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Personal Reflection

In this quarter, I have done my project with my group of friends. This

project took us over a month to finish it. We have learned about food history and
industrialized agriculture over the past 50 days. We have learned about the meat
production and pesticides which I thought were the most interesting part of this
topic. By learning about meat production, I have realized how much humans have
depleted their resources of food and water by just eating a hamburger and how
much people have contributed to climate change from slaughtering animals and
transporting of meat products. My booklet was very successful and I’m very proud
of it because I have done a lot of research about it and the booklet turns out to be
very beautiful and interesting. My group work very hard to decorate the booklet
and made it looks nice. I don’t think that there are mistakes in my work but I think
I can still improve it by being more creative and find more interesting information.
I have done my research about the impacts of farming and my sub topic
was agricultural emissions. From my research, I have found out that agriculture is
the world second largest emitters of greenhouse gases. Fossil fuels are uses in
farming powering machinery, creating artificial soil fertility and protect against
pests which released a lot of carbon dioxide and methane gases. In concentrated
animal feeding operations (CAFOs), animal waste is not cycled through the farm
since there are too much of it. Instead, waste is stored in huge pit called "manure
lagoons." Waste stored in this manner ends up emitting methane and nitrous
oxide. Another part of agriculture that contributed to releasing greenhouse gases
is meat production. In order to produce meat, animals need to be fed with grains
and those crops require a lot of energy consumption. The solution to these
problems are to become a vegan, stop eating meat, improved fertilizer and
change in farming practices.

My strength as a learner is that I’m good at understanding the topics that I

have learned in class period and doing my research on my own. My weaknesses
are interpreting my work to other people because I’m not good at paraphrasing
my knowledge to explain it to other people. Also, I’m not good at decorating my
work because I don’t know how to make it look interesting. I think I can improve
these weaknesses by participating and share more ideas in class and be more
creative in my work. These can be connected to ESLOs by strategic learners,
innovative thinkers and articulate communicators. Articulate communicators
because I use my knowledge from my research to raise awareness to the reader
about climate change. Things that I have learned about myself as a learner is that
I can do my research very well but I’m not good at decorating my work. Things
that I have learned about myself as a person is that I have causes a lot of damage
to this world by love eating meat and eat them every day.

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