Students' Comments: Q4. Would You Prefer Indian Culture To Be Taught at School As Part of The Curriculum? Why?

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Students’ Comments

Comments made by the students in the questionnaire were sometimes very valuable. We selected almost 700 of
them (most of them in English, but a few in Indian languages too), dealing with a variety of questions (the
question’s number refers to its order in the questionnaire).

Barring correction of spelling errors and minor editing, the comments are unchanged. We added a few remarks in
italics and within square brackets.

Q4. Would you prefer Indian culture to be taught at school as part of the curriculum? Why?

• Indian culture develops the mind-body-and soul of an individual. But our existing system of education
develops only the mind. This makes the person more like a machine.
• Yes, because loss of culture is loss of identity.
• Then only our education will be a complete one.
• We are Indians & should know everything about Indian culture.
• Yes, because it cannot be taught by modernized parents.
• Today’s students are tomorrow’s citizens, hence it is very important for us to learn Indian values.
• It will be helpful to learn about the rich heritage of our own country instead of others.
• Yes, because lot of Indian minds are wasted for no use.
• Yes, it is something that all Indians should absorb in them.
• Yes, because we inherit the basic values of right living from it.
• Until we know of our culture, it will be very difficult to progress.
• Yes, other countries are doing the same.
• Yes, propagation of culture is the purpose of education.
• Yes, every child should have knowledge about his country’s culture.
• Yes, our culture will enable us to know ourselves better.
• Yes, we can learn the good behaviour which is not followed by us.
• Yes, it is important in our daily life.
• Yes, India is our motherland, one should know about his/her mother.
• Yes, it will be refreshing and we can learn from it.
• Yes, the knowledge gained would be helpful for the next generation.
• Yes, our culture is being eroded.
• Yes, it will help us to gain a full and complete mental growth.
• Yes, one should know one’s own origin and the culture of one’s country.
• Yes, if from a very young age we follow the curriculum of Indian culture in our school we would sure
become better human beings.
• Yes, we are future generations of India, if we are not acquainted with our culture, how can we teach our
future generation?
• Yes, then only we will be able to understand our culture properly.
• Yes, we should at least know what our Indian culture really means and what it wants from us.
• Yes, being an Indian has no significance until unless one is aware of his culture.
• Yes, it will tell us more about our culture and our culture will always remain with us.
• Yes, it is the only way to have a clear mind.
• Yes, other countries proudly boast about their culture which is worth nothing in front of ours.
• Yes, we should know more about ancient contribution to science.
• Yes, children have to know about their country before anything else.
• Yes, it would make children proud of their country.
• Yes, Indian culture provides all the necessary skills and knowledge.
• Yes, it would help in character and personal development.
• Yes, culture automatically brings education.
• Yes, a person’s behaviour is determined by his culture.
• Indian culture has to be inculcated into children right from the small age.
• Yes, I want to know more about my country.
• Yes, India is a cultural country.
• Yes, it can improve the body equilibrium and peace of mind.
• We are Indian & we should have sufficient knowledge about our culture which is considered to be one of
the best of the world.
• Yes because that is our base. We need to know our background.
• Our culture is our real identity of being an Indian.
• Yes, but it should not be a part of examinations so that the tendency to mug up as with any other subject
is not encouraged.
• As it is, we students are facing a lot of burden and wouldn’t want to learn anything more.
• No, because it is natural. It cannot be taught.
• No, it will then be attached to a marks tag, I prefer this topic to be a part of our recreation or
extracurricular activities.
• If it becomes part of curriculum, it would be just for the sake of getting marks, i.e. once learned and
crammed soon forgotten.
• No, it will then look like a burden on us and we will not be able to understand it properly.
• No because the students would take it as a burden and would not respect it.
• No, one should know all of it not for the sake of exams alone but for joy of learning about Indian heritage.

Q27. Will it help if subjects are taught in your mother tongue? Why? [Note that most of the students expressing
themselves below are actually studying in English medium.]

• Yes, if learnt in mother tongue, it stays permanently in memory.

• Yes, because we quickly absorb the study in our mother tongue.
• Yes, because the understanding and thinking capacity grow.
• Yes, it helps to understand and concentrate on the subjects.
• Yes, because it will help me to understand every concept.
• Yes, mother tongue is the base of proper study.
• We will be able to go deeper with our mother tongue and would be more educated.
• Yes… Other countries say all the prayers in their mother tongue e.g.: Japan, China, USA, Russia.
• Yes, in some cases if the teacher is not good at English and are not able to explain themselves in English
then their knowledge is a waste if it is not conveyed to the students, mother tongue will solve this problem
to a greater extent.
• Yes because I can read and write in my mother tongue more than any other language and I can
understand quickly.
• Yes, because if we have any doubts or if we do not understand we can ask our elders at home.
• Yes, I will know more about my mother tongue, its grammar and other important aspects of which I am
completely unaware.
• Yes, the contents will go deep in our mind & heart.
• Yes, we’ll come to know about regional culture and literature.
• Yes, the ability of understanding increases.
• Yes, because it is a shame, if I tell that I don’t know to read and write in my mother tongue.
• Yes, it is very useful to develop my creative mind.
• Yes, it can make me understand everything easily and express my talents.
• Yes, it is very sweet like mother.
• Yes, because understanding of the concept taught in our own mother tongue will be quite easier and
• Definitely! We can understand anything in a better way if it is explained in mother tongue. Such is the
power of mother tongue.
• Yes, because one needn’t struggle so much to understand the meaning of it.
• Yes, but it should be taught in the mother tongue from the initial stages (i.e. from LKG). Our learning
capacity, understanding & knowledge would increase and we wouldn’t mug up.
• Yes because we can have a much stronger grip about the subject if taught in mother tongue.
• Then we can comfortably ask questions, as some of us students cannot speak English properly.
• I am so sad about this, because we have no script of our own, but depend on English. [This student is from
Arunachal Pradesh and his mother tongue is a tribal language.]
• No, because my mother tongue is not the mother tongue of all other children. So, we should follow
universal language.
• No, now we should try to be international citizens and everything should be in English, but still students
should know about their culture.
• No because in one school, there are many students of different mother tongue.

Q29. Will learning Indian languages (ancient or modern) help? In what manner?

• It will create a sense of unity.

• Yes, it would increase the love for the nation.
• Yes, Indian languages have profound knowledge.
• Yes, because our ancient language is the base of many Indian languages.
• Learning ancient Indian language help us in understanding Indian culture better.
• Yes, it will help to feel the people of India.
• Yes, because it opens before us the huge world of literature, culture and heritage of ancient and modern
• To know our culture, we should learn Indian languages.
• Sanskrit is an ancient source of our mother tongue and we must know about our culture and tradition.
• By learning Indian languages the distant parts of the country would come closer.
• Yes, the study of Sanskrit increases the thinking capacity.
• Our Hindi has been delivered from the Devnagari script. It has such beautiful scripture and writings that
can change anyone, you can get the essence of everything — philosophy, astronomy.
• By learning Indian languages we can understand our culture better and then we can spread our knowledge
to our coming generations.
• Yes, we will be able to read ancient texts in their true form and not distorted translations.
• Yes, because we will be able to understand Indian literature, which is so full of knowledge, vibrant, and
teaches us practical things.
• Yes, because they will bring us closer to our Indian culture.
• Yes, it is important to know other Indian languages because it instils in us a feeling of oneness.
• Yes, it would be a revival of our ancient past which we don’t know.
• Yes, it will help us to interact with the great works of our ancestors.
• It contributes to national integration as people of different states can speak with each other and express
their feelings.
• Yes, if we Indians don’t learn Indian languages, they may one day become extinct.
• Definitely they will be helpful, who else will learn our language if we ourselves don’t?
• Yes, it will be easier to understand what the ancients attempted to tell us for our own welfare.
• Yes, for the quest of knowledge we should learn Indian languages.
• Yes, it would help me to know my country and people better.
• Yes, so that we can read and appreciate the depth of it.
• Yes, because then we can feel at home in any part of India.
• Yes, should we not learn our classics and languages? It is our culture.
• Yes, I think it will be helpful, as it helps me to realise and feel my rich cultural heritage.
• Yes, in decoding ancient literature.
• Yes. For instance Sanskrit incorporates very good values in us. It develops the heart and makes us more
• Yes, the facts in the Vedas & Upanishads can be understood. I feel they can revolutionize the existing
society & can eradicate many superstitions.
• Yes, because I don’t know about my culture.
• Yes, it is helpful for many reasons like preservation and development of our ancient culture.
• India is one of the ancient countries. It will be helpful to know more about our ancient heritage and feel

Q31. What values do you think students assimilate through the present system?

• A kind of hollow and materialistic thinking.

• Everything except human values.
• To become more and more selfish.
• Values? Hardly any.
• The students get to learn only about other countries and nothing of India.
• Not to admit the truth and if one admits, will be punished severely.
• To achieve success, you have to cut others’ throats.
• The students are not assimilating any value, they are just learning everything like parrots.
• Selfishness, money-mindedness.
• I really feel that child is not assimilating a single value except from parents.
• Nothing other than a materialistic approach for life.
• Indiscipline, raging, teasing, not respecting elders and many more bad values.
• Arrogant behaviours.
• Nothing, blindly reading and vomiting in the paper.
• Not much, the present system is backward.
• Not many good values. In the present system, students do not develop their hearts.
• Being rude to elders, parents and teachers.
• To be true, nothing.
• Students do not assimilate values, they gather qualities like selfishness, self-centeredness, which they call
• How to get good marks, how to throw off competitors, etc. Having been trained as given above in various
schools, I can hardly think.
• Lies and dishonesty.
• Value of hard work, importance of money, that exams are the only thing in life.
• Hard work, punctuality, perseverance.
• Through the present system we learn never to get tired and always to carry on your work boldly.
• No gain without pain.

Q33. Mention some values which you have acquired through stories from the Ramayana, Mahabharata,
Panchatantra etc.

• The sense of responsibility, truth and respect.

• They help us about how to face problems and how to get out of it.
• Honesty is the best policy, expect from others what you have given them, behind every dark cloud there is
silver lining, try and try at last you will win, never take unfair means to do your work, God helps those who
help themselves.
• Values of respecting elders, working hard, speaking the truth and doing one’s duty with utmost devotion
and honesty.
• That happiness only lies in serving and helping others, going on the right path should only be our aim,
speak the truth and be honest, never try to cheat others.
• To concentrate, learn from mistakes, hard work is the only way to success.
• Enmity makes you destroy yourself whereas friendship makes you safe. You have to live without jealousy.
• Being true to oneself.
• Be bold enough to face the challenge, always speak the truth, have faith in god.
• Patience from Ramayana, live in harmony from Mahabharata, face difficult situations bravely from
Panchatantra and other values from other texts.
• Be grateful, honest and work hard. Use your wits & knowledge according to the gravity of the situation.
• We are one and no one is superior or inferior.
• We have to be the people of high thinking.
• Krishna’s discourse to Arjuna in the fields of Kurukshetra, when Arjuna was hesitating to fight his own
brothers (Bhagavat Gita). From here I learnt that no matter what happens or who we are against, one should
always stand up for truth and justice.
• Today’s technological knowledge produces machines but ancient texts produce an ethical man.

Q36. Is there any aspect which you feel the present system lacks?

• All the subjects do not tell us about the ancient period.

• It should be more modern but having our own culture.
• Students should be made to study those things which he or she has a interest in.
• It lacks organisation. A lot of pressure is thrust upon the students making them go haywire. There is great
imbalance in the current system. Students are being forced to take in more and more studies, they are
deprived of developing an all-round knowledge.
• Yes, the teacher should be friendly so that we do not hesitate in asking questions.
• Marks should be awarded on the basis of round-the-year achievement, performance and understanding.
Not for just cramming up and vomiting it out at the final exam.
• Remove the system of competition of course. We aren’t able to understand a thing properly and we move
ahead as to complete the course.
• Teachers should treat their students like their own children.
• Have more qualified and better teachers.
• Burden of such heavy books and copies makes us patients of spondylitis at a tender age. Excess
homework stops us from playing.
• Studies without fear.
• Yes, teachers lack teaching skill.
• Our present education system lacks the real Indian history.
• Lack of honesty, still money can buy degrees.
• Our syllabus is not modern, we read old theories.
• The present system does not allow a student to think on a subject deeply.
• Poor unscientific syllabus, lack of discipline (specially in the rural schools), lack of good teachers, lack of
good teacher-student relations.
• In the present system students can pass in the examination without understanding something.
• This is a money-making education; this is a robot-making education.
• In this system we can’t know the real history, real culture of India.
• The present system does not help students to increase their depth of thought.
• There should be proper testing of a teacher before he/she is appointed because some of them are not
that good in their work.
• Yes, there is only study and study as we grow. We are not so young but we are not so grown-up also as we
get least or no time for recreation.
• Lack the teacher who could speak well in English because if they don’t speak well how can we speak well?
(i.e. our geography teacher cannot be understood).
• The practice of yoga and meditation to relieve one from the various tensions of life.
• The long-lasting periods continuing one after the other leave students with tired minds.
• Some teachers are not experienced enough but are made to teach the students who become useless.
• In my school no incentives are given to sportsmen, if they fail by few marks no retest is even conducted.
Only when we bring medals for our school are we praised and then forgotten.
• The education given is incomplete, details and explanation are omitted and science and maths are made
more of a burden than enjoyment.
• Our culture and mother tongue should be given much more attention and importance.
• The students must have a right to tell or complain the flaws of teachers to someone without any fear or
• The present system lays too much stress on studies and mugging which only tests our memory and not
our understanding of a subject.
• The truth of Indian history.
• Development of inner values.
• We learn more and observe less.
• It lacks true spirit of learning.
• It fails to teach us our own culture.
• Everyone wants marks, no one wants to gain knowledge.
• It does not encourage natural curiosity and make us really understand the subject.
• There is no practical work, everything is theory; update books to modern technology.
• Too much, no proper teachers, no board, no bench, no chalk.
• No proper books are provided.
• Education is not given to all the students.
• It lacks the important values of life.
• Present school system is like a business. It is very bad.
• It is too mechanical, the reason for learning has disappeared.
• It lacks ‘Indianity’. It is too dependent on the West, especially as history is concerned.
• It has become too much performance-oriented, understanding has taken the backseat.
• Large quantity but little quality.
• The present system lacks the aim of education.
• I believe that the present system of education restricts the flow of thoughts in the children.
• Lacks many aspects: the lessons and subjects taught are not related to the present, modern life and it is
all just a waste of time. The lessons are on odd subjects. The teaching methods are backward and not
• Very well-trained teachers.
• Teachers do not give importance to every student. Are not strict. Are not well-educated.
• The enthusiasm in the teachers to make the students understand the concepts properly.
• It is hindering the thinking and reasoning capacity of students.
• Learning should not be a burden as in the present system. It should be fun!
• Proper explanation is not given.
• The present system lack true devotion to education.
• Love & cooperation between students & teachers.
• The system should be made such that we would not have to go for tuition.
• The present educational institutions are not like educational institutions; it is a business. They need only
marks from the students, not the knowledge.
• We would like more games & physical exercises, it will help body building and good health.
• Lays too much burden on a student’s shoulders.
• No teaching of our past India.
• Sports: we aren’t given any kind of physical training since past 8 years.
• It ignores the overall development of the student.
• It doesn’t increase the thinking capacity of the pupil.
• Science — the knowledge should be updated. We are not able to relate to the present technology.
• Sports should be included as a main subject so that the students may remain physically strong.
• It’s our literature and culture which are lacking.
• Present system makes one educated but not wise.
• More stress should be put on human values and qualities instead of mugging up 300-page books.
• It has made people acquire knowledge only for acquiring jobs and not for their lives.
• There is not much importance given to physical education. There is almost no scope for playing as the
pressure of studies is so huge.
• Learning must bring about knowledge in the real sense. The present system is very superficial.
• Present system of education does not allow to penetrate deep into any subject.
• There is no book which makes us pay attention to environment and Nature.
• Present system lacks the contact of children with Nature.
• Overload of portions. There is no deep knowledge of subjects.
• The portion that students study is outdated. The latest knowledge about science and technology should
be brought.
• Overload of subjects which doesn’t give any correct knowledge of anything.
• Today the students will lose their thinking and imaginative power.
• Physical and mental balance in education.
• Yes, in every school the mother tongue should be made compulsory and awareness of the value of
• Education now has become a business. Students study hard and score good marks. But admission is
gained by rich and influential people.
• Interaction with Nature.
• Most of us lack proper verbal skills. Inability to make lessons interesting.
• It only guides us academically but, morally and otherwise it doesn’t help in our development.
• It’s not dynamic. This way we can’t know the world. We should be acquainted with the world around us.
• All students are not given equal opportunity.
• Proper training in all fields is lacking. Everyone should be given equal opportunities in participating in
various activities.
• In present system there is no compactness i.e. we have to learn all, there is no choice.
• There should be more of practical work and presentations going to the depth of every topic.
• Lacks true education for all-round development.
• Recreational activities, including subjects dealing with day-to-day life.
• Need for all-round development.
• It gives a lot of pressure, but doesn’t allow the mental growth.
• The values like selflessness, honesty, discipline which had been the past and ancient Indian culture lack in
the present system.
• The inculcation of making students understand the true values of nature.
• Lacks the teaching of basic knowledge, everything book oriented.
• Mental, qualitative growth is not possible in this system.
• It doesn’t provide us with life experience.
• The weight of school bag: children should come to school as weight lifters.
• Children can do their works alone, thinking capacity increases.
• Teachers’ appointments are based on degrees only & not aptitude.
• Education must be free of charge.
• We know less about India and more about other countries.
• The system does not allow a student to develop his full potential and in fact encourages him to terrorism.
• Most teachers do not come to class.
• Today’s education system is like business. It must be prohibited.
• Lacks the welfare of the students; most of the people teach only for the sake of money and not to
enlighten us.
• Present system has more & more punishment.
• Spiritual education, ethics & philosophy of life.

Q37. Can you think of any specific change in the present system, which would make life at school more

• We need good teachers who do justice to their jobs, who are dedicated.
• Yes, by not giving beatings.
• Teachers should not take the stick to correct a student and should advise.
• Make the studying classes more fun and treat us like humans, not machines.
• If the ancient teaching system can be adapted. Like that of the gurukuls.
• There should be different fields and everyone should be given freedom to choose his/her field.
• By making the system child-centred.
• More intelligent teachers should be appointed to the schools.
• Making a school more friendly & not like an army camp.
• No homework and more games.
• Stopping of corporal punishment.
• The teachers should not be angry with the student.
• Never beating.
• The last period should be of games.
• Excellent teachers are needed.
• The syllabus should be re-oriented. Ancient culture and heritage should be introduced in the educational
• By decreasing the pressure to get good marks from a student’s mind.
• Examination system should be changed; a student should be given the subjects which he likes or where
he will shine.
• The syllabus should be as modern as possible and practical education should be increased.
• New technology and latest information should be in syllabus.
• Study of Indian philosophy, biography of great Indians should be included as syllabus from class 5.
• Teachers should not rush up with syllabus because as we reach higher classes we have to leave all
enjoyment, outings, recreation, so much work leaves no time for relaxing.
• There should be a two-minute break after every period.
• Students should be given specific time for games and sports each day.
• Teachers should be taught to understand the child psychology.
• Some subjects such as yoga, martial arts, music, dance, meditation, should be made compulsory for the
schools to offer and voluntary for the students to take up.
• A period in school to be given for the students to express their views.
• More of inter-class breaks to relieve students of stress.
• We should be taught in open as we are a part of Nature and learn to control ourselves in all situations.
• Education with practical work will make a difference.
• By sending the students on surveys like for economics students and taking them to historical places for
history, this would create an interest for different subjects.
• The subjects which require experiments should be taught with the help of experiments. [This student, a
girl of class 9, clearly means that in her school, experiments in physics or chemistry are carried out only on
• More stress should be laid on practical methods rather than just theory and exams. Proper time should
be given for recreations and extra-curricular activities.
• To create a jolly atmosphere while teaching and to explain by giving examples.
• Sports should be given equal importance.
• Creative work and vocational training should be there.
• Teaching should be done on experimental basis and there should be regular visits to museums and other
educational centres.
• It should be taught in natural surroundings and education must be in a more interactive form.
• Some classes may be taken by respected people from outside. More of computer and physical activity.
• Bring any famous people to teach us what they know.
• We must be taken to botanical gardens, planetarium etc. to understand science easily and practically.
• Students feel bored to sit in the same place from morning to evening.
• Conversation class where students can converse with other students of different schools.
• Reduce the load of books. The bag we carry is really very heavy.
• To give more importance to games and also the study for the sake of knowledge and not for marks.
• Abolish exams.
• Teaching must be in a calm and slow way that everyone can pick up, interesting stories must be
introduced rather than boring biographies.
• Teaching should be more practical and no discrimination between students.
• It should include more of sports to refresh our minds.
• Let achievement in arts, sports count in overall evaluation.
• Every subject should be related to our own life so that the value of the subject can be understand.
• More of research work rather than spoonfeeding or mugging up.
• Giving education in the form of stories.
• The present system must be changed to a system in which children will understand what they learn and
why they learn it.
• Pure practical way of teaching rather than just mugging up pages and pages of words.
• More practicals, learning by doing should be the motto.
• Giving importance to students’ thinking and his ideas and talents rather than just sticking on to the
textbook always.
• More opportunities should be given to students to research and learn their own subjects of interest.
• We want change, we want education according to students’ interest and talents.
• I think we can have our classes conducted under a tree rather than in a classroom.
• Cancel exams, only subjects that students are interested in should be chosen.
• No beating in school by anyone.
• Syllabus should contain handicrafts also then we can remove unemployment.
• Add more facts about our cultural heritage, philosophy.
• Changing it to a knowledge-oriented system rather than the marks-securing system.
• The entire system should be changed. They have to think in a way which will help the students, not ruin
• The students & teachers can ask questions to each other.
• Yes, by making the teachers interact with students in a friendly manner.
• The exam system should be removed.
• Teaching methods which accept each student in his/her uniqueness, and work to nurture it.
• When you hear something it may not be very interesting but if you do it you will find it more interesting.
• I like the tags like “Did you know?” and “Just a moment please”, they should be inserted in our textbooks.
This would make it more interesting. [This refers to titbits on Indian heritage which we inserted in the
questionnaire, between some of the questions or sections.]
• History should be taught in the form of plays.
• We want teachers to take more care of us.
• Exam free, bag free, punishment free.
• [Teachers] they beat us.
• Bag free, more holidays, low beat.
• Rod free education.
• Exam free and stick free education.
• There should be place for students to put forth their thoughts.
• If teachers are interested then students will also be interested to know.
• No physical punishment.
• The teaching should be in such a way that it makes the student think on his own and not just know by
heart the textbook.
• Transform it from business system to imparting educational values.
• They should be institutions to learn rather than play trade.
• Teaching of values by narrating stories from Indian epics for kids and by allowing seniors students to
read and analyze importance of values as it is done for management studies.
• The system of examination on bookish knowledge should be abolished and tests on qualities should be
• A little less fat books and lots of fresh air.
• Teachers too should show the children that respect which they expect to derive. There can never be any
returns without investment.
• Teaching practically, classrooms shifted to gardens, more extra-curricular activities.
• Students should learn by observations, understanding the subjects.
• Let children to think, work with group discussions, presentations, seminars, practicals should be given
more importance. Let children to do their works, not by mugging up or spoonfeeding.
• Teachers should be more approachable.
• Students should be able to study from their surroundings.
• Not only the book study but the study which will improve our life.
• Sports should be regarded as one subject and should be given importance.
• Reduction of time in classroom and increasing time in laboratory or nature. Hikes, treks, educational
• Decisions regarding participation in cultural programmes should be based on auditions and student
council should be appointed on the basis of voting.
• Writing of books based on practical life and cutting off needless chapters.
• Lessen the burden of cramming, give us a broad idea about rich cultural heritage, make us attracted to
startling maths and science puzzles.
• Decrease in the rigidity shown by the teachers.
• Reducing the class strength, suspending cruel & stone-hearted teachers from school, not transferring
good & experienced teachers. Also periodically checking the teachers.
• Closed-circuit video cameras should be removed from corridors and classrooms.
• A specific change which we always want is the smiling face of our teachers.
• Examination should be taken in class test manner or oral way rather than giving examination blues.
• Allow students to choose their own extra-curricular activities.
• Projects and homework should be more application-based than theory-based.
• Take the lessons as story model so that students can understand them. Take small portions and slowly
• Appoint mature teachers.
• Libraries must contain more interesting books.
• Once a week, there should be a whole day free for students & teachers, so that they can play with each
other & share their food & secrets.
• There should be a period for students to discuss their problems.
• There should be course evaluation by students; and if the students feel that a teacher is not capable of
teaching, he should be changed as it is the students who will be suffering.
• Remove the people who take bribes.
• Abolition of rote learning.
• Students must be given equal time & rights for academic and sportsmanship for a sound body & mind.
• I think there should be a neat and clean environment and well mannered facilities.
• Forests are changing into deserts. By planting trees.
• School should be made in a peaceful place full of Nature.
• There should be gurukul type of education in today’s style.
• Build schools & colleges in quiet & clean environment.
• Somewhere along the way teachers lie. This is not trustworthy at all.
• Students should not be beaten unnecessarily.
• Tuitions should be wiped out from the life of students. Sports should be given importance, this is the
need of today’s world.
• Introducing love and care for Nature instead of this tough competition among students.
• Erase the dependency on tuition system after school. All works should be completed during school time.
• No, because in school we start from studies and end up in studies. Nothing interesting or enjoying.

Q41. Can you think of any teaching method which will make the subjects more interesting and entertaining for

• Teaching as if telling an interesting story giving complete knowledge of the topic and not the bookish
• Teachers should be friendly with students & should not discourage them at any cost.
• By engaging the students not just going on to explain.
• The teachers should try to be somewhat humans. They should not be so serious and always beating.
• Starting with any small funny story and then coming to the subject.
• Taking the important topics in high discussion and giving less time to unimportant topic.
• The science subjects should be taught more practically.
• Teachers should first teach the chapters and then solve problems of students and they should see that
all main points are learned in school only. Then they should take tests of individual chapters rather than 5
or 6 combined. That way we can learn.
• The topics should be explained very clearly and thoroughly for full understanding so that the base for
higher classes becomes stronger.
• As the subject teacher enters the class he should start with a joke or take a topic among the children and
change the environment of the students and then slowly get on the topic.
• The performance of the students is judged so too the teachers’ ability to communicate with the students
and teach must be examined.
• Teachers should not humiliate the students.
• In the school we should be allowed to spend more time on the subject we like so than we can choose our
field and excel in it.
• Teacher must always try and explain in a much easier manner. Instead of speaking a bookish language,
they should try and give examples so that we children are able to understand better.
• Teaching with a pinch of fun.
• The lessons must be taught with patience and all doubts must be clarified.
• Some picture should be brought or models shown to students. We research more by ourselves than
learning from the books.
• Teachers should not stick to textbooks.
• Present a problem, then get the answer step by step.
• Seminar classes where students after being taught a particular topic should present or teach it
• The teachers should show more expressions on their face.
• Introduction of stories of Panchatantra, Jataka, Mahabharata can make the student get interested in the
• The method is secondary; the knowledge and interest of teacher matters more.
• Adding a little bit of humour and creativity.
• Yes, students should be stimulated to learn and they must be made to participate more. Each topic
should be explained using a visual aid and experiments by students.
• Learn by doing.
• Practicals at least in chemistry, physics and biology.
• More practical work, more discussions and debates in class in order to stimulate the student’s mind.
Interesting stories would add flavour to history classes.
• There is nothing wrong with the teacher, it is the prescribed course that is the problem.
• Teachers must be jovial while taking the class rather than being very serious all the time.
• Understand the topic and write the points in your own words.
• Many projects and group works can be organised so as to make students enjoy the subject.
• The best way to teach would be the facts should not be put by the teacher but the student should arrive
at the fact through experiments, this helps in understanding and remembering better.
• Teaching should be done with politeness, sweetness.
• Teaching in an open area with fresh air.
• Students must not be blasted badly in the name of discipline.
• By making the concept simpler and the teachers should have a sense of humour and good language.
• Yes, by explaining properly & by telling inspiring stories.
• Yes, the teacher should be cheerful while teaching & relate the subject topics to some facts.
• Teachers must try to make their notes as short as possible. They must not write down the whole
reference book itself. They must try to teach in their own language & not bookish language.
• Teaching shouldn’t be confined to four walls of classroom.
• Teaching should be full of enthusiasm and fun.
• The teacher should not be short-tempered.
• The children take keen interest in studies by means of playing, like our Sanskrit teacher did.
• A more human approach to dry & dull topics.
• Visuals (like PowerPoint presentation for social studies). Discussions, dramas & debates, projects (for
Maths). Excursions to places of importance.
• Practical methods are the best methods of teaching. We should be taken to various heritage sites in our
• The teacher should not go deeply into the topic without knowing the basics.
• Light joking between serious studies.
• Punishment: the only kind of physical training given at school.
• Teaching should not be for marks but for the overall improvement of the student.
• By a bit of laugh from the teacher at the time of teaching.
• Yes, if real-life projects are implemented and interaction between teachers and students increases.
• Make it more practical and more connected to everyday life.
• More emphasis on development of qualities, good habits, physical fitness, mental fitness, etc.
• The only method is that the teacher should have full knowledge about the subject and should have that
potential or talent to make the student listen.
• Projects to be made on as many subjects as possible. Practical work should be done. Projects should be
in the form of models and not pages and pages of written material.
• The teaching should be given by computers or the teachers should be taught to make the subjects more
• Imparting wide views on the subjects, laboratory experiments, making us conscious about the condition
of the real world.
• By using project works or by using audio & video, it would make it much more interesting.
• Outdoor classes and audio-visuals to aid the teaching.
• Developing better infrastructure and recruiting capable teachers.
• Admit good teachers.
• Please understand the qualities of students.
• Show us the experiments and make us do it.
• Discussions on every topic and selection of proper level of education is necessary. E.g.: A student good
at maths can study a higher level of maths, & if bad at English, can study it on a low level.
• By making the teachers stop hitting the students, bringing in an environment of gentle behaviour in the
classes and giving us knowledge on other matters.
• First let the teachers study and then educate the students.
• Students should not be given punishment.
• Teachers should teach the students in such a way that students begin to love the subject.
• By giving examples to explain a topic and questioning students about it without punishing them.
• The method in which teacher acts as a sister or a brother, not a cruel teacher.
• Lesson should be taught by giving more examples from day-to-day life.

Q44. If the examination system is stressful, how can we make it less so?

• Don’t scare the children before exam.

• Teaching in a more attractive manner & giving personal attention to students.
• Not checking the memory of the student but the talent.
• We can’t understand the meaning of questions.
• So many exams are conducted, if a proper gap is given between two successive exams then it can be
made less stressful.
• Giving enough time before difficult exams.
• By making the system more student friendly; by introducing reforms such as special attention to weak
students, to understand their psychology and then try to stimulate them to study.
• By conducting no exams, terminal tests can do it.
• There should be one day leave before any difficult subject exam. Otherwise students study till late at
night and sleep 1 or ½ hour. This is responsible for their minds to be exhausted.
• There should be holidays between every exam.
• By stopping the ranking of the student.
• By giving gaps of a day or two for difficult subjects like maths, history, chemistry.
• By taking test one at a time, not two in one day.
• By giving less homework, make us understand more and by giving sufficient time for preparation.
• By giving questions based on how much you have understood the point.
• By giving considerable preparation leave at least in higher classes and moreover by finishing the course
well before exams, at least a week before. The scheme must be given at least 2-3 weeks before as well as
• Memorising should be discouraged and more importance must be attached to reasoning and
• The full 100% course should not be given.
• The board of 10th class should not be there because a single exam cannot decide the future of a
• By reducing syllabus stress and introducing a new branch of studies in which a student can choose any
of given particular subjects.
• The student’s performance should not be on the basis of 3 hours’ paper; it should be judged throughout.
• Minimum preparation holiday must be given for each exam.
• Space out the examinations and reduce the credit for marks.
• Having interactive classes after every lesson.
• No monthly tests please.
• By just having unit tests and cancelling examinations.
• By removing the word “Fail”.
• By not comparing a student with his marks.
• Exams should be done only once in a year.
• The exams system and the method of cramming and vomiting on the answer sheets should be changed.
• By introducing the topics that tests our understanding only.
• By testing the quality and not quantity of study.
• It can be less stressful if students are really made to understand what has been taught.
• Allow students to think and not memorize.
• If they test our understanding, it could be easy for us to attend them.
• Never conduct exams, no exams, no stress.
• It can be made less stressful by reducing the cut-throat competition.
• By allowing students to write what they have understood in their own words rather than bookish words.
• Probing system should be directly implemented without ranking system which causes stress and
• By asking questions orally, conducting class tests and abolishing the system of exams.
• We should not study the whole day, we have to play sometimes.
• By giving us notice of the exams well beforehand so that we have enough time to prepare. Increase
holidays to give more time to relax and study.
• By a regular evaluation rather than an examination.
• Why frequent exams? Make our originality grow, so that we may express our own views.
• By making the contents a little interesting and one that we can relate to.
• Teachers should not threaten the students so much.
• Exams marks should not decide the child’s future.
• Regardless of whether a student is rich or poor give them proper guidance and do not discriminate.
• By not learning subjects for the only purpose of exams: we should read for our life.

Q46. Is competition beneficial or harmful in your opinion?

• Beneficial to us, but at the cost of friendships.

• Competition is good but excessive and cut-throat competition leads to mental stress. A student with
examination temperament may not be good at the real job and vice versa.
• There should be competition but one should do competition with oneself, otherwise it may lead to
unhealthy competition.
• It is beneficial as it brings out best of all and harmful as it makes friends the enemies of each other.
• Partly beneficial, the weaker students are overshadowed while the good students gain prominence. Both
— good effects are placement in better and best colleges. The negative side is that students who scored
less might commit suicide or become depressed or even turn to other ways.
• The good effect is it makes people study hard but the bad effect is that when a student fails to cope up
with the competition he ends up as a nobody.
• Good — it triggers the fire in you, bad — only those who can mug win, those who can’t just fall.
• It is beneficial as we progress better but its bad effects are that the student becomes mean and forgets
to help his friend.
• Beneficial if healthy. I got friends in competitions who help me in everything. Harmful if unhealthy.
Dishonest methods, jealousy, ego problems come in.
• Beneficial for intelligent student but harmful for average student.
• Competition is helpful to an extent. But care must be taken that one who lags behind is not left back
• Harmful. It makes us intolerant of less gifted people. Good because it eliminates mediocrity.
• Both. In one way it pushes the child to do better and in other way if a child gets less marks he/she is
• Both. Beneficial: to improve students capacities. Harmful: creates great stress, anxiety, tension, which
harms natural growth.
• Yes, it doesn’t allow the student to think.
• Students who can cope are the winners of life but students who are unable to do so suffer highly.
• The student should not be mocked at. He should be encouraged. He should be made to believe that he is
no less than another.
• Never compare, always look whether he has understood or not. Maybe in the exam he/she has not been
able to express his views due to tension.
• Harmful. Students forget the values of life, become very selfish.
• A student who wants to learn does not need competitive atmosphere.
• There is no place for morality in competitive atmosphere.
• Because of competition a child is not able to enjoy his best days of life.
• It badly affects those who cannot come up to the competitive standards.
• Harmful — too much effort is needed as competition test memory not real intelligence.
• It collapses our thinking power.
• Bad. It makes us very proud with others.
• No, for these children will do work day and night.
• Harmful, because it encourages some and discourages in a mass.
• Harmful: students tend to think doing better than others is the only good. As if the tortoise hadn’t won
the match.
• Competition’s bad effect is that the weak student doesn’t get a chance to rise up.
• Harmful. Makes the child believe: If you want to study more, understand less.
• Harmful. A student gets so tensed up that he loses his childhood & becomes mature earlier when he
should enjoy childhood.
• Harmful. It does not give time to know maximum. By this, a student becomes only a bookworm wanting
to stand 1st in his class.
• Harmful: students don’t learn to accept failure.
• Definitely harmful. Because of that many students are committing suicide.
• Good within limits. In excess, it promotes dishonesty, stress and mutual unhealthy feelings.
• Harmful; results in a ban on childhood; can’t enjoy, can’t play, forces us to become bookworms.
• It is harmful. Weaker students get depressed and turn suicidal. Brighter students do not help them
because they do not want more competitors.
• Competition only kindles the fire of jealousy, never makes us open-hearted.
• Harmful, because if a student secured bad marks he or she becomes totally depressed and heart-broken.
• Education is important for self-analysis and self-realization, there must not be any competition. Bad
effect — it does not make us aware of real benefit of education.
• Competition is not at all beneficial. Whoever fails to compete/win are doomed or think themselves as
ultimate failure.
• Competition creates inferiority complex among students.
• It makes us narrow-minded.
• It depresses us more than anything.

Q47. Can you suggest other ways to evaluate a student’s abilities?

• By testing his intelligence and genius and not his performance in exams.
• Everyone should be given opportunities, not only a few ones.
• Not to criticize other students getting bad marks in competition.
• Each and every student should be treated equally by teachers. If partiality is practised on the basis of
academics it is demoralizing students.
• By giving chance to every student to come in front and allow him to express his views.
• The weak students should be given extra classes and should be kept under sincere observation.
• Through cultural activities.
• By making each and every students participate in debates etc.
• Everyone must be given a fair chance to compete in every field not just a few chosen students.
• Students should be evaluated continuously, one exam should not decide one’s future.
• Choosing everybody for extra-curricular activities.
• Through hobby classes, talent search and development.
• By giving physical training daily, make them give speech and give them more responsibilities so that they
take the initiative and do the work.
• Everybody should see the students’ intelligence but not their marks.
• By giving him work to do like to make charts, models etc. which shows his interest, ability, creativity and
liking towards the subject.
• Extra-curricular activities should be given due recognition.
• By finding talent of each one.
• Evaluation by observing the student’s performance throughout the year.
• The way he questions on something taught and doesn’t take anything for granted.
• Reduce the number of students in a classroom.
• By giving opportunities to each student in all the school activities.
• Continued evaluation based on understanding and skill with lesser importance to memory.
• Make them teach other students what they have understood as soon the lesson is taught.
• Talent search exams, a nation-wide IQ test.
• Students should be encouraged in the field in which they have talent.
• We can evaluate a student’s abilities by conducting programmes like this. [“Like this” refers to this Survey.
The student means that interactive programmes asking the student to reflect and express himself / herself
are a better way than conventional exams.]
• Allowing them be creative and let new ideas be encouraged.
• To have tests for your inborn talents, not for what you memorize without understanding.
• By conducting debates and extempores which test the student’s mind and not just the capacity to mug.
• Frequent calm conversations between students & teachers.
• Everyone must be given opportunity. Teachers must not stick to one or the other student.
• By keeping more talent tests & exam’s questions should not be directly from the textbook. The questions
should make the student think creatively.
• A student’s abilities can be evaluated by assessing his/her understanding of the concepts instead of
his/her retaining capacity.
• Every student must be given a chance to perform in any activity which he desires.
• Let us to be free. By seeing our free behaviour the evaluation will be accurate.
• By testing not only merit but by testing sincerity, discipline, behaviour, concentration and brotherhood.
• Speeches on various topics, making sure all students get a chance to participate in co- & extra-curricular
• The student should be judged on the basis of his/her performance throughout the year.
• By giving him a chance to present his views or opinions in front of everyone.
• Make him understand with care and compassion, and not by hurting him.

Q49. Can you suggest ways to reduce the book load?

• We want less books but best knowledge.

• More books means more studying and more misery for a student.
• Teachers should not refer to books too much. They should only read the headings and explain.
• As most of the homes in the urban society now have a PC, we should be given CDs and floppy for study
• Lockers in the school system should be practised in India also.
• Traditional knowledge should be given more than all the bookish knowledge.
• We should have a desk in which we can keep our books and lock them and go home.
• Yes, by not teaching from books.
• By referring to less but meaningful books as nowadays students refer to so many useless books which at
last confuse them.
• By cutting out the points which are repeated and the points which are not very important.
• Books should be brought according to time table.
• By providing a school cupboard and a personal locker.
• Books should be simplified and the course should be limited and to the point.
• By not teaching us these things which we have learnt in previous classes.
• Books should be kept within the school.
• Bookish education should be reduced.
• There should be locker system in the school and lesson should be taught on experimental basis and
through computers and projectors.
• All the books should be small, 100 pages etc.
• The topics must be explained in such a way that the student needs the books only for the reference
• Delete things which are not going to help us in any way in the future and which we will not remember
• Education should not depend on books only.
• Only important books should be introduced in the school.
• Avoid repetitions, make texts brief yet complete.
• Give more emphasis on practical education because experience is the best teacher.
• Useless books should be eradicated.
• Instead of mugging up all the chapters we should learn through experiments and nature.
• By omitting the unnecessary topics.
• Too much of unnecessary information or extremely detailed and difficult information should be slashed.
• Subjects should be made more application-oriented.
• Appoint such teachers who can teach us without the use of books.
• Less stupid things.
• We can get education through computer also.
• The load of books does not make the standard high. Education system must reduce the course.
• If a teacher is learned and hard-working with students, there is no need of books after lecture in school.
• By reducing the useless books.

Q51. If you had less homework, what would you do with the added spare time?

• Try to do something creative.

• Study! What else! Homework is taking my entire life! When we do homework, we don’t understand
anything, just do it for the sake of not getting penalised in class. I would like to take up Kathak & guitar
classes if I had spare time.

Q53. Is there any other way in which your parents could help you in transforming education into a lively and
interesting experience?

• They have already helped me so much.

• My parents motivate me and encourage me in every step of my life. And are always behind me.
• My parents are doing their best for me and I press myself to return the best so I cannot expect anything
else from them.
• They give new ideas to study better and during examination they do not sleep to help me not to sleep.
• My parents give me every support I need and I do not ask for more.
• Yes, they always tell me: don’t be a book insect & study with a cool calm mind & just see that your basic
concepts are clear.
• My parents are already the source of inspiration that always help me to handle difficulties.
• By telling their son about their experiences during their studies.
• By making less demands to always stand first in class.
• Not to disturb and pressurise the child to get good marks.
• No way. Parents give pressure on us and say that we have to concentrate on books only; our talents in
different fields are not observed.
• Parents should become the first ideal before a student and hence they should try to be perfect.
• By encouraging the child even after some bad result.
• They should not pressurize children but help them to enjoy their work.
• By supporting the child in every way and not pressuring to attain a particular goal; instead they should
support and let the child do its best.
• They should not pressurise us to study because this will not help us to get good marks.
• They can stop quoting examples of others as after 10th a child has a good understanding for his/her
• Allow us to play.
• If the parents don’t put pressure on a student, the student himself realizes what is education and starts
learning better.
• They must stop comparing us with ones of entourage, each has his own ability.
• They should boost the child and stand by him in case he is not able to score marks.
• By going deep into subjects with their children.
• The best way is they should not interfere. They should be just a guide and a friend and not stress too
much on numerical marks and ranks.
• By not asking us to study continuously and pressurise us to get good marks and seats in good colleges.
• If they cannot encourage let them not discourage.
• Do not keep on comparing the children to their friends.
• Avoid tuitions.
• It would be better if they wouldn’t pressurize us to score good marks as all may not be good at
• Take children to museums and planetariums rather than film theatres.
• Advise the children to enjoy school life instead of asking them to get 90%.
• Conducting family tours & trips to the historical places, museums, libraries, etc.
• By allowing us to join those fields in which we are interested.
• Accept our failures and encourage us to try again.
• Try and understand where our problems are and not create a suffocating atmosphere at home when we
perform badly.
• Children should be allowed to choose their careers independently.
• By giving us moral support, when we get bad marks in exams, instead of scolding they should give us
advice to do good in future.
• Parents should not pressurize, different individuals have different dreams and goals, they should not
command our lives, our dreams.
• Spend more time with children.
• To protest against the prevailing system.
• Present educational system has become money-devoted. So, parents have to think a lot before getting
admission in a good institution. Please help such students and parents. This is my request to

Q68. If your classrooms were located amidst natural surroundings, what effect would it have on you?

• We are not allowed to sit in the parks — they are meant only for beautification of the school.
• No natural surroundings; it is a concrete jungle.

Q72. How do you think such skills [that you may like to learn] will be useful?

• Want to learn puppetry, as it will let us give some smiles on poor faces!

Next: Students’ recommendations

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