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The mobile game industry

Of the world’s online population forty-four percent are gamers according to data from Spil
games. Gaming is a part of more than 1.2 billion consumer's lifestyles worldwide with more than
700 million of them playing mobile games. The mobile game industry had begun in 1994, with
since then creating millions of games belonging to a variety of different genres. Mobile games
have created outstanding revenue from its large group of consumers and game developers
through a complex process of development. There's no limit to who can play mobile games as
there's surprising data that prove it to be so. As well as no limit to who develops mobile games as
their games may either be mainstream or indie(independent).The industry affects society as
future advancements in modern technology are in progress. The level of success the industry has
obtained proves it to be a significant one in this generation as well as its history of evolution in
its games, its consumers and its effect on society.

The history of the industry goes back to when the very first mobile game Tetris was made on the
Hagenuk MT-2000 device in 1994, followed by Nokia’s Snake in 1997. Nokia mobile devices
were one of the first handsets to come with mobile game experience with the games Snake and
Space Impact shortly after. The Snake game was on closely 350 million mobile phones
worldwide., traditional brick-and-mortar game studios are a part of pre-broadband history, a
business model still used only by the largest game developers. Modern game development is
generally virtual with a distributed staff of freelancers from all over the world.(Crews 2018)

Not all of the changes that have been developed throughout the industrys timeline has been
neccasarily beneficial for the gaming industry. The largest, established game studios are finding
it difficult to be discovered in app stores such as Google Playand the Apple Store. With each
store involving numerous games, it makes it difficult to have discoverability which is the main
difficult challenge these game studios face

In present time, mobile games are downloaded onto Smartphone or tablets using an app store or
are embedded in the device when purchased. Games can be played on the device or over the
cloud. The development of wireless technologies such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi being non-existent
before has opened the mobile gaming world to a lot of possibilities today, particulary multi-
gaming. Due to the merging of new operating systems such as Android, iOS, and Windows,
these systems have completely revolutionised the mobile gaming world leading to even more
titles and variations. Capability and functionality has greatly improved throughout time as well.
Wireless Application Protocol,( WAP) is a technology standard developed to enable mobile
devices to connect to the internet. The company that did the most work to develop this was
called Unwired Planet. By the late 1990s, it had created a micro browser that could run on
mobile phones and a version of the web it called Uplink. Together with Ericsson, Nokia, and
Motorola, the WAP Forum (now the Open Mobile Alliance) ensures standardisation, mainly
in Europe. In Japan, the predominant mobile phone operator as well as market leading
operator NTT DoCoMo came up with its own mobile internet service (i-mode) standard
The mobile game industry

Although in the end, these were both roughly resulting the same thing. Being a small web
browser built into a phone that allowed users to connect to a server and transfer data to a
phone. Various methods of playing mobile games have been developed leading to an incredible
gaming community across the world.
Actions, Arcade, Shooting, Adventure, Sports, and Battle, amongst others are some of the top
genres today. Augmented reality into smart phones could be said to be the latest and biggest
achievement so far in the evolution of mobile games. A good example is the Pokémon Go game,
which has received positive recognition and response since releasing it.

The success of the mobile game industry.

Today in modern society, nearly everyone owns a Smartphone. The number of mobile phone
users in the world is expected to pass the five billion mark by 2019(Statista 2018). In 2016, an
estimated population worldwide had already owned a mobile phone. There are 62% of
Smartphone owners that install mobile games within a week of purchasing a new phone which is
a higher percentage than other categories of mobile apps. Over 30% of all mobile apps are games,
there's access to roughly 800,000 games in on an Apple or Android phone. There are 2.1 billion
mobile gamers worldwide while the average gamer spends 24 minutes playing games on mobile
devices. Many people are so drawn to mobile games that there's considered to be an addiction
that users have.

Mobile games can easily be downloaded on mobile devices and can also be easily deleted if loss
of interest occurs. Since mobile games are very cheap to pay for to the point where they're
entirely free, more people will install mobile games comparing to how often people pay for video
games where the average cost of video games today ranges from roughly $30-$80. Meaning it's
easier to delete mobile games if a consumer didn't end up liking them rather than not ending up
liking an expensive video game
The main reason mobile games are more successful in the gaming industry than games from
consoles and the internet is because they're more accessible to play whenever and wherever one
chooses to. The portability makes consumers play longer than they would with traditional
The advancement of mobile technology has created an ideal platform for the mobile vice
industry’s success. an individual will currently work a game in their pocket and take it with them
anyplace. Mobile advancements that square measure unlimited information plans, quicker
process speeds, and better quality graphics have conjointly improved for additional participating
game play than before. As mobile devices improve, folks upgrade their hardware and luxuriate in
higher mobile experiences that involve larger screens, quicker rendering, and higher resolution.
Developers square measure building additional compelling apps over these device options,
providing a stronger mobile vice expertise and recreation. Higher shopper experiences fuel
continued hardware enhancements to draw in a fair larger audience, making new opportunities
for developers. According to Statists, the worldwide vice market can reach over $115 billion in
2018. over $50 billion, the mobile vice business accounts for nearly 1/2 all international vice
revenue. For 2017, mobile vice apps accounted for over eightieth of all app revenue from Apple's
iOS App and Google Play Stores. In 2014, the business achieved $25 billion globally. In 2020,
it's expected to rise to $72.3 billion. On prime of serious growth, mobile vice is additionally
projected to dominate all alternative sectors of vice. By 2020, mobile vice is predicted to account
The mobile game industry

for over 0.5 (51%) of the whole vice market. Comparably, console games and boxed/downloaded
laptop games square measure expected to form up the second and third largest parts of the
market, generating twenty sixth and twenty first of all digital vice revenue severally. In 2017 the
worldwide revenues within the game business were accounted from Browser PC(4%), PC(23%),
Tablet(10%), Smartphone's(32%) and Consoles(31%).

Game industry global revenues

Browser PC 4%
PC 23%
Tablet 10%
Smartphone 32%
Console 31%

While revenue is being made through mobile games, people who download games are more
likely to play free games then premium games. "The mobile market has really moved almost
completely free-to-play, paid games are really a very small part of revenue." (Callahan 2015)
They still gain revenue through ads and sponsors. Brands and advertisers benefit from the ability
to work directly with game developers to integrate targeted ads. These ads can help drive in-
game purchases while serving other ad content that targets different demographic segments
among the game’s players. This level of collaboration allows advertisers to fine-tune their ad
types and placement.

The success of the mobile gaming industry has been able to reach new audiences as well as the
attention of new game franchises, content creators, influencers, and an influx of ad dollars
from brands of all types seeking to reach a global gaming audience. Brands and advertisers t are
benefitted in the flexibility to figure directly with game developers to integrate targeted ads.
These ads will facilitate drive in-game purchases whereas serving different ad content that
targets completely different demographic segments among the game’s players. This level of
collaboration permits advertisers to fine-tune their ad varieties and placement. The success of the
mobile gaming business has been able to reach new audiences in addition through the attention
The mobile game industry

of latest game franchises, content creators, influencers, and an inflow of ad money from brands
of all kinds seeking to succeed in a worldwide diversion audience.
The Smartphone has truly led to the democratization of game play for consumers and distribution
for creators, and everybody in this ecosystem is benefitted.

Who are the consumers?

Mobile gamers are highly diverse meaning there's no specific group of people who play. Anyone
is able to play a mobile game because there's a fair range of genres for many people to enjoy.
The main ones being Arcade, Action, puzzle, card, role playing. Many more having different
types of games within each genre. According to Verto’s data, puzzle games are the most popular
genre. Specifically brain puzzles are the genre that draws the most players, with nearly 38
million monthly unique users.

The statistics from Tapjoy shows that Of the 2.1 billion mobile gamers with the world’s mobile
gaming population expected to rise to over 2.7 billion by 2021 according to Statista, 63% of
gamers are female and 37% are male. Today’s mobile gamers are more likely to be female,
higher income consumers, and older in terms of age, when compared to the generic online
population. The largest portion of mobile gamers that's 23% is surprisingly aged 65 years or
older while the smallest portion being 8% is aged between 13-17 years old. People aged 25-34
years old accounted for 21% of mobile gamers.

Data from "Upfront Analytics" has found that the average mobile gamer has a good relationship
status with 38% being married, 13% divorced, and 9% defining their relationship as
"complicated." In terms of how actively gamers playing mobile games, mobile gamers are very
active, with 56% of mobile gamers reporting playing mobile games 10 times a week. While 19%
of gamers report playing mobile games 6-9 times every week

Relationship Status

Gender Age
The mobile game industry

In terms of where most of the consumers are coming from, China is one of the countries where
mobile gaming is most popular. Data from eMarket shows that mobile games accounted for more
than half of the countries digital gaming revenue for the first time in 2016.

Why are mobile games popular? Tapjoy research has been able to find the core reason why many
consumers play mobile games, which revealed that the consumer's mood is the main factor..
Consumers are more engaged and less stressed playing mobile games then being on social media
apps as they're twice as likely to say they feel relaxed when playing mobile games as they are
when using social apps. As well as being three times more likely to be focused when playing
games than using social media apps. They feel happier and more engaged on games than social
apps. This makes sense since social media apps are known for easily having negative feed where
there’s a lot of online bullying and harassment, whereas playing mobile games is fun and

Consumers are more than 2.4 times as likely to feel bored on social apps as gaming apps, and
60% more likely to feel stressed. They also report feeling sadder and more upset when using
social apps than when playing mobile games. In terms of gender, women are even more likely
than men to say that mobile games make them feel relaxed (61% of women compared to 48% of
men), focused (37% of women, 28% of men), engaged (35% of women, 28% of men), interested
(40% of women, 31% of men). In terms of age, older players are more likely to say that games
make them be relaxed while younger players are more likely to be excited. However, the interest,
engagement and focus are still consistent regardless of age.

Its effect on society reflects technological advancements through mobile devices. Mobile
gaming has influenced consoles that have become similar to smart phones. The manufacturement
of consoles have changed in order to work with a two-year cycle console design instead of the
traditional seven year . This keeps top users on board while providing the flexibility needed to
adapt consoles to changes in technology and user trends. “In an industry that finds itself on the
cusp of huge changes every six to 12 months, adaptability is key,” says Olie Clark, co-founder of
Arch Creatives, a shared office space that houses game development teams.

Another effect is that brands, game developers, and advertisers are a part of downloadable
content and game purchases. Some console games are engineered on a replacement business
model that has the option for the gamer to buy game packages and content. The industry is
presently experimenting with different business models for games that involve restricted versions
with features and or upgrades that can be purchased. Mobile game publishers want to explore
some of the new monetization models in console games. The Game publishers want to be able to
directly access gamers instead of having to go through the console manufacturers, and they’re
working on creating purchases available among the games themselves.

Mobile games have been doing this for a while. When the game Crossy Road was published in
2014, it offered an ad model that gave players the option to watch an ad video so they could
access additional game content. These opt-in ads have changed game ads for players. The ads are
now seen as a means for getting something the player wants.
The mobile game industry

Mobiles have improved game development, making it possible for individuals and small
developing teams create and publish their own games. This has brought conflicts as game
developers try to publish games through a mix of collaboration constantly changing, shared
spaces, and partnerships with micro-developers while competing with thousands of other game
developers. As mentioned before brands and advertisers can benefit from being able to work
directly with game developers to integrate targeted ads. These ads can attract in-game purchases
while serving other ad content. This can allow advertisers to pick their ad types and placement.

There are advantages and disadvantages for modern society using mobile games. An advantage
of playing games is that people can learn mobile devices and applications more effectively.
There's a wide selection of learning apps available for everyone as young in adolescence years
and mature users. There's learning games for every genre or choice like music, language, and
educational ones that focuses on teaching subjects from school like a tutor. Educational apps is
very beneficial to adolescence, according to a study by PBS, children from ages 3-7 who played
educational games showed 31% improvement in vocabulary skills. Mobile games can improve
the learning process in children. They are therefore a good motivation set for children and young
adolescence, as well as who have trouble learning. "This means students can be motivated to
learn by creating fun feelings" (Salguero, 2009). There are plenty of educational games for
children of all age’s games such as Zoo Train. It's an educational game for young children, where
they’re able to complete puzzles, learn shapes and listen to music. There are many other different
games helping kids learn how to spell, write, practice math skills and help with their memory. In
most games, players need to make choices and understand that they'll possibly have
consequences that may result being both positive and or negative for the opposite players within
the game. In team games, players will also develop group work skills as they often have to work
along to get through a challenge or quest. It also permits them to develop different kills such as
quick thinking to act satisfy the result of problems presented to them or even work under
pressure to avoid losing the game.

Mobile games have also been used in rehabilitative ways for people; they can be used for people
who have mental problems. There are mobile games made specifically to help with anxiety as
well as stress. It's important to get distracted once in a while so people can take their minds off
stress or day to day problems. While getting distracted by playing games may look as a con as it
may take away focus in school, or other important things in our lives. Mobile games provide
entertainment to users who are bored. People can just pull out their phone and play a game when
there's nothing to do during times like waiting for the bus to come or when uncomfortable in
public. However sometimes, playing mobile phones could cause harm. Playing mobile games
can often be a distraction for users as they're deeply focused on the objective of the game, while
not paying attention to what's going around them. If someone was to play a game while walking
on the street, it may be dangerous since there could be someone sketchy following you or you
wouldn't be paying attention to cars driving that could cause an accident. Children crossing
streets while using mobile phones are 43% more likely to be hit by a passing vehicle, according
to research conducted in 2008 by researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Many children, of all ages today use mobile devices to play mobile games. Which many are
using a lot their time to play. Playing mobile games for a too long period of time may not be
healthy way to spend your time. This may disconnect users from nature, and socialization with
The mobile game industry

other people. In school, younger students often use mobile devices to play games in class, which
causes distraction in the class.

Playing games on mobile can keep users calm. For example, if a child is crying in the backseat of
a car distracting the driver while driving, you can give them play a game that will allow the
driver to drive safely. Although doing this often and for a long time can be viewed as a
disadvantage, using mobile games to quiet or calm children may not work all the time.

Playing games frequently can cause health problems to users causing eye strain and or
Some games can be aggressive and violent. Sometimes, this content not only may promote
physical aggression but can also enter ideologies. Some argue that aggressive behaviour is short-
term while others argue that it has a long-term effect on players. The child who enjoys games
that are violent can lead to negative effects in their socialization with others, leading to their lack
of sense of belonging or social justice (Hernández, 2014). Today, there are many people who use
devices to play with few being aware of the disadvantages and negative effects they may have
for the people who use it.
While there are advantages that mobile games have for consumers there's also disadvantages that
may be overlooked. Advantages may also be overlooked but it's not as necessary to see those
when the disadvantages as mentioned may cause harm.

The industry has gained huge success from a wide range of consumers and various mobile
games. Its evolution has allowed the industry to be open to new possibilities for mobile gaming
experience. Mobile gaming does have an impact on society and will continue to do so through
numerous downloads and consumers.
The mobile game industry


Wright, C. (2016, March 14). A Brief History of Mobile Games: In the beginning, there was Snake.
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D. (2017, December 05). Mobile Gaming is a $50b Industry. But Only 5% of Players are Spending Money
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The Global Games Market 2017 | Per Region & Segment. (n.d.). Retrieved from

The Evolution of Mobile Gaming. (2017, August 18). Retrieved from

* All products require an annual contract. Prices do not include sales tax (New York residents only).
(n.d.). Frequency of playing games on a mobile device Canada 2018 | Statistic. Retrieved from

Saldana, G. (2014, January 07). Why mobile games are so popular. Retrieved from

Takahashi, D. (2013, November 25). More than 1.2 billion people are playing games. Retrieved from

Widener, A. (2017, February 08). Tapjoy Research: Why Do People Play Mobile Games? – Tapjoy –
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Bevans, A. (2017, June 14). Who plays mobile games? – Google Play Apps & Games – Medium. Retrieved

Soper, T. (2014, August 08). Study: 1.2 billion people are playing games worldwide; 700M of them are
online. Retrieved from

Murdock, A., & A. (2016, June 22). Consumers Spend More than 1 Billion Hours a Month Playing Mobile
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Hwong, C., C., V., & Verto Analytics. (2018, April 26). What are the most popular mobile games in the
U.S.? Retrieved from
The mobile game industry

The 9 Mobile Gaming Statistics That Everyone Should See. (2017, May 31). Retrieved from

2014 Global Gaming Stats: Who's Playing What, and Why? | Big Fish Blog. (n.d.). Retrieved from

* All products require an annual contract. Prices do not include sales tax (New York residents only).
(n.d.). Global smartphone gaming reach by region 2016 | Statistic. Retrieved from

2016 Mobile Game Stats | Big Fish. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Armstrong, M., & Richter, F. (2017, June 22). Infographic: The Games Industry is Dominated by Mobile.
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Wells, N. (2015, August 05). The shocking truth about mobile gaming. Retrieved from

Dunn, J. (2017, June 22). The video game industry now gets more money making games for smartphones
and tablets than for consoles or PCs. Retrieved from

The $50B Mobile Gaming Industry: Statistics, Revenue [Infographic]. (2018, March 30). Retrieved from

A Majority of US Female Mobile Gamers Play Daily. (2017, September 12). Retrieved from

* All products require an annual contract. Prices do not include sales tax (New York residents only).
(n.d.). Number of global mobile gamers 2021 | Statistic. Retrieved from

The Changing Face of Mobile Gamers: What Marketers Need To Know. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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