XBS Guild Manual: Purpose of The Guild

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XBS Guild Manual

XBS stands for Anti-BS or No BS.

Purpose of the Guild

XBS exists for two reasons.
1) Provide a worthy reward system for our guild by offering Gift Level 60
2) To have fun with other drama-free players

Who Are Our Guild Members

Our guild members come from all over the world. Most importantly though, we value the following
1) Maturity
2) Clear communication
3) Composure
4) Respect
The core of our guild are made up of 30+ year old members. For this reason, we handle the guild and the
situations in the guild, like a responsible adult would.
We expect the same from our guild members.
Be forward thinking, be considerate of your surroundings and think of the needs of others - not just you.

Guild Goals
1) Achieve Gift Lvl 60
a) We will achieve this with the following two methods:
i) Monster Hunting
ii) Purchasing Packs that will give all guild members bonus boxes
2) Establish strong relationship with all guilds for protection

Leadership within Guild

Guild Leader - SmokeyBerner - Germany
Responsible for all diplomacy
1) MrWL - <>
a) Responsible for recruiting
2) PaPaBear - USA
a) Responsible for education of lower ranked players
Rank Hierarchy

Rank V​ Guild Master/High Commander - Sets policies and promotes members.

Rank IV​ Officers/Chiefs/Co-leaders - Senior members and officers in training. Among these will be the Chief
Diplomacy Officer and Chief Warmaster.
Chief Diplomacy Officer​ - Negotiates truces via diplomacy boards and PM with other clans.
Chief Warmaster ​- Decides when to deploy troops and general battle strategy.
Rank III​ -Senior Members of high activity and might. This is the general rank of sociable and trustworthy
Rank II​ - These are members who have been proven trust worthy of the clan but are either newer members
or have not hit a good amount of might; these members also have less association with the higher ranks.
Rank I​- New member/recruit. These members have things to learn and will eventually traverse into the
second rank.

General Rules
Hive​ - All members must relocate to hive within 5 days of joining

Communication Rules
Diplomacy Board:​ Only for R4 or higher.
Ally or Enemy Diplomacy Board:​ Only for R4 or higher
Global Chat:​ As a member of our guild, you represent the whole guild. Unjustified reports of hate speech,
insulting, spamming or any other nonsense, will be punished harshly.
Guild Chat:​ Speak your mind, but be respectful.
Private Messages:​ Speak your mind, but be respectful.
Guild Mail Blasting:​ Only for R4 or higher.
Ally, NAP or Enemy Communication:​ Only for R4 or higher.
Out of Game Chat - Line, WhatsApp, WeGamers, Discord:​ As a member of our guild, you represent the
whole guild. Unjustified reports of hate speech, insulting, spamming or any other nonsense, will be punished
harshly. Be respectful

Gameplay Rules
Darknest​: When rallying a Darknest, please state the essence of nest and troop preference before starting
the rally to prevent confusion for those joining.
Darknest Fake Rally​: all fake rallies must be 8 hours. To prevent confusion only fake rally on a lvl 4/5 nest
Monster Hunting​: Post the coordinates only if it is not a 1 hitter for you, then other people can have a chance
Monster Stealing:​ If you are not sure if the monster belongs to someone else, wait 5 min and see its health
has gone down or if another guild is hunting it. Monster stealing is strictly forbidden.
Tile Hitting: ​Strictly forbidden
Getting Our Guild Burnt
Attacking other castles is a fun part of the game.
As a guild, we will not be participating in many attacks.
However, as an individual castle, maybe you want to participate on your own. Here are your rules.

1) Do not expect reinforcements, just because you are in the guild

2) Brown and non-guild castles are fair game
3) Research your opponent first. Make sure they are not part of sister guild, an ally of our ally, an
alternative account to a stronger player, etc.
4) Antagonizing castles or smaller guilds is not permitted.

The consequences for burning our guild

1) You will be kicked out immediately. Absolutely no exceptions
2) If there is the slightest chance, you were the one to get our guild burnt, see rule 1
3) Due to our strong relationships with our allies, the following will happen to you
a) We will send your name and location to all allies, informing them to never accept you into their
b) For 6 months, we will plan 24 attacks on you. You will not know which ally will attack you, and
you won’t have enough shields to protect yourself.
To summarize, you will not be able to play the game for at least 6 months in our kingdom. We also have many
allies 1 Billion+ might in other kingdoms. You might have a better chance playing the game in another

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