated several potential targets for rational therapeu-
the 2M / genotype may increase the risk of developing tic intervention. The test of the amyloid theory will be in the
AD, that this risk is independent of the effects of ApoE 4, examination of interventions that modulate the production
and that the risks are additive and substantial. The studies to and accumulation of A42, initially in mice before human
date require further replication and the effect requires trials take place. In preparation for these trials, defining a high-
demonstration in different populations in a similar manner risk population based on genetic risk factors will continue
to studies defining the risks associated with ApoE 4. If future with the hope that more effective disease-modifying drugs
studies do conclude that 2M is an independent risk factor will be available for trial in the not too distant future.
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Vascular factors in Alzheimer’s disease


33.1 Challenges for research 436 33.5 Causal links between vascular disease and
33.2 Vascular factors and clinical Alzheimer’s disease 437 Alzheimer’s disease 439
33.3 Vascular factors and Alzheimer’s disease pathology 438 33.6 Implications 441
33.4 White matter lesions and Alzheimer’s disease 438 References 441

The growing recognition of vascular factors in Alzheimer’s dis- diagnostic criteria, which excluded potentially mixed disease
ease (AD) has challenged preconceived ideas about the nature because of the higher interrater agreement attained by using a
of dementia. Assumptions about AD and vascular dementia narrow syndrome definition. Vascular factors in AD became
as distinguishable clinical disorders have been steadily eroded a difficult area to research because AD could only be diag-
as the large overlap between assumed underlying pathology nosed in the absence of vascular factors.
and observed clinical syndromes has become increasingly A more fundamental challenge to understanding the role
evident. In neuropathological research, the focus on neuritic of vascular factors in AD is the limited interface between epi-
plaques and neurofibrillary tangles as the hallmarks of demiological and biological research. Epidemiological research
‘Alzheimer pathology’ is challenged by an increasing body of investigates associations between potential risk factors and a
research highlighting associated abnormalities in the vascu- specified disorder, accepting that causal processes in between
lature. Developments in neuroimaging have been a mixed may not be measurable in the population. These causal
blessing. The ability to detect more minor levels of vascular processes can be represented as a ‘black box’ between expo-
disturbance is undoubtedly useful in investigating causal path- sure and outcome. Biological research on the other hand
ways and a long way on from relying on clinical evidence of focuses on potential causal processes within the ‘box’. However,
cerebral infarction. However, detectable ‘abnormalities’ now in the absence of tissue biopsies (which are impractical in
include a larger proportion that are coincidental rather than dementia research), findings at a molecular or cellular level
causal, particularly in older age groups. cannot be linked directly to clinical symptoms/syndromes
observed in life. Because of this lack of connection, AD has
become in effect two disorders – one a process of nerve cell
death with particular features at a cellular level that can only
33.1 CHALLENGES FOR RESEARCH be observed at autopsy, the second a clinical disorder charac-
terized by its symptoms and clinical course. AD the patho-
A major obstacle for research in this area has been the logical disorder is likely to be have been present for a decade
assumption that AD and vascular dementia are discrete dis- or two before AD the clinical disorder becomes apparent.
orders at a pathological and clinical level. This assumption However, large numbers of people with significant levels of
arose, one suspects, because of a need for clinicians to assign AD pathology show no clinical evidence of dementia
diagnoses rather than because of any supportive evidence. (Neuropathology Group of the Medical Research Council
The authors of the seminal post-mortem studies in the 1960s Cognitive Function and Ageing Study, 2001). Diagnostic cri-
and 1970s recognized that people with dementia could have teria for AD as a clinical disorder attempt to predict the pres-
Alzheimer pathology, could have cerebral infarction or could ence of AD pathology by the time of death (McKhann et al.,
have both. Mixed dementia was retained in all subsequent 1984). However, these criteria poorly reflect mixed disease
diagnostic systems but received little or no research attention. (Holmes et al., 1999), which will become increasingly com-
Research instead focused on AD, using clinical and pathological mon with population ageing.
Vascular factors and clinical Alzheimer’s disease 437

The role of vascular factors in AD may therefore be con- AD) proved remarkably difficult to demonstrate for some
sidered from two perspectives. One concerns the association time. Raised blood pressure in mid-life is associated with later
between vascular disease, vascular risk factors and risk of AD cognitive impairment and dementia (Elias et al., 1993; Launer
as a clinically defined syndrome. The second concerns vascu- et al., 1995). However, this has tended only to be apparent in
lar abnormalities associated with Alzheimer pathology. These studies with follow-up periods of 10 years or more. Studies
will be considered separately before research findings are with shorter follow up often find no association (Posner et al.,
described which may link the strands together. 2002), and cross-sectional studies frequently show associa-
tions between dementia and low rather than high blood pres-
sure (Guo et al., 1996). Skoog’s analysis of a cohort with
33.2 VASCULAR FACTORS AND CLINICAL 15-year follow-up data found that participants with AD had
ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE raised systolic blood pressure at the start of the study but
lower blood pressure by the time dementia had developed
The most commonly used criteria for ‘probable’ AD require (Skoog et al., 1996b). This does not appear to be accounted
that other potential causes of dementia are not present. There for by antihypertensive treatment since randomized trials of
is obviously a strong subjective element involved in deciding these agents show no deleterious effects on cognition (Prince
what represents a sufficient potential ‘cause’, an issue which has et al., 1996; Forette et al., 1998). It is therefore likely that there
become steadily more problematic with increasingly sophis- are metabolic changes associated with early dementia, which
ticated techniques for identifying mild degrees of comorbidity account for this reversal of association. These illustrate a fur-
(and with ageing populations where significant comorbidity ther difficulty with investigating vascular risk factors since AD
is to be expected). An inevitable byproduct of this classifica- cannot be assumed to be a ‘passive’ outcome but instead may
tion system is that AD samples tend to be relatively healthy, influence the exposures in question. Weight loss occurs in
and it is not surprising that several early case–control studies early dementia (Barrett-Connor et al., 1996; Nourhashemi
found similar or lower levels of vascular risk factors. et al., 2003) as well as declining blood pressure. The extent to
which these processes influence other vascular risk factors,
such as cholesterol levels, insulin resistance and glucose toler-
33.2.1 Associations between vascular risk ance, has not been adequately investigated. However, there are
factors and AD obvious implications for prevention and treatment.
Progress only began to be made when studies began to use
screened community samples and applied more broad def- 33.2.3 Interactions with ApoE genotype
initions of AD, allowing people with comorbid cerebrovascular
disease to be included if this was not clearly causal. There is now Several studies have investigated the role of apolipoprotein E
a substantial body of prospective epidemiological research sup- (ApoE) genotype in the relationship between vascular risk
porting a role for vascular risk factors in the aetiology of AD. factors and AD. The ApoE 4 allele was first recognized for its
Identified risk factors include large vessel atherosclerosis as esti- associations with cholesterol metabolism, and has been
mated by carotid ultrasound or the ankle:brachial blood pres- found at least in some studies to be associated with stroke
sure index (Hofman et al., 1997), conventional risk factors for (Margaglione et al., 1998; McCarron et al., 1999). However,
cerebrovascular disease such as hypertension (Skoog et al., there is no evidence to date that cholesterol levels or other
1996b; Kivipelto et al., 2001), type 2 diabetes (Brayne et al., vascular factors substantially explain the well established asso-
1998; Ott et al., 1999) and atrial fibrillation (Ott et al., 1997), as ciation between 4 and AD (Slooter et al., 1999; Prince et al.,
well as conventional cardiovascular risk factors such as raised 2000). The focus instead has shifted to investigating inter-
cholesterol levels (Notkola et al., 1998; Kivipelto et al., 2001) actions between vascular factors and 4 as risk factors, although
and smoking (Ott et al., 1998). They also include risk factors findings remain conflicting and difficult to synthesise. A pre-
such as raised homocysteine levels (Clarke et al., 1998; Seshadri liminary finding from one community study was that vascular
et al., 2002) and insulin resistance (Kuusisto et al., 1997) and
disease was more strongly associated with AD in the presence
protective factors such as moderate alcohol intake (Ruitenberg
of ApoE 4 (Hofman et al., 1997). Subsequent findings from
et al., 2002) and increased physical activity (Yoshitake et al.,
later examinations in the same study did not support this
1995; Laurin et al., 2001) where other causal pathways may be interaction (Slooter et al., 1999), although other studies have
involved, but whose associations with AD may have a vascular reported similar interactions (Johnston et al., 2000). For some
component. vascular risk factors, 4 interactions have been found in the
opposite direction. Insulin resistance and smoking, for
33.2.2 Effects of dementia on vascular risk example, have been found to be more strongly associated with
factors AD in people without 4 (Kuusisto et al., 1997; Ott et al., 1998).
Because interactions tend not to be reported as absent, it is
Despite strong associations with cerebrovascular disease, difficult at present to exclude publication bias as an explana-
associations between hypertension and dementia (including tion for these results.
438 Vascular factors in Alzheimer’s disease

33.2.4 The role of clinical stroke but also a potential cause of cognitive decline in its own right.
This was demonstrated in a recent autopsy follow up of a large
An important question arising is the extent to which associa- and well-characterized community population, which found a
tions between vascular risk factors and AD are explained by strong and synergistic relationship between ‘conventional’ AD
cerebral infarction. Most of the studies cited above have, in pathology and CAA on cognitive function in life (Pfeiffer et al.,
secondary analyses, divided AD cases into those with and 2002). The effect of CAA on cognitive function was apparent in
without clinical evidence of cerebrovascular disease and most those with clinical AD and so was not fully explained by overt
have found that associations remain in the less mixed group. cerebrovascular disease, suggesting that it may underlie some of
An exception may be atrial fibrillation, which appears to be the gradual decline traditionally attributed to parenchymal
particularly associated with AD co-occurring with stroke (Ott pathology. The mechanism has yet to be elucidated through
et al., 1997). The association between stroke itself and AD is which small vessel abnormalities may result in neurodegenera-
almost impossible to investigate because of the way in which tion. However, further support is provided by a study that
AD is defined. However, there have been important findings found blood vessels isolated from the brains of people with AD
which question the extent to which the two are separable: were neurotoxic in vitro (Grammas et al., 1999).

• The majority of people developing dementia after stroke

do so in the absence of further clinical infarction 33.3.2 Microangiopathy
(Tatemichi et al., 1994).
• Post-stroke dementia frequently follows an AD-like A growing body of evidence suggests that vascular abnormal-
clinical course (Kokmen et al., 1996). ities in AD are not restricted to arterial and arteriolar amy-
• Post-stroke dementia is frequently associated with evidence loid deposition, but are also seen in cerebral microvessels
of prestroke cognitive decline (Hénon et al., 2001). and capillaries. Microangiopathic changes include basement
• Cognitive impairment is a risk factor for later first onset membrane thickening and collagen accumulation (Farkas
of stroke (Ferucci et al., 1996). et al., 2000), as well as smooth muscle cell irregularities,
• Post-stroke dementia is associated with an increased risk endothelial degeneration and other abnormalities (Kalaria and
of stroke recurrence (Moroney et al., 1997). Skoog, 2002). The underlying causal pathways have yet to be
established but might include oxidative stress or blood–brain
For dementia associated with stroke, these findings suggest barrier dysfunction secondary to AD pathology itself or sec-
that the stroke episode itself, although undoubtedly having ondary to a common underlying risk factor (Kalaria and Skoog,
an impact on cognitive function, may frequently occur in the 2002). Microangiopathy may itself exacerbate AD through
context of more insidious and gradual decline. This may effects on the microcirculation, compromising the normal
reflect comorbid AD in a substantial number of cases. removal of neurotoxic -amyloid (de la Torre and Mussivand,
1993; Preston et al., 2003), and could also exacerbate the cell
damage associated with comorbid cereb ascular disease

Epidemiological research therefore supports a role for con- 33.4 WHITE MATTER LESIONS AND
ventional vascular risk factors in the aetiology of clinical AD. ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE
Parallel neurobiological research has suggested that vascular
processes may be an important feature of AD at a patho- Neuroimaging findings lie somewhere between epidemi-
logical level. ology and pathology in AD research since associations are
investigated with the clinical disease but inferences are made
33.3.1 Cerebral amyloid angiopathy regarding underlying pathological processes. White matter
hyperintensities (WMH) on magnetic resonance imaging
Traditionally research into the role of amyloid in AD has (MRI) are frequently found in association with AD, although
focused on its deposition in parenchymal neuritic plaques. they are by no means a characteristic feature. The pathological
However, other pathology associated with the disorder has processes underlying WMH have not been definitely estab-
long been recognized. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) lished, at least in part because of methodological difficulties
describes the deposition of -amyloid, amongst other pro- involved in linking neuroimaging appearances observed in
teins, in the walls of cortical vessels. CAA increases with age life with post-mortem findings some time later. Arteriosclerotic
and is particularly common in AD (Yamada, 2000). It is also changes are often seen in association with white matter alter-
recognized to be a risk factor for cerebrovascular disorders ations, and ischaemia due to small vessel occlusion or hypo-
such as small and large vessel haemorrhage, leukoencephalo- perfusion may underlie the dysmyelination and neuronal
pathy and infarction, and is a feature of some familial early- loss also observed. However, blood–brain barrier disturbance
onset dementia syndromes. CAA is therefore a feature of AD and transient episodes of cerebral oedema may also underlie
Causal links between vascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease 439

WMH (Pantoni and Lammie, 2002). Vascular amyloid • Ischaemic injury and amyloid deposition: -amyloid
deposition has been considered as a possible factor accounting production appears to be a non-specific response to
for white matter changes in AD, and both CAA and WMH cerebral trauma but has been described in particular in
are found in combination in a rare genetic syndrome (Haan the hippocampi of rodents after severe but transient
et al., 1990). However, white matter changes have generally ischaemia (Kogure and Kato, 1993), providing a potential
not been found to be associated with vascular amyloid in link between ischaemia/infarction and AD pathology.
groups with dementia (Erkinjuntti et al., 1996). • Inflammation: There is growing recognition that
Whatever the precise pathology, there is reasonable epi- inflammatory processes are important in mediating
demiological evidence to suggest that WMH represent sub- cerebral damage following stroke (Emsley and Tyrrell,
clinical cerebrovascular disease in many cases. WMH have 2002). Inflammation is also an important feature of AD
been consistently found to be associated with conventional pathology (Halliday et al., 2000), and might conceivably
risk factors for cerebrovascular disease such as hypertension underlie links between the two processes.
(Breteler et al., 1994b; Liao et al., 1997; Dufouil et al., 2001), • The blood–brain barrier: Increased permeability of
smoking (Liao et al., 1997), hypercholesterolaemia (Breteler the blood–brain barrier has been found in association
et al., 1994b) and atherosclerosis (Bots et al., 1993). There is with transient ischaemia (Pluta et al., 1996), and this
also a reasonable body of evidence to suggest that, at a popu- has been suggested to underlie both perivascular
lation level, they are associated with worse cognitive function amyloid deposition and white matter changes
(Breteler et al., 1994a; Kuller et al., 1998), in people both with (Tomimoto et al., 1996).
and without dementia (Skoog et al., 1996a). However, a focus • Abnormal protein glycation: Advance glycation end
on population-level associations in large studies runs the risk products, metabolic oxidation products associated with
of glossing over considerable individual heterogeneity. WMH diabetes and hyperglycaemia (Vlassara et al., 1992) have
are common findings in older populations and may be present also been found in association with neurofibrillary
at an apparently severe degree without detectable evidence of tangles and neuritic plaques in AD (Dickson, 1997).
cognitive impairment (Fein et al., 1990). WMH appear to be These may underlie, at least in part, the association
associated with dementia, although findings have been less between diabetes and AD that does not appear to be
consistent than for studies of cognitive function (Smith et al., entirely mediated through cerebrovascular disease
2000; Piguet et al., 2003). More specific associations with AD (Stewart and Liolitsa, 1999).
are less easy to establish because of variation in the way in
which diagnostic criteria are applied and in the extent to which
33.5.2 Links at a cognitive level
WMH are considered as excluding AD. What can at least be
claimed with reasonable confidence is that WMH are fre-
The mechanisms above suggest that vascular factors may
quently present in people with clinical AD (if only because
directly influence the pathological processes that are believed
both are common and age-associated) and that they represent
to underlie AD. However, clinical AD might still be ‘caused’
comorbid cerebrovascular disease in many cases.
without any direct interaction at a pathological level but
instead by interaction in clinical manifestations. Alzheimer
pathology develops slowly, possibly over as long a period as
33.5 CAUSAL LINKS BETWEEN VASCULAR 20 years. The chance of someone developing dementia depends
DISEASE AND ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE a great deal on the extent to which a given level of pathology
affects cognition and on the extent to which a person can
The neuropathological findings summarized above suggest compensate for this. Alzheimer pathology begins in the
that vascular abnormalities are a feature of AD pathology and hippocampus and manifests in its early stages as declining
may be important in its clinical expression. White matter memory function. Mild levels of cerebrovascular disease on the
hyperintensities in AD may or may not be a marker of these other hand would be expected to exert most damage on deep
particular pathological features but do suggest the involvement white matter and on fronto-subcortical connections. The con-
of vascular processes because of well-recognized associations sequent disruption of executive functions such as selective
with risk factors for cerebrovascular disease. The next question attention and mental flexibility may be enough to ‘unmask’
to consider concerns pathways that might explain the associ- early AD that might not otherwise have become apparent for
ation observed in life between vascular risk factors and AD. several years. Vascular factors may therefore accelerate the
age of onset of clinical AD.
33.5.1 Links at a pathological level
33.5.3 Links at a functional level
Various pathways have been proposed, which may explain an
association between AD and vascular risk factors and which The ‘onset’ of dementia is defined, at least in research set-
relate to links at the level of pathological processes. These will tings, as the point where declining cognitive function starts
be summarized. to interfere with daily functioning. This is not an entirely
440 Vascular factors in Alzheimer’s disease

satisfactory definition of ‘incidence’ since it involves a higher levels of mortality in combination, diluting their asso-
considerable degree of subjective judgement on the part of ciation in older cohorts.
the participant, their family and the research worker. It also
assumes a process that can be isolated from all the other factors
33.5.5 Common underlying factors
influencing daily functioning in older people. A given level of
cognitive impairment may be more likely to be classified as
Associations between vascular factors and AD need not imply
problematic if daily function is already impaired – for exam-
direct causal links between the two but might, at least in part,
ple because of motor system impairment owing to cerebrovas-
arise from common underlying processes. ApoE genotype has
cular disease. Or, from the opposite perspective, a person in
been considered in this respect although, as discussed earlier,
good physical health may be able to sustain a greater degree
has not been found to explain substantially the co-occurrence
of cognitive decline before this can be said to be problematic.
of cerebrovascular disease and AD. Both AD and cerebrovas-
cular disease are ‘disorders of ageing’, i.e. they become more
common with increased age. However, ‘ageing’ as a process is
33.5.4 Evidence for these causal links not synonymous with increased chronological age and there
is substantial individual variation in the physiological changes
The hypothetical causal pathways summarized above suggest
that occur in the transition from mid- to late life. ‘Ageing’ is
that vascular factors might act directly to increase the pro-
likely to be influenced by a variety of factors, both genetic and
gression of AD pathology, or alternatively they might lower the
acquired. Many of these are unknown, e.g. genetic factors
threshold (cognitive or functional) at which clinical dementia
common to diseases of ageing. Others may be unquantifiable,
manifests for a given degree of neurodegeneration. These two
e.g. lifetime exposure to oxidative stress. Dementia is conven-
processes can be tested empirically since they predict different
tionally stressed as a disorder distinct from ‘normal ageing’.
associations between vascular factors and neuropathological
However, it is likely that there are processes that mediate
findings. Clinicopathological studies that have investigated
general vulnerability to ageing processes whether these are
cerebrovascular pathology as an exposure have tended to sup-
experienced in the brain parenchyma or in the vasculature.
port the second mechanism. Cerebrovascular disease and AD
A more specific factor that might link both vascular factors
overlap substantially in community-derived samples and are
and AD is insulin resistance. This is recognized to be important
clearly not in themselves sufficient to cause dementia since
in underlying the clustering of vascular risk factors such as
either pathology can be severe with no evidence of dementia in
hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypercholester-
life (Neuropathology Group of the Medical Research Council
olaemia (Reaven, 1988), all of which have been found to be
Cognitive Function and Ageing Study, 2001). However, AD
associated with AD as summarized above. However, insulin
pathology has not in general been found to be more severe in
levels themselves in theory could have direct effects on cogni-
the presence of cerebrovascular disease. Instead, women with
tive function. Insulin receptors are dense in the hippocampus
mild Alzheimer pathology in the Nun Study were found to be
(Marks et al., 1991). Their role in hippocampal function is not
more likely to have had dementia in life if cerebral infarction
understood, but increased levels of insulin have been found
was also present (Snowdon et al., 1997). The OPTIMA study
to inhibit hippocampal synaptic activity in vitro (Palovcik et al.,
in Oxford similarly found that cognitive function had been
1984). Insulin has also been found to reduce choline acetyl-
most impaired in people with early Alzheimer pathology if
transferase activity (Brass et al., 1992), a key factor in the cogni-
cerebrovascular disease was also present (Esiri et al., 1999),
tive impairment associated with AD, and there are links which
suggesting an effect on cognitive rather than functional reserve.
can be made between insulin growth factor-1 and the enzyme
Findings to date for detectable levels of cerebrovascular
pathways which regulate tau protein phosphorylation – and
disease therefore suggest that this acts to ‘cause’ AD through
hence neurofibrillary tangle formation (Stewart and Liolitsa,
reducing the pathological threshold for clinical dementia.
1999). Insulin resistance has been found to be associated inde-
However, findings for certain vascular risk factors suggest
pendently with AD in a population study (Kuusisto et al., 1997)
that there may also be effects on AD pathology itself. A post-
but mediating pathways for this have yet to be established.
mortem study of people without dementia found higher
senile plaque counts in those with coronary artery disease
(Sparks et al., 1990) and higher neurofibrillary tangle counts 33.5.6 Direction of cause and effect
in those with previous hypertension (Sparks et al., 1995).
Neuropathological follow-up studies in a cohort of Japanese- Since vascular risk factors emerge in mid-life and a consider-
American men have found higher levels of AD pathology able period before AD incidence begins to increase, it is gen-
associated with increased mid-life blood pressure (Petrovitch erally assumed that any causal processes are directed from
et al., 2000) and diabetes (Peila et al., 2002). These findings the vascular risk factor to AD. However, this does not exclude
differ from those for cerebrovascular disease and suggest either adverse effects of AD on the vasculature at a later stage. Links
that vascular risk factors influence AD pathology through at a pathological level between vascular factors and AD may be
different mechanisms. Alternatively it is possible that cere- complex and bi-directional. For example, hypertension might
brovascular disease and AD pathology are associated with cause small vessel disease and, consequently, cerebral ischaemia
References 441

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34.1 Molecular genetics of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease 444 34.4 Conclusion 448
34.2 Risk factors and candidate genes 446 References 448
34.3 Diagnostic genetic testing for Alzheimer’s disease 448

Major advances in our understanding of the pathogenesis of the APP gene characterized by hereditary cerebral haemor-
of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) have come from molecular rhage with amyloidosis of the Dutch type (HCHWA-D) (Levy
studies of patients with autosomal dominant early-onset AD et al., 1990; Kamino et al., 1992). This is a rare disorder caused
(EOAD). Mutations in the amyloid protein precursor (APP) by severe A4 amyloid deposition in meningeal and cerebral
and presenilin genes (PS1 and PS2) located on chromosomes microvessels (Levy et al., 1990; Van Broeckhoven et al., 1990).
21:14 and 1 respectively exert their effect in a fully penetrant It has recently been shown that E693G mutation causes AD by
manner. More recently, studies of late-onset AD (LOAD) increasing amyloid -protofibril formation and decreasing
have led to the determination of a number of possible risk amyloid  levels in plasma and conditioned media (Nilsberth
loci. On the basis of these studies it has been postulated that et al., 2000). Three different mutations have now been
the pathogenesis of LOAD is probably multifactorial. reported at codon 693: the ‘Dutch’ mutation (Glu22Gln), the
Continued research in this complex area of the genes and Arctic Glu22Gly mutation and ‘Italian’ mutation (Glu22Lys).
proteins involved in AD will help establish a logical basis for Peptides of the wild-type ‘Dutch’ and ‘Italian’ variants were
therapeutics and management. made and their cytotoxic effects were evaluated in human
cerebral endothelial cells in culture. The effect of each muta-
tion was different under these conditions, the E22Q peptide
34.1 MOLECULAR GENETICS OF EARLY-ONSET exhibiting the highest content of beta-sheet formation and
ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE aggregation properties. In contrast the ‘Dutch’ variant peptide
induced apoptosis of cerebral endothelial cells. These results
34.1.1 Mutations in the APP gene indicate that a change in amino acid at position 22 confers dis-
tinct structural properties on the peptides that affect the onset
The APP gene was implicated as a potential locus for AD of the inexorable disease process (Miravalle et al., 2000). After
mutations on the basis of four main intersecting lines of evi- the initial finding of the E693Q mutation, a sequence variation
dence. First, it is well known that individuals with Downs’s affecting the valine at codon 717 (position 46 relative to the
syndrome (trisomy 21) develop the pathological lesions of AD A4 sequence) was found to be associated with the EOAD
by the fourth decade. This evidence implied a relationship phenotype. At least 13 families worldwide have been identified
between chromosome 21 and AD pathology (Mann et al., with a V717I mutation, conferring an age of onset for AD in
1984, 1989). Second, a 40–42 amino acid proteolytic peptide the mid-fifties (Goate et al., 1991; Hardy et al., 1991; Naruse
(A) of the full length APP is a major constituent of senile et al., 1991; Fidani et al., 1992; Sorbi et al., 1993, 1995; Brooks
plaques (Masters et al., 1985; Goldgaber et al., 1987; Kang et al., et al., 1995; Campion et al., 1996, 1999; Matsumura et al., 1996;
1987). Genetic linkage studies have shown an additional line of Finckh et al., 2000). A ‘mixed’ phenotype of AD and/or severe
evidence for linkage to a locus associated with EOAD in the cerebral amyloid angiopathy is caused by a mutation (A692G)
region of chromosome 21 containing the APP gene (St at the A4 residue 21 adjacent to the E693Q HCHWA-D
George-Hyslop et al., 1987; Goate et al., 1989). Finally, a mis- (Hendriks et al., 1992). This finding provided supporting
sense mutation (APP E693Q) was identified in the A region evidence for the hypothesis that HCHWA-D and AD are
Molecular genetics of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease 445

pathological variants of the same disease, being associated M146V mutations have an age onset around 40 years (Clark
with a phenotype of AD or other A4 amyloidosis related dis- et al., 1995; Van Broeckhoven, 1995), whereas for kindreds
orders. A double mutation (K670N and M671L) in a large identified with the E280 and C410Y mutations the age of
Swedish EOAD kindred with a mean age of onset of 55 years onset is between 45 and 50 (Clark et al., 1995; Sherrington
was identified (Mullan et al., 1992). More recently four other et al., 1995); the Ala409Thr mutation has an onset of 85 years
APP mutations have been identified the Austrian (Thr714Ile) (Aldudo et al., 1999). EOAD linked to chromosome 14 is
(De Jonghe et al., 2000), Florida (Ile716Val) (Eckman et al., estimated to account for 70 per cent of all EOAD pedigrees
1997), French (Val715Met) (Ancolio et al., 1999) and (St George-Hyslop et al., 1992; Van Broeckhoven et al., 1992).
Australian (Leu723Pro) (Kwok et al., 2000a). The phenotype of PS1 mutations is heterogeneous. It was
The Swedish mutation was the first APP mutation for initially thought that the only difference between AD and
which a direct effect on A4 processing could be demon- EOAD was the earlier age of onset (Sherrington et al., 1995);
strated (Mullan et al., 1992). This double point mutation (the however, there are five reports of AD associated with spastic
‘Swedish’ mutation) Lys670Met and Asp671Leu is upstream paraparesis (SP) of the lower limbs. The brain pathology in
of the -secretase cleavage site and results in a 5–8-fold one kindred was described as unique with large plaques lacking
increase in the formation of both A40 and A42 (Citron the classical core of amyloid fibrils. The term ‘cotton wool’
et al., 1992). Two single point mutations at amino acid 717: was coined by virtue of their size and appearance (Crook
(the ‘London’ mutation Val717Ile; and the ‘Indiana’ mutation et al., 1998). PS1 mutations associated with SP include a small
Val717Phe) are adjacent to the -secretase site and specif- deletion in exon 4 (DeltaI83/M84) (Steiner et al., 2001), an
ically increase the production of A42 (Suzuki et al., 1994), insertion of six nucleotides in the coding region of exon 5
which is known to form insoluble amyloid fibrils (Selkoe, (from TAC to TTTATATAC) between amino acids K155 and
1994). Synthetic peptides containing the HCHWA mutation Y156, point mutations in the coding region of exon 8
show accelerated fibril formation (Wisniewski et al., 1991). The (Val261Phe) (Farlow et al., 2000) and (Arg278Thr) (Kwok
majority of APP mutations molecular effect is to increase et al., 1997), a point mutation in the splice acceptor consensus
A42 production (Hardy, 1997); however, overexpression of of intron 8 resulting in in-frame skipping of exon 9 and an
the Val715Met mutation in human HEK293 cells and murine amino acid change at the splice junction of exon 8 and exon
neurones reduces the total A production and increases the 10 (g.58304G  A, c.869–955del) (Sato et al., 1998; Kwok et al.,
recovery of the physiologically secreted product, APP. It 2000b), (g.58304G  T, c.869–955del) (Perez-Tur et al., 1995;
was thought that some cases of familial AD may be associated Hutton et al., 1996; Kwok et al., 1997; Kwok et al., 2000b) and
with a reduction of in the overall production of A but could large genomic deletions (g.56305–62162del) (Kwok et al.,
be caused by increased production of truncated forms of A 1997; Smith et al., 2001) identified in an Australian kindred
ending at the 42 position (Ancolio et al., 1999). and (g.56681–61235) the Delta9Finn kindred (Crook et al.,
Whilst APP mutations identified to date do not contribute 1998). Interestingly a point mutation in the splice donor con-
to LOAD, it is possible that genetic variability within the pro- sensus site of intron 4 resulting in three different transcripts
moter contributes to the risk of developing AD (Wavrant- with a single-codon insertion, partial and complete deletion
De Vrieze et al., 1999). of exon 4 respectively, the latter two resulting in a frame-shift
and premature stop codon (g.23024delG, c.338–339insTAC,
c.170–338del, c.88–338del) (Tysoe et al., 1998) is not associ-
34.1.2 Mutations in the PS1 gene ated with spastic paraparesis. It was hypothesized that this
mutation leads to AD through haplo insufficiency of full
After the initial finding of an EOAD locus on chromosome 21 it length PS1. This is in direct contrast to other PS1 mutations,
became apparent that the majority of EOAD kindreds did not which are thought to confer a ‘toxic’ gain of function in which
show linkage to chromosome 21 (Schellenberg et al., 1988; A42 secretion is selectively increased (Tysoe et al., 1998).
Tanzi et al., 1987; Van Broeckhoven et al., 1987; St George- Other phenotypes associated with EOAD are frontotemporal
Hyslop et al., 1990). The PS1 gene was identified in 1995 features (Raux et al., 2000), myoclonic seizures (Ezquerra et al.,
through positional cloning strategies. Five mutations were 1999), and a psychiatric disorder (Tedde et al., 2000).
identified in eight of 14 pedigrees analysed (Sherrington et al., Mutations are located throughout the PS1 protein; how-
1995). All the mutations occurred within highly conserved ever, their distribution may not be random. Mutations tend
domains of the PS1 protein as shown by comparison to the to occur at residues conserved between PS1 and PS2 and as
murine homologue that provides supporting evidence that such the majority are in transmembrane domains. Specifically
these mutations are indeed pathogenic. Not all mutations occur the cluster of mutations in transmembrane 1: 2, 3, 4, and 6
at residues that are conserved between PS1 and PS2. The PS1 line up on one side of the -helix. This helical face may be
gene was previously denoted as the S182 or AD3 locus; 133 important for the interaction with other transmembrane
mutations have been detected in the PS1 gene (they can be proteins (Clark et al., 1995). It has been suggested that dis-
viewed at the following website: ruption of the helical faces impairs presenilin function so
The age of onset of AD due to PS1 mutations is accelerated; that more A42 is produced (Hardy and Crook, 2001). The
however, variability in age onset is observed. The M139V and majority of PS1 mutations cluster in exon 8, which is close to
446 Genetics of Alzheimer’s disease

the cleavage site. If this is a functional domain then disrup- (Levy-Lehad et al., 1995). Consistent with the variable pene-
tion of its function may be critical to pathogenicity. The clus- trance of the N141I and M239V mutations, the M239I muta-
tering of APP mutations around the -secretase, -secretase, tion has associated phenotypic variability with some affected
and -secretase sites lead to different molecular mechanisms; having an earlier onset and more severe course than the
however, the final outcome is the same. index case (Finckh et al., 2000).
The normal biological and pathological functions of PS1
are poorly understood; however, there is ample evidence for
a role of PS1 in the proteolytic processing of APP and in 34.2 RISK FACTORS AND CANDIDATE GENES
Notch processing (Wolfe et al., 1999). PS1 is endoproteolyti-
cally cleaved between amino acids 291 and 299 resulting in a
The study of LOAD is in its infancy, with risk loci on chromo-
N-terminal fragment of 30 kDa and a C-terminal fragment of
somes 6, 9, 10 and 12 having been identified. With the recent
18 kDa (Thinakaran et al., 1996). The proteolytic cleavage
completion of the human genome project putative genes that
site is located in that part of PS1 encoded by exon 9; therefore
map to a region of linkage can be identified. This strategy
the delta 9 mutant does not undergo cleavage and accumu-
should identify new genetic risk factors. However, none of the
lates as full length PS1 (Thinakaran et al., 1996). Conversely,
numerous studies involving more than 100 candidate genes
the efficiency of processing is not affected by missense muta-
have revealed convincing evidence for any predisposing risk
tions in AD brains (Hendriks et al., 1997), in brains of trans-
alleles (Finckh, 2003) other than apolipoprotein E (ApoE).
genic mice (Duff et al., 1996), and in transfected cells (Borchelt
et al., 1996). Cells transfected with PS1 mutants (M146V,
A246G, A260V, G384A, C410T) have impaired proteolysis 34.2.1 ApoE as a risk factor
(Mercken et al., 1996) and in lymphocytes of mutation car-
riers (Takahashi et al., 1999). There is no correlation between Analysis has shown that that the ApoE locus cannot account
different PS1 mutations, age onset and A42 (43) production for all the genetic risk associated with sporadic early and late-
in transfected embryonic kidney cells (Mehta et al., 1998). onset forms of AD (Templeton, 1995). The association of
ApoE with LOAD has been studied extensively (Saunders,
34.1.3 Mutations in the PS2 gene 2000). Polymorphisms within the ApoE promoter region
correlate with increased transcriptional activity of the ApoE
Directly after the identification of the PS1 cDNA sequence, gene in vitro. Association studies of ApoE polymorphisms sug-
‘expressed sequence tags’ (ESTs) were described with consid- gest that the -491 A/T genotype, the -491AA genotype, the
erable homology to two different segments within the PS1 -219 T/G, the -427 C/T genotype and the Th1/E47cs genotype
open reading frame (T03796). Cloning of the full-length increase the risk of developing AD. Not surprisingly results
cDNA of this corresponding gene, mapped to chromosome 1 from other groups show positive, and partial association of
enabled the identification of missense mutations in cDNAs ApoE polymorphisms and increased risk of developing AD
in affected Volga-German subjects (Levy-Lahad et al., 1995). (Bullido et al., 1998). Recently sequence haplotype variation
Evidence of the physical genome mapping of PS2 on chro- in 5.5 Kb of genomic DNA encompassing the whole of the
mosome 1q42.1 was performed using fluorescence in-situ ApoE locus and adjoining flanking regions in 96 individuals
hybridization (Tokano et al., 1997). The majority of kindreds from four populations: 22 single nucleotide polymorphisms
analysed exhibited the N141I missense mutation thereby and 31 distinct haplotypes were identified (Fullerton et al.,
identifying a founder effect. EOAD onset in these kindreds 2000). Significantly seven of these polymorphisms were located
generally occurs later than in EOAD kindreds linked to chro- upstream of exon 1 with the potential to alter transcription.
mosome 14 but with a broader range of age at onset from
54.8  8.4 The mean duration of disease is 11.3  4.6 years 34.2.2 Candidate genes on chromosome 12
and mean age at death approximately 66 years. Clinically kin-
dreds with PS1 mutations have a more aggressive disease In 1997 a complete genomic screen identified linkage to a
than those with PS2 mutations (Lampe et al., 1994). The locus on chromosome 12 in a 36 cM region between markers
wide variation in age of onset indicates that other genetic and D12S373 and D12S390. Other chromosomes of interest were
or environmental factors influence the age of onset. Non- 4, 6 and 20 (Pericak-Vance et al., 1997). Two other linkage
penetrance over the age of 80 years has also been observed studies using independent LOAD cases provided supporting
(Sherrington et al., 1996). The penetrance is over 95 per cent evidence for a locus on chromosome 12 (Rogaeva et al., 1998;
for PS2 kindred; however, presymptomatic individuals har- Wu et al., 1998). However, Wu et al. (1998) were unable to
bouring the mutation over the age of 80 may escape disease. confirm the precise location. A follow-up study of the fam-
A total of 15 kindreds have been identified with a PS2 muta- ilies reported by Pericak-Vance et al. (1997) which controlled
tion. The majority of these mutations are localized to exons for family size, the presence of an ApoE 4 allele, and presence
5, 7 and 12 of the PS2 gene. of dementia with Lewy bodies found that linkage to chromo-
The exon 5 T122P mutation is highly penetrant unlike some 12 was stronger in families with the affected individuals
the previously reported PS2 mutations N141I and M239V lacking an ApoE 4 allele and having a diagnosis of dementia
Risk factors and candidate genes 447

with Lewy bodies (Scott et al., 2000). The highest LOD score polymorphism’s genetic contribution accounts for a small
was observed in affected individuals whose ApoE genotype fraction of AD cases.
did not contain an 4 allele. This region may therefore har-
bour a new late-onset gene with reduced dependence on the 34.2.3 Chromosome 9
4 allele. This finding suggests that LOAD is genetically com-
plex involving many genes in addition to ApoE. The initial genomic screens reported linkage to regions of
chromosomes 4, 6,12, and 20 (Pericak-Vance et al., 1997); how- LOW-DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN RECEPTOR ever, in a second genomic screen using over 466 families, the
highest LOD score was to a region on chromosome 9 (Pericak-
Two candidate genes within the region of linkage to chromo- Vance et al., 2000). Independent genomes scan for LOAD also
some 12 have been identified, the 2-macroglobulin gene reported linkage to the same region (Kehoe et al., 1999).
(A2M) and the low density lipoprotein receptor-related pro-
tein (LRP). LRP has been shown to be a multiligand endeictic
receptor that mediates the internalization and degradation of 34.2.4 Chromosome 6
ligands. LRP and its ligands, A2M, ApoE, and Kunitz protease
containing isoforms of -APP (Kang et al., 1997) are all Linkage analysis by two independent groups (Pericak-Vance
genetically associated with AD. A2M is a multifunctional et al., 1997; Kehoe et al., 1999) showed evidence of linkage to
binding protein that is thought to be involved in the degra- chromosome 6. Three markers of interest on chromosome
dation and clearance of A (Borth, 1992). Kang et al. (1997) 6 were observed: D6S1004, D6S1019 and D6S391 (Pericak-
investigated the role of ApoE as a ligand for three receptors, Vance et al., 1997). Kehoe et al. (1999) reported a multipoint
the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-R), very low peak located part way between that reported by Pericak-
density lipoprotein receptor (VLDL-R) and LRP. This study Vance et al. (1997) at D61018. In a later screen using 2-point
aimed to determine if there was an association between these linkage analysis on chromosome 6, linkage was found but
receptors and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). An association not in this region (Pericak-Vance et al., 2000). Linkages to
between a silent polymorphism in exon 3 (C766T) within the several markers flanking the tumour necrosis factor locus
LRP gene and AD was significant after corrections were made have recently been reported. However, linkage was only
for multiple testing. The association was not found to be sig- observed in ApoE  kindred (Collins et al., 2000). This latter
nificant when the effects of known risk factors for AD were finding indicates the complexity of LOAD genotyping with
applied. When the ApoE 4 was applied the effect of LRP no some susceptibility genes being modulated by the ApoE sta-
longer reached statistical levels of significance. It was con- tus of the individual.
cluded that LRP although being a candidate gene may be a
minor risk factor and that independent verification on a 34.2.5 Chromosome 10
large number of samples was required. One other LRP poly-
morphism, a tetranucleotide repeat has been thought to be There is increasing evidence that for one or more susceptibility
associated with AD. loci on chromosome 10 (Bertram et al., 2000b; Ertekin-Taner
Associations between AD and these two polymorphisms et al., 2000; Majores et al., 2000; Myers et al., 2000; Pericak-
are controversial with some groups reporting an association Vance et al., 2000). The largest genomic scan to date was per-
whilst others have found no significant association (Lendon formed in a quest to find the remaining AD genes using 446
et al., 1997; Lambert et al., 1999; Bertram et al., 2000a; Kang families (730 affected sib-pairs). The data were further strati-
et al., 1997; 2000). Recently Kang et al. (2000) provided the fied into an autopsy-confirmed subset of 199 families.
first in vivo evidence that the LRP pathway may modulate A Significantly the autopsy confirmed subset had an MLS of 4.31
deposition by regulating the removal of soluble A. on chromosome 9. Parametric and non-parametric linkage
analysis was used (Pericak-Vance et al., 2000). Recent studies
have suggested that insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) in neu- ␣2-MACROGLOBULIN
rones and microglia degrades A. Parametric and non-
A2M is a ligand for LRP, an abundant pan-protease inhibitor parametric linkage analysis of 435 AD families found that seven
that is found immunohistochemically in neuritic plaques genetic markers on chromosome 10 map near the IDE gene.
and has been implicated in the binding, degradation, and Significant linkage for adjacent markers (D10S1671, D10S583,
clearance of A (Borth, 1992). Association studies have been D10S170 and D10S566) was most pronounced in late-onset
performed using two polymorphisms in the A2M gene, a kindred (Bertram et al., 2000b). A two-stage genome-wide
5 bp intronic insertion/deletion at the splice acceptor site screen was performed using sibling pairs with LOAD and an
of exon 18 (Matthijis and Marynen, 1991) and a missense age of onset greater than 65 years. Non-parametric analysis
mutation (Val1000Ile). Association studies have yielded con- stratified by the presence or absence of ApoE 4 alleles pro-
flicting results with reports of positive (Dodel et al., 2000; vided evidence of a LOAD susceptibility locus on chromosome
Verpillat et al., 2000) and negative associations (Gibson et al., 10, close to marker D10S1211. This locus was found to modify
2000; Koster et al., 2000). It is possible that A2M deletion the risk for AD independently of the ApoE genotype.
448 Genetics of Alzheimer’s disease

34.3 DIAGNOSTIC GENETIC TESTING FOR complex interplay of many risk factors, much as is seen in other
ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE pathogenic processes such as atherosclerosis. The current com-
plexity of this area undermines the role for risk factor testing in
LOAD. Understanding this genetic interplay is pivotal and
The identification of three genes causative for EOAD, APP likely to be the focus of genetic research in the next decade.
and recently PS1 and PS2 raises the question of the role for
genetic testing in AD. A consensus statement discussing the
ethical aspects of the clinical introduction of genetic testing REFERENCES
for AD concluded, ‘except for autosomal dominant early-
onset families, genetic testing in asymptomatic individuals is
Aldudo J, Bullido MJ, Valdivieso F. (1999) DGGE method for the
unwarranted’. Predictive testing for EOAD was offered in
mutational analysis of the coding and proximal promoter regions of
research settings following the identification of APP muta- the Alzheimer’s disease presenilin-1 gene: two novel mutations.
tions on chromosome 21 using established Huntington’s dis- Human Mutation 14: 433–439
ease guidelines (Lennox et al., 1994). The experience of three Ancolio K, Dumanchin C, Barelli H et al. (1999) Unusual phenotypic
individuals belonging to a Swedish kindred with early-onset alteration of beta amyloid precursor protein (betaAPP) maturation
autosomal dominant AD was documented. Only three mem- by a new Val-715>Met betaAPP-770 mutation responsible for
bers of this large kindred proceeded with predictive testing, probable early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Proceedings of the
indicating a low demand for testing. One individual who was National Academy of Science of the United States of America
found to harbour the mutation reacted with depressive and 96: 4119–4124
suicidal feelings whilst the other two subjects expressed relief Bertram L, Blacker D, Crystal A et al. (2000a) Candidate genes showing
(Lannfelt et al., 1995). no evidence for association or linkage with Alzheimer’s disease using
family-based methodologies. Experimental Gerontology 35:
The ApoE gene, which confers some susceptibility to late-
onset AD, has high commercial potential but the sensitivity Bertram L, Blacker D, Mullin K et al. (2000b) Evidence for genetic
and specificity of the test is low. An asymptomatic individual linkage of Alzheimer’s disease to chromosome 10q. Science 290:
with an 4 allele will not necessarily develop AD. However, 2302–2303
testing for ApoE 4 maybe useful as an aid for the diagnosis Borchelt DR, Thinakaran G, Eckman CB et al. (1996) Familial Alzheimer’s
of individuals presenting with AD. Use of ApoE genetic testing disease-linked presenilin 1 variants elevate A1–42/1–40 ratio
as a diagnostic adjunct in patients already presenting with in vitro and in vivo. Neuron 17: 1005–1013
dementia may prove useful, but it remains under investigation. Borth W. (1992) Alpha 2-macroglobulin, a multifunctional binding
The premature introduction of genetic testing and possible protein with targeting characteristics. FASEB Journal 6: 3345–3353
adverse consequences ‘are to be avoided’ (Post et al., 1997). Brooks WS, Martins RN, De Voecht J et al. (1995) A mutation in codon
Athena Neurosciences in 1996 introduced the Admark ApoE 717 of the amyloid precursor protein in an Australian family with
Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroscience Letters 199: 183–186
Genetic Test ‘for greater certainty in differential diagnosis of
Bullido MJ, Artiga MJ, Recuero M et al. (1998) A polymorphism in the
AD’. The requesting physician must sign a consent stating regulatory region of APoE associated with risk for Alzheimer’s
that the individual has dementia prior to ApoE genotyping dementia. Nature Genetics 18: 69–71
being performed. Campion D, Brice A, Hannequin D et al. (1996) No founder effect in
Predictive testing is performed when a known family three novel Alzheimer’s disease families with APP 717 Val  Ile
mutation has been identified in at least one other affected mutation. Journal of Medical Genetics 33: 661–664
family member. Pretest assessment and counselling involves Campion D, Dumanchin C, Hannequin D et al. (1999) Early-onset
obtaining an accurate pedigree, neurological examination autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease: prevalence, genetic
(not compulsory) and psychological appraisal. This is critical heterogeneity, and mutation spectrum. American Journal of Human
to understanding the individual’s ability to cope with the Genetics 65: 664–670
results of the test. EOAD contributes less than 5 per cent of Citron M, Oltersdorf T, Haass C et al. (1992) Mutation of the beta-
amyloid precursor protein in familial Alzheimer’s disease increases
all AD cases; therefore there is no logical reason to perform
-protein production. Nature 360: 672–674
genetic testing beyond this small cohort. Clark RF, Hutton M, Fuldner RA et al. (1995) The structure of the
presenilin 1 gene and identification of six novel mutations in early
onset AD families. Nature Genetics 11: 219–222
34.4 CONCLUSION Collins JS, Perry RT, Watson B et al. (2000) Association of a haplotype
for tumour necrosis factor in siblings with late-onset Alzheimer’s
disease: the NIMH Alzheimer Disease Genetics Initiative. American
Genetic studies of EOAD have had a significant impact on our
Journal of Medical Genetics 96: 823–830
understanding of the pathogenesis of AD that in turn has led Crook R, Verkkoniemi A, Perez-Tur J et al. (1998) A variant of Alzheimer’s
to research into diagnostic and therapeutic strategies and the disease with spastic paraparesis and unusual plaques due to deletion
availability of predictive testing of EOAD families. However, of exon 9 of presenilin. Nature Medicine 4: 452–455
as people with EOAD represent only 5 per cent of all those De Jonghe C, Kumar-Singh S, Cruts M et al. (2000) Unusual A amyloid
with AD, some of the focus of genetic research has now shifted in Alzheimer’s disease due to an APP T7141 mutation at the 42-
towards LOAD. Currently in LOAD, there appears to be a secretase site. Neurobiology of Aging (Suppl. 1): S200
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Transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease


35.1 Disease aetiology 452 35.7 Transgenic mouse models with presenilin mutations 459
35.2 Cellular pathology of Alzheimer’s disease 452 35.8 Double transgenic (DTg) mouse models 459
35.3 The influence of background strain and mouse sex 453 35.9 Triple transgenic (TTg) mouse models 460
35.4 Transgenic mouse models with APP mutations 453 35.10 Conclusions 461
35.5 Transgenic -CTF mouse models 458 References 461
35.6 Transgenic mouse models of tau mutations 458

The purpose of this chapter is to review the recent develop- to accelerate plaque formation (Baum et al., 2000). Tg models
ments in the field of transgenic (Tg) mouse models of that over express the ApoE 4 gene do not develop neuro-
Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The Tg models were a great leap fibrillary tangles or plaques and generally lack AD pathology,
forward for scientists and the technology is still in its infancy, the only factor that links them to AD is the finding that there
but already double and even triple Tg models of disorders appears to be hyperphosphorylation of tau (see below) in these
have been developed that seek to recapitulate the primary animals (Tesseur et al., 2000). In light of these findings, we will
core symptoms of diseases in a single model. This chapter not focus on the ApoE 4 models of late-onset AD but on
will review the progress that has been made with Tg models EOFAD and associated animal models of the core pathological
of AD, initially looking at advances gained from using the biomarkers of AD, the neuritic plaques and neurofibrillary
single Tg models, and later at the very recent developments tangles. The genetic nature of EOFAD makes it accessible to
of double and triple Tg models. recapitulation through the creation of transgenic animals that
carry one of the human mutations.


The aetiology of the early-onset familial AD (EOFAD) can be
simply defined as being genetic, the causes being mutations
in either the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene or in the 35.2.1 The amyloid precursor protein,
presenilin 1 (PS1) or 2 (PS2) genes which reside on chromo- presenilins and plaque formation
somes 21, 14 and 1 respectively (Blanquet et al., 1987;
Goldgaber et al., 1987; Levy-Lahad et al., 1995; Sherrington One of the core pathologies that defines AD is the presence of
et al., 1995). Age of onset in EOFAD can begin as early as 35 insoluble deposits of peptide that over time form into abnor-
years of age and disease progression is extremely rapid, result- mal plaques. These plaques are comprised of deposits of
ing in death at around 7 years after the initial diagnosis. In amyloid peptide, which have been created through the cleav-
contrast late-onset AD is essentially of unknown origin ing of the 110–130 kDA APP by a specific class of protease,
although over 40 per cent of patients possess the apolipopro- the secretases (Kang et al., 1987). The amyloid peptide found in
tein E (ApoE) 4 allele, compared with 15 per cent in the the plaques of AD brains consists mainly of the 40–42-residue
general population. However, there is no evidence to suggest -amyloid peptides (Glenner and Wong 1984; Masters et al.,
that ApoE 4 is a causative factor in late-onset AD, despite 1985), which accumulate to form neurotoxic aggregations
the finding that it decreases the age of onset from on average (Selkoe, 2001) that are hypothesized to be responsible for
84 years of age to 68 (Corder et al., 1993) and has been found neuronal degeneration and dementia (Dahlgren et al., 2002).
Transgenic mouse models with APP mutations 453

It is believed that the presenilin mutations (PS1 and PS2), 35.3 THE INFLUENCE OF BACKGROUND
that are known to be involved in EOFAD, cause dysregulation STRAIN AND MOUSE SEX
of APP. It has been reported that patients with PS1 mutations
have greater number of A42 plaques compared with patients
with the other forms of the disease (Mann et al., 1996) sug- Factors other than the transgene can influence the character-
gesting that PS1 mutations preferentially increase A42 pep- istics of any given mouse model of AD. Three factors of par-
tide production. PS1 has been shown to reduce amyloid ticular note are:
peptides 5-fold, whereas the mutated PS1 increases the pro- • the background strain on which the transgenic line is
duction of amyloid peptides in a way that induces an increase developed and subsequently backcrossed or maintained;
in ratio between A42 and A40 by selectively increasing A42 • the sex of the animal; and
production. It is believed that the presenilins regulate amyl- • the specific promotor that has been used to drive the
oid production through an interaction with secretase pro- neuronal expression of the transgene.
teomes, but no evidence is available as to how this interaction
occurs. However, it seems that  secretase cleaves APP to cre- With regards to background strains, an excellent review by
ate -CTFs (c-terminal fragments) which then get truncated Hsiao (1998) draws attention to differences in mortality rates
by -secretase creating A and it may be that the presenilins between inbred C57BL/6j mice that had had the TG2576
interfere with this process (see Sato et al., 1997). transgene array transferred to them and the greatly reduced
Both the plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (see below) mortality rate when the host mice contained alleles from the
identified in the brains of demented people have a well char- SJL strain. Strain variation also produced changes in the behav-
acterized distribution within the hippocampus and neocor- ioural manifestation of the disease progression between the
tex (Tomlinson et al., 1970; Corsellis, 1976) although tangles latter cross-strain (C57BL/6j  SJL) and FVB/N mice, with
have been identified in subcortical regions (Ishii, 1966; the FVB/N mice exhibiting neophobia and thigmotaxic
Tomlinson et al., 1981; Whitehouse et al., 1982). behaviour and the C57BL/6j  SJL mice showing no behav-
ioural abnormalities prior to death (see Hsiao, 1998).
Sex differences have been identified in APP transgenic
35.2.2 Neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) mice resulting in an increased plaque load in female Tg2576
mice compared with age-matched males carrying the same
NFTs are neuronal inclusions of paired helical filaments transgene (Callahan et al., 2001). A study by Park and col-
(PHFs) comprising hyperphosphorylated and ubiquinated leagues (2003) did not find an initial sex difference in the
tau protein (Goedert et al., 1995; Buee et al., 2000). The exact Tg2576 mice, but the administration of lovastatin (which
role of tau protein in the brain is not fully understood but it lowers plasma cholesterol) did produce sex specific effects on
appears to be a structural component of the neuronal levels of A, which were found to be significantly elevated in
cytoskeleton. Mutations in the gene on chromosome 17 that only the female mice. However, human sex differences have
encode tau induces the formation of NFTs in another demen- been found in studies in human AD with women being
tia, namely frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism reported to be more susceptible than males to the disease
linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17). This disease is charac- (Molsa et al., 1982), so it is not surprising that these apparent
terized by dementia in the absence of amyloid plaques and differences can be reflected in the mouse models.
tau mutations have been found to cause NFTs and cell death
(Clark et al., 1998; Goedert et al., 1998; D’Souza, 1999).
35.2.3 Cholinergic deficit
35.4.1 APP transgenics
Whilst changes in several neurotransmitter systems have been
identified in AD (see Dunnett, 1994) the most consistent and The first Tg mouse model to show deposits and plaques with
profound neurotransmitter disturbance in AD is a cholinergic a regional distribution similar to that for AD was created by
deficit (Coyle et al., 1982; Geula and Mesulam, 1994; Procter Kawabata et al. (1991). This particular mouse expressed human
et al., 1996) which correlates with the degree of dementia mutant APP C-terminal fragments. Since this time several
(Perry et al., 1978; Bierer et al., 1995) and with the density of different lines of enquiry have produced a number of mutant
amyloid plaques (Perry et al., 1978; Geula and Mesulam, 1994). mouse lines that over-express different mutant genes. The
A more recent study has found that cholinergic loss better most prominent and most researched of these mouse models
reflects tangle density (Geula et al., 1998) than plaque density. are the APP models of AD that are usually designed to express
The importance of the cholinergic system in AD is highlighted human mutant APP and reliably produce animals with neur-
through the use of cholinomimetic compounds to treat the itic plaques in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Specific
symptoms of AD (Parnetti et al., 1997), although pharmaco- APP mutations are named after the place of origin of the kin-
kinetic factors have largely limited their widespread usefulness. dred families predisposed to AD in humans. Some transgenic
454 Transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease

models are based on over-expression of the normal human especially in layers II and III of the entorhinal cortex, in the
APP, but the more effective Tg models involve the transfer of molecular layer of the dentate gyrus, and in striatum molecu-
a mutant allele into the Tg mouse, for example, the Swedish lar lacunosum of area CA1. By 21 months plaques were pres-
mutation in the Tg2576 transgenic line. The most widely used ent throughout the hippocampus, in the cingulate cortex, the
APP mutations are the Swedish, Indiana, London, Dutch and insular dorsal cortex to the rhinal fissure and entorhinal cor-
Flemish mutations. In this review, the different mutations tex. No plaques were present in control mice. Synaptic and
will be addressed as APP/Swe, APP/Ind, APP/Lon, APP/Dut dendritic density were reduced in the molecular layer of the
and APP/Fle respectively. See the summary table (Table 35.1, hippocampal dentate gyrus, as found with the synaptophysin
pp. 456–457) for a general overview of some of the specific and the dendritic marker MAP-2 (Games et al., 1995).
differences between the more commonly used APP mice. The Tg2576 mice (Hsiao et al., 1996) carrying the Swedish
In 1991 it was discovered that injections of A into the rat mutation are very widely used and have also been well char-
neocortex or hippocampus resulted in the formation of acterized. The Swedish mutation mice show a similar path-
plaque-like structures complete with neuritic degeneration ology to the Indiana mutation mice with general increase in
(Kowell et al., 1991) and that a memory deficit was produced amyloid in hippocampus and cortex (Callahan et al., 2001).
in mice by injecting the same protein intraventricularly They show A deposits in the brain at 9–11 months (Hsiao
(Flood et al., 1991). These findings coupled with publication et al., 1996). A problem with these models is that they do not
of the mouse genome, led directly to the development of Tg reflect the temporal or spatial pattern produced by endogen-
APP mice that were designed to express high levels of human ous APP. However, a genomic model has been developed
mutant APP, with the hope of producing -amyloid plaques recently (R1.40) that uses a copy of the Swedish mutant APP
in the mouse brain with both the temporal and spatial pat- that is expressed with the endogenous human promoter. This
terning of AD. model has A deposits by 14 months (Lamb et al., 1997;
Lamb et al., 1999; Kulnane and Lamb, 2001). R1.40 mice
express high levels of CTF and  and APP in brain tissue in
35.4.2 APP expression and histology of contrast to Wild-type (Wt) brains that express high levels of
APP mice APP, low levels of CTF and no CTF (Lehman et al., 2003).
Therefore the Swedish mutation increases CTF production
The APP/Ind mouse with the V717 human mutation (Games through the secretase- pathway (Lehman et al., 2003).
et al., 1995) expressed a 10-fold higher expression of mutant In the APP/Swe, mice the hippocampus showed the highest
human A in the Tg mouse brains than found in previous brain proportion of CTF of all brain areas studied with the
models. The expression of human mutant A was under the cortex showing an intermediate level (Lehman et al., 2003).
control of the PDGF (platelet derived growth factor) pro- A40 was also exhibited at significantly higher levels in the
moter and hence was preferentially regionalized by neurones hippocampus than any other brain region. At 13.5 months these
of the cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus and cerebellum mice exhibited abundant A deposits in the striatum, dentate
in the Tg animals. Interestingly, levels of APP in the thalamus gyrus and hippocampus (Hsiao et al., 1996; Callahan et al.,
of homozygotic mice were higher than levels of APP in the 2001; Sigurdsson et al., 2001). These deposits were primarily
hippocampus of the heterozygotic animals, yet the heterozy- made up of A42 (63 per cent in younger animals and 70 per
gotic animals showed marked hippocampal pathology whereas cent in older animals) (Kulnane and Lamb, 2001). R1.40 mice
the homozygotes showed relatively little thalamic pathology showed almost nothing in the hippocampus until 22 months
(Johnson-Wood et al., 1997). Compared with 4-month old when deposits were present in the same regions as for Tg2576
animals, 8-month animals showed an 8-fold increase in A (Lehman et al., 2003). As in humans, most A deposits stain
levels, and a 400-fold increase by 18 months of age in the cortex. for A42 with a subset staining for A40
In the hippocampus at 8 months old the increase was 17- In the olfactory bulb both models showed low to moder-
fold, and at 18 months 500-fold (Johnson-Wood et al., 1997) ate levels of A by 22 months, and in the cerebellum APP was
illustrating the progressive nature of the disease-like pathology significantly higher in the APP/Swe animals but A42 levels
in these animals. were not different (Lehman et al., 2003). No tau deposits or
Plaques were found to be present at 4 month of age. NFTs were found but there was evidence of tau phosphoryl-
Aggregate size was roughly 20 m in diameter, which increased ation (Kulnane and Lamb, 2001).
up to around 150 m at 8 months of age (Johnson-Wood A fourth APP mouse is called the London mouse (APP/
et al., 1997), confirming previous findings by Games et al. Lon). At 17–22 months of age these mice exhibited amyloid
(1995). By 10 months of age many large A deposits were plaques that were concentrated in the frontal cortex layers
found throughout the frontal and cingulate cortex and the IV–VI, in the hippocampus, the amygdala and entorhinal
molecular layers of the hippocampus, especially the dentate cortex (Bronfman et al., 2000). In the hippocampus plaques
gyrus. Chen et al. (2000) characterized plaque formation were found in the subiculum primarily but also the striatum
in limbic regions of the APP/Ind mutations and found very radiatum, and the CA1 and CA3 regions. Thioflavin-S staining
few plaques were present in the hippocampal formation at confirmed the amyloid nature of the plaques (Bronfman
9 months of age, but by 16 months plaque density was higher et al., 2000).
Transgenic mouse models with APP mutations 455

A comparative study of the APP/Swe and APP/Lon APP/Ind mice show AChE-immunoreactive dystrophic fibres
mutated mice by Moechars et al. (1999) found considerable in the vicinity of amyloid plaques (Sturchler-Pierrat
strain variations. In all of the old APP/Lon mice and 50 per et al., 1997). In contrast, Gau et al. (2002) found no differ-
cent of the old APP/Swe mice amyloid deposits and neuritic ences in four cholinergic markers (VAChT, SDHACU, ChAT,
plaques were detected, being most abundant in the hippo- AChE) between Tg and Wt APP/Ind mice across three age
campus and the cortex. In APP/Swe mice the deposits were groups (14, 18 and 23 months) despite ongoing amlyoido-
fewer but larger (130 m) and located in the primary olfac- genesis. In 17–22-month-old London mutation mice AChE
tory cortex and amygdala. There was preferential staining for fibres are reorganized in the hippocampus and amyloid
A40 in the APP/Swe mice and A42 in the APP/Lon mice plaques are surrounded by dystrophic AChE-positive fibres.
(Moechars et al., 1999). Deposits were absent in Wt mice. Also an increased density of AChE fibres in the CA1 region of
Plaques appeared to be similar to those found in AD brains, but the hippocampus and dentate gyrus of 17–22-month-old
no NFTs were found although an epitope typical for hyper- APP/Lon mice was found, suggesting compensatory sprout-
phosphorylated tau was detected in dystrophic neurites asso- ing (see Bronfman et al., 2000). Extensive cholinergic differ-
ciated with amyloid plaques. All Tg APP mice had a higher entiation was found in the subiculum of aged APP/Lon mice
mortality rate during the first year (21–72 per cent) com- (about 60 per cent reduction in AChE staining) and in some
pared with Wt (4.3 per cent) mice (Moechars et al., 1999). amyloid plaques AChE staining appeared in the core whilst
In the Flemish and Dutch mutations (APP/Fle and around most plaques AChE fibres appeared distorted
APP/Dut) only relatively minor histological changes were (Bronfman et al., 2000). However, no changes in the total
apparent, such as spongiosis of the neuropil in the frontal AChE activity were found in the hippocampus, frontal or
cortical regions and the parahippocampal and cerebellar parietal cortex areas (Bronfman et al., 2000). It has been sug-
areas (Kumar-Singh et al., 2000). The use of a GFAP antibody gested that, because behavioural deficits precede amyloid
detected glial activation in the cerebral cortex, cerebellar and deposition, it may be that soluble A peptides have a detri-
limbic areas including the hippocampus. Neuronal expres- mental effects on cellular function even prior to plaque for-
sion of mutant APP was greatest in cortical layers II, IV and mation (Hsia et al., 1999).
V, which were also areas where neurones were found to con-
tain condensed nuclei. High APP levels were also found in 35.4.4 Electrophysiology in the APP mice
the pyramidal layer of the hippocampus, olfactory bulbs,
basal pontine nucleus and the cranial nerve nuclei (Kumar- In electrophysiological studies, APP mice have been shown to
Singh et al., 2000). A similar profile was found for the exhibit interesting responses to glutamate challenges and
APP/RK mouse (Moechars et al., 1999) that failed to develop widespread but subtle changes in glutamatergic function. In
plaques despite large increases in APP expression in the cor- APP/Lon mice Masliah et al. (2000) found decreased bind-
tex, amygdala, striatum and the hippocampal pyramidal ing and affinity for aspartate uptake and a decrease in expres-
layer and the granular cells of the dentate gyrus. sion of EAAT1 and 2 (glutamate transporters). The authors
Although the above mice were designed to carry a mutant suggest that an increased APP expression disturbs astroglial
APP allele the temporal and spatial profile of amyloid depos- transport of excitatory amino acids leading to increased sus-
ition and plaque development can vary markedly between ceptibility to glutamate toxicity. APP has been reported to
transgenic lines and mouse strains. perform a role in neurotrophic and neuroprotective activity
Creating a Tg mouse that contains two familial AD muta- in cell culture (Masliah et al., 1996) and in vivo (Masliah
tions (Swe/Ind) had the effect of inducing an early onset of et al., 1998; Mucke et al., 1994). APP has also been shown to
amyloid deposition and plaque development in mice at be protective against glutamate toxicity in the Tg mouse
around 16 weeks of age (Mucke et al., 2000; Christi et al., (Masliah et al., 1997). In AD similar findings have been
2001) with plaques developing in the molecular layer of the found, that glial glutamate transport is decreased (Cowburn
dentate gyrus and the deeper layers of the neocortex (Mucke et al., 1988; Masliah et al., 1996; Li et al., 1997). Hence in APP
et al., 2000). These mice have been reported to show spatial mice an increased APP expression disrupts normal function-
learning deficits at 3 months of age (Janus et al., 2000) and an ing of the glutamate transporter system, possibly through
enhanced startle response and a reduction in PPI before the amyloid  peptide-mediated inhibition (Harris et al., 1996),
plaques were identified (McCool et al., 2003). resulting in an increased risk of excitotoxicity (Masliah
et al., 2000).
35.4.3 Cholinergic transmission in the APP mice showed disparity between reaction to kainate
APP mice and NMDA challenges. Kainate had an LD50 of 28 mg/kg
and 32 mg/kg for the APP/Fle and /Dut mice respectively
There is evidence to suggest that there are ongoing changes in whereas Wt mice were not affected at 32 mg/kg. In contrast
the cholinergic neurones in AD mice. A decreased density of NMDA had an LD50 of 70 mg/kg in the Wt mice and the
SYN-IR sensitive presynaptic terminals has been found in the LD50 ranged between 160 and 200 mg/kg in the Tg mice sug-
hippocampus that precedes plaque formation in APP mice gesting an decreased sensitivity to NMDA excitation
(Games et al., 1995; Hsia et al., 1999). Twelve-month old (Kumar-Singh et al., 2000). These findings together with
Table 35.1 Key features of the most commonly used Tg APP mouse lines

Familial Mouse
transgene Line strain cDNA APP mutation Promoter Reference Major pathology Functional deficits
1 B6/D2 C-TF None human Thy-1 Kawabata et al., 1991 8 months – plaques, tangles, NR
dystrophic neurites in corex,
hippocampus and amygdala
Wild type NSE: -APP751 JU 751 None NSE: -APP751 Quon et al., 1991 Cortical and hippocampal NR
-amyloid deposits
MTA4 B6 x LT/Sv 695 None hMTII Beer et al., 1991 cAPP expression Hypoactivity and motor
in pyramidal and deficits
Purkinje cells
Dutch APP/Du/ FVB/N 695 E693Q Mouse Thy-1 Kumar-Singh et al., No amyloid deposits. Glial 8 weekscagitation 
2000 reaction, apoptosis with bouts of wild running.
extensive spongiosis 6 monthscaggression 
some seizures.
Premature death
Flemish APP/Fl/ FVB/N 695 A692G Mouse Thy-1 Kumar-Singh et al., No amyloid deposits. Glial 8 weekscagitation 
2000 reaction, apoptosis with bouts of wild running. 6
extensive spongiosis monthscaggression 
some seizures.
Premature death
Indiana Line 109 SWx (B6/D2) 695, 751, V717F PDGF Games et al., 1995 6 months – A deposits. 3 months – reference,
770 Plaques became present in working and operant
M671L  hippocampus, corpus memory deficitsc
callosum and cortex freezing  sterotypy.
associated with distored From 6 months – object
neurites recognition deficits
London APP/Ld/2 FVB/Nx(B6) 695 V642I Mouse Thy-1 Moechars et al., 1999 13 months – amyloid 8 weekscagitation. 3
plaques in hippocampus and monthsbambulation,
cortex. Reactive astrocytes canxiety, spatial
and microglia, plus navigation deficits. 6
dystrophic neurites months some seizures
Swedish Tg 2576 B6/SJL x (B6) 695 K670N-M671L Hamster prion Hsiao et al., 1996 9–11 months – amyloid 9–10 months spatial
deposits in hippocampus memory and spontaneous
and cortex later developing alternation
in the striatum deficits
APP 14 B6D2 x (B6) 751 K670N-M671L Human Thy-1 Andrä et al., 1996 No pathology up to 2 years NR
APP 23 B6D2 x (B6) 751 K670N-M671L Mouse Thy-1 Sturchler-Pierrat 6 months – APP deposits in
et al., 1997 neocortex and hippocampus
that form plaques.
Tau hyperphosphorylation.
Distorted neurites and
inflammatory response
Swedish APP/Sw/1 FVB/N 770 K670N-M671L Mouse Thy-1 Moechars et al., 1999 18–25 months – some 12–17 weeks –
amyloid deposits and neuritic cneophobia
plaques in the olfactory bulb
and amygdala
Swe/Ind TgCRND8 C3H/B6 695 K670N-M671L  Hamster Prion Janus et al., 2000 From 3 months – amyloid 3 months – spatial
V717F plaques in cortex and learning deficits
Swe/Lon APP 22 B6D2F1 x (B6) 751 K670N-M671L  Human Thy-1 Sturchler-Pierrat et al., 18 months – APP deposits in NR
V717I 1997 neocortex and hippocampus
that form plaques. Tau
Distorted neurites and
inflammatory response
Swe/Lon/ PDGF- NR 695 K670N- PDGF Wirths et al., 2001 19 months – onset of NR
Ind APP695SDL M671L  neuropil plaque deposition

Key to mouse strain abbreviations: B6, C57BL/6j; D2, DBA/2; B6D2F1 x (B6), for example, denotes a C57BL/6j first generation cross with DBA/2 strain which is then backcrossed (denoted with parenthesis) onto a
C57BL/6j background; C-TF, C-Terminal Fragment
458 Transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease

reports that suggest no evidence for apoptosis in the APP were normal up to 8 weeks of age, then started to show
mice are suggestive of a down-regulation in the number of increased reactivity to an open environment, aggression
NMDA receptors, which may contribute to the cognitive towards other mice, and signs of emotionality, such as hyper-
decline in some of these mouse strains. Moechars et al. activity and increased aggression, which are correlated with
(1999) found that LTP was significantly decreased after expression level of the transgene. Thus, for example, around
tetanic stimulation in APP/Lon mice of 5–7 months old in CA1 33 per cent of Flemish and 44 per cent of Dutch Tg mice resi-
region of the hippocampus and that these mice were also less dents attacked in the first minute of contact compared with
sensitive to an NMDA challenge than non-transgenic mice at none of the Wt mice, and overall 78 and 83 per cent of mice
3–4 months of age but more sensitive to kainite (Moechars attacked within the 3 minutes allotted compared with 11 per
et al., 1999). cent of the Wt mice (Kumar-Singh et al., 2000). APP/RK Tg
mice have also been shown to exhibit increased aggression
relative to the WT mice (see also Moechars et al., 1996).
35.4.5 Behavioural changes in the APP mice

As a general rule of thumb the APP Tg mice have been shown 35.5 TRANSGENIC ␤-CTF MOUSE MODELS
to develop both reactive and cognitive deficits that appear to
worsen over time. Of interest though is the finding that 35.5.1 ␤-CTF mice
behavioural deficits can precede plaque formation, or, in the
case of the APP/Dut and APP/Fle mice, behavioural deficits Different mouse models have also been developed to express
are present in the absence of plaque formation. the amyloidogenic human APP carboxy terminal fragment
APP/Ind mice have been found to show cognitive deficits (Nalbantaglu et al., 1997; Berger-Sweeney et al., 1999; Rutten
in the form of reference memory errors on a radial arm maze et al., 2003). Taken generally, these mice express high levels
task from 3 months of age and the object recognition task of -CTFs (Rutten et al., 2003), hippocampal cell loss
from 5 months in the homozygote animals and 9–10 months (Nalbantaglu et al., 1997) and degeneration (Berger-Sweeney
in the heterozygote animals (Dodart et al., 1999). Comple- et al., 1999) in the cortex and hippocampus, but fail to develop
mentary results were also obtained in a water maze task in neuritic plaques. These mice show increased immunoreactivity
mice of 13 months old (Chen et al., 2000), although no for A that became stronger and more prevalent with age.
deficits were found in the object recognition task. In addi-
tion, Dodart et al. (1999) also ran operant tasks consisting
of 15-minute daily session for 5 days in which the mice had 35.5.2 Behaviour in the ␤-CTF mouse models
to press a lever and then travel around a 5-cm long partition
to acquire the reward; 21 days later the mice were retested on Behaviourally, the Tg animals over-expressing the CTFs of
a single session for retention. The results confirmed that at APP exhibited cognitive deficits when placed in the water
3 months of age Wt mice performed better (produced more maze, but were not impaired at a visually cued platform tasks
reinforced bar presses) than Tg mice. (Nalbantaglu et al., 1997; Berger-Sweeney et al., 1999). The
APP/Lon mice have been reported to exhibit an increased cognitive deficit in these mice may be related to an abnor-
fear response as measured by freezing behaviour, which mality in LTP generation that has been found in these ani-
increased from 0 per cent at 7–9 weeks to 35 per cent at 17–30 mals (Nalbantaglu et al., 1997).
weeks of age (Moechars et al., 1998). At 3–6 months of age
these mice were impaired at the acquisition of a hidden plat-
form water maze task but not the cued (visual) platform task
when compared with non-Tg littermates. Likewise the Tg
animals performed poorly in the probe task 24 hours later,
spending significantly less time in the target quadrant, and 35.6.1 Tau mice
producing significantly less platform crossings than non-Tg
animals. These deficits preceded plaque formation (Moechars Mice expressing the tau mutation were developed to look at a
et al., 1998). group of disorders where these mutations caused cell death
Interestingly both the APP/Dut and the APP/Fle mutation in man. The principal disease that underlies the tau patholo-
have been shown to develop behavioural deficits that are gies is FTDP-17, for which patients carry at least one muta-
characteristic of AD, but in the absence of APP deposits tion of the tau gene. Probably the most well characterized
(Kumar-Singh et al., 2000). These mice also have an mutations of the tau gene are the P301L and P301S variants
increased mortality rate as over the first 180 days of life only but animal models for other mutations of the tau gene have
3 per cent of Wt mice died compared with 8 and 16 per cent been developed including V337M, and R406W.
of the APP/Fle and APP/Dut Tg mice respectively with no Studies using mice with mutations at position 301 on the
obvious signs of illness. In roughly 15 per cent of the mice tau gene have found tau expressed in the cerebellum,
that survived for longer than 18 months, seizures developed hippocampus, thalamus, hypothalamus, spinal cord, brain
that were unrelated to the APP transgene expression. Mice stem fimbria fornix, amygdala, striatum, olfactory bulb and
Double transgenic (DTg) mouse models 459

cortex. (Lewis et al., 2000; Götz et al., 2001; Allen et al., 2002). 35.6.2 Behaviour in transgenic tau mice
In the hippocampus CA1 cells were found to be affected but
not CA3 cells (Götz et al., 2001) and in the CA1 pyramidal Behavioural disturbances in the P301L and P301S tau mice
neurones human tau was present in axons but also in cell are largely motor in nature, developing in heterozygotes at
bodies and apical dendrites. Phosphorylated tau was found 6.5 months and homozygotes at 4.5 months of age (Lewis
in the hippocampus and cortex (Götz et al., 2001). Allen et al. et al., 2000). Phenotypical changes include lack of body exten-
(2002) reported that temporal cortex layers II, IV and V sion during tail elevation and spontaneous back paw clenching
showed most cortical reactivity to tau-reactive antibodies. whilst standing, delayed righting reflex and rope grasping,
Somatodendritic tau immunoreactivity thought to represent weak limbs and dystonic posture, reduction in body weight,
pre-tangles had a wider distribution in the brain, including and an increase in docility. These animals also developed a
cortex (especially piriform and entorhinal) hippocampus neurological phenotype characterized by muscle weakness
and basal ganglia. The tangles at the ultrastructural level was and tremor (Allen et al., 2002). These motor disturbances are
comprised of filaments which were straight (10–30 nm diam- uncharacteristic of AD and are reflective of the spinal cord
eter) but others had a twisted ribbon appearance (Lewis et al., cell loss (Lewis et al., 2000; Allen et al., 2002).
2000). Ribbon-like filaments were also found by Allen et al. In contrast the R406W mice at 16–23 months of age
(2002) but were of a smaller size of between 5 and 15 nm, and exhibited largely cognitive abnormalities. In tests for cued and
a small number of AD-like paired helical filaments with a contextual fear responses Tg mice showed less freezing after
cross-over spacing of about 70–80 nm were also identified. In foot shock during the conditioning phase and after a 48-hour
11-month-old tau-expressing mice with the V337M human delay with a cue in a different context. Mortality was higher in
mutation the expressed mutant protein was found in the hip- the Tg animals (Tatebayashi et al., 2002). A deficit in prepulse
pocampal regions CA1, 2 and 3 in cell bodies and dendrites. inhibition response was found (Tatebayashi et al., 2002) but the
The tau was of paired-helical type, and made from phosphor- motor deficits were not as pronounced as in the P301 mice.
ylated tau. In the hippocampus, mutant tau was expressed
at 70 per cent of the expression of endogenous tau as com-
pared with 10 per cent of whole brain tau (Tanemura et al.,
2002). In these mice atrophied and misshaped cells were 35.7 TRANSGENIC MOUSE MODELS WITH
found, similar to those seen in human AD brains (Ginsberg PRESENILIN MUTATIONS
et al., 1997).
In contrast, both the P301L and the P301S mice show A second route for inducing an increase in A42 has been
motor deficits associated with a 48–49 per cent reduction in through the development of PS1 mutant mice (Borchelt
motor neurones in the brain stem and gliosis in the anterior et al., 1996; Duff et al., 1996). Patients with PS1 mutations
horns (Lewis et al., 2000 and Allen et al., 2002 respectively). associated with AD have greater number of A42 plaques
Gliosis and co-localized NFTs were found in neurones in the compared with patients with the sporadic disease (Mann
brain stem, diencephalons, basal telencephalon and spinal et al., 1996). Signs of apoptosis and neurodegeneration have
cord in the P301L mice (Lewis et al., 2000). been reported in PS1 mice (Chui et al., 1999) and, as would
Transgenic mice expressing the shortest tau isoform (T44) be expected, there is an increased expression of diffuse A42
have also been generated (Ishihara et al., 2001). In 18-month- in the brain (Duff et al., 1996; Schuener et al., 1996). However,
old animals, staining of filamentous lesions in cortical neur- PS1 mutant mice do not form A deposits (Borchelt et al.,
ones was similar to that seen in AD and stained for Congo 1996; Duff et al., 1996; Holcomb et al., 1999; Barrow et al.,
red and Gallyas silver suggesting that the older animals have 2000) suggesting that A levels do not reach the necessary
A in their lesions (Ishihara et al., 2001) as in AD. These fila- threshold to start forming aggregates (McGowen et al.,
mentous lesions were found primarily in the hippocampus, 1999). Consequently these single mutation PS1 mouse were
entorhinal cortex and amygdala, less in the neocortex, and soon surpassed by the use of these mice in double Tg mouse
not at all in the spinal cord (Ishihara et al., 2001). As in AD, models as it was found that the PS1 transgene potentiates the
intraneuronal inclusions in the old Tg mice were ubiquinated. deposition of A in APP mice (Borchelt et al., 1997;
The inclusions in the older mice (24 months) contained Holcomb et al., 1998).
exclusively straight tau filaments. The Tau aggregates in the
Tg animals were insoluble whereas in the Wt mice 90 per cent
of endogenous tau was soluble (Ishihara et al., 2001).
Mice that express human R406W tau have also been
developed (Tatebayashi et al., 2002) and at 5 months old
exhibit mutant tau prominently in the hippocampus (17.8
per cent of endogenous tau) followed by the neocortex 35.8.1 APP/PS1 double transgenic mice
(17 per cent), olfactory bulb (14.3 per cent), the striatum
(14.1 per cent) and the thalamus (7.59 per cent). Mutant tau Double Tg mice carrying an APP mutation and a PS1 muta-
was recorded only at trace level in the cerebellum, mid-brain tion have by now been well characterized and show that the
and the spinal cord (Tatebayashi et al., 2002). addition of the PS1 mutation increases amyloid deposition
460 Transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease

and plaque formation at an earlier time point in the animals A staining was only found in some young animals (8 months
life than the single APP mutation alone. old) extracellularly, but was present in all mice intraneu-
When PS1  APP/Swe mouse lines were created the PS1 ronally at this time point in hippocampal pyramidal cells and
control mice failed to develop an AD pathology but the DTg granular cells of the dentate gyrus and cortical pyramidal cells
mice developed large numbers of fibrillar A deposits in the (Wirths et al., 2001). In aged DTg mice this intraneuronal
cerebral cortex and hippocampus earlier in life than the pure staining was virtually absent, but extracellular A deposits
APP/Swe littermates (Holcomb et al., 1998; Gordon et al., were found that were indistinguishable from plaques in PM
2002). Plaque number (per mm2) was found to be highest in human brain (Wirths et al., 2001).
the visual cortex at 54 weeks of age (132  11.3) and lowest A recent paper using APP/Ind  PS1 mutant mice exam-
in the entorhinal cortex at (101.1  13.1), although the cin- ined these mice for signs of tau immunoreactivity and found
gulate cortex and the entorhinal cortex had the highest mean that these DTg mice at 8–12 weeks of age showed A deposits
plaque area at 54 weeks of age (⬇300 m2) (Wengenack et al., with no tau immunoreactivity, but at 24 weeks old the DTg
2000). Plaques appear near to the mid-line and spread lat- mice exhibited plaques throughout the cortex and hippo-
erally and ventrally through the cortex over time (Wengenack campus, and tau labelling confined to areas exhibiting heavy
et al., 2000). Roughly a 41 per cent increase in A42(43) was A load, primarily the parietal, cingulate and temporal cor-
found at 6 weeks in double versus single APP Tg mice. Congo tex, but occasionally hippocampus (Kurt et al., 2003).
red and thioflavin-S showed A deposits in cortex and hippo- Immunogold labelling revealed hyperphosphorylated tau
campus in all DTg mice at 13–16 weeks of age, but this was epitomes in some dystrophic neurites in 24-month-old DTg
absent in APP/Swe mice, and these deposits increased with mice. There was also evidence of straight filaments (10–12 nm
age from 5 per section to 77 per section in 24–32 week old wide) in some 8-month-old mice, with one mouse showing
mice (Holcomb et al., 1998). Importantly, amyloid depo- single and paired helical filaments (Kurt et al., 2003). The
sition occurs primarily in the cortex and hippocampus whilst importance of this paper is that it clearly demonstrates that
the subcortical regions were almost amyloid free, and gener- these DTg APP/PS1 mice develop tau pathology in addition
ally plaque number and amyloid burden increased with age to plaques and it shows that tau pathology comes later than
and appeared to be relatively stable between individuals plaques but that it is associated with them.
(Wengenack et al., 2000). In addition 8-month-old APPSwe/ There is relatively little information regarding functional
PS1 double Tg mice showed a decrease in the number of deficits in the APP/PS1 double mutation mice, although a
vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VACh-T)-immunoreactive cross-strain Tg2576  PS1 line have been found to exhibit
synapses in the frontal cortex, which were reduced in size increased locomotor activity and decreased spontaneous
in the hippocampus (Wong et al., 1999). alternation in a Y-maze by 6 months of age when compared
These APP/PS1 mice have been reported to have behav- with non-Tg and PS1 mice, but did not differ on the spon-
ioural deficits on both cognitive (Holcomb et al., 1998; taneous alternation task from APP (Tg2576) mice until
Holcomb et al., 1999) and motor tests (Holcomb et al., 1999) 9 months of age (Holcomb et al., 1999). None of the mice
by 9 months of age. A study by Puoliväli and colleagues (2002) strains in the latter study exhibited spatial learning deficits in
showed that the age-dependent impairment in water maze per- a water maze test.
formance in these DTg mice correlates with the total amount of
A in the hippocampus at a stage when the amyloid deposits
cover less than 1 per cent of the hippocampal volume.
35.8.2 Other double mutation mouse models
In a study by Wirths and colleagues (2001), mice with the
Increased plaque burden can also be induced in APP mice by
human PS1 mutation (M146L) were crossed with a mouse
creating DTg mice that express an APP mutation and human
line carrying three APP mutations (Swe, Dut, and Lon) to
AChE. The mean estimated plaque burden for these mice
create a single mouse line. Onset of plaque deposition was
was 40 per cent higher in 12-month-old doubly transgenic
8 months, whilst the onset of neuropil deposits in single Tg
mice than in the APP/Swe mice controls (Rees et al., 2003).
mice was at 19 months (Wirths et al., 2001). These double Tg
In a recent study of a PS1/Tau double mutation mouse
mice expressed an almost 2-fold increase in A relative to the
(Boutajangout et al., 2002) expression of PS1 with tau was not
other control mouse lines (Blanchard et al., 2003). A accu-
sufficient to produce neurofibrillary tangles even in neurones
mulation was detected at 2–4 months of age with the order of
co-expressing an accumulation of the human mutant tau
deposition as follows: subiculum and dorsal CA1, entorhinal
cortex, the rest of hippocampus, and then cortex (Blanchard
et al., 2003). Human AD brain sections that were used for com-
parable analysis showed strong APP expression in pyramidal
neurones in the hippocampus, neocortex, and in neuritic
plaques. A staining showed extracellular staining in aged
AD brains but there was no evidence of neuronal staining. In
DTg mice APP was found throughout the cortex and hippo- TTg mouse models are still relatively scarce. Of greatest
campus at all ages and in the neuritic component of plaques. interest to AD research are models that attempt to draw
References 461

together both the plaque and the NFT pathologies into a sin- therapies such as the use of viral vectors to stimulate an
gle model, as in the human condition, but TTg mice have immune response have now been used. An adeno-associated
been developed to examine the role of genes in a single fea- virus vaccine expressing the cholera toxin B subunit and an
ture of AD pathology. A fusion protein has recently been reported to reverse
A TTg model has been developed that was designed to memory deficits and reduce A deposition in APP London
over-express cdk5 and p35 in tau mice (Van den Haute et al., mice (Zhang et al., 2003). Transgenic mice may also prove to
2001) in an effort to increase tau phosphorylization. be useful to trial novel neural transplant approaches for AD.
However, no increased phosphorylation was found, in con- So whilst Tg technology is still relatively young, the devel-
trast to the double Tg P301L X p25 mice that did produce opment of mouse models that incorporate more than a sin-
increased phosphorylation (Noble et al., 2003). gle gene are bringing scientists ever closer to complete
At least two mouse lines have been successfully created models of diseases and as such they represent a significant
that develop plaques and NFTs. The presenilin PS1 (M146V) breakthrough in our search for a cure for diseases such as AD.
mutation and the APP/Swe mutation have been inserted in to
Tg mice expressing mutant P301L tau (Oddo et al., 2003).
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How effective are cholinergic therapies in improving
cognition in Alzheimer’s disease?


36.1 Cholinergic treatments and their assessment 465 36.3 Conclusion 471
36.2 Treatment strategies 466 References 471

Nearly 10 years after the dramatic success of L-dopa therapy There are, of course as well as cholinergic deficits, numerous
for Parkinson’s disease, it seemed that a similar treatment other neurotransmitter deficits in AD, notably in noradrena-
approach for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) may be on the hori- line (NA), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT), gamma-amino-
zon when substantial presynaptic cholinergic abnormalities butyric acid (GABA), glutamate, somatostatin, neuropeptide Y
were found in the post-mortem brains of affected individuals and corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) (see Rosser, 1988
(see Chapter 29). The results so far have been relatively for review), all or any of which may possibly limit the poten-
modest which may not be surprising if we reconsider that tial therapeutic effect of increasing ACh levels. We also now
these were rather overoptimistic and unrealistic expecta- have data on drugs affecting other neurotransmitters, which
tions. First, even quite marked cholinergic loss is not neces- have shown improvements in cognition in AD, one of which,
sarily associated with cognitive impairment. For instance, memantine, has been licensed for use in moderate and severe
studies of Parkinson’s disease show that choline acetyltrans- AD (Reisberg et al., 2003).
ferase (ChAT) loss is more severe in patients with dementia
than in those without, despite the fact that plaque densities
are similar (Perry et al., 1985). While this supports the
cholinergic hypothesis, the fact that ChAT levels are also
reduced in non-demented patients appears to challenge this.
Olivopontocerebellar atrophy (OPCA) also presents an inter-
esting conundrum. For example, in one pedigree the patients The fact that cholinomimetics have some effects on cogni-
show a 40–50 per cent reduction in ChAT levels in temporal tion is, of course, some validation of the presence of a cholin-
and frontal cortex, 20–40 per cent decrements in hippocam- ergic deficit. However, of the many treatment approaches
pus and degeneration of the nucleus basalis of Meynert only cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) have been consistently
(nbM), but no evidence of dementia (Kish et al., 1990). One able to produce statistically significant improvements in cog-
possible interpretation of these data would be to suggest that nitive test results. Some other strategies may have proved
the importance of forebrain acetylcholine (ACh) in cogni- unsuccessful because it has been difficult to attain thera-
tion and memory may have been overestimated. By extrapo- peutic doses owing to unacceptable associated side effects,
lation then, the cognitive deficits occurring as a direct result whereas in others this may indicate a flaw in the hypothesis
of loss of ACh may be quite subtle, so it is perhaps not sur- or the lack of appropriate measures of change. The measure-
prising that cognitive benefits resulting from increasing ACh ment of such subtle changes in cognition has posed a consid-
levels are small. What is becoming clear is that the cholinergic erable problem in a disease which, by definition, should be
deficit seen in any chronic brain disease may be the result of relentlessly deteriorating, though in practice can still fluctu-
a variety of insults, rather than the cause of a specific condition ate considerably from month to month, and even year to year
like AD. (Holmes and Lovestone, 2003).
466 How effective are cholinergic therapies in improving cognition in Alzheimer's disease?

36.2 TREATMENT STRATEGIES using transdermal patches are underway, in the hope of elim-
inating the troublesome metabolite produced in the gut and
thought to be responsible for the side effects. The improve-
36.2.1 ACh precursors and releasing agents ments seen in non-cognitive symptoms have led some to
postulate its use as an antipsychotic (Mirza et al., 2003).
One of the first treatment strategies was an attempt to increase
ACh production by precursor loading. However, there is really OTHER MUSCARINIC AND NICOTINIC AGONISTS
no demonstrable shortage of choline or lecithin in the brain
and repeated studies have failed to produce positive results (see Sabcomeline (SB202026), a partial agonist functionally select-
Becker et al., 1988 for review), although a Cochrane review of ive for M1 receptors, has a lower affinity for the M2 and M3
mixed dementias suggested some evidence of positive effect sites, which are thought to mediate side effects. A significant
in the short term for choline (Fioravanti and Yanagi, 1998). improvement on ADAS-cog was seen in a randomized
A number of drugs have been regarded as ACh releasers. placebo-controlled trial in 364 patients over 14 weeks, but
This mode of action is often inferred, largely owing to an showed a non-statistically significant improvement in CIBIC-
inability to demonstrate other actions, although a few pyri- plus (Kumar and Orgogozo, 1996).
dine derivatives that are predominantly potassium channel Milameline is a partial agonist with equal affinity for M1
blocking agents appear genuinely in this class. There have and M2 receptors. Lack of cognitive efficacy caused the cessa-
been at least two UK phase III studies of ACh releasers, both tion of phase III studies, even though, anecdotally, it seems to
of which were potassium channel blockers. Linopirdine have had some beneficial non-cognitive effects.
(DUP 996) showed no advantage over placebo and was later Talsaclidine, a functionally selective M1 receptor agonist,
found to have a releasing effect on ACh only in the presence and AF102B, have both shown small improvements in
of high potassium concentrations, suggesting a limited use ADAS-cog and some claim that they may influence amyloid
in vivo. The other, besipirdine (HP749), was a selective production. This is based on the fact that stimulation of M1
M-channel blocker (a potassium channel inactivated by receptors has been shown to increase the ‘normal’ processing
muscarinic agonists) and was found not to be an effective of amyloid precursor protein (APP) through the -secretase
ACh releaser and trials have been unremarkable. pathway (Nitsch et al., 1992). It may be for this reason that
further development of M1 agonists persists, though toler-
36.2.2 ACh agonists ability appears to be a common limiting factor.
Nicotinic agonists, often thought to be too toxic, are arous-
The lack of response to ACh precursors and releasing agents ing interest, particularly as galantamine, a cholinesterase
has to some degree been mirrored at the other side of the inhibitor also stimulates nicotinic receptors through allosteric
synapse when one looks directly at acting ACh agonists. Whilst modulation. However, there are only a few such drugs in trials
precursor loading and cholinesterase inhibition are inevitably at the preclinical/phase I stage.
dependent on intact presynaptic neurones, the finding that at
least two subtypes of central cholinergic receptors were not 36.2.3 Cholinesterase inhibitors
changed in post-mortem AD brain (Palacios et al., 1986) led
to the obvious step of trying to stimulate them directly. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs) have shown consis-
Early attempts with compounds like arecoline, pilocarpine, tent efficacy and to date are the only class of cholinomimetics to
bethanecol, oxotremorine and RS86, some of which needed have gained regulatory approval for treating AD. At present four
to be given by intrathecal infusion, were abandoned due to compounds have gained licences – tacrine (Cognex), donepezil
short half-lives and the central and peripheral side effects. (Aricept), rivastigmine (Exelon) and galantamine (Reminyl) –
There are now a number of orally active selective muscarinic with a number of others in development (see Table 36.1).
agonists that have reached clinical trials but, despite initial The clinical development of cholinesterase inhibitors
therapeutic optimism, results have been disappointing. (ChEIs) for the treatment of AD started nearly 20 years
ago with intravenous administration of physostigmine. The XANOMELINE results were encouraging and clearly showed cognitive
Xanomeline is an M1- and M4-selective agonist and the first improvement in AD but the short duration of action and side
to show a significant though modest treatment effect on cogni- effects meant it was not suitable for clinical use.
tion as measured by the ADAS-cog (Bodick et al., 1997). This
was the first trial of an M1 agonist to report a cognitive 36.2.4 Tacrine (Cognex)
improvement but what was perhaps more interesting was the
reported improvement in behaviour, including decreases in The paper by Summers et al. (1986) reporting a trial of
hallucinations, agitation, vocal outbursts, delusions, suspi- tacrine (tetrahydroaminoacridine or THA), although by
ciousness and mood swings. Unfortunately, because of un- current standards judged to be very flawed, ignited the blue
acceptable side effects (nausea, vomiting and fainting), the touch paper and set the AD research community alight, in an
oral preparation has been dropped, though phase II trials attempt to replicate or refute his findings. Numerous trials
Treatment strategies 467

Table 36.1 Summary of clinical trial data: the effect of AChEIs on ADAS-cog (ITT)

No. on active Dose Duration of study Placebo/active difference Difference

Drug Author treatment (mg/day) (weeks) ITT analysis on ADAS-cog points from baseline
Tacrine Farlow et al. (1992) 37 80 12 3.8
Knapp et al. (1994) 238 160 30 4.1
Eptastigmine Canal and Imbimbo 83 45 25 4.7
(1996a, 1996b)
Donepezil Rogers et al. (1998) 152 5 24 2.5 0.7
Rogers and Friedhoff (1998) 150 10 24 2.9 1.0
Burns et al. (1999) 273 10 24 2.92 1.2
Rivastigmine Corey-Bloom et al. (1998) 231 6–12 26 3.8 0.3
Rösler et al. (1999) 243 6–12 26 1.6 0.26
Metrifonate Cummings et al. (1998) 111 30–60 12 2.9 0.75
de Jongh (1998) 1290 60–80 26 3.8 1.8
Galantamine Wilkinson and 54 30 12 3.3 1.8
Murray (2001)
Wilcock et al. (2000) 218 32 26 4.1 1.7
Raskind et al. (2000) 423 24/32 26 3.7 1.7

Placebo post-anaesthetic delirium. It is a reversible inhibitor of both

Cognex 80 mg acetyl- and butyryl-cholinesterase (BuChE) and requires
Cognex 120 mg
3 Improvement dosing four times a day. The major side effect was a liver
Cognex 160 mg
transaminitis, subsequently found to be of little clinical sig-
2 nificance in that it resolved on stopping the drug and 80 per
Change in ADAS-cog score

cent of patients could be rechallenged with no recurrence.

1 However, combined with the gastrointestinal side effects, this
meant that 70 per cent of patients on the 160 mg/day were
unable to complete the 30-week study, and as only 27 per
cent of those achieved a 4 point improvement on the
ADAS-cog, this meant that in fact only about 10 per cent of
patients started on tacrine gained a significant benefit over
the 7.5-month period. Clearly this figure could be raised by
3 rechallenging those with transaminitis but this is contentious
Baseline 6 12 18 24 30 and off-putting for patient and clinician alike. Further evi-
Week dence from PET scanning on patients before and after treat-
ment with tacrine seemed to demonstrate considerable
Figure 36.1 ADAS-cog change from baseline in patients improvement in brain metabolism, suggesting a functional
completing 30 weeks of tacrine trial. (Data from: Knapp et al., 1994.) change that mirrored clinical findings (Plate 14).

took place (e.g. Davis et al., 1992) but the definitive study was 36.2.5 Physostigmine and eptastigmine
the one by Knapp et al. (1994), which tested the compound at
higher doses than earlier trials and for a longer period, as a The race subsequently started to find more acceptable alter-
result of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) request natives to tacrine. Early trial results with a long-acting
for positive evidence on cognition for 6 months. This was a sustained-release preparation of physostigmine suggested
30-week trial at a time when studies had usually been only of similar efficacy with better tolerability than tacrine. As with
6 or 12 weeks’ duration. Since then the 24–30-week trial has earlier physostigmine preparations, although there seemed
now become standard. What the Knapp study showed was to be no liver problems, nausea remained an issue. A larger
that at high doses, 160 mg/day, there were statistically signifi- study, unfortunately with a complicated enrichment proto-
cant improvements over placebo in ADAS-cog, CIBI and col, showed small improvements. The improved cognition
MMSE; that the improvements started to wane after a few occurred only in patients who had also shown a response in a
months and that placebo patients steadily declined (Figure prestudy, dose-titration phase. It had a short, 6-week, double-
36.1). However, what also became clear was that poor tolera- blind phase and the effect size at the end point was 1.75 points
bility and side effects would limit the usefulness of the drug. on the ADAS-cog scale (Thal et al., 1997).
Tacrine was developed as an analeptic and originally used Whilst a lot of the early work on AChEIs took place with
in anaesthesia to potentiate suxamethonium and to alleviate physostigmine, its short action and poor tolerability prevented
468 How effective are cholinergic therapies in improving cognition in Alzheimer's disease?

it from becoming an acceptable treatment and as yet it is not in carer burden (Shikiar et al., 2000). Because of side effects,
licensed. The heptyl analogue of physostigmine, eptastigmine, however, this drug is unlikely to be studied further.
was found to be more stable, longer lasting, if less potent, and
significantly less toxic than the former. In phase III studies it 36.2.7 Donepezil (Aricept)
has shown typical AChEI efficacy in terms of improvement
in ADAS-cog. One study by Canal and Imbimbo (1996a) Donepezil has had the greatest impact so far on the treatment
showed an effect size of 4.7 points over 25 weeks, which is as of AD. It was licensed and subsequently cleared for market-
good a response as any seen in studies to date. Clinical devel- ing in the US in November 1996 and in the UK in March
opment, however, has been slow and one company withdrew 1997. It has a high oral bioavailability, is unaffected by food,
after a neutropenia developed in two patients (Enz, 1998). and has a long plasma half-life of 70 hours permitting once
There is some suggestion that this drug may be of particular daily dosing. It has almost total plasma protein binding and
benefit in the middle to late stages of the disease (Canal and is a highly selective reversible inhibitor of AChE. It is 10 times
Imbimbo, 1996b). A review of the data has been published by less potent than physostigmine but this has not diminished
Braida and Sala (2001). its efficacy in terms of benefits on cognitive function, global
assessment and activities of daily living (Burns et al., 1999).
36.2.6 Metrifonate The three pivotal placebo-controlled studies all showed an
improvement in cognition over baseline at the end of 6
This old drug was for years the mainstay of treatment for bil- months of around 1 point on the ADAS-cog with an end point
harzia because of its cholinergic effects. It is in itself, a simple effect size over placebo of just under 3 points (Figure 36.3).
organophosphorus compound, relatively inactive, but it is There have been two 1 year-long placebo-controlled studies
slowly hydrolysed to dichlorvos in the body, a potent irre- that have shown an advantage for long-term treatment both
versible AChEI. Its slow metabolism and permanent inactiva- in preservation of cognition (Winblad et al., 2001) and func-
tion of the enzyme mean once daily dosing is more than tion (Mohs et al., 2001). A third study provided 1-year data
adequate, indeed weekly dosing is used in tropical medicine. for donepezil comparing the rates of cognitive decline after 1
Another feature of metrifonate is that, as well as having a com- year in patients with probable AD treated with donepezil and
pletely different mode of action from the other AChEIs, it has those who remained untreated (Doody et al., 2001). Cogni-
excellent tolerability and a rather different range of side effects tive decline, based on change from baseline in Mini-Mental
including rhinitis, leg muscle cramps and diarrhoea. Unfortu- State Examination (MMSE) scores, was significantly slower
nately, axial and proximal muscle weakness had been noted in a in patients treated with donepezil compared with untreated
number of patients in the US, severe enough to cause respira- patients (P  0.007). However, it is important to note that
tory failure in a few patients and the trial programme has been the MMSE may not be the most accurate index of the rate of
halted. Like the other AChEIs it did demonstrate cognitive cognitive decline (Goldblum et al., 1994). In fact in the Aricept
improvement in AD. Pooled data from US studies (Figure 36.2) Withdrawal and Rechallenge Study (AWARE) it was clear that,
showed an effect size of 3.8 ADAS-cog points with an improve- even in the 30 per cent of patients initially showing no appar-
ment over baseline of 1.8 points, the latter comparable with the ent benefit on open label donepezil treatment (often based
best in its class (de Jongh, 1988). The European MALT study on MMSE), significant treatment benefits were observed in
(Dubois et al., 1999) showed similar efficacy on cognition,
significant changes in behaviour and function and, for the first Placebo
5 mg donepezil
time in a placebo-controlled study, significant improvements 10 mg donepezil
Change in ADAS-cog score

Change in ADAS-cog score

60/80 mg
1 P = 0.0001 Improvement 0

Placebo P = 0.0001
1 Deterioration
2 Placebo
0 6 12 18 24 30 3
Time (weeks) 0 6 12 18 24 30
Figure 36.2 ADAS-cog change from baseline in patients
completing 26-week metrifonate trial (pooled data, USA). (Data from Figure 36.3 ADAS-cog change from baseline in patients
de Jongh, 1998.) Patients were those who completed double-blind completing 30 weeks of donepezil study. (Data from Rogers
treatment. P 0.05 (relative to placebo). et al., 1998.)
Treatment strategies 469

those continuing treatment versus those switching to placebo selected population with the placebo group deteriorating at a
(Triau et al., 2003) suggesting it may not be an adequate greater and more naturalistic rate than normally seen in trial
measure of response. patients. These data provide a classical example of why, how-
Long-term follow-up studies seem to suggest (although ever tempting it is to do so, it is bad science to compare the
without a placebo group it is only a suggestion) that the cog- results of different trials even if protocols are similar, because
nitive advantage over placebo is maintained for up to 2 years trial populations vary so much. In this instance we have to
(Rogers and Friedhoff, 1998), and perhaps even longer accept that the treatment effect size, of 3.8 ADAS-cog points,
(Rogers et al., 2000). however construed, is a clinically significant finding.
There is now clear evidence from clinical practice that Of course, the corollary to the increased rate of decline in
changes in behavioural or non-cognitive symptoms are also a the placebo group in this trial is that it could indicate an
feature of response to donepezil (Gauthier et al., 2002). unusual lack of placebo response. A marked placebo response,
Whether one regards these effects as separate from the cogni- is a persistent feature of most other trials. In one phase III
tive improvement is a moot point but there is now a large body study of rivastigmine, for instance, only 16 per cent of
of evidence demonstrating clear cognitive effects with clinical placebo patients were better or no worse at 6 months, a much
relevance and extremely good tolerability in very mild, mild lower percentage than in any other trial (Corey-Bloom et al.,
to moderate, and severe AD (Rogers and Friedhoff, 1998; 1998). This, considered with the fact that 20 per cent of the
Feldman et al., 2001; Seltzer et al., 2003). Naturalistic studies in high dose group had improved by 7 points or greater on the
clinical practice have confirmed these effects and it is clear that ADAS-cog, suggests the effect size was a genuine reflection of
the 10 mg dose confers greater efficacy than 5 mg, with tolera- efficacy in a worsening group of patients (Figure 36.5).
bility being no different from placebo levels if the dose titration A recent meta-analysis was conducted to show the effects
from 5–10 mg is left for 4–6 weeks (Matthews et al., 2000). of rivastigmine over 5 years compared with the projected
cognitive decline of untreated patients over the same period.
36.2.8 Rivastigmine (Exelon) Rivastigmine data came from open-label extensions of four
6-month, randomized, placebo-controlled trials. Treatment
A carbamate derivative of physostigmine, rivastigmine, which was continued for up to 5 years with open-label rivastigmine
is licensed for the symptomatic treatment of mild to moderate (up to 12 mg/day) and appeared to prevent decline to severe
AD, has effects like those of eptastigmine. It does not inacti- dementia (MMSE 10 points) by at least 2 years compared
vate ACh by the usual microsomal activity but by attaching a with the estimated levels of decline, although the few left at
carbamyl residue, which means that, although it has a half- the end of the study could arguably be seen as rather atypical
life of 2 hours, cholinesterase inhibition in the brain is thought patients. These studies, also available for other drugs, are of
to last for up to 10 hours. It is therefore classed as a pseudo- course not hard evidence, but do suggest a long-term effect
irreversible inhibitor and is highly specific for AChE. (Small et al., 2003).
The phase III clinical trials indicate broadly similar levels The main drawbacks of rivastigmine are its short half-life,
of efficacy to donepezil, although direct comparisons are not the consequent twice daily dosing, and the necessity for a
possible. For example, in one study the effect size of 3.8 ADAS- slow titration to minimize the cholinergic side effects. The
cog points is largely made up of deterioration in the placebo trial data suggest these are not severe but include nausea,
group and there is very little improvement over baseline vomiting and anorexia. Rivastigmine has also been linked to
scores (Figure 36.4). The trial was said to include a less improvements in non-cognitive symptoms demonstrated by

Improvement 70
6–12 ng/day
Cumulative percentage of patients

60 1–4 mg/day
6–12 mg rivastigmine Placebo
Change in ADAS-cog score

1–4 mg rivastigmine 50
2 Placebo
1 40
2 20
12 18 26 0 points 4 points 7 points
Weeks ADAS-cog improvement

Figure 36.4 ADAS-cog change from baseline (ITT) in patients Figure 36.5 ADAS-cog change from baseline in patients
completing 26 weeks of rivastigmine study (Data from Corey-Bloom completing 26 weeks of rivastigmine trial (Data from Corey-Bloom
et al., 1998). et al., 1998).
470 How effective are cholinergic therapies in improving cognition in Alzheimer's disease?

the results of a study in patients with dementia with Lewy 35

bodies, which showed that scores on the 10-point

Cumulative percentage of patients

30 22.5 mg
Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) were significantly better 30 mg
(P  0.01) after 20 weeks for those on rivastigmine com- 25 45 mg
pared with placebo (McKeith et al., 2000).

36.2.9 Galantamine (Reminyl)

The last of the major AChEIs to be licensed for the treatment 5

of mild to moderate AD is by no means the least interesting.
Like physostigmine and codeine, this compound is a natural 0
4 7 10 15
alkaloid and shares with them the potential to allosterically Treatment response
potentiate submaximal nicotinic responses induced by ACh,
and competitive agonists. It may well be that this nicotinic Figure 36.6 ADAS-cog change from baseline in patients
effect is the reason why the AChEIs are more effective than completing 12-week galantamine trial. (Data from Wilkinson and
other cholinomimetics. Allosteric potentiating ligands like Murray 2001.)
galantamine could therefore enhance nicotinic transmission
under conditions of reduced secretion or increased degrada-
tion of ACh, or where the ACh sensitivity of nicotinic ACh 36.2.10 Comparative studies
receptors is reduced. This may well mean they will have a pre-
ventive and corrective action on impaired nicotinic trans- All the currently available AChEIs seem to have similar cog-
mission and may have more than a symptomatic effect on nitive effects with none showing mean improvements on the
AD itself (Schrattenholz et al., 1996). ADAS-cog of greater than 5 points in 6-month controlled
Studies so far have demonstrated consistent evidence of trials. This may be the limit of their efficacy but without
cognitive improvement. An American study with 636 patients comparative studies in the same population it is impossible
showed an effect size of 3.7 points on the ADAS-cog with to make judgements about the relative importance of each
improvement of 1.7 points from baseline at 6 months (Raskind compound. Unfortunately, because the differences between
et al., 2000). An international study showed an effect size of 4.1 the drugs will be small, comparative studies would require
points on ADAS-cog, again with improvement over baseline enormous numbers to demonstrate statistical significance,
of 1.7 points at 6 months (Wilcock et al., 2000). The data from consequently to run double-blind trials would be very
the US open label continuation study indicate maintenance expensive with the risk of showing no advantage for the com-
of this benefit with no decrement from baseline a year later pany involved.
(Lilienfield and Parys, 2000). Both studies also showed There equally would be little point in funding such trials
improvements in the global assessment and functional ability. by independent bodies unless there were vast differences in
What is worth noting in many of these trials is the pro- cost. Three comparative studies have been conducted for mar-
portion of patients who show quite marked improvements in keting reasons and are all somewhat limited by being open
cognition. In a phase II study of galantamine, 10 per cent of label, albeit with blinded raters. Two sponsored by the makers
patients on the 30 mg dose of galantamine showed an improve- of donepezil comparing it against rivastigmine and galanta-
ment of 15 points or greater on the ADAS-cog after 12 weeks mine had similar designs and were run to compare the recom-
(Wilkinson and Murray, 2001). No placebo patients ever show mended dosing regimes and tolerability. The first, a 12-week
this kind of response and this is echoed in other AChEI trials comparison between donepezil and rivastigmine, showed no
(Figure 36.6). difference between the two drugs on cognition but many fewer
Galantamine, like all AChEIs, does have tolerability prob- patients were able to be titrated up to the recommended
lems unless titrated slowly and, as expected, the side effects maximum doses of rivastigmine with consequently signifi-
are predominantly gastrointestinal. It is, however, over 90 per cantly more gastrointestinal side effects overall compared
cent bioavailable so can be given with food. It is a competi- with donepezil. Unsurprisingly, both clinicians and carers
tive, reversible and specific inhibitor of ACh, with a half-life preferred donepezil with its better side effect profile, simpler
of about 8 hours. It needs to be given twice daily and has an titration and once daily dosing (Wilkinson et al., 2002).
optimal dose of around 24 mg daily. There are no long-term The second study, between donepezil and galantamine, was
data from placebo-controlled trials of galantamine but open also of only 12 weeks duration, which meant that the max-
label continuation studies, now extending to 4 years claim, as imum dose of galantamine was only reached in the last
with the other AChEIs, that despite a tendency to cognitive month compared with 2 months for the donepezil group.
decline in the long term there is an advantage to continued Tolerability, whilst still in favour of donepezil, was much
treatment compared with the expected decline in patients more acceptable in the galantamine group. However, signifi-
without treatment. cant advantages were demonstrated for donepezil over its
References 471

comparator in cognition and function and may represent a modification of APP processing, tau phosphorylation, the
function of the short duration of the study (Jones et al., 2004). effects of excitatory amino acids and the ion channels will all
The third study, sponsored by the makers of galantamine, come to bear on the treatment of AD in due course. However,
was somewhat different. Hoping to show some evidence of AChEIs have shown clear clinical benefits in cognition and
disease modification as a result of its proposed nicotinic effects, behaviour and will be the cornerstone of pharmacological
the researchers enrolled a somewhat more severe group treatment in AD for some years to come.
(MMSE 9–18) for 1 year and used computerized tests of atten-
tion in some centres. They used an activity of daily living scale
as the primary outcome measure and this showed no differ-
ence between the groups. There were no significant differ-
ences in the secondary outcomes of MMSE ADAS-cog, NPI
or caregiver burden; however, a subanalysis of those enrolled Becker R, Giacobini E, Elbe R et al. (1988) Potential pharmacotherapy of
with MMSE scores from 12–18 did show an advantage on Alzheimer’s disease. A comparison of various forms of physostigmine
MMSE, one of the secondary outcomes, for the galantamine administration. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 77: 19–22
group (Wilcock et al., 2003). The discrepancy between the Bodick NC, Offen WW, Levey AL et al. (1997) Effects of xanomeline, a
two studies of donepezil and galantamine underlines the selective muscarinic receptor agonist, on cognitive function and
behavioural symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease. Archives of Neurology
very small differences between the drugs in relation to out-
54: 465–475
comes, with all three compounds having broadly similar Braida D and Sala M. (2001) Eptastigmine: ten years of pharmacology,
effects. This was a confirmation of the pivotal trial data with toxicology, pharmacokinetic, and clinical studies. CNS Drug Review
the drugs being separated only by their different side effect 7: 369–386
profiles and dosing regimes. Burns A, Rossor M, Hecker J et al. for the International Donepezil Study
Group. (1999) The effects of donepezil in Alzheimer’s disease –
results from a multinational trial. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive
Disorders 10: 237–244
36.3 CONCLUSION Canal I and Imbimbo BP. (1996a) Clinical trials and therapeutics:
relationship between pharmacodynamic activity and cognitive
This review of the available data on the cognitive effects of all effects of eptastigmine in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Clinical
Pharmacology and Therapeutics 15: 49–59
the current cholinomimetic treatments shows that only the
Canal I and Imbimbo BP. (1996b) Relationship between
AChEIs have a clear statistical and clinical advantage over pharmacodynamic activity and cognitive effects of eptastigmine in
placebo. The clinical utility may be even greater if one looks patients with Alzheimer disease. Clinical Pharmacology and
at behavioural change, one area where other classes of drug Therapeutics 60: 218–228
(e.g. M1 agonists) have also shown some positive effects. The Corey-Bloom J, Anand R, Veach J. (1998) A randomised trial evaluating
averaged outcomes from placebo-controlled studies conceal the efficacy and safety of ENA 713 (rivastigmine tartrate), a new
the fact that, while some patients show little benefit, others acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, in patients with mild to moderately
show considerable improvements (15 points on ADAS-cog). severe Alzheimer’s disease. International Journal of Geriatric
Unfortunately, however, all studies to date suggest that pre- Psychopharmacology 1: 55–65
dicting response is not possible before treatment starts. The Cummings JL, Cyrus PA, Bieber MD et al. (1998) Metrifonate treatment
effect appears to be maintained over a number of months of the cognitive deficits of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurology 50:
and, while it does fade in those who have responded, the
Davis KL, Thal LJ, Camzu ER et al. (1992) A double-blind placebo-
advantage over placebo may remain for a number of years. As controlled multicentre study of tacrine for Alzheimer’s disease. The
efficacy fades it may be possible to maintain the cognitive Tacrine Collaborative Study Group. New England Journal of Medicine
benefits by increasing the dose of AChEIs, as long as the drug 327: 1253–1259
is tolerated. de Jongh P. (1998) Clinical development of metrifonate: an overview of
What is not clear is whether intermittent treatment, cognitive and global outcomes. Collegium Internationale Neuro-
allowing restitution of neurotransmitter and receptor sensi- Psychopharmacologium. Glasgow, Bayer AG
tivity, will sustain the cognitive improvement, a claim made, Doody RS, Dunn JK, Clark CM et al. (2001) Chronic donepezil
but as yet unsubstantiated, for rivastigmine, the AChEI with treatment is associated with slowed cognitive decline in
the shortest half life. The numerous interactions with, and Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 12:
modulation of, cholinergic function by other neurotransmit- 295–300
Dubois B, McKeith I, Orgogozo J, Collins O, Meulien D. (1999) A
ters may explain why cholinomimetics seem to have a ceiling
multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
effect and the combination of cholinergic and other strate- to evaluate the efficacy, tolerability and safety of two doses of
gies may yet show a synergistic effect. One study adding metrifonate in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease:
memantine to donepezil in moderately severe AD has shown the MALT study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
promise, although a similar study in mild to moderate AD 14: 973–982
has not (Hartmann and Mobius, 2003; Tariot et al., 2003). Enz A. (1998) Classes of drugs. In: S Gauthier (ed.), Pharmacotherapy
Clearly work on oxidative stress, the inflammatory response, of Alzheimer’s Disease. London, Martin Dunitz
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Farlow M, Gracon SI, Hershey LA et al. (1992) A controlled trial of Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and
tacrine in Alzheimer’s disease. JAMA 268: 2523–2529 Psychiatry 48: 413–421
Feldman H, Gauthier S, Hecker J et al. (2001) A 24-week, randomized, Raskind MA, Peskind ER, Wessel T, Yuan W. (2000) Galantamine in AD
double-blind study of donepezil in moderate to severe Alzheimer’s a 6-month randomized, placebo-controlled trial with a 6-month
disease. Neurology 57: 613–621 extension. Neurology 54: 2261–2268
Fioravanti M and Yanagi M. (1998) CDP-choline in the treatment of Reisberg B, Doody R, Stoffler A, Schmitt F, Ferris S, Mobius HJ. (2003)
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Non-cholinergic therapies of dementia


37.1 Prevention of dementia 474 37.3 Summary 479

37.2 Potential non-cholinergic strategies for References 479
Alzheimer’s disease 474

Until recently cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) have been or reducing homocysteine with B vitamins will be discussed
the only approved treatments for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). in this chapter. Other considerations in prevention include
Recently memantine was approved by European, North improving diet, ceasing smoking, improving exercise, effec-
American and other regulators for the treatment of moderate tively treating diabetes mellitus, and preventing head injury.
to severe dementia of the Alzheimer’s type. There continue to However, these ‘preventative’ measures are non-specific for
be no approved treatments in Europe and North America for dementia and have salutary effects on a range of conditions.
other dementias, although several trials suggest the feasibility There is direct clinical trials evidence that vitamins and
for ChEIs for the vascular dementias (Erkinjuntti et al., 2002; trace elements supplementation improves cognitive function
Black et al., 2003; Wilkinson et al., 2003) or dementia with in elderly subjects who may or may not have had dementia.
Lewy bodies (McKeith et al., 2000). For example, 86 older subjects were randomized to a 1-year
In addition there are a range of medications, vitamins or trial of placebo or a supplement containing various vitamins
herbs, not explicitly approved for Alzheimer’s disease or and elemental metals. In this small trial performed in India
dementia, that have potential usefulness, that have not been there were improvements on memory, long-term retrieval,
clearly demonstrated in clinical trials to be efficacious, but category fluency and digit span, as well as a rather marked
that can either be prescribed by physicians or purchased by improvement on Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) scores.
patients. These medications include piracetam, extract of However, generalizing such findings to other populations
Ginkgo biloba, selegiline, vitamin E, multiple B vitamins and may be difficult considering that diagnosis and baseline
the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins). Notably, nutritional status may be factors in the response, and notably
medications such as oestrogens and anti-inflammatories MMSE scores were low in this middle-class Indian cohort,
have been advocated by some in the recent past, but now averaging 21–15 (Chandra, 2001). Nevertheless, this trial
need reconsideration in the light of current clinical trials points to the potential that a variety of non-specific health or
showing no evidence and potential cognitive worsening with physiological interventions could have salutary effects on
these drugs (Aisen et al., 2003b; Rapp et al., 2003; Visser et al., cognition.


From a public health point of view, preventing the onset of
AD is more important than the treatment of dementia after it ChEIs are the only medications currently approved in the
develops. In this respect interventions that might decrease US for treating mild to moderate AD. The use of ChEIs
the risk of dementia such as reducing blood pressure to pre- for the management of the cognitive and behavioural symp-
vent cerebrovascular disease, the use of lipid lowering drugs, toms of AD is reviewed elsewhere in this book. The overall
Potential non-cholinergic strategies for Alzheimer’s disease 475

effectiveness of ChEIs, modest at best, is manifested generally 37.2.1 Homocysteine reduction and vitamin E
as stabilization of cognitive symptoms over 6 months to 1
year compared with the continuing cognitive decline in Elevated levels of homocysteine (HC) may contribute to
placebo-treated patients. Additionally, only a minority of cardiovascular disease (Wilcken and Dudman, 1989; Bellamy
patients treated benefit over those 6 months. As such, clini- and McDowell, 1997), cognitive impairment (Lehmann et al.,
cians regularly encounter requests for information on other 1999) and dementia (Seshadri et al., 2002). Plasma concen-
potential treatments including over-the-counter medica- trations of HC rise when its metabolism to methionine or
tions, herbal remedies, vitamins and agents approved for cysteine is impaired, which may occur under a number of
other indications or those which are available only outside circumstances including natural ageing. Increased plasma
the US. levels of HC are associated with damage to vascular endothe-
Since the goals of treatment can range from symp- lial cells (Wilcken and Dudman, 1989) and increased risk for
tomatic improvement to slowing symptom progression, or thrombosis (Bellamy and McDowell, 1997), possibly through
even to delaying the onset of dementia, potential benefits lipid peroxidation (Voutilainen et al., 1999) and release of
must be weighed carefully against adverse-effect risks. More- endothelium-derived relaxing factor causing vasodilatation
over, it is particularly important to weigh treatment options (Stamler et al., 1993). More relevant to AD, HC also potenti-
with patients diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment ates the neurotoxic effects of A in vitro, in hippocampal
(MCI) since only 8–15 per cent of these MCI patients neurones (Ho et al., 2001; Kruman et al., 2002) through an
develop dementia on an annual basis, while nearly 40 per unknown mechanism. It is therefore possible that reducing
cent do not appear to progress to AD and indeed may no levels of HC would lead to cognitive benefits in people with
longer display any cognitive impairment at 2-year follow up cerebrovascular disease or AD, possibly by delaying the onset
(Larrieu et al., 2002). Some potential or emerging treatment of dementia, or improving cognitive function. HC plasma
options based on available clinical data are discussed below levels can be reduced by as much as 30 per cent using a regi-
(see Table 37.1). men of B vitamins (e.g. B12 1 mg/day, B6 25 mg/day, and folic

Table 37.1 Non-cholinergic approaches for the treatment of AD

Agent* Possible mode of action Status

Vitamins B6, B12, folate therapy Combination may lower homocysteine (HC) Unproven effects. Observational studies show
levels. Elevated HC may raise risks for decreases in incidence of AD. Clinical trial is
cardiovascular disease and AD ongoing
Vitamin E or selegiline Antioxidant effects may be neuroprotective In a single trial each was effective at delaying
clinical progression of moderate to severe AD
patients, but not effective for improving cognition
(Sano et al., 1997). One trial of vitamin E
(compared to donepezil and placebo) for MCI is
Oestrogens Have neurotrophic properties; enhances NGF, New evidence is largely negative; no evidence for
synaptogenesis, increase acetylcholine cognitive improvement; risks outweigh benefits.
May be worse than placebo (Mulnard et al., 2000;
Rapp et al., 2003). Should not be used for treating
or preventing dementia or cognitive impairment
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Anti-inflammatory mechanism may be Clinical trials results in AD and MCI generally are
drugs (NSAIDs) neuroprotective negative (Scharf et al., 1999; Van Gool et al., 2001;
Aisen et al., 2003b; Visser et al., 2003). One
prevention trial ongoing
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors Inhibits the production of cholesterol, Observational studies show decreases in incidence
(statins) modulates APP processing of AD. Two large cardiovascular trials did not show
cognitive effects in elderly. At least one ongoing
trial in AD
Ginkgo biloba Possible anti-oxidant and other mechanisms, Some clinical trials in AD are positive. One
could be neuroprotective prevention trial (GEMS) is ongoing
Memantine NMDA-receptor antagonist; anti-glutamate Clinical trials in moderate to severe AD are positive.
effects, may protect against calcium- Trials in mild to moderate AD are ongoing.
induced neurotoxicity Approved for moderately severe to severe AD in EU,
Canada and US

* Except for memantine none of the agents is approved for AD in the EU or North America
476 Non-cholinergic therapies of dementia

acid 5 mg/day) and a placebo-controlled clinical trial is trials will be required to assess adequately the clinical benefit
underway to determine whether such a regimen will slow the of NSAID use in AD.
rate of cognitive decline in AD (Aisen et al., 2003a).
37.2.4 HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins)
37.2.2 Antioxidants
Emerging evidence suggests that cholesterol lowering and the
The antioxidant effects of vitamin E (-tocopherol) might use of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors may impact the devel-
have an impact on reducing clinical progression of illness. In opment or progression of AD possibly because cholesterol
the prototypical antioxidant trial (Sano et al., 1997), vitamin levels modulate the enzymatic processing of amyloid precur-
E, selegiline (a monoamine oxidase inhibitor relatively selec- sor protein (APP) and the production of A, a main com-
tive for the MAO-B subtype at doses of 10 mg/day) or their ponent of neuritic plaques in AD brain (Refolo et al., 2000).
combination in moderate to severe AD patients was associ- Cholesterol-fed rabbits demonstrate increased levels of A in
ated with a delay in either nursing home placement and the the brain, and hypercholesterolaemia induced by a high
loss of activities of daily living, supporting a protective effect cholesterol diet results in increased levels of A in the CNS
for the treatments. Interestingly, despite the delay in the (Sparks et al., 1994, 1995). Furthermore, simvastatin adminis-
progression of functional impairment, no significant effect tration in vitro reduces intra- and extracellular A levels in
on cognition was observed. Further investigation is war- neuronal cultures (Fassbender et al., 2001).
ranted, including studies in earlier stages of AD and in MCI. Observational studies of patient databases have demon-
At present, a multicentre trial comparing vitamin E and strated that lovastatin- or pravastatin-treated patients have a
donepezil in MCI patients is ongoing: 60–73 per cent lower prevalence of AD (Wolozin et al., 2000)
MCI_Protocol.htm. and an analysis of a UK clinical practice database suggests a
markedly reduced risk for dementia in patients taking statins
compared with case-matched controls (Jick et al., 2000). In a
37.2.3 Anti-inflammatories case–control analysis of the Canadian Study of Health and
Aging, statin use was associated with reduced risk for AD as
Markers of inflammation in the brains of AD patients suggest
well (Rockwood et al., 2002).
a potential therapeutic benefit of anti-inflammatory use (Aisen
Large clinical trials, however, thus far have not supported
and Davis, 1994; Breitner, 1996; Aisen, 2000). Epidemiological
statin use for improving cognition or prevention of dementia.
studies with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
A randomized placebo-controlled trial of pravastatin (the
have indicated that these agents may be potentially effective for
PROSPER study) in 5804 subjects aged 70–82 years with
reducing the incidence or delaying the onset of AD (Rich et al.,
histories or risk factors for vascular disease reported
1995; McGeer and McGeer, 1996; in t’ Veld et al., 2001). Yet,
favourable cardiovascular outcomes but no significant effect
barring one exception (Rogers et al., 1993), randomized,
on cognitive function or disability during the average 3.2
placebo-controlled studies of NSAIDs in AD patients have
year follow-up period (Shepherd et al., 2002). Further, a ran-
failed to show a clinical benefit (Scharf et al., 1999; Aisen 2000;
domized, placebo-controlled trial of the effect of simvastatin
Van Gool et al., 2001; Aisen et al., 2003a, b).
on cardiovascular outcomes in a subgroup of patients aged
A recently completed 1-year multicentre, placebo-
70 years (n  5806), demonstrated no significant difference
controlled trial involving 351 participants tested the poten-
in the proportion of patients with cognitive impairment or
tial of either the cox-2 inhibitor rofecoxib or the non-selective
in the incidence of dementia over the average 5-year follow-up
NSAID naproxen to slow the progressive cognitive decline
period (Heart Protection Study Collaborative, 2002).
that is characteristic in patients with mild to moderate AD
One placebo-controlled clinical trial randomized 44 AD
(Aisen et al., 2003b). In this study, there was no difference in
patients to placebo or simvastatin 80 mg/day for 26 weeks,
change of ADAS-cog score in patients treated with either
reporting both reduced CSF A and less decline on MMSE in
NSAID compared with the placebo group, indicating that
patients on simvastatin (Simons et al., 2002). An ongoing clin-
anti-inflammatory drugs may not be effective in slowing cog-
ical trial of 400 patients with mild to moderate AD will
nitive decline in mild to moderate AD.
evaluate the effects of simvastatin in slowing the clinical
To investigate the effect of NSAIDs in delaying the onset
decline of AD patients.
of AD, an ongoing multisite trial (the Alzheimer’s Disease
Anti-inflammatory Prevention Trial, ADAPT) (Martin et al.,
2002) is enrolling over 2500 patients aged 70 years with a 37.2.5 Ginkgo biloba
family history of dementia to be randomized to treatment
with naproxen, celecoxib, or placebo, and followed for 5–7 The ability of an extract from the leaves of Ginkgo biloba to
years. Another trial will evaluate subjects ‘at risk’ for devel- improve cognitive function in AD patients is the subject of
oping AD for short-term effects of ibuprofen on beta- ongoing work. Preclinical evidence suggests the components
amyloid1–42 (A) levels in cerebrospinal fluid, which may be in Ginkgo might have neuroprotective effects, including scav-
an early biomarker for AD. Results from these and similar enging of oxygen free radicals, protection of membranes
Potential non-cholinergic strategies for Alzheimer’s disease 477

against lipid peroxidation, inhibition of A formation and It has been available in Germany for the treatment of
aggregation, and protection against A toxicity, as well Parkinson’s disease and various other neurological disorders
as putative anti-apoptotic effects via inhibition of caspase-3 since 1982, and was approved in 2002 by the European Union
activation (Luo et al., 2002). A number of clinical studies sup- and in 2003 by the FDA for treating moderately severe to
port the relatively common use in some European countries of severe AD. Memantine’s effects appear subtler than a range
Ginkgo biloba as a cognitive enhancer (Weitbrecht and Jansen, of NMDA antagonists that have not proven to be clinically
1986; Mancini, 1993; Hofferberth, 1994; Kanowski et al., 1996; successful.
Le Bars et al., 1997; Maurer et al., 1997; Birks et al., 2002).
However, a clear role for Ginkgo biloba either as a symptomatic MECHANISM OF ACTION
agent or as prevention for AD has not been determined.
A 52-week, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial of 309 Memantine is an open channel blocker that does not have
patients with either AD or vascular dementia demonstrated appreciable activity until increased glutamate levels trigger
that 120 mg/day standardized Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb the receptor and cause the ion channel to open. Then it enters
761) conferred a statistically significant improvement on the channel and occupying a site ‘downstream’, preventing
ADAS-cog scores compared with placebo, indicating a sta- calcium influx and preventing the depolarization/hyperacti-
bilization of cognitive decline (Le Bars et al., 1997). The results vation of the neurone. Since it is cleared from its site of action
of this trial are controversial since it included a mixed patient quickly, memantine might provide partial blocking of the
population of AD and vascular dementia, and very little dete- channel depending on intrasynaptic levels of glutamate. As
rioration was observed in the placebo group compared with glutamate increases, causing channels to open, memantine
other AD trials of similar length. appears to block more. As glutamate decreases, memantine
A Cochrane meta-analysis also supports a positive effect blocks less, allowing greater neuronal activity. In some
of Ginkgo biloba (Birks et al., 2002). Interestingly, studies in respects memantine can be viewed as a modulator of gluta-
normal elderly subjects have been contradictory (Mix and matergic activity (Rogawski and Wenk, 2003).
Crews, 2002; Solomon et al., 2002), presenting a confusing
picture for Ginkgo biloba extract use, perhaps partly owing to PHARMACOKINETICS
variations in dose, duration and methodological issues such The absorption of memantine is not affected by food intake;
as lack of blinding. It is speculative that Ginkgo biloba extract bioavailability is 100 per cent. Plasma protein binding is
may be more effective in the cognitively impaired, where it is 45 per cent and peak plasma concentrations occur 3–7 hours
typically used, than in healthy subjects. after oral intake. It is widely distributed and rapidly diffuses
A 6-month placebo-controlled trial of two doses of Ginkgo across the blood–brain barrier. The majority of the parent
biloba extract, EGb 761, 240 mg/day and 120 mg/day, in compound (57–82 per cent) is excreted unchanged in the
patients with mild to moderate AD has been completed. A urine; there is minimum hepatic metabolism; elimination
5-year placebo-controlled, randomized trial of approximately half-life (t1/2) is 60–80 hours. There are potential interactions
3000 subjects aged 75 years (the GEMS trial), funded by with hydrochlorothiazide resulting in a potentially reduced
the US National Institute for Complementary and Alternative diuretic effect. There are no known interactions with ChEIs
Medication (NICAM), is currently underway to evaluate (Namenda prescribing information, Forest Laboratories
Ginkgo biloba in prevention of AD. Another prevention study, Inc., 2003).
also sponsored by the US National Institutes of Health, is
underway to determine the effect of 240 mg/day EGb 761 in CLINICAL TRIALS
preventing (or delaying) the conversion of 200 healthy sub-
jects 85 years or older to MCI. Results of these trials will lead The effect of memantine on cognition generally has been
to a better understanding of a role for Ginkgo biloba extract positive in clinical trials (Gortelmeyer and Erbler 1992;
as a potential AD therapeutic agent. Winblad and Poritis 1999; Wilcock et al., 2000; Larrieu et al.,
2002; Aisen et al., 2003b; Reisberg et al., 2003) (Table 37.2).
Memantine (20 mg/day) was investigated for the treatment
37.2.6 NMDA-receptor antagonism of moderate to severe AD in a 28-week placebo-controlled
trial of 252 patients (Reisberg et al., 2003). The decline of
Part of the consequent pathology in AD involves neurotoxicity; cognitive function, as measured by the change in Severe
overstimulation of NMDA receptors by glutamate has been Impairment Battery (SIB) score, was lessened in memantine
implicated as a cause of neurotoxicity (Greenamyre et al., patients compared with the deterioration observed in placebo
1988). Inhibiting the excitotoxic impact of glutamate is prob- patients (Figure 37.1).
lematic, since its normal action on its various receptors is A 26-week randomized, placebo-controlled trial of
necessary for learning and memory. In preclinical studies, a memantine in moderate to severe AD also showed greater
non-competitive NMDA-receptor antagonist, memantine, improvement in cognition, global assessment and function
protected against the effects of glutamate and calcium-mediated compared with placebo (Tariot et al., 2004). In this trial
neurotoxicity due to influx of calcium (Parsons et al., 1999). memantine or placebo was administered double-blinded to
478 Non-cholinergic therapies of dementia

Table 37.2 Placebo-controlled trials of memantine

Dose Length
Authors (mg/day) N Diagnosis/severity (weeks) Main measures
Gortelmeyer and Erbler, 1992 20 88 Mild to moderate 6 SCAG, GBS (P 0.05)
Reisberg et al., 2003; MRZ-9605 20 252 Moderate to 28 SIB (P 0.05) ADCS-ADL (P  0.02)
severe AD CIBIC (P  0.06)
Winblad and Poritis, 1999; MRZ-9403 10 167 Severe dementia, 12 CGI-C (P 0.001) BGP (P  0.02)
AD and vascular
Wilcock et al., 2002; MRZ-9202 20 548 Mild to moderate 28 ADAS-cog (P 0.05) CGI-C (NS)
vascular dementia
Orgogozo et al., 2002; MRZ-9408 20 288 Mild to moderate 28 ADAS-cog (P 0.05) CIBIC (NS)
vascular dementia
Tariot et al., 2004; MEM-MD-02 20 404 Moderate to severe 24 SIB (P 0.0001) ADCS-ADL (P 0.03)
on donepezil CIBIC (P 0.03)


Difference in SIB score

P 0.002 P 0.001


Memantine (Mem)
Placebo (Pbo)
No. at risk Week 0 Week 4 Week 12 Week 28 End point
Mem n  126 n  119 n  107 n  96 n  124
Pbo n  126 n  117 n  106 n  83 n  123

Figure 37.1 Memantine in moderate to severe AD patients. Mean change from baseline in Severe Impairment Battery (SIB) score ( SE) in the
observed-cases analysis is shown for each time point, and for the end point using a last observation carried forward analysis (Reisberg et al., 2003).

patients who had been maintained on stable doses of There have been two trials in patients with vascular demen-
donepezil for at least 6 months. In fact, the average time on tia (Orgogozo et al., 2002; Wilcock et al., 2002). These
donepezil was approximately 2.5 years, with nearly 90 per patients tended to have ischaemic vascular dementia. In these
cent on donepezil for over 1 year before being randomized. trials there were salutary effects on cognition using the ADAS-
Notably, the placebo-treated patients, i.e. patients who con- cog and adverse events were mild (Orgogozo et al., 2002;
tinued on donepezil throughout the 6 months of the trial, Wilcock et al., 2002). Lastly, at least three clinical trials assess-
continued to decline at a rather rapid rate, suggesting that ing the efficacy of memantine in mild to moderate AD have
memantine substantially stabilized symptoms over this short been completed but not published. News releases from Forest
period of time, while any effect of the cholinesterase inhibitor Laboratories and Lundbeck in January 2004 stated that one
may have been lost previously or overcome by the disease of two placebo-controlled trials in patients not on ChEIs was
course. statistically significantly in favour of memantine.
Additionally, in nursing home patients with severe demen-
tia (MMSE 10), probably either AD or vascular dementia, ADVERSE EFFECTS
memantine showed significant improvement over placebo
in a 12-week trial as measured by global and functional Adverse events were noticeable in the moderate to severe
measures (Winblad and Poritis, 1999). monotherapy trial (Reisberg et al., 2003) in that agitation was
References 479

less frequent in patients on memantine without there being particularly mild with memantine; however, post-introductory
significant increases in other adverse events. In the meman- experiences and further clinical trials will allow for better
tine add-on trial (Tariot et al., 2004), confusion, generally estimates.
rated as mild, occurred four times more frequently in the
memantine group, and headache twice as frequently. Of note
gastrointestinal symptoms were less frequent with diarrhoea REFERENCES
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Treatments for behavioural and psychological
symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias


38.1 A rational approach 483 38.10 Selegiline 494

38.2 Development of the psychobehavioural metaphor 483 38.11 -Adrenergic receptor blockers 494
38.3 Specific classes of psychotropics 484 38.12 Lithium 494
38.4 Conventional antipsychotics 484 38.13 Cholinergic therapies 494
38.5 Atypical antipsychotics 486 38.14 Memantine 495
38.6 Benzodiazepines 489 38.15 Hormonal therapy 495
38.7 Buspirone 490 38.16 Summary 495
38.8 Antidepressants 490 References 495
38.9 Anticonvulsants 492

Merriam et al. (1988) asserted that Alzheimer’s disease (AD) Table 38.1 Summary of literature regarding psychopathology of
is ‘the most widely encountered cause of psychiatric path- dementia* (per cent of patients affected among studies reviewed)
ology associated with a specific neuropathological substrate’.
Range Median
This is consistent with phenomenological studies and litera-
ture reviews, which generally converge on the conclusion that 1. Disturbed affect/mood 0–86 19
roughly 90 per cent of patients with dementia will develop 2. Disturbed ideation 10–73 33.5
significant behavioural problems at some point in the course 3. Altered perception
of illness (Tariot and Blazina, 1993). The ‘behavioural and • Hallucinations 21–49 28
psychological signs and symptoms of dementia’ (Finkel et al., • Misperceptions 1–49 23
4. Agitation
1996) do not typically meet criteria for discrete psychiatric
disorders. They do, however, tend to occur in clusters of signs • Global 10–90 44

and symptoms that may vary among patients and over time
• Wandering 0–50 18
5. Aggression
(Tariot and Blazina, 1993). Examples of these clusters are pro- • Verbal 11–51 24
vided in Table 38.1, based upon a review of published studies • Physical 0–46 14.3
regarding psychopathological changes in dementia that was • Resistive/uncooperative 27–65 44
performed in 1993. With experience, these clusters of signs 6. Anxiety 0–50 31.8
and symptoms can be both predicted and recognized, and can 7. Withdrawn/passive behaviour 21–88 61
be used as guideposts in the selection of appropriate therapy. 8. Vegetative behaviours
This chapter will focus on agitation, which Cohen- • Sleep 0–47 27
Mansfield and Billig (1986) defined as ‘inappropriate verbal, • Diet/appetite 12.5–77 34
vocal, or motor activity unexplained by apparent needs or * Adapted from Tariot and Blazina, 1993
confusion’. Cohen-Mansfield and Billig (1986) empirically
categorized agitated behaviours into three key groups: • socially inappropriate (e.g. disrobing or urinating in
public); and
• disruptive but not aggressive (e.g. attempts to leave, robes • aggressive (e.g. physical, such as hitting or slapping, or
and disrobes, repeated complaints or questions); verbal, such as obscenities or name-calling).
Development of the psychobehavioural metaphor 483

As Table 38.1 indicates, half or more of patients with management principles, learning, for instance, that their
dementia will show some feature of agitation at some point own behaviour is a major determinant of the patient’s
in the course of illness. behaviour. Caregivers can be trained to identify common
triggers as well as consequences of agitated behaviour,
and work with health professionals to attempt to
38.1 A RATIONAL APPROACH minimize the triggers and maximize more positive
This chapter proposes a systematic general approach to the If the behavioural disturbance is grossly aggressive or dis-
evaluation and management of agitation that is based on an ruptive, and frankly dangerous, it may be necessary to use
elaboration of prior work (Leibovici and Tariot, 1988; Tariot antipsychotics or benzodiazepines on an emergency basis,
et al., 1995a; Tariot, 1996, 1999; Tariot and Schneider, 1998; preferably by mouth but sometimes parenterally. In rare cases, hos-
Loy et al., 1999); key aspects are described below: pitalization is needed. Once the emergency is under control,
it is imperative to pay attention to the basics outlined above.
• Define target symptoms. Review the available evidence
and delineate the patient’s behaviour pattern, e.g.
‘wanders without an apparent destination, calls out
repeatedly, bites and kicks during care’.
• Establish or revisit medical diagnoses. It is almost a truism
in geriatrics that delirium is a frequent cause of incident
agitation, and must always be suspected. Common For persisting non-emergent problems where non-
culprits include respiratory or urinary infections, pharmacological interventions have been exhausted, we adopt
dehydration, occult trauma, electrolyte disturbances, or an approach that begins with a definition of a target symptom
side effects of medications. Such medical problems pattern that is at least roughly analogous to a drug-responsive
should be treated specifically and the patient monitored syndrome. We refer to this as the ‘psychobehavioural
carefully, ideally without the need for other medications. metaphor’ (Leibovici and Tariot, 1988). We then match the
• Establish or revisit neuropsychiatric diagnoses. It is also dominant target symptoms (the metaphor) to the most rele-
possible that the disturbed behaviour may reflect a long- vant drug class. For example, in the case of a verbally and
standing, recurrent, or new onset discrete psychiatric physically agitated patient who is also irritable, negative, has
disorder. When a specific disorder is identified, it should become socially withdrawn, and appears dysphoric, we might
be specifically treated and monitored. well first undertake a trial of an antidepressant. Conversely, if
• Assess and reverse aggravating factors. Examples might the patient showed ‘agitation’ in the context of increased
include deficits in hearing or vision, or an environment motor activity, loud and rapid speech, and lability of affect,
that is too dark, noisy, or cold. Disrupted daily routines we might consider early use of a mood stabilizer. The ‘aggres-
may present a remediable factor. It is important to look sive’ patient whose hostile actions are associated with delusions
hard for environmental triggers. is likely to be treated first with an antipsychotic. Although this
• Adapt to specific cognitive deficits. Some patients may be approach to drug selection is face-valid, there is limited empir-
able to respond to verbal reassurance and redirection, ical support for it thus far (Devanand, 2000; Lyketsos et al.,
whereas others may not. Pain or distress may need to be 2000; Tariot et al., 2001a, 2002a; De Deyn et al., 2003). Thus,
inferred from behaviour or facial expression. Some may the validity of the approach that we have endorsed for some
need constant environmental cueing to organize their years, and that reflected in most consensus guidelines (Rabins
behaviour. It is important to identify each patient’s et al., 1997; Alexopoulos et al., 1998; Doody et al., 2001), has
cognitive strengths and weaknesses, attempting to not been established empirically.
capitalize on residual strengths and avoid weaknesses. The approach adopted in this chapter more or less reflects
• Identify relevant psychosocial factors. It can be easy to the position of the American Geriatrics Society and American
overlook the fact that a patient with dementia may be Association for Geriatric Psychiatry consensus statement
suffering anxiety, sadness, denial, or fury in response to (2003) with respect to the use of target symptoms to guide
major and minor life events. In some long-term care selection of drug class. We emphasize selection of a medica-
facilities, for instance, moving from one unit to another tion with at least some empirical evidence of efficacy and
can be associated with perceived loss of status as well as with the highest likelihood of tolerability and safety. We
contact with familiar people. It is easy to overlook this as observe some general rules such as starting with low doses
a precipitant of ‘agitation’. and escalating slowly, assessing target symptoms as well as
• Educate caregivers. Caregivers can learn that change in toxicity, and discontinuing the medication if it is harmful or
behaviour usually has meaning, and that the behaviours ineffective. Even when a medication is helpful at subtoxic
can occur in discernible patterns. This helps caregivers doses, an empirical trial is often performed in reverse and the
interact in a more supportive manner. In the process, patient monitored for recurrence of the problem. This type
caregivers can be taught to employ essential behaviour of approach is actually mandated in the nursing home setting
484 Treatments for behavioural and psychological symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias

in the USA by Federal regulations created in 1987. Sometimes Table 38.2 Selected current pharmacological treatments for
several medications need to be tried in series before a suc- agitation in dementia*
cessful one is identified; sometimes combinations are war-
Suggesting starting** and
ranted; sometimes no medication is found that is helpful. Drug and class (maximal) daily dose (mg/day)
We hold the view that best practice includes routine use of
cholinesterase inhibitors in most patients with AD as well as Antipsychotics
certain other dementias, meaning that psychotropic use occurs Traditional:
against this backdrop. The recent emergence of memantine as • Haloperidol 0.25–0.5 (2–4)
an antidementia agent will mean that a substantial proportion • Thioridazine 12.5–25 (50–100)
of patients may receive psychotropics in addition to this, alone • Thiothixene 0.5–1 (2–4)
or in combination with cholinesterase inhibitors, as well. The
trials conducted with these agents were aimed toward obtain-
• Clozapine 6.25–12.5 (25–100)
• Olanzapine 2.5 (5–10)
ing regulatory approval and not informing clinical practice • Quetiapine 25 (50–200)
regarding issues such as the advantages or disadvantages of • Risperidone 0.5 (1–2)
one agent versus the other for relief of behavioural symptoms, • Aripiprazole 5 (15)
or of using psychotropics in combination with these agents. • Ziprasidone unknown
Practice will outstrip evidence for the foreseeable future. Anxiolytics and sedatives
• Alprazolam 0.5 (1–2)
• Oxazepam 10 (40–60)
The remainder of this chapter reviews the most relevant classes
of agents and specific agents within those classes, focusing on
• Zolpidem 2.5 (5)

information from about the last 5 years and on older studies

• Buspirone 10 (30–60)
that remain as crucial guides to practice. Much of the older lit-
erature was reviewed previously in the prior edition of this • Trazodone 25–50 (200–300)
textbook (Rosenquist et al., 2000); this chapter builds on that
as well as some of our earlier work (Tariot, 1999, Loy et al.,
• Citalopram 10 (20)

1999, Profenno and Tariot, 2004). Table 38.2 provides an

• Fluoxetine 10 (20)

overview of individual agents and typical starting doses pro-

• Sertraline 25–50 (100–200)
posed, based upon a mixture of data and clinical experience.
• Carbamazepine 50–100 (300–500)
• Divalproex 125–375 (500–1500)


• Propranolol 20 (50–100)

Within the context of the ‘metaphor’ approach, antipsy- Others

chotics would be used first for treatment of agitation that • Selegiline 10
included psychotic features (Tables 38.3 and 38.4). In reality, • Oestradiol/progesterone 0.625/2.5
antipsychotics have been used and studied in patients with a * Adapted from Loy et al., 1999
wide range of psychopathology. There are two main classes of ** Suggestions are based on published data as well as anecdotal experience,
antipsychotics: so-called conventional antipsychotics and the and should be regarded accordingly
newer atypical agents. Prior reviews of the conventional agents
have concluded that the effects of these agents were con- De Deyn et al., 1999; Allain et al., 2000; Teri et al., 2000; Tariot
sistent but modest, and that no single agent was better than et al., 2002a). The data from these newer studies generally
another (Wragg and Jeste, 1989; Schneider et al., 1990). conform to the results of the meta-analyses.
Lanctot et al. (1998) performed a meta-analysis including Reviews regarding conventional agents cite side effects
some studies that were less rigorous than those included in including akathisia, parkinsonism, tardive dyskinesia, sedation,
the Schneider et al. (1990) meta-analysis. These authors also peripheral and central anticholinergic effects, postural
concluded that type and potency of agent did not influence hypotension, cardiac conduction defects and falls (Lanctot
response. They reported an average therapeutic effect et al., 1998). Most of these data come from short-term con-
(antipsychotic versus placebo) of 26 per cent, with placebo trolled trials; evidence regarding long-term safety is generally
response rates ranging from 19 to 50 per cent. Side effects lacking. Data available from other elderly populations, how-
were reported to occur more often on drug than placebo ever, indicate that caution is warranted. For instance, rates of
(mean difference 25 per cent). These meta-analyses did tardive dyskinesia are 5–6-fold greater in older than in younger
not include five more recent studies (Devenand et al., 1998; populations after treatment with conventional agents (Jeste
Table 38.3 Conventional antipsychotics

(mg/day); Adverse
Study Diagnosis N Design duration Response effects
Schneider et al., Dementia 252 (in 7 DB, Meta-analysis of 33 2.5–4.6, Little benefit beyond placebo Not reported
1990 PC trials in neuroleptic trials haloperidol; across all neuroleptics; average
primary dementia) 3–8 weeks effect 18% greater than placebo
Devanand et al., AD 71 Randomized 2–3 or Decreased psychosis, aggression, Moderate–
1998 DB, PC, 0.5–0.75; agitation with higher dose only, severe EPS
parallel group 6 weeks 55–60% response versus 25–35% at high
low dose response versus dose (20%)
25–30% placebo
Christensen and Organic mental 48 Randomized Mean 0.64; No difference between None seen at this
Benfield, 1998 syndrome cross-over to 6 weeks treatments on CGI, CAG low dose
De Deyn et al., AD, vascular, 344 Randomized, MC DB, Mean 1.2; Significantly greater EPS 22%, somnolence
1999 mixed parallel group 13 weeks improvement for haloperidol (18% haloperidol
risperidone or placebo versus placebo on BEHAVE-AD versus 4% placebo)
and CMAI, decreased physical
and verbal aggression (72%
risperidone versus 69%
haloperidol versus 61%
placebo on BEHAVE-AD)
Allain et al., AD, VaD, mixed 306 Randomized 100–300 tiapride Significantly improved CGI Less EPS with tiapride
2000 MC, DB, PC, or 2–6 haloperidol; and MOSES irritability/ than haloperidol
parallel group 21 days aggressiveness subscore for both
drugs compared to placebo, no
differences between drugs
Teri et al., AD 149 Randomized 1.8 haloperidol, 200 Reduced agitation not Less EPS
2000 DB, PC, trazodone, or behaviour significantly different between with behaviour
parallel group management techniques; treated and placebo groups management
16 weeks techniques
Tariot et al., Probable AD with 284 Randomized, PC, DB Mean 1.89; No change in psychosis, EPS, sedation
2002a psychosis versus quetiapine 8 weeks some decrease in agitation
(n  94 on haloperidol)

AD, Alzheimer’s disease; BEHAVE-AD, Behavioral Pathology in Alzheimer’s Disease Rating Scale; CGI, Clinical Global Impression; CMAI, Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory; DB, double-blind; EPS, extrapyramidal
symptoms; MC, multicentre; MOSES, Multidimensional Observation Scale for Elderly Subjects; PC, placebo-controlled; SCAG, Sandoz Clinical Assessment-Geriatric Scale; VaD, vascular dementia
486 Treatments for behavioural and psychological symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias

et al., 1995). For practical purposes, side effects typically have been completed in nursing home patients with relatively
guide selection of these agents when they are used in patients severe dementia (De Deyn et al., 1999; Katz et al., 1999;
with dementia. A clinical issue that is of particular importance Brodaty et al., 2003).
is dementia with co-occurring extrapyramidal disorders In the aggregate, these risperidone studies comprise the
such as dementia with Lewy bodies, where occasional extra- largest placebo-controlled, multicentre studies ever con-
ordinary sensitivity to conventional agents is seen (Ballard ducted of any form of treatment for agitation or aggression
et al., 1998). For all these reasons, atypical antipsychotics may associated with dementia. A conservative interpretation of
have special utility in patients with dementia. This may the available evidence would be that the efficacy of risperi-
account for the enthusiasm expressed by ‘experts’ toward use done is roughly equivalent to that of haloperidol. The toler-
of atypicals in this population (Alexopoulos et al., 1998). ability of risperidone appears to be better, with low to
moderate risk of dose-related parkinsonism and sedation
and numerically higher rates of peripheral oedema and sed-
38.5 ATYPICAL ANTIPSYCHOTICS ation in patients treated with risperidone versus placebo. As
more data have emerged from the large clinical trials with
These are listed in Table 38.4. risperidone, there has been more opportunity to examine
possible side effects that might not be discernible in single
clinical trials.
38.5.1 Clozapine In October 2002, HealthCanada issued a letter to health-
care professionals stating that risperidone use may be associ-
Only anecdotes and case reports are available; none is new ated with cerebrovascular events in elderly patients with
since our previous chapter was written. Individual patients dementia (Wooltorton, 2002). In April 2003, the FDA issued
showed partial improvement in agitation or psychosis, whereas a similar warning of cerebrovascular events with risperidone
others developed side effects including sedation and anti- in patients with dementia and noted that risperidone has not
cholinergic effects. Whilst not mentioned specifically in these been shown to be safe or effective in treating dementia-related
reports, agranulocytosis and seizures have been reported in psychosis.
other populations, the former requiring regular haemato-
logical testing for months. Dose-response issues are unre- 38.5.3 Olanzapine
solved. In using this medication, we err on the side of caution
by starting at 6.25 or 12.5 mg/day. Based on the relative lack Recent studies suggest benefit of olanzapine in treating
of motor toxicity encountered with clozapine, a case can be agitation in patients with dementia. A 6-week, randomized,
made to select this agent preferentially in patients with parallel-group, multicentre study of olanzapine in 206 nursing
dementia and extrapyramidal disorders. However, in view of home residents with dementia and agitation and/or psychosis
the lack of information regarding dose-response, the risk of has been completed using fixed doses of 5, 10 and 15 mg/day
side effects in the elderly and the lack of controlled data versus placebo (Street et al., 2000). In patients receiving
regarding efficacy and tolerability, most clinicians are likely 5 and 10 mg/day, significant improvement in agitation and
to choose from among the newer atypical agents first. aggression compared with placebo was seen, and patients
receiving 5 mg/day also demonstrated significant improve-
38.5.2 Risperidone ment compared with placebo in broader assessments of
psychopathology. Sedation and postural instability were
The earliest exploratory studies indicated that doses in the observed at all doses in at least 25 per cent of subjects. Some
range of 0.5–2 mg/day might be best tolerated, with dose- of the patients from this trial received follow-up open-label,
related risk of motor toxicity (especially in patients with flexible-dose treatment for 18 weeks; results were consistent
extrapyramidal disorders). Sedation, peripheral oedema, and with the findings from an earlier paper (Street et al., 2001).
orthostatic hypotension were sometimes reported. Use of Meehan et al. (2002) studied acute treatment of agitation
risperidone can result in increased prolactin levels in other with intramuscular olanzapine in 272 inpatients or nursing
populations, although the clinical significance of this in home residents with AD and/or vascular dementia. Olanzapine
patients with dementia is uncertain. We do not routinely check was found to be superior to placebo in treating agitation at 2
serum prolactin levels, and would only take action in response and 24 hours. Adverse events were not significantly different
to elevated levels associated with symptoms associated with between groups. At present, this formulation has not been
its use (e.g. galactorrhoea in women, sexual dysfunction in marketed in the US.
men) or with symptoms indicative of a possible hypothalamic However, a cautionary note is warranted when consider-
tumour (e.g. diplopia). The earlier open trials and case series ing using this agent in patients with dementia. In January
indicated that risperidone may decrease agitation, aggression 2004, Eli Lilly issued a warning of increased incidence of
or psychosis in patients with dementia, spawning more cerebrovascular adverse events in patients with dementia
definitive trials. Three large multicentre trials of risperidone who were treated with olanzapine.
Table 38.4 Atypical antipsychotics

(mg/day); Adverse
Study Diagnosis N Design duration Response effects
Satterlee et al., AD 238 Randomized 1–8; 8 weeks No benefit versus placebo None reported
1995 ` MC, PC, DB versus placebo
Street et al., AD, moderate- 206 Randomized, MC, 5, 10 and 15; Decreased agitation, Dose-dependent
2000 severe PC, DB, parallel 6 weeks delusions, hallucinations sedation,
group on NPI-NH at 5 and 10 abnormal gait
(but not 15) mg/day versus
Street et al., AD 105 Open as f/u to Flexible 5–15; 18 Significantly improved Somnolence, accidental
2001 previous 6-week weeks agitation and other symptoms injury, rash
DB trial by NPI/NH and other scales
Meehan et al., AD, VaD, or 272 Randomized, IM 5, 2.5, or 1 Decreased agitation at 2 No significant difference
2002 mixed with acute MC, PC, DB lorazepam; 2 and 24 hours within 20 hours between placebo and
agitation hours and any active treatment
prn x 2
Tariot et al., Various psychotic 184 Open, MC 12.5–800 Significant decreases Somnolence (31%),
2000a disorders (median 137.5); in BPRS total and CGI accidental injury
52 weeks severity (24%), dizziness (17%)
Scharre and AD 10 Open 50–150 Improved NPI for delusions Drowsiness
Chang, 2002 (mean  100): and agitation or aggression (40%), weight
12 weeks gain (40%)
Davis and DLB 10 Open 25–150 Significant reduction in No significant
Baskys, 2002 (50 mg modal); total NPI and agitation increase in EPS
12 weeks subscales of NPI and BPRS
Tariot et al., Probable AD with 284 Randomized, DB, PC Mean 100; No change in psychosis, some Sedation
2002a psychosis versus haloperidol 8 weeks decrease in agitation
(n  91 on quetiapine)
Herrmann et al., AD, vascular, 22 Case reports Mean 1.5; Improvement EPS (11), sedation (1),
1998 Lewy body 1 week–10 CGI (17) drooling (1)
Lavretsky and AD, vascular, 15 Open 0.5–3; Decreased Sedation (5),
Sultzer, 1998 PD, PSP, mixed (concurrent 9 weeks agitation (in akathisia (1)
psychotropics all 15)
(Continued )
Table 38.4 (Continued )

(mg/day); Adverse
Study Diagnosis N Design duration Response effects
De Deyn et al., AD, vascular, 344 Randomized MC, DB, Mean 1.1; Decreased physical and EPS not different from
1999 mixed dementia parallel group versus 13 weeks verbal aggression (72% placebo, somnolence
placebo or haloperidol risperidone versus 69% (12% risperidone
haloperidol versus 61% for versus 4%
placebo) placebo)
Katz et al., AD, vascular, 625 Randomized MC, PC, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0; Dose-dependent decrease in Somnolence, EPS 21%
1999 mixed dementia DB, parallel group 12 weeks aggression and psychosis, (on 2 mg/day, compared
(lorazepam, benztropine significant at 1 and 2 (but to 12% on placebo),
and chloral hydrate not 0.5) mg/day mild peripheral oedema
allowed PRN) in some
Brodaty et al., AD, VaD, mixed 345 Randomized, Mean 1.0; Significant reductions in Somnolence, UTI
2003 MC, PC, DB 12 weeks CMAI total aggression
score and BEHAVE-AD

AD, Alzheimer’s disease; BEHAVE-AD, Behavioral Pathology in Alzheimer’s Disease Rating Scale; CMAI, Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory; DB, double-blind; EPS, extrapyramidal symptoms; DLB, Dementia with
Lewy bodies; MC, multicentre; NPI-NH, Neuropsychiatric Inventory – Nursing Home version; PC, placebo-controlled; PD, Parkinson’s disease; PSP, progressive supranuclear palsy; UTI, urinary tract infection; VaD,
vascular dementia
Benzodiazepines 489

38.5.4 Quetiapine fumarate 38.5.6 Atypicals: summary

Two open trials and a case series with quetiapine within a The data indicate that atypical antipsychotics as a class are
dose range of 25–800 mg/day suggested possible behavioural likely better tolerated than typical antipsychotics and at least
benefits for agitation (Tariot et al., 2000a; Davis and Baskys, as efficacious. There appear to be modest differences within
2002; Scharre and Chang, 2002). A 10-week multicentre the class of atypicals in terms of effectiveness, but the signifi-
placebo-controlled trial of quetiapine versus haloperidol was cance of these differences is unclear. The Clinical Antipsychotic
conducted in elderly nursing home patients with psychosis Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE) protocol for AD,
that was operationally defined. These criteria were imple- a trial developed in collaboration with the National Institute
mented prior to the development of clinical criteria for the of Mental Health (NIMH), will be the first head-to-head
psychosis of AD proposed recently (Jeste and Finkel, 2000). study of these agents in dementia patients. This 36-week
This trial is notable in that it may have been the first large placebo-controlled study compares the effectiveness of the
placebo-controlled study of antipsychotics in patients with atypical antipsychotics olanzapine, quetiapine and risperi-
dementia selected because of the presence of psychotic done, as well as citalopram, for psychosis and agitation occur-
symptoms. The results from the analysis of the subgroup ring in outpatients with AD (Schneider et al., 2001).
(n  284) with AD have been presented in abstract form At present, there are only limited data regarding the long-
(Tariot et al., 2002a) and a manuscript is under review. Flexible term safety and efficacy of these agents. Jeste et al. (2000)
doses of the medication were permitted; the mean daily dose recently reported a cumulative incidence rate for tardive
of haloperidol was 2 mg/day at end point, while that of que- dyskinesia of 2.6 per cent in 330 patients with dementia
tiapine was about 120 mg/day. None of the treatment groups treated openly with risperidone (mean dose about 1 mg/day)
differed with respect to reduction in measures of psychosis, for a median of 273 days. This figure is much lower than that
which was the primary outcome of the trial, whereas there reported in older people treated with conventional agents
was evidence of reduced agitation on some measures with (Jeste et al., 1995), and is consistent with data reported in a
both haloperidol and quetiapine treatment but not placebo. recent prospective longitudinal study of risperidone and
Tolerability of quetiapine was superior to that of haloperidol. haloperidol in older subjects with mixed psychiatric dis-
A more critical review of the data will be possible once the orders (Jeste et al., 1999). There are, however, no placebo-
trial results are published. controlled data addressing these issues, and no studies
The broad dose range in which quetiapine has shown employing withdrawal manoeuvres.
efficacy means that clinicians should titrate the dose upward Evidence of increased incidence of cerebrovascular acci-
to find the optimally effective range for a given individual. dents in patients with dementia who have been treated with
Because a high-dose study of quetiapine in dogs showed two members of this class of medications, i.e. risperidone
evidence of cataract formation, appropriate evaluation for and olanzapine, suggests need for increased caution in selecting
this is recommended at present (e.g. via slit lamp examin- and using this class of medication in patients with dementia.
ation or direct ophthalmoscopy). A causal link has not been A preliminary meta-analysis of clinical trials of atypical
shown in humans, and it is worth noting that a similar rec- antipsychotics in dementia by Schneider and Dagerman
ommendation has been made for other psychotropics (e.g. (2003) suggests a trend for death to be associated with ran-
carbamazepine, thioridazine). Definitive studies conducted domization to any antipsychotic. It is possible that patients
in humans should resolve the issue of whether this caution is with existing cerebrovascular disease, or with risk factors,
necessary. might be most susceptible. However, this has yet to be
definitively addressed with studies designed to assess side
effects or efficacy as a function of baseline medical condition.
38.5.5 Ziprasidone and aripiprazole All in all, the risk/benefit ratio of any treatment must be borne
in mind: the risk of not treating a morbid complication of the
There are no geriatrics-specific studies of ziprasidone in the illness has to be weighed against the small perceived or real risk
elderly and none in patients with dementia. Results from a of active treatment. That is, if an alternative agent is to be used,
placebo-controlled trial of aripiprazole in 208 outpatients how convincing are the data about its safety and efficacy?
meeting new clinical criteria for psychosis of AD (Jeste and
Finkel, 2000) have been presented in abstract form (De Deyn
et al., 2003). The medication was generally well tolerated,
with numerically more frequent sedation in the active treat-
ment group. The primary outcome, a measure of psychosis,
did not show a difference between drug and placebo, although According to the ‘metaphor’ approach adopted in this chap-
there was some behavioural benefit on secondary measures. ter, we would consider these agents first for patients with
A better understanding of this trial will be possible after the prominent anxiety. Since features of anxiety and depression
results are published. overlap extensively in any case, and particularly in patients
490 Treatments for behavioural and psychological symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias

with dementia, many physicians opt to use an antidepressant of patients. There is no evidence regarding tolerance or para-
rather than a benzodiazepine if medication is needed. doxical effects in this population.
Benzodiazepines have been used for agitation associated with
dementia, in several studies that have been reviewed previ-
ously (Patel and Tariot, 1991; Loy et al., 1999). Most of these
showed, on average, a reduced level of agitation with short-
term therapy. There have been very few studies in the past 10
years, none of which was placebo-controlled. In the aggre- These are listed in Tables 38.5 and 38.6.
gate, as reviewed in the previous version of this chapter, these We would consider using this class of agents first in
studies suggest that agitation associated with anxiety, sleep patients with agitation accompanied by evidence of depres-
problems and motor tension might be most likely to respond. sive features as described in the introduction. There is some
Some of the earlier studies in which benzodiazepines were evidence linking impulsivity to disordered serotonergic
compared with traditional antipsychotics suggested that function (Coccaro, 1996), lending support to the use of sero-
antipsychotics might be superior. tonergic agents. They have also probably been more widely
Prior reviews indicate that side effects occur commonly assayed because of their good tolerability profile and wide-
with benzodiazepines, including sedation, ataxia, falls, con- spread use in other psychiatric disorders.
fusion, anterograde amnesia, lightheadedness, paradoxical Trazodone was one of the first studied (Table 38.5). There
agitation, as well as tolerance and withdrawal syndromes (Patel has been only one published double-blind, placebo-controlled
and Tariot, 1991). It is because of this safety profile that we study, showing no relative benefit of trazodone over
reserve use of benzodiazepines for situational disturbances, haloperidol or placebo in outpatients with dementia and agi-
such as dental procedures, for as-needed use, or situations tation (Teri et al., 2000). The trial also included a non-
where routine use has been attempted and found to be con- blinded behaviour management arm; this also showed no
vincingly safe. Drugs such as lorazepam and oxazepam tend relative benefit. Among the non-placebo-controlled studies,
to be selected first because they have straightforward metab- doses typically reported ranged from 50 to 400 mg/day, occa-
olism and relatively short half-lives. sionally higher. Irritability, anxiety, restlessness and depressed
affect have been reported to improve, along with sleep dist-
urbance. Reported side effects have included sedation, ortho-
static hypotension and delirium. The most rigorous among
38.7 BUSPIRONE these compared trazodone (mean dose about 220 mg/day)
with haloperidol (mean dose 2.5 mg/day) (Sultzer et al., 1997).
There have been no randomized, placebo-controlled, Agitation improved equally in both patient groups, although
double-blind studies of this agent. Reduced agitation has been tolerability was reported to be better in the trazodone group.
reported in some open trials that we have summarized previ- The Expert Consensus Guideline (Alexopoulos et al., 1998)
ously (Loy et al., 1999; Rosenquist et al., 2000), using doses in favours use of trazodone to treat sleep disturbance primarily,
the range of 10–60 mg/day. The medication has the advan- relegating it to second- or-third-line use for ‘mild’ agitation.
tage of generally good tolerability, with the exception of A typical starting dose would be 25 mg/day, with maximum
headache, nervousness and dizziness in a modest percentage doses usually of 100–250 mg/day.

Table 38.5 Antidepressants

Dose (mg/day);
Study Diagnosis N Design duration Response Adverse effects
Sultzer et al., Dementia 28 Randomized DB 50–250; Decreased agitation for Sedation (1),
1997 parallel 9 weeks both; trazodone better imbalance (1);
haloperidol for verbal aggression, one-third; fewer
oppositional and dropouts in
repetitive behaviours trazodone group
Teri et al., AD 149 Randomized DB, 1.8 haloperidol, Reduced agitation Less EPS with
2000 PC, parallel group 200 trazodone, not significantly behaviour
or behaviour different between management
management treated and techniques
techniques; placebo groups
16 weeks

AD, Alzheimer’s disease; DB, double blind; EPS, extrapyramidal symptoms; PC, placebo-controlled
Antidepressants 491

Data regarding selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors with Lewy bodies being the more common diagnoses, who had
(SSRIs) are summarized in Table 38.6. Nyth and Gottfries at least one symptom of psychosis or behavioural disturbance:
(1990) performed a review of controlled studies of citalopram, 85 hospitalized patients were treated after 3 days of dose
which suggest some beneficial behavioural effects. Results escalation with doses of 20 mg/day citalopram or 0.1 mg/kg/
from two open trials support this conclusion (Ragneskog et al., day of perphenazine for up to 14 days. Both citalopram and
1996; Pollock et al., 1997). perphenazine demonstrated significant improvement com-
Recently, a double-blind, placebo-controlled study com- pared with placebo for agitation, lability and psychosis. Side
pared citalopram and perphenazine with placebo in patients effects were similar in the three treatment groups (Pollock
with various dementia diagnoses, probable AD and dementia et al., 2002).

Table 38.6 Antidepressants: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Dose (mg/day);
Study Diagnosis N Design duration Response Adverse effects
Nyth and AD, vascular 98 DB, PC 10–30; Decreased Confusion (2),
Gottfries, 1990 4 weeks emotional blunting, dizziness (1),
confusion, sedation (1)
irritability, anxiety,
mood, restlessness
Nyth et al., Dementia (29) 149 DB, PC 10–30; Decreased anxiety, Tiredness (18),
1992 6 weeks fear-panic, depressed problem
mood in all concentrating (9),
apathy (8),
dizziness (7),
sedation (11),
tension (11)
Ragneskog et al., AD (55), 123 Open, 20–40; Decreased CGI or Tiredness (15);
1996 vascular 2 centres 1–12 months GBS for irritability, dizziness (14);
dementia (30), depression (60%), drowsiness,
alcoholic restlessness, anxiety sleep
dementia (5), disturbances,
NOS (3) restlessness (4),
aggression (3),
anxiety (2)
Pollock et al., AD 15 Open 20; Decreased agitation, Dropouts from
1997 2 weeks hostility, delusions, nausea (1),
disinhibition myoclonus (1)
Pollock et al., Inpatient AD, 85 Randomized 20 citalopram Significantly improved Similar scores
2002 VaD, mixed, or DB, PC, or 6.5 mean agitation for citalopram among all groups
other not parallel perphenazine, versus placebo
specified group up to 17 days
Auchus and AD 15 DB, PC 20; Neither more effective Anxiety,
Bissey-Black, parallel 6 weeks than placebo nervousness,
1997 group for agitation confusion, tremor
Burke et al., AD, NOS 19 Chart 50; variable Improved on CGI None reported
1997 dementia review duration
(10/11 AD; 4/8 NOS)
Ramadan et al., AD or VaD 15 Open 10–40; Verbal agitation Weight gain (5),
2000 3 months reduced diarrhoea (1),
worsened EPS (1)

AD, Alzheimer’s disease; CGI, Clinical Global Impression; DB, double-blind; GBS, Gottfried–Bråne–Steen; NOS, not otherwise specified; PC, placebo-controlled; VaD,
vascular dementia
492 Treatments for behavioural and psychological symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias

No benefit of administration has been reported yet for previous treatment with antipsychotics (Olin et al., 2001).
fluoxetine or fluvoxamine, and only anecdotes have been pub- Secondary analysis suggested improvement in agitation-related
lished regarding other serotonergic agents (e.g. sertraline), all symptoms. Adverse events were reported as mild. Side effects
suggesting possible benefit at least in individual patients. seen in other populations, such as rashes, sedation, haemato-
Gastrointestinal distress, loss of appetite and weight, sed- logic abnormalities, hepatic dysfunction and altered elec-
ation, insomnia, sexual dysfunction and occasional paradox- trolytes, would be more likely to be evident with widespread
ical agitation can occur with serotonergic agents, although, as use of carbamazepine in the elderly (Tariot et al., 1995b).
a group, they tend to be well tolerated. Results from large Further, it has considerable potential for significant drug–
placebo-controlled studies will be critical to clarify the opti- drug interactions. The carbamazepine studies provide evi-
mal role of this class of agents. dence to support the concept that anticonvulsants have
anti-agitation efficacy. The question of whether alternative
agents may be equally or more effective, or at least safer and
better tolerated, remains open.
38.9 ANTICONVULSANTS Valproic acid, also available as the enteric-coated deriva-
tive, divalproex sodium, is approved by the US FDA for
These are listed in Tables 38.7 and 38.8. treatment of acute mania associated with bipolar disorder.
We might consider use of anticonvulsants first in patients There are at present 18 case reports or case series in patients
with features of mania, as well perhaps in those with prom- with dementia addressing efficacy, safety and tolerability
inent impulsivity, lability, or episodic aggression. Evidence (Tariot, 2004). There was wide variation in the daily dose
regarding these agents was summarized previously: we will (240–4000 mg/day) and plasma levels of valproate (14–
review it briefly here. 107 g/mL); approximately two-thirds of patients showed
Chambers et al. (1982) performed an 8-week cross-over clinically evident improvement in agitation, chiefly reported
study of carbamazepine in 19 women with mild agitation in descriptive terms. Side effects were consistent with
who also received antipsychotics: this brief report was neg- Package Insert information. The preliminary data suggested
ative. Tariot et al. (1994) performed a 12-week placebo- that valproate may be effective and safe for the treatment of
controlled pilot cross-over study of carbamazepine in 25 agitation associated with dementia and supported further
patients, showing encouraging effects on agitation and not studies.
other aspects of psychopathology. A more recent confirma- The first randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel group
tory parallel group study of 6 weeks’ duration in 51 patients study of this agent was 6 weeks in duration (Porsteinsson
also found a significant reduction in agitation using a mean et al., 2001). The ‘best dose’ of divalproex sodium (mean 
dose of 300 mg/d (Tariot et al., 1998). Tolerability in these 826 mg/day, mean level 46 g/day) was assessed in 56 nursing
studies was generally good, with evidence of sedation and home residents with dementia complicated by agitation. The
ataxia (Tariot et al., 1995b). primary measure of agitation showed a nearly significant
A 6-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, reduction with valproate versus placebo. Serious adverse
parallel group trial of carbamazepine 100 mg q.i.d. was events occurred at a rate of 10 per cent in both the drug and
conducted in 21 patients with probable AD with agitation placebo groups, with milder side effects occurring more
and mild psychotic or mood disturbances who had failed frequently in the drug group, chiefly consisting of sedation,

Table 38.7 Anticonvulsants: carbamazepine

Dose (mg/day);
Study Diagnosis N Design duration Response Adverse effects
Tariot et al., AD, VaD 25 Cross-over 300 modal; Decreased agitation Tics (1), sedation
1994 PC (some other 5 weeks (16 versus 4 placebo)
Tariot et al., Dementia 51 Randomized PC 300 modal; Improved on CGI Ataxia (9 vs. 3
1998 (no psychotropics 6 weeks (20/26); also placebo), disori-
except chloral improved on entation (4
hydrate as OAS, BPRS, BRSD versus 0 placebo),
needed) tics (1), sedation
Olin et al., AD 21 Randomized, 388; Improved BPRS Diarrhoea more
2001 DB, PC 6 weeks hostility item common with
active treatment

AD, Alzheimer’s disease; BPRS, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; BRSD, CERAD Behavioral Rating Scale for Dementia; DB, double-blind; OAS, Overt Aggression Scale;
PC, placebo-controlled; VaD, vascular dementia
Anticonvulsants 493

gastrointestinal distress, and ataxia, typically rated as mild, behaviours. There were no drug-placebo differences in rate
and the expected decrease in average platelet count (about or type of adverse events.
20 000/mm3). Forty-six of these participants were subsequently A multicentre, randomized, placebo-controlled, 6-week,
treated for 6 weeks in an open fashion with clinically optimal study of divalproex sodium conducted in 172 nursing home
doses of divalproex sodium (range 250–1500 mg/day, mean residents with dementia and agitation who also met criteria
851 mg/day) (Porsteinsson et al., 2003). The results confirmed for secondary mania incorporated an aggressive dosing and
and extended those from the placebo-controlled phase of the titration protocol resulting in a target dose of 20 mg/kg/day
trial. for 10 days (Tariot et al., 2001a). This titration rate and dose
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross- resulted in sedation in about 20 per cent of the drug-treated
over study of valproate 480 mg/day for 3 weeks was conducted group and a relatively high dropout rate, leading to prema-
in patients with dementia and aggressive behaviour (Sival et al., ture discontinuation of the study (n  100 completers).
2002). No significant differences in aggressive behaviour in There were no significant drug–placebo differences in change
this short-term trial were seen between placebo and active in manic features, but there was a significant effect of drug on
treatments according to the primary outcome measure. agitation. Sedation occurred in 36 per cent of the drug group
However, there was a trend to improvement in measures of versus 20 per cent of the placebo group, and mild thrombo-
aggression that correlated with serum valproate levels, and cytopenia occurred in 7 per cent of the drug group and none
sodium valproate showed significant effects on restless, of the placebo treated patients.
melancholic and anxious behaviours, interpreted as generally The results from this trial were used to amend the Package
consistent with anti-agitation results seen previously, as well Insert information, cautioning against use of similar doses
as trends for improvement for dependent and suspicious and/or titration rates in the elderly. If valproate is used, the

Table 38.8 Anticonvulsants: divalproex

Dose (mg/day);
plasma level
Study Diagnosis N Design (␮g/mL); Duration Response Adverse effects
Herrmann, AD, LB, 16 Open 750–2500 Improved on CMAI, Sedation, ataxia,
1998 vascular (mean  1331); BEHAVE-AD (11) diarrhoea (1)
dementia mean level 
459 M;
5–34 weeks
Kunik et al., Dementia 13 Retrospective 500–1750 (mean  Decreased None reported;
1998 review 846); mean level  physical not drug interaction
(concurrent 48; duration verbal with phenytoin
BDZs, variable agitation and noted (1)
antipsychotics) aggression on
CMAI (10)
Porsteinsson AD, vascular 56 Randomized 375–1375 (mean  Decreased Sedation and
et al., 2001 dementia, PC (no 826); mean level  agitation by nausea,
mixed psychotropics 45; 6 weeks BPRS and CGI vomiting or
dementia except chloral diarrhoea
hydrate as
Tariot et al., AD and/or 172 Randomized, 1000 median Significant Somnolence,
2001a vascular DB, PC, improvement on thrombocytopenia
dementia with parallel-group CMAI verbal
secondary mania agitation subscale
Sival et al., AD, vascular 42 Randomized, 480; mean level  No change in Small increase
2002 dementia, other DB, PC, 41; 3 weeks aggressive in incidence of
and mixed cross-over active treatment behaviour adverse events
dementia compared to compared to
placebo placebo
Porsteinsson AD, vascular 46 Open extension 250–1500 (mean  Decreased Fall, sedation, and
et al., 2003 dementia, 851); mean level  agitation by nausea, vomiting
mixed 47; 6 weeks BPRS and CGI or diarrhoea

AD, Alzheimer’s disease; BPRS, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; CGI, Clinical Global Impression; CMAI, Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory; DB, double-blind; LB,
Lewy body; PC, placebo-controlled
494 Treatments for behavioural and psychological symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias

available evidence would suggest a starting dose of about Adverse reactions of -blockers include bradycardia,
125 mg p.o. b.i.d., increasing by 125–250 mg increments hypotension, potential worsening of congestive heart failure
every 5–7 days, with a maximal dose determined by clinical or asthma, reduced adrenergic response to hypoglycaemia in
response, or where there is uncertainty, a serum level of patients with diabetes, sedation, increased confusion, psy-
about 60–90 g/mL. In our hands, the typical target dose is chosis, depression and increased atrioventricular block. It is
about 10–12 mg/kg/day. The usefulness of the new once- unclear what role this class of medication has in the treat-
daily extended release formulation is not established in this ment of agitation associated with dementia at this point. If it
population. is to be attempted at all, we would argue that it should occur
There are no controlled studies of which we are aware of only after safer and more conventional therapies have failed,
the newer anticonvulsants including lamotrigine, gabapentin and only with careful monitoring for side effects.
and topiramate. There are a few case reports and case series
suggest benefit with gabapentin (Regan and Gordon, 1997;
Hawkins et al., 2000; Herrmann et al., 2000; Roane et al., 38.12 LITHIUM
2000; Megna et al., 2002).
There are emerging biological data addressing the mecha-
There are no controlled studies of this agent for agitation in
nism of action of mood stabilizers suggesting in particular
dementia; there are at most some case series published in the
that lithium and valproate, but not other agents, may have
1980s (Rosenquist et al., 2000). The limited literature sug-
clinically relevant neuroprotective properties (Manji et al.,
gests that occasional patients showed improvement, but tox-
2000; Tariot et al., 2002b). Further understanding of these
icity was common, including worsening of extrapyramidal
issues may differentiate among available agents and also lead
syndromes, ataxia and confusion. Since the therapeutic index
to the identification of new targets for therapy.
is so narrow, we find it hard to justify using this agent in a
patient lacking a syndromal diagnosis of bipolar disorder.
Even then, we are more inclined to use anticonvulsants first.
38.10 SELEGILINE If we choose lithium, close monitoring is in order.

Also known as L-deprenyl, selegiline relatively selectively

inhibits monoamine oxidase (MAO) type B at doses up to
10 mg/day, while non-selectively inhibiting MAO A and B at
higher doses. It has primarily been used in the treatment of We completed a previous review of studies with cholinergic
motor dysfunction patients with Parkinson’s disease but therapies (Rosenquist et al., 2000).
there are a surprising number of clinical reports in patients As summarized by Cummings (2000), there is mounting
with dementia. In many cases, the agent was looked at as a evidence that cholinergic agents, especially cholinesterase
possible disease modifier or cognition-enhancing agent, rather inhibitors, may have modest clinically relevant psychotropic
than as treatment for behaviour per se. In a meta-analysis, effects in some patients with dementia. For the most part, the
Tolbert and Fuller (1996) reported that all uncontrolled studies were not designed to address behavioural outcomes
studies of this agent in dementia that addressed behavioural as the primary goal. A prospective clinical trial of metrifonate
changes indicated beneficial behavioural effects of selegiline, versus placebo found modest reduction in average neuro-
whilst two of the five double-blind, placebo-controlled stud- psychiatric symptoms in the drug group versus placebo
ies reported somewhat positive behavioural effects. A different group (Morris et al., 1998). A retrospective analysis of two
meta-analysis of 11 randomized placebo-controlled double- 26-week double-blind, placebo-controlled multicentre trials
blind trials found that four trials indicated positive behav- of metrifonate found a behavioural effect size of 15 per cent,
ioural effects (Birks and Flicker, 1998). Since the overall with significant improvement observed in measures of agita-
evidence of behavioural efficacy is limited, selegiline is not tion/aggression and aberrant motor behaviour as well as hal-
likely to be a first, or even second, choice for the treatment of lucinations, dysphoria and apathy (Raskind et al., 1999;
agitation. Its role as a neuroprotective agent or cognitive Cummings et al., 2001). Although these data support the
enhancer in dementia has yet to be fully clarified. potential behavioural impact of cholinergic treatment, devel-
opment of metrifonate has been abandoned because of toxicity.
Tariot et al. (2000b) showed reduced incidence of neuro-
psychiatric symptoms on drug versus placebo in outpatients
38.11 ␤-ADRENERGIC RECEPTOR BLOCKERS who generally lacked psychopathology at baseline in a
5-month study of galantamine. A secondary analysis of
This class of agents has not been subject to rigorous study. behavioural data from a 6-month, placebo-controlled trial of
Most of the evidence comes from open trials conducted donepezil in nursing home residents with probable AD com-
more than 10 years ago (Rosenquist et al., 2000). Doses used plicated by behavioural symptoms showed reduced agitation
are typically below 100 mg/day for propranolol. (Tariot et al., 2001b). In a case series, 28 patients with AD
References 495

treated with donepezil 5 mg/day for 1 month followed by a logical, which are reassuring features when one is a consult-
mean dose of 10 mg/day for 5 months showed improvement ant in a confusing situation.
in symptoms of agitation (Paleacu et al., 2002). Much of the available data do in fact indicate that antipsy-
chotics as a group can show benefit for agitation associated
with psychotic features. Further, evidence also is mounting
38.14 MEMANTINE that this class of agents may also show benefit for agitation or
aggression not associated with psychotic features. As indi-
cated, the side effects of the typical antipsychotics are pro-
Memantine is a non-competitive inhibitor of N-methyl-D-
tean. The data are emerging regarding safety and potentially
aspartate (NMDA) receptors that may permit normal mem-
greater effectiveness of atypical antipsychotics. The available
ory formation but blocks their excitotoxic activation
literature regarding non-antipsychotic medication includes
(Winblad et al., 2002). The FDA recently approved meman-
antidepressants, anticonvulsants, anxiolytics and a variety of
tine for treatment of moderate to severe AD. A placebo-con-
other agents with less foundation. As data accrue regarding
trolled study of memantine 10 mg/day for 3 months in
these therapeutic approaches, we will have a clearer sense of
patients with severe dementia showed significant clinical
exactly how and when they should be deployed. In the mean-
improvements in memantine-treated patients (Winblad and
time, clinicians are obliged to deal as thoughtfully as possible
Poritis, 1999). In a more recent double-blind, placebo-con-
with patients on a case-by-case basis, attempting first and
trolled study, 252 patients with moderate to severe AD were
foremost to avoid toxicity of therapies intended to help.
randomized to treatment with memantine 20 mg/day or
placebo for 7 months (Reisberg et al., 2003). There were sig-
nificant improvements among memantine-treated patients
in the primary global and functional end points. The behav- REFERENCES
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38.15 HORMONAL THERAPY in agitation and aggressiveness in elderly patients with cognitive
impairment. Psychopharmacology (Berlin) 148: 361–366
American Geriatrics Society; American Association for Geriatric
There are no definitive studies of hormonal agents, which are Psychiatry. (2003) Consensus statement on improving the quality of
sometimes used when more conventional therapies fail. The mental health care in US. nursing homes: management of depression
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Auchus AP and Bissey-Black C. (1997) Pilot study of haloperidol,
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A predominantly psychosocial approach to behaviour
problems in dementia: treating causality


39.1 Conceptual background: the nature of 39.4 Conclusion 506

challenging behaviour 499 Appendix 507
39.2 Assessment 500 References 507
39.3 Interventions 502

This chapter describes an approach to behaviour problems in advocating a standard and usually pharmacological treatment
dementia and concentrates on identifying both the causes of for a mysterious syndrome called ‘agitation’. Though agitation
the behaviour in the individual case, and why it is defined as does have a meaning in psychiatry, it is often used indiscrim-
a problem. It begins with a conceptual discussion. Section inately in dementia research for just about any behaviour that
39.2 outlines the variables that must be assessed in order to causes problems, and is therefore clinically meaningless.
uncover the causes of the problem. Section 39.3 discusses Standardized treatments for specific behaviours or syn-
treatment options, including three case studies by way of dromes are not the focus of this chapter, which is based on a
illustration. Finally, there is a short conclusion on the nature different conceptualization of problem behaviour in demen-
of psychosocial approaches and their relationship with tia. This assumes that, regardless of its nature, the behaviour
psychopharmacology. is actually the end symptom of multiple and case-specific
biopsychosocial causality. Rather than simply trying to sup-
press or manage the symptom, the behaviour, treatment in
39.1 CONCEPTUAL BACKGROUND: THE most cases is much more effectively targeted at causality.
NATURE OF CHALLENGING BEHAVIOUR Causality will be idiosyncratic to the case, and will include
not only causes of behaviour but also why it is perceived as a
problem. Treatment may be directed at the person with
Over the last decade, what may be called the behaviour
dementia and/or family carers or care staff. This model is
syndrome – standard therapy model has predominated in the
supported by two broad classes of evidence and a controlled
psychogeriatric literature. This model sees the person with
clinical trial:
dementia as the identified patient and the behaviour as the
syndrome to be treated, usually with a standardized treat- • Though brain impairment associated with dementia is
ment such as antipsychotic medication. usually a necessary condition for behaviour which may
The conceptual basis of this model underpins and can be be seen as ‘challenging’, the same behaviour in different
seen in the large number of classification instruments where cases will usually be caused by an interaction of that
a named behaviour is the syndrome, or where behaviours are impairment with many case-specific factors. These
clustered into broader syndromes. Examples are: ‘Pacing up factors can include medical/physical problems, the
and down’ from the Dementia Behaviour Disturbance Scale environment – including the way care is carried out,
(Baumgarten et al., 1990); ‘cognitive abulia’ in the BEHAV- mental illness or personal history. For example, many
AD (Reisberg et al., 1989); or, ‘irritability/lability’ in the factors can contribute to vocal disruption in dementia,
Neuropsychiatric Inventory (Cummings et al., 1994). It can including pain or understimulation (e.g. Cohen-
also be seen in the many journal articles appearing each year Mansfield and Werner, 1997), overstimulation
500 A predominantly psychosocial approach to behaviour problems in dementia: treating causality

(e.g. Meares and Draper, 1999), anxiety (e.g. Hallberg 39.2 ASSESSMENT
et al., 1993), the nature of social interaction with care
staff (Edberg et al., 1995), post-traumatic stress disorder
(Bird et al., 2002) or hallucinations (Tsai et al., 1996). If challenging behaviour is the end product of an interaction
between many case-specific variables, multidimensional
• There is abundant evidence that factors other than the
assessment is essential. Each case must be approached with
behaviour determine whether it is seen as a problem. An
obvious example is wandering, which may only be questions rather than preconceived answers in the form of
classified as problem behaviour where there is no standard treatments. Multiple sources of information are
perimeter fence. However, many other factors influence required, in particular the people who know the patient best.
emotional response to patient behaviour, for example In nursing homes it is essential to include hands-on care
depression in home carers (e.g. Hinchliffe et al., 1995), staff, often ignored, as well as more senior staff and family.
and organizational or staff variables in residential care Another essential source is the person with dementia, using
(Baillon et al., 1996; Moniz-Cook et al., 2000). Bird et al. direct discussion where possible, focused attention (for
(2002) found that different care staff exposed to the same example, to the content of screaming), and behavioural
behaviour by the same patient exhibited great variability observation. The primary assessment questions may be
in distress levels about the behaviour (ranging from none encapsulated under the questions below.
to very high). There was also strikingly low agreement
amongst senior staff about severity of the problems 39.2.1 Is the behaviour causing distress or
caused by these residents. danger to the patient or others?
So, what constitutes ‘challenging’ behaviour is often deter- If the behaviour is a manifestation of distress by the patient,
mined by the eye of the beholder; any definition must there- there is clearly an obligation to treat regardless of whether it
fore include the effects of the behaviour. The definition used is causing distress to others. If it is not a manifestation of dis-
for this chapter is ‘any behaviour associated with the dement- tress and it is not causing distress or danger, the behaviour, by
ing illness which causes distress or danger to the person with definition, is not ‘challenging’, and not a legitimate target for
dementia or others, or is a manifestation of distress’ (Bird clinicians. Bizarre behaviour is not necessarily the same as
et al., 1998). challenging behaviour. A common example is benign hallu-
If this conceptualization is correct, it follows that there is no cinations or delusions (Peisah and Brodaty, 1994), though
easily defined syndrome based on the behaviour, nor a stand- investigation may be necessary to determine whether these
ard treatment. The nature of the behaviour does not even phenomena are symptoms of treatable physical illness, espe-
predict whether intervention is required. Where intervention cially if there is relatively sudden onset. However, there are
is required because the behaviour is a manifestation of distress many other behaviours associated with dementia that are often
or is causing significant distress, treatment will be mainly classified as aberrant or agitated, such as pacing or repeatedly
directed at causes, including the reasons why it causes distress. sorting clothing, where it is essential to first assess whether it
Support for the effectiveness and efficacy of this approach is a problem for anybody. ‘Treating’ a behaviour simply
may be found in a controlled trial by Bird et al. (2002), where because it challenges the clinician’s perception of what is nor-
a small clinical team treated a series of cases (n  44) of mal risks producing non-benign outcomes, especially with
behavioural disturbance, many severe, and concentrated on the side effects associated with psychotropic medication
causality. There was a 43 per cent post-intervention reduc- (Katona, 2001).
tion in frequency of the main referred behaviour, with the Even if there is distress amongst carers or nursing staff, it
effect still evident 3 months later. Interventions were pre- is important to discover who is distressed, and the source and
dominantly psychosocial, but medication was used as an severity of that distress, in order to determine whether home
adjunct in a significant minority of cases. In a few cases it was carer or nursing staff concerns are a more appropriate target
the primary modality, for example where the cause was than the behaviour (see Section 39.3, pp. 502–503).
depression or pain or distressing hallucinations. There was
no relationship between the nature of the behaviour and the
type of treatment. The interventions required initial time- 39.2.2 What is the patient actually doing, and
intensive engagement (a mean of 5.5 visits per case) while the what is the context?
case was assessed and a tailored treatment package devised
and implemented. However, overall, they took no more clin- Labels like agitation carry almost no clinical information. It
ical visits than a control group (n  22), which used the is essential to determine what the person with dementia is
more usual predominantly pharmacological approach. Both actually doing to cause distress, and the context in which it
groups produced equivalent improvements in behaviour and occurs (when, where, or to whom?). Even the term aggression
carer/nursing staff emotional response, but the causality- carries little information. It could range from frequent dan-
focused approach had far fewer medication changes, drug gerous physical violence to occasional verbal abuse or
side effects, and hospitalizations for the behaviour. innocuous pushing away, in which case dealing with carer
Assessment 501

concerns is likely to predominate in any intervention. The screaming by room relocation (Meares and Draper, 1999);
context even of severe aggressive behaviour could range from wandering by visual barriers (Hussian and Brown, 1987); and
a response to hallucinations (Tsai et al., 1996) to its very com- self-harm by removal of cues precipitating it (Bird et al., 1998).
mon occurrence during intimate personal care in nursing The patient described in the previous paragraph who screamed
homes (Bridges-Parlet et al., 1994; Bird et al., 2002), though in the bathroom because of panic could have her hair washed
even here it often occurs only with some staff. without incident in a local salon (Woods and Bird, 1998).
It is, however, more often the care environment that is
critical in assessment. The association between violence and
39.2.3 Aetiology – what is causing or care interactions has already been noted. In other examples,
exacerbating the behaviour? Cohen-Mansfield and colleagues (1992) found a relationship
between disturbed behaviour and staff schedules; Edberg et al.
Beyond the brain impairment itself, important within-patient (1995) showed that the nature of nurse–patient interactions
variables include past history and character, pattern of cogni- was associated with vocal disruption; Rogers et al. (2000) that
tive and sensory impairment, physical health and comfort, carer practices increased patient dependence; and Schnelle
and mental health. External variables are the vast complex of et al. (1999) that night-time disturbance occurred because
physical and social phenomena that form the patient’s imme- staff behaviour woke residents up.
diate world. The role of assessment is to develop evidence- These findings are unsurprising. Most people with
based hypotheses about the factors that produce the behaviour dementia live, by necessity, in dependent and dynamic rela-
and, of those, which are realistically adjustable. The following tionships either at home or in institutions. What the patient
comments provide only a flavour of the critical importance does and feels affects carers, whose actions and emotions in
of this information. turn affect the patient. Assessment must therefore include
the way care is carried out. Even if carer practices are not WITHIN-PATIENT VARIABLES causing the behaviour, it is often easier to change what they
The most common adjustable patient characteristics relate to are doing than patient behaviour direct. Working with home
medical/physical problems, including pain or discomfort, or institutional carers to adapt their attitudes and approach
constipation, drug interactions and infections (Peisah and predominated in the intervention study by Bird et al. (2002)
Brodaty, 1994; Cohen-Mansfield and Werner, 1999; Bird et al., (see Appendix at the end of the chapter, p. 507).
2002). Depression can also precipitate behaviour problems,
and must be assessed (Menon et al., 2001). For example, 39.2.4 What realistically can be done?
Elmståhl et al. (1998) reported that nursing home residents Case-specific constraints and
with dementia who were depressed or in physical pain were possibilities
more likely to be on antipsychotics than the appropriate
medication. Though interventions for these phenomena will Detailed assessment of causality frequently suggests obvious
be primarily medical, psychosocial methods can be used as solutions – for example, alleviating loneliness by having some-
adjuncts (see Case 2 in Section 39.3, pp. 504–505). one socialize with the resident several hours a day. However,
Beyond this, even non-adjustable factors such as past his- interventions must also be feasible. To do this, the final key
tory can provide vital information when an intervention is component of assessment is to determine the constraints and
planned. For example, learning that a woman who screamed potentialities of the situation on the ground. This involves
and was violent during bathing was a probably manifesting both the person with dementia and the care environment in
panic based on known premorbid trauma helped staff to which the intervention must take place.
change their approach and largely eliminate the behaviour
(Woods and Bird, 1998). In Case 1 below (Section 39.3, PATIENT POSSIBILITIES
pp. 503–504), learning that a resident resisting personal care
suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder related to cleanli- Assessment of residual capacity of the person with dementia
ness meant that the behaviour was unlikely to change, so is essential. For example, highly structured counselling is
the intervention was directed at improving staff skills and possible in early dementia (e.g. Teri, 1994; Woods and Bird,
confidence. 1998); learning to respond to cues is still possible in the mod-
erate stages (Bird, 2001). Conversely, assessment may show
that nothing can be done directly with the patient because he EXTERNAL VARIABLES
or she is too impaired or too difficult, or because the behav-
Many texts concentrate on the physical environment in iour is not going to change.
dementia care (e.g. Day et al., 2000) and it can be an important Formal neuropsychological assessment can provide guid-
causal and, by adjustment, ameliorating factor in challenging ance, but a more direct method is behavioural experiment.
behaviour. This applies to either the presence or absence of For example, operant conditioning was used in a case of gross
stimuli. For example, incontinence has been reduced by visual, sexual assault of female staff during showering because, though
auditory or situational cues (Hanley, 1986; Bird et al., 1995); it is often ineffective in dementia, assessment showed some
502 A predominantly psychosocial approach to behaviour problems in dementia: treating causality

insight and a capacity to learn simple associations (Bird et al., 39.3 INTERVENTIONS
1998). The experiment of having a novel ‘no nonsense’ nurse
shower the patient showed that the behaviour was at least
partially under his control, and a further experiment that the 39.3.1 Carer distress as the clinical target
reinforcer for abstaining from assault (reading the news-
paper with a carer) was genuinely pleasurable. As already discussed, the emotional response of those exposed
The number of visual cues one sees in nursing homes that to a behaviour is often the most important factor in deter-
are illegible even to the young cognitively intact clinician under- mining whether intervention is required. Restricting treat-
lines how rarely assessing the patient’s capacity to respond to ment to the behaviour alone is, therefore, an absurd limitation
an intervention is considered before it is put in place. Cues of options. In a significant minority of cases, addressing carer
are useless in dementia unless the patient can see them, learn concerns is sufficient. Beyond this, even if patient behaviour
to attend to them and, having done so, remember what they change is necessary, the most common method will probably
mean and, having done that, act on them (Bird, 2001). involve working with home carers or nursing staff to change
their attitude or approach (see Appendix, p. 507). Interventions
aimed at carer or care staff attitudes or practices require the ENVIRONMENTAL POSSIBILITIES
same rapport as normal psychotherapy though, in institu-
Assessment in order to become familiar with the possibilities tions, multiple staff of varying levels of skill, insight, flexibil-
and limitations of the care environment is equally essential. ity and motivation makes the task more complex. Equally, as in
For example, with a fit younger patient whose violent behav- one-to-one psychotherapy, if carer/care staff concerns are not
iour was partially related to ‘living in this prison’ (a nursing at least listened to, there can be little rapport and little chance
home with no outside access), it was necessary to engage a of compliance. Work in progress (Edberg and Bird, 2003),
volunteer to take him out jogging because assessment showed involving focus groups of staff in a number of countries, sug-
clearly that staff were insufficiently motivated to perform this gests that, in aged care institutions, listening to and respond-
task regularly (Bird et al., 2002). In Case 3 (Section 39.3, ing to staff distress remains relatively rare.
pp. 505–506), provision of care at timed intervals was imple- At least two intervention studies that have included a strong
mented as part of the intervention with a woman who shouted psychosocial component and carer measures (Hinchliffe et al.,
and pressed the buzzer frequently. It was only attempted 1995; Bird et al., 2002), have shown a relationship between
because assessment showed flexible organization and because reduced problem behaviour and alleviation of carer distress,
staff were sufficiently motivated to carry it out. This would but causal direction is impossible to attribute. In both stud-
not have been possible in a nursing home with a rigid struc- ies, in some situations carer distress was alleviated such that,
ture, nor in one where management regarded psychotropic though the behaviour remained, it ceased to be seen as a sig-
medication as the universal panacea. nificant problem (see Case 1 below).
As this implies, part of the assessment must include It is often necessary to reduce carer distress before attempt-
capacity for change within a given care setting. To assess this, ing an intervention requiring their input. For example, it was
clinicians must rely on clinical judgement. For example, necessary to work first on the anger of a home carer whose
depression or anger in home carers often inhibits them from confrontational response to her husband’s obsessive toileting
looking at behaviour objectively. The author’s rough rule of was exacerbating the problem (Bird, 2003). Emotional sup-
thumb is that, if even minimal objectivity is impossible, an port, education on dementia, and learning that her husband
intervention requiring a change in carer behaviour is not was genuinely anxious enabled her to respond with empathy,
possible until carer distress is addressed. In residential facili- physical comfort and gentle assertion – reducing the behav-
ties, the closer the institution approximates the acute hospital iour to more manageable proportions and improving her own
medical model, the more difficult it will be to implement mental health.
non-pharmacological interventions. In certain facilities only Many factors influence whether carers or care staff are
a masochist would attempt complex psychosocial interven- distressed by patient behaviour. Known examples include:
tions, though sometimes even a small core of committed staff appraisal – not the reality – of physical threat (Rodney,
is sufficient to start the ball rolling. The clinician must look 2000); nursing home organizational factors (Baillon et al.,
for flexibility of approach and the presence of, or potential to 1996); interpretation of the behaviour (Harvath, 1994);
develop, some kind of dementia literacy. In this respect, an depression in carers (Hinchliffe et al., 1995; Teri, 1997); low
empathic understanding of how the patient experiences the dementia literacy (Hagen and Sayers, 1995); level of support
world is more important than theoretical knowledge of provided (Moniz-Cook et al., 2000); and morale and attitude
brain-behaviour relationships. to care (Jenkins and Allen, 1998).
There is a small but growing literature on the problems of These are variables which can be addressed directly.
gaining compliance from staff in undertaking psychosocial Though controlled clinical intervention studies are astonish-
interventions in residential dementia care (e.g. Schnelle et al., ingly rare within the vast home carer burden literature, a few
1998), though it remains an unresolved issue (Allen-Burge structured support and education programmes have demon-
et al., 1999). strated clear benefits, including more effective management
Interventions 503

of behaviour problems and concomitant delayed entry into • personalized tapes made by family members reducing
residential care (Teri, 1999). In institutions, programmes that agitation (Woods and Ashley, 1995);
have addressed staff attitude and care practices have pro- • cued recall of more adaptive behaviour for a variety of
duced not only improved staff morale (Berg et al., 1994) but problems (Bird, 2001; Bird et al., 1995) and
also: reduced problem behaviour (Hagen and Sayers, 1995; • cue cards for repetitive questions (Bird et al., 1995;
Rovner et al., 1996; Bird et al., 2002); reduced patient Bourgeois et al., 1997).
dependence (Baltes et al., 1994); reduced patient anxiety and
As these example show, most research evaluating
depression (Bråne et al., 1989); improved staff–patient cooper-
psychosocial interventions has followed the same behaviour
ation and therefore reduced problems in personal care
syndrome – standard treatment conceptualization as pharma-
(Edberg et al., 1996); and reduced use of physical restraint
cological research, though it tends to focus more at the level
and antipsychotic drugs (Ray et al., 1993; Levine et al., 1995).
of treatments for specific behaviour. It is valuable because it
So, there is abundant evidence that the clinician called to
adds more techniques to the tool-kit, in the same way as drug
‘treat’ a case of challenging behaviour who ignores carer dis-
trials suggest formulations that can be applied with minimal
tress about that behaviour as the primary clinical target, or as
risk to the patient. These generic or behaviour-specific tech-
a critical ancillary to dealing with the behaviour, is working
niques are especially useful where there is no identifiable
with a grossly circumscribed repertoire; 20 per cent of cases
cause of the behaviour, or there are no other options and the
reported by Bird et al. (2002) were ameliorated without
behaviour is still significantly distressing.
addressing patient behaviour.
However, standardized interventions are not the focus of
this chapter. If the cause of vocal disruption is treatable pain,
treatable infection, or treatable depression, rote application
39.3.2 Addressing the causes of the
of baroque music or white noise or melissa oil, though
potentially less harmful, is as ludicrous and unprofessional as
rote prescription of antipsychotic medication. If disturbed
When physical/medical or mental health contributory factors
sleep/wake cycles are caused by nurses waking patients at
that can be treated pharmacologically have been addressed,
night, training staff to exhibit common sense is likely to be
and where the intervention requires more than addressing
more relevant than bright-light therapy.
carer/care staff distress, the clinician must develop a psycho-
social package that addresses other causes.
The literature on psychosocial approaches was plagued for 39.3.3 Three case studies
many years by scarcely believable assertions, uncontaminated
by evidence, of benefits from various generic or proprietary In the controlled trial by Bird et al. (2002), by far the most
therapies. More recently, there has been movement in a sci- common psychosocial interventions, apart from alleviating
entific direction. For example, the first controlled trial of aro- carer/care staff distress, were not the application of standar-
matherapy, undertaken by a prestigious psychogeriatric team dized interventions. They were to change the care practices
in the UK has now been published. It showed positive effects and responses of carers/care staff or the environmental fea-
of massage with melissa oil on generalized agitation (Ballard tures that were contributing to the behaviours or exacerbat-
et al., 2002). ing them to unmanageable proportions. These methods are
Opie et al. (1999) remains one of the best literature reviews summarized in the Appendix (p. 507). Brief descriptions of
of psychosocial approaches. The majority of the 44 studies the psychosocial and/or pharmacological interventions for
incorporated had study designs classified as ‘weak’ but effects all cases undertaken in the trial can be found in the study
were consistent and strong enough for the reviewers to advo- report.
cate a strong coordinated research effort. Three cases from the trial are reported here to give a more
Examples are: general flavour of the causality-based approach described in
this chapter. Behaviour intensity measures (duration or fre-
• ‘white noise’ (waterscape sounds) reducing verbal
quency) reported in Figure 39.1 are based on direct observation
disruption in that proportion of the subjects who would
tolerate headphones (Burgio et al., 1996); and recording. Validated staff response measures reported are:
• social interaction reducing verbal disruption (Cohen- • individual staff stress caused by the behaviour;
Mansfield and Werner, 1997); • individual ability to cope with the patient’s behaviour; and
• bright light reducing nocturnal disturbance (Colenda • problem severity assessing overall degree of disruption to
et al., 1997) or motor restlessness (Haffmans et al., 2001); the facility.
• music tailored to the patient’s tastes reducing generalized
agitation (Gerdner and Swanson, 1993) or physical CASE 1
aggression (Clark et al., 1998);
• social stimulation reducing physical aggression L, 87 years, had progressive dementia of undiagnosed aeti-
(Wystanski, 2000); ology. She had lived in a hostel since well before onset of
504 A predominantly psychosocial approach to behaviour problems in dementia: treating causality

Case 1: Violent resistance in personal care At assessment, we followed up on a statement by L’s 93-
Pre-intervention 2 months follow up 5 months follow up year-old sister: ‘She’s always been as mad as a hatter’. It
160 became clear that L had suffered most of her life from obses-
Minutes spent daily on

sive-compulsive disorder related to cleanliness. Though she

personal care

had been in the hostel for 15 years, no member of staff knew
80 this. We assessed the chances of care staff knowing, under-
60 standing and applying all L’s rituals as nil and the behaviour,
40 accordingly, as unlikely to change. We discussed the situation
20 with staff and, though L was clearly appropriate for nursing
0 home placement, they were adamant they wanted to keep
(a) 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 her. The intervention therefore consisted of the two experts
Total time care showing the others how they undertook personal care and,
Days observed
Unsuccessful care
equally important, providing encouragement to keep going.
Case 2: Room intrusions Figure 39.1a shows no decrease in the total amount of staff
leading to confrontation time taken to provide personal care to L, but a decrease after
14 2 months and a total cessation after 5 months of unsuccessful
Pre-intervention 2 months follow up
12 attempts (i.e. where staff gave up). They all now felt confi-
No. of incidents daily
involving violence

10 dent to accomplish the task. Though mean stress scores did

8 not decline because L continued to resist, the mean coping
6 score post-intervention reflected significantly increased per-
4 sonal self-efficacy. The hostel manager downgraded the prob-
2 lem from severe to moderate on the problem severity scale.
0 In this case, the cause of the behaviour was known, but
(b) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 nothing could be done to change it. The task was always likely
Days observed to be stressful but part of the reason it was a problem was a
Case 3: Multiple problems including sense of hopelessness and lack of support for staff. The inter-
violence and shouting vention addressed this. The staff regarded it as a success and
Pre-intervention 2 months follow up 5 months follow up they were able to realize their wish of continuing to care for L.
Hours spent on

daily care CASE 2
4 P, 84 years, lived in an excellent nursing home. She scored
7 on the MMSE and was graded in the severe range on the
CDR. She was referred for barging into other resident’s rooms
(c) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 and ‘tidying up’, including stripping or making beds still
Days observed occupied by other residents. Fights and confrontations were
common. Family history showed that she had always been a
Figure 39.1 (a-c) Pre- and post-intervention behaviour intensity busy well-organized person, and somewhat bossy. P was easy
outcomes of three typical cases. to move on in the morning but became increasingly dis-
turbed as the day progressed, physically resisting or directly
assaulting staff trying to redirect her. Escalation of her behav-
impairment and was much loved by senior staff. She was iour through the day was put down to ‘sundowning’, a syn-
dysphasic and not testable on the Mini-Mental State Exam drome like many others in dementia that simply labels a
(MMSE) of Folstein et al. (1985). She was in the moderate pattern of behaviour but does not explain it. Discussions
range on the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) of Morris with staff suggested that, if she could be induced to take a rest
(1993). Otherwise pleasant and easy to manage, she was in the middle of the day, problems were minimal. Perusal of
referred for violent resistance and swearing and yelling dur- her medical notes revealed both a hip and knee reconstruc-
ing toileting and showering. Low-dose antipsychotic medica- tion, and later in the day she could clearly be seen grimacing
tion had been tried by the general practitioner but it resulted when using the affected leg.
in chronic unsteadiness and a severe fall. Most staff had given The primary cause of the behaviour therefore was escalat-
up, leaving her personal care for two older staff, who could ing pain, interacting with her premorbid character. However,
usually accomplish the task using a mix of chocolate bribes because of cognitive impairment, it did not occur to P to rest;
and knowing when to back off or be assertive (i.e. dementia- the worse the pain, the busier the she became. She was only
specific nursing skills). Because L was doubly incontinent, on analgesics ‘as required’.
she sometimes had to wait for several hours covered in urine The intervention was systematic pharmacological and
and faeces until one of the experts came on. psychosocial pain relief. For the psychosocial component we
Interventions 505

tried a bath in the middle of the day to relax her limbs but The intervention was to, first, hold a meeting at which
this created more problems than it solved because P had every staff member attended, including those off-duty, where
strong opinions on when one should be bathed. However, once we allowed them to air their considerable distress in a non-
they understood the cause and what was required, the staff judgemental atmosphere. A consensus decision was taken
developed their own intervention. This was to place a water about the limits of acceptable behaviour. Staff were also given
chair in the staff room and invite P to their ‘meeting’ over a lot of information about K’s remarkable life by two of her
the 2 hours when they took turns to have lunch. Exhausted, daughters, and we facilitated a discussion about how she
she would quickly fall asleep, often for more than an hour. might be feeling. We held a separate meeting with the family
The behaviour dropped from 8.4 room intrusions daily involv- to discuss their concerns, establish rapport, and also to advise
ing physical confrontation to 2.86 (Figure 39.1b). She was them that part of the intervention would involve them paying
also easier to redirect. We were unable to obtain valid fre- for a single room.
quency data at 5-month follow up as P was bed-bound at that Thereafter, we devised a programme collaboratively with
time and easily manageable but, once she was active again, staff for each feature of her behaviour. For morning care, staff
the problem did not resume. Mean staff stress levels dropped were not to struggle with K. If she resisted they were to make
from very high to the middle of the scale and senior staff her safe and comfortable, and withdraw showing no anger
downgraded problem severity from extreme to mild. There and promising to come back when she felt better. They prac-
was no movement on the coping measure. tised safe bed transfers with each other, and practised looking
and sounding calm even if they did not feel it. When she did
finally comply, they were to provide positive reinforcement CASE 3
in the form of effusive thanks and massage after the shower.
K was an 82-year-old woman of non-English speaking back- When she called out and pressed the buzzer repeatedly, it was
ground who was causing major problems in a nursing home. usually because she was in pain. Staff would go to her three
She could no longer walk following a severe stroke and also times to relieve the pain as much as possible, then explain on
because she had refused all physiotherapy. One member of the fourth visit that they could do no more, and would come
staff was experiencing symptoms of post-traumatic stress dis- back at an agreed interval. A staff member was delegated to
order, including nightmares about K, and agency staff refused be K’s carer each shift so that the job was rotated. They were
to come to the nursing home if they had to care for her. given count-down timers to ensure that they did attend her
Because of language problems, she could not validly be tested at roughly the agreed time. The buzzer was disconnected but
with the MMSE. CDR assessment placed her in the mild registered on personal pagers carried by staff. K was given
range of cognitive impairment. She was referred for: regular rather than as-required pain relief, and antidepres-
sants were also tried, though they had no discernable effect.
• violent resistance in personal care, especially dangerous
The family were advised that they could only attend between
because she was a very large woman, and staff had been
11.00 and 17.00 hours. This clearly relieved them.
injured transferring her to the shower trolley;
The intervention began formally on a specified day, and
• pressing the buzzer and calling out hundreds of times
staff had access to telephone support for the first week there-
a day;
after. This was especially important for the first 2 days when
• assaulting staff and other residents;
K sat for several hours covered in faeces and urine but refus-
• refusing to let other residents be in her room, though she
ing to be showered. Figure 39.1c shows that, at 2-month fol-
was in a shared room;
low up, time devoted to personal care of K had dropped from
• having physical fights with her daughters, one at least of
a mean of 7.3 staff hours a day to 4.8; at 5-month follow up it
whom was in the nursing home from early morning to
was 2.2 hours a day. This was still excessive but staff were
late at night;
extremely happy about their achievement. Staff stress associ-
• refusing to be attended by anybody other than the
ated with K dropped from the maximum to the middle of the
director of nursing or a current favourite;
scale, and the coping measure showed modest but consistent
• family aggressively and frequently demanding that
improvement. Senior staff downgraded problem severity
someone do something for their mother.
from extreme to moderate. Occasional booster sessions were
Staff distress was manifested as fear, resentment and required for staff but K remained manageable until she died.
anger, frustration and helplessness. It was caused by a strong Most of this intervention addressed the causes both of staff
sense of duty of care, unawareness of their own rights, lack of distress and the behaviour. Putting K in a single room and
knowledge about K, and lack of appreciation of the level of ensuring that the family were not present when morning and
family guilt for not looking after their mother. The behaviour evening care took place reduced factors that significantly
was caused by abdominal pain, anger that she was in the exacerbated the problem. K learned that she could trust the
nursing home rather than being cared for by her family, fear staff to come at regular intervals and did not need to contin-
in bed-to-commode or shower trolley transfers, feeling that uously press the buzzer or shout, and that it was in any case a
she had lost control of all aspects of her life, family conflict waste of time doing so. Control of when she was showered
whilst in the nursing home, and, possibly, depression. and toileted was returned to her. Staff learned that they were
506 A predominantly psychosocial approach to behaviour problems in dementia: treating causality

not alone in their feelings about K, and that they did not have The relationship between them is not one of competition.
to stay when being assaulted and shouted at, so they too were According to the conceptualization presented in this chapter,
in control of the situation. They learned a lot more about K recommendations to always use psychosocial methods first
and were able to see her point of view, and respect her and be (e.g. Peisah and Brodaty, 1994; Herrmann, 2001) are incorrect,
less angry. Anger on both sides was further reduced because and are in any case infinitely more honoured in the breach than
relations between staff and K improved dramatically. This the observance. Studies such as the randomized controlled
was partly because staff attended her at timed intervals rather trial of Teri et al. (2000), where antipsychotics, antidepres-
than when they were exasperated or frightened, so they were sants, and behavioural treatment were compared for treat-
calmer and interactions were less confrontational. Anger was ment of challenging behaviour, though methodologically
also reduced by the massage, initially conceived as reinforce- sound, are asking the wrong questions. The question is not
ment for compliance. It is almost impossible to give or receive whether one treatment is superior to the other. The question
massage in an agitated state, and it became an important is: what combination of methods, psychosocial and/or phar-
social interaction between K and staff, where they learned macological, which can realistically be implemented on the
more about each other. ground, will best address the causes of the referred problem –
including why it is a problem.
Trials for such a conceptualization, where there is no eas-
ily labelled syndrome based on the behaviour and no easily
identified standard treatment, require development of
methodologies that fit the phenomena. Trials where a stand-
The multifactorial nature of behaviour problems, in aetiol- ard treatment is applied to a diffuse range of behaviours
ogy and other contextual variables that determine treatment labelled as ‘agitation’, though they have merit in adding the
choice, make the behaviour syndrome – standard treatment therapeutic tool-kit, may be regarded as an example of mak-
model completely inappropriate for psychosocial interven- ing the phenomena fit the methodology.
tions. It is probably not particularly useful for pharmacol- Results of studies that have grappled with this issue and
ogical approaches either. The development and evaluation of applied and measured case-specific interventions (e.g.
standard techniques, pharmacological and psychosocial, is Hinchliffe et al., 1995; Bird et al., 2002; Opie et al., 2002) do,
important but only as a means of adding to the tool-kit from however, beg the question as to why there is such an imbal-
which the health worker can select the most appropriate ance in favour of psychopharmacology, in particular antipsy-
combination of techniques after holistic assessment – not chotics. In our trial, we used a predominantly psychosocial
before it. Unfortunately, both clinical experience and the approach directed at causality, and obtained equivalent
high rate of inappropriate prescribing for behaviour problems reductions in behaviour and carer/staff distress at no more
suggests that many clinicians think only of answers, often in time per case, and less costs in medications, side effects,
a kind of scattergun approach. If enough pellets are fired, and hospitalizations, than a group where treatment was pri-
something may hit the target. marily pharmacological and directed at the behaviour (Bird
It is essential to go into a case with a bagful of questions et al., 2002).
before even beginning to consider what the answer may be. Although there has been some decline in antipsychotic
For a given behaviour in a given case, these answers will be use in the USA (Svarstad et al., 2001) following publication
selected from an astonishingly diverse range, entirely depend- of the Beers criteria (Beers, 1997) and legislation to enforce
ent on the information uncovered by assessment. For a them, the predominant use of antipsychotics for challenging
screaming case, for example, the range might include but cer- behaviours in dementia continues (e.g. Dhalla et al., 2002;
tainly not be restricted to: Sloane et al., 2002; van Reekum et al., 2002). This is despite
abundant evidence of only moderate efficacy at best, high
• doing nothing about the behaviour and instead
risks of side effects (e.g. Lanctot et al., 1998; Katona, 2001),
addressing carer issues;
and risks of missing pharmacologically treatable causes of
• transferring the patient to a facility sensible enough to
behaviour such as pain, infections or depression (Nygaard
have a sound-proof room or installing double-glazing;
et al., 1994; Peisah and Brodaty, 1994; Elmståhl et al., 1998;
• changing rosters so that only certain nurses perform
Menon et al., 2001). In some cases, antipsychotics may be the
intimate personal care;
treatment of choice, for example where hallucinations are
• transmitting soothing sounds through headphones;
causing distress and neuroleptic malignant syndrome is not
• engaging a volunteer to sit holding the patient’s
present, or where there is simply no other alternative.
Usually, however, there are alternatives and they are much
• or adjusting medication, for example rationalizing
more likely to be visible when the clinician looks beyond the
polypharmacy or prescribing antidepressants, analgesics
behaviour to its causes. When there is a focus on causality,
or antipsychotics.
psychosocial methods are much more likely to come into play.
So, psychosocial and pharmacological approaches are not Unfortunately, despite frequent calls for more research into
mutually exclusive; both need to form part of the tool-kit. psychosocial alternatives or adjuncts to psychopharmacology
References 507

for behaviour problems in dementia (e.g. Teri et al., 2000; B. Working with the patient direct
Herrmann, 2001; Margallo-Lana et al., 2001), the research 1) Dealing with physiological precipitants of behaviour
effort remains fragmented. It is largely undertaken by a finite Examples: Managing physical discomfort (especially
number of enthusiasts around the world, largely dependent pain) more systematically; close monitoring of fluid
upon charitable and government grants because, by defini- intake and prompt response to urinary tract infections;
tion, psychosocial research is never going to be funded by the reducing patient’s alcohol intake.
pharmaceutical industry. 2) Using spared memory
Using spaced retrieval and fading cues to teach patient to
associate tangible cues with desired behaviour; having
APPENDIX only toilet lit at night and all other doors closed.
3) Direct negotiation and discussion of issues with patient
Three cases only of mild impairment, but backed up by
Examples of psychosocial methods used in a case series
simple large-print letter to be read repeatedly by patient
(n  44) where they were the primary modality (Bird et al.,
and carer and/or large-letter cue cards in strategic places
2002). Seventy-five per cent of interventions took place in
(e.g. back of toilet door).
residential care facilities and, for most cases, several methods
were combined:
A. Working primarily with carers/nurses (categories in
order of frequency of use) REFERENCES
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Psychological approaches for the management of
cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease


40.1 Factors influencing management of cognitive 40.5 Middle stage – working with carers 513
impairment in Alzheimer’s disease 510 40.6 Later stage – environmental adaptation 513
40.2 Assessment 511 40.7 Conclusion 514
40.3 Feedback 511 References 514
40.4 Early stage – memory strategies 511

There is currently no curative medical treatment available to impairment of brain function. There will nearly always be
reverse the cognitive impairment that occurs in Alzheimer’s some retained abilities. It is important to identify these cog-
disease (AD). A psychological approach aims to promote the nitive strengths and use them positively. Interventions can
best possible quality of life for both people with AD and their draw on retained skills in order to bypass weaknesses.
carers, by offering positive, individualized and effective man- Cognitive impairment is just one aspect of AD. People
agement. With the growing emphasis on early diagnosis of with this disease also experience changes in behaviour, emo-
dementia, there are increasing opportunities to provide psy- tional control, personality and self-care. These changes need to
chological interventions from the earliest stages of AD. This be taken into account when working on strategies for cogni-
chapter outlines factors influencing the choice of practical tive impairment. A team approach with agreement about real-
management strategies, discusses assessment and feedback istic goals and consistent strategies is recommended. Carers
and describes specific techniques for managing cognitive need to be included in management planning. Wherever the
impairment in the early, middle and late stages of AD. person with AD lives, carers will be involved. They may be
relatives, friends, neighbours or health professionals.
Not all of the person’s symptoms are directly due to brain
disease. People with AD are very sensitive to their physical and
40.1 FACTORS INFLUENCING MANAGEMENT psychological environment. The first diagnosis of dementia
OF COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT IN is often made when a person experiences a change to his/her
ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE usual environment such as the death of a spouse or moving
to a new house. It is important to be aware of environmen-
Each person who has AD is unique. The way the person pre- tal factors that can be altered in order to enhance cognitive
sents results from a complex interaction of brain disease, per- function.
sonality, biography, health and social psychology (Kitwood, Health factors can exacerbate any cognitive impairment.
1993). Each person needs to be treated as an individual. An Sensory impairment, especially of vision and hearing, can
approach that might prove successful for one person may adversely affect cognitive function. People with AD com-
prove ineffective for another (Woods and Bird, 1999). There monly experience anxiety, distress and depression. Confusion
is no single correct approach to the management of cogni- can also be increased during acute or chronic illness and with
tive impairment in AD. The help that is relevant can vary any physical discomfort or pain. Alcohol, some medications
considerably. and fatigue may cause transient exaggeration of cognitive
There is a great deal of variation in cognitive function in impairment (Robinson et al., 2001). It is necessary to be alert
AD according to the stage of dementia and different patterns to any superimposed health problems and to control these to
of brain pathology. AD does not necessarily imply global help people maintain maximum function.
Early stage – memory strategies 511

Progressive decline in cognitive function is characteristic Feedback can be given to carers alone or including the
of AD. Management strategies need to be flexible and adapted person with dementia where appropriate. A description of
over time. Assessment at regular intervals will allow for the the person’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses is given. This
development of realistic expectations. The aim of any strat- information is then used to help carers make sense of behav-
egies employed is to maintain as high a level of function as iour that otherwise would seem to suggest that the person is
possible by helping the individual to better utilize remaining purposefully being annoying. For example, by outlining the
function. different types of memory and how each is affected, it
becomes easier to understand why a person can recall infor-
mation from their remote past but not what was said two
40.2 ASSESSMENT minutes ago. Furthermore, if carers know that the person has
memory impairment they are more likely to understand why
the person persistently repeats the same question or forgets
A thorough assessment is required in order to design an indi-
to pass on a phone message. It can be reinforced that this is
vidualized approach to management of cognitive impair-
not something that is done deliberately. Behaviour is thus
ment. This should include assessment of the person’s medical
reinterpreted as related to brain disease and not purposeful
and psychological status and assessment of cognition.
or intended. This information is also useful when it comes to
Assessment of the person’s health is important, as there may
management of cognitive impairment. For example, if carers
be additional treatable medical conditions.
know that forgetfulness is due to memory loss from brain
It is beneficial to interview the carers to gain information
disease they are more likely to understand that the person is
about the person’s personality, interests, home environment
unlikely to learn by repetition. They are also more likely to
and the history of events leading up to the assessment.
use strategies that avoid reliance on intact memory ability.
Information about strategies that the carers have already tried
A feedback session offers an opportunity to ask the person
and their willingness to provide support can also be gathered.
with dementia and the carers how the cognitive problems
A neuropsychological assessment provides a basis for
manifest themselves in everyday life. This information can be
individual intervention. It allows for a focus on strengths by
used to make strategies realistic and relevant to the life of the
outlining abilities that remain unaffected, and also outlines
person with dementia (Wilson, 1995).
areas of cognitive impairment to be managed. Serial neuro-
A written reminder of what was discussed during the
psychological assessment can be used to monitor progression
feedback session can be useful. Both the person with demen-
of symptoms over time. It can provide an objective viewpoint
tia and the carers may forget what was discussed, especially if
to the carers and to the person with AD with regard to the
they are just coming to terms with the diagnosis.
progression of symptoms. Part of the assessment is to check
An initial discussion of strategies to help manage cogni-
the attitude of the person to their symptoms, as this will
tive impairment can be included in a feedback session. The
influence choice of strategies.
types of strategies employed will vary according to the per-
The assessment phase will identify the problem but it is
son’s individual situation and the stage of AD.
important to go beyond this phase for better management of
cognitive impairment. It is beneficial to share the informa-
tion gathered with the person with AD and the carers.

40.3 FEEDBACK In early stage AD the most significant cognitive impairment

is in memory function. Impairment of new learning is most
A feedback session following assessment can serve many prominent, including acquisition and retention of new infor-
purposes. It provides information about how the disease is mation. At this stage, people with AD may forget what you
affecting various aspects of cognitive function in order to have just told them, forget where they have put something,
improve understanding. Whilst it is important to acknow- repeat the same thing as if they haven’t said it before or have
ledge areas of loss, a positive approach can be maintained by difficulty learning how to use something new.
highlighting what the person can still do. At this stage the person often remains aware of cognitive
The carers are often the people who provide ongoing losses and may be motivated to seek methods to compensate
management of the person with cognitive impairment. for them. The person is usually living in the family home.
Feedback can empower carers by acknowledging the success Initial strategies therefore focus on the individual with increas-
they have had with strategies that they have already tried. It ing involvement of family carers over time. The aim is to main-
can also provide emotional support and practical help and tain as much independence as possible. Family members and
assistance. Carers can access a great deal of general informa- friends need to avoid taking over responsibilities too soon.
tion about AD (e.g. Tappen 1997; Kuhn 2003). However, spe- Many of the strategies that are used by people experien-
cific information that is more relevant to their particular cing normal memory change with ageing are useful at this
situation can be provided in a feedback session. stage (see Sargeant and Unkenstein, 2001, for a detailed
512 Psychological approaches for the management of cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease

description of memory strategies). It is important to ask Even in the early stage of AD, people usually do not have the
people whether they are already using any memory aids motivation or learning ability required to use these tech-
before explaining the use of memory strategies. People niques (Camp and McKitrick, 1992). More recently, researchers
should be encouraged to draw on strategies that they have have investigated the use of other learning methods for those
used in the past. They will be more likely to use strategies if with AD. With specific training techniques it has been shown
they are already familiar with them (Kotler-Cope and Camp, that people with AD can learn new information under cer-
1990). Everyone has different preferences. For instance, some tain conditions. See De Vreese et al. (2001) and Grandmaison
people like to use diaries whilst others prefer a noticeboard. and Simard (2003) for a review of the efficacy of memory
People need not just one technique, but a whole range of stimulation in AD.
strategies. It is important to find out the typical things a per- External strategies aim to compensate for memory
son tends to forget and work out some strategies that will suit impairment by reducing the demand on a person’s memory.
these specific situations and be usable for that person. Strat- They are generally easier to use and more suitable for every-
egy use will vary according to differing interests, lifestyles day remembering than internal strategies. They may involve
and home environments. A home visit is sometimes useful to written reminders, storage of objects in specially designated
help tailor strategies to particular situations. places, technical memory devices and reminders from other
The emphasis is on practical compensatory techniques people.
rather than attempting to restore lost cognitive function by Written reminders assist with remembering locations of
direct retraining. People with early AD and their relatives and objects, a task that has to be done, appointments, shopping
friends often ask if repetitive practice is helpful. Attempting items, messages, names and instructions. Calendars, diaries,
to reteach lost skills can unnecessarily confront the person with notebooks, notepads, noticeboards, sticky notes and com-
an experience of repeated failure and there is no evidence that puters are all useful. Having a pen or pencil attached reduces
specific training improves memory in general (Bird, 2000). the load on memory even further. Such written aids should
A more practical approach is to avoid challenging the per- not only be readily visible and accessible but should also be
son’s lost memory function. For example, rather than asking in close proximity to the to-be-remembered activity. For
a question that relies on intact memory function such as example, a shopping list pad on refrigerator door, or instruc-
‘What show did you watch on television last night?’, rephrase tions for how to operate a piece of equipment permanently
the question to ‘Did you enjoy the show that you watched last displayed on that equipment.
night?’ If people become repetitious it may be best to try dis- External memory strategies can assist with orientation in
tracting them with another topic of conversation. Enhancing early stage AD. It is helpful to mark off the days as they pass
familiarity is also beneficial. Developing a regular routine on a calendar, or use a flip-top desk calendar and turn each
and doing things at a set time of the day or week will reduce day over as it passes. Newspapers can also serve as prompts.
the load on memory. Clocks should be positioned in places where they are readily
Memory strategies can be thought of as internal or exter- seen and ideally should have day and date built in.
nal. Internal strategies involve some form of internal mental Storing objects in specially designated places can help
manipulation, for example, mentally retracing one’s steps with remembering the location of objects, a task that has to
to remember where an object was left. External strategies be done or something to be taken out. For example, keys can
involve using some sort of external aid, for example a note be stored near the front door of the house. This makes it easy
pad for writing a list, or a diary. They can also involve making to pick up the keys when leaving the house and to get into the
changes to the environment, for instance, having designated habit of putting them back when returning.
locations in which to store particular items. Leaving objects in visible locations can act as a reminder
Internal strategies focus on enhancing encoding and to do something. Medications can be left somewhere obvious
retrieval processes. The emphasis is on making more efficient in the kitchen if they are to be taken with meals. A special
use of current cognitive capacity. A motivated individual may place near the front door, such as a hall table, can be used to
employ simple internal strategies in the early stage of AD. put objects that are to be taken out with a person.
These strategies typically involve one of three main features: A useful storage device for managing medications is a
focusing attention, adding meaning to the information to be dosette box. The box is divided into compartments that
remembered, or reducing the amount of information to be relate to the day of the week or time of the day into which a
remembered. Simple internal strategies such as ensuring set number of tablets can be placed. The box has to be filled
understanding, associating new information with informa- at weekly or other intervals, but it is simple to use and lets
tion that is known well and visualization may be useful for people know whether they have taken the necessary tablets.
motivated individuals in the earliest stages of AD. Basic alarms are useful to help people remember something
Internal strategies or mnemonic techniques can also be they have to do. A common example is an oven timer used as
quite complex. Well known mnemonic techniques include a reminder to turn the oven off. Many household objects
the method of loci and peg word systems. These techniques have built in memory aids. For instance, many telephones
require training and considerable remaining cognitive cap- have a system that enables storage of frequently used numbers
acity including new learning and motivation for success. that can then be dialled by pressing only one appropriately
Later stage – environmental adaptation 513

labelled button. Automatic shut-off devices on electrical and These strategies are a form of reality orientation, an
gas appliances, such as stovetops, kettles or lights can be approach that emphasizes the use of external cues and struc-
installed. These devices will turn the power off after a period tures to assist the person in maintaining contact with the
of time if the appliances are left on accidentally. More com- environment (see Woods, 2002 and Spector et al., 2000a for a
plex electronic memory aids can be useful for motivated review of reality orientation). An individual approach to
and insightful individuals but may require training to know reality orientation is required. Carers can help identify to
how to operate them. They usually rely on other cognitive which realities the person needs or desires to be oriented.
processes remaining intact and may not suit the person with Carers can continue to encourage a regular routine of
even early AD. familiar activities. Sudden unexplained changes or unfamil-
Reminders from other people can provide an excellent iar activities could cause the person distress (Tappen, 1997).
memory back-up system. Family members can provide tele- Carers can help the person focus on activities that are famil-
phone reminders or leave notes in a regular and prominent iar and based on previous interests, such as gardening, walk-
location. Reminders need to be specific. For example, a note ing the dog or other household tasks. Drawing on the
saying ‘back in 5 minutes’ does not provide enough informa- continued strength of procedural and lifetime memories can
tion. The person with AD needs to know at what time the provide meaningful activity. Carers at accommodation facil-
person will return (Twining, 1991). ities can find out about the person’s past likes, dislikes, lifestyle
and life interests from family members. This information
and any old photos available can be recorded in a book that
can be used as a cue for discussion and reminiscence (see
40.5 MIDDLE STAGE – WORKING WITH Spector et al., 2000b for a review of reminiscence).
CARERS A familiar environment will reduce the demand on the
person’s memory. Unnecessary changes such as rearranging
In middle stage AD people experience increasing memory furniture should be avoided. If changes have to be made, they
loss, language difficulties and specific disorders such as should be introduced slowly, with explanation.
apraxia. They may be unable to function independently out- Carers may need assistance with strategies for other areas
side the home and require increasing assistance with tasks of of cognitive impairment. For example, the person at this
personal care. They could be living in their own home or stage may experience apraxia, an inability to carry out rou-
supported accommodation. By this stage the person’s insight tine patterns of voluntary movement. A common problem
into their cognitive losses usually has diminished. caused by apraxia is difficulty with dressing. Helping the
With little awareness of their difficulties and increased carer to understand that a person can sometimes dress auto-
cognitive impairment, it becomes difficult to work on strat- matically, but has difficulty when the movement comes under
egies with the person with AD alone. The management of conscious control is useful. To remove the degree of volun-
cognitive impairment therefore becomes focused on working tary focus from the action, avoid giving the person direct
in collaboration with family members or other carers. Carers instructions about performing the task. Specific techniques
know the person best and often come up with strategies that include distracting the person’s attention from the task, imi-
work well for that person. Carers can provide reminders for the tation, laying the clothes out in the order in which the person
person, encourage the person to use external memory aids and likes to put them on and giving reassurance and praise for
make appropriate changes to the environment. Without this each successful step. See Holden (1995) for strategies for
assistance the person is unlikely to make use of memory strat- other specific cognitive disorders.
egies. By this stage strategies for other areas of cognitive impair-
ment are also required. Providing support and information to
the carers can help to further tailor strategies to make them suit
the individual’s current cognitive strengths and weaknesses.
Carers will need to become increasingly involved in the
use of external memory strategies and can assist with setting In the later stages of AD people experience marked confusion
up a designated ‘memory centre’ in a visible location in the and widespread cognitive disturbance. Most people with this
home environment (Sargeant and Unkenstein, 2001). Here stage of AD are living in supported accommodation with
the carer could hang a whiteboard on which the day, date and professional carers. Strategies for management of cognitive
daily schedule is written or a clock with the day and date on impairment need to be focused more heavily on the environ-
it. A pin board next to this can be used to display other ment in which the person is living. Adaptations are made to the
important information. The carer may need to keep remind- environment rather than expecting the individual to change.
ing the person to check the memory centre. Carers can also Visiting the person’s residence allows one to observe environ-
develop ‘communication books’. For this a notebook is left in mental cues, how they might best be used and/or changed
a special location where visitors can write messages. The per- and how new ones might be introduced (Kapur, 1995).
son can be encouraged to check this book regularly as a At this stage people become dependent on their environ-
reminder of who has visited recently. ment to support them. Making adaptations to the environment
514 Psychological approaches for the management of cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease

can enhance people’s feelings of security and help them cope REFERENCES
with their confusion and disorientation. When people first
move into a new residence there is often a settling in period.
Bird M. (2000) Psychosocial rehabilitation for problems arising from
An unfamiliar and new environment can increase confusion.
cognitive deficits in dementia. In: RD Hill et al. Cognitive
It helps to make the environment as familiar as possible. Rehabilitation in Old Age. Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 249–269
Familiar possessions, such as photos, objects and furniture Camp CJ and McKitrick LA. (1992) Memory interventions in Alzheimer-
can be put in the person’s room. type dementia populations: methodological and theoretical issues.
A routine and daily timetable should be emphasized. In: RL West and JD Sinnott (eds), Everyday Memory and Ageing:
Orientation information or cues can lessen confusion. For Current Issues, Research and Methodology. New York, Prager, pp.
example, having access to a window helps a person to tell the 155–172
time of the day and the weather. A good sensory environment De Vreese LP, Neri M, Fioravanti M, Belloi L, Zanetti O. (2001) Memory
with adequate light is important. Making each part of a large and rehabilitation in Alzheimer’s disease: a review of progress.
place unique in some way is useful for orientation to the International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 16: 794–809
Grandmaison E and Simard M. (2003) A critical review of memory
environment. Colour and furniture can highlight difference.
stimulation programs in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of
Smaller spaces are less confusing than large.
Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 15: 130–144
Clear labelling throughout the accommodation facility Holden U. (1995) Ageing, Neuropsychology and the ‘New’ Dementias.
can further lessen confusion. Direction can be marked on the London, Chapman and Hall
floor or walls with coloured lines or arrows. Individual Kapur N. (1995) Memory aids in the rehabilitation of memory disordered
rooms can be clearly labelled. Large uppercase print with patients. In: AD Baddeley, BA Wilson, FN Watts (eds), Handbook of
black against white is often best for older people (Kapur, Memory Disorders. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, pp. 533–556
1995). Pictures may be more easily understood than written Kitwood T. (1993) Person and process in dementia. International Journal
labels. For example, a picture of a toilet on the toilet doors. of Geriatric Psychiatry 8: 541–545
Carers can wear name badges, with their first name only, that Kotler-Cope S and Camp CJ. (1990) Memory interventions in aging
are large enough to read. People will require continued populations. In: E Lovelace (ed.), Aging and Cognition: Mental
Processes, Self-awareness and Interventions. North Holland, Elsevier
instruction as to how to use these orientation aids.
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To maximize cognitive function it helps to simplify the
Kuhn D. (2003) Alzheimer’s Early Stages: First Steps for Family, Friends
environment to avoid the person becoming overwhelmed. If and Caregivers. Alameda, CA, Hunter House
there is excessive stimulation then confusion may be exacer- Robinson A, Spencer B, White L. (2001) Understanding Difficult
bated. It helps to remove distractions, keep noise levels down Behaviours. Some Practical Suggestions for Coping with Alzheimer’s
and not have too many people around (Robinson et al., Disease and Related Illnesses. Ann Arbor, MI, The Alzheimer’s
2001). Program, Eastern Michigan University
It is often difficult to communicate with the individual Sargeant D and Unkenstein A. (2001) Remembering Well: How Memory
with this stage of dementia. Using an empathic, validating Works and What to Do When it Doesn’t. St Leonards, NSW, Allen and
approach that displays respect and sensitivity to feelings can Unwin
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dementia (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 2.
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40.7 CONCLUSION for dementia (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 2.
Oxford, Update Software.
Tappen RM. (1997) Interventions for Alzheimer’s Disease: A Caregivers
Better management of cognitive impairment in AD using a Complete Reference. Baltimore, Health Professions Press, Inc
psychological approach is just one part of the challenge to Twining C. (1991) The Memory Handbook: A Practical Guide to
maintain maximum function throughout the course of the Understanding and Managing Early Dementia. Bicester, Winslow
illness (Kitwood, 1993). For any symptom of the disease, the Press
first step involves investigating what may be causing the per- Wilson BA. (1995) Management and remediation of memory problems
son to present in that particular way. Multidisciplinary in brain-injured adults. In: AD Baddeley, BA Wilson, FN Watts (eds),
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assessment will establish whether there are any environmen-
pp. 451–479
tal factors that can be altered or health factors that can be
Woods B. (2002) Reality orientation: a welcome return? Age and Ageing
treated in order to enhance the individual’s function. Effective 31: 155–156
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collaborative approach involving the person with dementia, Management of Dementia: a Manual for Memory Disorders Teams.
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Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease


41.1 Control of risk factors for cerebrovascular disease 515 41.5 Target populations 520
41.2 Control of subclinical inflammatory processes 518 41.6 Conclusion 520
41.3 Control of oxidative stress and free radicals 519 References 520
41.4 Improving functional neuronal capacity 519

Primary prevention of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the ultimate RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIALS
goal of therapeutic intervention. The prevalence of dementia
Six randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of antihypertensives
would be reduced by 50 per cent if risk reduction strategies
have been published with cognition and or dementia as one
were successful in delaying the onset of dementia by 5 years
of the outcomes (see Table 41.1). Earlier trials using diuretics
(Jorm et al., 1987). Our selective review focuses on four key
or beta-blockers did not demonstrate a lower risk of incident
areas that are particularly amenable to therapeutic interven-
dementia (Applegate et al., 1994; Prince et al., 1996). The
tion: control of risk factors for cerebrovascular disease, anti-
results of more recent trials using calcium channel blockers
inflammatory drugs, anti-oxidants, and increasing functional
(Syst-Eur trial: Forette et al., 1998 and 2002) or angiotensin-
neuronal capacity.
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (HOPE trial: Bosch
et al., 2002; PROGRESS trial: Tzourio et al., 2003) have been
mixed but more encouraging. The Syst-Eur trial (Forette
41.1 CONTROL OF RISK FACTORS FOR et al., 1998) reported that nitrendipine (calcium channel
CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE blocker) reduced the risk of AD by 50 per cent over 2 years.
The PROGRESS (2003) trial, which included both normo-
tensive and hypertensive patients with previous history of cere-
41.1.1 Hypertension brovascular disease, found a significant reduction in stroke
related dementia in patients treated with perindopril (ACE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE
inhibitor) as the main antihypertensive. The SCOPE trial
Epidemiological studies have established hypertension in mid- (Lithell et al., 2003) included a much older (70–89 years)
life (systolic and diastolic) as a risk factor for AD and vascular patient group and excluded those with stroke or myocardial
dementia (VaD) in later life (Guo et al., 2001; Peila et al., 2001, infarction in previous 6 months. Candesartan (angiotensin II
Murray et al., 2002). The Honolulu Asia Aging Study (HAAS) type 1 [AT1] receptor blocker) was not found to have any
followed over 3500 Japanese-American men over 25 years, and positive effect on progression of cognitive impairment over
found hypertension to increase the risk of dementia by 4–5- 3.7 years. However, antihypertensives were used in 84 per
fold in those who were never treated with antihypertensives. cent of the controls and the mean blood pressure difference
The risk was greatest in those with systolic hypertension and achieved between active and placebo groups was very small.
apolipoprotein E (ApoE) 4-allele after controlling for other The statistical power of these studies is limited by the low
risk factors (odds ratio, OR  13.0) (Peila et al., 2001). In incident risk of dementia in these studies because of the
HAAS the OR for dementia in patients with systolic hyperten- young age and modest study durations. In all RCTs, incident
sion and ApoE 4 decreased from 13.0 to 1.9 in those receiving dementia has been a secondary outcome, heart disease or
antihypertensives. Murray et al. (2002) followed 1900 African- stroke being the primary outcomes, and generally brief
Americans over 5 years and found use of antihypertensives to assessment instruments lacking sensitivity to subtle changes
be associated with 38 per cent (OR  0.62) reduction in inci- have been employed. Also, epidemiological evidence suggests
dent AD and VaD. that the time lapse between diagnosis of hypertension and
516 Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease

Table 41.1 Effect of antihypertensive treatment on cognitive function and dementia

Randomized controlled Sample (characteristics, Impact on dementia
trials size age in years) Duration Treatment or cognition
Forette et al., 1998 (Syst-Eur) 2418 60 systolic hypertension 2 years Nitrendipine 50% reduction in the
incidence of dementia
(7.7 to 3.8 cases per 1000
patient-years, P  0.05)
Forette et al., 2002 (Extended 2902 60 systolic hypertension 3.9 years Nitrendipine, 55% reduction in the risk
follow-up of Syst-Eur) enalapril maleate, of dementia (7.4 to 3.3
hydrochlorothiazide cases per 1000 patient-
years, P 0.001)
Applegate et al., 1994 2034 60 systolic hypertension 5 years Chlorthalidone No significant impact of
(Systolic Hypertension cognition or incident
in the Elderly) dementia
Prince et al., 1996 2584 65–74 systolic BP: 4.5 years Atenolol, No significant impact on
(MRC Older people with HT) 160–209 mmHg hydrochlorothiazide cognition or incident
amiloride dementia
Bosch et al., 2002 (HOPE) 9297 55 left ventricular 4.5 years Ramipril, vitamin E Significantly better
dysfunction outcome with respect to
cognition and function
The PROGRESS Collaborative 6105 mean age 64; stroke 4 years Perindopril, Significant reduction in
Group (Tzourio et al., 2003) or TIA with and without indapamide cognitive decline and
hypertension incident dementia
associated with recurrent
Lithell et al., 2003 (SCOPE) 4964 70–89 systolic and 3.7 years Candesartan No difference on
or diastolic hypertension (antihypertensive used progression of cognitive
in 84% of controls) impairment

onset of dementia can be over 15 years, and it is not known atherosclerosis and stroke, which are all associated with
whether the protective effect of starting antihypertensives on increased risk of dementia. The ApoE 4 allele affects stabil-
incident dementia extends throughout this period. ization of membrane lipoproteins and is a risk factor for
The treatment issues may be slightly different in estab- hypercholesterolaemia, as well as AD. Lowering of cholesterol
lished VaD. One study has indicated that maintaining systolic promotes the non-amyloidogenic -secretase pathway (Kojro
blood pressure (BP) within upper limits of normal (135– et al., 2001). Statins reduce cholesterol levels by inhibiting the
150 mmHg) was more beneficial in preserving cognitive enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA).
functions than reducing systolic BP below this level (Meyer In addition, statins have an antioxidant action, they decrease
et al., 1986). Another issue which needs further clarification is pro-inflammatory process and improve cerebral blood flow.
whether the risk reduction is related to actual reduction in Lovastatin was shown to reduce amyloid beta protein 42
the BP and/or some other neuroprotective action of the indi- (A42) in cultured hippocampal neurones (Simons et al., 1998)
vidual hypertensive, such as calcium channel antagonists, and simvastatin had a similar effect in cerebrospinal fluid
ACE inhibitors or AT1 receptor blockers. In animal studies, (CSF) and brain tissue of guineapigs (Fassbender et al., 2001).
angiotensin II has been shown to inhibit acetylcholine release
while AT1 receptor blockers improve cognitive performance CLINICAL EVIDENCE
(Barnes et al., 1989; Fogari et al., 2003).
A number of case–control and epidemiological studies have
reported hypercholesterolaemia as a risk factor for dementia,
including AD. For example, Moroney et al. (1999) followed
41.1.2 Hypercholesterolaemia
over 2000 older people in New York City over 2 years and
found those with cholesterol levels in the highest quartile to BIOLOGICAL BASIS FOR IMPORTANCE IN
be at increased risk of dementia, especially VaD (OR  3–4)
compared with those in the lowest quartile. A similar sized
Hypercholesterolaemia, especially increased low density study but with much longer follow up (21 years), from
lipoproteins, is a known risk factor for coronary heart disease, eastern Finland, reported that raised cholesterol in mid life
Control of risk factors for cerebrovascular disease 517

(6.5 mmol/L) to more than double the risk of dementia, disease, and cerebrovascular disease. Elevated tHcy is also
including AD, independently of other risk factors such as associated with increased risk of silent brain infarcts and
hypertension and ApoE 4 (Kivipelto et al., 2002). white matter lesions (Vermeer et al., 2002). A case–control
There are some important inconsistencies in the epidemi- study from Northern Ireland, reported moderately high tHcy
ological evidence. For example, some studies have found risk levels to be associated with stroke, VaD and AD, independent
reduction with lipid lowering agents (LLAs) in general, while of vascular risk factors and nutritional status (McIlroy
others suggest the risk reduction to be more specifically asso- et al., 2002). A meta-analysis from Homocysteine Studies
ciated with use of statins. A recent meta-analysis of seven Collaboration group (2002), which included individual par-
observational studies indicated risk reduction in cognitive ticipant data from 30 prospective or retrospective studies,
impairment to be significant for only statins (OR  0.43) indicated that after adjusting for known cardiovascular risk
and not other LLAs (Etminan et al., 2003). Other inconsist- factors low tHcy levels (3.0  0.41 mol/L) were associated
encies may relate to differential effect in certain age groups with 11 per cent lower risk of ischaemic heart disease and
(statins and lower risk of AD in those 80 years, Rockwood 19 per cent lower risk of stroke.
et al., 2002) and specific actions of individual statins. For
example, simvastatin acts directly on processing of amyloid ROLE IN COGNITION AND AD
precursor protein (APP) by inhibiting both - and -secretase In older people without dementia, elevated tHcy is associated
(Sjogren et al., 2003). with more subtle cognitive impairment. Dufouil et al. (2003)
The results of intervention trials, with cognition as one of followed up 1241 subjects aged 61–73 years over 4 years and
the many secondary outcomes, have been disappointing. found higher concentrations of tHcy to be associated with
MRC/BHF Heart Protection Study (Heart Protection Study poor performance on all neuropsychological tests with the
Collaborative Group, 2002), comparing simvastatin versus odds of cognitive decline 2.8-fold (P 0.05) higher in sub-
placebo, found simvastatin to reduce the risk of major vascular jects with tHcy levels above 15 mol/L compared with those
events by one-third. The study examined a potential effect on with levels below 10 mol/L. Fasting tHcy levels were shown
cognition using a modification of the Telephone Interview for to predict cognitive decline in a follow-up study of 32 healthy
Cognitive Status (TICS). There was no difference between two elderly people over 5 years (P 0.001), especially word
groups in either proportion of patients scoring below the cut- recall, orientation and special copying skills (McCaddon
off of 22 out of 39 or in the mean TICS score. The PROSPER et al., 2001). Case–control studies have shown elevated tHcy
study (Shepherd et al., 2002), an RCT of pravastatin (n  2891) to be associated with AD after adjusting for age, sex, nutri-
versus placebo (n  2913) over 3 years, found pravastatin to tional status and ApoE 4 allele (Clarke et al., 1998). A large
significantly reduce mortality from coronary disease but to have epidemiological study in Framingham, USA, involving 1092
no effect on cognition. The statistical power of both studies was older residents in the community (mean age 76 years,
limited by the low incident dementia in study subjects (0.3 per median follow up 8 years) reported that the risk of AD nearly
cent in active or placebo group in the Heart Protection Study). doubled (relative risk, RR 1.8; confidence intervals, CI
1.3–2.5) with one standard deviation increase in tHcy levels
41.1.3 Elevated homocysteine at baseline (Seshadri et al., 2002).

Plasma or serum homocysteine, or total homocysteine (tHcy), CAN LOWERING HOMOCYSTEINE PREVENT
refers to the sum of the sulfhydryl amino acid homocysteine COGNITIVE DECLINE?
and the homocysteinyl moieties of the disulfides homocysteine Although elevated tHcy has been shown to be associated with
and homocystein-cysteine, whether free or bound to plasma cognitive impairment in AD, the effect of reducing homocys-
proteins. A number of factors such as age, diet, vitamin B12 and teine levels on cognition and global functioning has not been
folate, plasma albumin, use of diuretics and renal function adequately investigated. In a small prospective study involving
influence homocysteine levels in the blood. Elevated tHcy may 33 patients, Nilsson et al. (2001) reported an improvement
lead to an excessive production of homocysteic acid and cyst- in cognitive function after 2 months of cobalamine (B12)
eine sulfinic acid, which act as endogenous agonists of NMDA and folate treatment in individuals with mild to moderate
receptors. In addition to this excitotoxic effect, homocysteine dementia who had elevated tHcy. Patients with severe
is also known to cause damage to vascular endothelium. dementia and those who had normal tHcy did not, however,
show clinical improvement. PREVALENCE AND IMPORTANCE IN CVD Intervention trials to lower homocysteine levels need to
consider three things:
Elevated tHcy is found in 61 per cent of hospitalized older
patients (Ventura et al., 2001). Gottfries et al. (2001) identi- • first, whether to target people with tHcy levels in the
fied elevated tHcy in 31 per cent of patients with mild cogni- highest quartile of local population or use an arbitrary
tive impairment (MCI), 45 per cent of patients with AD, and cut-off of such as 15 mol/L;
62 per cent of patients with VaD. Elevated tHcy is known to • second, the best treatment combination to lower tHcy
increase the risk of coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular from various forms of B12 and folate needs to be
518 Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease

determined, also considering merits of additional patients with AD. The neuropathological features of AD
nutrients such as n-acetyl cysteine; include accumulation of microglia and astrocytes around
• third, a better understanding is required of factors senile plaques. Both express HLA antigens and are involved
affecting tHcy levels and their response to vitamin in activation of the complement cascade. These inflamma-
supplementation. Age, plasma albumin, use of diuretics tory changes are thought to lead to further amyloid depos-
and renal function are just some of them (Ventura et al., ition and neuronal damage.
2001). Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) differ
in their mechanisms of action and as yet we do not know the
C677T mutation of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
mechanism that is most important in offering neuroprotection
(MTHFR) gene, present in about one-fifth of people with
in AD. Traditional NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, indomethacin
AD, may be yet another important factor that affecting treat-
affect both cyclo-oxygenases (Cox-1 and Cox-2). Newer
ment response. MTHFR acts as a methyl donor for homocys-
NSAID such as celecoxib and rofecoxib specifically inhibit
teine methylation and hence reduces homocysteine levels.
Cox-2 and hence have less propensity to cause gastrointest-
C677T mutation is common in the Caucasian population
inal side effects. Cox-1 is prominent in CA-1 of hippocampus
(30 per cent), which results in lower MTHFR activity and ele-
and is involved in microglial activation surrounding senile
vated tHcy (Bottiglieri et al., 2001; Frosst et al., 1995).
plaques. Cox-2 is prominent in dendrites of pyramidal
neurones and is increased in many areas of brains in AD.
41.1.4 Other cardiovascular risk factors Cox-2 levels correlate with A-amyloid levels in the AD
brains. Cox-2 is required in neurones with NMDA receptors
Diabetes, carotid atherosclerosis, heart disease and smoking responsible for glutamate-induced excitotoxicity in AD.
are risk factors for stroke, VaD and AD. Their control reduces NSAIDs also exhibit actions other than suppression of
the occurrence of cerebrovascular disease and one would inflammation. NSAIDs inhibit Cox in platelets (resulting
expect a similar risk reduction in AD, but so far there is no in reduced platelet aggregation and reduced A-amyloid
RCT. Nonetheless, understanding underlying pathophysio- in blood) and in vascular endothelium (protecting the
logical mechanisms may open new avenues for prevention. endothelium from free radicals). The importance of non-
For example, mutations in insulin degrading enzyme (IDE) inflammatory actions of NSAIDs is highlighted by observa-
that induce diabetes, also impair degradation of -amyloid tions that both ‘low’ and ‘high’ doses offer neuroprotection.
(Farris et al., 2004). Similarly, spontaneous cerebral micro- It is also possible that some NSAIDs influence amyloid
emboli (SCE), common in carotid disease but thought to be deposition by inhibiting -secretase, independent of cyclo-
asymptomatic, have been associated with cognitive impair- oxygenase activity (Weggen et al., 2001).
ment following carotid and heart bypass surgery. We exam-
ined the frequency of SCE in AD and VaD by transcranial
Doppler monitoring of middle cerebral arteries over 1 hour. 41.2.2 Clinical evidence
Among 85 AD–control and 85 VaD–control pairs, we found
SCE in 37–38 per cent of patients with AD or VaD compared A number of epidemiological studies have shown long-term
with 13–14 per cent of their controls (P 0.001; Purandare use of NSAIDs to be associated with 2–4-fold reduced risk of
et al., 2003). SCE are potentially treatable and if they are AD, but some have been inconclusive (McGeer et al., 1996).
found to be predictive of cognitive decline then they could be A more recent systematic review and meta-analysis of nine
a target in prevention of dementia, both AD and VaD. observational studies concluded that NSAIDs do offer some
Yet another example would be smoking. Whilst smoking protection against AD (Etminan et al., 2003). In’t Veld et al.
overall appears to be associated with a doubling of the risk of (2001) suggest that the conflicting evidence may be related
AD (presumably because of cardiovascular factors), nicotine to inaccurate recording and reliance on patients’/relatives’
itself may have neuroprotective properties and possibly reduce memory or incomplete medical records. They examined
amyloid burden (Nordberg et al., 2002). computerized pharmacy records in the follow-up study of
almost 7000 residents of Rotterdam over 7 years. NSAIDs
were associated with reduced risk of AD depending on the
41.2 CONTROL OF SUBCLINICAL duration of the use ( 1 month: RR 0.95; 1–24 months: RR
INFLAMMATORY PROCESSES 0.83; 24 months: RR 0.20). Zandi and Breitner (2001) sug-
gest that to be protective in AD, NSAIDs would need to be
41.2.1 Biological basis taken several years before the disease onset, and secondary or
tertiary prevention trials were unlikely to show a positive
The importance of inflammatory processes in causation of effect. This is in keeping with a very modest effect observed
dementia is established with evidence from biochemical, in RCTs of low-dose prednisone and NSAIDs in AD, includ-
neuropathological and epidemiological studies. Primary ing a recent trial of rofecoxib (Cox-2 inhibitor) or naproxen
inflammatory cytokines such as interleukins 1 (IL-1), versus placebo with negative results (Aisen et al., 2000, 2003).
IL-6, and 2-macroglobulin are increased in brains of The results of the Alzheimer’s Disease Anti-inflammatory
Improving functional neuronal capacity 519

Prevention Trial (ADAPT) should be interesting as it is exam- The repetition of cognitive skills may improve processing
ining efficacy of celecoxib and naproxen in older people (over skills such as working memory and perceptual speed by pos-
70s with family history of AD), and is attempting to exclude sibly increasing dendritic plasticity. Physical exercise can
people with prodromal AD. increase insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) and somatostatin
levels, which are decreased in AD. IGF-1 has been shown to
reduce tau phosphorylation and have an anti-apoptotic effect.
41.3 CONTROL OF OXIDATIVE STRESS In experiments on rats, environmental enrichment has been
AND FREE RADICALS shown to inhibit spontaneous apoptosis, increase neurogen-
esis in dentate gyrus and improve spatial memory (Nilsson
et al., 1999; Young et al., 1999). This may suggest a possible link
41.3.1 Biological basis between environment/social stimulation and regenerative
brain processes.
Oxidative stress can cause lipoprotein oxidation, A poly-
merization and generation of excessive free radicals. In vitro
studies suggest that ApoE 4 reduces anti-oxidant capacity of
41.4.2 Clinical evidence
neurones. Vitamins E and C along with alcohol (in modera-
tion) scavenge these free radicals.
There are no RCTs, but four large observational studies have
shown reduced activities as an independent risk factor for
41.3.2 Clinical evidence AD. Wilson et al. (2002) followed 801 older clergy over 4
years and found 111 developed AD. They recorded seven
A number of epidemiological studies have found higher common activities involving information processing as a
dietary intake of vitamins E and C, and moderate alcohol core component (e.g. reading, watching TV, doing cross-
consumption to lower risk of dementia. In the Rotterdam words, etc.). The frequency of each activity was rated on a
study (Ruitenberg et al., 2002), which followed over 5000 5-point scale (1  once a year, 5  everyday) and responses
people for an average 6 years, a moderate alcohol consump- to each item averaged to calculate a composite score (range:
tion (1–3 drinks per day) was associated with reduced risk of 1–5). The authors in their previous work had shown this to
dementia including both AD and VaD (hazards ratio, HR be a reliable method compared with differential weighing of
0.58). Orgogozo et al. (1997) found 250–500 mL daily con- each item depending on the perceived cognitive demand.
sumption of wine to reduce risk of dementia even further After controlling for age, sex and education, a 1-point
(OR 0.19). Additional studies are needed to examine the increase in cognitive activity was associated with 33 per cent
effect of type of alcohol on risk reduction, as micronutrients reduction in risk of AD (HR 0.67). The epidemiological evi-
in red wine, especially resveratrol, may offer specific protec- dence for physical activity in prevention of dementia is
tion against -amyloid toxicity, an effect also observed with mixed. Wilson et al. (2002) and Verghese et al. (2003) sug-
green tea extracts and curry spice, curcumin. gested that risk reduction was specifically due to cognitively
There are no specific clinical trials examining the preven- stimulating activities. Friedland et al. (2001) found that
tion of dementia with anti-oxidants. The key RCT, in which reduced activity (intellectual, passive or physical) in mid-life
341 patients with moderate to severe AD were randomized increased the risk of developing AD by 250 per cent. The mixed
to receive selegiline (monoamine oxidase inhibitor) and vita- results could be partly explained by how each study divided
min E (either alone or in combination) or placebo found all activities into physical, cognitive or social. For example,
active treatments, including vitamin E alone, to slow progres- ‘dancing’ (Verghese et al., 2003) or ‘going to museum’
sion of AD over 2 years, as measured by time to occurrence (Wilson et al., 2002) often included as cognitive activities
of death, institutionalization, loss of ability to perform basic include a strong physical component. Activities, either cogni-
activities of daily living or severe dementia, but with no effect tive or physical, often include social aspects and are done as
specifically on cognition (Sano et al., 1997). leisure activities. The social aspect of the activities or rich
social network itself may be beneficial in reducing risk of
dementia. Wang et al. (2002) in their analysis of the
Kungsholmen project found that engagement in stimulating
41.4 IMPROVING FUNCTIONAL NEURONAL activities (mental, social or productive) reduced the risk
of developing dementia over 6 years by 50 per cent (RR
41.4.1 Role of cognitive, physical and social However, care has to be taken with interpretation of these
activities studies as activities may be a proxy to some other factors such
as education, socioeconomic status and generally healthy
A number of cross-sectional and retrospective studies have lifestyle. Although reduced activities have been shown to
found an inverse relationship between activities (cognitive, exist many years prior to onset of dementia, one cannot com-
physical or leisure) in mid-life and latter risk of dementia. pletely rule out the possibility of a prolonged prodrome.
520 Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease

41.5 TARGET POPULATIONS Barnes JM, Barnes NM, Costall B, Horovitz ZP, Naylor RJ. (1989)
Angiotensin II inhibits the release of [3H]acetylcholine from rat
entorhinal cortex in vitro. Brain Research 491: 136–143
Many of the risk factors for AD and the beginning of losses in Bosch J, Yusuf S, Pogue J et al. (2002) HOPE Investigators. Heart
key neuronal receptor systems (Perry et al., 2001) come into outcomes prevention evaluation. Use of ramipril in preventing
play in mid-life, 15 to 20 years prior to onset of AD. This stroke: double blind randomized trial. BMJ 324: 699–702
would suggest targeting prevention strategies at people with Bottiglieri T, Parnetti L, Arning E et al. (2001) Plasma total homocysteine
risk factors in their mid-life, who may not have any identifi- levels and the C677T mutation in the methylenetetrahydrofolate
reductase (MTHFR) gene: a study in an Italian population with
able cognitive impairment. The economics of such trials
dementia. Mechanics of Ageing Development 122: 2013–2023
make them impractical, due to low incident dementia and
Burns A and Zaudig M. (2002) Mild cognitive impairment in older
prolonged follow up over two decades. Identification of sur- people. Lancet 360: 1963–1965
rogate markers of subclinical disease progression is crucial Clarke R, Smith AD, Jobst KA et al. (1998) Folate, vitamin B12, and
for their viability. serum total homocysteine levels in confirmed Alzheimer disease.
Another approach would be to target older people who Archives of Neurology 55: 1407–1408
have developed some cognitive impairment but which is not Dufouil C, Alperovitch A, Ducros V et al. (2003) Homocysteine, white
severe enough to cause functional impairment and warrant matter hyperintensities, and cognition in healthy elderly people.
diagnosis of dementia. A somewhat loose and controversial Annals of Neurology 53: 214–221
term ‘mild cognitive impairment’ (MCI) is most widely used Etminan M, Gill S, Samii A. (2003) The role of lipid-lowering drugs in
to describe this population, which has community preva- cognitive function: a meta-analysis of observational studies.
Pharmacotherapy 23: 726–730
lence of 17–34 per cent with annual ‘conversion’ to dementia
Farris W, Mansourian S, Leissring MA et al. (2004) Partial loss-of-
of between 3 and 15 per cent depending upon the population
function mutations in insulin-degrading enzyme that induce
(Burns and Zaudig, 2002). Mild ‘vascular cognitive impair- diabetes also impair degradation of amyloid beta-protein. American
ment’ (mVCI), which describes people with early cognitive Journal of Pathology 164: 1424–1434
impairment related to cerebrovascular disease, may be a Fassbender K, Simons M, Bergmann C et al. (2001) Simvastatin strongly
more specific target owing to importance of vascular risk fac- reduces levels of Alzheimer’s disease beta-amyloid peptides Abeta
tors in causation of AD. 42 and Abeta 40 in vitro and in vivo. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 98: 5856–5861
Fogari R, Mugellini A, Zoppi A et al. (2003) Influence of losartan and
atenolol on memory function in very elderly hypertensive patients.
Journal of Human Hypertension 17: 781–785
Forette F, Seux ML, Staessen JA et al. (1998) Prevention of dementia in
The epidemiological evidence suggests that it is possible to randomised double-blind placebo-controlled systolic hypertension in
delay, if not prevent, the onset of dementia, both AD and Europe (Syst-Eur) trial. Lancet 352: 1347–1351
VaD. The RCT evidence is building up for antihypertensives Forette F, Seux ML, Staessen JA et al. (2002) The prevention of dementia
with antihypertensive treatment: new evidence from the Systolic
but remains sparse for other strategies. Most of the ongoing
Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) study. Archives of Internal
RCTs focus on one or two vascular risk factors and assess
Medicine 162: 2046–2052
dementia only as a secondary outcome. There is a need for Friedland RP, Fritsch T, Smyth KA et al. (2001) Patients with Alzheimer’s
RCTs that will target multiple risk factors in at risk people disease have reduced activities in midlife compared with healthy
with MCI or mVCI with incident dementia as a primary control-group members. Proceedings of the National Academy of
outcome. The design of such RCTs should be guided by the Sciences of the United States of America 98: 3440–3445
up-to-date basic research on pathophysiological mechanisms Frosst P, Blom HJ, Milos R et al. (1995) A candidate genetic risk
involved in causation of common dementias. factor for vascular disease: a common mutation in
methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. Nature Genetics
10: 111–113
Gottfries J, Blennow K, Lehmann MW et al. (2001) One-carbon
metabolism and other biochemical correlates of cognitive
impairment as visualized by principal component analysis. Journal of
Aisen PS, Davis KL, Berg JD et al. (2000) A randomized controlled trial of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology 14: 109–114
prednisone in Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Guo Z, Qiu C, Viitanen M et al. (2001) Blood pressure and dementia in
Study. Neurology 54: 588–593 persons 75+ years old: 3-year follow-up results from the
Aisen PS, Schafer KA, Grundman M et al. (2003) Alzheimer’s Disease Kungsholmen Project. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 3: 585–591
Cooperative Study. Effects of rofecoxib or naproxen versus placebo Heart Protection Study Collaborative Group. (2002) MRC/BHF Heart
on Alzheimer disease progression: a randomised controlled trial. Protection Study of cholesterol lowering with simvastatin in 20 536
JAMA 289: 2819–2826 high-risk individuals: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. Lancet
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Alcohol 24: 63–68 Neurobiology of Aging 22: 811–817
Trial design


42.1 Natural history of Alzheimer’s disease 522 42.4 Future strategies to delay emergence of
42.2 Symptomatic clinical trials using cholinesterase Alzheimer’s disease 525
inhibitors and memantine 523 References 525
42.3 Disease modification strategies 524

Any therapy, whether pharmacological or not, requires proof 42.1 NATURAL HISTORY OF ALZHEIMER’S
of safety and efficacy. This chapter will outline the various DISEASE
trial design issues that have been encountered in the modern
pharmacological treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
The experience gained so far has been predominantly in the The natural history of AD can be broadly considered as a
symptomatic treatment of AD, using parallel group designs presymptomatic stage, during which a number of pathological
over 3–12 months. A number of randomized clinical events take place (see Chapters 28–30 ), an early symptomatic
studies attempting to modify progression of AD are under or prodromal stage with affective and/or cognitive manifest-
way, using parallel groups or survival designs over 1 year or ations, and symptomatic mild, moderate and severe stages.
longer. Each of these stages could be targeted for specific treatments,
The natural history of AD will be described first, intro- requiring different trial designs and outcomes (Table 42.1).
ducing the concepts of disease stages, disease milestones and Disease milestones can also be defined in AD (Box 42.1).
symptomatic domains that fluctuate in intensity as the dis- Some of these can be a target for treatment, with consider-
ease runs through its course. Lessons from the symptomatic able face validity and impact on care (Galasko et al., 1995).
studies using cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine will For example, studies in mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
be summarized. Current disease modification study designs of the amnestic type may demonstrate that the diagnosis of
will be outlined. dementia (predominantly AD) is delayed by 6 months or

Table 42.1 Examples of trial design and outcomes for each stage of Alzheimer’s disease

Stage Target population Trial design Primary outcome

Presymptomatic Healthy elderly Survival over 5 years Incident dementia
Prodromal Mild cognitive impairment; Survival over 3 years Conversion to dementia
amnestic subtype
Mild to moderate AD in the community Six months parallel Cognition and global
groups impression of change
Moderate to severe AD in the community Six months parallel Global impression of
or in assisted-living groups change
Severe AD in institution Six months parallel Behaviour
Symptomatic clinical trials using cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine 523

stages of AD because of the faster rate of decline in the moder-

Box 42.1 Clinical milestones in Alzheimer’s disease
ate stage, which may be related to the sensitivity of measure-
• Emergence of cognitive symptoms ment scales, or to the progression of AD.
• Progression from amnestic mild cognitive impairement
to diagnosable dementia
• Loss of instrumental activities of daily living (ADL) 42.2 SYMPTOMATIC CLINICAL TRIALS USING
• Emergence of behavioural and psychological symptoms CHOLINESTERASE INHIBITORS AND
of dementia MEMANTINE
• Nursing home placement
• Loss of self-care ADL The modern treatment for AD was initiated by the report that
• Death tacrine improved some aspects of cognition and daily life. The
follow-up confirmatory studies used cross-over and parallel
group designs. The FDA published ‘guidelines’ (Leber, 1990),
longer. Delaying loss of autonomy for self-care and even which greatly influenced the choice of outcomes for proof
death in moderate to severe stages of AD using of efficacy of drugs improving symptoms in AD: a cognitive
-tocopherol in only one study by the Alzheimer Disease performance-based scale such as the ADAS-cog and an
Cooperative Study group (Sano et al., 1997) has influenced interview-based impression of change became the primary
clinical practice to use vitamin E in all stages of AD, at least in outcomes in mild to moderate AD, usually defined opera-
the USA. Delaying the loss of autonomy for instrumental tionally as scores between 10 and 26 on the Mini-Mental State
activities of daily living (ADL) or the need for nursing home Examination (MMSE; Folstein et al., 1975). Unfortunately, as
care would reduce the need for supportive care. Delaying these FDA guidelines cautioned against the ‘pseudospecificity’
emergence of some of the behavioural and psychological of measurable benefits on neuropsychiatric manifestations in
symptoms of dementia (BPSD) would reduce caregiver bur- AD, they delayed research in this symptomatic domain. More
den and later need for nursing home placement. recent discussions and publications from the FDA and other
Symptomatic domains in dementia include cognition, ADL regulatory agencies have been more accepting of ADL and
and behaviour. One can even add a domain of changes in behaviour as important outcomes.
motricity, since patients with AD will manifest some features The following study designs have been used in the proof
of parkinsonism late in the disease. In many patients early of efficacy for cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs): parallel
changes in mood and anxiety precede the formal diagnosis of groups over 3–12 months, and survival to a predefined clin-
AD, sometimes with spontaneous improvement as insight into ical end point over 1 year or longer.
the disease is lost. Cognitive and functional ADL decline are The parallel groups offer the possibility of short-term
relatively linear over time, whereas BPSD peak midway into (minimum of 3 months) studies comparing the efficacy of
the disease course and resolve spontaneously through the different doses of the drug versus placebo. The primary
severe stage as motricity becomes impaired (Gauthier et al., analysis is done on outcomes at the end of the study using the
2001). These natural fluctuations in the intensity of individual last observation carried forward (LOCF) or intent to treat
symptomatic domains through the stages of AD have an (ITT) analyses, which compensate for missing values in case
impact into trial design and outcomes (Table 42.2). It should of dropouts. Although LOCF/ITT has been favoured by the
be noted that studies can be of shorter duration and/or of FDA, investigators and other regulatory agencies are now
smaller numbers of subjects in moderate compared with mild suggesting that for studies of 12 months or longer duration,

Table 42.2 Examples of impact of symptoms through stages of AD on trial design and outcomes

Stage Prominent features Types of outcomes Examples

Mild Depression may be present; few BPSD; cognitive Cognition; instrumental ADL ADAS-cog, ADCS-ADL, DAD
decline slow but predominant feature; some
instrumental ADL losses
Moderate Cognitive decline more rapid; functional Cognition; instrumental and ADAS-cog, DAD, ADCS-ADL,
decline more rapid; BPSD emerge basic ADL; behaviour NPI, BEHAVE-AD
Severe Cognitive losses harder to measure Cognition; self-care ADL; SIB, ADCS-ADL, NPI, UPDRS
(floor effect); few self-care ADL remaining; behaviour; parkinsonism
BPSD abating; parkinsonism emerging

ADAS-cog, Alzheimer Disease Assessment Scale – cognitive subscale (Rosen et al., 1984); ADCS-ADL, Alzheimer Disease Cooperative Study ADL scale (Galasko
et al., 1997); BEHAVE-AD, Behavioral symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease (Reisberg et al., 1987); DAD, Disability Assessment in Dementia (Gélinas et al., 1999);
NPI, Neuropsychiatric Inventory (Cummings et al., 1994); SIB, Severe Impairment Battery (Panisset et al., 1994); UPDRS, United Parkinson Disease Rating Scale
(Fahn and Elton, 1987)
524 Trial design

the primary analysis should be done on observed cases (OC),

Box 42.2 Add-on design for disease modification
i.e. completers. For practical purpose both types of analysis
will usually be performed. Although ‘cognitive enhancement’ • One year is the minimum period for meaningful clinical
was the main hope for ChEIs as a therapeutic class, the real- observations in mild to moderate AD considering natural
ity that has emerged from 6 months studies with open-label decline (may need to be longer in mild AD)
extensions and the one-year placebo-controlled Nordic study • Ethically long duration studies without ‘standard
(Winblad et al., 2001) is that, although there is a small but treatment’ are not possible
statistically significant improvement in cognition peaking at • There are scales with relatively linear changes over
3 months with the ChEIs, the most clinically relevant finding 1 year, such as the CDR sum of boxes, the ADAS-cog,
has been the stabilization of cognitive decline with ‘return to the DAD and the ADCS-ADL, allowing analysis for slopes
baseline’ at 9–12 months for the actively treated groups at the of decline
higher therapeutic doses, compared with placebo treated • A randomized wash-out from active treatment at the
groups who decline steadily. It should be noted that this nat- end of the study could demonstrate a lack of return to
ural decline varies greatly between studies in AD, and is even placebo
less evident in AD with cerebrovascular disease or in vascular • A demonstrable reduction in rate of brain atrophy
dementia (VaD), where control of vascular risk factors appear associated with differences in clinical decline would
to modify progression, at least in studies of 6 months’ dura- offer great face validity
tion (Schneider, 2003).
Survival studies have primarily targeted loss of ADL, and
have successfully demonstrated a delay in the loss of auton-
omy for patients on ChEIs compared with placebo. Parallel randomized wash-out at the end of the year, and volumetric
group studies of 6 months’ duration in patients ranging from brain measurements using magnetic resonance imaging at
mild to moderately severe AD (MMSE 5–26) have also estab- beginning and end of year (Mohr et al., 2004). The reasoning
lished that ADL are stable on treatment, but show no benefit behind this ‘add-on design’ is summarized in Box 42.2.
on instrumental ADL (so called ‘tutoring effect’). Although this design appears promising, there are uncer-
The most difficult domain to study, although very signifi- tainties and limitations. For instance the difference in rate of
cant clinically, has been behaviour. The availability of general brain atrophy may be absent or opposite to expectations,
BPSD scales such as the NPI and BEHAVE-AD, as well as with accelerated atrophy in the actively treated group.
specific scales such as Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory Wash-out from an active treatment will not be acceptable to
(Cohen-Mansfield et al., 1989), has not yet allowed unequivo- all institutional review boards, and a previous attempt in
cal demonstration of benefit in severe stages of AD. New using this design with patients treated with propentofylline
methods of analysis of behaviour have been proposed (Gauthier failed to convince regulatory agencies (Whitehouse et al.,
et al., 2002), and will likely be more successful in defining cat- 1998).
egories of BPSD symptoms most responsive to ChEIs (anxiety, One of the most difficult issues in disease modification
hallucinations), memantine (agitation) and other drugs. strategies is the decision of the stage of disease where the pro-
Memantine as a new therapeutic class has been found to be posed drug is most likely to work. On this ‘proof-of-concept’
effective in a range of studies using parallel groups, in moder- phase II/III efficacy and safety study hinges the entire future
ate to severe AD (Doody et al., 2004). Scales appropriate for of the drug. For example, numerous attempts at treating
this stage of disease, such as the SIB, the ADCS-ADL and the patients with AD in mild to moderate stages using non-
NPI have been used and accepted by the FDA and other regu- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have failed, despite the
latory agencies. Of great importance is the novel design of weight of evidence from epidemiological research and
adding memantine or placebo to a stable dose of a ChEI used the biological plausibility of an inflammatory response to
successfully, paving the way to a number of studies where -amyloid deposition. It may be that treatment in the late
novel drugs or placebo are added to ‘standard treatment’. presymptomatic or in the prodromal stages would be the
most appropriate time. On the other hand studies in these
stages of AD would require 3–5 years, a very long time for a
‘proof-of-concept’. Alternative patients groups could be con-
sidered, such as presenilin mutation carriers or amnestic
MCI, perhaps with additional risk factors for rapid conver-
Although no trial design has yet led to a successful treatment sion to AD such as apolipoprotein E.
for disease modification, many attempts have been made A survival design is currently being tested extensively in
using parallel groups 1 year. Recent refinements of this order to delay progression from amnestic MCI to diagnosable
design include adding the novel drug or a placebo to dementia, predominantly AD (Geda and Petersen, 2001).
standard treatment over 1 year, selection of outcomes that These studies are unlikely to be considered as ‘disease modi-
demonstrate relatively linear changes over time such as the fying’, but rather as early symptomatic treatment in the
Clinical Dementia Rating sum of boxes (Hughes et al. 1982), prodromal stage of AD.
References 525

42.4 FUTURE STRATEGIES TO DELAY Galasko D, Bennett D, Sano M et al. (1997) An inventory to assess
EMERGENCE OF ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE activities of daily living for clinical trials in Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders 11 (Suppl. 2): S33–S39
Gauthier S, Thal LJ, Rossor MN. (2001) The future diagnosis and
As hypotheses on the pathophysiology of AD emerge from management of Alzheimer’s disease. In: S Gauthier (ed.), Clinical
epidemiological research in human populations, post- Diagnosis and Management of Alzheimer’s Disease. London, Martin
mortem and biomarkers studies in patients, and animal Dunitz, pp. 369–378
models, we will need to establish whether new therapies can Gauthier S, Feldman H, Hecker J et al. (2003) Efficacy of donepezil on
behavioral symptoms in patients with moderate to severe
delay the onset of symptoms in asymptomatic people at
Alzheimer’s disease. International Psychogeriatrics 14: 389–404
varying degrees of risk of AD. The prototype of trial design to
Geda YE and Petersen RC. (2001) Clinical trials in mild cognitive
establish the safety and efficacy of such therapies is an impairment. In: S Gauthier, JL Cummings (eds), Alzheimer’s Disease
ongoing 5-year survival study comparing Ginkgo biloba to and Related Disorders Annual (2001). London, Martin Dunitz,
placebo in elderly subjects, with incident dementia as pri- pp. 69–83
mary end point. Variations of this design may be possible, by Gélinas I, Gauthier L, McIntyre M, Gauthier S. (1999) Development of a
enriching the study population with different levels of risk, functional measure for persons with Alzheimer’s disease: the
such as a positive family history of AD and/or selected gene Disability Assessment for Dementia. American Journal of
markers, although it should be remembered that any enrich- Occupational Therapy 53: 471–481
ment of a study population may limit the applicability of Hughes CP, Berg L, Danziger WL, Coben LA, Martin RL. (1982) A new
findings to the population as a whole. clinical scale for the staging of dementia. British Journal of
Psychiatry 140: 566–572
Leber P. (1990) Guidelines for Clinical Evaluation of Antidementia Drugs.
Washington, DC, US Food and Drug Administration
Mohr E, Barclay CL, Anderson R, Constant J. (2004) Clinical trial design
in the age of dementia treatments: challenges and opportunities. In:
Cohen-Mansfield J, Marx MS, Rosenthal AS. (1989) A description S Gauthier, P Scheltens, JL Cummings (eds), Alzheimer’s Disease and
of agitation in a nursing home. Journal of Gerontology 44: Related Disorders Annual 2004. London, Martin Dunitz, pp. 97–122
M77–M84 Panisset M, Roudier M, Saxton J et al. (1994) Severe Impairment
Cummings JL, Mega M, Gray K et al. (1994) The Neuropsychiatric Battery: a neuropsychological test for severely demented patients.
Inventory: comprehensive assessment of psychopathology in Archives of Neurology 51: 41–45
dementia. Neurology 44: 2308–2314 Reisberg B, Borenstein J, Salob SP et al. (1987) Behavioral symptoms in
Doody RS, Winblad B, Jelic V. (2004) Memantine: a glutamate Alzheimer’s disease: phenomenology and treatment. Journal of
antagonist for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. In: S Gauthier, Clinical Psychiatry 48 (Suppl.): 9–15
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Disorders Annual 2004. London, Martin Dunitz, pp. 137–144 disease. American Journal of Psychiatry 141: 1356–1364
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Cerebrovascular disease and
cognitive impairment

43. Vascular cognitive impairment 529

44. Leukoaraiosis and cognitive impairment 546

45. Vascular dementia: neuropathological features 565

46. Therapeutic strategies for vascular dementia 574

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Vascular cognitive impairment


43.1 Historical background 529 43.8 Clinical criteria 534

43.2 Vascular burden of the brain and cognition 529 43.9 Differential diagnosis 535
43.3 Vascular cognitive impairment 530 43.10 Clinical examination 536
43.4 Epidemiology 530 43.11 Prevention 537
43.5 Disease mechanisms 531 43.12 Treatment 538
43.6 Main subtypes of vascular dementias 533 References 541
43.7 Clinical features 533

43.1 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND original findings of Alois Alzheimer have been ‘reinvented’.
Important are new data highlighting complex interactions
between vascular aetiologies, changes in the brain, host fac-
As early as 1896 ‘arteriosclerotic dementia’ (referring to vas- tors and cognition (Chui, 1989; Tatemichi, 1990; Desmond,
cular dementia – VaD) was separated from ‘senile dementia’ 1996; Pasquier and Leys, 1997; Skoog, 1998). Also reinven-
(referring to Alzheimer’s disease – AD) (Berchtold and tion of the heterogeneity of VaDs has fuelled the discussion,
Cotman, 1998). Alzheimer together with Binswanger recog- and subcortical vascular disease and dementia is seen the
nized the heterogeneity of VaD by describing four clinico- cardinal subtype (Erkinjuntti et al., 2000; Erkinjuntti and
pathological variants of VaD (Román, 2001), as well as Pantoni, 2000; Román et al., 2002). Further the facts that
vascular lesions in the Alzheimer brain. Nevertheless, until vascular factors relate and coexist with AD have strengthened
the 1960s and 1970s, cerebral atherosclerosis by causing interest in the vascular burden of cognition (Kalaria and
chronic strangulation of blood supply to the brain was Ballard, 1999; Skoog et al., 1999).
thought to be the commonest cause of dementia, and AD was
regarded as a rare cause affecting only younger patients.
Tomlinson et al. (1970) reinvented AD as the more frequent
cause of dementia than that of arteriosclerotic dementia. In
1979 Hachinski and colleagues used the term multi-infarct
dementia (MID) to describe the mechanism by which they
considered VaD was produced (Hachinski et al., 1974). As the The VaDs are the second most common single causes of
pendulum swung in the direction of AD, vascular forms of dementia (Rocca et al., 1991; Hebert and Brayne, 1995; Lobo
dementia became relegated to a position of relative obscurity et al., 2000; Rockwood et al., 2000; Doody et al., 2001).
(Brust, 1988). Cerebrovascular disease (CVD) relates to a high risk of cog-
Despite until 1990s the concept of VaD has been that it is a nitive impairment and dementia (Tatemichi et al., 1992;
dementia caused by small or large brain infarcts, that of MID Tatemichi et al., 1994a). In addition, vascular factors such as
(Hachinski et al., 1974; Erkinjuntti and Hachinski, 1993), VaD coexisting stroke and white matter lesions (WMLs) relate
has come full circle with the resurgence of interest of the also to AD (Snowdon et al., 1997). Thus vascular causes are
whole spectrum of vascular causes of cognitive impairment an important cause of cognitive impairment worldwide
and dementia (Hachinski, 1990). The new term is vascular (Hachinski, 1992; O’Brien et al., 2003b).
cognitive impairment (VCI), which reflects the reinvention CVD and ischaemic brain injury have been seen as
of the importance of vascular burden of brain and cognition the primary cause of clinical deficits in VCI and the
(Bowler and Hachinski, 1995; O’Brien et al., 2003a, b). The VaDs (Erkinjuntti, 1999). The multiplicity of vascular causes,
530 Vascular cognitive impairment

associated risk factors and clinical manifestations of demen- In VCI, vascular refers to all causes of ischaemic CVD, and
tia related to CVD makes VCI and VaD a complex area of cognitive impairment encompasses all levels of cognitive
research (Wallin and Blennow, 1993; Erkinjuntti, 1999; decline, from the earliest step to a more severe and broad
Pohjasvaara et al., 2000). Even though a number of sets of dementia-like cognitive syndrome (Bowler et al., 1999;
diagnostic criteria have been produced for epidemiological O’Brien et al., 2003a, b). VCIs that do not meet the criteria
studies of VaD, opinions are divided over the definition of of dementia have been labelled also as vascular cognitive
VaD subtypes. How wide should the definition of the cogni- impairment with no dementia, vascular CIND (Rockwood
tive syndrome and the vascular cause be, and which patients et al., 1999, 2000). VCI is expected to include cases with cog-
should be excluded from a diagnosis of VCI and VaD? nitive impairment related to CVD (transient ischaemic attack
Also, debate centres on difficulties in distinguishing between [TIA], stroke), multiple cortico-subcortical infarcts, silent
dementia owing to AD and that arising from CVD, as there infarcts, strategic infarcts, small vessel disease with WMLs
are large overlaps in clinical signs and symptoms. Both result and lacunae, as well as AD pathology with coexisting CVD
in cognitive, functional and behavioural impairment. There lesions. The concept and definition of VCI or CIND is still in
are also similarities in pathophysiological mechanisms (e.g. evolution. The two main factors to be defined include the
WMLs, delayed neuronal death and apoptosis) (Pantoni and level of severity of cognitive impairment and the pattern of
Garcia, 1997; Snowdon et al., 1997; Skoog et al., 1999), asso- cognitive impairment (O’Brien et al., 2003a, b); in particular
ciated risk factors (e.g. age, education, arterial hypertension; identification of a cognitive syndrome signalling a high risk
Skoog, 1994; Skoog et al., 1999) and neurochemical deficits of further cognitive decline, vascular mild cognitive decline
(e.g. cholinergic dysfunction) (Togi et al., 2002; Wallin et al., (VMCI), a group of patients similar to that of amnestic MCI
2002) shared with these two dementia causes. as a risk state for AD (Petersen et al., 2002), is a challenge.
More important, however, is the fact that AD and VaD
coexist in a large proportion of patients (Kalaria and Ballard,
1999; Rockwood, 1997; Rockwood et al., 2000). AD with
CVD (referred also to as mixed dementia) could present clin-
ically either as AD with evidence of cerebrovascular lesions Our understanding of the population distribution of VCI
in brain imaging, or with features of both AD and VaD and its outcomes are subject to the variety of definitions used
(Rockwood et al., 1999). Based on the findings from the Nun to identify it (Rocca et al., 1991; Lobo et al., 2000). For exam-
Study, it has been suggested that CVD may play an important ple, if mixed AD/VaD is included, then VCI may even be the
role in determining the presence and severity of clinical most common cause of chronic progressive cognitive
symptoms of AD (Snowdon et al., 1997). Either way, the impairment in elderly people (Rockwood et al., 2000).
prevalence of AD with CVD has previously been under- The prevalence of VCI has been estimated at 5 per cent of
estimated (Kalaria and Ballard, 1999). people over age 65 in a Canadian Study (Rockwood et al.,
2000). This included patients with CIND. The prevalence
of vascular CIND was 2.4 per cent; that of AD with CVD
0.9 per cent and that of VaD 1.5 per cent. By contrast, in the
43.3 VASCULAR COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT same study, the prevalence of AD without a vascular compo-
nent was 5.1 per cent, and at all ages up to age 85 was less
The recognition of AD as the commonest cause of dementia common than VCI.
resulted in criteria of dementia based on the clinical picture As traditionally conceived, VaD is the second most com-
of AD (Bowler and Hachinski, 1995; Erkinjuntti et al., 1997). mon single cause of dementia accounting for 10 and even up
Features of dementia included early and prominent memory to 50 per cent of the cases, depending on the geographic loca-
loss, progression, irreversibility and a level of cognitive tion, patient population and clinical methods used (Rocca
impairment sufficient to affect normal activities of daily et al., 1991; Hebert and Brayne, 1995; Lobo et al., 2000). The
living (ADL). Unexplained different definitions of dementia prevalence of VaD has been higher in earlier studies in China
required different combinations of impairment in different and Japan, compared with Europe and United States. The
domains of cognition (Erkinjuntti et al., 1997). prevalence of VaD has ranged from 1.2 to 4.2 per cent in per-
In AD involvement of the medial temporal lobe results with sons aged 65 years and older (Hebert and Brayne, 1995). In a
dense episodic memory impairment. By contrast, patients European collaborative study using population-based studies
with vascular lesions have no such predilection (Rockwood of people aged 65 years and older conducted in the 1990s the
et al., 1999, 2000). The emphasis on dementia underestimates age-standardized prevalence of dementia was 6.4 per cent (all
the vascular burden of cognition, as well as distracts focus on causes), 4.4 per cent for AD and 1.6 per cent for VaD (Lobo
prevention and treatment. Accordingly, it has been suggested et al., 2000). In this study 15.8 per cent of the cases had VaD
to abandon the ‘alzheimerized’ dementia concept in the set- and 53.7 per cent AD.
ting of CVD, and substitute it with a broader category of VCI The incidence of VaD has varied between 6 and 12
(Hachinski, 1992; Bowler and Hachinski, 1995; Bowler et al., cases per year in 1000 persons aged 70 years and older
1999; O’Brien et al., 2003a, b). (Hebert and Brayne, 1995). The incidence of VaD increases
Disease mechanisms 531

with increasing age, without any substantial difference

Box 43.1 Aetiologies of vascular dementia
between men and women in a European collaborative study
(Fratiglioni et al., 2000). Cerebrovascular disorders
In the Canadian study, the mean duration of survival in • Large artery disease
VCI was 41 months (Rockwood et al., 2000). The highest – artery-to-artery embolism
impact on mortality arose from VaD in women (Ostbye et al., – occlusion of an extra- or intracranial artery
2002). In general, survival from VaD is around 5 years • Cardiac embolic events
(Hebert and Brayne, 1995), less than that for the general pop- • Small vessel disease
ulation or those with AD (Mölsä et al., 1995; Skoog et al., – lacunar infarcts
1993). Also post-stroke dementia is an independent predic- – ischaemic white matter lesions
tor of mortality (Tatemichi et al., 1994b). • Haemodynamic mechanisms
The cognitive outcome of patients with VaD may be as • Specific arteriopathies
severe as in AD but their morbidity and mortality are usually • Haemorrhages
worse. Chui and Gonthier (1999) reviewed studies showing – intracranial haemorrhage
shorter survival in VaD than in AD; also, those who survived – subarachnoidal haemorrhage
VaD had a more variable course. Survival variability may • Haematological factors
produce a length bias whereby patients whose disease pro- • Venous diseases
gresses too rapidly are usually excluded in prevalence surveys • Hereditary entities
(Wolfson et al., 2001).
Risk factors
Although natural history studies have found poor cogni-
tive outcome in patients with VaD, this has not been seen in • Vascular
– arterial hypertension
clinical trials in VaD. In such trials, patients in the placebo
– atrial fibrillation
groups have had little progression of impairment – the so-called
– myocardial infarction
‘stable placebo response’ (Kittner et al., 1997; Kittner for the
– coronary heart disease
European/Canadian Propentofyllinen Study Group, 1999).
– diabetes
The most likely explanation is the degree of exclusion of
– generalized atherosclerosis
cases with mixed AD plus CVD, since these mixed patients
– lipid abnormalities
usually have a progression mid-way between AD and VaD
– smoking
cases (Erkinjuntti et al., 2002). Other explanations have been
proposed, including selection bias since patients enrolled in • Demographic factors
– high age
trials are generally more fit than patients studied in natural
– low education
history settings, expectation bias, placebo effect and co-
intervention, resulting in better control of vascular risk • Genetic factors
– family history
factors, that might also explain both less disease progression
– specific genetic factors
and lower mortality rates. Finally, outcome measures used in
these trials and adopted from AD trials may be relatively less • Stroke-related farctors
– type of CVD
unresponsive to decline.
– site and size of infarcts


mechanisms (Brun, 1994; Wallin and Blennow, 1994; Pantoni
and Garcia, 1995; Amar and Wilcock, 1996; Erkinjuntti, 1996).
VCI and VaDs as a general entity include many syndromes,
Risk factors related to VCI (Box 43.1) include risk factors
which themselves reflect a variety of vascular mechanisms
for CVD, stroke, WMLs, but, at the same time, also those of
and changes in the brain, with different causes and clinical
any cognitive decline and AD (Skoog, 1998). They can be
manifestations. The pathophysiology incorporates inter-
divided into vascular factors (e.g. arterial hypertension, atrial
actions between vascular aetiologies (CVD and vascular risk
fibrillation, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease,
factors), changes in the brain (infarcts, WMLs, atrophy), and
diabetes, generalized atherosclerosis, lipid abnormalities,
host factors (age, education) (Chui, 1989; Tatemichi, 1990;
smoking), demographic factors (e.g. age, education), genetic
Desmond, 1996; Pasquier and Leys, 1997; Skoog, 1998).
factors (e.g. family history and specific genetic features), and
stroke-related factors (e.g. type of CVD, site and size of
43.5.1 Aetiologies stroke) (Skoog, 1998; Gorelick, 1997). Hypoxic ischaemic
events (cardiac arrhythmias, congestive heart failure, myo-
Aetiologies of VCI include both CVDs and risk factors (Box cardial infarction, seizures, pneumonia) may be an important
43.1). The main CVDs include large artery disease, cardiac risk factor for incident dementia in patients with stroke
embolic events, small vessel disease and haemodynamic (Moroney et al., 1996).
532 Vascular cognitive impairment

43.5.2 Brain changes lesions in the brain relating to different types of VaD have no
firm answers (Chui, 1989; Tatemichi, 1990; Desmond, 1996;
The changes in the brain related to VaD include both Erkinjuntti, 1996).
ischaemic and non-ischaemic factors (Chui, 1989; Tatemichi,
1990; Brun, 1994; Erkinjuntti, 1996) (Box 43.2). The static
ischaemic lesions include arterial territorial infarct, distal 43.5.4 Anatomical brain imaging
field (watershed) infarct, lacunar infarct, ischaemic WMLs
and incomplete ischaemic injury. Incomplete ischaemic Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance
injury include, for example, focal gliosis and incomplete imaging (MRI) studies on VaD indicate that bilateral
white matter infarctions in areas of selective vulnerability ischaemic lesions are of importance (Erkinjuntti and
(Englund et al., 1988; Pantoni and Garcia, 1997). The func- Hachinski, 1993; DeCarli and Scheltens, 2002). Regarding
tional ischaemic changes include both focal (around the locations some emphasize deep infarcts in the frontal and
ischaemic lesion) and remote (disconnection, diaschisis) limbic areas, other cortical ones, especially in the temporal
effects. The volume of functionally inactive tissue exceeds and parietal areas. There are also controversies in regard to
that of static ischaemic lesions in VaD (Mielke et al., 1992). the number and volume of the infarcts, as well as the extent
Current technologies in clinical work-up have limitations in and location of atrophy. The diffuse WMLs have been offered
detection of incomplete ischaemic injury and functional as an important factor leading to functional disconnection of
ischaemic changes. Also distinction between ischaemic and cortical brain areas.
degenerative origin of atrophic changes awaits discovery Generalizations and summary in regard to lesion and cog-
(Vinters et al., 2000). nition interaction in VaD can be made (Erkinjuntti et al.,
1999; Román et al., 2002; O’Brien et al., 2003a, b):

43.5.3 Brain mechanisms • Not a single feature, but a combination of infarct

features, extent and type of WMLs, degree and site of
atrophy, and host factors characterizations are correlates
Pathophysiological mechanisms related to VaD include: vol-
of VCI/VaD.
ume of brain infarcts (size reaching a critical threshold),
number of infarcts (additive, synergistic), site of infarcts • Infarct features favouring VaD include: bilaterality,
multiplicity (2), location in the dominant hemisphere
(bilateral, strategic cortical or subcortical sites), WMLs
and location in the fronto-subcortical and limbic
(extent, site, type, density), other ischaemic factors (incom-
plete ischaemic injury, delayed neuronal death, functional
changes), atrophy (location, extent), and additive effects of • WML features favouring VaD are extensive WMLs
(extending periventricular WMLs and confluent to
other pathologies (AD, Lewy body dementia) (Chui, 1989;
extending WMLs in the deep white matter).
Tatemichi, 1990; Desmond, 1996; Erkinjuntti, 1996).
Relationship between vascular factors and cognition is essen- • It is doubtful that only a single small lesion could
support an imaging evidence for a diagnosis of
tial: whether the identified vascular factors cause, compound
VaD. However, exceptions are rare cases with strategic
or only coexist with the VaD syndrome (Box 43.3) (Tatemichi
et al., 1994a; Erkinjuntti et al., 1988). Another important ques-
tion is, whether they contribute to the risk and clinical pic- • Absence of CVD lesions on CT or MRI are against a
diagnosis of VaD.
ture of AD (Pasquier and Leys, 1997; Snowdon et al., 1997).
Questions of type, extent, side, site and tempo of vascular
Box 43.3 Relation between ischaemic brain changes and
Box 43.2 Brain changes in vascular dementia Causal
Static lesions • Vascular dementia
• Arterial territorial infarct • Post-stroke dementia
• Distal field (watershed) infarct Contributory
• Lacunar infarct • Post-stroke dementia
• Ischaemic white matter lesions • Degenerative dementias
• Incomplete ischaemic injury – Alzheimer’s disease
• Atrophy – Lewy body dementia
– Frontal lobe dementia
Functional ischaemic changes
• Focal (around the ischaemic lesion) Coincidental
• Remote (disconnection, diaschisis) • All causes
Clinical features 533

43.6 MAIN SUBTYPES OF VASCULAR 43.6.3 Subcortical VaD

Subcortical ischaemic vascular dementia (SIVD), the small
vessel dementia, incorporates two entities ‘the lacunar state’
The subtypes of VaD included in current classifications are the
and ‘Binswanger disease’ (Román et al., 2002). It relates to small
cortical VaD or MID also referred to as post-stroke VaD, the
vessel disease and is characterized by lacunar infarcts, focal and
subcortical ischaemic vascular disease and dementia (SIVD)
diffuse ischaemic WMLs, and incomplete ischaemic injury
or the small vessel dementia, and the strategic infarct demen-
(Erkinjuntti, 1987b; Román, 1987; Mahler and Cummings,
tia (Box 43.4) (Erkinjuntti, 1987b; Román et al., 1993; Brun,
1991; Wallin et al., 2003). The ischaemic lesions in SIVD
1994; Cummings, 1994; Wallin and Blennow, 1994; Loeb and
affect the prefrontal subcortical circuit and the subcortical
Meyer, 1996; Konno et al., 1997; Wallin et al., 2003) and many
syndrome is the cardinal clinical manifestation (Cummings,
include also the hypoperfusion dementia (Sulkava and
1993; Erkinjuntti et al., 2000). Clinically, small vessel demen-
Erkinjuntti, 1987; Román et al., 1993; Brun, 1994; Cummings,
tia is characterized by pure motor hemiparesis, bulbar signs
1994). Further subtypes suggested include haemorrhagic
and dysarthria, gait disorder, depression and emotional labil-
dementia, hereditary vascular dementia, and AD with CVD
ity, and, especially, deficits in executive functioning (Ishii et al.,
(also labelled as combined or mixed dementia).
1986; Babikian and Ropper, 1987; Román, 1987; Mahler and
Cummings, 1991; Wallin et al., 1991).
43.6.1 Cortical VaD The patients with the SIVD having multiple lacunes and
extensive WMLs on neuroimaging often give only a clinical
Cortical VaD, post-stroke VaD (MID) relates to large vessel dis- history of ‘prolonged TIA’ or ‘multiple TIAs’ (which mostly
ease, cardiac embolic events and also hypoperfusion. It shows are minor strokes) without residual symptoms and only mild
predominantly cortical and cortico-subcortical arterial terri- focal findings (e.g. drift, reflex asymmetry, gait disturbance),
torial and distal field (watershed) infarcts. Typical clinical which supports the importance of neuroimaging require-
features are lateralized sensorimotor changes and abrupt ments in the criteria (Erkinjuntti et al., 2000).
onset of cognitive impairment and aphasia (Erkinjuntti,
1987b; Erkinjuntti et al., 1988). In addition, some combina-
tion of different cortical neuropsychological syndromes are
present in cortical VaD (Mahler and Cummings, 1991). 43.7 CLINICAL FEATURES

43.6.2 Strategic infarct dementia Early cognitive syndrome of SIVD is characterized by dysex-
ecutive syndrome including slowed information processing,
In strategic infarct dementia focal, often small, ischaemic memory deficit (may be mild), and behavioural and psycho-
lesions involving specific sites critical for higher cortical logical symptoms (Román et al., 2002). The dysexecutive
functions have been classified separately. Of the cortical sites, syndrome in SIVD includes impairment in goal formulation,
the hippocampal formation, angular gyrus and gyrus cinguli initiation, planning, organizing, sequencing, executing, set-
are examples. The subcortical sites include thalamus, fornix, sifting and set-maintenance, as well as in abstracting (Mahler
basal forebrain, caudate, globus pallidus and the genu or and Cummings, 1991; Cummings, 1994; Desmond et al.,
anterior limb of the internal capsule (Tatemichi, 1990; 1999). The memory deficit in SIVD may be milder than, for
Erkinjuntti and Hachinski, 1993; Erkinjuntti, 1996). Depend- example, in AD, and is specified by impaired recall, relative
ing on the strategic location in question, the time-course and intact recognition, less severe forgetting, and better benefit
clinical features vary greatly. from cues (Desmond et al., 1999). Behavioural and psycho-
logical symptoms in SIVD include depression, personality
change, emotional lability and incontinence, as well as inertia,
Box 43.4 Subtypes of vascular dementia emotional bluntness and psychomotor retardation (Mahler
and Cummings, 1991; Román et al., 1993; Cummings, 1994).
• Cortical VaD, multi-infarct dementia (MID), post-stroke The early cognitive syndrome of cortical VaD includes some
memory impairment (by definition), which may be mild, some
• Subcortical VaD, subcortical vascular disease and heteromodal cortical symptom(s) such as aphasia, apraxia,
dementia (SIVD), small vessel dementia
agnosia, visuospatial or constructional difficulty. In addition
• Strategic infarct dementia most patients have some degree of dysexecutive syndrome.
• Hypoperfusion dementia Clinical neurological findings (Box 43.5) especially early
• Haemorrhagic dementia in the course of SIVD include episodes of mild upper motor
• Hereditary vascular dementias neurone signs (drift, reflex asymmetry, incoordination), gait
• Other vascular dementias disorder (apractic-atactic or small-stepped), imbalance and
• Alzheimer’s disease with CVD (‘combined or mixed falls, urinary frequency and incontinence, dysarthria, dys-
phagia, as well as extrapyramidal signs (hypokinesia, rigidity)
534 Vascular cognitive impairment

In SIVD the onset is variable. For example in the series of

Box 43.5 Clinical features of vascular dementia
Babikian and Ropper (Babikian and Ropper, 1987), 60 per
Course cent of the patients had a slow, less abrupt onset, and only
• Frequently an insidious onset and progressive 30 per cent an acute onset of cognitive symptoms. The course
deterioration was gradual without (40 per cent) and with (40 per cent)
• Often stepwise deterioration (some recovery after acute deficits (Babikian and Ropper, 1987).
worsening) and fluctuating course (e.g. difference Traditionally cortical VaD (MID, post-stroke VaD) has
between days) of cognitive symptoms been characterized by a relative abrupt onset (days to weeks),
• May be relatively abrupt onset (days to weeks) of a step-wise deterioration (some recovery after worsening),
cognitive impairment and fluctuating course (e.g. difference between days) of cog-
nitive functions (Román, 1987; Erkinjuntti, 1987b; Fischer
Symptoms and signs
et al., 1990; Chui et al., 1992; Román et al., 1993; Skoog, 1997).
• Clinical neurological findings indicating focal brain
lesion early in the course:
– mild motor or sensory deficits, decreased
coordination, brisk tendon reflexes, Babinski’s sign, 43.8 CLINICAL CRITERIA
field cut
• Bulbar signs including dysarthria and dysphagia Since the 1970s several clinical criteria for VaD have been used
• Gait disorder: hemiplegic, apractic-atactic, small- (Erkinjuntti, 1994; Rockwood et al., 1994; Wetterling et al.,
stepped 1996). The most widely used criteria for VaD include the
• Unsteadiness and unprovoked falls DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994), the ICD-
• Urinary frequency and urgency 10 (World Health Organization, 1993), the ADDTC criteria
• Psychomotor slowing, abnormal executive functioning (Chui et al., 1992), and the NINDS-AIREN criteria (Román
• Depression, anxiety, emotional lability et al., 1993).
• Relatively preserved personality and insight in mild and The two cardinal elements implemented in the clinical
moderate cases criteria for VaD are the definition of the cognitive syndrome
Comorbid findings of dementia (Erkinjuntti et al., 1997), and the definition of
• History of cardiovascular diseases (not always present), the vascular cause of the dementia (Erkinjuntti, 1994;
Wetterling et al., 1994, 1996). Variation in defining these two
e.g. arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, atrial
fibrillation critical elements has created different definitions giving dif-
ferent point prevalence estimates, identifying different groups
CT or MRI of subjects, and consequently also identifying different
• Focal infarcts (70–90%). Diffuse or patchy white matter types and distribution of brain lesions (Skoog et al., 1993;
lesions (70–100%), often more extensive Wetterling et al., 1996; Erkinjuntti et al., 1997, 1999;
SPECT or PET Pohjasvaara et al., 1997). Further, this heterogeneity may
• Often patchy reduction of regional blood flow and have been a factor for negative results in prior clinical trials
on VaD (Inzitari et al., 2000). All the clinical criteria used are
decreased white matter flow
consensus criteria, which are neither derived from prospec-
EEG tive community-based studies on vascular factors affecting
• Compared to Alzheimer’s disease, more often normal. the cognition, nor based on detailed natural histories (Chui
If abnormal, more focal findings. Overall, abnormality et al., 1992; Román et al., 1993; Erkinjuntti, 1994, 1997;
increases with more severe intellectual decline Rockwood et al., 1994). All the cited criteria are mainly based
Laboratory on the ischaemic infarct concept and designed to have high
• No known specific tests. Often findings related to specificity, although they have been poorly implemented and
validated (Rockwood et al., 1994; Erkinjuntti, 1997).
concomitant diseases, e.g. hyperlipidaemia, diabetes,
cardiac abnormality The NINDS-AIREN criteria:

• emphasize heterogeneity of VaD syndromes and

(Ishii et al., 1986; Babikian and Ropper, 1987; Erkinjuntti, pathologic subtypes including not only ischaemic stroke
1987a; Román, 1987; Román et al., 1993, 2002). However, but also other causes of CVD including cerebral hypoxic-
often these focal neurological signs are subtle only (Fischer et ischaemic events, WMLs, and haemorrhagic strokes;
al., 1990; Skoog, 1997). • recognize the variability in clinical course, which may be
Patients with cortical VaD, having multiple cortico- static, remitting, or progressive;
subcortical infarcts often show field cut, lower facial weak- • highlight the question of the location of ischaemic
ness, lateralized sensorimotor changes and gait impairment lesions and the need to establish a causal relationship
(hemiplegic, apractic-atactic) (Erkinjuntti, 1987a). between vascular brain lesions and cognition;
Differential diagnosis 535

• recognize the need to establish a temporal relationship 43.9.1 Alzheimer’s disease

between stroke and dementia onset;
• include specific findings early in the course that support AD has typical neuropathological stages (transentorhinal,
a vascular rather than a degenerative cause; limbic and neocortical) corresponding to clinical stages
• emphasize the importance of brain imaging to support (preclinical, early and mild dementia) (Braak and Braak,
clinical findings; and 1991). Accordingly, AD is a typical stage concurrent disorder,
• give value of neuropsychological testing to document progressing from mild cognitive impairment (MCI), to early
impairments in multiple cognitive domains. predementia AD and then to stages of AD dementia
(Petersen, 1995), and is not a diagnosis of exclusion. Taken
The NINDS-AIREN criteria handle VaD as a syndrome the clinical series on differential diagnosis between AD and
with different aetiologies and different clinical manifest- VaD, the main limitations have included definition of the
ations and not as a single entity, and they list possible sub- cognitive syndrome, the dementia syndrome, definition of
types to be used in research studies. The focus is on the cause/aetiology of the dementia syndrome, and hetero-
consequences of CVD, but the criteria takes also into account geneity of patient populations, especially that of VaDs. The
different aetiologies. These criteria incorporate also different traditional concept of dementia has been based on the typi-
levels of certainty of the clinical diagnosis (probable, possible, cal clinical features of AD (McKhann et al., 1984; Erkinjuntti
definite). et al., 1997). The definition has been the prison of AD, as the
In a neuropathological series, sensitivity of the NINDS- focus has been early episodic memory impairment, more or
AIREN criteria for probable and possible VaD was 58 per less global cognitive syndrome, with progressive course, and
cent and specificity 80 per cent (Gold et al., 1997). The crite- major restrictions of ADL. These are features different from
ria successfully excluded AD in 91 per cent of cases, and the that in early cases of VaD, and these criteria merely detect an
proportion of combined cases misclassified as probable endstage of VaD.
VaD was 29 per cent. Compared with the other modern cri- The most widely used definition of the cause of these cog-
teria, the ADDTC criteria (Chui et al., 1992), the NINDS- nitive syndromes includes the NINDS-AIREN for probable
AIREN criteria are more specific and they better exclude VaD (Román et al., 1993) and the NINCDS-ADRDA for
combined cases (54 per cent versus 29 per cent). In a more probable AD (McKhann et al., 1984). These criteria define a
recent series the sensitivity of NINDS-AIREN criteria for stereotyped set of patient groups: probable VaD character-
probable VaD was 20 per cent and specificity 93 per cent; ized by abrupt onset, or fluctuating and stepwise course with
the corresponding figures for probable ADDTC were 25 and clinical signs of CVD and relevant CVD on brain imaging.
91 per cent (Gold et al., 2002). The interrater reliability of the On the contrary AD is characterized by insidious onset, pro-
NINDS-AIREN criteria is moderate to substantial (kappa 0.46 gressive course, without clinical signs of CVD and without
to 0.72) (Lopez et al., 1994). signs of CVD in brain imaging. Accordingly, in typical cases
the differentiation between probable VaD and AD using
common clinical tools is direct (Erkinjuntti et al., 1988).
43.9 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Hachinski Ischaemic Score has been widely used to differ-
entiate patients with VaD and AD (Hachinski et al., 1975)
(Table 43.1). In most clinical series the majority of the items
Differential diagnosis of VaD include besides differentiation differentiate VaD from probable AD – as a matter of fact this
between VaD and AD a number of other conditions is based on the clinical definitions used. However, in a large
(Box 43.6). We focus here on AD and AD  CVD.
Table 43.1 Hachinski Ischaemic Score
Box 43.6 Differential diagnosis of vascular dementia Item Score value

• Alzheimer’s disease Abrupt onset 2

• Alzheimer’s disease with cerebrovascular disease (CVD) Stepwise deterioration 1
• Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) Fluctuating course 2
• Non-ischaemic white matter lesions and dementia Nocturnal confusion
Relative preservation of personality
• Frontal lobe tumour Depression 1
• Intracranial mass Somatic complaints 1
• Vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (mixed) Emotional incontinence 1
• Lewy body dementia History of hypertension 1
• Frontotemporal dementia History of strokes 2
• Parkinson’s disease and dementia Evidence of associated atherosclerosis 1
• Progressive supranuclear palsy Focal neurological symptoms 2
• Multisystem atrophy Focal neurological signs 2
536 Vascular cognitive impairment

neuropathologically confirmed series by Moroney et al. i.e. evaluation of the type and extent of cognitive impairment;
(1997), the independent correlates of VaD were stepwise and second, the aetiological diagnosis, i.e. evaluation of vascu-
deterioration (OR 6.1), fluctuating course (OR 7.6), history lar cause(s) and related factors. The prevalent symptomatic
of hypertension (OR 4.3), history of stroke (OR 4.3) and his- categories besides dementia include delirium, circumscribed
tory of focal neurological symptoms (OR 4.4). neuropsychological syndromes, e.g. aphasia, and functional
psychiatric disorders, e.g. depression (Erkinjuntti, 1997).
Steps in the aetiological diagnosis include diagnosis of the
specific causes, especially the potentially treatable conditions,
43.9.2 Alzheimer’s disease with CVD evaluation of secondary factors able to affect the cognitive
functioning and more detailed differentiation between spe-
AD and CVD (mixed dementia) is a challenge. Increasing
cific causes, especially that between VaD and AD.
evidence shows that different vascular factors are related to
Elements in the clinical examination of the patients
AD, and frequently CVD coexist with AD (Kalaria and
with suspected vascular dementia have been detailed in
Ballard, 1999; Skoog et al., 1999). This overlap is increasingly
Box 43.7. The cornerstone in the evaluation are traditional
important in older populations. Clinical recognition of
clinical skills to perform detailed clinical and neurological
patients with mixed dementia or AD with CVD, however, is a
history and examination, including interview of a close
problem. As detailed in the neuropathological series of
informant. These patients are challenging and we should
Moroney et al. (1997) these patients have a clinical history
allocate enough time for the consultation, often 40–60
and signs of CVD, being clinically more close to VaD. In fact,
in this series fluctuating course (OR 0.2) and history of
Bedside mental status examination include the Mini-
strokes (OR 0.1) were the only items differentiating AD from
Mental State Examination (Folstein et al., 1975); it has limi-
the mixed cases.
tations as it emphasizes language, does not include timed
Problematic clinical examples include stroke unmasking
elements and recognition portion of the memory tests, is
AD in patients with post-stroke dementia, insidious onset
insensitive to mild deficits, and is influenced by education
and/or slow progressive course in VaD patients, and cases
and age. Other proposed screening instruments for VaD
where difficulty exists in assessing the role of less extensive
include a 4–10 word memory test with delayed recall, cube
WMLs or of distinct infarcts on neuroimaging. AD with
CVD (referred also as mixed dementia) could present clin-
ically either as AD with evidence of cerebrovascular lesions in
brain imaging, or with features of both AD and VaD Box 43.7 Clinical examinations of patients with suspected
(Rockwood et al., 1999). In a Canadian study, typical AD pre- vascular dementia
sentations with one or more features pointing to ‘vascular
Symptomatic diagnosis (type and extent of cognitive
aspects’, derived from the Hachinski Ischaemia Scale score,
were used successfully to diagnose AD  CVD in combina-
tion with neuroimaging of ischaemic lesions (Rockwood et al., • Interview of the patient and caregiver
2000). Vascular risk factors, and focal neurological signs and • Bedside mental status examination
symptoms were present more often in AD with CVD than in • Neuropsychological examination
‘pure’ AD. Other visible clinical clues for a diagnosis of AD • Assessment of social functions and activities of daily life
• Assessment of psychiatric and behavioural symptoms
with CVD were gained from analyses of disease course char-
acteristics, and presentations of patchy cognitive deficits, Aetiological diagnosis (vascular cause[s] and related
early onset of seizures or gait disorder. factors)
A solution to recognize patients with AD  CVD could • Clinical and neurological history and examination
be to find reliable biological markers of clinical AD. Potential • Ischaemic scores
markers include, for example, early prominent episodic • Brain imaging: computed tomography (CT) or preferably
memory impairment, early and significant medial temporal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain
lobe atrophy on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), bilateral • Routine laboratory investigations
parietal hypoperfusion on single photon emission computed • Chest X-ray
tomography (SPECT), change in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) • Electrocardiography (ECG)
-amyloid and tau-protein, or presence of ApoE 4 allele. • Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
• Electroencephalography (EEG)
• Extended laboratory investigations including coagulation
43.10 CLINICAL EXAMINATION • Doppler ultrasonography/magnetic angiography of the
carotid arteries
Clinical evaluation of patients with memory impairment has • Echocardiography
two diagnostic approaches: first, the symptomatic diagnosis, • 24-hour ECG and blood pressure monitoring
Prevention 537

drawing test for copy, verbal fluency test (number of animals EEG and SPECT are done, as well as examinations of the
named in 1 minute), and Luria’s alternating hang sequence extra- and intracranial arteries and detailed cardiological
or finger rings and letter cancellation test (neglect) (Román investigations.
et al., 1993). This has given rise to proposals to incorporate
such testing in future clinical trials, and to the development
of the vascular equivalent of the ADAS-cog, the VaDAS-cog
(Ferris and Gauthier, 2002).
Often more detailed neuropsychological tests and test
batteries are needed. The test battery should cover the main Primary prevention aims to reduce incident disease by elimi-
cognitive domains including memory functions (short- and nating its cause or the main risk factors (Last, 1988) (Table
long-term memory), abstract thinking, judgement, aphasia, 43.2). In primary prevention, the target is the person with a
apraxia, agnosia, orientation, attention, executive functions, ‘brain at risk’ of CVD before cognitive impairment or stroke
and speed of information processing (Erkinjuntti et al., 1997; occur. The intent is to treat putative risk factors and to pro-
Pohjasvaara et al., 1998; Hietanen et al., 2003; Tingus et al., mote protection. In this contexts the effect of primary pre-
2003). Assessment of a person’s social and emotional func- vention in populations free of cognitive impairment still
tioning is also part of basic evaluation. remains less well known. Most cardiovascular and cerebro-
Clinical evaluations to define the aetiological diagnosis vascular studies on primary prevention have missed the
include clinical and neurological history and examination opportunity to study cognition as an end point. The Medical
(Box 43.7). Research Council’s treatment trial of hypertension in older
Brain imaging should be performed at least once during the adults did not show an effect on subsequent cognitive function
initial diagnostic workout; because of its higher sensitivity and (Prince et al., 1996). In contrast, the SYST-EUR Study demon-
ability to demonstrate medial temporal lobe and basal fore- strated that the treatment of isolated systolic hypertension
brain areas MRI is preferred. Chest X-ray, electrocardiography in the elderly with a calcium-channel agent decreased signi-
and screening laboratory tests are part of the basic evaluation ficantly the incidence of dementia (Forette et al., 1998,
(Erkinjuntti and Sulkava, 1991; Amar and Wilcock, 1996; 2002). Other inferences about the positive effects of primary
Orrell and Wade, 1996; DeCarli and Scheltens, 2002). In prevention are based on cumulative experience with the
selected cases extended laboratory investigations, analysis treatment of vascular risk factors in the primary prevention
of the CSF, electroencephalography (EEG), quantitative of stroke.

Table 43.2 Prevention and treatment of vascular dementia

Degree of cognitive
Type of therapy Main target impairment Action
Primary Brain at risk of CVD and any Normal Treatment of and action on risk
cognitive impairment factors; promotion of protective
Secondary CVD brain at risk of VCI and Normal; mild diffuse in several; Diagnosis of the type of CVD; acute
VaD significant in one domain intervention on ischemic brain
changes; treatment according to CVD
type; untensifying treatment of risk
Slowing progression Risk of progression of VCI Significant in several domains; Intensifying primary and secondary
and VaD dementia prevention
Symptomatic Targeted medications to: increase
cerebral blood flow; support
neuronal metabolism; modify
neurotransmission; neuroprotection
Secondary factors Risk of intensifying VCI Treatment of secondary factors
and VaD affecting the cognition
AD strategies AD treatments to prevent, slow
progression and treat symptoms of
impairment of cognition and

AD, Alzheimer’s disease; CVD, cerebrovascular disease; VaD, vascular dementia; VCI, vascular cognitive impairment
538 Vascular cognitive impairment

Secondary prevention aims to prevent disease progression

by means of early detection and appropriate treatment. In
secondary prevention, the target is CVD in the brain at risk
of VCI and VaD. The basis of secondary prevention therefore A vascular aetiology underlay the use of several compounds
includes diagnosis and treatment of acute stroke in order to purported to be useful in the symptomatic treatment of VaD.
limit the extent of ischaemic brain changes and to promote These included antithrombotics, ergot alkaloids, nootropics,
recovery, prevention of recurrence of stroke, according to TRH-analogue, Ginkgo biloba extract, plasma viscosity drugs,
the type of CVD, slowing the progression of brain changes hyperbaric oxygen, antioxidants, serotonin and histamine
associated with VaD (e.g. ischaemic white matter lesions, receptor antagonists, vasoactive agents, xanthine derivates
management of risk factors of incident dementia), as well and calcium antagonists (Erkinjuntti, 1999; Doody et al.,
as intensifying treatment of risk factors. There have been sig- 2001; Erkinjuntti and Rockwood, 2001; Rockwood et al., 2002;
nificant advances in acute stroke therapy, particularly in Inzitari et al., 2003). These studies have mostly had negative
regard to antiplatelet agents, thrombolysis and acute stroke results, were based on small numbers, short treatment peri-
care (Wardlaw, 2001), although neuroprotection has been ods, variations in diagnostic criteria and tools, often included
disappointing (Gorelick, 2000). Treatments for recurrent mixed populations, and have had variations in the applica-
stroke prevention are also well defined (Gorelick, 2002). Selec- tion of clinical end points. Currently there is not a widely
tion of treatment is guided by the aetiology of CVD such as accepted standard symptomatic treatment of VaD (Doody
large artery disease (e.g. antiplatelet agents, carotid endarte- et al., 2001). Two drugs which were carefully studied are
rectomy), cardiac embolic events (e.g. anticoagulation), propentofylline (Rother et al., 1998) and nimodipine (Pantoni
small-vessel disease (e.g. aspirin), and haemodynamic mech- et al., 1996; Lopez-Arieta 2001).
anisms (e.g. control of hypotension and cardiac arrhythmias) Propentofylline, a glial modulator, is no longer under study
(Gorelick, 2002). Hypoxic ischaemic events (cardiac arrhyth- despite observed beneficial effect on learning and memory
mias, congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction, (Mielke et al., 1998). Unpublished results of several European
seizures, pneumonia) are important risk factors for incident and Canadian double-blind, placebo-controlled, random-
dementia in patients with stroke (Moroney et al., 1996). ized, parallel group trials on the efficacy and safety of long-
There is a dearth of knowledge on the effects of secondary term treatment with propentofylline, compared with placebo,
prevention of VaD. Most trials on acute stroke and secondary in patients with mild to moderate VaD according to NINDS-
prevention of stroke have missed the opportunity to study AIREN criteria (Román et al., 1993) have been shown as a
cognition as an end point. poster (Pischel, 1998). This 24-week study showed a signifi-
Perindopril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor cant symptomatic improvement and long-term efficacy in
used in a trial of secondary prevention of stroke (PROGRESS ADAS-Cog and CIBIC-plus up to 48 weeks. In addition, sus-
Collaborative Group, 2003), showed a beneficial effect (usually tained treatment effects for at least 12 weeks after withdrawal
coupled with the diuretic indapamide) in patients who had a were present suggesting an effect on disease progression.
previous stroke. Lowering of blood pressure was associated Nimodipine, a dihydropyridine calcium antagonist was
with a reduction in the risk of dementia and severe cogni- used in subcortical VaD. Nimodipine is held to effect vasodi-
tive impairment among patients who experienced recurrent latation, without a steal effect, so as to reduce the influx of
stroke. calcium ions into depolarized neurones. In consequence, it is
Given that HMG Co-A reductase inhibitors (statins) are held to have a neuroprotective effect that is not directly related
import in the secondary prevention of stroke (Callahan, to changes in cerebral blood flow. In addition the drug has a
2001), there are incentives to undertake trials in patients with specific effect on small vessels. Encouraging results from an
mild VaD. open-label trial (Pantoni et al., 1996) led to a subgroup
In general, drugs initiated for the treatment of CVD and analysis of a larger double-blind, placebo-controlled study
prevention of its adverse outcomes should be continued even known as the Scandinavian Multi-Infarct Dementia Trial.
as cognitive impairment manifests itself. Often, the drugs Patients were divided between MID and subcortical VaD
that modify vascular risk factors are used less frequently as groups, according to CT findings and were blindly assessed.
the dementia becomes more severe. As dementia progresses Nimodipine had a beneficial effect on attention and psy-
lower blood pressure is often seen with severe disease. In chomotor performances in the subcortical group, although,
small series, patients with VaD benefited from blood pressure no clear advantage was seen in the combined sample (Pantoni
control and cessation of smoking (Meyer et al., 1986). et al., 2000a, b). These preliminary results are currently being
Routine use of acetylsalicylic acid in VaD is controversial tested in an international, multicentre, randomized, double-
(Molnar et al., 1999). Effects of vitamins to reduce plasma blind trial enrolling patients with subcortical VaD, defined
homocysteine levels await randomized controlled trials on a clinical-radiological basis (Erkinjuntti et al., 2000). For
(Welch and Loscalzo, 1998). Further, the absence of progres- the moment, the Cochrane Collaboration review concluded
sive cognitive decline in patients receiving placebo in symp- that there is no convincing evidence that nimodipine is a
tomatic treatment trials of VaD may also reflect an effect of useful treatment for the symptoms of vascular dementia
intensified risk factor control (Rother et al., 1998). (Lopez-Arieta, 2001).
Treatment 539

43.12.1 Current treatment of VaD patients with (cortical) large-vessel type VaD (Möbius and
Stöffler, 2002).
At present, there is evidence-based data that two types of
drugs modulating neurotransmission abnormalities appear 43.12.2 Cholinergic dysfunction in VaD
to be useful in VaD; these neurotransmitter abnormalities are
acetylcholine deficit (acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, AChEIs) Cholinergic deficit in VaD, independently of any concomi-
and glutamate excess (memantine). tant AD pathology, has been documented. Cholinergic
Memantine is a moderate-affinity, voltage-dependent, structures are vulnerable to ischaemic damage. Indeed, hip-
uncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist with fast receptor pocampal CA1 neurones are particularly susceptible to
kinetics (Görtelmeyer and Erbler, 1992). Initial data from experimental ischaemia, and hippocampal atrophy is com-
a double-blind, placebo-controlled nursing home trial in mon in patients with VaD in the absence of AD (Vinters et al.,
severe dementia of mixed aetiology (51 per cent of patients 2000). Selden et al. (1998) described two highly organized
had VaD), showed that memantine (10 mg/day) was well tol- and discrete bundles of cholinergic fibres in human brains
erated, improved function, and reduced care dependency in that extend from the nucleus basalis to the cerebral cortex
treated patients with severe dementia, compared with and amygdala. Both pathways travel in the white matter, and
patients on placebo (Winblad and Poritis, 1998). Based on together carry widespread cholinergic input to the neocortex.
the hypothesis of glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in cere- Localized ischaemic focal lesions or white matter lesions may
bral ischaemia, two randomized, placebo-controlled 6-month interrupt these cholinergic bundles. Mesulam et al. (2003)
trials have studied memantine (20 mg/day) in patients with demonstrated cholinergic denervation from pathway lesions,
mild to moderate probable NINDS-AIREN VaD (Orgogozo in the absence of AD, in a young patient with CADASIL, a
et al., 2002; Wilcock et al., 2002). pure genetic form of VaD.
The study MMM 300 randomized 147 patients on In experimental rodent models, such as the spontaneously
memantine and 141 on placebo (Orgogozo et al., 2002). After hypertensive stroke-prone rat, there is a significant reduction
28 weeks, the mean ADAS-cog scores were significantly in cholinergic markers including acetylcholine (ACh) in the
improved relative to placebo: the memantine group mean neocortex, hippocampus and CSF (Togashi et al., 1994).
score had gained an average of 0.4 points, whereas the White matter infarction in rodent models results in substan-
placebo group mean score declined by 1.6, i.e. a difference of tial decreases in cholinergic markers, presumably through an
2.0 points (P  0.0016). The response rate for CIBIC-plus, impact on cholinergic projection fibres (Freidle, 1967). In
defined as improved or stable, was 60 per cent with meman- human disease there is a reported loss of cholinergic neu-
tine compared with 52 per cent with placebo (P  0.227). rones in 70 per cent of AD cases and in 40 per cent of VaD
The Gottfries-Bråne-Steen (GBS) Scale and the Nurses’ patients examined neuropathologically, and reduced ACh
Observation Scale for Geriatric Patients (NOSGER) total activity in the cortex, hippocampus, striatum and CSF
scores at week 28 did not differ significantly between the two (Court et al., 2002).
groups. However, the GBS Scale intellectual function sub-
score and the NOSGER disturbing behaviour dimension also
showed a difference in favour of memantine (P  0.04 and 43.12.3 Cholinesterase inhibitors in VaD
P  0.07, respectively).
The study MMM 500 randomized 277 patients on Four cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) have been approved for
memantine and 271 on placebo (Wilcock et al., 2002). At 28 use in AD: tacrine, donepezil, rivastigmine and galantamine.
weeks the active group had gained 0.53 and placebo declined In controlled trials, secondary outcomes have varied, but
by 2.28 points in ADAS-cog, a significant difference of 1.75 often included ADL and behavioural scales. Studies have
ADAS-cog points between the groups (P 0.05). The global shown a modest improvement of cognition peaking at
assessment CGIC, the MMSE, GBS or NOSGER did not 3 months and decline below the baseline or starting point
reveal differences between the groups. Memantine was well at 9–12 months. There is good evidence for stabilization of
tolerated in the two studies. In a post hoc pooled subgroup ADL decline for at least 6 months, and improvement of some
analysis of these two studies by baseline severity as assessed behaviours associated with AD (predominantly apathy and
by MMSE, the more advanced patients obtained a larger cog- hallucinations). A description of reasonable therapeutic
nitive benefit than the mildly affected patients did. The sub- expectations was published by Winblad et al. (2001).
group with an MMSE score 15 at baseline showed an By 2004 pivotal randomized clinical trials with ChEIs had
ADAS-cog improvement of 3.2 points over placebo (Möbius been conducted in patients with probable and possible VaD
and Stöffler, 2003). Subgroup analyses by radiological find- (donepezil) and in probable VaD or AD  CVD (galanta-
ings at baseline showed that the cognitive treatment effect for mine). A smaller series on SIVD with rivastigmine has been
memantine was more pronounced in the small vessel type published. Large clinical trials on VaD are ongoing with
group of patients who had no signs of cortical infarctions galantamine (GAL-INT-26) and rivastigmine (Vantage).
in their brain scans (CT or MRI). In addition, the placebo Donepezil’s safety and efficacy has been studied in the
decline in this group was clearly more pronounced than in largest clinical trial of pure VaD to date (Pratt et al., 2002). A
540 Vascular cognitive impairment

total of 1219 subjects were recruited for a 24-week, random- (P  0.0002). The MMSE also showed statistically significant
ized, placebo-controlled, multicentre, multinational study improvement versus placebo. The treated group showed as
divided in two identical trials, 307 and 308 (Black et al., 2003; well significant improvement in global function of the CIBIC-
Wilkinson et al., 2003). The patients were randomized to one plus in the 5 mg/day day group (P  0.004), which did not
of three groups: placebo, donepezil at a dosage of 5 mg/day or reach significance in the 10 mg/day group (P  0.047). CDR-
donepezil 10 mg/day. The group receiving 10 mg/day initially SB showed non-significant benefit in the 5 mg/day group, but
received 5 mg/day for 4 weeks; the dosage was then titrated was significant in the 10 mg/day group (P  0.03). The ADL
up to 10 mg/day. Patients with a diagnosis of either possible showed superiority in the donepezil-treated patients over
or probable VaD according to the NINDS-AIREN criteria placebo using the ADFACS in both treatment groups, which,
were eligible for inclusion in the study (Román et al., 1993). however, did not reach significance at the end of the study
All patients had brain imaging prior to the study (CT or compared with placebo.
MRI) with demonstration of relevant cerebrovascular lesions. Of interest, cognitive decline in untreated patients with
Patients with pre-existing AD were excluded, as were patients VaD in this trial was less severe than in placebo-treated
with the so-called ‘mixed dementia’, better defined as AD  patients with AD during 24 weeks of study, using similar
CVD. Although patients with concomitant AD may not be instruments. These differences were also noted for global
totally excluded, the NINDS-AIREN criteria are able to effects, measured by the CIBIC-plus version; and, in contrast
classify patients into probable or possible VaD categories with AD, patients with VaD showed actual improvements in
(Erkinjuntti et al., 1988; Gold et al., 2002). global function. In contrast with AD trials, these VaD studies
Probable VaD was present in 73 per cent of the patients in enrolled more men than women (58 per cent versus 38 per
the two studies. Probable VaD was diagnosed by the presence cent), their mean age was older (74.5  0.2 versus 72  0.2
of mild to moderate dementia, clinical and brain imaging years), their HIS score more elevated (6.6  0.2 versus 4),
evidence of relevant CVD, and a clear temporal relationship with higher percentages of subjects with hypertension, car-
between stroke and cognitive decline, with onset of dementia diovascular disease, diabetes, smoking, hypercholesterolaemia,
within 3 months of a clinically eloquent stroke or a stepwise previous stroke and TIAs, suggesting that the two populations
course. Possible VaD was diagnosed in cases with indolent are clearly different (Pratt et al., 2002).
onset of the cognitive decline, and accounted for 27 per cent Donepezil was generally well tolerated, although more
of the cases. Possible VaD included patients with silent adverse effects were reported in the 10 mg group than in the
stroke, extensive white matter disease or an atypical clinical 5 mg or placebo groups. The adverse effects were assessed as
course. There were no differences in trial results between mild to moderate and transient, and were typically diar-
these two subgroups. rhoea, nausea, arthralgia, leg cramps, anorexia and headache.
The end points included cognition measured with the The incidence of bradycardia and syncope was not signifi-
ADAS-cog, MMSE, global function as measured with the cantly different from the placebo group. The discontinuation
Clinicians’ Interview-Based Impression of Change – Plus rates for the groups were 15 per cent for placebo, 18 per cent
(CIBIC-plus), the Sum of Boxes of the Clinical Dementia for the 5 mg group, and 28 per cent for the 10 mg group.
Rating (CDR-SB) and ADL as measured with Alzheimer’s There was no significant interaction with the numerous
Disease Functional Assessment and Change Scale (ADFACS). cardiovascular medications and antithrombotic agents used by
In the study 307 (Black et al., 2003), the donepezil treat- this population. Donepezil was demonstrated to be effective
ment group showed statistically significant improvement in and well tolerated in the treatment of patients with VaD.
cognitive functioning measured by ADAS-cog; the mean Galantamine is a cholinesterase inhibitor that also
changes from baseline score was: donepezil 5 mg/day, 1.90 modulates central nicotinic receptors to increase cholinergic
(P  0.001); donepezil 10 mg/day, 2.33 (P 0.001). The neurotransmission. In a multicentre, double-blind, 6-month
MMSE also showed statistically significant improvement ver- randomized controlled trial patients diagnosed with probable
sus placebo. The treated group showed as well significant VaD, or with AD combined with CVD, received galantamine
improvement in global function on the CIBIC-plus in the 24 mg/day (n  396) or placebo (n  196) (Erkinjuntti et al.,
5 mg/day group (P  0.014), which did not reach signifi- 2002). Eligible patients met the clinical criteria of probable
cance in the 10 mg/day group (P  0.27). CDR-SB showed VaD of the NINDS-AIREN (Román et al., 1993), or possible
non significant benefit in the 5 mg/day group, but was signif- AD according to the NINCDS-ADRDA (McKhann et al.,
icant in the 10 mg/day group (P  0.022). The ADL showed 1984). They also showed significant radiological evidence of
significant benefits in donepezil-treated patients over placebo CVD on CT or MR (i.e. they had AD and CVD). Evidence of
using the ADFACS in both treatment groups (P 0.05). CVD on a recent (within 12 months) scan included multiple
In the study 308 (Wilkinson et al., 2003), the donepezil large-vessel infarcts or a single, strategically placed infarct
treatment group showed statistically significant improve- (angular gyrus, thalamus, basal forebrain, territory of the
ment in cognitive functioning measured with the ADAS-cog; posterior or anterior cerebral artery), or at least two basal
the mean changes from baseline score was: donepezil ganglia and white matter lacunae, or white matter changes
5 mg/day, 1.65 (P  0.003); donepezil 10 mg/day, 2.09 involving at least 25 per cent of the total white matter. They
References 541

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Leukoaraiosis and cognitive impairment


44.1 Leukoaraiosis: historical notes, definition and 44.4 Relevance of leukoaraiosis to cognitive impairment 550
radiological–pathological correlates 546 44.5 Conclusions 558
44.2 Leukoaraiosis: pathogenic aspects 548 References 559
44.3 Leukoaraiosis: epidemiological aspects 549 Suggested reading 564

44.1 LEUKOARAIOSIS: HISTORICAL the ependyma, together with the history of syphilis, made
NOTES, DEFINITION AND Binswanger’s a likely case of neurosyphilis. Accordingly,
RADIOLOGICAL–PATHOLOGICAL Olszewski proposed the term subcortical arteriosclerotic
CORRELATES encephalopathy to describe ‘a form of cerebral arterioscler-
osis in which vessels of the white matter and subcortical grey
44.1.1 Historical notes matter are affected predominantly’ (Olszewski, 1962). In
subsequent years, the diagnosis of ‘Binswanger’s disease’
A possible relation between cerebral white matter changes remained restricted to rare descriptions, and careful revision
and impairment in cognitive functions was first suggested by of previous cases shows that many of them were ascribable to
Binswanger. In 1894, in a lengthy manuscript dealing with heterogeneous pathological processes (Pantoni et al., 1996b;
the differential diagnosis of general paresis of the insane, Pantoni and Garcia, 1996).
Binswanger described the case of a syphilitic man in his The diagnosis of ‘Binswanger’s disease’ acquired new popu-
mid-50s, who had developed a progressive decline in mental larity after the introduction of computed tomography (CT)
functions characterized by speech and memory disorders, and the first reports based exclusively on clinical-radiological
depression and personality changes (Binswanger, 1894; Blass findings (Rosenberg et al., 1979) that led many to assume
et al., 1991). At autopsy, the dura mater at the base of the that ‘Binswanger’s disease’ could be diagnosed premortem
skull showed granular deposits; there was minimal intra- (Loizou et al., 1981; Tomonaga et al., 1982; Young et al., 1983;
cranial atherosclerosis, considerable enlargement of the lateral Bradley et al., 1984a; Kinkel et al., 1985, 1986; Gerard and
ventricles, marked atrophy of the cerebral white matter, and Weisberg, 1986). However, it soon became apparent that alter-
multiple ependymal thickenings (Binswanger, 1894; Blass et al., ations of the hemispheric white matter, detected by either CT
1991). Binswanger neither provided microscopic descrip- or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were common both
tions nor illustrated any findings of this single case, which in symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects.
remained the sole publication in which he dealt with the topic Careful discussion about the historical appropriateness
of white matter disease (Schneider and Wieczorek, 1991). In and usefulness of the eponym ‘Binswanger’s disease’ is beyond
1902, Alzheimer referred to the case described by his mentor the scope of this chapter and has been already dealt with in a
Otto Binswanger, added a short histological description of collection of papers (Bogousslavsky et al., 1996). Nowadays,
what he considered was an analogous case and, intuitively, many authors still use the eponym to describe a form of vas-
attributed the white matter changes to arteriosclerosis of the cular dementia with prevalent damage of subcortical struc-
long penetrating vessels (Alzheimer, 1902; Schorer, 1992). tures. Bennett et al. (1990) have proposed clinical criteria
In 1962, Olszewski was the first to doubt that Binswanger’s for ‘Binswanger’s disease’ which, unfortunately, were val-
original report contained sufficient data to define a new dis- idated against pathological criteria on which no consensus
ease, and suggested that the lesions in the dura mater and in exists. In the NINDS-AIREN criteria for vascular dementia
Leukoaraiosis: historical notes, definition and radiological–pathological correlates 547

‘Binswanger’s disease’ somehow overlaps with the more general rating that can be used for both CT and MRI (Wahlund et al.,
definition of ‘small-vessel disease with dementia’ (Román et al., 2001), the development of methods to convert the score of
1993). Therefore what is by some still considered as a one visual rating scale into that of another (Pantoni et al.,
well-defined disease entity (‘Binswanger’s disease’) probably 2002), and definition of the agreement between visual and
represents only the most severe expression of a pathological volumetric assessment of white matter changes (Kapeller
process-radiological picture encompassing normal and et al., 2003).
pathological states without a clear cut-off. In recent years, computer-assisted volumetric evaluation of
LA as detected by MRI has been used and proposed as a more
valuable tool to assess the impact of these changes on clinical
44.1.2 Definition of leukoaraiosis functions (Schmidt et al., 1993). Volumetric assessment tech-
niques are time consuming but likely more reliable than visual
The term leukoaraiosis (originally leuko-araiosis) (LA) is a rating for the assessment of the progression of LA that is to be
neologism coined in the 1980s to describe the radiological considered a rather slow but measurable process (Kapeller et
alterations detected by CT in the brains of elderly neurologic- al., 2003). One of the most relevant advances in the field is the
ally normal subjects and, more frequently, in demented recent demonstration of the progression of white matter
patients (Hachinski et al., 1986, 1987). The term derives changes in a group of patients with severe degrees of LA
from the Greek leuko (white) and araiosis (rarefaction), and (Schmidt et al., 2003). Also based on the experience gathered
was intentionally meant to be descriptive in an attempt to in other neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis, the
overcome the diffuse tendency to identify these neuroimag- volumetric assessment of LA has thus been proposed as an
ing abnormalities of uncertain origin and unclear clinical outcome measure for clinical trials focused on small vessel-
significance with a disease. LA designates areas of hypoden- related diseases that are characterized by prominent LA, such
sity on CT in the periventricular or subcortical white matter. as subcortical vascular dementia (Schmidt et al., 2004).
The lesions can be focal, initially confluent, or diffuse accord-
ing to the severity; are usually symmetric in the two hemi-
spheres; and can be differentiated from other cerebrovascular 44.1.3 Radiological-pathological correlates
processes such as territorial infarcts. In the original group of leukoaraiosis
of papers that reported on the new term and on the clinical
correlates of LA, only CT-detected lesions were considered The pathological correlates of LA are not definitely estab-
(Hachinski et al., 1987; Inzitari et al., 1987; Steingart et al., lished. At the histological level, heterogeneous changes may
1987a, b). However, in the following years the term leuko- all result in radiological pictures of white matter hypodensity
araiosis was also used to describe the MRI white matter on CT and hyperintensity on MRI. A number of studies have
lesions of analogue significance. On MRI these lesions appear investigated the radiological-pathological correlates of LA,
as areas of hyperintensity on T2-weighted images and, given performing either neuroimaging and pathological studies
the better spatial resolution of this technique, can be differ- after a short interval or post-mortem MRI examination.
entiated into those in the periventricular region and those LA in the periventricular white matter correlates with
in the deep white matter of the corona radiata or centrum decreased myelin content (Sze et al., 1986; Leifer et al., 1990;
semiovale. A number of studies then pointed out differences, Fazekas et al., 1991; Grafton et al., 1991; van Swieten et al.,
similarities and correlations between the lesions detected by 1991a; Chimowitz et al., 1992; Scarpelli et al., 1994; Moody
CT and MRI (Brant-Zawadzki et al., 1983; Bradley et al., 1984b; et al., 1995), loss of ependymal cell layer, reactive gliosis (the
Salgado et al., 1986; Zimmerman et al., 1986; Erkinjuntti combination of the two above is also called granular
et al., 1987a; Johnson et al., 1987; Lechner et al., 1988). ependymitis) at the tip of the frontal horns (Sze et al., 1986;
Recently, a systematic approach to the harmonization of CT Jungreis et al., 1988; Fazekas et al., 1991; Grafton et al., 1991;
and MRI LA rating has also been proposed (Pantoni et al., Chimowitz et al., 1992; Scarpelli et al., 1994), as well as with
2002). increased content of periependymal extracellular fluid, and
Over the following years, a large number of visual scales with smaller and fewer number of axons per unit area (Sze
have been developed to rate and classify LA mainly in order et al., 1986). Some authors also have described enlarged
to detect a cut-off score to define a pathological status. These perivascular spaces at these periventricular locations (Grafton
scales are described in detailed in a review paper (Scheltens et al., 1991) but, because small lesions in the periventricular
et al., 1998). Being based on visual evaluation, many scales white matter exist in all age groups (Sze et al., 1986; Moody
are prone to high interrater variability. The complexity of dif- et al., 1995), many authors do not consider these as indicative
ferent scales is very variable. The scales based on MRI evalu- of true pathology.
ation are usually more complex than those based on CT. The histological correlates of subcortical white matter
Based on the above mentioned collaborative work by the changes, detectable by MRI, are less consistent than those
European Task Force on Age-Related White Matter Changes, reported for periventricular white matter changes. In these
harmonization of the scales has been proposed. The main MRI studies, tiny focal abnormalities correspond to enlarged
results of this collaboration are the creation of a new visual perivascular spaces (Chimowitz et al., 1992; Scarpelli et al.,
548 Leukoaraiosis and cognitive impairment

1994), small cavitary infarcts (or lacunes) (Braffman et al., in the small vessels (loss of smooth muscle cells, fibrohyalin-
1988a; Marshall et al., 1988; Muñoz et al., 1993), demyelinat- ization of the tunica media, thickening of the wall) are com-
ing plaques, brain cysts and congenital diverticuli of the lat- monly seen in areas of white matter alterations and have
eral ventricles (Braffman et al., 1988b). MRI methods seem been associated particularly with ageing, arterial hyperten-
adequate to distinguish between enlarged perivascular sion and diabetes mellitus (Alex et al., 1962; Furuta et al.,
Virchow–Robin spaces and lacunar infarcts (Braffman et al., 1991; Ostrow and Miller 1993). These changes may result in
1988b; Jungreis et al., 1988). The more typical diffuse lesions stenosis or occlusion of the vessels with consequent sudden
in the centrum semiovale have been related to myelin rar- or more chronic oligoaemia of the parenchyma. Moreover,
efaction that in most instances spares the U fibres (Révész the arteriolosclerotic changes lead the small arteries and arteri-
et al., 1989; Chimowitz et al., 1992). Sometimes these diffuse oles located in the deep white matter and basal ganglia to lose
lesions are accompanied by astrogliosis (Fazekas et al., 1991, their physiologic capacity to dilate and constrict in response
1993) and diffuse vacuolization of the white matter (Muñoz to variations of systemic blood pressure (autoregulation).
et al., 1993). The white matter rarefaction corresponds to loss Accordingly, the areas supplied by these vessels may suffer
of myelinated axons, decreased number of oligodendrocytes, from cerebral blood flow fluctuations (either drops or
and vacuolation without clear aspects of necrosis (Awad increases) in response to changes of systemic blood pressure.
et al., 1986b; Lotz et al., 1986; Janota et al., 1989; Révész et al., Both these types of mechanism may be particularly harm-
1989). Thickening of the wall of the small vessels (arteri- ful to the brain parenchyma since the blood supply of the
olosclerosis) is commonly found in areas of white matter rar- deep cerebral structures is of the terminal type with scarce, if
efaction (Lotz et al., 1986; Marshall et al., 1988; Révész et al., any, anastomoses (Rowbotham and Little, 1965; Van den
1989; Leifer et al., 1990; Fazekas et al., 1991; van Swieten Bergh and van der Eecken, 1968). This vascular damage to
et al., 1991b). the white matter would not be sufficient to provoke complete
necrosis of the tissue (with the exception of some areas where
true lacunar infarcts are recognizable) but could cause select-
ive damage to some histological components. Brun and
Englund were among the first to propose that the diffuse
changes of the white matter seen in demented patients were
The pathogenesis of LA is still under investigation although to be considered a form of incomplete infarction (Brun and
the most recent data all point to a possible vascular (i.e. Englund, 1986). Although this remains a hypothesis, there
related to vessel disease) origin of these changes. Which vas- are now experimental data showing that white matter com-
cular mechanism is involved cannot be considered, however, ponents are extremely vulnerable to ischaemia and can be
as definitively clarified. damaged in the absence of neuronal injury (Pantoni et al.,
Since the original, although largely incomplete and anec- 1996a; Petito et al., 1998).
dotal, reports by Binswanger (Binswanger, 1894; Blass et al., As far as the pathogenesis of LA in Alzheimer’s disease
1991) and Alzheimer (Alzheimer, 1902; Schorer, 1992), the (AD) is concerned, there are a few hypotheses that have been
white matter changes seen in demented patients were intui- put forward. The majority of AD patients show cerebral amyl-
tively linked with vessel abnormalities. More recently, a num- oid angiopathy, another type of small vessel disease. Cerebral
ber of clues suggest that vascular, and more specifically amyloid angiopathy is histologically characterized by thick-
ischaemic, mechanisms are responsible for these alterations ening of the wall of small- and medium-size subarachnoid
(Pantoni and Garcia, 1997). Among these are: and cortical arteries and arterioles caused by the deposition
in the media and adventitia of an amorphous, eosinophilic
• The higher frequency of LA in patients with
material that shows typical yellow-green birefringence when
cerebrovascular diseases and in subjects with vascular
stained with Congo Red and viewed under polarized light
risk factors (arterial hypertension, heart disease, diabetes
(Vinters, 1987). The hypothesis that amyloid angiopathy in
mellitus, etc.) (Liao et al., 1996; Longstreth et al., 1996);
AD patients may be causally linked to white matter alter-
• The higher frequency of cardiovascular events at follow
ations is supported by the observation that subcortical
up in patients with LA (Inzitari et al., 1995, 1997;
leukoencephalopathy was demonstrated in patients with
Longstreth et al., 2002; Wong et al., 2002; Yamauchi et al.,
cerebral amyloid angiopathy who lacked changes characteris-
2002; Henon et al., 2003; Vermeer et al., 2003a);
tic of AD (Gray et al., 1985; Tabaton et al., 1991).
• Some preliminary observations by positron emission
The hypothesis that white matter damage in patients with
tomography showing an ischaemic state of areas of LA
AD might simply reflect Wallerian changes secondary to cor-
(Yao et al., 1992);
tical loss of neurones (Leys et al., 1991) seems less likely. The
• The recent demonstration of the high susceptibility of
histological markers of Wallerian changes, such as abundant
white matter components to ischaemia (Pantoni et al.,
lipid-laden macrophages, are in fact missing in most areas of
1996a; Petito et al., 1998; Pantoni, 2000).
leukoencephalopathy. Moreover, it is difficult to understand
Central to the vascular theory is the role played by deep why many AD patients with severe cortical atrophy and loss
small vessel alterations. Changes of the arteriolosclerotic type of neurones lack demonstrable white matter changes at
Leukoaraiosis: epidemiological aspects 549

autopsy (Brun and Englund, 1986). Magnetic resonance et al., 1995; Dichgans et al., 1998; Desmond et al., 1999; Sarti
spectroscopy data confirm that decreases in myelin phospho- and Pantoni, 2000). Moreover, migraine in young ages is
lipids exist in areas of LA, in the absence of changes in the another hallmark of the disease. From the radiological point
concentration of N-acetyl-aspartate, a marker for neuronal of view, CADASIL patients present with diffuse cerebral
perikarya (Constans et al., 1995). This reinforces the hypoth- white matter alterations associated with small focal lesions of
esis that the changes in the white matter can occur independ- the lacunar type. Histological studies have shown a degener-
ent of the alterations involving the grey matter. A second ation of small vessel smooth muscle cells with deposition of
possible cause of white matter damage in AD patients are granular osmiophilic material in the vessel wall (Ruchoux
changes affecting the tunica media and tunica adventitia of and Maurage, 1997; Sarti and Pantoni, 2000). The epidemi-
the white matter vessels, the extent and frequency of which is ological relevance of CADASIL is under evaluation. Once
higher than in age-matched controls (Brun and Englund, 1986; reputed a rare disease, the number of described patients is
Scheltens et al., 1995). A third possible cause could be changes now continuously increasing with cases reported at older
in the permeability of the blood–brain barrier to proteins and ages and with more benign course raising the possibility of
the accumulation of fluid in the extracellular space. This different patterns of transmission or penetrance (Pantoni
leakiness might be the result of structural alterations, such as et al., 2004).
thickening of the basal lamina and pericapillary gliosis affect- Genetic factors may also contribute, by interaction with
ing the precapillary arterioles (Buée et al., 1994). conventional risk factors, to the development of white matter
As alternatives to the possible ischaemic origin of LA, injury in non-familiar cases. The heritability of LA has been
other hypotheses have been raised. In our view, these mech- shown by two studies in a consistent extent of about 65–70
anisms are not mutually exclusive and may concur to the per cent (Carmelli et al., 1998; Turner et al., 2004). Among
development of the final pathological picture. The small ves- possible genetic factors, angiotensinogen gene promoter
sel alterations also could lead to damage of the blood–brain haplotype (Schmidt et al., 2001) and paraoxonase specific
barrier and chronic leakage of fluid and macromolecules in polymorphisms (Schmidt et al., 2000) already have been
the white matter. White matter changes characterized by pal- found to be associated with LA. Another genetic factor with
lor sparing the U fibres, accompanied by reactive astrogliosis possible influence on the presence an extension of LA could
and small vessel thickening have been described in condi- be apolipoprotein (ApoE). The ApoE 4 allele (Skoog et al.,
tions with antecedent brain oedema (Feigin and Popoff, 1998) has been associated with damage of cerebral subcortical
1963). This suggests that transient cerebral oedema might be structures in one CT-based community survey, while the 2-
an additional cause of white matter changes. The increased 3 ApoE genotype has been found to be associated with white
interstitial fluid concentration in abnormal white matter matter changes among population subjects free of neuro-
may be also a consequence of arterial hypertension. The psychiatric disease (Schmidt et al., 1997). While the possible
blood–brain barrier may be leaky, and the capillary permea- specific role of these genetic factors in the origin of LA remains
bility to proteins may be increased in patients with systemic to be explored, their influence could explain why not all the
hypertension (Nag, 1984). Abnormalities in the blood–brain patients with vascular risk factors, for example hypertension,
barrier, in the form of increased concentration of cere- develop white matter alterations at follow up.
brospinal fluid proteins, have been described in a group of
patients with LA (Pantoni et al., 1993) and in a pathological
series of patients with subcortical vascular encephalopathy
(Akiguchi et al., 1998). In addition to the effects of sustained
hypertension, hypertensive bouts of short duration could
cause fluid transudation and protein leakage.
In addition to acquired vascular risk factors and condi- LA is frequently detected by CT and MRI both in asymp-
tions, genetically determined factors also could play an tomatic people older than 60 years and in cognitively impaired
important role in the development of white matter alter- individuals, especially those who have evidence of either
ations in the elderly. At least one form of vascular leukoen- cerebrovascular disease or risk factors associated with stroke
cephalopathy exists that is genetically determined. It is called (Pantoni and Garcia, 1995). Among series of patients with
CADASIL (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with dementia of presumed vascular origin, LA is detected by CT
subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy) and has been with a frequency ranging from 41 to 100 per cent (London
recently recognized and genetically characterized (Joutel et al., 1986; Inzitari et al., 1987; Erkinjuntti et al., 1987a, b;
et al., 1996). It is caused by a point mutation in the Notch3 Aharon-Peretz et al., 1988; Jayakumar et al., 1989; Wallin
gene located on chromosome 19p13.1. The clinical features et al., 1989; Kobari et al., 1990a, b; Parnetti et al., 1990;
of CADASIL are similar to those encountered in patients Räihä et al., 1993), and by MRI in 64 to 100 per cent of the
with sporadic age-related LA (cognitive deterioration, mood cases (Erkinjuntti et al., 1987a; Fazekas et al., 1987; Hershey
and gait disorders, recurrent subcortical strokes), but the age et al., 1987; Kertesz et al., 1990; Kobari et al., 1990b; Mirsen
of onset of these disturbances is classically in the fourth and et al., 1991; Almkvist et al., 1992; Liu et al., 1992; Schmidt,
fifth decades and the course is usually very severe (Chabriat 1992; Wahlund et al., 1994). Although the frequency of LA is
550 Leukoaraiosis and cognitive impairment

the highest in patients with cerebrovascular diseases, with or Table 44.1 Frequency of MRI-detected white matter changes in
without dementia, a large proportion of AD patients, ranging population based studies
from 19 to 78 per cent in CT-based studies have LA (George
Number of Prevalence
et al., 1986a; London et al., 1986; Erkinjuntti et al., 1987a;
subjects of white
Inzitari et al., 1987; Rezek et al., 1987; Steingart et al., 1987b; evaluated matter
Aharon-Peretz et al., 1988; Erkinjuntti et al., 1989; Fazekas Author Age by MRI changes
et al., 1989; Wallin et al., 1989; Kobari et al., 1990a, b; Blennow
et al., 1991; Diaz et al., 1991; Lopez et al., 1992; Räihä et al., Lindgren et al., 1994 35 77 62.3%*
Breteler et al., 1994b 65–84 111 27%*
1993), and from 7.5 to 100 per cent in MRI studies (George
Ylikoski et al., 1995 55–85 128 PVH: 39%
et al., 1986b; Erkinjuntti et al., 1987a; Fazekas et al., 1987;
DWH: 22%
Bondareff et al., 1988; Wilson et al., 1988; Fazekas et al., 1989; Schmidt et al., 1996 45–75 355 44.8%*
Kertesz et al., 1990; Kobari et al., 1990b; Kozachuk et al., 1990; Longstreth et al., 1996 65 3301 95.6%*
McDonald et al., 1991; Mirsen et al., 1991; Almkvist et al., 1992; Liao et al., 1996 55–72 1920 85%*
Schmidt, 1992; Wahlund et al., 1994; Waldemar et al., 1994).
However, the changes in white matter density are usually less * Considering any degree of white matter changes
DWH, deep white matter hyperintensities; PVH, periventricular
severe in AD patients than in those with cerebrovascular dis- hyperintensities
orders (Fazekas et al., 1987; Steingart et al., 1987b; Bowen
et al., 1990; Kertesz et al., 1990; Almkvist et al., 1992; Wahlund
et al., 1994).
severe LA among non-demented subjects of this age group
LA in normal controls is usually less severe than in
(Skoog et al., 1994). In the same Swedish community an
demented patients (Harrell et al., 1991; Schmidt, 1992;
ongoing survey has recently reported the presence of LA of
Waldemar et al., 1994), but is, however, frequent, occurring in
any degree to be present in about 55 per cent of the subjects
up to 21 per cent of asymptomatic subjects evaluated with CT
with a mean age of 74 years (Simoni et al., 2003).
(London et al., 1986; Inzitari et al., 1987; Steingart et al., 1987a;
Discrepant data on the frequency of LA across studies can
Kobari et al., 1990b; Räihä et al., 1993; George et al., 1986a;
be attributed to the inclusion of subjects of different ages or
Rezek et al., 1987; Fazekas et al., 1989) and up to 100 per cent
with different frequency of associated vascular risk factors. In
among those evaluated with MRI (George et al., 1986b;
addition, in MRI studies, the diverse strengths of magnetic
Fazekas et al., 1987, 1988; Fazekas, 1989; Hendrie et al., 1989;
field and variations in pulse sequence may lead to different
Hunt et al., 1989; Rao et al., 1989; Bowen et al., 1990; Kertesz
results. Other possible reasons are the different criteria used
et al., 1990; Kobari et al., 1990b; Kozachuk et al., 1990;
for defining LA, including whether minimal periventricular
Zubenko et al., 1990; McDonald et al., 1991; Mirsen et al.,
lesions are considered or not.
1991; Schmidt et al., 1991, 1993; Almkvist et al., 1992; Boone
et al., 1992; Schmidt, 1992; Tupler et al., 1992; Waldemar
et al., 1994). The prevalence of MRI-detected LA in the general
population has been evaluated in some recent community-
based studies (Breteler et al., 1994b; Lindgren et al., 1994;
Schmidt et al., 1995; Ylikoski et al., 1995; Liao et al., 1996;
Longstreth et al., 1996). The figures are shown in Table 44.1. 44.4.1 Specificity of the association
Although figures are variable, the frequency of LA in these between leukoaraiosis, dementia
studies generally is very high. When any degree of white mat- and dementia type
ter alterations was considered, almost all the subjects in the
sample proved to have LA (Liao et al., 1996; Longstreth et al., The first reports of radiologically detected white matter
1996). In all these studies the severity and the extent of changes regarded anecdotal cases of patients with dementia
hyperintense images in the white matter increased with age. and other neurological deficits consistent with the diagnosis
One of these studies (Liao et al., 1996) evaluated the pos- of ‘Binswanger’s disease’. In ensuing studies of series of
sible difference in frequency of white matter alterations and patients collected for presenting with white matter abnor-
risk factors between white and African American subjects. malities on CT, dementia or intellectual impairment was not
The higher prevalence of LA among African Americans was invariably present (Valentine et al., 1980; Goto et al., 1981;
explained by the higher prevalence of hypertension in this Loizou et al., 1981). The prevalence of demented patients
racial group. No data exist so far on the prevalence of white varied across these series according to the different study set-
matter changes among Asians among whom hypertension is tings and selection. The frequency of mental deterioration
highly prevalent. appeared to increase with the extension of white matter dis-
Only one study has used CT to estimate the prevalence of ease in a study performed in two Japanese geriatric hospitals
white matter changes in the population. The study performed (Goto et al., 1981). All 15 patients in the series of Loizou et al.
in Sweden in a cohort of very old (85-year-old) subjects selected for fulfilling diagnostic criteria for a diagnosis of
reported an over-30 per cent prevalence of moderate to subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy were mildly to
Relevance of leukoaraiosis to cognitive impairment 551

moderately demented (Loizou et al., 1981). Mental abnor- Schmidt (1992) made similar observations comparing
malities included mostly impaired visual-motor skills and MRI scans of 31 patients with vascular dementia with those
executive functions, mood and other frontal lobe disturb- of 27 patients with AD type dementia and those of 18 normal
ances related to white matter disease predominantly located controls. Almost all the vascular dementia patients had white
in the frontal lobes. In the same study, a second small series of matter changes; these consisted in irregular periventricular
clinically unselected patients with white matter changes halos in 94 per cent of patients, whereas large confluent sub-
comprised subjects who were not demented, and, who, cortical lesions were observable in only half of these patients.
according to the authors, could exemplify early stages of sub- AD patients showed almost exclusively punctate lesions which,
cortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy (Loizou et al., 1981). however, were present in the large majority (78 per cent) of
LA was then examined in series of demented patients com- the patients. These findings suggest that between the two
pared with non-demented controls. These studies provided types of dementia, besides difference in the absolute preva-
conclusive evidence that the mere presence of LA was not syn- lence of white matter lesions, there are quantitative differences
onymous with dementia. George et al. (1986a) were the first and different morphological patterns, possibly expressing
to indicate that what they called ‘brain lucencies’ were observ- different pathological substrates.
able in demented patients as well as in normal aged individ- The study by Hershey et al. (1987) found no statistically
uals and a strict correlation with age was observed. They also significant difference in the prevalence of white matter
suggested that in their AD patients the presence of lucencies lesions between cerebrovascular patients with and without
seemed to worsen the dementing disorder. MRI soon proved dementia, confirming that cerebral vascular disease is more
to be more sensitive than CT in revealing changes in white important than dementia in relation to these lesions.
matter. Awad et al. (1986a) investigated ‘incidental subcortical Ventricular enlargement was the only abnormality discrim-
lesions’ on MRI scans of elderly individuals. Prevalence of inating between demented and non-demented patients in this
these lesions was definitely correlated with increasing age, his- study. Tanaka et al. (1989) performed a similar study in the
tory of hypertension and ischaemic cerebrovascular disease, setting of lacunar infarction. Demented patients had more
but was independent of any particular clinical entity, includ- severe white matter disease, but also a greater degree of brain
ing dementia. However, George et al. (1986b) found that in atrophy.
demented patients the extent of white matter involvement on From the evaluation of these first cross-sectional and
MRI was greater than in normal controls. observational data all the difficulties and uncertainties linked
A similar finding was reported by others (Rezek et al., with the interpretation of the pathophysiological role of LA
1987). In a study of demented patients compared with age- in relation to dementia emerge, even in relation to the vascu-
matched controls, Inzitari et al. (1987) addressed the ques- lar dementia setting where LA is most frequently observable,
tion to what extent LA was linked with dementia, adjusting and where the current view considers white matter changes
for factors associated with both conditions. Prevalence of LA an important factor to be taken into account. Regarding LA
was 35 per cent among 140 demented patients and about 11 associated with AD, we have seen that, after the first obser-
per cent among 110 aged controls, a difference that was stat- vations, this rather surprising finding has been reported
istically highly significant. However, the strong association repeatedly, although with a wide variation in the observed
between dementia and LA disappeared in a multivariate stat- prevalence.
istical model including vascular risk factors and history of
stroke as possible confounding factors, and the association
between dementia and LA turned out mainly to be explained 44.4.2 Effect of leukoaraiosis on severity of
by the effect of stroke. In this study, history of stroke proved dementia and on pattern of cognitive
to be the major independent predictor of LA and deep lacu- impairment
nar infarct was the stroke type most frequent among demented
patient with stroke history. Regarding dementia types, 100 Several early studies attempted to evaluate the impact of
per cent of patients classified as having multi-infarct demen- white matter abnormality on the severity of dementia or on
tia had LA. However, 33 per cent of the patients classified in pattern of cognitive impairment (Table 44.2). Patients included
the AD subgroup also showed LA. in these studies were for the large majority AD patients.
This last finding, while confirming previous observations, Concerning neuropsychological measurements, there were
was in contrast with the very low prevalence (1.5 per cent) of studies that employed screening tools for dementia or demen-
LA in AD patients found by Erkinjuntti et al. (1987b) in a tia scales, and studies that used comprehensive test batteries
study of the same period. The difference appeared less marked, or tests of selective cognitive functions.
but still significant, when MRI was used to replicate the study From the evaluation of the results reported in Table 44.2,
(Erkinjuntti et al., 1987a); all the 29 vascular dementia patients the following conclusions may be made. First, CT studies are
had white matter changes in this second study, as opposed to 8 not numerous and their results seem to be much influenced
of 22 (36 per cent) in the AD group. These findings induced by the effect of age. In one population-based study examin-
the authors to indicate imaging techniques as a tool for dis- ing a fairly wide patient sample in the oldest age group,
criminating between different dementia types. demented patients compared with and without LA, proved
552 Leukoaraiosis and cognitive impairment

Table 44.2 Studies examining the impact of leukoaraiosis on severity of dementia, or type of cognitive impairment in demented patients

No. of Mean age of patients

patients with with LA/patients without Association () of cognitive impairment with
Authors LA/total sample LA or of total sample LA and type of impairment
CT studies
Steingart et al., 1987b 39/113 75.2/70.0 Lower score of Extended Scale for Dementia among
AD patients with LA accounted for by age
Significantly lower score among less advanced AD
cases with LA
Johnson et al., 1987 36 69.8 Correlation with dementia severity on the Blessed
Diaz et al., 1991 34/85 75.1/68.0 Correlation with dementia severity on Extend Scale for
Lopez et al., 1992 22 72.5 No correlation with MMSE and Blessed Scale scores
Skoog et al., 1996 67/98 85 Demented subjects with LA scoring lower in tests of
spatial ability and secondary memory
Amar et al., 1996 37/68 75.2/71.6 AD patients with LA performing worse on test of
visuospatial function and cognitive speed
MRI studies
Fazekas et al., 1987 13/16 nr No correlation with dementia severity
Kertesz et al., 1990 19/38 74.0/72.1 Attention and comprehension deficit among
demented patient with LA
Kozachuk et al., 1990 4/22 66.7 No correlation with dementia severity (MMSE)
Bondareff et al., 1990 18/19 78.6 Correlation with Blessed and MMSE scores, deficit of
verbal memory, naming, and attention
Libon et al., 1990 8/40 72.6/75.1 No correlation with scores of any selective function
test in a comprehensive test battery
Leys et al., 1990 17 64.5 No correlation with MMSE score
Bowen et al., 1990 113 73.0 No correlation with MMSE score
Harrell et al., 1991 45 68.8 Patients with severe periventricular hyperintensities
worse in total MDRS and MDRS memory subscale
Mirsen et al., 1991 38/41 nr No association with Extended Scale for Dementia
McDonald et al., 1991 12/22 64.1 No correlation with MMSE score
Almkvist et al., 1992 48/105 78.7/72.3 Patients with LA more impaired in attention,
visuoconstruction, and finger motor speed
Bennett et al., 1992 29/106 73.4/70.7 No correlation with MMSE score
Marder et al., 1995 55 70.5 No correlation between number of lesions or periven-
tricular caps and MMSE or Blessed scale score
O’Brien et al., 1996b 61 71.2 No correlation with CAMCOG score
Stout et al., 1996 52 71.7 Correlation between abnormal white matter volume
and MDRS or MMSE score
Starkstein et al., 1997 15/38 73.9/70.3 No difference between AD patients with and without
LA in any test score of a comprehensive battery

AD, Alzheimer’s disease; CAMCOG, Cambridge Cognitive Examination for the Elderly; LA, leukoaraiosis; MDRS, Mattis Dementia Rating Scale;
MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; nr, not reported.

more impaired in both global and selective cognitive func- However, in one study, measuring quantitatively abnor-
tions (Skoog et al., 1996). It is noteworthy that subcortical mal white matter volume, Stout et al. (1996) were able to find
functions were the ones found to be selectively affected. a correlation between this volume and scores of tests of
Second, in MRI studies, discrepant results are apparent. Data global cognition such as the Mini-Mental State Examination
may be influenced by small sample sizes, different age groups, (MMSE) and the Mattis Dementia Rating Scale. MRI study
patient selection, and use of different tools for measuring cog- results may be influenced by different lesion patterns of
nition. In this last connection, abnormalities of global cogni- white matter abnormalities (i.e. differently located and shaped
tive function seem less prone to be associated with the presence lesions, periventricular halos, punctate or confluent focal
of LA, in comparison with those of selective functions. deep or subcortical lesions).
Relevance of leukoaraiosis to cognitive impairment 553

Fazekas et al. (1996), confirming a finding previously progression of mental deterioration in patients who were
reported by others (Mirsen et al., 1991), have shown that mentally healthy or already cognitively impaired at entry.
computer-measured, rather than visually rated, periventricu-
lar hyperintensity was significantly greater in AD patients
than in controls matched for risk factors. They also observed 44.4.4 Leukoaraiosis and dementia onset
a significant association between periventricular hyperinten- after acute stroke
sity thickness and lateral ventricular enlargement. Based on
these observations, it has been suggested that the more likely In the last few years a number of studies have focused on the
explanation for the discrepancy of reports on the association frequency, characteristics and determinants of dementia
between MRI assessed LA and dementia may be due to dif- occurring in patients with an acute stroke. In this sense,
ference in brain atrophy across the various groups of patients efforts have been made in order to characterize the structural
investigated (Fazekas et al., 1998). This may explain the lack correlates of this frequent condition from the radiological
of difference in brain hyperintensities between early AD and point of view (Erkinjuntti et al., 1999; Pantoni et al., 1999),
control subjects reported by Erkinjuntti et al. (1994). and LA has been hypothesized to be one potential radio-
A positive association between ventricular dilatation and logical substrate of post-stroke dementia. This hypothesis is
cognitive impairment has been observed in numerous, both based on the evaluation of some studies.
cross-sectional and longitudinal, studies on LA and cognitive Liu et al. (1992) compared clinical and MRI features
decline, and in the setting of either vascular or AD dementia. in 24 patients who became demented after having a stroke
Studies using detailed and comprehensive tests batteries and 29 patients who did not. The total area of LA was 10
tended to discover more abnormalities linked with presence times larger among patients who developed dementia. LA
and severity of LA than those using global screening tools for was the factor that best discriminated between the two
dementia assessment. Again, functions found consistently to groups of patients among several others, including age,
be impaired in many studies were those linked to subcortical- total area of infarction and location in the dominant hemi-
frontal connections. For example, attention and visual con- sphere. Out of 146 patients with a first-ever stroke, examined
struction proved to be selectively impaired in some studies for dementia 3 months after the event by Censori et al.
(Bondareff et al., 1988; Kertesz et al., 1990; Almkvist et al., (1996) 15 were found to have become demented. LA was
1992). present in one-third of patients with post-stroke dementia as
opposed to one-sixth of those without dementia, a difference
that was not statistically significant owing to low statistical
44.4.3 Leukoaraiosis as a predictor of power. Patients who developed post-stroke dementia more
dementia progression frequently had diabetes mellitus, atrial fibrillation, aphasia,
large middle cerebral artery infarction and more severe
Longitudinal studies examining the prognostic significance neurological deficits at entry and at 3 months than did
of LA in relation to dementia development or progression non-demented patients, underlining the fact that the onset
are very scanty. Morris et al. (1990) followed up 12 AD of post-stroke dementia is likely to be a multifactorial
patients with and 26 AD patients without LA over a period of process.
66 months (Morris et al., 1990). At the end of the follow up, The most comprehensive data about LA as predictor of
AD patients with LA had not experienced greater dementia dementia in stroke patients come from studies that have fol-
progression or mortality. No progression of LA was observed lowed up patients with lacunar stroke: 95 of 215 Japanese
during the study period, but in patients with LA ventricular patients with a first-ever lacunar stroke had LA on admission
size tended to increase. The rate of disease progression was CT scan (Miyao et al., 1992). One month after stroke, 15.1
examined by Lopez et al. (1992) in 22 patients with probable per cent of patients with LA were found to be demented
AD and LA compared with 22 AD patients without LA. compared with 1.7 per cent of patients without LA, rates
Executive/attention, lexical/semantic, memory/learning, and that, at the end of the 25-month follow up, had increased
visuospatial functions did not differ between the two groups to 22.1 per cent and 2.5 per cent, respectively (Miyao et al.,
at baseline or at the 1-year follow-up examination. However, 1992). The new onset dementia was attributed to stroke
patients with AD and LA were more likely to develop cere- recurrence (mostly recurrent lacunar stroke) in all but one
brovascular disease during follow up than AD controls patient with LA.
without LA. In another study performed in Italy and aimed at investi-
Bracco et al. (1993) examined MRI features as possible gating the risk and determinants of dementia among patients
predictors of cognitive decline in 24 patients with cere- with lacunar stroke, 25 of 108 patients (23.1 per cent)
brovascular disease and LA. All the patients underwent an developed dementia over a period of 4 years (Loeb et al.,
extensive clinical and neuropsychological assessment on 1992). The frequency of LA did not differ between patients
admission, and 19 patients were followed with repeated cog- who became demented and those who did not, while the
nitive examinations for an average of 48 months. Neither recurrence of stroke was by far the most important determi-
extent nor location of LA predicted the development or the nant of subsequent dementia.
554 Leukoaraiosis and cognitive impairment

The discrepancy on the role of LA in predicting dementia cerebrovascular dementia in research settings (Erkinjuntti
between these two studies (Loeb et al., 1992; Miyao et al., et al., 2000).
1992) may be due to the different case-mix. In fact, in the
Italian study, patients had more severe disease at baseline, all
presenting multiple lacunar infarcts on entry CT scan. 44.4.6 Leukoaraiosis and cognitive functions
A parallel progression of LA and lacunar infarct was in non-demented subjects
clearly demonstrated by Van Zagten et al. (1996) who exam-
ined by CT scanning repeated over 3 years the evolution of The possibility that LA, frequently observed in elderly sub-
LA and associated vascular lesions in 63 patients with a first- jects, produces subtle or selective cognitive deficits not suffi-
ever symptomatic lacunar stroke, and in 44 patients with cor- cient for a clinical definition of dementia was first suggested
tical territorial stroke. Progression of LA occurred in 27 by Steingart et al. (1987a). They observed that elderly volun-
patients (26 per cent) and was strongly associated with teers participating in a dementia study as non-demented
symptomatic or silent lacunar stroke at entry. Although no controls and showing LA on CT scan scored lower on a
evaluation of evolution of functional, including cognitive, extended scale for dementia than control subjects without
deficits was performed in this study, the results indirectly LA, and had difficulties in selective tasks involving time orien-
support the hypothesis that in patients with stroke, even if tation, construction of sentences and memory. This finding
LA progresses over time, this is accompanied by progression put forward important questions about the role of LA in
of lacunar lesions, which may be the primary determinant of contributing to cognitive decline in the elderly to a level not
cognitive decline in these patients. severe enough to imply a diagnosis of dementia but still able
In a smaller study, Tarvonen-Schröder et al. (1995) did to produce difficulties in everyday life. Neuropsychological
not find any association between progression of LA and a tools to be used in this case have of course to be much more
selective infarct type: 11 (29 per cent) of the 38 patients with sensitive and selective than those commonly used to screen
either pure LA or LA combined with radiological evidence of out patients with dementia. Studies in this setting have been
infarction proved to have significant and rapid progression numerous, but the results, as for the dementia setting, are
of LA during a 3-year follow-up period, irrespective of discrepant. Table 44.3 lists such studies.
whether the infarct was small, deep, or cortical on baseline From the evaluation of Table 44.3 there are difficulties in
CT scan. No difference in the occurrence or type of dementia drawing unequivocal conclusions. Conflicting results were
was detected at the end of the follow-up period between obtained even by studies using similar instruments to meas-
patients with progressive and non-progressive LA, but pro- ure cognitive functions and examining subjects comparable
gressive LA was paralleled by the increase in cortical atrophy. in age (the lack of effect was not surprising when the mean
More recently, the presence of LA in stroke patients has age of the sample was low, as in the study of Schmidt et al.
been related to the occurrence of executive dysfunction rein- [1991]). Studies exploring selective functions in a more or less
forcing the idea that the type of cognitive change associated detailed fashion tended to achieve more positive results com-
with LA is likely to be of the frontal type (Vataja et al., 2003). pared with studies evaluating global cognitive functions. The
reasons for discrepancy are again, besides age, size and mode
of selection of investigational cohorts, different MRI equip-
44.4.5 The role of leukoaraiosis in criteria ment (varying from 0.02 to 1.5 Tesla), and different lesion
for vascular dementia patterns considered for their correlation with cognitive test
scores. Moreover, the effect of age and other vascular risk fac-
Despite the controversies existing about the effect of the tors was not taken into account in all the studies. The fact
presence or the severity of white matter changes on cogni- that two out of the three CT studies found an effect of LA on
tion, current consensus criteria for vascular dementia and cognitive performance may be explained by the greater sever-
vascular dementia subtypes list LA as one of the radiological ity of white matter lesions as expressed by CT-evidenced LA.
correlates of the disease. The ICD-10 criteria require the This may suggest that, if only confluent large changes were
presence of dementia, hypertension, and LA to reach a diag- considered in MRI-assessed LA, an association with cognitive
nosis of subcortical vascular dementia (Wetterling et al., impairment could have been demonstrated.
1994). According to the NINDS-AIREN criteria, LA involv- Only some of the studies reported in Table 44.3 took into
ing at least one-fourth of the cerebral white matter is one of account concomitant structural lesions such as brain atrophy
the radiological correlates supporting the clinical diagnosis or silent infarcts. For example, a more strict association was
of vascular dementia (Román et al., 1993). These latter radio- found between cognitive deficits and ventricular enlarge-
logical criteria have been more recently operationalized (van ment than with white matter lesions in the one study, which
Straaten et al., 2003). The presence of extensive LA finally has considered cognitive impairment as possibly related to either
been taken as one of the two radiological hallmarks of sub- structural abnormality (Breteler et al., 1994a). Regarding the
cortical vascular dementia (the other one is the presence of cognitive domains affected, results are rather consistent in
multiple lacunar infarcts) in the set of clinicoradiological indicating a predominant involvement of functions linked
criteria specifically developed to define this subtype of with fronto-subcortical circuits. Impairments of attention,
Relevance of leukoaraiosis to cognitive impairment 555

Table 44.3 Effect of leukoaraiosis on cognitive functions in non-demented subjects

Number of Mean age of patients

patients with with LA/patients without Association () of cognitive impairment with
Author, Year LA/total sample LA or of total sample LA and type of impairment
CT studies
Steingart et al., 1987 9/105 75.3/70.8 Lower score on extended scale for dementia, especially
items 12 (sentences construction and memory) and 13
(orientation to time)
Masdeu et al., 1989 40 83.3 No effect on Blessed and Mattis dementia scales
Skoog et al., 1996 46/134 85 Subjects with LA scoring lower in MMSE and in tests of
verbal ability, spatial ability, perceptual speed, secondary
memory, and basic arithmetics
MRI studies
Rao et al., 1989 10/50 47.1/42.8 Lack of association with any test of a comprehensive battery
Hendrie et al., 1989 16/27 76.4/67.5 No variation of MMSE, CAMCOG and WAIS digit symbol
Hunt et al., 1989 34/46 78.2 Lack of association with any test of a comprehensive
battery after controlling for age
Mirsen et al., 1991 39 73.2 No association between any pattern of LA and performance
on Extended Scale for Dementia
Harrell et al., 1991 25 65.6 No correlation between severity of either periventricular or
deep hyperintensities and MMSE and MDRS
Schmidt et al., 1991 12/32 43.3/35.8 No difference between subjects with and without white
matter lesions on a computerized test of vigilance and
reaction time, a test of visual attention and a test of
learning and memory
Tupler et al., 1992 48/66 69.9/64.3 No difference between subjects with and without subcortical
white matter hyperintensities in Benton Facial Recognition
Test and WAIS digit symbol after controlling for age and
Boone et al., 1992 54/100 62.8 Subjects with extensive (10 cm2) white matter lesions
more impaired in basic attention and selected frontal lobe
Matsubayashi et al., 1992 60/73 70 Correlation with MMSE and Hasegawa score, and visuospatial
cognitive performance test
Schmidt et al., 1993 74/150 61.3/58.5 Difference between subjects with and without white matter
hyperintensities in form B of Trail Making Test, a complex
reaction time task, and the assembly procedures of the
Purdue Pegboard test
Ylikoski et al., 1993 48/120 Range 55–85 Significant association of total LA and results of Trail Making
Test A, Stroop test (words/time and difference/time) and
compound score of speed and attention
Fukui et al., 1994 38/43 66.1/55.3 No direct correlation between white matter hyperintensities
score and any cognitive test. Periventricular hyperintensity
associated with reduced performance in the Stroop test
Breteler et al., 1994b 29/111 Range 65–84 Borderline correlation between degree of white matter
lesions and CAMCOG score. White matter lesions
significantly associated with subjective mental decline
Breteler et al., 1994a 23/96 73.6 White matter lesions associated with word fluence
(letter B), Trail Making Test A and B, Word List Learning
(delayed recall)
Baum et al., 1995 16/41 50.8 White matter foci related to performance on immediate
visual memory/visuoperceptual skills, visuomotor
tracking/psychomotor speed and, to a lesser degree,
learning capacity and abstract and conceptual
reasoning skills
Longstreth et al., 1996 3301 75 Association of white matter lesions and modified
MMSE, and Digit Symbol Substitution Test

CAMCOG, Cambridge Cognitive Examination for the Elderly; LA, leukoaraiosis; MDRS, Mattis Dementia Rating Scale; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination
556 Leukoaraiosis and cognitive impairment

visuospatial memory, visuospatial skills and frontal skills 44.4.7 Leukoaraiosis as predictor of dementia
were the abnormalities most frequently reported. in normal subjects and in subjects with
That specific rather than general cognitive tasks are mild cognitive impairment
affected by the severity rather than by the mere presence of
LA has been shown by other more recent surveys (de Groot Because subtle cognitive deficits are found frequently in non-
et al., 2000; Leaper et al., 2001). Moreover, even in subjects demented patients with LA, the question arises whether these
who score high on neuropsychological tests, the severity of subjects are particularly prone to develop a more severe cog-
LA can be reflected by subjective cognitive dysfunction and nitive impairment or even overt dementia over time. Until
reporting of progression of these dysfunctions (de Groot very recently, the answer was not available and only very pre-
et al., 2001). liminary observations were accessible (Fein et al., 1990;
Studies examining only subjects with vascular risk factors Guerriero Austrom et al., 1990; Wohl et al., 1994). Data from
were not included in Table 44.3 since they cannot be con- a large cohort of community-dwelling normal subjects,
sidered strictly normal. Three studies have investigated hyper- sequentially studied with MRI and detailed neuropsycholog-
tensive subjects compared with non-hypertensive controls ical testing, have been more recently reported (Schmidt et al.,
(Schmidt et al., 1991, 1995; van Swieten et al., 1991a). In the 1999). After 3 years, progression of LA was noted in 22 (8.1
study of van Swieten et al. (1991a), 10 of 42 hypertensive per cent) of the 273 subjects but was not associated with cog-
elderly subjects had confluent white matter lesions on MRI nitive decline. However, the recently published results from
versus only one from an equal number of controls. The per- a large population-based study enrolling more than 700 sub-
formances on MMSE, Stroop colour-word test, Trail Making jects demonstrated that the presence of LA (together with
test, and the visual subtest of the Wechsler Memory Scale were that of silent lacunar infarcts) significantly predicts dementia
worse among hypertensive patients with confluent lesions. In onset (Vermeer et al., 2003b). The relative risk of becoming
the 1991 study of Schmidt et al., 35 hypertensive subjects per- demented over a 3.6-year follow up was about 1.6 for sub-
formed worse than non-hypertensive controls on verbal mem- jects with periventricular LA at baseline MRI.
ory, total learning and memory capacity, although there was In the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Twin
no difference in cognitive performance between hypertensives Study, higher LA volume together with increasing age, ApoE
with and without punctate white matter lesions on MRI 4 genotype, elevated mid-life blood pressure, and lower
(Schmidt et al., 1991). In a second study by Schmidt et al. alcohol consumption, significantly increased the risk of mild
(1995), 89 hypertensives tended to perform worse than 89 cognitive impairment (DeCarli et al., 2001).
non-hypertensive controls when assessed for attentional and Many open questions in relation to the role of LA in the
visuopractic skills. Twenty-seven out of 43 non-demented development of cognitive impairment or dementia may find
patients with history of stroke, different vascular risk factors an answer only from the results of longitudinal studies. The
and periventricular white matter CT hypodensity were studied LADIS (Leukoaraiosis And DISability) study is an interna-
with a detailed neuropsychological examination by Gupta et tional collaborative study that aims to assess the predictive
al. (1988). Even in patients with the lowest degree of white values of different severity degrees of LA on the transition to
matter abnormalities there was a defect in sustained mental disability in a group of 639 normally functioning subjects
concentration and attention. Slowness in acquisition, diffi- enrolled in 12 European centres ( While
culty in organizing material to be learned, lack of consistency disability is the main outcome of the 3-year follow up, rele-
in recall, and difficulties in spontaneous recall were also vant information will be also collected as far as cognition is
reported in the investigated patients. concerned, and dementia and mild cognitive impairment
Similar patients were studied by Junquè et al. (1990). will be relevant secondary outcome measures (Pantoni et al.,
Among functions explored by a comprehensive test battery, 2005). The preliminary cross-sectional data show that sub-
the main cognitive abnormality was a reduced speed of jects with more severe degrees of LA have poorer cognitive
information processing, especially complex processes, an performance and are subjected to a higher risk of transition
abnormality that was independent of age. The authors con- to a disabled functional status (Inzitari et al., 2003) than sub-
cluded that slowness of thought was the main characteristics jects with mild LA. If confirmed at the end of the follow up,
of cognitive functioning in patients with LA (Junquè et al., these data will provide a clear answer on the independent effect
1990). This slowness could affect encoding and retrieval of LA on cognition.
processes in memory, although the overall results of the Linked with the above mentioned question there is
study tended to exclude the presence of an encoding deficit. another one that concerns the possible role of LA in the tran-
In none of the reported studies of the effect of LA in non- sition from mild cognitive impairment to dementia. A pre-
demented subjects have behavioural aspects been taken into liminary study aimed at testing possible radiological markers
account. Mood disorders, including depression and irritabil- of this transition found that CT-detected LA and temporal
ity, possibly concurring with cognitive deficits in affecting lobe atrophy were significant predictors of AD in a small
behaviour, can be substantiated by several observations in group of 27 patients with mild cognitive impairment (Wolf
either non-demented or demented subjects with LA (O’Brien et al., 2000). These findings have been corroborated by
et al., 1996a, b, 1998). the results of another study performed in a Japanese
Relevance of leukoaraiosis to cognitive impairment 557

sample of 46 patients with mild cognitive impairment 44.4.9 Possible mechanisms by which
defined on the basis of a MMSE score 24 and the lack of leukoaraiosis may cause or contribute
fulfilment of DSM-IV criteria for dementia (Koga et al., to cognitive impairment
2002); in this study, larger quantities of LA were found to be
one of the factors predicting cognitive impairment together Pathophysiological mechanisms by which LA may cause or
with cerebral atrophy and lower education level (Koga et al., contribute to cognitive impairment remain predominantly
2002). hypothetical. The hypotheses may be grouped into two main
categories discussed below.

44.4.8 Comments on the role of leukoaraiosis

in predicting cognitive impairment DIRECT EFFECT
The main question is whether LA is able to produce cognitive
In the previous edition of this book, we concluded that ‘The impairment per se, in other terms what is its exclusive or net
reported evidence does not support LA as an independent contribution, considering risk factors including age, associ-
prognostic factor for future development of dementia in ated with both dementia and LA, or concomitant structural
healthy subjects …’. Four years later, the scenario appears lesions, such as focal (lacunar) infarcts or neurodegenerative
changed and the last reported studies advocate modification changes, that frequently are associated with LA. In the case of
of that statement. Not only the presence (and the severity) of a direct effect of LA on cognition, the alteration of myeli-
LA is associated with dysfunction of specific cognitive tasks nated fibres and accompanying tissue abnormalities (e.g.
that depend on the frontal lobes, but it also predicts the gliosis) known to underlie LA could disconnect functionally-
development of cognitive impairment and dementia. The related cortical and subcortical structures (Cummings,
effect of LA in specific disease conditions requires some 1993). Unfortunately, according to Fazekas et al. (1998) ‘such
comments. estimate is complicated by our ignorance about the actual
In patients with stroke, particularly in those with the severity of damage to connecting fiber tracts based on CT or
lacunar type, the presence of LA at stroke onset seems to pre- routine MRI findings’. Hints may proceed from studies of
dict an evolution towards dementia. However, in this setting, dementia and white matter changes in diseases, such as mul-
the effect of LA seems to be strictly interrelated with that of tiple sclerosis, in which lesions are almost exclusively limited
other lesions with common underlying pathological sub- to white matter (Fazekas et al., 1998). For a long time it has
strates such as deep lacunar infarcts. In patients with estab- been recognized that cognitive dysfunctions frequently occur
lished vascular dementia the net contribution of LA to in multiple sclerosis, but only recently has the use of exten-
dementia progression remains to be determined, as it does in sive neuropsychological testing provided accurate informa-
relation to other commonly associated lesions (i.e. infarcts, tion about prevalence and type of cognitive attaint (Rao
atrophy and ventricular enlargement). However, it appears et al., 1991). Deficits involve predominantly attention, visuo-
inappropriate to make a general conclusion on the role of spatial functions, memory retrieval and abstraction. The
LA in vascular dementia considering that the latter cannot same functions proved to be affected in many of the above
any longer be considered as a homogeneous entity. In fact, reported studies on LA.
the role of LA is likely more prominent in contributing to Concerning the clinical expression of LA on cognitive
the clinical picture of patients with the subcortical type of grounds, several factors have to be taken into account:
vascular dementia (Erkinjuntti et al., 2000; Román et al.,
2002) while its role is probably less prominent in forms char- • Lesion pattern. What is seen as LA on CT is usually
acterized by large cortical infarcts. The clinical significance resolved by MRI into differently seated and shaped
of LA in patients with AD remains instead less clear and lesions including periventricular caps, rims, or haloes;
the presence of LA does not appear to determine a greater deep focal punctate lesions; large confluent or diffuse
cognitive decline (Hirono et al., 2000). However, the infer- subcortical lesions. Different pathological processes are
ence from follow-up studies performed with cognitively now thought to underlie each type of lesion. While
healthy subjects or AD patients is limited by the small focal punctate lesions, a very frequent finding in
sample sizes, and by observation periods that always are normal ageing and present even at younger ages, are
too short. generally considered of small importance in relation to
Another major limitation appears to be the type of cogni- cognitive impairment, there is evidence that large
tive assessment used to define the mental status and the confluent areas of LA are involved more directly in
requirement of current criteria for diagnosis of dementia. As cognitive decline. Unfortunately, in patients presenting
LA is unlikely to cause prominent memory problems, being with this type of lesion, the number of lacunar infarcts
instead more related to frontal lobe executive dysfunctions, it is also elevated, making it difficult to evaluate the
will be difficult to find it associated with forms of dementia respective role of each. Regarding periventricular
such as AD, the essential requirement of which are memory abnormalities, we have reported data showing a role
dysfunctions. in relation to dementia in AD patients, but the effect
558 Leukoaraiosis and cognitive impairment

of this abnormality can be hardly considered INTERACTION WITH OTHER PROCESSES
independent since it is also associated with brain INVOLVED IN COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
Subcortical infarcts, especially lacunar infarcts, and atrophy,
• Location and volume. Scattered evidence exists as to
either cortical or subcortical (of which ventricular dilatation
whether the location of LA is important in relation to the
may be an expression), are commonly seen in association
expression of cognitive impairment. Intuitively, lesions
with LA in aged patients and in those with vascular risk fac-
predominantly seated in the frontal white matter may
tors. From the reviewed evidence, lacunar infarcts remain the
sustain the typical pattern of cognitive dysfunction
main confounder for the association between LA and cogni-
reported in subjects with LA. There are also clues
tive impairment in patients with vascular risk factors, in par-
suggesting that location in the posterior white matter is
ticular arterial hypertension. However, at least two other
associated with selective dysfunction of areas and tracts
morphologic aspects are to be taken into account, corpus cal-
involved in visuospatial cognitive performance (Fukui
losum atrophy (Yamauchi et al., 2000) and hippocampal
et al., 1994). Although not invariably, changes affecting
atrophy (Mungas et al., 2001; Wu et al., 2002) as they may
the entire subcortical white matter, are likely to produce
interact with LA in determining cognitive impairment. It
global cognitive dysfunction that are more easily
should be noted that what is seen on MRI as hippocampal
measurable, even with unrefined instruments such as
atrophy may also be the results of ischaemic, not necessarily
dementia rating scales. Regarding volume of LA (area on
degenerative, insults. The pathological nature of LA in AD is
CT or MRI scan), there are theories and some evidence
not well understood. Wallerian degeneration (Leys et al.,
that suggest a possible threshold volume above which
1991), incomplete infarction linked with systemic hypoper-
dementia becomes evident. In one study of healthy elderly
fusion (Brun and Englund, 1986), and amyloid angiopathy
patients, the threshold area for cognitive dysfunction was
(Gray et al., 1985) are among the advocated causes. Recent
10 cm2 (Boone et al., 1992), consistent with the findings of
MRI studies have shown that LA in AD patients is due mainly
Erkinjuntti et al. (1987b) who observed that a white matter
to periventricular changes and that these are associated with
lesion area exceeding one-fourth of the total white matter
the degree of brain atrophy. This evidence further supports a
area discriminates between multi-infarct and AD patients,
marginal role of LA in relation to dementia in pure AD demen-
and that of Liu et al. (1992) who found that the mean
tia cases. In patients with a mixed type of dementia, particu-
white matter lesion area in demented stroke patients was
larly frequent at older ages, the role of subcortical lesions of
26.7 cm2, as compared with 2.5 cm2 in non-demented
ischaemic origin may be substantial. The Nun Study has con-
vincingly demonstrated that at old ages, in the presence of
• Metabolic status of the tissue. One positron emission
AD changes, vascular lesions play a crucial role in the mani-
tomography (PET) study (Yao et al., 1992) has
festation of dementia (Snowdon et al., 1997). In post-stroke
demonstrated low flow and increased oxygen extraction
dementia the role of LA has to be seen as synergistic with that
in the areas of white matter changes in non-demented
of other vascular lesions such as volume and site of infarction
subjects, while in patients who were demented the blood
(Pohjasvaara et al., 2000).
flow was decreased and oxygen extraction was normal,
indicating a low metabolic rate. The possibility that the
threshold for dementia associated with LA is metabolic
or functional has been scarcely explored as yet. Some
more information in this regard may derive from
recently developed MR techniques. Diffusion MRI allows Although not synonymous with dementia, LA is potentially
the determination of the directionality of free water in involved in cognitive impairment in elderly individuals.
brain tissues. In normal cerebral white matter, diffusion Given the pathogenesis, very likely predominantly ischaemic,
is highly related to the direction of the myelinated axonal linked with small vessel disease, the setting in which LA is
bundles (this directionality is called ‘anisotropy’). If more closely associated with dementia is that of vascular
damage to the white matter occurs, diffusion is increased dementia, particularly of the subcortical type. LA has been
but to a lesser extent than in the centre of cavitated large described in a noticeable proportion of patients with AD,
infarcts, and anisotropy is lost. Diffusion MRI might although, from either retrospective or prospective studies,
detect signal changes (i.e. loss of anisotropy) in the case besides the pathophysiology, the contribution to cognitive
of disruption of the white matter architecture at very deterioration is still unclear. In non-demented elderly indi-
early stages when conventional MRI does not show any viduals it is very likely that LA is associated with subtle cog-
signal change (O’Sullivan et al., 2001). These diffusion nitive changes, involving predominantly subcortical functions,
alterations in the normal-appearing white matter were like attention and speed of mental processes. Its presence is
found to correlate with a test of executive dysfunctions in moreover associated with an increased risk of developing
a small group of patients (O’Sullivan et al., 2001) and cognitive impairment or dementia at follow up.
with the degree of LA in other white matter areas Regarding mechanisms by which LA causes dementia,
(Helenius et al., 2002). they are for large part conjectural, although disconnection
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International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 9: 273–277 Neuropsychology 14: 224–232
Vascular dementia: neuropathological features


45.1 Introduction 565 45.4 Familial vascular dementia and genetic factors 571
45.2 Cerebrovascular disease, vascular dementia and 45.5 Conclusions 571
mixed dementia 566 References 572
45.3 Brain vascular lesions and vascular dementia 567

Cerebrovascular disease is distinctly heterogeneous but may ascribed arteriosclerotic dementia resulting from gradual
lead to vascular cognitive impairment or vascular dementia strangulation of the blood supply to the brain as the main
(VaD). Previous autopsy series of dementia cases have reported cause of dementia (Berrios and Freeman, 1991). The clear
frequencies of VaD to vary widely (0.03–58 per cent) but use concept of subclasses of VaD was introduced by Otto
of current clinical diagnostic criteria suggests worldwide preva- Binswanger when he described subcortical arteriosclerotic
lence to be 10–15 per cent. Atherothromboembolism and encephalopathy upon pathological verification of cerebral
intracranial small vessel disease are the main causes of brain white matter disorder in a group of eight patients (Berrios
infarction. Consistent with the subclassification of VaD lacu- and Freeman, 1991). Today we accept that cerebrovascular
nar infarcts or multiple microinfarcts in the basal ganglia, disease causes the second most common form of age-related
thalamus, brain stem and white matter are associated with dementia. VaD may, however, result from all forms of cere-
more than 50 per cent of the cases. White matter changes brovascular lesions that sometimes includes post-stroke syn-
including regions of incomplete infarction are usually wide- dromes (O’Brien et al., 2003). The challenge of defining the
spread in VaD but their contribution to impairment is not pathological substrates of VaD is complicated by the hetero-
explicit. Other pathologies including remote hippocampal geneous nature of cerebrovascular disease and coexistence of
injury, neocortical neuronal demise and Alzheimer type of other pathologies including Alzheimer type of lesions. Blood
lesions may modify the course of dementia. While most of vessel size, origin of vascular occlusion and genetic factors
VaD occurs sporadically, only a small proportion of cases are critical factors in defining subtypes of VaD (Box 45.1).
bear apparent familial traits. CADASIL is likely the most Multi-infarct dementia is caused by large vessel disease
common form of hereditary VaD, which arises from small whereas Binswanger type of VaD involving subcortical
vessel disease. Relative to other common dementias, the neu- regions including the white matter results from small vessel
ropathological substrates of VaD need unambiguous defini- changes. Subcortical ischaemic VaD appears the most sig-
tion to impact on preventative and treatment strategies, and nificant subtype of VaD (Román et al., 2002). Other factors
are critical for selective recruitment to clinical trials. that may define the subtype and degree of impairment include
multiplicity, size, anatomical location, laterality and age of the
lesion (Box 45.1). Several brain regions including the territories
of the anterior, posterior and middle cerebral arteries, the
angular gyrus, caudate and medial thalamus in the dominant
hemisphere, the amygdala and hippocampus as well as the
Thomas Willis (1672) deserves the credit for advancing the hippocampus have been implicated in VaD (Markesbery, 1998).
obvious link between the cerebral circulation and dementia For purposes of prevention and treatment it is imperative to
before the twentieth century. However, Alois Alzheimer and recognize subtypes of VaD yet not devise numerous categories
Emil Kraeplin among other neuropsychiatrists had specifically to make the task overly complicated (Román et al., 1993).
566 Vascular dementia: neuropathological features

Box 45.1 VaD subtypes defined by blood vessel size and 10%
pathological process

• Large vessel dementia (multiple infarcts)

• Small vessel dementia (small vessel disease and 40% AD (DLB)
microinfarction) Mixed 1
• Strategic infarct dementia (infarcts in strategic Mixed 2
• Hypoperfusive dementia 40%
Pure VaD

• Dementia related to angiopathies (hypertension, Other

• Haemorrhagic dementia 8%
• Other causes of VaD (vasculitis)
• Hereditary VaD (CADASIL, CARASIL, HERNS) Figure 45.1 Pathological outcome of clinically diagnosed Vascular
dementia (VaD). Mixed type 1 revealed large infarcts whereas mixed
* Hereditary forms of cerebral amyloid angiopathy involving ischaemic
strokes and intracerebral haemorrhages may also lead to cognitive type 2 predominantly exhibited small vessel disease with microinfarction.
impairment and stroke (Natte et al., 2001) ‘Other’ includes dementia with mild Parkinson’s disease and depression.
AD, Alzheimer’s disease; DLB, dementia with Lewy bodies.
CADASIL, cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical
infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (Kalimo et al., 2002b); CARASIL, cerebral
autosomal recessive arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoen- Esiri et al., 1999; Rossi et al., 2004). A high proportion of
cephalopathy (Yanagawa et al., 2002); HERNS, hereditary endotheliopathy, individuals fulfilling the neuropathological diagnosis of AD
retinopathy, nephropathy and stroke (Jen et al., 1997) have significant cerebrovascular lesions including silent infarcts
upon imaging and extensive white matter disease (Premkumar
et al., 1996; Heyman et al., 1998; Nagy et al., 1998; Kalaria and
Ballard, 1999). Conversely, clinically diagnosed VaD patients
frequently show extensive AD-type neuropathological changes
(Hulette et al., 1997; Erkinjuntti et al., 1988; Kalaria and Ballard,
1999). Nolan et al. (1998) reported that 87 per cent of the
There is now a general consensus that the clinical diagnosis patients enrolled in a prospective series to examine VaD in a
of VaD in demented patients with evidence of cerebrovascu- dementia clinic were found to have AD either alone (58 per
lar lesions applies only when other causes of dementia are cent) or in combination with cerebrovascular disease (42 per
ruled out (Erkinjuntti, 1994; see Chapter 43 in this volume). cent) at post mortem. All of the patients with signs of cere-
As with diagnosis of other causes of dementia, criteria may brovascular disease were also found to have some concomitant
be derived from a range of investigations including a detailed neurodegenerative disease (Figure 45.1). Similarly, another
clinical history, timing of event, neuropsychometric tests, study indicated that large numbers of VaD cases without
neuroimaging and neuropathological reports in accord with coexisting neuropathological evidence of AD suggests that
the DSM criteria. Perhaps inevitably like in the Alzheimer’s ‘pure’ VaD is very uncommon (Hulette et al., 1997). Thus
disease (AD) model, diagnostic criteria based on the patholog- current clinical diagnostic criteria serve to detect pathology
ical findings should be quantified and related to the progres- but not ‘pure’ pathology. Early validation studies indicated
sion of cognitive impairment (Mirra, 1997). The frequencies that while mixed dementia could be distinguished from AD,
of VaD in autopsy series range from as low as 0.03 per cent to it could not be separated from VaD (Rosen et al., 1980).
as high as 58 per cent with an overall mean rate of 17 per cent Recent studies suggest that 30–50 per cent of mixed AD and
(Markesbery, 1998; Jellinger, 2002). In cases where currently VaD cases are misclassified as VaD (Gold et al., 1997, 2002)
accepted criteria have been applied, the frequencies are even and the neuroimaging component of the NINDS AIREN cri-
lower with a mean of 7 per cent. Perhaps not surprisingly in teria does not distinguish between people with and without
Japanese studies the incidence of VaD cases was found to be dementia in the context of cerebrovascular disease (Ballard
35 per cent (Seno et al., 1999) and 22 per cent (Akatsu et al., et al., 2003). The potential overlap of pathologies is therefore
2001). Taking this into account the worldwide frequency of VaD complex, with different types of cerebrovascular lesions
in autopsy verified cases might be estimated to be between 10 including cortical and subcortical infarction and small vessel
and 15 per cent. disease (Esiri et al., 1997; Ballard et al., 2000), and different
In addition to VaD the diagnosis of mixed dementia (AD types and severity of neurodegenerative changes involving
and VaD or less frequently dementia with Lewy bodies and tau, amyloid and -synuclein pathology. While evidence-based
VaD) particularly among the oldest old (85 years of age) is pathological criteria for the diagnosis of mixed dementia
a challenge. Clinical and pathological evidence indicates that remains to be perfected, the diagnosis should be made
combined neurodegenerative and vascular pathologies worsen when a primary neurodegenerative disease known to cause
presentation and outcome of dementia (Snowdon et al., 1997; dementia exists with one or more of the pathological lesions
Brain vascular lesions and vascular dementia 567

Table 45.1 Dementia associated with different cerebrovascular

Box 45.2 Key variables to define pathology of VaD
• Identify as ischaemic or haemorrhagic infarct(s) VaD subtypes related to: Subtype
• Presence of lacunes and lacunar infarcts: état lacunaire
(grey) and état crible (WM) Large infarct or several infarcts (50 mL I
• Location of infarcts: cortex, WM, basal ganglia, brain loss of tissue); MID
Multiple small or microinfarcts (3 with II
stem (pontine), cerebellum
minimum diameter 5 mm); Small vessel
• Circulation involved: arterial territories – anterior, middle disease* (involving 3 coronal levels;
or posterior
hyalinization, CAA, lacunar infarcts,
• Laterality: right or left anterior and posterior perivascular changes)
• Sizes and number of infarcts  dimension: 0–4 mm, Strategic infarcts (e.g. thalamus, hippocampus) III
5–15 mm, 16–30 mm, 31–50 mm and 50 mm; if Cerebral hypoperfusion (hippocampal sclerosis, IV
size 5 mm determine as small or microinfarcts ischaemic-anoxic damage, cortical laminar
• Presence and location of small vessel disease: necrosis, borderzone infarcts involving 3
lipohyalinosis; fibroid necrosis; CAA different coronal levels)
• Presence of white matter disease: rarefaction or Cerebral haemorrhages (lobar, ICH or SAH)
Cerebrovascular changes with AD pathology
incomplete infarction
• Degree of gliosis: mild, moderate or severe (above Braak III); mixed dementia VI
• Presence of Alzheimer pathology (incl. NFT and neuritic In all of above, the age of the vascular lesion(s) should correspond with the
plaque staging). If degree  stage III, the case is mixed time when disease began. The proposed Newcastle categorization includes
AD and VaD six subtypes (Polvikoski T and Kalaria RN, unpublished observations). The
• Presence of hippocampal sclerosis post-stroke cases are usually included in subtypes I–III. While these may not
be much different from other published subtypes (Román et al., 1993;
For reporting purposes each of above features can be scored numerically Jellinger 2002), they are practical and simple to use. Cases with extensive
to provide a summary. For example, 0 is absent and 1 means present. Less white matter disease in the absence of significant other features are
frequent lesions including watershed infarcts and laminar necrosis. included under small vessel disease
Increasing numerical value may also be assigned to the infarcts * Subtype I may result from large vessel occlusion (atherothromboembolism),
artery to artery embolism or cardioembolism. Subtype II usually involves
CAA, cerebral amyloid angiopathy; NFT, neurofibrillary tangles; WM,
descriptions of arteriosclerosis, lipohyalinosis, hypertensive, arteriosclerotic,
white matter
amyloid or collagen angiopathy. Subtypes I–II and V may result from
aneurysms, arterial dissections, arteriovenous malformations and various
forms of arteritis (vasculitis)
defining the VaD subtypes (Box 45.2). Therefore a combina- AD, Alzheimer’s disease; CAA, cerebral amyloid angiopathy; ICH, intracerebral
tion of the nominal three or more infarctions and Alzheimer haemorrhage; SAH, subarachnoid haemorrhage; VaD, vascular dementia
pathology above stage III may warrant such a diagnosis.
From the essential information derived at autopsy (Box
45.1), we have proposed the neuropathological diagnosis of atherothromboembolism. This may be responsible for up to
probable VaD or less popular ‘pure VaD’ be based on the 50 per cent of all ischaemic strokes whereas intracranial small
exclusion of a primary neurodegenerative disease known to vessel disease causes 25 per cent of the infarcts (Kalimo et al.,
cause dementia and the presence of cerebrovascular path- 2002a). Small vessel alternations involve arteriosclerosis and
ology that defines one or more of the VaD subtypes (Box 45.2). hyalinosis and associated with lacunar infarcts and lacunes
These would include dementia among post-stroke survivors predominantly occurring in the subcortical structures. White
who fulfil the NINDS-AIREN (Román et al., 1993) criteria matter disease or subcortical leukoencephalopathy with incom-
for probable VaD. Those stroke survivors with mild cognitive plete infarction and small vessel disease are common patho-
impairment could be classed as exhibiting vascular cognitive logical changes in cerebrovascular disease. Others features
impairment but the criteria for this extension are not widely include border zone (watershed) infarctions, laminar necrosis
accepted (O’Brien et al., 2003). The diagnosis of possible VaD and amyloid angiopathy (Box 45.2). Complicated angiopathies
may be used when the brain contains vascular pathology, such as fibromuscular dysplasia, arterial dissections, granulo-
which does not fulfil the criteria for one of the subtypes but matous angiitis, collagen vascular disease and giant cell
where no other explanation for dementia is found. arteritis are rarer causes of cerebrovascular disease (Kalimo
et al., 2002a) and VaD.
Previous studies have recorded ischaemic, oedematous and
haemorrhagic lesions affecting the brain circulation or per-
45.3 BRAIN VASCULAR LESIONS AND fusion to be associated with VaD (Table 45.1). In four studies
VASCULAR DEMENTIA where VaD was diagnosed 75 per cent of the cases revealed
cortical and subcortical infarcts suggesting other vascular
The majority of arterial territory infarctions, which may be pathologies involving incomplete infarction or border zone
admixed in cortical and subcortical regions, result from infarcts could be important factors. Among other lesions
568 Vascular dementia: neuropathological features

25 per cent of the cases had cystic infarcts whereas 50 per cent between 3 and 14 days, infarct cores attract neutrophils, lipid-
of the cases had lacunar infarcts or microinfarcts. Lacunar laden macrophages or microglia and astrocytes in the lesion,
infarcts, however, appear to be a common category of infarcts, which is easily assessed upon routine staining. The intensity of
and currently recognized as the most frequent cause of stroke gliosis, both astrocytic and microgliosis, is an important con-
(dissections, granulomatous angiitis, collagen vascular dis- sideration in judging the degree and age of infarction. Degrees
ease and giant-cell arteritis are rarer causes of cerebrovascular of gliosis or glial scars may be noted in brains subjected to
disease (Kalimo et al., 2002a). Severe amyloid angiopathy was global ischaemia, i.e. after transient cardiac arrest where
present in 10 per cent of the cases. Most interestingly, 55 per responses may be observed in vulnerable neuronal groups
cent of the cases revealed hippocampal atrophy in one study within the hippocampus or neocortical laminae (Box 45.2).
(Vinters et al., 2000). One of the studies concluded that
ischaemic vascular disease appears to correlate with wide-
spread small ischaemic lesions distributed throughout the 45.3.2 Microinfarction, lacunar infarcts and
central nervous system (CNS) (Vinters et al., 2000). lacunes

Microinfarcts have been variably described but widely thought

45.3.1 Large infarction and large vessel to be small ischaemic lesions visible only upon light microscopy
pathology (see Plate 15a, b). These lesions of up to 5 mm diameter may
or may not involve a small vessel at its centre but are foci with
Large infarction or macroinfarction is usually defined as that pallor, neuronal loss, axonal damage (white matter) and gliosis.
visible upon gross examination of the brain at autopsy. Stenosis Sometimes these may include regions of incomplete infarction
arising from atherosclerosis within large vessels is considered to or rarefied (subacute) change. Microinfarcts have also been
be the main cause of large infarction, which may sometimes described as attenuated lesions of indistinct nature occurring
extend beyond the arterial territories. The stages of atheroscle- in both cortical or subcortical regions. Such lesions or com-
rosis may vary from accumulation of foam cells causing fatty bination of these should be reported when there are multiple
streaks to complicated atheromas involving extracellular matrix or at least more than three present in any region (Table 45.2).
components and even viral or bacterial infections. Occlusion of Microinfarcts and lacunar infarcts appear central to the most
the extracranial arteries such as the internal carotid artery and common cause of VaD and predict poor outcome in the
the main intracranial arteries of the circle of Willis including elderly (Esiri et al., 1997; Ballard et al., 2000; Vinters et al.,
the middle cerebral artery can lead to multi-infarct dementia, 2000; White et al., 2002). Interestingly, in the autopsied older
which forms approximately 15 per cent of VaD (Brun, 1994). In Japanese-American men the importance of microvascular
severe cases medium-sized arteries in the leptomeninges and lesions as a likely explanation for dementia was nearly equal
proximal perforating arteries could be involved. The damage to that of Alzheimer lesions (White et al., 2002). Microinfarc-
could be worse depending upon the presence of hypertension. tion in the subcortical structures has been emphasized as sub-
Artery-to-artery embolism involves breaking of thrombi from strate of cognitive impairment, and correlated with increased
the often ulcerated lesions in the extracranial arteries, e.g. at the Alzheimer type of pathology, but cortical microinfarcts also
bifurcation of common carotid artery or the heart. The thrombi appear to contribute significantly to the progression of cogni-
may contain, in addition to coagulated blood and platelets, cho- tive deficits in brain ageing (Kovari et al., 2004). Furthermore
lesterol and calcified deposits from the underlying atheroma- microinfarcts even in border zone (watershed) regions may
tous plaque. Various types of cardiogenic emboli may also find aggravate the degenerative process as indicated by worsening
their way to the anterior or particularly the posterior cerebral
circulation, to cause infarcts in the territory of the posterior Table 45.2 Types of vascular and hippocampal lesions reported
cerebral artery or superior cerebellar artery. in VaD
Arterial territorial infarctions involve four principal areas Pathological feature % Cases
particularly those supplied by the major arteries: anterior, mid-
dle cerebral artery, posterior artery and the territory between Complete infarctions (cortical and subcortical) 75
the anterior and middle cerebral artery (Kalimo et al., 2002a). Lacunar infarcts (mostly WM and BG) 50
The size of these infarctions is determined by assessing the Small or microinfarcts 50
Cystic infarcts 25
two largest diameters of each lesion (Box 45.2). The typical
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy 10
infarct comprises the central core with complete infarction Intracerebral haemorrhages 2
surrounded by a narrow perifocal hypoperfused (or penum- Hippocampal atrophy and sclerosis 55
bra) zone of incomplete infarction, which may be oedematous,
and leads into normal appearing tissue. The core may involve Data compiled from 70 cases reported in previous studies (Esiri et al., 1997;
both the cortex and underlying white matter that is devoid of Hulette et al., 1997; Vinters et al., 2000; Kalaria et al., unpublished
observations). Per cent cases are averaged from two or more reported
functional components such as neurones, axons and oligo- studies. Cystic infarcts (possibly also lacunar) with typically ragged edges
dendrocytes and may in time form cavitated lesions or scars were admixed in both cortical and subcortical structures
devoid of cells or haemosiderin. Prior to scar formation BG, basal ganglia; WM, white matter
Brain vascular lesions and vascular dementia 569

impairment in AD (Suter et al., 2002). Thus multiple micro- 45.3.3 Small vessel disease
infarction appears strongly correlated with dementia indi-
cated by several studies (Jellinger, 2002). Small vessels including intracerebral end-arteries and arteri-
Lacunes are complete or cavitating infarcts as defined above, oles undergo progressive age-related changes (Lammie, 2000),
measuring up to 15 mm in diameter seen radiologically and which may result in lacunar or microinfarcts. These range
upon gross examination at autopsy (Box 45.2; Figure 45.2). from wall thickening by hyalinosis, reduction or increment
These lesions are largely confined to the cerebral white matter of the intima to severe arteriosclerosis and fibroid necrosis
and subcortical structures including the thalamus, basic ganglia (Plate 15b). Uncomplicated hyalinosis is characterized by
and brain stem. Most lacunes, remnants of small infarcts, are almost complete degeneration of vascular smooth muscle cells
detected in the cystic or chronic stage with no viable central (becomes acellular) with concentric accumulation of extra-
tissue, but could have perifocal regions with incomplete infarc- cellular matrix components like the collagens and fibroblasts
tion, particularly in the white matter. A few lacunes may repre- (Lammie, 2000). These changes are most common in the small
sent healed or reabsorbed minute or petechial haemorrhages. vasculature of the white matter (Plate 15b). Small vessel
Microlacunes have also been described, which essentially changes likely promote occlusion or progressive stenosis with
should be thought of as large cystic microinfarcts. To distin- consequent acute or chronic ischaemia of the tissue behind
guish perivascular cavities, it has been suggested that lacunes be it. Alternatively, arteriosclerotic changes located in small ves-
classed into three subtypes: lacunar infarcts, lacunar haemor- sels in the deep white matter and basal ganglia may lose their
rhages and dilated perivascular spaces (Poirier et al., 1985). elasticity to dilate and constrict in response to variations of
Lacunar infarcts usually result from progressive small vessel systemic blood pressure or loss of autoregulation. This in
disease manifested as hypertensive angiopathy that may involve turn causes fluctuations in blood flow response and changes
stenosis caused by hyalinosis. Small vessel disease in a per- in cerebral perfusion. The deep cerebral structures would be
forating artery, for example, may also reveal regions of incom- rendered most vulnerable because the vessels are end-arteries
plete infarction, attenuation or rarefaction usually recognized almost devoid of anastomoses. Small vessel pathology could
by pallor upon microscopic examination. However, lacunar lead also oedema and damage of the blood–brain barrier
lesions can also be caused by infections and neoplasms. (BBB) with chronic leakage of fluid and macromolecules in
Lacunes are associated with small perivascular cavities up to the white matter (Ho and Garcia, 1999).
2 mm in diameter often found in the basal ganglia and the
white matter. Perivascular cavities or empty spaces resulting
from distortion or elongation of small arteries collectively 45.3.4 Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA)
referred to as état lacunaire in the grey matter and état crible in
the white matter may be numerous in older subjects. While CAA is most common in AD and consistently present
in Down’s syndrome (Premkumar et al., 1996; Kalaria, 2001)
it also occurs in elderly subjects with cerebrovascular disease
in the general absence of Alzheimer lesions (Cohen et al.,
1997). Amyloid  protein accumulation within or juxtaposed
to the vasculature may lead to degeneration of vascular cells
in both larger perforating arterial vessels as well as cerebral
capillaries that represent the BBB. These likely result in
microinfarctions and perivascular cavities similar to those
seen in hyalinized vessels in subcortical structures. CAA is an
important cause of intracerebral and lobar haemorrhages
leading to profound ischaemic damage (Vonsattel et al., 1991).
CAA also appears to be causally related to white matter changes
described by subcortical leukoencephalopathy in patients
with CAA, who lacked changes characteristic of AD (Lammie,
2000). Genetic factors such as the apolipoprotien E (ApoE) 4
allele associated with severity of CAA may modify or attenu-
ate the perfusion of the white matter (Kalaria, 2001).

45.3.5 Alzheimer-type pathology

Alzheimer lesions including amyloid  plaques and neurofibril-

Figure 45.2 Lacunes and small infarcts in a familial VaD. Typical lary pathology occur more often in cases of cerebrovascular dis-
lacunar lesion (arrow) in the thalamus of a 60 year-old-man ease than in normal ageing elderly (Kalaria and Ballard, 1999).
diagnosed with CADASIL bearing a single missense mutation in the We reported that amyloid deposits and tangles were three times
Notch3 gene. Lacunes in sporadic VaD cases are qualitatively similar. greater in VaD cases with small ( 15 mL) compared with larger
570 Vascular dementia: neuropathological features

volume of infarction. However, the burden of Alzheimer lesions Subsequent studies had reported deficits in other neuro-
was just barely associated with dementia scores (Ballard et al., transmitters particularly 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) in the
2000). While these findings corroborated the importance of basal ganglia and neocortex of VaD subjects (Gottfries et al.,
microvascular disease rather than macroscopic infarction as the 1994). These findings indicate that a variety of Alzheimer-type
critical substrate in VaD and in AD (Kalaria, 1996), the burden of changes are also associated with VaD. The pathological
of Alzheimer lesions was just barely associated with dementia diagnosis of VaD in such cases may be dictated by the degree
scores in VaD (Ballard et al., 2000). and location of Alzheimer pathology. If it is restricted to the
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy is also frequent in VaD even hippocampus and the density of neuritic plaques or tangles
where the amyloid deposits may be rare in the parenchyma. does not exceed stage III of the criteria defined by Thal et al.
Although conventional histopathological staining methods may (2002) and Braak and Braak (1995), they could be diagnosed
not reveal classical amyloid and neurofibrillary pathology the as VaD. This is similar to the notion where dementia cases
accumulation of amyloid  and tau peptides may be revealed by meeting CERAD criteria for probable AD may exhibit infarc-
immunochemical methods. Our preliminary findings suggest tions or white matter changes. However, cases of cerebrovas-
that accumulation of soluble amyloid 42 in the temporal lobe cular disease fulfilling the criteria for VaD (Box 45.2, p. 567)
of VaD patients is almost similar as that in AD subjects by the with concomitant Alzheimer pathology above stage III for
eighth decade (Kalaria et al., 1999). These observations implied plaques and tangles may be designated as mixed dementia.
that total amyloid  peptides increase in brains of patients who
succumb to cerebral ischaemia and that brains of the very eld-
erly who suffer from stroke produce large amounts of soluble 45.3.6 White matter disease
amyloidogenic peptides almost like AD patients.
Amyloid precursor protein accumulation along white mat- White matter lesions (or subcortical leukoencephalopathy)
ter tracts has also been previously demonstrated in cerebral incorporating myelin loss are considered a consequence of
ischaemia even in middle-aged subjects (Cochran et al., 1991). vascular disease. The frequency of white matter changes is
It may be hypothesized that, concomitant with ageing, small increased in patients with cerebrovascular disease and those
vessel disease along with white matter lesions in the brain at risk for vascular disease including arterial hypertension,
causes vascular injury and may induce tissue pH changes, cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus (O’Brien et al.,
oxidative damage, amyloid precursor protein expression and 2003). White matter lesions occur in ⬇30 per cent of AD and
subsequent aggregation of soluble amyloid . dementia with Lewy body (DLB) cases and may be present
A similar argument may be made for parallel changes that irrespective of the focal lesions in VaD (Englund, 1998). It is
induce tau-like pathology and other neuronal changes. This often argued that white matter damage in patients with AD
is supported by the demonstration that increases in cere- might simply reflect Wallerian changes secondary to cortical
brospinal fluid (CSF) tau are not restricted to AD but also loss of neurones. However, this is unlikely since histological
evident in various forms of VaD (Blennow et al., 1995; Munroe changes characteristic of Wallerian degeneration are not evi-
et al., 1995; Skoog et al., 1995). Concentrations of tau in lumbar dent as white matter pallor. Conversely, in AD patients with
CSF in patients diagnosed with probable VaD were reported severe loss of cortical neurones similar white matter lesions
to be comparable to those in AD and were significantly are not apparent (Englund, 1998).
increased compared with those in non-demented elderly con- Lesions in the deep white matter (0.5–1 cm away from ven-
trols (Skoog et al., 1995). Similarly, the concentrations of sol- tricle in coronal plane) have been correlated with dementia
uble synaptophysin were found to be decreased in VaD as including VaD (Kalaria and Ballard, 1999; O’Brien et al., 2003).
well as in AD (Zhan et al., 1994). These findings not only sug- Conflicting data with respect to periventricular lesions may
gest that axonal degeneration occurs in VaD as evident in AD depend on definition of the boundaries between the periven-
but support the notion that ischaemic or oligaemic events in tricular and deep white matter if the coursing of the fibres are
the elderly are early events leading to increases in known used as markers. Lacunar infarcts are produced when the
markers of Alzheimer pathology. Other biological markers ischaemic damage is focal and of sufficient severity to result in
for AD such as decreased ApoE levels in CSF have also been a small area of necrosis, whereas diffuse white matter change is
reported in VaD (Skoog et al., 1997). considered a form of rarefaction or incomplete infarction
VaD cases may also bear other AD type lesions including where there may be selective damage to some cellular compo-
cholinergic and monoamine neuronal deficits (Kalaria and nents (Plate 16). While the U-fibres are usually spared, white
Ballard, 1999). Two different groups had previously shown that matter disease comprises several patterns of alterations includ-
compared with AD patients choline acetyltransferase activity ing pallor or swelling of myelin, loss of oligodendrocytes,
was also reduced, albeit to a lesser degree, in the temporal axons and myelin fibres, cavitations with or without presence
cortex and hippocampus in patients diagnosed with multi- of macrophages and areas of reactive astrogliosis, where the
infarct dementia or VaD (Perry et al., 1977; Gottfries et al., astrocytic cytoplasm and cell processes may be visible with
1994). However, despite these deficits there do not appear to standard stains. Lesions in the white matter also include spon-
be pronounced effects in the cholinergic cell bodies of the giosis, i.e. vacuolization of the white matter structures and
basal forebrain in VaD (Mann et al., 1986; Keverne et al., 2003). widening of the perivascular spaces.
Conclusions 571

45.3.7 Hippocampal sclerosis and atrophy to the amyloid angiopathies have been described. These include
hereditary multi-infarct dementia (Sourander and Walinder,
Hippocampal neurones in the Sommer’s sector are highly 1977; Zhang et al., 1994) rare occlusive conditions such as
vulnerable to disturbances in the cerebral circulation or hypoxia hereditary endotheliopathy retinopathy nephropathy with
caused by systemic or cardiovascular disease. Severe loss of stroke or HERNS (Jen et al., 1997) and chronic familial vas-
hippocampal neurones within the CA fields and infarctions cular encephalopathy (Stevens et al., 1977), which actually
along Ammon’s horn are evident in a proportion (10–20 per proved to be Notch 3 type CADASIL. In view of the striking
cent) of usually older (80 years) VaD cases. The loss of cells pathology (Plate 15, Figure 45.2) including multiple sub-
should be graded when this is evident, together with any cortical infarcts, small vessel disease, severe arteriosclerosis,
microinfarctions within the hippocampal formation (Dickson profound white matter rarefaction CADASIL has also been
et al., 1994). Hippocampal sclerosis is a likely major con- considered a familial form of Binswanger’s disease.
tributing factor in the hippocampal atrophy described at Several genes have also been considered to be associated
gross examination. Hippocampal changes remote to ischaemic with cerebrovascular disease or stroke risk factors (Kalaria,
injury have also been emphasized in subcortical ischaemic 2001). The precise functions of the products of these genes,
vascular dementia (Vinters et al., 2000). however, in light of the pathogenetic processes remain unclear.
The ApoE gene is accepted to be unequivocally linked to
late-onset AD but its role in cerebrovascular disease not asso-
45.3.8 Border zone (watershed) infarcts ciated with Alzheimer pathology (i.e. VaD) is not clear. In
accord with the implications that ApoE might promote patho-
Border zone or watershed infarctions mostly occur from logical alterations in the vascular wall, the ApoE 4 allele is a
haemodynamic events, usually in patients with severe internal strong factor in the development of CAA but not an inde-
carotid artery stenosis. They could occur bilaterally or unilat- pendent risk factor in CAA-related intracerebral haemor-
erally, and disposed to regions between two main arterial ter- rhages (Greenberg et al., 1995; Nicoll et al., 1997; Olichney
ritories, deep and superficial vessel systems. Typical border et al., 1996; Premkumar et al., 1996; Zarow et al., 1999).
zone infarctions may be 5 mm or more wide as wedge shaped Surprisingly, the ApoE 2 allele is considered a strong factor
regions of pallor and rarefaction extending into the white for intracerebral haemorrhage in amyloid-laden vessels that
matter. Larger areas of incomplete infarction may extend into may cause rupture of the vessel walls by inducing specific
the white matter (Brun, 1994; Kalimo et al., 2002a). These are cellular changes (Greenberg et al., 1998; McCarron and
characterized by mild to moderate loss of oligodendrocytes, Nicoll, 1999). However, a meta-analysis revealed significantly
myelin and axons in areas where there may be hyalinized vessels higher ApoE 4 allele frequencies in patients diagnosed
(Brun, 1994). These features may be accompanied by astroglio- with ischaemic cerebrovascular disease (Kalmijn et al., 1996;
sis, some microgliosis and macrophage infiltration. McCarron et al., 1999); Frisoni et al. (1994) had previously
implicated comparably high 4 allele frequencies in cerebro-
45.3.9 Laminar necrosis vascular disease-associated dementia but these observations
remain unconfirmed. On the other hand, Traykov et al.
Laminar necrosis is characterized by neuronal ischaemic (1999) showed that the frequency of ApoE 4 allele in over
changes leading to neuronal loss and gliosis in the cortical 70-year-olds with clinically diagnosed VaD or vascular cogni-
ribbon. This is particularly apparent in cases where global tive impairment did not differ from controls. Similarly, patho-
ischaemia or hypoperfusion has occurred as in cardiac arrest. logically verified studies showed that 4 allele frequencies did
Typical topographic distribution of spongy form change can not differ between Binswanger’s disease and other forms of
be readily apparent with standard stains. They appear more VaD (Higuchi et al., 1996).
commonly at the arterial border zones (Brun, 1994; Kalimo
et al., 2002a) that may fall into the subtype IV of VaD path-
ology (Box 45.2, p. 567). 45.5 CONCLUSIONS

The heterogeneous nature of cerebrovascular disease compels

45.4 FAMILIAL VASCULAR DEMENTIA AND better understanding of the neuropathological substrates of
GENETIC FACTORS VaD for wide application. Small vessel disease leading to
multiple microinfarcts or lacunes in the subcortical struc-
Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical tures appear most involved in VaD. White matter pathology
infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) is a small ves- is frequent in VaD but it needs evaluation to enable correl-
sel disease that emerges as the most common hereditary form ation with cognitive decline. Whether hippocampal changes
of stroke leading to progressive dementia (Kalaria, 2001; remote from sites of ischaemic injury or Alzheimer pathol-
Kalimo et al., 2002b). Several other hereditary conditions ogy contribute to the disease progression is unclear. The sys-
presenting with ischaemic strokes or focal infarcts unrelated tematic classification of VaD pathological subtypes should be
572 Vascular dementia: neuropathological features

applied universally. The clear definition of the neuropatho- Gold G, Bouras C, Canuto A et al. (2002) Clinicopathological validation
logical correlates of VaD would be useful for preventative and study of four sets of clinical criteria for vascular dementia. American
treatment strategies. Journal of Psychiatry 159: 82–87
Gottfries CG, Blennow K, Karlsson I, Wallin A. (1994) The
neurochemistry of vascular dementia. Dementia 5: 163–167
Greenberg SM, Vonsattelm JP, Rebeck GW et al. (1995) Apolipoprotein
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Therapeutic strategies for vascular dementia


46.1 Definitions 574 46.5 Pharmacological therapy of vascular dementia 580

46.2 Risk factors for vascular dementia 575 46.6 General medical management of the patient
46.3 Diagnostic criteria and methodology of clinical with vascular dementia 589
trials in vascular dementia 575 46.7 Public health aspects of vascular dementia 591
46.4 Clinical forms of vascular dementia 578 References 592

The few years elapsed since the publication of this chapter in 46.1 DEFINITIONS
the Second Edition of Dementia (2000) have seen the com-
pletion of a number of promising treatment trials in patients
with vascular dementia (VaD). Moreover, successful enrol- 46.1.1 Vascular cognitive disorder (VCD)
ment for these studies demonstrated that by using strict
criteria it is feasible to diagnose and identify patients VCD is the global category of cognitive decline resulting
with clinically unmixed VaD, and that the subjects recruited from cerebrovascular disease (CVD), ranging from VCI to
for these trials disclose clinical features and progression VaD (Román et al., 2004).
patterns that are clearly different from those observed in
patient populations selected for clinical trials of Alzheimer 46.1.2 Vascular cognitive impairment
disease (AD).
The therapeutic management of VaD is particularly chal- VCI was initially coined as an umbrella term to include all
lenging because of the multiple types of cerebrovascular forms of vascular cognitive decline (Bowler and Hachinski,
injuries and circulatory events that may lead to vascular cog- 1995; Erkinjuntti and Gauthier, 2002; O’Brien et al., 2003).
nitive decline and eventual dementia. This multiplicity of However, by analogy to mild cognitive impairment (MCI),
pathogenetic mechanisms results in a variety of clinical pre- considered the earliest manifestation of AD (Petersen et al.,
sentations that hampered in the past the formulation of diag- 1999), the definition of VCI is restricted here to vascular
nostic criteria and the ascertainment of cases for controlled forms of cognitive impairment without dementia.
clinical trials. In addition, VaD is often complicated with
neuropsychiatric symptoms, in particular depression, apathy, 46.1.3 Vascular dementia
aggressiveness and other behavioural changes that require
careful management. Román (2002b, 2003a) defined VaD as an aetiological category
In addition to the symptomatic therapeutic trials, a of dementia characterized by acquired intellectual impair-
limited number of studies have also shown promise for the ment, severe enough to interfere with social and personal inde-
prevention of VaD, giving support to the concept that vigor- pendence, resulting from ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke, as
ous treatment of vascular risk factors in patients with cogni- well as from ischaemic hypoperfusive brain injuries, affecting
tive decline short of dementia (the so-called vascular brain regions important for memory, cognition and behaviour.
cognitive impairment – VCI) could spare the progression to The most common neuropathological lesions capable of
dementia. producing VaD are hypoperfusive and ischaemic (occlusive)
Diagnostic criteria and methodology of clinical trials in vascular dementia 575

vascular brain injuries (Brun, 1994; Parnetti, 1999; Mikol and subjects (relative risk [RR] 2.7), particularly among cases of
Vallat-Decouvelaere, 2000; Vinters et al., 2000). These include: post-stroke VaD (RR 4.5).

• Hypoperfusion dementia (Román, 2004): global anoxia,

selective vulnerability, border-zone infarcts, and
periventricular incomplete white matter ischaemia; 46.3 DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA AND
• ischaemic lesions involving large vessels: strategic single
strokes, multi-infarct dementia (MID); small vessel
disease (cortical, subcortical and cortico-subcortical
ischaemia), as well as venous occlusions. 46.3.1 Vascular cognitive impairment

There are currently no widely accepted diagnostic criteria for

46.2 RISK FACTORS FOR VASCULAR DEMENTIA VCI. The Canadian Study on Health and Aging (2000) used the
following criteria (Rockwood et al., 2000; Ingles et al., 2002) to
A number of case–control studies of post-stroke dementia have classify subjects with VCI without dementia (VCIND):
provided a useful quantification of risk factors for VaD
(Tatemichi et al., 1990; Pohjasvaara et al., 1997; Barba et al.,
• The subjects’ cognitive impairment did not meet the
DSM-IIIR criteria for dementia (American Psychiatric
2000). In patients with ischaemic stroke, the most important Association, 1987); these criteria require impairment of
risk factors for development of post-stroke VaD are older age, memory and other cognitive domain causing functional
lower educational level, recurrent stroke, as well as presence of deficits.
dysphagia, gait limitations and urinary impairment. The left-
sided predominance of lesions in demented patients with large
• Cognitive impairment was judged to have a vascular
cause as based on presence of signs of ischaemia/
vessel stroke in the territories of the anterior and posterior infarction; e.g. sudden onset, stepwise progression, patchy
cerebral arteries has been repeatedly demonstrated (Leys and cortical deficits on cognitive testing, other evidence of
Pasquier, 2000). Recently, Johnston and colleagues (2004) atherosclerosis, and a high Hachinski Ischaemic Score
observed progressive decline in cognitive function among (HIS) (Hachinski et al., 1975). Presence of vascular risk
Cardiovascular Health Study participants with stenosis of the factors alone was insufficient for a VCIND diagnosis.
left internal carotid artery (ICA), but not in those with stenosis Global functional impairment was defined as having
of the right ICA, in the absence of stroke. Possible explanations difficulty in any two of the following domains:
include the fact that the left hemisphere has larger cholinergic – performing household chores
innervation than the right one does; and tests such as the Mini- – managing money
Mental State Examination (MMSE) (Folstein et al., 1975), and – feeding self
the CAMCOG, the cognitive portion of the CAMDEX – dressing and
(Cambridge Mental Disorders of the Elderly Examination) – incontinence.
(Huppert et al., 1995), rely heavily on language functions.
Other risk factors in patients with post-stroke VaD include Using these criteria in the Canadian cohort of 10 263 ran-
current smoking, lower blood pressure, orthostatic hypoten- domly selected persons aged 65 years, a total of 149 were
sion, and larger periventricular white matter ischaemic diagnosed with VCIND (Ingles et al., 2002). Follow-up cog-
lesions on brain computed tomography (CT) or magnetic nitive diagnoses were available for 102 individuals and after 5
resonance imaging (MRI) (Liu et al., 1991; Gorelick et al., years, 45 patients (44 per cent) developed dementia; the rates
1992). Orthostatic hypotension is a strong predictor of of institutionalization and mortality were equivalent to those
periventricular white matter ischaemic lesions (Longstreth of AD (Wentzel et al., 2001, 2002). In this study, the progres-
et al., 1996). Hypoxic and ischaemic complications of acute sion to dementia was similar to that seen in MCI suggesting
stroke (e.g. seizures, cardiac arrhythmias, aspiration pneumo- that, in all likelihood, the population identified by these cri-
nia, etc.) are independent risk factors for post-stroke demen- teria was actually a mixture of AD with CVD. Moreover, a
tia (Moroney et al., 1996); these complications increase more number of patients improved their cognitive scores (Wentzel
than 4-fold the risk of developing post-stroke dementia (OR et al., 2002) indicating that VCIND, in contrast with VCI,
4.3; 95 per cent CI 1.9–9.6, after adjustment for demographic does not follow a unidirectional progression towards demen-
factors, recurrent stroke, and baseline cognitive function). tia. In summary, valid criteria for VCI are needed at present.
Post-stroke VaD is also a strong predictor of poor outcome
(Desmond et al., 1998; Barba et al., 2000; Linden et al., 2004). 46.3.2 Vascular dementia
In Rochester (Minnesota), 10 per cent of 482 incident cases of
dementia had onset or worsening of the dementia within The existence of multiple diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis
3 months of a stroke (Knopman et al., 2003). Overall, patients of VaD – and their lack of agreement on patient selection –
with vascular dementia had worse mortality than matched has been the main argument brandished to deny the existence
576 Therapeutic strategies for vascular dementia

of VaD as an independent form of dementia, clinically and 46.3.3 Mixed dementia (AD ⴙ CVD)
pathologically separate from AD. In fact, the criteria differ
among themselves since they were designed for different pur- Specific brain pathological lesions define the two most com-
poses (hospital discharges, research studies, epidemiological mon forms of senile dementia, AD and VaD. Stroke and cere-
surveys, etc.); in addition, they lack sensitivity (particularly brovascular disease are the hallmarks of VaD, while senile
when strict imaging criteria are mandatory) since it is virtu- plaques and neurofibrillary tangles typify AD. When these
ally impossible to include all forms of VaD within a single set two pathologies are combined, the neuropathological diag-
of criteria. Finally, given the importance of CVD in the clini- nosis of AD  CVD or ‘mixed dementia’ is invoked (Zekry
cal expression of dementia in patients with lesions of AD, the et al., 2002a). Coexistent lesions occur in up to one-third of
inclusion of mixed dementia (AD  CVD) is a common unselected elderly demented patients (Kalaria and Ballard,
occurrence with most criteria. 1999; Zekry et al., 2002b, c), or in 10–15 per cent of cases of
Román et al. (2004) have recently proposed a definition of post-stroke dementia (Hénon et al., 1997, 2001; Barba et al.,
dementia of vascular origin as characterized by abnormal 2001), but mixed lesions also occur in patients without
executive control function, severe enough to interfere with dementia (Román and Royall, 2004).
social or occupational functioning. This definition corrects the Separating AD from VaD may be a frequent problem in
problem of definitions of dementia that require memory loss patients with pre-existing and progressive memory loss wors-
as the sine qua non for dementia diagnosis. Obligate memory ened by an acute vascular episode. The NINDS-AIREN criteria
loss in patients with VaD may result in over-sampling of sub- (Román et al., 1993) accurately separate VaD from AD or from
jects with AD worsened by stroke (AD  CVD). AD associated to cerebrovascular lesions (AD  CVD) as
Existing criteria include the Hachinski Ischaemic Score demonstrated in validation neuropathological studies compar-
or HIS (Hachinski et al., 1975); the criteria from the 4th ing various sets of diagnostic criteria. The NINDS-AIREN cri-
revision of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic teria (Román et al., 1993) consistently obtained the highest
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, better known as specificity values, ranging from 0.80 (Gold et al., 1997), 0.86
DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994); the 10th (Zekry et al., 2002b), 0.93 (Gold et al., 2002) to 0.95 (Holmes
revision of the International Classification of Diseases or et al., 1999). Specificity defines the capacity to identify true
ICD-10 (World Health Organization, 1992); the California negative cases. Therefore, with neuropathology as the gold
Criteria for Ischaemic VaD or ADDTC (Chui et al., 1992), standard, several studies confirmed that the NINDS-AIREN
and the consensus criteria proposed by Román and col- criteria (Román et al., 1993) successfully exclude AD cases, and
leagues (1993) or NINDS-AIREN criteria. Although all of have the lowest proportion of mixed cases misclassified. The
them are useful in selecting VaD patients with varying NINDS-AIREN criteria for VaD (Román et al., 1993) have
degrees of sensitivity and specificity, they are not inter- slightly better specificity than the NINCDS-ADRDA criteria
changeable (Verhey et al., 1996; Wetterling et al., 1996; Chui for AD (McKhann et al., 1984; Holmes et al., 1999).
et al., 2000; Pohjasvaara et al., 2000). The accuracy of the NINDS-AIREN criteria increases by
The NINDS-AIREN criteria (Román et al., 1993) were excluding subjects with pre-existing diagnosis of AD, those
developed specifically for research studies in VaD and include with isolated memory impairment (MCI), as well as those with
a number of vascular aetiologies and clinical manifestations. history of obvious progressive cognitive decline prior to a
These criteria have the highest specificity and have been used stroke (Hénon et al., 1997, 2001). VaD dementia typically
in most modern controlled clinical trials in VaD (López- occurs in patients with stroke and multiple vascular risk factors.
Pousa et al., 1997; Kittner, 1999; Erkinjuntti et al., 2002a; The HIS quantifies this profile with high interrater reliability
Orgogozo et al., 2002; Wilcock et al., 2002; Black et al., 2003; (kappa  0.61). A score 4 in the HIS usually excludes AD.
Wilkinson et al., 2003). These criteria recognize patients with Using the NINDS-AIREN criteria (Román et al., 1993)
multiple forms of stroke and CVD (i.e. ischaemic, haemor- along the guidelines described above, two international trials
rhagic, hypoperfusive) but establish strict requirements to of donepezil in VaD (Black et al., 2003; Wilkinson et al., 2003)
classify patients appropriately. Two cardinal elements of the were able to recruit more than 1200 patients with relatively
clinical syndrome of VaD must be identified, namely the cog- pure or unmixed VaD. The VaD population selected was
nitive syndrome of dementia and the definition of the vascu- older and had a male preponderance, in agreement with
lar cause of the dementia. Cerebrovascular disease is defined population-based epidemiological data on VaD and in con-
by the presence of focal neurological signs and detailed brain trast with the female preponderance in AD trials. Further-
imaging showing evidence of stroke or ischaemic changes in more, the 6-month progression of the placebo groups selected
the brain. A defining element of the criteria is the need for a in the donepezil VaD studies was different from placebo groups
temporal relationship between dementia and the cerebrovas- in AD (Román and Rogers, 2004) as well as in mixed AD plus
cular disorder whereby dementia onset should occur within CVD trials (Erkinjuntti et al., 2002a), further indicating the
3 months following a recognized stroke. The temporal rela- separate identity of the VaD cases selected (Pratt, 2002).
tionship may prove to be difficult to fulfil, particularly in In summary, VaD is a well-defined form of dementia that
patients with silent strokes and in the subcortical form of can be clinically diagnosed with reasonable accuracy. Of all
VaD. These elements are summarized in Box 46.1. available criteria, the NINDS-AIREN criteria (Román et al.,
Diagnostic criteria and methodology of clinical trials in vascular dementia 577

Box 46.1 NINDS-AIREN diagnostic criteria for vascular dementia*

I. The criteria for the diagnosis of probable VaD include all of b. abrupt deterioration in cognitive functions; or
the following: fluctuating, stepwise progression of cognitive
1 Dementia: Impairment of memory and two or more deficits.
cognitive domains (including executive function),
II. Clinical features consistent with the diagnosis of
interfering with ADL and not due to physical effects of
probable VaD include the following:
stroke alone.
a. early presence of gait disturbances (small step gait or
Exclusion criteria: Alterations of consciousness, delirium,
marche à petits pas, or magnetic, apraxic-ataxic or
psychoses, severe aphasia or deficits precluding testing,
parkinsonian gait)
systemic disorders, Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of
b. history of unsteadiness and frequent, unprovoked falls
c. early urinary frequency, urgency, and other urinary
2 Cerebrovascular disease: Focal signs on neurological
symptoms not explained by urological disease
examination (hemiparesis, lower facial weakness,
d. pseudobulbar palsy
Babinski sign, sensory deficit, hemianopsia, dysarthria)
e. personality and mood changes, abulia, depression,
consistent with stroke (with or without history of
emotional incontinence, or other deficits including
stroke, and evidence of relevant CVD by brain CT or
psychomotor retardation and abnormal executive
MRI including multiple large vessel infarcts or a single
strategically placed infarct (angular gyrus, thalamus,
basal forebrain, or PCA or ACA territories), as well as III. Features that make the diagnosis of VaD uncertain or
multiple basal ganglia and white matter lacunes or unlikely include:
extensive periventricular white matter lesions, or a. Early onset of memory deficit and progressive
combinations thereof. worsening of memory and other cognitive functions
Exclusion criteria: Absence of cerebrovascular lesions on such as language (transcortical sensory aphasia),
CT or MRI. motor skills (apraxia), and perception (agnosia), in
3 A Relationship between the above two disorders: the absence of corresponding focal lesions on brain
Manifested or inferred by the presence of one or more imaging
of the following: b. Absence of focal neurological signs, other than
a. onset of dementia within 3 months following a cognitive disturbances
recognized stroke c. Absence of CVD on CT or MRI.
ACA, anterior cerebral artery; ADL, activities of daily living; CT, computed tomography; CVD, cerebrovascular disease; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging;
PCA, posterior cerebral artery; VaD, vascular dementia.
*Adapted from Román et al. (1993)

1993) have the highest specificity in neuropathology- and at the 1998 Osaka Conference on VaD (Erkinjuntti and
confirmed cases, effectively ruling out cases of mixed dementia. Sawada, 1999; Erkinjuntti et al., 1999); for more recent reviews
The population thus selected is different from that of AD and see Mills and Chow (2003), Mani (2004), and Erkinjuntti et al.
mixed dementia trials. Several controlled clinical trials on VaD (2004). The first and foremost requirement for a valid trial in
have successfully used the NINDS-AIREN criteria, effectively dementia, and VaD in particular, is the use of appropriate
making these criteria the most suitable current choice for VaD inclusion and exclusion criteria. This requirement is crucial for
studies. In addition, careful interview of relatives and care- the selection of a homogeneous population that would allow
givers allows a successful diagnosis of prestroke dementia. the generalized application of the trial results. Given the clini-
In most instances, probable AD is a likely aetiology for the cal variety of VaD, some authors have suggested limiting the
progressive memory loss or MCI occurring prior to the ictus trials to patients with subcortical VaD using various sets of
(Jagust, 2001). criteria (Pantoni et al., 1996, 2000; Erkinjuntti et al., 2000;
Moretti et al., 2001, 2002), or to cases of mixed dementia,
including AD  CVD (Erkinjuntti et al., 2002a, b) or AD plus
46.3.4 Methodological aspects of clinical arterial hypertension (Kumar et al., 2000). However, as dis-
trials in VaD cussed above, the criteria proposed by Román et al. (1993) are
appropriate for VaD trials. Several instruments (MMSE,
The methodological requirements for controlled clinical trials CAMCOG, Clinical Dementia Rating [CDR]) are used to
in patients with dementia have been reviewed by the Interna- ensure that dementia severity is comparable across the trial.
tional Working Group on Harmonization of Dementia Drug The next requirement is an appropriate number of
Guidelines at the Sixth International Congress on AD and participants (sample size). The sample size is a function not
Related Disorders in Amsterdam (Whitehouse et al., 1998), only of the effectiveness of the drug, but also of the degree of
578 Therapeutic strategies for vascular dementia

responsiveness – or lack thereof – of the measuring instru- 46.4 CLINICAL FORMS OF VASCULAR
ments, as well as of the accuracy of the end points selected for DEMENTIA
the trial. Instruments that are relatively insensitive to change,
require larger sample sizes in order to demonstrate a statis-
Despite the anatomical and pathophysiological complexity
tically significant difference from the placebo or untreated
of VaD, Román (1999a, 2002b) has simplified the clinical
forms into two groups, acute and subacute, according to the
Other requirements include randomization with appro-
temporal profile of presentation.
priate group allocation concealment, placebo-controlled,
double-blinded design with parallel group, and specific out-
come measures, adequate instruments, and well-defined end 46.4.1 Acute forms of VaD
points. Potential targets for the symptomatic treatment of
VaD include: Acute VaD is defined by new onset of dementia after a
demonstrated stroke, either a single ‘strategic stroke’ result-
• symptomatic improvement of the core symptoms ing from occlusion (or rupture) of a large-size vessel, after a
(cognition, function and behaviour); symptomatic lacunar stroke caused by ischaemic small vessel
• slowing of progression; and disease, or from recurrent strokes (MID). VaD can result
• treatment of neuropsychiatric symptoms (e.g. from a single stroke located in one of the following three pos-
depression, anxiety, agitation). sible areas (Delay and Brion, 1962):

All the current VaD trials have used the same primary out- • posterior cerebral artery (PCA) territory, involving
come measures used in AD trials, as recommended by the ventral-medial temporal lobe, hippocampus, occipital
United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These structures and thalamus;
instruments include the cognitive portion of the Alzheimer’s • anterior cerebral artery (ACA) territory and medial
Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS-cog) (Rosen et al., 1984), the frontal lobe lesions, often from an anterior
Clinician’s Interview-Based Impression of change plus care- communicating artery aneurysm rupture; and
giver input (CIBIC-plus) (Schneider et al., 1997), or the • basal ganglia and thalamus, usually from small vessel
Clinical Global Impression of Change (CGIC) (Berg, 1988). disease; this is the so-called ‘thalamic dementia of
The European Commission for Medicinal and Pharmaceutical vascular origin’ caused by butterfly-shaped bilateral
Compounds (CPMC) also requires positive impact on activ- paramedian thalamic polar infarcts. Some cases of
ities of daily living (ADL), using a scale similar to the caudate stroke may also result in VaD.
Alzheimer’s Disease Functional Assessment and Change Scale
Numerous reports have confirmed the occurrence of true
(ADFACS) that provides a measure of instrumental and basic
‘lacunar dementia’, i.e. acute VaD resulting from a single lacu-
ADL (Mohs et al., 2001). The CPMC also requires a responder
nar stroke involving the inferior genu of the internal capsule
analysis; another useful measure is the Disability Assessment
and causing ipsilateral blood flow reduction to the infero-
for Dementia scale (Gélinas et al., 1999). To the extent that
medial frontal cortex by a mechanism of diaschisis (Tatemichi
ADAS-cog and CIBIC-plus assess the multiple cognitive
et al., 1992, 1995; Chukwudelunzu et al., 2001). This thalamo-
domains affected in all forms of dementia, including VaD, it is
cortical disconnection syndrome is manifested by sudden
not unreasonable to use the same measures in both AD and
change in cognitive function, often associated with fluctuat-
VaD patient populations. However, Quinn and colleagues
ing attention, memory loss, confusion, abulia, striking psy-
(2000) showed difficulties with CIBIC-plus ratings in instances
chomotor retardation, inattention, and other features of
of clinical improvement. Physicians fail to recognize successful
frontal lobe dysfunction but with mild focal findings such as
disease treatment beyond reversal of progression.
hemiparesis or dysarthria.
Furthermore, current tests are relatively insensitive to
frontal/subcortical dysfunction, a key cognitive domain in
VaD (Román and Royall, 1999; Pohjasvaara et al., 2002). 46.4.2 Subacute-subcortical forms of VaD
Future clinical trials should incorporate tests such as the vas-
cular equivalent of the ADAS-cog, the VaDAS-cog (Ferris and Subacute VaD is defined clinically by insidious onset of sub-
Gauthier, 2002), as well as others tests that include formal cortical dementia with frontal lobe deficits, depressive mood
measurement of executive function. Of interest, ADL are con- changes – the so-called ‘vascular depression’ (Alexopoulos
sidered a proxy evaluation of executive function. Pohjasvaara et al., 2002), along with psychomotor slowing, parkinsonian
et al. (2002) confirmed that executive dysfunction was the features, urinary disturbances and pseudobulbar palsy, usu-
main determinant of abnormalities in both basic ADL and ally resulting from small vessel disease (Román et al., 2002f).
instrumental ADLs (IADLs) in patients with post-stroke Symptoms are due to interruption by ischaemic lesions of
VaD. Executive function tests, including IADLs, may be sen- prefrontal-subcortical circuits for executive control of working
sitive tools for the diagnosis of VaD and could accurately memory, organization, language, mood, regulation of atten-
measure the effects of potential therapies. tion, constructional skills, motivation, and socially responsive
Clinical forms of vascular dementia 579

behaviours (Cummings, 1993). Prefrontal-subcortical loops was uncommon or mild. Population-based studies of elderly
may be severed by lacunes in the striatum, globus pallidus or subjects indicate that in the vast majority of cases, lacunes are
thalamus, or by white matter lesions that disconnect pre- silent (Longstreth et al., 1998); however, silent lacunes partic-
frontal or anterior cingulate cortexes from their basal ganglia ularly in the thalamus more than double the risk of dementia
or thalamocortical connections (Swartz et al., 2003; Vataja (hazard ratio 2.26; 95 per cent CI 1.09–4.70) (Vermeer et al.,
et al., 2003). 2003). Hospital-based series of lacunar infarctions show that
Loss of executive function is a major component of VaD about 30 per cent of these patients develop dementia
(Román and Royall, 1999), leading to cognitive disability and (Babikian et al., 1990; Tatemichi et al., 1993). In a clinico-
clinically significant loss of planning capacity, working mem- pathological review of 100 consecutive autopsies of patients
ory, attention, concentration, discrimination, abstraction, with lacunar strokes at the Hôpital de la Salpêtrière (Román,
conceptual flexibility, and self-control (Román and Royall, 1985b), 72 cases with multiple lacunes were found, but only
1999; Vataja et al., 2003). Some patients are unable to initiate 36 per cent were clinically demented (état lacunaire). In six
the required behaviour, others fail to inhibit irrelevant cases, Alzheimer disease and lacunes coexisted and six had
behaviours, and most can perform individual steps of a com- Binswanger’s disease (Mikol, 1968). In the demented patients,
plex problem but are unable to provide a correct strategy to dilatation of the lateral ventricles was the only morphological
solve it. These symptoms often lead to post-stroke depression feature that separated état lacunaire patients from cases with
and functional disability (Pohjasvaara et al., 1998, 2002). multiple lacunes but without dementia, suggesting that either
The main clinical forms of subacute VaD are Binswanger’s white matter disease or normal pressure hydrocephalus could
disease (état lacunaire), cerebral autosomal dominant arteri- have contributed to the dementia.
opathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy Neuropathological data indicates that up to 60 per cent of
(CADASIL), and rare instances of cerebral amyloid angiopathy, patients with AD have Binswanger-type white matter lesions
including those that present with leukoencephalopathy (Gray (Brun and Englund, 1986; Englund et al., 1988). These lesions
et al., 1985; Sarazin et al., 2002). The temporal profile of present- have been postulated as being caused by cerebral hypoperfu-
ation of these conditions is typically subacute, with a chronic sion resulting from cardiac disease or orthostatic hypotension;
course marked by fluctuations and progressive worsening. this form could be called AD type B (with Binswanger-type
lesions), in contrast with AD type A, with exclusive cortical
involvement. Moreover, Snowdon and colleagues (1997) in the BINSWANGER’S DISEASE
Nun Study reported that in very old subjects lacunes are an
Binswanger’s disease is characterized by the presence of important factor in the clinical expression of AD. Likewise,
ischaemic periventricular leukoencephalopathy typically spar- according to Jellinger and Mitter-Ferstl (2003) the presence of
ing the arcuate subcortical U-fibres (Román, 1987). Brain cerebrovascular pathology in patients with AD is significantly
imaging (CT and MRI) usually correlates well with the patho- higher at autopsy than in controls (48 versus 7.4 per cent).
logical features that include diffuse myelin pallor, loss of oligo- Zekry and co-workers (2002b, c) demonstrated at post-
dendrocytes and astrocytic gliosis. Under the microscope, mortem examination the synergistic effect of vascular lesions
there is loss of myelin and axons resulting in rarefaction, spon- in patients with dementia of AD. The presence of vascular
giosis and vacuolization without definite necrosis (incomplete lesions had a direct correlation with the severity of the demen-
white matter infarction); in addition, lesions of arterioloscle- tia. Furthermore, the density of AD lesions (neuritic plaques,
rosis and other hypertensive lesions (Lammie, 2002), and état focal amyloid  deposits, and neurofibrillary tangles) was sig-
criblé or widening of perivascular spaces are present. Advanced nificantly lower when vascular lesions were present.
white matter lesions include focal necrosis and cavitations
(lacunes); there are also lacunar infarcts in the basal ganglia CADASIL
and the pons. Román (1985a) suggested the identity of
Binswanger’s disease and a remarkably similar clinical condi- CADASIL was described in France in the early 1990s (Bousser
tion, état lacunaire (Marie, 1901), characterized by multiple and Tournier-Lasserve, 1994); it was originally called ‘familial
lacunes, ventricular dilatation and lesions of the white matter Binswanger’ (van Bogaert, 1955) and ‘hereditary multi-infarct
with a moth-eaten appearance. The syndrome included mild dementia’ (Sourander and Walinder, 1977; Sonninen and
residual hemiparesis, a peculiar gait with short steps (marche à Savontaus, 1987). Currently, CADASIL appears to be the most
petits pas), dysarthria, pseudobulbar palsy, and extrapyramidal common genetic form of VaD. Recently, Chabriat and Bousser
features such as inexpressive facies, slowness of movement, (2003), Dichgans (2002) and Kalimo et al. (2002) have pro-
axial rigidity, loss of postural reflexes and frequent falls. vided excellent reviews. This autosomal dominant disorder of
Dementia is not a salient feature of état lacunaire (Marie, cerebral small vessels maps to chromosome 19 and is caused by
1901), but some intellectual deficit is constantly present. Notch3 gene mutations. The underlying vascular lesion is a
However, Fisher (1965) remarked that lacunar strokes typ- unique non-amyloid non-atherosclerotic microangiopathy
ically do not cause disturbances in higher cerebral functions, involving arterioles (100–400 m in diameter) and capillaries,
and when present ‘always exclude a lacunar diagnosis’. Among primarily in the brain but also in other organs. The diagnosis
114 patients with lacunes he examined at necropsy, dementia may be established by skin biopsy with confirmation by
580 Therapeutic strategies for vascular dementia

immunostaining with a Notch3 monoclonal antibody. 46.5 PHARMACOLOGICAL THERAPY OF

CADASIL offers a natural model for the study of subcortical- VASCULAR DEMENTIA
subacute forms of VaD, in particular Binswanger’s disease.
Numerous pedigrees have been described in Europe and North
America. Clinical manifestations include transient ischaemic A review of the history of VaD (Román, 2002c, d) suggests
attacks (TIAs) and strokes (80 per cent), cognitive deficits and that the prevailing concepts of pathogenesis at a given time
VaD (50 per cent), migraine with focal deficits (40 per cent), influence not only the elaboration of clinical criteria, but also
mood disorders (30 per cent) and epilepsy (10 per cent). Onset the approach to therapy. Until the 1970s, VaD was believed to
is usually in early adulthood (mean age: 46 years) in the absence be caused by progressive strangulation of blood flow to the
of risk factors for vascular disease, culminating in dementia and brain resulting in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion. Therefore,
death usually about 20 years after onset of symptoms. The beginning with nicotinic acid, a number of vasodilating
dementia is slow in onset, subcortical, frontal in type, accompa- agents were recommended for years for the treatment of
nied by gait and urinary disturbances, and pseudobulbar palsy non-specific senile symptoms, cognitive decline and demen-
clinically identical to that of sporadic Binswanger’s disease. tia. Following the same logic, Walsh (Walsh, 1968; Walsh
MRI reveals a combination of small lacunar lesions and diffuse et al., 1978) claimed significant improvement of symptoms
white matter abnormalities, including, typically, lesions of the of presenile and senile dementia with a combination of war-
corpus callosum; MRI lesions are often present in asympto- farin anticoagulation and psychotherapy. A vascular patho-
matic relatives. Also, cerebral blood flow (CBF) reactivity to genesis also underlay the use of antithrombotics, ergot
inhaled carbon dioxide is impaired. Widespread smooth- alkaloids, nootropics, thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)-
muscle cell loss results in decreased regional CBF; these values analogue, Ginkgo biloba extract, plasma viscosity drugs,
correlate inversely with cognitive performance. The disease is hyperbaric oxygen, antioxidants, serotonin and histamine
caused by highly stereotyped mutations in the Notch3 gene that receptor antagonists, vasoactive agents, xanthine derivatives
encodes a phyllogenetically old transmembrane cell-surface and calcium antagonists (Román, 2000). With increasing
receptor that regulates cell fate during embryonic development. recognition of AD and new knowledge of neurotransmitters,
The large extracellular domain of Notch3 contains 34 tandem neuronal metabolism and biochemical tissue reactions to
epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like repeats where the muta- ischaemia–hypoxia and oxidative stress, more specific med-
tions result in gain or loss of a cysteine residue. ications were developed leading to the current of neuropro-
tection (Mondadori, 1993). The most recent advance in the
treatment of VaD has been the development of medications CEREBRAL AMYLOID ANGIOPATHY to enhance specific neurotransmitters, such as acetylcholine.
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy or CAA is a heterogeneous Furthermore, these products have been studied following
group of disorders characterized by deposition of amyloid closely the standard recommendations for controlled clinical
in the walls of leptomeningeal and cerebral cortical blood trials. The cholinesterase inhibitors will be discussed first,
vessels, manifested clinically by recurrent or multiple lobar followed by the NMDA-receptor antagonist of glutamatergic
haemorrhages, cognitive deterioration, and ischaemic strokes. neurotransmission, memantine, the calcium channel block-
Cerebral MRI displays diffuse white matter abnormalities ers, the nootropic agents, the xanthines, the ergot derivatives,
along with ischaemic or haemorrhagic focal brain lesions. the vasodilators, and then other various treatments for VaD.
On histology, the vessels show amyloid deposition, micro-
aneurysms and fibrinoid necrosis. 46.5.1 Cholinergic dysfunction in VaD
There are several autosomal dominant forms of CAA with
differences in their clinical, genetic, biochemical and patho- Cholinergic dysfunction is well documented in VaD, inde-
logic findings. A, the major amyloid component in the pendently of any concomitant AD pathology; these deficits
Dutch, Flemish, and Iowa-type of familial CAA, is also the consist of decreased levels of acetylcholine (ACh) in the cere-
major amyloid component in sporadic CAA and in AD. brospinal fluid (CSF), and reduced cholinergic markers such
Familial British dementia (FBD) with amyloid angiopathy is an as choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) in the brain (Szilagyi
autosomal dominant condition characterized by VaD, progres- et al., 1987; Wallin et al., 1989; Wallin and Gottfries, 1990;
sive spastic paraparesis and cerebellar ataxia with onset in the Gottfries et al., 1994; Tohgi et al., 1996). Hippocampal ChAT
sixth decade (Mead et al., 2000). A point mutation in the BRI deficits of up to 60 per cent have been reported in the brains
gene has been shown to be the genetic abnormality. On brain of both AD and VaD patients (Perry et al., 1977; Sakurada
MRI, Binswanger-type deep white matter hyperintensities and et al., 1990; Kalaria et al. 2001). The cholinergic basal fore-
lacunar infarcts are seen, but without intracerebral haemor- brain nuclei are irrigated by penetrating arterioles and are
rhages. The corpus callosum is severely affected and atrophic. therefore susceptible to the effects of arterial hypertension.
Plaques and tangles are present but the amyloid subunit (ABri) Moreover, ischaemic lesions in the white matter and the basal
found in FBD brains is entirely different and unrelated to other ganglia can interrupt the cholinergi projections (Swartz
amyloid proteins. FBD combines neurodegeneration and et al., 2003). Selden and co-workers (1998) described in
dementia with systemic amyloid deposition. the human brain two highly organized and discrete bundles
Pharmacological therapy of vascular dementia 581

of cholinergic fibres extending from the nucleus basalis Exclusion criteria also included other neurodegenerative or
of Meynert (nbM) to the cerebral cortex and amygdala. psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia or major depres-
Mesulam et al. (2003) demonstrated cholinergic denervation sion, a MMSE (Folstein et al., 1975) score 26 or 10, the
from ischaemic pathway lesions in CADASIL, a pure genetic occurrence of new strokes within the 28 days prior to base-
form of VaD, entirely unmixed with AD lesions. line, or myocardial infarction within 3 months of enrolment.
Cholinergic mechanisms play a role in the modulation of These two VaD studies enrolled more men than women
regional CBF (Sato et al., 2001). Stimulation of the nbM (58 versus 38 per cent) and their mean age was older than
results in increased blood flow in the cerebral cortex (Biesold in AD (74.5  0.2 versus 72  0.2 years). The more severe
et al., 1989). This cholinergic vasodilatory system relies upon vascular pathology of VaD was reflected in the high HIS score
activation of both muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic (6.6  0.2 versus 4 in AD); most subjects had hypertension,
receptors and the response declines with age (Lacombe et al., hypercholesterolaemia, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, smok-
1997; Uchida et al., 2000). Therefore, there is loss of choliner- ing, previous stroke and TIAs.
gic function in patients with VaD, and this is associated with There were three main end points:
reductions in CBF (Court et al., 2002).
The above observations provide reasonable arguments to • cognition, measured with the ADAS-cog (Rosen et al.,
1984) and the MMSE (Folstein et al., 1975);
justify the use of cholinesterase inhibitors in VaD (Román,
2005), both unmixed with AD, as well as in patients with • global function, evaluated with the CIBIC-plus (Schneider
et al., 1997) and with the Sum of Boxes of the Clinical
AD  CVD. Three of the acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
Dementia Rating (CDR-SB) scale (Berg, 1988); and
(AChEIs) approved for use in AD – donepezil, galantamine
and rivastigmine – have also been studied in VaD and will be • ADL, measured with the Alzheimer’s Disease Functional
Assessment and Change Scale (ADFACS) (Mohs et al.,
reviewed below.
In study 307 (Black et al., 2003), both donepezil treatment DONEPEZIL
group showed statistically significant cognitive improvement
Donepezil hydrochloride (E2020, Aricept) is a piperidine- measured with the MMSE and the ADAS-cog; the mean
based, reversible, non-competitive AChEI with highly selective changes from baseline ADAS-cog scores were: donepezil
central action, approved for treatment of mild to moderate 5 mg/day, 1.90 (P  0.001); donepezil 10 mg/day, 2.33
AD (Román and Rogers, 2004). Donepezil is unrelated to (P 0.001). The donepezil 5 mg/day group also showed sig-
other cholinesterase inhibitors, and has greater selectivity for nificant improvement in global function on the CIBIC-plus
cerebral AChE than for butyrylcholinesterse (BuChE). It but this did not reach significance in the 10 mg/day group
reaches peak plasma concentrations 3–4 hours after oral (P  0.27). The CDR-SB showed non-significant benefit in
administration. Oral absorption is excellent and is unaffected the 5 mg/day group and statistical significance in the
by food or by time of administration; a single bedtime dose is 10 mg/day group (P  0.022). Compared with placebo, there
recommended because of its long half-life. Therapeutic levels was significant benefit in ADL (P 0.05) in both donepezil
are obtained with a dose of 5 mg/day, reaching steady state groups using the ADFACS.
plasma levels after 15 days. Donepezil is 96 per cent bound to Similar results were observed in study 308 (Wilkinson
plasma proteins (75 per cent to albumin and 21 per cent to 1 et al., 2003); donepezil treatment resulted in significant
acid glycoprotein). Donepezil is metabolized primarily by the improvement in cognition measured with the MMSE and the
cytochrome P450 system (CYP 450 isoenzymes 2D6 and 3A4) ADAS-cog. For the latter, the mean changes from baseline
with extensive first-pass metabolism; it also undergoes glu- score were: donepezil 5 mg/day, 1.65 (P  0.003); donepezil
curonidation (Román and Rogers, 2004). 10 mg/day, 2.09 (P  0.0002). Global function on the
The safety and efficacy of donepezil has been studied in the CIBIC-plus was significantly better in the 5 mg/day group
largest clinical trial of pure VaD to date (Goldsmith and Scott, (P  0.004), and was barely below signficance in the
2003). A total of 1219 subjects were recruited for a 24-week, 10 mg/day group (P  0.047). The CDR-SB showed benefits
randomized, placebo-controlled, multicentre, multinational with 5 mg/day (non-significant), and it reached significance
study divided in two identical trials, 307 (Black et al., 2003) with 10 mg/day (P  0.03). The ADL were improved in
and 308 (Wilkinson et al., 2003). The patients were random- patients treated with donepezil when compared with placebo
ized to one of three groups: placebo, donepezil at a dosage using the ADFACS, but did not reach significance at the end
of 5 mg/day or donepezil, 10 mg/day. The group receiving of the study. Comparison of cortical versus subcortical forms
10 mg/day initially received 5 mg/day for four weeks; the of VaD showed no differences in the overall results of the trial
dosage was then titrated up to 10 mg/day. Most patients (73 (Salloway et al., 2003).
per cent) fulfilled diagnosis of probable VaD according to the In comparison with AD patients, cognitive decline in
NINDS-AIREN criteria (Román et al., 1993). All had brain untreated patients with VaD during 24 weeks of study in these
imaging prior to enrolment (CT or MRI) with demonstration trials was less severe, using similar instruments. These differ-
of cerebrovascular lesions. Patients with pre-existing AD and ences were also noted for global effects, measured by the
those with ‘mixed dementia,’ (AD  CVD) were excluded. CIBIC-plus version. Substantial decline of instrumental ADL
582 Therapeutic strategies for vascular dementia

was noted in untreated VaD patients. A combined analysis of Kershaw, 2004). Galantamine is safe and well tolerated when
the total population confirmed the effects on cognition and the dosage is escalated gradually. Galantamine HBr is avail-
global function. Of interest, donepezil-treated patients able in 4 mg, 8 mg and 12 mg tablets.
demonstrated statistically significant improvements in instru- Galantamine has been studied in VaD in a large phase III,
mental IADLs compared with decline in the placebo group randomized, multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled
(least squares [LS] mean change from baseline at end point: clinical trial in patients with probable VaD, or with AD com-
placebo, 0.60; 5 mg/day 0.09, P 0.05; 10 mg/day 0.18, bined with CVD (Erkinjuntti et al., 2002a). Patients received
P 0.01). These results suggest that donepezil treatment may galantamine 24 mg/day (n  396) or placebo (n  196) for 6
improve or maintain the patients’ abilities to perform ADL. months; the age of the patients ranged from 40 to 90 years.
Executive dysfunction is a major component of disability in Eligible subjects met either the clinical criteria of probable
patients with VaD and the beneficial effect of donepezil on VaD by NINDS-AIREN criteria (Román et al., 1993), or of
IADLs may be related to improvement or stabilization of possible AD according to the NINCDS-ADRDA criteria
executive function. (McKhann et al., 1984). Radiological evidence of CVD on
Donepezil was generally well tolerated, although more brain CT or MR was required (i.e. AD  CVD), including
adverse effects were reported in the 10 mg/day group than in multiple large-vessel infarcts or a single, strategically placed
the 5 mg/day or placebo groups. The adverse effects were infarct (angular gyrus, thalamus, basal forebrain, territory of
assessed as mild to moderate and transient, and were typ- the posterior or anterior cerebral artery), or at least two basal
ically diarrhoea, nausea, arthralgia, leg cramps, anorexia and ganglia and white matter lacunes, or white matter changes
headache. The incidence of bradycardia and syncope was not involving at least 25 per cent of the total white matter. Mild to
significantly different from the placebo group. The discon- moderate dementia was defined by a score of  12 in the
tinuation rates for the groups were 15 per cent for placebo, 18 ADAS-cog/11 (Rosen et al., 1984) and 10–25 on the MMSE
per cent for 5 mg, and 28 per cent for the 10 mg group. There (Folstein et al., 1975).
was no significant interaction with cardiovascular medica- Primary end points were cognition, as measured using the
tions or antithrombotic agents. These two large trials offer ADAS-cog/11 (Rosen et al., 1984), and global functioning as
evidence that donepezil is effective and well tolerated in measured using the CIBIC-plus (Schneider et al., 1997).
patients with VaD (Malouf and Birks, 2004). Secondary end points included assessments of activities of
daily living, using the Disability Assessment in Dementia
(DAD) (Gélinas et al., 1999), and behavioural symptoms, GALANTAMINE
using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) (Cummings
Galantamine (galanthamine, Remynil, Proneurax, Prometax) et al., 1994). Galantamine demonstrated greater efficacy than
is a tertiary alkaloid currently approved for the treatment of placebo on all outcome measures in analyses of both groups
mild to moderate AD. Galantamine is a reversible specific of patients as a whole: ADAS-cog (2.7 points, P  0.001), on
inhibitor of AChE, and in addition it modulates central nico- the CIBIC-plus (74 versus 59 per cent of patients remained
tinic receptors to increase cholinergic neurotransmission. stable or improved, P  0.001). ADL and behavioural
Galantamine was initially isolated from the bulbs of the symptoms in the NPI were also significantly improved com-
snowdrop plant, Galanthus woronowii, and from several pared with placebo (both P 0.05). Galantamine was safe
Amaryllidaceae plants; commercially, galantamine is and well tolerated; however, nausea was reported six times as
extracted from Leucojum aestivum, the common snowflake often by VaD patients on galantamine than those on placebo.
(Harvey, 1995; Pearson, 2001). Galantamine has high In comparison nausea was twice as common in patients with
bioavailability from the oral route; maximum plasma levels AD treated with galantamine compared with placebo-treated
are obtained about 1–2 hours after oral administration, with patients (Erkinjuntti et al., 2002a), suggesting lesser tolerabil-
18 per cent protein binding. Galantamine is metabolized ity in patients with VaD.
by the CYP2D6 system into three inactive metabolites, In an open label extension (Erkinjuntti et al., 2003a), the
O-demethyl-galantamine, N-demethyl-galantamine, and epi- original galantamine group of patients with probable VaD or
galantamine; elimination half-life is 5–7 hours. Cytochrome AD  CVD showed similar sustained benefits in terms of
CYP2D6 inhibitors will increase the serum concentration of maintenance of or improvement in cognition (ADS-cog),
galantamine. The starting daily dose of galantamine is functional ability (DAD), and behaviour (NPI) after 12
8 mg/day (4 mg twice daily), but therapeutic levels are months. Although not designed to detect differences between
reached with 8 mg/day and doses up to 24–32 mg/day are subgroups, the subgroup of patients with AD  CVD on
used in AD. The safety and efficacy of galantamine in AD has galantamine (n  188, 48 per cent) showed greater efficacy
been studied in randomized, controlled trials recruiting than placebo (n  97, 50 per cent) at 6 months on the ADAS-
more than 2600 patients. Improvement or stabilization of cog (P  0.001) and the CIBIC-plus (P  0.019) (Erkinjuntti
cognition, function, behaviour and caregiver burden were et al., 2002a). In the open-label extension, patients with
demonstrated over 6 months; a few 12-month trials con- AD  CVD on galantamine maintained cognition at base-
firmed slowing of decline or maintained baseline perform- line for 12 months (Erkinjuntti et al., 2003a). The subgroup
ance (Corey-Bloom, 2003; Raskind, 2003; Dengiz and of patients with probable VaD, compared those on placebo
Pharmacological therapy of vascular dementia 583

(n  81, 41 per cent) with 171 subjects (43 per cent) on significant treatment differences were observed in the hyper-
galantamine. In the subgroup of patients with VaD treated tensive subgroup on the Progressive and Global Deterioration
with galantamine for 6 months, the ADAS-cog scores Scales (PDS and GDS). Furthermore, Erkinjuntti et al.
improved significantly (mean change from baseline, 2.4 (2003b) stratified 725 patients with AD treated with rivastig-
points, P 0.0001), compared with no response in placebo mine, according to the presence or absence of arterial hyper-
group (mean change from baseline, 0.4; treatment difference tension at baseline. Rivastigmine 6–12 mg/day provided
versus galantamine 1.9, P  0.06) (Erkinjuntti et al., 2003a). better outcomes than placebo on the PDS in the hypertensive
More patients treated with galantamine than with placebo (P  0.031) and non-hypertensive (P  0.035) subgroups.
maintained or improved global function (CIBIC-plus, 31 per All patients receiving rivastigmine 6–12 mg/day had superior
cent versus 23 per cent; not statistically significant). In these CIBIC-plus scores than those receiving placebo. The additional
patients, the cognitive benefits of galantamine were main- apparent benefits on disease progression detected in patients
tained at least up to 12 months, demonstrating a mean with AD and hypertension may be linked to drug effects on
change of 2.1 in the ADAS-cog score compared with base- cerebrovascular risk factors, or to a larger underlying cholin-
line, and the active group was still close to baseline at 24 ergic deficit in patients with AD and hypertension.
months (Erkinjuntti et al., 2003a). During the 12-month
trial, the most frequently reported adverse events were
depression (13 per cent), agitation (12 per cent) and insom- 46.5.2 Memantine
nia (11 per cent).
Memantine (Namenda, Ebixa, Axura) is a moderate-affinity,
voltage-dependent, uncompetitive, potent antagonist of the RIVASTIGMINE
N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor (Farlow, 2004).
Rivastigmine (Exelon) is a second-generation carbamate Experimentally, memantine inhibits and reverses the abnor-
slowly reversible AChEI and butyryl-cholinesterase (BuChE) mal activity of protein phosphatase (PP-2A) that leads to tau
inhibitor currently approved for use in mild to moderate AD hyperphosphorylation and to neurofibrillary degeneration
(Farlow, 2003). Rivastigmine binds to the AChE molecule in a in AD (Li et al., 2004). Memantine has been shown to be
pseudo-irreversible manner; the acetyl moiety of ACh is disso- effective and well tolerated in patients with severe AD
ciated rapidly but the carbamyl moiety remains longer. (Reisberg et al., 2003), and was recently approved by the FDA
Rivastigmine is therefore metabolized at the synapse rather for the treatment of moderate to severe AD (Möbius, 2003).
than by hepatic cytochrome enzymes; hence, there are no Furthermore, Tariot and colleagues (2004) showed that, in
drug–drug interactions (Polinsky, 1998). Rivastigmine has a patients with moderate to severe AD receiving stable doses of
half-life at the synapse of 9 hours and should be given twice donepezil, memantine resulted in significantly better out-
daily. Initial dosage is 3 mg/day and should be slowly escalated comes than placebo in cognition, ADL, global outcome and
to 6 mg/day, 9 mg/day and 12 mg/day. The role of BuChE behaviour. These findings suggest that this dual therapy
inhibition in glial cells in AD remains unclear. After treatment could be useful.
of AD with rivastigmine for 12 months, CSF and plasma AChE Memantine has been used also in patients with VaD based
activity decreased by 46 per cent and BuChE by 65 per cent on its experimental efficacy in animal models of ischaemia.
from baseline (Darreh-Shori et al., 2002). There was a signifi- Memantine acts on potentially contributing factors such as
cant correlation between plasma ChE inhibition and cogni- neuronal depolarization, mitochondrial dysfunction, mag-
tion, particularly in relation to attention (Almkvist et al., 2004). nesium effects on NMDA receptors and chronic glutamater-
The effects of rivastigmine in VaD remain to be deter- gic overstimulation; it also has shown positive effects on
mined in phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo- long-term potentiation and cognitive tests in standard ani-
controlled clinical trials (Moretti et al., 2004). Rivastigmine mal models of impaired synaptic plasticity (Möbius, 1999).
was used in small open-label studies of patients with subcor- Orgogozo and colleagues (2002) and Wilcock and co-
tical VaD followed for 12 months (Moretti et al., 2001) and 22 workers (2002), recently completed two randomized, placebo-
months (Moretti et al., 2002); rivastigmine resulted in sta- controlled 6-month trials of memantine (20 mg/day) in mild to
bilization of cognition and ADL, with slight improvement moderate probable VaD, diagnosed according to the NINDS-
of executive function and planning, less caregiver stress and AIREN criteria (Román et al., 1993). In study MMM 300
improved behaviour. Orgogozo et al. (2002) randomized 147 patients to memantine
Regarding the use of rivastigmine in patients with and 141 to placebo. After 28 weeks, the mean ADAS-cog scores
AD  CVD, Kumar and colleagues (2000) compared the were significantly improved relative to placebo: the memantine
outcomes of AD patients with or without concurrent vascu- group gained an average of 0.4 points, versus a decline of 1.6 in
lar risk factors; cognitive effects were seen in both groups but the placebo group, a difference of 2.0 points (P  0.0016). The
patients with AD and vascular risk had greater clinical bene- CIBIC-plus improved or stable response, reached 60 per cent
fit. These findings were confirmed by Erkinjuntti and col- with memantine compared with 52 per cent with placebo
leagues (2002b) in an open-label extension study of 104 (P  0.227). The Gottfries-Bråne-Steen (GBS) Scale (Gottfries
weeks. Compared with non-hypertensive patients with AD, et al., 1982) and the Nurses’ Observation Scale for Geriatric
584 Therapeutic strategies for vascular dementia

Patients (NOSGER) (Spiegel et al., 1991) total scores at week 28 However, a re-analysis of the Scandinavian Trial of Nimodipine
did not differ significantly between the two groups. However, in MID (Pantoni et al., 2000) showed a beneficial effect in tests
the GBS Scale intellectual function subscore and the NOSGER of attention and psychomotor performance in the subgroup of
disturbing behaviour dimension also showed a difference patients with subcortical small vessel VaD, but not in patients
favouring memantine (P  0.04 and P  0.07, respectively). with post-stroke dementia of the MID type.
In study MMM 500 Wilcock et al. (2002) randomized 277 A pilot open label trial of nimodipine in patients with small
patients to memantine and 271 to placebo. At 28 weeks the vessel VaD was positive (Pantoni et al., 1996). In this study, sub-
active group had gained 0.53 points and the placebo declined cortical VaD was defined according to ICD-10 criteria (World
by 2.28 points in ADAS-cog, a significant difference of 1.75 Health Organization, 1992), and inclusion criteria required the
ADAS-cog points between the groups (P 0.05). There patients to have mild to moderate dementia (MMSE, 12–24;
were no differences in CGIC, MMSE, GBS or NOSGER Global Deterioration Scale, 3–5), as well as CT evidence of
between groups. Memantine was well tolerated in both stud- extensive leukoaraiosis and at least one lacunar infarct. The pri-
ies. Möbius and Stoffler (2002) performed a post hoc pooled mary measure of efficacy was the Sandoz Clinical Assessment –
analysis of the above two placebo-controlled trials of Geriatric (SCAG) scale (Shader et al., 1974). Using similar cri-
memantine in VaD. Baseline severity, as assessed by MMSE, teria and outcome measures, a large multicentre, randomized,
showed larger cognitive benefit in patients with more double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of nimodipine in sub-
advanced disease. Also, the cognitive treatment effect for cortical VaD is being conducted in Italy and Spain.
memantine was more pronounced in the small-vessel type
group without cortical infarctions by CT or MRI. Finally, the LACIDIPINE AND LERCANIDIPINE
placebo subgroup of patients with large vessel disease showed
less cognitive decline than the other subgroup. Lacidipine and lercanidipine are third-generation dihydro-
pyridine calcium antagonists that cause systemic vaso-
dilatation by blocking calcium entry through L-type calcium
46.5.3 Calcium channel blockers channels in cell membranes; these agents also improve
carotid atherosclerosis (Zanchetti et al., 2004), small vessel
The main calcium channels blockers used for the treatment disease (Frishman, 2002) and cerebral flow (Semplicini et al.,
of VaD include nimodipine, lacidipine and fasudil. 2000) in hypertensive patients and offer some promise for
the treatment of vascular dementia. NIMODIPINE FASUDIL
Nimodipine (Nimotop) is a dihydropyridinic calcium chan-
nel blocker used as an antihypertensive agent. Due to its Fasudil hydrochloride is a novel intracellular calcium anta-
highly lipophilic properties it readily crosses the blood–brain gonist, with Rho-kinase inhibitory activity on arterial walls
barrier (BBB), affects autoregulation of cerebral blood flow affecting vessel remodelling (Pearce et al., 2004). Kamei and
and produces vasodilatation of small cerebral blood vessels colleagues (1996) reported the use of fasudil in the treatment
(Jansen et al., 1991). Nimodipine has been shown to reduce of two patients with Binswanger’s disease using 31P-magnetic
the severity of neurological outcome in patients after sub- resonance spectroscopy and Xenon-computed tomography.
arachnoid haemorrhage secondary to ruptured aneurysms, Treatment with fasudil at 30 or 60 mg/day orally for 8 weeks
probably by decreasing cerebral vasospasm, although this controlled the fluctuating symptoms of Binswanger’s disease
effect has not been demonstrated by angiography or transcra- in both patients. Mental tests and imaging also improved
nial Doppler (Ohman et al., 1991). In addition to its vascular during the treatment.
effects, nimodipine appears to have nootropic properties.
There is a high density of nimodipine binding sites in hippo-
46.5.4 Nootropic agents
campus, caudate nucleus and cerebral cortex (Traber and
Gibsen, 1989). Nimodipine binds to slow L-type calcium
The name nootropic (Greek nous, mind; trophikos, nourish-
receptors, preventing influx of calcium into vascular smooth
ing) describes a category of agents with neuroprotective
muscle cells and into ischaemic neurones (Greenberg et al.,
capacity against anoxic or oxidative injuries. Piracetam,
1990); experimentally, it provides protection against age-
oxiracetam and citicoline will be reviewed here.
associated microvascular abnormalities in the rat brain (De
Jong et al., 1990). Although a neuroprotective effect has been PIRACETAM
postulated in stroke patients, nimodipine showed only a trend
for better outcome when used within the first 12 hours of Piracetam (2-oxo-1-pyrrolidine acetamide), the first of the
stroke onset (Gelmers and Hennerici, 1990). nootropic agents, is a cyclic derivative of -aminobutyric acid
A Cochrane review on nimodipine by Lopez-Arrieta and (GABA) which can cross the blood–brain barrier (Hitzenberger
Birks (2002) concluded that, owing to limitations in the avail- et al., 1998) to concentrate selectively in the brain cortex
able data, there was no convincing evidence for the efficacy (Vernon and Sorkin, 1991). At low doses, piracetam increases
of nimodipine in AD, VaD or mixed forms of dementia. both oxygen and glucose utilization via ATP pathways and the
Pharmacological therapy of vascular dementia 585

release of some neurotransmitters – in particular dopamine In animal studies, citicoline is biologically active, enhan-
metabolites – whilst at higher dosages, it is associated with cing repair of ischaemic neuronal injury and increasing
platelet anti-aggregation and rheological effects with levels of acetylcholine and dopamine (Secades and Frontera,
antithrombotic properties (Moriau et al., 1993). It enhances the 1995). In aged animals, citicoline increased dopamine
microcirculation by promoting erythrocyte deformability and release, improving learning and memory tasks (Cacabelos
by reducing adherence to endothelial cells. However, studies of et al., 1993). In a pooled analysis of clinical trials on acute
piracetam in acute stroke have been inconclusive, although ischaemic stroke, citicoline was shown to enhance the possi-
improvement of aphasia in patients treated within 7 hours of bility of recovery (Davalos et al., 2002). Citicoline has been
stroke onset was seen (Hitzenberger et al., 1998). Several animal used in a number of trials in patients with AD showing
studies showed effects of piracetam on memory and facilitation modest results in improvement of memory and behaviour
of retention over 24 hours. A Cochrane review (Flicker and (Cacabelos et al., 1993). In a Cochrane review (Fioravanti
Grimley Evans, 2001) concluded that the usefulness of pirac- and Yanagi, 2000) of four studies in VaD with a total of 217
etam in patients with AD and VaD in small clinical trials has patients (citicoline  115, placebo  102), evaluation with
been unclear, based mainly on subjective Global Impression of the Global Impression of Change showed a significant
Change. A recent review of 19 trials in patients with several improvement in contrast with the placebo group. The effect
forms of dementia (Waegemans et al., 2002) and a protective size was very large (8.89 CI  5.19–15.22) indicating a strong
effect in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery drug effect (Fioravanti and Yanagi, 2000). However, a more
(Uebelhack et al., 2003) appear to provide some support for a recent, placebo-controlled trial, on 30 patients showed no
moderate effect of piracetam on cognitive impairment. evidence of cognitive improvement (Cohen et al., 2003). OXIRACETAM
46.5.5 Xanthine derivatives
Oxiracetam is a structural analogue of the nootropic agent
piracetam. This compound has enhancing effects on vigi- The main xanthine derivatives used in the treatment of VaD
lance and memory. In comparison with piracetam, oxirac- are pentoxifylline or oxpentifylline (Trental), denbufylline –
etam exhibits greater improvement in memory (Itil et al., a phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitor, and propentofylline
1986) and has been used extensively for the treatment of (PPF). Pentoxifylline, derived from theobromine, has
dementia, including AD, VaD, MID (Dysken et al., 1989; haemorheological effects both on the microcirculation and
Baumel et al., 1989) and mixed forms. Green and colleagues on peripheral vascular disease (in particular for the treatment
(1992) failed to demonstrate a difference with placebo in AD of intermittent claudication). Pentoxifylline has immuno-
patients. In contrast, Maina and co-workers (1989) studied modulatory properties, increasing the rate of neutrophil
289 patients with MID in a double-blind placebo-controlled migration, suppressing monocyte production of tumour
trial and after 12 weeks of treatment found that oxiracetam necrosis factor (TNF)-, and inhibiting leukocyte stimulation
reduced behavioural symptoms. by TNF- and interleukin-1 (IL-1). These properties are
strong contributors to its haemorheological effects (Samlaska CITICOLINE and Winfield, 1994). PPF exhibits adenosine-mediated
nootropic properties against post-anoxic neuronal cell dam-
Citicoline (Somazina), also known as CDP-choline or age, and glial-modulation effects with inhibition of microglial
cytidine-5-diphosphate choline, is a naturally occurring endo- activation.
genous nucleoside that functions as an intermediate in three
major metabolic pathways (Conant and Schauss, 2004): PENTOXIFYLLINE
• Synthesis of phosphatidylcholine (lecithin), one of the
major cell membrane phospholipids with an important Haemorheological changes are found in patients with AD and
role in the formation of lipoproteins. Citicoline in some forms of VaD, such as Binswanger’s disease, in com-
formation is the rate-limiting step in the synthesis of parison with age-matched controls (Solerte et al., 2000).
phosphatidylcholine. Abnormalities included hyperviscosity, increased sedimenta-
• Synthesis of acetylcholine: citicoline by providing choline for tion rate, hyperfibrinogenaemia and increased acute-phase
this neurotransmitter could limit choline availability for reactants; these changes correlate with increased levels of
membrane synthesis. This ‘auto-cannibalism’ of choline- TNF- and interferon(IFN)-. Pentoxifylline (Trental) treat-
containing membrane phospholipids as a source of ment lowers fibrinogen and TNF- levels. Black and colleagues
acetylcholine has been postulated in AD (Ulus et al., 1989). (1992) demonstrated beneficial effects of pentoxifylline in
• Oxidation to betaine, a methyl donor. The main patients with MID. These preliminary findings were confirmed
components of citicoline, choline and cytidine, are in the larger, multicentre European Pentoxifylline Multi-Infarct
readily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and cross Dementia Study (1996) that demonstrated significant cognitive
the blood–brain barrier. As a dietary supplement, choline improvement in the MID form of VaD in comparison with
is grouped with the B vitamins. placebo.
586 Therapeutic strategies for vascular dementia PROPENTOFYLLINE Nicotinic acid (niacin), used for many years for its vaso-
dilating properties, has received renewed attention due to its
Beneficial effects on learning and memory were observed in
effects in the treatment of primary hypercholesterolaemia and
several European and Canadian double-blind, placebo-
mixed dyslipidaemia. Nicotinic acid is the only drug that pri-
controlled, randomized, parallel group trials of PPF in AD
marily lowers concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids and
and VaD (Kittner et al., 1997; Mielke et al., 1998; Kittner,
thereby lowers VLDL triglycerides. Nicotinic acid also seems to
1999; Pischel, 1998). Most studies included patients with mild
improve insulin resistance and to stimulate cholesterol mobi-
to moderate VaD according to NINDS-AIREN criteria
lization from macrophages, offering an avenue for regression of
(McKhann et al., 1984). Significant symptomatic improve-
the vascular lesions of atherosclerosis (Karpe and Frayn, 2004).
ment and long-term efficacy in ADAS-cog and CIBIC-plus
were noted up to 48 weeks of treatment compared with
placebo. In addition, sustained treatment effects for at least
12 weeks after withdrawal suggested an effect on disease pro-
46.5.7 Ergot derivatives
gression (Pischel, 1998; Rother et al., 1998). Despite these
The main ergot derivatives used for the treatment of VaD are
positive results in controlled clinical trials in AD and VaD, the
nicergoline (Sermion) and codergocrine or ergoloid mesy-
clinical development of PPF was halted in 2000.
lates (Hydergine) – a mixture of the mesylated form of four
dehydrogenated ergot peptide derivatives (in a 3:3:2:1 ratio), DENBUFYLLINE dihydroergocornine, dihydroergocristine, dihydro--ergocryp-
Denbufylline, a xanthine derivative and PDE4 inhibitor, has tine, and dihydro--ergocryptine (Wadworth and Chrisp, 1992).
interesting effects such as vasodilatation of cerebral vessels
(Willette et al., 1997) and potent activation of the hypothalamo- ERGOLOID MESYLATES
pituitary–adrenal axis. PDE4 is one of the cyclic AMP The metabolic effects of ergoloid mesylates (Hydergine) are
(cAMP) specific phosphodiesterases whose tissue distribu- incompletely understood; however, enhancement of nor-
tion is important in pathologies related to the central ner- adrenergic, dopaminergic and serotinergic functions (Weil,
vous and immune systems. In the experimental animal, 1988) and reduction of free radical formation (Favit et al.,
denbufylline increases adrenocortico tropic hormone, circu- 1995) have been proposed. Schneider and Olin (1994) reviewed
lating corticosterone, luteinizing hormone, corticotrophin 151 reports on the use of ergoloid mesylates (Hydergine) in
releasing hormone, and cAMP content of the hypothalamic senile dementia, but only 47 of these trials (31 per cent) met
tissue, but is without effect on arginine vasopressin (Kumari strict criteria for meta-analysis. The review by Schneider and
et al., 1997). It also stimulates inhibition of bone loss sug- Olin (1994) and a subsequent Cochrane report (Olin et al.,
gesting therapeutic potential for the treatment of osteoporo- 2001) confirmed that patients with VaD appeared to benefit
sis (Miyamoto et al., 1997). Treves and Korczyn (1999) more from Hydergine than patients with AD in terms of cogni-
studied a group of patients with AD, mixed dementia, and tion, clinical global ratings, and combined measures. However,
VaD treated with denbufylline. No significant differences compared with placebo, efficacy was very modest, at best, and
were found in comparison with placebo for the treatment of there are at present no grounds to recommend its use.
AD or VaD, although patients who received denbufylline
tended to improve in their cognitive scores. NICERGOLINE
Nicergoline (Sermion) is an ergot derivative used for the treat-
46.5.6 Vasodilators ment of cognitive, affective and behavioural disorders of the
elderly. Although initially considered a vasoactive drug indi-
Yesavage and colleagues (1979) reviewed 102 studies from cated for cerebrovascular disorders, nicergoline appears to
the literature on the use of vasodilating agents in senile have protective effects against degeneration of cholinergic
dementias; the postulated effect of these agents was to coun- neurones (Giardino et al., 2002) and has been used for the
teract the ‘hardening of the arteries’. Recommendations for treatment of various forms of dementia, including AD and
most of these agents were based in trials invalidated by the VaD (Fioravanti and Flicker, 2001). The therapeutic effects of
small number of participants, short open treatment periods, nicergoline were evident by 2 months of treatment and were
and variations in diagnostic criteria and clinical end points. maintained for 6 months. Cognitive assessment with the
Cochrane himself (1979) strongly criticized the poor quality MMSE was performed in 261 patients. The difference between
of the evidence thus obtained. treatment and control groups on the MMSE favoured nicer-
The principal pharmacological agents with primary effect goline; at 12 months the effect size was 2.86 (0.98, 4.74).
on smooth muscle resulting in vasodilatation include cyclan- Herrmann and colleagues (1997) conducted a randomized
delate (Cyclospasmol), papaverine (Pavabid), isoxsuprine double-blind placebo-controlled trial involving 136 patients
(Vasodilan), cinnarizine (Stugeron), and nafronyl (Pralixene). with MID. After 6 months of treatment, nicergoline was sig-
No significant effects have been demonstrated with the use of nificantly better than placebo. Another placebo-controlled
vasodilating agents in VaD (Cook and James, 1981). pilot study by Bes and colleagues (1999), recruited 72 elderly
Pharmacological therapy of vascular dementia 587

hypertensive patients with VCI and evidence of leukoaraiosis, TRIFLUSAL

randomly assigned to either nicergoline (n  36) or placebo
Triflusal (Disgren) is an antiplatelet agent structurally related
(n  36) for 24 months. Nicergoline (30 mg b.i.d. for 24
to the salicylates, but it is not derived from ASA. Triflusal and
months) was well tolerated and attenuated the cognitive
its active metabolite (3-hydroxy-4-trifluoro-methylbenzoic
decline of elderly hypertensive patients with VCI.
acid or HTB) produce specific inhibition of platelet arachi-
donic acid metabolism (McNeely and Goa, 1998). A single
46.5.8 Posatirelin open-label trial of triflusal in 73 patients with VaD (López-
Pousa et al., 1997) showed, after 12 months of therapy, less
Posatirelin is a TRH analogue (L-6-ketopiperidine-2- decline in MMSE scores in the active group compared with
carbonyl-L-leucyl-proline amide). In an experimental model the untreated subjects.
of brain cholinergic deficit in the rat by lesion of the nucleus
basalis magnocellularis, posatirelin treatment was shown to GINKGO BILOBA
rescue cholinergic neurones of the nbM and their cholinergic
Ginkgo, extract EGb 761 from the Ginkgo biloba tree (the
projections to the cerebral cortex (Sabbatini et al., 1998).
maidenhair tree), has been widely used in several European
Posatirelin has been used in patients with AD and VaD
countries and more recently in North America, for the treat-
(Parnetti et al., 1995, 1996). VaD patients treated with
ment of ‘chronic cerebral circulatory insufficiency’ (Kleijnen
posatirelin showed a significant improvement in intellectual
and Knipschild, 1992; Gertz and Kiefer, 2004). Ginkgo biloba
performance, orientation, motivation and memory as com-
extracts are considered to have vasodilating and antioxidant
pared with controls. The drug was well tolerated.
properties, as well as haemorheological and nootropic
effects, and to decrease platelet aggregability and blood vis-
46.5.9 Antithrombotic agents cosity, but the mechanism of action remains poorly under-
stood (Zimmermann et al., 2002; Gertz and Kiefer, 2004).
Antiplatelet drugs have been shown to effectively prevent TIAs Several trials have used ginkgo in patients with MID or with
and ischaemic stroke (Easton, 2003). Aspirin provides a relative AD  CVD, with modest positive results (Le Bars et al., 1997;
reduction of 19 per cent in the rate of major vascular events in Kanowski and Hoerr, 2003; van Dongen et al., 2003). Using
patients with arterial disease in general, and 13 per cent in Cochrane data, Kurz and Van Baelen (2004) showed signifi-
patients with ischaemic CVD (van Gijn and Algra, 2003). Other cant benefit versus placebo with ginkgo treatment only when
antiplatelet agents, such as sulfinpyrazone, ticlopidine, clopido- all doses were pooled, although the effects appeared to be
grel, dipyridamole and orally administered IIb/IIIa inhibitors minimal. Ginkgo treatment in the elderly, has been associ-
have similar effects, although the combination of aspirin and ated with subarachnoid haemorrhage and other haemorrhagic
dipyridamole may be more efficacious than aspirin alone. The complications such as subdural haematoma, intracranial and
Antithrombotic Trialists’ Collaboration (Easton, 2003) assessed intraocular bleeding (Vale, 1998; Fong and Kinnear, 2003;
the effect of antiplatelet therapy in 135 000 patients. Anti- Meisel et al., 2003).
platelet therapy reduces the combined odds of stroke, myo-
cardial infarction or vascular death by 22 per cent, and 46.5.10 Choto-san
antiplatelet agents reduce the odds of a non-fatal stroke by
25 per cent in patients with or without a history of stroke. Choto-san (Gouteng-san) is a traditional Japanese (Kampo)
Likewise, among patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation, herbal medicine with apparent neuroprotective effect against
anticoagulation (INR  2.0) reduces not only the frequency glutamate-induced neuronal death (Itoh et al., 1999; Watanabe
and severity, but also the mortality of ischaemic stroke (Hart, et al., 2003). Choto-san was administered for 12 weeks to 10
2003; Hylek et al., 2003). The few trials of antiplatelet agents patients with post-stroke VCI; P3 event-related brain poten-
conducted in patients with VaD will be mentioned below. tials, MMSE, and verbal fluency tests significantly improved
with treatment (Yamaguchi et al., 2004). In a larger trial, ASPIRIN Choto-san resulted in improvement of ADL, global rating, and
A population-based study by Sturmer and colleagues subjective and psychiatric symptoms (Itoh et al., 1999).
(1996) showed that aspirin (ASA) users have a slight pro-
tection against cognitive decline with an odds ratio ranging 46.5.11 Jiannao yizhi
from 0.97 to 0.87. A single randomized trial used ASA
(325 mg/day) in patients with mild MID type of VaD Zhang and colleagues (2002) evaluated the safety and effi-
(Meyer et al., 1989). Cognitive tests and CBF studies were ciency of Jiannao yizhi, a Chinese herbal medicine, in the
performed at onset and 1 year later. Stabilization or mild treatment of VaD. A multicentre, double-blind, randomized,
improvement was seen in the active group compared with placebo-controlled method was used to study 242 patients
untreated controls. However, a recent Cochrane review with mild to moderate VaD; 89 cases were randomized to the
(Williams et al. 2000) concluded that there is no evidence active group (Jiannao Yizhi Granules), 106 cases to the
that aspirin is effective in treating patients with VaD. Western medicine group and 47 to the placebo group. MMSE
588 Therapeutic strategies for vascular dementia

and Blessed Dementia Scale were used to evaluate the thera- showed minimal improvement in cognitive tests and clinical
peutic effect after 60 days of therapy. Treatment with Jiannao global impression.
Yizhi was superior to Western medicine and to placebo.
46.5.15 Sulodexide
46.5.12 Vinpocetine
Sulodexide is a medium molecular weight glycosaminogly-
Vinpocetine is a synthetic ethyl ester of apovincamine, a vinca can with effects on plasma viscosity by lowering plasma
alkaloid obtained from the leaves of the lesser periwinkle fibrinogen concentrations (Lunetta and Salanitri, 1992).
(Vinca minor). For many years, vinpocetine has been used for Sulodexide is effective and well tolerated in peripheral occlu-
the treatment of cognitive impairment but the mechanism of sive arterial disease with claudication (Shustov, 1997). In
action remains unclear (Szatmari and Whitehouse, 2003). A Italy, Parnetti and colleagues (1997) conducted a trial of
recent Cochrane review of three short-term studies involving sulodexide in patients that fulfilled NINDS-AIREN criteria
583 patients with dementia (AD, VaD, mixed) treated with for probable VaD; 46 patients were included in the active
vinpocetine or placebo, concluded that patients treated with treatment group, compared with 40 in the pentoxifylline
vinpocetine (30–60 mg/day) showed modest benefit com- group. Larger reductions of plasma fibrinogen levels were
pared with placebo (Szatmari and Whitehouse, 2003). seen with sulodexide, and both groups showed a slight reduc-
tion in activated factor VII levels. Dementia scores improved
46.5.13 Dehydroepiandrosterone more in the sulodexide group.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a weakly androgenic 46.5.16 Thrombin inhibitors

adrenal steroid and an intermediary in the biosynthesis of
androgens and oestrogens. It is considered a neurohormone, There is evidence indicating that hypercoagulable states could
since small quantities of DHEA are produced in the brain result in increased risk of dementia (Mari et al., 1996). Bots
(Knopman and Henderson, 2003). DHEA or its sulphate ester and colleagues (1998) from the Dutch Vascular Factors in
metabolite (dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate, DHEAS) is Dementia Study in Rotterdam, found that dementia, particu-
the most abundant circulating steroid and declines in serum larly post-stroke VaD, was associated with increased thrombin
and CSF with aging. Bicikova and colleagues (2004) have generation. In this population, increased levels of thrombin-
suggested that variations in levels of these neurohormones antithrombin complex (TAT), cross-linked D-dimer and
could discriminate between AD and VaD. However, Kim et al. tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) activity were associ-
(2003) observed that DHEAS levels in the CSF were signifi- ated with increased risk of dementia. In addition, coagulation
cantly decreased in both AD and VaD. abnormalities have been described in patients with
DHEA is classified as a dietary supplement; its effect on Binswanger’s disease. Schneider and colleagues (1987) found
dementia could result from a direct action, or through testo- increased fibrinogen levels and hyperviscosity in patients with
sterone, oestradiol, and other metabolites. However, there is no Binswanger’s disease. Iwamoto and co-workers (1995)
association between DHEAS levels and duration or severity of demonstrated increased platelet activation in Binswanger’s
symptoms in AD. Wolkowitz and co-workers (2003) conducted disease that was manifested by increased plasma -throm-
a 6-month, randomized double-blind study of DHEA for AD. boglobulin levels. Tomimoto and colleagues (1999, 2001)
A modest improvement was seen with DHEA but increasing found coagulation activation leading to hypercoagulable state
confusion, agitation and paranoid reactions were seen among in Japanese patients with Binswanger’s disease; levels of
DHEA-treated participants. A high dropout may have compro- fibrinogen, TAT complex, prothrombin fragment 1  2, and
mised the study. DHEA alone seems unlikely to be superior to D-dimer were found to be significantly increased, particularly
currently available anticholinesterases for AD. A single open- in patients with recent aggravation of their deficits.
label trial of DHEA in the MID type of VaD (Azuma et al., There are no controlled clinical trials of Binswanger’s dis-
1999) used intravenous DHES (200 mg/day) for 4 weeks; the ease, but the above results point toward several potential ther-
treatment markedly increased serum and CSF levels of DHEAS apeutic options (Román, 1999b). Iwamoto and co-workers
in seven MID patients; however, improvement of ADL and (1995) reported that the use of ticlopidine hydrochloride in
emotional disturbances was seen in only three patients. eight patients with Binswanger’s disease resulted in lower lev-
els of platelet activation, without major clinical change. There
46.5.14 Cerebrolysin is a need for controlled trials of ticlopidine and other
antiplatelet agents, such as aspirin, dipyridamole, and clopi-
Cerebrolysin is a peptidergic drug produced from purified dogrel, alone or in combination, in Binswanger’s disease.
brain proteins, with postulated neurotrophic activity Hyperfibrinogenaemia has deleterious effects on
(Windisch et al., 1998; Windisch, 2000) and probable neuro- haemorheological conditions in the cerebral microcircula-
protective effects (Rockenstein et al., 2003). A small open-label tion that result in hyperviscosity and slowing of blood flow
trial in patients with AD and VaD (Rainer et al., 1997) in deep border-zone territories in Binswanger’s disease.
General medical management of the patient with vascular dementia 589

Therefore, the use of medications such as pentoxifylline of red blood cells. HELP was used in 141 patients with the
(Trental), ancrod (Sherman, 2002) or bezafibrate (Tanne et al., MID type of VaD. Laboratory and clinical evaluations were
2001) to lower fibrinogen levels could be indicated. performed before and after treatment. Each HELP treatment
reduced whole blood and plasma viscosity and red cell tran- ANCROD sit time. Total cholesterol, low density lipoproteins and
Ancrod, a defibrinating enzyme obtained from the venom of a triglycerides were reduced significantly. Neurological improve-
Malayan pit viper (Sherman, 2002), was used by Ringelstein ment was documented by improved scores in MMSE, Mathew
and colleagues (1988) in 10 patients with Binswanger’s disease. Scale and ADL.
Mean plasma levels of fibrinogen decreased from 3.26 g/L (SD
1.3) prior to treatment (normal 2.5–4.0 g/L), to 1.52 g/L (SD 46.5.17 Hyperbaric oxygen treatment
0.53) after 1 month of treatment with subcutaneous ancrod.
Treatment resulted in significant improvement of the timed Vila and colleagues (1999), from Buenos Aires, reported on the
retinal arteriovenous circulation (abnormally slow prior to use of hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HOT) in four patients
treatment), and increase of CO2-induced cerebral vasomotor with Binswanger’s disease. Patients received daily sessions of
response measured by transcranial Doppler. However, clinical HOT at 2.5 atmospheres absolute (ATA) for 45 minutes, for a
condition and neuropsychological tests were unchanged, and total of 10 days. Controls received room air at 1.1 ATA. The
there was no decrease in stroke recurrences during a 6-month procedure was well tolerated. After active treatment, noticeable
observation period. improvements in gait, urinary and cognitive tests was
observed in all subjects, with increase in independence. This ARGATROBAN
improvement persisted for up to 5 months, after which the
As mentioned earlier, Walsh (1968, 1978) claimed significant previous deficits reappeared but responded again to repeated
improvement of dementia symptoms with a treatment based HOT treatment. Despite the promise of the method, there has
on warfarin anticoagulation. Currently, this treatment is been no independent confirmation of the benefits of HOT in
reserved for patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation Binswanger’s disease (Román, 1999c).
(Hart, 2003), heart valve replacement, or with the anticardio-
lipin antibody syndrome. Direct thrombin inhibitors are
equally effective; they inhibit fibrin-bound thrombin, pro- 46.6 GENERAL MEDICAL MANAGEMENT
duce a predictable anticoagulant response that is unaffected OF THE PATIENT WITH VASCULAR
by platelet factor 4 and require no long-term monitoring DEMENTIA
and no dose adjustment (Weitz and Crowther, 2002; Donnan
et al., 2003). There are three parenteral direct thrombin Epidemiological studies have confirmed the increased risk of
inhibitors (hirudin, bivalirudin and argatroban), and one dementia associated with vascular risk factors, in particular
oral agent, ximelagatran (Francis et al., 2003; Schulman hypertension (Launer et al., 1995, 2000; Skoog et al., 1996,
et al., 2003). 1998; Kilander et al., 1998; Tzourio et al., 1999). In a popula-
Argatroban, a selective competitive inhibitor of thrombin, tion-based study in France, Tzourio and colleagues (1999)
was successfully used by Akiguchi and colleagues (1999) for found that in 4 years, untreated hypertensive persons (59–71
the treatment of a Japanese patient with Binswanger’s disease
years of age) multiplied by four the risk of cognitive decline
with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, and a hypercoag-
(OR 4.3, 95 per cent CI 2.1–8.8) compared with 1.9 (95 per
ulable state with abnormally high levels of TAT and fibrino-
cent CI 0.8–4.4) in those being treated.
gen. A long-term therapeutic regimen with argatroban
Other important risk factors, include diabetes mellitus
(20 mg/day i.v. for 28 days), improved gait disturbances and
(Ott et al., 1999; Stewart and Liolitsa, 1999), raised homocys-
mental dysfunction. Argatroban reduced TAT and improved
teine (Seshadri et al., 2002), and smoking (Ott et al., 1998).
levels of fibrinogen and other coagulation markers to normal
These vascular risk factors increase the risk of both VaD
limits. Kario and colleagues (1999) also reported similar pos-
and AD. Other than apolipoprotein (ApoE), genetic and
itive effects with the use of argatroban in reducing silent
racial factors are probably important. In Alabama, southern
ischaemic strokes in a patient with VaD.
USA, Zamrini and colleagues (2004a) showed that Black
Americans had higher rates of hypertension than White HEPARIN-MEDIATED EXTRACORPOREAL
Americans, whereas the latter had a higher incidence of atrial
fibrillation, coronary artery disease, and higher cholesterol.
Since 1993, Walzl (1993, 2000) in Austria has developed an Therefore, primary and secondary prevention of stroke and
haemorheological treatment that he called HELP (Heparin- CVD appears to be mandatory for the prevention of demen-
mediated Extracorporeal LDL/fibrinogen Precipitation) to tia (Lechner, 1998; Erkinjuntti and Gauthier, 2002; O’Brien
reduce elevated fibrinogen levels and increased lipid frac- et al., 2003). There are clear guidelines for the use of anti-
tions and to control thereby the high viscosity of plasma and coagulants (Hart, 2003) and antiplatelet medication in the
whole blood, as well as to reduce the aggregability or sludging prevention of stroke (Elkind, 2004).
590 Therapeutic strategies for vascular dementia

46.6.1 Treatment of hypertension (LDL) cholesterols to below 100 mg/dL, and drug therapy for
high-risk patients whose LDL ranges from 100 to 129 mg/dL
Treatment of hypertension protects against cognitive decline (Grundy et al., 2004). High-risk patients have coronary heart
even in the absence of stroke (Forette et al., 1998, 2002; disease or disease of the blood vessels to the brain or extrem-
Clarke, 1999). No deleterious effects on cognition, mood and ities, or diabetes, or multiple (two or more) risk factors (e.g.
quality of life have been demonstrated with the treatment of smoking, hypertension) that give them 20 per cent chance
hypertension in the elderly (Applegate et al., 1994; Starr et al., of having a heart attack within 10 years. Very high-risk
1996; Prince et al., 1996; Prince, 1997). On the contrary, patients are those who have cardiovascular disease together
Forette and collaborators (2002) confirmed that treatment with either multiple risk factors (especially diabetes), or
of systolic hypertension with nitrendipine, a long-acting severe and poorly controlled risk factors (e.g. continued
dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker, protects against smoking), or metabolic syndrome (a constellation of risk
dementia in older patients. Compared with placebo, long- factors associated with obesity including high triglycerides
term antihypertensive therapy reduced the risk of dementia and low high density lipoproteins – HDL). Patients hospital-
by 55 per cent, from 7.4 to 3.3 cases per 1000 patient-years. ized for acute coronary syndromes or stroke are also at very
After adjustment for sex, age, education and entry blood high risk (Grundy et al., 2004).
pressure, the relative hazard rate associated with the use of There are indications suggesting that the use of statins (3-
nitrendipine was 0.38 (95 per cent CI 0.23–0.64; P 0.001). hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A [HMG-CoA] reduc-
Treatment of 1000 patients for 5 years can prevent 20 cases of tase inhibitors) can reduce the risk of dementia (Jick et al.,
dementia (95 per cent CI 7–33) (Forette et al., 1998, 2002). 2000; Rockwood et al., 2002; Zamrini et al., 2004b). In Boston,
The most appropriate levels of blood pressure control Jick and colleagues (2000) studied 284 patients with dementia
remain undecided. The results of the ongoing SPS3 study and 1080 controls older than 50 years of age; the adjusted rela-
should help solve this issue (Benavente, 2003). tive risk for those prescribed statins was 0.29 (95 per cent CI
Recently, the Study on Cognition and Prognosis in the 0.13–0.63; P  0.002) indicating a substantially lowered risk of
Elderly (SCOPE) confirmed that treatment of mild to moderate developing dementia, independent of the presence or absence
hypertension in the elderly prevents stroke and dementia of untreated hyperlipidaemia. Furthermore, Zamrini and co-
(Lithell et al., 2003). SCOPE enrolled 4964 patients aged 70–89 workers (2004b) conducted between 1997 and 2001 a study of
years, with systolic blood pressure of 160–179 mmHg, and/or veterans in Birmingham, Alabama, USA; patients with a new
diastolic blood pressure of 90–99 mmHg, and a MMSE test diagnosis of AD (n  309) were compared with age-matched
score 24; patients were treated with candesartan, an non-AD controls (n  3088). In this group, statins users had a
angiotensin-receptor blocker, or with placebo, plus open-label 39 per cent lower risk of AD relative to non-statin users (odds
active antihypertensive therapy added as needed. Blood pres- ratio 0.61, 95 per cent CI 0.42–0.87). These results indicate a
sure reduction was slightly better with candesartan therapy, possible antidementia effect of statins, perhaps related to the
compared with control therapy; this was associated with a mod- anti-inflammatory effects. However, the use of statins in non-
est, statistically non-significant, reduction in major cardiovas- demented, non-hyperlipidaemic patients cannot be recom-
cular events and with a marked reduction in non-fatal stroke. mended at this time (Miller and Chacko, 2004).
Cognitive function was well maintained in both treatment
groups in the presence of substantial blood pressure reductions. 46.6.3 Control of diabetes
Finally, control of hypertension in patients with stroke (sec-
ondary prevention) is also helpful in preventing dementia. The The abnormalities in carbohydrate, lipid and protein metab-
PROGRESS trial (2001), a randomized clinical trial of perindo- olism resulting from diabetes mellitus produce injury of
pril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, and a blood vessels, nerves and other tissues. Diabetes increases up
diuretic (indapamide) used in 6105 individuals with previous to 4-fold the relative risk for cardiovascular disease and CVD
stroke or TIA, showed that after a follow up of 3.9 years, blood due to the microvascular (retinopathy, nephropathy, neuro-
pressure was reduced, lowering the risks of stroke and other pathy, lacunes), and macrovascular (coronary heart disease,
major vascular events. Dementia was also decreased, with a stroke, peripheral arterial disease) complications. Diabetes
relative risk reduction of 12 per cent (Tzourio et al., 2003). produces cognitive decline with doubling of the overall risk of
Cognitive decline occurred in 9.1 per cent of the actively treated dementia (Ott et al., 1999; Stewart and Liolitsa, 1999).
group and 11.0 per cent of the placebo group (risk reduction, Diabetes results in increased blood viscosity from hyper-
19 per cent). In summary, active treatment resulted in reduced glycaemia, endothelial oxidative damage, loss of nitric oxide
risks of dementia and of the cognitive decline associated with (NO)-mediated endothelial functions, and alterations of the
recurrent stroke (Tzourio et al., 2003). blood–brain barrier (Mooradian et al., 1997), as a result of
excessive glycation as well as from glycoxidized LDLs. The
46.6.2 Treatment of hyperlipidaemia with statins end result is the impairment of perfusion through the cere-
bral and retinal microcirculation. In addition, stress-activated
The most recent recommendations for the management of pathways such as the Jun-kinases play a major role in diabetic
hyperlipidaemia suggest a reduction of low density lipoprotein microangiopathy (Evans et al., 2002). The most current
Public health aspects of vascular dementia 591

guidelines for treatment are the 2004 American Diabetes late life dementia, including AD and VaD (Laurin et al., 2004).
Association Clinical Practice Recommendations and those of Likewise, no effect of fat intake in the development of demen-
the US Veterans Hospitals (Pogach et al., 2004). tia was found in the Rotterdam study (Engelhart et al., 2002).
Wald and colleagues (2002) concluded, based on evidence
from genetic and prospective studies, that the association
46.6.4 Cessation of smoking between increased homocysteine and cardiovascular disease is
causal. On this basis, lowering homocysteine concentrations
Smokers double the risk of coronary artery disease, congestive
by 3 mol/L from current levels (achievable by increasing
heart failure, and peripheral vascular disease, and increase 1.5
folic acid intake) would reduce the risk of ischaemic heart dis-
times the risk of stroke and dementia (Ott et al., 1998). Smoke,
ease (IHD) by 16 per cent (11–20 per cent), deep vein throm-
in addition to nicotine and carbon monoxide, contains a
bosis by 25 per cent (8–38 per cent) and stroke by 24 per cent
complex mixture of free radicals including quinone/
(15–33 per cent). However, meta-analysis of observational
hydroquinone, NO and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) that cause
studies suggests that elevated homocysteine is at most a mod-
morphological irregularities of the endothelium, formation of
est independent predictor of ischaemic heart disease and
blebs, leakage of macromolecules and increased endothelial
stroke risk in healthy populations (Homocysteine Studies
cell death (Pittilo, 2000). Smoke reduces prostacyclin release,
Collaboration, 2002).
enhances endothelium-derived vasodilatation, and decreases
Moreover, folic acid/vitamin B12 is not an effective treat-
NO concentrations and cGMP production, increasing aggre-
ment of dementia; a Cochrane review (Malouf et al., 2003)
gation of platelets and leukocytes. Smoking worsens athero-
concluded that in older patients with mild to moderate cog-
matous plaque formation in carotid arteries, increases
nitive decline, supplementation with 750 g/day of folic acid,
hypertension, blood coagulability, serum viscosity and fib-
with or without B12, had no beneficial effects on measures of
rinogen. Smokers have worse cognitive performances than
cognition or mood, although folic acid plus vitamin B12
non-smokers including reduced psychomotor speed and
effectively reduced serum homocysteine concentrations.
reduced cognitive flexibility. This effect is observed in subjects
Along the same lines, a trial on the use of vitamins to prevent
as young as 45 years of age (Kalmijn et al., 2002).
recurrent stroke gave negative results (Toole et al., 2004).
Nonetheless, a diet rich in antioxidant phytophenols, such
46.6.5 Diet as those found in olive oil and red wine, appears to effectively
inhibit endothelial adhesion molecule expression, explaining
It is clear that dietary change with reduced sodium intake, is in part the protection from atherosclerosis afforded by
a crucial component of the treatment of arterial hyperten- Mediterranean diets (Carluccio et al., 2003).
sion. The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)
diet (Sacks et al., 2001), is currently recommended by the US
46.6.6 Chronic inflammation
Department of Health and Human Services. This diet is rich
in magnesium, potassium, calcium, protein and fibre and is
Recent evidence indicates that markers of inflammation such
low in saturated fat, cholesterol and total fat. There is empha-
as C-reactive protein (CRP) are important predictors of ath-
sis in fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy foods, whole grain
erosclerotic disease, particularly in patients with diabetes
products, fish, poultry and nuts. A recent clinical trial
(Rader, 2000). Chronic infections, including periodontal dis-
(McGuire et al., 2004) randomized hypertensive patients to
ease and persistent intracellular infection with Chlamydia
advice-only group; to a group treated with weight loss,
pneumoniae have been associated with increased risk of vas-
increased physical activity and reduced sodium and alcohol
cular events (Kalayoglu et al., 2002).
intake; and to a third group that included the latter plus the
DASH diet. At 6 months, compared with the advice-only
group, the other groups had a decline of mean systolic blood
pressure of 3.7 mmHg (P 0.001) and 4.3 mmHg for the
DASH diet group (P 0.001) respectively. The study con-
firmed that hypertension control requires multiple lifestyle
changes including an appropriate eating plan. Based on current population trends, the ageing of the popu-
Epidemiological data suggested an association between lation will lead to increasing incidence of stroke and heart
dietary factors, in particular antioxidants, and cognition disease in the near future. It is predicted that VaD will
(Deschamps et al., 2001). Similarities in the diets of patients become the most common cause of senile dementia, both by
with AD and VaD have been reported in Japan (Otsuka et al., itself and as a contributor to other degenerative dementias
2002), with higher energy intake from fats, in particular (Román, 2002e).
polyunsaturated fatty acids and decrease in antioxidant vita- There is growing evidence that preventive measures to
mins B, C and carotene. However, in the Honolulu-Asia Aging decrease the vascular burden on the brain may also decrease
Study, mid-life intakes of antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, vascular dementia in the elderly. VaD and AD share with
flavonoids, and vitamins E and C, did not modify the risk for stroke a number of vascular risk factors, as demonstrated in
592 Therapeutic strategies for vascular dementia

large epidemiological studies. The most important of the Berg L. (1988) Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR). Psychopharmacology
modifiable factors is hypertension, a treatable risk factor that Bulletin 24: 637–639
explains at least half of the attributable risk of stroke. As men- Bes A, Orgogozo JM, Poncet M et al. (1999) A 24-month, double-blind,
tioned above, three large controlled trials (Forette et al., 1998, placebo-controlled multicentre pilot study of the efficacy and safety
of nicergoline 60 mg per day in elderly hypertensive patients with
2002; Lithell et al., 2003; Tzourio et al., 2003) have demon-
leukoaraiosis. European Journal of Neurology 6: 313–322
strated that blood pressure lowering has a significant effect in Bicikova M, Ripova D, Hill M et al. (2004) Plasma levels of 7-
decreasing the risk of dementia, including VaD and AD. hydroxylated dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) metabolites and
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ing the level of vascular risk factors might prevent dementia. and vascular dementia. Clinical Chemistry Laboratory Medicine 42:
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Dementia with Lewy bodies and
Parkinson’s disease

47. Dementia with Lewy bodies: a clinical overview 603

48. Pathology of dementia with Lewy bodies 615

49. Neuropsychological changes in dementia with Lewy bodies 634

50. The treatment of dementia with Lewy bodies 648

51. Cognitive impairment and dementia in Parkinson’s disease 657

This page intentionally left blank
Dementia with Lewy bodies: a clinical overview


47.1 Terminology, spectrum and epidemiology 603 47.4 Clinical investigation 611
47.2 Historical developments and diagnostic criteria for References 612
dementia with Lewy bodies 604
47.3 Differential diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies
in clinical practice 609

47.1 TERMINOLOGY, SPECTRUM AND • cortical involvement producing cognitive impairment

EPIDEMIOLOGY and neuropsychiatric symptoms;
• sympathetic nervous system involvement producing
47.1.1 Dementia with Lewy bodies: what’s in a autonomic failure.
name? This may prove to be an oversimplified view since there are
generally poor correlations between LB density and severity
Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is now the preferred term of clinical symptoms (Gómez-Tortosa et al., 1999; Colosimo
(McKeith et al., 1996a) for a variety of clinical diagnoses et al., 2003). The majority of cases seen in clinical practice,
including diffuse LB disease (DLBD) (Kosaka et al., 1984; particularly elderly patients, have a combination of these
Dickson et al., 1987; Lennox et al., 1989), dementia associ- clinical features, reflecting multisite (diffuse) pathology. DLB
ated with cortical Lewy bodies (DCLB) (Byrne et al., 1991), is important in clinical practice because:
the LB variant of Alzheimer’s disease (LBVAD) (Hansen
et al., 1990; Förstl et al., 1993), senile dementia of LB type • it usually has a clinical presentation and course that
(SDLT) (Perry et al., 1989a, b; 1990) and LB dementia (LBD) differs from Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other non-AD
(Gibb et al., 1987). Initially thought to be uncommon, DLB is dementias;
now thought to account for up to 20 per cent of all elderly • the management of psychosis and behavioural
cases of dementia reaching autopsy (Perry et al., 1989a; disturbances, which are common in DLB, is complicated
Jellinger, 1996). This chapter reviews the evolution of clinical by sensitivity to neuroleptic medication;
knowledge about the disorder. The term DLB is used • accumulating evidence (Chapter 50) suggests that DLB
throughout except when reference is made to specific reports in may be particularly amenable to treatment with
which authors have used alternative terminology. Pathology, cholinergic enhancers.
neuropsychological changes and therapeutic aspects of DLB
are considered in subsequent chapters. 47.1.3 Epidemiology

Several studies in a range of settings have suggested that DLB

47.1.2 The spectrum of Lewy body disease accounts for just under 20 per cent of all cases of dementia
referred for neuropathological autopsy (Perry et al., 1989a,
Current thinking about Lewy body (LB) related disorders
1990; Jellinger, 1996). The male to female ratio in these autopsy
suggests that there is a spectrum of disease, the clinical pre-
series is 1.5:1, but it is unclear to what extent this represents
sentation varying according to the site of LB formation and
increased male susceptibility to disease or reduced survival in
associated neuronal loss (Jackson et al., 1995; Lowe et al.,
men with DLB. A Finnish community study of people aged 85
1996). Three broad patterns of disease can be identified:
and over found 5.0 per cent to meet Consensus Criteria for
• nigrostriatal involvement producing motor features of DLB (3.3 per cent probable, 1.7 per cent possible) representing
parkinsonism; 22 per cent of all demented cases (Rahkonen et al., 2003),
604 Dementia with Lewy bodies: a clinical overview

higher than that in a London-based community sample of presentation was a ‘neurobehavioural syndrome’; memory
people aged 65 and over, in which 10.9 per cent of demented impairment and other cognitive deficits were typical, all but
cases had DLB, which is consistent with estimates of LB preva- one patient eventually becoming demented. Psychotic fea-
lence in a dementia case register followed to autopsy (Holmes tures such as depression, hallucinations and paranoia were
et al., 1999). Twenty-six per cent of clinical referrals to an old seen in 10 patients (29 per cent), two being psychotic for
age psychiatry service with dementia (Shergill et al., 1994; many years before developing other symptoms. Parkinsonian
Stevens et al., 2002) and 24 per cent of demented day hospital features, the most common of which was rigidity, were usu-
attenders met clinical criteria for DLB (Ballard et al., 1993). ally overshadowed by dementia; in only five cases (15 per cent)
Age at onset in reported series ranges from 50–83 years to were no extrapyramidal features present. Duration of illness
68–92 years at death (Papka et al., 1998). Survival in DLB was was very variable (1–20 years) with an end state of severe
initially reported as being significantly reduced compared dementia, rigidity, akinetic mutism, quadriparesis in flexion
with AD, but more recent series have not confirmed a general and emaciation. The most common reported cause of death
tendency to reduced survival or more rapid cognitive decline. was aspiration pneumonia. Based upon these observations,
It is possible that mean values could conceal disease hetero- Burkhardt et al. (1988) were the first to attempt a general
geneity, and survival times in DLB may be skewed to the left description of the clinical syndrome associated with diffuse
(McKeith, 1998) with very rapid progression in a few indi- Lewy body disease, distinguishing it as separate from PD with
viduals (Armstrong et al., 1991). Classical epidemiological dementia. They concluded that ‘DLBD should be suspected
studies to determine age and sex variation and potential risk in any elderly patient who presents with a rapidly progressive
factors for DLB have not yet been reported. dementia, followed in short order by rigidity and other
parkinsonian features. Myoclonus may be present.’
Crystal et al. (1990) in a paper entitled ‘Antemortem diag-
47.2 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENTS AND nosis of diffuse Lewy body disease’, criticized this approach
DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR DEMENTIA on the grounds that ‘extrapyramidal features occur in many
WITH LEWY BODIES patients with severe AD and since dementia occurs in many
subjects with PD, the clinical criteria for the diagnosis of DLBD
remain unclear’. The authors proposed alternative criteria of
47.2.1 Early case reports
‘progressive dementia with gait disorder, psychiatric symptoms
and a burst pattern on EEG at the time of moderate dementia’.
When Friedrich Lewy first described the eosinophilic, neur-
No particular characteristics of the pattern of cognitive impair-
onal inclusions that we now call Lewy bodies, in the brain
ment were noted.
stem of patients with paralysis agitans (Parkinson’s disease –
Although these early clinical definitions were important
PD), he did not associate the inclusions with cognitive impair-
in drawing attention to the existence of DLB and describing
ment and psychiatric disorder (Forster and Lewy, 1912). This
some of its salient characteristics, neither could be regarded
was despite half of his sample being clinically demented and
as satisfactory for clinical diagnostic purposes, since they
a quarter having mood disorders, hallucinations and para-
lacked detail and were not operationalized in a way which
noid delusions (Förstl and Levy, 1991). Although Woodard
would allow acceptable interrater reliability (Hansen and
(1962) cites Hassler (1938) as reporting cortical Lewy bodies
Galasko, 1992).
in association with dementia, the first case reports specifi-
cally describing patients with DLB did not appear until 1961
when Okazaki et al. (1961) published two cases, both elderly
47.2.3 The Nottingham Group for the Study
men, presenting with cognitive decline and subsequently
of Neurodegenerative Disorders
developing severe dementia. Over the next 20 years, 34 simi-
lar cases were reported, all by Japanese workers. Kosaka et al.
In 1989, Byrne et al. (1989) reviewed the situation, citing 51
(1984) noted a 3:1 male predominance, with memory disturb-
pathologically confirmed cases and remarking upon the brevity
ance as the presenting feature in 67 per cent, psychotic states
of clinical details in most of these. Gibb et al. (1987) were
(sic) in 17 per cent and dizziness due to orthostatic hypoten-
among the first to describe fluctuating levels of consciousness
sion in 17 per cent. Progressive dementia with muscular rigid-
and episodic confusion, now recognized as key features of DLB.
ity occurred eventually in 80 per cent although only 25 per cent
The Nottingham group reported the clinical characteristics
of cases were diagnosed as parkinsonian. The first substantial
of 15 new UK cases in considerable detail, the largest individual
listing of these Japanese cases in the Western literature was in
series published at that time (Byrne et al., 1989). Seven were
1987 by Gibb et al. (1987) who added four new UK cases.
men, the mean age at onset was 72 years and the mean dura-
tion of illness, 5.5 years. Forty per cent presented with symp-
47.2.2 Early diagnostic criteria toms and signs of idiopathic PD, with cognitive impairment
occurring 1–4 years later. A further 20 per cent had parkin-
The following year, Burkhardt et al. (1988) listed 34 cases sonism and mild cognitive impairment at presentation and
and carried out a simple meta-analysis. The most common the remaining 40 per cent showed motor features later in
Historical developments and diagnostic criteria for dementia with Lewy bodies 605

their illnesses, gait disturbance and postural abnormalities the Nottingham criteria was inevitably restricted by this
being most common. These latter cases presented with neuro- requirement, which may have been influenced by the inclusion
psychiatric features only, in various combinations of cogni- in their sample of five cases who had motor only PD diagnosed
tive impairment, paranoid delusions and visual or auditory for at least 12 months before neuropsychiatric features devel-
hallucinations; 14 of the 15 were demented before death, the oped. These cases would according to current criteria (McKeith
exception presenting with classic PD and later becoming et al. 1996a) be regarded as having PD  dementia and not a
depressed, irritable and mildly forgetful with frequent falls. primary diagnosis of DLB (see section below on patients previ-
Fluctuating cognition with episodic confusion for which no ously diagnosed with PD for further discussion of this).
adequate underlying cause could be found, was observed in
80 per cent of the Nottingham cases. Byrne et al. (1989) also
drew attention to the frequent occurrence of depression (20 47.2.4 The Newcastle criteria
per cent) and psychosis (33 per cent). This led to the first for-
mal proposal of operational criteria for dementia associated At around the same time, Perry et al. identified 14 cases with
with cortical Lewy bodies (DCLB) (Byrne et al., 1991) – see the neuropathological features of ‘senile dementia of Lewy
Box 47.1. body type’ (SDLT) (Perry et al., 1989a, b, 1990) accounting
The presence of extrapyramidal features was mandatory for 15 per cent of a series of dementia autopsies. These SDLT
although these could be mild and occur late in the course of the cases had been regarded as clinically atypical ‘causing much
illness. Since at least 25 per cent of DLB cases reported in the diagnostic perplexity’. Acute onset, fluctuating course, more
whole literature (McKeith, 1997; Kosaka and Iseki, 1998; Papka rapid deterioration, early and prominent hallucinatory and
et al., 1998) never have motor parkinsonism, the sensitivity of behavioural disturbances, and associated mild parkinsonian

Box 47.1 Nottingham criteria for dementia associated with cortical Lewy bodies (Byrne et al., 1991, reproduced by kind permission of
S. Karger AG, Basel)

A, B, C and D should be present for a diagnosis to be made D Other causes of dementia syndrome or parkinsonism have
of probable dementia associated with cortical Lewy bodies been excluded (eg boxer’s encephalopathy, chronic
A Either 1, 2 or 3 phenothiazine poisoning), after thorough clinical and
1. Gradual onset of dementia syndrome (which fulfils laboratory investigation
DSM-IIIR criteria) with prominent attentional deficits
A, B, C and D should be present to make a diagnosis
of possible dementia associated with cortical Lewy
The appearance early in the course of apparent acute
confusional states for which no underlying toxic,
metabolic, infective or other cause is identified A Either 1 or 2
or 1. Dementia (as described above) with acute onset and
2. ‘Classical’ Parkinson’s disease (defined as levodopa rapid course, sometimes associated with plateaux
responsive parkinsonism) at onset with the later (periods where the symptoms do not progress) and
emergence of dementia syndrome (as described in 1) frequently associated with psychiatric symptoms
or (depression or delusional states)
3. The simultaneous occurrence at onset of dementia (as or
described in 1) and parkinsonism Dementia (as described above) with late presentation of
parkinsonian symptoms which fulfil B
B Both 1 and 2 should be fulfilled
1. The absence of any unequivocal history of stroke B One or two of the following
2. No focal signs other than parkinsonism 1. Tremor
2. Rigidity
C Three of more of the following should be present
3. Bradykinesia
1. Tremor
4. Postural change
2. Rigidity
5. Gait abnormality
3. Postural change
4. Bradykinesia C Both 1 and 2 should be fulfilled
5. Gait abnormality 1. The absence of any unequivocal history of stroke
These symptoms may be mild and may develop late in 2. No focal signs other than parkinsonism
the course of the illness, and abnormal involuntary D Other causes of dementia syndrome and parkinsonism
movements resulting from levodopa treatment are have been excluded, after thorough clinical and
unusual in parkinsonism with cortical Lewy bodies laboratory investigation
Source: Nottingham Group for the Study of Neurodegenerative Disorders
606 Dementia with Lewy bodies: a clinical overview

Table 47.1a Mental state symptoms in Newcastle upon Tyne autopsy confirmed cases of senile dementia of
Lewy body type (SDLT, n  21) and dementia of Alzheimer type (DAT, n  20). (From McKeith et al., 1992a –
figures are percentages of patients)

Symptoms Symptoms occurring Symptoms occurring

at presentation after presentation at any stage

Fluctuating cognitive impairment 81.0 10.8 4.8 8.1 86.0 18.9¶
Clouding of consciousness 38.1 8.1† 43.0 8.1† 81.0 13.5¶
Visual hallucinations 33.3 8.1* 14.0 8.1 47.6 16.2†
Auditory hallucinations 14.3 2.7 4.8 0 19.0 2.7*
Paranoid delusions 47.6 8.1‡ 9.5 2.7 57.1 10.8‡
Depression (total) 38.1 16.2* 0 5.4 38.1 21.6*
Depression (major) 14.3 0* 0 5.4 14.3 5.4
Depression (minor) 23.8 16.2 0 0 23.8 16.2

Comparisons made using Fisher’s exact test

* P 0.05

P 0.01

P 0.001

P 0.0001

Table 47.1b Physical symptoms in Newcastle upon Tyne autopsy confirmed cases of senile dementia of
Lewy body type (SDLT, n  21) and dementia of Alzheimer type (DAT, n  20). (From McKeith et al., 1992a –
figures are percentages of patients)

Symptoms Symptoms occurring Symptoms occurring

at presentation after presentation at any stage

Unexplained falls 38.1 5.4 4.8 5.4 43.0 10.8*
Observed disturbances of 4.8 0 38.1 5.4† 43.0 5.4‡
Parkinsonian features: 9.5 8.1 62.0 21.6† 71.0 29.7*
1) rigidity 0 5.4 52.4 24.3 52.4 29.7
2) tremor 4.8 5.4 28.6 10.8 33.3 16.2
3) hypokinesia 9.5 5.4 52.4 13.5† 62.0 18.9†
4) hypersalivation 4.8 0 4.8 0 9.5 0
5) drug-induced parkinsonism 0 0 57.1 16.2‡ 57.1 16.2‡
pyramidal signs 4.8 2.7 14.3 18.9 19.0 21.6

Comparisons made using Fisher’s exact test

* P 0.05

P 0.01

P 0.001

P 0.0001
Both tables reproduced by kind permission of Cambridge University Press

features were present. In 1992, McKeith and colleagues pub- Based upon these observations, an attempt was made to
lished further clinical details of two separate SDLT cohorts (21 describe the typical course of illness (McKeith et al., 1992a)
and 20 cases respectively) and compared these with autopsy- and new clinical diagnostic criteria proposed with an empha-
confirmed AD (n  57) cases (McKeith et al., 1992a, b). SDLT sis upon cognitive dysfunction and neuropsychiatric features
patients were predominantly male (25:16) with mean survival that could occur in the absence of extrapyramidal motor
reduced by about 50 per cent compared with AD. Tables 47.1a signs (Box 47.2).
and 47.1b show clinical details of the first series of cases. The first stage is often recognized only in retrospect and
Depressive symptoms, unexplained falls, observed distur- may extend back 1–3 years prepresentation with occasional
bances of consciousness and excessive sensitivity to side minor episodes of forgetfulness, sometimes described as
effects of neuroleptic medication were added to the list of lapses of concentration or ‘switching off ’. A brief period of
clinical characteristics with potential to distinguish DLB delirium is sometimes noted for the first time, often associ-
pathology cases from AD. ated with genuine physical illness and/or surgical procedures.
Historical developments and diagnostic criteria for dementia with Lewy bodies 607

terminal phase patients show continuing behavioural distur-

Box 47.2 Operational criteria for senile dementia of Lewy body
bance including vocal and motor responses to hallucinatory
type (SDLT)
phenomena. Lucid intervals with some retention of recent
A Fluctuating cognitive impairment affecting both memory function and insight may still be apparent. Neuro-
memory and higher cortical functions (such as logical disability is often profound with fixed flexion defor-
language, visuospatial ability, praxis or reasoning skills). mities of the neck and trunk and severe gait impairment.
The fluctuation is marked with the occurrence of both Applied retrospectively to the original sample of autopsy-
episodic confusion and lucid intervals, as in delirium, confirmed cases, these criteria identified 71 per cent of SDLT
and is evident either on cognitive testing or by cases on initial presentation and 86 per cent between presen-
variable performance in daily living skills tation and death (McKeith et al., 1992a). Although some of
B At least one of the following: the SDLT cases also met clinical criteria for AD, no AD cases
1. Visual and/or auditory hallucinations which are met the proposed criteria for SDLT. Mega et al. (1996) reported
usually accompanied by secondary paranoid a sensitivity of 50 per cent and a specificity of 71 per cent for
delusions the Newcastle criteria in a similar case note study.
2. Mild spontaneous extrapyramidal features or Applied to another independent sample of DLB, AD and
neuroleptic sensitivity syndrome, i.e. exaggerated vascular dementia (VaD) patients, the Newcastle criteria yielded
adverse responses to standard doses of neuroleptic a 74 per cent sensitivity rate, averaged across four raters, and
medication a specificity of 95 per cent. Interrater agreement was highest
3. Repeated unexplained falls and/or transient and diagnosis most accurate (90 per cent versus 55 per cent
clouding or loss of consciousness sensitivity) among more experienced clinicians. The most
common errors among less experienced clinicians were fail-
C Despite the fluctuating pattern, the clinical features
ure to recognize cognitive fluctuations unique to DLB patients,
persist over a long period of time (weeks or months)
and a tendency to overvalue comorbid disease as responsible
unlike delirium which rarely persists as long. The
for the clinical presentation (McKeith et al., 1994a).
illness progresses, often rapidly, to an end stage of
severe dementia
D Exclusion of any underlying physical illness adequate to 47.2.5 The Consensus criteria
account for the fluctuating cognitive state, by
appropriate examination and investigation By the early 1990s it was becoming apparent that DLB was a
E Exclusion of past history of confirmed stroke and/or relatively common cause of dementia in old age and that the
evidence of cerebral ischaemic damage on physical several research groups investigating it were adopting differ-
examination or brain imaging ent terminologies for what were essentially the same patients.
The Consortium on DLB therefore met in October 1995 to
agree common clinical and pathological methods and nomen-
Disturbed sleep, nightmares and daytime drowsiness often clature. The Consensus clinical criteria (McKeith et al., 1996a)
persist after recovery. (Box 47.3) are largely based on the previous Newcastle scheme,
Progression to the second stage frequently prompts but do differ in some important aspects.
psychiatric or medical referral. A more sustained cognitive The particular characteristics of the cognitive impair-
impairment is established, albeit with marked fluctuations in ments of DLB are described in some detail as differing from
severity. Recurrent confusional episodes are accompanied by the dementia syndrome of AD, in which memory deficits
vivid hallucinatory experiences, visual misidentification syn- predominate. In DLB, attentional deficits and prominent
dromes and topographical disorientation. Extensive medical visuospatial dysfunction are the main features (Sahgal et al.,
screening is usually negative. Attentional deficits are appar- 1992, 1995; Salmon and Galasko, 1996). Symptoms of per-
ent as apathy, and daytime somnolence and sleep behaviour sistent or prominent memory impairment are not always
disorder may be severe. Gait disorder and bradykinesia are present early in the course of illness, although with disease
often overlooked, particularly in elderly subjects. Frequent progression they are likely to develop in most patients. DLB
falls occur owing to either postural instability or syncope. patients therefore perform better than AD patients on tests of
The third and final stage often begins with a sudden increase verbal recall, but relatively worse on tests of copying and
in behavioural disturbance leading to requests for sedation drawing (Gnanalingham et al., 1997). With the progression
or hospital admission by perplexed and exhausted carers. of dementia, this selective pattern of cognitive deficits may be
The natural course from this point is variable and obscured lost, making differential diagnosis based on neuropsycho-
by the high incidence of adverse reactions to neuroleptic logical examination difficult during the later stages. Probable
medication. For patients not receiving, or tolerating, neuro- DLB can be diagnosed if any two of the three key symptoms
leptics, a progressive decline into severe dementia with dys- in Box 47.3 are present, namely fluctuation, visual hallucin-
phasia and dyspraxia occurs over months or years, with death ations, or spontaneous motor features of parkinsonism and
usually due to cardiac or pulmonary disease. During this possible DLB if only one is present.
608 Dementia with Lewy bodies: a clinical overview

Several retrospective and two prospective studies have

Box 47.3 Consensus criteria for the clinical diagnosis of
examined the predictive accuracy of Consensus clinical cri-
probable and possible dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB).
teria for probable DLB (Litvan et al., 2003) (Table 47.2). These
Reproduced by kind permission of Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
show that sensitivity of case detection is variable and although
From McKeith IG, Galasko D, Kosaka K et al. (1996a) Consensus
high in one prospective study (McKeith et al., 2000) was
guidelines for the clinical and pathological diagnosis of dementia
unacceptably low in several others. In contrast, specificity is
with Lewy bodies (DLB): report of the consortium on DLB
generally found to be high, suggesting that the clinical cri-
international workshop. Neurology 47: 1113–1124
teria for probable DLB are best used for confirmation of diag-
1 The central feature required for a diagnosis of DLB is progressive nosis (few false positives) whereas those for possible DLB
cognitive decline of sufficient magnitude to interfere with may be of more value in screening but have a relatively high
normal social or occupational function. Prominent or persistent false negative rate. Improved methods of identifying the core
memory impairment may not necessarily occur in the early feature ‘fluctuation’ have potential to increase diagnostic accu-
stages but is usually evident with progression. Deficits on
racy (Walker et al., 2000a; Ferman et al., 2004; Bradshaw
tests of attention and of fronto-subcortical skills and
visuospatial ability may be especially prominent
et al., 2004) as do biological markers such as FP-CIT SPECT
neuroimaging (O’Brien et al., 2004).
2 Two of the following core features are essential for a
diagnosis of probable DLB, one is essential for possible DLB:
a) Fluctuating cognition with pronounced variations in REPORT OF THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL
attention and alertness WORKSHOP OF THE CONSORTIUM ON DLB
b) Recurrent visual hallucinations which are typically well The Second International DLB Workshop met in July 1998
formed and detailed
(McKeith et al., 1999). The objectives were to review devel-
c) Spontaneous motor features of parkinsonism
opments since publication of the Consensus guidelines and
3 Features supportive of the diagnosis are: to determine whether these yet require to be modified. It was
a) Repeated falls
recommended that the clinical Consensus criteria should
b) Syncope
c) Transient loss of consciousness
continue to be used in their current format although two
d) Neuroleptic sensitivity additional features, supportive of a diagnosis of DLB, were
e) Systematized delusions identified.
f) Hallucinations in other modalities
4 A diagnosis of DLB is less likely in the presence of: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS
a) Stroke disease, evident as focal neurological signs or on
In an effort to further review and clarify current knowledge,
brain imaging
b) Evidence on physical examination and investigation of
concepts and methods for further enquiry, a specialist meet-
any physical illness, or other brain disorder, sufficient to ing was held in November 2002 by the International Psycho-
account for the clinical picture geriatric Association (IPA) with input from the European
Movement Disorder Society (MDS). The product of this

Table 47.2 Diagnostic accuracy of dementia with Lewy bodies. Consensus criteria validated against autopsy. (Adapted from Litvan et al., 2003)

Numbers of cases and Probable/possible

Reference pathological diagnosis category Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV
Mega et al., 1996 4 DLB/24 AD Prob. 75 79 100 93
Litvan et al., 1998 14 DLB/105 PD, PSP, MSA, CBD, AD 18 99 75 89
Holmes et al., 1999 9 DLB/80 AD and VaD Prob. 22 100 100 91
Luis et al., 1999 35 DLB/56 AD Prob. 57 90 91 56
Verghese et al., 1999 18 DLB/94 AD Prob. 61 84 48 90
Poss. 89 28 23 91
Lopez et al., 1999 8 DLB/40 AD 0 100 0 80
Hohl et al., 2000 5 DLB/10 AD Prob. 100 8 83 100
Poss. 100 0 NA NA
McKeith et al., 2000 29 DLB/50 AD and VaD Prob. 83 95 96 80
Lopez et al., 2002 13 DLB/26 AD Prob. 23 100 100 43

AD, Alzheimer’s disease; CBD, corticobasal degeneration; DLB, dementia with Lewy bodies; MSA, multisystem atrophy; NA, not available; NPV, negative predictive
value; PD, Parkinson’s disease; PPV, positive predictive value; PSP, progressive supranuclear palsy; VaD, vascular dementia
Differential diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies in clinical practice 609

international meeting was a systematic review of the current reliable and widely applicable quantified measure well corre-
state of scientific knowledge about DLB that identified key lated with clinical expert estimates of fluctuating performance.
issues requiring clarification and research necessary to
advance knowledge in this area (McKeith et al., 2004a). The CORE FEATURES
Third Meeting of the International Consortium on DLB in
September 2003 suggested revisions to the clinical and patho- A review of nine studies, which reported clinical details on
logical diagnostic criteria and devised the first treatment algo- 190 autopsy-confirmed DLB cases and compared them with
rithm. The Consortium also incorporated discussions about 261 AD cases, provided a useful source of prevalence and
Parkinson’s disease with dementia (PDD) in view of emerging incidence of the core features of DLB (Byrne et al., 1989;
clinical and pathological evidence that DLB and PDD share McKeith et al., 1992a, b; Förstl et al., 1993; Galasko et al.,
more similarities than was previously supposed (Emre, 2003). 1996; Klatka et al., 1996; Hely et al., 1996; Weiner et al., 1996;
A report of this meeting will be published in 2005 and the Ala et al., 1997; McKeith, 1998). The wide frequency ranges
new recommendations about assessment and diagnosis of reported most likely reflect sampling biases and different
DLB will be accompanied by guidelines for patient manage- methods of symptom ascertainment.
ment (McKeith et al., submitted for publication). Fluctuation. Fluctuations in cognitive function, which may
vary over minutes, hours or days, occur in 58 per cent of DLB
cases at the time of presentation (range 8–85 per cent) and are
47.3 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF DEMENTIA observed at some point during the course of the illness in 75
WITH LEWY BODIES IN CLINICAL per cent (45–90 per cent). Substantial changes in mental state
PRACTICE and behaviour may be seen within the duration of a single
interview or between consecutive examinations. Fluctuation
includes, and indeed may be based on, pronounced variations
47.3.1 Clinical presentations of DLB in attention and alertness. Excessive daytime drowsiness with
transient confusion on waking commonly occurs. Such
DLB patients may present to psychiatric services (cognitive
episodes may last from a few seconds to several hours leading
impairment, psychosis or behavioural disturbance), internal
to misdiagnosis of transient ischaemic attack, with obvious
medicine (acute confusional state or syncope) or neurology
implications for misdiagnosis of dementia subtype. These can
(movement disorder or disturbed consciousness). The details
be assessed by caregiver report, observer rating (Walker et al.,
of clinical assessment and differential diagnoses will to a
2000a) or using computer-based measures of variation in
large extent be shaped by these symptom and specialty biases
attentional performance (Walker et al., 2000b). Questions such
(McKeith et al., 1995; Barber et al., 2001). In all cases a
as, ‘Are there episodes when his/her thinking seems quite clear
detailed history from patient and reliable informants should
and then becomes muddled?’ may be useful probes (Ballard et
document the time of onset of relevant key symptoms, the
al., 1993, Bradshaw et al., 2004), although Ferman et al. (2004)
nature of their progression, and their effects on social, occu-
found carers reports of fluctuation to be less reliable predictors
pational and personal function.
of DLB diagnosis than more objective questions about daytime
sleepiness, episodes of staring blankly or incoherent speech. COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
Visual hallucinations. Visual hallucinations are present in
Although brief bedside tests of mental status may confirm the 33 per cent of DLB cases at the time of presentation (range
presence of cognitive impairment, more detailed psychometric 11–64 per cent) and occur at some point during the course
examination is usually required to reveal a profile of deficits of the illness in 46 per cent (13–80 per cent). Well-formed,
that helps to distinguish DLB from AD or other dementias. detailed and animate figures are experienced, provoking emo-
Prominent deficits on tests of executive function and problem tional responses varying through fear, amusement or indif-
solving, such as the Trail Making Test and verbal fluency for ference, usually with some insight into the unreality of the
categories and letters, may be useful clinical discriminators episode once it is over. It is the persistence of visual hallucin-
(Salmon and Galasko, 1996), as may disproportional impair- ations in DLB (McShane et al., 1995) that helps distinguish
ment on tests of visuospatial performance (Sahgal et al., 1995; them from the episodic perceptual disturbances that occur
Gnanalingham et al., 1997). Walker et al. (1996) tested DLB and transiently in dementias of other aetiology or during a delir-
AD patients with the CAMCOG battery, which is widely used ium provoked by an external cause (McKeith et al., 1996a). It
in clinical practice. Although the mean, total CAMCOG scores has been suggested that they arise from a combination of
were identical, significant differences were found in mean faulty perceptual processing of environmental stimuli, and
scores for the delayed recall subtest (DLB performing better) less detailed recollection of experience, combined with intact
and the visuospatial praxis subtest (DLB performing worse). image generation (Barnes et al., 2003; Collerton et al., in
Disproportionately severe impairment on computer-based press) Visual hallucinations in DLB are associated with
tasks of attentional function are characteristic of DLB (Ayre greater deficits in cortical acetylcholine (Perry et al., 1991)
et al., 1996) and wide test–retest variation in performance of and predict better response to cholinesterase inhibitors
such tasks (Walker et al., 2000b) may ultimately provide a (McKeith et al., 2004b).
610 Dementia with Lewy bodies: a clinical overview

Motor parkinsonism. Extrapyramidal signs (EPS) are reaction to neuroleptic medication may be an important
reported in 25–50 per cent of DLB cases at diagnosis and the indicator of underlying LB disorder but is of more impor-
majority develop some EPS during the natural course. Up to tance in management than in the diagnostic process, espe-
25 per cent of autopsy-confirmed cases may, however, have cially if neuroleptic prescribing is routinely and desirably
no record of EPS indicating that parkinsonism is not neces- avoided in patients suspected of having DLB (Committee on
sary for clinical diagnosis of DLB and indeed the principal Safety of Medicines, 1994). Newer atypical antipsychotics
cause for ‘missing’ DLB clinically in a prospective clinico- used at low dose may be safer in this regard but sensitivity
pathological study was the absence of EPS (McKeith et al., reactions have been documented with most and they should
2000). Initial suggestions that parkinsonism in DLB is mild be used with great caution (McKeith et al., 2004a).
have not been supported by studies finding equal severity with Systematized delusions and hallucinations in other modalities.
non-demented PD patients (Aarsland et al., 2001) with similar Delusions are common in DLB, in 56 per cent at the time of
annual progression rates in United Parkinson’s Disease Rating presentation and 65 per cent at some point during the illness
Scale (UPDRS) motor scores (Ballard et al., 2000). The pat- (McKeith et al., 1992a, b). They are usually based on recollec-
tern of EPS in DLB shows an axial bias, e.g. greater postural tions of hallucinations and perceptual disturbances and
instability and facial impassivity, with a tendency towards less consequently often have a fixed, complex and bizarre content
tremor and consistent with greater ‘non-dopaminergic’ motor that contrasts with the mundane and often poorly formed
involvement (Burn et al., 2003). persecutory ideas encountered in AD patients, which are
based on forgetfulness and confabulation.
Auditory hallucinations occur in 19 per cent (13–30 per SUPPORTIVE FEATURES
cent) at presentation and 19 per cent (13–45 per cent) at any
Repeated falls, syncope, and transient losses of consciousness. point. Together with olfactory and tactile hallucinations,
Dementia of any aetiology is probably a risk factor for all these may be important features in some DLB cases and can
three of these clinical features and it can be difficult clearly to lead to initial diagnoses of late onset psychosis (Birkett et al.,
distinguish between them. Repeated falls may be due to pos- 1992) and temporal lobe epilepsy (McKeith et al., 1992a).
ture, gait and balance difficulties, particularly in patients Sleep disorder. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behav-
with parkinsonism. Reported fall rates are 28 per cent at the iour disorder (SBD) is a parasomnia manifested by vivid and
time of presentation (range 10–38 per cent) and 37 per cent often frightening dreams associated with simple or complex
(22–50 per cent) at some point during the illness. Syncopal motor behaviour during REM sleep. It is frequently associ-
attacks in DLB with complete loss of consciousness and mus- ated with DLB, PD and multisystem atrophy (MSA) but rarely
cle tone may represent the extension of LB associated pathol- occurs in AD (Boeve et al., 2001). REM sleep-wakefulness
ogy to involve the brain stem and autonomic nervous system dissociations (SBD, daytime hypersomnolence, hallucina-
(as described in Section 47.1.2, p. 603). The associated phe- tions, cataplexy), characteristic of narcolepsy may explain
nomenon of transient episodes of unresponsiveness without several features of DLB. Sleep disorders may contribute to
loss of muscle tone may represent one extreme of fluctuating fluctuations typical of DLB and their treatment may improve
attention and cognition. Episodes of this type were recorded fluctuations and quality of life (Ferman et al., 2001).
in 15 per cent of DLB cases at presentation and in 46 per cent Depression. Depressive symptoms are reported in
during the whole course of illness (McKeith et al., 1992a, b). 33–50 per cent of DLB cases, a rate higher than in AD and sim-
Neuroleptic sensitivity. The hypothesis made by the Newcastle ilar to that in PD. In the first Newcastle clinical study (McKeith
group, of an abnormal sensitivity to adverse effects of neuro- et al., 1992a), depression was diagnosed at presentation in
leptic medication was based upon two sets of independent 38 per cent (AD  16 per cent, P 0.05, 2), and was the pri-
observations. In the first (McKeith et al., 1992a) 67 per cent mary reason for referral in five of the eight patients in whom
(14/21) DLB patients received neuroleptics and 57 per cent it was present. Klatka et al. (1996) found depression in 14/28
(8/14) deteriorated rapidly after either receiving them for the (50 per cent) DLB, 8/58 (14 per cent) AD and 15/26 (58 per
first time, or following a dose increase. Mean survival time cent) PD cases with autopsy diagnosis, and Papka et al. (1998)
for these eight patients was reduced to 7.4 months (95 per cent suggest that depression is sufficiently more common in DLB
CI 3.5–11.3) significantly less than for the six patients who than AD to be a significant diagnostic predictor.
had only mild to no adverse reaction, 28.5 months (12.9–44.1),
and the seven never receiving neuroleptics, 17.8 months
(–7.4–43.0). In the second study 54 per cent (7/16) neuroleptic
47.3.2 Differential diagnosis
treated DLB patients had neuroleptic sensitivity reactions
There are four main categories of disorder that should be
and their mortality risk, estimated by survival analysis was
considered in the differential diagnosis of DLB. These are:
increased by a factor of 2.7 (McKeith et al., 1992b). Although
this phenomenon had not previously been reported, litera- • other dementia syndromes
ture review reveals that a small number of case reports of • other causes of delirium
rapid deterioration following neuroleptic use were published • other neurological syndromes
from 1988 onwards (McKeith et al., 1996b). A severe adverse • other psychiatric disorders.
Clinical investigation 611 OTHER DEMENTIA SYNDROMES responsible for hallucinations and confusion in PD, but
research findings do not fully support this clinical impres-
Sixty five per cent of autopsy-confirmed DLB cases meet the
sion. Factors associated with the development of visual hallu-
NINCDS-ADRDA clinical criteria for probable or possible AD
cinosis are: later age of onset of PD, total duration of illness
(McKeith et al., 1994b) and this is the most frequent clinical
and the presence of cognitive impairment. Hallucinators and
misdiagnosis of DLB patients who present with a primary
non-hallucinators are distinguished neither by severity of
dementia syndrome. Between 12 and 36 per cent of cases
motor disability nor dosage of antiparkinsonian medication.
meeting NINCDS criteria for a clinical diagnosis of AD are
Patients with early onset of hallucinations are particularly
unexpectedly found to have LB pathology at autopsy (Burns
likely to subsequently develop DLB (Goetz et al., 1998). The
et al., 1990; Hansen et al., 1990). This suggests that DLB rou-
DLB Consensus statement recommends that, if a syndrome
tinely should be excluded before the diagnosis of AD is made.
meeting diagnostic criteria for DLB develops in a patient
Up to a third of DLB cases are additionally misclassified as
who has had motor PD for at least 12 months prior to the
VaD by the Hachinski Ischaemic Index by virtue of items
onset of neuropsychiatric features, a diagnosis of PD  DLB,
such as fluctuating nature and course of illness. Pyramidal
should be made. This arbitrary 12-month rule is helpful in
and focal neurological signs are, however, usually absent.
the diagnosis of individual cases and in selecting samples for
When a false positive diagnosis of vascular dementia is made
clinical research studies, but is increasingly difficult to justify
in a patient with DLB pathology, it is often associated at
from a neurobiological point of view.
autopsy with concomitant microvascular abnormalities and
a mixed pathology. OTHER PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS OTHER CAUSES OF DELIRIUM If a patient spontaneously develops parkinsonian features or
In patients with intermittent delirium, appropriate examin- cognitive decline, or shows excessive sensitivity to neurolep-
ation and laboratory tests should be performed during the tic medication, in the course of late onset delusional disorder,
acute phase to maximize the chances of detecting infective, depressive psychosis or mania (Birkett et al., 1992; Mullan
metabolic, inflammatory or other aetiological factors. Phar- et al., 1996), DLB should be considered.
macological causes are particularly common in elderly patients.
Although the presence of any of these features makes a diag-
nosis of DLB less likely, comorbidity is not unusual in elderly 47.4 CLINICAL INVESTIGATION
patients and the diagnosis should not be excluded simply on
this basis.
Detailed psychometric testing (see Chapter 49) and expert OTHER NEUROLOGICAL SYNDROMES
neurological examination are likely to be informative and
should be carried out whenever DLB is suspected (McKeith
In patients with a prior diagnosis of PD, the onset of visual et al., 1996a). No specific biomarkers for DLB have yet been
hallucinations and fluctuating cognitive impairment may be identified but there have been sufficient studies to allow the
attributed to side effects of antiparkinsonian medications, conclusion that neuroimaging investigations can be helpful
and this must be tested by dose reduction or withdrawal in supporting the clinical diagnosis.
(Harrison and McKeith, 1995; Goetz et al., 1998). Other
atypical parkinsonian syndromes associated with poor levo-
dopa response, cognitive impairment and postural instability 47.4.1 Neuroimaging – structural and
include progressive supranuclear palsy (Fearnley et al., 1991), functional
MSA and corticobasal degeneration. The development of
myoclonus in patients with a rapidly progressive form of Prominent atrophy of the medial temporal lobes on CT or
DLB may lead the clinician to suspect Creutzfeldt–Jakob dis- MRI is indicative of AD rather than DLB (Barber et al., 1999).
ease. Syncopal episodes in DLB are often incorrectly attrib- Periventricular lesions and white matter hyperintensities are
uted to transient ischaemic attacks, despite an absence of focal often present in (Barber et al., 2000a) but, similar to measures
neurological signs. Recurrent disturbances in consciousness of generalized atrophy and rates of progression of whole
accompanied by complex visual hallucinations may suggest brain tissue loss (O’Brien et al., 2001), are not helpful in dif-
complex partial seizures (temporal lobe epilepsy) and vivid ferential diagnosis. Dopamine transporter loss in the caudate
dreaming with violent movements during sleep may meet cri- and putamen, a marker of nigrostriatal degeneration can be
teria for REM sleep behaviour disorder (Boeve et al., 2001). detected in DLB but not AD by dopaminergic SPECT.
Patients with a previous diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. Abnormal scans in DLB were reported as more accurate in
Patients who initially present with motor symptoms of PD, predicting neuropathological diagnosis than the application
and who only develop the typical features of DLB after many of clinical Consensus criteria (Walker et al., 2002). A sensitiv-
years of severe motor disability, present some problems of ity of 88 per cent for detecting probable DLB with a speci-
classification. Antiparkinsonian medications are usually held ficity of 85 per cent for AD and 95 per cent for controls has
612 Dementia with Lewy bodies: a clinical overview

been reported (O’Brien et al., 2004), a flatter rostrocaudal Barber R, Ballard C, McKeith IG et al. (2000a) MRI volumetric study of
gradient of loss along the striatum indicating relatively greater dementia with Lewy bodies. A comparison with AD and vascular
loss in the caudate and lesser loss in the putamen compared dementia. Neurology 54: 1304–1309
with PD. Barber PA, Varma AR, Lloyd JJ et al. (2000b) The electroencephalogram
in dementia with Lewy bodies. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica
101: 53–56
47.4.2 EEG Barber R, Panikkar A, McKeith IG. (2001) Dementia with Lewy bodies:
diagnosis and management. International Journal of Geriatric
The electroencephalogram (EEG) is diffusely abnormal in Psychiatry 16: S12–S18
over 90 per cent of DLB patients. Early slowing of the domi- Barnes J, Boubert L, Harris J et al. (2003) Reality monitoring and visual
hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease. Neuropsychologia 41: 565–574
nant rhythm, with 4–7 Hz transient activity over the tempo-
Benjamin R, Leake A, Edwardson JA et al. (1994) Apolipoprotein E genes
ral lobe area, is characteristic and correlates with a clinical in Lewy body and Parkinson’s disease. Lancet 343: 1565
history of loss of consciousness (Briel et al., 1999). It is not Birkett DP, Desouky A, Han L, Kaufman M. (1992) Lewy bodies in
possible reliably to differentiate DLB and AD subjects on the psychiatric patients. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
basis of the EEG, however (Barber et al., 2000b). The diag- 7: 235–240
nostic significance of bursts of bilateral frontal rhythmic Boeve B, Silber M, Ferman T et al. (2001) Association of REM sleep
delta activity, reported to be more common in DLB than AD, behavior disorder and neurodegenerative disease may reflect an
has yet to be established (Calzetti et al., 2002). underlying synucleinopathy. Movement Disorders 16: 622–630
Bradshaw J, Saling M, Hopwood M et al. (2004) Fluctuating cognition in
dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer’s disease is qualitatively
47.4.3 Genotyping distinct. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry
75: 382–387
No specific genetic markers for DLB have been identified and Briel RCG, McKeith IG, Barker WA et al. (1999) EEG findings in dementia
genetic testing cannot be recommended as part of the diag- with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neurology,
nostic process at present. DLB patients have an elevated Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 66: 401–440
Burkhardt CR, Filley CM, Kleinschmidt-DeMasters BK et al. (1988) Diffuse
apolipoprotein 4 allele frequency (Benjamin et al., 1994;
Lewy body disease and progressive dementia. Neurology 38: 1520–1528
Pickering-Brown et al., 1994) similar to that reported in AD
Burn DJ, Rowan EN, Minett T et al. (2003) Extrapyramidal features in
so a positive 4 test does not provide additional information Parkinson’s disease with and without dementia and dementia with
in the differential diagnosis of AD and DLB. Most DLB cases Lewy bodies: a cross-sectional comparative study. Movement
are sporadic, although there are a few reports of autosomal Disorders 18: 884–889
dominant Lewy body disease families. Burns A, Luthert P, Levy R et al. (1990) Accuracy of clinical diagnosis of
Alzheimer’s disease. BMJ 301: 1026
Byrne EJ, Lennox G, Lowe J, Godwin-Austen RB. (1989) Diffuse Lewy
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48.1 Validation of consensus clinical diagnostic criteria 617 48.6 Molecular and anatomical pathology correlates of
48.2 Prevalence of dementia with Lewy bodies and clinical features in dementia with Lewy bodies 624
-synucleinopathy in ageing populations 617 48.7 Pathogenesis of dementia with Lewy bodies 625
48.3 Pathological phenotypes 617 48.8 Summary 626
48.4 Pathology of dementia with Lewy bodies 618 References 627
48.5 Neurotransmitters and neurochemistry in
dementia with Lewy bodies 622

The pathology of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is that of Table 48.1 Disorders in which ‘incidental’ Lewy bodies have been
a primary degenerative dementia with pathological features described
shared with both Alzheimer’s (AD) and Parkinson’s diseases
Disorder References
(PD). There is a variable burden of Alzheimer-type pathology,
together with Lewy bodies (LB) in both cortical and subcort- Ataxia telangiectasia DeLeon et al., 1976; Monaco
ical regions. Often the neocortical senile plaque formation is at et al., 1988
densities equivalent to that found in AD, but neocortical neu- Corticobasal degeneration Paulus and Selim, 1990;
rofibrillary tangles are infrequent (Kosaka et al., 1984; Dickson Horoupian and Chu, 1994;
et al., 1987; Hansen et al., 1989, 1990; Perry et al., 1990d). A Wakabayashi et al., 1994b
group of DLB patients have only minimal plaque pathology, Down’s syndrome Raghavan et al., 1993;
and a virtual absence of paired helical filament (PHF)-tau Bodhireddy et al., 1994
pathology including neurofibrillary tangles. Familial early-onset Lantos et al., 1994
Controversies surrounding DLB and its relationship to AD Alzheimer’s disease
remain unresolved and comparison of pathology data in the
Hallervorden–Spatz disease Helfand, 1935; Defendini et al.,
literature must be viewed from the perspective of the varied 1973; Dooling et al., 1974;
clinical provenance of case series from neurology and old age Kalyanasundaram et al., 1980;
psychiatry. Problems also remain in defining the relationship Gaytan-Garcia et al., 1990;
between DLB and dementia occurring as part of PD. Lewy Wakabayashi et al., 1994b
bodies are found as coincidental pathology in a wide range of Motor neurone disease Hedera et al., 1995; Williams
conditions (Table 48.1) but are characteristically associated et al., 1995
with idiopathic PD (Gibb and Lees, 1989; Lewy, 1912).
Multiple system atrophy Morin et al., 1980; Gibb, 1986;
Dementia is recognized to be a clinical component of PD
Sima et al., 1987
(Mayeux et al., 1990), especially in older patients. It is appar-
ent that the range of clinical syndromes in which Lewy bodies Neuraxonal dystrophy Vuia, 1977; Williamson et al.,
form a characteristic part of the pathological substrate 1982; Sugiyama et al., 1993
includes extrapyramidal movement disorders, cognitive Progressive supranuclear palsy Gibb, 1986; Mori et al., 1986
impairment, autonomic dysfunction and gut motility dis- Subacute sclerosing Gibb et al., 1990
orders (Table 48.2). The concept of a spectrum of Lewy body panencephalitis
disorders, among which PD is the most familiar (Yoshimura,
Diffuse neurofibrillary tangles Yokota et al., 2002
1983; Kosaka, 1993; Ince et al., 1998), best accounts for this
with calcification
phenotypic diversity. The clinical manifestation of Lewy body
616 Pathology of dementia with Lewy bodies

Table 48.2 Spectrum of ‘Lewy body diseases’

Limbic Substantia Dorsal vagus Lateral grey horn/ Myenteric

Syndrome Neocortex cortex nigra nucleus sympathetic ganglia ganglia
Dementia with / /  / / ??
Lewy bodies
Parkinson’s disease / /  / / /
Pure autonomic failure 0 0 0/ / / ?
LB dysphagia 0 0 0/ 0 ? /

0, no LB; , mild LB formation/neuronal loss;  , moderate LB and neuronal loss; , severe LB and neuronal loss; ?, not yet reported

pathology depends on the severity and anatomical distribu- Box 48.1 Nomenclature previously used to classify DLB cases
tion of Lewy body involvement in the central and peripheral
nervous system (Kosaka et al., 1989; Kosaka, 1993; Kosaka and • Alzheimer’s disease with incidental Lewy bodies
Iseki, 1996). • Cortical Lewy body disease
A major advance in the understanding of pathogenetic • Diffuse Lewy body disease
relationships among these Lewy body disorders arose from the • Lewy body dementia
finding that familial PD is caused by a mutation of the gene • Lewy body variant of Alzheimer’s disease
encoding -synuclein (S) in a few families (Polymeropoulos, • Parkinson’s disease plus Alzheimer’s disease
1997) and subsequently that all sporadic Lewy body pathology • Parkinson’s disease with dementia
has S as the major underlying filamentous inclusion body • Senile dementia of the Lewy body type
protein (Spillantini et al., 1997, 1998). These disorders are now
classified as ‘-synucleinopathies’.
The pathogenesis of the different syndromes within this adopted so that clinical work and research can be compared
spectrum is not yet worked out. The biochemical basis for between centres (McKeith et al., 1996). The outcome of this
inclusion body formation related to S is emerging in relation consensus, and subsequent revisions, is a compromise that
to the ubiquitin/proteasome system and aberrant phosphor- leaves important issues unresolved. Two are of particular
ylation of S. The availability of S immunocytochemistry importance.
has revealed extensive neuritic accumulation of fibrillated S First, the term ‘dementia with Lewy bodies’ was adopted
and a ‘neuritic dystrophy hypothesis’ of Lewy degeneration because it does not prejudge the significance of Lewy bodies
has been proposed (Duda, 2004). The balance of genetic and as a pathological substrate for dementia. This approach cre-
environmental factors that give rise to this disease process are ates the difficulty that any demented patient in whom a Lewy
unknown and may vary among individuals (De Palma et al., body can be demonstrated at autopsy could be regarded as a
1998). Similarly, it is not known why individuals have differ- ‘dementia with Lewy bodies’. What the clinical diagnostic
ent anatomical patterns of selective vulnerability to S, guidelines for DLB seek to achieve is to define a particular
although it seems that the population comprises major neuropsychological syndrome in the elderly. Thus there is
groups in terms of the disease phenotype that develop. still a place in routine clinical practice for a more specific
Studies in this area currently focus heavily on genetic deter- diagnostic label. The International DLB Consortium expli-
minants, despite an earlier consensus that genetic influences citly left open the possibility of using favoured terminology
in PD were of little significance. (Box 48.1) in routine clinical practice. Currently the most
Many pathological studies draw attention to the overlap, frequently used of these terms are ‘diffuse Lewy body disease
and common concurrence of the pathologies of PD and (DLBD)’, the ‘Lewy body variant of Alzheimer’s disease
AD in the same patient (Forno et al., 1978; Hakim and (LBVAD)’ and ‘senile dementia of Lewy body type (SDLT)’.
Mathieson, 1979; Boller et al., 1980; Gaspar and Gray, 1984; For many practical purposes these terms are interchangeable.
Ditter and Mirra, 1987; Burkhardt et al., 1988; Joachim et al., Second, the Consensus pathological guidelines were
1988). The pathology of DLB therefore raises two areas of designed only to allow uniform semiquantification of the
controversy, i.e.: pathological features. This allows any case with Lewy bodies
to be put into one of three categories: ‘neocortical’, ‘limbic
• What are the clinical, pathological and aetiological
(transitional)’, and ‘brain stem predominant’. There is no
relationships among the ‘-synucleinopathies’?
explicit assumption or requirement that patients must be in
• How does DLB relate to AD?
any of these categories to be classified as DLB. Evidence for
These issues have been reflected in the difficulty of classi- the evolution of S pathology along a definable anatomical
fying such patients, and the confusing nomenclature in hierarchy, beginning in medullary centres has been proposed
the earlier literature (Box 48.1). Consensus guidelines on (Braak et al., 2003) analogous to that proposed in ‘Braak
clinical diagnosis and pathological evaluation have been staging’ of AD (Braak and Braak, 1991). However, data
Pathological phenotypes 617

from a large sample of older brains undermines the absolute of Lewy bodies was no different between demented and non-
validity of this concept (Parkkinen et al., 2003). While there demented people (12 per cent versus 10 per cent) and only a
is an expectation that dementia will be most frequent in cases minority of demented individuals with Lewy bodies had clini-
in the neocortical or limbic categories, it is not necessary cal features suggestive of DLB. A recent Japanese study showed
for them to be in a particular pathological category to be -synucleinopathy in 19.5 per cent of a cohort of 1241 aged
regarded as ‘dementia with Lewy bodies’, and a diagnosis of but only 4 per cent of the sample showed significant cortical
DLB should be made only on the basis of a clinical picture S pathology (Saito et al., 2004). In the Hisayama study the
which fulfils the clinical diagnostic criteria. Finally, the diag- prevalence of -synucleinopathy at autopsy was 22.5 per cent
nosis of DLB (or one of the more specific terms) does not of the sample, comprising 41 per cent of demented people.
preclude other diagnoses. Alzheimer-type pathology espe- Only one other very large autopsy sample has been reported
cially should be assessed, according to established diagnostic (Parkkinen et al., 2001). In this Finnish sample the overall
criteria for AD, e.g. CERAD (Mirra et al., 1991, 1993), NIA- prevalence of Lewy body pathology was 14 per cent. Whether
Reagan Institute (National Institute for Aging [NIA], 1997), these differences between European and Asian populations
or Braak stage (Braak and Braak, 1991) and an opinion given reflect true differences in genetic factors and exposures, or dif-
as to whether there is sufficient pathology to warrant that ferent sampling strategies, remains to be confirmed.


48.3.1 Spectrum of Lewy body disorders
Studies of the sensitivity and specificity of clinical diagnostic
The neuropathology of DLB is part of a spectrum in which
criteria for DLB show values similar to comparable studies of
-synucleinopathy is regarded as a primary component of
AD. Early studies were retrospective and the patients were
the disorder. These conditions can be interpreted in part on
diagnosed by using one of two protocols which preceded the
the basis of the anatomical distribution and severity of the
DLB Consensus guidelines (Byrne et al., 1989; McKeith et al.,
degenerative process (see Table 48.2). The motor features of
1992b). On average the sensitivity and specificity of the diag-
Lewy body disorders usually manifest as an extrapyramidal
nostic criteria reported in these studies is around 80 per cent
syndrome (e.g. PD with a ‘paucity of movement’), but in
(McKeith et al., 1994a, b; Mega et al., 1996). Prospective eval-
some rare cases may be associated with dystonia (e.g. Meig’s
uation of the performance of the Consensus Guidelines
syndrome with an ‘excess of movement’; Mark et al., 1994)
shows sensitivity of 83 per cent and specificity of 92 per cent
and such differences in clinical phenotype are not a specific
compared with comparable values of 78 per cent and 87 per
consequence of Lewy body degeneration.
cent for a diagnosis of ‘probable AD’ (NINCDS-ARDRA
Rare cases of atypical dementia, with parkinsonism and
criteria) in the same study (McKeith et al., 2000a). There are
cortical Lewy bodies, were first described by Okazaki et al.
a minority of patients reported in these series in which the
(1961) and the concept of a spectrum of Lewy body diseases
pathological subtype is ‘brain stem predominant’, indicating
was originally proposed by Kosaka and colleagues (Kosaka
that the clinical phenotype is not exclusively dependent on a
et al., 1980; Kosaka and Iseki, 1996). The peripheral and cen-
pathologically demonstrable substrate (i.e. density of cortical
tral nervous system involvement by Lewy bodies in PD
Lewy bodies) based on quantifying Lewy bodies.
includes hypothalamic nuclei, nucleus basalis of Meynert,
dorsal raphé, locus caeruleus, substantia nigra, dorsal vagus
nucleus and intermediolateral nucleus (Den Hartog Jager and
48.2 PREVALENCE OF DEMENTIA WITH LEWY Bethlem, 1960). In addition, a ‘neuritic’ form of S degener-
BODIES AND ␣-SYNUCLEINOPATHY ation has been described, and is especially common in the
IN AGEING POPULATIONS dorsal vagus nucleus, sympathetic ganglia and myenteric auto-
nomic ganglia. Kosaka and colleagues later demonstrated cases
The true prevalence of -synucleinopathy can only be estab- with extensive cortical and basal ganglia involvement (Kosaka,
lished on the basis of pathology studies because none of the 1978; Kosaka and Mehraein, 1979). A spectrum of Lewy body
associated clinical phenotypes (e.g. PD, DLB) predict for the diseases was proposed, categorized into three types (brain
underlying pathologic substrate in better than four of five stem, transitional and diffuse), and this concept is now the
cases. Population-based data are limited. The UK Cognitive basis for the categories defined by the Consensus Guidelines
Function and Ageing cohort showed Lewy bodies in 11 per cent on the evaluation of DLB (McKeith et al., 1996).
of 209 autopsies (Neuropathology Group MRC, 2001). This More recently, Kosaka proposed a ‘cerebral’ subtype of
study is limited in that the sample is not truly representative of Lewy body disease in a patient with progressive dementia, no
the population as a whole, being weighted to individuals with detectable parkinsonian features (Kosaka et al., 1996) and
cognitive decline and to the more physically frail. The frequency widespread neocortical and limbic Lewy body involvement.
618 Pathology of dementia with Lewy bodies

The pigmented brain stem nuclei only showed a few Lewy Lewy body disease’ (Hansen, 1997). The SDLT cases (Perry
bodies with no neuronal loss, and the patient had no signifi- et al., 1990d) include both forms of DLB. A number of stud-
cant Alzheimer-type pathology. The significance of these ies have recently reported on the clinical phenotype of DLB
observations relates especially to the evolution and spread of patients with and without significant AD pathology. They
Lewy body pathology. In AD there is evidence that ‘tangle’ conclude that patients with more severe AD pathology are
pathology follows a hierarchic evolution from medial tem- likely to resemble AD clinically (Merdes et al., 2003; Ballard
poral lobe regions to other ‘limbic’ areas and then to temporal, et al., 2004). Other authors have suggested that ‘common
parietal, frontal and occipital neocortex (Arnold et al., 1991; form’ DLB patients may have more intense cortical Lewy body
Braak and Braak, 1991). Within the spectrum of Lewy body formation than ‘pure’ BLB and may show a more severe
diseases evidence for such hierarchic spread has been pro- dementia than in pure AD or DLB (Serby et al., 2003).
posed (Braak et al., 2003) but remains controversial (see The Consensus clinical diagnostic criteria for DLB
above): cases present with brain stem Lewy bodies, clinically exclude cases where vascular disease is a demonstrable com-
manifesting as PD, who do not dement and show few cortical ponent of the clinical picture, either as infarcts on neuro-
Lewy bodies at autopsy. By contrast, DLB patients (including imaging or as focal neurological deficits. Despite this it is the
the ‘cerebral Lewy body disease’ patient described above) authors’ experience that, in common with AD cases,
may get severe cortical involvement as an early feature with microvascular pathology is a frequent finding in DLB at
minimal brain stem disease. In addition, patients may develop autopsy (Ince et al., 1998). Other studies have emphasized
predominant involvement of the peripheral nervous system, this aspect of CLB pathology (Londos et al., 2002) so that
e.g. Lewy body dysphagia (Jackson et al., 1995) and primary exclusion of cases with vascular features may be of value in
autonomic failure, with minimal central involvement. Isolated selecting the ‘pure’ disease for research studies but has no
involvement of the amygdala is well documented (Parkkinen value in a routine clinical diagnostic setting. Thus the patho-
et al., 2003). logical diagnosis of DLB needs to be qualified by explicit
The role of pathology in the evaluation of a case with an confirmation of the extent of AD and vascular pathology.
appropriate clinical history, is to address two questions:

• Is this disorder associated with S/Lewy body pathology?

• What is the anatomical distribution of Lewy bodies
and what is the regional severity of involvement?
In relation to the second question, the pathology section
The pathological lesions encountered in DLB are listed in
of the Consensus Guidelines for the evaluation of cortical
Box 48.2. None of these is exclusive to the disorder.
Lewy bodies were offered as a means of standardizing assess-
ment of Lewy body pathology in cortical regions (McKeith
et al., 1996). They were designed to be equally applicable to a 48.4.1 Lewy bodies – conventional and
survey of cortical Lewy body pathology in cases with or with- molecular pathology
out dementia. With the advent of immunocytochemistry for
S this protocol needs to be re-assessed and reformulated Lewy bodies are encountered in both subcortical nuclei (e.g.
taking account of neuritic changes. substantia nigra as in PD) and also in cerebral cortical regions.
In the pigmented brain stem nuclei Lewy bodies show a

48.3.2 Alzheimer and vascular pathologies

Box 48.2 Pathological features associated with DLB
Both Alzheimer changes and cerebrovascular pathology are Essential for the diagnosis of DLB
found in the brain of DLB patients at autopsy. The relation-
ship between DLB and AD is not resolved. From studies of AD
• Lewy bodies

pathology in DLB there is an emerging consensus that cases Associated with DLB but not essential
can usually be assigned to one of two broad groups. In the • Lewy neurites
first of these, and numerically the more numerous, there is • Alzheimer-type pathology
sufficient AD pathology either to satisfy published pathological • Senile plaques
criteria for AD (Mirra et al., 1991), or such that it is likely that • Neurofibrillary tangles
AD pathology contributes significantly as a substrate for the • Regional neuronal loss, especially affecting substantia
neuropsychiatric phenotype. This ‘common form’ of DLB has nigra, locus caeruleus, and nucleus basalis of Meynert
been called ‘Lewy body variant of AD’ (Hansen et al., 1989, • Microvacuolation
1990, 1997). The second group comprises cases in which the • Synapse loss
extent of AD pathology is within a spectrum from mild to neg- • Neurochemical abnormalities/neurotransmitter deficits
ligible, and therefore is not a plausible substrate for cognitive Source: McKeith et al., 1996, reprinted with permission
impairment. This ‘pure form’ of DLB has been called ‘diffuse
Pathology of dementia with Lewy bodies 619

classical morphology comprising an eosinophilic core and raphé nucleus subdivisions, although no quantitative studies
peripheral halo (Plate 17a). In the cortex they are much less are published. The locus caeruleus is often severely affected
distinct in conventional stains, appearing as diffusely granular, by neuronal loss and Lewy bodies in both PD and DLB
eosinophilic spheroids with no halo (Plate 17b). In routine patients (Perry et al., 1990d; Zweig et al., 1993).
practice most laboratories now use S rather than ubiquitin Between 75 and 95 per cent of PD cases have some degree
immunocytochemistry (ICC) to demonstrate cortical Lewy of cortical Lewy body involvement whether or not the patient
bodies (Plate 17c), although haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) has dementia (Hughes et al., 1993; Mattila et al., 1998), with
remains of value for brain stem lesions. It has been reported a tendency for dementia to be associated with neocortical
that ubiquitin ICC is more than twice as sensitive in the detec- Lewy bodies (Sugiyama et al., 1994), although this is not an
tion of cortical Lewy bodies compared with H&E (Lennox invariable correlate of cognitive decline (Colosimo et al.,
et al., 1989), but others have shown either no difference 2003). Thus the difference between PD and DLB in terms of
between these methods or higher counts with H&E. Formal cortical Lewy body pathology is quantitative, not qualitative.
evaluation of S ICC against other methods has not been In both DLB and PD the distribution of Lewy bodies in the
published but experience suggests this method will detect cortex is most frequent in limbic areas. Quantitative studies
rather more lesions, first because of variable ubiquitination of have shown that cingulate cortex involvement is more
S (Sampathu et al., 2003) and second because the method marked in Brodmann area 23 compared with 24 (Perry et al.,
reveals far more extensive pathology than ubiquitin ICC (Duda 1990d). The amygdaloid complex, insula, entorhinal and
et al., 2002). The only silver staining method that can reliably transentorhinal cortices have also been shown to be sites of
demonstrate cortical Lewy bodies is Campbell–Switzer (Braak predilection for Lewy body formation (Kosaka et al., 1984;
et al., 1995). The most important practical problem in the Braak et al., 1994; Iseki et al., 1995; Rezaie et al., 1996;
evaluation of cortical Lewy bodies is the distinction from small Schmidt et al., 1996). They were rarely described in the hip-
globular tangles in those cases with combined Alzheimer-type pocampal formation prior to S ICC but this region is now
and Lewy body pathologies (Plate 17d). Since Lewy bodies are considered to fall within the spectrum of selective vulnerabil-
usually unstained by antibodies to PHF-tau it has been sug- ity (Harding et al., 2002b). Neocortical involvement is usu-
gested that Lewy bodies should only be confirmed, in cases ally most severe in the temporal lobe and follows the
with cortical neurofibrillary tangles, if they are negative for a gradient: temporal  parietal  frontal  occipital (Kosaka
reliable anti-PHF tau antibody. et al., 1984; Perry et al., 1990d). The Consensus Guidelines do
Since the discovery that a small minority of cases of famil- not include the occipital region where Lewy bodies are infre-
ial autosomal dominant PD are associated with mutations in quent, even in the most severely involved cases of DLB, and
the gene encoding S (Polymeropoulos et al., 1997; Higuchi where their presence does not contribute to a significant dis-
et al., 1998; Vaughan et al., 1998; Aarsland et al., 2001) and tinction between clinical phenotypes or pathological sub-
that antibodies to S are very consistent markers of Lewy groups (Perry et al., 1990d).
bodies (Baba et al., 1998; Spillantini et al., 1997, 1998; Cortical Lewy bodies are found in deeper cortical layers
Wakabayashi et al., 1997b; Takeda et al., 1998) (Plate 18a, b), (especially cortical layers 4, 5 and 6) in all affected regions
this problem is largely historical. S immunocytochemistry (Kosaka et al., 1984), although the population of affected
has therefore confirmed that: neurones has yet to be fully characterized. On morphological
grounds they are small and medium-sized neurones (Kosaka
• the different appearances of cortical and subcortical
et al., 1984; Dickson et al., 1987), which includes pyramidal
Lewy bodies are likely to be due to factors related to the
neurones on the basis of expression of neurofilament (NF)
cell types affected, not molecular pathogenesis;
medium and heavy subunits, and the absence of parvalbu-
• PD and DLB share a common molecular pathology
min, a marker of GABAergic interneurones (Smith et al.,
suggesting close pathogenetic links.
1995; Wakabayashi et al., 1995). The total number of SMI32
positive neurones was reported to be reduced by 70 per cent
48.4.2 Lewy bodies – anatomical pathology in DLB, suggesting that Lewy body formation is associated
with severe neuronal dysfunction or death (Wakabayashi
In the substantia nigra, the frequency of Lewy bodies may be et al., 1995). However, a recent study based on optical dis-
low in DLB, and there is often not a severe loss of neurones as sector stereometry found the opposite (Shepherd et al.,
compared with that in PD patients. DLB patients show sub- 2002). There was also 40 per cent reduction in parvalbumin-
stantia nigra neurone counts that are intermediate between immunoreactive neurones, suggesting that any selective vul-
PD and AD (Perry et al., 1990d; Ince et al., 1995), although nerability of pyramidal neurones is only relative. Cortical
individual cases vary and there may be substantia nigra neur- Lewy body frequency may be positively correlated with the
one loss in the PD range associated with variable expression intensity of dementia (Samuel et al., 1996), although this
of parkinsonian symptoms. Another brain stem nucleus regu- finding remains controversial. Thus the extent to which Lewy
larly affected in PD, the cholinergic pedunculopontine bodies are themselves the substrate for dementia in DLB or
tegmental nucleus, may also be preferentially affected in DLB. PD is in doubt. Even in the most severely affected cases of
Individual patients also vary in the involvement of serotonergic DLB the frequency of cortical Lewy bodies (demonstrated by
620 Pathology of dementia with Lewy bodies

H&E, ubiquitin ICC or S ICC) is at least 10 3 times less et al., 1990), or that the diseases represent phenotypic cluster-
than would be the case for neurofibrillary tangles in AD ing along a continuous ‘spectrum of neurodegeneration’ (Perl
patients with a similar level of cognitive deficit (Perry et al., et al., 1998). However, there are pathological observations
1990d). It is likely that the substrate of cognitive deficits in that support the distinction of DLB from AD:
‘pure’ DLB cases will eventually be explained on the basis of a • There are cases with no significant Alzheimer-type
complex interaction of pathological lesions (cortical and pathology (DLB ‘pure form’).
subcortical), diffuse molecular pathological changes, and • Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the Alzheimer-
neurochemical alterations in both cortical and subcortical type pathology shows differences between DLB and AD.
neurotransmission. Recent work using S ICC suggests that • The similarity is predominantly at the level of
the more extensive pathological changes revealed by this -amyloid deposition, so that the neuronal inclusion
method significantly contribute to the pathological substrate pathology remains distinct.
of DLB (Duda et al., 2002).
Most cases of DLB have S accumulation with low or
minimal PHF-tau accumulation. The picture is reversed in
48.4.3 Lewy neurites (Lewy-related neurites) AD where PHF-tau predominates and S deposition is less
prominent or absent.
Ubiquitin-immunoreactive neuritic processes were first The published series of autopsy cases which drew attention
described in the CA2 sector of the hippocampus in DLB to DLB as a distinct dementing syndrome in the elderly
(Dickson et al., 1991, 1994) and were proposed as a means of included a minority of cases with virtually no Alzheimer-type
distinguishing hippocampal pathology in AD and cases of pathology (Kosaka et al., 1984; Dickson et al., 1987; Perry
DLB where Alzheimer-type pathology can be significant (Plate et al., 1990d), including cases with absence of senile plaques of
19a, b). Whilst this concept remains valid, further reports have any type. They were clinically indistinguishable from other
shown that LB neurites are also a consistent feature of PD and DLB cases, and the burden of Alzheimer-type pathology was
do not predict dementia (de Vos et al., 1995) simply by virtue less than in many cognitively intact, age-matched individuals
of their presence. Neurites are immunoreactive for S (Plate (Lippa et al., 1994). These cases correspond to the category of
19b, c), ubiquitin and (variably) neurofilament epitopes (espe- ‘pure diffuse Lewy body disease’ described by Kosaka (1993)
cially phosphorylated epitopes). Immunoreactivity to Alz50 or the diffuse Lewy body disease of Hansen (1997) to distin-
and Tau-2 have also been reported (Plate 19d), but not to neu- guish them from those cases with Alzheimer-type pathology
rofibrillary tangle-specific tau isoforms (Dickson et al., 1994). who comprise the ‘common form of DLBD’ of Kosaka (1993),
Electron microscopy confirms a major component of S fila- or ‘Lewy body variant of Alzheimer disease’ of Hansen (1997).
ments within these structures. They are also described in the Nevertheless, this relationship between AD and Lewy body
amygdala (Braak et al., 1994), basal forebrain, substantia nigra diseases remains problematic. Various observations predating
(Plate 19f), pedunculopontine nucleus, raphé nuclei, dorsal the emergence of DLB as a distinct entity are difficult to apply
vagal nucleus and neocortex (Plate 19e) (Gai et al., 1995; to the current debate because it is not clear to which disease
Pellise et al., 1996). In all these sites neurites can be present in categories the cases would now be assigned on clinical and
very high density but they are not co-localized with immuno- pathological grounds. Such observations include:
reactivity to tyrosine hydroxylase, suggesting that they do not
arise in distal projections of the substantia nigra. Lewy bodies • more frequent Alzheimer-type pathology in PD cases
and neurites coexist (Kim et al., 1995) and in one study the than in age-matched control (Forno et al., 1978; Hakim
intensity of CA2 neurites and cortical Lewy body formation and Mathieson, 1979; Boller et al., 1980; Gibb, 1986;
were shown to be correlated (Pollanen et al., 1993b). Hughes et al., 1993);
The significance of Lewy neurites in DLB is uncertain both • the frequency of Lewy bodies in familial AD (Ditter and
in terms of their pathogenesis and their role in neuronal dys- Mirra, 1987; Joachim et al., 1988; Lantos et al., 1994;
function or clinical phenotype. Recent work using S ICC in Halliday et al., 1997).
Lewy body disorders shows more extensive neuritic pathology Since these studies also predate a widespread awareness of
than was previously appreciated with methods such as ubiquitin the frequency of cortical Lewy bodies and neurites, and the
ICC (Baba et al., 1998; Duda et al., 2002). The appreciation that use of sensitive methods to detect them, they are difficult to
neuritic changes are frequently extensive and more prominent interpret in the context of more recent concepts. It is likely
than Lewy bodies, and work in animal models of -synucle- that DLB represents an undiagnosed group within many
inopathy (Giasson et al., 2002) underpins the ‘neuritic dystro- of the older reported cohorts, and account for much of the
phy hypothesis’ of Lewy neurodegeneration (Duda, 2004). clinicopathological overlap described between AD and PD.
Review of cases in the Newcastle centre prior to 1982 include
48.4.4 Alzheimer-type pathology a proportion of demented cases that correspond to the entity
‘senile dementia of the Lewy body type’. This is certainly the
Many cases of DLB have Alzheimer-type pathology which has case with respect to the category ‘plaque-only AD’, where
led to concepts of the disorder being a variant of AD (Hansen re-examination of the original cohort from whom this
Pathology of dementia with Lewy bodies 621

diagnostic category was formulated showed that most patients DLB of lesser severity than in AD (Lippa et al., 1997;
could be rediagnos as DLB (Hansen et al., 1993). Wakabayashi et al., 1997a). Whilst these changes may con-
In the neocortex, quantitative studies show that the bur- tribute to neuropsychological features such as defective
den of senile plaques is similar in many DLB cases and age- short-term memory, they do not account for much of the
matched AD patients, even in cohorts among whom the DLB clinical picture of DLB.
patients died more rapidly after onset of dementia (Plate The above discussion encapsulates the problem of defin-
20a, b) (Hansen et al., 1990; Perry et al., 1990d). In image ing the relationship between AD and DLB, and the confusion
analysis studies of DLB and AD cohorts, matched for age and of nomenclature in the older literature. The issue centres
degree of dementia, the area occupied by A4 immunoreac- around the criteria used to define AD. In the American lit-
tive deposits was reported to be equal, and there was no dif- erature these criteria have evolved from a scheme in which
ference in the ratio of different morphological categories of only the numerical burden of neocortical senile plaques was
plaque type (Gentleman et al., 1992; McKenzie et al., 1996). evaluated (Khachaturian, 1985), through the CERAD criteria
Qualitatively this reflects the burden of A4 amyloidosis, and (Mirra et al., 1991, 1993) and its revisions, which rely on
not the cytoskeletal pathology of AD. The major difference neuritic plaques, to the latest NIA-Reagan Institute guide-
between the senile plaques of AD and those in DLB is the lines, which include evaluation of both plaques and neocor-
paucity of a neuritic component that is immunoreactive for tical tangles (NIA and RI Working Group, 1997). Many
PHF-tau (Plate 20c, d). This is not to say that DLB plaques authors would now also include a high score using the ‘Braak
of ‘classical’ appearance with neuritic involvement are not stage’ method as an additional part of the pathological diag-
frequent, but rather that these neurites do not contain nosis of AD (Braak and Braak, 1991). This represents a con-
Alzheimer disease-related tau (Dickson et al., 1989; Samuel vergence towards the view that requires both neocortical
et al., 1997b). Reports indicate that these plaque neurites in plaques and tangles (Tomlinson et al., 1970). Thus the extent
DLB are reactive for S (Takeda et al., 1998). It is also to which DLB cases represent a variant of AD is entirely
reported that neuritic plaques in DLB have a higher expres- dependent on the diagnostic criteria used (Hansen and
sion of GAP-43 (Masliah et al., 1993), interpreted as increased Samuel, 1997). If a plaque-based method is used, then many
neuronal sprouting, compared with downregulation of DLB patients can be interpreted to have AD, depending on
GAP-43 expression in AD (de la Monte et al., 1995). The the qualification of plaque molecular pathology. If a require-
extent to which clinical DLB cases have neocortical neurofib- ment for neocortical tangles, or PHF-tau plaque neurites, is
rillary tangles is very variable. In most cases tangles are infre- adopted, then most DLB patients fall short of AD. If it is mis-
quent and largely confined to the medial temporal lobe takenly assumed that cortical Lewy pathology, in the absence
(Hansen et al., 1990; Ince et al., 1991). Some cases undoubt- of consensus clinical features of DLB, is a basis for diagnosis
edly do have a burden of neocortical neurofibrillary tangles then many AD patients would fall into the DLB spectrum.
comparable with AD cases but they are a minority (Hansen
et al., 1990; Ince et al., 1995), and recent work suggests this
burden of tangle pathology is likely to be associated with 48.4.5 Regional neuronal loss
clinical features more like AD (Merdes et al., 2003; Ballard
et al., 2004). This distinction is one of the key features that A characteristic of the core clinical syndrome of DLB is the
discriminate AD from DLB. The possibility that AD-related presence of parkinsonian signs which may be of a spectrum
PHF-tau changes occur in DLB without the formation of of severity ranging from fully developed PD to very subtle
neurofibrillary tangles has been studied using ELISA of extrapyramidal features. In contrast to the cognitive features
extracted cortical proteins and shows no evidence for a of DLB, the pathological and neurochemical substrate for
global alteration in tau isoforms towards insoluble PHF- this motor component is well characterized. DLB patients on
related species (Harrington et al., 1994; Strong et al., 1995). It average have substantia nigra degeneration intermediate
is now clear that the cortical dysfunction associated with between that seen in PD and normal control individuals of
DLB is not explicable on the basis of neurofibrillary pathol- the same age (Perry et al., 1990d; Agid, 1991). The degree of
ogy, and the more likely culprit is abnormal S metabolism. depigmentation of the substantia nigra is often only moder-
DLB cases have an excess of hippocampal Alzheimer-type ate, and microscopic evidence of neurone loss and incon-
pathology when compared with age-matched controls and tinence of pigment is usually less than in PD. The mechanism
with both demented and non-demented PD patients (Ince of neuronal loss associated with Lewy body diseases is not
et al., 1991; Harding et al., 2002b). The burden of amyloido- known, although evidence supports the possibility of apop-
sis in the entorhinal cortex may be equal to AD in those DLB tosis (Tompkins et al., 1997). The cellular pathology in the
cases corresponding to the ‘common form’, but cases of ‘pure substantia nigra is identical in PD and DLB and includes
form’ DLB have much lower densities of senile plaques in this both classical Lewy bodies and pale bodies, together with a
region (Armstrong et al., 1997). Neurofibrillary tangles show variable background of neuritic changes best demonstrated
intermediate densities with considerable intercase variation by S ICC. Pale bodies contain ubiquitin and S, are regarded
(Ince et al., 1991). Morphological markers of the integrity of as a precursor lesion to Lewy bodies, and may be more
the perforant pathway also show intermediate changes in numerous than Lewy bodies (Dale et al., 1992). By contrast,
622 Pathology of dementia with Lewy bodies

AD patients do not usually have significant nigral degener- 1996). The frequency of S reactive neurites in relation to
ation, although some cases have substantia nigra neurofibril- spongiform changes has not been reported.
lary tangles, and a small proportion may develop frank
parkinsonism (Alvord et al., 1974) sufficient to warrant a
48.4.7 Synaptic loss
clinical diagnosis of PD arising on the basis of tangle path-
ology. Atypical AD patients may attract an erroneous clinical
Reduced synaptic densities of up to 50 per cent have been
diagnosis of DLB due to the prominence of parkinsonian
reported in AD patients (Masliah et al., 1991; Clinton et al.,
signs (Ince et al., 1998). Erroneous diagnoses of DLB may
1994) and it is claimed that this abnormality is a major sub-
also arise in the context of other atypical variants of tau-
strate for the reduced cognitive performance of Alzheimer
related neurodegenerative disorders including progressive
patients compared with controls. Similar data have been
supranuclear palsy and corticobasal degeneration (Chin and
reported for other diseases including vascular dementia (VaD)
Goldman, 1996; Feany et al., 1996).
(Zhan et al., 1994) and AIDS (Masliah et al., 1991). Data relat-
Some cases of DLB have fully developed PD and in these
ing to DLB are less easy to interpret. Reported synaptic loss in
cases the nigral cell loss will exceed the commonly cited thresh-
the neocortex and entorhinal cortex of DLB patients were
old for the development of PD ( 70 per cent of substantia
equivalent to those of patients with AD (Masliah et al., 1993;
nigra counts in age-matched controls). Occasional cases are
Wakabayashi et al., 1994a). However, these patients were all
encountered where there is marked substantia nigra neurone
from the ‘common form’ subgroup in whom there was signifi-
loss but no overt parkinsonism. In these cases it is postulated
cant concomitant Alzheimer-type pathology, especially in the
that additional pathology in the striatum produces a compen-
entorhinal region. Thus the synaptic loss demonstrated may be
satory effect with no overall loss in the balance of neurotrans-
due to Alzheimer-type and not Lewy body pathology. In a more
mitter activity. The locus caeruleus is routinely more severely
recent study, a dot-blot assay for cortical synaptophysin was
affected than the substantia nigra and is often totally depig-
used to compare LBVAD patients with ‘pure DLBD’, and con-
mented to the naked eye. Lewy bodies are usually frequent in
cluded that a significant synaptic loss of 20 per cent was present
the surviving neurones. Some cases with additional significant
in LBVAD patients whereas the pure DLBD group showed only
Alzheimer-type pathology may show tangle formation in sub-
a non-significant decrease of 10 per cent (Samuel et al., 1997a).
stantia nigra neurones in addition to Lewy bodies.
A second study has confirmed this difference between the
Other brain stem and mid-brain nuclei that project into
‘pure’ and ‘common’ forms of DLB (Hansen et al., 1998).
the cerebrum contain Lewy bodies, including the serotinergic
raphé subdivisions and the pedunculopontine nucleus. No
quantitative studies have compared these nuclei in DLB, AD,
PD and controls, but neuronal loss would be expected to
occur. Neuronal loss in the cholinergic nucleus basalis of
Meynert has been reported (Jellinger and Bancher, 1996). In
PD, DLB and AD, the degree of cell loss is approximately
70 per cent of age-matched controls. In DLB cases with sig- The neurochemical profile of the brain in DLB in compari-
nificant AD pathology this neuronal population may contain son to AD and PD has been studied from three perspectives:
both Lewy bodies and neurofibrillary tangles.
• correlation with the clinical features;
• correlation with the severity and distribution of
pathological lesions;
48.4.6 Microvacuolation
• the identification of rational therapeutic targets.
Early reports of DLB emphasized the presence of cortical Drugs currently used to treat psychotic features, depres-
spongiform changes in the temporal cortex (Plate 21) sion, anxiety and cognitive impairment act on specific
(Hansen et al., 1989). The appearance of this pathology was neurotransmitter systems (dopamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine
said to closely resemble prion disease, although the anatom- (5HT), gamma-aminobytyric acid (GABA) and acetyl-
ical distribution was distinctive. The possible involvement of choline). In degenerative conditions such as AD, such thera-
prion disease has been excluded on the basis of failed animal pies are considered to be symptomatic or palliative at best
transmission experiments and lack of immunocytochemical but evidence of neurotrophic consequences of neurotrans-
staining for prion protein (Mancardi et al., 1982; Smith et al., mitter signalling, mediated at the level of alterations in
1987). There is no clear relationship between spongiosis and gene transcription, indicate that chronic manipulation of
the distribution or severity of cortical Lewy body pathology neurotransmitter function can have either neurotoxic or
in individual cases. However, affected areas have been shown neuroprotective effects. In DLB the major clinical features,
to be related to the presence of ‘ubiquitin-positive granular particularly psychotic features, can occur in the absence of
structures’ (UPGS) (Iseki et al., 1997). Spongiform degener- cortical Alzheimer-type pathology or synaptic loss and may
ation is also encountered in otherwise typical cases of AD but be at least partly functional. The fluctuating course of the
there is a reduction in the frequency of UPGS (Iseki et al., disease also supports this idea. Such observations raise the
Neurotransmitters and neurochemistry in dementia with Lewy bodies 623

possibility that neurotransmitter-targeted therapies may be cases, and receptor uncoupling is widely reported. These dif-
of particular benefit in DLB compared with AD. ferences reflect the more ‘destructive’ cortical pathology, includ-
Neuronal loss occurs in specific subcortical nuclei in DLB as ing neurofibrillary tangle formation, in AD. In contrast
it does in AD and PD (see above). The systems that have striatal M1 receptor density is lower in DLB, and parallels low
received the most neurochemical attention in DLB, because of D2 receptor density, which may relate to the relatively mild
consistently observed abnormalities and likely clinical correl- movement disorder (Piggott et al., 2003).
ates, are the cholinergic (relating to cognitive and psychotic The nicotinic receptor, which binds nicotine with high
symptoms) and the dopaminergic (relating to parkinsonism). affinity (considered to consist primarily of 42 subunits), is
The role of noradrenergic or 5HT systems in depression or equally reduced in the cortex in DLB compared with AD and
delusions, as has been suggested in AD, has not yet been PD (Perry et al., 1990c). In the substantia nigra, where nico-
explored in DLB, nor the significance of neuropeptide changes, tine binding is concentrated in the pars compacta in associ-
e.g. somatostatin or corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) which ation with the pigmented dopaminergic neurones, receptor
are evident in DLB (Dickson et al., 1987; Leake et al., 1990). binding is as depleted in DLB as in PD, despite the greater
loss of neurones in PD (Perry and Perry, 1995). This suggests
that loss or down-regulation of the receptor may precede
48.5.1 Cholinergic systems neurodegeneration. However, expression of various receptor
subunits (2, 7, 2, 3 nAChR) is unchanged in DLB sug-
Cortical cholinergic abnormalities and degeneration of basal gesting a problem at the level of receptor assembly (Martin-
forebrain nuclei are considered to contribute to cognitive Ruiz et al., 2002). Nicotinic agonists upregulate the receptor
impairments including memory loss in AD. In PD, cortical and possible protective effects of nicotine may involve rever-
cholinergic activities and nucleus basalis neurone counts are sal of age- or disease-related loss of the receptor. Another
lower in demented compared with non-demented individuals. nicotinic receptor subtype, comprising 7 subunits, binds
In DLB, neocortical choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) is lower -bungarotoxin and is not affected in the cortex in DLB or
than in AD and similar to that in demented PD (Dickson et al., AD. In the thalamus this receptor is concentrated in the retic-
1987; Langlais et al., 1993; Perry et al., 1994). In comparison ular nucleus and is reduced in both disorders (Perry et al.,
with AD the cortical loss of ChAT is a relatively ‘early’ and 1998), although a clinical correlate of this additional thala-
severe phenomenon in DLB (Tiraboschi et al., 2002). mic cholinergic abnormality is not established.
Cognitive impairment is generally less severe in DLB than AD, The therapeutic implications of the cholinergic neuro-
and the clinical correlate of this neocortical cholinergic deficit chemical pathology so far identified in DLB can be
may not be cognitive but neuropsychiatric, specifically visual summarized as follows:
hallucinations. Cholinergic activity is lower in hallucinating
compared with non-hallucinating DLB cases whereas 5HT • Since cortical cholinergic abnormalities exist in most
cases in the absence of typical Alzheimer pathology
activity is relatively preserved (Perry et al., 1990a). This obser-
(especially tangles), and muscarinic receptors are
vation may be linked to the tendency of antimuscarinic agents
functionally intact, cholinergic replacement therapy
such as atropine and hyoscine (scopolamine) to induce visual
(anticholinesterases, muscarinic or nicotinic agonists) is
hallucinations of a type similar to those experienced by
likely to be more effective than in AD.
patients with DLB (Perry and Perry, 1995). Such drugs interact
with muscarinic M1, M3 and M4 receptor subtypes, which • Since the cortical cholinergic deficits in DLB relate more
to psychiatric than cognitive symptoms, therapy may be
predominate in the cortex, thalamus and striatum.
more effective in alleviating the former.
Loss of striatal ChAT in DLB (Langlais et al., 1993), which
reflects pathology of intrinsic local circuit neurones, may There is already some support for the second of these
account for the reduced severity of extrapyramidal clinical propositions. In AD patients the anticholinesterase tacrine
symptoms in some DLB patients who have equivalent loss of has been reported to be more effective in alleviating psych-
dopaminergic substantia nigra neurones as PD patients (Perry otic features such as hallucinations and delusions than in
et al., 1998). The reticular nucleus receives joint innervation improving cognition (Cummings, 1997). In a small series of
from basal forebrain and brain stem pedunculopontine cholin- patients with PD and dementia, hallucinations have been
ergic nuclei. Disturbances in its function may lead to disrup- reported to be reduced or abolished in all cases treated with
tion of sensory processing and affect attentional or perceptive tacrine (Hutchinson and Fazzini, 1996). Paradoxically, given
processes, possibly contributing to visual hallucinations. that extrapyramidal movement disorder is relieved by mus-
In DLB, the muscarinic M1 subtype is elevated in the cor- carinic antagonists, parkinsonian features were not exacer-
tex, as it is in PD (Perry et al., 1990c), reflecting upregulation bated but actually alleviated. One explanation of this effect of
of postsynaptic receptors in response to cholinergic denerva- tacrine may be that elevating acetylcholine in the striatum
tion. Together with a normal extent of receptor coupling via leads to nicotinic as well as muscarinic stimulation, resulting
G proteins, this suggests that cholinoceptive neurones are in greater release of nigral dopamine. Stimulation of nico-
intact in DLB (Perry et al., 1998). By contrast, there is no tinic receptors as a therapeutic strategy in DLB may be of par-
upregulation of the M1 subtype in AD, at least in advanced ticular relevance because both mental and motor symptoms
624 Pathology of dementia with Lewy bodies

should be relieved. The possibility that nicotinic stimulation The limited neurochemical studies so far conducted in DLB
may also be neuroprotective has been raised by epidemiolog- show some features similar to those in PD (cortical cholinergic
ical studies of smoking in PD and AD (Court and Perry, and striatal dopaminergic deficits), and others to those in AD
1994). Recent interest in the correlation between butyryl- (striatal cholinergic deficits). D2-receptor dysregulation and
cholinesterase activity in DLB and cognitive decline suggests changes in cortical 5HT and turnover levels may differ in DLB
that inhibitors of this enzyme might also have therapeutic compared with both AD or PD (Perry et al., 1993). The
potential (Perry et al., 2003). Consensus Guidelines for clinical diagnosis of DLB (McKeith
et al., 1996) raise the possibility that DLB patients will be dis-
tinguished by their therapeutic response to cholinergic and
48.5.2 Dopaminergic systems dopaminergic therapies. Initial clinical evidence from trials
supports this hypothesis (McKeith et al., 2000b).
The loss of pigmented substantia nigra neurones and clinical
evidence of parkinsonian symptoms in DLB indicate disrup-
tion of the dopaminergic input to the striatum. Reduced 48.6 MOLECULAR AND ANATOMICAL
dopamine or the metabolite (homovanillic acid):dopamine PATHOLOGY CORRELATES OF CLINICAL
ratio have been reported in autopsy tissue in DLB (Perry et al., FEATURES IN DEMENTIA WITH LEWY
1990b; Langlais et al., 1993). Whilst a correlation between BODIES
nigral neurone loss and striatal dopamine loss has been
reported (Perry et al., 1993), interpretation is complicated by
48.6.1 Structural brain imaging
selection of patients (e.g. via neurology or old age psychiatry,
with less emphasis on extrapyramidal symptoms in the lat-
Data on regional atrophy in DLB when compared with related
ter), and by treatment with neuroleptic drugs (which block
disorders, including AD and PD with no cognitive decline, and
D2 receptors and also reduce dopamine metabolism).
with elderly controls have largely come from in vivo brain
The dopamine transporter molecule is affected in both
imaging using voxel-based morphometry to analyse structural
PD and DLB. Single photon emission computed tomography
MRI studies. In DLB there is grey matter volume loss in frontal,
(SPECT) imaging shows that the striatal/cerebellar ratio is
temporal and insular cortices compared with controls (Burton
significantly lower in DLB compared with AD (2.1 versus
et al., 2002). However, the medial temporal lobe (including
5.5) (Donnemiller et al., 1997). Loss of mazindol binding,
hippocampus and amygdala) are relatively preserved in com-
which also marks the transporter, also distinguishes DLB
parison with AD patients but there is also increased thalamic
from AD (Perry et al., 1990b). Compared with the striatum,
atrophy in AD. The caudate nucleus is atrophic in AD, com-
there is much less dopamine in the cortex and, in autopsy tis-
mensurate with overall global brain volume loss (Almeida
sue, no marked changes have been observed in those cortical
et al., 2003). Caudate volume is also reported to be reduced in
areas that have been examined (Perry et al., 1993). Although
DLB (Barber et al., 2002) but not in PD (Almeida et al., 2003).
L-dopa may induce hallucinations in PD, no dopaminergic
parameters distinguish between patients with and without
hallucinations. 48.6.2 Cognitive decline in DLB
The status of dopaminergic receptors in DLB is less clear.
Autopsy findings suggest no alteration in D1, D2 or D3 sub- Neurochemical pathology (see Section 48.4.5, pp. 621–622)
types in unmedicated patients (Perry et al., 1990b; Piggott already establishes a number of neurotransmitter-related
et al., 1999). The absence of any D2 upregulation, such as changes that correlate with cognition in DLB. Establishing the
occurs in the course of PD in response to diminishing possible role of molecular pathological changes as a basis for
dopaminergic input, is surprising and suggests that basal the substrate of cognitive decline in DLB is complicated by the
ganglia pathology may be distinct between the two diseases. frequent co-existence of significant ATP (i.e. in ‘common form’
There is also clinical evidence to support this possibility. In a DLB). The possibility that -synucleinopathy and ATP may
retrospective survey of cases, rest tremor and response to interact synergistically on cognition is raised by the finding of
L-dopa were significantly less prevalent and myoclonus sig- more severe cognitive disability in ‘common form’ DLB com-
nificantly more prevalent in DLB compared with PD (Louis pared with AD or ‘pure’ DLB (Serby et al., 2003). Whether the
et al., 1997) and DLB patients are unusually sensitive to typi- anatomical distribution of -synucleinopathy, and the quanti-
cal neuroleptic D2 antagonists (McKeith et al., 1992a). This tative expression of pathology, influence cognitive decline is not
neuroleptic sensitivity may be related to a dysregulation in fully resolved. Many authors have interpreted the consensus
D2 receptors: receptor numbers were upregulated in patients guidelines for documenting Lewy body pathology (McKeith
tolerant of the drugs but not in the drug-sensitive group et al., 1996) as diagnostic guidelines. implying that dementia is
(Piggott et al., 1994). In vivo SPECT or PET imaging shows a associated with at least ‘limbic’ pathological stage. However, it is
reduced caudate:putamen ratio in DLB compared with AD quite clear that patients with only ‘brain stem’ LB pathology can
and has diagnostic value (Walker et al., 1997; O’Brien et al., have the full clinical expression of DLB (McKeith et al., 2000a).
2004; Gilman et al., 2004). In general there is a strong body of evidence that increased
Pathogenesis of dementia with Lewy bodies 625

neocortical Lewy body pathology is associated with cognitive 48.6.6 Supportive features of DLB
decline in DLB and PD (Samuel et al., 1996; Hurtig et al., 2000;
Maffila et al., 2000; Kovari et al., 2003). Pathological correlates for some of the supportive features of
DLB are beginning to emerge or have been hypothesized:
48.6.3 Visual hallucinations
• Repeated falls. Orthostatic hypotension is a very
The obvious candidate regions studied as correlates of visual frequent correlate of PD and is thought to reflect
hallucinations in DLB are the components of the visual path- -synucleinopathy affecting central (dorsal vagus,
ways and related higher processing brain areas. Neurochemical medullary reticular formation) and peripheral
studies have indicated that cortical cholinergic activity is lower (autonomic, cardiac) nervous tissues involved in
in patients with hallucinations whilst serotonergic neurotrans- cardiovascular regulation. It is likely that similar changes
mission is relatively preserved (Perry et al., 1990a). No studies occur in DLB and contribute to the increased risk of
have reported on the relative burden of pathology in serotoner- falls in this disorder compared with AD (Imamura et al.,
gic projection pathways or in the raphé nuclei in DLB in rela- 2000; Kaufmann et al., 2001; Londos et al., 2002).
tion to this observation. It has long been appreciated that the • REM sleep disorder. REM-sleep behaviour disorder
occipital neocortex is relatively spared from -synucleinopa- (RBD) is now regarded as a supportive feature of the
thy in terms of Lewy body formation (Perry et al., 1990d) but diagnosis of DLB following revision of the Consensus
occipital hypometabolism has been consistently demonstrated diagnostic criteria (McKeith et al., 2004). There is now an
in DLB compared with AD (Imamura et al., 2001; Lobotesis impressive body of evidence indicating that RBD is
et al., 2001). In one study visual hallucination was more fre- frequently a correlate of -synucleinopathy and is
quent in DLB patients with a lower Braak score (Merdes et al., associated with DLB (Turner et al., 2000; Ferman et al.,
2003). It is also suggested that an increased burden of medial 2002; Boeve et al., 2003).
temporal lobe (parahippocampus, amygdala) Lewy body
pathology is an important correlate of visual hallucination 48.7 PATHOGENESIS OF DEMENTIA WITH
(Harding et al., 2002a). Finally it has been proposed that LEWY BODIES
an intrinsic -synucleinopathy of the retina may characterize
hallucinations in DLB (Maurage et al., 2003).
48.7.1 Molecular pathology of Lewy bodies
48.6.4 Parkinsonism
The biogenesis of Lewy bodies remains incompletely under-
The pathological and neurochemical basis of mild parkin- stood. There is a group of disorders in which the formation
sonian features of DLB are probably the most satisfactorily of S inclusion bodies is a characteristic, invariable, and
characterized aspect of DLB pathology. The presence of apparently primary component of the pathogenetic cascade
nigral dopamine neurone loss with reduced presynaptic (Table 48.2, p. 616). In addition, there is a large group of
dopamine transporter activity in the striatum now form the conditions in which Lewy bodies, as defined by modern
basis for a clinical diagnostic strategy (Walker et al., 1997; immunocytochemical concepts, are sometimes associated
Gilman et al., 2004; O’Brien et al., 2004) to distinguish DLB (Table 48.1, p. 615). The development of animal models of
from other dementia syndromes. Rather less well resolved is S aggregation is rapidly increasing understanding of the
the whole debate about the relationship between DLB and pathogenesis of -synucleinopathy (Giasson et al., 2002).
PD, especially in those cases of PD who go on to develop
dementia. This topic is beyond the scope of the present chap- 48.7.2 ␣-Synuclein
ter and has not been resolved through pathological studies to
date. The opportunity to extend studies of -synucleinopa- The finding that point mutations of the gene encoding S are
thy from quantification of Lewy bodies to include the neur- associated with the development of autosomal dominant
itic component of the disorder, which can be abundant familial PD has had a major impact on studies of the pathology
within the basal ganglia, may well illuminate this question in and pathogenesis of Lewy body disorders (Polymeropoulos
the future (Duda et al., 2002). et al., 1997). It is now apparent that all the major features of the
cellular pathology of Lewy body disorders (Lewy bodies, pale
49.6.5 Fluctuation in conscious level bodies, neurites) are intensely immunoreactive for this protein
(Spillantini et al., 1997, 1998; Takeda et al., 1998).
The neuroanatomical structures that are key to regulation of The function of the synuclein family is not yet defined. S
consciousness are not well characterized so that clear candi- is concentrated within synaptic fractions of brain extracts but
date brain regions have not been established for the changes is not a component of the synaptic vesicle mechanism. A
found in DLB. One potential candidate brain region is the proportion of S is transported via the rapid vesicle-moving
thalamic intralaminar nuclei (Henderson et al., 2000), which component of axonal transport (Jensen et al., 1998). This
have been shown to be affected in PD. vesicle-binding property is abolished by one of the mutations
626 Pathology of dementia with Lewy bodies

found in familial PD patients. S is homologous with the -, Lewy body formation (Bergeron et al., 1996), although the
-synucleins and Persyn, as a family of small, soluble, heat- mechanism may involve primary damage to neurofilaments.
stable and abundant brain proteins (Buchman et al., 1998; However, the primary pathogenetic insult may be directed at
Clayton and George, 1998). S exists as two alternatively intracellular targets that are crucial to the regulation and
spliced isoforms in man and three in rat (Maroteaux and maintenance of neurofilament assembly, transport or disas-
Scheller, 1991; Hashimoto et al., 1997). The avian homologue sembly. The currently favoured candidate is S (see Section
of S is synelfin, which is implicated in synaptic remodelling 48.4.4, pp. 620–621). In this alternative model, the subsequent
during song learning (George et al., 1995). Persyn is particu- phosphorylation and truncation of aggregated neurofila-
larly interesting because it has been shown to promote the dis- ments occurs as a secondary process (Lowe et al., 1996).
assembly of neurofilament heavy chain subunits when Candidate enzymes involved in the phosphorylation of
overexpressed in neural cells (Buchman et al., 1998). The possi- neurofilaments incorporated into Lewy bodies have been
bility is therefore raised that abnormal neurofilament metabo- sought. Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 has been proposed as a
lism in Lewy body degeneration results from an abnormal likely candidate on the basis of immunolocalization, in both
interaction with S. cortical and subcortical Lewy bodies (Brion and Couck, 1995),
An alternative hypothesis has been proposed on the basis of together with its regulatory subunit p35nck5a (Nakamura
the tendency of S to self-aggregate. Experiments in vitro with et al., 1997). Such studies do not overcome the problem
human recombinant S show that certain conditions (e.g. low of whether phosphorylation of neurofilaments precedes or
pH, high temperature) favour the development of thioflavin-S- follows Lewy body formation.
positive aggregates, which resemble amyloid fibrils (Hashimoto
et al., 1998). This is pertinent for two reasons:
48.7.4 Ubiquitin
• S was first recognized to be relevant to
neurodegeneration when it was unexpectedly isolated Much interest has focused on the role of the ubiquitin pathway
from plaque amyloid in AD (Iwai et al., 1995a, b). in Lewy body formation and the concept has developed of
• Filamentous proteins can be isolated from Lewy body Lewy bodies as a cellular protective mechanism (Lowe et al.,
cases (including both PD and DLB) using a method for 1996). Cortical Lewy bodies purified from DLB brains react
isolating paired helical filaments from AD brain. The predominantly to an antibody recognizing polyubiquitin
extracted filaments are either straight or twisted and chains rather than free ubiquitin or monoubiquitinated forms
appear to be composed of regularly orientated S (Iwatsubo et al., 1996). The possibility was raised that incom-
molecules (Spillantini et al., 1998). plete activation of ubiquitin-mediated proteolytic pathways
may contribute to the pathogenesis of Lewy body degener-
These data therefore suggest that self-aggregation of S
ation. The dynamic nature of Lewy body formation in com-
may be a primary mechanism for Lewy body formation.
parison to some other inclusion bodies in neurodegenerative
Subsequent enzymatic modifications are reported including
diseases has been suggested (Lowe et al., 1990, 1992; Iwatsubo
phosphorylation (Fujiwara et al., 2002) and proteolytic trun-
et al., 1996). Differences in the expression of both ubiquitin
cation (Tofaris et al., 2003). It has been argued that ubiquiti-
and the 26S proteasome in Lewy bodies compared with
nation of S in PD and DLB is predominantly by mono-,
neurofibrillary tangles have been described (Ii et al., 1997).
di- or tri-ubiquitin chains and may represent a proteasome-
independent and disease-specific sequence of biochemical
changes (Tofaris et al., 2003). Other work suggests that ubiq-
48.7.5 Other proteins
uitination of S (see below) is not required for inclusion
body formation (Sampathu et al., 2003).
A large diversity of other peptide constituents have been
detected in Lewy bodies by immunocytochemical methods
(Table 48.3), but the significance of many of these should be
48.7.3 Neurofilaments interpreted with caution because of their normal widespread
cytosolic distribution.
By analogy with other conditions (e.g. hepatic Mallory body
formation), the Lewy body was originally regarded as an
intermediate filament inclusion, a view which was supported
by immunoelectron microscopic studies, which indicated that
the core filamentous component contains neurofilaments
(Pollanen et al., 1993a). Since the formation of another inter- The relationship between DLB, PD and AD is complex and
mediate filament inclusion, the Mallory body, can be studied incompletely understood. Within the spectrum of Lewy body
in murine models of hepatocellular toxicity (Denk et al., disorders there is a neuropsychiatric syndrome, with associ-
1976), this approach has been used to gain insight into Lewy ated parkinsonism, in the elderly, which is sufficiently dis-
body formation (Pollanen et al., 1994). There is no evidence tinct in terms of its clinical, pathological and neurochemical
for an underlying alteration in neurofilament expression in profile to warrant recognition as a distinct condition. The
References 627

Table 48.3 Cellular constituents found in Lewy bodies Lewy body pathology will be compatible with a diagnosis of
DLB. Others may more comfortably be interpreted as ‘AD
Constituent References
with incidental Lewy bodies’ or ‘dementia in PD’. Clari-
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Neuropsychological changes in dementia
with Lewy bodies


49.1 Clinical manifestations of dementia with Lewy bodies 635 49.4 Contributions of Lewy body pathology to cognitive
49.2 Neuropsychological features of dementia with dysfunction in dementia with Lewy bodies 641
Lewy bodies 636 49.5 Conclusions 643
49.3 Cognitive deficits in patients with clinically References 643
diagnosed dementia with Lewy bodies 640

Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB; [McKeith et al., 1996b]) (PET) or single photon emission computed tomography
refers to a clinicopathologic condition in which the brains of (SPECT) scanning (Albin, et al., 1996; Ishii et al., 1998;
patients who exhibited insidious and progressive cognitive Imamura et al., 1999; Higuchi et al., 2000; Imamura et al.,
decline during life are found to have a diffuse distribution of 2001; Lobotesis et al., 2001; Minoshima et al., 2001).
Lewy bodies and cell loss in subcortical structures and in The majority of patients with DLB have concomitant
widespread regions of the neocortex (Kosaka et al., 1984; Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathology (i.e. neuritic plaques,
Gibb et al., 1985; Dickson et al., 1987; Gibb et al., 1989; Lennox neurofibrillary tangles) that is sufficient to meet standard cri-
et al., 1989; Hansen et al., 1990; Kosaka, 1990; Perry et al., teria for AD (e.g. Khachaturian, 1985; Mirra et al., 1993).
1990). The subcortical pathology that occurs in DLB is simi- This AD pathology occurs in the same general distribution
lar to that of Parkinson’s disease (PD), but the number of throughout the brain as in patients with ‘pure’ AD
Lewy bodies and the degree of cell loss in the substantia nigra (Armstrong et al., 1998; Gómez-Tortosa et al., 2000), although
and in other pigmented brain stem nuclei (e.g. locus caeruleus the severity of AD pathology is usually less than in pure AD
and dorsal vagal nucleus) is usually intermediate between (Samuel et al., 1996; Brown et al., 1998; Gearing et al., 1999;
that of patients with PD and age-matched normal individ- Heyman et al., 1999). Neuropathological (Lippa et al., 1994,
uals (for reviews, see Perry et al., 1990; Hansen and Galasko, 1998) and neuroimaging studies (Hashimoto et al., 1998;
1992; Ince et al., 1998). The cortical Lewy body pathology of Barber et al., 2000, 2001) also indicate that medial temporal
DLB occurs primarily in the cingulate, insula, amygdaloid lobe structures, and the hippocampus in particular, are some-
complex, entorhinal cortex, and transentorhinal cortex, and what less atrophic in DLB patients than in patients with AD.
in the neocortex (usually in deeper layers such as 4, 5, and 6) Patients with DLB have abnormal ubiquitinated neurites in
of the temporal, parietal, and frontal lobes (Double et al., the CA 2/3 region of the hippocampus that are not present in
1996; Kosaka and Iseki, 1996; Ince et al., 1998; Gómez- AD (Dickson et al., 1991, 1994; Lippa et al., 1994).
Tortosa et al., 1999; Gómez-Tortosa et al., 2000; Harding et al., A number of neurochemical abnormalities have been
2002). Some Lewy body pathology also occurs in the occipi- identified in patients with DLB (for review, see Ince et al.,
tal cortex (Kosaka and Iseki, 1996; Pellise et al., 1996; Rezaie 1998). As in PD, one of the primary neurochemical changes
et al., 1996; Gómez-Tortosa et al., 1999; Harding et al., 2002), is a disruption of dopaminergic input to the striatum due to
but white matter spongiform change with coexisting gliosis the loss of pigmented substantia nigra neurones (Perry et al.,
appears to be the most prominent feature of occipital lobe 1990). This loss may be as severe as that in PD (Langlais et al.,
pathology associated with DLB (Higuchi et al., 2000). This 1993) and most likely mediates the extrapyramidal motor
occipital pathology is accompanied by hypometabolism and dysfunction that usually accompanies DLB (see below).
decreased blood flow in primary visual and visual association Cortical dopamine, in contrast, has been reported to not
cortex that is evident with positron emission tomography markedly decrease in DLB (Perry et al., 1993). DLB is also
Clinical manifestations of dementia with Lewy bodies 635

characterized by a widespread depletion of striatal and neo- (Ballard et al., 1999) or PD (Aarsland and Karlsen, 1999;
cortical choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) that is greater than Fenelon et al., 2000). Patients with DLB are more likely than
that observed in pure AD (Reid et al., 2000; Tiraboschi et al., those with AD to exhibit fluctuations in cognition and con-
2000, 2002). Loss of ChAT activity occurs in the striatum due sciousness and to have unexplained falls (McKeith et al., 1992;
to pathology of intrinsic local circuit neurones and, as sug- Ballard et al., 2001).
gested by Perry et al. (1990) and Langlais et al. (1993), this Patients with DLB may develop urinary incontinence earlier
loss may attenuate the manifestation of the severe motor dys- in the course of the disease than do AD patients (Del-Ser
function that usually occurs with the loss of striatal dopamine et al., 1996); they appear to be quite susceptible to REM sleep
in PD. The severe loss of neocortical ChAT activity in DLB is disorder (Turner et al., 1997; Boeve et al., 1998; Ferman et al.,
thought to contribute to the cognitive and neuropsychiatric 2002); they respond poorly to neuroleptic treatment for their
features (e.g. visual hallucinations) of the disorder (Aarsland psychotic symptoms (for review, see McKeith et al., 1996a), and
et al., 2001; Perry et al., 2003). There is also some evidence that they may show a better clinical response than AD patients
the grey matter level of a particular cholinesterase involved in to acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor treatment of their
the breakdown of acetylcholine, butyryl-cholinesterase, is cognitive deficits (Levy et al., 1994). Patients with DLB have
correlated with rate of cognitive decline in patients with DLB also been shown to decline more rapidly than patients with AD
(Perry et al., 2003). (Olichney et al., 1998; McKeith et al., 2000), although some
investigators have found similar rates of progression and sur-
vival in DLB and AD (Heyman et al., 1999; Stern et al., 2001).
There is some evidence that the clinical manifestation of
49.1 CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF DLB is directly related to the distribution and severity of
DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES Lewy body pathology. In a study of 46 patients with autopsy-
confirmed DLB (25 with LBVAD, 10 with DLBD, and 11 with
The initial clinical manifestation of DLB is usually the insidi- PD or PD  AD), Haroutunian and colleagues (2000) found
ous onset of cognitive decline with no other prominent neur- a significant correlation (r  0.34) between the total number
ological abnormalities (Hansen et al., 1990; McKeith et al., of Lewy bodies in the entire brain and scores achieved 6
1996b). Memory impairment is often the earliest feature of months before death on the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR)
DLB but, with time, cognitive deficits become widespread scale. When the analysis was limited to neocortical Lewy bod-
and patients inexorably progress to severe dementia. These ies only, the relationship with CDR scores was even stronger
aspects of DLB are similar to the dementia syndrome associ- (r  0.52). This relationship remained significant after the
ated with AD, and patients with DLB are often clinically diag- severity of AD pathology was accounted for by means of par-
nosed as having probable or possible AD during life (e.g. tial correlation analysis (r  0.32), indicating that the extent
Hansen et al., 1990; Merdes et al., 2003). Because of the exten- of Lewy body pathology in DLB contributes to level of
sive pathological, clinical, and genetic overlap that DLB often dementia severity independent of AD pathology. In another
shares with AD (Galasko et al., 1994; Hansen et al., 1994; study, Gómez-Tortosa and colleagues (1999) compared clin-
Katzman, et al., 1995; Olichney et al., 1996), Hansen and col- ical features in 13 patients with autopsy-confirmed DLBD
leagues (1990) distinguish between what they refer to as the and 12 patients with autopsy-confirmed LBVAD in order to
Lewy body variant (LBVAD) of AD and diffuse Lewy body determine if Lewy body pathology alone could produce the
disease (DLBD) without concomitant AD. typical clinical presentation associated with DLB. The results
Despite the general similarities in the two disorders, of the study showed no differences in initial clinical symp-
numerous retrospective studies that have compared the clin- toms, including age at onset, age at death, or disease dur-
ical features present in autopsy-confirmed DLB and AD ation. In addition, comparison of pathological changes
patients have identified a number of distinguishing charac- showed no difference in the distribution of Lewy bodies
teristics (Hansen et al., 1990; McKeith et al.,1992; Beck, 1995; within the brains of the two groups, and there were no sig-
McShane et al., 1995; Galasko et al., 1996; Hely et al., 1996; nificant differences in regional Lewy body counts for patients
Weiner et al., 1996; Ala et al., 1997; Graham et al., 1997; for with and without initial parkinsonism, hallucinations, recur-
reviews, see Perry et al., 1996; Cercy and Bylsma, 1997). These rent falls, fluctuations, or delusions. Although the relation-
studies have demonstrated that patients with DLB are more ship between Lewy body pathology and clinical symptoms is
likely than those with pure AD to manifest extrapyramidal complex, these results indicate that this pathology makes a
motor features (e.g. bradykinesia, rigidity, masked facies; but distinct contribution to the clinical manifestation of DLB.
without a resting tremor) at some point during the course of Many of the clinical features of DLB that are described
the disease (Hansen et al., 1990; McKeith et al., 1992; Galasko above have been incorporated into the primary clinical cri-
et al., 1996). In addition, it is estimated that 40–45 per cent of teria for the disorder that were adopted by the International
patients with DLB experience well-formed visual hallucin- Consortium on DLB (McKeith et al., 1996b). These criteria
ations (Galasko et al., 1996; McKeith et al., 1996b; Verghese include, in addition to dementia, spontaneous motor features
et al., 1999; Harding et al., 2002; Merdes et al., 2003) in com- of parkinsonism, recurrent and well-formed visual hallucin-
parison to approximately 25 per cent of patients with pure AD ations, and fluctuating cognition with pronounced variations
636 Neuropsychological changes in dementia with Lewy bodies

in attention or alertness. Probable DLB is diagnosed if two of DLB (all with LBVAD) and nine patients with pure AD. As
these three features are present; possible DLB if only one is part of a prospective study of cognitive deficits associated with
present. An examination of the performance of these consen- dementia, all patients had been evaluated with a comprehen-
sus guidelines against autopsy verification of DLB demon- sive neuropsychological test battery that included measures of
strated 83 per cent sensitivity and 91 per cent specificity memory, language, executive functions, attention and visu-
(McKeith et al., 2000). This was comparable to the 87 per cent ospatial abilities. The DLB and AD patients included in the
sensitivity and 83 per cent specificity for AD (using NINCDS- study were matched one-to-one on the basis of age, education,
ADRDA criteria) that was obtained in the same study. overall level of global dementia as assessed by the Information-
Despite these reports of relatively high sensitivity and speci- Memory-Concentration test of Blessed, and the interval
ficity for the DLB clinical criteria, other studies have reported between cognitive testing and death. The results of this study
less success in using these criteria to distinguish between showed that the DLB and AD patients were equally impaired
DLB and AD during life (e.g. Lopez et al., 2000; Hohl et al., (relative to elderly normal control subjects) on tests of episodic
2002; Merdes et al., 2003). Furthermore, at least two studies memory, confrontation naming (e.g. Boston Naming Test),
have shown that some autopsy-confirmed DLB patients dis- and arithmetic (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Revised
played none of the core features of the disorder, other than [WAIS-R] Arithmetic subtest), but the patients with DLB
dementia, during life (Stern et al., 2001; Merdes et al., 2003). performed significantly worse than those with AD on a test of
The results of these studies indicate that additional ways to attention (WAIS-R Digit Span subtest) and on tests of visu-
clinically identify patients with DLB are needed. As reviewed ospatial and constructional ability (Wechsler Intelligence
in the ensuing sections, neuropsychological studies of the Scale for Children – Revised [WISC-R] Block Design subtest
disease indicate that DLB may be associated with a distinct and Copy-a-Cross test). In addition, the DLB and AD
pattern of cognitive changes that might aid in differentiating patients produced different patterns of impairment on tests
DLB from AD. of verbal fluency: the DLB group scored significantly lower
than the AD group on the phonemically based letter fluency
task (i.e. generating words that begin with a particular letter)
but the two groups performed similarly on the semantically
49.2 NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES based category fluency task (i.e. producing words that belong
OF DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES to a particular category such as ‘animals’).
Subsequent studies have generally replicated these find-
The specific neuropsychological deficits associated with DLB ings in much larger cohorts of autopsy-confirmed DLB and
have been largely identified through the retrospective examin- AD patients (Yeatman et al., 1994; Gnanalingham et al., 1996;
ation of prospectively collected data from patients in whom Wagner et al., 1996; Connor et al., 1998; Galasko et al., 1998;
the disease was neuropathologically confirmed. Early studies Hamilton et al., 2004). Hamilton and colleagues (2004), for
of cognitive changes in DLB clearly demonstrated that the example, found that 24 patients with autopsy-confirmed
disorder is characterized by global cognitive dysfunction and DLB (all with LBVAD) performed significantly worse than 24
a pattern of deficits that is very similar to the one associated patients with autopsy-confirmed AD on several tests of visuo-
with AD, including memory impairment, dysphasia, con- spatial ability (e.g. the WISC-R Block Design Test, copying
structional dyspraxia, executive dysfunction and attention figures from the Visual Reproduction Test) but significantly
deficits (Gibb et al., 1985; Byrne et al., 1989). Several studies better than the AD patients on verbal tests of episodic mem-
have directly compared the nature and severity of the neuro- ory (see Figure 49.1). These differences in the cognitive
psychological deficits associated with the relatively early changes associated with the two disorders occurred despite
stages of DLB and pure AD. Förstl and colleagues (1993), for similar levels of impairment on a test of language production
example, found similar degrees of language, praxis, and mem- (Boston Naming Test) and equivalent levels of overall dementia
ory impairment on the cognitive portion of the Cambridge as measured by the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE).
Mental Disorders of the Elderly Examination (CAMCOG) in The apparent double dissociation between the severity of
eight autopsy-confirmed DLB patients and eight patients with visuospatial and episodic memory deficits in the two groups
AD. In another study, McKeith and colleagues (1992) found suggests that the distinct patterns of performance cannot be
that 21 patients with autopsy-verified DLB performed signifi- easily attributed to differences in dementia severity or diffi-
cantly better than 37 patients with pure AD on the standard- culty of the various cognitive tasks, but instead reflects a true
ized Mental Test Score of Blessed. The superior performance difference in the brain–behaviour relationships underlying
of the DLB patients was most evident on the recall component DLB and AD.
of the test, and occurred despite similar degrees of impair- In a related study of 66 patients with autopsy-verified
ment on measures of temporal and parietal lobe function. DLB and 132 patients with autopsy-verified AD, Salmon et al.
A more detailed comparison of the neuropsychological (2002) found that a derived measure of the difference
deficits associated with DLB and AD was carried out by Hansen between memory test and visuoconstructive test standardized
and colleagues (1990) who retrospectively examined the scores revealed the same dissociation observed by Hamilton
cognitive performance of nine patients with autopsy-proven and colleagues (2004). Patients with DLB were significantly
Neuropsychological features of dementia with Lewy bodies 637

Visual Reproduction Copy Block Design

20 45


* 35

Mean score

20 *


0 0
(a) (b)

Boston Naming Test Logical Memory Savings Score

30 100


Mean score

15 50

30 *

0 0
(c) (d)

Figure 49.1(a–d) The average scores achieved by normal control (NC) subjects (n  24), patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD; n  24), and
patients with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB; all with the Lewy body variant of AD; n  24) on several neuropsychological tests. Despite
equivalent deficits on a test of confrontation naming (Boston Naming Test), the DLB patients were disproportionately impaired compared to the
AD patients on tests of visuospatial ability (Visual Reproduction Copy and Block Design). (The opposite pattern was observed on a test of verbal
memory [Logical Memory Savings Score]). (Adapted from Hamilton et al., 2004.)

more impaired (relative to normal control subjects) on tests with autopsy-confirmed DLB (all with LBVAD) and 20
of visuoconstructive ability (i.e. WISC-R Block Design Test) patients with autopsy-confirmed AD, Salmon and colleagues
than on tests of memory (i.e. Dementia Rating Scale [DRS] (1998) found that the two groups exhibited similar rates of
Memory Subtest), whereas the opposite pattern was true for decline on measures of confrontation naming (Boston Naming
patients with AD. These dissociable patterns of performance Test), general semantic knowledge (Number Information
were apparent in both mild and moderate stages of demen- Test), and episodic memory (DRS Memory subtest), but the
tia. Furthermore, there is some indication that distinct pat- DLB patients declined more rapidly than those with AD on
terns of cognitive decline occur in patients with DLB and measures of verbal fluency (also see Ballard et al., 1996) and
patients with AD. In a 1-year longitudinal study of 20 patients visuospatial abilities (WISC-R Block Design Test).
638 Neuropsychological changes in dementia with Lewy bodies

The possible clinical utility of distinct cognitive profiles in

Mean percentage of maximum subscale score

patients with DLB and AD was examined in a study by LBV
Galasko and colleagues (1998). These investigators compared 80 AD
the neuropsychological test performances of 50 patients with
autopsy-verified DLB (all with LBVAD) and 95 patients *
with autopsy-verified AD. As in the previous studies by this
group of investigators (Hansen et al., 1990; Hamilton et al.,
2004), the DLB patients performed significantly worse than 40
the AD patients on tests of visuospatial ability, verbal fluency,
and abstract reasoning, and exhibited greater psychomotor 20
slowing than the AD patients. In contrast, the groups did
not differ on tests of global cognitive functioning (i.e. the 0
MMSE) or on specific tests of confrontation naming, general ATTN IN/PER CONST CONCP MEM
semantic knowledge, attention, or episodic memory (it should Figure 49.2 The average percentage of the maximum possible
be noted that this study did not examine performance on score on each subtest of the Mattis Dementia Rating Scale achieved
the rigorous episodic memory tests used by Hamilton et al. by patients with neuropathologically confirmed Alzheimer’s disease
[2004]). (AD; solid bars) or dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB; striped bars).
Based upon these results, Galasko and colleagues (1998) Patients with DLB scored significantly lower than patients with
developed a logistic regression model designed to differenti- AD on the Initiation/Perseveration and Construction subtests but
ate between DLB and AD patients on the basis of their per- significantly higher on the Memory subtest. ATTN, Attention;
formances on tests of verbal fluency (Phonemic Fluency IN/PER, Initiation/ Perseveration; CONST, Construction; CONCP,
Test), visuospatial ability (WISC-R Block Design Test, Clock Conceptualization; MEM, Memory. (Adapted from Connor
Drawing Test), psychomotor speed and attention (Part A of et al., 1998.)
the Trail Making Test), and general semantic knowledge
(Number Information Test). The resulting model was highly
significant and correctly classified approximately 60 per cent
of DLB patients and 88 per cent of AD patients, for an over- Reports of less impaired memory performance in patients
all successful classification rate of 77 per cent. with DLB than in patients with AD were recently confirmed
The distinct patterns of neuropsychological deficits exhib- by the results of a study that compared the two groups on
ited by DLB and AD patients on large batteries of rigorous rigorous tests of episodic memory (Hamilton et al., 2004).
cognitive tests are robust enough to be detected on relatively Hamilton and colleagues (2004) compared the performances
brief, standardized tests of mental status (Connor et al., 1998; of 24 patients with autopsy-confirmed DLB (all with LBVAD)
Ala et al., 2002; Aarsland et al., 2003). For example, when and 24 patients with autopsy-confirmed AD on the California
Connor and colleagues (1998) compared the Mattis DRS Verbal Learning Test (CVLT) and the Logical Memory Test
subscale scores of 23 autopsy-verified DLB (all with LBVAD) from the Wechsler Memory Scale – Revised. Although the
and 23 pure AD patients, they found that patients with DLB DLB and AD patients were equally demented as shown by
performed significantly worse than those with AD on the equivalent scores on the Mattis DRS, they exhibited distinct
Initiation/Perseveration subscale, which is heavily weighted patterns of performance on various components of the epi-
towards verbal fluency and other executive functions. In sodic memory measures (see Figure 49.3). The two groups
contrast, the AD patients performed significantly worse than were equally impaired in their ability to learn new verbal
those with DLB on the Memory subscale of the test (see information on these tests, but the DLB patients exhibited
Figure 49.2). When Connor et al. (1998) limited their analy- better retention and recognition memory than patients with
ses to mildly demented patients, the DLB patients also per- pure AD. These results suggest that the episodic memory
formed significantly worse than the AD patients on the deficit associated with DLB is generally less severe than that
Construction subtest. This pattern of results was recently of AD, substantiating previous studies that used less rigorous
replicated in a larger sample of 60 autopsy-verified patients memory tests with smaller samples of autopsy-confirmed
with DLB whose performance was compared with 29 clinically patients (Salmon et al., 1996; Connor et al., 1998; Heyman
diagnosed patients with AD (Aarsland et al., 2003). Despite et al., 1999) or that used clinically diagnosed patient groups
comparable dementia severity at the time of testing, Aarsland (Ballard et al., 1996; Graham et al., 1997; Walker et al., 1997;
and colleagues (2003) found that the DLB patients had Shimomura et al., 1998; Calderon et al., 2001).
higher Memory subscale scores than patients with AD, but The differences exhibited by DLB and AD patients on the
lower scores on the Initiation/Perseveration and Construc- retention and recognition measures of the verbal memory
tion subscales. Interestingly, the subscale score profiles of tests suggest that specific memory processes may be differen-
patients with DLB were identical to those of patients who tially impaired in the two disorders. Consistent with previous
initially presented with idiopathic PD and developed con- studies (Delis et al., 1991; Tröster et al., 1993), the patients
comitant dementia. with AD exhibited a severe learning deficit, rapid forgetting
Neuropsychological features of dementia with Lewy bodies 639

CVLT Trials 1–5 CVLT Long Delay Free Recall

80 16

70 14

60 12

50 10
Mean score

40 8

30 6

20 4

10 2

0 0
(a) (b)

CVLT Savings Score CVLT Recognition Accuracy Index

100 100

90 90

80 80

70 70

60 60
Mean score

50 50

40 40
30 30
20 20

10 10

0 0
(c) (d)

Figure 49.3(a–d) The average scores achieved by normal control (NC) subjects (n  24), patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD; n  24), and
patients with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB; all with the Lewy body variant of AD; n  24) on various learning and memory measures from the
California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT). Despite equivalent deficits in free recall, the DLB patients were less impaired than the AD patients on
measures of retention (memory savings score) and recognition memory (recognition accuracy index). (Adapted from Hamilton et al., 2004.)

of information over a delay interval (indicated by low Savings CVLT. These differences in performance suggest that a deficit
scores), and severely impaired recognition memory. This in retrieval plays a greater role in the memory impairment of
pattern of deficits suggests a primary impairment of encod- patients with DLB than in that of patients with AD. While the
ing and storage in which information is unavailable even pattern of deficits does not rule out the possibility that poor
when retrieval support is provided by the recognition mem- encoding contributes to memory impairment in the two dis-
ory format (Delis et al., 1991). Despite similarly severe orders, it is clear that DLB patients have better retention than
impairment in the learning and delayed recall conditions when patients with AD when retrieval demands are reduced
free recall was required, the patients with DLB had better sav- through the use of the recognition format.
ings over the delay interval than patients with AD, and per- The observed differences in the severity of impairment of
formed better on the recognition memory component of the specific memory processes in DLB and AD are consistent with
640 Neuropsychological changes in dementia with Lewy bodies

the particular pathological changes that occur in the two dis- deficits exhibited by patients with probable DLB and prob-
orders. As mentioned previously, a number of studies using able AD was reported by Walker and colleagues (1997).
neuropathologic (Lippa et al., 1994, 1998) or magnetic reso- A series of studies was carried out to compare the cogni-
nance imaging (Hashimoto et al., 1998; Barber et al., 2000, tive deficits exhibited by clinically diagnosed DLB and AD
2001) procedures have shown that the medial temporal lobe patients using a microcomputer-based testing paradigm (the
structures important for memory (e.g. hippocampus, CANTAB) that allowed a detailed assessment of memory,
entorhinal cortex, parahippocampal gyrus) are more severely attention, and executive functions such as attentional set shift-
affected in AD than in DLB. The extensive damage to these ing, conditional pattern discrimination learning, and stra-
structures that occurs in AD is thought to mediate the severe tegic thinking. In the first of these studies, Galloway and
amnesia that characterizes the disorder (Hyman et al., 1990). colleagues (1992) found that seven patients with probable
In contrast, damage to subcortical structures that are affected DLB and 10 patients with probable AD were equally impaired
in Parkinson’s disease and other disorders of the basal ganglia on a recognition memory test, but DLB patients required
(e.g. Huntington’s disease) is greater in DLB than in AD. significantly more trials than patients with AD to reach a
Damage to these structures has been implicated in a memory learning criterion on a conditional pattern-location, paired-
disorder characterized by a general deficit in the ability to ini- associates learning task. In a second study in this series,
tiate and carry out the systematic retrieval of successfully Sahgal and colleagues (1992a) showed that, while the same
stored information (Martone et al., 1984; Butters et al., 1985, AD and DLB subjects from the Galloway et al. study were
1986; Moss et al., 1986; Delis et al., 1991). Thus, the less severe impaired on simultaneous and delayed matching to sample
retention deficit and the greater impact of deficient retrieval tasks, patients with probable DLB performed worse than
processes in DLB than in AD is consistent with the combin- those with probable AD only in the delayed condition. Sahgal
ation of moderate medial temporal lobe damage and fronto- and colleagues also showed in a third study (Sahgal et al.,
striatal dysfunction that occurs in the disease. 1992b) that these same DLB and AD patients were equally
impaired on a complex set-shifting task that required both
intradimensional (i.e. from one set of lines to another) and
extradimensional (i.e. from lines to colours) shifts of atten-
49.3 COGNITIVE DEFICITS IN PATIENTS tion, but only the patients with DLB were impaired (relative
WITH CLINICALLY DIAGNOSED DEMENTIA to normal control subjects) on a visual search task that
WITH LEWY BODIES assessed the ability to focus attention. In a final study in this
series, Sahgal and colleagues (1995) compared the perform-
With the development of standardized criteria for the clinical ance of DLB and AD patients on a spatial working memory
diagnosis of probable DLB (e.g. McKeith et al., 1996), a num- task that assessed both spatial memory and the ability to use
ber of investigators have compared the cognitive deficits an efficient search strategy. In this task, subjects were
exhibited by clinically diagnosed DLB and AD patients who required to search through a number of boxes presented on a
are relatively mildly demented. While these studies may be computer screen in order to locate a hidden ‘token’. They
somewhat less reliable than studies of autopsy-verified were not to re-examine an empty box before finding the
patients because of the difficulty in clinically distinguishing token on the current trial (i.e. a within-search error), nor
between DLB and AD, they are informative and their results were they to search a box in which the token had been found
are generally consistent with those from autopsy series. In on a previous trial (i.e. a between-search error). The results
one such study, Shimomura and colleagues (1998) compared showed that patients with probable DLB made more within-
the performances of 26 patients with probable DLB and 52 search and between-search errors than those with probable
patients with probable AD on items from the MMSE, the AD, but the groups did not differ in the search strategies they
Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS), the WAIS-R used to complete the task.
subtests, and the Raven Colored Progressive Matrices test. Consistent with the disproportionately impaired visual
These investigators found that patients with probable DLB attention and visuospatial working memory deficits exhibited
scored significantly worse than those with probable AD on by patients with DLB in the studies by Sahgal and colleagues,
the Raven Colored Progressive Matrices test and on the Picture Calderon and colleagues (2001) found that 10 patients with
Arrangement, Block Design, Object Assembly, and Digit probable DLB performed significantly worse than nine
Symbol Substitution subtests of the WAIS-R. In contrast, the patients with probable AD on tests of fragmented letter iden-
patients with probable AD performed significantly better tification, discrimination of ‘real’ objects from non-objects,
than those with probable DLB on measures of orientation and segregation of overlapping figures. These particularly
and word recall. Consistent with the results from a study of severe deficits in visuospatial and visuoperceptual abilities
autopsy-verified DLB and AD patients (Salmon et al., 2002), were apparent even though the DLB patients performed sig-
a discriminant function analysis showed that the two groups nificantly better than the patients with AD on a verbal mem-
could be most effectively differentiated by their scores on a ory test and at the same level on tests of semantic memory
word recall measure and the WAIS-R Block Design subtest. A (also see Lambon Ralph et al., 2001). Similar results were
similar discrepancy in the pattern of visuospatial and memory obtained by Mori and colleagues (2000) who found that
Contributions of Lewy body pathology to cognitive dysfunction in dementia with Lewy bodies 641

24 patients with probable DLB performed significantly worse 49.4 CONTRIBUTIONS OF LEWY BODY
than 48 equally demented patients with probable AD on tests PATHOLOGY TO COGNITIVE
of visual attention, size and form discrimination, and visual DYSFUNCTION IN DEMENTIA WITH
figure-ground segregation. Mori and colleagues noted that LEWY BODIES
DLB patients with visual hallucinations were more impaired
than those without hallucinations on the figure-ground seg-
regation test. Simard et al. (2003) reported a similar finding While the studies described above suggest that the Lewy body
in which patients with probable DLB with visual hallucin- pathology present in DLB contributes importantly to the
ations performed worse than those without hallucinations severity and nature of the dementia associated with the dis-
on the Benton Judgement of Line Orientation task. ease, the presence of concomitant AD pathology in most
Several studies have reported that patients with DLB per- DLB patients makes it difficult to determine the unique role
form worse than those with AD on simple visuospatial tests this pathology plays in the disorder’s clinical and neuropsy-
such as the Clock Drawing Test, and suggest that such tasks chological manifestation. Fortunately, a number of clinico-
might be useful for clinically differentiating between the two pathologic studies address this important question. Samuel
disorders (Gnanalingham et al., 1996, 1997). While this pos- and colleagues (1996), for example, compared quantitative
sibility has some support, the utility of simple visuoconstruc- measures of pathology and dementia severity in 14 patients
tive tests for this purpose remains in question (Swanick et al., with autopsy-verified DLB (all with LBVAD) and 12 patients
1996; Cahn-Weiner et al., 2003). with autopsy-verified pure AD. Despite being matched for
Consistent with the results of studies that have compared disease duration and having similar scores on mental status
groups of patients with clinically diagnosed probable DLB tests when last evaluated prior to death, the DLB patients had
and probable AD, a number of studies have shown that AD fewer neurofibrillary tangles and total plaques than the AD
patients with extrapyramidal motor signs (EPS; e.g. bradyki- patients, and were in a lower Braak stage (a rating system
nesia, rigidity, tremor) which may be indicative of DLB are based upon severity of neurofibrillary tangle pathology in
more severely impaired on tests of visuospatial/visuocon- the medial temporal lobe and neocortex). Furthermore, the
structive ability (e.g. Block Design, Figure Copying) and exec- number of neurofibrillary tangles was correlated with level of
utive functions (e.g. Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Trail Making dementia in the AD patients but not in the DLB patients,
Test, Verbal Fluency) than those without EPS, even though whereas the number of Lewy bodies was correlated with level
the groups exhibit comparable deficits on tests of long-term of dementia in the DLB patients. These findings suggest that
memory, naming, and verbal comprehension (Girling and the additional Lewy body pathology in the DLB patients con-
Berrios, 1990; Richards et al., 1993; Merello et al., 1994). tributed to their dementia severity above and beyond the
Furthermore, a 1-year longitudinal study showed that AD contribution of any AD pathology.
patients with EPS declined more rapidly than those without In a second study of 17 patients with autopsy-verified DLB
EPS on tests of reasoning and abstraction, visuospatial abil- (12 LBVAD, 5 DLBD), Samuel and colleagues (1997) found
ities, praxis, verbal fluency, and language processing (Soininen that the number of neocortical Lewy bodies, the number of
et al., 1992). These differences in rate of decline occurred neocortical neuritic plaques, Braak stage, and the severity of
despite the two groups being equivalently impaired on all of ChAT activity loss all correlated significantly with dementia
these tests at their initial evaluation. This pattern of cognitive severity as measured by the MMSE and the Information-
decline is consistent with the disproportionate decline in ver- Memory-Concentration Test of Blessed. In contrast to previ-
bal fluency and visuospatial abilities displayed by autopsy- ous findings from patients with AD (e.g. Terry et al., 1991), the
confirmed patients with DLB in the study by Salmon and severity of dementia in these DLB patients was not correlated
colleagues (1998). with the number of neocortical neurofibrillary tangles or neo-
It is interesting to note that the cognitive abilities that cortical synaptic density. A strong relationship between ChAT
appear to be disproportionately impaired in DLB are the activity and cognitive decline in patients with DLB was not
same abilities that are mildly impaired in non-demented supported by a subsequent study (Sabbagh et al., 1999) of
patients with PD. A number of studies have shown that com- 41 patients with autopsy-verified DLB (all with LBVAD). In
pared with age-matched normal control subjects PD patients this study, Sabbagh and colleagues (1999) found only a weak
exhibit psychomotor slowing (Brown and Marsden, 1991) correlation between ChAT activity and scores on the MMSE,
and have mild deficits in visuospatial abilities (Stern et al., and no significant relationship between ChAT activity and
1993; Jacobs et al., 1995), verbal fluency (Jacobs et al., 1995), scores on the Information-Memory-Concentration Test of
and other executive functions that are necessary to perform Blessed. The DLB patients in the study by Sabbagh and col-
tasks such as the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (Lees and leagues (1999) were more severely impaired than those studied
Smith, 1983; Brown and Marsden, 1988), the interference con- by Samuel and colleagues (1997), but the strength of the
dition of the Stroop Test (Brown and Marsden, 1991), dual- correlations did not change appreciably when the most severely
processing tasks (Brown and Marsden, 1991; Dalrymple-Alford impaired patients were excluded from the analyses.
et al., 1994), and tasks that require rapid shifts of attention Further evidence for the role of Lewy body pathology in
(Filoteo et al., 1997). the dementia associated with DLB was provided by a study
642 Neuropsychological changes in dementia with Lewy bodies

that retrospectively examined the neuropsychological test

performance of five patients with DLBD (Salmon, et al., 1996).
All five of these patients initially presented with insidious
cognitive decline that progressed to severe dementia. Sometime
after the onset of cognitive decline, all of the patients
developed mild extrapyramidal motor dysfunction, three
developed visual, auditory or tactile hallucinations, and
two developed delusions. All were clinically diagnosed with
probable or possible AD or one of its variants (i.e. LBVAD,
mixed AD and vascular dementia) at their initial evaluation.
At autopsy, subcortical and diffusely distributed cortical
Lewy bodies were observed in the brains of all five patients.
AD pathology was absent in two of the cases and at a level
comparable to that found in normal elderly individuals in
the other three cases.
Despite only borderline to mild impairment on the MMSE
(mean  23.2; range  22–26), detailed neuropsychological
testing revealed deficits in memory, attention, language, execu-
tive functions, and visuospatial abilities in all five patients with
DLBD. A comparison with five equally demented patients with
autopsy-verified AD showed similar levels of impairment on
tests of executive functions, language, and attention, but dis- DLBD 2 AD 2
proportionately severe deficits in the DLBD patients on tests
of psychomotor speed (parts A and B of the Trail Making
Test) and visuospatial/visuoconstructive ability (WISC-R
Block Design Test, Clock Drawing Test). Indeed, four of the
five DLBD patients were at floor performance on the WISC-R
Block Design subtest and the fifth was severely impaired. A
similarly severe deficit was evident in the performance of DLBD 3 AD 3
DLBD patients on the copy condition of the Clock Drawing
test (see Figure 49.4).
All five of the DLBD patients scored two to three standard
deviations below normal performance on key measures of
the California Verbal Learning Tests (CVLT), but their per-
formance differed somewhat from that typically observed in
patients with AD. Mildly demented AD patients usually exhibit
severe impairment on CVLT measures of immediate learning DLBD 4 AD 4

and recall, very poor retention over delay intervals (i.e. an

average long delay savings score of 17 per cent), an increased
propensity to produce intrusion errors in the cued recall con-
dition, and very poor recognition discrimination (Delis et al.,
1991). In contrast to this typical AD pattern, four of the five
DLBD patients did not show exceptionally poor retention
and recognition discrimination, and three of the five did not
show a strong propensity to produce intrusion errors. When
the scores of the DLBD patients were subjected to discrim- DLBD 5 AD 5
inant function equations that have been previously shown to
effectively distinguish between patients with cortical (e.g. Figure 49.4 Copies of clocks drawn by patients with diffuse Lewy
AD) and subcortical (e.g. Huntington’s disease) dementia body disease (DLBD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in the copy
using these key CVLT measures, four of the five DLBD condition of the Clock Drawing Test. The clock on top illustrates the
patients were classified as ‘subcortical’ and one as ‘cortical’. model that patients were asked to draw. Although each DLBD (cases
The deficits exhibited by patients with DLBD in the study 1–5) patient was matched in terms of overall severity of dementia to
by Salmon and colleagues (1996) indicate that subcortical each AD (cases 1–5) patient, the patients with DLBD produced
and diffusely distributed neocortical Lewy body pathology, significantly worse copies than the patients with AD. (Reprinted by
in the absence of AD pathology, can produce a global demen- kind permission of Raven’s Press from Salmon and Bondi, 1999 in
tia syndrome characterized by deficits in memory, attention, Terry et al., Alzheimer’s Disease 2E.)
References 643

language, and executive functions, and strikingly severe defi- DLB. However, the specific neuropsychological processes and
ciencies in visuospatial/visuoconstructive abilities and psycho- neuropathological factors that underlie the cognitive changes
motor speed. This pattern of neuropsychological deficits is of DLB remain largely unknown. It is not known, for example,
consistent with the cortical and subcortical brain damage whether the disproportionately severe visuospatial and visuo-
that occurs in the disease. DLBD results in neuropathological constructive deficits associated with DLB are due to:
abnormalities in the neocortex of the temporal, frontal and
parietal lobe, and these changes may be responsible for such • a primary visuoperceptual deficit that might arise from
Lewy body pathology in the occipital cortex;
cortical features of the dementia as impaired language, exec-
utive dysfunction, and impaired visuospatial abilities. Neuro- • an impaired ability to mentally manipulate information
in space that might arise from concomitant AD and Lewy
pathological changes in the substantia nigra of patients with body pathology in parietal lobe cortex;
DLBD, and the corresponding depletion of dopaminergic
input to the striatum (Perry et al., 1990), most likely con- • an inability to plan constructions due to the interruption
of frontostriatal circuits by pathology in the substantia
tribute to the cognitive deficits typical of subcortical dys- nigra or frontal lobe cortex; or
function, such as impaired learning, decreased attention,
impaired visuoconstructive abilities, and psychomotor slowing • some combination of these or other factors.
(for review, see Cummings, 1990). The nature of the memory Similar questions remain regarding the source of the severe
deficit associated with DLBD appears to reflect ineffective deficits in attention, executive functions, verbal fluency, and
retrieval similar to that observed in other patients with stri- psychomotor speed exhibited by patients with DLB. These
atal dysfunction (Butters et al., 1986). Although ubiquitin- questions can only be answered through additional system-
immunoreactive dystrophic neurites are often present in the atic clinicopathologic studies of these patients.
CA2–3 region of the hippocampus in patients with DLBD
(Dickson et al., 1991, 1994), the hippocampus and related
structures (e.g. entorhinal cortex, parahippocampal gyrus) REFERENCES
that are thought to underlie memory storage are generally
less damaged than in AD (Lippa et al., 1994). This disparity
leads to overall milder memory impairment in patients with Aarsland D and Karlsen K. (1999) Neuropsychiatric aspects of
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The treatment of dementia with Lewy bodies


50.1 Primary prevention 648 50.4 Other putative treatments 652

50.2 Treatment of established dementia with Lewy bodies 649 50.5 Conclusion 652
50.3 Treatment of sleep disorders 652 References 653

The treatment of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) presents years), male and with prominent early parkinsonian features
the clinician with several challenges. The aetiology and nos- (Kosaka, 1990; Hely et al., 1996; Byrne, 2003). A small number
ology of the condition are unknown and some of the most of familial cases have been described (Tsuang et al., 2004).
persistent and troublesome symptoms may be made worse The parasomnia rapid eye movement sleep behaviour dis-
by ‘conventional’ therapies. Some treatments are empirical order (RBD) is common in DLB and often precedes the devel-
and there are a few controlled studies. opment of the full syndrome by many years (Byrne, 1996,
2003; Boeve et al., 2003). Putative strategies to prevent motor
or cognitive progression might be effective in such cases.
Exposure to pesticides has been postulated as a risk factor
50.1 PRIMARY PREVENTION for the development of PD (Liou et al., 1997, Herishanu et al.,
1998). Hubble et al. (1998) have reported a possible gene-toxin
In a condition whose nosological states is certain, it may interaction as a putative risk factor for PD with dementia.
seem premature to discuss therapies or strategies that may They found that subjects who had exposure to pesticides and
prevent or delay the onset of the condition. Whilst the patho- at least one copy of the CYP2D629B  allele had an 83 per cent
logical features of DLB are increasingly well described, the predicted probability of the development of dementia in
controversy lies in the interpretation of the histological fea- association with PD.
tures. Do they indicate a variety of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Apoptotic-like changes have been described in nigral cells
a variety of Parkinson’s disease (PD), a separate distinct entity, in PD and DLB and in neurones containing LB in DLB
the coexistence of the two, or a spectrum disorder? Some (Tompkins et al., 1997; Katsuse et al., 2003). One mechanism
authors suggest that DLB is more similar to PD, especially in whereby this may occur is through the actions of nitric oxide
cases with dementia (Byrne, 1995). The recent proposal for (NO) (Snyder, 1996). Nitric oxide is formed from arginine by
the reclassification of neurodegenerative disorders into synuc- NO synthase (NOs), which has three forms, each with differ-
leinopathies or tauopathies may help clarify the nosological ent genetic derivation glutamate neurones from synapses with
status of DLB. As described in Chapter 48, the pathology of neuronal NOs (nNOs) neurones. Glutamate in excess causes
DLB consists of Lewy bodies in brain stem and cortex together a release of NO, which leads to cell death (Dawson et al., 1996).
with varying degrees of Alzheimer-type histological change NO metabolites were found to be increased in the cerebro-
(Duda, 2004; Iseki, 2004). Clinically about 20 per cent of cases spinal fluid in 22 DLB patients compared with 13 normal
begin with a motor syndrome indistinguishable from idio- controls in one study (Molina et al., 2002), and Xu et al. (2000)
pathic PD, 40 per cent with parkinsonism and dementia and reported that the CCTTT polymorphism in the NOS2A
20 per cent with dementia alone (Lennox, 1992). The clinical gene was associated with DLB. The exon 22 inducible nitric
presentation is influenced by the degree of concomitant AD oxide synthase (iNOs) genotype is protective against PD
histological change (Merdes et al., 2003). (Hague et al., 2004) and the expression of this gene was
So-called pure DLB cases (without significant Alzheimer shown to be decreased in one study by the novel antioxidant
histological change) are more likely to be young (under 70 EseroS-GS (Wei et al., 2003).
Treatment of established dementia with Lewy bodies 649

NOs inhibitors have been shown to prevent this NO- 50.2.1 Transmitter replacement therapy
mediated cell death in MPTP treated baboons (Hantraye
et al., 1996). As NO has also been implicated as a cause of cell ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE INHIBITORS
damage in AD (Molina et al., 1998), the use of NOs inhibitors
in DLB has some theoretical justification. This rationale In DLB there is a severe cholineacetyltransferase (ChAT)
might also suggest the potential of excitatory amino acid deficiency, even more profound than that seen in AD (Dickson
antagonists as putative treatments in DLB (Sandhu et al., et al., 1987; Perry et al., 1990; Tiraboschi et al., 2000). The
2003). The aggregation of misfolded -synuclein is postu- Newcastle group were the first to suggest the use of acetyl-
lated to be cytotoxic in PD and in DLB. One recent study cholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs) for the treatment of DLB.
reported that the molecular chaperone Hsp70 reduced the Evidence from the early placebo controlled trials of tacrine
amount of misfolded, aggregated -synuclein in vivo, in supported this suggestion when the first three responders in
transgenic mice (Klucken et al., 2004). Other neuroprotective a London trial to reach autopsy were found to have cortical
or preventative strategies that might be applicable to DLB Lewy bodies (CLB) (Levy et al., 1994). Others have found that
include antioxidants, anti-inflammatory drugs and oestro- response to tacrine was not limited to those AD cases with
gen (Cummings, 1995; Beal, 2003; Di Matteo and Esposito, CLB (Wilcock and Scott, 1994). Lebert et al. (1998) studied
2003; Fernandez-Espejo, 2004). The antioxidant vitamin E the effects of tacrine (120 mg/day) in clinically diagnosed AD
has been assessed as a therapeutic agent in both PD and AD. and DLB cases, using the McKhann et al. (1984) and the
In PD the results are equivocal with both positive (de Rijk McKeith et al. (1996) criteria respectively. They found that
et al., 1997) and negative results (Parkinson Study Group, whilst the ratio of AD and DLB cases did not differ between
1993) reported. Negative results may have been due to too responders and non-responders, the pattern of response was
low a dose (Fariss and Zhang, 2003; Mandel et al., 2003). In different between the two groups. In the DLB group cogni-
AD, recent research suggests that vitamin E in combination tive performance improved significantly on tests of attention
with vitamin C as dietary supplements may prevent the dis- (digit span and verbal initiation), while the AD group
ease (Zandi et al., 2004) and that vitamin E supplementation, improved significantly on tests of conceptualization. In this
only if given early in the course of the illness (at least in an study tacrine was apparently not associated with adverse effects
animal model), may be beneficial (Sung et al., 2004). In on the mental state of DLB patients. However, in a smaller
AD there is some, though limited, evidence that vitamin E study of tacrine, and at a lower dose (80 mg/day), Querforth
slows the progression in established disease (Knopman, et al. (2000) found no clinical benefit in six DLB subjects.
1998). The free radical scavenger coenzyme Q10 (an antioxi- There is also a case report of possible adverse effects of
dant) reduces apoptosis, possibly independent of its antioxi- tacrine in clinically diagnosed DLB (Witjeratne et al., 1995).
dant action (Papucci et al., 2003). In a randomized controlled Second generation AChEIs are beginning to be used in
trial of coenzyme Q10 (at dosages of 300, 600 or 1200 mg/day) DLB. A recent Cochrane review of cholinesterase inhibitors
in 80 people with early PD, less disability developed in the (ChEIs) for DLB found only one randomized controlled trial
treatment group compared with the placebo group, with the (RCT) (McKeith et al., 2000). The reviewers concluded that
greatest effect in those receiving the highest dosage (Shults neuropsychiatric symptoms may be improved but that the
et al., 2002). evidence is modest (Wild et al., 2003). In this single RCT of
There is also evidence from epidemiological studies that DLB (McKeith et al., 2000), 120 patients were entered into
prior oestrogen use may delay the onset of AD (Henderson, the study and randomized to placebo or to rivastigmine (up
1997; Honjo et al., 2003; Smith and Levin-Allerhand, 2003). to 12 mg/day by individual titration to maximum tolerated
In ovariectomized rats oestrogen administered concurrently dose) for 20 weeks. Significant differences in neuropsychiatric
with MPTP reduces the DA release induced by MPP  symptoms (as measured by the Neuropsychiatric Inventory 4
(Disshan and Dluzen, 1997). DLB certainly has a male pre- and 10 item subscales (NPI-4 and NPI-10)) were found in
ponderance and, in particular, pure DLB cases are predomi- favour of rivastigmine over placebo at 20 weeks in the analy-
nantly male (Hely et al., 1996). Oestrogen may be protective sis of observed cases (OC), but smaller differences were seen
against PD as well as AD. with intention to treat (ITT) and last observation carried for-
ward (LOCF) analysis. In an open-label follow up of the treated
subjects in this trial, improvement in NPI scores were main-
tained up to 24 weeks, and at 96 weeks these scores were not
significantly worse than at baseline (Grace et al., 2001).
Table 50.1 summarizes the other case series and open-label
trials of ChEIs in DLB. All studies show benefit of treatment,
There have been a number of reviews of the treatment of most especially in neuropsychiatric symptoms. Only one
DLB (Byrne, 2002; Burn and McKeith, 2003; Fernandez study (Shea et al., 1998) reports worsening of extrapyramidal
et al., 2003; Mosimann and McKeith, 2003; Wild et al., 2003). symptoms during treatment. Two of these studies reported
Transmitter-related therapy and the treatment of prominent the effects of cholinesterase inhibitors on sleep disorder in
symptoms in DLB will now be reviewed. DLB. Catt and Kauffer (1998) found beneficial effects on
650 The treatment of dementia with Lewy bodies

Table 50.1 Summary of open label studies of cholinesterase inhibitors in dementia with Lewy bodies

Study n Duration (weeks) Drug Results Adverse effects

Catt and Kaufer, 1998 2 NR Donepezil Improved; somnolence and psychosis None
Shea et al., 1998 9 12 Donepezil Improved; cognition* and visual hallucinations Worse EPS
Lancetot et al., 2000 7 8 Donepezil Improved; cognition* and BPSD NR
MacLean et al., 2001 8 NR Rivastigmine Improved; cognition** and sleep GI
Edwards et al., 2004 25 24 Galantamine Improved; BPSD GI

*Mini-Mental state score

**Extended Mini-Mental state score
BPSD, behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia; GI, gastrointestinal symptoms; NR, not reported; EPS, extrapyramidal symptoms

hypersomnolence and psychotic features in two clinically (up to 4 weeks) (Wilson et al., 1995; Snaedal et al., 1996).
diagnosed cases treated with donepezil (dose not stated for Sahakian et al. (1989) reported improvement of attention in
either case). These beneficial effects persisted in both cases at AD patients treated with nicotine and nicotinic agonists
6 months follow up. MacLean et al. (2001) reported that improve motor function and arousal in PD (Fagerstrom et al.,
seven out of the eight cases at baseline had sleep disruption 1994). Sagar et al. (1996) suggested that nicotinic agonists
(some of which clinically resembled RBD), six of these seven may be an alternative to L-dopa for the treatment of DLB.
cases improved with rivastigmine and their neuropsychiatric
symptoms (NPI scores) also improved. One recent study DOPAMINERGIC THERAPIES
(Onofrj et al., 2003) found beneficial effects of donepezil on
fluctuating cognition in dementia. Similar beneficial effects Although dopamine levels are reduced in post-mortem stud-
on neuropsychiatric symptoms are reported in a number ies in DLB (Perry et al., 1990) and CSF homovanillic acid
of case series of PD with dementia (PDD) treated with levels are reduced in autopsy-confirmed cases of DLB (Weiner
ChEIs (Reading et al., 2001; Aarsland et al., 2002; Bullock and et al., 1996), there has been little systematic enquiry into the
Cameron, 2002; Giladi et al., 2003; Leroi et al., 2004). effects of L-dopa therapy in DLB. Some early studies found
As with many drug therapies trial doses often have to be little or no L-dopa response in those who were treated (Hansen
modified when used in clinical practice. Some DLB cases clin- et al., 1990; Perry et al., 1990; Mark et al., 1992).
ically diagnosed who are unable (because of adverse effects, Other early studies reported a variable response (Byrne
predominantly severe nausea and vomiting) to tolerate full et al., 1989; Gibb et al., 1989; Kosaka 1990). In eight autopsy
dose rivastigmine 6–12 mg/day in divided doses have benefited diagnosed cases of DLB reported by Louis et al. (1995) four
from low dose therapy (1.5 mg b.i.d.). This dose level has suc- had been treated with L-dopa during life and all responded.
cessfully stopped troublesome visual hallucinations and In nine pure DLB cases described by Hely et al. (1996) six had
improved attention in one case in South Manchester who was received L-dopa. In four cases there was response and in two
unresponsive to any other empirical treatment. In clinical prac- cases little or no response. In post-mortem diagnosed cases
tice slow titration of the ChEIs enhances tolerability. A diag- of DLB (Lippa et al., 1994), three of six with prominent motor
nosis of either DLB or PDD were predictive of response to symptoms had responded to L-dopa or benztropine with no
ChEIs in a study of routine clinical practice (Pakrasi et al., apparent worsening of mental state. Of 10 clinically diagnosed
2003) and Minett et al. (2003) showed the benefit of donepezil cases of DLB (Geroldi et al., 1997), eight received L-dopa (or
in both DLB and PDD. Of importance was their observation other antiparkinsonian therapy). Six showed a moderate to
that sudden withdrawal of the drug was usually detrimental. good response with no or only mild adverse effects. In clin-
Other putative therapeutic agents aimed at enhancing ically diagnosed cases of DLB reported by Gnanalingham et al.
cholinergic function in DLB are muscarinic agonists (Harrison (1997), 12 of 15 received L-dopa and all responded to treat-
and McKeith, 1995) and nicotinic agonists (Perry and Perry, ment. The case of DLB reported by Kato et al. (2002) showed
1996). Xanomeline, an MI muscarinic receptor agonist, has improvement in motor and psychotic symptoms when
been the subject of a controlled trial in AD. Whilst significant treated with both L-dopa (300–750 mg/day) and risperidone
improvements in both cognitive function and behavioural (1 mg/day).
abnormalities were found, in oral form the drug is poorly One small open trial of L-dopa in DLB has been reported
tolerated (Bodick et al., 1997). Trials of transdermal adminis- (Williams et al., 1993). Five cases who fulfilled clinical cri-
tration of xanomeline are currently under way. teria for DLB (Byrne et al., 1991) were longitudinally assessed
Loss of nicotinic receptors has been described in both AD in terms of motor function, cognitive function and activities
and PD (Newhouse et al., 1997). Two trials of transdermal of daily living (ADL), during an open trial of L-dopa and
administration of nicotine in AD found no improvement selegiline. The dose of L-dopa (with carbidopa) was com-
in cognitive function, though both were of short duration menced at a low level and slowly titrated upwards to reach
Treatment of established dementia with Lewy bodies 651

best response (defined as a 2-week plateau in motor response). common and commonly severe. Gnanalingham et al. (1997)
Three cases showed considerable improvement in motor func- found comparable rates of neuroleptic sensitivity, 33 per cent,
tion and two cases modest improvement. In no case was there in their clinical series though none was severe. This may have
an adverse effect on mental state. been related to the low doses of neuroleptics used. Of con-
Acute confusional states (delirium) and other adverse cern is the fact that no features have yet been identified that
effects are not uncommon with L-dopa therapy. This may will distinguish those cases of DLB likely to develop neuro-
(together with the perception that parkinsonian symptoms leptic sensitivity. Ballard et al. (1998) found no predictive
are atypical or mild and not so responsive to treatment) lead value of age, sex, severity or clinical profile. Furthermore, of
to a lack of enthusiasm for using these drugs in DLB. In my the six cases with severe reactions, four were on novel or atyp-
clinical experience, and as Williams et al. (1993) have shown, ical neuroleptics and all were on low doses. Two of these six
some cases with DLB may benefit from L-dopa therapy. A cases died within 2 weeks of the prescription. The mechanism
pragmatic strategy is to start with low doses and titrate by which traditional antipsychotics induce neuroleptic sensi-
upwards having made a careful record of the mental state tivity is not completely understood, Piggot et al. (1994) suggest
(non-cognitive and cognitive features) and the range of fluc- it is due to a failure to up-regulate D2 receptors. It is possible
tuation in symptoms both before and during treatment. that other mechanisms may be involved with the atypical
Only then can one assess whether the treatment is beneficial antipsychotics.
or harmful. This pragmatic approach has been advocated by Adverse effects of neuroleptics are not confined to DLB.
others (McKeith et al., 1995a; Mosimann and McKeith, 2003). McShane et al. (1997), in a prospective clinical study of 71
Another strategy to treat motor symptoms in DLB has been people with dementia initially living at home who were fol-
beneficial in one reported case (Moutoussis and Orrell, lowed to necropsy, found that the mean decline in cognitive
1996). This case fulfilled International Consensus Criteria score was twice as great in the 16 patients treated with neuro-
(McKeith et al., 1996) for DLB. Severe rigidity was ‘ markedly leptics compared with those who were not medicated. Forty-
improved’ by using baclofen 15 mg t.i.d., a -aminobutyric two of these subjects have undergone necropsy. Cortical Lewy
acid (GABA) mimetic. However, baclofen was found to be body pathology did not make an independent contribution
ineffective in treating a severe case of neuroleptic sensitivity to more rapid decline. Those observations have been con-
in DLB (McKeith et al., 1992). firmed by Holmes et al. (1997) who studied 135 AD cases
of whom 23 subjects took neuroleptics and 112 did not. Those
who did had a significantly greater rate of cognitive decline OTHER TREATMENTS FOR NEUROPSYCHIATRIC
than those who did not. They also found that apolipoprotein
E 4 allele carriers were most sensitive to the effects of
Psychiatric symptoms especially visual hallucinations are neuroleptics.
common and troublesome in DLB. The Newcastle group were Atypical neuroleptics have been reported as effective in
the first to draw attention to the phenomenon of neuroleptic treating psychotic symptoms in DLB. Risperidone has been
sensitivity in DLB (McKeith et al., 1992). They noted a high used in DLB with benefit (remission of psychotic features)
rate of adverse responses (over 50 per cent of which were (Lee et al., 1994; Allen et al., 1995; Shiwach and Woods 1998;
severe) in 16 of 20 autopsy-confirmed DLB cases. In contrast, Kato et al., 2002) However, adverse reactions including neuro-
only one of 21 AD cases showed a severe adverse reaction. The leptic sensitivity are increasingly reported (McKeith et al.,
nature of the adverse response comprised worsening motor 1995b; Ballard et al., 1998; Morikawa and Kishimoto 2002).
function, aggravation or precipitation of cognitive dysfunc- Although the case reported by Shiwach and Woods (1998)
tion or non-cognitive features and drowsiness, together with benefited from risperidone it was in an unusual way – this
some features suggestive of neuroleptic malignant syndrome patient had severe withdrawal bruxism following cessation of
(NMS) with fever, generalized rigidity and raised serum cre- traditional antipsychotic medication, which was reversed by
atinine kinase. In some cases the neuroleptic sensitivity risperidone. In some cases clozapine may be beneficial in
response was life-threatening. Survival analysis of the seven treating psychotic symptoms in DLB (Ableskov and Tordahl,
cases with severe reactions showed increased mortality com- 1993; Chacko et al., 1993) but others report worsening of
pared with those with no or mild neuroleptic sensitivity. cognition and behaviour with clozapine treatment in DLB
The most recent report from the same group (Ballard et al., (Burke et al., 1998).
1998) is of 80 longitudinally assessed autopsy-confirmed cases Olanzepine and quetiapine show similarly variable results
(40 AD, 40 DLB, matched for age and sex). Severe neuroleptic in the treatment of DLB. In the case series reported by Walker
sensitivity only occurred in DLB and was seen in 29 per cent et al. (1999), three of the eight cases were unable to tolerate
cases, in all instances occurring within 2 weeks of a new neu- even the lowest dose (2.5 mg/day); three showed minimal ben-
roleptic prescription or a dose change. In this series 47 per cent efit and only two showed improvement in neuropsychiatric
of the neuroleptics were the newer, atypical compounds symptoms. In contrast, Cummings et al. (2002) found that
compared with 16 per cent in the 1992 series (McKeith et al., olanzepine, 5–10 mg/day improved psychotic symptoms in
1992). Although neuroleptic sensitivity is not an inevitable DLB without worsening parkinsonism. Adverse effects (som-
consequence of neuroleptic medication in DLB, it is certainly nolence or orthostatic hypotension, worsening of parkinsonian
652 The treatment of dementia with Lewy bodies

symptoms) were reported in around 30 per cent of patients RBD (including seven with a diagnosis of DLB). Eight of the
with DLB treated with quetiapine in two recent small case 14 showed persistant benefit beyond 12 months of melatonin
series (Fernandez et al., 2002; Takahashi et al., 2003). In both therapy. There is one case report of the successful treatment
of these studies, those subjects who could tolerate the drug of RBD in DLB with L-dopa (Yamauchi et al., 2003).
showed benefit in their troublesome psychotic symptoms. Hypersomnolence, which improved on donepezil, has also
Other empirical treatments of psychotic symptoms in been reported in DLB (Catt and Kaufer, 1998). There is one
DLB include chlormethiazole and carbamazepine. The use of case report of improvement in ‘sundowning’ (increased rest-
chlormethiazole was suggested because of its effectiveness in lessness and agitation in dementia in the evening) in DLB
delirium tremens and because some patients with DLB have with treatment with donepezil (Skjerve and Nygaard, 2000).
delirious-like episodes. In addition there is some evidence
that chlormethiazole has neuroprotective effects (Cross et al.,
1991; Baldwin et al., 1993; Vaishnav and Lutsep, 2002). In 50.4 OTHER PUTATIVE TREATMENTS
clinical practice it may reduce or obviate visual hallucin-
ations and is helpful in sleep disorders in DLB (McKeith et al.,
A number of other putative treatments for DLB have been sug-
1992; Byrne, 1995, 1997). Carbamazepine, an antiepileptic
gested. Ondansetron, a selective 5HT3 antagonist, has been
drug with antidepressant actions, has also been used empiri-
suggested as a treatment for DLB because of the relative sero-
cally to treat psychotic features in DLB. Lebert et al. (1996)
tonergic overactivity in the condition (Perry et al., 1993; Sagar
found great benefit in two cases of DLB treated with
et al., 1996). In PD, ondansetron at a dose of 12–24 mg daily
100–400 mg/day. Both chlormethiazole and carbamazepine
reduced psychotic symptoms in the majority of 16 patients
are GABAergic agents. GABA has been suggested as an import-
with severe disease in an open trial (Zoldan et al., 1993).
ant transmitter in delirium (Ross et al., 1991), and GABA has
Benzodiazepines have been reported as of use in the manage-
an important function in motor control.
ment of anxiety and restlessness in DLB (Lennox, 1992;
McKeith et al., 1996). Neurotrophins, because of their neuro-
protective effect, have been postulated as a therapy for AD and
50.3 TREATMENT OF SLEEP DISORDERS other neurodegenerative disorders. However, little is known
about the role of neurotrophic factors in DLB (Wilcock, 1996).
Disturbance of sleep is common in dementia but have only
recently been especially associated with DLB (Byrne, 1996;
Grace et al., 2000; MacLean et al., 2001). Some case reports
(Schenck et al., 1997; Turner et al., 1997) linked DLB with rapid
eye movement (REM) sleep behaviour disorder (RBD). RBD The severity, persistance and adverse effects of the neuropsy-
is a ‘parasomnia defined by intermittent loss of electromyo- chiatric symptoms of DLB and their distressing consequences
graphic atonia during REM sleep with emergence of complex for both the person with dementia and for their carers, are
and vigorous behaviours’ (ICSD 1997; Schenck et al., 1997). familiar to all practising clinicians. The Committee on Safety
Behaviours include kicking, punching and leaping from the of Medicines (CSM) recommendations (Committee on
bed. Boeve et al. (1998) found 37 patients with dementia and Safety of Medicines, 1994, and as noted by Ballard et al.,
RBD confirmed by polysomnography; 34 per cent were male 1998) to use caution in prescribing neuroleptic medication
and 54 per cent had signs of parkinsonism; 92 per cent (32 in dementia is warranted given the accumulating evidence
cases) met criteria (McKeith et al., 1996) for DLB. Three cited above. However, it unfortunate that, at least in the UK,
patients underwent necropsy and all had limbic Lewy bodies a risk aversion culture can dictate clinical practice at the
with or without cortical Lewy bodies. More recent studies expense of the very real and severe suffering of people with
have suggested a specific relationship between RBD and the DLB. The recent prohibition of the prescription of risperidone
synucleinopathies (Olson et al., 2000; Boeve et al., 2001; and olanzapine for the treatment of behavioural and psycho-
MacLean et al., 2001) and, except in multisystem atrophy logical symptoms in dementia because of increased stroke risk
(MSA) the greater preponderance of male subjects (Olson issued by the CSM in 2004, in the absence of an adequate risk/
et al., 2000); RBD may precede the onset of the full clinical syn- benefit calculation or of suggested alternative treatments, leaves
drome of a synucleinopathy by many years (Boeve et al., 2001). clinicians to face the challenge of treating DLB deprived of an
RBD can be successfully treated with clonazepam or des- important part of their therapeutic armamentarium.
imipramine (Schenck et al., 1987; Massironi et al., 2003b). Whilst many of the treatments described in this chapter
Potential problems with clonazepam (at a dose of 0.5 mg) are are empirical, some show great promise at least in producing
day-time sedation and loss of efficacy over time. In a study by symptomatic relief. Greater understanding of the neuropatho-
Schenck et al. (1987), five patients did not experience these logical mechanisms underlying DLB will lead to treatments
effects. Clonazepam is not always successful in treating RBD targeted at basic processes. Until that time the treatment of
in established DLB (MacLean et al., 2001). Boeve et al. (2003b) DLB presents great challenges to the physician in which art as
report the use of melatonin (3–12 mg) in 14 people with much as science still plays a part.
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Cognitive impairment and dementia in
Parkinson’s disease


51.1 Mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease 657 51.4 Conclusions 661
51.2 Dementia 658 References 661
51.3 Treatment 660

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative During the last decade a considerable literature has shown
disorder affecting about 1.5 per cent of people aged 65 or older that cognitive impairment is common even in early PD, and
(de Rijk et al., 1997). PD is defined pathologically as cell loss that as the disease progresses, a substantial proportion develop
in the pigmented dopaminergic cells of substantia nigra, pars dementia (Emre, 2003). In addition, other neuropsychiatric
compacta and synuclein pathology (Lewy neurites and Lewy symptoms, such as visual hallucinations, depression and
bodies) in the surviving cells. In addition, cholinergic fore- apathy, are also common (Aarsland et al., 1999). It is thus
brain nuclei and other brain stem nuclei including the sero- increasingly recognized that PD is a neuropsychiatric disor-
tonergic raphe nuclei and the noradrenergic locus caeruleus, der and not merely a movement disorder. Independent of the
are usually affected. The topographical progression subse- motor symptoms of PD, dementia and other neuropsychiatric
quently involves the anteromedial temporal mesocortex, symptoms affect quality of life, contribute to caregiver dis-
including the transentorhinal region, and reaches into adjoin- tress and increased risk of nursing home placement, and is
ing high-order sensory association areas and important lim- associated with more psychiatric symptoms such as depres-
bic structures such as amygdalae and hippocampus (Braak sion and hallucinations, higher mortality and functional dis-
et al., 2003; Jellinger, 2003a). In addition, amyloid plaques and ability, and higher risk for drug toxicity. This chapter will
even neurofibrillary tangles, are found in most cases at discuss the epidemiology, pathophysiologic mechanism, clini-
autopsy (Mattila et al., 1999; Jellinger, 2002). The cardinal clin- cal presentation and management of cognitive impairment
ical features of PD are resting tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity and dementia in patients with PD.
and postural abnormalities. However, owing to the wide dis-
tribution of neurodegeneration, it is not surprising that a wide
range of non-motor symptoms occur as well, including neuro-
psychiatric symptoms and autonomic dysfunction.
The treatment of PD involves dopamine replacement ther-
apy with L-dopa, and several dopamine agonists including
the selective dopamine D3 receptor agonists ropinirole and Cognitive impairment is present even at the earliest stages of PD.
pramipexole. In addition, the monoamine oxidase inhibitor The prevalence of subjects with parkinsonism and mild cogni-
selegiline with a potential neuroprotective effect may slow dis- tive impairment in the community is about 10 per cent (Waite
ease progression. The use of anticholinergic agents has declined et al., 2001), and cognitive impairment may be present even
drastically owing to concerns relating to their risk of cognitive in young patients (Wermuth et al., 1996). In a series of 91 PD
impairment and delirium, particularly in the elderly. Deep patients with a mean duration of PD of 2 years, impairment
cerebral stimulation with implantation of electrodes can be on a range of neuropsychological tests was found in 16 per cent
very helpful for selected patients. A wide range of behavioural of patients (Reid et al., 1996). Similarly, in a study of 10 high-
side effects can occur during drug and surgical treatments. functioning PD patients, identified on the basis of exceptional
658 Cognitive impairment and dementia in Parkinson’s disease

professional distinction who continued to function successfully widespread cortical glucose hypometabolism, involving
in leadership positions, significant impairments on tests of mainly frontal, but also left temporal and parietal regions,
episodic memory and visuospatial function were reported compared with more a more marked and global reduction,
(Mohr et al., 1990). In one of the few community-based studies, including severe bilateral temporoparietal defects, in PD
more than 50 per cent of the non-demented PD subjects had patients with dementia (Peppard et al., 1992).
some form of cognitive impairment (Janvin et al., 2003). Thus, in early PD, heterogeneous cognitive impairments
The cognitive profile in early PD varies. Executive impair- exist, ranging from executive dysfunction caused by degener-
ment, including working memory and attention-shift, is the ation of dopaminergic fronto-subcortical circuitry to a mem-
earliest cognitive manifestation in PD, but visuospatial func- ory dominant impairment possibly related to cholinergic
tions, and even memory, may be impaired in some patients as deficits. At least in some patients, the selective cognitive impair-
well (Dubois and Pillon, 1997). In a study of 42 PD patients ment progresses to a more global impairment secondary to
with mild cognitive impairment, 20 per cent exhibited pre- involvement of medial temporal and parietal cortices. The
dominantly memory deficits, 30 per cent a dominant executive aetiology of the cortical involvement is not yet clear, and
impairment, whereas 50 per cent had a more global cognitive Alzheimer-like changes, synuclein degeneration and cere-
impairment (Janvin et al., 2003). With advancing PD, there is brovascular pathology may contribute.
an increase in severity and broadening of cognitive impair-
ment (Owen et al., 1992). Whereas mildly impaired subjects
have reduced storage of new information and visuospatial 51.1.2 Course of mild cognitive impairment
impairment, reduced storage of old material was evident only in PD
in those with a more marked impairment (Huber et al., 1990).
Although variations occur, the cognitive impairment in early Few prospective studies of mild cognitive impairment in PD
PD is of a fronto-subcortical type, with the superimposition of exist. Overall, the annual decline on the Mini-Mental State
deficits typically associated with cortical dementia evolving Examination (MMSE) in PD is 1 point, but with wide
later in course (Reid et al., 1996; Aarsland et al., 2003c). interindividual variations (Aarsland et al., 2004). Mild execu-
tive and memory impairments are predictors of subesequent
dementia in PD, independent of age and stage of PD (Levy
51.1.1 Mechanisms underlying mild cognitive et al., 2002a). In non-PD populations with mild cognitive
impairment in PD impairment (MCI), the annual progression to dementia is
about 15 per cent (Petersen et al., 2001). In PD, this question
The heterogeneous cognitive deficits in PD may reflect differ- has not been subject to systematic research yet. We reassessed
ing forms of neuropathological involvement. Executive impair- 38 PD patients with MCI (six with amnestic, 17 with single
ment is related to the dopaminergic deficits, caused by either non-memory, and 15 with multiple domains MCI) after 4
disruption of nigrostriatal circuitry with altered outflow of the years, and found that 62 per cent had developed dementia,
caudate nuclei to frontal cortex via thalamus (Rinne et al., which is consistent with the conversion rate to dementia in
2000; Lewis et al., 2003) or diminished dopamine activity in the non-PD MCI patients. The proportion that progressed to
frontal projections consequent to degeneration of mesocortical dementia did not differ between the three different MCI
projections (Mattay et al., 2002). This hypothesis is supported groups, but was higher than among cognitively intact patients
by the worsening of executive functioning, but not memory, (20 per cent) (P 0.05) (unpublished results).
after withdrawal of L-dopa (Lange et al., 1995). Although the
exact contribution of non-dopaminergic lesions to the cogni-
tive impairments in PD is not known, there is some evidence 51.2 DEMENTIA
linking the cortical noradrenergic system to extradimensional
shift performance, whereas visual memory may be dependent
51.2.1 Epidemiology
on acetylcholine rather than DA (Robbins et al., 2003).
The more global cognitive impairment in later disease CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDIES
stages suggests that cortical regions are becoming involved as
well. In a study using single photon emission computed tomo- In addition to the mild cognitive impairment discussed above,
graphy, non-demented, but cognitively impaired PD patients dementia develops in a considerable proportion of patients
with decrements in multiple spheres of cognition, had dimin- with a diagnosis of PD. Wide variation in prevalence estimates
shed temporal perfusion relative to controls. A differential of dementia in PD have been reported, based on differences
pattern of relationships between cortical perfusion and cogni- in selection and number of patients studied, diagnostic crite-
tive functions was observed, with temporal and parietal per- ria for PD, assessment of cognition and diagnostic criteria
fusion showing relationships to global cognitive impairment, for dementia. Studies using community-based samples of
while dorsolateral frontal perfusion was related to executive more than 100 patients, standardized cognitive assessment
impairment (Jagust et al., 1992). A positron emission tomo- and DSM-IIIR criteria for dementia have yielded prevalences
graphy study revealed that non-demented PD patients had ranging from 23 to 41 per cent (Levy and Marder, 2003).
Dementia 659

Since dementia is associated with increased mortality in GENETICS AND DEMENTIA IN PD
PD (Levy et al., 2002c); prevalence studies underestimate
Although PD was long thought of as a non-genetic disorder,
true frequency of dementia in PD, and longitudinal studies
over the past few years, several genes for the disorder have been
are thus required to accurately describe the frequency of
cloned, including -synuclein and parkin, both involved in the
dementia in PD.
ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation pathway (Gwinn-
Hardy, 2002). The relationship of these genes to dementia is LONGITUDINAL STUDIES not clear, but there are mutation carriers who have both PD
and PD with dementia. (Muenter et al., 1998). Several studies
Few studies of the incidence of dementia in PD populations
have explored the effect of apolipoprotein (ApoE) polymor-
exist. Estimates vary from 42.6 (Hughes et al., 2000) to 112.5
phism, a risk factor for AD, on the risk for PD and dementia,
(Marder et al., 1995) per 1000 patient years. In the two
with conflicting results. Increased risk of PD and, in particu-
community-based studies, the incidence was 95.3 (Aarsland
lar, PD with dementia, in carriers of the ApoE 2 allele has
et al., 2001) and 112.5 (Marder et al., 1995), indicating that
been reported (Harhangi et al., 2000). An association between
about 10 per cent of PD patients develop dementia per year.
ApoE 4 allele and Alzheimer pathology in PD patients has
The risk for developing dementia in PD is nearly six times
also been reported (Mattila et al., 2000). Most studies have
higher than in non-PD subjects (Aarsland et al., 2001).
failed to find an association between ApoE polymorphism
Although little is known regarding the life-time risk of develop-
and dementia in PD, however.
ing dementia in patients with a diagnosis of PD, the available
evidence suggests that the risk is high. Only one study to date
has prospectively followed de novo PD patients to assess the 51.2.2 Diagnosis of dementia in PD
frequency of dementia. After 5 years a cumulative prevalence of
dementia of 36 per cent could be estimated from the data pre- The motor symptoms of PD, such as masked facies, brady-
sented (Reid et al., 1996). We performed an 8-year prospective kinesia, slow speech and apathy can make the diagnosis of cog-
study of a community-based sample of 224 PD patients with a nitive impairment and dementia difficult, and both over- and
mean duration of disease of 9 years at baseline: 122 subjects underdiagnosis may occur (Litvan et al., 1998). Cognitive
received a diagnosis of dementia at baseline or at subsequent rating scales should be used, taking into account the disabilities
evaluations. After controlling for attrition due to death, the from motor symptoms. Screening tests such as the MMSE
8-year cumulative prevalence of dementia was calculated to be (Folstein et al., 1975) may be employed, although instru-
78 per cent (Aarsland et al., 2003a). Thus, it is clear that a ments including executive dysfunction, such as the Dementia
substantial proportion of patients with PD develop dementia, Rating Scale (Mattis, 1976) and the Cambridge Cognitive
which is usually diagnosed for the first time 10 years after the Examination (CAMCOG), the cognitive section of CAMDEX
diagnosis of PD (Hughes et al., 2000; Aarsland et al., 2003a). (Roth et al., 1986), are more sensitive to the cognitive dis-
orders in PD. Particular care should be taken to distinguish
between dementia and confusional states from drug toxicity. RISK FACTORS FOR DEMENTIA
There are no generally accepted clinical criteria for the
Several factors have been reported to be associated with dementia in PD. In research, the use of the dementia criteria
dementia in PD, including male sex, low education, depres- of DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) is gener-
sion, hallucinations, age, age at onset, mild cognitive impair- ally recommended, but it can be difficult to decide whether
ment, family history of dementia and genetic factors (Emre, cognitive impairment adds to the social and occupational
2003). However, prospective studies that use multivariate stat- impairment caused by the motor symptoms of the disease. In
istical approach indicate that age, advanced parkinsonism addition to a careful history emphasizing the onset, course,
and mild cognitive impairment are predictors of dementia in profile and chronology of motor, cognitive and psychiatric
PD (Hughes et al., 2000; Levy et al., 2002b; Aarsland et al., symptoms, neuropsychological assessment is useful in the
2003a) With regard to parkinsonian symptoms, rigidity and diagnosis of mildly affected cases.
symptoms mediated mainly by non-dopaminergic systems, Although subcortical clinical features, such as executive
such as speech, gait and postural disorders, are particularly and visuospatial impairment, are typical in mildly impaired
related to subsequent development of dementia, whereas cases, some patients with more advanced PD exhibit more cor-
patients with a tremor-dominant pattern have a lower risk tical features (see above). The cognitive profile is quite simi-
(Levy et al., 2000). Although some studies suggest that patients lar to the profile observed in DLB, and differs form the profile
with late onset of PD have a higher risk of dementia, the evi- observed in patients with AD (less memory but more execu-
dence suggests that it is age, and not age at onset, that is asso- tive impairment) and a pure subcortical dementia such as pro-
ciated with incident dementia in PD (Hughes et al., 2000; gressive supranuclear palsy (more memory but less executive
Levy et al., 2002b; Aarsland et al., 2003a). The relationship impairment) (Aarsland et al., 2003c). A diagnosis of PDD
with age and severity of parkinsonism seems to be related should be made in patients who are diagnosed as PD and
to their combined effect rather than separate effects (Levy develop dementia 1 year later. If dementia develops before or
et al., 2002b). within 1 year after the diagnosis of PD, a diagnosis of DLB
660 Cognitive impairment and dementia in Parkinson’s disease

should be made. However, this time-window is rather arbitrary. as in AD have been reported, and these changes are more
DLB and PDD overlap both clinically and neuropathologically, pronounced in PD patients with dementia compared with
and there is debate whether they represent distinct diseases or non-demented patients (Whitehouse et al., 1983; Perry et al.,
rather two syndromes on a spectrum of Lewy body diseases. 1993; Kuhl et al., 1996; Tiraboschi et al., 2000). IMAGING
Few studies have explored the dementia of PD using struc- 51.3 TREATMENT
tural imaging techniques. Annual brain volume loss in non-
demented PD patients correlated with cognitive decline (Hu
No pharmacological agents have been approved for treatment
et al., 2001). Reduced hippocampal volumes in PD patients
of dementia in PD. There are several pharmacological agents
have been shown, and in PDD patients, hippocampal volumes
available to treat the various motor and psychiatric manifes-
were even smaller than in AD patients (Laakso et al., 1996).
tations of PD, all of which have the potential to improve one
Preliminary results from studies using modern techniques
symptom domain at the expense of exacerbating another. The
such as voxel-based morphometry, show volume loss in the
only evidence-based treatment for neuropsychiatric symp-
temporal and frontal cortices, as well as hippocampus, in PDD
toms in PD is the use of clozapine for hallucinations (Goetz,
compared with non-demented PD patients (Beyer et al.,
2002). Non-specific measures such as reviewing and remov-
2003), and frontal and temporal cortical loss in PDD com-
ing drugs that may cause worsening of cognition, such as anti-
pared with normal controls, indistinguishable from changes
cholinergic agents, and treating comorbid conditions, are
in DLB patients (Burton et al., 2003).
thus of importance. Informing the patient and family about
As discussed above, functional imaging studies have shown
the risk of progressive worsening of cognitive functioning in
decreases in glucose metabolism of frontal, temporal and
addition to motor symptoms are also important.
parietal cortices in patients with PDD (Peppard et al., 1992;
L-dopa treatment may improve some and impair other
Jagust et al., 1992; Vander Borght et al., 1997). In addition,
cognitive functions (see above), but has probably no effect on
and contrary to AD, occipital hyperfusion has been reported
dementia. Other drugs frequently prescribed for PD patients
(Vander Borght et al., 1997), even in non-demented subjects
may potentially improve cognition. In a placebo-controlled
(Abe et al., 2003), similar to findings in DLB. Although both
trial, neither selegiline nor vitamin E had a significant effect on
structural and functional imaging techniques may assist in
cognitive functioning in non-demented PD patients (Kieburtz
the diagnostic work-up of patients with parkinsonism and cog-
et al., 1994). An observational study suggested that post-
nitive impairment, until longitudinal imaging studies with
menopausal oestrogen use was protective for the development
clinicopathological correlation are available, the final diag-
of dementia within the setting of PD (Marder et al., 1998),
nosis must be based on the history and clinical examination
but controlled studies supporting this promising result have
including routine blood tests.
not been performed.
The cholinergic loss in PDD, an increase of muscarinic
51.2.3 Mechanisms receptor binding (Perry et al., 1993) and less neurodegenerative
changes in neocortex compared with AD, indicate that cholin-
The aetiology of dementia in PD is not yet clear. The heteroge- ergic drugs may be particularly useful in PDD. This hypoth-
neous cognitive profile of dementia in PD, with features of esis received support from an early study showing remarkable
both subcortical and cortical dementia, is consistent with the improvements of cognition, hallucinations and even parkin-
various neuropathological and neurochemical involvements sonism, during treatment with tacrine (Hutchinson and
in PD. Cortical LBs are associated with dementia in PD (Hurtig Fazzini, 1996). Subsequent uncontrolled case series have
et al., 2000), although LBs may occur in the cortex of non- shown improved cognition in PDD during treatment with
demented PD patients (Colosimo et al., 2003). There is also the more recently developed cholinesterase inhibitors, i.e.
evidence that Alzheimer-like changes contribute to dementia rivastigmine (Reading et al., 2001) and galantamine (Aarsland
in PD (Jellinger, 2002). In elderly patients, vascular changes et al., 2003c), although the improvements were less dramatic
may contribute as well (Jellinger, 2003b), although the contri- than those reported with tacrine. These promising results
bution of vascular factors to dementia in PD is not known. In were supported in one placebo-controlled cross-over trial
a recent longitudinal study, an association of dementia with with donepezil (Aarsland et al., 2002). Since there are clinical,
smoking, but not with hypertension or diabetes mellitus, nor neuropathological and neurochemical similarities between
with stroke or atrial fibrillation was found (Levy et al., 2002a). DLB and PDD, the improvement on rivastigmine in a large
As discussed above, neurochemical changes involving randomized trial with in DLB patients (McKeith et al., 2000)
dopamine, noradrenaline and acetylcholine, may influence also supports the usefulness of cholinesterase inhibitors
cognition in PD. In particular, much interest has focused on for PDD. Worsening of motor symptoms does occur in
the relationship between cholinergic deficits and dementia in some patients, although most patients tolerate the drug well
PDD. Selective loss of cells in the cholinergic nucleus basalis without increasing parkinsonism. A recent large-scale
of Meynert and cortical cholinergic losses of similar degrees placebo-controlled trial provided strong evidence that the
References 661

cholinesterase inhibitor rivastigmine can improve cognition, Aarsland D, Andersen K, Larsen JP, Wentzel-Larsen T, Lolk A, Kragh-
activities of daily living and neuropsychiatric symptoms in Sorensen P. (2004) The rate of cognitive decline in Parkinson’s
patients with PDD (Emre et al., 2004). disease. Archives of Neurology 61: 1906–1911
The currently available cholinergic drugs differ in their Abe Y, Kachi T, Kato T et al. (2003) Occipital hypoperfusion in Parkinson’s
disease without dementia: correlation to impaired cortical visual
pharmacodynamic profiles. It is currently not known whether
processing. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry
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cholinetransferase of rivastigmine and the modulating effect American Psychiatric Association. (1994) Diagnostic and Statistical
on nicotinic receptors of galantamine, have therapeutic rele- Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV ). 4th edition, revised.
vance in the treatment of PDD. However, there is evidence Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association
that temporal cortex butyrylcholine esterase is associated Beyer MK, Aarsland D, Burton EJ, Neckelmann G, Vossius C, Larsen JP.
with cognitive decline in DLB (Perry et al., 2003); nicotine (2003) A voxel based morphometric study of patients with
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PD (Rusted et al., 2000), suggesting that these drugs may dif- Braak H, Del Tredici K, Rub U, de Vos RA, Jansen Steur EN, Braak E.
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Burton E, McKeith IG, Burn D, Williams ED, O’Brien JT. (2003) A voxel-
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51.4 CONCLUSIONS and elderly controls. In: 3rd International Workshop on Dementia
with Lewy Bodies and Parkinson’s Disease Dementia (DLB/PDD).
Cognitive impairment and dementia are very common in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Colosimo C, Hughes AJ, Kilford L, Lees AJ. (2003) Lewy body cortical
patients with PD, with important clinical consequences for
involvement may not always predict dementia in Parkinson’s disease.
patients and their caregivers. Clinicians need to focus on
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 74: 852–856
these and other neuropsychiatric symptoms in addition to de Rijk MC, Tzourio C, Breteler MM et al. (1997) Prevalence of
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these patients. The underlying aetiology and the clinical EUROPARKINSON Collaborative Study. European Community
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able, and the nosological classification of PDD and its rela- Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 62: 10–15
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clarified. The complex clinical presentation in these frail and Journal of Neurology 244: 2–8
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ical management. Emerging evidence indicates that cholin- Neurology 2: 229–237
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This page intentionally left blank
Focal dementias

52. Frontotemporal dementia 667

53. Pick’s disease: its relationship to progressive aphasia, semantic dementia and frontotemporal dementia 678

54. The genetics and molecular pathology of frontotemporal lobar degeneration 689

55. Semantic dementia 702

56. The cerebellum and cognitive impairment 713

57. Progressive aphasia and other focal syndromes 720

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Frontotemporal dementia


52.1 Historical background 667 52.9 Neuropathology 674

52.2 Demographic features 668 52.10 Neurochemistry 674
52.3 Behaviour and affect 668 52.11 Molecular genetics 674
52.4 Physical findings 670 52.12 Treatment and management 674
52.5 Investigations 670 52.13 Differential diagnosis 674
52.6 Neuropsychology 670 52.14 Conclusion 675
52.7 Behavioural subtypes 672 References 675
52.8 Frontotemporal dementia and motor neurone disease 673

Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a focal degenerative dis- Attention was revived by longitudinal clinical studies
order of the frontal and anterior temporal lobes, character- of patients in Lund, Sweden (Gustafson and Risberg,
ized by profound alteration in personality and social conduct 1974; Gustafson et al., 1977; Gustafson, 1987, 1993) and
and impaired frontal executive functions. The disorder is the Manchester, England (Neary et al., 1986, 1987, 1988; Snowden
most common of a spectrum of clinical syndromes that are et al., 1996), who showed progressive alteration in personal
associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration and share and interpersonal behaviour in association with atrophy of
a common non-Alzheimer pathology. Other related syndromes the frontal and anterior temporal lobes. The histological
include progressive non-fluent aphasia and semantic demen- changes were not uniform. In some brains microvacuolation
tia (Chapter 55). The distinct clinical syndromes reflect the was the prominent feature, whereas in others there was severe
distribution of pathological change within the anterior cere- gliosis, sometimes with Pick cells and bodies (Brun, 1987,
bral hemispheres. FTD involves bilateral and typically sym- 1993; Mann and South, 1993; Mann et al., 1993). In some
metrical atrophy of the prefrontal and anterior temporal brains motor neurone disease-type pathological changes
lobes and the basal ganglia, whereas progressive aphasia were present. The findings led to the publication of a con-
involves the perisylvian regions of the left hemisphere and sensus statement outlining the clinical and pathological
semantic dementia the anterior temporal neocortices. characteristics (Lund and Manchester groups, 1994). The
term frontotemporal dementia was introduced as a clinical
descriptor of the behavioural syndrome, to avoid the patho-
52.1 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND logical implications of the term Pick’s disease and implicit
assumptions of the aetiological equivalence of underlying
The earliest description of a progressive behavioural disorder histologies.
associated with bilateral frontal lobe atrophy was by Pick Reports of FTD have proliferated (e.g. Filley et al., 1994;
(1906). The frontal lobe emphasis was noted in several subse- Frisoni et al., 1995; Jagust et al., 1989; Knopman et al., 1990;
quent reports of focal cerebral atrophy to which Pick’s name Knopman, 1993; Miller et al., 1991, 1993; Starkstein et al.,
was ascribed (Schneider, 1927; Lowenberg, 1935; Ferrano and 1994; Stevens et al., 1998) and more detailed consensus diag-
Jervis, 1936; Neumann, 1949). Despite these early studies, by nostic criteria have been produced (Neary et al., 1998) (Box
the second half of the twentieth century clinical reports of 52.1). Moreover, in recognition of the need to draw the atten-
focal cerebral atrophy had dramatically diminished, reflecting tion of non-specialists such as general practitioners to the
the prevailing wisdom of dementia as a generalized and undif- existence of FTD, guidelines have been produced to aid its
ferentiated impairment of mental function. identification (McKhann et al., 2001).
668 Frontotemporal dementia

Box 52.1 Clinical diagnostic features of FTD Box 52.2 Demographic features in FTD

I Core diagnostic features • Usual onset 45–65 years

• Insidious onset and gradual progression • Earliest recorded onset 21 years
• Early decline in social interpersonal conduct • Equal sex incidence
• Early impairment in regulation of personal conduct • Mean illness duration 8 years, range 2–20 years
• Early emotional blunting • Family history in up to 50%
• Early loss of insight • No known geographical or environmental influences
II Supportive diagnostic features
A. Behavioural disorder in a first-degree relative is identified in about half of patients
• Decline in personal hygiene and grooming indicating a higher familial incidence than in Alzheimer’s
• Mental rigidity and inflexibility disease. The pattern of inheritance in some families with FTD
• Distractibility and impersistence clearly indicates the action of an autosomal dominant gene,
• Hyperorality and dietary changes whereas in other familial cases the mode of inheritance is less
• Perseverative and stereotyped behaviour clearly defined. No environmental determinants have been
• Utilization behaviour identified. Patients come from all social classes and a wide
range of occupational backgrounds and from different parts
B. Speech and language
of the world. It has been estimated by some that FTD accounts
• Altered speech output
for approximately a quarter of cases of early-onset degenera-
– Aspontaneity and economy of speech
tive dementia (Brun, 1987; Neary et al., 1988), although other
– Press of speech
studies (Ratnavalli et al., 2002) suggest the proportion may
• Stereotypy of speech
be even higher. The estimated prevalence in the Netherlands
• Echolalia
has been reported to be 3.6 per 100 000 (Rosso et al., 2003) at
– Perseveration
age 50–59, increasing to 9.4 per 100 000 at age 60–69 and
– Mutism
reducing to 3.8 per 100 000 at 70–79 years. A higher preva-
C. Physical signs lence of 15 per 100 000 aged 45–64 years has been reported in
the Cambridge area of the United Kingdom (Ratnavalli et al.,
• Primitive reflexes
2002). Differences in prevalence estimates may in part reflect
• Incontinence
natural geographical variation arising from the cluster effects
• Akinesia, rigidity and tremor
that are common in highly familial disorders.
• Low and labile blood pressure

D. Investigations
• Neuropsychology: significant impairment on frontal lobe
tests in the absence of severe amnesia, aphasia or
perceptuospatial disorder
• Electroencephalography: normal on conventional EEG 52.3.1 Personal and social
despite clinically evident dementia
• Brain imaging (structural and/or functional): The overriding presenting feature is of breakdown in the
predominant frontal and/or anterior temporal patient’s personal and interpersonal conduct. Patients neglect
abnormality personal responsibilities, leading to mismanagement of domes-
Adapted from Neary et al. (frontotemporal lobar degeneration. A consen- tic and financial affairs and impaired occupational perform-
sus on clinical diagnostic criteria. Neurology [1998] 51: 1546–1554) ance. Medical referral may occur following demotion or
dismissal from work. Patients show a decline in their man-
ners, social graces and decorum. Some patients are purpose-
lessly overactive and may show frank social disinhibition,
52.2 DEMOGRAPHIC FEATURES talking to strangers, or laughing or singing inappropriately.
They may make social faux-pas or breaches of etiquette, such
Onset of symptoms is most commonly in the middle years of as drinking from the wine bottle in a restaurant. They may
life (Box 52.2). However, there is a wide range. FTD can occur pace restlessly and wander. Other patients are apathetic and
both in the elderly and in youth, the youngest recorded onset avolitional. In all cases there is a notable lack of insight into
being 21 years (Lowenberg et al., 1939; Snowden et al., 2004). the mental changes.
There is an equal incidence for men and women. The length Consistent with their general lack of concern patients may
of illness is variable. Very short duration is typically associ- neglect personal hygiene and need to be encouraged, if not
ated with the additional presence of motor neurone disease forced, to wash and change their clothes. Patients cease to show
(MND) (see Section 52.9, p. 674). A family history of dementia interest in their personal appearance. The tendency to put on
Behaviour and affect 669

the same clothes each day is one sign of patients’ increasing anecdote or repertoire, repeated verbatim on each occasion.
inflexibility. Patients may adopt a fixed daily routine. They may They may repeatedly sing the same ditty, dance the same
be intransigent, having difficulty seeing another’s point of view. steps, produce the same puns, or clap a favoured rhythm.
Behavioural disinhibition is commonly associated with Hygiene and dress and toileting may themselves be the
overt distractibility and lack of attention to tasks. Both disin- source of stereotyped behaviours: the patient may carry out a
hibited and apathetic patients may show economy of effort set sequence of activities at precisely the same time each day.
and lack of persistence, so often abandon tasks unfinished. Occasionally patients adopt superstitious rituals such as not
walking on the gaps between paving stones. Although many
repetitive behaviours have a compulsive quality, they are not
52.3.2 Eating and oral behaviours associated with the feelings of anxiety and relief from anxiety
that are characteristic of obsessional–compulsive disorder.
Changes in eating and drinking patterns are common, and However, if rituals are interrupted or prevented by others,
may be an early symptom. Patients often become gluttonous, then irritability or aggression may be provoked.
eating indiscriminately, cramming food and stealing food One striking form of repetitive behaviour, present in a
from the plates of others. Relatives may have to ration food to minority of patients, is that of forced-utilization. Objects
prevent obesity. Patients often develop a preference for sweet that are within the patient’s reach elicit the motor actions
foods, which they may seek out and hoard. Excessive and appropriate to those objects, even though the action may be
indiscriminate eating may be superseded later in the disease contextually inappropriate: an empty cup elicits a drinking
by selective food fads, usually involving the favoured sweet action; a comb results in the patient combing his or her hair.
foods. Hyperorality (Kluver–Bucy syndrome), involving the If the object remains in view the action may be repeated over
mouthing of inedible objects, is observed in some patients, and over again.
although typically only in the late stages of disease. In some
patients excessive eating or drinking appears attributable to
gluttony, whereas in others it appears to be part of more gen- 52.3.5 Affect
eral stimulus-boundedness and environmental dependency.
Repetitive eating and drinking may constitute one aspect of The onset of FTD is insidious and may sometimes be her-
utilization phenomena (Lhermitte, 1983), the tendency to alded by affective changes that include depression, anxiety
use objects within reach, regardless of contextual inappropri- and excessive sentimentality, as well as hypochondriasis and
ateness (e.g. continued drinking from an empty cup; putting somatic preoccupation (Lund and Manchester groups, 1994).
on another person’s glasses on top of one’s own). In some cases discrete episodes of mood disturbance, which
can be treated effectively, may occur several months or even
52.3.3 Sleeping and sexual behaviour years before the emergence of gross behavioural change.
Commonly, however, subtle mood disturbances are the pre-
Increased somnolence may occur, particularly in apathetic cursor to the major alterations in personality and social con-
patients. Altered sexual behaviour is common. Usually this duct and profound blunting of affect that characterize the
constitutes a loss of libido, particularly in apathetic, inert disease.
patients. Less commonly patients show some sexual disinhi- A salient feature of FTD is emotional unconcern. Affect is
bition, making inappropriate sexual advances. This may rea- typically bland, shallow and indifferent. Patients show no
sonably be construed as secondary to the patients’ behavioural frustration or distress at their own altered social and occupa-
disinhibition and lack of awareness of social mores. A smaller tional circumstances. They demonstrate a lack of feelings of
minority of patients do, however, exhibit a preoccupation with empathy, sympathy or compassion towards others and are
sex. Such patients may make increased sexual demands on their described as selfish and self-centred. Indeed, relatives may be
partner or acquire an interest in mild sexual perversions. alerted to the fact that something is wrong by the patient’s
lack of demonstration of grief on the death of a close relative
or callous response to a tragic incident. Patients no longer
52.3.4 Repetitive behaviours, compulsions exhibit social emotions of shame or embarrassment, and
and rituals may show a lack of personal modesty. Disinhibited patients
may display a fatuous jocularity.
Repetitive, stereotyped behaviours are common in FTD. Loss of appropriate emotional responses may include a
They take different forms. They may comprise simple motor failure to respond to painful stimuli. Patients may respond
mannerisms, such as hand rubbing, foot tapping or grunting. with indifference to scalds and burns. However, sometimes
Conversely they may constitute complex behavioural rou- the converse is seen: patients respond in an exaggerated, melo-
tines. Patients may clock-watch, carrying out a particular dramatic way to neutral tactile stimuli, such as light touch.
activity at precisely the same time each day. They may pace Paradoxically the two may co-occur in the same patient. The
and wander a fixed route. They may produce verbal stereo- patient tolerates the pain of a needle without comment, yet
typies, comprising a favoured word or phrase or a complete withdraws in apparent agony as a person brushes past.
670 Frontotemporal dementia

52.4 PHYSICAL FINDINGS frontal atrophy (unilateral or bilateral) and/or asymmetrical

atrophy on MRI is highly characteristic of FTD. By contrast
milder or severe reductions in regional cerebral blood flow
52.4.1 General physical examination on SPET in the parietal lobes exclude FTD and is highly sug-
gestive of Alzheimer’s disease (Varma et al., 2002; Varrone
Patients typically are physically well. However, low and labile et al., 2002).
blood pressure may be noted. Incontinence is often an early

52.4.2 Neurological signs

Typical patients remain remarkably free from neurological 52.6.1 Historical reports
signs, even in the presence of gross behavioural and cognitive
change. Signs generally are limited to the emergence of primi- Features of personality and behavioural change are prominent,
tive reflexes, such as grasping, pouting, sucking and extensor and outweigh specific cognitive symptoms. Nevertheless, some
plantar responses. Clinical signs of striatal disorder only cognitive change may be reported. Relatives may comment
become evident, in some cases, after many years, when akinesia, on alterations in the patient’s language, which may include a
rigidity and tremor appear. The extrapyramidal signs reflect reduction in speech output, stereotyped usage of words or
breakdowns in nigrostriatal dopaminergic function (Rinne phrases, or preoccupation with certain themes. They may
et al., 2002). Myoclonus is not seen. Corticospinal weakness note a tendency to echo the speech of others. They may
is not evident. Muscular wasting only occurs in a subgroup of describe memory disturbances, although often feel that this is
patients who develop motor neurone disease. Ataxia does not variable in the patient’s favour (the patient remembers what
occur. they want to remember), suggesting absent-mindedness and
faulty attention rather than a primary amnesia. Symptoms of
visuospatial disorientation are, however, notably absent. Rela-
52.5 INVESTIGATIONS tives may remark with surprise that the patient wanders
several miles from the home, yet find their way back.
52.5.1 Electroencephalography (EEG)
52.6.2 Quality of neuropsychological
Routine EEG typically remains normal even in the context of
test performance
severe dementia, a feature that helps to distinguish FTD from
Alzheimer’s disease, in which there is slowing of wave forms.
Some patients are markedly distractible and restless and a
minority may wander and attempt to leave the room during
52.5.2 Structural and functional brain a testing session, and compliance may be lost. Economy of
imaging mental effort and cursory, superficial responses characterize
test performance in apathetic, inert patients. The lack of con-
Computed tomography (CT) reveals non-specific cerebral certed application to tasks is an important feature, because it
atrophy in the majority. Sometimes, however, pronounced effectively impairs performance across a wide range of tests
widening of the interhemispheric and sylvian fissures sug- that are purportedly designed to evaluate a spectrum of psy-
gests a frontotemporal distribution of atrophy. Emphasis of chological functions. Test scores taken at face value could
pathology in the frontal lobes is more reliably demonstrated lead to spurious interpretations of the nature of the patient’s
on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). psychological deficit.
Single photon emission tomography (SPET) reveals reduced Other ‘frontal’ features that compromise test performance
tracer activity in the frontal and temporal lobes (Plate 22). include perseveration and concreteness of thought. Response
Abnormalities are typically bilateral, but may be symmetrical perseverations may occur on both verbal and motor tasks.
or asymmetrical. Positron emission tomography (PET) studies They are a dominant characteristic of performance on trad-
indicate ventromedial frontal cortex as the critical affected itional ‘frontal-lobe’ tests. However, they also may represent a
area (Salmon et al., 2003). The pattern of anterior hemi- major source of errors in naming tests, writing and drawing.
sphere dysfunction contrasts with the prototypical pattern of In motor tasks, perseverations may occur at both an elemen-
posterior hemisphere dysfunction seen in Alzheimer’s dis- tary (repetition of a single movement) and higher-order
ease (Talbot et al., 1998). Functional MRI has shown loss of (repetition of a complete programme of actions) level.
frontal activation even in early FTD cases in whom structural Concreteness of thought can compromise interpretation of
MRI imaging is normal (Rombouts et al., 2003). verbal instructions, pictures and stories. Patients may fail to
In comparing the patterns of regional cerebral atrophy in abstract an underlying narrative or draw inferences that go
FTD, Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia, severe beyond the elements physically present.
Neuropsychology 671

52.6.3 Language and in late stage disease it may be impossible to elicit any ges-
tures, either to command or by demonstration. Buccofacial
Speech output characteristically is reduced. Patients do not movements typically fail to convey a range of facial expres-
initiate conversation, and responses to questions are brief sion: an inane or fatuous expression predominates.
and unelaborated, with minimal application of mental effort.
As noted above concreteness of thought is common, and is 52.6.4 Visual perception and spatial skills
elicited most readily by the use of metaphors and proverbs.
There may be increased reliance on irrelevant, stereotyped Patients typically have no difficulty in the perceptual recog-
remarks, which contrast with the prevailing taciturnity. These nition of objects, do not make perceptual errors on naming
may constitute favoured words or phrases, or sometimes an tests involving pictorial material, and for the most part use
entire well rehearsed repertoire. Echolalia and verbal perse- objects appropriately. Moreover there is no convincing evi-
verations are common. Despite the economy of speech, dence of ‘parietal’-type deficits, even with advanced disease.
utterances are fluent and effortless, without pronunciation Clinical observation suggests that patients have no difficulty
difficulties. However, hypophonia and loss of prosody may localizing objects, can manipulate and orientate clothing
become evident. Mutism invariably ensues in the final stages correctly, and negotiate their environment, without becom-
of the disease. The apparent lack of generative language or ing lost. Even when patients become formally untestable and
‘adynamia’, which dominates the clinical picture, bears are mute, they may fixate and reach for objects without diffi-
resemblance to the ‘dynamic aphasia’ described by Luria and culty, and may show behaviours as part of a stereotypic
Tsvetkova (1968). repertoire, which demonstrate preserved spatial localization
The profound attenuation of conversational discourse skills, such as repeated folding of a handkerchief or aligning
stands in contrast to the relative preservation of overlearnt, of papers. It is noteworthy, however, that impairment often
‘automatic’ aspects of language. Patients may repeat phrases, may be elicited on formal neuropsychological tests of percep-
recite series such as the months of the year, complete nursery tuospatial function as a secondary consequence of patients’
rhymes and join in songs at a time when spontaneous utter- poor mental application, failure to check responses, lack of
ances are virtually absent. concern for accuracy as well as their poor organizational and
There is typically little evidence of comprehension failure strategic skills. The notable preservation of spatial function
at a single word level. However, patients may have difficulty in FTD patients contrasts with the severe impairment of
grasping complex syntax or following sequential commands. spatial skills common in Alzheimer’s disease.
Performance on tests of comprehension is typically governed
by the mental demands of the task.
Naming to confrontation is relatively well preserved, 52.6.5 Memory
although may be compromised by response perseverations.
Open-ended verbal fluency tasks, involving generation of Patients typically perform poorly on formal tests of memory,
words from a semantic category or beginning with a specified both recall and recognition. However, patients are not evi-
letter are usually disproportionately impaired compared with dently clinically amnesic: they are typically orientated for
object naming. time and place and can provide accurate information about
Reading aloud is relatively preserved and free from lin- current autobiographical events. Moreover, test performance
guistic errors. Indeed, patients may develop a habit of reading can be improved under certain conditions. First, recall per-
aloud road signs and advertising hoardings, even when their formance is enhanced by the use of specific, directed questions
spontaneous conversation is minimal. In a test setting, virtu- rather than broad open-ended questions. Second, memory
ally mute patients may read aloud test material accurately, performance benefits from cues and from the provision of
much to the surprise of their relatives. Errors in reading typ- multiple-choice alternative responses. These features suggest
ically arise secondary to patients’ poor attention rather than that patients have available to them information that they do
to primary linguistic deficits. Reading for comprehension char- not or are unable to generate spontaneously, and reinforce
acteristically mirrors comprehension of spoken language. In the notion that the patient’s inefficient memorizing is not
reading a complete narrative, such as a fable-like short story, attributable to a primary failure of retention. This ‘frontal’
patients typically show poor abstractive and synthetic powers. type of memory impairment contrasts with the classical
Written output usually is reduced and patients tend to write amnesia typical of Alzheimer’s disease. Memory performance
single words or brief phrases, rather than complete sentences. in FTD patients may be compromised by failures of
Spelling may be surprisingly accurate, although is sometimes sustained and selective attention.
erratic, reflecting lack of checking. Markedly perseverative
responses characterize the writing of a proportion of patients.
The ability to communicate non-verbally by symbolic ges- 52.6.6 Motor skills
ture, conveying actions such as waving, saluting or beckoning,
may be preserved, at least initially. However, just as speech Patients have normal manual dexterity, and can manipulate
output decreases so too do the patient’s body movements, objects, use feeding implements and carry out complex actions
672 Frontotemporal dementia

such as lighting a cigarette until relatively late in the disease.

Box 52.3 Cognitive characteristics of FTD
Some patients exhibit ‘utilization behaviour’, in which objects
placed within reach of the patient elicits the motor actions Language
appropriate to those objects even though those behaviours are • Economy of mental effort and output
contextually inappropriate. Despite the general preservation • Perseveration, echolalia, stereotypy
of motor skills, some abnormalities do occur on motor tasks, • Concreteness
performance being compromised particularly by persever- • Late mutism
ation and motor impersistence.
With progression of disease it may become increasingly Perceptuospatial function
difficult to elicit motor responses in inert, apathetic patients. • Preserved; errors on constructional tasks arise secondary
However, actions may be more easily evoked by imitation to organizational deficits
than through verbal command, and a minority of patients
exhibit frank echopraxia, copying actions of the examiner Memory
without being requested to do so. •Variable, idiosyncratic day to day memory
•Preserved orientation in time and place

52.6.7 Frontal executive functions

•Poor information retrieval
•Recall enhanced by cues and directed probes

Patients show impairments in a range of executive skills, Motor skills

including abstraction, planning, organizational and strategic
functioning, sustained, selective and switching of attention.
•Poor temporal sequencing

‘Frontal lobe’ tests that are sensitive to such changes include


the Wisconsin card sorting test, Weigls test, Stroop test, Trail Abstraction and planning
Making test, verbal fluency, design fluency, Haylings and
Brixton test and the Test of Everyday Attention. Details of test
• Concrete responses

administration can be found in Lezak (2002).

• Poor set shifting
• Organizational and sequencing failure
• Perseveration
52.6.8 Social cognition
of deficits emerging across tasks. This profile, which appears
There is accumulating evidence that FTD patients have
to arise as a consequence of patients’ lack of effortful applica-
impaired ability to infer the mental states of others, a cap-
tion to tasks and cursory mode of responding, may mislead-
acity that has come to be known as ‘theory of mind’ (Lough
ingly give rise to the interpretation of a ‘generalized’ dementia.
et al., 2001; Gregory et al., 2002; Snowden et al., 2003). These
social inferential skills may be impaired even in patients who
The principal cognitive characteristics are summarized in
perform relatively well on standard executive tasks (Lough
Box 52.3.
et al., 2001), a factor likely to contribute to patients’ severe
breakdown in social, interpersonal conduct.


52.6.9 Performance on standard tests of
FTD patients are not entirely homogeneous. All share the
Some patients who present with disinhibition and overactiv- major features of gross change in personality and social con-
ity may initially perform normally on standard test batteries, duct and exhibit a picture suggestive of ‘frontal lobe’ disorder
such as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, highlighting a on neuropsychological testing; the behavioural disorder out-
dissociation between the profound alteration in personality weighs both primary cognitive and physical deficits. Never-
and behaviour and breakdown in social competence, and rela- theless, the precise characteristics of the disorder are not
tive preservation of cognitive skills. Often, however, perform- uniform. Three broad prototypical behavioural patterns have
ance is impaired, and becomes so in all individuals with been identified (Box 52.4).
progression of disease. A pattern of test scores may be evident,
which points to a predominant frontal lobe dysfunction: dis-
proportionate impairment for the Comprehension, Similarities 52.7.1 Disinhibited type
and Picture Arrangement subtests. A verbal performance dis-
crepancy, occurring in a minority of patients, will tend to Some patients present with features reminiscent of hypo-
favour performance items. However, commonly, perform- mania. They are overactive, restless, inattentive and distractible,
ance is impoverished across all subtests, with no clear pattern rushing unproductively from one activity to another, with
Frontotemporal dementia and motor neurone disease 673

adhere to a rigid routine and become agitated if their daily

Box 52.4 Clinical sub-types of FTD
schedule is altered. They adopt personal rituals, which have a
Disinhibited compulsive quality, although lack the accompanying feelings
• Restless, overactive, disinhibited of anxiety and release from anxiety characteristic of obses-
• Fatuous, jocular, unconcerned sive–compulsive states. Such patients exhibit extrapyramidal
• Profound social breakdown signs at a relatively early stage of the illness. In patients with
• Behavioural disorder more prominent than cognitive marked stereotypic behaviour, SPET imaging typically
disorder reveals the frontal and temporal lobes to be functionally
disordered in a widespread fashion.
Apathetic Behavioural differences reflect differences in distribution
• Inert, aspontaneous, avolitional of pathology within frontotemporal structures. The apathetic
• Bland, apathetic, unconcerned type reflects the presence of dorsolateral-frontal atrophy,
• Mentally rigid and perseverative whereas the disinhibited type corresponds to orbitobasal
• Severely impaired on frontal-lobe cognitive tests frontal degeneration. The stereotypic type is strongly related
to severe striatal disease with lesser involvement of frontal or
Stereotypic temporal neocortex. In all subtypes the temporal poles are
• Stereotypic, ritualistic, compulsive affected. To some extent behavioural differences reflect stage
• Bland, unconcerned of disease: patients who are initially disinhibited and have
• Mentally rigid relatively circumscribed atrophy of the orbital frontal lobes
• Behavioural disorder salient feature and temporal poles may become increasingly apathetic with
disease progression and pathological spread into dorsal frontal
regions. However, there are also significant clinical differ-
marked lack of application and persistence. Their demeanour ences in the earliest stages of disease: some patients present
is fatuous, inappropriately jocular, disinhibited and socially initially with disinhibition and others with apathy, indicating
inappropriate. Patients may perform surprisingly well on cog- that phenotypic differences exist that are not mere artefacts
nitive tasks at least in the early stages of disease. In such patients of disease severity.
functional imaging with SPET typically reveals relatively
circumscribed tracer deficits involving the orbitofrontal
and anterior temporal lobes. 52.8 FRONTOTEMPORAL DEMENTIA AND
52.7.2 Apathetic type
An association between dementia and motor neurone disease
Some patients exhibit a pattern of behaviour that is at oppos-
(MND) (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is well known and the
ite poles to that described above. They present with an apa-
pathology has been extensively described, especially in Japan
thetic, amotivational, pseudodepressed state. Their behaviour
(Mitsuyama and Takamiya, 1979; Morita et al., 1987). The form
is characterized by loss of volition and inertia, so that, if left
of dementia is identical to that of FTD (Neary et al., 1990).
to their own devices, they would spend their day in bed or sit-
Patients present with a rapidly progressive dementia of the
ting unoccupied. All behaviours are economical, with minimal
frontal lobe type and subsequently develop motor neurone
expenditure of mental effort. Response latencies to questions
disease of the amyotrophic type. Personality change with dis-
are often excessively prolonged, although once initiated, rate
ordered personal and social conduct and stereotyped behav-
of execution of verbal or motor responses is unremarkable.
iours are prominent. Reduced verbal output in superseded
With disease progression the patient becomes increasingly
rapidly by mutism. Profound abnormalities are evident on
unresponsive, so that virtually no verbal or motor behaviour
tests of frontal lobe function. Visuospatial abilities are notably
can be elicited. It is in these patients that perseverative behav-
iour, both verbal and motor, is the most pronounced, and
Neurological examination reveals widespread muscular
that marked loss of speech prosody is liable to occur. These
fasciculations in the tongue, limbs and trunk in addition to
patients are particularly impaired on formal tests of execu-
the finding of primitive reflexes and hyperreflexia. With dis-
tive function. In these patients there is typically widespread
ease progression muscular wasting increases and bulbar palsy
anterior hemisphere abnormalities on SPET, with involve-
emerges, with dysarthria and ineffective coughing. Patients
ment of dorsolateral convexity regions.
do not develop a spastic increase in tone of the limbs. Death
due to bulbar palsy occurs within 3 years.
52.7.3 Stereotypic type The EEG is normal and remains so on serial investigation.
Electrophysiological studies of neuromuscular function reveal
In some patients the dominant presenting characteristic is of normal nerve conduction studies, multifocal muscular fasci-
repetitive, ritualistic and idiosyncratic behaviours. Patients culations, reduced muscular firing rates and giant motor units,
674 Frontotemporal dementia

compatible with widespread muscular denervation due to chromosome 3 has been reported in an extended Danish
anterior horn cell death. family (Brown et al., 1995; Gydesen et al., 2002) and to chromo-
some 9 in patients with FTD/MND (Hosler et al., 2000). See
Chapter 54 for a detailed description of the genetics and
52.9 NEUROPATHOLOGY molecular pathology of FTD.

The principal atrophy in FTD involves the frontal and anter-

ior temporal neocortices, the amygdala and basal ganglia
(Brun, 1987,1993; Mann and South, 1993; Mann et al., 1993).
Within the neocortex the histological changes principally The severe behavioural disorder of FTD places great a bur-
involve layers II and III, the origin of corticocortical associ- den on carers. The early onset of the disorder entails break-
ational neurones, sparing layer V, the major source of cortico- down in families where children may still be relatively young.
subcortical neurones. Three distinct histological changes are The altered personality leads the patient to be regarded as a
associated with the cortical atrophy (Lund and Manchester stranger and alien within the home and therefore social and
groups, 1994): psychiatric intervention with daycare provision and facilities
for respite and relatively early potential hospitalization are
• microvacuolation or spongiosus (FLD-type);
even more desirable than in Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately
• gliosis with or without swollen neurones and inclusion
the youth and overactivity of many patients makes their
bodies (Pick-type);
placement in homes and hospitals largely dedicated to the
• degeneration of bulbar cranial nerve nuclei and anterior
elderly both inappropriate and distressing to carers. Facilities
horn cells (MND-type).
for the care of patients with presenile dementia are urgently
The distribution of the first two histologies are identical required.
and either may underlie the clinical syndrome of FTD in Tranquilizers may be effective in reducing overactive dis-
both familial and non-familial cases. In FTD and MND the inhibited behaviour and serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Swartz
cerebral histology is usually of the first type (microvacuola- et al., 1997; Moretti et al., 2003) can sometimes diminish the
tion), and the degree of cerebral atrophy is milder, presum- repetitive behaviours that can dominate the patient’s activi-
ably due to the short duration of illness associated with death ties and place severe stress on carers.
from MND. Within the setting of a hospital environment the repetitive
A more detailed description of the neuropathological behaviours can sometimes be turned to the advantage of
changes seen in FTD is given in Chapter 54. the group by harnessing the stereotypic activity to socially
useful ends.

The neurochemical changes in autopsied cases of FTD have
been compared with those of Alzheimer’s disease (Procter Features that distinguish FTD from Alzheimer’s disease are
et al., 1999). In FTD there is no cholinergic deficit. Serotonin summarized in Table 52.1. However, in the very early stages
receptors are lost from frontal and temporal cortex in FTD patients with both FTD and Alzheimer’s disease may show
whereas they are lost from temporal and parietal cortex in few neurological symptoms or signs. Moreover, disinhibited
Alzheimer’s disease. In FTD there is no loss of kainate recep- FTD patients may perform relatively well on standard neuro-
tors but loss of AMPA receptors from both temporal and psychological tests, including ‘frontal lobe’ tests (Gregory
frontal lobes. Loss of AMPA receptors differentiated FTD et al., 1999), so that neuropsychological assessment is not
with Pick-type histology from FTD with FLD-type histology, invariably informative. Neuroimaging techniques are not
suggesting selective loss of subpopulations of cortical pyramidal available in all centres. Differential diagnosis is therefore cru-
neurones. cially dependent on the evaluation of the patient’s behaviour
and affect, hence the emphasis on behavioural features in
current diagnostic criteria. Informant-based behavioural inter-
views can elicit information that is highly discriminating
52.11 MOLECULAR GENETICS (Bozeat et al., 2000; Bathgate et al., 2001; Ikeda et al., 2002).
In a comparative study of FTD and Alzheimer’s disease (Bozeat
In familial forms of FTD the mode of inheritance is autoso- et al., 2000) behavioural stereotypies, altered eating habits
mal dominant and in some families missense and splice-site and loss of social awareness best discriminated the two groups.
mutations have been identified in the tau sequencing gene on Similarly, in a comparative study of FTD, Alzheimer’s disease
chromosome 17 (Hutton et al., 1998; Poorkaj et al., 1998; and vascular dementia (Bathgate et al., 2001), the best dis-
Janssen et al., 2002; Pickering-Brown et al., 2002). Linkage to criminators included changes in eating habits, especially
References 675

Table 52.1 Comparison of clinical features in FTD and AD some familial cases and are likely in the future to clarify
nosological issues relating the status of the different histolo-
Clinical features FTD AD
gies underlying FTD and its relationship to other clinical
Demographics Typically early onset Typically late onset syndromes that share those same histopathologies. Genetic
History Early personality Memory loss advancement also holds the prospect of future treatment for
change this devastating form of dementia.
Social breakdown Spatial disorientation
Altered eating habits Aphasia
Affect Blunted, fatuous Concerned, anxious
Neurology Early primitive reflexes Akinesia and rigidity, REFERENCES
Language Adynamic speech, Aphasia
mutism Barber RA, Snowden JS, Craufurd D. (1995) Retrospective differentiation
Visuospatial skills Preserved Impaired of frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer’s disease using
Memory ‘Frontal-type’ amnesia ‘Limbic-type’ amnesia information from informants. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery,
EEG Normal Abnormal, slow and Psychiatry 59: 61–70
SPECT Anterior cerebral Posterior cerebral Bathgate D, Snowden JS, Varma A, Blackshaw A, Neary D. (2001)
abnormality abnormality Behaviour in frontotemporal dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and
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interviews have been found to have discriminatory value Neuropathology. Archives of Gerontolology and Geriatrics 6:
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frontotemporal degenerative dementia. A neurobehavioural and
Frontotemporal dementia, arising from progressive degener- pathologic study. Clinical Neuropathology 13: 109–116
ation of the frontal and temporal lobes, is a relatively com- Frisoni GB, Pizzolato G, Geroldi C, Rossato A, Bianchetti A, Trabucchi M.
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cognitive defects in attention, abstraction planning, judge- Neurology 8: 42–48
ment, organization and strategic functioning. In contrast, Gregory CA, Serra-Mestres J, Hodges JR. (1999) Early diagnosis of the
frontal variant of frontotemporal dementia how sensitive are
instrumental tools of cognition, particularly spatial naviga-
standard neuroimaging and neuropsychologic tests? Neuropsychiatry
tional skills, are relatively preserved. The neuropsychological Neuropsychology and Behavioural Neurology 12: 128–135
disorder, indicative of anterior hemisphere dysfunction, is Gregory C, Lough S, Stone V et al. (2002) Theory of mind in patients with
the converse of that seen in Alzheimer’s disease, in which frontal variant frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer’s disease:
profound breakdown in the tools of cognition: memory, lan- theoretical and practical implications. Brain 125: 752–764
guage and perceptuospatial abilities, occur in the context of Gustafson L. (1987) Frontal lobe degeneration of non-Alzheimer type. II.
remarkably well preserved social skills. The paucity of neuro- Clinical picture and differential diagnosis. Archives of Gerontology
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the normal EEG and the selective anterior hemisphere abnor- Gustafson L. (1993) Clinical picture of frontal lobe degeneration of non-
malities seen on functional brain imaging also help to sepa- Alzheimer type. Dementia 4: 143–148
rate FTD from the relatively more common dementia of Gustafson L and Risberg J. (1974) Regional cerebral blood flow related
to psychiatric symptoms in dementia with onset in the presenile
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Pick’s disease: its relationship to progressive aphasia,
semantic dementia and frontotemporal dementia


53.1 What did Pick actually describe? 678 53.5 Frontotemporal dementia with motor neurone disease 683
53.2 Rediscovering Pick’s disease: from dementia of the 53.6 Correlation between clinical syndromes and
frontal type and progressive aphasia to neuropathology 684
frontotemporal dementia 679 53.7 How common is frontotemporal dementia? 684
53.3 Familial chromosome 17-linked frontotemporal 53.8 Conclusions 685
dementia and the discovery of unique tau References 685
pathology 682
53.4 Corticobasal degeneration, progressive supranuclear
palsy and frontotemporal dementia 683

Considerable advances continue to be made in our under- achieve clinicopathological and nosological consensus have
standing of the group of neurodegenerative diseases that pre- been made (Brun et al., 1994; Neary et al., 1998; McKhann
sent with focal cognitive deficits arising from circumscribed et al., 2001). Even at a recent meeting of experts, agreement
pathology of the frontal and/or temporal lobes, most com- over terms was far from universal (Kertesz et al., 2003b).
monly referred to collectively as Pick’s disease (PiD) or fronto- The aims of this chapter are to review the evolution of the
temporal dementia (FTD) However, the literature on these terms used to describe this spectrum of disorders; to high-
conditions is filled with a confusing plethora of terms, which light recent advances; and examine areas of continuing con-
can make these developments difficult to follow for the non- troversy. Whilst our own bias within the Cambridge group is
expert in the field. Central to the problem is a lack of clarity as to prefer the term Pick’s disease for this group of disorders –
to the intended level of description (clinical syndrome versus which is more readily understood by carers and parallels our
clinicopathological entity versus specific histological diagnosis) use of the label Alzheimer’s disease (AD) – the current tide of
and a lack of concordance between these levels. For example, opinion is to use frontotemporal dementia as an umbrella
while some labels denote a clinical syndrome without specific term for the overall clinical syndrome.
histological implications (e.g. progressive aphasia, semantic
dementia, or dementia of frontal type), others denote specific
neuropathological entities (e.g. PiD, or familial tauopathy),
hybrid clinicopathological entities (e.g. FTD), or even spe-
cific genetic disorders (e.g. FTD with parkinsonism linked to
chromosome 17). Recent differences in opinion over termi- In 1892, Arnold Pick, working in Prague, reported a
nology are well illustrated by the titles of the following books, 71-year-old man with progressive mental deterioration and
all published in the last decade: Pick’s Disease and Pick unusually severe aphasia who at post mortem had marked
Complex (Kertesz and Munoz, 1998), Frontotemporal atrophy of the cortical gyri of the left temporal lobe (Pick, 1892;
Dementia (Pasquier et al., 1996) and Fronto-Temporal Lobar Girling and Berrios, 1994). Pick wanted to draw attention to
Degeneration: Fronto-Temporal Dementia, Progressive Aphasia, the fact that local accentuation of progressive brain atrophy
Semantic Dementia (Snowden et al., 1996). This lack of clarity may lead to symptoms of local disturbance (in this instance
is acknowledged, and efforts to rationalize terminology and aphasia). He also made specific and, as we will see below, highly
Rediscovering Pick’s disease: from dementia of the frontal type and progressive aphasia to frontotemporal dementia 679

perceptive predictions regarding the role of the mid-temporal change in the criteria for PiD, which evolved to include the
region of the left hemisphere in the representation of word necessity for specific pathological changes (i.e. focal atrophy
meaning. In subsequent papers, he described four further with Pick cells and or Pick bodies). Indeed, many authors went
patients with left temporal atrophy (Pick, 1904; Girling and as far as to claim that AD and PiD were clinically indistin-
Berrios, 1997) or frontotemporal atrophy (Pick, 1901; Girling guishable in life (Katzman, 1986; Kamo et al., 1987). In con-
and Markova, 1995), again stressing their progressive language tinental Europe, however, there remained a strong interest in
disturbance. It was only in his 1906 publication that Pick the clinical phenomena of the dementias; PiD remained an
turned his attention to bilateral frontal atrophy with result- in vivo diagnosis based on a combination of clinical features
ant behavioural disturbance. Spatt (2003) has reviewed Pick’s suggestive of frontal and/or temporal lobe dysfunction and
approach to cognitive disorders and his concept of dementia. focal lobar atrophy (Mansvelt, 1954; Tissot et al., 1975). This
Several points should be emphasized: controversy continues and has contributed to the adoption
of the many labels to describe patients with the clinical syn-
• Pick’s primary interest in these patients was their
drome of progressive frontal or temporal lobe degeneration
language disorder, particularly the clinicoanatomical
(Baldwin and Förstl, 1993).
correlates of aphasia.
• He did not claim to have discovered a new disease,
merely novel phenomena arising from asymmetric
• He did not describe distinct neuropathological changes DEMENTIA OF THE FRONTAL TYPE AND
in his patients with focal atrophy. PROGRESSIVE APHASIA TO
• Both the major syndromes now included under the FRONTOTEMPORAL DEMENTIA
rubric of FTD (dementia of frontal type and semantic
dementia) were clearly reported by Pick. 53.2.1 Dementia of frontal type
In view of these monumental contributions, it is sad that
Pick has been relegated to a minor place in the modern A renaissance of interest in the focal dementias occurred in
terminology of FTD. the 1980s. Workers from Lund (Gustafson, 1987; Brun, 1987)
The histological abnormalities associated with PiD were, reported on a large series of patients with dementia and
in fact, described a few years later by Alzheimer (1911) who found that of 158 patients studied prospectively, who came
recognized changes distinct from those found in the form to post mortem, 26 had evidence of frontal lobe degener-
of cerebral degeneration later associated with his name. ation. Since only a small proportion had Pick cells and Pick
Alzheimer recognized both argyrophilic intracytoplasmic bodies – the remainder had very similar findings but without
inclusions (Pick bodies), and diffusely staining ballooned specific inclusions (i.e. focal lobar atrophy with severe neuronal
neurones (Pick cells) in association with focal lobar atrophy. loss and spongiosis) – the Lund group preferred to adopt the
It is interesting to note that a comprehensive review of term ‘frontal degeneration of non-Alzheimer type’. At approxi-
20 patients from the literature with aphasia owing to focal mately the same time, Neary and co-workers (1986) in
lobar atrophy written soon after Alzheimer’s description Manchester began a series of important clinicopathological
(Mingazzini, 1914) did not use the label Pick’s disease, which studies of patients with presenile dementia. They, likewise,
was introduced by Gans some 8 years later (Gans, 1922). The found a high proportion of cases with a progressive frontal lobe
term was then taken up by Onari and Spatz (1926), but Carl syndrome that had neither specific changes of AD (plaques
Schneider (1927, 1929) is probably most responsible for its and tangles) nor specific Pick pathology. They introduced
popularization. the term ‘dementia of frontal type’. Over the next few years
Unfortunately, however, Schneider concentrated on the other groups described very similar cases under the labels
frontal lobe component of the syndrome and thus began the ‘frontal lobe degeneration’ (Miller et al., 1991) and ‘dementia
neglect of the temporal lobe syndromes. He distinguished three lacking distinct histological features’ (Knopman et al., 1990).
clinical phases, the first characterized by impaired judgement Our own preferred term for this group of patients is frontal
and behaviour, the second by local symptoms, and the third variant FTD (FvFTD).
by generalized dementia. Many papers describing PiD then In the advanced stages of the disease, patients with this dis-
appeared in the 1930s and 1940s (Ferrano and Jervis, 1936; order present no diagnostic difficulty. They have the triad of:
Lowenberg and Arbor, 1936; Nichols and Weigner, 1938;
Lowenberg et al., 1939; Neumann, 1949), which again mainly
• a profound change in personality and behaviour;
focused on the frontal lobe aspects of the disorder.
• neuropsychological impairments indicative of selective
or disproportionate frontal pathology; and
After World War II, interest in PiD faded, together with a
general waning of interest in the cognitive aspects of neurol-
• appropriate changes on structural and/or functional
brain imaging.
ogy in the English-speaking world. The focus of interest in
English-language publications became the neuropathology, Diagnosing early cases is by no means as easy and one of
and latterly the genetics, of PiD. This resulted in a gradual the challenges is to develop better methods of early, accurate
680 Pick’s disease: its relationship to progressive aphasia, semantic dementia and frontotemporal dementia

detection (Gregory et al., 1999). Since patients are typically in patients with progressive aphasia is heterogeneous, there
unaware of the insidious changes noted by others, we rely upon are two identifiable and distinct aphasia syndromes: progres-
carer-based assessments. One undoubted advance in the area sive non-fluent aphasia and progressive fluent aphasia. In the
has, therefore, been the development of standardized carer latter syndrome, speech remains fluent and well articulated
interviews such as the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (Cummings but becomes progressively devoid of content words. The lan-
et al., 1994), which appears to differentiate patients with FTD guage and other non-verbal cognitive deficits observed in
and AD (Levy et al., 1996). In an attempt to develop a local these patients reflect a breakdown in semantic memory that
instrument capable of early diagnosis, we identified 15 key has led many authors to apply the label of ‘semantic dementia’
symptoms that occurred very commonly in a group of (Snowden et al., 1989; Hodges et al., 1992; Hodges et al., 1994;
12 patients with FvFTD (Gregory and Hodges, 1993, 1996). Saffran and Schwartz, 1994; Hodges and Patterson, 1996).
Kertesz and his group have developed a tool specifically aimed Although the term ‘semantic dementia’ is recent, the syn-
at frontal behaviours, the Frontal Behaviour Inventory, which drome has, as discussed above, been recognized under differ-
appears to discriminate patients with FTD from those with ent labels for many years. Pick (1892, 1904) and a number of
AD or depression (Kertesz et al., 1997, 2000, 2003a). Recent other early authors (Rosenfeld, 1909; Mingazzini, 1914; Stertz,
work has focused on specific behaviours that can discrim- 1926; Schneider, 1927) recognized that the chief clinical mani-
inate patients with FvFTD and semantic dementia from festations of temporal lobe atrophy were ‘amnesic aphasia’ or
patients with AD, such as changes in appetite, food prefer- ‘transcortical sensory aphasia’, together attributed to atrophy
ences and eating habits (Ikeda et al., 2002), or the presence of of the middle and inferior temporal gyri leaving Wernicke’s
stereotypies (Nyatsanza et al., 2003). area intact. These language impairments were typically asso-
Many patients with FvFTD present to psychiatrists and ciated with a type of dementia variously described as a reduc-
acquire a label of functional psychiatric disorder (including tion in categorical or abstract thinking, psychic blindness or
simple schizophrenia, depression and obsessive-compulsive sensory or ‘associative agnosia’ (Malamud and Boyd, 1940;
disorder) because despite gross behavioural changes other Robertson et al., 1958). These features – amnesic aphasia and
aspects of cognition are typically preserved (Ames et al., 1994; associative agnosia – can now be united by the concept of
Tonkonogy et al., 1994; Gregory and Hodges, 1996; Miller et al., ‘semantic memory loss’.
1997). This is understandable in terms of the site of pathology Warrington (1975) was the first clearly to delineate the syn-
in FvFTD, the orbital and mesial frontal lobes, which are crit- drome of semantic memory impairment in three patients.
ically involved in social judgement, motivation, risk assessment Drawing on the work of Tulving (1972, 1983), Warrington
and the pathophysiology of obsessive-compulsive behaviour recognized that the progressive anomia in her patients was
(Cummings, 1999). By contrast, dorsolateral frontal regions, not simply a linguistic deficit, but reflected a fundamental
which have been the focus of classic neuropsychological stud- loss of semantic memory (or knowledge) about the items,
ies, are spared in the early stages of the disease. The develop- which thereby affected naming, word comprehension, and
ment of quantifiable tasks sensitive to orbital and mesial object recognition. Semantic memory is the term applied to
frontal function has begun with paradigms involving prob- the component of long-term memory that contains the per-
ability and gambling (Rogers et al., 1998; Rahman et al., 1999), manent representation of our knowledge about things in the
emotion processing (Keane et al., 2002), and ‘theory of mind’ world and their interrelationship, facts and concepts as well as
(ToM) tasks (Gregory et al., 2002), but much work remains words and their meaning (Hodges et al., 1992, 1998; Garrard
to be done in this area. et al., 1997; Hodges and Patterson, 1997). Cases of semantic
dementia have also been recognized for many years in Japan
as cases of ‘gogi (word meaning) aphasia’ (Imura et al., 1971;
53.2.2 Progressive aphasia and semantic Sasanuma and Mondi, 1975; Morita et al., 1987; Tanabe,
dementia 1992; Tanabe et al., 1992).
Our original paper reported five cases with progressive loss
The other strand of the story concerns the rediscovery of the of semantic memory and focal temporal atrophy (Hodges
syndrome of progressive aphasia in association with focal left et al., 1992). All five presented with a fluent aphasia and all the
perisylvian or temporal lobe atrophy. In 1982, Mesulam characteristics of semantic memory loss: empty speech with
reported six patients with a long history of insidiously wors- word finding difficulty and occasional semantic paraphasias
ening aphasia in the absence of signs of more generalized (mother for father), a severe reduction in the generation of
cognitive failure. One of these patients underwent a brain exemplars on category fluency tests (in which subjects are
biopsy, which revealed non-specific histology without spe- asked to produce as many examples as possible from defined
cific markers of either AD or PiD. Following Mesulam’s sem- semantic categories, such as animals or musical instruments,
inal paper, approximately 100 patients with progressive within 1 minute), impaired single word comprehension on
aphasia were reported over the next 15 years (for reviews see: picture-pointing tests, a loss of fine-grained attribution
Mesulam and Weintraub, 1992; Hodges and Patterson, 1996; knowledge about a range of items with preservation of broad
Snowden et al., 1996; Garrard and Hodges, 1999). From this superordinate information on verbal and pictorial tests of
literature it is clear that, although the language impairment knowledge. By contrast, other aspects of language competency
Rediscovering Pick’s disease: from dementia of the frontal type and progressive aphasia to frontotemporal dementia 681

(phonology and syntax) were strikingly preserved. In contrast Wechsler et al., 1982; Holland et al., 1985; Poeck and Luzzatti,
to AD, the patients also had good day-to-day (episodic) mem- 1988; Graff-Radford et al., 1990; Snowden et al., 1992; Scholten
ory, although we have more recently shown that this sparing of et al., 1995; Harasty et al., 1996; Hodges et al., 1998; Schwarz
autobiographical memory applies to fairly recent memories et al., 1998). More recently, a broader spread of pathology has
only (Graham and Hodges, 1997; Hodges and Graham, 1998). been described, including FTD of the motor neurone disease
They also showed no impairment on tests of immediate (MND) type with tau-negative but ubiquitin-positive inclu-
(working) memory, visually based problem solving or visuop- sions (Rossor et al., 2000; Hodges et al., 2004). Second is the
erceptual abilities. Four of the five patients showed severe and evolution of the pattern of cognitive and behavioural changes
circumscribed temporal lobe atrophy on computed tomogra- over time: although semantic dementia patients present with
phy (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning. progressive anomia and other linguistic deficits, on follow up
Since 1992, we have studied many further such patients and the features that characterize the frontal form of FTD emerge
have confirmed the association with focal atrophy of the tem- (Hodges and Patterson, 1996; Edwards Lee et al., 1997). Indeed,
poral lobe – involving the temporal pole and inferolateral neo- sematic dementia and FvFTD may share many behavioural fea-
cortex (particularly the perirhinal cortex and fusiform gyrus), tures on presentation (Bozeat et al., 2000). Third is the fact that
with relative sparing of the hippocampal formation. In many modern neuroimaging techniques demonstrate subtle involve-
cases the atrophy is strikingly asymmetric but always involves ment of the orbitofrontal cortex in the majority of cases pre-
the left side (Hodges et al., 1998; Mummery et al., 1999; senting with prominent temporal atrophy and semantic
Garrard and Hodges, 1999; Galton et al., 2001). dementia (Mummery et al., 2000; Rosen et al., 2002a).
This lateralization raises the issue of what are the cogni- The status of patients with the non-fluent form of pro-
tive and/or behavioural signatures of isolated right temporal gressive aphasia within the spectrum of FTD is less certain.
atrophy. In 1994, we reported a patient, VH, with progressive Clinically, such cases are clearly separable from cases of
prosopagnosia followed by a specific loss of knowledge about semantic dementia. Speech is faltering and distorted with
people (Evans et al., 1995). VH was unable to identify from frequent phonological substitutions and grammatical errors.
face or name even very famous people, yet had intact general Other non-language-based aspects of cognition remain well
semantic and autobiographical memory (Kitchener and preserved, as do activities of daily living. Changes in behaviour
Hodges, 1999). In a more recent study, Thompson et al. and personality of the type that typify dementia of frontal
(2004) reported a dissociation of person-specific from gen- type, and are seen in the later stages of semantic dementia,
eral semantic knowledge in two patients with contrasting are rare, but after a number of years, global cognitive decline
patterns of temporal atrophy. Subject MA, with predomin- occurs (Green et al., 1990; Hodges and Patterson, 1996). In
antly left temporal atrophy, showed impairment of general Cambridge, some patients with progressive non-fluent apha-
semantics with relative preservation of knowledge about sia have had classic Alzheimer pathology at post mortem, albeit
people, while subject JP, with predominantly right temporal with an atypical distribution; that is to say, marked involve-
atrophy, showed the opposite pattern of impairments with ment of perisylvian language areas but sparing of medial
severely impaired person-specific knowledge in the context temporal structures (Greene et al., 1996; Croot et al., 1997;
of relatively preserved knowledge about objects and animals. Galton et al., 2000). Review of the published literature reveals
The group led by Miller have also drawn attention to the that approximately equal numbers of cases with non-fluent
bizarre behaviours (including irritability, impulsiveness, aphasia have AD pathology whilst the remainder have Pick-like
alterations in dress, limited and fixed ideas and decreased pathology but almost invariably without Pick bodies or Pick
facial expression) exhibited by patients with predominantly cells (Weintraub et al., 1990; Mesulam and Weintraub, 1992).
right temporal lobe atrophy (Edwards Lee et al., 1997; Miller Recent functional neuroimaging studies have implicated the
et al., 1997). A recent review of 47 patients with semantic anterior insula as the key abnormal region (Nestor et al., 2003).
dementia identified distinct behavioural and cognitive pro-
files associated with the left and right temporal variants of
the disease (Thompson et al., 2003). Social awkwardness, job 53.2.3 Frontotemporal dementia and
loss, lack of insight and difficulty with person identification frontotemporal lobar degeneration
were all more likely to be associated with major right temporal
atrophy; while word-finding difficulties and reduced com- The final terms to be considered are those of FTD and fron-
prehension were all more likely to be associated with pre- totemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). In 1994, the Lund
dominantly left-sided atrophy. and Manchester groups introduced the term FTD and sug-
There are a number of compelling reasons to consider gested tentative criteria for the diagnosis (Brun et al., 1994).
semantic dementia as part of the same disease spectrum as The term FTD was subsequently replaced by FTLD, and con-
FvFTD. The first is pathological: in early clinicopathological sensus clinical diagnostic criteria were published (Neary
studies of cases fulfilling criteria for semantic dementia, all had et al., 1998). The adoption of the terms FTD or FTLD has the
either classic PiD (i.e. Pick bodies and/or Pick cells) or non- advantage of avoiding specific pathological implications; it
specific spongiform change of the type found in the majority of also brings to attention the fact that patients with the same
cases with the frontal form of lobar atrophy (Wechsler, 1977; disease may present with different clinical syndromes and
682 Pick’s disease: its relationship to progressive aphasia, semantic dementia and frontotemporal dementia

that with time both types of deficit are likely to emerge. In this study, stereotypic and eating behaviours together
Three main clinical syndromes are recognized: FTD, progres- with loss of social awareness reliably differentiated FTD
sive non-fluent aphasia and semantic aphasia and associative from AD. At the level of individual symptoms, patients with
agnosia (Neary et al., 1998; see Figure 53.1). However, dis- semantic dementia showed increased rates of mental rigidity
advantages of the term FTLD are the blurring of levels of and depression compared with patients with FvFTD, while
description and the amalgamation of distinct clinical syn- conversely, the latter group showed more disinhibition.
dromes. In particular, confusion may occur between FTD
(now referring only to the frontal or behavioural variant of
the disorder) and FTLD (the new term for the overall spec-
trum of presentations). Figure 53.2 presents the preferred
Cambridge nomenclature.
It remains to be established which of the long list of phe-
nomena listed as ‘criteria’ actually separate FTD and AD,
although a study by Miller et al. (1997), using SPECT as the
gold standard, suggested that loss of personal awareness (self- The term FTD increased in usage with the discovery of a
care), disordered eating, perseverative behaviour and reduc- specific gene mutation in familial cases. Linkage had been
tion in speech most clearly differentiate FTD from AD. We established in a number of families in which FTD was inher-
have also looked at a wide range of neurobehavioural symp- ited as an autosomal dominant trait to chromosome 17q2
toms in a large group of patients with FTD (FvFTD and seman- 1–22, a region which contains the gene for the microtubule-
tic dementia) and AD and identified four distinct clusters of associated protein tau (Wilhelmsen, 1997).
symptoms by factor analysis: The story of the chromosome 17 linkage is extraordinary
in a number of ways. Families around the world with what
has become known as FTD with parkinsonism linked to
• stereotypic and eating behaviours;
chromosome 17 (Spillantini et al., 1998a) had originally been
• executive function and self care;
reported under a range of headings including: disinhibition-
• mood changes; and
dementia-parkinsonism–amyotrophy complex (DDPAC)
• loss of social awareness (Bozeat et al., 2000).
(Wilhelmsen et al., 1994); rapidly progressive autosomal
dominant parkinsonism and dementia with pallidopontoni-
gral degeneration (Wszolek et al., 1992); familial progressive
subclinical gliosis (Petersen et al., 1995); hereditary dysphasic
dementia (Morris et al., 1984); hereditary FTD (Heutink et al.,
1997); multiple system tauopathy with presenile dementia
(Spillantini et al., 1997); familial presenile dementia with
psychosis (Sumi et al., 1992) and Pick’s disease (Schenk,
1951). In 1996, a meeting of representatives from all of the
groups identifying linkage to chromosome 17 was held in
Figure 53.1 Clinical classification of FTD according to the Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA (Foster et al., 1997). Comparison
Lund—Manchester criteria. FTD, frontotemporal dementia; FTLD, of clinical and pathological data revealed a great deal of simi-
frontotemporal lobar degeneration; PNFA, progressive non-fluent larity between the families who all shared the characteristics
aphasia; SD, semantic dementia. of predominately frontotemporal distribution of pathology
with marked behavioural changes. Extrapyramidal dysfunc-
tion was present in most. In some families psychotic symp-
FTD toms were a major feature and a number had amyotrophy. It
was recognized at that time that some of the families shared
the common pathology with microtubule-associated protein
tau-positive inclusions. Progress in the field was then rapid.
Language presentations It was soon discovered that most, if not all, families had tau
(primary progressive aphasia)
inclusions with a distinctive morphological pattern leading
to the coining of the term ‘familial tauopathy’ and the
suggestion that the disease might reflect a mutation in the
FvFTD SD PNFA tau gene known to be located in the 17q21–22 region
(Spillantini et al., 1998a). Within 2 years of the Ann Arbor
Figure 53.2 Clinical classification of FTD according to the meeting, the first mutations were identified (Dumanchin
Cambridge group. FTD, frontotemporal dementia; FvFTD, frontal or et al., 1998; Hutton et al., 1998; Poorkaj et al., 1998; Spillantini
behavioural variant of FTD; PNFA, progressive non-fluent aphasia; et al., 1998b). Subsequent progress has been rapid: more
SD, semantic dementia. than 25 different tau mutations have now been reported in
Frontotemporal dementia with motor neurone disease 683

association with familial FTD, differing according to their parkinsonian features and conversely many CBD patients
positions in the tau gene, their effects on tau mRNA and have subtle language production deficits that worsen as the
protein, and the type of tau pathology they cause (Ingram disease progresses (Graham et al., 2003).
and Spillantini, 2002). The related disorder progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP),
Not all cases of familial FTD are caused by tau mutations. originally described by Steele, Richardson and Olszewski in
In one large Danish family with autosomal dominant FTD, 1964 is classically characterized by progressive axial rigidity,
linkage has been established to chromosome 3 (Brown et al., bradykinesia, vertical gaze palsy and dysarthria. Pathologically,
1995; Brown, 1998) and, in some families with FTD-motor tau-positive neurofibrillary tangles and threads are found in
neurone disease, linkage has been established to chromosome 9. the substantia nigra, the subthalamic nucleus and the dentate
In a series of 22 cases of familial FTD, 11 (50 per cent) had nucleus. It is increasingly recognized that pathological PSP
tau mutations (Morris et al., 2001). For 17 of the 22 families may present with the clinical features of CBD, or even pro-
pathology was available, and three main pathological diag- gressive aphasia or a frontal lobe syndrome. Conversely, the
noses were made: FTD with neuronal and glial tau depos- PSP phenotype may result from tau gene mutations (Morris
ition; FTD with ubiquitin inclusions; and FTD with neuronal et al., 2003; Soliveri et al., 2003). Both CBD and PSP share an
loss and spongiosis but without intracellular inclusions. In identified genetic risk factor, the H1 haplotype of the tau
this study, the families with neuronal and glial tau deposition gene, and the tau deposits in both these diseases consist of
all had a tau mutation, whereas no mutations were found in the four-repeat isoforms of tau.
the other two pathological groups. A lack of tau deposition In their original case report, Rebeiz et al. (1968) recog-
does not necessarily exclude an abnormality of tau process- nized the similarity of the neuropathology in CBD to that
ing: it has been suggested that a post-transcriptional deficit seen in PiD. The Work Group on Frontotemporal Dementia
of brain tau may be the causative pathological process in cases and Pick’s Disease (McKhann et al., 2001) now includes both
FTD lacking distinctive histopathology (Zhukareva et al., CBD and PSP among the pathological causes of the FTD
2001, 2003). syndromes.



In 1967 Rebeiz, Kolodny and Richardson described three Although MND has traditionally been regarded as a disorder
patients with a neurodegenerative illness affecting both which spares higher cognitive abilities, it has become clear
cortex and basal ganglia (Rebeiz et al., 1968). Each patient since early reports from Japan (Mitsuyama and Takamiya,
presented with a progressive asymmetrical akinetic-rigid 1979) that the rate of dementia in MND is significantly greater
syndrome and apraxia; on the basis of neuropathology find- than expected. Indeed, up to 10 per cent of patients with MND
ings Rebeiz et al. called the disorder ‘corticodentatonigral might show features of dementia and/or aphasia if such fea-
degeneration with neuronal achromasia’, later renamed to tures are systematically elicited (Rakowicz and Hodges, 1998).
corticobasal degeneration (CBD). Initially CBD was conceptu- Neuroimaging in MND with cognitive impairment demon-
alized as a distinct clinicopathological entity, but in the early strates widespread frontal and temporal atrophy. Conversely, a
1990s it was recognized that considerable clinical and patho- significant minority of patients with FTD develop features of
logical heterogeneity existed within the disorder. Clinically, MND (Neary et al., 1990; Caselli et al., 1993; Rakowicz and
cases of pathologically proven CBD were described presenting Hodges, 1998; Bak and Hodges, 1999; Strong et al., 2003).
with the clinical syndromes of frontotemporal dementia Most such patients present with cognitive symptoms, either
(Mathuranath et al., 2000) or progressive aphasia (Lippa FvFTD or progressive aphasia, which then progresses rapidly,
et al., 1991). Conversely, it was recognized that other patholo- followed by the emergence of bulbar features and mild limb
gies might underlie the clinical syndrome of CBD; in a review amyotrophy. Such cases have a characteristic pattern of histo-
of 32 consecutive cases of clinically diagnosed CBD (Boeve logical change with ubiquitin-positive, tau-negative, inclu-
et al., 1999), the underlying pathological diagnosis was CBD sions in cortical regions and the dentate gyrus. One interesting
in 18; AD in three; PiD in two; progressive supranuclear palsy observation is that such patients almost invariably have dis-
in six, and dementia lacking specific histology in two. A dis- proportionately greater impairment of verb rather than noun
tinction has been drawn by some authors between the corti- processing, which affects both production and comprehension
cobasal syndrome (the constellation of clinical features (Bak et al., 2001).
characteristically associated with CBD) and corticobasal From a practical perspective, this variant of FTD should
degeneration (the histopathological disorder itself). In our be suspected in any cases with rapidly progressive disease or
experience, there is considerable overlap between the clinical the emergence of bulbar symptoms. The overlap in clinical
syndrome of CBD and progressive non-fluent aphasia presentation between FTD and related disorders is illustrated
(PNFA): many patients with PNFA develop apraxia and schematically in Figure 53.3.
684 Pick’s disease: its relationship to progressive aphasia, semantic dementia and frontotemporal dementia

Ludwin (1984) studied, in detail, six patients whom they

classified as either ‘classical PiD’ (i.e. marked focal neocorti-
cal atrophy with numerous Pick bodies) or ‘atypical PiD’ (i.e.
FTD those with predominant caudate atrophy and scarce inclu-
sions). The ultrastructural changes in the two groups differed,
and there was also a suggestion of a younger age of onset in
the subcortical cases. A similar classification was proposed by
Neumann in 1949. In the studies by Brun (Brun, 1987; Brun
et al., 1994), patients with frontal lobe atrophy and with Pick
bodies were compared with those without specific histological
changes. There were no demographic, clinical or neuropsycho-
Figure 53.3 Overlap in clinical presentation of FTD and related logical differences, although the latter group had much less
disorders. CBD, corticobasal degeneration; FTD, frontotemporal prominent cortical atrophy and involvement of the frontal
dementia; MND, motor neurone disease; PSP, progressive convexity rather than the basal surface.
supranuclear palsy. As discussed above, the majority of familial cases linked to
chromosome 17 have lacked Pick bodies despite having abun-
53.6 CORRELATION BETWEEN CLINICAL dant tau-positive inclusions, suggesting that classic Pick’s dis-
SYNDROMES AND NEUROPATHOLOGY ease cases are rarely familial.
A multicentre European initiative has pooled clinical and
pathological data on 50 cases with classic PiD (i.e. with Pick
The definitive diagnosis of FTD depends upon neuropatho-
bodies) and has proposed criteria that stress the marked asym-
logical examination. Unlike other dementia syndromes,
metry of atrophy found in many cases and the lack of family
notably AD, FTD encompasses considerable pathological
history. These criteria are currently being tested prospectively
heterogeneity. To summarize the preceding, three broad
(Rossor, 1998). In a recent large series of 61 patients from
subdivisions have been recognized depending on the profile
Cambridge and Sydney (Hodges et al., 2004), FvFTD was asso-
of immunohistochemical staining and the pattern of intra-
ciated with a range of underlying pathologies. By contrast,
cellular inclusions (Jackson and Lowe, 1996; Dickson, 1998;
motor neurone disease predicted ubiquitinated inclusions;
McKhann et al., 2001; Hodges et al., 2003). First, patients
parkinsonism and apraxia predicted corticobasal pathology;
with tau-positive pathology, which in turn comprise a num-
in progressive non-fluent aphasia there was a preponderance
ber of subvariants including those with classic argyrophilic,
of tau-positive pathology while semantic dementia was gener-
tau-positive, intraneuronal Pick bodies; those with tau gene
ally associated with ubiquitin-positive (MND-type) inclu-
mutations (FTDP-17) and diffuse tau-positive neuronal and
sions. An attempted, and preliminary synthesis of the available
astrocytic immunoreactivity; those characterized by tau-
clinicopathological data is illustrated in Figure 53.4.
positive astrocytic plaques and ballooned achromatic neu-
rones (CBD); and those with tau-positive argyrophilic grain
disease (AGD). Second, cases with tau-negative, ubiquitin-
positive inclusions in the dentate gyrus and brain stem motor
nuclei (FTD with motor neurone disease or FTD-MND).
Third, dementia lacking distinctive histology (DLDH).
The question as to whether distinct pathological subtypes Historically, it has long been recognized that FTD is less com-
map onto distinct clinical syndromes is of great interest. mon than AD. Until recently, however, most estimates of the
However, few clinicopathological series have been reported prevalence of FTD were based on reports from specialist units
(Rosen et al., 2002b; Rascovsky et al., 2002). Munoz and where FTD tended to be over-represented as a diagnosis. This


Figure 53.4 Relationship between clinical syndrome and

underlying pathology for FTD and related disorders. MND,
motor neurone disease; SD, semantic dementia; fvFTD, frontal
or behavioural variant of FTD; PNFA, progressive non-fluent
aphasia; CBD, corticobasal degeneration; DLDH, dementia
Tau ve lacking distinctive histology. Thickness of arrow lines denotes
Ubiquitin ve
DLDH Pick Diffuse
inclusions the relative strengths of relationships between clinical
bodies astrocytic
syndromes and pathology.
References 685

has changed with the publication of a number of community- Baldwin B and Förstl H. (1993) Pick’s disease – 101 years. Still
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The genetics and molecular pathology of
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54.1 The genetics of frontotemporal lobar degeneration 689 54.4 Diagnostic considerations 697
54.2 The pathology of frontotemporal lobar degeneration 693 54.5 Outstanding issues 698
54.3 Tau biochemistry in frontotemporal lobar dementia 696 References 698

Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) refers to a clin- has been termed frontotemporal dementia with MND (FTD-
ically and pathologically heterogeneous group of early onset, MND), or recognizing the presence of MND-type pathology
non-Alzheimer forms of dementia. Although relatively rare in the absence of MND clinical phenotype, motor neurone
when compared with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) over all ages, disease inclusion dementia (MNDID). The clinical and neuro-
FTLD is actually the second most common cause of demen- psychological features of these disorders are described by
tia within the presenium, there being one case of FTLD for David Neary in Chapter 52.
every four of AD with disease onset before 65 years of age As described in this present chapter, molecular genetics
(Snowden et al., 1996). Historically, many of the various forms has now begun to rationalize classification of FTLD, though
of FTLD were originally described under the rubric of ‘Pick’s major nosological uncertainties remain. Clinical diversity
disease’ and its variants, though within the past 10–15 years remains an obstacle and the pathological heterogeneity within
there has been a great resurgence of interest in the disorder, this group of disorders remains largely unexplained. Here,
largely because of the longitudinal clinical and pathological the genetics and molecular pathology of FTLD associated
studies carried out in Lund and Manchester during the late with mutations in tau and other possible mutations on
1980s and early 1990s from which the spectrum of disease chromosome 17 and elsewhere, as well as that in other cases
has come to be recognized (see Snowden et al., 1996), and of FTLD, where no such chromosomal associations are
with that consensus diagnostic criteria for the various clinical present or at least known, is reviewed. It is recognized that
forms of FTLD have emerged (Neary et al., 1998). FTLD is unlikely to have a single unifying cause to clinical
The prototypical, and most common, clinical syndrome symptomatology and underlying pathological change.
within FTLD is frontotemporal dementia (FTD). This mani-
fests as behavioural and personality changes involving disin-
hibition, stereotypy, antisocial acts and language disorders,
and leads to apathy, mutism and late neurological (frontal
release or extrapyramidal) signs. However, the breadth of ill-
nesses can extend far wider and involve cases where a parkin-
sonian-type movement disorder or a progressive apraxia A previous family history of a similar disorder occurs in about
(PAX), with relatively mild dementia, is the major disabling half of patients with FTLD (Snowden et al., 1996). It was this
feature, or others in which a language disorder of a fluent or degree of inheritability that triggered much of the current
non-fluent aphasia, known as semantic dementia (SD) or pro- upsurge in interest among research scientists into the biology
gressive aphasia (PA), respectively, predominate. Moreover, of FTLD, by leading to the crucial identification that certain
cases of FTD may be complicated both clinically, but more inherited forms of FTLD were genetically linked to a locus on
usually pathologically, by changes associated with motor chromosome 17 (this form of the disorder then became
neurone disease (MND), and in these instances the disorder known as ‘frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism
690 The genetics and molecular pathology of frontotemporal lobar degeneration

linked to chromosome 17’ [FTDP-17] and was associated the function of a putative stem loop structure to determine
with mutations in the tau gene, tau [Hutton et al., 1998; the degree to which splicing of exon 10 is permitted (Hutton
Poorkaj et al., 1998; Spillantini et al., 1998]). Since then there et al., 1998; D’Souza and Schellenberg, 2002). In this way a
has been an explosion of data concerning the genetics and strict stoichiometric balance between 3R and 4R tau isoforms
biochemistry of FTLD. is maintained, since it is both the presence and proportion of
Although the occurrence of tau mutations within FTLD is 3R and 4R tau isoforms that is critical to the proper func-
relatively rare – prevalence rates vary from about 6 to18 per tioning of tau. Slightly more than half the tau molecules
cent (Houlden et al., 1999a; Poorkaj et al., 2001; Rosso et al., normally produced are 3R forms.
2003) – their identification has been of paramount import- Tau protein is localized in neuronal axons and is involved
ance, providing crucial insight through the ability to ‘model’ in the regulation of microtubule assembly/disassembly and
the disorder in cell systems and animals. This has greatly the axonal transport of proteins and organelles. All six iso-
increased our knowledge not only of the pathogenesis of forms play a precise role in this maintenance of microtubular
FTLD, but also how the production and function of tau pro- structure and if one or more of the various isoforms fails to
tein is normally regulated. Moreover, the characterizing neuro- function, or if there is a stoichiometric imbalance in the dif-
pathological feature of FTLD due to tau mutations is the ferent variants, microtubule formation will become more
presence of insoluble aggregates of tau protein in the absence difficult or the stability of microtubules formed will become
of deposits of amyloid  protein (A). This proves that tau compromised. Any excess of unused tau (of any isoform
pathology can lead to neurodegenerative disease in its own composition) can be bundled into indigestible residues that
right and has focused attention once again upon the key role choke the cell. Hence, a neuropathological aggregation of tau
that neurofibrillary degeneration may play in AD. within the somatodendritic compartment of the neurone
occurs in several neurodegenerative diseases, including FTLD,
but also in AD and certain parkinsonian disorders such as
54.1.1 Genetics of FTLD associated with tau
progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and corticobasal degen-
eration (CBD). The formation and accumulation of these
insoluble tau aggregates within neurones (and sometimes THE STRUCTURE OF TAU AND THE FUNCTION OF
glial cells) is widely believed to be critical to the neurodegen-
erative cascade that leads to nerve cell dysfunction and death
Tau has 15 coding regions (exons), and transcripts of this in these disorders, possibly involving a toxic action of the fila-
gene are alternatively spliced to produce different isoforms ments formed from the tau aggregates.
within the brain and peripheral nervous system. In the cen-
tral nervous system, the precise tau isoform expression pat- TAU MUTATIONS IN FTLD
tern is under developmental regulatory control. In fetal brain
only a single isoform containing exons 1, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 11–13 To date, about 30 tau mutations in around 70 families with an
is expressed. However, in adult brain five additional isoforms FTLD phenotype have now been identified. Many of the tau
are produced by the alternative inclusions of exons 2, 3 and mutations exist as missense, deletion or silent mutations within
10, these ranging from 352 to 441 amino acids in length and coding regions of exon 1 (R5H, R5L), exon 9 (K257T, I260V,
differing according to the (alternatively spliced) inclusion of L266V, G272V), exon 11 (L315R, S320F), exon 12 (Q336R,
three or four (when exon 10 is included) imperfect repeat V337M, E342V, K369I) and exon 13 (G389R, R406W) (Hutton
domains of 31 or 32 amino acids within the carboxy terminal et al., 1998; Poorkaj et al., 1998, 2001; Rizzu et al., 1999; Murrell
region of the molecule, and also according to the absence or et al., 1999; Pickering-Brown et al., 2000a, b; Rizzini et al., 2000;
presence of one or two, 29 or 58 amino acid inserts (encoded Lippa et al., 2000; Neumann et al., 2001; Hayashi et al., 2002;
by exons 2 and 3, respectively) in the amino terminal region. Saito et al., 2002; Rosso et al., 2002, 2003; Grover et al., 2003;
The conditional inclusion of exon 10 therefore generates Hogg et al., 2003; Kobayashi et al., 2003b; van Herpen et al.,
three tau isoforms each with four microtubule binding 2003). These tau mutations are located outside exon 10 and
domains compared with tau isoforms without exon 10 that therefore affect all six tau isoforms. They generate mutated tau
have only three microtubule binding domains (known as 4- molecules that, in vitro, (variably) lose their ability to interact
repeat tau, 4R, and 3-repeat tau, 3R, respectively). The six tau with  and  tubulin molecules in the promotion of micro-
isoforms are designated 3R0N, 3R1N, 3R2N, 4R0N, 4R1N, tubule assembly and axonal transport (Hasegawa et al., 1998;
4R2N, respectively according to inclusion or otherwise of Hong et al., 1998). Some of the mutations also increase, but
exons 2, 3 and 10. The carboxy-terminal domains, along with again variably, the propensity of the mutated tau to self-aggre-
some adjoining sections of the molecule, act as the micro- gate into the fibrils (Hasegawa et al., 1998; Goedert et al., 1999a;
tubule-binding region; the function of those sequences Nacharaju et al., 1999) that form the characterizing pathologi-
encoded by exons 2 and 3 remains unknown. cal structures within the brain. Nonetheless, even those muta-
Splicing of exon 10 is regulated in a complex hierarchical tions that cause only a modest effect on microtubule binding or
way involving a variety of cis-acting sequences within exon 10, promote only mild or slow tau aggregation may over many
and within the intron to exon 11, which collectively modulate years course of illness build sufficiently to cause FTLD.
The genetics of frontotemporal lobar degeneration 691

Other tau mutations (N279K, K280, L284L, N296, codon 296 (N296H, N296N, N296) (Spillantini et al., 2000;
N296H, N296N, P301L, P301S, S305S and S305N – the last Stanford et al., 2000; Iseki et al., 2001; Pastor et al., 2001) also
two also being known as –1 and –2 splice site mutations) lead to impaired ability of mutated (4-repeat) tau to interact
occur within the alternatively spliced exon 10, or lie close to with microtubules and promote fibrillogenesis (Spillantini
the splice donor site of the intron that follows exon 10 within et al., 2000; Grover et al., 2002; Yoshida et al., 2002), though
a regulatory region of tau that determines the alternative both N296H and N296N mutations increase splicing of exon
spliced inclusion of exon 10 during gene transcription (these 10 (Spillantini et al., 2000; Grover et al., 2002; Yoshida et al.,
being known as 3, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16 splice site 2002), perhaps by disrupting the exon-splicing-silencing
mutations) (Clark et al., 1998; Dumanchin et al., 1998; Hong sequence (Spillantini et al., 2000) or creating an exon-splicing-
et al., 1998; Hutton et al., 1998; Poorkaj et al., 1998; Spillantini enhancing sequence (Grover et al., 2002). The N296 muta-
et al., 1998, 2000; Delisle et al., 1999; D’Souza et al., 1999; tion has been reported to lead to an increase (Yoshida et al.,
Goedert et al., 1999b; Hasegawa et al., 1999; Iijima et al., 1999; 2002) or no change (Grover et al., 2002) in exon 10 splicing.
Mirra et al., 1999; Morris et al., 1999; Nasreddine et al., There are also cis-acting intron splicing silencer (ISS) and
1999; Rizzu et al., 1999; Sperfeld et al., 1999; Yasuda intron splicing modulator (ISM) sequences extending down-
et al., 1999, 2000a, b; Stanford et al., 2000, 2003; Tolnay et al., steam from the 5 splice site, encompassing nucleotides 11
2000; Iseki et al., 2001; Miyamoto et al., 2001; Pastor et al., 2001; to 18, and nucleotides 19 to 26 following the stem loop
Kowalska et al., 2002; Pickering-Brown et al., 2002; Kobayashi structure (D’Souza and Schellenberg, 2002). These act in
et al., 2003a; Werber et al., 2003). These mutations affect only conjunction with the splice-enhancing and splice-silencing
that part of the tau protein sequence encoded by exon 10, sequences within exon 10 to collectively regulate exon 10 spli-
and so affect only 4R tau isoforms. cing. Damage to these ISS and ISM sequences should mimic
The S305S ( 1), S305N ( 2), 3, 11, 12, 13, 14 the action of 12, 13, 14 and 16 point mutations
and 16 splice mutations lie close to or within the predicted (D’Souza and Schellenberg, 2002). Indeed, two Australian
regulatory stem loop structure of a splice acceptor domain. families with FTD have recently been described (Stanford et al.,
These mutations may destabilize this stem loop, and disrupt 2003) with mutations at positions 19 and 29 in the 5
its function, interfering with the binding of U1snRNP splice splice donor region of exon 10 which have been claimed to
regulatory elements. Their effect is to increase the use of this destroy the function of the ISM sequence, leading to the abo-
particular splicing mechanism, thereby increasing the pro- lition of exon 10 splicing and thereby reducing splicing of exon
portion of tau mRNA transcripts containing exon 10, and the 10, decreasing the proportion of 4R tau isoforms (Stanford
amount of 4-repeat tau protein, such that the ratio between et al., 2003), analogous to K280 mutation (D’Souza et al.,
4R and 3R tau isoforms becomes increased 2–3-fold (Hutton 1999). However, the 29 change has also been reported in
et al., 1998; Spillantini et al., 1998). With exception of S305N controls (D’Souza et al., 1999; Poorkaj et al., 2001; Stanford
mutation, which changes the consensus sequence for et al., 2003; Hutton, personal communication) and may be a
4-repeat tau isoforms, none of these regulatory mutations rare (coincidental) polymorphism. The 19 variant has not
alter the primary amino acid structure of the tau proteins been reported in controls and may be pathogenic.
transcribed and therefore do not per se impair microtubule
binding (Hong et al., 1998; Hasegawa et al., 1999). FOUNDER EFFECTS OF TAU MUTATIONS
The N279K mutation also increases the splicing of tran-
scripts containing exon 10 by strengthening an exon-splicing- Other than the above mutational events associated with
enhancing element in the 5 region of exon 10, but likewise FTLD, tau is ‘naturally’ subject to multiple polymorphic
does not impair microtubule binding (D’Souza et al., 1999; changes in exons 1, 2, 3, 7, 9 and 11 (Baker et al., 1999). These
Hasegawa et al., 1999). The L284L silent mutation likewise natural variations are usually in complete linkage dysequilib-
strengthens exon 10 splicing by destroying the function of a rium, being co-inherited as two common haplotypes H1 and
splice-silencing element, and as a consequence no tau tran- H2; H1 has a frequency of 78.4 per cent in the normal
scripts without exon 10 (i.e. 3R tau isoforms) are produced Caucasian population. The P301L tau mutation is the most
(D’Souza et al., 1999). Conversely, the K280 mutation common FTLD mutation to date, being present worldwide in
destroys the function of the splice-enhancing region and many families with French or Dutch ancestry (Hutton et al.,
results in the abolition of transcripts containing exon 10, i.e. 1998; Houlden et al., 1999a; Rizzu et al., 1999; Rosso et al.,
only 3R tau isoforms are produced (D’Souza et al., 1999). 2003; Sobrido et al., 2003). Because many of these families
Interestingly, this mutation also affects microtubule binding share the less common H2 haplotype on the disease gene, it is
and may therefore possess a dual pathogenicity. likely that they might share a common founder. However,
The coding P301L and P301S mutations do not affect the Japanese families with P301L tau mutation share the extended
splicing of exon 10 (Hutton et al., 1998; D’Souza et al., 1999) H1 haplotype, implying separate founders. The presence of
but induce conformational changes in tau molecules contain- other varying tau polymorphisms under H1 haplotype unique
ing exon 10 alone that interfere with microtubule function, to the Japanese population within P301L subjects suggests
and lead to the specific aggregation of the mutant 4-repeat multiple founders. The P301S mutation has been reported in
tau into fibrils (Miyasaka et al., 2001). Mutational events at German (Sperfeld et al., 1999), Jewish-Algerian (Werber et al.,
692 The genetics and molecular pathology of frontotemporal lobar degeneration

2003) and Japanese (Yasuda et al., 2000a) patients, but these known as frontotemporal dementia with ubiquitin inclusions)
are unlikely to be all related to a common founder. Hence, has been claimed (Hosler et al., 2000) but not confirmed
P301L and P301S tau mutations have probably arisen separ- (Ostojic et al., 2003). In one family with pathologically typ-
ately on multiple occasions, this particular codon being espe- ical FTD and MND no definite linkage to chromosome
cially susceptible to mutagenesis. 9q21–22 (or to chromosomes 17 or 3) was detected (Savioz
The N279K mutation has been described in American et al., 2003). Similarly, no linkage to chromosome 17 was
(Clark et al., 1998; Tsuboi et al., 2002), French (Delisle et al., found in another family with FTD and MND pathological
1998) and Japanese (Yasuda et al., 1999) families but it is phenotype (Kertesz et al., 2000), but it is not known whether
unlikely that any of these kindreds are related (Tsuboi et al., this family is linked to chromosome 9 or not.
2002) with this particular mutation also having arisen inde- Linkage to chromosome 3p11–12 has been reported in a
pendently on at least three occasions. Danish family showing FTD with frontotemporal atrophy,
Haplotype analysis (Pickering-Brown et al., 2004a) has neuronal loss and gliosis, with a few tau immunoreactive
shown a likely common founder for British, North American neurofibrillary tangles in the absence of senile (amyloid)
and Australian families with 16 splice site mutation. Indeed, plaques (Gydesen et al., 2002; Yancopoulou et al., 2003). The
even today, many of the British families with this mutation significance of this particular family to the pathogenesis of
live in, or have originated from, North Wales, a rural and rela- FTD in general remains unknown, and it is possible that this
tively remote region of United Kingdom. It is therefore quite family might represent a genetic change private to this geo-
likely that the founder with this mutation lived in this part of graphically isolated kindred. Similarly, in a large Calabrian
United Kingdom with ‘spread’ of the mutation into industri- family with FTD phenotype, linkage studies excluded the above
alized regions of the country during the Industrial Revolution. loci on chromosomes 3 and 9 but gave indeterminate data for
chromosome 17 (Curcio et al., 2002). Complicating matters
is the finding of linkage to a different region of chromosome
54.1.2 Other genetic changes in FTLD 9 in four families with hereditary inclusion body myopathy,
Paget disease and frontotemporal dementia (Kovach et al., OTHER AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT MUTATIONS
2001), but in these the brain pathology description is limited
Tau mutations only account for about 10–20 per cent cases of and does not appear to conform to FTLD.
FTLD (Houlden et al., 1999a; Rizzu et al., 1999; Poorkaj et al., Given the shortage of families of this kind for linkage and
2001; Rosso et al., 2003), but the frequency of these remains the lack of obvious candidate genes, this represents a diffi-
around 40 per cent when only cases with previous family his- cult, but evolving, area of research that will be important in
tory of similar disease consistent with autosomal dominance furthering our understanding of FTLD, providing insight
are considered (Rizzu et al., 1999). Hence, other genetic loci into the pathogenetic mechanism underpinning the path-
may be associated with FTLD. ology in those cases where aggregation and accumulation of
Indeed, there are at least five well described, definitely insoluble tau proteins are not the cardinal features.
chromosome 17-linked, families in which no mutational
event within tau has as yet been determined (Basun et al., TAU HAPLOTYPES AS GENETIC RISK FACTORS
1997; Froelich et al., 1997; Lendon et al., 1998; Rosso et al.,
2001; Rademakers et al., 2002; Froelich Fabre et al., 2003).
Interestingly, in these families no insoluble aggregates of tau Possession of the H1 tau haplotype been associated with other
are seen either biochemically or histopathologically though neurodegenerative disorders characterized by tau pathology
ubiquitin positive inclusions may be variably present in some such as PSP and CBD. However, it is not clear whether this
family members of at least three of these families (Rosso haplotype is acting simply as a marker for a more relevant
et al., 2001; Rademakers et al., 2002; Froelich Fabre et al., change in a nearby gene or defining pathogenic changes in
2003). Although intensive candidate gene investigations tau with which this is in linkage dysequilibrium. While the
within the chromosome 17-linked region, including tau, has H1 tau haplotype and the H1H1 tau genotype may be overall
been performed in at least two of these families (Rademakers increased in patients with clinically diagnosed FTD (Verpillat
et al., 2002; Froelich Fabre et al., 2003), no disease-associated et al., 2002, but see Sobrido et al., 2003), other studies suggest
mutations have yet been detected. It remains possible there- this increase may be accentuated in patients with apolipopro-
fore that in these particular families changes within promoter tein E (ApoE) 4 allele (Short et al., 2002) or microvacuolar-
or regulatory elements within tau may be causal. Indeed, type, rather than Pick-type, histology (Hughes et al., 2003).
there may be (many) other ‘tau-negative’ FTLD families, An increase in the frequency of H2H2 tau genotype in cases
with or without ubiquitin pathology, that share this presently with Pick-histology has been claimed (Russ et al., 2001), but
unknown change on chromosome 17. not confirmed (Morris et al., 2002; Hughes et al., 2003).
Alternatively, there may be genetic loci associated with Similarly, an increase in H2 tau haplotype frequency in SD,
autosomal dominant FTLD on chromosomes other than 17. but not in PA or FTD, has been reported (Short et al., 2002)
In this latter respect linkage to chromosome 9 in several but not confirmed (Hughes et al., 2003). It is likely that dif-
families clinically sharing an FTD and MND phenotype (also ferences in patient cohort size and ethnicity, and the use of
The pathology of frontotemporal lobar degeneration 693

clinically diagnosed, as opposed to autopsy verified, cases of histological changes. To a large extent, the gross anatomical
FTLD with possible mixing of clinical and pathological sub- changes can be correlated with the clinical phenotype, though
types have all contributed to the present lack of clear vision at tissue level variations in histological appearance do not
as to the role of tau haplotypes in FTLD. Further studies on necessarily correlate with, nor predict, the clinical or genetic
carefully chosen clinical and pathological subgroups are phenotype.
therefore needed to define the association between tau hap-
lotypes and FTLD.
While the tau H1H1 genotype may play a role in promot- 54.2.1 The gross pathology of FTD
ing, or at least predisposing towards the tau pathology of PSP
and CBD in the form of NFT predominantly composed of There is nothing distinctive to distinguish the pattern of
4R tau, the possible increase in H1H1 tau genotype in FTD brain atrophy in cases of FTD with tau mutations from those
from microvacuolar-histology is interesting, since in this of FTD without such mutations. Indeed, despite the large
particular pathological form of FTLD no insoluble tau species range of mutations, and the differing underlying pathogenetic
are present. This suggests therefore that, in this instance, the mechanisms and histopathological changes associated with
H1 haplotype is operating via a different mechanism, or that coding or splice site mutations, the gross pathological changes
it is merely serving as a marker for an (as yet) unidentified within the brain in patients with FTD with tau mutations are
susceptibility locus that is either present on the tau H1 hap- also remarkably consistent. Furthermore, is it not possible to
lotype itself, or on a nearby gene. distinguish cases of ‘sporadic’ FTD owing to microvacuolar-
type histology from those with Pick-type histology, either APOLIPOPROTEIN E (ApoE) 4 ALLELE AS on the basis of brain weight or pattern of cerebral atrophy
A RISK FACTOR (Mann and South, 1993; Schofield et al., 2003). Hence, on
external inspection alone, it cannot be predicted whether tau
Although it is well known that the ApoE 4 allele is a risk fac-
mutation will be present, nor whether Pick- or microvacuolar-
tor for late onset sporadic and familial AD, the consensus
type histology will occur.
seems to indicate that possession of this does not overall
Most patients with FTLD have a brain weight ranging
increase the risk of FTLD (Pickering-Brown et al., 2000b;
within 1000–1250 g, though instances where this falls (well)
Short et al., 2002; Verpillat et al., 2002). Nonetheless, within
below 1000 g are not uncommon (Lantos et al., 2002). Weight
FTLD it is possible that ApoE 4 allele frequency is raised in
loss is due to atrophy involving mostly the frontal, anterior
certain clinical subgroups. Short et al. (2002) reported ApoE
parietal, cingulate, insular and temporal regions of the cere-
4 allele frequency to be increased in patients with SD, com-
bral cortex, sometimes so severe as to produce ‘knife-edge’
pared with those with FTD and PA, though Pickering-Brown
atrophy (Plates 23 and 24). Usually the frontal and temporal
et al. (2000b) found this to be normal in FTD and SD, but
lobes are equivalently affected, though the temporal lobes can
tended to be increased in PA. Interactions between the tau
be more affected in FTDP-17 cases when Pick-type pathology
haplotypes and ApoE 4 allele have been variously claimed
is involved (Rizzini et al., 2000; Neumann et al., 2001; Rosso
(Ingelson et al., 2001; Short et al., 2002) but not always con-
et al., 2002; Pickering-Brown et al., 2004b). The pattern of
firmed (Hughes et al., 2003). Further studies are needed to
cerebral atrophy generally appears symmetrical, or some-
validate any such putative interactions.
times displays a slightly greater involvement of the left cere-
In contrast to AD, possession of ApoE 4 allele does not
bral hemisphere. Even in extreme cases, motor, sensorimotor
affect age at onset of disease (or duration of illness) in either
and posterior cerebral cortical regions, and the cerebellum and
sporadic FTLD (Pickering-Brown et al., 2000b; Short et al., 2002)
brain stem, are largely unaffected. Conspicuously, the super-
or FTDP-17 (Houlden et al., 1999b; Pickering-Brown et al.,
ior temporal gyrus is often spared (Plate 24). The distinction
2002; Tsuboi et al., 2003). Hence it seems unlikely that ApoE
between grey and white matter in atrophic areas is usually
4 allele acts either as a risk factor or disease modifier in FTLD
well maintained, although in severe cases there can be a great
generally or FTDP-17 specifically, but it remains possible that
loss of axons and myelin, and the white matter becomes brown-
this may play a part in other clinical subtypes such as SD or PA.
ish in colour and soft and ‘rubbery’ in texture. The hippocam-
Results from small series of FTLD patients have suggested
pus and amygdala are frequently atrophic, as is the caudate
ApoE 2 allele might act as a risk factor (Lehmann et al.,
nucleus, though the putamen, globus pallidus and thalamus
2000; Verpillat et al., 2002), but again this remains to be sub-
are less affected. The corpus callosum is usually thinned, par-
stantiated (Pickering-Brown et al., 2000b).
ticularly anteriorly. The lateral ventricles are much enlarged
though the temporal horns are little changed, except in severe
cases. In most instances the substantia nigra, and sometimes
also the locus caeruleus, are noticeably underpigmented. The
cerebellum usually appears normal. This typical pattern of
brain atrophy is illustrated diagrammatically in Plate 25.
Within FTLD, there are wide variations in the gross patho- Nonetheless, when the disorder is terminated early, or in
logical appearance of the brain and in the underlying FTD cases where disinhibition remains the principal clinical
694 The genetics and molecular pathology of frontotemporal lobar degeneration

symptom, even terminally, a preferential atrophy of the infer- However, it is by immunohistochemistry using antibodies
ior frontal and anterior temporal gyri is seen (Snowden et al., to phosphorylated forms of tau protein that FTD in patients
1996). When stereotypic behaviours dominate in FTD, a with tau mutations can be best distinguished both from other
marked striatal atrophy, particularly of the caudate nucleus, forms of FTLD and from each other according to the particu-
is present with lesser neocortical involvement, which in turn lar tau mutation they bear. Although all cases show a depos-
can be focused either on frontal or temporal lobes or involve ition of insoluble, aggregated tau proteins within neurones
both (Snowden et al., 1996). and (sometimes) glial cells of the cerebral cortex and other
Cases of FTD and MND share a similar topography of brain regions, there are nevertheless distinctive features to
brain atrophy to those with FTD alone though the severity of the tau pathology that fall into two histological patterns
the atrophy is often less (Mann and South, 1993), possibly according to mutation type:
reflecting the shorter disease duration common among such
cases. In most instances brain weight is reduced only little, • FTDP-17 cases with microvacuolar histological changes
to around 1250 g. Typically, the substantia nigra is under- are generally associated with mutations in and around
pigmented (Snowden et al., 1996). the exon 10 splice site (i.e. S305S, S305N, 3, 11, 12,
Cases of FTLD with a progressive language disorder of 13, 14 and 16 splice site mutations) and in these
either a fluent aphasia (SD) or a non-fluent aphasia (PPA) neurofibrillary tangle (NFT)-like structures within large
may show preferential, bilateral atrophy of the temporal lobes and smaller pyramidal cells of cortical layers III and V
or a grossly asymmetrical left hemispheric involvement, (Plate 26a), and prominently within glial cells in the
respectively (Snowden et al., 1996). In PAX there is preferen- deep white matter, globus pallidus and internal capsule
tial involvement of the motor and premotor cortices. (Plate 26b) are seen (Lantos et al., 2002; Pickering-Brown
These differing clinical syndromes reflect the topograph- et al., 2002). Typically, these NFT-like structures are
ical distribution of the brain pathology rather than the under- ‘classically’ stained with phospho-dependent antibodies
lying histological nature. (e.g. AT8) against residues Ser202/Thr205 but not
antibodies (e.g. 12E8) against Ser262 (Pickering-Brown
et al., 2002). Neurones within subcortical structures,
54.2.2 The histopathology of FTLD such as corpus striatum, medial thalamus, nucleus
basalis of Meynert, dorsal raphe, pontine and dentate
Histopathological changes underlying FTLD can vary widely nuclei, locus caeruleus and substantia nigra, can also be
and several patterns of histological change have been identi- affected by neurofibrillary degeneration, but less severely
fied. In some instances the histological changes are tightly so, and are similarly immunoreactive (for tau) as cortical
associated with a particular clinical form of FTLD, and neurones (Lantos et al., 2002; Pickering-Brown et al.,
indeed may be taken as the specific diagnostic features of that 2002). However, in one patient with S305N mutation,
condition (e.g. some forms of FTLD with tau mutations and Pick-type bodies not NFT were present within neurones
cases of MNDID), whereas in other instances the underlying (Kobayashi et al., 2003b). Cases with P301L mutation
histological changes cross over into more than one of the show more neuronal than glial tau pathology (Mirra
clinical phenotypes. These histological profiles are: et al., 1999) and N296H mutation more glial than
neuronal pathology (Iseki et al., 2001).
• tau mutation (FTDP-17)-type
• Pick-type • Conversely, most cases associated with missense
mutations in exons 9, 11, 12 and 13 show florid
• microvacuolar type (DLDH-type)
astrocytosis with swollen nerve cells (Plate 26c) and
• ubiquitin-type (MNDID-type).
neuronal inclusions (Plates 26d and 26e). Here, the
insoluble tau aggregates appear as rounded structures, HISTOLOGY OF FTD WITH TAU MUTATIONS
reminiscent of Pick bodies (Plates 26d and 26e)
By conventional neurohistology, many cases of FTD owing to (Pickering-Brown et al., 2000; Rizzini et al., 2000;
tau mutations show a microvacuolar type of histology with Neumann et al., 2001; Rosso et al., 2002) as in some
spongiosis of the outer cortical laminae (Lantos et al., 2002; sporadic forms of FTLD (Plate 26f). These are mainly
Pickering-Brown et al., 2002), from shrinkage and severe loss present within large and small pyramidal neurones,
of pyramidal nerve cell bodies and their processes (dendrites) often scattered widely throughout affected cortical
from cortical layers II and III. Astrocytosis is usually mild regions without laminar predilection. Pick bodies are
and largely subpial. Loss of nerve cells from deeper laminae is also numerous within the pyramidal cells and the
less pronounced with many neurones being shrunken. Occa- granule cells of the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus
sional swollen, chromatolytic (ballooned) neurones are seen, (Plate 26e). Again, these structures are strongly
especially in layers V and VI. Conversely, other cases display a immunoreactive with AT8 but weakly, if at all, with
more severe and widespread neuronal loss with florid trans- 1268. The swollen cells are particularly immunoreactive
cortical astrocytosis. Intraneuronal inclusion bodies can be to AT270 (Plate 24) as well as AT8 antibody. Similar
seen and ballooned neurones are widely present. Pick body-like structures are also widely seen
The pathology of frontotemporal lobar degeneration 695

throughout subcortical areas, particularly the corpus severity of tissue damage matches closely the topographic
striatum. Tau-positive tufted astrocytes reminiscent distribution of the atrophy. Astroglial reaction is less severe,
of those seen in PSP, neuropil threads and coiled usually being confined to subpial regions or occurring at the
bodies are also sometimes widely seen within the border between grey and white matter (Mann et al., 1993;
cerebral cortex in some cases (Hogg et al., 2003; Schofield et al., 2003). Loss of myelin and axons is often
Kobayashi et al., 2003a). inconspicuous, except in severely atrophic areas, and white
matter astrogliosis is mild. Microglial cell reaction is
Nevertheless, other mutations in exons 12 and 13 (V337M
confined to white matter (Schofield et al., 2003).
and R406W) are associated with NFT, similar both in appear-
The hippocampus is usually quite normal, although some-
ance and in pattern of tau immunostaining (i.e. both AT8
times a severe loss of nerve cells from area CA1 occurs in the
and 12E8 immunoreactive) to those in AD, within nerve
absence of neurofibrillary degeneration. On occasions some
cells, but not glial cells, of the cerebral cortex (Van Swieten
NFTs are present among the stellate cells of layer II of the
et al., 1999; Saito et al., 2002). Conversely, the exon 1 muta-
entorhinal cortex. Despite the widespread atrophy frequently
tion, R5H displays a tau neurofibrillary pathology principally
seen within the basal ganglia and amygdala, no specific
affecting oligodendroglial cells and, to a lesser extent, astro-
histopathological changes are evident microscopically in such
cytes (Hayashi et al., 2002), but here the tangles are AT8, but
regions except for a variable degree of astrocytosis. In some
not 12E8, immunoreactive.
instances, particularly in cases where stereotypic behaviours
Why certain tau mutations produce a (wholly) neuronal
are prominent, this can be more severe and obvious neuronal
pathology (as in V337M and R406W mutations) and others
loss will also have taken place. Some cases show pronounced
both neuronal and glial pathology (as in splice site mutations)
cell loss from the substantia nigra, with residual pigment free
is not clear. It may reflect differing patterns of cellular expres-
within the neuropil or in macrophages, and grumose bodies
sion of tau with neurones expressing all six isoforms whereas
occur when neuronal cell loss is heavy. The locus caeruleus
glial cells express only, or predominantly, 4R tau, and so are
can be affected, though is usually spared, sometimes even
only involved when the mutation affects exon 10 splicing or
when nigral involvement is severe. Occasionally, scattered
ubiquitinated inclusions of the type more frequently seen in
FTD and MND, are present within granule cells of the dentate PICK-TYPE HISTOLOGY gyrus (Tolnay and Probst, 1995; Taniguchi et al., 2004) (see
About 25 per cent cases with FTLD not associated with tau below).
mutations display Pick-type of histology similar to that seen
in cases of FTD with tau mutations, where pyramidal cell loss UBIQUITIN-TYPE (MNDID) HISTOLOGY
in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus is accompanied by a
florid transcortical astrocytosis (Mann et al., 1993; Schofield In many, and perhaps up to two-thirds of, patients with FTLD
et al., 2003) and intraneuronal inclusions (Pick bodies) and with microvacuolar-type histology (Taniguchi et al., 2004),
swollen (Pick) cells (Taniguchi et al., 2004). However, in con- and indeed in some with SD (Rossor et al., 2000) and PPA
trast to cases of FTD with tau mutations, the Pick bodies in (Caselli et al., 1993), the pathological (and sometimes clinical)
sporadic FTLD are distributed in laminar fashion, mostly in features of MND have also been recorded. Here, along with the
cortical layers II and VI (Taniguchi et al., 2004). Nonetheless, microvacuolation and mild subpial astrocytosis, ubiquitin-,
the Pick bodies in these (presumed) sporadic cases of FTLD but not tau-, immunoreactive intraneuronal inclusions are
display the same tau immunohistochemical features as those characteristically seen in pyramidal cells of layer II of the
in cases of FTD with tau mutations (Taniguchi et al., 2004). frontal and temporal cortex, less commonly in layers III and V.
This histology has been termed MND-type (Jackson et al.,
1996), and such cases referred variously as ones of FTD-MND MICROVACUOLAR-TYPE HISTOLOGY
as here, MNDID, inclusions, tau and synuclein negative, ubiq-
This is perhaps the most common histology present in FTLD, uitinated (ITSNU) or frontotemporal dementia with ubiqui-
occurring in about 75 per cent of FTLD patients, including tin-positive, tau-negative inclusions.
some of those cases of FTD with tau mutations (see above) as Similar ubiquitinated inclusions are (characteristically)
well as clinical cases of FTD, SD or PA (Taniguchi et al., 2004). present in granule cells of the dentate gyrus of the hippocam-
In these, a microvacuolar type of histology in outer cortical pus (Jackson et al., 1996; Woulfe et al., 2001), less commonly
laminae, mainly in layer II and upper layer III, is present. so in the amygdala (Anderson et al., 1995). Interestingly, some
Cases of FTLD with this form of histology have also in the cases also show ubiquitinated inclusions within the nuclei of
past been known as having dementia lacking distinctive histo- cortical pyramidal neurones, dentate gyrus granule cells and
logical features (DLDH), recognizing the lack of ‘specific’ striatal neurones (Woulfe et al., 2001). The substantia nigra is
pathologies like plaques, tangles, Pick or Lewy bodies in this nearly always damaged, often severely so showing subtotal
histopathological appearance. However, it is now accepted nerve cell loss but without inclusions (Jackson et al., 1996;
that this pattern of change is so characteristic and consistent Snowden et al., 1996). A profound astrocytosis is seen and
between cases as to make it of diagnostic relevance. The grumose bodies are frequent.
696 The genetics and molecular pathology of frontotemporal lobar degeneration

Like classic MND, the characteristic skein or rounded ubiq- are composed of variable mixtures of 3R and 4R tau species,
uitin inclusions within the motor neurones of the anterior sometimes with a preponderance of 4R species (Murrell et al.,
horns of the spinal cord and brain stem cranial nerve nuclei 1999; Lippa et al., 2000; Neumann et al., 2001; Pickering-
can be seen in FTD-MND, and the pattern of nerve cell loss Brown et al., 2001; Kobayashi et al., 2003a), but on other
is similar though usually milder than that of classic MND. occasions more 3R is present (Rizzini et al., 2000; Hogg et al.,
2003). The reasons for these differences in tau isoform com- OTHER PATHOLOGICAL CHANGES position remain unclear but may relate to the particular
conformational properties to the tau molecules that each
Senile (neuritic) plaques are generally not seen in cases of mutation imposes.
FTLD with, or without, tau mutations. However, diffuse On the other hand, mutations in and around the stem
deposits of A may sometimes occur mostly within the other- loop structure at the exon 10 splice site (N279K, L284L,
wise undamaged posterior cerebral cortex. Numerically, P301L, P301S and S305N plus 3, 11, 12, 13, 14 and
these are not usually beyond that which might be expected 16 form insoluble tau aggregates) contain mostly 4R tau
for age, and are commonly associated with possession of (Pickering-Brown et al., 2002), as do R5H and R5L mutations
ApoE 4 allele (Mann et al., 2001; Lantos et al., 2002; Pickering- (Poorkaj et al., 2001; Hayashi et al., 2002).
Brown et al., 2002). In V337M and R406W, the insoluble tau aggregates are
composed of an equal mixture of 3R and 4R tau (Hong et al.,
54.2.3 Clinicopathological correlations 1998; Hutton et al., 1998; Poorkaj et al., 1998; Rizzu et al.,
1999; Van Swieten et al., 1999), similar to the paired helical
It is important to recognize that any one of these four histo- filaments of AD.
logical profiles can occur in patients with FTLD, and generally
it is not immediately predictable from the clinical symptom-
atology which pattern will underlie the clinical changes. 54.3.2 Tau biochemistry in FTLD not associated
Similarly, an underlying microvacuolar- (Snowden et al., with tau mutations
1996) or Pick-type (Graff-Radford et al., 1990) histopath-
ology can occur in cases of SD and PA, though most commonly As in cases of FTD with tau mutations and Pick bodies, cases
this is microvacuolar-type. The fundamental pathological of sporadic FTLD with Pick histology show variable patterns
process behind these latter disorders is likely to be the same of tau isoform by both western blotting and immunohisto-
as in FTD, the differing topography of change dictating the chemistry. In many instances, western blotting shows the
clinical symptoms present. FTD-MND in conjunction with a insoluble tau is composed mostly, or even exclusively, of 3R
Pick-type histology appears to be much less common (Sam tau isoforms (Delacourte et al., 1998), although on other
et al., 1991). However, all cases of PAX to date appear to have occasions substantial quantities of 4R tau are present (Arai
Pick-type histology (Snowden et al., 1996) and this condition et al., 2001; Ikeda et al., 2002; Zhukareva et al., 2002; Taniguchi
may therefore represent a parietal lobe manifestation of a et al., 1994). As in some cases of FTD with tau mutations
pathological process that more usually afflicts frontal and with Pick bodies (Hogg et al., 2003; Pickering-Brown et al.,
temporal lobes. Although patients with progressive anomia 2004b) the Pick bodies in such sporadic FTLD cases are in
and progressive proposagnosia have been described clinically fact immunoreactive only with 3R, and not 4R, tau-specific
(Snowden and Neary, 2003) pathological analysis remains antibodies (even though both 3R and 4R tau isoforms are
incomplete, though one patient with progressive anomia detectable on western blotting (Arai et al., 2001; Ikeda et al.,
showed underlying pathology of microvacuolar-type with 2002), because of the presence of 4R tau isoforms in glial cells
ubiquitin inclusions in frontal cortex and hippocampus and neuropil threads, which show up on western blot.
(Mann, unpublished data). However, other immunohistochemical studies on cases show-
ing 4R tau isoforms by western blot have revealed the Pick
bodies also to contain 4R tau (Zhukareva et al., 2002). Hence,
as in FTD with tau mutations, the precise tau isoform com-
54.3 TAU BIOCHEMISTRY IN position of Pick bodies in sporadic FTLD can vary greatly;
FRONTOTEMPORAL LOBAR DEMENTIA why this biochemical heterogeneity of tau should occur
remains unclear.
54.3.1 Tau biochemistry in FTD with tau Cases of FTD, FTD and MND, SD and PPA not due to
mutations mutations in tau, but showing microvacuolar histology, dis-
play either no, or only trace amounts of, insoluble tau on
By Western blotting, the insoluble tau aggregates that accu- western blot (Zhukareva et al., 2001, 2003; Taniguchi et al.,
mulate in the brain as Pick-like bodies in neurones, and some- 2004). When present, this tau is comprised of all six tau iso-
times within glial cells and neuropil threads, in cases with forms, consistent with the presence of rare (age-related) NFTs
missense mutations in exons 9 (K257T, L266V, G272V), 11 seen on immunohistochemistry (Taniguchi et al., 2004).
(S309N, L315P), 12 (G336R, G342V) and 13 (K369I, G389R) However, there is considerable loss of soluble tau proteins
Diagnostic considerations 697

(Zhukareva et al., 2000, 2003; Adamec et al., 2001; Taniguchi is low. This is not only of practical histopathological diag-
et al., 2004), both in microvacuolar- and Pick-type histologi- nostic relevance, but also has implications for genetic testing,
cal cases. Because this loss of soluble tau is paralleled by loss of not only in actual patients with FTLD, but also in (unaffected)
other soluble neuronal perikaryal markers, and because simi- relatives who may be at risk and concerned about predictive
lar losses of soluble tau are seen in severe cases of AD, testing. For a successful and meaningful genetic testing serv-
Huntington’s disease and FTD with tau mutations (Taniguchi ice that will be of benefit to patients and relatives in terms of
et al., 2004), it is more likely that this loss of soluble tau in the knowledge or reassurance it may provide and the poten-
FTLD reflects a broad neurodegeneration that carries tau pro- tial for appropriate (future) therapeutic or clinical manage-
teins in its wake along with many other cellular proteins. ment, it is necessary to know the full extent of the association
of the tau gene with disease phenotype, and questions relat-
ing to the degree of penetrance of mutations be fully answer-
54.4 DIAGNOSTIC CONSIDERATIONS able. As regards the former, it is likely that the full range of
mutations within coding and associated splicing regions in
tau will soon become known as research into the biology of
54.4.1 How far does the FTLD phenotype
FTLD continues apace. However, there may still be many
cases of FTLD where causative changes in tau are less clear
cut, affecting, for example, promoter or other regulatory ele-
A chromosome 3-linked family with FTD (Gydesen et al.,
ments leading to (variably) increased risk of disease. As with
2002) shows similar ‘non-specific’ features of FTLD, like neur-
ApoE 4 allele in AD, the diagnostic or predictive value of
onal loss and gliosis, sometimes with (a few) neurofibrillary
such risk factors may be limited. Second, there are issues of
changes in the absence of neuritic plaques (Yancopoulou et al.,
incomplete or delayed penetrance, even within presently
2003). Indeed, most recently, Josephs et al. (2003) reported
known tau mutations associated with FTD (Murrell et al.,
four cases of FTD with microvacuolar histology and ubiqui-
1999; Pickering-Brown et al., 2000a, 2002; van Herpen et al.,
tin inclusions, the latter also, and atypically so for FTD/FTD
2003). There may well also be several other causative genes
and MND, being reactive with antibodies against heavy and
for FTLD, each carrying its own particular load of questions
light chain neurofilament proteins, which they termed neuro-
relating to association and penetrance. All of these issues
filament inclusion body disease; a similar case was also
(presently) reduce the utility of clinical testing for FTLD by
reported by Bigio et al. (2003). Whether these potentially
genetics. Nonetheless, there is current, albeit low, interest in
related conditions should be included under FTLD is, for the
genetic testing for early onset familial dementia, including
present, uncertain – future molecular genetic analyses may
FTD (Steinbart et al., 2001). Whether this demand will increase
define their nosological position.
with future knowledge regarding the genetics of FTLD is
Moreover, it can be asked whether the tauopathy of FTLD
uncertain. Even in genetically ‘well-understood’ disorders
can, or even should, be extended to include other non-
such as Huntington’s disease where genetic testing within a
Alzheimer forms of dementia such as PSP and CBD. The
genetic counselling service has been widely available now for
increased frequency of the tau H1 haplotype may be a genetic
many years, and clear-cut advice can be given to the benefit
pointer to such inclusion. Moreover, the tangles of PSP and
of patients and relatives, take-up rates of genetic testing are
CBD appear as flat ribbons of 4R tau (Sergeant et al., 1999),
still relatively low.
and affect both nerve cells and glial cells. Such changes are
strongly reminiscent of those FTD cases associated with
(splicing) changes in exon 10 of tau (Pickering-Brown et al.,
2002), thereby further strengthening the case for including
54.4.3 Ubiquitinopathy or tauopathy?
such disorders under FTLD.
In the absence of any laboratory test based on the levels of
pathological (i.e. phosphorylated) tau in blood, serum or
54.4.2 Diagnostic relevance of tau mutations cerebrospinal fluid that can unequivocally distinguish cases
of FTLD from healthy controls, or from cases with other
Currently, there are no clear cut family history, clinical, radio- tauopathies such as AD, neuropathology remains the ‘gold
logical or gross histopathological distinctions that can distin- standard’ for diagnosis. Nonetheless, here too there are
guish cases of FTD owing to tau mutations from those pathological heterogeneity and nosological uncertainties that
without such (or other) mutations, nor is it possible to pre- cloud diagnostic precision. Evaluations of autopsy-based
dict which cases of FTD might be associated with Pick bodies series (Rosso et al., 2003; Taniguchi et al., 2004) show that
and which with a microvacuolar type change. Only direct tau cases with tau-based pathology (tauopathy) within FTLD
gene analysis can determine which cases of FTLD are due to only account for up to about 45 per cent cases. Of those with
such mutations. Yet, as we have already seen, these account tau-positive inclusions, about half will have Pick bodies, but
for less than 10 per cent of all cases of FTD. Clearly cases of not be associated with a mutation in tau, with the remainder
FTD with tau mutations account for a minority of FTLD, and being associated with tau mutations displaying either a Pick-
the expectation of detecting such cases by genetic analysis type histology or a NFT-type histology depending upon the
698 The genetics and molecular pathology of frontotemporal lobar degeneration

mutation in question. Of the 55 per cent or more cases with and clarify nosology with respect to cases of FTLD associated
non-tau (microvacuolar) histology, as many as half to two- with tau inclusions.
thirds of these will have also ubiquitin-positive inclusions, The challenge to define and classify these non-Alzheimer
seemingly making this the most common pathological form forms of dementia, some of which manifest as FTLD, others
underlying FTLD. as differing neuropsychological syndromes, remains to be
However, the diagnostic relevance of these ubiquitin completed. To date at least three major clinical syndromes,
inclusions is not clear, nor is it certain that they are indexing FTD, SD and PA, each combined or not with MND, can be
the same cellular change in all instances. Apart from their included under FTLD, as well as less common disorders such
widespread presence within frontal and hippocampal neur- as PAX, progressive anomia and progressive prosopagnosia.
ones in cases which have now become classed as FTD and Maybe PSP and CBD should also be included under FTLD?
MND (MNDID, ITSNU or frontotemporal dementia with Pathologically, there is also great heterogeneity underpinning
ubiquitin inclusions), they are also present in these same each of these clinical syndromes, with microvacuolar-type or
brain regions (but less severely so) in cases of FTD with- Pick-type histologies being present, the former often being
out MND (see above), as well as in cases of MND alone associated with ubiquitin inclusions but on other occasions
(Kawashima et al., 2001; Mackenzie and Feldman, 2003). not or minimally so. Some cases of FTD with microvacuolar
This suggests patients with FTD, but not MND, and MND changes are associated with mutations in tau, which translate
alone, may represent polar points on an evolving patho- into distinctive tau pathology, but these are relatively rare
logical continuum, which eventually leads from either direc- within FTLD and may represent a minority cause of
tion into the ‘merging’ pathology of FTD and MND. A inherited FTLD. To what extent do other risk factors in tau,
cognitive change (perhaps eventually evolving into demen- or other genes, contribute to ‘sporadic’ FTLD? The huge
tia) within classic MND may go thus unrecognized in many advances gained in the past 5 years through molecular genet-
instances. Indeed frontal and temporal lobe deficits by ics and biochemistry will no doubt continue to be built
SPECT in many cognitively normal patients with MND sug- upon, and it will not be long before the many of the present
gest the presence of preclinical changes in the frontal lobes, mysteries surrounding the causes and mechanics of FTLD
possibly commensurate with the (early) presence of ubiqui- that confound attempts at nosology are ultimately yielded up
tin inclusions. and a proper and rational means of chemically and geneti-
cally defining these disorders becomes closer.


Within the putative entity of FTLD, a spectrum of clinical Adamec E, Chang HT, Stopa EG et al. (2001) Tau protein expression in
and pathological phenotypes can be entered, all of which frontotemporal dementias. Neuroscience Letters 315: 21–24
share, to a greater or lesser extent, a non-Alzheimer-type of Anderson VER, Cairns NJ, Leigh PN. (1995) Involvement of the amygala,
histological profile characterized by cerebral cortical neur- dentate and hippocampus in motor neuron disease. Journal of the
onal loss, gliosis and microvacuolar change, with or without Neurological Sciences 129: 75–78
intraneuronal tau or ubiquitin inclusions, along with subcort- Arai T, Ikeda K, Akiyama H et al. (2001) Distinct isoforms of tau
ical glial and neuronal tau pathology and a (severe) degener- aggregated in neurones and glial cells in brains of patients with
Pick’s disease, corticobasal degeneration and progressive
ation of the substantia nigra. Such overlaps argue strongly for
supranuclear palsy. Acta Neuropathologica 101: 167–173
aetiopathogenetic interrelationships. Nonetheless, it remains Baker M, Litvan I, Houlden H et al. (1999) Association of an extended
to be established how much of the FTLD spectrum relates to haplotype in the tau gene with progressive supranuclear palsy.
a ‘tau pathology’ of some kind or other. For example, are Human Molecular Genetics 8: 711–715
cases of sporadic FTLD where no tau inclusions are present Basun H, Almkvist O, Axelman K et al. (1997) Clinical characteristics of a
related to deleterious imbalances in regulatory elements of chromosome 17-linked rapidly progressive familial frontotemporal
tau gene, which detrimentally disturb the normal levels, or dementia. Archives of Neurology 54: 539–544
stoichiometric composition, of tau proteins? Furthermore, Bigio EH, Lipton AM, White CL et al. (2003) Frontotemporal and motor
how do disorders like MND-FTD, PA and SD, where ubiqui- neurone degeneration with neurofilament inclusion bodies:
tin inclusions are commonplace, relate genetically and bio- additional evidence for overlap between FTD and ALS.
chemically to FTLD with tau inclusions? To date, no mutations Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 29: 239–253
Caselli RJ, Windebank AJ, Petersen RC et al. (1993) Rapidly progressive
in tau have been identified in patients with these particular
aphasic dementia and motor neuron disease. Annals of Neurology
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inclusions in FTD (SD/PA)  MND, and what is the key pro- Clark LN, Poorkaj P, Wzsolek Z et al. (1998) Pathogenic implications
tein present within such inclusions that is being ‘tagged’ by of mutations in the tau gene in pallido-ponto-nigral degeneration
the ubiquitin? Answers here will be critical to our under- and related neurodegenerative disorders linked to chromosome 17.
standing of the causative mechanism behind this form of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
FTLD, and will help to pin-point responsible genetic changes, of America 95: 13103–13107
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Semantic dementia


55.1 Historical background 702 55.10 Relationship between semantic dementia and
55.2 Demographic features 703 other forms of focal cerebral degeneration 708
55.3 Presenting complaints 703 55.11 Differentiation from frontotemporal dementia 708
55.4 Cognitive characteristics 704 55.12 Differentiation from Alzheimer’s disease 709
55.5 Behavioural changes 706 55.13 Treatment and management 710
55.6 Neurological signs 706 55.14 Theoretical issues 710
55.7 Investigations 707 55.15 Conclusion 710
55.8 Neuropathology 707 References 711
55.9 Neurochemistry 707

Semantic dementia is a distinctive clinical syndrome that arises

from circumscribed degeneration of the temporal lobes. It is
one of a number of distinct syndromes, which include fronto-
temporal dementia and primary progressive non-fluent The term semantic dementia is relatively new. It was intro-
aphasia, encompassed within the pathological rubric of fronto- duced (Snowden et al., 1989) to encapsulate the multimodal
temporal lobar degeneration. The disorder is characterized loss of semantic knowledge that occurs in the face of rela-
by a progressive loss of semantic (conceptual) knowledge tively preserved non-semantic cognitive skills and has since
about the world. This includes loss of the ability to under- been widely adopted (e.g. Hodges et al., 1992a; Breedin et al.,
stand the meaning of words, to recognize faces, and to under- 1994; Graham et al., 1997; Lauro-Grotto et al., 1997). Clinical
stand the significance of objects, non-verbal sounds, tastes criteria have been published to aid its identification (Neary
and smells. Despite the wide-ranging nature of this loss of et al., 1998) and are summarized in Box 55.1.
‘meaning’, the disorder is remarkably circumscribed in the Clinical cases of semantic dementia undoubtedly existed
sense that non-semantic aspects of cognitive functioning prior to the introduction of contemporary classifications.
remain well preserved. Patients have normal sensory percep- There are seminal reports in the literature of patients with
tion: the problem lies in ascribing meaning (connotative circumscribed impairments of semantic memory occurring
associations) to stimuli that are perceived normally. Moreover, in association with a unspecified degenerative brain disease
day-to-day memory is well preserved. As a consequence who would now be recognized as having semantic dementia
patients are able to retain a high degree of functional inde- (Warrington, 1975; Schwartz et al., 1979, 1980). Moreover,
pendence well into the course of disease. It is the dramatic, some patients, described as having a fluent form of primary
yet selective nature of the semantic disorder, together with progressive aphasia (Basso et al., 1988; Poeck and Luzzatti,
characteristic accompanying behavioural changes, that distin- 1988; Tyrrell et al., 1990a; Snowden et al., 1992), in fact have a
guishes this non-Alzheimer focal temporal lobe degeneration disorder of semantics that extends beyond the domain of lan-
clinically from Alzheimer’s disease. Although relatively rare, guage and would fulfil criteria for semantic dementia. Similarly,
recognition of the disorder is important because of its dis- patients with progressive prosopagnosia (Tyrrell et al., 1990b;
tinct implications for management and treatment. Moreover, Evans et al., 1995) may be examples of semantic dementia
in recent years it has attracted considerable academic interest presenting in the visual domain. In the classical neurological
because of its potential to shed light on the organization of and psychiatric literature there are reports of patients with
semantic memory and its neural basis. lexical-semantic impairment occurring in association with
Presenting complaints 703

focal temporal lobe atrophy (Pick, 1892; Rosenfeld, 1909),

Box 55.1 Clinical diagnostic features of semantic dementia.
whose clinical description appears prototypical of semantic
I Core diagnostic features dementia (Snowden, 2001). The neurological term ‘transcor-
A. Insidious onset and gradual progression tical sensory aphasia’ has historically been applied to the
B. Language disorder characterized by : form of language disorder.
• i) progressive, fluent, empty spontaneous speech Aside from such cases it is likely that there are many patients
• ii) loss of word meaning, manifest by impaired naming with semantic dementia who, in the past, were not recog-
and comprehension nized as clinically distinct and were subsumed under the broad
• iii) semantic paraphasias rubric of degenerative dementia or were wrongly classified as
and/or Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease continues to be the
main misdiagnosis.
C. Perceptual disorder characterised by:
• i) prosopagnosia: impaired recognition of identity of
familiar faces
• ii) associative agnosia: impaired recognition of object
Semantic dementia most commonly presents between the ages
of 50 and 65 and affects both men and women. The time
D. Preserved perceptual matching and drawing course of the illness is variable, the median illness duration
reproduction being approximately 8 years, ranging from about 3 to 15 years.
Most cases appear to occur sporadically. A history of dementia
E. Preserved single word repetition
in a first-degree relative is documented in approximately 25 per
F. Preserved ability to read aloud and write to dictation cent of cases, although it is difficult to determine, in view of the
orthographically regular words retrospective nature of family history data, whether the form of
dementia in affected relatives is similar. Nevertheless, the estab-
II Supportive diagnostic features lished clinical and pathological link between semantic demen-
A. Speech and language tia and the highly familial frontotemporal dementia (see
• i) pressure of speech below) suggests that genetic factors are likely to play an impor-
• ii) idiosyncratic word usage tant role. There are no known geographical or socioeconomic
• iii) absence of phonemic paraphasias factors that affect incidence. Accurate incidence and prevalence
• iv) surface dyslexia and dysgraphia data are not currently available. However, the disorder would
• v) preserved calculation appear to be relatively rare. In an analysis of patient referrals
B. Behaviour to a specialist dementia clinic in a neurological department
• i) loss of sympathy and empathy in Manchester, patients with prototypical, ‘pure’ semantic
• ii) narrowed preoccupations dementia accounted for approximately 10 per cent of cases of
• iii) parsimony focal cortical degeneration (frontotemporal lobe degener-
C. Physical signs ation), which in turn accounted for 20–25 per cent of cases of
primary degenerative dementia presenting in the presenium.
• i) absent or late primitive reflexes
• ii) akinesia, rigidity and tremor
D. Neuropsychological testing
• i) profound semantic loss, manifest in failure of word
comprehension and naming and/or face and object
recognition Patients’ own complaints, often supported by reports from
• ii) preserved phonology and syntax, elementary relatives, are often that they ‘can’t remember things’. However,
perceptual processing, spatial skills and day-to-day careful history-taking will reveal that the problem is not one
memorizing of memory loss in the traditional sense. Patients are able to
E. Electrophysiology remember day-to-day events, keep track of time, remember
appointments, find their way around without becoming lost,
• normal
and retain a degree of functional independence that would
F. Brain Imaging (structural and/or functional)
be incompatible with a classical amnesia. The problem lies in
• predominant anterior temporal abnormality (symmetric
the realm of semantic memory: in remembering what words
or asymmetric)
mean, who people are and what objects are for. The present-
ing symptoms are most often in the verbal domain, manifest
Reproduced with kind permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
from Neary et al. (Frontotemporal lobar degeneration. A consensus on by patients’ difficulty in the understanding and use of words.
clinical diagnostic criteria. Neurology [1998] 51: 1546–1554) Semantic errors occur in speech (for example, a rabbit is
referred to as a ‘cat’) and patients may express perplexity and
704 Semantic dementia

lack of understanding of words previously known to them. errors such as ‘sock’ for glove may provide the clue to the
However, in some patients the earliest symptoms are in the underlying semantic impairment.
visual realm, manifest particularly by a difficulty recognizing The semantic impairment, which may be scarcely appar-
faces. Relatives may also report a failure of object recogni- ent at clinical interview, becomes strikingly evident on for-
tion: patients may, for example, no longer recognize fruits and mal testing of naming and word comprehension. Patients
vegetables in the supermarket. Medical referral may sometimes commonly exhibit difficulty naming even common objects
be precipitated by behavioural alterations. Patients are typic- and derive no benefit from first-letter cues. They may also
ally physically well, without neurological symptoms. show difficulty selecting the correct name when given seman-
tically related alternatives, reflecting the fact that the naming
problem is not simply one of word retrieval but represents a
central breakdown of knowledge of the word itself. Word
55.4 COGNITIVE CHARACTERISTICS comprehension is affected. Expressions of lack of under-
standing of previously familiar words (e.g.‘Tiger, tiger, what’s
55.4.1 Language a tiger? I don’t know what that is’) commonly occur and are
a revealing demonstration of the loss of word meaning.
Patients speak fluently and effortlessly, with normal articula- There is a tendency for vocabulary relating to patients’ daily
tion and grammar and without phonological (sound-based) life to be better preserved than non-personally relevant vocabu-
errors, giving the superficial impression of normal output. lary (Snowden et al., 1994, 1995). Word comprehension and
Indeed, patients are often garrulous (Box 55.2). Nevertheless, naming tests should therefore not be restricted to the com-
there is typically a reduction in content words, and patients’ mon objects and body parts typically used in bedside testing,
reliance on broad generic terms, stereotyped usage of words but should include names of animals, foods and objects, such
and phrases and in particular the presence of within-category as ‘sheep’, ‘plum’, ‘violin’ which are unlikely to relate directly
to the patient’s daily routine. Loss of knowledge about a word’s
meaning may not be absolute. The patient may, for example,
know that a lemon is a food rather than an animal, but not
Box 55.2 Characteristics of language disorder in semantic know how it differs from an apple or banana. Assessment of
dementia word understanding should therefore probe knowledge of
Spontaneous speech attributes as well as broad category knowledge.
• Fluent, effortless, often garrulous Language comprehension problems arise principally at the
• Empty content, reduced nominal terms single word level. Comprehension of syntactic rules of language
• Semantic paraphasias is typically relatively well preserved. Thus, a patient may
• Substitution of generic terms respond with ease to the question ‘If the tiger is killed by the
• Verbal stereotypies lion which animal is dead?’, while failing the apparently simpler
• Preserved use of syntax question ‘Is a tiger bigger than a mouse?’. The former depends
• Preserved phonology on understanding of grammatical relationships, whereas the
• Normal articulation and prosody latter on understanding of the lexical terms tiger and mouse.
Patients’ ability to repeat what is said, to read aloud and
write to dictation is relatively well preserved, although not
• Impaired word understanding
entirely normal by virtue of the semantic deficit. Inevitably it
• Good understanding of syntax
is more difficult to repeat a meaningless sentence than one
Repetition that carries meaning. In reading, patients read phonetically
• Relatively preserved rather than for meaning, and produce regular pronunci-
Naming ations of words with irregular spelling-to-sound correspond-
• Profound anomia ences, consistent with surface dyslexia (Patterson et al., 1985).
• Semantic errors present (e.g. ‘dog’ for elephant) Thus, ‘glove’ may be pronounced to rhyme with ‘rove’ and
• No benefit from phonemic cues ‘stove’; ‘pint’ to rhyme with ‘mint’. Similar regularization errors
Reading occur also in writing: the word ‘caught’ written as ‘cort’.
• Fluent reading aloud With progression of disease, speech content is increasingly
• Accurate reading of regular words empty and stereotyped in nature. Favoured terms may be
• Regularization of irregular words (surface dyslexia) adopted and used in a generic sense (e.g. ‘twisting’ to refer to
• Impaired comprehension of written material all actions; ‘plate’ to refer to all objects). There is a gradual
contraction in the themes of conversation, which centre exclu-
sively on autobiographically relevant topics. At no time is
• Fluent, effortless execution
speech non-fluent or effortful in production: conversational
• Regularization of irregular words (e.g. ‘cort’ for caught)
repertoire simply becomes progressively reduced until only a
(surface dysgraphia)
few verbal stereotypies remain.
Cognitive characteristics 705

55.4.2 Face recognition disorder: patients may cease to recognize coins and no longer
understand the meaning of spoken and written numerals.
Problems in recognizing familiar faces occur early in the course
of disease. Difficulties are most profound for impersonal
faces, such as those of current and past celebrities, and least 55.4.5 Spatial skills
marked for family and friends with whom the patient main-
tains daily contact. The problem in face recognition lies at a Spatial and navigational skills are generally excellent. Patients
semantic level: in assigning an identity to faces. That patients are able to find their way without becoming lost and may use
are able to perceive and discriminate faces adequately is spatial cues to compensate for object recognition difficulties
demonstrated by their ability to carry out matching tasks of (for example, by recalling the spatial location of food items on
unfamiliar faces. a supermarket shelf). On neuropsychological testing, patients
perform well on traditional spatial tests such as line orienta-
tion (Benton et al., 1978), dot counting, position discrimin-
55.4.3 Object recognition ation, and cube estimation (Warrington and James, 1991).
The preservation of spatial skills is an important feature
Object recognition difficulties represent one component of in distinguishing semantic dementia from Alzheimer’s dis-
the insidious breakdown in semantics. Such difficulties may ease. It is worth recognizing, however, that performance on
not be evident early in the course, but emerge with disease putative spatial tasks may be compromised secondarily by
progression. Recognition failure, like that for words, is not all failures of perceptual recognition or verbal skills. A patient
or none. Patients may, for example, be able to sort objects who, for example, fails to ‘locate’ their comb or toothbrush,
into those which are edible and those non-edible, but be may do so because of impaired recognition of object identity
unable to distinguish foods that are normally cooked (e.g. and not because of a problem in spatial localization per se. A
potatoes) and those normally eaten uncooked (e.g. lettuce). patient who, in late stage disease, fails a simple dot counting
Patients may recognize a picture of a camel as depicting an task may have difficulty recalling the names of numbers.
animal, but have no idea how it differs from a dog. Moreover, Evidence that spatial skills are indeed well preserved
they may recognize and use entirely appropriately their own throughout the course of disease is suggested by qualitative
belongings while failing to recognize other examples of those characteristics of patients’ behaviour. Patients with semantic
same objects or pictures of those objects (Snowden et al., dementia even in advanced disease negotiate their environ-
1994; Bozeat et al., 2002). This latter feature helps to explain ment skilfully, have no difficulty orientating themselves with
the clinical observation that the degree of functional inde- respect to furniture when sitting or lying down, recall the
pendence maintained by patients in daily life belies the mag- location of their chair or bed on a hospital ward, localize
nitude of their underlying semantic disorder: patients are and manipulate with ease objects in the environment and
able to function reasonably well within the narrow confines spatially align objects perfectly.
of their familiar environment and repertoire of daily activ-
ities at a time when abstract semantic knowledge is profoundly
impaired. With progression of disease even highly familiar 55.4.6 Memory
objects may no longer be recognized.
Non-semantic aspects of object perception are well A feature that is striking on clinical grounds and that helps to
preserved. Patients can copy drawings normally, sometimes distinguish semantic dementia from other forms of dementia
to a strikingly proficient level (Snowden et al., 1996a). They is the apparent preservation of patients’ current autobiograph-
also have no difficulty carrying out perceptual matching ical memory. Patients remember appointments and person-
tasks, which are not dependent upon recognition of object ally relevant events and keep track of time. They negotiate
meaning. the environment without becoming lost. If they move home,
they have no difficulty learning their new surroundings. In
contrast, they show a gross breakdown in impersonal, factual
55.4.4 Numeracy (semantic) knowledge about the world, including knowledge
about public figures and important world events. The preser-
Understanding of number concepts and the ability to carry vation of autobiographical memory is not easily captured by
out arithmetical procedures are often remarkably well pre- standard memory tests, which typically involve lists of words,
served (Cappelletti et al., 2001, 2002; Crutch and Warrington, faces or line drawings that may have little meaning for the
2002). Patients are able to count money and reckon change patient. Moreover, routine bedside questions, designed to
despite major difficulties in word comprehension and nam- probe orientation, such as ‘What town are we in?’ demand
ing. Perhaps because of this preserved ability patients often naming skills and thus may be compromised in semantic
enjoy number puzzles and television quiz shows involving dementia. Bedside testing needs to include questions regard-
manipulation of numbers. Eventually, however, arithmeti- ing the patient’s own daily life, and formal neuropsycho-
cal skills too become compromised by patients’ semantic logical testing should include recognition memory tests using
706 Semantic dementia

perceptually distinct pictures. Also worthy of note is that management point of view and the greatest source of burden
semantic dementia patients commonly answer time orienta- to carers.
tion questions better than those relating to place orientation, Patients are commonly described as self-centred and lack-
reflecting the fact that number-related vocabulary is better ing in their former sympathy and empathy for others. They
preserved than the names of places. may be inflexible and intransigent and have difficulty seeing
others’ point of view. They may appear mean and lacking
in their former generosity. Their behavioural repertoire
55.4.7 Praxis becomes narrowed and they frequently become preoccupied
with one or two activities, which they pursue relentlessly
Motor actions are carried out adeptly, dextrously and effort- to the exclusion of all else. Moreover, they may become
lessly. Activities with high motor executive demands, such as mentally preoccupied by one or two themes, which they
painting, sewing or playing golf, may continue to be pursued repeat incessantly to the increasing exasperation of family
with a high level of proficiency, a feature that is both clinically members.
dramatic and important in distinguishing semantic demen- Patients may show hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli and
tia from Alzheimer’s disease. Practical skills are inevitably overact to light touch or to ostensibly innocuous environ-
compromised to some extent by patients’ semantic loss: for mental sounds such as bird-song. Patients may be oblivious
example, a difficulty in cooking arises because of patients’ to danger, a feature that is probably linked to their loss of
inability to recognize ingredients or understand the words of conceptual understanding of the world. Patients commonly
a recipe. show narrowed food preferences and usually favour sweet
Perhaps the most striking change, however, is the presence
55.4.8 Touch, taste, smell and hearing of behaviours that have a compulsive quality. Patients com-
monly adopt a fixed routine and have a preference for order.
Primary sensory abilities are well preserved, so patients have They will clock-watch, carrying out specific activities at
no difficulty detecting the presence of tactile, gustatory, olfac- precisely the same time each day. They may align objects,
tory and auditory stimuli and discriminating whether two straighten out folds in the curtains and plump up the cush-
stimuli are the same or different. However, the disorder of ions as soon as a person rises from an armchair. They may
meaning may extend to all sensory modalities. Patients may develop meaningless rituals, such as avoiding standing on a
have difficulty recognizing the identity of textures, tastes, particular carpet tile, or playing the same few notes on the
smells, and non-verbal sounds such as the ringing of a tele- piano each time they enter the room where the piano is
phone or doorbell, despite perceiving those stimuli normally. located. Nevertheless, the affective responses of anxiety and
release from anxiety that are associated with obsessional-
compulsive disorder are typically absent.
55.5.1 Insight
Although the semantic deficits are the defining characteristic
of the disorder, there are also accompanying behavioural Patients are aware of and may become preoccupied by their
changes. Some are included as supporting features in clinical difficulties. However, they frequently provide trivial explan-
diagnostic criteria (Box 55.1, p. 703). Others are summarized ations for them, such as being ‘out of practice with talking’ by
in Box 55.3. Recognition of behavioural changes is important virtue of being alone all day, and they demonstrate little real
because their highly characteristic nature is valuable in dif- distress or concern. A possible reason is that they have no
ferential diagnosis. Moreover, behavioural changes may rep- internal ‘model’ of their former conceptual knowledge for
resent the most problematic aspect of the condition from the comparison and thus have no mechanism by which to appre-
ciate the magnitude of what they have lost.

Box 55.3 Behavioural changes in semantic dementia

• Self-centredness (narrowed world view) 55.6 NEUROLOGICAL SIGNS

• Inflexibility and intransigence
• Hyperreactivity to sensory stimuli Patients are generally physically well and free from neuro-
• Loss of awareness of danger logical signs until late in the disease. Extrapyramidal signs of
• Food fads akinesia and rigidity, and frontal release phenomena may
• Preference for sweet foods emerge in advanced disease. Neurological signs of motor neu-
• Preference for routine, clockwatching rone disease may emerge in a small minority of patients.
• Stereotypies, rituals and compulsions Myoclonus does not occur.
Neurochemistry 707

55.7 INVESTIGATIONS et al., 2000; Chan et al., 2001). Temporal atrophy is typically
bilateral, although may be asymmetrical (Figure 55.1), the
left or right predominance being associated with a clinical
55.7.1 Electroencephalography presentation emphasizing word meaning or face recognition
disorder respectively. The inferolateral parts of the temporal
This is usually normal, with minor slowing of wave forms lobe are most affected. The hippocampi are often relatively
occurring only in late stage disease. spared.
55.7.2 Structural brain imaging
55.7.3 Functional brain imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging reveals cerebral atrophy,
particularly marked in the anterior temporal lobes (Mummery Positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emis-
sion computed tomography (SPECT) show abnormalities in
the anterior cerebral hemispheres, particularly the temporal
regions (Plate 27). Appearances may be bilateral and symmet-
rical or markedly asymmetrical, affecting disproportionately
the left or right hemisphere.


Temporal lobe atrophy, usually bilateral but asymmetrical, is

typically evident on gross examination of the brain. Histological
changes chiefly affect the middle and inferior temporal gyri,
with some involvement also of frontal cortex and relative
sparing of the superior temporal gyrus, hippocampi, parietal
and occipital cortex. The major histopathological feature is
typically of a microvacuolar degeneration of the cortex,
referred to as frontolobar degeneration (FLD)-type histology
according to the Lund–Manchester consensus statement on
frontotemporal dementia (Lund and Manchester Groups,
(a) 1994; see also Chapter 54). There is loss of large pyramidal
nerve cells from affected areas of temporal and frontal cortex
and a spongiform (microvacuolar) change due to neuronal
fallout. Reactive astrocytosis is mild. Histopathogical features
of Alzheimer’s disease are absent. No deposits of A4 amy-
loid protein are present in any cortical region, nor are there
cells containing neurofibrillary tangles or Lewy-body-type
inclusions. Pick-type inclusion bodies are also usually absent
from surviving cortical nerve cells. Nevertheless, occasionally
Pick-type (Lund and Manchester Groups, 1994) histological
changes may occur, with severe astrocytic gliosis, and the
presence of ballooned neurones and inclusion bodies.
Semantic dementia has also been reported in association
with ubiquitin-positive tau-negative inclusions, consistent
with motor neurone disease (Rossor et al., 2000).


Neurochemical study of semantic dementia is limited.

However, the evidence available indicates an absence of
Figure 55.1 MR scans of two patients with semantic dementia cholinergic deficits and similarities (A Procter, personal com-
showing severe temporal lobe atrophy. In one case atrophy is more munication) with the findings of frontotemporal dementia
marked on the left side (a) and in the other case on the right (b). (Francis et al., 1993).
708 Semantic dementia

55.10 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SEMANTIC Table 55.1 Behavioural differences between semantic dementia
DEMENTIA AND OTHER FORMS OF and frontotemporal dementia
Behaviour Semantic dementia dementia
The patterns of histology seen in semantic dementia are Affect Restricted impairment, Pervasive loss of
identical to those of the more common clinical syndrome of especially loss of fear emotions
frontotemporal dementia, in which there is profound charac- Concern for illness Unconcern
ter change and breakdown in social conduct (see Chapters 52 Social May show exaggerated Reduced sociability
and 54). Similar histological changes are also seen in progres- behaviour sociability common
sive non-fluent aphasia (Snowden et al., 1996a), in which the Interest and Narrowed interests General loss of
salient feature is a disorder of language expression and break- motivation interest
Response to Exaggerated Diminished
down in phonological and syntactic aspects of language.
These three distinct clinical syndromes appear to represent stimuli
discrete clinical manifestations of a common underlying Eating Food fads Gluttony,
pathology, the clinical syndrome being determined by the indiscriminate eating
anatomical distribution of pathological change within the Wandering No wandering Wandering common
frontal and temporal lobes. In the case of semantic dementia Pacing fixed Absent May be present
the pathology is dominant within the inferior and middle route
temporal lobes, whereas the frontal lobes and the traditional Repetitive Complex routines Simple motor
language areas of the superior temporal lobes (Wernicke’s behaviours common stereotypies more
area) are relatively well preserved. By contrast, in frontotem- likely
poral dementia the frontal lobes and temporal poles are Repetitive themes No repetitive themes
Clockwatches Unconcerned by time
markedly affected, and in progressive non-fluent aphasia the
Compulsive quality No compulsive quality
perisylvian areas of the left hemisphere are preferentially
involved. The link between the clinical syndromes of seman-
tic dementia, frontotemporal dementia and progressive non-
fluent aphasia is reinforced
• In FTD behaviour tends to be unproductive and lacking
in goal-direction, whereas in semantic dementia
behavioural routines may be remarkably complex.
• by clinical overlap between the syndromes in some
• In FTD there is poor mental application and impersistence
whereas patients with semantic dementia frequently show
• the presence of different syndromes in affected members
dogged persistence, albeit on a narrowed range of activities.
of the same family, and
• by the co-occurrence of motor neurone disease in • Patients with FTD show a lack of concern with personal
association with the prototypical syndromes (Neary appearance and hygiene, whereas the latter may become
et al., 1990; Caselli et al., 1993). a source of preoccupation in patients with semantic
In prototypical semantic dementia patients do not show • FTD patients show generalized blunting of emotions,
notable ‘frontal lobe’ behaviour. Nevertheless, an overlap including a failure to show happiness, sadness and disgust.
between the clinical phenotypes of FTD and semantic demen- In semantic dementia affective changes are more selective,
tia has been demonstrated in FTD patients who show muta- typically affecting particularly the capacity to show fear.
tions in the tau gene (Pickering-Brown et al., 2002). • FTD patients may show reduced sensitivity to pain,
whereas semantic dementia patients are more likely to
show an exaggerated response to sensory stimuli.
55.11 DIFFERENTIATION FROM • FTD patients commonly exhibit gluttony and
indiscriminate eating, whereas semantic dementia
patients are more likely to show food fads.
• Perhaps the most striking difference is that repetitive
Semantic dementia is unlikely to be confused with FTD on behaviours have a much more compulsive quality in
cognitive grounds (see Chapter 52). The problems in word semantic dementia than FTD, suggesting an important
and object recognition are quite distinct from the frontal role of the temporal lobes in obsessive-compulsive-
executive failures of FTD. Nevertheless, both disorders involve type behaviour. The differences are most marked
behavioural change, which may appear superficially similar, between semantic dementia and the apathetic form
leading to diagnostic confusion. Closer examination does, how- of FTD. Disinhibited FTD patients with more
ever, reveal differences between the ‘temporal’ behaviours circumscribed atrophy of the orbitofrontal lobes and
of semantic dementia and the ‘frontal’ behaviours of FTD temporal pole may show some overlap with semantic
(Snowden et al., 1996a, 2001) (Table 55.1). dementia.
Differentiation from Alzheimer’s disease 709

55.12 DIFFERENTIATION FROM Box 55.4 Factors affecting poor recognition of semantic

Semantic dementia is most commonly misdiagnosed as • Rare disorder

Alzheimer’s disease. This is unsurprising in view of the greater • Historical reports of ‘memory’ disorder
prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease, the fact that presenting • Semantic disorder may not be evident at clinical
symptoms in both conditions are commonly of ‘memory’
problems and signs of semantic disorder may not be obvious • Semantic impairments may be misinterpreted as
classical amnesia
at initial interview (Box 55.4). Nevertheless, the two conditions
can be readily distinguished on clinical grounds (Table 55.2). • Need explicit tests of word comprehension and
naming, face and object recognition
• In semantic dementia, ‘memory loss’ refers to loss of
impersonal, conceptual knowledge about the world.
Personal, autobiographical memories remain relatively Table 55.2 Clinical differences between semantic dementia and
well preserved. In Alzheimer’s disease the converse is Alzheimer’s disease
true. Memory is impaired predominantly for day-to-day
events. Semantic Alzheimer’s
Characteristic dementia disease
• Spatial abilities are well preserved in semantic dementia,
whereas their breakdown is a frequent feature of Age of onset Most common in Most common in elderly
Alzheimer’s disease, manifest clinically by impaired middle age
localization of objects, inability to orientate clothing and Language Selective semantic No selective semantic
objects correctly, and loss of topographical orientation disorder disorder
within a familiar environment. Impaired single word Impaired sentence
comprehension comprehension
• Patients with both semantic dementia and Alzheimer’s
Perception Associative agnosia Apperceptive agnosia
disease may have object recognition problems, yet the Calculation Preserved early in Impaired early in course
nature of the perceptual disorder is qualitatively course
different. In semantic dementia the difficulty lies in Spatial Preserved Impaired early in course
assigning meaning to objects that are perceived normally orientation
(‘associative agnosia’). Patients can match stimuli on the Constructional Preserved Impaired early in course
basis of perceptual similarity, yet deny recognition of skills
those stimuli, or make semantic errors (e.g. a camel Memory Day-to-day memory Day-to-day memory
identified as a ‘dog’). They can copy accurately drawings preserved impaired
of objects that they cannot recognize. In Alzheimer’s Neurological Akinesia and rigidity Akinesia and rigidity
disease, perceptual breakdown lies at the level of signs relatively late relatively early
Myoclonus absent Myoclonus may be
achieving an integrated percept (‘apperceptive agnosia’).
Misidentifications occur on the basis of interpretation of Electroen- Normal Slowing of wave forms
elements of a figure instead of the overall outline (e.g. a cephalography
pair of scissors identified as a bowl on the basis of the Structural Focal temporal lobe Focal atrophy rare
circular handle). Patients have difficulty carrying out brain imaging atrophy typical
perceptual matching tasks, and are unable to reproduce Hippocampi Hippocampi atrophic
line drawings, their copies often being fragmented with relatively preserved
loss of the spatial relationships between elements of the Marked hemispheric Marked asymmetry rare
figure. asymmetry common
Functional brain Anterior hemisphere Posterior hemisphere
• Language breakdown is a common feature of Alzheimer’s
imaging abnormalities abnormalities
disease, but is qualitatively distinct from that of semantic
Marked hemispheric Marked asymmetry rare
dementia. Whereas in semantic dementia speech is
asymmetry common
entirely effortless, in Alzheimer’s disease speech it is
typically hesitant and patients show evidence of actively
searching for words, suggesting a difficulty in retrieval of neurological signs and myoclonus, suggestive of
words potentially within their vocabulary. Phonological increasing basal ganglia involvement. It is not a feature
errors may also occur. In Alzheimer’s disease, moreover, of semantic dementia.
sentences are unfinished and content broken, reflecting • In AD comprehension is better preserved for single
loss of train of thought and a reduced immediate nominal terms than for complex syntax, whereas in
memory span. Logoclonia, the festinating repetition of semantic dementia the reverse is the case. Although
individual phonemes, may occur in moderate and patients with Alzheimer’s disease may acquire
advanced Alzheimer’s disease, along with extrapyramidal difficulties in reading, writing and spelling they do not
710 Semantic dementia

show the characteristic surface dyslexia and surface 55.14 THEORETICAL ISSUES
dysgraphia of semantic dementia.
• The presence of semantic impairment in Alzheimer’s
Semantic dementia has attracted considerable theoretical
disease has been highlighted by a number of authors.
However, whether this reflects a fundamental loss of interest from neuropsychologists in recent years. Because of
knowledge (Hodges et al., 1992b; Martin, 1992; Hodges its circumscribed nature it is a natural experimental model
and Patterson, 1995; Salmon et al., 1999) as in semantic for understanding how the brain represents ‘meaning’.
dementia or faulty access to information (Nebes, 1992; Experimental studies are motivated by the fact that semantic
Nebes and Halligan, 1999; Ober and Shenaut, 1999) is knowledge does not break down in an all-or-none fashion. At
controversial. In any event, in Alzheimer’s disease any one stage of the disease patients knows some words but
semantic impairment is never a circumscribed deficit. It not others, and recognize some objects and faces. Unearthing
occurs typically as one component of a multifaceted the factors that govern what is lost and retained ought to
disorder of language and invariably in the context of a shed light on the cerebral representation of semantic know-
demonstrable amnesia. ledge. Contemporary issues include:
• Calculation difficulties are an early feature of Alzheimer’s • The role of the two hemispheres in meaning representation.
disease, whereas in semantic dementia preservation of The traditional view has been that semantic memory is
numerical skills contrasts with the disorder of word particularly dependent on the left hemisphere. However,
meaning. patients with semantic dementia provide evidence that
both hemispheres contribute and may have different
roles (Thompson et al., 2003, 2004; Snowden et al.,
55.13 TREATMENT AND MANAGEMENT 2004). The left hemisphere appears to have a greater
role in the knowledge of words and the right hemisphere
in visual knowledge such as face recognition.
Novel pharmacological therapies for Alzheimer’s disease do • The representation of different categories of information.
not have a rational role in semantic dementia, because there Patients with semantic dementia may show disproportio-
is no demonstrated evidence of abnormalities in the cholin- nate impairment in their knowledge of some categories
ergic system. In patients with problematic behavioural (e.g. animals and vegetables) compared with others (e.g.
changes, symptomatic treatment may be warranted. household objects) (Basso et al., 1988; Cardebat et al.,
Repetitive, stereotypic behaviours may respond to serotonin 1996). Such findings have been interpreted by some in
reuptake inhibitors. terms of a distributed model of semantic memory, in
With regard to practical management of the disorder, it is of which different properties of objects (e.g. sensory features,
note that concepts (words, objects, etc.), relevant to the patient’s particularly important for discriminating between
daily life appear to be better retained than those which have animals, and functional attributes, particularly important
no personal relevance (Snowden et al., 1994, 1995; Westmacott for discriminating between household objects) are
et al., 2003). Thus, for example, the word ‘postman’ may be represented separately (Warrington and Shallice, 1984;
understood better than the word ‘milkman’ if the patient has Warrington and McCarthy, 1987). It is assumed that
personal daily experience of the postman delivering letters to cortical areas that have contributed to the development of
the home, but purchases milk from the supermarket. It has various categories are also implicated in their
been argued that this feature results from patients’ preserved representation (Gainotti, 2004). Other authors
autobiographical memory: concepts, which would otherwise (Caramazza and Shelton, 1998) have argued that
be lost in their abstract sense, have some meaning to the patient conceptual knowledge is truly organized by category.
if they are framed within the context of the patient’s ongoing • The relationship between semantic memory and episodic
daily experience. By implication, input from speech therap- memory. Semantic memory is regarded as abstract
ists is more likely to be beneficial if this takes place in the knowledge independent of experience. However, findings
patient’s own surroundings using as referents patients’ own in semantic dementia patients (Snowden et al., 1994,
belongings, than in the abstract setting of a clinical consult- 1995,1996b; Westamacott et al., 2003) suggest a closer
ing room using standard pictorial materials. relationship between knowledge and personal experience
There is clinical evidence in semantic dementia that some and interdependence between memory systems than
learning is possible. Patients may, for example, effectively generally recognized.
learn the names of new acquaintances and the names of
medicines prescribed to them. They may also succeed in
relearning lost vocabulary (Graham et al., 1999; Snowden
and Neary, 2002). However, such reacquired knowledge is
tenuous and vocabulary can be maintained only so long as
those words are used regularly and are linked to patients’ Semantic dementia is a striking disorder, clinically distinct
ongoing daily experience. from Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
References 711

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The cerebellum and cognitive impairment


56.1 The neuroanatomical basis of cerebellar cognitive 56.4 Altered cognition in adults with focal cerebellar lesions 715
function 713 56.5 Evidence for cognitive impairment in degenerative
56.2 Functional neuroimaging studies 714 cerebellar disease 716
56.3 Difficulties in studying cognitive function in subjects 56.6 Conclusion 717
with cerebellar dysfunction 714 References 717

The motor features of the cerebellar syndrome were crystal- fibres, and by climbing fibres from the inferior olive. It may
lized by the great English neurologist Gordon Holmes soon thus be considered to be analogous to associative long-term
after World War I. He did not ascribe any cognitive function potentiation in the hippocampus. In the influential Marr–
to the cerebellum and, until the last decade or two, this view Albus–Ito model of cerebellar function, the climbing fibres
held general sway. However, a confluence of evidence from are regarded as carrying the ‘error signals’ responsible for
new neuroanatomical tracing techniques, functional neuro- adaptive motor learning.
imaging experiments and careful clinical studies now points While there is no universally accepted model of the mech-
strongly to a significant role for the cerebellum in cognition, anism whereby LTD in the corticonuclear microcomplex might
of which the clinician should be aware. This chapter aims to result in motor learning at the whole animal level, it is clear
distil some of the important studies supporting a non-motor from its stereotyped modular structure that the cerebellum
role for the cerebellum. The reader interested in a detailed performs the same type of basic computation on whatever
exposition is referred to The Cerebellum and Cognition, edited inputs it receives, and informs all its various efferent targets
by Jeremy Schmahmann (1997), while several shorter reviews of the results of such computation. If different areas of the
have also been published (e.g. Leiner et al., 1993; Fiez, 1996; cerebellum differ in function, therefore, they do so by virtue
Diamond, 2000; Rapoport et al., 2000). of their differing inputs and outputs.
With this in mind, the evidence for cerebellar input from,
and output to, non-motor areas can be considered. Such evi-
dence is both indirect and direct. The former consists of the
observation that, in primate phylogeny, and especially in
hominids, the prefrontal portion of the frontal lobes and the
lateral neocerebellum with its associated ventral macrogyric
The cerebellum, which contains more neurones than the region of the dentate nucleus have undergone massive paral-
entire remainder of the brain, has a regular and relatively lel selective enlargement, out of proportion to other brain
simple modular structure. The ‘corticonuclear microcom- areas (e.g. Matano, 2001; MacLeod et al., 2003). More direct
plex’ is essentially a positive loop through the deep cerebellar evidence has had to await the development of anterograde and
nuclei, modulated by a variable negative side loop through retrograde trans-synaptic (viral) tracers (Middleton and Strick,
the cerebellar cortex (Ito, 1993). The degree of inhibitory 1997). Such tracers are necessary because cerebral cortical
influence of the cerebellar cortical Purkinje cells on the deep input to the cerebellum proceeds via corticopontine fibres
cerebellar nuclei is governed by the development of long- synapsing on the pontine nuclei, which in turn project to the
term depression (LTD) at the excitatory parallel fibre-Purkinje deep cerebellar nuclei and cerebellar cortex, while cerebellar
dendrite synapses (Ito, 1993). LTD itself develops in response output to the cortex proceeds via synaptic relays in the thal-
to near-simultaneous Purkinje cell activation by parallel amus (Schmahmann and Pandya, 1997). Studies using such
714 The cerebellum and cognitive impairment

tracers in primates have shown that a series of anatomically of letter strings but not the control task activated the right
discrete parallel cortico-ponto-cerebello-thalamo-cortical inferolateral cerebellar hemisphere. The Wisconsin Card Sort-
loops exist, with prefrontal input predominantly to the ventral, ing Test (WCST), a complex task often used to assess aspects
macrogyric portion of the dentate nucleus and associated of executive functioning, has also been found to activate the
lateral neocerebellar cortex, and output via the ventrolateral lateral cerebellum (e.g. Nagahama et al., 1996).
and medial dorsal thalamic nuclei (Middleton and Strick, An aspect of episodic memory was addressed by Andreasen
2000, 2001). Motor and premotor cortex, in contrast, are et al. (1999) in a ‘pure thought’ PET experiment. Subjects
reciprocally connected to the phylogenetically older dorso- were asked to recall a personal memory silently. The right lat-
lateral, microgyric portion of the dentate nucleus (Middleton eral cerebellum was activated, in addition to several relevant
and Strick, 2000, 2001). The analogy with separate, parallel supratentorial areas.
corticobasal ganglionic circuits subserving motor and non- A further area of recent active study has been the role(s) of
motor functions, as conceptualized by Alexander et al. (1986), the cerebellum in attention. Allen et al. (1997) showed an
is readily drawn (Middleton and Strick, 2000). anatomical double dissociation in cerebellar regional activa-
tion; a visual attention task activated the lateral cerebellum
while the motor task activated more medial regions. Attention
is, however, a multifaceted concept, placing a variety of dif-
ferent demands on the subject (e.g. sustained/directed atten-
A large number of functional neuroimaging studies of cere- tion, divided attention, attentional switching). Le et al. (1998)
bellar activation during tests of various cognitive domains showed that shifting attention between stimulus dimensions
have been reported over the last 15 years, using positron (colour/shape) activated the right lateral cerebellum, while
emission tomography (PET) or functional magnetic reso- sustained attention did not. More recently, Bischoff-Grethe
nance imaging (fMRI). The typical design compares patterns et al. (2002) have demonstrated that the lateral cerebellum’s
of cerebellar activation on a cognitive task with that on what role in this paradigm may actually be in reassignment of a
is thought to be a relevant control ‘motor’ and/or perceptual given motor response (e.g. pushing a button) to the new
task. This section includes a broadly representative sample of stimulus dimension, rather than in shifting attention per se.
such studies across various cognitive domains. It is clear that the weight of evidence from functional neuro-
The cerebellum appears to play a role in language func- imaging studies in favour of lateral cerebellar contributions
tion. One of the earliest reports was that of Petersen et al. to cognition is strong, as illustrated by the selected studies
(1989), who used PET to study a verb association task (e.g. cited above. However, it is also clear that the exact role(s)
responding with ‘bark’ if shown the word ‘dog’). The control of the lateral cerebellum in complex aspects of cognition
tasks were reading aloud, and silently. Broca’s area and the such as language and attentional shifting still requires consid-
right lateral cerebellum were both activated. Hubrich- erable clarification.
Ungureanu et al. (2002) extended these findings with an fMRI
study of a silent verbal fluency task in left- and right-handed
subjects. Fullbright et al. (1999) asked subjects to read silently.
Their fMRI study showed that semantic comparison and
judgement of non-word rhyming activated posterolateral (and
especially right posterolateral) cerebellar cortex, compared
with the control conditions of line orientation judgement, The results of functional neuroimaging studies in normal
upper versus lower case print judgement, or judgement of real people notwithstanding, the practising clinician is under-
word rhyming. Xiang et al. (2003) recently confirmed the role standably primarily concerned with the potential impact of
of the right posterolateral cerebellum in semantic discrimi- cerebellar disease or dysfunction on cognition. Unfortunately,
nation divorced from articulation. Such studies have led to several confounding factors must be borne in mind when
the concept of the ‘lateralized linguistic cerebellum’, recently interpreting such studies. The first problem is that perform-
reviewed by Marien et al. (2001). ance on the neuropsychological tests used may be adversely
The cerebellum also appears to be involved in executive affected by requirements for rapid verbal output, motor
functioning and working memory. Cognitive processing dur- accuracy and speed, or by dependence on rapid visual scan-
ing attempted solution of a pegboard puzzle task compared ning. A correlation between test results and ataxia severity
with simple peg movement was studied using fMRI estima- will not necessarily indicate that such requirements are con-
tion of dentate activation by Kim et al. (1994). The cogni- founding the results, however; motor and cognitive function
tively demanding task produced increased, and bilateral, would be expected to decline in parallel in diffuse cerebellar
dentate activation compared with the contralateral (to the degenerations, whether the observed cognitive dysfunction
moving hand) activation seen with simple peg movement. In was secondary to the cerebellar disorder or was merely sec-
as much as this task tapped visuospatial working memory, it ondary to the resultant motor impairment.
is conceptually similar to the working memory fMRI study Several types of neuropsychological task would be expected
of Desmond et al. (1997), who found that delayed matching a priori to limit the potential for confounding of results. Some
Altered cognition in adults with focal cerebellar lesions 715

tests are untimed, and do not require motoric or visual speed to cognition, such as the cerebral cortex, the striatum and the
or accuracy. In the executive domain, these include the substantia nigra (Koeppen, 2002). On the other hand, focal
WCST, Raven’s Progressive Matrices, and the Zoo Map sub- cerebellar lesions such as infarcts and resected tumours may
test (of planning) from the Behavioural Assessment of the be ‘pure’, but there is no guarantee that cerebellar region(s)
Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS) battery. Most measures of potentially important for cognition will be involved, unless a
verbal anterograde episodic memory also fall into this cate- range of lesions in different locations are studied. Pooled
gory, provided that dysarthria is not so severe as to compro- results may then conceal regional differences in cognitive con-
mise intelligibility. Other tests include a timed internal tribution unless sufficient subjects are available in each group
control condition involving similar scanning and output to for comparison. While this is difficult, such studies do perhaps
the test condition. The effects of visual, verbal and motor provide the most convincing clinical evidence, as outlined in
dysfunction can therefore be subtracted out. Such tests the next section.
within the executive function cognitive domain would
include Trails B (versus A) and the Stroop test. Yet other tests
requiring verbal output are timed, but empirical observation
suggests that speed of articulation is not the rate-limiting
factor. The controlled oral word association test (COWAT,
FAS) appears to fall into this category (Storey et al., 1999).
An indirect way of exploring the possibility that motor In a seminal report, Schmahmann and Sherman (1998)
dysfunction might secondarily affect performance on cognitive described the features of an entity that they named the ‘cere-
tests is to study patients with Friedreich’s ataxia (FA), whose bellar cognitive affective syndrome’ in 20 adults with isolated
motoric deficit is partly consequent upon disruption of affer- cerebellar lesions: strokes, resected tumours not treated with
ent cerebellar input rather than direct disruption of the cere- radiotherapy, and post-viral cerebellitis. Posterior (roughly
bellar microcorticonuclear units, although the deep cerebellar equivalent to lateral neocerebellar) lobe lesions produced
nuclei are also affected (Koeppen, 2002). While FA patients executive dysfunction, with impairments of planning, set-
display impairments in a number of domains (Wollmann shifting, verbal fluency by semantic category and abstract
et al., 2002), they have been shown to be less impaired on reasoning. There was also impairment of spatial cognition,
verbal working memory and visuospatial reasoning tasks including visual organization and visual memory. Lesions of
than patients with assorted other cerebellar degenerations the posterior vermis tended to produce personality change
(Botez-Marquard and Botez, 1997). Indeed, White et al. (2000) with blunting or disinhibition, while anterior lobe lesions
demonstrated slowed processing speed and decreased cogni- resulted only in motor deficit.
tive inhibition on the Stroop test, but preserved planning, Similar findings were reported by Malm et al. (1998) in
verbal fluency, and WCST performance. 24 consecutive young adult patients with cerebellar infarcts
The potential confounding factor of motor deficit has who were compared with 14 age-matched controls. The
recently been explicitly addressed by Timmann et al. (2002), patients performed less well on working memory and cogni-
who correctly pointed out that even ataxic patients who cope tive flexibility tasks, while intelligence (Weschler Adult Intel-
well with the motor demands of a test may do so at the cost of ligence Scale–Revised [WAIS-R] scores) and episodic memory
attentional resources not required by control patients. These were unaffected. Interestingly, while most made a good motor
authors reported that subjects with pure cerebellar cortical recovery, only half returned to work.
atrophies (spinocerebellar ataxia [SCA] 6, other pure cere- The broad conclusions of these studies have since been con-
bellar dominant ataxias, or idiopathic cerebellar cortical atro- firmed by Neau et al. (2000), who reported the neuropsycho-
phy) demonstrated impairments of visual association learning logical profile of 15 consecutive patients with recent, isolated
independent of the separately manipulated motor output cerebellar infarcts, compared with 15 demographically matched
requirements of the task. controls. A further assessment was undertaken 1 year after
The second problem affecting patient studies is that of the infarcts. These authors demonstrated impairments on a
choice of patient type. The ideal patient group for such a range of tasks tapping aspects of executive functioning, such as
study would have widespread/diffuse involvement of cerebel- verbal fluency, working memory on the Paced Serial Addition
lar corticonuclear microcomplex units, with complete sparing Test (PASAT), and the Stroop colour/word interference test.
of all other central nervous system structures. Unfortunately, These abnormalities were not accompanied by a clinically
such patients probably do not exist, at least to the extent of apparent ‘frontal’ neuropsychiatric syndrome. Block design
satisfying those sceptical of the idea of cerebellar contribu- was also affected; this deficit the authors likened to a mild
tions to cognition. Even relatively ‘pure’ cerebellar ataxias parietal syndrome, although problems with block design can
such as SCA 6 often have mild non-cerebellar features (e.g. also be a feature of executive dysfunction (Lezak, 1995). Of
pyramidal signs). Other degenerative cerebellar diseases stud- interest is that infarcts in any of the three cerebellar arterial
ied in this context, such as SCAs 1, 2 and 3, are even more territories produced similar deficits, although the numbers in
problematic, as they are known to manifest extracerebellar each group were small. As might be expected with infarcts,
involvement of structures potentially or actually contributing the deficits tended to have improved at the 1-year assessment.
716 The cerebellum and cognitive impairment

The authors plausibly suggest that this improvement may Tachibana et al. (1999) measured the P300 during a visual
have been partly responsible for the failure of Beldarrain discrimination task, and found it to be delayed in 15 subjects
et al. (1997) to demonstrate consistent deficits in a patient with idiopathic late-onset cerebellar ataxia, when compared
population including subjects with old cerebellar infarcts. with 10 controls. Single photon emission computed tomog-
The specific role of the right lateral cerebellum in language, raphy (SPECT) scanning in the ataxic subjects showed corre-
outlined in the section on functional neuroimaging above, lated cerebellar/frontal cortex hypoperfusion (that is, reversed
was studied in control subjects and subjects with left lateral cerebellar/frontal diaschisis). Tanaka et al. (2003) did not find
or right lateral cerebellar infarcts (Gebhart et al., 2002). any differences in P300 timing or scalp distribution to the clas-
Those with right lateral cerebellar damage were impaired sical auditory ‘oddball’ paradigm in 13 subjects with cerebel-
only on antonym generation, and not on semantic (category) lar cortical atrophy when compared with 13 demographically
noun fluency or verb selection. This argues in favour of a matched controls. However, P300 latency was prolonged, and
cerebellar role in producing word associations, and not just its peak attenuated frontally, in the ‘No Go’ condition of the
in ‘imaging’ verb action to a noun cue. Helmuth et al. (1997) ‘Go/No Go’ paradigm. The authors suggested that the cere-
also failed to demonstrate impaired noun-triggered verb gen- bellum contributes to the frontal inhibitory system.
eration in subjects with right cerebellar lesions, in contrast to The neuropsychological consequences of degenerative
the evidence from earlier functional neuroimaging studies. cerebellar disease have been studied extensively. In one early
Various attentional processes have also been studied in sub- study, Grafman et al. (1992) compared nine patients with ‘pure
jects with cerebellar lesions. Orienting of visuospatial atten- cortical cerebellar atrophy’ with 12 controls. There were no dif-
tion has been found to be markedly delayed in such subjects, ferences on paired associate learning, verbal fluency, or proced-
independent of motor responses (Townsend et al., 1999). Most ural (skill) learning. However, the ataxic subjects performed
recently, Gottwald et al. (2003) compared 16 subjects with significantly less well on the Tower of Hanoi planning task,
cerebellar tumours or haematomas to 11 matched control which is conceptually similar to the Tower of London test.
subjects and to demographically adjusted results from norma- Botez-Marquard and Botez (1997) showed that cerebellar
tive studies, and detected deficits in working memory and degenerations resulted in impaired executive functioning,
divided attention, but not in sustained directed attention. visuospatial organization, working memory, and spontaneous
However, Helmuth et al. (1997) did not demonstrate deficits retrieval of episodic memories. Cerebellar strokes produced
in spatial attention shifting or in intra- or interdimensional similar patterns of impairment, but these cognitive deficits
non-spatial attentional shifting, again failing to confirm func- resolved in 2–5 months. In both types of subjects, SPECT
tional neuroimaging studies in a clinical population. More- scanning showed reverse cerebellar/frontoparietal diaschisis.
over, Ravizza and Ivry (2001) found that, while patient groups Drepper et al. (1999) studied nine subjects with ‘isolated’
with Parkinson’s disease and with cerebellar lesions each cerebellar degeneration, and 10 controls. The ataxic subjects
showed impairment of attentional shifting, reducing the motor showed a significant impairment in novel associative learn-
demands of the task improved the performance of the cere- ing (colours with numbers) that did not correlate with either
bellar patients only. It is obvious that the question of a cerebel- simple reaction time or visual scanning time.
lar contribution to various forms of attention has generated Kish et al. (1994) studied the performance of 43 subjects
conflicting results, and remains to be settled conclusively. with undefined dominant cerebellar degenerations of vary-
Studies in children with resected cerebellar tumours have ing ataxia severity on a number of neuropsychological meas-
produced similar results to those in adults (e.g. Levisohn ures. Impaired performance on the WCST correlated with
et al., 2000). ataxia severity; none of those with mild ataxia showed deficits,
while all of those with severe ataxia were impaired. Some of
the latter also showed evidence of mild generalized cognitive
deficit. The authors concluded that the dominant ataxias
are not homogeneous with respect to cognitive involvement,
and indeed the topography of extracerebral neuropathological
involvement does vary considerably between these disorders
Evidence for cognitive impairment in degenerative cerebellar (Koeppen, 2002).
disease comes from both neurophysiological and clinical Trojano et al. (1998) also studied a mixed population of
neuropsychological studies. The best-known neurophysio- subjects with dominant ataxias of varying severity, although
logical method of studying cognition involves measuring the 15 of their 22 subjects had SCA 2. They attempted to avoid
latency of the P300 event related cerebral potential. This confounding effects of motor impairment on performance
occurs with conscious registration of an unusual stimulus, by restricting their investigation to tests with untimed verbal
such as an occasional (‘oddball’) high-pitched tone inserted response modes. The domains examined were predominantly
into a series of usual stimuli, such as many low-pitched tones. verbal memory, and non-verbal reasoning (Raven’s Progres-
It may be regarded as a neurophysiological measure of select- sive Matrices). None of the four genetically confirmed but
ive attention and processing speed, and is delayed in various asymptomatic subjects performed poorly on any of the tests,
forms of dementia (reviewed by Goodin, 2003). while most of the symptomatic subjects showed impairment
References 717

on at least one measure, most commonly the progressive Perhaps the best way of clarifying the relative contribu-
matrices. Some showed more widespread deficits, but there tions of cerebellar and extracerebellar pathology to cognitive
was no correlation with ataxia severity. This might have dysfunction in the SCAs would be to study those disorders
reflected the small sample size, and the contaminating effects characterized by relatively pure cerebellar involvement, such
of inclusion of several SCA subtypes. as SCA 6. To the author’s knowledge, at least two such studies
Several studies have assessed subjects with different SCA on SCA 6 are planned or in progress, but neither have been
types singly or separately, thereby avoiding this particular con- published as yet. Failing this, the conclusion that cerebellar
founding factor. Maruff et al. (1996) compared six patients degeneration itself is responsible for at least some of the cog-
with SCA 3 (Machado-Joseph disease) with 15 matched con- nitive changes observed in SCAs 1, 2 and 3 will remain con-
trols using a touch-screen testing system: the Cambridge Neu- tentious, although this conclusion is consonant with the results
ropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB). Learning of functional neuroimaging and focal lesion studies.
and visual memory were unaffected, but SCA 3 subjects
displayed impaired visual information processing speed on
high-demand tasks, and impaired attentional switching 56.6 CONCLUSION
between visual stimulus dimensions. Executive dysfunction
in SCA 3 was confirmed by Zawacki et al. (2002). Ishikawa et al.
(2002) reported dementia with features of delirium includ- There is now converging evidence from neuroanatomical,
ing hallucinations in four young SCA 3 patients with severe neuroimaging, and neurophysiological and neuropsycho-
disease, in the absence of MRI or pathological evidence of logical patient studies that the lateral cerebellum is involved in
cortical neuronal loss. network(s) subserving a range of cognitive functions, includ-
SCA 2 may be associated with cortical atrophy and clinic- ing aspects of language and executive functioning. The exact
ally obvious dementia in some pedigrees (Dürr et al., 1995; nature of the cerebellar contributions to cognition, and espe-
Geschwind et al., 1997). Although it is therefore not ideal for cially to attention (if any) are still being debated and elucidated.
the purpose, it has been studied by several groups. Gambardella Nevertheless, the broad picture is well enough established
et al. (1998) and Storey et al. (1999) demonstrated impair- that clinicians should consider the possibility of cognitive
ments of executive function on the WCST and the Stroop dysfunction in patients with overt cerebellar disorders. In
test. Bürk et al. (1999) found that 25 per cent of their subjects this context, executive dysfunction is both the most likely to
were demented, while the others showed impairments of be overlooked in the structured clinical setting, and poten-
executive function and verbal memory that were independ- tially the most disruptive to the patients’ ability to compen-
ent of the severity of motor impairment. In contrast, Le Pira sate for impaired motor functioning. Clinicians should also
et al. (2002) reported that the impairments of executive func- bear in mind that obvious cognitive dysfunction may result
tion, attention and verbal memory in their SCA 2 patients from cerebellar disease, and that such dysfunction does not
were partly related to ataxia severity. necessarily signify that a second, supratentorial disorder has
The pattern of neuropsychological impairment in SCA 1 been overlooked.
patients compared with matched controls was reported by
Bürk et al. (2001). Evidence of executive and verbal memory
dysfunction was found, while visuospatial memory and REFERENCES
attention were unaffected. The deficits did not correlate with
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memory impairment, the effects of differences in the pattern 1940–1943
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if any, can only be addressed adequately by direct compari- a role in conscious episodic memory retrieval. Human Brain Mapping
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European Neurology 37: 82–89
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Progressive aphasia and other focal syndromes


57.1 Progressive speech and language syndromes 720 57.5 Management 726
57.2 Progressive prosopagnosia 724 57.6 Conclusions 726
57.3 Progressive apraxia 725 References 727
57.4 Progressive visual syndromes 725

Progressive cognitive syndromes with circumscribed deficits described for over a century (Luzzatti and Poeck, 1991) the first
and preserved intellect have been recognized for many years comprehensive modern account was Mesulam’s (1982) series
(e.g. Serieux, 1893) and have attracted much recent interest. of six patients, five of whom had a progressive anomic aphasia.
These focal forms of dementia (variously termed ‘focal cor- Diagnostic criteria have since been proposed (Mesulam, 2001).
tical atrophies’, ‘lobar atrophies’ or ‘asymmetric cortical degen- Non-fluent and fluent subtypes of PPA have been proposed on
erations’) manifest in diverse cognitive domains including both clinical and anatomical grounds (Mesulam et al., 2003);
language, praxis, specific categories of knowledge and cortical these subtypes are represented with approximately equal over-
visual functions. Many patients with focal presentations will all frequency in the literature (Mesulam and Weintraub, 1992;
ultimately suffer a generalized intellectual decline; however, Black, 1996), however,‘mixed’ forms are common (Grossmann,
this is not inevitable and is often delayed for a number of years 2002; Mesulam et al., 2003). The nosological status of fluent
(Mesulam, 1982). PPA is controversial: it is unclear whether this subtype should
The focal dementias pose considerable nosological and neu- be considered a primary language disturbance, or rather
robiological difficulties. While circumscribed lobar atrophy on subsumed within the semantic dementia spectrum. The het-
structural brain imaging (especially magnetic resonance imag- erogeneity of PPA reflects the distributed neuroanatomical
ing, [MRI]) can support the impression of a focal cognitive networks and multiple cognitive operations that support
syndrome, diagnosis remains essentially clinical. In this chapter, language production and comprehension.
the focal dementias are classified according to clinical presenta-
tion and the various radiological and pathological correlates of CLINICAL FEATURES
each syndrome are outlined (see Table 57.1). The syndrome of
Difficulties in word-finding, naming or spelling and impover-
semantic dementia, characterized by an early selective impair-
ished conversation are common presenting complaints; how-
ment of semantic memory, is discussed in Chapter 55.
ever, diagnosis is based on the form and content of the patient’s
spontaneous speech. Non-fluent PPA is characterized by effort-
ful, sparse or ‘telegraphic’ speech with grammatical and phone-
57.1 PROGRESSIVE SPEECH AND mic errors. Comprehension is generally retained until late in
LANGUAGE SYNDROMES the course of the condition, although an early selective deficit in
comprehending verbs and grammatical relations may be evi-
57.1.1 Primary progressive aphasia dent on neuropsychometry (Grossman, 2002). Stuttering and
articulatory errors may occur, and associated features may
Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a clinical syndrome of include orofacial apraxia, dysphonia, and dysphagia (Mesulam
progressive language impairment with relative sparing of non- and Weintraub, 1992; Kertesz and Orange, 2000; Mesulam,
verbal cognitive and behavioural functions until late in the 2001). In contrast, fluent PPA is characterized by circumlocu-
course. It may be the most common of the focal dementia tory, ‘empty’ but grammatically correct speech, with relatively
syndromes. Although cases of the syndrome have been normal articulation, rate and phrase length (Mesulam, 2001);
Table 57.1 Clinical, imaging and pathological features of the focal dementias

Structural brain Functional brain

Syndrome Clinical features imaging (CT/MRI) imaging (SPECT/PET) Pathology
Progressive aphasia
Non-fluent Anomia, sparse, effortful, telegraphic speech, L perisylvian/inferior frontal L  R frontal/ anterior temporal/ Predominantly non-AD
phonemic paraphasias, agrammatism; may have atrophy anterior insula hypometabolism/ (varies between series)
orofacial apraxia, dysarthria, dysprosody, dysphagia perfusion including non-specific
histology, PD, CBD, PSP,
Fluent* Anomia, circumlocutory, ‘empty’ speech, impaired L anterolateral temporal L  R temporal/parietal AD may be more frequent
comprehension, may have word-finding pauses atrophy hypometabolism/perfusion (unclear)
Other progressive speech/language syndromes*
Orofacial apraxia Severe early impairment of volitional facial, L  R frontotemporal L  R frontal/anterior temporal PD, CBD
tongue, respiratory movements; associated speech atrophy hypometabolism/perfusion
production defect, dysarthria, dysgraphia;
may have features MND
Anarthria Prominent dysarthria; associated speech apraxia, L  R frontal opercular L  R posterior-inferior frontal Non-specific histology
dysprosody; late dysgraphia, dysphagia atrophy hypometabolism/perfusion
Aprosodia/amusia Selective impairment of intonation and/or singing R  L frontal/ anterior R  L frontal/ Uncertain
temporal atrophy anterior temporal hypoperfusion
Conduction aphasia Prominent difficulty with repetition; phonemic ?L parietal atrophy L parietotemporal hypometabolism/ Uncertain
paraphasias perfusion
Word deafness Early impairment of auditory comprehension, L superior temporal L temporal hypoperfusion CBD (limited information)
acoustic processing; dysprosody, phonemic atrophy
Dynamic aphasia Selective impairment of propositional speech L  R frontal atrophy Uncertain Uncertain
Agraphia Early prominent impairment of writing; spelling variable; Bilateral parietal atrophy L  R parieto-occipital AD (limited
often associated apraxia, visuospatial deficits hypoperfusion information)
Progressive prosopagnosia Facial recognition defect; may be associated with R  L anterior temporal R  L temporal/orbitofrontal Non-AD pathology
other defects of person-specific knowledge, atrophy hypometabolism/perfusion (limited information)
impaired facial emotion processing and expression
Progressive apraxia Selective impairment of volitional movements of Asymmetric parietal Posterior frontal/inferior parietal PD, AD, CBD
limbs (often asymmetric), trunk; may have atrophy hypometabolism/perfusion; mesial
selective gait disturbance; may be associated frontal hypometabolism with
orofacial apraxia, speech production defect gait apraxia
Progressive visual syndromes
Visuospatial Visual disorientation, impaired visually guided Bilateral parietal Bilateral (often asymmetric) Predominantly AD; also
movements; often associated agraphia, atrophy parieto-occipital hypometabolism/ CJD, CBD, subcortical
other parietal signs perfusion gliosis
Visual agnosia Defective recognition of objects, written Bilateral parieto-temporo-
words, topography (apperceptive); alexia occipital atrophy
(without agraphia) for words or music
Primary visual dysfunction Early impairments in colour and shape Bilateral posterior
perception, visual fields, acuity occipital atrophy

* Nature of primary cognitive dysfunction uncertain.

AD, Alzheimer’s disease; CBD, corticobasal degeneration; CJD, Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease; CT, computed tomography; L, left; MND, motor neurone disease; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging;
PD, Pick’s disease; PET, positron emission tomography; PSP, progressive supranuclear palsy; R, right; SPECT, single photon emission computed tomography
722 Progressive aphasia and other focal syndromes

impaired comprehension is an early feature, not uncommonly bilateral. Focal changes frequently occur on a background of
ascribed to ‘deafness’ by the patient’s family. Patients with pro- more diffuse atrophy, predominantly involving the frontal
longed word-finding pauses may represent a ‘logopenic’ sub- lobes. Patients with non-fluent presentations tend to have more
group (Mesulam and Weintraub, 1992). Repetition is often severe inferior frontal/perisylvian atrophy (Figure 57.1a and b),
abnormal in non-fluent PPA, but may be relatively accurate in while those with fluent presentations have predominantly
fluent PPA (Mesulam, 2001; Grossman, 2002). Although both anterolateral temporal involvement; however, a clear distinc-
fluent and non-fluent PPA typically manifest initially as a dete- tion has not been found in all series (Abe et al., 1997; Sonty
rioration in spoken language, other language channels (read- et al., 2003). Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy has docu-
ing, writing and gesture) generally show analogous deficits as mented asymmetric axonal injury within the arcuate fasciculus
the illness progresses (Snowden et al., 1992; Mesulam, 2001). in PPA (Catani et al., 2003), consistent with the focal involve-
Mutism is an end-stage feature of both subtypes of PPA ment of white matter tracts linking cortical language areas.
(Kertesz and Orange, 2000). Functional brain imaging techniques (single photon emis-
Relative preservation of memory, non-verbal cognitive sion computed tomography [SPECT]; positron emission
domains and personality are core features distinguishing PPA tomography [PET]; and functional MRI) have demonstrated
from Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Neuro- dysfunction of left hemisphere language networks (Turner
psychometry has an important role to play in the clinical et al., 1996; Westbury and Bub, 1997; Mesulam, 2001) that
assessment, particularly in the evaluation of non-verbal appears to pre-date the development of atrophy on structural
cognitive domains; however, many neuropsychological tests imaging. The functional disturbance is more widespread than
and bedside instruments such as the Mini-Mental State suggested by the distribution of structural changes, and there
Examination depend on verbal responses, and the extent of may be abnormal (possibly compensatory) activation beyond
cognitive impairment in PPA should therefore always be inter- the classical language areas (Mesulam, 2001; Sonty et al., 2003).
preted with caution. Indeed, many patients remain able to care Functional changes may be confined to the left hemisphere or
for themselves at home, to manage their financial affairs, and they may be bihemispheric (Westbury and Bub, 1997; Soriani-
to drive safely, even as their language disintegrates, typically Lefèvre et al., 2003). Non-fluent phenotypes are associated with
over the course of a decade or more. Eventually, non-verbal hypometabolism and decreased perfusion of frontal perisyl-
cognitive deficits such as executive dysfunction, limb apraxia, vian language areas, while fluent phenotypes are associated
and dyscalculia may develop, and asymmetric (predominantly with predominant temporal or temporoparietal dysfunction
right-sided) pyramidal and extrapyramidal signs are not (Tyrrell et al., 1990a; Snowden et al., 1992; Abe et al., 1997;
uncommon (Mesulam and Weintraub, 1992; Mesulam et al., Mesulam, 2001; Soriani-Lefèvre et al., 2003). Involvement of
2003). Few patients suffer a significant personality change, the left anterior insula may disrupt speech production in non-
although frontal features (obsessionality, aggression, abulia or fluent PPA (Nestor et al., 2003a). These patterns (though non-
disinhibition) may emerge (Snowden et al., 1992). diagnostic) are not typical of other frontotemporal dementia
The age at onset of PPA ranges from the fifth to the eighth phenotypes or Alzheimer’s disease (Westbury and Bub, 1997;
decade; males predominate among reported cases, and a var- Nestor et al., 2003a) and correlate with neuropsychological
iety of European and non-European languages are represented profiles and clinical evolution (Tyrrell et al., 1990a; Nestor
(Mesulam and Weintraub, 1992; Westbury and Bub, 1997). et al., 2003a). Selective right hemisphere hypometabolism
Patients with PPA not uncommonly have a personal or family has been documented in left-handed patients with PPA
history of developmental stuttering, dyslexia or other specific (Drzezga et al., 2002).
learning impairments (Mesulam and Weintraub, 1992), sug-
gesting an underlying genetic or acquired vulnerability of OTHER INVESTIGATIONS
brain language networks. Rarely, PPA is familial; an uncertain
proportion of such families fall within the spectrum of Other investigations are of limited clinical usefulness in PPA,
dementia linked to chromosome 17, however relatively pure but may assist in differential diagnosis. Electroencephalo-
familial forms of PPA (with undetermined inheritance) have graphy (EEG) is generally unremarkable, but may show excess
been described (Chapman et al., 1997; Krefft et al., 2003). slow activity in the left frontotemporal region; the presence of
diffuse abnormalities or loss of  rhythm suggests a generalized
process such as Alzheimer’s disease. Lumbar puncture may be NEUROIMAGING
indicated to exclude an inflammatory or other reversible
In PPA as in all the progressive focal syndromes, brain imaging process (for example, in younger patients or cases where disease
should always be undertaken to exclude non-degenerative evolution has been relatively rapid); the routine cerebrospinal
processes such as a cerebral tumour. Regional brain atrophy fluid examination is normal. Electromyography may be useful
involving the posterior frontal/perisylvian region or temporal in confirming a motor neurone disease-aphasia syndrome. No
lobe can be identified on structural MRI in many cases of PPA pathogenetic mutations have been identified in hereditary PPA
(Westbury and Bub, 1997), however this is by no means invari- (Krefft et al., 2003); however, genetic screening may be indi-
able (Turner et al., 1996; Catani et al., 2003; Nestor et al., 2003a). cated in younger patients to exclude atypical presentations of
Atrophy may be restricted to the left hemisphere or it may be familial Alzheimer’s disease or a familial tauopathy.
Progressive speech and language syndromes 723




Figure 57.1(a–e) Brain imaging findings in focal dementias.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in selected focal
dementias. Structural T1-weighted images are presented in
radiological convention (the left hemisphere is on the right).
(a,b) Progressive non-fluent aphasia: asymmetric (L  R) perisylvian
and bifrontal atrophy (coronal section, above; axial section, below);
(c) progressive prosopagnosia: predominant right anterior temporal
atrophy (coronal section); (d,e) progressive visual syndromes: bilateral
parieto-occipital atrophy with relative sparing of anterior regions
(coronal section, above; sagittal section, below). (With thanks to
Dr Nick Fox for permission to reproduce the brain images.) (e)
724 Progressive aphasia and other focal syndromes DISEASE BIOLOGY within this group and the tendency of fragmentary syndromes
to evolve over time and to develop features more typical of
A variety of neuropathological findings have been described
PPA suggest that these syndromes represent a neuroanatomical
in the relatively few patients with PPA who have come to post
continuum reflecting the topography of pathological involve-
mortem or cerebral biopsy. In one review (Mesulam et al.,
ment, rather than discrete disease entities (Mesulam, 2001).
2003), the most commonly reported pattern (approximately
Patients presenting with progressive orofacial apraxia and
60 per cent of cases) was a focal degeneration of the left
speech production impairment represent a clinically well
frontal perisylvian and temporal cortex with neuronal loss,
defined (though pathologically heterogeneous) group (Tyrrell
gliosis and mild spongifom changes within superficial cortical
et al., 1991; Cappa et al., 1993; Chapman et al., 1997). Orofacial
layers: ‘dementia lacking distinctive histology’. Classical Pick’s
apraxia manifests as an inability to cough, yawn or take a deep
or Alzheimer’s changes were less common (each approxi-
breath to command, although these actions are normal when
mately 20 per cent of cases). Other pathologies have been
performed spontaneously. The illness may evolve over several
described infrequently: these include corticobasal degener-
years into a frontotemporal dementia-motor neurone syn-
ation (Ikeda et al., 1996), progressive supranuclear palsy
drome accompanied by prominent dysphagia, fasciculations
(Mochizuki et al., 2003), and probable Creutzfeldt–Jakob
(especially involving triceps and deltoids) and muscle wasting,
disease (Mandell et al., 1989), as well as less well characterized
and electrophysiological evidence of denervation (Tyrrell
findings including glial cytoplasmic inclusions (Molina et al.,
et al., 1991). Other non-fluent syndromes include progressive
1998). Cases of motor neurone disease-aphasia syndrome
aphemia (a severe apraxia of speech; Cohen et al., 1993), corti-
(Bak et al., 2001) constitute a distinct subgroup.
cal anarthria (the anterior opercular syndrome: Broussolle
Clinicopathological correlation in PPA remains problem-
et al., 1996; Silveri et al., 2003), aprosodia (‘prosoplegia’;
atic. There is general consensus that non-fluent PPA is rarely
Ghacibeh and Heilman, 2003) and expressive amusia (a selec-
due to Alzheimer’s disease (Snowden et al., 1992; Kertesz
tive impairment of singing; Confavreux et al., 1992). Progres-
et al., 1994; Black, 1996; Turner et al., 1996; Kramer and
sive agraphia (Grossman et al., 2001; O’Dowd and de Zubicaray,
Miller, 2000; Mesulam et al., 2003); however, this is not uni-
2003) and adynamic aphasia (Warren et al., 2003) have also
versally accepted (Hodges, 2001) and counter-examples are well
been reported. Uncommon fluent syndromes include progres-
documented (Galton et al., 2000; Nestor et al., 2003a). The sit-
sive pure word deafness and auditory agnosia (Ikeda et al.,
uation is equally unclear for the fluent syndromes. Indeed, the
1996; Otsuki et al., 1998), and conduction aphasia (Hachisuka
pathological heterogeneity of PPA appears more in keeping
et al., 1999). Atrophy tends to be predominantly anterior in the
with an anatomically determined neurolinguistic syndrome
non-fluent syndromes and superior temporal or parietotem-
than a unitary disease. According to this view, the clinical and
poral in the fluent syndromes. Progressive aprosodia and amu-
radiological features reflect the direction of spread of pathol-
sia appear to localize to the right frontal or anterior temporal
ogy from the dominant perisylvian region: if anteriorly, a pre-
lobes; these syndromes may be accompanied by a loss of facial
dominantly non-fluent aphasia results; if posteriorly, a
expressivity, difficulty in comprehending facial or vocal emo-
predominantly fluent syndrome with semantic disintegration
tion, and later development of a speech production deficit
(Kramer and Miller, 2000). Alternatively, PPA may represent
(Confavreux et al., 1992; Ghacibeh and Heilman, 2003).
a distinct anatomical variant of a common ‘Pick’s disease-
Presentations dominated by progressive agraphia appear to
tauopathy’ spectrum of frontotemporal lobar degeneration
correlate with dominant or bilateral parietal involvement
(Kertesz et al., 1994; Mesulam et al., 2003). This concept could
(Grossman et al., 2001; O’Dowd and de Zubicaray, 2003). For
be extended to patients with corticobasal degeneration and
unknown reasons, certain phenotypes (for example, jargon
motor neurone disease pathology (Kertesz et al., 1994). The
aphasia and agraphia; Östberg et al., 2001) occur much less
existence of familial forms of PPA, the apparent association
commonly in degenerative than in vascular disease. Neuro-
between sporadic PPA and the tau H1/H1 genotype (Sobrido
pathological studies indicate that the majority of patients pre-
et al., 2003) and the lack of association between PPA and the
senting with unusual PPA variants (in particular, the non-fluent
4 allele of apolipoprotein E (Mesulam et al., 2003) are con-
syndromes) have non-Alzheimer pathology, including Pick’s
sistent with a distinct molecular pathogenesis; however, the
disease, corticobasal degeneration and non-specific histology
significance of these observations remains uncertain. The
(Cappa et al., 1993; Broussolle et al., 1996; Chapman et al.,
recent discovery of the genetic basis for a developmental
speech and language disorder (Vargha-Khadem et al., 1998)
raises the exciting prospect that a similar approach in familial
PPA may transform our understanding of this condition.
57.1.2 Unusual syndromes
In contrast to the well-characterized impairments of lan-
A number of progressive speech and language impairments guage and semantic memory that accompany focal degener-
that would not fulfil strict diagnostic criteria for PPA have ations of the left temporal lobe, the correlates of selective
been described. The extensive clinical and pathological overlap right temporal atrophy remain poorly defined. The apparent
Progressive visual syndromes 725

rarity of focal right temporal degenerations may be due at objects may be evident; alien limb behaviour has been des-
least in part to the clinical silence of this region relative to the cribed (Ball et al., 1993). Limb apraxia is often accompanied by
eloquent left temporal lobe, and indeed patients may not deficits of buccofacial or truncal praxis. Aphasic and other cog-
present to the neurologist until bilateral temporal lobe nitive deficits may develop later in the course. Structural MRI
involvement produces a disturbance of semantic memory may demonstrate asymmetric parietal atrophy (Azouvi et al.,
(Tyrrell et al., 1990b). The best established clinical phenotype 1993; Kareken et al., 1998), and PET has shown asymmetric
of right temporal lobe pathology is the syndrome of progres- posterior frontal and inferior parietal hypometabolism
sive prosopagnosia (Tyrrell et al., 1990b; Evans et al., 1995; (Kareken et al., 1998). Presentations dominated by a progres-
Gainotti et al., 2003). Patients present with a progressive sive frontal gait disorder (‘gait apraxia’) and fear of falling con-
inability to recognize faces; as the illness progresses, even stitute a distinct clinical variant (Rossor et al., 1999). There
famous and highly familiar faces (such as family members) may be associated rigidity with the features of gegenhalten and
may not be recognized, and generalization to other modalities initially few other signs; however, upper limb apraxia and more
(such as voices) may occur. Perceptual analysis of faces is widespread cognitive dysfunction may develop later in the
generally normal (Tyrrell et al., 1990b; Evans et al., 1995; course. Structural brain imaging may be unremarkable; how-
Gainotti et al., 2003), and general semantic and autobio- ever, medial frontal hypometabolism may be evident on PET.
graphical knowledge is typically preserved. These observa- Progressive apraxia is a feature of corticobasal degener-
tions suggest that the core defect is loss of access to ation, in which limb apraxia is typically accompanied by asym-
person-specific knowledge (Gainotti et al., 2003). Focal right metric rigidity and other extrapyramidal or cortical sensory
anterior temporal atrophy is observed on MRI (Figure 57.1c; signs, and biparietal presentations of Alzheimer’s disease, in
p. 723); right temporal and orbitofrontal hypometabolism or which visuospatial impairments and other cognitive deficits
hypoperfusion may be detected on functional imaging prior are generally evident (Ball et al., 1993; Mackenzie Ross et al.,
to the onset of structural change (Edwards-Lee et al., 1997). 1996; Galton et al., 2000). However, diagnostic and nosologic
Atrophy predominantly involving the right fusiform and difficulties are posed by patients who have progressive apraxia
parahippocampal gyri has been correlated with a variant with a paucity of associated neurological signs (Azouvi et al.,
prosopagnosia phenotype in which the core defect is an 1993; Kareken et al., 1998). In support of a metabolic distinc-
inability to form global perceptual representations of faces tion from corticobasal degeneration, 18F-DOPA PET in such
(Joubert et al., 2003). patients has demonstrated normal presynaptic dopaminergic
Some patients with selective right temporal atrophy have uptake (Kareken et al., 1998; Rossor et al., 1999), suggesting
associated affective disturbances, personality change and that the dopaminergic nigrostriatal system is intact in at least
sociopathy which may be due in part to an inability to inter- a proportion of cases. However, neuropathological evidence
pret facial expressions, and the patient’s own facial expressions remains limited and inconclusive. In patients with progressive
frequently become blunted (Edwards-Lee et al., 1997). Amyg- apraxia and parietal dysfunction, Pick’s disease (Cambier
dala atrophy is often marked in these cases. Typical frontal et al., 1981) and Alzheimer’s disease (Ball et al., 1993) have
behavioural features may develop. Associations between facial been demonstrated at post mortem. A patient with complex
identity and emotion processing deficits and between prosopag- limb apraxia associated with language disturbance and oro-
nosia and other categories of perceptual deficit are variable facial apraxia had focal atrophy involving the left frontal
(Evans et al., 1995; Gentileschi et al., 1999). Associative olfac- operculum and lower precentral gyrus with histological
tory agnosia may accompany prosopagnosia (Mendez and features of Pick’s disease and typical inclusion bodies (Fukui
Ghajarnia, 2001), perhaps illustrating a common mechanism et al., 1996). In one case of progressive gait disturbance, mixed
of disconnection of right temporal cortex from mesial limbic features of corticobasal degeneration and Alzheimer’s disease
structures. Based on limited evidence (Edwards-Lee et al., were found at post mortem (Rossor et al., 1999). By analogy
1997), the neuropathological correlates of progressive proso- with the progressive aphasias, progressive apraxia is likely to
pagnosia may be similar to those of left temporal atrophy- represent a clinical syndrome produced by a spectrum of
semantic dementia and other frontotemporal dementias in the pathological processes.
‘Pick-tauopathy’ spectrum.


Three focal syndromes of progressive visual disturbance have
Primary progressive apraxia has been described only infre- been described (Galton et al., 2000; Tang-Wai et al., 2004):
quently. Patients may complain initially of ‘clumsiness’ involv- progressive visuospatial impairment, progressive visual agnosia
ing one hand (more commonly the left), and asymmetrical and progressive primary visual dysfunction. Clinically and
involvement is common as the illness evolves (Azouvi et al., anatomically, these disorders fall within the broad group
1993). On examination, difficulty imitating gestures and of posterior cortical atrophies (Benson et al., 1988); this
meaningless hand positions, in pantomime and in the use of group overlaps with progressive syndromes in which parietal
726 Progressive aphasia and other focal syndromes

dysfunction is prominent, including progressive apraxia, some 57.5 MANAGEMENT

fluent presentations of PPA, and biparietal presentations of
Alzheimer’s disease (Galton et al., 2000). The progressive
visual syndromes are likely to reflect differential involvement No specific disease-modifying therapies are currently avail-
of the visual processing pathways of the posterior hemispheres able for any of the focal dementias. After exclusion of
(Mackenzie Ross et al., 1996), and mixed features commonly reversible disease processes, the main priorities of manage-
appear as the illness evolves (Benson et al., 1988; Attig et al., ment are the provision of information and the mobilization
1993; Ardila et al., 1997). Early involvement of the dorsal of support services for patients and their carers. The social
‘where’ processing stream accounts for the majority of case and occupational consequences of these diseases are often
reports (Attig et al., 1993; Mackenzie Ross et al., 1996; Goethals profound; appropriate counselling may allow patients and
and Santens, 2001; Nestor et al., 2003b). Patients with this syn- families to plan for the future, and disease support groups
drome typically present with difficulties in locating objects, may be helpful for some. Pharmacotherapy has a limited
planning visually-guided movements and reading lines of text. role. Concomitant depression should be treated; however, no
On examination, visual disorientation and/or optic ataxia, additional cognitive benefit has been established for neuro-
apraxia, agraphia and other parietal signs are frequent, and modulatory agents such as the serotonin reuptake inhibitors
there may be difficulties in identifying fragmented figures; (Litvan, 2001; Deakin et al., 2003; Pasquier et al., 2003).
however, visual fields and early visual processing are intact. Patients with frontotemporal lobar degenerations may be
Initial disruption of the ventral ‘what’ processing stream particularly vulnerable to dopaminergic blockade and neuro-
(DeRenzi, 1986; Ardila et al., 1997) produces impairments in leptics should be avoided in this group (Pijnenburg et al.,
the recognition of objects, written words and topographical 2003). Patients with posterior cortical atrophy who fulfil
features; on examination, features of visual apperceptive diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer’s disease may derive symp-
agnosia are present. Variant syndromes include progressive tomatic benefit from acetylcholinesterase inhibitors such as
pure alexia for words or music (Beversdorf and Heilman, donepezil; however, anecdotal evidence suggests that these
1998) and hemiachromatopsia (Freedman and Costa, 1992). agents may worsen behavioural symptoms in the non-
Rarely, early involvement of primary visual cortex produces Alzheimer dementias and appropriate controlled trials are
impairments of early visual processing, which may include awaited. Specific cognitive rehabilitation programmes have
deficits or distortions of colour or shape perception, hallucina- been proposed in PPA (Louis et al., 2001), however, their use
tions or abnormal after-images (Levine et al., 1993; Galton has not been widely evaluated.
et al., 2000; Chan et al., 2001); visual field defects may develop,
and visual acuity may be reduced. These different clinical syn-
dromes broadly correspond to predominantly dorsal parietal,
ventral parieto-temporo-occipital and posterior occipital pat-
terns of atrophy on structural imaging (Figure 57.1d and e, The focal dementias present challenges for clinicians and
p. 723) and pathological examination. Functional imaging neurobiologists alike. Patients are often disabled by their
generally shows bilateral (often asymmetric) parieto-occipital deficits and stand in need of considerable clinical and
hypometabolism or hypoperfusion rather than the parieto- social support; yet accurate diagnosis is difficult, and focal
temporal pattern typical of Alzheimer’s disease (Attig et al., cognitive symptoms are not infrequently misinterpreted as
1993; Victoroff et al., 1994; Beversdorf and Heilman, 1998; non-organic. The clinical syndromes generally represent topo-
Goethals and Santens, 2001; Nestor et al., 2003b). graphical signatures of the distribution of pathology rather
The majority of progressive visual cases that have been than markers of specific diseases. Histopathological informa-
studied pathologically have histological features of Alzheimer’s tion remains limited: further detailed clinicopathological
disease (Pantel and Schroder, 1996; Galton et al., 2000; Nestor studies are needed in order to define the spectrum of patho-
et al., 2003b; Tang-Wai et al., 2004), suggesting that these syn- logical changes that may be associated with particular clinical
dromes should be regarded principally as variant Alzheimer phenotypes and to identify features that distinguish these
phenotypes; this generalization may apply particularly to unusual focal variants from the more common diffuse degen-
patients with prominent dorsal stream involvement (Nestor erations. Diagnostic and terminological inconsistencies and
et al., 2003b). More typical impairments of memory and other the conflation of clinical, anatomical and pathological levels
cognitive functions not uncommonly develop later in the of description have given rise to much confusion in the liter-
course, though visual features may dominate for a number of ature of these disorders. Ultimately, this confusion may be
years. Loss of  rhythm on EEG and evidence of hippo- resolved only through an improved understanding of the
campal atrophy on MRI support the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s neurobiological and molecular mechanisms whereby regional
disease, however routine investigations may be normal. Non- vulnerabilities of neuronal function are translated into clinical
Alzheimer degenerative pathologies including corticobasal deficits. Such an approach will be essential for the develop-
degeneration (Tang-Wai et al., 2003), Creutzfeldt–Jakob dis- ment of rational therapies in these often devastating diseases.
ease (Victoroff et al., 1994) and subcortical gliosis (Victoroff Current classification schemes (for example, the distinction
et al., 1994) have been described in a small number of cases. between ‘fluent’ and ‘non-fluent’ PPA) may be refined as
References 727

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Dementia and neuropsychiatric

58. Depression with cognitive impairment 731

59. Alcohol-related dementia and the clinical spectrum of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome 738

60. Dementia and intellectual disability 745

61. Schizophrenia, cognitive impairment and dementia 750

62. Huntington’s disease 754

63. Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and other prion diseases 763

64. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1-associated dementia: pathology, clinical features and treatment 777

65. Uncommon forms of dementia 795

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Depression with cognitive impairment


58.1 Cognitive impairment in non-demented 58.5 ‘Pseudodementia’ 733

depressed patients 731 58.6 Prognosis of depression with cognitive impairment 733
58.2 Depression in patients with dementing disorders 732 58.7 Diagnostic assessment and treatment planning 734
58.3 Depression as a risk factor for dementia 732 References 735
58.4 Cognitive impairment and the course of
geriatric depression 732

Depressed elders often have cognitive impairment. The num- automatic processes appear relatively preserved (Channon
ber of community residents with both depressive symptoms and Green, 1999).
and impaired cognition doubles at each 5-year interval after Although focal deficits or even severe global impairment
the age of 70 years. Depression accompanied by cognitive are observed in some depressed elderly patients, the cognitive
dysfunction occurs in 25 per cent of 85-year-old subjects functioning of others remains intact. Studies of cognitive
(Arve et al., 1999). Even non-demented depressed elders often response to psychopharmacological treatment of late-life
have impairments in speed of processing and executive func- depression indicate that a substantial number of patients
tion (Kindermann et al., 2000; Lockwood et al., 2000). About continue to experience residual symptoms and neuropsycho-
18–57 per cent of depressed elderly patients may present with logical deficits. Processing speed and working memory
dementia that resolves with remission of depression (Emery, impairment persist after remission of geriatric depression
1988). Finally, dementing disorders are often complicated by (Butters et al., 2000; Nebes et al., 2000).
depressive symptoms. The neuropsychological dysfunctions of depression are
consistent with frontal lobe abnormalities demonstrated by
neuroimaging studies (Abrams and Taylor, 1987; Coffey, 1987;
Sackeim and Steif, 1988; Deptula et al., 1991; Lodewyk and
58.1 COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT IN NON- Wong, 1993). Structural abnormalities have been identified in
DEMENTED DEPRESSED PATIENTS the frontal lobes (Krishnan et al., 1993), the caudate (Krishnan
et al., 1992), and the putamen (Husain et al., 1991). Hypome-
A variety of neuropsychological impairments have been tabolism has been reported in the dorsolateral prefrontal cor-
reported in late-life depression (Lockwood et al., 2000, 2002). tex (Baxter et al., 1985; Martinot et al., 1990; Bench et al.,
These include impairment in recall (Hart et al., 1987), recog- 1992), inferior temporal areas (Lesser et al., 1994), anterior
nition memory, visuospatial skills (Boone et al., 1995; Lesser cingulate (de Asis et al., 1997; Drevets et al., 1997; Mayberg
et al., 1996), verbal fluency, psychomotor speed (Hart et al., et al., 1997) and basal ganglia (Buchsbaum et al., 1986).
1987) and executive functions such as impaired planning, Notably, reduced metabolism of the rostral anterior cingu-
organizing, initiating, sequencing and attentional set shifting late may be associated with resistance to antidepressants in
(Beats et al., 1996; Lesser et al., 1996; Butters et al., 2000). younger depressed patients (Mayberg et al., 1997). In contrast,
Even moderately depressed middle-aged patients have an increase in frontal hypometabolism has been reported fol-
deficits in planning, strategy development, spatial working lowing successful treatment with antidepressant medications
memory, and verbal fluency despite unimpaired psychomotor (Mayberg et al., 1999; Drevets, 2000). It has been proposed
speed (Elliot et al., 1996). While tasks requiring development that abnormal function of the right dorsolateral prefrontal
of performance strategies suffer in depressed patients, cortex is the biological substrate of poor sustained attention
732 Depression with cognitive impairment

noted in depressed patients, while metabolic abnormalities for Alzheimer’s disease (Speck et al., 1995). Lifetime history
of the anterior cingulate cortex account for impaired select- of depression may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease,
ive attention of these patients (Liotti and Mayberg, 2001). in patients with or without a family history of dementing
disorders (van Duijn et al., 1994).
Depression may promote the clinical expression of
dementia in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Lifetime dur-
ation of depression was observed to correlate with hippo-
campal volume reduction, although some disagreement
exists (Sheline et al., 1999; Davidson et al., 2002). Excessive
Depressive symptoms are common among demented patients. secretion of stress-related hormones (glucocorticoids) may
Major depression or clinically significant depressive symptoms contribute to hippocampal atrophy. These hormones can
can be found in approximately 17 per cent of Alzheimer’s reduce the secretion of neurotrophic factors, inhibit neuro-
patients (Wragg and Jeste, 1989). Patients with subcortical genesis and render neurones vulnerable to the toxic effect of
dementias, including vascular dementia, and Parkinson’s dis- amyloid, thus compounding the neuropathological changes
ease, are more likely to experience depression than patients of Alzheimer’s disease and accelerating the clinical exp-
with Alzheimer’s disease (Sobin and Sackeim, 1997). ression of dementia. Once depression develops as part of
Late-onset depression is often a prodrome of dementing these brain changes, it may accelerate the progression of
disorders. Depressed mood was associated with an increased Alzheimer’s neuropathological changes. Several antidepres-
risk of incident dementia during a 5-year follow up of eld- sants elevate brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in
erly community residents (Devanand et al., 1996). Depressive the rat hippocampus. Through this action, antidepressants
symptoms predicted cognitive decline of elderly women may prevent stress-induced inhibition of neurogenesis and
during a 4-year follow up (Yaffe et al., 1999). Among elderly increase dendritic branching (Duman et al., 1997). It remains
individuals with subclinical cognitive dysfunction, those who to be investigated whether antidepressants delay the onset
developed dementia 3 years later had more depressive symp- and inhibit the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
toms at baseline (Ritchie et al., 1999). As subjects progressed to
dementia, they exhibited fewer affective symptoms and more
agitation and psychomotor slowing. These changes paralleled
reduction of cerebral blood flow in the left temporal region.
Finally, there is evidence that late-onset depression is associ-
ated with increased incidence of dementia in individuals with-
out an apolipoprotein E (ApoE) 4 allele (Steffens et al., 1997). Multiple pathways may lead to depression and cognitive
Recently, the National Institute of Mental Health’s impairment. Clinical as well as structural and functional
Provisional Diagnostic Criteria for Depression of Alzheimer’s neuroimaging studies suggest that depressive symptoms and
Disease were developed with the goal to promote research on executive impairment originate from related brain dysfunc-
the mechanisms and treatment of this disorder (Olin et al., tions (Alexopoulos, 2001), at least in a subgroup of elderly
2002). The criteria require the presence of Alzheimer’s dis- patients. We described a ‘depression-executive dysfunction
ease diagnosis and ‘clinically significant’ depressive symptoms. syndrome’ (DED), which is characterized by psychomotor
Symptoms due to a medical condition other than Alzheimer’s retardation, reduced interest in activities, a rather mild vege-
disease, or which are deemed to be a direct result of non- tative syndrome, and pronounced functional disability dis-
mood-related dementia symptoms (e.g. loss of weight due to proportionate to the severity of the depression (Alexopoulos
difficulties with food intake) should not be used in making et al., 1996; Kiosses et al., 2000; Lockwood et al., 2000). DED
the diagnosis of depression of Alzheimer’s disease. patients have impaired verbal fluency and visual naming, as
well as poor performance on tasks of initiation and persever-
ation (Alexopoulos et al., 1996). Psychomotor retardation,
apathy and fluency deficits are symptoms often observed in
58.3 DEPRESSION AS A RISK FACTOR FOR frontal lobe syndromes. Yet, unlike patients with frontal lobe
DEMENTIA syndromes, patients with DED meet criteria for major depres-
sion, and have depressive symptomatology of comparable
There is weak evidence that depression occurring in early life severity to that of geriatric major depression patients with
may be a risk factor for the later development of dementing unimpaired executive functions (Alexopoulos et al., 2000).
disorders. In a meta-analytic study a past history of depres- There is evidence that impaired performance in some tests
sion was associated with onset of Alzheimer’s disease after of executive function is associated with poor and/or slow
the age of 70 years only when depressive symptoms had antidepressant response (Alexopoulos, 2002a). In younger
appeared within 10 years before the onset of dementia (Jorm women, abnormal executive functions were associated with
et al., 1991). Depressive symptoms occurring more than 10 poor response to fluoxetine (Dunkin et al., 2000). Abnormal
years from the onset of dementia were found to be a risk factor scores in tests of initiation and perseveration were shown to
Prognosis of depression with cognitive impairment 733

predict poor antidepressant response and low remission rate of reversible cognitive impairments associated with psychiatric
in non-demented elderly patients with major depression syndromes (Kiloh, 1961). The current concept of ‘pseudode-
treated with ‘adequate’ dosages of various antidepressants mentia’ is that of an initially reversible cognitive impairment
(Kalayam and Alexopoulos, 1999). Furthermore, other stud- that occurs in the context of diverse psychiatric disorders,
ies demonstrated that the efficacy of antidepressants is not which influence its course.
compromised by broad cognitive dysfunction (Alexopoulos, The clinical presentation of depression with cognitive
1995; Nyth et al., 1992; Katona et al., 1998) or medical impairment is heterogeneous. The signs and symptoms are
comorbidity (Small et al., 1996). Along with slow and poor principally influenced by the patients’ ages and underlying
response to antidepressants, abnormal scores of initiation psychiatric disorders (Kiloh, 1961; Wells, 1979; Rabins
and perseveration have been shown to predict early relapse et al., 1984; Alexopoulos, 1990; Emery and Oxman, 1992). In
and recurrence of late-life depression in elderly patients a non-geriatric series, ‘pseudodementia’ was reported in
treated with nortriptyline (Alexopoulos et al., 2000), while patients with Ganser syndrome, personality disorders, melan-
neither memory impairment, nor disability, medical burden, cholic depression, hypomania, atypical psychosis, para-
social support, nor number of previous episodes influenced phrenia, catatonia, depersonalization and malingering (Kiloh,
the long-term outcomes of late-life depression. 1961, 1981; Wells, 1971). Non-geriatric patients with ‘pseudo-
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have shown dementia’ often had a history of prior psychiatric disorders, a
that white matter hyperintensities are associated both with recent and abrupt onset of current illness, complained about
executive dysfunction (Boone et al., 1992; Lesser et al., 1996) their cognitive loss, experienced distress, and were able to
and with chronicity of geriatric depression (Coffey et al., 1988; both precisely identify the onset and describe in detail the
Hickie et al., 1995). Severe hyperintensities in subcortical grey course of their illness (Kiloh, 1961; Wells, 1979). On cognitive
matter regions were associated with poor response of depressed tests, these patients often said they did not know the correct
elderly patients to electroconvulsive therapy (Steffens et al., answers even though the tasks were within their abilities.
2001). An electrical tomography analysis study suggests that Performance on tasks of similar difficulty was markedly vari-
anterior cingulate activity is a predictor of the extent of treat- able and accompanied by an overdramatization of their
ment response in depression (Pizzagalli et al., 2001); func- failures.
tional integrity of the anterior cingulate cortex is required for As many younger patients with ‘pseudodementia’ have
the performance of executive functions. psychiatric syndromes other than depression, their clinical
Functional imaging studies of younger adults suggest that presentation is dissimilar to that of geriatric patients with
remission of depression is associated with metabolic increases ‘pseudodementia’ in whom depression is the most common
in dorsal cortical regions (Mayberg et al., 1999; Drevets, 2000) diagnosis. Depressed elders with ‘pseudodementia’ usually
and metabolic decreases in ventral limbic and paralimbic have a severe depression syndrome and a mild dementia. The
structures (Mayberg et al., 1999; Smith et al., 1999; Liotti and clinical profile of major depression accompanying ‘pseudo-
Mayberg, 2001). Persistently elevated metabolism of the amyg- dementia’ of older adults is characterized by motor retard-
dala during remission of depression was associated with a ation, depressive delusions, hopelessness and helplessness
high risk for relapse of depression in younger adults (Drevets, (Alexopoulos and Abrams, 1991). Geriatric inpatients with
1999). Reduced metabolism of the emotional subdivision of major depression and ‘pseudodementia’ had a later age of
the anterior cingulate is associated with treatment resistance in onset of illness than patients who only had major depression
depressed younger adults, while increased cingulate meta- (Alexopoulos et al., 1993a). A study of elderly inpatients and
bolism is a predictor of a good treatment response (Mayberg outpatients noted that those with depression and ‘pseudo-
et al., 1997). A diffusion tensor imaging study noted that dementia’ had more psychic and somatic anxiety, early morning
microstructural abnormalities of the white matter lateral to awakening, and loss of libido than patients with Alzheimer’s
the anterior cingulate are associated with poor or slow disease complicated by depression (Reynolds et al., 1988).
response of geriatric depression to citalopram (Alexopoulos Unlike younger adults, depressed elders with ‘pseudodemen-
et al., 2002b). Disruption of white matter in this area may tia’ express limited cognitive complaints or ‘I don’t know’
interfere with the dorsal cortical-ventral limbic reciprocal responses (Young et al., 1985; Meyers, 1987; Emery, 1988). As
regulation and may contribute to adverse outcomes of geri- a rule, the symptoms of depression preceded those of cognitive
atric depression. dysfunction in patients with depressive ‘pseudodementia’.


The concept of reversible dementia was introduced in the
mid-nineteenth century (Berrios, 1985; Emery, 1988) and As a rule, cognitive impairment improves after amelioration
became the focus of clinical attention in the early 1960s when of geriatric depression. However, this improvement is partial
the term ‘pseudodementia’ was used to describe a broad range in most cases (Abas et al., 1990; Nebes et al., 2000, 2001).
734 Depression with cognitive impairment

Follow-up studies suggest that geriatric patients with depres-

sion and an initially reversible dementia (‘pseudodementia’)
are at high risk for developing irreversible dementia (Reynolds
et al., 1986; Kral and Emery, 1989; Copeland et al., 1992;
Alexopoulos et al., 1993a). Taken together, these studies sug- Depressed elderly patients with cognitive impairment should
gest that 9–25 per cent of elderly patients with depression and have an evaluation both of their psychiatric symptoms and
an initially reversible dementia develop irreversible dementia signs as well as their cognitive impairment. Since depression
each year. However, many such patients do not meet criteria and cognitive impairment have a complex association, the
for irreversible dementia for a period of 2 years after the initial diagnosis of depression and cognitive dysfunction or demen-
episode of depression with ‘pseudodementia’ (Alexopoulos tia should be made independently of each other. In some cases
et al., 1993b). However, some studies observed that there the syndromes of depression and dementia are caused by the
exists a population of elderly depressed people with reversible same disorders, e.g. vascular dementias, Parkinson’s disease,
dementia who remain cognitively intact at least for a few Alzheimer’s disease, hypothyroidism, autoimmune diseases
years after resolution of the dementia syndrome (Rabins et al., or steroid-induced depression with cognitive impairment. In
1984; Pearlson et al., 1989). other cases, depression and dementia simply may coexist.
Differences in the course of cognitive dysfunction in Identifying and characterizing cognitive impairment of
depressed patients with an initially reversible dementia sug- depressed elderly patients has important clinical implica-
gest that this syndrome is heterogeneous (Alexopoulos, tions. Depressed elders often develop delirium in response to
2002b). Some depressed people with an initially reversible drug side effects, dehydration, infections and other factors.
dementia may already have an early dementing disorder. This Therefore, cognitive examination should focus on manifest-
view is supported by recent studies suggesting that depression ations of delirium, including inattention, fluctuating state of
is a prodrome of dementing disorders. Several explanations consciousness and sleep-wake disturbances. Of course, mak-
may account for depressed elderly patients with reversible ing the diagnosis of delirium does not exclude the diagnosis
dementia who remain cognitively intact on follow up. Disturb- of dementia. As dementing disorders predispose to delirium,
ances in attention and motivation may interfere with the delirious patients should be re-examined for an underlying
examination of higher intellectual functions in severely dementing disorder after the resolution of delirium. Identifying
depressed elderly patients. Another possibility is that the cog- treatable causes of dementia, e.g. dementia owing to drug
nitive dysfunction of depression may be prominent in intoxication, organ failure, endocrinopathies, B12 deficiency,
patients with asymptomatic non-progressive brain lesions, and space-occupying lesion is important as treatment of these
e.g. silent stroke. Such patients may develop a dementia syn- conditions may reverse or arrest the progress of dementia.
drome only during depression but not develop dementia When dementia is identified, the clinical characterization
during follow up. Such depression–lesion interaction is sup- of the dementia syndrome can guide treatment. Among the
ported by the observation that neurological symptoms and dementia syndromes, subcortical dementia is the syndrome
signs are exacerbated when patients become depressed (Fogel most likely to be complicated by depression. Subcortical
and Sparadeo, 1985). Another possibility may be that severe dementia is characterized by significant memory impairment,
cognitive dysfunction is an integral part of severe geriatric executive dysfunction and psychomotor retardation. Disorders
depression. There is evidence suggesting that cognitive dys- causing subcortical dementias include mixed Alzheimer’s
function is an expression of the functional brain changes and vascular dementia, vascular dementia, Parkinson’s disease,
occurring during depression rather than a behavioural con- and dementia with Lewy bodies. These disorders require rather
sequence of the affective symptoms. Memory and executive specific treatments, e.g. vascular dementia often is treated
dysfunction often occur in depressed elderly patients (Butters with aspirin and antioxidants, Parkinson’s disease with
et al., 2000; Kindermann et al., 2000; Lockwood et al., 2000; dopamine acting agents, and dementia with Lewy bodies
Nebes et al., 2001) who sometimes do not completely recover with cholinesterase inhibitors and anticonvulsants for behav-
(Butters et al., 2000; Nebes et al., 2001). Dysnomia has been ioural control rather than antipsychotics. Unlike subcortical
noted in depressed elderly patients compared with controls dementias, cortical dementias manifest broader impairment
(Speedie et al., 1990). Functional neuroimaging studies of cognitive functions, including memory impairment,
showed reduced glucose metabolism in the basal ganglia and apraxia, aphasia with paraphasic errors and graphomotor
the prefrontal areas (Drevets, 2000) of depressed patients, construction problems.
while structural neuroimaging studies documented reduced The most common cause of cortical dementia is
volumes of the putamen (Husain et al., 1991) and the caud- Alzheimer’s disease, a condition treated with cholinesterase
ate (Krishnan et al., 1992) in depressed patients compared inhibitors at least during the early and middle phase and with
with normal controls. These observations suggest that the memantine during the advanced phase. Frontal lobe dementias
spectrum of clinical manifestations of depression includes a are characterized by rather mild memory impairment and
wide range of cognitive impairments that may account for pronounced personality changes (apathy, socially inappro-
some of the subjects with reversible dementia who did not priate behaviour and disinhibition) often resulting in irrit-
deteriorate on follow up. ability. Frontal lobe dementia may be due to frontotemporal
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Alcohol-related dementia and the clinical spectrum
of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome


59.1 Cognitive impairment associated with 59.4 Treatment recommendations 742

alcohol dependence 738 59.5 Conclusions 742
59.2 Diagnostic criteria for alcohol-related dementia 739 References 742
59.3 Broadening the definition of Wernicke–Korsakoff
syndrome 740

Dementia associated with alcohol dependence has seen a health costs (Gordis, 2000; Royal College of Physicians, 2001).
dramatic increase in the number of clinical and experimental As part of a wider perspective addressing health effects of
studies undertaken but also a plurality of views regarding alcohol dependence, there has been great interest in the
aetiology, clinical course and optimal treatment modalities hypothesis that excessive alcohol intake may affect the brain.
(Victor, 1994). When Butters and Cermak (1980) wrote their Interest in this ethanol neurotoxicity hypothesis has spanned
landmark work on the neuropsychology of the ‘alcoholic the spectrum of beverage alcohol intake from levels of alcohol
Korsakoff ’s syndrome’ there were relatively few controlled consumption commonly regarded as ‘moderate’ or socially
studies of cognitive impairment associated with a diagnosis acceptable, up to levels of regular intake associated with dis-
of alcohol dependence. The intervening period has seen a ruption of occupational and social function and the multiple
dramatic increase in our understanding of the prevalence of health risks of alcohol dependence (American Psychiatric
cognitive problems associated with long-term, and excessive, Association, 1994).
alcohol use that, in severe forms, is frequently interpreted as Most studies reporting tangible effects on cognitive and
alcohol-related dementia. However, we have also witnessed a broader psychological function have focused on levels of
consonant increase in our understanding of the clinical spec- intake reported from individuals seeking professional help
trum of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome. While there is strong for their alcohol dependence (Bowden, 1987; Grant, 1987;
evidence that Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome is caused by thia- Parsons, 1998). In general terms, reliably identifiable cogni-
min deficiency, it is most commonly reported in people with tive impairment associated with ethanol consumption is
an associated diagnosis of alcohol dependence. The potential reported from samples of people whose alcohol dependence
for Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome to present as a dementia became established in late teenage years or early adulthood,
of fluctuating course and variable severity remains a concept and who have been consuming in excess of 80–100 mL of pure
unfamiliar to many clinicians. In this chapter, a diagnostic ethanol on a regular daily basis for some, usually many, years.
framework will be outlined for understanding dementia asso- By the time they seek professional help, many people with
ciated with alcohol dependence and important treatment alcohol dependence have alcohol-induced multiple organ
and management considerations will be identified. disease, and other complicating conditions such as poor
nutrition and head injuries. In such samples, the prevalence
of cognitive impairment has been estimated at a substantial
minority or perhaps a majority (Parsons, 1994; Rourke and
WITH ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE Loberg, 1996; Bates et al., 2002).
In milder forms, this pattern of cognitive impairment was
Excessive alcohol consumption is a serious health problem in termed ‘subclinical psychological deterioration’ (Cutting,
many countries with multiple direct and indirect social and 1985), so named because in individual cases it may not be
Diagnostic criteria for alcohol-related dementia 739

apparent until elicited with objective assessment of cognition status until several weeks after withdrawal from alcohol
(Parsons, 1994). In more severe forms this clinical picture has (Goldman, 1985; Rourke and Loberg, 1996). However, this
been termed alcohol-induced persisting dementia (American strategy may not always be practical and some evidence sug-
Psychiatric Association, 1994: Code 291.2) or alcohol-related gests that it may be possible to obtain a reasonable indication
dementia (Oslin et al., 1998). of cognitive function within a few days of cessation of drink-
Several reviews have provided a comprehensive overview ing (Unkenstein and Bowden, 1990; Bowden et al., 1995).
of the many cognitive, neuroimaging, neurochemical, neuro- Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that cognitive sta-
physiological observations in alcohol-dependent patients tus may slowly improve after cessation of drinking, over a
(Lishman, 1998; Bates et al., 2002; Harper et al., 2003). period of months or years, or worsen with resumption of
Aetiological processes considered in the explanation of alcohol- alcohol abuse (Victor et al., 1971; Sullivan et al., 2000; Bates
related dementia include pre-existing learning disabilities, et al., 2002; Oslin and Carey, 2003). Therefore, any assess-
family history of alcohol dependence both as an early envi- ment of cognitive status in detoxified alcohol-dependent
ronmental and as genetic risk factors, childhood behaviour persons, even in those patients showing a severe alcohol-
problems and comorbid psychopathology (Rourke and related dementia, should be formulated on the assumption
Loberg, 1996; Adams et al., 1998; Lishman, 1998; Oslin et al., that cognitive status may evolve or resolve and may need to
1998; Bates et al., 2002; Oscar-Berman and Marinkovic, be reviewed regularly.
2004). Medical risk factors that may predispose to cognitive
impairment include multiple organ disease, particularly liver
disease, head injury and multiple nutritional deficiencies
(Parsons, 1994; Bates et al., 2002; Harper et al., 2003). Despite
the complexity of the pathophysiological issues many authors
have clearly favoured the concept of an alcohol-induced
dementia. The most important caveat on this nosological A few years ago, Oslin and colleagues described provisional
inference is the fact that some neurological conditions may criteria for the diagnosis of alcohol-related dementia (Oslin
be relatively asymptomatic, the only important sign being et al., 1998). Emulating consensus criteria for other dementias,
cognitive impairment (Victor, 1994; Oslin et al., 1998). These Oslin and colleagues distinguished possible, probable and def-
nosological issues will be discussed in detail below. inite subcategories of alcohol-related dementia (cf. American
Many studies have examined parameters of alcohol intake Psychiatric Association, 1994: Code 291.2). The crux of their
with the view to identifying a dose–response relationship probable definition was a persisting dementia, not obviously
underlying alcohol-related dementia. In general the search attributable to any other condition, in the context of signifi-
for a clear dose–response relationship has been disappointing, cant alcohol use defined as at least 35 standard drinks per
with only occasional reports of correlations between param- week. Oslin and colleagues outlined a variety of inclusion
eters of intake and behavioural or neurophysiological out- and exclusion criteria for the various subcategories, and rea-
come measures (Rourke and Loberg, 1996; Walton and dily acknowledged that many of the diagnostic criteria were
Bowden, 1997; Oslin et al., 1998). In terms of the specific pat- arbitrary and intended to stimulate debate and research.
tern of cognitive impairment in alcohol-related dementia, They also acknowledged that variants of Wernicke–Korsakoff
some studies have focused on the deficits in core cognitive syndrome or other unrecognized conditions may be the
abilities such as working memory and fluid intelligence primary diagnosis in many cases of alcohol-related dementia.
(sometimes labelled executive functions); other studies have Oslin and colleagues also acknowledged that there were no
reported deficits in most or all aspects of cognitive function acceptable criteria for a definite diagnosis of alcohol-related
including additional deficits in crystallized intelligence and dementia, in other words, no known neuropathological entity
anterograde memory or long-term retrieval (see Rourke and corresponding to the hypothesized clinical condition. This
Loberg, 1996; Leckliter and Matarazzo, 1998; Bates et al., anomaly contrasts with other consensus criteria where, for
2002; Oscar-Berman and Marinkovic, 2004). Also there have example, a specific neuropathological condition provides the
been some interesting attempts to provide a characterization basis for a definite diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (McKhann
of cognitive impairment in alcohol-related dementia as a et al., 1984). Despite the great interest, over recent decades, in
means by which to provide a differential diagnosis from other identifying the pathophysiology, the anomaly persists, a spe-
dementias (e.g. Saxton et al., 2000). However, the variable cific neuropathological entity corresponding to alcohol-related
pattern of cognitive function across individuals in all condi- dementia remains to be identified (Harper et al., 2003; Oslin
tions, particularly in less severe forms, does not promise and Carey, 2003). In view of the ambiguities in diagnosis, it is
useful diagnostic efficiency. not surprising that good prevalence figures are difficult to
An important issue in clinical management of patients obtain. Nevertheless, clinical surveys suggest that alcohol
suspected of alcohol-related dementia relates to stabilization dependence may be one of the most common apparent
of cognitive status and the timing of assessment of cognition causes of dementia, after Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia
after cessation of drinking. For this purpose, many neuropsy- (Lishman, 1998; Oslin and Carey, 2003). In contrast many
chologists recommend refraining from assessment of cognitive years ago Torvik and colleagues (Torvik et al., 1982) inferred
740 Alcohol-related dementia and the clinical spectrum of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome

from their large post-mortem surveys that most patients who shows any two of the following signs: ataxia, eye signs,
diagnosed clinically as having alcohol-related dementia usu- nutritional deficiency or cognitive impairment (with or with-
ally will be found to have Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome at out selective amnesia). These clinical criteria were shown to
post mortem. have very high sensitivity and specificity (well in excess of
Other conditions can give rise to cognitive deterioration 90 per cent in both cases), for the identification of both the
in association with alcohol dependence, for example, pel- acute and chronic phases of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome
lagra, Marchiafava–Bignami disease, or hepatic encephalo- diagnosed at post mortem. On this basis, many of the
pathy (Victor, 1994; Lishman, 1998). Most interesting is the patients conforming to the criteria for probable alcohol-related
observation that, apart from Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome, dementia (Oslin et al., 1998), might be diagnosed instead with
other pathological conditions are infrequently observed in Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome.
the brains of patients who had a clinical diagnosis of demen- In addition, the variable course and clinical spectrum of
tia associated with alcohol dependence (Torvik et al., 1982; Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome are still not widely appreci-
Victor, 1994; Harper et al., 2003). In addition, there is increas- ated, although this disorder is a major confound regarding
ing evidence that many physiological derangements, worsened the diagnosis of alcohol-related dementia (Reuler et al., 1985;
by excessive alcohol intake, may interact to diminish intracel- Torvik, 1991; Thomson et al., 2002). One of the major impedi-
lular thiamin in the brain, even in the context of an adequate ments to understanding the spectrum of cognitive manifest-
diet (Cook et al., 1998; Crews et al., 2000; Thomson et al., ations of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome was the way in
2002). The primary danger in giving a different name, for which a neuropsychological research strategy, used to iden-
example alcohol-related dementia, to unrecognized clinical tify patients with Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome and a severe
variants of known conditions, for example Wernicke–Korsakoff selective amnesia, was promulgated as a diagnostic criterion
syndrome, is that appropriate treatment opportunities may (for review see Bowden, 1990; Victor, 1994). The resulting
be missed (Victor, 1994; Lishman, 1998; Thomson et al., 2002). diagnostic criterion assumed that a discrepancy between rela-
tively preserved general intellectual function versus relatively
impaired anterograde memory, operationalized as a large
discrepancy between a Wechsler Scale Intelligence Quotient
59.3 BROADENING THE DEFINITION OF (IQ) versus Memory Quotient (MQ) in favour of IQ, had
WERNICKE–KORSAKOFF SYNDROME high diagnostic sensitivity to Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome
(Butters and Cermak, 1980; American Psychiatric Association,
Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome is reported with a prevalence 1994). This restrictive definition of severe, selective memory
of approximately 0.6–2 per cent of post-mortem studies and impairment should not be confused with the apparently high
an incidence of approximately 1 per cent, making it one of sensitivity of any mental impairment, cited above.
the more common neurological diseases (Victor et al., 1989; The restrictive diagnostic criterion of selective memory
Torvik, 1991; Harper et al., 2003; Thomson et al., 2002). In impairment became widely accepted even though the cri-
addition, the classical diagnostic triad of neurological signs, terion was never based on a study of either the epidemiology
namely eye signs, ataxia and cognitive impairment, is recog- of the thiamin deficiency disorder, or representative samples
nized as having high diagnostic specificity, but relatively low of patients with the clinical diagnosis (see Bowden, 1990),
sensitivity, perhaps below 20 per cent, in the context of a dis- and is reiterated in numerous research studies and reviews as
ease that may have an acute onset, but also may be insidious though it corresponds to a discrete behavioural category or
and progressive with multiple episodes (Torvik et al., 1982; neuropathological entity (e.g. Kopelman, 1995; Harding et al.,
Harper, 1983; Lishman, 1986; Victor et al., 1989). While 2000). Criticizing this narrow diagnostic focus on the IQ ver-
nystagmus and ataxia together have high specificity in the sus MQ discrepancy, Victor observed ‘perhaps this notion of
context of a history of alcohol dependence (Harper et al., the Korsakoff amnesic syndrome is the conventional one, but
1986; Victor et al., 1989; Torvik, 1991), the one clinical sign if so, it is not consonant with the observed facts, clinical or
that appears to have highest sensitivity, perhaps in excess of pathologic’ (Victor, 1994, p. 92). The narrow definition of the
80 per cent, is mental impairment observed on mental status disorder, reinforced by the kind of patients often seen briefly
examination (Torvik et al., 1982; Harper et al., 1986). As a in tertiary medical settings as an acute onset condition (the
consequence, it was recommended that any alcohol-dependent Wernicke’s phase) with an apparently stable or slowly resolv-
person showing signs of an organic brain syndrome, should ing chronic (Korsakoff ’s) phase, may be another example of
be treated with parenteral thiamin (Schroeder et al., 1991). what Cohen and Cohen termed the clinician’s illusion (1984)
A few years ago Harper’s group provided a reformulation and may be used inadvertently to exclude from consideration
of diagnostic criteria for Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome, many patients with other variants of the thiamin deficiency
which included post-mortem confirmation with replication disease (Homewood and Bond, 1999).
in a separate subsample using a quasi-prospective method As a consequence of a failure to fully appreciate the vari-
(Caine et al., 1997). On the basis of their results Caine and able clinical spectrum of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome,
colleagues suggested that a diagnosis of Wernicke–Korsakoff Torvik (1991) has inferred that perhaps only 1–20 per cent of
syndrome should be made in any alcohol-dependent person patients with the disease are correctly diagnosed in life. Like
Broadening the definition of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome 741

140 that is, memory should be consistently poorer than intelligence.

In the sample of 32 subjects (Figure 59.1), the Wechsler
GMI  11  0.88 FSIQ Memory Scale General Memory Index and Wechsler Full
r  0.68
120 Scale IQ (Wechsler, 1981, 1987) were highly correlated
(r  0.68; P 0.01) and the regression of Full Scale IQ on
the General Memory Index produced a significant slope coef-
General Memory Index

100 ficient (slope  0.88; standard error  0.18; P 0.01) but a

non-significant intercept value (intercept  11.17; standard
error  15.8; P  0.05). There was no evidence of a non-linear
80 component in this regression (quadratic term, P  0.1).
Despite a strong linear relationship, there was no evidence
that memory was consistently poorer than intelligence.
A similar result was obtained when we regressed Full Scale
IQ on the WMS-R Delayed Recall Index. These data have one
important implication. In a sample of patients with clinical
signs of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome known to have high
40 60 80 100 120 140 sensitivity and specificity, the pattern of cognitive impair-
Full Scale IQ ment is not one of selective amnesia, but rather a generalized
Figure 59.1 WAIS-R Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) plotted against the WMS-R cognitive impairment or dementia of variable severity. When
General Memory Index (GMI) for 32 cases showing two or more signs memory is affected, intelligence is also. The present result is
of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome. Also shown is the best-fitting line similar to that obtained by others (Talland, 1965; Jacobson
for the regression of FSIQ on the GMI (see text for details). and Lishman, 1987), although they tested similar hypotheses
in patients selected for severe amnesia.
It might seem counter-intuitive to propose that Wernicke
Torvik (1982), Victor and colleagues (Victor et al., 1989; –Korsakoff syndrome be conceived as producing a dementia-
Victor, 1994) were concerned to highlight the frequency with like deterioration, in view of the striking amnesia seen in
which patients with Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome dis- many patients. This inference may be better understood if it is
played a clinical profile of dementia. In a similar vein Reuler appreciated that anterograde memory function is an instru-
et al. (1985) concluded that most ‘alcoholics that have been mental daily-living skill, and deficits will be more striking
labelled demented will turn out to have inactive [chronic] than equivalent deficits in crystallized or fluid intellectual
Wernicke’s encephalopathy’ (p. 245). skills. We have seen many patients referred for assessment of
To evaluate the hypothesis that a selective amnesia is a a clinical amnesia who turn out, on objective assessment, to
common accompaniment of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome have equally severe intellectual impairment as well. This situ-
(Butters and Cermak, 1980; American Psychiatric Association, ation is not dissimilar to the pattern of intellectual impair-
1994; Kopelman, 1995), we report in Figure 59.1 a consecu- ment observed with irreversible degenerative conditions
tive series of 32 patients (30 male and 2 female) drawn from such as Alzheimer’s disease. Although anterograde memory
our clinical archive from a former State-run alcohol treat- impairment is the clinical hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease,
ment centre. The average age of the patients was 44.6 years broader intellectual impairment is often just as severe (e.g.
(SD  11.9) with 9.0 years of education on average (SD  2.9). Haxby et al., 1992).
All of these patients conformed to the clinical criterion Two further points require special attention in broaden-
shown to have high sensitivity and specificity to the neuro- ing our understanding of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome.
pathology of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome (Victor et al., The first is the often overlooked potential for recovery. Current
1989; Torvik, 1991; Caine et al., 1997). Every patient had at diagnostic guidelines suggest that ‘once established the
least two of the requisite signs in addition to a history of alco- amnesia … usually persists indefinitely’ (American Psychiatric
hol dependence. Specifically, apart from their clinically obvi- Association, 1994, p. 162). However, this was not a view
ous mental impairment, which was the motivation for shared by Korsakoff who observed ‘memory often improves …
referral, five (16 per cent) showed eye signs alone, 17 (53 per the intensity of the amnesia depends on the general course of
cent) showed ataxia alone, and 10 (31 per cent) showed eye the disease and on the depth of the affection, so that if the dis-
signs and ataxia. Many also had poor diets, although this was ease progresses toward improvement the amnesia diminishes
not formally assessed. In this sample, mean duration of abstin- and may entirely disappear; if the disease grows worse, how-
ence at testing was 20.3 days (SD  12.0; range 8–60 days) ever, the amnesia becomes deeper and deeper’ (Korsakoff,
and none of the patients were clinically confused or having 1889, translated by Victor and Yakovlev, 1955, p. 398–399 –
delirium at the time of psychological assessment. our emphasis added).
If the hypothesis of selective memory impairment (mem- In addition, in the only large study of its type, Victor and
ory lower than intelligence) is correct then, the regression of colleagues (Victor et al., 1971) reported that approximately
intelligence on memory should produce a negative intercept, three-quarters of a sample of 104 patients with an acute onset
742 Alcohol-related dementia and the clinical spectrum of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome

variant Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome and severe post-acute disability may be greatly enhanced by early and effective
phase were observed to recover to some extent over long-term treatment.
follow up: 46 per cent showed substantial or complete recovery. In the light of the potential recovery of cognitive function
Numerous other studies of patients admitted to hospitals with with effective treatment and abstinence from alcohol, clini-
Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome report recovery (for review see cians also should be encouraged to intervene with efficacious
Bowden, 1990), although the relationship to refeeding and spe- treatments for alcohol dependence. Research demonstrates
cific thiamin treatment remains little studied (Ambrose et al., the effectiveness of brief interventions in both emergency
2001). Clinically, we have observed patients with Wernicke– and general medical settings and should be encouraged as
Korsakoff syndrome who were severely demented, doubly standard practice (Bien et al., 1993; Moyer et al., 2002).
incontinent, and dependent in all activities of daily living Developments in more specialized treatments for alcohol
recover to independent living in a period of weeks. dependence include improvements in withdrawal manage-
A final aspect of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome that ment (Mayo-Smith, 1997), medications such as naltrexone
deserves further attention is the variable pattern of neuro- and acamprosate for relapse prevention (Garbutt et al., 1999;
pathology, both in terms of local severity and distribution Srisurapanont and Jarusuraisin, 2002) and cognitive behav-
throughout the brain, including in the ‘classic’ periventricu- ioural interventions (Miller and Wilbourne, 2002). Every
lar and periaqueductal sites (Torvik, 1991; Harper et al., opportunity should be taken to actively treat any person with
2003). In experimental studies of thiamin deficiency Langlais alcohol dependence.
and colleagues have shown rapidly developing and reversible
changes in diffuse regions of the cerebrum (Langlais et al.,
1996; Langlais and Zhang, 1997). Torvik (1991) discussed the 59.5 CONCLUSIONS
potential clinical counterparts of the variable pattern of
human pathology in cases of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome
identified at post mortem, noting that, in view of the many Although Leevy (1982) invoked the term ‘thiamin dementia’
mild and restricted lesions, the majority of patients exhibited it may be simplest to retain the term Wernicke–Korsakoff
much milder deficits than the Korsakoff’s psychosis. Although syndrome to refer to all of the neurological and neuropsycho-
there is continuing interest in the neuropathological basis of logical features of thiamin deficiency. The neurological usage
Korskoff ’s amnesia, it may be that accentuated histological of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome no longer applies only to
abnormalities in certain structures are best viewed as one those cases with the classical triad, but has broadened to
extreme of a clinicopathological spectrum rather than a dis- encompass a highly variable neurological presentation (Torvik
crete pathological subtype (e.g. Harding et al., 2000). et al., 1982; Reuler et al., 1985; Victor et al., 1989). It may be
that the neuropsychology of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome
is best conceived as an example of a potentially reversible
dementia. The value of a broader approach to diagnosis is to
59.4 TREATMENT RECOMMENDATIONS heighten sensitivity to the prevalence of the disorder in cer-
tain populations, particularly in association with alcohol
Behavioural management of cognitive impairment associated dependence.
with alcohol dependence has been reviewed recently (Knight,
2001; Bates et al., 2002; Oslin and Carey, 2003). At the present
time, identification of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome in all REFERENCES
its variants, remains a clinical diagnosis because there is no
satisfactory laboratory test routinely available (Thomson et al., Adams KM, Gilman S, Johnson-Green D et al. (1998) The significance of
2002). Rather than waiting on some definitive diagnostic sign, family history status in relation to neuropsychological test
it is more important to make a presumptive diagnosis and performance and cerebral glucose metabolism studied with positron
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Dementia and intellectual disability


60.1 Demography of dementia in intellectual disability 745 60.4 Diagnosis of dementia in people with intellectual disability 746
60.2 Down’s syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease 745 60.5 Management and care of people with intellectual
60.3 Prevalence of and risk factors for dementia in other disability and dementia 747
people with intellectual disability 746 References 748

60.1 DEMOGRAPHY OF DEMENTIA IN Post-mortem studies show neuropathological changes con-

INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY sistent with AD by 40 years of age (Wisniewski et al., 1985).
The average age of clinical diagnosis of dementia is about 50
years and prevalence may be as high as 75 per cent in those
Early in the twentieth century children with intellectual dis- aged over 60 years (Holland, 1998).
ability (ID) in developed nations had a life expectancy of less DS, the commonest cause of ID, is due to trisomy 21 in
than 20 years (Carter and Jancar, 1983). By the close of the 95 per cent of cases. The remainder are due to translocations,
twentieth century average life expectancy for people with ID partial trisomies and mosaicism (Stoll et al., 1998). Over-
had increased to 60 years. People with mild ID, few comorbid expression of a number of genes on chromosome 21 are
conditions and a protective life style have a life expectancy implicated in the pathogenesis of AD in DS. Triplication of
approaching and in some instances exceeding that of the the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene in trisomy 21,
general population (Patja et al., 2000). People with Down resulting in precocious and excessive amyloid production
syndrome (DS), cerebral palsy, greater levels of disability or and cerebral deposition, is postulated to be the root cause of
comorbid physical conditions have lower life expectancies early onset AD in DS (Robakis et al., 1987). Indeed, the
(Eyman et al., 1989; Strauss and Eyman, 1996). expression of APP is 3–4 times higher than that expected
The number of people with ID aged 60 and over is from the 1.5 times increased gene load. Expression of APP is
expected to at least double and perhaps quadruple in the next promoted by a transcriptional regulator that is also coded on
two decades (Bigby et al., 2001). The Edinburgh Principles chromosome 21 (Wolvetang et al., 2003). A gene encoding
promote the rights of people with ID and dementia to have for a -secretase, located on chromosome 21, is over-
access to the same standard of care provided to the general expressed and cleaves APP to produce A amyloid (Barbiero
population and outline principles for the design of services et al., 2003). Serum levels of A1–40 and A1–42 are increased
to support people with ID with dementia and their carers in DS and are associated with the development of dementia
(Wilkinson and Janicki, 2002). However, aged care and dis- (Schupf et al., 2001). A amyloid contributes to neurofibril-
ability services have failed to develop coherent policy and lary tangle formation as well as mediating inflammatory factors
programme responses to the rapidly increasing population contributing to the rapid accumulation of neuropathology in
of older people with ID. the DS brain and may also trigger apoptotic pathways (Head
et al., 2001, 2002).
Overexpression of superoxide dismutase is thought to lead
to excess free radical production and cell damage (Dickinson
and Singh, 1993). In addition, at least 10 genes on chromo-
some 21 are involved in mitochondrial functioning (Hattori
The relationship between DS and the development of et al., 2000). Mitochondrial dysfunction has been shown to
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in middle age is well established. increase oxidative stress that may lead to neuronal death and
746 Dementia and intellectual disability

altered metabolism of APP (Arbuzova et al., 2002; Busciglio injury is also associated with dementia in the general popula-
et al., 2002). tion and in people with ID. Head injury may be the cause of
Other factors modulate the risk of developing AD in DS. ID and people with ID are at risk of head injury due to falls
The presence of one or two apolipoprotein E (ApoE) 4 alleles and self-injurious behaviour such as head banging.
increases the risk of earlier onset AD in people with DS whilst Low intellectual quotient (IQ) and low educational status
the presence of ApoE 2 is protective (Schupf et al., 1996; are frequently quoted as being risk factors for AD and a low
Rubinsztein et al., 1999). Serum levels of A1–42 are increased reserve hypothesis is invoked. Prenatal exposure to toxins
in DS subjects with the ApoE 4 allele (Schupf et al., 2001). such as alcohol (Dumas and Rabe, 1994) and microcephaly
Women with DS have early menopause. The earlier the (Lee and Rabe, 1992) predispose to early cognitive decline in
menopause the greater the risk of AD and the earlier it devel- animal models, although the mechanism for this has not been
ops. The bioavailability of endogenous oestradiol is thought elucidated. Is it the greater impact of age-related neurone loss
to be associated with dementia (Cosgrave et al., 1999; Schupf on an already compromised brain or do prenatal insults
et al., 2003; Patel et al., 2004). affect some basic processes resulting in premature ageing?
The potential for vascular dementia in people with ID is
high. The identification and management of vascular risk
factors in people with ID is often overlooked by generic
60.3 PREVALENCE OF AND RISK FACTORS health care and health promotion (Wallace, 2004). High rates
of pathological lipid profiles, obesity (Rimmer et al., 1994),
smoking (Tracy and Hosken, 1997), hypertension, other car-
diovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease (Cooper, 1999)
Less attention has been focused on dementia in people with ID have been reported in people with ID. Certain genetic syn-
not due to DS. Prevalence rates of 22 per cent have been dromes also predispose to hypertension, diabetes mellitus,
reported (Lund, 1985; Cooper, 1997a) in epidemiological sam- obesity, hyperhomocysteinaemia, hyperlipidaemia and abnor-
ples of people with ID over the age of 65 years. However, other malities in vasculature increasing the risk of vascular disease
studies have found rates of dementia not significantly different (Wallace, 2004).
from that expected in the general population (Evenhuis, 1997;
Zigman et al., 2004). This considerable variance in the reported
prevalence of dementia in ID reflects diagnostic challenges,
choice of diagnostic criteria, sample selection, and other
methodological differences. ‘Dementia’ and ‘Alzheimer’s dis-
ease’ are often used interchangeably (Zigman et al., 2004) and
few researchers attempt to subtype dementia. Evenhuis (1997) Currently there are no internationally recognized gold standard
reports cases of vascular and mixed dementia. However, the instruments for the diagnosis of dementia in people with intel-
possibility of vascular dementia generally is overlooked. The lectual disability. Standard tools such as the Mini-Mental State
presence of cerebrovascular disease or other major medical dis- Examination and general neuropsychological assessments are
orders may confound and therefore preclude a research diag- not valid for use in people with ID because of substantial floor
nosis of dementia (Evenhuis, 1997; Zigman et al., 2004). effects. A range of instruments have been used in dementia in
Risk factors for dementia in people with ID not due to DS ID research including tools for adaptive functioning, diagnosis
have not been a major focus for investigators. A large post- of dementia and for testing specific cognitive domains.
mortem series from an institutional population (Popovitch Measures of adaptive functioning were not specifically devel-
et al., 1990) demonstrates the common presence of senile oped for use in dementia studies. A modified version of the
plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, increasing with age and CAMDEX informant interview has been shown to be a valid
correlated with a history of seizures, congenital malforma- and reliable tool for use in the diagnosis of dementia in adults
tions and head trauma. Neuropathological criteria for AD with DS (Ball et al., 2004a). The Dementia Questionnaire for
were fulfilled in 9.5 per cent of cases aged 50 years of age, Persons with Mental Retardation (DMR; Evenhuis, 1996), an
increasing to 87 per cent for those 75 years. However, in informant rated instrument and the Down Syndrome
most cases the plaques were not neuritic and substantial Dementia Scale (DSDS), completed by psychologist informant
numbers of neurofibrillary tangles were found in the frontal interview, both have good correlations with clinician diagnosis
lobes. Neither clinicopathological correlations nor the pres- and correlate well with each other (Deb and Braganza, 1999).
ence or absence of vascular pathology were reported. The pattern and progression of cognitive decline in AD in
In support of these findings Cooper (1997b) reported people with DS follows the pattern in the general population
higher rates of poorly controlled epilepsy in those with with early memory impairment followed by declines in visual
dementia, raising questions about the cumulative effects of spatial skills and dyspraxia (Dalton et al., 1999; Devenny
excitotoxic neurone death. Prevalence rates for epilepsy in et al., 2000; Krinsky-McHale et al., 2002). There are modified
people with ID are 30 per cent compared with 1 per cent for versions of the selective reminding test (Krinsky-McHale
the general population (Ettinger and Steinberg, 2001). Head et al., 2002) and cued recall test (Devenny et al., 2002). Parietal
Management and care of people with intellectual disability and dementia 747

functioning can be tested by a dyspraxia scale (Dalton and age and are more common in those with dementia (Cooper,
Fedor, 1998). 1997b) Conditions such as hypothyroidism are particularly
Consensus diagnostic criteria for dementia for people common in people with DS. Delirium and depression, both
with intellectual disability are given in Box 60.1. The clinical common conditions, may present with cognitive and func-
diagnosis of dementia in people with intellectual disability is tional decline. Psychotropic polypharmacy is rife amongst
complicated by the pre-existing impairments in intellectual people with intellectual disability, especially in the older group
and adaptive functioning. Decline from baseline functioning who are also prescribed greater amounts of anticholinergic
must be established. This is difficult if family members are medications (Pary, 1995). Psychotropic medications may
not available for interview or when carers have not known result in significant cognitive impairment that could mimic
the person over a sufficient period of time. In the clinical set- dementia (Gedye, 1998).
ting memory in people who are non-verbal can be tested by Neuroimaging is important in establishing the presence of
hiding three objects around the room and then testing delayed cerebrovascular disease or congenital abnormalities; however,
recall. Dyspraxia can be assessed by asking the person to take its place in diagnosing AD in people with ID is less clear.
off and put back on shoes and jackets, but ability to complete Interpretation of neuroimages involves an understanding of
these tasks needs to be measured against the person’s baseline the baseline differences in the brains of people with ID. People
functioning. Comparison of current samples of writing and with DS and no AD have significantly smaller hippocampal
art work with earlier work is helpful in identifying decline in volumes than cognitively normal adults even when smaller
visuospatial skills. total brain volume is taken into account. In subjects with DS
Behavioural and psychological symptoms are common and AD, hippocampal and amygdala volumes decline (Aylward
clinical features of dementia in people with intellectual dis- et al., 1999). Serial MRI examinations maybe useful in individ-
ability. The onset of a variety of maladaptive behaviours may ual patients with DS in tracking the development of AD; how-
precede or coexist with the decline in adaptive functioning. ever, a single individual scan may not be particularly useful in
Pre-existing levels of maladaptive behaviours tend to remain establishing a diagnosis of AD (Prasher et al., 1996). Cerebral
stable in the absence of a decline in functioning (Urv et al., single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scans
2003). Mood changes, poor emotional control, irritability, of people with DS and clinical AD show reduced cerebral blood
onset of or increase in aggression, withdrawal, loss of inter- flow in the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital regions of
est, anhedonia, sleep and appetite disturbances have all been both hemispheres (Melamed et al., 1987).
reported (Moss and Patel, 1995; Cooper, 1997a; Urv et al.,
2003). Psychotic symptoms include delusions of theft and
persecution and visual hallucinations of strangers in the house
(Cooper, 1997a). The earliest signs of AD in DS may be changes
in executive functioning, behaviour and personality (Ball
et al., 2004b). Depression may precede or occur with AD and
DS (Burt et al., 1992; Sung et al., 1997).
Decline in cognitive and adaptive function may be due to The principles of care of people with ID and dementia are
or complicated by a multitude of factors. Comorbid sensory essentially the same as for all people with dementia. This
impairment, mobility problems and medical conditions are includes the identification and management of coexistent
common in people with intellectual disability, increase with medical conditions, attention to sensory impairments, immo-
bility and nutrition. Medications need to be reviewed and
limited to essential medications at the lowest effective dose.
Box 60.1 DC-LD category IIIB1.1 unspecified dementia Alternatives to the use of medications with significant anti-
(Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2001, with permission) cholinergic effects should be found. Careful assessment of
the person’s accommodation and care needs, the physical
A The symptoms/signs must be present for at least
environment, routines and programmes as well as the expect-
6 months
ations of others, needs to be conducted. Simple concrete
B They must not be a direct consequence of other
explanations and visual aids can help co-residents to under-
psychiatric or physical disorders
stand what is happening to their housemate (Lynggaard and
C The symptoms and signs must represent a change from
Alexander, 2004). Carer education and support are essential.
the person’s premorbid state
Training for carers is offered by the Down Syndrome Society
D Impaired memory must be present
in the United Kingdom and Alzheimer’s Australia.
E Impairment in other cognitive skills, judgement and
There is a small but growing body of evidence of the
thinking must be present
potential benefits of treating people with DS and AD with
F Items D and E must not be solely attributed to clouding
cholinesterase inhibitors. A small randomized controlled
of consciousness as in delirium
trial of donepezil in people with DS and AD found non-
G Reduced emotional control or motivation of change in
significant improvements in the treatment group (Prasher
social behaviour must be present
et al., 2002). However, in an open label extension there was a
748 Dementia and intellectual disability

significant difference between the always-treated versus the Cooper S-A. (1997a) Psychiatric symptoms of dementia among elderly
never-treated group (Prasher et al., 2003). A convenience people with learning disabilities. International Journal of Geriatric
sample of six patients with DS and AD treated with donepezil Psychiatry 12: 662–666
Cooper S-A. (1997b) High prevalence of dementia amongst people
for 5 months showed significant improvement over nine
with learning disabilities not attributed to Down’s syndrome.
closely matched historical control subjects (Lott et al., 2002).
Psychological Medicine 27: 609–616
These studies found donepezil to be safe in people with Cooper S-A. (1999) The relationship between psychiatric and physical
DS, the main side effects being nausea, incontinence, agita- health in elderly people with intellectual disability. Journal of
tion and listlessness. However, a case report of a person with Intellectual Disability Research 43: 54–60
DS and AD treated with donepezil 5 mg developing a brady- Cosgrave MP, Tyrrell J, McCarron M, Gill M, Lawlor BA. (1999) Age at
cardia of 48 beats per minute and collapsing urges caution in onset of dementia and age of menopause in women with Down’s
the use of cholinesterase inhibitors in a population with high syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 43: 461–465
rates of major congenital cardiac defects. Relatively minor Dalton A, Mehta PD, Fedor BL, Patti PJ. (1999) Cognitive changes in
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tion abnormalities may be overlooked (Torr, 2004). syndrome. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability
24: 169–187
There is no published guidance on the pharmacological
Dalton AJ and Fedor BA. (1998) Onset of dyspraxia in aging persons
treatments of behavioural and psychological symptoms of
with Down syndrome: longitudinal studies. Journal of Intellectual
dementia (BPSD) in people with ID. However, it is known that and Developmental Disability 23: 13–24
people with ID are sensitive to psychotropic medications. In Deb S and Braganza J (1999) Comparison of rating scales for the
the absence of evidence to the contrary management of diagnosis of dementia in adults with Down’s syndrome. Journal of
BPSD in people with ID should be the same as for the general Intellectual Disability Research 43: 400–407
population. Many older people with ID are already pre- Devenny DA, Krinsky-McHale SJ, Sersen G, Silverman WP. (2000)
scribed psychotropic medications that may not have been Sequence of cognitive decline in dementia in adults with
reviewed for many years. Psychotic disorders tend to be over- Down’s syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
diagnosed and major mood disorders, especially bipolar 44: 654–665
disorder, are often unrecognized and untreated. Devenny DA, Zimmerli EJ, Kittler P, Krinsky-McHale SJ. (2002) Cued
recall in early-stage dementia in adults with Down’s syndrome.
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21q21 sublocalisation of gene encoding beta-amyloid peptide in 109: 126–141
Schizophrenia, cognitive impairment and dementia


61.1 Is the onset of schizophrenia associated with 61.4 What is the association between schizophrenia
cognitive decline? 750 and dementia? 752
61.2 Is schizophrenia associated with a specific pattern of 61.5 Conclusion 752
cognitive impairment? 751 References 752
61.3 How do the cognitive deficits of schizophrenia evolve
over time? 751

Kraepelin used the term ‘dementia praecox’ to describe what was 24.7 years and 89.8 per cent were receiving treatment
he believed to be two key features of what is now known as with atypical antipsychotic medication at the time of neuro-
schizophrenia: functional and intellectual deterioration. psychological assessment. The most frequent diagnoses were
Such a concept implies that people with schizophrenia experi- schizophrenia (39.7 per cent), schizophreniform disorder
ence some degree of functional and cognitive impairment, (38.5 per cent), psychotic disorder not otherwise specified
and that these deficits represent a decline from a previous (14.1 per cent), brief psychotic disorder (3.9 per cent) and
level of function. Since Kraepelin’s seminal description of the delusional disorder (1.6 per cent). Cognitive assessment
key features of schizophrenia, research has been carried out included an estimate of premorbid cognitive abilities, verbal
with the aim of clarifying whether: fluency, verbal and visual memory, working memory, atten-
tion, visual-constructional ability, visuomotor sequencing,
• the onset of schizophrenia is associated with cognitive
psychomotor speed, and set-shifting ability. Subjects’ perform-
ance was significantly worse than that of non-psychiatric
• schizophrenia is associated with a specific pattern of
controls in all of the tests and subscores examined. The
cognitive deficits; and
authors highlighted that patients’ performance was particu-
• the cognitive deficits of schizophrenia are progressive
larly poor on tests of verbal fluency and immediate and long
and ultimately lead to the development of dementia.
delayed verbal recall (more than 1.5 standard deviations
This chapter will selectively review currently available evi- below the norm), but concluded that there was ‘no evidence
dence covering these three areas of research. to support differences in cognition among the different schizo-
phrenia spectrum diagnostic groups’. Of note, such findings
cannot be explained by the use of antipsychotic medication,
as demonstrated by Ho et al. (2003a).
61.1 IS THE ONSET OF SCHIZOPHRENIA However, do the cognitive deficits observed among patients
ASSOCIATED WITH COGNITIVE DECLINE? with first-episode psychosis represent a decline from a previous
level of function? The results of volumetric magnetic res-
Data on this topic remain sparse and come mostly from studies onance imaging (MRI) studies indicate that some of the brain
of people presenting to health services with first-episode psych- abnormalities associated with schizophrenia precede the onset
osis (Bilder et al., 2000). A recently published Canadian study of the illness (Pantelis et al., 2003), which suggests that cog-
exemplifies our current knowledge in this area (Addington nitive deficits are also likely to be present prior to psychotic
et al., 2003). The investigators recruited 312 subjects who symptoms becoming apparent. Findings from the relatively
were admitted to the Calgary Early Psychosis Programme small number of observational studies available to date are
with their first ever psychotic episode. The subjects’ mean age more or less consistent with such a hypothesis. Cannon et al.
How do the cognitive deficits of schizophrenia evolve over time? 751

(1999) used a nested case–control study design to investigate Examination, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale [Revised]
the premorbid elementary school performance of Finnish verbal and performance scores), as well as on tests of delayed
individuals born in Helsinki between 1951 and 1960. Subjects recall, working memory and executive function. Such find-
who received the diagnosis of schizophrenia up to the year ings have been replicated and extended by other studies,
1991 (n  400) did not have poorer academic performance which have also shown that the pattern of cognitive impair-
in elementary school than controls (n  408), but were sig- ment in schizophrenia with late onset is indistinguishable
nificantly more likely to display difficulties in sports and from the deficits displayed by patients with early illness onset
handicrafts. In addition, a smaller number of subjects with (Sachdev et al., 1999).
schizophrenia than controls progressed to high school, which The clinical and social relevance of the neuropsychological
suggests that some level of premorbid dysfunction might deficits of schizophrenia become apparent when one examines
already have been present before the onset of the illness. their association with the functional capacity of patients. Evans
A recent case–control study from Singapore (Ang and Tan, et al. (2003) assessed 93 patients with diagnosis of schizo-
2004) examined the academic progression of a sample of 30 phrenia or schizoaffective disorder (mean age  57.2  9.1
young men with schizophrenia and 30 age- and sex-matched years) and 73 controls (mean age  59.2  11.2 years). The
controls enlisted in the Singapore Armed Forces between mean age at the onset of illness was 29.9  13.7 years.
January 1998 and December 2000. Subjects with schizophre- Functional capacity, as measured by the Direct Assessment of
nia showed objective evidence of academic decline 2–4 years Functional Status, was significantly correlated with process-
before the onset of symptoms, as measured by differences in ing speed, attention, abstract thinking, learning, delayed
the results of the Primary School Leaving Examination (usu- recall, verbal and motor skills (P 0.001 for all correlations).
ally taken at around the age of 12 years) and the Cambridge Of note, psychotic patients presenting with functional impair-
General Certificate of Education Examination (usually taken ment are less likely to be living independently (Twamley et al.,
at around the age of 16 years). Similar findings have been 2002). In addition, the level of functional impairment of
reported by others (Caspi et al., 2003). elderly institutionalized patients with schizophrenia has been
Taken together, these results suggest that cognitive deficits shown to be directly correlated to the severity of the cognitive
precede the onset of clinical symptoms in schizophrenia – deficits (Kurtz et al., 2001).
i.e. the cognitive deficits are not triggered by the onset of In summary, young and old adults with schizophrenia dis-
the illness. They also indicate that such deficits represent a play a non-specific pattern of generalized cognitive impair-
decline from a relatively normal previous level of function. ment compared with normal controls. The more severe the
cognitive deficits, the greater the functional impairment and
disability experienced by patients.
Schizophrenia is associated with pervasive cognitive deficits
including memory, attention, set-shifting and visuospatial 61.3.1 Schizophrenia with early onset
abilities, psychomotor speed and planning (Heinrichs and
Zakzanis, 1998). Findings amongst young people presenting A fascinating recent development in schizophrenia research has
with a first-ever psychotic episode suggest that this pattern of been the demonstration that the brains of patients change
generalized cognitive impairment is already present during significantly over time. For example, Ho et al. (2003b) reported
the early stages of the illness, although some have chosen to the results of a 3-year MRI follow-up study of 73 young
highlight the potential clinical relevance of the executive dys- adults with schizophrenia (mean age  24.5  4.7 years)
function (Riley et al., 2000; Weickert et al., 2000; Joyce et al., and 23 controls (mean age  26.9  5.3 years). They found
2002). Emerging empirical data suggest that the parietal cor- that, compared with controls, the brains of patients dis-
tex and cerebellum, rather than the frontal lobes, are involved played accelerated enlargement of the cortical sulcal cerebro-
in the production of bizarre psychotic phenomena, such as spinal fluid spaces, progressive reduction in frontal lobe white
delusions of control (Blakemore et al., 2002, 2003). matter volume and corresponding enlargement of frontal
Psychotic disorders with onset in later life are also associ- lobe cerebrospinal fluid volume. Such findings would suggest
ated with generalized cognitive impairment. For example, that the cognitive deficits of people with schizophrenia might
Almeida et al. (1995) examined a convenience sample of 47 also increase over time. However, the results of most follow-
non-demented older people with psychotic symptoms and up studies investigating the progression of cognitive deficits
33 controls using a comprehensive neuropsychological bat- in schizophrenia available to date do not support this
tery of tests. Patients showed significantly lower scores than hypothesis.
controls on general measures of cognitive functioning (Mini- Hoff et al. (1999) reported the results of a 5-year longitudi-
Mental State Examination – MMSE, Cambridge Cognitive nal study of 42 patients with first-episode schizophrenia and
752 Schizophrenia, cognitive impairment and dementia

16 normal controls – they found that the cognitive perform- progressive rate of cognitive and functional decline becomes
ance of patients on tasks assessing language, executive function, apparent.
verbal memory, spatial memory, concentration/speed and Histopathological investigations of the brains of patients
sensory-perception had remained relatively stable 1–1.5 stan- with schizophrenia, however, have failed to show any sign of
dard deviations below the baseline level of performance of Alzheimer’s disease-related pathology. Purohit et al. (1998)
controls over the follow-up period. Another study by Gold et al. found no evidence of an excessive number of senile plaques,
(1999) confirmed that the cognitive performance of patients neurofibrillary tangles or neuronal loss amongst 100 consecu-
does not deteriorate during the first 5 years of illness – in fact, tive autopsy brain specimens of subjects with chronic schizo-
it may actually improve with treatment. Other small-scale phrenia aged 52–101 years. Similarly, Arnold et al. (1998), who
studies have confirmed that the overall cognitive perform- used a steriological counting method to quantify the presence
ance of patients with schizophrenia tends to remain relatively of neurofibrillary tangles, amyloid plaques and Lewy bodies,
stable over time (Stirling et al., 2003). found that their 23 elderly patients with schizophrenia did
not present a larger number of neurodegenerative lesions than
the 14 normal controls – both groups differed significantly in
61.3.2 Schizophrenia with late onset
that respect from the 10 subjects with Alzheimer’s disease.
More recently, Religa et al. (2003) have used specific anti-
Few studies have attempted to follow up patients with late-
bodies against A40 and A42 to assist with the examination
onset schizophrenia. Hymas et al. (1989) reported that patients
of the brains of 10 patients with Alzheimer’s disease, 11
with ‘late paraphrenia’ experienced a statistically significant,
controls and 26 patients with schizophrenia (-amyloid is
but clinically irrelevant, deterioration on the Mental Test
thought to be central to the pathogenetic process that leads
Score. More recently, Palmer et al. (2003) have shown that the
to the development of Alzheimer’s disease). As expected,
cognitive changes observed amongst patients with late-onset
the levels of -amyloid were highest amongst patients with
schizophrenia over a 2-year period are similar to those seen
Alzheimer’s disease, and the mean concentration of A42
in people with early-onset schizophrenia and controls, which
amongst patients with schizophrenia was similar to that of
suggests that schizophrenia starting in later life is not associ-
ated with progressive cognitive decline.
Taken together, these findings indicate that the mech-
In contrast, Brodaty et al. (2003) have argued that their 19
anisms that lead to cognitive impairment in schizophrenia are
patients with onset of schizophrenia after the age of 50 years
different from those observed in common neurodegenerative
showed greater deterioration on MMSE scores over a 5-year
disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.
follow-up period than 24 controls. However, patients recruited
into this study had significantly fewer years of education
and had lower baseline MMSE scores than controls (mean
MMSE  25.5  3.5 versus 29.7  1.0) – this is likely to 61.5 CONCLUSION
have biased the overall results of the study significantly in
favour of the control group. Schizophrenia is a debilitating disorder that is associated
In summary, there is no obvious evidence, at present, that with marked generalized cognitive impairment. These deficits
schizophrenia with either early or late onset is associated are already present at the time of the onset of the illness and
with progressive cognitive decline. However, information on seem to remain relatively stable over time, although a small
this topic remains sparse and conclusions are limited by number of patients may experience significant cognitive and
small sample size, lack of sensitivity of the tests to change functional deterioration at follow up. There is no evidence
over time, and relative short follow-up periods. that schizophrenia is a neurodegenerative disorder – in fact,
all available evidence to date indicates that schizophrenia is
not associated with any form of neurodegeneration. The use
61.4 WHAT IS THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN of the label ‘dementia’ to describe the cognitive deficits of
SCHIZOPHRENIA AND DEMENTIA? patients with schizophrenia is misleading and should be
Preliminary evidence suggests that the risk of functional
decline in schizophrenia may increase with increasing age
after the age of 70 years. Friedman et al. (2001) followed up REFERENCES
for 6 years a sample of 107 patients with schizophrenia aged
20–80 years. Functional decline, as measured by the Clinical Addington J, Brooks BL, Addington D. (2003) Cognitive functioning in
Dementia Rating increased at around age 70 years and reached first episode psychosis: initial presentation. Schizophrenia Research
the same level as seen amongst patients with Alzheimer’s dis- 62: 59–64
ease at the age of 80 years. The authors concluded that the Almeida OP, Howard R, Levy R, David A, Morris R, Sahakian BJ. (1995)
cognitive and functional status of institutionalized patients Cognitive features of psychotic states arising in late life (late
with schizophrenia is very stable until later in life, when a paraphrenia). Psychological Medicine 25: 685–698
References 753

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schizophrenia in young Singaporean males. Psychiatry Research Longitudinal neuropsychological follow-up study of patients with
121: 303–307 first-episode schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry 156:
Arnold SE, Trojanowski JQ, Gur RE et al. (1998) Absence of 1336–1341
neurodegeneration and neural injury in the cerebral cortex in a Hymas N, Naguib M, Levy R. (1989) Late paraphrenia: a follow-up study.
sample of elderly patients with schizophrenia. Archives of General International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 4: 23–29
Psychiatry 55: 225–232 Joyce E, Hutton S, Mutsatsa S et al. (2002) Executive dysfunction in
Bilder RM, Goldman RS, Robinson D et al. (2000) Neuropsychology of first-episode schizophrenia and relationship to duration of untreated
first-episoded schizophrenia: initial characterization and clinical psychosis: the West London Study. British Journal of Psychiatry
correlates. American Journal of Psychiatry 157: 549–559 43 (Suppl.): 38–44
Blakemore SJ, Wolpert DM, Frith CD. (2002) Abnormalities in the Kurtz MM, Moberg PJ, Mozely LH et al. (2001) Cognitive impairment and
awareness of action. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 6: 237–241 functional status in elderly institutionalized patients with schizophrenia.
Blakemore SJ, Oakley DA, Frith CD. (2003) Delusions of alien control in International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 16: 631–638
the normal brain. Neuropsychologia 41: 1058–1067 Palmer BW, Bondi MW, Twamley EW, Thal L, Golshan S, Jeste DV. (2003)
Brodaty H, Sachdev P, Koschera A, Monk D, Cullen B. (2003) Long-term Are late-onset schizophrenia spectrum disorders neurodegenerative
outcome of late-onset schizophrenia: 5-year follow-up study. conditions? Annual rates of change on two dementia measures.
British Journal of Psychiatry 183: 213–219 Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
Cannon M, Jones P, Huttunen MO et al. (1999) School performance in 15: 45–52
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psychotic episode. Schizophrenia Research 65: 87–94 schizophrenia: a post-mortem neuropathologic study of 100 cases.
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Huntington’s disease


62.1 Clinical features 754 62.5 Neuroimaging 758

62.2 Epidemiology 756 62.6 Management 759
62.3 Genetics 756 References 760
62.4 Neuropathology 757

62.1 CLINICAL FEATURES onset is earlier in successive generations has been observed in
some families. In the majority of families, the age of onset has
tended to be similar.
Huntington’s disease (HD) is a hereditary progressive neuro-
degenerative disorder beginning classically in mid-life with the
62.1.2 Motor disorder
characteristic features of abnormal involuntary movements,
mental impairment, psychiatric disorder, with death from com-
Although chorea is usually the predominant feature, dysto-
plications of immobilization such as aspiration pneumonia
nia, athetosis, motor restlessness, myoclonus and voluntary
(SuttonBrown and Suchowersky, 2003), occurring some 20–30
movement abnormalities may also be present. The chorea
years after onset. In her monograph on HD, Folstein (Folstein,
consists typically of rapid, non-repetitive contractions
1989) referred to the ‘triad of clinical features’ – motor disorder,
involving the orofacial and truncal areas and the limbs, and
cognitive disorder and emotional disorder. Within this charac-
worsens with anxiety. Common manifestations include lip
teristic triad, there is variety in the clinical phenotype with
pouting, twitching of the cheeks, irregular grimacing, alter-
respect to onset timing, symptoms and progression.
nate lifting of the eyebrows, head nodding from neck muscle
involvement, irregular breathing, fingers and toes flexion and
62.1.1 Onset extension, crossing and uncrossing of the legs and truncal
restlessness (Kremer, 2003). The choreoathetosis tends to be
The age of onset usually refers to the onset of typical motor absent during sleep and present during the waking hours,
symptoms, with the mean previously being reported from when falling asleep or on wakening. The movements cannot
the late thirties to the early forties. Kremer (2003) argues that be suppressed voluntarily, although early on the patient may
the median age of onset which is in the late forties or early be able to integrate some of these movements into purpose-
fifties is the more accurate measure of onset age rather than ful actions or minimize them by holding onto a chair, for
the mean, due the fact that the onset age is not normally dis- example. In this early stage, there is hypotonia with hyper-
tributed, and that the truncated intervals of observation in reflexia (SuttonBrown and Suchowersky, 2003). In advanced
many studies biases the results towards the younger onset cases, the diaphragm and vocal apparatus may be involved
group. Penney et al. (1990) introduced the term ‘zone of leading to dysarthria (SuttonBrown and Suchowersky, 2003).
onset’, referring to the insidious onset of symptoms over Dystonia frequently accompanies chorea early in the ill-
many years before the definitive appearance of extrapyrami- ness or during the course of the condition but can be very
dal signs such as chorea. severe in advanced cases, juvenile-onset patients or in the
Various studies have indicated that the length of the tri- ‘Westphal variant’ of adult-onset cases. The dystonia may be
nucleotide repeats in the HD gene accounts for 50–70 per manifest as abnormal posturing of the extremities and head,
cent of the statistical variance in onset age (Duyao et al., internal shoulder rotation, sustained fist clenching, excessive
1993). The phenomenon of anticipation whereby the disease knee flexion and foot inversion (Kremer, 2003).
Clinical features 755

Abnormalities in saccadic eye movements, poor opto- Memory problems are a common complaint of patients
kinetic nystagmus and slowness with refixation may also be with HD with studies indicating an inefficient memory strat-
found in the majority of patients. Saccadic abnormalities egy for acquiring and retrieving memories rather than a pri-
with an inability to suppress reflexive glances to sudden novel mary disorder of retention (Craufurd and Snowden, 2003).
stimuli and delayed initiation of voluntary saccades and slow Craufurd and Snowden suggested that the memory deficits
saccades, particularly in the vertical movements, are seen reflect executive dysfunction leading to ineffective informa-
early in the majority of patients (Lasker and Zee, 1997). tion retrieval strategies. Performance on paired associated
As the condition progresses, voluntary movements are learning improved when a strategy was suggested (Craufurd
increasingly impaired by the occurrence of clumsiness, brady- and Snowden, 2003).
kinesia, rigidity, inability to sustain complex voluntary move- These cognitive deficits appear early in the course of the
ment patterns leading to gait abnormalities and dysarthria. illness and may predate the motor signs. The rate of decline
There is difficulty with tandem walking, turning, falls; eventu- and cognitive domains affected in each individual are vari-
ally the patient is confined to a wheelchair. The dysarthria starts able. Correlation between the rate of cognitive decline and
off as reduced clarity, which becomes worse as the rate and CAG repeat length have been inconsistent (Craufurd and
rhythm of speech becomes affected. Towards the late stage of the Snowden, 2003). The neural basis for these cognitive deficits
disease, rigidity and akinesia frequently overtake other aspects is believed to be involvement of the basal ganglia and fronto-
of the motor disorder accompanied by dysphagia and urinary striatal connections.
incontinence. Frontal release reflexes such as snouting, sucking
or grasping are seen when there is significant cognitive decline.
62.1.4 Psychiatric disorder
62.1.3 Cognitive disorder There is increasing awareness that the behavioural and psy-
chological aspects of HD cause as much, if not more, distress NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL DEFICITS
to the person with HD and their carer as the motor and cog-
The cognitive changes in HD primarily reflect a form of nitive decline. Any treatments aiming to slow disease pro-
subcortical dementia characterized by memory deficit, psycho- gression need to address all three aspects of Folstein’s ‘triad of
motor slowing, apathy and depression. Cognitive domains clinical features’. Using DSM-III criteria, 30 per cent of the
affected include executive, language, perceptual and spatial sample in Folstein’s Maryland sample of 186 persons with HD
skills, and memory functions. Executive function refers to a col- were free from any psychiatric disorder, 33 per cent had affect-
lection of higher order cognitive functions including the ability ive disorder, and 30 per cent intermittent explosive disorder,
to plan and organize, monitor one’s performance and self-cor- 4.8 per cent had dysthymic disorder, 15.6 per cent alco-
rect, mental flexibility, shift attention set as circumstances holism; 5.9 per cent antisocial personality and 5.9 per cent
change, and inhibit impulsive behaviours. Psychomotor slow- schizophrenia (Folstein, 1989). In a similar population based
ing is evident in timed tasks such as digit symbol substitution study, Watt and Seller (1993) reported on a higher prevalence
and trail-making. of depression (54 per cent), schizophrenia (12 per cent) and
Intact verbal recognition memory, word recognition and behavioural and personality disorder (42 per cent). The latter
object naming allows the person with HD to continue com- consisted of aggressiveness, which was the most frequent
municating initially despite mild dysarthria and dysprosody reported, followed by suspiciousness and temper. The preva-
being present. In the advanced stages, language may be lence of bipolar disorder, mania and hypomania is less clear,
impaired leading to a mute state. This is due to a combin- with reports ranging up to 10 per cent (Folstein, 1989).
ation of motor disorder affecting phonation leading to severe The aetiology of affective disorder in HD is likely to be
dysarthria, impairment of comprehension of both affective multifactorial. Depression can precede the onset of motor
and propositional prosody leading to failure to appreciate symptoms of HD by many years and can occur in those who
rhythm and changes of tone in normal speech and other cog- may not be aware of being at-risk for the disorder (Craufurd
nitive deficits such as reduced verbal fluency, psychomotor and Snowden, 2003). It has also been postulated that the
slowing and apathy. underlying neurodegenerative process in the caudate nucleus
Visuospatial disorder in HD is evident early during per- may also be responsible for the depressive symptoms. Craufurd
formance in object assembly and block design tests (Craufurd et al. (2001) did not find a correlation between affective
and Snowden, 2003), as well as deficits in tests of pattern and symptoms and severity of motor and cognitive symptoms.
spatial recognition memory, simultaneous and delayed Several studies have shown that specific psychiatric symp-
matching-to-sample and spatial, which are complex tasks toms such as psychosis (Tsuang et al., 2000) and affective
(Lawrence et al., 2000) that also require planning and organi- disorder (Folstein et al., 1983) tended to cluster in certain
zation. Further studies are needed to determine whether these families suggesting that other familial factors such as genetic
deficits represent ‘true’ deficits in visuospatial/visual object heterogeneity at the HD locus, or a gene predisposing to the
processing or reflect other processes such as deficits in context psychiatric disorder and closely linked to the HD gene may
recognition/registration (Lawrence et al., 2000). be responsible.
756 Huntington’s disease

Irritability is reported frequently by family members who Juvenile onset refers to the 10 per cent of all patients with HD
find such personality changes most difficult to tolerate. The who have onset before 20 years of age. Children with juvenile-
potential role of alcohol and benzodiazepine side effects in pre- onset HD often present with a decline in school performance
cipitating such symptoms should not be ignored. Irritability as and non-specific behavioural problems, with the motor dis-
part of the symptoms complex of depressive illness should also order appearing a few years later. Other features of the juvenile
be considered. onset are prominent rigidity and bradykinesia early on and
Other psychiatric manifestations such as obsessive- minimal chorea, a rapidly progressive dementia, cerebellar
compulsive symptoms (Anderson et al., 2001), excessive wor- abnormalities, myoclonus, epilepsy and long CAG repeats. The
rying and somatizations have been reported but often do not adult-onset Westphal variant refers to the cases with promin-
meet criteria to warrant a formal psychiatric diagnosis. The ent rigidity earlier on rather than chorea. These patients are
common obsessions reported have aggressive and contami- usually young with onset in their twenties or rarely in their
nation themes (Anderson et al., 2001). Checking rituals were the thirties. Late-onset HD patients have a slower, milder form of
most commonly reported (Anderson et al., 2001). Psychotic HD with onset usually after age 50 years. Motor and cognitive
symptoms in HD tend to be isolated and atypical rather than symptoms are present but less severe while psychiatric symp-
schizophreniform, with persecutory delusions being the toms are less common. Despite a more benign course, the
most common. The psychotic symptoms are more common number of years of survival after disease onset may still be
early on in the illness and decrease with the cognitive decline. similar to earlier-onset cases (James et al., 1994).
Sleep disturbances of frequent nocturnal awakenings, reduced
sleep efficiency and sleep phase disturbances have also been
reported in HD (Nance and Westphal, 2002). 62.2 EPIDEMIOLOGY
A high rate of suicide has been associated with HD in
many studies (Di Maio et al., 1993) and may be partially
The prevalence of HD has been largely based on estimates of
explained by a high prevalence of major affective disorder in
point prevalence and has shown wide variations between
this population. Undiagnosed or inadequately treated major
countries and studies due to differences in selection criteria,
depressive disorder can be uncovered by clinical examination
source population, and sampling methods. In the US most
and suicide can be prevented by energetic treatment with
studies gave a rate between 5 and 7 per 100 000 of population
antidepressants or electroconvulsive therapy. Other symp-
(Folstein, 1989). The prevalence is much lower among non-
toms in HD may increase the likelihood of suicide, including
European ethnic groups.
irritability, emotional lability and impulsiveness.

62.1.5 Advanced stage 62.3 GENETICS

A recent study by Foroud et al. (1999) reported the median
duration of the disease as 21.4 years with a range of 1.2–40.8 62.3.1 The HD gene
years. In the late stages, the person with HD is usually confined
to a wheelchair and reliant on care in a nursing home. HD is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait with high
Clinically, the bradykinesia, dystonia and rigidity dominate the penetrance (Gusella et al., 1993). In 1983, the linkage of a
clinical picture. Choreiform movements may still be evident in marker probe G8 (D4 S10) on the short arm of chromosome
the orobuccal region and the extremities. Communication and 4 to the HD gene was established (Gusella et al., 1983).
swallowing are severely impaired. Nasogastric or percutaneous Presymptomatic testing of persons at risk of HD and pre-
endoscopic gastric (PEG) feeds may be necessary to prevent natal diagnosis of at-risk pregnancies were thus first made
aspiration and to offset the weight loss commonly seen in the available by the application of genetic linkage analysis.
advanced stage. Increased muscle tone may result in joint con- Ten years later in March, 1993, the Huntington’s Disease
tractures. Pressure sores occur secondary to the immobility. Collaborative Research Group (1993) announced the discovery
Cognition is impaired and slow. It may be difficult to assess for of a novel gene, IT15 (interesting transcript), located at 4p16.3
psychiatric symptoms because of the limited communication. (short arm of chromosome 4) which contains a polymorphic
Sleep disturbance and agitation may be a problem. Some are trinucleotide CAG repeat that is expanded and unstable. A
incontinent of faeces and urine. Cachexia despite adequate (CAG)n repeat longer than the normal range was observed.
intake may be seen during the latter part of the illness. The The number of CAG repeats on normal chromosomes ranges
leading causes of death are from pneumonia, choking, nutri- from 11 to 34 (Gusella et al., 1993). The zone of reduced pen-
tional deficiencies, skin ulcers and heart disease. etrance (ZRP) refers to the CAG size range where the majority
of persons will manifest the disease within their expected
62.1.6 Clinical variants lifetime but a few will remain asymptomatic. In HD, the ZRP
range is 36–38 (Andrew et al., 1997). In the CAG size range
Clinical variants of HD include the juvenile-onset, adult-onset 29–35 (intermediate alleles), individuals do not manifest signs
Westphal variant and late-onset disease (Kremer, 2003). of HD (Goldberg et al., 1993) but their offspring are at risk of
Neuropathology 757

inheriting an expanded CAG gene and therefore of developing by pronuclear microinjection of recombinant DNA or
HD (Andrew et al., 1997). The estimate risk of an expansion modification of endogenous mouse genes. The three main
to 36 or more repeats in the offspring of male intermediate models (Bates and Murphy, 2003) are:
HD gene carriers is between 2 and 10 per cent (Goldberg et al.,
1993). There is a bias towards increased number of CAG • mice where transgenes expressing truncated or full
length versions of the huntingtin in the form of genomic
repeats especially in paternal transmission leading to antici-
or cDNA constructs have been introduced into the
pation (Duyao et al., 1993) – earlier onset and greater sever-
mouse germline;
ity of disease in later generations.
Mutation rate is very low, and variously calculated to be • ‘knockouts’– transgenic animals where a specific gene
has been deleted; and
between 0.07  10 6 and 9.6  10 6 (Harper, 1991). Since
the discovery of the gene, many suspected cases with no clin- • knock-ins – transgenic mice where the sequence in exon
1 of the Hdh gene (the mouse homologue for the IT15
ically affected parents were found to have parents in the
gene) has been replaced with a CAG repeat that is
intermediate allele range.
pathogenic in humans (Bates and Murphy, 2003). In the
Increased number of CAG repeats is associated with an
knock-in mice, the Hdh gene in mice has been modified
earlier age of onset (Duyao et al., 1993; Illarioshkin et al.,
by inserting a pure mouse gene or a HD/Hdh chimera
1994; Kieburtz et al., 1994; Brandt et al., 1996). However, the
(SuttonBrown and Suchowersky, 2003).
correlation is not sufficiently strong enough to predict the
age of onset for a given individual (Gusella et al., 1993). In There are several lines of transgenic mice with different pheno-
the CAG repeat size range of 37–52 CAG units (88 per cent of types and ages of onset.
all HD repeats), the variation around the predicted age
of onset is 18 years (Gusella et al., 1993). Late-onset HD
62.3.3 Huntingtin
has less correlation with the CAG repeat size (Kremer et al.,
1993) and increased likelihood of an intermediate CAG
The gene IT15 codes for huntingtin, a protein located in
range (James et al., 1994). Other factors aside from the
tissue throughout the body but which is concentrated in
number of CAG repeats clearly also have a role in deter-
the brain (DiFiglia, 1997). The polymorphic CAG repeat
mining the age of onset (Andrew et al., 1997); possible
encodes for glutamate. In HD, the increased number of CAG
contenders are modifying genes (Gusella et al., 1993), envi-
repeats in the IT15 gene results in an expanded polygluta-
ronmental factors (Gusella et al., 1993) or stochastic effects
mine tract at the N-terminus of the huntingtin protein. IT15
(Gusella et al., 1993).
is expressed throughout the body and concentrated in the
Severity of brain pathology as assessed by various meas-
brain, ovaries, testes and lungs, and is not only present in
ures such as striatal atrophy (Penney et al., 1997) has been
the brain regions affected in HD (Gusella et al., 1993). In HD,
correlated with the size of the CAG repeat in the majority
the distribution of the normal and abnormal huntingtin pro-
of studies. Some studies examining for correlation with
tein is heterogeneous throughout the brain (Gourfinkel-An
regional brain atrophy have not found any correlation with
et al., 1997). The abnormal huntingtin is not limited to cere-
the CAG repeat size (Sieradzan et al., 1997). The relationship
bral structures most affected by the neurodegenerative
between CAG repeat size and rate of disease progression is
process (Sharp et al., 1995). Within the brain, huntingtin is
controversial, partly due to the different markers of disease
predominantly found in the neurones and to a smaller extent
progression used in different studies and partly due to the
in the glial cells (Sharp et al., 1995). It is present primarily in
confounding factor of age of onset, which may be related to
the cytoplasm and has been variably detected in the nucleus
disease progression. Illarioshkin et al. (1994) reported on a
(Sharp et al., 1995).
significant positive correlation between the rate of progres-
The normal function of IT15 and the mechanism by
sion of neurological and psychiatric symptoms and CAG
which the HD gene leads to neuronal loss and causes the
repeat size. In a 2-year longitudinal follow up, Brandt et al.
symptoms of HD still remain unclear but is postulated to be
(1996) found there was a greater decline in neurological and
more likely a gain rather than a loss of function. Recent studies
cognitive functioning in those with CAG repeats greater than
suggest that the formation and accumulation of huntingtin
47. In contrast, Kieburtz et al. (1994) failed to find such a
aggregates in neuronal cells is crucial in the pathogenesis of
correlation between clinical progression of disease and CAG
HD (Wanker and Droge, 2002).
size. Similarly, no relationship has been found between size
of CAG repeat, symptoms at onset (Sieradzan et al., 1997) or
psychiatric symptoms (Berrios et al., 2001).

62.3.2 Mouse genetic models Macroscopically, the brain is smaller and lighter in HD than
in age-matched controls (MacMillan and Quarrell, 1996).
The mouse genome can now be altered to produce transgenic Autopsy of brains of advanced HD patients demonstrate
mice. The term transgenic mice refers to mice generated atrophy of the frontal lobes, caudate nucleus, putamen and
758 Huntington’s disease

globus pallidus (MacMillan and Quarrell, 1996), thickened lower concentration of NAA in the combined caudate head
leptomeninges and white matter loss under the cortical man- and anterior putamen (Sanchez-Pernaute et al., 1999),
tel (Gutekunst et al., 2002). The ventricles are enlarged to a decreased NAA and increased choline relative to creatine in the
greater extent than can be explained by the striatal loss. basal ganglia (Jenkins et al., 1993), suggesting neuronal loss in
Under light microscopy, there are diagnostic findings of neur- these structures. Reduced creatine in the basal ganglia has also
onal loss and gliosis in the striatum (putamen and caudate; been reported (Sanchez-Pernaute et al., 1999). Elevated lactate
MacMillan and Quarrell, 1996). The neuronal loss in the levels in the basal ganglia and occipital region have been noted
striatum primarily involves the medium sized neurones that in symptomatic HD patients (Jenkins et al., 1993). Some of
are the major cell type in the striatum and act as the inhibitory these findings have been extended to the presymptomatic
projection neurones from the striatum to the globus pallidus gene-positive group.
and substantia nigra. As these medium sized neurones degen-
erate, there is a decrease in the neurotransmitter gamma-
aminobutyric acid (GABA) and other neurochemicals such 62.5.3 Functional imaging
as substance P, glutamic acid decarboxylase, enkephalin,
calcineurin, calbindin, adenosine and dopamine receptors Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
(Gutekunst et al., 2002). These neuropathological changes studies of cerebral blood flow have consistently revealed
evolve with time with the major cell loss starting in the dorso- reduced cerebral perfusion in the basal ganglia before evi-
medial ‘tail’ of the caudate and dorsal putamen, progressing dence of atrophy on MRI (Sax et al., 1996). Hypoperfusion
ventrally, posteriorly and laterally until there is widespread in the cortical areas such as the prefrontal cortex (Sax et al.,
severe neuronal loss and gliosis in the caudate and putamen, 1996) has been reported although these findings have not
and moderate loss in the nucleus accumbens. always been replicable.
Initial positron emission tomography (PET) studies of
cerebral glucose metabolism mirrored the hypoperfusion
findings in SPECT studies. These findings were extended to
62.5 NEUROIMAGING some (Feigin et al., 2001) but not all (Young et al., 1987) con-
sidered at risk of developing HD. Cortical hypometabolism
62.5.1 Structural imaging studies in HD has been demonstrated in some (Kuwert et al., 1990) but not
all studies (Young et al., 1986).
Early computer-assisted tomography (CAT) imaging tech- PET H2(15)O PET cerebral activation (Weeks et al., 1997)
niques and recent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have and 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT (Deckel et al., 2001) studies
consistently revealed bicaudate atrophy. The bicaudate ratio have examined the functional significance of the above find-
(BCR) is the ratio CC/OTcc where CC is the bicaudate diam- ings. These results suggest that there is impairment of the
eter, the shortest distance between the indentations of the output part of the basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical motor cir-
caudate nucleus, and OTcc is the distance between the outer cuit and compensatory recruitment of additional accessory
tables of the skull alone on the same plane as the bicaudate motor pathways in the cortex.
measurement. The BCR is increased in HD compared with Decreased benzodiazepine receptor density in the caudate
normals. MRI studies have also demonstrated atrophy of the but not the putamen in early HD using 11C-flumazenil PET
putamen, caudate and globus pallidus in HD patients has been reported (Holthoff et al., 1993). 11C-SCH23390 PET
(Aylward et al., 1996). Frontal lobe atrophy, involving primarily and 11C-raclopride PET are used to study dopamine D1 and
the white matter and total brain atrophy have been noted D2 receptor binding respectively. D1 (Sedvall et al., 1994;
(Aylward et al., 1998). Age of onset of disease and CAG repeat Ginovart et al., 1997) and D2 (Ginovart et al., 1997) receptor
length have been correlated with change in volume of caudate binding is reduced in the striatum in symptomatic HD.
and total basal ganglia, even after controlling for length Dopamine D1 receptors are reduced in the frontal (Sedvall
between scans, duration of illness and symptoms severity et al., 1994) and the temporal (Ginovart et al., 1997) cortices
(Aylward et al., 1997). Similar findings of increased BCR, in symptomatic HD subjects. Various studies have found
smaller basal ganglia volume and caudate hypometabolism some asymptomatic HD subjects with reduced dopamine D1
have also been found in the gene-positive HD group who and D2 receptor binding in the putamen and caudate (Weeks
were asymptomatic or had early choreiform movements et al., 1996).
(Grafton et al., 1992). There have been few studies to date using functional MRI
(fMRI) to examine neural activity in patients with HD. Clark
et al. (2002) reported reduced fMRI signal in the three
62.5.2 Magnetic resonance spectroscopy patients relative to the three controls in occipital, parietal
(MRS) studies in HD and somato-motor cortex and in the caudate, while increased
signal was found in HD in the left post-central and right
Studies using 1H-MRS in HD have found decreased N- middle frontal gyri during performance of the Porteus
acetylaspartate (NAA)/Cr in the putamen (Davie et al., 1994), maze task.
Management 759

62.6 MANAGEMENT has had low uptake. Preimplantation genetic testing com-
bines assisted reproduction and genetic testing, so that only
HD negative embryos are implanted. This has become avail-
The main management issues in patients with diagnosed able only in recent years.
HD are:

• movement disorders causing involuntary movements,

62.6.2 Pharmacological treatments
gait disorder, dystonia and rigidity;
• oral motor disorder affecting speech and eating;
Currently pharmacological treatment is aimed at symptomatic
• cognitive disorder;
control of the motor and psychiatric aspects of the disorder.
• behavioural and psychiatric disorder of depression,
Neuroleptics such as haloperidol, a dopamine antagonist, are
psychosis, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive behaviours,
irritability, agitation in late stage; used to suppress abnormal movements. In later stages of the
• medical issues of weight loss, sleep disturbance, illness, as dopamine receptors are destroyed with the neu-
complications in late-stage HD from infections, rones containing them, medication will gradually be less use-
regurgitation, cachexia, delirium; ful and may aggravate dystonia, bradykinesia and dysphagia,
• social issues of work, finances, care and placement, gait and balance problems. Given this natural progression of
driving ability; the chorea to decrease with time, antichoreic agents should
• support for the caregiver and families; and be given only if the involuntary movements are severe and
• education of the patient, family and other healthcare disabling. Low doses of haloperidol (less than 10 mg/day)
professionals (Nance and Westphal, 2002). have been shown to be most effective. Atypical neuroleptics
such as risperidone and olanzapine are now preferred as they
have a lower incidence of side effects. Tetrabenazine, a presy-
62.6.1 Genetic counselling naptic dopamine-depleting agent is effective but may cause
depression as a side effect (Gimenez-Roldan and Mateo, 1989).
Guidelines of the International Huntington Association Trials of clozapine (doses up to 150 mg/day) have shown mod-
(IHA) and the World Federation of Neurology for HD est antichoreic effects but the side effects outweigh the potential
(WFN; International Huntington Association and World benefits in most cases (van Vugt et al., 1997). Benzodiazepines
Federation of Neurology Research Group on Huntington’s such as clonazepam may reduce anxiety and some of the motor
Chorea, 1994), developed soon after the HD gene testing symptoms (Peiris et al., 1976).
became available, have provided the framework for presymp- The depression responds to the same treatments as it does
tomatic, prenatal and confirmatory testing. The presympto- in the general population but persons with HD may be more
matic predictive testing programmes include: sensitive to the side effects such as sedation (Craufurd and
Snowden, 2003) and anticholinergic-induced cognitive
• helping the individual and accompanying person
decline (Leroi and Michalon, 1998). HD patients have been
understand the diagnosis, probable course and current
management available for HD; reported to be sensitive to lithium toxicity owing to their
high risk of dehydration (Leroi and Michalon, 1998).
• helping appreciation of the hereditary contribution to
Management of irritability or behavioural disturbance
the disorder;
should focus initially on any possible underlying cause
• pedigree analysis, which allows the risk to the individual
such as depression or psychosis. Psychotic symptoms, irri-
to be assessed and some insight into the family dynamics;
tability or behavioural disturbance respond to neuroleptics.
• discussion of their personal experiences, goals, financial
Propranolol, serotonin reuptake inhibitors, carbamazepine
and social resources, coping styles and other support;
and sodium valproate can be helpful in the management of
• reason for testing;
irritability (Ranen et al., 1996; Grove et al., 2000; Craufurd
• psychological assessment of their coping ability; and
and Snowden, 2003).
• possible neurological assessment for symptom onset.
Specific treatments such as antioxidants and other neuro-
Approximately 20 per cent of at-risk individuals world- protective drugs, which theoretically target the disease process
wide have taken the opportunity to confirm their gene status to slow functional decline in manifest disease, are under trial.
through tests (SuttonBrown and Suchowersky, 2003). Despite Drugs shown to be tolerated and which may slow the pro-
initial concerns, with the appropriate support from pretest gression or improve the chorea include coenzyme Q (Feigin
counselling, the risk of suicide and other events such as sui- et al., 1996), an antioxidant, and remacemide (Kieburtz et al.,
cide attempts or hospitalization for psychiatric reasons have 1996), a non-competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)
been low, with a worldwide risk reported at 0.97 per cent receptor antagonist. Other drug trials reporting beneficial
(Almqvist et al., 1999). High risk factors include a positive effects on chorea include tiapride, a highly selective striatal
gene test, psychiatric history 5 years prior to testing, and adenylate cyclase-independent dopamine-2 receptor antago-
unemployment. All who committed suicide were sympto- nist (Dose and Lange, 2000), apomorphine (Albanese
matic at the time of the suicide. Prenatal testing of the fetus et al., 1995), -tocopherol (a free radical scavenger; Peyser
760 Huntington’s disease

et al., 1995), lamotrigine (an antiepileptic drug that inhibits Almqvist EW, Bloch M, Brinkman R et al. (1999) A worldwide assessment
glutamate release; Kremer et al., 1999), and riluzole (an of the frequency of suicide, suicide attempts, or psychiatric
antiglutamatergic agent; Rosas et al., 1999). hospitalisation after predictive testing for Huntington disease.
American Journal of Human Genetics 64: 1293–1304
Anderson KE, Louis ED, Stern Y, Marder KS. (2001) Cognitive correlates
62.6.3 Psychosocial and physical of obsessive and compulsive symptoms in Huntington’s disease.
management American Journal of Psychiatry 158: 799–801
Andrew SE, Goldberg YP, Hayden MR. (1997) Rethinking genotype and
Supportive psychotherapy aims to deal with losses of health, phenotype correlations in polyglutamine expansion disorders.
work, independence for the individual, and their implica- Human Molecular Genetics 6: 2005–2010
tions for the other family members. Cognitive assessment Aylward EH, Codori AM, Barta PE et al. (1996) Basal ganglia volume and
proximity to onset in presymptomatic Huntington disease. Archives
can assist in decision-making on employment, driving, self-
of Neurology 53: 1293–1296
care, and other legal and safety issues. As the disease pro- Aylward EH, Li Q, Stine OC et al. (1997) Longitudinal change in basal
gresses, assistance with personal care and other activities of ganglia volume in patients with Huntington’s disease. Neurology 48:
daily living will become necessary. Day care and respite care 394–399
programmes may need to be considered. Attention to nutri- Aylward EH, Andersen NB, Blysma FW et al. (1998) Frontal lobe volume
tion is important as weight loss is an inherent feature of the in patients with Huntington’s disease. Neurology 50: 252–258
disease. It may be compounded by dysphagia in the late Bates GP and Murphy KPSJ. (2003) Mouse models of Huntington’s
stages of the disease, poor dentition, unusual food-related disease. In: G Bates, PS Harper, L Jones (eds), Huntington’s Disease,
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refusals, psychiatric disorders and medication side effects. Berrios GE, Wagle AC, Markova IS et al. (2001) Psychiatric symptoms
The use of a gastrostomy feeding tube at the end stage of the and CAG repeats in neurologically asymptomatic Huntington’s
disease gene carriers. Psychiatry Research 102: 217–225
disease should be discussed early on, when the patient is able
Brandt J, Bylsma FW, Gross R et al. (1996) Trinucleotide repeat length
to express his or her wishes on this matter. Local branches of and clinical progression in Huntington’s disease. Neurology
the Huntington’s Disease Association can provide valuable 46: 527–531
support, advice on local resources and educational material Clark VP, Lai S, Deckel AW. (2002) Altered functional MRI responses in
on HD. Finally, residential care may be needed for some HD Huntington’s disease. NeuroReport 13: 703–706
patients. Craufurd D and Snowden JS. (2003) Neuropsychological and
neuropsychiatric aspects of Huntington’s disease. In: G Bates,
PS Harper, L Jones (eds), Huntington’s Disease, 3rd edition.
62.6.4 Research into new therapies Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 62–94
Craufurd D, Thompson J, Snowden JS. (2001) Behavioural changes in
Clinical research determining the early onset and progressive Huntington’s disease. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology
symptoms of HD are currently being undertaken by the and Behavioral Neurology 14: 219–226
Huntington Study Group, an international collaboration of Davie CA, Barker GJ, Quinn N et al. (1994) Proton MRS in Huntington’s
researchers in HD. Restorative therapies that rejuven-ate or disease. Lancet 343: 1580
replace malfunctioning neurones in order to restore func- Deckel AW, Gordinier A, Nuttal D et al. (2001) Reduced activity
tions are also being developed. Since 1989, there have been and protein expression of NOS in R6/2 HD transgenic mice:
over 50 cases of cell transplantation using fetal striatal tissues effects of L-NAME on symptom progression. Brain Research
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Di Maio L, Squitieri F, Napolitano G et al. (1993) Suicide risk in
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striatal graft viability in the short follow up of 12–33 months
DiFiglia M. (1997) Huntington’s disease: from the gene to
postoperatively (Dunnett and Rosser, 2002). However, there pathophysiology. American Journal of Psychiatry 154: 1046
are many issues related to fetal striatal tissue transplantation Dose M and Lange HW. (2000) The benzamide tiapride: treatment of
in the ethical and practical domains that are likely to limit its extrapyramidal motor and other clinical syndromes.
availability. Another alternative is stem cells, which have the Pharmacopsychiatry 33: 19–27
potential for self-renewal and are capable of forming at least Dunnett SB and Rosser AE. (2002) Cell and tissue transplantation.
one, sometimes, many, specialized cell types. Currently, the In: G Bates, PS Harper, L Jones (eds), Huntington’s Disease,
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the adult brain environment. Duyao M, Ambrose C, Myers R et al. (1993) Trinucleotide repeat length
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Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and other prion diseases


63.1 Transmission and aetiology 763 References 773

63.2 Clinical features and diagnosis 765

a result of the long incubation periods in this condition. The

63.1 TRANSMISSION AND AETIOLOGY term Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease was introduced by Spielmeyer
in 1922 bringing together the case reports published by
The human prion diseases, also known as the transmissible Creutzfeldt and Jakob. Several of these cases would not meet
spongiform encephalopathies, have been traditionally classified modern diagnostic criteria for CJD and it was not until the
into Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD), Gerstmann–Sträussler demonstration of transmissibility allowing diagnostic criteria
syndrome (GSS; also known as Gerstmann–Sträussler– to be reassessed and refined that a clear diagnostic entity
Scheinker disease) and kuru. Remarkable attention has been developed. All these diseases share common histopathological
recently focused on these diseases because of the unique biol- features; the classical triad of spongiform vacuolation (affect-
ogy of the transmissible agent or prion, and also because of ing any part of the cerebral grey matter), astrocytic prolifer-
the epidemic of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) ation and neuronal loss, which may be accompanied by the
and the evidence that BSE prions have infected humans, deposition of amyloid plaques (Beck and Daniel, 1987).
causing the new human prion disease known as variant CJD Prion diseases are associated with the accumulation of an
(vCJD). Human prion infection can be associated with abnormal, partially protease-resistant, isoform of a host-
extremely long incubation periods, which may span decades, encoded glycoprotein known as prion protein (PrP). This
and considerable uncertainty remains as to the eventual disease-related isoform, PrPSc, is derived from its normal cel-
epidemic size of BSE-related human prion disease and the lular precursor, PrPC, by a post-translational process and
risks of its secondary transmission via medical and surgical involves a conformational change. PrPC is rich in -helical
procedures. structure while PrPSc is predominantly composed of -sheet.
The transmissibility of the human diseases was demon- According to the ‘protein-only’ hypothesis (Griffith, 1967),
strated with the transmission (by intracerebral inoculation an abnormal PrP isoform (Prusnier, 1990) is the principal,
with brain homogenates) to chimpanzees of kuru and CJD in and possibly the sole, constituent of the transmissible agent
1966 and 1968 respectively (Gajdusek et al., 1966; Gibbs et al., or prion. It is hypothesized that PrPSc acts as a conforma-
1968). Transmission of GSS followed in 1981. Scrapie is a nat- tional template, promoting the conversion of PrPC to further
urally occurring disease of sheep and goats, recognized in PrPSc. PrPC may be poised between two radically different
Europe for over 200 years (McGowan, 1922) and present in folding states: - and -forms of PrP can be interconverted
the sheep flocks of many countries. Scrapie was demonstrated in suitable conditions (Jackson et al., 1999). Soluble -PrP
to be transmissible in 1936 (Cuillé and Chelle, 1936) and the aggregates in physiological salt concentrations to form fibrils
recognition that kuru, and then CJD, resembled scrapie in with morphological and biochemical characteristics similar
its histopathological appearances led to the suggestion that to PrPSc. A molecular mechanism for prion propagation can
these diseases may also be transmissible (Hadlow, 1959). Kuru now be proposed (Jackson et al., 1999). Prion replication,
reached epidemic proportions amongst the Fore in the with recruitment of PrPC into the aggregated PrPSc isoform,
Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea and was transmitted may be initiated by a pathogenic mutation (resulting in a
by ritual cannibalism. Since the cessation of cannibalism in PrPC predisposed to form -PrP) in inherited prion diseases,
the 1950s, the disease has declined but a few cases still occur as by exposure to a ‘seed’ of PrPSc in acquired cases, or as a result
764 Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and other prion diseases

of the spontaneous conversion of PrPC to -PrP (and subse- in vCJD is seen in BSE transmitted to several other species
quent formation of aggregated material) as a rare stochastic (Collinge et al., 1996b) strongly supported the hypothesis
event in sporadic prion disease. that vCJD was human BSE. This conclusion was strength-
The human PrP gene (designated PRNP) is located on ened by transmission studies of vCJD into both transgenic and
chromosome 20p and was an obvious candidate for genetic conventional mice, which indicated that cattle BSE and vCJD
linkage studies in the familial forms of CJD and GSS, which were caused by the same prion strain (Bruce et al., 1997; Hill
show an autosomal dominant pattern of disease segregation. et al., 1997). Molecular classification of human prion diseases
A milestone in prion research was the identification of PRNP is now possible and it is likely that additional PrPSc types will
mutations in familial CJD and GSS in 1989. The first muta- be identified (Hill et al., 2003). Such studies, where patients
tion to be identified in PRNP was in a family with CJD and are aetiologically classified by human prion strain, rather
consisted of a 144bp insertion (Owen et al., 1989). A second than by descriptive clinicopathological phenotype, allows re-
mutation was reported in two families with GSS and genetic evaluation of epidemiological risk factors and may provide
linkage was confirmed between this missense variant at new insights into causes of ‘sporadic’ CJD.
codon 102 and GSS, confirming that GSS is an autosomal The ability of a protein to encode a disease phenotype has
dominant Mendelian disorder (Hsiao et al., 1989). These dis- important implications in biology, as it represents a non-
eases are therefore both inherited and transmissible, a bio- Mendelian form of transmission. It would be surprising if this
logically unique feature. Approximately 15 per cent of prion mechanism had not been used more widely during evolution
diseases are inherited and around 30 coding mutations in and may prove to be of wider relevance in pathobiology.
PRNP are now recognized (Collinge 2001). Transmission of prion diseases between different mam-
With the exception of rare iatrogenic CJD cases, most prion malian species is restricted by a ‘species barrier’ (Pattison,
disease occurs as sporadic CJD where, by definition, there will 1965). Early studies of the molecular basis of this barrier
not be a family history. However, PRNP mutations are seen in argued that it resided in differences in PrP primary structure
some apparently sporadic cases, since the family history may between the species from which the inoculum was derived
not be apparent, owing to late age of onset or non-paternity. and the inoculated host. Transgenic mice expressing hamster
Human prion diseases can therefore be subdivided into three PrP were, unlike wild type mice, highly susceptible to infec-
aetiological categories: inherited, sporadic and acquired. tion with hamster prions (Prusiner et al., 1990). That most
A common PrP polymorphism at residue 129, where sporadic and acquired CJD occurred in individuals homo-
either methionine or valine can be encoded, is, however, a key zygous at PRNP polymorphic codon 129 supported the view
determinant of genetic susceptibility in acquired and spor- that prion propagation proceeded most efficiently when the
adic forms of prion disease, the large majority of which occur interacting PrPSc and PrPC were of identical primary struc-
in homozygotes (Collinge et al., 1991a; Palmer et al., 1991). ture (Palmer et al., 1991). However, prion strain type affects
This protective effect of PRNP codon 129 heterozygosity is ease of transmission to another species. Interestingly, with
also seen in some of the inherited prion diseases (Baker et al., BSE prions this strain component to the barrier seems to pre-
1991; Hsiao et al., 1992). dominate, with BSE not only transmitting efficiently to a
Sporadic CJD is thought to arise from somatic mutation of range of species, but maintaining its transmission character-
PRNP or spontaneous conversion of PrPC to PrPSc as a rare istics even when passaged through an intermediate species
stochastic event. The alternative hypothesis, that of exposure with a distinct PrP gene (Bruce et al., 1994; Hill et al., 1997).
to an environmental source of either human or animal prions, The term ‘species–strain barrier’ or simply ‘transmission bar-
is not supported by epidemiological studies to date (Brown rier’ may be preferable (Collinge, 1999). Both PrP amino acid
et al., 1987) but it remains possible that a minority of patients sequence and strain type affect the 3D-structure of glycosy-
have an as yet unidentified environmental exposure to human lated PrPSc which will presumably affect the efficiency of the
or animal prions. protein–protein interactions determining prion propaga-
The existence of multiple isolates or strains of prions with tion. Other components to the species barrier are possible
distinct biological properties has provided a challenge to the and may involve interacting cofactors, although no such fac-
‘protein-only’ model of prion replication. Indeed, understand- tors have yet been identified.
ing how a protein-only infectious agent could encode pheno- The species barrier between cattle BSE and humans cannot
typic information is of considerable biological interest. be directly measured but can be modelled in transgenic mice
However, it is now clear that prion strains can be distinguished expressing human PrPC, which produce human PrPSc when
by differences in the biochemical properties of PrPSc. Prion challenged with human prions (Collinge et al., 1995b). While
strain diversity appears to encoded by differences in PrP con- classical CJD prions transmit efficiently to such mice at
formation and pattern of glycosylation (Collinge et al., 1996b). around 200 days, only infrequent transmissions at over 500
Molecular strain typing is now possible and has allowed the days were seen with BSE (and vCJD) prions, consistent with a
identification of four main types in CJD, sporadic and iatro- substantial species barrier for this human PRNP genotype
genic CJD being of PrPSc types 1–3, while all vCJD cases are (Hill et al., 1997). In transgenic mice expressing only human
associated with a type 4 PrPSc type (Collinge et al., 1996b; PrP methionine 129, while transmission assessed by onset of
Wadsworth et al., 1999). That a similar PrPSc type to that seen clinical disease was again inefficient, remarkably a large
Clinical features and diagnosis 765

proportion of the inoculated animals were subclinically Routine haematological and biochemical investigations
infected (Asante et al., 2002b) suggesting a considerably lower are normal (although occasional patients have raised serum
barrier to infection in this genotype. To date vCJD has only transaminases or alkaline phosphatase). There are no immuno-
been recognized in humans of PRNP codon 129 methionine logical markers and acute phase proteins are not elevated.
homozygous genotype. Interestingly, transmissions of BSE to Cerebrospinal fluid is normal, although neuronal specific
mice expressing human PrP methionine 129 resulted in the enolase (NSE), and S-100 are usually elevated. However, they
generation of two distinct pathological and molecular pheno- are not specific for CJD and represent markers of neuronal
types in these animals: one closely resembling vCJD (with injury (Jimi et al., 1992; Zerr et al., 1995; Otto et al., 1997).
type 4 PrPSc and the characteristic neuropathology of vCJD) Estimation of CSF 14-3-3 protein, while again not a specific
and the other sporadic CJD with type 2 PrPSc. This raises the disease marker, appears useful in the appropriate clinical
possibility that BSE infection of humans may result in pheno- context (Collinge, 1996; Hsich et al., 1996). It is also positive
types resembling classical CJD as well as the distinctive pheno- in recent cerebral infarction or haemorrhage and in viral
type of vCJD (Asante et al., 2002b). encephalitis, which are unlikely to present diagnostic confusion
with CJD, but more recent studies have found 14-3-3 positive
in other non-prion related conditions (Satoh et al., 1999).
63.2 CLINICAL FEATURES AND DIAGNOSIS While 14-3-3 is usually positive in typical CJD, its use in dif-
ferential diagnosis in more challenging diagnostic contexts in
The human prion diseases can be divided aetiologically into less clear, as it may be negative in long duration atypical CJD
inherited, sporadic and acquired forms, with CJD, GSS and and positive in patients with rapidly progressive Alzheimer’s
kuru now seen as clinicopathological syndromes within a disease with myoclonus for example.
wider spectrum of disease. Kindreds with inherited prion dis- Neuroimaging with computed tomography (CT) is useful
ease have been described with phenotypes of classical CJD, to exclude other causes of subacute neurological illness but
GSS and other syndromes including fatal familial insomnia there are no diagnostic features; cerebral and cerebellar atro-
(Medori et al., 1992b). Some kindreds show remarkable pheno- phy may be present. However, magnetic resonance imaging
typic variability which can encompass both CJD- and GSS- (MRI) changes are increasingly recognized and may be
like cases as well as other cases that do not conform to either extremely helpful diagnostically. Signal changes are frequently
phenotype (Collinge et al., 1992). Atypical cases (diagnosed seen in the basal ganglia in T2-weighted images. More wide-
by PRNP analysis) have been reported which entirely lack the spread signal changes may be seen in diffusion-weighted
classical histological features (Collinge et al., 1990). There is images, which appears more sensitive diagnostically and which
significant clinical overlap with familial Alzheimer’s disease, may be present at an early clinical stage (Shiga et al., 2004). The
Pick’s disease, frontal lobe degeneration of non-Alzheimer electroencephalogram (EEG) may show characteristic pseudo-
type and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with dementia. It now periodic sharp wave activity, which is helpful in diagnosis but
seems sensible to designate the familial illnesses as inherited present only in around 70 per cent of cases. This finding may
prion diseases and to subclassify according to PRNP muta- be intermittent and serial EEG is appropriate to try to demon-
tion. Acquired prion diseases include iatrogenic CJD, kuru strate this appearance.
and vCJD. Sporadic prion diseases at present consist of CJD Neuropathological confirmation is by demonstration of
and atypical variants of CJD. As there are at present no equiva- spongiform change, neuronal loss and astrocytosis. PrP amyl-
lent aetiological diagnostic markers for sporadic prion dis- oid plaques are usually not present although PrP immuno-
eases to those for the inherited diseases, it cannot yet be histochemistry, with appropriate pretreatments (Budka et al.,
excluded that more diverse phenotypic variants of sporadic 1995), will nearly always be positive. PrPSc, seen in all the cur-
prion disease exist. rently recognized prion diseases, can be demonstrated by
western blot. PRNP analysis is essential to exclude patho-
genic mutations as a family history may not always be appar-
63.2.1 Sporadic prion disease ent. PRNP mutations should certainly be excluded prior to
brain biopsy, which may be considered in some patients to CREUTZFELDT–JAKOB DISEASE
exclude alternative, potentially treatable diagnoses. Tonsil
The core clinical syndrome of classical CJD is a rapidly pro- biopsy (see below) is negative in sporadic CJD but may be
gressive multifocal dementia, usually with myoclonus. Most considered in younger patients where a diagnosis of vCJD is
have onset between ages 45 and 75, with peak between 60 and being considered. Most cases of classical CJD are homo-
65 and a clinical progression to akinetic mutism and death zygous with respect to the codon 129 PRNP polymorphism
in 6 months. Around one-third of cases have prodromal (see the aetiology section above).
features including fatigue, insomnia, depression, weight loss, Sporadic CJD can now be subclassified by prion strain
headaches, general malaise and ill-defined pain sensations. type using western blot analysis of brain tissue at biopsy or
Frequent additional neurological features include extrapyra- autopsy, although there is not as yet an international consen-
midal signs, cerebellar ataxia, pyramidal signs and cortical sus on the number or nomenclature of these molecular types.
blindness. Distinctive phenotypes are associated with different PrPSc
766 Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and other prion diseases

types (Parchi et al., 1999; Hill et al., 2003). For example, sub- and internal organs, which is thought to explain the different
acute patients whose illnesses have been of short clinical age and sex incidence. Preparation of the cadaver was per-
duration (several weeks) are associated with type 1 PrPSc in formed by the women and children such that other routes of
the brain (Wadsworth et al., 1999; Hill et al., 2003). exposure may also have been relevant. It is thought that the
epidemic related to a single sporadic CJD case occurring in ATYPICAL CREUTZFELDT–JAKOB DISEASE the region some decades earlier. Epidemiological studies pro-
vided no evidence for vertical transmission, since most of the
Atypical forms of CJD are well recognized. Around 10 per children born after 1956 (when cannibalism had effectively
cent of CJD has a prolonged clinical course with duration of ceased) and all of those born after 1959 of mothers affected
over 2 years (Brown et al., 1984). Patients with a valine with or incubating kuru were unaffected (Alpers, 1987). From
homozygous or methionine valine heterozygous genotype at the age of the youngest affected patient, the shortest incuba-
PRNP codon 129 are more often atypical clinical forms than tion period is estimated as 4.5 years, although may have
are methionine homozygotes (Collinge and Palmer, 1994) been shorter, since time of infection was usually unknown.
and may lack a characteristic EEG. It is unclear yet to what Currently, two to three cases are occurring annually, all in
extent this represents propagation of different prion strains or individuals born prior to the cessation of cannibalism and
a direct effect of the genotype on disease expression (Collinge, indicating that incubation periods can be 40 years or more
2001). Approximately 10 per cent of CJD cases present with (Whitfield et al., in preparation).
cerebellar ataxia rather than cognitive impairment – ataxic Onset of disease has ranged from age 5 to over 60 with a
CJD (Gomori et al., 1973). Heidenhain’s variant refers to cases mean duration of 12 months (range 3 months to 3 years).
in which cortical blindness predominates, with severe The key clinical feature is progressive cerebellar ataxia. In
involvement of the occipital lobes. In panencephalopathic sharp contrast to CJD, dementia is much less of a feature,
CJD, predominately reported from Japan, there is extensive even in the latter stages (Alpers, 1987).
degeneration of the cerebral white matter in addition to Kuru typically begins with prodromal symptoms consist-
spongiform vacuolation of the grey matter (Mizutani, 1981). ing of headache, aching of limbs and joint pains which can
Amyotrophic variants of CJD have been described with last for several months. Kuru was frequently self-diagnosed
prominent early muscle wasting. However, most cases of by patients at the earliest onset of unsteadiness in standing or
dementia with amyotrophy are not experimentally transmis- walking, or of dysarthria or diplopia. At this stage there may
sible (Salazar et al., 1983) and their relationship with CJD is be no objective signs of disease. Gait ataxia, however, worsens
unclear. Most cases are probably variants of motor neurone and patients develop a broad-based gait, truncal instability
disease with associated dementia. Amyotrophic features in and titubation. A coarse postural tremor is usually present and
CJD are usually seen in late disease when other features are accentuated by movement; patients characteristically hold
well established. There are numerous individual case reports their hands together in the mid-line to suppress this. Standing
in the literature of other unusual presentations of CJD, mim- with feet together reveals clawing of toes to maintain posture.
icking many other neurological and psychiatric disorders. This marked clawing response is regarded as pathognomonic
of kuru. Patients often become withdrawn at this stage and
63.2.2 Acquired prion diseases occasionally develop a severe reactive depression. Prodromal
symptoms tend to disappear. Astasia and gait ataxia worsen
While human prion diseases can be transmitted to experi- and the patient requires a stick for walking. Intention
mental animals by inoculation, they are not contagious in tremor, dysmetria, hypotonia and dysdiadochokinesis develop.
humans. Documented case to case spread has only occurred Strabismus, usually convergent, may occur particularly in
by direct exposure to infected human tissues during ritual children. Photophobia is common and there may be an abnor-
cannibalistic practices (kuru) or following accidental inocu- mal cold sensitivity with shivering and piloerection even in a
lation with prions during medical or surgical procedures warm environment. Tendon reflexes are reduced or normal
(iatrogenic CJD). and plantar responses are flexor. Dysarthria usually occurs.
As ataxia progresses the patient passes from the first
(ambulatory) stage to the second (sedentary) stage. At this KURU
stage patients are able to sit unsupported but cannot walk.
Kuru reached epidemic proportions amongst a relatively isol- Attempted walking with support leads to a high steppage,
ated population (the Fore linguistic group and their neigh- wide-based gait with reeling instability and flinging arm
bours with whom they intermarried) in the Eastern Highlands movements in an attempt to maintain posture. Hyperreflexia
of Papua New Guinea. It predominantly affected women and is seen, although plantar responses usually remain flexor
children (of both sexes), with only 2 per cent of cases in adult with intact abdominal reflexes. Clonus is characteristically
males (Alpers, 1987) and was the commonest cause of death short lived. Athetoid and choreiform movements and parkin-
amongst women. It had been the practice in these communi- sonian tremors may occur. There is no paralysis, although
ties to consume dead relatives, as a mark of respect and muscle power is reduced. Obesity is common at this stage but
mourning. Women and children predominantly ate the brain may be present in early disease associated with bulimia.
Clinical features and diagnosis 767

Characteristically, there is emotional lability and bizarre 63.2.3 Variant CJD

uncontrollable laughter, which has led to the disease being
referred to as ‘laughing death’. There is no sensory impairment. In late 1995, two cases of sporadic CJD were reported in the
In sharp contrast to CJD, myoclonic jerking is rarely seen. EEG UK in teenagers (Bateman et al., 1995; Britton et al., 1995).
is usually normal or may show non-specific changes. When Only four cases of sporadic CJD had previously been recorded
truncal ataxia reaches the point where the patient is unable in teenagers, and none of these cases occurred in the UK. In
to sit unsupported, the third or tertiary stage is reached. addition, both were unusual in having kuru-type plaques,
Hypotonia and hyporeflexia develop and the terminal state is seen in only around 5 per cent of CJD cases. Soon afterwards
marked by flaccid muscle weakness. Plantar responses remain a third very young sporadic CJD case occurred (Tabrizi et al.,
flexor and abdominal reflexes intact. Progressive dysphagia 1996). These cases caused considerable concern and the pos-
occurs and patients become incontinent of urine and faeces. sibility was raised that they were BSE-related. By March 1996,
Inanition and emaciation develop. Transient conjugate eye further extremely young onset cases were apparent and
signs and dementia may occur. Primitive reflexes develop in review of the histology of these cases showed a remarkably
occasional cases. Brain stem involvement and both bulbar and consistent and unique pattern. These cases were named ‘new
pseudobulbar signs occur. Respiratory failure and broncho- variant’ CJD (Will et al., 1996). Review of neuropathological
pneumonia eventually lead to death. archives failed to demonstrate such cases. The statistical
probability of such cases occurring by chance was vanish-
ingly small and ascertainment bias seemed unlikely as an IATROGENIC CREUTZFELDT–JAKOB DISEASE
explanation. It was clear that a new risk factor for CJD had
Iatrogenic transmission of CJD has occurred by inadvertent emerged and appeared to be specific to the UK. The
inoculation with human prions during medical procedures. UK Government Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory
Such iatrogenic routes include the use of inadequately steril- Committee (SEAC) concluded that, while there was no direct
ized neurosurgical instruments, dura mater and corneal evidence for a link with BSE, exposure to specified bovine
grafting, and use of human cadaveric pituitary-derived growth offal (SBO) prior to the ban on its inclusion in human food-
hormone or gonadotrophin. Cases arising from intracerebral stuffs in 1989 was the most likely explanation. A case of vCJD
or optic inoculation manifest typically as classical CJD, with a was soon after reported in France (Chazot et al., 1996). Direct
rapidly progressive dementia, while those resulting from experimental evidence that vCJD is caused by BSE was pro-
peripheral inoculation (pituitary-derived growth hormone vided by molecular analysis of human prion strains and
exposure) typically present with a progressive cerebellar syn- transmission studies in transgenic and wild type mice (see
drome, and are in that respect reminiscent of kuru. Unsur- aetiology section above). While it is now clear that vCJD is
prisingly, the incubation period in intracerebral cases is short the human counterpart of BSE, it is unclear why this particu-
(19–46 months for dura mater grafts) compared with peri- lar age group should be affected and why none of these cases
pheral cases (typically 15 years or more). There is evidence had a pattern of unusual occupational or dietary exposure to
for genetic susceptibility to iatrogenic CJD with an excess of BSE. However, very little was known about which foodstuffs
codon 129 homozygotes; heterozygosity appears protective contained high-titre bovine offal. It is possible that certain
with a more prolonged incubation period (Collinge et al., foods containing particularly high titres were eaten predom-
1991a; Brandel et al., 2003). inately by younger people. An alternative is that young
Epidemiological studies have not shown association of people are more susceptible to BSE following dietary exposure
CJD with occupations that may expose people to human or or that they have shorter incubation periods. It is important
animal prions, although individual cases in two histopath- to appreciate that BSE-contaminated feed was fed to sheep,
ology technicians, a neuropathologist and a neurosurgeon, pigs and poultry and that, although there is no evidence of
have been documented. Similarly, extensive epidemiological natural transmission to these species, it would be prudent to
analysis in the UK has found no evidence that blood transfu- remain open minded about other dietary exposure to novel
sion is a risk factor (Esmonde et al., 1993). It cannot be animal prions.
assumed that the same picture will hold for vCJD as this is There are considerable concerns that extensive human
caused by a distinct prion strain (Collinge et al., 1996b) from infection may have resulted from the widespread dietary expo-
those causing classical CJD and has a distinct pathogenesis sure to BSE prions. Cattle BSE has now been reported, albeit
(Hill et al., 1999). Indeed, vCJD has now been reported in a at much lower levels than in the UK, in most member states
recipient of blood from an infected donor (Llewelyn et al., of the EU, Switzerland, USA, Canada and Japan. Fortunately,
2004). In addition, prion infection has been demonstrated in the number of recognized cases of vCJD (up to 150 by early
a second recipient of blood from an infected donor who died 2004) in the UK has been relatively small to date. Six patients
of a unrelated cause (Peden et al., 2004). These early cases have been identified in France and individual patients in
amongst a very small cohort of known exposed individuals is Ireland, Italy, USA, Canada and Hong Kong. However, the
concerning, as the number of clinically silent individuals cur- number of infected individuals is unknown. Human prion
rently incubating vCJD, a proportion of whom will be blood disease incubation periods, as evidenced by kuru, are known
donors, is unknown but may be substantial (Collinge, 1999). to span decades. Furthermore, prion disease transmission
768 Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and other prion diseases

from one species to another is invariably associated with a followed with dementia and progression to akinetic mutism.
considerable prolongation of mean incubation periods – the Myoclonus is frequent, and may be preceded by chorea.
so called ‘species-barrier’ effect (Collinge, 1999). Recent esti- Cortical blindness develops in a minority of patients in late
mates, based on mathematical modelling and clinically rec- disease. Upgaze paresis, an uncommon feature of classical
ognized vCJD, suggest the total epidemic may be relatively CJD, has been noted in some patients (Zeidler et al., 1997b).
small (Ghani et al., 2003) but key uncertainties, notably with The age at onset has widened since the initial descriptions
respect to major genetic effects on incubation period (Lloyd but remains dominated by young adults: range 12–74 years
et al., 2001) suggest the need for caution; also such models (mean 28 years) and the clinical course is relatively prolonged
cannot estimate the number of infected individuals and it is when compared with typical sporadic CJD (9–35 months,
these that are most relevant to assessing risks of secondary median 14 months). The EEG is nearly always abnormal,
transmission. Also, the possibility of subclinical carrier states most frequently showing generalized slow wave activity, but
of prion infection in humans, as recognized in several animal without the pseudoperiodic pattern seen in most sporadic
models, must also be considered (Hill et al., 2000; Asante CJD cases. Neuroimaging by CT is either normal or shows
et al., 2002b). only mild atrophy. However, a high signal in the posterior
A recent attempt to estimate prevalence of vCJD prion thalamus on T2-weighted MRI is seen in the majority but not
infection in the UK by anonymous screen of archival, largely all recognized cases (Zeidler et al., 1997b; Hill et al., 1999).
appendix, tissue, necessarily using a method of unknown sen- Recently, cases of sporadic CJD mimicking vCJD both
sitivity, found three positives in around 12 000 samples clinically and on MRI have been described, with high signal
(Hilton et al., 2004). The risk of secondary transmission via from the pulvinar on FLAIR and diffusion-weighted imaging
medical and surgical procedures is unquantifiable at present (Martindale et al., 2003; Rossetti et al. 2004; Summers et al.
but continues to cause considerable concern. As discussed 2004). Such a vCJD-like variant of sCJD appears to correlate
above, vCJD appears transmissible by blood transfusion; also with homozygosity for valine at codon 129 in the prion gene,
prions are known to be resistant to conventional sterilization, or with methionine/valine heterozygosity. Cerebrospinal fluid
and indeed iatrogenic transmission from neurosurgical (CSF) 14-3-3 protein may be elevated or normal.
instruments has long been documented (Bernoulli et al., No PRNP mutations are present in vCJD (Collinge et al.,
1977). The wider tissue distribution of infectivity in vCJD 1996a) and gene analysis is important to exclude pathogenic
(Wadsworth et al., 2001), unknown prevalence of clinically mutations, as inherited prion disease presents in this age
silent infection, together with the recent experimental demon- group and a family history is not always apparent. The codon
stration of the avid adherence to, and ease of transmission 129 genotype has uniformly been homozygous for methio-
from, surgical steel surfaces (Flechsig et al., 2001) highlight nine at PRNP codon 129 to date.
these concerns. From a public health standpoint, it is prudent Clear ante-mortem tissue based diagnosis of vCJD can
therefore to operate on the basis that the majority of variant now be made by tonsil biopsy with detection of characteris-
CJD cases are yet to occur and may not present clinically for tic PrP immunostaining and PrPSc type (Hill et al., 1999). It
many years (Collinge, 1999). Furthermore, studies in trans- has long been recognized that prion replication, in experi-
genic mouse models of human susceptibility to BSE prion mentally infected animals, is first detectable in the lym-
infection suggest that BSE may also induce propagation of a phoreticular system, considerably earlier than the onset of
prion strain indistinguishable from the commonest type of neurological symptoms. Importantly, PrPSc is only detectable
sporadic CJD (Asante et al., 2002a), in addition to that causing in tonsil in vCJD, and not other forms of human prion dis-
variant CJD. Other novel prion disease phenotypes may be ease studied. The PrPSc type detected on western blot in vCJD
anticipated in alternative PRNP genotypes (Hill et al., 1997). tonsil has a characteristic pattern designated type 4t (Hill
Presentation of vCJD is with behavioural and psychiatric et al., 1999). A positive tonsil biopsy obviates the need for
disturbances and, in some cases, sensory disturbance (Will brain biopsy, which may otherwise be considered in such a
et al., 1996). Initial referral is often to a psychiatrist with clinical context to exclude alternative, potentially treatable,
depression, anxiety, withdrawal and behavioural change diagnoses. To date, tonsil biopsy has proved 100 per cent
(Zeidler et al., 1997a). Suicidal ideation is, however, infre- specific and sensitive for vCJD diagnosis and is well tolerated.
quent and response to antidepressants poor. Delusions, which The neuropathological appearances of vCJD are striking
are complex and unsustained, are common. Other features and consistent. In addition to widespread spongiform change,
include emotional lability, aggression, insomnia, and audi- gliosis and neuronal loss (most severe in the basal ganglia
tory and visual hallucinations. Dysaesthesiae, or pain in the and thalamus), there are abundant PrP amyloid plaques in
limbs or face, which was persistent rather than intermittent cerebral and cerebellar cortex. These consisted of kuru-like,
and unrelated to anxiety levels, is a frequent early feature, ‘florid’ (surrounded by spongiform vacuoles) and multicen-
sometimes prompting referral to a rheumatologist. A minor- tric plaque types. The ‘florid’ plaques, seen previously only in
ity of cases have early memory loss or gait ataxia but in most scrapie, were a particularly unusual but highly consistent fea-
such overt neurological features are not apparent until some ture. There is abundant pericellular PrP deposition in the
months later (Zeidler et al., 1997b). Typically, a progressive cerebral and cerebellar cortex and, unusually, extensive PrP
cerebellar syndrome then develops with gait and limb ataxia immunoreactivity in the molecular layer of the cerebellum.
Clinical features and diagnosis 769

In some respects, vCJD resembles kuru, in which behav- marked variability both at the clinical and
ioural changes and progressive ataxia predominate. Peripheral neuropathological level is apparent in some families
sensory disturbances are well recognized in the kuru prodrome (Hainfellner et al., 1995). A family with marked
and kuru plaques are seen in around 70 per cent of cases (and amyotrophic features has also been reported
are especially abundant in younger kuru cases). That iatro- (Kretzschmar et al., 1992). Cases with severe dementia
genic prion disease related to peripheral exposure to human in the absence of prominent ataxia are also recognized.
prions has a more kuru-like than CJD-like clinical picture Neuropathological examination reveals PrP
may well be relevant and would be consistent with a periph- immunoreactive plaques in the majority of cases.
eral prion exposure in vCJD also. Transmissibility to experimental animals has been
This relatively stereotyped clinical presentation and demonstrated.
neuropathology of vCJD contrasts sharply with sporadic • PrP P105L. Reported in three Japanese families
CJD. This may be because vCJD is caused by a single prion (Kitamoto et al., 1993) with a history of spastic
strain and/or because a relatively homogeneous, genetically paraparesis and dementia, its clinical duration is around
susceptible, subgroup with short incubation periods to BSE 5 years. There was no periodic synchronous discharge on
has been infected to date. It will be important to be alert to EEG but MRI scans showed atrophy of the motor cortex.
different clinical presentations. Neuropathological examination showed plaques in
cerebral cortex (but not cerebellum) and neuronal loss
but no spongiosis. Neurofibrillary tangles were variably
63.2.4 Inherited prion diseases present. GERSTMANN–STRÄUSSLER–SCHEINKER (GSS) • PrP A117V. First described in a French family (Doh ura
et al., 1989) and subsequently in a US family of German
origin (Hsiao et al., 1991b), its clinical features are
The first case was described by Gerstmann in 1928 and was presenile dementia with pyramidal signs, parkinsonism,
followed by a more detailed report of seven other affected pseudobulbar features and cerebellar signs.
members of the same family in 1936 (Gerstmann et al., Neuropathologically, PrP immunoreactive plaques are
1936). The classical presentation is a chronic cerebellar ataxia usually present. This mutation has also been identified in
accompanied by pyramidal features, with dementia occur- a large family in the UK (Mallucci et al., 1999).
ring later. The histological hallmark is the presence of multi- • PrP Y145STOP. This mutation was detected in a Japanese
centric amyloid plaques. Numerous GSS kindreds from several patient with a clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.
countries have now been demonstrated to have PRNP muta- She developed memory disturbance at age 38 with a
tions. GSS is an autosomal dominant disorder which can be duration of illness of 21 years. Neuropathology revealed
classified within the spectrum of inherited prion disease. typical Alzheimer-like pathology without spongiform
change (Kitamoto et al., 1993a). Many amyloid plaques INHERITED PRION DISEASES were seen in the cortex along with paired helical
filaments. However, plaques were PrP immunoreactive.
The identification of a pathogenic PRNP mutation in a
A4 immunocytochemistry was negative. These
patient with neurodegenerative disease allows both diagnosis
clinicopathological findings emphasize the importance of
of inherited prion disease and its subclassification according
PRNP analysis in the differential diagnosis of dementia.
to mutation. Around 30 pathogenic mutations in PRNP are
described and consist of two groups: • PrP D178N. This was originally described in two Finnish
families with a CJD-like phenotype (although without
• point mutations resulting in amino acid substitutions in typical EEG appearances) (Goldfarb et al., 1991b) and
PrP (or production of a stop codon); since demonstrated in CJD families in Hungary,
• insertions encoding additional integral copies of an Netherlands, Canada, Finland, France and UK. In the
octapeptide repeat present in a tandem array of five large Finnish kindred the mean onset was 47 and dura-
copies in the normal protein. tion 27.5 months. Neuropathology showed spongiform
change without amyloid plaques. This mutation was also
An aetiological notation for these diseases (Collinge and
reported in two families with fatal familial insomnia
Prusiner, 1992) is ‘inherited prion disease (PrP mutation)’;
(FFI) (Lugaresi et al., 1986; Medori et al., 1992a). The
for instance: inherited prion disease (PrP 144bp insertion) or
first cases described had a rapidly progressive disease
inherited prion disease (PrP P102L). Phenotypic descrip-
characterized clinically by untreatable insomnia, dys-
tions of some of these mutations follow:
autonomia and motor signs, and neuropathologically by
1. Missense mutations selective atrophy of the anterioventral and mediodorsal
• PrP P102L. This was first reported in 1989 in a UK and thalamic nuclei. There was marked thalamic astrocytosis.
US family and is now demonstrated in many kindreds Mild spongiform change was seen in some cases and
worldwide. Progressive ataxia is the dominant clinical protease-resistant PrP demonstrated, albeit weakly, by
feature, with dementia and pyramidal features. However, immunoblotting. Proteinase-K treatment of extracted
770 Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and other prion diseases

PrPSc from FFI cases has shown a different sized PrP Jews and in regions of Slovakia and Chile; Goldfarb et al.,
band on western blots than PrPSc from CJD cases 1990; Hsiao et al., 1991a; Brown et al., 1992). Atypical
(Monari et al., 1994) suggesting that FFI may be caused forms have now been identified. Peripheral neuropathy
by a distinct prion strain type. In a recent study Goldfarb can occur in this disease (Neufeld et al., 1992). Elderly
et al. (1992) reported that, in all the codon 178 families unaffected carriers of the mutation have been reported.
studied with a CJD-like disease, the codon 178 mutation Penetrance is age dependent and thought to approach 100
was encoded on a valine 129 allele, while all FFI kindreds per cent by the age 80 (Chapman et al., 1994). There also
encoded the same codon 178 mutation on a methionine appears to be a separate UK focus for this inherited prion
129 allele and suggested that the genotype at codon 129 disease (Collinge et al., 1993).The codon 129 genotype
determines phenotype. Recently an inherited case with does not appear to affect age at onset of this disorder.
the E200K mutation, which is normally associated with a Transmission to experimental animals has been
CJD-like phenotype, has been reported with an FFI pheno- demonstrated.
type (Chapman et al., 1996). An Australian family has • PrP R208H. Although reported in a single patient with
also been reported with the FFI genotype but in which CJD, no details of the family history or phenotype are as
affected family members have a range of phenotypes yet published (Mastrianni et al., 1995).
encompassing typical CJD, FFI and an autosomal domi- • PrP V210I. This was reported in a single case in France
nant cerebellar ataxia-like illness (McLean et al., 1997). (Davies et al., 1993) with a rapidly progressive dementia,
CJD-like codon 178 cases have frequently transmitted to cerebellar signs and myoclonus and age of onset of 63.
experimental animals while the FFI type did not transmit EEG showed pseudoperiodic sharp wave activity. The
to laboratory primates (Brown et al., 1994). However, clinical duration was 4 months and neuropathological
transmission of FFI to mice has been reported (Collinge examination showed spongiform change, neuronal loss
et al., 1995a; Tateishi et al., 1995). and astrocytosis. No amyloid plaques were seen. Parents
• PrP V180I. This was identified in two Japanese patients had died at ages of 60 and 66 without dementia. A sister
with subacute dementia and myoclonus (Kitamoto et al., with the mutation had died of colon cancer at age 67. It
1993b). The period from onset to akinetic mutism was is possible that this mutation produces a very late onset
6–10 months. No family history was noted. EEG did not disease or is incompletely penetrant.
show pseudoperiodic sharp wave activity. Neuropatholog- • PrP Q217R. Reported to date only in a single Swedish
ical examination demonstrated spongiform change, neu- family, the presentation is with dementia followed by gait
ronal loss and astrocytosis. Interestingly, one of the ataxia, dysphagia and confusion (Hsiao et al., 1992). As
patients with PrP Ile 180 also had PrP Arg 232. with inherited prion disease (PrP F198S) there are
• PrP T183A. This was reported in a single Brazilian family prominent neurofibrillary tangles.
with frontotemporal dementia of mean onset 45 years • PrP M232R. First found on the opposite allele to V180I
and duration 4 years (Nitrini et al., 1997). Parkinsonian mutation in a Japanese patient with prion disease
features were also present in some patients. (Kitamoto et al., 1993b), it was further demonstrated in
Neuropathological examination revealed severe spongi- two additional Japanese patients with progressive demen-
form change and neuronal loss in deep cortical layers tia, myoclonus and periodic synchronous discharges in
and putamen with little gliosis. PrP immunoreactivity the EEG but without an apparent family history of neuro-
was demonstrated in putamen and cerebellum. logical disease. The mean duration of illness was 3 months.
• PrP F198S. This was described in a single large Indiana Neuropathology showed spongiform change, neuronal loss
kindred. Neuropathologically, there are widespread and astrocytosis. PrP immunostaining revealed diffuse
Alzheimer-like neurofibrillary tangles in cortex and sub- grey matter staining, but no plaques.
cortical nuclei in addition to PrP amyloid plaques
(Dlouhy et al., 1992). There is an apparent codon 129 2. Insertional mutations
effect with this mutation, in that individuals who were • PrP 24bp insertion (one extra repeat). Reported in a single
heterozygous at codon 129 had a later age of onset than French individual, the patient presented at age 73 with
homozygotes. dizziness followed by visual agnosia, cerebellar ataxia and
• PrP E200K. This was first described in families with CJD. intellectual impairment with diffuse periodic activity on
Affected individuals develop a rapidly progressive demen- EEG. Myoclonus and cortical blindness developed and he
tia with myoclonus and pyramidal, cerebellar or extrapyra- progressed to akinetic mutism. Disease duration was 4
midal signs and a duration of illness usually 12 months. months. The patient’s father had died at age 70 from an
The average age of onset is 55. Neuropathological features undiagnosed neurological disorder. No neuropathologi-
are typical of CJD; plaques are absent but PrPSc can be cal information is available.
demonstrated by immunoblotting. In marked contrast to • PrP 48bp insertion (two extra repeats). Reported in a sin-
other inherited prion diseases, the EEG usually shows gle US family (Goldfarb et al., 1993), the proband had a
pseudoperiodic activity. This mutation accounts for the CJD-like phenotype both clinically and pathologically
three ethnogeographic clusters of CJD (amongst Libyan with a typical EEG and an age at onset of 58. However,
Clinical features and diagnosis 771

the proband’s mother had onset of cognitive decline at around 50 affected individuals over seven generations.
age 75 with a slow progression to a severe dementia over Affected individuals develop in the third to fourth
13 years. The maternal grandfather had a similar late decade onset of a progressive dementia associated with a
onset (at age 80) and slow progressive cognitive decline varying combination of cerebellar ataxia and dysarthria,
over 15 years. pyramidal signs, myoclonus and occasionally extrapyra-
• PrP 96bp insertion (four extra repeats). This was first midal signs, chorea and seizures. The dementia is often
reported in an individual who died aged 63 of hepatic preceded by depression and aggressive behaviour. A
cirrhosis (Goldfarb et al., 1991a) with no history of number of cases have a long-standing personality disor-
neurological illness, but it is unclear if this finding der, characterized by aggression, irritability, antisocial
indicates incomplete penetrance of this mutation. and criminal activity, and hypersexuality, which may be
This is the only recorded case of a PRNP insertional present from early childhood, long before overt neuro-
mutation other than in an affected or an at-risk degenerative disease develops. The histological features
individual. Two separate four octapeptide repeat vary from those of classical spongiform encephalopathy
insertional mutations have been reported in affected (with or without PrP amyloid plaques) to cases lacking
individuals, each differing in the DNA sequence from the any specific features of these conditions (Collinge et al.,
original four repeat insertion, although all three of the 1990). Age at onset in this condition can be predicted
mutations encode the same PrP. Laplanche et al. reported according to genotype at polymorphic codon 129. Since
a 96bp insertion in an 82-year-old French woman who this pathogenic insertional mutation occurs on a methio-
developed progressive depression and behavioural nine 129 PrP allele, there are two possible codon 129
changes (Laplanche et al., 1995). She progressed over 3 genotypes for affected individuals, methionine 129
months to akinetic mutism with pyramidal signs and homozygotes or methionine 129/valine 129 heterozygotes.
myoclonus. EEG showed pseudoperiodic complexes. Heterozygotes have an age at onset that is about a decade
Duration of illness was 4 months. There was no known later than homozygotes (Poulter et al., 1992). Limited
family history of neurological illness. Another 96bp transmission studies to marmosets were unsuccessful.
insertional mutation was seen in a patient with classical Transmission to transgenic mice expressing human
clinical and pathological features of CJD with the prion protein has been achieved (Collinge et al.,
exception of the unusual finding of pronounced PrP in preparation). Further families with 144bp inser-
immunoreactivity in the molecular layer of the tions, of different nucleotide sequence, have now been
cerebellum (Campbell et al., 1996). reported in the UK (Nicholl et al., 1995) and Japan (Oda
• PrP 120bp insertion (five extra repeats). This was reported et al., 1995).
in a US family with an illness characterized by progres- • PrP 168bp insertion (seven extra repeats). This has been
sive dementia, abnormal behaviour, cerebellar signs, reported in a US family. Clinical features were mood
tremor, rigidity, hyperreflexia and myoclonus. The change, abnormal behaviour, confusion, aphasia, cerebel-
age at onset was 31–45 with a clinical duration of 5–15 lar signs, involuntary movements, rigidity, dementia
years (Goldfarb et al., 1991a). EEG showed diffuse and myoclonus. The age at onset was 23–35 years and
slowing only. Histological features were of spongiosis, the clinical duration 10 to over 13 years. The EEG was
neuronal loss and gliosis. Transmission has been atypical. Neuropathology showed spongiform change,
demonstrated. neuronal loss and gliosis to varying degrees (Goldfarb
• PrP 144bp insertion (six extra repeats). This was the first et al., 1991a). Experimental transmission has been
PrP mutation to be reported in a small UK family with demonstrated.
familial CJD (Owen et al., 1989). The diagnosis in the • PrP 192bp insertion (eight extra repeats). Reported in a
family had been based on an individual who died in the French family with clinical features including abnormal
1940s with a rapidly progressive illness characteristic of behaviour, cerebellar signs, mutism, pyramidal signs,
CJD (Meyer et al., 1954). Pathologically there was gross myoclonus, tremor, intellectual slowing and seizures, the
status spongiosis and astrocytosis affecting the entire disease duration ranged from 3 months to 13 years. The
cerebral cortex. However, other family members had a EEG findings include diffuse slowing, slow wave burst
much longer duration GSS-like illness. Histological fea- suppression and periodic triphasic complexes.
tures were also extremely variable. This observation led Neuropathological examination revealed spongiform
to screening of various case of neurodegenerative disease change, neuronal loss, gliosis and multicentric
and to the identification of a case classified on clinical plaques in the cerebellum (Goldfarb et al., 1991a;
grounds as familial Alzheimer’s disease (Collinge et al., Guiroy et al., 1993). Experimental transmission has
1989). More extensive screening work identified further been reported.
families with the same mutation, who were then demon- • PrP 216bp insertion (nine extra repeats). This was first
strated by genealogical studies to form part of an reported in a single case from the UK (Owen et al.,
extremely large kindred (Collinge et al., 1992; Poulter 1992). The clinical onset was around 54 years with
et al., 1992). Clinical information has been collected on falls, axial rigidity, myoclonic jerks and progressive
772 Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and other prion diseases

dementia. Although there was no clear family history corticosteroids in individuals with significant accidental
of a similar illness, the mother had died at age 53 with a exposure to human prions (Aguzzi and Collinge, 1997).
cerebrovascular event. The maternal grandmother had Urgent surgical excision of the inoculum might also be con-
died at age 79 with senile dementia. EEG was atypical. sidered in exceptional circumstances. There is hope that
Neuropathological examination showed no spongiform progress in the understanding of the peripheral pathogenesis
encephalopathy but marked deposition of plaques, will identify the precise cell types and molecules involved in
which in the cerebellum and the basal ganglia showed colonization of the organism by prions. The ultimate goal
immunoreactivity with PrP antisera (Duchen et al., will be to target the rate-limiting steps in prion spread with
1993). In the hippocampus there were neuritic plaques much more focused pharmacological approaches, which may
positive for both -amyloid protein and tau. Some neu- eventually prove useful in preventing disease even after iatro-
rofibrillary tangles were also seen. In some respects genic and alimentary exposure (Collinge and Hawke, 1998).
therefore the pathology resembled Alzheimer’s disease. A proof of principle of immunoprophylaxis by passive
Experimental transmission studies have not been immunization using anti-PrP monoclonals has already been
attempted. A second, German, family with a nine demonstrated in mouse models (White et al., 2003).
octapeptide repeat insertion of different sequence has
also been reported (Krasemann et al., 1995). PROGNOSIS AND POSSIBLE THERAPIES
• PrP 48bp deletion. While deletion of a single octapeptide
All known forms of prion diseases are invariably fatal follow-
repeat element is a well recognized polymorphic variant
of human PrP (with a frequency of around 1 per cent in ing a relentlessly progressive course and there is no effective
the UK population), which does not appear to be associ- therapy. The duration of illness in sporadic patients is very
ated with disease (Palmer et al., 1993), a two repeat dele- short with a mean duration of 3–4 months. However, in
tion has been described in two individuals with CJD some of the inherited cases the duration can be 20 years or
(Beck et al., 2001; Capellari et al., 2002). more (Collinge et al., 1990). Symptomatic treatment of vari-
ous neurological and psychiatric features can be provided
and a range of supportive services are likely to be required in GENETIC COUNSELLING AND PRESYMPTOMATIC the later stages of the disease (see UK National Prion Clinic
TESTING website for factsheets and specialist advice: http://www.
PRNP analysis allows unequivocal diagnosis in patients with
inherited prion disease. This has also allowed presympto- While no effective treatment for the human disease is
matic testing of unaffected, but at-risk, family members, as known, several drugs are currently being studied in patients. In
well as antenatal testing following appropriate genetic coun- the UK, a clinical trial protocol for evaluation of potential CJD
selling (Collinge et al., 1991b). The effect of codon 129 geno- therapeutics has been developed and is designated the MRC
type on the age of onset of disease associated with some PRION-1 trial (
mutations also means it is possible to determine within a Currently the drug quinacrine is being evaluated. Current
family whether a carrier of a mutation will have an early or agents are unlikely to stop prion propagation and may at best
late onset of disease. Most of the well-recognized pathogenic be expected to delay disease progression. Clearly, advances
PRNP mutations appear fully penetrant; however, experience towards early diagnosis, to allow therapies to be used prior to
with some mutations is extremely limited. In families with extensive neuronal loss, will be important. While the challenge
the E200K mutation there are examples of elderly unaffected of interrupting this aggressive, non-focal and uniformly fatal
gene carriers who appear to have escaped the disease. neurodegenerative process is daunting, major advances are
being made in understanding the basic processes of prion
propagation and neurotoxicity. Considerable optimism is SECONDARY PROPHYLAXIS AFTER
provided by the recent finding that onset of clinical disease in
established neuroinvasive prion infection in a mouse model
Certain occupational groups are at risk of exposure to human can be halted and indeed early pathology reversed (Mallucci
prions, for instance neurosurgeons and other operating the- et al., 2003). A number of approaches to rational therapeutics
atre staff, pathologists and morticians, histology technicians, are being studied in experimental models. Anti-PrP anti-
as well as an increasing number of laboratory workers. bodies have been shown to block progression of peripheral
Because of the prolonged incubation periods to prions fol- prion propagation in mouse models and humanized versions
lowing administration to sites other than the central nervous of these antibodies could in principle be developed and used
system (CNS), which is associated with clinically silent prion for both post-exposure prophylaxis or during established
replication in the lymphoreticular tissue (Aguzzi, 1997), clinical disease. In the longer term, the development of drugs
treatments inhibiting prion replication in lymphoid organs that selectively bind PrPSc or which bind to PrPC to inhibit its
may represent a viable strategy for rational secondary pro- conversion might be able to block prion propagation and
phylaxis after accidental exposure. A preliminary suggested allow natural clearance mechanisms to eradicate remaining
regimen is a short course of immunosuppression with oral PrPSc and so cure prion infection.
References 773

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Human immunodeficiency virus type 1-associated
dementia: pathology, clinical features and treatment


64.1 Neuropathological abnormalities associated with HIV 778 64.5 Clinical and laboratory investigation of HIV dementia 785
64.2 Potential mechanism of HIV-associated neuronal injury 64.6 Treatment of HIV dementia 787
and loss 780 64.7 Treatment of motor and behavioural problems 789
64.3 Correlation of primary neuropathological damage with 64.8 Prognosis of HIV dementia 789
onset of HIV-related cognitive disorders and dementia 781 References 790
64.4 Clinical features of HIV-associated cognitive impairments 781

The latest reports indicate that since the beginning of 1980s, 60 Table 64.1 Classification of AIDS (1993), using a combination of
million people have been infected with HIV (UNAIDS-WHO, clinical features and laboratory investigations
2001). Today, in certain parts of the world such as Sub-Saharan
Laboratory CD4⫹ counts
Africa, it is the leading cause of death amongst its popula- Clinical features (cells/mL)
tion. In 1983 the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued
the first classification of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Group A: asymptomatic Group 1: 501–1000
(AIDS), which was then revised in 1987 (CDC, 1987) and again Group B: constitutional symptoms Group 2: 201–500
in 1993 (MMWR). The 1983 and 1987 classifications were clin- Group C: AIDS indicator illnesses Group 3: 200
ical symptom based, consisting of four groups of disorders:
groups are progressive in that one proceeds from A through
• Group I: Acute infection (seroconversion)
to C, but not back again. Thus, the category A3 means that
• Group II: Asymptomatic infection
this individual has never experienced any clinical symptoms.
• Group III: Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy
Since the mid-1990s the term HIV disease has tended to
• Group IV: with subgroups:
replace the term AIDS, which does not occur so frequently
(A) constitutional disease with fever, weight loss, fatigue
and night sweats now that antiretroviral treatment is available.
(B) neurological disease Apart from CD4 cells, the brain is a major target of
(C) secondary infectious diseases infection resulting in cognitive dysfunction. The most severe
(D) secondary cancers neuropsychiatric manifestation is HIV dementia. In the last
(E) other conditions. decade there has been significant progress in clarifying the
brain pathology, clinical features, and more recently thera-
In 1993 a second classification revision was accepted, peutic strategies of this dementia. This chapter will cover these
which incorporated laboratory data and symptom-based issues, including clarification of the range of brain pathology,
classification as two parallel categories to rate the affected correlation of which pathological events results in cognitive
individual’s condition (Table 64.1). The laboratory category impairments, description of the clinical features and investi-
is the CD4 lymphocyte counts; this is the primary cell gations, and finally the current treatment options for HIV
infected and destroyed by HIV and it is the loss of this dementia. This chapter will not address the secondary HIV-
population that results in severe immune suppression. For associated brain disorders that include opportunistic infections
example, a person categorized as A3 will be clinically asymp- and neoplasms, which have been reviewed elsewhere (Everall
tomatic but has marked immunosuppression. The clinical and Lantos, 1991).
778 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1-associated dementia: pathology, clinical features and treatment

64.1 NEUROPATHOLOGICAL ABNORMALITIES 1997). Broadly speaking the ability to use either CXCR4 or
ASSOCIATED WITH HIV CCR5 defines the tropism of the HIV strain, i.e. lymphocyte
or macrophage tropic respectively. In the brain, microglia and
macrophages, neurones and astrocytes all possess chemokine
Since the mid-1980s a variety of virological, neuropathological receptors. CXCR-4 is expressed by neurones and microglia
and neuroscientific investigations have attempted to address: (Lavi et al., 1997), as well as reactive astrocytes (Miller and
the characteristic features of the virus mediating cellular entry, Meucci, 1999). CCR-1 has been reported in astrocytes, CCR-3
the mechanism and timing of viral brain entry, which brain in microglia and CCR-5 in both microglia and neurones
resident cells does HIV infect and replicate in, the spectrum (Miller and Meucci, 1999). He et al. (1997) reported that
of HIV-associated brain damage, the mechanism of neuro- both CCR3 and CCR5 are important for microglia infection,
toxicity, and finally the relationship between this damage and Ghorpade et al. (1998) found an essential role for only CCR5,
the clinical onset of HIV-associated cognitive impairments. while Shieh et al. (1998) observed that CCR5 was used for
These will be discussed below. macrophage entry but failed to replicate the use of either CCR3
or CCR5 receptors for microglial infection. During recent
64.1.1 Characteristics of HIV and years, a vast number of chemokine receptors have been dis-
the mechanism of cellular entry covered and the involvement of ch

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