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Intern Name: Amiracle Rumble

Topic/Title of Lesson: Dance Warm-up/Cool down

Grade: 3rd-8th
Length of Lesson: 10-15 minutes
Date Taught: 05/16
In this lesson…
Overview Students will learn a quick relaxing dance cool down.
Standards of
Commented [1]: It makes sense that there wouldn't be
Learning SOLs for your class... what does the curriculum have
Students will be able to… that guides learning? (Add that instead!)

Objectives Correctly reduce muscle soreness and speed up the recovery process after the

I can… learn a cool down to effectively loosen up and prepared my body

Learning Target mentally and physically for master class Commented [2]: so the technique you're teaching can
be used before and/or after a workout?
Key Vocabulary Alignment, lateral shifts, body isolation, core, flat back, jump, heel-toe phrase
or Concepts
● Maybe music- if applicable
After an intensive mini dance session led by an ODS teacher, Students will be
Introduction/ placed in lines of three or four (depending on the number of students(various
Hook amounts depending on the day))
1. Stretch 1. Keeping heels on the floor. Feet in parallel, arms stretched
out in a “t” position with palms facing forward- while still
2. Stretch 2. Standing straight up. Students will across both arms, then
release them and bring them straight up to the ceiling reaching up.
Repeat 2x
3. Stretch 3. Students will start with both arms straight up and slowly bring
them down in front of their face. Then students will hang over, releasing
Instructional the torso, arms, and head.Repeat 3X
4. Students will bring their knees to their chest. Repeat on both sides. Commented [3]: this seems very thorough! You will be
Activities 5. Students will stand in parallel and begin head rotation to the left and leading by participating or just giving instruction?
6. Students will begin shoulder isolations. One shoulder at a time. (front,
middle, back, back , middle, and front. Repeat on both sides.
7. Lastly, students will inhale and exhale slowly.

Class breaks off quietly and gets water if needed and prepares for their next
Closure Activity master class.

1. My cooperating teacher past class
2. Warm up movement is from past and present experience
3. Modern Dance Technique : The body language

Reflection on a Lesson Plan Taught

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow
Intern Name: Amiracle
Topic/Subject of Lesson: Dance/ Cool down
Grade: 3rd-8th
Date of Lesson Taught: 05/16
Cooperating Teacher: Mrs.Winborne
Cooperating School: Old donation School
Time of Day: 9:35

1. What steps did you go through to create this lesson? With whom did you talk, discuss, or edit your
lesson? Creating a lesson plan was not only difficult because I’m not teaching an academic class, but
because I’ve never seen Mrs.W construct a class in full action. So I decided to ask my younger sister,
whom attend ODS how does Mrs.W do her Warm ups/cool downs. I also kept in mind that i will be
teaching various dance levels at once.

2. How did the SOLs and Objectives help focus your instruction?

3. What parts of the instructional plan worked as you anticipated?

For the most part it went well. I followed my lesson plan Commented [4]: expand on this, please! What do you
4. What, if any, adjustments needed to be made once you began? mean "for the most part?" :)
I adjusted the amount of Time I planned on using. (I shortened it due to lack of time management)
5. How well did you anticipate the materials needed?

6. How effective was the assessment you chose to use? (If no assessment was used, what will the future
assessment be and how will you gauge its effectiveness?)
Perhaps I could give the students a phrase and ask them to repeat it for me? When it comes to dance, grading is
a little bit different. Commented [5]: it's okay to not have an official
7. To what degree do you feel that this lesson was a success? What evidence do you have for the success of assessment, especially in this type of lesson!
the lesson? (Hint: Student learning is the key to a lesson’s success!)
I believe this lesson was a success and to test that it was. At the end of my lesson, my cooperating teacher had
the girls send “hugs and wishes” to me in regards to how I taught. “Hugs” are the positives ives. A few Hugs I
received were: I explain things clearly, they wish I was an actually teacher there, and they even invited me back
for next year and a summer program. The two main wishes I received were : They wish I was an actually
teacher and that I need to project my voice a little louder. Commented [6]: this is great feedback!
8. How did the time spent preparing for your lesson contribute to it’s success?
The time I spent preparing for my lesson was well needed because I wanted to make sure the students got a
glimpse of how I teach and It paid of because my feedback I received was positive

9. If you could do this lesson again with the same students, would you do anything differently? If so, what?
I would project my voice more
10. Any last comments/reflections about your lesson?

Commented [7]: You're welcome! It was fun to be

Thank you Mrs.Free for observing me! there!

Taught Lesson Plan Grade Sheet

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow
Intern Name: __Amiracle Rumble___Lesson Topic:_______________

● Written (typed) Lesson Plan: _45_/50

[See comments on LP]

● Supplemental materials: _8_/10

Comments: I didn’t see anything attached, but also it seems like you didn’t use
anything other than maybe music?

● Self-Evaluation: _10_/15
Comments: A few questions unanswered--always explain your thoughts!

Total: _63__/75

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