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GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PROPOSED DRY KILN REPLACEMENT BEAR LAKE, B.C. CANADIAN FOREST PRODUCTS LTD. BEAR LAKE, B.C, GEONORTH ENGINEERING LTD. 302 - 1777 THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. V2L.3G7 PROJECT No. K-594 MAY 19, 1999 1.0 2.0 3.0 31 32 4.0 4d 42 43 5.0 APPENDIX A. APPENDIX B APPENDIX C TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SITE INVESTIGATION SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions Subsurface Conditions DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Foundations Grade Supported Floor Slab Frost Protection CLOSURE APPENDICES Site Plan ‘Test Hole Logs Plates No. 594-B2 and B2 Explanation of Terms and Symbols GEONORTH ENGINEERING LTD. Drawing 594-A1 Canadian Forest Products Ltd., Polar Division, Bear Lake, B.C. May 19, 1999 Proposed Dry Kiln Replacement Fille No. K-594 1,0 INTRODUCTION Canadian Forest Products Ltd, commissioned GeoNorth Engineering Lid. to carry out a geotechnical investigation for a proposed new dry kiln at the Polar Division Sawmill in Bear Lake, B.C. The dry kiln will replace an existing kiln currently located at the proposed site, The old kiln will be completely removed prior to construction, This report describes soil conditions and provides recommendations for the design and construction of building foundations. 2,0 SITE INVESTIGATION On May 12, 1999, Peace Drilling and Research of Taylor, B.C. drilled two test holes (TH99-1 and 2) near the existing kiln using an auger drilling rig, ‘The test hole locations are shown on the scale site plan, attached as Drawing 594-A1. I logged both test holes and collected representative soil samples for laboratory moisture contents and sieve analyses. Test hole logs describing soil and groundwater conditions are on Plates 594-B1 and B2, attached. An explanation of the terms and symbols used on the logs are attached as Plates 594-Cl to C3. 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS 3.1 Surface Com Existing dry kilns #1 and #2 are located in separate buildings constructed on a level paved area on the north and south sides of the building site, respectively. Proposed dry kiln #3 will be constructed between dry kilns #1 and #2. Rail lines run cast and west through the existing kiln buildings to allow transport of lumber into and out of the kilns 3.2 Subsurface Conditions Both test holes encountered loose, clean, medium grained sand with some gravel to a depth of 6.2 m, the maximum depth investigated. During drilling we carried out Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) (ASTM D1586) at regular intervals to determine soil density. SPT tests Page 1 of 4 GEONORTH ENGINEERING LTD, Canadian Forest Products Ltd, Polar Division, Bear Lake, B.C. May 19, 1999 Proposed Dry Kiln Replacement File No. K-594 ‘were performed by advancing a 50 mm diameter, split-spoon sampler 460 mm using a 64 kg hammer dropped over a distance of 760 mm, The N-value is the number of blows required to advance the sampler over the last 300 mm, The results are shown on the test hole logs and indicated N-values between 5 and 7 in TH99-1, and between 6 and 14 in TH99-2, No groundwater or bedrock was encountered in either of the test holes. 4.0 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The native sand will provide adequate support for spread footings and slab-on-grade construction. The following recommendations are based on the necessary assumption that the encountered in the test holes are representative of soil conditions elsewhere on the site. Please contact our office for additional recommendations if conditions encountered during construction differ in any way from those described in this report. 4.1 Foundations Construct spread footings on native sand using an allowable bearing capacity of 70 kPa, The allowable bearing capacity is based on limiting total settlement to less than 25 mm, Use a minimum footing width of 400 mm and provide at least 1.2 m soil cover above the footing. We do not expect that perimeter drains will be required due to the absence of groundwater and the free draining soil conditions. ‘Remove all organics and deleterious material from within the building footprint prior to construction and compact the native sand below the footings to at least 100% Standard Proctor Density (SPD) (ASTM D698), Use a smooth clean-up bucket to excavate for footings to reduce soil disturbance, If fil is required to bring footings to grade, use the locally available, or Select Granular Subbase, defined in Table 1 below. Place the fill in uniform layers no thicker than 300 mm and compact each layer to at least 100% SPD, Add water or dry the fil, as required, to achieve the specified density Page 2 of 4 GEONORTH ENGINEERING LTD. Canadian Forest Products Ld., Polar Division, Bear Lake, B.C. ‘May 19, 1999 Proposed Dry Kiln Replacement File No, K-594 TABLE 1 Sieve Percentage Passing St 25mm Well Graded | — Select Granular (mm) Base Subbase 100 - 100 75 - 95-100 25 100 7 19 80-100 50-100 95 50-100 - 4.75 35-70 30-60 2.36 25-50 = 1.18 15-35, < 0.300 5-20 3-20 0.075 0-5 0-5 ‘Use crushed and screened material for 25 mm Well Graded Base. The Select Granular Subbase can be a pit run material. Use durable aggregate that will not degrade from exposure to ‘water, freeze-thaw cycles or handling, spreading and compacting, It must not contain organic ‘materials or an excess of flat or elongated stones. Do not place fill that is frozen and do not place fill on frozen ground. 4.2 Grade Supported Floor Slab Construct the concrete floor slab on native sand, Remove all organics and deleterious ‘material from the area to be covered by the slab. Compact the native sand using a large, smooth drum vibratory roller to at least 100% SPD. If fill is required to level the area, use the native Page 3 of 4 GEONORTH ENGINEERING L1D. Canadian Forest Products Ltd,, Polar Division, Bear Lake, B.C. May 19, 1999 Proposed Dry Kiln Replacement File No, K-$94 sand or Select Granular Subbase, defined in Table 1. Compact the fill in uniform layers no thicker than 300 mm and compact each layer to at least 100% SPD. Add water or dry the fill, as required, to achieve the specified density. 4.3 Frost Protection Wet sieve analyses carried out on two soil samples from TH99-1 indicates fines contents 0f 3.9% and 2.9%, This indicates that the native sand is free draining and is non frost-susceptible. ‘No special provisions are required for frost protection. 5.0 CLOSURE T trust the above recommendations are adequate for your present design. Please call me or Mr, Murray Gant, P.Eng, if you have any questions or require additional information. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, GeoNorth Engineering Ltd. GeoNorth Engineering Ltd. Per: S.A. Kelly, E.LT, Per: M.D. Gant, P.Eng. SAK/kd Page 4 of 4 GEONORTH ENGINEERING LTD. APPENDIX A GEONORTH ENGINEERING LTD. “ye * 56-495 (409) #04 "206 TEA “OIE “loHD sola ‘9'G “D1 Bae ORY 995 (900) "PL ‘many BAN LLZY =~ ZOE LNAW30V1dae NX ANG GASOdONd “G17 ONINSSNION HLYONOID "G11 SLONGOYd 1S3NO4 NVIGVNVO 008 ‘orp Av ON 2 Not ABO Pl] s2znpico 2 APPENDIX B GEONORTH ENGINEERING LTD. tST HOLE LOG GeONORTH ENGINEERING LTD. CANADIAN FOREST PRODUCTS LTD. PROPOSED DRY KILN REPLACEMENT PRINCE GEORGE, B.C., V2L 367 prance BEAR LAKE, B.C. LOGGED SK, [FILE NO. K-59 [DATE OF INVEST, 09/05/12 [DRILL SOUD STEM AUGER [HOLE NO. THOB—1 ‘SRENGTH TEST REBUT FZ] [LOCATION _WEST SIDE_ORY KILN #4 E|___PAGE 1 of 1 Steyr em, ||. Ieurrace eLevaTion 30.4 om 3: COMMENTS 0 i 360 | |B zip cman ts ns ““JEI2] SOIL DESCRIPTION | et > Lae aw Fst /| t SAND, medium grained, some gravel, | ‘eons loose, brown, damp t i z Fee LU t t DX = ot 24 m to 2.7 m, trace gravel ro T 5 I 0) A | S co Esl es wa + 4 + End of ole @ 6.2 rm 7 No woter encounteres 8 9 EE [ho PLATE NO. 594-61 GEONORTH ENGINEERING LTD. 302-1777 THIRD AVENUE PRINCE GEORGE, B.C., V2L 3G7 |feccto sx. [RUE wo. Kase DATE OF INVEST. 99/05/12 [ORILL SOLID STEM AUGER TEST HOLE LOG cuest CANADIAN FOREST PRODUCTS LTD. evousct PROPOSED DRY KILN REPLACEMENT 3 FZ] LOCATION _ EAST SIDE ORY KILN MEGA RG Tce sieat, |= |g [suarace elevarion 30.4 m gh &|f) SOIL DESCRIPTION |Z > LL am “ASPHALT SAND, medium groined, some gravel clean, loose, brown, damp. — ot 24 m to 2.7 m, trace sit End of hole @ 6.2 m. No water encountered qe APPENDIX C GEONORTH ENGINEERING LTD. EXPLANATION OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS USED ON TEST HOLE LOGS Soil is clossified in accordance with the Internationel Society of Soil Mechenies and Foundation Engineering (ISSMFE) system as described in the 1932 Conadion Foundation Engineering Monual (CFEM) 316 Edition. Descriptions for each sail type encountered are divided by contact lines at interface depths. Each description hes o corresponding graphic symbol which relates to soil type, Major Soll Division The major soil_division is the main froction of soil and constitutes ot least 35% by weight. Soll is classified as GRAVEL, SAND, CLAY, SILT or ORGANIC according to the criterio on page 3. Interpretation where opplicable, 0 bracketed term such 9s (FILL) or (TILL) is included to deseribe soil genesis. Groin Size and Shape Groin size descriptions for soil follow the criterio on poge 3. The shope of coorse and oversized particles is described os: engulor ~ sharp comers rounded — smooth rounded surface subongulor — slightly rounded corners ploly ~ flat, plate shaped subrounded — no ongulor corners Soil Composition The following terms ore used to describe the percentage of soil components by weight bosed on laboratory sieve analyses or field estimates, Descriptive Tere Percentage Passing ‘ond sand, ond grovel, ete. 338% clayey, sondy, ete. 20 to 35% *Some" some silt, some grovel, ete. 10 to 20% “ace” race of sand, troce of sit, etc, 0 to 10% The omount of cobbles ond boulders, in increasing proportion, ore described as: ‘golated < occasional < frequent < numerous. Compactness and Consistency The following terms are used to describe the compactness of cohesionless soil bosed on the Stondord Penetration Test (SPT) or field estimates: very 1o08e Ioose compoct io to 30 Sense 39.19 50 very dene ‘over 50 The following terms ore used to describe the consistency of fine grained soils based on unconfined compressive strengih as determined by field or loboratary teats, o” estimates: Uncontined Compressive Description Term Strength_ (kPa) vely soft <25 soft 25 to 50 firm 50 te 100 slit 100 to 200 very stitf 200 to 400 herd 400 Structure Soll macrostructure ané microstructure are described Plastictty Plasticity of fine grained soil is estimated or determined from Atterberg Limit tests besed on the plasticity chart on page 3, GEONORTH ENGINEERING LTD. Poge 1 of 3 — EXPLANATION OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS USED ON TEST HOLE LOGS ‘SOlL_DESCRIPTION (cont'd) Colour and Odour Golour ond odour of soil is described, especially where it may indicate orgonic inclusions or give evidence of soil contamination. Inclusions The quantity of inclusions is described using the same relotive—omount terms used for cobbles fond boulders, noted above. Water Content Soil moisture, in increasing amount, is subjectively described os: dry < damp < moist < wet < soturoted < excess woter ‘SOUL SAMPLES Graphic. symbols indicate the depth ond condition of soil semples: Unaisturbes somples may be token with tubes, from blocks or by caring. All other types of samples are disturbed ‘ELD TESTS Standard Penetration Test (SPT) (ASTM 01586) The SPT results ore reported os the 'N’ volue at the appropriate depth, The 'N’ value denotes the number of blows of @ 63.5 km hammer, freely dropping 760 mm, required to drive a 50.8 mm diameter split—spoon sampler from 150 mm to 460 mm into the bottom af © dril hole Dynamic Cone Penetration Test (OCPT) Dynamic cone penetration test results are shown grophically. The number of blows required to five 250.8 mm diameter cone 305 mm is shown opposite the depth, The method of driving the one i the same as for the SPT test described above Field Vane Test (FV1) (ASTM 02573—72) Undroined shear sirengin of cohesive soll is measured using @ 100 mm long by 50 mm diameter vane. Test results for peak and residual strengths are grophically reported ot the oppropriote depths using the following symbol '@ Peok Sheor Strength Residual Shear Strength Pocket Penetrometer ond Torvane Tests The pocket penetrometer and torvone provide an indication of o soil’s unconfined compressive strength and undroined shear strength, respectively. Packet penetrometer results are snown graphically using @ symbols. Torvene ‘results cre reported using the some symbols used for the The following symbols ore used to denate laboratory test results: Natural water content, wa (ASTM 02216) TD Aterberg Plastic Limit, we (ASTM D428) A iterberg Liquid Limit, w. (ASTM D423) MA Mechanical groin size (sieve) analysis or hydrometer test, or both (ASTM D422) Qu ——_Unconfined compressive strength test on on undisturbed sample (4ST 02166) SOs Teat for concentration of water-soluble sulphates 7 Unit weight of soil or rock % Dry unit weight of soil-or rock COMMENTS Groundwater conditions re indicoted using the following symbols: <2 groundwater table — seepace. Comments often included are additional test results, oviling progress, monitoring equipment installation details and other relevent informotion, GEONORTH ENGINEERING LTD. Poge 2 of 3 ISSMFE SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM LABORATORY MAJOR DIVISION | GROUT |SRARUIC! TYPICAL DESCRIPTION CLASSIFICATION 7 CRITERIA, | cwema | Re Eis ad 3 ohh t [a nA UGae a 15 FES We GOED SN, Sem coe SAP, . YY SAND AND CLAY-GRAVEL- “ATTERDERG, UMTS. 7 Daron Sg, ey Fae pm, HRN se ; nt Ehdy'St DEP eaaeae (Ts TOROAIE BLOF WERDHTE PATE g MORGANE CLAY QF LOM PLASTICIY. 2 ow & cnt ES SPRL cr a RO eo o TRORGANE CLAY OF BIERUEDATE PASTY, Bt veueee prome f a iad ae a SH ore sr & a HoHLY oRCAKC SOL GRAIN SIZE coarse-grained soil fon the basis. of gr follows: fond siltis silt Fine °. Medium 0, SAND: Fine Medium Coorse GRAVEL: Fine Medium Coarse cows BOULDERS: PLASTICITY CHART so Bu = ot |Z) yo ot = q MH or OC ze 5 eee qui UMIT W, (%) GEONORTH ENGINEERING Lr. Poge 3 of 8

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